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13 Februarie 2015
PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.
Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Murder accused again changes testimony - page 3
Jaargang 31 Vol. 06
Polisie moet help om kinders in toom te hou - bladsy 4
Kombo part of top cycling team - page 18
Apartheid se skuld Sakeman sê die polisie se versuim om hom te help het hom daartoe gedwing om te moor
die kop getref en Joachim in die bolyf. Harris en Dominique het ontsnap. Apartheid is nie net meer die holSmail het getuig dat daar gereeld rug-geryde argument van politici by sy onderneming ingebreek is, en vir alles wat hulle verkeerd doen dat hy al oor die jare groot finansiële nie. verliese as gevolg daarvan gely het. Die 66-jarige Alexander Smail Hy het ook getuig dat die polisie op van Buysdorp, wat skuldig bevind Buysdorp hom nie van veel hulp was is daaraan dat hy Cornelius Bruce nie, en dat hy radeloos was en nie Joachim (20) en Sergio Buys (21) meer geweet het waar om vir hulp doodgeskiet het, meen apartheid dra aan te klop nie. deels die skuld vir sy dade. Smail het verlede Vrydag weer Smail is sedert Desember verlede hier in die hof verskyn, waar hy ‘n jaar in aanhouding in afwagting op in-diepte sielkundige verslag ingedien sy vonnis van die Louis Trichardt het ter vonnis versagting, naamlik Streekhof. Buiten korrektiewe toesig vir die twee klagte plaas van gevanSmail het vertel dat in van moord waarop genisstraf. hy skuldig bevind die polisie gedurende Die veris, is Smail ook die apartheidsjare met s l a g i s d e u r ‘ n skuldig bevind aan kriminologiese sigeweld opgetree het elkundige opgestel twee klagte van poging tot moord. teenoor ander rasse- in opdrag van Smail Smail het in Dese regsverteenwoorgroepe. sember 2009, net diger. voor die skietvoorSmail het vertel val, gedreig om vir Joachim, Buys en dat die polisie gedurende die aparthulle vriende, Levit Harris en Domi- heidsjare met geweld opgetree het nique Buys, te skiet. Buys het getuig teenoor ander rassegroepe. Vandag, dat hy daarvan oortuig was dat hulle het hy aange voer, word misdaad by sy onderneming, Smails Fountain voorkoming op amper dieselfde wyse op Buysdorp, by verskeie geleenthede gedoen en gevolglik het hy nie die ingebreek het. Sy verweer was dat hy hulp van die polisie gekry wat hy so Joachim se groep gekonfronteer het, dringend en male sonder tal versoek maar nie bedoel het om hulle te skiet het nie. nie. Smail het getuig dat hy blindelDie sielkundige het ook bevind ings skote afgevuur het, nadat een van dat Smail ware berou het vir sy dade, die mans (hy kon nie presies onthou maar nie ‘n poging kon aanwend om wie nie) gebuk het, en hy gedink het die familie om vergifnis te vra nie, die man buk vir ‘n wapen. Sergio is in want hy is Buysdorp belet tydens
Deur Isabel Venter
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die duur van sy verhoor. Verder was dit ook die sielkundige se mening dat Smail nie met opset opgetree het die dag toe hy Joachim en Buys doodgeskiet het, maar eerder uit frustrasie blindelings die skote afgevuur het.
Tydens kruisondervraging deur die Staat het dit aan die lig gekom dat die sielkundige net ‘n paar uur met Smail ‘n onderhoud gehad het, en die verslag se inhoud voorgeskryf is deur Smail se prokureur.
Weens al die tyd wat afgestaan is aan die verslag, is Smail se saak uitgestel tot 5 Maart, waarna sy prokureur nog getuies sal roep ter vonnis versagting. Smail sal tot dan steeds in aanhouding bly.
Alex Smail (heel links) verlede week in die Louis Trichardt Streekhof. Hy is afgeneem waar hy met sy advokaat, Johan Engelbrecht (met sy rug na die kamera), en ‘n familielid gesels tydens ‘n kort verdaging van die hof.
2 13 February 2015 Deur Isabel Venter
Dien verkeerstekens nog enige doel in dorp? Dit is lankal ‘n bekende feit in Louis Trichardt dat verkeerstekens nie sommer gehoorsaam word nie. Dinsdagoggend het dit opnuut weer duidelik geword dat ‘n stopteken vir baie ‘n toegeeteken geword het. ‘n Haastige bestuurder in sy Toyota, wat die stopteken by die kruising op die hoek van Leeuen Bauhiniastraat verontagsaam het, het so hard met ‘n ander voertuig gebots dat al twee motors afgeskryf moes word. Die Toyota was op pad in Bauhiniastraat, toe dit gebots het met ‘n klein bakkie wat besig was om vanuit Leeustraat in Bauhinia in te draai. Met ‘n Vangwa van die plaaslike polisie en nog ‘n bakkie het met mekaar gebots in die kruising by die slag is die hele agterste deel van die bakkie se die KFC in Groblerstraat.
Die impak van die ongeluk het veroorsaak dat die bakkie se hele onderstel agter losgeruk is.
onderstel uitgeruk. Niemand is ernstig beseer in die voorval nie. Slegs ‘n paar uur na dié voorval was daar ‘n soortgelyke ongeluk, weer by die berugte kruising voor die KFC op die hoek van Songozwi- en Groblerstraat. Hierdie keer het ‘n motoris wat vanuit ‘n westelike rigting in Songozwi opgery het, glo ‘n rooilig verontagsaam en met ‘n polisievangwa gebots wat in die teenoorgestelde rigting op pad was. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder konst. Irene Radzilane het by navraag gesê dat sy nie wil spekuleer oor die oorsaak van die ongeluk nie en eerder sal wag tot die ondersoek afgehandel is. Sy het bevestig dat daar in beide gevalle ‘n saak van nalatige en/of roekelose bestuur geopen is.
Die bestuurder van die Toyota bekyk die skade aan sy motor. Hy het glo die stopteken in Leeustraat verontagsaam en met ‘n ander voertuig gebots.
BUSINESS talk By Isabel Venter
Matman now offers range of new services One of the oldest businesses in Louis Trichardt has recently expanded its services. Matman, owned by Mr Martin Hoffmann, took on an exciting new challenge this year and branched out into the electrical and handyman trade. This new department will be known as Mayday Electric,
and is managed by handyman technician Pieter Nortjé. Their primary service will be the repair of all makes, models, shapes and sizes of electrical appliances. This includes anything from fridges, stoves and washing machines to dishwashers and many more. Apart from having a workshop
at Matman, where repairs are done, Mayday offers an excellent on-site service. They can come to the rescue and fix that broken stove or fridge at your home, saving their clients time and money. Mayday’s expertise, however, does not stop at repairs. They can also be contacted for maintenance on cold rooms, the supply and installation of new air conditioning units (home and vehicle), installation and repair of geysers and household plumbing. Furthermore, Mayday also offers general handyman services which include all kinds of steel work, building maintenance (leaking roofs for example) and general renovations in and around your home. It goes without saying that all these services are offered at very competitive and market-related tariffs. Mayday Electric will not charge a fee for call-outs in Louis Trichardt. Out-of-town call-outs will be charged a reasonable per-kilometre tariff. For more information on that unique service, or to book Pieter Nortjé (left) handyman and manager of Mayday that broken appliance’s service Electric, the new service department of Matman, which is appointment, Pieter can be contacted at 079 515 1768 or owned by Martin Hoffman (right). Matman at 015 51 5171.
New service or business in town? BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on new developments in the local business arena. To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us know of new developments regarding new businesses or services less than a year old.
Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the column free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel 015 516 4996/7.
In need of steel? Then M.E.S. Engineering and Steel is your local steel merchant to go to in Louis Trichardt. Apart from the selling of steel, the newly opened M.E.S Engineering also offers customers general engineering services, as well as manufacture of steel structures to customers’ specifications. For more information, phone Debbie Botha at Tel 082 300 0242 or visit them at Unit 1 in Industria Street. Pictured from left to right are the M.E.S. Louis Trichardt team Paul Clifford (general manager), Debbie en Dawie Botha.
13 Februarie 2015 3
By Isabel Venter
Murder accused again changes testimony Freddy Azwitamisi Tshikhudo (39), the accused in the infamous “hand case”, has changed his version of events for a third time. His murder trial started last week in the Louis Trichardt Circuit High Court. He is facing 12 criminal charges of violence, which include three counts of rape, two counts of kidnapping and one count of murder. Tshikhudo was accused of raping two victims after he was arrested for the violent death of Rumbidzai Manyere (36). He allegedly killed Manyere after also raping her. Her right arm, both eyes and private parts were cut off. Manyere’s death was brought to light when Tshikhudo allegedly tried to rob the Elti Café in Eltivillas with a severed human arm during April 2013. At the time of his arrest, Tshikhudo claimed that the owners of the café, Mr Musha Isap Ali Patel (64) and his wife, Ms Hasina Muska Patel (62), were part of the plot and owed him money for killing Manyere. The charges against the Patels were withdrawn when Tshikhudo later gave another statement that cleared them from any blame. The Patels were the first of the State’s 57 witnesses to testify in the criminal trial of Tshikhudo. Hasina testified in court that she was alone in the café when Tshikhudo entered, threatened her and demanded money. When she did not give him any money, he took a human arm from his jacket and slapped her through the face with it. Last week, however, Tshikhudo reverted to his original story. Tshikhudo stated, by means of his advocate, that Hasina was a liar and that it was she who retrieved the arm from a fridge and threatened him. This was Tshikhudo’s original version of events, which led to the arrest of the Patels in the first place. He retracted his statement shortly after his arrest, however, and the Patels were cleared of all charges. According to his advocate, Tshikhudo was waiting for food that he had ordered from Hasina,
Freddy Azwitamisi Tshikhudo, the sole accused in the “hand case” murder trial. His murder trial started last week in the Louis Trichardt Circuit High Court. He is facing 12 criminal charges of violence, which include three counts of rape, two counts of kidnapping and one count of murder.
and when he enquired why it was taking too long, she got the arm out of her fridge. Noticing the arm, Tshikhudo apparently got such a fright that he fainted. When he allegedly regained consciousness, he fell back on his training as security guard and, because he “luckily had a pair of handcuffs with him, he tied her [Hasina] up and screamed for help.” Hasina denied everything and insisted that Tshikhudo had attacked her. After her testimony, several members of the Makhado SAPS testified for the State about evidence they collected during their investigation of Tshikhudo. The investigating officer, detective Capt Ndou, testified that Tshikhudo first told the police that the Patels were his accomplices, and then later retracted this statement after he had shown the police where to find Manyere’s body in the thick bushes at the northern-most end of Celliers Street. After the court heard the evidence of the police officials, the case was postponed until this week. The case was to continue on Friday (today), and at the time of our going to press, there was a trial-within-a-trial to decide which forensic evidence would be submitted before the court. Hofnuus
Steyn deur hof gelas om gesteelde geld terug te betaal Die voormalige bestuurder van Steyn Staal op Louis Trichardt is beveel om die geld wat hy gesteel het terug te betaal. Jacques Steyn (34) het verlede Vrydag in die Louis Trichardt Distrikshof verskyn, waar hy skuldig gepleit het. Sy pleit was in terme van ‘n pleitooreenkoms en hy is dienooreenkomstig skuldig bevind op ‘n klag van diefstal. Steyn is aangekla, nadat dit aan die lig gekom het dat hy kliënte van Steyn Staal, toe hy daar werksaam was as bestuurder, bedrieg het en
nagenoeg R100 000 gesteel het. Steyn het vanaf 2011 tot 2013 sy van misbruik om kliënte onder die indruk te bring dat hy die eienaar is van Steyn Staal en het so geld verduister. Hy het rekeninge by ander plaaslike ondernemings oopgemaak en produkte vir eie gewin bestel. Sedert die kriminele klagte sowat ‘n jaar gelede teen Steyn gebring is, is hy nie meer by Steyn Staal werksaam nie. Hy het al by meer as een geleentheid in die hof verskyn, en het ook ‘n vertoë gerig aan die Direkteur van Openbare Vervolging om
die saak teen hom terug te trek. Hierdie vertoë is in Mei verlede jaar van die hand gewys. Die Staat was reg om met ‘n verhoor te begin, toe Steyn hulle genader het vir ‘n pleitooreenkoms. Steyn het vlugtig in die hof verskyn, waar die hof sy ooreenkoms aanvaar het. Hy is gevonnis tot vyf jaar gevangenisstraf wat vir vyf jaar opgeskort is. Hy is ook gelas om die R95 000 wat hy skuld terug te betaal aan Steyn Staal. Indien Steyn nie die geld betaal nie, sal sy tronkstraf in werking gestel word.
