21 Junie 2019
News with an independent soul
PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.
Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Yes, schools may sell their old desks as scrap metal - page 2
Jaargang 34 Vol. 25
Job scammers becoming more cunning by the day - page 3
Major milestone for MC Mining at Makhado Project - page 3
“Minister” Amie dies
home in Eltivillas, Louis Trichardt, on Saturday, 15 June, at the age of Well-known local philanthropist 88 years. Born 24 January 1931 in Standerand humanitarian Mr Amie Chton, Amie moved to Louis Trichardt at haya passed away peacefully at his By Andries van Zyl
The late Mr Amie Chhaya (88).
the age of 12 after his father bought a business from ues; they were made visible through a community builder and a human the Khojas family, later to be known as Kay’s Fruit his actions,” she added. Son Mo- rights activist. He was our ‘Blankets Shop in the then Trichardt Street (approximately hamed agreed saying that his father Minister’ and the ANC is proud that where Clicks is situated today). He himself was a had always dedicated his resources he touched many hearts of the poor, local business owner for many years. and more importantly his time to jobless and homeless by giving them Although he had been wheelchair-bound the past the needy. blankets and food, especially during year or so, he was in relatively good health. “After Apart from his humanitarian work, cold winter months like now. We the death of my mother, Kulsum (82), just over two Amie also served the community on pray that his soul rest in peace,” said years ago, my father was mainly confined to his a political level. He formed part of Mudunungu. house. He still went to mosque, although sometimes Louis Trichardt’s first democratiCondolences to the Chhaya family finding it hard, struggling with arthritis,” said son cally elected town council after the were also extended on a national Dr Mohamed Chhaya. country’s first democratic elections level. The late Amie Chhaya was affectionately known in 1994 and served as ANC council“It is with deep regret that we learnt as the Minister of Blankets, mostly for his unselfish lor for more than two decades. The of the passing on of our beloved humanitarian work among the poor and destitute. ANC Vhembe Region secretary Adv Adam Bhai. His work in Limpopo Both locally and abroad, many benefited from his Anderson Mudunungu expressed and selfless sacrifices in uplifting the tireless efforts to help those around him. Locally he his condolences to the Chhaya fam- downtrodden and poor is his legacy. assisted with the Helping Hand and Rainbow Blan- ily. “The late Adam Chhaya was (Contd on P2) ket projects. Nationally and internationally he assisted with relief efforts. For example, he assisted the Gift of the Givers in Mozambique during the floods of 2000. He also extended a helping hand to victims of the tsunami in southeast Asia in 2005. Numerous examples exist of Amie’s relief efforts. “It was a sad Father’s Day on Sunday, not only for our family, but for many others in Limpopo. He was a father figure to many, including communities, churches and orphanages,” said granddaughter Fatima Cassim. “His actions On of the highlights of the Mr Amie Chhaya’s life (right) was to meet former President Nelson always matched his val- Mandela (left) shortly after the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. Photo supplied.
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Schools may sell their old desks as scrap metal, says department By Phathutshedzo Luvhengo
Public schools in Limpopo Province are allowed to dispose of their old school furniture in any manner they want, even if it means selling the desks for scrap metal. This worrying reality was confirmed by the Limpopo Department of Education’s spokesperson, Mr Sam Makondo, last week. Makondo responded to a request for comment after he was sent a photo of a bakkie loaded with old school desks. The driver took the load to a Louis Trichardt-based scrap-metal dealer. Two weeks ago, a reader sent through the photo of the bakkie with the school desks, which he had taken on the road between Elim and Louis Trichardt. According to the reader, that was the second time in a week that he ended
A bakkie is spotted in Louis Trichardt carrying old school furniture. Photo supplied.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe Handelinge 1:1-11 God neem alle misverstande oor Hom en sy kerk weg deur die Hemelvaart
ierdie week sluit ons af met die reeks oordenkings oor die Hemelvaart. Misverstand 3: Die werk van gelowiges. Wat is die taak en rol van die gelowiges van Christus hier op aarde? Kan ons maar aangaan soos ons wil? Of het die Here ‘n spesifieke taak vir ons? Inderdaad. Daar mag geen misverstand wees nie. Terwyl ons nog hier op aarde lewe, moet ons as kerk ‘n baie belangrike taak uitvoer: Ons moet, soos vers 8 dit stel, getuies vir Jesus Christus wees. Die dissipels van Christus in ons teks kry die opdrag om dit spesifiek in Jerusalem, Judea en Samaria, en ook die uithoeke van die wêreld te wees. Die benaming apostel, wat ons sien aan hulle gegee word in vers 1, beklemtoon hierdie opdrag. “Apostel” beteken “uitgestuurde,” en hulle word spesifiek uitgestuur in die wêreld, tussen die ongelowiges in, om God se kinders bymekaar te maak. Hulle kon nie maar tevrede daarmee wees om op ‘n hopie in Jerusalem te sit en te wag vir almal om na hulle te kom nie. Ja, hulle gaan in Jerusalem begin, maar daarna sou die Here hulle al hoe verder die wêreld instuur met een taak: verkondig die Woord van die Here. Stig gemeentes. Sorg dat die evangelie wêreldwyd gehoor word. Maar hulle durf dit nie alleen probeer doen nie. Die Here Jesus stuur hulle nie dadelik uit om te gaan werk nie. Hulle moet eers ‘n paar dae wag vir die gawe wat die Here hulle belowe het, naamlik die Heilige Gees. Deur die Gees het hulle die krag gehad om die werk van die Here te doen, om die kerk van die Here te vestig en bymekaar te maak. Ons is sonder enige twyfel die produk van hierdie arbeid van die apostels. Indien hulle nie hul werk gedoen het nie, sou die Evangelie nooit by ons uitgekom het nie. Die Heilige Gees het ywerige arbeiders van God gestuur na ons. Ons is kinders van die Here, want Hy het ons begenadig om te glo. Maar Hy het ons ook begenadig deur die evangelie wat Hy aan ons laat bedien het tot geloof. Maar ons moet onsself nie nou bloot net beskou as begenadigde ontvangers van die Evangelie nie. Ons kan nie nou tevrede wil wees om op ons eie te sit en niks te doen nie. Want ons is nie net passiewe ontvangers van die Evangelie nie. Wanneer God iemand tot geloof geroep en gebring het, roep Hy hulle ook tot diens. Watter diens? Diens in ons gemeentes, waar ons help om die kerk van die Here op te bou en uit te bou. Waar ons die amp van die gelowige uitleef, en fokus op die belangrike dinge in die kerk. Die dinge van die Here, nie die dinge van mense nie. Maar ook diens in die breë gemeenskap, waar ons tussen vreemdelinge en vriende is, by ons werksplek, by ons huis, oral. Ons moet onthou dat ons ambassadeurs van die koninkryk van die hemele is. Ons moet die gestorwe, opgestane en opgevaarde Here Jesus aan die wêreld verkondig, tot Hy weer kom. - Ds. Hannes Lee (GK Messina)
up driving behind the bakkie that was en route to the scrap-metal dealer. What worried him, he said, was the fact that the steel frameworks of the desks seemed to be in perfectly good shape. Given the shortage of school furniture, he thought it would be better to repair and use these desks. According to Makonde, each school has its own management policy on its infrastructure and loose property. This prescribes the maintenance, buying and disposing of assets. The department’s norms and standards must, however, be respected. “The department disposes of old furniture through transfers to other stakeholders and open government auctions,” said Mr Makondo. He said a need for analysis existed at each school and this process involved inspectors based at district offices
and the school management. Mr Makondo said the school management submitted their furniture requests at the district office and those needs were verified at the district level. According to the Financial Regulations, Framework and Standard Chart of Accounts for public schools, assets must only be disposed of if they cannot be repaired or used for their intended purposes. “Schools may not dispose of assets without approval from the Provincial Department of Education. An effort should be made to share of surplus and unused assets to a place where there is a need such as other schools, institutions and charitable bodies, etc,” reads the regulation. The principal has to see to it that the asset-disposal procedures are followed, income is received and the appropriate account entries are made.
