16 Mei 2014
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“You won’t get away with it any longer” - page 2
Jaargang 30 Vol. 19
Dominee se vertoë misluk, Staat begin verhoor - bladsy 3
EFF flexes muscles on local political front - page 4
Hof moet besluit
Boer sal binnekort weet of Hooggeregshof saamstem dat hulle wins kan maak uit eie renosterhorings
Moet moratorium gelig word? Deur Isabel Venter ‘n Boer van die Alldays-omgewing sal binnekort weet of sy aansoek by die Noord-Gautengse Hooggeregshof om die moratorium op die handel in renosterhorings opgehef te kry, geslaag het. Mnr. Johan Kruger, ‘n wildboer van All days, is al in ‘n jaar lange stryd met die Staat oor dié aangeleentheid. Hy het ook ‘n aansoek gebring dat sekere dele van die Wet op Biodiversiteit se regulasies oor beskermde of bedreigde spesies hersien en ongeldig verklaar word. Behalwe vir renosters, boer Kruger ook met ander skaars wildspesies soos buffels en swartwitpensbokke. Hy het al in die verlede ‘n renoster weens stropery verloor en dien nou die aansoek in omdat hy as boer en teler belang het by die beskerming van renosters. Behalwe vir sy renoster, was
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“Statistiek het bewys dat indien handel in ‘n dier toegelaat word, die getalle optel en vermeerder, soos blesbokke wat ongeveer 20 jaar gelede amper uitgewis was en, nadat die verbod op handel daarin opgehef is, is daar nou ‘n ooraanbod,” het Erwee bygevoeg. Erwee het vandeesweek bevestig dat hy en Kruger hoopvol is dat die aansoek sal slaag. Die Regter President het reeds aangedui dat daar ‘n volle bank regters aangestel sal word om die aansoek aan te hoor, omdat die saak vir hom ernstig en dringend is. ‘n Datum vir die aanhoor van die aansoek sal binne drie maande aan Erwee bekend gemaak word. Nog dele van die wet wat Kruger hersien wil hê, is wat renostereienaars met horings mag doen. Dit sluit in regulasies wat voorskryf dat ‘n renosterboer of –eienaar nie die horing van ‘n renoster wat aan natuurlike oorsake dood is of deur stropers gewond is self mag afsny of vervoer nie. In so ‘n geval moet daar eers aansoek gedoen word vir ‘n permit. “Baie regulasies hou nie rekening met die praktiese kwessies en omstandighede nie. Dit beskerm die renoster nie en verseker nie die suksesvolle voortplanting van renosters nie … en het tot gevolg dat wetsgehoorsame renosterboere in sekere gevalle die wet oortree,” sê Kruger in sy hofstukke.
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daar sedert Kruger se aansoek nog vier ander bevestigde gevalle waar renosters naby sy plaas doodgemaak is deur stropers vir hul horings. Volgens Kruger se regsverteenwoordiger, mnr. Hennie Erwee van Musina, het renosterstropery drasties toegeneem sedert die verbod op die verkoop van renosterhorings ingestel is deur die regering. “Daar is nooit deur die regering gekonsulteer met belanghebbende partye soos wildboere, wat insluit renosterboere, voor die moratorium ingestel is nie,” het Erwee gesê. Hy het gesê meer en meer persone wend hulle nou tot die howe in soortgelyke sake omdat dit duidelik is dat die regering totaal gefaal het om renosters te beskerm. Kruger se aansoek is gebring teen die Minister van Waterwese en Omgewingsake, die Wildbedryf van Suid-Afrika (WRSA) en die vereniging vir private renostereienaars van Suid-Afrika. In sy aansoek het Kruger die mening uitgespreek dat die kommersiële handel in renosterhorings, met behoorlike beheer, ‘n meer sinvolle en volhoubare oplossing vir renosterstropery sal wees. Kruger het ook die hoop uitgespreek dat die hersiening van die regulasies renosterboere in staat sal stel om ‘n wins te maak. Hy het gesê dat as sy aansoek slaag, dit die handel sal oopstel, wat sal lei daartoe dat die vraag na en aanbod van renosterhorings behoorlik gemonitor sal word.
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16 May 2014 By Linda van der Westhuizen
“You won’t get away with it any longer ...”
“Don’t steal our water infrastructure, you won’t get away with it any longer!” is the message, sent out loudly and clearly, by the conviction of a criminal who stole a water pump without thought for a community suffering without water. Pictured is the Malherbe Street pump house, not far from pump house A which had been broken into. The arrest and subsequent conviction of the criminal was welcomed far and wide. The stealing and damaging of water infrastructure leave enitre communities without water for days on end. Die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het die afgelope naweek vir klein Henko op Moedersdag verwelkom. In die foto ontvang Henko en sy ma, mev. Letisha Vos, ‘n spesiale kussinkie van suster Dorcas Mabhatja van die hospitaal. Foto verskaf.
“Don’t steal our water infrastructure. You won’t get away with it any longer!” was the court’s message upon the conviction of a man who had attempted to steel a municipal water pump. Johnson Zikhale (19) was sentenced to 18 months’ direct imprisonment without the option of a fine by magistrate Marcel Roos in the Louis Trichardt District Court on 9 May. Zikhale was arrested by the police when attempting to steal a water pump on 29 March at a municipal pumping station behind the municipal cemetery. Authorities were alerted to his presence in the pump station by a newly installed alarm system at the pump house. The court took the need of the community for water into consideration. “Week after week, every week in the newspaper there are articles about people complaining … no water, no electricity, no water… The municipality can’t keep up fixing all the stuff and it is done [theft] by people who are not even contributing towards this community, like yourself … But the community has now suffered. The municipality has now suffered... “So your need for money does not come first in the eyes of the court. This court is here to protect the community ... The court did not even consider a suspended sentence although you are a first offender. This crime is too serious,” magistrate Roos said. Zikhale’s case was postponed several times. At one stage, rumour had it that Zikhale had escaped. The Vhembe District Municipality, as the responsible water authority, and civil rights association AfriForum were pleased to see him appear in court in person. “Working with AfriForum as a team has resulted in the suspect’s being arrested. This is good work which will cause other thieves out there to understand that we will arrest all of them without bail. The infrastructure will be safer, and we will even add more security to protect the infrastructure,”
said Vhembe’s municipal manager, Mr Masala Makumule. Local AfriForum chairperson Mr Wally Schultz said that the community had suffered enough with water stoppages and shortages that were largely due to the consistent theft and vandalism of water infrastructure. “To date, some R5 million worth of infrastructure, including pumps and cables, has been lost. Before AfriForum got involved, not one single case had been opened … But now that we are so close to solving the water supply problem for good, we needed to ensure that all the good work we and Vhembe have done in restoring water is not destroyed by thugs who steal…,” said Schultz. He praised Lt Col Nemavholo, branch commander of the SAPS Makhado, for her exceptional determination in this case. Schultz expressed his hope that the imprisonment of Zikhale would lead to the arrest of more people who steal and cause damage to the town’s water infrastructure.
Johnson Zikhale (19)
BUSINESS talk By Isabel Venter
Delco has a new vision for businesses The words of the song “the times they are a This is where Delco Vision, a newly estabchanging” are still applicable and even more lished marketing company in Makhado (Louis so in the marketing industry. Trichardt), will assist companies to boost sales and make lasting impressions by incorporating online and traditional marketing strategies. That is why their company motto is: “Your way out!” Owner of Delco Vision Dane Rooi uses his passion for digital advertising to plan the perfect marketing strategy for clients. Such a plan includes the full spectrum that the exciting world of digital marketing has to offer, which can also be incorporated with a company’s existing marketing strategy. As a point of departure, Delco Vision uses the brand image of a company. “In business, the image projected in terms of delivery and service by an established brand determines the ultimate future of your business,” explains Dane. Ensuring an impact on the local market, Dane makes use of innovative and quality images. The images are used in a variety of ways, which include the design of company websites or high-definition screens. To ensure that clients’ marketing has the maximum impact, Delco Vision also offers more traditional marketing such as pamphlets, business cards and advertisement design. Examples of Delco Vision’s work can be seen by logging onto www.delcovision.co.za. “Make the impact that you have always wanted to make. Use the people who know how,” is Dane’s invitation to all local businesses. To contact him for a consultation of a new marketing strategy, Dane can be contacted at Dane Rooi from Delco Vision in Makhado 079 542 1285 or via e-mail at dane@delcovi(Louis Trichardt). sion.co.za.
New service or business in town? BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on new developments in the local business arena. To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us know of new developments regarding new businesses or services less than a year old.
Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the column free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel 015 516 4996/7.
Private hospital celebrates Nurses Day On Monday, 12 May, all the nurses of the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) celebrated International Nurses Day. This day commemorates the birthday of Florence Nightingale. Apart from sharing cake, all of the nurses received a special gift from the hospital’s directors to thank them for their hard work and dedication. Photo supplied.
