Zoutpansberger 18 November 2022

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Maak seker wat jy skuld

Grondeienaars word weereens daaraan herinner dat hulle verantwoordelik is vir enige uitstaande skuld op hulle eiendomsbelasting indien hulle hul huis of plaas wil verkoop, laat onderverdeel of ‘n serwituut daarop wil registreer.

Dié waarskuwing kom van Louis Trichardt landmeter Schalk Corbett van Geoland Opmetings. Probleme met uitstaande skuld blyk veral ‘n probleem op plase te wees. “By die meeste plase wat ons in die laaste 12 maande gedoen

het, is daar baie agterstallige skuld vir eiendomsbelasting. Dit wissel van R20 000 tot R250 000. Die beleid [van die Makhado Munisipaliteit] is dat dit eers betaal moet wees voordat die munisipaliteit die aansoek sal verwerk. Dieselfde geld vir die uitklarings wat prokureurs moet kry voor oordrag in die Akteskantoor kan plaasvind.

Die skuld loop ook rente en hulle [die munisipaliteit] wil nie meer dit afskryf soos vroeër nie,” het Corbett gesê.

Volgens Erika Helm van die Soutpansberg Distrikslandbou-unie (SDLU) se portefeulje ekonomiese be-

magtiging, paaie en plaaslike regering, is hulle bewus van die probleem.

“TLU SA [waarvan die SDLU lid is] het ‘n paar jaar gelede reeds ‘n artikel daaroor gedoen wat heelwat aandag getrek het om alle grondeienaars, wat landbou insluit, daarop te wys dat almal vir eiendomsbelasting verantwoordelik is. Daar is wel soortgelyke gevalle aan ons gerapporteer en moes ons aan die grondeienaars bevestig dat hulle bewus moet wees dat hulle verantwoordelik daarvoor is. Ek kan wel noem dat waar persone ons genader het oor eiendomsbelasting en

Laaste kans om in te skryf

die verwarring dat hulle daarvoor verantwoordelik is, was dit wel nielede en het ons ook hierdie grondeienaars bygestaan om aan hulle te bevestig die toepassing daarvan en die wyse waarop dit bereken word, asook die wetgewing van eiendomsbelasting. Binne die georganiseerde landboustrukture bring ons die inligting onder ons lede se aandag, sodat hulle bewus kan wees daarvan,” het Helm gesê.

Dit gesê het die TLU SA wel ‘n ernstige probleem met die wyse waarom eiendomsbelasting deur die Makhado Munisipaliteit vir boere bereken word. “TLU SA se beleid is dat ons aanvaar daar moet eiendomsbelasting betaal word vir die ekonomiese ontwikkeling binne die munisipale area, maar dit moet billik, regverdig en bekostigbaar wees teenoor die dienste wat gelewer word waarby die landbou sektor baat kan vind. Uitbuiting van die landbou-eienaars is nie aanvaarbaar nie,” het Helm gesê.

Wat laasgenoemde betref het sy spesifiek verwys na die Makhado Munisipaliteit. “TLU SA het reeds sedert 2012 verskeie skrywes en kommentaar ingedien op die ontwikkelingsplan (IDP) en begroting waarin daar duidelik uiteengesit word die belasting wat van grondeienaars gehef sal word en ontwikkeling wat gedoen sal word. Reeds sedert 2012 was dit dan ook duidelik dat Makhado Munisipaliteit geensins enige ontwikkeling oorweeg tot voordeel van die landbou-eienaars nie en het TLU SA nie eers enige terugvoer vanaf die munisipaliteit ontvang nie,” het Helm gesê.

Helm het gesê dat dit ontstel-

lend is om te besef dat kommentaar, insette en versoeke op dowe ore geval het. “In 2015 het TLU SA ‘n dispuut verklaar [teen die Makhado Munisipaliteit] teen die onbillike wyse waarop die landbousektor uitgebuit word en het ons terugvoer ontvang vanaf die munisipaliteit waarin hulle die dispuut erken. Ná die spesifieke skrywe was daar nooit weer enige terugvoer of interaksie vanaf die munisipaliteit nie, ten spyte van verskeie skrywes en versoeke om ‘n besoek aan die burgemeester of munisipale bestuurder te bring ten einde die aangeleentheid te bespreek,” het Helm gesê.

Helm sê hulle kan nie verstaan waarom die Makhado Munisipaliteit hulle ignoreer nie. “Ons kan wel noem dat aangrensende munisipaliteite waar ons wel interaksie gehad het om die tekortkominge van dienste te bespreek, soos Blouberg Munisipaliteit, Musina en Molemole, daar wel ‘n rabat tot 75% toegestaan is as gevolg van die afwesigheid van dienste. Dit was duidelik dat die aangrensende munisipaliteite hulle plig teenoor die inwoners van die gebied besef en erkenning gee dat landbou nie enige dienste ontvang nie en daar dus ook nie verwag kan word dat dié sektor die munisipaliteit finansier waar daar werklik geen voordeel vir die landbouer is nie,” het Helm gesê.

Die Makhado Munisipaliteit is gevra om duidelikheid te gee oor die aangeleentheid. Hulle het ontvangs erken van die koerant se vrae en gesê dit is na die relevante departement verwys. Teen druktyd is nog geen reaksie ontvang nie.

Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul 18 November 2022 www.zoutpansberger.co.za PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 38 Vol.46 Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8 9 772409 283001 46 ISSN 2409-2835 Audited Distribution Figures Gollong ponzi promises instant wealth from the sun - page 2 & 3 Boorling van die Soutpansberg skielik oorlede - bladsy 4 e-mail: elektries@pdotto.co.za 24 HOUR CALL CENTRE: 083 251 8139 PD OTTO ELEKTRIES We buy YOUR containers!
Deur Andries van Zyl Die streek se fotograwe sal tot en met Maandag, 21 November, kans kry om in te skryf vir die Zoutpansberger se 2023 kalenderfoto-kompetisie. Meer inligting oor die kompetisie verskyn op bladsy 8 van hierdie uitgawe. Meegaande inskrywing is ontvang van fotograaf Antoné Kotze van die Weipe-omgewing. Haar grootste passie sê sy is die natuur. Sy het die foto in die Kruger Nasionale Wildtuin geneem.

Gollong ponzi promises instant wealth from the sun

scheme operators, because few people understood how these currencies worked.

“Do you think it will last until December?” This is Edward’s* main concern.

Two months ago, he invested R500 in a new get-rich-quick scheme, Gollong Investment.

It was all the money he had, but he was desperate to try something to make some extra cash.

After just 40 days, Edward, from Thohoyandou in Limpo po, received a notification that his balance with Gollong was now R800, showing a welcome R300 profit. The investment generated a 60% return, not bad going for just over a month.

Edward was so impressed with how his “investment” had performed, that instead of cashing in he decided to re-in vest the full amount, along with a further R1,500 he borrowed from a family member. Now he must wait 50 days for what he expects will be a payout of R5 250, a staggering R3 250 profit on the R2 000 invested.

“Some say it’s a Ponzi scheme, but I don’t know,” Edward says. A Ponzi scheme, according to Investopedia, is a “fraudulent scheme that in volves paying early investors in a non-existent enterprise with the funds invested from new investors”.

But Edward wants to believe that Gollong is legitimate.

“Gollong says it’s a legit com pany and that it is registered with SARS. I am just hoping that nothing happens before December, because I really need the money.”

Edward heard about the investment scheme from his sister, who lives in Johan nesburg. She was one of the early investors. A week ago she received another pay-out, says Edward, showing a WhatsApp screenshot indicating that R15 393 was paid into his sister’s Capitec account.

“She invested R82 300 last

week, but she now earns more than R3 000 a day.”

He admits that Gollong’s claimed returns on investment are extravagant, but he wants to believe that it is possible. “I just hope I don’t lose my mon ey,” he says.

One big red flag is that Gollong, in one of its promo tional videos, shows a picture of an “Authorization Certificate” claiming that the company has full authority to promote its “photovoltaic series products” to South African citizens for a 10-year-period, from February 2020 to February 2030.

The certificate was awarded by the non-existent “Cape Town People’s Government of South Africa”.

It’s a Ponzi

People around the world have been fleeced of billions of dollars after falling for Ponzi schemes, which rely on the greed or desperation of investors. Characteristics of all schemes are unrealistically high or consistent returns, and vague or unclear business mod els underpinning them. The lucrative returns on offer often persuade investors to turn a blind eye to the way the returns are generated.

South Africans have seen many such schemes take off and then collapse after the peo ple behind them disappeared with their cash.The most famous was probably Adrian Nieuwoudt and his kubus Ponzi scheme that took the country by storm in the 1980s. This involved the cultivation of milk yeast cultures into a (fictitious) wonder beauty cream. The pyr amid collapsed and Nieuwoudt was sequestrated.

