FALL 2023
(See inside for details)
(See inside for details)
The New Studies in Dogmatics series seeks to retrieve the riches of Christian doctrine for the sake of contemporary theological renewal. Following in the tradition of G. C. Berkouwer,s Studies in Dogmatics, this series will provide thoughtful, concise, and readable treatments of major theological topics, expressing the biblical, creedal, and confessional shape of Christian doctrine for a contemporary evangelical audience. The editors and contributors share a common conviction that the way forward in constructive systematic theology lies in building upon the foundations laid in the church’s historic understanding of the Word of God as professed in its creeds, councils, and confessions, and by its most trusted teachers.
See pages 12-13
See pages 5–34
See page 10
See pages 8-9
See page 16
Word Biblical Themes are an ideal resource for any reader who has used and benefited from the Word Biblical Commentary series, and will help pastors, Bible teachers, and students as they seek to understand and apply God’s word to their ministry and learning.
April 2024
Nijay K. Gupta
$19.99 | $11.99
Softcover - 176 pages
ISBN 9780310127208
What led you to write your book? How does this book connect with your own life story?
Up until recently, I lived in the “Bible Belt,” where conversations about Christianity happened casually at times. Over the years, I kept hearing my students and regular church-goers marvel at how much more devoted the early Christians were to their faith. It is such a common assumption that in a world where the cost of being a Christian was so high, people were eager to be true saints in a deeply countercultural way. Oh, if we could only be more like THOSE Christians! But at the same time, conversations with both my students and people at church have shown just how little most people, including believers, know about the Roman world and the context in which the earliest Christians lived and worshiped. People tend to forget that Christianity arose in the Greco-Roman world, and that this reality has signi cant implications for our understanding of the rst ve centuries of the church!
So, my purpose in writing this book was to provide an accessible and readable resource that would educate both students and the general public about the early Christians and their struggles of living in their surrounding culture. At the same time, my motive was to show that the early Christians’ struggles are actually very similar to our own. is has the potential, I think, to encourage people to see the Bible and the people in it as much more similar to us and, therefore, more relatable. Indeed, thinking of the Bible and the early church in its historical context was an integral part of my own conversion experience—I grew up in a secular Jewish home in Russia and Israel, and came to Christ as an adult.
Nadya Williams
In the middle of the third century CE, one North African bishop wrote a treatise exhorting women to resist such culturally normalized yet immodest behaviors in their cosmopolitan Roman city as mixed public bathing in the nude, and wearing excessive amounts of jewelry and makeup. The treatise appears even more striking, once we realize that the scandalous virgins to whom it was addressed were single women who had dedicated their virginity to Christ.
Such stories challenge the general assumption today that the earliest Christians were zealous converts who were much more counterculturally devoted to their faith than typical churchgoers today. Too often we think of cultural Christianity as a modern phenomenon where Christianity is the majority culture. This book presents a different story.
NEW | November 2023
$26.99 | $16.99
ISBN 9780310147817
Softcover - 256 pages
Classicist Nadya Williams argues that cultural Christians were the rule, rather than the exception, in the early church. She considers the challenge of culture to the earliest converts to Christianity, as they struggled to live on mission in the Greco-Roman cultural milieu of the Roman Empire. Their stories provide a fresh perspective for the dif cult questions that stubbornly persist today: when is it a sin to eat or not eat a particular food? Are women inherently more sinful than men? And why is Christian nationalism a problem and, at times, a sin? Recognizing that cultural sins were always a part of the story of the church is both a source of comfort and a call to action in our pursuit of sancti cation today.
NADYA WILLIAMS (PhD, Princeton University) is a military historian of the Greco-Roman world and the coeditor of Civilians and Warfare in World History. She is book review editor at Current, where she also edits The Arena blog. She is a regular contributor to the Anxious Bench,and has also written for Plough, Front Porch Republic, Church Life Journal, History Today Magazine, History News Network, and The Conversation
Ancient historians generally fall into two very broad categories: those who emphasize how di erent people in antiquity were from us, and those who emphasize how similar the human experience has been. In this book, I very much lean on the latter approach. We think of the ancient world as this weird place, inhabited by people who were very di erent from us. But I show ways in which the lives and everyday struggles of the early Christians are much more similar to ours than we might have imagined.
Sorry, there isn’t much military history in this book. at said, the ancient world was a very violent place in a variety of ways that would (and should) seem shocking to us. I bring out some of these stories in this book—especially in chapters 5 and 7, which involve signi cant discussion of martyrdom accounts.
e overall story that I tell in this book is one that has been on my mind for a while. It was a spiritually encouraging project to think about and write, even as some of the events and stories I consider are emotionally quite di cult. But I knew that these were valuable stories to tell and think through for Christians—including for me. From a practical standpoint, during the pandemic lockdown, for the rst time in my life, I decided that I wanted to write every day as a sanity-saver. So my husband and I worked to block o one hour per day for him to hang out with the kids while I wrote! It turns out that you can do a lot with one hour a day.
Part I: Cultural Christians in the New Testament Era
1. More for Me, Less for Thee: The Curious Case of Sharing without Caring in the Early Church
2. BBQ and Wine: When Food Leads to Sin
3. (Un)Holy Bodies, (Un)Holy Minds: Resisting the Cultural Views of Sexuality
Part II: Cultural Christians in the Age of Persecution
4. Trouble in Bithynia: How Cultural Sins Lead to Apostasy
5. Unexpected Martyrs: Women’s Challenge to Cultural Christianity in the Third-Century Church
6. When Sharing and Caring Disappear: The Problem of Self-Care in the Age of Crisis
Part III: Cultural Christians in the Age of Constantine and Beyond
7. “Are You Washed in the Blood?”: Sectarian Violence among Cultural Christians
8. The Altar and the Cross: Christian Nationalism in the Twilight of Empire
9. The Siren Call of the Desert: Why Running Away from Church Cannot Solve the Problem of Cultural Sin
“Nadya Williams performs the amazing feat of presenting those ancient believers as real human beings, with highly recognizable virtues and flaws, living in environments not that different from what we know today.”
PHILIP JENKINS, author of A Storm of Images: Iconoclasm and Religious Reformation in the Byzantine World
“[P]oignant and perceptive work of historical and cultural analysis. . . Williams creatively uses early Christian history to illuminate the narrow road of faithful discipleship.”
NIJAY K. GUPTA, professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary
“An excellent example of how understanding the struggle of Christianity and culture in antiquity can help us to understand our own cultural struggles in the present. Thoroughly recommended!”
REV. DR. MICHAEL F. BIRD, academic dean at Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia
NEW | October 2023
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310157748
Hardcover - 256 pages
N. T. WRIGHT is the former bishop of Durham and senior research fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University. He is one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars and the award-winning author of many books, including The New Testament in Its World, Surprised by Hope, After You Believe, Simply Christian, as well as the Christian Origins and the Question of God series.
N. T. Wright
Into the Heart of Romans takes a deep dive into arguably Paul’s greatest theological expose, Romans 8, showing how it illuminates so much else that God reveals in Scripture: God the Father, Christology, and the Spirit; Jesus’s Messiahship, cross, resurrection, and ascension; salvation, redemption, and adoption; suffering and glory; holiness and hope.
In his typically lively prose and keen exegetical insight, Wright shows how Romans 8 holds together covenant and apocalyptic and justi cation and “being in Christ,” illuminating the gospel from the promises to Abraham through the visions of Revelation.
“Wright provides a master class in close reading of Scripture.”
RICHARD B. HAYS, Duke University
“Wright sings in harmony with St. Irenaeus, who also learned from the apostle Paul that ‘the glory of God is man fully alive.’”
EDITH HUMPHREY, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
“In his engaging, inimitable style, Tom Wright leads us into a profound encounter with one of the most profound chapters of Scripture.”
MICHAEL J. GORMAN, St. Mary’s Seminary & University
“In this book, we encounter Wright as pastor, professor, and scholar.”
ESAU McCAULLEY, Wheaton College
“A majestic and soaring flight through Romans 8.”
REV. DR. MICHAEL F. BIRD, Ridley College
“This book is characteristically brilliant, its vision for the Christian life thoroughly compelling.”
MAX BOTNER, Jessup University
“Wright invites readers to see that Paul’s letter to the Romans is like a complex city, with intricate networks of districts and streets.”
“Wright leads us on an exciting journey.”
MATTHEW W. BATES, Quincy University
“Wright shows us that Romans 8 is not a summary of how individuals get to heaven but is a stunning story of how the Father reconciles all creation to himself.”
“Tom is able to shed not merely fresh light but surprising light on this chapter.”
BEN WITHERINGTON III, Asbury Theological Seminary
e world’s most
deeply into Romans 8, drawing out its vital, enduring, and Spirit- lled importance for contemporary
Gary Edward Schnittjer
A refreshingly new approach to the Torah—neither an introduction nor a commentary— Torah Story provides an apprenticeship on the Old Testament’s rst ve books. But it also provides a model of how to read Scripture intertextually with an eye to the New Testament. It leaves no doubt as to the overarching unity of the message and composition of the Pentateuch. The second edition is streamlined and simpli ed throughout, with updated examples and new sidebars and imagery. Torah Story offers a student-friendly introduction to the redemptive narrative housed in the rst ve books of the Bible. Every main chapter introduces a section of Torah with attention to its basic structure.
“It is difficult to improve on an already superb work, but Gary Schnittjer has done just this in the second edition of Torah Story.”
BENJAMIN J. NOONAN, associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Columbia International University
“Schnittjer has taken one of the best textbooks on the Pentateuch and made it even better. I love the new, beautiful look and layout of the book, as well as the continued student friendly interaction.”
J. DANIEL HAYS, coauthor, Grasping God’s Word
Schnittjer’s Torah Story is a refreshingly unique textbook on the Pentateuch that moves beyond summarizing the content of these books to tracing their literary strategies, intertextual connections, and enduring significance as Christian Scripture.”
MICHELLE KNIGHT, assistant professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Gary Schnittjer has distinguished himself as an especially perceptive reader of biblical narrative, which makes him an ideal guide for students of the Torah....My students genuinely thanked me for assigning the first edition.”
CARMEN JOY IMES, associate professor of Old Testament, Biola University
“As a skilled guide with decades of experience in the classroom, Schnittjer knows how to lead students down the path of discovery through the inductive study of Scripture and shows us how he does it. This volume is ideally suited for professors who want to turn their course into an interactive workshop. Highly recommended!”
GORDON JOHNSTON, professor of Old Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary
SCAN TO REQUEST A FREE EXAM COPY or go to zondervanacademic.com/TorahStory
$64.99 | $38.99
ISBN 9780310112778
Hardcover - 528 pages
Torah Story Workbook
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310112839
Softcover - 160 pages
GARY EDWARD SCHNITTJER is distinguished professor of Old Testament in the School of Divinity at Cairn University. He is also the author of the groundbreaking book Old Testament Use of Old Testament
“ is book is brilliant. . . . [Gary] is a great teacher, who understands how people learn, and he has tailored Torah Story to maximally help students do just that.”