DA submits PAIA application to get forensic VBS report hide some details and has failed to be transparent,” PAIA application. It can refuse to make the report said Muavha. available but will then have to supply legally valid The municipality has 30 days to respond to the reasons for refusing to do so. The Democratic Alliance is trying to obtain a forensic report from the Collins Chabane municipality which the party believes will shed more light on who had authorised the illegal investment in VBS Mutual Bank. as a whole was more important vived by his son Mohamed, (Contd from P2) According to Cllr Samson Muavha, a DA than that of an individual. “De- daughters Mariam, Naseema and councillor in the Collins Chabane municipality, a “He served without fear or fa- spite being from a previously Sadhia, son in laws Yusuf Cassim Promotion to Access of Information Act (PAIA) vour and was always vocal on the disadvantaged community, he and Zunaid Mahomed, brothers application was submitted in an effort to force the organisations he served. I am also remained an active citizen in Akbar and Solly, sisters Amina municipality to make the report available. The mu- aware of his financial sacrifices. society. He instilled so much of and Farida and eight grandchilnicipality invested R120 million in the mutual bank, His passing on leaves a void. I hope in us, his grandchildren, dren, namely Fatima (Chhaya), which many believe was run as a Ponzi scheme. will cherish fond memories of and certainly led by example,” Rabia, Ayesha, Fatima (Cas“The DA initiated the call for forensic investi- his sincere pleas at Tamcom said Fatima. sim), Attiya, Ridwaan, Muaaz gations into the VBS debacle in order to hold the meetings for the upliftment of “Among his many admirable and Sumayya. He was buried in implicated officials and politicians liable for these oppressed peoples,” said Mr traits, he focussed on recon- the Muslim Cemetery in Louis illegal investments,” said Muavha. Salam Abram Mayet, a retired ciliation and bringing people Trichardt on Saturday evening. The DA further believes that municipal officials ANC member of parliament. together. He was evicted in 1981, “My father was very spiritual. have tampered with the original report and drafted “My dad was an exemplary yet he still kept his bond and He always believed that the best an own version of the report, allegedly in an attempt gentleman who embodied the friendship with people from the way to serve the Almighty was to omit crucial information that reveals the names spirit of Ubuntu. Through my old dispensation. He always tried to serve your fellow men,” said of the implicated officials. personal interaction with friends to instil the importance amongst Mohamed. “Our attempts to get the original version, as well and society, I observed the tre- all races and people of different The Chhaya family extended as the second edited version of the report, have been mendous impact of his generous socio-economic backgrounds,” their heartfelt gratitude towards fruitless. It is clear that the Municipality is trying to spirit and caring nature,” said said Mohamed. the Louis Trichardt community “He was very much a media- for the messages of condolences Mohamed. Fatima said that her and words of support during this grandfather firmly believed that tor,” added Fatima. The late Amie Chhaya is sur- difficult time. the well-being of the community VBS Scandal
“Minister of Blankets” passes away
Min dinge in die lewe is so traumaties soos om te beseer te word tydens ‘n ongeluk. Het jy geweet... Indien jy of ‘n geliefde beseer is in ‘n motorongeluk (behalwe wanneer die bestuurder die oorsaak van die ongeluk was), of indien jy ‘n afhanklike is van ‘n oorlede padongelukslaggoffer, kan jy moontlik ‘n eis teen die Padongelukkefonds indien. Die Padongelukkefonds is ‘n openbare entiteit wat befonds word deur ‘n brandstofheffing wat by die prys van petrol en diesel ingesluit is. Die doel van die Padongelukkefonds is om te vergoed vir verlies of skade as gevolg van ligaamlike beserings weens die nalatige bestuur van ‘n voertuig op Suid-Afrikaanse paaie. Ná hoe lank moet ek ‘n eis indien?
Indien die identiteit van die oortrede bestuurder of eienaar van die voertuig bekend is, moet die eis binne drie jaar vavaf die datum van die ongeluk ingedien word. Dit is nie van toepassing by die eis van ‘n minderjarige nie. Indien die identiteit van die persoon onbekend is, moet die eis binne twee jaar ingedien word. Waarvoor kan ek eis?
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Job scammers becoming more cunning by the day The despicable job scammers are at it again, conning unsuspecting and often desperate job seekers out of the little money they have left. The past few weeks, several “new employees” arrived at the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital, hoping to start working as drivers. They quickly learned that they were victims of con artists. The modus operandi of the scammers seems to be getting more sophisticated. According to Ms Anneke Stroebel, manager at the hospital, they became aware of such a scam on 29 May when a person phoned the personnel manager asking about his “job”. Two weeks later, on 11 June, four people arrived at the hospital, enquiring about their jobs. The hospital staff had discussions with the people
who were scammed, hoping to be able to trace the culprits. The victims were also requested to report the scam to the police. From the details provided by the victims, the kingpin seems to be a man who goes by the name of Mathivha, who most probably uses a pseudonym. Mathivha apparently phones businesses in town, telling them that he is looking for drivers. He asks the businesses to refer any jobseekers to him. The scammer probably uses this method to avoid direct contact with his victims and to try and add legitimacy to his “advertisement”. Once contacted by a victim, Mathivha explains that he can secure employment at a Louis Trichardt-based company that needs drivers. He tells the victims that the contract is for five years and he promises a salary of up to R13 000 per month.
Major milestone for MC Mining Mining News
MC Mining announced on Wednesday the completion of a major milestone for the company through the signing of an offtake agreement with ArcelorMittal South Africa Limited (AMSA). The agreement results in AMSA’s purchasing hard coking coal (HCC) that will be produced from Phase 1 of the Makhado coking coal project just north of the Soutpansberg in Limpopo. According to a press release issued by MC Mining, the agreement reaffirms the quality of Makhado’s HCC and follows the April 2019 announcement of an offtake with one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of seaborne-traded coal for all the by-product thermal coal to be produced by Phase 1. Completion of these offtakes, states MC Mining, satisfies a key requirement for the Makhado Project’s economics and allows funding discussions to gain further traction, with construction anticipated to commence in the third quarter of 2019. MC Mining explains that South Africa has a very limited production of high-quality metallurgical (coking) coal, resulting in AMSA and other coke producers’ having to import HCC for the manufacture of metallurgical coke, a key ingredient in the production of steel. The key highlights of the agreement is that AMSA will purchase a minimum of 350 000 tonnes (t) of Phase 1 HCC annually and has the right to acquire a further 100 000t per year; the agreement will endure for the shorter of 10 years or the Phase 1 life-of-mine; HCC will be delivered to the Musina siding and railed to AMSA’s Vanderbijlpark and Newcastle operations; the HCC will be sold on a FOR (free on rail) basis; and sales prices will be calculated on a monthly basis and are linked to a published, international US dollar denominated HCC index. The agreement is, however, subject to various conditions, including confirmation by 15 December 2019 that the requisite funding for the development of Phase 1 has been secured, and confirmation by 30 June 2020 that delivery of HCC will commence within six months.
MC Mining states that Phase 1 of the Makhado Project will result in the development of the west pit on the farms Daru and Tanga, with a nine-month construction period expected to commence in the third quarter of 2019. This phase will generate approximately three million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of run-of-mine (ROM) coal that will undergo preliminary processing at the mine, yielding an estimated 2Mtpa of residual coal. “The residual coal will be transported to the existing, modified Vele Colliery for final processing, producing approximately 0.54Mtpa of HCC and 0.57Mtpa of export-quality thermal coal that will be trucked to the Musina siding for dispatching to customers,” says MC Mining in the press release. As stated, the conclusion of this agreement ensures that offtakes for Phase 1 are completed, a key component for the launch of the project. This, says the mining company, also ensures that MC Mining can contemplate the development of Phase 2 of the Makhado Project (Makhado ‘Lite’) that also has significant positive economics. The construction of Phase 2 in 2022 will include the development of the east and central pits on the recently acquired farms Lukin and Salaita and is expected to produce some 4Mtpa of ROM coal. This will yield approximately 0.8Mtpa of HCC and between 0.9Mtpa and 1.0Mtpa of export-quality thermal coal. MC Mining has secured an initial three-year offtake for a minimum of 3 0.4Mtpa of Phase 2 HCC with Huadong Coal Trading Center Co, Ltd (“HDCTC”), a Chinese state-owned enterprise. “The signing of the Phase 1 HCC offtake agreement with AMSA is a massively positive step for Makhado. MC Mining is now positioned to become South Africa’s pre-eminent producer of highgrade metallurgical coal and the Makhado coking coal will partially replace coking coal currently imported. The phased development of Makhado reduces execution risk by utilising the existing Vele Colliery processing facility as well as previously tested logistics infrastructure and generates a significant number of employment opportunities in the Limpopo Province,” said David Brown, CEO of MC Mining.
