Zoutpansberger 22 April 2022

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Eltivillas residents tired of empty promises - page 3


Jaargang 38 Vol.16

Jannie gesond ná operasie om gat in kop toe te maak - bladsy 4


News with an independent soul



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Who gave the green light?

Environmental agency takes a closer look at “green belt” development Read article P2 An aerial photo of the large-scale debushing of the area north of Stubbs Street in Louis Trichardt. Questions about whether or not the Makhado Municipality and the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) had obtained environmental authorisation (EA) to started clearing the bush were met with a “not applicable” response from the municipality this week. This has now attracted the attention of the Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Directorate, who have launched an investigation into the matter. Photo supplied.


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More aerial photographs of the extent of the debushing that has already taken place in the area north of Stubbs Street in Louis Trichardt that is considered to be part of the town’s highly sensitive “Green Belt” area. Photos supplied.

Municipality breaks the silence on “green belt” development time. What also soon became clear was that the current activities in the area had nothing to do The Makhado Municipality finally broke its with DBP7. Upon enquiry, company director silence regarding the large-scale debushing Mr Vino Ramjee said they knew nothing of of the area north of Stubbs Street in Louis what was happening, although they held the Trichardt that has, over the past couple of environmental impact assessment (EIA) to the weeks, raised some eyebrows. The matter site, which was extended until November 2023. has also now attracted the attention of the Ramjee said that they had instructed their lawEnvironmental Compliance and Enforcement yers to start with legal proceedings against the Directorate (ECED). municipality as they processed the Deed of Sale Bush clearing started around mid-March, and to the property. Although they had indeed signed while some welcomed the possibility that any the Deed of Sale in November 2006, Ramjee development in the area will bring much-needed admitted that they had never actually paid a cent economic growth to the town, others were left for the property as payment was subject to an fuming. The latter include environmentalist who amendment to the contract that the Makhado have vehemently opposed attempts to develop Municipality should supply enough electricity to the area in the past, stating that the area forms the proposed development. This, Ramjee said, part of the town’s sensitive “green belt” buffer never happened and thus they never paid. zone. What the newspaper did manage to confirm The Makhado Municipality was first asked “unofficially”, in the absence of a response from about the activities in the park on 25 March this the municipality at that stage, was that the year. Only a week later, on 1 April, did Makhado process of bush-clearing in the park seems to be municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi reply a combined Cooperative Governance, Human by merely stating: “The debushing is being done Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) by the municipality as a layout preparation for and Makhado Municipality project awarded to the installation of service infrastructure for Rhandzo Projects (Pty) Ltd under contract numExtension 9.” ber COGHSTAB19/18-19FY24. The contract Since their reply on 1 April, the Makhado description reads: “Conduct geotechnical invesMunicipality has remained mum on follow-up tigation, design and install engineering services questions regarding what exactly is envisaged (water and sewer reticulation, grading of all for the area. The area in question has been roads, fire-hydrants and provision for house conearmarked for development since 1984, when nections) for 420 sites around Louis Trichardt.” the establishment of 179 new residential erven, Whether the 400+ sites were to be established five parks and streets were Gazetted. Nothing in the area originally earmarked for 179 sites was happened ever since, until the Makhado Munic- not clear, which begged the question: Are these ipality sold the area on public Tender 47 of 2004 going to be sites for low-cost housing? to Day Break Properties 7 (DBP7) for a purchase The Makhado Municipality finally broke its price of R15,3 million. DBP7 intended to develop silence about the matter on Tuesday. Bobodi inthis area into a large shopping centre, a 150-bed dicated that the current development in the area hotel, and an office complex. is taking place in accordance with the town’s Once again nothing happened for some existing town-planning scheme for the establishment of 179 new residential sites as was Gazetted in 1984. He said that they were not deviating from the town-planning scheme. Regarding DBP7’s claim of ownership of the property, Bobodi’s response was brief. “Day Break never paid for the site as per Council “Kyk, Ek het jou naam in my handpalms agreement,” he said. As far as the Zoutpansgegraveer.” Jesaja 49:16. berger could establish, the decision to “cancel” Council’s agreement with DBP7 was taken as far ie Joodse volk het ‘n donker tyd in hul back as August of 2018 during the municipaligeskiedenis deurgemaak. Hulle het in ty’s 136th Special Council meeting, under Item ‘n vreemde land in ballingskap verkeer en By Andries van Zyl

Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe


op die rand van wanhoop gestaan. Kores het weliswaar gesê dat hulle kon teruggaan, maar die pad was ver en hul huise het in puin gelê. In hul droefheid roep hulle uit: “Die Here het ons vergeet!” (Jesaja 49:14). As antwoord op hierdie klag vra God dan of ‘n vrou haar suigeling kan vergeet, en verseker hulle: “Kyk, ek het jou naam in my handpalms gegraveer.” Wat ‘n mooi beeld van die sekerheid van God se trou! Hy verseker jou, kind van God, dat jy geen oomblik uit sy gedagte is nie. Daar is niks in jou lewe waarvan Hy nie kennis dra nie. Die Here dra vir ewig in sy deurboorde hande ons name, sodat wanneer Hy voorbidding by die Vader doen, Hy as’t ware die hande omhoog hou om Hom te herinner aan ons belange. Nee, jy is nie vergeet nie. Die hemelse Vader weet wat jy nodig het. Hy ken my hart, die Seun van God sal nooit die broer vergeet in al sy leed. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)

MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271

A. The resolution, among other things, reads: “THAT the Municipality withdraw any agreement under Tender no 47 of 2004 on development and sale of undeveloped portion of Louis Trichardt Extension 9 township.” In terms of who is funding the development, Bobodi confirmed that this is indeed a combined project between them and CoGHSTA. “The municipality has applied for assistance from CoGHSTA, which was subsequently granted to put the engineering services together,” said Bobodi. On the question of whether these 420 sites mentioned in the CoGHSTA contract were for this specific site and whether the development would be considered “low-cost” housing properties, Bobodi’s answer was evasive. “The municipality is prioritising services first and the rest will follow,” he said.

The biggest question Bobodi refrained from answering, however, is whether the municipality or CoGHSTA had conducted an EIA on the site or acquired environmental authorisation before proceeding with the project. To all questions relating to this, Bobodi merely replied “Not applicable”. However, whether the municipality and CoGHSTA had obtained environmental authorisation before proceeding with the contract is indeed relevant. The Zoutpansberger can confirm that the issue has attracted the attention of the ECED, who has launched an investigation into the matter. In the meantime, construction work on the site seems to have stopped. Whether this has anything to do with the investigation remains unclear. Some people say they just stopped because of all the rain.

Wyle Henk van der Linde (links), afgeneem saam met ‘n lid van die Amerikaanse Lugmag voor die gekruisde swaarde monument (Victory Arch) in Bagdad, Irak. Foto verskaf.