Theological Seminary
NEW | December 2023
$64.99 | $38.99
ISBN 9780310119562
Hardcover - 576 pages
ANDREW E. HILL (PhD, University of Michigan) is professor emeritus of Old Testament studies at Wheaton College in Illinois. He coauthored Old Testament Today with John Walton; coedited The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary with Gary M. Burge; and authored 1 and 2 Chronicles in the NIV Application Commentary series; and Malachi in the Anchor Yale Bible Commentary series. He has contributed to numerous academic journals, including Hebrew Annual Review, Journal of Biblical Literature, and Vetus Testamentum
JOHN H. WALTON ((PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College Graduate School. He is the author or coauthor of numerous books, including Old Testament Today with Andrew E. Hill; volumes on Job and Genesis in the NIV Application Commentary series; the Lost World series; and Old Testament Theology for Christians. He was also coeditor, with Craig Keener, of the ECPA 2017 Bible of the Year, the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible
Andrew E. Hill & John H. Walton
Chapters introducing each major section of the Old Testament are included, as are chapters dealing with issues of interpretation, hermeneutics, theology, geography, archaeology, history, formation of the Old Testament canon, and the Old Testament’s relationship to the New Testament. The fourth edition features a renewed focus on purpose, theology, and message while also providing a more succinct textbook less intimidating to students.
Features included for each book of the Old Testament:
• Writing of the Book
• Background
• Outline of the Book
• Purpose and Message
• Structure and Organization
• Major Themes
• Questions for Further Study and Discussion
• Further Reading
Complete with updated full-color maps, photos, timelines, and charts, the latest edition of this widely acclaimed textbook is a useful and readable tool for students and other readers who wish to better understand the Old Testament and God’s redemptive work.
Part I: Introduction
13. Ruth
14. 1–2 Samuel
15. 1–2 Kings
16. 1–2 Chronicles
17. Ezra–Nehemiah
18. Esther
19. Archaeology and the Old Testament
Part IV: The Poetic Books
20. Hebrew Poetic and Wisdom Literature
21. Job
22. Psalms
23. Proverbs
24. Ecclesiastes
25. Song of Songs
26. Formation of the Old Testament Scriptures
Part V: The Prophets
27. Introduction to Prophetic Literature
28. Isaiah
29. Jeremiah
30. Lamentations
31. Ezekiel
32. Daniel
33. Hosea
34. Joel
35. Amos
36. Obadiah
37. Jonah
38. Micah
39. Nahum
40. Habakkuk
41. Zephaniah
42. Haggai
43. Zechariah
44. Malachi
Part VI: Epilogue
45. What We Have Learned
46. Responding to God
47. The Journey to Jesus
TREMPER LONGMAN, distinguished scholar and professor emeritus of biblical studies, Westmont College
“I’m always pointing my students to Walton and Hill’s A Survey of the Old Testament. But I also find myself going back to this book again and again because it keeps yielding fresh insight on key topics in every Old Testament book, even for experienced readers and scholars.”
DAN Y-W. WU, lecturer in Old Testament, Moore Theological College
“Combining attention to historical backgrounds, literary features, and theological themes with a nuanced treatment of critical issues and hundreds of images that bring the world of the Old Testament to life, A Survey of the Old Testament has been my go-to textbook for introductory classes.”
BRITTANY KIM, adjunct professor at North Park Theological Seminary and coauthor of Understanding Old Testament Theology
“Vivid pictures, archaeological artifacts, and colorful maps make this journey an enjoyable one, whether you are a student or an interested reader!”
BETH STOVELL, professor of Old Testament and chair of general theological studies, Ambrose University
“This is a well-written and finely illustrated survey of the Old Testament. It is readable for college students, and both students and professors can rely on it for evenhanded treatment of even difficult topics in Old Testament studies.”
RICHARD AVERBECK, professor emeritus of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
This new edition of A Survey of the Old Testament will continue the usefulness of this work which has been so widely used previously. With its even-handed, yet basically traditional approach, it can be recommended to all who look for a trustworthy handbook to read alongside the Bible itself.
JOHN OSWALT, visiting distinguished professor of Old Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary
“With good reason, A Survey of the Old Testament has been a leading textbook on the Hebrew Scriptures in colleges and seminaries around the world. Summary treatments, enhanced by stunning pictures, color maps, and helpful charts, enable students to learn the biblical material with an appreciation for its literary quality, theological message, and cultural setting.”
L. MICHAEL MORALES, professor of biblical studies, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
“A wonderful introduction, both textual and visual, to the Old Testament as Holy Scripture. . . Highly recommended!”
IAIN PROVAN, retired, Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies, Regent College
“Hill and Walton ask good questions for the beginning student as they turn its pages and seek to understand it as Christian Scripture. The strength of the volume lies in its exploration of key themes, presented as they arise in each biblical book, and also as they intersect with the larger canonical storyline. This provides a unified approach to the Christian canon and a deeper awareness of how the Old Testament fits into the Christian Bible. The work is also supported by a treasury of visuals, such as maps and photographs of landscapes and artifacts, which help bring the biblical world to life.”
ATHAS, director of research, Moore Theological College
“With this fourth edition, [Hill and Walton] have provided a new generation of readers with invaluable assistance in understanding and applying its riches.”
DAVID FIRTH, tutor in Old Testament, Trinity College Bristol
“This thoroughly revised edition of A Survey of the Old Testament presents Andrew Hill and John Walton’s fully developed thinking on the Old Testament, the product of decades of careful reflection and effective teaching.”
BENJAMIN J. NOONAN, associate professor of Old Testament & Hebrew, Columbia University
“John Walton and Andrew Hill are two of the very best Old Testament scholars of my generation. I am so thankful that they have updated their bestselling and in uential textbook, A Survey of the Old Testament, for the next generation of students. I enthusiastically recommend it.”
GEORGE ATHAS (PhD, University of Sydney) is director of research and senior lecturer in Hebrew, Old Testament, and early church history at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs in The Story of God Bible Commentary series.
“This masterpiece bridges the gap between the worlds of the Old and New Testaments and paints a clear picture of Second Temple Judaism during the centuries that precede the advent of the Messiah. Highly recommended.”
HÉLÈNE DALLAIRE, Denver Seminary
zondervanacademic.com/ BridgingTheTestaments
What prompted your interest in writing about the “intertestamental” period?
ere were two primary reasons.
First, I have found that the postexilic period is largely a mystery for students, especially its history and theological developments. If it’s a mystery for seminary students, then it is an even deeper mystery for the person in the pew. I wrote the book for both groups, hoping to expand the knowledge of all believers in this area.
Second, I wanted to eradicate the whole notion that there is such a thing as an “intertestamental” period. is idea is unbiblical and not warranted by history. Yet it continues to be touted unhelpfully in Christian circles. I wanted to show how divine revelation did not stop during the four centuries between Malachi and Jesus. We have unwittingly estranged the testaments with this spurious “intertestamental” idea, and this has a ected both our historical and theological understanding. My desire is to reconnect the testaments and provide a new historical and theological framework.
Where did the idea of “four hundred years of silence” between the testaments come from? What is missed when we accept it?
e idea of prophetic silence has its seeds in the second century BC when the Hasmonean family (a.k.a. the Maccabees) established a priestly dynasty that soon became a royal dynasty. ey had several opponents within Judaism who continued to believe that God would one day restore a Davidic Kingdom, ful lling his prophetic promises. e Hasmonean Dynasty denied this possibility by arguing that prophecy had ceased.
George Athas
NEW | October 2023
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310520948
Hardcover - 688 pages
e Hasmoneans argued they themselves were the ful lment of God’s purposes. is soon led to the suppression of prophetic gures who critiqued their power, a supression of prophetic speech that continued after the Hasmonean Dynasty as the Saducees, Pharisees, and Herodians gained power.
is is why John the Baptist, Jesus, and Stephen were all executed by the authorities of their day. But it was not until the second century AD that Judaism expressed the idea that prophecy had ceased in the fth century BC. is early date came from the in uence of the Pharisees, who wanted to trace their own theological ideas as far back in the past as they could—to give them antiquity and legitimacy—and also to deny the claim that Jesus was the Messiah.
When Christians espouse four centuries of prophetic silence before Jesus, they unwittingly adopt a view that was intended to suppress the movement that gave rise to the early church. e result is a breaking of the trajectories that join the Old and New Testaments, severing some major theological arteries. It causes the Old Testament to be misconstrued and thus harms our reading of the New Testament. It is time for Christians to shed this unbiblical idea by understanding where it came from and seeing both the biblical literature and the history that gave rise to free it of such shackles.
Prophecy is God’s comment on human a airs, as well as the proper response to that comment. It serves us to understand those human a airs since God was speaking about them and through them to bring about his purposes among his covenant people. ese purposes reached their resolution—without pause—in the ministry of Jesus. Just as we need to learn the biblical languages to gain a proper appreciation of the biblical texts, so we also need to understand the political, social, and theological situation of these centuries to do justice to biblical literature and our theological endeavor.
My hope is that this book will be a surprising and satisfying discovery. It can be read from cover to cover to get the grand sweep of the history and theology, but it also can be a kind of reference tool to consult when needed. It will be useful for courses on speci c biblical books or those covering historical background, Old Testament theology, and apocryphal literature.
Bridging the end of the Old Testament period and the beginning of the New Testament period, this book surveys the history and theological developments of four signi cant eras in Israel’s postexilic history: the Late Persian Era, the Hellenistic Era, the Hasmonean Era, and the Roman Era.
Bridging the Testaments outlines the political and social developments of these four periods, with particular focus on their impact upon Judeans and Samarians. Using a wide range of biblical and extrabiblical sources, George Athas reconstructs what can be known about the history of Judah and Samaria in these eras, providing the framework for understanding the history of God’s covenant people and the theological developments that occurred at the end of the Old Testament period, leading into the New Testament. Finally, an epilogue sketches the historical and theological situation prevailing at the death of Herod in 4 BC, providing important context for the New Testament writings.
In this way, the book bridges the Old and New Testaments by providing a historical and theological understanding of the ve centuries leading up to the birth of Jesus, tracking a biblical theology through them and abolishing the notion of a four-century prophetic silence.
“Historically accurate, carefully presented, an extremely helpful invitation to what is for many unfortunately the ‘dark ages’ of Jewish and biblical history.”
— MARK J. BODA, McMaster Divinity CollegeNEW | October 2023
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310536222
Hardcover - 608 pages
Nancy S. Dawson with Eugene H. Merrill and Andreas J. Köstenberger
All The Geneaologies of the Bible presents every genealogy in the Bible in simple, visually rich charts that are arranged book-by-book. This monumental work covers the genealogies of all key Old Testament and New Testament gures. Supplemental charts provide genealogies for all the high priests of Israel and the rulers of the biblical world—from the Assyrian kings to Rome’s emperors. Importantly, Dawson’s work carefully explains the ancestral double line of the Messiah in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Accompanying exegetical commentary and notes from esteemed biblical scholars Eugene H. Merrill and Andreas J. Köstenberger enhance each of the 288 genealogical charts. Other features include:
• canonical chart organization
• cross-referencing
• comprehensive scripture and subject indexes
“It is hard to exaggerate the value of Nancy Dawson’s All the Genealogies of the Bible This weighty volume is much more than a list of genealogies and diagrams; it is a carefully researched study of history and interpretation of the hundreds of biblical persons. . . Highly recommended.”
CRAIG A. EVANS, John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins, Houston Christian University
NANCY S. DAWSON (PhD, University of Tennessee) is an independent scholar and biblical researcher. She holds a doctorate in biology and has studied at Duke Divinity School. She previously held faculty positions in the sciences at both Western Kentucky University and Texas A&M University.
ANDREAS J. KÖSTENBERGER (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is research professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
EUGENE H. MERRILL (PhD, Columbia) is Old Testament scholar-in-residence at Criswell College.
“How I wish I’d had this resource in Sunday School, biblical survey courses in seminary, and during my PhD! Teachers, students, and bible lovers everywhere will find this book invaluable”
JILL FIRTH, lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia
“What an amazing reference tool this is! I am excited to see such a careful examination of all the genealogies in the Hebrew Old Testament and in the Greek New Testament. It represents a splendid achievement. . . ”
RICHARD S. HESS, distinguished professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages, Denver Seminary
“This book is a treasure chest packed deep with . . . insights into the inter-generational, inter-millennial networks that populated the world of the text. Accessible to the common reader, this is also a handbook for academics.”
