Manufacturing-Journal vol. 2/4-2009

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Manufacturing Journal Volume 2/4 - 2009



The World of Business


The answer to allergy

Good strategy and tradition

Construction, export and production


page 70

page 59

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2009-03-11 12:14:00

Manufacturing Journal


Covers All sides of International business

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2009-03-11 12:14:03

PRELUDE World business in recession tips to consider:


he world is experiencing its worst economic dip in more than a decade. After a long run of sunny days, the storm has finally caught up with us and business opportunities all around the world are dwindling. When a recession hits, the first to feel the heat are small businesses and businesses that have just started. Vulnerable businesses such as these experience a sudden drying up of all new business opportunities. Worse, many existing businesses close shop or move elsewhere. Increasing expenses, retention headaches and falling sales nag at bottom lines. The fight for survival becomes all-consuming, driving many to bankruptcy and devastation. To prevent this, it is imperative that you make some plans to recession-proof your business, particularly when the going is tough. Here are some ways in which you can preserve sufficient business opportunities even when the businesses near you are dying out. Strategize: The first thing to do is to get to the drawing board. Make a business plan on what needs to be done to boost your revenues. See where you are spending more than you can afford. Cut costs where you can. Revise existing work policies. In shorten, tighten your belt! Client satisfaction: During difficult times when your clients are feeling the pinch, it is only right to extend the red carpet treatment. Give them attractive discounts or send them a small gift, if you can. Give them a reason to remember why they selected your services. But, that alone is not enough. Qualified leads: To keep your business opportunities from drying up, it is important to find new clients. You need to exercise several methods of prospecting for new clients and generate qu-

alified business leads. Sales leads are the lifeline of any business. The more qualified leads you have, the better your chances of clinching a deal. So while your competition is nursing their recession-ridden wounds, you should start aggressive marketing. Get in touch with new clients through online business communities, business fairs and meetings. Connect with the right people and your business opportunities will grow automatically. Remember, even during the worst of times, there are people who need your services. You just need to find them. Get technology savvy: When business is drying up, you need to do everything to meet your current business milestones. There is no better way to start than technology. Use software that reduces your workload and decreases your expenses. Get your website up on the net. Consolidate your identity through Blogs and forums. If you are into selling something, build a comprehensive and well-structured online catalog that makes it easy for customers to buy from you. The above techniques will help you protect your business opportunities during the best and worst of times. Having said that, it is important to remember that almost all businesses will face some hardships when the economic climate is hostile. At such times, it is up to you to take maximum advantage of the spare time you have. This is the best time to sharpen your skills and build new ones. This will definitely pay off in the long run.


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2009-03-11 12:14:06

Managing Director Patryk T. Zborowski Editor Patryk T. Zborowski Profile Writers Agnieszka Rutkowska Aleksandra Strojek Anna Woszczyk Paulina Siayor Marcin Zimny

Contents: 1 2 4 12

Prelude Contents News Country profile

Cosmetics & Packaging Industry:

Art Director Wojciech Kosmowski Project Managers Agnieszka Bechta Katarzyna Marciniec Agata Nowak Administration Wioletta Adamczyk

Z-MEDIA Dietla Street 11/11 31-059 Cracow Poland e-mail: advertising: phone number 1: 0048 12 4337115 phone number 2: 0048 12 4337065 phone number 3: 0048 12 4337066 fax number: 0048 12 4337116

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Joanna Nivea Polska Dermika Oceanic Kalina Cosmetics Heinz Glas

Š Manufacturing Journal 2008 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form for any purpose, other than short sections for the purpose of review, without prior consent of the publisher.

2 Manufacturing-Journal

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2009-03-11 12:14:08

CONTENTS Construction, Automotive & Marine Industry: Volkswagen Poznań Minsk Tractor Works Renault Keiper Polska Mosty Łódź Grupa Broen Unibep Baltic Container Terminal Yantar

37 40 43 47 51 55 59 63 66

Furniture, Forest Products, Food & Beverage Industry:

From the cover: The answer to allergy page 25

Construction, export and production page 59

Lambertz Polonia 70 TK Trade 73 Flair Poland 76 Mebelplast 79 Andrewex 83

Good strategy and tradition page 70

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2009-03-11 12:14:10

NEWS BASF shows automotive expertise with LAMPO Münster/Geneva. Lightning is expected to strike at the 79th International Motor Show in Geneva – but only figuratively speaking. LAMPO – „lightning” – is the name of the environmentally friendly sports car prototype that is certain to attract a lot of attention at the famous automobile trade fair from March 5 to 15. LAMPO is an ambitious project on which BASF, its coatings subsidiary BASF Coatings, and the Swiss company Protoscar have worked hand in hand. With a range of 200 kilometers and a horsepower of 268 (200 kilowatts), LAMPO wants to convince even skeptics that modern electrical vehicles can be high-powered, but fun to drive. LAMPO obtains its power from a lithium ion battery pack with a capacity of 33,6 kilowatt hours. The engines of the open two-seater are designed in such a way that energy is recovered every time the brakes are applied. Visitors will be able to marvel at the premium electric car LAMPO at Booth 5141 in Hall 5 of the „e’mobile” association. The car will also be test run in May when it takes part in the “EVS 24 Viking Rally” for electric cars between Oslo and Stavanger in Norway. The automobile design firm Protoscar in Ticino developed the electric car in the form of a convertible. BASF Coatings created the appropriate color selection for LAMPO. This selection by BASF color designer Eva Hoefli not only ideally fits the form of the car, but also colorfully establishes the connection between the electric car and the aspect of nature. The beholder immediately notices the light/dark contrast. A fascinating light silver with a bluish-green effect and a glossy finish evoke a bright yet cool impression. As a contrast, add-on parts were in turn coated in a brown color with a bronze effect and a matt clearcoat, creating warm, captivating elements in the overall color design that do not contradict the rather cold finish of the body, but instead are in perfect harmony with it.

Procter & Gamble Selected as one of the „Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations” The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE:PG) today announced that it has been selected as one of the “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” for 2009 by Corporate Knights Inc. and Innovest Strategic Value Advisors Inc. The Global 100 is awarded based on how effectively corporations manage environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities, relative to their industry peers. The distinction was announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos this month as part of a roundtable discussion on how to further sustainability goals amidst the current economic environment. This is the first time P&G has received this award, the result of its diligent efforts with key stakeholders, employees and customers to further its global sustainability progress. In 2008 alone, P&G reduced water consumption by seven percent, energy usage by six percent and CO 2 emissions by eight percent. Through its commitment to social responsibility, P&G also invested in improving the lives of more than 60 million children in need and in 2008 delivered 430 million liters of clean drinking water around the world. These and other sustainability initiatives are detailed in P&G’s latest sustainability report titled “Designed to Innovate … Sustainably.” “We’ve made excellent progress in improving the environmental profile of our products and operations, and improving lives around the world,” said Len Sauers, vice president of global sustainability. “Our comprehensive approach to sustainability is a testament to our innovation, and has allowed us to not only have an impact in the short-term but to also embolden our efforts for the years to come.” Launched in 2005, the annual Global 100 is unveiled each year at the World Economic Forum in Davos and through and Corporate Knights magazine in June. The list was established to highlight the most sustainable companies in the world who successfully tackle key social and environmental factors they face in everyday operations. 4 Manufacturing-Journal

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2009-03-11 12:14:12

NEWS The ENFLEX Unwinding technology saves costs and enhances productivity of its packaging. The unwinding of the film in the ENFLEX machines is one of the main identity characteristics of the brand, as well as one of the main outstanding elements in regards to the machines of the competitors. The main feature of the unwinding process, applied both on the stand up machines as on the flat pouch ones, is the processing of the film by eliminating any type of tension. Working with the film without any tension means all kinds of advantages in the initial process of packaging. The machines that work with the film under tension must use complicated attachments to induce safety, photocells, shaping triangles, compensators, etc, all these elements make the process more expensive and complicated. On the other hand, when working with film without tension, ENFLEX achieves perfect mobility, position and preparation of the film as it packs in a simple mechanical way, avoiding faults as the “curling” or the return of the film. Furthermore, when working with film without tension, we correct the errors on those reels that bear a higher tension on one side that on the other. As it pulls the film without applying tension, the machine corrects completely the difference of tension of the reels and, at the same time, some guides position it for the correct shaping of the package. Heavy loads on the machine and its components are also avoided; the film needs to generate less strength for its mobility within the initial packaging process, avoiding thus a possible stress on the components and processes of the machine. This way, an important saving on the machine’s maintenance and its components is achieved. Another advantage of the system is produced on the small machines in which the contents is introduced while the package is being made, as for example in ENFLEX F-11 model. As there is no tension, a higher capacity of the pouches is achieved. The R+D+i department at ENFLEX keep thinking on solutions to improve the process and currently, a motorized system for unwinding the reels has been tested satisfactorily. which shortly, will substitute the clutch mechanical system that used to be applied on ENFLEX Doypack machines.

AB”Vakarų laivų gamykla” completed the construction of 1A iceclass Föglö ferry AB „Vakarų laivų gamykla” (VLG) daughter company UAB „Vakarų laivų statykla” (VLS) completed the order of

the ice-class passenger ferry construction for the Åland Islands‘ Government. Car and passenger ferry built to „turn-thekey” will be launched within the next few days, for further accomplishing works to be carried out. The project value, which execution VLG and other group companies were involved, made 30 million LTL. Ferry, to serve in the freezing part of the Baltic Sea, length – 65,4 m, width – 13 m. According to Finnish ship design company ILS Oy general director Jyrki Lechtoneno, this ship is the new generation ferry for three reasons: the developed speed (13.5 knots, i.e 26 km/hr.) in the high seas , 1A ice-class and low draft. „Ferry has to be fast and be able to chop ice, because it is one of the biggest problems in the Åland archipelago”, – said Mr. J. Lechtoneno. The vessel will be issued the „green pass-

port”, confirming the ship’s production within environment preserving conditions, as well as the safe ship’s utilization upon the expiration of her life period. The Åland Islands‘ Government representatives said that the new ferry has to be able to work within much efforts demanding conditions, because of its route between Degerby and Svino intersects a major ferry route between Turku and Stockholm. Large ferry sailing through ice throws ice walls on each side of the wake, so Föglö new ferry will have to overcome such barriers of ice. ”The Åland ferry was raised high requirements, thus many tests will be carried out. During the test series, which will last for several months next winter under ice conditions of the Baltic Sea, ship‘s hull and propulsion machinery response to ice impact measurements will be taken” – said VLG Publicity and Communications manager Žydrūnas Stasytis. „Moreover, this is the first ferry within the Baltic region, installed in accordance with the European Union directives, providing the necessity to serve the disabled people.” Manufacturing-Journal 5

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2009-03-11 12:14:14

NEWS Honda Accord Achieves Top Euro NCAP Overall Safety Rating The Honda Accord has been re-assessed as one of the safest cars according to the new independent crash testing results from Euro NCAP. Euro NCAP has developed a new rating scheme which focuses on the vehicle’s overall safety performance, and has awarded the Accord 5-stars. This replaces the previous rating system, where the Accord had a 5 star adult occupant, 4 star child occupant and 3 star pedestrian protection scores. The new rating scheme uses a weighted score, combining many aspects of a car’s safety performance: adult (50%), child (20%) and pedestrian (20%) protection assessment results with the availability of safety assistance devices (10%). A minimum score of 70% overall is necessary to achieve a 5-star rating. To qualify for inclusion, the safety assistance devices (VSA for Honda) must be fitted, as standard across 85% of the EU 27 2009 model range. The Euro NCAP 5 star Honda Accord is a top performer in this new overall EuroNCAP vehicle safety rating system with an overall weighted score of 78% and will be the main focus of a Honda safety exhibit at the 2009 Geneva Motor Show.

Unilever launches ice cream business in Romania

Samas sells real estate, further reduces debt and intends to sell Erco Interieurbouw Samas N.V. (Samas) announced the sale and lease back of its property in Tilburg (the Netherlands). The net cash proceeds of approximately € 7 million will mainly be used to reduce debt. With this debt repayment Samas is operating within its contractual repayment obligations. In addition, Samas announced that it has signed a letter of intent to divest Erco Interieurbouw (Valkenswaard, the Netherlands) by means of a management buy-in. This transaction enables Samas and Erco to continue the current commercial cooperation. At the same time Erco, which produces wood-finished interiors and has an annual turnover of approximately € 8 million, will be able to develop a more independent path to realize the required rate of return in the long run. The divestment is approximately cash neutral and further lowers Samas’ cost base. As indicated earlier, Samas has a tight financial household and as such debt reduction, cost control and a smaller and more focused Samas remain clear focal points. Following the successful sale and lease back of its production facility in Tilburg, Samas will seek additional opportunities for similar transactions. Sale and leaseback transactions are one of the announced means to realize Samas’ objective to strengthen its balance sheet and put itself in a better position to face current adverse global economic conditions. As earlier announced the company continues to explore possibilities for the spin-off of its Swiss business (SITAG). Although some serious discussions take place with interested third parties, no indication of the outcome can be given at this point in time. Samas will continue to focus on meeting debt service requirements. Following constructive discussions agreement has been reached with its lending banks on covenants until mid 2009.

Unilever best-sellers to be available this summer. Napoca to enter Unilever portfolio. Bucharest, February 24th, 2009 – As part of its growth strategy in South Central Europe, Unilever has announced plans to launch an ice cream business in Romania. For the first time, some of the best-selling global ice cream brands, including Magnum and Carte d’Or, will be widely available throughout the country. In a related decision, Unilever has agreed to acquire the iconic Romanian ice cream brand Napoca, which was made available by its current owners last year, for an undisclosed amount. The acquisition is subject to approval from the Romanian Competition Council, a procedure which is expected to be finalised within the next three to four months.In addition to Magnum and Carte d’Or, the product portfolio will include Cornetto, Vienetta and Big Milk as well as Napoca brands, once the acquisition is completed. Unilever will market its ice cream products under the Algida name, the trademark used in Italy, the country which many Europeans regard as the home of top quality ice cream. Unilever has already been in talks with a number of retailers, and plans to begin deliveries in March.

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2009-03-11 12:14:16

NEWS New Drive Systems for Electric Cars

Coca-Cola shrugs of the economic slowdown GM Europe and the Opel Supervisory Board have approved a long-term plan for viability that will be submitted to government representatives in the coming days. The confidential comprehensive document includes a funding request for €3.3 billion in government support (German and other governments), €3 billion in support from GM and $1.2 billion in structural cost reductions. Through the restructuring and using conservative market assumptions, GM Europe/Opel would become profitable by 2011. GM is working with representatives of the German government to answer questions and provide additional information that may be required to move the funding process forward. “The discussion with governments is being driven by the exceptionally weak economic situation that has seriously eroded consumer demand for vehicles and shut-out the availability of credit for financing operations,” said GM Europe President Carl-Peter Forster. “We’re moving to restructure our business with as minimal an impact on jobs as possible, but the reality is that we’re in an exceptional economic situation and the issue of plant closings must be considered. “We will work with our labor representatives to find the best way forward in mitigating the societal impact of the restructuring, but it should be made clear that we need all three parts of the plan to be viable – the structural cost reductions, government support and GM support. Anything short of this will not result in a viable operation,” he continued. GM Europe remains open to discussions on partnerships, equity positions or other alignments that will strengthen the relative position of Opel/GM. Opel remains an integral and important part of GM’s global operations and will continue as such in the future.

Siemens Corporate Technology supplied the drive systems for the prototypes of two electric cars that are being presented at the Geneva Motor Show from March 5-15. For each of two automotive firms, the Swiss concept car manufacturer Rinspeed and the German company RUF Automobile GmbH, the research team developed an integrated system consisting of a motor/generator, power electronics and an interface with a battery connection. This research is taking place within the framework of an overarching objective, namely, the exploration by Siemens Corporate Technology of the opportunities and challenges associated with a comprehensive concept of electromobility and its value-added chain.The Electric RUF 911 of Alois Ruf, a manufacturer of high-performance cars based in Pfaffenhausen, contains a preliminary version of the innovative electric drive concept of Siemens Corporate Technology. The prototype has a central motor with a potential capacity of 270 kilowatts (slightly less than 370 hp), a motor torque of 950 Nm and achieves an average range of approximately 200 kilometers. A later version is expected to feature a twin-motor design. Thus equipped, this eRUF will be the first electric car in the world with a bidirectional mains connection, which will allow it to be recharged in about two hours at a 400-volt electrical outlet — without the extra electrical circuitry typically required for recharging — and also permit it to feed energy back into the power grid via the same socket. The Swiss concept car manufacturer Rinspeed presented its electric car „iChange” even before the Geneva Motor Show. Beneath the hood of this sports car, which can be converted from a one-seater to a sports van by means of a flexible roof, an electric motor rated at 204 hp accelerates the 1.03-meter-high and 4.28-meter-long concept car to up to 220 kilometers per hour. It takes only 4.2 seconds to go from zero to 100 kilometers per hour. The three lithium-ion batteries can be recharged in about three hours at a conventional 230-volt electrical socket.

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2009-03-11 12:14:19

NEWS Fiat Automobiles is the European leader for CO2 emission reduction for the second year running Fiat Automobiles is one of Europe’s ten best-selling automotive brands and for the second year running confirmed the lowest average value for CO2 emissions from the vehicles sold in 2008: 133.7 g/km (137.3 g/km in 2007). The record was corroborated by JATO, a world leader in automotive advisory and research services, founded in 1984 and now operating in over 40 countries. The bottom line shows FIAT ahead of Peugeot (138.1 g/km), Citroen (142.4 g/km), Renault (142.7 g/km), Toyota (144.9 g/km), Ford (147.8 g/km), Opel/Vauxhall (151.1 g/km), Volkswagen (158.8 g/km), BMW (160.6 g/km) and Mercedes (185.0 g/km). FIAT Group is also in pole position for groups (138.4 g/km), ahead of PSA, Renault, Toyota and Hyundai. Lorenzo Sistino, managing director of FIAT Automobiles, says: “The result of this important analysis rewards FIAT’s ongoing quest for innovative solutions for reduction of polluting emissions and levels of CO2. But FIAT’s commitment has always been to the public’s real needs and won’t be stopping here. Our aim is actually to reinforce our European record in emission reduction by introducing new engines, new technologies and new applications. New engines, like those with the innovative Multiair system, which will gradually be installed in all our Group cars and will enable further reductions in consumption and emissions.New technologies, like the Start&Stop, already presented in the FIAT 500 and soon also to be seen on the range’s latest models. New applications like the ‘eco:Drive’, an innovative software developed with Microsoft, that uses a USB port from the versatile Blue&Me system to achieve analysis of the driver’s vehicle handling thus helping to optimize behaviour in terms of consumption and hence emissions: currently there are about 10,000 regular users who monitor their driving style in this way”. Worldwide FIAT is one of the automotive companies offering the best response in the battle to beat the environmental impact of transport. To achieve this crucial objective, FIAT provides tangible solutions that are available to everyone and are available now. Proof lies in the models available to the market, investments in new product development, schemes for research and sustainable mobility developed in partnership with public administrations. Nor should it be overlooked that FIAT is Europe’s leader in the production of compact vehicles, which are by definition the most eco friendly. For instance, two years ahead of others, the FIAT 500 and the FIAT Bravo both introduced Euro 5 petrol and diesel engines. What’s more, by the end of 2009, most engines in the FIAT range as a whole will be ahead of Euro 5 standards.

Volvo CE’s full year 2008 results see sales rise 5% despite negative fourth quarter

A 39% drop in the world market for construction equipment during the fourth quarter of 2008 saw sales in the period down 29%, weighing heavily on full year results. Publishing its fourth quarter and full year results, Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) has announced that it delivered 64,000 units

in 2008, a similar figure to 2007 but resulting in an increase in net sales of 5%. These full year figures came in the face of a negative fourth quarter, which saw global financial uncertainty push Volvo CE sales down 29% in the period and the total world market down by 39%.

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2009-03-11 12:14:20

NEWS Hungarian STRABAG subsidiary receives track construction order Vienna, 6 March 2009 A consortium around a Hungarian subsidiary of STRABAG SE, Central and Eastern Europe’s largest construction company, has been awarded a large-scale order worth € 183 million. Of this amount, 37.5 % is attributable to the STRABAG Group. The consortium has been charged with the modernisation and upgrade of the track and overhead lines between Tárnok und Székesfehérvár, Hungary. The order also includes the planning and installation of the needed safety system and of the signal and telecommunications equipment. The agreement was signed between the ordering party, NIF Zrt. (Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejleszto Zrt.), and the SZCKM-2008 consortium in March 2009. Construction work is scheduled for completion in December 2012.

Nestlé launches stateof-the-art factory and beverage distribution centre in USA Nestlé has launched its largest ready-todrink aseptic products factory in Anderson, Indiana. The state-of-the-art factory and distribution centre gives Nestlé a unique platform to leverage its nutrition, health and wellness strategy and sets the standard for future Nestlé ready-to-drink factories worldwide. Present at today’s official launch were Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Anderson Mayor Kris Ockomon, Nestlé CEO Paul Bulcke, and Nestlé USA Chairman and CEO Brad Alford.The Anderson facility, at 880,000

sq. ft. (almost 82,000m2), covers an area the size of over 300 tennis courts and is dedicated to meet growing consumer demand of Nestlé Nesquik Ready-to-Drink and Nestlé Coffee-Mate Liquid products in the USA. It will become Nestlé’s centre for healthy beverages in the USA and allow the Company to create and develop new and innovative beverage products. The Anderson factory has applied for LEED certification, which means that the facility meets a suite of standards for environmentally sustainable construction as determined by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). It also has improved recyclability of resin packaging, a wastewater recovery system for reuse in cooling towers, and uses lowemission natural gas boilers. Between August 2006 and June 2008, Nestlé invested USD 359 million to construct the factory and distribution centre, the Company’s largest single capital investment in its history. Last August, the company announced it will invest USD 170 million to expand the facility to more than 1 million sq. ft. (over 92,000m2) by 2011. In total, over 500 jobs will have been created in Anderson by 2011.