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The job seekers are then requested to buy airtime and send through the pin to Mathivha. The amounts involved are normally between R200 and R300. Once the airtime is encashed, Mathivha contacts the victims, telling them to pay R3 000 for the uniforms that he must buy. Once again, the money must be transferred via airtime. Mathivha always has a convenient excuse why cash or bank transfers are not acceptable. He then sends the victims a “pin number” for the “gate”, telling them that this will allow them to enter and report for duty. Of course, when the victims arrive at their new “place of work”, they find out that they have been conned. In this case, staff at the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital had to tell them that their recruitment process does not work this way and that no vacancies exist for drivers. Ms Stroebel said that the hospital strongly condemned the actions of these con artists. She warned people not to fall prey to such scams and to report
the con artists to the police immediately. The Zoutpansberger tried to contact the cellphone number used by the con artists (079 925 7553), but the phone immediately went to voicemail. Makhado SAPS spokesperson Const Irene Radzilane said in response to a query that she was aware of the complaints, but that no record could be found locally of anybody opening a case in this regard. She added, however, that the victim(s) must report to matter to the police in the area where the alleged crime took place, which is at the Waterval police in this case. By the time of our going to press, the Waterval police had yet to confirm if any such cases had been reported to them. In the meantime, it came to light that the scammer, using the same surname but a different number (082 463 1792), tried the same trick at the Elim Hospital. Residents are warned to remain vigilant and not fall for the man’s scam.
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By Anton van Zyl
322ha Farm 11 Grazing camps.
LEVUBU - R6 Million plus VAT Borehole, 2 sets of kraals and loading bay. Suitable for Macadamias.
The story of just another street child By Bernard Chiguvare
Among those who attended Turbi Hills Shellhole’s wreath-laying ceremony last year to commemorate the Battle of Delville Wood was Mr Ron Rose. Rose is the oldest member of the local MOTHs and the shellhole’s only surviving veteran of the Second World War.
Remembering the Battle of Delville Wood On Sunday, 14 July, a number of wreaths will be laid at the MOTHs Turbi Hills Shellhole in Louis Trichardt to commemorate the battle of Delville Wood and to pay tribute to the South African soldiers who lost their lives during this battle. The Battle of the Somme occurred between 1 July and 18 November 1916 and is described as one of the bloodiest battles in human history. More than one million men were wounded or killed on the banks of the river Somme in France. Among the soldiers killed and injured were more than 2400 South Africans. The ceremony at Turbi Hills Shellhole at 66 Burger Street will start at 10:30 for 11:00. For more information, or to arrange for the laying of a wreath, Leon Barnard can be contacted at 082 893 5965 of Freddie Louw at 082 670 7020.
“How old are you?” I asked the young man sitting near the dumpster at the Shoprite centre in Louis Trichardt. Earlier he had told me that his name was Brightmore Mukaranga*. “I’m 14,” he answered. Brightmore formed part of a group of seven Zimbabwean teenagers living under a big tree, begging for money during the day and scavenging for food from a nearby municipal skip. It was midway through May and I interviewed them for an article, focusing on the plight of the region’s “street children”. The boys told me that they shared a torn mattress and two blankets. They would wake up at 06:00 and pack their blankets and clothes into a big white bag and hang it in the tree for safety. When it rained, they moved to the veranda of the nearby shops. During the day they would go out looking for work and food, begging from passers-by or picking up leftover food thrown into the municipal skip. They had no plates or pots and did not cook. A week after the interview I searched for Brightmore again. I needed to find out where he came from and what had brought him to this town. “You’ll find them there
at Phadziri,” someone at the taxi rank next to Shoprite told me. A couple of blocks further, next to some bushes, I spotted Brightmore. “We were chased away from our soup kitchen,” he remarked. The boys jokingly referred to the municipal bin as their soup kitchen. For now, they sleep in the bushes, but with winter arriving this is not comfortable. “Where are you from?” I started exploring. Brightmore told me he was born in Gutu, a rural district in Zimbabwe, some 500 kilometres to the north. Gutu is by no means a wealthy district, but it is not the worst. One can probably describe the district as “slightly above average” as far as standards of living are concerned, but poverty is rife. Brightmore seemed to be yet another product of a broken home. His parents divorced in 2015, when he was 10 years old. His father, at that stage, had left for South Africa to find work. His mother moved to Harare and Brightmore was left with his grandparents. Promises that money would be
sent to pay for food and school fees did not materialise. The grandparents battled to provide in the needs of a growing boy. Brightmore, at that stage in Grade 5, dropped out of school. He went to Masvingo, a city some 80 kilometres to the southwest. There he spent the next three years scavenging bins and begging for food or money. “It was difficult,” he recalled. In 2018, he decided to chase the elusive “Mzansi dream”, crossing the country’s border to the south to seek his fortune in Egoli. “From Masvingo to Beit Bridge I hiked, paying R100,” he said. Like many others he crossed the border illegally, evading the dangerous guma
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede
guma gangs. “I walked to Musina where I stayed for several months, but things did not work well for me, so I decided to proceed to Louis Trichardt,” said Brightmore. For many hopefuls such as Brightmore, Louis Trichardt is just another stopover. The town is much bigger than Musina and 100km closer to the city, a place to do some “piece jobs” and gather enough money to travel further south. But like so many before him, Brightmore got stuck. “Living in the streets is hard. At times I go for a day without eating any warm meal. To make matters worse, I have no warm clothes or blankets, even though it is winter season. We warm
ourselves at a fire made from empty cardboard boxes. Most passers-by are reluctant to give us money or food,” he said. “Don’t you want to go back?” I asked. The question seemed to touch a nerve and he became silent. “I think my grandparents in Gutu will welcome me back,” he said. A week ago, I tried to find Brightmore again. He was not at the Shoprite centre and I could not find him near the Phadziri bus depot. “We think he has gone to Musina,” one of the other boys said. They reckoned he may even have gone back to Gutu. But no-one was really sure. * Not his real surname
Brightmore Mukaranga.
in die
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Zoutpansberger Die Zoutpansberger van 17 Junie 1994 het stories wat klink asof dit vandeesweek geskryf kon gewees het. Die nuus is oorheers deur padongelukke, hofsake oor bedrog en bewerings van aanranding. Drie van die dorp se jongmense, Louis Joubert (toe 18), Alexander Krügel en Willemien Storm was die vorige naweek in ‘n ernstige ongeluk betrokke. Die motor waarin hulle gereis het, het op die Witvlagpad gerol, vermoedelik nadat die bestuurder moes uitswaai vir ‘n ander voertuig. Louis was die ergste beseer en was vir etlike dae daarna nog in ‘n koma. Die plaaslike hospitaal het vroeg in Junie ‘n besonderse “rekord” aangeteken. Margaret en Donald Sutherland se eersteling het sy aankoms by die Louis Trichardt Gedenkhospitaal aangekondig en met geboorte ‘n volle 5,1 kg geweeg. Of die rekord sedertdien verbeter is, weet ons nie. Die verslae uit die howe is veral interessant. Omdat dit so lank terug gebeur het, sal ons eerder nie name noem nie. In een geval het ‘n man in die rondgaande hof op Levubu verskyn op ‘n klag van moord. Hy het blykbaar skote in die bosse op sy plaas geskiet. Nege vroue is vroeër opgemerk waar hulle besig was om onwettig vis te vang. Een van die vroue wat in die bosse geskuil het, is doodgeskiet. Die saak het nog vir etlike maande voortgeduur.
