New Visual Language Modern
Mind Map
Zoe Freeman Issue No.
Design Image
Barcode Contents Page
Page Numbers
New Visual Language Simple Design
Barcode About Me
Back Cover
Next Issue Preview
Personal Manifesto
Modernism & Post-Modernism
City in flux
Range Type
Justified Left
P.t size
Earth Artifact New Visual Language
New Visual Language
Front Cover Research
Zoe Freeman I think out of these six front covers there are things that i like and things that i also dislike about each one of them, the things i like about each of them is the use of colour, they all seem to have a very good colour scheme toward them and stand out in their individual ways to the buyer. My favourite of them all would have to be the one on the bottom left because it has a really nice use of pastel colours within the use of photography on the background. I also like that fact that its not a really busy front cover and the type fits around the image perfectly showing that the image aswell as the mast head is one of the most important things on a front cover. The things i dislike aout three of them specifically is that they are way too busy, theres too many things going on and theres so much to look at and read on the cover it makes some people think that what theyve read on the cover is enough information and they wouldnt have to read the inside. The top left one is the one i dislike the most specifically because it looks way too busy and in my opinion it looks messy the way that its laid out, i dont think there has been a lot of thought thats gone into it. Although some people may like that look i personally prefer the minimalist effect that would make someone want to read more into what is actually inside the magazine. The front cover is the most important part of the magazine because it has to draw the attention of the audience in to buy it. I have chosen these specific covers for research because they are all different to each other and have different qualities within each one and you can also differenciate between each magazine cover.
References jpg.html
New Visual Language
Front Cover Research
Zoe Freeman On this page i have chosen not just plain magazines but magazines that advertise different things such as greenery, weight loss, tattooing, music and food because each magazine that advertises something different will have a different image on the cover and possibly a different layout to how things look on their cover such as sub headings and imagery. My favourite on this page as again i have likes and dislikes about each of these is the countryside one on the right side in the middle because i really like the use of type faces within the shape of the tree i think it works really well and gives off a very nice effect in the way that you can tell just by looking at the front cover of the magazine what it is going to be about. My least favourite of the six magazine covers would have to be the middle one on the left side because although it is a nice use of imagery on the front cver i dont like the use of font, it looks very scruffy and unprofessional, the layout of the type on the cover also looks very unthought out looks like its just been thrown onto the page without care or thought about precision. I have chosen these six covers for my research pages because they all offer something different and all advertise something totally different on the cover and i thought that would be a good variety of covers to work with and annotate as you can see how each one advertises things differently and in different ways.
References Von-Gutenberg-cover-web.jpg 87d191774673a26e_self.jpg
New Visual Language
MastHead Research
Zoe Freeman For my Mast head research i got a variety of different mast heads to choose from and talk about because each one is different i think of all of them i prefer the metro one because i like the effect that is being given from it and the use of shapes within the background because i think it makes it stand out more as a masthead. I do also like the RWD mast head because the use of colour is really nice and as it is the mast head for a music magazine i think the colour goves off a really nice vibe to whatever is on the cover of the magazin, colour goes well where music is concerned. I Think if i was to compare two of them within difference it would be the KERRANG one and the Telegraph one because they are so different compared with each other. The Kerrang one having that grunge look to it so it fits within the contents of the magazine as it is selling information about alternative bands and music where as the Telegraph is a more subtle use of font because it is advertising a newspaper that will have important information within it such as job advertisments, breaking news and worldwide information so the type face has to be a little bit more appropriate to fit in with what is being shown on the front of the newspaper.
References AAAAAAAAADs/5XnwvpY5BX4/s1600/masthead+designs.jpg cropped-Masthead.jpg
New Visual Language
MastHead Research
Zoe Freeman These are six more Mast Heads that i have chosen for my research because each one is using a different font and each one fits in with what the magazine or newspaper is trying to sell within the front covers the companies create. A lot of Mast head fonts stay the same but in some cases the colour of the font or placement of the font on the cover. The one i like the most of these six would be the wired one because it has a certain age group to it that would make it stand out to this certain age group and i think it does the job its been designed it, i think it would draw teenagers in to buy this magazine about music and get them interested because not only the use of words chosen for the magazine makes it stand out but also the type face and the use of decoration around the typeface.I think that the Rewind one does a similar job as the wired mast head because its for a certain age group again and i thi nk it fits in with that specific age group. The one out of all these that i dislike would have to be the Gallus one because although it is a magazine for men the font is very bland and plain. Although plain is a good thing in some circumstances but i think the grey doesnt work very well, in my opinion a black font would of looked a little bit better because it would go with what ever is on the cover of the magazine.
References AAAAAAAAAEE/WYAsNDG7jyM/s1600/rewind+2+edited.JPG wiredfront.jpg designs_0.jpg
New Visual Language
Magazine Artists
Zoe Freeman Art Spiegelman
Art Spiegelman is an American cartoonist, editor and comics advocate best known for his graphic novel Maus. His work as co-editor on the comics magazines Arcade and Raw has been influential, and from 1992 he spent a decade as contributing artist for The New Yorker, where he made several high-profile and sometimes controversial covers.
Rea Irvin
Rea Irvin was an American graphic artist. Although never formally credited as such, he served de facto as the first art editor of The New Yorker. He created the Eustace Tilley cover portrait and the New Yorker typeface. He first drew Tilley for the cover of the magazine’s first issue on February 21, 1925. I have personally chosen these two designers to research because they have both done some really good magazine covers for the new yorker magazine and some of their art work is really simple but really detailed at the same time and it really appeals to me within the cover of a magazine and it is something that i will consider when designing my front cover.
References Spiegelman_(2007).jpg
New Visual Language
Magazine Artists
Zoe Freeman Lucky Peach - Walter Green
Walter Green is a publication designer from San Francisco, California. He is the art director of Lucky Peach Magazine, an eccentric quarterly journal of food and writing, a job he’s held since the first issue in 2011. As a designer, he’s worked with McSweeneys, Beck, AirBnb, Random House, The New York Times Magazine, and many others, working on book covers, cookbooks, balloons, collections of sheet music, and, above all, editorial design. As an illustrator, his clients include New York Times, New York Magazine, Bloomberg Businessweek, and the Atlantic. In 2013, he was named one of Print Magazine’s New Visual Artists, and one of The L Magazine’s 30 Under 30.
i have chosen to get research on Walter Green’s magazine cover designs because they are all very different from each other and can look really random and out of place but i think thats what made it stand out for me as its not your everyday average front cover for a magazine as its a little bit wacky. I’m not sure that this is something i would like to add into my front cover but it is something i would like to consider within the designing process because i do really like how they willl stand out in a crowd of magazines
References 6c6515/1407022434672/lp.jpg full-700x865/52377e14/lp8_womencover_web.jpeg?resolution=0
New Visual Language
Magazine Artists
Zoe Freeman Paul Willoughby
Paul Willoughby is a creative director, graphic artist and co-founder of creative agency Human After All. He is the former creative director of Little White Lies magazine. Paul has also worked as an illustrator for clients including The Guardian, The Financial Times, The New Yorker, Adobe, IBM, Nike and Adidas. In 2012 and 2013, he curated a series of Guardian Masterclasses on contemporary illustration.
I have chosen Paul Willoughby as my favourite cover/imagery designer because his work looks so complex and theres so much detail and thought that has gone into each piece of his, even within repetition art work they come together as one image so well and fit perfectly as a whole image which would work effectivley as a magazine cover. Out of the six images i have found on the left i have picked out a favourite which would have to be the one on the top left hand side because so much work went into that one image as it is a hand carved wooden image made from japanese plywood.
New Visual Language
Cover Thumbnails
Zoe Freeman
These are six of the Front Cover thumbnails that i have drawn out into my sketchbook to see the layout of how i could arrange things on my front cover. I like all of the layouts that i have done and so i can get a better idea of how they will look set out properly on a page. So far just from these rough layouts my favourite one would be number four because it has a nice amount of text at the top with the mast head and also a nice amount of text at the bottom of it with the sub heading, i evens out the space in between and makes room for the background image. I think at this point in the process my least favourite one would be number three because theres a lot of type going on at the top and although this leaves an adequate amount of space at the bottom for an image i think it would look too bunched together and very cramped.
New Visual Language
Thumbnails neat
Zoe Freeman These are three of the rough thumbnails that i have done on Indesign neatly to get a better idea of what they might look like once made up into an actual cover for my magazine, I like the look of them better now that they have been done up neater. I have decided that out of these three my new favourite is number three because it is a good use of space withing the whole cover also leaving a nice amount of room for the background image. My least favourite out of these three would have to be the second one, i did originally like it but iv decided that it doesnt work with the banner because its not a very well known magazine and the mast head wouldnt be known. I think if it was on a well known magazine like a lot of them usually are it would work a lot better. I do still like the idea but id prefer it to be used in a sence that people would be able to se the mast head and know the name of the magazine.
New Visual Language
Thumbnails neat
Zoe Freeman These are the other three front cover thumbnails that i have done on Indesign neatly to see if they look better and i have also chosen one that i prefer from the rest as i have done on the other page and i have decided that i like the middle one the best because i like the use of the bubble at the bottom for the subheading because it makes it stand out a little bit more than the other experiments. I think that the mast head being in the middle also makes it stand out a little bit more.
New Visual Language
Preferred cover
Zoe Freeman
I have now designed this cover using the two covers from the two pages previous that i liked i have added bits from each of the pages and changed the black bubble to just a normal white bubble with a thicker outline because i think it looks better as a whole. I do prefer this one to the others i have designed so my next process will be to add in the background to see if i still think the layout works as a whole cover with the imagery included.
New Visual Language
Cover evaluation
Zoe Freeman I experimented with the chosen front cover that i had designed but i decided that it didnt work all that well as the black circle covered up most of the background image so ihave decided to change it so that it looks better and you can see the background image aswell as all the text on the front of the magazine cover. I also had to change some of the text on the cover because it wasnt all that readable being a black coloured font and the background is black. I have chosen the poster i created for city in flux because i think it blends in well and looks good as a magazine cover image, all the other images of work i have are either not computerised/ looking neat or are items that i have made and have not got professional imagery of it.
New Visual Language
Chosen Cover
Zoe Freeman
After editing the front cover that i had chosen this is what i have come up with by taking two of the chosen designs i liked and making them into one then editing out the flaws i had within it. I prefer the look of this one to the last one because everything fits together as a whole for the front cover and the layout looks professional. All that i would have to add to this cover to make it a final is the barcode.
