C03 July August Heat Open Ideas Competition

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‫חום יולי אוגוסט‬ ‫תחרות רעיונית לפתרונות אקולוגיים‬ ‫לסביבת משחקים בחודשי הקיץ‬  JULY AUGUST HEAT DESIGN CHALLENGE FOR ECOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS FOR PLAY ENVIRONMENTS SUMMARY OF SUBMITTED PROPOSALS





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An open ideas challenge for proposals aimed at creating a pleasant and attractive playground environment functional at the height of Israeli summer. Participants were asked to address the generic playground existing in most cities in Israel, which include a mostly constant variety of attractions - slides, turnabouts, swings, etc. - and provide an ecological, energy-aware and environmental solution for the entire playground, or selected parts from it. The competition is an initiative of the ZEZEZE ARCHITECTURE GALLERY held between December 2010 and March 2011 and organized by the gallery. It is a single-stage open competition. 3 winning proposals were selected.

Architect Prof. Stefan Behnisch Behnisch Architekten (Germany) Architect Dr. Yosi Cory Studio Geotectura Landscape Architect Tamar Darel Fosfeld Landscape Architect and Urban Planner Yael Dory Director of planning, Adam Teva Va-Din Designer Noga Lasser Zezeze Architecture Gallery

Type Open international competition Stages Single stage competition Participants Open to individuals and groups; students and practicing architects/designers Anonymity Non-anonymous competition Prizes NIS 14.000 (first place NIS 8,000 / second place NIS 4,000 / third place NIS 2,000) Presentation A single A3 Panel (digital, printed)

Registration 48 registered participants from 8 countries Submissions 37 received submissions from 7 countries Winners Architect Bernhard Gruber (first place) / Architect Dorit Regev, designer Dori Regev, Architect Ehud Rappoport (second place) / Architect Uri Nashiv (third place)





























The hot air enters the cooling tubes on top of the hills, cools down and flows down inside the earth walls. The air exits the tubes at the lowest level of the playground. There it slowly warms up again creating an upstream which sucks more air through the cooling pipes. The cooled air is trapped inside the pool by the earth walls. This tube ventilation can take place by a natural air flow or more effective with the help of a simple fan system which is powered by solar energy.



Active kids can produce a lot of energy. This energy can be used to operate toys that generate wind. Children will learn how to cool the envirorment using their own force.

The following physical principles are used for cooling the playground. Warm air rises, cool air sinks down. Air tends to flow from warm to cold as well as it streams from high pressured to low pressured condition. The diagram (see right) shows that during the day even in Israel the earth temperature (-30 cm) is much lower than the outside air temperature.


cooling tubes

Today‘s playgrounds have to be more attractive than ever giving a solution for the unbearable heat during the summer time and providing an alternative to alluring shopping malls. The “stay cool pool” is designed in such a way that keeps the permanentcold air flow within the playground area enabling a long and comfortable stay for children as well as their parents. The large bounded space allow kids a free movement and gives the parents a peace of mind concerning the safety of their beloved ones. The well-balanced selection of playground toys guarantees an endless fun for the small ones. It provides a new and modern take on a variety of classical attractions such as swings, slides, climbing walls and more. In addition, two centered toys (the round carousel and the helicopter) will teach children of all ages how to generate their own wind and will turn them into active participants in the care for their environment. .


Warm air rises, cool air sinks down. The surrounding earth walls of the pool keep the cold air inside.


Cooling tubes are placed inside the earth walls allowing air to flow through, which cools the playground.


The space between the hilltops and the roof enables the wind to blow through and provides a visible connection from the outside.


Earth or sand is used to create walls surrounding the playground, covered with grass and plants. the walls will contain cooling tubes and create a natural fence.




The roof is made out of recycled truck covers. It keeps the sun out and creates a shadow on the playground.














Yarkon Park

Microclimate Peru

Recycled truck TruckCover covers stripes Recycled

Earth houses in Tungkwan

(1)Baruch Givoni, 1994

Air temperature (DBT) and temperature under earth.(1)

Israel: desert soil temperature

Israel: moist soil temperature

Rothshild Boulvard

Over centuries ancient cultures have learned how to condition their buildings according to their needs regarding their seasonal and geographical climate. Those cultures mainly used three natural resources as cooling source: Wind, earth and vegetation. While ancient cultures in Pakistan used wind towers to catch and funnel cool breezes into the homes below, Moroccan houses were build into the earth or carved into stone hilltops in order to create a comfortable climate in their homes. Inca tribes carved terraces into the landscape in order to create a micro-climate for a more profitable harvest. Today’s building culture looks a lot different. Our society, based on instant joy and consumerism made air conditioned enclosures an essential necessity. Air condition works so well that it is used recklessly everywhere, causing a rise of energy consumption as well as a flagrant disregard for basic building principles. Instead of well shaded windows facing north we build fully glazed facades facing the sun. Acknowledging the effectiveness of air condition should not cause ignorance or dependence on this one method only. Understanding and developing systems that don’t exclude

natural cooling seem to be the right approach in a world that suffers from diminishing resources.

warmth and security. After spending their day in in a closed class room or sitting at home in front of the computer we must do something radical to remind them that there is more to life than shopping and Internet. There is no better solution than to take them back to our roots, the memories we have from when we were children, before the instant culture took control over our life. The “Keep cool pool” playground offers kids all the benefits of outdoor activities, such as running, sliding, swinging, climbing, playing in the sand box etc. While minimizing the negative impact of hard weather conditions as they appear in the months of July and August all around Israel. Parent`s zone’s are placed within the surrounding walls, enabling the parents to observe their children while they enjoy a cool and comfortable seating facilities.

they play in it.

The “Keep cool pool” distinguishes it self from other playgrounds by creating not only a well conditioned microclimate but also an educative opportunity for kids of the 21 century to learn more about their environment and the role

The search for conditioned climate solution in Israel during the summer season encounters several obstacles: -The temperature through out this season is very high. Therfore energy storing mass such as stones and concrete cannot cool down over night. - Water is a limited resource and therefore evaporating cooling is not an option. - Wind alone is only effective once the air passes the skin at a lower temperature than 33° C. - Operating massive cooling devices require a huge amount of energy that cannot be provided by solar panels alone. Earth cooling on the other hand, can be used in hot climate regions to create a cooling effect. Even in the desert regions in Israel the earth temperature during the day (30 cm below surface) is much lower than the outside air temperature. A study made by Goetsch, Peterson, and Muehling`s which researches the efficiency of earth cooling in a pig farm in

Materials/ Do it yourself. The playground is designed to be built by the people of communities. The frame is a simple steel construction. The roof material is from wasted truck covers, easy to mount over by anybody. The earth or sand hills can be taken on the spot. The cooling tubes as well as some of the playground toys are made out of waste material such as old wheels and water tubes.

Illinois (1), shows a significant cooling of air using tubes: “System #1 was installed with sandy soil. It included eight plastic tubes d=25 cm each 30 meters. Outdoor temperatures during the monitoring period (July 16-20) ranged from 19,4°C to 40°C. The temperature of the air, after flowing through the tubes, ranged from 21,1°C to 32.2°C, at an air flow velocity of 1.11 m/sec. The cooling tubes at the “Keep cool pool” work similar. The air enters on top of the hills, cools and flows down several pipes. The cooled air exits at the lowest level of the playground and is traped inside the the playground. The natural airflow velocity can be increased by installing a low energy fans system in the tubes powered by solar. The cooling effect will not be as big as in air conditioned enclosures but one will feel the difference to the outside air temperature once entering the playground. July August heat: Busy life means busy parents. We want to use the limited time we have with our children to give them a real feeling of

          

                

How can we create a pleasant playground which will attract children and their parents on hot summer days? Our plan intends to do this by creating a microclimate around the playground facilities, using simple and easy-to-install accessories which will be mounted on existing equipment. Children and parents will have an important role in our plan: They will provide the energy needed to activate the ventilation tools, with their own movements! The system is based upon cooling principles evident in nature. Heat exchange, ventilation and evaporation principles are used in conjunction with body movements done during normal use of the playground, creating a new experience Our plan is based upon four principles, which, even when partially integrated, will create a cooler and more pleasant playground:

1. Installing ventilators and fans on existing playground equipment. We propose simple mechanical apparatus. The ventilators and fans will be activated by the energy that children create while playing and by energy produced by the parents while seated on the benches. 2. Reducing air temperature in the vicinity of the playing equipment, by water mist. The evaporation of the mist cools the air very efficiently, especially in dry regions. It uses a very small amount of water, and it will work only when the playing equipment is in use. 3. Using breathable fabric canopies to shade the playground. The canopies will be watered by the mist system, to reduce heat. 4. Planting appropriate plants in the vicinity of the playing equipment. The plants will enjoy the water mist. They will reduce radiation and lower temperatures.

‫אזור פרמקלצ׳ר‬ ‫אגן טיהור עירוני‬ ‫נגישות )רמפה(‬ ‫בריכת ״דילוג״‬ ‫בתי גידול לצמחים מטפסים‬

‫‪Permaculture zone‬‬ ‫‪Constructed wetland‬‬ ‫‪Staircase‬‬ ‫‪Shalow reflection pool‬‬ ‫‪ivy growth zones‬‬

‫חתך ‪1-1‬‬

‫סְפֵירה עירונית‬

‫‪An Urban Sphere‬‬

‫‪sec 1-1‬‬ ‫אזור משחק )משטח צמיגים ממוחזר(‬ ‫‪Playing grounds (recycled tires floor)s‬‬

‫תכנית‬ ‫קנ״מ ‪1:250‬‬

‫* הספירה העירונית הינה נקודת מפגש עירונית‪ .‬שקועה כמטר וחצי‬ ‫תחת הקרקע כמבנה מרחבי מרשת וכבלי פלדה‪ ,‬הנפגשים עם הקרקע‬ ‫במספר נקודות‪ .‬סביב למפלס הגן טרסה בו צומחים המטפסים לצד‬ ‫צמחי תבלין וכיסויי קרקע‪.‬‬ ‫* הספירה העירונית עשויה מחומרים פשוטים‪ :‬כבלי מתכת מתוחים‬ ‫ורשת עליה גדל הקירוי באופן טבעי‪ ,‬בתחזוקה בסיסית וזולה יחסית‪.‬‬ ‫בתוספת תחזוקתית לא גדולה ניתן גם לשלב אגן לטיהור מים המחובר‬ ‫לרשת הביוב העירונית ומספק מים לצמחיה‪.‬‬ ‫* הספירה שקועה בקרקע מכמה סיבות‪:‬‬ ‫ הירידה מאפשרת שינוי מקום בתודעת המשתמש‪.‬‬‫ הורדת הטמפרטורה‬‫לאפשר למים לזרום ולהשקות ביתר קלות את הצמחיה מסביב ולקיים‬‫טרסות סביב לה‪.‬‬ ‫ערך בטיחותי רב בהימצאות ילדים בסביבה נשלטת מבחינת גבולות‪.‬‬‫*הספירה העירונית מותאמת לאיזורים אורבניים צפופים או פרבריים‪,‬‬ ‫בצמידות או בקרבה למבני חינוך‪ ,‬גנים ובתי ספר‪.‬‬ ‫הפרוייקט מודגש כקהילתי עם ערכי טבע גבוהים מהווה נקודת מוקד‬ ‫עבור אוכלוסיות היעד לא רק כפארק אלא כמקום לימוד לצעירים‬ ‫ומבוגרים‪.‬‬ ‫* תאורת הלילה ניזונה במשך היום מאור השמש‪ .‬התאורה נדלקת רק‬ ‫בנוכחות בני אדם ‪ -‬חסכון באנרגיה ואינטראקציה אורבאנית מעניינת‬ ‫למשתמשים‪.‬‬

