Zoutpansberger 15 May 2020

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15 Mei 2020

News with an independent soul


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Dien grendeltyd nog enigsins ‘n doel? - bladsy 4

Jaargang 36 Vol. 19

Limpopo does not have water for such a SEZ - page 11

ISSN 2409-2835

Audited Distribution Figures


9 772409 283001

Mag jy gaan jag? wagting was so goed dat ons besluit het om in ons eie lodge te belê,” het Vir jagters was die aankondiging Mostert gesê. Weens die wêreldwye in die Staatskoerant (No. 43258) verbod op reis en die grendeltydvan 29 April vanjaar dat jag toege- perk het Mostert-hulle se inkomste laat gaan word goeie nuus. Met die opgedroog weens kansellasies. Hy is jagseisoen wat op 1 Mei “oopgehoofsaaklik afhanklik van internasimaak” het, was almal angstig om onale jagters. hieroor uitsluitsel te kry. Mostert was een van vele mense Meer as ‘n week later heers groot met wie die Zoutpansberger onsekerheid steeds of mens nou gepraat het oor of jag nou toegemag gaan jag of nie, aangesien laat word of nie. Ten spyte van ‘n die regering nog geensins enige totale gebrek aan duidelikheid aankondiging gedoen het oor die hieroor vanaf regeringskant, was voorskrifte ten opsigte van jag nie. daar wel hier en daar webtuistes Dit lei tot groot frustrasie onder wat probeer het om rigting te gee jagters. Dié frustrasie was duidelik ten opsigte van “voorskrifte”. Wat te bespeur in Adri Kitshoff-Botha, egter belangrik is om te onthou is hoof uitvoerende beampte van dat hierdie “voorskrifte” nog nie WRSA (Wildlife Ranching South deur die rege­ring goedgekeur is nie Africa) se stemboodskap aan lede en slegs deel vorm van ‘n “konop die organisasie se webblad op sepplan” vir voorskrifte. Hierdie 11 Mei. “Toe ek ‘n week gelede met konsepvoorskrifte stel onder andere julle gesels het, het ek regtig gehoop voor dat slegs eendag-jagtogte dat die onderskeie ministers nou al toelaatbaar is, wat beteken dat die voorskrifte sou gepubliseer het oor jagter nie mag oor­slaap nie en dat hoe die dienste en aktiwiteite soos hy/sy voor 20:00 (ingevolge die vervat in die regulasies geïmplemen- aandklokreël wat vanaf 20:00 tot teer word. Ons weet die regulasies 05:00 van toepas­sing is) weer by sy/ self verskaf nie die detail nie … soos haar huis moet wees. Jagtogte mag ek voorheen gesê het, alhoewel jag ook slegs in die provinsie plaasvind in die regulasies gespesifiseer word, waar die jagter woon, omdat reis bly die vraag steeds wat dit beteken,” tussen provinsies steeds deur ander het Kitshoff-Botha gesê. grendeltydregulasies verbied word. “Ons sit nog met ‘n baie grys area Wanneer daar gereis en gejag word, in hierdie stadium,” het plaaslike moet daar ook aan ander voorskrifte grootwildjagter Bossie Mostert van voldoen word, soos die dra van ‘n Limpopo Big Game Safaris gesê. Die gesigsmasker en die handhaaf van grendeltydperk kon vir hom nie op ‘n voorgeskrewe afstand tussen ‘n slegter tyd gekom het nie. “Dit sou persone. vir ons vanjaar ‘n rekordjaar gewees Bietjie meer duidelikheid bestaan het met al die besprekings. Die veregter of ‘n boer op sy of haar eie Deur Andries van Zyl

plaas mag jag. “As dit jou eie plaas is, mag jy doen wat jy wil,” het Mos­tert gesê. Dit geld nou vir boere wat oor ‘n P3-vrystellingsertifikaat vanaf Omgewingsake beskik om gelyste wild op die plaas te

skiet. Persone sal ook toegelaat word om probleemdiere te skiet. Die uitskiet van wild ten opsigte van wildbeheer word ook toegelaat.“Ek weet baie van julle raak moe­deloos en julle mag selfs voel

dat lidorgani­sasies soos WRSA meer moet doen. Die realiteit is, ons probeer ons beste. Ons kan nie meer doen nie,” het Kitshoff-Botha gesê. (Vervolg op p. 2)

Groot onsekerheid heers tans by jagters of mens mag gaan jag. Die jagseisoen het op 1 Mei oopgemaak en alhoewel die regering gesê het mense mag jag, het hulle nog nie die fynere voorskrifte gepubliseer van wat hulle mag en nie mag doen nie. Vir eers lyk dit asof die biltongkaste gaan leeg bly. Generiese foto.


a. Private Security, Anti-poaching, Wildlife Conservation b. Farmers, Hunters c. Manufacturers d. Not open to general public ie. sport-shooters, collectors, self-defence

Tel: 015 516 0721 Cell: 082 458 7072 Email: turners@fletchit.co.za



Gebruik Familiedag om bande te versterk of om hulp te kry Welsyn Te midde van die grendeltydperk word Internasionale Familiedag vanjaar weer op 15 Mei gevier. Die dag is die eerste keer in 1994 gevier met die doel om bewusmaking te skep van die voordele van ‘n familiesisteem. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie (SAVF) in Louis Trichardt het in ‘n verklaring gesê familie behels lankal nie meer net die tradisionele pa, ma en kinders nie, maar het uitgebrei om talle verskillende gesinsopsette wat ‘n huishouding uitmaak, in te sluit. Hulle het gesê families is die mees basiese eenheid van ‘n samelewing, en die fondasie van gemeenskappe. “Met die inperking wat ons land tans beleef, spandeer families meer tyd saam as vantevore, en is dit die ideale tyd om familieverhoudinge te versterk. Dit is nodig om te fokus op die welstand van alle individue in die familiesisteem. Familie is deel van ons vreugde en soms ook ons stres. Familie help ons om vrese te oorkom en moeilike tye te hanteer,” het Friede Meissenheimer, senior maatskaplike werker van die plaaslike SAVF, gesê.

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:

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Audited Distribution Figures


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MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271

Om bande te help versterk, het Meissenheimer enkele aktiwiteite voorgestel wat ‘n familie saam kan doen. “Alhoewel dit nie tans moontlik is om weg te gaan nie, beteken dit nie mens kan nie kamp nie! Slaan kamp op saam met die kinders in die tuin. As dit te koud is, bou ‘n kombersfort in die sitkamer en kamp daar uit! Speel bordspeletjies, kook of bak saam of gaan stap of ry saam fiets,” het Friede gesê en bygevoeg dat ontspanne, positiewe aktiwiteite belangrik is om familiebande te versterk. “Wanneer ‘n familie in harmonie is, funksioneer die individu ook beter.” Ongelukkig, volgens Friede, is die realiteit ook dat nie alle families gesond is nie, en probleme kan deur die huidige situasie in die land vererger word. “Stres oor persone wat nie mag werk nie en die finansiële gevolge, tuisskool en persone wat moontlik ‘n matige afhanklikheidsprobleem het en nie toegang het tot middels soos sigarette en alkohol nie, is alles stressors wat kan lei tot verhoogde vlakke van konflik en selfs geweld in die huishouding,” het sy gesê. Wat laasgenoemde betref het Friede ook leiding gegee om konflik te oorkom. “Probeer om jouself in die ander persoon se skoene te plaas en sy/haar kant van die saak in te sien. Wanneer jy oorweldig voel deur spanning, vra vir jouself wat is die kleinste moontlike stap wat jy kan neem om beter te voel. Probeer om te fokus op die dinge wat binne jou beheer is, eerder as die

dinge wat buite jou beheer is,” het Friede gesê. Die SAVF het inwoners uitgenooi om een van die volgende nommers te skakel vir hulp indien hulle ervaar dat hulle of een van hulle geliefdes

in gevaar is: SAVF Louis Trichardt (015 516 3841 of 071 628 7949), SAPD Louis Trichardt (015 519 4300), die Gesinsgeweld noodlyn (0861 322 322) of Alkoholiste Anoniem (0861 435 722).

Internasionale Familiedag word Vrydag, 15 Mei, gevier. Die Louis Trichardt SAVF het egter ook persone wat voel hulle of ‘n geliefde is in gevaar weens omstandighede in die land as gevolg van die gedwonge grendeltyd tans, om so spoedig moontlik hulp te kry. Foto: Generies.

Onsekerheid oor jag weens talle grys areas in regulasies (Vervolg van p.1) Sy het egter haar lede die versekering gegee dat rolspelers in die industrie deurlopend met die regering oor die voorskrifte in gesprek is. Sy het ook die hoop uitgespreek dat die voorskrifte ten opsigte van jag teen volgende week gepubliseer sal wees. Mostert het ook die hoop uitgespreek dat duidelikheid oor wat presies toegelaat word en wat nie, spoedig verkry sal word. Weens die onduidelikheid tans het hy jagters aangeraai om eerder geduldig te wees as om kanse te waag. “Ek gaan nie nou net sommer in my bakkie klim en ‘n paar duisend rand se wild gaan skiet nie en hoop ek gaan veilig wees nie. Die risiko is net te groot. Wag tot die voorskrifte gepubliseer word waarvan almal weet,” het Mostert gesê. “Jy gaan by ‘n padblokkade kom waar die ouens gaan sê jy het gaan jag en dit is reg. Maar jy gaan ook by ‘n padblokkade kom waar iemand nou weer gaan rang trek. Dit is nou orals so en ons sien dit elke

dag op alle vlakke, nie net in die jagbedryf nie,” het Mostert bygevoeg. Wat die groter prentjie betref en die absolute negatiewe impak wat die grendeltydperk op die jagindustrie het, het Mostert gesê hy verstaan nie die rede vir die streng grendeltydregulasies nie. “Die mense raak ongeduldig. Jy sien dit in alle sektore. Dit is maklik vir die polisieman om te sê jy mag nie dit nie en jy mag nie dat nie. Hy staan daar langs die pad, trek mense af en kry elke maand sy salaris ... Jag is my enigste inkomste en as ek nie kan jag nie, kry ek geen inkomste nie,” het Mostert gesê. Mostert het gesê dat hy, soos baie ander in dieselfde bedryf, definitief die knyp voel. “Tussen laasweek en vandag het ek 18 kwotasies uitge­ stuur. Gewoonlik as ek 18 kwotasies uitstuur, sou ek ten minste twee besprekings gekry het. Daar sou ‘n deposito betaal gewees het en geld sou in my rekening ingekom het. Jou kontantvloei het aan die gang gebly. Vandat die grendeltyd begin

het, het ek geen inkomste nie. In hierdie stadium probeer ons net die lodge so ver kry dat ek en my familie daar kan gaan bly en ons huis in die dorp opsê om te spaar op die huur ... as ek gedurende April kon jag, sou ek my lodge vandag klaar gehad het,” het Mostert gesê. Oor die pad vorentoe het Mostert gesê dat hy vir die ergste beplan het en vir homself gesê het hulle gaan glad nie jag hierdie jaar nie, met die hoop dat hulle na die einde van die jaar toe weer sal kan jag. Volgens hom kan die regering nie mense soos ‘n skaap of vark in ‘n hok hou nie. “Om die ekonomie toe te maak en te verwag mense moet by die huis bly, is onrealisties. My gevoel is, maak die ekonomie oop. Doen wat jy moet doen om jouself veilig te hou. Daar is basies drie goed wat jy moet doen - was jou hande, hou jou gesig toe en hou jou afstand tussen mense. Dit is so maklik soos dit. Ek kan regtig nie sien waarom is al hierdie regulasies nodig nie,” het Mostert gesê.

