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1 Augustus 2014
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“We do respect the dead and their families” - page 3
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Unlawful conduct High Court rules that Makhado Municipality acted unlawfully and unfairly in awarding valuation tender Standard with the new PremiumDrive Maintenance Plan. Finance Provided by Mercedes-Benz Finance and *Insurance, a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd., an Authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no. 18 604) and Credit Provider (Licence nr. NCRCP80). *Underwritten by either Regent Insurance Company Ltd. (FSB. 25 511) or Alexander Forbes Insurance Company Ltd. (Licence nr. 30414). Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African Market. The Special Introductory Offer valid on all orders placed up until 13th June 2014.
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By Andries van Zyl
The awarding of the tender for the compilation of a new valuation roll for the Makhado Municipality was unfair and unlawful. This was the conclusion Acting Judge D Dosio came to in handing down judgement in the Gauteng High Court last Friday in the case between DDP Valuers vs Makhado Municipality (first respondent), Siyabuselela Trading Enterprise 275 CC T/A Risuna Property Consultants (second respondent) and Mr Kulani Dumond Nkuna (third respondent). From the outset, the awarding of the tender for the compilation of a new 2014 to 2018 valuation roll for the Makhado municipal area (Tender 1/2013) was marred by allegations of irregularities and even fraud. This in addition to the controversy and public outcry the completed valuation roll itself eventually sparked among residents, arguing that the valuations done by Risuna Property Consultant of their properties were, in most cases, nothing more than a thumb-sucking exercise. The big question now is: Does the new 2014 tot 2018 valuation roll, which came into effect on 1 July this year, constitute a legal and enforceable document? A general principle in law is that, should any part of an administrative process be ruled unlawful, any processes that follow such an unlawful action would also be deemed unlawful. The matter between DDP Valuers, who also tendered for the compilation of Makhado’s 2014 to 2018 valuation roll, against the Makhado Municipality, Siyabuselela and Nkuna was heard in the Gauteng High Court on 23 May, but the judge postponed judgement. Tender 1/2013 called on bidders to submit two quotations (option 1 and option 2) in their tenders. Option 1 was for proclaimed townships such as Makhado (Louis Trichardt) and option B for villages in rural areas. DDP quoted
R1 350 000 for option 1 and R9 500 000 for option 2. Siyabuselela quoted R7 487 583 for option 1 and R2 087 226 for option 2. DDP Valuers took the municipality, Siyabuselela and Nkuna to court for what they deemed to be the fraudulent awarding of the valuation roll tender to Risuna Property Consultants in 2013. DDP further argued in their motion to the High Court that the Makhado Municipality took irrelevant considerations into account or failed to consider relevant considerations, in that the designated municipal valuer did not have the work experience as prescribed in the tender conditions. DDP also stated that the Makhado Municipality had awarded the tender to Risuna in contradiction of the municipality’s own bid evaluation committee’s recommendations that Siyabuselela’s tender was not acceptable and that the tender be awarded to DDP. In regard of the tender’s being obtained by fraudulent means by Siyabuselela, DDP argued that Siyabuselela had forged the signature of Siyabuselela’s supposed designated valuer, Mr Wilfred Zulu, in their tender bid documentation. In proving this, DDP called on the expertise of an expert signature examiner, Lt Col G M Cloete. Cloete is the co-founder and a fully accredited member of the former South African Association of Forensic Document Examiners. Cloete’s report found that Mr Zulu’s known signature does not correspond with the signature appearing on the tender bid documentation as submitted by Nkuna. It was further argued that Mr Zulu was in Zambia on the day the documentation was supposedly signed in Giyani. As for the Makhado Municipality’s taking irrelevant considerations into account or failing to consider relevant considerations in that the designated municipal valuer did not have the work experience as prescribed in the tender conditions, DDP’s mo-
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tion stated that Mr Zulu, according to Siyabuselela’s tender documents, was attributed with previous work experience with regard to compiling valuation rolls, but DDP’s investigation revealed that the mentioned work experience conducted at several municipalities showed that the valuations had actually been done by other persons and valuers. DDP also argued that the Makhado Municipality’s awarding the tender to Siyabuselela in contradiction of the recommendations of the municipality’s own bid evaluation committee, that DDP be awarded
Klopjag by skool ontlok gemengde reaksie
In die agtergrond is van die 14 leerlinge van die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt wat verlede Vrydag positief getoets het vir die gebruik van dwelms of verbode middels, terwyl plaaslike polisielede papierwerk invul. Op die voorgrond is van die middels waarop daar beslag gelê is tydens die polisie se ondersoek. (Lees artikel op p. 2)
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the tender, “was arbitrary or capricious and/or was done male fide, alternatively for an ulterior purpose or motive.” In this regard, he quoted the committee’s recommendation as recorded on 19 March 2013, stating: “That it be noted that tendered no. 2, Risuna Property Consultants Valuers under Tender No. 1 of 2013, was disqualified due to the reason that their trading name is not (a) registered entity name, and the fact that it submitted only one year’s financial statements and not three as required by specifications. (Contd on P 2)
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2 1 August 2014 Deur Isabel Venter
14 leerlinge in hof oor dwelms ‘n Poging om die groeiende dwelmprobleem onder die jeug van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) aan te spreek, het gemengde reaksie uitgelok by inwoners. Veral ouers wie se kinders by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt skoolgaan, is die josie in ná die Makhado polisie verlede Vrydag ‘n blitsklopjag by dié skool uitgevoer het. Veertien leerlinge het positief getoets vir dwelms of ander verbode middels. Die Makhado SAPD het Vrydag saam met lede van hul honde-eenheid toegesak op die skool. Buiten dat leerlinge se tasse en sakke deursoek is, is daar ook dié wat ‘n urine multi-dwelmtoets moes ondergaan het by die skool. Die toets het vir vyf verbode middels getoets, naamlik morfien (opiate), amfetamiene, methamphetamiene, benzoylecgoniene (kokaïne), en tetrahydrocannabinol (dagga). Dié leerlinge wie se toetse positief was, is in aanhouding geplaas. Hulle ouderdomme het gewissel tussen 15 en 18 jaar oud. Nie hulle name of hulle toetsuitslae mag bekend gemaak word nie. ‘n Vyf tiende leerling, ‘n seun, is ook in hegtenis geneem nadat die polisie ‘n knipmes in sy besit gevind het. Verder het die polisie ook beslag gelê op tientalle pakkies sigarette, dagga en pynstillers. Al 15 die leerlinge is na die Louis Trichardt Distrikshof geneem, waar hulle aangekla is. Die seun wat die knipmes gehad het, is aangekla van die besit van ‘n gevaarlike wapen, terwyl die ander 14 leerlinge aangekla is van die onwettige besit van narkotika. Hier is die kinders opnuut ingelig oor die gevare wat dwelmverslawing kan inhou. “Vandag is die dag wat jy jou lewe kan omdraai, voordat dit te laat is en jy later rêrig met die gereg
bots,” het die Staatsaanklaer vir die groep leerlinge gesê. “Ons is nie hier om julle te breek nie, maar om julle te help, en die polisie sal die skool slaan tot al die dwelms uit die skool geslaan is.” Die koerant het verneem dat die leerlinge ‘n ingrypingsprogram sal moet voltooi as deel van hulle straf, en om te verhoed dat hulle ‘n permanente kriminele rekord sal kry. Hulle het almal weer Maandag in die hof verskyn, waarna hulle saak uitgestel is tot 11 Augustus. Intussen het daar ‘n storm losgebars onder die ouers van die skool. Daar was dié wat gemeen het die klopjag verdien ‘n pluimpie. Ander ouers was egter ontstoke en van mening dat die polisie, skool en hof die leerlinge se menseregte vertrap het met die wyse waarop die klopjag uitgevoer is. Van die 15 kinders wat aangekla is se ouers het ook intussen regshulp ingewin om hul kinders se saak te verdedig. Van die klagte wat van die ouers met die koerant gedeel het, was dat die polisie die klopjag in die openbaar uitgevoer het. Leerlinge wat getoets is vir dwelms, is glo ten aanskoue van medeleerlinge en personeel uit die saal geneem vir die toets. Verder is leerlinge se toetsresultate nie privaat gehou nie en die 15 aangeklaagdes is glo aangehou sonder dat hul regte aan hul voorgelees is. Verder is hulle in ‘n gemerkte polisievoertuig vervoer en vir die hele dag aangehou sonder kos en water, waartydens hul met tye in die polisieselle saam met volwassenes aangehou is. Ouers het ook kapsie aangeteken oor die wyse waarop die dwelmtoets uitgevoer is. Volgens hulle is die wetlike prosedure om ‘n leerling te toets vir dwelms, soos dit vervat is in die Suid-Afrikaanse
Onderwyswet (Wet 84 van 1996), nie stiptelik nagekom nie. Die polisie, sê die ouers, het ook nie in ag geneem dat daar dalk leerlinge was wat medikasie gebruik het nie. ‘n Bloedtoets, sê die ouers, is nie ‘n voldoende opvolgtoets vir dwelms of verbode middels nie. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se waarne mende hoof, mnr. Theo Muller, het Woensdag gereageer op medianavrae rondom Vrydag se gebeure. Volgens Muller was daar redelike bewyse van onwettige aktiwiteit by die skool. Behalwe dat ouers gekla het oor dwelms by die skool, was daar ook glo kinders wat openlik gepraat en gespog het oor dwelmmisbruik by die skool. Derhalwe, het Muller gesê, was daar verlede jaar by twee geleenthede sprekers by die skool om kinders aan te spreek oor die gevare van dwelms. Die polisie se hulp is ingeroep nadat die skoolbeheerraad ‘n ondersoek aangevra het en skriftelik daartoe ingestem het. “Die skool het vrywillig saamgewerk met die SAPD,” het Muller gesê. Muller het bevestig dat geen ondersoek ten aanskoue van buitestanders gedoen is nie. “Leerlinge was in die skoolsaal vergader; die ondersoek het nie daar plaasgevind nie.” Verder sal die skool nog besluit op verdere stappe teen die 15 leerlinge, nadat hulle voor ‘n dissiplinêre komitee verskyn het. “Die skool sal die leerlinge en ouers ondersteun; hulle bly ons leerders,” het Muller gesê. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder A/O Takalani Madzhigili is ook genader vir kommentaar rakende die klagte. Hy het Woensdag bevestig dat die navraag aandag geniet, maar kon teen druktyd nog nie ‘n persverklaring uitreik nie.
By Andries van Zyl
High Court sets aside controversial valuation tender (Contd from P 1) “Option 1: That the Evaluation Committee recommends that Tender No. 1 of 2013, Compilation of Makhado Municipality Valuation Roll 2014/2015 to 2017/2018 financial years be awarded to DDP Valuers …” Based on the above, DDP asked the court to have the tender be awarded to them, alternatively that the tender be referred back to the municipality for consideration afresh. In his judgement, Judge Dosio, stated that DDP had, in his view, correctly pointed out that there were irregularities in the tender process. The first such irregularity, he pointed out, was the fraudulent signature on the municipal valuer’s affidavit. “The First Respondent [Makhado Municipality] has merely stated it has no knowledge of this. The First Respondent should have obtained its own expert to examine the handwriting of Mr Zulu, but it elected not to do so. The inference this court must draw is that the First Respondent has accepted the correctness of Lieutenant Colonel Cloete’s report and that is why they have allowed the allegation to stand uncontested,” Judge Dosio said. He added that Mr Zulu’s election to remain silent convinced the court that it is probably not his signature. The second irregularity or non-compliance with a material condition that was pointed out by Judge Dosio was that the Second Respondent [Siyabuselela] had nominated a person who clearly did not have the requisite experience as a municipal valuer. “The Applicant’s allegation that false information pertaining to the work experience of Mr Zulu was inserted in the municipal valuer affidavit remains uncontested. Accordingly, a mandatory condition prescribed by an empowering provision was not complied with…” Judge Dosio said. The judge also pointed out that Siyabuselela had failed to appoint a substitute municipal valuer. The tender documents clearly state that this must be done. In
addition, the tender documents also state that a minimum of two assistant municipal valuers must be appointed. “The Second Respondent only appointed the Third Respondent [Nkuna]. The Second Respondent did not nominate an assistant municipal valuer. Accordingly, the Second Respondent did not comply with an obligatory condition of the tender documents,” Judge Dosio said. He added that failure by the municipality to give reasons for this oversight “leads the court to believe that the First Respondent acted ultra vires the enabling legislation.” These irregularities, stated Judge Dosio, stripped the tender process of an essential element of fairness, namely, the equal evaluation of tenders. “These are consequential flaws. This is not an acceptable tender as defined in the Procurement Act,” Judge Dosio said and set aside the awarding of the tender. He added that although the municipality believed that they had followed all procedures properly, the court could not come to the same conclusion. Judge Dosio ruled that the municipality had committed a procedural irregularity of significant material consequence, which rendered the granting of the tender to Siyabuselela procedurally unfair and reviewable in terms of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act. “There was no rational connection between the outcome of the decision of the First Respondent and the facts upon which the decision was based,” Judge Dosio said. He added that the granting of Option 1 of the tender to Siyabuselela for an inflated amount suggested to the court that this must have been granted either owing to an ulterior purpose or motive, because irrelevant considerations were taken into account. Judge Dosio also made mention of the settlement agreement reached between the municipality and Siyabuselela in May, whereby Siyabuselela withdrew from the contract. “The settlement agreement indicates to this court that the First Respondent has understood that it did not act in an appropriate manner,” Judge Dosio said.