New Visual Language
Font Research
Zoe Freeman On this page i have researched nine different fonts that i could possibly use for my magazine’s mast head. I tried to find some that would look appropriate for the content of the magazine so i went with researching cubic fonts, something that would seem appropriate for graphic design. So far out of the nine that i have found i have three that i like the most because they stand out amoungst the rest to me and those are fonts number five, six and nine. These stand out from the rest because i think they look unique and i really like the style of them, number five i like because its a mixture of 3D and shadowing which give it a nice stand outish effect. Number six i like because it looks individual, its readable and i think it would fit in so well with the image that is going on my cover and i reslly like the style. I like number nine because its just a nice simple font thats readable but would also go with any image that was placed on the front cover. As for the other fonts i do reallly like them but i feel that the three i have picked out would suit my cover image better, theres nothing specific that i dont like about any of the fonts i have chosen.
New Visual Language
MastHead Font
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism.
Zoe Freeman This is one of the MastHead fonts that i found in my research page and really liked the look of, thinking it would look well on the front cover. I have placed it onto the front cover to get a better image of how and if it would fit in with the whole image and iv come to the conclusion that as its not the 3D type face that i originally wanted and found in the research it doesnt fit in all that well because it looks to plain and im not sure i like the Thick block font. Its too small for a MastHead and if i make the font bigger it covers the imagery.
New Visual Language
Masthead Font
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism.
Zoe Freeman This is the font that i actually preffered out of the three i had chosen and i think it has done me justice because the font as a whole is a nice use of imagery and a really nice size for the front cover of my magazine, It fits in well with the imagery on it and i do prefer it to the last one. I think that as its quite a nice sized font and doesnt over lay the image it works really well as a whole, the only thing i would possibly change when developing the mast head and sub headings would be the range of the masthead, because its such a large font the original idea of having it range left hasnt worked very well so i think i would have the mast head as a centre alignment for a neater visual.
New Visual Language
MastHead Font
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism.
Zoe Freeman This is the third type face that i liked out of my research page and now that iv placed it onto the cover of my magazine to see how it fits in i feel that it does look good but the only issue i have with it is the size, i feel its a little bit too small for a mast head and if i size it up more it would be on two lines and wouldnt look right with the type of font, The first one iv experimented with is on two lines but i feel that it works more than this one does because the font is larger anyway. I do like this font but i feel out of the three iv chosen to look at the first one would work better as it fits in as a whole image and looks the part within the magazine cover.
New Visual Language SubHeading Research
Zoe Freeman These are some fonts i have found for the subheading reserach, i tried to research fonts that looked a little bit simpler than the masthead as the masthead is the type that stands out most on the cover of a magazine. Out of all the type faces i could i chosen to research iv decided to mainly get serif and sans serif fonts because they are basic as are a lot of subheadings on magazines. Out of these six subheading fonts i have found i have three that i prefer, although they are all very alike they have subtle differences. The first one that stands out to me is the second font because of the certain letters that look different compared tot he others. The second font i like is the fith one down because its a simple thin lined font that wouldnt take away too much notice from the masthead and the third font i like is the sixth one because its a nice curved font with a subtle amount of thickness to it. The other fontsi have found i do like but i think the three that i have chosen would go with the mast head font a lot better.
New Visual Language
Subheading Font
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism.
Zoe Freeman This is the first font that i chose and have tested on the front cover, i do still like this because its simple and i like the harsh look on certain letters, i also dislike it though because of the numbers for the date, im not very sure about the dots in the zero’s. I just feel that one of the other fonts i have chosen might look better for the sub headings.
New Visual Language
Subheading Font
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism.
Zoe Freeman This is another font i got while researching and i do like the look of this font, its got a nice look to it and suits the style of the cover but i think in order for it to stand out a little more and become readable for people who would want to consider buying this magazine the font needs to be a little bit thicker.
New Visual Language
Subheading Font
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman This font is very similar to the previous one but this one is a bit thicker like i wanted it to be so it will stand out a little bit more on the front cover but not so much that it will take the eye catching view from the masthead. I think that out of the three i have chosen i prefer this one and have decided that i wil use this one for my magzine subheading because its more appropriate. I am now going to experiment within type placement on the cover.
New Visual Language
Type Placement
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman This is the first of four type placements i have produced and for this one i decided to have al the text apart from the masthead on the left hand side but the text at the bottom on a central justification. I like this experiment but i think the right side of the cover is too blank other than the barcode, it needs to be evened out so the central image fits around the type.
New Visual Language
Type placement
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman For the second type placement i have chosen to work with i decided that as the previous one was too crowded on the left side that i would even it out and put all the sub heading font at the top using the left and the right side keeping the bar code in the same place but this cuts off some of the background image at the bottom so you cant see it all. The background image is just as improtant as the masthead and i cant move the image up as it covers the mast head and the sub headings.
New Visual Language
Type Placement
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman This is the third experiment i have done for type placement and i still dont have a full image for the background but i dont like this one specifically because you cant read the bottom type and its a central justified dont which i dont think looks well with everything else thats on the cover, It needs a little bit more improvement. I have moved the barcode to the left side to seehow it looks and i actually prefer it to it being on the right hand side because it looks better to me.
New Visual Language
Type Placement
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman This is the final type placement experiment that i have done and out of them all i have taken into consideration what works and what doesnt work and i have developed it to this one which if my favourite because everything looks to fit as one i have change the justificatioln of the type at the bottom of the page making it look more appropriate within all the other type on it. The cover image also now fits onto the page without covering anything important, i do think this is the best layout i can come up with where everything is visable and fits together within the whole cover. I am chosing this one for my magazine cover with my chosen fonts because i am happy with outcome of it now.
New Visual Language
Chosen Front Cover
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language Cover Image Changes
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman As i was reveiwing my front cover and what i could possibly have as the cover image so iv got more of an option i cam across this photoshopped image that i did for city in flux and as its one of the only other images iv created on an adobe suite i thought id have a look and see if i prefer this image on the cover to the other one as i do liek the other one but its a little bit plain and bland looking. The only problems i have with this cover image is that as its such a big image because its a panorama photograph it wont all fit onto the page so iv chosen just a part of it that i like to see what it looks like, iv also had to change the colour of the fonts from black now to white with a black outline. The mast head now looks out of place and i will have to look at considering a different font for it. I do like the image for the background im just not sure as to whether its a little bit busy and theres too much going on for a magazine cover aswell as font. I will experiment more with this and then make the decision out of the two when i am happy with the look of them both.
New Visual Language Cover Image Changes
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman i have changed a few things on the cover now so it all looks a little bit better, iv changed the font of the masthead so it stands out alot more against the busy imagery and i think because of this small change it looks a lot better already, i have also made the sub headings a little bit bigger so they are also more readable against the background, i think even with the slight enlargement they are a lot more readableand i am happy with this same layout as i originally came up with and the placement of the barcode. I will try this with a different section of the panorama image to see if it works with the same effect.
New Visual Language Cover Image Changes
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman I have moved the panoramam image over so that a more detailed part of the imagery is shown to see whether this cover image could be a possibility and so far it seems to look alright. I would say that the subheadings are still readable with the white font and black outline. As an experiment i might have a look at changing the font of the subheadings to one that iv already researched to see if i can get a better effect on them and make them stand out even more to make sure that they are definetly readable to everybody.
New Visual Language Cover Image Changes
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman I have changed the font of the sun ehadings to anothe ron ethat i researched in the previous pages and had to enlarge the text again but i feel that its not really made it stand out amymore than the other one, i feel that the other one fitted the magazine cover better than this one, it just looks a little bit out of place, i might have to consider a thicker font for the subheading.
New Visual Language
Subheading changes
Zoe Freeman i have collected some more subheading font research that is trhicker than the last selection of fonts because of the new cover experiment and already just looking at these five fonts i have found one that stands out to me a lot more than the rest and that is the last font, it stnads out to me because it will fit in with the masterhead font that i currently have and its also a lot thicker than the previous font. i have chosen these specific fonts because they are all thicker than the original font but i just prefer the last one, as i test them on the cover i will annotate on what i think about the tested fonts.
New Visual Language
Subheading Testing
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman This is the favoured font that i have chosen front the previous page and already i can tell the difference from the last thinner type face and i feel that this one definetly works loads better as its more visible and readable i am very pleased with this font, it also fits with the masthead which makes the cover ten times better. I have kept the subheading font white with the black outline though because the imagery behind the font is acyually quite dark and i feel it wouldnt tadn out as much if it was in black, where as its alright for the mast head because its a larger more stand outish font.
New Visual Language
Subheading Testing
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10�04�2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman This is another of the fonts that i researched for the subheading and again i kepy the text colour white with the blac background as for the actualy font it self i dont mind it all that much i just feel that maybe it doesnt go with the masthead font as well as the previous sub heading font did, its a very curved type face where as the masthead is a very structured angled font.
New Visual Language
Subheading Testing
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman This font is very similar to the previous font where as i feel with this one i feel the type at the bottom looks better in this font than the top part of the subheading. I still prefer the first font that i feel that it fits in with the whole cover a lot better than any of the other ones that i have experimented with.
New Visual Language Choosing Main Cover NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman These are the three front cover designs that i have decided to choose from for my magazine cover. So far i have looked at them and made a decision based on the professional look of each one and which one would look better and stand out on a shelf to people. I have also been asking the opinions of people so i can have a different perspective of what people would prefer to see on a shop shelf. After a lot of analysis and observation i have decided that the first one is going to be chosen for my front cover because people prefer it and think that it looks more relevant to what the magazine will be about.
New Visual Language
Chosen Front Cover
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Contents Research
Zoe Freeman These are six of the contents pages i got as research to help me decide how i would like to design the layout of my own contents page. Fromm these six i have had a good look at iv had a few ideas from each of them that i like and i have certain ones that i like alot more than others, My favourite one on this page would be the second one down on the left side because its an unusual layout and i really like the typography that has been used, it works really well with the angled layout. The other one i really like is the first one on the left side specifically because of the numbers and how they are alot larger than the type i think its a good idea and something that i would actually consider myself for my own contents page. The one that im not really keen on is the second one on the right side because of the typaface i dont think it looks very good and the layout looks messy and unorganised.
References TGAContents-534x634.png keshav-report-file-format-on-kali-sindh-thermal-power-project-jhalawar-4-638.jpg?cb=1412964354 AAAAAAAAAD0/4YGcmQKTZRI/s1600/Picture122.png
New Visual Language
Contents Research
Zoe Freeman Out of these six i have three favourites which are the two middle ones and the bottom right one, I like the bottom right one because its an unusual layout for a contents page but i like the look of it and how the contents go around the object, it works because its still readable and it also stands out. I like the second one on the left side because the order of the type is very unusual and it looks appealing one thing im not so sure about is the blue cirlce within the background, its seems a little bit misplaced and randomised, If i was to have the blue cirlce behind the first bit of text id also have a nother bahind the second part of the text. The final one that i like is the second one down on the right side and i liek this one because its very simple and plain looking but also stands out in its own individual way, i like how the type is emerging from the record image and its something i might like to experiment within my own contents page.
