Improving english 2 -22031

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track 4

6 Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct tense. Listen to the text to check.

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Macy’s Department Store is known for the parade that ____________ place every Thanksgiving. Everyone __________ forward to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. It _________ a long tradition in the United States and it__________ the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade always takes place in fabulous New York City. It _________ by Central Park and ends in front of Macy’s. For 84 years, Macy’s______________ young and old with the parade of high flying balloons and decorated floats. Famous entertainers, dancers, the best high school marching bands and the employees of Macy’s who handle the balloons in the parade _________ together on this day to make this amazing parade a spectacular event. About three and a half million spectators along the parade route in New York City and fifty million TV viewers ___________ the parade.

begin delight mark take watch come look be


He’s caused trouble ever since I’ve known him. I know Charlie for five years. I’ve always wondered why she suddenly left school. I won’t go until I‘ll find out the truth. This is the first time I am in the USA. I want you to compare the present film with all the others you saw in your life.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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7 There is a mistake in most of these sentences. If a sentence is wrong, correct it.



Al is a friend of yours from England who came to visit you. Alex Your mother is taking you and your friend to Smederevo, but she doesn’t speak English and she wants you to tell Alex something about the town. Translate her words into English. Mother: Данас ћемо посетити Смедерево, које је удаљено 46 км од Београда. You: ________________________________________________________________________ Mother: Град је мешавина старог и модерног и привлачи велики број туриста сваке године. You: ________________________________________________________________________ Mother: Видећемо и живописну средњовековну тврђаву из 15. века, која се налази се на обали Дунава и доминира градом. You: ________________________________________________________________________ 8

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