21 Maart 2014
PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.
Joubertstraat 16B Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Reën kortwiek werk aan dorp se boorgate - bladsy 2
Jaargang 30 Vol. 11
Tannie Elaine se skielike dood ‘n skok - bladsy 3
Motorists should be patient with N1 consturction - page 3
Power crisis nears end
Almost a year and a half later, Braambos residents can look forward to having electricity restored
By Frans van der Merwe
Lees berig op p. 2 Johan van Wyk van die Blouberg Natuurreservaat naby Vivo, laat die reuse 5-meter-lange luislang versigtig los. Foto verskaf.
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If not for the recent rains, the first four streets of households at Air Force Base (AFB) Makhado would have been connected to Eskom electricity during the course of last week. More than 1 000 residents from 234 households in the base’s Braambos residential area were left without electricity after a high-voltage supply cable that feeds the Eskom supply to the area exploded in two places on 10 October 2012. This was apparently followed by two more explosions five days later. Although the Department of Public Works was immediately informed of the explosions and subsequent total power outage, the department was slow in responding to the crisis. For more than a year the base had to make use of 13 standby generators at a running cost of more than R1,2 million per month to supply electricity to the residents. The contractor expects to connect these avenues by the end of this week, allowing the first four generators to be removed from service. New electric cables have been partly installed. According to a media release by the base, the use of standby generators is still an interim support measure by the Air Force to assist the 234 households with an ongoing supply of electricity. The generators are still maintained and serviced by
air force technicians of the base on a daily standby schedule. In case of breakdowns, the base is assisted by 5 Air Servicing Unit from AFB Waterkloof in Pretoria, while standby generators are used to provide an uninterrupted power supply. The general domestic situation has been stabilised, but many hours of overtime are still being worked by technicians to ensure ongoing electricity, in spite of regular failures. Since the appointment of a contractor by the Department of Public Works in November last year, progress has been good and the repair of systems and facilities such as substations and mini-substations is currently on schedule. After the connection of the first four streets at the end of this week, the first four generators will be kept on standby for the interim until full testing has been completed at the end of the repair project, estimated to be at the end of April. According to a statement by Brig Gen Schalk van Heerden, the officer commanding AFB Makhado, the morale of members has improved as progress of repairs can be seen on a daily basis. “On the lighter side of the situation, households that receive their electricity from the generators have not been affected by the recent load-shedding programme of Eskom,” Van Heerden said.
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21 March 2014 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Reën kortwiek werk aan dorp se boorgate Die boorgate suidwes van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) wat ‘n groot gedeelte van die ou dorp en Tshikota se water voorsien, word weer oorgedoen en opgeknap. Dié boorgate se toerusting is in Desember 2011 splinternuut oorgedoen teen ‘n koste van R2.4m, net om ‘n maand later vernietig te word deur koperkabeldiewe en vandaliste. Die jongste herstelkontrak se voltooidatum was in Desember verlede jaar, maar weens ‘n laat aanstellingsbrief en die reën wat hulle gekortwiek het, sê die kontrakteurs dat die verwagte voltooidatum nou skuif na die einde van Maart. “Dan moet ons vir seker klaar wees,” het mnr. Liano Viviers, in vennootskap met mnr. Michael Sambo van Solidarity Developers, wat die kontrak gekry Mnr. Liano Viviers van Polokwane, wat in vennootskap met Solidarity Developers is, hoop om het, verlede week gesê. Viviers is van Polokwane die werk teen die einde van Maart klaar te hê. Die swaar reëns is egter ‘n faktor wat die werk en Solidarity se hoofkantoor is in Tzaneen. Die terughou. Hier is ‘n brug wat herstel moet word en daar moet ook paaie gebou word om by sekere voltooidatum is steeds van die boorgate uit te kom. Foto verskaf. onderhewig aan die reën. Die sement kan nie op nat grond gegooi word nie. Viviers en die sub-kontrakteur vir die pompe, mnr. Johan Kotze, het gesê dat hulle ‘n brug moet herstel en paaie moet bou om by sekere van die boorgate uit te kom. “Ons was al in November laasjaar hier en sou in Desember klaargemaak het, maar die aanstellingsbrief het weke gevat. Daarna het die reën ons gekortwiek, maar ons het al goed gevorder,” het Viviers gesê. Hulle het reeds die vier nuwe boorgate in die dorp reggemaak. “Al vier pomp deur die dag in die sisteem in. Die vier boorgate is in Presidentstraat, President Steynstraat, by die toetsstasie in Kortstraat en in die karavaanpark. Die een in Presidentstraat wil hulle reguit met die reservoir verbind, maar dit is nie deel van Solidarity se kontrak nie,” het Viviers gesê. Dan is daar nog 10 boorgate waaraan hulle werk. Die een is by die treinspoor, nog een is oos van Kortstraat en agt is buite by die Rietvley plotte, op die Sinthumulepad. Die kontrakteurs bou nuwe
pompkamers, installeer nuwe motors, nuwe pompe, nuwe bedrading en kragbokse (starter boxes). Vyf pomphuisvloere is klaar gegooi en een pomphuisie, aan die noordekant van die Sinthumulepad, is klaar gebou. “Hulle het probeer om my katrol deur die nou openinkie tussen die muur en die dak uit te trek en te steel, maar hulle kon dit nie regkry nie,” het Kotze gesê en bygevoeg dat hulle as ekstra maatreëls teen diefstal staalpype en monopompe gebruik. “Als is nou toe onder sement. Dit sal nie meer so maklik wees om te steel nie,” het Kotze gesê. Plaaslike Afriforum-voorsitter mnr. Wally Schultz het hierdie week die vordering by die boorgate gaan inspekteer. “Mens kan nie met ‘n voertuig daar inkom nie, en ons moes enkeldiep en partyplekke kniediep deur die modder tot by die boorgate stap. Daarom aanvaar ek dat hulle voltooidatum aanskuif,” het Schultz gesê. Sekuriteit by die boorgate bly seker steeds een van die grootste knelpunte. Die Solidarity kontrakteurs het aan die Zoutpansberger gesê dat die telemetriese sisteem nie onder hulle kontrak val nie. Die Vhembe Distriksmunisipaliteit se bestuurder van tegniese dienste, mnr. Ratidzai Madimutsa, het op 13 Maart bevestig dat Vhembe definitief die telemetriese sisteem gaan installeer en dat ‘n ander kontrakteur, Belta, daarvoor aangestel is. “Sodra Solidarity klaarmaak, sal Belta inbeweeg,” het Madimutsa gesê. Buiten die telemetriese sisteem, waarvolgens persone op hulle selfone kennis kry as daar aan die pompe gepeuter word, sal sekuriteitswagte ook ontplooi word. Daar word asem opgehou dat daar nie voordat al die sisteme in plek is, weer groot skade deur diewe aangerig word nie. Die kontrakteurs het vertel dat hulle in Desember verlede jaar daar gekom het en gevind het dat, binne die bestek van een week, al wat ‘n kabel is aan die vorige sisteem uitgesteel is en groot vernietiging aangerig is.
“Als is nou toe onder sement. Dit sal nie meer so maklik wees om te steel nie”
Environmental Affairs Sekuriteit bly altyd ‘n knelpunt. Daar was ‘n mislukte poging om ‘n katrol deur die nou openinkie tussen die muur en die dak van die stewige nuwe pomphuis uit te trek en te steel. ‘n Telemetriese sekuriteitsisteem word in die vooruitsig gestel, asook sekuriteitswagte. Foto verskaf. Deur Isabel Venter
Meneer luislang vind ‘n nuwe tuiste Só groot was ‘n luislang wat hier in die Soutpansberge gevang is dat dié meneer, opgekrul in sy krat, sommer soos twee slange gelyk het. Danksy twee boesemvriende se spanwerk het die slang ‘n nuwe tuiste gekry op die Blouberg Natuurreservaat naby Vivo. Johan van Wyk, die bestuurder van Blouberg, se hulp is ingeroep nadat die slang, van by die 5 meter, vroeg in Maart ‘n boer van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se boerbok doodgedruk het. Die slang het nie die bok ingesluk nie, maar daar is besluit om dit eerder te verskuif as vakant te maak. Synde die Blouberg Reservaat onder die staat se beheer val, moes die sente maar twee keer omgedraai word, en Johan het sy vriend Barry Fourie gevra om die slang te gaan haal. So gesê, so gedaan, maar toe Barry sien presies hoe groot die slang is, het hy net daar op die plek besluit om eerder maar self die slang deur te ry Blouberg toe. “Nee heng, ek het vir die ou gesê ek soek nie so ‘n groot slang op my plaas nie,” het Barry, wat self in die Witvlag-omgewing boer, vandeesweek aan die Zoutpansberger gesê.
Met sy aankoms by Blouberg het die sekuriteitswag vir Barry gevra of hy dan nou twéé slange gebring het. “Nee, net een slang ... een groot slang,” was die antwoord. Op die reservaat het Johan en Barry ‘n plekkie gekry waar hulle die slang veilig kon vrylaat. Die fisiese loslaatwerk het Barry vir Johan gelos, sodat daar ‘n foto geneem kan word van die heuglike gebeurtenis. Ook maar goed so, vertel Johan, want toe die slang besef dat hy vry is om te gaan was hy soos blits weg. “Daar was nie toe nog tyd gewees vir foto’s nie,” het Johan Dinsdag telefonies aan die koerant gesê. Intussen het die slang se verhuising vir ‘n interessante debat gesorg onder plaaslike natuur liefhebbers wat lede is van die Blouberg Natuurreservaat se Facebook-blad. Die Suider-Afrikaanse lui slang, of te wel Phython natalensis, is tans gelys as ‘n be kermde spesies in die Limpopo Omgewingsbestuur Wet (Wet 7 van 2003). Dit is juis hierdie status wat die debat aangevuur het. Daar is party soos Annette Kennealy, ‘n boorling van die Soutpansberge, wat voel dat
die luislang se populasie dramaties toegeneem het weens sy beskermde status. Sy voel daar moet ‘n balans gehandhaaf word, anders kan te veel luislange ander beskermde diere soos die rooid uiker uitroei. “Deur ‘n luislang, wat gered is, te verskuif kan mens die balans van die nuwe habitat versteur,” het Annette gesê. Na haar mening moet die luislang se status dalk eerder hersien word. Ander natuurliefhebbers voel weer dat die luislang beskerm moet word, al is dit ten koste van ander beskermde diere. Vaughan Jessnitz meen dat die luislang beslis uitgeroei sal word as dit van die beskermde lys van diere afgehaal word, en dat daar vrylik in hulle handel gedryf sal word. Daar is, volgens Johan, glo ‘n mark vir luislange op die onwettige muti-mark. Sotho en Pedi mense glo as jy ‘n dooie luislang naby jou beeskraal begrawe jou beeste net so vet sal word soos die luislang. Mense, sê Johan, is ook lief daarvoor om luislange aan te hou as troeteldiere. Hy het egter gewaarsku dat strawwe boetes opgelê kan word indien jy nie die nodige permitte van die Departement Omgewingsake bekom om die slang aan te hou nie.
R225 million donation towards rhinos Rangers and others involved in the national effort to stop rhino poaching received a welcome boost to continue the fight, thanks to generous sponsors. American philanthropist Howard Buffet announced last week that he will donate R225 million over three years towards the anti-poaching fund of the Kruger National Park (KNP). On Monday, the KNP received a further R1 million from Unitrans Volkswagen. The donation was announced on Friday, at the same time
as the Department of Environmental Affairs released its latest rhino-poaching statistics. While slightly down from the year’s earlier rhino death statistics, South Africa is still losing more than two rhinos a day to poachers. Spokesperson for SANParks Mr Reynold Thakhuli said the extra funding would go toward creating an intensive protection zone, which will see the use of sophisticated detection and tracking equipment and infrastructure on the ground and in the air, elite
canine units, improved intelligence gathering and observation and surveillance systems. In addition, part of the Buffet funding will also be utilized to test anti-poaching tactics that can be applied in other parts of Africa where rhinos are also under threat. Speaking at the funding announcement, Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa said the illicit wildlife trade was the fourth-largest syndicated criminal activity in the world after drug and human trafficking and arms smuggling.
