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19 Desember 2014
The new C-Class. Limited Launch Edition Technology Package.
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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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Hooggeregshof stem saam CoAL moet eers omvattende studie doen oor impak wat myne gaan hê
Nekslag vir mynreus Standard with the new PremiumDrive Maintenance Plan. Finance Provided by Mercedes-Benz Finance and *Insurance, a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd., an Authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no. 18 604) and Credit Provider (Licence nr. NCRCP80). *Underwritten by either Regent Insurance Company Ltd. (FSB. 25 511) or Alexander Forbes Insurance Company Ltd. (Licence nr. 30414). Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African Market. The Special Introductory Offer valid on all orders placed up until 13th June 2014.
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se Makhado-projek in. Ingevolge die hofbevel mag CoAL nie sy voorgenome myn begin bou, Besorgde boere en inwoners het die myn- voordat die hersieningsaansoek afgehandel is nie. maatskappy Coal of Africa Limited (CoAL) Die aansoek het ook ‘n stokkie gesteek voor ‘n gevoelige slag toegedien toe hulle daarin CoAL se voorgenome plan om ‘n 22km-lange kon slaag om ‘n interdik teen die maatskappy spoorlyn, paaie en groot opgaardamme in die te bekom om hulle aktiwiteite in die Limpo- omgewing van die Makhado-myn te begin bou. po-vallei te stuit. CoAL het vier jaar gelede, onder sy vorige In terme van ‘n hooggeregshofbevel wat die bestuur, homself die woede van omgewingsgroepe Vhembe Mineral Resources Stakeholders Forum opgehaal toe daar besluit is om die Vele-steen(VMRSF) bekom het, mag CoAL nie met sy koolmyn op die rand van die Mapungubwe Erbeoogde Makhado-mynprojek begin nie. Die my- fenisgebied te bou. ‘n Skikking is destyds bereik nmaatskappy moet eers nadat organisasies hulle ‘n omvattende omge“Waarnemende regter Kobus ook na die howe gewend wingsimpakstudie doen, het, en CoAL ‘n boete het die Hooggeregshof Strijdom het hulle gelyk gegee dat moes betaal. Die uitslag in Pretoria op Dinsdag, CoAL ‘n omvattende streekswye was dat ‘n gesamentlike 9 Desember, beslis. komitee, bestaande uit VMRSF was die eer- studie moet doen om te bepaal wat verskillende rolspelers ste respondent in die die impak van al sy voorgenome van die verskillende reaansoek, en is ondersgeringsdepartemente, teun deur die Makha- myne in die Limpopo-vallei op die op die been gebring is do Aksiegroep en die te verseker CoAL omgewing en bestaande ekono- om Mudimeli-gemeenskap. hou by hul beloftes. miese aktiwiteite sal wees” CoAL beplan om die In terme van die bevel Mudimelies te verskuif mag CoAL met geen indien daar voortgegaan aktiwiteite begin wat sal word met die Makhado-myn. ingevolge die Nasionale Omgewingsbestuurswet Waarnemende regter Kobus Strijdom het hulle as gelyste aktiwiteite beskou word nie. gelyk gegee dat CoAL ‘n omvattende streekswye Mnr. Christo Reeders, regsverteenwoordiger studie moet doen om te bepaal wat die impak van van die omgewingsgroepe, het gesê ‘n slag is vir al sy voorgenome myne in die Limpopo-vallei omgewingsgeregtigheid geslaan. Intussen het op die omgewing en bestaande ekonomiese ak- CoAL bevestig dat hulle nie vooraf geweet het tiwiteite sal wees. van die interdik aansoek nie, en derhalwe nie op Die oorkoepelende aansoek sluit ook ‘n hersie- die stukke kon antwoord nie. Hulle sal wel saam ningsaansoek teen die Limpopo Departement van met die onderskeie staatsdepartemente werk om Ekonomiese Sake, Omgewing en Ontwikkeling die interdik tersyde gestel te kry. (LEDET) se omgewingsgoedkeuring van CoAL CoAL se hoofuitvoerende beampte, mnr.
Deur Isabel Venter
Merry da Christmas an 015 to 2 s u o r e p s o r p mers! all our custo
Tel: (015) 516 5175 ISSN 2409-2835
Audited Distribution Figures
David Brown, het bygevoeg dat ‘n streekswye impakstudie van die myn verwag om die gevolge te bewys as al hul beoogde myne in die streek gelyktydig opgerig word. Dit, het Brown gesê, sal nooit so gebeur dat al hulle myne op een slag ontwikkel sal word nie.
Christo Reeders, prokureur vir die Vhembe Mineral Resources Forum, tydens ‘n vorige vergadering tussen die forum, CoAL en verteenwoordigers van die Departement van Mineraleregte. Foto: Facebook, SOLVe.
The management & staff of the Solly’s Group of companies would like to thank all their customers, service providers, suppliers, tenants and the community for their tremendous support for making 2014 another superb, successful year. “THANK YOU” We would like to wish one and all a blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous new year. May the Allmighty be with you all wherever you are. Solly Noor Group
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CoAL het in die afgelope twee jaar geweldige finansiële druk ervaar, waarop Brown ‘n omkeerstrategie implementeer het en kostes tot op die been gesnoei het. Tans is CoAL besig om sy fondse aan te vul deur die plasing van nuwe aandele.
Corner Songozwi & Burger Streets, Louis Trichardt Tel: (015) 516 1535 / Fax: (015) 516 1786 email: PO Box 333, Louis Trichardt 0920
2 19 December 2014 Deur Isabel Venter
Vlaag van misdaad duur steeds voort
Mr Solly Noor (left) receives recognition during the recent WMO conference which took place in Sandton. The award was handed over by the outgoing president of the WMO, Mr Abdul Satar Dada. Photo supplied.
Inwoners van Louis Trichardt word gemaan om hul persoonlike veiligheid ter harte te neem hierdie Desember en sodoende nie deel te word van die vakansie se misdaadstatistiek nie. Diefstalle en rowe is sedert die begin van die Kersseisoen erg aan die toeneem, van veediefstal, winkel- en huisbraak tot gewapende roof. Die Makhado Polisie ondersoek ‘n saak van poging tot moord, nadat twee mans tussen die ouderdomme van 51 en 61 verlede Donderdag aangeval en gewond is. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder konst. Irene Radzilane het vandeesweek bevestig dat een verdagte, gewapen met ‘n pistool, die twee slagoffers wou beroof by hul winkel in Industriastraat. Die verdagte het weggekom, maar nie voordat hy albei sy slagoffers gewond het nie - een in die been en die ander in die hand. Hulle name word weerhou
vir hul veiligheid. Maandagaand het ‘n Indiër-gesin van Eltivillas die jongste slagoffers geword toe drie gewapende mans op hulle toegeslaan en hulle bakkie reg voor hulle huis gekaap het. Geen skote is afgevuur nie en die bakkie is later, nie ver van die huis af nie, gekry waar die rowers dit gelos het. Die rowers het verder te voet gevlug met geld en selfone wat hulle in die bakkie gekry het. Radzilane het bevestig dat daar nog geen arrestasies gemaak is in beide voorvalle nie. Die onlangse toename in misdaad het die Makhado Polisie genoop om reeds in November met teen-misdaad operasies te begin. Verder verneem die koerant dat daar ekstra veiligheidmaatreëls in plek is vir die res van Desember en dat die Makhado polisie op ‘n hoë sigbaarheidsen gereedheidsvlak is.
By Anton van Zyl
Solly elected as new president of WMO Well-known Louis Trichardt businessman Mr Solly Noor was elected as president of the World Memon Organisation (WMO) during the WMO’s annual general meeting held at the Sandton Convention Centre a few weeks ago. The WMO is an international umbrella organisation formed more than a decade ago to unite Memon organisations, institutions, corporate bodies, associations and individuals. The organisation works towards the upliftment, welfare and well-being of the people in the communities where they are active. The organisation has seven regional chapters across the
globe, which include chapters in Africa, India, the Far East, Europe, the Middle East and North America. According to Mr Noor, their main aim is to look after the poorest and most disadvantaged people. Worldwide, the WMO has taken care of over 23 000 students and 9 000 widows and widowers. “The WMO is involved in several housing projects for the poor and also tries to assist in medical needs such as dialysis treatment,” he explained. One of the projects under the WMO’s auspice is the Memon Industrial & Technical Institute (MITI). “The MITI managed to
equip over 14 000 tradesmen the past year on the sub-continent with the necessary skills to enter the workplace,” said Mr Noor. To date, the MITI has helped train 56 000 people. Solly Noor is one of the founding trustees of the WMO and he has served as chairman of the Board of Trustees for the past eight years. His efforts were recognised this year when he received a special award from the WMO. He also serves on several other boards, such as the Council of the University of the Witwatersrand. He also serves on the Board of the University of Venda.
Lede van die Makhado Polisie, besig om verklarings af te neem van die gesin in Eltivillas wat Maandagaand die jongste slagoffers van misdaad geword het.
BUSINESS talk By Andries van Zyl
Try something different this Christmas How about trying something different but unique to the Soutpansberg this festive season? “Baobab powder is becoming a popular ingredient in the UK and USA, but South Africans just don’t know about it,” said Ms Sarah Venter of Louis Trichardt. She is the owner of EcoProducts, which has developed a new product called Baobab Fruit Powder. Baobab Fruit Powder is classified as a superfruit because it is rich in many essential nutrients. It has four times more Vitamin C than an orange, three times more calcium than milk, five times more magnesium than avocados, five times more anti-oxidants than blueberries, six times more potassium than a banana and 16 times more dietary fibre than pears. Venter has invited residents to try out the powder of this amazing fruit that grows on residents’ doorstep. As an incentive for residents, she supplied the newspaper with one of her unique and delicious baobab powder recipes for making a cheesecake. “But I have loads more on my website. Please take a look at http://www.,” Venter said. The Baobab Cheesecake is a delicious and easy to make cheesecake, perfect for Christmas dessert or to serve with tea or coffee. The recipe serves eight people. This is how you make it: (Total time: 1hr 10min; Preparation: 10 minutes; Refrigeration: 1 hour) Equipment: 21-23 cm tart pan or spring-form
pan, electric mixer (optional) and refrigerator. Ingredients: Crust * 100g butter * 1 packet (200g) tennis biscuits Filling * 50g baobab powder * 1 tin (385g) condensed milk * 30ml lemon juice * I tub (230g) smooth cottage cheese * 1 tub (250ml) cream (whipped) Preparation: Finely crush the biscuits and melt the butter. Mix the butter and biscuits together and press into the bottom of the tart or spring-form pan to form the crust. Place the pan in the refrigerator while preparing the filling. Mix baobab powder, condensed milk, lemon juice and cottage cheese together in a bowl with an electric beater or by hand. Beat cream and fold into the baobab mixture. Pour the filling over the biscuit mixture in the pan and return to the refrigerator for another hour or until ready to serve. Hint: Garnish with lemon slices or grated lemon rind. Make a day or two in advance to give yourself more time to work on other courses. Venter’s Baobab Fruit Powder is available locally at OK Grocer. For more information, phone Venter on 082 374 9534 or write to For online orders, the website can be visited.
Let us know about your new business or service in town
BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on new developments in the local business arena. To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us know of new developments regarding new businesses or services less than a year old.
Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the column free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel 015 516 4996/7.
19 Desember 2014 3
By Isabel Venter
Millions worth of dagga go up in cloud of smoke The owner of a small dagga farm is still at large after the Makhado police cracked down on his enterprise. The police in Louis Trichardt came across the smallholding along the Madombidzha road during a routine foot patrol last Friday. According to provincial police spokesperson Brig Hangwani Mulaudzi, the property belongs to the Makhado Municipality. On the property, the police found 840 dagga trees, each about 1.5m tall. Following the dagga find, all the trees were cut down and burnt. The street value of the dagga is estimated at about R5 million. The owner of the dagga plantation lived next
to his plantation in a shack with some dogs, but was nowhere to be found. “We did not find him, but we managed to discover different suspected stolen goods and [these] were taken to the local police station,” said Mulaudzi. The dogs were also rescued from the farm. Mulaudzi said the destruction of the plantation would be a major blow to a marijuana ring suspected to be one of the main dealers in the province. At the time of our going to press, local police spokesperson Const Irene Radzilane had confirmed that the police were still on the lookout for the owner and searching the area for other dagga plantations.
