Zeppelin University | Product Portfolio

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Studying at Zeppelin University

at: August 2023

The original idea behind the foundation of our still relatively young Zeppelin University (ZU) is one that is of paramount importance to us and that continues to be a cornerstone of our culture today – to create a relationship between business, culture, politics, and society that is mutually beneficial , that brings people together in a stimulating and productive manner and allows personalities and talents to flourish on all levels – and to ensure that the provision of education paves the way for the assumption of social responsibility.

We are proud of our ZU spirit. With curiosity, ambition and confidence, we face the major issues and challenges of our time. We challenge the status quo and question conventional wisdom with the overarching goal of redefining the future – not just for ourselves, but for everyone.

This attitude – this ambition – stems directly from the circumstances surrounding the founding of ZU , which saw an innovative and interdisciplinary experiment being conducted to rethink university learning and teaching. At ZU , we achieve this through the work of our university’s students and teachers, through the arguments that we formulate and the discussions we hold. But also, and perhaps most importantly, through the way we engage and connect as lifelong members of the ZU community.

I cordially invite you to become part of our ZU community.

Professor Dr. Klaus Mühlhahn, President of Zeppelin University
“In a university, what matters is not so much the actual mass of accumulated and sometimes outdated knowledge, but rather the spirit in which an entire subject is viewed, the study of which should reinforce general education and general enlightenment and be fruitful for the mind and for the character.”
Wilhelm von Humboldt, the Collected Works X, p. 17 / 18

Mission Statement and Target Structure

Unlock the future

ZU creates links “between economics, culture and politics”. Thanks to its interdisciplinary nature, it acts as a bridge builder between academics and society.

The 21st century has seen the accumulation of more and more knowledge and the questioning of more and more certainties. In these times, ZU is providing education to young people who are breaking new ground in research and teaching, and who are taking responsibility for their actions. The interdisciplinary study programs enable graduates to deal responsibly with current and future social uncertainties and to come up with solutions.

ZU therefore endeavors to instill in them the conviction that economic, ecological, social, and cultural concerns as well as institutional, organizational, and individual goals can be combined in a way that promotes sustainable societal development.

Through its activities in the areas of pure and applied research, ZU aims to contribute to resolving society’s pressing future issues on an international, national, and regional level. As a driver of educational innovation, ZU sees itself as an ideal location for the conception and organization of a future-focused university education that responds to societal transformation processes.

ZU keeps an ear to the ground with regard to radical changes in society. It sees the need to address the consequences of this upheaval in a multisectoral manner and from many different perspectives. For this reason, it has established cross-cutting departments that not only permeate research and teaching, but also organization and administration:

Digital transformation

ZU foresees a formative upheaval in the context of the digital transformation. Up until now, this debate has been purely technological. However, sustainable social development requires a differentiated approach that takes particular account of the social consequences. In this area of tension, ZU has set itself the task of developing and promoting key skills to enable students to intelligently shape digital change in business and society. In addition, ZU offers a wide range of teaching, research and transfer courses that respond to the diverse challenges of a digitalizing society.


Sustainability is probably the buzzword of our time. As an entrepreneurial university, ZU is aware of its social responsibility and regards itself as an innovation laboratory for sustainable solutions. For some time, ZU has been working intensively on measures to continuously improve the energy balance at its locations and to reduce their CO2 emissions. Within the university community, all status groups are already committed to sustainability and climate protection. In addition, ZU intends to use the existing networks of political, social, and entrepreneurial players in the Lake Constance region to initiate and expand cooperation projects on climate protection and sustainability.

Internationalization and global networks

Due to the great upheavals of our time, approaches to problem-solving must be developed on a global basis. ZU regards itself as a university institution with deep roots in the Lake Constance region; however, it thinks and acts globally –through global educational programs, through its commitment to sustainable and socially just development around the world and through the analysis of important current global challenges in research and teaching. Against this background, ZU cooperates with partners in all regions of the world.

Equal opportunities & diversity

At the heart of the university’s identity and actions are the fundamental values of openness and mutual respect. This is why the university is committed to promoting equality and diversity in all areas. In concrete terms, diversity at ZU means the active creation of study, research and working conditions that help each and every individual to develop to the best of their potential, as well as putting in place appropriate organizational structures and an academic culture that will promote diversity.

Table of Contents Bachelor’s Degrees Master’s Degrees Executive Master’s Degrees About ZU Foreword 1 Mission Statement and Target Structure 2 Locations 4 The Zeppelin University 5 ZU in Numbers 6 Why ZU ? Seven Reasons for a Strong University 7 Our Bachelor’s Programs 8 Communication, Culture & Management | CCM 10 Corporate Management & Economics | CME 11 Politics, Administration & International Relations | PAIR 12 Sociology, Politics & Economics | SPE 13 Partner Universities 14 Network 16 Our Master’s Programs 18 Corporate Management & Economics | CME 19 General Management | GEMA 20 Interdisciplinary Research Master | IRMA 21 International Relations & Global Politics | IRGP 22 Politics, Administration & International Relations | PAIR 23 Public Management & Digitalization | PMD 24 Our Part-Time Master’s Programs 26 Management | eMA MGMT 27 Family Entrepreneurship | eMA FESH 28 Young Academic Talent 30 Good Reasons to Realize Your Own Start-Up Idea 31 Student Involvement 32 Application and Selection Process 33 Financing and Scholarships 34 Finding Out More 35 Leisure and Accommodation 36 3


Fallenbrunnen 3 | 88045 Friedrichshafen | Germany


Am Seemooser Horn 20 | 88045 Friedrichshafen | Germany

ZF Campus (m ain campus, awarded with renowned architecture prizes)

The Zeppelin University

Since it was founded in 2003, Z U has followed the pioneering spirit of its namesake, Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin. From the very outset, it has stood for interdisciplinarity between economics, culture and politics. Because in a dynamic and complex society that in many ways is trying to find a way of restructuring itself, fewer and fewer problem areas can be pinned down in a disciplinary-specific manner.

In our programs of study, we develop all-rounders who can specialize. By this, we mean students who are interested in the exciting issues at the point where economics, communication, culture, politics and administration meet – for example such as sustainability and innovation, digitalization and the media, as well as new forms of social and cultural cooperation. We place great importance on having a strong practical orientation. We believe that the future challenges of an increasingly globalized knowledge society will require

a new generation of responsible decision-makers and creative designers who have an eye and understanding for interconnectedness.

Z U was institutionally accredited by the German Science and Humanities Council (WR) back in 2009. In September 2011, on the recommendation of this panel, ZU was also given the right to independently award postdoctorals and habilitations by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) , thereby formally achieving academic and research-oriented parity with the federal state universities.

All sixteen programs of study at ZU – bachelor’s, master’s, and part-time master’s degrees – thereby comply with the quality standards and requirements of the German Accreditation Council (AR) and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK)

Many ZU programs of study are best ranked in Germany in the CHE university ranking

The high quality and acceptance of our programs of study is reflected in the outstanding positions of our study programs in the CHE university ranking. In 2023/ 2024, all study programs in Economics at ZU achieved a top ranking: the Bachelor in Corporate Management & Economics, the Master in Corporate Management & Economics and the Master in General Management. In 2021/ 2022, the study program Politics, Administration & International Relations was among the top ranked in the bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

CHE university ranking

2023 / 2024 : Leading position in Business Administration (Bachelor CME , Master CME & Master GEMA)

2023 / 2024 : Leading position in Politics (Bachelor PAIR & Master PAIR)

q zeppelin-university.com/ rankings

“With its interdisciplinary profile, the Zeppelin University enriches the German university landscape.”

