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14 November 2014 Year 25 Vol: 11
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Toilet war in Louis Trichardt - page 2
“Please do not kill our pythons� - page 6
Disappointment for Black Leopards - page 32
Mountain claims another bus
Quick evacuation saves lives
Miraculously no lives were lost in this burning inferno, but passengers frantically scurried to try and save their personal belongings that they were taking home to Zimbabwe. The incident occured along the N1 north near the tunnels late on Wednesday afternoon. Photo: Isabel Venter
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Audited Distribution Figures
2 14 November 2014 By Linda van Westhuizen
Correctional services
Certificates for long-serving officials Officials of the Department joined the department under the years of service did not happen of Correctional Services in military and the basic training as a result of luck, but mainly Limpopo, North West and then was nine months. because of discipline, as well as the Mpumalanga region, who “We used to do military, de- her belief in God. have served for 30 years or fence and police training during Mr Tuwani Rambau, who longer, were honoured during the former homeland (Venda) works at medium A at the Thoa ceremony in eMalahleni last regime. The combination of all hoyandou Management Area, Thursday. these brought discipline, and I said that “when you respect your Acting regional commissioner wish the current basic training seniors, colleagues, and your Scheron Kunene said during the could be like that.” She also job, you will reach beyond 30 event that was important for the mentioned that reaching 30 years of service.” department to honour its loyal employees. “I joined the department during the apartheid era, and you can imagine if I survived that hostile treatment, nothing can stop me now,” said the 52-yearold Mr Avhurengwi Dangale. He added that dedication and discipline were his motivation. Ms Thilivhali Mabi- The acting regional commissioner of Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North la (51), who works at West, Ms Scheron Kunene (right), and the acting area commissioner the reception for both of Thohoyandou Management Area, Mr Showy Mudimeli, present the juvenile and the fe- a certificate during the ceremony that was held at eMalahleni, male section, said she Mpumalanga.
From left to right are Mr Dickson Khoza (Chairperson of the Makhado Business Forum), Mr Tshimangadzo Netshiavha (Hawkers liaison officer), Mr Bernard Mokiri (Assistant Manager at the licensing department of the Makhado municipality), Phineas Nndwakhulu (Assistant Manager at the waste management department) and Michael Phathela. By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo
Hawkers and muni discuss challenges In an abrupt move on Tuesday morning, hawkers who are trading in Louis Trichardt town left their stalls for almost three hours to engage municipal officials about their trading challenges. Hawkers from all hawkers’ spots in town, including Eltivillas and the taxi rank at Shoprite, left their stalls and went to the show grounds hall in an effort to resolve their challenges. The meeting was attended by Makhado municipal officials, the Makhado Business Forum (MBF), the Makhado Hawkers Association and the hawkers themselves. The hall was packed to capacity, with some hawkers highlighting the problems they experience and how they should be solved. The group stressed that challenges such as the issuing of trading licenses, the annual operational fee Penta-Tôrô Holdings PTY (ltd)
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increment, the state of toilets and illegal traders should be addressed. The annual operational fee increment had angered the hawkers since its reinforcement earlier this year. Apparently the municipality was also issuing trading licenses without consulting the relevant committees as had been agreed. It also emerged during the meeting that there was a man who often supplied hawkers with stock and was allegedly improperly granted a license to sell in town. This has infuriated hawkers as they are no longer making a profit, since the man is luring away their customers. The municipal officials undertook to investigate this complaint and establish how the man had obtained a license. The licensing assistant manager in the municipality, Mr Bernard Mokiri, told the hawkers that the operational fee increment challenge had received attention from the municipal council. He told the hawkers that the council was going to address this issue. He insisted that there was a plan to eradicate the challenges of illegal hawkers who usually trade in town during the festive season. Apparently, there is a group of people who illegally trade in town during the festive season without permits from the municipality. The chairperson of the MBF, Mr Dickson Khoza, was chairing the meeting and urged hawkers to attend these meetings and use it as a forum to solve their problems. He said the forum was prepared to help any business in town that was suffering as a result of the municipality or the local government departments. “We are also looking forward to extending our relationship with the municipality and we are striving to root out challenges faced by businesspeople in town,” said Mr Khoza. The group of hawkers urged the municipality to find a solution for regulating immigrants, specifically Zimbabweans, who were trading illegally in town.
“Toilet war” rages in Louis Trichardt The old Vleissentraal building ing for the owners, Messrs Willie left the keys at the office of Mr in Louis Trichardt’s Eras- and Ben van der Merwe, for Happy Mugobi, a new tenant who mus Street became notorious three years, said that none of the is consistently available and who overnight after a “toilet war” long-standing tenants had ever was the first to ask for keys of the erupted last week over alleged asked her for keys to the single single toilets. segregated toilets for whites toilets. Mr Eric Mafanedza, another and blacks. From the owners’ side, Mr Ben tenant, was not happy with the The Sowetan carried a front van der Merwe explained that new arrangements. He admitted page article regarding the “segre- the reason why they had locked to the Limpopo Mirror that he gated” toilets on 5 November. It the toilets was due to ongoing was the one who had mobilised immediately sparked public out- problems with blockages. The the tenants in the other offices rage, especially from government toilets had been upgraded, but over the “separate toilets”. “The departments and political parties. the blockages continued, with problem started with the locks. The same day as the initial report three incidents occurring in the Why do I have to go and ask came out, representatives from recent past. Through a window in for a key and cannot go to the the Human Rights Commission the double female toilet, objects toilet after 15:00 on a Friday?” also visited the building. blocking the drain were spotted. Mafenedza asked. He also reFollowing the report, the Lim- The tenants of the shops below ceived his keys to all the toilets popo Mirror spoke to the tenants the offices also rent from the this week. in the building to find out whether Van der Merwes. Every time The incident took a nasty turn there was truth to the allegations, the toilet was blocked, it would when, following the Sowetan’s or whether it was just the prover- overflow into a shop below, that report, Van Schalkwyk received bial “storm in a teacup”. of Mr Dirk Griesel. He, along two extremely vulgar and threatPrior to the article in the na- with Mr Enos Mutshinya and ening SMSes from a person tional media, the Sentraal build- Ms Josephine Mulaudzi, then claiming to be the “no-nonsense ing, previously named Vleis- had to work despite the smell. Chief Justice of EFF Aubrey sentraal, received a visit from “All of us, black and white, use Setlhalogile in Brits”. His exa male who asked Ms Rina van the same toilet below and we use istence could not, however, be Schalkwyk, the manager of the toilet paper 100% of the time,” verified. building, for a key to the female said Ms Mulaudzi. There seems to be other issues toilet. Van Schalkwyk said she The blockages above are con- that the tenants want to raise asked him whether he was a tinually caused by people flush- with the landlord. In this regard, tenant since the toilets in the ing away newspapers, pap, chick- Ben confirmed that a meeting building were for tenants only. en bones and even a teaspoon. between him and the tenants has He purported to be a tenant who The tenants blamed an office been arranged for 17 November. had started that very day, which worker in the building for the pap The Van der Merwes will also later proved to be untrue, and she and chicken bones and she started meet with the Human Rights offered to direct him to the male using the manager’s toilet. Commission in Polokwane later toilet. He insisted on the key to The owners then installed this week. the female toilet, however, and safety doors in front of the double In the meantime, Willie apolshe refused. toilets and tenants could make ogised to Vleissentraal for any The building has two single their own keys or ask for the negative effects the situation toilets near the front entrance keys at Van Schalkwyk’s office. might have had on them. The and two double toilets in the When she had to do deliveries old Vleissentraal name board has corridor. The single toilets were after 15:00 in the afternoon, she since also been removed. traditionally used by the managers and owners of the building and the double toilets by the tenants. “I didn’t even realise that there were other toilets in the building. Now that this issue has been raised, I think all of us should have keys for all toilets,” said tenant Mr Tshifhiwa Maeko on 6 November. Before the end of that day, keys were cut and distributed to all tenants. “This was never about the toilets. The toilet issue had been blown out of proportion,” said a tenant employee, Mr Rudolf Tsweji, on 10 Co-owner of the building Mr Ben van der Merwe shows the three most November. Van Schalkwyk, who recent receipts of the plumber who unblocks the drain every time. The has managed the build- owners then installed safety doors on the toilets.
Mr Eric Mafanedza, a tenant of the office building previously named Vleissentraal, was not happy when safety doors and locks were put on the tenants' toilets. “I will be satisfied if we get the same treatment and if I have keys for all the toilets,” Mafenedza said. On 10 November, he showed the keys giving him access to all the toilets.
14 November 2014 3
By Isabel Venter
Need new Trousers or Formal Shirts?
Brig Alex Seopa the Best Cluster Commander and Capt Makhurupetse (Admin Level 8 to 12). The Best Administration Group was headed by W/O Tsipa. The Best Vispol Employee of the Year was Const A K Gibbs (Level 3 to7) and Lt Col K S Manasoe (Level 8 to 12), a category that recognizes members’ going beyond the call of duty when implementing crime prevention strategies. The Best Vispol Group was that of W/O T P Musweswe. The Best Detective Employee of the year was WO Mudau (Level 3 to 7) and Lt Col A M Mokale (Level 8 to 12). Best Policewoman of the Year was Lt Col Matamela, while Chap Sefora was the Best Policeman of the Year. R/Const Engelbrecht was awarded the Police Reservist for the year, while Const Mathye received a special award for his service to the force, despite being a disabled employee. This year’s Best HAWK Detective of the Year is WO Matumba, with Const Bogopa winning Best Hawk Detective Performer of the Year. All of these members were encouraged to keep on shining beyond the call of duty and inspire fellow police members to always strive towards higher goals. “We are very proud of our members, and want you to keep on shining and doing your very best,” said Lt Gen Masemola.
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Above: Brig Alex Seopa with his award as Best Cluster Commander in Limpopo.
Left: From left to right, dancing with the nominees and winners of this years third annual police awards, are Capt Maano Sadike (former spokesperson of the Makhado SAPS), MEC for Safety and Security Paula Mokaba Phukwana and Brig Makama Huma.
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“Die poppe gaan dans!” was the warning of Ms Paula Mokaba Phukwana, Limpopo MEC for Transport, Safety, Security and Liaison. She was addressing the cream of the crop at the third annual Limpopo Police Prestige Awards for outstanding service. This glitzy event was held at the Ranch Protea Hotel in Polokwane last Friday (7th). Translated loosely, she was warning her crowd of listeners that more arrests of corrupt police officials would follow. Phukwana echoed the message of the provincial police commissioner, Lt Gen Fanie Masemola, who had previously applauded his members for not only fighting criminals, but arresting their corrupt colleagues. “We will not tolerate cops selling out their fellow cops who do fight crime,” said Phukwana. “Let it be known: we are not only going to take the fight against crime to our streets, but we are also going to rid the force of all corrupt policemen,” she added. Even though Phukwana and all the top brass of the provincial police had harsh words for corrupt officials, Phukwana also took the time to dance in celebration with top achievers. Excellence was rewarded for the year 2013/14 in five categories, namely administration, visible policing, detectives and detective groups, special awards and the provincial commissioner’s award. Although the Polokwane SAPS dominated the event, the Makhado SAPS also impressed and managed to win a top award and several nominations during the evening. The cluster commander of the Makhado SAPS, Brig Alex Seopa, was awarded the Best Cluster Commander, handpicked by provincial commissioner Masemola himself. The police protection unit against family and child violence was placed second in the category for Best Detective Groups in the province, while Simpson Mphelo, the Makhado Community Police Forum’s Chairperson, was also nominated for his service to the community. Further winners in the administration category were PPO Kika Bham (Admin Level 1 to 7)
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When Sam Mathabathe grew up in a family where carpentry was the order of the day, little did he know that one day he would help people with carpentry. Now he is helping people who have wronged the community - offenders. Sam has been doing carpentry for the past 19 years and he has dedicated 11 years of his career to teach offenders. It came as no surprise when the Portfolio Committee on Corrections noticed his talent during their visit to Kgosi Mampuru Correctional Centre. They were so impressed that they placed an order for Sam to do carpentry at their posh offices, and one of the people was the first citizen of the country, Pres Jacob Zuma. When asked why he had chosen carpentry, the quiet and shy Sam had this to say: “I grew up in a carpentry family and I fell in love with the job. The good part of it is that it requires creativity, and that’s what I am good at. It is challenging and I like a challenge,” he beamed. When asked about working with offenders, the cool-as-a-cucumber Sam said that he enjoyed working with offenders, since he was helping them to hone their skills, so that when their time is ripe to go back to their respective communities, they will have something to do in order to fend for themselves to avoid recidivism. One of the offenders who is working directly with Mathabathe, Rampamba Muthianzhele, said that he enjoyed doing carpentry and he was learning every day under the leadership of Mathabathe. “I was doing the very same job before I was incarcerated for statutory rape, which I regret every day of my life. Under the guidance of Mr Mathabathe, I have gained great experience that I will utilize when I go outside”.
When asked about the role of Correctional Services in the rehabilitation of offenders, Tshifhiwa Magadani, the spokesman for Thohoyandou Correctional Centre, said: “The responsibility of Correctional Services is first and foremost to correct offending behavior in a secure and safe environment in order to facilitate the achievement of rehabilitation.” He further indicated that rehabilitation is the result of a process that combines the correction of offending behavior and human development. Magadani further said that rehabilitation should not merely be viewed as a strategy to prevent crime, but rather as a holistic phenomenon incorporating and encouraging social justice and social responsibility.
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Mr Sam Mathabathe, together with an offender whom he is teaching carpentry. Mathabathe once did carpentry in the office of the President. Photo supplied.
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Official teaches offenders carpentry
4 14 November 2014 By Andries van Zyl
By Isabel Venter
Jubilation turns into frustration for road user
What’s happening at Home Affairs?
Residents’ initial jubilation that the Makhado Municipality is tackling the issue of potholes in the streets of Louis Trichardt is now turning to frustration for many. All across town the municipality’s initial urgency in starting to repair the pothole-infested streets a couple of weeks ago is seemingly starting to fade. The reason for the frustration is that the municipality starts fixing potholes by cutting them open and filling them with a thin layer of tar. These “cut-outs” are then left unattended for weeks on end, before they are finally filled to road surface level. Examples of this “half-completed” work can be seen all across town, such as in 2nd Street in Eltivillas. Alwyn Street (between Leeu and Eland Street) is also a good example. In Alwyn Street, the potholes were merely cut open and not even given a tar covering. This was done weeks
What is happening at the newly built offices of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) in Louis Trichardt? Questions were put to the DHA’s provincial office after hundreds of people from all over the Vhembe district flocked to the Makhado Home Affairs office in Anderson Street, most of them just sitting outside in the parking lot for days on end. Most of the residents are pensioners who had either applied for their new Smart ID cards, or had applied for the cards and come to collect them. Since the opening of the office in March this year, very few people have received their new ID cards. The Limpopo Mirror has been tracking the situation at the Makhado office for the past two months while awaiting a response from the DHA on several media questions put to them during October. Initially, the DHA’s provincial office was approached, after Ms Sue Rose of Louis Trichardt asked the newspaper to get involved. She claimed that she went to the office to apply for the new Smart ID Card for herself and her husband in September. They are both pensioners and naturalized South African citizens - Sue by descent and her husband by naturalisation - and like all other pensioners, approached their local office to handle the application in the month of their birthday. Following countless emails to the local and provincial office managers, the Rose couple was informed that theirs was a special case and that the system was not ready to process their application for the new ID card. This was confirmed by the DHA Vhembe District Manager of Operations, Mr Naledzani Mukwevho, this week. “It is not legislation. It is a technical issue. The way the system is designed [it] cannot process applications by naturalised citizen[s]. A process is underway to accommodate this type of application,” said Mukwevho in an email to the newspaper. What upset the couple was that the Makhado DHA office was inaccessable. They had to stand in queues, sometimes not even in the offices but outside, without being assisted. As the weeks turned into months it became clear that not only the Roses were having trouble. The newspaper was able to determine
ago and, with the recent thundershowers, the “cut-outs” washed out, resulting in the road’s being even worse than before repair started. Road users now argue that these “half-completed” pothole repairs are actually causing more damage to vehicles than the initial potholes. The snail’s pace at which the potholes are repaired, after the initial urgency, gave rise to questions as to why the work had slowed down. Another project raising questions is the construction of the paved section of Kruger Street between Rissik and Erasmus Street. This project also seems to have come to a halt, with construction workers seen working for one or two days and then nothing happens for days on end. Is the municipality experiencing money problems to fund the repairs or is it once again a question of unqualified or unskilled contractors being appointed to do the repairs?
The Limpopo Mirror asked the Makhado Municipality exactly these questions, with municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi responding on Tuesday. In his response, Bobodi gave no reason as to what is causing the delays. He merely stated that they [the municipality] was busy surfacing all prepared potholes and that they were no longer preparing new ones. “All the prepared potholes will be surfaced before the end of November,” Bobodi said. As for the questions relating to the contractors being appointed and shortage of funds, Bobodi said: “There is no contractor involved and there is no shortage of money relating to this project.” With regard to Kruger Street, Bobodi added that construction work will also be completed before the end of November this year.
Above: Examples of this “halfcompeted” work can be seen all across town, such as in 2nd Street in Eltivillas, where this photo was taken by an upset resident. Left: In Alwyn Street, the potholes were merely cut open and not even given a tar covering. This was done weeks ago and, with the recent thundershowers, the “cut-outs” washed out, resulting in the road’s being even worse than before repairs started. By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
that the Makhado office only helped those people who showed up first. People would be let into the office, until it was filled to capacity, and then the doors would be shut, only letting people from outside in if a consultant became available. Most days, this means that the office works until the evenings to assist the people still inside the office, leaving those outside to come back again the following day. The situation has escalated to such an extent that a mini-market is operating outside of the offices. For the last two weeks, vendors have been travelling to the Makhado offices to sell their goods to waiting pensioners. Waiting pensioners pay up to R50 or more to come to the office by taxi and return home without being assisted. Mrs Sarah Ratshichakhelwa and her friends travel to the office at least once a week to try and collect their Smart ID Cards. They, like most of their fellow queuers, are worried that if they do not get the new card by the end of this year, they will be unable to collect their grants and pensions. The DHA finally broke their silence this week and said that pensioners had been led astray by false information. Mukwevho indicated that this was also the reason why people have crowded in front of the Makhado office. “The turn-up at Makhado has been extremely high, due to false information about the imminent cut-off date for pensioners. The Makhado office has embarked on an outreach campaign to inform pensioners that their current documents are valid for the entire seven-year [phasing-out] period. Pensioners were also informed that they need to apply in the month of their birth. This will limit the numbers as pensioners currently come to apply at any time, even if it is not the month in which they were born,” said Mukwevho in his press statement. Mukwevho also reassured local residents that, even though they might struggle to get hold of their new ID card, their current green ID book will remain valid. “There is no link whatsoever between the Smart ID and SASSA grants, beside the normal function of identification. People will still be able to receive grants and pensions,” said Mukwevho.
News from the local courts
“The country needs a relevant teacher training curriculum that addresses the needs of schools, the teacher and the profession with relevant tools in the production of an effective teacher,” said Mr Samuel Mukhavhuli. He recently launched a book Challenges of teaching and learning in South African schools – A reflection on teacher production and classroom practice. Mukhavhuli, who is a former member of the Univen council, ex-teacher, inspector of schools, and deputy director-general, is now a consultant.
