Raw Food Recipes. 5 Main Courses + 2 Special for the Weekend

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Maria Kolotygina Raw Food Recipes. 5 Main Courses + 2 Special for the Weekend. – 1st edition. – ZIGZABUR NORTH AMERICA, 2014. – 22 p.

E-ISBN 978-0-9909947-1-8

“Raw Food Recipes. 5 Main Courses + 2 Special for the Weekend” is the first book in the series “Eat Like You Love Yourself”. The author presents the balanced diet methods which she personally has devised. Raw food recipes described in the book will help to enrich your food ration and get all necessary vitamins and minerals. This is one of the effective ways to the flexible body and fresh thoughts.

The publisher and the author do not bear any responsibility for any health aggravation that may occur, if the reader (readers) will follow the recipes described in the book. Before cooking under the recipes contained in this book you should consult with a qualified physician to determine whether your health condition corresponds to raw food diet described in the book. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, OR STORED IN A DATA BASE OR RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT

www.zigzabur.com E-ISBN 978-0-9909947-1-8


e-mail: office@zigzabur.com www.zigzabur.com


Contents recipe 1


recipe 3


Stuffed peppers

recipe 4


recipe 6

Cutlets with champignons and sesame 19

Cauliflower couscous 9

Cabbage rolls 15

recipe 7

recipe 2 recipe 5

Marinated mushrooms with broccoli 11

Vegetable puree 17

Sausages with lentil 21



Raw food is not a diet, is not a new ECO trend... Raw food is a lifestyle and the way of thinking.

It’s an informed choice to a healthy body and healthy spirit. It’s a kind of an answer to Hippocrates and his “You are what you eat”. If your food ration includes 4

natural food then you are alive. You have a beautiful flexible body and fresh thoughts. But does every person know what does really mean to be alive? It means to wake up each morning with a smile on your face full of strength and inspiration, it means to do what you love, having an infinite stock of ideas and creativity, it means to have lovely and warm relationships with people around you, it means to enjoy each moment of your life and to know what you are living for! 5

Once I made my choice and now I share my positive experience with a great pleasure. My book series will present the most delicious courses which often used in everyday life. These courses combine the most essential vitamins and minerals that will allow to maintain your health in a good condition 7 days a week treating yourself with tasty desserts and cocktails. In this book you will find 7 recipes of raw food diet. Cutlets with champignons and sesame, 6

vegetable puree, sausages with lentil are the great alternative to the traditional variants of these courses. These healthy substitutions will help you to deal with nostalgia and cook vegetarian and useful food. Bon appetit! I recommend to start this way of nutrition slowly and gradually. Please, take care of products variety and seasonality – it will help you to get all necessary vitamins and minerals. 7





1. 1 cauliflower floret 2. 8-10 olives 3. 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice 4. 2-3 tablespoons olive oil 5. 0,5 onion 6. Spices to taste 7. Bunch of herbs (fennel, parsley)


Instructions It’s really fast and easy to cook a cauliflower couscous. First you need to blend the cauliflower but not until smooth. Cut olives and onion add to cauliflower and mix everything. Season with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and spices to taste. Sprinkle with cut herbs.


Marinated mushrooms with broccoli



1. 0,5 kg champignons 2. 1 head broccoli 3. 2-3 garlic cloves

4. 5-6 tablespoons lemon juice 5. 2-3 tablespoons warm water 6. Dried seaweed 7. Spices to taste

2 Instructions Mix lemon juice, olive oil, water, thinly sliced seaweed and garlic, spices in a large serving bowl. Stir the dressing with the cut bite-size slices of broccoli and champignons and let it chill for 2-3 hours or even more. Serve with fresh vegetables. 11

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