Steeds geen
Deur Andries van Zyl
Die families van twee mans van Musina wat maande gelede wreedaardig vermoor is, wag steeds op nuus dat enige verdagtes in verband met die moorde aangekeer is. Beide families beskuldig die Musina polisie daarvan dat hulle met die ondersoeke sloer.
Vir ma Soekie Kock is die traagheid waarmee haar seun se moordsaak hanteer word veral onrusbarend. Haar seun, die 27-jarige Henrie Mans, is gedurende die aand van 31 Maart of oggend van 1 April vermoor. Sy liggaam is op die Musina/Tshipise-pad gevind. Hy is die vorige dag lewend gesien, nadat ‘n vriend hom by sy ma se huis kom oplaai het om hom te kom help met werk op ‘n plaas langs dieselfde pad.
Volgens Kock kan sy nie verstaan waarom die saak so sloer nie. Sy het Dinsdag gesê die hof op Musina het instruksie gegee dat verklarings van almal teenwoordig op die plaas waar haar seun gaan werk het, gekry moet word. Dit sluit blykbaar in dat die polisie gevra is om aansoek te doen vir ‘n 205-dagvaardiging op die selfoonrekords van almal wat op die plaas teenwoordig was.
“Die heeltyd sê hulle, hulle gaan dit môre doen, maar niks word gedoen nie. Daar is geen beweging en wil om iets te doen nie. Ek sal nie sê hulle probeer iets toesmeer nie, maar hulle rek die saak uit,” het Kock gesê.
Kock het gesê sy het nou breekpunt bereik. “Die heeltyd sê jy vir jouself jy moet hulle [die polisie] nie kwaad maak nie, want dan wil hulle nie meer die saak ondersoek nie ... Mens probeer vriendelik wees, maar wat help vriendelikheid jou?!” het Kock gesê. Sy wil nou antwoorde hê. “Hulle ken my maar sleg. Ek gaan nie meer ordentlik wees nie,” het sy bygevoeg.
Van die frustrasie wat Kock ervaar met die polisie sluit in ‘n gebrek aan terugvoer. Vir bykans vier maande ná haar seun se dood het sy feitlik elke dag Musina polisiestasie toe gegaan om te hoor wat aangaan met die saak. Die polisie het haar toe gevra om asseblief nie meer elke dag
te kom nie. Nou wag sy maar.
“Die forensiese verslag is ook nog nie terug nie … Hulle doen net niks uit hulle eie uit nie. Gee jy vir hulle inligting, ondersoek hulle dit nie,” het Kock gesê.
Volgens Kock is die gebrek aan dringendheid waarmee haar seun se moordsaak hanteer word, skokkend. “Dit is tog ‘n moordsaak hierdie. Dit is baie ernstiger as sigarette smokkel of om verbode immigrante te vang. Waarom kry hierdie saak nie dieselfde aandag nie?” wou Kock weet. Sy voeg by dat sy onlangs ook deur die ondersoekbeampte in die saak meegedeel is dat hy nie eintlik tyd het om aandag aan haar saak te gee nie, omdat hulle almal tans nagskof werk om ‘n groep koperkabeldiewe te probeer vastrek wat tans doenig is in die grensdorp.
“Ek is nou al genoeg gewag. Dit gaan nou al aan na sewe maande! Dit werk nie vir my nie. My kind se lewe is gevat. Hy het dit nie verdien nie. Dit is net nie reg nie,” het Kock gesê.
Die familie van die 38-jarige Sakkie Cilliers is die ander familie wat ook nog op antwoorde wag. Cilliers is gedurende die vroeë oggendure van 14 Julie koelbloedig vermoor toe hy deur verdagtes in die kop geskiet is buite die Mac Musina Rugbyklub.
Die vermoede bestaan dat dit ‘n mislukte motorkaping was. Al wat van sy persoon vermis was, was sy bakkiesleutels. Cilliers se suster, Inge Heymans, het ook Dinsdag aan die
Zoutpansberger bevestig dat nog absoluut geen vordering gemaak is in haar broer se moordsaak nie. Sy voel gewone mense se moordsake kry duidelik nie dieselfde prioriteit behandeling soos die van hoë-profiel mense nie. ‘n Voorbeeld hiervan is die onlangse moord van die burgemeester van die Collins Chabane Munisipaliteit, rdl. Moses Maluleke. Die provinsiale polisiekommissaris het dadelik ‘n 72-uur aktiveringsplan aangekondig ná die moord op Maluleke op 21 Julie, presies ‘n week ná
Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul 21 Oktober 2022 PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 38 Vol.42Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8 9 772409 283001 42 ISSN 2409-2835 Audited Distribution Figures Gemeenskappe neem toenemend beheer oor - bladsy 3 National awards for local newspapers and journalists - page 4 e-mail: 24 HOUR CALL CENTRE: 083 251 8139 PD OTTO ELEKTRIES We buy YOUR containers!
Cilliers se
moord. Vyf verdagtes is reeds in verband met die moord aangekeer en hulle verhoor het reeds begin.
(Vervolg op p.2)
Families van die vermoorde Henrie Mans (links) and Sakkie Cilliers (regs) van Musina wag steeds op antwoorde, maande nadat hulle in twee afsonderlik gevalle vermoor is. Foto’s verskaf.
Businesspeople fined for keeping goats and sheep in border town CBD
Munisipal News
Three businesspeople were fined for keeping goats and sheep in the Musina central business district (CBD) and ordered to take their animals away within 24 hours, while another entrepreneur was fined for burning his waste in the CBD, instead of throwing the thrash out in skip bins. This was during a routine law-enforcement inspection around the town, initiated by Musina’s municipal manager, Mr Nathi Tshiwanammbi, last Wednesday (12 October).
Tshiwanammbi said the municipality had received complaints about people keeping sheep and goats in town, which is in contravention of the municipal bylaws.
“Through our Community Services Department, we had to act swiftly. It is totally unacceptable to have people keeping animals in the CBD, as it poses a health hazard. People should conduct business permissible by law. We will not tolerate a situation where people disregard the law in our presence.”
According to Tshiwanammbi, one of the businesspeople had built a complete kraal for his animals behind his shop.
“When you walk down the street, you would never suspect that there is anything illegal happening behind the shops. This shop was operating as normal, but we were shocked when we went through the back door and saw a kraal with goats, sheep and piles of animal feed stored inside. We
are happy that these businesspeople have complied with our notices and moved their animals within the given 24-hour period. We hope this serves as a lesson to would-be perpetrators as we will not smile on them,” he said.
He issued a strong warning to residents who disregard the bylaws of the local authority.
“As local government, we play our role of implementing policies, but residents should also assist us by abiding to those laws. Our law-enforcement employees will not tolerate a situation where some residents ignore the law. We want our town to be always clean, so that we can also attract investors and tourists to help build our economy.”
Families wag steeds op antwoorde
Hierdie week, 25 jaar
gelede in die Zoutpansberger
Hoofnuus 25 jaar gelede was dat ‘n groep van sowat 2 000 regeringswerkers van die voormalige Venda die N1 tussen Louis Trichardt en Musina geblokkeer het. Die besluit om die N1 te blokkeer het gevolg ná ‘n openbare vergadering van re geringswerkers in Thohoyandou. Tydens die vergadering is die kwessie van die beweerde R800 miljoen Venda Pensioenfonds bespreek wat toe van die nuwe Suid Afrikaanse regering geëis is. Die Dabalorivhuwa Pensioenforum is gestig, wat ‘n memorandum aan die destydse President Nelson Mandela oorhandig het in Pretoria, waarin President Man dela gedreig is dat, sou hy nie binne ‘n sekere tydperk aandag gee aan die pensioenkwessie nie, die N1 geblok keer sou word. Die protesaksie het hande uitgeruk en die kwaadstokers is gearresteer, insluitende mense wat met aanvalsgewere gewapen was.
In ander hoofnuus het ‘n jong 23-jarige inwoner teen sy vonnis van ses jaar geappelleer, nadat hy daaraan skuldig bevind is dat hy ‘n 53-jarige huiswerker verkrag het. Die man is kort ná sy appèl op R5 000 vrygelaat, hangende die uitslag van sy appèl. In daardie stadium het die man reeds ‘n string klagtes teen hom gehad, insluitend ‘n skuldigbevinding op ‘n klag van dronkbestuur, waarvoor hy ‘n drie jaar opgeskorte vonnis gekry het. Slegs ‘n week vroeër het hy ook op klag van strafbare manslag verskyn vir ‘n ongeluk waarin sy jongste boe tie ‘n jaar vantevore oorlede is.
Hondsdolheid was ook in die nuus gewees daardie week, met talle gevalle van die gevreesde siekte wat in die voorafgaande maande gerapporteer is. Die destydse staatsveearts, dr. Vivian Malan, het in daardie stadium ‘n dringende beroep gedoen op troeteldiereienaars om hulle diere te laat inent. In nog ‘n voorbeeld van die geskiede nis wat homself herhaal, het die streek nou onlangs ook gebuk gegaan onder ‘n honds dolheid-uitbreking waartydens die plaaslike DBV, in samewerking met die Legacy-win kel, meer as 1 000 troeteldiere op een dag ingeënt het.
(Vervolg van p.1)
“Maar ons het vrede gemaak daarmee. Ons weet ons gaan dalk nie my broer se moordenaar kry nie,” het Heymans gesê. Tog is dit vir die familie ‘n bitter pil om te sluk. “Die realiteit sink nou eers in. Ons is nou oor daardie besige tydperk van jaag en dokumente,” het Heymans gesê.
Volgens Heymans wag hulle ook nog op die forensiese verslag. “Net gister het ek met die ondersoekbeampte gepraat en sy woorde aan my was; ‘Ek het nie nou tyd om aan jou saak te werk nie, want hulle steel kragkabels hier in Musina. Ek is op nagskof, so ons pas substasies op.’ Dit was sy presiese woorde gewees … my boetie se moord is tog belangriker as kragkabels?” het Heymans gesê. Haar opmerking stem ooreen met dit wat die ondersoekbeampte in Mans se moordsaak aan sy ma gesê het.