‫אדריכל ארי נשיב‬

‫‪Plan‬‬ ‫‪scale 1:250‬‬

‫מבט פנים ‪ :‬חלל הספירה מוצל ונעים ומאפשר התנסות פעילה באלמנטים ביוספרים וליטוספרים קלים או ממוחזרים‪ :‬מתקני טיפוס ומשחק פיסוליים העשויים‬ ‫אבן‪ ,‬בטון‪ ,‬עץ‪ ,‬מתכת וחבלים‪ .‬הצורות האמורפיות מספקות עניין המתגבר עם הנגיעה בחומר ומאפשרות למשתמש ״להמציא״ את המשחק בכל פעם מחדש ‪Interior View‬‬ ‫)‪Ivy plantation (deciduous and none‬‬ ‫‪Constructed Wetland‬‬ ‫חתך ‪1-1‬‬ ‫)‪Passive PV light (emits only at human presence‬‬ ‫‪1:250‬‬ ‫קנ״מ‬ ‫‪Streched metal Mesh‬‬ ‫‪Steel cable‬‬

‫‪sec 1-1 Scale 1:250‬‬


  

                

  

points at the terrace ivy garden. The terrace holds also some ground cover plants and spice plants. The living airy roofing ivyies provides shade, oxygen, color and especially the proper atmosphere for an alternative activities. The change of the vegetation through the seasons provide a strong visual bond to nature and therefore has an important role in a tipical urban environment. Water. Some of the local urban wastewater network is treated in an on-site 25 square meters constructed wetland, by biological purification & water plants. Terrace is then irrigated by these water. Finally the drained water are gathered in a small shallow pool & fountain located at the centeral playground (enables also the lowering of heat loads). Ground. The excavated park enjoys a better thermal mass which helps keeping low summer daily temperature. The local community are driven to participate in the agricultural processes and given small plots for composting and organic horticulture. Energy. The 4 lamps are charged with Photovolaic cells and enable human sensory night lighting. The paved impact

playground is made of recycled tire rubber, the street furnishing is made of wood & plastic mixture, made to last longer in harsh environments. Safety. The sunken playground also holds a safety issue, enabling comfort road free environment.

      

          

Urban Sphere, n’. “an Urban Sphere is a different creature. It’s not just a playground, a public square or an orchard. It despises the term pergola or a sculpture garden… yet it is something else, which holds a bit of those altogether”. -Ari 2011 Program The Sphere is a meeting point for the local community and everybody else. Agenda The sphere enables the presence of a debate around the environmental issue and holds education, leisure, and recreation activities based on a democratic sociological point of view which encourages sustainability and mutual respect. Alternative Environment Structure. Sunken one and a half meters underground and covered by a tensile structure made out of steel cables and galvanized wire mesh. These meet the ground in several

The playground The shaded and intimate sphere space enables the experience with biosphere and lite lithosphere Climbing and play elements made of stone, concrete, wood, metal and rope. Amorphous shapes provide the curiosity, emphasized by touching and inventing the role of play every time again.

Playgrounds are left empty due to the heat of Israeli summers; this playground does not just cope at the height of summer it thrives. A fluid structure transforms the negative effects of the sun into positives by providing shade whilst also projecting shapes, games and colors on to the ground for the children to play with. The children can literally play with light. The playground regeneration process is driven by the community. Firstly the community collects plastic, when the target amount is reached the plastic is recycled into plastic hoops. Simple fabric patterns are attached to these hoops to create modules. Some are closed, surfaced with a reflective fabric, reflecting 80% of UV, others are filled by colored filters projecting color onto the playground below. This means a majority of the materials are sustainably sourced whilst putting the community at the heart of the process. These hoops are then assembled into a self-supporting ridged lightweight structure on top of a closed climbing frame

pillar which encourages the children to interact with the canopy. The form promotes airflow, naturally ventilating the area. The modularity of the canopy allows it to be applied to a variety of shapes and sizes of sites giving the community the tools to reclaim their playgrounds. Barren wastelands are transformed into a cool playful environment where the negative qualities of the sun have been harnessed to allow children to play with light.

                           B                                    This proposal presents the initiative and planning of an new Ecological Garden at Beit-Hanina. The initiative and the planning were produced by five Architecture student from Tel-Aviv University, together with Arch. Ayala Ronel and water infrastructure engineer Prof. Arnon Goren (winner of the ‘Green Globe Prize 2009’). The project was initiated from a dedication to make a better environment for the people of Ashkaria. The Challenge: East-Jerusalem is characterized in a huge gap between governmental plans and the actual built environment. Even though Ashkaria Neighborhood, in BeitHanina, is part of the administrative area of the Jerusalem Municipality, it doesn’t benefit from any public services (no supply of drinking water, sewerage disposal, postal service etc.). One of the most critical problems there is the open sewarge witch runs freely in the streets, down the wadi and into to Sorek River. Therefore the whole area suffers from contamination of the ground - which puts people at risk, especially children. The waters penetrate the ground and mix with the one of Israel’s and PLO’s biggest

natural reservoirs. There are many vacant spaces in the neighborhood, but not a single playground. In October 2010 a group of people from Ashkaria purchased a lot for the purpose of establishing a dissent public Space there. The Proposal: The planning idea presents a solution for three main problematic conditions: The topography -today, construction waste change the natural topography of the site, The absence of adequate public spaces in the area, and the flowing of sewerage. All of these offer an opportunity for a new ecological garden that will function as pioneering project for other similar projects in the area. The main system that will be implemented is a Water Purification System using Green Basins which can re-use water for the low trees and bushes. Some of the filtered water will be tunneled into the river below (scheme A). This solution can offer a green area in an otherwise barren ground, and solve the sanitation crisis there. If every man uses the average of 70 Liters per day (according the a survey from 2000), then from every house-hold 700 Liters per day can be collected for watering plants.

Following a series of meetings with the inhabitants of Ashkaria, a general plan for the garden was developed. It includes: safe playing grounds for small children, sport facilities, family gathering areas and circular running tracks. A special attention was given to the spectacular view from the site and the shading there. Moreover, the expenses of constructing such a system was check already: the connection of every household to the system will cost about 2000$, and will pay itself back after 4.5 years, due to savings of water for greenery. Not only the system is relatively low-cost, but it is easy to implement at the site and can involve the work of the neighborhood inhabitants themselves (scheme B - illustrates the cooperation of local inhabitants in the construction of a similar filtering-system in Um-El-Fahem in 2009). The design of the garden learns from the natural relationship between topography and infrastructure. The technological innovation of the garden constitutes an involvement of the neighborhood’s inhabitants with is surroundings. An holistic system combines design

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and infrastructure can grow into a network at the whole of the city. The new garden will be a technological and conceptual model. Planning Team: Noam Dahan | Dori Sadan | Adi Mor | Eytan Mann | Efrat Nehysi | Omer Gura

   W  DC Brushless        UK     

    FUNFAN - KIDDY POWERED W    W                           

Kiddy Powered FunFan - Active Ventilation for Playgrounds

Transmission (+ optional energy storage), Ventilation.

The Kiddy Powered FunFan is a device designed to help make the most of a situation which isn’t always fun for all involved… The idea derived from understanding that much of the kinetic energy produced by children during their normal play on today’s playground fixtures, is “wasted”’ although it could be used in order to enhance thermal comfort in the playground. We propose a mechanism that converts the surplus kinetic energy produced while playing, into electric energy and utilizes this energy to operate outdoor fans directed at the parents sitting nearby. For demonstration purposes we have chosen the carousel (merry- go-round), which is most efficient in terms of energy production as it can be spun by several children together. The carousel acts a flywheel of sorts, only with more friction than designated flywheels.

1. Basic calculation: The energy that can be derived from a standard Israeli carousel (1.5m diameter, 80kg), loaded with 5 - 20kg children and rotating constantly for one minute at a speed of 0.5 rounds per second (less than max speed) is ~ 280j every second (= 280W). After considering energy loss for spinning the carousel (~25%), we assume that over 200W of “free” power can be used to power the fans. [There is also some extra friction caused by the transmission device and starting off the carousel might be harder. Electrical resistance will not be a problem as there is a battery connected.]

The system is comprised of three parts: Power Production,

2. Transmission - The suggested system consists of a small bicycle wheel (or similar rubber wheel) which is positioned underneath the carousel floor, near its’ perimeter, which is turned by the spinning carousel. The wheel is connected to a bicycle gear (to increase rpm) which is connected to a permanent magnet generator that works on low rpm (such as wind turbine generators).

Battery charging - our aim is to have the fans working even when the carousel stops, or to direct the power to other fans around the playground, therefore using a sealed valve regulated deep-cycle lead-acid battery is proposed. It also helps regulate the generator output. 3. Ventilation - an average outdoor fan with an AC motor requires about 100W. Our device could manage to operate the two proposed fans on it, but won’t be able to store any excess energy. Today the use of DC Brushless motors is becoming more widespread for consumer electric goods, due to their excellent efficiency rates (up to 80%) and many other advantages - reliability, reduced noise, longer lifetime, safety etc. Their is no need for an external commutator since an electronic system is built in. Suitable fans for the playground are encaged outdoor fans, fixed at a minimum uk=2.30m. above the carousel rail. The average effective distance for such fans is 5-8m. and we chose a rotating design for achieving both good coverage range and the visual effect needed to make an impact.

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According to our calculations, one minute of carousel spinning as proposed above will operate the two fans for 5 minutes. Other possible fixtures that can be used similarly: Running barrel - with a gear and generator fixed on axis. Swings, provided the hanging mechanism is altered and integrated with a ratchet, and even spring or rocking fixtures. Main Value - using “green” energy for making the playground experience more pleasant, thus enabling us to spend more time interacting with our community and surroundings, and nurturing our bodies and souls! Added Values Learning about the connection between work/effort and power output about the importance of using alternative energy sources about the advantages of collaboration and united labor Giving - an opportunity for the child to work for his parents

benefit Aesthetic - the playground is transformed into a kinnetic statue in daylight and a light show in the dark Pride - improving the neighborhoods image and its people‘s sense of place and local pride. Fun - enjoyment and imagination! Two for the price of one: Israeli winters the coastal area are quite warm, but darkness falls early (due to a short daylight savings season). The same system can be used in wintertime to light up the playground! Costs: An innitial estimation for the entire system except the added metal construction based on existing products adds up to ~5000NIS. The price of a new carousel (all included) is 6000 NIS. What next: We would like to continue to develope a prototype utilizing as many recycled parts as possible (e.g. washing machine engines as generators...) and a designated fan production line in order to achieve a marketable product at a reasonable cost.

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‫משחק‬ ‫מגיש נמרוד רגב ‪0114311‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫מגלש ה לילדים קטנים‬

‫‪ 2‬מגלש ה לילדים גדולים‬ ‫‪ 3‬נדנד ה מ אוזנת‬ ‫‪ 4‬נדנדת קפיץ‬ ‫‪ 5‬נדנדות חבל‬ ‫‪6‬‬

‫קרו סל ה לקטנים‬


‫אבני דריכ ה‬


‫סולם קשת‬



‫‪ 10‬קרו סל ה‬ ‫‪ 11‬מקום ישיב ה מוצלל ל הורים‬ ‫‪ 12‬קיר תיחום לגינ ה‬ ‫‪12‬‬


‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬


‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬










‫ב‪ 21‬ביולי‬


‫כני ס ה‬



‫סכמת תחומי הצלל ה‬



‫סכמת גיל אים‬


‫סכמת תצפית הורים‬







‫כני ס ה‬


‫תוכנית ‪1:500‬‬

‫סכמת ה סתובבות ילדים‬




                 

July August Heat Central idea of the project is creation of recreation area as an integral part of modern urban life with emphasize on the meaning on nature, vegetation, sun, water and seasons. 1) Interactive fountain and sundial “Choni the Circle-Drawer” This fountain does not waste water, but is activated in a play: jumping on the ceramic pedal in the most south part, exposed to the sunshine from May to August. The pipeline passes through the bamboo pillars. Through these pillars the children could observe the sunrise and sunset in the solstice. The ground of the fountain is a sundial, while the playground slide is its gnomon. The fountain shall be surrounded by the carob trees - the crucial tree for Choni, near which he had fallen asleep, to wake up after 70 years. 2) Carousel “Solar system” Every child could chose which planet to visit and to make a trip around the Sun - combination of training with play and learning. By wish the child could to wander around inside “the Sun” itself.

