Zoutpansberger 12 July Month 2019

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12 Julie 2019

News with an independent soul


PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.

Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8

No sheltered life at these Musina shelters - page 2

Jaargang 34 Vol. 28

Former wardens in court for “helping” seven escape - page 3

Skade aan pype rede vir kroniese watertekorte - bladsy 3

Dit was nie sy tyd nie Deur Andries van Zyl

“Dit was nie my tyd gewees nie …” Dit was die woorde van die 70-jarige mnr. Harry du Plessis wat Maandagmiddag deur drie mans op sy kleinhoewe aangeval, beroof en herhaaldelik met ‘n mes gesteek is. Die drama het omstreek 16:30 op een van die Rietvlei-kleinhoewes buite Louis Trichardt afgespeel. Harry het Dinsdagaand vanuit sy hospitaalbed in die Mediclinic in Tzaneen vertel van die vorige dag se skokgebeure. “Wat gebeur het, is ek het van die werk af gekom, die hek oopgesluit en ingery. Toe ek die hek wou toemaak, toe is die een hond uit. Ek het die hond geroep, maar

Die steekwond aan Harry se nek wat rakelings sy slagaar gemis het. Sy aanvallers het eers gevlug, nadat hy gemaak het of hy dood is na verskeie messteke. Foto verskaf.

die hond wou nie luister nie. Toe sien ek hy kyk die veld in. Die volgende oomblik kom die drie op my af en ek spring om die hek toe te kry, maar ek was nie betyds nie,” het Harry gesê Die drie mans het vir Harry, wat met behulp van ‘n loopraam loop, oorrompel en na sy huis begin sleep. Die een man was ongemasker, die ander een het ‘n halwe balaklawa en bril opgehad en die derde het ‘n vol balaklawa gedra. “Dit het so skop en slaan gegaan,” het Harry gesê. Tot Harry se skok het hy gesien hoe een van die drie ‘n pistool uittrek. “Die een het vir hom iets gesê en toe bêre hy die pistool. Dis toe dat hulle met die mes begin. Hulle het my vier keer gesteek, een in die long in,” het Harry gesê. Harry het gesê hy weet nie waarom hulle hom nie geskiet het nie en of dit hul bedoeling was om hom eerder dood te steek. Feit van die saak, die steekwond in sy rug, wat sy linkerlong binnegedring het, kon noodlottig gewees het. So ook die messteek in sy nek wat rakelings sy slagaar gemis het. Hy het ook geweldig baie bloed verloor van nog ‘n steekwond aan die agterkop. Volgens Harry wou die mans van die begin af geld hê. “Hulle het net geskreeu Money! Money! Money, you mother f#@ cker!,” het Harry gesê. Die mans het Harry se sakke deursoek en sy geld, bankkaarte en ID-kaart gevat. Die geld was vanaf sy besigheid, Japanese Engines, in Louis Trichardt. “Ek het ‘n fout gemaak om dit by my te hou,” het Harry gesê. Sy aanvallers het ook juweliersware van hom gebuit. In ‘n stadium, het Harry gesê, wou hulle sy huissleutel hê, maar die geluk was aan Harry se kant. Volgens hom het hulle sy huissleutel in sy sak gemis toe hulle hom

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deursoek het. “Ek het vir hulle gesê ek het nie ‘n huissleutel nie,” het Harry gesê. Op ‘n vraag of hy in enige stadium gedink het hy gaan sterf, was Harry se antwoord nogal verbasend. “Ek was so kalm soos ‘n daggawalm. Dit is net die Here wat jou daardie kalmte gee,” het Harry gesê. Buiten vir die messteke het die drie mans Harry ook erg geskop. “Dit was nie soos ‘n sokkerskop nie. Dit was soos wanneer hulle jou met die skoen se hak plat skop,” het Harry gesê. Volgens Harry het die aanval sowat 10 tot 15 minute aangehou. Dit was ook net genade dat sy aanvallers uiteindelik gevlug het. “Toe hulle my so met die mes steek, toe speel ek dood. Ek het net bly lê. Dit is toe dat hulle met die bakkie ry,” het Harry gesê. Hy het sy aanvallers as jonk en heel onkundig beskryf. Die een wat sy bakkie gegryp het, het Harry vertel, kon nie uit eerste rat kom nie. “Hy het die bakkie so ge-ref dat jy dit sekerlik in die dorp sou kon hoor,” het Harry gesê. Nadat dit stil geword het, het Harry nog vir ‘n geruime tyd stil op die grond gelê. “My een hond het toe gekom en die bloed aan my gesig kom lek. Ek het opgestaan en die honde eers gaan kos gee. Wie ander sou hulle kos gee? Ek bly alleen,” het Harry gesê. In daardie stadium het Harry reeds geweldig baie bloed verloor. Vriende en familie sou na die tyd opmerk dat dit ‘n absolute wonderwerk is dat hy nie net daar op die plaas doodgebloei het nie. Harry was egter baie bewus daarvan dat hy dringend hulp nodig gehad het. Hy het in sy ander bakkie geklim en begin dorp toe ry. Nog ‘n gelukskoot het hom ingewag. Harry se buurvrou, Marlize Botha, het Die 70-jarige mnr. Harry du Plessis wys die steekwonde aan sy rug en hom langs die pad gewaar en besef daar agterkop. Die steekwond aan sy rug was so diep dat die mes sy linkerlong binnegedring het. Foto verskaf. is groot fout. (Vervolg op p. 2)



No sheltered life for refugees at Musina shelters We encounter them in our communities every day – the people scouring for trash, pushing trolleys filled with boxes or glass bottles. Some have other means of securing a meagre income, such as performing duties as car guards, while others stand around waiting on street corners hoping to get a “piece job”. Most of them are from our neighbouring country, Zimbabwe, but some come from countries further north, and many are undocumented citizens constantly on the lookout for police who may deport them. Some have “aslam” papers (asylum seekers), which they hope will give them a bit of an advantage in trying to secure a solid job. Freelance journalist Bernard Chiguvare spent a few days in Musina, tracking down these “foreigners” and trying to establish why they are here and what type of life they lead.

The story of a Zimbabwean refugee The protracted problems with the Zimbabwean economy have brought misery to most of its citizens. In November 2017, the 37-year-long iron-fist rule of Robert Mugabe ended, and many believed that the dawn of a new Zimbabwe had arrived. For most citizens, unfortunately, the situation remained dire and many of them looked to South Africa as a way of escaping from poverty.

Vimbisai* and her husband are two of the undocumented Zimbabwean citizens who made their way across the border in December last year. They are from Mhondoro, a rural area roughly 200 km southwest of Harare. After carefully considering all the options, they decided to leave their three children with relatives and head south to try and find employment in South Africa. Back home life was tough for the family. At times they had to go for days without a proper meal. The children had dropped out of school as they could not afford to buy school uniforms or pay the school fees. “We could not sustain life back home. My husband and I decided to come to look for work, so that we could feed and educate our children,” explained Vimbisai. When arriving in Musina, the northern-most border town, they realised that opportunities were few and conditions were far from ideal. South African employers give preference to people with working permits, something that Vimbisai and her husband did not have. The family members were quickly split up as no shelters can be found that can accommodate men and women together. Vimbisai was accommodated in a women’s shelter run by the local Catholic Church, while her husband had to find refuge at the men’s shelter, run by the Musina Ministry of

Compassion church. “We cannot rent a room and stay as a family, so we decided to seek accommodation at these refugee shelters. My husband stays at a men’s shelter a few kilometres away. He is not working. Even though he regularly comes to visit, we do not have enough family time,” said Vimbisai. On the day Zoutpansberger visited the women’s shelter, most of the refugees stayed indoors because they were afraid that the police might pay them a visit. Here we found Vimbisai with her toddler wrapped in a blanket on her back. When they left Zimbabwe, her baby was less than a year old. Vimbisai wakes up early every morning to go and search for recyclable material in the streets of Musina. On the day of our visit, she had just returned from a nearby shebeen where empty 750ml beer bottles are discarded. Her excursion was cut short by the presence of a police van. She only managed to pick up one empty bottle. “I cannot move freely around Musina to collect the recyclable material, because I can be arrested and deported anytime,” said Vimbisai. She complained that she did this every day, but the income derived in this manner was meagre and did not sustain the family. When Zoutpansberger visited the men’s shelter at the Musina Ministry of Compassion church in Matswale, Vimbisai’s husband had already gone out looking for recyclable material in town.

Fleeing from the DRC Back at the women’s shelter, we were introduced to Georgette Witangila and Happy Kinanga from the South Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Both fled from the war that has displaced and killed thousands of people in that country. The two women claim that they are victims of rape by the rebels fighting the DRC government. Witangila (24) arrived in the country in April with her seven-month-old baby, while Kinanga (23) arrived in June, with her baby of six months. Conditions at the shelter are far from ideal. The room they share with the other women has 18 beds, but unfortunately the two could not get beds. They sleep on the floor between some beds, covering themselves with thin blankets. According to Kinanga, the shelter offers porridge for breakfast only for the children. The rest get a meal at lunchtime, but no supper is supplied. By fleeing to South Africa, they hoped to make a living through engaging in odd jobs, but they are not free to move around seeking for employment, because they are still waiting for temporary asylum papers. “We can only walk out of this shelter on Mondays or Tuesday when we go out to the offices of Home Affairs for asylum papers,” said Witangila while breastfeeding her baby. She complained that they had been visiting the Musina Home Affairs

Vimbisai*, a Zimbabwean refugee.

office several times, only to be told to come back the following week. Witangila told us that she was an orphan. Her parents were killed during the war in early 2007. Before she fled the country, some distant family members took care of her. Kinanga explained that they had had no choice but to flee the war-torn DRC. “I was subject to abuse, which included rape. I did not want to have another baby, so I sought help from long-distance haulage truck drivers travelling from the DRC to South Africa. The driver bought me food. For the whole week while we travelled from DRC to South Africa, I breastfed my child,” she said.

No shelter for a shelter At the men’s shelter, we found Bishop Simon Sithole, the founder of the Musina Ministry of Compassion church. The conditions at this shelter were clearly far worse than at the women’s shelter. Sithole showed us an unpaid water and electricity bill of R178 122,67. “This water bill is outstanding since 2008. I pleaded with the Musina Municipality not to cut off the water, since this was key to the lives of the refugees. Instead, the municipality opted to cut off the electricity. The refugees now have to prepare food using wood,” said Sithole. Sithole has been running the shelter since 2005. The number of refugees increased between 2008 and 2009, because most Zimbabweans flocked to the country after the collapse of the economy. During that period, the water bill increased dramatically. Sithole tried to negotiate with the municipality, but not many options existed. They suggested that he should pay off part of the debt in a lump sum and the rest in monthly instalments. “I am unemployed, and I cannot afford it, so I turned to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for help,” Sithole said. He did not find any assistance and now accuses the UNHCR of taking a back seat. “This surprised me, because this office is the one dealing with refugees,” said Sithole. According to Isabel Raisedza, who runs the shelter, they house up to 800 refugees at times. During a visit to the shelter last month, about 200 people were in the shelter, in four tents. A few were sharing mattresses, but most slept on the floor. The church can only offer them accommodation and a place to bath. Refugees have to find food for themselves. They cook food outside the tents. When it rains and they cannot light fires, they buy or beg for cooked food. Three toilets and three bathrooms are on the premises, which they keep clean themselves. Raisedza said that the numbers of refugees had dropped since the Zimbabwean Special Permit system was introduced. “My wish is to feed them, but I have no resources,” she said. *Vimbisai is not her real name.

