Manufacturing-Journal vol. 2/3-2008

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Manufacturing Journal Volume 2/3 - 2008


The World of Business


A key to success is the people

Quality in relations Sails onto the and details stock market

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2008-03-04 18:02:59

Manufacturing Journal


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2008-03-04 18:03:07

Employees: Your Most Valuable Asset… hat is the most valuable asset that a company has? Is it the name, customers, goodwill, physical resources, or product line? The answer is that it is none of these. A company’s most valuable resource is its’ employees. Any organization will go only as far as the people who are driving it. In fact, a company is really just a group of people who interact for a common purpose. They are the ones who make up the organization. The last few years saw a shift in the focus of some companies. For decades, management gurus were preaching that the customer is the most important thing. Certainly you have seen the signs stating, “Rule #1: The customer is always right. Rule #2: Reread Rule #1”. This concept dominated the business culture from the late 1970s through today. However, organizations that hope to survive in the future will need to adopt a new outlook. That outlook is that the employees are the most important aspect of any enterprise. This is not a call to employee preference or returning to the chaotic times of organized labor. That is not necessary in most environments. The market is driving the direction that organizations are going to have to take. Simply, the advantage is starting to side with employees. Companies can no longer afford to take them for granted. Those that do will perish. Certain industries are already experiencing a lack of qualified talent. Presently, salespeople and engineers are in high demand. The options that are available to employees are increasing at a fast pace. Companies that maintain the status quo are already falling behind. The Internet is one of the greatest inventions that we experienced. It has done so much for the average person. At the same time, it changed how business is done. Unfortunately, one result that was not anticipated is the lack of loyalty which came with it. People are no longer loyal to a company. Insurance, a commodity that was once purchased based upon relationship with an agent, is now sold over the Internet. The lowest price wins in this game. Arranging travel is done online as opposed to going through an agent. People are accustomed to switching brands


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PRELUDE without a single thought. Companies need to bear this in mind. Management trainers taught companies to look at the lifetime value of a customer. For example, a person who spends €50 a week a store is actually worth €2,500 a year. Naturally we treat someone better if they are worth €2,500 to us as opposed to €50. However, this brings up an interesting question. What is the lifetime value of an employee to your organization? Consider this carefully keeping in mind that each customer is less valuable than in the past. Their tendency to buy elsewhere when a better price is offered makes them less reliable. The same is true if your organization experiences a high turnover of employees. The entire enterprise experiences a decrease in it’s reliability. Let’s look at the value of a salesperson as an example. Suppose that person sold €750,000 a year worth of product at a 10% profit margin. This person produces €75,000 in profit each year to the company. How much is this employee worth over a 40 year career if the production was the same? That individual suddenly is worth €3,000,000 to that organization. I surmise that you will treat them differently when you view them in this light. The same can be translated to non-sales positions. How much is a good bookkeeper worth? Have financial issues and you will quickly find out. Customer service people are often taken for granted until they drive a customer away. At that time it is simple to compute how much of an effect they had. Of course, by retaining customers and handling their problems, this person is actually adding to the bottom line. That has a value. It is important that managers and owners begin to realize that the employees are the most valuable asset any organization can have. Those who accept this new business model will structure their compensation and bonus program to reflect this belief. Maintaining a happy and consistent workforce is going to need to be the primary aim. Failure to do so will result in an organization being short quality people which will spell its ultimate demise. Editor:

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2008-03-04 17:53:21

Contents: Managing Director Patryk T. Zborowski Editor Patryk T. Zborowski Profile Writers Natalia Tokarska Agnieszka Rutkowska Claudio Corciulo Tomasz Padlo

Project Managers Aleksandra Olejnik Agnieszka Bechta Dorthe Raimers Administration Wioletta Zborowska

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Prelude Contents News Country profile

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Przemysłówka Kingspan Chetra Consolis TMM Construction


Construction Industry:

Art Director Wojciech Kosmowski

Anna Naumiecka Diana Wasidłowa Alicja Połukord Anna Gluzicka Anna Wrońska Małgorzata Gruszecka Karolina Janeczek Andrzej Tyrpa

Anna Doszna Katarzyna Twardzik Anna Warzecha Julia Halicka Anna Skrajna Ksenia Ziarkowska Błażej Augustynek

Z-MEDIA Dietla Street 11/11 31-070 Cracow Poland phone number 1: 0048 12 4337115 phone number 2: 0048 12 4337065 phone number 3: 0048 12 4337066 fax number: 0048 12 4337116

© Manufacturing Journal 2008 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form for any purpose, other than short sections for the purpose of review, without prior consent of the publisher. 2 Manufacturing-Journal

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2008-03-04 18:33:09


Food and Beverage Industry:

From the cover: Quality in relations and details page 21

33 36 38 42 46

Sandora Graal Iglotex Roshen Ridna Marka

A key to success is the people page 13

49 Ceramics, Domestic Applianc es, Transport and Logistics, Aviation Industry:

Sails onto the stock market page 36

50 Polcolorit 54 MPM Product 56 Trans-Południe 60 Aviant 63 Trade Shows Manufacturing-Journal 3

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2008-03-04 18:33:15

NEWS Euro 2012 – road construction projects Road construction projects for Euro 2012 will be impossible without the participation of private investors – said in a press interview Poland’s infrastructure minister, Cezary Grabarczyk. He added that there have been made some changes in the law, which will shorten the time needed to obtain environmental approval for an investment. The Ministry will prepare more projects that will encourage producers to invest in road constructions in Poland. “The public-private partnership model may also be used to build a high-speed railway. A feasibility study will be carried out during the present parliamentary term, which will provide a framework for the next government to begin implementing the necessary procedures” – says Mr. Grabarczyk. All railway projects are connected with railway that will link Warsaw with Dresden, Berlin and Paris via Lodz and Wroclaw. “All these projects will be undertaken if essential funding is made available from the state budget, the European Union and private sources” says Mr. Grabarczyk Infrastructure vice minister Olgierd Dziekoński, who is responsible for building resort has already announced some changes in the law which will facilitate building investments in Poland. Among changes there will be a liquidation of building license and a procedure of making building project for new investment will be simplified.

Polish ceramics market In 1990, foreign companies producing tiles, flooded Poland with their products cornering a 60% share of the market. Polish firms responded by raising quality and developing their range of designs which resulted in an almost total exclusion of the Italian and Spanish product from the market. At present, local producers have an 86% share of the Polish ceramic tile market which is increasing at the rate of 20% per year. Export sales are steadily increasing and already account for 25% of national production. Polish manufacturers of tiles have for example a significant stake in the Czech market which amounts to 30% and is the result of the implementation of the latest technology and original designs.

Nuclear plant construction contracts: France’s Vinci & Areva Vinci – an European top European builder – confirmed preliminary talks with Areva Company. Thiis information was published in the weekly business magazine Challenges. According to the Vinci statement the company is going to cooperate with nuclear technology company Areva. Companies are about to create an alliance in which both companies would jointly tender for nuclear plant construction contracts. “There are preliminary discussions to eventually create partnerships to jointly submit tenders,” a Vinci spokeswoman told Dow Jones Newswires. However, Areva would be free to team up with other construction companies – added Vinci spokeswoman. 4 Manufacturing-Journal

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2008-03-04 18:34:39

NEWS Ceramic tile producers sign merger plan Poland’s largest bathroom-ware producer Cersanit and local ceramic-tile maker Opoczno have signed a plan to unify the two companies. Cersanit, which is controlled by Poland’s richest man, Michal Solowow, ows a 48 pct stake it Opoczno According to the company’s statement all of Opoczno’s assets will be transferred Cersanit. Moreover, four merger shares in Cersanit Company will be issued for every three shares in Opoczno. Cersanit will issue up to 1.13 mln zlotys worth of new stock as part of the plan. Shares in the merged company should start trading in Warsaw by April 30.

Trans Poludnie - Logistics Centre Trans Poludnie, a logistics firm, expands its Logistisc Centre in Podgrodzie at E4 international road near Debica (Podkarpackie voivodship). The company intends to spend more than PLN 40m (€11.2m) on this investment. During next two years the Logistics Centre area is expected to increase by 15.00 to 45.000 square meter. The construction of the company’s Logistics Centre in Podgrodzie was completed in Q2 of 2006. The project cost over PLN 24 million. Moreover,.Trans Poludnie intends to co-operate with Sobieslaw Zasada in building a services complex in the same town. The centre will include a petrol station, tacho station, carwash, gastronomic facilities, a motel, a parking area for lorries as well as a service point for Mercedes lorries. Trans Poludnie has also set its sights on a stock market debut either at the end of 2008 or the beginning of 2009.

Food label rules in EU Stricter food-labelling rules for the 27-country bloc was proposed by European Commission. A mandatory declaration of nutritional information on the front of pre-packaged food was proposed by Mr Kyprianou, health commissioner. Information suppose to cover total fat, energy, saturated fat, salt and carbohydrates per 100ml or per portion for smaller packs. “What is suggested is not workable,” said the Confederation of Food and Drink Industries. If producer want other information could be declared voluntarily on the back of packets. EC says there would be also be an extension of mandatory information on allergenic ingredients to non-pre-packaged foods, including food sold in restaurants. Temporarily this rule does not refer to alcoholic drinks but the Commission could include wines, spirits and beer after five years of further consultation. Theses plan are not a law yet. They must be confirmed by national governments and the European parliament. „After confirmation manufacturers will have about three-year-period during which they could adapt to the new rules” – says health commissioner. Manufacturing-Journal 5

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2008-03-04 18:34:42


PepsiCo news Beverage and snack company PepsiCo posted a 10.3 % increase in operating profit for the tax year ending 30 December 2007, but higher overall costs led to a slight decrease in margins for the group. That’s the result of 14.4 % increase in costs. Margins for the year were down 0.3 percentage points to 18.2 %, PepsiCo said. Sales from PepsiCo beverages North America division were high, leading to a 16 per cent increase in operating profit. The company posted growth not only for its tea, juice and juice drink brands, but also for its most renowned trade marks Pepsi, 7-Up and Mountain Dew, the company said. PepsiCo snack

sales are very popular in such countries as Russia, the Middle East, Turkey and India. Beverages proved popular in China, Brazil and Argentina. For 2008, PepsiCo expects three to five per cent growth and will begin reporting on six business segments - Frito Lay North America, Quaker Foods North America, Latin America Foods, PepsiCo Americas Beverages, UK and Europe, and the Middle East, Africa and Asia. PepsCo controls a 23 per cent share of the market in Western Europe. Moreover, according to the Euromonitor market analysts, the company now owns three of the most popular crisp brands in the area - Walkers, Lay’s and Doritos.

„World of Goods”- Natural Products Expo West 2008

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More than 300,000 square feet of natural and organic foods and personal care, healthy ethnic, sustainable living and alternative medicine products. About 1800 exhibitors with offers that proves ‘organic’ and ‘sustainability’ economic trends. Research shows that people ar more and more interested in healthy products. According to The Natural Foods Merchandiser natural products sales in the United States grew 9.7 % across all retail and nonretail channels in 2006, topping more than $56.7 billion ($51 billion in 2005). The theme of Natural Products Expo West 2008 is a “World of Goods”. It is a topic that eaisly speaks to consumers’ increasing demand for more environmentally sensitive and socially conscious products in the marketplace. Expo programme will also give an opportunity to take part in such event as: presentations about synbiotics, weight loss ingredients, antioxidants, probiotics, cognitive function and organics; Healthy Baking Seminar: Baker and food manufacturer presentations on formulating healthful bakery foods; Trade show featuring cutting-edge ingredients, Natural Products Expo West 2008will take place in March 13-16 to the Anaheim Convention Center in California.

2008-03-04 18:34:46

NEWS 100 European powers of construction According to the business advisory firm Deloitte & Touche annual rapport called “The European Powers of Construction 2007” 10 top European builders are: 1. VINCI (France) 2. BOUYGUES (France) 3. HOCHTIEF AG (Germany) 4. SKANSKA AB (Sweden) 5. GRUPO FERROVIAL 6. KONINKLIJKE BAM Groep nv (The Netherlands) 7. BILFINGER BERGER AG (Germany) 8. TECHNIP (France) The study ranks the largest 100 European builders by revenue, and examines the hurdles construction companies face in an increasingly challenging building environment. As with last year’s survey, According to the rapport France leads the list with four of the top ten construction companies, and UK firms dominate the top 100 overall, accounting for 33 of the top 100 places. Eighty-three companies reported growth in construction revenue, with Spain’s Ferrovial Group reporting the largest relative increase at €4.0bn.

Heart health. Red wine and alcohol consumption were found to have virtually identical impact on health According to the February edition of the American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology the potential health benefits of a single glass of rich red wine are no different to any other alcoholic beverage. Research supposed to explain so-called „French paradox” and answer the question why (or if) there are lower levels of heart disease among people in European countries with high-fat diets that also regularly consumed red wine (in example France, Italy). The answer was found as a crisic in research. According to new statement, red wine and alcohol consumption were found to have the same impact on health, with one drink of either substance helping to reduce the work rate of the heart. In general: An occasional single serving of red wine, like any other alcoholic beverage was found to improve heart health, according to the researchers. Scientist were suprised by the fact how similar the effects of polyphenol red wine and ethanol are.

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2008-03-04 18:34:49

NEWS Building exhibition in Abu Dhabi Exposition, organized by Reed Exhibitions which is the world’s leading events organiser, will take place in April 20-23 2008 in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. During the event on display at two specialised building shows the latest building industry solutions incorporating world-class technologies in structural products & components, façade & joinery systems and new structural and cladding solutions will be exposed. Exhibition is connected with Middle East’s booming building construction market and it is going to concentrate on critical elements in sustainable building design: cladding, joinery, shutters, façade, roofing, shell materials and construction systems. There will be also shows under the Building Futures Gulf by BATIMAT umbrella target architects & designers, consultants, engineers, property developers, material distributors, contractors and manufacturers plus contract owners. The Structure Gulf will showcase metal, concrete and ceramic construction systems, roofing equipment, water networks, waterproofing and waste water treatment systems, insulation systems and other structural materials and technologies. AMC Protection, the exclusive UAE distributor of Siplast, the world’s largest and leading provider of waterproofing solutions, are among the participants at expo. During the exposition information on the availability and applications of high quality concrete that is both more economically viable and durable, will be provided.

