18 Maart 2016 - Zoutpansberger

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18 Maart 2016

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an independent soul

www.zoutpansberger.co.za Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Jaargang 32 Vol. 11


CANSA RELAY FOR LIFE 18/19 March 2016 from 18:00 to 06:00

Stropers gestraf Dit is nie aldag dat die Groen Skerpioene daarin slaag om meeste van die betrokke partye in ‘n Ses mans se gekonkel om ‘n wins te maak uit renostersaak voor die hof te bring. Meeste van die die onwettige verkoop van twee renosterhorings tyd is dit net die jagters wat gevang word, en nooit die agente en verkopers nie. het hulle agter tralies laat beland. Die mans se arrestasies het gevolg nadat Tlou Dié mans het verlede Vrydag in die Louis Trichardt Streekhof verskyn, waar hulle verhoor tot ‘n foto’s van die twee renosterhorings aan ‘n veldeinde gekom het toe landdros Mike Coetzee hul wagter van die Addo Olifantpark gestuur het, wat in werklikheid ook as ‘n informant opgetree het vonnis uitgelees het. Job Basi Tlou (64), Percy Manengena (39), Jo- vir SANParke se Spesialis Ondersoekeenheid, die hannes Podile Sematla (48), Lebala Sematla (27), Groen Skerpioene. Die foto’s is deurgegee aan die Masolo Soul Sematla (28) en Albino Fernando polisie, wat op hulle beurt ‘n lokval gestel het en Masuze (47) is gearresteer gedurende 2014, kórt Tlou gearresteer het. Tlou het vinnig gedraai teen sy medebeskuldnadat hulle ‘n wit renosterbul van die Mapungubwe igdes en hulle betrokkenheid beken teenoor die Natuurreservaat doodgeskiet het vir sy horings. Hulle is aangekla van agt klagte wat verband ondersoekers. Hy en sy seuns, Johannes Podile hou met die onwettige jag van renosters, oortreding Sematla, Lebala Semetla en Masolo Soul Sematla, van permitvoorwaardes en die onwettige besit van woon op Den Staat, ‘n oop-stelsel park, wat onder die beheer van Mapungubwe val. Hy het gereël dat vuurwapens en ammunisie. Johannes die renoster op Den Staat skiet, omdat hy ‘n geweer het. Masolo het as die drywer opgetree en die res van sy medebeskuldigdes na en van die toneel vervoer om die horings te gaan haal. Tlou het die horings verkoop aan Masuze, wat dit op sy beurt Mosambiek toe geneem en verkoop het aan ‘n Chinese man. Ongelukkig kon die Chinees nie vasgetrek word nie, omdat die polisie en Groen Skerpioene geen mag het oor die landsgrens Links staan Job Basi Tlou saam met Percy Manengena in die heen nie. (Vervolg op p. 2) beskuldigebank van die Louis Trichardt Streekhof. Deur Isabel Venter

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Dit is nou nie iets wat mens sommer elke dag sien nie ... die skoolhoof van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt vasgeplak aan die muur - nogal in skooltyd! Die hoof, mnr. Louis Cilliers, het toegelaat dat leerlinge hom met duct tape aan die muur kon vasplak. Alles was darem gelukkig vir ‘n goeie doel. Leerlinge moes R5 betaal vir ‘n strook kleefband. Die fondse wat ingesamel is, sal gaan om die skool se eerste meisieshokkiespan se toeronkoste te help betaal. Foto verskaf.

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Verdagtes ondervra oor wrede aanval

geld geëis. Hulle het ná ure die gesin gelos en weggevlug met ‘n “As ek nie ‘n slaappilletjie drink DVD-speler en almal se selfone. Die koerant het Woensdag telefoin die aand nie ... dan sien ek elke keer hoe die gebeure van daai nag nies met die ouma gesels om uit te vind hoe dit met haar en die res van voor my ooglede afspeel.” So sê die 77-jarige ouma wat saam die gesin gaan. Hulle het vir ‘n kort rukkie ná met haar kleinkinders op 6 Maart wreed aangeval is in hul huis in Louis die aanval by vriende en familie oorgeslaap, maar het die naweek Trichardt. Sy, haar twee kleinseuns (30 en teruggekeer huis toe. Dit nadat wel23), en die oudste kleinseun se vrou doeners ‘n alarmstelsel by die huis (24), is in hul huis aangehou deur geïnstalleer het. Slaap ontwyk hulle almal egter ses rowers en genadeloos gemartel. Die familie kan steeds nie geïdenti- nog, het die ouma gesê. Almal van fiseer word nie, omdat die polisie se hulle slaap in die aande in haar kamer, want dit is die enigste vertrek wat met ondersoek nog nie ‘n slot gesluit voltooi is nie. Familie keer terug kan word. “My By navraag het die Makhado na woning van wrede oudste kleinseun het vir my gesê Polisie bevestig marteling, maar ouma hy is bang vir sy dat hul le sedert die aan val alte- en kleinkinders wors- eie kamer,” het saam vyf verdagtes tel om sin te maak van die ouma gesê. Met dié kleingearresteer het wat aanval seun se vrou moontlik verbind gaan dit onder kan word met die saak. Die gesin het uitkenningspa- die omstandighede goed, alhoewel rades bygewoon en het glo sekere die medikasie waarmee sy behandel verdagtes uitgeken. DNS-monsters is word haar baie siek maak. Intussen het die gesin se kerk nie ook geneem by die verdagtes om te bepaal of dit hulle was wat die oudste net gehelp met berading nie, maar kleinseun se vrou verkrag het tydens ook finansieel en met kos. Buiten vir die selfone wat die rodie aanval. wers gesteel het, het hulle ook die geDie jong vrou is vier keer verkrag deur vier verskillende rowers, terwyl sin se kruideniersware waarmee hul die res van die gesin met sambokke tot die end van die maand oor die weg en bakstene geslaan is. Haar man is moes kom, gesteel. Goed soos wasook op sy bo-been met ‘n strykyster poeier en die ouma se bloeddrukpille gebrand. Die rowers het skynbaar het hulle in die drein afgegooi. Deur Isabel Venter

Die ander medebeskuldigdes wat hulleself skuldig gemaak het aan renosterstropery is, van links na regs, Johannes Podile Sematla, Lebala Sematla, Masolo Soul Sematla en Albino Fernando Masuze.

Hof bevind deler net so skuldig soos steler

(Vervolg van p. 1) Soos wat die ondersoek gevorder het, het DNS-toetse verder gewys dat die horings behoort het aan ‘n renosterbul bekend op Mapungubwe as Die Swerwer.

Met die aanvang van hul verhoor het al ses mans onskuldig gepleit op die klagte wat teen hulle gebring is. Tlou se weergawe het ook dramaties verander. Hy het beweer dat hy en sy medebeskuldigdes tot in hul verklarings gemoker is deur lede van die Groen Skerpioene. Hierdie weergawe het landdros Coetzee later bevind hou geen water nie, nadat hy foto’s ondersoek het van die Skerpioene wat bewys het hoe die beskuldigdes saam met die ondersoekspan lag en eet. Manengena, Lebala en Masolo het ook later hul pleit verander na een van skuldig. Volgens Landdros Coetzee was dit alleenlik omdat hulle besef het hulle gaan nie die selfoongetuienis van die Staat kan weg verduidelik nie,

wat bewys hoe hulle kontak met mekaar gehad het, en in die omgewing van Den Staat was. Coetzee het met groot lof gepraat van die Groen Skerpioene se ondersoek en die deeglike wyse waarop die staatsaanklaer, Hilke Janse van Rensbrug, dit aangebied het. In die oorweging van ‘n gepaste vonnis het landdros Coetzee daarop gewys dat, ingevolge Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing, die deler so goed soos die steler is en daarom het hy almal skuldig bevind. Behalwe vir Masuze, wat nie direk betrokke was by die doodmaak van die renoster nie, is die res almal 15 jaar direkte gevangenisstraf opgelê. Masuze is gevangenisstraf opgelê van 10 jaar.

BUSINESS talk Fastcrew bied nou ‘n wyer keuse as New service or business in town? BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on umn free of charge. dit kom by bou en instandhouding new Further advertisement in the Zoutpansbergdevelopments in the local business Deur Andries van Zyl

Inwoners het nou ‘n wyer keuse as dit kom by algemene instandhouding, staalwerke en die huur van kleiner konstruksiemasjinerie. Jacques Joubert het ‘n paar maande gelede sy

Jacques Joubert van Fastcrew Worx.

eie onderneming, Fastcrew Worx, op die been gebring. “Buiten vir bogenoemde dienste, doen ons ook instandhouding, herstel en bou van houtdekke. Ons doen onder andere loodgieterswerk, asook teëlwerk – basies enige werk in en om die huis. Ons kan egter ook groter konstruksieprojekte aanpak en voltooi,” sê Jacques. Volgens Jacques is Fastcrew Worx meer gefokus op lodges en gastehuise, nadat hy ‘n leemte in die mark ge-identifiseer het ten opsigte van kontrakteurs se reaksietyd. “Tevrede en gelukkige kliënte is goeie kliënte en daarom streef ons na tydige, hoë standaard diens,” sê Jacques. Wat konstruksiewerk betref, het Fastcrew Worx ‘n 8-ton vragmotor tot beskikking vir die publiek. “Vir die boeregemeenskap het ons selfs twee trekkers en bossiekappers tot beskikbaar. Indien ‘n boer se trekker breek, kan ons hom ook help,” sê Jacques. ‘n Handige masjien tot Fastcrew Worx se beskikking is hul Bobcat, ‘n klein tipe laaigraaf met ‘n laaibak vir bourommelverwydering en verskeie ander bou-aktiwiteite. Weens sy grootte en beweeglikheid, kan dit in geboue en nou spasies beweeg. Die Bobcat het ook ‘n spesiale kop (mulcher head) wat vir veldrehabilitasie gebruik word. Dit is ook ideaal om paaie en brandbane in wildskampe oop te sny. Het reeds verskeie kampe vir Swartwitpense gerehabiliteer. Vir ‘n gratis kwotasie en meer inligting oor Fastcrew Worx, skakel Jacques by tel. 078 240 1788 of Tina 082 483 8996. Alternatiewelik, stuur ‘n e-pos na jacquesj725@outlook.com

er can be done at normal advertising rates. For arena. Any new development will be highlighted more information, phone Andries van Zyl at through a once-off short write-up in the col- Tel 015 516 4996/7.

Die bekende rekenmeestersfirma op Louis Trichardt, Nel, Havenga & Corbett (NHC), het verlede week saam met Carmina José (middel) feesgevier, nadat sy as volwaardige geoktrooieerde rekenmeester gekwalifiseer het. Sy verwerf haar B.Compt. Rek- en honneursgraad aan die Noordwes Universiteit se Potchefstroomse Kampus. Sy het haar klerkskap in 2013 by ‘n ander firma begin, maar dit hierdie jaar by NHC voltooi. Afgeneem saam met Carmina is NHC vennote Dodrie Corbett (links) en Ferreira Nel (regs). Elanie Havinga was ongelukkig afwesig tydens die neem van die foto.



Plaaslike teaterstuk opgevoer by Vrystaatse Kunstefees uPCafé te sien was. Marcel verduidelik dat hy reeds begin het om Amarikana se teks te skaaf, sodat dit met meer diepte aangebied kan word vir ‘n gehoor wat noodgedwonge verder verwyder van die verhoog is. Verder verwerk hy ook die teks om te sentreer om die metafoor “tap”. “Die koffie word getap uit ‘n boon, die myne tap uit die aarde en dag-vir-dag ook uit die myners wat ondergronds moet werk,” verduidelik Marcel. Buiten vir die ink in sy are, is daar nóg ander verborge talente wat Marcel sal aanwend ter voorbereiding vir die Vrystaat Kunstefees. In die ope kategorie, waarin Amarikana sal deelneem, word daar van die kunstenaar verwag om ook die stelkuns, regie, musiek en bemarking te doen. Derhalwe het Marcel sommer self ingespring en die advertensieplakkaat vir Amarikana ontwerp. Die skets, wat ‘n kombinasie is van ‘n skets geverf met kof-

fie en rekenaar grafieke en foto’s, sentreer om die tema en metafoor van Amarikana. Onderwyl Marcel besig is met al dié voorbereidings, maak hy ook tyd om saam met die toneelgroep van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt te oefen. Die skool se groep is uitgenooi om deel te neem aan die Reza de Wet Tienertoneelfees, wat aangebied word saam met die Vrystaat Kunstefees, ongeveer dieselfde tyd as wat Marcel Amarikana daar sal opvoer. “Dit is ‘n ongelooflike voorreg, want skole mag net deelneem op uitnodiging,” het Marcel gesê. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt sal ‘n nuwe toneel, getiteld Transparant, opvoer by die fees. Plaaslike gehore, het Marcel belowe, sal ‘n geleentheid hê om beide stukke te sien voor dit in die Vrystaat opgevoer sal Marcel van Niekerk in die rol as Adam toe hy vir die eerste keer Amari­ word. Datums en tye sal nader aan die tyd kana opgevoer het hier in Louis Trichardt. bekend gemaak word.


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• • • • • •



‘n Teaterstuk wat eerste te sien was hier in Louis Trichardt is uitgenooi na die Vrystaatse Kunstefees. Amarikana, uit die pen van plaaslike verhoogman Marcel van Niekerk, sal later vanjaar by dié gesogte kunstefees opgevoer word. Marcel is bekend vir sy storietalent en van die toneelstukke wat hy al geskryf het, sluit in Stemtoon, Harnas en Ses209 - almal vir die tienertoneel verhoog. Amarikana verskil in baie opsigte van sy vorige stukke, maar bied nog steeds dieper stof tot nadenke vir sy gehoor. Die wyse waarop hy die teks aanbied wys ook hoe Marcel die lewe dophou. Hy hou daagliks boek van die interessante stories van die dag, of soos hy dit beskryf, “Daardie stories wat gewoonlik afgeskuif word na die agterblaaie van ‘n koerant.” In Amarikana vertolk Marcel die rol van die verteller-hoofkarakter Adam, wat sy storie deel met Jane en die gehoor. Die inspirasie vir die stuk was die bloedbad wat ontstaan het tydens stakings en protesoptogte by die Lonminmyn naby Rustenburg in Augustus 2012. Tydens dié opstand is 44 mense dood en nog heelwat meer mense beseer. Die Amarikana wat Marcel in die Vrystaat sal opvoer, sal in ‘n heel ander gedaante opgevoer word as toe dit verlede jaar vir die eerste keer hier in die Die lokplakaat van Amarikana wat Marcel van Niekerk self ontwerp.