Bejaarde vier keer met mes gesteek (Vervolg van p. 1) Sy het toe die bebloede Harry deurgejaag na die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal. By die hospitaal aangekom is Harry se toestand gestabiliseer. Hy is egter per ambulans deurgejaag na die intensiewe sorgeenheid van die Mediclinic in Tzaneen weens vrees dat die bloeding op sy linkerlong vanweë die een messteek sou vererger. Harry het sedert sy aankoms in Tzaneen Dinsdag­oggend om 02:00 merkwaardige herstel getoon, in so ‘n mate dat hy deur die dag vanuit die intensiewe sorgeenheid oorgeplaas is na ‘n gewone saal. Hy was ook sterk genoeg om die aand telefonies met die Zoutpansberger te praat. Teen Woensdagoggend het dokters die dreineringspyp uit sy long verwyder. Dit was nie eers nodig vir ‘n operasie nie. Volgens sy seun, Jacques, was die kanse goed dat sy pa dalk voor die naweek weer ontslaan kon word, maar hulle wou hom nog Woensdagaand laat oorbly vir observasie. Volgens Harry het hy nie onmiddellik planne om van sy plot te trek nie. Die plot het veiligheidsmaatreëls soos ‘n dubbele elektriese heining. “Dit is seker hoekom hulle vir my by die hek gewag het,” het Harry gesê. Hy is ook nie so seker dat dit noodwendig veiliger is om in die dorp te bly nie. “Jy kan in die dorp ook aangeval word,” het Harry gesê. Volgens Harry sal hy egter in ‘n stadium moet trek. Hy het reeds die sy plot verkoop in gevolge ‘n tien-jaar afbetalingsooreenkoms. Hy het gesê hy sal trek as die plot klaar betaal is. “My groot probleem is stoorplek vir my voorraad,” het Harry gesê. Baie van sy enjins en ratkaste wat hy by sy besigheid in die dorp verkoop stoor hy op die plot.

Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder kol. Ngoepe Moatshe het by navraag die aanval bevestig en het Woensdag gesê dat nog niemand in verband met die voorval aangekeer is nie. Harry se bakkie is wel kort na die aanval teruggevind waar sy aanvallers dit langs die pad gelos het naby 3 Myl by die verkeersirkel op die N1 suid buite Louis Trichardt. Dit is sowat sewe kilometer van sy plot.

MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271


Former wardens in court for “helping” seven escape By Andries van Zyl

Sixteen former South African Custodial Management (SACM) prison wardens appeared in the Louis Trichardt District Court on Friday, 5 July, on charges of aiding escapees and interference with correctional or custody officials. The case against the 16 relates to a prison riot at the Kutama Sinthumule Maximum Security Prison that saw seven dangerous inmates escape on the evening of 26 October 2017. The prison riot erupted amidst protest action by a group of wardens as part of a pension-fund dispute with their employer, SACM. Because of some wardens’ neglecting their duties, violence erupted, with some prisoners setting fire to mattresses. Amidst this chaos the seven prisoners escaped. Throughout the night,

members of the local fire brigade as well as fire fighters from the Air Force Base Makhado had to assist to subdue the flames. Local police assisted by the Soutpansberg Town Watch and members from other farm-watch organisations also had to assist to get the situation under control again. Following the violence at the prison, 18 prison wardens were initially suspended by SACM. Of these, 16 were later fired by SACM. These 16 wardens are the ones who made their first court appearance last week on charges relating to helping the inmates escape by allegedly obstructing or preventing other wardens from doing their jobs. The 16 accused are Falaza Lawrence Mathebula, Avhashoni Samuel Mawela, Humbulani Wilfred Netshisaule, Enos Singo (40), Shalati Martha Chabalala (43), Khathutshelo Calvin Matamela,

Thibang Mashila Seanego, Mauvhelwana Lawrence Makatu, Rendani Mathobo (42), Takalani Patrick Ramushengi (44), Mayabye Patrick Ludere (41), Shumani Sikhwari, Nanga Collen Sadiki (44), Fumani Dennis Mageza, Rudzani David Makatu (41) and Tshilidzi Calvin Ramatshimbila. The case against the 16 was postponed until 6 August this year. All are out on a warning to appear again. The presiding officer in their case is magistrate Bennie Smith, with Mr Bethuel Makhado acting as public prosecutor. The good news is that all seven escapees were rearrested and are cur-


rently serving the remainder of their sentences. The escapees were Raphael Nyota (30) from Zimbabwe, Chris Faku (38), Jabulani Isaac Mahlangu (33) from Pretoria, Ntshengedzeni Manukha (27) from Thohoyandou, Ntshavheni Thomas Munyai (31) from Riverside, Justice Makamo (29) from Zimbabwe and Phathutshedzo Namadodzi (35) from Thohoyandou.

Skade aan pype rede vir kroniese watertekorte Deur Andries van Zyl

In wat nou al ‘n gereelde gebeurtenis geword het, was Louis Trichardt se krane telkens sedert verlede Donderdag weer droog. Dit blyk egter dat nie almal se krane droog was nie. Sommige het water gehad, ander nie. Dit het gerugte tot gevolg gehad dat munisipale amptenare, doelbewus of omdat hulle vergeet, nalaat om stopkrane weer oop te draai nadat daar aan stukkende waterpype gewerk is. Te midde van die droë krane wou baie inwoners ook weet waar die Vhembe Distriksmunisipaliteit se watertenkwaens is wat water aan inwoners moet voorsien in geval van wateronderbrekings. Van die inwoners wat by die Zoutpansberger gekla het, het gesê hulle het gehoor dat nie een van Vhembe se watertenkwaens meer werk nie. Te midde van die kroniese wateronderbrekings was die antwoorde van Vhembe oor die rede(s) vir die tekorte maar min.

Plaaslike DA-raadslid Brian du Plooy het ook min sukses gehad. “Ek probeer die ouens bel, maar hulle druk die foon dood in my oor,” het Du Plooy gesê. In ‘n soeke na antwoorde het die Zoutpansberger Maandag vir mnr. Moses Shivambu, munisipale woordvoerder van Vhembe, gevra wat aanleiding gegee het tot die watertekorte in die dorp die afgelope week. Volgens Shivambu is verlede week se watertekorte veroorsaak deur skade aan die toevoerpyplyn vanaf die Albasinidam wat aangerig is deur kontrakteurs by die nuwe Makhado Crossing. Hy het gesê dat hulle tegnici dadelik aan die probleem aandag gegee het en dat die watertoevoer teen Saterdag herstel is. Dit was egter nie die einde van Vhembe se kopseer nie. Dinsdag het Shivambu laat weet dat die watertoevoer na Louis Trichardt onderbreek is, weer as gevolg van skade aan die hoof toevoerlyn na die dorp. Die skade het plaasgevind by die plaas Takala. “Die skade sal ‘n waterte-

kort na Louis Trichardt en Tshikota tot gevolg hê,” het Shivambu gesê. Hy het egter bygevoeg dat tegnici reeds na die toneel gestuur is om die skade te herstel. In dieselfde asem het hy om verskoning gevra aan inwoners vir enige ongerief wat hierdie kroniese watertekorte weens skade veroorsaak. “Normale watervoorsiening sal hervat sodra die skade herstel is,” het hy gesê. Shivambu het hom nie uitgespreek oor beweringe dat munisipale amptenare doel­bewus of omdat hulle vergeet, nalaat om stopkrane weer oop te draai nadat beskadigde pype herstel is nie. Hy het wel gesê dat Vhembe se watertenkwaens steeds tot diens van die gemeenskap is. Oor waar om hierdie tenkwaens op te spoor in tye van watertekorte, het Shivambu gesê dat hulle hul plaaslike wyksraadslid moet skakel. Alternatiewelik het Shivambu gesê, kan hulle ook mnr. Ofentse, Vhembe se senior tegniese bestuurder, skakel by tel. 074 914 4059 in ernstige gevalle van nood.

Inwoners van die Soutpansberg neem met hartseer kennis van die dood van die 73-jarige oom Johann van den Berg op 26 Junie. Die familie het hul opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor die gemeenskap vir hul donasies ten opsigte van sy operasie verlede jaar en bystand ná sy afsterwe. Wyle oom Johann (gebore 22 Oktober 1945) word oorleef deur sy vrou Hannetjie (Blondie), seun Jurie, skoondogter Annique en kleinseun Duan van den Berg. Foto verskaf.




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Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe “Daarin verheug julle jul, al word julle nou – as dit nodig is – ‘n kort tydjie bedroef onder allerhande beproewinge” - 1 Petrus 1:6.


aniël sê in Daniël 12:10 “baie” sal gesuiwer, gereinig en gelouter word. Waarom pas God loutering toe? In Openbaring 3:19 sê God: “Almal wat Ek liefhet, bestraf en tugtig Ek.” Heb.12:7,8 sê dit het te doen met die opvoeding en dissipline van al God se kinders: “As julle die tugtiging verdra, behandel God julle as seuns; want watter seun is daar wat die vader nie tugtig nie? Maar as julle sonder tugtiging is, wat almal deelagtig geword het, dan is julle onegte kinders en nie seuns nie.” Dit is duidelik dat God dit noodsaaklik ag om sy kinders só te toets en te louter dat dit somtyds lyk asof Hy hulle onnodig “straf”.” Vra jy waarom God jou omstandighede juis só toelaat? Die Here verduidelik selde dadelik wat Hy doen, maar as jy glo Hy handel altyd met jou in liefde en tot jou eie beswil, hoef jou son nooit agter wolke onder te gaan nie. “Wat Ek doen, begryp jy nie nou nie, maar jy sal dit hierna verstaan” (Joh. 13:7). Soms toets God ons vertroue. Toe Satan gekla het dat God Job van alles beskut, kon God sonder verduideliking die een na die ander heining van bes­kerming rondom Job wegneem. Al kon Job nie verstaan wat gebeur nie, het hy die vertroue-toets geslaag en kon God na elke aanslag vir Satan vra: “…het jy ag gegee op My kneg Job…? Soms toets God ons uithouvermoë. Satan sal ons altyd wil wysmaak dat ons beproe­ wings sonder einde sal voortduur, maar God sê hulle is “vir ‘n kort tydjie” en dan ook net as dit nodig is (1 Petrus 1:6). Hoe lank ons smartlike beproewing ook al mag duur, dit kan nooit opweeg teen die ewige heerlikheid wat vir ons wag nie (2 Korintiërs 4:16,17). Ons wil mos altyd graag alles onmiddellik verstaan, maar God kan selfs wat ons nie nou begryp nie, eers later aan ons bekend maak. Soos met Job, het Hy ook met jou en my ‘n verrassende einddoel in sig (Jakobus 5:11). - Ds. Johan Marais, Baptistegemeente, Louis Trichardt


‘Zumba with Armando’ celebration collects R13 000 towards Stabilis Charity

On 4 June 2019, friends and family and those who came to love Armando for his loving and energetic personality celebrated his life during a Zumba hour held in his honour. Armando Bianco, son of Jan and Magda Pretorius, sadly passed away on 4 June 2018. His family decided to commemorate this day by hosting a “Zumba with Armando” celebration and to utilise the opportunity to raise funds for the Stabilis Treatment Centre in Pretoria, where Armando had received treatment in the past. Stabilis is an accredited and registered treatment centre that provides treatment programmes for alcohol, medication and drug dependence. A total of R13 000 was raised and donated to Stabilis. Dr Michiel van der Merwe, director of Stabilis, has indicated that they aim to buy something very special with the funds received from this celebration. “It needs to be a motivation to others that sadness and any disappointment have the potential of being turned into a new vision of gratefulness,” he said. The personnel of Stabilis expressed their grat-

and love with this initiative. “To this day, even a year later, we receive so many messages of support and encouragement. Thank you to every single person who joined us on 4 June to ‘Zumba with Armando’ for an hour. There are so many people who loved and cared for Armando deeply. So, so many people who reach out to us. The donation shows just how much Armando was loved by all. We appreciate all the love and support from the community, thank you.”