Environmental Affairs
Be careful warns SA Weather Service
Following the recent heavy rains in Limpopo, Mr Mkhushulwa Msimanga, senior forecaster for the South African Weather Services, warned last week that levels of soil moisture in many places remained high and it would therefore not require much more rain to cause flooding. He urged communities living along river environments to remain on high alert. Causeways are also prone to flooding under such conditions and motorists are urged to be vigilant, especially at night and/or in conditions of limited visibility. * If at all possible, stay indoors and off roads. * If walking outdoors, avoid crossing rivers and swollen streams where water is above
your ankles. * Just six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock a person off their feet, and a depth of two feet is enough to float a car. * Never try to walk, swim or drive through fast-moving flood water. Stop, turn around and go another way. * Listen to the special warnings on the radio and/or television. * Take note of the information that has been shared by the Emergency Services or Disaster Management Centres. * Abandon your home immediately if evacuation is recommended, before access is cut off by flood water. * Never drive into water covering the road. You will not know how deep it is or if the road has
been washed away. * If the vehicle stalls, leave it immediately and seek higher ground * Be especially cautious at night when it’s harder to recognize flood dangers. The South African Weather Service will continue monitoring any further developments relating to this weather system and will issue subsequent updates as required. Furthermore, the public is urged to follow weather forecasts on television and radio regularly. Updated information can also be found at www.weathersa.co. za as well as via the SA Weather Service twitter account @ SAWeatherService. (Information supplied by the South African Weather Service)
21 Maart 2014
Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Nuus van tannie Elaine se skielike dood skok Talle inwoners van die Soutpansberg het met hartseer en skok verneem van die afsterwe van mev. Elaine Hoffmann (70) op 11 Maart na ‘n kort siekbed. “Net ses weke en sy was weg,” het haar dogter, mev. Heidi Janse van Rensburg, gesê en vertel dat hul geliefde moeder kort tevore met pankreas-, limf- en klierkanker gediagnoseer is. “Ons mis haar so; sy het elke oggend om tienuur by die winkel ingekom en kom kuier.” Elaine se eggenoot, mnr. Martin Hoffmann van Matman, is ‘n ou bekende in die besigheidswêreld en in die dorp. Die Hoffmanns het hulle sowat 40 jaar gelede (in Desember 1973) in Louis Trichardt kom vestig. “Elaine was altyd vriendelik en het as huisvrou kwaliteit-tyd aan ons kinders gegee. Die mense in die dorp het haar geken as iemand wat baie lief was
Wyle mev. Elaine Hoffmann. Foto verskaf.
vir mooi aantrek en mooi juwele – jy kon haar altyd deur ‘n ring trek. Sy was ‘n rolmodel vir baie van die dorp se vrouens, wat gesê het dat hulle wens hulle kon soos sy lyk. Sy was goed vir almal en het geleef vir haar kleinkinders en hondjies. Die drie Yorkies slaap nou by my op die bed,” het ‘n bedroefde oom Martin gesê. Elaine (Danelia Johanna) was ‘n nooi De Beer wat op 13 Maart 1943 in die destydse Pietersburg gebore is en ook daar skoolgegaan het. Martin en Elaine het drie kinders, Cindy, Mark en Heidi. “Ons is so hartseer dat sy haar kleinseun, Jonathan, se troue in April gaan mis,” het oom Martin gesê. Martin en Elaine was beide lede van die dorp se tennisklub. Elaine se pragtige pryswenner-tuin in Bredastraat is deur menige inwoner bewonder en baie het van haar “sonbed” gebruik kom maak. “Sy was lief vir plante, blomme en die natuur. Sy het in Pietersburg tuine uitgelê,” het Heidi gesê . “Sy was ‘n vrou, mamma en ouma duisend,” het haar dogter, Cindy Strydom, gesê. Cindy se dogter, Lucinda, het gesê dat haar Oumie vir haar in elke opsig perfek was en haar seun Armand was dankbaar vir al die aanmoediging wat hy van sy ouma gekry het. “Ons gaan jou regtig mis, maar Mamma is in onse Vader se huis waar elkeen van ons gaan volg om Mamma weer te ontmoet,” het Mark gesê. Wyle Elaine Hoffmann se gedenkdiens is op 15 Maart deur ds. Dick Mahné in die Metodiste Kerk waargeneem. Sy word oorleef deur haar man, dogter Cindy en Theunis Strydom (met Lucinda en Armand), dogter Heidi en Tommy Janse van Rensburg (met Jonathan en Charlene) en seun Mark en Mariëtte Hoffmann. Die familie bedank graag dr. Emile Gaigher en die verpleegpersoneel van die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal, ds. Mahné, Marinda van Marinda Haarsalon, asook die gemeenskap vir al die blomme en oproepe om medelye te betoon.
Construction work to complete a traffic circle at the Elim intersection on the N1 South is well under way. In addition, the N1, stretching from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) to Matoks, will be repaired and resurfaced. By Isabel Venter
Please be patient with N1 construction Construction work on the national road that stretches through Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is well under way. This project, funded by the South African National Road Agency Limited (SANRAL), will run between Makhado (Louis Trichardt) and Matoks. Because of the recent heavy rainfall in the region, the completion date of the project had to be extended. Work done on this stretch of road is expected to be completed by the end of December
this year. Not only will the road surface be fixed, but a traffic circle will be built at the Elim-road intersection. Repair work done to the N1 has already started with the grading of the road surface. Problem areas are fixed and then covered with a slurry mix before it can be covered up again with a smooth tar layer. After the tar layer, road marks will be repainted on the surface. For the traffic circle, work on the vehicle bypass strips is nearly complete. The bypass
strips will enable motorists to still drive on the N1 while construction work will move to the middle of the road, where the traffic circle will be built. If the weather permits it, the bypass will be completed in three weeks’ time. The newspaper was able to determine that this will see the implementation of stop-and-go points before and after the Elim intersection. There will be no construction work during school and public holidays.
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21 March 2014 Hulpverlening
Hulpfonds gestig om slagoffers te help
Baird Ministries hosted Pastor Joy van Eeden of Hope Ministries on 16 March in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). She has just returned from the USA where the theme of her ministry was “The Supernatural”. From left to right are Pastor Esther Bester, television host of the Prayer and Action Movement in South Africa, Pastor Bertus Bezuidenhout, founder of Baird Ministries, and Pastor Joy van Eeden. Insert: Pastor Avha Ramakulukusha, who ministered on “You are your brother’s keeper”. Photo supplied.
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Solidariteit Helpende Hand het verlede week ‘n noodfonds op die been gebring vir Limpopo-inwoners wat deur die onlangse vloede geraak is, met spesifieke fokus op die inwoners van Bela-Bela en Lephalale. Persone en instansies wat deur die vloede geraak is, word genooi om Helpende Hand se Limpopo-streeksorganiseerder, Marianthie van der Walt, te kontak vir moontlike bystand. Van der Walt kan gekontak word by 082 741 7858. Met fondse wat deur die SMS-lyn ontvang is, is Helpende Hand in die proses om ‘n kragopwekker vir die Warmbad Rusoord in Bela-Bela aan te koop. As gevolg van die vloede moet die rusoord vir lang tydperke sonder elektrisiteit klaarkom. Talle skenkings van kos, komberse en klere is ook ontvang wat deur die Helpende Hand Limpopo-takke versprei word. “Ons is ontsettend dankbaar vir die bydraes
wat ons reeds ontvang het,” sê Danie Brink, die uitvoerende hoof van Solidariteit Helpende Hand. “Ons doen egter ‘n beroep op die publiek om steeds skenkings aan die noodfonds te maak, omdat die vloedskade reeds baie omvattend is en skade steeds aangemeld word. Hoe meer geld ons ontvang, hoe meer mense kan ons help.” Volgens die jongste mediaberigte is die Waterberg-streek in die provinsie reeds tot rampgebied verklaar en miljoene rande se skade is aangerig. Duisende inwoners moes glo deur reddingsdienste uit die vloede gered word en die omvang van die skade is as “kritiek” bestempel. Die publiek kan tot die noodfonds bydra deur “RAMP” na 38969 te SMS en só R10 by te dra. Skenkings kan ook in die volgende rekening inbetaal word: Solidariteit Helpende Hand, FNB, rekeningnommer 62 331 445 503, tjekrekening, takkode 250655 en verwysing NOODFONDS.
Hierdie groepie Wiskunde slimkoppe van Laerskool Louis Trichardt dring deur na die volgende rondte van die AMESA Wiskunde Olimpiade na afloop van die eerste rondte wat op 14 Maart by die skool geskryf is. Van links na regs is Leandrie de Jager (Graad 6) en die Graad 7’s Stefan Corbett, Roy Stewart, Raheel Ayob en Gundo Netshifhefhe. Die tweede rondte vind op 9 Mei plaas.
BUSINESS talk By Linda van der Westhuizen
Saryna Kiddi Care expands services
Saryna Kiddi Care has expanded its services to include pre-school facilities for babies from birth up to four years. It opened its doors on 3 February and is situated in 63 Cilliers Street. “To treat every child like our own is our motto,” says Sister Riana Claassens, who offers a combination of health services and pre-school facilities. Saryna Kiddi Care has a cli nic where immunization can be done and a sick clinic, where children with contagious illnesses can be isolated
and cared for, or those with other illnesses be nursed to health. The implication is that a sick baby or child can still be brought to school and will be well cared for. Children in the pre-school receive these services for free, but sick children attending other pre-schools will also be accommodated upon arrangement. The clinic is on the same premises as the new preschool, which is unique in the sense that it boasts an indoor soft-play area for those days that are either too hot or too
rainy for outside play, as well as a stimulation room, where the focus is on the development of gross motor skills. All meals are provided, including breakfast, lunch and a variety of snacks. Baby formula milk must be brought along. The day-to-day care and well-being of the children is under the management of Salome Chasserieau, with the aid of five staff members. Saryna Kiddi Care wants to make things as easy and as comfortable as possible for parents and children.
Let us know about your new business BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on new ments. New development will be highlighted developments in the local business arena. through a once-off short write-up free of charge. To enable us to keep the column running on a For information, phone Andries at 015 516 weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited 4996/7. to contact us and let us know of new developBy Linda van der Westhuizen
Improve health and beauty with Marita
Marita’s Ozone Health and Beauty Salon opened its doors on 3 March and is situated at 162 Hertzog Street in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). “I have a passion to serve people and to see how they are uplifted through the treatments, feeling so good about themselves,” says Marita Gibson, who specializes in ozone steam sauna therapy and redlight collagen therapy. Marita is a Bio Sculpture agent and does acrylic and gel nails, pedicures, waxing, massages for women, spray tanning and all the usual beauty treatments. Marita recently moved to town from Botswana, where she had a salon for four years. Though Marita is an accountant by profession, she prefers health and beauty. Marita’s ozone steam sauna therapy machine can be used by men or women. Ozone de-activates viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus and also burns fat, relieves muscle aches and improves brain function. The red-light collagen therapy promotes collagen production in the body. “Our body’s collagen decreases with age and exposure to the sun and the therapy causes the skin to boost its own collagen From left to right are Salomé Chasserieau, Cheyenne Olivier, Patricia Tarr and Tiny production, in order to improve the elasticity of the skin and to give it a youthful appearance, Raphuli, with three of the babies.
smoothing and reducing wrinkles,” says Marita. The benefits of the collagen therapy include the improving of the skin’s coloration and complexion, the firming of aged and tired skin, the fading of stretch marks, the reducing of cellulite and help for acne and sun spots. Discount is given if the full series of 12 sessions is booked. Appointments for all therapy treatments and beauty treatments are to be made by phoning Marita on 072 116 7255.
Marita Gibson, owner of Marita’s Ozone Health and Beauty Salon
21 Maart 2014
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21 March 2014 Hofnuus
Leraar se saak word weereens uitgestel Die Generaal Piet Joubert Voortrekkerkommando in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het op 11 Maart besoek afgelê by LMB Makhado se brandweereenheid. “Ons wil vir die brandweer hartlik bedank dat hulle tyd gemaak het om vir ons kinders meer te leer oor hoe die brandweer werk. Dit was baie interessant en klink of daar ‘n paar is wat graag brandweermanne of -vroue sal wil word as hulle groot is,” het die voortrekkerleiers gesê. Afgeneem van links na regs is lt. Mabitsi, sers. Perrucatti, sers. Humpries, Duncan Rossouw, Riana Otto, Dillan Rossouw, JJ Wepener, Loandrè Venter, Jean Marie Otto, Rina Eybers, Altus Otto, Phillip Eybers en Yolandie Visagie. Foto verskaf.
Die verhoor van ‘n NG-leraar van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sloer steeds voort, nadat daar steeds gewag word op ‘n beslissing van die Direkteur van Openbare Vervolging (DOV). Philip Arnoldus Venter (58), die voormalige le raar van die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente, het weer op Vrydag, 14 Maart, hier in die Distrikshof verskyn. Hy staar moontlike klagtes wat verband hou met die nalatige verlies van ‘n vuurwapen(s) en ook bedrog in die gesig. Venter het reeds op 5 Julie verlede jaar vir Lanbousake
Nuwe vereistes vir die invoer van rooivleis Die nasionale Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (RPO) het die nuwe vereistes vir die invoer van beeste, skape en bokke van Namibië, Botswana, Lesotho en Swaziland, verwelkom. Die nuwe vereistes is deur die Direkteur van Dieregesondheid aangekondig en sal op 1 Mei 2014 in werking tree. Die RPO, die Nasionale Ontwikkelende Rooivleis Produsente-organisies (NERPO) sowel as die Melkprodusente-organisasie, die Nasionale Wolkwekersvereniging en die Suid-Afrikaanse Stamboekvere niging is van mening dat dit die land se dieregesondheidstatus tot ‘n redelike mate sal beskerm. Ingevolge die aankondiging is daar besluit dat die Suid-Afri kaanse invoervereistes vir die relevante spesies vir alvier die betrokke lande gestandaardiseer
Aflewering binne 24 uur PETROL DIESEL Trotse verskaffers van CaltexPARAFFIEN Produkte Kontak Fanu Booyens Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 015Straat 516 1570 P Faks: 516 3098 Unikastraat. 3Tel: Unika O Box015 3104 Louis3 Trichardt Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: admin@gtoil.co.za admin@gtoil.co.za PETROL
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PETROL PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
die eerste keer vlugtig in die hof verskyn op dié klagtes. Venter se regsverteenwoordiger, mnr. Jaco Venter, het egter aangedui dat hy ‘n vertoë gerig het aan die DOV om te beslis of Venter vervolg moet word of nie. Intussen het die landdros Venter se saak finaal uitgestel tot 12 Mei in afwagting op die DOV se beslissing. Indien die beslissing teen daardie tyd nog nie beskikbaar is nie, kan die saak teen Venter voorlopig teruggetrek word.
moet wees. Enige permitte wat reeds uitgereik is en ná die implementeringsdatum verval en wat nog nie voor die implementeringsdatum gebruik is nie, kan na die permitkantoor aangestuur word, waar dit vervang sal word met die nuwe vereistes. Geen besending wat vergesel is van ‘n veterinêre dieregesondheidsertifikaat met die huidige vereistes sal ná die implementeringsdatum aanvaar word nie. Die volgende spesifieke voorwaardes is onder meer in terme van die nuwe vereistes geldig: * Wat beeste betref, mag die land van herkoms en uitvoer nie ‘n vorige geval van BSE aangemeld het nie en daar moet ‘n verbod wees op voer wat van diere afkomstig is, sowel as op beenmeel. Hierdie vereistes geld ook vir bokke en skape. * Beeste moet ook afkomstig
wees van ‘n land/sone wat deur die OIE erken word as vry van bek-en-klouseer, sonder inenting. Ander siektes wat relevant is vir beeste, is Johne se siekte, hondsdolheid, leptospirosis, vibriose, trichomoniase, beesleukose, IBR/IPV, tuberkulose en brucellose. In die geval van skape en bokke sluit die relevante siektes in CBP, BSE, hondsdolheid, CAE, PPR, asook skaap- en bok-pokke. Ander voorwaardes sluit in pre-uitvoer isolasie, opspoorbaarheid van individuele diere by wyse van ‘n oorplaatjie en sekere inentings in die geval van beeste, skape en bokke. Vir meer inligting, skakel Lardus van Zyl (voorsitter van die RPO) by tel. 082 944 7099 of Gerhard Schutte by 082 556 7296. (Inligting verkry vanaf die RPO)
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
WE’RE OPEN ON FRIDAY 21 MARCH 2014 FROM 9:00 - 13:00
21 Maart 2014
21 March 2014
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, Sondae History Makers om 17:00. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658
do (Louis Trichardt) nooi die gemeenskap uit om elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand vanaf 19:00 ‘n aand van spontane aanbidding in ‘n Geesgevulde aanbiddingsatmosfeer saam met hulle te ervaar. Vir verdere inligting of navrae kan past. Strydom by 082 7850 265 geskakel word.
• VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand van 18:00 tot 19:00 by Imperial GM (lokaal waar vroue vergader) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) bymekaar. “Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om te bid, geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om vroue na God se hart te wees. Alle vroue, jonk en oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 422 5248 geskakel word.
ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)
• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Tel. 015 516 4007
High: 28oC Low: 16oC
• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723
Friday, 21 March
• Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774
Mostly cloudy with a thunderstorm.
Cloudy, cooler with a p.m. shower.
High: 21oC Low: 15oC A thundershower in spots.
High: 24 C Low: 13 C o
Sunday, 23 March A thundershower in spots.
High: 28oC Low: 15oC
• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446
Monday, 24 March
• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081
Mostly sunny.
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.
High: 26oC Low: 15oC Tuesday, 25 March Clouds and sunshine.
High: 26 C Low: 16 C o
Wednesday, 26 March A couple of p.m. thundershowers.
High: 24oC Low: 15oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2014. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za
skakel Hannes by tel. 073 257 8671 vir meer inligting.
• VETKOEK-EN-MAALVLEIS TE KOOP Harcourts in Makhado (Louis
Trichardt) verkoop op 28 Maart weer heerlike vetkoek-en-maalvleis ten bate van BergCare. Die vetkoeke verkoop teen R15 stuk en aflewering word gedoen indien 10 en meer vetkoeke bestel word. Let asseblief daarop dat bestellings voor 12:00 op 27 Maart geplaas moet word deur die kantoor te skakel by tel. 015 516 1526. Harcourts is geleë te Kroghstraat 126.
during weekdays from 18:30 until 20:30. For more information phone 015 518 4154.
• MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die Manne van die Woord in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word. • MINISTERS FRATERNAL The
ministers fraternal of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) • KOM KUIER SAAM MET DJ meets every Tuesday. OSSEWA Die manne van Tafelronde For more information Rev Robbie Novella can Zoutpansberg 66 in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) be contacted on 015 516 5165. nooi oud en jonk na ‘n optrede van DJ Ossewa • MUSINA FAMILY LAW HELP ten bate van die Corlanie de Vries Projek op 12 DESK A maintenance and general family law April. Hul optrede vind plaas in Laerskool Louis help desk has been established at the Musina Trichardt se skoolsaal en kaartjies kos R50 vir Magistrate’s Court by ProBono.Org to promote volwassenes, R25 vir kinders bo 12 en is gratis access to justice by making pro bono lawyers available to assist people who find themselves in vir kinders onder 12. ‘n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees, terwyl domestic violence situations and need to enforce boereworsrolle en hamburgers te koop aangebied their rights. The aim is to facilitate the smooth administra- sal word. Daar is ook ‘n springkasteel vir die tion of the courts and to provide individuals with kinders. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by enige Tafelaar, free legal assistance. The help desk can provide asook bedags by Karien Cloete by Louis Trigeneral legal advice, assistance in completing necessary documents or forms, guidance regard- chardt Radio & Electrical te 90 Munnikstraat. ing court procedures, referral to appropriate court officials and, where the domestic violence matter WEEKLY DAM LEVELS is difficult and unresolved, refer the matter to a According to latest available WEEKLIKSE pro bono attorney. information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as The help desk will be available every first on Monday, 10 March. DAMVLAKKE Monday of the month from 08:00 to 12:00.
Saturday, 22 March
• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937
• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350
• AAND VAN SPONTANE AAN- TER The Bahá’í Information Center in MakhaBIDDING Shammah Bedieninge in Makha- do (Louis Trichardt) will meet every evening
Thursday, 20 March
• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot • WEEKLIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek sal elke Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooi- van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hulle leuse is “Vrolikheid mark by Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis by die grysheid!” en alle belangstellendes word Trichardt) gehou word. hartlik uitgenooi om in te skakel by die klub. Enige iemand is welkom om te kom uitstal. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by die sentrum. 082 921 6110. Vir meer inligting, skakel Davonnies by 015 516 5749. • BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CEN-
• Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566.
• Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061
• ASTRONOMY Weather permitting, the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) will hold their stargazing evening on Saturday, 22 March, from sunset onwards. The last quarter moon rises at 22:30, giving a few hours of dark time. The two gas giants of the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, will be visible during the evening as well as deep-sky objects, including a number of galaxies in the constellation of Leo. The SAC’s stargazing evenings are open to the general public and everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or at elephantcastle@lantic.net • CVO MUSIEKPRET-AAND Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg bied eersdaags weer hulle gewilde musiekpret-aand, Noot-vir-Noot, aan. Dit vind plaas op Vrydag, 28 Maart, vanaf 19:00 in hul skoolsaal. “Dit beloof om vet pret te wees,” sê die skool. Kaartjies vir die aand kos R130 per persoon, wat ‘n ete insluit, en kinders is ook welkom. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Salon Lu-is of
WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2014. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za
10/03/2014 03/03/2014
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
100.1% 99.9% 101.1% 100% 121.6% 100% 109.9% 101% 102.1% 102% 56.6% 55.7% 103.3% 102% 87.9% 87.7% 101.7% 102% 106.5% 103% 102.4% 101% 101.8% 101%
* Means latest available data
Fri, Sat: 9:15, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45, 22:15 Sun,Mon,Wed: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45 Tue: 9:15, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45 ——————————————————————————————————
MR PEABODY AND SHERMAN - 3D ¸ ˛ Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45
Thu: 11:30, 14:15
¸ ˛
Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 22:15
¸ ˛
Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:45 Sun,Tue: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30
TYLER PERRY'S SINGLE MOM'S CLUB¸˛ Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun,Tue: 9:10, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon,Wed: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Thu: 17:00, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————
Fri-Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00
Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15, 22:50 Sun,Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15 Mon,Wed: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15
THE BEST MAN HOLIDAY ˛ Fri, Sat: 17:15, 20:00, 22:50 Sun: 17:15, 20:00 Mon,Wed: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00
Follow us
• SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 / 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
082 16789 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
21 Maart 2014
that time of the year again when we remember our Lord’s Passion as He entered Jerusalem before being crucified on the cross. It is always good that we come together as a community to remember his sacrifice, made for us all,” says Rev Robbie Novella. The combined services will commence on 13 April (Palm Sunday) at the Full Gospel Church at the corner of Rissik and Burger Street and will continue on Monday 14 April at the Methodist Church at 79 Munnik Street. On Tuesday, 15 April, the service will be at the Anglican Church at 128 Munnik Street, on Wednesday, 16 April, at Emmanuel Christian Centre at 3 Koraalboom Street and on Thursday, 17 April, at the Dutch Reformed Church (NG Kerk) Soutpansberg at the corner of Anderson and Stubbs Street. All the services will commence at 18:30. A freewill collection will be taken, the proceeds to be decided by the ministers forum at a later stage. “All are welcome to attend as this is a time when all the community needs to come together to answer the ‘Call to come home’. Lent is a journey home. To begin this journey requires that we stop and notice in which direction we are travelling. Let us stop running and turn back home to the heart of God,” says Rev Novella on behalf of the ministers forum. For further information Rev Novella can be contacted on 015 516 5165 or 083 400 6152.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
geakkommodeer), Bybel, notaboek en pen. Daar is ‘n afslag vir vroeë besprekings ter sprake. Vir meer besonderhede skakel Madelyn by 0834425248 of Sarah by 015 516 5749.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is tans besig om reëlings te tref vir hul klas van 1994 se 20-jaar skoolreünie. Die geleentheid sal vanaf 25 tot 27 April by die Shikwaru Lodge naby Mokopane (Potgietersrus) gehou word. Oud-leerlinge en -onderwysers kan vir Werner Burger skryf by Werner@rag.org.za vir meer inligting of vir Annamarie Jordaan Thomson skakel by 084 582 0471.
SPORT MAART • MUNNIK MEERKAT MTB RACE Time is running out for the region’s
mountain bikers to prepare for the annual Munnik Meerkat Mountain Bike Challenge on 22 March, presented by Castle Lite. The starting times for the three races are 07:00 (70 km), 07:30 (35 km) and 08:00 (10 km) respectively, with the entry fees being R170 for the 70 km, R100 for the 35 km and R60 for the 10 km. Time Me will be doing the official timing of the event. A day license fee of R35 is only payable if the • SOUTPANSBERG KUNSFEES cyclists do not hold a valid CSA license. Pietersburg Rotary Club 100 will be catering Die jaarlikse Soutpansberg Kunsfees vind vanaf for the event and will start serving food from 19 tot 22 Mei by Laerskool Louis Trichardt plaas en inskrywingsvorms is reeds by die skool 06:00, while SA Brewers will be hosting a small beer garden throughout the day. beskikbaar. Two mountain bikes are also up for grabs in a Hierdie kunsfees bied aan laer- en hoërskoolleerlinge die geleentheid om op die verhoog raffle, one for the men and one for the ladies. This race is affiliated to the P&L Cycle Club op te tree met drama, sang, musiek en dans. with Johan van Dijkhorst again being the race Buiten die optredes is daar ook die uitstallings organiser. van verskillende kunsvorme wat baie inskryFor more information, visit www.munnikmeerwings lok. Die koste is R20 per inskrywing. Die kat.co.za or contact Felicity Oldreive (083 450 optredes sal elke middag vanaf 14:00 tot 17:30 in 2003), Charlotte Knott (082 456 3097), Lisa Ivy die skoolsaal plaasvind, terwyl die kunsuitstall(015 397 4450) or Johan van Dijkhorst (082 740 ing ook deur die publiek besigtig kan word. Vir meer inligting kan die skool geskakel word 8740). • KERK HOU LOSGOEDVEIby 015 516 5151 of me. Annelle Pauer by 071 • KRY GEWERE REG VIR JAGLING Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente 334 0447. SEISOEN Die Soutpansberg Skietklub bied in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi inwoners om op Saterdag, 29 Maart, ‘n skietoefeningdag aan op Saterdag, 26 April, hul losgoedveiling te kom • BASAAR BY ONS TUISTE Ons vanaf 08:00 tot 15:00. Almal is welkom om saam Tuiste Ouetehuis op Makhado (Louis Trichardt) ondersteun. sal vanjaar weer hul gewilde basaar aanbied. Die met die klub te oefen. Die veiling sou op 29 Maart plaasgevind het, “Kom skiet vanaf ons nuwe skiettafels en -stomaar moes uitgestel word omdat die datum geb- basaar sal op Vrydag, 30 Mei, om 08:00 gehou ele en kry julle jaggewere reg vir die seisoen,” word by die ouetehuis in Hlangananistraat. ots het met die jaarlikse Cansa Relay for Life. het die klub uitgenooi. Nie-lede betaal R30 vir Daar sal weer heerlike pannekoek, worsbroodOm van die veiling ‘n sukses te maak en dit toegang. ook so interessant moontlik te maak, vra die ge- jies, tuisgemaakte konfyt, kerrie-en-rys, vars Vir meer inligting kan Ampie du Toit geskakel meente dat inwoners hulle ondersteun deur al hul groente, koek, tert en ander gebak wees. Soos word by 015 516 2580. bruikbare items waarvoor hulle nie meer nut het vorige jare sal daar ook weer ‘n verskeidenheid van nuttige handwerk items te koop aangebied nie, aan die kerk te skenk om opgeveil te word. word. Daar sal ook kuierplek wees, en inwoners Die goedere kan gedurende die week tussen kan ‘n gratis koppie koffie of tee kry saam met 09:00 en 15:00 by Thea (015 516 4366) by die hul pannekoek en dit sommer daar by die basaar kerkterrein afgelaai word. geniet. • VROUEKAMP Vroue van die Woord Vir verdere navrae kan Ons Tuiste geskakel Louis Trichardt beplan hul volgende kamp vir 25 word by 015 516 0997. tot 27 April by Kamp Aquila. Daar is 40 plekke beskikbaar en daar kan nou reeds bespreek word. Die tema vir die kamp is “Die stem van die Vader,” met pastore Grant en • ‘N AAND SAAM MET DIE Bernice Clifton as sprekers. BESTES VAN DIE BESTES Die Die kampprys is R750 of R650, afhangende gemeenskap kan solank hulle vere regskud vir van die tipe akkommodasie. Daar is 14 plekke van die duurder akkommo‘n groot kultuurgeleentheid, “Die beste van die dasie beskikbaar waar twee persone ‘n chalet beste”, wat bestaan uit trefferliedjies vanuit deel en ‘n en-suite badkamer het en 32 plekke verskillende eras. waar vier persone deel en op bunkerbeddens Dit is die gesamentlike revue van Hoërskool slaap en die ablusieblok se geriewe gebruik. en Laerskool Louis Trichardt op 4, 5 en 6 AuDie prys sluit in twee aande se akkommodasie, gustus en begin elke aand om 18:30. Vrydagaand se bykosse, Saterdagoggend en Die verskillende kaartjiepryse is R30, R40 Sondagoggend se brunch en Saterdagaand se en R50, maar die gala-aand op 6 Augustus kos volledige aandete. R100 per kaartjie en sluit ‘n ligte ete in. Vroue moet asseblief onthou om ‘n vleisie vir Vir meer besonderhede kan die skoolkantoor Vrydagaand se braai saam te bring, ‘n swemgeksakel word by 015 516 5151 of me. Annelle handdoek, ‘n badhanddoek (tensy in chalet Pauer by 071 334 0447.
