Proud to be Zachary’s only locally owned, managed, and staffed newspaper. Zachary Post • Tuesday, September 24, 2019 • Vol. 15, No. 38 • Published Weekly • Circulation 16,000 • © 2019
Early Voting for Fall Election is Here
Early voting starts September 28 through Oct. 5 from 8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. East Baton Rouge Early Voting locations include: City Hall 222 St. Louis St., #201 in Baton Rouge; Motor Vehicle Bldg. 2250 Main St. Baker, Fire Station Bldg. 11010 Coursey Blvd. in Baton Rouge; Louisiana State Archives Bldg. 3851 Essen Lane in Baton Rouge and the Central Branch Library 11260 Joor Rd. in Central. The deadline to request an absentee by mail ballot is Oct. 8 by 4:30 p.m. You can request an absentee by mail ballot online or in writing. The deadline for a registrar of voters to receive a voted mail ballot is Oct. 11 by 4:30 p.m. (other than military and overseas voters). The Zachary Post and Feliciana Explorer have incorporated the Louisiana Public Affairs Research Council Amendment analysis to better serve our readers to be the best informed voters they can be. Voters statewide will be asked to decide yes or no on four proposed amendments to the Louisiana Constitution on the Oct. 12, 2019, ballot. This year’s lineup will be especially challenging as the four in question are among the more arcane proposals citizens have faced yet. As an independent, nonpartisan educational organization, the Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana (PAR) has been providing a primer regularly on constitutional amendments set before voters over the past four decades. This PAR Guide to the 2019 Constitutional Amendments provides a review of each proposed amendment in the order they will appear on the ballot. The Guide is educational and does not recommend how to vote. It offers succinct analysis and provides arguments of proponents and opponents. These proposals were passed during the regular legislative session earlier this year. The House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure reviewed each one for clarity. Each bill received at least a two-thirds
favorable vote in the House of Representatives and in the Senate and now needs a majority vote at the polls for passage. The governor cannot veto a constitutional amendment bill. Whatever their individual worth for the state of Louisiana, the amendments this year illustrate how our Constitution has evolved from a concise foundational document to a lengthy throng of regulatory minutia. One amendment calls for a minor appropriation of several hundred thousand dollars, something the Legislature rather than voters statewide could handle were it not for the lockand-store habits of Louisiana’s fiscal culture. Another amendment attempts to use the Constitution to resolve a newly arisen legal dispute over an obscure form of property tax. The Constitution has accumulated a lot of detailed amendments that in turn call for more amendments to tweak those details. This trend is more a reflection on our constitutional condition than a knock against any specific proposed amendment this October. A constitution is supposed to be a state’s fundamental law that contains
the essential elements of government organization, the basic principles of governmental powers and the enumeration of citizen rights. A constitution is meant to have permanence. Statutory law, on the other hand, provides the details of governmental operation and is subject to frequent change by the Legislature. Typically, constitutional amendments are proposed to authorize new programs, seek protections for special interests or ensure that reforms are not easily undone by future legislation. Special interests often demand constitutional protection for favored programs to avoid future legislative interference, resulting in numerous revenue dedications and trust fund provisions. The concept of the constitution as a relatively permanent statement of basic law fades with the adoption of many amendments, especially when those changes are of a more statutory or regulatory nature. And Louisiana excels at pitching amendments. Since the 1974 Constitution was adopted, voters have been asked to decide on nearly 300 proposals, or about seven per year on average since the changes began. So far, 195 have been approved, with more than half of those on Article VII, the money section. Three of the four on this year’s ballot are within Article VII. Louisiana’s Constitution has doubled in size and is the fourth longest state constitution in the nation. Amending the constitution should require thoughtful analysis of the potential impacts of any change. Language should be carefully vetted to make sure legislators and citizens understand what is proposed. Unfortunately, the time demands on the Legislature, combined with authors seeking swift passage, do not always result in thorough reviews. These four amendment bills got an average discussion of 6 ½ minutes in each committee hearing during the legislative process. Basically, a Louisiana constitutional amendment bill typi-
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cally clears both a House and a Senate committee in about the same period as a football halftime. This again reflects the regard for the Louisiana Constitution as a collection of detailed laws and regulations that can be changed swiftly and often. Voters must do their part. To develop informed opinions about the proposed amendments, they must evaluate each one carefully and make a decision based on its merits. One important consideration should always be whether the proposed language belongs in the Constitution. Amendment 1 Offshore Goods Property Tax Exemption CURRENT SITUATION: Businesses and homeowners pay property tax to local governments based on the assessed value of their
See EARLY VOTE on page 2
Zachary Farmer’s Market Kicks Off Saturday, October 5th
The Zachary Farmer’s Market kicks off Saturday, October 5th in Downtown Zachary at the HugYourPeople Community Park on Lee Street near Virginia, behind Zachary City Hall. “We are so excited to revive this community event and can’t wait for Zachary residents to be able to purchase vegetables from local farmers, and browse through the numerous vendors’ booths who will be on hand selling their handmade wares,” said Nita Edwards, Zachary Farmer’s Market Coordinator. The market will be open from 8 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For updates on particular vendors and their wares, be sure to check out the Zachary Farmer’s Market Facebook Page. Photographs of the products that will be sold will be posted on this site. Get your little pumpkins ready
See FARMER on page 12
POST Tuesday, September 24, 2019 Constitution trumps state law. For exEARLY VOTE ample, our nation’s Constitution procontinued from page 1 hibits states from regulating interstate property on an annual basis. Property commerce. This “commerce clause” might include land, homes, buildings, has been interpreted to mean that Loumachinery or business inventory. isiana cannot tax property merely in The state Constitution allows certain transit or destined for other states or exceptions, such as the homestead countries. Historically, businesses have interexemption for homeowners and the Industrial Tax Exemption Program preted the law to exclude from taxafor manufacturers. The only property tion property stored in Louisiana but tax exemptions are those listed by the destined for the Outer Continental state Constitution. However, the U.S. Shelf (OCS), such as offshore drilling 2