Waar is hulle nou?
DETERMINATION OF CHARGES IN TERMS OF SECTION 75 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT, 2000 AS AMENDED VARIOUS CHARGES - 2019/20 FINANCIAL YEAR In terms of section 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000, as amended, notice is herebygiven that the Makhado Municipality in terms of section 75A of the said Act, by Special Resolution dated 30May 2019, determined amended charges in respect of the following with effect of 1 July 2019: ‘ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
Refuse Removal charges Hawker Rentals Determination of Charges for the Issuing of Certificates and Furnishing of Information Control of Inflammable Liquids and Substances Charges for Building Plans and Street Projections Tariff of License Fees Control of Temporary Advertisements Pamphlets fees Lease of Activity Room (Library) and other halls not mentioned in any other tariff determination Hire of the Sports Hall on the Central Sports-grounds Hire of the Show Hall. Buildings on Show-grounds (Halls and Tea Garden) other than Show Hall and Beer Garden - Tariff of Charges for Ad hoc rentals Beer Garden at Show-grounds: Determination of Tariffs for Ad hoc rentals Library services Cemetery Tariffs Aerodrome Tshikota Hostel Fees Caravan Park fees Swimming Bath fees Street Trading rentals Electricity supply Lease of Tent - ad hoc rentals Rabali Sport Stadium - tariff of charges for ad hoc-rentals Miscellaneous Charges Pound Tariffs
The general purport of the Council Resolution is an increase in all the relevant charges in order to cope withincrease in the operational costs. The above tariffs have increased by 5.2 %, with exception of electricity tariffswhich have increased by 13,07% for the 2019/20 financial year with effect from 1 July 2019. 25. Assessment Rates The general purport of the Council Resolution is a 5.2% increase of the existing rate in the rand for respectivecategories of properties based on the valuations recorded in the 2018-2023 Valuation Roll which will becollected on a monthly basis or annual basis as per the requirements per individual customer. Any person wishing to inspect Council’s determinations may do so in writing to reach the Municipal Managerwithin twenty one (21) days calculated from 1 June 2019. A full recording of each tariff is available on themunicipal website, or can be inspected during office hours at the Office of the Chief Financial Officer on theGround Floor, Civic Center, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado during the municipality’s business hours. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Makhado Notice No: 60/2019 File No: 6/1/1(19/20) & 1/1/74
Potato Pockets 7kg
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2 R20
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p/kg Pork Rib & Loin Chops
Trading Hours - Mon-Fri: 08:00 - 18:00 • Sat: 08:00 - 17:00 • Sun: 08:00 - 13:00
96 Grobler Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 1663 • Fax: 015 516 1625 • Cell: 084 461 4048 PRICES VALID FROM THURSDAY 20 JUNE 2019 UNTIL - SUNDAY 23 JUNE 2019
Zoutie ZoutieWeather
Thursday, 20 June Partly sunny.
Louis Trichardt
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past John en Marietjie Struwig. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/ Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774
Some sun, pleasant.
High: 19 C Low: 9 C o
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag. Vlak 1 tot 3 gimnaste (meisies en seuns) sal Maandae en Woensdae oefen van 14:30 tot 16:00. Die Vlak 4 tot 7 gimnaste (meisies en seuns) sal ook op Maandae en Woensdae oefen, maar van 17:00 tot 18:30. Elzabé Stewart en Riekie Steyn is onderskeidelik verantwoordelik vir die meisies en seuns se afrigting. Vir meer inligting, skakel Elzabé by 082 566 3493 of Riekie by 082 484 1392.
• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081
• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
AA BYEEN Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA)
GIMNASTIEKKLUB OEFENTYE Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub
• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446
• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313
High: 23oC Low: 6oC
vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Haantjiekerk (h/v Burger- en Erasmustraat) in Louis VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Trichardt en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het Vroue van die Woord kom een maal ‘n maand op om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. die tweede Saterdag van die maand om 10:00 by Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf die Boekwinkel in Joubertstraat bymekaar. 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om te bid, Jannie by tel. 076 501 8285. geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om LOUIS TRICHARDT TUINvroue na God se hart te wees. “Alle vroue, jonk BOUKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Tuinbouen oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. klub nooi alle lede en nie-lede om in te skakel by Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 hulle verrigtinge. 442 5248 geskakel word. Klublede kom elke derde Dinsdag van die MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die maand byeen. Alle voornemende groenvingers Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom kan met Hannetjie skakel by 084 950 0205 of elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean BasSophie by 082 420 0514 om uit te vind hoe hulle ket in Songozwistraat byeen. betrokke kan raak. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 MOTH SKOUERSKUUR Alle 451 4249 geskakel word. oud-polisielede, gevangenisdienslede en soldate, GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die hetsy diensplig of staandemag, en oud-MOTHGister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors lede word genooi na ‘n skouerskuur elke Dinsdag welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot vanaf 18:00 en Saterdae vanaf 11:00. 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek Die skouerskuur vind plaas by die Moths in van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Louis Trich- Louis Trichardt se Turbi Hills bomgat te Burgerardt. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht straat 66. “Die kantien is oop en almal is welkom geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie om te bring-en-braai. Kom wees gesellig en Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by vertel jou stories oor jou polisie of weermag dae. 082 921 6110. Families is welkom,” nooi die Moths. Vir meer inligting, skakel Old Bill Ben Wolff BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENby tel. 084 368 7045. TRE The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis Trichardt holds multi-faith devotionals every JONG FIETSRYERS OEFEN Thursday from 19:30. For more information WEER Laerskool Louis Trichardt se fietsphone 081 884 9553 (after hours). Alternatively, ryklub oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf visit the website at www.bahai.org. 15:00 tot 17:00 geoefen. “Ons kom bymekaar by aan die bo-punt van Forestryweg, regs SPB KOFUKAN KARATEKLUB Meulbos in met die grondpad. Ons tel ook kinders op by Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke die na-skool. Hulle moet ons asseblief net laat Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanweet op die WhatsApp-groep. Ons kommuniuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. keer ook meestal op die WhatsApp-groep,” het Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 die klubbestuur gesê. Die klub neem aan vier 346 6600. amptelike wedrenne deur die jaar deel. “Daar is LTT SHUKOKAI KARAgeen kostes verbonde aan die fietsry oefeninge TEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai nie, maar daar is wel R70 per ryer betaalbaar vir Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag elke wedren waaraan ons gaan deelneem,” het die vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die gimnastiek/stoeisaal klub gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Koos Ehlers in Louis Trichardt. by die skool by tel. 015 516 5151 of fietsry-afVir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van rigter Mark Archer by tel. 083 324 8495. Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
• Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting.
• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com
• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366
Mostly sunny, pleasant.
High: 22 C Low: 7 C
• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Louis Trichardt Lodge-saal. Sondag erediens 10:00 (Afrikaans) en 18:00 (English). Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).
• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902.
Saturday, 22 June
Friday, 21 June
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
Too much stuff? You want more stuff? Grandma’s silver, extra veggies in your garden or unwanted gifts? “Let us flog it for you!” is the message from Day Three Nursery, who will be hosting a morning market on 22 June from 09:00 to 16:00. People are also welcome to set up their own stall free of charge, but Ts and Cs apply. “It must be you own stuff, own talent, own produce. NO HAWKERS,” say the organisers. There will also be pony rides for the children and parents are welcome to bring along their children’s’ bikes for them to ride in a safe environment. For more information, phone Yolandi at Tel 072 080 4113.
Die finaal van die Limpopo XCO-bergfietsreeks sal eerskomende Saterdag, 22 Junie, in die Komatiland-bosbouplantasie buite Louis Trichardt beslis word. Deelnemers sal afhangend van hulle ouderdomsgroep sake uitspook oor rondes van 5,2 km. Bergfietsryers kan vooraf inskryf by www. webscorer.com (inskrywings sluit 20 Junie) of vanaf 15:00 tot 17:00 op Vrydag, 21 Junie, by die bosboukantore in die plantasie. Registrasie vind ook vanaf 06:00 tot 08:00 op die dag van die wedrenne plaas. Toeskouers is welkom om die streek se bergfietsryers te kom ondersteun met kategorieë vanaf sub-Nipper (o.8) tot 60 jaar en ouer. Die eerste wedren sal om 08:00 wegspring. Vir meer inligting, skakel Stanley by tel. 082 943 3897.