A clever Ponzi scheme will try to link to a fairly credible product, but preferably not one where the return on invest ment is easy to calculate. Until recently, crypto currencies were popular choices for Ponzi

With loadshedding predicted for the next few years, South Africa is fertile ground for Ponzis offering power solu tions. Gollong Investments, which claims to originate in the United Kingdom, appar ently entered the South African market in 2021, inviting people to invest in its products.

“GOLLONG is a company fo cusing on new energy research and development. Due to the current electricity shortage in South Africa, our company was invited by the South African government …”, an introduc tion to a Gollong YouTube marketing video claims. It describes Gollong’s business model as the “promotion of mobile charging equipment and solar generators in South Africa”.

From what we could gather from the company’s various websites, its presentation video on YouTube, and other sources we discovered, the scheme invites investors to “rent” different types of solar equipment including battery packs, solar panels and charging stations that can be used during loadshedding. Once the investor “rents” the equipment, the equipment is then on-rented to end users who pay to use them. Does that make sense? Not really! You are probably asking the same question we are: well then, why doesn’t the compa ny just rent the equipment to consumers itself?

These are some of Gollong’s supposed products and the implausible returns the com pany claims you can make by investing in them.

What’s also unclear is wheth er Gollong actually makes the equipment or buys it from an other manufacturer. And also very mysterious is who exactly are the end users? Who are the people or businesses prepared to pay such huge sums to use the equipment that generates such incredible returns for investors?

In short, it’s a very myste rious business model for one that generates such incredible returns.

investment on an annual basis, it’s clear that percentage profits claimed are unrealistic. The supposed return on investment on the lowest investment of R230 would yield an annual return of 357%, which is about 350 percentage points more than you’ll get at a commercial bank!

The top-of-the-range invest ment seems to generate returns that are truly dazzling - and simply too good to be true. If you invested R140 000 in the scheme, a year later you would be a millionaire after having re ceived a staggering R2.72-mil lion, representing a return of some 1 946% in a year.

“Gollong’s purpose [is to] insist on letting warmth enter thousands of households and serve every member with heart,” the company told inves tors in a message last week.

The reality

“We cannot comment ex tensively on another business as we do not know the exact nature of their offerings,” he said. “But returns would be based on frequency of rentals, which can be high at high usage areas such as events or airports. Because consumers can rent [equipment] more than onceoff, this can give good returns, but … 357% with the consid eration of capital expenditure, logistics, maintenance etc is difficult to attain.”

Peffer said that capital expenditure included not just the power bank itself, but also the actual kiosk and the tech and development involved. “On the whole, power bank rental can be profitable. However, it is a capital-intensive exercise to get off the ground. A critical component is choosing the right locations to ensure that frequency of rentals is high. That will dictate profit mar

this address he found that no such company operates from the building. The concierge, who has been working at the premises for eight years, con firmed that no such company had been based there over that time.

Gollong’s “team” in the UK are listed as Dilip Gupta (CEO and founder), David Adams (Engineer) and Bill Caruso (Engineer).

But a reverse image search of photos of Gollong’s sup posed staff revealed that the exact same “team” are also the driving force behind another company, Solar E-tribe, with the descriptions and photos of the team members identical to those on the Gollong website. Further searches showed that the same photos and names of the directors are also used on other websites, such as that of a company called Tiger Tooth Technologies.

Solar E-tribe did not respond to an email asking the company to confirm that its directors are also active in Gollong Invest ments. Bill Caruso did not re spond to a similar inquiry sent to his Tiger Tooth Technologies profile about his relationship with Gollong.

The www.gollong.org site is relatively new and first indexed by webarchive.org on 17 July this year. This site, however, can only be accessed by mem bers who have logged in and contains no public information, such as an address or telephone numbers.

Gollong offers investments in a variety of “products”. The bottom-of-the-line product is a six-slot power bank, which can be “rented” by the investor for R230 over a 40-day cycle. This, they claim, pays out R320 at the end of the cycle.

The top-of-the-range investment is for the G-VIP8, described only as “solar power”, at R140 000. After 60 days the investor is promised R588 000, a R448 000 profit.

“Of course, you won’t get the actual device. You’ll get the earnings hold on it,” Gollong says in its video marketing pitch. “The device is still in a mall. In other words, the device works for you every day. Every day people use your device, they need to pay and those profits are yours.”

Calculating the return on

To try to establish whether Gollong can deliver such astro nomical returns, we contacted a legitimate vendor who is active in this segment of the market in South Africa.

Adoozy Power rents out power banks similar to the ones used in Gollong’s mar keting material. “We give the end consumer an opportunity to rent a power bank in one location and return it … at any other Power Tower throughout the Adoozy network which includes Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban,” the com pany says on its website.

The power bank rental concept is available in several countries where power is an issue, and it is growing in pop ularity. People reliant on their cell phones and other commu nication devices for their work and livelihoods are drastically affected by the disruptions posed by loadshedding and power outages. Being able to recharge or power portable devices is a fundamental re quirement and also presents a huge business opportunity.

Adoozy Power’s power bank units cost R50 each for a threehour rental, but customers also have the option to rent them for longer periods at reduced rates, including a monthly rate of R199. During the rental period the power bank can be exchanged for a fully charged one at any of Adoozy’s kiosks.

Adoozy Power CEO, Kegan Peffer, says he has not come across any Gollong devices in South Africa.

gins,” he said.

Tracking down Gol long in South Africa

Though Gollong Investment claims to have been active in South Africa since 2021, the company was only registered on 21 September this year. Its listed address is Office 26, Benvista Office complex, Edgar Road, Boksburg, on the East Rand. There is only one director, 31-year-old Melikhaya Palafini. Palafini has no social media presence and a Google search does not produce a single result.

When a reporter visited Gollong’s supposed Boksburg offices, there was no sign of the company. This address is of a series of townhouses and some offices. The security guard at the entrance pointed out a board listing all busi nesses at the address. Gollong Investments is not one of them. “There are one or two loan sharks operating from some of the offices, but I don’t know a Gollong,” the guard said.

London just as dodgy

The “international” address of Gollong also proved to be false. The company’s web site says it is based at 47/48 Piccadilly Street, London. This venue, close to the posh finan cial district of Mayfair, with Buckingham Palace just around the corner, is a popular tourist shopping destination.

But when a reporter visited

The www.gollong.gq site contains some information, but the address of the office is false. The site contains a “contact us” page, but once a message is submitted via this page, it comes up with a “sorry, it seems that our mail server is not responding. Please try again later!” message.

The www.solaretribe.com site has a history dating back to 2013, but initially was a vendor referral site. When it started to focus on solar energy and de vices, it had two addresses, one in Texas in the USA and one in Gurugram, India. In about 2018, the Gurugram address was dropped and replaced with a New York address.

Make money the hush-hush way

Anyone wanting to join Gollong as an investor needs a referral from an existing mem ber. Once someone becomes a member, they can interact via an app that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or by visiting the website. Only members are privy to infor mation and messages from Gollong.

Gollong makes extensive use of WhatsApp groups to communicate with investors. Judging by the phone numbers, these groups appear to have operators based in the United Kingdom, but the address pro vided in the group details is in Camps Bay in Cape Town.

We sent a message via WhatsApp last week to one of the group administrators, who goes by the name “Leseai”, asking for names and contact numbers of the scheme’s man agers or owners. The messages were simply ignored.

... but when it crashes, a dark Christmas may be all that is waiting for investors
The supposed address of Gollong in London. No evidence could be found that the company exists here.
“We are the chosen ones”
The numbers don’t add up
The address in Boksburg where the company claims to be operating from. No such business is listed here.

Judging by WhatsApp screen grabs, partici pants in the investment scheme are discouraged from talking about what is happening. One mes sage sent to group members warned against “dis cussing or slandering the company.” Members are even offered rewards of R200 if they report such conduct to the administrator.

“Recently, some people doubt the authenticity of Gollong, and there are rumors that Gollong will stop business in the near future,” Alyssa, who has a UK phone number, posted. “Gollong company will investigate its legal responsibility for these false information and rumor makers”. Efforts to contact the administrators via these UK phone numbers were also unsuccessful.

Feeding the beast

The messages to group members are focused on encouraging them to recruit more investors. “Reward codes will be sent every day at 19:30. Invite friends or family to join to get R50-R14 000,” reads a message sent out on Sunday night. Any successful Ponzi scheme relies on a myriad of enticements. You have to convince the existing members to actively recruit more inves tors and spend more money, because if money doesn’t flow into the pot, the fraudsters won’t be able to pay investors.

In the case of Gollong, it has all the bells and whistles, including a lottery pool where people can “spin and win”. “Every time you recruit 1 new user (or spend R600), you get one lucky spin for free. 100% winning,” according to Gollong’s “7 Ways to Make Money in Gollong” instruction manual.

If people don’t want to play Gollong’s lottery, they can make money by renting the equipment. There is, however, a slight catch. They have to visit the app at least once a day and claim their income. If they don’t, they lose it.