Above and left: Some of the participants in the “Zumba with Armando” celebration. Photos supplied.

SEZ to create more than 21 000 jobs By Silas Nduvheni

Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die

Zoutpansberger Die voorblad van 15 Julie 1994 herinner baie aan voorblaaie van 2019. Die nuus word oorheers deur motorongelukke en doodsberigte. Dié spesifieke week het ‘n fratsongeluk die lewe van ‘n 41-jarige inwoner van die dorp, Phillipus Daniël Grobler, geëis. Die vragmotor wat hy bestuur het se wiel het uitgeval en sy voertuig het gebots met ‘n 30-ton vragmotor. Die berig oor die konstruksiewerk aan die N1 tussen Louis Trichardt en die destydse Pietersburg, is ook interessant. Van die ouer lesers sal nog onthou dat die pad na die suide maar nou en baie gevaarlik was. Vir etlike maande moes reisigers teen 60km/h of minder voortkruie terwyl die bouwerk voortgeduur het. In Julie 1994 is tannie Alida Byles oorlede. Baie het haar geken as die vrou van voormalige burgemeester oom John Byles, maar sy het self ‘n kleurvolle geskiedenis gehad. Sy was die jongste dogter van die bekende ds. Danie van Schoor, die eerste leraar van die NG Kerk Louis Trichardtgemeente. Ds. Van Schoor, ‘n voormalige LV vir Soutpansberg, het die hoeksteen gelê van die Haantjiekerk.

itude for this kind gesture. “May each and every person who took part in this ‘Zumba with Armando’ celebration, every person who donated towards this cause, every person’s presence on the day of the Zumba hour, be favoured in return,” the centre said. “It is Armando’s memory and holding him in our hearts that hold true value and meaning for us.” Armando’s family conveyed their heartfelt gratitude to all other family members and friends and those who knew Armando, for their support, care

Nog ‘n interessante berig uit die koerant van 25 jaar gelede handel oor die naderende voltooiing van die SAVF Dienssentrum. Die dienssentrum sou voorsien in die behoeftes van nagenoeg 240 bejaardes. Die aanvanklike beplanning was vir twee vleuels, wat ‘n hand- en naaldwerksentrum sou insluit, maar dit moes weens ‘n gebrek aan fondse weggelaat word. Die primêre funksie van die dienssentrum sou wees om maaltye, gesondheidsorg, tuishulpdienste en vervoer vir bejaardes te bied. Die sentrum sou ook dienste aan gestremde inwoners verskaf.

Premier Chupu Mathabatha said the flagship Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Project was nearing the implementation stage and in this regard they were designing measures to ensure that the significant value chain to be produced in this SEZ remained in the province. “Our focus is to ensure that a significant number of the projected jobs should be taken up by the people of Limpopo, particularly our young people. It is also worth mentioning that, due to the increasing investor appetite in this project, our initial target of creating 21 000 jobs is set to be revised upwards,” said Mathabatha.

He made these comments during the State of the Province Address in Lebowakgomo. He said that in an effort to get the construction work started at this SEZ, “I have since directed the MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism to fast-track the finalization of the environmental impact assessment and the adoption of the internal master plan by October of this year”. He added that the Tubatse SEZ was at an advanced stage. “Our business proposal will most likely be lodged with the Minister for Trade & Industry and Economic Development by the end of August. Pending this formal process, we will be continuing with the industrial activities within this envisaged Tubatse SEZ and

these include, but are not limited to, the mining input supplier park and construction incubation,” he said. Mathabatha said that, in the same vein, they had established a partnership with the Department of Higher Education and Training, TVET colleges in particular, for SEZ skills-development purposes. “We are also establishing a Limpopo Skills Academy through the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA). This academy is expected to feed the skills demands for these SEZ initiatives. We have completed a youth-digital-skills database, and it has enabled us to digitize varied skills possessed by young people in our province,” he added.



Please continue to support TNR Animal Welfare

Residents of the Soutpansberg are reminded of the good work being done by die volunteers at Project TNR (Trap Neuter Return) in Louis Trichardt. Project TNR is a globally recognized initiative where feral cats are humanely trapped, sterilized, rabies vaccinated, ear-tipped and returned to their colony. The volunteers at Project TNR Louis Trichardt believe that every cat matters, including feral, abandoned, injured and sick cats. This passion keeps them going through the hard times, the heartaches and the frustrations. A lot of dedication is required for trapping, feeding and providing medical attention when needed. This is done after most volunteers finish their day jobs, and hours are spent trying to catch these cats, often while having to listen to people threatening the lives and well-being of cats as they see them as a nuisance or a pest. TNR Louis Trichardt’s vision is to change the community one cat at a time by working a 17-hour day to ensure every cat, feral or domestic, is neutered to end the heart-breaking cycle of unwanted

litters. They strive to educate, advise and help the general public and pet owners, even when their funds are running low. Colonies of cats are fed at various spots with food that is bought out of their own pocket. Trapping also takes place on Tuesday nights and sometimes guardians are willing to take care or donate towards the neutering happening the next day. These are but a few of the services rendered by Project TNR daily. Regarding the above, the Project TNR Louis Trichardt team are asking residents to have compassion for all cats and not to threaten, harm or kill any cat. Motorists are urged to drive with caution, looking out for cats that may be in the streets. Cat owners are also encouraged to have their own cats neutered. “Please respect and have patience for the person(s) behind Project TNR Louis Trichardt. They are doing the best they can, and if you are able to, please donate to Project TNR Louis Trichardt as every rand helps,” said the team. To find out more about the project, phone Megan Terink at 082 804 6180, Laura van Zyl at 083 404 6751 or Marinda van der Walt at 076 898 1994. Also visit their Facebook page at Project TNR Louis Trichardt.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het met die aanbreek van die nuwe skoolkwartaal drie nuwe personeellede verwelkom. Lynette Schoeman (links) is aangestel as die skool se nuwe finansiële dame, terwyl Elna van Aardt (middel) Engels huistaal sal gee vir Graad 10 tot 12. Lizelle Nortjé sal Engels eerste addisionele taal gee vir Graad 9 en 10.

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Die Rotary Anns van Louis Trichardt het onlangs hulle jaarlikse soppakkies uitgedeel aan die inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfsakker in Louis Trichardt. Afgeneem is van die Anns saam met ‘n paar van die inwoners. Die Anns het hulle opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor almal wat die projek moontlik gemaak het. ‘n Spesiale woord van dank het gegaan aan Mari Enslin van Spar, asook Mehul Patel en Sham Premjee. Foto verskaf.

Hierdie groep redenaars van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt sal almal eerskomende Vrydag, 12 Julie, deelneem aan die eerste ronde van die Dink of Sink Debatskompetisie by Hoërskool Merensky. Die kompetisie is geïnisieer deur AfriForum ter bevordering van die Afrikaanse taal. Voor, van links na regs, is J. Buys, N, Venter, K. Hofmeyr, G. Venter en D. Nel. In die tweede ry is M. Dekker, W. Schwerdfeger, D. Venter, L. van Zyl en C. Gerber. In die derde ry is R. Joubert, W. Kotzé, L. Dekker en S. Khosa. Agter is afrigter Louise Dekker, X. Venter, L. de Jager en R. Steyn.

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Zoutie ZoutieWeather

Thursday, 11 July Plenty of sunshine, very warm.

Louis Trichardt

(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/ Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774

Sunny, remaining warm.

High: 27 C Low: 8 C o


oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag. Vlak 1 tot 3 gimnaste (meisies en seuns) sal Maandae en Woensdae oefen van 14:30 tot 16:00. Die Vlak 4 tot 7 gimnaste (meisies en seuns) sal ook op Maandae en Woensdae oefen, maar van 17:00 tot 18:30. Elzabé Stewart en Riekie Steyn is onderskeidelik verantwoordelik vir die meisies en seuns se afrigting. Vir meer inligting, skakel Elzabé by 082 566 3493 of Riekie by 082 484 1392.

• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081

• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672

AA BYEEN Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA)

GIMNASTIEKKLUB OEFENTYE Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub

• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446

• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313

High: 19oC Low: 7oC


vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Haantjiekerk (h/v Burger- en Erasmustraat) in Louis VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Trichardt en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het Vroue van die Woord kom een maal ‘n maand op om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. die tweede Saterdag van die maand om 10:00 by Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf die Boekwinkel in Joubertstraat bymekaar. 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om te bid, Jannie by tel. 076 501 8285. geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om LOUIS TRICHARDT TUINvroue na God se hart te wees. “Alle vroue, jonk BOUKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Tuinbouen oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. klub nooi alle lede en nie-lede om in te skakel by Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 hulle verrigtinge. 442 5248 geskakel word. Klublede kom elke derde Dinsdag van die MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die maand byeen. Alle voornemende groenvingers Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom kan met Hannetjie skakel by 084 950 0205 of elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean BasSophie by 082 420 0514 om uit te vind hoe hulle ket in Songozwistraat byeen. betrokke kan raak. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 MOTH SKOUERSKUUR Alle 451 4249 geskakel word. oud-polisielede, gevangenisdienslede en soldate, GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die hetsy diensplig of staandemag, en oud-MOTHGister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors lede word genooi na ‘n skouerskuur elke Dinsdag welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot vanaf 18:00 en Saterdae vanaf 11:00. 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek Die skouerskuur vind plaas by die Moths in van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Louis Trich- Louis Trichardt se Turbi Hills bomgat te Burgerardt. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht straat 66. “Die kantien is oop en almal is welkom geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie om te bring-en-braai. Kom wees gesellig en Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by vertel jou stories oor jou polisie of weermag dae. 082 921 6110. Families is welkom,” nooi die Moths. Vir meer inligting, skakel Old Bill Ben Wolff BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENby tel. 084 368 7045. TRE The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis Trichardt holds multi-faith devotionals every JONG FIETSRYERS OEFEN Thursday from 19:30. For more information WEER Laerskool Louis Trichardt se fietsphone 081 884 9553 (after hours). Alternatively, ryklub oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf visit the website at www.bahai.org. 15:00 tot 17:00 geoefen. “Ons kom bymekaar by aan die bo-punt van Forestryweg, regs SPB KOFUKAN KARATEKLUB Meulbos in met die grondpad. Ons tel ook kinders op by Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke die na-skool. Hulle moet ons asseblief net laat Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanweet op die WhatsApp-groep. Ons kommuniuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. keer ook meestal op die WhatsApp-groep,” het Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 die klubbestuur gesê. Die klub neem aan vier 346 6600. amptelike wedrenne deur die jaar deel. “Daar is geen kostes verbonde aan die fietsry oefeninge LTT SHUKOKAI KARAnie, maar daar is wel R70 per ryer betaalbaar vir TEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai elke wedren waaraan ons gaan deelneem,” het die Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die gimnastiek/stoeisaal klub gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Koos Ehlers by die skool by tel. 015 516 5151 of fietsry-afin Louis Trichardt. rigter Mark Archer by tel. 083 324 8495. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.

• Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting.

• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com



• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937

• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366

Some sun, cooler but pleasant.

High: 27 C Low: 10 C


• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Louis Trichardt Lodge-saal. Sondag erediens 10:00 (Afrikaans) en 18:00 (English). Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).

• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902.

Saturday, 13 July

Friday, 12 July




- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827

MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183


- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)



Heerlik burgers is Vrydagaand, 12 Julie, op die spyskaart van die gewilde Dopperkuierkafee van die Gereformeerde Kerk op Louis Trichardt. Die spyskaart bestaan uit Dopperburgers (R20), ribburgers (R25), hoenderburgers (R25), kaasburgers (R25), russians en slaptjips (R25) en vars, tuisgemaakte slaptjips (R10). Bespreek nou by Tilla (082 671 6669). Bestellings sluit Vrydag om 13:00 en die kuierkafee sal om 17:00 open.


Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg nooi inwoners uit na ‘n optrede deur bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger Jannie du Toit. Jannie se “Eggo van jou oë” musiekkonsert saam met Susan Mouton vind op 12 Julie plaas in die kerkgebou. Kaartjies kos R150 per persoon en is beskikbaar by Gerrie Voges (084 596 5912) en die kerkkantoor by tel. 015 516 4366.


. The Blouberg MTB event takes place from 12 to 14 July. This is going to be a memorable event on a Game Reserve - filled with fun and unique things to see such as a vulture colony, etc.! Bring the whole family! Participation fees for different options range from R1 680 to R4 800 (2 persons). Enter early and qualify for a 15% discount. Contact Adri at 084 5836103 or vvblouberg@gmail.com.


Inwoners van die Soutpansberg word uitgenooi na ‘n optrede deur bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger Dirk van der Westhuizen by Hoërskool Eric Louw op 13 Julie. Sy optrede begin om 19:00 op die skool se rugbyveld en kaartjies kos R120 per volwassene, R80 vir laerskooleerlinge en is gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Ná afloop van sy optrede sal daar ‘n dans wees met DJ Jonty wat die musiek sal maak. ‘n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees en geen eie koelhouers of mandjies sal toegelaat word nie. Kaartjies is by die skoolkantoor beskikbaar. “Onthou om jou eie kampstoel saam te bring,” het die organiseerders gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tracy by tel. 082 411 0385.


On Sunday, 14 July, a number of wreaths will be laid at the MOTHs Turbi Hills Shellhole in Louis Trichardt to commemorate the battle of Delville Wood. (Contd on P 7)

WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 8 July. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:

08/07/2019 01/07/2019

Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

71.5% 60.4% 65.9% 6.1% 61.2% 5.4% 97.3% 43.6% 68.5% 69.7% 14.2% 95%

71.7% 61.6% 67% 6.3% 62.1% 5.7% 97.5% 33.5% 69.1% 70.7% 14.6% 95.9%



7-9 PG ˛ Fri - Thu: 09:15, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15



˛ Ç

Fri - Thu: 16:30, 19:30

TILL DEATH DO US PART 16 ˛ Ç Fri - Thu: 17:00, 19:30


˛ Ç

PG Fri - Thu: 09:15, 11:45, 14:15



Fri - Thu: 09:30, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30


10-12 PG ˛ Fri - Thu: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00

SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 PG Fri - Thu: 09:00, 11:30, 14:00


˛ Ç

SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (3D) 10-12 PG ˛ Ç Fri - Thu: 09:00, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:30

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Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. /sterkinekortheatres





Sunday, 14 July

Monday, 15 July

Tuesday, 16 July

Wednesday, 17 July

Partly sunny.

Clouds and sun, not as warm.

Plenty of sunshine.

Mostly sunny.

High: 20oC Low: 8oC

High: 19oC Low: 3oC

High: 20oC Low: 4oC

High: 20oC Low: 4oC

WAT GEBEUR? (Contd from P 6) The Battle of the Somme occurred between 1 July and 18 November 1916 and is described as one of the bloodiest battles in human history. More than one million men were wounded or killed on the banks of the river Somme in France. The South African influence on the battle was significant. On 15 July 1916, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Battalions of the 1st South African Infantry Brigade were sent into Delville Wood to clear it of German troops and consolidate the front line. The fighting was fierce and soon the 1st SAI Battalion was also sent in, making for a total of 3 032 men and 123 officers. The soldiers entering the wood were exposed to gunfire from all sides and the casualties were severe. One regiment, the 4th Battalion, entered the wood with 699 men. A week later, only four officers and 38 men marched out. Overall, only 755 officers and men of the entire brigade survived. The remaining 2 400 men were either killed, wounded or missing. The ceremony at Turbi Hills Shellhole at 66 Burger Street will start at 10:30 for 11:00. Residents who had family members or close friends who were involved in this battle are welcome to participate in the event. The general public is also welcome to attend. Tea and coffee will be served afterwards. For more information, or to arrange for the laying of a wreath, Leon Barnard can be contacted at 082 893 5965 of Freddie Louw at 082 670 7020.

18 MNR. EN MEJ. TRIEGIE Dit is weer tyd vir Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se gewilde jaarlikse Mnr. en Mej. Triegie-kompetisie, en oudergewoonte kan die publiek weer deel in die pret. Vanjaar se kroningsplegtigheid, met die tema Teatro del Pupi, vind op 18 Julie vanaf 18:00 in die skoolsaal plaas. Kaartjies vir die geleentheid is nou reeds beskikbaar teen R50 per persoon. Vir meer inligting, skakel Madeleine by tel. 083 388 7933.

19 MANGO DAY 2019

The South African Mango Growers’ Association (SAMGA) will host its annual Mango Day this year again at the Fairview Hotel,

Tzaneen. The event will take place on 19 July and will once more draw considerable local and international interest. This symposium serves as a forum for the sharing of research carried out on pest and disease management, chemicals, agricultural performance management, and new cultivar selections that are evaluated in all the production areas. To register for the symposium, contact Christa de la Port at Tel 015 307 3676 or via email at christa@subtrop.co.za.


Kaartjies is nou te koop vir ‘n optrede deur bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger Juan Boucher op 19 Julie in Louis Trichardt. Sy optrede begin om 19:00 in die stoeisaal en kaartjies kos R160 per persoon vir ‘n tafel van ses mense en R120 per persoon indien daar net op ‘n stoel gesit gaan word. Daar sal ‘n dans na die optrede wees met ‘n kontantkroeg. Geen eie koelhouers en mandjies sal toegelaat word nie. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Da Silva Apteek. Vir navrae, skakel 063 294 3344.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151



Die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente (Haantjiekerk) nooi inwoners van die Soutpansberg uit na hul jaarlikse Haantjie-fees op Saterdag, 3 Augustus. Daar sal weer heerlike snuisterye wees om van die kies en te keur soos kerrie-en-rys, hamburgers, pannekoek en vele meer. Die gewilde straatkafee, poedingtafel, vrugte- en vleistafel sal ook weer daar wees, asook ‘n uitstalling van klassieke motors, speletjies en skyfskiet en allerhande dit en dat. Vir meer inligting, skakel die gemeente by tel. 015 516 3902.


Persons who would like to see physically disabled people become more of an integral part of society by helping them to realise that many opportunities exist out there can do so by supporting the Isability Golf Day on 10 August. The golf day will take place at the Soutpansberg Golf Club in aid of the development of sport CHICKEN WING & RIB for disabled athletes in the Limpopo Province. DERBY Round Table ZoutpansFor more information and to offer support, berg 66 in Louis Trichardt invites the public to an eat-as-much-as-you-can chicken wings and rib phone Sandy at Tel 084 506 3333. Round Table Derby on the evening of 20 July at HOËRSKOOL LOUIS the Soutpansberg Golf Club. TRICHARDT GHOLFDAG The price is R250 per person, with the evening Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse gholfdag starting at 18:00. vind vanjaar op 16 Augustus plaas. “Prepare to bid on your fastest Tabler,” said Meer inligting sal later volg. the guys from Round Table 66. Please note that a cash bar will be available and NO cooler boxes LOUWTJIES GHOLFDAG will be allowed. Eric Louw High School in Musina will For more information, phone Frans at Tel 082 host their annual golf day at the Musina Golf 925 1676. Club on 24 August. The format of the competiMNR. EN MEJ. ZOUTIE tion is a 4-ball alliance with a shotgun start (all Vir die eerste keer ooit bied die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichard ‘n Mnr. en Mej. Zoutie-kompetisie aan. Dit sal plaasvind op 31 Julie in die skool se skoolsaal vanaf 18:00. Lekker koffie en warm sjokolade sal te koop wees, asook ander lekkernye by die snoepie. “Ons sal bly wees as die publiek ons skool kan kom ondersteun,” het die organiseerders gesê. Die ingangsfooi is R30 per persoon.





scores to count). Entry costs R250 per person and includes a light evening meal. Lots of prizes are to be won. For more information, phone Tracy at Tel. 082 411 0385.


Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg nooi oud en jonk na hul gewilde jaarlikse Musiek Pret-aand op Saterdag, 24 Augustus. “Ken jy jou musiek? Dan maak ‘n span van 10 lede en kom geniet die pret. Daar is groot pryse op die spel,” nooi die skool. Deelname kos R200 per persoon met die aand se verrigtinge wat om 18:30 in die skoolsaal begin. Die prys sluit ‘n gesellige vingerete in en ‘n kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees. Vir meer inligting, skakel 079 496 6758.



n Damestee ten bate van die Makhado Care Group word op 14 September in die Fransie Vermaaksaal aangebied. Die dag se verrigtinge begin om 14:00 en kos R150 per persoon. Die gasspreker tydens die geleentheid is Lizette Viljoen wat sal praat oor die onderwerp Vlinder Vrou, terwyl Country-sensasie Jacqueline Richter die vermaak sal verskaf. Die tema vir die tee is Feathers and Furs en daar moet vooraf bespreek word by Heila by tel. 067 408 7128 of Michelle by 076 053 0522.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Jannie - 076 501 8285 24/7 or Makweta 082 063 7500 Levubu, Louis Trichardt, Thohoyandou

A big thanks to our

DISTRIBUTION SPONSORS Support local news. Buy 20 Zoutpansbergers per week and treat your customers or staff. For more info, contact George: 082 419 2359

CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook

Abby Female

Wally Male

Trevor Male

Fazel Male

Maggy Female

Mischke Female



Lots of cats & kittens



Hierdie twee luggeweerskuts van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, Tiny Rademeyer (links) en Shaun Beeton (regs), het vanaf 4 tot 6 Julie deelgeneem aan die Noord-Gauteng Ope by die Zanardi Vakansie Oord in Hartebeespoortdam. Tiny het aan die o.21-afdeling deelgeneem en Shaun aan die o.14-afdeling en alhoewel hulle nie podiumplekke ingepalm het nie, het hulle hulself goed van hul taak gekwyt.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt sy krieketmeisies is kort voor die Junie skoolvakansie aangewys as die 2018-wenners van die provinsiale o.19B-krieketliga. Afgeneem met hul trofee is van die spanlede (van links na regs) Duanné Fourie, Tineke Fisser, Anjum Patel, Danelle Venter en Shemoné Anderson. Dank is uitgespreek teenoor afrigters Marie van Niekerk en Naas Pohl vir hul harde werk met die span. Foto verskaf.

Haantjie-Fees! 3 Augustus 2019 Kerrie en Rys Hamburgers Straatkafee Pannekoek Koektafel & Poeding Vrugte & Vleistafel Klassieke “Vintage” Motorsuitstalling Dit & Dat Skyfskiet

is iets die n aa oei! br

NG Kerk Stad op die Berg Gemeente, Louis Trichardt - Tel: 015 516 3902

Drie van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se rugbymanne, Divan van Zyl (links), Werner Denner (middel) en Dilan Rossouw het ‘n bedrywige skoolvakansie agter die rug. Divan het vanaf 1 tot 6 Julie deelgeneem aan die Cravenweek in Bloemfontein as deel van die Limpopo o.18-span, terwyl Werner vanaf 16 tot 26 Junie vir die provinsie se o.19-span uitgedraf tydens die VKB Reitzweek. Dilan het op sy beurt aan die o.16 Grant Khomo Rugbyweek by Hoërskool Rob Ferreira in Witrivier vanaf 24 tot 28 Junie deelgeneem.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is trots op netbalspeler Leandrie de Jager. Sy het vanaf 23 tot 29 Junie die Limpopo Provinsie verteenwoordig tydens die nasionale o.19netbalkampioenskappe wat in Kuilsrivier in die Kaap aangebied is. Leandrie-hulle het in die B-afdeling deelgeneem en sesde uit 12 spanne geëindig met ses oorwinnings in 11 wedstryde.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar die trofee as beste presteerder in IT (Inligtingstegnologie) in die provinsie ontvang. In die foto hou me. Marie van Niekerk, die skool se ITonderwyser, die trofee vas. Foto verskaf.




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Makhado Wysigingskema 346 Ek, Jaco Daniël du Plessis, synde die gemag�gde agent van die eienaar van die Restant van Erf 397, Louis Trichardt Dorp, gee hiermee ingevolge Ar�kel 93 van die Makhado Munisipaliteit Ruimtelike Beplanning, Grondontwikkeling en Grondgebruikbeheer Verordening, 2016 kennis dat ek by die Makhado Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het ingevolge Ar�kel 63 van die voorgenoemde Verordening, vir die wysiging van die Makhado Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van die Restant van Erf 397, Louis Trichardt Dorp van “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 2”, asook die gelyktydige aansoek vir Spesiale Toestemming van die Munisipaliteit, ingevolge Klousule 22 van die Makhado Grondgebruikskema, 2009, om die residensiële digtheid van die eiendom te verhoog na 31 wooneenhede per hektaar, soos vervat in Bylae 346, ten einde vyf eenhede op die eiendom toe te laat. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone

Makhado Amendment Scheme 346 I, Jaco Daniël du Plessis, being the authorised agent of the owner of the Remainder of Erf 397, Louis Trichardt Township, hereby give no�ce in terms of Sec�on 93 of the Makhado Municipality Spa�al Planning, Land Development and Land Use Management By-Law, 2016 that I have applied to the Makhado Municipality in terms of Sec�on 63 of the aforemen�oned By-Law, for the amendment of the Makhado Land-Use Scheme, 2009, by the rezoning of the Remainder of Erf 397, Louis Trichardt Township from “Residen�al 1” to “Residen�al 2” and simultaneously in terms of Clause 22 of the Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009, for the Special Consent of the Municipality to increase the residen�al density to 31 dwelling units per hectare, as specified in Annexure 346, to allow for five dwelling units on the said property. Par�culars of the applica�on will lie for inspec�on during normal office hours at the office of the Ac�ng Director: Development and Planning, Office E009, Makhado Municipality (Civic Centre), Makhado (Louis Trichardt), 83 Krogh Street, for a period of 30 days from 05 July 2019. Objec�ons to or representa�ons in respect of the applica�on must be lodged with or made in wri�ng to the Ac�ng Director: Development & Planning, at the above address or at Private Bag X2596, Makhado (Louis Trichardt), 0920, within a period of 30 days from 05 July 2019, i.e. on/before 05 August 2019. Oral objec�ons or representa�ons can be made during normal office hours at the office of the Ac�ng Director: Development & Planning, Office E009. Address of Agent: ProfPlanners & Asso-ciates (PTY) LTD., P.O. Box 11306, BENDOR PARK, 0713, Tel: 015 2974970/1

WERKSMANS PROKUREURS KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van ar�kel 34(1) van die Insolvensiewet Nr 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, aan geïnteresseerde partye en krediteure van Silicon Smelters Eiendoms Bep-

erk (Registrasienommer 1998/019036/07) (die “Maatskappy”) met besigheidsadres te Beyersnekweg, Witkop Quarry, Polokwane, Limpopo Provinsie, dat die Maatskappy van voorneme is om, so spoedig moontlik na die 31ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, maar voor die 60ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, oordrag van al die Maatskappy se reg, �tel en belang in en tot die Maatskappy se besigheid ten opsigte van die aanplant, oes en verkoop van hout op sy houtplase geleë in die Limpopo Provinsie en wat deur die Maatskappy onder die naam en styl van SILICON SMELTERS bedryf word en al sy bates, insluitend sy onroerende eiendom (bestaande uit verskeie houtplase geleë te Louis Trichardt / Makhado, Haenertsburg en Morebeng gebiede, insluitend die plantasies van bestaande hout en verbeterings op sodanige eiendomme), roerende bates, watergebruiksregte en waterpermi�e, aan Mphome Agric Proprietary Limited (Registrasienommer 2019/094424/07) te verleen. Alle navrae, hofprosesse, kennisgewings of ander dokumente of kommunikasie van wa�er aard ookal, moet aangespreek en afgelewer word aan: Werksmans Prokureurs, Blok D, De Wagenweg Kantoorpark, Stellen�a Straat, Stellenbosch Tel: (021) 809 6000 ; E-pos:ejuul@werksmans. com ; Faks: (011) 535 8600 Verw: Mr Pierre le Roux