equipment. In the Gulf of Mexico, the OCS is roughly the area in U.S. waters 200 miles beyond the state jurisdiction, which for Louisiana is three miles. Recently, some local assessors have started to assess certain equipment and other property headed for the Outer Continental Shelf. This assessment is based on their interpretation of the state Constitution and rulings related to interstate commerce. No specific ruling has been made by either the Louisiana Supreme Court
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or the U.S. Supreme Court to clarify the issue of property destined for the OCS. PROPOSED CHANGE: This amendment would prohibit property taxes on raw materials, goods, commodities and articles stored for maintenance if destined for the Outer Continental Shelf. While part of the United States, the OCS is not subject to the jurisdiction of individual states. If the amendment does not pass, the tax on such property would continue to be levied. Lawsuits could follow to determine if the tax passes muster with the U.S. Constitution. The number of parishes immediately affected by this amendment would be relatively small and mostly confined to areas near the Gulf of Mexico. ARGUMENT FOR: The U.S. Constitution’s interstate commerce clause allows for goods to travel unimpeded from or through Louisiana to other places. Although the commerce clause does not specify that materials going offshore are included in that category, goods destined for the Outer Continental Shelf had been understood to be exempted from property tax assessments. For years businesses thought this property was exempt and only recently have a few assessors called the exemption into question, leading to the current controversy. This amendment offers necessary clarification so as not to cause undue burden or confusion for tax assessors or oil and gas companies
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or cause a shift in storage or repair of materials to other states. Passage would also help avoid lengthy and expensive battles in state and federal court that would create uncertainty for business for many years. ARGUMENT AGAINST: Adding yet another tax exemption would only further clutter the Constitution and restrict the local tax base. Oil and gas companies should be required to pay tax on the property they own in Louisiana. If the U.S. Constitution’s commerce clause prohibits taxation of materials destined for offshore, then the courts should be the place to decide that question. A vote against this amendment would allow those few parishes that tax this class of property to continue to collect this much-needed revenue. Some equipment from inactive oil rigs is already exempt under another section of the
Louisiana Constitution, and we do not need more tax breaks. Amendment 2 Adds Schools to the Education Excellence Fund CURRENT SITUATION: The Education Excellence Fund is a component of the Millennium Trust created in 1999 with a specific purpose to support excellence in educational practice. The Louisiana Department of Education is responsible for providing the appropriations and oversight of the Fund. Money in the Fund can be distributed only to elementary and secondary schools and special schools that include educational programs for instructional enhancement including early childhood programs for at-risk children, remedial instruction, and assistance to children who fail to achieve the required scores on tests for advancement to a succeeding grade, or other approved
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 POST 3 programs. PROPOSED CHANGE: Last year the Fund allocated $15.6 The amendment would add appromillion for education. The vast ma- priations to one legislatively approved jority ($15.1 million) was appropri- special school, Thrive Academy, and ated to 153 local schools and school two laboratory schools operated by systems and 43 non public schools. colleges — the Louisiana State UniIn addition, $75,000 plus the average versity Laboratory School and the per pupil amount was paid to specific Southern University Laboratory public schools that are not part of a school. Each school would receive local school system but have been $75,000 plus the average per pupil authorized by the Legislature. These amount the Fund pays to other public distributions were made to the Louisi- schools. The Louisiana Educational ana School for the Deaf and Visually Television Authority (LETA), which Impaired ($153,646), the Louisiana is not a school but is a state agency Special Education Center ($75,648), providing statewide educational prothe Louisiana School for Math, Sci- gramming through Louisiana Public ence and the Arts ($81,458), and the Broadcasting, would receive $75,000 New Orleans Center for the Creative annually as part of the proposed Arts ($79,219). Each recipient is re- changes. The amendment also perquired to submit an annual plan to the forms housekeeping by removing an Department of Education that out- outdated provision of the Constitution lines performance expectations and that is no longer in force. how they will spend the money. ARGUMENT FOR:
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ABSENTEE VOTING - Letters have gone out. EARLY VOTING - 9/28 -10/5 Primary Election 10/12
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POST Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Education Excellence Fund serves an important purpose and benefits the children at the schools it sponsors. The amendment adds three great schools that should have been a part of the original language. The lab schools’ omission was simply an oversight and the Thrive Academy was not in existence when the fund was created. These schools are worthy public institutions that serve students just as the other public schools that are already eligible for EEF support. The Louisiana Educational Television Authority, through LPB, provides programs of unmatched quality and access to many children across the state, particularly underserved children under six years of age. LETA already is included in the state’s special schools budget category under the Louisiana Department of Education. ARGUMENT AGAINST: This amendment would add yet
more needless detail to Louisiana’s already cluttered Constitution. Many other special interests would like new revenue sources or financial protection by being included among the high-status beneficiaries of funds established in the Constitution. The lab schools have other sources of income, including substantial funding from the state Minimum Foundation Program and tuition, which is already aided by subsidies. The amendment is a good example of using the Constitution for minutia instead of for fundamental law. We are basically calling upon voters to perform the Legislature’s role of making appropriations by constitutionally allocating a few hundred thousand dollars of state money in a new direction. The better way would be to propose a different constitutional amendment that would let the Legislature or the state board of education allocate the funds in a
manner most likely to support excellence in education. Amendment 3 Board of Tax Appeals Jurisdiction CURRENT SITUATION: Individuals and businesses unhappy with a decision they believe is in error by the state Department of Revenue or local taxing authorities can appeal to the state Board of Tax Appeals. This Board is Louisiana’s version of a Tax Court. The Board is a three-person quasi-judicial executive branch body whose members must be attorneys with tax law experience and credentials. All are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Board hears cases on various tax and fee disputes but does not address property tax issues, which are the domain of the Louisiana Tax Commission. Board decisions can be appealed to state courts of appeal. One of the members hears cases