Some people are still prepared to give their time for free Charity

After that, we must make sure that their dinner is ready before we leave. We do this every day, including Saturdays and Sundays.” Mudau’s colleague, Sarah Ndou, says she enjoys working for the less privileged. “We don’t even know one single person among them, but we feel it is important to help them. Some of them tell us how they fled from their countries and it is very painful. There are others who have come from as far as the Democratic Republic of Congo and they do not have relatives here. It is our duty to make sure that they feel at home during these trying times when the coronavirus pandemic is swiftly terrorizing the world.” Ndou has thanked the businesspeople and individuals who are donating food and other essentials for the homeless people at the Musina

Show Grounds. “The availability of food and essentials makes our job easier because it keeps us going. Imagine if they run out of food – this will definitely mean that we don’t have anything to cook for them. We really thank the donors for their good work.” One of the homeless people housed at the show grounds is Tawanda Moyo, who originally came from Zimbabwe. “My parents died many years ago and I travelled on foot to South Africa, hoping for a better life. I could not find a job and ended up staying in the streets of Musina. I thank everyone who is playing a role to make sure that we are safe here at the Musina Show Grounds. The risks of the coronavirus are minimised here because there are more controls than the ordinary lives that we live in the streets.”

Some people are still prepared to work and dedicate their life, energy, and time to helping the less privileged, for free. This is the encouraging story about the members of Messina Community Home-Based Care Project. Since the start of the lockdown, these five individuals wake up every day and head to the Musina Show Grounds where they cook, clean and feed more than 200 homeless people who have been housed there as a precautionary measure to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Their leader, Ms Violet Mudau, says that when they heard that homeless people were being housed at the show grounds, they never thought twice. “We heard that businesspeople were donating food and other essentials for those homeless people, and we thought it would be best for us to volunteer ourselves. We have been there cooking, cleaning, and doing other domestic work for them. We understand that these people did not choose to be what they are, and we felt that we have a role to play to assist them.” Mudau says they arrive at the show grounds every day at 07:00 and left at 17:00. “We arrive there early and prepare breakfast for everyone. We then clean Photographed are the volunteers who assist the less privileged. From left to right are Nancy Letlalo, Violet Mudau, and prepare lunch for Charles Zauya, Tshilidzi Muleya and Sarah Ndou. They are members of the Messina Community Home-Based Care them and serve them. Project who volunteered to work for the homeless people at the Musina Show Grounds during the lockdown period.



Project aims to help save Soutpansberg’s samangos Nature Conservation

As some readers might remember from past articles, the samango monkey in the Soutpansberg area faces a threat of getting killed by vehicles. Since 2012, some 21 samango monkeys have been found killed on the R524 between Louis Trichardt and Thohoyandou. The monkeys are forest dwelling and generally spend most of their time high up in the tree canopy. They descend to the ground only when necessary. Roads bisecting or running close to the samango monkey’s forest habitat can be one reason why the monkeys are forced to the ground when moving between forest patches. The samango monkey subspecies found up in Limpopo Province is listed as endangered in the Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho, and direct threats to local populations through road fatalities are therefore a conservation concern. Bid Number: SASSA: 48/19/CS/HO Bid Description: The South African Social Security Agency her To establish how being hit by vehicles can be mitigated through the use of crossing structures, proposals for the provision of physical security services for a period of 36 months at SASSA , G an experimental study was conducted at the Limpopo, North-West, Mpumalanga, Free State Lajuma Research Centre in the western SoutRecords of other animals using the canopy bridges. A) vervet monkey (Chlororcebus pygerythrus), B) dassie/hyrax (Hyracoidea), C) reptile pansberg, testing two different canopy bridge (gecko), D) lesser bush baby (Galago moholi), E) rodent, F) chacma baboon (Papio ursinus), G) greater bush baby (Otolemur crassicaudatus). designs, namely solid pole bridges versus rope Answer: Kindly note that Western Cape Regional Office only 8. Question: Please be advised that the General Bid Conditions do not want to Photos supplied. ladder bridges. “Here we wanted to establish Monday to Friday. There is no nightshift and weekend posting download. which design the samango monkeys preferred 18. Question: SBD 3.1 – do we insert the total of all regions w Answer: Bidders must continue to make attempts to download all bid documents. and if species other than the samango monkey the space is not sufficient to fill in those details. could also potentially benefit from road-crossing 9. Question: Pricing for the Cape Town for Monday to Friday the column for the structures,” said project leader Ms Bibi Linden. Answer: SBD 3.1 does not require total price. But please mak Total number of days is 7 instead of 5. Results from the experiment showed that the complete separate and individual SBD documents for all the t monkeys clearly preferred crossing roads on bidding for, as they will be evaluated separately. Answer: Where services are required for five days, it is expected that bidders solid pole bridges to the rope-ladder bridges. will for the purposes of costing submit cost for number of days. There are 19. Question: Page 4 of Terms of Reference (Section 4.3.13) instances where services are required for less than 7 days and bidders must bid in Camera traps mounted at the experimental letters not older than three months. Our question arises out of accordance with the number of days. crossing structures further revealed that other have been completed in the last year and most government d animal species, such as lesser bush babies, private clients are not at liberty or are on Lockdown to issue s 10. Question: What rate should we be using for the calculations as there is a new greater bush babies, vervet monkeys, baboons, contract has been completed. Legally it becomes a futile exer minimum wage in place and Psira has not updated even the old minimum wage. dassies (hyraxes), rodents, and even geckos also but we have letter of Appointments that state the period and a Kindly advise if this would suffice. Answer: SASSA is not in a position to dictate to any bidder(s) on how they should used the pole bridges. “The experiment clearly calculate their bid prices. The enquiry should be directed to the relevant source, suggests that canopy-crossing structures at Answer: KINDLY ATTACH THE AWARD LETTERS being PSIRA. roadkill hotspots could be a viable intervention to mitigate samango monkey road fatalities,” 20. Question: Although you have allowed us to recreate the p 11.Question: On page15 of Terms of reference Stage 1 of Evaluation Criteria to be referred to the nearest post office fortothese 9 SASSA has adopted a risk adjusted approach to resaid Linden. She added that the next step of the are we still expected fill in services. the original hard copies. 19.6.2 you mention that each Region must be submitted on separate proposal. My question is doservices you meanatthat asoffice there level. are 9 Regions, if you will be bidding for project would be to design a prototype bridge introducing local Answer: Yes you need to submit original and copy of pricing a all of them does that mean we should be submitting 9 documents? Which will be according to the specifications given by the roads 9 Protocols for regarding COVID-19 will be observed. DISABILITY GRANTS-RELATED APPLICATIONS: very expensive the bidding companies. agency and to get engineers involved in helping 21. Question: The individual annexures (per office) and summ 9 The numbers of staff in a local office will be limited to Applications for disability-related grants (disability, care to design a structure that can be installed at the discrepancies as follows: Answer: Bidders are required to submit one proposal with nine (9) pricing actual road-crossing hotspots on the R524 in only 1/3 offor theeach workforce. schedules (one region) if they intend to bid for nine regions. dependency and grant in aid) will not be possible under future. NW Regional office summary has sat and sun omitted on the Level 4 Lockdown. one is supposed to be followed? 12. Question: I have attached the KZN annexure, as downloaded from “We would like to thank all people who have e-tendering website, will however I would like to bring your attention that the so far helped us with this project by recording SASSA Services be made available and tointroduced Answer: please calculate per individual office and not rely on staffing requirements for the Regional office/RM is not included in this annexure. samango monkey roadkills, donating funds NO ENQUIRIES IN PERSON: from 11please May 2020 follows: Can you send as those staffing requirements to me? for bumper stickers and generally helping to 22. Question: KZN Regional office is missing in entirety No personal enquiries to be dealt with at local offices. MondayKindly and Tuesday: raise awareness. The samango monkey roadkill Answer: note that the staffing requirements for KZN Regional Office appear under the summary of theon entire region as follows: mitigation project is further kindly supported by Calls can be made toAnswer: regionalThe callquestion centres.is not clear. However, KZN regional ne Old age applications: (focus those clients who turned the summary the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s (EWT) Wildlife 60 just(Monday before toorFriday) during12lockdown, and did not have Dayshift and Transport Programme, headed by Wendy Question:APPLICATIONS: Northern Cape regional missing Nightshift (Monday to Friday) opportunity to apply, as 4well as those who have lost SOCIAL RELIEF OF23. DISTRESS Collinson, who is also resident in the SoutpansDayshift ( Saturday to Sunday) 6 berg area,” said Linden. She also asked the public employment as aand result of the regional office needsCalls appear Nightshift (Saturday Sunday) 6 disaster and have no No SRD applicationsAnswer: will done at local offices. canunder the summary again to please report any samango monkey income) be made to regional call centres. 24. Question: Gauteng regional discrepancy on night (mon-fr 13. Question: The Mpumalanga first document that has (Mopani District roadkills to her at Tel 071 1058117 (and if possiwhereas individual annex has 7, Northrand DO summary has office, Ritavi Service point, Lulekani Service Point, Dzumeri Local office and ble, record a GPS point for example by using a individual has 18,, Ekhuruleni Senwamokgope Local office) does not appear on the Mpumalanga Summary, Google Earth drop pin). Wednesday AT SASSA OFFICES: DO summary has 18 (day) whereas individual has 18, Westra please clarify. and Thursday:

Phased-in SASSA services available at local offices from Monday, 11 May 2020

(night) whereas individual has 15 AND Sedibeng summary ha Child support and foster child grant applications: Focus on 9 Noneeds children to be(night) allowed in local officeshas during lock whereas individual 15 and 12. Answer: The document should have not been in the Mpumalanga security for new born where asapplications the listed offices belong to babies; Limpopochildren region. That hasparents since been corrected. down Answer: please rely on numbers appearing on individual offic have lost employment and have no income or where care9 Alloffice/ clients visiting local offices to wear face masks. 14. Question: KZN annexure as the staffing requirements for the Regional 25. Question: – Bushbuckridge discrepancy be giver hasincluded passedinaway and a new care giver must apply. RM is not this annexure. 9 All people accessing these Mpumalanga premises should be individual annexure (sat & sun) 18 on summary and 20 on ind The KZN regional office requirements appear in the page which bears thescreened, hands sanitised and sign access register. Answer: Please rely on individual office numbers, not summa summary Friday: for the region

Samango monkey using a bamboo pole bridge to cross a road at the Lajuma Research Centre. Photo supplied.