                             boulevard            3) The materials To provide fresh air, environmental and health protection - two natural and recyclable materials were chosen for all parts of the playground: bamboo and ceramic. The ground will be covered by layer of productive soil, reach in seeds of local wild flowers. Ceramic tiles will be uses for pass ways, partly creating games themselves - such as “class” etc. 4) Pleasant way to the playground Even the best playground, perfectly protected from the sun, shall not act in the summer, if the way to it passes through burning hot asphalt pavements. Hopefully, in the Israeli climate there is rather easy to create comport microclimate using urban boulevards with trees alongside the car paths and two lines of trees between them. Person, passing in such boulevard always is situated between four trees and therefore enjoys sun protection and fresh air during all the day. Moving floor (yes, like in airports!) helps to families with the children, handicapped and everybody who just wish to move in the city without car. 5) Children playground in the urban life - place for everybody

Our motto is not separate between generations, but create nice and interesting recreation space for everybody. Therefore we suggest situating the playground aside the pub. The adults will be happy to get there to drink a cup of coffee or bottle of beer with friends while the children are playing just here. Young mamas and papas will wish to get there together and therefore the walk with children will not separate the couples, but consolidate them. It’s important to put the pub on the north part of the playground - so the tables always will be in a good position: exposed to sun in winter and protected from it in summer. Valentina Nelin, Ella Byshevsky, Madlen Kanzieper

                    Climatic Shade: a Method for Calculating Optimal Shading of a Playground Many shade structures in playground are failing to properly shade the play area. This failure is caused by an intuitive design process, which does not take into consideration the daily and seasonal sun path. In addition, often these structures also shade the play area during the winter; preventing their exposure to solar radiation, which is required in order to obtain thermal comfort during the cold season. Simple shading simulations integrated in many CAD software could help designing optimal shading. However, this design process requires evaluating numerous design alternatives and intuition in choosing the shade form. This poster presents an innovative method for optimal shading mapping. The mapping is applied in the space above the playground revealing the optimal form of the shade structure. Optimal shading is calculated to provide maximum shading during the hot period, with a minimal size of shade structure; and also to

        www  ResearchandDesignnet                             provide maximum solar exposure during the cold season. The optimal shading enables using less building materials and also insures thermal comfort during both summer and winter (without need for seasonal removal of the shade). The optimal shading calculation method was developed by the presenter during 1999-2001, particularly for shading windows. Additional information could be found at www. ResearchandDesign.net. In the framework of this competition the method was further improved to provide optimal shading also for playgrounds. The proposed calculations procedure includes the following steps: • First step: determining the areas that need to be shaded in summer and exposed in winter (for example the play area); and the space designated for the shade structure. • Second step: determining the months in which shading is needed, and those in which solar exposure is needed. • Third step: a calculation procedure is being carried out

consisting of locating the shading projections in all hours along the year (from the area which requires shading backward to the designated space for the shade structure, through backward retracing). According to the hourly shading projections, hourly levels solar intensities are accumulated on the virtual grid (while levels of the cold period are subtracted from the levels of hot period). The mapping enables to identify areas in which it is important to provide shading (blue scale) and areas in which it is important to enable solar penetration (red scale). The scale enables also to identify the level of importance to provide either shade or solar penetration. • Fourth step: the designer determines the optimal shade form by including in it as many areas of high importance to provide shading as possible (mapped with dark blue) and excluding areas of high importance to enable solar penetration (mapped with dark red). Ecological Shade: a Design Solution Using Ecological Materials The shade columns are made of bamboo. The shade is

composed from ropes, connected by knots, forming a saddle shape grid. The saddle shape enables stability against winds, since the shade center is stretched both upward and downward. Small shading membranes made from natural non-synthetic cloth (such as canvas) are connected to the ropes. The use of saddle shape and the division to numerous small shading membranes enables a wind resistance structure, even without elastic materials, which are often made of non-ecological materials such as polymers. In addition, this division enables the local community to participate in the design by adding graphics to the different pieces of the shading membrane, through painting or needlework.

Architect Eran Kaftan, Research & EcoDesign

                                                     The Heat of August - A Different Approach /Zviya Shemesh This is a story about open public park area, a playground / promenade, which is intended, (against all odds), for the heavy heat of the long summer months, to bring out the children and youth, to be enjoying the fresh air during the long summer holidays. It is an attempt at merging climatic comfort, ecological building, the usage of eco-friendly materials, and developing the consciousness, importance of recycling, the usage of accessible solar energy, and at the same time, the advantage of physical exercise. This idea was born through the creating of the symbol: “Yin and Yang” - which signify cycles, contrasts, flow, balance and harmony. Creation of roofed “Center” (approximately 16 meters in diameter): In one half - A Solar system - Photovoltaic cell upon an adjustable base set with pistons and joint who take controlled by computer system In order to optimally take advantage of the sun’s movement,

the system will provide electricity for the playground and its surroundings (lighting, air circulation - large hanging fans will be automatically operated once the temperature rises above 22 degrees c., a computer controlled watering system, and cooling drinking water.) In the other half - sails - shade usage of sturdy weather resilient materials tied to poles surrounding the center. The ‘Center’ - A floor space 10 meters diameter (given to changes in consideration of the available space). Here will be a playground games (swings, pyramids, ropes, slide, running barrel) and a sports center (walker, bicycle, etc.) some of which will be fitted with energy creating devices!!! Ladder, benches built from recyclable materials. “Green lung” will be close to the Center. Wooded area with tree hung hammocks , Picnic benches, a water cooler, garbage disposer, and a place for parking bicycles. There will be access to public lavatories as well as a computerized, control space, for the management of all the systems. A Recycling area

Placed along the promenade, - containers for the collection of paper, glass and plastic.(stressing the awareness For recycling). The “Center” is surrounded by two external paths, one for bicycles, and the other for running/walking. Each will be approximately 3 meters wide, and covered with 4 different materials: The walking path - artificial grass set upon a flexible base. The riding path - cast concrete( light gray) The central track - across the ‘center’ (deck)connecting all areas The ‘Center’ floor - flexible for surfacing the playground area (recycled material). The idea of a ‘center’ can also be adapted for other purposes.

                                                The Sunken Garden An enclave on the plane of everyday-life reveals a hidden valley, a kingdom, surprise. Inverted hill, it leads the visitor down a gently sloping, spiraling path, accessible to all. The planting presents exciting possibilities: Arching trellises of scented honeysuckle and jasmine; flat top trees casting wide shade; squat hedgerows and sloping terraces planted in endemic or otherwise well suited plants to house and be a play field to a variety of creatures,human and others. The centre of the garden is an amphitheater, and it would be appropriate for the community to choose its function according to need and size. This could be a place for a sculpture, a pond or a flower bed; a community garden, a playground, a dog park; a stage, site for a swap or a farmers market, or a skate park like illustrated in the example. The benches and hammocks, tables,play equipment and bins will all be constructed out of recycled materials. The community will have the chance to make them. A sunken garden can be built in virtually any size as long as the correct proportions are kept - between the pits’

circumference at top and bottom and its depth; and between the gradient and number of terraces. It is possible to make use of an existing hole in the ground like an old quarry, or a deserted building site. The concentric shape gradually isolates the visitor from the sensual mayhem of the street, and lures him into a pleasant alternative experience. Yet, the garden offers all-round views and visibility which allows for looking over children and dogs playing,and watching the central spectacle. There is a sense of direct contact with the gardens’ community like in an enormous living room. The climate is mild and comfortable from the natural shade cast by walls and trees and the humidifying effect of transpiration. Rainwater channel their way down the spiraling canal between the path and the sloping flower beds, all the way into a drainage hole at the bottom. The sunken garden employs the perfect shape for hot and dry climatic regions. It also is useful in heavily populated areas, because apart from the gardens center where the sky

stretches undisturbed, the tall buildings outside the garden are hidden behind the tree top. Measurements Path: 2 m’ Lawn: 6 m’ The centre without the lawn: 20*25 m’ Gardened slopes: 5 m’ Space between terraces (2): 2.4 m’ Space between terraces (3): 1.53 m’ Space between terraces (4): 1.1 m’ Wall depth: 20 cm’ Height of wall (from path): 1 m’ Canal: 20*20 cm’ Credits Architectural consultation and AutoCAD: Nofar Arye-Bachar Illustration and graphics: Yonatan Shamir Idea, horticulture and presentation: Yoni Nadra

Overview of the design

Running in the runwheels activates the fountain


(scale 1:2000)

Birdeye view on the playground

Geert Ankersmit and Xiaoyu Xu

Impression of the central net with a sandbox underneith


Nahalal is a mashav, a community based village. The village produces its own food, so then why not grow your own playground? Trees can be grown to be a recource for wood to build playing objects. In this way Nahalal’s inhabitants make, maintain and use their own playground.

Grow your own playground!


A new playground in Nahalal The location Nahalal is a village on the plains of the Jezreel Valley. Founded by Jewish settlers it was build as a communal village using the principles of the kibbutz, but then with individual family lives. Public facilities are shared, food is grown primarily for the village and with help of the village inhabitants. The community is a strong union. The principles of the community are represented in the design of the World Heritage village. The public functions are concentrated in the inner circle, surrounded by a circle of houses. Around that circle the farms are concentric situated as spines of a wheel. The playground Based on the concept of the village, the public function of a playground would fit within the inner circle. A nice open space was available at the buildings of the Jezreel Valley Regional Council, near to the elementary school. This area

a hilly and diverse landscape which invites and stimulates children to use their imagination. Just like many other playing elements: a pirate island, three oval castles, a climbing net, and watch tower. All these objects can be build by the inhabitants and used in multiple ways. The climbing net is a climbing object. When vegetation is growing on it, it will also provide shade for children playing underneath. For example in a sand box. The net also protects vegetation underneath from getting damaged.

in present situation is an open grass field with a sports field, framed by trees. “Grow your own playground!” The conceptual principle of the playground is based on the communal foundation of the village. That means: build and use the village together, and grow your own food. This gave us the idea for “grow your own playground”, which means the materials needed to make the playground are grown on the site or come from nearby. People of all ages from Nahalal make, maintain and use the playground together. Vegetation has a cooling effect on the environment. It gives shade and cools the air. Vegetation is the main material we used to cool down the environment. The vegetation is native to the area, drought tolerant and diverse. It lets children experience seasons, weather, scents and ecology. Trees are used to build and maintain the playing objects as well as the pavement (bark mulch) in the playground. For

example when mature trees on the site are chopped down to make playing objects, young trees will be planted to replace them. Therefore people have an ‘infinite’ supply of wood. The objects shown on the design are just a start of the possibilities for the playground. It’s up to the inhabitants of Nahalal to build more or different ones in future. Next to vegetation, water is used as a cooling element in the playground. It crosses the entire playground, from the open northern part to the enclosed southern part. Sparkling and flowing water has a cooling effect. Children can play with and in it. Fountains in the northern pond, which are sourced by the southern pond, make the water flow continuously, but children (and parents) can help to increase the water flow by running in the running wheels in the central northern part. These wheels will function as engine to pump the water to a central fountain. The faster you run, the more water will spray from the fountain. Soil that has been dug out to make ponds, is used to make