Actual products on offer may differ from visuals show as these are serving suggestions only. Hawkers and traders welcome, we reserve the right to limit quantities. E&OE
96 Grobler Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 1663 • Fax: 015 516 1625 • Cell: 084 461 4048 Trading hours: Mon: 09:00-18:00 • Tue-Fri: 08:00 - 18:00 • Sat: 08:00 - 15:00 • Sun: 09:00 - 12:30
Red Globe Grapes
1 x Robot Pepper Thriftpack, 1 x Lettuce Prepack, 1 x English Cucumber, 1 x Sweetcorn Prepack & 1 x Spanish Santé Tomato Prepack
1 x Gem Squash 2kg, 1 x Butternut 2kg, 1 x Onion Bag 2kg, 1 x Potato Bag 2kg & 1 x Carrot Bag 1kg
per kg
1 x Banana Thriftpack, 1 x Pineapple & 2 x Grape Tubs Assorted Nova Toilet Rolls 2 ply 9’s
3 for100
4 13 February 2015 Deur Isabel Venter
In Memoriam
Streek verloor pioniersfiguur Oom Joao Lombard, lid van ‘n bekende plaaslike pioniersfamilie en eienaar van die bekende Hengelaars Paradys by die Albasinidam, is Sondag in die ouderdom van 79 jaar in die hospitaal op Louis Trichardt oorlede. Hy is verlede Donderdag in die hospitaal opgeneem. ‘n Roudiens sal Maandag (16 Februarie) in die AP kerk in Louis Trichardt gehou word. Die diens begin om 10:30. ‘n Volledige huldeblyk sal aanstaande week in Zoutpansberger verskyn oor die merkwaardige oom Joao. Foto verskaf.
Unika Straat 81, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 2043
Die altyd betroubare
e l a i s Spe d o b n a a 500m rol drupperpyp
Gerugte van wat die naweek by ‘n atletiekbyeenkoms hier op Louis Trichardt gebeur het, het behoorlike die gemeenskap se hare laat rys. Die geleentheid was ‘n kringbyeenkoms wat gereël is deur die Departement van Basiese Onderwys vir skole in die Soutpansberg Oos-kring. Vir dié geleentheid is Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se sportveld in Ruhstraat, Triegiepark, gehuur deur die departement. Ouers moes met afgryse hoor hoe besoekende skole se leerlinge wild te kere gegaan het. Leerlinge is gevang terwyl hulle seks gehad het in badkamers, daar was ander wat dagga gerook het en heelwat wat hulleself in ‘n toestand in gedrink het. Daar was selfs gerugte dat dronk leerlinge handgemeen geraak het met Triegie-onderwysers wat hulle probeer bedwing het. Onderwysers van die ander skole wat teenwoordig was en veronderstel was om toesig te hou oor hulle studente, kon net hulpeloos staan en toekyk hoe die byeenkoms uitmekaar val. Die studente het begin oproerig word en velditems vir atlete ontwrig. Dinge het so handuitgeruk dat die hulp van die polisie en die Soutpansberg Dorpswag ingeroep moes word om die oproerige skare kinders onder beheer te kry. Die Zoutpansberger verneem dat Triegie-leerlinge saamgedrom het vir hul eie veiligheid, totdat die situasie ontlont is. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder konst. Irene Radzilane het vandeesweek bevestig dat die polisie hulle hande vol gehad het met die kinders. Daar is ook twee boetes uitgereik aan leerlinge wat buite Triegiepark gevang is; een vir drankgebruik en ‘n ander vir die rook van dagga. Geen klagte van aanranding is gelê vir ondersoek nie, en die skool het ook bevestig dat geen van hul onderwysers of leerlinge beseer is nie. Dit is nie die eerste keer dat Hoërskool Louis Trichardt die ongelukkige gasheer is vir dié jaarlikse kringbyeenkoms nie. Gedurende 2011 het die Zoutpansberger berig oor dieselfde byeenkoms wat net so buite beheer geraak het. Leerlinge van die besoekende skole was destyds so dronk gewees dat hulle voor motors ingehardloop het, en beide motoriste en voetgangers met vieslike woorde toegesnou het. Party mense is sommer met klippe gegooi. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, as ‘n voormalige model C-skool, is die enigste skool in die streek wat beskik oor al die nodige sportgeriewe en -toerusting om ‘n atletiekbyeenkoms van hierdie aard suksesvol aan te bied. Die skool het vandeesweek in geen onduide-
Mnr. Gideon Joubert, sportkomiteevoorsitter van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt.
Man in tronk omdat hy aasvoël wou eet
R958.74 (ing) per rol
Pryse solank voorraad hou
‘n Aasvoël het gesorg dat ‘n man agter tralies beland. Die 32-jarige Radzani Thavhulo van Kutama, wat op 12 Desember verlede jaar op die plaas Buffelspoort langs die Sandrivier vasgetrek is omdat hy ‘n aasvoël doodgemaak het, het verlede
Vrydag in die Louis Trichardt Distrikshof verskyn. Die hof het hom skuldig bevind dat hy ‘n aasvoël, ‘n bedreigde spesie, doodgemaak het. Thavhulo se verweer was dat hy die aasvoël doodgemaak het sodat hy dit later kon gaarmaak en
Visit and join
The New Volkswagen up! The New Volkswagen up! Please join us at Thompson’s Motors on Saturday the 14th of February 2015 and come and test drive the NewNew Volkswagen up! The Volkswagen up! Book a test drive 015 516 1338.
like terme gesê dat hulle die gedrag en optrede van die besoekende leerders ten sterkste afkeur. “Hoewel Hoërskool Louis Trichardt hulself geheel distansieer van die gebeure, ondersteun ons die departement in hul ondersoek en identifisering van skole wie se leerders by voorvalle betrokke was,” het die sportkomiteevoorsitter van die skool se beheerliggaam, mnr. Gideon Joubert, in ‘n persverklaring gesê. Joubert het bevestig dat die skool reeds van die skuldige skole geïdentifiseer het, en dat hulle deur die departement aanspreeklik gehou sal word vir hul leerlinge se dade. Verder het die skool reeds ‘n werksplan in werking gestel om te voorkom dat toekomstige sportgeleenthede van die departement nie weer ontaard nie. Dié werksplan het reeds vrugte afgewerp, want ‘n tweede kring-atletiekbyeenkoms wat Saterdag (7de) aangebied is by Triegies het rustig en sonder enige voorval verloop. “Leerders van alle skole se veiligheid en morele behoud is vir ons ‘n hoogste prioriteit en ons optrede en reaksie op wat gebeur het word daardeur geïnspireer,” het Joubert bygevoeg. Hy het verder ook gesê hoe trots die beheerliggaam was op al die Triegie-atlete wat hulleself met waardigheid gedra het en die skool se naam hoog gehou het. Joubert het ook, namens die skool, die polisie, ouers en onderwysers bedank vir hul ondersteuning en optrede en die skool bygestaan het op die dag. Die streeksbestuurder van die Soutpansber Ooskring, mnr. Falaza Baloyi, is genader vir kommentaar rakende die ondersoek, maar kon teen druktyd nog geen nadere besonderhede bekendmaak nie.
VisitIt’s Meet the New Volkswagen up! a car and thatjoin take you places. Pretty
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12mm 2l/h 600mm spasiëring 1mm wanddikte
Polisie moet help om kinders in toom te hou
eet. Dit is nie bekend watter tipe spesie aasvoël hy gejag het nie, maar die meeste aasvoëls word gelys as beskermd op die Rooi Data lys van bedreigde spesies. Thavhulo is gevonnis tot ses maande direkte gevangenisstraf.
The New Volkswagen up! The car that takes you places.
The New Volkswagen up! The car that takes you places.
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13 Februarie 2015 5
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6 13 February 2015 LiN Nuus / Noordelike Nuus
Boere skop teen besluit om CoAL se Vele-myn te vergroot
Een van Louis Trichardt se oudste inwoners, tannie Bets de Kock, is verlede Dinsdag (4 Februarie) ná ‘n twee-maande-lange siekbed oorlede. Dié foto is geneem tydens die viering van haar 99ste verjaardag op 3 November verlede jaar. Sy was die afgelope twee dekades ‘n inwoner van Laat Lente, waar sy tot haar siekte nog heeltemal selfonderhoudend was. Wyle tannie Bets word oorleef deur haar enigste dogter, Betty, en skoonsuster Joey, asook ses kleinkinders, 13 agterkleinkinders en vier agter-agterkleinkinders. ‘n Roudiens vir haar vind op 14 Februarie vanaf 12:00 vanuit die Shammah-gemeente in Rissikstraat (ou PPK Kerk) plaas. Die familie het almal bedank vir hul oproepe, SMS’e en woorde van vertroosting in hul tyd van hartseer.
Die Vhembe-minerale hulpbronne forum vir geaffekteerde partye (VMRSF) het verlede week gewaarsku dat hy die omgewingsgoedkeuring vir Coal of Africa Limited (CoAL) se Vele-myn naby die Mapungubwe wêrelderfenisgebied gaan teenstaan. Dit volg nadat die adjunk-direkteur-generaal van omgewingsake, mnr. Ishaam Abader, aan CoAL toestemming gegee het om die Vele-myn se voetspoor vyfvoudig te vergroot. Netwerk 24 berig CoAL het tot dusver ‘n stuk grond van 109,12 ha (280 rugbyvelde) ontbos deur hoofsaaklik inheemse mopaniwoud op die oewer van die Limpoporivier uit te kap. Nou mag die maatskappy die myn se voetspoor uitbrei na 499,7 ha (1 000 rugbyvelde). Die VMRSF, wat uit kommersiële boere, sakelui en tradisionele owerhede in die Vhembe-distrik bestaan, sê dit is baie duidelik dat die lede van die forum se belange nadelig beïnvloed gaan word en etlike omgewingsregsbeginsels oortree is deur die goedkeuring. “Die forum gaan daarom appelleer teen die goedkeuring,” het ‘n woordvoerder, James Hayes, aan LiN Nuus gesê. ‘n Onlangse besoek deur ‘n groep kundiges wat die impak van CoAL se bedrywighede op die Vhembe-distrik ondersoek, het bevestig wat VMRSF se voorsitter, mnr. Philé van Zyl van ZZ2, reeds verlede jaar gesê het. Een van hierdie kundiges, mnr. David van Wyk van die Benchmarks Foundation (BMF), wat aan die Universiteit van Noordwes verbonde is, voorsien dat die Vele-myn ‘n negatiewe impak op beide
die kwaliteit en beskikbaarheid van water sal hê. Inwoners van die omgewing is ook, volgens Van Wyk, bekommerd oor die negatiewe impak wat CoAL se bedrywighede op werksgeleenthede in die landbousektor gaan hê. Van Wyk het aan die Zoutpansberger gesê mense is met reg bekommerd. Hy voorspel dat die myn dalk ‘n paar honderd
werksgeleenthede sal skep, terwyl steenkool gemyn word, maar op die einde niks meer as vernietiging sal nalaat nie. Van Zyl het vroeër gesê dat sowat 300 boere wat jaarliks 10 000 ha besproei deur CoAL se mynplanne in die Vhembe gebied geaffekteer word. Hierdie boere se gesamentlike produksie beloop sowat R1,5 miljard en hulle voorsien werk aan meer as 12 000 mense.
