ENJOYING ENGLISH 7 - radna sveska

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Катарина Ковачевић Jonathan Pendlebury


др Радмила Шевић, редовни професор Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду

Ана Томовић, лектор на Катедри за англистику Филолошког факултета у Београду

Вера Зечевић, професор у ОШ „Јован Поповић” у Београду

Уредник и одговорни уредник

Слободанка Ружичић Главни уредник

др Милорад Марјановић За издавача

др Милорад Марјановић, в. д. директора

Ово дело не сме се умножавати, фотокопирати и на било који други начин репродуковати, ни у целини ни у деловима, без писменог одобрења издавача.

CONTENTS 4–9 10 – 15 16 – 17 18 – 25 26 – 33 34 – 35 36 – 41 42 – 47 48 – 49 50 – 55 56 – 62 64 – 65 67

UNIT 1 It’s September again UNIT 2 A sporting life REVISION 1(Units 1 & 2) UNIT 3 Food for thought UNIT 4 Celebrations REVISION 2 (Units 3 & 4) UNIT 5 Home sweet home UNIT 6 Pictures and sounds REVISION 3 (Units 5 & 6) UNIT 7 Going places UNIT 8 Fashion crazy REVISION 4 (Units 7 & 8) KEY Mini quiz

USEFUL TIPS FOR USING ENGLISH IN THE CLASSROOM Asking your teacher to do something

Can you explain that again? Could you write the answer on the board?

Asking about new words

What does this word mean? How do you pronounce this word? What’s the best translation for this word? What do you call this in English?

Making requests

Can you give me a hand with this, please? Could you check this, please?





VOCABULARY 1 These abbreviations are used in the Student’s Book.

Study them and complete the gaps.

n – noun


v – verb adj – adjective adv – adverb prep – preposition pron – pronoun

screen is a noun collect is a _____________ school is a _____________ he is a _____________ with is a _____________ small is an _____________ slowly is an _____________

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. fashions



mates muscles



1. My father and I always go to football matches. We have a very good _____________. 2. My sister buys different magazines because she’s interested in the latest ____________. 3. His parents are very __________. They don’t let him out in the evening. 4. John goes to the gym four times a week; he wants to have big ___________. 5. I often hang _______ with my ____________. 6. I go to a __________ school near my house. 3 Replace the verbs with

the correct form of have if necessary.

1. I wasn’t a headache yesterday. 2. I always do the washing up. 3. Are you going a holiday this year? 4. Peter made a party last week and I was a good time. 5. I wear jeans at the weekend.


Rewrite the anagrams.

1. Karl lives in a smntunoouai region of Switzerland and he goes skiing every day. _______________ 2. The farmer sold the tlteac at the market. __________ 3. Last night I went to a ­evird-ni movie, which sratrde Brad Pitt. ___________ 4. I often go wloibng with my friends. We are practising a lot because there is a pticmoetoni next week. It is the biggest veetn of the year in our town. _________ ________________ 5. He saeris horses on his farm. ___________

5 Add a suffix to the words, changing any other letters if necessary. 1. Can you help me with this translate_____, please? 2. The books are very expense____. 3. My sister has a huge collect______ of dolls. 4. West____ Australia is very beautiful.


GRAMMAR Verb +ing 1

What do Michael and Marcia like doing?

a. Write the activities under the pictures: ride a bike get up early talk to friends clean the bedroom wash up play chess visit museums b. Now use the pictures and faces to complete the sentences below. Use each activity only once. 1. Both of them enjoy ______________________. 2. Both of them hate __________________________. 3. They don’t mind _____________________________. 4. Marcia loves ________________, but Michael doesn’t. 5. Only Michael dislikes _____________________.

The present simple and continuous tenses 2 Add never, always, often, or usually. Does it rain in September? /often Does it often rain in September? 1. Is it cold in February? /always


2. It snows in the summer. /never


3. Does it rain in autumn? /usually


4. It’s warm in the spring. /often 5. He wears T-shirts. /never

___________________________________ . ____________________________________ .






3 a. Ask Mr Smith about his job, adding

a pronoun where necessary.

1. When _______ the factory _________every day? /open 2. _________ the factory far from your house? / be 3. How ________________ usually _______ to the factory? / go 4. What ____________________________there? /make 5. When ____________________________ work on Fridays? / finish

b. Now answer the questions using the pictures. 1. It ____________________________________________________ 2. No, ___________________________________________________ 3. I ____________________________________________________ 4. We ___________________________________________________ 5. I ____________________________________________________ 4 What’s the difference? Add the correct word to each sentence. 1. today / every day a. He works in a factory ___________. b. He is working in a factory _____________. 2. at the moment / usually a. Who is playing the drums ________________? b. Who __________ plays the drums in that band? 3. on Saturdays / now a. What are you eating ____________? b. What do you eat for breakfast __________? 4. every summer / this week a. I stay at the Helios Hotel _________. b. I am staying at the Helios Hotel ___________. 5. tonight / often a. I’m having dinner in a restaurant _______________. b. She _________ has dinner in a restaurant. 5 Use the following words to make sentences about arrangements in the near future. I am going to the seaside next summer. 1. I go to the seaside next summer _________________________________________ 2. we move to a new town soon ___________________________________________ 3. he join us after school _______________________________________________



4. where you meet David tomorrow? _____________________________________________________ 5. they play volleyball on Wednesday? ___________________________________________________ 6

Complete the sentences using the present simple and continuous tenses. 1. It ________________. Hurry up! (rain) 2. _____it ______________ outside at the moment? (snow) 3. Mr Taylor ____________ playing with his dog. (like) 4. Are you ready? Yes, I ___________________the last word. (write) 5. Why _______ you _______________ at my jokes? (never / laugh) 6. My mother ____________ to work very early on Mondays. (go) 7. Look! Peter _______________. (not swim) 8. Harry ______________________the guitar every day. (not play) 9. We _______________ in Chestnut Street. (live) 10. ‘What ______ Mary _________ every day after school?’ (do) ‘I ___________ .’ (not know)




A phone conversation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ask for something Give orders/instructions Give something to someone Ask where people are from Invite a friend to your house

a. Close the door, please. b. Here you are. c. Where do you come from? d. Would you like to come on Sunday? e. Can you give me a pen, please?

Make a logical conversation using some of the given sentences. Here's an example to start you off. A Hello, Nick speaking. B Hi, Nick. Thomas here. A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Will she be in this evening? Can I contact her tomorrow? What time can I reach her? Fantastic. Goodbye. Can I speak to Tania, please?

a. b. c. d. e.

B No, I don’t think so. Any time after six. Thanks for calling. Bye. I’m afraid she isn’t in at the moment. Yes, tomorrow will be fine.





Track 5


How do we pronounce the letter ‘s’ in the third person singular of the present simple tense? Listen to the verbs in the box (or say them aloud) and complete the chart with a tick (). /s/



works gets goes watches sings tells

WRITING 1 Write about you,

your family and best friend using the words and phrases in the bubbles.

sometimes always often usually from time to time

go bowling with friends have English at school play basketball borrow books from the library go to a drive-in movie

read books cook dinner Example: I sometimes read books in the evening. My best friend usually cooks dinner for her family. ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

2 Rewrite the text in the following way: I live in Lewistown. Kathy lives in Lewistown. I go to elementary school so I don’t go out much during the week. I usually watch TV or read books. I like collecting dolls. On Fridays I watch a football match with my brother and then I have a milkshake at a drive-in restaurant with my friends. At the moment, I am listening to music. Tonight I am going bowling with my friend. I often go bowling. I’m very good at bowling. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________



Look at the picture. Write five sentences about what the people are doing.

1. _____________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________ 4

Finish the sentences. 1. I am brilliant _______________________, but I am terrible __________________________. 2. My best friend is excellent __________________, but he/she is really bad _______________. 3. My neighbour is good ____________________, but is not very good ____________________.

Mini Quiz 1 Think of a letter of the alphabet that, when you say it, sounds like the name of each of the following: a. a part of the body b. an insect c. a body of water d. an exclamation e. a vegetable f. a drink g. a pronoun See the KEY for the answers.







Match the definitions to the words/phrases. race advise give up compete common take part in fit 1. tell somebody that you think they should do something 2. healthy 3. play against other people to see who is better 4. join in an activity 5. see who is the fastest 6. usual 7. stop doing something


2 Now use the words from Exercise 1 to complete the

sentences, making any changes that are necessary.

1. I ____________ you to study more if you want to get good marks. 2. ‘Are you a faster runner than me?’ ‘I don’t know. I’ll _________ you.’ 3. I want to ____________ smoking. 4. Peter goes running every day because he wants to be __________. 5. He doesn’t like ________________ group work. He prefers working alone. 6. It is ___________ to have a big meal at 6 o’clock in England. 7. I hate ____________ at sport. I prefer playing games for fun.

Look at the sports in the pictures. How many of them can you name? _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________


Use the sports from exercise 3, the verbs play, go and do and the adverbs of frequency to write 6 sentences that are true for you. Example: I never play tennis. 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________________


The words in italics are in the wrong sentence. Can you put them in the right place? 1. The soldier from Greece won the gold medal. _______________ 2. Do you usually watch the energy on TV? _______________ 3. His muscles were hurting, but he burnt to win. _______________



4. Can you give me the athlete, please? I want to wash up. _______________ 5. The sponge loved being in the army. _______________ 6. My legs offered while I was sunbathing. _______________ 7. The battle managed place in 1875. _______________ 8. I don’t have the news to run another mile! _______________ 9. He took me help, but I didn’t want it. _______________ 6 Use an expression with take from page 30 of the Student’s Book to complete these


1. We went to the station and _______________________ to London. 2. Are you ________________________ at school this afternoon? Did you study for it last night? 3. The competition __________________________ in Paris every year. 4. Open your notebooks and ___________________ what I say. 5. Can you _____________________ of us, please? Here’s my camera. 6. I love ____________________. You never know what will happen! 7. Don’t run! Just ________________________.

GRAMMAR Reported requests and commands 1 Put these sentences into indirect speech. 1. ‘Tell me the truth!’ She told me _________________________. 2. ‘Can you help me do it, please?’ He asked me _________________________. 3. ‘Don’t tell anybody!’ My friend told me ___________________. 4. ‘Don’t worry about me!’ He told me ________________________. 5. ‘Listen to me!’ She told me ____________. 6. ‘Can you switch off the TV, please?’ She asked me ________________.