16 Mei 2014
Dominee se vertoë misluk, Staat begin verhoor Die verhoor van ‘n dominee van Makhado (Louis Trichardt), wat onder meer teregstaan op klagte van bedrog, het hierdie week begin. Dr. Philip Arnoldus Venter (57), voormalige leraar van die NG Kerk Soutpansberg, wat intussen sy eie kerk (Veritas-gemeente) gestig het, het Maandag in die Louis Trichardt Distrikshof verskyn. Buiten die klagte van bedrog word hy ook aangekla op drie ander klagte wat verband hou met oortredings van die Wet op die Beheer van Vuurwapens (Wet 60 van 2000). Venter het op 5 Julie verlede jaar vir die eerste keer vlugtig in die hof verskyn op dié klagte. Sy saak is verskeie kere uitgestel, terwyl sy regspan nadere besonderhede rakende die polisie se ondersoek vanaf die Staat aangevra het. Venter se regsverteenwoordiger, mnr. Jaco Venter, het intussen ook ‘n vertoë gerig aan die Direkteur van Openbare Vervolging (DOV) dat alle klagte teen dr. Venter teruggetrek moet word. Dié vertoë het misluk en die DOV het Maandag aangedui dat dr. Venter verhoor moet word op een klag van bedrog en die oortreding van die Vuurwapenwet. Volgens dr. Venter se klagstaat hou die klag van bedrog verband met ‘n voorval in April 2006. Hy het na bewering valslik en met die opset om te bedrieg en tot nadeel van mev. Cecile Steyn aan haar voorgegee dat hy die nodige magtiging gehad het om van haar vuurwapens in besit te neem. Die ander klagte, wat in terme van die Vuurwapenwet geformuleer is, behels dat dr. Venter nie die nodige tydelike permitte gehad het om die wapens in sy besit te hê nie, nie Steyn se skriftelike toestemming gehad het om die wapens in sy besit te hê nie, en hom wederregtelik as ‘n wapenhandelaar voorgedoen het sonder die nodige lisensies. Dr. Venter het onskuldig gepleit op al dié klagte. Steyn was die eerste getuie wat deur staats aanklaer mnr. Charlie du Plessis geroep is tydens Maandag se hofverrigtinge. Du Plessis het in die hof gesê dat die Staat sal bewys, deur middel van getuienis en dokumente, dat dr. Venter gedurende 2006 drie vuurwapens van Steyn bekom het en dat hy haar in 2010 onder
‘n wanindruk gebring het dat hy nog die wapens by hom het. Volgens Du Plessis kon dr. Venter nie bewys lewer van die wapens toe sy huis deur die polisie daarvoor deursoek is nie. Die Staat sal ook poog om te bewys dat dr. Venter nie die nodige dokumentasie voltooi het om in besit van die vuurwapens te wees nie en ook nie die wapens aan die polisie oorhandig het nie. Steyn het getuig dat sy die vuurwapens aan dr. Venter oorhandig het in April 2006, omdat hy aangedui het dat hy sou “kon plan sien daarmee.” Sy het gesê sy was bang die wapens kon in die verkeerde hande beland, omdat sy in daardie stadium gevrees het vir inbrekers by haar huis. “Ek het vir hom gesê ek het die vuurwapens en ek wil nie die vuurwapens hê nie … Ek wou die wapens vir die polisie gee om vernietig te word,” het Steyn getuig. Steyn het getuig dat sy die wapens aan dr. Venter gegee het, omdat hy sou gesê het dat hy wapens kan deaktiveer, dat hy in die proses was om ‘n wapenhandelaarsbesigheid oor te koop, dat hy ‘n stigterslid was van die Soutpansberg Polisiëringsforum en omdat hy ‘n predikant was. “Ek ken vir dominee Venter lank ... ek het vir dominee Venter vertrou, ek meen dis ‘n dominee … daar was geen rede hoekom ek hom nie sou vertrou het nie. Hy was ‘n gesiene man in die dorp ... en as ek hom nie vertrou het nie, sou ek nie die vuurwapens aan hom oorhandig het nie,” het Steyn onder meer getuig. Dr. Venter het later, in ‘n ongedateerde brief, ontvangs erken van die drie wapens – twee .22-rewolwers en een 9mm pistool. Hierdie brief is as ‘n bewysstuk deur die Staat ingedien. Ná ontvangs van die brief, het Steyn getuig, het sy nie weer iets van dr. Venter gehoor nie. Sy het getuig dat sy aan die begin van 2010 vir dr. Venter geskakel om te sê dat sy nog in besit is van die wapens se lisensies. Hierdie lisensies het dr. Venter volgens haar skriftelik versoek op 6 Februarie 2010. Steyn het getuig dat sy met haar kollega, me. Ena Viviers, gereël het om die lisensies vir dr. Venter te gee as hy dit by haar kantoor kom afhaal omdat sy in daardie tyd met vakansie sou wees. Steyn en
Viviers werk saam by die prokureursfirma Coxwell, Steyn, Vise en Naudé in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Drie jaar later, het Steyn getuig, in Maart 2013, was sy geskok om uit te vind dat die wapens nog steeds in haar naam geregistreer was. Dr. Venter sou haar telefonies meedeel dat hy die wapens aan ‘n vriend van hom, mnr. Tewie Wessels, oorhandig het om gedeaktiveer te word. “En al wat ek toe gesê het, was dat Tewie oorlede is, en dit was die einde van die gesprek gewees,” het Steyn gesê. Wessels, ‘n parapleeg, is in 2009 oorlede. Volgens Steyn het sy en dr. Venter nie verder die saak bespreek nie, omdat hy te emosioneel was te midde van ‘n ondersoek teen hom deur die NG Kerk se Ring van Louis Trichardt. Sy het egter op 29 April 2013 ‘n klag by die polisie gaan indien “omdat sy nie ‘n idee het waar die wapens is nie, en hulle nog op haar naam is en nie weet of daar ‘n misdryf met die wapens gepleeg is nie.” Dr. Venter het by monde van sy advokaat, mnr. Niel Duvenhage, aangedui dat hy nie met Steyn se weergawe saamstem nie. Volgens Duvenhage sal dr. Venter getuig dat gesprekke oor die aankoop van die vuurwapenonderneming eers in 2008 in werking gekom het – nie in 2006 nie. “Dan sal hy [dr. Venter] sê ... dit is nou ‘n verloop van tyd, maar hy is bykans oortuig daarvan dat hy die vuurwapens by Jas Brummer gaan haal het,” het Duvenhage aan Steyn gesê toe hy haar kruisondervra het. Brummer is ‘n plaaslike wapenopleidingsbeampte. Duvenhage het ook verder aangedui dat sy kliënt sal getuig dat hy Steyn gaan sien het oor die wapens en ‘n ondertekende polisie magtigingsvorm van haar gekry het voordat hy die wapens by mnr. Jas Brummer gaan haal het en polisiestasie toe gevat het. Volgens dr. Venter was Wessels ook in besit van ‘n magtigingsvorm waarin Steyn hom toestemming gegee het om haar wapens te deaktiveer. “... dit is ons probleem met hierdie hele saak van die begin af, dat die Staat se dokumentasie nie in orde is nie,” het Duvenhage aan Steyn gesê. Steyn het dié weergawe Maandag ontken. “Ek kan nie onthou dat ek ‘n vorm onderteken het nie,
maar as ek die vorms kan sien en my handtekening daar kan sien, sal ek dit nie betwis of ontken nie ... ek het nie eens geweet hoe lyk die Tewie Wessels nie en sou sekerlik onthou het as ek hom ontmoet het,” het sy gesê. Na Steyn getuig het, is die verhoor uitgestel tot Donderdag, 15 Mei. Die Staat sal dan na verwagting nog getuies roep.
Die verhoor van Dr. Philip Venter, voormalige dominee van die NG Kerk Soutpansberggemeente, het Maandag begin, nadat sy vertoë aan die Direkteur van Openbare Vervolging om alle klagte teen hom terug te trek, misluk het.
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16 May 2014
Elections 2014
By Andries van Zyl
EFF flexes muscles on local political front
To sum up the elections on a local level, the ANC is still well in control be it that almost all voting stations looked at the party showed a 1% to 10% decrease in voter support. The EFF made the strongest showing, ousting COPE (Congress of the People) as a player at almost all voting stations (the EFF also ousted COPE as the official opposition party in Limpopo). The DA is still in the running, recording a slight increase in voter support at almost all voting stations.
This photograph was taken on 28 April on the Madombidzha road, just a day before a spokesperson for the Limpopo Department of Roads and Transport confirmed that a maintenance plan exists to fix potholes on the road. By Isabel Venter
There’s a plan, but what about results? Residents do not need to worry about the appalling state of local roads – there is a plan in place to fix them. This was the message from the Limpopo Department of Roads and Transport (DRT) when approached about the nasty state of local access roads to Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Especially the Madombidzha road has become an increasing threat to hundreds of commuters who use the road daily to get to and from work. The state of this road has already claimed the life of one resident during 2013. Edwin Mudau was killed in a head-on collision on 5 September last year, when driving along the Madombidzha road. Mudau’s vehicle was hit by another vehicle that apparently swerved to avoid a pothole in the road. Since then, the road as gone from bad to worse and many residents fear for their lives. Local farmers living alongside the road take turns with some local taxi associations to fill up some of the bigger potholes that can be found from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) right up to Madombidzha itself. In the meantime, more and more local motorists have turned to the newspaper to voice their concerns. In addition to putting questions to the DRT about the state of the Madombidzha road, the newspaper also followed up on the condition of the Pontdrift road. During March this year, Mr Jan Kleynhans of Mike’s Kitchen in Makhado (Louis Trichardt)
and the manager of the restaurant, Ms Christina Masekwo, narrowly escaped death while driving on this road. As a result of the lack of warning signs on the road, they only realised in the nick of time that a big chunk of road was missing. A bridge across the road had washed away during the flood in January 2013, and has still not been repaired. The Zoutpansberger approached the DRT for comment at the beginning of April. In the case of the Pontdrift road, a photograph of the missing bridge accompanied an email to the DRT. After a week, DRT spokesperson Mr Jimmy Machaka telephonically confirmed that a plan is in place to fix the bridge on the Pontdrift road. He pointed out that this road is the responsibility of the Roads Agency of Limpopo (RAL), and that they are responsible to obtain contractors to repair the bridge. Further questions were ignored. Weekly follow-up calls were made to determine whether the DRT is aware of the dangerous state of the Madombidzha road. It was only at the end of April that Machaka confirmed telephonically that he was able to determine that an Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) has been authorized for the Madombidzha road. “That means that the potholes will get fixed and that they [the contractors] will cut the grass,” he said. Asked when the effects of this programme will be noticeable to motorists, Machaka replied that it would be soon and promised to provide his response in writing. He then ended the call.
On 28 April this road sign was the only indication that a plan in exists to repair the Madombidzha road. Motorists travelling daily on this road, however, have not experienced any noticable evidence improvement in the road’s condition.
The euphoria and excitement of the 2014 general election have come and gone. For residents, the national ballot held few surprises. The ANC (African National Congress) is still firmly in the driving seat with 62.15% of the national vote, and the DA (Democratic Alliance) is still the country’s official opposition party with 22.23% of the vote. As for third place on the national ballot, new kid on the block the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) ruffled a couple of feathers, drawing 6.35% of national voter support and cementing their position as one of the top three political players in the country. The EFF also made a strong showing on the provincial ballot, with the party securing 10.74% of the vote in Limpopo, home of party leader Julius Malema. They finished as runners-up to the ANC, who drew 78.60% of voter support in Limpopo. The DA drew 6.48% of the vote in Limpopo, securing them a third place. The voter turnout for Limpopo was 60.72%. With the results of the national and provincial ballot old news by now, the Zoutpansberger decided to take a closer look at local voter trends and party support at voting stations in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) and Musina during the 2014 general elections. The statistics are for the towns only and do not include voting stations in outside areas. To sum up the elections at a local level, the ANC is still well in control, although the party showed a 1% to 10% decrease in voter support at almost all voting stations. The EFF made the strongest showing, ousting COPE (Congress of the People) as a player at almost all voting stations (the EFF also ousted COPE as the official opposition party in Limpopo). The DA is still in the running, recording a slight increase in voter support at almost all voting stations. In short, the biggest winners were the EFF and the biggest loser was COPE. Here is a breakdown of the election results at the voting stations in the two towns (in brackets are the voting district numbers):
Makhado (Louis Trichardt): Makhado Show Hall (76060010) The DA held on to its lead by drawing 51.12% of the vote. The ANC came in second with 32.87%, while the Freedom Front Plus secured 6.19% of the vote, slightly more than the EFF, who recorded 5.3% of the vote. Both the DA and ANC showed a slight increase. Makhado Comprehensive Secondary School (76060582) The ANC took a slight dip in support, but still won 55.08% of the vote. The EFF secured impressive support by ousting the DA from the 2009 runner-up position with 26.35%. The DA dropped to third place with 13.63%, almost 10% down in voter support from 2009. De-Montfort Catholic School (76060638) The ANC regained its lead at this voting station which it lost in the 2009 election to the DA. The ANC drew 44.23% of the vote. It was, however, still a close race with the DA in second place with 40.46% of the vote. The EFF was third with 9.11%. Masedi Combined School / Tshikota (76060234) Down from their 86.17% in 2009, the ANC still secured 77.25% of the vote. The DA showed good growth with 13.39% voter support (up from their 2.24% in 2009), while the EFF secured 7.26%. COPE, who took second place in 2009 with 7.88%, is now out of the mix at this voting station. Emmanuel Christian Church (76060010) The DA secured a healthy lead, growing their voter support from 49.35% in 2009 to 60.79% in the recent election. The ANC was in second place, about 5% down from 2009 with 25.19%. In third place was the Freedom Front Plus with 6.08% of the votes, just ahead of the EFF with 4.96%. Here also, COPE lost a top spot. Makhado Town Library (76060021) Once again the DA showed a huge growth in voter support, taking the lead with 54.92% of the vote (way up from their 42.98% in 2009). The ANC came in second, down once more from their 39.33% in 2009, with 27.74% voter support. The Freedom Front Plus was in third place again with 7.04% of the vote, closely followed by the EFF with 6.63%.
Again, no significant support for COPE, who took third place in 2009.
Musina: Musina High School (76070033) The ANC secured 81.68% of the vote, down almost 8% from their 89.18% in 2009. The EEF once again succeeded in knocking COPE out of the running for second place, with 9.32% of the vote. The DA took third place with 4.5%, slightly better than their 3.14% in 2009.
Lerato Crèche (76070066) The ANC renewed its lead by securing 85.21% of the vote, about 6% down in support from 2009. The EEF came in second with 9.1%, with the DA securing 3.16% of votes. Although they finished third, support from the DA is up from the 1.57% they secured at this voting station in 2009.
Musina Show Hall (76070011) It was good news for the DA at this voting station, snatching away victory from the ANC with 50.97% (42.88% in 2009). Support for the ANC at this voting station declined from 57.91% in 2004, to 43.82% in 2009 to 35.49% in 2014. At this voting station, the EFF secured 7.62% for a third place.
Renaissance Secondary School (76070088) Here the ANC was still the party of choice, securing 88.07%, albeit down from their 90.97% in 2009. Again the EFF took the 2009 runner-up position away from COPE, rallying 5.93% of the vote. The DA was third-best party with 4.57%, with another slight increase of about 2,5% from 2009.
Shanduka Crèche (76070123) The ANC is still in the driving seat after securing 85.55% of the vote (down almost 6% from their 90.97% in 2009). COPE is once again knocked out of the running and replaced by the EFF in second place, with 8.32%. The DA secured 4.05% in third place, up from their 2.61% in 2009.