Die provinsiale leier van die Vryheidsfront Plus in Limpopo en lid van die Provinsiale Wetgewer, rdl. Marcelle Maritz, probeer tans namens die twee familie antwoorde by die polisie kry oor waarom die sake so sloer. Sy het Dinsdag aan die Zoutpansberger gesê dat sy die saak op provinsiale vlak aanspreek. “Hierdie sake sloer nou regtig lank en die families wil afsluiting hê. ‘n Mens wil weet wie dit was en wat die nagevolge was vir die mense,” het Maritz
Thank you for your continued support
The residents of Laat Lente and Herfsakker retirement community in Louis Trichardt would like to thank all sponsors for their donation.
Thank you, Limpopo Dairy, Sasko Bakery, the Zoutpansberger, Ons Tuiste, Mr Desai, Ms Patel, tannie Das and Feed the Hungry, who donate on a monthly basis.
Also, thank you to all the sponsors who helped make our bazaar a success. The stalls were managed by residents of varying disabilities and ages. To see dignity restored and hear the laughter was like music to our ears. Thank you and thank you again. We were truly blessed by Louis Trichardt and surrounding communities.
Maritz spreek die kwessie op provinsiale vlak aan omdat sy, soos die families van die vermoorde mans, op plaaslike vlak geen antwoorde kan kry nie. “Om Musina [polisiestasie] te bel, help jou net niks. Dit is net so goed ek bel ‘n crèche. Hulle vee hulle agterente af aan my. Ek meen, ek sit op die polisiekomitee, so hulle moet verantwoording aan my doen, want ek wil antwoorde hê. Dit frustreer ‘n mens so, want daar is soveel goed wat intussen bykom, dat ek nie kan kophou met alles nie,” het Maritz gesê. Sy sou hierdie week verdere hoëvlak gesprekke hou met die polisie op provinsiale vlak en het onderneem om terugvoer te gee.
“Die probleem is die mense kry nie antwoorde nie, daar word nie opgevolg op sake nie en daar is geen beweging aan die sake nie. Dit bekommer my verskriklik,” het Maritz gesê.
Vrae oor die status van die twee sake, die vordering (of gebrek daaraan) wat die afgelope paar maande daarin gemaak is en die moontlik redes vir die slakkepas waarmee die sake ondersoek word, is aan provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo gestuur. Alhoewel hy beide die WhatsApp- en e-pos navraag gesien het, is geen bevestiging van ontvangs gegee nie. Teen druktyd is nog geen reaksie ontvang nie. Sy reaksie sal wel gepubliseer word wanneer dit ontvang word.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
“Maar die bloed sal vir julle ‘n teken wees aan die huise waarin julle is.” Exodus 12:13.
Daardie nag toe Egipte se eersgeborenes geslaan en dié van Israel se huise gespaar is, was daar ‘n ander dood in Goosen se tente. Die paaslam is geslag.
Paulus skrywe aan die Korintiërs: “Want ons paaslam is vir ons geslag, naamlik Christus” (1 Korintiërs 5:7). Treffend is die ooreenkoms tussen die twee. Die lam moes sonder gebrek wees, net soos Christus heilig en sonder sonde was. Teen die aand moes dit geslag word. Die Here Jesus is deur die Joodse Sanhedrin oorgelewer om gekruisig te word omtrent die tyd van die aandoffer.
Die benaming “lam” beskrywe die Here Jesus se karakter. Hy was die Lam, omdat Hy sagmoedig en nederig van hart was (Matteus 11:29), sonder weerstand, gereed om sy wil aan die Vader oor te gee. Jesaja het Hom soos ‘n lam gesien wat stom is voor sy skeerders (Jesaja 53:7). Johannes die Doper het Hom aangewys as die Lam van God wat die sonde van die wêreld wegneem (Johannes 1:29).
Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022
Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892
Jernay Mcleod: 083 403
Angela Brennan: 082 902
Die bloed is ‘n teken van lewe. “Want die siel van die vlees is in die bloed, en Ek het dit aan julle gegee om vir julle siele versoening te doen” (Levitikus 17:11). Die lewe is in die bloed. As dit wegvloei uit die liggaam, tree dood en ontbinding in.
Die hele verlossingsplan is ingestel op die bloed van Jesus Christus. Sy volmaakte lewe is die agtergrond van sy dood, wat Hy vrywillig vir ons ondergaan het.
Is sy bloed al aan die deurkosyne van jou hart? Dan alleen is jy veilig en sal jy lewe.
- Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
Municipal law-enforcement workers Petrus Ravhudzulo (left) and Lulu Shilote, shortly after fining a businessman for illegally keeping goats and sheep behind his shop in the Musina CBD.
Gemeenskappe neem toenemend beheer oor
Deur Andries van Zyl
Die toestand van die streek se paaie laat in meeste geval le veel te wense oor en is dikwels lewensgevaarlik vir motoriste. Dit het tot gevolg dat toenemend meer en meer gemeenskappe self besluit om paaie in hulle omgewing te herstel.
Die boerderygemeenskap van Alldays en Vivo het verlede Woensdag (12 Oktober) weer bewys gelewer hiervan toe hulle bymekaargekom het om slaggate op ‘n sowat 28km seksie van die Alldays/Vivo-pad self te herstel. Vir dié doel het hulle onder meer agt voertuie, ses trekkers en sleepwaens, twee tru-grawers, twee 8-ton vragmotors, 24 werkers en agt toesighouers ingespan. Hulle het van 08:30 tot 15:30 gewerk en in totaal 120 sakke sement en 54 m3 kompakteergrond gebruik. Die “operasie” het die gemeenskap R34 680 uit hulle eie sakke gekos.
Dat hierdie stuk pad, soos baie ander paaie in die streek, lewensgevaarlik geword het vanweë sy swak toestand is nie te debatteer nie. Volgens ‘n gemeenskapswoordvoerder, mnr. HJ Smit, lyk die pad al vir die afgelope vier tot vyf jaar so sleg vanweë slaggate. “Hier is al baie mense dood op hierdie pad. Hier by my plaashek is daar iemand dood einde laas jaar. Hy was ‘n Indiër sakeman van die dorp. Hy het gaan voorraad koop en sy bakkie het ‘n slaggat getref. Sy bakkie het gerol en hy is dood,” het Smit gesê. Hy het ook verwys na ander noodlottige ongelukke op
dié stuk pad.
Die skade aan voertuie is nog ‘n verdere probleem. “Jy sien elke liewe dag voertuie met stukkende buitebande. Ons voel dit self ook. As jy nie die pad reg hou nie, verloor jy twee of drie buitebande ‘n week.
Ons vervang nie eers meer ons windskerms nie. Hy moet reg tig moeg wees voordat dit geb eur, want as jy hom vervang, het hy binne twee weke weer ‘n kraak,” het Smit gesê.
Smit het bygevoeg dat, ten spyte daarvan dat hy in noue kontak is met die plaaslike paaie departement, hulle baie struikelblokke moet oorkom.
“Ek en die vroutjie [in beheer by die departement] wat daar is, is permanent aan die baklei,” het Smit gesê. Hy het verduidelik dat hulle kort-kort sonder materiaal is. Dan reël die gemeenskap uit eie sak materiaal. As die materiaal op daag, dan het die werkers nie genoeg veiligheidstewels nie. Dan word stewels uit eie sak gekoop. Sowat drie weke gelede moes die padwerkers hul werk stop, omdat die voertuie se lisensieskyfies verval het. So hou dit aan.
“As jy vir hulle wag, gaan jy vir altyd wag,” het Smit gesê. “Maar, met hulle traagheid probeer ons steeds saamwerk,” het hy bygevoeg.
Smit noem egter dat hulle operasie verlede week nie ‘n unieke gebeurtenis was nie. Sy pa het in die verlede al meer as ‘n R100 000 uit sy eie sak in slegs vier maande spandeer om paaie in die omgewing in stand te hou. So het baie ander boere in die omgewing ook reeds vir
‘n geruime tyd en deurlopend die paaie in hulle omgewing, insluitend grondpaaie, op eie koste in stand gehou.
Die departement verant woordelik vir die instandhou ding van die streek se paaie is die RAL (Road Agency Lim popo). Ongelukkig het hierdie departement ‘n uiters swak naam rakende dienslewering. Die vraag wat inwoners vra, is wat presies kry hulle in ruil vir hulle belastinggeld.
Wat dié vraag betrek het die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) verlede week in ‘n verklaring gevra dat die totale RAL-raad ontbind moet word en dat die Departement van Openbare Werk hulle pligte moet oorn eem. Dit volg nadat aan die lig gekom het dat die gemiddelde RAL-salaris sowat R900 000 per jaar beloop. In totaal het RAL 83 werknemers, wat insluit ses topbestuursposte, vyf senior bestuursposte, 24 gekwalifiseerde professio nele personeel, 20 geskoolde werkers, 21 semi-geskoolde werkers en sewe ongeskoolde werkers. “Dit is duidelik dat RAL hulself bewys het as ‘n swak bestuurder entiteit wat ‘n onnodige uitgawe is en daarin misluk het om dienste te lewer aan die inwoners van Limpopo. Dit is die enigste provinsiale padagentskap en daar is geen behoefte daarvoor nie,” het Risham Maharaj, lid van die provinsiale wetgewer en die DA se woordvoerder vir Openbare Werke, Paaie en Infrastruktuur, in die verklaring gesê.
Hartseer genoeg is dit nie net die streek se sekondêre paaie wat in ‘n haglike toestand is nie. Alhoewel die grootste gedeel van die N1-hoofweg goed onderhou word deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap (SANRAL), ontvang die koerant weekliks meer en meer klagtes oor die swak toestand van die N1 noord van die Baobab-tolhek. ‘n Plaasboer in die Mo panie-omgewing, mnr. Jaco Lyon, het Dinsdag gesê dat hy slegs in die 13 km tussen die Riverside Kwekery en Bokmakierie ‘n totaal van 583 slaggate getel het. Sy vraag was: “Waarvoor betaal ons tolgelde?” Wat die toestand van die N1 betref, sal die Zoutpansberger ‘n navraag rig aan SANRAL.