HAVILAH DHARAMRAJ, faculty in Old Testament, South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies, Bangalore, India
“Researched and presented with fastidiousness born of faith, All the Genealogies of the Bible offers an unparalleled resource to go deeper in Biblical study. Seemingly no familial connection is left unaddressed and the results appear in both charts and explanatory commentary.”
AMY PEELER, Kenneth T. Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College
“This book, a culmination of Dawson’s long years of extraordinary research into these records, offers a treasure trove of information that should kindle the reader’s appreciation for their historical and theological significance.”
DAVID E. GARLAND, professor of Christian Scriptures, Truett Seminary, Baylor University
Volume 1
$54.99 | $32.99
ISBN 9780310125488
Hardcover - 720 pages
Volumes 1 and 2
Scot McKnight with Cody Matchett
$26.99 | $16.19
ISBN 9780310135784
Hardcover - 336 pages
Volume 2
$54.99 | $32.99
ISBN 9780310125617
Hardcover - 752 pages
A comprehensive, two-volume reassessment of the quests for the historical Jesus that details their origins and underlying presuppositions as well as their ongoing in uence on today’s biblical and theological scholarship.
“. . . A one-stop resource for historical Jesus research that uncovers historical, exegetical, and theological treasures.”
ELIZABETH E. SHIVELY, senior lecturer in New Testament, St. Mary’s College, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
A Complete Grammar, Lexicon, and Annotated Text
Miles V. Van Pelt
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310141129
Softcover - 256 pages
Basics of Biblical Aramaic, Second Edition by Miles V. Van Pelt is designed for students who are already familiar with biblical Hebrew and now want to obtain a working knowledge of biblical Aramaic in a single semester. Thus, the grammar is designed for scholars or comparative linguistic analysis, but for all students who wish to faithfully study, teach, and preach the Old Testament.
Video Lectures
$199.99 | $119.99
ISBN 9780310141150
You’ll learn to see the Book of Revelation in a fresh and hopeful new way. Drawing from the latest scholarship, the authors present an understanding of Revelation for anyone interested in deepening their personal study of the Bible and strengthening their faith as dissident disciples who can discern the presence of “Babylon” in our world and learn to speak up, speak out, and walk in the way of the Lamb.
“This challenging but also pastoral book is a must-read for anyone concerned about the new forces of Babylon confronting the church and the world today.”
Second Edition
Mastering Hebrew Tools to Study the Old Testament
Lee M. Fields
$32.99 | $19.79
ISBN 9780310133995
Softcover - 336 pages
Hebrew for the Rest of Us, Second Edition is a guide for Englishonly readers to understand the highlights taught in three or four semesters of Hebrew language study to deepen their approach and understanding of Scripture. Lee Fields highlights essential Hebrew grammar by drawing on parallels to English grammar and then moves the reader toward developing necessary skills and knowledge of the language so as to utilize the great number of Bible study materials available.
$21.99 | $13.19
ISBN 9780310136149
Softcover - 160 pages
MICHAEL J. GORMAN, St. Mary’s Seminary & University, Baltimore
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310128724
Hardcover - 672 pages
CHRISTOPHER WATKIN (PhD, University of Cambridge) is senior lecturer in French studies at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He is a scholar with an international reputation in the area of modern and contemporary European thought, atheism, and the relationship between the Bible and philosophy. His published work runs the spectrum from academic monographs on contemporary philosophy to books written for general readers, both Christian and secular, and include Dif cult Atheism, From Plato to Postmodernism, Great Thinkers: Jacques Derrida, and others.
Watkin“A book that I have been eagerly anticipating for years….”
In Biblical Critical Theory, Christopher Watkin shows how the Bible and its unfolding story help us make sense of modern life and culture.
Critical theories exist to critique what we think we know about reality and the social, political, and cultural structures in which we live. In doing so, they make visible the values and beliefs of a culture in order to scrutinize and change them.
Biblical Critical Theory exposes and evaluates the often-hidden assumptions and concepts that shape late-modern society, examining them through the lens of the biblical story running from Genesis to Revelation. With extensive diagrams and practical tools, Biblical Critical Theory shows how the patterns of the Bible’s storyline can provide incisive, fresh, and nuanced ways of intervening in today’s debates on everything from science, the arts, and politics to dignity, multiculturalism, and equality, showing Christians the moves to make and the tools to use in analyzing and engaging with all sorts of cultural artifacts and events, in a way that is both biblically faithful and culturally relevant.
It is not enough for Christians to explain the Bible to the culture in which we live. We must also explain the culture in which we live within the framework and categories of the Bible. If Christians want to speak with a fresh, engaging, and dynamic voice in the marketplace of ideas today, we need to mine the unique treasures of the distinctive biblical storyline.
“This book is a magnificent achievement. It is a must-read for Christian leaders wanting to think biblically about our de-Christianising world.”
JOHN DICKSON, author and historian, host of Undeceptions, Jean Kvamme Distinguished Professor at Wheaton College“Watkin turns and overturns the tables of today’s culture-changers by examining various critical theories through biblical lenses rather than vice versa. Biblical Critical Theory is an important update of Augustine’s City of God, a proposal for making biblical sense of what is happening in contemporary culture. This is the ultimate how-to book for disciples looking to beat ideological swords and other weapons in the popular culture wars into gospel plowshares, tools for making sense of, and reconciling, the contradictions of our present moment.”
KEVIN J. VANHOOZER, research professor of systematic theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Biblical Critical Theory doesn’t just give us answers; it helps us to come up with better questions. The components aren’t new, but the way he’s put it all together offers an innovative and immensely fruitful paradigm.”
MICHAEL HORTON, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California
“A brilliant and unique book . . . It is the most biblical, up-to-date, and comprehensive analysis of contemporary Western culture that I know of.”
JOSHUA CHATRAW, Center for Public Christianity
“[Chris Watkin] maps a path out of some of the most fundamental impasses of our time . . . Urgent and weighty, Biblical Critical Theory is . . . simply, a tremendously exciting read.”
NATASHA MOORE, Center for Public Christianity
Matthew Barrett
A holistic, eye-opening history of one of the most signi cant turning points in Christianity, The Reformation as Renewal demonstrates that the Reformation was at its core a renewal of evangelical catholicity.
This balanced, insightful, and accessible treatment of the Reformation will help readers see this watershed moment in the history of Christianity with fresh eyes and appreciate the unity they have with the church across time. Readers will discover, according to author Matthew Barrett, that the Reformation was not a new invention, but the renewal of something very old.
“For a long time, the Reformation has been misrepresented by polemical scholarship. More sadly, modern Protestantism often supports the caricatures. Finally, we have a weighty, passionate, and well-informed riposte. This is a must-read for friend and foe alike.”
MICHAEL HORTON, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California“Matthew Barrett offers a rich theological and historical account of catholicity as the lifeblood of Protestantism—that is, not a movement of innovation, but a church in continuity with the historic faith. Barrett removes the layers of varnish of misunderstanding that have obscured what the Reformation was truly about. If Protestant churches were not catholic, they were merely the sects denounced by their opponents. This book is a crucial corrective to a historical tradition that has lost its sense of self.”
BRUCE GORDON, professor of ecclesiastical history, Yale Divinity School“[Matthew] Barrett describes the Reformation as the Reformation of the church but does this through offering us a fascinating overview of the theological and intellectual history from Late Middle Ages up until the Council of Trent. Matthew Barrett writes directly from the sources and in conversation with the latest in early modern research and does this in an accessible style that stimulates to see how today we can make use all the wealth of insights of the Reformation era. A fine academic work for the classroom and far beyond.”
HERMAN J. SELDERHUIS, professor of church history, Theological University Apeldoorn, president of REFORC
“Far too long Protestants have imbibed from the fountain of the pop history of the Reformation, namely, that the Reformers rejected the “dark ages” and all things medieval. The truth of the matter is: history is more complex than this caricature. Barrett makes a compelling case that the Reformation has more in common with the early church and Middle Ages than most realize. The Reformation has genuinely unique attributes but is also rooted in the catholic, or universal, church. Barrett dispels the darkness of distortion, myth, and legend and shines the light of history, truth, and nuance to create a clear picture of where the continuities and discontinuities lie.”
J.V. FESKO, Harriett Barbour Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi
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MATTHEW BARRETT (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, the executive editor of Credo Magazine, and director of The Center for Classical Theology. He is the author of Simply Trinity; None Greater; Canon, Covenant and Christology; and God’s Word Alone He is currently writing a systematic theology.
Created with the latest pedagogical insights in mind, the Zondervan Language Basics series provides resources to help students master both biblical and cognate languages. Series contributors offer introductory grammars on nine languages and an array of secondary resources to aid language study for students, ministers, and seasoned scholars.
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ISBN 9780310527862
Christ with the Artists, Mystics, and Theologians of the Middle Ages
Grace Hamman
Medieval Europeans suffered through pandemics, dealt with political and ecclesial corruption and instability, and reckoned with gender, money, and power. Yet in many ways, their concerns and imaginations were unlike ours. Their ideas, narratives, and art about Jesus open ancient yet fresh ways to approach and adore Christ and reveal where our own cultural ideals about the Messiah fall short.
In thoughtful and accessible chapters, Grace Hamman explores medieval representations of Jesus in theology and literature, spanning from the familiar, like Jesus as the judge at the end of days, to the more unusual, like Jesus as a knight and Jesus as our mother. Through the words of medieval writers, mystics, and scholars like Julian of Norwich, Bernard of Clairvaux, Margery Kempe, and Thomas Aquinas, Jesus through Medieval Eyes reintroduces us to the one who is, according to Augustine of Hippo, that “beauty so ancient and so new.”
NEW | October 2023
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310145837
Hardcover - 208 pages
For Protestant Christians in the US, do you think the medieval period is a neglected part of church history?
Many Protestants have learned, either implicitly or explicitly, that the Middle Ages was a period of superstition and violence in the church. We also hear about indulgences, corruption, and salvation by works instead of faith—and that all these problems were corrected by the Reformation. Understandably, we tend to turn to the Reformers or to the pre-medieval Patristic theologians for spiritual guidance rather than medieval thinkers.
In doing so, we miss out on a large portion of church history and reinforce an unfair narrative about medieval Christians. In reality, some of our modern-day, violent “medieval” associations like witch burning or religious wars were far more common during and after the Reformation than during the medieval period. Contra these simpli ed stories, medieval Christians loved Jesus and thought extensively, devoutly, and beautifully about him.
Your book includes several depictions of Jesus that are likely jarring to contemporary sensibilities. Which do you think today’s readers will nd most surprising?
Generally, medieval Christians were much more comfortable than we are with imagination and gurative language in speaking of Jesus. Two depictions immediately come to my mind. One is the portrayal of Jesus as a knight, jousting the dragon of death in his cruci xion. A medieval preacher wrote down these words in his representation of Christ as a knight: “I am Jesus come to ght / Without shield or spear!” Christ the knight is not some Braveheart-adjacent man heroically slaughtering his enemies but a gure of radical courage and nonviolence.
“ Jesus Through Medieval Eyes offers vivid, earthy, and sometimes jarring insights into Jesus as seen through the lives and minds of those who walked this faith journey ahead of us. . . . Grace Hamman is the perfect one to guide us on this tour. Her writing is as sharp, witty, and sparkling as the medieval minds she studies and introduces us to. This book is rich and utterly delightful.”