Deur Isabel Venter





White family baptised by UAAC to help lift ‘curse’

Archbishop Mureri said that he would like to see the Roos family enjoy life like any other SA It was a historic Sunday at Nzhelele two weeks citizens. “The Roos family are now members of the ago at the headquarters of the United African UAAC and they will get their uniforms soon. They Apostolic Church. Among the 11 people bap- will dance with the others when we play our Afritized by Archbishop Elias Miriri that day in can drum during the church services,” said Mureri. The nearest branch of the UAAC is in Musina, the Nzhelele river at Ha-Mavhungu were two so the Roos family can attend church services there local white residents. Ms Angie Roos and her son Adrian, who stay just and won’t need to travel to Nzhelele every Sunday. outside Musina, were among the church members “There is no black and white, all people are the children of God,” said Mureri. who volunteered for the baptising ceremony. The secretary general of the UAAC, EmmanuThey explained that strange things had recently el Ramudzuli, said the started to happen at their game farm. “We found a “The Roos family are now mem- Roos family was not the first from the white pot full of strange living bers of the UAAC and they will community to join the From left to right are Chief Livhuwani Matsila, Mr Adrian Roos, Ms Angie Roos and Archbishop organisms that change shape basically when we get their uniforms soon. They African Church. He said Elias Miriri. there was another white look at them,” they said. According to them it will dance with the others when farmer who was farming seemed as if the pot had we play our African drum during on the side of Ratombo near Levubu who had brought a curse upon the the church services” joined the UAAC some farm. The game and cattle started to die and people started avoiding them. two years ago. The UAAC is one of the biggest churches in “We had a lot of customers who used to come for hunting, but since the pot was found … cus- the South Africa and has branches in many Aftomers stopped coming. We endured it for a long rican countries, such as Zimbabwe, Zambia and time, until we decided to find divine intervention,” Botswana. Chief Livhuwani “Nkhiphitheni” Matsila, the said Angie. “The United African Apostolic Church’s arch- director of the Matsila Community Development bishop Elias Mureri came to our rescue and cast Trust, promised Angie Roos that he would conthe evil spirit out,” she said. She and her son then sider working with he, r husband on the issue of decided to have themselves baptised. Angie added farming. “We are organizing and we will see how that shortly after that her husband had been offered best the Matsila Community Development Trust a job in Nigeria. “With divine intervention, things can work with the Roos family in agriculture and job creation,” he said. will return to normal,” she said. By Kaizer Nengovhela

Vrou in hof oor polisie se teefonds Bishop Emmanuel Miriri baptises Ms Angie Roos.

‘n Administratiewe lid van die Makhado Polisie het verlede week in die Louis Trichardt Distrikshof verskyn op klagte van bedrog en diefstal. Audrey Botha (44) van Levu­ bu word daarvan beskuldig dat sy duisende rande by die plaaslike polisie verduister het.

Volgens haar klagstaat se aanhangsel is daar gedurende 2014 etlike tjeks, met bedrae wat wissel tussen R1 000 en R6 000, waarvoor daar nie rekenskap gegee kan word nie. Botha sou glo die tjeks, uit die polisie se teefonds, uitmaak en verklaar as dienste of produkte

wat aangeskaf is tot voordeel van die prisoniers. Die totale bedrag van al die tjeks beloop R35 340.55. Botha is nie gevra om te pleit nie en haar saak is uitgestel tot 25 April vir verdere ondersoek. Dit was die tweede keer dat sy op die klagte verskyn het.

Senior leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, wat op 4 en 7 Maart gekwalifiseer het vir die eerste uitdunrondte van die ATKV Senior Redenaarskompetisie, is (voor, van links na regs) Albert Swanepoel (Graad 4) en Willem Schutte (Graad 4). Agter is Mia Alberts (Graad 4), Joné Potgieter (Graad 4), Cara van der Goot (Graad 5) en Anje Swanepoel (Graad 5). Hulle sal vanaf 14 tot 15 April by die Curro-Heuwelkruin in Polokwane deelneem.

Employee volunteers from De Beers Venetia Mine hand over a cheque to Cansa Polokwane.

Venetia Mine donates money to Cansa

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se leerlinge het op 4 en 7 Maart deelgeneem aan ‘n plaaslike rondte van die ATKV se jaarlikse skole redenaarskompetisie. Hierdie groepie seniors, afgerig deur juffrou Eunice Porter, het gekwalifiseer om deel te neem aan die eerste uitdunrondte van die kompetisie wat vanaf 14 tot 15 April in Polokwane gehou sal word. Voor, van links na regs, is Sarisa van der Goot (Graad 7), Wessel Furstenberg (Graad 2) en Sonita Alberts (Graad 6). Agter is juf. Porter, Mariesa Schutte (Graad 7), Monique Schlesinger (Graad 6) en Simoné Oberholzer (Graad 7).

De Beers Venetia Mine presented a cheque to the value of R46 388 to the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa), located in Polokwane, last week. These funds were raised during the Venetia Mine annual Cansa Shavathon, in which 773 employees and contracting partners donated a total of R23 194 by having their hair shaved or sprayed in different colours. The amount raised by employee volunteers was matched by De Beers and the resulting R46 388 will be used towards mobile cancer testing units, which will service the rural areas of Limpopo and do cancer education and awareness in the area. Ms Susan Nortjé, senior project planner at Ve-

netia Mine and a passionate cancer survivor who lost both her parents to the disease, thanked Cansa for their exceptional work, particularly in assisting those members of the community who do not have access to a medical aid. Venetia Corporate Affairs Manager Ms Josephine Pieters addressed the employee volunteers involved in the outreach and thanked them for their passion and energy. She commended the Cansa Shavathon for the good work they continued to do. “We look forward to seeing how the funds raised by our Diamond Ambassadors at Venetia Mine will make a difference in our labour-sending areas of Musina and Blouberg.”



Mollevel se Anneline le Roux skielik oorlede In Memoriam

Inwoners het die afgelope week met hartseer verneem van die dood van een van die Soutpansbergstreek se voorslag vroue, me. Anneline le Roux (73), van Waterpoort.

Wyle mev. Anneline le Roux (73). Foto verskaf.

Wyle Anneline, eggenote van mnr. Boet le Roux van Mollevel Voerkraal, was bekend vir haar knap handwerk en was vir etlike jare voorsitter van die SAVF op Alldays. “Sy was absoluut ‘n tuisteskepper,” het haar dogter Mimi aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Buiten vir vlytige hande, was Anneline ook ‘n kranige skrywer met haar geestelike E-boek, Die Wingerdstok, wat ‘n paar maande voor haar dood gepubliseer is. Wyle Anneline is op 13 Mei 1942 in Ceres in die Kaap gebore en voltooi haar skoolloopbaan onderskeidelik op Alldays en die destydse Messina. “Sy het my pa in April 1970 ontmoet, toe sy saam met vriende van Messina op die plaas Mollevel gekuier het,” vertel Mimi. Die egpaar is in 1972 getroud en drie kinders, Pieter, Annette en Mimi, is uit die huwelik gebore. “Van hulle mekaar op die plaas ontmoet het 43 jaar gelede, het sy tot haar dood op die plaas gebly,” voeg Mimi by. Wyle Anneline word oorleef deur haar man, kinders Pieter (met skoondogter San), Annette (met skoonseun Hannes) en Mimi (met skoonseun Lourens), broers Jannie, Bennie en Basson, suster Annette en sewe kleinkinders. Sy is Woensdag, 16 Maart, vanuit die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente in Louis Trichardt begrawe. Die diens is waargeneem deur ds. Jan Pretorius. “Dank gaan aan die hele gemeenskap vir julle woorde van vertroosting en ondersteuning. Ons wil nie regtig mense uitsonder nie, want daar is net te veel name om te noem. Tog wil ons egter ‘n spesiale dankie sê aan dr. Pieter de Wet en die hele personeel van die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal,” sê Mimi.

Nuwe hempies vir noodhulpspan Louis Trichardt Noodhulp het hierdie week ‘n welkome donasie van hempies ontvang van Imperial GM. Van links na regs is van die lede van Louis Trichardt Noodhulp, naamlik Patricia (Patrys) Gerber, Johan Pretorius, Inus Steyn (Imperial GM, Louis Trichardt), Lara Venter en Maud Myburgh. Die organisasie is beskikbaar vir noodhulp by sportgeleenthede en val ook onder die beheer van Maud se ambulansdiens, wat beteken die publiek is welkom om op hulle knoppie te druk. Hulle bedank graag vir Inus en Onett Jandrell van Imperial GM vir hulle nuwe hempies. Vir meer inligting kan Maud geskakel word by tel. 082 680 6579. Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Elizmari Bell en Ockert de Lange. Foto verskaf.

• Cnr Rissik & President Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 2606

Your 1 Stop Paint Shop

TO ALL OUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS. Tannie Ria Oosthuizen van Louis Trichardt is verlede Donderdag (10de) skielik oorlede, twee weke voor sy haar 80ste verjaarsdag sou vier. Sy is op 27 Maart 1936 in Bethal gebore, waar sy ook skoolgegaan het. Sy is met haar eggenoot, wyle oom Gert, getroud in 1959, waarna die egpaar in 1976 na Louis Trichardt verhuis het. Daar sal eerskomende Vrydag, 18 Maart, ‘n roudiens vir tannie Ria gehou word vanuit die Hervormde Kerk in Louis Trichardt om 11:00. Wyle tannie Ria word oorleef deur haar dogter Tersia en seun Wors (Gerhard), en twee kleinkinders, Emil en Bianka. Haar kinders bedank graag almal vir hul boodskappe van ondersteuning, maar in besonder vir dr. Anton Stroebel, die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal se personeel, Martin’s Funerals en Maud Myburg. Foto verskaf.

The widest range of paint and accessories available for your convenience

On 8 March, Ravi Vansia visited Eric Louw High School in Musina where he matriculated in 2014. At present, the 20-year-old is a student pilot at the Loutzavia Flight Academy in Pretoria. Ravi has high regard for his former school, saying: “It is a school with pure talent and a hardworking bunch of individuals.” He said he always wanted to become a pilot and thanked Eric Louw for giving him the platform to build his career. He visited the school to thank every teacher who helped him realise his dream. He also celebrated his birthday with Ms Alta Coetzee (deputy principal) and spoiled her with gifts. Photo supplied.

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Nuwe Spar beloof ‘n genotvolle inkopie-ervaring Hierdie gewilde inkopiesentrum is tans besig piemark vestig. om ‘n totale gedaante verwisseling te ondergaan Enslin het in April verlede jaar eienaarskap van met eienaar mnr. Luke Enslin wat in ‘n nog groter die winkel onder die Spar vaandel oorgeneem. “Ek Baie mense ken dit as Ricky’s, daarna as OK Grocer en meer onlangs as Soutpansberg Spar. mate die Spar-handelsnaam in die plaaslike inko­ het besluit om ‘n totale opknapping van die winkel te doen om aan klante ‘n meer genotvolle inkopie-ervaring te gee. Al die opknappings is in lyn met Spar se spesifikasies,” het Enslin gesê. Opknappingswerk het ‘n paar weke gelede in alle erns by die winkel be­gin. Die werk ge­skied in fases. Eers is die ys­ kas­te geskuif en daarna is begin met bouwerk aan die nuwe bakkery en kombuisgedeelte waar warm kos voorberei sal word. Verlede Vrydag was konstruksiewerkers druk besig om die plafonne te vervang en die ou buisligte met nuwe LED-ligte te vervang. Die toonbank-area het ook aandag geniet, met die kontantkantoor wat Nog ‘n nuwigheid wat inbring word by Soutpansberg Spar is Spar se Bean Tree-konsep. Dit is basies ‘n spasie waar klante ook geskuif en opgegra­ deer is in term van seku­ ‘n ordentlike koppie filterkoffie sal kan geniet, tesame met heerlike gebak. Deur Andries van Zyl



WE’VE TEAMED UP WITH Dr Anton Mathey OF The Aesthetic Clinic TO OFFER Van die dramatiese ver­anderinge wat aan­ GREAT SAVINGS gebring gaan word as TEAMEDWHO UP WITH DrYET Anton TO ALL OFWE’VE OUR CLIENTS HAVE TO Mathey EXPERIENCE deel van Sout­p ans­ Spar se op­knap­ OF The Aesthetic Clinic TO OFFER THE AMAZING BENEFITS OF WRINKLE REDUCING berg INJECTIONS pings­­werk, is dat die huidige groen­te-­af­de­ GREAT SAVINGS ling (foto regs), asook TO ALL OF OUR CLIENTS WHO HAVE YET TO EXPERIENCE die koelkas waar­­in die

For 13th May 2015 get… gestoor word, gaan maak vir ‘n nuwe 10% off any Filler OR 10% offplek with Deli waar warm etes te koop aan­­gebied sal For 13th May 2015 get… Anti-frown Injections word. Bo is ‘n kunste­ naars­­voorstelling van 10% off any Filler OR 10% off with die nuwe Deli. Anti-frown Injections IF YOU’RE AN ANTI-FROWN INJECTION VIRGIN READ ON... bevrore pro­­dukte tans THE AMAZING BENEFITS OF WRINKLE REDUCING INJECTIONS

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We’ve teamed up with Dr Anton Mathey of The Aesthetic Clinic to offer GREAT SAVINGS to all our clients who have yet to experience the amazing benefits of wrinkle reducing injections

For 22 March 2016 get 10% off any Filler OR 10% off with Anti-frown injections


@ Daphne’s 77 Leeu Street, Louis Trichardt. Contact Liana at 082 046 4245

Klante kan uitsien na ‘n “vars” inkopie-ervaring by Sout­pansberg Spar. Regs is hoe die ingang van Spar tans daarna uitsien. Bo is ‘n kunstenaarsvoorstelling van hoe die nuwe winkel daar gaan uitsien by voltooiing van konstruksiewerk.

riteit. As deel van die opknappingswerk is daar ook verskeie nuwe dienste wat aan klante beskikbaar sal wees in die nuwe winkel. “Klante sal kan uitsien na warm kos wat uit die nuwe deli verkoop sal word. Mense sal nou daagliks hul middag- of aandete klaar gekook kan kom koop. Vanaf 1 April sal Christelle Leonard by ons aansluit. Sy sal die deli hanteer, asook kwaliteitbeheer toepas,” het Enslin gesê. Nog ‘n nuwigheid wat Enslin gaan inbring by Soutpansberg Spar is Spar se Bean Tree-konsep. Dit is basies ‘n spasie waar klante ‘n ordentlike koppie filterkoffie sal kan geniet, tesame met heerlike gebak. “Dit sal egter nie ‘n eetarea wees waar warm etes geniet kan word nie,” het Enslin gesê. Enslin sê hy is bewus van die probleem met parkering by Soutpansberg Spar. “Ons is tans in onderhandeling met die Makhado Munisipaliteit om te probeer vir addisionele parkering in die park oorkant die sentrum. Om die druk op die parkering te verlig, het ek ook die hoeveelheid betaalpunte na agt vermeerder om klante vinniger deur die winkel te kry,” het Enslin gesê. Volgens Enslin beoog hulle om die nuwe winkel amptelik op 1 Junie te heropen. “Tot dan vra ons om verskoning vir die ongerief met die bouwerk. Wees egter verseker dat, by voltooiing, die huidige ontwrigting die moeite werd sal wees,” het Enslin gesê.