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 APRIL 2021 3 Palm Customer Service is our priority! Mondays - Fridays: 08:00 - 18:00 / Saturdays: 08:00 - 14:00 Wholesale Depot Pepsi & Pepsi Max 330ml x 24 R100.00 R169.00 R172.00 Tel: 015 516 0180 Email: WHOLESALE DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC! WE DELIVER ON ORDER. Dragon Energy Drink 500ml x 24 Switch Energy Drink 500ml x 24 (mix your own flavours) R51.00 Refresh 2lt x 6 Lekkergoed Stokworsies Pannekoek Kerrie & Rys Poeding Koeke & Terte Vleis & Biltong Groente & Vrugte Sosaties Hamburgers Koeldranke Dit & Dat Tafel Die volgende aktiwiteite / tafels sal beskikbaar wees: Skyfskiet Pyltjies & Ballon Bord Springkasteel Meganiese Bul Perdry Tombola Tafel JeugAktiwiteite NG Kerk Louis Trichardt (Stad op die Berg gemeente) | Erasmus straat | 015 516 3902. Haantjie Fees Vrydag 28 Oktober 16:00 tot laat Saterdag 29 Oktober 08:00 tot 14:00
‘n Plaasboer in die Mopanie-omgewing, mnr. Jaco Lyon, het Dinsdag gesê dat hy slegs in die 13 km tussen die Riverside Kwekery en Bokmakierie ‘n totaal 583 slaggate getel het. Sy vraag was: “Waarvoor betaal ons tolgelde?” Hy het hierdie foto op dié deel van die N1 geneem. Foto verskaf.
Die boerderygemeenskap van Alldays en Vivo het verlede Woensdag (12 Oktober) weer ingespring en self slaggate op ‘n stuk van sowat 28 km van die Alldays/Vivo-pad herstel. Dié gemeenskapsoptrede is egter glad nie uniek nie, met talle boere in die omgewing wat reeds vir ‘n geruime tyd op eie koste die paaie, insluitend grondpaaie, in hulle omgewing onderhou. Foto verskaf. TO LET - STORAGE UNITS (Louis Trichardt) “Safe & Secluded Garden cottage” R6 900 per month LOUIS TRICHARDT 2 Bedrooms / 1x Bathroom / Living area / Kitchen Laundry / Lock up garage space Owner maintained Garden Patio with scenic mountain views Prepaid electricity / Borehole RENTAL Want to SELL? List your property with us HAMMANN PROPERTIES Carel Hammann 082 923 1620 Anton de Necker 084 704 8426 Property is our Business, call us! Visit our website: NO Children / NO Animals * Single person or Couple (Maximum 2 persons) * Long-term Lease option available • Affordable • Easy access • Safe &Secure 21m² (3.5m x 6.0m) - R1000-00 p/m
National awards for local newspapers and journalists
By our Staff Reporter
The journalists writing for the Zoutpans berger and its sister publication the Limpopo Mirror are ranked among the top in the coun try in their respective fields. This was proven again last Friday when the Vhembe-based journalists won several of the writing catego ries during the annual awards ceremony of the Forum of Community Journalists (FCJ) with Avbob as main sponsor.
The awards ceremony was held at the Birch wood Hotel & Conference Centre in Boksburg and was attended by representatives of commu
nity newspapers from across the country. The master of ceremonies was well-known veteran TV news anchor and media guru Jeremy Maggs. The Limpopo Mirror won the prize as the best independently owned local newspaper in the country. The newspaper also won the Best Front Page category for independent newspapers.
The judges’ comments on Limpopo Mirror were very flattering: “Strong, well-written sto ries. Good reporting, really being a watchdog for the local community. A judge’s favourite. Lovely read. A testament of a local newspaper who is the watchdog of its community.”
However, the various writing categories
were the ones where the journalists from the far northern part of the country showed their mettle. Here, unlike in the newspaper categories, journalists must compete against hundreds of other journalists from across the country, most of whom work for the big publishing groups.
In the Hard News category, the Zoutpans berger and Limpopo Mirror scooped up three of the top five positions. Andries van Zyl, editor of the Zoutpansberger, won the category, while Mirror’s Maanda Bele was third and Kaizer Nengovhela fifth.
“Strong stories covering important local issues,” was the judges’ comment on Andries’s entries. “Good writer. He is not bound by one type of reporting and he does thorough work. Some excellent examples of interna tional and national developments applied to a local context.”
Maanda Bele also received praise from the judges. “Persistent coverage of issues, such as the taxi rank story, nice to look into the issue after a decade of standing empty.
Shocking but strong story about the stu dents and prostitution.
The lady who makes bricks is a great story, showing how residents make plans in the face of adversity!”
The Investigative Journalism category was again won by the Zoutpansberger’s Anton van Zyl. He has won this category on several previous occa sions, specifically for
the exposés done on corruption at the National Lotteries Commission. “Very strong stories, the lottery corruption and municipal park corrup tion stories go to the core of maladministration in some local municipalities. Excellent investi gative work that seems to have made a national impact,” the judges commented.
Andries van Zyl showed his versatility by ending second in the Sports-writing category. He was fifth in the Investigative Journalism catego ry and seventh in the Human Interest category.
Anton van Zyl, who also manages the two newspapers, was extremely proud of the team’s achievements. “It shows once again that you don’t have to be big to count. Even though we don’t have the resources of the big publishers, we can still make a difference in the way we reflect what is happening in our community.”
Anton was especially impressed with the achievements in the Hard News category. “For one publishing company to have three of the top five finalists in this category is incredible. This is what news is all about – to reflect what is hap pening in your community. If you consider that two of the journalists stay in and report from deep rural areas, the achievements are so much more special,” he said.
Anton was full of praise for the team respon sible for producing the newspapers. “Publishing is a team effort. News starts with a reporter picking up on a story. From there it goes through a process of sub-editing, fact checking and con stant re-writing. The news then gets packaged, with a design team making sure that it eventu ally appears in an easy-to-read format. It goes onto our digital platform and then you have the printing and distribution processes,” he said.
“And finally – you cannot produce good journalism if no-one pays the journalists. This is where our advertising team plays such an im portant role in making sure that revenue streams in to pay the bills,” he said.
He also thanked the advertisers for their sup port and all the regular readers who make sure that they never miss an edition of their favourite newspaper.
SA Post Office once again warns customers against 419 scam
Warning notice
The SA Post Office has become aware of emails meant to convince the receiver to pay money into the account of fraudsters.
Members of the public receive an email stating that a parcel addressed to them is being retained because customs fees on it are out standing. The notice entices them to click on a link that leads them to a website where they can make a payment to release the fictitious parcel.
Emails sent from the server of the SA Post Office originate from The scam emails are sent from different servers. The email includes a parcel number starting the letters ZA, which was not generated by the Post Office. When tracked on the Post Office’s website, the parcel number does not give any result.
Members of the public who receive the notice should delete it immediately. If customs fees are payable on a parcel posted from abroad, the client pays the fees when they collect the parcel.
“The Post Office gives customers the oppor tunity to check a parcel before they officially take it into possession, and therefore does not require the payment of any fees before the time of collection,” said the SA Post Office in a press release. They added that the Post Office normally sends an SMS when a parcel is ready for collection and never requests an EFT or online payment before a parcel is collected. Any request for an electronic payment should be viewed as a scam.
“The Post Office encourages members of the public with any information about postal crimes to contact its toll-free crime-buster hotline on 0800 020 070,” said the Post Office.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the 103rd Ordinary Council meeting will be held as follows:
: 14:00
DATE : Thursday, 27 October 2022
VENUE : Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, Makhado All interested members of the public are invited to attend the meeting. Enquiries must be directed to Mr S G Maguga or Mr M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000.
Centre 83 Krogh Street, LOUIS TRICHARDT
& 21 October 2022
No.: 4/2/2
No 132 of
2022 MUNICIPAL MANAGER PUBLIC NOTICE: NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING: 27 OCTOBER 2022 MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Cllr MD Mboyi Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality
Andries van Zyl (winner in the Hard News category), Maanda Bele (third place Hard News category) and Anton van Zyl (winner in the Investigative Journalism category) photographed during Friday night’s prize-giving function in Boksburg.
Helgar Mutswana, Beanca
from left
The Zoutpansberg Private Hospital in Louis Trichardt gave recognition to their loyal staff by rewarding them with long-service awards last week Thursday, 13 October. In total, seven staff members received their five-year service awards. Pictured from left to right are Mpho Rathumbu, Jeanneth Bebeda, Felicia Khodoga, Joyce Mphela, Christel Leonard, Kate Musin gadi and Virginiah Musandiwa.
Realty 1 Louis Trichardt recently scored a triple win for the local team of property profes sionals. Firstly, the joint efforts of the whole team placed Realty 1 Louis Trichardt in first place in the country for their total sales during September. Ria Van Zyl achieved a national third place for her registered sales, while Khathu Mulaudzi was fifth overall for her regis tered sales during the same period. Mulaudzi also achieved a national fifth place for total registered sales during August this year, while the Louis Trichardt branch was third in the country. Legislation restrictions on property professionals are very strict regarding the documented signed mandates on property sales and authorities to sell etc. With Reta Pie terse (principal) at the helm, who ensures that transaction procedures are closely adhered to, she leads the team to success with their professional handling of sale transactions. The Realty 1 team thanked all their loyal buyers and sellers who had made this success possible and look forward to their continued support.