Deur Isabel Venter
Liggies darem aan tot einde van die jaar Die kanse lyk goed dat inwoners se Kersliggies sal brand tot die einde van die jaar. Eskom, die nasionale elektrisiteitsvoorsiener, het verlede week aangekondig dat daar waarskynlik nie weer beurtkrag sal wees vir die res van die jaar nie. Sake kan egter steeds vinnig ve-
rander as daar te veel druk op die stelsel geplaas word, soos onvoorspelbare weersomstandighede, het Eskom in ‘n persverklaring verduidelik. Eskom het verlede Donderdag gesê beurtkrag sou nié die volgende dag toegepas word nie, maar moes die volgende oggend
Following the dagga find, all the trees were cut down and burnt. The street value of the dagga is noodgedwonge fase 2-beurtkrag estimated at about R5 million. Photo: SAPS, Limpopo. begin toepas en het kort daarna oorgeskakel na fase 3. Dit het gebeur nadat die stelsel “onverwags” nie herstel het ná die vorige aand se beurtkrag nie. Sekere kragstasies was onlangs buite werking, terwyl herstelwerk gedoen is, maar die meeste is sed ert Maandag weer aan die gang. Intussen het Eskom se hoof uitvoerende beampte, mnr. Tshediso Matona, Suid-Afrikaners aangemoedig om hulle lewens en besighede vir volgende jaar rond om beurtkragskedules te beplan, omdat dit die donker werklikheid sal wees van 2015. Daar sal nader aan die tyd meer akkurate ske dules bekend gemaak word, maar vir nou lyk dit of die ligte nog sal Local police in Louis Trichardt, busy cutting down a small dagga plantation they discovered on Friday (12th). Photo: SAPS, Limpopo. brand tot einde Januarie.
Actual products on offer may differ from visuals show as these are serving suggestions only. Hawkers and traders welcome, we reserve the right to limit quantities. E&OE
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4 19 December 2014 Terugblik op 2014
Terugblik op 2014 se groot nuusgebeure In hierdie laaste uitgawe kyk die Zoutpansberger terug na die belangrikste nuusgebeure wat die afgelope jaar die voorblad gehaal het. Op die nuusfront was 2014 beslis ‘n bedrywige nuusjaar. Misdaad was weereens die top “nuusmaker” en op die politieke front was die laaste paar maande maar onstuimig, veral wat betref beweringe van “aparte” toilette vir inwoners en die omstrede naamsveranderingsage wat steeds voortduur: 10 January A policeman from the South African Police Service in Louis Trichardt faces serious criminal charges, after he allegedly misused police resources to aid and abet suspected robbers. Sgt Funanani Edwin Bugana (40), from the Local Criminal Record Centre, allegedly assisted three suspected thieves by supplying them with identification documents and “warrants of arrest” which enabled them to introduce themselves as members of the police’s special unit against organised crime, the Hawks. Bugana gave himself up to the police in Musina, following a botch robbery at a business a day before Christmas in 2013. The three suspects walked into the business, accused the owner of money laundering and, upon searching his premises, made off with thousands of rands they had “seized”. 17 Januarie ‘n Jong inwoner van Louis Trichardt, die 14-jarige Brandon van Zyl, word as ‘n held vereer nadat sy vinnige optrede tydens ‘n byna noodlottige motorongeluk die lewe gered het van die sewejarige Louis Swart. 24 Januarie Die toename in inbrake en diefstalle by wonings in Louis Trichardt die voorafgaande twee maande is ‘n bron tot ernstige kommer. Die Zoutpansberger besluit om self bietjie te probeer bepaal wat die omvang van die probleem is. Die besluit volg vanweë die polisie se volgehoue weiering om misdaadstatistieke ten opsigte van navrae oor huisbrake aan die koerant en publiek bekend te maak. Kommerwekkend is dat huisbrake by wonings terwyl die inwoners by die huis is, al hoe meer algemeen voorkom. Talle gevalle ten opsigte hiervan word uitgelig. 31 Januarie Jou eie en jou geliefde se lewe, of dié van ‘n gewapende rower ... Dit was die blitsige besluit wat mnr. Piet Lourens (59) moes maak toe sy eie en sy vrou, Tillie, se lewe in die weegskaal was. Rowers wat klaarblyklik al vir maande ‘n terreurveldtog in die Levubu-omgewing voer, het op 26 Januarie op die Lourens-egpaar toegeslaan, maar is deur Piet se koelkop optrede gestuit in hulle spore. Hulle kon die aanval afweer, maar nie alvorens Piet een van die aanvallers doodgeskiet het en ‘n tweede gewond het. 7 February The story of how a man survived an attack by a swarm of angry killer bees is something fit for an episode of the reality drama I Shouldn’t be Alive. This was what Shane Jacobson from Louis Trichardt thought while he was hiding from the swarm in a swimming pool, his back injured, while struggling to breathe and with his strength rapidly waning. Only moments before, Shane had been relaxing metres above the ground in a tree, looking down on the world. He cuts down problematic trees for a living and was on duty at a house in Krogh Street when he was attacked by the bees. The attack was unlike anything Shane had ever come across in his years as an arborist. With the bees covering his face, back and neck with stings, Shane’s eyes and face quickly started to swell. Without being able to see what he was doing, Shane tried frantically to release his safety ropes. The safety clip jammed, however, and Shane plummeted about three storeys down to mother earth. He then crawled into a swimming pool to avoid being stung further. Despite being stung more than a thousand times, he survived the attack. 14 Februarie Gemartel, gewurg en vir dood agtergelaat ... Vir mev. Petro Weyers van Louis Trichardt is die beste verjaardaggeskenk waarvoor sy egter kon vra die feit dat beide sy en haar sesjarige kleindogter, Chaney, nog lewe. Die twee is wreedaardig aangeval in ‘n huisroof by Petro se woonstel in die Kismet-kompleks in Andersonstraat. Die aanval
het plaasgevind presies ‘n week voor Petro se 66ste verjaardag op 13 Februarie. Die Zoutpansberger het Petro minder as vier ure ná die aand se skokgebeure by haar woonstel gevind. Bebloed en steeds in skok het Petro dapper die skriknag se gebeure herleef. Drie keer het Chaney smekend uitgeroep: “Ouma! Ouma! Ouma!” Elke keer het Chaney se aanvaller haar deur die gesig geklap en gewurg met die woorde: “Shut up! Shut up!” “Daar is steeds ‘n wroeging in my hart dat Chaney gedink het ek wou haar nie help nie, maar ek kon nie...” het Petro vertel. Ná Chaney se derde angsroep om hulp - met haar aanvaller se hande styf om haar nekkie soos hy die lewe uit haar probeer wurg het - het haar stem stil geword. Die man het haar opgetel en haar lyfie op die vloer gegooi. “Ek het gedink my kind is dood,” het Petro gesê. Petro is hierna vasgebind, waarna haar aanvallers haar probeer versmoor het. Kort-kort het sy haar bewussyn verloor. Na wat soos ‘n ewigheid gevoel het, het die aanvallers die huis verlaat. Wonderbaarlik het Chaney bygekom en haar ouma help losmaak. Hulp is daarna ontbied. “Sy is my held! Sy het ons lewens gered. Ouma is trots op jou!” het Petro gesê terwyl sy na klein Chaney kyk. 21 Februarie Neknominasies maak hulle opwagting in die Soutpansberg. Maar wat is ‘n neknominasie, of ‘n Necknomination, soos dié gier beter bekend staan? Is dit ‘n prettige, dog gevaarlike, speletjie of kan dit dalk gebruik word om goed te doen aan andere? Die Zoutpansberger het ‘n vinnige aanlynsoek gedoen om agter die kap van die byl (of dan die bottel) te kom. Dit het sommer vinnig geblyk dat meeste van die jonger inwoners van Louis Trichardt nie net gewéét het wat ‘n neknominasie is nie, maar ook met ene op hulle kerfstok kon spog. Vir dié wat nie geweet het nie, ‘n neknominasie was die nuutste gier op sosiale media. Dit is eintlik ‘n drink-neiging wat behels dat ‘n persoon wat benoem is ‘n video van homself maak waar hy ‘n alkoholiese drankie vinnig sink, twee ander mense dan benoem en die video op die Internet laai. Dikwels word die video opgelaai op sosiale netwerke soos Facebook, Twitter of direk op Youtube. Die mense wat benoem is deur die eerste persoon het dan 24 uur kans om hulle eie neknominasie te prakseer en aanlyn op te laai. 28 February Louis Trichardt is said to rank among the country’s top pothole paradise destinations. This is the general consensus among residents having to navigate their way to work, school, church and home through the town’s pothole-infested streets on a daily basis. An already bad situation was made even worse by the heavy rains and the question many ask is whether the Makhado Municipality will ever be able to recover and return the town’s streets to a drivable state again. Frustration is running high and more and more people are reverting to fixing potholes in front of their businesses and homes themselves. The growing desperation among residents with the situation has now created a market for DIY pothole repair kits. The bad news for residents fixing potholes themselves, however, is that this process is illegal as the law states that no person other than the responsible authority is allowed to fix potholes. 7 Maart Uiterlik het hul beserings bykans genees, maar innerlik is die trauma, hartseer en vrees nog so vars in hul geheue soos die aand wat hulle aangeval en vir dood agtergelaat is. Die wreedaardige aanval op mev. Petro Weyers (66) en haar kleindogter Chaney (6) van Louis Trichardt het plaaslik, sowel as nasionaal, media-opslae gemaak. Die twee is gedurende die vroeë oggendure van 6 Februarie, terwyl hulle geslaap het, deur twee mans oorval tydens ‘n gewelddadige huisroof. Een van die mans het vir klein Chaney gewurg totdat sy haar bewussyn verloor het. Hy het haar, skynbaar onder die indruk dat sy dood is, opgetel en op die vloer gegooi, voor haar angsbevange ouma. Daarna het die twee mans vir bykans twee ure vir Petro gemartel deur haar te slaan en ses keer te wurg. Die aanvallers het ook vir Petro vir dood agtergelaat. Wonderbaarlik het beide Petro en Chaney die aanval oorleef. Bykans ‘n maand na die aanval het die Zoutpansberger weer by Petro gaan inloer. (Vervolg op p. 5)
19 Desember 2014 5
Looking back at 2014
New valuation roll has residents up in arms municipal by-laws and regulations aanval plaasgevind het. “Chaney kry glad nie. In die dag probeer ek so ‘n bietjie slaap electricity to the residents. (Vervolg van p. 4) when it comes to starting a business Sy en Chaney het intussen weer nagmerries. Ek moet haar twee keer ‘n ... dit is net, daardie vrees is in jou!” vertel Petro 28 Maart in Louis Trichardt? teruggetrek na die woonstel waar die nag wakker maak. Ek slaap natuurlik en veg moedig om die vlak trane weg te steek. Is it still necessary to adhere to (Contd on P 6) “Iemand wat nie self deur so iets is nie ... kan nie verstaan nie ... Hulle sê ‘Kry jou kop reg’ Hoe doen jy dit?!” wou Petro weet. 14 Maart R180 p.p. and “Die nuwe waardasierol lyk vir ons na ‘n duimsuiery.” Dit is die mening van die SoutpansR90 children berg Belastingbetalersvereniging (SBBV) ná die under 12 Starters bekendmaking van die 2014 tot 2018 munisipale Mussel Pot waardasierol. SBBV voorsitter mev. Inga Gilfillan Butternut and Kessler Soup with Cocktail Rolls se eie eiendomwaardasie is met R1m verhoog. “In Pickled Fish ‘n ander buurt is ‘n inwoner se eiendomwaardasie * verdubbel, terwyl sy buurman s’n presies dieselfde Salads: gebly het. Ons raai eienaars aan om ‘n onafhanklike Garden Salad waardeerder te kry en daardie waardasie saam met 3 Bean Salad die beswaarvorm by die munisipaliteit in te handig. Pasta Salad Broccoli and Cucumber Salad Daarsonder bly die munisipaliteit by hul belaglike * waardasies ter wille van die geld wat moet inkom Main Course na die munisipale koffers,” het Gilfillan gesê. Roast Pork - Cherry and Pineapple glazed Inwoners het tot 31 Maart gehad om beswaar te Traditional Roast Turkey with Stuffing maak teen die nuwe waardasie van hul eiendomme, Roast Lamb (Rosemary and Thyme) waarvolgens hulle belasting vir die volgende vier Tongue with mustard jaar of meer gaan betaal. Roast Beef 21 Maart * Extras If not for the recent rains, the first four streets Spicy Rice, Cous Cous of households at Air Force Base (AFB) Makhado Roast Potatoes would have been connected to Eskom electricity Gravy during the course of the previous week. More than Mint 1 000 residents from 234 households in the base’s Apple Sauce Braambos residential area were left without elecRoasted Vegetables with Honey and Nuts tricity after a high-voltage supply cable that feeds Gem Squash filled with Sweet Corn and Cheese the Eskom supply to the area exploded in two places Beans wrapped in Bacon on 10 October 2012. This was apparently followed Traditional Pumpkin Fritters by two more explosions five days later. Although * the Department of Public Works was immediately Desserts Christmas Cake with Custard & Ice Cream informed of the explosions and subsequent total Chocolate Cupcakes with Cream and Strawberries power outage, the department was slow in respondCristmas Trifle ing to the crisis. For more than a year the base had Chocolate Swiss Roll with Cream and Cherries to make use of 13 standby generators at a running A selection of homemade Christmas Biscuits cost of more than R1,2 million per month to supply