Economic growth in CIS countries. Russian-Armenia cooperation. According to the CIS statistical committee Azerbaijan is in the first place by its economic growth in the CIS countries in 2007. Armenia is in the second place. Kyrgyzstan and Belarus are in the third and the forth places. Russia is on the fifth place. This economic growth is strictly connected with dynamic of industrial goods. The average level of the economic growth in the neighborhood countries is 9% (8% in 2006). The investment amount in the capital is 20% (15% in 2006) says CIS statistical committee raport. There are nom exact data about Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Uzbekistan and no facts about Turkmenistan. $700 million - this is the amount of financial transfers from Russsia to Armenia. Russian media says that Armenia became one of the major countries receiving financial transfers from Russia. In 2006 the figure was $615 million in 2006. The Russian Central bank data estimated that $36 billion were transferred by physical bodies through various transfer systems and “Russian Post” to abroad. Those sums were transferred particularly by non citizens of Russian Federation. Apart from Armenia among transfer receiving countries are: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Moldova. Source: Manufacturing-Journal

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2008-03-04 18:34:52

NEWS Investments in Poland According to the recent Ernst&Young “European Attractiveness Survey 2007” Poland is in the top ten most attractive countries for foreign investment in the world. E&Y ranking opens China. Second and third place belong to US and India. Poland is on the seventh position after Germany, the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation. Poland with its seventh position is an unquestionable leader of the Central Europe. It is also perceived as the second best destination after China for foreign investment in production sector due to its convenient geographical location in the heart of Europe and competitive labour costs. The number of new workplaces created in 2006 by foreign investments in Poland exceeded 31.000. The remuneration of Polish workers is even five times lower than in the countries of Western Europe. Poland has a human potential. A young, well educated and ambitious society is Poland’s the greatest advantage. Ernst&Young “European Attractiveness Survey”examined more than 800 decision makers from companies representing all the regions of the world, industries and business models as well as database tracking foreign investment projects that result in new facilities and creation of new jobs. An unique investment opportunities present Polish construction sector, which is particularly noteworthy. A great deal of interest is shown in the Polish industrial production, especially: foundry castings, steel constructions, products from synthetic materials, sanitary products and ceramic tiles.

The long boom is over Michael Ball, a professor at the Univeristy of reading Business School’s Center for Real Estate research says: “The European market is slowing down quite noticeably. The long boom is over”. In Europe house price are very high. Increasing house prices in Europe was like a never ending process. But after years of high house price growth, the market has started to cool. It is also said that the countries that have experienced the most dramatic price rises could see downturns in 2008. According to the chief European economist at Barclays Capital, Julian Callow, words house price inflation across the region are expected to drop to 2 percent, with declines possible in Spain and Ireland, where analysts have been warning of the possibility of price falls for several years. Europe has not faced a subprime mortgage crisis like the one in the United States - the European subprime mortgage market is small and lending practices are more conservative - but the resulting worldwide credit crunch has had an impact on the housing market and will continue to do so, analysts say. In UK capital house prices are dropping but they are steady in Scotland - the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors syrvey says. According to Herald Tribune newspaper more than half of London surveyors have seen prices go down since November, compared with just a fifth in Scotland. The amount of building work in Scotland also grew, in contrast with a steady dip in London over the last year. „Scotland has been bucking the UK trend of falling house prices in much of 2007 and now it is outperforming London in the amount of new construction projects and demand for commercial property too” - said RICS Scotland director Graeme Hartley. Other, positive, RICS surveys says: “Investors have confidence in Scotland, businesses want to set up shop here and employment has climbed by 2.2% over the previous 12 months. These latest figures suggest the Scottish property sector is surviving the credit crunch.” Manufacturing-Journal 9

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2008-03-04 18:34:55


Full name: Republic of Poland Population: 38.1 million (UN, 2007) Capital: Warsaw Area: 312,685 sq km (120,728 sq miles) Major language: Polish Major religion: Christianity Life expectancy: 71 years (men), 80 years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: 1 zloty = 100 groszy Main exports: Machinery and transport equipment, foodstuffs, chemicals GNI per capita: US $7,100 (World Bank, 2006) Internet domain: .pl International dialling code: +48


nation with a proud cultural heritage, Poland can trace its roots back over 1,000 years. Positioned at the centre of Europe, it has known turbulent and violent times. There have been periods of independence as well as periods of domination by other countries. Several million people, half of them Jews, died in World War II.


A new era began when Poland became an EU member in May 2004, five years after joining Nato and 15 years after the end of communist rule. It was the birthplace of the former Soviet bloc’s first officially recognised independent mass political movement when strikes at the Gdansk shipyard in August 1980 led to agreement with the authorities on the establishment of the Solidarity trade union. The shoots of political freedom were trampled again 16 months later when communist leader Wojciech Jaruzelski declared martial law. But the movement for change was irreversible. Elections in summer 1989 ushered in eastern Europe’s first post-communist government. The presence in the Vatican of Polish Pope John-Paul II was an important influence on the Solidarity movement throughout the 1980s. The Roman Catholic church remains a very potent force in Polish life. In the years between the end of communism and EU accession, power in Poland switched between the centre right and the centre left. Successive governments faced sleaze allegations. The country has had some success in creating a market economy and attracting foreign investment. There has been a massive movement of workers to western Europe. Poland still has a huge farming sector 10 Manufacturing-Journal

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which is unwieldy and very inefficient. Poverty is particularly widespread in rural areas. Warsaw’s profile on the international stage was raised by its support for the US-led military campaign in Iraq. A Polish-led international force, including 2,500 Polish troops, took on peacekeeping responsibilities in south-central Iraq in September 2003. Despite public criticism of the deployment, the conservative government elected in 2005 reversed the previous administration’s plan to pull the troops out in early 2006.

forced by the collapse of the coalition led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the identical twin of the president. Mr Tusk has promised to end the regular sparring with the rest of the European Union, and with neighbouring Germany in particular, which marked the rule of the previous government which was led by the Law and Justice party. He has also promised to calm Poland’s tense relations with Russia, which have been at their lowest ebb since Warsaw broke free from the communist bloc in 1989.



President: Lech Kaczynski Lech Kaczynski, from the conservative Law and Justice party, won a run-off vote in October 2005. He enjoyed strong support from traditionalist and rural voters. Mr Kaczynski, Warsaw’s mayor at the time of his election, opposes rapid free-market reforms and favours retaining social welfare programmes. He has called for a return to Christian values and “moral change”. He co-founded Law and Justice with his identical twin brother, Jaroslaw, who heads the party. Under the Polish constitution, the president has fewer powers than the prime minister, but has a significant say in foreign policy. Prime Minister: Donald Tusk Donald Tusk was asked by the president to form a government after the victory of his centre-right Civic Platform in elections in October 2007. His government was confirmed in office after winning a vote of confidence in parliament in November. As the Civic Platform party had insufficient votes to govern alone it agreed to a coalition with the centrist Peasants Party. The early elections were

Poland’s broadcasting market is the largest in Eastern and Central Europe and has attracted investment from foreign media groups. There is freedom and diversity of information, although laws against deriding the nation and its political system are still in force. The public broadcaster TVP has the largest share of the audience for its two national channels. It also operates regional programmes and the international satellite channel TV Polonia. Polsat and TVN operate the leading commercial TV channels. Polsat also operates a digital pay-TV platform and is present in the Baltic states. The digital pay-TV platform Cyfra+ was launched by France’s Canal+. Up to a quarter of Poles also watch foreign TV channels. Radio has become less important as a source of information and entertainment. Even so, public Polish Radio still reaches just over half of the population and there are more than 200 stations on the air. There are more than 300 newspapers, most of them local or regional. However, fewer than 30% of Poles read any kind of newspaper.

2008-03-04 18:35:45



Population: 46.2 million (UN, 2007) Capital: Kiev Area: 603,700 sq km (233,090 sq miles) Major languages: Ukrainian (official), Russian Major religion: Christianity Life expectancy: 62 years (men), 74 years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: 1 hryvnya = 100 kopiykas Main exports: Military equipment, metals, pipes, machinery, petroleum products, textiles, agricultural products GNI per capita: US $1,520 (World Bank, 2006) Internet domain: .ua International dialling code: +380


kraine gained independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and is now seeking closer integration with Western Europe - a process watched with unease by its northern neighbour, Russia. Europe’s second largest country, Ukraine is a land of wide, fertile agricultural plains, with large pockets of heavy industry in the east. While Ukraine and Russia share common historical origins, the west of the country has close ties with its European neighbours, particularly Poland, and Ukrainian nationalist sentiment is strongest there.


A significant minority of the population of Ukraine are Russians or use Russian as their first language. Russian influence is particularly strong in the industrialised east, as well as in Crimea, an autonomous republic on the Black Sea which was part of Russia until 1954. The Russian Black Sea Fleet is based there. Crimea is also the homeland of the Crimean Tatars whom Stalin accused of collaborating with the Nazis and deported to Central Asia in 1944. More than 250,000 have returned since the late 1980s. In 1932-1933 Stalin’s programme of enforced agricultural collectivisation brought famine and death to millions in Ukraine, the bread basket of the USSR. Not until the twilight years of the Soviet Union did details of the extent of the suffering begin fully to emerge. News of another Soviet-era calamity, the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station, rang alarm bells around the world immediately. About 8% of Ukraine’s territory was contaminated as were large areas in neighbouring Belarus. Millions have suffered as a result.


President: Viktor Yushchenko Viktor Yushchenko was sworn in in early 2005. Neither his path to the presidency nor his time in office so far have been smooth. When he was declared to have lost presidential elections in late 2004 to Viktor Yanukovych, the candidate backed by outgoing president Leonid Kuchma and also by Russia, Mr Yushchenko and his supporters took to the streets in huge numbers to protest that the vote had been rigged. After 10 days of peaceful but dramatic demonstrations, dubbed the Orange Revolution, a rerun was ordered. Mr Yushchenko won. The optimism that followed the Orange Revolution has faded for many Ukrainians. Economic growth has slowed and prices have risen. One of Mr Yushchenko’s key pledges was to fight corruption. In a country where business and politics remain closely entwined this has turned out to be tricky. Mr Yushchenko himself has faced allegations of cronyism. Viktor Yushchenko is regarded as a pro-Western liberal reformer. He was born in northeast Ukraine in 1954 and is an economist and banker by training. He served as prime minister under Leonid Kuchma between 1999 and 2001 when he was credited with steering through successful economic reforms. Both the president and the prime minister exercise executive power. However, the president can choose some key ministers, including the foreign minister.

President Viktor Yushchenko first appointed her premier in 2004 after she played a key role in rallying support for the ‘Orange Revolution’ that swept him to power in 2004. However, once in government, the alliance broke down and he sacked her in 2005 for feuding with his party colleagues. They revived their partnership for the September 2007 general elections, in which their pro-Western coalition narrowly beat the bloc headed by their more pro-Russian rival, former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. After ten weeks of political wrangling, parliament appointed her prime minister by the smallest possible margin. The opposition, which controls just under half of the seats in the deeply divided chamber, boycotted the vote. Tymoshenko, 45 at the time of her appointment, originally trained as an engineer and economist before going on to push through energy sector reforms in Mr Yushchenko’s government in 1999-2001. Her telegenic style and scathing attacks on Ukraine’s political and industrial elite, as well as the perceived influence of Moscow on the country, have won her a large popular following, particularly in western Ukraine. However, her critics have accused her of unpredictability and opportunism, and have pointed out that she herself is reported to have made a fortune in the energy sector in the 1990s.

Prime minister: Yulia Tymoshenko Yulia Tymoshenko was appointed prime minister in December 2007 and heads a coalition government that supports closer ties with the European Union and NATO. Manufacturing-Journal 11

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2008-03-04 18:35:47


Construction Idustry 13-16









TMM Construction

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2008-03-04 18:36:46

A KEY TO SUCCESS IS THE PEOPLE “CZ.P.B.P. PRZEMYSŁÓWKA” – a leader in construction works


ho we are “Cz.P.B.P. Przemyslowka” Joint Stock Company is the construction company, who specializes in earth works, concrete and steel fixing works, shuttering and carpenter works, insulation works, plaster boards, bricklaying works or precast concrete units. The company covers a wide range of activities among which are commercial and educational projects, health and leisure facilities, public and residential buildings, hotels or industrial projects. “Przemysłówka” is widely regarded as one of the most progressive and reliable partner to do business with, with its 50 years of experience on domestic and foreign sites, as Tomasz Padlo discovered.

The very beginning

Częstochowskie Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Przemysłowego (Industrial Building Enterprise of Częstochowa), as it was called initially, was established in 1950 in order to construct the Bolesław Bierut steel plant, currently bearing the name of ISD Huta Częstochowa. Until the late 1970’s, the company’s major activity was the construction of industrial plants: steel plants, cement plants, paper mills, general investments for the industry sectors. The beginning of 1980’s appeared as the first significant moment in the history of the company’s development. Due to the almost complete halt in

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industrial investment, the company had to pursue new types of economic activity. Soon after the company’s profile began to change from strictly industrial projects to the construction of public utility buildings, which now accounts for nearly 80% of all contracts. Another momentous event in the history of company’s development was its transformation, in the first quarter of 1998, from a state enterprise into a joint stock company.

The key investments in the region

The company is closely connected with the Częstochowa market and has completed a large number of projects in the region; recently, the Regional SanitaryEpidemiological Station in Częstochowa, for which the company was awarded third place in the nationwide Perlitz CB competition, was constructed. A few investments of the industrial type have been implemented recently as well: for instance, the company has constructed the so called Business incubator for the Regional Development Agency in Częstochowa, a facility with offices for rent, for running different types of business, having their own incubation premises. This turnkey investment was ompleted within 10 months for the total of PLN 17 million. The company has also put into operation the building shell

of a production floor, the value of which exceeds PLN 10 million for TRW, a large American corporation manufacturing airbags and safety belts. In the past 5 years, the company has erected a few sports arenas; they comprise facilities the company has never dealt with before and which it has only recently become interested in. These facilities constructed by Przemysłówka include: sporting arena in Siewierz, sporting arena in Kolonoskie near Ozimek; while at the moment the company is in the course of preparations for the tender for the implementation of the entertainment and sporting arena in Kąty Wrocławskie.

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2008-03-04 18:41:14

lighting system, the monitoring system, the main tower and tower enclosure. Within six months (March – September) the company completed the remodelling works, whereas in March the following year, the Polish first league speedway club was granted a licence by the Polish Automobile and Motorcycle Federation (PZM) which allowed for holding competitions. Not surprising the company received accolades from the city authorities as well as from the speedway fans. This investment became one of the company’s highlights and is fondly remembered by both the contractors and the local community. The high qualifications of the staff have allowed the company, since 1992, to successfully construct building shells of dozens of civil structures in Germany, the highlight of which is the 160-metre plus high building of the General Post Directorate in Bonn, which required approx. 100,000 cubic metres of concrete.