The 26-year-old Mashudu Milanzi appeared in the Louis Trichardt Magistrate’s Court on Monday on a charge of murder. His appearance in court follows an incident where a man, whose name the police declined to reveal at this stage, was stabbed to death on Friday evening. The incident took place near the Masedi Combined School. The spokesperson for the Makhado police, Const Irene Radzilane, said the police were busy investigating a case of murder, following the incident. “According to the information received, it is alleged that the suspect, Mashudu Milanzi of Tshikota, went to the Makhado SAPS to report an incident of a person who allegedly wanted to rob him,” she said. “The police rushed to the supposed scene of the crime, but on arrival the victim was found lying dead in a pool of blood with stab wounds over his body.” Milanzi was, however, then arrested and placed in police custody,
where he currently remains. * In another incident, three men have appeared in the Tshilwavhusiku Magistrate’s Court in connection with a recent gang rape. The suspects, Malugana Malindi (19), Gumani Rambau (21) and Tumelo Khorommbi (21), allegedly attacked a 26-year-old woman and her boyfriend when the couple were on their way from a local tavern. According to the Tshilwavhuku police’s spokesperson, Const Munyadziwa Marindi, the boyfriend saw the firearm and knife which the suspects produced and immediately ran away for his life. “They then grabbed and dragged the woman to a spot where they allegedly took turns to rape her,” Marindi said.“The police have confiscated a toy gun which is suspected to have been used by the suspects when they allegedly committed the crime.” The three men will appear in court again on 19 December. They remain in custody.
Ms Joyce Naledzani (left) and Ms Reginah Ramarumo, two vendors who have set up shop outside of the Makhado Department of Home Affairs’ offices in Anderson Street. They cater for pensioners who travel far and have to wait outside the offices before they can be assisted.
14 November 2014 5
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6 14 November 2014 By Elmon Tshikhudo
Spiritual motivation for pupils of Dididi schools The head pastor of the Living Gospel World Mission in Dididi, Pastor Samuel Madzebe, recently held a day to motivate local pupils to study hard. He invited all graduates from the village and surrounding areas to come and attend the event at the church, dressed in their academic regalia. The church's academic Sunday was held and pupils from Grade 8
to 12 received valuable tips for their final examinations. "We felt the gowns would inspire the pupils and they would emulate what others had achieved and study harder. The other thing was that we wanted to show them that, no matter the odds and background, it is possible that they could achieve their goals in life," he said.
Madzebe added that there was a shortage of skilled people in the area and that the church should take a lead in motivating the youth to take education seriously. "Education is the only key that could open doors to brighter futures for these kids, and with prayers, all their dreams could be realised," said Madzebe.
Members in academic regalia encourage pupils to study harder in order to pass their examinations. In the photograph is pastor Samuel Madzebe and pupils from different schools.
Fray Maswanganye of the Emmanuel Kinderland Nursery School in Louis Trichardt showed parents attending the school's concert last Thursday how strong he is. Not only can he lift 4kg dumbbells above his head, but he can also kick a ball very far and run fast. See more photos on our website
Nature conservation
“Please do not kill endangered species” Tel: 015 516 4288 • Fax: 015 516 4968 • E-mail: • Shop no 7, Eltivillas Complex, Louis Trichardt R2900 R1275 R20000 R3000 Specials on single and
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Several wildlife protection groups have called upon residents not to kill endangered species such as pythons and to rather notify authorities in order for problem animals to be relocated. The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) and the Wildlife Protection Unit of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) condemned the killing of endangered species. The NSPCA also urged people to stop perceiving these animals as threats. Recently, a rock python was killed in Tshisele village outside Thohoyandou. The residents regarded the snake as a threat and also the cause for the disappearance of livestock such as chickens. Nature conservation non-governmental organizations, however, called on people to refrain from such deeds. According to the NSPCA, pythons are a protected species under the National Environment Management: Biodiversity Act and killing them is therefore illegal. The National Senior Inspector at the Wildlife Protection Unit of NSPCA, Isabel Wentzel, says many animal species, such as rock pythons, live alongside communities and have been doing this for decades, without the communities' knowing about their existence. “It is only once the community members actually see the animals that they end up believing that man and animal
cannot co-exist and want the animals removed or killed,” says Wentzel. WESSA supports this notion and urges the public to understand the role of snakes as it is similar to that of owls. “An important role that snakes and owls, for example, play in our society is that they keep the rodent population (rats) controlled and therefore protect us from diseases we may catch from rats in our homes,” says Catherine Ritchie from WESSA. According to WESSA, all species on the planet, including humans, have a purpose in maintaining the balance in nature. The NSPCA said that snakes are commonly regarded by superstitious people as ‘evil’ and these people believe they must be killed. Snakes are also collected by traditional healers and often misused to extort money from their clients by playing upon their beliefs. Wentzel adds that, in most cases, the animals will do no harm unless confronted and cornered by humans. “People need to learn to see the benefit in having these animals around their communities rather than removing them. In many cases when an animal is removed, another will take its place very quickly and it can actually encourage an increase of the same species in order to fill the void of the removed specimen,” she says. Both organizations appealed to members of the public to consider contacting Nature Conservation's offices when they encounter problem animals. “Most of Nature Conservation's offices have contact details for ‘snake catchers’ who catch and remove snakes from conflict situations and relocate them elsewhere. The SPCAs can also sometimes fulfil this duty,” she says.
An African rock python photographed in the Komatiland Hanglip Forestry in 2013.
14 November 2014 7
8 14 November 2014 By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Tshikota resident escapes raging fire A 52-year-old Tshikota resi- town and around Tshikota. He from a distance and watch him dent, Mr Edward Mafukata, says it took him many years to suffering,” he said. “At the same was awakened by the noise of save money for his furniture and time, we are deeply touched by raging fire inside his room a adds that it will take him several his situation and totally relieved fortnight ago. years to regain what he had lost at the fact that he had managed Mafukata jumped out of his in the fire. “I am appealing to to escape death.” bed and looked towards the people who have a good heart to Sinthumule added that he had headboard, where the noise was help me with roofing sheets while also offered Mafukata a double coming from. His eyes were I am still trying to pick myself bed and a wardrobe to take back greeted by a blazing headboard up,” he pleads. to his house, once it had been and burning curtains. He soon Rev Steven Sinthumule of- renovated. realised that, if he stood longer fered Mafukata temporary ac“We pray that other good inside the room, he might end commodation, clothes and food. people see this man's plight and up catching fire, which would “Socially speaking, Vho-Ma- voluntarily help with material kill him. fukata is my older brother and such as paint, roofing sheets and “I saw the fire quickly spread- we cannot just fold our arms timber,” he said. ing through the house and decided to run out,” he said. “I was so terrified when I stood out there in the open, looking at the burning house. It became clear to me that if I hadn't managed to see the fire on time, I would have died in the house.” Mafukata, who is unemployed, lost all his belongings in the fire, which burnt down his only room. “My bed, wardrobe, sofas and clothes were destroyed in the fire,” he said. “Even my ID book and food.” He survives by per- Mr Edward Mafukata stands inside his room, where his belongings and forming odd jobs in property were destroyed by the fire.
Now is the time to support a very good cause by buying a raffle ticket in aid of the Louis Trichardt SPCA. For only R10, you could be walking away with a fantastic crocheted blanket, donated by the women of the VLU’s local Aandblom branch. “Help us to help the By Silas Nduvheni animals,” is the plea from the local SPCA management. Without government funding, the SPCA relies heavily on the support of the community to enable them to fulfil their mandate. Pictured from left to right are SPCA staff and committee members Lawrence Khodobo (082 965 5151), Bea Service delivery challenges will in the spotlight Reimer (082 424 5712) and Kathy Tucker during the Integrated Development Program (072 425 2392). For tickets, any one of Representative Forum to be held in the council them can be phoned at the above numbers. chamber of the Vhembe District Council today. Tickets are also available at the office of “Various community stakeholders will be able to the Zoutpansberger and Limpopo Mirror at review service delivery challenges for the previous 16B Joubert Street. financial year, assess progress made so far and also identify current service delivery hiccups to be dealt with during the upcoming 2014/15 financial year,” said the media liaison officer of Vhembe, Mr Moss Shibambu. He added that the IDP forum will focus Multi Franchise dealer on services and other Authorised new TATA Imperial Commercial Polokwane is now the newly appointed commercial vehicle dealer basic needs such as water, housing, education, FAW Truck Dealer for the Limpopo Region. Imperial Commercial health, electricity, roads, Polokwane welcomes FAW Commercial vehicles to the family. safety and security. The executive mayor, Cllr Visit us at 63 19th Ave, Industria, Polokwane Tshitereke Matibe, will Multi Franchise dealer chair the forum and will be accompanied the mayors of the four Cllr Tshitereke Ma m3 m3 local municipalities. tibe.
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A python that was apparently terrorising the community of Lufune by eating their chickens was killed a few weeks ago. Community members found the reptile and killed it. Standing with the snake are, from left to right, Dzivhu Masakona, Vhatanzi Nemadzhilili and Tshifhiwa Ravele. The SPCA as well as other nature conservation groups have called upon communities not to kill endangered species such as pythons. They urge community members to rather contact the necessary authorities, so that the animals can be relocated.
14 November 2014 9
By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Tshirolwe Trust supports local primary school The Tshirolwe Trust presented gifts of school T-shirts, pens and at least 50 dictionaries to pupils of Tshirolwe Primary School during a ceremony last Friday. The chairperson of the Tshirolwe Educational Trust Fund, Mr Norman Mahuwa, said the trust also wanted the children to start the 2015 academic year with energy and motivatated in the knowledge that they have dictionaries and basic stationery. He explained that the trust was started some years ago by about 20 community members who forked out money from their own pockets to sustain the trust’s projects. He indicated that they also appreciate the little financial help they get from some local businesspeople. The pupils demonstrated their appreciation on receiving the gifts by doing traditional dances, reciting poetry and singing. The school’s principal, Ms Violet Radzilani, extended the school’s heartfelt gratitude to the Tshirolwe Educational Trust Fund. She explained that the former principal, Ms Bony Sinthumule, had first initiated the relationship between the school and the community some three years ago. “Ever since that time, we have been benefiting from the trust as they seem to understand our needs best,”
she said. “The dictionaries will help our learners learn English better as they will readily refer to them each time they come across new words in their texts.” In 2012, the Tshirolwe Educational Trust Fund handed school uniforms to about 50 pupils in the school. All those pupils came from needy families.
The pupils received dictionaries and new school T-shirts.
By Kaizer Nengovhela
Heavy fines for Safa Vhembe teams
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Heavy fines were imposed on several affiliates of the Safa Vhembe MMK Administrator’s League during a disciplinary committee meeting in Thohoyandou last Thursday. Vleifontein United pleaded guilty to the charge of assaulting the referee when playing against Tshikwani Stone Breakers and a fine of R4 000 was imposed on them. The points for the match were awarded to Stone Breakers. Madombidzha Arsenal were found guilty of causing the abandonment of their match against Tshiozwi Anchors. A fine of R5 000 was imposed on them and they also forfeited points to Anchors. Ramokgopa Young Brothers failed to pay the referees’ fee in their league match against Mutandani Pull Together. The committee found them guilty of that and ordered them to pay a fine of R6 000. They also forfeited points to Pull Together. The case against Makhitha Iyanga and Makhitha Oscar Stars was withdrawn and the league ordered that the match be replayed. The match between Benny’s Care and Makhitha Oscar Stars, which was not played to the finish, will also be replayed. The teams which were found guilty must pay their fines within 30 days.
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Photographed are (from left to right) Ms Violet Radzilani, Ms Shumani Masutha and Mr Norman Mahuwa.
PRICES VALID UNTIL 16 NOVEMBER 2014 4 AT AT PICK PICK N PAY SUPERMARKETS AND HYPERMARKETS ONLY In Gauteng, Free State, North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Upington, Kimberley, Kuruman and Vryburg. Excluding Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Northam Local and Express stores. smart shopper points will still apply in Express and Daily stores. Buy-aid cards not accepted at the following stores: Vanderhof, Northmead, Rosettenville, Elspark and Hoedspruit. Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Shop in store or online at Certain promotional stocks are limited. Information correct at time of print. Prices inclusive of VAT, where applicable. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. E&OE.
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10 14 November 2014 A A
Art & Entertainment Music
Mourricce Ramachela’s first album doing well By Kaizer Nengovhela Mourricce Ramachela of Maila village recently released his debut album, The children are crying. It is already very popular and is doing well at local music outlets. Ramachela stared singing as a member of the school choir in the late 1990s, and he says that the seven-track album is part of his journey to artistic excellence. It started many years ago and all his efforts culminate in his first album. The offering boasts powerful tracks, such as the title track Athi mustinda khala Afurika, Thathanda dza murango and The living voice. Judging by the response the album has received since its launch, all indications are that it will catapult him to greater heights. “I have been wandering around. I saw most of the things in the world, but there was one thing that I was missing in my life: that is God. Now that I have found the Lord, everything has to change and my life has to bear testimony that I have changed, and that is where this album came into being,” he said. He says people could have everything they
could wish for in life, but without God they will never enjoy life to the fullest. “We are all created in the image of God and we should pay back by praising Him and, in my case, it is through music.” Ramachela said in as much as he was still prepared to dish out good music, he was worried about the rampant fake music industry that was mushrooming in Vhembe. He said music pirates, the Ama Ten Ten, were destroying the music industry and they should be stopped in their tracks. Fans having problems to get copies of the album can phone him at 0761222684 or 071 8365470 to order a copy.
Dance & Cultu
Film & Theatre
Art & Sculp
Lit Poetry &
Elekanyani back with a bang By Frank Mavhungu After vanishing from music circles for almost four years, a resident of Siambe village, Elekanyani Tshabuse, has made a comeback with his second reggae album. According to Tshabuse, it took him about six months to record the album until it was finally released last month. The new release, Marching to Zion, boasts ten tracks. The opening song on the album the title track, Marching to Zion, is followed by a prayer song, Faranani Ma-Africa (literally meaning Africans must unite). A song that is already driving the fans crazy is Ni a delele. The song is about a spoilt child who tells his parents about his rights when they warn him about being disrespectful and against drug and alcohol abuse. Elekanyani Tshabuse is not a new name in the music industry. His love of music dates back to the time when he was a keyboard player of the worship team for the Emmanuel Grace Fellowship Church at Dzingahe village in the late
nineties. That is where he met Mr Nkhumeleni Rasikhinya. Together they recorded an album, Nwana was muvenda. The album was recorded at the Londotainment Recording Studio in Pretoria and released in December 2010. Due to family poverty, Tshabuse went to Pretoria where he worked as a hawker, selling fruit and vegetables after completing his Grade 12 in 1999. While working as a hawker, Tshabuse enrolled for a diploma in fitting and turning with the Pretoria West College. He dropped out of the college due to a lack of funds. He later enrolled for a diploma in marketing with the University of South Africa, a qualification he could not complete either, due to a lack of time management skills. According to him it was difficult for him to study while, at the same time, the pressure to be in the recording studio was growing with time. Although he intends to enroll for a diploma in recreation and leisure studies at the University of Venda in the next academic year, he has reiterated the fact that music will remain part of his life until he dies. According to him, he has already started working on his third album which is likely to be released in the second half of next year. Tshabuse can be phoned on 072 354 2930 for booking live performances.
14 November 2014 11
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12 14 November 2014
00:00 – 03:00
Mon- Divhambele Mbalavhali Tues -Friday: Hulisani Phosiwa
03:00 – 06:00
Mulakhulu u a Fhinduwa
Thikho Liphadzi Drama
06:00 - 09:00
Vhandilani/ Morning Drive
Jones & Mpho [Majantiby] Lucky Tshilimandila [sports] Pfarelo Maduguma [Bussiness news] Thilivhali Ralethatha[Producer]
09:00 - 12:00
Nne Na Vhone
Lutendo Tshisikule Producer:Tshianeo Phathela.
12:00 - 14:30 14:05 – 14:30
Tshiko /Mid-day Talk Show Commerce & Finance[Wens] Science and technology [Thur] Denzhe / Kiddies Show
Rotenda Mangoma Mbavhalelo Nematondoni. Wonder juniper Producer Donald Khanari. Jennifer Muthige
15:00 -18h00
Dziaorowa/ Afternoon Drive/
Jimmy Netshilulu. Producer :Rendani Sikhwivhilu
18:00 -19:00 19:00- 20:00
Current Affairs Mitambo/ Sports Hour
CA Team. Thilivhali Muavha
Educational programmes Educators development[Mon] Learners support 1[Tues] Learners support 2[Wed] Civic education [Friday]
Godfrey Mavhasa
Dial a lawyer [mon] Health and environment[tue] Business talk [Thurs]
Pat Nephawe Wonder Juniper. Pfarelo Maduguma
21:00 – 21:45
Death Notices: [mon-thurs] Ri a dzedza
Terry Mudau
Wonder Juniper
The Grade 7 pupils of Ganyane Primary School in Tshakhuma Maungani received dictionaries, Bibles and school bags during a recent farewell ceremony at the school. In the photograph, the pupils are holding their gifts. By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Policeman urges pupils to take education seriously Those who only see police officers as people who arrest offenders are mistaken. W/O David Tshilande of Mutale also helps to motivate pupils from rural schools to take education seriously. On Friday, W/O Tshilande visited Magiledzhi Primary School near Mutale and told pupils to take education seriously as a means to defeat poverty and unemployment .
During the event, the school also bade farewell to the Grade 7 pupils. A “graduation ceremony” for the Grade R pupils was also held. “We want our pupils to be focused on educational matters and nothing else. Education can make young people to become respected citizens of the country,” Tshilande said. According to Tshilande, he is on a mis-
sion to meet pupils, teachers and parents and to motivate them to work jointly as one big family and to improve the life of communities. “If our pupils are not motivated, they may end up taking alcohol and drugs as means of entertainment. Our pupils are our future leaders and if they are motivated and moulded well, they will lead the country with vision,” he added.
Terry Mudau FRIDAY
00:00 – 03:00
Khoroni/ Social Issues
Hulisani Phosiwa
03:00 – 06:00
Mulakhulu u a Fhinduwa
Thikho Liphadzi
06:00 - 09:00
Vhandilani/ Morning Drive
Jones & Nefale
09:00 - 12:00
Nne Na Vhone
Lutendo Tshisikule
12:00 - 14:30
Rotenda Mangoma.
14:30 – 15:00
Tshiko /Mid-day Talk Show Commerce & Finance Denzhe / Kiddies Show
15:00 -18h00
Dziaorowa/ Afternoon Drive/
Jimmy Netshilulu
18:00 -19:00 19:00- 20:00 20:05-20:30
Current Affairs Mitambo/ Sports Hour Education: Civic Education Music
Shandukani Shandu/Wonder Wonder Juniper
Party Time
Shandukani lukwareni
20:30-21:00 21:00-24:00
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Limpopo Mirror of Shop no. 5 Madar Centre, next to the Post Office, Thohoyandou. Typographically prepared by the proprietors and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Makhado (Louis Trichardt).
POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONES: Thohoyandou: (015) 962 1008 Thohoyandou fax: (015) 962 1008 Makhado (Louis Trichardt): (015) 516 4996/7 Makhado (Louis Trichardt) fax: (015) 516 2303
Rotenda Mangoma.
E-MAIL: Advertising: Editor: Administrative: Website:
Party Time /Nzhalinga Matambandou
Divhambele Mbalavhali Jenniffer Muthige.