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 21 OKTOBER 2022 5 AUCTION SALE OF WELL-DEVELOPED BUILDING FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Duly instructed thereto by the joint liquidators of Lex-Star Trustees Admin, pursuant to the provisions of section 83 and 84 of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, in the sequestration matter Avhakholwi Properties (Pty) Ltd, Masters Reference Number: L58/2021, we will sell by public auction on: (Established 1968) Auctions THURSDAY, 10 NOVEMBER 2022 AT 11:00 AT 69 PRESIDENT STREET LOUIS TRICHARDT (MAKHADO), LIMPOPO (23° 2’47.61”S / 29°54’37.12”E) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - CONTACT THE AUCTIONEERS PROPERTY SERVICES & AUCTIONEERS PLATINUM PLACE, 2 WATERMELON STREET, PLATINUM PARK, P.O.BOX 1238, POLOKWANE • TEL: 015 287 3300 - FAX: 086 691 7845 E-MAIL: / WEB: PROPERTY: Erf 550, Louis Trichardt, Registration Division LS, Makhado Local Municipality, Limpopo Measuring: 2855 m² DESCRIPTION: · Entrance portal with kitchen, office with bathroom and 2 x offices · Kitchen with ablution · 11 x Classrooms with 2 x storage rooms · 2 x Bedroom apartment, with lounge, dining room and kitchen combination LOCATION: Property is located in 69 President Street, Louis Trichardt. Auction arrows will be erected. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: A chance to obtain a well-developed building in Makhado for educational purposes. All prospective buyers are advised to attend the auction. Viewing by appointment with the auctioneers or visit our webpage. CONDITIONS OF SALE: 10% (TEN PERCENT) deposit for each property on day of the auction and the balance to be paid in cash or acceptable guarantees to be delivered within 45 (FORTY-FIVE) days after date of confirmation, confirmation within 14 (FOURTEEN) days after date of sale. The rules of auction and sale conditions will be read out prior to the sale, terms and conditions available on request. All potential buyers to register before the auction and proof of identity and residential address are required. Ad designed by Zoutnet PublishersInskrywings: 07h00 - 09h00 Bestuurdersinligtingsessie: 09h30 Inskrywingsgeld: Deelnemers - R200 / Toeskouers - R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders Louis Trichardt GPS: 23°05’05.3”S 29°55’16.4”E Kontak gerus vir CW Burger 082 378 3151 vir meer inligting 29 Oktober 2022 Gruisgat 4x4
Long-service awards for 15 years of service were handed out to four members of the Zoutpans berg Private Hospital in Louis Trichardt last week. They were Julia Hlungwani, Tiny Matjee, Audrey Masengani and Riana Smith. Pictured from left to right are Julia, Tiny, Audrey and Dr Anton Stroebel (director). Unfortunately, Riana was unable to attend the ceremony because of her daughter’s graduation ceremony.
Six staff members of the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital in Louis Trichardt received their 10-year long-service awards last Thursday. Pictured
are Thabelo Ratombo,
Badenhorst, Violet Ramalamula, Rendani Sinugo and Ria Smith.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT)
Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel:
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina)
Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015
• Agapé Gemeente (LTT)
Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, phone Pastor Chris Mattheus Tel (082 696 2619).
• AGS Charisma (LTT)
Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastor Willem Klopper (082 339 9931).
• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina)
Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 084 456 6959
• AGS Levubu
Sien Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield)
• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275
• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT)
128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165
• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728
• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714.
• Catholic Church (LTT)
Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina Tel: 015 534 2085)
• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455.
• Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943.
• St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman)
• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT)
Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past.
Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658
• Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288
• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)
H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602
• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253.
• Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays)
H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting.
• Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711
• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT)
H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956
• Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.
• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774
• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).
• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937
• Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente,
20 October
Friday, 21 October
What is happening?
Elke Maandag om 17:30 vind ‘n byeenkoms van die Christelike Ondersteuningsgroep vir alkoholen dwelmafhanklikes plaas.
Die vergadering is in die Jesus Kroon lokaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente.
Alhoewel die byeenkoms by die NG-kerk aangebied word, is persone van enige denominasie welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Jan Pretorius by tel. 079 881 9673 of ds. Corné Burger by tel. 073 759 0451.
Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub
Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
LTT Shukokai Karateklub
Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt.
Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
Kerk se fasiliteite nou beskikbaar
Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente (Stad op die Berg) in Louis Trichardt stel tans van hulle fasiliteite beskikbaar vir uitverhuring.
Die Ferdie Beyersaal kan 600 persone akkommodeer, en 100 persone in die Kiepersol-lokaal en 50 persone in die Jesuskroon-lokaal.
Vir meer inligting en pryse, skakel die kerkkantoor tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by tel. 015 516 3902.
Gister-se-Jeug byeen
Die Gister-se-Jeugklub op Louis Trichardt kom elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 in die saal van die Hervormde Kerk in Stubbsstraat byeen.
Die klub se leuse is “Vrolikheid by die grysheid” en hul doel is om eensame, ouer mense se venster op die wêreld net ‘n bietjie wyer oop te maak. “Het die vriendekring erg gekrimp? Kom maak dit groter by ons. Te oud – beslis nie as u nog kan beweeg nie. Te jonk – ons benodig helpers,” het die klub gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willie by tel. 083 453 6597 of WhatsApp Anna by 084 516 0647. Ledegeld is baie billik.
Daar sal elke Dinsdag om 15:00 landloop-oefeninge as buitemuurse aktiwiteit by Laerskool Louis Trichardt aangebied word.
Die doel is om die sport en fiksheid te ontwikkel en te bevorder oor die langer termyn. Gestruktureerde oefenprogramme sal aangebied word in onder andere fiksheid, deursettingsvermoë, krag bou en karakterbou. Persone wat belangstel hoef bloot op te daag en betrokke te bly. Indien ouers belangstel om hul kind te laat deel word van hierdie dinamiese oefenprogram, skakel Annari by 076 813 4855 vir verder inligting en reëlings.
Danie Woordbediening
Danie Potgieter van Louis Trichardt het manne van die Woord uitgenooi om saam met hom meer te leer oor die Bybel. Vir meer inligting, WhatsApp hom by tel. 066 257 7884.
Thursday 20 October
Hindu community celebrate Diwali
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, will be celebrated by the Louis Trichardt as well as the international Hindu community on 24 October this year. During this festive period, fireworks will be discharged at the homes of members of the local Hindu community.
The Festival of Lights signifies the return of Ram to his kingdom, after 14 years of banishment to the forest. According to the Louis Trichardt Hindu Seva Samaj, the local Hindu community will discharge fireworks from 20 October to 26 October between the hours of 18:00 and 22:00. They will also celebrate the dawning of the Hindu New Year on 26 October.
Members of the local Hindu community will discharge fireworks responsibly and at their own risk.
21 Oktober
Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt se volgende Dopperkuierkafee vind Vrydag, 21 Oktober, plaas en die spyskaart sluit in Dopperburgers teen R25 elk, kaas-, rib-, of hoenderburgers teen R30 elk, ‘n Russian en slaptjips
Saturday, 22 October
teen R25 elk, Hake en slaptjips teen R30 elk en slaptjips teen R10 per pakkie.
Hierdie week se spesiale aanbiedings sluit in vetkoek (skoon) teen R15 en ‘n vetkoekburger, roosterkoekburger of visburger teen R30 elk.
Daar is ook twee kombo’s. Kombo 1 sluit Hake, slaptjips, ‘n Russian, ‘n rooiworsie en 300 ml koeldrank in teen R50. Kombo 2 bestaan uit ‘n kaasburger, ‘n Russian, ‘n rooiworsie, slaptjips en 300 ml koeldrank, ook teen R50 elk.
Plaas jou bestelling by Nanette voor Vrydag 12:00 by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764.
Bestellings kan Vrydagmiddag vanaf 17:00 by die Dopperkerk afgehaal word.
World Swim Day Saturday 22 October
World Swim Day will be celebrated in Louis Trichardt on Saturday, 22 October, with a kiddies noodle race and 600m challenge at Soutpansberg Primary School’s swimming pool on the corner of Ruh and Burger Street.
The event will take place from 10:00 to 12:00 and although participation is free, booking is essential. The day’s events will include water-safety awareness.
For more information and bookings, phone Gert at tel. 084 564 5013.
Saterdag 22 Oktober
Die Hervormde Kerk Vereniging Broodboom, namens die Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (GHG), bied op Saterdag, 22 Oktober, ‘n oewerhengelkompetisie op die plaas Stubbs en Monz op Mopane aan.
Deelname kos R150 per hengelaar (R50 per kind wat hengel) met die kompetisie wat vanaf 06:00 tot 15:00 sal duur. Vir diegene wat oorslaap, is die koste R150 per persoon.
Die reëls behels slegs twee visstokke per hengelaar en geen kano’s, aasbootjies of hommeltuie sal toegelaat word nie (daar mag krokodille wees). ‘n Inweegstasie sal deurlopend beskikbaar wees. Drie spesies (karp, baber en kurper) kan gevang word met onderskeidelik R3 000, R2 000 en R1 000 vir die swaarste sak vis vir elke spesie. Daar is ook ‘n trio spesie bonanza met ‘n R500 geskenkbewys vir elke spesie. R2 000 is ook op die spel in ‘n gelukkige trekking. Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Buks 082 856 2603, Erns 083 636 3546, Ben 063 061 2535 of Willie 066 249 3686.
Kaartjies is ook by Safety First beskikbaar (Josie 082 300 6386).
• Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
015 516 2272
534 2126
Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 E-pos: of • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • PPK Bet-El Gemeente (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 084 418 3803.
Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672 Albasini Dam 98.2% 98.8% Ebenezer Dam 94.9% 96.4% Flag Boshielo Dam 94.1% 95.3% Glen Alpine Dam 52.3% 50.7% Luphephe Dam 94.4% 94.4% Middel Letaba Dam #0.7% 0.7% Nandoni Dam 99.4% 100% Nsami Dam 35.9% 37.4% Nwanedzi Dam 91.2% 92.8% Nzhelele Dam 90.6% 92.4% Tzaneen Dam 81.9% 83.8% Vondo Dam 95.3% 96.6% WEEKLIKSE DAMVLAKKE WEEKLY DAM LEVELS 17/10/2022 According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 17 October. Dams/damme: 10/10/2022 # Means latest available data (Source: ZoutieWeather Louis
High: 28oC Low: 16oC A thunderstorm around in the a.m.Mostly sunny and very warm.
High: 31oC Low: 16oC Clearing. Thursday,
High: 30oC Low: 14oC LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592
• SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061 • Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7 • Municipality - 015 534 6000 • Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183
• SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 015 583 7418
SHOWS, PRICES & TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. NO COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS FOR NEW RELEASES FOR ONE WEEK FROM RELEASE DATE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED APP /sterkinekortheatres Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. TicketLine SCAN HERE TO VISIT OUR MOBI SITE SHOWTIMES FRI 21 OCT - THU 27 OCT MALL OF THE NORTH BEAST 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 17:00, 19:45 Sat: 17:15, 19:45 Sun: 14:45, 17:15 BIG TRIP 2: SPECIAL DELIVERY PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15 Sat: 10:15, 12:45, 15:15 Sun: 10:45, 14:00 BLACK ADAM 13 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Sat: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Sun: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30 DC LEAGUE OF SUPER PETS PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15 Sat: 10:45, 13:30, 16:15, 19:00 Sun: 10:30, 13:15, 16:00 DETECTIVE KNIGHT: ROGUE 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 20:30 Sat: 10:30, 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 20:30 Sun: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30 MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:30 Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00 Sun: 10:15, 12:30 THE WOMAN KING 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 14:15, 17:15, 20:15 Sat: 11:15, 14:15, 17:15, 20:15 Sun: 11:15, 14:15, 17:15 TICKET TO PARADISE 13 Ç Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 17:45, 20:30 Sun: 17:00
23 October
Occasional morning rain
High: 25oC Low: 16oC
Monday, 24 October
A p.m. thunderstorm, warmer.