HOCHTIEF Construction extends Frankfurt skyline with Tower 185 New tower will be one of Germany’s tallest buildings - HOCHTIEF Construction to complete shell structure for EUR 60m. HOCHTIEF Construction has been contracted by property developer Vivico to erect one of the tallest buildings in Germany. In a project worth EUR 60 million, the company will be responsible for the shell structure of the 185-meter-tall Tower 185 in Frankfurt, to be situated between the trade fair grounds, the Central Station and the city’s banking district. Tower 185 will add another spectacular icon to the Frankfurt skyline. The building will have a horseshoe-shaped base topped by two highrise sections enclosing an oval central section. Together, these form the actual tower. The complex, with a rental area of around 100,000 square meters, will provide business and conference rooms, together with retail and catering outlets. The HOCHTIEF unit Shell and Industrial Construction will begin work on the 50-story tower in March this year and complete it in the spring of 2011. In the past 18 years, HOCHTIEF has been responsible for the construction of Germany’s tallest buildings, all of them in Frankfurt. They include the city’s Messeturm in 1991, the Westend Tower in 1993, the Maintower in 1999, and the Commerzbank Tower in 1997.

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2009-03-11 12:14:22


ABB wins power orders to help improve energy efficiency for steel plants in the Gulf Region SVC Light® FACTS systems to help stabilize metallurgical processes and maintain power quality. Zurich, Switzerland, Mar.3, 2009 – ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has received orders of around $16

Landliebe delivers sustainability initiative to general public Since the autumn of 2008, Landliebe milk has been sourced from cows fed with traditional, non GM feed. Landliebe is German’s first national dairy brand to take this important sustainability initiative. The whole country will now be able to see the changes made on the farm and in cattle feed. In a TV advert, Landliebe farmers support the sustainability initiative. “The Landliebe brand stands for regional sourcing and authenticity”, says Michael Feller, Managing Director of FrieslandCampina Germany. “Who better than our dairy farmers to convince consumers of the sustainability of our

million to install flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) for two steel plants in the Gulf Region. The installations in Kuwait and UAE and are expected to be operational in 2010. The contract was awarded by Danieli, the Italian manufacturer of electric arc furnaces for steel manufacturing. ABB’s solution includes two SVC Light® (Static Var Compensation) installations (rating 0/+164 Mvar at 33 kV). „This solution will help enhance production through improved power quality and at the same time reduce the energy consumption needed to produce the steel” said Per Haugland, head of the Grid Systems business within ABB’s Power Systems division. Each installation will help stabilize the voltage feeding an electric arc furnace and mitigates electric disturbances emanating from the steel making process. Steel makers increase the rating of the electrical arc furnace to boost production, but are often hampered by poor and insufficient power supply. ABB’s SVC Light® technology offers reactive power compensation with special attention to weak networks with severe voltage support problems. SVC Light can be connected directly to the furnace bus without an intermediate transformer.

traditional cattle feed? Landliebe farmers feed their cows with only traditional crops, such as grass, maize and coleseed. These crops are also native to Germany. Farmers who cannot meet their needs with their own crop can buy in traditional feed from specially selected suppliers. This means that Landliebe does not have to rely on imported animal feed, thereby avoiding soya and GM crops.

Bayer: corporate strategy proves effective in a difficult environment Sales increase by 1.6 percent to EUR 32,918 million / EBITDA before special items up 2.3 percent to EUR 6,931 million / EBIT before special items up 1.3 percent to EUR 4,342 million / Net income of EUR 1,719 million (2007: EUR 4,711 million) / Further earnings growth expected at HealthCare and CropScience in 2009 / Sharp decline in earnings forecasted for MaterialScience / Significant reduction of net debt targeted

10 Manufacturing-Journal

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2009-03-11 12:14:25


Anhydro’s Contribution to Development of the Bioethanol Market in Russia You can meet Anhydro at this year’s BioEthanol 2009 conference, where we will be ‘Gold Sponsor’ for the ‘Fourth International Congress - Fuel Bioethanol 2009’. The event will be held in Moscow on April 14-15 2009. Mr. Berndt Imenkamp, IMEA Area Sales Manager / Starch & Ethanol will present a paper at this major BioEthanol event entitled: „Equipment and Process Solutions for by-products processing of 2nd Generation bioethanol”. Anhydro leading specialists will also participate in BioEthanol 2009 and be available for discussing how their company can help you and your business. Anhydro is a strategic development partner for leading ethanol producers across the globe. A partnership with Anhydro secures access to the expertise and technologies of world-class specialists in evaporation and drying of Bio-Ethanol by-products. You will find more detailed information on the BioEthanol congress on the official website of the National Russian BioFuel Association (

Opakowania PET

66-015 Przylep, ul. 9-Maja 14 Tel. +48 68 324 08 56 Fax: +48 68 324 08 59

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2009-03-11 12:14:28

COUNTRY PROFILE Monaco Full name: Principality of Monaco Population: 32,000 (UN, 2008) Capital: Monaco Area: 1.95 sq km (0.75 sq mile) Major language: French Major religion: Christianity Life expectancy: 75 years (men), 83 years (women) Monetary unit: euro Main exports: Pharmaceuticals, perfumes, clothing GNI per capita: n/a Internet domain: .mc International dialling code: +377


onaco is the second-smallest independent state in the world. It is a playground for tourists and a haven for the wealthy, the former drawn by its climate and the beauty of its setting and the latter by its advantageous tax regime. The country - a constitutional monarchy - is surrounded on three sides by France and occupies just under two square kilometres (0.75 sq mile) of the Cote d’Azur, where the Alpes Maritimes meet the Mediterranean.


Tourism drives Monaco’s economy; gamblers flock to the Place du Casino in Monte-Carlo and every May the principality hosts the Monaco Grand Prix. The country is a major banking centre and closely guards the privacy of its clients. But it has also been the focus of French concerns about its tax policy and has been accused of tolerating money-laundering - claims it strongly denies. In 2007 Monaco remained on the OECD blacklist of uncooperative tax havens, along with Andorra and Liechtenstein. Monaco does not levy income tax on its residents. The royal dynasty, the Grimaldi family, is insepara-

ble from Monaco’s existence. The royals made world headlines in 1956 when the former monarch Prince Rainier III married the American film star Grace Kelly. But the personal lives of the couple’s daughters, Caroline and Stephanie, had a less welcome press. Within the executive, the monarch nominates and is represented by a Minister of State who leads a five-member Council of Government which governs Monaco under royal authority. A 24-member National Council to which elections are held every five years exercises legislative power.


Monarch: Prince Albert II

Prince Albert took over as head of state following the death of his father, Prince Rainier, in April 2005. His swearing-in, in July, followed a three-month period of mourning. Prince Rainier was Europe’s longest-reigning monarch. He worked to reduce Monaco’s reliance on tourism and gambling by attracting business. He staunchly defended Monaco’s banking and taxation systems in the face of criticism from France. It will be for Prince Albert - who says he wants to attract high-tech industry to Monaco - to carry this work forward. The prince says he will seek to cement the idea that money-laundering in the country is a thing of the past. Prince Albert, who was 47 at the time of his father’s death, is an accomplished sportsman. His bachelorhood prompted a change to the constitution to allow the Grimaldi dynasty, which has ruled Monaco for seven centuries, to continue through the female line. Prince Albert is the 32nd ruler. He has acknowledged that he is the father of two children born out of wedlock to different mothers. Neither will have any right to succeed to the throne. Born in 1958, Prince Albert was educated in Monaco and the US.

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2009-03-11 12:14:29

HAMAR company offers: • all kinds of timber fencings • timber decorative elements • garden furniture, summer houses and pavillions • play centres for children • palisades, timber edging • carports • timber decking boards • construction timber for trussed rafters


All products can be pressure treated in green or painted in pine colour. Quality of our products ensure certificates: • FSC (timber) • KOMO (impregnation)




HAMAR A.M. Benedykcińscy S.J. 87 – 800 Włocławek Ul. Reja 12A Tel: 0048 54- 235 45 21 Fax: 0048 54- 235 45 24 Mob: 0048 600 883 320

NATUREX S.C. ul. K.Woźniaka 11A 40-389 Katowice, fax +48 032 759-14-60, tel. +48 032 759-14-59


Polipack is a family company, for over 16 years together

. .


P.P.H.U. POLIPACK s.j. 84-241 GOŚCICINO, Polska ul. Słoneczna 36 tel.:+48 (58) 572 02 02 +48 (58) 572 02 04 fax: +48 (58) 572 02 03


with employees we build our commitment in constant development of our enterprise. Specialized in production of high quality packaging plastic containers for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals products with capacity from 5 ml to 8 l. Our packaging we decorate through overprinting and feather foil on hot. We own Certificate ISO 9001:2000 We desire, that name Polipack will always be for our clients synonym of highest quality products. Manufacturing-Journal 13

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Cosmetics, Packaging Idustry 15-17



Nivea Polska






Kalina Cosmetics


Heinz Glas

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The name of beauty


ur lives are so busy that even the mere idea of spending time on ourselves sounds crazy but the truth is that we need to spend a little time on us. A little change just for ourselves can give us the energy and renewed strength we need to get through the next day. Feeling better about our appearance very often can be translated to feeling better about everything. With all the different types, not to mention brands, of styling products on the market today, it’s no wonder surfing through the shelves can be a dizzying experience. But one brand stands out and makes that task much easier. It is the polish brand JOANNA. The company which constantly is seeking new and interesting solutions to meet growing customers’ demands and is striving to maintain the confidence and trust of its satisfied clients. The company JOANNA was es-

tablished in 1982 and since then has been consistently growing and developing. In 1987 Ryszard Korczak joined the company. His enthusiasm and share capital helped to run the firm. Six years later the cosmetic laboratory was created. The best among chemists, pharmacists and dermatologists started to work on numerous innovative projects. One of their success was launching in 1995 the line of natural cosmetics based on Polish folk tradition using turnip as an elementary ingredient of the products. In 2003 the new brand of hair color named “Naturia color” was released. Just two years later the company moved to a new production plant in Mościska near Warsaw. It was the result not only of the prosperity of the company but also the consequence of its unparalleled commitment to technology, research and innovation. No wonder that JOANNA all along provides ground braking products. Manufacturing-Journal 15

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Such as its next success- bestselling hair styling beauty product “Joanna- Guma”. For all those years the company’s motto was and still remains the same: to offer high quality products at affordable prices. Cosmetic Laboratory elaborates on a number of projects. They are trying to create a home brand that understands and corresponds with needs of polish customers. JOANNA changed the cliché “cheap means bad quality” and superseded it with “the best quality for Polish price”. After 25 years of success in the production of cosmetics to hair to respond positively to the expectations of the market and JOANNA’s clients the decision has been made to extend the range of company’s beauty products. If you don’t like something about yourself, for example, your hair, think what you really want to change. Consider the steps you’ll need to take to get there. With a little help of JOANNA’s products everything is possible. Besides, the changes you make to your hair and/or yourself don’t have to be drastic ones. Change often begins with a baby step, and as long as it’s going forward, that’s what counts. Already more than a quarter century Cosmetic Laboratory JOANNA with great concern and commitment has treated hair of millions of Poles. With an attitude to continually improve the cosmetics the company presents modern approaches, technologies and packaging. JOANNA’s team is working hard to make sure that everyone can easily take care of their hair at home and focus on what their customers really need. The company is taking the honourable second place, which has

been achieved after several years of work, in the hair color category in terms of market share. A large part of the success belongs to Naturia line and color brighteners Blond. The company’s pride and joy is the line of beauty products praised in 2007 by the Uroda Beauty Expert called “Grandma’s aid kit”. It became one in a million, special product and therefore fully deserved on experts’ recognition and gained their acceptance. It was possible thanks to the combination of tradition, uniqueness of folk wisdom, back to nature and from the advertisement point of view positive emotions associated with family. JOANNA is a company characterized by a cando spirit, a relatively small management and a young and entrepreneurial atmosphere. Being a JOANNA’s team member means interesting job and career opportunities, personal development and a sense of belonging to a friendly community. JOANNA’s employees share a winning attitude and never give up. They are prepared to do what it takes to succeed. They are passionate and with no doubt love what they do, because they believe in it. They know deep down that they can make a difference. They are people who know that work together results in achieving greater goals. Thus, there is no misunderstanding between production and marketing departments. They motivate each other and know that pulling together is more rewarding than going it alone. Currently the number of employees is two hundred and sixty. The capacity of production consists of 26 millions beauty products manufactured

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The largest adhesive label producer in Poland

annually, all being made in 350 different types. All JOANNA’s products are characterised by: •

High quality comparable to western products • Excellent, innovative recipes based on natural ingredients • High comfort and convenience of application • Aesthetic and economic packages of professional graphics • New products in response to the emerging global trends The company conducts operations in a manner that demonstrates respect for the environment through the efficient use of natural resources, waste minimization, reuse and recycling practices. Moreover JOANNA meets or exceeds all environmental laws and regulations of Poland. It also continues to develop processes, practices and procedures that improve the environmental quality of its operations and its products across their life cycle, from initial design to ultimate disposal. JOANNA operates mainly on Polish market but according to 2008 year’s

results export increased about 30 per cent. The products travel to such countries as: Chech Republick, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Russia and Belorussia. Being part of that revolution in cosmetics on Polish market has been immensely rewarding to the JOANNA. Not merely in terms of financial compensation, but in the belief the company has placed in their people and customers and the belief they have held in the company. It is with a mixture of satisfaction and caution that the company look forward to the years ahead. The goal is clear – JOANNA’s target is to become the Poland’s leading direct sales cosmetics company. And last but not least it would be good to mention the company’s JOANNA culture that is based on respect for and belief in others. “Anything is possible” for people who have the power to change the


PROFIL • Street Okunin 130 05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland • Tel.: +48 22 775 63 63 Fax: +48 22 775 63 64 •

world, and those exactly people built and work in the company which not only produces the great beauty and hair care products but also supports ‘Akogo?’ Foundation. The foundation which is to create in Poland the first model clinic (15 beds) attached to the Pediatric Rehabilitation Clinic and the Neurological Clinic at the Central Hospital for Children (Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka) where most severe cases of neurological disorder are treated.

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here is probably no need to painstakingly introduce the company of NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o. as its flagship product – NIVEA crème – is undoubtedly very well known by most of us. NIVEA is a brand icon with a massive global appeal and an unparalleled success story that began in Hamburg, where NIVEA, the first-ever industrially produced oil-and-water-based cream, was launched in December 1911.

Today, NIVEA is the largest skin and beauty care brand in the world, and is available in over 200 countries. Awareness of NIVEA is virtually 100 percent in Germany, and European consumers trust it like no other skin care brand. NIVEA is the most important and valuable of all brands of the Beiersdorf AG company. The Polish branch of the international concern – NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o. – is a leader on the Polish market of beauty and skin care products.

NIVEA and Poland

Beiersdorf AG is present in Poland through the plant in Poznań, in western part of the country. The works is at the moment one of the most crucial production units at Beiersdorf AG. The company Beiersdorf AG and the brand NIVEA have been very much connected with Poland since the very grounding of the enterprise. The beginnings of the company date back to more then 125 years ago. In 1890 a Silesia born doctor, Oscar Troplowitz, purchased a chemist’s shop from a pharmacist Paul Beiersdorf in Hamburg and quickly developed it to a successfully functioning company of international scope. The first Polish branch of the enterprise was opened in 1929 in Poznań. In 1931 the first Beiersdorf beauty products were produced in the newly constructed production plant of the company. The flagship product was at the time and is also today the NIVEA crème. After the Second World War, the expropriation of

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the Beiersdorf branches and the brand NIVEA took place in many countries of the globe. The situation concerned among others Poland. The Polish branch of the enterprise, together with the rights to the brand NIVEA, became a state-owned company, which – as a conglomerate of other units – manufactured an own assortment of products and branded them NIVEA. After the economic transitions in Poland at the beginnings of the 1990ies, the German unit of Beiersdorf AG also sold its NIVEA products to the Polish customers. It brought about an untypical situation. The 1990ies witnessed sales of two NIVEA crèmes simultaneously: the international NIVEA crème and its Polish counterpart NIVEA Krem. In October 1997, after 18 months of negotiations, Beiersdorf AG managed to take over the majority of the shares of the state-owned Pollena-Lechia S.A. Interesting enough, also at the current moment the NIVEA crème is sold in Poland in two versions, identical as far as the formula of the product is concerned. The sole difference comes down to the packaging. The international version of the crème is available in blue, aluminum tin, whereas the Polish one in a traditional, blue-white, plastic package.

Products behind the


The systematic expansion of the NIVEA product range began some 20 years ago. It was a corporate strategy developed by Beiersdorf AG to resolutely respond to consumers’ changing wishes and preferences and to their growing demand for special care products. Over time, NIVEA crème developed into a large brand family with over 500 different products. Under the NIVEA brand umbrella, Beiersdorf AG introduced product lines such as NIVEA FOR MEN (since 1986), NIVEA Hair Care (1991), NIVEA DEODORANT (1991), NIVEA body (1992), NIVEA SUN (1993), NIVEA

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VISAGE (1993), NIVEA VITAL (1994), NIVEA Bath Care (1996), NIVEA BEAUTÉ (1997), and NIVEA Hand (1998). The success of NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o., especially on the Polish market, is connected with the popularity of its products in six diverse categories: NIVEA VISAGE, NIVEADEODORANT, NIVEA body and NIVEA Hand, NIVEA baby care, NIVEA lips care and NIVEA for men. What is more, Polish customers love the products of NIVEA. The NIVEA crème has been present in every Polish households for many decades. Even though it has been continually updated in line with the latest scientific developments, the essence of the recipe has changed little in almost 100 years. Every year, approximately 153 million tins are sold around the world. Except for NIVEA two other product lines are available on the Polish market: Bambino and Glicea. Both of them can be purchased only in Poland. Bambino is an acknowledged and well recognized brand of baby and child care products. The products of Bambino consist mainly of natural components and due to that reliable protect and look after the delicate skin of children and babies. A proof of that may be that Bambino products enjoy great trust of parents, doctors and pharmacist. Glicea in turn is a product line consisting of three protective hand crèmes. They meet the highest quality standards and are available in three versions: aloes, chamomile and lemon. Last but not least, in 2008 a new brand Eucerin was successfully launched on the Polish market. The process was preceded by a two-year trial period.

From Poland all over the world

In 2001 one of the most modern cosmetics plant in Europe was created in Poznań. In 2008 the manufacturing works of NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o. was expanded and at the current moment its area amounts to around 21 000 square meters. In the future around 24 000 tons of crèmes and lotions may be produced here. In the process of reorganizing the Supply Chain of Beiersdorf AG in Europe the production of many cosmetics was transferred to Poland. The manufactures are currently produced for the global cosmetics market. In fact, around 90% of crèmes and lotions manufactured in the Poznań plant serve the export purposes. Owing to that, the works supplies the markets of 34 co-

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untries in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Australia, Latin America as well as Africa. The growing demand for the products resulted in 100 new vacancies in Poznań in 2008 solely. State-of-theart technologies, machines and systems as well as the know-how of highly qualified personnel cause that each product manufactured at the Poznań plant meets the highest quality standards. The Poznań unit of Beiersdorf AG is perceived as one of the most important competence centers of the company in its European production network. Without doubt, the works will be expanded in the future.

Logistics centre

What is more, in 2007 a regional logistics centre was opened in Poznań with the purpose of servicing the northern-eastern parts of Europe. The logistics partner of Beiersdorf AG assures warehouse area for 35 000 pallets. Because of that, products from European production centers of that region are delivered to Poznań and subsequently delivered to Beiersdorf’s branches in Russia, Ukraine and company’s business partners in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The logistics centre delivers also products to customers in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Next to that, the unit is responsible for all services like planning the promotional activity and its production, special packaging and labeling of the products as well as many other ventures connected with the distribution of the manufactures.

Leadership Principle

The manufacturing process at the Poznań plant of NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o. involves more than 250 highly qualified employees out of total 534 the company employs. In order to appropriately manage its human resources, NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o. has decided to introduce a leadership concept of a Continuous Feedback Dialogue within the personnel hierarchy. Owing to that, the managers are trained to clearly communicate the expectations, targets and tasks to their teams and team members. They also must provide the right resources to the employees as well as means, tools and training to perform the tasks. Furthermore, the managers are expected to continuously monitor the progress of work and to support the em-

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ployees by coaching, teaching and giving them encouragement. At NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o. it is believed that the most effective motivator for the managers and employees is giving them freedom to act independently. Obviously, the freedom to act is based on the trust and on the confidence in the managers and employees competences, which must be build on continuously.

Social responsibility

Except for satisfying its customers, the company does its best to contribute to the local community that is it surrounded by. Due to that it has been actively involved in many social ventures. One of them is the long-term program “Safely Summer with NIVEA and WOPR”. It started in 2001, when NIVEA became a partner of the Polish organization of lifeguards and swimming instructors (WOPR). The idea was based on taking common responsibility for improving safety on Polish beaches. In 2006, 223 lifeguard towers and about 1200 lifeguards in 63 cities on the Baltic coast were involved in the program. Furthermore, the company supports children in education. NIVEA Błękitne Żagle (NIVEA Blue Sales) is a countrywide campaign, addressed to the youngest sailors, promoting sailing as the way of active and common recreation for children and their families. Since 2002 over 3000 children have been covered by this program. NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o. provides the sponsor packets (life jackets, sails, clothing) and gives funds, necessary to perfect the sailing skills, to children from the School Sailing Clubs. All the successful activities and ventures of NIVEA Polska Sp. z o.o. assure that the NIVEA crème will be further present in the Polish and foreign households and that future of the company is more than bright.

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Chairman of Dermika Company Mrs. Jolanta Zwolińska

Dermika beauty products of new generAtion Professionalism, passion and perfection are the three pillars on which Dermika builds its market position. The company specialises in face and body care. From the very beginning, the management of the company has been focusing on the highest quality, the global news and unique effectiveness of products. And despite relatively high prices this strategy works. Dermika’s beauty products sell very well and for their clients are the perfect alternative to western, selective brands. How is this accomplished? Dermika, a New Generation Cosmetics manufacturer, is a relatively young company established in 1994 in Warsaw, Poland, yet it quickly gained hearts and minds of customers and achieved stable position on the market. Since the very beginning the company mission has been to manufacture selective cosmetics for face and body care using the most advanced industry techniques, meeting the highest product quality standards. Thanks to its know-how, carefully designed and well elaborated products and constant market monitoring on each of production stages, Dermika has achieved a leading market position. The company’s products are based on most advanced biotechnology and medicine findings. Only selected and scientifically researched components are used, those with highest efficacy and lowest allergenic properties. The products are researched and dermatologically tested for efficacy before market introduction.