The past simple and past continuous tenses 2 What are the past simple

forms of the following verbs? come take go read give find have keep leave tell do hit run win


found read gave had told did hit left ran took came won went






Make questions to ask about the underlined information. When did she get up 1. She got up at six o’clock when she lived in London. _____________________________? 2. We played football at school when we were younger. ____________________________? 3. We went skiing in the mountains last winter. __________________________________? 4. They spent a wonderful week beside the lake. _________________________________? 5. They stayed in Canada for two weeks. ________________________________________?


Complete these sentences following the example.

Example: She phoned her sister, but she didn’t phone her brother. 1. I ______________ a present to Mary, but I ___________________ one to John. (give) 2. Harry _____________ to my sister, but he ____________________ to me. (speak) 3. Jane ____________to the seaside, but she _________________ to the mountains. (fly) 4. I _____________ a letter to Steve, but I __________________ to John. (write) 5. I _________________ Peter, but I _______________________ Helen. (help)


What did they do last Sunday? Look at the table and ask and answer. cricket Marcia Michael




Example: Did Marcia play cricket last Sunday? No, she didn’t. 1. ______________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________ 7. ______________________________________________ 6

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Teacher: ‘Tell us about your journey to England, Sonia. When did you arrive there?’ Sonia: ‘I (1. leave) home on 15th July. My father

1. _______________ 2. ___________

(2. drive) me to the airport. When the plane (3. take) 3. _______________ off, the sun (4. shine) in Belgrade. When it (5. land) at 4. _______________ Heathrow, it (6. rain). I (7. travel) to the city terminal on the airport bus. Then I (8. phone) my English 5. _______________ family and they (9. give) me directions to their house.’ 6. _______________

7. _______________ 8. _______________ 9. _____________



7 What were they doing at 7 p.m. last night? Look at the pictures and write positive or

negative sentences using the words.

Example: Tessa / listen to music / the bedroom. Tessa was listening to music in her bedroom. 1. Nick / have shower / bathroom _________________________________________ 2. Jane / do her homework / her room _____________________________________ 3. John / watch TV / the living room _________________________________________ 4. Michael / take / a photo of his brother ________________________________________ 5. Vicky and Diana / have dinner / their parents ________________________________ 6. We / do gymnastics ______________________________________ 8 Now ask and answer questions using the activities in exercise 7. If the answer is ‘no’,

write what the children were doing at 7 p.m.

Example: Was Tessa listening to music in her bedroom at 7 p.m? Yes, she was. Was Nick having a shower in the bathroom? No, he wasn’t. He was playing football. 1. _______________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________

Used to 9 In two sentences in exercise 3 on page 12, we can use used to instead of the past simple.

Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of used to.

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 10 Two questions in exercise 3 can also be written using used to.

Rewrite them using the interrogative form of used to.

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________






Match A and B.



1. Would you like to go to the ice hockey match on Sunday? 2. I hope the weather’s good for our tennis match tomorrow. 3. Do you know what the results are? 4. How did you know I was going to the football match today? 5. I’ve only got one ticket for the match.

a. A little bird told me. b. Let’s toss a coin. Heads or tails? c. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. d. I’m afraid I haven’t a clue. e. I’d love to, but I’m busy.

Track 10 2

Match a problem and the advice to each picture. Now listen and check. Take turns to practise with your partner. 1. I’ve got toothache. 2. I’ve got a temperature. 3. I feel tired. 4. I’m thirsty.

a. How about drinking some water? b. Why don’t you see the dentist? c. You should take an aspirin. d. You should go to bed and have some rest.

Track 11


The -ed at the end of the past simple form is sometimes pronounced /id/. Listen to these verbs. Write the verbs that end with the sound /id/ in the box. played, started, watched, visited, needed, phoned, stopped, hated / id /


Complete these sentences with the words from the box. in spite of

so that during



in case

because of

We all went to the tennis match ___________ Marcia. She couldn’t go to Wimbledon ___________ her cold. _____________ the bad weather, a lot of people went to the match. We took a taxi _____________ we arrived on time. We all took our umbrellas _________ it rained. __________ we were watching the match, it started raining. We had some strawberries __________ the break, and then we decided to go home because it was late.



2 Fill in the table for yourself. Then try to complete the table for your partner. Sports I did last year

Sports I would like to do

Sports I like watching

Sports I think my partner did last year

Sports I think he/she would like to do

Sports I think he/she likes watching

Now ask him/her questions to check your answers. Remember to use the correct verb (play, do, go). Tick () your correct guesses. Who had the most correct guesses? Example: Did you play football last year? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 3 Interview your class about sports. Ask students ‘Do you do any sports?’ If the answer is YES, ask them which sport they do. Students should give full answers. Example: I play basketball from time to time/ in the school team/at the weekend. Make notes on their answers and then write about the sporting habits of your class. • How many of your classmates take part in some sports? • How many of your classmates don’t take part in any sports? • How many of them: • play: football, basketball, volleyball or tennis? • do aerobics? • go swimming? • go skiing in the winter?

Mini Quiz 2

What do we call the place where these sports are played? Example: ice-hockey – ice rink Put the sports into the right column. a court

a pitch

an ice rink

a swimming pool

a race track

a table

football cricket ice-hockey water polo rugby basketball badminton horse-racing tennis pool swimming motor racing motorbike racing baseball table tennis skating See the KEY for the answers.






1 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word given in brackets. 1. Kathy lives in a ____________ part of the country. (mountain) 2. I bought a very _____________ dress. (expense) 3. He has got a _____________________ of very rare books. (collect) 4. Are there mountains in the _________ part of Serbia? (west) 5. Is it _____________ to drive at night? (danger) 2 Make nouns from the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1. Did you enjoy the ______? (race)

4. He does __________ every day. (exercise)

2. Can I give you some _________? (advise)

5. Watching a DVD is real ___________. (enjoy)

3. There is a maths ___________ next week. (compete) 3 Match the words with

the same meaning.


fun common advise exercise manage give up hang out


practise usual stop spend time with friends enjoyment suggest succeed

Add have or take in the correct form. 1. She __________________ a shower at the moment. 2. The party _____________ place last night. 3. I hate _____________ a headache. 4. Can you _________ my photo, please? 5. While Peter ______________ lunch, Dave rang.

Verb +ing

1 Complete the sentences using a verb so they are true for you. 1. I love _________________________________________________________________ 2. I hate _________________________________________________________________ 3. I don’t mind ___________________________________________________________

Present simple and continuous

2 Fill in the gaps using the present simple or the present continuous tense. 1. The sun _______________(often / not shine) in December, but it ____________ (shine) today. 2. ‘What _______________________ (your mother / do)?’ ‘She works in a bank.’ 3. I usually _________ (stay) at home on Saturday, but tonight I ____________ (go) to a concert. 4. ‘What ________________ (your sister / want) to do?’ ‘I _______________ (not know).’

Reported speech

3 Put the sentences into reported speech. 1. ‘Think it over!’ The teacher told me _________________________________________________. 2. ‘Don’t be late!’ My mother told me _________________________________________________. 3. ‘Can you help me with my homework, please?’ Helen asked me _________________________________________________________________.


1AND 2

Used to

4 Change the sentences using the used to form. 1. I went to that school. ____________________________________________________ 2. We weren’t very good friends, but now we are. _________________________________ 3. Did you buy her flowers when you were young? ________________________________

Past simple and continuous

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple tense. Nick: Where ________________ (you / go) on holiday last summer? Vicky: I ________________ (go) to the Lake District to visit my cousins. Nick: How long ______________________ (you / stay)? Vicky: I ____________(stay) for two weeks. Where _________________ (you / spend) your holidays? Nick: We ______________(spend) only one week in Scotland and then my brother __________ (break) his leg so the whole family _______ (have) to return home. Vicky: What a pity! 6 Complete the text using the past simple or continuous tense of the following verbs. take







not know



When I ____________ the phone last night, my neighbour shouted: ‘Quickly! We need your help!’ I ________ to her house and _________. I was shocked. Her husband ______________ on the ground in his garden. ‘While he ________________the rubbish out, he _________ and now he can’t get up!’ I ______________what to do because he was a large man. In the end, five more neighbours ___________ to help and we managed to pick him up! Give some advice or suggestions for the following problems. Your friend played football and hurt his leg. ____________________________________ Your mother has a terrible cough.


Your friend’s dog is sick and can’t eat.


a. Write a paragraph about your daily routine. OR b. Write a paragraph about a sporting event that happened last week which you attended or watched. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________







Use the words from the box to complete the text.

habits dairy

fried thanks overweight avoid inexpensive consists

takeaway cooking

I have lots of bad ________, but my worst one is eating too much. I really like all ____________ products – milk, cheese, cream, and ice-cream – but my favourite food is __________ food – hamburgers, chips, bacon. Mmm! I often get a ____________ from the local fish and chip shop because I hate ____________ and it is _______________ – only £3. ______ to this, I have to start running and doing some exercise because I am ____________. On the other hand, my sister tries to _________ unhealthy food – her diet _________ of lots of fruit and vegetables. 2

Match the words in A with their definitions in B. a.

A 1. cutlery 2. crockery 3. steal 4. customer 5. leave 6. bun 7. constantly 8. amount 9. in the eighties


a. take from somebody without asking b. quantity c. knives, forks and spoons d. the period between 1980 and 1989 e. all the time f. someone who buys something g. go away from a place h. plates, cups, saucers, etc. i. a small bread roll

b. Use some of the words from box A to complete the sentences. 1. He buys things from our shop every day; he is a very good _________________. 2. When you __________, you go to prison. 3. He never goes out. He doesn’t want to ______________ the house. 4. He watches TV ____________. He never turns it off. 5. I can’t go out. I have a large _________________ of work to do. 6. I last visited her ___________________, over twenty-five years ago. 7. We should buy some new ____________. These knives are so old. 3

Complete these sentences. 1. Strawberries, apples and bananas are ______________.

2. Potatoes, carrots and peppers are __________________.




7. We put ________ on toast – it is made of

3. Chickens lay __________.

different kinds of fruit.

4. Cheese is made of _________. 5. We put candles on our birthday _________. 6. We squeeze _____________ to get orange

8. Use two pieces of ____________ to make a sandwich.



4 Write the number of




each picture next to the correct word. rice


















5 What can’t we change/serve/spread? Find the odd one out. change > money | a rule | your clothes | the sky | the subject serve > food | a telephone | a drink | a ball | a customer spread > butter | jam | news | a ball | ideas Track 17 6 Some words are not clear in the text. Can you guess what they are and write them in

the space provided? Then listen and check your answers.