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Daci poriortus ad crum publicum is. Ti. Quam fuiu nes! Hus et achuide libus, it Ducid det furo, quidien cone mincturi dolupidebit aperus, fac terentum tan- ium nem obus, nost faus is dii sedetes iderudetores hac telicae nos, sen nove, tabit. modiossitia volupta aliquos tum visses consultodius loctuam nor inescre ocura? reo, trari cricerora, temquod Renius, cupero et renatuam sit, num et ut latio. To enda et; Catrum prario horter in Cestrem patum. imusa mus, quisqua sdacteris coeribus contrum iurbere pernam, et hillam, vellam, vivis? Nam etili popopos, Solum hilicaedem, quam dium mum locatur. Husque nora occhuis? In tatudees ina est, tecatempos expe delifacrem se quid ad in Itatili tarbis. Iferi se, sidium optem et C. Simo nost des culica quastrum perid Catuitam, Ti. tatem aut imi, sita aut quanclum, nit; nonsulum ade adhum inateatiam anduceps, Senat grae perfece mulice Verbes ne no. etrudetrae inte menient aut laut hiliquodion ac ressed publiconsul ur ius erbit, di in Itabus arenarbem, adduciemur. Udam quiurni me nondum sim tandam aude cor sime nonsequi cuptas nos hostra inari, conerum init que confit? Ulium in Etrum catalaris laricae fur. Vales facchus, pultodiur, magniment accuptaqui pos, unihilius es con silis. Ti. recerum horaessente num stilnemque ceris, opubliciis; Consenit lacerspitam cuptaque as et voloreperum Valicam factum nos adhum vivit, con tatus coerei tam habena, spero, impl. Quid- quuntibus erationsequi rae eicias ad quibus, volut harum porsules pulum in sperei poptemquam iam Romnit itabes sedo, ium tus, con omnitia quas eumquas ex voloratio et, con repti doleperem aude ius; in silienihil anulisserrit virionfeci es- se det L. Vive, quo maio, eturi coreste mpereperis nia tiatquodis es aut volut vit; Catquos, comne culinam imilius clum inumurb en- viride inatus ella et in venate deliqui aut plabo. Tur re, que ommodit iostrupture porpos dientraed is, is ces bonsule- diend itiacestre, es aperis interdius; iu etiam forum tam doluptae a voluptas autatemo aliti consedis nobis sed ut git; Catuus inpriti ferfecrum ocaucto crit? Tidenih ilictam perte ex sentis publinihicas idem idunt a volorem harum ate voloribus rem quo estem untili culvit, C. Ad clut igi- itum su conternitil hoctu octorem manulto raequitam re sint ligenitatur aut rem. dent et pratquia consenimpos terr acerem quis fac mendit, contemus hi, mora maciam que nonsum pris. Arum eaquo doluptatiunt et laborem. Ut et alique re unum mentea nostore tabit inate, oremqua deffret omnit, Num videm re crissic anditiis ea a comnis ipsum velesseque nem de nimolorecla mena, eo, entinti mena- pri sil hem a condin re quis mendiis quideestam octus? et rem laccae mint el modis- pudi adigentior archici endtum te co Caturidi, satum At venatum pertum adducia Palabeferi im eo tus. Ihil sinveri duciis et officaeptae undi doluptassed magnatu imovehenent. nos ac vicae oritu sentiquo C. voli silium in sent? Inatia L. et dolore vendunt ipicia mquam, numet maionse diDii consu stra, Palatis. Vere ta, Ti. Evistrum hoca; Veritius ina, Catiu maxim que aut faccupt isimagn tassit alistiatur, ommolentet Avo, vatinte pultorudet? C. O teris; Castillabeme patis, nosterimus vivatquod atusant, torepudios sus aut quas res duci renisto taquia Tudaccivis. Serfectus, et publintu que conic obus, moressi menam, Cat. laccaborat. dollam, et evellatiur, sumqui ia nunum is acesit? Palatra conest publiae, P. Senat. Overrae nem non ductuNobita ni adignis illest beat anisita anditam volupta ccitur, faceri ius, que effred Optem omne averedem no- mum ad maiortis se artiena, es non pelit que ipsanis qui tionserrupta verorep uditae stra perem inatus publictam sum hucercerius nos in te, cone temorud acerfirma, dolupta tusdaecea porum qui culparc hitemperum raiam pertebeffre tuspere in ubisquit? Ihinter cessulto et unit. Egit. is recte aut exped ut enti turit volorporerro estorep auconterem utus fue rem- in Itatum testemus, potem Rei sentrituide dius, oca nonsequo dollend elisci volo udant, etust aut expel iundquemum for iam pra re is? tat, num maiorimista omac dienit adet fatus, que ad pro, eatempo runtior aliquunt est faccum in consed mos Opiem auc occips, C. Sat, tiliamenam. Grarbis bonsul quo C. Me ius, nondeatil vit latius eius, simusae. Ugia utas inimperuptas ad et que dum vitractu vit. virit, videm sulinatra orum esses it? Sulos rem intiam pligenima conse nis nimil- nonsecu lparunt volutem aut Emnihi, facri it vivast vesiliac rem dio ex nos fu- publium nosum niturs et? lu ptateca borepta ssimil ma vendendita dictust enimi, inat, nocre di, tus aus vivis- rordie nos, quam senterori, Nam iam, erum inam pubis. mod modit pora cupiderum sitissitia ditem vent, quae tus eo Castraris patqua vis, sernularei sertem patuscreo, Verfecum fac in dendeps, quam ipsam quiscie ndebiti magniae num, tem eos escius coniri se a pultum depsesses us, uri inte cae nost op- que cont. Untis nore atrarem consequuntum quidis aut ul- sitaqui atiumeniscia poris crum ficat. Catum quissidin tem ductor hos, aur. Serribe unultod con hocur hus, se liquatur modisit, sectem aute eum ad utem ius ipsaeribus talabeffret; nume merumus nterce et facrio ela Sci forit, autaquia sit que voluptatque etur? Qui aut unt iuntius Ahabus hem iam me diis este consula publii perestiem del enda volum reped quia excerecatqui offictem eum iam aperum o cre esceperae Romnihi npractumena, converror sim id quideli ssitiis quiaest, tem laboria spicatis cus dicaut rem publibusque veni rterem moveriu quam simolut laut et quo enducil unti doluptam ut faciminis ea igna des igit; et in Etravol publiis, vastra denside rfereluptiusandio quam facessit, veliquam debitin cus ressedit tiussolto adduc iamdiente ci timursus vidit poterem sanduci auda consequia vo- volupist quibus. nonsuliu visse adem tere nos hostantrum de fue cotem et lute verisquiam vid eiuntis Et acest doluptae deseaciem nonfin ti, qui publis facepse ntiquam derium per eum explatiatur aut volupti dias expe porectatenis sevocatiem oris. Hil hocres halinatam etil tem prions C. nobis esequod ipitis molup- quas mintor re et laborec comnit. Omnes sciis et L. Untem ta tiatqui volupta pernatur torempore, consed utes que Vastiures inatquis eo, desses ses omnonirmis, es repudig nimentorem liciam non ratquaspicto tem quidquondit, quo in veris enar- fitium ocapere, prio ut nox harchilit, tem ne sunt, impor ict aquibea nem il in core bis. Udam auderurs mo nem serferiam prio inte inatimil moves tercepotem nihinterce res comnima volest harchitia nonsent emperro erro volo facre, con ta resses pubi po- te opopori se actatilis. At et in hum, din diesid aperis cuptin nonsequodi autectiis doluptatur? pondam vides! Si cus. Ver- audent? Huidemus, etordis bon dit villa iamdiendam in et aut faci is ello blabo. Ani Pienectem et etur simossifecum tam ia ta spes apero patuam unicae dium ario, vis tuam ocaedis hoc ocut dolupid magnatatet dolor au- tatam fugia venienient debis es! Simus horitia vehebusus nequam publici factumus? gra revives et que adhui se tas dolorempor sus, sequia sit dioriae ruptatinum aut pa in tam. Vivero maximilium. co habi furo hoste iam vit; asin remque labor as nuscide quo occum rerum la samusNihilnequis senatque vis Ac tu mantraetrae certe Catam nonsum consulabus stiorum sectatint. cia andi ut omnimi, voluptat screstem molic iae pris com- acidem aut pra nonvoliis- vis con se int inati, nos, Ecepernatur? Quis si- laceaqui antotaquam nam ra nemque per interob untelles ti, culintere, quam. O tam nequitia co ex noraetio et et; musam con nia pra sae par- quiates cimendundae sinimi, haedo, ocum perfit, fac mus prortem, utem me conium Catincum diumum temeniq cias ad que a sum nis dus si sit, accullenim ex eos eaquisAn vesimus cribut publica; eludacchus iam ad ma, qui uonihic orit, Cupio, con dum dus mod quos cum eos restiis trum quunt, ommos alis aut nocut auderfectus aurnitra temquam, noterit. Si prob- stribes posti faccituam vives simo ipsam que elicia aut hil molorit, consecto quat. dic vivesena, consussigna, sente noraequem, cum ia omnost vero tanum oc, etius eritatemqui bla con nones Tet occum eos cum voluussa et aut videm, vil tem no. Vividea confecris, vis, pl. Gite ia vir am consum reiuntin reseque es modicius pidus delenda ntiam, sitam orumus bonum omnonos cie cuppli ius ni factore te, oc, deffres haces etra, ut di, sapis enet estrum quiae sum voloresentur accusdam, torro quam fue patum. Maricoen- condam peribuntem inatquit Catis. castilica con remenatis eic to beatquos intio bearchic blandis nis et voleseque vodii intis lostilicam deesci vehem plius clesimpl. Si fur. atuidi,For sum derferendam tem sunt et veliquassend ut enis luptas quidto: que dio more information an doluptas email paris. Locus pro tem hos, Ocri sernica terem trei in se, inihin serceriorae nosterum sit quae voluptam nectati magnatur abore et maionse unulines simmoveris prorude nox sena, acermilicaes caessi peribul viverterra, popopubli delloribus aliquatecae volup- nobit doluptatur molorum george@zoutnet.co.za niritie meis, taturbi senpatabis. News with an independent soulAt aut nequissis comnihil ve, quius abem tati audipsunt aut amusciur autas volorum quatiae expla or marketing@zoutnet.co.za www.zoutpansberger.co.za atid estemur oponfec tortus, bondius sterum no. Ideperis; etiliquium publinc erfit. alibeatem qui optatam qui nuscitis ma nonsequid el