Oud-lugmagman verloor kankerstryd In Memoriam Familie en vriende het met hartseer kennis geneem van die dood van oud-inwoner Henk van der Linde (gebore Brazoz) wat gedurende die vroeë oggendure van Dinsdag, 19 April, sy stryd teen kanker verloor het. Die 57-jarige Henk (gebore op 26 September 1964) het vanaf einde 2002 tot Mei 2005 opgetree as regiment-sersant-majoor (RSM ) op Lugmagbasis Makhado. Nie lank daarna nie, was hy vir vyf jaar deel van die Aegis-organisasie wat help veg het vir die vryheid van Irak en in die stryd in Afghanistan. Met Henk se terugkoms na Suid-Afrika het hy opleiding gegee vir die Bakwena koning se sekuriteitsbeamptes, waarna hy besluit het om af te skaal en rustiger weivelde te gaan soek. Hy het in Januarie 2019 ‘n pos aanvaar as instandhoudingshoof by Curro Salt Lake School in Ballito, waar hy werksaam was tot die dag wat hy uitgevind het hy ‘n Graad 3-kankergewas bo sy een long. “Sy geveg was hard gewees, maar sy baklei kort,” het sy familie gesê. Wyle Henk word oorleef deur sy lewensmaat Elize Botha, dogters Anuscka en Veruscka van der Linde, ma Naomi Theron, broer André van der Linde en suster Cristelle Ronnebeck.

Die familie het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor almal vir hulle woorde van vertroosting en ondersteuning in hulle tyd van hartseer.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Luandi van Zyl het in Januarie vanjaar deelgeneem aan die finaal van die Stars of the Universe-kompetisie in die afdeling vir “Eisteddford English Orators”. Hier is sy afgeneem met die sertifikate wat sy ontvang het. Foto verskaf.



Eltivillas residents now fedup with empty promises ipality’s call centre ever answered the phone or gave feedback on Cllr Gumani Mukwevho, the port- community queries. According to folio head for technical services at the residents, some of the operators the Makhado Municipality, prom- at the call centre respond rudely to ised Eltivillas residents that all their calls. current ongoing projects in their The residents further complained area would be completed within about overgrown bushes they claim the next two months. have been unmaintained for years, This was during a meeting held which they believe, only serve as at the community hall in Eltivillas hiding places for criminals. on Monday, 18 April. Mukwevho, Although the municipality is in company of Ward 9 councillor not responsible for water issues, Kanukanu Maphubu, engaged more residents also voiced their conthan 50 Eltivillas residents. cerns about the intermittent water The residents sought answers supply at Eltivillas. On this matter, regarding several problems and Mukwevho promised to invite the felt that the municipality had failed Vhembe District Municipality to deliver services to the residents (VDM) to one of their community within a reasonable time. The road meetings, so that the problem could rehabilitation project from the N1 be addressed. into Main Street was at the top of The community did not hold their list of concerns. back on their grievances, further In February this year, the accusing Cllr Maphubu of making Zoutpansberger reported on how empty promises about assisting businesses had to endure the them with service-delivery issues in inconvenience of losing business their area while, according to the because of the slow progress of the residents, nothing has been done by construction work on Main Street. the councillor over the past two and The project was initially scheduled a half years. to be completed by April this year Mr Hitesh Dave, one of the but was extended to 30 June 2022. concerned residents, likened the One of the residents, Ms Adila tendencies of the democratic govAboobaker, blamed the municipalernment to the Apartheid regime. ity for its poor planning around the He claimed that both regimes project, which has caused untold had been making excuses over the suffering to some of the business years for not delivering services to owners. Eltivillas. “We expected the new Residents also complained about dispensation to deliver services to non-functioning streetlights, and our expectations, but really nothing the fact that no-one at the munichas changed. The municipality is By Bernard Chiguvare

only there to receive our money, but no services are rendered.” Dave challenged Mukwevho to inspect the municipal registers to see just how much revenue comes from Eltivillas residents. Another resident, Mr Phumudzo Eugene Mbedzi, suggested that monitoring teams should be instituted on projects. He felt that, if this were implemented, contractors might actually do their work. Mukwevho apologised on behalf of the municipality for not delivering

services in time. She promised that the municipality would close all the gaps that were found wanting. Responding to the issue of non-functioning streetlights, Mukwevho said that two of the three substations supplying electricity to Eltivillas were not working. The municipality is working towards servicing the substations as they need new transformers. Regarding bush clearing in the area, Mukwevho said that the municipality was short staffed. She did, however,

promise that the matter will receive attention by 1 May as the municipality has hired additional manpower to start clearing bushes. Mukwevho further promised to speak to the head of corporate services, so that call-centre operators respond to public issues immediately. She requested that the community appoint their own representatives with whom she will then engage fortnightly on service-delivery issues.

More than 50 Eltivillas residents attended a meeting to air their frustrations about the lack of service delivery by the Makhado Municipality. The meeting took place at the Muslim community hall at Eltivillas on Monday, 18 April. Photo: Bernard Chiguvare.

Makhado Project still on track as bankable feasibility study is completed Project in the third quarter of 2022, with construction commencing soon thereafter. “The BFS confirmed that Makhado has JORC/SAMREC compliant 296 million mineable tonnes in situ (MTIS) of Measured and Indicated Coal Resources, 7.2 million MTIS of Inferred Coal Resources and 69.3 million tonnes of Proved and Probable Coal Reserves under the proposed open-pit mining and coal-processing methods,” stated the press release. MC Mining has a 68% interest in the Makhado Project through its subsidiary, Baobab Mining & Exploration (Pty) Ltd, with the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited (IDC)

owning 6.7%, seven local communities owning 20% and the remaining 6% held MC Mining Limited announced the by a Black Economic Empowerment completion of their Bankable Feasiindustrialist. bility Study (BFS) for its fully licenced “The development of Makhado will Makhado hard-coking coal project provide significant direct and indirect (Makhado Project or Makhado) just benefits to local communities in one north of the Soutpansberg in Limpopo of the poorest areas of South Africa. last week. MC Mining remains committed to the According to a press release issued sustainable development of Makhado by the mining company, the BFS was Project. The company also owns the prepared by Minxcon (Pty) Ltd (Minxsurface rights of the properties required con), an independent mining-industry for the project and has the requisite reguconsulting firm, and is a key milestone latory approvals to commence mining at in securing the funding for Makhado. Makhado. Striving to unlock near-term The company said that they expected to shareholder value, the Makhado Projfinalise the financing for the Makhado ect’s development plan in the BFS was designed to minimise the upfront capital expenditure by utilising existing infrastructure that is currently on care The advert inviting people that this is a scam. “There is a Notice and maintenance,” statto call for a job appeared on fake post on Google regarded the mining company. The Zoutpansberg Private the jobin.co.za website and ing available vacancies at the The BFS envisages Hospital has warned resiread: “Zoutpansberg Private private hospital. The post was the initial mining of the dents once again that a job Hospital looking for workers not posted by the ZoutpansWest Pit, which is folscam is doing the rounds, call Mr Malewa on (071 24 berg Private Hospital,” said lowed by mining of the inviting the public to call a 0344)”. Zoutpansberg Private Stroebel. In June 2019, a East and Central Pits, certain Mr Malewa to secure Hospital manager Ms Anneke similar job scam was reported while the existing coal a job at the hospital. Stroebel warned, however, by the hospital. processing plant (CPP) at the Vele Colliery will be modified allowing it to simultaneously produce hard-coking coal (HCC) and export-quality thermal coal. The mining company explained that the per tree (VAT incl) West, East and Central pits will be mined at a combined average rate of 3.2 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) with the run of mine (ROM) material being crushed and screened at Makhado prior to dispatch to the Vele CPP. Over the Available Now! Beaumont/741 cultivars ready for planting life-of-mine, approx– others available on order for late 2022/2023 imately 2.0 Mtpa of • The base plant is Beaumont for its strong root system, crushed and screened on top we gra� the cul�var of choice. coal will be transported Cell: 072 042 8276 • Welcome to view the trees 134km, to the Vele CPP where the coal will be • Contact for Advice on prepara�on/ Office: 015 519 9589 plan�ng and cul�var choice. Email: ktruter@welmac.nl processed to produce two marketable prod• 25km east of Louis Trichardt, near Albasini dam. Mining News