Why the company is successful:

We are extremely proud of

The company has managed to do what many thought impossible in such a short period of time. The most prestigious project in the region - the speedway stadium in Częstochowa famous for its first-league speedway team which turned out to be a huge success. Modernisation of the speedway stadium consisted in remodelling the crest, remodelling the

Przemysłówka invests in people as the company is first and foremost comprised of people, and even the best company will not operate without them – says Mr. Stępień, therefore caring for their development and welfare is the overriding objective of the company - he continues. At the moment, Przemysłówka hires 230 employees (of which 40 are white collar workers). The company cherishes the experienced contract managers who have dealt with

all sectors of the building industry, the experienced managers and staff who have received comprehensive training in Germany with the emergence of new technologies, especially related to formwork systems, scaffolding and general surveyed activities. The company’s potential comprises people who have gone through technical and theoretical training and who have gained extensive trade experience and knowledge of the market. This experienced and committed staff is able to implement even the most difficult projects, and it is the people who are the driving force of the company. The company has won numerous prizes and awards, due mainly to the timely completion of works, high quality of the performed works and partner treatment of the investors.The quality is the result of a controlled and systematic approach to all aspect of our works.

Business targets

The company business objectives include such priority goals as: increasing employee remunerations, capitalised purchases or equipping the machine park with new equipment. Poland’s accession to the EU has resulted in considerable outflow of highly-qualified staff, espcially from the building construction sector. In order to retain the employees, the

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company has increased salaries; increased remuneration has resulted in four adjustments within the company. In this manner the company motivates its staff to work; at the same time, through the export management system and increased remuneration the company does not report any problems with employment. The company believes that in the shortest possible time it should reach at least a comparable level of employee remuneration prevailing in the European Union. Additionally, the company purchases cranes and machines in order to conduct works on its own, without the need to use other providers of services from the machine sector.

Looking ahead: plans, investment, perspectives

“Przemysłówka” is currently preparing to hit the Scandinavian market. The company would like to enter the Scandinavian market, both in Sweden and in Norway where talks regarding this issue are being conducted at the moment. The reason for this geographical direction is the possibility to obtain higher prices for comparable scope of work and the possibility to offer employees chances of working abroad, which in the opinion of the company management, serves as a stimulating element that additionally influences the stability of employment. This is the element of the company strategy supporting the employment policy. In the German market, Przemysłówka is attempting to start business in the metal industry by collaborating with another

entity having a strong position in this market, and in the future it wishes to establish a jointly-owned company with this entity, dealing with the implementation of contracts related to the metal industry. In Scandinavian countries the company sees a chance for development with regard to construction work, whereas in the German market it is planning to extend its business line in metal activity.


I would like to thank the readers that were so kind as to read this interview and would like to take this opportunity to wish lots of joy to the readers and editorial staff, and hope their dreams come true in the coming New Year.

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Quality performance and leadership…


ow it all began Kingspan was founded in 1972 as a family run business by Eugene and Brendan Murtagh in Kingscourt in Ireland. The company first started manufacturing insulated sandwich panels in the early 1980’s and in 1989 the group floated on the Irish stock exchange. From 1980 – 1990 the group expanded extensively across the UK and Ireland establishing many manufacturing facilities. In the 1990’s the group expanded in Europe through acquisitions and additional manufacturing plants in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Benelux. Since 2000 the group has continued to expand through further manufacturing facilities and sales companies in Europe, North America and the Far East. Meeting customer needs is always a number one priority but at Kingspan we also strive to be innovative and provide practical solutions to the construction

market on a continuous basis. Kingspan’s businesses are focused on the maintenance of market leadership in their main product categories, based on our reputation for innovative design, exceptional quality, and technical expertise. In addition, the Kingspan businesses have demonstrated an ability to re-invent in order to accommodate the requirements of an ever-changing construction environment. Kingspan’s strategy recognizes that there is a continuous move to MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) as well as a trend toward environmentally friendly buildings. Integral to Kingspan’s strategy is the notion that building methodology is significantly changing with a continual move to MMC across all sectors (industrial, commercial, institutional and domestic), in order to minimize site work, eliminate wet trades and reduce construction times. The movement towards environmentally Manufacturing-Journal 17

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Manufacturing Journal

Here is the place for



Please contact us for more information and examples of our offer. e-mail to:

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sustainable buildings that incorporate elements of renewable energy is driven by ever more stringent building regulations and environmental legislation. The Group’s strategy is designed to position Kingspan where it will have high recognition for providing the best solutions for all principal segments of the construction industry. Kingspan is committed to innovation, design, quality and technical expertise. One of our motto’s is ‘’Kingspan – Making life easier’’. We understand that it’s important to know our customers and meet their and the markets changing needs. With this in mind Kingspan established an R&D centre in Ireland which strives to develop new and exciting products. The group also has plans to introduce a new research and develop ment facility in Central Europe in 2008.

Dynamic strategy impacts on financial grow results of the company. In 2006 the group’s turnover was in

excess of €1.461 billion and has achieved a sustained growth year on year.

Kingspan has experienced and creative team. Kingspan group has over 4,000 employee’s world wide who are all major contributors to the success of the company. Kingspan strives to create an environment for employees that values their contribution and encourages creativity. In recent years Kingspan has introduced a ‘Graduate Program’. The Programme is open to recently qualified graduates at Primary and Postgraduate levels in Business, Finance, IT, Engineering and Science. It is aimed at those with the potential to become part of the talent pool from which the next generation of the Group’s executives will be drawn.

Cutting costs of investments. A key to success. Offering total solutions to our customers is a key objective. However from talking Manufacturing-Journal 19

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Kingspan ’s perspectives in the next 5 years… Continued sustainable growth through -Building the Brand -Identifying new products and markets with high growth potential -Achieving and maintaining number one in all markets in which we operate -Continuously improve quality and service from talking to our customers we understand that Service, Quality, Innovation, Product range and so on are all equally important to our customers and we strive to continuously improve in all these areas.

We are proud of our products… At our Central Europe sandwich panels division we manufacture a unique Isophenic Firesafe insulated panel for building cladding. Kingspan’s world class chemists have developed this firesafe product which offers our customers the optimum protection to their properties and business from fire. Not only do our Firesafe products meet existing country regulations but have also gone one step further and achieved stringent insurance company approvals, offering our clients piece of mind. What customers are the most important… All our customers are important to us. Many small customers have grown with Kingspan over the years and now operate large successful companies of their own while continuing to be partners with Kingspan. It is also important to provide excellent service to both our direct customers (contractors and constructors) and our indirect customers such as Investors and Designers.

Our products… The Kingspan group offers an extensive range of products including, timber frame homes, raised access flooring, environmental containers, insulation and our own division in Central Europe which offers an extensive range of insulated sandwich panels which provide the envelope for many building types including, Industrial buildings, office, retail, leisure schools etc;

Kingspan operates on international markets Growth and geographical expansion have been the main changes in the last 5 years. Kingspan now has global coverage with manufacturing facilities across Europe North America and the Far East.

Our factories and sales offices are in whole the world. But one market have a special meaning for us…

-Exploit competitive advantage in product and process development -Provide the market with sustainable product solutions -Provide our customers with MMC (Modern Methods of Construction)

Kingspan ‘s are the most proud of… Growth of the panel division in Central & Eastern Europe has been very satisfying. Since Kingspan entered the market here in 1998 we have seen substantial growth from one country then to 17 countries now. Our range of products here has also grown dramatically and we will continue to develop new products in the future. ‘’Vision is the art of seeing things invisible’’ (Jonathan Swift – Irish satirist)

Ireland… Obviously this is where it all started and is still a very important market for Kingspan. There have been many key milestones over the years such as production in Czech Republic in 1998 Poland in 2003 and Hungary in 2005… But as I am Irish I’ll have to stick with Ireland. We have brought many of our customers from Central Europe over to visit Ireland and they have always enjoyed it immensely.

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Quality in relations and details A

proverb says: “A great ship needs big waters”. “CHETRA – Industrial Machinery” JSC achieved status of a giant liner in a heavy sea of Russian business. Now the CHETRA brand and a team of professional managers are not afraid of economic storms. This year has been marked by considerable achievements and triumph. In order to continue sailing successfully it is necessary to verify heading and define the direction to follow and the products to take along. It is time to sum up the results of the work and impart plans to customers. “CHETRA – Industrial Machinery” JSC established by consolidation of the sales

office from “Promtractor” JSC and “Promtractor – Service” JSC itself is incorporated into Tractor Plants Concern and is an exclusive seller of products manufactured by “Promtractor” JSC, “Kurganmashzavod” JSC (Russia) and SILVATEC company (Denmark). The company collaborates with enterprises of oil and gas, coal, mining and gold-mining industries, road building, power engineering, communications and forestry. It provides after-sales services of machines in guarantee and after guarantee periods. The main priority in company’s activities is long-term cooperation and in business relations we appreciate mutual confidence of partners and responsible ap-

proach. Strategic partners of the company are “Gasprom” , “Rosneft”, “Russian Railways”, “Stroitransgas”, Severalmaz”, “Rusal”, “Titan”, “Surgutneftegas”, “Alrosa”, Punj Lloyd”, “Relines”, “Essar” and others. CHETRA machinery proved its excellent reputation during “Sakhalin – 2” project (Russia), “Taishet – Nakhodka” (Russia), “Mundra – Delhi” (Indida), “Atasu – Alashkankou” (Kazakhstan – China) pipelining, “North – Europe” (Russia – Germany), “Blue Flow” (Russia – Turkey), “South Sumatra - Western Java” (Indonesia), “Karachaganak Aqsay - Uralsk” (Kazakhstan)gas pipelining, oil pipelining of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (Kazakhstan – Russia) Manufacturing-Journal 21

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and construction of “Chita – Khabarovsk” (Russia) federal road. Four tractor models being manufactured in Cheboksary, namely, CHETRA11, CHETRA-15, CHETRA-20 and CHETRA-25 have certificates issued by the TÜV Rheinland InterCert. All-terrain vehicles and equipment designed for oil pipeline repair (including cleaning from insulation, pipe body heating, preparation of insulating materials) being manufactured by “Kurganmashzavod” JSC in opinion of experts have given a good account of themselves in the North conditions. Operators note with satisfaction that they are reliable and easy to maintain.

Tests passed successfully…

CHETRA НEAVY 4 dozers fitted with YaMZ and Cummins engines left the conveyor of Promtractor JSC in 2005 and they demonstrated their capabilities in Novaya prospectors’artel (Neryungry, Republic of Sakha) for two years. In November 2007 tests of tractors from Cheboksary city in severe conditions of Extreme North were completed.

President of prospectors’ artel and the head of acceptance commission Mr. Tarnavsky gave his assessment to new equipment: “Application of carriages and microcushioned idler in the undercarriage resulted in significant reduction of dynamic forces on tractor when operating on uneven areas, such as rock, ground after ripping. Owing to improving of traction properties dozer efficiency has increased and smooth running has been achieved. It is necessary to note a comfortable working place for operators. Application of electrohydraulic transmission, joysticks and attachments has provided fatigue-free operation. A stateof-the-art and reliable Cummins engine with electronic control has ensured sound economical efficiency and high reliability. In Mr. Tarnavsky’s opinion the CHETRA НEAVY 4 (T – 40.01 in design documentation) created by tractor builders from Cheboksary in terms of main parameters when dozing and ripping difficult ground does not yield to its foreign analogs and when performing some operations it even surpasses them. In addition, Mr. Tarna-

vsky expressed a hope that already since the beginning of 2008 commercial tractors will find their new customers. As Mr. Kushnikov, deputy chief designer said a decision to create the CHETRA НEAVY 4 had been made after carrying out a thorough analysis of the equipment market. Its major trend for today is introduction of more powerful earthmovingtransport machines, i.e. excavators, dozers and dump trucks allowing to increase efficiency of performed operations. The demand for up-to-date machines of more than 35 traction category is increasing. With the help of the CHETRA Н4 Promtractor JSC expects to put competitive pressure on foreign manufacturers not only on the home market. Gold- and coal-miners, as well as representatives of oil and gas industry are interested in a new tractor most of all. Their remarks were taken into account during making the machine. As a result a quite new product has been created. The CHETRA Н4 design was based on five fundamental approaches: modular design; highest possible unification, ease of maintenance and repair; easy control and comfortable

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operator’s working conditions.

Expansion of product line…

Since January 2008 the product line offered by “CHETRA – Industrial Machinery” JSC will be added by wheeled tractors for municipal and industrial application made by Vladimir Motor and Tractor Plant JSC and Lipetsk Tractor JSC as well as by multi-functional municipal and construction machines (MKSM) made by Kurganmashzavod JSC. Versatile tractors are suited for performing municipal operations all-theyear-round, in particular, cleaning of roadways, sidewalks, construction sites, reconditioning and patching repair of access roads, handling, earthmoving and transport operations, as well as for agricultural and forest application depending on the attachment mounted. MKSM machines are designed for loading and handling soil, loose and lump materials, for terrain grading, snow and waste removing, transport-storehouse operations, for trenching, well boring, concrete mixing and other operations by means of corresponding changeable attachment, including on soils of low loading capacity. The scope of application of the machines is very wide, ranging from small areas to industrial zones. Design features of these machines allow them to change smoothly their traveling speed and direction and make a U-turn around their axis. MKSM machines are in greatest demand with construction companies, enterprises of municipal housing economy, road facilities, as well as enterprises of industry and transport. Popularity of these machines is explained by the fact that they are indispensable owing to their versatility that allows to mechanize actually any municipal, transport, construction, loading and earthmoving operation and owing to their compact size in combination with high maneuverability allowing to operate in conditions of confined spaces.

New continent in sales geography…

The CHETRA machinery has been purchased by enterprises from India, the UAE, Quarter, Bulgaria, Zimbabwe, South Korea, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan … An export potential of CHETRA products makes it possible to enter the world market with confidence. A new continent in the geography of CHETRA machinery utilization is Africa. This year 14 dozers and loaders

were shipped to Zimbabwe. There expected a favorable forecast concerning cooperation with other African countries too.

Auction - successful debut…

In April of 2007 CHETRA brand presented itself at the largest BAUMA International Show of Construction Technologies and Equipment (Munich, Germany). The products of business partners of “CHETRA – Industrial Machinery” JSC were demonstrated at such exhibitions as PETROTECH-2007 (Delhi, India), Construction Equipment and Technologies (Moscow), Surgut Oil & Gas (Surgut). The participation in CTT – 2007 was marked by debut made at the International auction (June, 16, Livorno, Italy) held by Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers company. The CHETRA – 11 dozer that had been used in Neryungry for 8,000 hours, was purchased by a businessman from Romania. The CHETRA brand gained credibility of foreign customers, whether it relates to new or secondhand machinery. In March 2008 the company will participate in the CONEXPOCON/ AGG – 2008 exhibition (Las Vegas, the USA). One cannot but mention application of “CHETRA” machinery as a base when designing special- purpose machines by other Russian plants. On the basis of CHETRA -121 pipelayer specialists of “Stroymash” plant” JSC developed pile driver for pile work. According to Marat Yudaev – deputy executive Director of “Stroymash” plant” JSC, use of CHETRA tractor as base chassis made it possible to improve such characteristics of a machine as ergonomic design, maintainability, reliability and longevity.