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6 19 December 2014 Terugblik op 2014
Onderduimsheid met waardasierol uitgewys (Contd from P 5) Judging by the number of illegal business practices sprouting up across town in residential areas over the past few years, many believe that this question is justifiable. The Makhado Municipality’s apparent reluctance to act against these and other illegal businesses operating right under its nose has residents living around these properties fuming. Some believe there is a sinister plot behind the municipality’s turning a blind eye to these operations, while others are of the opinion that the municipality is applying double standards when it comes to cracking down on illegal business practices. At the beginning of the year, the municipality went to war with hawkers in the town’s CBD who were apparently operating without licenses. Yet it would seem that, when it comes to the wealthier and better-known business owners, the latter are being allowed to operate without having to adhere to any of the municipal by-laws and zoning regulations. In their response to a media enquiry regarding these businesses, the Makhado Municipality categorically denied applying double standards when it comes to municipal law enforcement. “The municipality is not and will never apply double standards when it comes to the issue of contravening its by-laws,” the municipality stated. 4 April The Air Force Base (AFB) Makhado confirms that a trainer jet had to be docked due to a minor accident. Officer commanding of the AFB Makhado Brig-Genl Schalk van Heerden confirms that a BAE Systems Hawk 120 trainer jet was on its final approach to land at AFB Makhado when the accident occurred last Tuesday, 25 March. The Hawk was trim-jammed in a downwards position right before touching down. As a result, the Hawk bounced back into the air, which caused a portion of the landing gear to break off. 11 April Die polisievuurwapen waarmee ‘n beweerde gewelddadige rower vroeër vanjaar ontsnap het, is teruggevind. Dit is nie te sê dié man het van sy planne afgesien om weer te ontsnap uit polisie-aanhouding nie. Die 24-jarige Given Mpofu het glo teenoor amptenare van die Louis Trichardt Landdroshof laat val dat hy weer sal ontsnap as iemand laat slap lê. Hy het op 4 April saam met drie medebeskuldigdes in die Distrikshof hier verskyn. Hulle is Dzulani Nemukula (23) en die 22-jarige Phumudzo Ramadzi. Al die klagte teen die derde beskuldigde, Brian Moyo, is teruggetrek omdat daar glo nie genoegsame bewyse teen hom gebring is deur die polisie nie. Mpofu, Nemukula en Ramadzi het verskyn op altesaam 13 klagtes, wat gewissel het van roof en gewapende roof tot huisbraak. Mpofu en Nemukula staan ook tereg op ‘n klag van ontsnapping. Dié klag hou verband met ‘n voorval op 31 Januarie, toe hulle saam met Evans Chipara en Trust Chikwadzi daarin kon slaag om vanuit polisie-aanhouding te ontsnap. Die mans het ‘n polisieman oorrompel toe hulle na die Louis Trichardt Hof vervoer is vir hul verskyning. In die proses het hulle die beampte se dienspistool ook afgeneem. 18 April The sudden peak in reported malaria cases in the Vhembe and Soutpansberg region is no reason for widespread panic – but rather for extra vigilance. Pharmacies and doctors in the Musina area also confirmed that they had received an increase in the demand for medicine for this feared disease. When the DoH was phoned for confirmation, several of their malaria control teams were busy in the field within the Tshipise and surrounding areas to
control the outbreak. Departmental spokesperson Adele van der Linde said that their control teams were busy spraying long-term mosquito repellents as well as testing people in the area. She confirmed that 911 malaria cases had been reported across Limpopo for the month of January and 957 during March. The exact number of cases for the Vhembe and Soutpansberg region had yet to be calculated at the time of our going to press. She explained that the DoH first saw a sharp increase in malaria cases in the eastern parts of Mopani, before this trend shifted towards the Vhembe region during the first two weeks of April. “But people should remember that the Limpopo province is a malaria-endemic province and that they should always be alert,” said Van der Linde. This sudden, in fact out-of-season, increase was attributed to the unexpected high rainfall in the region. 25 April As the old saying goes: The three key ingredients to any successful business venture are location, location, location … But in Louis Trichardt, location apparently means absolutely nothing, judging by the most recent valuation roll for the period 2014 to 2018. The Zoutpansberger took a closer look at the valuation roll and found that it was somewhat of a mess ... a big mess, actually. It is literally riddled with discrepancies and inaccuracies. What immediately strikes one is that a lot of home owners became overnight millionaires. This is especially the case for property owners below Rissik Street, taking into account the value the Makhado Municipality attaches to their properties. The Zoutpansberger compared 100 properties in the town’s more affluent area, also known as Skuldbult, and 100 properties below Rissik Street. Of the 100 homes in the Skuldbult area, 37 were valued in the R1 million to R1,5 million price bracket. For this area, it could be a fair assessment, but what about the homes below Rissik Street? Here, of the 100 properties, 75 properties were also valued for between R1 million and R1,5 million. “That’s absurd! There is no way properties below Rissik Street can be valued for the same market value as properties in the Skuldbult area!” was the reaction of one well-known estate agent. 2 Mei Afvalbestuur hier in Louis Trichardt staar vele uitdagings in die gesig en die nuwe stortingsterrein, wat tans onder konstruksie is, mag dalk nie die uitkoms wees waarop talle inwoners gereken het nie. In ‘n tyd waar inwoners saam met die res van die land die 20ste bestaansjaar gevier het van die Grondwet, is daar van die toepassing van vullisbestuurswette en ander soortgelyke maatreëls weinig hier te bespeur. In terme van hierdie wette het alle inwoners die reg tot ‘n omgewing wat nie skadelik sal wees vir hulle gesondheid of welstand nie. Só is die aankondiging van die dorp se nuwe munisipale stortingsterrein met gemengde gevoelens ontvang. Vir party was dit goeie nuus, terwyl dit vir ander (veral die wat in die omgewing van die nuwe terrein woon en boer) meer vrae as antwoorde gelos het. 9 Mei Die familie van mnr. Hannes Kelly van Levubu is in rou gedompel na sy dood, twee dae nadat hy ‘n wreedaardige plaasaanval oorleef het. Hannes (52) is op Werkersdag deur drie mans met hamers en stokke aangeval, terwyl hy besig was om sy vullis uit te neem. Die rowers het Hannes vir dood agtergelaat, nadat hulle hom geforseer het om die kluis vir hulle oop te maak en al sy geld en selfone
geroof het. Provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder kol. busy marking the race route. He even showed Ronél Otto het bevestig dat die rowers weggekom the Zoutpansberger an SMS that he had received from a DRT employee, in which a promise was het met sowat R20 000. made that the R522 would be roadworthy come 16 Mei Friday, 6 June. “Filling potholes with sand might ‘n Boer van die Alldays-omgewing sal binneequal roadworthiness to them [the DRT] but most kort weet of sy aansoek by die Noord-Gautengse definitely not to us,” said Thompson. Hooggeregshof om die moratorium op die handel 13 June in renosterhorings opgehef te kry, geslaag het. Mnr. An hour was all it took for a blazing hot fire Johan Kruger, ‘n wildboer van Alldays, is al in ‘n jaarlange stryd met die Staat oor dié aangeleent- to reduce a wholesale business to rubble. The heid. Hy het ook ‘n aansoek gebring dat sekere raging fire that destroyed the CheckOut store in dele van die Wet op Biodiversiteit se regulasies oor Louis Trichardt caused mayhem not only for local beskermde of bedreigde spesies hersien en ongeldig firefighters, but also for business owners. By the verklaar word. Behalwe vir renosters, boer Kruger time the firefighters arrived on the scene, masses of ook met ander skaars wildspesies soos buffels en dark smoke could be seen churning from beneath swartwitpensbokke. Hy het al in die verlede ‘n the roof of the building, located in Kruger Street. renoster weens stropery verloor, en dien nou die aansoek in omdat hy as boer en teler belang het The Soutpansberg was once again abuzz, with by die beskerming van renosters. Behalwe vir cyclists from all over South Africa converging on sy renoster, was daar sedert Kruger se aansoek Makhado (Louis Trichardt) to take part in the annunog vier ander bevestigde gevalle waar renosters al PPC Kremetart Cycle Race. Although the entries naby sy plaas doodgemaak is deur stropers vir hul drew almost 500 fewer cyclists than last year, the horings. Volgens Kruger se regsverteenwoordiger, 175 km one-day event still attracted a couple of top mnr. Hennie Erwee van Musina, het renosterstrop- names and teams in South African cycling circles, ery drasties toegeneem sedert die verbod op die with both the men’s and women’s categories being verkoop van renosterhorings ingestel is deur die fiercely contested. This year, the 175 km race was regering. decided over three stages, instead of the usual four stages, because the Vivo road did not form part 23 May The Makhado Municipality received around of the route. The organisers decided to opt for a 800 objections from property owners who did route change because of the bad state of the Vivo not agree with the outcome of the valuation pro- road. The new route was, however, not the only challenge cyclists cess for the period had to face. Heavy 2014 to 2018. This crosswinds caused was disclosed at a several accidents valuation roll pubalong the Waterlic steering compoort road, as well mittee meeting as on the new route held on 12 May. that stretched from The Soutpansberg Waterpoort along Ratepayers Assothe R521 road. ciation (SRPA), the Chairpersons 20 June Association (CA) The Zoutpansand the Soutpansberger’s decision berg Chamber of to dig a little Commerce were deeper into the represented at the company appointmeeting, chaired ed to compile the by Ms Dakalo Makhado MunicSinthumule, muipality’s 2014 to nicipal director of 2018 valuation development and roll has literally planning. The opened up the meeting ended proverbial can of abruptly when worms. Amidst serepresentatives rious allegations of of all the associacorruption in the tions walked out, awarding of the stating that they tender to Risuna were not afforded Property Consulthe opportunity to tants and Valuers, air their views and the Makhado Muwere silenced by nicipality opted not to respond to any questions reSinthumule. The municipal manager, Mr Sakkie garding the company and a confidential settlement Mutshinyali, said on 19 May that the valuation roll agreement reached between them and Risuna. “The was a challenge. “I established a team to advise matter is still sub judice, therefore it is prohibited me and I must instruct the valuer to correct the from public discussion,” was the answer received mistakes,” Mutshinyali said. from municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi. The release of Risuna’s valuation roll for inspec30 Mei Spore op die grond het gelei tot die inhegtenis- tion and objections by the Makhado Municipality name van drie verdagtes wat glo van plan was earlier this year sparked major controversy from om renosters by Eckland Safari’s te gaan jag. Die the onset. vinnige optrede deur werkers van dié bekende wild27 Junie en jagplaas naby die Masekwaspoort-omgewing Oom Chris de Jager (98) en sy 87-jarige eggehet sektore vanuit die SAPD en privaatbesighede noot van die Cloud’s End plase buite Louis Trichkragte laat saamspan om dié vermeende stropers ardt word vir drie ure deur rowers getreiter en van vas te trek. al hul kontant en juweliersware beroof, maar hulle leef en vertel hul somber verhaal sonder enige 6 Junie Cancel or re-route? These were the only two wrokgevoelens. Die rowers het tussen R16 000 en choices left to the organisers of this year’s annual R20 000 op verskillende plekke gevind. Daar is nie PPC Kremetart Road Cycling Race as a result of normaalweg soveel kontant in die huis nie, maar die the Limpopo government’s failure to fix the Vivo De Jagers moes werkers betaal wat ‘n leë huis op road (R522). The P&L Hardware Cycling Club, the die plaas vir verhuring opknap. Buiten die geld is race organisers, said that they had to re-route the hulle vort met die 9mm pistool en patrone, tannie race to an alternative road and cut the R522 from Tillie se diamantring en al haar juwele. the race. “The safety and development of cyclists 4 Julie come first,” the organisers stated. They have been Die duiwel is listig en ontsien niemand nie, nie battling with the Limpopo Department of Roads eers die dominee nie ... Ds. Rudolph Botha, leraar and Transport (DRT) for more than six months van die NG Kerk Soutpansberg in Louis Trichardt, about this road – which, in the meantime, has been word ook die slagoffer van ‘n bende wat hul spesidubbed the “Road of Death”. One member of the fiek daarop toespits om by wonings in te breek terorganising team, Mr Stanley Thompson, said that wyl die inwoners slaap en hoofsaaklik elektroniese their decision had been made when they had been ware te steel. (Vervolg op p. 7)