Motoring Supplement Easter Weekend road safety starts with YOU Road Safety

The Easter holidays are just around the corner - a time for everyone to take a break from work and school. During this time, people celebrate at different holiday destinations in and around South Africa. It is for this reason that we not only see increased road usage over this time, but our roads are known to see an increase in car crashes – some even fatal. “In fact, last Easter’s preliminary results indicated that a total of 287 people lost their lives on the roads during this time – as a result of the 208 crashes that happened - which was much higher than the

previous year,” states Imperial Road Safety in a media statement as part of the annual Arrive Alive campaign. It is for this reason that Imperial Road Safety will once again focus their efforts on educating road users about road safety, to leave awareness of safe road usage and responsible driving uppermost in the minds of consumers. In light of this, Imperial Road Safety is giving all road users a few tips on safe driving habits and encouraging everyone to take a zero-tolerance stance towards bad driving habits on our roads. “Make it start with you!” they state. Here are a few I-Pledge tips to keep you safe on the roads this Easter: * Ensure you take your vehicle for a complete check-up at least two weeks before you depart for vacation to ensure all critical elements such as brakes, engine, tyres, etc. are in full working order * Wear your safety belt at all times and ensure to strap your children in. Make sure they are strapped into a proper, height-relevant car seat and not just into the seatbelts on the back seat. * Do not speed and

remember to keep a safe following distance – you should keep a distance of three car lengths between you and the car in front of you. * Never overtake on a blind rise or in a corner. * Make sure that you are always visible by driving with your headlights on, even during the day. * Adjust your driving to suit weather, road surface or traffic-flow conditions. * Always drive a good 20km per hour slower at night.

* Stay alert by getting a good night’s rest before a long journey and take a break every two hours or 200 kilometres. * Never drink and drive! If you want to join nearly 600 000 South African’s in committing to road safety, you can make your pledge by taking the Imperial Road Safety pledge at www.ipledge.co.za. (Source: www. arrivealive.co.za)

New Chev range sure to impress The road - a simple path, and yet it’s come to mean so much more. Perhaps the real reason roads are special, is that each one leads to someplace we are not, but could be. At Chevrolet, they believe that roads are people’s springboards. They challenge them, taunt them and guide them to create better, more exciting, more ingenious ways to move through life. They drive them to places people have never been before. One new road the Chevrolet team has pursued has led them to the new range of 2016 Chevrolet utility vehicles. The whole range, soon to arrive here in Louis Trichardt, will now have a passenger airbag deactivation switch on all models (a segment first) that enables the front passenger seat to be used with a rear-facing baby seat, or with a small child seated comfortably and safely.

The sports models will also bring another segment first - standard cruise control. Chevrolet guarantees buyers a first-class design experience and comfort the minute they climb into the driver’s seat of the new Chev utility range. The 1.4-litre UTE provides excellent fuel economy (7.2L per 100Km) and unmatched power (68KW @ 120 Nm), making sure the job gets done for less. Driver and passenger airbags are standard on all models. The Club and Sport models contain so much more than people would expect in a small bakkie, such as automatic headlights-on, automatic door locking on drive-away, and “Lead Me To The Car” lighting. “It’s the power of technology working for you,” said the Louis Trichardt Imperial GM team. For more information, or to book a test drive, their sales consultants can be contacted at Tel 015 516 0239. Source: Chevrolet SA.








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Motoring Supplement New Toyota Hilux now tougher then ever before rigidity whilst also increasing durability. The number of connection points from chassis frame to upper body has been increased, accomThe new Hilux arrived in Louis Trichardt panied by a 45% increase in spot welds (from tougher and fresher than ever before. 268 in the previous generation to 388). ContribA striking feature, which stands out for the uting to the durability of the new model is a new new Hilux, is probably its advanced exterior deheavy-duty under-cover with additional reinsign. For the new Hilux, the design team focused forcement and increased thickness. The stronger on creating a vehicle that would ooze power and chassis and new body serve as the basis for the overall revised suspension that provides excellent performance across the board. For buyers venturing off-road, the new Hilux is naturally available in part-time four-wheel-drive derivatives, building on the acclaim of its forefathers. A highlight of the new system is the electronic rotary 4WD switch, housed within the dashboard, which replaces the previously employed ‘second gear lever’, offering greater ease of use. Powering the new Hilux will be a range of newly developed engines that offer improved power output, efficiency and refinement. The new ‘Global Diesel’ series was developed from For the new Hilux, the design team focused on creating a vehicle that would ooze power and safety. Photo: Quickpic the ground up and features Motoring

safety. Underpinning the new model is an all-new frame, which is designed to combine improved handling, ride comfort, NVH performance and collision safety with outstanding durability in even the most extreme driving environments. Improvements include 30mm thicker side rails and cross members that deliver 20% greater torsional

a number of advancements to provide a superb driving experience both on- and off-road. The GD series engines are offered in 2.4 and 2.8 litre guise, with both versions placing strong emphasis on torque output and low-speed tractability. Both variants make use of DOHC, 16-valve, four-cylinder inline architecture and utilise Variable Nozzle Turbocharger (VNT) technology, which delivers the compressed air through a new front-mounted intercooler. Serving as the diesel flagship, the 2755cc GD engine offers buyers a stout 130 kW and effortless 420Nm from 1600 to 2400 rpm in manual guise – automatic transmission versions will receive a boost to 450Nm over the same rpm span. Forming the link between the advanced new engines and the driven wheels are all-new, slick 5 - and 6-speed transmissions. Workhorse models are equipped with a rugged 5-speed manual transmission, with higher-grade models receiving an option of either a 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic transmission. Pricing of the new Hilux remains very competitive, with some models actually being priced lower than the versions they replace, despite a significant upgrade in specification. The single cab will range between R228 900 to R435 900, with the Xtra Cab ranging from R333 900 to R470 900 and the double cab from R377 900 to R593 900. A test drive can easily be arranged with any of Werda Toyota’s friendly sales agents by contacting them at Tel 015 516 0284. (Source: Quickpic).

Werda Toyota H/v Burger & Rissik Straat, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 0284/5/6


Enkel Kajuit

Plaas vanaf R228 900 handelaar

Xtra Kajuit

Dubbel Kajuit


vanaf R333 900

vanaf R377 900

logo hier [Handelaarskapnaam] ONS VERKOOPSPAN • Ettie Sadiki 082 694 8683 • Willie Venter 079 344 2737 • Hilbert Sevhugwane 073 864 4231 • Anthonie Krügell 072 219 5577 [Naam en nommer van kontakpersoon] • Hennie Knoesen 082 926 9921 • Gert Coetzee 083 327 5128 • Michael Maynier 082 702 6701



Motoring Supplement Minister outlines plans to curb road fatalities Road Safety

South Africa still has a long way to go to reduce the current rate of road fatalities by 50% to realistically meet the international aspirational goals laid out by the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 (UNDA) by 2020. This is one of many aspects highlighted by Minister of Transport Ms Dipuo Peters during the Road Safety Strategy and Engagement Summit held at Gallagher Estate on 12 March. Minister Peters led deliberations and discussions during the summit, which sought to mobilise all stakeholders (including non-governmental bodies) to improve the country’s road safety record in line with UNDA. Road safety has become an issue that is critical to the country’s economy and society at large, hence the need for decisive policies and strategies to address the problem. “…the National Department of Transport has undertaken the task to mobilise views of stakeholders in the transport community, to contribute in the formulation of a road safety strategy for the country,” Peters said in her keynote speech. This strategy, she explained, will serve as a blueprint for all road safety interventions that the government must implement in all communities, villages, townships and cities to make the country’s roads safer for the coming four years. This summit follows engagement sessions that were held in various provinces last week to discuss and deliberate on what should constitute our national road safety strategy. “It is an undeniable fact that South Africa has a serious challenge with regard to road safety. As a country we reported a road death rate of 23.5 per 100 000 people in 2014, when the global average is 17.4 fatalities per 100 000 people. Middle-income countries like ours record an average of 18.4 fatalities per 100 000 people. The importance of road safety to the economy and society at large provides a convincing case for decisive policies and strategies to address the problem,” Peters

said. Peters said that South Africa had in the past experienced reduced road traffic fatalities, with the figures decreasing fairly steadily from 15 419 in 2006 to 12 702 in 2014. This, she said, is still not in line with the UNDA’s goal of achieving a 50% reduction by 2020. “As part of this commitment, we are meeting here today as stakeholders, representatives of our people and road safety activists to develop a new, goals-based Road Safety Strategy that embodies the principles of the ‘Safe System’ approach and gives effect to the five pillars of the UNDA. Best practice countries demonstrate the importance of a clear approach to road safety that details the key problem areas to be addressed by an effective road safety strategy,” Peters said. The summit therefore also aimed to start the mobilisation of stakeholders to improve the country’s road safety record ahead of the Easter weekend. “Long weekends and payday weekends are periods in which the country experiences an increase in road deaths. In March/April 2016, we will have two consecutive long weekends with paydays, which means our law enforcement agencies must be on high alert. We will officially unveil our plan for the Easter Season in Limpopo next Friday, 18 March 2016,” Peters said. According to Peters, an economic and financial analysis of road crashes points to the need to improve road safety in the country. This, she said, will enable South Africans to live long, productive lives and fiscal resources can be freed to focus on the important business of socio-economic development. As a participant of the UNDA, Peters said, South Africa has endorsed the global undertaking to save up to 5 million lives and contribute to preventing up to 50 million serious injuries by 2020. “It is evident that we need to work harder and smarter to reduce accidents, fatalities and injuries; inculcate good road-user behaviour; encourage voluntary compliance; and reduce road accident costs,” Peters said.

Johan Rootman (middle) of BB Mount Fuji with the certificate he won as Top-10 finalist. Pictured with him are senior representatives of NADA and the Sewells Group. Photo supplied.

Top award for BB’s Johan Rootman Johan Rootman, dealer principal of BB Mount Fuji (Nissan) in Louis Trichardt, walked away last week with a certificate as a Top-10 finalist in the annual National Automobile Dealer’s Association (NADA) and the Sewells Group’s awards ceremony in Johannesburg. Rootman was announced Top-10 finalist in the Small Dealership category, with some 1 500 dealerships competing in the competition which includes categories for medium and large businesses as well. NADA is a professional non-profit association representing the interest of businesspersons who own or operate new-vehicle franchise dealerships and qualifying-used-car-only out-

lets in South Africa. Committed to an enhanced image of retail motor businesses, NADA facilitates relations between dealers and OEMs, importers and distributors, and aids in building rewarding relationships between dealers and their customers. The Sewells Group is a global consulting and outsourcing firm specialising in the automotive retail industry, operating across the Asia Pacific, Africa and Middle East regions. They focus on improving the performance of individuals and organisations engaged in automotive retail. “We get out there and turn customers into friends. We don’t just deliver a vehicle, we deliver customer satisfaction,” said Johan.

“AAN AL ONS LOJALE KLIENTE – BAIE DANKIE. Paasfees is daardie tyd van die jaar waartydens vriende en familie byeenkom. Dis ‘n tyd om dankbaar te wees vir al die wonderlike dinge in die lewe wat ons somtyds as vanselfsprekend aanvaar. Van ons almal hier by BP BRIDGE FORD wens ons aan al ons kliente ongekende geluk en vreugde toe. Aan almal wat gaan reis oor hierdie tyd, bestuur asseblief versigtig en kom veilig by u bestemming aan. Ons gee om. Op die 24 ste Maart 2016 gaan ons Paasfees vier en ons nooi u hartlik uit om besoek af te le. Al ons personeel in geel sien hartlik uit om u te ontvang en seker te maak dat u voertuig voldoende brandstof vir die lang pad het en dat dit gediens en veilig is. Paasgroete.”

Tel: 015 516 5071/2 Rissikstraat 4, Louis Trichardt

bp 24 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers



Zoutie ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt

(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, History Makers: Tieners and Graad 6 en 7’s om 09:00 by Open Doors Gym, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past John Struwig (083 400 2511) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruh Street 25, Sunday services 10:00 & 18:00, adult Bible class at 09:15 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagskool 08:30, Sondagdiens 09:15, kontak Riaan Britz, Tel: 082 969 3089 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 084 209 5189 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 16:00, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672

Thursday, 17 March

Friday, 18 March

Saturday, 19 March

Partly sunny with a thunderstorm.

A shower and thunderstorm around.

Clouds and sun with a thunderstorm.

High: 27oC Low: 20oC

High: 26oC Low: 19oC

High: 27oC Low: 18oC

WHAT IS HAPPENING? DEURLOPEND AA BYEEN Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Metodiste Kerk te Munnikstraat 79 in Louis Trichardt en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jannie by tel. 076 501 8285.

word gebruik vir die aankope van kos vir die Bergcare Bejaarde-projek,” sê die projekbestuurders. Vir meer inligting, skakel 015 516 3902.


Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente bied tans A-graad vleis teen sakpaspryse te koop aan. Lekker wors en maalvleis is beskikbaar teen R60 per kilogram, terwyl smullekker sosaties teen R70 per kilogram gekoop kan word. Ander snitte kan ook op bestelling gereël word. Vir meer inligting of bestellings, skakel Thea by die kerkkantoor by tel. 015 516 4366.