2 :1 Support in tandem coaching

12 Study programs

~ 200 Internship & job offers

1: 8 Staff-student ratio of academic staff to students ~ 750 Students > 3,250 Alumni

> 80 Partner universities

39 Student initiatives & projects > 50 Sponsors

35 Professors >140 Companies founded by students & alumni

2 Locations – one with private access to the lake

74 Scientific employees

2 Faculties – 5 times best placed in the CHE university ranking

Endless possibilities after your degree

ZU in Numbers

Why ZU? Seven Reasons for a Strong University

Four-year bachelor’s degree

More time for a deeper understanding

ZU was the first university in Germany to introduce four-year bachelor’s degrees in all four study programs. This was how the university responded to the abbreviated Abitur school-leaving examination, the international standards and their continuing claim to a research-oriented and personality-building course of study.

q zeppelin-university.com/bachelor

Change of study program

Reorient in time

Under certain conditions, ZU students can change their study program after the first two semesters. This means that everyone studies the subject they are really passionate about.

Zeppelin Year and Humboldt Year

Living science from the first semester

From the first semester, ZU students can work on their own research projects. In our Zeppelin Year (semester one and two) and our Humboldt Year (semester six and seven), the main focus is on the research part of your studies.

q zeppelin-university.com/zeppelin-project

q zeppelin-university.com/humboldt-year

q zeppelin-university.com/research-based-learning

Reasons for choosing ZU

ZU is a top address for student start-ups

It is not just studies that show this; we can also put a number on it: More than 130 companies have been founded by our students and alumni to date. As this topic is particularly important to us, we support start-ups in a variety of ways : through workshops, advisory services, network access and we also provide financial assistance. The main contact point for budding entrepreneurs is the ZU PioneerPort.

q zeppelin-university.com/pioneerport


Ten students design their own seminar

For students who want to deal with a topic more intensively, there is the option of designing their own seminar. We call this StudentStudies. The following rule applies: There must be one lecturer and at least ten students. The idea behind this is that students are given the space to freely develop their own individual interests if these have not yet been incorporated into the framework of a study program.

Tandem Coaching

Optimal support during your studies

Between the first and fourth semester, students are assigned an academic coach and a practical coach with whom they can reflect on their academic work and professional orientation.

TalentCenter, International Office and Student Project Office

Special advice centers for special students

Everyone has different talents just waiting to be discovered, encouraged and developed. ZU accompanies its students on their journey of discovery and offers a variety of opportunities to strengthen their own skills and interests and to pursue personal inclinations.

q zeppelin-university.com/international


Our Bachelor’s Programs

Semesters 1+ 2

Broad-ranging theories, concise methods and your own research project

The Zeppelin Year

Dry theories and methods are taught through specific practical or research projects involving project work, multidisciplinary theoretical basics and scientific methods. Thanks to our interdisciplinary orientation, students still have the opportunity to change their study program after the Zeppelin year –without any loss of time or exams.

Semesters 3 – 7

Program-specific immersion

The Major Phase

Alongside their mandatory modules, every student can compile their very own study plan with their personal specializations.

Semesters 6+7

Expand your knowledge, do your own research and discover the world in the process

The Humboldt Year

ZU is a research-oriented university. From the sixth semester onwards, students have the opportunity to carry out their own research project, and thus take their studies into their own hands.

Semester 8

The crowning glory – science that creates knowledge

The Bachelor Phase

Here, students find their own research topic, and possibly even continue their own Humboldt Project. This involves ten weeks of intensive work, which completes the students’ bachelor studies at ZU. The students enjoy personal supervision from the lecturers, who are always available to provide advice and assistance.

More interdisciplinary: we consciously take time for work where the disciplines intersect. At ZU, we call this interdisciplinarity.


Students have the opportunity to do internships with well-known companies and organizations – and to get a taste of real-life work in practice both nationally and internationally. Our TalentCenter is available to help arrange placements.

Semester abroad

For those who are studying at a renowned foreign university and want to gain further perspectives: we work together with more than 80 partner universities around the world. You are sure to find the right partner university for your semester abroad with us.

Minor – make two out of one

For students who are so insatiable that they want to complete two study programs, ZU provides the option of studying a minor subject as well. In concrete terms, this means students taking a major in a main subject and at the same time completing a minor with at least four modules in another subject.


Bachelor’s in Communication, Culture & Management | CCM

At a glance

Duration Four years

Course begins September /January

Period of study 8 semesters


Course size 35 students


€825 per month payment by semester

Admission requirements General or subject-related higher education entrance qualification; internship required for enrollment

Faculty Communication & Cultural Sciences

Language German, partly in English

Contact admissions@zu.de

Understanding interaction, shaping culture, living change

The program of study focuses on the analysis and understanding of cultural and social change from the perspective of media, communication, and cultural studies. It is aimed at students who wish to understand the dynamics of current changes and their impact on culture, society, media and communication.

On the basis of an individual professional profile, which the CCM students develop in the fields of media, communication, and cultural studies, the study program enables the examination of current issues and problems from an interdisciplinary perspective. To make the current change-related challenges tangible for students, the program of study also provides them with experience in various practical areas such as the arts program, project modules, and a large number of other student initiatives and projects.

Employment prospects

| Public relations and corporate communications

| Cultural work in museums, theatres, concert halls and in the independent scene

| Careers in the media industry ( radio, television, print, online )

| Human Resources and marketing ( especially in agencies )


During her CCM studies, Anna Maria Zepp focused on her wish of one day working in an art museum – a wish she pursued through seminars, exhibition projects and internships. She now works at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York as a senior project manager.

q zeppelin-university.com/alumni-careers

Sequence of studies

Zeppelin Year

| Zeppelin Project

| Fundamentals of Science

| Methods

| Basic courses in CCM

| Introduction to Communication-Science-Related Issues

| Introduction to Cultural-Study-Related Issues

| Interdisciplinary Perspectives

| Introduction to Business Administration

| Polity, Politics, Policy

| History of Problem Perception in Sociology

| etc.

Major Phase

| Methods of Communication Studies

| Methods of Science

of Art and Cultural Sciences

| Elective Section

| Media Practice

| Cultural Production

| Media Law

| Perspectives of Globalization

| Psychological Aspects of Communication & Culture

| etc.

Humboldt Year

| Research Project & Methods or Advanced Studies

Bachelor Phase

| Bachelor Thesis

| Thesis Defense Internships

| Two internships ( one abroad; time freely selectable )

q zeppelin-university.com/ccm


Bachelor’s in Corporate Management & Economics | CME

At a glance

Admission requirements

General/subject-related higher education entrancequalification; internship required for enrollment in the social field

Faculty Corporate Management & Economics

Language German, partly in English

Contact admissions@zu.de

All-rounder generalist training instead of just a business school

More than ever before, managers and entrepreneurs are being confronted with demands that can no longer be met with the skillset provided by a classic business management qualification. These challenges require a communicational and organizational approach, as well as a more advanced knowledge of political science.