St Martin de Porres Primary School (76070055) Here the biggest loser was the DA. After being the runner-up in 2004 and 2009, and despite a slight increase in support from 2009, they dropped to third place with 4.57% of the vote, having to make way for the EFF (5.26%). Here the ANC is still firmly in control with 88.46%, virtually the same voter percentage as in 2009.
Beitbridge Primary (76070022) Here support for the ANC is down from 90.97% in 2009 to 84.11% in 2014, but it was still a comfortable win for the party. The EFF took second place once more with 8.15% at the expense of 2009 runner-up COPE. The DA had to be content with third place with 5.8%, a slight increase of 3% in support from 2009.
El-Shadai (76070077) The DA hung on to its lead at this voting station, securing 56.89% of the vote (more than 10% better than in 2009). Support for the ANC dropped from 42.94% in 2009 to 28.51%, making them the runners-up, with the EFF taking third place with 5.14% .
Makushu Primary School (76070112) The voters at this voting station gave the ANC a 10% knock from 88.77% in 2009 to 78.8% in 2014. The EFF made a strong showing, securing 10.6%, at the expense of the previous runners-up, COPE. The DA was in third place with 6.45% of the vote – a healthy increase of just more than 4% from 2009.
Nancefield Community Hall (76070044) The ANC retained the lead with 82.41% of votes, slightly down from 88.77% in 2009. The EFF made a strong showing with 9.19%, ousting COPE as the runners-up in 2009. The DA got 5.41% of the vote, but this is nearly double their 2.25% in 2009. Rixile Primary School (76070101) Here the ANC took a 10% knock from 2009. Their 78.88%, however, still put them in the lead. The EFF also made its mark at this voting station, securing 10.79% of the vote to take second place. Despite coming third, the DA’s support grew from 3.14% in 2009 to 7.19% in 2014.
16 Mei 2014
Gold bars in car lands couple in hot water A couple from Zimbabwe are facing serious charges after they were found in possession of gold bars while crossing the border into South Africa. Peter Spies (39) and his wife Elizabeth (37) briefly appeared in the Messina Magistrate’s Court on Monday, following their arrest on Friday (9th). According to provincial police spokesperson Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi, the couple were arrested during a joint operation between members of the police and the SARS’s Customs Unit.
A dog handler from the tax authority was busy doing a routine inspection when he noticed a Zimbabwean vehicle that looked suspicious. Upon searching the vehicle with his dog, the inspector found a wrapped plastic parcel, hidden inside the arm rest compartment of the passenger seat. The police were notified and when they searched the parcel, they found six gold bars. According to Mulaudzi, the value of the bars is estimated at R6 million. The Spies couple were arrested
immediately and kept in police custody until their brief court appearance in court on Monday. During their appearance, they were charged with the unlawful possession of a precious metal. They were not asked to plead and no bail was granted to them. They will remain in custody until their next court appearance on Monday, 19 May. Mulaudzi confirmed that the postponement was given to afford the police further time for investigation to see whether the couple can be linked to other similar cases.
The six gold bars that were found by members of the police and SARS. Photo: Limpopo SAPS.
Aflewering binne 24 uur PETROL DIESEL Trotse verskaffers van CaltexPARAFFIEN Produkte Kontak Fanu Booyens Heerlike pannekoek word deurlopend elke tweede Dinsdag by Ons Tuiste in Makhado (Louis Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 Trichardt) gebak en is baie gewild by die gemeenskap. “Ons kan nie voorbly nie en dit gee ‘n voorsmakie van die basaar se heerlike eetgoed en nuttige geskenkies wat vanaf 08:00 op Vrydag, 30 Mei, te koop aangebied sal word,” sê me. Kittie de Bruin, bestuurder van Ons Tuiste. Hier is die ywerige pannekoekbakkers, afgeneem op 13 Mei.
015Straat 516 1570 P Faks: 516 3098 Unikastraat. 3Tel: Unika O Box015 3104 Louis3 Trichardt Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: admin@gtoil.co.za admin@gtoil.co.za PETROL
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt DIESEL PETROL PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
R3 065
No. of instalments: 60 / Fixed interest rate: 7.62% • Retail price: R187 800 / Deposit: 0% Monthly instalment: R3 065* / Final payment: R56 340 • Total amount payable: R240 528 Monthly Service Fee of R57 excluded from monthly payment. Initiation Fee of R1 140 included.
R3 265
No. of instalments: 60 / Fixed interest rate: 9.49% • Retail price: R??? ??? / Deposit: 20% Monthly instalment: R3 265* / Final payment: R74 580 • Total amount payable: R270 567 Monthly Service Fee of R57 excluded from monthly payment. Initiation Fee of R1 140 included.
*On-the-Road and Registration Fees Excluded. Terms and Conditions Apply. Model shown may differ. Errors & Omissions Excepted.
Tel: 015 516 0239 | 90 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt
Martie 082 707 4225
Sadiki 082 694 8683
Phillip 076 241 2066
Chris 072 633 9227
Johan 073 718 6816
16 May 2014 By Linda van der Westhuizen
AfriForum takes closer look at landfill status Civil rights organization AfriForum, concerned about the waste management situation in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), conducted an on-site inspection or a landfill audit at the Vondeling Louis Trichardt waste disposal site on 30 April. The scores on the scorecard of the audit will only be revealed once they have been disclosed to the Makhado Municipality, but these would include pressing issues like daily compaction and soil coverage, adequate drainage on site, proper catchment of leachate (polluted water flowing from site) and fires on site. Before the on-site inspection, which forms part
of the AfriForum branch landfill site audit for 2014, a process was followed whereby the Makhado Municipality was approached for the necessary licenses of the two sites and the environmental impact study (EIA) of the new site. Three licenses pertain: the original Vondeling permit, the Vondeling closure and rehabilitation license (2012) and the licence of the new landfill site for which permission had been granted in 2011. “We obtained one of the documents from the municipality and used other forums to obtain the others. We used the license During the AfriForum site inspection of the Vondeling landfill site, this scene greeted Mr Morné conditions and national regulations to compile an Mostert, AfriForum’s Limpopo organiser, and branch chairperson Mr Wally Schultz. According inspection checklist containing important statuto the Vondeling waste disposal site permit conditions, works shall be constructed and maintained tory requirements for the landfill site. It is a civil on a continuous basis by the permit holder to divert and drain all run-off water. Photo supplied. right for every citizen to have a properly managed landfill site that is not harming the environment,” said Mr Morné Mostert, attorney and AfriForum Limpopo organizer. During the site visit conducted by Mostert and the local AfriForum branch chairperson, Mr Wally Schultz, water was seen. “This pool of water is in the very centre of the site, near cracked dry ground, which indicates that it hadn’t rained for days and yet the water had not drained away,” Schultz said. According to the Vondeling waste disposal site permit conditions, works shall be constructed and maintained on a continuous basis by the permit holder to divert and drain all run-off water. The question may arise whether it is worthwhile to bother with the old landfill site, since a new landfill site is under construction. “Just as the current landfill site, as well as its closure and rehabilitation, has to be monitored, the construction and management of the new site will also have to be monitored. The Makhado Municipality has to operate the Vondeling site in accordance with its permit conditions while closure This fire was one of a few seen during the landfill audit conducted by AfriForum at the Vondeling and rehabilitation have not yet commenced,” said Mr Julius Kleynhans, AfriForum’s head of envisite on 30 April. Photo supplied. ronmental affairs.
16 Mei 2014
16 May 2014
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, Sondae History Makers om 17:00. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruh Street 25, Sunday services 10:00 & 18:00, adult Bible class at 09:15 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350 • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 • GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die
Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot • WEEKLIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek sal elke Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooi- van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hulle leuse is “Vrolikheid mark by Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis by die grysheid!” en alle belangstellendes word Trichardt) gehou word. hartlik uitgenooi om in te skakel by die klub. Enige iemand is welkom om te kom uitstal. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by die sentrum. 082 921 6110. Vir meer inligting, skakel Davonnies by 015 516 5749. • MINISTERS FRATERNAL The • AAND VAN SPONTANE AAN- ministers fraternal of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) BIDDING Shammah Bedieninge in Makha- meets every Tuesday. For more information Rev Robbie Novella can do (Louis Trichardt) nooi die gemeenskap uit be contacted on 015 516 5165. om elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand vanaf 19:00 ‘n aand van spontane aanbidding in ‘n • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die Geesgevulde aanbiddingsatmosfeer saam met Manne van die Woord in Makhado (Louis Trichhulle te ervaar. ardt) kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Vir verdere inligting of navrae kan past. Stry- Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. dom by 082 7850 265 geskakel word. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word. • VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand • BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENvan 18:00 tot 19:00 by Imperial GM (lokaal waar TER The Bahá’í Information Center in Makhavroue vergader) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) do (Louis Trichardt) will meet every evening bymekaar. “Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om during weekdays from 18:30 until 20:30. te bid, geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig For more information phone 015 518 4154. om vroue na God se hart te wees. Alle vroue, jonk en oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 422 5248 geskakel word. • STRIP! TEN BATE VAN TRIEGIES Inwoners kan gerus 15 Mei op hul kalenders boekmerk en kom kyk na Leon Kruger se splinternuwe komedie Strip! Twee van die land se beste akteurs, Chris van Niekerk en Waldermar Schultz, is in die (Seven-day forecast) rolverdeling. Strip! word opgevoer in Bridge Auto se werkThursday, 15 May winkel in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) ten bate Mostly sunny and pleasant. van Laerskool Louis Trichardt. Inwoners kan ‘n tafel vir tien persone bespreek o o High: 23 C Low: 10 C teen R2 000. Indien ‘n besigheid ‘n tafel koop, kan hulle ‘n advertensiebanier tydens die geFriday, 16 May leentheid plaas vir bemarking. Die kostes van die tafel sluit in die toneelopvoering, asook ‘n ligte Pleasant with plenty of sun. aandete. Gaste is egter verantwoordelik is vir hul High: 25oC Low: 8oC eie drinkgoed. Breekgoed (insluitend glase) en eetgerei sal voorsien word. Saturday, 17 May Vir kaartjies en meer inligting, skakel Elmien van der Goot (082 781 4249), Alta SchwerdtPleasant with plenty of sun. feger (082 822 3440), Erika Meiring (083 457 High: 25oC Low: 10oC 9071), Louise Dekker (082 896 2764) of Madeleine Nel (083 388 7933). Sunday, 18 May • DOPPERKUIERKAFEE Heerlike pap en wors is Vrydagaand (16de) die hoofgereg Rain and drizzly in the a.m. op die spyskaart van die gewilde Dopperkuiero o High: 16 C Low: 7 C kafee. Pap, sous en wors is teen R20 beskikbaar, Monday, 19 May terwyl daar ook ‘n russian en skyfies (R20) en tuisgemaakte skyfies (R10) te koop aangebied Partly sunny. word. Bestel nou by Nanette 084 3044 764 of High: 18oC Low: 6oC 015 516 4007.
ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt
High: 18 C Low: 9 C o
Wednesday, 21 May Partly sunny with a shower.
High: 23oC Low: 9oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2014. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za
19 tot 22 Mei by Laerskool Louis Trichardt plaas en inskrywingsvorms is reeds by die skool beskikbaar. Hierdie kunsfees bied aan laer- en hoërskoolleerlinge die geleentheid om op die verhoog op te tree met drama, sang, musiek en dans. Buiten die optredes is daar ook die uitstallings van verskillende kunsvorme wat baie inskrywings lok. Die koste is R20 per inskrywing. Die optredes sal elke middag vanaf 14:00 tot 17:30 in
WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2014. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
ningsgroep van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) hervat hul werksaamhede met ‘n leersame maandvergadering op Dinsdagaand, 20 Mei, om 19:00 by Buffelstraat 91. Almal wat aandag aan hulle lewenstegnieke wil gee, is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Daar sal ook na ‘n getuienis van ‘n senior burger wat geleer het hoe om die aanslae van die lewe te weerstaan en meer as oorwinnaar uit die stryd te tree, geluister word. “Kom leer goeie lewenstegnieke aan saam met ons,” nooi die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan 084 616 2355 geskakel word. • MNR. EN MEJ. TRIEGIE Inwoners wat belangstel om uit te vind wie vanjaar Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Mnr. & Mej. Triegie-titel gaan dra, kan gerus 21 Mei in hul dagboeke aanteken. Die kroningsplegtigheid begin dié dag om 18:00 vir 18:30 en kaartjie kos R50 per persoon. Verversings sal gedurende pouse verkoop word. Belangstellendes kan kaartjies by die skoolkantoor koop.