for the Board’s Local Tax Division, which considers disputes with local tax collectors. Thirty-four states have tax tribunals, including 28 that are within the executive branch. The Board does not have the authority to declare tax laws, ordinances or tax collector actions as unconstitutional. Taxpayers must have their Board case transferred to a district court if they believe a tax law, rule or action of a taxing authority is unconstitutional. Even if just a portion of a case involves a claim of unconstitutionality, the whole process is put on hold until the court system can resolve the constitutional issue. This system results in court cases that can take a year or longer to resolve. PROPOSED CHANGE: The proposed amendment would enhance the scope and power of the Board of Tax Appeals and allow the body to rule on whether taxation and
Advanced Beginner
THE Y RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST DIVISIONS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS IN A GIVEN GROUP. Player Name______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________________________________ Primary Phone ____________________________________
Primary E-mail Address_______________________________________________________________________________
Sex___________ Age____________ DOB______/_______/______ Shirt Size: Circle One
Adult Small
Medium Large
X-Large XX-Large
If looking for a partner, leave blank below. Partner Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ Partner Phone ____________________________________ Primary E-mail Address_______________________________________________________________________________ Sex___________ Age____________ DOB______/_______/______
Pickle Ball is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. It is a combination of
Pickle Ball is one pong of the fastest growing sports in the It is doubles a combination of tennis, ping and badminton. This is world. a mixed tournament only. Men and tennis, ping pong and badminton. This is a mixed doubles tournament only. Men and women will play together on teams. Round Robin. Lunch provided. Outdoor courts. women will play together on teams. Round Robin. Lunch provided. Outdoor courts. Refund Policy: Registration fees are non-refundable after the registration deadline. No Refund will be given for un
met requests for coach, team/teammate, or conflicts with practice and game sites or times. All qualifying refunds are
subject score to a $25 and administration Beginner (described as beingas new to thenew sport,to butthe stillsport, struggles with strategy, score and Beginner (described being but still struggles withthestrategy, the fee. third shot drop) The YMCA of the Capital Area does not provide accident or medical insurance for program participants. third shot drop)
Advanced Beginner (described as players who can utilize strategy, keep score and often hit
I recognize that participation in YMCA sponsored activities may expose myself to risk of injury. I agree to hold the YMCA harmless from any claims that may occur through participation to any property or injury to persons, which may occur through the participation in any activity at the YMCA, or in its programs. In cases of emergency or accident and I am unable to be contacted, I hereby grant the YMCA director or his/her agent to secure proper medical treatment and transportation for myself to an appropriate facility for treatment. I assume all financial responsibility for program fees incurred as result of my participation in this YMCA program. I authorize the YMCA to use any images taken of myself for promotional purposes of the YMCA. Myself and family members will adhere to YMCA Good Sportsmanship behavior. I have read and understood the above information. I permit myself to participate in this YMCA program in accordance with the conditions set forth above.
theAdvanced Beginner (described as players who can utilize strategy, keep score and often hit third shot drop)
the third shot drop) member $20/member $30/program
Registration September$30/program 1st– October 1st,member limited to 40 players. $20/member
Registration September 1st– October 1st, limited to 40 players.
WHEN: October 5, 2019 TIME: 8:00am – 3 p.m. LOCATION: YMCA WHEN: AMERICANA October 5, 2019 4200 Liberty Way TIME: 8:00am – 3 p.m. Zachary, LA 70791 225-654-9622 LOCATION: AMERICANA YMCA Register online at
Signature of Participant ___________________________________________________________________________________
CONTACT: Program Director Henry Abrahams, 225-654-9622
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Date __________________________________________________
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Tuesday, September 24, 2019 fee matters are constitutional under Louisiana or U.S. law. This level of authority is not generally allowed for executive branch agencies. However, the American Bar Association recommends that executive branch tax tribunals should possess at least some limited authority to consider constitutional issues on specific grievances that come before those bodies. Many state tribunals may do so. This amendment would let taxpayers have their entire tax dispute heard in one forum and could expedite resolution. The Board decisions could be appealed to state courts. Taxpayers still would have the option to take their case to the courts instead of the Board of Appeals. The Legislature would be able to pass laws affecting the Board’s jurisdiction and other related matters with a 2/3 vote. ARGUMENT FOR:
Taxpayers should be able to seek timely redress for unconstitutional taxes. The Board of Tax Appeals specializes in tax law. Allowing the Board to hear cases involving the constitutionality of tax and fee collections only makes sense. Tax law is complex and experts should review the case first. If either side does not like the decision, they can still appeal to the court system. Following a modernization of the Louisiana tax appeals process in 2014, this change would be another important step toward improving the system to make it fairer and more efficient. It places Louisiana in the mainstream of states that have reformed their tax dispute process. The amendment would reduce delays and costs in deciding tax disputes which is why both business and local government support this change.
4 Reasons Bradley Behrnes is the Best Choice for State Representative t
eve lop m e n
E c o n o m ic D
g term jobs with lon Good paying important to the potential are r district. I will u families in o orts to bring ff e e h t lead ity. our commun o t s b these jo
Pro-Fa m ily Va lu
es I believe in the sa nctity of all life, especially th e unbo I will support bills th rn. at strengthen our fa milies and will work to de feat bills that attack our traditional family values.
Education Education is important to our community. As your State Representative, I will make funding Pre-K through High School education a top priority and make sure TOPS stays fully funded.
ve Fisc al Co nser vati business, Working for a small ce of an I know the import eping ke lower taxes and from y hard-earned mone wi I ll work being spent unwisely. ary state to control unnecess taxes. expenditures and
The Choice is Clear for East Feliciana West Feliciana and Zachary.