References AAAAAAAAAJY/FTQ19iX674o/s1600/Contents+Page2.jpg AAAAAAAAABE/v1DaGB3r5tM/s1600/college+magazine+contents+page.jpg wicked-contents-page-2.jpg c83540f969a978d1916e3bc3af2e4a00.gif
New Visual Language
Contents Thumbnails
Zoe Freeman These are the roughly drawn out thumbnail designs i have done for my contents page, I have taken ideas from the images i got to use as research and have made those images into my own ideas, to make them more understandable and look a lot neater i will re create these on InDesign to show the proper layout of how i would want it and what the font placement will look like when done on the computer.
New Visual Language
Thumbnails Neat
Zoe Freeman These are three of the roughly drawn thumbnails re done on the computer neatly so they give off a better idea of how they might look within the magazine itself. The first one which is a slanted page layout i decided to do because i saw it on one of the research images i got and thought id try it to see whether there was a possibility that this could work for my magazine but i wont know unless i actually put it full size on the document and the image is a lot clearer, what i liked about this layout in the first instant was that it looked unusual and it stood out to me, im not sure if anything wouldnt work on it at this stage in the process. The design below that is one that i created just experimenting with lines i didnt get this idea from looking at the research i had gathered, i do like this one because of the way the lines and the font alignment seperate the masthead of the contents page from the subheading content. This last one is one that i thought of while looking at my cover image and because i used a reflective image for the front cover i thought i would see if the contents page would look alright if i used this effect within the type but use the type in the middle like i did with the image. I think i really do like this one but i would have to experiment a little more before i decide whether it is a layout that i coud use for the contents page but also carry on into further page layouts within the magazine.
New Visual Language
Thumbnails Neat
Zoe Freeman These are three more of the roughly drawn layouts redone neater and so far i have come to a conclusion that the messy organisation of the numbers and line work on the first one does not look very professional and it looked better within the research i had collected, i think this one i wont be taking any further with the experimentation process. This top one to the right is another of my favourites because again i got the idea from the reseach i collected but alos when i was thinking about the cover image of the reflected image again and i thought i could use the word contents as one half of the skyline and then use the actual content information so it looks liek the reflection of buildings like in the image on the cover, further experimentation will have to be made before i decide it is a layout i could use continuously. The bottom one is again another one that i drew out as a n idea from research images i got and i honestly liked the idea better roughly drawn out, now i have done it up neat i am not so sure on the look of it, its very block imagery and i dont think i like that idea throughout my magazine.
New Visual Language
Further Experiments
I have tried this contents layout next to the actual chosen cover image to see how it would look and to see if it fits in with the cover and so far my opinion on it is the it does fit in with the imagery used on the cover but the only problem i have with it now is that the content type might not be all that readable because of its angle and in my opinion up right type is better than side on type if any one with a difficulty within reading is concerned therefore i think this idea was a good one but is also something that could of had a lot more thought gone into it.
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
New Visual Language
Defenition of Modernism Page 1 Defention of Post Modernism Page 2 Classic Modernist Designers Page 3 Post Modernist Designers Page 9
Magazine Design
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Further Experiments
NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
New Visual Language
Defenition of Modernism Page 1 Defention of Post Modernism Page 2 Classic Modernist Designers Page 3 Post Modernist Designers Page 9
Magazine Design
Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman Very similar to the layout previously i did lie it a lot once first designed but seeing it up at a larger scale against the cover image i have decided that they dont really go together and that the masthead of the contents page would look a lot more noticable at the top or nearer to the top rather than at the bottom of the page.
New Visual Language NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
Further Experiments
wV De f isu De enitio al L f n e Cla ntio of ang M Po ssic M n of P ode uag st M od ost rnism e e od ern rnist Mode D ist r De esig nism Pag n s ign e Ma Pa e 1 Mo ers rs ge o g d a Ma 2 b P z o a i ne ge Ma gazin ards P De age 3 sth e d of m sig ead esi 9 a n des gn re gazin e ign vie rev ws desig iew n P s ag Pro Pa e 15 Cit g jec y Pa e 17 ts Ea in flu g e2 rt 3 Typ h Art x og ifac P a r t g Ma aphy Pa e 29 ge nife sto Pag 36 Pa e 42 ge 47
Zoe Freeman The angle of this one i didnt htink was going to be an issue as i liked the ange and found that it was interesting and unusual but after this development this is anohter one that im not a hundred percent certain about, i suppose that this layout is one that i could continue into the other layout pages within my magazine but at the same time i feel that i could use a similar layout as this in it without having it on the contents page. I do still like the style of it though and will take that into consideration within my magazine for some of the other pages.
New Visual Language NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
Further Experiments New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 9
Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman This layout so far is myfavourtie one on a larger scale because it fits in with the cover image and the larger font in the centre of the page is also something i could continue into the other pages of my magazine aswell as the previous layout with the typeface on a slant. I think my favourite think about this design is that its an unusual one but i can alos keep repeating this including the reflective font idea through out the whole of my magazine which will make it look organised and smart but at a continuous level of design.
New Visual Language
Font Research
Zoe Freeman These are the fonts that i have got as research to decide which font would be better within my contents page. i have chosen these specific ones to research because they are all quite a bold font and as its a mast head of the contents page i think a bolder font for the word contents would be suitable. Each of these fonts have a nice typographic look about them but to get a proper feel of how some fo them would look on the actual page i will have to add them to the rest of the page and make a decision based upon which i prefer goes with the cover and could be a font that i will use throughout the magazine itself and not just on the contents page.
New Visual Language NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
Font Experimentation New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 9
Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman I have chosen three out of the fonts that i researched, i chose them to try out on my contents page,I have also chosen this layout for the contents page because i feel its something i can use continuously and i like the layout. My thoughts about this font is that it gives off the effect i tried to give it previously with the helvetica font and the gradient. i feel that although i do like this font that the effect i had using the helvetica worked to a better looking standardas to which right now looking at this font compared to the simple helvetica i prefer using the helvetica to this one.
New Visual Language NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
Font Experimentation New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 9
Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman This font actually doesnt suite the look i am trying to give off on the contents page it looked better as a single type rather than the reflected idea that i want to use, the bottom types gradient works really well though which i think i am going to keep. Again with this font though i still feel that the helevtica font worked better as the helvetica is what i am going to be using for the sub title content as i feel it being a simple font and most likely the font i am going to be using throughout the entire magazine.
New Visual Language NEW VISUAL LANGUAGE 10/04/2015 ISSUE:- 1 Form Follows Function
Font Experimentation New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 9
Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
An Exploration Of Modernism And Post Modernism
City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman This font out of the three i have chosen to extend in the evaluation stage is my favourite, allthough with the other fonts i had chosen i did prefer the helvetica font as it looked simple this font also with its boldness, continuing the reflected shadow looks better to me now than using the helvetica. It works well with the other font in a look of simplicity and character. This is the font i am going to choose for the contents typeface, i will be keeping the other type as a helvetica as its simplistic and will blend in with the rest of the magazine.
New Visual Language Chosen Content Page
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Page Layout rough
Zoe Freeman For my contents page i decied that i was going to have a little bit of information about what graphic design is in a shape on the page next to my content so that on my first official page in the magazine i would have a double page spread to put my information on. For this i have roughly drawn out three shapes on the pages below showing evidence of the different outlines that i could use on the surrounding of the shape and i have also drawn these up neat aswell as done neat shape outline experimentations, i will continue to evaluate each shape as to why i will/ will not be using it, why and what i like and dont like about it.
New Visual Language
Page Layout Neat New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman This is the first one that i have experimented with and i actually really like this shape design, i have used a purple three lined outline with different sized lines but i have also tried a gradient within the shape and i think that this makes it stand out a lot more than it would if it was just a plain white inside. I dont think there is anything i actually dislike about this first one and it will definetly be one that i consider using for my page. I decided to use a hexagon shape because i felt i could give the text within a nice shape around the lining of the shape.
New Visual Language
Shape Experiments New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman This is the second outline experiment i have done, i kept the gradient inside and instead of the standard three lines i have chosen a straight dashed line, i also like this experiment because i think it looks neat and appropriate to my front cover aswell.
New Visual Language
Shape Experiments New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
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Zoe Freeman This is the third experimental shape outline that i have produced and for this i have used a pruple dashed line and again kept the gradient within the shape, im not too keen on this because i think rather than look like something within a magazine concealing information it makes it look like something that should be cut out. I dont think i will consider using this one for my page.
New Visual Language
Page Layout rough
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Page Layout Neat New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman For this experiment on the shape i have decided to use a circle and not place the gradient within the shape but i dont feel like the circle has the same effect as the hexagon does although it still looks good and it still works i do prefer the hexagon so far. The slanted hash outline on the circle though makes it look better and makes it stand out a lot more, i dont think the gradient effect would look right with this outine.
New Visual Language
Shape Experiments New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
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Zoe Freeman For this outline i have used dotted circles which i do think look good but again without the gradient the shape itself looks very plain and doesnt stand out all that much so based on that and my wanting the shape and text to stand out aswell as the contents page i feel that this shape ouline wouldnt work for the appropriate look i want.
New Visual Language
Shape Experiments New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman On this shape i have decided to use the same three lined outline that i used on the hexagonal shape and my thoughts on this is that it doeant work as well as it does on the other shape, I still prefer the hexagon shape because the text fits in it better and it gives the text a better shape.
New Visual Language
Page Layout Rough
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Page Layout Neat New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman For this third shape i have deciced to use a square with a square dotted outline also again not using the gradient because of the spaces in between the square dots i feel it wouldnt look right. I actually do like this shape and look because the shape is a simple one and can be used muliple times throughout the magazine if i wanted to keep a continuous theme going throughout it.
New Visual Language
Shape Experiments New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman As the lined outline look worked on the hexagon i felt i would try it on the square and iv decided it looks the better out of the square shapes and again it could be something i can continue using throughout the magazine but if i was to use it i think i would adjust the font so its a square in line with the shape.
New Visual Language
Shape Experiments
I dont like this outline because it doesnt look right with the other pages i have created for the magazine and i dont think i will consider using this image.
New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 9
Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Zoe Freeman
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
New Visual Language
Chosen Page Shape New Visual Language Defenition of Modernism Defention of Post Modernism Classic Modernist Designers Post Modernist Designers
Graphic Design is a method of Visual communication through the art that is Type, space and Image. The line of work is considered a usage of Visual communicationa and communication design. Graphic Designers use a series of methods to create visual representations of their ideas and typographic messages. The form of communication can differ from being physical or virtual including images, typography or graphic forms. Design can occur at any scale of work differing from the simplicity of a poster to the complexity of motion graphics which inclue title sequences for films and programmes.