Protection of Customers’ interests

At present “CHETRA-Industrial machinery” JSC provides warranty services of more than 1200 heavy –duty machines. Total area of the equipped production and store premises is more than 100 thousand m2. When buying new machines operators are trained in Cheboksary under the direction of experienced specialists. This year alone 506 operators got the corresponding certificates. “CHETRA-Industrial machinery” JSC is able to respond quickly to the new Customers’ requirements regarding the machines operation, guarantee and post guarantee services. In its activities the company assigns primary importance to the Customer’s interests and tries to be

closer to him. The company is open for different kinds of cooperation in other market segments and ready to expand the field of its activities. “CHETRA – Industrial Machinery” JSC is attractive to manufacturers interested in promotion of their machinery. Giving “CHETRA – Industrial Machinery” JSC the status of an official representative, manufacturers guarantee their customers that after preselling the equipment of high quality will be delivered to them in due time.

“CHETRA- Industrial machinery” JSC

Vadim Kalabashkin – executive director of “CHETRA- Industrial machinery” JSC: Customer’s interests are very important for us. A Customer should buy the machines that meet his requirements and solve his tasks. Concept of CHETRA brand being based on the main (to our mind) principle in B2B sphere – PARTNERSHIP- attracts more and more clients. Design of CHETRA machines features lack of functions redundant for practical applications. Using CHETRA machines Customers get benefits from each unit, assembled exclusively on the Manufacturing-Journal 23

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basis of applied logic and owing to that they achieve maximum productivity at reasonable costs. The practice of “CHETRA” machines sale shows that more and more customers try to optimize parameters for their specific operating conditions. Taking into consideration these features they make particular demand to machines, for instance they suggest to develop target systems and attached implement types. For other countries and for Russian distant and difficult of access regions where failures of machines are inadmissible in view of production technique peculiarities it is very important to use components of high- reliability when assembling machines. Nowadays a Customer - whether he is from Russia or CIS, the Near East or Latin America – purchases a machine only if it is competitive, that is when it is technically perfect and reliable. “CHETRA-Industrial machinery” JSC is capable to meet requirements of the most exacting Customer. At the same time we of course take into account requirements of an importing country and Customer’s financial position. Requirements of importers are not mere formality but also a jumping-off ground enabling the company to try its strength

on the quite new level of development. Compatibility just doubles striving for qualitative performance of work at any stage of collaboration. Under such conditions end-users cannot but gain. A distinguishing feature of “CHETRAIndustrial machinery” Trade and Service Company is a constant development. We are sure that the only way for us is to be one step ahead. Our main priority is prevision of future needs of our Customers. We aim mainly at continuation of our cooperation with each customer than at making a profit in a short space of time. We offer our services to those who constantly develop their business bringing it out on a qualitatively new level.

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AN EUROPEAN TRADITION Tradition and top quality know-how are the heart of the company’s success. It offers the highest quality of services and products in every area of activity Agnieszka Rutkowska reports.


onsolis Polska is a part of the Consolis Group - leading European manufacturer which produce modern products from prefabricated concrete. The Consolis Group has more than 130 production plants in 20 countries in Europe northern Africa and Indonesia. In its current form Consolis Group has existed since 1997. After the amalgamation of the Finnish Partek Precast Concrete Company and Strängbetong, a Swedish company, the Group was named Addtek International Oy Ab. On the 13th of December 2002 new name, CONSOLIS Oy Ab, was given to the concern. The new

Consolis was formed by combining Consolis Oy Ab and French Bonna Sabla in November 2005. Membership of the CONSOLIS group gives the company an unique possibility of exchanging experience and technology with other companies from the group. Consolis Polska established its first production plant in Gorzkowice near Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. In 2006 the company has acquired next factory – Betras in Ostrów Wlkp. In recent times the company has seen growth in its market place. In 2001 Consolis Polska has absolutely reorganized its trade. Two partnerships:

commercial one and one responsible for the production have created a new central partnership. Next milestone in company’s development was the realization of an investment programme which has been fulfilling form 2001 till 2007. Company’s chairman Piotr Biskup does not hold back that in recent years it was easier because of a conducive prosperity on the building market which has begun in mid 2004. In recent days Consolis Polska is one of the most profitable organization in Consolis Group. The sale proceed raised from 6 million PLN in 2001 to almost 90 million PLN in 2007. Manufacturing-Journal 25

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Focusing on quality and customer’s needs

Consolis Polska tender to its customers complex offers and top quality of services and products in every area of activity. The company has an experienced and motivated team of professionals and probably the best service in a field where contracts are prepared and fulfilled. It also offers a great location of its production works. “Our factories are situated near to the biggest Polish building markets and close to the area where great investment process take place” – says Biskup. Consolis Group Factories in countries which are in Polish neighborhood are also convenient for the company’s works in Poland. This well-established logistics guarantee a fast movement of delivery from those countries to the Polish works during the time of the building peak. Consolis Polska is a major player on Polish building and construction market. For the third time, the company has been awarded as The Construction Company of the year. This time Consolis Polska has been awarded for the marketing strategy for 2006. Furthermore the Company was specially awarded as Polish Hercules among producers of building elements. Polish Hercules is the prestigious honor awarded by the editorial staff and the Programme Board of “BUILDER”. The Company was also privileged in third edition of the Client Friendly Firm Certification Programme.

Production and system

The Consolis company products are used in constructing many various types of buildings: beginning with industrial and trade buildings, through office buildings, multi-storey garages, non-residential buildings and finally to residential buildings and bridge-building industry. The range of production in the Gorzkowice factory includes foundations, ground sills, and frame elements of a building (columns, beams, and girders), prestressed hollow core slabs, pre-stressed TT slabs, and different kinds of wall elements. Consolis intends to actively develop services and the assortment of products. The company’s membership of the Consolis Group provides exchange of experience and technology with other companies from the group. The CONSOLIS system means Europe-wide and globally proven technology, combining the advantages of reinforced concrete and pre-tensioned pre-stressed concrete as constructional materials and prefa-

bricates. It must be said here, that the CONSOLIS system is neither the closed nor restrictive one, for a designer in space planning. No modular limitations and large variety of available products give the possibility of completion of many different types of buildings in a very effective way, at low costs, and with a high quality of products. “The company’s know-how production is an extremely complex process, demanding a high level of expertise. The company emphasize on its whole quality system: (1) designing, (2) production, (3) delivery, (4) assembly of prefabrication constructions - and this is the key to the company’s success” - says Mr. Biskup.

Investment & development

From the very beginning Consolis has been interested in investments. Today the company emphasize on the sector which is responsible for underground infrastructure – concrete pipe for sewage, concrete elements for sewage wells. In 2006 the company took over the Betras partnership in Ostrow Wielkopolski. The main kind of “Betras” company activity is the production of concrete and reinforced concrete products for constructing the underground infrastructure, and in particular: reinforced concrete pressure pipes – “Betras”, reinforced concrete pipes and pushing (jacking) pipes; the most essential advantage of this method is possibility of laying pipelines or collectors, without necessity of doing excavations and other elements of water and sewage infrastructure such as sewage wells, casings and sewage water pumping stations. “Betras” employs currently 120 people. Taking over “Betras” gives Consolis Polska possibility to extend range of elements produced in Poland and to differentiate geographically its business activity. Consolis is developing the factory in Ostów Wlkp. to enlarge its activity. New lines for infrastructure products have resulted with new elements production and higher efficiency. In existing halls Consolis has installed new, state of the art lines for production of prestressed hollow – core slabs, beams, columns and griders. That gives excellent logistic access for Consolis System not only in Poznań and Wrocław area butg in whole western and central Poland. Company’s aim is to strengthen its position on the leader position. “We are hitting market expectations. We make an effort to bring new comprehensive solution for building and infrastructure

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projects just to meet our Customers needs. We are innovating and bringing out new products and systems”. An example is Bashallen system. This solution has already got a great recognition in many European countries. Building in Bashallen system is very fast and uncomplicated. It let build halls which constructions are made only from concrete and which are thermal and fireproof. This system is used for simple and spatial halls. Using this system a 30-meter-wide construction is made without any indirect row of columns. But investment is not only an expenditure on production. “We really care about our employees selfdevelopment. The company organizes numerous trainings which improve their qualifications. “This team of experienced and creative people offer our business partners the highest standard and quality of service” – says Mr. Biskup. The company takes on about 500 people. In 2008 they should employ 600 employees.

The Company’s perspectives…

..for the next five years are connected with a high growth forecasts for the building sector. As mentioned before, the company is increasing its production capacity and will continue to do so. Mr. Biskup predict: “It is expected that Polish and foreign investments will take place on our native market. We know that many enormous international event are planned. EURO 2012 is an example. It is all related with our company’s trade. An important fact is that there are loads of coming up realizations associated with huge investments in such areas as: environmental conservation, sewage and waterworks networks, road and railway construction industry. But Consolis is ready to meet these expectations”. To achieve all aims the company continues investments in the most modern lines and equipment to increase its production capabilities. “We want to employ the best specialists in designing, logistics,

production and in other divisions, to satisfy market requirements and customers’ needs. We want to achieve perfect distinguishing of the Consolis brand on the market and its guarantee of the best quality of solutions” – says Mr. Biskup. In the coming years, Consolis Polska, as the leader of modern concrete prefabrication, wants to establish a long-term partnership with investors, developers, designers and building companies.

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Construction W

e are an active and dynamic company - we develop steeply and contribute largely to development of the real estate market of Ukraine. We aim at the highest standards of construction, implementing modern technologies and experience. We preach the new for Ukrainian construction market approach, fully ensuring the production chain on projects construction and its further post-construction utility service: TMM does not only purchase land plots and constructs the buildings - the company conducts the full-scope cycle of construction works, including fine finishing works; and after putting the object into operation the company continues to maintain them,

providing post-construction utility services and maintaining outdoors territory. We provide Ukrainians with the modern qualitative dwelling that meets all international norms of construction and provides our clients with the new quality of life.’ – says Mykola Tolmachov, General Director of TMM Company. At present the total area of 22 projects completed by TMM during 1994-2007 is 384 thousand sq. m. About 2 million sq. m. are in the process of construction and development. The company succeeded in development and optimization of business processes at all stages of construction and development. Thanks to clear and vertically integrated management system, the

Mykola Tolmachov, CEO

company works efficiently, controlling the whole process of construction. At the moment TMM employs 2473 people working on company’s projects in Kyiv, Kharkov, Zhitomir and Crimea.


TMM Company was founded in 1992 in the form of a Limited Liability Company. Initially the company and its departments were involved in real estate construction, trade of energy-generating equipment, realization of projects in the energy, machinery, agriculture, banking, insurance and other sectors. Recently TMM Company was restructured; as the result all non-core activities of the Company were separated. Two years later TMM

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area, supermarket, cafe, restaurant, office premises (Kyiv). In the last two years the Company began the construction of the first deluxe residential complex in Kharkiv, entered Zhytomyr real estate market and increased its presence on the Crimea market. Also, TMM started creation of the fullscope engineering centre, which will conduct all engineering works on the stages of development, construction and post-construction utility. In 2007 TMM placed 13,11% of its shares on alternative platform at Frankfurt Stock Exchange through its parent company ТММ Real Estate Developments plc. ltd.,Cyprus. TMM Company has completed private issuing of its bonds having attracted 180.6 million hryvnas for investing of current and perspective projects of the Company. Mykola Tolmachov, General Director of TMM Company was elected as the Presidium Deputy Chairman of the Construction Chamber of Ukraine.

Building Materials Production

began the construction of its first project - residential-office complex in Kyiv and launched its first purely commercial property project of class B. Moreover, in 1997 company founded a department of post-construction utility services, which now provides services to 14 projects, constructed by TMM. The department provides complex maintenance of all engineering systems and equipment, current and capital repair of buildings, cleaning and security of complexes, landscaping and planting in outdoors territory. In 2001 Company founded an architectural and design bureau, the main purpose of which is to maximize the comfort and aesthetic integrity of the objects, constructed by the Company. Today the architectural and design bureau also performs individual orders of the clients on design and planning of interiors. TMM purchased a concrete plant in Kyiv in order to supply its own projects with concrete, finished the construction of its first residential project of premium class in Kyiv, took part in the reconstruction of Bessarabska Square (Kyiv) and constru-

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ction of the retail-office complex Mandarin Plaza. In 2003 the Company started its construction activities in Kharkiv and started the construction of the first in Ukraine intellectual residential complex Triumph in Kyiv with the implementation of the latest modern technologies of monitoring and management of the building “life”. Furthermore, in 2004 TMM kept developing the segment of commercial property starting construction of the retail-office-entertainment complex KOMOD of the class B+ at Lunacharskogo Str., 7 (Kyiv). It was the time when the Company issued corporate bonds in the amount of about USD 9 000 000. In order to implement energetic program TMM founded CJSC TMM-Energobud, which is involved in construction of energy generating substations independent energy supply in the buildings. TMM began the construction of the Sun City (Misto Sontsya) with area of 234036 sq. m. - first ultra-modern residentialoffice complex with developed social infrastructure: park, playground, relation

In 2001 TMM Company founded LLC TMM-Budkomplekt the purpose of which is to supply concrete and metal constructions to all construction projects of TMM. TMM has adopted a decision to develop a dry building mixes processing plant in Kharkiv, with an annual production capacity of 100 tons, to be used primarily for the company’s own projects. The plant’s anticipated total investment volume is EUR 10 mln, and we plan to put it into operation in 2009. In addition, in 2008 we plan to open a concrete plant in the town of Vishnev near Kiev, which will produce 15, 000 qubic meters per month, all of which will be committed to our development projects. The plant entails total investment volume of EUR 3 mln, with EUR 2mln to be spent on technical equipment. TMM also intends to build a bricks processing plant in Kirovograd, with an annual production capacity of more than 100 mln pieces. The plant is due to become operational 2009, and will engage a total investment volume of more than EUR 33 mln. The plant’s production will be used mainly by TMM, who currently consumes around 12 – 15 mln brick pieces a year. Considering the scale of company’s development activities, the consumption of bricks is expected to reach 70 mln pieces a year in 2009, when the plant is ready, so TMM will use almost all the bricks produced by the plant. Manufacturing-Journal 29

2008-03-04 19:10:15

architects, architects-designers, engineers, project coordinators who work in architectural and design bureau, form a team of professionals offering the fullscope complex of services on outfitting of the apartments to clients: from project design development to obligatory supervision over the works performed.