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Early Voting: Sept. 28 – Oct. 5 • Election Day: Saturday, Oct. 12
ARGUMENT AGAINST: Historically, courts have been the only bodies that can decide whether an action or rule complies with the Louisiana or U.S. Constitution. This amendment and its companion act would change that precedent. Unlike judges in the court system, none of the members of the Board of Tax Appeals is elected and they might have less expertise in Louisiana or U.S. constitutional law. Board members might be influenced by the governors who appoint them or the Senators who confirm them. There is no evidence that the current system fails to resolve issues correctly. Constitutional decisions by the Board would be highly likely to be appealed to the courts. Amendment 4 New Orleans Tax Exemption for Affordable Housing CURRENT SITUATION: Property tax exemptions are listed in the state Constitution. Additional exemptions cannot be added by state law or local ordinance. Property taxes are a major source of revenue for local governments. Usually local governments have no control over what is exempted from property tax, because those rules are in the Constitution and new exemptions are initiated by the state Legislature. A shortage of affordable housing is a problem in many urban areas, particularly New Orleans. PROPOSED CHANGE: The amendment would grant the City of New Orleans the ability to establish property tax exemptions for residential properties that provide affordable housing. Developments over 15 units and short-term rental properties, such as for Airbnb lodging, would be ineligible. The tax assessments could be fully or partially exempted. Properties could be upgraded without being taxed for the added value. Depending on how the city structures the program, the target could be owner-occupied homes, with the exemption applying directly to the homeowner, or rental homes or apartments with the tax break going to the landlord or developer in exchange for afford¬able rents. New Orleans would create the rules and process for the program, which could vary greatly depending on how it is constructed. The precise definition of “affordable” housing would be left to the city to decide. Companion legislation requires proposed rules to be published 30 days before becoming effective with at least one public hearing during that period. The exemption would apply to all property taxes collected including resources that otherwise would flow to the sheriff, parks, libraries and schools. To take effect, the proposed amendment would have to be
approved by a majority of the voters in Orleans Parish as well as statewide. New Orleans would be required to absorb any decreases in specific ad valorem tax collections as a result of this new authority. ARGUMENT FOR: Giving local government another tool to handle local issues such as affordable housing only makes sense. There is a genuine need for more affordable housing in New Orleans. The proposal is an attempt to help longtime residents remain in the city, to attract new residents and also to reduce blight. Because property taxes finance local government, the decision on what to exempt should be made at the local level. This amendment avoids the problem of past attempted changes to the Constitution that would have added narrowly defined programs. This proposal gives New Orleans flexibility to make future adjustments without the need for further constitutional amendments to refine the program. If properly implemented with clear criteria and accountability mechanisms, this New Orleans program could become a model for other local governments. The real net cost to the city’s coffers should be marginal, assuming the incentive is effective. New Orleans may draw on the experience of other cities around the country that have similar programs. ARGUMENT AGAINST: This amendment could diminish a critical and evolving revenue base for New Orleans at a time when a disproportionate amount of city property is exempted already. Low-priced owneroccupied homes already benefit from the $75,000 homestead exemption. Several state and federal programs exist to address urban housing problems. The definition of “affordable” could be made so broad that the program could give a tax break to developers more so than to actual home dwellers. And the projects might happen anyway without this incentive. Citizens in the program would be less invested in their communities and insensitive to the impact of higher tax millage proposals burdening other property owners in the future. New Orleans already swells with tax exempt government buildings as well as properties owned by non-profits and religious institutions, which sometimes operate commercial-style facilities. The pressure to raise taxes would increase with this program. All in all, this amendment could turn into a costly proposition with high risk for abuse and favoritism. Creating this new authority only for New Orleans would require further need for constitutional amendments should other parishes or municipalities wish to have the same authority.
POST Tuesday, September 24, 2019
BREC Commission Approves Master Plans for the Baton Rouge Zoo and Greenwood Community Park The BREC Commission Wednesday night gave unanimous approval to master plans for the Baton Rouge Zoo and Greenwood Community Park. The vote comes after a robust community engagement process that began immediately after the BREC Commission voted in March of 2018 to keep the Zoo in its current location and reimagine it using a phased approach. It included public meetings in every area of the Parish, online surveys and a parish wide statistically valid scientific survey. Following those meetings, consultants took the input from the community and created master plans that were revealed to more than 700 people including elected officials, community leaders and residents from across the parish at a “Party in the Park” celebration. The Party in the Park gave attendees the chance to walk through a virtual rendering of the renovated park and to celebrate reaching a major milestone in the effort to completely reimagine the Zoo and to fully integrate it into the park. Now that the plans have been approved, BREC’s Planning staff and consultants will immediately begin the pre-design and design process for phase one which includes more detailed site assessments and data gathering, refining the master plan through the design development process and then through construction plan phase, agreements with a construction manager to lead the projects and a groundbreaking celebration which should occur around this time next year. “I want to thank the Commission and the East Baton Rouge Parish community for all that they have done to get us to this point in the process,” said BREC Superintendent Corey Wilson. “This is the most extensive planning project in BREC’s history, and we have been fortunate to work with two nationally renowned consultants highly respected in their fields of the Zoo and park design. They worked deliberately to ensure they understood the desires of residents and the history of both locations. The plans they created highlight the natural beauty of the largest park in BREC’s system and I am confident they will lead to the creation of unique attractions unlike any other in the region,” Wilson said. The centerpiece of the first phase will include a new 30,000 square feet entry complex building in the heart of the park. The entry building will include a new gift shop, expanded space for camps, party rentals, and educational programs and will be accessed off Highway 19 using the same road currently used to access the park rather than the current entry from Thomas Road, as requested by the community. The entry road will also be improved and lead to a new 500-space parking lot that will service both the Zoo and the park. After entering the Zoo’s new entrance, a new orientation plaza including a splash pad will welcome visitors. Phase one will also address all repairs outlined by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) to ensure BREC will be able to reapply for, and regain, accreditation which the zoo held for 40 years. Those projects will create a giraffe feeding station and new pygmy hippo exhibit with underwater views for the public. The most requested feature by