Hulle is steeds aan die presteer Hierdie jong leerlinge van Louis Trichardt is steeds aan die presteer. Hulle is almal gekies as lede van Pieterburg Hoërskool, waar hulle tans hulle hoërskoolloopbaan voltooi, se Verteenwoordigende Leerder Raad (VLR). Van links na regs is Dewald Stroebel, Alida du Preez, André du Preez, Chris van Wyk, André Viljoen en Roy Steward. Foto verskaf.
13 Februarie 2015 7
Nature Conservation
Local research to help manage trophy hunting Leopards are one of South Africa’s most iconic species, and for many landowners living in Limpopo Province they are part of everyday life. “Yet leopards are one of the most persecuted large cats in the world, and this year their conservation status is expected to be upgraded from Least Concern to Near Threatened in the Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. Due to their elusive nature, however, there is very little information on leopard population numbers and trends. Consequently, management practices and the viability of their commercial use is often poorly informed,” said Ms Katy Williams of the Primate and Predator Project. To help advise sustainable hunting and management policies for leopards, the South African government reached out to researchers and conservationists for information about leopard populations across Limpopo Province. The Limpopo Leopard Project was created from a partnership between Panthera, the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET). Six study sites were set up across the province to monitor leopard numbers, using camera traps. In 2014, the Primate and Predator Project, led by scientists from Durham University in the United Kingdom and based at Lajuma Research Centre, joined this collaboration and provided a seventh study site in the Soutpansberg Mountains. Each study area is monitored for approximately two months each year over a 10-year period to determine leopard population densities and trends. Data collected by the Limpopo Leopard Project is used to develop sustainable and scientifically grounded approaches to managing trophy hunting. “As a result of this research, the government has implemented a new leopard trophy hunting system, which comes into effect from 2015. Some important features of the new hunting system include the adoption of
hunting zones based on estimated leopard density and the implementation of a male-only hunting policy,” said Williams. As part of this collaboration, the Primate and Predator Project established a 220 km² camera trapping grid which spanned privately owned land on the western end of the Soutpansberg Mountains. For 48 days in 2014, these cameras continually recorded leopard activity. Thirty-eight individual leopards were photographed on 182 occasions. The majority of leopards photographed were females (21). Only six males were photographed and 11 leopards were of unknown sex. Males have significantly larger ranging patterns than females, which accounts for this discrepancy. By individually identifying leopards, using their unique coat patterns, and monitoring where and when they are recorded on the cameras, preliminary analyses suggest that the leopard population in the western Soutpansberg Dr Sam Williams, a member of the Primate and Predator Project based at Lajuma Research is over 6 leopards per 100 km². “The population estimate in the western Sout- Centre, busy setting up a camera trap for leopards. Photos: Katy Williams. pansberg is fairly good in comparison to many other areas, so the mountains appear to be very important for leopard conservation. However, this density is lower than previous estimates from this area, with more than 10 leopards per 100 km² reported in 2008. The Primate and Predator Project is exploring whether this may be because leopard numbers are declining or whether it results from a change in the size of the area surveyed between years,” said Williams. The Primate and Predator Project is extremely grateful to all the landowners who were involved in this important study and allowed us access to their properties. The 2015 survey started on 10 February, thanks to continued support by local landowners. For more information about this research within the Soutpansberg Mountains, contact Katy Williams by email at email primate.predator@
8 13 February 2015
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, Sondae History Makers om 17:00. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past John Struwig (083 400 2511) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruh Street 25, Sunday services 10:00 & 18:00, adult Bible class at 09:15 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, kontak Riaan Britz, Tel: 082 969 3089 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956
Louis Trichardt
Friday, 13 February Turning sunny and nice.
High: 29oC Low: 17oC Saturday, 14 February
• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937
Sunday, 15 February
High: 30oC Low: 18oC
High: 28 C Low: 15 C o
Monday, 16 February
• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinderen kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Randall (072 207 8350), ds. Johann Fourie (082 737 2801), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902.
High: 29oC Low: 18oC
• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to New churches welcome.
Die AGS Charisma-gemeente in Louis Trichardt bied op Vrydag, 13 Februarie, ‘n Valentynsdag piekniek aan op hul perseel te Munnikstraat 70 vanaf 18:30. Toegang beloop R130 per paartjie en die kerkkantoor kan geskakel word by 015 516 0486 vir meer inligting.
Partly sunny.
Tuesday, 17 February A thunderstorm in the area.
High: 26oC Low: 17oC Wednesday, 18 February Sun and clouds with a thunderstorm.
High: 25oC Low: 16oC (Source:
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2015. Please send the details to, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www.
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
Berry Festival will be held on the weekend of 14 and 15 February. Magoebaskloof will once again become a centre for all things berry. “Come pick your own berries at one of the participating farms, browse local products in the village market or join us for a range of other exciting activities in the area!” invite the organisers. The festival promises lots of activities to keep the entire family busy. Parents can relax at one of the many participating restaurants and take in the sights. Kids can take part in competitions and learn how to pick berries. “Come down to the Village Market and explore the local products on offer. Whether it’s fresh farm produce, second-hand books or homemade cakes, you’re sure to find something unique here,” say the organisers. For more information, visit www.berryfestival. or phone Linda Miller at 082 575 5738.
February, the St. Mark’s Anglican Church in Louis Trichardt will host a pancake evening, better known as Shrove Tuesday, commencing at 17:30 at the church. This will form part of the church’s annual fundraising efforts. Shrove Tuesday occurs the first Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It officially ends the season of Epiphany and is the vigil for the starting of Lent. (Contd on P9)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 9 February. DAMVLAKKE 09/02/2015 02/02/2015
vetkoek en jaffels is Vrydagaand (13 Februarie) die hoofdis op die spyskaart van die gewilde Dopperkuierkafee van die Gereformeerde Kerk op Louis Trichardt. Vetkoek-en-vleis word teen R20 verkoop, terwyl daar ook “skoon” vetkoek (R10), jaffels (R20), russian en skyfies (R20), skyfies (R10) en pannekoek (R3) beskikbaar is. Bestel vroegtydig by 084 304 4764, aangesien geregte slegs op bestelling gemaak word.
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
93.8% 94% 98.6% 97.7% 102.9% 102% 102.7% 102% 80.3% 80.3% 44.4% 44.9% 100.9% 100% 73.3% 74.5% 77.7% 78.1% 89.2% 88.8% 80.2% 79.4% 92.5% 92.3%
• VALENTINES DANCE IN MUSINA Messina Primary School invites one and
all for an evening of fun during their planned Valentines dance on 14 February. The dance will start at 18:30 at the Agricultural Hall in Musina and tickets cost R60 per adult and R40 for school going children. A cash bar will be available, as well as a tuck shop.
WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2015. Stuur besonderhede na, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by
“Come and dance the night away with your valentine!” invites the school. Tickets are available at the school. • BARK FOR LIFE Pet owners can enter the CANSA Bark for Life event on 14 February. The event will take place at Makhado Crossing in Louis Trichardt. For more information, see ad on P9.
A thunderstorm in the area.
• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081
• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324
Mostly sunny and pleasant.
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot • WEEKLIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek sal elke Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooi- van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht mark by Makhado Crossing in Louis Trichardt geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie gehou word. Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in 082 921 6110. die sentrum by 015 516 5749. • BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CEN• AA BYEEN Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) TER The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis Trichardt holds multi-faith devotionals every vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Metodiste Kerk te Munnikstraat 79 in Louis Trichardt Thursdays from 19:30. All are welcome. en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het om die “O Children of Men! Know ye not why We vergadering by te woon, is welkom. created you all from the same dust? That no one Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf should exalt himself over the other.” 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel For more information phone 015 518 4154. Jannie by tel. 079 300 6876. • LEKKER KUIER UUR Soutpans• VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die berg Info & Tourism, in samewerking met Purple Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand Olive, nooi almal uit om elke Donderdagaand van 18:00 tot 19:00 by Imperial GM in Louis van 18:00 tot 19:00 saam met hulle te kom kuier. Trichardt bymekaar. Die doel van die kuiersessies is om mense Alle vroue, jonk en oud, is welkom en vir saam te bring en bewus te maak van geleenthede meer inligting, skakel Madelyn Stoltz by 083 422 in die Soutpansberg area wat hulle saam kan 5248. verken. • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die • AAND VAN SPONTANE AANManne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom BIDDING Shammah Bedieninge in Louis elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean BasTrichardt nooi die gemeenskap uit om elke eerste ket in Songozwistraat byeen. Dinsdag van die maand vanaf 19:00 ‘n aand van Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 spontane aanbidding in ‘n Geesgevulde aanbid451 4249 geskakel word. dingsatmosfeer saam met hulle te ervaar. Vir meer inligting, skakel past. Strydom by 082 7850 265. • LOSGOEDWINKEL In ‘n poging om behoeftige gesinne se nood te help verlig, nooi die NG Kerk Soutpansberg alle inwoners om (Seven-day forecast) ‘n draai te maak by hul tweedehandse klere- en losgoedwinkel. Thursday, 12 February Die winkeltjie is geleë op die kerkterrein op Mostly sunny and nice. die hoek van Stubbs- en Andersonstraat. Inwoners kan daar gaan rondkrap vir ‘n winskopie, High: 28oC Low: 16oC of om klerasie aan te skaf. Die winkel is elke Woensdag vanaf 11:00 tot 14:00 oop.
• Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.
• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
* Means latest available data
16DLSV ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 10:00,12:30,15:15,18:00,20:15,22:30 Sun,Tue: 10:00,12:30,15:15,18:00,20:15 Mon,Wed: 12:30,15:15,18:00,20:15 Thu: 12:30,15:15,18:00,20:15
THE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE: SPONGE OUT OF WATER PGV ˛ Fri-Sun: 9:45,12:00,14:45,17:30 Mon,Wed: 12:00,14:45,17:30 Tue: 9:45,12:00,14:45,17:30 Thu: 12:00,14:45,17:30
13LV Fri,Sat: 17:00,19:30,22:15 Sun-Thu: 17:00,19:30
SELMA 13LVP Fri,Sat: 19:45,22:30 Sun-Thu: 19:45
MOOIRIVIER PG Fri-Sun: 9:30,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30 Mon,Wed: 12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30 Tue: 9:30,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30 Thu: 12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30
Fri,Sat: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45 Sun,Mon: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Tue: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Wed,Thu: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00
13LSD ¸ ˛ Fri,Sat: 9:15,11:45,14:15,17:00,19:45,22:30 Sun,Tue: 9:15,11:45,14:15,17:00,19:45 Mon,Wed: 11:45,14:15,17:00,19:45 Thu: 11:45,14:15,17:00,19:45
PG Fri-Sun: 9:00,11:30,14:00 Mon,Wed: 11:30,14:00 Tue: 9:00,11:30,14:00 Thu: 11:30,14:00
Follow us
• SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 / 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
13 Februarie 2015 9
CALENDAR / WHAT’S ON? KALENDER / WAT GEBEUR? (Contd from P8) The name “Shrove Tuesday” is derived from the word “shrive”, which means to confess and receive absolution. The name denotes a period of cleansing, wherein a person brings their lusts and appetites under subjection through abstention and self-sacrifice. For more information, phone Rev. Robbie Novella at Tel 083 400 6152.