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ucts – a mid-volatile HCC for sale domestically and internationally and, a 5,500 kcal (API3) thermal coal for sale on the international market. “Makhado has an offtake agreement with ArcelorMittal South Africa Limited for the domestic supply of up to 450,000 tonnes of HCC per annum and has also commenced offtake discussions with various parties for the balance of the HCC as well as the export of the thermal coal,” said the company. Sam Randazzo, interim chief executive officer of MC Mining, commented: “The completion of the

BFS reflects a key advancement of Makhado and confirms the project’s robust economics. The BFS is based on the project plan with the lowest capital cost options and results in Makhado’s ROM coal being transported to the Vele Colliery for processing for the entire LOM. The forecast HCC and thermal coal prices used in the BFS were sourced from independent advisors and are considerably lower than current index prices, reflecting Makhado’s robust economics and significant upside. The BFS is a key milestone in securing the funding for Makhado.”



Jannie gesond ná operasie om gat in kop toe te maak Deur Andries van Zyl

Die 48-jarige Jannie Bouwer (regs) saam met pa Jan is weer 100% aan die gang, nadat medici op 1 April suksesvol die plaat in sy kop wat ‘n gapende kopwond beskerm kon vervang.

Met die 48-jarige Jannie Bouwer van Louis Trichardt gaan dit nou weer klopdisselboom, nadat medici op 1 April die gat in sy skedel suksesvol kon toemaak. Jannie en sy ouers, Jan en Anita, het einde verlede jaar ‘n paar benoude oomblikke beleef toe ‘n abses gevorm het onder die aanvanklike plaat wat 27 jaar vantevore onder sy kopvel geplaas is om ‘n gapende kopwond te bedek. Die kopwond is veroorsaak tydens ‘n motorongeluk in 1994. Jannie het op 23 November verlede jaar skielik begin siek word en hy is opgeneem in die Unitas Hospitaal. Daar het neuroloë bevind dat die plaat die oorsaak van Jannie se siekte was en dat dit verwyder moes word. Ná die plaat verwyder is, het Jannie 10 dae in die Unitas hospitaal spandeer om gesond genoeg te word om weer ontslaan te word, wat egter net die helfte van die oplossing op sy pad na herstel was. Die plaat kon nie dadelik weer vervang word nie, aangesien Jannie eers van die infeksie moes herstel. Hy is huis toe gestuur met streng waarskuwing om versigtig te wees, aangesien sy brein in daardie stadium slegs deur ‘n stukkie vel beskerm is oor die gat van ongeveer 2,5cm by 13cm in sy kopbeen. In daardie stadium was almal verbaas dat die ou plaat al 27 jaar in sy kop was, want so ‘n plaat se leeftyd is tussen 10 en 15 jaar. Jannie se kopwond moes binne ‘n maksimum

van drie maande weer toegemaak word. Dit het uiteindelik op 1 April gebeur, weer in die Unitas Hospitaal. “Jannie is ná drie dae uit die hospitaal ontslaan. Die operasie het maar een-en-‘nhalfuur geduur. Ons het regtig gedink dit gaan langer vat. Die chirurg was so beïndruk met sy vinnige herstel, dat hy hom nie eers antibiotika gegee het toe hy ontslaan is nie, slegs ‘n paar kopseer pille,” het pa Jan gesê. Ma Anita het sommer self die afgelope week die steke uit haar seun se kop gehaal. “En hy is klaar weer aan die gang met sy grassnyers,” het Jan gesê. Jannie bedryf se eie grassnyer besigheid vanaf sy ouerhuis. “Ek voel goed en ek is bly dit is verby,” het Jannie gesê. “Sy kopsere is ook baie beter,” het Jan gesê. Die nuwe plaat, wat bestaan uit ‘n mengsel van keramiek en plastiek, is ‘n langtermyn oplossing wat volgens Jan eers weer oor 30 jaar aandag sal nodig hê, sou niks dramaties gebeur nie. Hulle is dankbaar vir almal wat hulle op die pad na Jannie se operasie en herstel bygestaan het. “Ons wil graag almal bedank vir hul gebede en finansiële hulp aan ons met Jannie se gesondheid en mediese koste. Hy is terug by die huis en die operasie is suksesvol afgehandel en hy sterk goed aan, met dankbaarheid teenoor ons Hemelse Vader en ‘n paar name wat ons graag wil noem,” het Jan gesê. Die name het ingesluit die Agapé-gemeente, Dries en Izelle Briers, Anet van den Berg, Fritz Thiele, Jeremy, Cassim’s Spares en Pierre en Heleen Jaume.

The SPCA Louis Trichardt thanked all who braved the cold, wet weather on Saturday, 16 April, to come and have some fun with them and their animals during their Easter Egg Hunt and the Cooking Decoration Station. “Congrats to all the winners!” said the SPCA team. A special mention and huge thank you went to Antjie Brennan from Meowthful, who sponsored all the cookies and goodies for the Cookie Decoration Station. Photo supplied.

Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die

Zoutpansberger Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, het die twee mans wat daarvan beskuldig is dat hulle in Januarie 1996 ‘n bejaarde vrou van Rondebosch-plotte buite Louis Trichardt by haar plaashek oorrompel, beroof, ontvoer en verkrag het, weer in die plaaslike hof verskyn. Nadat hulle haar by haar plaashek oorval het, het hulle haar pistool en juweliersware gesteel, ‘n mieliesak oor haar kop getrek en beveel om plat te lê agter in haar eie voertuig. Hulle het haar verkrag, voordat hulle haar naby die Ralson Tshinanne Sekondêre Skool in Sibasa agterge-laat het. Ook voorbladnuus die week van 18 April 1997 was dat kontrakteurs hande-arbeid beskikbaar gestel het om te help om die argeologiese terrein uit te grawe wat ontdek is deur padbouers tydens die opgradering van die N1 naby Matoks. Twee terreine met argeologiese materiaal, insluitend menslike beendere, is gevind. Daardie week is ook berig van ‘n raaiselagtige skietery op ‘n bus vol passasiers onderweg vanaf Louis Trichardt na Vleifontein. Die polisie het bevestig dat hulle ‘n saak van poging tot moord geopen het, nadat ‘n groep onbekende aanvallers losgebrand het op die bus. Die busbestuurder het vertel hoe sy passasiers op hom begin skreeu het om vinniger te ry, nadat

iemand op hulle begin skiet het. Hy het dadelik na die naaste polisiestasie in Vleifontein gejaag. Volgens ooggetuies was die skote afkomstig vanaf twee voertuie. In ander nuus het daardie week se koerant gepronk met heelparty foto’s van babas as deel van die plaaslike Tafelronde se babakompetisie. Die wenners sou daardie komende naweek aangewys word tydens beoordeling in die NG Kerk Soutpansberg se kerksaal.