• AAND VAN NOSTALGIE Kom deel saam met Soutpansberg Info & Tourism ‘n nostalgiese aand op 21 Mei vanaf 18:00 vir 18:30 deur te kom kyk na ‘n verskeidenheid historiese foto’s. Hul eienaars sal ook self die stories daaragter kan vertel. As deel van die nostalgiese reis, bied die Purple Olive Restaurant ‘n heerlike ete van skaapafval met stampmielies of bobotie en geelrys aan, asook outydse asynpoeding. (Vervolg op p. 9)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 12 May. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
12/05/2014 05/05/2014
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam • SOUTPANSBERG KUNSFEES Tzaneen Dam Die jaarlikse Soutpansberg Kunsfees vind vanaf Vondo Dam
Tuesday, 20 May o
die skoolsaal plaasvind, terwyl die kunsuitstalling ook deur die publiek besigtig kan word. Vir meer inligting kan die skool geskakel word by 015 516 5151 of me. Annelle Pauer by 071 334 0447.
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
100.2% 99.9% 100.5% 100% 101.6% 102% 101.2% 101% 101% 101% 56.2% 56.5% 101.6% 101% 79.6% 81.3% 100.5% 100% 101.2% 101% 100.9% 101% 100.9% 100%
* Means latest available data
PG ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:15,11:30,14:15,16:45,19:30,22:00 Sun,Tue: 9:15,11:30,14:15,16:45,19:30 Mon,Wed: 11:30,14:15,16:45,19:30 Thu: 11:30,14:15,16:45,19:30
16V ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 10:00,12:30,14:45,17:30,19:45,22:15 Sun,Tue: 10:00,12:30,14:45,17:30,19:45 Mon,Wed: 12:30,14:45,17:30,19:45 Thu: 12:30,14:45,17:30,19:45
THE OTHER WOMAN 13L Fri-Sun: 9:45,12:15,15:00,18:00,20:30 Mon,Wed: 12:15,15:00,18:00,20:30 Tue: 9:45,12:15,15:00,18:00,20:30 Thu: 12:15,15:00,18:00,20:30
˛ Ç
TBA ¸˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45 Sun,Tue: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Mon,Wed: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Thu: 11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
16LVNSPB ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:30,12:00,14:45,17:30,19:45,22:30 Sun,Tue: 9:30,12:00,14:45,17:30,19:45 Mon,Wed: 12:00,14:45,17:30,19:45 Thu: 12:00,14:45,17:30,19:45
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 RISE OF ELECTRO 10-12PGV ˛ Ç Daily: 11:00,14:00,17:00,20:15
Follow us
• SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 / 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
16 Mei 2014
(Vervolg van p. 8) ‘n Beroep word gedoen op almal wat ou foto’s besit wat daarin belangstel om tydens hierdie geleentheid hul foto’s uit te stal, om ons te kontak. Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Pétria of Hennie by 015 516 5771 of 082 555 1672.
• OBSERVATION EVENING The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) will hold their next stargazing evening on Friday, 23 May, from 18:00 onwards. The last quarter moon rises well after midnight, giving stargazers ample time for dark skies. The giant ringed planet Saturn will be well positioned for viewing, as well as the red planet Mars. During the course of the evening, the telescope will be pointed to many of the deep-sky objects available, as well as to some of the most spectacular deep-sky treasures of the southern hemisphere. These make up the Southern Hemisphere Stellar Big Five and is an initiative of the Deep-Sky Section of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa. The SAC is looking for a telescope assistant and presenter for its outreach activities during National Science Week 2014 in August. Please contact Kos on 079 148 4934 for more information in this regard. • ROTARIËRS BIERFEES Die Louis Trichardt Rotariërs gaan op 24 Mei lekker makietie hou met die aanbied van ‘n bierfees in eg-Duitse tradisie by die onderdak munisipale parkeerterrein in Munnikstraat (oorkant Checkers). Die bierfees duur vanaf 18:00 tot laat en toegang beloop R60 per persoon. Daar sal bier uit die vat wees, Duitse kos en ‘n dans. Musiek sal verskaf word deur die Heidelberg Oompah Brass-orkes. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Bridge Auto Shop, Fuji Shop, Sinewave en Savewell Furnishers.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
deur ‘n verskeidenheid tweedehandse boeke. “Ons nooi u ook uit om u stalletjie teen R50 per dag tydens ons tweedae basaar te kom bedryf. Die enigste vereiste dat u nie sal handeldryf in enige iets wat die gemeente self aanbied nie,” nooi die gemeente.
• ALLDAYS BOSVELDFEES & FLY IN Die vierde Alldays Bosveldfees &
Fly In word gehou tydens die naweek van 13 en 14 Junie by die Alldays Vliegveld net buite Alldays. Daar is hope aktiwiteite en lekker stalletjies vir die hele gesin om te kom geniet. Meer as 200 vliegtuie en helikopters vlieg in van oral oor en kan besigtig word gedurende die naweek. Die kunstenaars vir die naweek sluit in Juba, Jaco Labuschagne, Karen Ferreira, Pieter Smith, Dewald Wasserfall, Karlien van Jaarsveld, Jay en Marulaboom. Ander aktiwiteite sluit in ‘n wild- en kleinveeveiling, gymkana, hondevertoning deur die polisie, ‘n vertoning van afstandbeheerde vliegtuie, biertuin, 4x4-wedren, helikopter-ritte, Harvard-ritte en nog vele meer. Vir meer inligting besoek www.alldaysfestival. co.za of kontak pieter@alldaysfestival.co.za of hannelie@alldaysfestival.co.za Daar is nog stalletjies beskikbaar en kan bespreek word by malinda@alldaysfestival.co.za
JULIE • SPB MARKDAG Die Soutpansberggemeenskap sal op 19 Julie die kans kry om hul kreatiwiteit en tuisgemaakte produkte uit te stal en te verkoop. ‘n Groot teetuin en markdag word beplan by die Wia-Kyla Restaurant sowat 15 km buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) op die N1 suid. Die mark duur vanaf 10:00 tot laat. Vir meer inligting en besprekings, skakel Christine by tel. 072 372 2301.
• BASAAR BY ONS TUISTE Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis op Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sal vanjaar weer hul gewilde basaar aanbied. Die basaar sal op Vrydag, 30 Mei, om 08:00 gehou word by die ouetehuis in Hlangananistraat. Daar sal weer heerlike pannekoek, worsbroodjies, tuisgemaakte konfyt, kerrie-en-rys, vars groente, koek, tert en ander gebak wees. Soos vorige jare sal daar ook weer ‘n verskeidenheid van nuttige handwerk items te koop aangebied word. Daar sal ook kuierplek wees, en inwoners kan ‘n gratis koppie koffie of tee kry saam met hul pannekoek en dit sommer daar by die basaar geniet. Vir verdere navrae kan Ons Tuiste geska- • INNI-BERG FEES Inwoners kan nou reeds 1 en 2 Augustus in hul dagboeke merk, kel word by 015 516 0997. want dan is dit weer tyd vir die CVO Skool • HERVORMERS HOU OSBRAAI Die Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg Zoutpansberg se gewilde Inni-Berg Fees. Soos gewoonlik sal daar weer heelwat wees nooi inwoners na ‘n dag van lekker makietie met om na uit te sien en te geniet. Buiten die stalletdie hou van hul jaarlikse osbraai by die Rondebosch Lapa (langs die CVO Skool Soutpansberg) jies, sal die vermaakprogram weer luister aan die geleentheid gee met optredes deur Armand op 31 Mei vanaf 11:00 tot laat. Hofmeyr en Kwaggabees die Vrydag en Ricus Buiten die osbraai sal daar ook ‘n biertuin, Nel en Mwah die Saterdag. grootskerm televisie vir die rugby en ‘n dans Toegang beloop R50 per volwassene en hoërwees met DJ Ossewa as gaskunstenaars. Daar skoolleerling, R30 vir laerskoolleerlinge en is is ook skyfskiet, uitstallers en stalletjies met gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Vir meer inligvleis, pannekoek en ander gebak. Die buffetete ting, skakel Hannes by tel. 073 257 8671. sal vanaf 18:00 beskikbaar wees met beesvleis en bykosse. Eetgerei word verskaf en kaartjies • ‘N AAND SAAM MET DIE kos R100 per volwassene en R50 vir laerskoolBESTES VAN DIE BESTES Die kinders. Vir kaartjies, skakel Maureen by 082 gemeenskap kan solank hulle vere regskud vir 676 3538 (gpbvdm@mweb.co.za) of Alida 083 ‘n groot kultuurgeleentheid, “Die beste van die 227 3681 (ajongbloed@lantic.net). beste”, wat bestaan uit trefferliedjies vanuit verskillende eras. Dit is die gesamentlike revue van Hoërskool en Laerskool Louis Trichardt op 4, 5 en 6 Augustus en begin elke aand om 18:30. Die verskillende kaartjiepryse is R30, R40 • WINTERBASAAR Die Nederduitsch en R50, maar die gala-aand op 6 Augustus kos Hervormde-gemeente Louis Trichardt nooi R100 per kaartjie en sluit ‘n ligte ete in. inwoners uit na hul immergewilde winterbasaar Vir meer besonderhede kan die skoolkantoor op 6 en 7 Junie. Die basaar vind plaas vanaf 13:00 tot 19:00 die geksakel word by 015 516 5151 of me. Annelle Pauer by 071 334 0447. Vrydag en die Saterdag vanaf 08:00 tot 14:00. A-graad vleis sal verkoop teen ‘n gemiddeld van R5 per kilogram goedkoper as enige verskaffer in die dorp en alle snitte sal beskikbaar wees. Daar is ook wors, biltong en droëwors. Buiten • DOPPER KERMIS ‘n Uithaler kerdie vleis is daar ook ‘n verskeidenheid gebak, vir mis sal op Vrydag, 6 September, op die terrein diabete ingesluit, asook ‘n groot verskeidenheid van die Gereformeerde Kerk op Makhado (Louis plaasvars groente en vrugte teen weggeepryse. Trichardt) plaasvind. Meer besonderhede sal Vir diegene wat daar iets wil geniet is daar binnekort bekendgemaak word. hamburgers, worsbroodjies, stokworse, jaffels, Die gemeente se gewilde Kerslig, vers en kerrie-en-rys, pannekoek, nagereg, koffie en tee melodie gaan vanjaar met ‘n wildsfees gekomby die Opikoffie Koffiekroeg en koeldrank. Vir bineer word en sal op Vrydag, 25 Julie, en liefhebbers van tuinmaak is daar ook ‘n groot Saterdag, 26 Julie, gehou word. Die gemeente is verskeidenheid gesonde plante om van te kies kliphard aan die werk en nader aan die datum sal en keur, terwyl die boekwurms kan kom snuffel meer besonderhede beskikbaar wees.
SPORT MEI • LOUWTJIE-RUGBY Op Saterdag, 17 Mei, speel Hoërskool Eric Louw se rugbyspanne hul enigste tuiswedstryde teen Stanford Lake College. Die O/15’s se wedstryd skop om 09:00 af, met die O/16’s wat om 10:00 op die veld draf. Die hoofwedstryd van die dag tussen die skole se eerstespanne begin om 11:00. As deel van die dag se verrigtinge sal die skool se klubhuis, Marula, weer permanent geopen word. • 4X4-UITSTAPPIE Die Louis Trich-
ardt 4x4-klub nooi alle 4x4-entoesiaste om deel te neem aan hul volgende dagroete op Sondag, 18 Mei, by Bandelierkop. ‘n Deposito van R150 is betaalbaar by CW Burger voor die tyd. CW kan ook vir meer inligting oor die roete geskakel word by tel. 082 378 3151. Belangstellendes vertrek om 07:30 van OK Grocer. Intussen herinner die klub ook lede en ander belangstellendes aan hul volgende maandelikse vergadering op 22 Mei. CW kan ook hieroor vir meer inligting geskakel word.