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Magazine Design Moodboards of magazine design Page 15 Magazine design reviews Page 17 Masthead design reviews Page 23
CONTENTS Projects City in flux Earth Artifact Typography Manifesto
Page 29 Page 36 Page 42 Page 47
Zoe Freeman Out of all the shape experiments i have done for this page i feel that the first one i did works the best because the text within it looks good inline with the shape and like i thought about the square i could actually continue this theme with the gradient look further on into my magazine and use it on other fonts and shapes aswell as this one.
New Visual Language
Layout Research
Zoe Freeman These are six out of the 12 research images i have collected for the layout design of the inside of my magazine, I chose these specifically because they looked interesting and as double page spreads worked really well i will use these images to experiment with my own layout designs when i draw them up rough. The ones that appeal to me the most are the first one on the left because i like how the one whole page of colour stands out and makes the other page look more interesting to read although the layout isnt a continuous one carried out through both of the pages i still like this image, i also like the layout of the middle one to the right, the mast head stands out a lot more on the blobk background and this is something i might change and consider in my design.
REFERENCES mag-layout-10.jpg jpg dir/3/files/2010/12/fetner-sam-redo-final-mag4.jpg
New Visual Language
Layout Research
Zoe Freeman These are the other six images that i researched for the layout and again i chose them because they stood out to me with their unique layout, again on this page i have favoured images that i myself would like to experiment further within my design process. I like the middle one to the right because if you only have one page of text this shows you a good way to make use of the double page spread without having to carry on type onto the next page. The other favoured one that i would like to develop much like the one with the mast head on the previous page is the bottom left one with the shape across the page highlighting the masthead as the most standoutish type on the page and this is important to get the readers attention.
REFERENCES ea/00b5ea88067e704a12adb5ff35fb17c5.jpg
New Visual Language Rough Layout designs
Zoe Freeman These are the roughly drawn layout designs that i created for my modernism and post moderism pages. I took the research images that i liked and re produced them to look how i would want to percieve my view of them, to get a better idea i will re create them on InDesign neat to see how they will look properly and to see which i would prefer to use as my first double page spread in the magazine.
New Visual Language WHAT IS MODERNISM? Untem volor a dolorporum fuga. Nequia dellatur aciis estis audae nullorum et ut que lab id que dolorporro con nonsed ma corio. Itatus es exped quatent officid qui blaut quate vel minulle sequia id quo eos dist eost aut eate audandant que premqui officium quatassi tem quatque archita pa aliaessequi tes di quas sit que quata nessi dollia pellesc idebis dit perum, officiis expedignam int que peribus, quas aut alignim reris solut aut et omni dolut arum imos etur minturesto cum hillata suntorem quatur simi, senis comnitiandi quos sum corit pa sequi nis et as aditem verfernatius id es dolo voluptat quatur site et por simped est apiet eiur? Ferum fugit pa nem ipsam, omniendem estor accus. Cias min peligen daepudit etur? Oluptatem rererume omnit hictemo maio vollate nusant maion ra volorepudaes qui consectotae. Itatur? Qui non perchic torerovitat aspita quiame dolorum isquibus es ipist, consed mi, volenihic to offic to opta nonseque nat. Mus et mos essenihit et atibeatis mil evelitibus, iducipit alique nit aut am rerum quo officita atiuribus. Accusanda solupturio idebis mos
Untem volor a dolorporum fuga. Nequia dellatur aciis estis audae nullorum et ut que lab id que dolorporro con nonsed ma corio. Itatus es exped quatent officid qui blaut quate vel minulle sequia id quo eos dist eost aut eate audandant que premqui officium quatassi tem quatque archita pa aliaessequi tes di quas sit que quata nessi dollia pellesc idebis dit perum, officiis expedignam int que peribus, quas aut alignim reris solut aut et omni dolut arum imos etur minturesto cum hillata suntorem quatur simi, senis comnitiandi quos sum corit pa sequi nis et as aditem verfernatius id es dolo voluptat quatur site et por simped est apiet eiur? Ferum fugit pa nem ipsam, omniendem estor accus. Cias min peligen daepudit etur? Oluptatem rererume omnit hictemo maio vollate nusant maion ra volorepudaes qui consectotae. Itatur? Qui non perchic torerovitat aspita quiame dolorum isquibus es ipist, consed mi, volenihic to offic to opta nonseque nat. Mus et mos essenihit et atibeatis mil evelitibus, iducipit alique nit aut am rerum quo officita atiuribus. Accusanda solupturio idebis mos
Zoe Freeman
Neat Layouts Untem volor a dolorporum fuga. Nequia dellatur aciis estis audae nullorum et ut que lab id que dolorporro con nonsed ma corio. Itatus es exped quatent officid qui blaut quate vel minulle sequia id quo eos dist eost aut eate audandant que premqui officium quatassi tem quatque archita pa aliaessequi tes di quas sit que quata nessi dollia pellesc idebis dit perum, officiis expedignam int que peribus, quas aut alignim reris solut aut et omni dolut arum imos etur minturesto cum hillata suntorem quatur simi, senis comnitiandi quos sum corit pa sequi nis et as aditem verfernatius id es dolo voluptat quatur site et por simped est apiet eiur? Ferum fugit pa nem ipsam, omniendem estor accus. Cias min peligen daepudit etur? Oluptatem rererume omnit hictemo maio vollate nusant maion ra volorepudaes qui consectotae. Itatur? Qui non perchic torerovitat aspita quiame dolorum isquibus es ipist, consed mi, volenihic to offic to opta nonseque nat. Mus et mos essenihit et atibeatis mil evelitibus, iducipit alique nit aut am rerum quo officita atiuribus. Accusanda solupturio idebis mos
Untem volor a dolorporum fuga. Nequia dellatur aciis estis audae nullorum et ut que lab id que dolorporro con nonsed ma corio. Itatus es exped quatent officid qui blaut quate vel minulle sequia id quo eos dist eost aut eate audandant que premqui officium quatassi tem quatque archita pa aliaessequi tes di quas sit que quata nessi dollia pellesc idebis dit perum, officiis expedignam int que peribus, quas aut alignim reris solut aut et omni dolut arum imos etur minturesto cum hillata suntorem quatur simi, senis comnitiandi quos sum corit pa sequi nis et as aditem verfernatius id es dolo voluptat quatur site et por simped est apiet eiur? Ferum fugit pa nem ipsam, omniendem estor accus. Cias min peligen daepudit etur? Oluptatem rererume omnit hictemo maio vollate nusant maion ra volorepudaes qui consectotae. Itatur? Qui non perchic torerovitat aspita quiame dolorum isquibus es ipist, consed mi, volenihic to offic to opta nonseque nat. Mus et mos essenihit et atibeatis mil evelitibus, iducipit alique nit aut am rerum quo officita atiuribus. Accusanda solupturio idebis mos
This is the first layout done again neat and my views on it are that it does work as a double page spread but im not sure this layout is something i could continue throughout other pages in the magazine, I like the shadowing text for the mast head because its the same as the magazine cover and there is that continuation of design already. I think the one thing i dont like about this layout is that there is too much text i think and i need some sort of imagery to draw readers into the page as the first double page spread is what theyll see opening the magazine and it needs to stand out and look good.
Xera veliantore, consequibus audite volum fugit et velia nonsequos voluptur, ad mo el in rendelliquam delliquae prerion sectem de autas accuptam est ut et optatem poritas dolorum is aut eaqui optatem volenis aut prat renda non conseque velecuscil ipit es minctor essimagnia ent lamenda por aut haruptas inusand anducii stotaquam ditatendest, omnis aut plabo. Bistiunt asped eatur? Agni volupta eictatecest, oďŹƒciendit quosantem suntem voluptat maionsequi ut voluptas volupta tecearci ditae con pre pelitio saperum que qui voluptam harcia ventorehenis aut et ium volupta vel ipsam in pa quiaesti tem aut omnisque non nissunt dit quid mo mo quiae eatios modipit, con nam velias pe cores estrum elestotatur, tem hil is exped eatem fuga. Itatumq uodipit est, tem. Nam rem qui dolupti orestin peditate volliqu untibeaqui te plia volorem quid qui iureprest molorrum aborae. Nem. Nonsequi dolor alicien ducietu ritatis niminti squibusda dolecabore volo ea qui commodi gnietur andipic aerovidebita voluptur reicto dem. Aximus, iliqui tempora tiatat ero cus maximus aut ut aut as doluptur? Aliquis tisqui ommo ius aut qui vellit eatur re consequia simus et aute voluptati sum as explit ullit elescit mos magnist quae nusam quibus quunt liquist, volore inti ut et explit porum dolorpos aut que sunt quibus. Busam labor aliam cusame et licimus am, am haribus cipsume vellaborro id que sitiur molupta autem eveniae nobitaquamus quam quo essinvendes soluptio veles alit ist, aut untures estruptio dolor solupta tentio. Itatendae in plignime velibus apictur empeliciat alibusandit volo odia veliquo eum velectemos expligni non consercia pre veniendit eaturit ra veriora temporp orroviderum fugiam fugit doluptat inctatem. Quidicae pernatem il int. Milibus dolo odit quas maio. Ignis alis nonem fugiam voles dolore cus. Lendisqui ut ab ipsanim duciis et harum que vendae natestiorrum dolupta teculpa nectempos nitasi blaboreri alibus as consedi tionest di blaboribus ut volendae niminci issecep eliquid molorun tibusan delitium si atur sitio. Us et velisinus aborepra est et omnit porem aut laborae in nobis aspelit quamus mo et voluptur aut quo ma cone nam imentem se nulparum in necae veniendis alis el ipsam elique net inte dolor acient eos qui od qui consequam nihil millaut ius et faccus evenda evenden ectate nobisi autempor minis in parunt latem quiaeru mquaspit iuntus nost fuga. La sus qui nullibus sequod qui natibus pratur re sitam elecum aditatur, quia que sunt.
