L9DE_City Open Space Rejuvination

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Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan Concequences 1 The form generated by the amendment generates a more extreme skyline. What does this look like? Is it any good? The form generated by the amendment generates a more extreme skyline. What does this mean for overshadowing?


Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan Built Form Proposed Controls The amendment proposed provision to ensure adequate seperation between buildings and the street, public space is protected from the wind and overshadowing, and development opportunities provide public benefits.

• Floor area ratio of 18:1 with public benefits • Minimum fixed tower setbacks of 5m with defined flexibility • Reinforced shadowing and wind controls • Height controls only in special areas







Overall city built form concequences From the overall affect of the amendment to the whole city, there are few notable changes of the builtform.

• Taller and skinnier tower generated due to the height to setback ratio.

• Continuous wall of podium as the amendments allow a discretion to increase the street wall height to 40m to macth the existing streetscape.

• Increase number of towers generated due to no provision of maximum density limit.

• Development over the heritage building due to no provision for heritage buildings.


Before Franklin St

La Trobe St

Lonsdale St

Bourke St


Collins St

Franklin St

La Trobe St

Lonsdale St

Bourke St

Collins St

Exhibition St

Russell St

Swanston St

Elizabeth St

Queen St

William St

King St

Exhibition St

Russell St

Swanston St

Elizabeth St

Queen St

William St

King St

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan




Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan Skyline The changes of the overall builtform affected the city skyline drasticly. Taking a panoramic view from the Southbank river towards the Flinder street station, the changes can clearly be analyse. Before

• The existing skyline shows a low difference between the city edge buildings (Flinder St Stattio and Federation Square) and the inner city buildings.

• The podium were not visible • Tallest tower appears to be double in height compare to the city


edge buildings. After

• Higher difference in height between the city edge buildings (Flinder St Stattio and Federation Square) and the inner city buildings.

• The roof of the inner city building are visible • The tallest tower appear to be four times the height compare to the city edge buildings.



Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan Concequences 2 There is no provision for new parks in the amendment. What will the maximum population of the city be under a projected ‘build-out’ of the amendment? How many square metres of open space are there per person now? How many square metres of open space will there be in the build-out?


Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan Urban Open Space Insertion of open space within a city block varies between some of the other major cities such as Barcelona, Hong Kong, New York and Vancouver. 1. Barcelona building focuses on the perimeter of the block thus, creating a courtyard within the block itself. Most courtyard serves as public space for the residents of the city block. 2. Hong Kong’s hilly terrain allows the lower buildings to provide open space for the higher buildings on the roof. 3. New York provides open space as public plazas that takes up a large proportion of the city block. 4. Vancouver is the least dense per city block thus allowing more flexible open space around the buildings.


1. Barcelona

2. Hong Kong

3. New York

4. Vancouver

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan Journey to finding Open Space In the case of Melbourne City, open spaces strategy is important to retain the open space quality. Open space quality can be determine by the open space per person ratio. Open space per person ratio is the total open space provided for the total population within the similar site. The lower the ratio means the lower quality of the public amenity.

2.0 km2 30,441ppl

2.5 km2 37,106ppl

A. Population Estimation The population of the tested area can be estimated using the density ratio between the existing condition to the regulated condition.



1. Statistic fact provided by the City of Melbourne are 37,106 people as in 2016 within 20,540 dwellings. The given population are measured within the 2.5 km2 Melbourne CBD district.

3. Focussing on the habitable buildings, the total plot area within the site are 1.3 km2 and the total floor area are 14.5 km2. At 80% sellable area, the total sellable area or habitable area within the site are 11.6 km2. 4. The regulated module gave an increase of the total floor area and sellable area to 16.2 km2 and 13.0 km2 respectively. Assuming that the household size are constant, the projected population and dwellings can be calculated. The estimated population doubled to 44,425 people.