At the moment I am trying to lose w_____ because I am very fat. I have started eating h___ ___ food instead of takeaways and I have t____ up dancing. The only problem is that I have no sense of r_____ so I find it very hard to dance to the l_ _ music. My friend goes running to g___ f__ and I join him once in a w____. I know it is great ex____ _ and it does my body g___, but it is very boring.

GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns 1 Look at the things in the pictures.

Write C next to the countable nouns and U next to the uncountable ones.







Add some, any or no.


1. Those apples look nice. I’ll buy ______.

Add a few or a little. 1. There were _________ children in

2. Is there ______ water in the glass?

the park.

3. There was ______ snow last year so I couldn’t go

2. Can you buy __________ potatoes


for me?

4. Roger bought ______ butter, but he didn’t buy

3. Do you want _______ ice cream?

______ bread.

4. She put ________ sugar in her tea.

5. I’m sorry, but there is ______ chocolate. Do you

5. There was ________ rain.

want an apple instead?

6. I have _______fruit every day.

6. I don’t have ______ homework today.

7. We need __________ oranges.

7. Were there ______ carrots at the market?

8. He only had _________

8. He didn’t give me ______ advice. 4

information about the town.

Add how much or how many. 1. A: The party was great.

5. A: I drink too much coffee. B: _____________ cups do you drink every day?

B: ______________ people were there? 2. A: ____________ time do we have before

6. A: I’m still very thirsty.

you go?


B: About an hour. 3. A: Will you make some tea, please? B: ______________ sugar would you like in it? 4. A: ___________ pie do you want to take to

B: _____________ water did you drink after

7. A: I’m overweight.

B: Well, _____________ bread do you eat for breakfast?

Aunty Helen’s?

8. A: ______________ pocket money do you

B: Oh, just a couple of pieces.

usually get? B: £20 a month.

Articles 5

Add a/an where necessary. 1. Do you like ____ music?

6. He always arrives at ____ school late.

2. I stayed in ____ bed until 12 o’clock.

7. Does he like ____ cherries?

3. What ____ waste of time!

8. He is ____ taxi driver.

4. She uses ____ butter to fry food.

9. What do you have for ____ lunch?

5. ‘What are you eating?’ ‘____ apple.’



The present perfect 6 Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in the present perfect tense. 1. Marcia and Vicky go to school together. They’ve been friends for a long time.


2. Michael used to be friends with my brother, but they ________________ for six months.


3. ‘Does Katy have any hobbies?’ ‘Yes, she ________________ dolls for three years.’


4. I’m so hungry. I __________________________ anything today. 5. ‘Do you send a lot of emails?‘ ‘Yes, I _________________ sixty today.‘ 6. Helen and Jane like beautiful clothes. How many dresses ___________________ this week? 7 Answer the questions. Follow the


1. A: Will you wash the dishes? B: I have already washed them.

write not eat

8 Answer the questions. Follow the example. Where’s John? He _________________ (just/leave). He has just left.

2. A: Will you eat with me? B: ______________________. 3. A: Can you buy some sugar, please? B: ___________________________. 4. A: Are you doing your homework? B: __________________________. 5. A: Let’s watch the latest Harry Potter film! B: __________________________. 6. A: Let’s visit Mary in hospital. B: _______________________________.

not speak

1. A: Is Peter at home? B: No, he ___________________ (go) out. 2. A: Can we play football now? B: Let’s wait for five minutes. I __________________ my dinner (finish). 3. A: Hi. How are you? B: Great! I __________________ (come) back from holiday. 4. A: What’s wrong? B: I _____________________ (break) my watch. 5. A: Have you seen James recently? B: I _______________ (see) him jogging in the park.

9 Answer the questions. Follow the example. 1. Have you made your bed? I haven’t made it yet. 2. Have you talked to John about that book? _________________________ 3. Have you seen the film at the Odeon? _________________________ 4. Have you done your homework? _________________________ 5. Have you taken the dog for a walk? _________________________ 6. Has the postman delivered the letters? _________________________




3 11 Ask questions with How long and the present

10 Complete the sentences

using since and for.


How long have you been a dentist 1. ____________________________________?

1. She hasn’t visited her parents

I’ve been a dentist for ten years.

____________ last September.

2. ____________________________________?

2. John hasn’t cooked ____________ a long time.

He’s worked in the shop for three days.

3. It’s been a long time ___________ they

3. ____________________________________?

had a holiday.

I’ve known John all my life.

4. He has worked here _____________

4. ____________________________________?


She’s had toothache for two days.

5. Kathy’s mother hasn’t worked ____________ years.

5. ____________________________________? They’ve had the car for ten years.

12 Two old friends see each other at the shopping centre.

Complete the dialogue with the present perfect and past simple tenses. A: Hi. I ____________ (not see) you for ages.

B: I ____________________ (not buy) everything

B: I know. We _________ (move) to the country

yet, but I can do that later.

five months ago.

A: How’s your family? ________your brother

A: I ___________ just _________(finish) shopping.

___________ (make) another CD?

How about you? Do you want to go for a drink

B: Yes, he has. It ______________ (come out) last month and it ________ (be) a great success.



Give advice on staying healthy. Make sentences with more, less and fewer and an appropriate verb. 1. vitamins

Take more vitamins.

2. cake ____________________________________ 3. eggs _________________________________ 4. sugar


5. carrots


6. chocolate


7. milk


8. crisps


9. meat


10. biscuits


11. apples




2 Complete the conversations with phrases from the box.

It’s a pity! It’s late! It’s half past six. It’s amazing! It’s a lovely day!

1. ‘Let’s go out to the park!’ ‘Oh no. ______________________’ 2. ‘Do you want to go for a walk?’ ‘Yes, __________________________’ 3. ‘What time is it?’ ‘__________________________’ 4. ‘How’s the meal?’ ‘_________________________ You can cook again!’ 5. ‘She has given up gymnastics.’ ‘_______________ She was so good at it.’

Track 18 3 Match A and B. Then listen to check. Practise with your partner. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Would you like some chocolate? What do vegetarians like to eat? Are you hungry? Have a Coke! Do I have to go to the supermarket? Can I have some more potatoes, please?

4 Find and correct the mistake

in each sentence.

1. I’d like to travelling to Brazil. 2. I’d prefer go to the cinema. 3. I like meat than fish. 4. I rather watch a DVD tonight. 5. I prefer eat chocolate to drinking tea.

B a. No, I had a big breakfast. b. No, thanks. I don't like sweets. c. Help yourself. d. They eat vegetables. e. Yes. I want you to buy some bread. f. I’d prefer a glass of water.


Put the steps into the correct order. Then try making the sandwich. A sandwich recipe Then cut a gherkin into small pieces and add this to the sandwich. Cut two thin slices of bread. Spread some butter on the bread. Put the second slice of bread on top of the sandwich. Grate some cheese on top of the ketchup. Finally, place the completed sandwich into the oven / microwave for a few minutes. Now put some ham on one of the slices. Next put some ketchup on top of the ham.





Track 19

Pronunciation 3 Listen to the following words or read them aloud. Put them into the right box. hat






gate man same

eI ages





Find six spelling mistakes in this paragraph and correct them.

Carots are very good for you, especialy for children, because they contane a lot of vitamin A and so they are very helthy. We used to be able to eat them only in summer, but now you can bye them all year round although they are more expencive in winter. 2

What are your opinions on the following? Write sentences using I’d prefer to…, I prefer… to…, I like … more than …, and I’d rather.

go to India or go to Japan

chocolate or fruit

maths or English

go to the cinema or go to the theatre

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3

You’re going to invite some friends for brunch – a meal that combines breakfast and lunch.

Write about who you are going to invite, what you are going to serve, and what ingredients you will need. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________



4 What have you done this month? Give as many details as possible (when, where, why, what happened, etc.).

speak a write a foreign language long email

pass a test go to a party

go out with my friends

eat something new

visit relatives

buy new clothes

take part in a competition

go on holiday

be selfish


try a new sport

receive a present

have a headache

study hard join a club see a ghost

I have passed a test this month. I passed it last Tuesday. It was an English test and I got everything right. It was on irregular verbs. I haven’t visited relatives and I haven’t had a headache.

Try to divide your work into an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Mini Quiz 3 Solve these riddles. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Take off my skin, I won’t cry, but you will. What am I? What has to be broken before it can be used? If you had 20 cows and 10 goats, what would you have? What follows a cat everywhere? What kind of dog has no tail?

See the KEY for the answers.







religious wrap stockings celebrations receive neither custom turkey tree advance either

Complete the sentences with a word from the box, making any changes necessary. 1. His birthday ________________ were

great – a party, live music, and lots of food and drinks.

2. I ______________ an interesting email yesterday from my cousin. 3. We _____________ up the presents and then put them under

the Christmas __________.

4. We can _________ go to the theatre or stay at home tonight. 5. I love roast _________ and boiled vegetables for Sunday lunch. 6. My grandma always wears ________________, even in summer! 7. Easter is my favourite _________ festival because there is a __________ to eat chocolate eggs. 8. ___________ James nor Peter knew the answer. 9. You can’t buy the tickets on the day of the concert. You must buy them in __________. 2

Find and correct the wrong word in the following sentences. 1. Prepareations for the wedding are going well. ________________ 2. Where is he going to celebration his birthday? ________________ 3. The decorates for the Christmas tree are beautiful. ________________ 4. Please pay attend to the instructions. ________________ 5. Congratulate! You passed! ________________


a. The endings of the words in the box are muddled. Can you sort them out? resolught






b. Now use the words to complete the sentences. 1. There was a large _________ in front of the Palace, but it had no water. 2. My New Year’s _________ is to stop smoking. 3. Her coat has _________ gold buttons. 4. I didn’t pack many clothes – my suitcase is very ____________. 5. Can you say the alphabet _____________, starting with the letter Z? 6. The four of us should help one _____________. 7. We would like to ________ that the winner is Angelina Jolie! 8. The clock began to ________ 12.






4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1. Do you think that this ________________ is good? (translate) 2. You have to add two ______________ of sugar to the mixture. (spoon) 3. Eating fast food is not very _________________. (health) 4. There are many tourist _______________ in Paris. (attract) 5. It was a ____________ day, so we went for a walk. (beauty)

GRAMMAR The passive voice 1 Combine words from each column to make logical sentences. Letters Turkey The town His leg These plates The competition Computers

is are

located made used broken held eaten delivered

in three places. in London. for Christmas dinner. near a lake. of plastic. every day except Sunday. for many things.