ZU has responded to these challenges with a new type (by German standards) of entrepreneurial generalist educational program. It combines Business Administration and Economics with Cultural Studies, Communication and Media Studies, as well as aspects of Politics and Administrative Sciences.

Employment prospects

| Organizational consulting and auditing

| Human Resources, marketing and branding

| Finance ( accounting and controlling )

Sequence of studies

Zeppelin Year

| Zeppelin Project

| Fundamentals of Science

| Methods

| Basic courses in CME

| Introduction to Business and Economics

| Management Accounting

| Interdisciplinary Perspectives

| Introduction to CommunicationScience-Related Issues

| Polity, Politics, Policy

| History of Problem Perception in Sociology

| etc.

Major Phase

| Methods

| Management

| Economics

| Economics Law

| Elective Section

| HR Management

| Organisation

| Marketing

| Entrepreneurship

| etc.

Humboldt Year

| Research Project & Methods or Advanced Studies

( the Humboldt year is omitted for the three-year bachelor’s degree)

Bachelor Phase


Okan Demir studied CME at ZU and works as a senior manager in Mergers & Acquisitions, Cooperations and Joint Ventures at ZF Friedrichshafen AG.

q zeppelin-university.com/alumni-careers

| Start-up and innovation management q

| Bachelor Thesis

| Thesis Defense

Professional Practice

| Domestic or foreign internship or own business start-up

Duration Three years Four years Course begins September /January September /January Period of study 6 semesters 8 semesters ECTS 180 ECTS 240 ECTS Course size 35 students 35 students Costs €1.065 per month payment by semester €940 per month payment

Bachelor’s in Politics, Administration & International Relations | PAIR

At a glance

Duration Four years

Course begins September /January

Period of study 8 semesters


Course size 35 students


€825 per month payment by semester

Admission requirements General or subject-related higher education entrance qualification; internship required for enrollment

Faculty Public & Social Sciences

Language German, partly in English

Contact admissions@zu.de

Local and global dissidents

Without doubt some of today’s biggest problems include climate change, migration, international security, growing inequality between and within states, the erosion of democratic structures, the increase in populist ideals, and the impact of digitalization. All of these problems are of a genuine political nature and many of these can only be solved through international cooperation. They need to be politically resolved, legally coded and administratively implemented. Politics, society and administration have thus undergone a fundamental change in recent decades.

The study program therefore prepares students for today’s complex issues in politics, administration and society, and teaches them the skills needed to analyze problems and to prepare and implement solutions.

Employment prospects

| Work as a political advisor at an international level

| Analysis and consultancy in political institutions, foundations and NGO s

| Careers in public administration

| Political education and public relations


During her PAIR studies, Lisa Heinrichsdorff got involved in a variety of student initiatives. After ZU, she went to study Comparative Political Sciences at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is currently employed at a Swiss biotechnology company.

q zeppelin-university.com/alumni-careers

Sequence of studies

Zeppelin Year

| Zeppelin Project

| Fundamentals of Science

| Methods

| PAIR Program Modules

| Polity, Politics, Policy

| Public Administration

| International Relations

| Interdisciplinary Perspectives

| Introduction to Business Administration

| Introduction to Communication-Science-Related Issues

| History of Problem Perception in Sociology

| etc.

Major Phase

| Comparative Political Science

| Political Philosophy

| Basics & Topics of Political Sociology

| Global Governance

| Public Management

| Elective Section

| International Relations

| Political Behavior & Institutions

| Public Management, Public Policy & Digitalization

Humboldt Year

| Research Project & Methods or Advanced Studies

Bachelor Phase

| Bachelor Thesis

| Thesis Defense


| Two internships ( one abroad; time freely selectable)

q zeppelin-university.com/pair


Bachelor’s in Sociology, Politics & Economics | SPE

At a glance

Duration Four years

Course begins September /January

Period of study 8 semesters


Course size 35 students

Costs €825 per month payment by semester

Admission requirements

General or subject-related higher education entrance qualification; internship required for enrollment

Faculty Public & Social Sciences

Language German, partly in English

Contact admissions@zu.de

Problem-solvers wanted for today’s societies!

Is there more to national debt than just an economic aspect? Can political science sufficiently explain the influence of citizens’ initiatives? Drawing on such topics as urbanity, sustainability and migration, the SPE syllabus correlates perspectives from the disciplines of sociology, political science, and economics. SPE students work using an interdisciplinary approach to find comprehensive solutions to society’s important questions.

Our program of study produces graduates who can turn their hand to internal and external diagnostics, designing and providing advice on political schemes, entrepreneurial investments, social and technological innovations, organizational developments, ecclesiastical issues, scientific research, and journalistic reporting.

Employment prospects

| Market and opinion research

| Advice for associations, companies, foundations, and NGO s

| Work as a political advisor in politics

| Human resources, marketing, and corporate communications


After earning his bachelor’s degree in SPE, Lennart Schulze completed a master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Cambridge. There he combined sociological – and therefore socially relevant – issues with psychological methods. He is now completing a PhD in Sociology and Political Science at the European University Institute.

q zeppelin-university.com/alumni-careers

Sequence of studies

Zeppelin Year

| Zeppelin Project

| Fundamentals of Science

| Methods

| Basic courses in SPE

| History of Problem Perception in Sociology

| Polity, Politics, Policy

| Introduction to Economics

| Interdisciplinary Perspectives

| Introduction to Business Administration

| Fundamentals of Law

| etc.

Major Phase

| Methods

| Sociology

| Politics

| Economics

| Elective Section

| Democracy & State Theory

| Urbanization in Global Society

| Behavioral Business Ethics

| Money & Capital

| Markets & Society

| Global Culture & Communication

| The Psychology of Decisions

| etc.

Humboldt Year

| Research Project & Methods or Advanced Studies

Bachelor Phase

| Bachelor Thesis

| Thesis Defense


| Two internships ( one abroad; time freely selectable)

q zeppelin-university.com/spe


Partner Universities


Universiteit Twente | Enschede


Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse | Avignon

Université Montesquieu de Bordeaux | Bordeaux

IAE Lyon School of Management | Lyon

Université Catholique de Lille | Lille

Sciences Po | Paris/Reims

Université de Strasbourg, École de Management



Universitat Abat Oliba CEU


Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


Universidad de Salamanca


Universidad de Sevilla EUSA



Copenhagen Business School


Syddansk Universiteit | Odense

Roskilde Universitet | Roskilde


University of Bergen | Bergen

University of Agder



Örebro Universitet | Örebro


Latvijas Universitate | Riga Turiba Biznesa Augstskola | Riga


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu | Poznań

Wyzsza Szkola Europejska im. ks.