1.3 km2 44,425ppl

1.3 km2 30,441ppl

2. Assuming the population are evenly scattered within the city and all of the buildings are residentials, the population within the control analysis are 30,441 people.




Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

37,106 Population

20,540 Dwellings

1.91 Household Size


Coverage Area (km2)

The current population within the Melbourne CBD area as stated in the City Of Melbourne projection is 37,106 people in about 20,540 private dwellings. 8

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

30,441 Population

16,842 Dwellings

1.91 Household Size


Coverage Area (km2)

Assuming the population are evenly scattered within the city and all of the buildings are residentials, the population within the control analysis are 30,441 people. 9

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

30,441 Population

16,842 Dwellings

1.91 Household Size


Coverage Area (km2)


Total Floor Area (km2)


Total Sellable Area of 80% (km2)

Focussing on the habitable buildings, the total plot area within the site are 1.3 km2 and the total floor area are 14.5 km2. At 80% sellable area, the total sellable area or habitable area within the site are 11.6. 10

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

24,591 Dwellings

1.91 Household Size


Coverage Area (km2)


Total Floor Area (km2)


Total Sellable Area of 80% (km2)

The regulated module gave an increase of the total floor area and sellable area to 16.2 km2 and 13.0 km2 respectively. Assuming that the household size are constant, the projected population and dwellings can be calculated. The estimated population doubled to 44,425 people. 11

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

30,441 Population

140,600 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Focussing on the habitable buildings, the total plot area within the site are 1.3 km2 and the total floor area are 14.5 km2. At 80% sellable area, the total sellable area or habitable area within the site are 11.6. 12

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

81,200 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

The regulated module gave an increase of the total floor area and sellable area to 17.9 km2 and 14.3 km2 respectively. Assuming that the household size are constant, the projected population and dwellings can be calculated. The estimated population doubled to 60,291 people. 13

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan Open Space Estimation The increased density preassures the open space available per person. Following are the estimation process to calculate the open space needed for the regulated city condition and a series of strategies to maintain the open space ratio per person. 1. The existing open space are 140,600m2. This provides a 4.62m2 open space per person for the 30,441 people. 2. The regulated open space are 81,200m2. Thus, provides a 1.83m2 open space per person for the 44,425 people.


3. The required open space can be calculated by multiplying the regulated population number with the existing open space ratio. 4. Hence, 205,243 m2 of open spaces needed to maintain the open space per person of the 44,425 people. 5. Scenario 1 is to insert the open space within the urban fabric at a specific location. 6. Scenario 2 is to create a centralized park to as cumulated open space.


2 Final Regulated population




Existing Open Space Ratio

4.62 m2



Required Open Space Area

205,243 m2





Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

205,243 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Specific Insertion Scenario 1: Consolidation of plot size into superblock and application of open space benefits. Consolidated multiple plot into one larger plot reduce the setback between building and maximise volume. 15

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

734 Population

1,422 Open Spaces (m2)

E li




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Existing Site 1 One propose rule to insert the open spaces needed is consolidation of the smaller plot with weak public amenities spaces. Site 1 focuses on the block bounded by La Trobe St to Little Lonsdale St and Elizabeth St to Queen St. The tower developments at the edges of the block increase the oveshadowing of the buildings on the inner buildings of the block. This reduce the public amenity quality. 16


Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan Sky Space

Existing Sky Space

McLean Alley The existing built form of the site allows a relatively higher sky space in comparison to the regulated built form. Looking through McLean Alley, the tall buildings surrounding on the parameter reduce the sky space significantly resulting in a darker laneways.