Current Affairs National Top 20 Nambi Ya Dzi Nambi
Terry Mudau Terry Mudau Shandu
Nambi Ya Dzi Nambi Teen Zone & Youth Ke Yona Reggae
Shandu Lukhwareni Pandelani and Mbavhalelo Tshilillo Khanari
Devhula Ha Vhembe
Mpho Nefale
Party Time/ Dikita
00:00 – 03:00
Divhambele Mbalavhali
03:00 – 06:00
Jeniffer Muthige
06:00 - 10:00
Gondo Vhugala/ Gospel Show
Rofhiwa Nethengwe.
10:00 - 11:45
Hu Bvuma Yone hits
Hulisani Phosiwa
11:45 - 13:00 13:00 – 14:30
Soapie Omnibus Jazz Show
Hulisani Phosiwa
14:30 - 18:00
Sports/ Hu Duba Buse
Phathutshedzo Matidza
18:00 -21:00
Disability / Issues Of Faith
Shandu Lukwareni/Mafeladzulo.
21:00 - 24:00
Riadzedza (Choral & Golden Oldies)
Rofhiwa Nethegwe.
11h00-14h00 10:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:00-14:00
06:00-10:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-09:00 09:00-10:00
Audited Distribution Figures
POLOKWANE: STUDIOS: (015) 297 1709 / 297 4306; OFFICE: (015) 290 0000/1; FAX: (015) 290 0170 THOHOYANDOU: STUDIOS: (015) 962 5101/5 FAX: (015) 962 2998
W/O David Tshilande of Mutale Police Station, photographed while motivating the Grade 7 pupils of Magiledzhi Primary School. The principal, Ms Georgina Netshandama, looks on. Animal Care
Book SPCA boarding in advance Pet owners who wish to board their pets (cats and dogs) at the SPCA’s Louis Trichardt kennels during the December holidays must do so in advance. Bookings can only be made with Mr Lawrence Khodobo between 08:00 and 16:00 and no other bookings will be accepted. “Please do not leave a voice message on any phone and presume your booking has been accepted. It will not be accepted. We also ask that you do not leave a message with one of the kennel staff,” said Mrs Bea Reimer of the local SPCA. All pets, cats and dogs, must be inoculated, de-wormed and bathed or dipped before coming into the kennels. “We will need proof of yearly inoculations, as well as rabies inoculation when you bring your pet in,” said Reimer. Inoculation must take place 10 days before the pet is brought to the kennels. Reimer and Khodobo must also be made aware of pets on medication while these are at the kennels. “If you intend leaving your pets at home during the holiday, please make adequate arrangements with a reliable
person for them. Remember, there will be fireworks while you are away, so be prepared,” Reimer warned. The boarding fees are R40 per dog per day and R30 per cat per day. Office hours at the kennels are Monday to Friday from 08:00 until 17:00 and Saturdays from 08:00 until 13:00. The kennels are closed on Sundays and public holidays. People bringing their pets must do so within business hours. P ets left at the kennels over the weekend must be picked up on Monday, unless arrangements are made before the time. The SPCA is also in need of books and magazines, as well as jumble (clothes, shoes, toys, kitchen utensils, ornaments and any other jumble) for the frequent jumble and book sales. Goods can be dropped off at the kennels along the Vondeling Road between 08:00 and 16:00. For those wishing to make a donation, the local SPCA’s banking details are SPCA Louis Trichardt, Standard Bank, account number 282374639 and branch code 052 549. For more information or in case of emergencies, phone Lawrence at 082 965 5151 or Reimer at 082 424 5712.
NEWS: Editor: Wikus Lee Reporter: Elmon Tshikudo Phathutshedzo Luvhengo Correspondents: Frank Mavhungu (Thohoyandou) Mashudu Netsianda (Beit Bridge) Kaizer Nengovhela Ndivhuwo Musetha Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
(015) 516 4996/7 072 207 7606 083 717 6459 082 969 3131 071 259 3783 072 335 8828 082 957 8493 078 503 1804
George Janse van Rensburg Yolanda Kock Pieter Jooste Classified/Legal Notices:
082 419 2359 082 972 2060 083 562 1234 (015) 516 4996/7
DISTRIBUTION: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to P Jooste (0835621234).
Limpopo Mirror publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.
14 November 2014 13 By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo
Church celebrates life of Benedict Daswa
Memory Siphephile Malapane and her team at her shop. Entrepreneur
Hard working Memory lives her dream In 2006, money was tight and she was sleeping on the floor of her shop in Sibasa with her two daughters, but Memory Siphephile Malapane didn’t mind – she was living her dream. Eight years have flown by, as have the blood sweat and tears required to successfully start your own business, but today Memory has a legacy she can be proud of thanks, in part, to the De Beers Zimele Venetia Mine Business Hub. In 2011, Memory and her husband got a divorce and she was faced with a difficult decision. She could give up her decorative shop and return to a conventional nine-to-five job where her salary was guaranteed, or risk failure and continue to run the business on her own. The choice for Memory was obvious. “I had tasted the good life, and it was too painful and hard to go back. I did not want my children to have a hard life or to experience the heartache that I did.”
Fortunately, a business friend recognized Memory’s potential and recommended that she approach the De Beers Zimele Business Hub for a low-interest loan. Memory applied for a loan to the value of R100 000, which she used to purchase stock and expand her business to include a second branch in Louis Trichardt. As a result of the funding, she could retain the jobs of the four individuals currently in her employ and create an additional three jobs. Memory’s shop is called ‘Best Enough’ and represents her strong belief that her best efforts are enough to ensure success. She trades in decorative home items, including cornices, PVC ceilings, glue and rhino boards. Today, Memory has repaid her loan in its entirety and her business is thriving. She dreams of developing her enterprise further to include branches in Musina and Tzaneen. She is also researching the possibility
of starting a small spare parts counter in conjunction with her current store and has already started researching this idea and testing the local client base. “At De Beers Zimele, the interest is low and the service is good. Here I have found someone who speaks my language,” says Memory. When asked about Memory’s success, hub manager Stanley Boloko says, “Memory’s small business was at risk of closing. By partnering with her, we were able to save four existing jobs and create an additional three employment opportunities. For us at De Beers Zimele, jobs are precious and we do all that we can to sustain and promote them within our local communities. We are very proud to have played a role in Memory’s success and we hope to partner with similar entrepreneurs and business owners in the Thohoyandou area in the near future.”
It has been 24 years since the advance religious beliefs in the death of witch-hunt victim Thulamela communities and the Benedict Tshimangadzo Das- Vhembe district. “Moral regenwa, and the Catholic Church eration can be achieved when believes his death and life are the government and churches are still relevant in the church and working collectively as a unit,” in society. she said. A fortnight ago (4 November) Benedict Daswa was baptised Nweli Catholic church, led by in 1963 and he made the motto Emeritus Bishop Jaoe Noe Rod of St Benedict, “pray and work”, riques, priests from Polokwane his own. and Witbank, and the congregaHe later realised that the area of tion of Tzaneen celebrated his witchcraft which led to the killing life in Tshitanini village outside of innocent people was totally Thohoyandou. against his Catholic faith. Benedict Tshimangadzo The ceremony was attended In 1990, he was stoned to death Daswa was stoned to death by the mayor of Thulamela mu- by a mob in his home village for for his opinions and struggle nicipality, Cllr Grace Mahosi, his consistent opinion against against witchcraft and witch Daswa’s family, representatives witchcraft and witch hunting. hunting. from other churches and the local tribal councils in the area. During the solemn feast of all saints celebration, two trees were planted at the acquired land in honour of Benedict Daswa, who was regarded as a servant of God. Rodriques blessed the the land where a future church would be built and the 12 miraculous medals brought especially from the Holy Land were buried. Thohoyandou mayor Cllr Grace Mahosi said she was respectfully passing her gratitude to a per- Emeritus Bishop Hugh Patrick Slattery (left) and Emeritus Bishop Joao son who had strived to Noe Rodriques (right) plant a tree in honour of the late Benedict Daswa.
The radio that begins with U Tel: 015 962 8336/8405 & Fax: 015 962 8494 Univen Community Radio 2014 Line-Up
By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo
New kitchen for Masereni Secondary The days of cooking pupils’ food in an open area at Masereni Secondary School in Khomele village are over. This came about after Mabirimisa Bus Services recently donated funds used for a new kitchen at the school. During the handover ceremony a fortnight ago, school principal Mr Tuwani Muhanganei hailed the bus company for providing
them with the kitchen. He said the kitchen would help eradicate their difficulties, specifically during rainy days, when they cannot cook at school. The manager of the bus service, Mr Robert Mabirimisa, said they felt they should assist the school after the principal had approached them. He said the buses had been operating in the area for decades and they felt they should give
back to those communities. He also appealed to the residents of Khomele to continue using their buses. He said it was of paramount importance for people to work with their local councillor and strive to fix the gravel roads. The chairperson of the school governing body, Mr Bendani Fhalalani, stated that they would ensure that the new kitchen was treasured and looked after.
TIME 00H00 – 03H00
PRESENTER Rotlas Nelwamondo
03H00 – 06H00
Ri a vusa
Brown Stan
Univen breakfast
Slick SK Mudau
Nendila (Thursday edition is gospel)
Mpho Rambau
Lunch Talk
Tendani Mushasha
Univen Community Drive
Sports Talk
KC Mathoma
Current Matters
TJ & Muvhuso Mbedzi
Nkho ya lushaka
Thovhedzo Mufhadi
The U-Turn
Paila Chauke
Listeners’ Choice Friday
Phaila Chauke
National Top 30: Fridays SATURDAY Phandula Luvalo Early Riser Weekend Breakfast Reggae Beat International Top 30 Weekend Drive Sports Recap Vhaimbi na Vhasiki Univen Weekend Party SUNDAY Phandula Luvalo Early Riser Delight in the Lord The Evolution The Touch Of Sunday Religious Talk The New Generation Vhaimbi na Vhasiki Gospel Sounds
Fhatuwani Tshitetete
00H00-03H00 03H00-06H00 06H00-09H00 09H00-12H00 12H00-15H00 15H00-17H00 17H00-18H00 18H00-21H00 21H00-00H00
Cutting the ceremonial ribbon are, from left to right, Messrs Muhanganei Tuwani, Vhonani Doboro, Fhalalani Bendani, Robert Mabirimisa, Davy Mavhunga, Derick Muthelo and the ward councillor, Mr Tshililo Frank.
00H00-03H00 03H00--06H00 06H00--09H00 09H00-12H00 12H00-15H00 15H00-17H00 17H00-18H00 18H00-21H00 21H00-00H00
Collen Ramarumo Lagugga Rapson Rambuwani Lufuno Masindi Funyu2 Rotlas Elsie Tshitetete Slick SK Thembu T Lagugga Rapson Rambuwani Funyu2 Heavy T Humbelani Netshandama Mpondi Masindi Tshitetete Livhuwani
14 14 November 2014 By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo
By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo
Burglar receives three years Angry residents barricade roads in Vhulaudzi village The 27-year-old man who was allegedly terrorising the communities of Nzhelele in Mandiwana, Siloam and Mandala has been sentenced to three years in prison. Mr Magadzire Luckson initially escaped from Siloam hospital while being guarded by the police. This followed after Magadzire was shot by a community member during a housebreaking attempt. He had allegedly stolen television sets, cell phones and DVD players from var-
ious homes in the area. He was shot in Mandala village in the right leg whilst he was running away with some of the stolen goods. Magadzire was charged with more than six cases of residential burglary, being in possession of stolen property and escaping. A fortnight ago, Magadzire was sent to jail for three years after appearing in the Dzanani Magistrate's Court. Some of his cases are still pending and police investigations are continuing.
Mr Luckson Magadzire, who was allegedly terrorising communities in the Nzhelele area.
Communities of Vhulaudzi in Nzhelele are convinced that the Siloam police are improperly conducting investigations into various incidents that occurred in the area over the past three years. The community’s complaints recently came to light when the body of an elderly woman was found in Phadzima village last month. After the discovery of the body, members of the different communities subsequently barricaded the main tarred road in an effort to convince the police to hunt the suspect. So far, no one has been arrested and police conducting an inquest. Last Tuesday, an established Vhulaudzi crisis management committee meeting deadlocked with the police after a series of meetings. The appointed committee accused the police of failing to handle crime incidents in the area. The spokesperson of the committee, Mr Albert Mafhala, claimed that police officials were improperly cooperating with them. “We initially agreed that the police would work with us to help solve those cases, but now they are just arresting people in our communities without consulting us,” said Mafhala. Apparently the police have arrested some of the people who were involved in the barricading of the main road which passes by the village for public violence. Those people were subsequently released on "free bail" and are going back to court on 11 December. Mafhala said they would support those who were arrested for public violence when they appeared in court. Siloam police spokesperson W/O Edward Tharaga said the appointed committee walked away from
BURSARIES SCHEME: 2015 ACADEMIC YEAR INVITATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR BURSARIES The Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism is committed to supporting education and addressing the skills gaps by offering bursaries in the field of studies relevant to the core function of the department. The bursary scheme is for students who wish to study on a full time basis and priority is given to the following fields of studies: BSc Natural Sciences (Majoring in Chemistry/Geography/Geology), BSc Hons Environmental Chemistry/ Engineering, BSc Geohydrology, B Civil Engineering, Hons in Environmental Sciences, Degree/ diploma in Economics, Degree/ Diploma in Business Management or Entrepreneurship, B Com Law, Degree/ Diploma in Tourism Marketing and B Tech/ Hons Tourism Research, The bursary covers Registration & Tuition fees, Accommodation and Meals. To be considered for bursary, a student must obtain the minimum requirements of admission to Bachelor’s degree or must have completed his/her junior degree. Application forms are obtainable from Head Office,19 Biccard Street ,Evridiki Towers (Polokwane) and all departmental district offices i.e. Capricorn, Sekhukhune, Mopani, Vhembe Waterberg and Multi- purpose center at the Municipalities and also on departmental website: The application forms should be accompanied by certified copies of the following: • South African ID • Grade 12 certificate or Grade 12 mid-year results (if currently in Grade 12) • Academic Record • Copy of junior degree or diploma (if applying for Hons or B Tech) • Acceptance letter from reputable tertiary institution in South Africa • Proof of income of parents/guardian Duly completed application forms should be forwarded to: Acting Senior Manager, Human Resource Development, Private Bag X 9484, Polokwane, 0700 or Hand Delivered to the Registry offices at the following addresses: DISTRICT Head Office Mopani Capricorn Waterberg Sekhukhune Vhembe
PHYSICAL ADRESS 19 Biccard Street ,Office No. B1 - 73, Evridiki Towers Building, Polokwane Mopani Government Building, P/Bag X 9681, Giyani, 0826 90 Bok Street, Gani House P/Bag X 9555, Polokwane, 0700 84 River Street, NTK Building, P/Bag X 1041, Modimolle, 0510 Parliamentary Building, Lebowakgomo Old Parliamentary Building, Block E & F, P/Bag X 5088, Thohoyandou, 0950
CONTACT NUMBER 015-293 8418 015-812 0365/7402 015 -297 3839 014-717 1055 015-633 5220/5104 015-9624722
ENQUIRIES Chula M.F/ Moroko S Shikwambana M.D Legodi L.R Makhafola L.K.M Munzhedzi D Mudau A.A.
NB: This opportunity is meant for students from Limpopo Province only, especially those who are from previously disadvantaged rural areas. Closing date for applications is 05 December 2014 If you have not received a response from us within eight weeks after the closing date, please accept that your application has not been successful.
the meeting, claiming that the police should liaise with them about those cases. “We cannot discuss cases when the investigations are at an intensive stage,” said Tharaga.
He added that the aim of those meetings was to calm the communities and resolve the strike not to allow them to interfere in the investigations of the police.
A Limpopo traffic officer who, some years ago, was a general labourer working for a chain store in Hilbrow, is today a doctor of philosophy and has been hailed as an inspiration. During a thanksgiving function held in his honour at Khoroni Hotel last weekend, Dr Thinandavha Munwana (46) of Biaba at Nzhelele told guests of the hard road he had travelled to reach where he is today. Munwana, who is the traffic chief at Thulamela, has already presented papers at the esteemed Makerere University in Uganda and is believed to be the only traffic official to hold such a qualification Limpopo, and probably the whole country. "My background has not been good and, after completing my matric in 1989, the only option I had was to go and look for employment in Gauteng. The first job I got was a general labourer at one of the leading chain stores in Hilbrow, where I was earning R295 per month. Life was difficult as I did not have a place to stay and did not have food. Later on I found a job at Anglo American as a security guard and working at night gave me a chance to study part-time, whereupon I qualified as a traffic officer and worked in Randburg," he said. He added that he relocated to Makhado and later to Thulamela Muncipality as traffic officer. "All along I never stopped studying and qualifications followed each other until I registered for my doctorate, which I completed last year. The lesson I can give to others is that, no matter the odds, if you are determined to make it in life, follow my example and you will reach your goals," he said.
Vhadinda V
Printing & Signage
14 November 2014 15
16 14 November 2014 By Kaizer Nengovhela
Tshikume Phadziri buried at Gogobole
A fountain pump at Palm Park opposite the Makhado municipal lapa, which had been vandalised last year, was recently fixed by Avax SA 222 electrical contractor.
Mourners from all parts of South Africa Mr Livhuwani Maduze of the Vhembe Bus Assomarched from the Phadziri house to the Phad- ciation described Phadziri as a brave businessman, ziri graveyard, where Phadziri bus owner who was loyal to the transport organisation and to Tshikume Phadziri was laid to rest at Gogobole his fellow man. “He has been our ambassador and on Sunday. Limpopo is what it is today because of his contriHe died at the age of 53 after a short illness in butions. We are shocked by his sudden departure,” the Polokwane MediClinic two weeks ago. he added. During the funeral, Phadziri was described as a pioneer, a born leader and a man of vision. Many speakers expressed their condolences to the Phadziri family and said that Tshikume had been a hard worker. The senior manager in the Department of Transport in Limpopo, Mr Paul Mainganye said the death of Phadziri had affected the community and transport industry as a whole. “The department has suffered a Mrs Mahlodi Phadziri (centre), widow of Mr Tshikume Phadziri, photographed during the funeral. great loss.”
INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 2015/16 Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism invites applications from suitably qualified young graduates from Limpopo Province (between 18 - 35 years) to participate in twelve months internship programme. The programme aims at exposing unemployed young graduates to workplace practices in order to maximize their chances of getting employment. Field of exposure
Minimum Qualifications required
Ref No.
HOD Supports
Degree / National Diploma in Office Admin / Secretarial or Public Admin IP/15/01
Tourism Planning and Development
Degree / Diploma in Tourism
Protected Area
Degree in Environmental Management
Consumer Protection
Degree / National Diploma in Law / Commerce
Information & Records Management
National Diploma / Degree in HRM/ Records/ Public Administration
Communication Services
National Diploma in Graphic / Marketing or Post-graduate Degree in IP/15/06 Public Relations / Communications or Media studies
Wildlife Trade and Regulations
National Diploma in Nature Conservation
Information Technology
A+, N+ & MCITP, National Diploma / Degree in Information Technology IP/15/08 / Computer Science
Environmental Impact Management
Three year Degree / Diploma in Environmental Management or Science IP/15/09 / Chemical; Water or Civil Engineering
Knowledge Economy
National Diploma / Degree in IT/IS or related
Environment Empowerment Services National Diploma / B.Sc Environmental Management / Sciences / Na- IP/15/11 ture Conservation / Resource Management & Utilization Employee Relations
National Diploma in labour Relations / Labour Law / HRM or LLB
Financial Accounting
National Diploma / Degree in Financial Management / Financial Ac- IP/15/13 counting / Auditing
Human Resource Development and National Diploma / Degree in HRM / HRD / Public Management PMS
Human Resource Management
National Diploma / Degree in HRM
Supply Chain Management
National Diploma in Finance / Supply chain Management / Logistic IP/15/16 Management or Bachelor of Commerce
Logistical Support
National Diploma in Logistics / Transport / Public Admin Office Man- IP/15/17 agement
Risk Management
National Diploma / Degree in Accounting / Auditing / Risk Management IP/15/18 or Financial Management
Transformation Services
National Diploma or Degree in Public Management / Administration / IP/15/19 Social Sciences / Psychology
Legal Services
National Diploma / Degree in Admin or LLB
Members of the Vhembe Bus Association carried the coffin of the late Phadziri.