The Emmanuel Christian Church in Louis Trichardt invites one and all to their Realms of Glory Holy Spirit Conference from 19 to 22 February. The conference will be hosted by Pastor J P Bekker, starting at 18:30 on the Thursday. For more information and the programme, phone the church office at Tel 015 517 4282.
Soutpansberg Astronomy Club will host their next stargazing evening on Saturday, 21 February, from 19:00 onwards. The gigantic gas planet Jupiter was at opposition earlier in the month and thus is still well positioned for observing. A shadow transit of Europa, one of the four Galilean Moons, will be visible early in the evening. Europa’s shadow begins to cross Jupiter at 18:54 (SAST). Other targets will be M42, The Great Orion Nebula as well as the Trapezium, M1, the famous supernova remnant known as the Crab Nebula and the Eta Carinae Nebula. For more information, contact Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or at
• GRATIS GEHOORTOETSE Die streek se senior burgers sal op 23 Februarie weer die geleentheid kry om hul gehoor gratis te laat toets. Dié gratis gehoortoetse word aangebied deur Adlab. Persone wat graag hul gehoor wil laat toets, moet egter so spoedig moontlik vir Larchelle (083 750 2587) of Colin (082 565 7180) skakel vir ‘n afspraak. Die toetse word gedoen by die kantore van die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal se spesialiste te 76 Celliersstraat (dr. Roos se spreekkamer) in Louis Trichardt. • TRIEGIES HOU SOMERKONSERT Laerskool Louis Trichardt sal op
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
siek wat om 20:00 afskop tot laat. Kaartjies kos R150 per volwassene, R100 per hoërskoolleerling en R80 vir laerskoolleerlinge. Vir navrae en kaartjies, skakel Hannes by 073 257 8673 of Shalene by 079 522 5322. • VORIES-SPELETJIESDAG Die Generaal Piet Joubert Voortrekkerkommando in Louis Trichardt bied op 20 Maart vanaf 14:00 ‘n opwindende speletjiesdag aan vir almal wat jonk van gees is. Die aktiwiteite vind plaas op die voortrekkerterrein in Songozwistraat. “Die speletjies sal pret wees en sommige sal julle nog nooit van gehoor het nie, so nuut en ‘anders’ is dit!” sê die Vories. Toegang kos R5 per persoon en R2 per speletjie waaraan deelgeneem word. Heerlike verversings sal te koop aangebied word. Verrigtinge eindig om 18:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tina Fisser by tel. 084 516 1618 of 015 516 2698.
Vir dié wat wil oorslaap, sal daar ook geriewe (op bespreking) beskikbaar wees. Vir meer inligting of om in te skryf, kan lesers die webblad besoek.
open category for males and females between 14 and 30 years. Males and females of all ages can also compete in the 3 000 m swim, as well as the 500 m “fun” course. The entry fee for the 3 000 m and mile swim is R115 for online entries or R130 on the day of • MOTHS BOWLS FUN DAY the race. The MOTHs from the Turbi Hills Shellhole in There is a family discount of R105 for three or Louis Trichardt invite one and all to their bowls more family members participating. Participation fun day on 21 February at the Louis Trichardt in the 500 m event costs R80. Bowls Club. For more details, visit www.rotaryhaenertsThe format of play will be “fours” and Entry forms are available at www. nesses are invited to enter teams of four people at an entry fee of R1 000 per team. Registration will take place from 08:30 and snacks and lunch will be provided. Braai packs will also be sold for the evening and a cash bar • BEJA BABER BONANZA will be available. Prysgeld van R20 000 vir die swaarste baber is For more information, phone Alan at 083 660 te wen in die senior-afdeling van die NG Kerk 2472 or Ben at 084 505 3663. Levubu gemeente se Beja Baber Bonanza op 25 • JAARLIKSE LEEULOOP Dit is en 26 April by die Albasinidam. Ander prysgeld in die senior-afdeling sluit in weer tyd vir Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se gewilde jaarlikse Leeuloop Pretloop op Woensdag, 25 R3 000 elk vir onderskeidelik die swaarste kurper, swaarste karp en swaarste swartbaars. Februarie, vanaf 18:00. Die juniors kan ook nader staan, want in Die pretloop vind plaas by Leeupark (die • VROUEKAMP Louis Trichardt se hierdie afdeling is R5 000 te wen vir die swaarste Vroue van die Woord sal die naweek van 17 tot hoërskool se atletiekveld) en deelname kos R15 per persoon vir die 4 km en R30 per persoon vir baber en R2 000 elk vir onderskeidelik die 19 April gasheer speel vir ‘n vrouekamp by die swaarste kurper, swaarste karp en swaarste die 8 km. Corma Deo Gasteplaas. “Kom draf of stap saam met jou klub, vriende, swartbaars. Die tema van die kamp sal wees “Afspraak Die twee-dag kompetisie duur op 25 April familie of kollegas,” nooi die skool. Diegene wat met die Vader” met Sarina Briedenhann as van 07:00 tot 16:00 en op 26 April van 07:00 tot spreker. Hoërskoolmeisies is ook welkom om die nie draf of stap nie, kan bloot net aandete kom 12:00. Daar kan egter reeds op die 24ste vanaf kamp by te woon. koop en die skool ondersteun. 12:00 by die Beja Hengelparadys ingeskryf word. Vir besprekings of meer inligting, kontak Daar sal medaljes wees vir die eerste 500 Deelname kos R250 per volwassene (boot of Madelyn of Sarah by 083 442 5248 of 084 409 atlete asook baie pryse en trekpryse. oewer) en R100 vir juniors. ‘n Naweekfooi van 8036 of alternatiewelik per e-pos by vvdwlt@ “Kom wees deel van die Leeu-plesier,” sê die R50 per persoon of R30 per persoon vir skool. besoekers is betaalbaar. Toegang vir laerskool-
Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Louis Trichardt hou op 29 Mei vanaf 08:00 ‘n mini-verkoping op hul voorstoep. Heerlike pannekoek, worsbroodjies, tuisgemaakte konfyt en moderne handgemaakte hekel-, brei- en naaldwerk sal verkoop word. “Gemeenskap, kom wees asseblief betrokke by Ons Tuiste se belange. Ons maak staat op julle!” nooi die ouetehuis se inwoners. Bestellings vir pannekoek en worsbroodjies kan geplaas word vir aflewering. Koop twee pannekoeke en kry koffie of tee gratis. Vir navrae, skakel Ons Tuiste by tel. 015 516 0997.
Die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub hou eersdaags weer hul gewilde aandreekse. Alle besighede wat bietjie span wil bou, word uitgenooi om in te skryf en nader kennis te maak met die sportsoort. Deelname kos R500 per span en houte sal beskikbaar wees. Die eerste wedstryde vind op 6 Maart plaas en daarna elke Vrydagaand (vanaf 17:30) tot en met 27 Maart. Braaipakkies sal ook elke Vrydagaand verkoop word teen R30 per persoon en pap en sous sal voorsien word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Ben Groenewald (084 505 3663), Kittie de Bruin (082 856 9047) of Mariè Volschenk (084 500 2453).
Woensdag, 25 Februarie, ‘n somerkonsert aanbied. Die konsert sal om 18:00 in die skoolsaal begin en toegangsgeld beloop R25 per volwassene en hoërskoolleerling en is gratis vir laerskoolleerlinge. • HOLLARD DAREDEVIL RUN Belangstellendes en ander plaaslike kunsteFor the first time ever, the Hollard Daredevil Run naars wat belangstel om deel te neem aan die is making its way to the Soutpansberg. konsert kan met Annelle Pauer skakel by 071 “We challenge all men to join us in this fun 334 0447. run to fight cancer,” invite the organisers. • VORIES HOU GEMEENMen will jog from the bowls club in Anderson SKAPSMARK ‘n Groot hoeveelheid lek- Street to Joubert Street, then to Krogh Street, ker eetgoed, snuisterye en ander interessanthede back to Stubbs Street towards Rivier Street and sal op 27 en 28 Februarie te koop wees tydens circle back to Rivier by means of Louis Botha die Generaal Piet Joubert Voortrekkerkommando and finish in Stubbs. se Louis Trichardt gemeenskapmark. The catch? Participants will have to complete Uitstalruimte kos R35 per dag of R60 vir al the run in nothing but a speedo, during peak twee dae. Die mark duur die 27ste vanaf 08:00 traffic time (16:00 until 16:30) on Friday, 13 tot 17:00 en die 28ste vanaf 08:00 tot 13:00. February. “Vir die kinders gaan daar speletjies aangebied Entries will close on 12 February at 12:00 word om hulle besig te hou. Onthou, almal is to afford the organisers time to order the race welkom, selfs klein entrepreneurs.” speedos for every entrant. The entrance fee is Om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek of vir meer inligR150 per runner, which includes the cost of the ting, skakel Rina Eybers by tel. 083 929 7730. speedo. Late entries will be accepted at R50 per runner, but they will have to run in their own • KANSA SHAVATHON Die Kanspeedo then. sa-tak in Louis Trichardt nooi inwoners uit om Entries can be submitted online at www.cansa. hul Shavathon te ondersteun. or by contacting Nicky 084 600 0679. Hulle skeerspanne sal op Saterdag, 28 Februarie, en Sondag, 1 Maart, by Makhado • FIETSRYERS TOETS TYE OP Crossing gereed staan. “As jy braaf is, kan jy TSHIPISE Februarie is nie net ‘n maand vir jou kop laat kaal skeer vir kanker, andersins kan paartjies nie, maar nou ook vir die gesin. jy ‘n kleurvolle patrone of strepies op jou hare Die P&L Hardeware Fietsryklub, in samewlaat verf. Geld wat ingesamel word, sal gaan aan erking met Tshipise Forever Resort, nooi alle Kansa wat dit sal gebruik vir kankernavorsing en fietsryers uit om deel te neem aan die Limpopo –bewusmaking” sê die Kansa-span. Provinsiale Padkampioenskappe en tydtoets op 21 en 22 Februarie. Daar sal op 21 Februarie ‘n padfiets-wedren wees wat beslis sal word oor 100 km, 50 km en • KUIER SAAM MET DIE 15 km (inskrywing R200, R100 en R40 onderCAMPBELLS Die CVO Skool Zoutpans- skeidelik). Die volgende dag sal daar ook ‘n bergfiets-wedren wees oor 50 km, 25 km en 10 berg buite Louis Trichardt nooi inwoners na ‘n lekker Country-ete en dans met die Campbells as km (R120, R75 en R40). “Bring die hele gesing vir ‘n bietjie pret onder gaskunstenaars op 7 Maart. die son,” is die organiseerders se uitnodiging. Die ete begin om 18:30, met die dans en mu-
• MUNNIK MEERKAT MTB CHALLENGE Good news for the region’s
mountain bike cyclists is that the annual Munnik Meerkat MTB Challenge, presented by Castle Lite, is around the corner once more. This year, the popular race will take place on 21 March and will serve as a qualifying race for Limpopo colours. A day-license fee of R35 is only payable if cyclists do not hold a valid CSA license. Once again, Pietersburg Rotary Club 100 will be catering for the event and will start serving food from 06:00 and SA Breweries will be hosting a small beer garden throughout the day. As usual, two mountain bikes are up for grabs in a raffle (one men’s and one ladies’ bike). This race is affiliated to the P&L Cycle Club in Louis Trichardt and Johan van Dijkhorst is once again the race organiser. Race Time will be doing the official timing of the event. The starting time for the gruelling 70km race (R200 entry fee) is 07:00, with riders setting off at 07:30 in the 35km race (entry fee R120). The starting time for the 10km race (entry fee R60) is 08:00. Visit to enter online until 16 March. For more information, phone Felicity Oldreive (083 450 2003), Charlotte Knott (082 456 3097), Lisa Ivy (015 397 4450) or Johan van Dijkhorst (082 740 8740).