But having set aside the awarding of the tender, Judge Dosio stated that he could not merely order that DDP be awarded the tender. “Even if the court is wrong in this respect, the minutes of the Bid Adjudication Committee [who overruled the Bid Evaluations Committee’s recommendation] are not before this court, and neither are the reason … This makes it difficult for this court to award option 1 and 2 of tender 1/2013 to the Applicant,” Judge Dosio said. He explained that the Bid Evaluations Committee only recommended that Option 1 be awarded to DDP and that, by setting aside the tender, the foregone conclusion would be that DDP would also be granted the tender in respect of Option 2. “Inasmuch as this court sympathises with the treatment the Applicant was exposed to, this court cannot act arbitrarily and award Option 1 and 2 of Tender 1/2013 to the Applicant,” Judge Dosio said. Judge Dosio’s final order reads that: The award of tender 1/2013 made by the First Respondent to the Second Respondent is hereby reviewed and set aside; The award of such tender is declared to have been unlawful and unfair; The First Respondent is directed to reconsider the competing tender of the Applicant in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and to procurement policy of the First Respondent in accordance with the requirements of Section 217 of the Constitution; Due to the urgency of this matter, the First respondent is ordered to evaluate the tenders submitted and to decide not later than one month from the date of this order, which tender ought properly to have been accepted; and The First Respondent is ordered to pay the cost of this application. The Makhado Municipality was approached on Monday for comment. Municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi on Wednesday, however, stated that the municipality was unable to answer yet, as the relevant officials dealing with the matter were out of office and would only be available on Thursday.
1 Augustus 2014 3
By Linda van der Westhuizen
“We do respect the dead and their families” The Makhado Municipality has assured resi- meant by graves that are “symmetrical and in line”. dents of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) that they One good thing that came out of the debacle do respect the dead and their grieving families. was that it would seem that the municipality’s This followed a public outcry after several inci- female backactor operator, dubbed Cyclone Eliza dents where grieving community members had to by residents, has been relieved of her duties in stand beside an open grave, aggravated by the fact the cemetery. This after her actions allegedly that the graves had been dug in an asymmetrical left several tombstones damaged and destroyed. and unprofessional manner. Bobodi referred more than once to their “most exThe municipality denied, however, that graves perienced operator who had done his best although in the municipal cemetery had been dug asymmet- he was working in awkward conditions”. A local rically and unprofessionally. They do, however, undertaker said that they did not see the female welcome suggestions from the community. “If backactor operator in the cemetery anymore. The you have some suggestions, they are welcomed. municipality refused to give the names of any backThe municipality has always dug the graves in a actor operators. “It would be very unprofessional to professional manner,” the municipality said in a give newspapers the names of our employees. The press statement last week. municipality takes the responsibility,” Bobodi said. A photo had been sent to the municipality of a The municipality was asked why they used a grave where the right-hand bottom corner of the backactor to dig the graves. open grave was only a do you suggest “We do not understand when we“What few centimetres from an should use? The adjacent grave and the backactor is the best you say unprofessional ...” top right-hand corner machinery that we use almost 40cm away from the same adjacent grave. to dig the graves and we have been using it for The grave was visibly out of line with other adja- years,” Bobodi said. Pretorius, however, said that cent graves. spades and picks had been used in the past, as well “We do not understand when you say unpro- as a measuring tape. fessional, because our backactor operator, who is Ms Gerda Nagel of Martin’s Funerals added that very experienced in his job, tried his best to assist they had of late been hiring a TLB at their own cost the family. Unfortunately, there was very limited to do the digging, but that the opening of the grave space between the graves. It is the first time that has to be completed and made neat and correct by we have receive this kind of complaint,” municipal hand, using a spade and pick. spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi said. “A normal grave should be 850cm in width, The question whether the municipality agreed 2.2m long and 1.83m (the old six feet) deep, unless that “graves should be rectangular, symmetrical it is a double grave, which is deeper. We feel that … and not be skew” was answered in the negative. it is an embarrassment for the grieving family if Rev Jan Pretorius, who had been involved in sim- the open graves are crooked. That is why we do ilar incidents with other graves in the past, and who it ourselves now, although the municipality still had more than once complained to the municipality, charges a fee for the opening and closing of the said that he would be available if a meeting at the grave,” Nagel said. cemetery could be arranged to explain what was
Hierdie twee “Yanks” het verlede week die koppe hier in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) laat draai so ver as wat hulle deur die dorp gery het met hulle blink driewiel-motorfiets en “Flentertjie” sleepwaentjie. Die twee, Nic en Meraai Hechter, is eintlik twee Pretorianers, wat verlede Vrydag op pad was na ‘n motorfietssaamtrek in Zimbabwe. Deur Isabel Venter
Vrou gee aanvaller ‘n paar warm klappe Dit is nie elke dag dat ‘n vrou ‘n aanval op haar lewe suksesvol afweer nie, en dit nogal nadat sy haar aanvallers ‘n paar warm klappe toegedien het. Maritsa Gousshard, ‘n inwo ner van Makhado (Louis Trichardt), moes verwoed veg nadat ‘n onbekende aanvaller haar verlede Donderdag helder oordag probeer ontvoer het. Op die dag van die voorval was sy te voet in Rissikstraat op pad huis toe, nadat sy haar dogter afgesien het by Woelwaters Kleuterskool, waar dié werksaam is. Met die terugstap het ‘n minibus taxi op die sypaadjie, naby die parkie in Rissikstraat, afgetrek. Maritsa vertel dat sy eers nie aandag gegee het aan die taxi
nie, en aanhou stap het. Al wat sy ná haar nagmerrie ervaring kan onthou, is dat die bussie getinte vensters gehad het. Sy het langs die bussie verbygeloop toe die sydeur ewe skielik oopgaan. ‘n Onbekende man het haar aan die arm gegryp en by die bussie probeer intrek. “Ek het gehoor hoe die bestuurder, voor in die bussie, bly sê het: ‘Get her in, get her in’,” het Maritsa vertel. “Ek kon dit nie verstaan nie. Ek het niks in my hande gehad nie, en my selfoon en huissleutels was in my broeksak. Dalk het hulle gedink ek het geld aan my gehad ... ek weet nie,” het Maritsa gesê. Niemand het gesien wat met Maritsa gebeur het nie, en sy was
al halfpad in die bussie toe sy besluit nóú moet sy plan maak. Dis toe dat sy lostrek met haar ander arm en haar aanvaller op sy kakebeen slaan – drie keer. Die man het haar gelos, en Maritsa het begin hardloop. Sy het nie opgehou hardloop totdat sy by haar huis in Douthwaitstraat gekom het nie. Behalwe vir ‘n paar kneusplekke, is sy ongedeerd. Omdat Maritsa nie ‘n beskrywing van haar aanvallers of ‘n registrasienommer kon onthou nie, is daar nie ‘n formele klag by die polisie geopen nie. Haar raad aan ander inwoners, veral vrouens, was om op hul hoede te wees as hulle gaan stap, sodat hulle nie ook slagoffers word van ontvoerders nie.
4 1 August 2014
The bakkie’s wreckage, pinned underneath the cab of a truck. This accident occured on Sunday near the entrance of the Lalapanzi Hotel. The two occupants of the bakkie were killed on impact. Photo supplied. By Isabel Venter
Yet another horror crash claims two Two people were crushed to death when their small bakkie was pinned underneath a truck and dragged several meters along the highway. Another two people also
sustained minor injuries in this accident that occurred close to the entrance of the Lalapanzi Hotel on the N1 south towards Polokwane on Sunday. According to information supplied, the
bakkie was trying to overtake the truck when it crashed into the truck and was dragged several meters before the driver of the truck could regain control over his vehicle. The two occupants of the bakkie were killed on impact. An oncoming vehicle, who tried to avoid the swerving truck, scraped the side of the truck and also spun out of control. The occupants of this vehicle were fortunate to escape with minor injuries. Weekend traffic on the N1 was held up for several hours while rescue workers struggled to lift the truck and free the pinned wreckage of the bakkie. At the time of going to press, the Makhado police had yet to A close-up photograph of the bakkie in which the two people confirm the identities of the two deceased. were crushed to death. Photo supplied.
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Stakeholders in the battle for a consistent water supply to Makhado (Louis Trichardt), photographed after a steering committee meeting. Mr Wally Schultz (second from right), chairperson of the local AfriForum branch, said that the current contractors who were fighting the water battle with them were an outstanding bunch. Photo supplied. By Linda van der Westhuizen
A few obstacles remain in water supply battle AfriForum says that although a few obstacles remain in the fight for a consistent water supply, the current contractors who are fighting the water battle with them are an outstanding bunch. “We have come to the point where all who come to the meetings have a team spirit and all have determination and the same goal, that of getting water to town,” the local AfriForum chairperson, Mr Wally Schultz, said this week. He was referring, among others, to contractors Solidarity Developers and Belta Services and other important stakeholders. This came after the steering committee meeting on 22 July. Mr Ernest Mabonyane was the representative of the Vhembe District Municipality (VDM) at the meeting. The steering committee had been appointed by VDM municipal manager Mr Masala Makumule to oversee the vital project to ensure the water supply. The contractors, who were driving to finish the work, apparently formed quite a contrast to the consulting firm, who seemed to drag their feet and hold up the drilling of three new boreholes near Mowkop. These are necessary to augment the water supply when water from the Albasini Dam is shut
down for repairs to leaks in the aged pipeline or the pumps. “I was surprised to find that the consulting engineers had overlooked the fact that they need to get a Water Use License from the DWA before Komatiland, the owners of the property where the boreholes will be drilled, will give final permission,” said Schultz after the meeting and added that they had previously dragged their feet in obtaining an environmental impact assessment. Another small hurdle to overcome is the electrification of two older boreholes, where cables had been stolen, and the replacement of a transformer - both tasks that need to be done by the Makhado Municipality. Solidarity Developers said at a previous meeting concerning the electricity that a new certificate of compliance would be submitted to the Makhado Municipality. The Makhado Municipality indicated that they would start with the construction of a power line to one of the boreholes that needed electrification. The delay of the electrification of the borehole near the railway line was due to the quotation process.
By Linda van der Westhuizen
Vhembe region declares war on rabies The Limpopo Against Rabies Forum (LARF) aims to help eradicate rabies and coordinated a programme to vaccinate dogs in several areas against this fatal disease. The LARF is a forum for stakeholders such as community members, dog owners, veterinarians, non-profit international veterinarians such as Vets for Change, WTG Germany, SPCA Louis Trichardt and the South African Veterinary Association community veterinary clinics. “The reason why we came up with the idea of bringing all the stakeholders together and speaking with one voice as LARF is
mainly to join hands and come up with every available resource from each of us to fight rabies together, since the Vhembe district has a population of dogs that never decreases and the transmission of rabies can become a threat to society,” said project co-ordinator Luambo Malighana Munzhedzi. The vaccination program ran from 7 July up to 2 August and areas in the Mutale, Musina, Thulamela and Makhado municipalities were targeted. Participating in the project were state veterinarians from local veterinary offices, international volunteer vets who assisted the
initiative by keeping vaccination cards, as well as local community volunteers as data collectors. Educational and easy-to-read flyers were distributed, warning the community about what should be done to avoid dog bites as well as what should be done in the case of a dog bite. “Although the main aim of the project was rabies vaccination, we also identified impoverished communities within those municipalities and helped reduce the animal population by spaying and neutering and, at the same time, encouraging ‘responsible animal keeping’ in society,” said Munzhedzi.
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The Limpopo Against Rabies Forum says that Vhembe has declared war against rabies and ran a program to vaccinate dogs. With the formidable team is the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s own Inspector Lawrence Khodobo (second from right). Photo supplied.
1 Augustus 2014 5
By Andries van Zyl
Residents can expect a much “quieter” show The annual Makhado Show is taking place from 31 July to 2 August, and while some look forward to a great weekend of entertainment, others dread having to endure three sleepless nights once again. Over the past couple of years, the show organisers came under severe criticism from residents specifically complaining about the noise and loud music keeping them up until the early hours of the morning for the duration of the three-day event. This year, however, the show organisers, Makoya Multi Media, stated that they did not wish to see a repeat of what had happened in the past and went to great lengths to minimise the impact of the noise on residents. “We have changed the stage setup to face Thohoyandou and we will be making use of directional sound control this year. This entails that the sound speakers are facing away from town to minimise the noise,” said Mr Hangwe Netshifhefhe of the Makoya team. Tens of thousands of patrons are expected to visit the show over the three-day period, the majority of whom will converge on the show grounds on Saturday for the popular music festival. The music festival is regarded as the highlight of the show and previously started at six o’clock on Saturday evening. In addition to facing the sound stage away from town, the Makoya team also scheduled the music festival earlier in the day to avoid performances continuing into the early hours of Sunday morning. “We will start the music festival at eleven o’clock on Saturday morning, with the planned programme to end at midnight,” said Netshifhefhe. He said, however, that he suspected that some people would struggle to keep to the programme, but that they would strive to do so. This year, the Makoya team also put more emphasis on family participation at the show. In this regard, they also went to great lengths to beef up security in terms of crowd control. “We are going to have more pay points and better barricaded roads
for people to enter and leave the show. We have also appointed 280 additional personnel for peace keeping and crowd control on Saturday. We want our visitors to feel safe and steer away from the perception that the show is there merely for people to go on a drinking spree,” said Netshifhefhe. In this regard, he added, they have established better co-operation between the SANDF, SAPS, local emergency services and the traffic department. “This year, there will also be designated assembly points in case of an emergency. These points will be communicated over the PA system,” said Netshifhefhe. With reference to the perception that the show is only there for people to go on a drinking spree, the Makoya team was almost not granted a liquor license this year. “Our liquor license was initially denied, but we were able to resolve the matter and the license was granted,” said Netshifhefhe. The granting of the license, however, came with strict conditions. “We are no longer allowed our normal trading hours, with all liquor sales to seize at midnight. No under-age drinking will be allowed and drinking will be restricted to designated areas only. Anyone caught drinking outside these areas will be arrested on the spot,” said Netshifhefhe. This year’s Makhado Show will kick off on 31 July with the gates opening at 09:00. The entry fee for Thursday and Friday is R50 per person, while admission for children younger than six is free. An entry fee of R80 per adult and R50 for children between 7 and 13 will be charged on Saturday, while children under six can still enter for free. The gates will close at midnight on all three days. Some of the artists lined up for this year’s show include Kuniyuki Takahashi, Jack Zwarts and several local South African deejays, including Udu-Nyoso and Sir Makleker. There will also be lots of activities such as a merry-go-round, swings, car drifting (magusheshe), 4x4 challenges, candy shops, biker displays and many more.
