Earthern Artifact This is a research page for the voyager golden records. I have collected just a few images to show the record of how it looked, the markings on the records and also what each of the markings meant. there is also imagery of them being placed onto the voyager space crafts. Each record is filled with an array of facts, data and images to show what makes the earth what it is today and how we have thrived living on the planet over many years.
The Golden records
Earthern Artifact These are showing some examples of what is on the golden records on board the voyagers. From what i have seen already i understand that there is a lot of information on these records, some complex and some just a simple use of imagery showing how we have lived for anyone out there that would like to know. I like how its not all just sciency facts about the earth and how things work but it also shows things such as the seasons and weather we have on the planet, how people are concieved and families are made. There are imagery examples of how we have evolutionised with education and construction throughout contries worldwide. I really like that a use of images is key in this as the languages are there as well but who are we to know that anyone who finds the records will understan any of them. imagery is a key part towards understanding something and its demonstrated extreemly well throughout the records. I chose to screen shot these images for research because it shows you some of the actual images on the records which i find to be very interesting.
The Golden records
Earthern Artifact As unexplained within the image to the right there are a variety of images and sounds that represent the earth, the sounds consist of music from all different genre’s, era’s and cultural backgrounds. There are animal noises such as birds, whale sounds, sounds created by the weather such as wind and rain, as well as all the different sounds there are fifty five greetings in different spoken languages. The images on the voyager consist of every thing from different planets to how humans have been convieved, but its not just all about how we came about as people its also about the different places on earth from sand dunes and beaches to cultures, weather changes and transportation. From everything that is ont hese golden records a good image of earth should be made and the people that inhabit it.
The Golden records
Earthern Artifact The aim of nasa is that they want to use the voyagers to expand their knowledge of the solar system and possibly further into the atmosphere. The first voyager experiment only got so far into the atmosphere and the enitial plan is that they want to explore further past the suns magnetic field as no one knows what is actually past the sun and beyond. These voyagers have been given enough thruster and fuel to last then till an estimated year of 2020 by this time they will be very far from the sun and drifting further. The voyagers are destined to eternally wander the atmosphere exploring things further than we may ever know.
Voyager Interstellar mission
Earthern Artifact Facts about the earth:-Earth is the third planet from the sun. -The core of the earth is is mostly composed of of iron. -71% of the earth surface is covered by water. -The earth takes 365 1/4 days to complete its orbit around the sun. -There are 195 countries on the earth -A third of the earths land surface is partially or totally desert. -Earth is the only planet in the solar system where a total solar eclipse can be seen. -There are about 22,000 manmade objects orbiting around planet earth. -The earths atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen as well as other gases. -The earth has an Ozone layer that protects it from damage.
About earth
Earthern Artifact An artifact is something that has been made or produced by man this could differ from objects such as tools, weapons or ornaments, these sre usually found from an older era that have been dug up and found by archeologists for historical interest. These could also give people historical information about what life was like back in the days that it was used as a tool or object. Artifacts can tell people a lot of information such as ancient artifacts that have been found such as the mummified egyptians, these can tell how they used to live there lives what sort of things they would eat and how they also died just from the bones found in an archeological dig.
What is an artifact?
Earthern Artifact In this project i will start by looking at artifacts from around the world and throughout the worlds history because the golden record has quite a few historic items on it and i would like to include this into what i will be creating. An artifact is something that has been made or given shape by man. A lot of these are discovered and found by archeologists but i think it is interesting and would be great to share it with anyone who doesnt know about the earth and the earths history. An artifact can be anything from hand made cutlery, transportation things, clothing and statues to the simplest of items such as vases, jewelery and coins. Many items that are found beneith the dirt were possibly given as gifts to the peoples gods.
Earthern Artifact I have gathered some imagery research on these facinating historic artifacts that were found and are believed to date around 500 800 CE. They intrege me because they have been portrayed as something that has been made to represent an animal, made by the people for their gods. Arguments have shown that it could possibly be this case but others also argue that information about aeroplanes and their structure wasnt known back in the days that this was created. It makes you think wether the people from them days were a lot more than scientific research shows and that we just dissmiss to believe what we dont know fully well.