29 HOLISTIC HEALTH FAIR The Magoebaskloof Holistic and Health Fair will once again take place at The Hangar in Haenertsburg on 29 and 30 June. Join us for our 20th annual Holistic Fair to experience health, good food, sustainable living and alternative therapies, invite the organisers. For more information, send Megan an e-mail at info@holisticfair.co.za or phone 082 4797285.
Die volgende Swannies Racing Series-wedrenne vind Saterdag, 6 Julie, vanaf 09:00 plaas. Daar sal in alle klasse meegeding word vir tweewiel- en vierwielmotorfietse. Inskrywing kos R450 per motorfiets en toegang beloop R10 per voertuig. Kos en drinkgoed sal beskikbaar wees. Vir meer inligting, skakel Swannie by tel. 071 859 6924 of Peet by 083 469 0738.
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 17 June DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
10/06/2019 10/06/2019
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
72.3% 66.6% 68.4% 6.6% 65% 5.9% 97.7% 46.8% 70.8% 72.2% 14.9% 97.3%
72.8% 65.7% 69.7% 6.9% 66.7% 6.1% 98.3% 47.8% 71.9% 73.3% 15.5% 97.9%
Fri - Thu:
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09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00
TOY STORY 4 PG Fri - Thu:
17:15, 19:30
PG Fri - Thu:
09:00, 11:30, 14:00
Fri - Thu:
15:00, 17:45, 20:30
7-9 PG Fri - Thu:
09:45, 12:30, 17:30
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Fri - Thu:
09:00, 11:00, 13:00
10-12 PG Fri - Thu:
09:00, 11:45, 14:30
10-12 PG Fri - Thu:
16:45, 20:15
Fri - Thu:
15:15, 20:15
Fri - Thu:
12:00, 19:45
Fri - Thu:
09:30, 14:15, 17:00
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# Means latest available data sterkinekor.com
Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. /sterkinekortheatres
Sunday, 23 June
Monday, 24 June
Tuesday, 25 June
Wednesday, 26 June
Plenty of sunshine.
Plenty of sunshine.
Plenty of sunshine.
Plenty of sunshine, very warm.
High: 21oC Low: 2oC
High: 21oC Low: 5oC
High: 25oC Low: 7oC
High: 26oC Low: 6oC
The Louis Trichardt Tennis Club will be hosting a doubles tournament for all aspiring tennis players in the region on Saturday, 6 July. Participation will cost R100 per person, but please note that entries will be limited. The first games will be played from 08:00. A tuck shop will be available while toasted sandwiches and braai packs will also be sold. Fire and pap will be supplied. For more information, phone Henk at Tel 082 894 3796, JG at 082 607 7893 or Jimmy at 083 286 4491.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
te bring,” het die organiseerders gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tracy by tel. 082 411 0385.
Die is weer tyd vir Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se gewilde jaarlikse Mnr. en Mej. Triegie-kompetisie, en oudergewoonte kan die publiek weer deel in die pret. Vanjaar se kroningsplegtigheid, met die tema Teatro del Pupi, vind op 18 Julie vanaf 18:00 in die skoolsaal plaas. Kaartjies vir die geleentheid is nou reeds VLU AANDBLOM-TAK VER- beskikbaar teen R50 per persoon. GADER Die plaaslike tak van die Vroue Vir meer inligting, skakel Madeleine by tel. 083 388 7933. Landbou-unie vergader op 9 Julie om 18:00 by die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub. JUAN BOUCHER KOM Belangstellendes kan die takvoorsitter, Naomi KUIER Kaartjies is nou te koop vir Philipson (Tel. 082-4847622) of vir Geraldine ‘n optrede deur bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger van den Berg (Tel. 060-5036233) skakel vir meer Juan Boucher op 19 Julie in Louis Trichardt. inligting. Sy optrede begin om 19:00 in die stoeisaal en kaartjies kos R160 per persoon vir ‘n tafel van SPCA HOLDS AGM All ses mense en R120 per persoon indien daar net members of the public are invited to op ‘n stoel gesit gaan word. Daar sal ‘n dans na attend the annual general meeting of the Louis die optrede wees met ‘n kontantkroeg. Geen eie Trichardt SPCA on Thursday, 11 July. koelhouers en mandjies sal toegelaat word nie. The meeting will start at 18:30 at Smart Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Da Silva Apteek. Fitness at 123 President Street. Persons wishing Vir navrae, skakel 063 294 3344. to make themselves available for the SPCA’s management committee must submit their names CHICKEN WING & RIB in writing to the chairperson, Yolanda Cronjé, DERBY Round Table Zoutpansat yolandacronje8@gmail.com to arrive no later berg 66 in Louis Trichardt invites the public to than seven days before the date set for the AGM. an eat-as-much-as-you-can chicken wings and rib Each submission must be accompanied by a oneRound Table Derby on the evening of 20 July at page curriculum vitae and motivation. the Soutpansberg Golf Club. For more information, phone Yolanda at 082 The price is R250 per person, with the evening 972 2060 or Alicia at 084 900 5332. starting at 18:00. JANNIE DU TOIT MU“Prepare to bid on your fastest Tabler.,” said SIEKKONSERT Die NG Kerk the guys from Round Table 66. Please note that Soutpansberg nooi inwoners uit na ‘n optrede a cash bar will be available and NO cooler boxes deur bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger Jannie du will be allowed. Toit. Jannie se “Eggo van jou oë” musiekkonsert For more information, phone Frans at Tel 082 saam met Susan Mouton vind op 12 Julie plaas in 925 1676. die kerkgebou. Kaartjies kos R150 per persoon en is beskikbaar by Gerrie Voges (084 596 5912) en die kerkkantoor by tel. 015 516 4366.
Persons who would like to see physically disabled people become more of an integral part of society by helping them to realise that event takes place from 12 to 14 July. many opportunities exist out there can do so by This is going to be a memorable event on a Game Reserve - filled with fun and unique things supporting the Isability Golf Day on 10 August. The golf day will take place at the Soutpansto see such as a vulture colony, etc.! Bring the berg Golf Club in aid of the development of sport whole family! for disabled athletes in the Limpopo Province. Participation fees for different options range For more information and to offer support, from R1 680 to R4 800 (2 persons). Enter early phone Sandy at Tel 084 506 3333. and qualify for a 15% discount. Contact Adri at 084 5836103 or vvblouberg@ HOËRSKOOL LOUIS gmail.com.
ners van die Soutpansberg word uitgenooi na ‘n optrede deur bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger Dirk van der Westhuizen by Hoërskool Eric Louw op 13 Julie. Sy optrede begin om 19:00 op die skool se rugbyveld en kaartjies kos R120 per volwassene, R80 vir laerskooleerlinge en is gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Ná afloop van sy optrede sal daar ‘n dans wees met DJ Jonty wat die musiek sal maak. ‘n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees en geen eie koelhouers of mandjies sal toegelaat word nie. Kaartjies is by die skoolkantoor beskikbaar. “Onthou om jou eie kampstoel saam
16 TRICHARDT GHOLFDAG Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse gholfdag vind vanjaar op 16 Augustus plaas. Meer inligting sal nader aan die tyd bekend gemaak word.
A big thanks to our
24 LOUWTJIES GHOLFDAG DISTRIBUTION SPONSORS Eric Louw High School in Musina will host their annual golf day at the Musina Golf Club on 24 August. The format of the competition is a 4-ball alliance with a shotgun start (all scores to count). Entry costs R250 per person and includes a light evening meal. Lots of prizes are to be won. For more information, phone Tracy at Tel. 082 411 0385.