19 Desember 2014 7
Looking back at 2014
Residents have their hands full with fires
(Vervolg van p. 6) Of dit dieselfde bende is wat in Januarie vanjaar inwoners in veral die sentrale dele van die nuwe uitbreiding geterroriseer het, is nie seker nie, maar inwoners moet maar daarvan kennis neem dat hierdie “techno bende” weer bedrywig is. 11 Julie Vir die tweede keer in net minder as ‘n maand het ‘n brand ‘n onderneming in Louis Trichardt in puin gelê. Die verwoestende brand het by LTT Algemene Handelaars Waste Recyclers in Industriastraat uitgebreek en inwoners en reddingsdienspersoneel het skouer-aan-skouer geveg om die vlamme te bestry. LTT Algemene Handelaars grens aan Afrox, ‘n handelaar in gasprodukte, en daar is geskarrel om te verhoed dat die brand na Afrox se perseel versprei. In ‘n stadium was die situasie so kritiek dat die polisie omstanders en helpers moes vra om die area te ontruim. Intussen het dit gegons op die sosiale mediafront, met inwoners wat seker was dat dit Afrox was wat gebrand het. 18 Julie The Makhado Municipality defends its statement that there should be only one annual show for the region. Makhado Mayor David Mutavhatsindi announced during his state-of-the-municipality address on 27 June that the annual Makhado Show would take place at the show grounds from 31 July to 2 August. “There is only one Makhado Annual Show. No other show must take place to confuse our residents,” said Mutavhatsindi. “We appeal to all members of our community to support this event, which aims to showcase the unique and diverse information and other products and services offered by cooperatives,” he had added. This remark once again highlighted the issue that some residents of Louis Trichardt had experienced with other festivals that were held the same time as the Makhado Show during previous years. Following last year’s events, several residents accused the organisers of the other festivals of deliberately planning the event to coincide with the Makhado Show, so as to function as an alternative “show” catering exclusively for the
van korte duur. Sy kollega, tannie Elsie van den white residents of town. Heever, het dadelik Bergman se naam erken. “Lees 25 Julie in die koerant, daai Bergman is ‘n groot skelm,” het Danksy Camp World, wat verlede week besighede Elsie vir Barry gesê. Teen daardie tyd het Barry al gewaarsku het, is die gladdebek “oom Koos Berg‘n betalingsbewys ontvang van Bergman ten bedrae man” se slimpraatjies hier in Louis Trichardt lelik van R32 800. Daar is vinnig ‘n polisie taakspan in die wiele gery. Die Zoutpansberger het die vorige bymekaar gekry om vir Bergman by Tyre Rack te week berig oor ‘n middeljarige oom wat hom aan gaan voorlê. Dit blyk of Bergman snuf in die neus plaaslike besighede as Koos Bergman voorstel en gekry het, en die polisie kon hom nie vastrek nie. hulle dan telefonies met slimpraatjies van duisende rande besteel. Camp World het die koerant genader 1 Augustus nadat Bergman ongeveer R50 000 se 4x4-toerusting The awarding of the tender for the compilation of laat haal het en hulle met ‘n vervalste Internet-betal- a new valuation roll for the Makhado Municipality ingsbewys gelos het. Ná die artikel verskyn het, het was unfair and unlawful. This was the conclusion ‘n middeljarige man, wat homself as die einste Koos Acting Judge D Dosio came to in handing down Bergman voorgestel het, vir Barry van Burick, ‘n judgement in the Gauteng High Court in the case verkoopsman by Tyre Rack op die dorp, geskakel. between DDP Valuers vs Makhado Municipality Hy het ‘n bestelling vir agt vragmotorbande geplaas. (first respondent), Siyabuselela Trading Enterprise Barry se opgewondenheid oor sy groot transaksie was 275 CC T/A Risuna Property Consultants (second Fanta, Sprite or Stoney Assorted 2 Litre
respondent) and Mr Kulani Dumond Nkuna (third respondent). In his judgement, Judge Dosio, stated that DDP had, in his view, correctly pointed out that there were irregularities in the tender process. These irregularities, stated Judge Dosio, stripped the tender process of an essential element of fairness, namely, the equal evaluation of tenders. Judge Dosio’s final order, among others, read that the awarding of tender 1/2013 made by the Municipality to Risuna be reviewed and set aside, and that the award of such tender is declared to have been unlawful and unfair. 8 Augustus Enraged! This word does not even come close to describing residents’ livid feelings with regard to criminal activities that originated from the Louis Trichardt show grounds while this year’s annual show was underway. (Contd on P 10)
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8 19 December 2014
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, Sondae History Makers om 17:00. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past John Struwig (083 400 2511) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruh Street 25, Sunday services 10:00 & 18:00, adult Bible class at 09:15 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, kontak Riaan Britz, Tel: 082 969 3089 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446
• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot • WEEKLIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek sal elke Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooi- van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado mark by Makhado Crossing in Louis Trichardt Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie gehou word. Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in 082 921 6110. die sentrum by 015 516 5749. • GEEN AANDDIENSTE BY • AA BYEEN Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Metodiste Kerk te 79 Munnikstraat in Louis Trichardt en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jannie by tel. 079 300 6876.
ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)
Thursday, 18 December A shower in the morning.
High: 25 C Low: 15 C o
Friday, 19 December
High: 28oC Low: 15oC Saturday, 20 December A shower or thunderstorms in spots.
High: 29oC Low: 20oC Sunday, 21 December Partly sunny with a shower.
High: 28 C Low: 18 C o
Monday, 22 December A thunderstorm in the area.
Tuesday, 23 December
• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to New churches welcome.
dienste by die Baptiste-gemeente in Louis Trichardt wees gedurende die skoolvakansie nie. Aanddienste sal eers weer gehou word na die skole in Januarie heropen. Die gemeente se gewone oggenddienste is om 10:00, maar op Kersdag begin die diens om 08:00. Daar word ook ‘n oujaarsaanddiens op 31 Desember gehou wat om 23:15 begin.
A couple of thunderstorms.
High: 23 C Low: 18 C o
Wednesday, 24 December A couple of thunderstorms.
High: 23 C Low: 18 C o
• AAND VAN SPONTANE AANBIDDING Shammah Bedieninge in Louis
Trichardt nooi die gemeenskap uit om elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand vanaf 19:00 ‘n aand van spontane aanbidding in ‘n Geesgevulde aanbiddingsatmosfeer saam met hulle te ervaar. Vir meer inligting, skakel past. Strydom by 082 7850 265.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2015. Please send the details to, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www.
bied die NG Kerk Soutpansberg ‘n lekker Kerssangdiens aan. Die diens sal om 16:00 begin onder leiding van ds. Rudolph Botha. Die tema is Gister, Vandag en Môre en belangstellendes word uitgenooi om ‘n piekniekmandjie en kers of klein flitsliggie saam te bring. Die eerste helfte van die diens vind in die kerktuin plaas, waarna verrigtinge na die ouditorium verskuif.
• MIDNIGHT CHRISTMAS SERVICE St Mark’s Anglican Church in Louis Trichardt will host a midnight Christmas service on Wednesday, 24 December, commencing at 23:00. “All are welcome to attend,” says Reverend Robbie Novella, rector of St Mark’s, situated at 128 Munnik Street. For more information Rev Novella can be contacted on 015 516 5165 or 083 400 6152.
Festival will be held on the weekend of 14 and 15 February 2015. Magoebaskloof will once again become a centre for all things berry. “Come pick your own berries at one of the participating farms, browse local
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 15 December. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
15/12/2014 08/12/2014
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
*94.1% *94.9% *82.6% *59.1% *83.7% *46.8% *96.7% *43.2% *81.3% *83.7% *78.3% *83.7%
94.1% 94.9% 82.6% 59.1% 83.7% 46.8% 96.7% 43.2% 81.3% 83.7% 78.3% 83.7%
* Means latest available data
MALL OF THE NORTH WALKING ON SUNSHINE 7-9 PGL ¸˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:45,12:30,15:15,17:45,20:30,22:45 Sun,Tue: 9:45,12:30,15:15,17:45,20:30 Mon,Wed: 12:30,15:15,17:45,20:30 Thu: 12:30,15:15,17:45,20:30
10-12PGV ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45 Sun: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00 Mon-Thu: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00,22:45
PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR PG ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00 Sun: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30 Mon-Thu: 9:15,11:30,14:00,17:00,19:30,22:00
PG ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 10:00,12:15,14:45,17:30,19:45,22:15 Sun: 10:00,12:15,14:45,17:30,19:45 Mon-Thu: 10:00,12:15,14:45,17:30,19:45,22:15
16LV ¸˛ Sat: 9:15,11:45,14:15,17:45,20:15,22:45
Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2015. Stuur besonderhede na, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
• SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 / 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
16LVS ˛ Ç Fri,Mon: 9:15,11:45,14:15,17:45,20:15,22:45 Sun: 9:15,11:45,14:15,17:45,20:15 Wed,Thu: 9:15,11:45,14:15,17:45,20:15,22:45
HOBBIT: BATTLE OF FIVE ARMIES - 3D HFR TBA ¸˛ Ç Fri-Sun: 9:00,12:00,15:00,18:00,21:00 Mon,Wed: 12:00,15:00,18:00,21:00 Tue: 9:00,12:00,15:00,18:00,21:00 Thu: 12:00,15:00,18:00,21:00
PGV ¸ Tue: 9:15,11:45,14:15,17:00,19:30
˛ Ç
Follow us
082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Jannie - 079 300 6876 24/7 Levubu / Louis Trichardt / Thohoyandou The best entries stand a chance of winning loveLife alcohol-free adventures, and the overall winner gets an epic
products in the village market or join us for a range of other exciting activities in the area!” invite the organisers. The festival promises lots of activities to keep the entire family busy. Parents can relax at one of the many participating restaurants and take in the sights. Kids can take part in competitions and learn how to pick berries. “Come down to the Village Market and explore the local products on offer. Whether it’s fresh farm produce, second-hand books or homemade cakes, you’re sure to find something unique here,” say the organisers. For more information, visit www.berryfestival. or phone 082 903 7593.
Sunny and comfortable.
• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350
• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313
BAPTISTE Daar sal Sondae geen aand-
• VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand • BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENvan 18:00 tot 19:00 by Imperial GM in Louis TER The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis Trichardt bymekaar. Trichardt will meet every evening during weekAlle vroue, jonk en oud, is welkom en vir days from 18:30 until 20:30. meer inligting, skakel Madelyn Stoltz by 083 422 For more information phone 015 518 4154. 5248. • LEKKER KUIER UUR Soutpans• MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die berg Info & Tourism, in samewerking met Purple Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom Olive, nooi almal uit om elke Donderdagaand elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basvan 18:00 tot 19:00 saam met hulle te kom kuier. ket in Songozwistraat byeen. Die doel van die kuiersessies is om mense Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 saam te bring en bewus te maak van geleenthede 451 4249 geskakel word. in die Soutpansberg area wat hulle saam kan verken.