Jozefa Tischnera | Krakow

Czech Republic

Univerzita Karlova v Praze | Prague

Mendel University | Brno


Andrassy Gyula Deutschsprachige




New Design University | St. Pölten


Universität Luzern | Lucerne

Università della Svizzera

italiana | Lugano


Università degli Studi di Cagliari


Università degli Studi di Siena


Università Carlo Cattaneo


University of Bergamo | Bergamo

Universität | Budapest


West University of Timișoara | Timisoara


Istanbul Kültür Üniversitesi

Istanbul Kadir Has Üniversitesi | Istanbul


American University Beirut

AUB | Beirut


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Beer-Sheva Reichmann University (IDC Herzliya) | Herzliya


Indian Institute of Management



Peking University, Guanghua

School of Management | Beijing

School of Public Administration of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics


Sanda University | Shanghai

Tongji University | Shanghai

South Korea

Hallym University | Chuncheon

Inha University | Incheon


Ritsumeikan Asian Pacific University | Beppu City


National Chengchi University


South Africa

University of Stellenbosch Business School | Bellville

University of the Witwatersrand | Johannesburg

University of Pretoria | Pretoria

Australia Griffith University, Queensland College of Art | Brisbane University of Tasmania


Western Sydney University



Expand your horizons

– around the world.

q zeppelin-university.com/partner-universities


Fairleigh Dickinson University | Campus Vancouver ( British Columbia )

United States

University of Wyoming | Laramie ( Wyoming )

Kansas State University | Manhattan ( Kansas )

Butler University | Indianapolis ( Indiana )

Upper Iowa University | Fayette ( Iowa )

California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo ( California )

California State University | Chico ( California )

University of California | Berkeley ( California )

University of California | San Diego ( California )

Lamar University | Beaumont ( Texas )


American University of Washington

Washington, D.C.

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Teaneck or Madison ( New Jersey )

Georgia College and State University

Milledgeville ( Georgia )

Valdosta State University | Valdosta ( Georgia )

The University of Mississippi | Oxford ( Mississippi )

Universidad Panamericana | Mexico City

Tecnológico de Monterrey | Monterrey

CETYS Universidad | Mexicali


Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración | Bogotá

Universidad de los Andes | Bogotá

Universidad de Medellín | Medellín


Universidad Internacional del Ecuador UIDE | Quito


Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola | Lima


Universidade de São Paulo

São Paulo

Unisinos University | Porto Alegre/

Sao Leopoldo


Universidad Mayor

Santiago de Chile


Pontificio Universidad Católica

Argentina | Buenos Aires

Universidad Nacional del Sur

Bahia Blanca ( Buenos Aires )

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Mendoza

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Buenos Aires


A university can and should become an intellectual base. For this to be achieved, it is imperative to build long-term partnerships. Our partners are our network. They are committed to our university in almost all areas and they provide valuable support in finding solutions to the pressing future issues future for our society.

In short : If you are well connected and capable of working together to implement visions, these are all the tools you need to change the world.

5 Sponsors

| BMW Group

| Börlind GmbH

| Columbus Holding AG

| DAAD e.V.

| Decode Marketingberatung GmbH

| Dr. Rainer Wild Foundation

| elobau GmbH & Co. KG

| Fränkel Foundation

| Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft AG

| Hewlett-Packard GmbH

| Joachim Graf von Arnim

| Meckatzer Löwenbräu

Benedikt Weiß KG

| Merck Finck Foundation

| Roland-Berger Foundation

| Seeberger Familien KG

| Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

| Vetter Pharma-Fertigung

GmbH & Co.KG

| Vodafone Stiftung

Deutschland gGmbH

| Werner und Elfi Spaeth Foundation

| Winterhalter Gastronom GmbH

4 Partners


| Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG

| Caritasverband der Diözese



| Deutscher Sparkassenund Giroverband e.V.

| elobau GmbH & Co. KG

| EQUA non-profit foundation

| Gips-Schüle Foundation

| Grieshaber Logistik AG

| Henkel AG & Co. KG aA

| Volker und Roswitha Heuer

| Hymer GmbH & Co. KG

| Münster Stegmaier Rombach Family

Office GmbH

| Peri GmbH

| Ramboll Foundation

| IHK Bodensee – Oberschwaben

| IHK Schwaben Augsburg

| IHK Ulm

| Kienbaum Management Consultants GmbH

| Ilse Lang

| Schindler Parent GmbH

| Foundation for Family Businesses

| Udo J. Vetter

| Wüstenrot Foundation

| Zeppelin Universitätsgesellschaft e.V.

For us, the extraordinary commitment of our sponsors and partners is our incentive for the development of an extraordinary university.
4 16

1 Founders

| ZF Friedrichshafen AG


| Zeppelin Foundation

| Karl Schlecht non-profit foundation

| Siegfried Weishaupt

3 Senior partners

| HOCHTIEF Aktiengesellschaft


| Landratsamt Bodenseekreis

| Otto Group

| Siemens Foundation

| Mercator GmbH Foundation

| Würth Foundation

6 Group of friends


| Bahlsen GmbH & Co. KG


| Bechtle GmbH & Co. KG

| Brigitte Drewing

| Cicero Magazin für politische Kultur


| Andreas Gessler

| Google Switzerland GmbH

| Hüni GmbH & Co. KG

| IBB Internationales Bankhaus

Bodensee AG

| LAYER Grosshandel GmbH & Co. KG

| METRO Group

| Stadtwerk am See


| Ravensburger AG

| Robert Bosch GmbH

| Robert Gessler GmbH & Co. KG


| Schwäbischer Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

| Sodexo Services GmbH

| Sparkasse Bodensee

| Staatsanzeiger für

Baden-Württemberg GmbH

| Stiftung der Volksbank

Friedrichshafen eG

| Vogthaus Foundation

| Rudolf Ulmer

| Victor AG

| Werner und Erika Messmer Foundation

| Werner Richard –Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung

| Zeppelin Rental GmbH & Co. KG

| Zeppelin UniversitätsGesellschaft e.V.

| Zeppelin Universität Club der Alumni – ZUCA

2 Premium partners

| AIRBUS Group


| Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG

| City of Friedrichshafen

5 2 6 3 1 17

Our Master’s Programs

Dig deeper – expand your horizons

To become an expert in any field, interest must be deepened with passion

– within the context of what inspires you.

Mandatory modules

The mandatory modules consist of the foundation module and research design and methods. Depending on previous knowledge, the purpose here is to bring the knowledge level of each student on par with one another so that all students draw from the same knowledge base during the advanced seminars.

Elective modules

Create your own degree by combining those advanced study programs that suit your individual requirements.

Master’s Colloquium and Master’s Thesis

In an international society, specialization only makes sense if you are prepared to invest your passion in your chosen field for your lifetime. Our master’s programs offer a wide range of options so that you can choose how to structure your studies yourself and which fundamentals and skills are crucial for your future career path.

Our new master’s programs examine the digital transformation of our international society in an intensive and research-oriented manner and pave the way for students to advance to a doctorate program or to the next step in their academic career.

As with the bachelor’s degree, you can also study a minor in the master’s degree. In concrete terms, this means you will complete two study programs: a major in one of our master’s study programs and, in parallel to this, a minor alongside the modules in another study program. In this way, you can expand your studies and gain a further specialization.

In the last semester, you will write your thesis – under the guidance of the supervising academics – which you will then have to defend by means of a Thesis Defense. This is the last step required to complete your master’s studies.