Ancient Aeroplanes
Earthern Artifact Archeologists have discovered many Egyptian artifacts inside the ancient pyramids. Because the Egyptian religion believes in life after death Egyptians buried their favorite possessions in their burial chamber. Artifacts found are possessions of Pharaoh teaching us to understand how the Egyptians lived. The Pyramids were built for the Pharaohs that have passed and entered the afterlife. These structures were made of huge limestone stones that were polsihed and carved into large blocks. Each block weighed roughly around 2.5 to 15 tons each. Records indicate that around 20,000 workers would build these large structures. Each pyramid took around fifty to eighty years to build. Many years were involved in building these pyramids as the Egyptians built three levels of underground chambers. Today there are over 110 pyramids in Egypt, the largest pyramid is located in Giza. Each Pharaoh built their pyramid with a different design and size. Today in Egypt 27 pyramids are avaliable for tourist to visit and see.
Ancient Pyramids
How we live Earth
Pop up book
Earthern Artifact Rich Love Poor
Poverty Family
Life Friends
Earthern Artifact This is my first idea for the earthern artifact project, i have got a few images to show example of this idea. I thought that a way of re creating the golden records would be to show earth through the use of a book, this book could have facts about pollution, poverty, war, peace everything that shows you what earth is and what the people around the earth have endured throughout the years. Photographs and images of such events would be likely included to show a more graphical version of the earths events. Also including the lives of people on earth, working life, family, how we live, the languages we speak, the climates and countries that make earth what it is today. I think personally that this would be a simpler version of the golden records and could be thoroughly understanded by anyone who may find it, all the facts and information will be there but in a simpler form. After the earth has gone this book could show people what earth was like while inhabited by people and what we have experienced will living on this planet.
Idea 1
Earthern Artifact My third idea for the earthern artifact project would be in the form of a memory box/ time capsule as shown in the few research images i have collected. I thought that this would be a good way to show everything we would want people to know about the earth because although you cannot access it like the golden records and listen to the music, music can still be put into the time box as well as pictures and photographs of historic events. Newspapers aswell to show what the people living on earth have been through with loss, poverty, war and other historic information. i think that this idea may work just as well as the others and also the golden records because in opinion photographs and pictures can tell someone a thousand words and there would be no language barrier if there was one for anybody that finds it. languages can be incuded into the box aswell either on a disc/ cd or written down. The way i have tried to look at this is that anyone who was to find it may not have the technology we possess to access discs and records where as this seems to me like a more visual option that could be well understood by everyone.
Idea 3
Earthern Artifact For this first idea i have got a few variety images of two types of books to start with a scrap book and a pop up book, i think that these types of books would be quite interesting to use because they are fun and more of a visual type of book. If someone were to find it and see the images of a pop up book, images such as things that have happened throughout the earths time it would be more interesting i feel than just seeing flat images but also on the other hand i realy think that the scrapbook idea would work equally aswell because you can create a use of image work with facts and small chunks of information that is easy to understand and take in. A flip book could be another option but all the information needed to fit into it would be abit too much i think, too much information in such a small structure.
Research into Idea 1 - Book
Earthern Artifact These are three other types of book that i could create and make into something of use towards the earthern artifact project, just a general book is one option but rather than masses of information the use of facts about earth and its residents would be of more use as its less information to take in at once also with some scenic pictures of earth to not only give facts and information about earth but to show pyhsically what earth and people look like. A Photograph book is another idea as pictures and photographs seem to give off a better understanding and vision of what is being seen or shown to us, my opinion is that it might work abit better than a lot of writing or recorded language. The third idea with the use of books is that i could create a sort of manual about earth show and talk about how the earth works the cores of the earth, the people residing on it and the history of human life and countries.
Research into Idea 1 - Book
leaves Dried plants
song lyrics
old photography
everyday objects
newspaper articles
money people
Earthern Artifact This is a rough example i have created from paper of a small A5 scrapbook that i have made just as an idea to show as example what it might look like and that there is no organised layout within each page. They are just set out in which ever order can really fit anything on the page. I do like the scruffy layout of a scrapbook because you can do pretty much anything with the layout of it and add whatever you want people to see into it. I think i prefer it from a general book because its like organised chaos and is so much more interesting to look at and read small chunks of information rather than whole paragraphs.....