Die burgerregte organisasie AfriForum nooi inwoners uit om hierdie Donderdag (17de) ‘n dringende gemeenskapsvergadering by te woon. Die vergadering, wat gehou sal word by die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub (hoek van Andersonen Bredastraat), sal om 18:30 begin. VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die “Hierdie vergadering is hoogs belangrik vir Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand van RUNNERS ON THE MOVE die veiligheid van ons gemeenskap. Ons glo en 18:00 tot 19:00 by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt in AGAIN The Soutpansberg Athletics Club vertrou ons gaan almal daar sien,” het AfriForum have recommenced with their time trials at their juf. Pentz se klas (klas nommer 25) bymekaar. se hoofkantoor gesê. usual summer time slot of 17:30 every Tuesday Alle vroue, jonk en oud, is welkom en vir Een van besprekingspunte tydens die vergademeer inligting, skakel Madelyn Stoltz by 083 422 from the Soutpansberg Athletics Club house in ring sal wees hoe veiligheid in die dorp opgeBreda Street (next to the municipal swimming 5248. skerp sal word, en hoe AfriForum sal inskakel by pool). “If you have a goal in mind, from 10km die bestaande Soutpansberg Dorpswag. MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die to an ultra-marathon such as the Comrades for Vir meer inligting kan die Soutpansberg Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom 2016, now is the time to start training. Everybody Dorpswag se kantoor geskakel word by tel. 082 elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basis welcome, young and old, walkers and runners, 251 0827. ket in Songozwistraat byeen. novices and experienced runners,” says the club. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 RELAY FOR LIFE Die organiThe club also has assisted training runs over 451 4249 geskakel word. seerders van Louis Trichardt se eie weekends and has a lot of activities planned for KANSA Relay for Life herinner inwoners om the year ahead. For more information, contact GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die vanjaar weer deel te wees van hierdie unieke Ferreira Nel at 082 749 0413. Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors geleentheid en vroegtydig goeie staanplekke te welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot DOJO WEER OOP Die Ninjutsu Dojo bespreek. 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek (Shio pan yama dojo Soutpansberg-skool) het Vanjaar se Relay for Life vind op 18 en 19 van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Louis Trich- weer begin met hul weeklikse oefensessies. Maart vanaf 18:00 tot 06:00 plaas, weer op ardt. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht Lede oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se sportterrein langs geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie 17:00 tot 18:30 in die stoeisaal. Privaatklasse, Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by asook kinderklasse, is beskikbaar. “Kom leer die die gholfklub. Deelname beloop R500 per span van 10 lede. Enige addisionele lede tot en met 15 082 921 6110. egte Japanese krygskuns van die samoerai en lede betaal R50 per lid ekstra. Om ‘n span in te ninja,” nooi shihan Swanepoel. Vir meer inligBAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENskryf, skakel Heila (082 525 3452), Liesel (072 TRE The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis ting kan hy geskakel word by tel. 076 467 2306. 234 6632) of Dirk (082 789 3927). Trichardt holds multi-faith devotionals every EBENEZER MILE SWIM Thursdays from 19:30. KARATEKAS BEGIN OEFEN Die It is once again time for the ever “O Children of Men! Know ye not why We Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub het weer met popular Ebenezer Mile open-water swim to be created you all from the same dust? That no one hulle weeklikse oefening begin. held at the Mountain Yacht Club in Haenertsburg should exalt himself over the other.” Die klub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 on 19 March. All are welcome. tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net This annual event has been organised by For more information phone 015 518 4154. buite Louis Trichardt op die N1 suid. Rotary Haenertsburg as a fundraiser for the past Vir meer inligting oor lidmaatskap, fooie en LOSGOEDWINKEL In ‘n poging om 14 years, with the fantastic support of large napadaanwysings, skakel sensei Tommy Janse van tional corporate sponsors and many smaller local behoeftige gesinne se nood te help verlig, nooi Rensburg by tel. 083 346 6600. die NG Kerk Soutpansberg alle inwoners om companies and organizations alike. There are ‘n draai te maak by hul tweedehandse klere- en some swimmers who are fiercely competitive and SENIOR LIMPOPO HOCKEY losgoedwinkel. Senior hockey in Limpopo is starting again, and super fit for this sport and participate in the naDie winkeltjie is geleë op die kerkterrein op interested players, technical officials and umpires tional open water swimming circuit for their own die hoek van Stubbs- en Andersonstraat. Inwopersonal achievements. They either swim the are invited to come and join. ners kan daar gaan rondkrap vir ‘n winskopie. exclusive 3000m or the popular Mile (1600m) or Practices are currently taking place on MonDie winkel is elke Woensdag vanaf 11:00 tot days and Wednesdays from 17:00 in Louis Trich- both. Then there is the large majority who come 14:00 oop. ardt at (Louis Trichardt High School), Levubu (at out and swim for the fun of it, choosing the mile distance (if they’ve done a bit of training) or the Levubu Primary school) and Musina. BERGCARE CHARITY SHOP easy 500m ‘fun’ course. Kids of all ages can All men, women and school children (juniors) Die Bergcare Charity Shop op die perseel van take part, and they also had a grand old lady of who are interested in playing for a club team in die Haantjie Kerk (NG Kerk Louis Trichardt) is the 2016 Limpopo league are welcome to contact 82 completing the mile, as well as some canine oop weeksdae van 07:00 tot 12:00. companions who swim with their owners! “Kom ondersteun gerus. U is ook welkom om Melanie Louw at 083 651 7601 for further For more information or online entries, visit details. Experienced players and beginners are all alle onnodige huisraad of klere te skenk. https://ebenezermile2016.myactiveonline.co.za/ welcome. “Die inkomste van Bergcare Charity Shop





- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity/Elektrisiteit - 015 516 2990 • Water - 015 516 2990 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827

MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183


- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 14 March. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:

14/03/2016 07/03/2016

Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

69.2% 69.2% 73.6% 70.4% #40.2% 40.2% 10.3% 10.5% 12% 12.3% 26.6% 25.4% 67.9% 66.2% 15.7% 14.4% 38.5% 38.2% 31.7% 32.9% 34.5% 29.9% 63% 63%




Fri,Sat: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45 Sun: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Mon-Thu: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45


PGV ¸ ˛ Thu: 9:15,11:45,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00


BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE (3D) TBA ¸ ˛ Ç Thu: 11:00,14:15,17:30,20:45


PGV ¸ ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00 Sun: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30 Mon-Wed: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00

MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING 2 10-12 PG ¸ ˛ Ç Thu: 9:45,12:30,14:45,17:30,20:15,22:55


10V ¸ ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:30,12:15,14:45,17:45,20:15,22:45 Sun: 9:30,12:15,14:45,17:45,20:15 Mon-Thu: 9:30,12:15,14:45,17:45,20:15,22:45

HAPPINESS IS A FOUR-LETTER WORD 10-12 PG ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:45,12:00,14:15,17:30,19:45,22:00 Sun: 9:45,12:00,14:15,17:30,19:45 Mon-Wed: 9:45,12:00,14:15,17:30,19:45,22:00

LONDON HAS FALLEN 16LV Fri,Sat: 18:00,20:30,22:45 Sun: 18:00,20:30 Mon: 22:45,18:00,20:30 Tue-Thu: 18:00,20:30,22:45

SAFE BET 10-12PGL Fri,Sat: 12:30,17:30,22:55 Sun: 12:30,17:30 Mon-Wed: 12:30,17:30,22:55

SONSKYN BEPERK 7-9 PGL Fri-Wed: 9:45,14:45,20:15

ZOOTROPOLIS PG Daily: 10:00,12:30,15:00








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# Means latest available data sterkinekor.com

Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. /sterkinekortheatres





Sunday, 20 March

Monday, 21 March

Tuesday, 22 March

Wednesday, 23 March

A thunderstorm in the area.

A thunderstorm in the area.

Cloudy with a shower in spots.

Mostly cloudy with a shower.

High: 27oC Low: 17oC

High: 24oC Low: 14oC

High: 23oC Low: 13oC

High: 23oC Low: 13oC



Baird Ministries in Louis Trichardt het ‘n vriendelike uitnodiging gerig aan alle inwoners om Sondag, 27 Maart, hulle Opstandingsdiens by te woon. Dié spesiale kerkdiens sal om 09:00 in die kerkgebou van Baird Ministries op die hoek van Rissik- en Reitzstraat begin . Vir meer inligting kan past. Jan Wilkins geskakel word by 071 161 9254 of Bertus by 071 078 1631.


APRIL TRIEGIES HOU AMAZING RACE Inwoners kan solank Vrydag, 8

April, in hulle dagboeke merk. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt beplan hul eie Amazing Race. Die kompetisie is oop vir enige iemand wat ‘n span van vier op die been kan bring. Meer besonderhede sal nader aan die tyd bekend gemaak word. Intussen kan Madeleine Nel geskakel word vir meer inligting by 083 388 7933.



Skietklub bied Saterdag, 9 April, weer ‘n jaggeweerkompetisie aan op die Louis Trichardt Skietbaan. Daar gaan drie bane wees om te skiet, naamlik .22, handwapen en jaggeweer, maar, sê die organiseerders, hulle gaan dit hierdie jaar bietjie anders aanbied en die dag beloof om baie pret te wees. Daar sal vanaf 08:00 tot 15:00 geskiet word, waarna die dag afgesluit sal word met ‘n gesellige bring-en-braai. Pap en sous sal voorsien word. Vir navrae, skakel Ampie 082 742 0168.


Die VLU se Aandblom-tak in Louis Trichardt se volgende vergadering sal op Dinsdag, 12 April, gehou word by die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub (hoek van Andersonen Bredastraat). Tydens die vergadering, wat om 18:00 begin, sal daar ‘n praatjie aangebied word oor verskeie kreatiewe idees om nuwe lewe te blaas in al ouma se ou doilies. Belangstellendes wat die vergadering wil bywoon, of by die VLU wil aansluit, kan Schiela Botha skakel by tel. 072 013 4998.


Local roadies can start preparing themselves for the annual Polokwane Mayoral Road Cycle Race on 17 April. The Peter Mokaba Stadium will play host to this event, and cyclists can choose to enter one of the three races: the 96km, 45km or the 15km race. The entry fee for the races are R220, R160 and R70 respectively, with entries closing on 13 April For more information and entries, visit http:// www.cycleevents.co.za/road-events/polokwane-mayoral-road-race-2016/



Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt nooi inwoners om vanaf 18 tot 22 April te kom luister na die bekende Riekert Botha. Die tema van Botha se besoek is OPENBARING Ontsluit. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.


Die streek se gholfers kan op 22 April hul ondersteuning wys ten opsigte van dierebeskerming tydens die Louis Trichardt Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) se gholfdag by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub. Die formaat van die dag se spel is ‘n vierbal-alliansie Scramble Drive, met deelname wat R1 500 vir die vierbal (vier spelers) kos. Diegene wat nie self kan speel nie, maar steeds die DBV wil ondersteun, is ook welkom om ‘n putjie te borg teen R1 000. Belangstellendes moet egter voor 18 April hul deelname bevestig. Vir meer inligting, skakel Yolanda by 082 972 2060 of Adri by 084 261 1805.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

Wees asseblief geduldig tydens Relay 2016

Met Louis Trichardt se eie CANSA Relay for Life om die draai het die plaaslike organiseerders die publiek versoek om maar bietjie geduldig te wees vir die duur van die Relay. Vanjaar se Relay vind vanaf 18:00 op 18 Maart tot 06:00 op 19 Maart plaas op Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se sportterrein. “Daar sal heelnag musiek en afkondigings wees en wil ons graag die publiek FOOD, WINE & BEER versoek om geduldig te wees met die musiek. Ons FESTIVAL Looking for a unique sal probeer om die musiek nie so hard te speel taste experience? Then make a note of the annual nie,” sê mnr. Dirk Meissenheimer, voorsitter van Haenertsburg Food, Wine & Beer Festival on 30 die plaaslike reëlingskomitee. Kennisgewing hierApril and 1 May. van is ook aan die Makhado Munisipaliteit en die New to this year’s festival will be the Slow Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens gegee. Food Emporium. There will also be a not-to-beMeissenheimer sê mense moet asseblief besef missed Wedding Expo on both dates. waaroor die Relay gaan. “Dit gaan oor mense (surThe other popular attractions will also be vivors) wat kanker oorwin het, of wat steeds kanker there, including wine tasting, local and other het, en dat ons ‘n nag saam met hulle wil deurbring craft beer, locally produced pickles, preserves om simpatie en steun aan hulle te betoon. Onthou, and food products, as well as live music, food kanker slaap nie en dit kom voor in alle rasse, oud and wine pairing, kiwi farm tours and lots of of jonk, mooi of lelik. Dit gaan nie net daaroor other fun in the sun. For more information, visit www.foodandwinefestival.co.za or phone 082 370 8567.


om ‘n lekker kuiersessie te hê nie; daar sal ander geleenthede wees daarvoor,” sê Meissenheimer. Wat laasgenoemde betref, het Meissenheimer gewaarsku dat geen drank, dwelms of rook op die baan toegelaat sal word nie, aangesien dit kanker kan veroorsaak. “Kom ons respekteer dit net ten minste vir een aand in ‘n jaar,” sê Meissenheimer.



Beraders: 072 262 8646 / 084 616 2355 / 082 256 6423 / 083 257 3127 Ondersteuningsgroep: Posbus 85, Louis Trichardt



Die streek se jong talent kan begin gereed maak vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Soutpansberg Kunsfees vanaf 16 tot 19 Mei. Daar word voorsiening gemaak vir sangsolo’s, duette, instrumente, voordrag, drama, lees, koor, sanggroepe, danse en revue. Alle kunswerke moet op karton gemonteer wees. Deelname kos R30 per inskrywing vir elke item. Vir groepe groter as vyf, is die koste R20 per individu. Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is 18 Maart. Vir meer inligting, skakel Anelle Pieterse by tel. 071 334 0447.


Louis Trichardt High School

18/19 March 2016 Starts @ 18h00 and ends @ 06h00 Team Registration: 10 members per team pays R500, but additional members up to 15 pays R50 per person extra.

TURBI HILLS MTB RACE It is almost time again for

the ever popular Turbi Hills Mountain Bike Race, hosted by the MOTH’s Turbi Hills Shellhole in Louis Trichardt. The race will take place on 21 May, with registrations taking place from 06:30 to 07:30 at Ridgeway Independent School along the Roodewal road. The first race starts at 08:00 and cyclists will be able to compete in the 50km (entry fee R140), 30km (R100) or 8km (R40) race. A kiddies’ race (R10 entry fee) for the very young is also on the cards. For more information, phone Alan Odendaal at tel. 083 660 2472.


Sky Lanterns for sale: R20.00 Heila Oosthuizen Cell: 082 525 3452 Email: heilaoosthuizen@yahoo.com Liesel Scholtz Cell: 072 234 6632 Email: sarel@edenoil.co.za


Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Louis Trichardt hou op 28 Mei weer vanaf 08:00 lekker basaar. Al die bedrywighede vind plaas op die plaveisel-parkering voor die woonstelle. Heerlike pannekoek, russians & tjips, tuisgemaakte konfyt, kerrie-en-rys, groente en vrugte, plante, koek, tert en ander gebak, asook nuttige handwerk is te koop. “Koop ‘n pannekoek en kry ‘n koppie koffie of tee gratis,” nooi die tehuis se inwoners. Vir navrae, skakel die tehuis tydens kantoorure by tel. 015 516 0997.

Dirk Meissenheimer Cell: 082 789 3927 Email: dirk_meis@yahoo.com

CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook

Fluffy Kitten

Fabian Male

Labarodor / Chow puppies x 4 Male & Female

Mienkie Female

Banjamin Male

Tessa Female

Mary Kitten

Curley Sue Kitten



MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

INVITATION TO PUBLIC HEARING OF MUNICIPAL PUBLIC ACCOUNT COMMITTEE (MPAC) The Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality, Councillor L B Mogale, hereby invites all community members to attend the MPAC Public Hearing to discuss the Cllr L B Mogale 2014/2015 Audited Annual Report which is scheduled as follows: Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality Date : Tuesday, 22 March 2016 Time : 09:00 Venue : Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado To RSVP and arrange for submissions, please contact: 1. Ms T E Shiringani – telephone no. 015 519 3030; or 2. Mr R R Shilenge – telephone no. 015 519 3041 NB.: Members of the public are not allowed to make verbal submissions at the Public Hearing meeting without prior arrangement. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street MAKHADO, 0920 10 & 11 March 2016, 17 & 18 March Notice No. 28 of 2016 File: 4/33


MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


Cllr L B Mogale Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the 108th Special Council meeting will be held as follows: 14:00 Thursday, 31 March 2016 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado

The Draft Budget 2016/2017, Draft IDP 2016/2017 and Final Annual Report 2014/2015 will be considered during this meeting. All interested members of the public are invited to attend the meeting. Enquiries must be directed to N C Kharidzha or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000. Kennis word hiermee ingevolge klousule 19 van die Plaaslike Regering: Wet op Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000 gegee dat die 108ste Spesiale Raadsvergadering soos volg gehou sal word: TYD: DATUM: PLEK:

14:00 Donderdag, 31 Maart 2016 Raadsaal, Grondvloer, Burgersentrum, Kroghstraat 83, Makhado

Die Konsepbegroting 2016/2017, Konsep GOP 2016/2017 asook die Finale Jaarverslag 2014/2015 word tydens hierdie vergadering oorweeg. Enige belangstellende lid van die publiek word genooi om die vergadering by te woon. Navrae kan gerig word aan N C Kharidzha of M D Munyai by (015) 519 3000. Ndivhadzo u ya nga tshitenwa tsha 19 tsha Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000 uri mutangano zwawo wa vhu (108) wa khoro ya masipala u do fariwa nga ndila I tevhelaho: TSHIFHINGA: DUVHA: FHETHU:

14:00 Lavhuna, 31 Thafamuhwe 2016 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado

Mvetomveto ya mugaganyagwama wa 2016/2017, mvetomueto ya IDP 2016/2017 na muvhigo wa nwaha wa muvhalelano wa 2014/15 zwi do angaredzwa kha wonoyo mutangano. Mirado ya lushaka vha re na dzangalelo vha rambiwa u dzhenela u yo Mutangano. Mbudziso dzothe dzi nga livhiswa kha N C Kharidzha kana M D Munyai kha (015) 519 3000. Tsebiso ye e mabapi le karolo ya 19 ya molao wa Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000, gore kopano ya khansele ya bo 108 e tla swarwa ka tsela ye e latelago: NAKO: TSATSIKGWEDI: LEFELO:

A good year for local nut farmers Agricultural News

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Green Farms CEO Jill Whyte addresses local macadamia growers in Levubu on 7 March about the company’s annual back pay. Photo supplied.