Regulated 17

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

734 Population

3,995 Open Spaces (m2)

Volume Transfer Thus, creating a central courtyard wthin the block can provide a semi-private open space for the residents of the block. Transferring the regulated volume to the surrounding building as a potential development. These development received building height benefits by providing open space in the middle of the block. The proposal can provide up to 3,995m2 of open space within this space. 18

Open Space Insertion

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

Sky Space


Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

754 Population

4,382 Open Spaces (m2)


tl Lit



S ke ur





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Site 2 Site 2 focuses on the block bounded by Lonsdale St to Little Bourke St and Elizabeth St to Queen St. Similarly to site 1, consolidating the middle plot and transfer to neighbouring buildings to create a semi-private open space for the block residents. 20


Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

754 Population

4,368 Open Spaces (m2)









S ke ur





t Li




e rk




Site 3 Site 3 focuses on the block bounded by Bourke St to Little Bourke St and Elizabeth St to Queen St. The proposal is a combination of consolidation of small plot area as open spaces as well as utilizing roof as open space. For example, the underutilise existing parking space is converted into open space. 21

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

769 Population

4,682 Open Spaces (m2)

Ru s


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Site 4 Site 4 focuses on the block bounded by Lonsdale St to Little Bourke St and Swanston St to Russell St. This block consist several Melbourne unique laneways. Consolidating some of the small plot while retaining the existing laneways to provide the open spaces. 22


Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

699 Population

3,112 Open Spaces (m2)

Ru s


d ns

al e


Sw an st on St


e t tl


S ke ur







Site 5 Site 5 focuses on the block bounded by Lonsdale St to Little Bourke St and Lonsdale St to Little Bourke St. A mix of high density residential and commercial buildings, open space can also be provided by consolidating the smaller plot and utilising podium roof of the commercial buildings. 23

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

205,243 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Central Park Scenario 2.1: Centralized open space that act as central park within the city. Based on the open space estimation, the amendment require three of city block as open space to maintain the open space ratio. The proposal impose the central park on the block with the least number of historial buildings. Bounded by Spencer St to Queen St and Bourke St to Collins St, the central park provide 205,243 square meter of open spaces. 24

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan


Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

205,243 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Central Park Scenario 2.2: Located at the center of the city, bounded by La Trobe St to Collins St and Queen St to Elizabeth St. 26

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

205,243 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Central Park Scenario 2.3: Connecting the required open space to the existing Parliament and Fitzroy Garden create a larger open space. The park bounded by Exhibition St to Spring St and Lonsdale St to Flinders St. 27

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

205,243 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Central Park Scenario 2.4: The required open space can be layout accross the active corridor of Swanston St. It requires about 10m building setback from each edge of the street to create the open space corridor. 28

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan


Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

205,243 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Central Park Scenario 3.1: Utilising the podium roof level as open space. 30

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

305,243 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Central Park Scenario 3.2: Utilising the podium and medium tower roof level as open space. 31

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

44,425 Population

751,753 Open Spaces (m2)


Open Space per Person (m2)

Central Park Scenario 4: Connecting the existing park on the preimeter of the city with a serires of smaller park. The small park connects the Flagstaff Garden, Carlton Garden, Parliament Garden and Fitzroy Garden. 32

Spaces for the living

Muhammad Zharif Rafiq Bin Rozlan

Scenario 1 Population 44,425 Open Spaces (m2) 205,243 Open Space per Person (m2) 4.62

Scenario 2.1 Population 44,425 Open Spaces (m2) 205,243 Open Space per Person (m2) 4.62

Scenario 2.2 Population 44,425 Open Spaces (m2) 205,243 Open Space per Person (m2) 4.62

Scenario 2.3 Population 44,425 Open Spaces (m2) 205,243 Open Space per Person (m2) 4.62

Scenario 2.4 Population 44,425 Open Spaces (m2) 205,243 Open Space per Person (m2) 4.62

Scenario 3.1 Population 44,425 Open Spaces (m2) 205,243 Open Space per Person (m2) 4.62

Scenario 3.2 Population 44,425 Open Spaces (m2) 305,243 Open Space per Person (m2) 6.87

Scenario 4 Population 44,425 Open Spaces (m2) 751,743 Open Space per Person (m2) 16.9 33

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