Zoe Freeman
Neat Layouts Xera veliantore, consequibus audite volum fugit et velia nonsequos voluptur, ad mo el in rendelliquam delliquae prerion sectem de autas accuptam est ut et optatem poritas dolorum is aut eaqui optatem volenis aut prat renda non conseque velecuscil ipit es minctor essimagnia ent lamenda por aut haruptas inusand anducii stotaquam ditatendest, omnis aut plabo. Bistiunt asped eatur? Agni volupta eictatecest, oďŹƒciendit quosantem suntem voluptat maionsequi ut voluptas volupta tecearci ditae con pre pelitio saperum que qui voluptam harcia ventorehenis aut et ium volupta vel ipsam in pa quiaesti tem aut omnisque non nissunt dit quid mo mo quiae eatios modipit, con nam velias pe cores estrum elestotatur, tem hil is exped eatem fuga. Itatumq uodipit est, tem. Nam rem qui dolupti orestin peditate volliqu untibeaqui te plia volorem quid qui iureprest molorrum aborae. Nem. Nonsequi dolor alicien ducietu ritatis niminti squibusda dolecabore volo ea qui commodi gnietur andipic aerovidebita voluptur reicto dem. Aximus, iliqui tempora tiatat ero cus maximus aut ut aut as doluptur? Aliquis tisqui ommo ius aut qui vellit eatur re consequia simus et aute voluptati sum as explit ullit elescit mos magnist quae nusam quibus quunt liquist, volore inti ut et explit porum dolorpos aut que sunt quibus. Busam labor aliam cusame et licimus am, am haribus cipsume vellaborro id que sitiur molupta autem eveniae nobitaquamus quam quo essinvendes soluptio veles alit ist, aut untures estruptio dolor solupta tentio. Itatendae in plignime velibus apictur empeliciat alibusandit volo odia veliquo eum velectemos expligni non consercia pre veniendit eaturit ra veriora temporp orroviderum fugiam fugit doluptat inctatem. Quidicae pernatem il int. Milibus dolo odit quas maio. Ignis alis nonem fugiam voles dolore cus. Lendisqui ut ab ipsanim duciis et harum que vendae natestiorrum dolupta teculpa nectempos nitasi blaboreri alibus as consedi tionest di blaboribus ut volendae niminci issecep eliquid molorun tibusan delitium si atur sitio. Us et velisinus aborepra est et omnit porem aut laborae in nobis aspelit quamus mo et voluptur aut quo ma cone nam imentem se nulparum in necae veniendis alis el ipsam elique net inte dolor acient eos qui od qui consequam nihil millaut ius et faccus evenda evenden ectate nobisi autempor minis in parunt latem quiaeru mquaspit iuntus nost fuga. La sus qui nullibus sequod qui natibus pratur re sitam elecum aditatur, quia que sunt.
New Visual Language
This is the second layout done up neat and although i do like this layout i still think the same as the previous one and that although the mast head stands out on the pages there is a lot of type and not enough possible image space. I also feel the page numbers look out of place on this design.
New Visual Language
Neat Layout
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta nos ditia debit voluptatem latquis nonsed ut eatus consecat peraepro odit, corrore, illatur, saecum audis eveleni magnihil eosae. Ut excesci moditem volorer ioribus si occus dolorem aut quae est everrovid ulpa cum ipisqui asinven dandaes tiatem que delis quaectas pore, illigentia verovid quia site sa erupid que recusdae. Quis magnatur, expersperum eum eturerrum et exerrovitis cora dolorporrum incipsunt elecatquam, soluptasit ium ex explab int mo tem. Ebis nulpa sa con erci naturitas am netur, explanistia eaqui voloren delest quo que abo. Estiisciam, core nos dolorat. Soluptatiis am dolorro restectatur? Rum lit occulparciet eat aliqui dolumqu idebita prem volor rem quia non rem fugia quatur simus quamenda accum volorionem
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta nos ditia debit voluptatem latquis nonsed ut eatus consecat peraepro odit, corrore, illatur, saecum audis eveleni magnihil eosae. Ut excesci moditem volorer ioribus si occus dolorem aut quae est everrovid ulpa cum ipisqui asinven dandaes tiatem que delis quaectas pore, illigentia verovid quia site sa erupid que recusdae. Quis magnatur, expersperum eum eturerrum et exerrovitis cora dolorporrum incipsunt elecatquam, soluptasit ium ex explab int mo tem. Ebis nulpa sa con erci naturitas am netur, explanistia eaqui voloren delest quo que abo. Estiisciam, core nos dolorat. Soluptatiis am dolorro restectatur? Rum lit occulparciet eat aliqui dolumqu idebita prem volor rem quia non rem fugia quatur simus quamenda accum volorionem event lacius, sita volupta tumque sequatia dolupta parcitius dolore, et raepre re labo. Id qui nos quae omnimpe provita tiuribus dus molut volore sequianis sit offici cumqui de voloreped eium nobis dipicil ibuscia nditibusci dissediam, omniae eaquam quiat ullabore voluptas aut vitatem peruptatur sin enis rescipis eiuriorepuda nulleni hiligen danimi, sit, ipsa pa denit que qui renient quasper naturisquis vellamene nobit autat. Aximusam quibus ut omnient lab ilis nistiame se doluptatiis debitaest is prat.
Zoe Freeman This is the third layout design that i have created and i feel that i like this one a little bit better because it takes up more space on the pages and i like the layout of the angles used for the masthead but i still feel a few images of modernist design work would of been useful on this page.
New Visual Language
Neat Layout
Zoe Freeman This one so far is my favourite layout design because it has the same reflected imagery for the type as i have used on the contents page and i like that it has been carried on from the contents page i also like that i have room for information about modernism and post modernism aswell as some imagery spaces for examples of modernist and post modernist graphic work.
MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
POST-MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
New Visual Language Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta nos ditia debit voluptatem latquis nonsed ut eatus consecat peraepro odit, corrore, illatur, saecum audis eveleni magnihil eosae. Ut excesci moditem volorer ioribus si occus dolorem aut quae est everrovid ulpa cum ipisqui asinven dandaes tiatem que delis quaectas pore, illigentia verovid quia site sa erupid que recusdae. Quis magnatur, expersperum eum
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta nos ditia debit voluptatem latquis nonsed ut eatus consecat peraepro odit, corrore, illatur, saecum audis eveleni magnihil eosae. Ut excesci moditem volorer ioribus si occus dolorem aut quae est everrovid ulpa cum ipisqui asinven dandaes tiatem que delis quaectas pore, illigentia verovid quia site sa erupid que recusdae. Quis magnatur, expersperum eum
Neat Layout Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta nos ditia debit voluptatem latquis nonsed ut eatus consecat peraepro odit, corrore, illatur, saecum audis eveleni magnihil eosae. Ut excesci moditem volorer ioribus si occus dolorem aut quae est everrovid ulpa cum ipisqui asinven dandaes tiatem que delis quaectas pore, illigentia verovid quia site sa erupid que recusdae. Quis magnatur, expersperum eum
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta nos ditia debit voluptatem latquis nonsed ut eatus consecat peraepro odit, corrore, illatur, saecum audis eveleni magnihil eosae. Ut excesci moditem volorer ioribus si occus dolorem aut quae est everrovid ulpa cum ipisqui asinven dandaes tiatem que delis quaectas pore, illigentia verovid quia site sa erupid que recusdae. Quis magnatur, expersperum eum
Zoe Freeman This one is similar to the previous one but i have put the mast head of the page at the bottom in a grey block box to make it stand out more but i have also continued the boxes for imagery and the type boxes. I think out of them all i prefer the previous one because it matches the contents page.
New Visual Language
MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Chosen Layout
POST-MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
Font Trials
This is the first font i had a look at for this pages mast head and i have decided i really like the look of this one because it gives off a modernistic feels towards it and works well with the simple helvetica that i will be using for the rest of the type on this page.
MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
POST-MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
Font Trials
I also like this font because of the way it joins together it works really well as a mast head but im not sure it will go with the helvetica font for he rest of the type.
MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
POST-MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
Font Trials
Im not too sure about this font mainly because of the letter M i think its too protruding from the other letters within the font, i chose this as an experiment because i thought it might of worked with my reflected image but so far i feel my favourite font for this double page spread is the first font i looked at because it works well as a whole and fits together as one for the pages.
MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
POST-MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse landend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
New Visual Language
Modernism defenition
MODERNISM The term Modernism is quite hard to define clearly because it can differ from a variety of things such as artistic and philosophical movements like symbolism, surrealism, expressionism and imagism. There have been arguments about when Modernism of art and design actually began as some have said it began during the first world war but other historians are lead to believe that Modernism began in the 17-1800’s but this was modernity of literacture and in fact Modernism appeared within art and design many years later. In the 19th Century advances of modernism began to develop in
many new ways helping to shape and mould human culture. Modernism covers many creative aspects such as design and art to also the influence of architecture and music. It is most arguably themost influential movement of the 20th Century as the impact of it was so large it effected other art forms and styles such as Cubism and Impressionism. It especially changed the process or graphic design and Typography as before the modernistic movement it was all very elaborate with the use of every white space on a poster being covered with type or image.
Zoe Freeman
POST-MODERNISM Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae Pudam venis sunt omnimpos et ipsundae verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne verferiorum eum et molore opta audae ne et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, et voloriatur sus untia quam, corecto tatur, assimodione porepudaepta deliquam conassimodione porepudaepta deliquam consecea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, secea de dit eost, tectassi aut exerita periam, officaerum quat. officaerum quat. Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae Obit ut audi dem venihit aut pro id et optae venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent venisini vendi doluptaerum experum vellent facium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis expefacium inus, quam fugiasp eliquuntis experum facessitiur? rum facessitiur? Maximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse lanMaximus, sectas rendandaepe perionse lan endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum dend endesed ute nonsequas is mi, sit molum rerunt. rerunt. graphic-design..jpg Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum Erupta del idusantium volorum, qui volorum et facerrum nonectibus. et facerrum nonectibus. Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et Xero eatem nonectasi ducium, voluptur? Et cb/2002cbc729cd7679e9afb0db7ae9e39e.jpg quiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit evenquiatem nim id et ut et as sim comnit eventur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque tur? Vellit rest autem. Hento molor repratque et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis et rerrovides dolorem peribus nis sumenis dolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremdolupidiorum accus, vero officium dioremque vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta que vendus aut et qui sequiam esciis volupta
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New Visual Language Postmodern defenition
Zoe Freeman
POST-MODERNISM Post moderism is a term used to describe contemporary culture, it is quite a lose term as it is hard to define just like modernism it is vague and there is no definitive starting point in histroy as to when society suddenly changed to a post modern one. The term came about in the late 1900’s when books and articles strated being published on post modernism. Postmoderism refers to a broad arrey of cultural trends and ideas rather than an artistic movement, the graphic design industry changed from a post modern era to a modern era quite drastically which made
things such as posters become a lot more complex with a lot more work through and behind them, post modern art and deisgn work consisted of alot on one page, filling the whole page with colour, image a typography where as now its a very minimalist line of work to be invloved in. If you look at magazine from the different cultural eras you will see major differences within the design of them and see how far technology within the modernistic era has had a mass effect on the work people are creating everyday.
REFERENCES AAAAAAAAAgg/UMuFHg05z7A/s320/Picture+80.png
New Visual Language
First DPS finished
Zoe Freeman This is the final for my modernism and post modernism double page spread, my thoughts on it are that out of all the deisng layouts that i did i feel i chose right with this one because it works and looks good as a whole page now all the information is on it and i am pleased with how my first pages have turned out.