Contents of scrapbook
Evolution of people
How we live Pop-up of earth
Speech bubbles with languages
Pop up of animals
Pop-up book Buildings
Citys houses
How we live Earth
Book Love Poor
Poverty Family
Life Friends
Human Experiences
Earths structure
Animal Life
Solar sytem
Evolution Music
Season changes
Animation Modern and old buildings Organs Construction Human anatomy
hustle and Bustle
Life Experiences
City life
Buildings Houses
Earthern Artifact For this third idea iv got a few images to show different examples of boxes that i could use in the development of a memory box. There are two examples that i have found which have a variety of spaces but i dont think these would be of much use in the development of mine because a lot of the items that will be in the box would be larger of scale and therefore minute spaces would not be of use. A few compartments may be a good compromise to section off certain items within the box that may need to be sectioned and organised. I like the old weathered looking wooden boxes because they have a nice authentic aged feel to them, in opinion i would say the best material to make the box out of would either be some sort of plastic, wood or maybe a thin but strong soldered metal so it will last. Where as a cardboard or paper one would not be efficient enough and would ware quite vastly becoming weathered and weak. This would not keep the items within protected and in a good condition.
Research into Idea 3 - Memory box
Earthern Artifact Whilst thinking about the concept of a memory box for everyone throughout the earth to add there own memories and items into i thought of a better more personal way to answer the brief of earthern artifact and that is to create my own personal memory box of my life on earth and the experiences i have come across throughout my edcucational and working lifestyle. Within my own memory box i would show how i have experienced life through my eyes and show my friends, family and memorys. In my own memory box i would also include growth periods shown through photos of me as an infant growing into the woman that i am today. Items such as soft toys and things that are important to me should be included aswell to give examples of the things people have/own and use throughout there lifestyle even theough mine may be different to some other peoples experiences it would be good to have a thourough insite into a persons lifestyle even though it would be my own.
Research Idea 3 - My Memory box
animals Dried plants
Newspaper clippings
Memory box Rich Items Poor
Poverty Jar of soil
Earthern Artifact I am using this film for refrence because i think it fits in really well with this project, the film is about earth being trashed and in really poor condition so the people of earth are on a ship living life out as they would do on earth while little wall-e’s clean up earth ready to sustain life again. People have been in space so long and been eating ready made food they dont know anything about earth and have to learn from scratch what earth is and what everything on earth is. Theres a specific scene to the film that i would like to concertrate on and its the scene where the captain is learning about earth and what earth is made from, how we are able to sustain life on earth by growing and making food. It shows a good example of the type of things that someone might want to know about earth if they had never been there and knew nothing about us and our lifestyles.
Films -Wall- E
Earthern Artifact This is the second film i would like to add into my research because i think it works well with the brief as the film is about earth being at war with another race and the fact that humans won the war with them but lost the earth in the battle and it had become unsustainable and uninhabitable for humans to live on so they are creating a new way of life on a large spaceship that orbits the earth. I think in relation to the brief this would be a good example of a film because its showing how earth has been destroyed but although its not similar the the golden voyagers there are still people that have survived that will be able to pass on information about how the earth used to look and what type of people would inhabit it.
Films - Oblivion
Earthern Artifact Another film i have decided to add into my research about earth is the film After earth because although the film is not entirley about facts of earth and how we lived it is about the human race escaping earth and leaving earth and its animals to become over grown, wild and territorial. I like this film as an example of earth because it shows how earth and its inhabitance changes quite vastly when not inhabited and changed by the influence of people. In the film earth is something very different from what we know it to be and it gives an example from say a different point of view and perspective which i like. This could help influence one of my ideas in a way that i could percieve earth to be something that it may end up being thousands of years into the future instead of what we see it as now.