KAREN SWALLOW PRIOR, professor of English and Christianity and culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“ Jesus through Medieval Eyes challenges our assumptions about Jesus, expanding our vision of him with medieval images. After reading this book, we know Jesus as judge, lover, mother, and more. Contrary to books that offer contemporary solutions to contemporary problems, Jesus through Medieval Eyes illuminates an eternal and timeless Savior.”
JESSICA HOOTEN WILSON, Fletcher Jones Endowed Chair of Great Books, Pepperdine University
“Hamman deploys her broad and deep knowledge of the Middle Ages in the service of helping ordinary Christians become more knowledgeable and more faithful lovers of Christ. Beautifully and engagingly written, this book helps us understand ourselves better by introducing us to our fellow Christians who lived in a world that is at once strikingly strange and strangely familiar.”
FRITZ BAUERSCHMIDT, professor of theology, Loyola University Maryland
GRACE HAMMAN (PhD, Duke) is a writer and independent scholar of Middle English contemplative writing and poetry. Her writing has been published by both academic and nonacademic outlets, including Plough Quarterly and The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. She celebrates the beauty of the literature of the past on her podcast, Old Books with Grace. Grace lives in Denver with her husband and their three young children.
Another depiction of Jesus that will surprise readers is the metaphor of Christ the mother. Such an idea may initially sound suspiciously modern. But this medieval idea is grounded in Scripture itself! Medieval monks like St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. Anselm of Canterbury noticed the ancient biblical language of motherhood and thought deeply about Christ’s compassion and fruitfulness as mothering attributes. Contemplative writers like Julian of Norwich wrote of the Passion as holy labor, as Christ gives birth to the church. ese surprises give us a refreshed perspective on aspects of Christ’s character that we can overlook in our own cultural contexts.
What can contemporary readers learn from looking at the ways in which medieval writers and artists thought about Jesus?
C. S. Lewis calls reading old books “the clean sea breeze of the past,” which can blow through our dusty cultural commitments and personal preferences we have mixed up in our beliefs about God. In our age of rising secularization and polarization, a temptation to reify, domesticize, or overly defend our theological frameworks can be very strong. ese writers and artists stir up the glorious mystery of our faith. Christianity is strange. Christians worship a God-man, born of a virgin in a backwater, murdered by the state, who then rose from the dead and oated up to heaven. e passionate language of a nun recognizing Christ as her lover, the medieval narratives of Christ’s life with their vivid reimaginations of familiar biblical stories, and the bizarre depictions of the wounds of Jesus confront us with that strangeness again. e creative witness of medieval Christians humbles me. With their help, I recognize my own limitations in understanding Jesus, myself, and the world around me.
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ISBN 9780310106968
Softcover - 256 pages
OLIVER D. CRISP (PhD, University of London; DLitt University of Aberdeen) is principal of St. Mary’s College and head of the School of Divinity, University of St. Andrews, where he is also professor of analytic theology. He is the cofounder of LATC and has authored numerous books, including Analyzing Doctrine: Toward a Systematic Theology.
FRED SANDERS (PhD, Graduate Theological Union) is professor of theology in the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University in La Mirada, California. He is author of numerous books, including The Triune God, part of the New Studies in Dogmatics series.
Oliver D. Crisp and Fred Sanders, Editors
The 2023 Los Angeles Theology Conference examines ecclesiology, that is, the doctrine about the church. Conference contributions offer constructive proposals for understanding and confessing the doctrine of the church with historical depth, ecumenical scope, and analytic clarity. This book contains the proceedings of the conference.
Oliver D. Crisp and Fred Sanders
The Sancti cation of the Church: Contemplating the Progress of the People of God
Paul T. Nimmo
Creatura Verbi: Hearing the Living Word through the Spirit in the Church
Tom Greggs
Confessing Christ and Confessing the Church
Kimlyn J. Bender
Nature, Culture, Church: Reconsidering the Church-World Divide
Natalie Carnes
Either/Or: On the Necessary, But Maverick, Distinction of Church and World —Matt Jenson
A New Creature: Holy Branches Grafted onto a Single Vine —Kimberley Kroll
The Church in a Postmodern Age —Millard Erickson
The Community of the Apostles and the Spiritual Nature of Christian Unity
Steven Nemes
Exilic Ecclesiology: Suffering and Apostolicity in Early Modern Reformed Theology
Jennifer Powell McNutt
Bound Together in the Holy Fire
Daniel L. Hill
God’s Story for the Church: The Will of God and Ecclesial Persistence
Stephen T. Davis and Eric T. Yang
The Triune God and the Marks of the Church
Marguerite Kappelhoff
Bond of Peace: Ecclesial Unity as Participation in the Son and Spirit
Stephen J. Duby
Recent years have seen renewed interest in divine action, but much of the literature tends to focus on the science-theology discussion. Resulting from multi-year work of the Scripture and Doctrine Seminar, part of KLC’s Scripture Collective, this book attends to the portrayal of divine action in one major biblical text, namely Hebrews. In the New Testament, Hebrews is on par with Romans in terms of importance but has too often been overlooked. Contributors to this volume explore the many different ways in which divine action is foregrounded and portrayed in Hebrews. As its name indicates, Hebrews over ows with Old Testament intertextuality, which also makes it a fertile ground for analysis of divine action stretching back into the Old Testament and opening out into different parts of the NT. The essays in this volume:
• rigorously work the interface of theology and exegesis, all related to Hebrews
• offer an overview of the current state of discussion of divine action and the importance of exploring divine action in speci c biblical texts, with special reference to William Abraham’s recent 4 volume work with OUP
• provide an overview of the reception history of Hebrews in theologies of divine action
• explore how this has this played out in historical theology and what a retrieval of Hebrews for a theology of divine action might mean today
• explore the relationship between the doctrine of God and divine action in Hebrews, including an engagement with classical theism
• provocatively explore divine action in the OT, creation, and eschatology in Hebrews
• explore the major theme in Hebrews of divine action through the ongoing priesthood of Jesus as portrayed in Hebrews
• relate this all to preaching Hebrews today and to spiritual formation
The book’s conclusion re ects on the primary action of God speaking in Hebrews.
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Steven E. Harris
R. Lucas Stamps
Nick Brennan
Scott Leveille
Scott D. Mackie
George H. Guthrie
Craig G. Bartholomew
Amy Peeler
Steve Motyer
Gareth Lee Cockerill
Mary Healy
Scott W. Hahn
Benjamin T. Quinn
Michael J. Rhodes
Scripture and Hermeneutics
Seminar, 25th Anniversary
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Softcover - 288 pages
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Softcover - 336 pages
GARETH LEE COCKERILL (PhD, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia) is professor emeritus of New Testament and biblical theology at Wesley Biblical Seminary.
CRAIG G. BARTHOLOMEW (PhD, University of Bristol) directs the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge, England.
BENJAMIN T. QUINN (PhD, University of Bristol) is associate professor of theology and history of ideas and associate director of the Center for Faith and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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ISBN 9780310139133
Softcover - 352 pages
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ISBN 9780310139164
Softcover - 144 pages
Gregory Koukl
“ Koukl answers the critic’s toughest challenges. . . but then adds the specific tactical questions necessary to help believers navigate difficult conversations safely, graciously, and effectively.”
WILLIAM LANE CRAIG, professor of philosophy, Houston Christian University
“ Street Smarts is Greg’s best work. It is a fun, engaging read that exhibits street savvy—a real understanding of the culture in which we live and breathe and have our being.”
J. P. MORELAND, distinguished professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
“This book offers effective tools to equip believers, who, by God’s grace, can help unbelievers move closer to considering and embracing the gospel.”
PAUL COPAN, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University
“ Greg Koukl is well-known for his Socratic-questioning approach. . . a more appealing way to use apologetic arguments in our case for Christianity. Street Smarts goes farther, providing application to philosophic positions and particular challenges. Well written, highly recommended.”
GARY HABERMAS, distinguished research professor, Liberty University
Street Smarts by Gregory Koukl helps Christians better engage in productive conversations with those who challenge their convictions on a variety of issues. A follow-up to Koukl’s best-selling Tactics, this book focuses on revealing the fundamental aws in common, current challenges to Christian beliefs and values. It then provides individual strategies to exploit those shortcomings by offering model questions and sample dialogues to help guide believers in genial, yet persuasive, conversations.
Koukl begins by explaining the important difference in evangelism between a harvest approach (reaping) and a gardening approach (sowing). He then provides an overview of the tactical game plan he uses to have fruitful “gardening” conversations with those who are not yet Christians. Subsequent chapters tackle speci c areas of challenge that Christians frequently face in discussions “on the street,” as it were—in those conversations with friends, family, or critics that believers often avoid because they feel out of their element, vulnerable, or exposed.
GREGORY KOUKL is adjunct professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University. He is the founder and president of Stand to Reason (str.org) and author of the award-winning The Story of Reality and the best-selling Tactics
With the speci c challenges he addresses, Koukl shows precisely how and why each falters. instructing the reader in a lucid, well-organized, and easy-to-follow fashion. He then provides a speci c set of questions—the same questions Koukl uses in his own encounters— that are embedded in sample mini-dialogues the Christian can use to exploit those aws in an amicable, yet incisive, way.
Street Smarts equips Christians to handle tough challenges in a straightforward and user-friendly way. It provides the practical tools they need to keep them in the driver’s seat of otherwise dif cult and discom ting conversations. It enables them to stand up for Christ in a safe, genial, yet effective way.
An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History
Dickson$26.99 | $16.19
ISBN 9780310155874
Softcover - 384 pages
Combining narrative with keen critique of contemporary debates, John Dickson gives an honest account of 2,000 years of Christian history that helps us understand what Christianity is and what it’s meant to be. Now in softcover, this new edition provides a new chapter on the conversion of the Vikings.
“Bullies and Saints is a commendably honest work that goes beyond simple apologetics: one that is all the more subtle in its effect for being often very apologetic.”
TOM HOLLAND, author of Persian Fire and Dominion
Marty Folsom
$36.99 | $22.19
ISBN 9780310125709
Softcover - 384 pages
His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation
Collin Hansen
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ISBN 9780310128687
Hardcover - 320 pages
For the rst time, Collin Hansen introduces readers to Tim Keller’s early years: the home where he learned to tell stories from the trees, the church where he learned to care for souls, and the city that lifted him to the international fame he never wanted.
“This book is a rich account of the sources of Keller’s spiritual formation, of the people who helped lead him to them, and of the dynamics contributing to the successes of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City.”
GEORGE MARSDEN, professor emeritus, University of Notre Dame
Jennifer Powell McNutt, David McNutt
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ISBN 9780310114413
Softcover - 256 pages
Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics for Everyone, Volume 2—The Doctrine of God helps bridge the gap for Karl Barth readers from beginners to professionals by offering an introduction to Barth’s theology and thought like no other. User-friendly and creative, this guide helps readers get the gist, signi cance, and relevance of what Barth intended for the church.
Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics for Everyone, Volume 1
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ISBN 9780310125679
Softcover - 304 pages
Know the Theologians surveys more than a dozen primary gures, including theologians from the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant traditions. The McNutts explore how they t into their own historical period and demonstrate their ongoing relevance today.
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ISBN 9780310147435
Hardcover - 272 pages
JIM DAVIS is teaching pastor at Orlando Grace Church (Acts 29). He is the host of the As in Heaven podcast on The Gospel Coalition podcast network and serves as a writer for The Dechurched Initiative. Jim writes frequently for The Gospel Coalition, Acts 29, and Family Life. He and his wife, Angela, speak for Family Life’s Weekend to Remember marriage getaways..