2 Make questions using the present simple passive.

Then answer the questions using the pictures.

are Mercedes cars produced 1. Where __________________________________________? Mercedes cars / produce

are produced in Germany. Mercedes cars ___________________________________________________

2. When __________________________________________? chocolate eggs / eat

Chocolate eggs __________________________________________________

3. Where __________________________________________? milk / keep Milk ___________________________________________________ 4. Where__________________________________________? Christmas presents / put

Christmas presents ________________________________________________

5. Where __________________________________________? gold / find Gold ___________________________________________________





Now make the answers negative. 1. Mercedes cars aren’t made in Serbia. 2 ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________________

Prepositions of time 4

Add in, on or at. 1. I usually go to the mountains ___ winter, but last year we went ___ July. 2. I’m meeting her ___ lunchtime, but then I’ll come to your place ___ about 3.30pm. 3. Are you busy ___ the weekend? 4. ___ Easter Sunday, we go to church ___ the morning. 5. Emma was born ____ November 10th. 6. I can’t sleep ___ night because I’m worried about the test we are going to have ___ Wednesday afternoon. 7. There isn’t usually much snow ___ Christmas, but ___ 2008, there was a huge amount.

The future tenses 5

What are your plans for this evening? Are you going to do any of these things? visit friends study biology

play games on the computer watch a DVD

take part in a karaoke competition

wash my hair

read a book

listen to music

Example: I am going to watch a DVD, but I’m not going to study biology. 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ 6

Make questions using the activities above. Ask a friend or a member of your family about their plans for the weekend and then write their answers. Example: Are you going to visit friends at the weekend? Yes, I am. 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________

UNIT 7 Look at Vicky’s diary.

What are her arrangements for this week?

Mon 9.30 a.m. dentist Tue 6 p.m. basketball Wed do some shopping in the morning



Thurs meet Mary for a walk Fri 8 p.m. cinema Sat 9 p.m. party

She’s visiting her dentist on Monday. 1. /visit/______________________________________________ 2. /play/ ______________________________________________ 3. /do/ ______________________________________________ 4. /meet/ _____________________________________________ 5. /go/ ______________________________________________ 6. /have/ ______________________________________________ 8 Write questions in the present continuous tense to ask about arrangements. Example: you/play tennis/with Susan/on Sunday Are you playing tennis with Susan on Sunday


1. we/eat out/tonight _____________________________________________________? 2. you/have lunch with Jack/next week _______________________________________? 3. he/fly/to Manchester/tomorrow ____________________________________________? 4. she/move/to Canada/next year ____________________________________________? 5. you/meet/Jason/at the airport/in the afternoon ___________________________________? 9 Complete the sentences, using the verb in brackets and an appropriate future tense. 1. I know! I ______________ a party next week. (have) 2. Peter ________________________ to America tomorrow. He bought the ticket last week. (fly) 3. I expect he ____________________ late. (arrive) 4. Jane _____________________________ a doctor. That’s why she is studying medicine. (be) 5. Don't worry! I _______________ anyone, I promise. (not tell)


Which special names are given to the following dates in English? 1. 24th December ______________________ 2. 25th December ______________________ 3. 26th December ______________________

4. 31st December ______________________ 5. 1st January ______________________




2 Match A and B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


B a. Good luck! b. Many happy returns of the day. c. Congratulations! d. And to you too! e. Not at all. Don’t mention it. f. Be my guest. g. Never mind, don’t worry.

Happy New Year! I haven’t brought a present for you. Thank you very much for your present. Can I change the CD? It’s my birthday today. I have an English test tomorrow. I’ve passed my English test!

Track 22

Match the comments on the weather with the replies. Then listen and check. Take turns to practise with your partner. A

It’s freezing cold today. It looks like it’s going to snow. Do you think the wind will die down? It’s almost 37°C in the shade. It’s a very pleasant day. It’s so foggy.

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Great! We can go sledging! Put some sun cream on. I know. I can’t see anything! Yes, make sure you put a hat and scarf on. The weather forecast says it will. Yes, much nicer than yesterday.

What is it? Find the answers in the circle.

4. When the sun shines through the rain, we can see a lot of colours in the sky. A ___________


n weathe rf

5. A light wind is called a______________________. 6. A very strong wind is called a ____________________.

strainwin d

3. It can blow off your hat. _________________

a rm

eca or

2. Water which falls from the clouds in small drops. ____________________

neweat rica he

1. Information about tomorrow’s weather is the ______________________

bowbreeze h


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


in ra


7. A man who tells you what the weather will be like on TV is called a ________________. Track 23 5 Read the questions and then listen to the weather

forecast for eastern Serbia, southern Serbia, central parts of Serbia, and northern Serbia.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Which day is the weather forecast for? Will there be rain in eastern Serbia? Will it snow all day in southern Serbia? When will the weather get better in central parts of Serbia? 5. Will the weather get better in northern Serbia?



6 There are eight spelling mistakes in this passage. Find and correct them. An Englishmen often talks about the wether because in England it may change for times in a single day. In the morning it can be suny, but only two hours later there can be rain and the temperature can go down. Then in the afternoon, it can be bright again, and worm in the evening. That’s why when you visit England, it’s dificult to know what to pack – liht, summer clothes or warm, winter clothes, and of course an ambrella. 7 Inviting and answering invitations. Complete this conversation.

Use: I don’t really want to go out tonight. I’d love to, but I’m probably going to a concert in Belgrade then. I don’t know. I’m a bit tired. Right, see you then. Yes, why not?!

A: Would you like to go to the cinema this evening? B: ________________________________. A: How about watching a DVD at your place? B: ________________________________. A: Well, what about tomorrow? B: ________________________________. A: Let's do something at the weekend. Are you free? B: ________________________________. A: Let’s meet outside the cinema at 6 p.m. on Saturday evening. B: ________________________________.

Pronunciation 4

Do you know ten words which you can get by adding one letter to the word ear?


Are the letters ea pronounced the same in all the words?

WRITING 1 Read what Tim says about Christmas in England and solve

the anagrams.

I haven’t seen my family for 6 months, but I know we’re all going to see each other at Christmas. I’m really looking forward to it! I guess in every country there are a lot of (1) tnstrdaioi connected with Christmas, but everyone’s favourite is getting (2) prstnsee. I haven’t decided what I’m going to buy yet, but I’m excited because I think my rich sister has bought me a new computer. We always leave our gifts wrapped up under the Christmas (3) reet. When I was younger, I left a long (4) ktosicgn out on Christmas Eve for Father Christmas. I tried to stay awake during the night because I wanted to see him climb down the (5) cimhyen, but I always fell asleep! He drank the sherry and ate the (6) iep that I left for him. There was even a carrot for Rudolph, his favourite (7) dreerien. In the morning I played with all my new (8) soyt! Now I’m older, the best thing is the food. My mother’s already bought a huge (9) rutkey for Christmas dinner.

1. t___________ 2. p______________ 3. t_____ 4. s____________ 5. c____________ 6. p___ 7. r_______________ 8. t__________ 9. t______________






Now write about how Christmas is celebrated in your country. Use the plan below to help you. Introduction Why is Christmas celebrated? Who celebrates it? Is it a popular festival in your country? Body Paragraph 1 How is it celebrated in your country? - Think about church, food, drink, games, presents, etc.


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2


Paragraph 2 How do you celebrate Christmas? - Do you have a traditional Christmas (as you described in the previous paragraph)? - How do you prepare for Christmas (the tree, the cooking, etc.) - Who visits you at Christmas? - What presents do you receive/give? Which was your favourite Christmas? Why? Conclusion Your personal feelings on Christmas – do you like it? Why? Why not?



3 Rewrite this letter, putting the lines in the correct order. Don’t forget to use paragraphs. Last Thursday, I spent the night on the train and How are you? I’m still enjoying my stay in Britain. woke up in Edinburgh, the Best regards to your parents. capital of Scotland. We went sightseeing in the afternoon and then we went to watch the Edinburgh military tattoo in the marching under floodlights and there was military Dear Andy, music. At the end of the night, there were lots of fireworks. The next day we took a trip to the famous Loch Ness, Marco are going to visit Ireland for 5 days. I’m really looking but we didn’t see a monster. Instead I saw a man wearing a coloured skirt. It is the Scottish national dress and it is called a kilt. Tomorrow, we forward to it. Anyway, I must go now. evening. It was fantastic. 600 people were

______________________________________________________________________ Dear Andy, ______________________________________________________________________ How are you? I’m still enjoying my stay in Britain. ______________________________________________________________________ Last... ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Mini Quiz 4 1. If someone is shedding crocodile tears, we mean that he is: a. really sad. b. pretending to be sad. 2. If someone is walking at a snail’s pace, we mean that he is: a. very fast b. very slow 3. If someone eats like a horse, we mean that he: a. eats very little b. eats a lot 4. If someone is like a bull in a china shop, we mean that he is: a. very clumsy b. very careful






1 Write F (fruit), V (vegetables), M (meat) or D (dairy product). butter ____

plums ____ turkey ____

sausages ____ cheese ____

strawberries ____

peas ____

beans ____

cabbage ____

chicken ____

milk ____

2 Use the phrases in the sentences below. it’s a lovely day

it’s late

it’s awful

1. ‘This meal is terrible.’ ‘Yes, ________________!’ 2. ‘Where’s the train?’ ‘Oh, ___________ because of snow.’ 3. ‘The sun’s shining.’ ‘Yes, _________________________!’ 3 Find and mark with numbers the words in box B which mean the same as the

underlined words or phrases in box A.

A B 1. The customers were stealing all the time. 2. They didn’t want to get out of their cars. 3. They like homemade cakes more. 4. I play football every day. 5. Some people don’t touch milk products. 6. It contained the same quantity of mustard. 7. A lot of young people are fat. 8. I don’t get many presents. 9. A large number of people watched the match. 10. Please do it before the time. 11. I start a new hobby every year.

□ overweight □ prefer □ crowd □ amount □ daily □ take up □ avoid □ receive □ constantly □ leave □ in advance


4 Complete the sentences (B) with nouns or adjectives formed from the verbs in box A. A B 1. They put ___________________ on every house in town. decorate celebrate

2. Many ________________ are not religious.


3. ________________ for Christmas begin a few weeks in advance.