Films - After earth
Earthern Artifact This research page gives example of just a few items that i could put into the book that i would create, a few of these examples are newspaper cuttings telling about events that have been important while we have lived here on earth. I thought that a good idea to put into the book could be examples of money from all around the world to show how we purchase everyday items that we may need another example that i have shown through this research would be the development of photographs and how we have evolved from only having limited colour, black and white to having an arey of different coloured photographs and technology. Items that i havnt shown in example would be things such as imagery use of everyday objects that we might want to share because they are important to how we make our life style.
Whats in the Book?
Earthern Artifact For the animation i had the idea that i could make it like th esmall opening of a film or cartoon, Start out going from scene to scene about a few bits of earth. Start from a zoomed out angle of the earth and it zooms in to earth, through the clouds to a house and turns into the lifestyle of this one family giving examples of love, friendship, family, emotions, bereivement and everything that a typical everyday family goes through, it can show example of around the world the different situations with life thst people are in wether it be poverty or wether it be wealth the animation could zoom out from the house and the family after its shown that example of life and zoom out onto the world and every so often the animation could zoom in on certain parts of the world to show examples of countries at war, peaceful countries weather changes. I have decided that this would be the most effective way of showing how the world works and how i could get the image across of how we live our lives on earth.
Whats in the Animation?
Earthern Artifact These are a few items that i would likely put into the memory box, anything that could symbolise life on earth and how the people on earth have survived and thrived. the things we use on a day to day basis and also information about the way people live their life styles and the difference between how we all live our lives. Items such as a jar of soil and sand could be useful in the memory box because there naturally created items from earth that make up the earth and the animals, insects and humans that reside on the earth. I think that the memory box is a good and useful way of learning things about earth because the photographs and items that will be in the box will help anyone to understand what earth is alot better than just listening to what we are and how we live. Items that you can touch and feel excel within learning about something and make the brain activate in a creative way which makes it easier therefore i really do think this would be an effective idea if it is created in a sturdy box that will last for a while thorugh different occurances.
Whats in the Memory box?
Earthern Artifact
Book - Developments
These are the starting development of a rough scrapbook/book and iv tried out hand made sizes to see which would be more appropriate i have done an A4 example (furthest to the left). An A5 size (middle). And an A6 example (furthest to the right). I also experimented roughly with front pages and which would be more appropriate one designed on the computer or one that has been created using chalks. My conclusion so far is that if i was to create a scrapbook then i would use the bigger size of A4 because its more space to add a lot of things into it, but where as i could use either the size A4 or A5 for a simple book about earth and life experiences because because there would be a certain page layout to it where as a scrap book has no specific page layout and is very much just a messy designed book of memories and experiences.
Earthern Artifact
Book - Front page Developments I have created four quick designs on photoshop that i could possibly use for the front page of my book or scrapbook, My honest opinion on these are that they are all pretty similar but just as them being rough idea developments i think i could expand on the image as a whole and mae it look a bit more of a book cover. For the scrapbook concept it wouldnt have to be that neat it mainly depends on what or who the scrap book is for or made for the purpose of the scrapbook would stand out alot for what the front cover should have on it. I like using the brushes on photoshop because it gives it a really nice simple space planets effect that i can work with quickly throughout my developments. My favourite one so far just from these would be the top left but as for the text warp my favourite is the bottom left as the bend around the planet works quite effectivley. If i could create one combine i think it would be a nice effect to have for a front cover. What i dislike about the two on the right hand side is that the text placement is quite simple and the planets dont look organised they just look messy and unplanned as for position.
Earthern Artifact
This is the final layout design i have come up with from the previous page by combining the two front page ideas that i liked the most with the layout of one and the text placement of the other. I think this layout works alot better and the text placement is a lot moe effective. I do like the type of font that is on the page from the experiments already because its simple and stands out within the black and white background. I really do like the placement of the text though it looks as if the type is sitting on top of the planet and i think it makes for a more interesting/stand out front page.
Book - Front page chosen
Earthern Artifact
Book - Fonts Developments After experimenting with four different fonts i have come to the conclusion that whoever recieves the book has to be able to make out the type face and be able to read what it says so i have come to a decision that using just a simple bold font like the bottom left image has would be more essential as it stands out more against the background and it is also more understandable to read in such a block letter. The others are just about readable but thats to me and i am thinking if someone was to find it who didnt know what these type faces where it would be rather difficult for them to understand what it says on the cover of the book. The decision of sticking to a simple font would eb the best idea for this prjoect i think. As for the many other type faces that i could of experimented with i still think that to myself the simplest one i could find that will stand out and be chunky but readable to others would still be the best one.