102 President Street Louis Trichardt 0920
Tel: (015) 516 1427 Fax: (015) 516 1160
Candidates shall be paid stipend from R58 707.75 per annum. Graduates who have participated in internship programme in the public services should not apply. The Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism is an equal opportunity employer, therefore people with disability, women and youth are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted on Form Z83, obtainable from any public service department, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, certified copies of qualifications and ID. Applications can be directed to: The Acting Senior Manager: Human Resource Development, Private Bag X9484, Polokwane, 0700 or hand delivered to Registry offices at the following addresses: CONTACT PERSON
Head Office
Ms E Mathedimosa
015 293 8419
20 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane
Shikwambane M.D
015 812 0365 / 7402
Old Parliamentary Building, Giyani
Legodi L.R
015 297 3839
90 Bok Street, Gani House, Polokwane
Ms M. Makhafola
014 717 1055
84 River Street, NTK Building, Modimolle
Munzhedzi D
015 633 5220 / 5104
Parliamentary Building, Lebowakgomo
Mudau A.A.
015 962 4722
Old Parliamentary Building, Thohoyandou
SOLE MANDATE - Spacious luxurious family home in sought after neighbourhood. De Vaal st. 8. R3.3 Million
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If you have not received a response from us within four weeks after the closing date, please accept that your application has not been successful. CLOSING DATE: 05 DECEMBER 2014
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14 November 2014 17
Above: The new executive committee of Sanco was elected at Mavhunga village in Nzhelele on Sunday morning. Some of the previous committee members were re-elected in the new executive. Seated from left to right are Vhavenda Vho-Mavhunga from the Mavhunga royal council, Ms Agnes Maguvha (organizer), Ms Johanna Munene (treasurer), Mr Makana Ravele (deputy secretary), Mr Robert Mutshinya (secretary), Mr Solomon Netshilaphala (deputy chairperson) and Calvin Tshipuke (chairperson). Standing in the back row are the additional members.
In keeping with offering their customers the latest in service excellence, Vodashop in Thohoyandou has received a major upgrade, and the new-look Vodacom store now boasts more easily accessible service terminals for improved customer service, as well as an on-site TechZone that handles any repairs. The store also stocks a wider range of mobile accessories and there are live display units that allow prospective clients to test the product range before making a final decision to purchase. Vodashop Thohoyandou invites all their existing customers and customers-to-be to come in and see what the new store has to offer, or contact the store at 015 962 2060.
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Villagers, community members and the mayor of Mutale local municipality paid tribute a local businessman and community builder who recently died during a head-on collision. Mr Alex Rammbuda (33) of Dzimauli-Matshavhawe in Ha-Rammbuda outside Mutale and a two-yearold girl died on 25 October at the T-Junction at Thengwe Engen at Tshilamba. He was the owner of Mutshipisi Driving School in Dzimauli. According to the spokesperson of the police at Mutale, W/O Tshilidzi Nyambeni, they have opened a culpable-homicide case. Mr Rammbuda was buried at the village’s cemetery a fortnight ago.
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18 14 November 2014
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LIMPOPO MIRROR By Kaizer Nengovhela
14 November 2014 19 By Elmon Tshikhudo
“Government will honour Mbulaeni”
A house at last for poor Blessing
Sports Minister Fikile Mbalula Mbulaeni Mulaudzi, Senzo Mey- dom Fighters leader Julius Malesays the government will soon iwa and Phindele Mwelase, who ma has rejected remarks by some honour Mbulaeni Mulaudzi recently passed away. athletes that the government posthumously with the Steve An athlete from Kutama, had failed to honour Mbulaheni Tshwete lifetime achievement Mpho Sigagammba, said that Mulaudzi while he was still alive. award. young people from that area He also attended Mulaudzi's During a memorial service for regard Mulaudzi as their hero. funeral service and stated that Mulaudzi at the True Worshipers He said that they were consoled the government had honoured Christian Centre in Midoroni a by the fact that a promise has and assisted Mulaudzi and other fortnight ago, Mbalula said the been made that a sports centre athletes like Khotso Mokoena award would be presented during will be built in their village in and Caster Semenya while he an event at the end of this month. his honour. (Malema) was still the president According to him, Mulaudzi Meanwhile, Economic Free- of the ANC Youth League. was a giant in athletics and respected worldwide but not properly recognized back home."We are proud of him. He died a hero. We will come back to build an integrated sports facility in the name of Mbulaeni," Mbalula added. The chairperson of the National Lottery Board, Prof Alfred Nevhutanda, also announced that the board would finance sports EFF leader Julius Malema in discussion with Mr Mukondeleli Mulaudzi centres in honour of after the funeral.
The life of a poor rural woman has changed for the better. Named Blessing, her life was a total contrast to the name as she experienced poverty at its worst. But recently, just like her name says, she was blessed abundantly. Matamela (42) of Ha-Luvhimbi outside Thohoyandou has been staying in a downgraded mud hut for years, which she shared with her five grown-up children, with no privacy for herself. When it rained, the dilapidated hut was always full of water. All this is now history – thanks to the Power and Authority Christian Centre Church at Tshidzini, who built her a modest two-roomed house. The house was recently presented to her by the local councillor, Tshimangadzo Malada, local traditional leader Chief Gerson Masikhwa and the leader of the church, Apostle Prince Mutshekwa. Mutshekwa said they had heard of the poverty the family was going through and acted as instructed by the Bible. “We cannot only look at the spiritual being, but we should also bring meaningful change in the community and take care of the physical being.” He added that they had also presented food parcels to needy families, “but this is the first major project and we hope that, through God’s grace, we will in future build more houses for the needy.” The ecstatic Matamela could only say “God is Great,” with tears flowing down her cheeks. “I still remember we were crammed in this hut with my five children when heavy rain fell. I sat
on the flooded floor and prayed to God that He must send someone to build us a house. God has been so good to us, and I just pray that He blesses the church for this gesture,” she said.
An emotional Blessing Matamela shows the curtain that used to seperate her from the children.
An ecstatic Blessing Matamela holds the keys to the new house. Sharing the moment of glory with her are chief Gerson Masikhwa (right), Apostle Prince Mutshekwa (fourth from right), Cllr Tshimangadzo Malada and members of the church management.
Min Fikile Mbalula talks to Mr Mukondeleli Mulaudzi, the father of Mbulaeni Mulaudzi, during his visit to the Mulaudzi family last week. By Elmon Tshikhudo
New vehicle for Meals on Wheels project The Tshaulu Meals on Wheels this community,” he said. beneficiaries who stay far from feeding project, an initiative Tshaulu project leader Ms here and we could not reach them of the Tshaulu Seventh Day Ruth Netshifhefhe said the proj- as we did not have transport." Adventist Church received a ect was started in 1992, but due "Now that we have this new major boost last week when to financial constraints, they vehicle, our job will be much a brand new panel van was could not continue. easier and many people people handed over to them by Meals “It was only in 2012 that we will get meals. We are very on Wheels SA. revived the project and we are grateful for what Meals on The vehicle came at a time presently looking after 100 elder- Wheels has done in making our when the organization was strug- ly people and run a drop-in centre job easier by providing us with gling to serve people who stay with 105 children who are fed transport,” she said. far away from the project due to on a daily basis. We have some a lack of transport. Meals on Wheels SA’s Effort Bhebe said they heard about the good work that the project was doing in empowering the local communities. “We know that poverty is devastating families all over the country, but it is worse here in Limpopo. As our ministry is based on the doctrines of Jesus who healed the sick and fed the hungry, we felt we should sup- Pastor Mugivhela Tshivhase, head of the SDA in Vhembe (right) is joined port this project that is by Meals on Wheels SA 's Effort Bhebe and the volunteers in celebrating doing a good work in the new vehicle.
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20 14 November 2014 By Elmon Tshikhudo
Traditional dancing keeps hospital colleagues together Colleagues at the Tshilidzini Hospital have come together and formed a cultural group, which is fast making a name for itself. Started out of boredom and love of the Venda culture, the Tshilidzini Cultural Project is fast endearing itself to the hearts of cultural fanatics, so that no function at Tshilidzini is complete without their performing. They sing and dance malende and other Venda traditional dances. During a recent summit at the hospital, the group was called to perform several times as people could not get enough of them. Dressed in their colourful Venda traditional dress, called minwenda, and accompanied by traditional drums and traditional
baskets (mifaro), they were a spectacle to watch. The leader of the group, Josephine Ndou, said the group was started out of boredom during lunch time. “We would eat and after eating it would be gossip time, as you know women. This was creating animosity among ourselves. We came out with the idea of killing time by singing and dancing and the rest is now history. We are nearly 40 and we perform during functions here at the hospital and sometimes outside.” She added that the group also met during weekends. “It is not only a cultural group anymore; we are a closely knit group of sisters who are handy to help each other at any given time,” said Ndou.
It is practice time for members of the Tshilidzini Cultural Project.
Mayor Mihloti Ramoyada received a hero’s welcome from members of the Musina Gogo Getters. Social
Mayor Ramoyada visits a “source of inspiration” The value of the senior citizens to the community was emphasized by Musina Mayor, Cllr Mihloti Ramoyada, during her interactive visit to the elderly group called the Musina Gogo Getters. The group comprises about 50 senior citizens, who involve themselves in different initiatives, which include sewing, ladies soccer, general exercise and singing. The visit is part of Ramoyada’s outreach programme of meeting different stakeholders within the Musina Municipality. “I felt it was important to meet our senior citizens because this
group is a source of inspiration to the people of Musina. They always entertain us whenever we have government events and they are always handy to advise us on everything that concerns the community.” She emphasised that senior citizens are important members of our community. “They are our parents and our grandparents, people who have contributed to the history of our community and our families in so many ways.” She sent a strong warning to community members who abuse senior citizens.
“We have reports that many elderly people are abused in our communities. If community members notice any form of abuse against our senior citizens, it’s important to speak up. We must learn about the warning signs of abuse, what the risk factors are, and how we can prevent and report the problem.” One of the coordinators of Musina Gogo Getters, Ms Hilda Ntuli, said they were humbled by the visit of the mayor. “This visit shows that we are doing good things that benefit the local community and we are also encouraged to continue our good work.”
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Saturday, 15 November 2014
Musina Mayor Cllr Mihloti Ramoyada inspects some of the sewing products manufactured by members of the Musina Gogo Getters. With her in the photograph are some of the members of the group.
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14 November 2014 21
By Frank Mavhungu
By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Gogo Alilali (106) buried at Lwamondo
Gogo Alilali Masakona.
One of the country’s oldest persons, Mrs Alilali Madilonga Masakona (106), was buried at the Lwamondo Tshifulanani cemetery last Saturday. Her memorial service was held at her Tshifulanani home last Friday afternoon. Mourners at the memorial service described her as a humble and peace-loving person. According to them, the granny was a role model in the family and in the whole Tshifulanani village. Born at Lwamondo village on 8 August 1908, as the eldest child of Mr Tshikalange and Mrs Matamela Mamona. She was the eldest of Mr Jim Masakona’s three wives and blessed with five children, two sons, Edward and Frans, and three daughters, Anna, Tshinakaho and Masindi. Her youngest son, Edward Masakona, was born in 1948. She lost one of her daughters and a son in recent years. Gogo Masakona is survived by two daughters, son Edward, 28 grandchildren, 71 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren. She succumbed to a short illness last Monday, November 3. She was staying with one of her daughters at Mulima village at the time of her death.
“We will maintain highest standard...”
he festive season is swiftly approaching and we are all excited to be still alive to anticipate this special time of the year. Each and every one of us has good plans for a time such as this and we always make it a point that our arrangements for this season are in place way in advance. As the station commander of the Makhado SAPS, I would like to say that the year 2014 has brought a lot of challenges with it in our policing area and environment. There has been an unexpected upward trend with regard to violent criminal activities in our nation in general, but also in particular in our own policing area. Nevertheless, we are capable of achieving our
mandate to safeguard all and sundry within the borders of our rainbow nation. On that note, our mandate is clear at all times: To create a safe and secure environment for all people in South Africa. In pursuance of the fulfilment of this great mandate, we as the Makhado SAPS will always maintain the highest standards of integrity, respect diversity, be obedient to the Constitution and the law, serve with excellence and strive to earn public approval. We are highly motivated by the national commissioner’s community outreach programme, which enables our people to be an integral part of the crime fighting mechanism of this country. Furthermore, it is during this period of the year when most fatal accidents occur on our public roads. As such I would like to urge our people to be obedient to the laws of our land wherever they may be. Let us conduct ourselves in such a way that we will arrive alive at our different destinations by refraining from alcohol consumption while driving. Let us also take care of ourselves when we do our shopping in the towns. We should always be vigilant for crooks who impersonate police officials in order to rob us. Our homes have to be safe and secure at all times. The elderly and little children are vulnerable, but we must always strive to keep them safe in our homes. The acutely disabled cannot be left out of this equation. They need our help, depending on the degree of their disability, which in turn determines their level of vulnerability. Let us all enjoy this festive season in harmony and in the spirit of ubuntu in the company of our families, loved ones and friends. May we all have a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I thank you all. - Col Francis Ramovha Makhado Police Station Commander, Col (station commander, Makhado SAPS) Francis Ramovha.
“We are facing hard times” - Mufunwaini A lack of funds and the inability to pay the monthly rent is forcing the Munna Ndi Nnyi men’s forum to move into their new, unfinished building in Lwamondo. The forum has tried everything possible to raise funds, so that they can continue operating from the rented building while the construction work is being finalised at the new building. “We are experiencing financial hard times at the moment,” said the forum’s director, Mr Bardwell Mufunwaini. “But it doesn’t mean we are unable to deliver the kind of quality services we have been giving our communities all these years.” He indicated that, for the new building to be what it is today, the forum had received help in the form of building material and labour from different structures. Vhavenda Bricks had donated 32 000 bricks, and seven loads of sand. “We also got a R50 000 donation from Nedbank, and Vhembe FET and Thohoyandou Correctional Services provided labour,” he said. “We thank all those people, even those who are not mentioned here, for the continued support. Had it not been for your kindness, we would not have reached the stage where we, as Munna Ndi Nnyi, can say with confidence that we have our own ‘home’.” Munna Ndi Nnyi was formed some 20 years ago as a forum which encourages men to become responsible husbands and fathers in society. The forum also addresses issues of and fights domestic violence. They have also been playing
Mr Bardwell Mufunwaini says the forum is facing hard times.
Mr Bardwell Mufunwaini (front, centre) and some of the officials, ready to move into the unfinished building. By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
“She refuses to get out of my house”
A 29-year-old Musina man has tried everything he could to get his RDP house back, but the woman who allegedly lives in his house unlawfully refuses to move out. Mpho Gift Muleya explained that he had applied for an RDP house a couple of years ago. His application was granted and the house was completed around 2008. The problems apparently started when a woman, who went to the same church as he does, asked him to accompany her to the Musina Local Municipality with his ID book. She told him that she had misplaced her ID book. Muleya asked her why she couldn’t ask her son, who was the same age as he was, to go with her, but she said he had no ID book. “Once we got to the municipality, an official produced the documents, requested my ID and then asked me to sign,” he said. Letter “I also saw my name in the papers, but it didn’t click in my mind what was actually happening at the time.” The official handed Muleya the keys and the his correspondence serves the opportunity to comment on Musina and he has never inwoman took them from him and thanked him for as a response to the artithe story that involves us. Rath- volved himself in municipal ac- his help in signing the documents. Unfortunately, cle titled “Expelled municipal er, your journalist only quoted tivities. The municipal manager he didn’t know that he was acknowledging receipt worker back again” published the reinstatement letter which of Musina is Mr Makondelele of the key to his newly finished RDP house. in your issue dated 7 Novem- he said had been signed by the Johnson Matshivha. “She would send me to pay the municipal bills ber 2014. The article was municipal manager. He never Besides the above human and on occasion she gave me money for transport,” written by your journalist, bothered to verify the authentic- errors, we would like to comhe said. “All the time she reminded me to take my Tshifhiwa Mukwevho. ity of the letter from us. mend the editorial team and ID book with me. I obeyed because I considered While the media has a role In one of the paragraphs, all journalists of the Limpopo her as my spiritual mother.” of informing the communities your journalist referred to Mr Mirror for the good work they Around 2012, Muleya started realising that about what is happening around Moses Matshivha as the muare doing in keeping our comhe had been swindled out of his RDP house and them, it also has an important nicipal manager of Musina. We munities informed. confronted the woman. “She fumed at me and duty to publish balanced stories. would like to put it on record - Wilson Dzebu, Commu- said I was crazy, and her outburst angered me a As Musina Local Municipality, that Mr Moses Matshivha is nications Manager, Musina lot,” he said. we felt that we were not given a well-known businessman in Local Municipality He then reported the matter to the police, where
“Moses Matshivha is not Musina’s MM”
an important role in the eradication of sexual abuse in the district. “We are calling upon all people who are willing to help, to contact us,” Mufunwaini pleaded. “We will appreciate your assistance in helping us further our mission to provide quality health services and empowering the community about human rights.”
the case was brought before a magistrate. The court reportedly ordered the woman to vacate the house, but she refused. “She told the court that I was her son and she was my dependent,” Muleya told Limpopo Mirror. Muleya, his wife and a child had moved from his parents’ house and rented a room in the township. “I pay R1 500 monthly rent to the landlord while someone else is living in total comfort in my house,” he said. Limpopo Mirror was shown a copy of the documents from the Department of Housing, which showed that the house belonged to Muleya. All attempts to get hold of the woman who stays in the RDP house proved unsuccessful. The spokesperson for the Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), Motupa Selomo, said Muleya should lodge a complain with CoGHSTA. “We will investigate the case and regularise the matter,” Selomo. “Only the rightful owner of the house should occupy it as it is per RDP house’s regulation and policy.”
A depressed Mpho Gift Muleya says he needs his RDP house.
22 14 November 2014 By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Prayers for Tshilwavhusiku’s policemen Eight-year sewage battle for families Policemen and -women at the Tshilwavhusiku police station received spiritual guidance when local pastors prayed for them on Sunday. The event was held under the title “Police Sunday” at the police station grounds. The acting station commander, Maj Godfrey Rambuda, outlined the rampant crimes in the policing area, which are business burglary, poaching, assault, rape, car theft and theft from motor vehicles. “We have just arrested and charged a gang of men who prowled the area in the night like hyenas, attacking and raping women,” he said. “We want to believe that, with today’s prayers, we are going to continue doing our job with
renewed strength and vigour.” Pastor Ailwei “Steven” Mulaudzi of the Apostolic Church of God in Muduluni presented the sermon of the day. He called upon all people to do their bit in fighting crime. He narrated the story of the prodigal son from the Bible, who requested his father to give him his inheritance and went to squander it in a distant land. “I like the fact that this son came to his senses,” Mulaudzi said. “We need to tell all these lost adults and children to stop doing crime and get back to a normal life.” Khosi Vho-Rudzani Sinthumule said that the rate of crime in the area was quite alarming and that it only showed dis-
respect of one person against another. “I cannot be a proud chief when people identify me with an area which has turned into a wilderness of criminal activities,” he said. “Yes, I am optimistic that when the pastors, community and police continue to fight crime, we will create a good and safe environment for all.” He said that it warmed his heart to see that the community, pastors and police had teamed up together to fight crime. “When people submit all their worries and problems to God, He thus gives them the wisdom and strength to win against crime,” he said. “God is love - and our God is a burning fire.”