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Adapted to individual skin needs

The secret of a healthy and young looking skin lies in a proper skincare. Everyone’s skin is the same yet quite different. Skin has a personality just like you do, although it is made up of basic elements all skins have in common. Following world breakthroughs in cosmetology, Dermika has elaborated a skincare programme adapted to individual skin needs at various age. A wide line of carefully designed preparations for an effective skincare, prolonging skin youth and providing solutions for dilated capillaries, oily skin or excessive exfoliation skin problems. Since the very beginning, Dermika has been consequently building a Polish brand together with its consumers. Their loyalty is a result of hard work and commitment of the whole Dermika’s Team, Consultants, Sales People, Opinion makers and all those who support the firm.

Brainstorms and constructive conversations

Dermika presents teams management type, popular in Japan, where a specific team is responsible for various

projects. Jolanta Zwolinska, the company’s president does not belong to the head-dictators, who run the company in an authoritarian way, she prefers the brainstorming sessions and constructive conversations based on scientific facts instead. These are, as she explains, the keys to Dermika’s success.

The team

The team of the outstanding dermatologists, biotechnologists and pharmacists elaborates on the finest formulas which surely satisfy individual needs. In strive for perfection, Dermika has established a cooperation with scientific institutes - Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw Medical Academy, Cosmetology and Healthcare Academy, cosmetological schools.


with our specialist

One of the milestones in Dermika’s relatively short history was launching the cooperation with a well-known professor of plastic surgery at the University of California USA Dr Bernard DeBerry, which resulted in creation of the successful anti-wrinkle program 3D Lift Therapy, based on the concept

of non-invasive wrinkles filling. Thus, no wonder that the amount of work spent on every product elaboration is rewarded by Dermika’s customers satisfaction.

Dermika‘s quality

The manufacturing process meets highest hygienic standards. Every production stage is monitored by experienced biotechnologists. Every production batch is physically and microbiologically tested before market delivery. Products meet highest European Union and WHO standards and have GOST certificates. Dermika products’high efficacy and quality are proven by over 50 prestigious awards and over 30 trademarks. The rewards were granted by professionals, economic bodies and consumers. Beauty Premium, HIT OF SALON Beauty Expert, Professionalissimus, and a series of awards received from the prestigious women’s magazines: The best for the beautyUroda, Excellence of the Year - TWÓJ STYL, Prix de Beaute- COSMOPOLITAN. Dermika belongs also to Business Gazelles a prestigious award

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Sampling Solutions Worldwide®

The Contract Packing leader for cosmetic producers • • • • • • • •

Sachets Doypacks Mini bottles Airless Roll-ons Jars Flowpacks Copacking

• • • • • •

Reactivity and flexibility Full service (raw material purchase, artwork development) R&D Department to study each project individually Micro checks done on site Quality Control system adapted to customer requirements Local and international logistics



Socopol Sp. z o.o. ul. Księcia Ziemowita 59, 03-885 Warszawa Poland tel. +48 22 518 38 64 fax. +48 22 518 38 92

Manufacturing Journal

We will surprise you !!!

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for companies with financial success and constant development trend. High Dermika products quality is also proven by three Business Centre Club European Medals and President of the Republic of Poland Economic award nomination.

Dermika on international markets

The company has been reaching international markets for a couple of years now. Numerous Fairs and exhibitions participation are further building brand on international markets. Dermika is cooperating with US, Canadian, Russian, Norwegian, Swedish and German market.

Dermika Salon & Spa

Currently, most of the company’s attention and efforts is put onto the development of the spa and beauty salons, where Dermika can offer more than 100 its professional prod-

ucts. Only in 2008 we improved the design, packaging and advertising materials, and the company’s offer was expanded by more than 30 beauty products and 8 professional body care treatments. Dermika’s skilled employees keep providing detailed training for beauticians and massagists from all over Poland and abroad. Dermika works with more than 1,000 cosmetic cabinets in the country and abroad.

research, which showed that cosmetics can rejuvenate some of the parameters of skin up to 20 years! Skin is a wonderful, living, breathing organ that never stops changing, growing or needing your attention and help to be beautiful. And Dermika is the company which keeps a close watch to all those changes, making its best to help you look healthy and beatiful.

Great looking skin is a wonderful thing to have because it is right there, hard to hide. The effectiveness of Dermika’s products is based on the most innovative ingredients and technologies. Only this way the company managed to get the record results of reducing the symptoms of aging skin in the form of reducing the wrinkles and increasing resilience by more than 50 percent. Recently Dermika has introduced a series designed specially for women 50+, very modern

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2009-03-11 12:19:54

The answer to allergy H

ave you got an itchy throat, nose, any roof of the mouth, are you sneezing or your nose is runny? Your eyes are itchy, watery or red not only after sleepless nights? How often have you got a congestion? Similar symptoms have colds so most of the time probably you just ignore them, hoping that the pain killers or aspirin will help. But there are some telltale signs that can help you differentiate between cold and allergy. And these are the symptoms of allergy.

Dorota Soszyńska- OCEANIC co-owner

Thirty per cent of human population worldwide suffers form various allergic diseases. This phenomenon has accelerated at the end of the 80s and beginning of 90s. Risk factors for allergy can be various. To begin with heredity, sex, icluding race and age, not to mention environmental factors such as alterations in exposure to infectious diseases during early childhood, environmental pollution, allergen levels, and dietary changes. No wonder that contemporary scientific research still confirms disturbingly high increase in the number of allergy sufferers. In order to meet

this global challenge, Polish company OCEANIC has developed a range of antiallergenic AA cosmetics, supported by state-of-the-art medical and cosmetic research. Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Laboratory OCEANIC is one of the leaders of Polish cosmetics market and for 27 years has specialised in production of the best quality AA antiallergenic cosmetics. The company’s mission is to help people with sensitive and allergy-prone skin through creating safe, effective and modern cosmetics that will help them to live normal life with no allergy ailments. Thanks to many years of experience, professional attitude and innovative approach to manufacturing of skin care products, AA has become the best-known and best-valued brand of antiallergenic cosmetics in Poland. Market analysis and the company’s independant research show that people who use AA cosmetics are not only those with sensitive and allergy-prone skin but also those who have no such skin problems. What makes them use OCEANIC products is not only their fear of allergies but also their confidence and trust in AA brand. Manufacturing-Journal 25

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The most recognisable and praised by its satisfied users brands are: • AA Prestige- exclusive, thechnologically advanced cosmetics line for face and body care designed for individual needs, depending on its conditions and age. The brand ambasador of this line is well-known singer Kayah. She is the source of inspiration for many generations thanks to her vision, engagement and talent. • AA Prestige Institute- skin professional program designed for beauty salons. It combines the effectiveness of cosmetic preparations and safety of use. • AA Cosmetics- modern, effective and safe cosmetics that are perfect for people with sensitive and proneto-allergy skin. They help the clients to live their lives without allergy. • AA Therapy- exceptional brand of pharmaceutical dermocosmetics designed for the skin that requires extra care in various physiological stages of the body. It consists of the the line

for diabetics, people having problems with acne (reduce the blackheads and blemishes), or with capillary (sealing the capillary walls and reduce their tendency to break). For dehydrated skin the whole line of cosmetics were designed to help to keep the optimal moisture level of skin. There is also something for “Me and Mommy”. This unique line is approved by Child’s Health Centre (Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka) nad was dermatologically tested on pregnant and breastfeeding women at the Dermatology Clinics of the Medical University of Gdańsk. The line guarantees safety of use as well as protection and proper care for mother and child’s skin. Oceanic Pharmaceutic – dermocosmetics available only at pharmacies

In the past few years, cosmetics and dermocosmetics well-known brand AA received dozens of the most prestigious awards in our branch. Two recent, especially valuable for the company are:

OCEANIC manufacturing plant in Trąbki Małe near Gdańsk

„Excellence of Year 2008” given by the magazine „Your style” in category of the drugstore cosmetics for the line-AA Therapy designed for diabetics, and „Kryształowy Koliber” („ Crystal Humming Bird”) also for this line awarded by the Polish Association of Diabetics which promotes in this way all companies, artists and doctors who are fully supporting diabetics in their everyday life. AA products are the most advanced Polish antiallergenic cosmetics, with the top quality ingredients purified from allergenic compounds, produced and controlled in accordance with pharmaceutical industry standards. At the forefront of innovation in science OCEANIC Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Laboratory was accredited ISO 9001:2000 certification on 7th November 2003 approved by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. Quality management system includes designing, production and distribution of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products to company’s clients network. OCEANIC has also obtained a permit to produce medicaments in compliance with GMP requirements (Good Manufacturing Practice). All the rooms, technological lines and additional systems are designed and made compliant with all pharmaceutical standards of Good Manufacturing Practice, which imposes not only the repeatability of production processes but also its best standards. The company won first place in the tenth edition of the competition organised by National Labour Inspectorate in Pomerania district „Employer - Organiser of Safe Work”. These changes not only strengthen its position of the Polish market leader, but also by adjusting the production processes to European standards they increase its export - and that it what OCEANIC aims to. At present OCEANIC sells its cosmetics in 27 foreign markets: in several European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, the Netherlands. It also exports them to Eastern Europe to Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, and to Armenia, Canada, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Norway, South Korea, the United States of America, Turkmenistan. The company is fastest-growing, with over 400 employees and 1mln products a month. Market share of AA brand in the Polish face care cosmetics market makes 9 per cent and is constantly increasing. Although the company has grown rapidly it never lost sight of its original business concept which is to provide the customer with the high-quality, Polish product at afforda-

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Production hall


Our company is specialized in co-manufacturing food, cosmetics and chemical products. We can pack any liquid, semi-liquid, powder or granulate substances in our laminate packages. • • • • • • • •

Stand-up pouch Stand-up pouch with a spout Pouch with zipper close Sachet Sachet with hole Double or triple sachet with perforation Sachet in various shape Wet wipes

PROFIL • Street Okunin 130 05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland • Tel.: +48 22 775 63 63 Fax: +48 22 775 63 64 •

Production hall

ble price. OCEANIC takes a pride in its well educated team because the company firmly believes that it is its most valuable asset. Oustanding enthusiasm, youth, dynamism, the best education, hard-working and extreme involvement in their work are what characterised it the best. The owners Dorota and Wojciech Soszyńscy encourage each member of their team to release and exceed their potential. Thanks to their everlasting support, engagement and genuine respect and belief in people, OCEANIC has been able to become a Polish leader in production of antiallergenic cosmetics. The company’s production facilities are more than impressive. OCEANIC’s cosmetics are manufactured in a modernized factory in the ecologically clean zone of Trabki Male near Gdansk. OCEANIC factory occupies an area of 43000 sqm with laboratories, production halls of 8000 sqm and warehouses with the most advanced equipment that is used in leading cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies worldwide. To name just some of them: High performance liquid chromatograph HPLC, Gas chromatograph GC, FT-IR Spectrometer, UV/Vis spectrophotometr, automatic refractometer, brookfield viscometer, top quality PH meters and conductometers, digital burettes, drying balances, TURBISCAN LAB EXPERT - the optical device to describe the dispersion and emulsification systems - the only available such devise in Central-Eastern Europe, microbiological laminar BIOHAZARD cabinet class II, vertical steam sterilizer ASVE/ AD type. The area of approximately 1500 sqm houses two completely independent technological lines that are designed for cream and fluid manufacturing. The manufacturing process control is completely computerized and managed by a central computer system, enabling constant supervision of all production stages. Walls of the rooms are made of special modular system of Belgium RETTAN Company - to keep required Smoothness and hygiene of facilities. The rooms are aired with a ventilation and air-conditioning system with a high performance HEPA filters that supply air of strictly maintained microbiological purity. A philosophy which stems from the research carried out in OCEANIC laboratories is to make professional expertise accessible for everyone. Therefore the company organises conferences that allows the customer get the advise from the most knowledgeable people. Normal life with allergy sound like an oxymoron, but not for OCEANIC’s clients. AA brand gives them the chance to minimise the disorder so they could fully enjoy their lives. Manufacturing-Journal 27

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Number one in skin care

Concern KALINA is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of cosmetics, fragrance and other household and personal care (HPC) products. Totally the company competes in 10 product markets such as: skin care, oral care, hair care, baby care, and male grooming and color cosmetics. Thanks to its know-how, carefully designed and well-elaborated products and constant market monitoring on each of production stages, KALINA achieved a leading market position.

With a 32.2 per cent market share in skincare and 8 per cent in oral care products in terms of volume the company has a strong position in its core segments in Russia. The company’s share in both skin care and oral care markets is ranked number 1 in Russia. Skin care and oral care have represented 47.6 per cent and 12.7 per cent respectively out of our net sales in 2006. The company’s revenue from sales has grown by 13 per cent in 2006 as compared to 2005. Net earnings of the

company equals to $15.4 million in 2006. The company is the largest local advertiser in the industry and, as a result, enjoys the highest levels of brand awareness, household penetration, and consumer loyalty for the majority of its brands. Company was founded in 1942 on the base of Novaya Zarya factory that was evacuated from Moscow. Serious buildings reconstruction and equipment modernization were made in 1970-s. First production lot of Troynoy eau-de-cologne was manufactured in 1974 in a new perfume workshop. New skin care production line was installed in 1975 for creams in tubes manufacturing. KALINA installed new lines for toothpaste production, plastic packaging line, soap manufacturing and packaging lines, laminated tube lines in the 1990-s. In 1999 the company obtained ISO-9001 international quality certificate being the first in the industry to implement it. Company products are recognized among foreign experts as those meeting the rigid European requirements. After privatization in 1992 Timur Goryaev has consolidated a controlling stake of Company shares, and in 2000 EBRD has acquired a new issue of shares and become 19.24 per cent shareholder (together with its two venture capital funds). In 1999 Open Joint Stock Company “Uralskie Samotsve-

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Luvitol Lite cashmere soft feel radiant looking skin shiny smooth hair

Cosmetic Solutions Manufacturing-Journal 29

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ty” changed its name to Open Joint Stock Company Concern “KALINA”. In 2004 the Company placed additional issue of ordinary shares within the framework of the initial public offering on MICEX, which resulted in increase of its free-float approximately up to 33 per cent. In 2005 KALINA made further important steps in its development. In spring 2005 the controlling stake of the German cosmetics manufacturer Dr. Scheller Cosmetics AG was acquired. Also within 2005 there has technical production modernization been fulfilled in order to create productive capacities reserves as well as to correspond with the development program of the Concern, raising automation and production quality. At present JSC Concern “KALINA” is a leading Russian manufacturer of cosmetic and personal care products. It is the excellent knowledge of the market and consumer’s behavior what makes the enterprise outstandingly successful. Concern is one of the leaders on the Russian cosmetic and perfumery market with consolidated sales of 182.6 mln US dollars according to 2004 results. Its major brands are “Black Pearl”, “Clean Line” and “MIA” among skin care products, “32” and “Forest Balsam” among oral care products, “Angelika Varum” among perfumeries. The company is reaching international markets for a couple of years now. It promotes to the markets of Russia and the CIS countries brands of the German manufacturer of cosmetics and perfumery Dr. Scheller Cosmetics AG – “Manhattan”, “Manhattan Clearface”, “Apotheker Scheller”. Concern consists of the main production facility in Ekaterinburg and subsidiaries: “Pallada Ukraine”(Ukraine), Kalina Overseas Holding B.V. (the Netherlands) and Dr. Scheller Cosmetics AG (Germany), „Glavskazka International”, „Dr.Scheller Beauty Center”.

The secret of healthy and young looking skin lies in a proper skincare. Everyone’s skin is the same yet quite different. Skin has a personality just like you do although it’s made up of basic elements all skins have in common. The company stands out as one of the Russian HPC manufacturers that has been able to build recognized national brands, such as: •

Chiorny Zhemchug (Black Pearl), cosmetics developed for daily skin care. The company treats each customer with an individual approach. All the cleaning and care products are categorised by skin type and requirements of the skin, in ideal combinations, complimenting each other. Both the cleaning products and the care cosmetics contain gentle natural components for maintaining healthy skin. In addition to the basic Black Pearl care products, there are individual products available to suit the specific requirements of the skin. Black Pearl has been developed for maintaining the natural balance of the skin, protecting it against negative external influences and preserving its youth and beauty. All products

have passed dermatological tests. 100 receipts of Beauty, those cosmetics were created on the base of company’s customer’s own recipes. Client sent his own recipes. Specialists-cosmetologists selected the best ones and then the recipes were realized into cosmetic products. All substances are made of natural and nutritive components. So the profit and effectiveness of these cosmetics confirmed many women and experts. Thus, you can always sort out the company’s cosmetics substances for your skin and hair care. KALINA is waiting of your new recipes! The company especially wants to know your recipes for skin rejuvenation. Velvet Hands in skin care are the hand creams based on special ultralight formula for effective hand care. Hand cream absorbs rapidly, moistens intensively and keeps on skin pleasant feeling of freshness. You won’t be disappointed if you try the new summer collection. «32» Customer’s well being, a happy start and a pleasant ending to the day; that was what the company considered to be important in the creation of toothpaste «32», carefully developed for customer by leading cosmeticians and experts in the field of stomatology. Series of products «32» contains: modern cleaning formula, which destroys a dental strike, without damaging enamel structure, natural components: extracts of a calendula, honeysuckle, eucalyptus, melissa, camomiles and sea-buckthorn berries, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, tone up and strengthen the gum, antibacterial system of long action, which prevents gums diseases and destroys a dental strike bacterium, lasting freshness

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TUNAP Group Lichtenau / Germany • Hairspray/ Hair lacquer • Styling mousse • Water spray • Self tanning spray • Panthenol spray

Bahnhofstraße 16 D-09244 Lichtenau

• Deodorant • Foot sprays • Repellent • Crackling products • Shaving products • and more…

The better solution for higher performance symex is the reliable partner for vacuum-, mixing and homogenizing systems for manufacturers of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products worldwide. New mixing system for Concern Kalina Besides Christian Dior, L’Oréal, Estée Lauder and other well-known companies now Kalina in Russia also successfully integrated symex technology in order to achieve highest production efficiency and product quality. In 2008 symex provided a complete mixing system dedicated to the production of creams, gels and other skincare products with a useful volume of 3000 litres. Manufacturing-Journal 31

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unique system, which active components suppress development of the microorganisms causing unpleasant smell. Provide stability sensation in an oral cavity longer, than usual toothpaste. Forest Balsam in oral care. This is a Special Oral Care line developed for active fight with gums diseases (gingivitis, gingival hemorrhage, weakened or injured gums). It contains only natural components (sage, fir, oak bark, pine nut oil, St.-John’s wort, aloe, chamomile, nettle, melissa, milfoil, celandine) in the formula known by their medical properties. Regular use of Forest Balm products considarable reduces inflammation and bleeding of the gums and prevents re-occurrence. Toothpastes Forest Balm contains in their formula unique systems of gum protection – PhytoVITAL and PhytoGEL – specially selected complex of active ingredients fighting oral cavity inflammation and helping prevent from it. Mouthwashes Forest Balm contain decoction based on 5 herbs (St.-John’s wort, chamomile, nettle, melissa, milfoil, celandine) instead of water, which improves medical effect. The effectiveness of Forest Balm series of products has been proved by clinical tests at the Ural State Medical Academy. Chistaya Liniya (Clean Line) in skin and hair care and others. Russian herbs are everything. They harbour many medicinal properties! It is well known that Russian herbs are capable of providing from nature all the best for maintaining vitality. “Pure Line” cosmetics are entirely comprised of the purest, most natural and useful

Russian herbs. The achievements of modern science provide phytocosmetologists with the widest ranging opportunities. In a specially built institute, “Pure Line” experts constantly study the properties of Russian plants “Everyone knows that cosmetics based on herbs are useful, but far from what everyone knows is that the making of such cosmetics depends on deep scientific knowledge. You see, sometimes, even within one day, the consistency of active substances in herbs can change! Pure Line phytocosmetic laboratories know all about herbs and their natural beneficial power. Our experts constantly study the properties of Russian plants in order to produce cosmetics with maximum effectiveness. The individual components of the unique extract compositions in the Pure Line institute compliment and intensify the properties of each other,” said Chief Phytocosmetologist Dr. V. N. Pozolotina.

are made from the natural ingredients using the latest technology researches. As Francis Bacon once wrote: “A man’s nature runs either to herbs, or to weeds; therefore let him seasonably water the one, and destroy the other.” KALINA with no shadow of the doubt practices the first thing. Thus, its products are of such high quality. No wonder that both its customers and the business praise them. Concern KALINA is a winner of international competition (44 countries participated) for the best pack “WORLD STAR Packaging – 2003”. At outcomes of 2003 jury created by Federal Commission of Securities granted JSC Concern KALINA crystal prize „For active policy in information disclosure”. Pack of series „Angelika Varum” of Concern KALINA is a winer in nomination „Beauty and cosmetics” in annual European premium. Concern KALINA shares ideology of social business and associates our welfare with society prosperity. We consider our mission not only in increase of our consumer’s lifestyle carrying about their beauty and health but also we realize ourselves as active participant of Russia revival. The budget of the Company includes special item for charity program. This program assigns to help orphan children and invalid children who suffer from hard disease and who live in conditions that do not provide necessary care of them. Our program operates in Ekaterinburg and in Sverdlovsk region. Charity mainly realizes by goods produced in the Concern KALINA. The volume of help defines by the manager of Charity program individually for every case.