Earthern Artifact As for the contents of the book, i would be including in it things such as Newspaper articles from special events that have taken place on earth but these would have to be taken from the internet as i cannot get a hold of any old newspapers with interesting earth events in. As for the old photographs that i would like to include into the book i would have to also collects them from the internet as i dont myself own any examples of family portraiture from the days when black and white photography was used. As well as old photography i will show the change from times of black and white photography to the now used colour photos for these i will be able to use my own photography. Alot of what will be in the book will be photos and imagery of things because its so much easier to undertand things about other places and objects withe the use of imagery. Therefore making this book the choice of a scruffy styled scrapbook with items in it and things to feel or an organised continuous flow of imagery and neatness.
Contents of the book
Earthern Artifact
Book, experiment pages InDesign. These are the pages i have done rough on Indesign for the idea of a book, just to show how i would roughly lay it out with the contents and with the use of images and text. After thinking about this idea i have decided that it will be an idea with a lot of text invloved and if anyone who finds it is unable to read english it wouldnt be very good to anyone so iv decided to leave this idea from here and start to think more visually about how i can get the life of the people on earth across to whoever finds whta i create such as the memory box idea.
Earthern Artifact
Final Book on earth.
This is the final product of my earth book idea, i have produced an A4 sized book containing 7 pages of information about earth, the weather, the people and how we work. I created the book on InDesign and produced a simple contents page and refrence page aswell as the main pages of information. I do really like how this has come along through the process stage. I think as a small book it holds a lot of information and imagery that would be interesting to anyone who wants to know about earth.
Earthern Artifact
Memory Box experiments
This is my start experiment for the memory box and in this process i have experimented making it out of cardboard as a first step, i have also tried experimenting with different textures by using certain materials to give it and old effect, i started out using paint as a textured look and decided that it didnt look very good it didnt make it look old it literally just looked painted then i thought to try pva and ripped bits of paper soaked in coffee, where as that gave it a better look it still didnt look as rugged as i wanted it to so rather than use small ripped pieces of paper i tried pva’ing the whole side of the box and placing a whole piece of paper on to the box then painting over the paper with watered down coffee to make the paper easier to rip and manipulate into a scrunched look, i was much happpier with this outcome rather than the paint. I originally used a teabag to make it have the older effect and though the effect was brown and old looking it wasnt dark enough for what i wanted it to be.
Earthern Artifact
Memory Box experiments
Earthern Artifact
Memory Box experiments
After trying the experiment with the first box i decided that i liked the texture of that one but there are also different ways i could give the cardboard an old feel to it which is the look i want for my memory box. I also started to experiment with size and shape, this one is a lot longer than the first and second attempt at the boxes, but for this one i decided to use charcoal to see if i can give the box a dirty, muddy sort of affect but the outcome of the charcoal is that its a very messy substance to work with and it didnt really give the desired effect to the box that i orginally wanted. Also where as the size has not been decided yet i have come to the conclusion that a longer box would be good for keeping more things in it, in an organised layout. where as i do prefer the square, deeper box because as its not supposed to be all that organised it just gives it a nicer feel to hold a square box. As for the lid i am still working on it, the lid i made for the longer type box as shown above didnt work all that great. It needs to be something that will stay on top of the box and keep the items within the box safe and dry from anything that could possibly affect the box.
Earthern Artifact
Memory Box experiments
I like the effect that this box has given off i used the same items to give this box the desired effect i wanted as i did with the first box experiment. I like this effect so much because it works so well with cardboard and its easily done to make the box look older. which is the effect i wanted for the box. For this texture i used coffee, pva glue and thin paper. After choosing a texture that i am pleased with i have decided that i need to also think about other materials to make the box out of other than cardboard because if i am wanting the items in the box to last a lot longer then it would be better if they were in a box that is made of a sturdier structure that with last througout weather conditions and any sort of disruption the box might have come to it.