High: 30oC Low: 18oC
Wat gebeur?
Saturday 22 October
Ridgeway Open Day
Ridgeway College will be hosting their annual open day for Grade RR to Grade 7 learners at the Ridgeway Preparatory School along the Roodewal road outside Louis Trichardt on Saturday, 22 October, from 09:00 to 12:00. For more information, phone 015 151 0111.
Saterdag 29 Oktober
Fast 5-netbaltoernooi
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt bied op 29 Oktober vanjaar ‘n Fast 5-netbaltoernooi aan.
Gemengde spanne kan ook inskryf en deelname beloop R1 000 per span van agt lede. Inskrywings sluit op 7 Oktober.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Coreen by tel. 071 874 8289.
Tuesday, 25 October
A thunderstorm around in the a.m.
High: 24oC Low: 16oC
Low clouds.
High: 23oC Low: 17oC
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
show carries a PG13 age restriction. To buy or book tickets, phone Alicia at Tel 084 900 5332, Lesley at 071 545 5194 or Grietjie at 072 516 6895.
LC4 Bingo-evening Friday 4 November
people had lost their lives.
To pay homage those who died in the war and subsequent wars, Remembrance Day is commemorated annually. The Memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) of Louis Trichardt will be holding their annual Remembrance Day parade and wreath-laying ceremony on 13 November at 10:30 for 11:00 at their Turbi Hills Shell Hole at 66 Burger Street.
All members of the public are welcome to attend.
28/29 Oktober Groeperingskiet Saterdag 29 Oktober
Die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt gemeente se jaarlikse Haantjiefees (Goes Country) is weer op hande. Die fees vind plaas op 28 en 29 Oktober op Die Stad op die Berg kerkterrein.
Lekkergoed, stokworsies, pannekoek, kerrieen-rys, poeding, koeke en terte, vleis en biltong, groente en vrugte, sosaties, hamburgers en koeldranke sal te koop wees.
Daar sal ook ‘n Dit & Dat-tafel wees. Jeugaktiwiteite sluit ook in skyfskiet, ‘n pyltjies en ballonbord, ‘n springkasteel, meganiese bul, perdry en ‘n tombola tafel.
Op 28 Oktober begin die fees om 16:00 tot laat en op 29 Oktober vanaf 08:00 tot 14:00.
Vir meer inligting, skakel die gemeente by tel. 015 516 3902.
Saterdag 29 Oktober
Wil jy graag betrokke raak by duiwewedvlugte as sportsoort, maar het nie die tyd of plek om jou eie duiwe aan te hou en te versorg nie? Dan is daar goeie nuus!
Die Hangklip Posduifklub hou op Saterdag, 29 Oktober, hulle jaarlikse Jongduifveiling, waar lede van die publiek ‘n duif kan koop wat dan by een van die duiweboere in Louis Trichardt moet bly en vlieg vir die prysgeld.
Die veiling vind plaas by New Beginnings van Mike (082 530 2563) en Elzabé Coetzee (082 300 3140) met registrasie wat vanaf 09:00 sal plaasvind. Besigtiging is om 11:00, met die veiling wat om 12:00 sal begin.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Ben Pienaar by tel. 083 257 3259.
Saterdag 29 Oktober
Soutpan Juskeiklub AJV
Alle belangstellendes word uitgenooi na die Soutpan Jukskeiklub se algemene jaarvergadering (AJV) op Saterdag, 29 Oktober, om 12:00.
Die vergadering vind plaas by die klub se fasiliteite (langs die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub). Eie eet- en drinkgoed kan saamgebring word vir ‘n gesellige braai ná die tyd.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Maud Myburgh by tel. 082 680 6579 of Susara Venter by 081 829 6937.
Soutpansberg Skietklub bied op Saterdag, 29 Oktober, hul jaarlikse groepering-skietkompetisie aan en nooi almal uit om te kom skiet. Groot pryse is op die spel.
Drie bane sal weer geskiet word, naamlik ‘n .22-baan oor 60m, ‘n pistoolbaan oor 10m en ‘n 100m baan vir senterslaggewere. Skuts moet seker maak hulle wapens is ingestel, omdat die hoogste tellings geskiet gaan word. Teikens kos R50 elk en vyf rondtes sal per teiken benodig word. Die kompetisie begin om 08:30 tot 16:00.
Ná die tyd sal daar ‘n prysuitdeling en bring-enbraai wees. Pap en sous sal voorsien word.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Ampie du Toit by tel. 082 742 0168.
Saturday 29 October
SPCA Farmers’ and Crafts market
On 29 October, the SPCA Louis Trichardt team once again invites you to join them for their Craft & Farmers’ Market at their premises on the Vondeling Road from 09:00 to 14:00.
The usual variety of stalls selling food, homemade produce, arts and crafts, jewellery, books, etc will be available. The Legacy vet shop can provide all your pet’s requirements too.
“Your support of the market stalls enables the stall holders in turn to support the SPCA,” said the team. Persons wishing to book a stall for a small donation can contact Grietjie on 072 516 6895. The stall that is best decorated with the theme of “Halloween” will win a R200 cash prize.
SPCA Auction & Dinner Thursday 3 November
Tickets are already available for the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s very popular annual auction and dinner on Thursday, 3 November.
This year’s auction and dinner will also include a comedy show by well-known South African comedian Schalk Bezuidenhout. Tickets cost R250 per person or R2 500 for a table seating 10 people, but please note that Bezuidenhout’s
Ladies Circle 4 in Louis Trichardt will once again be hosting their ever-popular bingo evening on Friday, 4 November, to help raise funds to cover young Mateo Venter’s medical costs.
The event will be hosted at Ocean Basket. People wishing to book a table can do so by phoning Cherise Hamman at 084 401 0263 to reserve your seat. “Decide how big or small your table should be. The table is free and you are just going to pay for your tickets, drinks and food on the night. Booking is essential to avoid disappointment,” said the girls from Ladies Circle 4. Bingo tickets will cost R20 each.
Wednesday 16 November
SPB Town Watch
The Soutpansberg Town Watch will be hosting its annual general meeting (AGM) on 16 November and all residents from Louis Trichardt and surrounds are invited to attend.
The meeting will start at 18:00 at the hall of the Louis Trichardt Bowls Club on the corner of Ruh and Anderson Street.
Part of the agenda for the evening will be the election of a new town watch council for 2023.
Die VLU se Aandblom-tak in Louis Trichardt se volgende vergadering sal op Dinsdag, 8 November, gehou word.
Vir meer inligting, skakel vir Leanda le Cornu by tel. 082 895 8576.
Friday 11 November
Suhayl Essa is Beginning Again
Suhayl Essa, well-known South African comedian and also a qualified medical doctor, will be performing his show Suhayl Essa is Beginning Again in the Ferdie Beyers Hall in Louis Trichardt on Saturday, 11 November.
The show will start at 19:30. To book tickets, WhatsApp 079 854 7550. All proceeds will be donated to Gift of the Givers.
Remembrance Day Sunday 13 November
On Sunday, 13 November, the South African National Defence Force, military veterans and civilians will spend two minutes remembering those who had made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country as part of Armistice Day, also called Remembrance Day.
At 05:00 on Monday, 11 November 1918, a document was signed that brought an end to the First World War.
At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of that year, the guns fell silent. The war that was supposed to end all wars had come to an end, but not before an estimated nine million
Saterdag/Sondag 26/27 November
NG SPB Kersmark en Kerssangdiens
Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg nooi inwoners om op Saterdag, 26 November, hulle gewilde jaarlikse Kersmark te kom ondersteun.
Die mark vind op die kerkterrein plaas vanaf 08:00 tot 15:00. Uitstalruimte is beskikbaar en vir diegene wat ‘n stalletjie wil bespreek, skakel Hermari by die kerkkantoor by tel. 079 116 1700.
Saterdag se Kersmark sal opgevolg word met die gemeente se Kerssangdiens op Sondag, 27 November, om 18:30. Die gaskustenaar is Wim Verhagen en almal is welkom.
of any
VLU Aandblom
e-mail Andries:
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Pam Female Kiara Female
Olive Female
Heathcliff Male
Kylie Female
Jaida Female
Langston Male
Cutest cats & kittens
Camp helps shape young boys into men
Boys from all over South Africa, including Johannesburg, Nelspruit and many of the villages in the Elim area, gathered at a local farm for the second annual Godly Young Men (GYM) camp for boys from 5 to 8 October.
As the name states, the purpose of the camp is to teach boys the biblical role of masculinity: ‘lead, provide and protect’.
Paul Schlehlein, the founder of the camp, is an American missionary who has lived among the Tsongas for 16 years, where he preaches in their language each week. In addition to planting the Trinity Baptist Church and Miseve Classical School in the village of Mbhokota, he, along with teammate Seth Meyers, helped establish this boys’ camp to reach boys, teens and fatherless homes with the truth of Scripture.
This year’s camp had 80 boys from ages 7 to 15. They gathered for three days, slept in tents and ate hearty meals prepared by local Chris tians. Not only were they taught biblical lessons on courage
and following Christ but were educated with practical, manly skills, such as how to use a power drill, how to knot a tie, how to do a proper push-up, how to use jumper cables on a car, how to shine shoes, how to ride a dirt bike and how to write a thank you letter. The camp also includes activities such as swimming, pellet-gun shooting, arm-wrestling tournaments and trailer rides. Cuts, dirt and scrapes on the hands and feet are viewed as badges of honour.
The organisers are hoping for even more campers next year. A GYM Camp for seniors (age 16 and up) is planned for the end of March 2023 and another GYM Camp for juniors (ages 7 to 15) for early October next year.
The organisers of the camp expressed their thank towards several local businessmen for their support, including Hanno van Niekerk (GearTek), Pieter Schlesinger (Sandberg Trans port), Laurie Bannatyne (Talisman) and Eduard Schuch (LTT Trailers). Hanno availed his farm near AFB Makhado for hosting the camp.