        

Micro-climate The proposal describes the construction of a new climatic environment using a single element with special features. The geometry of the base element allows the free passage of air through holes with different sizes and leads to accelerate the movement of the air, on the other hand - it blocks most of the direct sun during the activity hours. In addition, the base element built rigid construction wrapped with recycled plastic flakes, created in an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. This material does not store heat and remain pleasant to touch even when temperatures rise. The element is relatively light and durable, and therefore allows a safe climbing. All these create a new-small environment - a low temperature environment, mostly shaded, and pleasant play area. All that without using ceiling, walls generally not greater than -1.20 m, and still allow the feeling of playing outdoors. The environment build with only one base element, but because its’ holes are not uniform, we can direct more



                                      solid or airy edges towards the proper direction, thus more precisely regulate the entry of the direct sunlight. Our proposal shows the geometry of a labyrinth environment, but the one module construction allows matching geometric figure anywhere and in nearly any size. Play Today’s children play less outside, and spend more time at the computer, they are more alone and less together. On the one hand and their stimulation threshold rises because they used to fast information, special effects, and digitization that has no imitation in the real world. On the other hand their social skills get dull; they rarely deal with physical effort and generally live in a world that protects them. When we design a contemporary playground we create a stimulating and interesting environment, which places a value alternative to computer games, to mails and Facebook. No more generic rides, which limited the range of activities

offered to children, but tailored learning environment that allows them a new experience each visit. To create the playground environment, we thought about the types of activities which we want to encourage the children: activities that encourage interaction, liberating, challenging and develop the imagination. While building a play environment we avoided using facilities that we recognize from existing playgrounds. The planned environment, on the one hand, is generic enough to function as a blank page to children’s creative ideas. It allows them to save the princess, defeat the dragon and complete their journey along with their good friends. On the other hand it is diverse enough to allow various physical activities - run, hide, climb, act up, build, crawl, swing and finally some rest... All in real size, not through a computer screen. One element construction allows good control over the level of visibility that required, therefore parental supervision is also adapted, when they have a climate comfortable seating.

1 V H U U H 6 Y R P Z a F , S P U V Y : P U H P






















20X30 cm  2x2 cm                     500x580 cm 20x20 cm Spaghetti The aim of our design was to create a playground with a shading system that will become an integral and crucial part of it. The shading device not only protects from the heat but also creates the atmosphere and define the space to play. The entire shading is built from hanging jute strings. By changing the lenth of the strings we create different playspaces. In order to increase this effect the landscape is formed by little hills, up to 50cm. The playground is equipped in several facilities: The tunnel - formed by shorter jute strings, trampolines, climbing ropes, swing ropes. There are also movable sits from jute string for the parents and guardians. The ground in the playground is covered by a rubber safety floor made from recycled tyres. It prevents from slipipng and falling and is rain absorption resistant. The main structure of the plaground consist of a module 500x580 cm (we use multiplications of 2 identical modules in

the design). The plywood pillars 20x20 cm, and the beams 20X30 cm. There is an additional structure - beams that hold metal grid 2x2 cm made from wire that supports the jute strings. The strings are attached in each intersection of the wire. This provides a high density of the jute strings which gives better sun protection.

 Windesign

Windesign The playground is a dynamic and active meeting place for children and adults alike. During most of the year the playground is filled with the sound of children playing and their custodians, but during the summer months, when the temperature and humidity are high, the games are abandoned in favour of closed, air conditioned and uninspiring shopping malls. Evidently, shade alone does not provide the necessary comfort to keep people in the playground area at these times, and ventilation is also needed to make it a pleasant enough experience. Ventilation of the playground, as well as shading, is a necessary condition to ensure maximum comfort. Windesign is a collection of elements which can be attached as an addition to existing facilities in playgrounds. These additions perform two functions simultaneously - shadowing of the apparatus and its user, and ventilation of the apparatus and its surroundings. At the end of the hot summer months and when no longer needed, these units can be easily

 Windesign          Windesign       Windesign   Windesign       Windesign       Windesign     dismantled and stored until the next summer. Special wings are added to existing swing sets to provide shade on a regular basis, and, as soon as a child swings, to produce air flow for the benefit of the child and anyone around him. In the same way similar wings can be supplemented to carousels, see-saws, and various other recreational equipment in the play area. As more facilities are in active use - when more children are playing - the playground area becomes increasingly fanned and more pleasant and enjoyable for children and other participants to be in. The design idea is inspired by the shape of leaves in nature and by hand-fans, which provide a significant cooling airflow with one single motion. Thus, these elements provide both shade due to their size, and ventilation thanks to the energy that stimulates them. Windesign creates a new reality in existing parks, and offers suitably cool climatic conditions to enable routine use throughout the hot summer months. Installing Windesign takes existing amusement facilities

into account, and is, in effect, adapted to the generic wellknown recreational equipment that appears in the average playground. This way there is no need to invest large resources in rebuilding the playground, but rather only to upgrade the existing facilities and prepare them for the hot summer days. Creating ventilation usually requires a lot of energy, and this is abundant in playgrounds. Windesign utilizes the energy of children playing and transforms it to create maximum ventilation in the playground area - available and clean energy that does not require the use of pollutants. Adding Windesign to existing facilities encourages creative interaction between participants, and the pleasure of the playground experience becomes common to all those present. The children who are there to play, their companions and any other bystanders, all enjoy the playground experience, whether directly from the game itself or by the shade and ventilation which Windesign allows.




July-August Heat - Design Challenge Ecological solution for play environments ZEZEZE Architecture Gallery, March 2011


In-fills (examples)

Bamboo rods

Recycled tires as connectors


Plug in and Play Shading Dome by Eco-Challenges (Playground by Playmobil)

Š Gil Peled

eco - challenges


Energy circulaƟon

Canvas transpormaƟon

Solar panel

The proposal is to create a simple but innovaƟve design for playgrounds that could provide a pleasant outdoor space throughout the year, especially during the scorching hot and humid Israeli summer. The design aims to provide a sƟmulaƟng, interacƟve play environment that can accommodate diverse acƟviƟes while creaƟng a comfort zone for children by employing natural means to control the microclimate. The play architecture, which primarily consists of a center column and a cone-shaped retractable canvas hanging from it, mimics the structure of ancient refrigerators commonly used in the region: the structure narrowing toward the top with an outlet at the summit that allows warmer air to Ňow out. As a whole, the form eīortlessly takes advantage of natural phenomenon of air current in order to capƟvate the cool atmosphere. The primary structural components are of main play features. Kids can climb up an interacƟve jungle gym at the boƩom of the column to the play web: a ŇoaƟng surface from where they can glide down on the slides.

Openview Cooling fan


Normal season

Heat Shield - Blocks direct sunlight - Retain cooled air - Restrain outdoor heat

Hot season

Play web

Climbing column Fan

Play Features - jumping - sliding - climbing

PLAY FUNNEL CONCEPT The proposal is to create a simple but innovative design for playgrounds that could provide a pleasant outdoor space throughout the year, especially during the scorching hot and humid Israeli summer. The design aims to provide a stimulating, interactive play environment that can accommodate diverse activities while creating a comfort zone for children by employing natural means to control the microclimate. The play architecture, which primarily consists of a center column and a cone-shaped retractable canvas hanging from it, mimics the structure of ancient refrigerators commonly used in the region: the structure narrowing toward the top with an outlet at the summit that allows warmer air to flow out. As a whole, the form effortlessly takes advantage of natural phenomenon of air current in order to captivate the cool atmosphere.

The primary structural components are of main play features. Kids can climb up an interactive jungle gym at the bottom of the column to the play web: a floating surface from where they can glide down on the slides. CLIMATE CONTROL Expandable during the hot weather, the skin not only acts as a shade that blocks direct sunlight but also forms a funnel over the play area to facilitate natural ventilation; warmer air rises up to the top and fresh air blows into the space. Plus, under the hollow center column is a solar powered fan that accelerates the flow. SUSTAINABILITY This self sustainable play feature generates its own energy to operate itself while it requires low maintenance because its efficiency lies on the nature, not on found resources. PLAY Children can climb up the organically patterned jungle gym

and rest on the play web feeling sunlight oozing through the shade and a cool breeze blowing from underneath as if they were playing in a deep forest. Kids can learn to appreciate the everyday use of the green technology - obvious or hidden that makes the summer playgrounds refreshing.

‫ת ח ר ו ת ‪ -‬ח ו ם‬ ‫י ו ל י ‪ -‬א ו ג ו ס ט‬ ‫ג ן ‪ -‬ש ע ש ו ע י ם‬

‫קלידוסקופיה‬ ‫ח ו מ ר י ם ‪:‬‬ ‫פקסיגלאס‪.......‬הצללה‬ ‫פלסטיק ממוחזר‪......‬ריהוט‬ ‫צינור מתכת‪............‬מסילה‬ ‫חבל שזור ‪.............‬משחק‬

‫מ ג י ש י ם ‪:‬‬ ‫שילקרוט‬ ‫קרין‬ ‫קרטס‬ ‫מור‬ ‫רוזן‬ ‫איל‬ ‫ליפסקי‬ ‫דניאל‬ ‫כהן‬ ‫גיל‬ ‫הצעה‪0217311#‬‬ ‫פרט‬



‫קלידוסקופיה‬ ‫גן‬ ‫מייצר חוויה רב חושית‬ ‫המגרה את דמיון הילדים‬ ‫תוך משחק מהנה‪ .‬המתקן‬ ‫משלב פעילות לימודית‬ ‫וסביבה מוגנת אקלימית‪.‬‬ ‫המשחק מתבצע באמצעות‬ ‫חבלים המחוברים למסילת‬ ‫גלגלות המניעות שבשבות‪.‬‬ ‫השבשבות בעלות פאנלים‬ ‫שקופים‪ ,‬בשלל גוונים‪,‬‬ ‫מצלות על פני הקרקע‪.‬‬ ‫תנועתן יוצרת משחקי‬ ‫צבעים וצורות המשתנים‬ ‫ומשמשים‬ ‫הרף‬ ‫ללא‬ ‫לילדים‬ ‫משחק‬ ‫כלוח‬

       UV      

Kaleidoscopia “When it snows, children take over the city: they sleigh, throw snowballs, make snowmen and are more visible than ever. But what a city needs for its children has to be more durable than snow.” Aldo Van Eyck Kaleidoscope: The origin of this word comes from the conjunction of three Greek words: kalos (beautiful) + eidos (form)+ scope (to observe). The park creates a multifaceted experience that invigorates the imagination of the children through enjoyable games. The facility combines educational aspects about the environment as well as protecting from climatic conditions. This method implements parts of the biothermos theory and practices from the anthroposophical education, which work on the development of creative thinking though stimulation of the imagination.

The game functions through a system of ropes that are connected to a set of pulley tracks. Different coloured transparent weather-vanes cast shadows on the ground. Their movement produces a game of colours and shapes that are continually changing, creating an amorphous game board for the children. The main thought that went into the colourful weather vanes was to create an enjoyable playing area and to alleviate the heat of the hot Israeli summer. Operation of the multicoloured weather vanes during the game allows cooling to take place within the complex through the enhancement of air flow created by their movement. The use of UV-filtering surfaces serves as a protection for the public that come to use the park as well as making their time more enjoyable. Synergy between the children and various other participants enhances the visual experience as well as injecting life back in to the park and the street. Our facility is designed to function as an independent body; however it can easily be duplicated or incorporated with existing more conventional park facilities.