Financial data

IPO Firm TMM placed 13,11% of its shares on alternative platform at Frankfurt Stock Exchange through its parent company ТММ Real Estate Developments plc. ltd., Cyprus. Sales of shares took place in the form of Global Depository Receipts. Total volume of placement was purchased by 50 international investment funds. As a result of the placement USD 105 mln were attracted by the company. Purchase price for 1 GDR which equals to 1 share at the time of placement was USD 15,45. Total capitalization of the TMM after the IPO amounted to USD 800 mln.

Engineering Centre

A constant growth in quantity and complexity of TMM projects caused the necessity of creation its own engineering centre which would optimize the respective processes in Company’s activities at each stage of development, construction and post-construction utility servicing. The Engineering Centre was founded in 2006. Currently its staff consists of about 100 highly qualified employees who will implement modern technologies of project management, IT, technical resources for realization of complicated architectural tasks in optimal proportion of quality and cost in their work. Among the main functions of the centre are the following: pre-project research, conceptual designing, design layout preparation, elaboration of technical and economic requirements, working documentation and budget documents, taking decisions on engineering systems and equipment, management of construction works.

Interior Design and Fine Finishing Works

Interior design for the projects completed by TMM is developed by Architectural and Design Bureau created by the Company. It also provides services to individual clients on exclusive design and apartments planning. Qualified

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2008-03-04 19:10:19

Local bonds Issue

Kyiv, December 5 2007 – TMM Company has completed private issuing of its bonds having attracted 180.6 million hryvnas for investing of current and perspective projects of the Company. The interest rate on Company’s bonds is 13%. The coupon payments are conducted quarterly; the nominal price per one bond is 1000 hryvnas. The circulation period of bonds covers 24 months with the possibility of advance payment in 12 months. 1-year offer is stipulated by bond issuing conditions. ‘The attracted funds cover the current needs of TMM Company in financing and will be directed at the realization of TMM real estate property projects. The issuing of bonds was conducted within the frames of TMM Company financial strategy, which further implies the attraction of 100-150 million US dollars by Eurobonds issuing in the 1-2 quarter of 2008 and consecutive public placement of Company’s shares on the main market of one of the European stock exchanges. Since its establishment, TMM’s goal has been to build properties meeting all the expectations of today’s people. We began our business with construction of residential complexes equipped with additional infrastructure. Today our philosophy has not changed but the projects we realize are much larger: the project we are currently working on in Kiev, Sun City, represents a residential complex with a total built area of 234, 000 sq. m. We are also planning a sattelite town project, a small town provided with a full set of social infrastructure, located in Mykulichi, 22 km from Kiev. Designed for 18, 000 residents, it will include residential high-rise buildings and houses, recreation facilities, schools, kindergar-

tens, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers, parks – everything a modern person may need. Our projects include all types of real estate, multidevelopment is company’s strategy for the future.’ – says Mykola Tolmachov, General Director of TMM Company.

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2008-03-04 19:10:23


Food and Beverage Idustry










Ridna Marka

32 Manufacturing-Journal

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2008-03-04 19:11:10

Sandora’s success…

The leader in the Ukraine! Nearly 40% market share in juice and nectar industry.


he creation and subsequent devel opment of Sandora occurred in concert with the formation of Ukraine’s market economy. In fact, Sandora was the first juice producer that was market oriented and as a result, it can be said that Sandora created the juice market in Ukraine. Therefore, Sandora was one of the first companies in Ukraine that was oriented to meet consumer demands and produce goods in accordance to European quality standards. 12 years ago, Sandora was the first company in Ukraine producing juice that was of European quality. Today, the Sandora brand remains the market standard for quality amongst Ukrainian consumers and the word Sandora has become a synonymous for juice. Currently, Sandora’s share is 47% of the juice and nectar market in Ukraine. Many factors contributed to Sandora’s success: • Unparalleled quality – Sandora juices are created using only natural fruits and vegetables of exceptionally high quality, with no added concentrates or preservatives etc,.

• Strategic development – Sandora’s plan was directed specifically to establish itself as the market leader as well as to increase production capacity • Utilizing the latest technologies for production • Considering the portfolio of juice brands that are oriented to meet the demands of various consumers, results in reaching a wide-range of consumers • Sandora offers over 300 types of products that can satisfy a variety of customer’s tastes • Development and introduction of new products to the market • Unique supply chain that was created for direct sales as well as in collaboration with large distributors • Sandora has its own sales structure, including 8 regional offices that provide all sales related services. Sandora’s sales divisions are located in Kyiv, Lviv, Rivne, Karkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Mykolayiv, and Odessa. Sandora’s sales representatives serve the greater part of Ukraine. Within the company a specialized division exists that deals with trade organizations as well the HoReCa (hotel, restaurant, and café industry). This spe-

cific strategy as well as sales practices and services that cater to these specific market segments. There are over 800 employees in Sandora’s sales department.

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A great brand…

Besides 7 juice brands, Sandora also has 2 wine brands – Golden Olvia and Holiday Collection – as well as an iced tea brand, Sanday. All the brands are important to Sandora except for the 2 wine brands since these brands were created to meet the taste preferences of small segment of customers. Every person, regardless of their income, can pick the juice that best suit their needs as a result of the wide range of brands offered by Sandora. All of Sandora’s brands are in high demand and have the potential to develop and experience further growth, but if we’re specifically talking about the most popular brands today, then Sadochok is the undisputed market leader in Ukraine (25% market share), followed closely by Sandora (18% market share).

Outside of Ukraine…

Sandora products are available in 24 countries around the world. Sandora’s exports account for 23.5% of production (measured in litres), and 48% of all Ukrainian juice exports. The majority of exports are to countries in CIS

(Commonwealth of Independent States) – Russia, Belarussia, Moldova, Caucasus countries, Central Asia, and well as Baltic countries. In Belarussia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Kyrghizstan Sandora brands are market leaders. In August 2006, Sandora was certified in accordance to the BRC Global StandardFood. This certification allows Sandora to sell its products in Great Britain, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and The Netherlands. Sandora is the most popular brand in Ukraine. 100% natural juices and nectars, guaranteed to be of high quality with the best selection of fruits, vegetables and berries. Sandora has the widest assortment of products amongst all juice brands in Ukraine, meeting the demands of a wide-range of customers, including those with traditional, citrus, and exotic tastes. 46% of juice-drinkers in Ukraine purchased a Sandora product in 2007, while 97% of juice-drinkers recognized the Sandora brand. (In 2006, 40% of juice-drinkers purchased a Sandora product, with 90% brand recognition).

tournament for quality amongst Central and Eastern Europe. Sandora received the highest grade possible – entitled “5-ball certificate for quality.”

Sandora – 100% Life!

Sandora cares about the well being of its customers. First of all, Sandora offers products of exceptionally high quality in a wide range of packaging formats that are most convenient to our customers in every situation. Also, Sandora offers a wide-range of juices and nectars for every taste. Sandora, recognizing the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, is popularizing healthy drinks and developing the demand for them. Yes, in September the company introduced a new juice product to the Ukrainian market – “Sandora Multiactive” – juices made with natural plant extracts. Subsequently, this introduction has created a new customer niche. Sandora currently offers three types of multiactive juices: tropical fruit and white tea, red berries and ginseng, pink grapefruit and Schizandra extract.

Choice of the year -Sandora!

For the 4th year in a row Sandora was recognized as the juice of the year at the international competition “Choice of the Year” in the category “Juice of the Year.” The company has received over 100 awards from Ukrainian and International taste test and quality competitions. One of the most impressive awards given to Sandora was at the 2nd international

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2008-03-04 19:12:22

New markets, new plans, new future…

If they’re talking about new product markets, then in 2007 Sandora has already entered a new market - iced tea. In April Sandora began producing “Sanday.” Also, in September 2007 Sandora introduced a new type of juice to the Ukrainian market – “Sandora Multiactive”. These juices are made with natural plant extracts and have created a new market segment in Ukraine; so-called “functional drinks”, are currently gaining popularity around the world. If they’re talking about selling their products to new markets, then in the long-term the company plans on selling its products to all the markets where the Pepsi Corporation is currently present. (In August 2007 Sandora was acquired by PepsiAmericas and PepsiCo) In the near future, Sandora will be expanding its production capacity. By the spring of 2008 there will be two more

production lines at Sandora’s complex No. 2. In three years time there will potentially be a 5th Sandora production facility. The development of their brands will create the necessary conditions for increasing their market share.

Increasing their production capacity by opening new production facilities and new production lines.

At the early stages of the company, there was only one production facility that limited Sandora’s production capacity. It was responsible for processing raw materials as well as producing the juices (Mykolayiv Plant). In 2004 the company opened two new production facilities to process raw materials: one in Kozakchi Laheri (Kherson Oblast) and one in Rodnykove (Crimeria Oblast). In 2006 Sandora opened high-tech production complex No. 2 in Michkovo-Pohorilovo (Mykolayiv Oblast). This site is able

to prepare and produce Sandora’s juices. Furthermore, this site has one of Ukraine’s only automated workshop, and also has the ability to deliver the prepared product directly from the production site to railcar. Currently, this site is the largest juice production facility in Ukraine, producing almost 700 million items per year.

Increasing total volume and sales of Sandora juices

Total volume and sales in 2007 was 693 265 392 items, which was a 34% increase over 2006 results.

Introducing new products to the market Launching the new products “Sanday” iced tea and “Sandora Multiactive”, the latter is the first, and presently only juice product enriched with natural plant extracts that is available to the Ukrainian market.

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2008-03-04 19:12:25


sails onto the stock market

The company’s origins date back to 1989. At first it was not a production plant but a food industry trading and service company, operating under the name Graal Bogusław Kowalski.


t a later period, when large retail chains started entering the market, competition between food industry companies increased in intensity. This situation motivated the company to focus on the fish processing industry, and now Graal S.A. carries out the whole spectrum of fish processing activities and has achieved a dominant position in this industry in Poland. Three dates are considered to be of particular significance in the company’s history. The first date is 1994, when the company decided to introduce its own brand of tinned fish onto the market, thus binding itself to the fish processing industry. The second and without doubt an important date is 2004, when Graal S.A. was transformed into a stock-traded company and took over a majority stake in Polinord, starting the formation of the Graal Group and consequently the successful decision to enter the stock market. The year 2005 was the third breakthrough moment and involved the acquisition of a number of companies, a process which still continues. It was at this point that the full-scale production operation of Graal S.A. was initiated.

The Graal philosophy

Almost a quarter of the domestic market share belongs to Graal S.A, and the company has also been successful on the stock market. In the second half of this year the company achieved the planned 12.5-million zloty profit, and the annual income on sales amounted to 360 million zlotys. Two months ago, Puls Biznesu, a trade daily, acknowledged the company to be among the few businesses that actually achieve their forecast profits and income. According to Marek Sołtyk, the

company’s director, Graal owes its success to its philosophy – honest and fair treatment of their staff and their customers. The company’s mission is: We provide our customers with premium products compliant with valid quality and environmental norms, which makes them tasty, healthy and safe for our customers. As a joint stock company, we also care about our shareholders’ interests and ensure transparent, measurable and real profit from our investments. Our greatest value is the satisfaction of our staff, customers and shareholders. Graal S.A. strives to be a company based on solid foundations with further prospects for development, including client- and staff-related development. Thanks to the above strategy, Graal S.A. has a large number of satisfied customers, shareholders and co-owners, all of whom contribute to the company’s development. The other important factor is the company’s courage to invest in new and seemingly unattractive businesses that, at a later date, prove to be entities with great potential. One of these purchases, of which Graal S.A. is particularly proud, is the acquisition of Superfish, an icon company of the Polish fish processing industry. In the 1990s the company was bought by a Danish concern, Orkla Foods, and now Graal S.A. manifest its pride in that a Polish company was capable of becoming a match for global market players and was able to purchase a company owned by an international concern.

Variety of fish

Graal S.A. wishes to become the market leader in all branches of the fish processing industry. This assumption has led to

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the consistent implementation of the acquisition policy, where the company attempts to expand its potential by purchasing more enterprises. At the moment, there are eight Graal plants in Poland, employing more than 2000 people in total, 80% being production workers. The company employs experts and people who are not afraid of expressing their own opinions, and it invests in building a team that is aware of the advantages stemming from working in a Polish company considered to be a reliable and honest partner. After purchasing Superfish S.A., the company extended its operations into all branches of the fish processing industry. Polinord manufactures tinned fish, and Agrofish uses production waste to manufacture fish meal. Koral, based in Tczew, has at its disposal the most modern machinery for the production of smoked fish, while Kordex, located in Władysławowo, is famous for its fish rolls. The Silesian company of Gaster manufactures a patented product consisting of carp in aspic, formed in the shape of a fish. The picture is complete with the inclusion of Superfish, Syrena Rogal, Ruskij Caviar and Kooperol. Graal S.A. offers its customers a wide choice of fish products, including canned and smoked fish. The wide range of chilled products is comparable to products offered by that large global player, Lisner. Every fish lover will find something they like: pickled fish, caviar, seafood, fish and vegetable salads with added meat, smoked and frozen fish, and tinned meat and fish. The latter products are particularly important for two reasons: they were the first products Graal S.A. manufactured, and the company has been consistently creating brands in the

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anonymous tinned food market (in 2005 the Graal brand was awarded the “Consumer Silver Laurel”), through initiative, a huge marketing campaign, and its distribution systems. Ready-made meals, including dishes from all around the world, constitute another type of product currently being introduced under a pilot project. These include products based on Polish, Italian, Chinese, Mexican and Scandinavian cuisines.

Plans for the future

The fish product market has not yet been

saturated, and Graal S.A does not think that its work is complete. According to Marek Sołtyk the company is only at the beginning of its road. Over the next five years the company intends to improve brand awareness and to develop relationships with its endcustomers. In order to achieve this, the company has already invested the equivalent of the two and a halfyear budget of the

whole industry in a marketing campaign. The most popularTV stations will broadcast 2500 advertisements at times when audience figures are the highest, so that the adverts will be watched by over 9.5 million people. Currently, Graal S.A. exports its tinned products to such European countries as the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Croatia and Hungary. Moreover, in order to promote Polish fish products across the world, Graal S.A. sells its products to the United States and Jamaica. For this reason, the next task of the company is to increase its international market share, which Graal S.A. has both the potential and the experience to achieve. The company wants to develop further and this may be achieved by conquering new markets. The planned expansion is oriented towards both the East and the West. In all probability, Graal products will be first available to customers in Central Europe, and the company is also considering the acquisition of local enterprises with similar business profiles. However, the intended expansion is still at the planning stage, and no strategic framework has been prepared yet.