Werda Toyota H/v Burger & Rissik Straat, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 0284/5/6
Beskikbaar tot einde September 2014!
Ms Yvonne Mudau was the lucky winner of a brand new vehicle in the Spar win-a-car promotion. On Saturday, she received the keys to her new car from the manager of the Makhado Superspar, Mr Luke Enslin (right).
Baobab Tyres, part of the Du Toit’s Bande group of Makhado (Louis Trichardt), announced the winner of their Dunlop competition this week. Clients who bought Dunlop tyres qualified to win two tickets to the see the Rugby Championship match between South Africa and Argentina on 16 August at Loftus Versfeld. Handing over the tickets was Roy Stewart (left) from Baobab, to Wikus Myburg (right) who received them on behalf of Rampie Gilfillan, who was the lucky winner. • Willie Venter 079 344 2737 • Anthonie Krügell 072 225 3599 • Gert Coetzee 083 327 5128
• Hilbert Sevhugwane 073 864 4231 • Hennie Knoesen 082 926 9921 • Michael Maynier 082 702 6701
6 1 August 2014 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Toneelgroep mik na groot hoogtes vanjaar Die toneelgroep van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is hard besig met voorbereiding om twee toneelstukke op die planke te bring vir die landswye ATKV-Tienertoneelkompetisie . Verlede jaar het die skool vir die eerste keer twee toneelstukke ingeskryf. Beide Stemtoon, met regisseur Marcel van Niekerk, en Flikker, met regisseur Nico Scheepers, het tot op nasionale vlak gevorder en aan die Clover Nasionale Aardklop Kunstefees deelgeneem. In 2010 en 2011 het Scheepers se stukke die wenprys daar ingepalm. Vanjaar is daar weer twee stukke, met Marcel aan die stuur van beide. Die een stuk is ‘n drama, Harnas, waaraan ‘n ensemble van 15 spelers en ‘n tegniese span van drie deelneem. Marcel is ook vir die teks verantwoordelik. Hy is steeds baie Die toneelgroep van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is hard besig met voorbereiding om twee stukke geheimsinnig rondom die tema. “Al wat ek wil sê, is dat Suid-Afrikaners geneig is om die onreg wat op die planke te bring vir die landswye ATKV- Tienertoneelkompetisie. Foto verskaf. binne ons land se grense plaasvind, in ‘n rangorde te rangskik. Party sake geniet meer aandag as ander, afhangende van hoe die mense persoonlik daardeur geraak word. Harnas gaan oor ‘n saak wat reg onder aan daardie rangorde uitgekrap is,” het Marcel gesê. Marietjie Leonard speel ‘n karakter in Harnas wat teleurstelling in mense, hartseer en verwerping ervaar. “Dit is baie anders as laasjaar se stuk, Stemtoon, wat meer spiritueel met ‘n mens gepraat het. Harnas is ‘n baie intense stuk en dit verg baie werk om die emosies reg oor te dra,” het Marietjie gesê. “Die tweede stuk, Dinner for one, is bloot net ‘n humoristiese stuk wat ons na die feeste saamneem om dit te geniet,” het Marcel gesê. Die Afrikaanse vertaling van Lauri Wylie se stuk is ‘n spanpoging deur Marcel en spelers André du Preez en Annelize Pauer. Annelize vertolk die rol van tant Anna (Miss Sophie) en André die rol van James. Hierdie vier leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het deurgedring na die AMESA Wiskunde Die toneelgroep het ‘n besige Augustusmaand Olimpiade wat op 1 Augustus by die Universiteit van Limpopo se Turfloop-kampus geskryf wat voorlê. Eers is daar ‘n slypskool met ervare sal word. Van links na regs is Gundo Netshifhefhe, Stefan Corbett, Leandrie de Jager en Roy regisseur en skrywer Jannes Erasmus vir finale Stewart. afronding. Daarna neem hulle deel aan die Tshwane
toneelfees wat van 7 tot 9 Augustus by Hoërskool Eldoraigne in Pretoria aangebied word. Twintig stukke gaan daar opgevoer word deur skole soos Menlopark, Afrikaans Seuns Hoër en Meisies Hoër en die Issie Venter Dramaskool. “Ons neem aan hierdie kunstefees ook deel ter voorbereiding van die ATKV-Tienertoneelkompetisie,” het Marcel gesê. Die toneelgroep tree op 12 Augustus plaaslik op, met die ATKV Gauteng-Suid tienertoneel-streekfees daarna. Dié fees word vanaf 18 tot 22 Augustus in die Springs stadsteater aangebied. Daar sal 20 stukke deelneem en die beste vier stukke sal weer die 22ste tydens die streeksfeesfinaal optree. “Die kompetisie gaan sterker as ooit tevore wees, aangesien die ATKV Tienertoneel sy 50ste bestaansjaar vier. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se toneelgroep het die afgelope aantal jare ‘n baie hoë standaard gehandhaaf en ons mik hierdie jaar vir niks minder nie,” het Marcel gesê. Daar gaan omtrent 185 stukke vanoor die land en Namibië opgevoer word.
Sanger en aanbiddingsleier Julius Magan het Sondagaand, 27 Julie, die bediening waargeneem by die Agapé Christensentrum in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Die geleentheid is ook deur ander kerkgroepe en lede van die gemeenskap bygewoon.
* 1 Burger Street, Louis Trichardt * Tel: 015 516 6562 * Gukhula Str, Unit S3, Industrial area, Shayandima * Tel: 015 964 3588
Grand Opening in Musina 1 August 2014
Aflewering binne 24 uur PETROL DIESEL Trotse verskaffers van CaltexPARAFFIEN Produkte Kontak Fanu Booyens Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 PETROL
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Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
6 Harry Townsend (Old Cross Mill) Tel: 078 889 1195
015Straat 516 1570 P Faks: 516 3098 Unikastraat. 3Tel: Unika O Box015 3104 Louis3 Trichardt Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: DIESEL
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PARAFFIEN
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt
1 Augustus 2014 7
8 1 August 2014
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, Sondae History Makers om 17:00. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past John Struwig (083 400 2511) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruh Street 25, Sunday services 10:00 & 18:00, adult Bible class at 09:15 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956
• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot • WEEKLIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek sal elke Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooi- van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hulle leuse is “Vrolikheid mark by Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis by die grysheid!” en alle belangstellendes word Trichardt) gehou word. hartlik uitgenooi om in te skakel by die klub. Enige iemand is welkom om te kom uitstal. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by die sentrum. 082 921 6110. Vir meer inligting, skakel Davonnies by 015 516 5749. • MINISTERS FRATERNAL The • AAND VAN SPONTANE AAN- ministers fraternal of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) BIDDING Shammah Bedieninge in Makha- meets every Tuesday. For more information Rev Robbie Novella can do (Louis Trichardt) nooi die gemeenskap uit be contacted on 015 516 5165. om elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand vanaf 19:00 ‘n aand van spontane aanbidding in ‘n • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die Geesgevulde aanbiddingsatmosfeer saam met Manne van die Woord in Makhado (Louis Trichhulle te ervaar. ardt) kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Vir verdere inligting of navrae kan past. Stry- Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. dom by 082 7850 265 geskakel word. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word. • VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die • BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENVroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand van 18:00 tot 19:00 by Imperial GM (lokaal waar TER The Bahá’í Information Center in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) will meet every evening vroue vergader) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) bymekaar. “Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om during weekdays from 18:30 until 20:30. For more information phone 015 518 4154. te bid, geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om vroue na God se hart te wees. Alle vroue, • LEKKER KUIER UUR Soutpansjonk en oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. berg Info & Tourism, in samewerking met Purple Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 Olive, nooi almal uit om elke Donderdagaand 422 5248 geskakel word. van 18:00 tot 19:00 saam met hulle te kom kuier. Die doel van die kuiersessies is om mense saam te bring en bewus te maak van geleenthede in die Soutpansberg area wat hulle saam kan verken. • AA BYEEN Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) (Seven-day forecast) vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Metodiste Kerk te 79 Munnikstraat in Makhado (Louis Thursday, 31 July Trichardt) en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het Sunny and pleasant. om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf High: 21oC Low: 5oC 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jannie by tel. 079 300 6876. Friday, 1 August
ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt
High: 24oC Low: 6oC Saturday, 2 August Sunny and pleasant.
• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937
Sunday, 3 August
• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350
Sunny and pleasant.
High: 22oC Low: 4oC Monday, 4 August Plenty of sunshine.
High: 24oC Low: 4oC Tuesday, 5 August Plenty of sunshine.
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391
High: 24 C Low: 6 C
• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324
Wednesday, 6 August
• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to New churches welcome.
Nice with sunshine.
High: 22oC Low: 5oC
• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
• Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.
• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446
Plenty of sun.
High: 25oC Low: 6oC (Source:
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2014. Please send the details to, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www.
This year’s Makhado Show promises to be an event worth remembering. The show will commence on Thursday (31 July) with the mayoral street parade, fanfare and mayoral soccer tournament and will end on Saturday night (2 August).
AUGUSTUS • INNI-BERG FEES Inwoners kan nou reeds 1 en 2 Augustus in hul dagboeke merk, want dan is dit weer tyd vir die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se gewilde Inni-Berg Fees. Soos gewoonlik sal daar weer heelwat wees om na uit te sien en te geniet. Buiten die stalletjies, sal die vermaakprogram weer luister aan die geleentheid gee met optredes deur Armand Hofmeyr en Kwaggabees die Vrydag en Ricus Nel en Mwah die Saterdag. Toegang beloop R50 per volwassene en hoërskoolleerlinge, R30 vir laerskoolleerlinge en is gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Vir meer inligting of om stalletjies te bespreek, skakel Hannes by tel. 073 257 8671 of stuur ‘n e-pos na Daar is nog net beperkte uitstalruimtes beskikbaar.
WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2014. Stuur besonderhede na, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by
LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
• VETKOEK-EN-MAALVLEIS TE KOOP Harcourts in Makhado (Louis
Trichardt) verkoop op 1 Augustus weer heerlike vetkoek-en-maalvleis ten bate van BergCare. Die vetkoeke verkoop teen R15 stuk en aflewering word gedoen indien 10 en meer vetkoeke bestel word. Let asseblief daarop dat bestellings voor 12:00 op 31 Julie geplaas moet word deur die kantoor te skakel by tel. 015 516 1526. Harcourts is geleë te Kroghstraat 126.
• BUSHVELD WALK Ridgeway College
in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) will once again host their popular Bushveld Walk on Saturday, 2 August. Registration will take place from 08:00, with the race starting at 09:00. The entry fee is R15 for primary school students and R30 for high school students and adults (pre-registration can be done by contacting the college office on 015 161 0210). The venue is along the Fort Edward Road. Travel south on the N1 from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) and turn left on the Fort Edward Road. Continue 3km on this road and then turn right at the sign post for the walk-a-thon. Walkers must bring along water bottles, so the environment is not ruined with plastic water sachets. Bottles can be re-filled at the various water points. Refreshments will be on sale. There will be prizes for male and female competitors in each category and all participants will receive a certificate.
gemeenskap kan solank hulle vere regskud vir ‘n groot kultuurgeleentheid, “Die beste van die beste”, wat bestaan uit trefferliedjies vanuit verskillende eras. Dit is die gesamentlike revue van Hoërskool en Laerskool Louis Trichardt op 4, 5 en 6 Augustus en begin elke aand om 18:30. (Vervolg op p. 9)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 28 July. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
28/07/2014 21/07/2014
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
99.8% 99.8% 100.1% 100% 101.2% 101% 100.3% 100% 100.8% 100% 53.3% 53.3% 101% 101% 65.8% 66.7% 100.2% 100% 100.5% 100% 98.2% 98.8% 98.2% 98.7%
* Means latest available data
MALL OF THE NORTH TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION 13LV ˛ Fri-Sun: 17:30,20:45 Mon-Thu: 11:00,14:15,17:30,20:45
13L ˛ Fri: 9:10,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:15,22:50 Sat: 22:50,9:10,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:15 Sun,Tue: 9:10,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:15 Mon,Wed: 12:00,14:45,17:30,20:15 Thu: 12:00,14:45,17:30,20:15
7-9 PGL ˛ Fri,Sat: 9:15,11:45,14:30,17:15,19:45,22:45 Sun,Tue: 9:15,11:45,14:30,17:15,19:45 Mon,Wed: 11:45,14:30,17:15,19:45 Thu: 11:45,14:30,17:15,19:45
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 PGV ˛ Ç Fri-Sun: 9:45,12:30,15:15
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY - 3D 10-12PGV ¸ ˛ Ç Fri: 9:00,11:30,14:00,17:00,20:00,22:30 Sat: 11:30,14:00,17:00,20:00,22:30 Sun,Mon: 11:30,14:00,17:00,20:00 Tue: 9:00,11:30,14:00,17:00,20:00 Wed,Thu: 11:30,14:00,17:00,20:00
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 10-12PGV ¸ ˛ Ç Sat,Sun: 9:00
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 10-12GLV ˛ Ç Fri,Tue: 9:05,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30 Sat-Mon: 12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30 Wed,Thu: 12:15,15:00,17:45,20:30
10-12 PG ˛ Fri,Sat: 9:15,11:45,14:15,16:45,19:30,22:15 Sun,Tue: 9:15,11:45,14:15,16:45,19:30 Mon,Wed: 11:45,14:15,16:45,19:30 Thu: 11:45,14:15,16:45,19:30
Follow us
• SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 / 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
1 Augustus 2014 9
CALENDAR / WHAT’S ON? KALENDER / WAT GEBEUR? (Vervolg van p. 8) Die verskillende kaartjiepryse is R30, R40 en R50, maar die gala-aand op 6 Augustus kos R100 per kaartjie en sluit ‘n ligte ete in. Vir meer besonderhede kan die skoolkantoor geskakel word by 015 516 5151 of me. Annelle Pauer by 071 334 0447.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
Leon Ferreira sal ook daardie aand optree. Daar is verskillende soorte biltong en brode en die tafels word gereeld volgemaak. Die enigste vangplek is dat hierdie gewilde aand gewoonlik lank vooruit volbespreek is. Dit is dus noodsaaklik om so gou moontlik kaartjies te koop teen R100 per volwassene en R50 vir kinders jonger as 12 jaar. Die aand begin om 18:30 vir 19:00. Vir navrae of kaartjies, skakel Tommy Janse van Rensburg by 015 5162470 of 083 346 6600 of die kerkkantoor by 015 5160486.