The region’s swimmers can start preparing themselves for the annual Ebenezer Mile on Saturday, 21 March. This popular annual open-water swim has been hosted by the Haenertsburg Rotary Club at the Mountain Yacht Club for the past 13 years. In the mile swim (1 600m), there are separate categories for males and females of 13 years and younger and 31 years and older, as well as an
kinders is egter beide dae gratis. Vir meer inligting oor inskrywings, reëls of kampeerfooi, skakel Mykie Vosloo by tel. 084 483 0341 of stuur ‘n e-pos na mykievos@gmail. com
MOTHs in Louis Trichardt will soon be hosting their every popular annual Turbi Hills MTB Race, on 23 May. The Ridgeway Independent School will again play host to this event, with registration taking place from 06:30 until 07:30 on the day of the race. The first race starts at 08:00 and cyclists will be able to compete in the 50km, 30km or 8km race. A kiddies’ race for the very young is also on the cards. For more information, phone Alan Odendaal at Tel 083 660 2472.
BARK Contact: Jannie - 076 501 8285 FOR 24/7 LIFE or Makweta 082 063 7500 Levubu / LouisSaturday Trichardt Registration / Thohoyandou ±2km run for 14 February
starts at 9:15
Saturday 14 February Saturday Saturday 14 February
14 February
Registration ±2km run for starts at 9:15 dogs Registration ±2km ±2km run forrun for Registration Come join us at Activities include: Pooch prizes: starts at 9:15 Makhado Crossing dogs o o o
starts at 9:15 for a day filled with
Zumba Colouring for the kids Crossfit
dogs o o
fun activities! Help us in the fight against cancer by bringing your pooch on a lead for a bit of a run.
Best dressed Funniest looking dog Best tricks
ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: • Zumba • Colouring for the kids • Crossfit For more info call: Dirk on 0827893927 For more info call Dirk on 0827893927
The Relay starts at 10:00. Fee: R50
Come join us at Makhado Crossing for a day filled with fun activities! Help us Come join us at Activitiesfi include: Pooch prizes: in the ght against cancer by bringing Makhado Crossing for a day Come joinfilled us at with Activities include: Pooch your pooch on aMakhado lead for a bit of aprizes: run. CrossingHelp fun activities! o Zumba o Colouring for the kids oo Zumba Crossfit o Colouring for the kids o Crossfit For more info call
o o
Best dressed Funniest looking dog o Best o dressed Best tricks o Funniest looking dog starts The Relay o Best tricks
for a us dayinfilled with the fight
Come joinbyus at funagainst activities! Help cancer Activities include: PRIZES: POOCH Best dressed Pooch prizes: us in the•fight Makhado Crossing bringing your pooch
at 10:00.
against cancer bybit of with on afor lead a for day afilled Dirk on Relay starts •ForFunniest looking dog • BestThetricks more info call bringing your pooch Fee: R50 0827893927 run. at 10:00. funa activities! Help o o
Zumba Colouring for the kids on oDirk Crossfit
o o
Best dressed Funniest looking dog Best tricks
The Relay starts at 10:00 • Fee: R50 against cancer by 0827893927
For more info call Dirk on 0827893927
on a lead for a bit of us in the fight a run.
Fee: R50 o
bringing your pooch on a lead for a bit of a run.
The CANSA Relay for Life team is planning something exciting for 13 February 2015. More information to follow soon, in the meanwhile check out to see what is in store!
The Relay starts at 10:00. Fee: R50
Check out
Check out
The CANSA Relay for Life team is planning something exciting for 13 February 2015.
More Relay information to follow in the meanwhile check out The CANSA for Life teamsoon, is planning something exciting for Check out to see what is in store.
13 February 2015.
More information to follow soon, in the meanwhile check out to see what is in store.
10 13 February 2015 Astronomy
Sponsorships needed for own observatory
Die gewilde Dopperontbyt het weer Saterdagoggend op Louis Trichardt plaasgevind en heelwat inwoners van die gebied het aan die heerlike geregte gesmul. In hierdie foto is Emmie en Len Cloete, bekende inwoners van Levubu, aan’t smul aan hulle ontbyt. Foto verskaf.
‘n Skoolhoof het ook ‘n deeglike ontbyt nodig ... Elsje en Louis Linde (hoof van Laerskool Louis Trichardt) by die Dopperontbyt van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt op Saterdag, 7 Februarie. Foto verskaf. Advertorial
Over a decade ago, the Soutpansberg Astro rial to replacing aging equipment, or donating a nomy Club (SAC) committee and members monetary amount,” says Coronaios. Individuals decided that the club would no longer charge or companies interested in sponsoring this project an entry fee or annual subscriptions. can contact Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or at During this time, the SAC has had a long stand- for further information. ing relationship with outreach in the region and is “This is the ideal opportunity for a main sponsor looking to upgrade and repair equipment that has to be associated with astronomy-related education been in use for a number of years and now needs and outreach in the region as well as having a say maintenance and servicing. “The SAC is also in naming the observatory,” says Coronaios. looking into building an observatory to be used for its activities, which will include outreach to the public and schools. The observatory will offer a permanent site for at least four telescopes as well as other astronomy-related equipment,” says Mr Kos Coronaios of the SAC in Louis Trichardt. Measuring 4m x 3m, with a sliding roof, the observatory will also be used for scientific observations such as nova searches, double and variable star observations, occultations BergCare in Louis Trichardt het ‘n baie welkome skenking van of stars and planets, as R44 000 ontvang vanaf Zumba Fitness with Armando. Die geld is well as the ASSA Near ingesamel tydens die hou van Zumba Fitness se Zumba Fun-a-Thon Earth Object initiative verlede jaar, wat baie suksesvol afgeloop het. Die organiseerders van (NEO Watch), amongst die Fun-a-Thon het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor elke persoon, groep, others. “Sponsorship besigheid en instansie wat die projek ondersteun het. Hulle sê hulle is, however, urgently sien uit na hul volgende projek. Afgeneem tydens die oorhandiging is required and would be voor, van links na regs, Charmaine Botha (Zumba Fitness) en Eldine greatly appreciated. Peli (maatskaplike werkster). Agter is Armando de Bianco (Zumba This can take any form, Fitness) en Andries Smal (voorsitter van Bergcare). Foto verskaf. from supplying mate-
The risk is further increased when processors are new to the market and lack experience, or if they are only exposed to one market be it by region or type of product. This is where Mayo Macs can become a smart partner for any grower. They have been established since 1999, consolidating nuts for both the kernel and nut-in-shell (NIS) market. In the Levubu area, Mayo Macs have also been established for a number of years and are focused on providing farmers in the area with a quality service. They are currently finalizing construction on a new receiving depot with an 84 ton capacity. This depot will be ready to receive nuts by mid-February 2015 for transhipment to Mayo’s processing plants and consolidating units closer to the ports. “Mayo Macs offers many benefits to mitigate the grower’s risk and ensure them a sustainable market,” says Muller. He further added that the Chinese NIS market, even though it offers price benefits that should be taken advantage of, also comes with a a number of risks. In a worst case scenario, if demand from the Chinese market decreases sharply, there will be no market to absorb the surplus nut-in-shell (NIS). This means that farmers will have to rely on other local and European markets, which are predominantly kernel markets and hence the nuts would have to be cracked. In order to mitigate this risk, one’s processor needs to have the capacity, if needed, to crack its entire crop in order to have a saleable product.
Mayo Macs delivers the ve price, processor expertise, have a supply foot in every market,chain. traditional Own “We the and new,” says Muller. extension services. Becom Owning thedelivers supply chain, can become avery reality Mayo Macs the best toMacs farmers in and own Mayo today with Mayo Macs, will bring about transparency; critical in building trust between growers, sustainability, and price, processor expertise, Macadamias. processors and the marketers. As shareholders, extension services. aContact shareholder of Mayo Mac grower shareholdersBecome are entitled to us today! scrutinize the financial statements, and manageMayo Macs today and own an exciting future in ment processes, which ensures transparency and ultimately trust. Macadamias. Growers/shareholders also become part and
parcel of the decision making structures as well as partaking in any strategy decisions by means of board participation. Invitation to Levubu macadamia farmers Levubu macadamia farmers have been invited to become a shareholder in Mayo Macs, and in doing so, an exciting sustainable future. In addition to the financial benefits of being a grower shareholder, growers will also gain from the group’s expertise, geographical risk distribution, Famers invited to own and grower extension services. the supply chain “This is an excellent opportunity for the macaFurthermore, by becoming a shareholder in damia growers in the Levubu area,” said Muller. email: Mayo Macs, farmers can buy into the supply chain, which will have them rest assured that Growers who would like more information there will always be a market for their produce. can email
1870 Media Matters
The macadamia nut industry is a complex one with unique challenges. Thus it is vital for processors to understand these challenges in order to protect farmers. Currently, says Mr Piet Muller a farmer and shareholder of the processor Mayo Macs, the macadamia market is booming due to substantial exports into the Chinese market. However, this makes it easy, he explained, to forget that markets, of any kind, are never stable and when oversupplied and the consequences can be devastating for local growers if prices plummet and they are not with a processor that has managed this risk. That, and the fact it takes a lot of time and money for orchards to come into full production, is why a farmer has to consider the sustainability of the processor or consolidator he/ she delivers to. “Production costs increase year by year, and a grower cannot afford to take the risk of plummeting prices. That is the reason why at Mayo Macs we ensure we manage this risk and ensure sustainability,” says Muller.
1870 Media Matters
Macadamia industry has its risks
Own the supply chain.
Mayo Macs delivers the very best to farmers in price, processor expertise, sustainability, and extension services. Become a shareholder of email: Mayo Macs today and own an exciting future in& LIMPOPO MPUMALANGA Theo: 082 312 0617 Macadamias. KZN & EASTERN CAPE Andrew: 083 784 3627
13 Februarie 2015 11
12 13 February 2015 By Frans van der Merwe
BergCare now also boasts charity shop BergCare Charity Shop on the premises next to the Ferdie Beyers hall in Louis Trichardt is a resourceful and enticing new community development. The Charity Shop recently opened its doors to an impressive variety of donated goods available at surprisingly low prices, aimed at generating much-needed income to buy the ingredients for Bergcare’s food parcel distribution to the elderly and other needy families in town. The goods on offer, such as ornaments, a variety of neat clothing, household appliances and more, deserve a visit to the spacious charity shop that is
neatly appointed and attractively displayed, open for business from 07:00 – 13:00 from Mondays to Fridays. The Charity Shop is managed by volunteer Zané. The community food parcels contain important basic food supplies for the needy and are distributed every second Wednesday. The parcels are packed by a team of volunteers and delivered to carefully evaluated, needy people under the supervision of a professional social worker. People wishing to find out more about the shop or BergCare are welcome to phone Andries Smal at Tel 082 899 9543.
Research A wide variety of goods inside Bergcare’s Charity Shop in Louis Trichardt.