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Call/Whatsapp: 076 725 8137 (Tshepo) or 062 399 7887 (Claris)

26. Question: FS – RO summary has 12 on sat & sun wherea I have also attached Westerncases Cape Annexure. If you could please provide some CALL CENTRE Reserved for outstanding from above categories. REGIONAL CONTACTS: Fezile Dabi Summary has 7 on sat & sun whereas individual h more clarification on this section, as the staffing totals are not corresponding 9 Also to be used to finalise applications which were not National: 0800 60 10DO 11 has 11 on sat & sun whereas individual has 10. The Western Cape regional office requirements appear in the page which bears completed prior to lockdown. Eastern Cape: 043 707 6300 Please / 6335 rely on individual office numbers, not summa Answer: the summary for the region. Please rely on the individual office numbers and ignore the totals at the end in 9 This will include disability applications where the Free State: 051 410 8339 27. Question: Western Cape is seemingly impossible to reco order to avoid confusion and to get accurate total(s) assessments were completed prior to lockdown, but Gauteng: 011 241 8324 to individual annexures as some annexures has very small an Please send on excel. Answer: Kindly note was that the the application notregional done. office breakdown appears on the summary KwaZulu-Natal: 033 846 3400 (or whatsapp to at the end of the spreadsheet as is the case with KZN. 9 Clients to be called in by appointment to complete this Answer: 071 607 1514 please create your own spreadsheet bearing the sam appear on the original spreadsheet. 15. Question: process. Refer to the staffing breakdown for the Northern Cape Region, the Limpopo: 015 291 7500 Regional office breakdown are missing. 28. Question: Limpopo – RO has 6 on sat & sun whereas ind Mpumalanga: 013 754 9428 / 9454 Capricon summary has 10 sat & sun whereas individual has 8 Answer: Refer to Answer no 13 NO CARD ISSUING IN SASSA OFFICES: summary Northern Cape: 053 802 4900has 17 & 15 whereas individual has 17 & 14, Sekhu has 9 (sat & sun) whereas individual has 8, Vhembe summary 16. to the the staffing for the NoQuestion: services Refer related to KZN cardannexure issuing, as re-issuing orrequirements PIN North West: 018 397whereas 3360 individual has 14 AND Mopani summary has 11 sat & Regional office/RM is not included in this annexure. resets will be undertaken at SASSA local offices. Clients individual has 10. Western Cape: 021 469 0235 Answer: Refer to Answer no.13 Answer: Please rely on individual office numbers, not summ 17. Question: Refer to Western Cape Annexure. If you could please provide some #SASSACARES more clarification on this section, as the staffing totals are not corresponding. #KeepSouthAfricaHealthy

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Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe Die Here herinner ons aan sy grootheid deur ons geloof te versterk (1 Konings 17:17-24).


een mens is volmaak nie. Dit weet ons goed. Hierdie ongelukkige waarheid geld op alle vlakke van ons lewens, ook die geestelike. Ons het almal foute wat ons geloof en die uitlewing daarvan betref. Almal struikel nog soms, almal voer ‘n daaglikse stryd teen sonde en ongeloof. Ons sien dat die weduwee wat Elia versorg het, met wie ons verlede week kennis gemaak het, ook in hierdie stryd gewikkel was. Ná die wonderwerk van die meel en die olie wat nie sou opraak nie verrig is, het Elia by die wedu­ wee en haar seun tuisgegaan. Hulle het vir hom die boonste vertrek in die huis gegee om te bly. Tydens Elia se verblyf het dit gebeur dat die weduwee se seun al hoe sieker geword het, en hy het gesterf. Natuurlik kan ‘n mens verwag dat sy hartseer en ontsteld sou wees, maar in haar smart verklap sy dat sy, ten spyte van duidelike geloof in die Here, vertoon dat sy soms nog soos die heidene oor godsdiens dink. Sy beskuldig Elia daarvan dat sy teenwoor­ digheid haar sonde aan die lig gebring het, en dat sy nou daarvoor gestraf word deur die dood van haar seun. Die heidene het geglo dat ‘n mens die afgode moes gelukkig hou deur offers te bring en hul heiligdomme te onderhou, en dat hulle dan guns en voorspoed aan mens sou gee. Verder moet jy sorg dat jy nie te veel aandag trek by die gode nie, want as hulle jou as’t ware onder die ver­ grootglas het, sal hulle alles sien wat jy verkeerd doen, en dan sal die ongeluk jou ry. Bly dus liewers uit die pad van die gode, so ver jy kan. Daar is baie mense wat vandag ook volgens dieselfde gedagtes funksioneer. As iets sleg gaan in my lewe, is dit direkte straf vir iets wat ek verkeerd gedoen word. “God het my ver­ vloek oor ek dit of dat gedoen het, daarom gaan dit nou sleg met my,” dink baie mense. Elia se antwoord is eenvoudig dat sy haar kind vir hom moet gee, en hy neem hom toe na sy kamer bo in die huis. Daar bid hy tot die Here, en spreek dadelik sy vertroue in die Here uit. Dit lyk wel soos ‘n verwyt: “...wil U nou oor die weduwee by wie ek bly, ‘n ramp bring deur haar kind te laat sterf?” Wat ons egter hier moet raaksien, is dat hy hier bely dat dit die Here is wat oor lewe en dood beskik, dat Hy almagtig is, en dat Hy ook by magte is om die situasie om te keer. Ons moet ook raaksien dat, indien dit die wil van die Here was, Elia op sy vraag in die gebed die antwoord as “ja” moes aanvaar, dat die Here so ‘n ramp oor die vrou sou wou bring, en dat Hy ‘n doel daarmee sou gehad het. Dit is egter nie die geval nie. Wanneer Elia homself drie keer oor die seun uitstrek en elke keer smeek dat die Here die lewe terugbring in die seun, gebeur dit. Die kind het weer begin asemhaal. Die Here het aan hom sy lewe terug­ gegee. Die weduwee se reaksie was: “Nou weet ek dat u ‘n man van God is, en dat wat die Here deur u sê, die waarheid is”. Toe haar seun gesterf het, het die weduwee getwyfel. Ten spyte van die goedheid van die Here wat sy gesien het, en nog besig was om te sien (want die meel en olie in haar huis het nog steeds nie opgeraak nie), wankel haar geloof en vertroue. Soos baie mense seker sou, indien dieselfde met hulle gebeur het. Maar God is daar om haar te herinner aan sy goedheid, ook teenoor haar. Hy sorg nie net vir haar in dinge soos voedsel nie, maar sy liefde omvou haar totale lewe. Daarom gebruik Hy hier­die geleentheid om sy liefde, en ook sy almag aan haar te demonstreer. Hy is nie soos die wispelturige afgode, wat die heidene dink nou goed is en dan skielik sleg nie. Hy loop nie rond en soek redes, by wyse van spreke, om mense met weerligstrale te gooi nie. Hy straf nie sommer net om elke hoek en draai nie. Sy kinders is juis nie aan sy woede uitgelewer nie, maar ontvangers van sy genade. Die Woord wat die Here aan ons bring deur sy dienaars en aan ons verduidelik deur sy Gees, verkondig sy grootheid en liefde aan ons. Meer nog: Dit herinner ons deurlopend aan God se grootheid en liefde. Wanneer ons dit vergeet, wanneer ons daarin twyfel, wanneer ons struikel, die waarheid van die Here word altyd weer na ons gebring. Dit hou ons op die pad van vertroue, dit bring ons terug as ons afgedwaal het. God laat ons nooit vergeet dat ons in Hom glo nie, en Hy laat ons nooit vergeet wat die uiteinde van die geloof is nie. - Ds. Hanne Lee (Gereformeerde Kerk Messina)

Stephen en Lana Hoffmann. Foto verskaf.

Bo: Pieter en Annelle Pieterse. Foto verskaf. Regs: Willie en Rina de Swardt. Foto verskaf.

Dien die grendeltydperk nog enigsins ‘n doel? Deur Pétria de Vaal Word grootmense soos kinders hanteer? Dien die grendeltydperk enige verdere doel? Of is dit ‘n goeie ding om tuis te bly? Die Zoutpansberger het ‘n paar van sy lesers hieroor gepols.: “Ek het verstaan dat die eerste drie weke van inperking bedoel was om hospitale en mediese toerusting gereed te kry. Hoekom dan nog langer ingeperk wees en niemand weet tot wanneer nie?” Só vra Inalize Burger. Die inperking hou steeds nie mense tuis nie – die dorp het besig gebly. Volgens haar is dit maar soos ‘n griep, as jy dit moet kry, sal jy dit kry. Sy is van mening dat die inperking moet eindig – almal moet weer aangaan met hulle lewens. “Mense het lankal genoeg hiervan gehad.” Inalize sê dat die inperkingstyd ‘n mors van tyd en “geld” is. “Daar is baie wat geen in­ komste het nie, en as daar nie gewerk mag word nie, kan dit maande of jare neem om weer op die voete te kom. Die gebrek aan inkomste, asook die onsekerheid, DIT is wat spanning veroorsaak en ‘n mens siek maak,” sê Inalize. Dirk Meissenheimer sê dat die inperking maar gestaak kan word. Mense kom en gaan nes hul wil, sê hy, en voeg by dat die swartmark nou baie besigheid doen en geregi­ streerdes ly verliese en staan ‘n kans om toe te maak. “Maak maar al die besighede oop met die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls,” sê Dirk. Volgens hom plaas die uitwerking van die bykans sewe weke se grendeltydperk onnodig ekonomiese druk op die land en staar burgers meer werkloosheid in die gesig. Hoewel hy dink dat mense nou genoeg gehad het, is sy raad: “Moenie onnodig in die dorp rondloop nie, handel dinge vinnig af en gaan huis toe”. Hy sou graag wou sien dat kerke weer oopgestel word. Volgens Kimmy Harris het die inperking reg van die begin af nie sin gemaak nie. Die skade wat aan die land en sy mense berokken is, is veel erger as die verliese wat deur Covid-19 teweeggebring word. Met ‘n projeksie van -6,4% in ekonomiese groei en ‘n beraamde verlies van 3 tot 7 miljoen poste, het dit die reeds wankelende ekonomie verder benadeel. Sy sal graag wil sien dat inperkingregulasies verslap word, dat mense toegelaat word om terug te gaan werk toe en dat skole heropen. “Baie besighede sal liewer wil heropen en voortgaan met werk. Slegs diegene met bestaande mediese kondisies, asook ouer mense, moet ingeperk bly,” sê Kimmy. Pieter en Annelle Pieterse is van mening dat daar beslis verdere sin