The Green Farms Nut Company (GFNC) hosted their annual offer meeting at their macadamia nut processing factory in Levubu last week. This was the third in a series of meetings held at GNFC’s various factories in Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZula Natal. Not only has GFNC been a key role player in the industry, it is also one of the country’s oldest and largest processors and marketers of macadamia nuts.

Green Farms CEO Jill Whyte addressed Levubu farmers, along with her Australian and South American colleagues from the marketing company Green and Gold Nuts. Key topics that came under discussion were the importance of opening new markets, the Chinese and South American markets and the announcement of the annual back pay. Back pay is the profit share paid back to farmers at the end of each season. For 2015, GNFC paid out 22.3%, the highest in rand value

the company has ever paid out. The company explained that it was able to achieve such exceptional pay-outs because it used a profit-sharing business model in which it offered suppliers 100% of all sales and exchange benefits earned by their crop, over and above the offer GFNC made at the beginning of the season. GFNC thanked their farmers for 25 years of loyal service and announced that they looked forward to many more years as the premier partner for macadamia nut farmers in the industry.

Georganiseerde landbou vestig veiligheidstruktuur Landelike veiligheid in Limpopo het ‘n nuwe tydvak betree toe die landelike veiligheidstrukture van TLU SA Noord en Agri Limpopo op 8 Maart in Polokwane ‘n gesamentlike slypskool gehou het om te besin oor landelike veiligheid. Volgens ‘n gesamentlike persverklaring is die bestaande en goed-ontwikkelde landelike veiligheidstrukture van die twee georganiseerde landbou-organisasies nog altyd ‘n sterk groepering. “Hierdie goed-georganiseerde landelike veiligheidstrukture is nou saamgevoeg, waaruit Limpopo Landelike Veiligheid Struktuur tot stand gekom het,” lees die verklaring. Die nuwe Limpopo Landelike Veiligheid Struktuur sal ten nouste met die SAPD saamwerk, vanaf polisiestasievlak tot by die SAPD se provinsiale bevelstruktuur, waar daar reeds sedert 2015 goeie betrekkinge tussen die SAPD se topbestuur en georganiseerde landbou bestaan. “Hierdie betrekkinge sal deur die nuwe struktuur voortgesit en uitgebou word,” sê die organisasies. Die slypskool, met ‘n bekende in landelike veiligheidskringe, mnr. Japie van der Goot, as fasiliteerder, het kleinere probleme geïdentifiseer wat gesamentlik aangespreek en opgelos sal word. Bestaande hulpmiddele en mannekrag sal nou meer gekoördineerd aangewend word. Gesamentlike kommunikasiekanale sal gevestig word en ander

gemeenskaplike probleme, wat van area tot area verskil, sal nou onder die nuutgevormde, sterker groep hanteer word. “Limpopo Landelike Veiligheid Struktuur sal ook in daardie gebiede waar landelike veiligheid nog nie voldoende gevestig is nie, aandag gee,” lees die verklaring. Mnre. Willem van Jaarsveld van Agri Limpopo en Drickus Botha van TLU SA Noord het albei hulle dank en waardering teenoor hulle lede uitgespreek vir die positiewe wyse waarop hierdie gemeenskaplike landelike probleem die hoof gebied kan word. Hulle het ook ‘n beroep gedoen op landelike inwoners wat nie deel van georganiseerde landboustrukture vorm nie om die inisiatief te steun tot voorkoming van misdaad in die landelike gebied van Limpopo. Die nuutgestigte Limpopo Landelike Veiligheid Struktuur wil ook ten nouste met alle GPFgroeperinge wat teenwoordig was, asook ander wat nie daar was nie, saamwerk om die veiligheid van almal in die Limpopo landelike gebiede te help verseker. Privaat sekuriteitsmaatskappye wat teenwoordig was, het ook hulle steun aan die Limpopo Landelike Veiligheid Struktuur herbe­ vestig. “Samewerking tussen hierdie groepe is van uiterste belang om misdaad in landelike gebiede te voorkom,” het die organisasies gesê.

14:00 Labone, 31 Hlakola 2016 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado

Tekanyetso ya matlotlo yeo shikinywago ya ngwaga wa 2016/17, le tekanyetiso ya IDP ya ngwaga wa 2016/2017 le pego ya matlotlo ya ngwaga wa 2014/15, ditla theeletswa kopanong ye. Dipotsiso ka moka di ka lebiswa go N C Kharidzha or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000. Mitivisiwa kuya hi Section 19 ya Mfumo wa Xikaya: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000 leswaku nhlengeletano ya vu 108 wa ntolovelo wa khansele ya Masipala wu tava hi ndlela leyi landzelaka: NKARHI: SIKU: NDZHAWU:

14:00 Wavumune, 31 Nyenyakulu 2016 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado

Eka nhiengeletano lowu ku ta langutisiwa mpfapfarhuto wa lembe ximali 2016/17 na mpfapfarhuto wa IDP wa lembe ximali 2016/2017 xikamwe na xiviko xa lembe ximali 2014/15 swi ta tekeriwa enhlokweni eka nhlengeletano lowu. Lava tsakelaka ku nghenela nhlengeletano lowu va amukeriwa. Switiviso swi nga kongomisiwa eka tatana N C Kharidzha or M D Munyai eka no nomboro leyi (015) 519 3000. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street MAKHADO, 0920 17 & 18 March 2016 Notice No. 29 of 2016 File: 4/2/2


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Litishia van Rooyen (Grade 3) and Mulisa Wanga (Grade 6) of Levubu Primary School recently recieved certificates for academic excellence in their respective grades during the Dzondo Circuit Excellence Awards. Dzondo is at present the number one circuit in the province. From left to right are principal Mr Hans du Toit, Litishia and Mulisa. Photo supplied.






19 -25 Maart 2016

Moenie ‘n drup wees nie, Skoon water is veilige water spaar eerder water Deur Isabel Venter

Deur Isabel Venter

Nasionale Waterweek word vandeesweek landswyd gevier, maar baie inwoners reken daar is nie baie om te vier nie. Te midde van vuil water uit krane en gereelde onderbrekings in die watertoevoer moet inwoners maar eie planne beraam om die wonder van skoon water te ervaar. Juis daarom het die nasionale Departement van Waterwese en Sanitasie (DWS) hierdie week geskep (17 tot 23 Maart) om die belangrikheid van water te beklemtoon. “Die regering is bekommerd oor die droogte wat Suid-Afrika tans ervaar, en doen ‘n beroep op alle landsburgers om die realiteit in die gesig te staar dat water ‘n skaars bron is waarvoor daar nie ‘n plaasvervanger is nie,” het die DWS minister Nomvula Mokonyane gesê met die aanvang van Nasionale Waterweek die afgelope Maandag. Mokonyane het die belangrikheid beklemtoon om spaarsamig met water te werk.

Dept. Waterwese en Sanitasie se raad om water te bespaar: 1. Draai die kraan toe as jy dit nie gebruik nie. 2. Was net ‘n vol bondel wasgoed op ‘n slag. 3. Gebruik wasgoedwater om die toilette in die huis mee te spoel, vloere te was of die tuin nat te maak. 4. Plaas ’n “waterverplasingstoestel” in jou toiletbak – soos ’n baksteen of ’n plastiekbottel met water gevul – om water te bespaar. 5. Moenie te lank draai in die stort nie, en indien jy nie oor ‘n stort beskik nie moenie die bad tot oorlopens toe vol water tap nie. 6. Sorg dat pype en krane nie lek nie. 7. Slaan twee vlieë dood met een klap en kook net genoeg water op ‘n slag in die ketel.


In Louis Trichardt word huishoudelike watersuiweringstoestelle al hoe meer gebruik, en met goeie rede. Met die verloop van tyd het al hoe meer plaaslike huishoudings onafhanklik begin funksioneer van munisipale water deur die installering van opgaartenks en drukpompe. In sommige gevalle word van dié tenks aangevul met boorgatwater, terwyl ander nog afhanklik is van munisipale water. Die kwaliteit van die water, of dit nou vanaf die munisipaliteit of uit ‘n boorgat kom, is nie altyd so goed nie, en daar is ook baie chemikalieë in die water wat niemand graag sou wou inneem nie. Waarskynlik die maklikste en mees koste-effektiewe sisteem om kwaliteit gesonde drinkwater te verkry, is die tru-osmose sisteem. ‘n Ses-fase tru-osmose stelsel sal van alle onsuiwerhede en chemikalieë in die water ontslae raak en gedurende die sesde fase slegs die minerale terugplaas in die water wat ons liggame nodig het elke dag. Maar hoe gemaak as só ‘n stelsel nie bekostig kan word nie? Een inwoner het sy raad gedeel met die Zoutpansberger. Mnr. Louw Pretorius raai inwoners aan om ongesuiwerde water in ‘n houer te plaas en dan ‘n bleikmiddel daarby te gooi (twee eetlepels op 25 liter water). Die houer moet dan goed geskud word en vir sowat 12 ure gelos word sodat die sediment onder in die houer kan gaan lê. Die water kan dan deur een van die goedkoper waterfilters (beskikbaar by enige supermark of waterverskaffer) gegooi word, waarna dit gebruik kan word. Jodium kan ook met groot sukses gebruik word om kieme in die water te dood (behalwe as

mens daarvoor allergies is). Die Departement van Water en Sanitasie (DWS) beveel vyf druppels jodium vir elke liter water aan. Water moet gelos word om vir 15 ure te staan, en as dit dan nog melkerig is moet dit deur ‘n skoon doek gefiltreer word. Daar is ook ‘n verskeidenheid watersuiweringstablette beskikbaar wat plaaslik by apteke en kampeerwinkels aangeskaf kan word. Volg die instruksies op die pakkie noukeurig. Sodra die vullis onder in die houer saampak, filtreer die water deur ‘n skoon doek. Die vuilheid sal op die doek agterbly. Maak seker dat die skoon water met ‘n deksel of doek bedek bly. Die goedkoopste manier om water te suiwer is deur sonkrag. Vul ‘n deurskynende plastiekbottel met water en los dit vir twee ure in die warm son. As die helfte van die bottel swart geverf is en op ‘n sinkplaat gesit word, word die verwarmingsproses versnel. Die kombinasie van warm water en ultraviolet-bestraling van die son, maak die meeste mikro-organismes dood. Dit is besonder effektief om die cholera bakterie te dood.

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19 -25 March 2016





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Bvekenya Barnard the most famous of Crook’s Corner’s elephant hunters



Barnard Street

“Nobody knew his real name, where he had come from, or whether he was dead. He was a legend of the bush; and as is the bush is secret and ageless, so its legends come from all ages, mix themselves up irrespective of years, and go on to the future like a trail whose beginnings are tree-grown and whose makers have vanished completely.” – T.V. Bulpin, The Ivory Trail This week we move “uptown” and delve into the history of one of the most picturesque streets in Louis Trichardt, namely Barnard Street. We are, however, not going to take the normal route. We are going to take a detour, which will inevitably make the trip much longer, but much more interesting. Barnard Street was in all probability named after one of the town’s councillors or community leaders serving on the first boards. In PHC de Vaal’s book about the town’s history*, he mentions two Barnards, namely H. van der Watt Barnard and F.A. Barnard. F.A. Barnard was mayor of the town in 1958, so it is presumably his name that the street bears. The problem is that we can only assume. Perhaps the street was named after the most famous “local” Barnard of all, the man known to friends and foes as Bvekenya. The man whose name became synonymous with big-game hunting (or ivory poaching) in Africa as the main character in the all-time classic of T.V. Bulpin, The Ivory Trail. (Bulpin, a South African-born author, wrote several books about life in southern Africa.) Part of Bulpin’s story plays out in the northern-most corner of the country, more precisely at the spot where South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe meet. “Crooks Corner is the name man gave long ago to this secluded and sinister wedge of land. It was a last home for many a curious and lawless character: a sanctuary from civilisation, whose solitary state was paradise to all those whose deeds or inclinations made imperative a retreat to some last stronghold of the lawless,” writes Bulpin. Unlike a Hollywood film script, Bulpin’s depiction of this rugged and eccentric hunter is very authentic. The legendary Bvekenya was real and left an indelible mark on the region. It is said that even today the Shangaan people on the Mozambican side of the Save River still wait for Barnard and that the land will not be made available for hunting to anyone else, as it is “Bvekenya’s land.” The story of Stephanus Cecil Rutgert Barnard started on a farm outside Knysna on 19 September, 1886. This was also where he was first introduced to the world of elephant hunting, during a time when these beautiful beasts still roamed the Knysna woods. While he was still very young, the family moved to a farm in Schweizer-Reneke in the Western Transvaal. A couple of unfortunate events occurred in the years that followed. The area was hit by an outbreak of rinderpest and old man Barnard had to work away from home in trying to provide for the family. This was followed by the Anglo Boer War and, as a resident of the Boer Republic, Barnard Snr had to join the fight. This, of course, left Mrs Barnard and the children to fend for themselves under extremely difficult circumstances. When his mother was moved to a British concentration camp, Bvekenya had to look after his siblings. She died of sickness in the camp before her husband could return from the war. When Bvekenya’s father arrived back at the farm, the young man decided that the time had come for him to explore the world. It started with a career as a policeman, but all along the romantic idea of hunting elephants lingered in the back of his mind. After three years of working as law enforcer, he put his savings together and started preparations for his career as a big-game hunter. Among other stuff he bought a Lee Enfield .303 calibre gun and set off on the road to the north. (Not really a rifle suited for elephant hunting, but something that he had to find out for himself in the bush.) In 1910, the same year that South Africa became a Union, Bvekenya set out with a wagon and donkeys along the Great North Road. At Soekmekaar (nowadays Morebeng), he turned north-east to Klein Letaba and from there the trail went to Pun-