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2008-03-04 19:13:20


FREEZING success! A

n ice age in poland started in 1983...

Iglotex S.A. is one of the foremost producers and distributors of frozen food in Poland. The Company is based in Skórcz, a town situated in an ecologically clean area in nothern Poland. Iglotex S.A. has continued its activity since 1991. The bussiness activity was actually set up in 1983 and than changed into P.P.H. Iglotex (the P.P.H. abbreviation means Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprise). In 2000 a new production plant, including a warehouse, came into operation. It was designed and built in compliance with all the relevant EU-requirements. In 2005, company began to develop further its production hall and storage facilities, due to the rapidly growing demand for its products. Now company’s production processes take place in high-tech halls. The production plant is equipped with fully automated lines dedicated to the production of pizza, French bread pizza, dumplings, pierogi

and Polish ravioli. All the equipment used meets national and EU standards and enables further implementation of the latest solutions in production technology.

...and reaches more and more european countries...

The company’s sales operation and the availability of IGLOTEX products are

continually growing. Thus, the quality and tastes of IGLOTEX production becomes increasingly recognised by costumers from a number of European countries, such as Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Island, Portugal, Ukraine, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Great Britain.

38 Manufacturing-Journal

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2008-03-04 19:14:14

PASSIONATA ITALIANA - even if you have no chance to be in Italy, this classic Italian style pizza will make you feel like in the best restaurant in Venice. DUMPLINGS - dumplings may be any of a wide variety of dishes, both sweet and savoury, in several different cuisines. After being encased in dough, they usually undergo a further treatment by steaming them or submerging them in boiling oil. IGLOTEX offer includes this type of old, traditional Polish meal filled with strawberries, blueberries, cheese, meat, sauerkraut, mushrooms and many many more...

Frozen but delicious... The core business of Iglotex is production of pizza, French bread pizza and potato and flour food such as different types of dumplings and pierogi. The full range of products offered includes over 100 different items of various flavours, weights and packaging. Let’s have a look into frozen kingdom of IGLOTEX production.... MAESTRO - Iglotex offers an unique abundance of different tastes (salami, mushrooms, ham and many more) of this highest quality pizza with Italian base and rich topping. FAMILY BASE - an economical pizza for the whole family, weight 1kg! PIZZA BASE - if you’re a type of “I’lldo-all-by-myself”, IGLOTEX gives you a chance to create your own composition of ingredients. BISTRO PIZZA - for those who are always in a hurry, IGLOTEX prepared a perfect pizza for every occasion, easy to prepare in only 10 minutes, in 4 sophisticated tastes. Manufacturing-Journal 39

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2008-03-04 19:14:18

Our products: -Aseptic tomato concentrate in drums: 12-14 Bx0 CB, 28-30 Bx0 CB & HB; 36-38 Bx0 CB -Pizza Sauces -Clear apple juice concentrate: 70 Bx0 -Cloudy apple juice concentrate: min. 40 Bx0 -Sour cherry concentrate -Aseptic fruit and vegetable pureĂŠs in drums All products can be also offered aseptically packed Bag in Box 5kg-10kg net. SGF members, ISO 9001:2000 (IQNet) HACCP certified, Traceability System PAS 85:2000

Manufacturing Journal

Here is the place for



Please contact us for more information and examples of our offer. e-mail to: 40 Manufacturing-Journal

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2008-03-04 19:14:22

PASSIONATA BAUGETTE - a perfect snack for lunch that can be prepared either in the oven or microwave. Various tastes (Bolognese, margherita, salami and prosciutto) will satisfy senses of the most demanding gourmet. RAVIOLI - a traditional addition to Christmas dishes can be served separately as well, specially if it’s offered in 3 tastes (mushrooms, sauerkraut and meat).

Get frozen, get appreciated...

The company’s priority objective is to deliver products that satisfy both quality and legal standards, and meet the needs of current and prospective costumers. In order to meet this objective, IGLOTEX partners are only those suppliers that comply with the high quality requirements. The company’s microbiological laboratory, technical laboratory and constant production control maintains the high quality standards. IGLOTEX has implemented several quality management systems including HACCP, GHP and GMP as well as being IFS and BRC certificates awarded. Company constantly updates its machinery and technology, with particular attention given to highest health safety requirements and to environmental protection. IGLOTEX prides itself on the growing number of satisfied customers and contractors.

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2008-03-04 19:14:28


the sweet mark of quality M

ore than 200 kinds of sweets, choc olate, sugar candies, biscuits, waffles, fruit jellies and cakes – the Roshen’s total production volume is 310 000 tons of confectionery products per year. Kyiv, Vinnytsa, Mariupol and Kremenchug corporation factories produce about 30% of all home confectionary products. On the Ukrainian sweet market Roshen is undeniably a leader.

The policy of quality

Roshen Confectionery Corporation is the largest Ukrainian confectionery manufacturer. Lipetsk confectionery factory

«Likonf» (Russia) joined the corporation in 2002, and in 2006 Klaipeda confectionery factory «Klaipedos Conditerija» (Lithuania) became a member of the corporation. Consumer orientation is the main postulate of the Roshen Corporation’s policy in the sphere of quality and food safety management within the framework of compliance with the requirements of International standard ISO 22000:2005. With a view to deliver the information about the enterprises’ quality management policy to consumers and to provide them with an appropriate proof, Roshen

has introduced quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. In January 2008 Kremechug confectionery factory was certificated in accordance to requirements of international standard IFS (International Food Standard). IFS – is corporative standard of European supermarkets net in such countries as Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Hungary and other countries. As a result of control checking and test audit it was confirmed that Kremechug confectionery factory “Roshen” has carried out all obligatory requirements of European supermarkets

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2008-03-04 19:18:44

net and proved it’s right on cooperation with them. These are other proofs of the Roshen’s quality: Top choice «Hard candy of the year» of the year 2003, Top choice of the year 2003 – Chocolate-waffle cake «Chocolate Castle». Apart form that Roshen took the first place in the rating of the most expensive brands of the country of the year 2007. What’s more the company is the winner of the rating of the richest companies of Ukraine of the year 2007.

Well-known (not only for chocolate-lovers) products

All the confectionery products manufactured under the Roshen trademark are made of high-quality natural material. Formulae are improved and state-ofthe-art technologies are introduced on a permanent basis. Every year the corporation specialists create a number of new products. These are examples: Baroque, Renoir, Versailles, Rococo, Grand Toffy, Jelly and Boni-Fruit jelly – pectin candies, Esmeralda and Juliana biscuits, improved Artek waffles and brand-new Napolitanki and Crispiki won the hearts of sweet products admirers, proving once again that Roshen means the sweet mark of quality! Such sweet products as Kievskiy cake, Chaika chocolate bars and Lishchyna sweets and other things are well-known and loved in many countries all over the world. There is nothing like Roshen, Capri hard candies, Monte Cristo boxed sweets. All these products are available in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, the USA, Canada, Germany and Israel.

The secret of the substrates

The company always analyses products of native and European market, invite several tasters and at last finds its “own chocolate after-taste”. Specialists have being toiling over the choice of cacao to get an unique taste. As a result the company has chosen a combination of cacao that included cacao from the South America and West Africa and Oceania. Every component brought its own gustatory taste: American cacao - light floral aroma, African cacao - true clear taste of cacao and Oceania cacao - light aroma of prunes. This is an unique combination. European professional confectioners and company’s native tasters consider it to be original and successful. There is no doubt that true chocolate can be made only of high-quality cacao. The company

never forgets about two more important things: the procedure of frying cacao beans – one of the most important technological key factor that permits to control the final taste of the product. The second one: selection of cacao oil which let control a taste of chocolate bar.

Sweet industry investments

In 2007 the corporation acquired new confectionary lines from the leading European manufacturers of confectionary equipment for Vinnytsa confectionary factory. The cost of the purchased equipments was estimated at 50 million dollars. The company invests in line for waffle rolls production and chocolate sweets, line for waffle sweets production and line for production of dropped toffee with chocolate glaze and finally line for production of carrageen an jelly candies. Equipment is supplied by the world leading manufacturers. Upgrading of equipment at Mariupol, Kyiv and Kremenchug confectionary factories. The total cost of upgrading is 13.3 million dollars. Purchase of Renault tractor trucks and syrup trucks which cost 1.7 million dollars. All confectionary factories of Roshen Corporation have special equipment for monitoring of product quality and for relevant research work. During the recent years more than 400 000 dollars have been invested in the development of the equipment fleet for the Quality Services working at the confectionary factories. Confectionary products available on the market were made using the state-of-art technologies. Utilization of advanced high production equipment, strict observation of technological process, use of nothing else but high quality raw material and supplies for the production of confectionary products ensure major advantages of the Roshen products.

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Product range

During the last two years, the specialists of the corporation were purposefully developing the up-to date section for chocolate mass production which has a complete set of modern automated equipment from the Swiss manufacturer. Obviously, process of cognition of “true chocolate” technological production, took longer than a year to develop the company’s unique formula for its production. This long-term work yielded their own excellent specialist-chocolate makers that have passed training in European confectionery schools. These technologists implemented their knowledge and convictions as to the chocolate products and their experience in the development of the unique Roshen chocolate. As a result, at the end of 2006 Kyiv confectionary factory presented a long-awaited gift to the real lovers of chocolate by launching the production of Roshen Classic elite chocolate. Roshen Classic chocolate collection comprises 12 different flavours which have already won the hearts of the pickiest gourmets due to their unsurpassed flavour notes. It is worth saying that the corporation owns the only (within the Eastern Europe boundaries) line for production of sweets using the Triple shot technology. Hi-tech of confectionary production is represented by the production of Baroque sweets with different kinds of fillings covered with two kinds of chocolate. In 2007 the corporation began making Rococo sweets which are unique due to their texture. Each sweet consists of two different fillings (marzipan or peach ones) covered with unrivalled tasty cover. One more product, Monte Cristo sweets with different liqueur fillings, is considered 100% exclusive product of the corporation. Completely automated line for production of sweets with liquid fillings allows making 50 boxes of Monte Cristo sweets per one minute. Candy, waffle and biscuits group Roshen corporation is the leader of candy industry in Ukraine. Nearly 40% of all the homemade candies are produced under the «Roshen sweet mark of quality». The results of the marketing research among the confectionary products consumer audience in Ukraine conducted within the framework of Choice of the Year Festival showed that Roshen became the winner in the nomination «Candy Manufacturer of the year 2003». Candy production at the Kremenchug (Ukraine) and Lipetsk (Russia) confectionery factories is ensured by the high-

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tech equipment capable to produce more than 20 tons of candies per hour. Roshen waffle group is represented by a wide range of products. Among the best there are crispy Shtuchka wafers with hazelnut, cream, banana and chocolateflavour fillings. High production line produces about 500 tons of waffle cakes per month. Special attention should be drawn to such new products of 2007 as «Konafetto», «Crispiki» waffle rolls of different flavours and «Napolitanki» waffles. Range of Roshen corporation biscuit products comprises biscuits, rolls and cakes. Crackers are made on three Italian lines. The whole set of cracker equipment is capable to produce 3 tons of product per hour. Among other products of biscuit group there are: Biscuit minirolls, biscuit cakes, biscuit-chocolate rolls and rolls with fruit cream fillings. New rolls are biscuits with bourbon vanilla flavour, tender filling of cream or two-layer cream and jam filling. Roshen is one of the largest Ukrainian of so-called «fresh-cakes», i. e. cakes with a storage life of 48 hours. Such method of production was founded in the 50th of the last century at Kiev confectionery plant. However, this method has obtained the present-day industrial production features only starting with the year 2002, when the specialized investments were made to expand and upgrade the cake production that allowed increasing the daily production of such cakes up to

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25 tons. Such production works as the «French bakery»: in the daytime the cake biscuits and air-nut products are prepared, at night till 7 o’clock in the morning special workers provide the cream decoration, and in the morning cakes are delivered to the network of stores. There are 5 kinds of cakes in production: Kievskiy, Grilyazhniy, Triufel Roshen, Zolotoy kluchik, Cappuccino Roshen. Every cake has its lovers, still all of them are common in the opinion that these cakes satisfy the most freakish customer needs.

Still proving successful

Roshen corporation puts its all knowledge and soul in chocolate production. The effort includes experience and knowledge of specialists from Switzerland, Holland and Germany as the

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company has became a part of “chocolate school” thanks to gained experience and modern equipment of the famous companies of Switzerland and Germany and also thanks to a close cooperation with specialists companies-producers of cacao products from Holland, France and Germany. The last thing left for the company is to wait with excitement for an estimation of chocolate-lovers. The company have produced “Roshen” chocolate for a hypercritical consumer. The company believes that it has created a product that will have an effect on a formation of refined taste. “But we still have a lot of work to do as only satisfying growing desires of consumers we can reach real criteria of «true chocolate»” – says the company’s chairman.

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So young, so familiar, so successful!


ave you ever imagined a company, having gained enormous success on a market of almost 50 mln people in just 8 years? You don’t have to imagine that. You can see that with your own eyes. It’s RIDNA MARKA Corporation, which produces and offers Ukrainian consumers their favorite and the tastiest food products, forming the culture of consumption. A word RIDNA in Ukrainian language means actually “known, familar, close” and these are exactly the values associated nowadays with RIDNA MARKA’s production. By using innovative technologies and involving the best specialists, company become the favorite trademark and the most successful company on the 46 Manufacturing-Journal

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market. RIDNA MARKA Corporation’s President, Pavlo Rodnin, tells our reporter, Natalia Tokarska, about the key of company’s success. Ridna Marka Corporation was founded in 2000 in Kyiv. The strategy of its development is based on increasing specialized production capacities, target marketing and building a branched-out distribution network. Experience of integration of the European culture of production and consumption into the Ukrainian conditions is the basis of the concept of the corporation’s development. Mr Rodnin underlines that for the time beingn RIDNA MARKA actually is not yet an unquestionable leader of ukrainian market , but the company’s

goal is to achieve and maintain the strongest position possible. Today, the corporation specializes in manufacturing traditional and innovational food products and beverages, processing of fruits and vegetables, production of glass containers and distribution of food products and beverages: * juices, nectars, fruit drinks * wheat beer (Weissbier) * barley beer * kvass * canned food * sauces, ketchups * vegetable juices * other products

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Juice products of RIDNA MARKA Corporation mean high quality, naturalness, preservation of health-giving properties of fruits and vegetables and variety of excellent flavors. Juice products of RIDNA MARKA Corporation go through strict certification on all levels of production. All certificates confirm high quality of each of the products. Production technology envisages careful preservation of all vitamins and microelements containing in vegetables and fruits from which the products are made. Company produces only natural juice products without adding artificial additives nor preservatives. What RIDNA MARKA always try to do, is to make every product unique and the tastiest. The best sorts of fruits, vegetables and berries are selected for all juice products: a group of technologists works on recipes; their main task is search and selection of best offers on the raw material market of Ukraine, Europe, Asia and America. The offers include a number of unique ones for the Ukrainian market: 100% sugar free juices, berry drinks, 100% juices for children, fruit and vegetables mixes and juices with natural pulp. MRIYA, MORS, BON KHERSON - all these brends are well known to Ukrainian costumers, who appreciate them for their unforgetable taste, highest quality and health values.