ences, and it is recommended that you come and experience both,” says choir leader, Pastor Grant Clifton. In addition to the choir performances, there will be fun games and prizes to be won. Meals will be on sale during the interval. Tickets are priced at R50 per person per show or a special ticket for R80 to attend both evenings. Tickets are available at the church office of the Agapé Christian Centre.
lege. Block bookings can be made for between eight and 10 people per table. Tickets cost R150 per person and own drinks and a light meal must be supplied. For reservations or more information, phone Linda (082 575 5738) or Stuart (082 771 2655).
• NASIONALE BRAAIDAG Woensdag, 24 September, is nasionale braaidag! Die N G Kerk Soutpansberg in Makhado (Louis Die Lalapanzi Hotel gaan groot en bied ‘n Trichardt) verkoop op 8 Augustus heerlike • DOPPER KERMIS ‘n Uithaler kermis heerlike braaidag aan met spesiale programme en hoenderpasteie. sal op Saterdag, 6 September, op die terrein van ‘n gaskunstenaar, William Blackrose. Toegang Die pasteie sal vanaf 11:00 tot 16:00 by die • ROADHOGS CHARITY RALdie Gereformeerde Kerk op Makhado (Louis sal R20 per volwassene en R10 per laerskoolkind kerksaal afgehaal kan word teen R60 elk. Let LY Die Roadhogs wees. Vleispakkies sal beskikbaar wees, terwyl Trichardt) plaasvind. asseblief daarop dat bestellings betyds geplaas van Makhado (Louis eie koelbokse nie toegelaat word nie. Die gemeente is kliphard aan die werk en moet word. Vir meer inligting en bestellings, Trichardt) se jaarlikse Daar gaan nie ‘n vervelige oomblik wees nie nader aan die datum sal meer besonderhede skakel Gerrie by tel. 084 596 5912. Charity Rally (dit is die beskikbaar wees. en die opwindende aktiwiteite sluit in ‘n geregieerste jaar wat dit in • GESINSKAMP Na ‘n baie geslaagde • AP KERK PRETDAG ‘n Vyf-uur- streerde bergfietsroete, ‘n sweepklapdemonstradie formaat van ‘n rally lange uithourit vir vier- en tweewiel motorfietse, sie, perderitte, ‘n waterglybaan, ‘n springkasteel, mannekamp is Julius Magan genooi om ‘n geaangebied gaan word) tesame met ‘n hengelkompetisie en ‘n verskeid- voortrekkerspeletjies, voëlkyk en ‘n Zumsinskamp van 8 tot 10 Augustus by Northwich vind plaas vanaf 29 tot enheid ander vermaak, word tydens ‘n pretdag op ba-vertoning. Daar sal ook ‘n sangkompetisie Game Ranch aan te bied. 31 Augustus. Northwich is op die hoek van die N1 en die 6 September by Hengelparadys by die Albasini- onder leiding van sangeres Sarina Briedenham Die naweek se aktiwiteite vind plaas by die saamval met die braaidag. Oudisies sal op 2, 3 R523 in Waterpoort geleë. Die tema van die dam aangebied. munisipale karavaanpark, met die hekke wat en 4 September plaasvind en die wenner sal die gesinskamp is “The blood of Jesus Saves”. Die Toegang is gratis. Inskrywingsgeld vir die Vrydag om 12:00 open. Geld wat tydens die koste is R500 per persoon vir ‘n kamer vir die verhoog met sanger William Blackrose deel om verskillende kompetisies beloop R100 per kind naweek ingesamel word, sal vanjaar aan die Lou- vir die uithourit wat om 08:30 begin en R200 naweek, R400 per persoon vir ‘n staanplek vir een wenliedjie voor die gehoor uit te voer. is Trichardt DBV geskenk word. Soos gewoonlik per volwasse deelnemer aan die uithourit wat om die naweek en R200 per persoon vir dagbeVir deelname of meer inligting kan Inga Gilfilsal daar ‘n massarit deur die dorp wees, asook soekers vir die naweek. Bywoning is gratis vir lan by 072 509 3939 geskakel word. 10:00 begin. Beide uithouritte maak voorsiening lekker kos, musiek, speletjies, ‘n kontantkroeg kinders onder 10 jaar. Etes is ingesluit. Persone of instansies wat stalletjies wil bevir verskillende klasse motorfietse. Vir meer inligting en besprekings, skakel Lindi en talle stalletjies. Wat vermaak betref, sal Ricky spreek, kan vir Petria skakel by 082 555 1672. In die hengelkompetisie, waar daar vanaf 5 Faber Vrydag en Saterdag sing, met Juan Bouch- September om 16:00 tot die volgende dag 15:00 by 087 550 1070 of • THANKSGIVING FÊTE The New er wat besoekers Saterdagaand sal vermaak. gevang kan word, beloop die inskrywingsgeld • LC4 WOMAN OF THE YEAR Apostolic Church in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) Vir meer inligting, skakel Johan by tel. 084 R100 per persoon of R200 per boot. Daar sal Ladies Circle 4 in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) will be holding their Thanksgiving Fête on 27 557 0149 of Yolanda by 082 972 2060. pryse wees vir die grootste karp, baber en swart- September from 09:30. once again invites residents to nominate their baars. Woman of the Year. It will take place in the corner of the park• HAANTJIEKERK HOU Navrae oor die uithouritte kan gerig word aan ing lot at Makhado Crossing and there will be Persons wishing to nominate someone must BASAAR Die Haantjiekerk in Makhado Peet (083 469 0138), Dries (082 898 8766) of SMS the words LC4LTT plus the nominee’s pancakes, boerewors rolls, cold drinks, milk tart (Louis Trichardt) se jaarlikse basaar is op hande Swannie (082 330 2074), en vir die hengelkom- and stokworsies. Second-hand goods will also be name and telephone number to 37587. The cost petisie aan Willie (084 494 5209). per SMS is R5. The closing date for nominations en vind hierdie jaar op 30 Augustus plaas. on sale. “We hope to see all of you there,” invites Die vleistafel met sy bekostigbare wild-, vark-, • VROUEKAMP Die Vroue van die is 6 August, with the winner to be announced on the church. bees- en skaapvleis is altyd ‘n plesier om te 9 August on national Women’s Day. Woord Louis Trichardt bied hul derde vroueka• 1978 REÜNIE Die 1978 matrieks van Please note that nominees should be available besoek, om nie eers van die goedkoopste en lek- mp van 12 tot 14 September aan. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt beplan ‘n reünie vir kerste biltong in die dorp te praat nie. As jy nie on 9 August. Die tema is “Voluit vrou, want jy kan!” met Saterdag, 27 September, by die Lalapanzi Hotel. lus is vir kosmaak nie, is daar heerlike kerrie-en• TRIEGIE TONEEL Gaste wat Hoër- rys, pasteie, pannekoek en hamburgers te koop. sprekers Marinda Strydom en Catherina Stry“Ons wil asseblief soveel moontlik van hierdie dom. skool Louis Trichardt se formele première met jaar se matrieks daar hê,” nooi die organiseer“Jy kan jou maaltyd afrond met ‘n smaaklike Die kamp word gehou by Kamp Aquila, 56 twee debuut tienertoneelproduksies op Dinsdag, skeppie poeding en dan, net vir die lekkerte, ’n ders. Vir meer inligting, skakel dr. Len van der km buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) op die 12 Augustus, gaan meemaak, gaan getrakteer Walt by tel. 076 403 4034 of stuur ‘n e-pos na heerlike koek of tert huis toe neem. Skaf dan Vivo-pad. Die kampprys is R650 per persoon word op teater soos nog min tevore. sommer ook bietjie koeksisters, kleinkoekies en Dié formele teaterproduksies begin om 18:30 beskuit aan om die winter se finale stuiptrekkings waar vier persone deel. Alle etes is ingesluit. Die duurder opsie (R750 vir ‘n twee-bed chalet) is vir 19:00 en slegs 80 kaartjies is beskikbaar teen hok te slaan,” sê die gemeente. R150 per persoon. Die aand sluit ‘n driegang reeds vol bespreek. Die handwerkstalletjie beloof sy gewone vermaaltyd in. “‘Miss’ Soph en Jakobus beloof om Vir meer inligting of besprekings kan Madelyn rassings en die kinders kan hulle rande kom rek serotonienvlakke op te jaag met hul Afrikaanse Stolz geskakel word by 083 442 5248 of Sarah by die wit-olifant en die tombola tafels. Verder weergawe van Dinner for one en die ensemble du Toit by 084 409 8036. Alternatiewelik kan ‘n is daar ook ’n groot verskeidenheid kraakvars van Harnas gaan almal se gedagtes vasvang e-pos gestuur word na groente en die mooiste plante te koop. Die kerk • AKKEDIS MTB CHALLENGE met vars en nuwe, organiese visuele beelde,” sê se jeug bied X-box speletjies aan en hulle gaan It is almost time again for the annual Akkedis • NG LEVUBU BASAAR Die NG regisseur Marcel van Niekerk. ook kyk na die kleinspan met hulle spesiale Mountain Bike challenge with races over disKerk Levubu-gemeente gaan op Saterdag, 13 Vir besprekings of navrae kan Marcel gekon“Nanny” diens. ‘n Verdere bonus is vanjaar se tances of 60km, 35km and 10km respectively on September, vanaf 08:30 lekker boerebasaar hou tak word by 074 429 9984 of by marcelvn86@ afval stalletjie, waar mense met ’n smaak vir op hul kerkterrein en almal is welkom om te kom 9 August. dié gereg hulle honger kan kom stil. Verrigtinge The gruelling 60km race will start and finish deel in die feestelikhede. • FUN AT SOUTIES Soutpansberg neem reeds Vrydagaand ’n aanvang, met heerat the Hanglip Komatiland Forestry office with Heerlike middagete, wat behels ‘n skaap en like hamburgers wat bestel en gekoop kan word Primary School in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) a circle route, while the 35km race will be an vark spitbraai, potbrode, slaaie, pap-en-sous en by die kerksaal. Bestellings vir hamburgers kan will host their annual Merry-Go-Round on the heerlike “basaarpoeding” sal vanaf 12:00 beskik- intermediate to moderate route with marshals at ook vooraf geplaas word by Cato de Bruin by school premises from Thursday, 14 August, to baar wees. Kaartjies hiervoor kan vooraf gekoop every critical intersection. If the 60km and 35km 083 293 4668 teen R20 stuk. Saturday, 16 August. word by Marli Beetge in Levubu by tel. 082 833 races do not appeal to you, there is always the Vir meer inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by The entrance fee is R15 and fun rides such 6637, en in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) by Elize 10km race. For more information visit http:// 015 516 3902. as the Sizzler, Tornado, Aeroplanes, Big Slide, Venter (079 884 4977) of Adri Venter (071 491 Rocket, Ghost House and Boats on the Water • DANS OP WATERPOORT Kom 2850). Buiten die lekker middagete, kan daar ook • 4x4-nuus Die Louis Trichardt 4x4-klub will be presented. For the hungry tummies there raak ontslae van die winter styfheid tydens ‘n rondgesnuffel word vir ‘n winskopie by die talle se volgende maandelikse vergadering is op 21 will be lots to eat, including stokwors, vetkoek, lekker dans in die Waterpoort Boeresaal op 30 stalletjies. Dit sluit in ‘n plaasstal (groente en Augustus. cold drinks and sweets. Augustus! vrugte), teetuin (met varsgebakte koek, vrugDie klub se volgende maandelikse uitstappie is For further information Ms Estelle Pretorius Die dans begin om 18:00 en kaartjies kos tesappe, tee en koffie), koektafel, vleistafel en op 17 Augustus. Vir meer inligting, skakel CW can be contacted on 082 951 7101. R80 per persoon vir volwassenes en hoërskoolplantstalletjie. Dan is daar ook vetkoek en maal- Burger by tel. 082 378 3151. • DISKONTO BOEKE BY TRIE- kinders, R40 per persoon vir laerskoolleerlinge vleis, worsbroodjies, stokworsies, pannekoek, en is gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Die prys van Hansie en Grietjie-snoepie vir die kleingoed, GIES Diskonto Boeke hou hul jaarlikse mengelmoes kardoes tafel, fototafel en wit-olidie kaartjie sluit ‘n ete in. boeke-uitstalling en –verkoping vanaf 25 tot 27 “Bring die hele familie. Daar is iets vir oud en fant tafel. Daar is ook hope pret en speletjies op Augustus in die skoolsaal van Laerskool Louis • SEEKOEI BERGFIETSWEDdie program. jonk,” nooi die organiseerders. Trichardt. REN EN KERSMARK Die streek ‘n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees. Eie eet“Hulle het ‘n ongelooflike wye verskeidense bergfietsryers kan nou reeds begin regmaak • SPRING FESTIVAL It is time once heid kinder- en tienerlektuur. Daar is fiksie en gerei moet egter voorsien word. Daar sal ook ‘n vir die jaarlikse Seekoei Bergfietswedren op 1 again for the Spring Festival in Haenertsburg and nie-fiksie in Afrikaans en Engels. Daar is ook springkasteel en snoepie vir die