MICHAEL GRAHAM is program director at The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics. He is also the executive producer and writer for the As In Heaven podcast. He received his MDiv at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando and is a member at Orlando Grace Church. He is married to Sara, and they have two kids.
RYAN P. BURGE is an associate professor of political science at Eastern Illinois University. He has authored over thirty peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. He has written for the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. He has served as a pastor in the American Baptist Church for over twenty years.
It is greater than the First and Second Great Awakening and every revival in our country combined...but in the opposite direction. Yet precious little rigorous study has been done on the broad phenomenon of dechurching in America.
Jim Davis and Michael Graham have commissioned the largest and most comprehensive study of dechurching in America by renowned sociologists Dr. Ryan Burge and Dr. Paul Djupe.
The Great Dechurching takes the insights gleaned from this study to drill down on how exactly people are dechurching with respect to beliefs, behavior, and belonging.
This book gives the church in America its rst ever deep dive into the dechurched phenomenon. You’ll learn about the dechurched through a detailed sketch of demographics, size, core concerns, church off-ramps, historical roots, and the gravity of what is at stake. Then you’ll explore what can be done to slow the bleed, engage the pertinent issues winsomely and wisely, and hopefully re-church some of the dechurched.
“ In The Great Dechurching, Jim Davis and Michael Graham with researcher Ryan Burge do far more than offer an empirical diagnosis. They offer a plan of care for the church that can lead to renewed life in our churches, the return of many dechurched, and a greater gospel impact in our world.”
ED STETZER, PhD, professor and dean, Talbot School of Theology
“If you know someone who used to go to church and now doesn’t, this book is for you. Jim Davis and Michael Graham have written a timely, necessary, and extremely beneficial resource that will compel and prepare those of us in the church to reach out to those who have left. The Great Dechurching is full of robust research that offers real hope and true help. This might be one of the most significant books you will read. May God use it to call many back to his beloved bride, the church.”
COURTNEY DOCTOR, director of women’s initiatives at The Gospel Coalition, Bible teacher, and author of From Garden to Glory, In View of God’s Mercies
“Every church leader—either lay leader or ordained—needs to read this book to understand who is leaving churches, why they are leaving, and what it will take to bring them back. The Great Dechurching overflows with practical wisdom about the sobering reality of dechurching.”
JUSTIN S. HOLCOMB, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
AdamsJanuary 2024
$26.99 | $16.19
ISBN 9780310154600
Hardcover - 272 pages
Starting something is challenging. Think of it like building a plane over time and eventually testing it out when it’s ready and you’re ready.
On the other hand, taking over something can feel impossible. Stepping into an organization feels more like jumping into a moving plane full of people and keeping it aloft while trying to improve the aircraft, maintain direction, and get to know your new co-pilots!
Most leaders inherit something they didn’t start: teams, culture, processes, or perhaps entire organizations. A long career at a single organization is increasingly a thing of the past, so learning to step into a new leadership role is essential to leading well.
A. J. Swoboda
February 2024
$26.99 | $16.19
ISBN 9780310153283
Hardcover - 224 pages
Today’s follower of Jesus exists at a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and relational forces. “Follow your heart” and “You do you” have become our moment’s mantras. The result, for too many, is feeling torn asunder by the raging desires within. What do we do with our desire? What about our unwanted desires? And how do we cultivate desires that bring life and freedom and lead to Christ? The Gift of Thorns, by A. J. Swoboda, addresses these questions and more.
M. RennJanuary 2024
$26.99 | $16.19
ISBN 9780310155157
Hardcover - 272 pages
In Life in the Negative World, author Aaron Renn looks at the lessons from Christian cultural engagement over the past 70 years and suggests speci c strategies for churches, institutions, and individuals to live faithfully in the “negative” world--a culture opposed to Christian values and teachings. Many of the strategies Christians found useful to engage the positive and neutral worlds no longer work today. The negative world will require a diversity of strategies and there is no one size ts all solution.
Today, Christians must begin thinking like a “moral minority.” Learning how to live in the negative world will require experimentation, trial and error, and adaptation over time, but there are ways to live with integrity and follow Christ today, even in a negative world.
Stephen Ko
April 2024
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310151692
Softcover - 224 pages
On his journey from pediatrician to public health of cer for the CDC to senior pastor of the largest New York Chinese Alliance Church, Stephen Ko has seen that we often live with arti cial divisions between physical and spiritual health. In Faith Embodied, he reminds us that our “bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19).
Christ incarnate is deity in esh, and his spirit is incarnate in us. Living and worshiping incarnationally is consciously embracing what the Creator has designed in his image, from the nest, microscopic details to vital organs within our body, enabling the Holy Spirit to work in us.
What led you to become interested in the topic of violence in your academic work?
It started years ago, before I had begun my theological studies. Our church youth worker got in touch to ask how to help one of the young people who was troubled by Old Testament violence. I had nothing helpful to say, and I was ashamed. I grew up in the faith, and had read the Bible through three times as a teenager, but I hadn’t su ciently interrogated some of its more challenging elements. at conversation catalyzed something within me, so that when I began serious theological study, I returned to the question, and have never really left it. Nowadays, though, I also look at the question the other way around. In what ways is the Bible employed to promote violence? e examples I study are manifold and hair-raising.
We often conceive of “biblical theology” as something good and constructive. Can you help readers who may be experiencing some cognitive dissonance when confronted with the idea of a biblical theology of something as dark as human violence?
Often in our current climate people make polemical reference to “biblical” practice: either positively (capital punishment is biblical) or negatively (there’s no such thing as a biblical marriage). Neither of these approaches is su ciently nuanced for the layered and complex book that God has given us. We need to attend to its deep themes, its unfolding narratives, and its developing theology. And if this is true as a general statement, how much more is it true for a matter of such vital importance as violence? As we saw on January 6, 2021, shallow uses of Scripture can lead to appalling acts in the name of God. But conversely, proof-texting for paci sm is equally awed—though less dangerous! So, in our violent, broken world, there are—in my opinion—few topics as ripe for mature biblical re ection as that of human violence.
Well, at the risk of sounding like I’m in a beauty pageant, world peace! But, more modestly, I’d love it to make a di erence to the way that we read Scripture, and that it might inhibit our unhelpful re exes when we too quickly jump from a text to a life-threatening choice. Put more positively, I’d love people to leave the book with a worldview that is shaped a little more by God’s word in all its glorious life-a rming richness. It is by such renewal of our minds that we can test and approve God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will, and this in turn will recondition our violent re exes into the ways of peace. Is that a modest enough ambition?
“I highly recommend this profound study for all who desire to understand and implement a hopeful and redemptive Christian response to the violence of our world.”
—TREMPER LONGMAN III, professor emeritus of biblical studies, Westmont College
“Blessed Are the Peacemakers can serve as a resource for consultation on almost any issue dealing with violence, an exegetical guide to key biblical texts, and a practical instruction for faithful living. This will become an indispensable book to support individuals and churches who desire to live justly and peaceably amid a violent world, aiding their desire to live out the hope of God’s kingdom now.”
AMY PEELER, Kenneth T. Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College“Whether one is a Christian just-war proponent (as I am) or a pacifist, every reader will not only find much rich, biblically rooted material to ponder, but each one will likewise be challenged to look afresh at what it means to be a peacemaker for Christ in this world.”
PAUL COPAN, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic UniversityHelen Paynter
To explore what the Bible says about human violence, Old Testament scholar Helen Paynter dives deeply into the most problematic biblical narratives.
Starting with the creation narratives in Genesis in comparison with the ancient Near Eastern myths and moving to the conquest of Canaan, she investigates how these deep myths speak to the origins of human violence and its consequences. The prevalence of violence through biblical history is inescapable. Scripture reveals the hydra-like nature of human violence in all its types—structural, verbal, sexual, public/political, racialised, “othering.” Through prophetic voices and Jesus’s teaching, the Bible reveals that the seeds of violence exist within every human heart. Despite evidence of resistance movements in the Bible, it is only on the cross that an absorption of violence by God takes place: a defeat of violence by self-sacri ce.
Considering the multi-headed hydra that is violence and its concealed structures in our Western society, Helen challenges readers to consider their own, perhaps inherited, privilege and complicity. The question of how we regard “others,” both as individuals and as societies, is a deeply relevant and urgent one for the church: The church can and should be a wholly nonothering body.
NEW | October 2023
$38.99 | $23.39
ISBN 9780310125549
Softcover - 352 pages
Yesterday, God of Love Today?, Telling Terror in Judges 19, and Reduced Laughter.
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Judy Cha
October 2023
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310154631
Softcover - 256 pages
e Journey toward a Con dent and Compassionate Immigration Conversation
Bri Stensrud
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310154259
Softcover - 256 pages
Who You Are shows us that the gospel is the only thing that sets you free from the verdict of sin and justi es you as God’s prized possession. When you internalize the gospel—-this message of restorative love—you come to know who you are more and more every day.
This unique resource is ideal for those who feel stuck in a perpetual loop of “ nding themselves” and for counselors or ministry leaders seeking to help others with gospel-centered healing.
This unique resource is ideal for those who feel stuck in a perpetual loop of “ nding themselves” and for counselors or ministry leaders seeking to help others with gospel-centered healing.
John K. Jenkins Sr.
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310151180
Softcover - 208 pages
Most pastors pray for a healthy and vibrant church, a prosperous organization, and transformative change among those they disciple, but many nd themselves frustrated because they lack direction and feel as though they are spinning their wheels. They struggle to correct unhealthy patterns or do not have fresh vision for their ministry.
Grace to Grow reveals the lessons Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. has learned along the way. It is a guide to help pastors move their ministries from merely surviving to fully thriving, despite the challenging road ahead. He gives insight into his own journey as a young pastor and identi es biblical principles, strategies, and techniques that made the difference in the life of his church and his personal discipleship for almost four decades.
In Start with Welcome, Bri Stensrud reveals that something is stirring in the American Church. Something much bigger than platforms, politics, and pundits. Something that could literally change the world.
Let’s have the conversation you’ve always wanted to have about immigration. Let’s ask hard questions and detangle from the easy talking points that still leave us curious about our calling. Let’s attach con dence to your compassion.
Get ready to dive into the whole of scripture to better understand what God calls us to do concerning immigrants and refugees. It’s a journey, and I’m here to take it with you.
Re ections on Faith, Identity, and Race
Michelle Lee-Barnewall
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310123989
Softcover - 224 pages
A Longing to Belong spurs readers to consider what it means to live as racially distinctive people in a fallen world that abounds in misunderstanding and pain and is in desperate need of the gospel of grace, especially as manifested in the redeemed Christian community. This memoir extends the discussion beyond academic discussion of race relations and personal narratives by demonstrating how theology and experience are necessarily intertwined and mutually contribute to our understanding of race and our relationships with each other. Rather than arguing for one “side,” Michelle Lee-Barnewall shares examples rooted in her own experience in light of an overarching kingdom theology.
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An Introduction to the History, Literature, and eology of the First Christians
N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310499305
Hardcover - 992 pages
Written for both classroom and personal use, The New Testament in Its World brings together decades of ground-breaking research, writing, and teaching into one volume. It presents the New Testament books—along with their subjects: Jesus and the early church— within the historical and social context of Second Temple Judaism and Greco-Roman politics and culture.
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310528708
Softcover - 176 pages
Video Lectures
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310528753
Second Edition
A Survey of the New Testament within Its Cultural Contexts
Gary M. Burge and Gene L. Green
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310531326
Hardcover - 624 pages
Fully revised, The New Testament in Antiquity, 2nd Edition, skillfully helps students discover how Jewish, Hellenistic, and Roman cultures formed the essential environment in which the New Testament authors wrote their books and letters.