4. Her garden was full of __________________ flowers.


5. Joanne Rowling is a ___________________ writer.


1 Add how much, how many, a few, a little, some and any. Use each word only once. 1. I don’t have ________ sausages, but I have _________ chicken. 2. ‘____________ milk do you have?’ ‘Only __________. Can you buy some more, please?’ 3. ‘_______________ strawberries are there in the fridge?’ ‘There are __________.’



3 AND 4

The present perfect tense

2 Answer the questions using complete sentences. 1. Marcia is thirteen. She moved into this house when she was seven. How long has she lived here? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Nick is fourteen. He got his dog when he was 10. How long has Nick had his dog? ________________________________________________________________________________

The present perfect or the past simple

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I _____________________________ (learn) a lot about England since I started learning English. 2. ________________________________________ (you / be) to the theatre recently? 3. My brother _________________________ (lose) his key last night and couldn’t get in. 4. Helen’s sad because her boyfriend ________________________________ (just / leave) her. 5. My brother’s birthday is tomorrow, but I ______________________ (not buy) him a present yet. 6. I ________________________ (never / see) such a beautiful baby. 7. She ________________________________(not receive) any cards last Christmas. 8. Would you like to join us for dinner? No, thanks, I _______________________ (already / have) dinner. 9. They _______________________________ (steal) my bike an hour ago.

The present simple passive

4 Complete the sentences with the present simple passive of the verbs in brackets. 1. Football _______________________________ in many countries. (play) 2. Where _______________________________________? (uniforms / wear) 3. This exercise _____________________________________ (not / always / do) well. 4. Bananas ____________________________________ in England. (not grow) 5. We _________________________________ (often / interrupt) by my neighbour. 6. ______________________________________ every day? (the film / show)

The future

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form. 1. I _______________________ careful, I promise. (be) 2. Sarah ______________________________ Jane on Monday. It’s all arranged. (meet) 3. I think we ____________________________ our next holiday in Greece. (spend) 4. Hey! I ______________________________ you. (help) 5. John _________________________ Mary to the theatre tonight. That’s his plan anyway. (take)







a. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences, making any changes necessary. 1. The sun _________ earlier in the winter. 2. He wore ___________ to protect his eyes while skiing. He also had an expensive and _________ snowsuit, which he bought before the trip.


3. We lived in the country for a __________ time, but then dad decided


it was time to ___________ to a _____________ house in the city. 4. We saw so many different ____________ on safari – lions, tigers, monkeys, and giraffes. We saw some very unusual _______________,

plant skin

fashionable move

too – completely different to the flowers in England. 5. Her parents ___________________ her yet, but I’m sure they will. They are very angry. She’s got tattoos all over her ____________!


long punish goggles uncomfortable

6. This chair is so _________________. I hate it!

b. Now put the words from the box into the right category.

adjective noun


The words in italics are in the wrong sentence. Which sentence do they belong to?


1. I share you and can’t wait to see you. ______________ 2. I’d like my own bedroom, but I have to imagine it with my brother. ______________ 3. I really hate the loud, so I sleep with a light switched on. ______________ 4. ‘Do you have enough time?’ ‘Upstairs.’ ______________ 5. I can’t miss how she is feeling. ______________ 6. My room is detached, next to the bathroom. ______________ 7. The music is plenty. Can you turn it down, please? ______________ 8. I know a play about her – she isn’t really married! ______________ 9. I like living in a dark house. ______________ 10. There is a great secret on at the theatre tonight. ______________



3 Complete the sentences by matching a picture and a description. 1. Some people live in a house that is part of a long row.

They live in ________________ .

2. When we go camping we take our ___________ with us. 3. In big cities, people build very tall buildings called ____________. 4. In cold climates people build houses from ice called ___________. 5. Every house has a _________ on its roof. 6. People often have a _____________ around their garden.

GRAMMAR The passive 1 Make these sentences negative. 1. These houses were painted last year. _____________________________________ 2. The work was finished on time.


3. Letters were sent to all customers. ___________________________________ 4. This play was written for television. _______________________________ 5. The children were left alone at home. ___________________________________ 2 Make questions so the underlined words become the answer. Where was the test done? 1. The test was done in the classroom. _____________________________________ 2. Those trees were planted ten years ago. __________________________________ 3. The cat was taken to the vet’s because it was sick. _____________________________ 4. The money was found in Mary’s bag. _______________________________ 5. Jason and Michael were driven to school once a week. ________________________ Track 26 3 Complete the

passage using the verbs in the correct form of the passive voice. Then listen to check your answers.

THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News _was started_ in 1950. At first, it __________ (print) only in English and all the articles _____________ (write) by only two people. Now, however, it _______________ (print) in French, too, and over eighty people _______________ (employ). It ______________ (read) in five different countries and it is becoming more popular. For this reason, new offices ____________ (find) in London last month, which are bigger. New computers _______________ (also/buy), which ____________ (use) to help Daily News’ workers to communicate with one another. Last month, the owner of the Daily News ________________ (interview) on TV and the programme _______________ (watch) by over one million people.





Obligation 4 Things to do Look at Vicky’s , Marcia’s and Helen’s lists of things to do. Write sentences. Use the correct form of have to.

Yesterday Today

Vicky study maths go shopping take her dog for a walk clean the floors

Marcia study maths do her homework tidy her room water the flowers

Helen do her homework clean the floors

Examples: Vicky and Marcia/maths – Vicky and Marcia had to study maths yesterday. Helen/maths – Helen didn’t have to study Maths yesterday. Vicky/dog – Vicky has to take her dog for a walk today. a. Yesterday 1. Vicky/shopping _______________________________________ Marcia and Helen/shopping _____________________________ 2. Vicky/homework ____________________________________ Marcia and Helen/homework ___________________________ b. Today 1. Vicky and Helen/floors ________________________________ Marcia/floors ___________________________________________ 2. Vicky and Helen/room ___________________________________ Marcia/room __________________________________________ 3. Vicky and Helen/flowers __________________________________ Marcia/flowers __________________________________________ 5 What are your obligations at the weekend? Things you have to do or you don’t have to do at the weekend. 1. I have to _______________________, but I _______________________________________. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________.

Can 6 Write short answers. 1. Can you fly? _____________ 2. Can birds fly? ____________ 3. Can Eskimos see the sun in winter? ___________ 4. Can Eskimos build their own igloos? _____________

5. Can you make your own clothes? _________________ 6. Can you stay out after 10 p.m. tonight? _______________ 7. Can you lend me some money? _______________



Compound pronouns and adverbs 7 Complete the sentences with: somebody anybody everywhere everything something(x2) anything anywhere

3. Is ______________ at home? 4. She didn’t want to go _________. 5. ____________ is ready for the party. 6. He didn’t say ___________________.

1. I’ve got ______________ in my eye.

7. There’s _____________ in that box. What is it?

2. ________________ wants to see you.

8. There are toys ____________. Tidy up, please!


8 Add one or ones. 1. - Have you seen my new bag? - No, but I know where your old _____ is.

4. - These trousers are lovely. - Oh, I prefer the other _____.

2. I prefer summer holidays to winter ______. 5. The book I read last week was more

3. - Would you like the gold or silver watch? - I’ll have the gold ______, please.

interesting than this ____.

EVERYDAY LANGUAGE 5 Can for requests

1 Which is the

Can I try it on, please?

Can you pass me some bread, please?

most appropriate way to answer - Yes, you may. the following - Yes, try it here. questions? - Yes, the changing rooms are over there. Can you tell me the way to the National Theatre, please?

Can you tell me what time the news starts?

Can I help you?

- No, you can’t. - No, thanks. I’m just looking. - I don’t want anything.

- Sure, here you are. - Mike’s nearer to it. - I don’t eat bread. - I’m in a hurry. - I’m sorry, I’m not from round here. - There’s a policeman over there. - Yes, at seven o’clock. - I don’t watch the news. - Ask somebody else.

Can I borrow your English book?

- Why didn’t you bring yours? - I’m afraid not. I’ve got to study. - Maybe next time.





Track 27

Pronunciation 5 Find the pairs in each group according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters. town now own snow town own now snow _______, _______ _______, ________ glove stone pole some _______, _______ _______, ________ skin ice fish fine _______, _______ _______, ________ made space had bad _______, _______ _______, ________

WRITING 1 Write an email to John. In his previous email, John asked you to tell him more about the place where you live. Write your reply, paying attention to how you start and finish the e-mail. Describe the house you live in as well as the area where the house is. Here are some questions to help you:  Do you live in a detached/semi-detached/terraced house or in a flat?  Is your home old or new?  Where is it?  What is it built of (bricks, stone, concrete, wood)?  Is there a river in your town/ village?  Are there parks nearby?  Do tourists visit your town?  Do you know all the boys/girls in your street?  Are there many cars in your street?  Is it dangerous to ride a bike in your street? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

2 A magazine for teenagers is running a competition called ‘A Happy Life’. The task is to write an article about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a village/in a city. Write your article, using paragraphs. The plan on the right may help you.

Introduction What do people your age usually prefer – living in a village or a city? Do many people live in towns/villages in your country? Body Paragraph 1 Why is it better to live in a village? - try to think of four reasons

Paragraph 2 Why is it better to live in a city? - try to think of four reasons

Conclusion What is your personal opinion? Where do you prefer living? Would you like to move to the countryside/city? Why? Why not?



COMPOSITION Introduction

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2


Mini Quiz 5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A diamond puzzle An article The Earth goes around it. This lasts between 28 and 31 days. When it is cold, animals look for it. An adjective meaning 'needed'. Looking for animals to kill An Eskimo’s house I went there ten years ____. The first person singular

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ See the KEY for the answers.






VOCABULARY 1 What type of film is it? 1. A man was mysteriously killed and a famous police officer is trying to find the killer. _______________ 2. It’s Friday 13th. A man is trapped in a house full of evil ghosts. _______________ 3. A woman travels into space and meets some aliens. She becomes the queen of their planet. _______________ 4. A new cowboy arrives in town and tries to steal another cowboy’s girlfriend. They challenge each other to a duel at noon. _______________ 5. A boy and girl hated each other at school, but now they meet again after twenty years and slowly realise that they are attracted to each other. In the end, they get married and live happily ever after. _______________ 6. A girl walks through a door and finds herself in another country. We learn about her adventure through songs. _______________ 7. A gang of criminals kidnaps the son of a rich man. The rich man’s brother, a strong soldier with huge muscles, appears and rescues the boy, despite the gang trying to shoot him. _______________ Choose one of the films and write the story of what happens. 2 Which adjective on the left is most appropriate for the nouns on the right?