More information can be obtained by phoning Elria at 083 652 4725 or Natascha at 082 334 5613. • TURBI HILLS MTB RACE The MOTHs of the Turbi Hills Shellhole in Makhado (Louis Trichardt will once again be hosting their annual Turbi Hills Mountain Bike Race in the Roodewal Plantation (Ridgeway Independent School) on 24 May. The race comprises a 50km, 30km and 8km race. The entry fees for the three races are R100, R60 and R30 respectively, with first, second and third place prizes. M Premjee & Son will be the main sponsor of the race. For more information, phone Alan (083 660 2472), Heine (082 848 1973) or Leonie (079 888 6606).
Laerskool Messina se 15de Bulletjie Rugbydag word op 31 Mei op Tshipise aangebied. Uitstallers (vir alle artikels behalwe kos) is welkom teen R300 per stalletjie. Vir meer inligting of om stalletjie te bespreek, skakel die skoolkantoor by 015 534 2144.
are invited to go and participate in the Musina Ultimate Challenge on Saturday, 24 May. This challenge will test prospective athletes as well as current athletes’ endurance over a trail run and existing obstacle course. The event, hosted in cooperation with Ultimate Kinetic Worx of Musina, will take place at the Musina MAC Rugby Club. Teams may consist of two to five members, and there will be lots of prizes up for grabs. On the day of the challenge, there will also be stalls available for local exhibitors to showcase their products or services. Pre-registration for the Ultimate Challenge can be made online at www. ultimatekineticworx.com.
bied op Saterdag, 19 Julie, ‘n gholfdag aan in samewerking met Rawson Eiendomme. Borge kan ‘n putjie koop teen R1 500 elk, waar hulle kan adverteer. Die formaat is ‘n vierbal-alliansie (twee tellings) en die inskrywing beloop R250 per persoon. R50 word aan die gholfklub oorbetaal vir baanfooie. Daar is groot pryse te wen wat deur Rawson as hoofborg geborg word. Na afloop van die kompetisie kan spelers en hulle metgeselle ‘n kaas-en-wyn ete geniet. Daar sal ook ‘n veiling plaasvind, alles ten bate van die Hervormde Kerk Musina-gemeente. Vir meer inligting, skakel Rina Fourie by tel. 079 938 5810.
r e i B s e Fe 4
1 0 24 Mei 2 aar? W
Munisipale parkade, oorkant Checkers R60 Ingang
6nm tot laat! vat! e i d t i u r e i B
Duitse kos! Dans!
Kaartjies: •Bridge Auto Shop •Mount Fuji Shop •Sinewave Elect •Savewell Furn
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10 16 May 2014 By Elmon Tshikhudo
Be on the lookout for these dangerous men
Brighton Mudemba. (Photo supplied)
Maxwell Khaukanani Makhaza. (Photo supplied)
Switching on neAr you!
Opening soon in
The Thohoyandou police are appealing for help Those with information can phone the investigatfrom the community in apprehending three ing officer, Lt Thivhonali Wilbert Tshirangwana, dangerous prisoners who escaped from their at 082 469 2651. holding cells last week. Edzisani Martin Malabi (23) of Tshivhulani Thondoni is facing charges of robbery, Brighton Mudemba (19), a Zimbabwean national from Masvingo, is facing charges of housebreaking and theft and Khaukanani Maxwell Makhaza (29) of Thengwe Tshilavulu is facing charges of possessing an illegal firearm. They dashed to freedom last Thursday. Thohoyandou police spokesperson, Const Avhafarei Tshiovhe, said it was suspected that the trio escaped after sawing through the burg lar bars at their holding cells. No description of the clothes they were wearing at the time of their escape could be found. The breakout took place at about 22:00. Tshiovhe urged communities to be on the alert for the fugitives and to report them to the nearest police as they are deemed dangerous. “We are making an appeal to our communities that they should know that these people are on the run and are wanted. We are following all leads in a bid to rearrest the fugitives and, with the help of our community, we know they will be behind bars before long,” she said. Edzisani Martin Malabi.(Photo supplied)
27 Joubert Street, Makhado
Church News
Overseas pastor visits congregations CABLE GLAND
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Dr William Vun, founder of Glory Christian Centre in East Malaysia, visited the Vhembe District during the last leg of a recent ministry tour to South Africa that included Johannesburg and Pretoria. Dr Vun’s ministry included, among others, appearances at the Agapé Christian Centre and Shammah Ministries in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Dr Vun emphasized that God is the architect and builder of the church and that He has the blueprint for his church. The key is that the pastor and his congregation should know their mandate and purpose and live up to it. Pictured at Shammah Ministries on 8 May are, from left to right, pastor Lorna Vun, Dr William Vun, pastor Sam van Niekerk (Agapé Christian Centre), Pastors Francois and Marinda Strydom (Shammah Ministries).
24 Vorster Street, treet, Louis Trichardt • Contact George 083 415 3076
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Sullivan Bekker, ‘n oud-leerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het op 17 Maart haar graad in sielkunde en sosiologie verwerf aan die Potchefstroom se kampus van die Noordwes Universiteit. Sy is tans besig met haar honneursgraad in openbare bestuur en regering. Foto verskaf.
16 Mei 2014
The past weekend the girls from Ladies Circle 4 (LC 4) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) hosted a special Mother’s Day Breakfast with the help of Agora Club 1 and Ocean Basket. Women were treated to a private fashion parade, showcasing the beautiful garments made available by Ruby’s and Feminique, two local boutiques, as well as a performance by Polokwane singer Amy Young (middle of back row). Photographed are some of the ladies of LC 4 with Amy and the models who were part of the fashion parade. In the front, second from left, is Riana Otto, chair of LC 4.
By die ANC en DA stalletjies regoor die Makhado Munisipaliteit se biblioteek is daar op verkiesingsdag baie geskerts en saam gelag. Hier probeer Abby Lehola van die ANC Songozwitak (met sy rug na die kamera) Stephanie Scheepers (regs) van die DA se plakkaat wegstoot, terwyl sy bankvas staan.
Hierdie groep leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt dring deur na die finale rondte van die AMESA Wiskunde Olimpiade, nadat hulle goed presteer het in die semi-finale rondte wat op 9 Mei by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt plaasgevind het. Van links na regs is Leandrie de Jager (Graad 6) en die Graad 7’s Roy Stewart, Raheel Ayob en Gundo Netshifhefhe. Stefan Corbett (Graad 7) was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto.
Members of the Democratic Alliance (left) and African National Congress (right) pose for a photo in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) on 7 May. In the Makhado Municipal area, the ANC secured 82.7% of the vote (as opposed to 78.6% in Limpopo), the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) secured 7.21% (10.74% in Limpopo) and the DA 6.41% (6.48% in Limpopo).
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12 16 May 2014 School News
Fourie now acting principal Soutpansberg Primary School bade their principal of more than two decades farewell and welcomed new acting principal Ms Stienie Fourie. Fourie says that she is building on the foundation that Mr John Whiteley had laid and that she is enjoying her leadership role together with her strong team of educators. Fourie has been acting principal since 1 April this year when Whiteley took an early retirement after 22 years of excellent service to the school and the community. “I believe in participating management, equipping potential leaders and building strong structures for the educators and management,” Fourie said. The educators are currently being equipped with leadership material. The team consists of about 20 educators and three administrative staff members. Concerning the children, Fourie will continue with the good academic standard
that the school is known for. Besides the all-important academic aspect, children benefit from active participation in sport, cultural and other extra-mural activities and community projects. Soutpansberg Primary has been declared the best participating school in this year’s CANSA relay and recently enjoyed a visit of the mobile planetarium. Parents can rest assured that the changeover went smoothly and that their children are well cared for in all respects. Fourie has more than 40 years of experience in education and joined the Souties staff in February last year as deputy principal. She had been deputy principal both at Louis Trichardt Primary (from 2010 to beginning of 2013) and at Tshikwarani Senior Primary School (from 2003 till 2009) and had also lectured at Makhado Ms Stienie Fourie, new acting principal College of Education for five years. of Soutpansberg Primary School.
Coetzee staan nou aan die stuur by Hoërskool Eric Louw Sedert 1 April staan Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina onder nuwe beheer, met mev. Alta Coetzee wat as waarnemende hoof optree. Coetzee is geen vreemdeling by Mnr. Wennie Gouws (81), skilder en inwoner van Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), het oudergewoonte weer ‘n skildery gemaak om uitgeloot te word ten bate van Ons Tuiste se jaarlikse basaar op 30 Mei. Hierdie keer is dit ‘n pragtige kremetart wat op die skildery pryk. Die kaartjies word uitgeloot teen R5 elk. “Ons bedank oom Wennie vir die maak van die skildery en Louise Lordan vir die borg van die raam,” sê bestuurder me. Kittie de Bruin. Agter die skildery is me. De Bruin (links) en mnr. Gouws.
Phil Minnaar
350 HA 4 AANGRENSENDE WATERRYKE WILDSPLASE GELEË AAN SANDRIVIER, MUSINA VRYDAG 23 MEI 2014 OM 11:00 OP DIE PLAAS RES GED, GED 2, 3 & 4 VAN DIE PLAAS BELLEVUE 534, MUSINA GROOTTE: Res Ged:- 102.3574HA; Ged 2:- 81.2403HA; Ged 3:85.7376HA; Ged 4:- 82.9330HA. VERBETERINGS: 4 Aangrensende waterryke plase geleë aan die Sandrivier, Brakrivier loop deur die plaas vir ± 2 km, 2 rondawels, geen elektrisiteit (bekombaar binne 100m), toegeruste boorgat, wildswerend omhein - klein gedeelte weggespoel, wild kom voor en goeie weiding. BESIGTIGING: Alleenlik per afspraak, kontak Isak by 078 566 1925 KOORDINATE: S22.35361 E29.43656 Vanaf Louis Trichard ry op die N1 vir 53km na Musina, draai links op die R525 Mopanipad en ry 6km, draai regs op die Nieuwelustpad, ry 15km, draai in by groot hekke en ry 1,9km deur die plaas tot by hoofhek van Bellevue. TERME EN VOORWAARDES: 10% Deposito en 4% Afslaerskommissie plus BTW. Balans betaalbaar binne 30 dae na bekragtiging. Kopers moet registreer en bewys van Identiteitsdokument en verblyf moet verskaf word. Tel: (012) 343-3834 Faks: (012) 343-2789 www.philminnaarauctioneers.co.za / e-pos: philmauc@mweb.co.za
Saturday, 17 May 2014 Reg 09:30 Auction 10:30
die skool nie. Alhoewel sy in Vanderbijlpark gebore is, voltooi sy haar laerskoolloopbaan op Alldays en haar hoërskoolloopbaan by Eric Louw, waar sy in haar matriekjaar in 1970 aangewys word as hoofmeisie van die skool. Ná skool voltooi Coetzee haar studies en behaal sy haar Hoër Onderwysdiploma aan die Onderwyskollege van Pretoria. Sy begin werk as onderwyser by Eric Louw, waar sy rekeningkunde onderrig. In 1988 verlaat Coetzee Musina nadat sy ‘n aanstelling aanvaar by ‘n tersiêre instelling, Sir Val Duncan Tegniese Kollege, as lektor en later tot senior lektor bevorder word. Sy keer terug na Eric Louw in 2001. Coetzee het die voorreg gehad om onder oud-hoofde soos mnre. S. Strydom, O. van Wyk, F. van Dyk, L. Linde en mev. J. Mostert te werk. Sy word bevorder na adjunkhoof in 2009. “Musina wens haar alle sterkte toe vir haar termyn wat sy aan stuur van sake sal wees by Hoërskool Eric Louw,” is die boodskap van die skool.
Mev. Alta Coetzee wat sedert 1 April optree as waarnemende hoof van Hoërskool Eric Louw. Sy is geen vreemdeling by die skool nie en neem die leisels oor by mev. Cobie Mostert wat in die tweede kwartaal afgetree het.
Links: Me. Gezina Brits (links) van die VLU se Legkraal-tak het tydens die 19de VLU-Noord Kongres by Weesgerus op 5 en 6 Mei haar 40-jaar lid maatskaptoekenning ontvang. Die toeken ning is aan haar oorhandig deur mev. Tharina Rossel (regs), VLU-Noord president. Foto verskaf.