aan die grendeltydperk vir mense bo 60 en diegene met onderliggende risikofaktore is. Die grendeltydperk verseker enersyds mense in die risi­ kogroepe se lewens, maar dit weerhou jonger mense daarvan om ‘n in­ komste te verdien. Volgens Pieter en Annelle is die huidige maatreëls nie volhoubaar nie en ‘n groot probleem in die land is dat baie bejaarde mense saam met jonger mense in dieselfde huise leef - tot ‘n baie groter mate as wat die geval in ontwikkelde lande is. “Die opheffing van die grendeltyd in ons land sal ‘n meer spesifieke benadering vereis. ‘n Voorstel is dat werkgewers byvoorbeeld kan help met alternatiewe behuising of addisionele verlof vir mense wat deel is van sulke huishoudings. Die lang inper­king laat ‘n mens besef dat daar vroeër ‘buite die boks’ gedink moes gewees het aan maniere om jonger mense terug te kry by die werk. Mense wat reeds hulle werk verloor het of besig is om hulle werk te verloor, het beslis genoeg gehad!” sê die egpaar. Dr. Philip Venter voel van die begin af dat daar ‘n verskuilde agenda oor die virus en die reaksie daarop is. “Ek dink die inperking dien absoluut geen doel om die verspreiding te keer nie, daar is hopeloos te veel skuiwergate. Die grendeltyd moet opgeskort word en dit wat oor is van die ekonomie so gou as moontlik heropgebou word. Ons gaan meer mense verloor aan armoede en honger (tot 29 keer meer) as aan die virus,” sê Philip. Schalk Corbett se opinie is dat daar geen verdere doel aan die grendeltydperk is nie. Die doel van die 21 dae plus twee weke grendeltyd was om die nodige voorbereidings te tref, wat nou afgehandel moes wees. Ware hoë-risiko areas soos bejaardes en skole moet geïdentifiseer word en die nodige maatreëls daar gehandhaaf word. Besighede, munisipaliteite en staatsdepartemente moet toegelaat word om te werk met die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls. “Dit help nie almal word nou gedwing om al hulle reserwes op te gebruik en eers as die pandemie ons gebied tref dit dan te trotseer sonder enige reserwes nie. As die syfers reg is, het Vhembe nog net ses gevalle gehad en al ses is weer gesond,” het Schalk gesê. Peter Mundell is dit eens dat die ekonomie en besighede dit eenvoudig nie sal oorleef nie. Dit is uiters noodsaaklik om die verspreiding van COVID-19 teë te werk, maar nie ten koste van die ekonomie en die bevolking nie. “COVID-19 is niemand se maat nie en ek dink dit is die gevaarlikste verskynsel sedert die atoombom. Dit het nét soveel verwoestingskrag. Sosiale dissiplinering is van kardinale belang. As ons die

‘oop’ ekonomie’ nie binnegaan met al die reëls en wette van die grendeltydperk nie, gaan daar baie sterftes wees. Hierdie is ‘n ‘catch-22’ situasie: as jy tuis bly, sterf die ekonomie. Gaan werk jy sonder dissipline, dan sterf baie mense,” sê Mundell. “Een of ander tyd gaan ons uit ons wegkruipplekke moet uitkom. Die virus gaan nie verdwyn of wegvlieg nie. Die pandemie word net uitgestel,” sê Rina de Swardt. Haar raad is dat elkeen maar net vir sy eie gesondheid moet sorg (dra jou masker en bly weg van samedrommings). Moenie onnodig blootgestel word nie. Rina sê ook dat die ekonomie nie langer Dirk Meissenheimer. Argief die grendeltydperk kan bekostig nie foto. en dat daar al klaar te veel skade aangerig is. Sy meen dit is prysens­ waardig dat mense oor die land aan die behoeftiges uitdeel, maar dis nie volhoubaar nie. Rina voel die werksmag moet weer aan die gang kom en opbou wat afgebreek is. Terwyl daar nie ‘n teenmiddel is nie, het COVID-19 het gekom om te bly. Mense gaan sterf as gevolg van die virus én van honger. “Ons gaan die skade hiervan vir jare voel,” sê Rina. Baie lesers mag met Stephen en Lana Hoffmann saamstem. Hulle sê dat daar sin is aan die grendeltyd­ perk, maar dit moet meer oordeelkundig toegepas word. Volgens hulle weet almal presies waar die Dr. Philip Venter. Argief foto. episentrums van die besmetting is en in daardie areas moet inperkingsmaatreëls toegepas word ooreenkomstig die graad van besmetting. Hulle voel dit is sinneloos om voort te gaan om aktiwiteite in te perk en die ekonomie aan bande te lê in areas waar geen aanmeldings nog gedoen is nie. Stephen en Lana voel stelselmatige bewegingsvryheid kan in lae-risiko gebiede toegelaat word en meen die outoritêre beheer wat tans op lewens­ keuses uitgeoefen word, grens aan despotisme soos net die ou kommunistiese state dit geken het. Hulle sê die verbod op verkope van drank en Inalize Burger. Foto verskaf. tabakprodukte is die idee van enkele individue wat nou op ‘n hele nasie afgedwing word. Volgens Stephen en Lana gaan meer gevalle van Covid-19 aangemeld word met die opheffing van beper­ kings, maar die lewe moet voortgaan. “Die natuur het ons met immuunstelsels toegerus wat hierdie aanslae kan verwerk en ons kan beskerm. Die virus kan nie weggewens word nie. Ons kan ook nie onbepaald daarvoor wegkruip nie. Ons gaan meer mense verloor aan sekondêre gevolge as wat die virus ooit sal eis bv. werkloosheid, armoede, hongersnood, bankrot­skap­ pe, sielkundige probleme, ge­sins­ geweld en selfmoord,” sê die egpaar. Peter Mundell. Foto verskaf.





IMPORTANT: Churches are not open yet. The list below is purely for people in spiritual and physical need help during lockdown.

KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455.

Trust launches Grade 12 radio campaign School News The premature closure of schools because of the outbreak of COVID-19 in South Africa has resulted in both challenges and opportunities, with many learners missing out on large pieces of work, especially in term two. In an effort to support rural learners without access to television classes, computers or data, Kagiso Trust has partnered with the Limpopo Department of Education to provide radio lessons to our Grade 12 learners. The scheduled lessons commenced on Capricorn FM radio from Monday, 11 May. “Kagiso Trust has long believed that education is the key to overcoming poverty,” said the organisation’s CEO, Mankodi Moitse, in a press release. “Over the past 16 years, we have created education programmes structured to have the highest impact and greatest sustainability. Our work in the Free State is testament to that. Now we are excited to see what work we can do together with the Limpopo Department of Education,” Moitse said.

Radio lessons will be hosted hourly on Capricorn FM, Sekhukhune FM and Tubatse FM from Monday to Sunday. “Crafted lessons will be offered by expert appointed subject teachers with an excellent track record in the subject that they offer. These are the teachers who recorded 80% and more pass rate in the subjects that they have been teaching since 2017. We believe that their expert content knowledge will benefit more than 80% of the current Grade 12 learners in Sekhukhune,” said Limpopo MEC for Education Polly Boshielo. “Grade 12 learners have already lost more than 30 days since the lockdown, coupled with the possibility of losing another month if the phasedin model announced by the Minister becomes a 1 June return. This model of mediating learning will strengthen teaching and learning in the absence of conventional face-to-face classes,” said the COO of Kagiso Trust, Themba Mola. Capricorn FM will focus on mathematics, sciences, and technology (MST) subjects, including mathematics, mathematical literacy, physical science, life science and agricultural science.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook

• Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288








Patch Adams

Lots of cats & kittens




• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. Louis Schoeman, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).





Die meeste van ons gaan hierdie winter warm slaap, terwyl baie ander mense onvoorbereid op die koue is, as gevolg van die grendeltyd wat baie mense se finansies knou. Skenk asseblief ‘n kombers aan iemand in nood.

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672

Lewer dit af by die Haantjiekerk, Erasmus straat 23 of WhatsApp 079 679 879 en ek kom laai dit by jou huis op.

“These are the subjects that are highly enrolled and determine the standard and quality of education offered in Limpopo Province. Currently, the main subject of the five that still poses a serious challenge in the province is mathematics, whose performance is still below the threshold,” said Mola. The other seven non-MST subjects will be broadcast by the community radio stations in both the Sekhukhune East and South education districts. They include English FAL, Sepedi HL, accounting, business studies, economics, history and geography. Unlike the MST subjects, these subjects will not be broadcast live, but as recorded lessons that will be offered according to a prescribed broadcast schedule. The recorded lessons on their own are still interactive, as they involved learners when they were recorded. Each live broadcast lesson will last for an hour per day during and after the lockdown period. The first 30 minutes is allocated to the teacher to mediate learning and the next 30 minutes will be reserved for the learners to interact with the teacher through questions or comments. Content will largely cover the scope of term 1 and 2 and will be supplemented by face-to-face contact sessions after learners have returned to school. “In a province as large as Limpopo, radio is the perfect platform to reach most learners,” said Moitse. “This is about inclusivity, about access to information. It is about gathering together around a radio like we once all did. This is the new normal. We call upon everyone to support the radio lessons and #KagisoRadioTeachers – local teachers, broadcasting across Limpopo, straight into the homes of learners,” added Moitse. Capricorn FM will broadcast lessons from 17:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday on the Just Drive show, and every Saturday and Sunday from 09:00 to 10:00 on The Saturday Breakfast and The Sunday Restoration respectively. Podcasts will be available on the station’s website and learners from other provinces can listen via livestreaming. For more information, visit the stakeholder websites for schedule information on classes: www.Kagiso.co.za; www.edu.limpopo.gov. za; and www.capricornfm. co.za.

WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 11 May. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:

11/05/2020 04/05/2020

Albasini Dam 75.9% 76.1% Ebenezer Dam 18.3% 18.8% Flag Boshielo Dam 101.5% 102% Glen Alpine Dam 90.1% 91.7% Luphephe Dam 100.6% 100% Middel Letaba Dam 3.7% 3.8% Nandoni Dam 100.8% 101% Nsami Dam 61.5% 62.7% Nwanedzi Dam 100.2% 100% Nzhelele Dam 92.1% 92.6% Tzaneen Dam 20.6% 20.7% Vondo Dam #101.2% 101% # Means latest available data



Muthambi happy about the work done by the VDCC Ndivhuwo Musetha The chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on COGTA in the National Parliament, Ms Faith Muthambi, said she was happy about the work done by the Vhembe District Command Centre (VDCC). In her interview with the Zoutpansberger during the recent launch of a food bank, held at Malamulele Boxing Gym, Muthambi, who was there to observe the process as a representative of parliament, said she was happy about the work done by the VDCC, led by Vhembe Executive Mayor Dowelani Nenguda, who is the chairperson. “I think generally I am happy. The good thing is that members of the command centre are giving each other tasks and they are being followed up. I think there is always room for improvement. The good thing I like about this council is their understanding that the situation we are facing now is not business as usual.


Ms Faith Muthambi.