High: 28oC Low: 18oC
• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391
Win an EPIC New Year’s Eve Party for you and your friends! All you need to do is play4LIFE…
Step 1: Do something fun and exciting in your ‘hood – that doesn’t involve drinking Step 2: Take a selfie of you and your friends having fun Step 3: Upload it on loveLife’s Facebook page
I PLEDGE to stay funky, phresh and alcohol-free.
why TURN
when I’m already cray-cray?
KuPhuma kim’! play4LIFE is powered by loveLife LIFE IS ALWAYS ON PLAY NEVER ON PAUSE
19 Desember 2014 9
Be on the lookout for these festive houses in Louis Trichardt! T
l i a r T s ’ a Sant
10 19 December 2014 Terugblik op 2014
Geweldsmisdaad bly steeds ‘n groot kopseer (Contd from P 7) Following the days after the event, the organisers of the show, Makoya Multi Media, once again came under severe criticism. The show, which took place from 31 July to 2 August, again caused many a resident a sleepless night. In actual fact, the show continued until the early morning hours of Sunday morning, 3 August. Aside from the deafening noise of Saturday’s music festival, show attendees caused mayhem wherever they went. One person, a man in his twenties, was also found stabbed to death near the park opposite the show grounds.
(indien daar nie inbetaal moet word nie). Die vraag bly egter steeds: Is die nuwe waardasierol ‘n wettig afdwingbare dokument, gesien in die lig daarvan dat die Hooggeregshof die toekenning van die tender in die eersteplek tersyde gestel het? 22 Augustus Vasgebind, wreed aangerand en daarvan oortuig dat sy pa deur ‘n spul sadistiese rowers doodgeskiet gaan word, het ‘n 12-jarige seun onwrikbaar by sy pa gestaan. “Pappa, ek’s lief vir jou ... jy’s my hero,” was Justin Pieterse se afskeidswoorde aan sy pa, Stefan, ‘n bekende sakeman en evangelis van Louis Trichardt. “Ek sal dit nooit vergeet nie,” het ‘n steeds merkbaar emosionele Stefan aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Hy en Justin is Saterdag op hulle plaas, Our Place, nie ver uit op die Braambospad nie, oorval deur vier gewapende mans. Kort tevore het hulle nog sorgeloos om ‘n braaivleisvuurtjie saam met vriende gekuier. Na wat soos ‘n ewigheid gevoel het, het die rowers vir Justin en Stefan altwee in ‘n stadium op ‘n kamervloer op hul mae laat lê. Een van die rowers het vir Justin in Engels gesê om sy pa te groet, voordat hy doodgeskiet gaan word. Wonderbaarlik oorleef die twee die aanval, nadat die rowers op die vlug slaan.
kere munisipaliteite gedreig met kragafsnyding, maar die Makhado Munisipaliteit het inwoners egter verseker dat dit nie sal gebeur dat hulle in die donker gelaat sal word nie. Volgens Pravin Gordhan, minister van samewerkende regering, het munisipaliteite regoor die land ESKOM aan die einde van Junie meer as R10.8 miljard geskuld. Munisipaliteite in Limpopo se gesamentlike skuld aan die einde van Junie was R315m. NoordKaap en Mpumalanga skuld minder as Limpopo. City Power van Johannesburg alleen skuld R1.075 miljard. Volgens ‘n Eskomverslag was Limpopo se skuld aan die einde van Mei R109.6m, wanneer slegs die munisipaliteite met meer as R5m skuld in ag geneem word. Die drie grootste skuldmakers was Thabazimbi (R66.5m) Mookgophong (Naboomspruit) met R21.6m en Louis Trichardt met R21.5m. Die skuld het dus teen die einde van Junie bykans verdriedubbel. Dit is heeltemal in lyn met Makhado munisipale bestuurder mnr. Sakkie Mutshinyali se verduideliking dat die munisipaliteit elke drie maande ‘n skuld van om en by R60m opbou en dan ‘n toelae van die regering ontvang om dit uit te wis.
15 Augustus Die Zoutpansberger het bietjie gaan kers opsteek by kenners oor die moontlike implikasies wat die Hooggeregshof se beslissing dat die toekenning van die tender vir die opstel van ‘n nuwe waardasierol vir Louis Trichardt onwettig en onregmatig gedoen is, vir belastingbetalers inhou. Dié beslissing deur die Gautengse Hooggeregshof op 25 Julie het steeds huiseienaars en waardeerders in die war. Dit het ook nie gehelp dat die Makhado Munisipaliteit geweier het om meer duidelikheid oor die weg vorentoe te gee nie, deur bloot aan te dui dat hulle die saak as sub judice beskou. Een punt waarby belastingbetalers duidelik nie verby gaan 5 September kom nie, is dat wetgewing huiseienaars verplig om erfbelasting te betaal, selfs al sou daar ‘n probleem ‘n Vrou van die Vivo-omgewing is in ‘n plas van 29 Augustus met ‘n waardasierol wees. Hulle kan altyd, wanneer haar eie bloed vir dood gelos, terwyl ‘n aanvaller Die Makhado Munisipaliteit skuld ESKOM die probleem reggestel word, ‘n terugbetaling eis gereeld nagenoeg R60m. ESKOM het reeds se- rustig haar huis leeg gedra het. Die 62-jarige mev. Sophia Botha se linkerarm is vergruis en haar
regterduim afgekap toe ‘n aanvaller haar herhaaldelik met ‘n panga gekap het. Haar aanvaller het vir haar in haar huis gewag. Hy was gewapen met ‘n mes en ‘n panga en het ook ‘n tou by hom gehad. Die aanvaller het Botha vasgebind en haar herhaaldelik met sy panga oor haar lyf gekap. Haar linkerarm is plek-plek tot op die been oopgekloof soos wat sy die houe probeer afweer het. Wonderbaarlik het sy die wrede aanval oorleef. 12 September ‘n Egpaar van die All days-omgewing het verlede week die bordjies verhang tydens ‘n plaasaanval. Die 66-jarige mnr. Gilbert Gerhardt en sy vrou Annatjie (67) het terugbaklei teen hulle aanvaller en met die vuiste ingeklim toe ‘n rower hulle in die donker og gendure verras het. Hulle woon op die plaas Kopbeenspan, naby die Platjan-grenspos. Oom Gilbert en tannie Annatjie het met die vuiste en ‘n klein myn-pikkie onder die aanvaller ingeklim, waarna hy besluit het om eerder weg te hardloop. 19 September Dit is eintlik moeilik om te glo dat Jeanne-Mari Viviers, van Louis Trichardt, blind is. Die Zoutpansberger het die besondere voorreg gehad om die oggend saam met die 23-jarige Jeanne-Mari en haar nuwe gidshond, Ebba, te spandeer terwyl hulle die dorp gaan verken het. Jeanne-Mari het eintlik geen bekendstelling nodig nie. (Vervolg op p. 12)
CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR OF MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY HIS WORSHIP CLLR FD MUTAVHATSINDI Makhado Municipality will continue to render quality services to its people in the coming years. We appreciate the cooperation and participation shown by all residents of Makhado Municipality in all our activities. We value and salute them for their active participation in local government. It is that time of the year when families and friends spend time together.
Mayor Councillor David Mutavhatsindi
Our Municipality has done a lot for its people and we have witnessed delivering of services around various parts of the Municipality, including the official opening of the state of- the-art Dzanani Community Hall, Matshavhawe tarred Road, Tshivhulana to Tshilaphala Ring Road, Eltivilas Street Surfacing, Tshikota Street Surfacing, Waterval Streets Surfacing, Tshakhuma Side Walks and Street Lights, Mphaila Access Road and Bridge, Sereni Tarred Road and many other successful projects.
We have witnessed our municipality being awarded a trophy for being the Most Improved in Financial Management by SALGA, which is a clear indication that our dream of becoming a dynamic hub for socio economic development by 2025 will be realized.
to take our municipality forward. As the President of the Republic said that: “together we can move South Africa forward” As the Mayor of Makhado Municipality, I also want to take this opportunity to wish the residents of Makhado the best of luck in the coming year. Those who will be traveling to their holiday destinations must drive safely and obey all traffic rules so that they can arrive alive. They must drive cautiously and watch out for other road users. You must not speed or over take when it is not safe to do so.
Let us not drink and drive. Be hygiene This comes as a result of the municipality conscious and wash your hands all the receiving an unqualified audit opinion after time. Know your HIV status to be able to take care of yourself and live long, having received disclaimers and adverse Get Tested. audit opinion for the last 14 consecutive years. I wish you a Merry Christmas With the success of most of our projects it and a prosperous New Year. has proved that together with our stakeholders and our people, we can do more
MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Louis Trichardt 0920
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
19 Desember 2014 11
BRIEWE / LETTERS Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of
Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.
We want your letters and your names
nonymous letters, where no details such as the name and address of the writer are supplied, will not be considered for publication. Readers who wish to remain
anonymous must indicate this in the letter, but must still provide their details. Such detail will be confidential and will not be made available to outside parties.
Strict gate quotas for day visitors at Kruger National Park this summer
fficials at the Kruger National Park have warned day visitors of strict gate quotas that will be enforced during the coming holiday rush. Day visitors are urged to book their entry in the park in advance in order to avoid disappointment. Entrance at the gate generally works on a first-come-first-served basis, but pre-booking is advised. Although in operation throughout the year, the gate quotas are mostly reached during long weekends and public holidays. The gate quotes will be enforced at all the KNP’s entrance gates, namely Pafuri, Punda Maria, Phalaborwa, Giriyondo, Orpen, Paul Kruger, Phabeni, Numbi, Malelane and Crocodile Bridge. Pre-bookings can be made by contacting the central reservations office at Tel 012 428 9111. A non-refundable deposit of R36 per adult and R18 per child entering the park is payable in advance.
Day visitors with advanced bookings are expected to arrive at the booked gate and date no later than 13:00, after which the booking lapses. A pre-booking, however, does not exempt the day visitor from paying the normal conservation fees upon arrival at the gate but secures him/her entry. All visitors are also reminded to bring along their identity documents or alternative form of identity to avoid problems at the gates. Wild Cards cannot be used to identify one as a legitimate holder and should be accompanied by some form of identification. Officials also remind visitors to the park that liquor is banned in the park, and that the rest of park rules shall be fully enforced as well. Visitors can report any infringement on the rules and regulations to the Emergency Call Centres on 013 735 4325/013 735 0197 or 076 801 9679.
Rather change the plight of people
200 000 could make a significant contribution to rehabilitate the Makhado municipal swimming pool which was allowed to fall into total ruin as a result of a lack of responsible upkeep. The repaired pool could bring health, safety and joy to thousands of local youths during the coming hot summer days. In the process, we may very well nurture several undiscovered future world champions (Chads Le Clos’?) from Limpopo. But the mayor of Makhado prefers to spend our taxpayers’ money on changing street names. A sizeable stretch of land, which was donated to the local municipality several years ago, complete with a serviced borehole plus installed pumping station and irrigation tanks on high stands, ready for the development of an agricultural project for the local youth, was allowed to be left totally unattended, plundered and destroyed, before it could even start as a project to empower our youth, or to assist and feed the poor. Such a project could be named after a mayor who cares more about changing the desperate plight of all jobless and needy people instead of changing names. During this December’s International Day for the Disabled, our local Tshilwavhusiku Centre caring for our handicapped children and Rivoni’s important work for our blind and Hlanganani’s precious work for our aged would no doubt be well pleased with an extra R200 000 to bring Christmas cheer to old and young in their charge assisting the plight of a significant number of our local brothers and sisters, and our elderly who are struggling with eyesight and hearing problems, to receive a new lease on life. But the mayor of Makhado prefers to change street names instead.