Investors can also make money by inviting new members to join. Gollong’s “rules” in this re gard are slightly confusing, because it can either earn you an additional R2 a day, or R100 per member for the R500 device. Maybe they make it up as they go along.

Any clever Ponzi scheme relies on a hierarchy, which means people who have been members for longer have new recruits “under” them. And, be ing on a higher level, they also earn a percentage of what those under them earn. They will collect 10% of whatever the recruit below them earns, and a further 6% of the earnings of the person on the tier below that. And so it continues.

But, there is one little snag – the equipment that the top tier rent must be more valuable than the equipment of those “below” them.

But wait, there’s more

If you are easily distracted and confused by the various levels, tiers and VIP statuses, luckily there is an easier way to quadruple your money: you can invest it in the “Energy Pool”. This is way better than any bank, because it offers 5.2% interest per day!

“If you put 10 shares (R1 000) in NO.3 energy pool, then it will automatically add 1000*5.2%=52 interest to your Gollong account every day. After 90 days you can get the total interest: 52*90=4680,” the manual explains.

This return-on-investment beats some of the best Ponzi schemes around. In real terms it works out as a rate of 1 898%. And, in the exact words of the manual: “At the same time, you can also get your capital back R1000”.

The manual ends this section with: “If you experience loadshedding a lot or don’t have time to manage your Gollong account, energy pool are (sic) the perfect way to make money.”

Is this legal?

Of course, none of this is legal, and for a variety of reasons. The Banks Act prescribes that only registered banks can take such deposits and it is illegal for unregistered institutions to take deposits from members of the public.

Gollong is not listed as an authorised financial service provider, which means that the company may not handle investments or offer financial advice to clients. Gollong may argue that it doesn’t have “investors”, but merely customers “renting” its equipment, but this will be hard to prove as there is currently no evidence that any of its products are in operation in the country.

Also, the running of an internal lottery with out permission is illegal in South Africa. The National Lotteries Commission (NLC) regulates all lotteries and sport pools in the country.

NLC spokesperson Ndivhuho Mafela said that Gollong Investment “appear to be an invest ment scheme/company and therefore by law not eligible to conduct a lottery in terms of the provi sions of the Lotteries Act 57 of 1997”. He added that no application had been received from the company to run a lottery.

Where to from here?

For investors such as Edward, it’s a nervous period of waiting. If he “cashes in”, he will lose all his potential winnings. If the Ponzi scheme crashes before he bails out, he loses his R500and he still owes his friend R1 500.

Without inside knowledge of the scheme, it’s near impossible to judge how many people have invested. One of the Gollong WhatsApp groups, Gol Long exchange group 28, had 352 partici pants a week ago. It could mean that there are at least 27 other similar groups, but it could simply be a name chosen for the group.

Judging by Gollong’s latest news postings, the bait is getting even tastier. The lottery pool has increased in size. “As mentioned earlier, in order to speed up the popularization in South Africa, Gollong will spend 200 million rand to promote this event,” a recent post claims.

Edward’s sister has big plans for Christmas for her children and other family members. She has invested a lot of money in Gollong and would be very upset – and badly out-of-pocket – if the pyramid crumbles. She will also have to answer to a lot of friends and relatives who she has recruited, and who invested money based on her recommendation.

“Do you think it will last until Christmas?” Edward asks again.

* Edward is not his real name, but his story is based on his real situation. He did not want to be identified for fear of being victimised by other investors.

Disclosure: The reporters spent R500 investing in Gollong in order to get information they needed for the story.

Assistance was provided by Warren Thompson, a freelance journalist working with the London-based investigative journalism outfit, Finance Uncovered. Zaid Khumalo, editor of Kathorus Mail on the East Rand, assisted with research in Boksburg. This article is co-published with GroundUp

ZOUTPANSBERGER, 18 NOVEMBER 2022 3 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! (LOUIS TRICHARDT, LIMPOPO) Pricing (Refer above schematic for detail) Portion ( A ) : R 6 450 000 Portion ( B ) : SOLD Portion ( C ) : SOLD Portion ( D ) : SOLD Portion ( E ) : Servitute road Portion ( F ) : Servitute road (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
and bordering the town of Louis Trichardt these undeveloped pieces of farm land on sale offer
opportunity for the developer. The
offer allow for various possible developments, amongst others, 
projects, 
Municipality Water: Borehole - None (Excellent possibility for underground water - Water rich area) Want to SELL? List your property with us HAMMANN PROPERTIES Carel Hammann Cell: 082 923 1620 E-mail: property@hmlegal.co.za Anton de Necker Cell: 084 704 8426 E-mail: admin2@hmlegal.co.za Property is our Business, call us! Visit our website: www.hmprop.co.za SOLD AVAILABLE SOLD SOLD We also sent a WhatsApp message to the cell
Adjacent to the N1
a unique
location, zoning
land size on
Rezoning and the possibility to develop various large scale“Green Field”
Rezoning and the possibility to develop various large scale Industrial projects,
Rezoning and the possibility to develop various Housing projetcs and or,
Development of sizeable Small scale farming project.
None – Makhado
of one of the South African members, “Tsalelani”, who seems to be actively advising other members, and asked her to supply contact details of her manager. “Y asking me?” she responded, and then refused to interact further.
These are some of Gollong’s supposed products and the implausible returns the company claims you can make by investing in them.

Soutpansberg ‘n lushof van groen danksy reënbuie

Deur Andries van Zyl

Die Soutpansberg is tans ‘n lushof van groen, te danke aan die eerste somerreën wat oor die streek uitgesak het.

“Rakende die reën is die Here vir ons baie goed. Ek dink dit is die derde jaar wat ons al eintlik sulke goeie reën so vroeg in die seisoen kry,” het mnr. Fanie Havinga van Levubu en voorsitter van die Soutpansberg Distrikslandbou-unie Dinsdag gesê.

Volgens Havinga vergelyk die reënvalsyfers van die afgelope paar maande goed met dié van vorige jare. “Dit is eintlik nie sleg nie maar, as jy na gemiddelde kyk, is dit bietjie slegter as wat ons gewoonlik kry,” het Havinga gesê.

Volgens Havinga is die reën vanjaar bietjie

later as gewoonlik. “Maar ten spyte daarvan lyk dit regtig goed in ons omgewing. Veral in die Levubu Vallei is dit mooi groen, maar as jy noord, oos en wes kyk, is dit maar plek-plek wat dit reën. Wildtuin se kant toe is daar plekke wat dit baie skraps nog gereën het. Agter die berg het dit bietjie gereën, maar omdat ons uit ‘n goeie seisoen uit kom, het die veld goed reageer op die bietjie reën wat hulle gehad het. Ek dink dit is hoekom die veld [in die algemeen] so mooi lyk, omdat ons uit ‘n goeie seisoen uitkom. Selfs Vivo se kant toe, wes van die Soutpansberg, het dit gereën, maar ook plek-plek,” het Havinga gesê. Alhoewel goeie neerslae nie orals voorgekom het, het Havinga gesê dat die reën wat wel geval het vir hulle ‘n bedekte seën is. “Ek moet sê, die reën is baie welkom met die beurtkrag en goet-

ers. Dit maak dit vir ons besproeiingsboere net soveel makliker! Dit vat vir ons ‘n redelik groot kopseer weg dat ons reën gekry het en ons nie ons pompe hoef te hardloop nie. So, as besproeiingsboere gee die reën vir ons so ‘n klein bietjie verligting wat betref die impak van beurtkrag,” het Havinga gesê.

Op Louis Trichardt het een inwoner maar ‘n skrale 42 mm vir Oktober vanjaar gemeet. Dit is in teenstelling met die 64 mm wat hy in 2021 gemeet het. In die ooreenstemmende tyd

het Havinga 63 mm in 2021 gemeet en 72 mm in 2022. Dit wil lyk asof die reën in November ‘n bietjie beter gaan wees as vorige jare. In November verlede jaar het Havinga 78 mm gemeet. Tans het hy reeds 73 mm gemeet. Louis Trichardt se reënvalsyfer vir November verlede jaar (73 mm) stem byna ooreen met dié van Havinga se lesing, maar een inwoner het reeds 93 mm vir November vanjaar gemeet. Tradisioneel kom Louis Trichardt se “groot” reën egter eers vanaf Desember tot Februarie.

Boorling van die Soutpansberg Boeta Joubert sterf aan hartaanval

In Memoriam

Die Soutpansberg het die afgelope week afskeid geneem van een van sy boorling seuns, die 61-jarige Boeta Joubert. Hy is net ná 10:00 verlede Vrydag, 11 November, aan ‘n hartaanval oorlede.

“Dit het so vinnig gebeur. Hy het gekla hy voel sleg en is Donderdagmiddag dokter toe. Die volgende oggend is hy oorlede,” het broer Gideon gesê.