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Die welbekende oom Danie Lourens van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is besig om mooi te herstel, nadat hy drie weke gelede geval en sy heup gebreek het. Kort daarna het hy ‘n heupvervanging by die Tzaneen Medikliniek ontvang. “Ons bedank graag drs. Gaiger en Badenhorst, asook die personeel van die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal vir wat hulle gedoen het. Dankie ook aan almal wat hom bygestaan en gehelp het om hom by die hospitaal te kry. Dankie vir almal se belangstelling en oproepe en SMS’e van bemoediging en sterkte toewens. Dit word opreg waardeer,” is die boodskap van sy dogter, Anne Fourie. Foto verskaf.
Regs: Tydens die 19de VLU-Noord Kongres by Weesgerus op 5 en 6 Mei het mev. Wil na Uys (links) van die VLU Hangliptak in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) ‘n tweedeprys in die masjienwerka fd e l i n g g e w e n . Langs haar staan me. Rina Potgieter, VLU president van Mpumalanga, wat die prys aan haar oorhandig het. Foto verskaf.
BRIEWE / LETTERS Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za
“Is daar geen liggaam om kwaliteit van Mango Achar te reguleer nie?”
et die sortering van wolbale moes al by geleentheid groot klippe en snaakse soort gewigtige ysterware uit die reuse-bale in bemarkingspakhuise verwyder word, voordat die werklike gewig van die wolinhoud finaal bepaal kon word vir billike en eerlike afrekening ... Hoeveel ton nuttelose oneetbare (selfs gevaarlike) mango houtpitdoppe (jy kan ‘n tand uitbyt daarop) word jaarliks heeltemal wettig bemark as eetbare “Mango Achar”? Die vraag het vandeesweek weer by my opgekom, toe ‘n besoeker aan Mpumalanga terugkom en my verras met ‘n heeltemal smaaklike
porsie veilig eetbare achar - die ferm olyfgroen vlesig en sag en, jou waarlik, ‘n paar krummeltjies jong pitkern sag, neutagtig ingemeng in die pikante oliesousie! Sonder ‘n krieseltjie houtdopsplinters of rou terpentynsmaak! As kind het ons dié heerlikheid goed geken, soos die gesin Khoja dit met spesiale geleentheid in ‘n vrugtefles as geskenk met ons gedeel het. Die jong mangovrugte se tekstuur het nogal herinner aan groen olyf, maar met daardie heerlike eiesoortige smaak van ‘n keurig, lang-gepiekelde jong mango-snit sonder ‘n houtpit. Die
vrugte. Is daar ‘n liggaam wat “mango achar” doeltreffend met volledig eetbare gehalte vir die mark kan beheer en beskerm? Presies watter beheer is daar oor die produkte wat wie ookal deesdae in ‘n houer met watter soort rooi gekleurde olie aanbied as “Mango Achar” en op die mark loslaat? Toets iemand dit? Wie? Waar? Wanneer? Waarvoor? Hoe? Hoe dikwels? Ek weet nou ten minste iewers in Mpumalanga is iemand wat besig is om iets reg te doen met dié waardevolle produk. – Francis van der Merwe
Laat Lente en Herfsakker se mense waardeer al die skenkings
iermee wil ons, die inwoners geskenk het. van Laat Lente en Herfsakker, Dit word opreg waardeer. die mense van Ladies Circle 4, Agora Club 1, AUM en Rotary Anns - Inwoners van Laat Lente bedank vir die skenkings van die sop, en Herfsakker (Makhado/Louis asook die persoon wat die avokado’s Trichardt)
around to see each child’s work. A small voice at the back of the room As she got to one little girl who was rang out, ‘And there’s the teacher, she’s working diligently, she asked what the dead.’ drawing was. The girl replied, ‘I’m drawing God.’ Thou shall not kill ... The incredible The teacher paused and said, ‘But no one emptiness of being A Sunday school teacher was discuss- knows what God looks like’. Without missing a beat, or looking up ing the Ten Commandments with her five A teacher was giving a lesson on the from her drawing, the girl replied, ‘They will and six year olds. circulation of the blood. Trying to make the in a minute’. After explaining the commandment to matter clearer, she said, ‘Now, class, if I ‘honor’ thy Father and thy Mother, she stood on my head, the blood, as you know, asked, ‘Is there a commandment that But where’s the would run into it, and I would turn red in teaches us how to treat our brothers and teacher? the face.’ sisters?’ ‘Yes,’ the class said. One little boy (the oldest of a family) The children had all been photographed, ‘Then why is it that while I am standing answered, ‘Thou shall not kill.’ and the teacher was trying to persuade upright in the ordinary position the blood them each to buy a copy of the group doesn’t run into my feet?’ Watch and learn picture. A little fellow shouted, ‘Cause your feet ‘Just think how nice it will be to look at it ain’t empty’. A Kindergarten teacher was observing when you are all grown up and say, ‘There’s E-mail it to andries@zoutnet.co.za her classroom of children while they were Jennifer, she’s a lawyer,’ or ‘That’s Michael, Do you have a goodHetjoke? jy ‘n goeie grappie? Stuur dit per e-pos na andries@zoutnet.co.za drawing. She would occasionally walk He’s a doctor.’ Die buurplaas se eienaar het onverwags opgedaag om te kla oor sy besoedelde water. Ongelukkig vir hom is dit net Daisy wat oor is en in beheer van sake staan. Sy steur haar min aan die aantreklike buurman se aggressie en is vasbeslote om by die wortel van die kwaad uit te kom - al is dit op sy eie plaas ...
kuier by die buurman en gesels water slaan in aantreklike rooi vlamme uit. “Ou Barries, is dit jóú wit Landcruiser daar buite? Ja? Nou toe, kom ons ry. Ons sal nie altwee op Miss Soft Serve oor die weg kan kom op die plaaspaaie nie.” ernard Young staar na Daisy vir ’n volle Bernard kyk oopmond na Daisy. “En waarnaminuut. toe wil Your Highness nogal gaan?” Sy sien die konsternasie op sy gesig plek “Na jou plaas toe. Na jou water toe. Kom wys maak vir irritasie, sy sien hoe hy diep asemhaal my wat aangaan. En los nou jou sarkasme. Jy en stadig tot by tien tel voor hy verder praat. lyk net soos die Camel man, jy hoef nie soos ‘n “Reg. So ek moet met jou praat oor my water- bedorwe celebrity met ‘n oorgroot ego op te tree probleem. Wat van GlobalGAP? Met wie moet ook nie! Besluit self of jy die probleem opgelos ek daaroor gesels?” wil hê en of jy tantrums wil gooi, maar ek het Daisy skud haar lang blonde hare terug oor nie die wêreld se tyd om jou te help nie...” haar skouers, sit haar hande op haar heupe en Daisy kan nie help om beïndruk te wees met glimlag liefies vir die man. “Raai?” sê sy. haar nuwe buurman nie. “Nou maar goed, Mevrou. Ek is hier om Daar is al heelwat bespiegel oor die Young met julle te praat oor die besoedeling van my erfgenaam wat nou ‘n jaar op sy oorle’ oupa water. Dit kom van julle af. Ek word binne die Sean se plaas boer. As ‘n “inkommer” hou die volgende maand geoudit en my watertoetse wys gemeenskap hom dop met ‘n valkoog en wag ontoelaatbare vlakke van zimidabitol in my wa- net vir ‘n geleentheid om te kan skinner oor sy ter. Die enigste plek waar dit vandaan kan kom, onvermoë as boer. Wat kan ‘n mens dan nou ook is hier van julle af. Wat gaan jy daaromtrent verwag van ‘n universiteitsprofessor wat met sy doen?” Hy sit sy hande op sy heupe en kyk haar eie vliegtuig rondrinkink? uitdagend aan. “Vir ‘n professor lyk jou oes nie sleg nie, “Zimida, sê jy? Mmmm ... Niks. Ek gaan net Barries. Ek is beïndruk met wat jy in ‘n jaar mooi niks doen nie.” hier bereik het. Gits, en al die nuutste bells en “Moes dit seker geweet het. Met die baas whistles... “ van die plaas wat jollifiseer in die Caprivi en “Ja, toe-toe. Stop nou met die heuningkwas. sy blonde vrou in beheer los ... Kon niks beter Kom ek wys jou liewers my besproeiingstelsel verwag het nie!” Dit lyk vir Daisy of daar begin – dis mos waarna jy kom kyk het? Alhoewel ek stoom uittrek by die man se ore en sy wange geen idee het watter verskil dit gaan maak aan
16 Mei 2014
jong onvolwasse pitte was inderdaad iets spesiaals wat met hul eie sagte neut-tekstuur duidelik waarde toegevoeg het aan die hele geurige smaaksensasie en waarskynlik ook met bykomende voedingswaarde, sonder enige aanduiding van volwasse, oneetbare, houtagtige doppe. Toe wonder ek: Die waardevolle avokadobedryf beskerm homself reeds deurdat oneetbare vrugte wat te groen ge-oes is, in eie belang eerbaar en streng weggehou word van die mark. Deur kundige navorsing is ‘n gepaste toets ontwerp wat die kwekers tydig kan help meet aan die bemarkbare bekwaamheid van die
my probleem nie.” Twee ure later stop Barend en Daisy in ‘n stofwolk voor die plaasopstal. “Mevrou, jy het nou die hele blêddie plaas in die fynste detail gesien. Elke plantjie in die kwekery, elke uilpaal, elke koedoekalfie en elke babamielie. Vir wat wil jy nou kom tee drink by my kantoor? Ek dog jy’t nou als wat jy nodig het om my te help met my waterprobleem. Wat karring jy so?” “Nou, Meneer Young, gaan ek en jy gesels. Regtig gesels. Maar eers tee.” Daisy het verwag dat hy die takie sommer sal delegeer aan ‘n huishoudster, maar tot haar grootste verbasing raak Bernard self besig met die ketel. “Sal Earl Grey doen vir die geleentheid, of het Haar Hoogheid iets meer plaaslik soos rooibostee in gedagte?” Daisy se aandag is lankal nie meer by die teedrinkery nie. Eintlik hoor sy hom glad nie. Sy is verdiep in die swart en wit fotos in hulle swart rame teen die muur van die sitkamer. Sy kyk half verbaas rond in die vertrek – die donker leerbanke, die groot vensters waar sonlig instroom, die wit gordyne wat net so bietjie roer in die briesie, die rakke en rakke vol boeke, die lieflike Wes-Afrika musiek in die agtergrond... “Wel, wel, wel. Wie sou nou kon raai dat mens so iets sou sien hier in Waterpoort?” mymer sy. (Word vervolg)
The Way, the Truth and the Life Galatians 1:6-12
aul had been preaching that sinners were saved by faith in Christ, and that alone. He taught that there was nothing a sinner could do to win favour with God. God’s favour had been won for His people by Jesus Christ. After a sinner was saved obedience followed, out of love for the Sinner. Some of the Jews began to teach that it was good to have faith in Christ, but if sinners wanted to be saved they first of all had to be circumcised, that is, they had to become Jews. So the pure gospel was now mixed with error. Paul warned the Christians that this mixture would lead to death. Paul always taught that sinners were saved without the works of the law. When good deeds are added to faith in Christ as necessary for salvation, the result is spiritual death. Get your Bible open and be like those noble Bereans (Acts 17:10-12). Check out against the Word of God what is preached from the pulpit. Don’t be led astray by blind guides. God’s people are saved through faith in Christ - nothing else, and that saving faith is the free gift of a gracious God. Proverbs 14:12 say: “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” - 079 5168303
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14 16 May 2014
Vacancies Lunaka 2 cc T/A Lunaka Plant Hire
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Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Nuwe straatligte bring verligting Die huidige straatlig-projek van die Makhado Munisipaliteit word wyd verwelkom. Die munisipale bestuurder, mnr. Sakkie Mutshinyali, het bevestig dat daar ‘n program gevolg word om straatligte te vervang. “Makhadopark en die nuwe uitbreiding is tans aan die beurt. Die program word bestuur en geïmplementeer deur ons eie amptenare, ‘n toegewyde span onder leiding van mnr. Kone, en hulle doen goeie werk. Een van die spesiale gloeilampe kos ongeveer R1 000 en ons gebruik interne befondsing daarvoor,” het Mutshinyali gesê. Hierdie normale onderhoud wat ten opsigte van straatligte gedoen moet word, het ‘n groot hupstoot gekry toe die Soutpansberg Dorpswag, onder leiding van mnr. Dirk Meissenheimer, ‘n straatplan van die nuwe uitbreiding opgestel het wat presies aantoon watter ligte nie brand nie en dit aan DA-raadslid Brian du Plooy oorhandig het om aan die munisipale bestuurder te gee. “Ons praat by al die forums oor die verhoogde veiligheidsrisiko waar straatligte afwesig is. Hoe baie keer kla ons almal net, maar doen nie iets aan ‘n saak nie,” het Meissenheimer gesê. Die gebrekkige straatligte het by die sektormisdaadforum ter sprake gekom en by algemene misdaadvergaderings word dit telkens deur die gemeenskap opgehaal. Meissenheimer het ’n straatkaart geneem en spanne van die dorpswag het daad by die word gevoeg. Hulle het eers Alpha-sektor (die nuwe uitbreiding) se straatligopname voltooi. Du Plooy het bevestig dat hy met dié plan na die munisipale bestuurder en tegniese afdeling gegaan
het. “Die munisipaliteit het reeds begin met gebiede wat volgens ons statistieke hoë-risiko misdaadgebiede is en is redelik naby aan klaar daarmee. Die dorpswag se inligting rondom die nuwe uitbreiding is baie handig en sover lyk dit of dit aandag geniet het. Ons kan die munisipaliteit ‘n pluimpie daarvoor gee,” het Du Plooy gesê. Mutshinyali het gesê dat die munisipaliteit se straatligprojek in die middedorp en onderdorp voltooi is en dat Tshikota aan die beurt sal kom na die afhandeling van Makhadopark en die nuwe uitbreiding. “Ek sien reeds ‘n verandering in Alpha. Die
kriminele sien die straatligte raak. Ons wil nou nog die ander sektore ook deurgaan en aandui watter straatligte nie brand nie,” het Meissenheimer gesê. Tesame met die straatligprojek pleit Meissenheimer by die dorp om weer betrokke te raak by die dorpswag en te help skofte ry. “Mense, sluit aan by die Dorpswag sodat ons misdaad kan bekamp en die polisie se hande kan versterk. Waar is die dae wat ons tussen 400 en 500 mense was? Ons kort nog so 200 mense, dan is ons saam met ons 86 huidige lede reg vir die 273 skofte wat gery moet word. Ons doen ook so twee oefeninge per maand; kom klim in!” vra Meissenheimer.