For more info, visit their website at godly-young-men/ or send a WhatsApp to 084 451 7309.
8 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 21 OCTOBER 2022 NOW AVAILABLE AT MERCURIUS MOTORS Mercurius Motors Polokwane 015 299 9500 Cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Drive, Polokwane Mercurius Motors Tzaneen 015 307 5020 38 Peace Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen GYM
This year’s camp had 80 boys from ages 7 to 15. They gathered for three days, slept in tents and ate hearty meals prepared by local Christians. Photo: supplied. Adventure
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 21 OKTOBER 2022 9 NEW MITSUBISHI TRITON 4X2 D/C M/T R30 000 FREE ACCESSORIES Starting from R599 900 Mercurius Motors Polokwane 015 299 9500 • Cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Drive, Polokwane Mercurius Motors Tzaneen 015 307 5020 • 38 Peace Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen ONLY 3 UNITS AVAILABLE Terms and conditions apply. Hierdie vier redenaars van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het op Donderdag, 13 Oktober, deelge neem aan die nasionale finaal van die Oppie Tong Af-spanredenaars in Pretoria, waar hulle tweede geëindig het. Hierdie Graad 7-span, bestaande uit (van links na regs) Renette Nel, Mienke Burger, Karla Kotzé en Gerhard Furstenberg, praat sedert Graad 1 saam en het hulle laerskool spanredenaars op ‘n hoë noot afgesluit. Foto: Laerskool Louis Trichardt. Laerskool Louis Trichardt spog met vier individuele redenaars wat aan die nasionale finaal van die Oppie Tong Af-kompetisie deelgeneem
het op Donderdag, 13 Oktober, in Pretoria. Voor staan Miandi Truter (Graad 1, voorbereid, vyfde plek). Agter (van links na regs) is Lika Burger (Graad 6, onvoorbereid, derde plek en Goue Tong sewende plek), Mienke Burger (Graad 7, voorbereid, vyfde plek en Goue Tong, tweede plek) en Gerhard Furstenberg (Graad 7, onvoorbereid, sewende plek). Foto: Laerskool Louis Trichardt.
Hierdie groep leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het Saterdag, 15 Oktober, deelgeneem aan die Capricorn Skaaktoernooi in Polokwane. Van links na regs is Karlien Cronjé, Christo pher Swart (vyfde o.10), Wayne du Toit, Ruan de Beer (agste o.10) en Monica van der Merwe. Foto: Laerskool Louis Trichardt.
Vier van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se leerlinge het die afgelope naweek aan die Oppie Tang Af-redenaarskompetisie in Pretoria deelgeneem. Van links na regs is Mijanke Venter (agtste), Anja Swanepoel (sewende), Luandi van Zyl (vierde) en Junèl Joubert (vyfde). Foto verskaf.
Moenie kans verbeur om R600 te wen in fotokompetisie nie
Die streek se fotograwe word daaraan herinner dat inskrywings vir die Zoutpansberger se kalenderfoto-kompetisie vir Oktober reeds ingewag word.
Fotograwe kan vanjaar regdeur die jaar, tot en met die derde week in November, vir die koerant se jaarlikse kalenderfotokompetisie vir 2023 inskryf. Die kalender sal dan onder meer deur die Zoutpansberger gebruik word vir bemarkingsdoeleindes. Geen inskrywings kan egter vir Desember gedoen word nie, aangesien die koerant reeds einde November die kalenders moet laat druk vanweë die Kersvakansie. Tot en met daardie stadium sal daar dus 11 weninskrywings wees. Die 12de wenfoto sal deur die beoordelaars gekies word uit al die
inskrywings wat deur die jaar ontvang is en nog nie gewen het nie.
Wat Oktober en November betref, sal fotograwe dus steeds hulle foto’s nog kan inskryf, waaruit een wenfoto gekies sal word vir elke maand. ‘n Maksimum van vyf foto’s per fotograaf per maand kan ingestuur word, maar fotograwe kan vir meer as een maand inskryf. NB – Indien jou foto dalk een maand nie gewen het nie, maar jy voel dit is goed genoeg om weer in te skryf, kan dieselfde foto weer vir ‘n volgende maand ingestuur word. Die foto moet egter binne die afgelope 24 maande geneem gewees het en moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees.
‘n Prys van R600 sal vir elke maand se wenfoto betaal word. Elke maand se wenfoto sal in die eerste week van die daaropvolgende maand se Zout-
pansberger gepubliseer word. Slegs hoë-resolusie digitale foto’s (verkieslik landskap-formaat) sal aanvaar word. Die foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos (een vir een, indien nodig) gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt.
Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Selfoonfoto’s is ook toelaatbaar indien die foon oor ‘n goeie kamera beskik. Die kompetisie vir Oktober het reeds begin. Vir meer inligting oor die kompetisie, skakel Andries by tel. 082 603 2419 of 015 516 4997 (tydens kantoorure).
Hoë-resolusie foto’s kan ook aan hom gestuur word per e-pos na
Triegie-onnies leer nog steeds
Agt van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se onderwyseresse het op Saterdag, 15 Oktober, ‘n robotika- en kodering-opleidingsessie bygewoon by Laerskool Piet Hugo in Polokwane. Die opleiding is verskaf deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwys Unie. Die opleiding was daarop gemik om onderwysers met die nodige kennis en vaardighede toe te rus in ‘n klaskameromgewing waar tegnologie ‘n belangrike rol gaan speel in die toekoms. Voor, van links na regs, is me. Luzelle Brown, me. Irene Adendorff (skoolhoof), me. Heloise van Tonder en me. Bernice Meiring. Agter is me. Riana Muller, me. Ika van den Berg, me. Loureeze Olwage en me. Janecke Buitendag. Foto: Laerskool Louis Trichardt.
10 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 APRIL 2021 Keeping the lights on! Since 2000 082 498 1484 Industria Road, (Next to All Power) 083 452 1646 Derik Prinsloo Tel: 015 516 6269 Tel: 015 495 1624 Air conditioner specials for summer! 24 Rissik Street Tel: (015) 516-5171 Matman Accredited Installer & Distributor Keep your home safe when going on holiday! Last orders for this year cut-off date 30 November 2022 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers c/o Rissik & President Street, Shop No. 7 Tel: 015 516 4913 / 060 980 0944 HIGH QUALITYBATTERIES Vakansie-eenheid te koop RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL FARMS & PLOTS Ria van Zyl 073 573 0690 of Wendy 083 468 8320 Twee slaapkamer, en een badkamer woon stel van 84m² in Port Edward. Op die oewer van die Umtamvuna rivier. Eskom krag meter lesing word geneem deur “body corporate” Met boorgat is daar altyd water beskikbaar. 55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt Paper, Stationery, Cartridges, Stamps Face shields & hand sanitizers now available Epos inskrywings na: Skakel Andries van Zyl: 082 603 2419 / 015 516 4996 Fotokompetisie 2022 Hoe om in te skryf: Foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Alle inskrywings moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees. R600 prysgeld vir elke maand se wenfoto! Skryf nou in! Die twaalf wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-formaat muurkalender vir 2023 saamgevat word. kalender SERVICES Need a local service? Look no further, they are all here PROPERTIES Want to buy or sell a Property? Look no further, it’s all here 079 490 2067 / 082 825 9391 MOTORREPAIR SERVICESFro a l l y our automotive repairs&maint e n ecna usiness irectorybb All your businesses on one page SMALL but they work HARD! BOOK YOUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADVERT NOW 4 Full colour adverts from as little as R1 450 p/month for more information send
“Lyfstraf behoort in skole toegepas te word” en “Tegnologie maak die mensdom slimmer” is enkele van die temas wat Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se debatspan by AfriForum se “Dink of Sink” finale ronde ontvang het. Die span het te staan gekom teen Helpmekaar Kollege, Hoërskool Bloemhof en Meisieskool Oranje. Triegies se span is as Verre-noord streekwenners aangewys. Van links na regs staan mev. Louise Dekker (afrigter), Leane Deale, Elmay Koen en Junèl Joubert. Foto verskaf.
RESPONDENT Registra�on Number: 2020/740698/07 and LIVHUKI GENERAL TRADING (PTY) LTD 1ST
APPLICANT Registra�on Number: 2012/186919/07
APPLICANT ID No: 790829 0466 082
The Plain�ff hereby record that: - 1. The suspension and/or interdict of the execu�on otherwise imminent Warrant of Execu�on against the property of the 1st Defendant and/or 2nd Defendant pending the outcome of an Applica�on for Condona�on for late filing of request for reasons in terms of Rule 51(1) of the Magistrates’ Courts Rules had been upli�ed for reasons of:Condona�on for the late filing of the 1st Defendant’s and the 2nd Defendant’s request for reasons in terms of Rule 51(1) of the Magistrates’ Courts Rules being granted; Reasons for Judgment in terms of Rule 51 (1) of the Magistrates’ Courts Rules being supplied on 6 April 2022; and An appeal has not been noted within 20 (twenty) days a�er the clerk of the court has supplied a copy of the judgment in wri�ng to the 1st Defendant and 2nd Defendant.
Now therefore in Pursuance of The Summons Commencing Ac�on (In Which is Included an Automa�c Rent Interdict) issued on 8 June 2021 and served on 9 June 2021, and Further In Pursuance Of The Summary Judgment granted in favour of the Plain�ff on 28th January 2022; and Further in Pursuance of A Warrant of Execu�on granted by the above Honourable Court on the 21st of February 2022, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execu�on on the 27th of October 2022 at Plot Number 13, Corner of N1 and R78, 3 Mile Rondebosch, Louis Trichardt, 0920 at 11h00 to the highest bidder cash namely:
X Mobile Kitchen With Registra�on No: Bwl 603 L
1 X Hisense Flat Screen Tv 3. 1 X Wooden Tv Stand 4. 1 X Sony Sound System 5. 1 X Four Piece Sofas 6. 1 X Glass Dining Table With Six Chairs
1 X Glass Table
1 X Kic Chest Fridge
1 X Defy Microwave
10. 1 X Lg Four Door Fridge
11. 1 X Toyota Hilux
Thus done, dated and signed at Louis Trichardt on this 10th day of October 2022.