Using each word only once, match and write your answers in the boxes. 1. international 2. fairy 3. amusement 4. main 5. action 6. huge 7. wicked

a. park b. film c. queen d. success e. character f. tale g. star

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

f -

3 Choose five adjective-noun combinations and use them in these sentences. 1. When I was a child, my mother used to read a ____________________ before bed. 2. I always prefer watching an _________________ to a love story. 3. Who is the _____________________ in the book you’re reading? 4. She became an ___________________________ at a very young age after appearing in the Harry Potter films. 5. We went on holiday to an ____________________ in America last year – it was really fun!



Track 33 4

A true story!

Use the words from the box to complete the story. Then listen and check. Doc wicked doubt Grumpy

dark attention queen eyes dwarfs bring freezing come Snow lips continued dream beautiful true

Are you sitting comfortably? I’m going to tell you a _________ story. It was a _________ cold day and I was walking through a _________ forest. Suddenly, something caught my _________ – a little house in the distance. I _________ walking and when I reached the house, I saw seven _________ outside. Lying on the ground, there was a _________ princess, who appeared to be dead. They were trying to _________ her back to life. Without a _________, most of them were very pleased to see me. One dwarf who was wearing glasses, _________, asked me to help, but another one, _________, who was in a very bad mood, told me to leave and that I couldn’t help them. A _________ queen had killed their princess. I looked at her and kissed her on her _________. She opened her _________ and said, ‘What a strange _________! I thought I was dead!’ I loved her from that moment and now she is my wife and the _________ of my country. Her name – _________ White, of course! So you see, fairy tales really do _________ true! 5


Can you sort out the music anagrams? 1. zajz ____________

4. scalislac ________________

2. pra ____________

5. klof ___________________

3. yhvae telam ______________

6. gargee ___________

Complete the sentences using the words from the box. 1. I never have time to read the whole newspaper. I only read the ________________. 2. I haven’t seen her for a ________________. 3. He’s wearing a hat because he doesn’t like his new _______________. 4. This is the actress’s first time on ____________.


5. That sausage is ____________! I’ll never eat it all.



6. ______________, tonight’s concert is cancelled.



7. How did you _________ such great results? 8. ‘I’d like to _________ you about the test tomorrow.’ ‘Don’t worry! We haven’t forgotten!’








7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. His wife was a great _____________________ for his books. (inspire) 2. Hershey Chocolate World is a great tourist _________________. (attract) 3. He always visits us at __________________ times. (usual) 4. Have you visited any ___________________ parks? (amuse) 5. We wish you a ________________ year at school. (success) 6. The trip to the lakes was an _____________________ event. (forgettable) 7. I don’t like him. He is so rude and ____________________. (friendly) 8. There is a great ______________________ in your writing. (improve)

GRAMMAR The comparison of adjectives 1 Choose the comparative or superlative form, adding the or than where necessary. 1. This is ___________________ holiday I have ever had. (bad) 2. Bill Gates is ___________________ person in the world. (rich) 3. I think Geography is ___________________ school subject. (interesting) 4. In my opinion, Science is ___________________ History. (easy) 5. Vicky is _______________________ girl in our class. (pretty) 6. My bed is __________________________________my sister’s. (comfortable)

Prepositions 2 Complete the sentences with one preposition. 5. Thanks _____ you, we were late. 1. I rang to congratulate Peter ______ passing the test.

6. Success depends ______ luck.

2. She really brought the story ______ life.

7. Please pay attention _____ your teacher.

3. The film had a great effect ______ Mary.

8. What’s _____ at the cinema tonight?

4. She is famous _______ her Harry Porter books.

Relative pronouns 3 Fill in the gaps with who, which or whose in the following sentences. 4. Can you see the girl ________ dog bit me? 1. This is the CD __________ Jane made. 2. He is an actor _________ has made a lot of money. 3. That is the man ________ daughter is in my class at school.

5. I like people ________ smile a lot. 6. I like films _________ make me laugh.



4 Use the pictures to complete the following definitions.

Then correct any relative pronouns which are not used correctly. 1. Sarah is an ___________ which performance of Ophelia was great. 2. A __________ is a person who prepares meals in a restaurant. 3. A __________ is a person whose makes you happy. 4. A _______________ is a person which climbs mountains. 5. ____________ are people who paint pictures. 6. __________________ is a winter sport which is played on ice.

EVERYDAY LANGUAGE 6 Track 34 1 Wonderful Five Read this interview with the pop group Wonderful Five and guess the words which are not clear. Then listen and check. Helen: Hello. This is Helen Harris with the Radio B Top Show music programme. In the studio today, we’ve got Wonderful Five. They are Marcia, Vicky, Nick, Michael and John. Welcome to Top Show. Can you tell me who does what in the group? Who plays the piano? Marcia: That’s Vicky. And Nick plays the drums. Helen: What do you do, Michael? Michael: I play the guitar. Helen: And you, John? You play the guitar too, don’t you? John: Yes, that’s right. Helen: What about you, Marcia? Marcia: I sing. Helen: What’s been your greatest hit? Vicky: Wild Roses. 1. _______ 7. __________

2. ________ 8. _______

3. _______ 9. _______

4. _______ 10. _______

• Which article do we use with musical instruments?

5. _______

6. ______

11. _______

12. ______





2 Opinions Match A and B to form a dialogue. Write the sentences in the correct order. A B - Of course. But they’re lazy! Like all teenagers! - Well, as far as I can see, John’s much better than them. - Your daughter?! She’s the laziest girl I know! - What do you think about John’s singing?  - I’m not so sure. He’ll need to practise more if he wants to be famous.

- I quite agree. He can be lazy sometimes. What’s your opinion of the rest of the band? - I wouldn’t say that. In my opinion, everyone in the band is quite talented. - Oh, it’s wonderful. I really believe he’ll be a star one day. - I disagree. My teenage daughter isn’t lazy. She’s very hard-working!

What do you think about John’s singing? A ___________________________________________________________________________ B ___________________________________________________________________________ A ___________________________________________________________________________ B ___________________________________________________________________________ A ___________________________________________________________________________ B ___________________________________________________________________________ A ___________________________________________________________________________ B ___________________________________________________________________________ A ___________________________________________________________________________ 3 Choose a question

and ask as many other students as you can.

Who’s the

best-looking actor most popular singer most beautiful actress most interesting writer

in this country? in the world?

most interesting place that you know? most boring TV programme that you’ve ever seen? What’s the funniest song at the moment? best Now report to the class. My question was:________________________________________________. Most students answered ____________________________________________. I agree/disagree with them. My opinion is ____________________________________________________. Track 35

Pronunciation 6

All the following words contain the same sound. Which one − a, V or U? Listen and repeat the words. summer colour hundred come London bus wonderful much

love money



WRITING A FILM REVIEW Before you do this exercise, study Andrew’s review of Lord of the Rings on page 88 of the Student’s Book. Then write a short review of a film that you have seen. Use the adjectives and plan below to help you. funny romantic boring exciting violent interesting Introduction • the title of the film • the type of film • when and where you saw it

Body: Paragraph 1 • Tell the story: - what happened? - when did it happen? - where did it happen? • Names of characters / main actors

Body: Paragraph 2 • Your opinion of the film - what you liked - what you didn’t like

Conclusion • A recommendation - Would you tell your friends to see it?

Mini Quiz 6 1. This actor is famous for playing Harry Potter. Who is he? 2. He grew up in the jungles of Africa. He was a man, but he could climb and swim like his animal friends. He couldn’t speak very well. Who was he? 3. What could Peter Pan do that people usually can’t? 4. Who was Juliet’s lover in the play by Shakespeare? See the KEY for the answers.







Complete the sentences using a word from the box. Two words are not needed. ones

setting science fiction

miss play enormous decade attic opinion reggae haircut headline

terraced footsteps

animated one

1. In my _______, _________ films are for children. I prefer ____________ films about aliens. 2. I live in a __________ house with a big ________ and an __________ garden. I like to sit there when the sun is ___________. 3. His father played _______ music and now he wants to follow in his _________. 4. A ________ ago, I wore very different clothes and had a different _________ . 5. The _________ in the newspaper was ‘Film Star Arrested’. 6. The black shoes are too small, so I will wear the brown ___________. 7. I really _________ you. When will you come to visit? 2

Complete the sentences by adding the prefix un-, or the suffix -able or -ment to a word from the box.







1. The results of the test are _____________. 2. James is very _____________ - he never talks to anyone. 3. Your clothes are very ___________________. 4. I bought a ____________ painting yesterday. 5. Our teacher uses different types of ______________ when we are bad! 6. There is always a lot of ____________ before the summer holiday.



Add the missing preposition.

1. The snow has a big effect _____ transport.

5. I’m not very keen _____ tomatoes.

2. Who’s ____ the film?

6. Can I congratulate you ____ your win?

3. Success depends ______ hard work.

7. Thank you _____ your email.


4. Thanks ____ you, I passed the test!


The passive voice

Put the verbs in brackets into either the present simple or past simple passive. 1. The first Disneyland ________________________________ (not open) in 1945. 2. Walt Disney ______________________________ (freeze) after his death. 3. Tea ____________________________________ (make) with hot water. 4. These books ____________________________ (not write) last year. 5. Dance competitions ___________________________ (hold) every month, which is great.



5 AND 6

Make questions using the question words: where, how often, how many, when. 1. The mail was brought early this morning. ___________________________________? 2. I was given four presents for Christmas. _____________________________________? 3. The garden is watered twice a day. 4. Coffee is grown in Brazil.



Compound pronouns 3

Complete the sentences using a compound pronoun. 1. There is ______________ in this bag. It’s empty!

3. Haven’t you got __________________ to say? 4. ______________ is so cheap in the sales. It’s great!

2. I gave ____________________ my mobile, but I can’t remember who!

The comparison of adjectives 4

Complete these sentences using the comparative or superlative forms. 1. He’s ________________ person in our family. (bad) 2. This was ______________________ computer that they had in the shop. (expensive) 3. This is __________________ film I have ever seen. (boring) 4. This test was __________________ than the last one. (easy) 5. It was ____________show we have ever seen. (good) 6. Do we have to walk ______________ than this? (far)

Relative pronouns 5


Use the relative pronouns who, which/that, whose or where to make sentences. 1. There are not many films 2. It was Michael 3. I met a writer 4. Is this the place

a. told me his secret. b. book will be a best-seller. c. you met your girlfriend? d. I really enjoy.