jongklomp wees. November. Magoebaskloof from 20 to 28 September. lektuur vir volwassenes, dagstukkieboeke, boeke Vir kaartjies, skakel Lionel (082 877 8695), Die wedren vind plaas by Laerskool Levubu “There are gardens to visit, food to be enoor stokperdjies en vele ander. Die pryse is baie Wally (083 278 1729) of Bertie (084 738 8979). ten bate van die Levubu CVO Skool en daar joyed, markets to explore, quaint village shops billik,” sê me. Regine Bouwer van die laerskool. sal drie afstande wees waaraan deelgeneem kan to browse, arts and crafts and local stalls in the Sy kan ook by die skoolkantoor geskakel word word, naamlik 70 km, 35 km en 10 km. Daar sal Magoebaskloof Hotel and in the Haenertsburg vir meer inligting by 015 516 5151. vanjaar ook ‘n pretrit vir die kleuters wees wat Village Hall,” say the organisers. • AGAPÉ AFRICAN CHOIR The • BROOD- EN BILTONGAAND in samewerking met Klouter Kabouter KleuterThe Johannesburg Festival Orchestra will Agapé African Choir will perform two totally Die AGS Charisma Kerk in Makhado (Louis also be at the Spring Festival. On 19 September, skool aangebied word. Vir meer inligting oor different shows on Friday, 5 September and Trichardt) bied op 29 Augustus weer hulle gedie bergfietswedren, skakel Jannie Sounes by Richard Cock will present a delightful concert wilde jaarlikse brood- en-biltongaand aan in die Saturday, 6 September. with Susan Cock (keyboard), Phil Cox (trumpet), 079 300 6876, of 076 813 4855 vir inskrywing Both evenings will commence at 18:30 at the vir die pretrit. Uitstallers (kersmark), ‘n biertuin, Camelia Onea (violin) and Carel Henn (cello) stoeiklub se saal. Agapé Christian Centre in 90 Munnik Street. springkasteel en boeresport sal ook beskikbaar from 06:30 to 07:30 at the Haenertsburg ChrisDie brood- en biltongaand is al ‘n instelling “Friday night’s show is called African Dream, wees. Om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek, skakel 082 tian Church. The cost is R75 per person. On 23 en die gemeenskap word hartlik uitgenooi na ‘n geselligheid waar elkeen soveel biltong en brood and Saturday night’s show is called African Beat. September, the orchestra will perform from 19:00 063 1775. Dagsorg by die kleuterskool kan ook The shows are two exciting, different experigereël word deur 084 291 3376 te skakel. at the Barnyard Theatre at Stanford Lake Colkan eet as wat hy of sy kan. Die Gospel sanger • HOENDERPASTEIE TE KOOP
10 1 August 2014
Hierdie groep Graad 12’s van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is die top akademiese presteerders in hul graad na afloop van die tweede kwartaal. Voor, van links na regs, is Tanganedzani Magodi, Andries Louw, Payal Upadhyay, Daniél Coetzee en Liesbet Voigt. Agter is Jaco Linde, Lucinda Strydom, Johan Fick, Xihungasi Nkwinika en Mthembi Nkuna.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het die top Graad 11 akademiese presteerders na afloop van die tweede kwartaal aangekondig. Voor, van links na regs, is Emmanuel Motloung, Daniel Minnie, Eliam van de Vyver, Maanda Phathela en Nkhensani Shimange. Agter is Lana Steyn, Vhuthu-Hawe Molokana, Phindulo Mamafha, Tshilidzi Mufamadi en Renier Scheepers.
BJV hou jaarlikse takvergadering Die Soutpansberg-tak van die Bosveld JagtersAlle lede, asook persone wat belang stel om en Wildsbewaringvereniging (BJV) hou op aan te sluit by die BJV, word hartlik uitgenooi Woensdag, 6 Augustus, om 18:00 ‘n takverga- om die vergadering by te woon. dering wat sal plaasvind by die Soutpansberg Vir meer inligting kan Lia Holtshauzen geskaGholfklub. kel word by 082 9739 015.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se top Graad 10 akademiese presteerders na afloop van die tweede kwartaal is aangewys. Voor, van links na regs, is Lian van Emmenis, Rotondwa Netshia, Kunj Desai, Cillian Makhado en Juan Aucamp. Agter is Jaks Cronjé, Caroline Ramaite, Rolivhuwa Nephawe, Dialize Grobler en Caylee van Rooyen.
Hierdie groepie is Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se top Graad 9 akademiese presteerders na afloop van die tweede kwartaal. Voor, van links na regs, is Khevana Naik, Antonie Scholtz, Emené Jordaan, Joleen de Swardt en Shiluva Nkanyani. Agter is Christiaan König, Tsholofelo Thamae, Lusani Sadiki, Maryke Visagie en Tshovhewaho Munonde.
29 - 31 Aug 2014 Place: Louis Trichardt Caravan Park Entry: R150 (incl. badge) Gates open Friday @ 12:00
Day Jol turns into RALLY! Funds generated will be donated to the SPCA of Louis Trichardt. Come and show your support.
Tin 4 Tin Run
Bring any dog or cat food to match Rhodes’ AMAZING contribution!! Tin 4 Tin Run in conjunction with...
GREAT entertainment planned for the whole weekend. Look out for more info in next week’s edition.
Johan - 084 557 0149 Tobie - 082 976 8956 01 Aug 2014
1 Augustus 2014 11
Leerlinge presteer op kultuurfront
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Hoërskoolleerlinge van die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het besonder goed gevaar tydens die CVO Skool Vivo se kultuurfees die afgelope naweek. Van links Al hierdie laerskoolleerlinge van die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem na regs is Cody Zaayman, Melissa Stemmet en aan die kultuurfees wat op Vivo deur die CVO Skool Vivo aangebied is. Daar was verskillende Chandré Breytenbach. Al drie het of A++ of kategorieë waarin leerlinge hulle goed van hulle taak gekwyt het en almal bo 85% behaal het. A+++ toekennings in hul verskeie items ontvang. Science
Prepare for National Science Week The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) will, for the third year running, be participating in National Science Week (NSW). NSW 2014, organised by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA), under the auspices of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), will run from 2 to 9 August. The week, an initiative of the DST, is a countrywide celebration of science, involving various stakeholders and role players conducting science-based activities during the week. The aim of SAASTA is to advance public awareness, appreciation and engagement of science, engineering and technology in South Africa. SAASTA is a business unit of the National Research Foundation (NRF). NSW is run in all
nine provinces simultaneously at multiple sites per province. This year’s theme is Today’s science, tomorrow’s world. The SAC will focus on astronomy, space technology and mathematics during the week at the venues below, starting two days earlier, on 31 July, to coincide with the annual Makhado Show. Various activities will be run, including the opportunity to look at the sun, moon, Saturn, stars and deep-sky objects through a telescope, discussions and demonstrations, and handout material, including posters and career information, will be available. The SAC venues are: 31 July - Makhado Show (12:00 - 21:00); 1 August - Makhado Show (12:00 - 21:00); 2 August - Mall of the North in Polokwane
(12:00 - 21:00); 3 August - Savannah Mall in Polokwane (09:00 - 13:00); 4 August - School to be confirmed in Vhembe District (08:00 - 13:00); 5 August - St Brendans School in Matoks (08:00 - 13:00); 6 August - School to be confirmed in Vhembe District (08:00 - 13:00); 7 August - Letaba Show in Tzaneen (12:00 21:00); 8 August - Letaba Show in Tzaneen (12:00 21:00); and 9 August - Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) from 12:00 - 21:00 For further information, contact Kos Coronaios at 079 148 4934.
Your One-Stop Health Shop at Factory Prices You can find us nestled in the Soutpansberg Mountains - please visit our Factory for your health needs. Or contact us via phone or e-mail on 071 690 1999 - for prices and to place an order. • Macadamia Nuts • Mixed Nuts • Walnuts • Dried Mango • Dried Peaches • Energy Mix • Corn Chutney • Avocados
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Botlokwa: Cnr. of N1 & Ramakgopa Road, Botlokwa. On N1 Highway. Tel: 015 - 527 1721. Elim Mall: Cnr Livubu and Giyani Rd, Elim 015 556-7103/7118 Louis Trichardt: 72, Kruger Street, cnr. Joubert Street (below Municipality). Tel: 015 - 516 5726/7. Makhado: Shop 31, Makhado Crossing, Makhado. Tel: 015 - 516 0647/0661/2129.
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12 1 August 2014 Liefdadigheid
BergCare spog nou ook met goedkoop winkel
The MOTH’s Turbi Hills Shellhole in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) elected their executive committee for 2014 and 2015 over the past weekend. From left to right are Adjudant Edgar Thornhill, Sgt Major Sybrand Smit, Daan Rossouw (Deputy Old Bill), Alan Odendaal (Old Bill of Turbi Hills Shellhole), Mike Soutter (Old Bill of the MOTH Order) and Stuart Howie (provincial Old Bill). Absent from the photo was Paybill Marius Prinsloo. This year’s election coincided with the MOTHs’ Provincial Platinum AGM that was hosted at the local shellhole. Photo supplied.
On Saturday, 26 July, more than 50 MOTH (Memorable Order of Tin Hats) delegates from as far as Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North West and Limpopo gathered at the local Turbi Hills Shellhole in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) for the Platinum Provincial AGM and Sunset Parade. Photo supplied.
As jy dit kan noem, gaan die nuwe BergCare Liefdadigheidswinkel dit sekerlik hê om te verkoop. BergCare is ‘n nie-winsgewende diensorganisasie in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) met die uitsluitlike doel om ‘n daadwerklike verskil te maak in die gemeenskap ten opsigte van armoedeverligting en –voorkoming. Oorspronklik het BergCare ontstaan vanuit die NG Kerk Moedergemeente, wat betrokke is by verskeie gemeenskapsorganisasies en –projekte. Nou bedryf hierdie organisasie ook ‘n liefdadigheidswinkel vanaf die NG Kerk se perseel in Erasmusstraat. Hierdie winkel maak staat op donasies vanuit die gemeenskap. Enige tweedehandse goedere word verwelkom, veral klere. Die jas wat verlede jaar in die mode was, maar nou nie meer nie, kan dalk hierdie jaar iemand deur die snerpende koue help. Die winkel is geleë in die ry kantore agter die kerkgebou, in die Karee-lokaal. Goedere en donasies kan daar afgelaai word, en kliënte kan Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae vanaf 08:00 tot 12:00 inloer om inkopies te doen. Die vriendelike mev. Sougnet Nel sal gedurende hierdie tye altyd beskikbaar wees om te help. Vir meer inligting kan die kerkkantoor geskakel word by tel. 015 516 3902. Ander organisasies waarby BergCare tans ook betrokke is die Tshitandani Kinderhuis, waar straatkinders gehelp word om ‘n opvoeding te kry, asook kos. BergCare werk ook aan ‘n huis waar bejaardes
versorg kan word. Vir meer inligting of om betrokke te raak by BergCare, kan Eldine Peli geskakel word by 082 855 1108, Andries Smal by 082 899 9543 of Lucas Vermeulen by 083 297 6924.
Mev. Sougnet Nel, wat in die BergCare Lief dadigheidswinkel werksaam is. Inwoners word gevra om al hul tweedehandse goedere, veral klere, by haar af te lewer.
4de Inni-Berg Fees
1-2 Augustus 2014 Net buite LTT op N1 suid na Pietersburg links op Elim pad R578 ingang op linkerkant net na afrit.
17h30 18h00 19h30 20h30
Armand Hofmeyr Akademie
Dié slimkoppe die beste in Graad 8 RICUS NEL
SATERDAG 02 AUGUSTUS 2014 08h00 09h00 10h00 11h00 12h00 13h00 14h00 15h00 15h30 16h00 16h30 17h00 17h30 18h00 18h30 19h30 20h30 Find us on:
Volg Inni-Berg Fees op Facebook
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se top Graad 8 akademiese presteerders na afloop van die tweede kwartaal is aangewys. Voor, van links na regs, is Cassia van de Vyver, Catrien Dekker, Danika Malan en Heine de Jager. Agter is Annika Schwerdtfeger, Anicka Nel, Phillip Apea-Adu en Pfariso Maraga. Afwesig: Sumaya Nakedar en Mohammad Mulla.
“Today’s science, tomorrow’s world” The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club will be at various northern Limpopo venues from 31st July to 9th August.