Illustration by C.T. Astley Maberly

da Maria. Further north he crossed the Luvhuvhu River and arrived at the infamous Crook’s Corner. Crook’s Corner had a number of rather interesting characters. Among the few friends that Bvekenya made were the owner of the Makhuleke Store, Alec Thompson, as well as a “blackbirder”, William Pye. Blackbirders made their money out of recruiting local tribesmen to work on the South African mines. Bvekenya himself later added to his income by working as a blackbirder. The story goes that Bvekenya initially tried to hunt in a legal way and travelled to Massangena in what we now know as Mozambique, to obtain a permit. He was not successful and only obtained permission to hunt small game. One of the policemen stationed at Massangena, however, collected a gang of renegades and tried to rob and kill Bvekenya while he was camping near the Save River. Bvekenya managed to escape with only his cotton underpants on and had to walk back to Makhuleke, almost 240 kilometres away. It was a long and dangerous journey and Bvekenya nearly succumbed on the way back. He was rescued by a group of Shangaan workers returning from the South African mines. They gave him a spear, some clothing and helped him to recover. They also gave him his name, which means “the man who swaggers when he walks”. This was probably because of the way he walked barefoot on the warm sand. Bvekenya finally made it back to Crook’s Corner, where he used his wagon as collateral to borrow money to return to Johannesburg. He then kitted himself out in a more proper way and bought a 9.5 Mannlicher-Schoenauer, a weapon much more suited for shooting elephants. Much of Bulpin’s story concerns Bvekenya’s quest for revenge and also to repay those who had been kind to him. Whenever he shot an elephant, the tusks were cut out and the rest of the meat went to the local villagers. In several instances his hunting skills and generosity saved them from starvation, especially during the early 1910s when the eastern region suffered from a terrible drought. The story also focuses on his obsession to shoot an exceptionally big elephant bull, called Dhlulamithi (taller than the trees). Even though Bvekenya was an infamous poacher and fugitive from the law, he was also a conservationist. He did not believe in killing game for fun and always ensured that nothing that he had shot went to waste. His trackers had to ascertain the age of the elephant, often by studying the dung, to make sure it was past its prime. During a trip to the then Rhodesia via the Lundi River, he witnessed the abundance of game congregating in the area, following the good rains. This made such an impression on him that he wrote to the Native Commissioner of Chibi in the Fort Victoria district, proposing that they establish a transfrontier park. Much to his surprise the Native Commissioner, a Mr P Forrestal, wrote back, thanking him for the letter and information, but he reckoned the authorities would not agree to such a proposal. It would take almost another 100 years before this idea became a reality. Bvekenya gradually took revenge on his attackers and, in doing so, also collected warrants for his arrest in three countries. To the local inhabitants,

In this week’s edition we focus on Barnard Street, but we “cheat” (to a certain degree and hopefully with the blessings of our readers). We could not resist writing about one of the region’s most famous Barnards, namely the legendary hunter/poacher, Bvekenya Barnard. In our defence we did try and find out more about the other Barnards, but very little information is available. Perhaps a reader can enlighten us. Readers with information on the streets not yet covered in the series must please contact Anton at anton@zoutnet.co.za or Pétria at petria@devaaBarnard landdevaal.co.za.

Kr ogh S

By Anton van Zyl







however, he became a hero and a mystical legend. His ability to live off harsh, drought-stricken land, was unparalleled. Bulpin describes it as follows: “The wilderness in which Bvekenya hunted, between the Great Sabi and the Limpopo, from the Rhodesian border down to within fifty miles of the sea, was known to the Shanganes as the Hlengwe (The Place Where You Need Help). It was a place where terror dwelt: a haunt of the wild animals, of sudden death, of an ancient savagery, and the nameless ghosts of strange gods whose lore and rites were half-forgotten.” During his almost 20-year stay in the area, Bvekenya studied not only the animals in the area, but also the plants and trees. He experimented with taming the eland and even sent some as gifts to the national zoo. As “blackbirder” Bvekenya’s name was known far and wide. This was a very controversial “occupation” and often accompanied by tales of abuse and deceit. Tribesmen were lured from various villages to work in the mines in places such as Johannesburg and Kimberley, often under atrocious circumstances. The blackbirders received up to £7 for every recruit, which made it a very profitable business. Bvekenya had a very organised and almost sophisticated system in place to guide the recruits to the mines. These included several hidden bush camps en route, where the men could rest and eat and could also acclimatize as they travelled southwards. One of the biggest dangers for mine workers coming from northern countries was pneumonia. They were simply not ready to face the damp, cold conditions in the Highveld mines. During his years in the Soutpansberg, Bvekenya made several good friends. When Thompson departed, the Makuleke store at Crook’s Corner was managed by a Canadian, Buck Buchanan. Buchanan later moved to a farm close to the Soutpansberg. Another friend of Bvekenya’s was Hendrik Hartman and the two of them agreed to farm with sheep at the back of the Soutpansberg. In 1918, Hartman was in Crook’s Corner, busy building a kraal for the sheep, when he climbed up a large thorn three to cut down branches. As he worked his way up the tree, the branches formed a pile below him. When he at last realised that he had left no escape route, it was too late and he could not get down. He shouted for help, but had to spend the day up there before help arrived. He died of sunstroke a few days later and was buried at Crook’s Corner. Bvekenya often visited Louis Trichardt, where

another hunter friend of his, Hans Klopper,lived. Klopper farmed at Doornspruit near the town, but his favourite hunting ground was in the northern parts of the Kruger National Park. An area with a fountain just north of the Shantangalani hills, Klopperfontein, is named after him. Towards the end of his “career” as blackbirder, Bvekenya became a more law-abiding citizen and worked for a mining company, officially recruiting workers. This only lasted until 1923 when the call of the bush became too much for him to tolerate. For the next few years he was back hunting elephants, but the circumstances had changed. He was appalled by the manner in which Africa’s resources were being destroyed, especially by those with no knowledge of the bush. At the same time, several national parks were declared and policing of these areas intensified. In 1929, at the age of 43, Bvekenya left the area where he had had so many adventures and close encounters with death. He bought a farm in the western Transvaal at Geysdorp. He married Marie Badenhorst and they had four sons and a daughter. Bvekenya only returned to the Soutpansberg twice in his later years. During the first visit, in 1952, he took his son, Isak, to show him the old places. On the second occasion he took the author, T.V. Bulpin, to Crook’s Corner. Bulpin’s book, The Ivory Trail, first appeared in 1954. Cecil Barnard died in his bed at the age of 76 on 2 June 1962. He was buried on his farm Vlakplaas, near Geysdorp. Even towards the end of his life the memories of his years in the bush never faded. His son, Isak, had an interview years later with Dave Edgcumbe, a dedicated hunter and conservationist, and told him that his dad had preferred walking instead of riding. He would walk from his farm to the closest cooperative in Lichtenburg and back, a roundtrip of some 260km. “Maybe this was his way of remembering the months and years that he (had) walked the Lowveld, of adventures, loneliness, of triumphs and tribulations,” Isak Barnard said. Deep in the thick bush near Crook’s Corner there still lies a grave with the inscription Stephanus Cecil Rutgert Barnard. Bulpin did not know about this grave and doesn’t mention it in his book. His son explained that his dad was once very sick with malaria. The Shangaan helpers who were with him thought he was going to die and dug the grave for him. When they visited the spot in 1952, it was still two feet deep. On 19 September 1986, 100 years after his birth, his family unveiled a small plaque in the area where he and many other wanderers in the period between 1910 and 1929 had conducted their trade on the infamous Ivory Route. Sources: * PHC de Vaal, Die Dorp Louis Trichardt, 1986 * TV Bulpin, The Ivory Trail, 1954 * U de V Pienaar, Neem uit die Verlede, 1990 * Isak Barnard’s interview with Dave Edgombe as published in African Expedition * Penduka Safaris website, www.pendukasafaris. com


Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe



Twee van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se leerlinge wat Afrikaans neem as ‘n addisionele taal het gekwalifiseer om deel te neem aan die eerste uit­dunrondte van die ATKV se jaarlikse redenaarskopmetisie. Sungu Khosa (links) en Dede Bessong sal in Polokwane gaan deelneem vanaf 14 tot 15 April.


Die volgende leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het gekwalifiseer om deel te neem aan die eerste uitdunrondte van die ATKV Junior Redenaarskompetisie wat vanaf 14 tot 15 April in Polokwane by die Curro-Heuwelkruin Skool gehou sal word. Voor, van links na regs, is Shani Potgieter (Graad 2), Wilme Pretorius (Graad 2) en Mienke Burger (Graad 1). Agter is Liné Schlesinger (Graad 4) en Jannes van der Goot (Graad 3). Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Shiloh van Zyl (Graad 3). Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za

Hennie en Ruanda haak knoop deur Regs: Twee van die streek se bekende jongmense, Hennie Erasmus (seun van Marie en Corrie Erasmus), en Ruanda (dogter van Geoff en Lena Venter), is op 5 Maart op die plaas Hermanus in die Mopani-distrik in die huwelik bevestig. Foto verskaf.

Ons soek u briewe Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange­leent­­hede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort.

Send you letter

ie Skrif sê in Efesiërs 6:10 “Soek julle krag in die Here en in Sy groot mag.” Kom ons kyk na vier Bybelse waarhede op hierdie weg wat “krag in die Here” genoem word. 1. Neh. 8:11: “... want die blydskap in die Here - dit is julle beskutting.” (OV) Is dit nie wonderlik om aan God te behoort nie, wat blydskap die weg maak na krag? 2. Rom. 5:2: “En ons verheug ons ook in die hoop om deel te hê aan die heerlikheid van God.” ‘n Deel van ons vreugde is as gevolg van wat ons nou reeds het, vergifnis van sonde, gemeenskap met God, ‘n doelgerigte lewe, kosbare familie en vriende. Maar die eenvoudige en pynlike waarheid is ... “ons uiterlike is besig om te vergaan.” (2 Kor. 4:16). Daarom, as ons ‘n onwankelbare blydskap in hierdie lewe wil ervaar, moet dit in “hoop” wees. Lees Rom. 8:24-25. Daarom verbly ons ons “in die hoop”. (Rom. 12:12). 3. Openb. 21:4-23 Dit is ons hoop. Die wedergebore kinders van God sal eendag Sy heerlikheid aanskou, dan sal daar nie meer sonde, trane en siekte wees nie. Lees Rom. 8:32. Alles wat God besit is die erfporsie van Sy kinders om vir ewig te geniet. Daarom, plaas jou hoop in die heerlikheid van God, en wees bly in daardie hoop en laat daardie blydskap jou sterkte wees in jou stryd hier op aarde. 4. Efesiërs 1:15-18. Ons groot uitdaging nou is om te weet wat die heerlikheid van ons hoop is. Om dit met die oë van ons hart te sien en nie net met ons verstand daaraan te dink nie. Dit is ons groot geestelike stryd. Hierdie stryd word op ons knieë, in die Woord geveg. Kom ons bid met ons hele hart dat God wat gesê het “laat daar lig wees” in ons harte sal skyn om “ons te verlig met die kennis van die heerlikheid van God” (2 Kor. 4:6). Dit moet ons daaglikse vreugde en ons blywende skat wees. Hierdie vreugde sal ons krag wees.

- 079 516 8303

Preference is given to short, factual letters concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters. Daisy word omkant gevang met Bernard se aankondiging dat hulle vir ‘n wyle moet help om mense weg te steek, totdat hulle die land ongesien kan verlaat. Weens ‘n jarelange vriendskap met die familie, voel Bernard verplig om dit te doen, sonder dat Daisy enigsins ‘n sê daarin het ....

moet help om mense weg te steek vrou wat jy vir my is. Maar daar het nou iets gebeur waarby ek jou moet betrek en ek is nie eintlik trots daarop nie. En ek weet jy gaan glad nie daarvan hou nie.” “Met ander woorde, Bernard, ek wil nie aisy sit haarself en jammer kry by die werk. eintlik daarvan weet nie, nê?” Daisy sit aandagDaar is nie ‘n siel in sig nie; haar laaste tig en kyk na Bernard. Hy begin ongemaklik gaste het vanoggend hulle ry gekry. Die sjef rondkriewel. en sy kombuismense verwelkom ‘n kans om “Nou toe. Vertel en kry dit van jou gewete af. behoorlik skoon te maak en het die res van die personeel betrek by ‘n vrolike gewerskaf. Maar Gaan ons banke moet beroof soos Bonnie en Clyde? Eintlik is dit nogal ‘n uitstekende idee! Daisy kry altyd ‘n gevoel van oorbodigheid ... Ons het albei opbeuring nodig vandag! En ons van verlies. “My gemoed is donderwolkblou vanoggend,” gaan albei hoede nodig hê, en watter kar gaan ons gebruik...” dink sy opstandig. “Kan dit ook nie eintlik met Bernard stop die woordevloed dadelik. Hy Bernard deel nie want hoe verduidelik ek dat ek weet Daisy kan die grootste klomp bog begin half lief word vir die gaste en dan skoon verpraat wanneer sy gespanne raak. stoot voel wanneer hulle verkas ... In elk geval “Sjuut, Daisy. Hierdie is ernstig. Ons moet sal hy weer my hormone blameer.” mense wegsteek.” En, praat van die duiwel, stap Bernard op “Man, Bernard – mens kan nie mense wegDaisy af waar sy met haar ken in haar hand oor die bosveld sit en uitkyk. Hy lyk beswaard. Met steek nie ... Wag bietjie. Wat bedoel jy? Dis mos ‘n ernstige ding. Watse mense moet ons ‘n sug gaan sit hy langs Daisy en kyk sommer wegsteek, vir wie?” Daisy gryp ‘n sliert blonde saam oor die onlangse groenheid uit. Sy wag geduldig dat hy self van sy beswaardheid vertel. hare wat oor haar oog hang en druk dit terug in die deurmekaar bolla op haar kop. Die hoofkelner kom sit ‘n skinkbord met “As jy belowe om my GLAD NIE in die rede teegoed voor hulle neer. te val nie, sal ek jou vertel. Jy kan agterna vrae “En nou? Hierdie lang gesigte? Julle moet vra, maar niks wat jy sê of dink of doen kan daar in die kombuis kom werk, dis jolig daar,” ongelukkig aan die feit verander dat ek reeds my skerts hy in Tshivenda met Bernard. “Dankie, woord gegee het nie. En wanneer jy die storie Tokkel,” sê Daisy en skink die Earl Grey. gehoor het, moet jy dit dadelik ook weer vergeet Dis eers met die tweede koppie tee wat Beren niemand, maar NIEMAND, mag weet hiernard keelskoonmaak en begin gesels. van nie. Verstaan jy dit, Daisy?” “Daisy, tot dusver het ons nog net die wind Daisy kyk na Bernard met groot, ronde oë. Sy van agter gehad. Alles werk so goed uit vir ons maak ‘n ritssluiter beweging voor haar mond en en ek is elke dag dankbaar vir die wonderlike


vee senuweeagtig weer hare uit haar gesig uit. Bernard gaan haal die storie vier geslagte ver. Dit begin met ‘n vriendskap tussen twee jong seuns op ‘n plaas. ‘n Vriendskap wat oorgedra word na hulle seuns wat saam studeer en wie se seuns besigheidsvennote word. Toe Bernard se pa tot sterwe kom, was Duka Dlamini ‘n rots vir Bernard se ma. Vir die hele familie; vir al die besigheidsbelange. “Duka het my vanoggend gebel, Daisy. Ek skuld hom groot en hy vra my nou vir ‘n klein guns – namens sy seun Didi. Sy oudste seun is ‘n bliksem van ‘n windlawaai. Hy maak staat op sy pa se rykdom en invloedryke netwerk om hom by die hoogste sosiale kringe in die wêreld in te grawe. Dan moet sy pa hom weer daaruit grawe ook. Ek het geen tyd vir Didi nie, maar ek skuld sy pa,” pleit Bernard. “Daar is vriende van Didi wat baie vinnig uit die land moet kom. Maar sonder dat sekere partye daarvan kennis dra. Hulle moet letterlik verdwyn – sonder dat die media, die Valke of enige parlementariërs daarvan te hore kom.” “Hulle land vanmiddag hier anderkant by die Spanjaarde se plek. Met hulle eie privaatvliegtuig. Al die pad van Waterkloof Lughawe af!” Daisy trek haar asem skielik geskok op. Maar sy sê niks. Sy wag dat Bernard dit bevestig. En hy doen. “Dis die Coruptas, Daisy. Die Coruptas kom hier wegkruip totdat hulle oor die grens kan glip na een van Bob se wegkruipplekke toe.” (Volgende week: Amuz en die Coruptas by Daisy en Bernard se gastehuis in die Soutpansberg.)