Khosi Vho-Rudzani Sinthumule says he will feel prouder if people stop committing crimes.
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ago,” she said. “My nephew RoIt’s been an eight-year battle these years.” Another resident, Mr Vhalimi- tondwa, who was born three years for seven households from Tshikota to get their sewage si Ramakulukusha (50), recently ago, also plays in the sewage. problems sorted out, but there noticed a group of children play- This is so bad because we have is still no fresh solution in the ing in the sewage near an open to stop doing our chores in the air for this stinking problem. sewer hole and reprimanded home to always keep a watchful Ms Iris Mogoro said that they them. However, a mother of one eye on him.” In cases of sewerage matters, had reported the problem to the of the children didn’t take kindly Makhado Municipality many to Ramakulukusha’s actions. residents normally report the case times, but workers had seemingly “She shouted at me and accused to the Makhado Municipality and failed to fix the main problem. me of harassing the children,” all the sewerage issues are then “They just come and sprinkle he said. “I am a parent and if referred to the Vhembe District some white chemical around our one of the little ones were to Municipality. The district munichomes,” she said. “Initially they die, it would stab my soul and ipality’s media liaison officer, Mr would promise to fix the problem, conscience. The municipality is Moses Shibambu, acknowledged but it seems like they are tired of making us fight among ourselves, receipt of the media inquiry giving us empty promises – they because of the failure to address from Limpopo Mirror and said the sewerage problem.” he would forward it to the office just ignore us.” Margaret Khorommbi (53) of the technical manager. “The Donald Magoro, Iris’s son, explained that the municipal said that the issue of the sewage technical manager will then see workers visited him on Friday surrounding their homesteads had what kind of instruction to give to inspect an electrical cable become a pain in her heart. “This for the problem to be fixed,” that supplies power to his home. problem started some eight years Shibambu said. “They told me to dig it out, so they could see what the problem is,” he said. “But I am afraid the electric power might kill me.” At the home of Ms Thinavhuyo Bale (48), lush green grass has grown around her RDP house and all over her yard. “The grass might appear green and healthy to any person who doesn’t know that under it lies the sewage,” she said. “We are even afraid of venturing onto the grass to mow Ms Margaret Khorommbi, with her nephew Rotondwa, points at the it or cut it off, lest we hidden manhole in the grass. sink into the filthy mud and die.” Bale’s toilet also spills over with faeces and she uses old clothes to block away the smelly matter. “We soak human faeces with our bare hands,” she said. “We can’t even afford to buy protective gloves. We are suffering. They (municipal workers) came here to sprinkle some chemicals around our house yesterday; they have been doing this for all Ms Thinavhuyo Bale uses old clothes to stop her toilet from spilling over.
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Donald Magoro says there is hardly any service delivery in Tshikota. Cycling
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Road championships of cycling club Pedallers can gear up for the P&L Cycling Club’s Road Club Championships that will be held on Saturday, 22 November. Cyclists will cycle 55km from
Northwich to Waterpoort and back. The race will start 14:30 for 15:30 and the entrance fee will be R20 per cyclist. Afterwards, there will be a lucky draw for
all the cyclists. The day will be concluded with a boerewors roll braai at Northwich. For more information, club secretary Renda Alexander can be contacted at 082 932 3590.
14 November 2014 23
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GENERAL THE GREATER THOHOYANDOU ATTORNEY’S ASSOCIATION The aforesaid association hereby welcome Mr Tshilidzi Makuya, Mr Ligege Thikhathali Ronald, Mr Nange Vhutshilo Licollin and Mr Madia Azwimbavhi Reuben as its new members and invits other legal practitioners to follow suit.
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LEGALS Bena Patel Makhado Municipality Department of Development Planning Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009 I, Bena Patel, being one of the registered owner of Erf 2484, Louis Trichardt, Extension 4 Township, hereby give notice in terms of clause 21 (21.1.1) of the Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009, that I have submitted an application to Makhado Municipality of Special Consent to operate a “Place of Instruction” for the purpose of crèche on the above mentioned property. The special consent applied for is for the period of three years and renewable thereafter. Particulars of application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the Department of Development Planning, Town Planning Offices situated at corner Songozwi and Munnik Street, Noor Centre Building for a period of twenty eight (28) days from the 14th November 2014. Any person or representative having objection must do so in writing within twenty eight (28) days to the Municipal Manager, Makhado Municipality, Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 or the undersigned. Applicant: Bena Patel, Address: 65, Sixth Street, Louis Trichardt, Extension 4, PO Box 27, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Tel: 015 516 3529 Masipal wa Makhado Muhasho wa Vhupulani na Bveledziso Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009 Nne Bena Patel munwe wa vhane vha tshitande Tsha 2484, Louis Trichardt, Extension 4 Township, ndi kho ufha ndivhadzo hu tshi tevhelwa tshitenwa tsha vhufumbili nthihi (21) (21.1.1) tsha tshikimu tsha u langula ku shumisele kwa mau tsha Makhado, 2009 uri ndo ita khumbelo kha Masipala wa Makhado ya thendelo yo khethwaho ya u shumisa tshifhato tsho bulwaho afho ntha sa “fhethu ha u gidisa”, tshi vhangalwelwa hu u ita khireshe. Khumbelo yo khethwaho ndi ya minwaha miraru ine ya vusuludziwa nga murahu. Zwidodombedzwa zwa khumbelo zwo lugela u tolwa nga tshifhinga tsha mushum kha Muhasho wa Vhupulani na Mveledziso, ofisini dza Vhupulani ha Dorobo dzi wanalaho kha khuda ya tshitarata tsha Songozwi na Munnik, Noor Centre lwa maduvha a fumbili malo (28) ubva nga duvha la vhufumi nna la nwedzi wa Lara 2014. Muthu munwe na munwe kana muineleli area na khanedzo anga ita nga u to nwala nga ngomu ha maduvha a fumbili malo kha Municipali Manager, Makhado Municipality,
Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 kana muimeleli o bulwaho afha fhasi. Muhumbeli: Bena Patel, Diresi: 65 Sixth Street, Louis Trichardt, Extension 4, PO Box 27, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Tel: 015 516 3529
Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naude Inc In the Estate of the Late Maria Jesus De Gois, ID: 321004 0088 151. Estate No: 20405/2014/V, Last Address: No 11, Loerie Park, 32 Mimosa Street, Louis Trichardt, who died on 25th November 2012. Creditors and debtors having claims against the above mentioned Estate must lodge it with the Executor within THIRTY (30) DAYS from date of publication hereof. Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naude, Attorneys for Executor, 31 Songozwi Street, Louis Trichardt, REF: Mr Vise/DEG/6/3
Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naude Inc In the Estate of the Late Arthur Smith Henning, ID: 370214 5019 087. Estate No: 20819/2014/V, Last Address: Farm Moddervlei 44 lt, Elim, Limpopo Province, who died on 21st July 2014. Creditors and debtors having claims against the above mentioned Estate must lodge it with the Executor within THIRTY (30) DAYS from date of publication hereof. Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naude, Attorneys for Executor, 31 Songozwi Street, Louis Trichardt, REF: Mr Vise/HEN/56/1
Fulwana Planning Consultants MAKHADO LAND USE SCHEME, 2009 AMENDMENT SCHEME 152 I, Timothy Tshilidzi Mudzielwana of Fulwana Planning Consultants, being an authorized agent of the registered owners of Erf 2335 Louis Trichardt Extension 4 Limpopo Province, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance 15 of 1986, that I have made an application to the Makhado Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme, known as the Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009, rezoning of the property described above, from “Residential 1” to “ Special ” for Overnight Accommodation. Plans and Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of Manager: Town Planning services, First Floor, Municipal Offices,
Louis Trichardt, for the period of 28 days from 14 November 2014. Objections and/or comments or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or Private Bag X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 for the period of 28 days from 14 November 2014. Address of the Applicant: Fulwana Planning Consultants, P .O .Box 55980, Polokwane, 0700, Tel: 0152976060, Fax: 0152974040/ 0866635119, Cell: 072 426 6537 MAKHADO GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2009 WYSIGINGSKEMA 152 Ek, Tshilidzi Timothy Mudzielwana van Fulwana Planning Consultants, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van Erf 2335 Louis Trichardt Uitbreiding 4 Limpopo Provinsie, gee hiermee kennis in terme van Artikel 56 (1 ) (b ) (i ) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 15 van 1986, dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Makhado Plaaslike Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema, bekend as die Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009 , hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, vanaf "Residensieel 1" na "spesiale" vir oornag akkommodasie. Planne en besonderhede van die aansoek le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Stadsbeplanning, Eerste Verdieping, Munisipale Kantore, Louis Trichardt, vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 November 2014 Besware en / of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik aan die Munisipale Bestuurder van 14 November 2014 ingedien of gerig word by die bogenoemde adres of by Privaatsak X2596 , Louis Trichardt , 0920 , vir die tydperk van 28 dae Adres van die aansoeker: Fulwana Planning Consultants, P .O .Box 55980, Polokwane, 0700, Tel: 015 297 6060 , Faks: 015297 4040/ 0866635119 , Cell : 072 426 6537
Hajee Aboo Abdul Satar Makhado Municipality Department of Development Planning Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009 I, Hajee Aboo Abdul Satar, as authorised by The Ash Property and Investment Trust, the registered owner of Erf 2450, Louis Trichardt, Extension 4 Township, hereby give notice in terms of clause 21 (21.1.1) of
the Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009, that I have submitted an application to Makhado Municipality of Special Consent to operate a “Place of Instruction” for the purpose of crèche on the above mentioned property. The special consent applied for is for the period of three years and renewable thereafter. Particulars of application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the Department of Development Planning, Town Planning Offices situated at corner Songozwi and Munnik Street, Noor Centre Building for a period of twenty eight (28) days from the 14th November 2014. Any person or representative having objection must do so in writing within twenty eight (28) days to the Municipal Manager, Makhado Municipality, Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 or the undersigned. Applicant: Hajee Aboo Abdul Satar, Address: 59, Fifth Street, Louis Trichardt, Extension 4, Mobile Phone: 0837863392 Masipal wa Makhado Muhasho wa Vhupulani na Bveledziso Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009 Nne Hajee Aboo Abdul Satar o tendelwaho nga The Ash Investment Property and Investment Trust, vhane vha tshitande Tsha 2450, Louis Trichardt, Extension 4 Township, ndi kho ufha ndivhadzo hu tshi tevhelwa tshitenwa tsha vhufumbili nthihi (21) (21.1.1) tsha tshikimu tsha u langula ku shumisele kwa mau tsha Makhado, 2009 uri ndo ita khumbelo kha Masipala wa Makhado ya thendelo yo khethwaho ya u shumisa tshifhato tsho bulwaho afho ntha sa “fhethu ha u gidisa”, tshi vhangalwelwa hu u ita khireshe. Khumbelo yo khethwaho ndi ya minwaha miraru ine ya vusuludziwa nga murahu. Zwidodombedzwa zwa khumbelo zwo lugela u tolwa nga tshifhinga tsha mushum kha Muhasho wa Vhupulani na Mveledziso, ofisini dza Vhupulani ha Dorobo dzi wanalaho kha khuda ya tshitarata tsha Songozwi na Munnik, Noor Centre lwa maduvha a fumbili malo (28) ubva nga duvha la vhufumi nna la nwedzi wa Lara 2014. Muthu munwe na munwe kana muineleli area na khanedzo anga ita nga u to nwala nga ngomu ha maduvha a fumbili malo kha Municipali Manager, Makhado Municipality, Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 kana muimeleli o bulwaho afha fhasi. Muhumbeli: Hajee Aboo Abdul Satar, Diresi: 59 Fifth Street, Louis Trichardt, Extension 4, Lutingo Khwalwa: 0837863392
Hammann-Moosa Incorporated
In the Magistrate’s Court for the district of Thohoyandou held at Thohoyandou Case no: 1416/2014, In the case between: Thulamela Municipality, Execution Creditor, and Netshitomboni FA, Execution Debtor. Notice of Sale in Execution Persuant to a judgment of the Magistrate Court Thohoyandou given on 07/08/2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 11:00 on 5 December 2014 by public auction to be held at Shayandima Sheriff’s office, Thohoyandou, by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court, to the highest bidder for cash. 1. The conditions of sale will be available at the office of the Sheriff 24 hours before the time appointed 2. Registration as a buyer is a requirement in terms of the following: - The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2009 - The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 3. Goods will only be sold for cash to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act on the instructions of the judgment creditor or his attorney 4. Goods offered for sale are: 1x3 Piece Lounge Suite 1x1 TV 1x1 Free Stand Fridge Signed at Thohoyandou on the 10th day of November 2014 Attorneys for Execution Creditor Hammann-Moosa Inc, Office G01, Metropolitan Building, Thohoyandou, Email: law@, Fax: 015 516 1160, Tel: 015 516 1427/8, Docex: C:/lexpro, Ref: JH/NK/TMC 30698
Hammann-Moosa Incorporated
In the Magistrate’s Court for the district of Thohoyandou held at Thohoyandou Case no: 1405/2014, In the case between: Thulamela Municipality, Execution Creditor, and Masindi L, Execution Debtor. Notice of Sale in Execution Persuant to a judgment of the Magistrate Court Thohoyandou given on 07/08/2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 11:00 on 5 December 2014 by public auction to be held at Shayandima Sheriff’s office, Thohoyandou, by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court, to the highest bidder for cash. 1. The conditions of sale will be available at the office of the Sheriff 24
hours before the time appointed 2. Registration as a buyer is a requirement in terms of the following: - The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2009 - The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 3. Goods will only be sold for cash to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act on the instructions of the judgment creditor or his attorney 4. Goods offered for sale are: 1x1 Piece Lounge Suite 1x1 TV 1x1 Deep Fridge 1x1 Coffee table 1x1 Dining Table, no Chairs Signed at Thohoyandou on the 10th day of November 2014 Attorneys for Execution Creditor Hammann-Moosa Inc, Office G01, Metropolitan Building, Thohoyandou, Email: law@, Fax: 015 516 1160, Tel: 015 516 1427/8, Docex: C:/lexpro, Ref: JH/NK/TMC 30478 P
Hammann-Moosa Incorporated
In the Magistrate’s Court for the district of Thohoyandou held at Thohoyandou Case no: 1407/2014, In the case between: Thulamela Municipality, Execution Creditor, and Ngobeni Mr & Mrs, Execution Debtor. Notice of Sale in Execution Persuant to a judgment of the Magistrate Court Thohoyandou given on 07/08/2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 11:00 on 5 December 2014 by public auction to be held at Shayandima Sheriff’s office, Thohoyandou, by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court, to the highest bidder for cash. 1. The conditions of sale will be available at the office of the Sheriff 24 hours before the time appointed 2. Registration as a buyer is a requirement in terms of the following: - The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2009 - The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 3. Goods will only be sold for cash to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act on the instructions of the judgment creditor or his attorney 4. Goods offered for sale are: 1x1 TV 1x1 DSTV Set 1x3 Piece Lounge Set 1x1 Free Stand Fridge Signed at Thohoyandou on the 10th day of November 2014
(Continues on p24)
DEADLINES FOR ADVERTS: Colour adverts: Mondays 16:00 Classifieds and display adverts: Tuesdays 15:00
24 14 November 2014 (Continues from p23) Should no objection be Attorneys for Execution Creditor Hammann-Moosa Inc, Office G01, Metropolitan Building, Thohoyandou, Email: law@, Fax: 015 516 1160, Tel: 015 516 1427/8, Docex: C:/lexpro, Ref: JH/NK/TMC 30173
Hammann-Moosa Incorporated
In the Magistrate’s Court for the district of Thohoyandou held at Thohoyandou Case no: 1417/2014, In the case between: Thulamela Municipality, Execution Creditor, and Ratshilumela J, Execution Debtor. Notice of Sale in Execution Persuant to a judgment of the Magistrate Court Thohoyandou given on 07/08/2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 11:00 on 5 December 2014 by public auction to be held at Shayandima Sheriff’s office, Thohoyandou, by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court, to the highest bidder for cash. 1. The conditions of sale will be available at the office of the Sheriff 24 hours before the time appointed 2. Registration as a buyer is a requirement in terms of the following: - The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2009 - The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 3. Goods will only be sold for cash to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act on the instructions of the judgment creditor or his attorney 4. Goods offered for sale are: 1x1 TV 1x1 Piece Lounge Suite 1x1 Free Stand Fridge Signed at Thohoyandou on the 10th day of November 2014 Attorneys for Execution Creditor Hammann-Moosa Inc, Office G01, Metropolitan Building, Thohoyandou, Email: law@, Fax: 015 516 1160, Tel: 015 516 1427/8, Docex: C:/lexpro, Ref: JH/NK/TMC 30848
Kern & Dekker ING. In the estate late: Habib Osman, Date of Death: 11 April 2007 ID: 2404095040087 Masters Ref: 20864/2014 Masters Office: Thohoyandou, Magistrate’s Office: Louis Trichardt. In Terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Account (First and Final) in the Estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 Days from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be later, at the offices of the Masters as stated, and the offices of the Magistrate.
lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Mrs. Louise Dekker c/o Kern & Dekker Inc. 105 Krogh Street, PO Box 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Ref: A06841/ag/L DEKKER
Makhuvha EM Attorneys NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No: 021422/14, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou, Surname: Makhuvha, First Names: Talifhani Adelaide, Date of Birth: 1970/09/03, ID: 7009031117082, Last Address: Ha-Makuvha Village, Date of Death: 2014/ / . First Names of Surviving Spouse: Mkhumeleni Richard Allen, Surname of Surviving Spouse: Makuvha, Date of Birth: 1962/04/09, ID: 620409 Makhuvha EM Attorneys, Vleissentraal Building, Louis Trichardt, 30 Erasmus Str of Ficenovo.
LIMPOPO MIRROR Dated at Thohoyandou on the 03rd day of November 2014. Netshiunda & Associates Attorneys Executrix Attorneys to the Avheani Elsie Mulidi, office No.1, Network Corner, Metropolitan Centre, Thohoyandou Fax: 086 595 7996 RENDANI – M136
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATE In the Estate of the Late: Tshikwatamba Tshirhi William, ID: 490227 5201 088, Last Address: House No 08, Mpheni, Block 1 Elim, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, who died on the 25th day of October 2014 and who was never married at the time of his death, Estate No: 21536/2014, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou. All persons having claims against the above-mentioned estate are called upon to lodge their claims with the undersigned within thirty (30) days as from date of this publication. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. P B N Mawila Attorneys, PO Box 917, Thohoyandou, 0950, REF: REDRESS/PBN/ EST 09/2014
MB Mabidi Att NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 In the Estate of the late Mokwena Caiphas, ID: 650704 5543 087 who was ordinarily resident at House No 1207, Extension 02, Musina NanceField, Musina District, Limpopo Province and who died on 25/11/2013, Estate No: 2486/2013. The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for Inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court (Thohoyandou) and a copy thereof at the office of the Magistrate Court for the District of Musina for a period of 21 days from date of publication hereof. Dated at Thohoyandou on this the 10th day of November 2014 MB Mabidi Attorneys, House No 670, Block P West, Munaka-Madilonge Medical Centre, Mphephu Drive, Thohoyandou, 0950, Telefax: 015 962 0606, Ref: MBM/EST 02/13
Netshiunda & Associates Att NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 Kindly be informed that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in respect of the estate of the late Khumeleni Petrus Mulidi, Estate No.20183/2014, shall lie for inspection at the Master’s office: Limpopo High Court, Thohoyandou, for a period of twenty one (21) days calculated from the 14th November 2014.