Inwoners van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) kan nou bietjie veiliger slaap, danksy die Makhado Munisipaliteit se huidige projek om die dorp se straatligte te vervang. Hulle is tans in die nuwe uitbreiding doenig en in Duikerstraat (foto) lyk dit behoorlik of die son opkom as die straatligte aankom.
VAKATURE - WERKSWINKELBESTUURDER VAKATURE Ons verlang die dienste van ‘n kundige, ervare en toegewyde Werkswinkelbestuurder wat verantwoordelik Ons verlang die dienste van ‘n kundige, ervare en toegewyde Assistent sal wees vir die effektiewe bestuur van die werkswinkel en algemene instandhouding van die boerdery. Piesangaankoops-, bemarkings- en vervoerbestuurder. Ons bied onderhandelbare, markverwanteinvergoedingspakket aan. en Dieinstandhouding pos Uitstekende mense-verhoudinge met‘nbewese ondervinding die onderhoud van is in die Levubu Vallei omgewing en huisvesting word voorsien. plaastoerusting-, voertuie en implemente. Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 699 6243 of per e-pos na johan@bridelia.co.za.
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16 Mei 2014
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LEGALS Erf 4897 Louis Trichardt Ext 8 Notice of Intention to Apply for the Cancellation of the Registration of a Lost/Destroyed Bond By virtue of Regulation 68 (11) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act 47 of 1937) Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of B142623/2007, registered during 2007, passed by Thihanedzwi Simon Nemurangoni, ID: 590915 5225 08 6 and Avhashoni Eveline Nemurangoni, ID: 660405 0917 08 0, married in community of property to each other for the amount of R250 000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rands) in favour of ABSA Bank Limited, Rgistration Number: 1986/004794/06, in respect of certain: Erf 4897 Louis Trichardt Extension 8, Registration Division LS Limpopo Province; Measuring 400 (Four Hundred) Square Metres, Held By Deed of Transfer T116921/2007, which bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the duplicate has also been lost or destryed. All persons having objections to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Erf 4897 Louis Trichardt Ext 8 Lost Deed of Transfer
Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 47 of 1937, I, The Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T116921/2007, passed by Rendeals Four Property CC in favour of Thihanedzwi Simon Nemurangoni, ID: 590915 5225 08 6 and Avhashoni Eveline Nemurangoni, ID: 660405 0917 08 0, married in community of property to each othe in respect of Erf 4897 Louis Trichardt Extension 8, registration Division LS Limpopo Province; Measuring 400 (Four Hundred) Square Meters Held By Deed of Transfer Y116921/2007, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Certificate, are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria on 12 February 2014. In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Case Number: 3682/2014 In the matter between: First Rand Bank Limited (formerly known as First National Bank of Southern Africa Limited), Plaintiff and Minkateko Esrome Msindzu, 1st Defendant and Dunisani Gloria Msindzu, 2nd Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IMMOVABLE PROPERTY A sale in Execution of the undermentioned property is to be held without reserve at 46 Reitz Street, Louis Trichardt on 4th June, 2014 at 11H00. Full Conditions of Sale can be inspected at the Sheriff of the High Court Louis Trichardt at 111 Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt and will also be read out by the Sheriif prior to the sale in execution. The Execution Creditor, Sheriff and/or Plaintiff’s Attorneys do not give any warranties with regards to the description and/or improvements. PROPERTY: Erf 765 Louis Trichardt Township, Registration Division L S Province of Limpopo, Measuring: 2855 Square Meters, Known as 46 Reitz Street, Louis Trichardt. IMPROVEMENTS: Vacant Ground Hack Stupel & Ross Attorneys for Plaintiff, PO Box 2000, Pretoria. Tel: 0123254185, Ref: DU PLOOY/GP11987. In the Estate of the Late Ramakrishna Balakrishna Bhat, Identity No:
PFB-Agent 516 5024
4411065131182.Estate No. 020148/2014. Master Office Mthatha, who was born on 6 November 1944, who died on 5 January 2014, who was married in community of property to surviving spouse Latha Balakrishna Bhat, Identity No: 5309010186187 and whose last address: Flat No. 5, 115 Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Limpopo. Creditors and debtors having claims against the above mentioned Estate must lodge it with the Executor within 30 Days from date of publication hereof. Executor: Latha B Bhat, Dental Clinic, Empilisiweni Hospital, Pvt Bag X5029, Sterkspruit, 9762 In the labour Court of South Africa held at Johannesburg Case No: LP7295 - 10 In the matter between: Virginia Mainganye Mabirimisa, Applicant and NB Tseisi, Respondent. NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Kindly take notice that the following item will be sold in execution on the 04th day of June 2014 at 14h00 at the Sheriff’s premises Louis Trichardt, Kruger Street. 1* Range Rover, Reg No: CK 89 LT GP Dated at Makhado on this the 06th day of May 2014. Legal Aid South Africa, Makhado Justice Centre, Noor Gardens, C/O Krogh & Devenish Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Tel: 0155191100, Fax: 0155191103, REF: TSHIKU/X455527713.
Makhado Town Planning Scheme, 2009 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 21 of the Makhado Town Planning Scheme 2009, that I the undersigned, Stephné Roeléne van der Westhuizen, as representative of DW7 - Lique (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number: 2013/185544/07, being the owner of Portion 1 of Erf 80 in the township of Louis Trichardt, intend to apply to the Makhado Municipality for its special consent to use Portion 1 of Erf 80 in the Louis Trichardt township situated at 122 Krogh Street, Makhado, 0920 and the existing buildings thereon for purposes of Dwelling Office and Hair and Beauty Salon. The present zoning of the land in terms of the above - mentioned Town Planning Scheme, is Residential 1. Particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours per appointment at the address of the Applicant being, 122 Krogh Street, Makhado, 0920 or at the offices of the Makhado Municipality. Objection to the granting of the consent must be lodged in writing within 28 days from 8 May 2014, together with the grounds thereof, simultaneous to the Municipal Manager (Private Bag
X2596, Makhado, 0920) and to the Applicant. Address of Applicant: DW7 - Lique (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 486, Makhado, 0920. Tel: 0155163025, Fax:0155166633, E-mail: vdw2@lantic.net Makhado Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2009 Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van Klousule 21 van die Makhado Dorpsbeplanningskema 2009, dat ek die ondergetekende, Stephné Roeléne van der Westhuizen, as behoorlik gematigde verteenwoordiger van DW7 - Lique (Pty) Ltd, Registrasie Nommer: 2013/185544/07, synde die eienaar van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 80 in die Louis Trichardt dorpsgebied, van voorneme is om aansoek te doen by die Makhado Munisipaliteit vir spesiale toestemming vir die gebruik van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 80 in die Louis Trichardt dorpsgebied geleë te Kroghstraat 122,
Makhado, 0920 en die bestaande geboue daarop vir doeleindes as Kantoor Woning asook Haar - en Skoonheidssalon. Die huidige sonering van die erf ingevolge bogenoemde dorpsbeplanningskema is Residensieël 1. Besonderhede aangaande die aansoek kan besigtig word gedurende kantoor ure per afspraak, by die adres van die Applikant synde, Kroghstraat 122, Makhado, 0920 of by die kantore van die Makhado Munisipaliteit. Besware teen die toestaan van sodanige toestemming moet binne 28 dae vanaf 8 Mei 2014 skriftelik gelyktydig aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (Privaatsak X2596, Makhado, 0920) en die Applikant gestuur word met redes vir besware. Adres van Applikant: DW7 Lique (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 486, Makhado, 0920. Tel: 0155163025, Faks: 0155166633, E-pos: vdw2@lantic.net
Vacancies Vakatures Need to advertise your vacancy on this page? Phone: 015 516 4996
VAKATURE Vakante pos beskikbaar by korperatiewe maatskappy in Louis Trichardt.
Vereiste: • Persoon met boekhou ervaring • Pastel 12 ondervinding • Invoer van data op Pastel • Voorraadbestuur • Voldag pos en moet beskik oor geldige bestuurslisensie Salaris en voordele onderhandelbaar. E-pos CV na: cdercksen@brenmill.co.za met verwyssing aansoek om vakante pos/ BB City/ gedateer 13/05/2014. Indien u nie binne 30 dae gekontak word vir onderhoud nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
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aymond’s Glass
KANTOOR DAME * Moet met kliënte kan werk * Debiteure & krediteure sal tot voordeel wees * Rekenaarvaardig wees * Werksure van 7:00 - 17:00, Maandag tot Vrydag Salaris is mark verwant.
Faks CV na: 086 732 0652 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
16 16 May 2014
VACANCY Need Hospital to admin clerk advertise? To advertise here contact Pieter, George or Yolanda at urgently Contact tel: (015) 516 4996 or Fax: 015 516 2303 needed. Pieter,
Vacancies / Tenders
MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920
PUBLIC NOTICE ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS OF THE PROPERTY RATES POLICY FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL AND THE RELATED PROPERTY RATES BY-LAW Notice is hereby given on proposed amendments on the following items terms of Sections 12(3) (b) and 21 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 2000 of Makhado Local Municipality.
George or Please contact: Yolanda at: 083 778 9339 015 516 4996
The Municipality hereby invites any interested party or parties to submit comments and/ or make representations to the Municipality. Any such comments and/ or representations much reach the undersigned on /or before the 30th day of May 2014. Copies of the draft Property Rates By-law and Property Rates Policy may be inspected in within the following public municipal areas: 83 Krogh Street, Makhado Town
Kontak Philip by 015 516 0171 of faks CV na 015 516 5728
The following Regional Offices: Vuwani, Waterval, Dzanani during office hours. The draft By-law and related policy are also available on the following website: www.makhado.gov.za The Municipal Manager Makhado Local Municipality Private Bag X 2596 Louis Trichardt 0920
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1. Property Rates policy 2. Property Rates By-law
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Enquiries should be directed to: The revenue Manager: 015 519 3000 Office of the CFO: 015 5190 3000 Notice Number 5 of 2014
Want to boost your income generation?