You can be part of continental research
LepiMAP is a fantastic citizen science project For more information, visit the LepiMAP webwhich is run in partnership by the Lepidopterist site at or join them on Society of Africa and the Animal Demography Facebook at Unit, University of Cape Town. LepiMAP/ . LepiMAP is the continuation of SABCA (the Southern African Butterfly Conservation Assessment), and it aims to determine the distribution and conservation priorities of butterflies and moths across the African continent. “Yes, you read correctly, LepiMAP is an Africa-wide project! We want butterfly and moth records from all over Africa,” says Ms Megan Loftie-Eaton, LepiMAP’s project coordinator. LepiMAP represents an excellent opportunity to make people’s photos count for biodiversity conservation. They are building up a huge database of photographs (along with the locality details of each photo) of butterflies and moths throughout Africa. This is an enormous, but exciting, task and all citizens can be part of it. All you need to contribute to Part of a team of volunteers busy packing the food parcels at Bergcare for distribution to the needy. LepiMAP is a camera and enthusiasm. The new Bergcare Charity Shop in Louis Trichardt helps to generate income for the necessary “Please help us build this database, and enable ingredients of the food parcels. LepiMAP to produce the 21st century distribution maps for Africa’s Lepidoptera. Unless our knowledge of the geographic ranges of species, and how they are changing over time, is based on solid evidence, conservation initiatives will only be based on anecdotes and the person with the loudest voice,” says Loftie-Eaton. Viva Garage / Sentrum Bandelierkop People can do their part for Lepidoptera conservation by uploading their photos of butterflies and moths to the LepiMAP database. The website to upload to is at “You can join the conservation conversation. LepiMAP is a great and easy way for the general public to get involved in Lepidoptera conservation, so spread the news,” says Loftie-Eaton.
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Slaghuis Bandelierkop
13 Februarie 2015 13
‘n Lekkende brandslangkraan op die grondvloer van die onderdak parkeerplek in die sentrale sakegebied langs Munnikstraat. Die kraan is onwerkbaar beskadig. Deur Frans van der Merwe
Toestand van parkeerarea skokkend Sopnat vloere op die grondvloer in die onderdak sweek die aandag gevestig op die bedenklike parkeerruimte in die sentrale sakegebied langs toestand van die brandblustoerusting in die Munnikstraat in Louis Trichardt het vandee- parkeersentrum. ‘n Bekommerde lid van die publiek het gekla oor die wyse waarop voertuie by die sentrum gewas word met munisipale water wat vanaf brandslange getap word. Volgens die klaer word die waterslangkrane verder misbruik deurdat die krane deurentyd oop gelaat word en die hele vloer daardeur natgemors word. ‘n Besoek aan die sentrum Maandag het aan die lig gebring dat die groot plasse water op die grondvloer waarskynlik deur onlangse sterk reënneerslae veroorsaak is.Die reënwater het vermoedelik van buite in die grondvloer ingespoel. ‘n Lekkende brandslangkraan aan die suidelike muur dra by tot sy eie vloerplas Die betrokke kraan is beskadig en kon nie toegedraai word nie. Die brandslang aan die noordelike muur is onklaar deurdat dit afgesny en heeltemal verwyder is. Volgens ingeligte bronne was die water wat by die voormalige “Venda Carwash” gebruik is afkomstig van die brandslangkraan op die boonste vloer van die parkeersentrum. Dié karwas se bedryf is glo nou permanent beëindig, omdat die voertuie wat daar gewas was, die agterste laaisone versper het vir vragvoertuie wat daar vir sakeondernemings langs Songozwistraat diens gedoen het. Die misbruik van munisipale brandweertoerustDie eertydse brandkraan op die grondvloer van die onderdak parkeerruimte is met pyp ing vir informele karwasdoeleindes kom betreklik algemeen voor op die dorp. en al weg.
The Nictus branch in Louis Trichardt recently donated school uniforms to 26 disadvantaged pupils of Tshimonela Primary School. In front, with the red shirt, is Ms René Bezuidenhout of the local Nictus branch. Photo supplied.
Paneelgesprek oor DISSIPLINE
Toegang gratis Navrae gedurende kantoorure by: 015 004 0224
By Kaizer Nengovhela
Pietersburg runner wins mountain race Phuthi Mohale, who runs under the banner of the Pietersburg Road Runners Athletics club, won the annual 32 km Mountain Race at Louis Trichardt on Saturday morning. Mohale finished the race in a time of 1:55:46 and earned R650 for his efforts. Lutendo Mapoto from Greater Elim Athletics club finished the race just a minute behind him in 1:56:07. The third position went to Thompson Magagane of Nedbank Athletics Club, who finished in 1:57:39. Mapoto received R450 and Magagane R350. The veteran Jane Mudau of Polokwane won the female category of the 32 km race in 2:30:25. She also won the ladies veteran section and recceived R650 and a gold medal. The 21,1km race (male category) was won by Rufus Phooto of Pietersburg Road Runners in 1.22.24. The second place went to Ntshavheni Marubini from the Vhembe Athletics Club.
He finished in 1:24:04. Mutshidzi Muravha of Vhembe Athletics Club was third in 1:24:30. The winners collected R550, R450 and R350 respectively. The winner of the 10 km race was Collin Mudau of TUT. He finished in a time of 34:00. Emmanuel Ramohlale finished 55 seconds behind him, while Fhatuwani Mudzanani of Foskor Athletics Club ended third in 35:25. The masters’ category was won by the wellknown Amos Makushu of the Department of Correctional Services and the grand masters’ category was won by Petrus Ngobeni. The ladies category of the 10 km race was won by Denga Mashavha in 50:40. Marnelle Pessequeiro and Phophi Netshifhefhe finished second and third respectively. They received gold medals and cash prizes of R450, R250 and R150 respectively.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se atlete het goed presteer tydens ‘n vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms by Hoërskool Potgietersrus verlede Vrydag. Twee atlete, Wynand Mouton en Ali Sefole, het ook rekords opgestel in onderskeidelik die driesprong en gewigstoot. Hierdie is van die atlete wat almal eersteplekke verower het. Voor, van links na regs, is Maggie Kemp (diskus) en Jonandi Aucamp (100 m, 200 m en 400 m). Agter is Ali Sefole (gewigstoot en 100 m), Chris Knoesen (400 m), Rendani Ndouvhada (110 Hekkies) en Wynand Mouton (driesprong en verspring). Afwesig was Richard Lambert (verspring, diskus en spiesgooi), Amorien Venter (verspring) en Damian Zeelie (gewigstoot).
Save The Date
22 Februarie 2015 om 17:00 Sprekers: * Advokaat G Joubert. Familiereg spesialis * Mnr L Linde. Skoolhoof Laerskool Louis Trichardt * Pastoor P de Jager. V.E.K. Louis Trichardt
The winners of the 32km race for men are, from left to right, Thompson Magagane (3), Phuthi Mohale (1) and Lutendo Mapoto.
AUCTION : Estate A.S Henning and Multispray Thursday, 26 February 2015 Reg 11:00 Auction 12:00
Honda CBF 125 2011 model but almost brand new. Only 855 kilometres on the clock.
Price R17 000
ADDRESS: FARM SWEETWATERS / MUNUNZWU ESTATE. 5.5 KM WEST OF ELIM ON BANDOLIERKOP ROAD. Farming equipment and implements, spraying equipment, new water pumps, new standby motors shelving, aircon units, 50 filing cabinets, 10 vintage wooden tables, 30 picking crates, 40 large wooden bins, work tables, tractor, vehicles, fishing boat (rubber duck). Watch this space for more details.
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14 13 February 2015 School Sport
Fun in the sun for young Ridgeway students The Ridgeway Independent School outside of Louis Trichardt hosted a friendly in-house athletic meeting the past weekend. While parents sought shady spots next to the fields, their children competed in three teams, namely Earth (green), Water (blue) and Fire (red). Events in which the teams could score points were
running, shot-put, high and long jump. The Water Team, last year’s winners, sadly came in last this year. Fire came in second, with Earth snatching up first place. After the event, the school thanked all the teachers and parents who had lent a helping hand to make a success of the day.
It’s clear from the look of determination why Finn Straughan (Grade 3) was part of the winning team, Earth. Finn scored valuable points in the 80m event for his team.
Marilyn Munyoka, a Grade 2 pupil of the Ridge way Independent, loves running and competed for team points in the school’s athletics event that was held this past Saturday.
Lufuno Nauna (Grade 2) ran so fast that her hat was nearly swept away. She represented her team, Fire, over the past weekend’s sporting event at Ridgeway Independent School. Street Anhetico Properties 54 Hlanganani Caltex Centre Louis Trichardt Eiendomme (T) 015 516 2044/5 (F) 015 516 2050
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Mrs Mapfumo from the Ridgeway Independent School outside of Louis Trichardt is surounded by members of the winning team, Earth.
Mopani Sandriver Frontage
28,9ha. Game fenced. Hunting camp, 2 x equipped boreholes, approx. 25 impala, 5 kudu, 2 blesbuck and several smaller game included. R950 000
Vhukhuolo Ratshitanga (Grade 5) of the Water Team tries her best in the high jump.
13 Februarie 2015 15
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LEGALS Deon Retief Attorneys
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MESSINA HELD AT MUSINA Case No: 556/2014 In the matter between: CHH Eiendoms Belegging cc, Plaintiff and Tesfaye Gemba Dibora, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In Pursuance of a judgment in the Magistrate’s Court of Musina and writ of execution dated 20 November 2014 the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at 2 Whyte Street, Musina on the 28th day of February 2015 at 09:00 namely: 2x Box Deep Fries 3x Glass Table 1x Snooker Table 4x Plastic Tables 62x Plastic Chairs 1x LG Flat Screen TV 1x LG Computer & Keyboard 12x 1,25L Cold Drinks 20x 1L Cold Drinks 43x 340ml Cold Drinks 3x 1,5L Oasis Water 18x 500ml Oasis Water 23x Bavaria 1x Cold Drink Fridge 1x E98 Coffee Machine Signed at Musina on this the 13th day of January 2015. Deon retief Attorneys, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 10 Hans van der Merwe Avenue, Musina, 0900, Tel: 015 534 0720, Fa x : 0 1 5 5 3 4 2 5 2 4 , Ref: MR BOSHOFF/ yr/M.164(a)
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN Case No: 2207/14 In the matter between: Noordwesco (Pty) Ltd
PFB-Agent 516 5024
Goldwagen, Execution Creditor and The Ultimate Diagnostic Repair Service Centre t/a Bosch Giyani, Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION AUCTION On the instructions of the Execution Creditor, the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor will be sold by public auction, on Thursday 5 March 2015 at 13h00 by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of Giyani district Giyani to the highest cash bidder. Venue of the sale: Sheriff’s Store, Limdev (NPDC) Building, Main Road, Giyani. By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of Giyani district Giyani to the highest cash bidder 3x Sofa 1x Waterwell 1x TV 1x Computer & Printer 1x All Tools of Trade 1x 4x4 Quad Bike AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court 2. The rules of the auction is availabe 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 13 Naboom Street, Phalaborwa 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http:// downloadfileaction? id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identification and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being S H Park 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from he execution creditor Joubert & May 50 Boundary Street PO Box 35 Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3660 REF: JH JACOBZ/mak/ B6657(GG0890)
2014 and a warrant of execution issued in connection therewith, the following goods will be sold by public auction to the highest bidder without reserve on 28th March 2015 at 9H00 at the offices of the Sheriff Musina, 2 Whyte Road, Musina. (015) 534-1325. 1. 1X Toyota Hilux (Silver) Reg No BXL 974 L TERMS: 1. Cash - No cheques will be accepted. 2. The Sheriff’s auction rules.If any, are available from the Sheriff Musina. No warranty express or implied is given as to the condition of the goods.The goods are sold ‘’VOETSTOOTS’’. Dated at Randburg on this the 9th Day of February, 2015. McCarthy-Cruywagen Plaintiff’s Attorneys c/oJanse van Rensburg-Landsberg, 14 Limpopo Avenue, Musina Tel: 015 534 2257 Ref: MR McCarthy/ MOSTERT/N722 PLAASLIKE OWERHEID KENNISGEWING NR. ... KENNISGEWING VAN ONTWERPSKEMA MAKHADO WYSIGINGSKEMA 169 Die Makhado Plaaslike Munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 28(1), saamgelees met Artikels 18 en 55 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ord. Nr. 15 van 1986), kennis dat 'n ontwerpdorpbeplanningskema wat bekend sal staan as Makhado Wysigingskema 169, deur hom opgestel is. Hierdie skema is ‘n wysigingskema
VACANCY COXWELL, STEYN, VISE & NAUDÉ ATTORNEYS Requires the services of an Experienced Legal Secretary
* IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MUSINA HELD AT MUSINA Case No: 617/14 In the matter between: Eagles Pride Hatchery (Pty) Ltd, Execution Creditor and Johnnes Petrus Le Roux, Execution Debtor Trading as Messina Boerdery SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgment of this Court dated 23rd September
van die Makhado Grondgebruikskema, 2009 and maak voorsiening vir onder andere die volgende: (a) Die wysiging van die Louis Trichardt Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 skemakaarte van Louis Trichardt/ Makhado dorp om die skemakaarte in lyn te bring met die nuwe gebruiksones and bepalings van die Makhado Grondgebruikskema, 2009; (b) Die insluiting van alle semi-informele en informele landelike nedersettings in die Makhado munisipale gebied in die Skema; (c) Die insluiting van alle nuwe landelike nedersettings wat gestig is sedert die proklamasie van die Skema; (d) Sekere bestaande grondgebruike in semi-informele en informele landelike nedersettings is gekondoneer in die gewysigde Skema; (e) Verslapping van die parkeervereistes en boulynbeperkings vir sekere gebruiksones soos aangedui in die Grondgebruiktabel; (f) Wysigings aan die Skemaklousules om die annotasies van Bylae op die Skemavelle te verduidelik; (g) Wysigings aan die Skemaklousules om die vloeroppervlakverhouding van eiendomme in Louis Trichardt/Makhado dorp wat voorheen as “Residensieël 4” soneer was en gewysig is na “Residensieël 3” in die Skema, te bevestig; (h) Wysigings aan die aansoekprosedures vir “Oornagakkommodasie” en die definisie van sodanige grondgebruik om die tydperk van verblyf te reël;
* * * * * *
Requirements: Previous experience in typing Magistrate’s Court and High Court processes, contracts wills and commercial work Must be computer literate Must be able to type from dictation Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans Must be able and eager to work independently Must have a good sense of humour Must be passionate about people and problem solving
E-mail CV’s for attention to André Naudé on: or fax to: 015 516 7321
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Advertise + Zoutpansberger = PROFITS Enough said... Call George, Pieter or Yolanda at 015 516 4996 and book your space today! VAARDIGHEIDSOPLEIDING / SKILLS TRAINING
Vaardigheid is die antwoord op werkloosheid Ses weke verkoelingskursus Six weeks air conditioning and refrigeration course: Op ‘n wildsplaas by Naboomspruit, met verblyf Navrae: Freddie Bosman: 084 586 0500
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LEGALS (i) Wysigings aan die Skemaklousules om die aantal werknemers by ‘n woonhuisonderneming te reël; (j) Wysigings aan die Skemaklousules om Klousule 26.1 onder “Consent for Specific Purposes”, wat verwys na die ontginning van minerale, te skrap. Die Ontwerpskema lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur: Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Eerste Vloer, Makhado Munisipaliteit (Burgersentrum), Makhado,
83 Kroghstraat, vir 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 06 Februarie 2015. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die Ontwerpskema moet binne 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 06 Februarie 2015 skriftelik by of tot die Direkteur: Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X2596, Makhado, 0920, ingedien of gerig word. I.P Mutshinyali, Munisipale Bestuurder, Makhado Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Tel: (015) 519 3000.