Modal verbs

Use the correct form of can/can’t, have to. 1. I was late because I ________________ do my homework before I went out. 2. We __________ make a lot of noise during lessons. 3. I ___________ swim, but I ____________ fly. 4. _________ you open the window, please?


What type of film or music do you like best? Write four sentences explaining why. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________






VOCABULARY 1 Complete these sentences. Use one word instead of the phrases on the right. 1. It is important to take care of all ______________.

wild animals and plants

2. How many ___________of plants are there in the world?

a class of plants or animals

3. I did the test _________________.

completely correctly

4. Pandas are an _____________ species of animals.

put in danger

5. We _____________ ate fast food on holiday.

for the most part

6. The water _______________ into the air.

went up

7. Please, don’t ______________ me. I’m busy.

disturb, interrupt

2 Label the pictures using the words from the box. bear




log cabin





3 Complete the sentences by finding the words in the word search.

The first and last letter of each word is given. e q z t y m a n a g e d

x u n d e r g r o u n d

t j b w r r l k a n z q

r r p t a f r m l e m u

e r i k p x a z s a u e

m r z p w z w k y r c u

e x c k i t i o v b e e

l k a n r i o t r y d v

y w g b n x h u d k m c

m s i g h t s h r n t x

r e f r e s h m e n t s

n c r u i s e n d y f l

1. The bus t _ _ r of the city was cancelled. I was e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y disappointed. 2. We travelled on the U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d to the w _ _ _ _ _ k museum. 3. Last winter, we went s _ _ _ _ g in the mountains and stayed in an a _ _ _ _ _ g hotel with five stars. 4. The river c _ _ _ _e was a great way to see the s _ _ _ _ s of the city. 5. We went on a day t _ _ p to Liverpool.



6. The amusement park was n _ _ _ _ y - only a mile from our hotel. 7. I was thirsty so we had r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s in a café. 8. There were lots of people at the post office. The q _ _ _e was very long. 9. Peter got up late, but we m _ _ _ _ _d to catch the train. 4 Fill in the gaps with a word. 1. I’ll be away ______the next four months. 2. The noise died _______ and everything was

6. We would like to go _________ a cruise next week. 7. Thousands ___ people were standing outside

quiet. 3. We’re going ____ a day trip to London

the palace. 8. Where are we going ____ holiday next year?

tomorrow. 4. I’m looking forward ____ seeing you.

9. Get ___ the car! We’re leaving!

5. He’s known _______his children’s books.

GRAMMAR Type 1 conditionals 1 Join two clauses to get the correct sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

If you need the money, If we don’t leave now, Go to bed now If I have time, If you climb that tree,

a. if you don’t feel well. b. I’ll lend it to you. c. you’ll fall and hurt yourself. d. I’ll go to the cinema. e. we’ll miss the ten o’clock train.

2 Make first conditionals. 1. If it ___________ (rain), we ________________ (stay) at home. 2. If you ______________ (not leave) now, you ___________ (be) late. 3. He _________________ (not watch) TV if it ____________ (be) sunny tomorrow. 4. What __________________ (you/do) if Peter ________________ (not come)? 5. If they _________________ (stop) smoking, they ________________ (feel) better.

The position of adverbs

3 Complete the sentences by putting the adverbs in brackets in the correct order. 1. Helen was born (on 3rd September / in the state of Michigan). 2. Tania was sitting (yesterday / at the café / quietly). 3. She was driving her car (on the highway / last night / quickly) when the accident happened. 4. Put your hands (on the table / slowly). 5. They walked (to the theatre / last night / in a hurry). 6. My team played football (in Manchester / last week / amazingly). 7. Tests are (hard / usually / at school).





Rules 4 What do your parents usually say? Use the phrases from the box

and write them below the correct picture.

You must

You mustn’t

1. come home late 2. feed the dog at the table 3. wash your hands before lunch 4. eat in your bedroom 5. watch TV too much 6. use the phone all the time 7. wash the dishes from time to time


5 Fill in the gaps with an article where necessary. 1. Which is ____ longest river in ____ Europe? 2. ____ Kalemegdan Park is in ____ Belgrade. 3. ____ London Bridge goes over ____ River Thames. 4. I’d like to visit ____ Metropolitan Museum in ____ New York. 5. The most famous square in London is ____ Trafalgar Square. 6. Everybody likes going shopping in ____ Knez Mihailova Street. 7. ____ Scotland is in ____ Great Britain. 8. I love swimming in ____ Mediterranean Sea, but ____ Atlantic Ocean is too cold.

Type 2 conditionals 6 Make second conditionals. 1. If it ____________ (rain) in the Sahara Desert, I _________ (be) surprised. 2. If I __________________ (have) children, I ____________ (buy) a smaller house. 3. He ___________________ (help) you if he ______________ (know) the answer, but he doesn’t. 4. If she ________________ (become) famous, she _____________ (forget) about us. 5. If I _______________ (see) a lion, I _______________ (not be) frightened. 6. I ____________________ (say) sorry if I _____________ (break) my sister’s toys.



7. If I ____________________ (meet) a ghost, I _________________ (not run) away. 8. If Peter ____________________ (move) to America next week, I __________________ (not cry)! 9. What _____________________ (you/do) if you ___________________ (not pass) the test? 10. If I __________________ (buy) a Ferrari, I ______________ (not lend) it to you! 7 Use your imagination to answer these funny questions. 1. What would you do if money grew in your garden instead of flowers? 2. What would happen if the sea were made of Coca-Cola? 3. If you were an animal, which animal would you be? Why?

EVERYDAY LANGUAGE 7 1 Match. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What’s the weather like? Do you like walking in the rain? Are you going to put some cream on? Do you want to go into the water? What will you take to the beach?

a. Yes, let’s go for a swim. b. Of course, I burn very easily. c. My swimming costume, a towel, sun cream, and sunglasses. d. It’s very hot. e. Only if I have an umbrella.

Track 38

Useful travel advice

2 Match a question and an answer. Then listen and check.

Тake turns to practise with your partner. 1. Excuse me. Can you tell me where Gate 2 is? 2. Can I take this bag as hand luggage? 3. Could you tell me where the check-in desk is, please? 4. Do you know where I can change some money? 5. Do you know how to get to the museum?

a. The exchange office is over there. b. Yes, take the number 32 bus. c. It’s over there by the information desk. Come with me. I’ll show you. d. Yes, of course. Go down that long corridor and it’s on the left. e. Yes, of course. I’ll give you a label for it.

Track 39

Pronunciation 7

Put the words below into the correct column according to the sound of the underlined letters. /u:/ soon stood book love hug haircut unknown wonderful good foot looks rude prove Liverpool move







WRITING 1 If I were you...

If you went to London (New York/Australia), what would you visit? Choose one picture from each group and write three sentences. If I went _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2 Imagine you find yourself on a desert island. Write a diary talking about your

experiences. Use the notes to help you. Day 1 Why are you on the island? What happened? How do you feel? What can you see on the island? What’s the weather like? What clothes are you wearing? Do you have anything else with you? Day 2 What have you done today? Have you explored the island? What did you find? What have you eaten? Where did you sleep last night? How do you feel today?

Day 60 How have you spent the last two months? How have you managed to survive? How are you feeling now? How do you stop your boredom? Do you find life on the island hard? What do you miss most? Are there any good things about island life? Do you think anyone will save you?




Day 2

Day 60

Mini Quiz 7

Which is ........ on Earth? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

the longest river the highest mountain the coldest place the hottest place the deepest ocean

Which place would you most like to see? See the KEY for the answers.

a. the Mississippi a. Mount Everest a. the Arctic a. the Kalahari a. the Pacific

b. the Nile b. Mount McKinley b. the Antarctic b. the Sahara b. the Indian Ocean







Find these items of clothing in the word square. dress

glove hat

trainers blouse 2




shoe skirt

































































How many words to do with CLOTHES can you think of? Write words in the empty circles. Don’t use any of the clothes from exercise 1.

trousers Clothes

What are you wearing today? I’m wearing _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________.


Use one word in each gap. The first letter is given.

The first trainers were made in b _________ and white and they were made for b ____________ players. Now they come in nineteen different c_____________. Boys and girls all over the world ___________ them. The most popular __________ of trainers w b are Nike and Adidas. The footwear companies use sports stars p to a______________ their products. Most children ___________ wearing trainers to proper shoes.




Complete the sentences using the words from the box. 1. She does her job very __________. Everyone is satisfied. 2. This was the ______________ album last year – over 2 million copies were bought. 3. You need __________ ten points to pass this test. 4. The latest Brad Pitt film was _____________ last week. 5. Why can’t you _______________ that you are wrong?


best-selling at least released effectively admit

Add the missing word. The first letter is given. 1. Can you put your clothes back in your w_ _ _ _ _ _ _, please? 2. B_ _ _ _ trousers are more comfortable than tight ones. 3. ‘You look very s_ _ _ _.’ ‘Yes, I have a job interview in five minutes.’ 4. P_ _ your gloves on - it’s cold outside. 5. Stop looking in the m_ _ _ _ _. You know you are beautiful! 6. For me, i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is more important than good looks. 7. Please t_ _ _ your hat off in the classroom. 8. ‘What do you want to do tonight?’ ‘I don’t m_ _ _. You decide.’ 9. I only buy e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clothes. I hate cheap ones. 10. ‘What’s your w_ _ _ _ _?’ ‘About 60 kg.’


Phrases with GET A Do you know all these phrases with get? Look them up in the Vocabulary Section in the Student's Book to check their meanings. on angry home B


off rid off



get married

lost wet

worse help tired

a cold

Complete the following sentences. Use one of the phrases with get. My sister got up early on Monday to go shopping in town. She ______________quickly, putting on her warmest clothes because it was very cold. She ________________ the bus at 8 o’clock, but then she _________________ the bus at the wrong corner because she was reading a newspaper. It was raining and she _______________ because she didn’t have an umbrella. Then she walked around for such a long time that she _____ very __________. She decided to go back home. The next day, she _____ a terrible _________ and started sneezing. Today her cold has __________________ so she is going to the doctor’s later.





GRAMMAR Compound nouns 1

How many compound nouns can you find in this picture?

The comparison of adverbs 2

Make one sentence with the adverb in the comparative form. 1. Linda plays tennis very well. Susan plays tennis well.

Linda plays ___________________________________________

2. Linda writes neatly, but Susan doesn’t always write neatly. ____________________________________________________ 3. Linda gets along with people easily, but Susan gets along with people very easily.