Production of original and high quality beer, oriented to different price segments and flavor preferences of consumers is one of the priority directions of development of RIDNA MARKA Corporation. At the moment, the corporation brews barley and wheat sorts of beer, including of bottom and top fermentation. At that, according to the results of 2006, the share of RIDNA MARKA Corporation in wheat beer segment on the Ukrainian market exceeded 50%. Beer package of company’s products currently includes the following: * Original wheat beer of Bavarian type WEISSBIER ETALON * Light beer of top fermentation KRISTALL * Classical barley beer RADOMYSHL


Kvass Drevlyansky of natural fermentation, a product made of natural bread raw material without adding any preservatives or aromatizers, is one of the most interesting products offered by RIDNA

MARKA. Today, this traditional Slavic beverage combines in itself old traditions of kvass brewing and modern scientific developments. Unlike many lemonades and aromatized kvass, the real kvass is natural fermentation kvass and it is brewed by unique technology through natural fermentation of kvass wort and its saturation with natural carbonic acid. Thanks to that, kvass Drevlyansky facilitates better digestion, including of animal fats, improves metabolism and has good effect on cardio-vascular system. In addition, real kvass Drevlyansky restores strength and gives body vivacity. Being a unique beverage, it combines healthiness and thirst slaking properties.


As Mr. Rodnin admits, RIDNA MARKA Corporation never wanted to work just with purpose of gaining more and more prizes and awards, focusing rather on costumers’ satisfaction and gratitude. However, costumers all over the world had their say about company’s production quality, and proofs of their appreciation are following: 2004 - for the first time in history Ukrainian beer “Weissbier Etalon received the Gold Medal of the world contest World Beer Cup®-2004 (USA) in the nomination “South German-Style Hefe-Weissbier”. 2004 - Weissbier Etalon wins the Gold Medal in wheat beer class of European contest Brewing Industry International Awards2004 (Great Britain). 2005 - the largest trade chain of Great Britain TESCO recognizes Weissbier Etalon the best import beer in the United Kingdom in the category “Beer Challenger”.

LET’S SHOW “RIDNA MARKA” ABROAD! Starting from 2004, RIDNA MARKA Corporation conducts active export policy, continuously expanding its presence on the foreign markets.Today natural juices and nectars MRIYA are known to consumers in the CIS countries, Israel and North America. Original wheat beer brewed by RIDNA MARKA Corporation in

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Ukraine is presented on the Russian and European markets, including such “beer” countries as Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden and even Germany, the historic native land of Weissbier. Especially for the export program, TM Weissbier Etalon was adapted for the western markets. Germany: * supermarkets chain “Getraenkeland”: Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Mecklen burg, Frankfurt-am-Oder and other cities. * planned number of points of sale of Weissbier Etalon in the country: 1,000. Russia: * sales in different regions of the country. * chains of popular supermarkets - “Sed moi Kontinent” (Seventh Continent), over 100 stores, “Ostrov” (Island), 10 stores, “Kotekst-torg” (20 stores), “12 Months” (16 stores), “Ramstor” and “Samokhval” - around 30 stores each.

Great Britain: * the larges chain of supermarkets “TESCO”: over 700 stores around the country. * Ukrainian Weissbier Etalon for the first time in history of Ukrainian beer brew ing was named the winner in the Best Imported Beer nomination of the Brit ish contest The Tesco Beer Challenge 2005. President of the corporation, Pavlo Rodnin says that RIDNA MARKA prouds itself with really friendly, diligent and devoted stuff. These almost 3000 people are working together to make a dream about outstanding success come true. Thanks to this vital factor as well as right corporation ‘s strategy, RIDNA MARKA has every reason to hope their main goals will be achieved, especcially with Chempionship EURO-2012 in Poland and Ukraine,( and, consuequently, thousands of thirsty tourists ) ahead.

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Ceramics, Domestic Appliances, Trans-

port and Logistics, Aviation Industry 50-53



MPM Product



60-62 Aviant

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Durable beauty –

a key to the door of the Polcolorits’ company success


olcolorit S.A., based in Piechowice, Poland, is a manufacturer of ceramic tiles. Established in 1984 the Company has a long history of quality and expertise. It is the oldest private-owned ceramics producer in Poland. The company is strictly connected with the ceramics industry and has been producing wide assortment of wall and floor tiles for over 19 years. It is also regarded as a key player among ceramics producers in Poland. Polcolorit S.A. with its products – a combination of high quality and universal uses – conquers the polish ceramic market from the very beginning. In 2002 The Company was numbered among the elitists Business Gazelle Club. About Company’s development milestones tells its chairman Wiktor Marconi: “In the end of 1996 Polcolorit S.A. was no longer a foreign corporation but it became a limited company. Eight years later it was turned into public company. In 2004 – continues Marconi – has its début on the

stock exchange” in Warsaw. Company is steaming ahead with a range of process innovations and investments. Results? Marconi Ceramics works is an example. It was opened in 2006 as a second Company’s works and it has a facility which is one of the most modern in Europe – both taking architectural as well as technological solutions into account. Marconi Ceramics works was an investment which was estimated at 80 million PLN. A partnership Marconi Ceramics Ltd. was established in the same year. Businesses who want to operate in successful manner need to show a high degree of flexibility. And this is exactly what Polcolorit S.A. does. “We truly believe that the most important moments in company‘s development are ahead of us. In few years we will run our production on the foreign markets” – says Marconi.


The Company’s product means modern design and avant-garde forms. A wide palette of colors and taking daring advantage of using them brings timeless character of Marconi Ceramics collections. What’s more the universal uses mean that tiles can be used in kitchens, bathrooms, terraces and elevations. In 2007 The Company leaded on the market a new brand. It is Marconi Ceramics GOLD, which contains eight collections. Every GOLD tile has special edges which let them put without fugue. The Company produces universal gres tiles of sizes: 45x45, 30x60 and 60x60.Polcolorit holds and unique position in the polish ceramics market because The Company is a forerunner in this industry. Since the very beginning, the company was exclusively owned by the Marconi family that lives permanently in Italy in the ceramic region Sassuolo. Due to its Italian contacts and experience, it was possible to

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install the most modern Italian technological production line in Polcolorit S.A. In addition, the company may create modern Italian design and Western working standards. Products signed by Marconi Ceramics are placed in the high consumer group. In addition, they also meet expectations of the building sector as well as individual customers. The Company’s mission is to connect generations and meeting customers’ expectations which are and defined as the “Durable beauty”. And this is the key to the door, which has been recently opened, to fulfill our customers needs.

Individual solutions

The Company mainly concentrated on customers’ needs. From more than 10 years we offer hand-made assortment. “We are the only company in Poland and one of a few in Europe which bid a possibility to give kind of personalization to our ceramics products.” Polcolorit S.A. just like the others enterprises in this industry has an enormous potential which is connected with an evolution of forms in building sector. “The way of design in building is still changing. Manufacturer have to meet expectations of the building sector and must be able to modify its products. Tiles should present the highest aesthetic and technological degree” says Marconi. In Company’s opinion tiles should be created in the way which conform to the customer’s non-standard needs and special requirements. The Company is award that it does not create for itself but for its customers.


…In Polcolorit S.A. is based on technological cards prepared by the Methods Department. They include the information such as the name of the pattern, size and all technological parameters like materials, amount and temperature of burning. All floor and wall tiles that designed for applying inside are produced based on the double-burning method. Firstly each tile is pressed and burned (so called biscuit), then glaze and colourful pastes using screen process method are applied and finally the tile is burned again. This technology enables to get the tiles with mat, transparent or shiny glaze of intense and varied colours. Gres tiles that may be used both inside and outside the buildings are produced based on single burning method. In this case, a preliminary tile is glazed and decorated with colourful pastes using round screen process method and then finally burned. Due to applying of that technology tiles are highly resistant and of low absorbability – as the result they are freezeproof. Sorting of products is automatic so it is possible to control each tile or decor. The company produces its tiles based on know-how of Italian and Spanish standards. It is possible, due to applying of modern machines produced by the following producers: Sacmi (presses, stoves) Barberi & Tarozzi (automatic, non-service transportation system with laser control and loading and unloading) and Nuova Firma (sorting and wrapping).

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Foreign expansion

“Polcolorit S.A. is now present on both western and eastern markets. We operate in Romania and Bulgaria, Latvia, Armenia. We export our tiles to Russia, Germany, Italy Czech Republic and Slovakia as well. In 2007 Polcolorit S.A. becomes a new member of Polish – Ukrainian Economic Association. Its main aim is to broad Polish – Ukrainian cooperation and it is caused by increasing export of Company’s products this country. It is also connected with a Company’s capital investment in Ukraine. Unfortunately exchange rate made our prices more expensive on foreign markets. Nevertheless we are proud that our foreign customers are still interested in cooperating with Polcolorit S.A. and that they promote our products on their markets. Great Britain is an example. We are truly convinced that our demanding customers will pay a little bit more for our exclusive and stylish tiles” – says chairman. The main source of Company’s proceeds is export. It comprise 40%. Works produce about 4,5 million square meters of tiles every year. These days Polcolorit S.A. is present on nineteen European markets. Sale and distribution of Company’s products on domestic market is done by building hypermarkets (DIY network), building warehouses (Polish Building Stocks). The biggest Company’s Customer is Castorama. Among the Company’s main customers are also OBI and Leroy Merlin.

Right on target

During last year Polcolorit S.A. became a brand which is recognizable on polish and European market. Customers are truly satisfied with our products and this is a part of company’s success. Communication and reliability have largely contributed to the success as well. Marconi says: “We are now concentrated on conquering new markets and we constantly make our offers more extensive. These are the achievement we are proud of and which makes us work harder and more effective”.

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND ENDLESS RESEARCH IN CERAMICS... ‘Gruppo Colorobbia’ is operative in the ceramic field from almost a century and thanks to the worldwide sisters company network the very advanced technology and the endless research and development department is strengthening its position on the main ceramic markets. ‘Gruppo Colorobbia’ counts production units in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Peru, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, China in addition to the main units in Italy, located in the area of Florence and Sassuoio of course. ‘Gruppo Colorobbia’ has a very wide range of products to offer for the ceramic field, from frits to ready mixed glaze, from glaze to body pigments, printings and special colours as well. The range of products also includes items for the third firing decoration, such as vetrosa, colours and precious metals. Keeping in mind the importance of present markets in the east of Europe Gruppo Colorobbia has already taken all necessary steps for another important investment, the location will be Poland the south region of Low Silesia in Zarow, very close to WALBRZYCH. The new investment shall be operative in the first semester of 2008 and will include all traditional items such as ready glazes, frits, printings, ceramics and body pigments. Particular care will be given to the technical assistance after sale, with the aim to transfer to our Polish customers all newest technologies developed in Italy and Spain. The necessary synergy from the mother company will be transferred to our Polish technical organization.

COLORROBBIA ITALIA SPA Tel:+3905717091 Via Petramarina n.53 Fax:+390571709802 Sovigliana-Vinci Italy Manufacturing-Journal 53

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2008-03-04 19:34:35

How it all began MPM Product Sp is a leading small domestic appliances producer in the Polish market.


t was established in 1989 when it began launching German brands onto the market before creating its own production facility in Szczytno in 1994, a ground-breaking step in the company’s development. Initially, production was limited to electric kettles, but as time passed and in the face of market demand, MPM Product Sp. expanded its product range with various, mainly electrical, domestic appliances. Nowadays it offers over 200 mechanically-based products, not just for the kitchen but for other rooms in the home.

Key to success

This year the sales volume for the whole MPM Product Sp. Group will amount to 80 mln PLN and next year the increase is forecast to continue, by as much as even as 25%. What lies behind this success? MPM Product Sp. targets clients who value quality and attractive design in products which are available at a reasonable price. From the very beginning, the company has worked on gaining the trust of its clients and contractors. This focus on quality, guaranteeing product reliability and providing local service (about 250 service points all over the country) has helped make the brand a success. Moreover, MPM Product Sp pays more than simply a great deal of attention on the functionality of its products: it also ensures they are attractively designed. Our graphic artists and designers understand that it is as important to focus on the packaging and marketing as it is on the product design itself. This year and over the next few years a large advertising campaign will be run to promote the brand and create greater brand awareness. The advantage the company has is that, rather than being a large corporation with long procedures, it is instead able to react quickly and respond to rapidly changing situations in the market. The award of Złoty Laur Kon-

sumenta 2007 (Gold Laurel of Consumers) is a clear indicator that the company achieves its targets. Having a team of dynamic and creative employees gives the company great potential, with some of them having worked for MPM Product Sp. from the very beginning. Currently the Domestic Appliances Department

has a workforce of 150 and the total number of employees responsible for production, sale, marketing and import is about 300. Operation The head office of MPM Product Sp. is in Milanówek while the production plant and Smile Sp. z o.o., a group member, are based in Szczytno. However, about 85% of production takes place abroad, mostly in the Far East, especially in China, where the company operates as an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), ensuring quality control in factories manufacturing for MPM Product Sp. MPM Product Sp. offers over 200 various domestic appliances, including: electric kettles, food mix ers, blenders, microwave ovens, fry ers, food processors, coffee makers, juice extractors, irons, vacuum cleaners, toasters, grills, and heat ing and cooling equipment. Recently the company introduced air conditioning equipment onto the market. Our multi-function food processors, especially the multiple award-winning “Kasia”, are the most important products we offer. The electric kettles that the company began conquering the market with form an equally significant

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Future plans

group and hold 15% of the market share. Hair styling products such as hair dryers and hair straighteners have recently become an important product group too. Moreover, despite its basic activity of domestic appliance production and sale, MPM Product Sp is also very successfully involved in the hotel industry and tourism. For seven years the company has run a four-star beauty and health farm called “Klinika Zdrowia i Urody” in Ciechocinek, which has the distinction of being the best spa in Poland this year. The “Osada Dworska” spa centre in Głęboczek is currently under development and is also having similar success, its efforts being appreciated and being awarded the title of The Best Weekend Facility of the Year in a ranking by the “Wprost” weekly journal. The company is encouraged by its successes and is planning similar investments in Pojezierze Brodnickie and building of a new medical spa in Ciechocinek.