A remarkable resident of the town, who regularly prepares more than 100 meals to feed jobless people in town and provides them with fresh fruits, performs this charitable act without any payment and while she is enduring serious pain and discomfort, because she herself is in need of serious expensive operations which can heal her, but which she cannot afford. Yet our local residents’ money will rather be spent on the changing of street names. Many villages around town, together with Tshikota, need streets that must still be constructed before they can even be called streets. But the mayor of Makhado insists on rather spending the residents’ money on the changing of names of streets which are urgently in need of physical repair and improvement in any case. Some of these streets will have to be rebuilt completely before they can be named at all. But the mayor of Makhado promises to fight to change names instead of fighting to change our very real needs. When our mayor in an aggressive racist name fight refers to “our people”, he can obviously not be referring to all the residents of this town. He can also not be referring to a specific ethnic group, because even members of his own ethnic group disagree with his stance. The “our” he refers to must be a fairly dull, lonely, malicious and weirdly strayed exclusive clique who has lost its grip on the reality of our entire history and the future of the rainbow ideals of our benevolent, progressive, harmonious non-racist community. Viva our rainbow society, Viva!
leer die Texas-mans van volkspele D
ie geskarrel van die Bloutrein se personeel op Kimberleystasie ontwrig glad nie die jolige pokerspel nie. Daisy, sigaar in die mond en ‘n hoop note (selfs ‘n paar in dollars en ponde!) voor haar, weet net dat sy besig is om te wen. Sy het lanklaas soveel pret gehad. Herman, die privaat butler, kom praat suutjies by Kathy se oor. Hy beduie en pleit, kyk benoud om hom rond. Kathy trek haar skouers op en leun oor na Daisy toe. “Hei Daise, die personeel raak kriewelrig. Daar is vervoer gereël vir ‘n toer deur Kimberley en hulle wag nog net vir al die manne hier om te vertrek ... Ons moet gaan!” Daisy maak geen aanstaltes nie. “Ok, guys. Apparently there is a guided tour of the open air museum. What would you rather do – historic sightseeing of a big hole or do we order another round before I deal?” Daisy gee almal om die tafel ‘n sprankelende glimlag en gooi haar lang blonde hare oor ‘n kalerige skouer. Soos een man besluit die fuddy-duddies om die toer ‘n mis te gee. En by hierdie besluit bly hulle, selfs toe daar ‘n paar hoogs geïrriteerde vrouens by die salon inloop om hulle misnoeë aan hulle wederhelftes oor te dra. “After all,” sê die nyweraar met ‘n Texas teem, “when will we ever get the opportunity again to play poker with such an accomplished and gorgeous player while on a world-famous train in Africa? I’ll just get the wife a nice bauble at the diamond dealer that I am visiting later this week and she will quickly forget Kim-
Lukas 2:7-114
ie geboorte van Christus was ‘n belofte van die Vader. Jesaja 7:14: “Daarom sal die Here self aan julle ‘n teken gee: Kyk ‘n maagd sal swanger word en ‘n seun baar en hom Emmanuel noem.” Dit was ‘n rein geboorte, want Maria was ‘n maagd. Dit was ook ‘n beplande geboorte, want reeds in Gen. 3:15 het God dit gesê. Die profete van die Ou Testament het geprofeteer aangaande Sy geboorte, maar ook oor Sy dood. Dit is die doel waarom Jesus Christus gebore is, om te sterf. Jesaja 53:11 sê “Na sy bitter lyding sal hy weer die lig sien en hy sal die Here ken. My dienaar, die regverdige, sal baie mense regverdig maak, Hy sal die straf vir hulle sonde dra.” Loof die Here! Christus is nie gebore net om te sterf nie, maar Hy het opgestaan uit die dood. Ons aanbid ‘n lewende God. Heb. 10:12: “Maar Jesus Christus het één offer vir die sondes gebring en vir altyd aan die regterhand van God gaan sit.” Soos die Here Jesus aan die Vader getrou was in alles, net so moet ons aan Hom getrou wees. Openbaring 2:10b: “Bly getrou tot die dood toe, en Ek sal julle die lewe as kroon gee.” Mag hierdie Kersfees gevier word met ‘n gees van dankbaarheid teenoor die Here vir Sy voorsiening aan ons. ‘n Geseënde Christusfees word u toegebid. - 079 5168303
– Francis van der Merwe. Louis Trichardt
Daisy werk hard om die gastehuis gereed te kry vir die internasionale besoekers. Bernard dring egter aan dat sy en ‘n vriendin op ‘n “road trip” gaan om die materiaal en ander benodighede vir die gastehuis aan te koop. As hulle reis, is net die Bloutrein goed genoeg, maar besef hy die gevare van ‘n Daisy op so ‘n trein ...
berley, haw, haw, haw...” Die ander manne lag saam. Hulle ken al elke truuk in die boek om hulle vrouens te hanteer; klaarblyklik is dit nie te moeilik as jy baie geld het nie! Kathy loer bekommerd in Daisy se rigting. Sy weet dat Daisy sterk gevoelens oor hierdie onderwerp het en dat sy nie bang is om haar opinie te lug nie. “Dis al wat nou nog nodig is,” dink Kathy. “Sy het nou klaar die spul vrouens opgeklits, nou moet sy nog net in ‘n argument met die mans betrokke raak, dan los hulle ons sweerlik vanaand net hier by die groot gat...” Maar Daisy het ander planne. Sy is klaar verveeld met die poker. “Just because you are such a fun bunch and had let me win all this money, I would like to give you a true South African lesson. My friend Kathy and I would like to teach you a traditional song and dance!” Kathy staar oopmond na Daisy toe sy begin om die meubels weg te skuif. “Waarvan praat jy nou, Daisy? Gaan jy hulle ‘n les gee in gumboot dans en praat jy nou van Shoshaloza, of wat?” Daisy lag uit haar maag uit. “Nee, Kathy. Wanneer laas het jy volkspele gedoen? Ons gaan vir hulle Afrikaners is plesierig leer. Miskien kan jy sommer by die kroegman uitvind of hulle nie Karen Zoid se weergawe het nie – dan kan ons sommer Suid-Afrikaanse musiek ook bevorder,” giggel Daisy. Toe die toerbussies terugkom en die vrouens stywelip hulle mans kom opeis, word hulle summier ingetrek by die dansery. Daisy leer van voor af die lirieke vir die vrouens en lê soos sy lag vir die uitsprake. Dan speel die kroegman die Zoid weergawe en almal strek uit op die stoele met ‘n glasie
Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
‘iets’ in die hand. Kathy en Daisy meld aan vir aandete by die tweede sitting. Albei lyk soos iets uit die bladsye van ‘n glans modetydskrif. Toe hulle by die eetwa instap, begin almal hande klap. Daar is vriendelike glimlagte wat hulle verwelkom. “Baaibie es jyh nog leef for my,” sing die Texas aksent. Die nyweraar en sy vrou sit en hande vashou aan tafel. Sy vrou straal, sy lag vir haar man se lawwigheid en kyk diep in sy oë. Toe Daisy en Kathy by hulle tafel verbystap, sit sy haar fyn gemanikuurde hand op Daisy se arm. “It has been a long time since my husband and I had so much fun. I guess we rekindled some of the old magic on this Blue Train, thanks to you, Daisy. I won’t ever forget this train journey,” sê Mevrou Texas met ‘n stoute glinstering in haar oë. “En dít, my liewe Kathy, is hoe mens vervlakste mans leer om hulle vrouens te vertroetel sonder die oëverblindery van geld,” sê Daisy toe hulle aansit vir ‘n gourmet ete. “Miskien kry sy nie ‘n nog ‘n diamant nie, maar sy is weer van voor af verlief op haar man!” “Tussen my en jou Kathy – ek het soveel geld gewen dat ek gedink het daar is nie ‘n manier wat ons sommer so woeps met ‘n vliegtuig terug huistoe nie. Ek en jy gaan van die rail trippie na ‘n road trip – ons huur ‘n sexy kar en rý terug. Daar is heeltemal te veel avontuur wat vir ons wag – al daai klein dorpies en afdraaipaadjies... “Ons sal darem by die huis wees voor Kersfees.” Genade, seëninge, oorvloed en liefde vir die Feesseisoen aan al die lesers!
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
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12 19 December 2014 Looking back at 2014
Louis Trichardt the home of pre-loved cars
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• 55 Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 8080 Office hours: • Mon - Fri: 08:30 - 17:30 • Sat: 08:30 - 12:30
We wish all our clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
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All the staff at Bridge Ford wants to wish our clients a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2015! Thank you for your support during 2014, and we hope to continue doing business with you in 2015!
Bridge Ford Best Service. Best Deals.
• 4 Rissik Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel:015 516 5071/2/3
News dominated by many brutal murders (Vervolg van p. 10) Sy is reeds goed bekend vir haar durf as ‘n blinde meisie in ‘n siende wêreld. Sy is op tweejarige ouderdom gediagnoseer met ‘n seldsame vorm van kanker, retinoplastoom. Na talle oogoperasies het Jeanne-Mari egter die sig in altwee haar oë verloor. Ebba het wel ‘n bietjie bekendstelling nodig. Sy is ‘n tweejarige swart Labrador wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Gidshondvereniging (SAGV) vir Jeanne-Mari opgelei is. Ebba is ook die eerste SAGV-gidshond wat Louis Trichardt nou haar tuiste noem. 26 September Is the Makhado Municipality considering criminal charges against Mr Kulani Dumond Nkuna of Risuna Property Consultants and Valuers? This question is being asked by many taxpayers, following the Gauteng High Court’s ruling on 25 July this year that the tender for the compilation of a new valuation roll for Makhado (2014 until 2018) was obtained in an unlawful manner by Mr Nkuna. The Zoutpansberger asked municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi whether or not the municipality had brought criminal charges against Mr Nkuna, based on the High Court’s ruling that he had obtained the tender in a fraudulent manner. The municipality was also, again, asked to indicate what amount of taxpayers’ money had been paid over to Mr Nkuna for a tender contract that he, apart from the High Court ruling, had also failed to complete and withdrawn from in May this year. Bobodi initially failed to respond to the Zoutpansberger’s questions. He was again asked to respond, seeing that any reasonable man, upon reading Judge Dosio’s judgement, would deduct that a crime had been committed. To this, Bobodi merely responded by stating “The … thing that you have raised is still receiving serious attention as to what kind of action should be taken as we are speaking about public money here.” 3 Oktober Plaaslike kleuterskole is in die spervuur en staar ‘n onsekere toekoms in die gesig. ‘n Herrie het sowat drie maande gelede losgebars toe die Makhado Munisipaliteit alle kleuterskole in Louis Trichardt meegedeel het dat hulle
LOUIS TRICHARDT RADIO & ELECTRICAL CENTRE Munnikstraat 90, Louis Trichardt Tel: (015) 516-0751
Ons wens al ons kliënte ‘n geseënde feesseisoen toe en ‘n voorspoedige nuwe jaar!
Ons kantore sal gesluit wees vanaf 19 Desember 2014 en ons maak weer oop op 5 Januarie 2015.
Ons sien uit na nog ‘n jaar van besigheid in 2015!