MOTHs of the Turbi Hills Shellhole in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) will once again be hosting their annual Turbi Hills Mountain Bike Race in the Roodewal Plantation (Ridgeway Independent School) on 24 May. The race comprises a 50km, 30km and 8km race. The entry fees for the three races are R100, R60 and R30 respectively, with first, second and third place prizes. M Premjee & Son will be the main sponsor of the race. For more information, phone Alan (083 660 2472), Heine (082 848 1973) or Leonie (079 888 6606).
Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi almal uit om saam met hulle te kom oefen. Die klub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 18:00 op die bane agter die Rugbylapa. Korfbal is vir oud en jonk en vir beide mans en vrouens. Vir meer inligting, skakel Gerda Piorek by tel. 079 882 1343.
• NETBAL Die Louis Trichardt Netbalklub sal Dinsdae en Donderdae oefen van 17:15 tot 18:30. Vir meer inligting of om aan te sluit by die klub kan Inalize Burger geskakel word by 079 523 4374. • KARATEKAS BEGIN OEFEN
Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub begin weer met hul weeklikse oefeninge. Die klub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die AGS se kerksaal in Munnikstraat. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
PRIL 26 A OM 2014 0! 10:0
Ondersteun NG Kerk Soutpansberg:
Van die items wat opgeveil sal word sluit in kombuisware, elektroniese ware, klerasie en vele meer!
Het jy enige bruikbare items waarvoor jy nie meer nut het nie? Skenk dit asseblief aan die kerk en help ons om die veiling ‘n sukses te maak! Die goedere kan gedurende die week tussen 09:00 en 15:00 by Thea (015 516 4366) by die kerkkantoor ingehandig word. Indien vervoer ‘n probleem is, kontak gerus vir ds. Botha by 084 645 0391 / 084 366 9983 of vir Andries van Zyl by 082 603 2419
There will be a WALL OF MEMORIES at the Survivor tent this year.
Anyone is welcome to bring a jumbo photo of someone you have lost to cancer and to write something on the wall.
10 21 March 2014 Agriculture
2013 macadamia crop puts a smile on faces During the last few weeks, Green Farms Nut Company (GFNC) embarked on a road show to the regions where they have Macadamia processing plants to make their price offer for the 2014 season, as well as “wrap up” the 2013 crop. They also visited their Levubu processing plant. The growers were anxiously awaiting the final results of the 2013 season. Through the Green Farms Nut Company’s unique business model, suppliers get to share 100% of the profits of the sales of the nuts. With the foreign exchange rates in favour of exports, and through great international sales contracts that the marketing team managed to secure, Jill Whyte, CEO of Green Farms Nut Co, managed to present the growers with a 22% bonus or ‘backpay’ on what they had already received The Green and Gold marketing team. From left to right are Jill Whyte (CEO), Alex Whyte for their crop. (Europe, Africa and Middle East), Brian Loader (America and Japan) and Richard Genest (Asia, Jill also wanted to find out from the ‘grower partAustralia and Nieu-Zeeland). Photo supplied. ners’ what they thought the long-term strategy for GFNC should be and for the macadamia industry as a whole. South Africa expects to sell 50% of the 2014 crop as ‘nut in shell’ to China. After an interactive session with the growers, it appeared that they all agreed with the current strategies of GFNC, with about a 20% to 25% exposure to the Chinese market. Concern was expressed regarding the over-dependence on one lucrative market at the expense of longstanding kernel markets that have been established over many years. The danger of this was highlighted in the recent crash in pecan nut market prices internationally. It was also agreed that South African farmers should retain control over their own macadamia nut industry, and that processing macadamias was an important part of the value chain and an excellent job-creation opportunity for South Africa. It was also highlighted that 95% of all South
African product is sold via Hong Kong or Vietnam and is smuggled into China without paying the 24% duty that is levied by the Chinese government. This could pose a threat if the Chinese government became more vigilant about policing this transgression. The forecast for the 2014 season looks rosy. Alex Whyte presented the 2014 price expectations on which farmer’s initial payments will be made. With 2014 dollar prices showing a significant increase on the 2013 season, farmers were delighted with the future prospects. Alex reiterated the GFNC strategy to maintain long-term sustainable prices, with a very balanced marketing portfolio. GFNC’s marketing arm, Green and Gold, which is the largest 100% macadamia-nut-focused marketing company in the world, has direct access to and supplies the largest consumer retailers across the world. It was noted that the industry is achieving the highest prices ever, and that irresponsible marketing could create a tipping point, as has happened in the macadamia nut industry on previous occasions. Farmers, as the largest stakeholders in the industry, should always think long term and find out exactly what the marketing strategy is where they are supplying their product. GFNC has been in the macadamia nut industry for 23 years and has seen previous crashes as a result of short-term marketing policies. The meeting closed on a very positive note and GFNC urged farmers to supply them as they have large contracts that need to be fulfilled. “The company is doing all it can to maintain costs and to pay growers as fast as possible. We need the support of the Soutpansberg farmers to help us reduce costs and to keep our customers happy,” said Jill. For more information, phone Sylvia at 087 820 4650.
Environmental News
Bridge the Economic Gap at Nictus when buying for up to
South Africans celebrate Water Week National Water Week is an awareness campaign by the Department of Water Affairs which serves as a powerful campaign mechanism to re-iterate the value of water, the need for sustainable management of this scarce resource and the role water plays in eradicating poverty and under-development in South Africa. The campaign seeks to continue building on the ongoing awareness creation within the broader South African community. This awareness creation is coupled with the responsibility that every citizen must take in ensuring the integrity of our water resources and their efficient use. Particularly, the linkages between water services, supply, resource management, poverty
eradication, and social and economic development are emphasised in a number of innovative ways. The awareness campaign is taking place from 17 to 23 March under the theme “Water is Life 20 Years of Water Delivery for Social and Economic Development”. The theme coincides with South Africa’s celebrations of 20 years of freedom and democracy. This momentous occasion presents an opportunity for South Africans to reflect on how freedom and democracy were achieved, the progress made in the past 20 years and how South Africans will work together to implement Vision 2030. This year, the department will celebrate the success of government’s water delivery programmes and management during the two decades of de-
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mocracy. This is an important achievement, given the backlog inherited in 1994. Two decades ago, around 14 million people did not have access to safe drinking water and some 21 million people did not have access to a basic level of sanitation. In the 20 years since democracy, the department has provided millions of South Africans with access to clean water. In South Africa, 21 March will see the country celebrating Human Rights Day and, on 22 March, World Water Day. The department is encouraging all South Africans to focus on the need to restore and preserve this most precious resource. Remember to report the misuse of water and other faults to the nearest municipal offices or call the department’s toll free number at 0800 200 200.
Alan: 083 660 2472
Let us solve your water problems!
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Growers wait to hear the news regarding the ‘backpay’. Photo supplied.
Call us before it’s too late!
21 Maart 2014
Court News
Scrap metal “dealer” caught red-handed A scrap metal entrepreneur from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) had a run-in with the law this week. The 23-year-old Steven Nemagovhani Rudzani appeared in the Louis Trichardt District Court this Monday, where he was charged with theft. He was caught red-handed while stealing scrap metal from Jones Towing Service & Motor Spares, which is located in the industrial part of town. The owner of Jones Towing, Mr Jonas Maladza Livhuwani, upon realizing last week that theft was taking place at his business, decided to set a trap for the thieves. He had asked his employees to stand watch during the night, and, sure enough, on the night of 12 March they phoned Livhuwani
when they spotted someone sneaking into the premises and taking scrap metal and throwing it over the fence. When Livhuwani arrived on the scene, the criminal was confronted. At that stage, motor service parts to the value of R20 000 had been chucked over the fence. Rudzani identified himself and admitted that he was stealing the parts to go and resell it to scrapyard owners for money. The police were notified, and they came and arrested Rudzani. On Monday, Rudzani pleaded guilty to the charge of theft and was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, which was suspended for a term of three years.
By Linda van der Westhuizen
Methodist welcomes new minister The Methodist Church in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) welcomed a new minister, Rev Dick Mahné, on their pulpit on 19 January. Rev Dick and his wife, Corinne, have an interesting life story to tell, including how he became the “oldest youth pastor”. Their passion includes leading worship and establishing small groups. “Corinne and I were married in 1978 and moved to Pinetown in 1979, where we gave our lives to the Lord and served for 12 years in the Pinetown Methodist Church. We were active in the Sunday School and in leading worship… I began to sense that the Lord was calling me into fulltime ministry … In 1992 I took on a full-time position as the youth pastor at the Gonubie Methodist Church (East London area) and became the oldest youth pastor at 47 years old!” Dick served as a youth pastor for three years, after which he and Corinne went to the John Wesley College in Pretoria to study theology. “Dick is still an avid reader, always reading theology,” said Corinne. “She is a preacher in her own right,” said Dick.
Tydens die Dzondo Kring se jaarlikse prysuitdeling vir uitstaande akademiese prestasie gelewer in 2013 het hierdie drie leerlinge van Levubu Laerskool almal diplomas ontvang. Van links na regs staan Angelique Toerien, Clarisca van Rooyen, mnr. Hans du Toit (skoolhoof) en Yasmine Joubert. Foto verskaf. Omgewingsbewaring
The couple then served for eight years in Eshowe in Northern Kwazulu Natal. They were invited to Bethlehem in the Free State and served there for seven and a half years, with seven congregations under them. They retired in May last year and returned to their home in Pinetown for six months. “A fellow minister notified me of a position for a supernumary (retired) minister in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). I made enquiries and then applied for the position. And so we find ourselves here,” said Rev Mahné. “My passion is to look after him,” said Rev Mahné’s supportive wife. “Wherever we have been, we have led the worship. Our focus is to help people to encounter God through worship,” said Rev Mahné. The Mahnés are comfortable with and used to working with all culture groups. “This is a lovely community and we are enjoying it. We find them a warm and close-knit community with very good relationships over cultural barriers. There is genuine concern and love for each other,” said Rev Mahné.
Jongste syfers oor renosterstropery skok Daar is alreeds 173 renosters sedert die begin van die jaar doodgemaak vir hul horings. Dit is volgens die jongste syfers wat die Departement van Omgewingsake verlede Vrydag, 14 Maart, bekend gemaak het. “Die Krugerwildtuin word die swaarste getref, met 113 renosters wat sedert 1 Januarie gestroop is,” het die departement
se woordvoerder, Albi Modise, in ‘n verklaring gesê. Limpopo is kort op die hakke van Noord-Wes, waar daar tot dusver al 18 renosters van kant gemaak is. In Limpopo is daar 17 en in KwaZulu-Natal 11 renosters gedood. Modise het bevestig dat daar sedert die begin van 2014 reeds 54 verdagtes gearresteer is, waar-
van 24 in die Krugerwildtuin aangekeer is. Hy het weereens ‘n beroep op Suid-Afrikaners gedoen om enige voorvalle van stropery by die polisie aan te meld. Die telefoonnommer vir die polisie se wenklyn is 0800 205 005. ‘n Wenk kan ook per SMS gestuur word na 32211.
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Rev Dick (left) and Mrs Corinne Mahné of the Methodist Church in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Rev Dick Mahné delivered his first sermon in the local Methodist Church on 19 January.Their passion includes leading worship and establishing small groups.
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Monthly instalments include: 14% VAT, finance charges and administration fees but exclude delivery charges. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Errors and omissions excluded. NCA compliant. Prices correct at the time of going to print. All credit purchases subject to credit approval and affordability assessment. Terms and conditions apply. NO DEALERS. Accessories not included in the price. Instalments subject to interest rate fluctuations.
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12 21 March 2014 By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Warning not to misuse Public Protector’s office
Ridgeway Independent School in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) welcomes six new teachers. They are, from left to right, Ms Karien de Villiers, who teaches Human and Social Sciences (HSS) as well as Environmental Studies for all the Grades, Ms Coleen van Zyl (Grade 3), Ms Jenny van der Merwe (Grade R), Ms Alima Mapfumo (Grade R), Ms Makoena Mutshinyali (English and HSS for Grades 4 to 7) and Ms Helené Fick (Grade RR).
The provincial office of the Public Protector is warning people to stop misusing the services of the office, as this only delays service to people who need help from the office. According to Ms Blondie Netshidaulu, the communications officer, they have noted that there are people who raise complaints for political gain as elections are around the corner. “The office of the Public Protector wants to distance itself from assisting stakeholders in achieving political agendas,” she said. She stated that they were always accessible and available for people who might seek their services. “We are trying very hard to avail information to the public by distributing information pamphlets,
annual reports and newsletters,” Netshidaulu said. “These information materials are meant to inform the public about the services of the Public Protector’s office countrywide.” She said that most communities reported poor service delivery complaints and improper conduct by government officials to the Public Protector’s office, which the unit promised to investigate with care. “We encourage the public to continue lodging relevant complaints to our officed despite the political cloud which is currently hanging over our country at large,” she invited. The public can send their complaints to PO Box 4533, Polokwane, 0700 or phone 015 295 5712 during office hours.