“As the chairperson of the portfolio committee on COGTA, I’m so happy that they are able to come and report on the progress they have made so far since the breakdown of coronavirus in the implementation of the lockdown regulations,” said Muthambi, both a former Makhado municipal manager and minister of communications. Muthambi said that the issue of social distancing must be emphasised. “Now that the President has announced that we are in level four of the lockdown, it is important for the public to know that it is compulsory that everyone must wear a mask.” She called on everyone to adhere to the regulations and put on protective clothing and always wear their mask. “Please always sanitize. But, in overall, I am happy about the work that is done [in] the district command council,” said Muthambi. She added, however, that she was worried about long queues in shops at Malamulele and Thohoyandou. She said she was concerned that lots of cars could be found at the shopping centres and a high number of people were roaming around town. “The question I ask myself is, where are these people going? Maybe our communication strategy must be improved. I think public representatives like councillors and others must come on board here and help to educate these people. I think our people are doing this because of lack of understanding. We must intensify our communication strategies.” Muthambi said that the media in South Africa were doing well in educating the people about the virus. “What is needed is for us as public representatives to take it upon ourselves to educate our people,” said Muthambi. The DCC is represented by all local municipalities’ mayor, their municipal managers, led by the district municipal manager, the head of communications from all municipalities, the heads of all departments within the district, such as Sassa, social development, education, public works, agriculture, SANDF, correctional services, business forum, and the youth council.


Stray cattle on the road leading to Sinthumule.

Motorists worried about more and more stray cattle on local roads problem. The problem is specifically serious in the early The problem of stray animals mornings and late afternoons, on the roads leading to when visibility is low. He Sinthumule and Kutama is warned that more accidents surfacing once more. In the would occur, and lives would past few weeks, several incibe lost if the authorities did dents were reported where not start acting against the motorists collided with, perpetrators. among others, cattle on the Two weeks ago, a resident of R522 and D3715 roads. Louis Trichardt was lucky to Drivers who regularly make escape serious injuries in one use of these roads complain such accident with cattle. She that cattle can venture onto the was on her way back to town in road at any given time. One the late afternoon when cattle must constantly be wide awake walked straight onto the road. and on the lookout for stray Her vehicle was badly damanimals. aged. The owner of the cattle One such driver, Mr Rudza- was nowhere to be found. The ni Siliga, said the negligence cattle were later found to have of the herd boys and the cattle come from a piece of land near owners was becoming a serious Tshiozwi village. By Kaizer Nengovhela

On Monday night (11th) a taxi collided with three cattle while driving on the D3715 road near Gogobole. The spokesperson for the Makhado Municipality, Mr Louis Bobodi, warned that the owners of the stray cattle that wander onto the roads might soon find themselves in serious trouble. “Everybody knows that livestock are not allowed near the public roads,” he said. He said that cattle found on public roads would be impounded and the owners fined. He appealed to the law-enforcement agencies to also assist the municipality and to act against people who are caught neglecting their cattle.

24 April 2020

It’s what’s on

News with an independent soul

PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.

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Wat mis mense die meeste in hierdie tyd? - bladsy 3

Jaargang 36 Vol. 16

Kleinsake eienaars positief dat besigheid gaan optel - bladsy 8

ISSN 2409-2835


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Lafaards se werk Deur Andries van Zyl

‘n Bejaarde ma en haar seun is in net minder as ‘n jaar vir ‘n tweede keer wreed op hul Nooitgedacht-kleinhoewe buite Louis Trichardt aangeval. Die 82-jarige tannie Joekie Nortjé en haar 62-jarige seun Johan is gelukkig om te leef, nadat hulle Maandagoggend deur ‘n groep van drie of vier mans op

die hoewe oorrompel is. Die twee is op 27 Mei verlede jaar ook op die kleinhoewe aangeval deur ‘n groep mans en erg aangerand. Die aanval het Maandag net na 07:00 plaasgevind, kort nadat tannie Joekie uitgegaan het om die hoenders oop te maak. Toe sy omdraai, het drie mans haar oorrompel en die huis ingesleep. Johan was reeds in die huis vasgemaak met stukke elektriese kabel en ‘n stuk

Die 82-jarige tannie Joekie Nortjé, afgeneem in die MediKliniek in Tzaneen nadat sy behandeling gekry het vir ‘n vergruisde knieskyf, ‘n beenbreuk in haar hand en steekwonde. Foto verskaf. Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

staaldraad. Hulle is daarna vir sowat twee ure erg aangerand, met hul aanvallers wat op soek was na geld en ander waardevolle items. Tannie Joekie kon egter later daarin slaag om hulp te ontbied, nadat die mans gevlug het. “Op die einde, toe hulle die kluis uit die muur uitbreek en haar weer wou slaan om uit te vind waar die sleutels is, toe sê sy vir hulle ‘I am going to die now’, want sy kon glad nie meer staan nie as gevolg van die knieskyf wat stukkend geslaan is. Dit was toe dat hulle gevlug het,” het Dippie Nortjé, tannie Joekie se ander seun, gesê. Die erg beseerde tannie Joekie het op haar boude na die agterdeur van die huis geskuif waar haar “noodselfoon” ingeprop was. Sy kon toe vir Dippie-hulle skakel. Hulle ander selfone is almal gesteel. Soos met die aanval verlede jaar, was Dippie eerste op die toneel gewees. “Die brutaliteit was vir my erger en ek verwerk dit moeiliker as die vorige keer. As jy dit gesien het, sal jy verstaan watter wroeging ek in myself oor die aanval het. Dit is regtig ‘n lafaard wat ‘n 82-jarige vrou so verniel!” het Dippie gesê. Volgens Dippie was die aanvallers se modus operandi dieselfde as verlede jaar. “Die polisie sê natuurlik die vorige lot is in hegtenis, maar ek sê dit is dieselfde klomp. Volgens die polisie het hulle verlede jaar iemand gearresteer, maar ons het nog nooit terugvoer daaroor gekry nie,” het Dippie gesê. Buiten vir kneuswonde oor haar hele lyf, is ‘n been in tannie Joekie se linkerhand gebreek. Sy het ook steekwonde aan die regterhand opgedoen, terwyl haar linker knieskyf vergruis is. Johan het soortgelyke besering opgedoen, onder andere ook ‘n kopwond. (Vervolg Die erg beseerde 62-jarige Johan Nortjé. Buiten vir steekwonde en ‘n op p. 2) kopwond, is sy een arm ook gebreek. Foto verskaf.



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Bekende oud-sakeman verloor kankerstryd warmwaterketels, asook installasies by Pietersburg Brouerye. Hy het ook masjiene vir boere en Oom Fred Hattingh, welbekende oud-inwo­ inmaakfabrieke gebou en geen werk was vir hom ner van die Soutpansberg, is onlangs in die te klein of groot nie. ouderdom van 81 jaar oorlede. Oom Fred en tannie Marie was ook bekend as Oom Fred en tannie Marie Hattingh het geen eienaars van Northwich Game Safari’s agter die bekendstelling in die Soutpansberg nodig nie. As Soutpansberg. Hy het die grond in ‘n spogplaas sakeman het hy in 1981 Allied Engineering agter omskep en was lief vir die natuur. Baie lesers sal oud-dokter Piet Venter en prokureur Kerneels onthou dat ‘n nuwe motspesie, die Desmeocraera Kern se gebou in Kroghstraat begin. Later het hattinghorum, na die welbeminde egpaar van hy vir hom ‘n nuwe werkswinkel op die hoek die streek vernoem is, nadat dit in 2013 op hulle van Presidentstraat, oorkant Pemico gebou. Sy plaas Old Gables ontdek is. Twee buitelandse hande het vir niks verkeerd gestaan nie en hy entomoloë het die ontdekking gemaak. Destyds het baie werk gedoen vir die meule, Limpopo het tannie Marie en oom Fred nog op hulle plaas Melkery, tronke en hospitale soos stoomketels en langs die Bluegumspoort-pad gebly. In Memoriam

Jukskeiklub se oom Johan oorlede Wyle oom Fred Hatting (81). Foto verskaf.

LM ELECTRICAL & FIREARMS CC LM Firearms is now open But, due to the ongoing lockdown, we are restricted to assist only with certain firearm proficiency certificates, for the renewal of expired or about-to-expire competency certificates and firearm certificates. Leon Koen: 082 899 1732 Victor Ramanala: 083 515 8016 For all electrical repairs, call Leon at: 082 899 1732

inperkingsregulasies. “My pa se gesondheid het In Memoriam die laaste tyd baie agteruit gegaan. Hy het emfi‘n Welbekende gesig in plaaslike jukskeiseem gehad en was die laaste tyd permanent op geledere, die 80-jarige oom Johan Weideman, suurstof. Dit [emfiseem] is ook waaraan hy dood is verlede Donderdag, 7 Mei, in Modimolle is,” het André gesê. oorlede. “Ek is baie hartseer oor sy dood. Ons ken meOom Johan woon sedert 2002 by sy seun kaar al 13 jaar en was baie lief vir daardie man,” André op Louis Trichardt. Hy het kort voor die het Maud Myburgh, ‘n medelid van die Soutpan inwerkingstelling van die grendeltydperk by Jukskeiklub op Louis Trichardt, gesê. Oom sy ander seun Julius in Modimolle gaan kuier Johan was ‘n erelid van die klub gewees. Buite en moes noodgedwonge daar bly vanweë die sportverband het oom Johan ook vir etlike jare as ouderling op die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente se kerkraad gedien. ‘n Roudiens vir wyle oom Johan vind eerskomende Vrydag, 15 Mei, om 11:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente plaas. Aangesien slegs 50 mense die diens mag bywoon ingevolge die Covid-19 grendeltydregulasies, sal die diens beperk word tot onmiddellike familie en vriende. Oom Johan word oorleef deur sy seuns André, Julius en De Waal, dogter Lelanie, aangetroude familie, vyf kleinkinders en twee agterkleinkinders. “Ons wil graag die Soutpansberg-gemeenskap bedank vir hulle ondersteuning en bystand ná afloop van my pa se dood. In besonder wil ons ds. Jan Pretorius en die mense van die Haantjiekerk bedank, asook Maud Myburgh Wyle oom Johan Weideman (80). Foto vervan die jukskeiklub, wat ‘n groot rol in sy lewe skaf. gespeel het,” het André gesê.

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Louis Trichardt Towngossip Goeie more Facebook vriende. Jammer ek pla julle. Ek weet almal vra aanhoudend maar ek kry nie die plasings oor die gesigmaskers, handreiniger of koorsmasjientjies nie. Die plasings is net weg. Daar was verskeie plasings met verskillende pryse. Kan julle asseblief net weer die plasings opsit of my kontak.