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RENTALS AVAILABLE: Experts in home finance. Residential • Six units available in security compexes R4 300 - R5 500pm • Batchelor flat and Garden cottage (water and electricity included)

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Contact Yvonne at 015 516 1526. To view our full range of properties visit our website www.harcourts.co.za Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Carel Hammann Cell: 082 923 1620

SOLE MANDATE Upmarket house in upmarket area set in park-like garden! Move in and relax! Study and sewing room with all mod cons! R2,490,000.00 CONTACT LIZET – 083 442 0428

GWEN: RETA: LIZET: LINDA: 083 556 4501 082 315 9940 083 442 0428 079 332 2840

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Reg 10:00 Auction 11:00

Workers quarters. 4 x Equipped boreholes. Divided into 3 camps.

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Vaughan 082 896 0049 or Ciska 083 686 1530 Tel 015 516 2388 • gvlogistics@telkomsa.net Do you have anything you would like to sell or auction? Contact us today and we will collect!

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AUCTION: Saturday 19 March 2016 @ 11:00am WIDE RANGE OF ITEMS:

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Beautiful antiques and collectables, ball and claw imbuia dining room table and chairs, riempie chairs, 5 x ball and claw lounge chairs, vintage corner ball and claw and tapestry speaker, vintage laundry press, imbuia and leather 3 piece lounge suite, kists, dressing tables and dressers, imbuia cabinet, 4 door lead glass wall unit, wardrobes, oak dining room table, sleeper wood bench, 6 drawer oak desk, “birds nest” table, book shelves, cast iron coal stoves, cast iron “donkey”, coffee grinders, mincers, porcelain, beautiful lead wood and stone carvings, brass collectibles, wooden bowls, hand carved leadwood walking sticks, wine rack, 4 saddles as new, bridles, wooden window frames, industrial coffee maker and plate warmer, 3 gas heaters, paraffin lamps, beautiful wooden garden set, gas heaters gas bottles, fabric paints crafts and tools, wine glasses, glass bowls, cast iron pots, electrical appliances (pressure cooker, slow cooker, food processor etc.), cutlery, crockery, Falkirk pots all sizes, electric knife sharpener, children’s books, craft books, cross stitching books, nature books, wildlife, fiction and nonfiction books, cd’s dvds, linen and curtaining, handmade king size quilt, LG surround sound HI-FI system, office chairs, printers /scanners/copiers, computers, , cooler boxes, horse box, trailer with canvas finishes and new springs, Venter trailer , Lister Dursley England Motor, generator 17KVA 3 phase / single phase on trailer, tool boxes, power tools, Ryobi plainer, Ryobi jig saw, Ryobi grinder 2350watt, Ryobi secular saw, 9i/4 “, Ryobi HBT 255l blade angle work station, Adendorf machinery, BKB electric motor, Ryobi air compressor 2.0hp sol, Bosch and Ryobi drills, 2 Ryobi sanders, Ryobi electric router, Ryobi heat gun 2000watt, Tonco oil cool welder, Kaufmann invertor welder, meat saw, wire puller, crowbar, pop rivet gun , glue gun, ski gun 4.8 volts, 3 water troughs, Big red premier tap, electric insect control panel, old press, green shade netting, job lot of pipes, ploughing tools, diamond wire, fencing wire, zinc, crop and garden irrigation pipes, borehole pumps, Gedore spanners, shifting spanners and bobjan spanners, building tools, tile cutter, weed cutter, shower frames, glass, toilet seat and basin, taps, pipes and couplings, light and electrical fittings, brand new circuit breakers, gates and poles, aluminium step ladder, three steel shelving cabinets, job lots oils and containers, diesel containers, Gerry cans, scaffolds, garden tools, two fire extinguishers, building materials, Hilux Raider Tailgate, Toyota Hilux right hand fender, 1000 litre water drum, electric box, electric gate motor, cables, monolight battery, spot lights, 2 dog kennels, 4 rabbit/chicken cages, treadmill, gun safe , amprosound projector, hi-lift jack, plants and much more


N1 South of LTT 21ha House & flat. Shed and butchery. Securely fenced.


Saturday 19 March 2016

Koedoesveld So’Ja Sabida 3.6km Co-ordinates: Kromdraai 22°49’57.8”S 29°38’11.2”E

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Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers






Executive living in a cozy quiet part of Louis Trichardt R1,550,000 Unwind in style after a long day’s work in this upmarket and luxurious 4 bedroom house, situated Jana Leonie Bornwell Cornelia in quiet Louis Enjoy074the 083a318 1960part 084of 219 4406 Trichardt. 074 892 5093 111safe, 5312 peace and quiet of country lifestyle while being close to all the local amenities, transport, shops, and schools. Contact Igno Vivier at 078 064 4373 today to view this spectacular unit. Exclusively to Harcourts Jana-Marie.



Laerskool Louis Trichardt se leerlinge het op 8 Maart deelgeneem aan die heel eerste rondte van die Vereniging vir Wiskunde Onderwys in Suid-Afrika (AMESA) se jaarlikse wiskunde Olimpiade. Vyf jong Triegies het gekwalifiseer om aan die tweede rondte te mag deelneem, wat op 6 Mei sal plaasvind. Voor, van links na regs, is Sarisa van der Goot, Dede Bessong en Mpho Murashwa. Agter is Bret Righter en Wessel Furstenburg.

opposite Checkers (Building next to Ocean Basket) R85+VAT per m2. All with own bathrooms. Covered security parking available for tenants.

Contact: 082 899 0050




TE KOOP 1. Cobra CAT 480 ski boot met T-Top. Baie goeie toestand - R110 000

2. Outback aluminium dakrak vir Toyota Prado R4 000

Kontak Buks Botha: 082 856 2603

WANTED GESOEK Bouers vir RDP huise. Moet eie vervoer en gereedskap hê. Kontak: 082 301 3786

TE HUUR GESOEK 3 Slaapkamer huis, veilig omhein, diere vriendelik.

Kontak Ria van Zyl: 073 573 0690


Bakkies en bote vir kontant Kontak: 072 321 0569 073 787 1158

TO LET TE HUUR Ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel, goed geleë. Nood kragopwekker. Naby skole en sportsvelde. Palisade heinings. R2 500p.m. W & E uitgesluit. Herman Smith: 084 910 7654




Contact Marie: 082 822 3447 Lood: 083 305 5285

TO LET (from owner)

2 x1 bedroom flats, parking, palisade fence, deposits payable, water & electricity excluded, immediately available; in town, long term lease. R1 890 and R2 200 respectively

FOR SALE 3 bedroom house 2 additional rooms, 2 garages, 3x1 bedroom flats, good income (+-R10 000 per month), Borehole equipped, palisade fence and two gates, stand 2800m2, in Louis Trichardt town. R1 050 000.00

Contact owner: 084 910 7654

TRAILER RENT • Trailor with double wheels and rails • Trailer with single axle and rails Both ideal for furniture removal R500 per day • Six foot Venter trailor, R200 per day Contact: 015 516 4003 072 373 8718 Nico 072 377 2844 Marinda 26 Breda street

Need storage? Secure units available.

Contact Antoinette: 084 615 9010

TE HUUR Winkel-, Kantoor- of stoorruimte. Sentraal geleë

Kontak: Tel: 015 516 4996 083 778 6711


PFB-Agent 516 5024

MEENTHUIS TE HUUR Kierieklapper. 3 Slaapkamers en 2 Badkamers. Watertenk & Aircons. Eie grasperk,1 Garage en afdak. Goeie sekuriteit & sentraal geleë. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei 2016 @ R6000 pm W&L Uitgesluit Kontak Amanda 082 301 8448

LegaL Notices BooyeNs du preez & BosHoff iNg

BOEDELKENNISGEWING Boedel van Wyle Johann anton Dreyer. Identiteitsnommer: 5207115074086, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Maria Susanna Dreyer, Identiteitsnommer: 5211050094083, Woonagtig te Bauhinia Straat 36, Louis Trichardt, wat oorlede is op 02 Februarie 2016, Boedel no: 505/2016. Meesterskantoor Thohoyandou. Krediteure insake bogenoemde Boedel word hiermee versoek om hulle vorderings in te lewer by die ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (Dertig) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. Booyens Du Preez & Boshoff Ing, Posbus 1305, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Tel: 015 516 1404, Faks: 015 516 1624, Verw: S BOOYENS/SVS/D 328

HammaNN-moosa iNcorporated Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intended transfer in terms of a contract of businesses, and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisements. Province:Limpopo, Township: DZANANI, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Seller or Trader or Partnership: ISIGIDI TRADING 216 CC (REGISTRATION N U M B E R : 2005/161281/23) Business or Trade, Kind, Name and/or Style, and the Address at which carried on: NZHELELE TOPS NZHELELE VALLEY SHOPPING CENTRE R523 DZANANI LIMPOPO 0955 Purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment,

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Stabling available for horses in Louis Trichardt. Fair pricing at friendly and well kept yard. Contact 072 425 2392 for more information.

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SMALLS Contact us NOW to place your FREE small

FOR SALE 1997 Ford Falcon te koop. Kontak Chris 082 588 8596 change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); Conditions, and Date or Period of time if other than 30 days: SALE OF BUSINESS EFFECTIVE 1 MAY 2016 Purchaser, New Proprietor and/or Owner or Partner, or Contracting Party: EDMONDO TRADING (PTY) LTD (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2015/100630/07) Hammann-Moosa Incorporated 131 KROGHSTR LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 2016-03-03 Tel: 015 516 1427

HammaNN-moosa iNcorporated Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intended transfer in terms of a contract of businesses, and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisements. Province:Limpopo, Township: DZANANI, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Seller or Trader or Partnership: MILNEX 532 CC (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2006/068928/23) Business or Trade, Kind, Name and/or Style, and the Address at which carried on: NZHELELE SPAR NZHELELE VALLEY SHOPPING CENTRE R523 DZANANI LIMPOPO 0955 Purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); Conditions, and Date or Period of time if other than 30 days: SALE OF BUSINESS EFFECTIVE 1 MAY 2016 Purchaser, New Proprietor and/or Owner or Partner, or Contracting Party: ESPRESSO INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2006/029314/07) Hammann-Moosa Incorporated 131 KROGHSTR LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920 2016-03-03 Tel: 015 516 1427

Speenvarke te koop. Landras kruising. Kontak Chris 082 588 8596

HaNNes Lerm & associates MESSINA WYSIGINGSKEMA 318 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK VIR DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE MUSINA GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA 2010 Ons, Hannes Lerm & Medewerkers, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaars van Gedeelte 1 van Erwe 4988 - 4992 en 5034 - 5038 in Messina - Nancefield Uitbreiding 12 , gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordinansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (Ordinansie 15 van 1986) saamgelees met Artikel 28 en 41 van Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur Wet 2013 (Wet 16 van 2013), kennis dat ons by die Musina Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Musina Grondgebruikskema 2010, vir die konsolidasie en hersonering van Erwe 4988 - 4992 en 5034 - 5038 in Messina Nancefield Uitbreiding 12 vanaf “Residensieel 1 “ na “Residensieel 3 “ met die doel om die ontwikkeling van 18 meenthuise. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Murphystraat, Musina, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 Februarie 2015. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 Februarie 2015 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X611, Musina, 0900, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Hannes Lerm & Associates Posbus 2231 Polokwane 0700 MESSINA AMENDMENT SCHEME 318 NOTICE FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE MUSINA LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME 2010 We, Hannes Lerm & Associates being the authorized agent of the owners of Erven 4988 - 4992 and


5034 - 5038 in Messina-Nancefield Extension 12, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b) (i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) read together with Section 28 and 41 of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 2013 (Act 16 of 2013) , that we have applied to the Musina Municipality for the amendment of the Musina Land Use Management Scheme 2010, for the consolidation and rezoning of Erven 4988 - 4992 and 5034 - 5038 from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3” for the purpose of developing 18 townhouses. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager: Civic Centre, Murphy Street, Musina, for a period of 28 days from 26 February 2016. Objection to or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at Private Bag X611, Musina, 0900, within a period of 28 days from 26 February 2016. Address of Agent: Hannes Lerm & Associates P O Box 2231. Polokwane 0700

VaN zyL Le roux iNcorporated In the High Court of South Africa Gauteng Division, Pretoria Case no: 1074/2014 In the matter between: ABSA Bank Limited, Plaintiff and Sanjeev Ishwarlal Hutheram (ID no: 6711095147084) 1st Defendant, Hashila Hutheram (ID No: 7408240062081) 2nd Defendant Notice of Sale in Execution Persuant to a judgment Orders granted by this Honourable Court on 30 April 2014 and 22 August 2015 respectively, and a warrant of execution, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution by the Sheriff of the High Court, Soutpansberg, on Wednesday the 6th day of April 2016, at 12H00 at

33 Tambotie Street, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Province, to the highest bidder without a reserve price: Erf 2069 Louis Trichardt Extension 2, Registration Division L.S, Limpopo Province. Street address: 33 Tambotie Street, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Province Measuring: 1983 (One thousand nine hundred and eighty three) square metres and held by the defendants in terms of deed of transfer No. T139879/2002 Improvements are: Dwelling: Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen, 4 Bedrroms, 3 Bathrooms, 1 Seperate Toilet. Outbuildings: 1 Garage, 1 Bath/Shower/Toilet, 1 Utility Room. No warranties regarding description, extent or improvements are given. The conditions of sale to be read out by the Sheriff of the High Court, Soutpansberg, at the time of the sale and will be available for inspection at the offices of the Sheriff at 111 Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Province. Dated at Pretoria on this the 26th day of February 2016. Van Zyl Le Roux INC Plaintiff’s attorney. Monument office park 71 Steenbok Avenue First Floor, Block 3 Monument Park, Pretoria P O Box 974, Pretoria-0001 Tel: 012 435 9444 Fax: 012 435 9555 Ref: MAT43951/E NIEMAND/MN

NOTICE OF THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY Project name: Application for mining permit and Environmental Authorization for the proposed borrow pit in Saselamani, within Thulamela Local Municipality of Vhembe District Municipality, Limpopo Province. Location: ka-xikundu farm 262 MT Applicant: Thulamela

Local Municipality Location and Activities: The proposed mining activity entails excavation with heavy ripping excavators and / or bulldozers with main interests on Gravel Materials on the site. The activity triggers activity 21 under the Notice Listing R.983 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations of 08 December 2014. It is required in terms of section 27 (5)(b) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act No. 28 of 2002) and in terms of Section 41 2(c) (i) and (d) of National Environment Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998), as read with the EIA Regulation of GN 982, that we notify all the relevant stakeholders and interested and affected parties for the proposed mining activities in writing by placing an advertisement in one local newspaper. In this regards Phakanani Environmental is undertaking the required Environmental Assessment, Basic Assessment Report and Public Participation Process. The Basic Assessment report (BAR) and an Environmental Impact Assessment report (EMPr) will be made available for review and comment upon written request. Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are hereby invited to register and provide written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 30 days of the publishing of this notice. In order to obtain further information on the project, please contact person below: PHAKANANI ENVIRONMENTAL: Mr. Nkateko Golele Address: P.O BOX 1198 Fauna Park 0787 Cell: (071) 516 0190 Tel : (015) 295 7391 Fax: (086) 668 5960 Email: nkateko@ phakanani.co.za

* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00



Die O/13-netbalspan van Laerskool Messina het ‘n borgskap van nuwe sportsakke, gevul met Hierdie komende skoolvakansie gaan ‘n bedrywige tyd wees vir al die verskillende netbalspanne lekkernye, ontvang van mnr. Adriaan en me. Hester Erasmus van Spar in Musina. Afgeneem van Laerskool Louis Trichardt. Die spanne en hulle afrigters sal vanaf 1 tot 4 April ‘n netbalkursus is die span en hul afrigters. Hulle het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor Adriaan en Hester vir hul bywoon by die Sportisimo Akademie naby die Hartebeespoortdam om voor te berei vir die Super ondersteuning van die span die afgelope twee jaar. Foto verskaf. 8 Laerskool Toernooi later in April. Afgeneem is die O/10-, O/11-, O/12-, en O/13-netbalspanne saam met twee van hul afrigters, me. Carina Joubert (middelste ry, heel links) en me. Janeli THOBELA PROJECTS Scholtz (middelste ry, heel regs).