DATE Thursday 31st July Friday 1st August Saturday 2nd August Sunday 3rd August Monday 4th August Tuesday 5th August Wednesday 6thAugust Thursday 7th August Friday 8th August Saturday 9th August
VENUE Makhado Show, Makhado Makhado Show, Makhado Mall of the North, Polokwane Savannah Mall, Polokwane St. Brendans School, Matoks Lemana High School - Elim School tba, Vhembe District Letaba Show, Tzaneen Letaba Show, Tzaneen Makhado Crossing, Makhado
Activities: Telescope viewing, discussions and demonstrations, handout material Tel: 073 257 8671
Kos Coronaios - 079 148 4934
TIME 12:00 - 21:00 12:00 - 21:00 12:00 - 21:00 09:00 - 13:00 08:00 - 13:00 08:00 - 13:00 08:00 - 13:00 12:00 - 21:00 12:00 - 21:00 12:00 - 21:00
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09h00 11h00 13h00 14h45 15h00 15h30 16h00 16h30 17h00
1 Augustus 2014 13
Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.
Met ‘n gemeenskap soos dié sal die Dorpswag nog jare lank sterk staan
ie Soutpansberg Dorpswag het die afgelope Saterdag (26 Julie) ‘n padstalletjie beman by die parkeerarea van OK Grocers. Hulle het, ter fondsinsameling, lekker eetgoed verkoop by dié stalletjie. Dit was ‘n groot sukses, en ons wil almal bedank. Ons dank gaan aan Carl Haasbroek, MRT Scrap Metals, Pieter van Heerden, Foodzone, Die Vleispot, Die Vleismark, Soutpansberg Koelkamers, JP van Niekerk, ZC Pretorius, PD Juweliers, Gert van der Westhuizen, Frans Vermaak, Koos Dercksen, Len Lemmer asook al die anonieme donasies en al die mense wat op die dag ook ‘n donasie gemaak het. As u naam nie hier staan nie,
beteken dit nie dat ons van u vergeet het nie. Ons wil ook dankie sê aan al die lede en hul families wat gehelp het. ‘n Spesiale woord van dank gaan aan Riaan Engelbrecht en James Raper wat alles op die been gebring het. Mooi so manne, nou weet ons wat julle elke maand gaan doen. Met ‘n gemeenskap soos dié gaan die Dorpswag nog jare sterk staan. Baie dankie aan almal. SAAM KAN ONS MISDAAD OORWIN! - Anton Peyper (Soutpansberg Dorpswag, Makhado / Louis Trichardt)
What messages are we sending out? The following is a reaction to the article about the release of Yahya Shoeb Jiwa, after he served only one year of his four-year-sentence for dealing in rhino horn.
hat is the message that we are sending as the justice system in this case? Are we saying it is OK to purchase rhino horns and purport the killing of these threatened animals? Our grand children will (only) read about the rhino, because the State arrest and release criminals even when they are convicted. This
guy will go and do it again and the would-be rhino poachers will proceed and do it, because they know that the State is not serious about this. What was the motive behind putting the guy behind bars for four years when it was known already that the guy would be released after serving not even half of the sentence. Now he is free enjoying everything; there is no sense in all these. - Benson Mpete
Hoe verkeerd hoor ek nou
Die kuns van onderhandeling
Jan van Brakpan bel die tandarts. “More Dokter, wat kos dit om ’n Jong Ierse meisie was ’n ‘n tand te trek?” jaar weg van die huis. Toe sy “Die totale koste sal R285 terugkeer, sê haar pa: “Waar wees.” was jy al die tyd? Hoekom het “Mensig, hoekom so duur?” jy nie geskryf of gebel nie? “Ons moet eers konsulteer, Weet jy waardeur jou ma is?” dan ‘n x-straal neem, en dan Die meisie, al huilende: “Pa, kan ons eers trek.” ek het as prostituut gewerk.” “Wat sal die prys wees as “Wat? Verlaat my huis dade- ons die konsultasie en die lik, jou hoer! Jy’s ’n skande vir x-ray skip?” “Jong, dit bring ‘n bietjie hierdie Katolieke gesin.” risiko mee maar sal die prys “As dit is wat Pa wil hê. Ek het net teruggekom om vir ma afbring na R157.” “En as ons dit sonder verhierdie luukse pelsjas te bring, dowing doen?” die titelakte van ’n tien-slaap“Dit is nie gewone praktyk kamer-huis en R5 miljoen. Vir nie en gaan bitter seer wees, my broer is daar ’n Rolex en maar sal ‘n verdere R20 goedvir jou, Pa, ’n splinternuwe koper wees.” Mercedes met ’n afslaankap “Wat van as een van jou wat buite geparkeer is. studente die tand trek?” Daar’s ook die lidmaatskap “Ek kan dan nie professiovan ’n gholfbaan… (skep naliteit waarborg nie, maar dit asem) en ’n uitnodiging aan sal dit verminder na R75.” julle almal om Oujaarsaand “Nog beter, hoekom laat ons saam met my deur te bring op nie een van jou studente die my nuwe seiljag by die Riviera tand trek nie terwyl die ander studente toekyk?” en…” “Dit sal goed wees vir die “My kind, wat het jy gesê het jy gedoen toe jy weg was van studente, maar dit kan baie traumaties raak vir die pasiënt. die huis?” val die pa haar in Sou ons hierdie roete gaan sal die rede. ek jou slegs R10 vra.” Meisie, huil weer: “ ’n… ’n “Nou praat jy my taal my prostituut.” tjomma! Kan ons dan ‘n “O! Genade, jy’t my byna afspraak bevestig vir my vrou dood laat skrik. Ek dog jy sê vir Dinsdagoggend Protestant! 9-uur?” Kom hier en gee Pa Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to Het jy ‘n goeie grappie? ’n drukkie!” Stuur dit per e-pos na
Daisy is besig om aan te pas in die land van Prada, met haar blou-oog sakeman aan haar sy. Haar peetkind, Plore, is egter die onwetende chaperone wat haar moet inlei en beskerm teen ‘n lewe weg van die plaaslewe. Nie dat Plore altyd die verskil tussen goed en sleg ken nie ...
en Plore ontdek Gomorra se geheime “H
oorie Plore, word wakker! Ek het ‘n wonderlike plan vir vandag. Toe nou! Hier is koffie en van jou ma se beskuit.” Daisy pluk-pluk aan haar peetkind se voet wat onder die duvet uitsteek. “Op, op, Plore, of ek gooi jou papnat!” “Dêmmit, Daisy! Mens sou sweer jy kom van die plaas af! Hier in die stad slaap mens tot die son opkom – veral op ‘n Sondag,” mompel Plore. Hy trek die duvet bo-oor sy kop en slaap verder. “O nee, dude. Daar is ‘n hele léwe daar buite en ek en jy gaan dit vandag soos ‘n pizza inryg!” Sonder verdere waarskuwing spring Daisy bo-op Plore se rug en begin hom met yskoue hande kielie. Sekondes later gryp Plore Daisy se hande vas en druk haar vas op die bed, sy hare skeefgeslaap en oë nog bot toe. “Oukei, Daisy, jy het my aandag. Laat ek my oorgee aan kaffeïne, dan vertel jy my solank wat jou planne is...” Hy gaap half-moerig. “Plore, ken jy daai liedjie van die Briel-egpaar, Een aand op ‘n trein na Pretoria? Nee? Miskien was dit ‘n bietjie voor jou tyd ... Picture
this, Plore – Die Gautrein na Gomorra! Ek weet jy het nog nie die trein probeer nie. Vandag gaan ek en jy Johannesburg toe met die trein!” Al antwoord wat Daisy kry is ‘n harde kreun voor Plore die kussing oor sy kop trek. “Toe, toe Plore! En jy moet flippen cool aantrek – die mense in Johannesburg kan gou sien as die mense van Snor City kom kuier en dan word hulle geteiken. G’n PTbroek of plakkies nie! Ek laat weet solank vir my dierbaarste blou-oog buurman hy hoef ons nie te kom haal nie, ons sal hom vir brêkfis by Montecasino kry. Hy sal só beïndruk wees met my oorspronklike idee – anders as jy!” Gedress en gepress parkeer Daisy en Plore by Hatfield se Gautrein-stasie ‘n uur later. Daisy het die treinskedules en kostes met haar nuwe iPhone ge-Bing en sy weet presies waar sy goue kaarte vir haar en Plore kan koop. “Haai, Plore – kyk net hoe mooi skoon en stil is dit! Is dit nie só special om iets in onse land te sien wat werk nie?” Daisy se kritiese oë kry niks verkeerd nie. “Ja, my antie. Dis seker nogal hectic hier gedurende die week?
Maar daar is vir seker genoeg parkering en als is goed aangedui. Moet sê, ek is self nogal oorweldig op ‘n goeie manier. Anders as die hele gemors van e-tol, nê?” lag hy onderlangs. “Dis nou nie heeltemal Engeland se pragtige landskappe of selfs die Bosveld nie,” sê Daisy vir Plore toe hulle by Sandton die roltrappe na die grondvlak neem. “Lyk maar vaal en verslete hier op die Hoëveld in die winter, met net ‘n paar moedelose bloekombome wat die koue trotseer. Ai, Plore, ek hoop daar is meer opwindende dinge om te sien vandag...” Tydens ontbyt het Bernard ‘n verrassing van sy eie vir Daisy en Plore. “Ek het gedink ek moet julle iets unieks aan Johannesburg gaan wys. Iets wat mens nooit, nooit op Waterpoort sal sien nie. Dis ‘n belewenis wat mens net kan wýs en nooit vertel nie, en dis glad nie so voorspelbaar soos Montecasino se uitstekende restaurante en dobbeltafels nie!” Plore kyk vir Bernard stil-stil uit. Hy het soveel van hierdie Doktor Young gehoor dat hy ietwat geïntimideer voel. Tot hulle by Bernard se kar kom: Plore fluit saggies toe hy die elegante swart BMW sien. Hy loop om die kar.
“Kyk, Plore, die dak kan af. Dis jammer dis nog so koud...” “Daisy, regtig. Dis nie belangrik nie! Weet jy wat die versnelling van hierdie kar binne agt sekondes is? Het jy enige idee van die perdekrag of wringkrag? Die naaste wat ek nog aan so ‘n kar was, is Top Gear.” Daarna het Bernard en Plore niks meer nodig om oor te gesels nie. Daisy sit agter in die kar met haar oë toe en luister met oorfone na musiek terwyl Bernard vreesloos en met groot spoed tussen die Sandton verkeer deurvleg. “Wel, hierdie ontmoeting het beter gegaan as wat ek gehoop het,” dink Daisy. “Verstommend dat ‘n onbelangrike ding soos ‘n stuk masjinerie onmiddellik ouderdoms- en kultuurgrense kan oorbrug en ‘n broederskap kan vestig. Miskien is enjinkapasiteit in die stad dalk net ‘n meer beskaafde samesnoerder as die vergelyking van kaliber op Waterpoort en Vivo!” Op haar eie lag Daisy sommer hardop, min wetende dat sy binne die volgende drie ure glad nie meer so ingenome sal wees met die glansende Gomorra nie! (Deel 2 volgende week!)
Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
Efesiërs 2:19-22
ie tempel wat Salomo gebou het was ‘n simbool van die volmaakte tempel wat God besig is om te bou. Die geestelike tempel wat bestaan uit gelowiges uit al die eeue. Die Skrif vergelyk die kerk van Christus, Sy liggaam, met ‘n gebou wat bestaan uit mense. Eerstens is daar die fondasie wat bestaan uit die apostels en profete. Die hoeksteen is die Here Jesus Christus self. Petrus skryf in 1 Petrus 2:6: “Kyk, Ek lê in Sion ‘n hoekklip, uitverkies vir die ereplek. Wie in Hom glo, word nooit teleurgestel nie.” Dan kom die stene op die fondasie. Die tempel sal voltooi wees wanneer die laaste uitverkorene tot geloof in God kom. Wanneer dit gebeur vind die wederkoms van Christus plaas. Die Here Jesus het na Sy mense, Israel, toe gekom om hulle te vertel van die saligheid wat in Hom te kry is. Hulle wou niks met Hom te doen hê nie en het Hom laat kruisig. Hulle het die ere-Hoeksteen verwerp. Is jy een van die lewende stene wat deel uitmaak van die ware tempel van God? Jy is as jy weergebore is. Moenie dat die woorde van Jesus in Lukas 20:18 waar wees in jou lewe nie: “Elkeen wat op hierdie klip val, sal verpletter word; elkeen op wie hy val, sal hy vermorsel.” Deur God se genade, wees ‘n steen tot Sy eer. - 079 5168303
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nonymous letters, where no details such as the name and address of the writer are supplied, will not be considered for publication. Readers who wish to remain anonymous must indicate this in the letter, but must still provide their details. Such detail will be confidential and will not be made available to outside parties.
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
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14 1 August 2014 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Polisie benodig hulp Die plaaslike polisie vra dat die gemeenskap handjie bysit met leidrade om die inbraak by Laerskool Louis Trichardt op te los. Daar is die naweek voor die skole op 21 Julie begin het, by die skool ingebreek en kontant, rekenaars, ‘n kamera en ‘n diktafoon is gesteel. Die kluisdeur is oopgesny, nadat toegang deur die dak en plafon van die skool se administratiewe blok verkry is. Verskeie ander deure is oopgebreek en beskadig. “Daar is nog geen arrestasie gemaak nie. Die speurders soek
na inligting wat kan lei tot die arrestasie van die oortreder(s). Die gemeenskap en skoolbestuur word nederig versoek om enige inligting in verband met hierdie saak deur te gee aan die plaaslike speurtak bevelvoerder, luitenant kolonel Monica Nemavhola, by 082 451 7154,” het die woordvoerder van die SAPD Makhado, A/O Takalani Madzhigili gesê. Intussen het mnr. Greg Stewart, departementshoof van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, bevestig dat die polisie vingerafdrukke kom neem het. Die skool se rekenaarnetwerkstelsel, inter-
komstelsel en kommunikasiestelsel met die ouers is herstel. Die skool is ook in die proses om die data wat op die gesteelde rekenaar by ontvangsbestuur was, te herwin. Die meeste deure is deur interne arbeid herstel. Die plafon moet nog herstel word. Na aanleiding van ‘n wenk om sekuriteitskameras te gebruik, het Stewart opgemerk dat inbrekers by ‘n skool in Florida vir die kamera gewaai het en net voortgegaan het. “Dit bly ‘n ewigdurende stryd,” het hy gesê. Dit blyk dat die skool wel sekere sekuriteitsmaatreëls verskerp het.