Second Edition
A Survey of Jesus and the Gospels
Mark L. Strauss
$64.99 | $38.99
ISBN 9780310528678
Hardcover - 656 pages
Like different artists who render the same subject using unique styles and points of view, the Gospels paint four distinctive portraits of the same Jesus of Nazareth. This fully-updated second edition of Four Portraits, One Jesus—together with its workbook, video lectures, and laminated sheet—gives students everything they need for a thorough and enriching study of the Gospels and the Messiah, Jesus, to whom they bear witness.
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310109761
Softcover - 208 pages
Video Lectures
$79.99 | $47.99
ISBN 9780310109792
A Survey of Hebrews and the General Epistles
Karen H. Jobes
$64.99 | $38.99
ISBN 9780310267386
Hardcover - 496 pages
In Letters to the Church Karen Jobes explores the cultural and theological background of a key group of New Testament book, including Hebrews and the general epistles. A student-friendly design augments Jobes’s emphais on historical context, themes, and personal application.
Video Lectures
$89.99 | $62.99
ISBN 9780310100478
Video Lectures
$39.99 | $23.99
ISBN 9780310532507
Bruce W. Longenecker and Todd D. Still
$64.99 | $38.99
ISBN 9780310330868
Hardcover - 416 pages
The study of Paul and his letters can be exciting, challenging, and life-changing. This is exactly what Pauline experts Bruce W. Longenecker and Todd D. Still hope to achieve with their textbook aimed at college and seminary level courses on Paul. They bring decades of study and expertise to Thinking through Paul, challenging students to delve deeply into Paul’s writings and wrestle with his richly-layered and dynamic theological discourse.
Video Lectures
$39.99 | $23.99
ISBN 9780310533641
Fifth Edition
Robert H. Gundry
$59.99 | $39.99
ISBN 9780310494744
Hardcover - 592 pages
D. A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310238591
Hardcover - 784 pages
An Introduction to the New Testament focuses on historical questions dealing with authorship, date, sources, purpose, destination, and so forth, ensuring that the New Testament books will be accurately understood within historical settings.
For each New Testament document, the authors also provide a substantial summary of the book’s content, discuss the book’s theological contribution to the overall canon, and give an account of current studies on the book, including recent literary and social-science approaches to interpretation.
A Canonical and Synthetic Approach
Frank Thielman
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310211327
Hardcover - 800 pages
A Survey of the New Testament is the de nitive guide for exploring the New Testament—providing both the broader historical and cultural context as well as a passage-level commentary for each book. This classic text is a trusted and scholarly resource that will provide your students with a comprehensive introduction to the New Testament.
Video Lectures
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310529538
Frank Thielman presents a comprehensive theology of the New Testament that pays careful attention to important historical circumstances, crucial exegetical questions, and a panoramic view of the New Testament’s many themes and perspectives.
This canonical and synthetic approach honors both the theological diversity of the various books and the theological connections between the books. In the end, Thielman nds a uni ed theological vision of the New Testament, anchored in the centrality of Jesus Christ. Theology of the New Testament is an outstanding achievement. The book is marked by scholarly depth, exegetical rigor, and theological profundity.
Fourth Edition
William D. Mounce
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310537434
Hardcover - 544 pages
Elementary Syntax and Linguistics
Dana M. Harris
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310108573
Hardcover - 608 pages
William D. Mounce’s Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar is the standard textbook for colleges and seminaries. Since its initial publication in 1993 its integrated approach has helped more than 250,000 students learn New Testament Greek.
Drawing upon twenty years of Greek teaching experience and the latest developments in linguistics and syntax, scholar Dana Harris introduces students to basic linguistic concepts and categories necessary for grasping Greek in ways that are clear and intuitive.
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310537472
Softcover - 240 pages
Video Lectures
$124.99 | $74.99
ISBN 9780310097884
Richard J. Gibson and Constantine R. Campbell
$34.99 | $20.99
ISBN 9780310527992
Hardcover - 144 pages
Reading Biblical Greek introduces rst-year Greek students to the essential information needed to optimize their grasp of the fundamentals of the Greek language—no more and no less—enabling them to read and translate the Greek of the New Testament as soon as possible.
$12.99 | $7.79
ISBN 9780310528036
Softcover - 112 pages
Video Lectures
$124.99 | $74.99
ISBN 9780310528074
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310108603
Softcover - 176 pages
Video Lectures
$199.99 | $119.99
ISBN 9780310113652
An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament
Daniel B. Wallace
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310218951
Hardcover - 864 pages
Designed for second year and advanced Greek students, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics examines hundreds of key grammatical and syntactical in biblical Greek, rooting those studies in numerous examples. Both a go to manual and textbook, this widely-acclaimed textbook is an absolute necessity for established New Testament scholars and aspiring students.
Video Lectures
$124.99 | $74.99
ISBN 9780310534099
e Essentials of Biblical Greek
D. Mounce$32.99 | $19.79
ISBN 9780310134626
Softcover - 336 pages
A. Beetham, Editor$79.99 | $47.99
ISBN 9780310598473
Hardcover - 1200 pages
This newly revised third edition of Greek for the Rest of Us is a crash-course on “Greek for the rest of us” that acquaints the reader with the essentials of the language so they can study the New Testament more deeply. Readers will gain a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of Greek and learn how to use tools that will add muscle to their Bible studies.
$21.99 | $13.19
ISBN 9780310134657
Sofcover - 128 pages
Laminated Sheets
$12.99 | $7.79
ISBN 9780310142294
4 Laminated Sheets
New Insights for Reading the New Testament
Constantine R. Campbell
$34.99 | $20.99
ISBN 9780310515951
Softcover - 256 pages
Advances in the Study of Greek offers an introduction to issues of interest in the current world of Greek scholarship. Those within Greek scholarship will welcome this book as a tool that puts students, pastors, professors, and commentators rmly in touch with what is going on in Greek studies. Those outside Greek scholarship will warmly receive Advances in the Study of Greek as a resource to get themselves up to speed in Greek studies. Free of technical linguistic jargon, the scholarship contained within is highly accessible to outsiders.
Advances in the Study of Greek provides an accessible introduction for students, pastors, professors, and commentators to understand the current issues of interest in this period of paradigm shift.
The Concise New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis (CNIDNTTE) is a signi cant resource for those looking for a quick-reference guide to aid in exegesis and interpretation. It retains all the essentials of the monumental and magisterial New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis, bringing together its most important elements into one accessible volume. This reference includes the most vital, relevant information needed to delve deep into the study of the Greek words used in Scripture for study of the New Testament—its texts and theology.
Second Edition
Edited by A. Philip Brown II, Bryan W. Smith, Richard J. Goodrich, Albert L. Lukaszewski
$124.99 | $74.99
ISBN 9780310109938
Hardcover - 2,272 pages
This updated reader’s Bible combines A Reader’s Hebrew Bible and A Reader’s Greek New Testament, Second Edition into one convenient and beautiful volume.
Ideal for students, pastors, and instructors, A Reader’s Hebrew and Greek Bible saves time and effort in studying the Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament. By eliminating the need to look up de nitions, the footnotes allow you to more quickly read the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek text.
Featuring a new lay- at hardcover in beautiful cloth overboards and a new cream paper for ease of reading and reduced eye strain, A Reader’s Hebrew and Greek Bible is a practical, attractive, and surprisingly affordable resource.
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310535768
Softcover - 288 pages
The Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook gives the intermediate or second-year Hebrew student the tools to work with Hebrew syntax on the macro level. Professors and pastors working with Hebrew will also nd this one-of-a-kind resource highly valuable.
Third Edition
Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310533498
Hardcover - 528 pages
Clear. Understandable. Carefully organized. Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar by Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt is the standard textbook for colleges and seminaries. Since its initial publication in 2001 its integrated approach has helped more than 80,000 students learn Biblical Hebrew.
Video Lectures
$179.99 | $107.99
ISBN 9780310101024
Mark D. Futato, Sr.
$16.99 | $10.19
ISBN 9780310098423
Softcover - 128 pages
Basics of Hebrew Accents provides readers of biblical Hebrew with a comprehensive working knowledge of accentuation. Hebrew accents can be perplexing but knowing them and their functions will help students become better readers of the Hebrew Bible. The book is an ideal tool for beginning students who are learning to read the language as well as for more advanced students who are reading and translating the Hebrew text.
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310533559
Softcover - 208 pages
Video Lectures
$124.99 | $74.99
ISBN 9780310538608
Second Edition
A Guide to Reading the Hebrew Bible
Miles V. Van Pelt and Gary D. Pratico
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310093350
Softcover - 288 pages
A structured introduction to the reading of Biblical Hebrew texts, giving Hebrew students the necessary practice to gain greater pro ciency in using the language for exegesis and preaching. The updated second edition of the Graded Reader of Biblical Hebrew: A Guide to Reading the Hebrew Bible by Miles V. Van Pelt and Gary D. Pratico is the ideal next-step resource for the student who has completed a year of elementary Hebrew or the pastor or scholar whose language skills need some refreshing.
New Insights for Reading the Old Testament
Benjamin J. Noonan
$38.99 | $23.39
ISBN 9780310596011
Softcover - 336 pages
Second Edition
Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310532828
Softcover - 320 pages
Advances in the Study of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic is an introduction to issues of interest in the current world of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic scholarship. A growing knowledge of the Semitic languages and the eld of linguistics continues to enhance understanding of biblical Hebrew and Aramaic.
Comprehension of these items directly affects the way we read the Hebrew Bible and is therefore invaluable for those interested in the Old Testament. This book lls a gap in the eld of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic linguistics and provides an accessible, comprehensive, up-to-date, and linguistically-informed investigation of the language.
Building Competency with Words
Occurring 50 Times or More
Miles V. Van Pelt and Gary D. Pratico
$16.99 | $10.19
ISBN 9780310098478
Softcover - 144 pages
Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary in Context is a biblical Hebrew language resource designed to reinforce a student’s basic vocabulary by reading words that occur fty times or more in the context of the Hebrew Bible. All 642 of these Hebrew words have been collated into 195 key biblical verses and/or verse fragments to help students practice and retain their Hebrew vocabulary.
The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic by Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt is intended to accompany Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar. For the beginning student it is an essential resource companion to aid in vocabulary memorization and acquisition. Updates in this second edition include the addition of a complete Aramaic word list and re nement of de nitions.
Kyle Greenwood
$18.99 | $11.39
ISBN 9780310098447
Softcover - 144 pages
This succinct and accessible resource will help students of biblical languages gain a better appreciation and understanding of the rules, functions, and terminology of English grammar. Useful for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students this quick reference guide can be used in both biblical languages courses as well as in exegetical courses and as a resource in writing exegetical papers. Instructors will also bene t from the book as both a refresher in grammatical terms and as an additional resource for helping students de ne terms.
Second Edition
John H. Walton and Andrew E. Hill
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310498209
Hardcover - 480 pages
Unique among Old Testament surveys, Old Testament Today, 2nd Edition not only provides an orientation to the world of the Old Testament, but also builds a bridge between the original audience and modern readers, demonstrating why the ancient message is important for faith and life today.
This proven Old Testament text with a wealth of full-color images helps readers connect the world of the Old Testament with today’s world. Old Testament Today, 2nd Edition, newly revised, includes a book-by-book survey, new maps and graphics, and other updates throughout.
J. Daniel Hays
Tremper Longman III, General Editor
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310271529
Hardcover - 384 pages
The Message of the Prophets offers a scholarly, yet readable and student-friendly survey of the Old Testament prophetic literature. It presents the message of each prophet in its historical and biblical context and then tracks that message through the New Testament to challenge readers with prophetic message today.