CHAMBERS ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED Registra�on No: 2017/135649/21
Kiepersol No.2, 25 Devenish Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920
MOBILE: 076 549 5788
EMAIL: stephne@ cc: lit1@chamberslegal. cc: lit2@chamberslegal. cc: vdw4@lan�
Kennisgewing aan Krediteure i.t.v Ar�kel 29
Alle persone wat eise teen die ondergenoemde boedel het moet dit by die betrokke eksekuteur liasseer binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui) vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan.
Boedel nr.: 1271/2022
Meesterskantoor: Thohoyandou, Van: Dercksen,
Name: Pieternella Johanna Geboortedatum: 08/05/1947, ID nr: 470508 0018 088,
Laaste adres: Louis Trichardt.
Sterfdatum: 02/01/2022.
Naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemag�gde agent; Charles Pieterse Prokureurs.
24 Devenish Straat, Louis Trichardt
E-pos: marie@lawproc. com. Tel: 015 516 0900
Kennisgewing aan Krediteure i.t.v Ar�kel 29
Alle persone wat eise teen die ondergenoemde boedel het moet dit by die betrokke eksekuteur liasseer binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui) vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan.
Boedel nr.: 1272/2022
Thohoyandou, Van: Dercksen, Name: Cornelis Johannes Geboortedatum: 14/12/1944, ID nr: 441214 5026 087, Laaste adres: Louis Trichardt. Sterfdatum: 20/03/2022.
Naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemag�gde agent; Charles Pieterse Prokureurs.
24 Devenish Straat, Louis Trichardt E-pos: marie@lawproc. com.
Tel: 015 516 0900
VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Ingevolge ARTIKEL 34(1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, WET 24 VAN 1936 word hiermee kennis gegee aan alle belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers dat KOBUS RISSEEUW TRUST, Registrasienommer IT7831/1995(T), handeldrywend te Perseel E28 Wolwekraal, Marble Hall, 0450 van voornemens is om die onroerende eiendom genaamd,
RESTERENDE GEDEELTE VAN DIE PLAAS JAGTKRAAL 667, REGISTRASIE AFDELING M.S., LIMPOPO PROVINSIE, GROOT: 333,0872 HEKTAAR as ‘n lopende saak te verkoop aan THE VIR-LEO FAMILY TRUST, Registrasienommer IT1913/2009(G), handeldrywend te Plaas Jagtkraal 667, Waterpoort, 0905, Limpopo Provinsie. Die effek�ewe datum van oordrag van die onroerende
eiendom word beoog tussen 30 en 60 dae van die datum van publikasie van hierdie advertensie. Vir enige navrae rakende die oordrag, kontak Goosen & Ha�ngh Prokureurs: 1ste Vloer, De Jure gebou, Staatsplein, Marble Hall, 0450, Limpopo Provinsie. Tel: (013) 261 2497, Epos: tharina@goosenha�, Verwysing: K79
Activity: An application for the renewal of the existing Atmospheric Emissions License (12/4/12L-V8) will be submitted to the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism. The following listed activity is applicable as per Government Notice 893 of 22 November 2013 as amended on 22 May 2019:
Category (Listed Activity) 8. Thermal Treatment of Hazardous and General Waste: Subcategory 8.1 Thermal Treatment of General and Hazardous Waste Locality : Entabeni Plantations, Levubu Municipality : Makhado Local Municipality, Limpopo Proponent : Komatiland Forests SOC Ltd t/a Komatiland Forests -Timbadola Sawmills Consultants : AGES Limpopo (Pty) Ltd, Ehrcon (Pty) Ltd PO Box 2526, 180 Doreen Street POLOKWANE, 0700 COLBYN, 0083 Telephone: 015 291 1577 Fax: 087 940 0516 (Ref: A von Well).
In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP) ONLY in terms of the AEL process, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the development to the contact person given
• Graad 12
• Moet Afrikaans &
• Moet
Stuur CV
• Voorraadaankope en -beheer
• Voorbereiding van etes
• Kontrole tov gebouhigiëne
• Ondersteuning van koshuisleerlinge
Die volgende sal tot die aansoeker se voordeel wees: Volledige CV met onlangse verwysings, eie vervoer en vorige ervaring. Die aansoeker moet tweetalig wees.
Stocktaking and purchases
• Meal preparation
• Monitoring building hygiene
Support of hostel learners
The following will be advantageous: Complete CV with recent references, own transport and previous experience. The applicant must be bilingual.
Aansoeke sluit / Applications close: 31/10/2022, 12:00
Handig aansoeke in by skoolkantoor of e-pos na: / Application to be handed in at school or e-mailed to:
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt.
POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303
E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste: NEWS NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer Denise van Bergen 072 034 7467
ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Khathutshelo Mamuha 071 188 5055 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7
The newspaper is distributed by Deon Brits. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to Deon at 063 372 9029
Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannes burg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail:
© All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeurs regte en wysigings daarvan.
An application for Environmental Authorisation (EA) for Prospecting was submitted on 14 September 2020. The final Basic Assessment Report was submitted on 11 February 2021, after a 30 days public review period.
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) granted an Environmental Authorisation (EA) on 10 March 2022.
The following Listed Activities have been approved in terms of the National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) as amended (NEMA):
• GNR 983 Listing Notice 1- Activity 20;
• GNR 983 Listing Notice 1- Activity 27; and
• GNR 985 Listing Notice 3- Activity 12.
The reasons for the decision were included in the EA and can be provided on request. In summary, the reasons for the decision are as follows:
• The potential impacts on the proposed site were clearly investigated and mitigation measures outlined; and
• Public Participation Process complied with Chapter 6 of the ElA Regulations 2014.
As per instruction in the EA, the Departmental Standard Conditions for the Environmental Authorisation (Annexure 2 of the EA) are as follows:
• The holder of EA shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the conditions contained in the EA. This includes any person acting on the holder’s behalf, including but not limited to an agent, servant, contractor, subcontractor, employee, consultant or any person rendering a service to the holder of EA.
• Any changes to, or deviation from the project description set out in this EA must be approved in writing by this Department before such changes or deviation may be effected. In assessing whether to grant such approval or not, the Department may request such information as is deems necessary to evaluate the significance and impacts of such changes or deviation and it may be necessary for the holder of the EA to apply for further authorisation in terms of the ElA Regulations.
The activities, which are authorised, may only be carried out at the property (ies) indicated in the EA and or on the approved EMPr.
• Where any of the holder of the EA contact details change including name of the responsible person, physical or postal address/ or telephonic details, the holder of the EA must notify the Department as soon as the new details become known to the holder of the EA.
• The EA does not negate the responsibility of the holder to comply with any other statutory requirements that may be applicable to the undertaking of such activity (ies).
• The holder of EA must ensure that all areas where the authorised activities occur have controlled access to ensure safety of people and animals.
As per instruction in the EA the details of the applicant are:
• Name: Mhloli Mining and Exploration (Pty) Ltd;
• Responsible person for this EA: Janine Espin;
• Postal Address: Postnet Suite 116, Private Bag X9976, Sandton, 2146;
• Telephone: 011 447 4683
• Fax: 086 567 8828
• Email address:
Should you wish to appeal any aspect of the decision an appeal must be lodged as prescribed in Chapter 2 of the National Appeal Regulations of 2014, within 20 days from the date of this notification, to the below: Department of Environmental Affairs
• Attention: Directorate Appeals and Legal Review Email:
• By post: Private Bag X 447, Pretoria, 0001
• By hand: Environmental House, Corner Steve Biko and Soutpansberg Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
A copy of the lodged appeal to be sent to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy
Regional Manager: Limpopo Region By fax: 015 297 7230
By post: Private Bag X 9467, Polokwane, 0700
By hand: Broll Building, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, 0699
A copy of the lodged appeal to be sent to Mhloli Mining and Exploration (Pty) Ltd with the aforementioned contact details. Please do not hesitate to contact us to obtain a copy of the Environmental Authorisation.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT, PLEASE CONTACT: Cabanga Environmental E-mail: Postnet Suite 470, P/Bag X3, Northriding, 2162
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Erasmus 40, Louis Trichardt, 0920
VAKANTE POS / VACANCY: Koshuismatrone / Hostel matron
12 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 21 OCTOBER 2022 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
MANAGER We are looking for a manager to manage a brand-new upmarket lodge that we have developed in Louis Trichardt. The lodge is situated on the N1 outside Louis Trichardt to Messina. Lodge Manager Job Description: • Take overall accountability of all management functions of the lodge. • Management and training of the lodge staff in line with the Standard of Excellence. • Ensure ultimate guest relations in the lodge and that the “at home” personal attention levels are maintained. • Maintain the highest standards of housekeeping and maintenance and ensure that style and design is not eroded. • Effective financial management through the administration of orders and effective stock control. • Effective communication and maintenance of lodge relations. Minimum Job Requirements: • A minimum of 5 year’s work experience in management of a recognized accommoda tion and entertainment establishment. • Exceptional Food and Beverage knowledge • Financial management ability and computer literacy • A hardworking, co-operative manner • High standards of service excellence and a passion for the industry with Excellent management ability and communication skills • Assertiveness, patience and good organizational skills • Understanding of housekeeping and maintenance procedures VACANCY Qualifications Preferably the candidate must be in possession of a tertiary qualification in hospitality Renumeration: Competitive Market related Salary To apply: please email your detailed CV to with subject: Lodge Manager. Ad designed by Zoutnet PublishersLAERSKOOL LOUIS TRICHARDT Erasmus 40, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Vereistes: • Minimum vereiste: Matriek met universiteitstoelating • Huidige student of reeds geregistreerde student vir 2023 Duties: • Minimum requirements: Matric with university admission • Current student or registered for 2023 enrolment Manlike Assistent Onderwyser x 2 Male Assistant Teacher x 2 Aansoeke tesame met: / Applicaiton with: • Curriculum Vitae • Sertifikate en / of kwalifikasies / Certificates and/or qualifications word gerig aan of ingehandig by: / addressed to or handed in at: Die Hoof / The Principal • E-pos / Email: • Skoolkantoor / School office Navrae / Enquiries: 015 516 5151/2 (Hoof / Principal) Sluitingsdatum / Closing date: 31/10/2022, 12:00 Gewaarmerkte afskrif van: ID dokument Slegs kwalifiserende kandidate sal gekontak word. / Only qualifying candidates will be contacted. Certified copy of: ID document VAKANTURE / VACANCY:
Trichardt High School announced their Top 10 academic achievers for the third term last week. The Grade 12 achievers are (in front, from left to right), Bridgette Siphei, Halyisani Mhangwani and
Buyile Mashimbye.