  “When it snows, children take over the city: they sleigh, throw snowballs, make snowmen and are more visible than ever. But what a city needs for its children has to be more durable than snow.” Aldo Van Eyck

        

‫יום אביב סגרירי בשכונת נוה‪-‬חדק בחיפה‬

‫אז הוחלט להזמין מערכת “שיטים“‪.‬‬ ‫הערב אני אצור איתם קשר‬

‫ולהתעדכן על הנעשה בקהילות “שיטים“ אחרות‪...‬‬

‫הן יכולות לפרסם את הפיתוחים שלהן‪...‬‬

‫בעזרת אתר האינטרנט של “שיטים“‪ ,‬קרן‬ ‫וירדן לומדות איך להכין עציץ מבקבוקי שתיה‬

‫כעבור חודשיים הגן בנוה חדק המה פעילות ותכונה רבה‪ .‬התושבים מילאו‬ ‫את הצילייה בעציצים עשויים מבקבוקי שתיה ממוחזרים‪ .‬בזכות צימחייה זו‬ ‫הטמפרטורות בגן ירדו‪ ,‬והתושבים חזרו אל הגן מידי יום על מנת להשקות‬ ‫את העציצים‪ ,‬לשתול צמחים חדשים ולהינות אלו מחברתם של אלו‪.‬‬

‫לאחר כמה ימים‪...‬‬

‫במערכת “שיטים“ ניסינו לשלב‬ ‫מערכת הצללה פשוטה הקוראת‬ ‫לאינטראקציה מצד הקהילה‬ ‫המקומית‪.‬ההתיחסות אל התושבים‬ ‫כאל שותפים פעילים בתהליך‬ ‫היצירה וקבלת החלטות היא‬ ‫נקודת המפתח של פרוייקט זה‪.‬‬

‫הגשה‬ ‫‪0225211‬‬

‫צוות “שיטים“‬ ‫איבצן הרון )‪(B.Design, ISR‬‬ ‫דניאל מטקלף )‪(M.Sc, ITA‬‬ ‫ניסן גרייזל )‪(M.Sc, ISR‬‬

‫גנים תלויים בקהילה‬


‫הצילייה היא תשתית עליה התושבים יכולים ליצור ולבנות‬ ‫כראות עיניהם‪ .‬אתר האינטרנט של ”שיטים“ מספק נקודת‬ ‫חיבור והחלפת רעיונות בין הקהילות השונות ובשיתוף‬ ‫עם מוסדות כגון מכון רתם של האוניברסיטה העברית‬ ‫והחברה להגנת הטבע‪ ,‬מספק מידע על השימוש בצמחיה‬ ‫מקומית על מנת לחסוך במים ולעזור לשמר את המגוון‬ ‫הביולוגי בארץ ישראל‪.‬‬

‫צוות פועלים מטעם העירייה הגיע לגן כדי להתקין את הצילייה‬

‫הן גילו למשל שבשכונת רמות צוף‬ ‫התושבים בנו מתקן להאכלת ציפורים‬ ‫ושבקיבוץ חצילים התקינו מערכת‬ ‫טפטפות להשקיית הצמחים‪...‬‬

‫שמעתי מאמא של ילדה מהגן של ירדן‬ ‫שאם יש הסכמה של התושבים ובקשה‬ ‫מסודרת מצידם‪ ,‬העירייה תבוא ותתקין‬ ‫צילייה שאפשר לשתול בה צמחים‪,‬‬ ‫זה פרוייקט עירוני בשם ”שיטים“‬

‫עוד מעט יהיה חם מידי לבוא לפה עם הילדים‬ ‫חבל שאין כאן צילייה‬

‫לאחר כמה ימים‪...‬‬

                                  participatory design         HDPE 3MM                 Shittim. Community Hanging Gardens Shittim is a modular shading system for playgrounds that serves as an infrastructure for community gardens. / Initiated by the community / Project Shittim was created for neighbourhood playgrounds that are points of aggregation and recreation for residents in the vicinity. Through recurrent visits to the garden, the neighbours learn to know and enjoy each other’s company and a community is created. These communities are the target of this project. Organized members of local communities can initiate the installation of Shitim in their neighbourhood garden by contacting the municipality, similar to the way community gardens are established. This in order to involve the residents from the early stages of the project in decision-making, to create a sense of responsibility and to prevent a situation where the system is set up where it is not wanted.

/ Attended by the community / Shittim system is suitable for different levels of commitment by the community. In its initial form it is a breathing shading net made of hexagonal modules the diameter of a 1.5L beverage bottle that call for interaction by the community. By recycling used beverage bottles, turning them into potted plants and inserting them into the net the community can create a flourishing suspended community garden over the playground. The creation, care and nurturing of the garden are the responsibility of residents, a process that helps bring together community members and strengthen social ties. Each garden within the system will look and function differently, this will help distinguish the local communities and add to the sense of pride of the residents. / A network of communities / Since the creation of the local gardens is a process of participatory design involving the local residents, recycled potted plants is just the beginning. To the modular infrastructure of the net residents will be able to add elements

fruit of their own imagination: bird feeders, decorations, animal shelters, irrigation systems, rainwater collectors, wind chimes..... A web site will link all the different shittim communities throughout the country and allow residents organize, learn from each other and share ideas and spread the word through the dynamics of a social network. / For the community / The project’s initial goal is to make neighbourhood playgrounds in Israel more practical and pleasant during the hot summer months. Combining plants into the shading net can significantly reduce the temperature in the playground and offer a good alternative to air-conditioned places such as malls or indoor playground. The principle of involving the community in the process of creating the garden provides educational and experiential activities for the parents and children of the neighbourhood and enhances the sense of community. From passive consumers residents become active partners taking

            M.Sc, ISRB.Design, ISR M.Sc, ITA

responsibility for the design of their own environment. / The method / The proposed system is based on simple available technology and is modular to allow installation in any type of playground. The net is made of 3MM HDPE strips connected between them to create the hexagonal spaces with a 10cm depth to create the shade. The net is fixed onto poles connected to the ground and to the different facilities of the playground allowing the net to follow the topography of the garden. / Vegetation / In order to encourage use of local plants the project works in collaboration with the Rotem Institute (Information centre for Israeli plants) of the Hebrew University and the Society of the Protection of Nature in Israel. The Institute will provide information on local plants, what species are recommended for use in each region and the benefits of using endemic plants. Use of local vegetation can reduce water consumption

significantly in the garden, facilitates the maintenance of the garden and helps preserve the biodiversity of Israel. Team: Ivzan Haron (B.Design, ISR) / Nissan Graizel (M.Sc, ISR) / Daniel Metcalfe (M.Sc, ITA)

  o    Ground coupled heat exchange             The hot summer months makes it hard for outdoor activities to accrue in open areas. In this month the students are on vacation but the extreme climate does not allow the use of outdoor spaces and playgrounds, and encourage escaping to sealed air-conditioned spaces.

that connect the tunnel to the playground will allow “air exchange” as in Ground tube heat exchange method.

The underground temperature is cooler then the air temperature year round. “Underground chiller” suggests creating an “urban tunnel” beneath the surface of playgrounds and cooling it by nearby fluid infrastructure such as water, sewage and wastewater that will be set in the tunnel space.

The cooling process is based on several elements: The concrete tunnel, located in an underground space beneath the playground, will be covered with limestone rock covering, which is known for its isolating abilities. Infrastructure bypass pipes will be located in the space of the tunnel. Fluids (water, sewage and wastewater) will run through the bypass and return to the main system. The Playground will be placed on top of the tunnel ceiling. Closed-circuit pipes (metal coated with plastic) connecting between the shaft space and the playground facilities above will allow “climate change”. These pipes could even be incorporated into the facilities themselves. A cooling “chimney” will serve as a window peek to the tunnel as well as a seating element.

The temperature of the fluids together with the underground temperature will cool the interior of the tunnel. Hollow pipes

Temperature regulation then will accrue when the fluids in the pipes will cool the tunnel during the night time. These

“Underground chiller” offers a solution to climate regulating in the outdoor playgrounds during the summer months, utilizing existing urban infrastructures of water, sewage and wastewater.

              Ground tube heat exchange     temperature will be stored by the limestone covering of the tunnel and projected back to the surface of the playground during the day time by the “natural air-conditioner” using the pipe lines, and by the cooling chimney. By using existing urban infrastructure and minimizing the visible intervention to a few hints revealed on the surface, we will obtain a way to regulate the temperature during the hot Israeli summer in existing and future planned playgrounds. Regulating the temperature will allow an increasing usage to the playgrounds during summer months, when they most be needed.


‫משטחי ההובלה מורכבים בנגריות‬ ‫ומפעלי עץ‪ ,‬יחידות אלו מורכבות‬ ‫במרווחים קבועים זו לצד זו ויחידות‬ ‫אחרות קושרות אותן מתחתן למתן‬ ‫קשיחות אופטימלית ‪.‬‬

‫‪Ecological Play environments design‬‬ ‫משתתפים‪ :‬אלכס לובימוב ודינה פינקלשטיין ‪participants : Alex lubimov & Dina finkelstein‬‬

‫משטח הובלה מעץ | ‪wooden pallet‬‬


‫‪Wooden pallets, used normally‬‬ ‫‪for transporting. A pallet is the‬‬ ‫‪structural foundation of a unit load‬‬ ‫‪which allows handling and storage‬‬ ‫‪efficiencies‬‬

‫העץ‪ :‬שומר מבחינה תרמית על‬ ‫טמפרטורה מאוזנת‪ ,‬הוא בעל גמישות‬ ‫ורמת ספיגה נוחה‪.‬‬

‫תאים סולאריים | ‪Solar Panels‬‬

‫‪Wood: the strength, elasticity and‬‬ ‫‪isothermal are the characteristics‬‬ ‫‪of wood . It is completely natural,‬‬ ‫‪recyclable, endlessly reprehensible‬‬

‫באמצעות הרכבת מספר מודולים של‬ ‫משטחי הובלה זה לצד זה מקבלים‬ ‫משטח ‪,‬סככה ומתקני משחקים מעץ‪.‬‬ ‫‪Using several modules of pallets‬‬ ‫‪next to each other can create a‬‬ ‫‪floor, shed and wooden games‬‬ ‫‪facilities‬‬ ‫קירור על ידי מים | ‪Water cooling‬‬

‫העמדה ותכנון הצללה|‬

‫מבט על מגרש המשחקים מצד צפון מערב | ‪Play ground view‬‬

‫ההצללה מותאמת לחישוב כיוון השמש בחודשים החמים בעיר תל אביב‪.‬‬ ‫באמצעות הרכבת משטחי הובלה מעץ ועליהם תאים סולאריים לקליטת‬ ‫אנרגיה מהשמש‪.‬‬ ‫זרימת אויר| ‪Air flow‬‬

‫ההצעה‪ :‬שיפור גני שעשועים קיימים‪ ,‬הן מבחינת האקלים בחודשים‬ ‫החמים והן מבחינת סביבת משחקים בטוחה ונעימה יותר‪ .‬לקחנו כמקרה‬ ‫בוחן מגרש משחקים סטנדרטי הנמצא בגינה ציבורית ליד בית מגורינו‪,‬‬ ‫הכלים לשיפור גן זה יכולים לחול על כל גינה גנרית בארץ‪ .‬כלי התכנון‬ ‫העיקרי הינו שימוש בחומרי בניה ממוחזרים וחומרים הניתנים למחזור תוך‬ ‫בחינת התנאים האקלימיים בכל אזור ואזור‪.‬‬ ‫‪Proposal: Improve existing parks, both in terms of climate during‬‬ ‫‪the warm months of the year and in terms of secure playing in more‬‬ ‫‪pleasant environment. We took a case study in a standard playground‬‬ ‫‪in our neighborhood, the planning system may apply to all generic‬‬ ‫‪playgrounds in the country‬‬