Stock / quality controller
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Stuur asb CV na beautiancv@
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
16 13 February 2015
BRIEWE / LETTERS Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of
“Hoe kan regstelsel ons so faal?”
k was verstom, verbaas en ontnugter toe ek lees van die Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur kinderverkragter wat “dalk” vrygelaat behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter word. concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters. Wat ‘n teleurstelling. Het die regter die meisie of die ma gekontak Brief om ook hulle kant van die storie/ saak te hoor? Of was hulle mening of getuienis nie nodig nie, aangesien daar reeds besluit is dat die ma en aterdagaand se debat oor die God- med en die Koran sou ontken as hy meisie verkeerd opgetree het? Is heid van die Here Jesus Christus die Here Jesus Christus as God sou daar ook na die meisie se sielkundige en psigiatriese verslae gekyk? was ‘n besondere opwindende ge- erken. Hoe kan ‘n negejarige ( sy was nege leentheid. Die twee partye het daarom en nie 11 nie) ‘n seksuele aksie ge‘n Debat is gewoonlik ‘n akade gesorg vir ‘n besonderse spanniet en hoekom sal sy daaroor jok? miese oefening waar opponerende ningsvolle debat - dit was uit Al ses die foto’s is van dieselfde partye hulle welsprekendheid, persoonlike oortuiging gedoen. Die rekenaar en dieselfde weggesteekte kennis van die onderwerp en redeemosies in die vergadering het ‘n “folder” uitgedruk - met dieselfde naarsvernuf ten toon stel. Pastoor klimaks bereik toe die argumente datums. Paul Schlehlein beskik oor al die gewentel het om die feite van die Hoe weet ek al die dinge? Wel, ek bogenoemde vaardighede, maar het Drie-Eenheid en die twee nature van op ‘n verbasende manier uit die sta- die Here Jesus Christus. Prof Koos Brief anspoor uit duidelik laat blyk dat hy van Rooy, die moderator, moes in waarlik besorgd is oor die geestelike ‘n stadium die gehoor maan om welstand van sy opponent en almal liefs kalm te bly in hulle staat van teenwoordig. opgewondenheid. ie Soutpansberg Dorpswag se Paul het sy besorgdheid gestaaf Ek wil graag vir Paul bedank vir straatkafee op Saterdag, 31 Janmet die woorde van Jesus: “Ek het die kragtige verduideliking en Byuarie, was ‘n groot sukses! dan vir julle gesê dat julle in jul belse verdediging van die Godheid Baie adankie aan elke lid van die sondes sal sterwe; want as julle nie van Jesus Christus. Hy het bo alle publiek wat ons kom ondersteun glo dat dit Ek is nie [Jesus verwys twyfel bewys dat die Here Jesus het. Die bestuur wil net van die hier na Sy Godheid] sal julle in julle Christus, God is. Ons sonde teen sondes sterwe” (Johannes 8:24). Hy God is enorm groot, daarom het ons geleentheid gebruik maak om die het sy vriendskap aangebied aan sy ‘n oneindige groot Verlosser nodig. volgende persone en besighede te opponent, Maulana Abu Bakr Akoo, Laat ons daarom in dankbaarheid in bedank vir hul donasies: Louise wat die Godheid van Jesus Christus die almagtige Verlosser Jesus Chrisontken. Abu is goed opgelei in sy ar- tus - God self - glo vir redding. gumente en dit was duidelik dat hy sy geloof sou verloën en Moham - David Frew (Louis Trichardt)
Debat was besonderse geleentheid
is die meisie se ma. Ek het op die foto’s afgekom en uitgedruk. Die foto’s is in ons slaapkamer geneem. Wie ken ‘n man se liggaam beter as sy eie vrou? Ek kan steeds nie glo dat die man vrygelaat gaan word nie. My dogter is bang dat hy haar sal opsoek. Aan die gemeenskap van Louis Trichardt wil ek sê: Beskerm julle dogters. Vertel hulle van pedofiele en dat hul wel bestaan. Ons land het elke November ‘n 16 dae van aktivisme teen geweld teen vroue en kinders, maar as ons regstelsel ons as vrou en kind faal, waarheen gaan ons dan? Ja, ek is ‘n bekommerde ouer. My kind is daardeur en probeer steeds die stukkies optel. - Anoniem
So oorwin ons misdaad in die dorp
van den Berg, Jerry Cloete, Roedolf Meintjes, Akker en Rienie Jordaan, Grassnyer Kliniek, MRT Scrapmetals, Soutpansberg Koelkamers, Nzhelele Spar en al die anonieme borge. Saam kan ons misdaad oorwin! - Nella Klynhans (Louis Trichardt)
iemand hou daarvan om eensaam te wees nie. God het ons geskape om in gemeenskap met Hom en ander mense te lewe. Tog is daar baie eensame mense in die wêreld. Aan die kruis het Christus, ons Verlosser, alleen gehang - verlaat deur Sy vriende en dissipels. Maar die ergste deel van Jesus se eensaamheid was die feit dat die Vader Hom verlaat het. Hy het die vloek van God op Hom ervaar omdat Hy ons sondes op Hom geneem het. Dit is waarom Hy uitgeroep het: “My God, My God, waarom het U My verlaat.” (Matt. 27:46) Toe word dit donker en dit maak Jesus se eensaamheid nog erger. Jesus was daar aan die kruis, heeltemal alleen, sodat elkeen wat hulle geloof en hoop in Hom stel nooit eensaam hoef te wees nie. Christene lewe in die lig van Christus en die ewige lewe behoort aan hulle. Dit beteken elke kind van God sal eendag volmaakte gemeenskap met God ervaar. Wanneer jy Jesus Christus as jou Saligmaker aanneem sal jy nooit weer eensaamheid ervaar nie, want Hy sal ook jou Vriend wees. Jesus Christus alleen is die oplossing vir ‘n verlore lewe van eensaamheid. - 079 5168303
nonymous letters, where no details such as the name and address of the writer are supplied, will not be considered for publication. Readers who wish to remain anonymous must indicate this in the letter, but must still provide their details. Such detail will be confidential and will not be made available to outside parties.
lede van die Makhado Polisie. Dan ‘n groot dankie aan al ons Triegies-leerlinge wat ons skool se naam trots hooggehou het en nie meegedoen het aan die chaos nie: Julle maak ons trots! Dankie ook aan al die onderwy sers wat moes bontstaan, en inspring om die vrede te herstel. - Trotse Triegie Ouer, Louis Trichardt
‘n Bekommerde leser het die foto van hierdie vasgekeerde boerboel ingestuur. Die Waterval polisie se hulp moes ingeroep word, nadat die hond glo vir twee ure in ‘n geparkeerde bakkie vir sy eienaar moes wag. Volgens inligting was die bakkie verlede Donderdag voor die Office National-gebou in Munnikstraat geparkeer in die bloedige son. Lesers word daaraan herinner dat dit onwettig is om troeteldiere in ‘n motor te los, en dat hulle vervolging in die gesig kan staar. Foto verskaf.