Goeie pryse tydens Hanley-wildveiling Die wildveiling van Hanley Wildlife Services op 7 Maart by die veilingskrale in Alldays het ‘n mooi omset van net minder as R1,4m opgelewer. In die spesieveiling verkoop blouwildebeeste vir ‘n gemiddeld van R3 054 (hoogste R5 400), terwyl een grys duiker verkoop vir R3 200. Elande en gemsbokke kom onder die hamer vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R7 733 (hoogste R9 000) en R6 750, terwyl kameelperde en koedoes gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R10 000 en R4 155 (hoogste R4 700) behaal. Njalas en rooibokke behaal gemiddelde pryse
van onderskeidelik R15 080 (hoogste R16 500) en R1 699 (hoogste R2800), met sebras en waterbokke wat verkoop vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R5 350 (hoogste R6 750) en R3 200. Een rooihartbees verkoop vir R4 250. In die veiling vir manlike diere verkoop blouwildebees- en volwasse elandbulle vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R5 375 (hoogste R6 000) en R9 100 (hoogste R13 000). Jong elandbulle word opgeveil vir ‘n gemiddelde prys van R6 250 (hoogste R6 500) terwyl een jong koedoebul verkoop vir R5 000. Njalabulle behaal ‘n gemiddelde prys van R16 286
(hoogste R42 000), terwyl volwasse rooibokramme en jong rooibokramme onderskeidelik ‘n gemiddelde prys van R1 700 en R889 (hoogste R1 300) behaal. Een volwasse waterbokbul verkoop vir R4 000, terwyl jong waterbokbulle vir ‘n gemiddelde prys van R4 500 (hoogste R5 250) onder die hamer kom. In die katalogusveiling ver koop Hartwater Springbokke vir ‘n gemiddelde prys van R14 143 (hoogste R15 000). Die hokvei ling het ‘n omset van R1 295 200 opgelewer en die katalogusvei ling ‘n omset van R99 000. Die afslaer was Allan Sinclair van Vleissentraal Bosveld.
Die lewe mag wel oor die reis gaan... ...maar dit gaan ook oor hoe jy klaar maak. Met bykans 100 jaar ondervinding in begrafnisversekering en begrafnisdiens, verseker AVBOB dat daar goed na jou en jou geliefdes omgesien sal word.
KRY TOT R4000 KORTING OP ‘N BEGRAFNIS Alle lewens wat deur ‘n AVBOB-polis verseker is kwalifiseer vir gratis vervoer van die oorledene in Suid-Afrika en tot R4000 korting op ‘n begrafnis op voorwaarde dat die begrafnis deur AVBOB Begrafnisdiens uitgevoer word. Vir meer inligting kontak ons Louis Trichardt Tak Burgerstraat 93 Maranata Sentrum Louis Trichardt Tel: (015) 516 0801
Pietersburg (Polokwane) Tak Schoemanstraat 34 Pietersburg Tel: (015) 291 1648
Ons is hier vir jou
Terme en voorwaardes geld. Onderlinge Versekeringsgenootskap AVBOB is ‘n gemagtigde finansiële diensteverskaffer. AVB ZOUTPANSBERGER 1
Die Gideons se Louis Trichardt Laer het op 14 Maart ‘n leraarsbanket by die Volle Evangelie Kerk aangebied. Die Gideons het die leraars vertel dat hulle hierdie jaar al 4 000 Bybels geplaas het en ‘n verdere 35 000 in Julie gaan plaas. ‘n Bybel kos die Gideons R15. Hier is ‘n paar van die gaste en Gideons. Voor, van links na regs, is mev. Ranee Naidoo en mnr. Yoga Naidoo (gasspreker), mnr. WAS Nel (vise-president van die Gideons Louis Trichardt Laer) en past. John en mev. Marietjie Struwig. Agter is mev. Marinda en past. Francois Strydom, mnr. Khorombi en mev. Shonisani Mapholi (Gideons), ds. Rudolph en mev. Edith Botha en kapelaan Christopher Barends. Mnr. Naidoo het almal geïnspireer met getuienisse wat voortgevloei het uit die ontvang van Bybels.
21 Maart 2014
“Ondersteun en waardeer die gewillige helpers by plaaslike DBV”
p Donderdag, 13 Maart, raak inwoners van ons omgewing bewus van ‘n hond wat onophoudelik blaf in die bosse suid van die gholfbaan. Teen Vrydag was dit duidelik dat daar iets ernstig skort. Soektogte is bemoeilik as gevolg van die ruie plantegroei en sagte reën. Vrydagmiddag het die jammerlike geklaag, afgewissel met ‘n geblaf, veroorsaak dat mens stokstyf met oop oë lê en wag dat die dag moet breek. Ná ‘n verdere soektog kon die posisie van die hond, ondanks die weer, uiteindelik bepaal word. ‘n Oproep na die plaaslike DBV het daartoe gelei dat Lawrence, in
beheer by die hokke, opgedaag het met sy assistent. Nadat die plek aan hom uitgewys is, het hulle op professionele en simpatieke wyse die arme dier spoedig verlos uit sy draadtronk en saamgeneem na die DBV. In hierdie dae, waar diens dikwels nie meer die wagwoord is nie, wil ons graag ons waardering en respek uitspreek vir hierdie liefdesdiens (Let wel, selfs ook op ‘n Saterdag!). Ondersteun en waardeer u plaaslike DBV! - Inwoners van Stephen Botha Singel en Kuiterstraat (Makhado / Louis Trichardt)
Senior burgers bedank die 4x4-klub
iermee wil ons namens die op 15 Maart. inwoners van Laat Lente en Baie, baie dankie. Dit was ‘n Herfsakker net die Louis Trichardt fantastiese dag. 4x4-klub hartlik bedank vir die uit- Die inwoners van Laat Lente stappie deur die Soutpansberg en die en Herfsakker (Makhado / Louis heerlike potjie wat ons kon geniet het Trichardt) Brief
Roadhogs dankbaar vir die steun
ie Roadhogs motorfietsklub Saterdag ondersteun het met die in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) worsbroodjieverkope. wil graag vir Pick ‘n Pay, Fruit & Ons waardeer julle ondersteuning Veg City en elkeen bedank wat ons ongelooflik baie.
Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za
without turn indicators. * The Greek café on the corner …. Cold drink: “Drink here or take-away? Remember * Slappies with lots of salt and vinegar, bit the bottom when ... corner off from the packet and sucked the vinegar Pizzas were not delivered to * ½ Loaf bread with white our home ... But milk was. paper wrapped around it and secured with a piece of celloAll newspapers were delivered by boys and all boys tape – costing 2 ½ c and if the Greek did not have ½ c change delivered newspapers. he would give you 2 chappies. BUT when you got home your Film stars kissed with their mouths shut. At least, they did mother had a fit because she didn’t want CHAPPIES she in the films. wanted her ½ c CHANGE! * Piece of cardboard with How many do wooden wash peg secured you remember? on bicycle spoke to make that cccrrrrrr noise when riding? * Headlight dip-switches on * Suitcase carrier on the back the floor of the car. of your bicycle to put your card* Ignition switches on the board suitcase on, strapped dashboard. with the elastic with 2 hooks! * Trouser leg clips for bicyMind you, that elastic thingy is cles without chain guards. STILL available! * Soldering irons you heated * 1 Yard chappies. on a gas burner. * Using hand Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to andries@zoutnet.co.za Het jy ‘n goeie grappie? signals for cars Stuur dit per e-pos na andries@zoutnet.co.za
Daisy se bos is klaarblyklik deesdae êrens te midde van die stadsliggies te vinde, want sy word gereeld ge”wine” en ge”dine” in die wêreld van die belangrikes. Hierdie bederfies maak selfs ‘n draai in “da” land daar by die see en sluit ‘n eersteklas vliegrit in.
word bederf en sien byna ‘n wit spook jies gekoop, gegeurde kerse, masseerolies en badskuim. By Baardman het sy geskimp vir regte Franse vonkel en ‘n krat vars oesters... Daisy verkyk haar aan al die ruimte in besigheidsklas en die sedige gesigte. (Niemand anders aisy het haarself begin jammer kry lank voor kyk rond nie.) Toe sy teen die venster gaan sit is daar ‘n vriendelike waardin met pragtige rooi dit nodig was. lippe by om ‘n glas (regte) Champagne in haar Niemand stry nie – om GlobalGAP sertifise- hand te druk. (Die ander passasiers in besigheidring te kry is nou nie kinderspeletjies nie, maar sklas waai die glasie soos ‘n lastige vlieg weg en pluk soos een man tablette uit.) dit verg ook nie die geweldige stres en nagte “Ag Baardman, die ou spul snobs is net suur se deurwerk van die korporatiewe lewe nie. omdat hulle moet werk en ons op vakansie is, (Aan laasgenoemde het Daisy juis ‘n oormaat blootstelling gehad voordat sy op die plaas kom nê?” sê sy teen Baardman se skouer toe die vliegtuig begin retireer. “Maar ons kan mos die pose bly het.) Maar Daisy kla steen en been by almal; veral hou? Al is ons eintlik gemakliker in die bos met net ‘n sarong en plakkies...” by haar Baardman. En klaarblyklik het Daisy Baardman glimlag binnetoe. Dis min genoeg ‘n besondere talent saam met haar lang blonde hare ontvang – ‘n vermoë om Die Ridder in ‘n dat hy vir Daisy so bietjie uit haar gemaksone sien. Gewoonlik skud sy net haar blonde hare man wakker te maak. agtertoe en druk haar neus in die lug en dan kan Toe Daisy ‘n week voor die oudit weer vir Baartman vertel hoe hard sy werk en hoe moeg hoor en sien vergaan, niks ontstig haar nie. Terwyl hy daaraan dink is dit presies wat met sy is, sien hy skielik net hoë kliptorings en Daisy gebeur: met ‘n skud van haar hare en ‘n biprinsesse wat hulpeloos smeek om gered te word. Hy poets onwillekeurig sy borswering en etjie aarbeirooi lipstiffie verander Gëintimideerde verbaas homself toe hy sê: “Hei Daise, ek moet Daisy in Wêreldreisiger Daisy. Effens sinies, baie been there, done that. Haar skouers is reguiter, binnekort bietjie Kaap toe gaan vir besigheid. Wat dink jy daarvan as ons ‘n vakansie daarvan haar bene ten beste tentoonstelling gevleg. Tot maak? Ons vlieg besigheidsklas en gaan bly in Baardman is beïndruk met die skielike sofistikasie. ‘n stunning hotel in Seepunt en jy kan uitrus By die gerestoureerde Winchester Arms Hotel terwyl ek jou voete masseer en sushi voer...” stap Daisy dadelik na die hysbakke asof die Baardman bly geskok stil. Hy kan nie glo wat hy sopas kwytgeraak het nie; sy begroting normale inboekprosedure te middelklas is vir haar. Baardman het ‘n luukse suite bespreek met is nader aan Holiday Inn en McDonalds. ‘n see-uitsig – iets wat die hotelpersoneel dadelik Maar Daisy is betower. Uiteindelik is daar iemand wat agterkom hoe hard sy werk en hoe- gelykstel aan groot fooitjies. Hulle val oor hulle voete om Daisy te vergesel en die bagasie te veel sy ‘n bietjie bederf nodig het. Ag, en hoe versorg. Dis eers toe sy en Baardman alleen in romanties! Om laat te slaap, brekfis in die bed te kry, ‘n regte egte spabehandeling sonder om die slaapkamer is wat Daisy haarself word. Sy skop haar skoene uit, sit al die oorbodige ligte af ‘n vinger te lig, shopping by die Waterfront ... Sy borduur op alles wat Baardman haar belowe en skink vir haarself en Baardman uit die yskoue bottel. Dan sien sy die hoop oesters raak. het voort. Met rente. “Baardman, hoe kan ek jou ooit bedank vir Drie dae na ‘n uiters geslaagde GlobalGAP hierdie wonderlike, wonderlike verrassing? Geen oudit het Daisy al haar verlore slaap ingehaal. Sy het in Pretoria vir haar die mooiste wit satyn vrou is nog ooit so bederf nie! Kom sit met jou rug gemaklik hier teen die kussings, dan voer ek nagklere en ‘n paar stoute swart nommert-
jou oesters...” En oesters het hulle geëet. En Franse vonkel gedrink. Later het Daisy van die badskuim en kerse onthou en dit het weer ‘n heel ander dimensie aan die oesters en wyn gegee. Iewers in die donkerblou ure van die nag word Daisy wakker en sy weet dadelik daar is groot fout. Was dit die oesters? Was dit die vonkelwyn? Maar daar is nie baie tyd vir haar om te wonder nie – die gedruis in haar maag word oorverdowend. “Daar is nie ‘n manier nie,” dink Daisy. “Sulke romantiese omstandighede strook eenvoudig nie met ‘n omgekrapte maag nie! Hoe verskriklik sal ek my nie skaam as Baardman te midde van hierdie ontploffing wakker word nie. Ek is ‘n objek van passie, nie ordinêr soos gewone mense wat liederlike dinge in toilette aanvang nie. Dink, Daisy, dink! Daar is nie baie tyd nie!” Dis toe dat Daisy onthou van die konferensiefasiliteite wat sy gesien het by Ontvangs. Sy gryp haar lang wit japon wat by die wit synagrok pas, raap die sleutels op en druk benoud die hysbak se knoppie. Op haar kaalvoete knyp sy eers een kant toe, dan anderkant toe. Toe die hysbakklokkie oorverdowend pieng!! in Ontvangs, is daar twee verbysterde personeellede wat deur die mis geskrik tweekeer moet kyk vir die wit gedaante wat rats in die konferensiegedeelte verdwyn. Dis eers heelwat later wat Daisy geluidloos weer in die hysbak klim en uitgeput teen Baardman se warm rug aan die slaap raak. Die volgende oggend skyn die son vir Daisy wakker net voor ‘n kelner met ontbyt aan die deur klop. Daisy hoor ‘n opgewonde gesprek met Baardman, maar sy kan nie die details hoor nie. “Waaroor is die kelner so opgewerk, Baardman?” vra sy terwyl sy lemoensap inskink. “Nee jong, jy ken mos die Kaapse klonge. Vreeslik bygelowig. Die hele hotel praat glo vanoggend daarvan hoe die nagstaf gisteraand ‘n spook sien wandel het daar in die gange by Ontvangs...”
Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
Esegiël 33:1-9
ral waar ‘n mens gaan is daar tekens wat ons waarsku van moontlike gevaar wat voorlê. So kry ons stoptekens, toegeetekens, gevaartekens vir byvoorbeeld ‘n skerp draai in die pad, ensovoorts. Die meeste mense ignoreer egter hierdie tekens. Die Skrifgedeelte van vandag vertel ons dat God vir Esegiël aangestel het as wag oor Israel. Sy werk was om dié volk duidelik te waarsku dat God hulle binnekort gaan oordeel. As hulle in ag neem wat Esegiël sê sal hul lewens gespaar word, so nie sterf hulle. Esegiël moes die volk namens God waarsku, of hulle wou luister of nie. Jesus praat van geestelike blinde leiers wat mense nie waarsku teen God se toorn oor onbekeerde sondaars nie. (Lees ook Lukas 6:39). Vandag waarsku God ons in die Bybel deur die verkondiging van die Woord. Almal moet let op God se waarskuwings. Ons moet God se Worod lees en Sy gebooie gehoorsaam. As ons nie die Bybel lees nie, sal ons nie God se wil ken nie en ook nie besef Hy waarsku ons nie. Vra God om jou pad te lei na Jesus Christus, waar jy die ewige lewe sal vind. - 079 5168303
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14 21 March 2014 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Uitkoms vir families wat sukkel met watertekorte
Pieter de Wet het hom onlangs aangesluit by die span van Harcourts in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hy sal voortaan die agentskap se plot- en plaasafdeling behartig en is voltyds op kantoor beskikbaar by tel. 072 860 1686. “Boere kan hom gerus skakel vir die koop en verkoop van ‘n plot of plaas,” nooi die agentskap. Hulle kan hom ook kontak by 015 516 1526 of by pieter.dewet@harcourts. co.za. Foto verskaf.
‘n Gedeelte van Louis Trichardt (Makhado) wat steeds deurloop onder kroniese watertekorte is die westelike deel van Joubertstraat. Vir een gesin hier is die uitkoms nou baie naby. Ná die jongste sarsie van ‘n paar waterlose weke het die Vhembe Distrikmunisipaliteit ‘n watertenk daar kom neersit, maar teen druktyd het mnr. Joe van Niekerk laat weet dat dit nog gevul moes word. Sedert November of Desember 2012 sukkel die gesin. “Partykeer kom die water 12 uur in die nag aan en dan was ons gou wasgoed voordat die water weer vieruur die oggend afgaan. Ander kere kom dit in die oggend aan as ek reeds by die werk is en gaan in die middag af as ek terugkom … Ons kan net stort as die water die oggend sesuur aankom. Maar die tye wissel so,” het mev. Melinda van Niekerk op 13 Maart gesê. Dit was vroegaand en juis toe het Kaley (12) verbygestap gekom met ‘n 5-liter bottel water in elke hand, op pad om haar badwater in die skotteltjie gereed te maak. Intussen het water op die stoof gekook. “Ek hou nie regtig daarvan as ons so min water kry nie,” het Kaley gesê, maar geduldig water aangedra. “Dit is glad nie lekker om in ‘n skotteltjie te bad nie,” het Gerrit (9) gesê. Nadat daar Desember verlede jaar water was, het die Van Niekerks se waterprobleme vroeg in Januarie weer begin. Die afgelope drie weke het hulle op 5, 6 en 7 Maart ‘n paar uur water gehad en ook op 16 Maart. Hulle het water aangedra van ‘n gemeenskaplike watertenk op die perseel wat hulle huur. Later van tyd het hulle ‘n tuinslang aangelê
en dra nou die waterbottels vanaf die agterstoep aan. Verder koop hul drinkwater en water waarmee hulle kosmaak as gevolg van die bruinerige kleur van die water. “As die tenk op die huurperseel leeg is, laai ons kanne in die kar en gaan haal water by my ma-hulle, maar jy kan ook net soveel kanne in ‘n kar laai,” het Van Niekerk gesê. Een van die mees gereelde insette op die AfriForum Facebook-blad is seker dié van Joe wat sê dat daar nie water is nie. “Die Vhembe mense is seker al moeg vir my posts. As Wally van AfriForum terugkom na die naweek sal dinge seker weer gebeur,” was Van Niekerk se moedelose opmerking verlede week. Vhembe het in daardie stadium al twee maal op die blad gesê dat hulle ‘n watertenk gaan bring. Maandagmiddag laat, net nadat mnr. Wally Schultz weer vir Vhembe oor die Van Niekerks se penarie geskakel het, het mnr. David Mukosi, Vhembe se waterdienste bestuurder in Makhado, gesorg dat daar ‘n 5000-liter tenk voor in die erf geplaas word. Dinsdag het Mukosi gesê dat hy reeds instruksies gegee het dat die tenk opgevul moet word. “Dit is ‘n tydelike maatreël, totdat ons loodgieters die werklike probleem opgespoor en herstel het,” het Inwoners en hul kinders dra water aan om in Mukosis aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. ‘n skotteltjie te kan bad.
MUSINA nt to Do you wa he t n i e s i t r e v d a
Our representative will be in your area on 11 April 2014! Vyftien van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se redenaars het deurgedring na die volgende rondte van die ATKV redenaarskompetisie wat op 23 April by Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos sal plaasvind. Voor is die redenaars wat aan die kategorie Graad 1 tot 3 deelgeneem het. Hulle is, van links na regs, Jannes van der Goot (Graad 1), Cara van der Goot (Graad 3), Willem Schutte (Graad 2), Mia Alberts (Graad 1) en Angelique van der Westhuizen (Graad 2). In die middel is die redenaars in die kategorie Graad 4 tot 5, Sarisa van der Goot (Graad 5) en die Graad 4’s Danelle Venter, Luandi van Zyl, Danica Knoetze en Marthinus Dekker. Agter is die redenaars in die kategorie Graad 6 tot 7, Stefan Corbett (Graad 7), Su-Andrie Corbett (Graad 6) en die Graad 7’s Alida du Preez, Bernice Meiring en Dewald van der Westhuizen.
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LEGALS MUSINA WYSIGINGSKEMA 262. Davel Consulting Planners en/of Willem Gabriel Davel, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die plaas Dalmuir 398, Registrasie Afdeling MS, Limpopo, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Musina Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Musina Grondgebruikbeheerskema 2010, deur die hersonering van genoemde eiendom, geleë langs die Brombeek-pad, met die volgende ruitverwysing: 22° 32’ 43” Suid & 29° 23’ 32’’ Oos, vanaf “Landbou” na “Wildreservaat” onderworpe aan verdere voorwaardes soos vervat in Bylaag 103 tot die skema, wat onder andere voosiening maak dat die eiendom ook vir ‘n wildsplaas, die bestaande 10 wooneenhede, ‘n slagkamer, personeelbehuising en privaat oopruimte gebruik mag word. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanners, Burgersentrum, h/v Irwin- en Scholtzstrate, Musina, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 Maart 2014. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 14 Maart 2014 maar nie later as 11 April 2014 nie, skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X 611 Musina 0900, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Davel Consulting Planners, Posbus 11110, Bendor, 0713, Tel. (015) 2971261 of Watermelonstraat 13, Bendor, Polokwane. MUSINA AMENDMENT SCHEME 262. Davel Consulting Planners and/or Willem Gabriel Davel, being the authorized agent of the owner of the farm Dalmuir 398 Registration Division MS, Limpopo, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Musina Municipality
for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme known as the Musina Land Use Scheme 2010, by the rezoning of the property described above, situated along the Brombeek road, with the following geographical coordinates: 22° 32’ 43” South & 29° 23’ 32” East, from “Agriculture” to “Game Reserve” subject to further conditions as contained in Annexure 103 to the scheme, which inter alia provides that the property may also be used for a game farm, the existing 10 dwelling units, a slaughtering room, staff accommodation and private open space. Particulars of the application will lie open for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Town Planners, Civic Centre, c/o Irwin and Scholtz Streets, Musina, for the period of 28 days from 14 March 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at Private Bag X 611O, Musina 0900, within a period of 28 days from 14 March 2014 but not later than 11 April 2014. Address of agent: Davel Consulting Planners, PO Box 11110, Bendor, 0713, Tel. (015) 2971261 or 13 Watermelon Street, Bendor, Polokwane. Boedelkennisgewing In die boedel van wyle Johannes Jacobus Cornelius van den Heever, ID: 481112 5061 08 1, Laaste Bekende Adres: Irwinstraat 46, Musina, Huwelikstatus: Wewenaar, Boedelnommer: 4880/2007, Meester Kantoor: Polokwane. Krediteure en Debiteure in bogemelde boedel word hiermee gelas om hul eise in te dien en skulde te vereffen te kantore van die ondergetekende binne 30 (dertig) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. Erwee Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, Irwinstraat 9, Messina, 0900, Posbus 1689, Messina 0900, Tel: 0155343394/6/7, Faks: 0155343402, VERW: HE/rl/V235/6394. MAKHADO DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2009 Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van Klousule 21 van die Makhado Dorpsbeplanningskema 2009, dat ek die ondergetekende Johannes Hammann as behoorlik gemagtigde verteenwoordiger van Johann Hammann Eiendomsbeleggings BK, Registrasie nommer 1994/005926/23, synde die eienaar van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 81 in die Louis Trichardt dorpsgebied, van voorneme is om aansoek te doen by die Makhado Munisipaliteit vir spesiale toestemming vir die gebruik van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 81 in die Louis Trichardt dorpsgebied
geleë te Kroghstraat 131, Makhado, 0920 en die bestaande/beplande geboue daarop vir doeleindes as Kantoor Woning. Die huidige sonering van die erf ingevolge bogemelde dorpsbeplanningskema is Residensieël 1. Besonderhede aangaande die aansoek kan besigtig word gedurende kantoor ure, per afspraak, by die adres van die Applikant synde, Presidentstraat 102, Makhado, 0920 of by die kantore van die Makhado Munisipaliteit. Besware teen die toestaan van sodanige toestemming moet binne 28 dae van 14 Maart 2014 skriftelik gelyktydig aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (Privaatsak X2596, Makhado, 0920) en die Applikant gestuur word met redes vir die besware. Adres van Applikant: JOHANN HAMMANN EIENDOMSBELEGGINGS BK, Posbus 1052, Makhado, 0920. Tel no: 015 516 1428, Faks no: 015 516 1160, e-pos: hammann@ mweb.co.za.
MAKHADO TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2009 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 21 of the Makhado Town Planning Scheme 2009, that I the undersigned Johannes Hammann as representative of Johann Hammann Eiendomsbeleggings CC, Registration number 1994/005926/23, being the owner of Portion 1 of Erf 81 in the township of Louis Trichardt, intend to apply to the Makhado Municipality for its special consent to use Portion 1 of Erf 81 in the Louis Trichardt township situated at 131 Krogh street, Makhado, 0920 and the existing/proposed buildings thereon for purposes of Dwelling Office. The present zoning of
the land in terms of the above-mentioned Town Planning Scheme, is Residential 1. Particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours per appointment at the address of the Applicant being, 102 President street, Makhado, 0920 or at the offices of the Makhado Municipality. Objections to the granting of the consent must be lodged in writing within 28 days from 14 March 2014, together with the grounds thereof, simultaneous to the Municipal Manager (Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920) and to the Applicant. Address of Applicant: JOHANN HAMMANN EIENDOMSBELEGGINGS CC, P.O. Box 1052, Makhado, 0920. Tel no: 015 516 1428, Fax no: 015 516 1160, e-mail: hammann@mweb.co.za.
MAKHADO LANDUSE SCHEME, 2009 AMENDMENT SCHEME: 106 Land Development Services (Pty) Ltd, being an authorised agent to apply on behalf of a client, hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (b) (i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Makhado Local Municipality for the amendment of the Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009, to rezone Erf 216, portion 0, Louis Trichardt, situated at 106 President Street, from “Residential 1” to “Business 1” for the purposes of establishing Offices/Medical Consulting Rooms. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Makhado Municipality for
a period of 28 days from 24 March 2014. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at Private Bag X 2596, Makhado, 0920, within a period of 28 days from 24 March 2014. Address of Agent: 09 Birkenhead Street, Phalaborwa, 1390 Cell: 078 621 2138 Email: ngobenig@landevs.co.za MAKHADO LANDUSE SCHEME, 2009 WYSIGINGSKEMA: 106 Land Development Services (Pty) Ltd, synde die gemagtigde agent aansoek te doen namens 'n kliënt , gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie No 15 van 1986) dat ons aansoek gedoen het by die Makhado Munisipaliteit vir die
wysiging van die Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009, Erf 216, Gedeelte 0, Louis Trichardt, gelee te 106 President Straat , vanaf "Residensieel 1" na “Besigheid 1” te hersoneer " vir die doeleindes van die stigting Kantore/ Mediese Spreekkamers. Besonderhede van die aansoek le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Makhado Munisipaliteit vir 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Maart 2014. Besware teen of vertoe ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by die bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X 2596, Makhado, 0920 , binne 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Maart 2014. Adres van agent: 09 Birkenhead Straat, Phalaborwa , 1390 Sel : 078 621 2138 E-pos: ngobenig@ landevs.co.za
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Faks CV na: 086 232 7462
VAKATURE VAKATURE Ons verlang die dienste van ‘n kundige, ervare en toegewyde Assistent Piesangaankoops-, bemarkings- en vervoerbestuurder. Ons verlang die dienste van ‘n kundige, ervare en toegewyde Assistent Piesangaankoops-, bemarkings- en vervoerbestuurder. Ons bied ‘n onderhandelbare, markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Die pos is in die Levubu Vallei omgewing en huisvesting word voorsien.