‫הקמת תשתית מתחת למשטחי העץ‪.1 : ,‬מערכת לטיהור ומחזור מים אפורים למטרת‬ ‫השקיה והזרמת מים בצינורות בשטחי הגן לקירור האזור‪ .2 .‬סוללות סולאריות השואבות‬ ‫אנרגיה מהשמש הנקלטת בתאים הסולריים שמותקנים על גבי הקירוי‪ ,‬ייצור תאורה‬ ‫מלאכותית מתוך הרווחים בין קרשי העץ‪ .3 .‬חיווט וקונסטרוקציה המקבעת את המתקנים‬ ‫הקיימים‪.‬‬

‫חתך‪ ,‬מתחפר באדמה להשגת נוחות תרמית | ‪Section, below the road level‬‬

‫‪The Infrastructure under the wooden surfaces includes , 1.purification system‬‬ ‫‪to recycle gray water for cooling effect. 2.Solar Panels using energy from the‬‬ ‫‪sun creating artificial lighting between the wooden boards. 3. Constructioned‬‬ ‫‪wiring securing and fixing the existing facilities‬‬

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     

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concern for clearing forests and for how we harvest wood it is a renewable resource and the wood remains the most popular building material for many reason. It is completely natural, recyclable, endlessly reprehensible. Suitability of this material to the playgrounds is based on a number of characteristics. The wood keeps the temperature in thermal balance, not like rubber, metal and plastic that heat fast in the sun. Also, wood is not hard as concrete, stone or asphalt and has flexibility. it is also simple to repair or replace. Using several modules of pallets next to each other can create a floor, shed and wooden games facilities. Any surface can be painted a different color and finish to stimulate the senses of the child. Spaces between the boards can add additional material, to protect children such as recycled rubber, often used in playgrounds today. The rubber surface is not durable and over time overheats, but smaller use of it can add flexibility to this playing board.You can also add a translucent plastic cover and under it place lighting or running water. In addition, you can fill them with soil and plant grass.

Our proposal includes construction of infrastructure under the wooden surfaces, composed of several elements of sustainable design features: 1. A purification system to recycle gray water (water shower cabins, bathtubs, sinks, washing machines and air conditioners) extracted from buildings to irrigation pipes with a cooling effect. 2. Solar Panels using energy from the sun creating artificial lighting between the wooden boards. lighting these playgrounds would prevent the possibility of violence, neglect and crime. 3. Constructioned wiring securing and fixing the existing facilities. since our lives are conditioned by a certain atmosphere in the space we live in, playgrounds in the city affect our awareness to the environment. The project creates a generic playground that knows how to respond to the climate in the warm months of the year, making use of natural energy and using recycled materials. This space provides a pleasant environment, which creates positive emotional content to the people passing through it.

The Cool Boxes are designed to provide a ‘cool’ safe atmosphere for children of all ages. Inspired by children’s building blocks, our boxes are colourful, fun spaces that children in Israel can enjoy all year round. The modular boxes are designed to be built by individual communities using sustainable materials. They can be easily incorporated into their existing playgrounds.

The cool air is provided using the most accessible sources of energy available in Israeli playgrounds: ‘The Sun’ and ‘The Children’. Children are always on the move in the recreation ground but much of that energy created goes to waste. The Cool Box converts the children’s movement into electricity to power the fans that carry the warm air through the cooling system.

The community can choose which modules make up their boxes. The boxes are made up of wall, roofing and floor modules, each one composed of components that allows for a play activity or education. The simplicity of the boxes makes it possible to integrate existing playground infrastructure into the modules, as a more sustainable solution.

The hot air enters the system through a damper and then a filter that ensures clean air can be released. The air is moved through the system by a fan that is powered by electricity, which is produced initially by ‘solar power’. However, during the busiest parts of the day when the playground requires most cooling, the energy can be produced from the children’s play activities. Facilities such as seesaws, swings and roundabouts produce kinetic energy that is converted into electricity to increase the power to the system. This circulated air then passes through a chiller and is released to the different play spaces.

Environmental Design The Cool Box takes advantage of the children’s playful energy and converts what would be wasted energy into electricity to power a cooling system to the entire play area.

made of recycled polymers and concrete bricks. They can be built quickly using basic skills and in any climate. Everyday waste such as plastic bottles or yoghurt pots is re-incarnated into bricks together with aggregates in cement. The play components are built into these walls.

The orientation of the boxes is designed to provide shelter from the harsh summer sun; they are located in close proximity to one another, allowing children to take advantage of the shade for outdoor play. Materials For the modules we propose the use of waste products widely available in an industrialized society like Israel, such as rubber tires and plastic. Manufacturing the building materials locally would reduce the regional and global carbon footprint and also enable the use of materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. Rubber mulch flooring can be composed of 100% recycled rubber car tires. It has been widely-used in playground design for its safety, strength and elasticity. Our floor modules have colourful patterns that allow children to organize their games and spaces. Our boxes are concrete frame structures, with wall modules

CoolSeat Outdoor refreshment Tamar Meshulam CoolSeat offers a spot of comfort in hot and dry places. It is a complementary addition to an existing playground, where visitors can enjoy its curves, relax and refresh. CoolSeat is designed to merge with desert landscapes. It is made of local and recyclable materials: molded clay (natural or pigmented), filled from top with sand and water. CoolSeat’s porous surface evaporates the waters stored within its sand filling, which can reduce temperature by 10˚c at its near surroundings. This ancient method is used for house cooling and to protect food in hot and dry weather, without the need of electricity.

‫ההפנייה‬ ‫לכיוון צפון כדי‬ ‫לא לחשוף את‬ ‫הבקבוקים לקרני‬ ‫השמש‬



‫בגן המשחקים‬ ‫מפוזרות נקודות קרירות‪.‬‬ ‫אפשר לשבת‪ ,‬להישען‪ ,‬להשטח‬ ‫עליהן ולצנן את הגוף‪ .‬נרגעים‬ ‫מהחום ואז ממשיכים להתרוצץ‪.‬‬ ‫הנקודות הקרירות הן בקבוקים קפואים‬ ‫מוטמנים במבני אדמה‪.‬‬ ‫המסה של האדמה‬ ‫הצפופה יוצרת בידוד‬ ‫תרמי ושומרת על‬ ‫המים קפואים למספר‬ ‫שעות‪ .‬את מבני‬ ‫האדמה יכולים לבנות‬ ‫תושבי השכונה בעלות‬ ‫נמוכה‪.‬‬ ‫בנייה באדמה‪:‬‬ ‫המרכיבים נמצאים‬ ‫בחצר האחורית‪.‬‬ ‫חול‪ ,‬חרסית‪ ,‬סיבים ומים‬ ‫יוצרים את חומר הבנייה‪.‬‬ ‫שמן צמחי משמש‬ ‫להגנה מרטיבות‪s .‬‬

‫מסה קרירה‬

‫שימוש חוזר‪:‬‬ ‫ממלאים בקבוקי‬ ‫פלסטיק משומשים במים‬ ‫ומקפיאים‪.‬‬ ‫את הבקבוקים הקפואים‬ ‫שולחים עם הילדים‬ ‫לגן המשחקים‪.‬‬

‫קשר אישי‬ ‫בין ילדי השכונה‬ ‫לסביבה נוצר כאשר‬ ‫הם לוקחים חלק‬ ‫בבניית הסביבה‬ ‫והפעלתה‬

‫החלל הכלוא ‪n‬מתחת‬ ‫למתקני המשחקים‬ ‫משמש כקונסטרוקציה‬ ‫לבנייה באדמה‬

‫שרוולים עשויים‬ ‫שתי שכבות‬ ‫פלסטיק עם אוויר‬ ‫כלוא ביניהן לבידוד‬ ‫תרמי ולהצבת‬ ‫הבקבוקים‬


‫מגישה‪ :‬נועה סופר‬ ‫‪noasle@hotmail.com‬‬

Monster Playground It’s a playspace for children, not a place for things with children in it! The original competition brief was to develop an innovative playground and the winning design would be built for a school for refugee children along the border of Thailand and Burma (Myanmar). The design gain first place and will be built this spring by volunteers and local builders. The proposal can be adapted for Israel’s high summer temperatures by introducing drought resistant grass/meadow planting and trees to create a natural playscape for children. The original concept is to create a sustainable playground for developing countries with limited resources and tools. The play area is designed with children in mind and is based on movement and flow between various play and landscape elements: The beacons: Climbing, hanging and swinging

elements. Mounds and ditches: Climbing, slides and vantage points and natural grass ditches. Sea monsters: Climbing, social and imaginative free play areas. The walkway: Recycled tire bridge access walkway. Play areas need to enhance physical, sensory and social development of children through different forms of play in a natural environment: Physical development: The main concept is to form a strong link between play elements to create an energetic sequence of play events, a non-stop repeat of movement actions such as balance, co-ordination, climbing, swinging and jumping. Keeping children energized and excited through constant movement. Sensory development: The design provides a strong visual and physical relationship with play and landscape elements so that children can form a stronger bond with the environment. Colour scheme is designed to aid navigation between different play elements with strong two tone colours for familiarity and

identifies hot spot play areas. Natural grass ditch and climbing surfaces create a contrasting tactile relationship between hard and soft planting elements and brings nature closer to the school. Social development: To encourage social, role-playing and group play activities, sea monsters create a strong play area identity and fuels imagination to help children attach themselves to the play area making it a playspace belonging to the children. The design and construction focuses on locally available materials and mainly uses recycled tires, logs and earth materials using simple construction techniques: Mounds and ditches are created using existing earth materials with recycled tires fill. Beacon elements are from logs, chains, ropes and recycled tires. Animal sculptures are from recycled tires. Bridge walkway is made from recycled tires. By Zoen Lau

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Mother Earth These days we witness more and more all the negative influences of humanity on our planet and their consequences such as global warming. It is absolutely imperative that we start thinking about ecological alternatives to improve our quality of life and do everything in our power, in this case as designers, to preserve our environment. The concept of Mother Earth introduces the potential and positive influences that are present in the ground. The entire project is built as a spiral which creates a sense of a protective and hugging environment similar to a mother’s womb - mother earth. A single move of slicing the ground and going down into the “belly” of the earth creates an inviting space for children to play and people of all ages to enjoy. On one side, the ground rises gradually and transforms into a protective wing from the scorching sun. On the opposite side, the ground transcends into the ground in a ramp towards the

main area of the playground. Simply by going into the ground there is a natural climate change that during hot summer days help maintain a cooler and more pleasant environment to be in. The project maximizes the site and offers a variety of places of activity above and below the ground. The surfaces merge naturally with each other creating a dynamic environment that resembles a fantasy world like the world of Alice in wonderland if you will. All of the materials from which the playground is made of are natural or recycled combined with grass and other natural vegetation. So do the playground facilities which are made from recycled materials such as used tires. The playground is planned as a prototype space flexible in design and suitable for either urban environment in public gardens in between buildings or in open parks. And can also be built in different sizes as needed.

in the shade of a tree* J U LY A U G U S T



*delightfully breeze-cooled bowers that invite escape from the summer sun The concept of “in the shade of a tree” is to transform existing playgrounds and play environments simply by planting trees. SETTING THE SCENE More often than not playgrounds are placeless environments, formed of individual pieces of play equipment scattered in a seemingly random, ad-hoc fashion in a sea of rubber. These environments generally bear no relationship to the surrounding context or environment. This concept proposes that trees and other plant material be used to create a setting for each playground. This will be achieved by drawing inspiration from the local context, culture and the endemic vegetation, thereby enriching the play experience with the colour, sound, texture and smell of the natural environment. Israel is home to a diverse range of species and environments, from the snow-covered mountains of the Golan Heights to the parched Negev desert, to fertile fields of the Jezreel Valley, and the lush woodlands of Mount Carmel. A rich variety of plants grow, from alpine flowers, to fields of scarlet poppies to desert papyrus reeds. These natural environments provide a rich source of material for the creation of playground settings and environments.