 Mnr. Willie van Staden (72) van Louis Trichardt het Dinsdagmiddag naelskraaps ernstige skade aan sy voertuig vermy deur net betyds te stop nadat hy in ‘n oop mangat ingery het. Willie het vanuit Kroghstraat in die stegie oorkant die ou Robot Elektries en langs Kiwi Café & Take Away ingedraai. Net betyds het iemand voor hom in die pad gespring met sy hande in die lug. “Toe ek stop was my linker voorwiel reeds in die oop mangat. Gelukkig het ek stadig gery en was daar nie skade nie, maar dit het vier omstanders gevat om my voertuig uit te tel,” het Willie gesê. Die mangat se staal raamwerk wat dit tot onlangs gehad het is verwyder en die gat is geleë net as jy indraai vanaf Kroghstraat. “Mense moet versigtig wees as hulle daar indraai,” het Willie gesê. Foto verskaf.






Thursday, 21 April

Louis Trichardt

(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, phone Pastor Chris Mattheus Tel (082 696 2619). • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastor Willem Klopper (082 339 9931). • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • PPK Bet-El Gemeente (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 084 418 3803. • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672

Saturday, 23 April

Friday, 22 April

A morning shower, cloudy.

Warmer, afternoon showers.

A brief morning shower.

High: 20oC Low: 15oC

High: 24oC Low: 14oC

High: 26oC Low: 15oC

What is happening? DEURLOPEND

Ondersteuningsgroep byeen Elke Maandag om 17:30 vind ‘n byeenkoms van die Christelike Ondersteuningsgroep vir alkoholen dwelmafhanklikes plaas. Die vergadering is in die Jesus Kroon lokaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente. Alhoewel die byeenkoms by die NG-kerk aangebied word, is persone van enige denominasie welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Jan Pretorius by tel. 079 881 9673 of ds. Corné Burger by tel. 073 759 0451.

Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.

LTT Shukokai Karateklub Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.

Kerk se fasiliteite nou beskikbaar Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente (Stad op die Berg) in Louis Trichardt stel tans van hulle fasiliteite beskikbaar vir uitverhuring. Die Ferdie Beyersaal kan 600 persone akkommodeer, en 100 persone in die Kiepersol-lokaal en 50 persone in die Jesuskroon-lokaal. Vir meer inligting en pryse, skakel die kerkkantoor tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by tel. 015 516 3902.

Soutpansberg Muurbalklub Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het belangstellende spelers uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Jaargelde beloop R1 800 per jaar. Vir meer inligting kan die klub se voorsitter, Ronel Welman, geskakel word by tel. 084 581 4868 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar na admin@ zoutnet.co.za.


Bergcare Charity Shop

Inwoners word uitgenooi om die Bergcare Charity op die hoek van Erasmus- en Burgerstraat, Louis Trichardt, te ondersteun. Die winkel is Maandae tot Vrydae vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 oop en verkoop klere, speelgoed, kombuisware en so nou en dan meubels. “Ondersteun die winkel deur te skenk. Ek moedig mense aan om hulle huis en kaste skoon te maak, veral voor ‘n nuwe seisoen,” sê Bergcare bestuurder Mariana Luus. Deur die Charity Shop te ondersteun word ‘n inkomste genereer wat aangewend word om kruideniersware vir deernispakkies aan te koop. Vir meer inligting, skakel Mariana by tel. 079 679 8790.

OPKOMEND 23 April Saterdag

Dopper Gholfdag Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt nooi die streek se gholfspelers om in te skryf vir hulle Dopper Gholfdag op Saterdag, 23 April, by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub. Die formaat is ‘n vierbal-alliansie (two scores to count scramble drive) en inskrywing beloop R2 500 per span. Afslaanbowwe kan geborg kan word teen R1 000 elk. Ná afloop van die spel sal ‘n prysuitdeling plaasvind en gebraai word. Vir meer inligting en om in te skryf, skakel Tinus by tel. 062 818 0538.

29 April Saterdag

CMR Gholfdag Die Christelike Maatskaplike Raad (CMR) in Louis Trichardt nooi die streek se gholfspelers uit om hulle gholfdag op 29 April by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub te kom ondersteun. Die kompetisie word in die formaat van ‘n 4-bal alliansie aangebied en deelname kos R2 500 per span. Persone was graag ‘n putjie wil borg kan vir Riana skakel by tel. 084 400 9941. “Kom deel in ‘n dag van pret en help ‘n getraumatiseerder kind in jou gemeenskap,” nooi die CMR. Om ‘n span in te skryf of vir enige ander borgskappe, skakel Ronel by tel. 082 325 3065 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar na manager@cmrn.co.za. Donasies kan ook inbetaal word in die CMR se bankrekening by CMR Louis Trichardt, ABSA Bank, rekeningnommer 10 0023 0029. Gebruik “Golf Day” as verwysing.


WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 18 April. DAMVLAKKE



18/04/2022 11/04/2022

Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

99.9% 100% 100.9% 100% 108.5% 104% 103.7% 99.8% 100.8% 100% 3.2% 3.3% 103% 101% 54% 53.7% 100.3% 100% 100.8% 100% 100.1% 101% 104.1% 100%

EMERGENCY NUMBERS - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592

MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183


- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

# Means latest available data

7 May Saturday

Border Boys Sunset Parade & Bivvy night All military veterans are invited to a Border Boys Sunset Parade at the Turbi Hills Shell Hole in Louis Trichardt on 7 May from 16:00 to commemorate their fallen comrades from the Bush War. The MOTH dress code for the evening will be MOTH No. 1, with medals or unit/association dress or appropriate attire with your unit beret. After the parade, Turbi Hills will be hosting a bivvy evening full of fun and laughter. Guests will receive a real border style dinner, so bring along your dixie and fire bucket. Braai packs will be available for the more refined palate. Rustic overnight accommodation will be available for those who want to overnight. For this you would need your bivvy and sleeping bag. Breakfast will be available in the morning. A lucky draw with prizes will take place and a full bar is on offer. For more information, phone Ben Wolff at Tel 084 368 7045.

7 May Saturday

SPCA Farmers’ Market On 7 May, the SPCA Louis Trichardt team once again invites you to join them for their Craft & Farmers’ Market at their premises on the Vondeling Road from 09:00 to 14:00. The usual variety of stalls selling every manner of merchandise as well as all the popular foods stalls will be available. The Legacy vet shop can provide all your pet’s requirements too. They will also have guided tours of the kennels at appointed times to enlighten interested parties about the animals in their care. Your support of the market stalls enables the stall holders, in turn, to support the SPCA. If you wish to book a stall for a small donation, contact Grietjie on 072 516 6895. The best-decorated stall with the theme of “Mother’s Day” will win a cash prize of R200.