Ons bied ‘n onderhandelbare, markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Die pos is in die Levubu Vallei omgewing en huisvesting word voorsien. Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 699 6243 of per e-pos na johan@bridelia.co.za. Sluitingsdatum : 11 April 2014
Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 699 6243 of per e-pos na johan@bridelia.co.za. Sluitingsdatum : 11 April 2014 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
PFB-Agent 516 5024
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
16 21 March 2014 By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Sex-workers urged to get tested regularly
Mr Bardwell Mufunwaini spoke to sex workers in Makhado last Wednesday. Notice
Please don’t just leave a message The Louis Trichardt SPCA would like to appeal to the public not to send messages when they have a problem with animals. “We do not respond to any
messages sent via SMS, cell phone, land line, funk mail, whatsapp, please call me or any other way of messaging. If there is a problem, please call 082 965 5151 and speak to us,” says Mrs
Bea Reimer of the local SPCA. She added that, before going out to attend to the problem, they need information. “We cannot just rush out there to find that, in fact, there is no problem.”
Sex workers in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) received HIV and Aids awareness training, so that they could teach other community members about the dangers of the disease and encourage them to practice safe sex. This emerged during the meeting between the sex workers and Munna Ndi Nnyi last Wednesday. “We are encouraging all people, including sex workers, to go for HIV tests and other tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs),” said Munna Ndi Nnyi’s director, Mr Bardwell Mufunwaini. “We have formed a strong committee among sex workers, so that they might educate other sex workers about the dangers of HIV/AIDS and STIs.” According to Mufunwaini, many sex workers are not known because they do not operate in an obvious way. “Any woman who welcomes a man in her life in exchange for material or financial gain is a sex worker who hides herself behind the walls of her house,” he said. “If the man stops bringing clothes or food for that woman’s children, he would possibly be kicked out of the house and another man might occupy his space. If the police arrest the so-called sex workers, they must also arrest the clients,” lamented Mufunwaini. He said that it was not a good thing to be known as a sex worker as the community had already labelled sex workers as prostitutes. “But people still go to buy from sex workers” he said. “It’s up to us as a nation not to find ourselves entangled deep in the things or practices which we normally condemn in public.” He then called upon businesspeople to consider
employing sex workers, so that they may stop their sexual practices and work for their children. “Let’s continue to lead a healthy lifestyle and show respect to one another,” he concluded. The team of trained sex workers told Munna Ndi Nnyi about the kind of abuse they get from the law enforcers. “There’s one brutal police officer in particular,” said one of the women, who operates her business at Dzithangani. “He had raped me twice; first it was vaginally and then he forced me to perform oral sex on him, using a condom. He always took the used condoms away with him to kill the evidence.” The sex workers believe that the police also collude with thugs who come to rob and rape them at Dzithangani. “The thugs demand operational fees from us,” she said. “If we say we do not have money, they tell us to pay with sex. I have done that many times.” She added that, if she were to report an incident of rape, it would be useless because the police also harassed and abused them. “They fail to appreciate the decrease in rape incidents in the area since we started selling sex here,” she said. A 33-year-old woman, who originally came from Zimbabwe, is mother of four children and has been a sex worker for seven years. “The brutal policeman cancels our passports and asylum,” said Sindiswa. “We feel that the police’s duty is to arrest and not abuse us. We are only doing our business here. Many men come to us with domestic problems and we give them proper counselling, so that they come back again.”
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the 89th Special Council meeting will be held as follows: TIME: DATE: VENUE:
14:00 Thursday, 27 March 2014 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado
The Draft Budget 2014/2015, Draft IDP 2014/2015 and Final Annual Report 2012/2013 will be considered during this meeting. All interested members of the public are invited to attend the meeting. Enquiries must be directed to N C Kharidzha or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000. Kennis word hiermee ingevolge klousule 19 van die Plaaslike Regering: Wet op Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000 gegee dat die 89ste Spesiale Raadsvergadering soos volg gehou sal word: TYD: DATUM: PLEK:
14:00 Donderdag, 27 Maart 2014 Raadsaal, Grondvloer, Burgersentrum, Kroghstraat 83, Makhado
Die Konsepbegroting 2014/2015, Konsep GOP 2014/2015 asook die Finale Jaarverslag 2012/2013 word tydens hierdie vergadering oorweeg. Enige belangstellende lid van die publiek word genooi om die vergadering by te woon. Navrae kan gerig word aan N C Kharidzha of M D Munyai by (015) 519 3000. Ndivhadzo u ya nga tshitenwa tsha 19 tsha Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000 uri mutangano zwawo wa vhu (89) wa khoro ya masipala u do fariwa nga ndila I tevhelaho: 14:00 Lavhuna, 27 Thafamuhwe 2014 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado
By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Mvetomveto ya mugaganyagwama wa 2014/2015, mvetomueto ya IDP 2014/2015 na muvhigo wa nwaha wa muvhalelano wa 2012/13 zwi do angaredzwa kha wonoyo mutangano. Mirado ya lushaka vha re na dzangalelo vha rambiwa u dzhenela u yo Mutangano. Mbudziso dzothe dzi nga livhiswa kha N C Kharidzha kana M D Munyai kha (015) 519 3000. Tsebiso ye e mabapi le karolo ya 19 ya molao wa Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000, gore kopano ya khansele ya bo 89 e tla swarwa ka tsela ye e latelago: NAKO: TSATSIKGWEDI: LEFELO:
14:00 Labone, 27 Hlakola 2014 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado
Swimmers compete in Ebenezer Mile Several members of Diane’s Swimming Squad competed in the Ebenezer Mile Swim outside Haenertsburg on 15 March. In the front, from left to right, are Gordon McGaffin, Alex Zaayman and Casper-John Venter. At the back are Sherize Henning, coach Ian Bannatyne, Dwayne Boswell, Jason Cronjé, De Walt Kruger, Amari Kotze and Jess Henning, as well as Owen Venter (absent) and Karla van Zyl (inset). Photo supplied.
Tekanyetso ya matlotlo yeo shikinywago ya ngwaga wa 2014/15, le tekanyetiso ya IDP ya ngwaga wa 2014/2015 le pego ya matlotlo ya ngwaga wa 2012/13, ditla theeletswa kopanong ye. Dipotsiso ka moka di ka lebiswa go N C Kharidzha or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000.
Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920
Mitivisiwa kuya hi Section 19 ya Mfumo wa Xikaya: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 ya 2000 leswaku nhlengeletano ya vu 89 wa ntolovelo wa khansele ya Masipala wu tava hi ndlela leyi landzelaka: NKARHI: SIKU: NDZHAWU:
14:00 Wavumune, 27 Nyenyakulu 2014 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado
The Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality, Honourable Councillor L B Mogale, would like to invite all Community members to attend the MPAC Public Hearing which is scheduled as follows: Date: Time: Venue:
Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Louis Trichardt 0920
Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Louis Trichardt 0920
Notice No: 32 of 2014 File No: 4/2/2 20 & 21 March 2014
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Eka nhiengeletano lowu ku ta langutisiwa mpfapfarhuto wa lembe ximali 2014/15 na mpfapfarhuto wa IDP wa lembe ximali 2014/2015 xikamwe na xiviko xa lembe ximali 2012/13 swi ta tekeriwa enhlokweni eka nhlengeletano lowu. Lava tsakelaka ku nghenela nhlengeletano lowu va amukeriwa. Switiviso swi nga kongomisiwa eka tatana N C Kharidzha or M D Munyai eka no nomboro leyi (015) 519 3000.
Monday, 24 March 2014 09:00 Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, Makhado
Notice No: 31 of 2014 File No: 4/33 20 & 21 March 2014
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
21 Maart 2014
School News
Mpho on her way to annual Windpompfees Mpho Sadiki, a matric student at Ridgeway College in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), has reached the quarterfinals of the Windpompfees Singing Competition. Mpho is competing against 38 contestants. Her tape will be played on Groot FM Radio 90.5 on Monday, 24 March, between 20:30 and 21:00. After the programme, listeners can start voting for her by SMSing WIND32 to 49905 (an SMS costs R1.50). She needs at least 1500 votes to go through to the semifinals which will be held at the Windpompfees on Friday, 2 May. “It would be wonderful if the Louis Trichardt community could support her,” is the message from her supporters. Voting opens straight after the programme on Monday at 21:00 and closes on Wednesday, 26 March, at 12:00. People unable to tune into Groot FM radio can stream the broadcast via the Internet on www.grootfm.co.za by selecting the Luister Nou option in the top left-hand corner of the website. They can also vote via the website by selecting the Limpopo Windpompfees advertisement and finding Mpho Sadiki, who is contestant number 32. Her details will appear on the website on Monday. The 24 semifinalists will sing at the Windpompfees on Friday, 2 May, after which 12 contestants will then sing in the finals on Saturday, 3 May. Mpho Sadiki from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) “We wish Mpho everything of the best in the has reached the quarterfinals of the Wind competition,” say her fellow students and college pompfees Singing Competition. Photo supplied. teachers.
Laerskool Louis Trichardt se skaakspanne presteer teen PEPPS Laerskool van Polokwane deur hulle op 12 Maart te klop. Voor is die O/11-span wat 12-0 seëvier en agter is die O/13span wat 9½ - 2 ½ wen. Die wedstryde het in Polokwane plaasgevind. Mountain Biking
Mountain bikers take on first time trial Mountain bikers from the P&L Cycling Club in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) took part in their first time trial for 2014 in the Hanglip plantation on Sunday (16th). The time trial was decided over a distance of 9 km, with cyclists having to negotiate a muddy, but fast, new route. The best time was achieved by junior Kombo Bere, who completed the course in 00:21:15, averaging 25.53 km/h. Second place went to sub-vet Nico Geldenhuys, with a time of 00:23:38 and an average speed of 23.10 km/h. Just seconds behind
Nico’s time was junior Marco Roets in third place in a time of 00:23:44, averaging 23.04 km/h. The rest of the rider’s results were Bas Rennings (sub-vet, 00:24:18), Johan van Dijkhorst (master, 00:24:48), Zian van den Heever (sub-junior, 00:26:11), James Coronaios (junior, 00:30:55), Richard Lambert (00:32:00), Francois Labuschagne (youth, 00:33:42), Hugo Rennings (nippers, 00:37:00), Turner de Swardt (sub-junior, 00:39:19), Jan Lombard (grand master, 00:40:33), Hetta Lombard (grand master, 00:43:30) and Kos Coronaios (00:48:41).
Kremetart 2014
Bespreek nou stalletjie vir Kremetart Persone wat graag ‘n stalletjie by die toerisme inligtingsentrum wil bespreek vir vanjaar se gewilde Kremetart Fietswedren vanaf 6 tot 8 Junie sal moet gou maak, aangesien daar plek is vir slegs 24 stalletjies. Die Kremetart Fietswedren in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) word vanjaar vir die 25ste keer aangebied en beloof om iets besonders te wees. Die koste per stalletjie vir 6 en 7 Junie (Vrydag en Saterdag) is R500 per stalletjie en R250 per stalletjie op 8 Junie (Sondag) vir die bergwedren. Die uitstalruimte is 3x3 meter. Buiten vir die koeldrank Plaaslike voëlkykers van BirdLife Soutpansberg het die naweek hul eerste uistappie van die jaar op die plaas Verbaard naby Musina gehad. Foto verskaf. Voëlkyknuus
Projek maak navorsers van voëlkykers Die plaaslike voëlkykersklub, BirdLife Soutpansberg, het die afgelope naweek hul eerste uitstappie vir die jaar geniet op die plaas Verbaard naby Musina. ‘n Bonus was die weer wat lekker saamgespeel het. Dit het lede die kans gegee om hul voëllysies vir 2014 te begin. Die uitstappie het ook saamgeval met die Sui der-Afrikaanse Voëlatlasprojek se burgerlike wetenskap week. Hierdie projek vorm deel van die Universiteit van Kaapstad se diere demografiese eenheid. Die doel van die atlasprojek is om Jan Alleman die geleentheid te gee om ook ‘n navorser te wees en ‘n daadwerklike bydrae tot die bewaring van die omgewing te lewer. Die projek maak staat op ‘n Internet-databasis en selfoon “app” wat gebruikers kan gebruik om die voëls wat hulle opmerk in te dien. Dit is gratis om as ‘n gebruiker, of dan nou navorser, te registreer op die projek se webblad.