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gesluit sal word as hulle registrasies nie in orde is nie. Dit is nie net kleuterskole in die dorp wat moet registreer nie, maar ook die skooltjies in Eltivillas en Tshikota. Hierdie waarskuwing is gerig aan skooleienaars tydens ‘n munisipale vergadering op 6 Junie. In ‘n opvolgvergadering is skooleienaars ook gewaarsku dat hulle ‘n boete of tronkstraf opgelê kan word as hulle gaan aanhou om skool te hou op ‘n perseel wat nie behoorlik gesoneer is nie. “Die wet is die wet, en ons kan dit nie verander vir enige iemand of iets nie – wat vir een persoon geld, geld vir die volgende,” was die munisipale direkteur, Dakalo Sinthumule, se woorde aan skole wat die vergadering bygewoon het. Volgens plaaslike stadsbeplanningswetgewing hang die gebruik van ‘n erf af van hoe dit gesoneer is. Dit is onwettig om ‘n besigheid te bedryf van ‘n erf wat gesoneer is vir residensiële gebruik. 10 October The Soutpansberg community is still in shock with the news that two Indian businessmen had been brutally gunned down in a period of two days. According to the Makhado police, an unknown number of assailants followed Mr Bhavesh Desai (43) to his farm house on 5 October. The police said that Bhavesh was trying to escape from his pursuers, but they caught up with him when security guards at his home failed to open the gate for him in time. When Bhavesh tried to speed away from his home’s gate, the attacker(s) opened fire. Six bullets hit his vehicle and Bhavesh was fatally wounded. While people were still processing the news of Bhavesh’s fatal shooting, news came that a second Indian businessman had been gunned down the following evening. Mr Imityaz Faruk Motala of Thohoyandou was also shot and killed at the front gate of his home in Thohoyandou. The 35-yearold Motala, who traded in furniture, was killed when armed robbers ambushed him at his gate on Monday evening. He was shot in the head, after which the robbers fled with nearly R200 000. 17 October Several gunshots shattered the tranquillity of a local residential area that was just about to settle in for a quiet Monday evening on 13 October. An assailant had forced his way into the Louis Trichardt home of Ms Mapula Darlene Madiba (34) in Duiker Street, gunning her and a male friend down in cold blood. The friend was later identified as Mr Victor Mthokozisi Radebe (36), well known as the assistant manager of Louis Trichardt Spar. The suspect was allegedly known to Madiba. According to friends and neighbours, the shooter was her ex-boyfriend and she was in the process of obtaining a protection order against him. This after the man had allegedly assaulted Madiba, tying her up and beating her. 24 October Following the apprehension of an ex-boyfriend, questions arose as to whether the double murder of Ms Darlene Mapula Madiba (34) and her friend could have been prevented. (Contd on P14)
19 Desember 2014 13 Consumer News
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Kennisgewing Ons kantore sluit die 17de Desember 2014 en sal weer open op die 5de Januarie 2015. Ons wens al ons lesers ‘n Geseënde Kersfees en ‘n Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar toe!
LEGALS Booyens du Preez & Boshoff Ing
BOEDELKENNISGEWING In die Boedel van Wyle Jacob Conraad Combrink, ID: 3609295116086 getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Johanna Isabella Margritha, ID: 390920 0064 08 6, woonagtig te gedeelte 5
PFB-Agent 516 5024
Plaas Palmietfontein, distrik Soutpansberg, wat oorlede is op 2 Januarie 2008, Boedel No: 21718/2014, Meesterskantoor Thohoyandou. Krediteure insake bogenoemde Boedel word hiermee versoek om hulle vorderings in te lewer by die ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. Booyens du Preez & Boshoff Ing, Posbus 1305, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Tel: 015 516 1404, faks: 015 516 1624, Verw: S BOOYENS/ HD/C 218 van die
Nhlatse Planning Consultants NOTICE OF INTENSION TO ESTABLISH TOWNSHIP The Makhado Local Municipality hereby gives notice: 1.For Partial cancellation of the general plan of Louis Trichardt Township in terms of Section 114 (1) (b) (i) which is situated on Portion 7 the farm Bergvleit 288 Simultaneously with, 2.Township application in in terms of section 108 (1) (a) read with Section 69 (6) (a) and Regulation 26 of the Town-Planning and Township Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that it intends to establish a township referred to in the Annexure hereto, on the consolidated Portion of a portion of portion 07 of the farm Bergsvleit 288 LS and a portion of portion 7 resulting from the partial cancellation. Further particulars of the application together with relevant plans and documents and information will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of Manager Spatial Planning: Makhado Local Municipality, at office number C001, for a period of 28 (twenty eight) days from 05 December 2014 Objections to or representations in respect of the Application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or to Private Bag X2596, Louise Trichardt, 0920 and E-mail address: ndivhuwot@makhado. within a period of 28 (twenty eight)days calculated from 12 December 2014, but not later than 09 January 2014. Agent: Nhlatse Planning Consultants at 25 B Excelsior Street, Polokwane, Fax: (015) 297 8673 E-mail: mmaphuti@ ANNEXURE Name of the Township:
Louise Trichardt Extension 14, Total number of Erven 70: Land Use and number of Erven: The proposed land development area will comprised of the following land uses: • Residential sites 60, 4 Municipal, 3 Public Open Space, 2 Institution, 1 Community Centre NDIVHADZO YA MUHUMBULO WA U THOMA FHETHU HA UDZULA –TOWNSHIP Masipala wa Makhado u ita ndivhadzo I tevhelawo: 1. U thuthiwa ha tshpida tsha Pulane Zwayo (General Plan) tsha dorobo ya Louis Trichardt hu tshi tevhedzwa Tshitenwa 114 (I) (b) (i) tshine tsha vha kha Tshipida (Portion) 7 ya bulasi I no pfi Bergvlei 288LS Zwi tshi khou itiwa khathili na: 2. Khumbelo ya u ita Fhethu ha u Dzula (Township) hu tsh itevhedzwa Tshitenwa tsha 108 (I) (a) tshi tshi vhaliwa khathihi na Tshitenwa 69 (6) (a) na Mulawana (Regulation) 26 wa Vhupulani ha Dorobo na u ita Fhethu ha Madzulo (Ordinance 15 of 1986) hu ne Masipala u khou toda u thoma fhethu ha u dzula vhutanzi ha hone ho nambatedziwaho kha khumbelo iyi. Hezwi zwothe zwi khou toda u itwa kha tshipida tsho tanganyisiwaho tshine tsha vha Tshipida tsha Tshipida 07 tsha bulasi Bergvlei no 288 LS, na Tshipida tsha Tshipida tsha 7 tshine tsha do bva kha u thuthiwa ha tshipida Pulane Zwayo. Zwinwe zwidodombedzwa zwa khumbelo iyi na dzipulane dza hone zwi do vha zwo vheiwa uri zwi kone u toliwa ofisini ya Minidzhere wa Spatial Planning ine nomboro yayo ndi C001 maduvha a 28 u bva nga dzi 12 Nyendavhsiku 2014. Khanedzo na u sa fushea nga khumbelo iyi zwi fanela u rumelwa zwo tou nwalwa kha Mulanguli wa Masipala kha diresi heyi, Private Bag X 2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 kana kha email heyi: ndivhuwot@makhado. hu saathu u fhela maduvha a 28 u bva nga 12 Nyendavhusiku 2014. Dzina la muhumbeli: Nhlatse Planning Consultants, 25 B Excelsior street, Polokwane, 0699. Fax ndi 015 297 8673, email mmaphuti@ VHUTANZI HO ENGEDZIWAHO Dzina la dorobo: Louis Trichardt Extension 14 Nomboro ya zwitensi = 70, Mashumisele a zwitensi – zwa u dzula=60, zwa masipala=4, dziphakha = 3, zwifhatwa 2, hautangana tshitshavha=1
Don’t overspend in December
It’s December, the year is finally over and it’s time for that big family reunion! Some people will be getting a windfall, a bonus or a 13th cheque, or that target savings account where they’ve put their year-long savings will finally mature. But not everyone is lucky enough to have a windfall, and the pressure to get those family gifts and to indulge in all the holiday festivities can plunge those who have little to spend deeply into debt. Karin Muller, the Head of Growth Market Solutions at Sanlam, says for most people the instant thrill of a purchase far exceeds the delayed benefits of saving. And with all the “festive sales” in retail stores, it’s difficult for many people to stop and think about how much credit really costs them. “If the real cost of buying on credit was presented to us every time we transacted, chances are many of us will think twice before we swipe a credit or store card. Likewise, if credit spend could instantly be calculated against the benefits of saving that amount, we may get quite excited about the prospects of saving,” says Muller. She says not all debt is “bad” debt and “good” debt, such as a student loan or a bond for a new house, within your financial limits, is worth
considering. However, if you use debt to indulge on self-gratifying purchases because everyone is doing it, you are actually holding yourself back. Muller says to become financially capable of saving and not living in debt, you need to start with basic budgeting and debt reduction. “If you don’t have a financial plan, it is very likely that your budgeting and spending behaviour will be poorly managed. Sanlam research shows that people who obtain professional financial advice have greater success in their financial planning than those who don’t. An adviser can help you with both budgeting and structuring a plan to deal with your debt.” She says having a financial plan in place is just as important for people who get a windfall. The beauty of a windfall is that it enables you to boost your savings without having to make any cutbacks. Muller says it is thus wise to use this additional disposable income to settle your expensive debt first. Credit card, store card and personal loans usually have higher interest rates. She says if you are not sure about how to invest your windfall or use it to service debt, you should speak to a professional financial adviser who will be able to do a proper assessment of your individual circumstances.
Ladies Circle 4 van Louis Trichardt het hul jaar se aktiwiteite aan die begin van Desember afgesluit met die hou van hul jaarlikse Kerspartytjie. Voorsitter Riana Otto het haar dank uitgespreek teenoor al die girls wat haar die jaar ondersteun het. “Ek kan nie wag om volgende jaar weer saam met julle te werk nie en hoop alles gaan net beter en groter wees,” het sy gesê. Otto het ook baie dankie gesê aan al die ondernemings en organisasies wat hulle deur die jaar ondersteun het. Afgeneem tydens die partytjie is voor, van links na regs, Annique Wilson, Christa Otto, Riana Otto en Connie Laubscher. Agter is Gerda Nagel, Ciska Jansen van Vuuren, Jan Kleynhans (Mike’s Kitchen), Inalize Burger en Cherise Gamble. Foto verskaf.
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Besoek gerus ons Facebookblad/ webtuiste vir ander vakante poste. Landbou-bestuurspraktyk word vanaf 2015 by ZCVO aangebied. Orion Theron – 082 806 5885 (Voorsitter) Koos Steyn – 084 616 2958 (Ondervoorsitter) Kantoor 076 240 8333
beskikbaar vir dame Vereistes: • matriek, • rekeningkundige ondervinding, • Excel, banke opmaak en balansering van voorraad. Goeie salaris Faks CV en matrieksertifikaat na: 015 5162196. Aansoeke sluit 31 Desember 2014. Let wel: Indien jy nie gekontak word vir ‘n onderhoud nie, was jou aansoek ongelukkig onsuksesvol.
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
14 19 December 2014 Terugblik op 2014
“Aparte” toilette veroorsaak politieke storms Dawie Groenewald en sy broer is net nog ‘n heksejag. Só het Groenewald se prokureur, mnr. Hennie Erwee van Musina, gesê rondom die nuwe klagte wat Groenewald en sy broer, Janneman Groenewald (44), in die gesig staar. Die broers is op 16 Oktober daarvan aangekla dat hulle saamgesweer het om onwettige jagtog pakkette (van renosters) te verkoop aan Amerikaanse jagters, van geldwassery, en dat hulle in die geheim handel gedryf het met renosterhorings. Die klagte spruit uit ‘n jaarlange ondersoek van die Amerikaanse Departement van Visserye en Natuurlewe, wat daarvoor verantwoordelik is om die onwettige handel in plante en diere te ondersoek. Verder word Dawie en Janneman ook aangekla van sameswering, e-pos bedrog, geldwassery en die oortreding van die Amerikaanse Lacey Wet, wat bepaal dat dit ‘n misdryf is om onwettige jaggeleenthede of diere daar te verkoop. 7 November Louis Trichardt is Louis Trichardt again, following a ruling by the High Court in Pretoria. The decision of the former Minister of Arts and Culture, Mr Paul Mashatile, to change the name of the town to Makhado was published in the Government Gazette on 14 October 2011. Mashatile’s decision to approve the recommendation of the South African Geographical Names Council (SAGNC) to change the name of the town Louis Trichardt to Makhado was set aside by the High Court. The attorney of Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa, Ms Doris Tshepe, confirmed that the minister had conceded the review and consented to the order to set aside the decision. The first respondent (in this case the Minister) will pay the costs of the applicant, the Chairpersons Association (CA). Tshepe is from the firm Cheadle Thompson and Haysom in Johannesburg. 14 November The old Vleissentraal building in Louis Trichardt’s Erasmus Street became notorious overnight after a “toilet war” erupted over alleged segregated toilets for whites and blacks. The Street Anhetico Properties 54 Hlanganani Caltex Centre Louis Trichardt Eiendomme (T) 015 516 2044/5 (F) 015 516 2050
E-mail: Red Hot Deal for your Christmas stocking! R795,000 This neat 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Townhouse in New Town is ready for the taking. The best buy for X-mas! Call us Today!! Exellent gift for x-mas: R700, 000 This 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom unit, with a single lock-up garage in secure complex, now available for. Call us now to view.