the community for improvements to the park is also included in phase one and features a new one-of-akind, nature-themed adventure playground. A promenade along Cypress Bayou connecting the waterfront area of the park and the Zoo as well as significant improvements to J.S. Clark golf course are also included in the first phase. BREC will also incorporate nature-based stormwater management design strategies that are more adapted to the landscape and distributed throughout the park to increase storm water holding capacity for added flood protection to the surrounding community. Exact costs won’t be known un-
til construction drawings are commissioned, but this first phase is estimated between $25-million and $35-million. Superintendent Wilson announced last month that BREC will utilize the $5-million allocated for improvements to the Zoo in the Imagine Your Parks 2 strategic plan approved by the public in 2014 with the remainder coming from its fund balance. This phase is being deliberately planned to ensure that BREC’s initial investment will be followed by funding from other sources to complete the additional phases of the master plans, including public-private partnerships, grant funding, other state and fed-
eral funding sources and philanthropic donations. The complete build out of the master plans could take 25 years as is standard with projects of this scope and size undertaken by universities, hospitals and parks across the country and puts both attractions in position to receive ongoing periodic improvement for years to come with the first set of improvements scheduled to be completed by winter of 2021 or spring of 2022. To see the master plans for the Baton Rouge Zoo and Greenwood Community Park, please visit brec. org/ReimagineZooGreenwood.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
In Our Community
Regional Veterans Park Association Installs Water Fountain on Lane RMC Walking Trail...Greg McDougall, Frank Ragsdale and Will Steen try out the new water fountain recently installed by the Regional Veteran’s Park Association along the Lane Regional Medical Center walking trail as part of its enhancements to the area. In addition to the Wall of Veterans with more than 300 bricks engraved to honor local veterans who served our country, the Association also installed three flag poles, six park benches, and a 12-foot metal archway showcasing the emblems of the various branches of the military. To make a donation or purchase a brick, please email: or call 225-938-1686.
It is always a pleasure when David Brewerton, Athletic Director for the Zachary Community School District and Zachary Head Football Coach addresses the Rotary Club. At last week’s meeting, Coach Brewerton told the group about the team, which includes 18 new starters. He said the team has a huge potential for growth and he is looking forward to an exciting new season. Pictured with Zachary School Superintendent Scott Devillier and Brandy Westmoreland. The Portfolio Club met September 4, 2019, at the home of Mrs. Ray Gremillion. Mrs. Johnny Johnson was cohostess. Scott Page, the Corporate Cheese Monger for Rouse’s was the guest speaker. Page, a member of the American Cheese Society, led a cheese tasting with wine parings. The emphasis for the cheese was parmesan reggiano varieties. He discussed cheese making and aging process. He recently spent some time in Italy where the cheeses are made and was most knowledgeable on the topic. Pictured; Scott Page, Corporate Cheese Monger for Rouses. Pictured: Front Row L to R: Nell Robertson, Margaret McKerley Second Row L to R: Jennifer Johnson, Donna Gremillion, Connie Gilbert, Mary Lynn Mills Carla Collins and Mitzy Gregory. Third Row L to R: Scott Page, Nancy Lockett
POST Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The following statement is an unedited submission sent in by a candidate running for office in this year’s Election. The Zachary Post offers each candidate an opportunity to introduce him or herself to the voting public at no cost. The submission of a statement is entirely voluntary and each candidate may submit one time. As such, the printing of these statements does not represent an endorsement of the candidates by the Zachary Post.
Vereta Tanner Lee Running for BESE District 8
My name is Vereta Tanner Lee and I am running for Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), District 8. I have lived in District 8 all of my life. I was educated in the public schools in St. Helena Parish. I am a lifelong educator with four decades of experience teaching and mentoring elementary and middle school children. I served on the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board for 12 years. I am currently the Supervisor of Student Support Services for the City of Baker School System.
I am an advocate for Public Education and will continue to work hard to serve the parents, teachers and students of the educational system of District 8. I am asking for your vote and prayers on October 12, 2019 for a chance to work for a great education for All Children in the state of Louisiana. Thank you, Vereta Tanner Lee #51 BESE District 8 225.772.6955
Vereta Lee
YMCA to Offer Basketball League
YMCA brings Girls Basketball league this year as part of their Basketball Program. The YMCA’s youth sports program is designed for children of various ages and stresses development of skills, teamwork, sportsmanship and positive competition in a FUN environment. Practice/Games at Copper Mill Elementary. Practice once a week Registration begins on October 1st and ends on November 8th. Practices begin week of November 25th. Season ends late February. FEE : Member $95 Program Participant $120 Late Fee: $30 after Nov 8th. Ages 3-4 Coed, Ages 5-6 Coed Ages 7-8 Coed, Girls 9-10, 11-12, 13-14 and Boys 9-10, 11-12, 13-14
A Message From Scott Masterson, Zachary Building Official Many homeowners aim to save money by hiring an unlicensed contractor. However, hiring unlicensed contractors is illegal. Making sure you hire an appropriately licensed, insured and bonded contractor may seem like extra work, but it all adds up to helping ensure that you and your interests are protected, and gives you more assurance that you’re working with reliable, reputable professionals. For instance, if your unlicensed contractor breaks a sewer line, you’re responsible. If a worker gets hurt and can’t work for two years, and there’s no workers compensa-
tion coverage in place, you are on the hook for that workers’ medical bills and lost wages. Before you hire a building contractor, Scott Masterson, Zachary Building Official encourages you to contact the City of Zachary Inspections Division at 654-6873 to be sure the contractor is licensed and bonded to perform work in the City of Zachary. Just as a reminder, you will need a residential permit if you are building a fence, accessory building, swimming pool, installing a generator or building your dream outdoor kitchen. The following building
procedures do not require a building permit: decks, aluminum patio covers, above ground swimming pools, pre-fab building and new roofs. It is recommended that before you
remodel or decide to build, get approval from your individual homeowner’s association.