Boeta, wat nooit getroud is nie, sal as boer onthou word waar hy met groente en vrugte op die familieplaas, Generaal, in die Mopane-omgewing geboer het. “Hy was maar nog jonk gewees,” het Gideon gesê. Hy vermoed Boeta se hart het ‘n knou gekry sowat 10 jaar gelede toe hy ‘n beroerteaanval oorleef het.

Wyle Boeta word eerskomende Saterdag, 19 November, op die familieplaas begrawe. Hy word oorleef deur sy twee susters Ria en Dottie (Ronel) en broer Gideon. Die familie het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor die Soutpansberg-gemeenskap vir hulle woorde van vertroosting en ondersteuning in hulle tyd van hartseer. Hulle

Saterdag sal behartig.

en Hans-Peter Ahrens (jongboere). Die pos van plaaslike regering en infrastruktuur bly vir eers vakant. Foto verskaf.

Hierdie week, 25 jaar

gelede in die Zoutpansberger

Hoofnuus hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, was oor een van die dorp se bekendste prokureurs, mnr. Barend van Heerden, wat beboet is met R2 000 of ses maande gevangenisstraf nadat hy aan oud-land dros Sakkie Scheepers (oorlede) se ver keerde kant in die hof gekom het.

Op die voorblad van 14 November word berig oor ‘n siviele geding waar Van Heerden ‘n pensioenaris verteenwoordig het, met Landdros Scheepers as die voorsittende beampte. Tydens die verhoor het verskeie gevalle waar Van Heerden en Scheepers haaks geraak het, voorgekom. Scheepers het Van Heerden gewaarsku dat hy in minagting van die hof optree, waarop Van Heerden sy verskille gehandhaaf het. Kort hierna het Scheepers vir Van Heerden beboet vir minagting van die hof. Hy is derhalwe deur die hofordonnans uit die hofsaal begelei na die kontantkantoor om sy boete te gaan betaal. Dit sou blyk dat Scheepers vir Van Heerden “verban” het om weer voor hom te verskyn. Vroeër dieselfde jaar het Scheepers ook ‘n ander plaaslike prokureur, mnr. Niel Voges, “verban” om voor hom te verskyn. Van Heerden het appèl aangeteken teen sy boete en Scheepers het geweier om kommen taar te lewer op die voorval.

In ander voorbladnuus het die Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangs raad besluit om hulle te skaar agter die besluit om mnr. Dan Masen gane aan te stel as stadstesourier as ‘n regstellende aksie aanstelling.

Hulle het daardeur besluit om die aanbeve lings van ‘n versoeningskomitee, wat aangestel is om die kwessie te probeer beredder, te ignoreer. Die komitee het ‘n vergadering met al die betrokke partye gehou, waarna sekere aanbevelings gemaak is. Een van die aanbevelings was dat mnr. Dopper Kruger, die dorp se waarnemende stadstesourier, as stadstesourier aangestel word, met mnr. Masengane as stadstesourier in opleiding. Steeds by die politiek is mnr. Abram Luruli daardie week ook herverkies as burge meester van Musina.

KNP security build-up for December

News from Kruger

South African National Parks (SANParks) is increasing surveillance at Kruger National Park (KNP) entry gates as part of the festive season crime prevention. Increased spot checks of vehicles will also be done inside the park to check for, among others, park offences such as contraband and verification of identities, booking receipts of occupants inside vehicles. Other technologies being implemented include vehicle numberplate recognition, remote vehicle monitoring, radar surveillance as well as night flying with specialised infrared cameras.

“In addition to the normal ranger and security services patrols, the dedicated dog units with tracking hounds will be deployed on poacher tracks; these will be enhanced during the festive season. The SANParks Environmental Investigative Unit (ECI), which has been successful in operations outside of the KNP, will be joining hands with other law-enforcement agencies in tackling criminals in adjoining

villages. These operations will be targeted at those supplying rifles, ammunition, and recruiting poachers to commit crime. These are also the next level of poachers who transport and sell onward to their buyers. The operations are assisted by community members who often give good tip-offs to authorities that lead to arrests and convictions,” said acting KNP managing executive Dr Danny Govender in a press release.

The press release further states that the ongoing collaboration with the Mozambican authorities is continuing to yield positive results, with some of the elusive kingpins now behind bars. “There are regular meetings at the boundary to assess the threat from that country and to implement plans to mitigate against the threat. The sharing of intelligence has resulted in successful arrests of poachers before they kill an animal,” the press release reads.

These measures are necessitated by the recent spike in poaching, especially snaring and poisoning, which is indiscriminate and kills any animal that gets in contact with

those elements. Snares have increased inside the park, which has resulted in serious injuries to animals, necessitating the intervention of Veterinary Wildlife Services. The SANParks

Honorary Rangers have also been hard at work every weekend, removing up to a thousand snares from the boundary that could have resulted in the loss of and injury to animals.

“Our data on rhino poaching has indicated a downward trend and we want to keep it that way. We have introduced smart-camera technology systems at most hotspots; it has helped in the apprehension of suspected poachers and the confiscation of high-calibre hunting rifles and ammunition. Our dedicated Rangers are also motivated and encouraged by the recent successful arrests and convictions of poachers. We will not let our guard down as the battle to safeguard our natural heritage is far from over,” said Govender.

These measures have already yielded success and in the last quarter, from July to September 2022, a total of 10 suspected poachers were apprehended and six firearms confiscated.

Die Louis Trichardt Boerevereniging het as lid van die TLU SA op 10 November reorganiseer, met Fritz Ahrens (links) wat herverkies is as voorsitter en Kobus Jansen van Rensburg (regs) as ondervoorsitter. Ahrens het ook sy TLU SA silwer knopie ontvang as erkenning vir sy leierskap as voorsitter van die Louis Trichardt Boerevereniging vir 21 jaar. Hy sal ook die grondsake-portefeulje beklee. Die res van die bestuur bestaan uit Rosetta Otto (tesourier), Riana Otto (arbeidsake), Koos Steyn (omgewingsake en water), André Coetzee (beeste en wild), Derick Bouwer (veiligheid) Wyle Boeta Joubert (61). Foto verskaf. het ook National Legal Aid bedank, wat die begrafnis

Jan en Linda groet die Soutpansberg ná 40 jaar


Ná 40 jaar in die Vhembe- en Louis Trich ardt-omgewing sê Jan en Linda van der Westhuizen totsiens. Hulle verhuis middel November na Pretoria.

“Ons wens ons kon die wonderlike mense van die Soutpansberg inpak en saamtrek! Julle was goed vir ons. Mag julle altyd so ‘n geseënde gemeenskap bly,” sê die egpaar.

Ds. Jan het reeds afgetree ná 38 jaar as senior lektor by die Universiteit van Venda (Univ en). Hy was die eerste dosent wat by Univen aangestel is. Sy vakke was Bybelkunde, Teologie en verskillende vertakkinge daarvan. Hy het as deeltydse leraar in die gemeentes VGK Nthume, VGK Mara en Soutpansberg NGK gedien en ook deurentyd oor ‘n wye gebied Sondae ingestaan

vir preekbeurte soos benodig.

Linda het vir langer as 13 jaar vir die Zout pansberger as nuuskorrespondent geskryf, nadat sy vir jare Latyn vir die Univen-regstudente gedoseer het. Sy het in 2017 ‘n christelike boek Uncorked by the Holy Spirit die lig laat sien. Sy bedank graag die leiers en gemeentelede van die Agapé Christensentrum wat haar die geleentheid gegee het om voorbiddingsgroepe en straat evangelisasie te lei, profetiese skilderwerk te doen, asook gebed- en lofprysingsaande te reël.

“Ons sê ook namens ons vier kinders dankie - hulle is almal deur Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en hoef nooit vir enige een in die stad agteruit te gestaan het nie. Aan ons hemelse Vader, al ons dankbaarheid en eer vir ‘n leeftyd saam met die kosbaarste sout-van-die aarde mense,” sê Jan en Linda.

Jan en Linda van der Westhuizen groet ná 40 jaar die Soutpansberg en verhuis middel Novem ber na Pretoria. Foto verskaf. Tribute was paid once more to those who had made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country as part of Armistice Day, also called Remembrance Day, on Sunday, 13 November. The Memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) of Louis Trichardt’s Turbi Hills Shellhole again played host to the event on Sunday, with numerous special guests attending the memorial service and laying wreaths. Among those were the descendants of Lt Tim Kleinenberg, the first allied soldier from this area to die at Turbi Hills in North Africa, shot by an Italian sniper. Pictured are (from left to right) Charles Leach, Cathy and Irene Adendorff. Numerous other representatives of the armed forces and veterans associations also laid wreaths. Photo supplied. The Louis Trichardt Rotary Club once again held their annual party for the town’s less privi leged youngsters at the Adam’s Apple Hotel. The children enjoyed a bit of swimming and lots to eat. The local Rotary Club thanked all who made the day possible and special for the young children, including Luke Enslin from Spar, Riaan Smit from Soutpansberg Koelkamers and Robert Rauch from Dinnermates. Photo supplied.


• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT)

Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina)

Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126

• Agapé Gemeente (LTT)

Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en

Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, phone Pastor Chris Mattheus Tel (082 696 2619).

• AGS Charisma (LTT)

Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastor Willem Klopper (082 339 9931).

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina)

Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 084 456 6959

• AGS Levubu

Sien Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield)

• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT)

93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275

• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT)

128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165

• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728

• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT)

1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714.

• Catholic Church (LTT)

Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina Tel: 015 534 2085)

• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455.

• Corpus Christi Christian Church

Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943.

• St Peters Church (LTT)

33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman)

• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658

• Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)

LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288

• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602

• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253.

• Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays)

H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting.

• Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711

• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT)

H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956

• Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.

• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774

• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937

• Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting.

• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980.

• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081

• NG Kerk (LTT)

Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 11:00 Soekmekaar (1 x pm); 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop (1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902.

NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT)

H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700.

• NG Kerk (Musina)

Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com

• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT)

115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313

Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT)

Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505.

• Reformed Church Songozwi

Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669)

• PPK Bet-El Gemeente (LTT)

Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect

Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 084 418 3803.

• Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT)

Groblerstraat, Saterdag

What is happening?



Elke Maandag om 17:30 vind ‘n byeenkoms van die Christelike Ondersteuningsgroep vir alkoholen dwelmafhanklikes plaas.

Die vergadering is in die Jesus Kroon lokaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente.

Alhoewel die byeenkoms by die NG-kerk aangebied word, is persone van enige denominasie welkom. Vir meer inligting skakel Johan by 064 682 9725, Friede by 082 657 8602 of ds. Jan by 079 881 9673

Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub

Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.

LTT Shukokai Karateklub

Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt.

Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.

Kerk se fasiliteite nou beskikbaar

Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente (Stad op die Berg) in Louis Trichardt stel tans van hulle fasiliteite beskikbaar vir uitverhuring.

Die Ferdie Beyersaal kan 600 persone akkommodeer, en 100 persone in die Kiepersol-lokaal en 50 persone in die Jesuskroon-lokaal.

Vir meer inligting en pryse, skakel die kerkkantoor tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by tel. 015 516 3902.

Gister-se-Jeug byeen

Die Gister-se-Jeugklub op Louis Trichardt kom elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 in die saal van die Hervormde Kerk in Stubbsstraat byeen.

Die klub se leuse is “Vrolikheid by die grysheid” en hul doel is om eensame, ouer mense se venster op die wêreld net ‘n bietjie wyer oop te maak. “Het die vriendekring erg gekrimp? Kom maak dit groter by ons. Te oud – beslis nie as u nog kan beweeg nie. Te jonk – ons benodig helpers,” het die klub gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willie by tel. 083 453 6597 of WhatsApp Anna by 084 516 0647. Ledegeld is baie billik.

Danie Woordbediening

Danie Potgieter van Louis Trichardt het manne van die Woord uitgenooi om saam met hom meer te leer oor die Bybel.

Vir meer inligting, WhatsApp hom by tel. 066 257 7884.


Thursday 17 November

LTT Tennis Club AGM

The Louis Trichardt Tennis Club has invited all interested persons to attend their annual general meeting (AGM) scheduled to take place on Thursday, 17 November. The meeting will start at 18:00 at the club house in Anderson Street.

Saturday 19 November

Doubles, Potjie and Rugby Day

The Soutpansberg Squash Club in Louis Trichardt will be hosting a potjiekos and rugby fundraiser on Saturday, 19 November, at the squash courts, as well as doubles matches. Entry for the doubles matches is R150 per player and play will be starting from 09:00. The entry format is individual as teams will be allocated. This is for experienced players only. Tickets for the potjiekos and rugby match (the Springboks vs Italy) are R100 and the starting time is 15:00. “Bring your family and friends for a fun-filled afternoon. A cash bar will be available,” invites the club.

For more information, phone Erik at tel. 063 168 9851.

Saterdag 19 November

Skietdag vir streek se praktiese pistoolskuts

Die Schyffontein Praktiese Pistoolskietklub van Louis Trichardt bied eerskomende Saterdag, 19 November, hulle laaste International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) skietdag vir die jaar aan.

Lede sowel as nie-lede is welkom om die dag te kom skiet. Voor die tyd kan aanlyn ingeskryf

word by Practiscore (https://practiscore.com/ schyffontein-shooting-club-shoot-19-november-2022/register) of by die klub Saterdagoggend.

‘n Totaal van 121 rondes sal benodig word en deelname kos R50 per skut vir beide lede en nielede. Eie oog- en oorbeskerming is verpligtend.

Heerlike kos sal tydens die geleentheid te koop wees. Skuts en hulle families is ook welkom om hulle eie drinkgoed saam te bring vir ‘n heerlike kuier ná die tyd.

Vir meer inligting, skakel klubvoorsitter Corné Smith by tel. 083 414 3821 of Jan Kunneke by 083 750 2367.

Dopper Kerssangdiens Sondag 20 November

Die Gereformeerde Kerk Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Kerssangdiens vind eerskomende Sondag, 20 November, plaas om 18:00 en almal word hartlik uitgenooi om dit by te woon.

Dit beloof om ‘n geseënde ervaring te wees, met drie kore en ‘n aantal instrumentaliste om dit nog meer spesiaal te maak. Kom vroeg om betyds ‘n plek te kry. Verversings word ná die tyd bedien. “Sien julle daar!” nooi die gemeente.

Vrydag 25 November

Hervormers Pretdraf & aandmark

Die Hervormde-gemeente in Musina nooi oud en jonk na hulle 5 km pretdraf/stap en aandmark op Vrydag, 25 November.

Deelname aan die pretdraf/stap kos R30 per persoon, met registrasie wat vanaf 16:00 plaasvind. Die wegspringtyd is 17:30. Driehonderd medaljes is op die spel, asook groot pryse vir die eerste, tweede en derde plekke. Daar sal ook 40 gelukkige trekkings wees. Wat die aandmark betref, sal daar verskillende stalletjie wees. Uitstalruimte is ook beskikbaar teen R150 en om te bespreek kan Koekie geskakel word by tel. 076 649 1461. ‘n Heerlike rib en slaptjips ete kan reeds vooraf bestel word teen R100 elk, of ‘n hamburger en slaptjips teen R60 elk. Om teleurstelling te voorkom, bestel vroegtydig by Rina (079 938 5810) of Lizette (060 818 7957).


If you know of any upcoming events, e-mail Andries: news@zoutnet.co.za

09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672 Albasini Dam 98.5% 97.8% Ebenezer Dam 94.2% 93.8% Flag Boshielo Dam 110.1% 92.6% Glen Alpine Dam 55% 49.7% Luphephe Dam 89.6% 90.3% Middel Letaba Dam #0.7% 0.7% Nandoni Dam 100.8% 99.8% Nsami Dam 32.8% 33.6% Nwanedzi Dam 87.9% 88.6% Nzhelele Dam 86.2% 87% Tzaneen Dam 78% 78% Vondo Dam 95.7% 95.4% WEEKLIKSE DAMVLAKKE WEEKLY DAM LEVELS 14/11/2022 According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 14 November. Dams/damme: 07/11/2022 # Means latest available data (Source: http://www.accuweather.com) ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt Saturday, 19 November High: 33oC Low: 18oC Sunshine and hot. Mostly sunny and very warm. Friday, 18 November High: 32oC Low: 17oC Partly sunny and very warm. Thursday, 17 November High: 31oC Low: 17oC LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592 MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061 • Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7 • Municipality - 015 534 6000 • Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183 LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 015
Municipal and other services
583 7400 015 583 7418 •
(see Louis Trichardt)
SHOWS, PRICES & TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. NO COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS FOR NEW RELEASES FOR ONE WEEK FROM RELEASE DATE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED /sterkinekortheatres @sterkinekor Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. TicketLine SCAN HERE TO VISIT OUR MOBI SITE SHOWTIMES FRI 18 NOV - THU 24 NOV MALL OF THE NORTH BLACK ADAM 13 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:45, 16:45, 19:45 Sat: 10:45, 13:45, 16:45, 19:45 Sun: 10:45, 13:45, 16:45 BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER 10-12 PG Ç Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 16:15, 20:00 Sun: 13:00, 17:00 BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER (3D) 10-12 PG Ç Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:45, 19:30 Sun: 10:00, 13:45, 17:30 LYLE, LYLE, CROCODILE A Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30 Sat: 10:00, 12:45, 15:30, 18:15 Sun: 10:15, 13:00, 15:45 MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:45, 15:15 Sat: 10:15, 12:45, 15:15 Sun: 10:45, 13:30 THE WOMAN KING 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:30, 17:00, 20:15 Sat: 10:30, 14:00, 17:00, 20:15 Sun: 11:00, 14:00, 17:15 TICKET TO PARADISE 13 Ç Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 17:45, 20:30 Sun: 16:30

Monday, 21 November Partly sunny.