Support local news. Buy 20 Zoutpansbergers per week and treat your customers or staff. For more info, contact George: 082 419 2359
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Sally Female
Storm Female
Trevor Male
Fazel Male
Archie Male
Penny female
Maggy female
Lots of cats & kittens
Report reveals grim state of affairs within police Crime
Die provinsiale uitvoerende raad van die Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie (SAOU) in Limpopo het afskeid geneem van die volgende gewaardeerde raadslede. Van links na regs staan Sandra de Wet (Kring 1), Albert Swaters (uittredende voorsitter, Kring 1), Louis Linde (Kring 3), Willie Schoeman (Kring 2) en Ian Taljaard (Kring 1). Afwesig met die neem van die foto was Hennie Coetzee (Kring 1) en Vic Rijnen (Kring 3). Foto verskaf.
Skoolhoofde tree uit SAOU se PUR Skolenuus
Verlede Woensdag, 12 Junie, se vergadering van die Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie (SAOU) se provinsiale uitvoerende raad (PUR) het met gemengde gevoelens gepaard gegaan. Aan die een kant was die PUR-lede bevoorreg om dr. Louis Swanepoel, nasionale president van die SAOU, by hulle kwartaallikse vergadering by Hoërskool Pietersburg te verwelkom. Andersyds was hierdie PUR-vergadering die laaste vir etlike skoolhoofde wat binne die volgende twee jaar uit diens tree. Die hoofde en departementele amptenaar is geloof vir hulle absoluut onbaatsugtige en uitmuntende diens as PUR-lede. Die PUR van die SAOU word elke drie jaar verkies en bestaan uit hoofsaaklik skoolhoofde en ander senior posbekleërs. Die volgende ver kiesing vind in September 2019 in drie kringe in Limpopo plaas. SAOU-lede nomineer, sekondeer en verkies die kandidate van hulle keuse. Dr. Swanepoel het die absolute erns waarmee hierdie verkiesing benader moet word, beklemtoon. SAOU-lede word versoek om slegs kundige
onderwysmense te verkies en kandidate moet aan verskeie vereistes voldoen, insluitend toegewyd heid, lojaliteit, integriteit, waardegedrewenheid, sowel as visionêre denke, realisme en perspektief, ‘n ingesteldheid van vernuwing en bemagtiging en ‘n beelddraer van die professie. “Veral die nuutverkose voorsitter moet in staat wees om op ‘n ander vlak as skoolhoof te kan funksioneer. Diensbaarheid en beskikbaarheid is van die allergrootste belang, terwyl sodanige kandidaat die besondere nuanses en ritmes van onderwys moet verstaan. Om op te som: nie die beste kandidaat nie, maar die regte kandidaat,” het Swanepoel in ‘n verklaring ná afloop van die vergadering gesê. Intussen het die dagbestuur van die PUR daarin geslaag om ‘n tentatiewe afspraak met die nuutverkose LUR vir Onderwys in Limpopo, me. Paulina Boshielo, te maak. Hierdie ontmoeting behoort aan die begin van Julie 2019 te geskied. Dringende sake is steeds die publisering van vakaturelyste vir etlike bevorderingsposte, posvoorsieningskale wat skole betyds moet bereik, uitstaande koshuistoelae en die spoedige vul van ondersteunings-, ad hoc- en waarnemingsposte.
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Louis Trichardt se jong leiers bewys hulself op talle terreine en dikwels ook buite die grense van die dorp. Nie minder nie as ses van die dorp se kinders is verkies tot die Uitvoerende Komitee van Hoërskool Merensky op Tzaneen. Gerhardus Fourie is die skool se hoofseun, terwyl Suandrie Corbett die onderhoofdogter is. Jason Janse van Rensburg is die skool se onderhoofseun. Suandrie is ook die hoofmeisie by die koshuis. Die ses nuwe leerlingraadslede is verlede Woensdag afgeneem. Van links af staan Savanna Sparrow, Kayla Gaigher, Suandrie Corbett, Jason Janse van Rensburg, Rifilwe Masahela en Gerhardus Fourie. Foto verskaf.
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Corruption Watch released their Corruption in Uniform report last week, which looks at the alarming levels of corruption in policing in South Africa. Since the organisation’s inception in 2012, some 1 400 members of the public have felt concerned enough to share their experiences of corruption at the hands of the police. According to the report, the leading categories of corruption from these reports are bribery (33%), abuse of power (23%), and dereliction of duty (18%), all of which can have severe consequences for those seeking help and support from the men and women in uniform entrusted with protecting and serving the people of this country. The most implicated police officials in the report are detectives and investigating officers, who are frequently aided by other colleagues. The statistics according to rank are detectives and investigating officers who make up 26% of the total, station commanders (15%), followed by captains at (12%), constables at (10%), whilst the remainder includes sergeants and warrant officers, among others. Corruption Watch states that the stories shared by community members across the country amplify the lack of confidence in law enforcement, and the damaging effect when entrusted power is abused. Among these are reports from people who have been subjected to threats and attempts to extort money. A disturbing trend is the increasing reports from women of attempts to extort either money or sexual favours, also known as sextortion, and frequently from those in the most vulnerable of positions. Equally damaging are the cases where police officers have made dockets disappear for a bribe, suggesting collusion with the very criminals they are supposed to be putting behind bars, who are then left to continue terrorising the public unhindered. “This report is the story of almost every woman, man and child in our country, and that is the most troubling fact,” says Corruption Watch researcher
Melusi Ncala, the project manager. “To think that 25 years later, in a democratic South Africa, an institution that is supposed to protect and serve us all operates in a binary way when we call for help is disconcerting at best and very dangerous at worst. Regardless of our gender, race, class and proximity to political power, we all have the fundamental human right to feel safe in our homes, places of worship, offices and streets.” Ncala said citizens needed to take heed of what over 1 400 whistle-blowers had said. “Let us work collectively, with the police, to shape and mould the South African Police Service into an institution of accountability and transparency, an institution that is corruption-free and whose men and women are concerned with protecting us all and not lining their pockets or aiding and abetting a system of patronage.” Corruption Watch does advocate for certain positive steps to address the systemic corruption in order to restore public trust in the policing sector. They feel strongly that political will and a commitment from the sector itself need to be there to deal with the perpetrators of corruption within their ranks. Room also exists for multi-stakeholder engagement to provide solutions and support for bringing guilty parties to book, and providing solutions to closing the gaps that make corruption possible. In November 2018, Corruption Watch was selected as one of the four winners of the Google Impact Challenge, a nationwide competition aimed at improving inequality through innovation. Corruption Watch’s campaign, which includes the development of a tool called Know your police station, provides an opportunity to increase public participation in exposing and reporting on police corruption and misconduct, and to improve transparency in the South African Police Service by providing key data and information about how police stations operate. Apart from addressing corruption, the aim is also to build trust in the police by highlighting exemplary performance.