The Skin, perhaps more than any other aspect of our body, reflects our life and experience. It is also the most vulnerable organ. Continually threatened by the lapse of time and the unpredictable rather harsh environment. Safeguarding its health and appearance, at every age, is crucial for all of us, women and men alike. KALINA’s products

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The glass is magic Glass is pure. Glass is transparent, thus as once said it has no secrets. It is made from all-natural, sustainable raw materials: sand, Chairman of the soda ash and limeBoard Mr Grzegorz Peć stone. The clarity, shape, and feel of glass containers contribute to the premium image of products ranging from fine perfumes to liquor to gourmet foods and beverages. No wonder that it is the preferred packaging for consumer health and the environment. But most of all glass is sustainable, and so the Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. is. The company which bases on its 60 years of experience in the production of high quality transparent and colored glass packaging with capacity of 5 to 500 ml. The Glassworks in Działdowo exists sin-

ce March 1946. As early as in November 1946 the first rail transportation of vodka bottles was dispatched to the Distillery in Toruń. Since that time a lot has changed in the company. 1992 was a most decisive year when the Work Co-operative Huta Szkła Działdowo established a joint venture with the German companies Heye and Heinz Glas, world-known producers of high-quality glass packaging and glass technologies. A fundamental change in production technologies took place. At the time a modern tank furnace was installed and obsolete carousel machines were replaced with new IS ones. Those changes made it possible to start production of high quality packaging. Later on modernisation of machinery was continued. In 2002 Huta Szkła Działdowo Sp. z o. o. became the member of the Heinz Group and changed its name to Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. Heinz Group is a well known supplier of top glass packaging used in perfume and cosmetic

production as well as plastic products sold in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical market. The Heinz Group produces packaging for leading international brands. The Heinz family, whose history of glass making dates back to 1622, holds 91.68 per cent shares in Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o.o. The other shares belong to 44 former and current employees of the glassworks. Today HGD it is a completely restructured production plant, provided with most modern production and control equipment: • • • •

two glass furnaces: heated with gas and electricity. production is performed on 6 fully automated lines provided with modern control and measuring devices; company applies innovative technology solutions firm produces packaging of coloured glass - glass is coloured in feeder. This is the ideal technology for the production of short cosmetic series Manufacturing-Journal 33

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and it allows to achieve interesting various of colours. The location of Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. is evidence that environment protection issues may not and are not indifferent to company. The glassworks is located almost in the centre of Działdowo and it is surrounded with a nice buffer of greenery. The installation for glass melting, due to the application of most modern technologies, is ecological and meets EU standards. This solution practically eliminates the emission of pollution to the atmosphere. The glass is magic. It’s addictive. You’ve got to love it and if you love it, it will allow you to do things to it. - Elio Quarisa Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. for sure loves it. As a member of the Heinz Group, it bases its activity on unique patented and the experience of the well-known international producer of high quality cosmetic packaging. The IS production technology used by them and the state-of-the-art control devices enables the company to provide top quality of its products. Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. constructs and manufactures glass moulds in accordance with clients’ requirements, using the computer design technology (CAD). They offer their clients various forms of decoration (chemical frosting, printing, lacquering). The offer also includes screw cups and caps suited to HGD standard products. Recently they have expanded their offer with glass coloured in feeder. Company’s mission is to create glass packaging with the use of new solutions in order to enhance the aesthetics and quality of national and foreign cosmetic products. And these are not the empty words. Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. is no doubt the best producer in the Central and Eastern Europe of high quality cosmetic packaging of flint glass and glass coloured in feeder. The company offers standards bottle available for all customers as well as bottles produced on private moulds available only for one customer. HGD provides comprehensive services from design, mould preparation to decorating the packaging. Close cooperation with Heinz Plastics Polska has enabled to offer complete packaging, which means glass packaging with plastics caps. Together with HPP the company implements the strategy “one stop shopping centre”. Therefore the company operates a design office provided with modern com-

puter equipment and specialist software. The possibility of visualisation „3D” of a design allows the company in co-operation with the client to design an optimum aesthetic, usable and technological product before prototypes are made. That’s all - to be able to create even most demanding and challenging client designs. In its production operations Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. pays special attention to the habits of good and reliable work. They think that care for order and rational management of resources at all work positions is an important system. Key practices used by the company are as follows: • •

• •

selection – removal of unusable or unused objects from the work position ands the surrounding systematics – placing of usable objects in an orderly and systematic manner subject to the rule “right thing at the right place and time” cleanliness – maintaining cleanliness at the work place and adherence to the rules of hygiene self-discipline – maintaining selfdiscipline by following instructions and procedures. Endeavours for more commitment by employees in the life of the company.

The variation of Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. clients with regard to the size of orders (corporations and very small clients), registered offices of recipients

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company wants their clients to respect them not only for their high quality products and services but also for personal qualifications of their employees. All the time Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. tries to make use of their clients’ ideas in order to enhance our client oriented processes. The certificate ISO 9001:2000 granted to the Company is a proof that the company are a trustworthy partner for its clients.

(Poland, Russia, the countries of the EU and even Australia) - and with it the accompanying legal regulations and commercial customs and also growing competition in the glass packaging market for cosmetics, requires an individual and frequently unorthodox approach to the client. On the basis of continuous contacts with recipients and analysis of client satisfaction conducted every year by HGD may risk stating that the company is able to fulfil even the most detailed requirements and that their clients reward the company with long years of commercial “loyalty” (KOLASTYNA GROUP, POLLENA EWA, NOVAYA ZARYA). Many of them have built their enterprises together with Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. despite various adversities and changing business conditions (BIES, LA RIVE, DR.MARCUS, DERMIKA). A great challenge, and simultaneously a test of the operational effectiveness of the company is the direct service the greatest cosmetic concerns of the world such as AVON, ORIFLAME, L’OREAL, and recently also PROCTER&GAMBLE. The company’s motto is the Continuous Improvement Process. It is a development of Deming’s rules stating, “reasons for problems should be sought on end so that all elements of the production process and the related operations become better and better„. Therefore, Heinz Glas Działdowo Sp. z o. o. is commitment to quality. It believes that in effect of quality it can achieve better client satisfaction and thus establish durable and partner ties with clients. That is why the

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Construction, Automotive, Marine Idustry 37-39

Volkswagen Poznań


Grupa Broen


Minsk Tractor Works






Baltic Container Terminal


Keiper Polska


Yantar Shipyard


Mosty Łódź

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Chairman of VW Poznań Jens Ocksen

Manufacturing plant VW in Poznań



here is probably no need to introduce the company of VOLKSWAGEN AG in many details. The firm – a worldwide known and acknowledged manufacturer of automobiles – is based in Germany and forms a major component of a much larger Volkswagen Group. The latter is the world’s third largest car producer after Toyota and General Motors respectively.

Branch of Poznań

In 1993 VOLKSWAGEN POZNAŃ, a joint-venture company between VOLKSWAGEN AG and a Polish car producer Tarpan, was established. – The decision to open a plant in Poznań was made on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the Polish market. The cost advantage that it presented was a key factor – says Mr. Jens Ocksen, the President of VW Poznań. The opening of the plant had a great meaning not only for the Wielkopolska region of Poland, where the company was located, but also for the whole automotive industry of the country. The new market player started significant transformation in the

functioning of the regional and domestic automotive industry. The enterprise started namely to transfer the know-how from Germany to Poznań. It was an important technological impulse both for the newly established company as well as the region. One of the most crucial decisions of the enterprise came at the end of 1990ies. The firm decided to construct a new paint shop in Poznań, which later on turned out to be the biggest foreign investment on the Polish market at the time. The works came into use in 2001 and was one of the most state-of-the-art paint shop objects in the whole VOLKSWAGEN concern and the world. The year of 2001 was hence a turning point for VW Poznań. Further speeding up in the development took place in the years of 2002 and 2003. In that period the company expanded two of its departments – the department of car body production and the department of assembly. In 2003 in turn, it began to manufacture two new cars – Transporter T5 and Caddy. – It was a great event and success from the perspective of global automotive industry and the team of

VW Poznań. The colossal effort of the personnel paid off – adds Mr. Ocksen. Another important date in the chronicles of the enterprise came in 2007. The production of a new model of VW – Caddy Maxi, was set in motion and the car number one million, a white Caddy Maxi, left the production lines of the Poznań works.

Reasons behind the success

Without doubt the success of the whole VW Group as well as VW Poznań lies in the trust of its customers. – In case of our company we have to look at this factor from two separate perspectives. Admittedly, our clients trust the VW brand – it is very well recognized in Europe as well as in other parts of the world. On the other hand, it is also trust towards unique products, in our case VW Caddy, Caddy Maxi and Transporter T5. It comes from the top quality and reliability of those cars – claims Mr. Ocksen. Another reason behind the success is very broad product range and the ability to produce cars adapted to the individual needs and requirements of the customers. The Poznań branch of Manufacturing-Journal 37

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VW manufactures cars on mass production basis, however it delivers special cars as well. – Incidentally, the special car offer has been enjoying great interest of the clientele in the last period – informs the President. The company perceives its strategic potential in the customers’ trust towards the quality of manufactured cars. The personnel of the enterprise is also viewed as a development motor – especially its know-how, qualifications and professional progress. – We cooperate with scientific units of Poznań – Politechnika Poznańska (Poznań University of Technology) and Akademia Ekonomiczna (University of Economics). Hence our greatest potential are our people, their knowledge and engagement. Thanks to the team we produce top quality cars, a key to our success. Without their competence and motivation VW Poznań would not be where it is at the current moment – claims Mr. Ocksen. It is worth to mention that nowadays the Poznań unit of VW employs almost 7 000 people.


Products and offer

The product range of VW Poznań includes among others VW Caddy, VW Transporter and special cars. - Obviously, the most important product of VW Poznań is VW Caddy. However, the customers in Europe as well as other regions of the globe show more and more interest in our special cars, e.g. Caddy Tramper or Caddy Eco fuel, a perfect solution for an eco-friendly car – informs the President. Another advantage of the company’s offer is great complexity of manufactured models and an astonishingly large selection of equipment options. – It is of great meaning especially now, when clients all over the world order cars adjusted to their individual needs – supplements Mr. Ocksen. Owing to the offer’s complexity, the company is able to meet various requirements of the clientele. With regards to sales volume, the most important model of the company is Caddy, the more so that it is produced in Poznań solely. - We would like our products to be associated with top quality and reliability, however we are aware that it cannot be achieved that easily, imposed on the perspective of the clientele – says the President. Because of that the enterprise participates actively in the life of the local community and tries to put the guidelines of CSR into practice. An example of that may be the one million number car produced in the plant. To celebrate this event VW Poznań donated one of its model, VW Transporter T5, to the Neonatology Clinic of the Poznań Me38 Manufacturing-Journal

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One million number car ( VW Caddy Maxi) - on this car you find names of all employees working in VW Poznań.

dical University. The car serves now as an ambulance transporting incubator infants.

Certified by the customers

The Poznań branch of VW is a winner of a number of various competitions, rankings and comparisons. A special reason for pride is DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 certificate concerning the area of car and car components production and sales. A great distinction was also the prize of Annual Industry Award AutoCEE 06 for the most effectively working enterprise in Eastern Europe. The human resource focus was confirmed by the title of Pracodawca – Organizator Pracy Bezpiecznej (Employer – Organizer of Safe Work) in 2006. Furthermore, the activity on foreign markets was also perceived. In 2005 the company was honoured with the award Złoty Eksporter (Golden Exporter). VW Poznań came second in the ranking. Yet the most important distinction for VW Poznań is the satisfaction of its customers. The profile of the clientele is diversified. – We are concentrated on the production of cargo carrying cars. Due to that, the main customers of our enterprise are other companies as well as fleet clients, e.g. German post or police, taxi enterprises, firms specializing in car rental or wholesale. Yet our model of a

passenger car, Caddy Life, is very popular both among individual as well as institutional clients – specifies Mr. Ocksen. Each customer of the company, no matter of what background or size, is in its greatest interest. The satisfaction and acknowledgement of the clients is namely the best distinction that the company can receive.

Market changes

The President of the company claims that the Polish automotive market has changed significantly within the last years. It has been a very attractive location for various types of foreign investments since the very onset of its economic transformation. Due to promising development perspectives, many companies have decided to enter the Polish market. The competitive advantage of the country is also the labour cost level, much smaller than in other European countries. – This factor guarantees positive financial figures, yet it is no longer as important as it was in the past – assures Mr. Ocksen. According to him, another advantages of Poland as an investment country are highly qualified and educated human resource as well as efficiently functioning subcontractor chain. From the President’s point of view, the accession of Poland to the European

Union crowned the long way of economic and social transitions in the country.

Things to come

The company is aware of the challenges that it will have to face due to the crisis on the financial markets. According to some experts, the shrinking economy will have a negative impact on the sales figures of the automotive industry. - In the situation of the crisis we will have to observe and painstakingly analyze all market developments and make decisions based on that. However, one thing is sure – irrespective of the financial crisis we will develop our quality and effectiveness. The competition is there and once the crisis is over we will have to show that we have tried to improve and to appropriately manage our business within that period - says Mr. Ocksen. Simultaneously, the President claims that the development will be possible thanks to the employees that he cooperates with. – The people that I got to know in Poland work with great engagement, are keen to learn and to gain new qualifications. What is more, they are not afraid of changes and taking up the challenge – he says. Most probably then, the readiness to change will result in further success of the Poznań branch of VOLKSWAGEN. Manufacturing-Journal 39

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POWER & PRECISION ON BIG WHEELS aken from Latin, being the agent noun of trahere the word literally means to pull. Since the beginning of twentieth century it has been used to describe a vehicle specifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort at slow speeds, for the purposes of hauling a trailer or machinery used in agriculture or construction. What we talk about is of course a tractor or as you prefere a unit of a semi-trailer truck. At present, there are more than 100 tractor plants in the world. But only 8 of them supply with their production 96 per cent of the total volume of the product market. Among them is Production Association Minsk Tractor Works founded in 1946. For more than 60 years of its history it has become one of the biggest world manufacturers of agricultural machinery.


P/A Minsk Tractor Works on the license basis develops, produces, and exports wheeled tractors, spare parts, renders setting services. Nowadays factory supplies its products to more than 70 countries worldwide. Over several years the factory possesses 8-10 per cent of the world wheeled tractors market, remaining in the ten of the world biggest manufacturers. P/A Minsk Tractor Works is a giant engineering as-

sociation that includes 12 factories of the republic: Minsk Tractor Works, Smorgon Assemblies Plant, Bobruisk Tractor Parts and Assemblies Plant, Vitebsk Tractor Spare Parts Plant, Minsk Special Tools and Industrial Equipment Plant, Minsk Gear Factory, Lepel Electromechanical Plant, Smolevichi Gear Plant, Gomel Factory „Hydroprivod”, Khoiniki Hydraulics Plant, Narovliany Hydraulics Plant, Mozyr Machine Works. Different needs require different machines, whether a commercial mower for an estate lawn, a row tractor for garden crops, a two-wheeled tractor for intensive cultivation of a small plot, or a tracked machine for grading. Tractors are used for pulling or pushing, for plowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, planting, and many other tasks. P/A Minsk Tractor Works secures all your needs. The company offers wide range of tractors all shapes and sizes: •

Versatile Row-Crop Tractors Including series 500, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1500 BELARUS. These are the tractors which user may exploit over the year without any demurrage costs, due to versatility and easy operating. While row-crop cultivating the wheels of the tractor can be doubled with the help of

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a spacer. The wheel doubling with the help of a spacer as well as with the backup wheel hub supports low surface pressure. In its turn, it allows to omit exploiting additional combined implements, which guarantees the increase of the fields’ crop capacity and decrease in power inputs.

Compact Tractors 300 series BELARUS tractors are designed to fulfill a wide range of agricultural operations, i.e. general and presowing tillage, crop seeding, potato planting, fodder stocking and different operations on live stock farms, crops and industrial plants harvesting, intertillage (the row-spacings of 450, 600, and 700 mm), load transporting in assembly with attached, semi-attached, and towing implements and machinery. The sphere of exploitation of the tractors is far beyond the agricultural industry. They can be efficiently exploited in many branches of the industry, i.e. building, logging, municipal services. The tractors of this series are also efficient where the exploitation of high-capacity and large dimensions tractors is impossible and inexpedient. The construction of the tractor guarantees a perfect access to the tractor’s elements during the servicing process: the tanks filler necks are placed to the accessible places. General Purpose Tractors designed to fulfill power-consuming agricultural operations of general purposes, i.e. general tillage and pre-sowing soil treatment; sowing of crops and other plants in combination with wide-cut and combined machinery; harvesting operations in combination with highly productive complex machinery at

fodder stocking, harvesting of roots, crops, and industrial plants; transportation and handling operations; as a rig, load supply in the seasons of bad roads and by the roads of a low baring capacity. The tractors are equipped with a 6-cylinder highly efficient easy-to-operate and easy-to-service turbo-supercharged engine D 260.4 S2 produced by Minsk Motor Plant, meeting the second stage European requirements on ecology. Motoblocks • and Mini-tractors The tractors designed for soft soil tillage, harrowing, cultivating, row-spacing potato and beetroot treatment, mowing, load transportation, stationary operations with PTO gear application; they may be applied at homestead lands, gardens, vegetable gardens, and green-houses. Forestry Purpose Vehicles designed for felling, delimbing, and bunching at selection and clear-cutting. Also for collecting, loading, and transporting the assortment in felling and run areas; unloading, sorting, and warehousing the assortment. In other words vehicles for numerous forestry purposes. Special Purpose Vehicles: airport vehicles (during the international exhibition Airport Equipment and Machinery in Sheremetievo-1 airport in May, 2003 specialists admitted that

the airports in all the countries oh the CIS incur a deficit in towing vehicles for fulfilling various operations at the aerodromes. The experience of application of BELARUS tractors at aerodromes as towing vehicles proved, due to their technical characteristics, their effectiveness provided that they are adapted to special operating conditions.), rice harvesting, cotton harvesting, minicipal purpose vehicles. Spare parts and products of national consumption

Overall P/A Minsk Tractor Works produces 24 models of versatile row-crop tractors, 6 models of compact tractors, 8 models of motoblocs and mini-tractors, 15 models of special industrial purpose vehicles: municipal, loading, forestry, and mining purposes. For more than 60 years of its history P/A Minsk Tractor Works has produced more than 3 million tractors. More than 500 thousand tractors have been exported to more than 100 countries among them to Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Azerbedjan, Vietnam, Pakistan or Egipt. On its way to foreign markets P/A Minsk Tractor Works certified all its tractors in Silsoe Institute (Great Britain). The company actively participates in many international exhibitions and fairs taking pride in its high-quality products. The most important among them are: “AGRO 2008” International Agricultural Exhibition (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), “Sahara 2007” International Agricultural Exhibition (Egipt, Cairo), “SIMA 2007” (Paris, France), “Agro-Technika 2007” (Hannover, Germany), “Gold Autumn 2007” (Moscow, Russian Federation) and many others. On the global market, P/A

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Minsk Tractor Works successfully competes with leading tractor manufacturing companies. The characteristic feature of the machinery, produced on P/A Minsk Tractor Works is precision, versatility, reliability, efficiency, and unification of the spare parts and equipment. Thus, the unification in the versatile row-crop tractors within the range makes 90-98 per cent, in the mining, forestry vehicles and the tractor basic model - 60-65 per cent, in the versatile chassis and the tractor basic model – 80 per cent. Operated safely, tractors can make life much easier by faithfully performing an endless variety of otherwise tedious and back-breaking tasks. To reduce risk of tractor works to minimal P/A Minsk Tractor Works tries to make their products as much safe as it is possible. In early May 2000, the enterprise received a certificate of ISO-9001-2001 quality management system consistency for designing and production of tractors. It means that P/A Minsk Tractor Works has a quality system that corresponds to requirements of international standards. This was confirmed by a certification auditing done by TUV-Turingia Company (Germany) and is valid till 2010. In the current year RUE “MTW” was carrying on the preparation efforts for application

of industrial safety management system on the base of OHSAS-18001 international standard and STD-18001 local standard. As Ronald Florence once wrote “Tractors look like what they are supposed to do. With gears, levers, pulleys and hydraulic cylinders instead of mysterious black boxes and plug-in circuit boards, a tractor is a machine you can understand, an appealing steel and rubber symbol of an honest day’s work.” If you look at P/A Minsk Tractor Works’ products you will definitely come to that conclusion.

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Intuition Uniqueness Usefulness he firm created by brothers Renault influenced and inalterably inspired the car industry from the very beginning. The love for cars, the strive for perfection, flexibility and adaptability all that can be found in the history of Renault. It should be said that Louis Renault embodied the mentioned virtues, yet, he had a bent for business. He also dared to risk. This kind of attitude helped him to obtain first orders for 4-wheeled, movable vehicle. Additionally, this invention was equipped in a gearbox – a total novelty both in the industry, and in the market.


The company, founded in 1898, developed rapidly, after a year it employed more than a hundred of workers. To promote them brothers Renault decided to engage in sport, more precisely to participate in ra-

ces. It should be said that the close correlation sport and industrial activity contributed to a tragedy in the family, Marcel Renault died in a car crash during the Paris – Madrid race in the year 1903. Despite that fact one may state that the decision was fruitful, it influenced the path the firm would follow later on. In 1925, for instance, Renault won the race of Monte Carlo. Several years later another brother – Ferdinand – passed away after a long illness. Louis Renault was the only one to continue their common thought and passion. It should be said that he did not fail them. Intuitiveness combined with practical solutions brought about new quality in the field of mobile vehicles. The period of the First World War, definitely tragic in the final analysis, brought Louis Renault new possibilities

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and opportunities to be availed of. The firm produced plane engines, tanks <including famous models M1917FT and FT17 > as well as ammunition. It is definitely worth mentioning, that the Allies won the battle of Marne due to a maneuver of relocating additional French troops by means of Renault taxis. The cars were later called ‘taxis of Marne’. The action itself earned Louis Renault the title of the knight of the Legion of Honor in 1918. The Twenties, spreading care freeness for some, despair for others, brought another boom for the company. Owing to tremendous visionary talent, accompanied by a bent for taking chances, Louis Renault managed to produce a wide range of articles and keep attractive prices. It was due to the fact that the

firm h a d the necessary technical and supply - related background. The period of 20-ties was, among others, the time of breaking records. At a racetrack Monthlery 40 CV, being the car of 40 HP managed to make 4162 km within 24 hours.