High: 30oC Low: 18oC

Wat gebeur?

Friday 25 November

SPCA Light Market

Now for something new! On 25 November, the Louis Trichardt SPCA team will host their Christmas Light Market at the Makhado Crossing Mall from 15:00 to 20:00.

Besides the food and craft stalls, a beer tent will be available, plus an exciting Night Fun Run will take place. “But wait, there’s more! In addition to all the other fun stuff going on, there will be a Jingle Joyride Cycle event as well!” said the team.

Residents are urged to support the market stalls, enabling the stall holders in turn to support the SPCA. Persons wishing to book a stall for a small donation can contact Grietjie on 072 516 6895 or Alwyn on 068 309 4196.

Tennis year-end

The Louis Trichardt Tennis Club will be concluding their year’s activities with a Christmas-funday tournament to coincide with the year-end function on Saturday, 26 November.

Entry is R100 per player and each player must bring a wrapped gift worth R150. You can dress up for Christmas and you can enter with a partner. Each match will consist of eight games. You play four with you partner and four against your partner. Trophies will be awarded for the top three positions and the day includes lots of fun, a tuck shop, a “spitbraai” and pap, sheba and salads. To entre, WhatsApp Louis Peterson at Tel 082 785 5184.

Saturday 26 November

Shades of Pink Cancer Awareness Walk

Residents of Louis Trichardt and surrounds are invited to come show their support at the Cansa Shades of Pink Cancer Awareness Walk at Makhado Crossing on Saturday, 26 November. The walk will start at 07:00 in the parking area in Makhado Crossing opposite the show grounds. From there the route, stretching over about 3,5km, will be explained to participants. Entry is free, but persons wishing to make a donation can phone Bilaal at Tel 076 259 9943. He can also be contacted for more information.

26/27 November


NG SPB Kersmark en Kerssangdiens

Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg nooi inwoners om op 26 November, hulle gewilde jaarlikse Kersmark te kom ondersteun. Die mark vind op die kerkterrein plaas vanaf 08:00 tot 15:00.

Uitstalruimte is beskikbaar en vir diegene wat ‘n stalletjie wil bespreek, skakel Hermari by die kerkkantoor by tel. 079 116 1700.

Saterdag se Kersmark sal opgevolg word met die gemeente se Kerssangdiens op Sondag, 27 November, om 18:30. Die gaskustenaar is Wim Verhagen en almal is welkom.

NG Levubu Basaar Saterdag 3 Desember

Dis weer tyd vir die NG Kerk Levubu se kerkbasaar op 3 Desember - ‘n basaar met Kersgeskenke, Kersmusiek, ‘n Kersboom en Kersvader en sy Elf kom selfs ‘n draai maak met gratis geskenkpakkies vir kinders. “Kom kuier onder die groen bome van die Boompark, terwyl jy kan smul aan alles wat op ‘n basaar moet wees,” nooi die gemeente.

Alles waarvoor die Levubu basaar bekend is, insluitend vleis, biltong, droëwors, sosaties, koeke, terte, koekies, Kerskoeke, koeksisters- en gevriesde-kosverkoping sal weer beskikbaar wees. Kinders sal klein diere drukkies kan gee, perdry, die Levubu-treintjie ry, op die waterwurm gly en speletjies speel, alles gratis die hele dag lank, terwyl ouers hulle Kersaankope kan doen by die groot verskeidenheid stalletjies.

Wim Verhagen by Kerssangdiens

Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente nooi inwoners van Louis Trichardt en omstreke na hulle Kerssangdiens op Sondag, 27 November, om 18:30 met bekende geestelike sanger Wim Verhagen as gaskunstenaar. Om bywoning te bespreek, skakel 084 987 0417. Foto verskaf.

“Kom ons begin die Kersgety en vakansie in Levubu met ‘n fees. Ons begin 09:00 en ons kuier tot ons moeg is. Alles op die terrein van die NG Kerk Levubu,” sê die gemeente.

Tuesday, 22 November

Very warm with a thunderstorm.

High: 31oC Low: 19oC

Humid; a little morning rain.


Bergcare is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat as sambreel organisasie optree tussen die SAVF, CMR en Kerke in die gemeenskap om behoeftige bejaardes en gesinne te help.

Bergcare dien as ‘n een stop diens om skenkings af te laai en deernispakke te versprei deur vrywilligers. Kontak gerus Melanie Denner om betrokke te raak by 082 921 8215.

ZOUTPANSBERGER, 18 NOVEMBER 2022 7 DEPRESSIEF MOEDELOOS DESPERAAT Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org
SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT DBV Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
27oC Low: 18oC Wednesday, 23 November Sunday, 20 November
High: 32oC Low: 16oC Mostly sunny and very warm.
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook Kiara Female Finster Male
Borris Male Langston Male Luna-Belle Female Penny Female Georgia Female Cutest cats & kittens
26 November

Tyd tot Maandag om in te skryf vir koerant se kalenderfoto-kompetisie


Die streek se fotograwe sal tot en met Maandag, 21 November, kans kry om in te skryf vir die Zoutpansberger se 2023 kalenderfoto-kom petisie.

Fotograwe kon vanjaar elke maand vir die kompetisie inskryf. Daar gaan egter nie vir Desember ingeskryf kan word nie, aangesien die koe rant reeds einde November die 2023 kalenders moet laat druk vanweë die Kersvakansie. Tot en met daardie stadium sal daar dus 11 weninskrywings wees. Die 12de wenfoto sal deur die beoordelaars gekies word uit al die inskrywings wat deur

die jaar ontvang is en nog nie gewen het nie. Die kalender sal dan onder meer deur die Zoutpansberger gebruik word vir bemarkingsdoeleindes.

‘n Maksimum van vyf foto’s per fotograaf kan ingestuur word. NB – Indien jou foto dalk een maand nie gewen het nie, maar jy voel dit is goed genoeg om weer in te skryf, kan dieselfde foto weer ingestuur word. Die foto moet egter binne die afgelope 24 maande geneem gewees het en moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees.

Soos vorige maand is ‘n prys geld van R600 weer op die spel. Slegs hoë-resolusie digitale foto’s (verkieslik landskap-for maat) sal aanvaar word. Die

foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos (een vir een, indien nodig) gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubert straat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Selfoon foto’s is ook toelaatbaar indien die foon oor ‘n goeie kamera beskik. Vir meer inligting oor die kompetisie, skakel Andries by tel. 082 603 2419 of 015 516 4997 (tydens kantoorure). Hoë-resolusie foto’s kan ook aan hom gestuur word per e-pos na news@zoutnet.co.za.

Kate Badenhorst van Louis Trichardt het ook bietjie nader gekyk na die streek se kleiner “gediertes” en hierdie foto van ‘n swaelstertvlinder ruspe met haar iPhone 13 geneem in haar suurlemoenboom op die dorp. Fotograaf Len Lemmer se inskrywing vir November. Hy het hierdie leeuwyfie in die Kruger Nasionale Wildtuin afgeneem met sy Canon EOS 7D met 100-400 mm lens. Sy sluiterspoed was 1/400 van ‘n sekonde met lensopening van F36 op 4 000 ISO. Photographer Vicky Truter took this photo with her Samsung A20 smart phone. The photo is of a Flower Spiny Mantis observed on a fennel plant (29 October 2022) found in a food forest, practicing regenerative agriculture. “Don’t only look at the big 5, look at the small 5 as well,” said Vicky.


Dr Mari Laas, a functional therapist, will be in Louis Trichardt on Monday, 21 November, to assist parents and pupils who wish to make use of her services for subject and career


To achieve optimum results, learners write two assessment tests online beforehand, after which she discusses the results with both learner and parents in an hour-long interview when she is here in town.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se rugbyspanne het hulle dank uitgespreek teenoor NTT Toyota Louis Trichardt vir die borg van nuwe paalbeskermers. Afgeneem tydens die oorhandiging is (voor) adjunkhoof en rugby-organiseerder Greg Stewart (links) en Willie Venter (regs) van NTT Toyota. Agter staan afrigters Rickus Nel, Taylor du Plessis en Tony Marageni. Foto verskaf.

Only 23% of school leavers admit to being fully comfortable with their career choice. Parents should dedicate time and resources to investing in career-choice interventions for their children instead of trying to ‘sell’ their children the career path they have in mind for them. Even though their intentions are often good, this behaviour can encourage the wrong career path and, in many cases, they are simply setting their children up for failure – it will be just a matter of time before their child experiences a ‘study cri sis’, or even worse, a career crisis once employed.