EVENTS? If you know of any upcoming events, e-mail Andries: news@zoutnet.co.za



MALL OF THE NORTH CHICKENHARE & THE HAMSTER OF DARKNESS (3D) PG Ç Fri, Tue, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00 Sat: 11:45, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00 Sun: 11:00, 13:30, 16:00 Wed: 10:30, 13:00, 15:30, 18:00

FANTASTIC BEASTS: THE SECRETS OF DUMBLEDORE 10-12 PG Fri, Sat, Tue, Thu: 13:15, 16:30, 19:45 Sun: 10:00, 13:15, 16:30 Wed: 11:15, 14:30, 17:45





Fri, Tue, Thu: 20:30 Sat: 20:15 Sun: 17:45 Wed: 18:15

MR BONES 3: SON OF BONES 10-12 PG Ç Fri: 12:45, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15 Sat: 11:30, 13:45, 16:00, 18:15, 20:30 Sun: 11:15, 13:30, 15:45, 18:00 Tue, Thu: 12:45, 15:15, 18:00, 20:45 Wed: 10:45, 13:15, 16:00, 18:45

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 7-9 PG Fri, Tue, Thu: 13:00, 16:00 Sat: 11:15, 14:15, 17:15 Sun: 10:30, 13:45 Wed: 11:00, 14:00





Fri, Tue, Thu: 17:30 Sat: 17:00 Sun: 15:15 Wed: 15:30


PG Fri, Tue, Thu: 12:00, 14:45 Sat: 11:00, 14:00 Sun: 10:15, 12:45 Wed: 10:00, 12:45





Fri, Sat, Tue, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30 Sun: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30 Wed: 10:15, 13:00, 15:45, 18:30



Fri, Sat, Tue, Thu: 20:15 Sun: 17:00 Wed: 18:15 Follow us

TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.







Sunday, 24 April

Monday, 25 April

Tuesday, 26 April

Wednesday, 27 April

A bit of morning rain.

A stray morning thundershower.

Low clouds.

A little rain in the morning.

High: 27oC Low: 14oC

High: 25oC Low: 13oC

High: 25oC Low: 11oC

Wat gebeur? 10 Mei Dinsdag

VLU Aandblom byeen Die VLU se Aandblom-tak in Louis Trichardt se volgende vergadering sal op Dinsdag, 10 Mei, gehou word by die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub op die hoek van Anderson- en Bredastraat. Die vergadering sal om 18:00 begin. Belangstellendes wat die vergadering wil bywoon, of by die VLU wil aansluit, kan met Leanda le Cornu skakel by tel. 082 895 8576.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

Trichardt hosting their annual golf day on Saturday, 14 May, at the Soutpansberg Golf Club. The format of the day’s play is a four-ball alliance scramble drive and the entry fee is R2 500 per four players and includes lunch, dinner, green fee and golfer’s gift. T-box sponsorships start from R1 000. For more information and entry, phone Alicia at tel. 084 900 5332, Lesley at 071 545 5194 or Antjie at 083 563 1010.

27 Mei Saterdag

13 Mei

Joe Black by Lalapanzi


Skaapkop-ete Die Gereformeerde Kerk Louis Trichardt bied op 13 Mei hulle gewilde Skaapkopgilde se jaarlikse ete aan teen R120 per kop. Dit vind plaas by die Fransie Vermaak Saal om 18:00. Vir dié wat nie kans sien vir ‘n skaapkop nie is heerlike skaapkerrie beskikbaar teen R60 per persoon. Om ‘n kaartjie te bespreek, kan Cobus van der Goot geskakel word by 082 440 1829, of Sias Kotzé by 083 501 1898, of Nanette Malan by 0843044764. Die aantal kaartjies is beperk en inwoners sal moet gou speel om teleurstelling te voorkom.

14 May Saturday

Paralympic medallist share training tips Louis Trichardt will host Louzanne Coetzee, one of the country’s Tokyo 2020 Paralympic silver and bronze medallists, courtesy of the IsAbility Sports Club Limpopo, from 12 to 14 May. Louzanne is a visually impaired athlete (totally blind). The purpose of her visit is to enhance awareness of the opportunities for visually impaired athletes, as well as able-bodied athletes who can train to become guide runners. She will also give some basic training to local guide runners and visually impaired athletes. As part of Louzanne’s programme, she will visit Laerskool Louis Trichardt on Saturday, 14 May, from 09:00 to 12:00. She is also giving a motivational talk to senior learners at Emmanuel School on Friday, 13 May, from 12:00 to 13:00. If anyone is interested in attending the Saturday (14 May) event, they can contact Sheryl James on 083 415 7056 or Sandy James at 084 506 3333, or email them at is.ability.limpopo@ gmail.com.

14 May Saturday

SPCA Golf Day Local golfers can look forward to an abundance of tournaments, with the SPCA Louis

High: 26oC Low: 10oC

Bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger Joe Black sal op 27 Mei by die Lalapanzi Hotel buite Louis Trichardt optree as deel van sy Traveler toer. Sy optrede begin om 18:00 en kaartjies kos R130 per volwassene, R100 vir tieners en R50 vir kinders. VIP pods is beskikbaar teen R2 000. Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Xanthe by tel. 082 562 0914.

DEPRESSIEF / MOEDELOOS / DESPERAAT Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 / 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org

11 June

16-19 Junie



Kremetart Cycle Race

NG SPB 4x4-naweek

On 11 June this year the Soutpansberg will once again play host to the very popular Kremetart Cycle Race this year. The event will be presented for the 30th time. Over a distance of 175km, this stage race is the only one in South Africa that cultivates endurance and experience for other important cycling events in South Africa and abroad. The shorter 70km and 35km races will form part of the programme once again and are aimed at the junior and high school development teams. For more information or how to get involved as a sponsor for this year’s 30th Kremetart Cycle Race, phone Stanley Thompson at Tel 082 493 3897.

Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg bied die naweek van 16 tot 19 Junie ‘n unieke 4x4-ekspedisie aan wat sal strek oor die ou Koper-roete in die westelike Soutpansberg oor privaat grond. Die koste beloop R6 000 per viertrek-voertuig vir twee volwassenes en twee laerskoolkinders. Alle etes is ingesluit, maar eie eetgerei en kamptoerusting moet saamgebring word. Diegene wat wil inskryf sal egter moet gou speel aangesien slegs ‘n beperkte hoeveelheid voertuie toegelaat sal word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Riana by tel. 084 400 9941 of die gemeente se leraar, ds. Etienne van Staden, by tel. 083 274 3227.

11 June

28 Mei



Bulletjie-naweek Tshipise Forever Resort sal op Saterdag, 28 Mei, vanjaar weer gasheer speel vir een van die provinsie se grootste sportgebeurtenisse, Laerskool Messina se jaarlikse Bulletjie-rugbynaweek. As deel van die rugbynaweek sal bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger Jakkie Louw die aand vanaf 19:00 optree in die ou hotel vierkant. Kaartjies kos R150 per volwassene, R100 per hoërskoolleerling en is gratis vir laerskoolleerlinge, mits hulle bespreek het. Neem kennis dat bepalings en voorwaardes geld. ‘n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees. Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Laerskool Messina by tel 015 534 2144.

IsAbility Golf Day The IsAbility Sport Club from Louis Trichardt will be hosting their popular annual golf day on Saturday, 11 June, at the Soutpansberg Golf Club. The format of the day’s play is a four-ball alliance, two scores to count scramble drive. The entry fee is R2 400 per four players and includes lunch, dinner, green fee and golfer’s gift. This year’s golf day will act as fundraiser for “Fit-Tofly” assistive devices for children with mobility impairments, “Footprints” inclusive education for children with disabilities, Para-sport development in Limpopo and Jumping Kids. “Book early to avoid disappointment,” said the club. For more information and entries, phone Sandy James at tel. 084 506 3333 or 015 516 9856.