Earthern Artifact
Memory Box Development
Earthern Artifact
Memory Box Development
This is the extended development i have done for the memory box idea and i decided that rather than have it made from cardboard where it can be effected by weather conditions and anything else that might cause the items inside to have damage come to them that i would make the box out of wood so that it might last a bit longer for someone to find. The process i have gone through to make this box is that i first cut up the wood to make the typical box shape then sanded it down to a smoother surface but also leaving a few rough areas on the box to make it look rustic and aged, after sanding i have applied some wood stain to make it that little bit more weather proof. I do really like this one so far, i prefer the effect i couldget on the cardboard boxes more than the rough wood effect but i do think that it works just equally as well as the cardboard effect. I think this would work better as an effectiveness to keep the items that will be inside the memory box safe and secure. This box will be used for my final as i think it fits the criteria of what i wanted to create in terms of something that would last for a substantial amount of time.
Earthern Artifact
Contents of the box
For the contents of the personalised memory box of my time on earth i have decided to add in some pictures but not just any old pictures that i have i have picked out specific ones that i think should be involved in the box to show parts of my life that i think are important. The second image on the top row is university and the one next to it on the right side is of high school, i thought it would be good to show some photographs of time in education as everyone has to do it and its a big part of human life. The far top right photos are of me as a child. I thought that these would be important in the memory box because it shows how i have changed from being a child to now being an adult and how we all change in appearance as we get older.
The top left photo’s are to show how we celebrate special times within the year such as halloween where we dress up, christmas were we decorate with christmas trees and lights and also bonfire night where we set off fireworks and celebrate with rockets and sparklers. The photos to the middle left side are examples of weather and seasons which i think are important to anyone who wants to know what earth is like and this is not just for my experience of it, everyone on earth will experience these w eather conditions and seasons. The middle right photos are of my pets at home to show that we have such things as pets and care and look after them. The photos the the far right are the photos of my family and friends whihc obviously i think are important to add in about my life on earth because my family is very important to me and i would like to share the importance of my family to me with anyone that wants to know.
Earthern Artifact
Contents of the box
Also for the contents of this box i have included things speifically to do with my education as its a big part of not just my life but human life in general i have included things such as my high school leavers book, some languages i learnt in school translated into english greetings, my qualification certificates to show what i am able to do because of education and also i have included my school t shirts from primary school and high school that have been signed by fellow peers, teachers and tutors. I think the education side of the memory box is a very important side to show throughout human life because everyone wether young or elderly has been through education in life and it is a very big part of peoples life on earth. Without education we wouldnt be able to progress into jobs that we aspire to have and universities that we want to attend.
Earthern Artifact
Contents of the box
Other items i have used within the box consist of not only personal things but also natural things such as the small tubs, they have natural resources in them like dirt, sand, sticks and grass as things that the earth naturally produces. i have also put in a few personal belongings such as my baby brush and birth certificate as well as them items i thought i would add a dollar bill to use as an example of money, I think so far everything that i have put into this memory box is relevant and has personal meaning as well as a meaning towards the earth.
Earthern Artifact
Memory Box final Development
These are the final touches that i added to the box after i had stained it and waited for the stain to dry i re sanded it to give it a worn look to make it look older and more rustic, the chipped wood helped add effect to the look of the box. I was originally going to add a hindged lid to the box but i think that it looks fine with just a slide off lid and also adds to the effect of it possibly being an older box. I do like the outcome of the box i think that it works well and has done exactly what i was trying to do.
Earthern Artifact
Memory Box final This is the final outcome of my earth artifact project and i have created a personalised memory box to show my time on earth and what i have done in life so far, I am really pleased with the outcome of it because although it was hard to make the actual box out of wood i managed it alright and after all the work i have put into it, to make it look rustic and worn i think i have achieved the effect that i was working towards and i am very happy with the final outcome. Although if i was to do it again maybe i would of been able to experiment with the different effects that i could get by using different stains on wood but i didnt have hakf of the supplies i needed to achieve that depth of experimentation, Overall i am very happy with the way the product has turned out as a final piece its self and i have enjoyed this project because it let me go further into detail with the materials i used and the depth of experimentation.