Please send in your Business Community Submissions and Achievements to
Save More on Shutters 5% off 5 or more 10% off 10 or more 15% off 15 or more Schedule your FREE in-home consultation today!
Offer Valid Sept. 1, 2019- Nov. 1, 2019 Offer valid only at Budget Blinds of Zachary
Custom Residential and Commercial Window Coverings A Veteran Owned Company • Member of the Zachary Chamber of Commerce
YOUR HOME EXTERIORS ARE NOT DIRTY, THEY ARE INFESTED. Infested with micro organisms like ALGAE, MOLD, MILDEW, and BACTERIA that affect your home’s appearance and deteriorates roof and other surface material. Our unique SOFT WASHING process will clean, sanitize and protect the roof and exterior of your home against these micro organisms and provide superior results that last 4 to 6 times longer than traditional pressure washing!
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Zoo Hosts 23rd Annual Boo at the Zoo 2019 All are invited to enjoy a “Merry, Not Scary” trick-or-treating extravaganza!
BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo will host its 23rd annual in-house Boo at the Zoo on October 19, 20, 26 and 27 – Presented by Hancock Whitney Bank. This merry, not scary trickor-treat extravaganza began in 1996 with just under 3,900 visitors and has grown to become Baton Rouge’s largest trick-or-treat event, and is expected to draw up to 20,000 visitors from across the metro region in 2019. “What could be more fun than trick-or-treating with the animals?” said Phil Frost, Zoo Director. “Boo at the Zoo is a wonderful way for families across the region to enjoy safe trick-or-treating while experiencing all the wonders that wildlife and nature have to offer.” Aside from the 20+ trick-or-treat stations, activities will include a Halloween Hay Maze & Ed-Zoo-Cation Station. Food and beverages will be available for purchase from the Zoo’s Flamingo Café and other area food vendors. All children in attendance will receive a free trick-or-treat bag. Admission gates will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Zoo grounds close at 5 p.m. Regular Zoo admission applies. For more information on Boo at the Zoo, please visit http:// or call (225) 775-3877.
Proven Leader
Anne Richey Attorney at Law
• Family Law • Civil Litigation • Wills/Estate Planning 8658 Quarters Lake Road Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Telephone: (225) 922-9142
Through my 40 yrs of EXPERIENCE as an Ag. teacher, character & work ethics education specialist, industrial trainer & BRCC Jackson Campus (Folkes) Administrator- including 16 yrs of working directly with LA Legislators - I am fully prepared & ready to work with you to:
Economic Development Support the growth & expansion of our current businesses Develop a Dist 62 Recruiting Strategy for new businesses Assist E. D. groups with workforce components
Workforce Development Develop a Dist 62 Workforce Development Strategy Collaborate with BRCC to add LPN, CNA, Pre-PTEC & Gen Ed classes to the Jackson (Folkes) Campus Assist our businesses to apply for IWTP grants ● Family Values ● ProLife ● Protecting our Children & Our Elderly ● Responsible Spending ● 2nd Admendment Rights
#Creating Our Tomorrow Together
Early Voting: Sept 28-Oct 5 Election Day: Sat, Oct 12
*Ad paid for by Johnny Arceneaux*
FELICIANA WINDSHIELD Zachary’s Vehicle Inspection Station
ALL PARISHES VEHICLE INSPECTIONS 2 Year Locally Owned And Operated Inspections For Over 20 Years Available Just a Short Ride Up Hwy 19 Phone: 658-7906 • Cell: 921-2185
POST Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Births • Engagements • Weddings • Awards Obituaries • Anniversaries • Reunions
Stella Sue Vestal
Stitch, Style, Make at The Library’s Sixth Annual Baton Rouge Mini Maker Faire®
Lane Vestal and Alyssa Smith are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Stella Sue Vestal. She was born at Woman’s Hospital on June 18th,2019. Stella weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 19 inches long. Proud grandparents include the late Wanda Sue Curry of Patterson, James Smith of Wiggins, Ms and Colleen Majors of Gulfport, Ms. Proud great parent Judy Majors of Gulfport and her loving Nanny and Parrain, Heather and Brendon Rodrigue of Patterson.
Don’t miss out on the hottest FREE event in town with fun for the whole family – the East Baton Rouge Parish Library’s 6th Annual Baton Rouge Mini Maker Faire® scheduled 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, October 19, at the Main Library at Goodwood, 7711 Goodwood Blvd. This year’s theme is Stitch, Style, Make!, and as well as the usual high- and low-tech booths, the Library also will have a fashion focus with some fantastic guests lined up including stilt walkers, special performances, and a fashion show during the day! Learn how to repurpose and recycle your clothing with LSU Textiles, plus explore the wonders of The Wizard of Oz with the Knock Knock Children’s Museum and see pedal-powered machines from Front Yard Bikes. There will be tons of makers and performers, tech, crafts and art, many of whom will have interactive booth activities for attendees – every kind of making will be represented. Check out the full list of exhibits at
makers-exhibits/. In addition, there will be scheduled workshops of special interest with guest speakers – it’s first come, first served, so get there early. For more information, visit the Twitter account @BRMakerFaire or Facebook at The sites also contain lists of makers and more information about the Maker Faire, which is a local offshoot of a national trend in Maker Faires across the country. Ticket registration is not required, but encouraged for a chance to win a Cricut® machine from our sponsor Creativebug! To register, visit www. AND IT’S ALL FREE and FAMILY FRIENDLY! Food trucks will be on site, too. For more information, call the Main Library Reference Department at (225) 231 3750 or visit www. To get more details about the Library or any of its other free programs, events and resources, go online to www.ebrpl. com or call (225) 231-3750.