4 Junie Saterdag

NG Soutpansberg Boerebasaar Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg is druk besig met reëlings vir hulle gewilde Boerebasaar wat vanjaar op Saterdag, 4 Junie, sal plaasvind. Smaaklike gebak, vars groente, vleis, en vele ander geurige geregte en snuisterye sal teen sakpaspryse beskikbaar wees. “Gesien in die lig van huidige hoë kospryse is ‘n besoek aan die basaar beslis die moeite werd. Kom maak jou vries- en koskas vol!” nooi die gemeente. Almal kan gesellig vanaf 08:00 tot laat saamkuier. Die manne gaan braai en die vroue kan heerlik in die teetuin kuier.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Desmond - 073 227 8761 (24/7)

CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook

Lumi Male

Stella Female

Emma Female

Terrence Male

Morgan Male

Hannah Female

Ezra Male

Cutest cats & kittens



Len Dames, wat Januarie en Maart se kompetisie gewen het, het hierdie foto vir April inge­ stuur.

Hierdie aandfoto is geneem deur Louis Trichardt fotograaf Muhammad Raees Cassim in Forestryweg op 15 April.

Is jou foto goed genoeg vir 2023 se kalender?

beoordeling betref, sal gekyk word na tegniese aspekte soos beligting, Die streek se fotograwe word her- skerpheid en komposisie. inner dat hulle elke maand kan Slegs hoë-resolusie digitale foto’s inskryf vir die Zoutpansberger (verkieslik landskap-formaat) sal se kalenderfotokompetisie, met aanvaar word. Die foto’s kan in inskrywings vir April-maand wat hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur nou ingewag word. word (een-vir-een indien dit groot Fotograwe sal tot en met die laas- foto’s is), of op CD of geheuestokkie te week van elke maand hê om hulle ingehandig word by die kantore foto’s vir daardie maand in te skryf van die Zoutpansberger te Jouberten ‘n wenfoto sal vir elk van die 12 straat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke maande gekies word. inskrywing moet vergesel wees van ‘n Maksimum van vyf foto’s per die fotograaf se naam, kontakbefotograaf per maand kan ingestuur sonderhede, waar die foto geneem word. Oudergewoonte soek ons na is en met watter kamera dit geneem daardie spesiale foto wat die uniek­ is. Selfoonfoto’s is ook toelaatbaar heid van die Soutpansberg-streek indien die foon oor ‘n goeie kamera uitbeeld, van unieke landmerke en beskik. Die 12 wenfoto’s sal aan die besienswaardighede tot die natuur- einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-forlewe. Die foto moet egter binne die maat muurkalender vir 2023 afgelope 24 maande geneem wees saamgevat word. Die kalender sal en moet die fotograaf se eie werk dan onder meer deur die Zoutpanswees. berger gebruik word vir bemark‘n Prys van R600 sal vir elke ingsdoeleindes. maand se wenfoto betaal word. Elke Vir meer inligting oor die kommaand se wenfoto sal in die laaste petisie, skakel Andries by tel. 082 week van die maand gepubliseer 603 2419 of 015 516 4997 (tydens word. Deur die maand sal van die kantoorure). Hoë-resolusie foto’s beter inskrywings wat ontvang kan ook aan hom gestuur word per is ook gepubliseer word. Wat e-pos na news@zoutnet.co.za. Kompetisie

Een van fotograaf Sandra Boshoff se inskrywings vir April.


kalender Former Louwtjie’s cooking inspires


Skryf nou in!

R600 prysgeld vir elke maand se wenfoto!

Die twaalf wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-formaat muurkalender vir 2023 saamgevat word. Hoe om in te skryf: Foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Alle inskrywings moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees. Epos inskrywings na: news@zoutnet.co.za Skakel Andries van Zyl: 082 603 2419 / 015 516 4996

Makhadzi, Nomcebo, Mr Bow, Thomas Mlambo and ShamGudani Mudau was bitten ponaize, to name but a few. I by the cooking bug early on am nearly achieving my dream, in her life. The 22-year-old but I feel I owe it to my comwoman from Ha-Mashamba munity. Very few of our youths village, outside Louis Trichknow this field of work and do ardt, always found a way to not even realize that they can stay near her grandmother, make a career for themselves Ms Konanani Mudau, whenout of it. It is time for me to ever she started cooking. plough back and teach them. I Gudani would offer her help, will be doing that at my home and, in the process, she too village soon,” she said. learned how to cook well. LatGudani’s own training in this er she started watching food field formally started during network channels that sharp- her high school years at Eric ened her cooking skills and Louw Hoërskool in Musina, today, Gudani is an accomfollowed by further studies at plished and celebrated chef, the Hospitality Training Group sought after for her salivating in Durban. and scrumptious dishes. She owns her own company, Having worked at wellcalled Good Eats with Gudani, known places, such as The which does very well. “My Chef ’s Table in Durban, The hospitality teacher, Ms Chrisna Farm Boutique Guesthouse in Viljoen, believed in me so much Ha-Matsila in Limpopo and that she helped and encouraged currently at Hoëveld House in me to do well in this career. I Sandton, Gauteng, Gudani has owe my success to her. I render amassed a wealth of experience services, like catering for small in the catering business. She or large events, private chef would now like to share this and menu planning. My advice expertise with others as a way to the aspiring chefs out there of ploughing back into her is to follow your heart. I know community. many are sceptical about this, “I am passionate about but let me assure you that there food. I live and breathe it. I are many opportunities in this have cooked for celebrities like field. You can even work overBy Elmon Tshikhudo

seas if you have the necessary skills. I am now calling on all aspirant chefs in my area to get in touch with me and we will organize free classes for you,” she said. Those who are interested in attending free cooking classes, or wish to know more about Gudani’s services, can contact her on 071 138 5857, or Dakalo Mudau on 073 275 6954.

Doing what she does best, Chef Gudani Mudau prepares food for her customers. Photo supplied.



Hierdie Graad 6-leerders van Laerskool Louis Trichardt is aangewys as die skool se Top 10 akademiese presteerders in hul graad ná afloop van die eerste skoolkwartaal. Voor, van links na regs, is Nika Alberts, Diana Jordaan, Lilian Venter, Francis Gilfillan en Lika Burger. Agter is Melo Dafuleya, Lilly Smit, Lihan van Rooyen, Uzair Khan en Leney du Plessis. Foto verskaf.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt het met die aanbreek van die tweede kwartaal hulle Top 10 aka­ demiese presteerders in die eerste kwartaal in elke graad aangewys. Die top presteerders in Graad 7 was (van links na regs) Renette Nel, Mienke Burger, Mia Hermann, Elni le Roux en Carli Hattingh (inlas). Agter is Carli van den Berg, Thato Legodi, Xadrian Snyman, Rogan van den Berg en Tlangi Sibiya. Foto verskaf.