The one-year master’s

After a four-year bachelor’s degree, you can study a one-year master’s degree in CME or PAIR

1 2 3 4 Semester P yranimiler pihsnretnI MEG( )A | 1 –4 . S e m e s t e r : T a n d e m C o a ching |StudentStudies | In t e r n s h i p | R e s e a r ch Project | Workshops: Fun da m e n t a l s o f E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p , C ytivitaer & ytivitamrofreP MDisputation asterthesis E l e ctive Modules CME | GEM A | I R G P | PAIR | PMD M a jorPhase IRMA Foundation-Phase IRMA MandatoryModul es C M E | I R G P | RIAP | DMP MandatoryModules G E M A
q zeppelin-university.com/master

Master’s in Corporate Management & Economics | CME

Sequence of studies

Mandatory modules ( 1 year)

| Research Design & Methods

| Econometrics

| Advanced Methods

Mandatory modules ( 2 years)

| Corporate Management & Economics

| Economic Theory

| Foundations of Empirical Economics

| Economics

| Advanced Microeconomics

| Advanced Macroeconomics

| Research Design & Methods

| Econometrics

| Advanced Methods

Interdisciplinary Decision-Making Skills in Economics

To master the new challenges, advancements in communication sciences, cultural sciences, and political sciences are imperative. Mediatization with a “CEO branding” and the reconciliation of “product-, equity-, and employer-branding” on a national cultural level are among the challenges faced by today’s top decision-makers, along with such aspects as interaction with political networks, developments in regulation and deregulation, privatization, and public-private partnerships. ZU has responded to these challenges with a new type of research-oriented, entrepreneurial qualification for generalists. The novelty lies in the connection between business administration and economics with cultural studies, communication and media studies, as well as aspects of political science and the science of public administration.

Employment prospects

| Academic careers at universities and research institutions

| Consulting and management

| Finance ( accounting and controlling )

| Marketing and sales

| Start-up and innovation management


After completing a bachelor’s degree in sports economics, Gabriel Jourdan came to ZU to pursue a CME Master’s Today he leads the marketing department at GoodNotes. “Aspects of my studies at ZU still help me today. The research focus: Working with methods and training in analytical skills help me to solve complex problems and generate added value every day. Associate Professors : rarely do you get the chance to learn directly from some of the best minds in their field.”

| Courses in two of the three areas of Political, & Social Sciences, Cultural & Communication Studies and Cultural Studies & Interdisciplinary Theory

Elective modules ( 1-year and 2-year)

| Family Business

| Family Entrepreneurship

| etc.

| Sustainable Transport & Mobility

| Mobility Innovations & Digitalization

| etc.

| Leadership & Relational Societies

| Governance of Value Networks

| etc.

| Sustainable Finance & Accounting

| Green Finance

Professional Practice

q zeppelin-university.com/ma-cme

| etc.
Internship or own company start-up
Master’s Colloquium, Master’s Thesis & Thesis Defense
Duration 1 year Two years Course begins September /January September Period of study 2 semesters 4 semesters ECTS 60 ECTS 120 ECTS Course size 35 students 35 students Costs €1,490 per month payment by semester €1,035 per month payment by semester Admission requirements 240 ECTS BA* 180 ECTS BA* *in Corporate Management & Economics Faculty Corporate Management & Economics Language English Contact admissions@zu.de
At a glance
Course language English 19

Master’s in General Management | GEMA

At a glance

Duration Two years

Course begins September

Period of study


Course size


Admission requirements

4 semesters

120 ECTS

35 students

€1,035 per month payment by semester

180 ECTS BA ; business internship required for enrollment must be completed before the start of the course

Faculty Corporate Management & Economics

Language German, partly in English

Contact admissions@zu.de

Business Administration for Non-Business Administration Graduates

This is something you won’t find at most German universities. A master’s in business administration for non-economists requires a lot of confidence; not least in your diverse skillset – because on our courses, biologists study alongside architects, engineers and lawyers. Confidence in your productivity on account of your background and collected experiences – because your academic pedigree and your practical knowledge may well be invaluable for a degree in business administration. Confidence that you will be provided with just the right balance of basic skills and advanced study options – because you need both. The program of study provides theoretical and practical knowledge relating to general business administration and economics. Alongside established management qualifications, you will acquire the know-how to autonomously perform academic research work.

Employment prospects

| Academic careers at universities and research institutions

| Consulting and management in cross-sectional and interface positions

| Marketing and sales

| Start-up and innovation management

Sequence of studies

Mandatory modules

| Management

| Accounting & Controlling

| Corporate Finance

| HR Management

| etc.

| Economics & Law

| Macroeconomics

| Microeconomics

| Business Law

| Methods ( 3 to be chosen out of 4)

| Mathematics for Economics

| Statistics


Quantitative Methods

| Qualitative Methods

| Science

| Interdisciplinary (group)

Research Project

Elective modules

| Family Business

| Family Entrepreneurship

| Family Governance

| Family Business & Current Issues

| Leadership & Relational Societies

| Relational Economics

| Governance of Value Networks

| Advances in Behavioural Ethics

| Sustainable Transport & Mobility

| Sustainable Transport Policy

| Mobility Innovations & Digitalization

| Supply Chain Management & International Freight

| Multidisciplinary module

| from another ZU program or StudentStudy

| from the master’s program at another university

Master’s Colloquium, Master’s Thesis & Thesis Defense Alumni

Katja Thielemann completed the GEMA Master’s at ZU and now works as a consultant for digitalization with a focus on HR management processes at a European management and technology consultancy. “During my time at ZU , I learned to engage with new topics and to approach challenges with confidence and structure.”




Master’s in Interdisciplinary Research | IRMA

At a glance

Duration Two years

Course begins September

Period of study 4 semesters


Course size 35 students


Admission requirements


€1,035 per month

payment by semester

180 ECTS BA ; in the political, administrative science, humanities or arts

Corporate Management & Economics, Cultural & Communication Sciences, Political & Social Sciences

Language German, partly in English

Contact admissions@zu.de

Openness to all topics for the individual research objective

The interdisciplinary program of study provides students with the skills to discuss and critically reflect on a society undergoing major change and its challenges as an individual research idea. Students also discuss how they can help shape its future development in a responsible way. The research-oriented study program offers an individualized and goal-oriented curriculum, advanced studies and a focus on the student’s own research project. Students can also decide on their own interdisciplinary specialization, which can later become a professional focus and significantly shorten the time for a doctorate afterwards.

Employment prospects

| Academic careers at universities and research institutions

| Project management work based on the focus area of the research project

| Careers in innovation management

| Research and analytics work in companies, foundations and NGO s

Sequence of studies

Foundation Phase

| Mandatory modules

| Project : Specific interdisciplinary research design with project support

| Interdisciplinary methods

| Philosophy of Science – Current Approaches

| Disciplinary Foundation Module

| Economics

| International Relations

| Psychology

| Communication Studies

| Cultural Studies

| Political Science

| ect.

Major Phase

| Corpus modules

| Modules from MSc CME

| Modules from MA GEMA

| Modules from MA PAIR

| Modules from MA AMC

| Disciplinary Advanced Economics

| Advanced Microeconomics or Advanced Macroeconomics

| Advanced Applied Econometrics or 2x Advanced Methods

| Disciplinary Advanced Management

| Understanding Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age

| Advanced Applied Econometrics or 2x Advanced Methods

| Other elective modules

| Interdisciplinary Research Project

| Research Colloquium

| etc.