It gave the average speed amounting at much more than 150/h. The 30-ties meant less prosperity to the concern, also due to some social instability related to political changes, reflected in labor relations. Still, it was the moment of introduction of a model called Juvaquatre. It was produced untill sixties. The Second World War brought an end to the previous era also for Louis Renault. His firm stopped almost the whole production for civic purposes. After the takeover it was forced to produ-

ce equipment for Germany. The founder reduced production to a great extent. The situation had its consequences in the following years. Louis Renault was imprisoned as a person accused of collaborating with

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the enemy, soon, he died. The concern was nationalized in 1945, it changed the name to Regie National des Usines Renault. Taking into account the scale of destruction, plants started working again relatively fast, but It took about a year to restore the production of cars. In the following years the concern and made efforts to rebuild its position It introduced new models into the market, these were, for instance: Renault 4CV, Renault Frégate, Renault Prairie, Renault Dauphine. The first of the mentioned, Renault 4CV was a huge commercial success. Due to its parameters it was cheap in exploitation. Hence, this model was within everybody’s reach. One may add that workers needed only a month to construct such type of a car. The first 4CV left the production line in the middle of July of the year 1947. Till the beginning of the sixties, the firm could boast itself of production amounting at over a million of

items. It was also in 1947 when the firm decided to start producing tractors, labeled R3040. Tractors equipped in diesel-type engines were to be introduced in four years’ time. As tractors happened to be paint orange, it was then adapted as a general rule. It should be noted here that the firm managed to reach the level of production amounting at 2 millions of items, which meant doubling the production by a millionsince the WW II> in 9 years. The future held both hopes and threats. The concern took advantage of both, treating them as valuable challenge to overcome It was the case of Renault 5. The car was launched into the market at the end of January 1972, at the beginning of a fuel crisis. Thus, highly economic use of gasoline was a huge advantage of that model. It showed that the concern was open to anticipated needs of his clients, offering models of cars adapted to fragile socio-economical conditions. The

firm constantly opted for development. Through the years it resulted in diversification of production, which covered cars, buses, tanks, tractors, trucks as well as vans. Trucks and buses were highly appreciated, similarly to other models. The firm Renault reinforced its position of a leader in the automotive industry through series of prizes awarded to different models. A title „The car of the year” received, among others: Renault 16 <the first model by Renault which received this award>, Renault 9, Mégane Scénic, most lately - Renault Clio III <in 2006>. Renault was frequently awarded in other categories of the mentioned award as well. The concern remained also involved in the sportive field. In 1976 Renault Sport was established. Models Renault Alpine turned out to be very successful at races. This model proved its performance when Pironi and Jaussaud won the Le Mans race in 1978. Once again, Renault de-

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cided to participate in famous, prestigious races of Formula 1. The concern could celebrate his victory at the F1 race quite soon - in 1979. In 1995 Renault becamethe world champion of constructors of F1. It should be also mentioned that Fernando Alonzo won the F1 championship with Renault twice: in 2005 and in 2006. All these procedures helped to create and enhance the image of a creative, solid and trustworthy concern. The concern Renault earned such an opinion thanks to its strive for perfection. The fact that it was implemented into its products is unquestionable. Their reliability, innovativeness and usefulness should be appreciated as well.

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TOP QUALITY SEAT SPECIALIST or nearly 90 years, KEIPER has been internationally successful with vehicle seat products and engineering services. The company introduced the world’s first seat backrest adjuster and today is the leading manufacturer of recliner systems.


The KEIPER success story started nearly 90 years ago, when Fritz Keiper established his company in Remscheid, Germany, and started to produce metal fittings and convertible tops for vehicles. The tradition of KEIPER as a family enterprise gives it strength, whereas the creativity and commitment of the employees drives it forward. Each year, new pioneering KEIPER innovations are registered for patents. Backed by advanced products and process solutions, KEIPER has evolved to become a globally operating corporate group with 13 plant sites.

Crucial events

Two of the manufacturing units of KEIPER are located in western Poland, in Skarbimierz and Świebodzin. The latter is located around 70 km east of the German border (Frankfurt an der Oder) and was completed in late 2000. The plant launched operations in early 2001. It required lots of engagement as the production process was transferred from Germany. Later

on, adequate technologies, unknown devices and products had to be implemented. Fortunately enough, KEIPER Polska gained lots of support from other units of KEIPER Group. The effort paid off. Since the beginning of the operations in Poland, production capacity has been continuously expanded and in 2003 the company started to manufacture a back seat row construction for cars of VW concern. The success was due to an enormous progress that KEIPER Polska managed to achieve. The first constructions leaving the plant were rather basic. In turn, the Touran seat structures for VW concern were manufactured according to a new, state-of-the-art technology, unknown until that moment at the plant of Świebodzin. Next to that, the complexity of the product was much larger than before – to manufacture it one needed around 150 single parts. Nowadays, employees working in Świebodzin produce parts for VW, Sitech, Magna, Faurecia and Grammer as well as for other European KEIPER plants. With 14,000 square meters of production space, the plant handles assembly and welding as well as metal component and seat structure manufacturing. In 2007 KEIPER decided to construct a second plant in Poland. Starting in 2009, KEIPER Polska will be manufacturing front seat structures for passenger cars in the town of Skarbimierz, 50 Manufacturing-Journal 47

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km southeast of Wrocław. A new building with 19,000 square meters of floor space will be completed by end of 2008. In addition to the production area for assembly and painting, the site will include offices along with logistics and storage space. The new site is situated close to the A4 highway between Wrocław and Kraków.

Trust of the customers

At KEIPER it is believed that quality assures success. Because of that KEIPER Polska serves its customers as reliable partners and does all its best to meet the highest quality standards. What is more, quality incorporates products and services as well as teamwork. With this comprehensive approach, KEIPER Polska sets various industry standards. KEIPER Polska is aware that in the automotive industry trust of the customers is of great value. The products delivered by the company are – in some extreme situations – responsible for the health and life of their users. Hence the product quality is in the limelight of KEIPER Polska. What is more, the company concentrates on constant development of the production process and simultaneously the quality of the

Distinctions and certificates

manufactures. However, zero-defect products can only be manufactured from flawless parts. Because of that, the suppliers of KEIPER play an important role in this respect – the company directly in-

volves them in its and supports them way. Suppliers are to maintaining high

quality processes in every possible then another key quality standards.

The quality goal is acknowledged by the clientele. An example of that is the title of A-class deliverer for the Touran project, which KEIPER Polska received in 2006 from Sitech purchaser from Wolfsburg. The company claims that the distinction is not just recognition of its high standards, but also verification of the principles ruling its business relations. The level of services delivered by KEIPER Polska does not depart from worldwide standards. That is also confirmed by numerous certificates, among them ISO TS 16949. The document guarantees that the manufactures of KEIPER meet top quality and safety requirements. Last but not least, KEIPER Polska does not want to forget about its surrounding and natural environment. The certificate ISO 14001 qualifies the company’s plant as an environment friendly works, which functions according to all required procedures. Interesting enough, the enterprise also expects from its suppliers and business partners to be committed to the protection of the environment. All corporate plans and targets take into consideration the reduction in the use of energy, raw materials and nature’s resources as well as minimizing waste.

Improvement focus

KEIPER Polska continuously strives for improvement. What is more, the firm believes in maintaining an innovative and professional approach within a corporate culture that cultivates cooperative relationships and interpersonal communication. The success of KEIPER Polska is a 48 Manufacturing-Journal

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Day after day your automotive components achieve top-performance. For this success you look for first-class fine blankings. btl fulfils your requirements international certified after ISO/TS 16949:2002 + DIN EN IS0 14001:2005. Reason for the success is our partnership with the customer. Always in a dialogue between customer, development, production and sales we generate common targets and meet arrangements absolutely reliable. Take us at our world!

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Here is the place for


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result of that attitude. The enterprise perceives its potential in its employees. At KEIPER Polska , developing human resources means giving employees responsibility and fostering their technical and personal abilities. The goal of the company is to work with motivated employees who identify with the enterprise and are keenly interested in developing their skills. The concept of personnel development is flexible and needs-oriented. The enterprise places high priority on continuous professional training and education. Along these lines, it offers a variety of in-house and external seminars. The programs aim at developing special skills of employees according to their individual strengths and abilities. The skill upgrading projects involve extensive training processes, whereas the competences of the personnel are verified through various tests and examinations. What is more, each of the employees is encouraged to search for new improvement possibilities. It regards not only production hall solutions, but also the office space and social rooms. Initiative is appreciated as it is believed that every employee works for the success of the company. Obviously, improvement ventures are also focused on the machine park that the company possesses. With regard to that the enterprise can count on the central unit of KEIPER. New methods of assembly and process management have been introduced at KEIPER Polska since the beginning of its operations on the Polish market. The concepts of Six Sigma, 5S or Lean Manufacturing are well known at KEIPER Polska.

the region is more and more frequently associated with those employees. It can be said that the positive transformation and new way of thinking is partly due to the automotive trade. Within the last five years the automotive market has also undergone some significant transitions. The subcontractor market for automotive components expanded considerably. The same concerns the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) market. It is of great benefit for KEIPER Polska and brings about crucial decrease in logistical costs connected with the location of production units in Poland.

New tendencies

Without doubt KEIPER Polska is heading in the direction of new tendencies on the automotive market. What is more, it is also one of the companies which shape those trends and set new standards in the trade. An evidence of that is the innovation of the technologies used in its manufacturing process as well as its flexibility and ability to adapt to the growing requirements and expectations of the customers all over the world. Nowadays, KEIPER Polska can be proud of the way it is perceived by its parent company in Germany. The works located in Poland managed to gain status of an ambitious enterprise aiming at incessant perfecting of its products and their quality. On top of that, KEIPER Polska won the trust and acknowledgment of the customers. Thanks to high quality and determination that characterize all corporate ventures, the products of KEIPER Polska are now world class manufactures.

Great achievements and changes

Within a relatively short period of time KEIPER Polska managed to achieve something that seemed absolutely unfeasible some years ago. It is namely a very high level of independence in its current business activity. It is also confirmation of the fact that the parent company puts more and more trust in the skills and qualifications of KEIPER Polska employees. Furthermore, the status of the trade that KEIPER Polska represents, has dramatically changed in Poland. Automotive trade has become one of leading industry branches as far as exports structure to Western Europe is concerned. Besides, the region of CEE strengthened its position thanks to highly qualified and competent employees, who understand and easily adjust to the economic trends in other parts of Europe. What is more, 50 Manufacturing-Journal

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ndoubtedly, the business rules of MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A. brought the company to where it is at the current moment. What helped it to reach the top is also high quality of executed projects, competent engineering personnel as well as professional management and future-oriented attitude.

The beginnings and development

The company MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A. was established in 1992 as a result of a stateowned company transformation, which was in turn separated from a multi-unit Płockie Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Mostowych (PPRM) in 1991. Due to that, the

very onset of the company dates back to 1974. In that year the Łodź division of PPRM was established. The company specializes in the construction of communication objects. Thanks to modern and very diversified machine park it is able to execute different types of specialist foundations as well as pre-tensioned, concrete prefabricated elements, manage different concrete works and conduct reconstruction of bridge objects. Currently, the company constitutes of two branches. The original one is located in Łódź, in central Poland, and the other one in Rzeszów, in the South of the country. When asked about the reasons behind the expansion to southern Poland, the President of the Board, Mr. Zygmunt Pater says: - It was first and foremost the organizational factor, the matter of transport, equipment, material delivery. Next to that, we were aware of the human potential that characterizes the South of Poland. That region of Poland is brim-full Manufacturing-Journal 51

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of highly qualified, very experienced and resolute people, which we wanted to cooperate with. The President supplements that investment in the new branch and belief in the people turned out to be the right decision. What is more, the whole company is currently much stronger and more prospective than its parent company and managed to stay on the market even despite some serious problems connected with the course and result of privatization.

Crucial objects

During all the years of its operations MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A. company has built or modernized a number of significant and record-breaking engineering objects including bridges, viaducts, footbridges for pedestrians, motorways as well as underpasses all over the world. The most important projects executed by the enterprise include among others: •

• • • •

construction of a suspended bridge over the Martwa Wisła river in Gdańsk and over the Vistula river in Płock, reconstruction of bridges over the Vistula river in Puławy, Góra Kalwaria, Annopol and Fordon, bridge objects on the A2 highway, bypass of Poznań, Most Zamkowy (The Caste Bridge) over the Wisłok river in Rzeszów, construction of bridge objects on the bypasses of Jędrzejów, Rawa Mazowiecka and Gniezno.

Last but not least, the enterprise is currently involved in one of its biggest projects as far as the worth of the investment is concerned. Together with one of the biggest and most influential companies of the construction trade, it is the executor of a huge contract in Bielsko-Biała, in southern Poland. The worth of bridge objects in that project amounts to 700 million PLN.

Success factors

All that would not be possible without very determined development plan based on investments in state-of-the-art equipment as well as reliable business relations. Owing to that, at the current moment MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A. is one of best equip-

ped companies of the trade in Poland and participates in the most prestigious engineering ventures executed in the country. “Experience was one of the key reasons propelling the company. Thanks to competence and qualifications of our personnel we could win a number of tenders. We did not appear out of nowhere – we developed step by step and finally made it to the first class of the trade” – claims Mr. Pater. The President says that another competitive advantage of MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A. is the price of its offer. Thanks to effective material management and exploitation the company is able to underbid the competitors.

Potential is in the infrastructure

The enterprise is not afraid of the oncoming years since it is more than sure that in the nearest future it will have lots to do. “The EURO 2012 championship is ahead. The construction trade will have to get the infrastructure ready for that event. Highways, roads, bridges – all that will have to be done before it starts. The companies representing the trade will execute lots of contracts” – says Mr. Pater. Interesting enough, the company is not focused on large-scale projects only. It perceives smaller projects – e.g. country or service roads – as important as any other colossal works that it is involved in. – We do not discriminate our clients against the size or worth of the contract. We select the projects based on their distance from our premises and time required to finish them up. The same concerns the technical difficulty of the project – we undertake challenging and complex projects – claims Mr. Pater. In fact, the customers are aware of that. The company is very frequently offered execution of large and significant projects and is regularly invited to tenders. “We are associated with reliability and clear business rules. Our customers know what to require from us and we do not let them down. We do our best to fulfill their expectations” – sums up the President.

Certified quality

The position of MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A. on the local market has been consolidated by a number of distinctions, awards and prizes, which confirm its high quality orientation and professional execution of projects that it carries out. Since 1999 the company has been functioning according to ISO 9001. It enables complex construction of new objects and reconstruction of already existing bridge constructions. What is more, the company has elabora-

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Production enterprise of concrete ,,Sibet’’ S.A. In Kielce is counting on domestic market prefabricate producer for road, bridge and railway construction needs.

Sibet specialized in production: • bridge Beams type T, Kujan, Kujan NG, DS. • culvert road boxes closed and bipartite • frame elements railroad culvert • platform partitions ,,L’’ and platform panels ,,P’’

In years 1997 – 2008 we produced about 23 470 cubic metre prestressed bridge beams of type Kujan for construction requirements of overpasses and on highways bridges A-1, A-2, A-4, A-6 and many local and national roads. In year 2008. We build new production hall, in which we launched (in

November 2008.) production of bridge Beams type T, Kujan NG, DS. We realized many culvert road boxes for construction requirements national roads and ring roads, railroad culvert elements, plates and platform partitions for railroad line modernization: E-20, E-30, E-65…

SIBET S.A. ul. Chorzowska 22 25-852 Kielce tel: 0048 (41) 346 52 11 do 13 fax: (0-41) 346 50 41

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ted a very detailed quality politics, which it tries to put into practice on everyday basis. The politics has to be realized by all employees of the company through, e.g.: constant fulfillment of customers’ needs and expectations, systematic follow-up of legal regulations, continual improvement of work safety as well as using organizational and technical solutions, which assure the highest level of quality and timely execution of the projects. - We possess a number of different distinctions given to MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A. by various certifying bodies and institutions. Yet, the value of those prizes has become devaluated – they no longer mean as much as they did before. The greatest distinctions for us are objects, which we have executed – assures the President.

Personnel and customers

At the company it is believed that the strength of its business activity depends on its personnel. The more so that the maxim is especially true in the construction business. Nowadays, around 500 people are employed at MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A., about 60 of them being engineers. The rest is responsible for administrative work in the first line. – We treat all our workers evenly and we always keep our word and the terms of the agreements. Besi-

des, we pay quickly and decently. Due to that we have never experienced any greater problems as far as our human resource is concerned – informs Mr. Pater. What is more, the company is not afraid to start cooperation with young representatives of the profession. – We help young engineers to get started, organize and offer diverse internships – says the President. The employees of the enterprise are one of its main focus. The image of a reliable and trustworthy business partner that the company boasts of among its customers, it valid also in the relations with its people .”The fact that we are honest and dependable has paid off. Our employees identify with the company and believe that what we do reaps benefits for all of us. The management of the enterprise does its best to encourage the subordinates to effective and committed work. Yet, the managers require lots from themselves. One shall demand and give the most from himself before one turns with requirements to the others” – explains Mr. Pater.

Changes and plans

Without doubt, the company has changed significantly within the last five years of its business activity. During the time it executed one of the biggest and most demanding contracts in Poland as well as gained lots of valuable references. Thanks to the word of mouth, it can give it a try in a number of tenders, either alone or in consortiums. MOSTY – ŁÓDŹ S.A. managed also to expand its business network and won a number of reliable trade partners. Next to that, the reach of its operations has become larger – the firm executed project in the most remote parts on Poland and bids for contracts all over the country. Last but not least, it participates in various trade fairs and events, purchases new equipment and devices, which are used in every day work of the company. The firm has also very much improved its works with respect to quality. The plans of the company depend strongly on its contracts: - If we manage to win 10% of the contracts that we are currently bidding, it will be very good for us – says the President. Simultaneously, the plans of the company are more ambitious and courageous than before: - We want to execute even larger projects and to expand our technical, workshop and equipment infrastructure – he adds. The predicted development of the trade can only help MOSTY ŁÓDŹ S.A. to realize its intentions. – We have always had lots of luck – says Mr. Pater. Most probably then, the run of good luck will continue.

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ROEN is an international company and a global leader within the following business areas: Building Installations, Building Controls, District Heating & Gas, LAB and Emergency Shower Systems. BROEN S.A., as one of the companies constituting the capital Group BROEN, is a producer of fittings used in high parameter distribution installations of hot water, natural gas and other natural resources. It is one of the biggest cut of fittings’ manufacturers in Poland and, together with the enterprises constituting the BROEN Group, one of the largest ones in the world. The products of BROEN S.A., as well as other products of BROEN Group, are sold not only in Poland but also in many other countries of Europe.

Back to the beginnings

The beginnings of the company date back to 1948 when Poul Broen founded Nordisk Armatur company. Two years later, in 1950, he developed the PARCEO automatic shower. From that moment on, the development of the company is marked by elaboration, introduction and sales of new products. The ideas and concepts came from everyday experience and were

transformed into groundbreaking manufactures. The milestones of the enterprise include among others the year of 1955 when sanitary fittings BROEN BOSS entered the market, 1960 which witnessed the introduction of another product, i.e. BROEN BOSS laboratory fittings, and 1982 when regulatory fittings BROEN BALLOREX extended the offer of the company. However, the founder’s vision went beyond product development. He included his staff in his thinking. By the 1960s, BROEN introduced job rotation to ensure flexibility and competency development and to make jobs as varied and interesting as possible. In 1993 BROEN S.A. started its business activity. Since that year the enterprise has been producing ball valves called DZT, which are designed for applications in heat distribution networks, air conditioning, gas engineering and other industrial installations. In 2008 the Polish division of BROEN Group was extended by another unit, BROEN-ZAWGAZ located in the neighbourhood of Poznań. The firm specializes in the production of cut of fittings for gas installations, LPG, oil and petroleum derivates. Since 1948, when Poul Broen established Nordisk Armatur in a rented

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cellar, BROEN grew into an established industrial enterprise with strong, recognizable and acknowledged brands. Knowledge and experience were used in new ways, resulting in new initiatives such as LAB or Emergency Shower Systems. The spirit of innovation and vision still exists at BROEN. The enterprise continually develops and improves products that use nature’s resources as efficiently as possible.

Key to success

The values of the company find its reflection in the culture and key rules, which define every activity, first and foremost for the benefit of the customer. The values are: straightforwardness, insight, initiative and development. Straightforwardness means the personnel is honest and informal when dealing with the customers. Furthermore, it is always available and can be contacted whenever there is such a need. Owing to that, challenges and problems facing the customers are quickly handled and delays are avoided. Market insight and attempt to understand the needs of the clientele mean that BROEN S.A. helps to create complete, adequate and optimum solutions. Furthermore, the company takes the initiative when working with the customers. It acts proactively, shares expertise and takes responsibility for the projects. As far as solutions are concerned, BROEN S.A. always aims to meet the demands and highest expectations of the customers. It refers first and foremost to the quality of the products. Quality has always been in the centre of all our actions. 100% of products undergoes quality control. Thanks to that, BROEN brand guarantees the customers fully reliable and top quality products. Each of our manufactures is covered with a 24month warranty. We also use a prompt reaction system to complaints lodged by

the customers. In case of any problems, clients get a substitute product, whereas the complaint is being inquired simultaneously – says Ms Agnieszka Kowalczyk, Customer Service Manager Poland. Each customer is of great importance to the enterprise. We can boast a very extensive network of business partners whom we cooperate with. Our customers include gas workshops, petrochemical industry, producers of LPG installations as well as many others – claims the representative of the company. Entering into a partnership with BROEN means much more than getting effective and robust products. It is getting a business partner assisting the client all the way through a project, giving advice and helping with any problems and doubts. The expertise and customer orientation help to create safe, intelligent and lasting solutions that meet all regulatory requirements. On top of that, the company is in continual dialogue with its customers in order to develop solutions that meet their needs. It believes namely that only cooperation with the clients guarantees creation and delivery of the best solutions.