Herman Rossouw, ‘n Graad 4-leerling van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, staan by die kluis wat deur inbrekers oopgebreek is en wat nou darem weer kan sluit.
Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Jong sportseuns sit skouer aan die wiel by begraafplaas SHOW HOUSE 8 August 2014 between 15h00 - 18h00 Come properties - 69 Rietbok street Jana view this Leonie Bornwell Cornelia 083 318 1960
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Dit was moontlik die eerste keer in ‘n lang tyd dat opgewekte jongmensstemme in die begraafplaas van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) gehoor is. Die senior sportseuns van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het op 24 Julie die plaaslike begraafplaas ingevaar, gewapen met pikke, grawe, besems, harke en randsnyers (weed-eaters). “Ons wil graag in die gemeenskap terugploeg. Ons het gevra waar kan ons die grootste verskil maak en die seuns het saam daaroor besluit. So het dit gekom dat die seuns hul deel vir die dorp hier kom doen het, met die skool se implemente en hul eie,” het mnr. Coenie de Lange gesê, wat saam met die eerste en tweede rugbyspanne en eerste hokkiespan begraafplaas toe gegaan het. Die seuns is aangetref waar hulle vrolik werskaf
usiness irectory
What is hepatitis?
om die begraafplaas ‘n bietjie netjieser te laat uitmekaar val”. Hy het rondom die grafte skoongevertoon. Natuurlik was die randsnyer ‘n gewilde maak en bossies uitgehaal. Rugbyspeler Wors Muitem en die seuns het amper tougestaan om dit te laudzi was besig met die rantsnyer. “Dit voel goed om vir die gemeenskap iets te doen,” het hy gesê. gebruik. “Om hier te wees kan emosies ontlok as jy van die mense hier sou ken. Dis egter ‘n eer om hier skoon te maak waar mense lê wat ons land gedien het en vir ons land gesterf het. Ek hark die gras en blare en ek sal weer kom,” het rugbyspeler Matodzi Rapholo gesê. A.C. Geldenhuys speel vir die eerste rugbyspan én vir die eerste hokkiespan. Al wat hom Die senior sportseuns van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het op ‘n bietjie laat skrik het, is die feit dat 24 Julie vrywillig in die plaaslike begraafplaas gaan werk om “hier ‘n paar grafte is wat heeltemal dit ’n bietjie netjieser te laat vertoon.
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What viruses cause hepatitis? Mainly Hepatitis A, B, and C How are these viruses transmitted? Hepatitis A virus is spread directly from person to person, through putting something in the mouth that has been contaminated with the stool of a person infected with hepatitis A virus. This type of spread is called “faecal-oral.” The virus can also spread by drinking contaminated water/ice, eating contaminated foods (especially undercooked shellfish) and is more easily spread in areas where there are poor sanitary conditions and personal hygiene. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses are transmitted: • through infected blood and blood products, • sexual contact, • dirty surgical equipment • sharing needles for injecting drug use. • Mother to child
Hepatitis A virus
Hepatitis B virus
Hepatitis C virus
The South African National Blood Services ensures blood is safe as testing is rigorous. What are the symptoms of hepatitis? • Fever • Tiredness • abdominal pain • nausea • Vomiting • jaundice (yellow colouring of the skin and white of the eyes) 80% of infected people usually show no signs and symptoms of disease but can pass the disease on to others. Are there any vaccines? Yes. Hepatitis A and B vaccines are readily available in SA. The Hepatitis B vaccine is included in the routine immunisation programme for all children in South Africa.
Parents should ensure that children receive all 3 Hepatitis B vaccine doses. No vaccine is available yet for Hepatitis C. How is hepatitis tested for? Hepatitis A, B and C are diagnosed by doing blood tests. Can hepatitis be treated? For Hepatitis A, treatment is supportive and symptomatic, such as fluid replacement and rest. For hepatitis B and C, antiviral tablets and other medications may be given, depending on laboratory tests and other investigation.
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Hepatitis is inflammation or infection of the liver that can lead to liver cancer, liver failure and death.
1 Augustus 2014 15
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Kontak: 084 209 2506
Contact: 015 516 4003 072 373 8718 Nico 082 319 7105 Chris 26 Breda street
Ten volle gemeubileerd. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus. Huur - R3 500 Sluit DSTV, W & E, toesluit motorhuis, linne + diens in. Deposito betaalbaar. Verlang stil, rustige ouer enkelman. Nie rokers asb.
Tel: 015 516 0751 Munnikstr. 90, LTT
Registered plumber available
Bachelor woonstel te huur
PPE Clothing Contact: Amanda Tel: 015 516 3012 Fax: 015 516 3459 Cell: 084 429 8273
Grooming Parlour & Holiday Home We collect & deliver Walk-ins welcome, please be sure to book!
Skakel: 082 859 5074
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Kontak: 082 786 2489
Transport Services Available
Netjiese plaashuis te huur. 17km uit op Levubupad
083 301 8130
Transport service available anywhere in the Limpopo area or Gauteng at very good rates. • 8 Ton Isuzu FVR900 with 12 ton trailer For more information contact Phillip Potgieter on 082 926 8735
Lusern te koop
015 575 9941 012 335 2187 Louis Trichardt 084 867 5895
TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur. 3km op N1 Noord. Kontak: 083 251 8502 083 585 5692
Kontak Rina Botha by: 015 516 0116
TE HUUR Prima eiendom oorkant Makhado Crossing langs Auto Pedigree. Ideaal vir kantore of winkelruimte. Vir meer inligting, kontak: 083 778 6711
Shop or Office Space Available Shop or office space available on the corner of Erasmus and Kruger Street. Excellent rates. Contact Alicia Potgieter for further information 084 900 5332 or
• Trailer with double wheels and rails • Trailer with single axle and rails Both ideal for furniture removal R400 per day • Six foot Venter trailer, R200 per day
Tuin woonstel te huur. 2 Slaapkamer, toesluit motorhuis. R3 900 p.m.
Kontak: 083 296 8311 WINKEL TE HUUR
Winkel te huur. Onmiddellik beskikbaar @ R7 200 p/m vir 175 ²m. Droomwinkel wat wag vir enterpeneur van die jaar om droom te verwesenlik! Wonderlik geleë vir vernuftige besigheidsman. Sien uit om te sien wie jy is....!
Skakel Lindie by 082 5666 501
LEGALS Notice in respect of a licence application in terms of the petroleum Product Act, 1977(Act no 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that MULATSHIKO TRADING (PTY) LTD Hereinafter referred to as the ‘applicant’ has submitted an application for a RETAIL licence, application number F/2014/07/21/0002 STAND NO 30/315 MUANANZHELE VILLAGE MODREVLIE ROAD MODDERFONTEIN ROAD VLEIFONTEIN MUANANZHELE The purpose of this application if for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retail activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the controller of petroleum products at: Telephone: (015) 287 4735 or Fax: (015) 297 5045 Email: Gibson.Tshisikhawe@ Any objection to the issuing of the licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the applica-
PFB-Agent 516 5024
tion number above, must be lodge with the controller of petroleum products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The controller of petroleum products Department of energy 101 Dorp Street Polokwane 0700 Postal address: The controller of petroleum products Department of energy Private bag X9712 Polokwane 0700 Notice in respect of a licence application in terms of the petroleum Product Act, 1977(Act no 120 of 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that MULATSHIKO TRADING (PTY) LTD Hereinafter referred to as the ‘applicant’ has submitted an application for a SITE licence, application number F/2014/07/21/0001 STAND NO 30/315 MUANANZHELE VILLAGE MODREVLIE ROAD MODDERFONTEIN ROAD VLEIFONTEIN MUANANZHELE The purpose of this application if for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retail activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the controller of petroleum products at: Telephone: (015) 287 4735 or Fax: (015) 297 5045 Email: Gibson.Tshisikhawe@ Any objection to the issuing of the licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodge with the controller of petroleum products within a period of twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The controller of petroleum products Department of energy 101 Dorp Street Polokwane 0700 Postal address: The controller of petroleum products Department of energy Private bag X9712 Polokwane 0700
IN THE NORTH WEST HIGH COURT, MAFIKENG REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Case Number: 1751/2012 In the matter between: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED, Plaintiff and ROBCHARL CONSTRUCTION CC, First Defendant (Registration number: 1993/003219/23) and CHARLOTTE ROBBERTZE, Second Defendant (Identity number: 650713 0109 083) and GERT JOHANNES ROBBERTZE, Third
Defendant (Identity number 590410 5103 08 7) and CHARLOTTE ROBBERTZE N.O, Fourth Defendant (In her capacity as trustee of the Gert Robbertze Familie Trust IT9073/2000) and GERT JOHANNES ROBBERTZE N.O, Fifth Defendant (In his capacity as trustee of the Gert Robbertze Familie Trust IT9073/2000) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a judgment granted by this Honourable Court on 15 AUGUST 2013, and a Warrant of Execution, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution, without reserve by the Sheriff of the Supreme Court, SOUTPANSBERG on the 20TH OF AUGUST 2014, at 12h00 at 111 KRUGER STREET, LOUIS TRICHART to the highest bidder: PORTION 1 OF THE FARM MALLE MOELLE 467, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.S LIMPOPO PROVINCE MEASURING 1, 7131(ONE COMA SEVEN ONE THREE ONE) HECTARES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NO T80900/2007 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED The following information is forwarded regarding the improvements on the property, although nothing can be guaranteed in this: MAIN BUIDLING: VACANT STAND The Purchaser should pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price and also the Sheriff of the Supreme Court’s fees on the day of the sale and the balance price at registration of transfer, and secured by a bank guarantee approved by Plaintiff’s Attorneys, to be given to the Sheriff of the Supreme Court within fourteen days after sale. The abovementioned property will be sold on the conditions read out by the Sheriff of the Supreme Court at the time of the sale, which will be available for viewing at the abovementioned SHERIFF SOUTPANSBERG, 111 KIRUGER STREET, LOUIS TRICHART. DATED at PRETORIA on this 9TH day of JULY 2014. S ROUX INCORPORATED Attorneys for Plaintiff, M VAN ZYL Attorney for Plaintiff. With right of appearance in terms of Section 4(2) of Act 62 of 1995, certificate number 2533/2007, Office 2/201, Office Block No. 2, Monument Office Park, Cnr Elephant- and Steenbok Street, Monumentpark, PRETORIA, Tel.: (012) 460-0666, Fax: 086 556 9876, Ref: M. VAN ZYL/NP/HJ1178/12
Let us spread the word for you! Contact us to advertise in this space! Tel: 015 516 4996
Supa Quick Thohoyandou beskik oor 'n vakature vir 'n algemene kantoorbestuurder. Vereistes: * Die pos behels algemene administrasie pligte * Krediteure en debiteure bestuur * Kennis van die IQ program sal as aanbeveling dien Vervoer word voorsien vanaf Louis Trichardt. Salaris onderhandelbaar na gelang van ondervinding. Kontak Piet Visagie: 082 443 2751 E-pos CV na: Sluitingsdatum: 15 Augustus 2014 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Geklassifiseerd seerd en en blok blok advertensies: advertensies:Dinsdae Dinsdae 16:00 16:00 ** Geklassifi Kleur advertensies: advertensies:Maandae Maandae 16:00 16:00 ** Kleur
16 1 August 2014
Country-sangers mnr. Rinus en mev. Stefnie Phillipson van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het opgetree by die oggend met die tema Balans tussen liggaam, siel en gees wat op 26 Julie by die Purple Olive Restaurant aangebied is. Hulle staan by die baniere van Baird Ministries, wat die oggend aangebied het.
Lede van die Louis Trichardt 4x4-klub het vanaf 18 tot 20 Julie hul midjaarfunksie op die plaas Rockey Street aangebied. Saterdag het hul roete oor Van Collerspas gestrek. Afgeneem is ‘n paar van die lede wat die uitstappie meegemaak het. Intussen word klublede en belangstellendes uitgenooi na die klub se volgende uitstappie op 17 Augustus. Vir meer inligting hieroor, skakel CW Burger by tel. 082 378 3151. Foto verskaf.
Tenders for the summer program from October 2014 to March 2015 are hereby invited for the following operations on The Molozi Trust’s Horticulture and Forestry section in the Soutpansberg. Tender document purchased for R20 will be available at the offices of Sheldon and Prinsloo in 25 Erasmus Street, Louis Trichardt, from Friday 1st of August 2014, to Monday 11th of August 2014 for Horticulture section until 16:00 hrs and for Forestry until Tuesday 12th of August 2014 at 16:00 hrs. For any enquiries please call the Forestry manager, Corien van Schoor, at 082 901 2899, or the Horticulture Manager, Branden Jardim, at 084 402 5889.