Gwen Collins
SECRETARY OF STATE Election Day October 12 (Early Voting Sept 28-Oct 5)
A Secretary of State for a Better Louisiana
Increase voter participation Protect voting rights and elections Support small businesses Empower the next generation
Know your options. If you or your loved one has a pre-arranged funeral with another funeral home and you would like to learn more about transferring a policy, stop by our office or call today to discuss those options with our staff with no obligation.
We make it personal.®
Call today. Scott Haynes
Billy Guidry
Funeral Director
6401 Groom Rd. Baker, LA 70714
1/8th pg. Baker_Policy_03’19
Paid for by Gwen Collins-Greenup Campaign Fund, LLC
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
What a difference the years make…
Grandkids grow…
Books become digital, available in a click… At the Clerk of Court’s Office, Doug works hard to offer the best of technology… But there will always be service with a smile! Vote #114 Early Voting September 28 – October 5 (Except Sept. 29)
Primary Election Day October 12, 2019
POST Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Zachary Jr. Broncos Elite A Team Took Down Plaquemine 48-3
Defense gets interception after getting Plaquemine to drop the ball. Photo by Sharron Ventura Photography.
Rashaed Smith gets seperation for a big catch. Photo by Sharron Ventura Photography.
Hunter Teague gets the big TD for the Jr. Broncos. Photo by Sharron Ventura Photography.
Landin Wascom makes the clutch catch for the Jr, Broncos. Photo by Sharron Ventura Photography.
continued from page 1
for Halloween at the Zachary Farmer’s Market on Saturday, October 5th. The first 50 children to attend the farmer’s market will be able to decorate a mini pumpkin at the HugYourPeople Park during the Farmer’s Market. In addition, on opening day, the market will feature live music. We have had an overwhelming response of participating vendors, and we welcome new vendors to join the market at any time. Potential vendors must submit an application form, along with $50 for a 6-month permit. The application can be found on the City of Zachary website at The $50 fee will be used for advertisement in the local paper promoting the farmer’s market. Once completed, applications can be dropped off at the Zachary Utilities Office or mailed to Zachary Farmer’s Market, Market Coordinator, P.O. Box 310, Zachary, LA 70791. Applications, along with photographs, may also be scanned and emailed to Should you have any questions contact Nita Edwards, Zachary Farmer’s Market Coordinator, 225 939-9430 or by email
• Currently City Court Judge in Division C Rouge City Court CurrentlyServing Serving asas City Court Judge in Division C of the Baton of the Baton Rouge City Court Former Public Defender for the City of Baker, Louisiana • Former Public Defender for the City of Baker Louisiana Former Prosecutor for the East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s Office & the Louisiana State Attorney General’s Office
• Former Prosecutor for the East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s Practiced Law as a private for 20 years and Office Criminal Defense for 13 Office & theCivil Louisiana Stateattorney Attorney General’s years before becoming a judge
• Practiced Civil Law as a Private Attorney for 20 years and Criminal Graduate: Southern University Defense for 13 years before becoming a Judge Southern University Law Center Managing Editor of the Southern University Law Review
• Graduate: • Southern University Former Member of the East Baton Rouge School Board 2004-2015 • Southern University Law Center Vice President 2010- 2014 • Managing Editor of the Southern University Law Review DAY ISRouge OCTOBER 12TH • Former Member ofELECTION the East Baton School Board 2004-2015 EARLY VOTING IS SEPTEMBER 28TH - OCTOBER 5TH • Vice President East Baton Rouge School Board 2010-2014 | 225-246-2087
P.O. Box 1414 Baton Rouge, LA 70821
f @JudgeTarvaldSmithCampaignCommittee
Election Day is October 12th
Early Voting is September 28th – October 5th • 225-246-2087 P.O. Box 1414 Baton Rouge, La 70821 @JudgeTarvaldSmithCampaignCommittee
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
ZHS Volleyball Opens Season with Close Loss to Dutchtown
Jules Patin serves for the Lady Bronco Volleyballer team. Photo by Sharron Ventura Photography.
Machaela Neal makes the big play. Photo by Sharron Ventura Photography.
Kelsey White goes for the block. Photo by Sharron Ventura Photography.