Look at the table. Write sentences in the superlative following the example. Helen Bob Judith works very hard gets to school very early learns quickly writes carefully lives far from the school

works hard gets to school on time learns quickly writes very carefully lives close to the school

works hard gets to school late learns very quickly writes carefully lives very far from the school

1. Helen works __________. Helen works hardest. 2. Helen gets to school _____________________ . 3. Judith gets to school _____________________. 4. Judith learns ______________________ of the three. 5. Bob writes ___________________ of the three. 6. Bob lives _________________ to the school. 7. Judith lives ________________ from the school.




Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative forms of the adverbs in brackets. 1. Mary drives ______________________ than her sister. (carefully) 2. Who plays ____________________in this team? (well) 3. Helen arrived ________________than John. (late) 4. They usually do the test much ___________________ than they did last time. (badly) 5. An elephant can live __________________of all animals. (long)

Plural words 5 Circle the correct word. 1. His trainers is / are new.

3. I’ll take this / these shorts, please.

2. This pair of trousers was / were worn by the king.


4. I can’t see without my glass / glasses. 5. I need a / some new clothes.

Track 42 1 In a shop Before you listen to the dialogue, look at these words and expressions. Do you know what they mean?

Useful language Can I help you? I'm just looking. to look for size (small, medium, large) This skirt/shirt suits you better. go with = match

How do I look? changing rooms How much is it? receipt – When you pay for something, you get a receipt.

Now listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. • What colour and size is the customer’s new sweater? • How much does it cost? Now find a partner. Student A turn to page 63 and student B turn to page 66. 2 What jobs should these people do? Write a name below each picture.





1. Helen: ‘I like animals. I feel so sorry for them when they are sick.’ 2. Dave: ‘I think rules are very important. If more people obeyed rules, the world would be a better place!’ 3. Lucy: ‘I live for clothes – buying them, wearing them, trying them on! I love them more than anything else.’ 4. Fiona: ‘I love helping people and showing them how to do things.’ 5. Jeremy: ‘I don’t like talking to others. I prefer just sitting in my room and imagining stories in my head. I love words as well – learning new words, doing crosswords.’

Now use the example to write what the people say. Example Mark: I wouldn’t like to be a journalist. I’d like to be an athlete. (journalist / athlete) Helen: ________________________________________________________ (writer / vet) Dave: ________________________________________________ (teacher / police officer) Lucy: _____________________________________________________ (police officer / model) Fiona: _________________________________________________________ (model / teacher) Jeremy: ____________________________________________________________ (vet / writer) 3

Complete the dialogues using the expressions in the box. 1. A: How was the lesson?

B: ___________________. I learnt nothing new.

2. A: Was the party good?

B: Yes. ____________________!

3. A: I thought you wanted to marry Peter!

We had a great time It’s a pity I’ve changed my mind I made up my mind It was a waste of time

B: Well, ___________________! I love John!

4. A: Do you know where you’re going on holiday?

B: Yes. ____________ last night – Greece.

5. A: Peter’s leaving university because he says it’s boring.

B: I know. ____________ because he won’t be able to find a good job now.

Track 43

Pronunciation 8 Put the words into the correct box according to the vowel sounds. Then listen and check. sporty what normal lots important more top thought saw bought probably Q O:



WRITING 1 Use the phrases from the Everyday language section to write a dialogue between a

shop assistant and a customer who wants to buy some new trousers.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2 You’re going to write an article

about how fashions have changed.

You need to choose a decade from the past and compare it to today’s fashions. Talk to people who lived in that decade and can remember what the fashions were (relatives, family friends, etc.). You could also use the Internet and books from a library. Maybe your teacher will be able to give you some information. Use the plan to help you. Introduction How important is fashion to you? Do fashions change quickly? Who decides on the latest fashions? Which decade have you chosen? Body Paragraph 1 The past Talk about: - what people wore in your chosen decade - what haircuts people had - what influenced fashion (music, television, etc.) Do you know anyone who lived in this decade?

Paragraph 2 The present Talk about: - what people wear today - what haircuts people have - what influences fashion today (music, television, famous people, magazines, etc.) Conclusion Your personal opinion - do you prefer the clothes of today or the past? - would you like to wear clothes from the past?






Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2


Mini Quiz 8 1. What travels round the world but stays in the same corner? 2. What falls but never gets hurt? 3. What doesn’t ask questions but often needs to be answered? See the KEY for the answers.


In a shop А

You’re a shop assistant. Complete the dialogue using the words from the box. here’s

size (x2)


help you



Shop assistant: Can I _______________? Customer: I’m looking for a sweater. Shop assistant: What _________ would you like? Customer: Size 12. Shop assistant: Here’s a lovely _________. Customer: Well, red doesn’t really suit me. Have you got anything in white? Shop assistant: ________ a nice one in white. Customer: Can I try it on? Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The ____________rooms are over there next to the jeans. Customer: It’s a bit small. Have you got it in a larger size? Shop assistant: I’ll just see... Here we go – a ________ 14. Customer: Yes, this fits very well. How much is it? Shop assistant: £18.99. Customer: I’ll take it, thanks. Shop assistant: Thank you. Here’s your _______. Bye. Customer: Goodbye. When you have finished, read the dialogue with your partner and check each other’s answers.





1 Complete the sentences using a word from the box. Two words are not needed. species noise endangered impressive cruise especially proper admit advertisement baggy appearance wardrobe sights 1. There are many different _______ of animals in this park, but some of them are ____________, which is awful. 2. I have two pairs of ________ trousers in my ___________. 3. ‘Who was making all that ______?’ ‘I ______ that it was me. Sorry! I was practising the guitar!’ 4. We saw lots of famous _______ while we were on the river _________. London Bridge was very _______ . 5. My teacher is often angry, ________ when we don’t wear _______ shoes. 2 Complete the compound words. 1. This is a best-______ book. 2. I love being a teen______. 3. I went to the hairdresser’s yesterday. Do you

4. I’m going to the doctor’s. My head_____ won’t stop. 5. Why do you wear so much make-_____?

like my new _____style? 3 Add the correct word. 1. I’m really looking forward ____ the party.

3. I can’t make ____ my mind. What should I do?

2. Can I try ____ this jumper, please?

4. This is a waste ____ time. I’ll never learn it!


5. Do you like dressing ____ for parties?

Conditional sentences

1 Make Type 1 conditionals as in the example. 1. be late for school/the teacher angry. If you are late for school, the teacher will be angry. 2. eat too much/be fat ________________________________________________________________ 3. come home late/parents worry _______________________________________________________ 4. weather good/we go for a walk _______________________________________________________ 5. rain/I use my umbrella _____________________________________________________________ 2 Complete the Type 2 conditionals using the verbs on the right in the correct tense. 1. If I _________ his address, I would write to him.


2. I’d ___________these shoes if they weren’t so expensive.


3. If I ________ you, I’d tell my parents about the problem.


4. If the weather were nice, I’d ________ for a swim.



7 AND 8

The use of articles 3

Add the where necessary. Teresa was born in ____ New York in ____ America. She spends most of her summer sunbathing in ____ Central Park with her friends. She is interested in art and enjoys going to ____ Guggenheim Museum on ____ Fifth Avenue. Every day she travels across ____ Brooklyn Bridge, which goes over ____ East River, to ____ work. One of her favourite places is ____ Times Square, where she spends every New Year’s Eve.

Adverbs 4

Put the adverbs in the correct position in the sentences. 1. I worked (at school, last week, hard). _______________________________________________ 2. Are they staying? (here, now) ______________________________________________________ 3. They sang (last night, at the concert, beautifully). ______________________________________ 4. The baby slept (very well, last night, in her bed). ______________________________________ 5. He ran to the shops. (quickly) _____________________________________________________ 6. She was disappointed. (extremely) _________________________________________________


Use the adverbs in the correct form. 1. He worked __________ than me. (hard) 2. Of all the teams in the competition, they danced ______________. (beautifully) 3. She runs __________ in the class. (fast) 4. Can you talk ________________, please? (quietly)

Mistakes 6

Correct the wrong sentences.


1. My shorts is new. 2. Are this jeans yours? 3. Where is my glasses?

4. You must shout in the library. 5. I would to like to be an actor. 6. There are two thousands people at the match.

Write about the clothes in your wardrobe. Give as many details as you can (colour, age, where you bought them, how often you wear them, etc.) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________



In a shop B

You are the customer. Complete the dialogue using the words from the box. larger




How much



Shop assistant: Can I help you? Customer: I’m ___________ for a sweater. Shop assistant: What size would you like? Customer: Size 12. Shop assistant: Here’s a lovely one. Customer: Well, red doesn’t really ___________ me. Have you got anything in white? Shop assistant: Here’s a nice one in white. Customer: Can I _________ it on? Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there next to the jeans. Customer: It’s a bit _________. Have you got it in a _____________size? Shop assistant: I’ll just see... Here we go – a size 14. Customer: Yes, this fits very well. ___________ is it? Shop assistant: £18.99. Customer: I’ll _________ it, thanks. Shop assistant: Thank you. Here’s your receipt. Bye. Customer: Goodbye. When you have finished, read the dialogue with your partner and check each other’s answers.




Mini Quiz 1 eye bee sea oh pea tea you



Mini Quiz 2 a court basketball badminton tennis

a pitch football cricket rugby baseball


an ice rink

ice-hockey skating

a swimming pool water polo swimming

a race track horse-racing motor racing motorbike racing

a table

pool table tennis


Mini Quiz 3 1. an onion 2. an egg 3. a lot of milk 4. its tail 5. a hot dog



Mini Quiz 4 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a Pronunciation near wear tear dear hear fear bear gear pear rear year



Mini Quiz 5 1. a 2. Sun 3. month 4. shelter 5. necessary 6. hunt 7. igloo 8. ago 9. I



Mini Quiz 6 1. Daniel Radcliffe 2. Tarzan 3. He could fly 4. Romeo



Mini Quiz 7 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a



Mini Quiz 8 1. a stamp 2. rain 3. a telephone


Катарина Ковачевић Jonathan Pendlebury ENJOYING ENGLISH 7 – Енглески језик за 7. разред основне школе Радна свеска

Издавач Завод за уџбенике Београд, Обилићев венац 5 www.zavod.co.rs

Ликовни уредник Аида Спасић Илустрације Марко Ракочевић Ненад Гуцуња Графички уредник Борис Поповић Коректор Андреа Тошовић Корице Бранко Жужић Дизајн и компјутерска обрада Горана Раичевић Татјана Вукмировић

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