Forestry Tender Descriptions TENDER NO TENDER NAME MF 2014/2015/01 Preperation & Re-establishment a Slash, Herbicide & Maintenance before Planting/Blanking b Planting/Blanking MF 2014/2015/02 Seedling Tally Clerks MF 2014/2015/03 Slash, Herbicide ad Maintanance of young pines (Follow Up) MF 2014/2015/04 Cleaning of Bridge/Culvert crossings MF 2014/2015/05 Cleaning of drain outlets MF 2014/2015/06 Tractor driver Assistant
Margot Beukes, ‘n leerling van Laerskool Messina, het die afgelope skoolvakansie haar skool se naam hoog gehou. Sy het op 28 Junie aan die SANESA (South African National Equestrian Schools Association) byeenkoms vir Limpopo-skole in Polokwane deelgeneem en behaal ‘n tweedeplek in die “show jumping” en “working riding” afdelings, asook ‘n vierdeplek in die “performance riding” afdeling. Skole van regoor Limpopo, selfs so ver as Hoedspruit, het deelgeneem. Foto verskaf.
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Horticultural Tender Descriptions TENDER # TENDER DESCRIPTION - ORCHARDS TS 2014/01 Tree line slashing and spraying of Takala West area TS 2014/02 Tree line slashing and spraying of Takala East area TS 2014/03 Tree line slashing and spraying of Grassmoor area TS 2014/04 Desuckering & staking of young & older orchards TS 2014/05 Tree training TS 2014/06 Y Tree stem painting & Phytophtora control - Young orchards TS 2014/06 O Tree stem painting & Phytophtora control - Older orchards TS 2014/07 Soil & leaf sampling TS 2014/08 Integrated pest management monitoring (IPM) TS 2014/09 Irrigation maintenance and Manual control TS 2014/10 Irrigation & fertigation system maintenance & Tally assistant TS 2014/11 Manual Fertilizer distribution TS 2014/12 Foliar fertilizer application to young trees TS 2014/13 Harvesting macadamias TS 2014/14 Dehusking macadamias TS 2014/15 Harvesting mangos TS 2014/16 Harvesting litchis TS 2014/17 Avocado Phytophtora injection TS 2014/18 Controlling anthills TS 2014/19 Cleaning silt traps, reservoirs & cofferdams, TS 2014/20 Cleaning culverts, pipes and valley crossings TS 2014/21 Alien weed eradication TS 2014/22 Fairfield dams maintenance MECHANICAL TS 2014/23 Tree lane mowing TS 2014/24 Chemical spraying TS 2014/25 Tractor assistants TS 2014/26 Standby tractor driver & fire fighter GENERAL TS 2014/27 Security guard at litchi & mango orchards TS 2014/28 Fulltime security guard TS 2014/29 Sunset caretaker TS 2014/30 Rubbish removal TS 2014/31 Blanking of macadamia trees TS 2014/32 Planting & blanking hedges TS 2014/33 Owl house and bat box construction TS 2014/34 Fences and buck protection TS 2014/35 Cleaning lady TS 2014/36 Delivery of nuts to factories TS 2014/37 Pre-Harvest clean-up operation TS 2014/38 Clean-up and Maintenance Team TS 2014/39 Chemical Toilet Maintenance
Armando Bianco (voor) en sy groep Zumba dansers het Saterdagoggend, 26 Julie, gedemonstreer hoe om deur middel van oefening gesond te bly. Die geleentheid was gereël deur Baird Ministries en het by die Purple Olive Restaurant plaasgevind.
1 Augustus 2014 17
Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het die afgelope naweek hulle jaarlikse dubbelstoernooi aangebied. Franco Welman van Polokwane en Ryno Gerber het die toernooi gewen deur vir Dirk du Preez en Michael Kuhn in die finaal uit te stof. “Baie dankie aan al die deelnemers en die borge, Lionel Smith van Aquaman en Theo Schlieben, wat van die dag ‘n sukses gemaak het,” sê die klub. Van links na regs staan Theo, Franco, Ryno en Lionel. Foto verskaf.
Die jaarlikse oefenkamp vir Kofukan Karateklubs in Gauteng, Limpopo en Mpumalanga, onder leiding van style hoof Shihan Tomiyama van London (Brittanje), het op 19 en 20 Julie in Brits plaasgevind. Tomiyama is een van die top Kofukan karate kata-meester in die wêreld. ‘n Paar plaaslike senseis en karatekas van die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub het ook die oefenkamp bygewoon. Hulle was Lourens Botes, sensei Marius Ferreira en sensei Tommy Janse van Rens burg. Afgen eem, van links na regs, is Botes, Ferreira, Tomiyama en Janse van Rensburg. Foto WEEK 7-VIRGINIA berg Hokke 1ste, Pienaar Hokke 2de, Dreyer Hokke verskaf.
2014 Hangklip Posduifklub-nuus. Week 7 Die Hangklip Posduif Klub se drie wedvlugte het die afgelope naweek vanaf Virginia plaasgevind oor ‘n afstand van 640km In die eerste wedvlug , die jongduif kompetisie, klok Gerhard Bezuidenhout 1ste en 4de, met Ysterberg Hokke 2de en Nico Bezuidenhout 3de. In die 2de Wedvlug ‘n Ope wedvlug klok Yster-
Tiny palm jaaroud nasionale vlug in
De Wet van Wyk (links), sensei van die Shukokai Karateklub in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), en Inus Steyn (O/13) het vanaf 22 tot 25 Julie deelgeneem aan die KSI (Kimura Shukokai Internasionale) Wêreldkampioenskappe by Sun City. Daar was 560 deelnemers van 22 lande wat aan die geleentheid deelgeneem het. Inus het ‘n brons medalje verwerf vir vrygeveg en De Wet het ‘n goud ontvang vir kata en ‘n brons medalje vir unisen kata. De Wet het die klub se ouers en sy familie bedank vir hul ondersteuning voor en tydens die kampioenskappe. Hy het ook fisioterapeut Elmien van der Goot bedank wat gehelp het met sy en Inus se voorbereiding en Koos Steyn wat hulle ondersteun het by Sun City.
Tiny de Klerk het die afgelope naweek die Soutpansberg Resiesduif se eerste jaaroud nasionale wedvlug vanaf Virginia gewen. Sy wenduif voltooi die 640km met ‘n spoed van 1494.85 meter per minuut. Hy behaal ook ‘n 4de, 5de, 10de en 14de in die wedvlug. Koos Gerber was 2de, 3de, 12de en 15de, Elize & Tim 6de, 7de en 11ste, Danie Lourens 8ste, Marx Hokke 9de, 13de en 20ste en Hans Marx 16de, 17de, 18de en 19de. Buiten die jaaroud nasionale wedvlug, het die klub ook gewedywer in ‘n 7B- en 7C-opewedvlugte vanaf Virginia. Ook in die 7B-wedvlug stap Tiny met die louere weg, nadat sy wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n wenspoed van 1506.69 meter per minuut. Hy was ook 3de, 7de, 16de en 18de. Elize en Tim was 2de, 4de, 8ste, 17de en 19de, Koos 5de, 6de en 20ste, Hans 9de, 13de en 14de, Marx Hokke 10de en 15de en Danie 11de en 12de. Die 7C-wedvlug word gewen deur Elize & Tim, met hul duif se wenspoed van 1484.29 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 4de en 10de. Tiny was 2de, 13de, 16de en 20ste, Koos 3de, 7de, 8ste en 9de, Danie 5de, 12de, 18de en 19de, Marx Hokke 6de, 11de en 14de en Hans 15de en 17de. Eerskomende naweek sal die Enige Ouderdom Kampioenduif gekroon word in ‘n wedvlug vanaf Theunissen.
Wedvlug No
Afstand- KM
Duiwe Deelgeneem
Wenspoed-Meters p/min
Dercksen Hokke
Dreyer Family Lofts
G Bezuidenhout Hippo Lofts-J Venter Nguni Hokke
Nico Bezuidenhout Pienaar Hokke Sekelbos Hokke
Ysterberg Hokke
Pienaar Hokke
G Bezuidenhout
Hippo Lofts-J Venter
Nico Bezuidenhout
Dreyer Hokke
Ysterberg Hokke
Sekelbos Hokke
Dercksen Hokke
Nguni Hokke
Enige persoon wat belangstel om betrokke te raak by ons klub, kan ons voorsitter Nico Bezuidenhout kontak by 082 762 4152
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie
Marco Roets het die afgelope naweek sy skool, die CVO Hangklip in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), verteenwoordig by die Tour de Plot skole bergfietsbyeenkoms in Pretoria. Hy het algeheel negende klaargemaak onder die juniors en was die eerste Limpopo-fietsryer tuis in sy kategorie. Hier is Marco afgeneem tydens voorverlede naweek se nasionale XCOkampioenskappe in Gauteng waar hy algeheel 27ste was in sy kategorie in ‘n tyd van 01:08:27. Foto verskaf.
Uitslae/Results Saterdagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
Formaat IS Punte
E. du Plooy
S. Whittal
uittel 38
K. Barkhuizen
uittel 38
Woensdagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
Formaat IS Punte
J. Cronjé
Maandelikse Houespel
M. Venter
A. Pretorius
Weeklikse Byeenkomste
DJ du Preez, ‘n Graad 8-leerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het die afgelope skoolvakansie deelgeneem aan die nasionale skole Bokkieweek in Mookgopong. Hy het vir Verre-Noord se O/14-span uitgedraf en is na afloop van die week gekies vir die nasionale Duikerspan wat in Oktober na Georgië gaan toer. Foto verskaf.
3de en Pienaar Hokke 4de. In die 3de Wedvlug; ook ‘n Ope; klok Nico 1ste, Gerhard 2de en Dreyer Hokke 3de, 4de en 5de. Geluk ook aan al die lede met hulle prestasies behaal. Ons vlieg volgende naweek vanaf Theunissen Sterkte aan almal.
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm
18 1 August 2014
Shop D24 Eltivillas Tel: (015) 516 4121
Drie leerlinge van die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is aan die begin van Julie gekies vir die nasionale Afrikaner Volkseie Sport (AVS) Bokkieweek-span. Hulle het op Mookgophong deelgeneem aan die Wintersport Bokkieweek. Voor is Erwee Robbertze (O/13-span). Hy is ook aangewys as die beste voorspeler van die week. Agter, van links na regs, is Errard van Breda en Henlo Olivier, wat beide vir die O/19-span gekies is. Errard is ook aangewys as die beste senior rugbyspeler van die week.
Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 2012 Hyundai i20 Glyde Fog lights, CD, A/C, 29 900km
2012 Chevrolet Corsa Utility 1.4 Canopy 61 529km
Die groep van 23 bergfietsryers van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt wat die afgelope naweek aan die Tour de Plot in Pretoria gaan deelneem het. Saam met hulle (links agter), staan James Coronaios van Ridgeway College en Marco Roets van die CVO Hanglip. Foto verskaf. Fietsrynuus
Jong bergfietsryers beïndruk by Tour de Plot ‘n Groot kontingent van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se jong fietsryers uit drie verskillende hoërskole het die afgelope naweek aan vanjaar se eerste bergfietsliga vir hoërskole, die Tour de Plot, in Pretoria gaan deelneem. Hulle het in die algemeen baie goed gevaar tussen die bykans 600 fietsryers wat op die dag deelgeneem het. Ses plaaslike ryers eindig onder die eerste 25
in hulle ouderdomsgroep, wat beteken dat hulle in die volgende liga ‘n keuring sal hê deur aan die voorkant van hulle groep weg te spring. In die sub-junior groep van sowat 120 ryers vaar ons kinders uitstekend. Zian van der Heever mis net-net ‘n podium plek en eindig algeheel vierde. Richard Lambert kom algeheel sesde en Heine de Jager algeheel agtiende.
In die O/17- en O/18-afdelings was daar strawwe kompetisie tussen die junior seuns, met Marco Roets wat algeheel 12de eindig en Kombo Bere algeheel 14de. Douglas Archer behaal ‘n 25ste plek in sy ouderdom, wat vir dus vir hom ook, saam met Zian, Richard, Heine, Marco en Kombo, ‘n “seeding” gee in hulle onderskeie ouderdomme vir die volgende rondte.
Oortuigende wen vir O/19-meisies teen Warmbad
R149 995 R114 995
2009 BMW 320i A/C, P/S, CD, 76 000km
2011 VW Polo 1.4 Comfortline 72 544km
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se O/19 meisieskrieketspan wen hulle eerste wedstryd van die seisoen en klop Warmbad oortuigend met 191 lopies. Triegies en Warmbad het op 26 Julie kragte gemeet op Warmbad se velde. Triegies kolf eerste en teken 232 lopies aan in 43 boulbeurte, vir die verlies van
10 paaltjies. Die Triegie-kolwers wat uitgeblink het, is Amorien Venter (41), Geraldine van den Berg (36) en Ninke le Roux (34). In antwoord kon Warmbad net 42 lopies aanteken voordat hulle almal in die 12de beurt uitgeboul is. Amorien trek 3 paaltjies plat in 4 boul-
Amorien word aangewys as die Speler van die Wedstryd, op grond van haar uitstekende kolfvertoning en boulwerk.
Balance of 5 year / 100 000km motor plan
R179 995 R154 995 2011 VW Golf 1.4 TSi Trend 76 000km
beurte vir die verlies van 9 lopies. Ninke bewys ook haar veelsydigheid as bouler deur 3 paaltjies in 3 beurte vir die verlies van 13 lopies te neem.
2010 Jeep Patriot 2.4 36 994km
R164 995 R179 995 2008 VW Tiguan 2.0 TDi TRK, FLD, P/S, A/C, CD, 117 600km
2004 Jeep Cherokee 2.4 Sport Mags, A/C, CD, 129 620km
R184 995 R89 995
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SALES: • Richmond 073 195 9926 • Sam 071 096 1739 • Matumba 076 509 1726 • Willie 082 953 3642 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00
E. & O.E.
Gerrie: 084 666 6820