Een spesie wat deur BirdLife Soutpansberg opgemerk en ingedien is by die atlasprojek was die Sabota Lewerik (sien foto). Dié klein, bruin voëltjie het die BirdLifers ‘n bietjie laat kopkrap weens die afwesigheid van die kenmerkende wit borsvere. “Dit kon netsowel ‘n Bosveld Koester gewees het,” het BirdLife Soutpansberg se voorsitter, mnr. Barry Fourie, vandeesweek gesê. Die inligting van waar en wanneer die lewerik opgemerk is, tesame met die foto, is aan die atlasprojek gestuur om uit te vind wat hul paneel van kenners se bevinding is. Leweriks in die Soutpansberg-streek, het Fourie verduidelik, se kleur verskil dramaties van dié wat elders in Suid-Afrika voorkom. Dit was egter die wit strepie bo die lewerik se oog wat in hierdie geval die deur slaggewende eieningsmerk was vir die projek se kenners. Nou is die Soutpansberg-lewerik ook sommer deel van die
projek se virtuele dieremuseum en kan daar met sekerheid gesê word dat die spesie nog hier voorkom. Vir meer inligting oor die atlasprojek of om aan te sluit by BirdLife Soutpansberg kan Fourie per e-pos gekontak word by barry@xpress.co.za.
wat binne en buite die biertuin verkoop sal word, sal daar vanjaar slegs een kosstalletjie per koss oort toegelaat word. Herhalings van kossoorte sal nie toegelaat word nie. “Ons probeer daarop fokus om ook soveel moontlik uitstallers te lok om ‘n groter verskeidenheid van produkte daar te hê,” sê die organiseerders. ‘n Stalletjie sal slegs bespreek en bevestig kan word indien bewys van betaling ontvang is. “Stalletjies gaan nie gehou word en later betaal word nie. Die beginsel van ‘eerste betaal, eerste bespreek’ sal geld,” sê die klub.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie Datum
Formaat -
Uitslae/Results Woendagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
Die Sabota Lewerik wat plaas like voëlkenners laat kopkrap het. Foto: Barry Fourie.
Soutpansberg Klubkampioenskappe Datum 15/03/14
E Schlesinger
R Gilfillan
V Jacobs
Borg Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Formaat HS Punte
A-afdeling 1
J Fouché
M Leeb
uittel 152
K Barkhuizen (jr.)
uittel 152
B-afdeling 1
R Gilfillan
A Pretorius
J Fourie
172 C-afdeling
P Anderson
S Krügel
L Fogwell
Vroue-afdeling 1
Daar gaan ook ‘n geleentheid gebied word vir vier stalletjies vir 8 Junie tydens die bergfiets wedren. Slegs persone wat nie ‘n geleentheid kon kry om op Vrydag en Saterdag ‘n stalletjie te bekom nie sal ‘n geleentheid kry. Besprekings kan gedoen word by Rina Vermeulen by tel. 083 297 6925, e-pos lcvent@mweb. co.za of faks 086 621 4488. Inbetalings kan gedoen word in die naam van Kremetart Cycling, Standard Bank, reknr. 33 01 85 276 en takkode 052549, met betalingsbewyse wat na Rina gestuur moet word.
L van der Merwe
Weeklikse Byeenkomste Woens
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm
18 21 March 2014
Hi Hi--
• TYRES • WHEELS • BRAKES Far Nor th • SHOCK ABSORBERS IT’S ALL ABOUT WHEELS • EXHAUSTS Industrial Road Louis Trichardt 015 516 1679
Ronel weer die kampioen Hierdie groep atlete van die Levubu CVO het gekwalifiseer vir die BCVO se provinsiale atletiekspan wat op 21 en 22 Maart gaan deelneem aan die BCVO se landswye atletiekbyeenkoms in Sasolburg. Voor, van links na regs, is Elouize Otto, Wilné Kotzé en Dané Wentzel. Agter is Pero Coetzee, Waldo Stemmet en Reese Coetzee. Foto verskaf. Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 2012 BMW 320D A/T F30 S/Roof Black R 349 995 Balance of 5 Year / 100 000km motor plan 2011 BMW 750i Sports Pack R 799 995 2011 BMW 520D A/T (F10) A/C P/S CD S/Roof 33 000km Silver R 379 995 Balance of 5 Year / 100 000km motor plan 2010 BMW 750i R/Camera S/Camera Navigation 23 000km R 649 995 2004 BMW 318i Man E46 Metallic Blue R 69 995 2011 Chevrolet Cruze 1.6L A/C P/S CD Mags 55 350km Silver R 139 995 2011 Chevrolet Spark 0.8L Silver/Blue From 26 000km (2 to choose from) R 69 995 2011 Ford Everest 3.0 DCi XLT 78 000km A/C P/S 7 Seater Gold R 219 995 Balance of Service Plan 2011 Ford Figo 1.4 Ambience A/C P/S 81 000km Metallic Green R 94 995 2000 Hyundai Atos - As is R 29 995 2012 Hyundai i20 1.4 Glide A/C P/S CD Metallic Blue R 149 995 2010 Jeep Patriot 2.4 LTD A/C P/S CD LTH Black 36 000km R 179 995 2012 Land Rover Evoque 2.2 SD4 Dynamic 20” Wheels, Pano Roof, Rev Camera, PDC, Nav, Meridian Sound, Metallic Blue Balance of 5 Year/100 000km Motor Plan & 3 Year/100 000 Warranty R 569 995 2003 Mazda 323 Sting R 29 995 2011 Mercedes Benz E300 A/T Avantguard S/Roof Rear & Side Blinds, PDC Intelligent lights, Harman Kardon Sound, Lane Package 32 000km R 429 995 Balance of 6 Year / 120 000km Service Plan 2010 Mercedes Benz C63 A/T AMG Sport Pack Xenon PDC Nav S/R 40 600km R 549 995 Balance of 6 Year / 120 000km Mobilo Plan 2008 Mercedes Benz C200 A/T Avantguarde AMG S/Pack PDC Xenon 88 900km Black R 229 995 2013 Nissan Juke 1.6 Accenta+ A/C P/S CD Mags Maroon 9400km R 214 995 2010 Nissan Tiida 1.6 Visia+ (H35) 5-Door Hatch 76 000km R 99 995 2010 Toyota Auris 1.6XR A/C P/S CD 59 800km R 189 995 Balance of 5 Year / 90 000km Service Plan 2013 Toyota Corolla 1.3 Impact A/C P/S 32 000km Silver R 154 995 Balance of 5 Year / 90 000km Service Plan 2012 Toyota Corolla 1.3 Professional A/C P/S CD 42 000km White R 149 995 Balance of 5 Year / 90 000km Service Plan 2010 Toyota Corolla 1.6 Professional A/C P/S CD Mags 86 000km R 149 995 2010 Toyota Corolla 1.6 Professional A/C P/S CD 85 000km White R 144 995 2010 Toyota Corolla 1.3 Professional A/C P/S 36 000km White R 129 995 2009 Toyota Corolla 1.4 Professional A/C P/S CD 43 000km R 109 995 2012 Toyota Etios 1.5Xi 5-Door A/C P/S CD Fogs 33 000km Silver R 109 995 2011 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D A/T A/C 54 000km R 329 995 Balance of 5 year / 90 000km Service Plan 2010 Toyota Yaris T3 A/C 5-Door 122 000km R 99 995 2006 VW T5 Caravelle 2.5 TDi A/T 128Kw Only 135 000km Silver R 239 995 2008 VW Citi Golf Rox 1.6i 110 000km Metallic Blue R 59 995 2012 VW Golf 6 GTi DSG A/C P/S CD S/R Xenon 18” 40 000km R 239 995 2011 VW Golf 6 1.4 TSi Trendline A/C P/S CD 78 000km Silver/Blue R 174 995 2013 VW Polo 1.4 Trendline 5-Door A/C P/S CD N/Shape 21 500km Silver R 159 995 2013 VW Polo Vivo 1.4 A/C P/S CD Terra Beige 25 600km R 129 995 2012 VW Polo 1.4 Classic Comfortline A/C P/S CD 19 000km Black R 159 995 LDV’S 2012 Chevrolet Corsa Utility 1.4 P/up N/Shape Canopy 56 000km R 109 995 2010 Chevrolet Corsa Utility 1.4 A/C Canopy R 109 995 2009 Ford Ranger 2.2 LWB Canopy P/S 143 000km 62Kw R 129 995 2013 Hyundai H100 2.6D 58Kw 27 000km D/Side R 169 995 2012 Isuzu KB250D LWB 45 400km R 159 995 2007 Mitsubishi Colt 200 LWB 153 000km R 79 995 2010 Nissan NP200 1.5 DCi P/up Canopy R 109 995 2010 Opel Corsa 1.4 Utility 80 000km Silver CD Mags R 89 995 2012 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D SRX X/Trad 67 000km White R 219 995 Balance of 5 year / 90 000km Service Plan 2011 Toyota Hilux 2.7 VVTi D/Cab B/B T/B 157 000km White R 249 995 2011 Toyota Hilux 2.7 VVTi D/Cab 103 000km Metallic Grey R 249 995 2011 Toyota Hilux 2.0 VVTi 63 000km Canopy R 169 995
SALES: Sinthumule 073 195 9926 • Sam Manyike 071 096 1739 • Matumba Khamusi 076 509 1726 AFTER HOURS: Willie 082 953 3642 • Ishmael 076 772 0200 E. & O.E.
Vier muurbalspelers van die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het vanaf 14 tot 16 Maart deelgeneem aan die Limpopo Muurbalkampioenskappe wat in Polokwane beslis is. Die kampioenskappe het uitstaande muurbal opgelewer, met 33 spelers wat meegeding het om as wenners uit te tree. In die mansafdeling behaal Soutpansberg se Bertus Guillaume ‘n algehele negende plek, met klubmaats Dirk du Preez en Theo Schlieben wat onderskeidelik 12de en 13de eindig. Soutpansberg se Ronel Welman, verdedigende vroue kampioen, slaag weer daarin om die vroue-afdeling te wen, met Marnus Janse van Rensburg vanaf Mokopane wat as algehele wenner van die mansafdeling uit die stryd tree. Afgeneem (bo) is Ronel en Marnus met hul trofeë. In die meegaande foto regs is (voor, van links na regs) Theo en Ronel. Agter is Dirk en Bertus. Foto’s verskaf.
Always restless. Always restless. The new GLA. The new GLA.
When was the last time you did what you wanted, not what you were supposed When was the the last last time, time you did what you wanted, what youthe were supposed to? Forget it’s this time that matters.not Introducing adventurous to? Forget the last time, it’s this available time thatwith matters. Introducing the adventurous Mercedes-Benz GLA. Optionally the instinctive 4MATIC* all-wheel Mercedes-Benz GLA. withtailgate, the instinctive all-wheel drive system and the Optionally convenientavailable EASY-PACK it’s the 4MATIC* ultimate vehicle for drive system and the convenient tailgate, it’s number the ultimate vehicle for the adventure-seekers. Book yourEASY-PACK test drive today at the below. Join the the adventure-seekers. Book your test drive today at the number below. Join the adventure at www.GLAadventure.co.za #GLAadventure adventure at www.GLAadventure.co.za #GLAadventure
Always restless.
*Available on the 220 CDI model. Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African market.
Always restless.
*Available on the 220 CDI model. Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African market.
The new GLA.
The new GLA.
When was the last time you did what you wanted, not what you were supposed to? Forget the last time, was theIntroducing last time you what you wanted, not whatGLA. you were supposed it’s this timeWhen that matters. thedid adventurous Mercedes-Benz Optionally available with the to? Forget the last time, it’s this time that matters. Introducing the adventurous instinctive 4MATIC* all-wheel drive system and the convenient EASY-PACK tailgate, it’s the ultimate Mercedes-Benz GLA. Optionally the at instinctive 4MATIC* vehicle for the adventure-seekers. Book youravailable test drivewith today the number below.all-wheel Join the adventure at drive system and the convenient EASY-PACK tailgate, it’s the ultimate vehicle for www.GLAadventure.co.za #GLAadventure the Book test drive today *Available on the 220 CDIadventure-seekers. model. Vehicle specifications may var for your the South African market.
at the number below. Join the adventure at www.GLAadventure.co.za #GLAadventure *Available on the 220 CDI model. Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African market.
Standard with the new PremiumDrive Maintenance Plan. Finance Provided by Mercedes-Benz Finance and *Insurance, a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd., an Authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no. 18 604) and Credit Provider (Licence nr. NCRCP80).*Underwritten by either Regent Standard the new Finance Provided by Mercedes-Benz andParticipating *Insurance, aDealers divisiononly. of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Insurancewith Company Ltd.PremiumDrive (FSB. 25 511)Maintenance or AlexanderPlan. Forbes Insurance Company Ltd. (Licence Finance nr. 30414). South Africa (Pty) Ltd., an Authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no. 18 604) and Credit Provider (Licence nr. NCRCP80).*Underwritten by either Regent Insurance Company Ltd. (FSB. 25 511) or Alexander Forbes Insurance Company Ltd. (Licence nr. 30414). Participating Dealers only.
Mercurius Motors Polokwane · C/O N1Name and Nelson Mandela rd Polokwane Tel.: · http://www.mercedes-benz.co.za Mercedes-Benz Dealer Dealer Address. Tel: > 015 • <2999504 Mercedes-Benz Dealer Sales Manager - Jaco Coetzee 015 2999504 Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • Name Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Mercurius Motors Tzaneen 38 Peace str Tzaneen · Tel.: 015 299 9504 · e-mail - jcoetzee@cargomotors.co.za Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer <Name Dealer Address. • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • Sales Manager - Eunice MangenaTel: - 015>3075020 Dealer Address. Tel: > •Name < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Address. Tel: > • Name Dealer Dealer Address.Dealer Tel: > • Name < Mercedes-Benz Dealer < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Address.Dealer Tel: < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Address.Dealer Tel: > •Name < Mercedes-Benz Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • Name < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: Standard with the new PremiumDrive Maintenance Plan. Finance Provided by Mercedes-Benz Finance and *Insurance, a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd., an Authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no. 18 604) and Credit Provider (Licence nr. NCRCP80).*Underwritten by either Regent Insurance Company Ltd. (FSB. 25 511) or Alexander Forbes Insurance Company Ltd. (Licence nr. 30414). Participating Dealers only.