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310535133
Second Edition
Tremper Longman III and Raymond B. Dillard
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310263418
Hardcover - 528 pages
Tremper Longman III’s and Raymond B. Dillard’s seminal An Introduction to the Old Testament offers a comprehensive orientation to the Old Testament. Examining each biblical book in its canonical context each book, the authors acquaint students with historical background, literary analysis, theology, and contemporary scholarly discussion.
An Exegetical, Canonical, and ematic Approach
Bruce K. Waltke with Charles Yu
$598.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310218975
Hardcover - 1040 pages
This book is the result of decades of re ection informed by an extensive knowledge of the Hebrew language, the best of critical scholarship, a deep understanding of both the content and spirit of the Old Testament, and a thoroughly evangelical conviction.
Taking a narrative, chronological approach to the text, Waltke shows that the unifying theme of the Old Testament is the “breaking in of the kingdom of God.” This theme helps the reader better understand not only the Old Testament, but also the New Testament, the continuity of the entire Bible, and ultimately, God himself.
Gary Edward Schnittjer
$74.99 | $44.99
ISBN 9780310571100
Hardcover - 1104 pages
Old Testament Use of Old Testament, by Gary Edward Schnittjer, surveys the hundreds of Old Testament allusions within the Old Testament and provides hermeneutical guidance for interpreting these interrelated scriptures. This dynamic tool equips students of the Bible to: Understand how the Old Testament uses the Old Testament.
• Easily nd the most important Old Testament allusions
• Grasp the complexity of Scripture’s use of Scripture
• Evaluate the signi cance of interpretive allusions
• Gain exegetical insight into the study of interrelated Scriptures
Mapping the Terrain of Recent Approaches
Brittany Kim and Charlie Trimm
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310106470
Softcover - 192 pages
Christopher J. H. Wright
$18.99 | $11.39
ISBN 9780310524649
Softcover - 288 pages
In How to Preach and Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth, Christopher J. H. Wright proclaims that preachers must not ignore the Old Testament. It is the Word of God! The Old Testament lays the foundation for our faith and it was the Bible that Jesus read and used.
Looking rst at why we should preach from the Old Testament, the author moves on to show the reader how they can preach from it. Covering the History, Law, Prophets, Psalms, and Wisdom Literature, interspersed with practical checklists, exercises, and sermons, Wright provides an essential guide on how to handle the Old Testament responsibly.
In Understanding Old Testament Theology, professors Brittany Kim and Charlie Trimm provide an overview of the contemporary approaches to Old Testament theology. In three main sections, they explore various approaches:
• Part I examines approaches that ground Old Testament theology in history.
• Part II surveys approaches that foreground Old Testament theme(s).
• Part III considers approaches that highlight different contexts for doing Old Testament theology.
• Each main chapter describes both common features of the approach and points of tension and then offers a test case illuminating how it has been applied to the book of Exodus.
Tremper Longman III
$16.99 | $10.19
ISBN 9780310291480
Softcover - 192 pages
Renowned Bible scholar Tremper Longman III gathers the best in historical research and literary analysis to lead the reader through each book of the Old Testament. Most signi cantly, Longman explores the meaning of each book in light of its cultural setting. Abbreviated chapters highlight key research discoveries, ensuring that the information is both signi cant and manageable. Including questions at the end of each chapter for group discussion or personal re ection, Introducing the Old Testament makes the words, history, and culture of biblical times come alive for readers. Laypersons as well as church leaders will take away a solid understanding of the historical background and theological message of the Old Testament and be inspired to apply biblical truths to their lives.
ird Edition
William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, Robert L. Hubbard, Jr.
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310524175
Hardcover - 720 pages
Fourth Edition
A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible
J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310109174
Hardcover - 592 pages
Written by three of today’s leading scholars, Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, now in its third edition, is a bestselling hermeneutics textbook that sets forth concise, logical, and practical guidelines for discovering the truth in God’s Word.
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310536680
Softcover - 192 pages
Video Lectures
$39.99 | $23.99
ISBN 9780310535966
Second Edition
Discovering Our Place in the Great Story of Scripture
J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
$34.99 | $20.99
ISBN 9780310109112
Hardcover - 368 pages
In Living God’s Word, Second Edition, scholars J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays help Christians consider how their lives can be integrated into the story of the Bible, enabling them to live faithfully as disciples. Living God’s Word explores the entire Bible through broad themes that trace the progression of God’s redemptive plan.
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310109143
Softcover - 192 pages
Video Lectures
$79.99 | $47.99
ISBN 9780310127994
Proven in classrooms around the world, Grasping God’s Word equips students with general principles of interpretation and then applies those principles to speci c biblical genres and contexts. Authors Scott Duvall and Daniel Hays present a ve-step process that equips readers to responsibly interpret Scripture no matter what part of the Bible they are studying.
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310109204
Softcover - 208 pages
Video Lectures
$79.99 | $47.99
ISBN 9780310113157
Second Edition
Your Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible
J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
$18.99 | $11.39
ISBN 9780310108962
Softcover - 192 pages
Journey into God’s Word, Second Edition helps Bible readers acquire the skills they need to become better at reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible to their life.
Based on the bestselling college/seminary textbook Grasping God’s Word it takes the proven principles from that book and makes them accessible to people in the church. It starts with general principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to speci c genres and contexts.
Second Edition
A Hands-On Approach to Preparing, Developing, and Delivering the Sermon
Terry G. Carter, J. Scott Duvall, J. Daniel Hays
$37.99 | $22.79
ISBN 9780310536246
Hardcover - 304 pages
Preaching God’s Word is a user-friendly and practical homiletics textbook that integrates hermeneutical principles and stresses the importance of a strong exegetical foundation.
Whether you are a student who is new to preaching or a veteran looking to brush up on your skills, you will bene t from this hands-on approach to preparing, developing, and delivering the sermon.
Video Lectures
$39.99 | $23.99
ISBN 9780310595977
A Guided Tour
Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310518082
Softcover - 448 pages
Fourth Edition
Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310517825
Softcover - 304 pages
In clear, simple language, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth helps readers understand the different parts of the Bible—their meaning for ancient audiences and their implications for you today— so you can uncover the inexhaustible wealth of God’s Word.
Video Lectures
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310566496
A Guided Tour
Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310156017
Sofitcover - 272 pages
Reading the Bible doesn’t need to be a dif cult journey through strange and bewildering territory. How to Read the Bible Book by Book walks you through the Scriptures like an experienced tour guide, helping you understand each of its sixty-six books. Filling the gap between approaches that are too simple and others that are too technical, this book starts by equipping readers with general principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to speci c genres and contexts.
A Guided Tour
Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310155911
Sofitcover - 208 pages
Everett Ferguson
$54.99 | $32.99
ISBN 9780310516569
Hardcover - 544 pages
Church History shows that the church’s past is the story of the greatest movement and community the world has ever known. It’s a human story of a divinely called people who desired to live by a divine revelation and to in uence the world to conform to God’s will more closely. Yet, as a profoundly human history, Everett Ferguson’s work examines both the people who lived up to their calling and the errors of those who feel short—from the Apostle Paul to the dawn of the Reformation.
Video Lectures
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310530961
Faith, Politics, and the Shaping of a Nation
Thomas S. Kidd
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310586173
Hardcover - 320 pages
John D. Woodbridge and Frank A. James III
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310257431
Hardcover - 864 pages
Authors John D. Woodbridge and Frank A. James III present the church’s history as the story of the greatest movement and community the world has known—as imperfect as it is. It’s a human story of a divinely called people who want to live by a divine revelation. It’s a story of how they succeeded and how they failed and of how they are still trying to live out their calling.
Video Lectures
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310533900
Stephen Backhouse
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310599487
Sofitcover - 224 pages
America’s Religious History is an up-to-date, narrative-based introduction to the unique role of faith in American history. Moving beyond present-day polemics, leading historian Thomas S. Kidd interweaves religious history and key events from the larger story of American history. Useful for both classroom and personal study, this book provides a balanced, authoritative assessment of how faith has shaped American life and politics.
Video Lectures
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310586227
This highly informative, broad-ranging book provides vital facts on the growth and impact of Christianity from the apostles to the present day not only in the Western world but also globally, including the development of Eastern Orthodox and Armenian Christianity, as well as considering Christianity in Latin America, Southeast Asia, the Baltic and Slavic states, and India. The companion is organized by century, going through the major events, ideas, and personalities that have shaped Christian history around the world.
Video Lectures
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310599531
Fifth Edition
Bruce L. Shelley; Marshall Shelley, Revision Editor
$34.99 | $20.99
ISBN 9780310115960
Softcover - 624 pages
Ian J. Shaw
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310536284
Hardcover - 2884 pages
For this fth edition, Shelley brought together a team of historians, historical theologians, and editors to revise and update this father’s classic text. The new edition adds important stories of the development of Christianity in Asia, India, and Africa, both in the early church as well as in the twentieth and twenty- rst centuries.
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310138969
Sofitcover - 176 pages
A Biographical and Methodological Introduction
Benjamin K. Forrest, Joshua D. Chatraw, Alister E. McGrath, Editors
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310559412
Hardcover - 848 pages
The History of Apologetics follows the great apologists in the history of the church to understand how they approached the task of apologetics in their own cultural and theological context. Each chapter looks at the life of a well-known apologist from history, unpacks their methodology, and details how they approached the task of defending the faith.
By better understanding how apologetics has been done, readers will be better able to grasp the contextualized nature of apologetics and apply those insights to today’s context. TheHistory of Apologetics covers forty-four apologists including, key thinkers from every era of church history.
Ian Shaw charts the story of Christianity from its birth and infancy among a handful of followers of Jesus Christ, through its years of development into a global religious movement, spanning continents and cultures and transcending educational and social backgrounds.
This new, accessible overview of the global history of Christianity:
• Narrates the story of the Christian tradition and its global heritage over two millennia Introduces the major phases, developments, movements, and personalities Explores interactions of Christianity with the wider society.
• Is written from within the evangelical tradition, but accessible to others Presents nuanced, cogent analysis that draws on the latest scholarship.
e Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism
Jemar Tisby
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310113607
Sofitcover - 256 pages
Video Study
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310102212
A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Introduction
Ben C. Blackwell and R. L. Hatchett
$34.99 | $20.99
ISBN 9780310092766
Hardcover - 304 pages
Second Edition
A Biblical and Systematic Introduction
Michael F. Bird
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310093978
Hardcover - 1008 pages
Engaging Theology is an introductory theology textbook that grounds a treatment of standard systematic topics in the wider context of life and practice and shows the relevance of each doctrine to the church. The book treats the essential doctrines of Christian orthodoxy by following the pattern of story, doctrinal exposition, theological relevance, and spiritual relevance.
Video Lectures
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310123620
An Introduction to Christian Doctrine rough the Apostles’ Creed
Michael F. Bird
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310520924
Hardcover - 240 pages
What Christians Ought to Believe is ideally suited for both the classroom and the church setting to teach beginning students and laypersons the basics of what Christians ought to af rm if they are to be called Christians. Bringing together theological commentary, tips for application, and memorable illustrations, this succinct and accessible volume summarizes the basic tenets of the Christian faith using the Apostle’s Creed as its entryway.
Video Lectures
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310538479
Evangelical Theology, Second Edition helps today’s readers understand and practice the doctrines of the Christian faith by presenting a gospel-centered theology that is accessible, rigorous, and balanced. Now in its second edition, Evangelical Theology has proven itself in classrooms around the world as a resource that helps readers not only understand the vital doctrines of Christian theology but one that shows them how the gospel should shape how they think, pray, preach, teach, and minister in the world.