At the
back are Rotondwa Muthavhatsindi, Tristan Horak and Vongani Mabasa. Rynard Pretorius, Marthinus Dekker, Bareera Ahmed and Lia-Mari van der Westhuizen were not available when
photo was taken. Photo supplied.
Pictured are Louis Trichardt High School’s Top 10 academic achievers in Grade 11 for the third school term. In front, from left to right, are Need Munene, Anam Yalukar, Mieke Veldsman and Geraldine Venter. At the back are Dakalo Mashau, Razina Patel, Bohale Mphela and Ole rato Choabi. Absent: Saima Patel and Enelo Mahundla. Photo supplied.
The Top 10 academic learners for the third term of Louis Trichardt High Schools’ Grade 10s were announced on 13 October. In front, from left to right, are Leila de Beer, Lizé van den Berg, Nadia du Plessis and Lindy Vorster. At the back are Marnet Muller, Inge Whelan, Owen Collins, Elri Dreyer and Mulaedza Sadiki. Absent: Fatima Gurji. Photo supplied.
The Top 10 Grade 9 academic achievers for the third term at Louis Trichardt High School were announced last Thursday. In front, from left to right, are Sadia Patel, Vulani Chauke, Xavier Kotzee, Mia Jones and Atufa Patel. At the back are Mathildah Manenzhe, Leané Deale, Marna de Swardt, Elmay Koen and Holokile Mashamba. Photo supplied.
Louis Trichardt High School announced their Top 10 academic achievers last week. The Grade 8 achievers were (in front, from left to right) Reneè van Niekerk, Maxelo Baloyi, Andrea Badenhorst, Almonè Smit, Mijanke Venter and Vutlharhi Mabasa. At the back are Mohammed Sarder, Fatima Patel, Juan van Rooyen, Ruben Smith and Arifa Patel. Photo supplied.
Bo: Talle van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se leerders het tydens die skool se prysuitdeling Dinsdag toekennings vir sport ontvang. Van links na regs staan Marthinus Dekker (wat sy eerste erekleure in gholf ontvang) en Jimmy Musandiwa en Chris Gerber, wat hulle tweede erekleure in gholf ontvang het. Foto verskaf.
Regs: Shaun van den Heever van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het tydens die skool prysuit deling Dinsdag sy tweede erekleure ontvang vir skiet. Foto verskaf.
Op Saterdag, 15 Oktober, het Laat Lente en Herfs Akker in Louis Trichardt se nuutverkose komitee hulle eerste basaar aangebied. Daar was talle stalletjies en basaargangers kon selfs lewendige optre des deur “Elvis Presley” en “Michael Jack son” geniet. Die Veritas Gemeenskapskerk het saam met Laat Lente uitgestal. Aan die einde van die genotvolle dag is ‘n wenner aangewys vir die beste stalletjie. Hierdie trofee is deur mev. Marie Peche gewen. Die trofee sal volgende jaar weer op die spel wees, en die inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfs Akker sê die basaar gaan volgende jaar net groter en beter wees. Foto verskaf.
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 21 OKTOBER 2022 13 Soutpansberg Gholfklub HOLE 19 th Fixtures/Bepalings BS - BeterBal StaBleford, IS - Ind StaBleford, BBB - B/ Bal BonuS Bogey, HS - HoueSpel gS - gekomBIneerde StaBleford, 4Ba/S - 4Bal allIanSIe StaBleford, 2B/aS - 2Bal amerIcan ScramBle, BBm - BeterBal multIplIer, 4 man cHa cHa cHa, IB - Ind Bogey, Sd - ScramBle dr ve uitslae/results Woensdagspel Datum Hoofborg Formaat 12/10/22 Eie reëlings IS Plek Naam Punte uittel 371 Rampie Gilfillan uittel 372 Johan Cronje Saterdagspel Datum Hoofborg Formaat 15/10/22 Eie reëlings IS Plek Naam Punte 411 Francois Jonker uittel 352 Trevor Cartwright uittel 353 Francois Labuschagne uittel 354 Wikus Botes AFB Makhado Cancer Awareness Day Datum Hoofborg Formaat 14/10/22 AFB Makhado 4BA Plek Naam Punte 1031 Madoda, Ntombi, Sfiso, Tumelo 982 Thompson’s 4 Ball 973 Premjee’s 4 BallOpkomende Kompetisie FormaatKompetisieDatum Brahman Dag21/10/22 Brahman Dag22/10/22 Eie reëlings29/10/22 Maandelikse Houespel05/11/22 HS LTT PARKRUN STATISTICS 2022 • Number of events: 81 • Finishers: 700 • Average number of finishers per week: 44.6 • Average finish time: 00:42:03 • Female record holder : Donna GREYLING - Time: 21:19 (04/01/20) • Male record holder : Livhalani MUDAU - Time: 16:16 (10/09/22) Results: parkrun #81 - 14/10/2022 LOUIS TRICHARDT Every Saturday at 7:00am What is Louis Trichardt parkrun? A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5km community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s up to you! Every Saturday at 8:00am Where is it? The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1. What does it cost to join in? Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time. How fast do I have to be? We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace! For more info & results just scan this QR Code: Pos Parkrunner Gender Age Group Time 1 Pieter PRETORIUS Male VM35-39 20:01 2 Faisal SHEIKH Male VM40-44 27:08 3 Xadrian SNYMAN Male JM11-14 28:28 4 Caron FOORD Female VW50-54 29:08 5 Luandre SNYMAN Male JM10 29:27 6 Kathy TUCKER Female VW65-69 29:36
Anzum Patel (left) and Charmaine Kaseke (right) from Louis Trichardt High School received their first colours for cricket during the school’s prize-giving ceremony on Tuesday, 18 Octo ber. Photo: supplied.
Thabang Masalesa of Louis Trichardt High School received his first colours as a mem ber of the provincial 7s rugby team during a prize-giving ceremony at the high school on Tuesday, 18 October. Photo: supplied.
Pierre Nel (links) en Lizemé Pretorius (regs) van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het albei hul eerste balkie in tennis ontvang tydens die skool se prysuitdeling vir sport op 18 Oktober. Foto verskaf.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Zuanél van der Westhuizen (links) en Isabella Jones (regs) het hul eerste balkies in krieket ontvang tydens die skool se prysuitdeling die afgelope Dinsdag. Foto verskaf.
Jong Shemoné Anderson woon gesogte ECHS-hokkiekliniek in Nederland by
Shemoné Anderson, matriekleerling en eerstespan hokkiespeler van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het die afgelope vakansie die o.19 Elsie Coetzer Hockey School (ECHS) verteenwoordig in Nederland. Die span het teen die Oekraïniese en Nederlandse spanne uitgedraf. Die ECHS het ook afrigting vanaf die Nederlandse nasionale manshokkiespan ontvang tydens die toer. Foto’s verskaf.
One-wicket win for Louis Trichardt in clash against Phoenix CC
By Andries van Zyl
Louis Trichardt’s first cricket team managed to secure themselves a one-wicket win over the Phoenix Cricket Club at the Duiwelskloof Oval on Sunday, 16 October, in the next round of the provincial Impala Premier Cricket League.
Phoenix took to the batting crease first, managing 172 runs before being bowled out in 34.4 overs. The team’s top scorers, managing double-digit runs, were Imran Badar (10), Kian Loughor (30), SJ Kaber (11), Mikateko Rikhotso (39) and Shizaib Muhammed (32).
The Louis Trichardt bowlers managed to concede no fewer than 42 extras (6B, 1 LB, 31 WD and 4 NB) in their bowling attack, yet the top bowlers finished with decent bowling figures. Skonza Nxasana took three wickets for the loss of 24 runs in 5,3 overs (3/24/5,3), while JP Coetzee took 2/22/5 and Salman Patel 2/33/8. Amir Bux Saif, Paulo Piorek and Sahil Patel each took one wicket.
Louis Trichardt’s batting line-up got off to a shacky start, with the first five wickets down for
only 56 runs. A six-wicket partnership of 73 runs saw the team getting back on track, with Louis Trichardt hitting the winning runs in 42.3 overs with the score on 174/9, securing them a one wicket victory. Louis Trichardt’s top batsman was Sahil Patel (66) with double-digit contributions also from Amir Bux Saif (21), Juan-Michael Phillips (12) and Salman Patel (25).
Similar to the Louis Trichardt bowling attack, Phoenix’s bowlers managed to concede no fewer than 43 extras (20 B, 6 LB, 16 WD and 1 NB). Their top bowler was SJ Kaber, who took 3/16/9. Rainart Schoonbee, Akani Mongwe, Jonty Brown, Mikateko Rikhotso and Kian Loughor each took one wicket.
Louis Trichardt’s next Impala Premier League clash will be against the Aces Cricket Club at the Tom Naudé Oval in Polokwane on 23 October.
On the home front, the Louis Trichardt Cricket Club will resume their T10-matches this weekend. On Saturday, 22 October, at 13:30 Yetman
Yabbies will face the SPB Killers, and at 15:30, Limpopo Dairy will come up against Jolly XI. Both games will be played at the Louis Trichardt Oval.
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Rider Herman Scheepers of Louis Trichardt High School and his horse Tobasco took part in the South African National Equestrian Schools Association’s (SANESA) national championships the past school holiday. Competing in the Level 2 category, the duo was first in Poles, second in Figure 8 Flags, second in Figure 8 Stake, second in Keyhole, second in Poles 2, eighth in Single Stake, seventh in Speed Barrels and seventh in Barrel Race. Overall, he was second in Level 2. Photo supplied.
Tydens Dinsdag, 18 Oktober, se prysuitdeling by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het die volgende tennisspelers erekleure ontvang. Van links na regs staan Christiaan Pretorius (derde erekleure), Nicoline Venter (eerste erekleure), Carla Enslin (tweede erekleure), Geraldine Venter (eerste erekleure) en Armand Roets (vierde erekleure). Foto verskaf.