Daisy en Bernard is terug op die plaas en Daisy moet iets vind vir haar hande om te doen. Hierdie keer is dit egter Bernard wat vol planne is om Valentynsdag onvergeetlik te maak.
bak brood en Bernard beplan ‘n feesmaal B
Triegie-leerlinge hou ons naam hoog á afloop van verlede Woensdag se Kringatletiekbyeenkoms, waarvoor Hoërskool Louis Trichardt die gasheer was en hulle hul sportvelde beskikbaar gestel het aan ander skole van die Soutpansbergkring, het die Triegie-ouers die volgende bedankings: Lede van die Soutpansberg Dorpswag wat gehelp het om die skare onder beheer te kry, asook
Lukas 23:26-49
We need your names
Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
ernard stap voor sonop die kombuis binne. Daar is goddelike reuke wat in die plaaskombuis hang – varsgemaalde koffie, varsgebakte brood ... Wag ‘n bietjie. VARSgebakte brood? Hier op Waterpoort? Daisy staan in haar pajamas en ‘n lang voorskoot en deeg knie. Daar is ‘n meelstreep oor haar wang en sy glimlag breed vir Bernard. “Ek het gedínk al hierdie ongewone reuke sal jou uit die bed uit kry! Wat sê jy van vars brood saam met jou koffie? Daar is ‘n heerlike camembert en ingelegde heelvye of net botter? Sal graag jou opinie wil hoor van die brood en hierdie spesifieke koffiemengsel uit Kenia. “Kon nou nie eintlik net ‘n klein bakseltjie vir ons maak nie – die resep is bedoel vir vier brode. Ek sal vir Ousus-hulle ook gaan verras met vars brood en miskien sommer een vir die nuwe bure vat. Het jy hulle al ontmoet, Bernard? Ek hoor die man is nie eintlik ‘n boer nie, sy vrou is glo. Baie knap ook. Weet net nie wat sy gaan maak met hierdie klomp Boere nie – dis maar vrekmoeilik om jouself te bewys in hierdie testosteroon-geteisterde omgewing!” Bernard staan op en soen Daisy in haar nek. “Hierdie is die heel lekkerste brood wat ek nog
geëet het, my mooiste! Is dit van daardie klipgemaalde meel wat jy in die Kaap in die hande gekry het? En is dit hierdie brood wat jy beplan vir die spyskaart van die gastehuis? Mmmm, dis elke keer so lekker om uit te vind jy is nie net ‘n ou mooi dingetjie nie, maar daar is ook ‘n formidabele brein wat ek kan bewonder,” terg Bernard. “En om jou vraag te antwoord, ja – ek het die nuwe bure ontmoet. Miskien wil jy sommer van die vars kruie en baba-groentetjies en ‘n bossie kappertjies ook saamvat. Jy sal aangenaam verras wees...” Voor Daisy verder kan uitvra, het Bernard sy hoed gegryp en die pad lande toe gevat. Sononder sit Bernard en Daisy op die stoep en drink ‘n dop. “Ek was toe daar by die nuwe bure, Bernard; maar hulle was blykbaar in Pietersburg. Toe het ek maar net die goed daar in hulle kombuis gelos saam met ‘n notatjie. Sjoe, maar daardie kombuis is van de stainless steel en rakke en Jamie Oliver se kastrolle en gasplate! Dit lyk amper soos ons kombuis in die gastehuis gaan lyk! Ek wonder waar kry die vrou nog tyd om in so ‘n kombuis te speel as sy die hele boerde ry moet behartig? Miskien is sy juis een van daardie fenomenale vrouens wat als kan doen en dan nog mooi lyk ook! Ek kry die gevoelte dat ek nie vreeslik baie van haar gaan hou nie!” “Hokaai, Daisy!” roep Bernard ‘n halt aan
Daisy se gebabbel. “Ek wil gou met jou praat oor Valentynsdag. Daar gaan niks snaaks gedoen word hierdie jaar nie, Daisy. Ons kan ongelukkig nie stad toe gaan nie, nie eers vir die aand nie, en jy weet ons het nare ondervindings gehad met die kastige romantiese plekke in die omgewing. Maar ek wil jou steeds date ... Hoe klink ‘n T-bone met ‘n lekker stukkie vet en ‘n avokadoslaai vir jou? En as jy baie mooi vra, maak ek spesiaal vir jou krummelpap! “Maar jy mag NIKS doen nie, my mooiste. Jy moet net sorg dat jy op jou eetbaarste lyk – jy mag ook nie loer wat ek als gaan doen om die plek mooi te maak nie. Om jou die waarheid te sê, sal ek dit verkies as jy die dag in die dorp spandeer – gaan doen hare en naels en lippe en wat ookal – dan kom jy nie in die versoeking om my verrassing te kelder nie.” “Ag, my liefste engelman, dit is genoeg vir my dat ons net bymekaar kan wees. Ons is mos nou al ‘n bietjie verby die ergste hormone en storm en drang! Maar ek sal dêm goed onthou – miskien kan jy opmaak en my volgende jaar vir Valentynsdag Venesië toe vat?” Daisy gaan sit op Bernard se skoot en soen hom tot sy ore tuit. (Volgende week: ‘n onverwagse wending op Valentynsdag. Bloedrooi blessings en hope verrassings vir almal en vir die res wollerige beertjies met mooi liefdeswoorde ... Geniet!)
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13 Februarie 2015 17
Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichardt se hoërskoolleerlinge het ook kans gehad om deel te neem aan die skool se onlangste bokkesport. Van links na regs is Melissa Stemmet (senior Victrix ludorum), Hennie Badenhorst (senior Victor ludorum en seuns langafstandatleet) en Jani Badenhorst (meisies-langafstandatleet). Foto verskaf.
Matthew Taylor and Sheryl James, two local polocrosse players, recently received their Limpopo colours. Pictured, from left to right, are Matthew, Chris James (president of Limpopo Polocrosse) and Sheryl. Photo supplied. Polocrosse
Provincial colours for young polocrosse riders Two local polocrosse players from Louis Trichardt recently received provincial colours for their participation in the 2014 Inter-Provincial Polocrosse Championships. Sheryl James and Matthew Taylor were presented their colours at this year’s annual general meeting of the Limpopo Province Polocrosse Association. Matthew played for the U/14 Limpopo team, while Sheryl played in the Ladies Open
Limpopo team. The Limpopo Province Polocrosse Association was newly established in 2014 and this was their first awarding of provincial colours. Anyone who is interested in learning more about this fun family sport or wants to become involved in Limpopo Polocrosse’s activities is invited to contact either Marius at 082 494 1155 or Sheryl at 061 023 0771.
Hierdie leerlinge van die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se laerskool-afdeling is na afloop van die skool se bokkesport op 30 Januarie aangewys as die beste atlete. Van links na regs is Andrea Badenhorst (junior Victrix ludorum), Luné Robbertze (senior Victrix ludorum), Douwe Steyn (senior Victor ludorum) en Kyle Vollgraaff (junior Victor ludorum). Foto verskaf.
Limpopo hockey players needed The Limpopo hockey league is set to start in March, and all interested players are welcome to enter. The league will be played every second Sunday over six fixtures, and all the matches will take place on the Astro-turf in Polokwane. There are currently five ladies’ club teams and four men’s club teams who compete in the league.
Two Limpopo teams are selected from these players to represent the province at the annual SA Country Districts (SACD) tournament. This year, the ladies’ tournament will be held in Port Elizabeth and the men’s tournament will be closer to home, in Polokwane. Limpopo Hockey is working toward expanding their player base with the view of sending a
team directly to IPT in 2016, as well as sending a second team to the SACD tournament in 2016. Players need to participate in the league to become eligible for selection to either of the provincial teams. Prospective players who do not have a team to play for should contact Melanie Louw at 083 651 7601 as soon as possible for more details.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole
Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie Datum
Eie reëlings
Eie reëlings
Kapteinsdag & AJV
Weeklikse Byeenkomste Woens
SPB Gholfklub
M. Labuschagne
K. Barkhuizen (jr.)
uittel 69
R. Machumela
uittel 69
A. Bothma
A. Bezuidenhout
Woensdagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
Signed at Musina on this 12th day of January 2015 Janse van Rensburg – Landsberg Attorneys for the
Execution Creditor Tel: 0155342257 Reference: Landsberg/N252(14)
We supply and FIT ALL TYPES of Blinds
Matman 24 Rissik Street Tel: (015) 516-5171
07/02/15 Plek
NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of Musina held in Musina Case no: 878/2011 In the matter between: Willem Abraham Swanepoel t/a Cowboy’s Master Mechanics, Execution Creditor and Cornelius Mbedzi, Execution Debtor. IN PURSUANCE of judgment in the
Magistrate’s Court of Musina and writ of execution dated 25 August 2014 the goods listed hereunder will be sold by the Sheriff of Musina, in execution, to the highest bidder at 2 Whyte Road, Musina on 28 February 2015 at 9:00am: 1 x 4 WHEELER MOTORBIKE 150 CC Full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of Sheriff Musina at 2 Whyte Rd, Musina (Tel 0155341325) and will be read out prior to the sale taking place.
Formaat IS Punte
J. Cronjé
uittel 28
A. Coetzee
uittel 28
H. Swanepoel
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm
Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 54(2) (a,b & c)) and Regulation 54(3)(a & b) of the regulations published in Government Notice R. 543 of the National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no. 107 of 1998) of intent to carry out a Environmental Impact procedure for the following activity (given below) which will be submitted to National Department of Environmental Affairs. DESCRIPTION OF LISTED ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROJECT GN R.544 Item 18: The infilling or depositing of any material of more than 5m³ into a watercourse GN R.544 Item 39: Expansion of bridges and bulkwater outlet structures within a watercourse, with an increase in the development footprint. GN R.546 Item 3: The construction of masts or towers of any material or type used for radio transmissions where the mast is placed on a site not previously used for this purpose and where the mast will exceed 15 meters in height. GN R.546 Item 4: The construction of a road wider than 4 meters with a reserve less than 13.5 meters. DEA REFERENCE NO: 14/12/16/3/3/1/1403 PROJECT TITLE : Maintenance and/or Upgrade of the patrol road/fencing on the borders Between RSA and Zimbabwe and Mozambique TENDER NUMBER: HP 13/133, PROJECT NUMBER: WCS 053162 LOCATION AND EXTENT The activity entails the following: The upgrading and maintenance of the existing patrol road and fence with associated infrastructure on the border sections: i) Border between RSA, Botswana (from the Mogalakwena River) and Zimbabwe ii) Border between RSA and Mozambique (from the Komati River to Swaziland) NAME OF PROPONENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NAME OF CONTACT/CONSULTANT TUA CONSERVA - Mr J Claassens P. O. Box 960 Cell : 082 885 9118/073 593 9224 FAUNA PARK e-mail: POLOKWANE e-mail: 0787 DATE AND VENUE OF PUBLIC MEETING Date & Venue : Will be supplied to interested/affected parties. In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter in writing to the contact person given above within 30 days of publication of this advertisement. The information must be received before or on 16 March 2015, 12:00. The meeting arrangements will be supplied to registered parties. Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
18 13 February 2015
20 Kort Street, Louis Trichardt • 015 516 0006
Kombo part of top cycling team Kombo Bere, the local 17-year-old cycling star, will form part of Team LCB that will take part in the first round of the South African XCO Cup Series in Port Elizabeth on 28 February. The LCB team is led by one of South Africa’s top mountain bike cyclists, Olympian Philip Buys. Philip Buys is widely regarded as South Africa’s most complete mountain bike racer, being a multiple African and South African XCO Champion. He heads up a team of 14 riders, which include four Elite men, eight Junior men and two Junior women. Kombo Bere has been selected as one of the Junior men. The team is sponsored by Lead Crystal Batteries, and SCOTT Sports will provide the riders with bicycles and gear. The team
members will also have their own fulltime mechanic and coach. The focus will primarily be on the Olympic Cross-Country (XCO) discipline, with World Championships and Olympic Games success as its long-term goal. “Seldom do teenage racers get to interact with and learn from the top pro racers. Our team will have that in place, which will be very valuable,” said Johan Hattingh, CEO of Lead Crystal Batteries. “With LCB, there is at least a five-year commitment to this team because we know that you can’t build a champion bike racer overnight. It takes time. It’s an investment,” added Hattingh. For Kombo, this presents one of the biggest opportunities of his career. “I am very excited and humbled by the opportunity to
ride with this team. What remains now is a lot of training and not forgetting about my schoolwork,” said an enthusiastic Kombo. Kombo had already had the opportunity in January to spend a couple of days with Philip Buys. He completed a state-of-theart full fitness assessment and trained with the Olympian in Pretoria. Over the past few years, Kombo started dominating mountain-bike races in Limpopo. He won the Munnik Meerkat race last year and ended second in the Akkedis’s 35km race. He also showed his mettle in road races by winning the Vula-Vula 70km race. “We are all very proud of Kombo and wish him a successful 2015 racing year with his new team,” said Stanley Thompson from the local P&L cycling club.
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Kombo Bere, the local 17-year-old cycling star, will form part of Team South Africa’s top mountain bike cyclists, Olym- LCB that will take part in the first round of the South African XCO Cup pian Philip Buys. Photo supplied. Series in Port Elizabeth.
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