DIAMCOR MINING INC. - DMI MINERALS SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD: KRONE ENDORA OPERATION NOTICE OF THE WATER USE LICENCE APPLICATION AND DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME REPORT IN SUPPORT OF THE S24G RECTIFICATION APPLICATION Laerskool Louis Trichardt se Top 10 akademiese leerders in Graad 5 ná afloop van die eerste skoolkwartaal is (voor, van links na regs) Jason Burger, Maureen Joubert, Miané Vorster, Luané van Rooyen en Adivhaho Muleya. Agter is Deriaan van Zyl, Lehan Prinsloo, Elizma Truter, Andisa Mukwevho, Joshua Cronjé en Aslam Janjua. Foto verskaf.

ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS TE HUUR TE HUUR • Bachelors flat (1 slp kamer) 7 km uit op Levubu pad Nie diere-vriendelik. R3700 W&L ingesluit

Address: 20 Irwin Street, Musina, 0900 E-mail: deeds@ deonre�ef.net Tel: 015 534 0720


No�ce is given that G&A Heritage Proper�es (Pty) Ltd. and Twin City Ribola (Pty) Ltd. intend applying in terms of Sec�on 35 Onmiddellik beskikbaar & 36 (5) of the Na�onal Resources Act WhatsApp Chris Heritage (Act 25 of 1999) and 078 378 5486 Sec�on 2 (1) of the Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies Ordinance (Ordinance no. 7 of 1925), the Exhuma�ons Ordinance (Ordinance DEON RETIEF no. 12 of 1980) and the Human Tissues Act (Act ATTORNEYS 65 of 1983 as amended) LOST OR DESTROYED as well as the relevant TITLE DEED local regula�ons; to the No�ce is hereby given in terms of Regula�on 68 of Provincial Administra�on of the Province in which the Deeds Registries Act, the graves are located 1937, of the inten�on to and the relevant local apply for the issue of a Municipality. cer�fied copy of Deed of Date: 22nd April 2022 Transfer T35141/1998 Descrip�on of Ac�vity: passed in favour of Proposed Extension of TSHENGEDZENI MARIA the Elim Mall. Thirteen NDOU, ID No: 600808 (13) Graves will need to 0319 087, Unmarried, be relocated from their in respect of Erf 2999 current loca�on behind Messina-Nancefield the Elim Mall to a formal Extension 8 Township, or family cemetery to Registra�on Division avoid damage. M.T. Limpopo Province; Name of Proponent: Twin In Extent: 401 (Four City Ribola (Pty) Ltd. Hundred And One) Square Metres, which has Any persons (family, been lost or destroyed. All descendants, or friends) interested persons having with any knowledge of these graves and objec�on to the issue who wish to provide of such copy are hereby informa�on in this regard required to lodge the are urged to contact same in wri�ng with the Registrar of Deeds at 101 the person listed below within 4 weeks from Dorp Street, Polokwane, the date on this no�ce. 0700, within two weeks Please do so in wri�ng from the date of the publica�on of this no�ce. to the supplied email address or per post Dated at Musina on this indica�ng kinship and 13th day of April 2022. proof of same. Applicant: DEON RETIEF G&A Heritage Proper�es ATTORNEYS OF MUSINA (Pty) Ltd. on behalf of TM NDOU


Stephan Gaigher Cell: 073 752 6583 Email: stephan@

gaheritage.co.za PO Box 522, Louis Trichardt, 0920

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:



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BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT DMI Minerals South Africa (Pty) Ltd (“DMI”) is the owner and operator of the Krone-Endora operation (“the Project”) located in the Limpopo Province approximately 75 km west of Musina near South Africa’s northern border with Botswana and Zimbabwe. The Project is situated within the Musina Local Municipality and the Vhembe District Municipality and falls within the buffer zone of Mapungubwe National Park (a world heritage site). A screening assessment and relevant Environmental Audits indicated that a new WULA and S24G Rectification Application in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No.107 of 1998) (“NEMA”) is required due to the commencement of certain activities that were not initially approved in the Environmental Authorisation (“EA”) and existing Water Use Licence (“WUL”). LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS Procedure applied to the application An EIAR and EMPR is required in compliance with the NEMA, the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) (“MPRDA”) and the NEMA Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 (GN R982 of 4 December 2014) (“GN R982”), as amended, for the authorisation of listed activities contained in the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Listing Notice 1, 2010 (GN R544) and 2014 (GN R983), Listing Notice 2 of 2010, (GN R545) and 2014 (GN R984), and Listing Notice 3, 2010 (GN R546) and 2014 (GN R985) as amended and published in terms of Sections 24 (2), 24 (5), 24D, 44 and 47(A) (1)(b) of the NEMA. A Water Use Licence (“WUL”) for Water Use activities listed in terms of the National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998). Application submitted to competent authority A S24G Rectification Application has been submitted to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (“DMRE”) on 28 March 2022.

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NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 news@zoutnet.co.za Reporter / Verslaggewer Denise van Bergen 072 034 7467 denise@zoutnet.co.za

This advertisement gives notice to potential Interested and Affected Parties (“I&APs”) about where information can be obtained in respect of the Water Use Licence Application (“WULA”) and the draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report (“EIAR”) and Environmental Management Programme Report (“EMPR”) in support of a S24G Rectification Application as well as the opportunity for I&APs to comment on the aforesaid documents.

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Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.

Listed activities applies to the application Environmental Impact Assessment: The existing activities at the Krone – Endora Operation triggered the following listed activities: Activity 11, 22 of Listing Notice 1 (GNR 544 of 2010), Activity 5, 15 of Listing Notice 2 (GNR 545 of 2010) and Activity 12 of Listing Notice 3 (GNR 546 of 2010), Activity 12 of Listing Notice 1 (GNR 983 of 2014, as amended), Activity 6, 15 of Listing Notice 2 (GNR 984 of 2014, as amended), Activity 4, 12, 14 of Listing Notice 3 (GNR 985 of 2014, as amended). Water Use: The WULA include an update of water uses under section 21 (a), (c), (i), (g) and (j) of the National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998). PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Register as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) Diamcor Mining Inc. - DMI Minerals South Africa (Pty) Ltd: Krone Endora Operation has appointed Shangoni Management Services (Pty) Ltd. as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner to undertake the S24G Rectification Application and Water Use Licence Application. To register as an I&AP of this project, or to obtain more information or submit comments, please request a Registration Form from Shangoni and return it together with any comments to Shangoni at the details provided below. A public meeting will be held at the Evangelina Game Lodge on Friday 6 May 2022 at 10 am. Due to Covid, there is a maximum of 50% capacity allowed at each venue. You are, therefore, requested to RSVP by the 2nd of May 2022 to ensure arrangements are made for all attendees. Availability of the draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Environmental Management Programme Report (EIAR/ EMPr) as well as the Water Use Licence Application (WULA) technical report The draft EIAR/ EMPr and WUL technical report will be made available to the public for review for a period of 35 days from 22 April 2022 to 27 May 2022, at the security entrance of Venetia Mine and on the Shangoni’s website (www.shangoni.co.za). E-mail or submit your comments to Shangoni (details provided below) by no later than 27 May 2022. Where to obtain more information To obtain additional information please contact the EAP at the details provided below: Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Shangoni Management Services (Pty) Ltd. Contact person: Renate Steffens / Lee-Anne Fellowes Tel: 012 807 7036 E-mail: renate@shangoni.co.za / leeanne@shangoni.co.za Postal Address: P. O. Box 74726, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040



Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se 1960-matriekklas het vanaf 6 tot 8 April hulle 60ste reünie by Constantia naby Mookgophong gevier. Die groep moes reeds in 2020 hierdie mylpaal gevier het, maar dit moes weens die Covid-19 pandemie uitgestel word. Die blye weersiens, sowel as die uitruil van stories en staaltjies uit die verlede, het die saamkuier oorheers. Uitstekende aandetes is in die restaurant geniet en hulle het ook lekker gekuier. Die verrigtinge is Vrydagoggend afgesluit met ‘n ligte ontbyt, en ‘n gepaste boodskap uit die Woord. “Dit is moeilik om te glo, maar almal in die groep bereik binne die volgende 12 maande die rype ouderdom van 80 lewensjare. Die groep het daarom besluit om volgende jaar weer ‘n weersien te hou,” het Schalk Grobbelaar gesê. Voor, van links na regs, is Hettie Naudé (Grobler), Pat Cloete en Susan Mc Een (Lindeque). Agter is Gert Wepener, Gerhardt Otto en Schalk Grobbelaar. Foto verskaf.


Die Roadhogs motorfietsklub van Louis Trichardt het verlede week weer besoek afgelê by Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis vir die uitdeel van hulle jaarlikse lekkergoedpakkies vir die tehuis se bejaarde inwoners. Afgeneem tydens die oorhandiging is (van links na regs) Kittie de Bruin (bestuurder van Ons Tuiste) en Roadhogs Christa en Michael Kock (klubpresident). Foto verskaf.

The Christian Social Council (CMR) in Louis Trichardt, on behalf of the Tshikota community, expressed their gratitude towards the Louis Trichardt Hindu Seva Samaj for the blankets and food parcels they donated that were distributed at the Tshikota Community Hall on Saturday, 16 April. “Even though it was raining on Saturday, it did not deter them from achieving their objective,” said Ms Chantel Steyn, CMR social worker. Photo supplied.




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Raw sewage a headache for local businessman By Kaizer Nengovhela “The Vhembe District Municipality’s failure to address the sewage problem is causing us to fight among ourselves,” complained a businessman from Louis Trichardt’s industrial area. The continuous stench is also affecting their businesses, with fears that it will cause closures and job losses. Mr Maanda Ramuthaga, who runs a vehicle-repair business in Van der Berg Street, showed the Zoutpansberger the raw sewage that spills out of a manhole. He said that the blockage had been reported to the municipality on numerous occasions, but nothing has happened. A dam of stinking water and debris has been present since February this year. Ramuthaga said that this was a long-standing problem that negatively affected the people trying to do business in this part of town. Some of them even tried to fix the problem themselves, only to be reprimanded by an official who did

bother to come and have a look. “I was shocked by the conduct of the official, who ordered us to refrain from fixing the problem,” he said. Ramuthaga said that the small-business sector formed the backbone of the economy and ensured development. “But our municipality seems not to notice that. Or do they want us to close our business, so that they can be happy when they see all our employees without jobs?” He said that they had now almost become used to the constant bad smell and the potential health risks. “This is yet another example of the municipality’s inability to provide proper service to the town’s residents. They simply don’t care that we might get sick or that we have to put up with the stench,” he continued. The Vhembe District Municipality’s spokesperson, Mr Matodzi Ralushai, said that the municipality had not received any report about the sewage problem, but he promised to send technicians to investigate as a matter of urgency.

Cars standing in a pool of sewage. Photo: Kaizer Nengovhela.

Soutpansberg Gholfklub


Limpopo schools to be rationalised enrolment is below 135 (for primary schools) and 200 (for secondary schools). The Limpopo Department of Basic Education Addressing education stakeholders in Polokannounced its intention to rationalise 389 wane, the MEC for Education, Ms Polly Boshienon-viable schools in the province last week. lo, said: “Our engagement today and beyond This means that 344 of the 389 schools will be on our intention to rationalise schools must be merged, while the remaining 45 schools will viewed as taking the responsibility of ensuring be closed for good. that we invest in the education of our children This is the fourth time that the department to afford them the opportunity to excel on the has rationalised schools in the province. Vhembe world stage.” East accounts for the highest number of schools Boshielo called for serious cooperation and to be merged, totalling 77, while Vhembe West collaboration to ensure that the department has 30. Two schools in Vhembe East and three works together with stakeholders to reorganise in Vhembe West will be closed. schools to increase efficiency and reduce waste. Some of the reasons for rationalisation include The list of schools to be rationalised will be multi-grade teaching, schools not economically published soon. The department will carry out viable to maintain and schools whose learner public consultations and stakeholders have 90 days to give their input.

19 th


Limpopo MEC for Basic Education Polly Boshielo. Photo supplied.

Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt se Dopperkuierkafee se spyskaart vir Vrydag, 22 April, sluit in Dopperburgers teen R25 elk; kaasburgers teen R30 elk; hoenderburgers teen R30 elk; ribburgers teen R30 elk; slaptjips teen R10; en ‘n Russian en slaptjips teen R30. Die spesiale aanbieding hierdie week is heerlike vis-en-tjips teen R30 stuk. Plaas jou bestelling by Nanette voor Vrydag 12:00 by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764. Bestellings kan Vrydagmiddag vanaf 17:00 by die Dopperkerk afgehaal word.


By Bernard Chiguvare




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Wikus Botes



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Kailey Botes van die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub in Louis Trichardt het op 6 April gegradeer na haar junior swartgordel. Sy het in 2014 met karate begin en het sedertdien al haar graderings met lof geslaag. Kailey is ook twee keer vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe gekies, maar Covid-19 het deelname in die wiele gery. Sy is ook ‘n Verre-Noord goue medalje wenner en help met afrigting by die klub Maandagaande. Sy is die 37ste lid van die klub wat ‘n swartgordel verwerf en die klub, wat by Karate Suid-Afrika Alle Style geaffilieer is, is baie trots daarop. Van links na regs staan sensei Lourens Botes, Kailey en sensei Tommy Janse van Rensburg. Agter staan sensei Johnathan Janse van Rensburg. Foto verskaf.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se welbekende Leeuloop, wat op 7 April plaasgevind het, het die volgende wenners opgelewer: Pieter Pretorius en Karla van Zyl het onderskeidelik die mansen vroue-afdeling van die 8 km wedloop gewen. Die mansafdeling vir die 4 km is gewen deur Stefan Foord, met Dawid Jordaan tweede en Francois du Preez derde. Elzabé Stewart het die vroue-afdeling van die 4 km gewen, met René Hammann tweede en Yolanda du Preez derde. By die hoërskoolseuns se 4 km wedloop het Armand Roets eerste plek ingeneem, met Jordan Mocke in die tweede plek en Douglas Piorek in die derde plek. In die afdeling vir hoërskoolmeisies was Luandi van Zyl eerste, Mari-Louise van der Walt tweede en Stefanie Venter derde. In die 4km afdeling vir laerskoolseuns was Aiden Bruce eerste, met Eben Möller tweede en Marnus van der Walt derde. Wat die laerskoolmeisies betref, was Kaylin Thomson eerste, Diana Jordaan tweede en Karla Kotzé derde. Foto verskaf.

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