Development – product and people focus

Next to the above described values, development has the utmost priority at the enterprise. Since the very first ball valve was produced, the firm has constantly invested in the development of new products and the improvement of existing products. Nowadays, BROEN Group Poland produces devices in the following areas: District Heating and Gas, Building Controls and Building Installations. The development of the Polish units is concentrated among those product groups. The reason behind that strategy is connected with the purchasing potential of the market of ope-

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BROEN main flange supplier

Marian Czachor 39-321 Tuszyma, Biały Bór 3a tel. +48 17 7748446, fax +48 17 7748448

Drewchem Plast Al. Wojska Polskiego 20 PL 77-300 Człuchów tel. +48598345245 fax +48598345246

P.P.H.U.ŻURMET Krzczonów 31 58-112 Grodziszcze Dolnośląskie, POLSKA +48 74 850 19 44 +48 74 850 19 68

Masterform ul. Mikulicza 6a 58-160 Świebodzice Poland


Tel. +48 74 858 39 70 Fax. +48 74 858 39 71 e-mail: internet:

P.H. „TOMA-STAL LOGISTIC” 42-600 ul. Bończyka 25 Tarnowskie Góry TEL/FAX: 0048 32 2856004

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rations. Products from the areas: LAB and Emergency Shower Systems are specialist devices designed for a limited number of customers, yet we also intend to develop in those product groups – adds the Manager. The leading brands are at the current moment BROEN BALLOMAX, BROEN DZT (produced by BROEN S.A.) and AH (manufactured by BROEN-ZAWGAZ). Due to historical factors we offer DZT steel stop valves, available on the Polish, Russian, Czech and Baltic markets, as well as BALLOMAX, which can be purchased in all other countries. The

oriented. At the current moment we employ 390 people. 200 employees work at BROEN S.A., 60 at BROEN Sp. z o.o. and 130 at BROEN-ZAWGAZ – adds Ms Kowalczyk. It must be also emphasized that new employees occurred with the expansion of the company, yet the turnover of the personnel has never been a common thing at the Group. Without loyal and highly qualified employees BROEN would not be able to make it as far as it is nowadays. Because of that, the management of the company cares not only for adequate and satisfactory terms of employment, but also looks after the social side of the cooperation. In order to enhance the personnel’s identification with the firm, we organize corporate meetings of employees and top management. They take place during a number of recreational events like family picnics or Christmas meetings – specifies the Manager.

Export orientation

two brands are technologically identical, however due to their long-term existence on some markets and acknowledgment they have gained there, we have decided to maintain the two of them, even though it causes some marketing and logistical problems – supplements Ms Kowalczyk. Another factor which played a significant role in the development of the company is its personnel. The management of BROEN Group, both in Denmark and in Poland, has always paid lots of attention to the employees’ identification with our company – informs the Manager. The company believes that staff members are the most important resource and the foundation of its success. That is why it makes every effort to create a thriving working environment, ensuring personal and professional development. BROEN Group places great emphasis on staff and management development, so that every employee can realize his true potential. It has direct influence on everyday performance of the staff. Every BROEN staff member is motivated, flexible and service

The market strategy of BROEN S.A. is target driven and constantly looks for new, promising markets. We think that Polish market is a stable one, we do not register any dramatic increases or decreases in its sales figures. According to some estimates, BROEN S.A. controls around a half of the Polish market, which value amounts to about 50 million PLN annually. Due to limited development possibilities on the domestic market, the majority of our products is sold abroad. In the current year, around 80% of revenue value comes from exports – says Ms Kowalczyk. The most important sales direction is Russia, first and foremost due to the size and absorptivity of its market. Next to that, the company exports its manufactures to Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Serbia.

BROEN S.A. In 2001 the enterprise moved from a rented object to its newly built premises in the area of Wałbrzyska Special Economic Zone, Subzone Dzierżoniów. The rapid development starts exactly at that moment – the company increases its production volume, number of employees and observes growing turnover figures. The dynamic growth was perceived and acknowledged by a number of economic authorities in Poland. The firm was distinguished with MUFLON 2001 award for the best company and the best product of the region of Wałbrzych, Gazele Biznesu (Business Gazelles) title in 2005 and 2006 for the most dynamically developing companies, and Fair Play company in 2002. In the year of 2007 another honour occurred. The company received a prestigious distinction of Dobra Firma (Good Company) for the most quickly developing company from a list of 2000 Polish Enterprises. The list constituted a ranking organized by Rzeczpospolita, a Polish daily newspaper. Without doubt then, BROEN S.A. sets the highest standards for safe and efficient systems regulating the flow of natural resources and is a very good reference pattern for its competitors and business partners.

Success confirmed by certificates

The recent years have been a very dynamic period for

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CONSTRUCTION, EXPORT AND PRODUCTION NIBEP Joint Stock Company is a dynamically expanding general construction company with a modern organization of manufacturing processes and high pace of increase in sales. The enterprise has been active on the market for almost 60 years. Thanks to the long term experience, reliability and professionalism, it manages to constantly develop and to look for new solutions for the future.


History of more than half a century

UNIBEP is a company with rich traditions and large experience in terms of construction. The enterprise has been operating on the market for nearly 60 years. It was founded in 1950ties. Initially, the company was government controlled and later on was transformed into a communal organization. The process of privatization initiated the restructurization in terms of organization, property and finance mana-

gement. It resulted in more dynamic actions and ventures of the organization. In the period of 2000 – 2006, the company was operating under the name of Unibud BEP. It was also time of very prompt development on both domestic as well as foreign markets. In 2004 a controlled company of Unibud BEP, UNIHOUSE PLC, was set up. Its area of activity was construction and real estate service. The same year witnessed opening of a corporate branch office in Moscow and reception of a license for general construction contracts in Russia. In 2005 UNIHOUSE PLC started the sales of products manufactured according to an innovative technology of construction in the CETE system. In the same year another controlled company was created – UNIBEP Lwów PLC, headquartered in Lviv, Ukraine. Just like the Russian counterpart, it managed to gain the general construction contractor license for the Ukrainian market. Since December 2006, the company has been operating under the new name: UNIBEP Joint Stock Company. A change in the company name and image is related with the new strategy, targeting development in three main areas: Construction, Export and Production. “Without doubt the most important moment in the development of Manufacturing-Journal 59

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Tel. (+48) 22 846 74 11 Tel. (+48) 22 435 75 06


tel./fax: 0-25 758 60 48 tel. kom.: 0 502 365 124

P.H.U. „EDES” Dariusz Smoliński ul. E.M. Andriollego 6 05-300 Mińsk Mazowiecki

Performance of building facades with new and high quality technologies

Please contact us for more information and examples of our offer.


ul. Szafirowa 11 05-077 Warszawa - Wesoła tel./fax (022) 773 14 08 GSM: 501 058 328 e-mail:

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our company was the successful debut at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Despite turmoil on the financial markets, UNIBEP managed to sell all of its offered shares. The Group gained almost 60 million PLN for development purposes” – says Mr. Jan Mikołuszko, the President of the Board of UNIPEB Joint Stock Company.

Three areas

As mentioned before, the new strategy of the company targets is the development in three main areas: Construction, Export and Production. Construction is the fundamental activity of UNIBEP. The company specializes in the execution of general and residential buildings. It offers complete execution of any investment – beginning with the provision of proper authorizations and permits, through design and ending with the execution of the given task. The offer includes execution of projects in the following segments of the construction industry: residential construction, general construction (office construction, commercial and service area

construction, educational construction, sport’s construction), repairs and modernizations. The focus is on delivery of construction services meeting all the customer’s demands in terms of quality, costs and timely execution. The implemented quality management system in accordance with the ISO system as well as the ERP class IT system allow for constant monitoring, measuring and analyzing of all the internal and external processes. Furthermore, UNIBEP Joint Stock Company has been present on the Eastern markets (Ukraine and the Russian Federation) for years. Thanks to long-term experience, reliability and professionalism, it is appreciated by the eastern partners. On top of that, the firm is in possession of all required licenses and permits for execution of any structures in the territory of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. In order to depict the scale of foreign operations of UNIBEP, it is enough to refer to just one of its ventures abroad. The company cooperated namely with Radisson SAS in Kaliningrad by the construction of a

colossal trade and business center including a hotel. The whole object is 46 600 square meters, whereas the worth of the investment amounted to 55,5 million EU. However, the company does not want to rest on its laurels and it intends to conquer the western markets. “Thinking about that, we are currently ending up construction of a new plant. It will concentrate on the production of houses and dwelling buildings in the modular technology as well as manufacturing of prefabricated walls, roofs and ceilings. The plant will be equipped with the most modern, fully automated and very advanced production lines. The products from the new works will be oriented at the western markets precisely, first and foremost the Scandinavian market” – says Mr. Mikołuszko. Last but not least, the production focus is realized through UNIHOUSE PLC, a company active in 3 distinct market segments: developer construction, carpentry production and production of prefabricated elements in the CETE technology. As far as carpentry production is concerned, the company manufactures the following elements: wooden structure stairs, window sills, stair rails, timbering and timbering boards, cross-brace ornaments, roof truss. In turn, the main idea behind the CETE technology is the transfer of any masonry works from construction yards to the production hall. The manufactured wall elements are then transported to the construction yard and assembled using a crane, on top of the previously completed foundations. The elements of roof construction and other wooden elements are manufactured in a carpentry workshop owned by UNIBEP. The CETE system, a novelty in the Polish market, is appropriate for erection of uni- and multi-tenant residential houses as well as commercial and storage spaces. Owing to the technology, it will be possible to decrease the cost of construction and offer the customers an attractive, competitive price.

Reasons behind the success

„The determinants of UNIBEP’s success are for sure very professional and well prepared management personnel, care for the interests of the investors and partners as well as a consistent fight for the market. Another trump card of the company are reliable managers, acknowledged and recognized in the investment trade” – claims Mr. Mikołuszko. All that causes that the enterprise effectively competes with other market players with regard to designing and technical solutions and gives its customers measurable business beneManufacturing-Journal 61

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fits. Next to that, the firm is perceived as a reliable, honest and professional partner. Due to that, the cooperation with the investors and subcontractors is not over after the execution of the first project. “The strong position of the Group is also a result of a synergy effect of the following factors: large experience in general construction workmanship, own production of ceramic elements, construction activity, optimization of organizational and designing solutions as well as a large scale of activity” – says the President. He supplements that UNIBEP Group implemented a state-of-the-art, integrated IT system of ERP class, thanks to which a significant improvement in the quality of information management has been observed. “It has influence on risk reduction in the core activity. Furthermore, we permanently promote and introduce innovative solutions, not only in the area of production or construction services, but also in the supporting activities like delivery or guarantee service” – adds Mr. Mikołuszko. Besides, the corporate politics is directed at the customers. The firm strives to meet their demands and expectations. Thanks to partnership based contacts with the clients as well as clear and transparent agreement regulations, the enterprise is able to meet the requirements of the clientele. “The most crucial clients of our company are those, who are content with our work and allow us to gain new orders. In Poland these are for example: Dom Development, the best housing developer, Skarbiec Nieruchomości, a specialist closed fund, as well as RGS Niedwiżymost in Russia. Recently the group was joined

by A-JWK Management from Gdańsk, a developer specializing in the market of commercial objects” – says the President. Next to that, UNIBEP believes that an organization is constituted by its people. Therefore competence and efficiency of employees are an indispensable part of company development. The enterprise not only enables but also encourages constant professional improvement and expansion of the personnel’s knowledge. Because of that, the company realizes some innovative training programs in cooperation with external partners. The undertakings have been perceived in many competitions and contests, e.g. Inwestor w Kapitał Ludzki (Human Resource Investor) and Pracodawca Roku (Employer of the Year). It is worth mentioning that at the current moment the company employs around 400 people. Last but not least, the firm has been following the politics of constant development and expanding the scope of its offer. A direct result of the internal politics is that nowadays UNIBEP stands for a modern and dynamically expanding company and a reliable business partner. In fact, constant and multidirectional development is one of the prime rules of the economic activity of UNIBEP. The feeling of responsibility for corporate owners and customers determines the enterprise to strive to reach this goal every day.

Distinctions, awards, prizes…

the Golden Statuette of the Polish Business Leader 2006. It is one of the many distinctions that the company has been honoured with during all the years of its activity. The organizer of the contest, Business Centre Club, appreciated very good economic indicators as well as high profitability and skilful connection of experience with innovation and dynamics. UNIBEP is also a repeated laureate of Gazele Biznesu (Business Gazelles), a contest organized by a Polish journal Puls Biznesu. All that makes the President believe that the future of UNIBEP is rather bright and further accomplishments are on their way.

The exemplary ventures of the company caused that in February 2007 UNIBEP Joint Stock Company and the President of the Board, Mr. Jan Mikołuszko, received

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BALTIC CONTAINER TERMINAL LTD altic Container Terminal (BCT) LTD is an example of a successfully conducted privatization process in Poland. During the last years of operations the company has been registering a significant growth in the number of trans-shipments. It is connected not only with the fact that Polish economy has been flourishing during the most recent years, but also with colossal effectiveness improvement of the company and its personnel.


What is more, despite the construction of other competitive terminals, Baltic Container Terminal has remained the leader and handles the majority of containerized cargo in maritime trade in Poland, being the largest container port in the southern Baltic Sea region.

Back to the beginnings

Interesting enough, the reason behind the establishment of Baltic Container Terminal is also connected with effectiveness. In the middle of 1970ies rapid development of a new method of general cargo carriage - in containers – took place. Simultaneously, it became obvious that in order to develop, Poland needed a dedicated terminal for handling container cargo since the traditional methods of general cargo carriage became insufficient in a time of fierce competition in the market of carriage services. The desire to shorten the time and reduce the costs of single cargo carriage required the implementation of palletization and packaging in the first line and then containerization. The new terminal was located within the area of the so-called Western Port in Gdynia. The construction of the terminal began in 1976. The design as well as all required Manufacturing-Journal 63

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roofed area of 20 000 m², a including two Post-Panamax units and warehouse for storing co- other equipment for container handling. nventional general cargo At the end of June 2007 BCT implemenwas built. What is more, a ted a new Terminal Operations System, wide parking area for road which was designed with the use of most vehicles was constructed recent information technologies. All the near the terminal, as well above-mentioned investments contrias container depots, con- buted to the increase of BCT’s annual tainer repair plants and handling capacity from 400,000 TEU in external and internal con- 2002 to 750,000 TEU at the present. The tainer and vehicle wash. realisation of the entire investment plan Modern computer systems will make it possible for BCT to achieve were implemented and so- a handling capacity of over 1 mln TEU. lutions used so far only in the ports of Western Euroeasons behind the pe were applied. The end of all the extension and effectiveness development investments At the beginning of October 2008 a record in the late 1990ies made in the speed of trans-shipment was regiit possible to develop an stered at the Baltic Container Terminal. annual handling capacity Within 3,5 hours the personnel of the Terof 250 000 TEUs. In 2003 minal reloaded 141 containers, which meBaltic Container Terminal ans that the port gantries made more than was separated from the 42 movements per hour, whereas the stanport of Gdynia and the to- dard offer amounts to 25 movements per tal number of shares was hour. If the figures were to be presented purchased by an interna- as a percentage, the effectiveness growth tional corporation, ICTSI, amounted to 80%. The result shall be with registered office in emphasized the more so, that at that mothe Philippines. ICTSI ga- ment most of the companies entered the ined a license for use of the terminal for phase of corporate slow-down connected the period of 20 years. As a result of the with the crisis on the financial markets. privatisation of the terminal, the Gdynia Port earned PLN 155 mln and undertook The success of BCT would not be possito maintain the public character of the ter- ble without the infrastructure and the hanminal and to increase the capacity. After dling equipment that the company possesthe first legal and take-over problems were ses. Appropriate quality of services and over, ICTSI - operating several container high efficiency result from the following terminals in the world, implemented a elements of the equipment: multimillion investment program, sub- • The Helskie I Quay length 800 m, depth 11,5 m (construction depth 13 stantially increasing the handling capacim) with 5 lo-lo container vessel sety of the company. Within several years, rvice points with one of them serving the terminal doubled sales reaching 500 also ro-ro vessels, 000 TEUs. Furthermore, BCT established corporate port „benchmarks” in terminal • 1 ro-ro ramp adjustable-hydraulically operated, management and quality of services. The period following 2003 has proved to be • railway terminal with 3 rail tracks each 300 m long, suitable for serving a major period of enhancement of BCT’s standing in the market of container Straż Portowa Sp. z o.o. handling. During the last five years, 00 the company has Security 01:20 006 0 9 ISO 2110:2 realised approxiP Monitoring mately 40% of the AQA E: 0348H planned investment NCAG Convoy budget of USD 100 mln. In the years 2003-2007 the comISPS Code Training and Consultancy pany purchased eight Rubber Tired Al. Solidarności 1, 81-336 Gdynia, tel. +48 58 660 54 77, fax +48 58 660 54 89 Gantries and three, e-mail: ship-to-shore cranes


technical and economic assumptions were developed by the Design Office of Maritime Engineering in Gdansk. The Industrial Engineering Office in Gdynia became the general contractor. The technological equipment was delivered from Spain and its main producer was Paceco-Freuhauf Company. The terminal, built from scratch, was very modern at that time. The operations of the newly built container terminal began on 29th October 1979 handling the first roll on-roll off ship BALTIC EAGLE of the joint service of United Baltic Corporation and Polish Ocean Lines (PLO) operating under the name Polanglia. Soon, in December 1979, the first train was handled and on 10th April 1980, Polanglia service obtained PLO sister ship, INOWROCLAW. In June 1980, handling using the lift on/lift off system began.

Appropriate investment decisions

In 1980s and 1990s, the terminal handled the total general cargo traffic between Poland and England and PLO service handled Purfleet and Middlesbrough ports and Szczecin. At that time, a one-thousand meter quay and the second roll on-roll off station were built. The area of storage increased to 27 000 m², making it possible to store 9 000 TEUs at one time. Within a 64 Manufacturing-Journal

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• • •

• • • • • •

45 railway wagons simultaneously, side track with 6 tracks 1.000 m long, suitable for serving and forming container trains, gates serving containers as well as cargo trucks (5 entry gates and 4 exit gates) , general cargo warehouse of 20.000 m2 for short term storage, with the capacity of 15.000 tons of general cargo, a covered storage area of 1.058 m2, comprising 2 chambers of 529 m2 each, bonded zone: for general cargo - 529 m2, vehicle storage yards (storage capacity up to 6.500 cars), a truck parking area (surface area ca. 3 hectares - a driver’s service centre), storage yards accommodating 18.000 TEUs in the first cargo-handling zone, 400 reefer plugs.

Offer and good management

Owing to adequate investment ventures undertaken at the correct moment, Baltic Container Terminal is one of the most resilient container terminals in ICTSI Group and the largest container terminal in Poland. The enterprise handles containerized, general, ro-ro and lo-lo cargo and offers a wide range of services including: • loading and discharging of containers, general cargo and vehicles, • handling of containers, general cargo and vehicles, • storage of containers, general cargo and vehicles, • stuffing and stripping of containers, • bonded warehousing. Next to paying attention to the scope of services available for the customers, Baltic Container Terminal has been develo-

ping its computer systems. Nowadays, the complete terminal management system TOS includes the following elements: Mainsail Ter• minal Management System: providing real-time inventory management, flexible workflow tools and integration with other business-critical systems and

to refer to the most recent ones, gained in 2007. At that time, the title of Wehikuły Czasu (Time Machines) was granted to BTC by Gazeta Prawna, a Polish daily newspaper, for special achievements in the Polish economy. BCT was placed in a spearhead of the companies and recognized as a dynamic and reliable company creating new work places. It must be emphasized that the advance of BCT over the years has always been undertaken with the stakeholders in mind and in certain cases with their direct assistance. It brought the company to where it is now and most probably will help it to develop further.

port partners, Mainsail Online: responsible for enhanced, instantaneous communication by giving BCT’s line customers and partners access to selected terminal data via an easy-to-use, intuitive Web interface, Forecast: helping the terminal to communicate faster and easier with transport companies, forwarders, consignees, brokers and others acting in port related environment, Spinnaker Planning Management System: providing terminal operator with fully-integrated vessel, berth, yard and rail planning tools in one workspace, Traffic Control: dynamically controlling container handling equipment and replacing radio communication and paper instructions with accurate, real-time electronic dispatch of work instructions to operators.

Furthermore, the trust of the customers of Baltic Container Terminal in Gdynia has been gained thanks to the fact that it is annually subject to verification on security system compliance with the requirements of the International Ship and Port Facility Code (ISPS Code) and chapter XI 2 of SOLAS Convention 74.



The business activity of BTC is not just perceived and appreciated by its clientele. Acknowledgement comes also from diverse certifying bodies and institutions. To exemplify just one of the awards, it is enough Manufacturing-Journal 65

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“I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and sky, and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.”



hipyard Yantar was established on the base of the Konigsberg branch of Schichau Werft in 1945 after World War II finishing. Several generations of Kaliningrad shipbuilders put their hearts and minds in development of new enterprise. Yantar’s marine engineers and naval architects have been involved in design, construction and maintenance hundreds of ships, boats and related equipment. For more than 60 years of its history Yantar has become a famous builder and repairer of the modern war ships and high-effective civil vessels. Today Yantar is a modern and dynamically developing enterprise having wide experience in building and repair of vessels and ships of different classes and purposes. Figures speak for themselves. In just three years the company’s revenue raised twelve times reaching in 2008 astronomical sum of 298 mln dollars. Therefore, the company is unquestionable globally important player in naval sector. Yantar is the only Russian shipyard, which is situated in the South-East part of the Baltic region in the nearness of the largest industrial centres of Europe. The city of Kaliningrad is the only Russian ice-free port on the Baltic Sea and the centre of the most western region of Russia owing status of the Special Economic Zone with the developed transport infrastructure. This logistical advantage allows the company to offer what both customers and industry desire- an unbeatable combination of qualities: time savings, cost effectiveness and highest quality. Having said that keeping up the high quality of shipyard’s products is one of Yantar’s main aims. Thus, products quality and production facilities are approved by the leading classification societies: the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Germanischer Lloyd, Det Norske Veritas. The quality assurance system of our shipyard complies with international requirements of the quality system ISO 9001. The quality control is also implemented

ROCHEM MEMBRANE SYSTEMS Efficient and ecological solutions for • Pure water generation by Reverse Osmosis • Purification of gray and black water according to IMO resolution MEPC.159(55) ROCHEM Reverse Osmosis Freshwater Generators

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ROCHEM RO-Wasserbehandlung GmbH • Knickberg lA • D-21077 Hamburg Tel.+49(0)407038577-0 • Fax+49(0)407038577-29 • •

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by the company. The central shipyard’s laboratory, laboratory of electro technical measuring, laboratory of acoustics and electromagnetic protection have available modern measuring equipment allowing to strictly control works and materials quality at every stage of an order execution. The wide range of production directions includes such branches as: • Commercial Shipbuilding- at the company’s slipways a great deal of partly outfitted ships’ hulls for western customers are built including: drycargo vessels of river-sea class, river tankers and dry-cargo vessels, arctic trawlers, environment and fishery protection vessels, pilot and customs boats from aluminium alloys etc.