Dalton HONORE STATE REPRESENTATIVE • DISTRICT 63 Election Day Saturday, October 12th
Democrat Dalton Honore is a lifelong resident of Scotlandville and a graduate of Southern University. He is a member of the Louisiana Justice Hall of Fame and the Scotlandville High School Hall of Fame. As a full-time legislator, Dalton will work to create jobs and economic opportunities, enact laws to keep our community safe from violent crime and make sure Southern University is represented in legislature. BACKGROUND in Business Dalton Honore has a long history of creating jobs and growing businesses. Dalton spent over 30 years in private business. He understands what it means to meet a budget and make a payroll. In the legislature, he will use his business experience to create jobs and grow the economy. LAW Enforcement Expert Dalton Honore was the first African American Deputy Sheriff in East Baton Rouge Parish. He spent over 12 years with the sheriff’s office rising to the rank of Captain and Sub-Station Commander. Dalton will work in legislature to enact common sense laws to make our neighborhoods safe from drug dealers and violent criminals.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, call (225) 337-9943 or email Paid for by the Honore for State Representative Campaign
POST Tuesday, September 24, 2019
In Our Schools
Zachary Elementary Holds Sparkle Bright Day
Baton Rouge Mini
Saturday, October 19th 10AM - 5PM Main Library @ Goodwood
, h c , t e i ! l t e S Sty ak M Join us for the 6th annual Baton Rouge Mini Maker Faire, a celebration of creative projects including tech, crafts, art and a special focus on fashion! /BRmakerfaire
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Professional Builders llc & etc We are proud to offer the following services: New Construction, Additions & Renovations Insurance Claims - Fire, Flood Storm Damage
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HEATH MONTE, Broker/Owner Office: (225) 658-1515 (225) 252-9006
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We also offer Pressure Washing
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NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL We Accept: Visa/Master Card/Discover/American Express
Are’ Custom Shutters, Blinds, Drapery, Upholstery & Fabrics
Burton Trucking LLC
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By Appointment … We Come to You! Charlotte Harris 30 Years Experience in Our Area
U Call I Haul! Gravel, Sand, Dirt, Limestone, Etc 2152 George Brown Lane Jackson, LA 70748
Custom Residential and Commercial Window Coverings
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HOMES, DRIVEWAYS, DECKS, PATIOS, ETC. Monday - Saturday: 11am - 9pm Sunday: 11am - 3pm (Buffet 11:00 am - 2:30 pm) 1674 Charter St. • Jackson, LA • (225) 310-4003 • (225) 310-4016
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New Construction, Repairs & Remodels by LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER
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Wheeler Construction Cloyce Wheeler, Owner/Builder
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HOUSE CLEANING Top of the line house cleaning. Cooking, ironing, washing. We clean everything. Nothing too big! Yardwork & Weeding – we do that! We do what they don’t want to do – we work hard! 225-465-3025
Classifieds REAL ESTATE
ROOM FOR RENT in Zachary. Walking distance to Winn Dixie. Call (225) 654-9900. Leave message or call 380-7013.
Rick's Trailer Park has two mobil homes for rent. Large 2BD/2BA and one smaller 2BD/1BA. Utlities and All Appliances included. West Feliciana. Call 225-635-6061. For rent: 3br/1 Ba home located at 3913 Market Street in Jackson, LA, Call 225-235-1070 for more onformation.
Bank of Zachary - Customer Service Representative - Bank of Zachary is looking for a highly motivated individual to fill a Customer Service Representative position in its Account Services Division. This position offers an exciting opportunity for candidates with prior customer service experience who are interested in beginning a career with a financial institution. Customer Service Representatives are responsible for daily maintenance of debit Cards, account inquiries by phone and maintaining existing customer relationships. Duties include processing transactions and resolving problems. Must be customer service focused with ability to multi-task and perform as a team player. Stable work history and high school diploma or GED required. 1-2 years prior/current banking, sales, cash handling, and/or customer service experience required. EEO/AA/M/F/VETERAN/DISABLED. Send all resumes to Subway is Now hiring in Jackson and Clinton all positions please apply online or in store. Diesel Mechanic! Good Benefits and Pay. Min 1 yr exp or school. CDL-A req. Tank & Haz preferred. In business since 1925! 866-98
Tourism Commission Executive Director: The West Feliciana Tourism Commission is looking for a Part-Time Executive Director. This person (TCED) is responsible for the development and execution of the tourism marketing plan for West Feliciana Parish and the Town of St Francisville to promote a positive public image and stimulate economic development in the area. TCED facilitates the development and updating of the marketing plan with the Tourist Commission. The TCED maintains an active relationship with area hotels, restaurants and businesses and event planners and others who impact the success of tourism in the area. Additionally, the TCED is responsible for managing the Tourism Office / Visitors Center and all administrative work related to running the Tourism Office / Visitors Center. Knowledge of the tourism industry, West Feliciana Parish, and Marketing preferred. Please send your resume to :, or West Feliciana Tourism Commission P.O.Box 1548 , St Francisville, LA 70775. Deadline to accept resumes is September 30, 2019. FRCC is accepting applications for part-time positions: Kitchen and Housekeeping Supervisor, Cook, housekeeper, maintenance Email:
COMPETITIVE SALARY and satisfying career in Geriatric Nursing. Lakeview Manor has IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for LPN’s with SIGN ON BONUS, for all shifts. We also have IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for CNA’s with SIGN ON BONUS and COOKS for all shifts. Call to set up an interview today at (225)6384404.
LOUISIANA STATE PENITENTIARY at Angola is now hiring a Dentist, Physician, Lab Tech, Medical Lab Tech, Social Workers and EMTs. Retirement Benefits, Health, Life and Dental Insurance available. Corrections Credit Union available on-site. Applicants must possess valid Louisiana license/certification. Interested parties may contact Assistant Warden Tracy Falgout @ 225-655-2734. EEO MISCELLANEOUS/ ITEMS FOR SALE
Cross Creek Cowboy Church. Sundays breakfast 9:30, service 10:30. 21160 Plank Road, Zachary. Come as you are. FOR SALE: BOSS Leather sewing machine and cobble bench (good condition) $1500 and Saddle Stand set $675. Call 225-371-2533 for more information.
For Sale: Mobility Chair, Like new. Jazzy Select, new Battery, works great! $1150 obo call 225-301-7582. LOCAL ZACHARY RAW HONEY - 1 pound jar, $10.00, 7 oz. bear bottle $5.00 225-931-3453
For Sale: (3) 8x32 foot Travel Trailers PERFECT FOR HUNTING CAMPS $500.00 each. 225-721-2730 or 225-654-4077
Call in or send us your Classified Ad Only $10 Up to 20 words
Phone 225-654-0122 or email
POST Tuesday, September 24, 2019
In Our Schools
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Copper Mill Yearbook Cover Contest winners!