Video Lectures
$89.99 | $53.99
ISBN 9780310120001
Faith Seeking Understanding
Stephen T. Davis and Eric T. Yang
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310104087
Sofitcover - 208 pages
Philosophical or analytic theology seeks to employ philosophical tools while studying topics in Christian theology and examining the logical consistency or intelligibility of some of the key doctrines of the Christian faith. In this accessible primer, authors Stephen T. Davis and Eric T. Yang rst explain the scope, relevance, and value of philosophical theology and then applies its conceptual tools to examine each of the core Christian doctrines.
Video Lectures
$89.99 | $53.99
ISBN 9780310114260
Classical, Evangelical, Philosophical, and Global Perspectives
Kirk R. MacGregor
$34.99 | $20.99
ISBN 9780310113720
Hardcover - 416 pages
Contemporary Theology: An Introduction is noteworthy for making complex thought understandable and for tracing the landscape of modern theology in a well-organized and easy-to-follow manner. Accessible and comprehensive, Contemporary Theology: An Introduction by professor and author Kirk R. MacGregor provides a chronological survey of the major thinkers and schools of thought in modern theology in a manner that is both approachable and intriguing.
Video Lectures
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310555650
Second Edition
Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith
Wayne Grudem;
Edited by Alexander Grudem$44.99 | $26.99
ISBN 9780310124306
Hardcover - 672 pages
Bible Doctrine takes a widely used upper-level textbook on systematic theology and makes it accessible. Abridged from the second edition of Wayne Grudem’s award-winning Systematic Theology, Bible Doctrine covers the same essentials of the faith in a more accessible form, giving you a rm grasp on key theological themes.
Second Edition
An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine
Wayne Grudem
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310517979
Hardcover - 1616 pages
The most widely used resource of the last 25 years in its area, Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem has been thoroughly revised and expanded (all 57 chapters) for the rst time while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its eld: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine’s scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life.
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310114079
Softcover - 272 pages
Video Lectures
$89.99 | $53.99
ISBN 9780310119876
Wisdom, Wellbeing and Wonder
Alister McGrath
$18.99 | $11.39
ISBN 9780310151906
Sofitcover - 176 pages
In this wonderfully accessible book, renowned theologian Alister McGrath answers the question “What’s the point of theology?” and explores the depth and breadth theology can bring to our lives. Drawing on insights from his experience of coming to Christianity from atheism, this exhilarating and enlightening volume reveals how theology can help us grow in wisdom, contribute to our wellbeing, spark our innate sense of wonder, and above all, grow in faith and love as we draw ever closer to the divine.
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310136170
Softcover - 208 pages
Video Lectures
$79.99 | $47.99
ISBN 9780310135821
Biblical and eological Challenges Facing Christians
Eric Mason, General Editor
$27.99 | $16.79
ISBN 9780310142997
Hardcover - 336 pages
Edited by Dr. Eric Mason and featuring a top-notch lineup of contributors such as Anthony Bradley, Brandon Washington, and Thabiti Anyabwile, Urban Apologetics: Cults and Cultural Ideologies equips pastors, churches, and everyday believers to engage the most common ethical, biblical, and theological challenges faced by Christians and the church today.
Urban Apologetics: Restoring Black Dignity with the Gospel
$27.99 | $16.79
ISBN 9780310100942
Hardcover - 304 pages
Thaddeus J. Williams
$22.99 | $13.79
ISBN 9780310119487
Softcover - 288 pages
A Crash Course in Contemporary Issues
Joshua D. Chatraw and Karen Swallow Prior
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310534570
Hardcover - 368 pages
Unique in how it addresses both big-picture questions about cultural engagement and pressing current issues, Cultural Engagement provides a thorough and broad introduction useful for students, professors, pastors, college ministers, and any believer wanting to more effectively exercise their faith in the public square. Featuring contributions from over forty top thinkers, proponents of various views on the speci c topics present their approaches in their own words, providing readers an opportunity to fairly consider options.
“In this provocative and timely book, Chatraw and Prior have convened a wide-ranging cast of authors to debate the most pressing issues facing the church today.”
THOMAS S. KIDD, Midwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryRuss Ramsey
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310129721
Hardcover - 272 pages
Drawing from a diverse range of theologians, sociologists, artists, and activists, Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth makes the case that we must be discerning if we are to “truly execute justice” as Scripture commands. Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth transcends our religious and political tribalism and challenges readers to discover what the Bible and the example of Jesus have to teach us about justice.
Video Study
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310128052
Rembrandt Is in the Wind is part art history, part biblical study, part philosophy, and part analysis of the human experience; but it’s all story. The lives of the artists in this book illustrate the struggle of living in this world and point to the beauty of the redemption available to us in Christ. Each story is different. Some conclude with resounding triumph while others end in struggle. But all of them teach us to love and see beauty.
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Video Study
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ISBN 9780310129752
e Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God
Tim Challies
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310136736
Hardcover - 224 pages
Tim Challies’s Seasons of Sorrow is an honest look at grief and fears, faith and hope. Combining personal narrative, sound theology, and beautiful writing, this is a book for anyone who has loved and lost.
“Seasons of Sorrow cut straight to my soul. I read it within a few weeks of the unexpected deaths of two close friends and while my wife struggles bravely with stage four cancer. Tim’s heartfelt pain and Christ-centered perspective spoke to both my heart and my head.”
RANDY ALCORN, author, Heaven and If God Is Good
A Christian Case for Liberty, Equality, and Secular Government
Michael F. Bird
$18.99 | $11.39
ISBN 9780310538882
Softcover - 224 pages
Progressing from Cross-Cultural to Intercultural Communication of Christ
Vee J. D-Davidson$34.99 | $20.99
ISBN 9780310124382
Hardcover - 352 pages
Transforming Communication offers practical principles to encourage and challenge Christian readers to build relationships that might well require engaging with issues that bring them out of their comfort zone but, the book also offers insights and encouraging devotional nuggets that feed into a triad of knowledge-impartation, self-examination and challenge, along with spiritual enrichment for the task.
“Transforming Communication is the book that will equip you to undertake the challenging task of sharing the gospel of God’s love in the myriad human cultures he has created around the world.”
CANON DR. CHRIS SUGDEN, Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life
Religious Freedom in a Secular Age will challenge readers of all backgrounds and beliefs not only to make room for peaceable difference, but also to nd common ground on the values of justice, mercy, and equality. While Bird does address the recent political administrations in the US, his focus is global.
Bird—who lives in Melbourne, Australia—freely admits to his anxiety of the militant secularism surrounding him, but he also strongly critiques the marriage of national and religious identities that has gained ground in countries like Hungary and Poland.
A Biblical Critique of a Wayward Movement
Constantine R. Campbell
$19.99 | $11.99
ISBN 9780310135449
Softcover - 256 pages
Jesus v. Evangelicals is an insider’s critique of the evangelical movement according to its own rules. Since evangelicals regard themselves governed by the Bible, biblical scholar Constantine Campbell engages the Bible to critique evangelicals and to call out the problems within the contemporary evangelical movement.
“This book will surely annoy some people, but it will motivate others because Campbell’s thoughtful, biblical, vulnerable, and culturally astute analysis can help chart a new and better course.”
DENNIS R. EDWARDS, dean, North Park Theological SeminaryAn Introduction for Christian Witness
D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen$34.99 | $20.99
ISBN 9780310524687
Hardcover - 336 pages
Apologetics at the Cross is a guidebook for how to defend Christianity with Christ-like gentleness and respect toward those who persecute the faith, making you a stronger witness to the good news of the gospel than many other apologetics books that focus on crafting unbreachable arguments. Conversational in tone and balanced in approach, Apologetics at the Cross provides a readable introduction to the eld of apologetics. You’ll be informed and equipped for engaging a wide range of contemporary challenges with the best in Christian thought.
Video Lectures
$39.99 | $23.99
ISBN 9780310538523
An Introduction to Classical Apologetics
Douglas Groothuis and Andrew
I. Shepardson$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310113072
Hardcover - 304 pages
A Guide to Becoming a Christian Philosopher
Dolores G. Morris
$24.99 | $14.99
ISBN 9780310109525
Hardcover - 272 pages
Believing Philosophy introduces Christians to philosophy and the tools it provides believers, helping them understand, articulate, and defend their faith in an age of unbelief. Each chapter introduces the problem, explains Christian responses, discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each response, and leaves the nal verdict to the reader. Finally, each chapter concludes with a list of recommended further readings.
Video Lectures
$79.99 | $47.99
ISBN 9780310142584
Wisdom from the Great Hearts and Minds at Came Before
Jessica Hooten Wilson and Jacob Stratman, editors
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310127963
Hardcover - 320 pages
The Knowledge of God in the World and the Word provides a simple introduction to classical apologetics that also addresses the most common objections to natural theology. Readers will discover an easy point of entry into understanding why Christian beliefs about Jesus are true and rational. Further, the authors apply the power of classical apologetics to Christian ministry.
Learning the Good Life speaks to our cultural malaise with trusted and assured voices from the past, inviting Christians into an age-old conversation with some of history’s wisest hearts and minds as their dialogue companions. Featuring classic writings from a diverse lineup of over 35 writers and thinkers including Confucius, Augustine, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, W.E.B. DuBois, Flannery O’Connor, and Wendell Berry.
Together, these sages address important issues, including calling, meaning, community, virtue, thinking, suffering, beauty, and more. Workbook
$23.99 | $14.39
ISBN 9780310113102
Softcover - 144 pages
Video Lectures
$59.99 | $35.99
ISBN 9780310152620
Gina A. Zurlo
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310113614
Softcover - 352 pages
Global Christianity is an accessible quick-reference guide to the global church. Filled with at-a-glance maps and charts, it puts relevant and up-to-date information into the hands of churches, mission organizations, and individuals.
This resource will satisfy those looking for background on the global church and equip individuals and churches to strategically pray for, give to, and unite with fellow Christians around the world.
“A beautiful and variegated overview of the church in every country of the world.”
TIMOTHY C. TENNENT, Asbury Theological Seminary
e Moral Life of the Gospel in Contemporary Context
W. Ross Hastings
$29.99 | $17.99
ISBN 9780310111955
Hardcover - 256 pages
An Introduction to Ethics
Scott B. Rae
$44.99 | $26.99
ISBN 9780310536420
Hardcover - 528 pages
Moral questions are at the core of life’s most vital issues. But today, we see a breaking down of humanity’s ability to distinguish between right and wrong. After describing a seven-step procedure for thinking through ethical dilemmas, author Scott Rae uses case studies to address some of today’s most challenging ethical and social issues. With its unique union of theory and application and its well-organized, easy-to-use design, the fourth edition of Moral Choices is designed to help students develop a sound and current basis for making ethical decisions in today’s complex postmodern culture.
Video Lectures
$39.99 | $23.99
ISBN 9780310599777
An Interdisciplinary Approach
Irving Hexham
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310598466
Hardcover - 512 pages
W. Ross Hastings gives instructors and students a guide designed to equip them to think deeply about the moral formation of persons in our communities, about ethical inquiry and action, and about the tone and content of our engagement in the public square. The book presents a biblical perspective and a gospel-centered framework for thinking about complex contemporary issues in ways are life-giving and that will lead readers into greater ourishing as human persons in community.
Video Lectures
$89.99 | $53.99
ISBN 9780310135982
Understanding World Religions presents religion as a complex and intriguing matrix of history, philosophy, culture, beliefs, and practices. Hexham believes that a certain degree of objectivity and critique is inherent in the study of religion, and he guides readers in responsible ways of carrying this out.
Importantly, Hexam explores African religions in addition to the largest global religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Video Lectures
$49.99 | $29.99
ISBN 9780310533689