Master’s Colloquium, Master’s Thesis & Thesis Defense Alumni

The master’s program was introduced for the first time in 2021.

q zeppelin-university.com/ma-irma


Master’s in International Relations & Global Politics | IRGP

At a glance

Duration Two years

Course begins September

Period of study 4 semesters


Course size 35 students

Costs €870 per month payment by semester

Admission requirements 180 ECTS BA

Faculty Public & Social Sciences

Language English

Contact admissions@zu.de

Specialization in the field of international relations

This research-based English-language program of study focuses on the political science sub-field of international relations. In doing so, it not only addresses the effects of climate change and migration but also the consequences of the rapid development of digital technologies and their influence on global governance. During the course of the interdisciplinary master’s program, students learn how to ask critical questions about these current challenges independently, and develop research-based solutions. With a strong practical orientation, the master’s program offers students the chance to find their bearings in the field of international relations, understand the basic principles and gather the skills required for specific professional profiles in this context, as well as evaluating access routes.

Employment prospects

| Academic careers at universities and research institutions

| Work as a political advisor at an international level

| Analysis and consultancy in political institutions, foundations and NGO s

| Political education and public relations


The master’s program was introduced for the first time in 2021.

Sequence of studies

Mandatory modules

| Research Methods

| Research Design & Methods I + II

| Modules from the core area of PMD

| International Relations

| Global Governance

| War & Peace

| European Institutions

Elective Modules

| Democracy & Justice in International Politics


International Law

| Selected Topics: International Relations & Global Politics I + II

(e.g. Psychologie of International Diplomacy; The New World Order; Gender & International Institutions)

| Decisions, Games & Negotiations

Other elective modules

| Elinor-Ostrom project

| Internship

Other elective modules

| Comparative Public Policy Analysis

| Human Decisionmaking

| Comparative Politics & Institutions

| Political Behavior & Public Opinion

| Theories of Justice

| Selected Topics: Political Norms, Institutions & Behavior I + II (e.g. Decision-making processes in the capital)

| Inequality & Justice

| etc.

+ any 2 other multidisciplinary elective modules from the other study programs

Master’s Colloquium, Master’s Thesis & Thesis Defense



Course language English

Master’s in Politics, Administration & International Relations | PAIR

At a glance


Language German, partly in English

Contact admissions@zu.de

Take up politics, understand administration, live international relations

The new role of the state in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the new age of digitalization, the need for greater efficiency in the public sector, new global and regional interrelations, and not least the progress of European integration – it is clear that politics and administration are going through a fundamental change. This change is the focus of the research areas offered by the Politics & Administrative Sciences faculty at ZU. This master’s program will prepare you for the challenges of today, provide you with approaches to developing solutions, and teach you the necessary competencies to analyze problems and work out and implement decisions. The master’s program therefore aims at providing advanced theoretical and practical skills relevant to politics and administrative sciences.

Employment prospects

| Academic careers at universities and research institutions

| Work as a political advisor at an international level

| Careers in public administration

| Political education and public relations

| Analysis and consultancy in political institutions, foundations and NGOs


Marius Pawlak came to ZU to complete the PMG Master’s ( Politics & Public Management ). Today he is Head of the Central Office of the city of Ulm. “During my studies at ZU , I thrived in a special environment that promoted my professional and personal development. I have benefited greatly from the academic programs in conjunction with the excellent supervisory practices.”

Sequence of studies

Mandatory modules ( 1 year)

The content of the one-year master’s program is based on the structure of the two-year program, whereby the number of courses is reduced.

Mandatory modules ( 2 years)

| Research Methods

| Research Design & Methods I + II

| Modules from the core area of PAIR

| Comparative Politics & Institutions

| Public Administration

| International Relations

Elective modules ( one-year and two-year)

| International Relations & Global Politics

| European Institutions

| Global Governance

| etc.

| Political Norms, Institutions & Behaviour

| Political Behaviour & Public Opinion

| Human Decisionmaking

| etc.

| Public Management & Digitalization

| Public Management & Digital Transformation

| Administrative Information Systems & Artificial Intelligence

| etc.

Research Project or two of the following modules

| Political Field Analysis

| Computational Political Science

| Applied Data Analysis

Master’s Colloquium, Master’s Thesis & Thesis Defense

q zeppelin-university.com/ma-pair

Duration 1 year Two years Course begins September /January September Period of study 2 semesters 4 semesters ECTS 60 ECTS 120 ECTS Course size 35 students 35 students Costs €1,165 per month payment by semester €870 per month payment by semester Admission requirements 240 ECTS BA* 180 ECTS
BA* *in Political and Administrative
Public & Social Sciences

Master’s in Public Management & Digitalization | PMD

At a glance

Duration Two years

Course begins September

Period of study 4 semesters


Course size 35 students

Costs €870 per month payment by semester

Admission requirements 180 ECTS BA

Faculty Public & Social Sciences

Language German, partly in English

Contact admissions@zu.de

Leaders of tomorrow for the digital transformation of state and administration

Current sociopolitical changes, the digital transformation of state and administration, and the management of demographic change will have a major impact on future governance and administrative behavior. This interdisciplinary program of study teaches students how to ask the crucial questions about the challenges of our time, analyze political measures and possible solutions, and successfully implement them. The theoretical and practical skills taught in this master’s program systematically prepare students for the new demands of the employment market and for positions at federal, state and municipal level, as well as in the private sector.

Employment prospects

| Further qualification and careers in management positions ( e.g., at the upper levels of the civil service) in the public sector or the private sector

| Advisory roles in administration and politics at international, national or municipal level

| Analysis and consultancy in political institutions, foundations and NGO s

| Academic careers at universities and research institutions


The master’s program was introduced for the first time in 2021.

Sequence of studies

Mandatory modules

| Research Methods

| Research Design & Methods I + II

| Modules from the core area of PMD

| Public Administration

| Public Management & Digital Transformation

| Digitalization in the Public Sector

| Administrative Law

Elective modules

| Governance & Controlling of Public Sector Organizations

| Administrative Information Systems & Artificial Intelligence

| Human Decisionmaking

| Mobility Innovations & Digitalization

| etc.

Other elective modules

| Elinor-Ostrom project

| Internship

Other elective modules

| International Relations

| Global Governance

| War & Peace

| European Institutions

| Comparative Politics & Institutions

| Modern Political Theory

| Inequality & Justice

| etc.

Master’s Colloquium, Master’s Thesis & Thesis Defense

q zeppelin-university.com/ma-pmd


Our Part-Time Master’s Programs

Real-life projects within a company mesh human resources with corporate development. ZU Executive Education brings together our study programs for people who are already in work. The common characteristic of these courses is that they focus less on a narrow definition of further education and more on tackling the dynamic, complex, exciting, and stimulating issues of our times.