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 086 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
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LEGALS COXWELL, STEYN, VISE & NAUDÉ ING KENNISGEWING IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 35(5) VAN WET NR 66 VAN 1965 BOEDEL WYLE SUSARA MARIA ELIZABETH DU TOIT. ID NO: 1705090035083. WEDUWEE. LAASTE ADRES: BREDASTRAAT 25, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920. DATUM VAN AFSTERWE: 2018-07-24, BOEDEL NR: 2057/2018 (THOHOYANDOU) Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge Ar�kel 35(5) van Wet nr. 66 van 1965 dat die Likwidasie en Distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae sal lê te die kantore van die Meester
van Thohoyandou en die Landdroskantoor te Louis Trichardt vir ‘n tydperk van 21 (een-en-twin�g) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan naamlik 21 Junie 2019. GEMAGTIGDE AGENT: A NAUDÉ COXWELL, STEYN, VISE & NAUDÉ ING SONGOZWISTRAAT 31 POSBUS 52 LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 E-POS: legal4@csvn.co.za TEL: (015) 516 0116 FAKS: (015) 516 3055 VERW: ANDRé NAUDÉ/ ZW/DUT52/1 COXWELL, STEYN, VISE & NAUDÉ ING KENNISGEWING IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 35(5) VAN WET NR 66 VAN 1965 BOEDEL WYLE IGNAAS PHILIP WILHELM POHL ID NO: 190512 5015 08 0 GETROUD BINNE GEMEENSKAP VAN GOEDERE MET ALETTA MARIA POHL. LAASTE ADRES: PIET RETIEF STRAAT 164, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 DATUM VAN AFSTERWE: 2015/07/29. BOEDEL NR: 1972/2015 (THOHOYANDOU) Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge Ar�kel 35(5) van Wet nr. 66 van 1965 dat die Likwidasie en Distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae sal lê te die kantore van die Meester van Thohoyandou en die Landdroskantoor te Louis Trichardt vir ‘n tydperk van 21 (een-en-twin�g) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan naamlik 21 Junie 2019. GEMAGTIGDE AGENT: A NAUDÉ COXWELL, STEYN, VISE & NAUDÉ ING SONGOZWISTRAAT 31 POSBUS 52 LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 E-POS: legal4@csvn.co.za TEL: (015) 516 0116 FAKS: (015) 516 3055 VERW: ANDRé NAUDÉ/ ZW/POH15/1 WERKSMANS PROKUREURS KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van ar�kel 34(1) van die Insolvensiewet Nr 24 van 1936,soos gewysig, aan geïnteresseerde partye en krediteure van Silicon Smelters Eiendoms Beperk (Registrasienommer 1998/019036/07) (die “Maatskappy”) met besigheidsadres te Beyersnekweg, Witkop Quarry, Polokwane, Limpopo Provinsie, dat die Maatskappy van voorneme is om, so spoedig moontlik na die 31ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, maar voor die 60ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, oordrag van al die Maatskappy se reg, �tel en belang in en tot die Maatskappy se besigheid ten opsigte van die aanplant, oes en verkoop van hout op sy houtplase geleë in die Limpopo Provinsie en wat deur die Maatskappy onder die naam en styl van SILICON MELTERS bedryf word en al sy bates, insluitend sy onroerende eiendom (bestaande uit verskeie houtplase geleë te Louis Trichardt / Makhado, Haenertsburg en Morebeng
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PUBLIC NOTICE CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF THE THIRD (3RD) SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL AND LODGING OF OBJECTIONS (2019/2020) Following the notices published on the 22 March 2019 and 29 March 2019 on Zoutpansberger and Limpopo Mirror Newspapers, the Makhado Local Municipality would like to inform members of the public especially properties owner affected by Third Supplementary Valuation Roll that the closing date of inspection is extended to 28 June 2019. All the objections must be submitted on or before the 28 June 2019. The Objection form is obtainable at the Civic centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado town, Office C027 (DDP new building) and Office of the Regional Administrators at Waterval, Dzanani and at Vleifontein Satellite Office and or on www.makhado.gov.za. The completed Objection form must be returned to the same Offices or alternatively to the address below. The Municipal Manager Makhado Local Municipality Private Bag X2596 MAKHADO 0920 For enquiries please telephone: Mr Thanyani Ndivhuwo or Mr Nekhavhambe Alfred at (015) 5193083/ (015) 519-3296 or alternatively e-mail to ndivhuwot@makhado.gov.za/ alfredn@makhado. gov.za Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street MAKHADO File Number: 6/2/4/1 Notice Number: 65/2019
Musina tables its annual budget
announced some of the projects that we will be undertaking. I now have An amount of R7 million has been the pleasure to give the progress put aside to construct a sports report thereof. The construction of centre at Ha-Manenzhe, while R8 paved roads in Nancefield, which was million has been budgeted to pro- budgeted for R4 million, is nearing vide the rural communities with a completion and the work is at 76%. community hall at Muswodi during Masisi Sports Centre, which had the coming 2019/20 financial year. a budget of R5,2 million is now at This was said by the mayor of 75%. Together with the provincial Musina, Cllr Mihloti Muhlope, when government, we managed to build Some of the guests of honour photographed with the mayor of Musina, Cllr Mihloti Muhlope (seated) after the budget she presented the State of the Munic- 580 houses for our needy community speech. The guests are from left to right: Thovhele Mmbangiseni Manenzhe, Cllr Samuel Munyai, Cllr Molly Mutele, Staff ipality address at the Musina Show- members. This simply demonstrates Sergeant Titus Madamalala from the SANDF, Cllr Dowelani Nenguda, Lt Col Erick Baloyi, Lt Col Sandla Ntshotsho grounds on Tuesday. that we are serious about fighting (both from the SANDF) and Headman Rembuluwani Nduvheni. Muhlope said other projects includ- poverty and to improve the lives ed the construction of a multipurpose of our people. “During the current centre in Nancefield at a cost of R7 financial year, the municipality is million and a further R6 million had providing free services to more than been put aside to construct paved 3000 indigent families at a cost of over R4 million. These are the peoroads in Nancefield. ple whose joint She said it was of critical importance “During the current finan- family monthly that Musina Local cial year, the municipality i n c o m e i s R 3 Municipality make is providing free services 500 or less. Each beneficiary of the every effort to ensure that its budget to more than 3000 indi- municipality’s had value for money gent families at a cost of indigent policy receives 6 kiloliand that the expenover R4 million” tres of water, 55 diture and income were at optimum levels to secure kilowatts of electricity and 100% free sewer and refuse removal services basic service delivery. “Our total operating revenue for the every month. We will continue to do 2019/20 financial year is R378,070 the same in the new financial year.” She said she was happy that the million. R39,016 million will be funded from the Municipal Infrastruc- mayoral bursary continued to change ture Grant. Other conditional grants the lives of young people in Musina. include R2,365 million from the “Last year during this time, we reFinance Management Grant as well ported that in the past six years, the as R1,139 million from the Extended mayoral bursary had produced 15 Public Works Programme Grant. The graduates. I’m glad to announce that Integrated National Electrification the number has now increased to 17. The local Rotary Anns donated 3 000 tins of canned food to Bergcare last week. Bergcare is an umbrella service Programme Grant is R10 million.” This is because we have produced organisation that tries to co-ordinate the welfare projects in Louis Trichardt. Bergcare’s biggest project is the supplying Muhlope also reported progress two more graduates this year. We of food parcels every fortnight to needy families. Currently, 60 boxes containing food, cleaning products and other on the projects that the municipality will continue to invest in education essentials are packed and then handed out. The families, the bulk of whom are pensioners, are continuously monitored is currently implementing during the because we need educated young and visited by a social worker. Photographed during the handover are, from left to right, Diane Bannatyne (Rotary current financial year coming to an people who will be able to support Anns), Magda Pretorius (Bergcare helper), Moraig Henning (Rotary Anns), Andries Smal (Bercare manager) and end at the end of this month. “Last the special economic zone in our Coral Collett (Rotary Anns). year during the budget speech, we municipality.” Municipal News
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11 Left: As part of this year’s Kremetart Cycle Race on 8 June, a 5km family fun walk was held in aid of the Endangered Wildlife Trust. The overall winner in the best -dressed category was the young Chrizette Odendaal, who dressed up as an elephant. Photos supplied.
Results: Louis Trichardt parkrun #19 - 15/06/2019 Pos
Age Cat
Age Grade
Gender Pos
Total Runs
New PB!
Selaotswe TLHAKULI
New PB!
PB stays at 00:25:40
Leon Charles BARNARD
First Timer!
Japie HORN
New PB!
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
19 th HOLE
Datum 12/06/19
Hoofborg Naam
Plek 1
Sors Snyman André Coetzee
uittel 42
Peter Thompson
uittel 42
Hoofborg Sanlam
Formaat IS
A-afdeling Formaat
R. Gilfillan
J. Cronjé
R. Gerber
Eie reëlings
Maandelikse Houespel
Eie reëlings
Hanglip 54 (Dag 1)
Hanglip 54 (Dag 2)
Hanglip 54 (Dag 3)
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stab leford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
• Average run time: 00:42:39 • Total distance run: 6,600km
• Total hours run: 0 Years 39 Days 2Hrs 29Min 45Secs
• Female record holder • Male record holder • Age graded record holder
: Donna GREYLING - 22:33 - Event 1 (09/02/19) : Mushoni BULAGI - 18:32 - Event 7 (23/03/19) : Tracy RANKIN - 23:15 - Event 18 (08/06/19)
Louis Trichardt parkrun - every Saturday at 8:00am
Sanlam Kanker Uitdaag Datum 15/06/19
• Total number of runners for 2019: 371 • Biggest Attendance: 142
Opkomende Kompetisie Datum
Formaat IS
Eie reëlings
• Number of events: 19 • Average number of runners per week: 69.5
What is Louis Trichardt parkrun? It is a 5km run - it’s you against the clock. Every Saturday at 8:00am.
to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time.