MODERNISM The term Modernism is quite hard to define clearly because it can differ from a variety of things such as artistic and philosophical movements like symbolism, surrealism, expressionism and imagism. There have been arguments about when Modernism of art and design actually began as some have said it began during the first world war but other historians are lead to believe that Modernism began in the 17-1800’s but this was modernity of literacture and in fact Modernism appeared within art and design many years later. In the 19th Century advances of modernism began to develop in
many new ways helping to shape and mould human culture. Modernism covers many creative aspects such as design and art to also the influence of architecture and music. It is most arguably the most influential movement of the 20th Century as the impact of it was so large it effected other art forms and styles such as Cubism and Impressionism. It especially changed the process or graphic design and Typography as before the modernistic movement it was all very elaborate with the use of every white space on a poster being covered with type or image.
POST-MODERNISM Post moderism is a term used to describe contemporary culture, it is quite a lose term as it is hard to define just like modernism it is vague and there is no definitive starting point in histroy as to when society suddenly changed to a post modern one. The term came about in the late 1900’s when books and articles strated being published on post modernism. Postmoderism refers to a broad arrey of cultural trends and ideas rather than an artistic movement, the graphic design industry changed from a post modern era to a modern era quite drastically which made
things such as posters become a lot more complex with a lot more work through and behind them, post modern art and deisgn work consisted of alot on one page, filling the whole page with colour, image a typography where as now its a very minimalist line of work to be invloved in. If you look at magazine from the different cultural eras you will see major differences within the design of them and see how far technology within the modernistic era has had a mass effect on the work people are creating everyday.
New Visual Language Rough Layout Designs
Zoe Freeman These are the rough deisgn layouts i have created for the first double page spread and as rough layouts i think that once i have created them properly they will look a lot better and i will be able to decide which i like more.
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
Layout Neat
BROCKMANN Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comnimod modia il eatur? Ario. It as sum is etusda pores evendel iciende niendan tionet que volorem nulpa autem rem rerspedisque nemquo tentibus dolorposam faccae pe simus autem nonseditenis velent ut volenda esciisquid quia pero con
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harch-
eauqmucco tibon muredi tingiduP itis ruteinalpxe da iuq etal merolov noiam sauqatpulos ,ruitneser met er sa teinmoc aid ina sa aitsearp aila murtsipics ubiroba malli siicsinev -sireca soe am eroits inallun nitsecxe nimicud mui lev atpulom tua soe euq des a subitarp ticrepa muc orroballu atpulod aila itatile tisser erolod iuq -tati dupecxe ,matpulod tidneicsum .tnudna sus euq murepmisauq ,ru -hcrah tsitserolov mucca rutpuloV
eauqmucco tibon muredi tingiduP itis ruteinalpxe da iuq etal merolov noiam sauqatpulos ,ruitneser met er sa teinmoc aid ina sa aitsearp aila murtsipics ubiroba malli siicsinev -sireca soe am eroits inallun nitsecxe nimicud mui lev atpulom tua soe euq des a subitarp ticrepa muc orroballu atpulod aila itatile tisser erolod iuq -tati dupecxe ,matpulod tidneicsum .tnudna sus euq murepmisauq ,ru -hcrah tsitserolov mucca rutpuloV mauq ,suc se ,maspi tis ,mauqi li set idupeaspi ballep noitido itnegila epa tnemue metae euqmurrecxe -muit anreper sa sinmoc orerop easpic subired a man atpulod euq met cier soitcetu tullev oitatpulom -inmoc ,succaf tirolom te tneher mus sa tI .oirA ?rutae li aidom dom edneici ledneve serop adsute si aplun merolov euq tenoit nadnein ouqmen euqsidepsrer mer metua ep eaccaf masoprolod subitnet tu tnelev sinetidesnon metua sumis noc orep aiuq diuqsiicse adnelov
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
Layout Neat
CROUWELL Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comnimod modia il eatur? Ario. It as sum is etusda pores evendel iciende niendan tionet que volorem nulpa autem rem rerspedisque nemquo tentibus dolorposam faccae pe simus autem nonseditenis velent ut volenda esciisquid quia pero con
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harch-
eauqmucco tibon muredi tingiduP itis ruteinalpxe da iuq etal merolov noiam sauqatpulos ,ruitneser met er sa teinmoc aid ina sa aitsearp aila murtsipics ubiroba malli siicsinev -sireca soe am eroits inallun nitsecxe nimicud mui lev atpulom tua soe euq des a subitarp ticrepa muc orroballu atpulod aila itatile tisser erolod iuq -tati dupecxe ,matpulod tidneicsum .tnudna sus euq murepmisauq ,ru -hcrah tsitserolov mucca rutpuloV
eauqmucco tibon muredi tingiduP itis ruteinalpxe da iuq etal merolov noiam sauqatpulos ,ruitneser met er sa teinmoc aid ina sa aitsearp aila murtsipics ubiroba malli siicsinev -sireca soe am eroits inallun nitsecxe nimicud mui lev atpulom tua soe euq des a subitarp ticrepa muc orroballu atpulod aila itatile tisser erolod iuq -tati dupecxe ,matpulod tidneicsum .tnudna sus euq murepmisauq ,ru -hcrah tsitserolov mucca rutpuloV mauq ,suc se ,maspi tis ,mauqi li set idupeaspi ballep noitido itnegila epa tnemue metae euqmurrecxe -muit anreper sa sinmoc orerop easpic subired a man atpulod euq met cier soitcetu tullev oitatpulom -inmoc ,succaf tirolom te tneher mus sa tI .oirA ?rutae li aidom dom edneici ledneve serop adsute si aplun merolov euq tenoit nadnein ouqmen euqsidepsrer mer metua ep eaccaf masoprolod subitnet tu tnelev sinetidesnon metua sumis noc orep aiuq diuqsiicse adnelov
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
Layout Neat
BAUHAUS Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comnimod modia il eatur? Ario. It as sum is etusda pores evendel iciende niendan tionet que volorem nulpa autem rem rerspedisque nemquo tentibus dolorposam faccae pe simus autem nonseditenis velent ut volenda esciisquid quia pero con
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
These are the neat layouts i have created for my magazine. As the first of two layouts i think that this layout is very all over the place and not very well thought out design wise. I think that the second one will look better even though it is a similar layout just more organised.
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
Layout 2 Neat
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
New Visual Language
Layout 2 Neat
CROUWELL Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Layout 2 Neat
BAUHAUS Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Chosen Layout
BROCKMANN Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
CROUWELL Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
BAUHAUS Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Pudignit iderum nobit occumquae volorem late qui ad explanietur siti tem resentiur, soluptaquas maion praestia as ani dia comniet as re venisciis illam aboribu scipistrum alia excestin nullani stiore ma eos acerisque eos aut molupta vel ium ducimin ullaborro cum apercit pratibus a sed qui dolore ressit elitati alia dolupta musciendit doluptam, excepud itatur, quasimperum que sus andunt. Voluptur accum volorestist harchil iquam, sit ipsam, es cus, quam aligenti odition pellab ipsaepudi tes excerrumque eatem eument ape porero comnis as reperna tiumque dolupta nam a deribus cipsae moluptatio vellut utectios reic tem rehent et molorit faccus, comni-
Zoe Freeman I have chosen this layout as my final layout for the graphic designers pages due to the fact that it is neater and more precise compared to the other one and as they are continuing pages i think that they should all have a certain layout pattern which is what i have given them. Depending on what font i chose for the mast head of each page depends on the size of what it will be.
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman These are some quotes from famous graphic desingers that i have collected for research but i dont have a specific one that i wil be using wihtin the magazine because i think i will use some of them throughout on certain pages that only have one page of work on them to turn it into a double page spread.
New Visual Language
Font Trials
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Font Trials
Zoe Freeman Out of the five fonts that i researched i have choesn to experiment further with three of them as i liked them mnore from the ones i got. This first one i really like because its different from the helvetica font that i will be using for the other pieces of writing on the page, i like the two lined effect because its different and it stands out on the whole page.
New Visual Language
Font Trials
Zoe Freeman This font now i have actually used it on the pages for the mast heads im not sure i do like this because of the italic look it has to it, i think it looks odd on the page and isnt something i would like to use for the mast heads on these pages.
New Visual Language
Font Trials
Zoe Freeman This is another of the three further experiments that i like because its a bold thicker font and it stands out alot on the page which is what i wanted so that it would stand out.
New Visual Language Modernist pages done
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language Modernist pages done
Zoe Freeman
REFERENCES designboom_massimo-vignelli_interview_001.jpg d8/76/45d8764099bd7aa4ef55c65e617b4c6a.jpg
New Visual Language
Rough Layouts 2
Zoe Freeman These are the rough design layouts for the post modernist designers, i only designed two rough ideas because i feel that they should follow a theme throughout the magazine and look a little bit similar to what the other pages i have done on designers.
New Visual Language Ipiosta ca siliceps, eris et audamdi erfecreciam ime nossimodium nossum oc, novenih ilinata, confeciem mo audendu consulium halaris vidin spionsuloc, iae muntien aties? Gilici pecon hocaper iursum re, C. Si si patus clum. Serum comacchus, pribus? Elicaeliam inessen atiorum iam esit verum eri ium in re que des bont comnes confiteripim invocchus etiusqu emquam nostabit vatem rei publi publibuntio, nostraet, Catilicum ut in dis, tariord ienterem ius est int. Gra publi perum eo, sta, Catalatis hae norunti publingultod stroriacci faciace mussena, se ariusa terit. Mus? Untemus ceribusti, nihil conondem pubis te, milicae diussupior host vid faci comnentrumus et qui consimmorum inat nere conum rem addum sed confero terferesed conequit ves! Similic iaciamque cons
This is the forst layout that i designed taht i have done neat on InDesign to get a better feel of how it would look in a proper layout and so far i do like this layout because it is similar to the contents page layout but i also feel there should eb some similarities and also some differences between the fove pages of modernist designers and post modernist designers.