HIDE AND SEEK An adventure in the forest


A diverse collection of species would be arranged to create a stage to play in a seemingly “natural” environment. It would play with subtle nuances of colour and contrasting textures and forms. Bark and leaf litter, flowers and grasses would create a richly patterned forest floor. Branches and twigs could be collected to make temporary dens, grottoes and caves. SHADE QUALITIES The arrangement of these trees would cast an airy, cooling shade. POSSIBLE SPECIES PALETTE Eucalyptus sp. (Eucalypt forest) Ceratonia siliqua Pistacia sp. Quercus calliprinos (Oak Woodland) Quercus sp.

TREE STRUCTURE Trees can be arranged and composed in many ways. They can create tunnels, form forests and woodlands; they can be individual specimens or features. They can be planted in highly structured and formal patterns and grids to create orchards, copses, allees and avenues. Arranged in an almost arbitrary manner they can form bosques and groves. Alternatively species can be arranged or choreographed to create a seemingly “natural” environment, a cultivated wilderness. Variation in these compositions can range from densely planted groups to solitary trees. Trees can be pleached and clipped. Tree planting structures can help organize the functional requirements of a site; they can bind disparate elements, as well as create atmospheric conditions. They can create a play environment that is a highly enjoyable and memorable experience. PLAY The concept of “in the shade of a tree” considers the natural environment as a playground element in itself, a place to be explored, a place for adventures and colourful journeys. All senses should be stimulated.

SHADE AND SHADOW PLAY Traditionally, trees, trellises and other plant material have been used

Butterflies dance, birds sing


The meadow garden concept consists of colourful areas created through highly composed plant diversity. A wide variety of plants flowering at various times create a blend of colour that changes with the seasons. From the first highlights of the year in spring until late autumn, magnificently coloured and shaped flowers and foliage, colours and leaf structures and textures create the garden. This richly textured carpet, creates an ever changing ground plane and play environment. SHADE QUALITIES Owing to the choice of species the garden will have a varied appearance and a diverse composition of shade.

to provide natural shade, creating resting areas for gathering and seclusion away from the summer heat. “in the shade of a tree” explores the gap between ancient wisdom and the current demands of a society facing a need for sustainable climate control methods. It is about creating natural shade that changes with the seasons. Trees and vegetation should be composed to create a play of shadows on the ground plane. Shade patterns should range from delicate and dappled to the deep and heavy.

POSSIBLE SPECIES PALETTE A RICHLY TEXTURED CARPET After the first rains in October/November, a green carpet grows, covering the ground plane. Pink and white Cyclamen and red, white and purple Anemones bloom from December to March, followed by the blue lupin and yellow corn marigold. Crocus provide a burst of colour at the end of the summer.


Follow the yellow brick road

A picnic in the orchard, delightfully breeze-cooled bowers invite escape from the summer sun




Trees would be arranged in an almost arbitrary manner, variation in these compositions could range from densely planted groups to solitary trees, allowing different spaces to develop throughout the play environment. Species would be chosen for the colour, texture and pattern of bark creating interest and joy at eye level. These characteristics would invite curiosity and closer examination by playground users. SHADE QUALITIES The overlapping branches of trees would cast an airy, cooling shade on the playgrounds ground plane. POSSIBLE SPECIES PALETTE Olea sp, Eucalyptus sp. Pistacia sp. Prunus sp.

The delicate branches of closely planted trees would intertwine to form tree tunnels and passages. Inviting discovery and creating connections between various play spaces. SHADE QUALITIES Delicate branch structures and leaves create a dappled shade and rustling leafy canopy. POSSIBLE SPECIES PALETTE Casuarina sp. Eucalyptus sp. Lagerstroemia sp. Leptospermum sp. Melaleuca sp.

A formal language of rows of trees and lawns creates a clearly defined sequence of spaces, providing resting areas for gathering and seclusion. The palette of colours is confined to the various hues of green of orchard species, creating a subtle play of colours and textures. SHADE QUALITIES Deep shade for those seeking 'climatic' refuge. POSSIBLE SPECIES PALETTE Citrus sp. (scented orange orchards) Olea sp, (gnarled olive groves)

Oranges and lemons say the Bells of St. Clement's....

               

SPRAY PARK pssssssssssssssss Being outdoors is very difficult during the Israeli summertime, with the small exception of places nearby water resources that are the preferred recreational environments on hot summer days. Since the supply of water in our country is far from abundant, we decided to plan a construction system that would provide a comprehensive playground solution and would enable a successful, cool and moist recreational environment. This environment would undoubtedly attract large crowd from all ages during the hot summer months. We are proposing a construction system that includes a shading structure, made from an opaque fabric. During the summer, the fabric renders a shadow on the playground area and over the winter, the fabric accumulates and stores the rainwater. A sleeve that extends downward to the ground allows the water to flow into an underground receptacle, so that when the summer arrives the rainwater will be sprinkled over the spray park area. *Water collection system can be

used other uses such as gardening and urban agriculture.

                 

THE GIVING TREE There are some great trees in Israel. The tree has a natural sensitivity and flexibility to climate changes and seasons, sensitivity that cannot be imitated artificially. Nevertheless, there is a planning tendency to zone the playgrounds, and to separate the playing lot from the surrounding grove. A big playground lot demands an artificial shading solution, while the surrounding trees shade the inactive areas of the garden We suggest a different schema for playgrounds’ planning, so that the activity zones will be placed under the trees, which exist anyway, and will enjoy their presence and shade. The facility will be placed north-western to the trees, to insure a maximum utilization of the shade during the hottest hours of summer. The facilities’ production will be performed by cutting recycled oriented strand boards according to the spreading instructions, and install them easily in the designated site.

This production’s solution enables the installation of these facilities in an easy and prompt way, by using local craftsmen from inside the community, without the need for futile transportation and the usage of harmful materials.

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Sitting on the floor, holding a cold can of Coke, putting your head in the freezer, these are just some of the methods that children find in order to cool themselves from the harsh heat of July and August. The harsh heat requires us to be creative throughout the day and everywhere in finding solutions to lower our body temperature. Anything which is cold becomes a candidate for grabbing. Public playgrounds are constructed from materials which are resistant to vandalism such as plastic and metal pipes. During July August’s heat, these materials become an obstacle to the user of these gaming facilities. In order to climb the ladder you need full contact with hot metal polls. However, if we look beneath our feet into the ground, there is a complete set of pipes which flow water everywhere under the city. The pipes are very cool because they are deep underground where the temperature is much lower than the temperature of the external environment.

This playground presents the concept of leading the municipal water system above the ground and streaming the cool water in the pipes that make up the amusement facilities. The construction of the park is based on the existing urban water infrastructure and cycling it in a closed system. Cool water which flow through the pipes lower the temperature of the garden’s environment, and allow reducing the temperature of the metallic pipes. Utilizing the high water pressure pipes allowed spray areas, which were used to add facilities that contribute to the environmental cooling effect.

Memorable places are imprinted into our bodies and minds forever. Playgrounds should be places where meaningful memories are made, like the edge of a river, a canyon or a forest.

“Yet, at the very moment the bond is breaking between the young and the natural world, a growing body of research links our mental, physical and spiritual health directly to our association with nature- in positive ways.” Last child in the woods, R. louv

feel small

see what happens invent relationships

amplify sound

explore the unknown



be inventive investigate light

contruct relationships

change perspective

feel powerful


. .




sensory playground outdoor play spaces that promote social and sensory development

Natural materials reveal their making and gain integrity as they are altered by use- unlike mass produced playground equipment which deteriorates as its ages. The sensory playground demonstrates principles of ecological systems. Rainwater is collected into ground channels and reatined on site, irrigating plants while minimizinstormwater run off.

Places to sit and watch, places to ponder and experiment, places to jump and yell; are all linked by an undulating wall of shadows. brooks clifford D E S I G N

Team: Kelle Brooks, Medha Singh, Noelle White

Spaces that allow for varying degrees of participation and activity welcome people of all ages and abilities.

The play environment can be used in multiple ways, determined by individuals, encourages imaginative play. Water and shade contribute to psychological cooling effect. The thick wall provides a “cool sink”.

Custom prefabricated modular eco-concrete blocks are affordable and easily assembled by lay people, and allow for a high degree of design customization.

a contrast to the non- spatial, a-material sameness of conventional playgrounds


“increasingly, nature is something to watch, to consume, to wear- to ignore.” Last child in the woods, R. louv

“Yet, at the very moment the bond is breaking between the young and the natural world, a growing body of research links our mental, physical and spiritual health directly to our association with nature- in positive ways.” “…increasingly, nature is something to watch, to consume, to wear- to ignore.” “Last child in the woods”, R. louv

physical experiences found in nature. Wading at the edge of a river, staring at the endlessly changing patterns of flowing water, squishing toes into wet sand, making a nest or fort in dried twig bushes. The goal of this project is to create an environment that allows for these kinds of free play activities stimulated by rich physical environment- in a solitary or group setting. In this digital age where children spend less and less time at outdoor activities, children are in great need of opportunities to engage with natural materials and basic phenomena.

Play is critical to developmental learning. Sensory playgrounds engage children via sensory experience and teach discovery through the body. Traditional playground models emphasize gross motor skills, not sensory and social awareness; a new model is needed. In urban and suburban situations, children don’t have access to wild natural places. Playgrounds can and should provide the kinds of social and

The sensory playground demonstrates principles of ecological systems. Water travels along a path led by gravity and diverted through a system of surface channels to irrigate plants within the play ground. Rain water is retained on site rather than being sent to a municipal treatment plant. It is collected through the system of channels and routed to an onsite drywell. This system is accessible to be viewed as an ecological demonstration and is simple to maintain because it uses no pumps and isn’t connected to a sewage system.

SENSORY PLAYGROUNDS Outdoor play spaces that promote sensory development

The sensory playground is intended as a repeatable system that can be easily adapted to various site conditions. In order to keep costs low, the wall is constructed out of custom pre-cast modular eco-concrete blocks (Carbon sequestering concrete blocks, currently being developed at the University of Arizona). This allows for a high degree of design customization which can occur off site, at the front end of the process. Prefabrication of uniquely designed elements adds quality and site specificity that standard far above that of standard catalog equipment. On site construction is simplified to “dry- stacking” blocks that are sized to be carried by hand. Digging of footings and water channels can be done with unskilled labor and without extensive equipment. The current state of environmental and architectural affairs is due in part to a lack of sensitivity to our surroundings. This project promotes a creative engagement and heightened sensitivity to ones physical surroundings via tactile interface.

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” Rachel Carson The sensory playground identifies basic principles with simple well designed elements, unlike catalog playground equipment, that are reproducible and adaptable. Custom prefabricated modular eco-concrete blocks are affordable and easily assembled by lay people, and allow for a high degree of design customization. Research has shown that playground equipment that is intended for a single activity does not promote creative playhence does not engage children in sustained activity. The play environment can be used in multiple ways, determined by individuals, encourages imaginative play.

Water and shade, integral to the sensory wall, contribute to psychological cooling effect. Research has shown that playground equipment that is intended for a single activity does not promote creative playhence does not engage children in sustained activity. Parts that can be used in multiple ways, determined by individuals, encourage imaginative play. Contemporary playground equipment is fundamentally object based. One can select a slide, a climber and a monkey bar which can be assembled economically into a grouping that is detached from the social and environmental context of a place. The sensory playground integrates people of all ages and abilities. Spaces that allow for varying degrees of participation and activity welcome infants as well as the elderly. Places to sit and watch, places to ponder and experiment, places to jump and yell; are all linked by an undulating wall of shadows, textures and water. This project demonstrates that playgrounds are integral to - not separate from- the continuity of the urban fabric.