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Matshotshi Tshiwela Patience, of ID: 660914 0817 083 of House No 4770, Makwarela Extension 3, Thohoyandou, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 31st day of July 2014, Estate No: 21096/2014, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. PBN Mawila Attorneys, PO Box 917, Thohoyandou, 0950, Ref: REDRESS/PBN/ Est 03/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late
Mukhumo Mulatedzi Gerson, of ID: 610514 5802 082 of Erf No 788/820, Thohoyandou - P, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 15th day of August 2014, Estate No: 20981/2014, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. PBN Mawila Attorneys, PO Box 917, Thohoyandou, 0950, Ref: REDRESS/PBN/ Est 06/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Ratshifheti Ndoweni Edson, of ID: 510718 5130 083 of Tshivhilwi Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 19th day of August 2014, Estate No: 21107/2014, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. PBN Mawila Attorneys, PO Box 917, Thohoyandou, 0950, Ref: REDRESS/PBN/ Est 04/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Fhumulani Doctor Mudau, of ID: 590406 5881 086 of Tshivhulani Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 05th day of August 2014, Estate No: 21070/2014, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court,
Thohoyandou and Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. PBN Mawila Attorneys, PO Box 917, Thohoyandou, 0950, Ref: REDRESS/PBN/ Est 01/2014
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATE In the estate of the Late Tshiswaise Philemon Humphrey of ID: 291118 5203 086 of Erf No 10223-171, Unit D, Thohoyandou Location, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 24th day of October 2014 and who was a widow at the time of his death. Estate number: 21456/2014 Master’s office: Thohoyandou All persons having claims against the above mentioned estate are required to lodge their claims with undersigned within 30 days after the date of publication. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI Inc. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 124/2014
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATE In the estate of the Late Tshikovhi Phumudzo Eric of ID: 510410 5233 089 of Stand No 750, Tsitongwe Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 28th day of October 2014 and who was married to Mmviseni Mavis Tshikovhi of ID: 540709 0171 085. Estate number: 21485/2014 Master’s office: Thohoyandou All persons having claims against the above mentioned estate are required to lodge their claims with undersigned within 30 days after the date of publication. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI Inc. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 125/2014
Manenzhe Tshililo of ID: 710903 6114 082 of Stand No B146, Siloam, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 09th day of October 2014 and who was married to Hlongwane Mangalani Violet of ID: 780410 0465 085. Estate number: 21402/2014 Master’s office: Thohoyandou All persons having claims against the above mentioned estate are required to lodge their claims with undersigned within 30 days after the date of publication. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI Inc. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 123/2014
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATE In the estate of the Late Ralinala Ndwamato Silas of ID: 660512 6123 082 of Stand No 950, Tshikombani Tshifhena, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 28th day of September 2014 and who was never married at the time of his death. Estate number: 21510/2014 Master’s office: Thohoyandou All persons having claims against the above mentioned estate are required to lodge their claims with undersigned within 30 days after the date of publication. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI Inc. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 126/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Mashamba Tshilidzi Meshack, of ID: 560312 5944 088, of Ha-Mutsha Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 22nd day of August 2014, Estate Number: 21029/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will
proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 114/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Mdunwazi James Khomane, of ID: 630614 5588 088, of House No 1020, Bungeni Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 22nd day of July 2014, Estate Number: 20799/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Waterval Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 97/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Nyandane Philetus, of ID: 650517 5488 08 1, of Stand No 56 E, Giyani Location, Mopani District Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 04th day of December 2013, Estate Number: 9337/2013, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920
REF: REDRESS/Est. 32/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Mararakanye Mphande Enos, of ID: 360701 5618 084, of Masiwana, Tshaulu Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 23rd day of August 2014, Estate Number: 21035/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 113/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Dombo Luvhengo Elias, of ID: 500727 5481 083, of Stand No 35, Gogobole Village, Makhado Municipality, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 27th day of June 2014, Estate Number: 20597/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Tshilwavhusiku Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 83/2014
(Continues from p25)
LIMPOPO MIRROR (Continues from p24) Section Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Rikhotso Mithavini Margreth, of ID: 570201 0842 082, of House No 2516 A, Giyani Location, Mopani District, Limpopo Province who died on the 24th day of July 2014, Estate Number: 23237/2014, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 103/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Sinthumule Tondani Maria, of ID: 850117 0670 086, of Madombidzha Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 10th day of May 2014, Estate Number: 20269/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Tshilwavhusiku Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 117/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Ngobeni Tintswalo Queen, of ID: 600225 0479 086, of House No 1670
14 November 2014 25 E,
Giyani Location, Mopani District, Limpopo Province who died on the 15th day of February 2014, Estate Number: 1202/2014, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 24/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Silinda Thronicah, of ID: 641224 0955 089, of House No 769 A, Malamulele Location, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 13th day of September 2014, Estate Number: 21295/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Malamulele Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 121/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Mukhesa Tsabeni Joe, of ID: 310718 5147 089, of Erf No 1201, Thohoyandou Location, Unit E, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 23rd day of September 2014, Estate Number: 21276/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of
publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 51/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Kgamedi David Mashabathakga, of ID: 700817 5393 087, of Moletji Village, Mopani District, Limpopo Province who died on the 30th day of December 2010, Estate Number: 22211/2014, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 86/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Netshitulame Mavhungu Joseph, of ID: 641219 5059 085, of Matanda Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 08th day of September 2014, Estate Number: 21187/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Dzanani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in
accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 115/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Mudau Zwiitwaho Keneth, of ID: 600612 5544 081, of Tswinga Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 04th day of July 2014, Estate Number: 20627/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 87/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Maluta George Masindi, of ID: 501227 5697 084, of Vleifontein Location, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province who died on the 15th day of August 2014, Estate Number: 21030/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Tshitale Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 112/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Mijaji Ngobeni, of ID: 540804 0542 086, of Dzingidzingi Village, Mopani District, Limpopo Province who died on the 24th day of July 2014, Estate Number: 22712/2014, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 100/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Baloyi Albert, of ID: 701026 5642 084, of House no 476 E, Giyani Location, Mopani District, Limpopo Province who died on the 09th day of March 2014, Estate Number: 1700/2014, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 38/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late
Mathebula Ezekiel Hlamalan, of ID: 541010 6097 088, of House no 2536 A, Giyani Location, Mopani District, Limpopo Province who died on the 16th day of October 2013, Estate Number: 8539/2013, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 18/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Sono Ben Bethuel, of ID: 540804 5785 086, of House no 123 B, Kremetart, Giyani Location, Mopani District, Limpopo Province who died on the 17th day of January 2014, Estate Number: 2131/2014, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 35/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Chauke Kazamula Elias, of ID: 411225 5345 083, of Jim Nghalalume Village, Giyani Location, Mopani District, Limpopo Province who died on the 23rd day of June 2013, Estate Number: 4935/2013, Master’s
office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 27/2013
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Rakuambo Ndanganini Godfrey, of ID: 670906 5837 080, of Erf No 3433, Louis Trichardt, Vhembe District Limpopo Province who died on the 31st day of July 2014, Estate Number: 2936/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Makhado Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 106/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Bandi Javu Jafter, of ID: 610308 5717 086, of Stand No 144, Magoro Village, Vhembe District Limpopo Province who died on the 18th day of July 2012, Estate Number: 1693/2012, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the
Tiyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 95/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Radzuma Mafhungo William, of ID: 400903 5200 085, of Itsani Village, Vhembe District Limpopo Province who died on the 16th day of May 2010, Estate Number: 1010/2012, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 89/2014
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Mafemani Samuel Hlungwani, of ID: 500126 5524 085, of Shigalo Village, Vhembe District Limpopo Province who died on the 21th day of May 2014, Estate Number: 20369/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Malamulele Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the
(Continues from p26)
26 14 November 2014 (Continues from p25) 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 67/2014
Vacancies To advertise your Vacancy on this page, contact us at 015 516 4996 or fax your information to 015 516 2303
District Municipality Vhembe District Municipality invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill vacant positions within its establishment. Vhembe District Municipality is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Persons designated in terms of applicable legislation as historically disadvantaged South Africans as well as people with disabilities are encouraged to apply:
Department: Technical Services
WATER PROCESS CONTROLLERS (8 POSTS) Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract)
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Makhuvele Kulani Patience, of ID: 760316 1161 082, of Stand No 179, Nkuzana Village, Giyani Location Vhembe District Limpopo Province who died on the 15th day of May 2014, Estate Number: 20886/2014, Master’s office: Polokwane will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Polokwane and at the Giyani Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Polokwane during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 71/2014
Requirements: A Grade 12 plus N3 certificate or NQF level 4 in Water Treatment Practices or N4 in Chemical Plant Operation. Key performance areas: • Operate, monitor and control water treatment process • Backwash sand filters • Monitor and control chemical dosage • Take samples and analyse for quality control at 2-hour intervals • Operate electric-diesel motors, pumps and valves • Ensure adherence to OHS Act and/or SHE regulations • Compile daily, weekly and monthly reports • Maintain good housekeeping of the treatment plant, pump stations and reservoirs • Repair minor equipment.
WASTE-WATER PROCESS CONTROLLERS (8 POSTS) Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract)
PUBLIC LIAISON OFFICER Routine Road Maintenance Contract NRA X.002-005-2014/1: R524 from Louis Trichardt to Punda Maria, R578 from Louis Trichardt to Giyani and R529 from Giyani to Letsitele. Salary: To be confirmed Purpose of position: To assist the South African National Roads Agency Limited, the Engineer and the Contractor (Project Management Team) in the day-to-day liaison with the communities affected by the project and perform secretariat services to the Public Liaison Committee (PLC). Person Profile: Project Management knowledge, good interpersonal skills, reporting, writing and computer literacy skills will be a prerequisite. Proficiency in local languages i.e Sepedi, Tsonga, Venda, English and Afrikaans. Minimum Qualification: Grade 12 Experience: Relevant project management and community participation experience. Other: Code B driver’s license (essential) Duties: • planning, co-ordinating and implementation of community liaison activities; • identify, develop and ensure the implementation of operational activities aimed at community involvement in the project(s); • build strong relations and liaise with the communities to facilitate and improve communication amongst all role players; • perform secretariat services to the Public Liaison Committee(s); • keep a daily project diary; • report and minute writing; • facilitate and chair meetings; and • render translation services (Local African Languages)
Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract) Requirements: • A Grade 12 certificate plus N3 Electrical certificate or Trade diploma • Appropriate apprenticeship contract • Knowledge of the OHS Act • Computer literacy. Key performance areas: • Repair electrical pumps, motors and switch gear • Carry out new electrical installation • Perform routine servicing of all electrical equipment • Oversee maintenance planning and execution of all maintenance tasks • Be responsible for the safety aspects of all subordinates • Be responsible for all equipment and spanners in the section to ensure optimal performance and minimal breakdowns • Maintain safety standards in line with VDM risk standards • Operate and maintain all electrical equipment and machinery • Perform medium voltage faultfinding.
ARTISANS: MECHANICAL (8 POSTS) Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract) Requirements: • A Grade 12 certificate plus N3 Mechanical certificate or Trade diploma • Appropriate apprenticeship contract • Knowledge of the OHS Act • Computer literacy. Key performance areas: • Carry out repairs to pumps • Carry out new mechanical installations • Conduct routine servicing of all mechanical equipment • Ensure maintenance planning and execution of all maintenance tasks • Be responsible for the safety aspect of all subordinates • Be responsible for all equipment and spares in the section to insure optimal performance and minimal breakdown • Maintain safety standards in line with VDM risk standards.
ARTISANS: WELDERS (10 POSTS) Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract) Requirements: • A Grade 12 certificate plus N3 certificate as Welder or Trade diploma • Appropriate apprenticeship contract • Knowledge of the OHS Act • Computer literacy. Key performance areas: • Be responsible for erection of tank stands • Carry out modifications of the pumps and motors stands • Repair steel pipes • Ensure construction of slide drill of pumps and motors • Develop a programme of preventative maintenance • Be responsible for soldering and welding any type of design.
Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract)
Applications for the post of PLO will be accepted until 21 November 2014. CV’s should be sent to the following; Email: Fax2mail: 086 514 0448 Postal: 104 Snyman Street, Eduan Park, Polokwane, 0699 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Invitation to Serve on the Audit Committee of the Vhembe District Municipality and its Three Local Municipalities
Human Communications 114088
Enquiries: Letitia Buys (015 2988 465) Office hours: 08h00-13H00 and 14H00 -16H30
District Municipality NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35 (5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late Mpho Mushi, of ID: 820511 0740 088, of House No 407, Block G, Thohoyandou Location Vhembe District Limpopo Province who died on the 15th day of September 2014, Estate Number: 21272/2014, Master’s office: Thohoyandou will be open for inspection by all person with an interest therein for period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Thohoyandou and at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the master’s office at Thohoyandou during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payments in accordance with the said account. Signed at Thohoyandou on this the 07th day of November 2014. WISANI BALOYI INC. P.O BOX 3305 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 REF: REDRESS/Est. 119/2014
Requirements: A Grade 12 plus N3 certificate or NQF level 4 in Waste-water Treatment Practices or N4 in Chemical Plant Operation. Key performance areas: • Operate, monitor and control waste-water treatment processes • Desludge the sludge • Monitor and control chemical dosage • Take samples and analyse for quality control at 2-hour intervals • Operate electric-diesel motors, pumps and valves • Ensure adherence to OHS Act and/or SHE regulations • Compile daily, weekly and monthly reports • Maintain good housekeeping of the treatment plant and pump stations • Repair minor equipment.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 166 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (No 56 of 2003), each Municipality is required to constitute an Audit Committee that will serve as an independent advisory body which must advise the Accounting Officer and the Management of the Municipality. Applications are hereby invited from members of the public to serve as Audit Committee Members of the Vhembe District Municipality. The District requires 4 members of the public to serve on the Committee. Persons who meet the basic requirements listed below must apply directly for consideration. Basic requirements: • A relevant degree or equivalent qualification in Accounting, Risk Management, Performance Management, Legal Services or Internal Auditing • Preference will be given to candidates who possess CIA and CA qualifications • Proven expertise and experience in the fields of financial management, risk management, performance management, internal auditing, legal services, governance and IT • Proven experience in serving as an Audit Committee member in a Local Government institution and a legal background will be added advantages. Candidates must possess the following qualities: • Independence • Integrity • Objectivity • Competency • Willingness to dedicate time and vigour to Council responsibilities • Excellent communication skills. Key functions: Persons interested and who are eminently qualified will be expected to advise municipal council, political office bearers, the accounting officer, and the management staff of the municipality on the following matters (amongst others): • Internal auditing • Risk management • Performance management • Internal financial controls • Accounting policies • Adequacy, reliability and accuracy of financial reporting and information • Governance • Review of Annual Financial Statements • Review of the reports from the Auditor-General • Responding to Council on any issues raised by the Auditor-General in the Audit Report • Investigations into financial affairs of the Municipality. Interested persons may not have any business or contractual dealings with the Vhembe District Municipality and its locals. This is to ensure that Audit Committee members remain independent from any municipal activities during the period of appointment to the Audit Committee. Term of office: 3 years Remuneration: Members will be remunerated for attending meetings in accordance with rates commensurate with approval from Council. Applications, including a CV and certified copies of qualifications, should be sent via post to the Municipal Manager, Vhembe District Municipality, Private Bag X5006, Thohoyandou 0950, or hand delivered to the Registry Office, Vhembe District Municipality, Old Parliament Building, Government Complex (next to Khoroni Hotel). Enquiries may be directed to Mr NI Mugumo at (015) 962-2108/2126. Closing date: 5 December 2014 Acting Municipal Manager - Mr L Muthivhi
Requirements: • A Grade 12 certificate plus N3 Carpentry certificate or Trade diploma in Carpentry • Appropriate apprenticeship contract • Knowledge of the OHS Act • Computer literacy. Key performance areas: • Be responsible for renovation of roofs, eg corrugated, concrete and tiles • Prepare and erect timber ceiling • Replace doors • Prepare and install shelving • Erect car ports • Interpret drawings • Oversee use and care of carpentry hand tools • Fit locks to doors • Be responsible for casements and solid framed windows • Manage roof design • Fix ceilings and brandings.
ARTISANS: BRICKLAYING (10 POSTS) Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract) Requirements: • A Grade 12 certificate plus N3 certificate in Bricklaying or Trade diploma • Appropriate apprenticeship contract • Knowledge of the OHS Act • Computer literacy. Key performance areas: • Build manholes • Construct concrete blocks for pumps and motors • Build VIP toilets and offices • Renovate buildings • Make pipeline makers • Seal reservoir leaks • Interpret AS build drawings.
Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract) Requirements: • A Grade 12 certificate plus N3 Plumbing certificate or Trade diploma in Plumbing • Appropriate apprenticeship contract • Knowledge of the OHS Act • Computer literacy. Key performance areas: • Repair pipes • Assist in general maintenance and various tasks • Maintain pipes and drainage systems • Clean and service equipment, report faults and defects • Build manholes • Service bermad and level dex valves • Maintain reservoirs • Unblock sewer systems • Conduct leak detection for both water and sewer systems.
Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract) Requirements: • A Grade 12 certificate plus certificate of Millwright-in-Training • Appropriate apprenticeship contract • Knowledge of machine functions • Knowledge of assembly and disassembly • Knowledge of the OHS Act • Knowledge of electronic computer systems and pneumatics. Key performance areas: • Install, assemble and dismantle pumps and motors • Align pumps and motors • Repair and maintain mechanical and electrical equipment • Replace broken parts, lubricate and fix • Operate cranes and forklift • Ensure proper functioning of belts and motors • Oversee disassembly and resale preparation of the equipment after use • Assemble machines such as welding machines, hydraulic torque wrenches, cranes and truck components.
Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract) Requirements: • A Senior Certificate (Grade 12) plus N4 certificate in Administration • Good verbal and written communication skills. Key performance areas: Provisioning: • Verify and update asset registers • Update stock registers • Keep copies of orders vs commitment registers • Process requisitions for ordering purposes, eg Stationery, Equipment, Pipes and Fittings • Process log sheets for both hired and subsidised vehicles. Personnel: • Compile monthly report • Open and close the files • Process and capture leave forms • Handle conflicts • Keep records of the section. Finance: • Processing claims for payments of: * Overtime allowance * Standby allowance * Night shift allowance • Monitor the income and outcome expenditure of the budget allocated through the commitment register. Auxiliary: • Assist the section by typing required information • Be responsible for inspections and monitoring of the assets register • Administer switchboard, photocopier and fax machine.