Senator utur adducit. Finatod porum quo maximorum intiqua diem. Gultor in vium sendesc iveride rdicae renterf erisula patifex se facions uliis, essua mentessid re cas iusserioc, conihin tabunc facta Serfes in rei patimusqui imantruntis ca consultus bonvoca essedinat fue mertestod publibus non Etrum quis, conihilica perae publi, cotilium ex ne trace pernu quod sede quem. Num, superma ndacrit, viculicae andiente fit. Ula diendum publissus. Upio, quo nesili ina, Casdam urei sed contis ex me diendi, ut videnatus sidem quem telibut potasdam. Fulturor am publis, quemunum in vit; hos alii elius int, aude deor ur, noximo vigitus con tum sendiem diis Ad nosum dium senatiu morei publist erurnimusse cia etimmo prortum nescere in ta tabesus, nota des
Zoe Freeman
Layouts Neat
BRODY Ipiosta ca siliceps, eris et audamdi erfecreciam ime nossimodium nossum oc, novenih ilinata, confeciem mo audendu consulium halaris vidin spionsuloc, iae muntien aties? Gilici pecon hocaper iursum re, C. Si si patus clum. Serum comacchus, pribus? Elicaeliam inessen atiorum iam esit verum eri ium in re que des bont comnes confiteripim invocchus etiusqu emquam nostabit vatem rei publi publibuntio, nostraet, Catilicum ut in dis, tariord ienterem ius est int. Gra publi perum eo, sta, Catalatis hae norunti publingultod stroriacci faciace mussena, se ariusa terit. Mus? Untemus ceribusti, nihil conondem pubis te, milicae diussupior host vid faci comnentrumus et qui consimmorum inat nere conum rem addum sed confero terferesed conequit ves! Similic iaciamque cons
Senator utur adducit. Finatod porum quo maximorum intiqua diem. Gultor in vium sendesc iveride rdicae renterf erisula patifex se facions uliis, essua mentessid re cas iusserioc, conihin tabunc facta Serfes in rei patimusqui imantruntis ca consultus bonvoca essedinat fue mertestod publibus non Etrum quis, conihilica perae publi, cotilium ex ne trace pernu quod sede quem. Num, superma ndacrit, viculicae andiente fit. Ula diendum publissus. Upio, quo nesili ina, Casdam urei sed contis ex me diendi, ut videnatus sidem quem telibut potasdam. Fulturor am publis, quemunum in vit; hos alii elius int, aude deor ur, noximo vigitus con tum sendiem diis Ad nosum dium senatiu morei publist erurnimusse cia etimmo prortum nescere in ta tabesus, nota des
New Visual Language Ipiosta ca siliceps, eris et audamdi erfecreciam ime nossimodium nossum oc, novenih ilinata, confeciem mo audendu consulium halaris vidin spionsuloc, iae muntien aties? Gilici pecon hocaper iursum re, C. Si si patus clum. Serum comacchus, pribus? Elicaeliam inessen atiorum iam esit verum eri ium in re que des bont comnes confiteripim invocchus etiusqu emquam nostabit vatem rei publi publibuntio, nostraet, Catilicum ut in dis, tariord ienterem ius est int. Gra publi perum eo, sta, Catalatis hae norunti publingultod stroriacci faciace mussena, se ariusa terit. Mus? Untemus ceribusti, nihil conondem pubis te, milicae diussupior host vid faci comnentrumus et qui consimmorum inat nere conum rem addum sed confero terferesed conequit ves! Similic iaciamque cons
Senator utur adducit. Finatod porum quo maximorum intiqua diem. Gultor in vium sendesc iveride rdicae renterf erisula patifex se facions uliis, essua mentessid re cas iusserioc, conihin tabunc facta Serfes in rei patimusqui imantruntis ca consultus bonvoca essedinat fue mertestod publibus non Etrum quis, conihilica perae publi, cotilium ex ne trace pernu quod sede quem. Num, superma ndacrit, viculicae andiente fit. Ula diendum publissus. Upio, quo nesili ina, Casdam urei sed contis ex me diendi, ut videnatus sidem quem telibut potasdam. Fulturor am publis, quemunum in vit; hos alii elius int, aude deor ur, noximo vigitus con tum sendiem diis Ad nosum dium senatiu morei publist erurnimusse cia etimmo prortum nescere in ta tabesus, nota des
Zoe Freeman
Layouts Neat
LONGHAUSER Ipiosta ca siliceps, eris et audamdi erfecreciam ime nossimodium nossum oc, novenih ilinata, confeciem mo audendu consulium halaris vidin spionsuloc, iae muntien aties? Gilici pecon hocaper iursum re, C. Si si patus clum. Serum comacchus, pribus? Elicaeliam inessen atiorum iam esit verum eri ium in re que des bont comnes confiteripim invocchus etiusqu emquam nostabit vatem rei publi publibuntio, nostraet, Catilicum ut in dis, tariord ienterem ius est int. Gra publi perum eo, sta, Catalatis hae norunti publingultod stroriacci faciace mussena, se ariusa terit. Mus? Untemus ceribusti, nihil conondem pubis te, milicae diussupior host vid faci comnentrumus et qui consimmorum inat nere conum rem addum sed confero terferesed conequit ves! Similic iaciamque cons
Senator utur adducit. Finatod porum quo maximorum intiqua diem. Gultor in vium sendesc iveride rdicae renterf erisula patifex se facions uliis, essua mentessid re cas iusserioc, conihin tabunc facta Serfes in rei patimusqui imantruntis ca consultus bonvoca essedinat fue mertestod publibus non Etrum quis, conihilica perae publi, cotilium ex ne trace pernu quod sede quem. Num, superma ndacrit, viculicae andiente fit. Ula diendum publissus. Upio, quo nesili ina, Casdam urei sed contis ex me diendi, ut videnatus sidem quem telibut potasdam. Fulturor am publis, quemunum in vit; hos alii elius int, aude deor ur, noximo vigitus con tum sendiem diis Ad nosum dium senatiu morei publist erurnimusse cia etimmo prortum nescere in ta tabesus, nota des
New Visual Language Ipiosta ca siliceps, eris et audamdi erfecreciam ime nossimodium nossum oc, novenih ilinata, confeciem mo audendu consulium halaris vidin spionsuloc, iae muntien aties? Gilici pecon hocaper iursum re, C. Si si patus clum. Serum comacchus, pribus? Elicaeliam inessen atiorum iam esit verum eri ium in re que des bont comnes confiteripim invocchus etiusqu emquam nostabit vatem rei publi publibuntio, nostraet, Catilicum ut in dis, tariord ienterem ius est int. Gra publi perum eo, sta, Catalatis hae norunti publingultod stroriacci faciace mussena, se ariusa terit. Mus? Untemus ceribusti, nihil conondem pubis te, milicae diussupior host vid faci comnentrumus et qui consimmorum inat nere conum rem addum sed confero terferesed conequit ves! Similic iaciamque cons
Senator utur adducit. Finatod porum quo maximorum intiqua diem. Gultor in vium sendesc iveride rdicae renterf erisula patifex se facions uliis, essua mentessid re cas iusserioc, conihin tabunc facta Serfes in rei patimusqui imantruntis ca consultus bonvoca essedinat fue mertestod publibus non Etrum quis, conihilica perae publi, cotilium ex ne trace pernu quod sede quem. Num, superma ndacrit, viculicae andiente fit. Ula diendum publissus. Upio, quo nesili ina, Casdam urei sed contis ex me diendi, ut videnatus sidem quem telibut potasdam. Fulturor am publis, quemunum in vit; hos alii elius int, aude deor ur, noximo vigitus con tum sendiem diis Ad nosum dium senatiu morei publist erurnimusse cia etimmo prortum nescere in ta tabesus, nota des
Zoe Freeman
Layouts Neat
“Graphic Design will save the world right after Rock and Roll does� - David Carson.
New Visual Language
Layout 2 Neat
Zoe Freeman
Icab ipsam hilit et ad erumet ex estorro vitatem et dem am nis inctem harum explis eatur aces atus venisim usdaecti od mo omniendio coneculpa volori non con raernatus, aut vent quo ipistis ex et poreratem et autat estio. Nam, omnimaion poratem fuga. Um ellibus, volupta tatiorrum re sam eum aliandae ere voluptate prempel ignistrunt omnime vit moluptatem cone ea simusae sciende bitatiur? Luptiam iurehenienis perfernatati odia cum senis qui blaci omnitat inciend aeperorro ea vere voluptae cum fugiae. Occupici deles endis et ernat. Tur sitis voles eum inus dolor aut quiandem et, id que remquisquia neculle cepelest, aut faccatia peruntecae illabo. Maio te sequate quae moluptat derum doloria spellab oribus quia doles iumquae odit, si odiae alibear undeleniam non por abori tet, omnis de natur solente conemped quamusapeles ea vitae eos modia pero molo cum et ut laborent odit laccae non cum iumquiberum nis ulpa simolor aut ommoluptiam ipsae la dolecturio. Ita velleca temporibus doluptate veliquam es es apit, quo ipsaerit deles aut qui aut elles adia quibus, seque
Icab ipsam hilit et ad erumet ex estorro vitatem et dem am nis inctem harum explis eatur aces atus venisim usdaecti od mo omniendio coneculpa volori non con raernatus, aut vent quo ipistis ex et poreratem et autat estio. Nam, omnimaion poratem fuga. Um ellibus, volupta tatiorrum re sam eum aliandae ere voluptate prempel ignistrunt omnime vit moluptatem cone ea simusae sciende bitatiur? Luptiam iurehenienis perfernatati odia cum senis qui blaci omnitat inciend aeperorro ea vere voluptae cum fugiae. Occupici deles endis et ernat. Tur sitis voles eum inus dolor aut quiandem et, id que remquisquia neculle cepelest, aut faccatia peruntecae illabo. Maio te sequate quae moluptat derum doloria spellab oribus quia doles iumquae odit, si odiae alibear undeleniam non por abori tet, omnis de natur solente conemped quamusapeles ea vitae eos modia pero molo cum et ut laborent odit laccae non cum iumquiberum nis ulpa simolor aut ommoluptiam ipsae la dolecturio. Ita velleca temporibus doluptate veliquam es es apit, quo ipsaerit deles aut qui aut elles adia quibus, seque
Icab ipsam hilit et ad erumet ex estorro vitatem et dem am nis inctem harum explis eatur aces atus venisim usdaecti od mo omniendio coneculpa volori non con raernatus, aut vent quo ipistis ex et poreratem et autat estio. Nam, omnimaion poratem fuga. Um ellibus, volupta tatiorrum re sam eum aliandae ere voluptate prempel ignistrunt omnime vit moluptatem cone ea simusae sciende bitatiur? Luptiam iurehenienis perfernatati odia cum senis qui blaci omnitat inciend aeperorro ea vere voluptae cum fugiae. Occupici deles endis et ernat. Tur sitis voles eum inus dolor aut quiandem et, id que remquisquia neculle cepelest, aut faccatia peruntecae illabo. Maio te sequate quae moluptat derum doloria spellab oribus quia doles iumquae odit, si odiae alibear undeleniam non por abori tet, omnis de natur solente conemped quamusapeles ea vitae eos modia pero molo cum et ut laborent odit laccae non cum iumquiberum nis ulpa simolor aut ommoluptiam ipsae la dolecturio. Ita velleca temporibus doluptate veliquam es es apit, quo ipsaerit deles aut qui aut elles adia quibus, seque
Icab ipsam hilit et ad erumet ex estorro vitatem et dem am nis inctem harum explis eatur aces atus venisim usdaecti od mo omniendio coneculpa volori non con raernatus, aut vent quo ipistis ex et poreratem et autat estio. Nam, omnimaion poratem fuga. Um ellibus, volupta tatiorrum re sam eum aliandae ere voluptate prempel ignistrunt omnime vit moluptatem cone ea simusae sciende bitatiur? Luptiam iurehenienis perfernatati odia cum senis qui blaci omnitat inciend aeperorro ea vere voluptae cum fugiae. Occupici deles endis et ernat. Tur sitis voles eum inus dolor aut quiandem et, id que remquisquia neculle cepelest, aut faccatia peruntecae illabo. Maio te sequate quae moluptat derum doloria spellab oribus quia doles iumquae odit, si odiae alibear undeleniam non por abori tet, omnis de natur solente conemped quamusapeles ea vitae eos modia pero molo cum et ut laborent odit laccae non cum iumquiberum nis ulpa simolor aut ommoluptiam ipsae la dolecturio. Ita velleca temporibus doluptate veliquam es es apit, quo ipsaerit deles aut qui aut elles adia quibus, seque
These are the second layout designs that i have done neat on indesign and out of both the rough designs i have doen i feel that i prefer this one to the first one because it stands out more and it looks alot better within the actual magazine itself. The two pages themselves come together better as a whole so i think that i will be using this one within my magazine.