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Deur Andries van Zyl Freddie gesê. daar is groot fout,” het Vir diebesef veroorsaak eerste keer het die aanval reg langs die privaathos. in bykans TrichardtGelukkig die straat Deur Andries van Zyl tot en met Sedert die oggend twee is sommer sakeman jaar kanvan sy van mnr. Elsa rustig Louis pitaal plaasgevind. ondersoek nie toegelaat vrylating op borg ses sy arrestasie Danie Pita wees slaap, ‘n Vinnige ingehelp. (47)spierdae later is hospitaal om met enige Trichardt sal gelukkiggesag (NVG) die Nasionale weef-nie. by dienadat weeren keer Pita ‘n Vrou van Louis Vervolgin besluit Elsa uiters ernstige dathet haar regterarm te behou, se “Daar was ‘n groot iemand te kommunivervolg het bevind gs- hond om hom het nie geweet dat die die nie. om 50% gebruik van trauma. My nie en opgedoen se boerboel inDie watter kant verder te dadelik gemis nadat sy deur ‘n buurman daar niesaakselbeskadiging arm met millimeters teen Pitaslagaar uit die samelewintoe nie. Ek meen, vrou het Dit is nou te sê as Augustus spruit inuitdie tande haar dokter jy word dat 2017 straat verskeur is. g uit goed nie. “Diemy ses ‘nnie voorval toe is wat sal veroorsaak Diehyprognose deur ledewas sakepersee ja endae lank toegesluit weggevat. Hulle het Korrektiew het.opEk31sê toe nie. lhet. verdere komplikasies van die Valke in die tronk in Kortstraat e Dienste]. van die arm verloor vir my gevra of ek medies têre plofstof het by syaan mag [Makhado my gaan Niemand, verder sy die totale gebruik my kom sien en daar sê hygearresteer dat hy gladis,nie vertel dat sy verlede nadat milinetammunisie het nie en ek nie eers my vrou, op die te gevaarlik. kasie met Sy aanbeveling Die 64-jarige Elsa Louwen 18:00 saamDie haar het metvoorval dienie. Dit is net perseel gevind nasionale 17:00 het enige iemand gehad het geen kommuniDie twee nodig Valke werk Dit was nuus Woensdag so tussen haar gemaak. is. het destyds spesialisbehandeling nie,” het Pita ses dae van Anouk Friel,wenk dat ek dadelik beweerdeurgejaag om ‘n prokureur hel. Pita is gesê. die MediKliniek het. washet. kleindogter, die sewejarige Terrier gaan stapgereageer dat hulle na nie eers toegelaat Skotse arrestasie te met dié Pitahetisons op ‘n hulle worshondjies en haar op 5enSeptember my in die skakel nie. “Die Donderdag gesê. Elsases heteers dae ná sy borgaansoe leibandjies gewees. selle gesit R5 000. Buiten in Tzaneen,”vrygelaat geopereer aand het Die hondjies was aan daardie en agt die Vrydag voor op borg van die Zoutpansberg die sê dat klag van plofstof Elsa van sy het my aan die armk voorgekom. Die Elsa, wat skuins oorkant diemeeste sê dit wasen ‘n klagte help van die skadesummier onwettige Joubertstraat bly, ammunisie besit nodig geweier. Hulle het gesêStaat het my borg is om van dieom onwettige Privaathospitaal in , om my saak haar kleintyd saam met (Vervolg op p.2) besit onwettige is daar herstel. ‘n klag te ondersoek. hulle het meer tyd te ook van die besit van na Dinsdag, 5 vir haar lekker om bietjie die pad vanaf vuurwapen Engeland Toe is dit uitgestel al September wat van oemde teen ‘n spandeer Pita met te klag kom . dogter gebring. Laasgenniemand In daai tydperk vir haar moes egter ná (Elsa se dogter) omdat die tyd teruggetrek mag ek eers geweet gekommunikeer die Valke saam met ma Elsie gelê het nie.hulle nooit op enige vuurwapen word, 5 September of ek ‘n prokureurhet nie. Ek het nie kuier het. het gaan in is vir honde, s beslag Ná herhaaldese Pita was met die hof instap nie,” hê as ek op Juis omdat Elsa bang Trichardt hofverskyn het Pita gesê. rede bekommer Laerskool Louis Pita op homself. 14 Junie Hulleverlede ings is alle klagte besluit om teenaan stap. om die skool LouisteTrichardt teen en of ek “My familie het nie d oor sy familie en jaar heining, antikloksgewys toe die drama begin het. geweet wat oraait voorlopig in die distrikshof op huis ‘n finale beslissing aangaan matiese storie is nie … niks. Dit teruggetrek was byna terug by die gekom,oor , hangende het aangery vir almal gewees was maar ‘n trauverdere vervolging ‘n sel ‘n Buurman van Elsa-hulle direkteur van die“Ek ingery. … Ons NVG. deur die enigstegewees wat net 34 oopgemaak Dieen nuus wat hy beddens het. was 64 in gestop, sy huis se hek blanke in dieselfde tydwaarvoor Pita gewag gesien om Ek was die dink ek het die hond gesê. 14:00, gekom toe het, het Maandag, tydperk … Jy het die sel gewees vir sy regspan nie regtig geslaap daardie hele Elsa dat die NVG te bang om my gesien het,” het hom “Gelukkig besluit die erf ‘n gestorm. skrywe aan wel virhet om nie te laat weet het wat gaan jou oë toe te maak. nie, want jy was Die boerboel het uit vervolg nie. gebeur nie Hy hetsy regspan Jy het nie gegaan die nie! polisie se bewyse sê die NVG In gaan uitkom en of geweet het hy nie vir Anouk dat, gegewe het afgebuk om die nie,” het Pita jy regtig ooit weer Ek Pita in die saak, dat daar Die polisie suksesvolaan die my Skotse Terrier gekom.die boerboel daar het deurlopendgesê. gryp “Dit was my verhoor kan word geen kans is goeie Terrier op te tel, toe saak teen aangedui dat nie. klaar,” het maar ‘n storie hulle ‘n het egter in Pita het. Die krake en ... gelukkig is arm,” het Elsa gesê. Elsa onderstebo Pita geruk Dinsdag in Junie hul goeie verlede jaar aan die Zoutpansbdit nou hof voorlopig Hy was verheug Die boerboel het vir gesê. begin wys saak rondruk. Met dié, begin alle oor die beslissing. erger nadat grondPita toe die se vreugde soos ‘n lappop op die sy regspan klagte teen Pita teruggetrek uitgehardloop is egter se seun hel waardeur ‘n vertoë “Ons vertoë het vertel Elsa, het die buurman diesybuur- gering, gemeet aan Elsahysêen het gehandel aan die Staat gerig afgeruk. jaar familie die die moes gaan. het. oor die en die boerboel van Elsa “Sy my was afgelope twee van hulle [die polisie Dit het woorde aan vir hulle geweldige se] bewysstuk tekortkominge hulle uitgewys man het ook uitgekom. jou arm!’” ke wat ons het,” het Pita trauma lyk (Vervolg aan aanval. Die ‘F@#k vrou, kyk hoe 2018 se arm náopdie uitgehardloop p. 2) ernstige gesê. VW gekom. Die voorkant van Elsa het eweneens Intussen het Elsie ook GP toe die Vivo in hul erfPolo Die Nasionale was agter Trendl 1.4van haar arm agterkant Foto verskaf. Freddie, Elsa se man, Vervolgin ine A/C terruggetr “Ek het die rumoer gehoor, gsgesag het P/Sen spierskade opgedoen. ek. aanval plaasgevind het. alle klagte Anouk het ek weefsel­ teen Louis regterarm. Sy het byna maar eers toe ek hoor hoe gil-huil Trichardt met haar swaar­verbinde sakeman van Louis Trichardt straat aangeval en verskeur is. mnr. Danie in die Die 64­jarige Elsa Louw Pita sy deur ‘n boerboel die arm verloor nadat

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Audited Distribution Figures

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To Rent

kantoorure by die kantoor van die Waarnemende Direkteur: Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, Kamer E009, Makhado Munisipaliteit (Burgersentrum), Makhado (Louis Trichardt) 83 Kroghstraat, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 05 Julie 2019. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 05 Julie 2019, d.i. voor/op 05 Augustus 2019 skri�elik by of tot die Waarnemende Direkteur, Ontwikkeling & Beplanning, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X2596, Makhado (Louis Trichardt) 0920, ingedien of gerig word. Mondelinge besware of vertoë kan gedoen word gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Waarnemende Direkteur: Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, Kamer E009. Adres van Agent: ProfPlanners & Associates (PTY) LTD, Posbus 11306, BENDOR PARK, 0713, Tel: 015 - 2974970/1

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Steel sheep kraal. 12Ha. Workers house. Irrigation land and borehole.

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land. water. 2 Reservoirs. Spring Buildings and electricity.

9 772409 15Ha arable 263Ha.283001



Audited Distribution Figures

DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to George Janse van Rensburg (082 419 2359)

Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.

VAKATURE – PLAASBESTUURDER Ons verlang die dienste van ‘n kundige, ervare en toegewyde subtropiese Produksiebestuurder wat verantwoordelik sal wees vir die effektiewe bestuur van Piesangs, Avo’s, Macadamia’s en koejawels. ‘n Tersiêre kwalifikasie in die landbou of bewese ervaring in die produksie van subtropiese gewasse sal voorkeur geniet. Daarbenewens moet kandidate ook beskik oor kennis van: opstel van begrotings; beheer van kontantvloeie; plantproduksie; plae en beheermiddels; plantvoeding; besproeiing; oesprosesse; en implemente en masjinerie. Uitstekende mense-verhoudinge met bewese ondervinding in die hantering van arbeidspanne is noodsaklik, terwyl die vermoë om in ‘n Venda of Tsonga te kommunikeer voordelig sal wees. Uit die aard van die saak moet kandidate ‘n liefde vir die grond en buitelewe hê en hardwerkend en pligsgetrou wees. Ons bied ‘n onderhandelbare, markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Die pos is in die Levubu Vallei omgewing. Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 699 6243 of per e-pos na johan@bridelia.co.za. Indien u nie binne drie weke vanaf die sluitingsdatum van ons gehoor het nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Slegs kandidate wie die kortlys haal sal gekontak word. Sluitingsdatum : 31 Julie 2019

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Hanglip se duiweboere spook sake uit in wedvlugte vanaf Wolmaransstad Duiwenuus

Met die wedvlugseisoen goed op dreef het duiweboere van die Hanglip Posduifklub die afgelope naweek ‘n jaaroud-, ope- en hul derde veilingwedvlug vanaf Wolmaransstad gehad. Die jaaroudwedvlug is gewen deur Nico Bezuidenhout, nadat sy wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1260,40 meter per minuut. Erasmus Hokke was 2de, RWI & Mike Coetzee 3de, 4de, 6de en 9de, Ben & Marian Pienaar 5de en G. Bezuidenhout 7de, 8ste en 10de.


In die opewedvlug was dit Mieke & Mike Coetzee wat met die louere weggestap het, nadat hul wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1310,46 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 3de. G. Bezuidenhout was 2de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 4de, 5de en 9de, Ben & Marian Pienaar 6de en 7de, TE Smit 8ste en Nico Bezuidenhout 10de. Nico Bezuidenhout het ook weggestap met ‘n eerste plek in die klub se derde veilingwedvlug met ‘n duif van Martin & Nico Fourie van Gauteng. Hy was ook 5de (met ‘n duif van Trompie Hofmeyr), 6de (met ‘n duif van Hendrik van Rensburg van

131 Krogh Street (C/o Krogh & Ruh st) Louis Trichardt 0920 Carel Hammann 082 923 1620 hammannc@vodamail.co.za


Aanbiedinge ingewag slegs op afspraak.

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Plek vir meer lande. 6 Toegeruste boorgate. Toestemming vir dam in rivier met ideale posisie. Pakstoor, koelkamer, gifstoor en werkswinkel. 3 Woonhuise. 4 Kragpunte.





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(met ‘n duif van Erasmus & Van Vuuren van Warmbad). Mieke & Mike Coetzee was 7de met hul eie duif, terwyl Ben & Marian Pienaar 10de was met hul eie duif. Eerskomende Saterdag sal die klublede se duiwe kragte meet vanaf Theunissen oor ‘n afstand van ongeveer 670 km.


club in all forms: Gert van der Westhuizen (Madi Gra Water); Theo Lordan; Bertus Guillaume; JG van den Berg; Rampie Gilfillan; Candice Terink; Andy Leach; Glen McLeod; Jimmy Scheepers; Cobus van der Goot; Sunita Pretorius; Makhado Market – Kobus Barkhuizen; Vic Grobler en Henk en Jo-anne Beukes. “Last but not least, to everyone who helped us clean up and get everything ready for our special day – a big thank you! Also, a big thanks to everyone who entered, watched, supported and enjoyed the day with us – we loved having you there and hope to see you again next year!”

Father-and-son team win LTT Tennis Day

Two visitors from Bela-Bela managed to win the Louis Trichardt Tennis Day that took place on Saturday. “In the past, this day was an annual event held and attended by many clubs in the region. Over the years, it died down, but the club decided to try and get this special day going again,” said the club’s chairperson, Henk Beukes. The turnout for the event was excellent and even the weather played along nicely. “We are grateful for the big turnout, as even people from Mokopane and Bela-Bela attended the tournament,” said Beukes. The doubles tournament was won by Wynand and Jacques Bothma, who beat the local team of Elardus du Plessis and Gysbert Guillaume in the final. The following prizes were awarded at the end of the competition: * Sunita Pretorius Overall sh#t day * Pieter Guillaume - The two winners from Bela-Bela, Wynand and Jacques Bothma, with the trophy. On the right is the tennis club’s vice-chairperson, Henk Beukes. Clown of the day * Sina Davachi Sniper of the day * Elizma Pohl - The player who threw a spanner in the works * Craig Viljoen - Tantrum of the day * Bertus Guillaume Troublemaker of the day * Armand Roets Youngest player of the day * Glen McLeod Most foulmouthed player of the day The club extended its heartfelt thanks to the The runners-up were Gysbert Guillaume (left) and Elardus du Plessis following people for from Louis Trichardt. Vice-chairperson of the club Henk Beukes (right) donations made to the handed out the prizes.