• Naval Shipbuilding- since 1945 totally 153 naval ships of various classes had been built at Yantar’s slipways including: antisubmarine ships, patrol ships, large landing ships, space communication ships. Thanks to their quality, reliability and high combat effectiveness the shipyard’s naval products are well known among several generations of naval seamen from all fleets of the former USSR and present Russia as well as from some foreign countries. Metal Structures Manufacturingthe shipyard has wide experience in manufacturing of metal structures intended for different purposes such as: hulls’ sections and blocks, crane structures, pipes and air ducts of big diameters, pressure vessels etc. Shiprepair and Conversion- authority of Yantar in shiprepair attracts customers of complicated repair works. The company has carried out complex works for refitting to floating museums of the worldwide known research vessel „Vityaz”, the

space flights control vessel „Kosmonavt Patsaev” as well as submarine pr. 641 which have become a visit card of the city of Kaliningrad. Moreover, in 2003 shipyard carried out work for re-equipment of the ex-patrol ship of the Russian Baltic Fleet „Druzhnyi”, which was also built at Yantar, into a floating cultural-entertaining complex that will be opened in the city of Moscow. One of the biggest sailing vessel in the world the four-mast

bark „Kruzenshtern” has become a permanent partner of the shipyard. Shipbuilding from Aluminium Alloys- ship building and metal structures manufacturing from light alloys, stainless steel and titanium is carried out by the specialized division busied in fabrication of wide range of products from these metals. All production is fabricated in a separate workshop equipped with cranes and all necessary for cutting, bending and welding of metals. Among the production from light alloys there are the following: ships’ hulls from aluminium alloys up to 25 m long and superstructures/deckhouses, ship’s rigging, yards, masts, capstans, winches, fairleads, hawseholes, ladders, gangways, covers, doManufacturing-Journal 67

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ors, tanks and other structures made both of aluminium alloys and stainless steel, anchors from stainless steel and aluminium alloys, parts of propeller-rudder complex (rudder blade with rudder stock etc.). Mechanical Engineering Productionmechanical engineering production has technical facilities and high-skilled personnel for fabrication of wide spectrum of equipment purposed both for ship and shore application. At the disposal of shipyard Yantar there is a wide machinery equipment allowing to carry out metal processing within the widest scope of work at the highest quality level.

The shipyard takes great attention to development of naval shipbuilding including export one. Co-operation started by Yantar at the beginning of the nineties with a number of foreign companies from Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and other countries has become longterm and mutually beneficial partnership for the last ten years. At the present time

the most valuable collaboration has been started with India. The company not only takes pride in its products but also in its well educated staff. The total number of employees working on full time bases is 2300. Their hard work turns blurred visions into reality. Yantar gives also students an opportunity to develop their own skills at its slipways. According to the company’s plans number of their work force will raise to 3500. Yantar’s slogan “Quality tested by sea” is definitely not just an elegant phrase of the empty words. Everlasting engagement in modernisation of the production process and constant implementation of new technologies are the fully explenantion of that notion which Yantar is driven by and commited to.

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Furniture, Forest Products,

Food & Beverage Idustry Lambertz Polonia 70-72 TK Trade 73-75 Flair Poland 76-78 Mebelplast 79-82 Andrewex 83-86

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he tradition of confectionery products of Lambertz dates back to the 17th century. Lambertz began its business activity in 1688 and was given the license to set up its first own bakery. Since that moment, the company has been producing confectionery products of highest quality, and combining centuries-old traditions with modern technology. Today the Lambertz Group is one of the top German manufacturers of confectionery goods with extended shelf life. They can be found almost all over the world.

Crucial dates

The rapid development of the Lambertz Group contributed to the foundation of Lambertz Polonia in 1998. The production lines for gingerbreads and cakes were located in a plant in Ruda Śląska. – The decision to enter the Polish market was connected with its size. It was the first step of the Lambertz Group out of Germany and the intention was to conquer the markets of CEE countries – says Marek Kretek, General Manager of Lambertz Polonia. The year 2004 was a turning point as far as the development of Lambertz Polonia is concerned. – Until the end of 2003 the two companies: Lambertz Polonia and

Lambertz in Germany would function as two separate entities, apart from each other. Since the accession of Poland to the European Union we have been selling the same type of products – explains Mr Kretek. In the crucial year of 2004, the enterprise opened up a new factory in Katowice, where it has been packing up products for retail on three production lines. What is more, in that year the board of the company devised an active development strategy, which became the source of the company’s ongoing rapid development. Thanks to effective management, the company has been continually increasing its shares and revenues, both in Poland and in Central and Eastern Europe.

Reasons behind the success

Lambertz Polonia is aware of its history of more than 300 years. Nevertheless, it does not mean that it is not willing to face new market trends. The company looks into the future and creates new standards in the confectionery industry. Lambertz Polonia adjusts its products and management system to the changing conditions of the market. Doing that, it remembers about its centuries-old traditions. Due to that, the confectionery products that can be found in its offer combine tradition

with modernity. The employees of Lambertz Polonia search for new tastes, but do not forget the attachments of many generations to traditional gingerbreads and cakes. Furthermore, close relations to customers, which have been built for the last decade, are of great importance for Lambertz Polonia. The company is perceived as a reliable business partner – it acts very quickly and with flexibility. Thanks to the modern organization of the production process, it can react adequately to the new needs of customers and contractors. “The factors that helped Lambertz Polonia to develop are good strategy and easiness with which we introduce new products to the market. Without doubt, tradition has played an important role as well” – sums up Mr Kretek. The successful strategy of Lambertz Polonia is based on two pillars: product range and distribution channel development. As far as the product range is concerned, Lambertz Polonia relies on the 1 500 products of its German counterpart, whereas the development of the distribution channel is based on direct contact with the customers and contractors.

Brands, products, quality

The unique taste of the firm’s gingerbreads and cakes is the main reason for

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PROSPONA Ltd. Fruit and Vegetable Processing Plant PROSPONA Ltd. is a leader among Polish enterprises specialized in the manufacture of fruit-vegetable products designed for confectionery and bakery companies. Modern technological production lines together with a perfectly qualified workforce, enable the firm to be quick and flexible in fulfilling orders from customers. Based on long-standing experience and co-operation with specialist – production engineers, has created an offer including over 150 products. Among others, offers: roasted apples, confectionery fillings, marmalades, jams, candied fruits, pasteurized fruits and fruits in gel – Frużelina®. PROSPONA products can be found in confectionery goods of many renowned companies. Przetwórnia Owoców i Warzyw PROSPONA sp. z o. o. 33-300 Nowy Sącz ul. Węgierska 11 Poland tel. (+48)18 443-69-05 f ax (+48)18 444-28-02

which many generations of sweets enthusiasts enjoy its products. The Lambertz Group offers over 1 500 confectionery products. They are marketed as its own brands, but also as private brands of various international clients. The production facilities are located with: Lambertz Aachen and Lambertz Polonia, Kinkartz, Weiss, Haeberlaein & Metzger, Scharschmidt Spezialitäten and Otten. The product range of Lambertz Polonia includes two brands of gingerbreads and cakes: Lambertz and Kinkartz. Undoubtedly, the most important brand is Lambertz. The products that it includes are among others: gingerbread in chocolate, decorated gingerbread in chocolate, chocolate cookies, assortment of gingerbreads, assortment of biscuits. Another key brand is Kinkartz. Some of the Kinkartz brand products are: iced gingerbread, gingerbread with filling in chocolate, pepper gingerbread or gingerbread hearts. Next to that, the portfolio of the products includes a very wide spectrum of seasonal and occasional

products. “We believe in the uniqueness and quality of our products and we do our best to excel at that” – says Mr Kretek. To achieve the top quality goal the company has to comply with world standards when it designs and produces its goods as well as implement and maintain the principles of the International Standard Food (IFS). At Lambertz Polonia, special attention is paid to the safety of the products as customers’ health is of utmost importance for the company. Because of that, the basis of the Lambertz Group is the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), the most effective and efficient tool providing high hygienic standard of producing and processing food.In the production process materials of highest quality are used – they meet not only the requirements of internal specifications but also the prerequisites of Polish and European food law. On top of that, the credit for the unique taste of the company’s gingerbreads and cakes goes to its traditional recipes worked out by best food technologists. – State-of-theart technologies can only influence the effectiveness of the production process. Good and verified recipes are key to the success – asserts the General Manager.

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Untypical marketing

Interesting enough, the company does not put lots of effort in its marketing activity. – We do not advertise at all, neither in Poland, nor in German – informs Mr Kretek. The unconventional marketing strategy is based on such a configuration of a particular product that it is perfectly adapted to the local market. “The marketing concept of a product is a mixture of quality and packaging. As a result of that, we deliver a unique and extraordinary product that cannot be copied by any of our competitors” – supplements the General Manager


Lambertz Polonia is responsible for sales development of the Lambertz Group in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in Asia. Currently, it delivers its products to a number of European countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. It is also present on the Far East markets – China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.“As far as exports is concerned, our main competitive advantage is price. Unfortunately, the offer of Lambertz Polonia may be perceived less attractive than any proposal form a German enterprise. German companies possess not only many years of experience in export ventures. Products originating from Germany have a very high quality image. That is why we have to be attractive with respect to price” – explains Mr Kretek. Another exotic market that the company wants to conquer in the nearest future is Australia. The reason behind the decision is connected with the decreasing demand predicted for Poland and the region of CEE in the year of 2009. The decreasing sales dynamics is to be substituted by new investments in Australia. The intention is to start cooperation with all Australian chains by the end of 2009.

Satisfied personnel

At the current moment, around 500 people are employed at Lambertz Polonia. –“Around 400 employees support the manufacturing process. The remaining 20% of the personnel is responsible for administration and sales. Next to that, we cooperate with around 1000 people, yet they are not employed at our company” – says the General Manager. The company focuses first and foremost on the integration of the employees. At Lambertz Polonia it is believed that only integrated teams can work effectively and identify with

the company. Because of that, the firm pays lots of attention to efficient internal communication, hierarchy and rules clarity as well as good atmosphere at everyday work. Besides, the employees get an opportunity to develop and can always count on lots of support from other team members. Owing to that, the enterprise is perceived as a good place to work. A proof of that may be the title of Solidny Pracodawca (Solid Employer) received from Grupa Media Partner in 2008. The competition distinguishes companies which perform beyond reproach as far as their personnel strategy is concerned.

Potential for the future “Polish market has been developing very dynamically within the last five years. Products, which we could not sell at the beginning of our operations in Poland, are currently sold without any problems” - remarks the General Manager. The potential of Lambertz Polonia is then in introducing new products to the local market. – In fact we are constantly testing new products and try to adapt them to the demands of the local clientele – adds Mr Kretek. Without doubt, their high quality and traditional recipes will bring about another successes of the company.

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he main area of activity of TK TRADE is production and distribution of the most precious types of comestible oil. The customers are offered a full range of products, manufactured from the best materials coming from the most remote parts of the world.


Each year the production capacity is increased and the cooperation with regular customers is extended. What is more, the company manages to gain new partnership-based relations, which confirms its competitiveness and reliability.

A look back

TK TRADE PLC is the Polish branch of a Lithuanian company Tikras Kelias UAB. The latter was established in 1998 and after a little more than ten years of energetic business activity in the Baltic states, it managed to gain the leader title as far as comestible oil production is concerned. Due to dynamic development the company decided to expand geographically. The Polish branch of the enterprise started its business operations in 2003. When asked about the most important moments in the history of the company, Mrs. Hana Kaminskiene, the President of the company, says: - Without doubt the accession of Poland and Lithuania to the European Union. At the moment the barriers and obstacles concerning the sales of products to other European countries, were removed. It propelled our company and helped it to develop. At the current moment the company possesses a huge production plant in Kalisz and is widely recognized among the customers in Poland and abroad. What is more, the enterprise does not intent to stop its development at this point. It cooperates with large, international chains as well as local distribution channels and specialist consumers – representatives of comestible industry as well as various works and plants using comestible oil in their manufacturing processes.

Factors behind the success and strategic potential

The President of the company claims that what propelled the company in reaching its goals was a plucky and ambitious belief: - At TK TRADE it is believed that nothings is impossible. Due to that, we have always set ourselves courageous goals and strived to meet the requirements of our customers. Adequate and quick reaction to their wishes, expectations and suggestions helped us enormously

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– says Mrs. Kaminskiene. The fair play rules and the readiness to meet the requirements of the customers is where the company perceives its strategic potential. – We are open for all expectations and suggestions of the customers and we take them into consideration. Thanks to that we will be able to achieve even more than so far – supplements the President. – Satisfaction of our clients is one of great importance to us. It is one of the goals that we try to achieve in everyday activity and we are sure that sooner or later it will bring us to the triumph – she adds.

New quality of products

The products of the company are delivered to the clientele thanks to a perfectly functioning system – a mix of adequate materials’ purchase, production, customer service and innovation management. As a result of that the company offers its contractors a number of top-quality products. The product range includes: •

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rape oil – refined and non-refined; according to experts characterized by the most balanced composition of fatty acids, soya oil – refined, manufactured from genetically modified as well as non-modified soya germs, and nonrefined; famous for its high content of lecithin, sunflower oil – refined and non-refined; natural and rich in many vitamins, first and foremost vitamin E, frying oil – a mixture of rape oil and a liquid fraction of palm oil; perfect for frying as it does not burn, can be heated to high temperature, has a good taste and enables a quicker preparation of the fried meal, olive oil – extra virgin and Pomance; traditional product originating from the region of the Mediterranean sea and a basic ingredient of French cuisine, corn oil – a natural source of vitamin E, resistant to high temperature and rich in linolic acid, peanut oil, grape seed oil, oil with herbs additive, various oil mixtures.

None of the products is treated as the most important or the most crucial one. The company does its best to manufacture high quality, reliable products available at competitive prices. If the quality and

the price factor meet in one manufacture, each product becomes crucial, both to the enterprise as well as to its clients. Next to that, only such products can be quality guarantors – and this is what TK TRADE wants to be associated with. The President of the enterprise claims that high quality of its products comes from the personnel that it is manufactured by. – At our company it is joked that the shortcut TK in our name stands for Tylko Kobiety (Women Only) and comes from the number of women cooperating with us. The majority of women, who know what good oil shall be like, causes that our products are indeed good and keenly purchased by other women, housewives, cooks, etc. – explains Mrs. Kaminskiene.

Certificates and distinctions

In fact the products are more than just good. A confirmation of that may be a number of certificates that the company received from various trade institutions and certifying bodies. To name just a few of them: in 2006 the frying oil Dolores was distinguished by Puchar Jakości 2006 (Quality Cup 2006) by IPMiT (Institute for Meat and Fat Industry) in Warsaw. The experts acknowledged the perfect parameters of Dolores oil in the process of deep frying and baking. In the same year another product of the brand Dolores was distinguished. This time the trophy of IPMiT went to a mix of olive and sunflower oil and was a recognition of the manufacture’s innovation and health values. Just a year later, in 2007, the corn oil of Dolores brand was perceived and honoured by the experts of IPMiT. Not a long time later, in 2008, the quality of Karolina rape and sunflower oil was acknowledged by the same institution and the title of Puchar Jakości 2008 (Quality Cup 2008). All the distinctions are of great meaning to the company. They confirm that the business activity of TK TRADE is focused on top quality and innovative products. Furthermore, TK TRADE – as a European producer of comestible goods – meets the requirements of the most rigorous quality norms. The realization of them is affirmed by quality certificates such as: PN-EN ISO 9001:2000, HACCP, BRC GLOBAL STANDARD – FOOD as well as IFS INTERNATIONAL FOOD STANDARD.

Women Only

- We are sure that the success of our company depends greatly on the employees – says Mrs. Kaminskiene. At the current moment the company employs around 160 people.

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As mentioned before, the majority of them are women. Around 30 employees of the whole team are responsible for administrative work, the rest looks after the production process. - Each person employed at TK TRADE is treated on an individual basis. Each employee gets a possibility to reveal their talents and to develop them. We are open for any ideas coming from our personnel and we try to put them into practice – claims Mrs. Kaminskiene. Professionalism, willingness to work and personality are valued at the recruitment process. Lots is done in order to build and integrate the teams. Because of that, the company pays lots of attention to internal communication. It keeps everyone updated not only about the strategy and direction of the company, but also about the problems that it is facing. Nowadays, the human resource of TK TRADE constitutes of professionals fully responsible for their duties and executing them beyond reproach. All of them show care for further development of the company. – We have achieved that thanks to appropriate motivation and giving our people the possibility to learn and increase their qualifications – assures the President of the company.

Changes – global and local perspective

Surprisingly enough, Mrs. Kaminskiene claims that during the last five years the global market of comestible products has not changed that much. - What has changed is the Polish market, the perspective of looking at it. Local market players had to adapt to the demands of the global clientele and to catch up with the trends shaping the sales in other parts of the world. The change came together with the accession to the European Union in 2004 – says the President. According to Mrs. Kaminskiene, trade specific challenges for the nearest future include further interest in vegetable oil, especially soya oil, and even greater focus on the price of the products. – This factor will turn out to be very important especially now, at the time of the financial crisis and smaller households’ budgets – she supplements. Despite hard times, the enterprise plans to expand its market of operations. – We are currently active on the markets of central and eastern Europe and we would like to strengthen our position there. The markets of Romania and Bulgaria are in turn the ones that we want to enter in the nearest future – informs the President. Without doubt, the device of the company – nothing is impossible – must have played an important role in making this decision.

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QUALITY AND FUNCIONALITY LAIR POLAND is a furniture producer specializing in the manufacturing of upholstery furniture. The workshop of the enterprise is located in Kobylnica, which lies approximately 4 kilometres south-west of Słupsk, in the northern part of Poland.


At the current moment the company is doing fine, yet the time of relative stability was proceeded by a very turbulent period. The insecure months and years were connected with the bankruptcy of a German Group Schneider, which the plant in Kobylnica belonged to. Soon after the insolvency of the parent house, the problems and obstacles reached other companies of the Group, among them Flair Poland.

Crucial moments

The beginnings of the company date back to 1992. According to the President of the company, Mr Patrick Kaczmarek, the most crucial moment in the first phase of cor-

porate development was the year of 1995. At that moment the company’s premises and manufacturing workshop were transferred from the city centre of Słupsk to the neighbouring city of Kobylnica. The decision turned out to be a correct one and the main reason behind the move was the increase of production capacity. - In 1998 we started to cooperate with IMS, a Swiss concern with a strong position on the domestic as well as Austrian and French markets – says the President. Without doubt, the cooperation agreement had a significant influence on where the company is nowadays. Thanks to IMS, the enterprise managed to overcome the unstable situation connected with the bankruptcy of the Schneider Group and significantly changed the markets of its operations. The list of exports destinations was extended by France and the priority of the company is to earmark to that country around 40% of the total production. The reorientation has been implemented at

the cost of Germany, so far the major export destination of FLAIR POLAND.

The target group

The offer of FLAIR POLAND is characterized by good design as well as interesting, modern forms available at competitive prices. It makes the manufactures of the company a correct choice for households with middle or above-middle income levels. – Our products are not for every customer, simultaneously we do not want to concentrate on a very specific or narrow group of clients. We are interested in clients who do not intend to spend lots of money on furniture and who do not purchase it for a long period of time. Our customers search for interesting solutions and unique design. Since our offer does not include lots of traditional and conventional furniture, we address our products first and foremost to middle-aged customers, aware of what they want and how

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…strongly reduced foil

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their interior shall look like – explains Mr Kaczmarek. Yet the company does not give up the interest in customers used to more typical and conventional solution. A proof of that may be the extension of the Basic product line: - This product line has a more massive character and is oriented at a customer looking for conventional products. The furniture of this line includes more functional solutions and other types of materials. It makes this product group less sophisticated, cheaper and a little more conventional as far as the design is concerned – claims the President.

Success factors

- The trust of our customers is connected with the quality of our products and the fact that we try to keep the number of complaints on a very low level. We also pay a lot of attention to reliability and keeping up the promised deadlines. We treat this attitude as a basis for success,

since the key to the our current position lies in appropriate product offer available at very competitive prices – says Mr Kaczmarek. In fact, adequate offer combined with high innovation are perceived as a strategic potential of the enterprise. FLAIR POLAND perceives another development motor in the markets of its operations. - The markets of Central and Eastern Europe are more accessible thanks to the sales dynamics that they allow to gain. Western markets, for example the German market, are characterized by a very large supply surplus, stable or even declining demand and a very high price competition. The factors make the possibility to break through and to gain a significant position among other market players very small, which is not the case with the East of the continent. Furthermore, FLAIR POLAND possesses products tailored for those markets specifically. It regards price, design, etc. – informs the President. He claims as well that another reason behind the current position of the company is long-term cooperation with the suppliers: – We have a number of reliable and stable agreements, which allow us to meet the requirements of the customers and to meet the deadlines. The choice of business partners does not come down to price competitiveness solely. We pay also a lot of attention to the quality of delivered materials – he claims. Last but not least, another success factor is the optimisation of the production process. – We have done a lot to adapt the course of the manufacturing to the possibilities of the

production equipment, the very character of the production as well as the specificity of particular models. We tried to implement all the improvements despite the fact that at the upholstery trade not a lot can be automatized – adds the President.


Due to that, at FLAIR POLAND it is believed that the strength and future of the company is in its human capital. – Most of our employees cooperate with us on a long-term basis, are highly qualified and very effective – informs Mr Kaczmarek. What is more, the company is not afraid to take to new ventures in the area of its personnel management. In the recent months, FLAIR POLAND started cooperation with a group of workers from Nepal. The number of the employees originating from that country amounts currently to 25. – There was no particular reason be-

hind signing agreements with the workers from Nepal. We simply searched for qualified personnel and we found them there – says the President. However, the employees from the local market, who voluntarily decide to work for FLAIR POLAND, are of greatest importance to the company. – The local, regional market remains the main source of getting new employees. What we offer them is an employer’s loyalty as well as honest, fully respected and legal principles of cooperation and compensation – explains Mr Kaczmarek. As far as motivational factors are concerned, they are very much connected with the productivity and quality of a particular worker. Next to that, the promotion track is rather clear and many managerial posts were staffed with people, who had already been involved in the ventures of the enterprise. With regard to Manufacturing-Journal 77

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the most recent innovations in personnel management, the company has decided to change the workplace organization. At the current moment it concentrates on specialization, narrowing the number of models that a particular employee is able to produce. Thanks to a smaller number of competencies that the workers have to gain, they become effective much quicker than before. It is worth noting that at the moment 360 people are employed at FLAIR POLAND and the number of administrative posts does not exceed 15%.