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Lockdown also a challenge during month of Ramadan

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outpansberger News with an independent soul


By Anton van Zyl

which is around 17:45, when a meal called iftar is served. The exact time when fasting ends is governed by the mosque administrators. The last night prayer starts at about 19:00, but all prayers normally ends at 20:00. Food preparation may be more of a challenge this year, because of the lockdown regulations. Only Halaal meat may be used, but no local sup­ pliers exist in town. The nearest Halaal Louis Trichardt boasts a very established butchery is in Nirvana, in Polokwane. Halaal chicken is Muslim community that has been here for over more readily available and most Muslim a century. The land on which the mosque families in the have stocked up on other necessities centre of town was built, was purchased before in 1928. Ramadaan started. The local Indian community, however, started Idris mentions that many of the Indian collecting funds to build a mosque as fam­ far back ilies are currently under severe financial as the early 1920s. Initially, a prayer stress room was because of the lockdown. Trade in many built where the Muslim community sectors could gather such as the hardware industry, for their daily prayers. For construction electronic goods, work to cellphones and accessories has stopped com­ commence took a few more decades and only in pletely, which means that many of the families 1956 was the first proper mosque consecrated. are sitting at home without any income. In March 1999, a second mosque was com­ The Muslim congregations try and maintain pleted in Eltivillas, namely the Masjid Al Noor contact with their members and use mosque. For many decades, the two platforms mosques such as WhatsApp groups. The social served as the main gathering places media for Muslim groups allow them to respond to needs devotees. A third mosque was built and to a few years communicate important information. ago in 7th Street, Eltivillas. Fasting is only one of the five pillars At all three mosques the Ramadan celebra­ of Islam. The other pillars are faith, prayer, charity tions will be quite different this year, as the and making the pilgrimage to the holy Covid­19 lockdown restrictions completely city of Makkah/Mecca. Several local people changed the way religion is being practiced. made plans to visit Mecca this year for what is known According to Mr Idris Sheikh, an active as the Hajj. The plans, however, had to be cancelled member of the local Muslim community, the this year as Saudi­Arabia suspended aspect they will probably miss most all visits to this year is Mecca. the communion with fellow worshippers. The Ramadan will continue until roughly month of Ramadan is a time of spiritual the 24th reflec­ of May. It ends when the first sign of tion, prayer, doing good deeds and spending the new moon is spotted. The end of Ramadan time with friends and family. Because is marked of the by a special festival, called Eid al-Fitr restrictions, gatherings are not allowed, ­ the Festi­ and val of the Breaking of the Fast. prayer meetings do not take place at any of the town’s mosques. On Friday night (24 April) the Islamic holy month of Ramadan started. This is a period during which Muslims from across the world take part in fasting and activities in devotion to their religion. This year, however, doing so is more of a challenge because of the Covid-19 lockdown regulations.

Ons het kernpersoneel wat tot u diens is gedurende die grendel­ tydperk. Kom besoek ons gerus.

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Ons is oop gedurende die grendeltydperk. Kom besoek ons gerus!

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In Louis Trichardt and Eltivillas, many of the Muslims are tuning in to the Bilal broadcasts. This is done from one of the mosques and allows devotees to, among other things, hear the recital of the Holy Quran. Muslim families can have these receivers and microphones installed in their homes, which makes staying in touch a lot easier. The main taraweh prayer, combined with the previous night’s prayers, is broadcast. For people such as Idris who currently do not have such receivers installed, silent prayers at home are perfectly acceptable. “Praying in con­ gregation is highly rewarded by the Almighty, but Islam allows indoor prayers in circumstanc­ es such as what we are now experiencing,” says Idris. An important practice during the month of Ramadan is fasting, but this also means that the activities in a Muslim household start very early. Many of the women get up at about 03:30 to start preparing the first meal, called suhoor. The morning prayer session starts at about 05:15. For the rest of the day, no food or drink is con­ sumed. The fasting continues until the sun sets,


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Mr Aboobaker Aslam (left) from the Masjid-Al-Noor mosque in Eltivillas explains to guests what the different religious customs entail. The photo was taken during an open day at the mosque in May last year. Photo supplied.

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Oom Fred-hulle het in Junie 2017 Louis Trichardt verlaat vir ‘n besoek aan Oos-Londen. Alhoewel die egpaar nie van plan was om daar te bly nie, het oom Fred verlief geraak op die omgewing en het die egpaar vir hulle ‘n huis gekoop by ‘n privaatstrand sowat 38 kilometer vanaf Oos-Londen. “In April 2019 is hy met longkanker gediagnoseer. Hy het op 24 April sy stryd teen die siekte verloor,” het Marie Dinsdag aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. ‘n Roudiens vir wyle oom Fred sal ná afloop van die grendelperiode gereël word. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou Marie, kinders, kleinkinders en aangetroude familie.

Oud munisipale verkeersman sterf In Memoriam Mnr. Martin Schnetler (foto onder) , welbekende oud-verkeersbeampte van die munisipaliteit en eienaar van Martin’s Driving School op Louis Trichardt, is op 14 April aan hartversaking oorlede. Hy was 64 jaar oud gewees. “Hy het die drie weke voor sy dood regtig baie swaar gekry. Hy het sleg diabetes gehad en het gesukkel met sy niere. Weens sy nierprobleme het hy erg vog opgegaar,” het Martin se vrou, Henna, gesê. Wyle Martin is veras en ‘n roudiens sal vir hom gehou word ná die opheffing van die grendeltydperk. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou Henna, seuns Jaco en Ryno, twee kleinkinders en aangetroude familie. “Ek wil net almal bedank wat ons bygestaan het ná afloop van Martin se dood,” het Henna gesê. Wat Martin’s Driving School betref, het Henna gesê dat sy voortgaan met die bestuurskool. Die onderneming sal klasse hervat ná die opheffing van die grendeltydperk.

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Andel Greyling. Foto verskaf.

Lizet Joubert . Foto verskaf.

Marita Gibson. Foto verskaf.

Retha Pieterse. Foto verskaf.

Deur Pétria de Vaal

me laat ontruim indien huurgelde nie betaal word nie. Huurders is steeds onder ‘n verpligting om te betaal en sal moet opvang indien hulle nie volle paaiemente kan betaal nie. Marita sê dat huurders moet besef dat wanbetaling hulle krediet-profiel beïnvloed. Kredietburo’s verskaf wel aan huurders die geleentheid om aansoek te doen vir verligting. Dit moet behoorlik gemotiveer word in terme van die nasionale ramptoestand. Retha Pieterse van Realty 1 sê ook dat die grendeltydperk ‘n groot invloed op die eien­ doms-­­en verhuringsmark het. Hoewel die re­ sidensiële mark waarskynlik baie sal verbeter na die grendeltydperk, as gevolg van die repokoers wat so drasties gedaal het, is hierdie steeds ‘n baie onseker tydperk. Vir diegene wat wel finansieel sterk bly staan het, sal dit ideaal wees om te koop, maar ander sal weer gedwing wees om te verkoop. Sommige huurders wat huurkontrakte wil kanselleer as gevolg van geen inkomste word gedwing om in huurhuise aan te bly. Dit plaas hulself en die verhuurder in ‘n benarde posisie. Onduidelikheid oor toestemming en permitte om te trek, asook die wetstoepassing daarvan, is frustrerend. “Gelukkig is owerhede in ons omgewing redelik tegemoetkomend,” sê sy. ‘n Voorstel is dat persone wat nou moet trek, die nodige huurkontrak of registrasiedokumente by hulle moet hou. Huurders wat as gevolg van finansiële omstandighede genoodsaak is om na goedkoper verblyf te verhuis, sal ook kan trek. Dit bly ‘n huurder en eienaar se verantwoordelikheid om hul finansiële verpligtinge na te kom en kommunikasie rakende gedeeltelike of geen betalings is baie belangrik. “Skriftelike ooreenkomste sal toekomstige geskille en onnodige uitsettings voorkom,” het Pieterse gesê. Lizet van Lizet Joubert Eiendomme noem dat, volgens die inligting beskikbaar, eiendomsagente eers tydens Vlak 2 kan heropen. Hulle het ‘n klein kantoor en doen geen verhurings nie. ‘n Groot frustrasie is dat sy vyf kooptransaksies het wat afgehandel moet word wat reeds voor die

grendeltyd gereed was. Die Aktekantoor heropen glo op 13 Mei. Die afdeling by die Makhado Munisipaliteit wat uitklaringsertifikate uitreik, sou reeds Vrydag, 8 Mei, werksaam wees, maar dit het nie gerealiseer nie. Wat in hulle guns tel, is dat die Bush Valley ontwikkeling steeds in ‘n mate voortgaan, aangesien voornemende kopers self daar kan gaan rondry. Carel Hammann Eiendomme doen hoofsaaklik verkope van plase en besigheidspersele. Hulle kantoor doen normaalweg enkele verhurings. Carel kan steeds voornemende kopers uitneem na plase, maar almal wag vir ‘n aankondiging van die minister oor wanneer dinge gaan ver­ ander en hulle weer kan werk. Geen transaksies kan in hierdie tyd plaasvind nie – alles staan stil. Volgens Andel Greyling van Anhetico Eiendomme, het die inperking ‘n groter effek as vermoed. So moet nuwe eienaars wat gedurende die inperkingstyd sou verhuis, nou okkupasiehuur betaal, sowel as ‘n eerste paaiement op ‘n nuwe

eiendom. Eiendomsagente kry nie die nodige ondersteuning van die Eiendomsraad af nie. Prosesse kom nou weer op dreef, byvoorbeeld die Aktekantoor wat heropen, die banke wat waardasies kan doen, ensovoorts. “Agente is egter die voer-aar van hierdie prosesse, maar mag nie voornemende kopers uitneem nie!” het Greyling gesê. ‘n Verdere bekommernis is die jaarlikse ouditverslae wat einde Junie moet in wees ten einde betyds hernuwing (Fedility Fund Certificate) te ontvang om die daaropvolgende jaar as agent te mag werk. Greyling weet nie hoe die oudit gedoen gaan word as die Eiendomsraad nie tans mag werk nie. Greyling noem dat die regering inkomste kon verdien deur hereregte – wat nie tans die geval is nie. Sy is van mening dat voornemende kopers beslis al gedurende Vlak 4 rondgewys sou kon word, mits die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls in plek is. Alle dokumentasie kan elektronies hanteer word.