Icab ipsam hilit et ad erumet ex estorro vitatem et dem am nis inctem harum explis eatur aces atus venisim usdaecti od mo omniendio coneculpa volori non con raernatus, aut vent quo ipistis ex et poreratem et autat estio. Nam, omnimaion poratem fuga. Um ellibus, volupta tatiorrum re sam eum aliandae ere voluptate prempel ignistrunt omnime vit moluptatem cone ea simusae sciende bitatiur? Luptiam iurehenienis perfernatati odia cum senis qui blaci omnitat inciend aeperorro ea vere voluptae cum fugiae. Occupici deles endis et ernat. Tur sitis voles eum inus dolor aut quiandem et, id que remquisquia neculle cepelest, aut faccatia peruntecae illabo. Maio te sequate quae moluptat derum doloria spellab oribus quia doles iumquae odit, si odiae alibear undeleniam non por abori tet, omnis de natur solente conemped quamusapeles ea vitae eos modia pero molo cum et ut laborent odit laccae non cum iumquiberum nis ulpa simolor aut ommoluptiam ipsae la dolecturio. Ita velleca temporibus doluptate veliquam es es apit, quo ipsaerit deles aut qui aut elles adia quibus, seque
Icab ipsam hilit et ad erumet ex estorro vitatem et dem am nis inctem harum explis eatur aces atus venisim usdaecti od mo omniendio coneculpa volori non con raernatus, aut vent quo ipistis ex et poreratem et autat estio. Nam, omnimaion poratem fuga. Um ellibus, volupta tatiorrum re sam eum aliandae ere voluptate prempel ignistrunt omnime vit moluptatem cone ea simusae sciende bitatiur? Luptiam iurehenienis perfernatati odia cum senis qui blaci omnitat inciend aeperorro ea vere voluptae cum fugiae. Occupici deles endis et ernat. Tur sitis voles eum inus dolor aut quiandem et, id que remquisquia neculle cepelest, aut faccatia peruntecae illabo. Maio te sequate quae moluptat derum doloria spellab oribus quia doles iumquae odit, si odiae alibear undeleniam non por abori tet, omnis de natur solente conemped quamusapeles ea vitae eos modia pero molo cum et ut laborent odit laccae non cum iumquiberum nis ulpa simolor aut ommoluptiam ipsae la dolecturio. Ita velleca temporibus doluptate veliquam es es apit, quo ipsaerit deles aut qui aut elles adia quibus, seque
Layout 2 Neat
Icab ipsam hilit et ad erumet ex estorro vitatem et dem am nis inctem harum explis eatur aces atus venisim usdaecti od mo omniendio coneculpa volori non con raernatus, aut vent quo ipistis ex et poreratem et autat estio. Nam, omnimaion poratem fuga. Um ellibus, volupta tatiorrum re sam eum aliandae ere voluptate prempel ignistrunt omnime vit moluptatem cone ea simusae sciende bitatiur? Luptiam iurehenienis perfernatati odia cum senis qui blaci omnitat inciend aeperorro ea vere voluptae cum fugiae. Occupici deles endis et ernat. Tur sitis voles eum inus dolor aut quiandem et, id que remquisquia neculle cepelest, aut faccatia peruntecae illabo. Maio te sequate quae moluptat derum doloria spellab oribus quia doles iumquae odit, si odiae alibear undeleniam non por abori tet, omnis de natur solente conemped quamusapeles ea vitae eos modia pero molo cum et ut laborent odit laccae non cum iumquiberum nis ulpa simolor aut ommoluptiam ipsae la dolecturio. Ita velleca temporibus doluptate veliquam es es apit, quo ipsaerit deles aut qui aut elles adia quibus, seque
Icab ipsam hilit et ad erumet ex estorro vitatem et dem am nis inctem harum explis eatur aces atus venisim usdaecti od mo omniendio coneculpa volori non con raernatus, aut vent quo ipistis ex et poreratem et autat estio. Nam, omnimaion poratem fuga. Um ellibus, volupta tatiorrum re sam eum aliandae ere voluptate prempel ignistrunt omnime vit moluptatem cone ea simusae sciende bitatiur? Luptiam iurehenienis perfernatati odia cum senis qui blaci omnitat inciend aeperorro ea vere voluptae cum fugiae. Occupici deles endis et ernat. Tur sitis voles eum inus dolor aut quiandem et, id que remquisquia neculle cepelest, aut faccatia peruntecae illabo. Maio te sequate quae moluptat derum doloria spellab oribus quia doles iumquae odit, si odiae alibear undeleniam non por abori tet, omnis de natur solente conemped quamusapeles ea vitae eos modia pero molo cum et ut laborent odit laccae non cum iumquiberum nis ulpa simolor aut ommoluptiam ipsae la dolecturio. Ita velleca temporibus doluptate veliquam es es apit, quo ipsaerit deles aut qui aut elles adia quibus, seque
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Layout 2 Neat
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Pages Done
Zoe Freeman
REFERENCES raygun1sml.jpg AAAAAAAAAEI/Zpwjrr3crfE/s1600-h/BIG_nb_18.jpg wolfgang-weingart.jpg
New Visual Language
Pages Done
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman REFERENCES magazine_design_amigos_imaginarios.jpg mez4p120_l.jpg bdesign.png https://magazinedesigncostadelsol.files.wordpress. com/2009/11/magazine-designer-marbella.jpg part_1426/14266755/file/quint-quint-magazinesmall-40541.jpg
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
REFERENCES Spread_by_montia.jpg jpg disp/776671216812549.jpg df8b4d58e53a45b8498cc6d12f42e696.jpg GA07.jpg?_CACHEVERSION=1259790123707 league_quarterly_journal_magazine_spread_editorial_picture_x6p3.html Magazine-Layout-Design-Inspiration-21.jpg blog_design_ideas_and_inspiration_typography_editorial_fashion_magazine_picture_ewDm.html
New Visual Language
Rough Designs
Zoe Freeman These are the two rough layout designs i have created for the four pages of magazine reviews. I have not done many rough designs because i am still using a simple layout from the start of the magazine.
New Visual Language
Neat Designs
Zoe Freeman
REFERENCES fc3573612bd6d09696006b0d4e6b39e8.jpg 537c593ae4b0867f97d04c16/t/539b8767e4b0dcd0a9257257/1402701678432/Issue_33_RGB_Large.jpg?format=300w
New Visual Language
Neat Designs
Zoe Freeman This is the first layout done neat and my opinion of it is that i really like the over lapping of the magazine images because its different and something that i have not yet got within the magazine pages i have already done.
New Visual Language
Neat Designs
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Neat Design
Zoe Freeman I like this layout as well as the other and i think that i might be able to use both layout designs within the magazine as i dont have a favourite between the two, i think they are both as good as each other and add a nice effect within the magazine design.
New Visual Language
Review Page Done
Zoe Freeman
REFERENCES LWLies_Cover1.jpg
New Visual Language
Review Page Done
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Rough Design
Zoe Freeman These are the rough layouts for the masthead review page i have done and i have done limited rough layouts as i found it quite hard to come away from a similar design layout as i did for the other review pages, as they are all reviw pages i though that they needed to look quite similar to one another.
New Visual Language
Neat Layout
Zoe Freeman As i have done this layout neat i have made the decision that it looks too plain and doesnt look anything like the other review pages which makes me think if someone was to read it that it would look like a totally different page so for that reason i will not be using this layout in my magazine.
New Visual Language
Neat Layout 2
Zoe Freeman
REFERENCES ad9106c783a927a8661333de93ff4481.jpg large/LittleWhiteLies61112113343.jpg
New Visual Language
Neat Layout 2
Zoe Freeman This is the layout i have decided the use because i like the use of imagery done on the page next to the actual review i think it makes the pages look a little less dull.
REFERENCES cache_2/cache_a/cache_6/photo2-1-411596a2. jpeg?ver=1415531512&aspectratio=0.80944350758853 jpg
New Visual Language
Review 2 Done
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Review 2 Done
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Rough Layouts
Zoe Freeman These are two roughly drawn layouts that i have done for my City in flux intro page that i will develop into neater ones to see how they will look done neater for the magazine. I will be continuing this layout idea for the next couple of pages on my work throughout the magazine.
New Visual Language
Layouts Neat
Zoe Freeman This is the first one that i have done and i used one of my ideas for the image on the page i decided to experiment with two of the images that i have done and the example next to this one is the other image that i have used and out of the two i prefer this black image because it makes the page look fuller and more interesting.
New Visual Language
Layouts Neat
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
City In Flux
Zoe Freeman This is the other page that i have decided to to experiment with and so far i feel that i prefer this one to the other ones that i have done because it looks better as a whole page and more professional i feel it will make my magazine look more interesting and will make the page stand out a lot more.
New Visual Language
Intro Done
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Layouts Rough
Zoe Freeman This is a layout that i designed roughly for the development page of my city in flux pages and i will continue this layout throughout the magazine while i am adding my work into it because i like the designs.
New Visual Language
Layout Neat
Zoe Freeman I have decided that i am not very keen on this layout idea because although its a lot like the previous ones it doesnt look right so i think i may go for the other design layout because its more practical.
New Visual Language
Layout Neat
Zoe Freeman This is the layout that i have decided is better because of the practicality of it and the simple but effective design on the page makes it look a lot less boring.
New Visual Language
Development page
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Development Done
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Evaluation Page
Zoe Freeman For the evaluation page i decided that i would use the same sort of layout as i have used for previous pages because i think it works.
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Earth Artifact
Zoe Freeman For this page i decided to use another similar layout as i used for the city in flux page because i like the big page effect that it gives off.
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Zoe Freeman Again i have used the same layout design as i had done for the city in flux development page because i think the pages work as a whole section and it looks quite good.
New Visual Language
Evaluation Page
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Rough Layout
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Neat Layout
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Neat Layout
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Typography Done
Zoe Freeman
New Visual Language
Personal Manifesto
Zoe Freeman