The range of courses offered by ZU Executive Education covers three areas :

| Our part-time master’s programs interlink professional practice and scientific expertise even more closely.

| We design individual TailorMade programs for companies and institutions – tailor-made and based on partnerships.

| Our certificate courses can be booked individually, with topics being addressed in an in-depth, comprehensive and practical manner. To meet this fundamental goal, ZU relies on an extensive network of partner companies and institutions, with the help of which ZU Executive Education is constantly being further developed.

q zeppelin-university.com/zuee

Executive Education at ZU is always about impact through continuing education – in other words, Impact Education.
* selection in alphabetical order
Corporate partner TailorMade Programs *
Corporate partner master‘s programs *

Master of Science in Management | eMA MGMT

At a glance

Duration 21 months ( part-time) | 60 teaching days, 10 days abroad

Course begins October

Period of study 21 months


Course size 10–15 students

Costs €27,200

Admission requirements BA degree or equivalent ; relevant professional experience of at least one year ; existing employment relationship

Language English

Contact zuee@zu.de

Business knowledge and management skills for bachelor graduates from a wide range of disciplines

Under the claim „Advancing Sustainable Change“ this part-time master‘s program prepares you for challenging management tasks. You will acquire a general management education supplemented with selected elements from other disciplines such as psychology, sociology and practical philosophy. The program is internationally oriented and the language of instruction is English. Prerequisite for admission is a Bachelor degree and one year professional experience. The overall goal of the program is to enable students to act and behave as “sustainable change agents” providing a valuable contribution to the transformation of their organizations, in an individually and socially responsible manner. By drawing on different theoretical perspectives, state of the art research results, and advanced scientific methods students are qualified to design and implement innovative solutions for the complex business challenges of the 21st century.

Within a holistic learning approach – based on interactive lectures, seminars, and projects – students are required to work on interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary topics, while being integrated in a diverse team of fellow students in a small group-setting.

Job perspectives

| Managing new projects in a large corporation

| Management position in companies covering sustainable topics

| (Inhouse-) Consulting

| Position in (social) Start-Ups

Sequence of studies

Mandatory modules

| Module 1:

Strategic Management

| Module 2:

Organization and HR Management

| Module 3:

Accounting & Finance

| Module 4:

Data Analysis & Econometrics

| Module 5:

Digital Transformation & Entrepreneurship

| Module 6:

Entrepreneurial Finance & Corporate


| Module 7:

Industrial & Organizational Psychology

| Module 8:

Consumer Behavior & Employer Branding

| Module 9:

Diversity- & Innovation Management

| Module 10:

Digital Transformation & Change


| Module 11:

Responsible Leadership & Interpersonal Skills

| International Academy (South Africa) :

International- & Intercultural Management

| Project Work :

Applied Data Science

Master’s Colloquium, Master’s Thesis and Thesis Defense



Course language English

Executive Master’s for Family Entrepreneurship | eMA FESH

At a glance

Duration 21 months ( part-time)

Course begins October

Period of study 21 months


Course size 25–30 students

Costs €31,800

Admission requirements

At least three years of study ; existing or planned employment in the family business

Language German

Contact zuee@zu.de

Leading family businesses into the future

As Europe’s number one part-time master’s degree for family entrepreneurship, the study program eMA FESH is geared towards successors, partners, and budding executives in family businesses who would like to get to grips with business administration with a specific focus on family enterprises. This is taught via a combination of theoretical basics and practical trials between blocks of study.

As a private college, Zeppelin University is itself an entrepreneurial university which is aware that, in educating family business members, we have a special responsibility – for the borrowed inheritance of the next generation.

Target group

( potential ) successors, shareholders and executives of family businesses

Sequence of studies

Business management preparatory course ( optional )

Intended for all non-business people who want to build up a general knowledge base before starting.

Module overview

| Module 1:

Governance of Family Business

| Module 2:

Investment & Financing of Family Business

| Module 3:

Strategy of Family Business

| Module 4:

Leadership Skills for Family Business

| Module 5:

Marketing for Family Business

| Module 6:

Innovation management in Family Business

| Module 7:

Sustainable Growth of Family Business

| Module 8:

Family Business & its Environment

| Module 9:

Family Business on Global Markets

| Module 10 & 11:

International Learning Expedition

| Module 12:

Current Issues for Family Business

Project work

Master’s Colloquium, Master’s Thesis and Thesis Defense

q zeppelin-university.com/fesh


Young Academic Talent

Classic Humboldtian requires research and teaching on par with the 21st century. This requires excellent young academics with enriching research of their own and new teaching approaches. The promotion of young researchers is one of the most important tasks of ZU

Serving as an institutional port of call for individuals en-route to an academic career at ZU, the specially established ZU Graduate School | ZUGS supports young academic talent.

The acquisition of title rights for independent doctorates and habilitations in September 2011 set the course for creating outstanding conditions for research and teaching for young academics at all stages of their career.

With the interdisciplinary orientation of the university, ZUGS combines a cross-departmental research outlook with specialist knowledge for the three classic academic qualifications of master, doctorate and habilitation.

Young academic talent benefits from an internationally oriented academic education. Thanks to an international network and cooperative partnerships, students can enjoy study and research stays at numerous partner universities around the world.

By providing enough time and space for their own innovative research projects, ZU creates an ideal environment for young academic talent to teach and research in manageable teams with dedicated contact partners and in pioneering cooperative relationships with one another.


Good Reasons to Realize Your Own Start-Up Idea

ZU gives its students plenty of scope for their start-up ideas. In the PioneerPort start-up and innovation center, students learn to think in an entrepreneurial way, regardless of their field of study or start-up idea.

The provision of support to students who want to start up a company is one of the most important building blocks in ZU ’s DNA With more than 130 start-ups by students and alumni, ZU is one of the top addresses for start-ups, thus strengthening Lake Constance as a location for innovation.

ZU pays particular attention to the fact that these very start-ups also provide solutions to societal problems under market-based conditions. Individuals starting their own business are supported with start-up grants, coaching offers

or workshops on site and are provided with ideal spatial conditions with a view of the lake to optimally develop their own business ideas. A highly competent network of alumni, big names in the start-up scene and practical experts also create the best possible environment for students with a startup idea.

And how do you reconcile full-time study constraints with the time and effort needed to realize your own business idea? With enough freedom in the curriculum and a startup culture that is truly lived at ZU , it is possible to start a business and study at the same time. Student start-up teams are provided with concrete support for their start-up ideas and their start-up projects.

“Much more important than the lake view was the provision of a start-up coach, who supported us with advice and assistance in challenging phases. Thanks to the option of dialog with other company founders and entrepreneurs, we were able to surpass our own perceived limits and establish a successful marketplace for dealers on the market.”
Severin Arbes, alumnus, managing director & co-founder of the start-up Laketyre

Student Involvement

ZU is dependent on the participation of our students. This commitment currently includes more than 35 student initiatives and projects, which send out creative impulses to the region and throughout the world.

These initiatives and projects provide the perfect environment for testing out learned theories, gaining lasting experiences, making contacts, taking on responsibility, learning how to work both autonomously and in a team, and developing leadership skills. And last, but not least, involvement in initiatives is also an exciting way for students to spend their free time.

At ZU, dreams become reality, lifelong friends are made, and partners are found for the realization of long-held ideas.

At ZU, there is a unique spirit of optimism that conveys the motivating feeling that anything is possible. This atmosphere, coupled with inspiring people and space to tease out ideas, hold open discourse, pique your curiosity and develop your individuality, inspires you to get going and make your ideas a reality.
Alessa Hartz, alumna & co-founder of the student internet radio station Welle20

Application and Selection Process

For our selection process, we work on two assumptions.