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ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Jannie - 079 300 6876 24/7 Levubu / Louis Trichardt / Thohoyandou
Sowetan carried a front page article regarding the “segregated” toilets on 5 November. It immediately sparked public outrage, especially from government departments and political parties. The same day that the initial report came out, representatives from the Human Rights Commission also visited the building. 21 November “We are going to stand firm as Makhado Council and fight and defend our people!” These were the “war” cries of Makhado Municipal Mayor David Mutavhatsindi when he addressed fellow councillors and members of the media during a special Council meeting held on 13 November. Only two topics were on the agenda: The order of the Pretoria High Court regarding the town’s name of Louis Trichardt and the changing of several of the town’s street names. It has been more than three weeks since the court ruled that the former Minister of Arts and Culture Mr Paul Mashatile’s decision to have the name of Louis Trichardt changed to Makhado, be set aside. “Madam Speaker, we are not happy in terms of what happened on the 30th of October. The setting aside of the name Makhado … we’re not happy … because people had spoken in terms of that name, and records are there … they are there even as I speak today,” said Mutavhatsindi. In addition, the mayor announced that a budget was made available to the council because they “want the street names of this town to be changed”. Yet another local business has come under fire for allegedly having segregated toilets. The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) confirmed that the Blouberg Animal Clinic in Louis Trichardt was being investigated after complaints were received that the building had separate toilets for black and white staff and customers. 28 November The fuss surrounding their so-called racial toilet policy is nothing more than hogwash. Dr Freddie Harris of the Blouberg Animal Clinic in Louis Trichardt confirmed that the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) could find no evidence in support of the claims made in an article of the Sowetan newspaper. The SAHRC was quick to investigate after the article appeared in the Sowetan of 12 November, stating that the animal clinic allegedly has separate toilets for black and white people. Their journalist allegedly used the toilet reserved for “black” people and found that it was located outside and behind the main building, while the toilets for “whites” were inside the clinic. Harris said that these claims were nothing more than lies. 5 Desember Gerugte dat ‘n winkel in ‘n gewilde inkopiesentrum in Musina glo honde aangehou en verkoop het om te eet, het groot ontsteltenis onder inwoners veroorsaak. Die gerugte het die Louis Trichardt Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) genoop om indringend ondersoek in te stel. Na bewering het die winkel die honde in hokke op hul perseel aangehou. Foto’s van die honde in die hokke het egter soos ‘n veldbrand in die sosiale media versprei. Die gerugte is deur plaaslike DBV-inspekteur mnr. Lawrence Khodobo, vergesel van die polisie, ondersoek, maar hulle kon geen bewyse vind dat die honde geslag word vir hul vleis nie. Die eienaars van die honde word wel aangespreek oor die haglike toestande waarin die honde aangehou word. 12 Desember Verskeie van Limpopo se geregsdienaars, getaak met die publiek se veiligheid en sekuriteit, spandeer ‘n naweek agter tralies as verdagtes. Altesaam 19 polisielede, waarvan drie in diens is
van die Makhado Polisie, is gearresteer nadat hulle na bewering ‘n “ekstra inkomste” verdien het deur omkoopgeld te ontvang. Die nasionale polisiehoof, genl. Riah Phiyega, was by toe die polisiebeamptes by vier polisiekantore in hegtenis geneem is. Die lede, volgens nasionale polisiewoordvoerder lt.genl. Solomon Makgale, word daarvan verdink dat hulle omkoopgeld ontvang en dan vragmotors vol onwettige sigarette begelei het sodat hulle nie deur ander polisie- of verkeersbeamptes voorgekeer sou word nie. 19 Desember Besorgde boere en inwoners het die mynmaatskappy Coal of Africa Limited (CoAL) ‘n gevoelige slag toegedien toe hulle daarin kon slaag om ‘n interdik teen die maatskappy te bekom om hulle aktiwiteite in die Limpopo-vallei te stuit. In terme van ‘n hooggeregshofbevel wat die Vhembe Mineral Resources Stakeholders Forum (VMRSF) bekom het, mag CoAL nie met sy beoogde Makhado-mynprojek begin nie. Die mynmaatskappy moet eers ‘n omvattende omgewingsimpakstudie doen. CoAL sê egter dat hulle nie vooraf geweet het van die interdik aansoek nie, en derhalwe saam met die onderskeie staatsdepartemente sal werk om die interdik tersyde gestel te kry. CoAL het bygevoeg dat ‘n streekswye impakstudie van die myn verwag om die gevolge te bewys as al hul beoogde myne in die streek gelyktydig opgerig word. Dit, sê hulle, sal nooit so gebeur dat al hulle myne op een slag ontwikkel sal word nie.
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(Contd from P 12) Vincent Teboho Moabelo briefly appeared in the Louis Trichardt District court on 16 October. He is accused of killing Madiba and her 36-year-old friend, Mr Victor Mthokozisi Radebe, and is facing two counts of murder. Madiba and Radebe were shot and killed on 13 October, on the very day that an interim court protection order that Madiba had obtained against Moabelo was retracted. According to what the Zoutpansberger could establish from court records, this was not the first time for Moabelo to appear in court. During August of this year, Madiba had laid a charge of assault with the intent of causing grievous bodily harm against him. Following the charge, Moabelo’s weapon was seized by the Makhado Police. The assault case was also heard in the Louis Trichardt District Court and it was agreed that Moabelo would pay an admission-of-guilt fine on 16 September. About two weeks before the payment date, however, Moabelo’s firearm was allegedly released back to him. In addition, Madiba’s protection order was to be made permanent on the morning of her death. 31 Oktober Aanklagte van die Amerikaanse regering teen
H/v Burger & Rissik Straat, Louis Trichardt Kontak ons by: 015 516 0284/5/6
Kliënte neem asseblief kennis dat ons kantore gesluit sal wees op 2 Januarie 2015 NEEM LEIDING TOYOTA
19 Desember 2014 15
Deur Isabel Venter
André sterk goed aan Plaaslike sakeman mnr. André van Zyl sterk tans by die huis aan na die botsing waarin hy verlede week betrokke was. André, van ACE Plumbing in Louis Trichardt, was verlede Woensdag (10de) in ‘n tromp-op botsing op die Levubu-pad betrokke. Die ongeluk het omstreeks 12:00 sowat 3km buite die dorp, naby die eerste brug, plaasgevind. ‘n Nat en glibberige pad was glo die oorsaak. André se dogter, Jenny, het vandeesweek gesê haar pa het beheer oor sy bakkie verloor en in die
aankomende verkeer se baan beland. Met die impak van die ongeluk het die stuurwiel André teen die bors getref en van sy ribbes gebreek. André het ook baie snye aan sy gesig, arms en bene opgedoen en is oornag in die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal gehou vir mediese behandeling. Hy is kort voor die naweek ontslaan en sterk tuis aan. “Hy het nog baie pyn, maar dit is nou al so dat hy kan weer kan begin beweeg,” het Jenny Dinsdag gesê. Niemand anders is in die voorval beseer nie.
By Isabel Venter
Justice system failed them, says State The justice system has failed two people. This was the State’s submission in their closing remarks of murder accused Vincent Tebogo Moabelo’s (34) bail application last Friday in the Louis Trichardt Regional Court. Moabelo is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend, Ms Darlene Mapula Madiba (34), and her friend, Victor Mthokozisis Radebe (36), on 13 October this year. During his bail application, a statement that Madiba had given the Makhado Police on 4 August was read into the court record. In it, Madiba wrote that Moabelo had tied her up and assualted her for four hours the previous night. “My life is in danger as I don’t know when and how is he going to kill me,” she had told the police. With the assault case being investigated, Madiba was given an interim protection order against Moabelo and his gun was seized
by the police. Madiba’s doctor’s report noted countless bruises on her face and body, as well as “limited movement on (R) arm” because she had been “tied up with a cable tie on (R) wrist for ±4 hours.” The doctor further noted that Madiba was “conscious and very emotional.” For reasons unknown, Madiba failed to appear in court on 13 October, however, when the order would be made permanent - the day she was killed. The State, in the application, confirmed that Moabelo’s firearm was handed back to him on 16 September, before the assault case had been finalized and, as a result, failed to protect her properly. Moabelo said, by means of his attorney, Mr Desmond Mphaphuli, that he and Madiba had “smoked the peace pipe” and that he was at her house on that fateful day to pick up his belongings. He said that Madiba
Jenny van Zyl hou Pa André se hand vas, kort nadat hy uit die wrak van sy bakkie bevry is deur had assaulted him by hitting him plaaslike reddingswerkers. over the head with a broken vase, and that he shot at her and Radebe Uitslae/Results in self-defence. He fled the scene by forcing open the kitchen door Woensdagspel and fleeing in Radebe’s vehicle. Datum Borg Formaat Testifying for the State, who SPB Gholfklub IS 10/12/14 opposed the application, detecNaam Punte Plek tive W/O Alfred Phaswana confirmed that the police had found Uitslag nie beskikbaar no evidence of a broken vase or Kerskompetisie any signs of a struggle and that Datum Borg Formaat the kitchen door had been forced open from the outside. SPB Gholfklub HS 13/12/14 Telephone records also showed Naam Punte Plek that Moabelo had admitted to Fixtures/Bepalings Uitslag nie beskikbaar shooting Madiba and Radebe, shortly after the incident. BS Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, Opkomende Kompetisie BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, The State also confirmed that Datum Kompetisie Formaat GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal the prosecutor who had made the Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American 20/12/14 Eie reëlings decision on Moabelo’s firearm Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier had received a notification of his 27/12/14 Eie reëlings GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY: diciplinary hearing last week. 58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 Magistrate Kellerman, after BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 the bail application was closed, TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / reserved his judgment until 22 Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm December. Moabelo will remain in custody until then.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole
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A little bit of extra planning will get you there The holidays are here and whether you look forward to the family road trip or hyperventilate at the thought, Tiger Wheel & Tyre has strategies to help you get to your destination safely and survive the holiday travel season. “If you’re travelling anywhere by car, why take a chance when a little preparation can save a lot of trepidation?” said group marketing executive Joe du Plooy. “Who knows what trials or adventures your road trip will yield, but to help you, we asked our team for their top 10 travel tips.” * Do your vehicle’s annual inspection. Knowing that belts, hoses and tyres (including the spare) are
intact and inflated, and fluid levels are optimal provides peace of mind. Your local Tiger Wheel & Tyre also offers a free multipoint check. * Plan your route, including stops. There’s no greater stress than wondering if you have enough fuel to make it to the next stop. Consider passengers’ needs too. Small children need frequent bathroom breaks and everyone benefits from a leg stretch and break. * Pack light. The bulk and weight of packing everything, including the kitchen sink, just increases your discomfort and fuel consumption. You should also always check your tyre pressure before a long trip, but make sure you haven’t driven too far yet, so your tyres are cool enough to give
an accurate result. This will help improve vehicle safety and maintain fuel efficiency. * Plan for emergencies. Check that you have a jack; spanner; your special key if you have wheel locks; an emergency triangle; and a torch. Pack a first aid kit for minor medical emergencies and if you have a roadside assistance plan, have the phone number and your policy number on hand. * Pack a cooler. This will cut down on stops, save money and, let’s face it, snacks and cool drinks are a good distraction for bored passengers. * Plan entertainment to occupy the
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it done in a day. Rather enjoy the scenery and plan to stop overnight, preferably in a place you haven’t been and would like to explore. * Pack car chargers for electronic items, because possibly the only thing worse than being stuck by the roadside with a dead cell phone is when the kids’ electronic games run out of juice. * Enjoy the ride! Before you leave, do a last-minute check to ensure you have everything, lay down the law for passengers, load your favourite CDs, then take a deep breath and enjoy the journey. (Article: Tiger Wheel & Tyre)
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kids. Prepare a bag of new books, toys and games, and dish these out as needed to save your sanity or incentivise good behaviour. The novelty factor alone is worth several hundred kilometers of smiles. * Travel on off-peak days. Why take a chance of getting stuck in gridlocked holiday traffic, when leaving a day earlier or later on an off-peak travel day can save you hours of frustration, hundreds of rands in petrol and even your relationship with whoever is along for the ride? * Stagger your journey. If you’re travelling from Garsfontein to Gansbaai, remember there are no awards for getting
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