An alarming number of university students drop out of the course they initially enrol for. This is because many students realise far too late that they have chosen the wrong career path. Added to this is the fact that 52% of people do not end up doing what they studied for at university. What’s more, 83% of graduates either end up in the wrong job or are bitterly unhappy at work.

Choosing the wrong career path not only wastes large amounts of money but also valuable time, which could have been spent on pursuing the right career path and experiencing a taste of real success.

With the right advice, today’s career choice can influence tomorrow’s quality of life.

An assessment costs R1 500 per person and entails the two assessment tests, as well as the hour-long consultation on the results with both learner and parents. Contact Dr Laas at mari@ careercounsel.co.za to book an appointment for performing the tests online and arranging an appointment on Monday, 21 November, when she is here in town.

VLU sê dankie vir ondersteuning

Die bestuur van die VLU Aandblom-tak op Louis Trichardt, skryf:

VLU Aandblom wil graag vir die 2023 LUK van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en die gemeenskap van Louis Trichardt baie dankie sê vir die hulp met die verkoop van pienk lappe, bandanas, asook strikkies ter bewusmaking van Borskankermaand in Oktober 2022. ‘n Mooi bedrag van R19 500 is ingesamel en reeds aan die Makhado Care Group oorbetaal.

Ons wil graag vir ons borge/donateurs baie dankie sê vir hulle hulp, insluitend Khoja’s Modern Store en Khoja’s Fabric World, Sanrie du Plessis, Este Nel, Naomi Phillipson, al die VLU vroue, en dan aan ‘n ieder en elk wat gehelp of gekoop het. Sonder die Louis Trichardt-ge meenskap se ondersteuning sou dit nie so ‘n sukses gewees het nie.

0920, Email 1: janrouxboerdery @gmail.com Cell no: 082 463 6314 Email 2:pwilken@ wsmleshika.co.za Cell no:082 514 9947

Alternatively, contact Nic Hoffmann at 079 460 2160 for more details.

Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe

“En Jesus sê: Vader, vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie.” Lukas 23:34.



het ‘n baie nadelige uitwerking op die menslike gestel. Die liggaam is op die golflengte van die goeie wil ingestem, en as die teenoorgestelde plaasvind, word skade dadelik geregistreer. Haat is sand in die masjinerie van ons bestaan, terwyl liefde die olie is, en onthou dat die lewe beter werk met die olie as met sand.

Dit is ook een van die redes waarom mense kla van gedurig moeg wees. Ek weet dat daar dikwels organiese steurnisse is, maar soms is dit daaraan te wyte dat verkeerde, liefdelose gedagtes dwarsdeur die dag teenoor ander gekoester word.

Die Here Jesus leer ons om te vergewe. Reeds in die Bergpredikasie het Hy gesê: “Julle moet jul vyande liefhê, en seën die wat julle vervloek” (Matteus 5:44). Hier aan die kruis bevestig Hy daardie woorde met sy eie voorbeeld, toe Hy gebid het: “Vader, vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie.”

Sit ‘n oomblik stil en kyk of daar ‘n naam by jou opkom waaraan jou liefde nie wil dink nie. Oorhandig jou grief aan die Here Jesus. Hy sal weet wat om daarmee te doen. Hy self, toe Hy uitgeskel was, het nie terug geskel nie, maar dit oorgegee aan die Vader wat regverdig oordeel (1 Petrus 2:23). Wees verder gewillig om met die ander party die saak uit te praat en te vergewe, want hoe kan die Here jou vergewe as jy jou skuldenaars nie wil vergewe nie?

- Ds. Johan Marais

(Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)

Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannes burg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za

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ZOUTPANSBERGER, 18 NOVEMBER 2022 9 Zoutpansberger * Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 14:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00 ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS LEGALS To adver�se your Legal on this page, send an e-mail to accounts@zoutnet.co.za MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Louis Trichardt 0920 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers IDP REPRESENTATIVES FORUM MEETING Notice is hereby given that Makhado Local Municipality will be holding an IDP Representatives Forum meeting scheduled as follows: PURPOSE : To present the IDP Projects progress report and wards needs analysis for 2023/2024 IDP Review. All Councillors, Ward Committees, Traditional Councils, organized businesses, mining sector, Parastatals, Agricultural sector, Tourism sector, Sanco, Community Development Officers, NGOs, Ratepayers Associations, Chairpersons Associations, Provincial Sector Departments and representatives of any interested groups are invited to participate at the aforementioned meeting. All enquiries can be directed to the Director Development Planning or the IDP Manager at telephone number 015 519 3000. Civic Center 83 Krogh Street Makhado Notice No : 142 /2022 MR MK NEMANAME File No : 16/2/7 MUNICIPAL MANAGER DATE TIME VENUE 30 November 2022 10h00 AM Makhado Showground Hall INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION OF
Audited Distribution Figures Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: luandi@zoutnet.co.za Editor / Redakteur: anton@zoutnet.co.za Administrative Administratief: anton@zoutnet.co.za Website / Webtuiste: http://www.zoutnet.co.za NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 news@zoutnet.co.za Reporter / Verslaggewer Denise van Bergen 072 034 7467 denise@zoutnet.co.za ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Khathutshelo Mamuha 071 188 5055 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7 DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Deon Brits. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to Deon at 063 372 9029 BOET LE ROUX FAMILY TRUST NOTICE OF INTENT BY THE BOET LE ROUX FAMILY TRUST (Reg No: IT 568/88) TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE LICENCE ON THE FARM NOOITGEDACHT 290 LS The trustees of the Boet Le Roux Family Trust (Title Deed holder of the remaining extent of the farm Nooitgedacht 290 LS), hereby give no�ce to all interested and affected par�es of the submission of a Water Use Licence applica�on to the Department Water & Sanita�on to abstract 200 000 m3/ annum from boreholes for irriga�on purposes on the farm, at coordinates: (-23.07986//29,83276). Please no�fy us of your inten�on to register as an interested and affected party by sending us your details to; Anne�e Wolmarans PO Box 4101, Louis Trichardt, ZCP KONSULT NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29 (1) OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 All persons having claims against the
men�oned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30
from date
hereof. Estate no:
Full names: DANIEL JACOBUS FICK; ID No: 391009 5037 088 last address: Plaas Kalkoven,
Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeurs regte en wysigings daarvan. surviving spouse’s names: WIDOWER; name and address of executor: ZC PRETORIUS 28B Landros
of publica�on
Vivo 0924,
date of death: 2022/08/10;
Louis Trichardt, 0920
Does your child need help in choosing a career? Soutpansberg Koelkamers het nuwe paalbeskermers vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se rug byspanne geskenk, ‘n skenking waarvoor die skool baie dankbaar is. Afgeneem tydens die oorhandiging is (van links na regs) Taylor du Plessis (afrigter), Greg Stewart (adjunkhoof en rugby-organiseerder), Riaan Smit (Soutpansberg Koelkamers), Rickus Nel (afrigter) en Tony Marageni (afrigter). Foto verskaf.
10 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 18 NOVEMBER 2022 Keeping the lights on! Since 2000 082 498 1484 • BEARINGS • BELTS • PULLEYS • GEARBOXES • CHAINS • SPROCKETS Industria Road (next to All Power) Tel: 015 495 1624 Ad designed Zoutnet Publishers Cell no: 083 452 1646 Derik Prinsloo c/o Rissik & President Street, Shop No. 7 Tel: 015 516 4913 / 060 980 0944 HIGH QUALITYBATTERIES 079 490 2067 / 082 825 9391 MOTORREPAIR SERVICES Fro a l l y our automotive repairs&maint e n ecna Where customers become friends Contact no for more information: 015 516 1248 / 084 504 3711 PARK & SELL Terms & Conditions apply 55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt Paper, Stationery, Cartridges, Stamps Face shields & hand sanitizers now available Graag wil ons al ons kliënte bedank vir die afgelope jaar se ondersteuning en konstante groei in besigheid. Ryno, ‘n Master Tegnikus, het 34 jaar se ondervinding in Ford en Mazda. Marius het 33 jaar se ondervinding in BMW, Mercedes en Toyota. Ons diens en herstel ook enige ander voertuie. Graag nooi ons al ons ou en nuwe kliënte om ons te kom besoek. Epos inskrywings na: news@zoutnet.co.za Skakel Andries van Zyl: 082 603 2419 / 015 516 4996 Fotokompetisie 2022 Hoe om in te skryf: Foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Alle inskrywings moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees. R600 prysgeld vir elke maand se wenfoto! Skryf nou in! Die twaalf wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-formaat muurkalender vir 2023 saamgevat word. kalender ALL YOUR BUSINESSES ON ONE PAGE usiness irectory bb We invite all business interested in a directory advert to contact us. Send an e-mail to: george@zoutnet.co.za Ná dankbare reën verlede Vrydag hulle planne in die wiele gery het, het Laerskool Louis Trichardt Dinsdag hierdie week hulle fondsinsamelingsprojek vir die vierde kwartaal, hulle jaarlikse Stap vir Bybels, aangebied. Die hele skool het in massa deelgeneem en ‘n mooi bedrag van R7 759 is ingesamel ten bate van Bybelverspreiding. Die stap was oop vir leerders, ouers en lede van die publiek. “Die leerders het die baie geniet en ons is dankbaar dat die weer saamgespeel het,” het die organiseerders gesê. Meegaande foto’s van die jong stappers is geneem deur Mark Archer. Triegies stap vir Bybels

en Erik as kampioene


Die Soutpansberg Muur balklub is tans besig met die klubkampioenskappe en op Maandag, 14 November, is die dubbelspel-kampioenskappe vir 2022 afgehandel, terwyl die enkelspel-kampioen skappe eersdaags voltooi sal word.