First: You are not defined by your exam results. You have many talents and abilities that we can only discover by talking to you face-to-face.

Second: Your talents and past personal achievements are not necessarily correlated.

First steps & online application

You can start your own personal application process whenever you like – simply go to our website to get the ball rolling! Our principle here : You are more than your results! For this reason, we would like to get to know you better through your CV and cover letter. Tell us your story.

“Pioneers Wanted !” selection day

Your documents are a prerequisite for an invitation to one of our “Pioneers Wanted!” selection days.

As part of our selection day, we will have an intensive discussion with you. This is both a fascinating and a demanding experience. In Friedrichshafen, we will conduct two one-on-one interviews with you. You will also be required to complete a real-life case study and a number of written tests. On the evening of the same day, the four-person selection committee – comprising two lecturers, a student and an external adjudicator – will then jointly decide whether or not to offer you a university place.


Financing and Scholarships

Study Financing

To study at ZU is to invest in your future. We won’t leave you to deal with the financing all on your own – we offer a range of attractive and innovative study financing options.

Financing options

ZU set up the ZU Education Fund together with Brain Capital GmbH. This fund is an innovative study financing model: During your studies you won’t pay anything for your tuition – well-known capital providers will take care of the fees for you. You will repay the tuition fees when you graduate according to your income. Alternatively, there is the possibility of organizing a loan together with Sparkasse Herford, KfW-Studienkredit, Deutsche Bildung or another financial institution. During your studies, the financial institution will take care of the fees – the repayments will begin (at the latest) when you start your career.

Scholarships – not just for high achievers

ZU has its own scholarship programs and awards scholarships for political, cultural, and social engagement. But what about people who have dropped out of their course of study or training, or experienced setbacks in the world of self-employment?

In addition to the classic scholarship for outstanding achievements, we also award scholarships to young people who have had experiences on the other side of success, students starting university whose parents did not receive a university education, students with an immigrant background, as well as “educational climbers” on their second or third educational journey, and many more.

About 15 percent of our students are scholarship holders –13 percent of them hold scholarships through the various organizations for the promotion of young talent (“Begabtenförderungswerke”).

q zeppelin-university.com/scholarships

For more funding options, see

q zeppelin-university.com/financing


Finding Out More

Online information event

Discover ZU at your convenience and with no obligation – be it from home or while on the move, on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. At our online event, we will interactively introduce you to the university, our study programs and the special features of studying at ZU

“Uni live !” day

Get to know the real ZU – live and in color. In line with the motto “Uni live !” you can attend a seminar during this “open day” and talk to our lecturers and students. We will also present our study programs in detail.

Trade fairs – also virtual and throughout Germany

ZU is represented at numerous education fairs throughout Germany and also at selected digital fairs. We would be happy to provide you with any information you need about our study programs. We look forward to meeting you in person at our exhibition stands or to arranging a virtual chat with you.


Be a ZU student for a day ! We facilitate participation in seminars that are geared to your desired program of study. In addition to a personal interview with our Admissions Office, you can find out more from a student perspective over lunch with a ZU student.

Student Academy

“There is no such thing as a foolish question. There are only foolish people who don’t ask.”

This is the motto of the Student Academy, which has been in place at ZU since 2008. It is the largest academy for students at a university in the German-speaking area. Future students have the unique opportunity to spend a week doing research together with ZU lecturers.


Would you like to discuss your personal questions on an individual basis? We will advise you about our study programs, work out the right study program with you or discuss your chosen field in detail. We would be happy to answer any questions you have about studying or offer a deeper insight into university life during an individual tour of the ZF campus of ZU in Fallenbrunnen.

Admissions Office

+49 ( 0 ) 7541 6009 2000 admissions@zu.de


Leisure and Accommodation


Friedrichshafen – between the lake and mountains

ZU is located in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance. In terms of the landscape, the Zeppelin city is one of the most beautiful regions in Germany. Friedrichshafen is located in the border triangle of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and is therefore in the immediate vicinity of international metropolises such as Zurich, Munich and Stuttgart.

It is not just sports enthusiasts that enjoy a seemingly endless range of leisure activities here. Some of the most famous ski areas in the Alps are within a two-hour drive. Any students hungry for exercise will find water sports such as rowing, sailing and stand-up paddle-boarding right on their doorstep, while the lake shore offers activities such as beach volleyball and the hinterland is crisscrossed by beautiful hiking and cycling trails.

The city on Lake Constance also has a lot to offer in terms of culture. From the Kulturufer to the concerts in the Graf Zeppelin House, students can enjoy undiluted culture all year round. Our student-organized cultural highlights such as the Seekult Festival or the Long Night of Music are also events worth noting for future ZU students. Regardless of whether students are looking for something sporty, cultural or relaxed : Friedrichshafen has something to offer every student when it comes to leisure time outside of their studies.


Would you like shared accommodation with a lake view ? It’s possible in Friedrichshafen !

In addition to the student residence directly on the ZF campus of ZU in Fallenbrunnen, there are many privately organized shared apartments – accommodating parties and joint events also! When looking for suitable accommodation, both ZU and the city of Friedrichshafen support their students in four ways :

| The bulletin board at ZU provides information about available rooms and details of students seeking flat mates.

| The “Zeppelin Uni” Facebook group provides information about rooms and shared accommodation that have just become vacant.

| The local newspapers offer a selection of available apartments.

| There are various room exchanges on the internet, where anyone can individually look for suitable living arrangements.

In addition, Friedrichshafen has a very good bus connection network, while the city train station and the airport also guarantee reliable and national transport links. With FRIZZ , the city of Friedrichshafen offers a fleet of modern electric cars that are available to students after they have registered.


Valuable media sources


TalentPartner for companies

q zeppelin-university.com/talentcenter

Digital research tidbits

q zu-daily.de


Fresh news from the university q zu.de/newsletter


q facebook.com/zeppelinuni


q instagram.com/zeppelinuni

LinkedIn q linkedin.com/school/zeppelin-university


q twitter.com/zeppelin


q youtube.com/zeppelinuni


q zeppelin-university.com

Site notice

Zeppelin Universität gemeinnützige GmbH

Am Seemooser Horn 20, 88045 Friedrichshafen Germany

Picture credits:

Ilja Mess p. 1

ZU taten Imagemovie 2017, Andreas Meichsner, Anja Köhler p. 4

Seelicht Medialab e.V., Andreas Meichsner p. 25

Ilja Mess, Undergraduate Program movie PAIR (Still), Nicolas Bühringer, Undergraduate Program Movie PAIR (Still) p. 29

Ilya Mess, Anja Köhler p. 30

PioneerPort p. 31

Student initiatives of Zeppelin University p. 32

Monika Appmann p. 33

Ilya Mess, Nicolas Bühringer p. 34

International Student Group, Nick Biemans p. 36

As at: August 2023 | All contents and prices subject to change

Course guidance + 49 ( 0 ) 7541 6009 2000 admissions@zu.de Zeppelin Universität gemeinnützige GmbH Am Seemooser Horn 20, 88045 Friedrichshafen

q zeppelin-university.com/advisory

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