MPM Product Sp. continues its efforts on expanding and developing its efforts, concerning both the product range itself and the launching of new brands. There are now two brands: MPM Produkt and Smile, mainly intended for hypermarkets. The company is planning to introduce another brand on the market and has been working hard on creating a new product group. Another important task that MPM Produkt Sp. will have to face is expanding its export activity. Nowadays MPM Produkt Sp. products are available in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine, but company’s sales in those countries constitute only a small percentage. In the immediate future the company intends to expand dramatically its export sales, seizing the opportunity to conquer new markets as yet uncaptured by local brands. However, this is not the only development direction, as acquiring European markets such as Germany or Britain is of equal importance. This task is being realised in cooperation with the Metro Group, which has a chain of stores extending across Europe.

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CARRYING FOR THE BEST TRANS-POŁUDNIE – provider of comprehensive logistic solutions Established in 1993, TRANS-POŁUDNIE company appeared on the Polish logistics market Agnieszka Rutkowska reports. From the very beginning the company underwent changes invested in infrastructure and technological facilities, which soon after resulted in tangible financial effects and consolidation of the company’s position on the logistics market. The company’s chairman talks about several turning-points in the company’s development. • 2002/2003 – the company signed strategic contract with T.C. Dębica and GoodYear Dunlop Tires Polska for the distribution services throughout Poland. Just as it was expected more customers became interested in services offered by Trans-Południe’s. Owens Illinois Polska, Can-Pack from Brzesko and Coca-Cola HBC Polska were among them. In 2005 Trans-Południe also sign=ed a permanent cooperation contract with Handlopex, one of the largest tyre sales company in Poland.

• Polish accessions to the Europesn Union opened great logistics markets. Trans-Południe is absolutely prepared for this challenge and, therefore, gains new customers. The company offers top service quality and compliance with international standards. Trans-Południe conquers the West European market. It is also interested in transport to the East Europe. An independent team of experts awarded Trans-Południe the prestigious Market Leader 2004 prize in the category of transport services .

• The company makes a strategic decision to build its Logistics Centre at E4 international road near Dębica.

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Investments - Logistics Centre

In 2006 with its 15.000 square meter area Logistics Centre is a great logistics base. During the next two years the Logistics Centre area is expected to increases by 15.000 to 45.000 square meter.Its total area is 6 hectares. The high storage warehouse area in Logistics Centre exceeds 15.000 square meter. Centre has at its disposal 24.000 pcs, 14 cross docks where loading services are provided and 2 docks - “0” level. What’s more: 7 shelving’s levels, A – magazine class, office spaces. The construction of the company’s Logistics Centre in Podgrodzie was completed by Q2 of 2006. The project cost over PLN 24 million. What’s more, in the near vicinity of the Logistics Centre (also at E4 international road), the company intends to build a huge complex consisting of car services, petrol station, tacho station, carwash, car diagnostic services, supermarket, motel and Mercedes saloon.

The secrets of success

The Company’s main strategic potential is extensive logistics services. TransPołudnie specializes in transportation, forwarding and distribution. With its three warehouses in Dębica and Straszczecin, the company also offers storage

and warehousing services. Trans- Południe means high standard and organized work. Communication, openness and reliability have largely contributed to the success as well. Trans-Południe relations, service adjustment to unique operations of different Customers and a prompt response to non-standard Customer’s needs. The guarantee of the company’s success are also its employees. A team of young, experienced and creative people, who offer our business partners the highest standard and quality of service. “The company’s development depends on those people” – Marek Pijar, TransPołudnie’s chairman says.” At the moment the company hires 515 employees” – says Pijar chairman.

Scania, Renault, Iveco and 200 permanently cooperating carries. In business operations, Trans-Południe uses satellite-based GPS navigation system as well as ERP and SAP Business One IT systems. SAP information system communicates with NAVI satellite navigation system, which means that cars are under observation. The company also

Equipment and Innovation

Trans-Poludnie’s fleet in amounted to 150 vehicles in 2006. Now it is 360 cars, but according to the Company’s establishment, next year the number will reach 460. Fleet catalogue: standard trailer, big volume, medium and small version, medium truck 6,5t, medium truck 5t, small truck 3,5t, small truck 1,5t. Trans-Poludnie offers over 200 various-size company operated vehicles - Mercedes, Volvo, Manufacturing-Journal 57

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been in line with environmentallyfriendly policy assumptions. Care for the environment is primarily reflected by using only those vehicles that meet the most stringent environmental standards. Transport planning is conducted by optimizing all respective parameters, with consideration of any environmental effects, and monitoring all activities in this regard. In January 2005, Trans-Południe implemented the ISO 14001 standard proving compliance with environmental protection requirements.

has a professional computer system called QGUAR which manages the Company’s magazines.

“Numerical” development/ Development is still in progress

The dynamic development strategy implemented the beginning of 2006 has been reflected in Trans-Południe’s financial figures. After over ten years of market presence, the company recorded highest revenue in history; reaching PLN 85 million . The company’s turnover is approx. PLN 105 million. The income projection for this year amounts to PLN 4 million . In 2008 the Company wants to maintain fast pace of growth and obtain new customers.

Year Dunlop Tires Polska, Coca-Cola HBC Polska, Kronopol, Südzucker Polska, Owens Illinois Polska, Can-Pack, Zelmer, Handlopex, Regamet, Celsa, DS Smith, Frito Lay Poland, Mercury Market and many others. “ We carry for the best” – is the Company’s motto.

Eco friendly Company

Since the very beginning, the Company’s development and all new initiatives have


Trans-Południe is a very dynamic company which takes up new market challenges. For this reason, in order to remain one of the leading logistics operators, it cooperates with other companies, ensuring relations based on trust and equality of all business partners. The Company looks forward to strategic partnership relations as well as participatione in new logistics and transport related projects. Among the company’s main customers are: T.C. Dębica and Good 58 Manufacturing-Journal

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Looking ahead: plans, investment, perspectives

The company’s commitment to environmental issues is confirmed by support and financial aid to organizations involved in environmental protection programmes. A wind power plant is an examole. So called wind farm will generate electric power which fully fulfils the company’s electrical needs. The company’s next investment is to build another Logistics centre. This one will be situated near Niepołomice/Małopolska. “There is a no such complex in this region”, – says Pijar. The Company is also interested in further conquering of the Polish market: In the next 5 years they would like to appear in Wielkopolska and on the North-Western Polish market (Zachodniopomorskie province).

Trans-Południe SA

We are proud of…

…distinctive vehicles fleet, Logistics Centre in Podgrodzie, experienced and our work team which constantly improves their qualifications. Beside, we appreciate the fact; that we cooperate with so many prestigious companies. “The thing we will be mostly proud of is still ahead of us “– says Pijar.

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2008-03-04 19:37:23

Ukrainian stairway to heaven Always the Man was guided by the desire to explore the unknown, to broaden his possibilities, to fly in the sky like a bird.


lways the Man was guided by the desire to explore the unknown, to broaden his possibilities, to fly in the sky like a bird. State Enterprise Kyiv Aviation Plant “Aviant” for many years enables people to touch a piece of heaven. Oleksander D.Donets, company’s general director tells our reporter, Natalia Tokarska, a history of the biggest aviation plant in Ukraine, and one of the most important and famous in USSR, he tells about AVIANT’s way to success. State Enterprise Kyiv Aviation Plant “Aviant” was founded in 1920. Within a short period of time the facilities covered the way from refitting aircraft to series production of vehicles. What is characteristic for AVIANT is availability of almost every kind of production necessary for all-cycle manufacturing and testing aircraft of different

classes and purposes. Such a success happens quite rarely in european countries. The AVIANT facilities cover a great working area, the company has a set of specialized and multi-purpose equipment to produce aircraft details, auxiliaries and tools; it also possesses a system of preparing series production. All these enable mastering manufacture of various types of airplanes.

Production.... Since 1982 the company has been realizing the production program of a multi-purpose transport aircraft An-32, that had a particular success in Indian climate. The vehicle is manufactured in the transport (An-32B) and water bomber (AN-32P) variants. In total, 361 airplanes of the type have been already built. There were many dangerous and tragical fires

in Europe last summer, and “Aviant” airplanes helped to extinguish them. Actually, they had so many orders, that they hardly managed to produce the amount needed. Nowadays the enterprise is updating the vehicle by means of raising carrying capacity, range and the engine service life, as well as by reducing the crew size. Besides continuing manufacture of the An-32, the AVIANT collective connect their plans with mastering and series production of An-148s, An-70s, Tu-334s and An-3s, as well as with debugging of the An-124 by converting it into the civil variant An-124-100. The An-148 is designed to carry up to 70 passengers at the range from 2,000 through 11,000 km at the speed of 850 kph. On December 17, 2004 the An-148 made its maiden flight, and now it is success-

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fully passing certification tests. The company will realize the series launch of a batch of five aircraft. The An-70 is a unique military transport aircraft with no analogues. It ensures carriage of almost every type of armament and defense technology weighing 30-47t at the range correspondingly 5000-1350 km at the speed of 750-800 kph, as well as equipment landing and troops parachuting from high and low altitudes. Depending on the way of use, the An-70 can take off both from paved runway with the length of 1800 km and unpaved landing strips with the length of 600-900 km. The Tu-334 baseline model, the Tu-334100 is designed to carry 102 passengers in the economy class at the range of 3150 km at the speed of 820 kph. On December 30, 2003 the Tu-334-100 received a type certificate. The company in cooperation with Russian enterprises began series production of the first five airplanes.

Of course, it’s particularly rewarding to have permanents costumers, and such a costumer for AVIANT is for example the Ukrainian Defense Ministry. Presently AVIANT is fulfilling its contract with the Ukrainian Defense Ministry for delivery of five first An-70s. To some extend, the financing of them entered the State budget for 2004. AVIANT has many commercial costumers as well, and welcomes all potential partners and customers to mutually beneficial cooperation.

Prizes... The company is proud of receiving many proofs of trust and appreciation. In 1970 AVIANT was awarded Order of Labour Red Banner for success in aircraft manufacture, and in USSR to receive such a prize was a real honour.

The more costumers, the bigger renown.... For the time being, the company export about 50% of its production, mostly to United Arab Emirates and Russia. Majority of their clients associate us with very famous in USSR company “Antonov”. But they have worked hard to make every potential client aprecciate them for what they do now as well. A trade-mark AVIANT achieved renown among its costumers. Manufacturing-Journal 61

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In 1980 AVIANT won the International prize “Gold Mercury” as recognition of its contribution to manufacture and international cooperation. In 1996 the company received approval certificate for production of the An-32B and An-32P.

“Heavenly” bright future of AVIANT AVIANT has every reason to have optimistic plans for its future. For the last few years the company has been raising scope of production, and there are grounds to expect this tendency to continue. AVIANT is consequently

gaining european indicators, is a open to learn new theories, to implement them, to put them into practice. Company cooperates with many foreign markets, such as asian and arabic countries, United Arab Emirates for example. They are interested in its An-148, so the cooperation will be fruitful. Most of all, company is pleased because of the ukrainian government’s understanding and willingness to cooperate. AVIANT also wants to cooperate with russian market, which developes very quickly as well. Apart of that, company would like to draw a youth’s attention to such type of profession, nowodays they found attractive only a metier of lawyer, or economist, and AVIANT wants to show them that working with planes can be amazing walk of life. 62 Manufacturing-Journal

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2008-03-04 19:38:21


International Trade Shows in Central and Eastern Europe - April 2008 Poland: Katowice International Fair ECODOM International Fair of Measurement and Economy of Heat and Sources of Energy. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Katowice International Fair INTERECO International Ecological Fair. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Katowice International Fair TARGBUD International Building Fair More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Poznan International Fair DREMA International Trade Fair of Woodworking Machines and Tools. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Poznan International Fair INSTALACJE International Trade Fair for Installations and Equipment. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Poznan International Fair SAWO International Fair of Work Protection, Rescue and Fire Fighting Equipment. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

Russia: Mos Build MosBuild is Russia’s largest and arguably best known trade event that comprises 25 individual exhibitions in 6 main categories that cover the entire spectrum of products and services within the building and interiors industry. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Crocus Expo MIBS Moscow International Boat & Yacht Show. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this

web site: Crocus Expo MINING WORLD RUSSIA International Exhibition on Supplying, Servicing and Operating in Mining and Processing of Metals and Minerals. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Expocentr’ Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds INTERNATIONAL PIPELINE FORUM MOSCOW Specialised Exhibition for Pipeline Construction, Operation and Maintenance. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Expocentr’ Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds PIVOVAR (BREWER) International specialized Exhibition for the Brewing Industry in Russia. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Expocentr’ Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds

Ukraine: Kiev International Exhibition Center BUILDING UKRAINE International Specialized Construction, Architecture and Building Materials Exhibition More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Kiev International Exhibition Center MACHINE-BUILDING International Machines, Technologies, and Instruments Exhibition More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: KievExpoPlaza Exhibition Center ELCOM UKRAINE International Energy, Electrical Engineering and Electronics Trade Fair More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

Manufacturing-Journal 63

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2008-03-04 19:39:19


Czech Republic:

Klaipeda Exhibition Centre

Brno Exhibition Centre

INDIVIDUAL HOUSE BUILDING International Exhibition of the Building Industry More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

IBF International Building Fair More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Brno Exhibition Centre

Lithuanian Exhibition Centre (Litexpo)

TECHAGRO International Fair of Agricultural Technology More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

TRANSBALTICA International exhibition and International Conference “Modernization of Transport Systems” More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

Slovakia: Exhibition Hall – Tents

Latvia: Riga International Exhibition Centre RIGA INTERNATIONAL MOTOR SHOW International Automobile Exhibition in Riga. An International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) Calendar event. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Riga International Exhibition Centre RIGAAGRO International Exhibition for Agricultural Production and Rural Infrastructure. Agricultural, stock farming, horticultural, fish farming equipment and technologies. Rural infrastructure. Rural production management, novelties and consultations... More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

Estonia: Estonian Fairs Centre ESTBUILD International Building Fair More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Estonian Fairs Centre

FOR ARCH SLOVAKIA International Building Fair More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

Bratislava Exhibition Ground C.S.I.L. CAR SUBSUPPLIERS INDUSTRY International Fair of Producers and Subsuppliers for the Car Industry and Logistics More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

Hungary: Budapest Fair Centre CONSTRUMA International Construction Industry Trade Fair More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: Budapest Fair Centre RENEXPO CENTRAL AND SOUTH-EAST EUROPE International Fair and Conference on the Topics Renewable Energies and Energy-Efficiency More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

64 Manufacturing-Journal

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2008-03-04 19:39:22

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