Hoe gemaak as jy moet verhuis tydens grendeltyd? Die land se ekonomie is tans vasgevang in ‘n web van grendeltydregulasies, en ook die eiendomsmark kry baie swaar. Marita Gibson van Harcourts bevestig dat die inperkingstyd ‘n geweldige invloed op die eiendomsmark, agente en werknemers het. In Staatskoerant nommer 43292 van 7 Mei 2020 is afgekondig dat persone en goedere wél eenmalig mag trek/vervoer word, indien huur­ ooreenkomste aangegaan is voor of gedurende die grendeltydperk, óf indien die oordrag van vaste eiendom plaasgevind het vóór die grendeltydperk. “Grendeltydperk” word gedefinieer as vanaf 27 Maart tot 30 April 2020. Hierdie regulasies is geldig slegs tussen 7 Mei en 7 Junie 2020. Die implikasie is dat slegs essensiële trekke mag plaasvind. Vervoermaatskappye mag goedere vervoer, mits hulle die nodige permitte in plek het. Om te trek, moet ‘n huurder of nuwe eienaar polisiestasie toe gaan met inligting oor die aantal mense wat gaan trek, identiteitsdokumente asook bestaande én nuwe huurooreenkomste. Die nodige vorms is by agente beskikbaar. In hierdie gevalle mag eienaars en huurders, tesame met die agent, wel inspeksies uitvoer – met die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls, byvoorbeeld maskers, die handhaaf van afstand, ensovoorts. Die nuwe regulasies bepaal egter steeds dat eiendomsagente nie voltyds mag werk nie (nie-essensieel). Om eenmalige inspeksies uit te voer, moet agente by die CIPC geregistreer wees as essensiële diensverskaffers wat dan die nodige permitte kan bekom om hierdie inspeksies uit te voer. Die kredietburo’s is baie behulpsaam met duidelike inligting. Kennis is ontvang dat banke nou wel waardasies mag doen op eiendomme, die aktekantoor is weer werksaam en munisipaliteite mag nou weer uitklaringsertifikate uitreik. ‘n Hof kan steeds in hierdie tydperk eiendom-

ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS TEKPLAN ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) & AIR EMMISSIONS LICENSE (AEL) APPLICATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of the following Act: Subcategory 2.4 of R893 dated 22 November 2013 as amended of the NEMA: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004), (Storage and handling of Petroleum Products) - Activity & locality: The activity comprises the submission of an Air Emissions License (AEL) for a fuel depot with a storage capacity of 3200m3 (diesel) & 1800m3 (petrol) on

Erf 2560 Louis Trichardt Extension 5, Bronn street Makhado, Makhado local municipality, Limpopo. The coordinates of the application property is as follows: S23 04 02,8 E29 54 09,6. An EIA for the fuel depot is also being conducted by TEKPLAN ENVIRONMENTAL. The purpose of the mentioned EIA application is to obtain environmental authorisation for the proposed fuel depot that will be developed on the mentioned property, in terms of the EIA Regulations promulgated under the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (NEMA) (Act No 107

of 1998). In terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations and activities listed in Government Notice (GN) No R. 324 the following listed activity applies to the proposed BULK FUEL DEPOT: ACTIVITY 4 - The development and related operation of facilities or infrastructure, for the storage, or storage and handling of a dangerous good, where such storage occurs in containers with a combined capacity of more than 500 cubic metres. Any comments on the EIA & AEL application as it relates to the proposed fuel depot can be submitted to the EIA

consultant (see details below). Alternatively a representation can be made to the Air Quality section at the Limpopo Department of Economic development, Environment & Tourism, LEDET (Contact person: Me P Thivhafuni, thivhafunipo@ledet.gov. za, Cell no. 0794994428). Kindly submit your comments within 30 days from the date of placement of this notice. Environmental consultant contact details: TEKPLAN ENVIRONMENTAL, Attention: Mr T Kotze, P.O. Box 55714, Polokwane, 0700, Tel: 015 291 4177, Fax: 086 218 3267, E-mail: tecoplan@mweb.co.za.

Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die


Baie dinge het verander die afgelope 25 jaar. So, byvoorbeeld, vind die jaarlikse skou soos van ouds nie meer op Louis Trichardt plaas nie. Die Rooivleisfees vind nie meer plaas nie en ook nie meer die gewilde Levubu Vrugtefees nie. Op die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 19 Mei 1995 pronk die vriendelike gesiggie van die destydse Standerd 5-leerling Eldene Anderson, wat as feeskoningin tydens die Vrugtefees aangewys is. Nog nuus uit Levubu wat daardie week die voorblad gehaal het, was die groot boom voor die Levubu Koöperasie wat besluit het om om te val – bo-op me. Rina Grobbelaar se klein Nissan 1400 bakkie. Ooggetuies het vertel hoe hulle gesien het dat die mik van die ou groot Essenhoutboom meegee en een deel die bakkie feitlik platval. Die boom het vir jare koelte aan klante by die koöperasie verskaf en was in die Grootboom Register opgeteken met ‘n dekking van 535m² en ‘n hoogte van 20m. Op die politieke front was daar steeds groot onstuimigheid, met Waterval wat toe aangedui het dat hulle ook wil deel wees van die “nuwe” Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad. Inwoners van die woongebied het gewaarsku dat, sou hulle nie ingesluit word by die nuwe oorgangsraad soos Vleifontein nie, sou hulle ‘n massa-aksie teen die stadsraad loods. Te midde van die spanning op die politieke front het inwoners van Tshikota en Sinthumule

op hulle beurt weer aangedui dat hulle aan die einde Mei graag wou deel wees van die dorp se jaarlikse Rooivleisfees. Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, het inwoners van die Soutpansberg ook met hartseer afskeid geneem van bekende sakevrou Marga Anderson. Marga was vir jare ná die afsterwe van haar man Andy Anderson, in 1981, die alleeneienaar van die Cloud’s End Hotel. Sy en haar man het die hotel in 1968 gekoop en het ook Andy’s Brandies en Cloud’s End Off-Sales begin.



Soutpan Solar Power helps keep girls in schools Working with a trained nurse, who manages the programme’s implementation, the Soutpan Solar Power programme funds the distribution of sanitary towels to girls from poor families as well as providing reproductive health education, to reduce stigma and anxiety resulting from lack of knowledge.

The programme kicked off in 2015, in the Bahananwa Circuit, an area situated in the Prior to the COVID-19 lockdown, a total of Blouberg Local Municipality that is home to 1 050 learners, comprising 50 learners 28 primary and 19 secondary schools. So far, each at 22 primary schools within the Bothis initiative has reached around 9 000 girl chum East circuit in Limpopo, were given learners. much-needed personal sanitary products. Mahlatse Seloane, a Grade 9 learner at Marumofase High School, who was supported by this programme last year, said: “The distribution of pads at our school by Soutpan Solar Power has assisted me greatly. I was not able to attend school when I was on my period because I could not afford to buy pads.” Each year, the sanitary towel distribution programme moves to a different circuit within the Blouberg Municipality, due to the overwhelming need within the communities. “Besides the cost of pads or tampons, pervasive stigma and taboos surrounding menstruation also keep girls from attending school, impacting thousands of girls in this area each month,” said Harrisinah Theka, economic development Learners from Marumofase Community High School in Indermark (Vivo area) receive their sanitary towels from officer for Soutpan Solar Soutpan Solar Power. Photo: Soutpan Solar Power. Power, in a press release. Community Outreach

She continued explaining that a large percentage of young schoolgirls in the Vivo area miss up to five days of school each month, due to the lack of access to essential sanitary items. “So, until government is able to provide free sanitary products to all young girls in these poorer communities, the solution will remain in the hands of NGOs and corporate funders.” The South African Human Rights Commission reported that the lack of access to sanitary towels not only has adverse effects on the school attendance of the country’s girls, but it also has a ripple effect on the economic development of communities. Not only the girls and women benefit from having proper menstrual hygiene, broader society and the national economy can profit from better menstruation management. This socio-economic development programme is driven by the belief that communities will not be able to thrive if girl-learners are left behind, which is why this initiative will continue to grow. “We strongly believe that a country that is educated is a country that will prosper, so in supporting these young girls, we can help restore their confidence and give them fair access to education as it is a key enabler to transform lives, which is why we are so passionate about this initiative,” concluded Theka. Schools included in this programme are Thabanstho Primary, Bodiela Primary, Kgokonyane Primary, Madikweng Secondary, Mmalotlo Secondary, Seobi Primary, Mpatapata Secondary, Mabetwa Primary, Mmakgomosheu Primary, Mmaratha Primary, Monyesebodu Primary, Schoengesegt Secondary, Matthew Phosa Secondary, Bothanang Primary, Kgebetli Primary School, Mokumuru Primary, Ramotshabi Secondary, and Mmamadisha Primary School.

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Limpopo does not have the water for such an SEZ Independent study shows that the Makhado-Musina Special Economic will use much more water than Limpopo can deliver By Anton van Zyl Is the planned Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (SEZ) a mere “speculative bubble”, is it a “nightmarish scam” or will it eventually succeed in providing jobs to more than 20 800 people? The bigger question is whether the region has the water resources to sustain such ambitious plans. Last week an independently commissioned research report was published, which focuses on the water risks of coal driven mega projects in Limpopo. The study looked at two projects, the Mokolo Crocodile West Augmentation Project (MCWAP) and the Electro Metallurgical Special Economic Zone (EMSEZ) between Makhado and Musina. The research was done by Victor Munnik from the Society Work and Politics (SWOP) Institute from the University of the Witwatersrand. It was commissioned by the Freidrich Ebert Stiftung’s SA office. In the study some worrying figures are mentioned as to the water consumption of a coal-driven industrial complex. It indicates that the Limpopo river basin can by no means provide the water needed for such a development. Plans to channel water from other sources are described as unrealistic and dangerous. These plans include getting water from the Zhovhe dam in Zimbabwe or the Tuli Karoo aquiver, which overlaps into Botswana. In his study Munnik discusses the complexity of control over water resources in Limpopo, especially because four countries, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique are involved. The Limpopo river is a “closed catchment”, because all water resources have been allocated to activities already in operation, says Munnik.

A thirsty SEZ? The idea to establish a mega industrial park close to the country’s northern border surfaced around 2014 and brought to the fore a somewhat controversial Chinese businessman, Mr Ning Yat Hoi. He is the chairman of the SEZ operator, South African Energy Metallurgical Base (Pty) Ltd. When the 90-year contract was signed in September 2017 to appoint Mr Hoi’s company as sole operator of the special economic zone, he was already embroiled in controversy. In April 2017 he was removed as CEO of the international mining group ASA Resources, following alleged irregularities. The SA Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) seemingly did not pick up on any of the controversies and the 90year contract, with a further 30-year extension option, was signed on 15 September 2017. In an interview in May 2019 Hoi stated that a 20 Mtpa (million tons per annum) coal-washing plant, a 3 300 Mw coal-fired power plant, a 3 Mtpa coke plant and a 390 Mw waste-heat power plant will be built. The other factories planned are a 3 Mtpa high-carbon ferrochrome plant, a 1 Mtpa ferromanganese plant, a 500 000 tons per annum (tpa) silicon manganese plant, a 3 Mtpa stainless steel plant, a 1 Mtpa high-vanadium steel plant, a 1 Mtpa high-manganese steel plant, a 5 Mtpa metallurgical lime plant, a 1,2 Mtpa titanium dioxide