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Bakbukology Empty plastic bottles, a simple stainless steel mesh, and a positive mood. That’s all it takes to create an eco-educational experience for children of the neighborhood. The children see clearly how to reuse waste, protect the environment instead of polluting it, in minimum costs. The simple construction process of screwing the empty plastic bottles onto the stainless steel mesh, enable the residents to create a playground area for their children by themselves. Cooperation between the residents and construction from inside the community create a strong sense of belonging and mutual respect. The northern reference of the structure allows optimal shading during the hot hours of the day, and the form of the arches routes in the northwest wind and induces a pleasant atmosphere. Combined with the unique texture of the plastic caps, a magical and ecological experience is being generated...

 OYA

               ETFE LED 

ANT COLONY Inspiration Earth Ships - Use of used tires for stabilizing ground form and temperature in internal space. Ant Colony - 3 dimensional excavation into the ground Hill Structure The artificial hill is built around the existing playground using recycled concrete and PVC tubes. These are covered with used tires and soil as it is used in ‘Earth Ships’ construction. The hill is shaped as a horseshoe. Its main opening directs south with tube openings directing the wind. Ground Cooling Effect During summer, movement of air through the covered tubes will reduce wind temperature and cool down temp. on playing ground. During winter, those tubes are closed and air flow is forced to climb uphill and above playing ground.

Shading Shading is offered in Concrete tubes and the covered tube system. Shading of the existing playground is based on a light cable system and use of materials provided by the community. This can be as simple as reusing clothing by hanging it from these cables or reusing empty drinking bottles hanged alongside each other to break sun radiation. In future development, very high-tech solutions such as ‘ETFE’ air cushions with integral led illuminations can be used to allow evening activity. Design Team OYA: Ohad Yehieli, Limor Yossifon

          PVC      

                   BACK TO THE SOURCE DEVELOPPING ECOLOGICAL ELEMENTS FOR PLAYGROUNDS NETA VINER/GALIT SEKER In a place surrounded and shaded by nature, which embracing the recycled and artificial elements. The experience in the playground at the climax of heat can exists, in a place where fascinating and colorful elements will challenge people to enter and find new experience and to enrich the imagination while exploring the site and tracking the conventional facilities among them. For us, the 2 most meaningful and important elements, which requires ecologic and design solution are the facilities and the shading systems. Those two elements enables friendly and fascinated environment for the children as well as for the adults, bringing them back to the playground, as the children are usually drawn to simple games, which arouses their imagination by the shape, color and comfort while staying in

                                     a shaded and cozy area. Using the nature and the existing infrastructure for its own purpose. The materials we use for this project are actually part of the municipal waste in the form of pipes, traffic signs and their poles for structural use. The plastic colored pipes swirling in the natural space and creating a playful element with construction made out of poles, which used to hold traffic signs. This element creates a maze of pipes which makes a colorful and dynamic space. Above it, we attach slider or a swing, a horizontal ladder or climbing net. The combination of these conventional elements in the facility makes an interesting and complex temptation and gives an additional value to this experience. One of the advantages of the plastic pipes, which cover the construction, is that they don’t heat up and allows children to play with all day long. Since the pipes covering strong construction, which holds them, the facility is as strong and as safety for the users. The pipes, poles and traffic signs are available from the

municipal waste and so their cost value almost doesn’t exist. However, their added value is for the area and the awareness for the users. Recycling the poles and traffic signs can be used also for creating other elements that unifies the playground by the materials and the design. One of the designs is a bench made out of cut poles which are attached to the ground. Instead of standard seats we use the traffic signs by bending them for comfortable sitting and safety. These benches use for rest, games and unique design. Using those pipes in playground may enhance children’s imagination and allows them to enjoy an ecological, safe and friendly environment. An additional element which allows us to celebrate this ecological scene is a green shaded wall. It is built by several recycled elements- bikers old helmets which are used as a canister for flowers and plants. The helmets are attached to

           

the pole construction. We can also cut the pole in its upper side so it can become a kind of tube which collects rain and uses the water for the plants in the playground trough simple small channels in a circulative way throughout the playground. The municipal playground is a kind of an escape from the streets and the asphalt to a natural and colorful retreat. And as it is, we believe that nature creates natural and most effective shaded and cooler climate. With that, we also gave another solution and designed an artificial tree, which blends with nature and together creates an efficient, cozy and economical shade facility, that allows playing and hanging at the playground, even in the hottest hours. As an inspiration we used the notion of the natural trees combining with a work made by architect Neville mars in a parking lot in Taiwan. We designed an element made out of an artificial tree with huge active leaves hanging out from the tree, carrying solar cells which follow the sun rays throughout the day and using its energy (about 15%) to light up the playground during the evening. We also designed big fans hanging from the tree to

make cool breeze in the facility surroundings. The natural and artificial trees cover the playground with their leaves all day long. Another variation for this system is by taking one of the big artificial leaves and use it to cover rest areas and benches, and to get the same effect of shading and using sun rays for its energy. These generic elements enable a wide and versatile development for playground facilities and shading every playground and every climate and provide a great joy and challenge for the users.












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Growing Playground skeleton is based on a rapidly growing plant. Bamboo grows meters per month, while Paulownia grows meters per year. Dynamic Playground geometry develops while growing. Installations rise up, and new ones added below. In a mature playground, upper installations are moved down. Branches are cut and used as installations material. Playground Natural fiber rope is used to create ladders, bridges and net surfaces connected to the growing skeleton. Mulch is added on the ground to create soft and safe surface.

penetrate. Soil Both plants nourish the soil and are suitable to be planted in contaminated lands. Water Irrigation by using gray water from nearby public and commercial buildings. Community Neighboring community takes part in playground maintenance and cultivation, enjoys it and committed to preserve it. Guy Shachar - Gili Keselman

Shade Bamboo creates a pleasant shade using its dense canopies. Paulownia has large leaves in the summer to create shade, and remains bare in the winter, allowing warm sun to

(In his House in the Wilderness, Meir Shalev, 1998)

Bring a recyclable bottle and try to knock it off


Bring your truck and join the Trucks-Go-Round


puppet show

Bring your favorite doll or teddy-bear to take part in today’s

Bring your chair and build a seesaw together with a friend


Once it unloads the platform - a puppet stage, a base for a seesaw, bowling track etc. - the children are welcome to build and play with the dolls, trucks, balls and other objects they brought with them from home.

The Mobile Play Cart parks in the neighbourhood at temporarily disused and relatively cool spaces such as building entrances or local shelters, eliminating the need to walk far in the heat.

Based upon the nostalgic phenomenon of the ice cream truck we propose the Mobile Play Cart. A mobile playground that travels through the city with its melody that invites children to participate in varying activities using objects they bring from home.


“Shall I remind you? After them followed the candy-seller … the ‘Alte Sachen-wagon’, the ‘Ice-wagon’, the ‘Oil-wagon’ and the ‘Soda water-wagon’; and each of them engraved in my memory the shadow of his body, the sound of his bell and the loud shout of his merchandise slogan.”

(1998 ,‫ מאיר שלו‬,‫)בביתו במדבר‬

‫הקרח‬-‫זאכן ועגלת מוכר‬-‫ ועגלת האלטע‬... ‫הממתקים‬-‫”להזכיר לך? בעקבותיהם באו מוכר‬ ‫ וכל אחד מהם חקק בי את צללית גופו ואת צלצול פעמונו‬,‫מוכר הסודה‬-‫הנפט ועגלת‬-‫ועגלת מוכר‬ “.‫ואת הצעקה הרמה של סיסמת מרכולתו‬



THE MOBILE PLAY CART IS HERE! The typical high temperatures and unbearable humidity of the Israeli summer are certainly challenging. Many Israeli parents find it difficult to offer their children adequate activities that are neither passive (watching television) nor consumption oriented (visiting the mall). Although there are areas in the city that offer refuge in such weather conditions -like shaded public gardens, the beach or cool emergency-shelters, the way to them often means a long and exhausting walk in the hot sun. Seeing your child abandon the screen, take a toy and hop downstairs to play with his friends in the middle of the summer, might sound utopian. However, we believe the experience we propose in our project can make this vision real. “… Shall I remind you? After them followed the candy-seller … the ‘Alte Sachen-wagon’, the ‘Ice-wagon’, the ‘Oil-wagon’

environment would help them develop their independence, flexibility and planning-skills. In addition, we encourage the re-use of accessible objects instead of submitting to the pressure to buy new ones (as can happen with activities based in a shopping mall). The Mobile Play Cart parks in residential areas at temporarily disused and relatively cool spaces such as a wide stairwayhall or entrance of a building, a local shelter, or even a roofed parking place. In this way we eliminate the need to walk far in the heat and plead to upgrade these often gloomy and neglected spaces. This would also create a bond between the children of the block and enable the parents to send them downstairs alone to play while keeping an eye through the window! Sharon and Guy Königstein, March 2011

and the ‘Soda water-wagon’; and each of them engraved in my memory the shadow of his body, the sound of his bell and the loud shout of his merchandise slogan.” (In his House in the Wilderness, Meir Shalev, 1998) For some of us this is nostalgia. Nevertheless even today many children and adults find themselves following the sound of the ice cream truck that drives along the streets and suggests a refreshing break in the tough summer months. Our proposal is based upon this phenomenon: the Mobile Play Cart travels through the city; its melody invites children to come together, bringing with them a toy which represents the proposed activities for that day. Twice or three times a week the Mobile Play Cart arrives to the neighbourhood and in a selected spot unloads its “goods”. Once a week a puppet-show that puts on fairytales starring Teddy Bears and Dolls. On a different day a playground experience in the form of a seesaw or a merrygo-round constructed with children’s chairs and ride-on toys.

The day after one can join the rubber ducks race and splash in a water tub, roll a bowling ball towards the plastic bottle pins, or join a pillow fight on a trampoline. The Mobile Play Cart will supply the platform - a puppet stage, a base for a seesaw, bowling track etc., on which the children build and play with the objects they bring from home. The different activities encourage sharing and playing together based on the assumption that when playing together the heat is easier to tolerate. D. Winnicott, English paediatrician and psychiatrist, coined in 1951 the term transitional object, referring to an object that the child is using as a source for confidence, capability and comfort. We would like to engage these feelings by inviting the child to bring his/her own object and use it in a creative manner when leaving home and going outside. For those children who have difficulty leaving their known and familiar place and/or things, such a beloved object serves as a bridge to the new activity; while using the object in a changing

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GeodesicFun Natural roofing system for playgrounds Ofir Zak and Alex Fertman

chilling the hot wind that goes through. The water keep running in circulation through pipes which are located inside the construction itself.

“How would you make this playground nicer during the summer?” I asked the young mother I’ve met in the park. “Only Air-condition will do” she said, “only Air-Condition”.

Around the dome there is a climber such as vine which during the summer is full with leaves and gives a great shadow, while during the winter is in fall and lets the sun comes in. The climber gets it’s water from the same circulation system that brings the water to the net.

It is true, the cool flow of the air-condition is nice, but not as nice as seating in the shadow of a wide tree next to a cold spring during the breeze. This is the feel that we wished to give in the playground. That is why we plan a generic system that will emphasize this vibe around whatever piece we would like in the playground. We planned a generic geodesic dome roofing made of Bamboo and steel joints. According to the wind direction, a simple net is stretched over the construction. Water dripping over the net during the summer time and

The water system is made from a water pump that produces the circulation, a water pipe to refill the missing water from evaporation and irrigation. The energy for the water pump comes from a solar panel that is installed as a part of the dome itself. The water system and the solar panel will be installed by professionals. The rest of the system can be built with the community since there are no special skills or tools that are needed.

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