BILLING OFFICER (REVENUE COLLECTION) (10 POSTS) Salary scale: R84 000 per annum (2-year contract)
Requirements: • An appropriate 3-year degree/diploma/N6 in Accounting or Financial Management • Knowledge of MFMA, DoRA and other Treasury Regulations • Computer literacy and knowledge of Windows spreadsheet applications. Key performance areas: • Process income transactions against services rendered • Address customer queries related to the consumer payment receipts • Act as Cashier • Process refunds due to clients where necessary on request • Capture the water meter readings and indigents’ applications • Attend to customer queries related to billing • Generate reminder notifications for all the overdue accounts, and communicate, calculate and establish payment terms and conditions • Compile cut-off notices and issue demand letters. Important information for applicants to take note of: Forward your application to the Acting Municipal Manager, Vhembe District Municipality, Private Bag X5006, Thohoyandou 0950 or hand deliver to the Registry Office, Vhembe District Municipality, Old Parliament Building, Government Complex (next to Khoroni Hotel). NB: Applicants must not have served as an intern before or have been employed elsewhere. Applications must be submitted on the signed VDM HR application form, obtainable on the website (, accompanied by a comprehensive CV and certified copies of Identity Document, driver’s licence (where applicable) and qualifications. Applications without the above will not be considered. Correspondence regarding the advertised positions will be limited to successful candidates only. Enquiries on the above should be directed to the Recruitment Officer at (015) 960-2042/2028. Closing date: 12 December 2014 Faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered. If no response is received from Vhembe District Municipality within 90 days of the closing date, you must regard your application as unsuccessful. Vhembe District Municipality reserves the right to/not to make appointments. Mr L Muthivhi - Acting Municipal Manager Human Communications 114009
14 November 2014 27
100 Thuthuka Bursaries are open for those learners who want to train towards professional accountancy (chartered accountant) at the University of Venda. Learners must:
Construction of Piggery, Abattoir and Dairy
Student Entertainment Centre Upgrade
CIDB 6GB or Higher
19 November 2014 at 10h00
CIDB 4GB or Higher
Art Gallery Building Board Room
Be African or Coloured Be a South African Citizen Obtain at least 60% in Mathematics (5 or above on the NSC Scale of Achievement) not Maths Literacy Be completing or have completed Matric Intend studying B Com (Accounting) Be financially needy and will be assessed using the NSFAS Means Test to confirm financial need. 05 December 2014 at 12h00
gear advertising-1651
The application must have met the above criteria The learner must have applied or be in the process of applying to the University of Venda Once the learner has met the above criteria s/he will be called in for testing Depending on the test results then the learner may be called in for an interview.
Once the learner has met all the above requirements and gone through the relevant test and interview only then will the bursary be awarded. The bursary is towards training individuals into professional accountants (chartered accountant). Applications must reach the University of Venda by no later than 16 January 2015.
gear advertising-1653
Tender documents will be available for collection as of 17 November 2014 during working hours (8:30 to 16:00 Monday to Friday) at Procurement Office No. 51 Facilities Management Building, University of Venda, Thohoyandou. A non-refundable tender deposit of R1000.00 (per document - IN 002/2014) and R550 (per document - IN 003/2014) - is required on collection of the tender document, payable in cash at the Finance department , University of Venda or deposited at ABSA Bank, Account number 1 000 000 538 and reference number 00015616. Bids sealed in an envelope clearly indicating the bid number and the Project Name should be deposited in the tender box located at the University of Venda, Facilities Management Building not later than 12h00 on 05 December 2014, where tenders will be opened in public. Univen is not compelled to accept the lowest or any bid. No late, faxed or telephonic Bids will be accepted. Bid submitted shall remain valid for 120 (hundred and twenty) days after the closing date. Technical queries can be directed in writing to Emmanuel Nemamilwe of Ndidali Quantity Surveyors at ( 015 291 4029 or Ronald Tshitangano ( 015 962 8250. Administration and procurement queries can be directed to Mr A Magwabeni at ( 015 962 8366.
The Process of Awarding a Bursary:
The University of Venda is offering the following short course under the Univen Centre for Continuing Education (UCCE), a unit of Univen Income Generation Centre.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES: To equip students with knowledge and practical skills to apply Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology to solving spatial problems, to familiarize students with ArcGlS 10.1, the market leading GIS software package by ESRI.
South African Custodial Management (SACM) is a private custodial institution. SACM is an Equal Opportunity Employer and intends to promote representivity with respect to race, gender and disability in terms of the Employment Equity Act when seeking a candidate with experience and qualifications for the following position :-
Kutama Sinthumule Correctional Centre (Louis Trichardt, Limpopo)
Requirements: • A post matric NQF LEVEL6 tertiary qualification in Accountancy will be an advantage. • 3 years experience in payroll and creditor management is a prerequisite. Essential Criteria: • A highly level of numeracy and experience working with a database software accounting system and payroll data on Exel spreadsheets • Knowledge and experience working with and meeting deadlines on a South African payroll system e. g VIP • Highly developed oral and written communication skills and organizational and planning skills • Ability to impart knowledge of systems, procedures and policies • High attention to detail and ethical standards and an exemplary employment, discipline and attendance record. Job rotation: • The successful candidate will rotate jobs in the interests of career development and operational requirements of the facility. • The successful candidate will initially be deployed in the Payroll and Creditors department. Duties: • Capture monthly payroll data and employee information changes • Compile employee and time and attendance data for payroll from time sheets and other records • Compute salary, allowance and deduction information and post to the General Ledger • Review and reconcile the salary run and payroll and rectify errors • Prepare periodic and statutory reports of earnings, taxes and deductions • Collate, record, reconcile, allocate and file expenses to ensure accurate recording of company liabilities to creditors. • Match orders, Goods Return Notes and invoices to ensure that creditors are paid on time • Liaise with staff on payroll queries, cheque payments, petty cash and creditors issues • Comply with all company policies and South African legislation and undertake any other duties as directed by Management. Basic Salary: R110 943 per annum; excluding benefits. Written applications with a comprehensive curriculum vitae and contactable references should be forwarded to: The Human Resources Manager, SACM, Private Bag x2006, Louis Trichardt 0920 or email to . Closing date for applications is 28 November 2014. Short-listed candidates may be required to write a competency test as part of the selection process. Enquiries: Human Resources Department • 015 519 4500. Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
SOUTH AFRICAN CUSTODIAL MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD KUTAMA SINTHUMULE CORRECTIONAL CENTRE South African Custodial Management (SACM) is a private custodial institution. SACM is an Equal Opportunity Employer and intends to promote representivity with respect to race, gender and disability in terms of the Employment Equity Act when seeking a candidate with experience and qualifications for the following position :-
RECEPTIONIST / SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR POSITION Kutama Sinthumule Correctional Centre (Louis Trichardt, Limpopo)
Requirements: • Matric certificate • Diploma or Certificate in switchboard operation • 1 Year experience as a switchboard operator or receptionist will serve as a strong recommendation • Good verbal communication as well as written communication • A high level of computer skills will be highly recommended • Should be able to work under stressful conditions and flexible for all shifts. Essential Criteria: • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing with staff and clients • Proven ability to meet deadlines as prescribed by senior management • Ability to impact knowledge of systems, procedures and policies to staff • Possession of high-level keyboard skills • Demonstrated high level of energy in the discharge of work roles • Demonstrated flexible, questioning approach to work systems and problems • Demonstrated tact, integrity and discretion with respect to such matters as confidentiality and client interest • Demonstrated personal skills of initiative, accuracy, reliability and tact • Ability to understand and apply policies and procedures thorough knowledge of office procedures with sound business telephone techniques • Ability to exercise initiative, judgement, and know-how in the performance of complex, confidential and difficult duties • Ability to liaise with a diverse range of clientele • An ideal candidate is expected to work holidays and Sundays. Duties: • To carry out the operation of the SACM switchboard, answering and dealing with calls, both internal and external, in an efficient and professional manner at all times • Placing ring back and inter-prison telephone calls on behalf of SACM • Maintain a diary of bookings for the conference room • Provision of general care and organisation of maintenance for the office photocopiers, facsimile machines and printers • Sending, receiving and distribution of facsimile transmissions, mail • Prioritisation of all tasks • Ensure compliance with all Company Policies and Procedures at SACM • Follow all written safe work procedures, practices and verbal instructions. Provide advanced clerical skills for Management • Assist in general filling • Type general correspondence • Make appointments and open mail, exercising judgement concerning priority • Any other related tasks as required to perform from time to time by management. Basic Salary: R104 576 per annum; excluding benefits. Written applications with a comprehensive curriculum vitae, certified copies of qualifications and contactable references should be forwarded to: The Human Resources Manager, SACM, Private Bag x2006, Louis Trichardt 0920 or email to Fax 015 519 4545. Closing date for applications is 28 November 2014. “Applicants, who have not been contacted by 15 December 2014, must consider their applications as being unsuccessful” Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
THE COURSE FEES: R5200 per participant, which includes tea, coffee, lunch and learning materials. Participants are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of R2600 which can be paid at Univen's Finance Department or deposited at: ABSA Bank, account number: 1 000 000 589, Branch: ABSA Louis Trichardt, reference number: 03057231, to confirm booking at least one week before commencement of lectures to ensure a place for the intake of the course. NB: Balance of course fees must be paid before or on the first day of the course. Enquiries: Ms K Mathivha Cell: 076 208 1516, email:, Tel: (015) 962 8331, Fax: 086 5401 469.
CON 001/2014
Construction of Univen student residence village
Construction project management and Principal Agent consultant
21 November 2014 at 11h00
05 December 2014 at 15h00
University of Venda (Univen) hereby invites tenders and proposals from suitably qualified and experienced construction project management consultants, to tender for professional services on construction project and programme management for the construction of Univen student residence village Tender documents will be available for collection as of 17 November 2014 during working hours (8:30 to 16:00 Monday to Friday) at Procurement Office No. 51 Facilities Management Building, Univen, Thohoyandou A non-refundable tender deposit of R500.00 is required on collection of the tender document , payable in cash at the Finance department , University of Venda or deposited at ABSA Bank, Account number 1 000 000 538 and reference number 00015616. Sealed documents clearly marked "Univen DBSA student residence" and tender number “CON 001/2014” must be deposited in the tender box located at the Univen facilities management building not later than 15h00 on 05 December 2014. Technical queries can be directed in writing to Ronald Tshitangano email, telephone number +27159628250, while administration and procurement queries can be directed to Mr Azwifarwi Magwabeni email, telephone number +27159628366.
gear advertising-1652
INTAKE: 1st - 5th December and 8th - 12th December 2014.
gear advertising-1650
PRESENTATION: One block session (of 20 participants): The block involves one week of lectures and practical's (Full-Day: Monday - Friday).
NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT, INTEGRATED WATER USE LICENSE APPLICATION (IWULA) AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS Notice: Notice is hereby given in terms of National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No: 107 of 1998) under Section 24(5) of the EIA Regulations, 2010 and National Water Act (Act No: 36 of 1998) under Section 21(a), (b), (c) and (i) of the intention of Lepelle North Water (LNW) to apply for the Integrated Water Use License for the proposed Tshikudamalema Pilot Project within Mutale Local Municipality in Limpopo Province. Project Description: The objective of the Tshikundamalema Pilot Project is to provide access to basic water supply for the following communities: Mvala, Tshitambe and Mutshuludi. The proposed development will entail the abstraction of surface water from the spring, storage thereof in the existing concrete reservoir which is situated in Tshitambe village and impending the flow of water and altering the beds and banks of the river/ water channel due to the construction of the abstraction facility. The capacity of the concrete reservoir is 200000 litres. Gudani Consulting has been appointed as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to undertake the public participation processes as part of Water Use Application (IWULA) for the proposed project. Comments on the proposed project can be submitted in writing to Gudani Consulting via email, fax or post. In this regard please contact Itumeleng Senamela and/or Elijah Monyai at: P.O. Box 714, Faunapark Polokwane, 0787
Tel: 015 291 3620/5669 Fax: 015 291 4932 Website:
In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I &AP), only in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Water Use Application processes, or if you have comments or concerns towards the proposed project, please submit your name, contact information and comments to the details given above.
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
28 14 November 2014
Business quiet? Give us a call! 015 516 4996 MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920
TENDER NO. 44 OF 2014 SUPPLY AND PAVE OF DZANANI TRAFFIC STATION TESTING FACILITY Suitable service providers are invited to tender for the supply and pave of Dzanani Traffic Station Testing Facility. Bidders are requested to bid as per specification attached to the bid documents that will be obtainable from 18 November 2014 at the Procurement Office No. B043, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, MAKHADO upon payment of a non-refundable amount of R200, 00 per tender document. A compulsory briefing session will be held on 21 November 2014 at 10:00 at Dzanani Traffic Station Testing Facility. Completed bid documents signed by a duly authorized person, sealed in an envelope clearly marked “Tender No. 44 of 2014: Supply and Pave of Dzanani Traffic Station Testing Facility:” must reach the undersigned by depositing it into the tender box at the foyer of the main entrance to the Civic Centre by not later than 12:00 on Friday, 28 November 2014 when all tenders received will be opened in public in the Executive Committee Chamber, First Floor, Civic Centre, No. 83 Krogh Street, Makhado. The Municipality is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to accept any part of a bid. Bids must remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days after closing date of submission thereof. Submitted tenders will be evaluated on 80/20 score points. Bids which are late, incomplete, unsigned or submitted in pencil or by telegraph or facsimile or electronically by e-mail, or not having the following documents attached for evaluation or not complying with the tender specifications, will not be evaluated and will be disqualified: • • • • •
Original valid Tax Clearance Certificate A copy of Company Registration Certificate Certified copy/copies of company owner(s) ID Book(s). BBBEE Certificate (For Preferential Points) CIDB Grade 2GB
All technical enquiries can be directed to Director Community Services, Mr. M J Kanwendo at (015) 519 3000, while procurement enquiries should be directed to Mr Moswathupa RL at (015) 519 3171.
Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Makhado, 0920 Notice No. 147/2014 File No. 8/3/2/1210
MR. I P MUTSHINYALI MUNICIPAL MANAGER Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
MUSINA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY TENDER INVITATION Tenders are hereby invited from the Contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), with a minimum grading of 5CE PE or Higher, for the Construction of Roads in Nancefield in the Musina Municipality of the Vhembe District in Limpopo Province. The employer is the MUSINA MUNICIPALITY. Tender documents are obtainable from Musina Municipality offices at, Musina, upon receipt of non-refundable cash or bank guaranteed cheque payment of R250.00 per set. Bank guaranteed cheques must be made payable to the MUSINA MUNICIPALITY. Tender documents are obtainable during the following times: 08:00 to 15:00 (Monday to Friday) as from Tuesday the 18th November 2014. A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the employer will take place on Wednesday the 19th November 2014 starting at 11H00am. Prospective tenders will meet the engineers and the representatives of the employer at the Old Council Chamber, Musina Municipality Offices in Musina, and will then proceed to site for site visit. The closing time for receipt of tender is on Friday the 28th November 2014 at 11h00am Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile and late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders, completed as prescribed, shall be sealed in an envelope marked “Tender No. 18/2014, “NANCEFIELD CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS” and deposited in the tender box located in the Musina Municipality Offices in Musina. All technical queries may be addressed to Mr Matodzi Makhoshi, Tel No. 015 291 5308, Fax No.015 291 4225, e-mail. NOTE: The Municipality reserves the right not to accept the lowest Tender. The Tender validity shall be 90(Ninety) days from the date of closure. Musina Local Municipality shall adjudicate tenders in accordance with the Supply Chain Management Policy and the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000. Municipal Manager Musina Local Municipality Civic Centre 21 Irwinstreet Musina 0900
Notice number 32 Tel: 015 534 6100 Fax: 086 517 0049 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
14 November 2014 29 By Kaizer Nengovhela
Benny’s Care Development too good for Anchors Benny’s Care beat Tshiozwi Anchors 2-1 in a Safa Vhembe MMK Administrators Soccer League match at Gogogobe on Sunday. Benny’s approached the match like a house of fire, with their midfielders distributing excellent passes to their strikers. They threatened to score after only five minutes, when Marubini Manyane forced his way through the defence and passed the ball to Yende Munyadziwa. His attempt missed the target by inches, however. In the 20th minute, Cater Malebana of Benny’s beat the keeper with a powerful shot from outside the box. The keeper of Anchors, Mulalo Maphaha, watched in disbelief as the ball crossed the goal line. After the goal, Benny’s lost shape in the midfield and Anchors capitalised on this to equalise. Andries Masingi dribbled past three players in a row and blasted in a rocket from inside the box. The second half, Anchors abandoned their positions and packed themselves at the far back. Cater Malebana of Benny’s completed his brace Junior Tshikunwane of Benny’s is ready to stop the ball, with Andries and scored the second goal of his team in the 78th Masingi attacking from behind. minute after beating the off-side trap. By Kaizer Nengovhela
New soccer kits for Tshiozwi’s Dynamos and Mates Two struggling rural teams, which are being run from the pockets of the players and officials, received a new kit from a local businessman at Tshiozwi on Sunday. Tshiozwi Dynamos, campaigning in the Safa Vhembe league, and Tshiozwi Mates, who play in the Makhado LFA, has been
doing well despite not having a sponsor. Local businessman Mr Jonas Ramahala handed over two kits worth thousands of rands to the teams during a ceremony at the local sports grounds, witnessed by many members of the community and the players. Ramahala said he was very passionate
about sport and would continue to assist the teams where possible. He added that the donation was also a way of motivating the teams to continue dominating the Mutshidzi Nemaxwi of Benny’s (left) and Aluwani Nedzamba of Anchors, league. He added that he knew of the ready to attack. hardships faced by youths in rural areas and with the donations he was ploughing back into the community that had brought him up. He mentioned that the was touched during a visit to his birthplace to find that the local club was still using the same old tattered uniforms Project management, quality conformance, time management in construction is one of the bought a long time ago. pre-requisite of tendering and tender awarding. “As someone who was Masana is SAQA compliance and CETA accreditation clause 13 of regulation 112 of 8 of born in this area, I know 1998. the problems faced by We provide project management on national certificate in construction contracting NQF level supervision of civil engineering construction processes labour construction NQF level 4 the youth here. Many 2, and management NQF level 5 (EPWP). of their parents are not Other courses that we offer: working and they de- • Basic first aid phase 1 & 2 pend on grants for their • Old age care livelihood. A soccer • Waiter and chef health and safety (OHS) kit is a luxury that they •• Occupational Computer Literacy cannot afford,” he said. • Machine Driver e.g. Forklift etc The captain of Dyna- • Welding or Boiler Maker mos, Velaphi Mphaphu- • Electricity & Solar system, Plumbing li, thanked Ramahala for We therefore invite contractors and individuals to register for this training course. Photographed during the handing-over ceremony are, from left to right, Messrs Nkhumeleni the donation and prom- For more information contact us at Louis Trichardt 015 516 5350 OR Mr Muladi at Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers Mukosi (Dynamos), Velaphi Mphaphuli, Jonas Ramahala (donor), Murendeni Maavhelwane ised that the team would 082 341 0364, Nicolas 078 602 4081. (Mates) and David Mpuru. not disappoint him. District Municipality Vhembe District Municipality invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill internship positions within its establishment. Vhembe District Municipality is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Persons designated in terms of applicable legislation as historically disadvantaged South Africans as well as people with disabilities are encouraged to apply:
InternshIp programme
Interns: Finance Department (6 Posts)
On Thursday, 6 November, the children of the Emmanuel Kinderland Nursery School held their annual school concert. The theme this year was Africa. From left to right are Junior Choma, Zwothe Manena and Wanga Nemanashe on a safari trip, singing about all the animals that they saw.