Dirk du Preez en Bertus Guillaume het Saterdag die verdedigende ma-en-seun span Ronel en Erik Welman

onttroon as wenners vir 2022. Willem van Wyngaardt en Thys Badenhorst het op hulle beurt in die derde plek geëindig.

“Ten spyte van ‘n jaar met dreigemente van huurkontrakte wat gekanselleer gaan word en onsekerheid oor die toekoms van die bane, was dit steeds ‘n goeie jaar vir die muurbalklub.

Die klub bly oop oor die feestyd en alle spelers is welkom om steeds te speel,” het klubvoorsit ter Ronel Welman gesê.

Spelers en lede van die pub

liek word genooi om Saterdag, 19 November, die klub se fondsinsameling te kom onder steun. Dit behels ‘n vriendska plike dubbelspel-toernooi in die oggend vanaf 09:00. Vanaf 15:00 sal Springbok-rugby te sien wees en ‘n heerlike potjie kosete teen R100 per persoon. Die klub samel fondse in om alternatiewe krag te laat instal leer by die klub. Belangstellen des en ondersteuners kan vir Erik Welman skakel by 063 168 9851 vir meer inligting.

Die LUK van Hoërskool Louis Tri chardt bedank graag die volgende borge wat bygedra het tot hul suk sesvolle “pienk” Oktober-fondsins ameling ten bate van die Makhado Care Group: Levubu Staal (Dewald Joubert), VLU Aandblom-tak (Naomi Phillipson), Sanrie du Plessis en ELT Pro (Estè Nel). Voor van links na regs is LUK-lede Need Munene, Geraldine Venter, Mike Veldman, Ian du Plessis, Jody Buys en Pierre Nel. In die middel is Tami Mphephu, Andy Musekene, Isabella Jones, Nicoline Venter, Willem-John Phillipson, Renier Harmse, El-Girnin Maarman en Rikus Smit. Agter is Aman Yelukar, Phophi Netshilema, Estiwan Korff, Ansonett Oosthuyzen, Zuanél van der West huizen, Jacques Vermeulen, Lezaan Burger, Liza Burger, Gideon du Plessis en Henry Fletcher. Foto verskaf.

ZOUTPANSBERGER, 18 NOVEMBER 2022 11 MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
LTT PARKRUN STATISTICS 2022 • Number of events: 85 • Finishers: 718 • Average number of finishers per week: 44.3 • Average finish time: 00:42:11 • Female record holder : Donna GREYLING - Time: 21:19 (04/01/20) • Male record holder : Livhalani MUDAU - Time: 16:16 (10/09/22) Results: parkrun #85 - 12/11/2022 LOUIS TRICHARDT Every Saturday at 7:00am What is Louis Trichardt parkrun? A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5km community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s up to you! Every Saturday at 8:00am Where is it? The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1. What does it cost to join in? Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time. How fast do I have to be? We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace! For more info & results just scan this QR Code: Pos Parkrunner Gender Age Group Time 1 Brian PELI Male VM55-59
2 Brian O’REGAN Male VM70-74
3 Dou BREED Male SM55-59 38:49 4 Charles MUKHELI Male VM45-49 45:49 5 Asleigh CRONJE Female VW45-49 48:30 6 Rosselyn ODHIAMBO Female VW55-59 50:35 Soutpansberg Gholfklub HOLE 19 th Fixtures/Bepalings BS - BeterBal StaBleford, IS - Ind StaBleford, BBB - B/ Bal BonuS Bogey, HS - HoueSpel gS - gekomBIneerde StaBleford, 4Ba/S - 4Bal allIanSIe StaBleford, 2B/aS - 2Bal amerIcan ScramBle, BBm - BeterBal multIplIer, 4 man cHa cHa cHa, IB - Ind Bogey, Sd - ScramBle dr ve uitslae/results Woensdagspel Datum Hoofborg Formaat 09/11/22 Eie reëlings IS Plek Naam Punte 41 1 Maarten Venter 37 2 Peter Thompson Opkomende Kompetisie Formaat Kompetisie Datum Eie reëlings 19/11/22 35 3 Brink Schlesinger Jaareindfunksie 26/11/22 Kids with Cancer Golf Day Datum Hoofborg Formaat 12/11/22 Lions 4BA Plek Naam Punte 106 1 George Mahlauli, David Munjai James Shirinda, Dumisani Nzimande LTT Bolt & Nut 97 2 Francois Jonker, Wikus Botes Beukes Haasbroek, JD Botha Fresh Corp 95 3 Marius Mostert, Francois Labuschagne Arie Steyn, Erna van der Heyde Kapteinspan Maandelikse Houespel 03/12/22
en Bertus onttroon Ronel
Dirk du Preez en Bertus Guillaume het Saterdag, 12 November, die nuwe dubbelspel-kampioe ne van die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub geword. Die verdedigende ma-en-seun span Ronel en Erik Welman het geëindig as naaswenners, met Willem van Wyngaardt en Thys Badenhorst in die derde plek. Voor is Erik en Ronel Welman. Agter (van links na regs) is Willem van Wyn gaardt, Thys Badenhorst, Dirk du Preez, Bertus Guillaume, en Christian Mocke en Nardus Barnard, wat vierde was. Foto: Leigh Mc Gaffin. Laerskool Louis Trichardt se netbalafrigters het vanaf 11 tot 13 November die All about coaching-kursus by Mutango Lodge, Pretoria, bygewoon. Die doel van die kursus, aange bied deur dr. Elsje Jordaan en Minnette Dempsey van Sportisimo, was om goeie balans te kweek tussen netbalkennis en motivering vir die nuwe seisoen. Afgeneem, van links na regs, is afrigters Delicia Guillaume, Carina van Staden, Sem Venter, Melissa Leeb, Elzabé Stewart en Aronaé van Deventer. Foto verskaf. Leon Schoonraad, ‘n Graad 10-leerling van Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina, het op 20 Okto ber die trofee as Staatmaker van die Jaar ontvang. Die geleentheid was die skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling vir akademie, sport en kultuur. Foto: Hoërskool Eric Louw.

Fifteen qualify for national champs


More than 60 athletes with disabilities from across Limpopo attended the senior championships at Louis Trichardt High School’s sports field the past weekend, with 15 athletes qualifying to represent Limpopo at the 2023 national championships in March next year.

The championships were hosted by the IsAbility Sports. “We are so excited, because our senior component has increased from five in 2019 to 63 athletes from across Limpopo,” said IsAbility’s Sandy James in anticipation of the event.

Among the 15 athletes who qualified for the national championships were Louis Trichardt athletes Vhutuhawe Nemutandani (class F/T61 discus boys U/15), Zander Luus (T/F44 long jump, discus, shotput and javelin boys U/17), Corrie Dercksen (F57 discus and shotput) and Louis Trichardt’s own Olympic bronze medallist Sheryl James (T37 open 100m and 200m). Zander and Vhutuhawe also achieved unofficial South African records for long jump and discus respectively.

The rest of the 15 athletes from Limpopo to

qualify were Vhumbani Masakona (F55 open javelin, shot put and discus), Hendrick Nemurura (F55 open discus), Lucas Mapiteke (F57 open discus and shotput), Ntshavheni Matidza (F57 open discus and shotput), Lesetja Poopedi (T47 open long jump and 100m), Adam Mudau (T37 open long jump), Madubo Maila (T/F46 open long jump, discus and 100m), Vidah Muthabi (F43 open shotput and javelin), Heinies Serota (F43 open shotput), Katlego Makwela (F/T44 open shotput and javelin) and Esther Mashamba (F57 open shotput). About 20 athletes who still

have potential to qualify will try out again in January.

“We would really like to thank Talisman once again for the provision of mobile accessible toilets, Louis Trichardt High School for the venue and facilities and Emmanuel Christian School for all their staff and learners who assisted. Thanks also go to all our other volunteers who gave up their Saturday for this event, and special thanks to Maud Myburgh for providing her ambulance and first-aid service so willingly and generously,” said Sandy.

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field marshals who participated in the past weekend’s senior championships for athletes championship was hosted by the IsAbility Sports Club at Louis Trichardt High School. Photo supplied.

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