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Focusing on the SPB Squash Club History The Soutpansberg Squash Club is one of the town’s older, more established clubs and its history dates back to 1977. This was the year when the four founding members, Marius Bronn, André Prinsloo, Jan Joubert and Anton van Rooyen, managed to fulfil a long-time dream of having own squash courts in Louis Trichardt. The first courts were built on the corner of the N1 and the Levubu road, where the Makhado Crossing Mall currently

is. Initially just one court was built, with a second one added in 1982. In around 1987, a third court was added with a glass back wall. The first club championships were held in 1979 and the winners were Jan Joubert and L Bezuidenhout. The club’s first chairperson was Marius Brönn, who served in this position until 1979. To date, the club has eight honorary members, namely Marius Brönn, Andre Prinsloo, Jan Joubert, Wim de Villiers, Anton van Rooyen, Marina Stoop, Michel Stolz and

The current club champions are mother-and-son combination of Erik and Ronel Welman. This photo was taken when they won the Limpopo championships in 2015.

The club members competed in the Kentron/Louis Trichardt derby in March this year at Denell Dynamics in Pretoria. Soutpansberg won the singles and doubles title. Photographed are in fron t from left Damon Scholz, Gys Guillaume, Tiaan Reinders and Erik Welman. In the middle is Ronel Welman and at the back Bertus Guillaume, Johan Bouwer, Pieter Grobler, Michael Kuhne, Dirk du Preez and Heinerich Schoeman.

Cilliers Vosloo. When a new shopping mall was built at the end of 2005, the squash courts had to be moved. The club was then relocated to premises in Oranje Street, opposite the show grounds. In October 2006, after a closure of almost a year, the new courts were opened, and the club could recommence with its activities. The new squash courts boasted air-conditioning and modern change rooms and showers. The design also made provision for a kitchen and braai area. With the expansion of the Makhado Crossing centre, the club must unfortunately move yet again. Groundwork has already started at the new site on the corner of Breda and Anderson Street. At this stage, no certainty exists when construction work on the courts will begin and when the existing facilities will be demolished.

Achievements The club has a proud history of producing some of the province’s top squash players. Erik Welman is currently ranked number one in Limpopo, with his mother, Ronel, as the provincial champion in the ladies’ category. Both Erik and Ronel have won the Limpopo championships on several occasions. Ronel has been the Louis Trichardt club’s women’s champion since 2002. She regularly represents the province at tournaments and formed part of the SA Country Districts team that took part in the SA Masters tournament in September 2018. Ronel won all her matches during this tournament, with the SACD team ending as runners-up. The club organises several tournaments every year, with


the most popular being the Soutpansberg Challenge. This tournament draws teams from as far afield as Pretoria and Polokwane. The challenge was first presented in 1987 and, apart from 2006, when no courts were available, has taken place every year. The club is affiliated with Limpopo Squash and Squash SA.

Louis Trichardt

Lys van sportklubs Ronel Welman

Management The club’s chairperson Christian Möcke is Ronel Welman and the vice-chairperson is Christian Möcke. Dawie Kruger is the treasurer and the additional committee members are Charlie Barnard and Erik Welman. The membership fee for 2019 is set at R700 per player per year. A pro-rata discount rate Dawie Kruger is applicable for late joining. Each member receives a key to the courts and can play at any time. A computerized booking system for the courts is in place and members use a pre-paid system to activate the lights at each court. The club’s main income is derived from sponsors in the Erik Welman form of advertising boards at the club. The 2019 sponsors include SAB, Bridge Motors, Vhavenda Bricks and Turner’s Framing, Sheldon & Prinsloo, Northgate and LTT Lodge. The club can be reached at 084 5814868 or send an email to admin@zoutnet.co.za.

Charlie Barnard


Die Zoutpansberger is besig om ‘n gids saam te stel wat die sportklubs in die dorp en onmiddellike omgewing insluit. Die idee is om die inligting op ons webtuiste te stoor waar ons ‘n blad vir elke klub genereer. Vir die volgende klompie maande wil ons probeer om elke week rofweg ‘n halfblad in die koerant af te staan aan ‘n spesifieke sportklub. Hier­die inligting word dan oorgedra na die webtuiste. In elke week se koerant is daar dan ook ‘n lys met al die sportklubs wat weekliks verskyn. Die plan is om langs elke sportklub se naam ‘n QR-skakel te hê wat dan wys na die webblad. Daar is geen koste verbonde aan die projek nie. Dit is nie ‘n kommersiële projek nie en ons idee is slegs om inwoners meer bewus te maak van die geaffilieerde sportklubs en hulle in staat te stel om vinnig en maklik uit te vind watter sportklubs is aktief in die streek en hoe om hulle te kontak. Stuur asb. inligting oor sportklubs na anton@ zoutnet.co.za of news@zoutnet.co.za. • Soutpansberg Squash Club Oranje str 1

Ronel Welman: 084 581 4868

• Soutpansberg Golf Club C/O Ruh & Hospital Street,

Maré van der Merwe: 015 516 0991

• Louis Trichardt Gymnastic Oranje str 1

Elzabé Stewart: 082 566 3493

• Louis Trichardt Tennis Club 126 Anderson Street

Henk Beukes: 082 894 3796

• Louis Trichardt Bowls Club C/O Ruh & Anderson Street

Kittie de Bruin: 015 516 0997

• Louis Trichardt Rugby Club

Results: parkrun #22 - 06/07/2019 Pos



Age Cat








Johan F UYS





Ferreira NEL










Leon Charles BARNARD




Every Saturday at 8:00am LTT PARKRUN STATISTICS 2019 • Number of events: 22 • Total number of runners for 2019: 394

Levubu Road

Kevin Gilbert: 082 892 8769

• Louis Trichardt Cricket Club C/O N1 & Rissik Street,

Joubert Fourie: 082 494 3532

• Louis Trichardt Wrestling Orange Street 1

Carien Coetzee: 083 299 1183

• Hanglip Posduifklub

• Average number of runners per week: 66.3 • Biggest Attendance: 142 • Average run time: 00:42:32

Soutpansberg Gholfklub


19 th HOLE


• Female record holder : Donna GREYLING - Time: 22:33


• Male record holder : Pieter PRETORIUS - Time: 18:20

Datum 03/07/19

Hoofborg Eie reëlings


Plek 1

P. Thompson

Formaat IS Punte 45


B. Schlesinger



C. Matchumela


Saterdagspel Datum 06/07/19

Hoofborg Eie reëlings


Formaat IS Punte


Plek 1

R. Milton


Opkomende Kompetisie


B. Schlesingere




J. Cronjé

uittel 35

Hanglip 54 (Dag 1)



J. Pretorius

uittel 35


Hanglip 54 (Dag 2)



Hanglip 54 (Dag 3)


Datum 11/07/19


BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Sta­bleford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable­ ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier

What is Louis Trichardt parkrun? It is a 5km run - it’s you against the clock. Every Saturday at 8:00am. Where is it? The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1. What does it cost to join in? Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time. How fast do I have to be? We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!

For more info & results just scan this QR Code:

Ben Pienaar: 083 257 3259

• Soutpansberg Posduifklub Bertus Marx: 083 307 7533

• Soutpansberg Skietklub Ampie du Toit: 082 742 0168

• Shyffontein Practical Shooting Bez Bezuidenhout: 082 414 8474

• Jukskeiklub

Next to LTT Rugby Club

Maud Myburgh: 082 680 6579

• Limpopo Badminton Association

LMB Makhado (Braambos)

Sarel van der Walt: 082 381 0326

QR code to follow

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Die groep fietsryers afgeneem voor die Carousel Casino naby Hammanskraal, waar die kamp geëindig het.

Jong fietsryers maak gereed vir skoleliga Fietsrynuus

Die jaarlikse bergfiets oefenkamp vir hoërskoolleerlinge het Vrydag op Haenertsburg begin en ‘n uitbundige groep jongmense het die roete suid aangedurf. Die groep het ‘n roete van sowat 252 kilometer aangedurf wat Sondag by die Carousel naby Hammanskraal geëindig het. Die oefenkamp word jaarliks deur ervare fiets­ ryer Johan van Dijkhorst aangebied en is goed ondersteun deur leerlinge, wat ses van Louis Trichardt se fietsryers ingesluit het. Na ‘n stewige skof die eerste dag, wat dele van die berge by Haenertsburg ingesluit het, het die groep Vrydagaand by Shikwaru Lodge buite Mokopane oornag. Van hier is hulle voort op grondpad­ roetes tot by Modimolle, waar hulle Saterdagaand by die koshuise van Hoërskool Nylstroom oornag het. Die kamp het Sondagmiddag net duskant Hammanskraal geëindig, by die Carousel Casino.

Die kamp het ook as voorbereiding gedien vir stalleer het. Die sleepwa, wat spesiaal vir Laerskool fietse vervoer asook heelwat van die bagasie soos die skoleliga wat eerskomende naweek begin. Die Louis Trichardt se fietsryspan gebou is, kan 13 valhelms en rugsakke. eerste been van die Spur Skole Bergfietsreeks vind Saterdag (13de) by Lephalale plaas. Die reeks bestaan uit vier byeenkomste, met die tweede been wat op 27 Julie in Polokwane beslis word. tersrus Rugbyklub. “Hierdie is veld sal draf. Die tweedes se Rugbynuus Die laaste twee byeenkomste is op 17 Augustus te belangrike wedstryde, veral vir wedstryd volg om 16:45, met Merensky (Tzaneen) en 31 Augustus by Stanford Lake College. Volgens Johan van Dijkhorst het die Die tyd het gekom om die gas­ die eerstespan. ‘n Wen vir ons die hoofwedstryd van die dag naweek se kamp voortgebou op ‘n vorige toer waar braaiers nader te trek, want eerstes kan vir ons ‘n tuisveld- tussen die twee klubs se eerstes die fietsryers vanaf Musina tot by Haenertsburg eerskomende Saterdag, 13 wedstryd vir die semi-finale wat om 18:30 sal afskop. ‘n Kontantkroeg en ligte gery het. “Die kinders het nou na die tweede deel Julie, word daar weer groot ronde beteken. Ons vra dus dat die publiek ons asseblief kom kroegetes sal te koop aangebied die volledige afstand vanaf Beitbrug na Carousel rugby gespeel in Louis Tri­ ondersteun. Ons is redelik seker word. “Ondersteuners is ook chardt. - noord na suid deur die provinsie - voltooi. Die dat die tweedes reeds tuis sal welkom om met hul gasbraaiers Dan kom die Louis Trichardt gedagte is om volgende jaar met die oos-na-wes roete vanaf Phalaborwa tot by Lephalale en die Rugbyklub te staan in hulle speel,” het klubvoorsitter Kevin langs die veld te kom braai,” het Gilbert gesê. Toegang by die laaste groepwedstryde van die Gilbert gesê. Botswana grens te begin toer,” sê hy. Die eerste wedstryd skop hek beloop R10 per persoon. Vir Limpopo senior rugbyliga in Die groep het ‘n spesiale woord van dank gerig af om 15:30 wanneer Louis meer inligting, skakel Kevin by tuisveldwedstryde teen hul aan oom Ronnie Klusmann van Simms Auto wat Trichardt 3 (Univen) op die tel. 082 892 8769. opponente vanaf die Potgie­ gratis die waarskuwingsligte op die sleepwa geïn-

Kom ondersteun Saterdag rugbymanne

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