Human Communications 114029
All-inclusive package of R100 000 per annum (2-year fixed-term contract)
Requirements: Unemployed graduates with a BCom degree in Accounting or Local Government Finance and Internal Audit qualification equivalent are hereby invited to apply for Internship/Learnership programme for a fixed contract period of 2 years. Forward your applications to the Municipal Manager, Vhembe District Municipality, Private Bag X5006, Thohoyandou 0950 or hand deliver to the Registry Office, Vhembe District Municipality, Old Parliament Building, Government Complex next to Khoroni Hotel. Applications must be submitted on the signed VDM HR application form, obtainable on the website (, accompanied by a comprehensive CV and certified copies of Identity Document, driver’s licence (where applicable) and qualifications. Applications without the above will not be considered. Correspondence regarding the advertised positions will be limited to the successful candidates only. NB: • Candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability checks, including qualifications, employment, credit, criminal records, company ownership/directorship and reference checks • Faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted • Applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered • Fraudulent qualifications or documentation will immediately disqualify an applicant • Direct or indirect canvassing for preferential treatment will lead to immediate disqualification of the relevant applicant. Enquiries on the above should be directed to the Recruitment Officer at (015) 960-2042. Closing date: 12 December 2014 If no response is received from Vhembe District Municipality within 90 days of the closing date, it must be regarded that your application was unsuccessful. Vhembe District Municipality reserves the right to/not to make appointments. Mr L Muthivhi - Acting Municipal Manager
30 14 November 2014 By Frank Mavhungu
By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
“Write for the sake of knowledge” Years of hard work and dedication have finally paid off for Mr Lindelani Emmanuel Rakhunwana. Born at Hamakhuvha village near Donald Fraser Hospital 31 years ago, Mr Rakhunwana has good reason to rejoice as his dream of writing a book has finally become a reality. After losing his father while he was still a firstyear mechanical engineering student at the Vhembe FET College in 2003, life became difficult for Rakhunwana. His mother was unemployed at the time and completing his studies at the college under Mr Lindelani Emmanuel Rakhunwana.
the circumstances almost impossible. Despite all the odds, Rakhunwana managed to complete his diploma at the college in 2004. As an active member of the Christ Mission Orientated Church choir, Rakhunwana started to compile his own songs from 2009. In 2012, he felt that his music was mature enough and he recorded his debut album, Ri do swika naa at the Vipeb Recording Studio at Ngudza village. After listening to his music, a church elder, Mr Khathu Mavhina, advised him to write a book. Mavhina’s words were echoed by Pastor Pandelani and Rakhunwana’s wife, who kept on telling him that he had a gift for writing, apart from singing. In September last year, Rakhunwana started to write a book, Surviving the dark side of life. The book is about Rakhunwana’s life of shame and how he managed to survive under the circumstances. The search for a publisher started immediately after he completed writing the book in June this year. Mavhina introduced him to a book publishing company which is based in Indiana in the USA. After some weeks of telephonic conversations with the company, a deal was finally clinched. The book was printed at the end of September and is now available at most local bookshops. Rakhunwana, a father of five, said that he was not happy about the fact that a recent survey conducted by a USA-based research company had revealed that South Africans are lazy to read books. He severely discouraged people who write books or sing as a way to fight hunger, saying “people must learn to write for the sake of knowledge”. According to him, the book is selling at R160 and for further information Rakhunwana can be phoned at 076 272 1455.
MLFM awards best Xitsonga musicians Several artists in the music industry received awards during the 12th edition of Munghana Lonene FM’s Xitsonga Music Awards at the Nkowankowa Stadium last Saturday. The awards and cash prizes were awarded to deserving artists who demonstrated excellence and dedication in the industry. The awards started with a special event at Karibu Leisure Resort on Friday. The radio station presented three special awards to the late GT Chauke, Dwaro Rocks and Sipho “Hotstix” Mabuse. “The three artists were presented with a posthumous award, the Living Legends award and the Companion of Xitsonga music awards respectively,” said Munghana Lonene FM’s station manager, Mr James Shikwambana. During the Friday event, a well-known artist, Doctor Sithole, thrilled the audience by playing the music of the recipients of the special awards. A veteran singer, Joe Shirimane, made history by walking away with the Dr Thomas Chauke Artist of the year award, which includes a R60 000 cash prize. “The winners in 10 categories walked home with cash prizes of R12 000 each,” Shikwambana said. The “Song of the year award” was won by Colonel Mhlongo, who received R20 000 cash.” The list of the winners in different categories is as follows: Brian Bomba (best Xitsonga newcomer), Joseph Baloyi (best Xitsonga gospel – Ribye Ra Vuchabelo), Colonel Mhlongo (best Xitsonga disco – Mhani ntsongo), Zozo (Mindzhumba ya
Afrika – Tsatsawani), Mocah ft. Mcbone (best Xitsonga RnB/hip hop – Khinyaveza), Limpopo Roots (best Xitsonga house song – Mali ya mina), Mapelle na Nurse (best Xitsonga duo), Madya Kubomba ft. Joe Shirimane (best Xitsonga collaboration – Khefu), Doctor Sithole (best male artist), Sunglen (best female artist), and Joe Shirimane (Dr Thomas Chauke artist of the year ). “The staff at Munghana Lonene FM are very excited to see how the awards are growing,” said Shikwambana. “The journey began in 2002 with only three categories and today we are standing at 12. We would like to thank our listeners for their unwavering support by making sure that they bought tickets. We will continue to inject new innovations and new ideas to make these awards more and more exciting.” Ali “Mocah” Mokgalaka, who believes that music should be used to teach and entertain, said: “This award has encouraged me to start working harder.” The awards presentation was followed by a big music festival which featured the cream of South African music, such as Mafikizolo, Sipho Makhabane, Colbert Mukwevho, Ihashi Elimhlophe, Joe Shirimane na Vana va Ndoda, Penny Penny, Brian Bomba, Benny Mayengane, Limpopo Roots, Clive S, Candy N’wa Yingwani, DJ Gammi, and Mapele na Nurse. “The line-up also featured the station’s popular presenter, Mchangaan, DJ Brian and producer Magubane Da Franchize,” said the station’s marketing manager, Ms Vongi Nkanyane.
Sunglen, the best female artist. Photo supplied.
Joseph “Zozo” Mbiza. Photo supplied.
The Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture, Ms Rejoice Mabudafhasi, visited a traditional leader and sculptors at Masia last Friday. She is trying to encourge sculptors in the area to follow careers in sculpting. Photographed during the tour were, from left to right, Vha-Musanda VhoMurudi, Vha-Musanda Vho-Livhuwani Matsila, sculptor Vha-Musanda Vho-Mmboswobeni Masia, Ms Rejoice Mabudafhasi and Thovhelele Vho-Nthumeni Masia.
MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920
TENDER NOTICE All interested service providers are hereby invited to submit written quotations and deliver them to Makhado Municipality’s tender box. QUOTATION NO
Request for Quotation for the 21 November 2014 at 12H00 Supply and delivery of Laptops
Request for Quotation for the 21 November 2014 at 12H00 Supply and delivery of Swimming pool chemicals
Request for Quotation for a Doz- 21 November 2014 at 12H00 er to open up streets at Vuwani EXT 1 Township
Jessie Mokgalaka, Ali “Mocah” Mokgalaka and Asie Sekgoela. Photo supplied.
Please Note: 1. Specifications of the quotations and MBD 6.1 and MBD 4 can be downloaded from the municipal website or a hard copy can be obtained from Supply Chain Management office B043, Civic Centre, No.83 Krogh Street, Makhado Municipality. For more information, enquiries must be directed to Ms TP Ntsieni or Mr M Ramabulana at 015 519 3179/3129 during office hours. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Louis Trichardt, 0920 MR. I P MUTSHINYALI Notice No. 170/2014 MUNICIPAL MANAGER File No. 8/3/2/1 2.
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Top: The face behind “Limpopo Roots”, Thembhani Mashau. Photo supplied. Right: Joe Shirimane (right) receives the Dr Thomas Chauke Artist of the Year award from Chauke (left). Also in the photograph is Tiyani Maluleke of the South African Music Rights Organisation. Photo supplied.
14 November 2014 31
By Frank Mavhungu
Coach Heric rejoins Leopards As part of beefing up the team’s technical staff, Black Leopards have recalled the team’s former head coach, Mr Vladislav Heric. The Serbian national was the brain behind the success of the Thohoyandou outfit when Lidoda Duvha gained promotion to the Absa Premiership Division four years ago. Heric left the club for the national first division side, African Warriors, after a successful season with Black Leopards. Heric moved from one club to the other during the past three years before joining Chippa United in the middle of last season. At that stage, Chippa United were campaigning in the national first division. Heric guided the Cape Town side to an outright promotion to the Absa Premiership Division at the end of the season. Surprisingly, Heric’s contract with Chippa United was not renewed at the beginning of this season as anticipated. He remained jobless for five months until the chairman of Black Leopards, Mr David Thidiela, offered him a one-month contract last week. Asked why he had decided to give Mr Heric a month contract, Mr Thidiela stated that he wanted someone who could assist the current caretaker coach, Mr Joel Masutha, for the time being until the team’s head coach, Mr Seun Connor, took over. According to Mr Thidiela, Mr Connor is still sorting out his work permit issues in his native country, the Republic of Ireland. When asked
as to when they were anticipating the return of Connor, Thidiela said that he could not speculate as he had no control over the situation. During an interview with Heric shortly after Leopards' 1-1 draw with Highlandspark at the Thohoyandou Stadium last Saturday, he said that it was painful for him to see Black Leopards losing matches while they played quality football. He further said that he was happy that they would have two weeks to prepare the team before playing their next league match against Santos at the Athlone Stadium in Cape Town next Saturday, 22 November. Heric joins Black Leopards at the time when the team is lying on the 10th position on the log with 12 points accumulated from 10 outings, 10 points behind the log leaders, Lamontville Golden Arrows.
The high-riding Thohoyandou Technical High soccer team and school staff with their prizes. By Elmon Tshikhudo
Thohoyandou Technical the new Irfani champs
Mr Vladislav Heric.
By Mashudu Netsianda
Ethiopians arrested at border Police at the Beit Bridge border intercepted four Ethiopian illegal immigrants and a Zimbabwean man who was assisting them in trying to enter South Africa through an illegal crossing point along the Limpopo River. According to the police, the Zimbabwean, Solani Ngwenya (32), was trying to assist Ibrahim Ali Maalim Adam (30), Debe Ikran Abdi (25), Abdi Samiya Abdulai (34) and Mohammed Ahred Adi (28) to jump the porous border between Zimbabwe and South Africa. The East Africans and the Zimbabwean were arrested by the police at a pick-up point in Beit Bridge on Wednesday at about 13:00 as they were about to cross into South Africa. The suspects appeared in court before Magistrate Gloria Takundwa of the Beit Bridge Magistrate's Court, facing charges of contravening a section of the Immigration Act. The case was postponed to 20 November and they were each released on bail of US$50 bail after the prosecution indicated that it needed to secure the services of an Arabic interpreter. The court was told that on 4 November Adam facilitated the illegal entry of his fellow countrymen into Zimbabwe through
The players with prizes they won display during the tournament. With them are some of the teachers, the principal and the coach of the team.
Victoria Falls. They then travelled by road to Bulawayo, where Adam approached Ngwenya, an unregistered cross-border transporter. They allegedly arranged for the quartet to be smuggled to South Africa through illegal crossing points. It was stated that Adam had paid Ngwenya US$200 for the service. They were intercepted by police on patrol at a point used by border jumpers. The crackdown on illegal immigrants follows a meeting in 2011 in Beit Bridge between Zimbabwean and South African immigration officials over the issue of irregular migration between the two countries. The refugees allegedly take advantage of human traffic syndicates that take desperate illegal Zimbabwean immigrants to South Africa on a daily basis. Lately there has been a surge in the number of illegal immigrants from East African countries who enter Zimbabwe illegally and try to jump the border to South Africa. The immigrants enter Zimbabwe through the Harare International Airport, Nyamapanda, Chirundu and Forbes border posts with the assistance of human trafficking syndicates operating in both South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Thohoyandou Technical High School is the champion of Irfani Soccer Tournament. It was recently held in Thohoyandou and was initially supposed to have involved all the local secondary schools in Thohoyandou. The schools who participated were Marude Thohoyandou Secondary, Liivha and Thohoyandou Technical. The tournament changed to a round-robin tournament after Thohoyandou Secondary failed to turn up. The first game was played between Liivha and Thohoyandou Technical. A solitary goal in the 25th minute by Thendo Mukumela was enough to give
Thohoyandou Technical the victory. Marude beat Liivha 1-0 in the second game. The goal that separated the two teams was an own goal by Liivha’s goalkeeper. The final was between Marude and Thohoyandou Technical. Two goals by the national U/17 player, Thendo Mukumela, gave Thohoyandou Technical the victory. Marude’s solitary goal was scored by Dzimpho Mashawana. Mukumela did not show any fatigue, even after coming from national duty for the national team who recently played to a 2-2 draw with Egypt. The point they earned was enough to give them a spot
By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo
Lamontville Golden Arrows are aiming for the top spot Five of the eight National First Division League matches played over the past weekend ended in draws. Lamontville Golden Arrows are leading the pack, following their 4-2 victory over Maluti FET College at the Chatsworth Stadium in Durban. It took Golden Arrows only 12 minutes to open their account. Thato Masoake blasted in a rocket after a scramble within the box. The students found the equalizer on the stroke of half time. The home side scored three more goals in quick succession early in the second half, before conceding an own goal towards the end of the game. Vasco da Gama received the biggest hiding and were brutally walloped 4-0 by Jomo Cosmos at the Vaal University of Technology Stadium. Cosmos moved three steps up the log, following the impressive result. They are now in third spot with 17 points, five behind the pace setters, Lamontville Golden Arrows. Cosmos
were leading 2-0 at half time. The final score would have been 5-0 had Cosmos managed to convert a penalty in the 29th minute. Witbank Spurs received three valuable points when they beat Santos 1-0 at the Puma Rugby Stadium in Witbank. Just like Jomo Cosmos, Santos too missed a fortune after they were awarded a penalty in the 10th minute. Black Leopards failed to impress their home crowd by playing to a 1-1 draw with Highlandspark at the Thohoyandou Stadium. (See our report on the back page.) African Warriors shared the spoils with Royal Eagles with a 2-2 draw, while Garankuwa United and Baroka FC played to a goalless draw at the Pilditch Stadium in Pretoria. In their Cape Town derby at the Philipi Stadium in Cape, Milano United and Cape Town All Stars scored two goals apiece. Thanda Royal Zulu held FC Cape Town to a 1-1 draw.
• Contact: Jannie - 079 300 6876 24/7 • Levubu / Louis Trichardt / Thohoyandou
in the 2015 youth championships, to be played in Niger. During the prize giving, Thohoyandou Technical walked away with R1 200 and a trophy. Marude received R800 and Liivha R600. Mr Mbonisi Ndlovu of Thohoyandou Technical was the coach of the tournament and Thendo Mukumela the top goal scorer. In handing over the prizes, a local businessman, Mr Mahomed Irfani, promised to continue sponsoring the tournament. The top performers in the tournament also received prizes, sponsored by their coach, Mbonisi Ndlovu.
Sport League Logs - Deadline: Tuesday 12:00 No handwritten logs will be accepted Absa Premiership Team Kaizer Chiefs Chippa United Ajax Cape Town Maritzburg Utd Mamelodi Sundowners Black Aces SuperSport United Orlando Pirates Bidvest Wits Bloem Celtic Free State Stars Polokwane City Moroka Swallows University of Pretoria Platinum Stars AmaZulu
Played 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10
Team Golden Arrows Milano United AFC Thanda Royal Zulu FC Jomo Cosmos FC Cape Town Vasco Da Gama Witbank Spurs Santos Black Leopards Baroka FC Royal Eagles Highlands Park African Warriors Cape Town All Stars Garankuwa United Maluti FET College
Played 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Won 9 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 0
Draw 1 2 2 4 4 4 0 2 2 4 2 1 1 3 2 4
Lost 0 3 3 2 2 2 5 3 4 3 5 6 6 5 5 6
For 15 11 11 14 10 10 15 13 10 12 12 15 12 8 7 5
Against Points 4 28 9 17 10 17 7 16 6 16 9 16 13 15 8 14 9 14 10 13 16 11 22 10 19 10 11 9 13 8 14 4
For 12 14 14 15 11 6 7 12 12 12 12 9 9 7 6 10
Against Points 4 22 7 19 5 17 7 17 5 16 9 15 6 14 13 14 10 12 12 11 15 10 12 10 16 10 13 9 10 7 24 4
For 93 81 76 67 64 53 45 44 51 55 48 41 55 22
Against Points 43 55 28 53 34 48 35 44 51 41 35 35 68 33 39 32 53 29 57 27 63 27 58 26 70 23 109 9
National First Division Won 6 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Draw 4 4 5 5 7 3 5 2 3 5 4 4 4 6 4 1
Lost 0 1 1 1 0 3 2 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 5 8
Vhembe Masters Soccer League Team Wesifa Masters Sinthumule Kuatana Sendedza Masters Madomobidzha Masters Khakhu Masters Leopards Masters Dzanani 1 T/Association Ngovhela Masters Mandiwana Masters Ellis Masters Matidza Masters Mphaila Masters Makungwi Masters Mudimeli Masters
Played 26 26 25 26 26 25 24 25 26 25 24 24 25 24
Won 17 15 14 13 12 9 10 8 7 7 7 7 6 2
Draw 4 8 6 5 5 7 3 8 9 6 6 5 5 3
Lost 5 3 5 7 9 8 11 9 10 12 11 12 14 19
32 14 November 2014
By Frank Mavhungu
Disappointment! Black Leopards fans faced huge disappointment on Saturday, when they shared the spoils 1-1 with Highlandspark in their NFD match at the Thohoyandou Stadium. Just like in their last three matches, Leopards were by far the better side when it came to ball possession. Realizing that the home side was unstoppable, the visitors from Thembisa took their time studying their opponents’ weak points. Although
Highlandspark looked hypnotized for the better part of the first half, Lidoda Duvha failed to capitalize. All they did was to squander numerous obvious scoring chances and converted only one. In the 24th minute, the home side broke the deadlock. Leonard Ntshangase, their scoring machine, found the net after a great pass by Jabulani Ndebele. Sanele Mkhize, the Leopards’ centre forward, was booked
for dangerous play in the 29th minute. He tackled Zakhele Dlamini from behind and the referee was lenient enough not to give him his marching orders. Samuel Tefu of Black Leopards made an unforgettable blunder in the 39th minute. He received a neat pass from Bongani Manana and shot straight to the Bongani Manana of Black Leopards (right) and Freddy Dlamini of Highlandspark attack the ball. keeper from close range. Lidoda Duvha effected two changes to their starting line-up in the opening minutes of the last half. They replaced Samuel Tefu and Sanele Mkhize with Sizwe Sibiya and Abbas Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 Amidu respectively. The visitors found 2012 Mercedes Benz C250 CDi 2011 Mercedes Benz E200 CGi the equaliser through BE Avantguarde, Xenons, PDC, Avantguarde S/R, Xenons, CD, Lerato Masopa in the 67th minute. P/S, CD, R/Roof, Highlandspark startS/Roof ed to demonstrate their delaying tactics soon after their goal. Their keeper, Vusi Maseko, 104 000km was warned for wasting 89 000km Balance of 120 000km motor plan Balance of 6 year / 120 000km motor plan time. Leopards were all over Highlandspark in the last 20 minutes of 2011 Mercedes Benz C180 CGi 2010 Mercedes Benz C180K the game, but it was Avantguarde BE BE A/T, A/C, P/S, CD, Xenons, difficult for them to beat 103 000km Marks Munyai of Black Leopards (left) and David Sono of Highlandspark chase the ball. the keeper.
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