Key products

There is no particular product that the company would like to concentrate on and build its strategy around. – We pay more attention to product groups rather than just products – says Mr Kaczmarek. Yet there are products that FLAIR POLAND perceives as particularly important. Without doubt, the emphasis has been put on modular furniture. It allows the users to freely adapt the interior to their particular needs, expectations and requirements. One of our successful products has been Matrix, which managed to gain the title of Mebel Roku (Furniture of the Year). Another crucial products of our company are the large sofas, which allow to spend the free time in a relaxed and comfortable way. We offer them in diverse functional and dimensional variants. The third product group which shows potential for the future is furniture of organic shape, i.e. rounded forms and design – says the President. He adds that the company would like its products to be associated with good design and attractive prices. In fact, it is. The corner settee Matrix, manufactured by Flair Poland, became Product of the Year 2004 in a competition organized by a prestigious monthly Meble Plus (Furniture Plus). In that year, 80 firms from all over Poland and 230 of their products participated in the competition.


Corner settee Matrix, one of the most successful products of Flair Poland moment of accession of Poland to the European Union did not significantly change the business activity of FLAIR POLAND. – We have been operating on the European market since the very beginnings of the company in 1992. From the very onset of the production process we have tried to meet the top quality and efficiency standards. Due to that it was not a breakthrough moment for us – points out the President. However, Mr Kaczmarek thinks that the event changed the attitudes and behaviour of Polish customers: - They started to perceive furniture as a element of fashion, to treat it more short-term like as before.

Croatia. Interesting enough, the President of the company claims that the predicted slowdown of the economy, which – according to the experts, may severely hit the financial results of the furniture trade, can have a beneficial influence on FLAIR POLAND. - We believe that if the customers will actually have to save, they will turn to good, high quality products offered at prices lower than those of better and more prestigious counterparts. This is undoubtedly a chance for FLAIR POLAND – claims Mr Kaczmarek.

Exports and plans for the future

At the current moment the exports of the company constitutes 87% of its sales. The main destinations are: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Benelux countries as well as Slovakia, The Czech Republic and

in the recent years

- If it had not been for the serious ownership and legal transformations of the last years, the company would not be at the situation of today. We are a part of a very stable and internationally acknowledged Group and have managed to build an extensive and reliable network of clients, both in Poland as well as overseas. What is more, they are satisfied with the cooperation with us and appreciate our products - informs Mr Kaczmarek. The President of the company claims as well that the 78 Manufacturing-Journal

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POLISH COMPANY, INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS MEBELPLAST, established in 1988, is a company with entirely Polish capital. Over the years, MEBELPLAST has become the Chairman of the board leading Polish Mr. Marek Kołakowski manufacturer and exporter of high quality upholstered furniture. For over 20 years of business activity the company has been successful in the demanding markets worldwide. The enterprise has been appreciated both in Europe as well as on the other side of the globe – in the USA, Canada or the United Arab Emirates.

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Looking back…

The beginnings of the company date back to 1988. As mentioned above, the year witnessed the establishment of MEBELPLAST Sp. z o. o. (PLC), a company with entirely Polish capital. Two years later the enterprise decided to present its products at an export-oriented fair Polskie Meble (Polish Furniture) in Poznań. The decision turned out o be a correct one – MEBELPLAST started its export activity and the first destinations were Germany and The Netherlands. Two years later, in 1992 the company purchased its first professional facility in Kieźliny and started the production process there. In the same year, Mebelplast expanded its activity markets and commenced to export

its products to the Benelux countries. In 1996 MEBELPLAST was transformed into a Joint Stock Company and continued to conquer new export markets, i.e.: Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, France and Slovenia. On 9th December 2002 a fire broke out in the production plant in Kieźliny and destroyed the plant entirely. However, MEBELPLAST did not give up and on 13th December the company restarted production in substitute premises. The tragic event and pictures of the workshop’s ashes were later on used as a motive for a corporate stand at MEBLE trade fair in Poznań. The fire propelled also some investment decisions. In 2003 the Management Board of the company took the decision on plant extension. In June 2003 the investment project began

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with placing the cornerstone for a facility in Olsztyn. No more than a few months later, in February 2004, MEBELPALST started works in the sewing hall, cutting hall and the fabrics’ warehouse. As of July the same year, it was operating in the office facilities and the official completion of the investment project took place. Another crucial decision of the Management Board came in 2005. In that year the Members of the Board decided to implement a new strategy concerning shops of the company. They were to gain new attractive design and the name „Livingroom by Mebelplast”. On the other hand, in 2008 the enterprise established cooperation with Eva Minge, a renowned fashion designer. The formal and public start of the cooperation took place on 21 January 2008 – MEBELPLAST debuted with Eva Minge for Livingroom furniture collection at the Eva Minge fashion show held at the Paris Fashion Week. Also today the company participates in many trade fairs, both in Poland as well as overseas (Belgium, The Netherlands, Great Britain).

Besides, the products of the enterprise are available almost all over the world. 40 sales salons of the company - Livingroom by Mebelplast - function in Europe, USA and the Middle East. The network of the salons in Poland includes in turn 18 ownmanaged points as well as 10 based on partnership cooperation. The own shops are located in the most attractive locations in major Polish cities and by the end of 2009 their number will increase to 20.

Competitive advantage

The reasons behind the success of MEBELPLAST are diversified, however what played an important role was the development and progress orientation. Owing to that, the company is nowadays present in the most remote parts of the world and its products are purchased everywhere where people value unique climate, individual style and high quality. The competitive advantage of MEBELPLAST lies in the diversity and uniqueness of its offer. Owing

to the fact that the company produces for different markets, MEBELPLAST is able to appropriately modify its products to meet the requirements of individual clients. At the current moment MEBELPLAST possesses over 400 models of sofas, couches and armchairs in many form combinations. The collection of upholstery fabrics exceeds 1500 textiles and includes a variety of leathers. The MEBELPLAST collection consists of the following lines: •

Lounge – targeted at young, dynamic Clients, • Residence – for customers for whom luxury and prestige are of paramount • importance, • Country – for clients appreciating the colonial style, • Sweet Dreams – collection for those who pay lots of attention to comfort, elegance and functionality • Eva Minge for Livingroom collection of furniture addressed to clients who value • uniqueness, vogue and prestige.

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Another crucial factor is the company’s eagerness to innovate. The innovation of MEBELPLAST does not mean stateof-the-art production solutions, machines and devices. It also comes down to the most modern IT solutions. They allow the company to implement a series of logistical and organizational possibilities, which exceed the processes used at the current moment not only in other companies of the trade in Poland but also in Europe. To exemplify the interest in new and innovative products it is worth to mention that MEBELPLAST introduced a new material called Genetic - space technology in the world of furniture. The material is available only in Livingroom by Mebelplast salons and implements a technological breakthrough in the field of leatherlike materials. It preserves namely the genes of the natural leather while exceeding its parameters and functionality. The secret of Genetic is hidden in its mechanical properties: tensile, tear and elongation strength, flexibility and Martindale resistance to abrasion. Enriching its offerings with the Genetic material, MEBELPLAST is a pioneer in the furniture industry in attitude of responsibility for natural environment. Last but not least, the company is acknowledged by its customers thanks to timely and faultless deliveries. Yet the most important capital and potential of MEBELPLAST is its personnel.

Strength is in the people

At the current moment MEBELPLAST employs more than 500 people. The Management Board of MEBELPLAST based its personnel politics on the human capital model. The company looks for people who are keen to learn and develop. Once it finds them, it invests in their education. Next to that, the company does its best to build a strong connection of the employees with the company. S i m u l t a n e o u s l y, MEBELPLAST offers its

people solid agreement conditions, stability of the employment and a chance to develop both in professional as well as in private life. Furthermore, the company is not afraid to entrust its people and frequently involves new employees in responsible and complicated projects or tasks. The tendency to experiment and to take risk gives every single employee a chance to demonstrate their abilities. Owing to that, at MEBELPLAST promotion is not connected with or based on the job tenure. What plays a role, are the actual accomplishments and ambitious goals. Quick and steep career tracks are then nothing untypical at the enterprise.

Distinctions and awards

The list of the prizes and awards that MEBELPLAST managed to receive is what they can be proud of. What is more, the company has been perceived by various certifying bodies from the very beginning of its

business activity and presence on the market. The first distinction came already in 1994. At the time, Instytut Wzornictwa Przemysłowego [Institute for Industrial Design] in Warsaw awarded the company the Good Design certificate for its furniture. Just two years later, in 1996, MEBELPLAST was given the Golden Statuette of the Leader of Polish Business by the Business Center Club (BCC). In fact, the enterprise was acknowledged by this organization more than once – the last distinction came in 2006. During the years 1999 and 2000, the Company obtained ISO certificates covering the quality, environment and occupational safety and hygiene management systems. What is more, in 1999 MEBELPLAST was awarded the title of Distinuished Polish Exporter and Instytut Wzornictwa Przemysłowego [Institute of Industrial Design] in Warsaw awarded the Good Design certificates for the further three models of furniture. In 2007 the furniture of the company is again appreciated by experts and clients. The Sofa Lounge is awarded the Piece of the

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Year 2007 title at MEBELEXPO exhibition in Katowice while the BIG BEN is awarded the Diamond of Furniture Industry at the competition of furniture manufacturers organized by an Internet portal The year of 2008 was also fruitful with respect to the opinions of experts and clientele. Sofa RAVENNA of MEBELPLAST received Meble Plus – Product of the year 2008 title, and the models SCALA, STRADA and CHANGE received distinctions at the Diament Meblarstwa 2008 competition organized by the portal.

What the future holds

In the months to come, the priority of the company will be the extension of the offer in the area of leather furniture, case furniture as well as carpets, lamps, wallpapers and decorative accessories for the interiors. Next to that, the company wants to concentrate on the revitalization of the salons and adapting them to the requirements of more and more demanding customers. Another plan is also connected with the sales salons. MEBELPLAST would like to expand their network further as well as build up the number of partnership agreements. The company does not count out that new brands are on their way. All that to distinguish the offer for particular groups of clients. In fact, the company believes that the oncoming months of the trade’s slow-down can be endured thanks to increasing the effectiveness of the company, cost discipline as well as dynamic and instant adaptation of the offer to the needs of the clientele. With this attitude in mind and the ingrained tendency to innovate, the company can be more than sure that it will successfully go through the predicted fire and water.

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Keeping ahead of the competition Steps to success


ndrewex within 30 years of its activity has become a major company in the woodworking industry and one of the top Polish manufacturers of small garden architecture and large size building structures from glued wood. Reliability, high quality and a wide product range are Andrewex’s competitive advantages, but the manufacturer is ready to face new challenges. The Andrewex brand should always be associated with a long-term and reliable partnership based on respect and cooperation. “What is really important for us is

the flexibility, large-scale and certainty of supplies being delivered. Therefore, today, we offer a range of over 900 high-quality products. Our goods have gained recognition among both domestic and foreign customers ranging from individual ones, who furnish their houses and the surroundings, to corporate ones such as huge supermarkets, trade centres, factory halls, swimming pools, sports halls, schoolsamphitheatres, churches and office and large dwelling buildings”, the company says. Trucks with the Andrewex logo can be see traveling across Europe, from Ireland to Estonia and from Italy to Romania.

In 1991, Andrewex established cooperation ties with a German concern Hornbach, one of the leading retail companies in the Do-It-Yourself market. Six years later the Andrewex took over a State-owned Enterprise of Woodwork Enterprise located in Cierpice near Toruń. From the company’s point of view these were the most important points in the Andrewex’s history. Thanks to the cooperation with the Hornbach concern Andrewex expanded its activity into the housing and garden furniture market. “The second move helped us gain a dominant position on the domestic market of wood structures,” Andrewex says. The company’s success is also associated with the strategy of offering high-quality products at very competitive prices. The basic raw material for the production, wood, is purchased exclusively from Polish forests, where efficient forestry is conducted, ensuring a full renewal and continuous growth of forest resources. The manufacturer strongly stresses that products are made from dried wood. For the customer it means the lowest costs of both ready-made goods and maintenance. This strategy wins general recognition, especially, among Andrewex clients in Germany. The Andrewex customers and their customers are looking very much at a total cost reduction, especially as they face the competition with new markets and countries. They need to be given help to work on that total cost reduction. It is also very important that the company continuously extends the range of additional services, particularly those which improve logistics processes. Moreover, there is always a possibility of tailoring the products to the customers’ special needs and requirements including dimensions etc.

Growing in line with business partner

From the very beginning the firm has focused on corporate customers whose requirements significantly different from those of individual ones. Since 1991 Andrewex has been cooperating with Hornbach and, as the company says, the Manufacturing-Journal 83

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German concern has remained the company’s most important customer. “Over the years, the growth potential of both companies remained in high correlation. We went through a lot together, we learnt to cooperate and the interest of both companies was always equally important to us. Moreover, we believe, that through mutual understanding and trust, we will continue to succeed and will avoid every economic turbulences,” Andrewex says.

Christmas Charity Campaign). “We hope that due to this activity our professional success helped many children achieve happiness,” the company says.

Quality assurance

In 1988, Andrewex established its first plant in Piętno, near Turek. After only 20 years of its activity, the company has completed a significant number of highly ambitious ventures and it has something to boast about. “We were repeatedly awarded the Business Gazelle – a prize for the most dynamically developing company in Poland, as well as we were granted certificates that confirmed the efficiency of our system, management and production (ISO, FSC etc.). But we are most proud of being a strategic supplier no.1 with diploma and with the cup for the Supplier of the year 2006 for the owners of the Hornbach concern. This honourable title was awarded to the company for a very good quality of goods, promptness of deliveries and for a broad range of logistic processes. They appreciated our company’s huge and long-standing contribution as the strategic supplier no.1 into the entirety of cooperation with Hornbach. Andrewex has been cooperating with the concern Hornbach for over 17 years,” the company says. The company shares successes with others and that is why every year it takes part in Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (Polish

Pillars of success

At present Andrewex is based on 4 pillars of business which are: • the manufacture of sawmill products • the manufacture of furniture and garden equipment • the manufacture structure of glued wood • transport and forwarding services.

ved from the outcome of a skilful resource management,” Andrewex admits. The fact is that business built on the basis of 4 strategic pillars reduces the impact of the seasonality of sales and allows the company to achieve synergy from resources involved in the manufacture. How does Andrewex put theory into practice? A key factor is employees, who are competent and well educated and can adjust to new challenges and economic requirements quickly. At the beginning of 2008 Andrewex managed to automate the production processes, which let the company reduce the employment figure. Currently, about 800 people work at Andrewex. It plans, however, to reduce the number of employees to 700 during the peak of goods production from December to March. A number of key employees – about 250 people – will remain at the same level. “These are well educated and experienced workers mainly in the field of woodworking. Nowadays, it is very difficult to find professionals in sawmills or in the design and production of wood structures,” the company says. Apart from well-trained and organised team the company’s assets include: many years of experience in co-operation with domestic and foreign partners, a wide network of domestic and foreign contacts, own research laboratory, fully operative factory, on time supplies, competitive prices, national production and, as already mentioned , the highest standards of quality. The Andrewex company, however, admits that there are things that the company can still improve. This is the factor that mobilizes the company as it shows the company’s potential for further development.

It is difficult to say which of the products on offer is the most important for us. Our goal is to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction. That is why we focus on the quality of products, the price and synergies deri-

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tel. /fax: 041 39 17 331-333

Sawmill Olczyk owns: • the most modern production lines of wood processing in Poland • completely computerize dryers of single-use quantity feedback more than 2500 m3 • joiner’s workshop with the surface of 2900 m2 • quality certificate DIN-51731, FSC, ISPM - 15, ISO : 9001:2000 • production of pine pellet 6 and 8 mm (bags of 15 kg/ bigbags of around 700-800 kg) • Pellets production: Rafter framing production, gluing board, garden poles and paling, window and frame beams.


• • • • • •

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Customers’ needs

Knowing and understanding customer needs is at the centre of every successful business. That is why Andrewex has developed a strong base to fulfil customers’ expectations . “What we really require from our employees is to respect our clients. The respect means: high quality and durability of products and a wide range of additional services, for example, delivery, installation, design, consultancy and attractive financing conditions of purchase. What’s more, we provide a ten-year warranty for our products,” Andrewex says. The customer satisfaction is the company’s priority and Andrewex often checks this satisfaction – that is how they improve their products and services. “We do not want to be seen as the cheap but as a solid and reliable supplier who is able to fulfil all the specific expectations of its customers,” Andrewex says. The company ads that it will continue to improve its ability to key customer service.

Foreign markets

The year 2007, when compared to previous years, brought a recordbreaking surge in sales, whereas the year 2008 caused a reduction in figures, bringing them back to these of 2005 and 2006. Therefore, 2007 was deemed to have been anomalous. According to the company, this result will not be treated as reliable data and it will not be used for any comparison. Nowadays the demand for garden products abroad is similar to that seen in the years 2005 and 2006. The company says that a period of significant decline or increase ends as soon as it starts. That is why Andrewex looks forward to the future optimistically. Andrewex adds: “We only hope that in the next year the zloty will not strengthen against the euro as the exchange rate and our budget for next year stay in correlation.”

including high wood prices, have an influence on the company’s economic results. Currently, the company puts the emphasis on the employment flexibility, efficiency policies in the supply of raw materials. Moreover, it plans an expansion into new markets. Andrewex is strong enough to fulfil the expectations of the customers and to look forward to the future optimistically.“The Manufacturing Journal gives us an opportunity to wish the readers peace and perseverance during business turbulences. We would like to stress how important it is to achieve every goal you set. The process of achievement should bring you both professional and personal satisfaction. Even the bitterest defeat should not make you lose faith and motivation but encourage you to work harder.”

Past vs. powerful future

It is also planning closer commercial relations with business partners. Moreover, the manufacturer will improve the specialization of particular productive resources and will offer wider than so far a scope for cooperation connected with research and development of new products. “The implementation of new technology takes relatively long and is expensive, but we truly believe that by cooperating with our customers we will be able to provide better efficiency of these activities. We want our customers to have a better insight into our enterprise by making all processes more transparent. Thanks to that our customers will better understand the restrictions stemming from the particularities of wood manufacture,” Andrewex says.

Both market economy and the Andrewex’s activity constantly undergo many changes. The experience which the company has gained in the last years helps the manufacturer to predict and plan better for upcoming challenges. The company invests in the continuous improvement of the quality of the product, modernisation of production machinery, and it reduces the negative impact on the environment to minimum. One of the difficulties which the company has to face is the availability of purchasing wood raw material. On the other hand, large retailers’ policy which stresses direct purchases and rising competition in China and Brazil caused higher price expectations among its suppliers. These obstacles,

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International Trade Shows in Central and Eastern Europe March - April 2009: POLAND: FURNICA Trade Fair of Components for Furniture Production. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: DREMA International Trade Fair of Woodworking Machines and Tools. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: INTERKAMIEN International Fair of Stone And Stone Machinery. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: en&s=index GLASS-TECH International Fair of Glass and Ceramics Production and Processing. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: en&s=index EXPOTHERM WARSAW International Trade Fair for Heating, Sanitary Equipment & Air-conditioning, including Exothermic Pool - Expotherm Bath - Expotherm Eco. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: INTERECO International Ecological Fair. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: http://www.intereco. TARGBUD International Building Fair. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: http://www.targbud.mtk. PACKAGING INNOVATIONS WARSZAWA Packaging Innovation Expo. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: shows/detail.aspx?ShowID=630

for measurement. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: stm OFFICE, HOUSE, GARDEN Trade Fair of Furniture and Interiors for Home & Office. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: SWE (WINDOWS AND DOORS WORLD) International Specialized Exhibition of Windows and Doors, related Materials, Component Parts and Equipment. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: TOOLING SALON International specialized salon for all types of tooling and devices for metalworking and woodworking machinery, for the car and other industries. INTERIOR & FURNITURE DESIGN EXPO Interior & Furniture Design Expo. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: http://www.rte-expo. ru/eng MPEXPO International Specialized Exhibition on Equipment and technologies for generating, grid companies and retail energy suppliers. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: INTERIORS MOSCOW International Interior Design, Furnishing Exhibition. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: DRINKS ST. PETERSBURG International Exhibition for Beverages and Technology. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:


EXPOCOATING MOSCOW International Exhibition and Conference “Processes, Materials and Equipment for Surface Treatment, Coating and Corrosion Protection”. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

MERATEK MOSCOW International Exhibition for Measuring Equipment and Automation. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

AUTOWORLD International Motor Show. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: auto/

MEASUREX International specialized salon of tools, devices and equipment

MIBS Moscow International Boat & Yacht Show. More information Manufacturing-Journal 87

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TRADE SHOWS about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: http:// ELECTRONTECHEXPO MOSCOW International Trade Fair for the Technological Equipment and Materials for the Electronic and Electrical Industry. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: WINDOWS. DOORS. ROOFING Windows, Doors, Roofing International Exhibition. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

GERMANY: RO-KA-TECH European Trade Fair for Pipe and Sewage Technology. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: AMI - AUTO MOBIL INTERNATIONAL Automotive Show. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

SIBFOODEXPO International Specialized Exhibition of Food Products, Food Concentrates, Raw Materials and Technologies. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: http://

WASSER BERLIN International Water Industry Exhibition. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: http:// wasser-berlin/englisch/index.html

MINING WORLD RUSSIA International Exhibition on Supplying, Servicing and Operating in Mining and Processing of Metals and Minerals.More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

AIRCRAFT INTERIORS EXPO International Showcase for Aircraft Interior Design & Equipment. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

TEKHNODREV THE FAR EAST International Specialized Exhibition of Technologies, Equipment and Tools for Forestry, Logging, Woodworking and Furniture Industry. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

AERO International Trade Fair for General Aviation. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: http://

INTERNATIONAL PIPELINE FORUM MOSCOW Specialised Exhibition for Pipeline Construction, Operation and Maintenance. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: URAL EXPO METAL International Metal Industry Exhibition. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: http:// MINERAL WEALTH OF SIBERIA. OIL & GAS SIBERIA. SIBMINING International Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Extraction and Processing of Natural Resources. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

POWER PLANT TECHNOLOGY Power Plants World show. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: WIND Wind Generation Technology World show Components and Services. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site: homepage_e

PIVOVAR (BREWER) International specialized Exhibition for the Brewing Industry in Russia. More information about this Trade Show you will find on this web site:

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