Where is it? The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1.
How fast do I have to be? We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come What does it cost to join in? along and join in Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first whatever run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget your pace!
B-afdeling 1
T. Cartwright
C. Machumela
uittel 36
J. Cronjé
uittel 36 C-afdeling
D. de Jager
E. Anderson
NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 8 of the regulations published in Government Notice No. R698 of 20 July 2017 under Section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act no. 107 of 1998) as amended, of intent to carry out the following activity: Activity & Locality: The submission of an ex post facto S24G application to Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism for environmental authorisation of unlawful commencement and continuation of a listed activity which commenced without Environmental Authorisation namely the establishment of an extra aboveground 30 m3 Diesel tank (Expansion) on Portion 3 of the farm Vogelenzang 3 MT west of Musina on the R572 road.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 41(2) (a, b & c) and Regulation 41(3)(a & b) of the regulations published in Government Notice R. 982 of the National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no. 107 of 1998) of intent to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment (Scoping) Process for the following activity (given below) which will be submitted to Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment & Tourism.
The site was taken over from the previous owner in October 2015. (Old Vecto site). The three tanks of the previous owner were lawfully replaced with three tanks of equal volume of 23 m3 each. In 2017 the tanks were expanded by adding another aboveground tank of 30 m3 next to the initial three tanks. There was no environmental authorisation for the expansion with another tank on the area.
EIA DESCRIPTION Regulation 984, 4 December 2014. Listing Notice 2 (As amended). Activity no 15 : The clearance of an area of 20 hectares or more of indigenous vegetation.
Municipality Proponent Consultants
In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) ONLY in terms of environmental concerns regarding the above-mentioned process, please submit your name, contact information and interest to the contact person given above, on or before 20 July 2019. NO JOBS AVAILABLE
NAME OF PROPONENT LIMPOPO CITRUS (PTY) LTD. P.O. BOX 42 VIVO 0924 NAME OF CONTACT/CONSULTANT TUA CONSERVA - Mr J Claassens (Jnr) Cell : 082 800 9066 Johann Cell : 073 593 9224 Magda e-mail : jc.tuaconserva@gmail.com tuaconserva@gmail.com
: Musina Local Municipality : Eisogenix (Pty) Ltd : AGES Limpopo (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2526, POLOKWANE, 0700. Telephone & Fax: 015 291 1577 (Ref: Ms H von Well / Mr H Jannasch) E-mail: hvonwell@ages-group.com / hjannasch@ages-group.com
MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Makhado Local Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 34 sub section (a) of Municipal Systems Act, (Act 32 of 2000) and Section 22(a) of Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) that the Final 2019/20-2021/22 IDP and Budget had been adopted by Council on the 30th May 2019.
Copies of the approved Final IDP and Budget are available for public inspection at the Municipal office (Civic Centre office, B041 Ground floor) or alternatively via the municipal website at www.makhado.gov.za.
DATE AND VENUE OF PUBLIC MEETING Date: Will be supplied to interested/affected parties Venue : Will be supplied to interested/affected parties.
All enquiries can be directed to the Municipal Manager and the Chief Financial Officer at telephone number 015 519 3000.
In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter in writing to the contact person given above within 30 days of publication of this advertisement. The information must be received before or on 22 JULY 2019, 12h00. The meeting arrangements will be supplied to registered parties. Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street MAKHADO Notice No. 75 of 2019 File No: 15/7/1
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LOCATION AND EXTENT The activity entails the following: The activity entails the clearing of Indigenous vegetation for Citrus lands, The proposed activity will be on The Farm Weipe 47 MS (Remaining extent) ) within Musina Local Municipality of Vhembe District, Limpopo Province
The listed activity contravened was activity 22 (e)(i) of R985 of 4 December 2014, as amended as well as activity 67 (i) of R983 of 4 December 2014, as amended under the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998).
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Die NG Kerk Levubu het op Vrydag, 7 Junie, hulle jaarlikse gholfdag by die Soutpansberg Die wenners van die tweede plek van die NG Kerk Levubu-gemeente se jaarlikse gholfdag was Gholfklub aangebied. Vanjaar se wenners van dié gewilde vierbal-alliansie kompetisie was die die span bestaande uit (van links na regs) Johan Breytenbach, Fanie Vosloo, Michael Parkin en span bestaande uit Dylan Pope, Andrew Smit, Dave Pope en Andrew Leach. Afgeneem van links Francois Jonker. Foto verskaf. na regs is Michelle van Tonder (organiseerder), Andrew Smit, Dave Pope en Andrew Leach. Dylan was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto. Foto verskaf.
Duiweboere spook sake uit in twee wedvlugte vanaf Parys in die Vrystaat Duiwenuus
Die Soutpansberg Gholfklub het op 7 Junie weer gasheer gespeel vir die NG Kerk Levubu se jaarlikse gholfdag. Die span bestaande uit Peter Thompson, Steve Krügel, Rampie Gilfillan en Anton Pretorius het derde geëindig in hierdie vierbal-alliansie kompetisie. Slegs Peter (links) en Steve (regs) was beskikbaar tydens die neem van die foto. Foto verskaf.
Lede van die Hangklip Posd uifk lub het mekaar weer die afgelope naweek die stryd aangesê in hulle volgende wedvlug vanaf Parys in die Vrystaat. Soos gewoonlik is ‘n jaaroud- en opewedvlug beslis met die eerste 10 plekke wat telkens in elke wedvlug vermeld word. Die jaaroudwedvlug is gewen deur Ben en Marian Pienaar, nadat hul wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n wenspoed van 1 361.27 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 10de. Sekelbos Hokke was 2de en 3de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 4de en 6de, Mieke & Mike Coetzee 5de, 7de en 8ste en Julius Pienaar 9de. In die opewedvlug was dit Mieke & Mike Coetzee wat met die louere weggestap het, nadat hulle wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1 384 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 4de.
G Bezuidenhout was 2de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 3de, Ben & Marian Pienaar 5de en Nico Bezuidenhout 6de, 7de, 8ste, 9de en 10de. Met die wedvlugseisoen in volle swang beklee G Bezuidenhout ‘n eerste plek op die klub se punteleer met 359 punte. In die tweede plek is Nico Bezuidenhout met 351 punte, gevolg deur Mieke & Mike Coetzee in die derde plek met 344 punte. Die vierde tot negende posisies word beklee deur Ben & Marian Pienaar (339), RWJ & Mike Coetzee (339), Julius Pienaar (325), TE Smit (312), Sekelbos Hokke (305) en Erasmus Hokke (146). Eerskomende naweek vlieg die klub vanaf Ventersdorp oor ‘n afstand van sowat 485 km. Buiten vir die jaaroud- en opewedvlug, sal die klub ook die naweek hulle tweede veilingwedvlug van die jaar beslis. Vir meer inligting hieroor en die klub se bedrywighede, skakel Ben Pienaar by tel. 083 257 3259.
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Die Beweging vir Christelike Volkseie Onderwys (BCVO) se o.15 Noord-Transvaal rugbyspan het as algehele wenners in hul ouderdomsgroep uit die stryd getree tydens de BCVO se Winterspele wat vanaf 13 tot 15 Junie in Lichtenburg aangebied is. Hulle het die BCVO se Oos-Transvaalspan met 31-10 geklop. Heelparty rugbyspelers van die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichardt het deel uitgemaak van die wenspan. Dit het ingesluit onderkaptein Duan Pretorius (voor, derde van links), kaptein Douw Steyn (voor, derde van regs), Heinrich Volschenk (middel, links), Wessel Veldman (agter, links) en langs hom SJ Mynhardt. Foto verskaf.