* Presentable * Own transport * Salary negotiable * Commission plus basic salary * Good telephone mannerisms * Experience in office automation industry a plus
Call us today! 015 516 4996
Send CV to fax: 086 662 4123
Should your application be successful, we will inform you telephonically.
Private Bag X2510 • Sibasa • 0970 • Limpopo Province • RSA Tel/Fax: (015) 963 2122 / Email: tshikevh@mweb.co.za www.tshikevha.co.za
POST 1: English Home Language Grade 4-7 POST 2: Physical Sciences & Mathematics Grade 10-12 POST 3: Foundation Phase Grade 2
Send your CV (with contact numbers), two recent testimonials, one of which should be from your local pastor (not older than 3 months), certified copies of certificates and academic records, (SAQA evaluation certificate for foreign applicants), as well as SACE certificate to: The Principal Tshikevha Christian School Private Bag X2510 Sibasa 0970 or personally deliver it to the school which is situated at Mbaleni next to Block G Ext. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted telephonically.
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Tshikevha Christian School requires three (3) devoted CHRISTIAN EDUCATORS to teach in the Foundation Phase, Middle School and the High School. Applicants should be qualified teachers by profession who are trained to teach the relevant subjects and grades. Foreign educators who wish to apply for any of the advertised posts, should in addition to a recognised professional qualification, have a recognised bachelor’s degree qualification as well as level 7 of SAQA evaluation. We are looking for qua lity teachers who are currently teaching and producing good results in both the Primary School and High School, especially in Grade 12 for the High School post. Fluency in English will be an added advantage as Tshikevha Christian School is an English Medium School. Tshikevha Christian School offers competitive salary packages.
16 Mei 2014
Getting a taste for this year’s Kremetart race four-stage race. TimeMe, with their state-ofthe-art Lapio timing system, also used the race to do an official test to make sure that the Kremetart will run smoothly. “What a pleasure to have the results immediately available and with live streaming directly from the race’s website. As the participants crossed the finish line, they immediately received
an SMS to confirm their time and position for that particular stage,” remarked the cyclists after the race. Although this was not an official race, the P&L Cycling Club’s Rick Coetzee dominated both stages and with fellow cyclists Sarel Lubbe, Marco Roets and Kombo Bere will surely be ready to dominate the different races during the Kremetart weekend. “We would like to thank BB Mount Fuji for sponsoring our transport during the pre-race and congratulate them on their new fleet of microbusses. Although preparations on the Vivo road are still in progress, we are very optimistic about presenting a successful Kremetart weekend and urge all citizens to celebrate our 25th year of presenting this race with us,” was the message from the P&L Cycling Club as hosts Some of the cyclist who competed in the offcial PPC Kremetart of this annual sporting event. pre-race on stage one and two of the 175km four stage race. This year’s Kremetart weekend Here they are pictured with one of a new fleet of microbuses, and races will take place from 6 sponsored by BB Mount Fuji. Photo supplied. to 8 June.
Twee jong fietsryers van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) om dop te hou. Kombo Bere (links) en Marco Roets (regs) voeg feitlik weekliks wenne agter hulle name. Op 3 Mei neem hulle aan die Magoebaskloof Bergfietswedren deel waar Kombo ‘n eersteplek (01:41:38) en Marco ‘n tweedeplek (01:45:32) in die 35 km wedren inpalm. ‘n Dag later neem hulle aan die Magoebaskloof Padfietswedren deel, met Marco wat hier eerste (02:19:22) en Kombo tweede (02:19:37) eindig in die 70 km wedren. Die afgelope naweek (11de) neem hulle deel aan die KFC Bergfietswedren met Kombo wat ‘n tweedeplek inpalm (vyf rondtes) in ‘n tyd van 01:28:53, en Marco wat derde is na vyf rondtes in 01:29:33. Foto verskaf.
Cyclists from the P&L Cycling club had a great cycling weekend, boasting many podium finishes during the KFC Mountain Bike XCO race in Polokwane on 11 May. Thanks to Hugo, Pepijn and Lieve Rennings, as well as Casper John Venter, the club dominated podium positions in the Nippers and Sprogs categories. Zian van den Heever was first and Owen Venter second in the U/14 category, with Douglas Archer finishing third in the U/16 age group. In the main race, Kombo Bere came second overall, with Marco Roets (after a bad fall) coming in third. Nico Geldenhuys was the club’s first veteran home, with Bas Rennings the second veteran. Marnelle Pessegueiro was the first lady home, with Johan van Dijkhorst finishing second in the masters category. Pictured are Zian (middle) and Owen (second from left). Photo supplied.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole
Saterdagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
J Badenhorst
uittel 37
F van Wyk
uittel 37
P Grobler
uittel 37
L Joubert
uittel 37
Opkomende Kompetisie
Eie reëlings
Formaat IS
Voortrekker Gholfdag
F Greyling
Tafelronde 66 Gholfdag
I Steyn
W Steyn
P Venter
Laerskool Louis Trichardt se O/13-rugbymanne wys menige skool waar Dawid die wortels gegrawe het. Eers wen hulle die Super 8-reeks, en steeds sit hulle hul segetog voor. Die skool het vir die eerste maal aan die Super 8 deelgeneem en die eerstes het as wenners uit die stryd getree teen Laerskool Pietersburg Noord, Phalaborwa Noord, Krugerpark van Mokopane, Lydenburg, Thabazimbi, Bosveld in Lephalale en Bergland van Monumentpark, Pretoria. Wat die Super 8 op 11en 12 April betref, het die afrigter en sporthoof, mnr. Greg Stewart, gesê dat die span se goeie fiksheid en samewerking hulle baie gehelp het tydens die strawwe kompetisie. “Hulle het deursettingsvermoë, geduld en harde spel op die veld gehandhaaf,” het Stewart gesê. Op Donderdag (8ste) het die span weer gewys wat in hulle steek toe hulle Laerskool Krugerpark 21-3 op hul tuisveld geklop het. “Sover het hierdie span vriend en vyand verras met uitstekende spel en ons verwag dat hulle baie kompeterend in die groot-skole liga gaan speel,” het die skool-
Hierdie vier netbalspelers van Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina is gekies vir die finale proewe vir ‘n plek in die Limpopospan. Die proewe het op 14 en 15 Mei by Pietersburg Hoërskool plaasgevind. Van links na regs is Moleboge Makushe, Hulisani Machinge, Sana Motsheoa en Monica Mwanza. Foto verskaf.
hoof, mnr. Louis Linde, hierdie week gesê. Dié liga begin op 20 Mei. Die ander rugbyspanne is minder suksesvol en die tweedes, derdes, O/10’s, O/9’s en O/11’s verloor almal hul wedstryde. Die ouer netbalmeisies vaar baie goed teen Krugerpark. Die O/13A-span wen 22-12, die O/13B’s wen 18-6 en die O/12 B’s wen 12-3. Die O/12A’s en O/11B’s speel gelykop met telling van 13-13 en 5-5 onderskeidelik. Die O/11A’s, O/10A’s, O/9B’s, O/9A’s en O/8A’s verloor almal hul wedstryde. Die huidige Triegie-bulletjies vaar baie goed tydens die baie geslaagde rugby- en mini-netbaldag wat deur Laerskool Tzaneen 10 Mei by die Eiland vakansie-oord aangebied is. Beide die O/6-span en O/7-bulletjies wen vier uit hul ses wedstryde en die O/8’s wen drie wedstryde uit vier. Die mini-netbalmeisies is bedrywig en speel agt wedstryde elk. Die O/8 mini netbalmeisies wen sewe uit die agt wedstryde en so ook die O/9’s.
Hierdie twee netbalspelers van Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina, Elzke Booyse (links) en Cindy Buys (regs), is gekies vir die finale proewe vir ‘n plek in die Limpopospan. Die proewe het op 14 en 15 Mei by Pietersburg Hoërskool plaas gevind. Foto verskaf.
MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920
PUBLIC NOTICE ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS OF THE PROPERTY RATES POLICY FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL AND THE RELATED PROPERTY RATES BY-LAW Notice is hereby given on proposed amendments on the following items terms of Sections 12(3) (b) and 21 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 2000 of Makhado Local Municipality. 1. Property Rates policy 2. Property Rates By-law The Municipality hereby invites any interested party or parties to submit comments and/ or make representations to the Municipality. Any such comments and/ or representations much reach the undersigned on /or before the 30th day of May 2014. Copies of the draft Property Rates By-law and Property Rates Policy may be inspected in within the following public municipal areas: 83 Krogh Street, Makhado Town The draft By-law and related policy are also available on the following website: www.makhado.gov.za
Van jong bulletjies tot kampioene
The following Regional Offices: Vuwani, Waterval, Dzanani during office hours.
Weeklikse Byeenkomste
Hierdie O/8’s bulletjies van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het drie uit hul vier wedstryde op 10 Mei by die Eiland gewen. Foto verskaf.
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm
The Municipal Manager Makhado Local Municipality Private Bag X 2596 Louis Trichardt 0920 Enquiries should be directed to: The revenue Manager: 015 519 3000 Office of the CFO: 015 5190 3000 Notice Number 5 of 2014
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Local cyclists had the opportunity to get a taste of this year’s PPC Kremetart Stage Race by competing in the official PPC Kremetart pre-race on 10 May. The race also doubled as the club’s route inspection of the 175km route. Tony Cloete from CHOC, as well as a few riders from Tshipise, joined in to experience stage one and two of this popular
18 16 May 2014
Hi Hi--
• TYRES • WHEELS • BRAKES Far Nor th • SHOCK ABSORBERS IT’S ALL ABOUT WHEELS • EXHAUSTS Industrial Road Louis Trichardt 015 516 1679
Broers Pieter (links) en Gysbert Guillaume van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het beïndruk tydens die onlangse Plattelandse Distriktemuurbaltoernooi wat vanaf 1 tot 4 Mei in Bloemfontein aangebied is. Beide is na afloop van die toernooi gekies om die Suid-Afrikaanse Platteland Skolespan te verteenwoordig tydens die Interprovinsiale Toernooi (IPT) wat vanaf 29 Junie beslis word. Gysbert (B-span) neem deel aan die O/19-afdeling in die Paarl en Pieter (A-span) in die O/16afdeling in Oos Londen. Foto verskaf. Ntsuku Baloyi (nr.11) van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se eerstespan op die aanval tydens hul kragmeting teen Laerskool Kruger Park (Mokopane) verlede Donderdag, 8 Mei. Triegies se eerstes beïndruk deur hul opponente van ‘n veel groter skool oortuigend te klop met ‘n telling van 21-3. Die drieë is gedruk deur Justin Pieterse, Theo le Roux en Ntsuku. Foto verskaf.
Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 www.ayobmotors.co.za 2013 Nissan Juke 1.6 2013 VW Polo Trendline 5-Door 1.4 A/C, P/S, CD, 21 500km Accenta+ A/C, P/S, CD, MP3, 10 060km
Balance of 3 year warranty Balance of 3 year / 90 000km service plan
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Die hele O/14-netbalspan van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is deur na die provinsiale proewe, nadat hulle op 10 Mei distrikproewe in Polokwane gespeel het. Van links na regs is Midana Mutshinya, Mandy Mashete, Rendani Makhado, Busi Basket, Su-mari Croucamp en Fifi Tshabalala. Nkateko Fungeni was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto.
102 President Street, Louis Trichardt 0920
Balance of 6 year / 120 000km motor plan
R329 995 R399 995
2011 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D A/T, A/C, P/S, CD, LTH, 54 000km
Tel: (015) 516 1427 Fax: (015) 516 1160
2011 VW Polo Vivo 1.4 A/C, P/S, CD, Mags, 54 476km
HAMMANN PROPERTIES E-mail: hammannc@vodamail.co.za
Two x 21Ha farms to sell as a unit. One chalet, ablution facility and two boreholes. Three sides game fenced.
R339 995 R114 995
2010 Daihatsu Terios 7-Seater 2008 Mercedes Benz C220 CDi AMG A/T, Sunroof, PDC, A/C, P/S, CD, 54 800km 129 000km
R850 000
R154 995 R199 995
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SALES: • Sinthumule 073 195 9926 • Sam Manyike 071 096 1739 • Matumba Khamusi 076 509 1726 AFTER HOURS: Willie 082 953 3642 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00 E. & O.E.
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CAREL HAMMANN 082 923 1620