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plant and a 150 000 tpa vanadium pentoxide plant. “Our goal is to build the world’s most competitive energy metallurgical SEZ,” said Hoi. In Munnik’s report, he discusses the water that would be needed to run such plants. “According to the Final Scoping Report of September 2019, the EMSEZ will need 30 Mm3 (millions of cubic metres of water) per annum during a construction phase of 9 years, and then 123 Mm3 to operate an onsite coal fired power station and several iron and steel factories,” writes Munnik. Munnik then analysis the water use of the various plants mentioned by the SEZ operator. There are numerous unknowns, but he estimates the water use could be in the region of 50 Mm3 per annum. “There are additional projects in the pre-feasibility, among them a ‘steel plant’ that will use a monstrous 300 Mm3 a year,” says Munnik. He also excluded the water use of the four coal mines belonging to MC Mining in the area, or Exxaro’s coking mine at Tshikondeni which may be reopened An artist’s impression of the proposed Musina-Makhado special economic zone (SEZ) according to the if the EMSEZ gets off the ground. “It www.emsez.com website. may also be that the project planners do not really know or care how much An insult to climate change replenished by releases from the Zhovhe dam. water they will need,” says Munnik. Such a plan would also produce many geological agreements challenges and a large part of the water will not Do we have the water? arrive in the Limpopo river, because the aquifer In Munnik’s report he points out that the would first need to be saturated. EMSEZ defies all efforts to mitigate climate The Limpopo river basin is already under The most likely solution, according to Munchange. He describes the project as “a politics of severe stress and many water users do not have nik’s study, would be a water grab from the Tuli opportunism and tactics aimed at exploiting the adequate access to water. A 2011 study showed aquifer. This aquifer spans over a 12 000 km2 last spoils of a sunset industry.” that around 18 million people were living in and overlaps into Zimbabwe, Botswana and a The factories envisaged can be expected to the international Limpopo basin, which covers small section of South Africa. “The aquifer hosts 2 pollute water sources in the area, both surface an area of approximately 408 000km . The 55 boreholes in Zimbabwe, 24 in Botswana and and ground water, given the weak state of water main water users are farmers, with irrigation quality regulation in South Africa. “An increase accounting for 50% of the use. Urban use is 30% 11 in South Africa. At the edge of the aquifer, Musina town pumps from it,” says Munnik. Sev- in coal mines in the area will lower the regional and mining, power generation and rural water eral reports have warned that water grabs from water table, causing community wells to dry use each claim around 6%. “The majority of this sensitive area may have far-reaching effects up, a phenomenon already witnessed by rural residents in the catchment are poor, small scale on rural communities, who still make use of fair- communities in the area,” says Munnik. or subsistence farmers,” writes Munnik. ly unsophisticated methods to obtain water. Munnik is also not convinced that the project Munnik points out that the majority of water “The EMSEZ is the worst threat to the Tuli will necessarily have the full backing of the users are far less visible to policy and decision Karoo aquifer. If operators intervene in this sys- Chinese government. The Chinese government is makers. “The result is that these are the most tem and deplete it, the consequences will be far taking climate change mitigation more seriously fragile water rights or entitlements,” he says. In the northern part of Limpopo the situation reaching and close off development possibilities and if the economic viability of a project such as for these communities,” warns Munnik. the EMSEZ is in question, they might withdraw is slightly more tilted to agricultural use, with The exploitation of a shared water resource support. In this regard Munnik points out that 72% of the water being used for irrigation. “Most the worldwide demand for steel has plummeted of the water is sourced from groundwater (57%), may also have diplomatic consequences. “There are four governments involved with the Limpopo and the slow-down in the construction industry. with surface water at 43%,” writes Munnik. river, and opposition from any one of them may The full report is available at: https://www. “Recent research indicates that there is much more informal (that is, self-organised) irrigation lead to diplomatic tensions that may scupper the fes-southafrica.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Waproject,” writes Munnik. ter_research_Limpopo_Catchment.pdf in the Limpopo province (mostly in the former Venda area) than indicated in official statistics: 30 000 informal irrigators working up to 80 000 ha in the province,” he says. Vakansietyd is gewoonlik ook met moeder aarde kennis gemaak Closer to where the EMSEZ is to be estabBriewe die tyd wanneer geweldsmisdaad het oor hierdie eienskap; lished, the water would need to come from ie Desember 2019 en en gesinsgeweld die hoogte SLIM – Maak nie saak hoe­ the Sand River catchment area as well as the Januarie 2020-vakansie­ inskiet, terwyl vingers ook maar veel mense vir jou vertel jy het te Nzhelele River and Nwanedzi River catchment. seisoen het gekom en gegaan en net te dikwels in die rigting van veel gedrink om te bestuur nie, The Sand River is the driest catchment, with sekerlik, soos tevore, was daar alkohol wys. Die fisiese littekens jy is slim genoeg om te weet jy limited surface water resources. It has excepweer landswyd derduisende van gesinsgeweld is waarskynlik KAN bestuur; en tional groundwater reserves “which have been huishoudings waar alkoholge­ teen hierdie tyd genees, maar VASBERADE – Wanneer jy fully and possibly over-exploited, mostly by bruik aan die orde van die dag sielkundige letsels neem nogal reeds genoeg in het, maak dit jou irrigation,” writes Munnik. The catchment uses was, om nie eens te praat van heelwat langer. Dit alles is totaal vasberade om nog een te drink. far more water than it has available and the oormatige gebruik nie. onnodig, as ‘n drinker net ‘n Bo en behalwe hierdie twy­ shortfall needs to be supplemented from other Gedurende hierdie seisoen het bietjie wil dink oor die moontlike felagtig eienskappe kon niemand areas such as dams in the Luvhuvhu and Letaba daar weer, soos tevore, honderde gevolge van ‘n besluit wat hy my tot dusver oortuig daar ‘n catchments. The situation in the Nwanedzi River mense op die land se paaie neem. Ons het immers almal die enkele voordeel aan alkohol­ catchment is similar, if not worse. gesterf en verkeersowerhede was keuse om “ja” of “nee” te sê, by gebruik is nie! Nogtans blyk uitgesproke daaroor dat alko­ die neem van enige besluit! alkohol byna onmisbaar te wees Where will the water holmisbruik ‘n beduidende rol As 84-jarige geheelonthouer en was dit (volgens ‘n plaaslike in baie van die sterftes gespeel wat nog nooit in my lewe enige drankhandelaar) nogal opmerklik come from? het. Daarbenewens kan ons maar alkoholiese drank vir die “plesi­ hoe deeglik sommige mense hul net dink watter astronomiese er” daarvan gebruik het nie, was voorraad aangevul het, voordat Early plans, detailed in a 2014 study by geldelike verliese, met byko­ dit vir my nog altyd vreemd en die Corona-inperking in Maart Aphane Consulting, investigated the possibility mende, katastrofiese gevolge vir half onverstaanbaar dat sommige van krag geword het. of sourcing water from Zimbabwe. It is estimatnaasbestaandes en beseerdes. mense nie die mees gewone Verder sal dit ‘n goeie idee ed that 30Mm3 of water can be sourced from the By elke alkohol-verwante dinge kan geniet sonder om wees om te onthou dat alkohol Zhovhe dam, which was built in 1995. Such a ongeluk is daar gewoonlik alkohol by te bring nie. Dink nou ‘n stille bekruiper is en, as hy step may have a devastating effect on the farmonskuldige mense betrokke wat maar aan vieringe soos verjaars­ jou eers in sy mag het, is dit te ers in the Mzingwane river’s sand bed, which get maar net iewers heen op pad was dae, huweliksherdenkings of ‘n laat vir rem trap. Vra jouself dus en gehoop het om veilig daar aan prestasie, ‘n braai, rugby kyk, maar gereeld die vraag: “Kan ek te kom, maar iemand se onblus­ visvang, jag, ‘n troue, noem maar nog daarsonder klaarkom?” As bare lus vir alkohol het die situ­ op en daar moet ‘n “doppie” by die antwoord ‘n eerlike “nee” is, asie drasties verander. Dit alles, wees! raai ek dat jy ‘n steilerige bultjie terwyl die “MOENIE DRINK Self het ek nie ondervinding voor jou het om te klim! EN BESTUUR” waarskuwings nie, maar wat ek waarneem is Ek verwag klippe op my dak op die radio en TV die tuisblyers dat alkohol wel sekere uitstaande oor hierdie brief, maar ek is vas tot raserny dryf, maar dié vir wie eienskappe het. Dit maak jou: oortuig daarvan dat ek ook blom­ Contact: Jannie - 076 501 8285 24/7 or dit regtig bedoel is, is horende STERK – Wanneer jy genoeg me op my voorstoep sal kry! doof en siende blind, want hulle in het, glo jy dat jy sterker as al - Willie Agenbacht van Louis Makweta 082 063 7500 Levubu / Louis kan nie sonder alkohol klaarkom die ander ouens is. Ai, ek het al Trichardt, skryf: Trichardt and Thohoyandou nie. gehoor van groot manne wat hard

Hoekom is ‘n “doppie” altyd nodig?





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Musina getting ready to “re-open” again Municipal News

Musina’s municipal offices are being fogged, fumigated, and sanitised to prepare for the phased return of employees.

Following the easing of some lockdown regulations and the downgrading to level 4, Musina Municipality has started with the process of fogging, fumigating, and sanitising the municipal buildings and workstations in preparation of the phased return of employees to work. Municipal spokesperson Wilson Dzebu said although the essential services were proceeding smoothly as planned earlier, the municipality had the responsibility to ensure that employees who returned to work should always be safe. “This is not only done to protect the municipal workforce, but we would also like to guarantee the safety of community members who come to the municipality for services. We can only win this war against the coronavirus by tackling it head-on and aggressively to make sure that we re-emerge to normal life within a short space of time.” Dzebu urged community members to play their roles also to curb the spread of the pandemic. “This is a very tough situation that faces all of us. Each one

must contribute to make a change where they stay. We can also contribute by observing the highest form of hygiene, including always washing hands with soap. The issue of social distancing should also be practiced without compromise.” He said the municipality would issue an official communique within a short space of time to indicate which services would be phased in. “We are happy that the process is moving swiftly, but we don’t want to rush and end up regretting anything. We are operating in a disaster and we are all coming across this situation for the first time. However, as a responsible government, we will put all precautionary measures in place to curb the spread of this pandemic.” He thanked the essential workers for sacrificing their time and energy during these difficult times. “These are men and women who are in the forefront of service delivery while we are all required to stay at home. We really thank them and appreciate the great work that they are doing. Their contribution to the improvement of people’s lives will never go unnoticed.”

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Residents of Louis Trichardt as well as the business community opened their hearts and purses the past few weeks to assist the people caught in the Covid-19 conundrum, where they cannot go out to work but have no money. The Makhado Covid-19 group paid money to food suppliers such as Premjee & Sons and Spar, who in turn put together food parcels. The request this time was that the food parcels be distributed in sectors that may not be sufficiently served by the government’s social services network. Aa large number of families from countries such as Zimbabwe are in need of assistance. In total, the group collected 156 food parcels. The bulk of these, 120, were distributed by a local non-profit organisation, Vumbanani For Peace Building. The organisation’s volunteers distributed the parcels on Wednesday in Louis Trichardt and in the Elim and Waterval areas. The other parcels went to DSD’s central food bank, while 10 parcels were directly distributed to needy families in Tshikota. In the photo, two of the workers of Premjees are busy off-loading the food parcels.

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