Vereistes: • Landboukwalifikasie met 2-3 jaar ondervinding • Moet onafhanklik kan funksioneer binne riglyne ontvang • Administratiewe-, elementêre-, instandhouding- en algemene plaaswerk vermoëns ‘n vereiste • Moet oor eie behuising beskik

E-pos volledige CV na: neuhof@mweb.co.za Indien u geen terugvoer ontvang voor of op 1 April 2016 nie, aanvaar u aansoek as onsuksesvol TEACHING VACANCY EMMANUEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL To start 1 April 2016 1. Geography Grades 10-12; Mathematical Literacy Grade 10 Requirements: • Christian • Suitable academic and professional qualifications • SACE registration Contact 082 208 4050 / 084 506 3333 or send CV to ecs@live.co.za Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers


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THB0007/14/2016/01 Conference Hall

5 GB or higher

Date: 23 March 2016 Venue: Phiphidi Waterfall (Sibasa, Phiphidi Village Time: 10h00

Closing Date: 8 April 2016 Venue: Phiphidi Waterfall Cultural Village, Reception Building Closing Time: 11h00

THB0007/14/2016/02 Bungalows

5 GB or higher

Date: 23 March 2016 Venue: Phiphidi Waterfall (Sibasa, Phiphidi Village Time: 10h00

Closing Date: 8 April 2016 Venue: Phiphidi Waterfall Cultural Village, Reception Building Closing Time: 11h00

THB0007/14/2016/03 Chalets Renovations

3 GB or higher

Date: 23 March 2016 Venue: Phiphidi Waterfall (Sibasa, Phiphidi Village Time: 10h00

Closing Date: 8 April 2016 Venue: Phiphidi Waterfall Cultural Village, Reception Building Closing Time: 11h00

Bidders should be registered with CIDB grading as indicated above. DOCUMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE at R250.00 charge Queries relating to this project may be addressed to the following: Thobela Projects:

Mr A Mutumi 011 334 9042

Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation issued. Elektries & Verkoelings Kontrakteurs


Bids are to be completed in accordance with the conditions attached to the documents and must be sealed and endorsed with the relevant contract number and must be personally deposited in the official bid box at:

Persoon vir algemene administratiewe werk. Voorraadbeheer, kontrole & rekenaarvaardig.

Phiphidi Waterfall Cultural Village, Reception Building not later than 8 April 2016 at 11h00. Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days.

Tel: 015 004 0222 admin@elect2temp.co.za

Telegraphic, emailed, telefaxed or faxed bids will not be considered and late submissions will not be accepted. Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

AIRS RE• AllPappliances:

LTT Radio & Electrical Centre Tel: 015 516 0751; Munnikstr. 90, LTT


Kindly note the deadline for addressing any queries is 28 March 2016.

Business Guide Tumbledriers, washing machines, microwaves, fridges, freezers & ice machines • Refrigeration installation & repairs. Airconditioning, installation, sales & repairs

Thobela Projects hereby invites suitably experienced Contractors to submit bids for the following project: Phiphidi Waterfall Cultural Village.

To advertise here, contact us at 015 516 4996


PROPOSED CROCODILE CAPTIVE BREEDING OPERATION Herewith notice is given of the public participation process regarding: •

National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) (“NEMA”), as amended

NEMA Regulations (2014) GNR 938, Activities: 3, 4, 8 and 27

Applicant: Izak Bosman Trust

Grooming Parlour & Holiday Home We collect & deliver Walk-ins welcome, please be sure to book!

Contact Glen (015) 516 2388 or 0828955537 Email: gvlogistics @telkomsa.net

Lialize 083 301 8130


55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt

FURNITURE RESTORATION Bringing life back to wooden furniture

Paper, Stationery, Cartridges, Stamps Tel: 015 516 3981

We have the time, tools and knowledge to handle all your Repairs and Maintenance projects.

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Description: The Nile crocodile is mainly farmed for its meat and skin. The proposed crocodile farming activities at the Bosman Crocodile Captive Breeding Operation involves the raising of about 3,000 crocodiles for leather (skin) production. Location: The proposed facility is located approximately 10 km north of the town Waterpoort on the farm Bosjesveld 669 MS, in the Makhado Local Municipality of the Vhembe District. Opportunity to participate: Interested and affected parties are invited to register and submit written comments. Stakeholders should refer to the reference number above and send their comments with their name, contact information (preferred method of notification, e.g. e-mail address or fax number) and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest they may have in the application, to the contact person indicated below within 30 days from the date of this notice. The Environmental Impact Assessment will be made available for comment to all registered stakeholders. For more information contact: Marietjie Eksteen, Jacana Environmentals cc. Tel : 015 291 4015, E-mail : marietjie@ jacanacc.co.za Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers



Launch of new cycle club As part of the official launching of the new Soutpansberg Cycling Club in Louis Trichardt, cyclists are invited to join in the fun of their “Cycle” Rights Day on 21 March. As part of the day’s activities from 09:00 until 12:00, there will be a treasure hunt fun ride. Teams must consist of four riders (R20 per rider) and they

must dress “funky”. A bring-and-braai will round off the day, with pap & sous being supplied. Prospective members are also welcome to join the club on the day. Registration costs R250 per adult per year and R200 for scholars per year. For more information, phone Chanel at 083 263 9171 or Rae at 074 570 1100.

Dorp het Saterdag tuisveld voordeel Die plaaslike rugbyseisoen is weer in volle swang, en dit is tyd om die braaiers en koel­ bokse nader te trek vir die jaarlikse Boet Fick-liga. Hierdie komende naweek sal die spelers van die Louis Tri­ chardt Rugbyklub dit op hul tuis­ veld uitspook teen Musina en die Universiteit van Venda (Univen)

se rugbyspanne om punte bymekaar te maak vir die wentitel in dié gesogte liga. Die klub se bestuur het inwo­ ners uitgenooi om weereens die spanne te kom ondersteun. Op Saterdag, 19 Maart, sal Louis Trichardt se tweedes te staan kom teen die tweedespan van Univen. Hierdie wedstryd sal

om 15:00 afskop. Daarna sal die Dendron-span (wat vir Louis Trichardt speel) om 16:15 teen die Messina Rugbyklub se span te staan kom. Die hoofwedstryd van die dag, tussen Louis Trichardt en Univen se eerstespanne, sal om 18:45 begin. Toegangsgeld by die hekke beloop R20 per voertuig, en oud en jonk is welkom.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se eerste rug­ byspan het verlede week te staan gekom teen Laerskool Messina in ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd wat op Triegies se velde beslis is. Vir altwee spanne was dit ‘n uitstekende geleentheid om hulle vernuf uit te toets vir die komende wintersportseisoen.

Davies Malaudzi, kampioen hekkiesatleet van Hoërskool Eric Louw, het Saterdag (12de) weer puik vertoon in die 110 mH vir SO/19 tydens Atletiek Suid-Afrika (ASA) se Limpopo Kampioenskappe. Hy hardloop sy persoonlike beste tyd ooit van 14,16 sekondes, slegs 0.04 sekondes stadiger as die Suid-Afrikaanse tyd verlede jaar. Hy sal die komende vakansie aan sowel Suid-Afrika Skole Atletiek (SASA) as die ASA se nasionale kampioenskappe deelneem. Foto verskaf.

‘n Jong Triegie-netbalspelertjie mik met intense konsentrasie vir ‘n doel. Laerskool Louis Trichardt het verlede Donderdag op hul tuisveld vriendskaplike wintersport wedstryde gespeel teen Laerskool Messina.

Besigheidsliga 2016 RONDTE EEN

























































7 DA















Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub is baie trots op twee van hul karatekas, broers Erik (middel) en Jan-Karel Limbach (inlas) van Musina, wat op 18 en 19 Maart gaan deelneem aan die nasionale alle style karatekampioenskap in Durban. Saam in die foto staan die klub se sensei, Tommy Janse van Rensburg (links), en sensei Jonathan Janse van Rensburg (regs). Foto’s verskaf.

As deel daarvan om kinders meer aktief te kry en die sport onder jonger kinders te bemark, het heelparty van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se fietsryspan die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die 10 km-wedren van die Munnik Meerkat Bergfietsuitdaging. Van die kinders was deelgeneem het was Shaun de Beer (10de algeheel), Anika Kotze (1ste), Simone Oberholzer (2de), Catelyn de Beer (27ste), Luan Kotze (41ste), Jaco Venter (53ste) en Nicolas Archer (54ste). Foto verskaf.

Hierdie drie jong fietsryers van Louis Trichardt het vanjaar die 70 km-wedren van die jaarlikse Munnik Meerkat Bergfietswedren aangedurf en baie goed presteer. Kombo Bere (links), een van die gunstelinge om die wedren te wen, het egter Saterdag bietjie gesukkel met sy nuwe fiets, maar steeds daarin geslaag om die kategorie vir junior mans (17 tot 18 jaar) te wen. Marco Roets (middel), het algeheel vyfde in die wedren geëindig en spog met ‘n wen in die O/23-kategorie. Langs hom staan Gerhardt Meyer, wat tweede geëindig het in die O/23-kategorie en algeheel agste in die wedren.


Soutpansberg Gholfklub

The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie

Woensdagspel Datum




Eie reëlings





Geen uitslae beskikbaar Maandelikse Houespel Datum



SPB Gholfklub



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C. Machumela



S. Otto



P. Schlesinger







Dames Ope










Maandelikse Houespel





DBV Gholfdag





0 0



LOUIS TRICHARDT BOWLS CLUB c/o Anderson & Ruh Streets, Louis Trichardt. Contact no: 084 553 1807


Maandelikse Houespel



Weeklikse Byeenkomste

BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Sta­bleford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable­ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier

58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm

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You can also follow us on social media!

Visit us on the net at www.zoutpansberger.co.za

Die eerste drie plekke in die Munnik Meerkat 70 km vroue-wedren het Saterdag gegaan aan ‘n paar vroue wat glad nie vreemd is vir die podium nie. Ook hulle het goed gery ten spyte van die nat baan en al drie die eerste vroue tuis se tye was beter as die algehele wentyd van 03:56:39 verlede jaar. Baie deelnemers het opgemerk dat die nat baan hulle eintlik beter pas, want dan hoef hulle nie so hard te werk in die droë, los sand waarvoor die Munnik Meerkat bekend is nie. Vanjaar se wenner was Britt Dando (middel) in ‘n tyd van 03:34:53. Sy is gevolg deur Dorothy Rood (links), verlede jaar se derde plek wenner, in ‘n tyd van 03:37:16. Verlede jaar se algehele wenner van die 70 km-vrouewedren, Louwrina Dando (regs), moes vanjaar tevrede wees met ‘n derde plek in ‘n tyd van 03:43:02.

Digte mis en ‘n uiterse nat baan was nie genoeg om deelnemers se geesdrif te demp tydens die immer gewilde Munnik Meerkat Bergfietsuitdaging wat Saterdag by Munnik beslis is nie. Meer as 50 gesoute bergfietsryers het die harde-trap 70 km-wedren aangedurf, ten spyte van ‘n baie nat en modderige baan. Eerste tuis was senior ryer Heine Engelbrecht (middel) in ‘n tyd van 02:50:26. Sy tyd was agt minute vinniger as die wentyd van 2015, ten spyte van die moeilike ryomstandighede. Tweede oor die wenstreep was meester Henry Hayes (links) in ‘n tyd van 03:00:02, gevolg deur veteraan Jan-Louis Pretorius (regs) in 03:03:28. Die Munnik Meerkat word jaarliks baie professioneel aangebied deur die Munnik Boerevereniging.

Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 www.ayobmotors.co.za 2014 Ford Figo 1.4 Ambiente A/C, P/S, CD, 22 500km

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‘n Kortkop agter die manswenners van die Munnik Meerkat 35 km-wedren was die vroueryers. Eerste tuis was verlede jaar se tweede plek wenner in die wedren, Ashley Murray (regs), in ‘n tyd van 01:26:55 – ‘n volle 13 minute vinniger as haar tyd van verlede jaar. Verlede jaar se wenner van die wedren, Soretha Lubbe (links), moes vanjaar tevrede wees met ‘n tweede plek in ‘n tyd van 01:33:57, gevolg deur Melanie Melville (afwesig) in die derde plek in ‘n tyd van 01:39:06.

Vanjaar se Munnik Meerkat 35 km-bergfietswedren vir mans het nie sonder voorval verloop nie. Die groep van sowat 10 jong gunstelinge om die wedren Saterdag te wen, uit ‘n wegspringgroep van meer as 180 deelnemers, is almal gediskwalifiseer. Dit nadat hulle, as deel van die voorste bondel, ‘n verkeerde afrit gevat het en uiteindelik vier kilometer minder as die res van die veld gery het. JP Venter (middel) het egter mooi opgelet na die roete-aanwysings en eerste geëindig in ‘n tyd van 01:21:41. Sheldon Muller (links) was tweede in ‘n tyd van 01:25:15, gevolg deur Hoërskool Louis Trichardt renjaer Turner de Swardt (regs) in die derde plek in ‘n tyd van 01:25:50.

G lf Day 22 April 2016

@ Louis Trichardt Golf Club R179 995 R104 995

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KROGH STREET: 084 786 5176 / 084 786 5177 Sales: Willie 082 953 3642 HEAD OFFICE: 015 516 5175/ 6 / 7 Sales: Matumba 076 509 1726 / • Georgie: 083 378 6999 • Farid: 083 378 6005 TRADING HOURS: Mon-Fri 08h00-17h00 / Sat 08h00-13h00

Louis Trichardt

RSVP before 18 April 2016 Yolanda 082 972 2060 Adri 084 261 1805

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