6 minute read
Great excitement over completion of D959 road
By Kaizer Nengovhela
Construction of the second phase of the rebuilding of the D959 road between Louis Trichardt and the Makhado Air Force Base will hopefully soon be completed.
Makhado Local Municipality
Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Louis Trichardt 0920
Correction Notice
Notice is hereby given that the reference in Municipality’s Notice No 18 of 2023, i.e. “1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026” which appeared in the heading and in the second paragraph of the said Notice, is herewith corrected to read –
The first phase (budgeted at R24 million) started in April 2022 and was finished in August last year. In October, the second phase of the 2,36-kilometre road (which will cost approximately R676 000 in total) commenced, starting from Limpopo Dairy. At the beginning of February this year, construction continued from Madombidzha to the Makhado Air Force Base. The project, which had also created about 50 temporary jobs, is expected to be completed by April this year.
1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028.
The General Valuation Roll referred to in Notice No 18 of 2023 is thus valid for the period of five (5) years from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028.
Notice No 18 of 2023 is amended only to the extent of the description published in this Notice. For enquiries please contact the Director Development Planning Mr Aubrey Mabunda or Mr Tahulela Musandiwa or Mr NG Thanyani at 015 5193190/3105/3283 or email at aubreym@makhado.gov.za or tahulelam@makhado.gov.za or ndivhuwot@makhado.gov.za
Civic Centre
83 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt
File Number: 6/2/4/2
Notice Number: 27/2023
28 February 2023 & 6 March 202
Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Louis Trichardt 0920
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 49 (1) (a) (i) of the Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act 6 of 2004) as amended, hereinafter referred to as the “Act” that Makhado Local Municipality’s General Valuation Roll for the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026 is open for public inspection at designated Municipal venues from the 6th of March to the 19th of April 2023.
The General Valuation Roll for the financial years 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026 is open for public inspection at the Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado at Office number C027 from 7H00 -13H00 and from 14H00-16H00 and again on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays within the prescribed period. The General Valuation Roll can also be inspected at the Regional Administrators’ Offices at Waterval, Dzanani and Vleifontein Satellite office and in addition the valuation roll is available at website www.makhado.gov.za.
An invitation is hereby made in terms of Section 49 (1) (a) (ii) of the Act, that any property owner or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the Municipal manager in respect of any matter reflected in or omitted from the General valuation roll within the above-mentioned period.
Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of Section 50(2) of the Act, an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the Valuation roll as such.
The Objection form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable at the Civic Center, 83 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt Town, Offices number C027 or the Regional Administrators Offices at Dzanani, Waterval, and Vleifontein Satellite and or at www.makhado.gov.za. The completed Objection forms must be returned to the same Offices or alternatively to the address below:
The Municipal Manager
Makhado Local Municipality
Private Bag X2596
Makhado 0920
For enquiries please contact the Director Development Planning Mr Aubrey Mabunda or Mr Tahulela Musandiwa or Mr NG Thanyani at 015 5193190/3105/3283 or email at aubreym@makhado.gov.za or tahulelam@makhado.gov.za or ndivhuwot@makhado.gov.za
Civic Centre
83 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt
File No 6/2/4/2
Notice Number: 18/2023 reaching the area during the rainy season was difficult. The finalisation of this project has been met with great excitement.
The communications manager of RAL Limpopo, Ms Luyanda Sithole, said that the new road would improve road safety for the residents. “We want communities around the area to allow the contractor to complete the project without interruption, so that road users can enjoy safe roads that are in good condition, making an end to the bumpy roads in the area,” she said.
The chairperson of the Zoutpansberg Community Development Forum (ZCDF), Mr Patrick Sikhutshi, also expressed his excitement over the start of the project. “I am truly delighted that RAL is answering our prayers. The project will help improve mobility and the economic spin-off will improve service delivery. We are also not expecting shoddy contractors to work on the road,” he said.
Residents and bus and taxi operators had been raising their concerns about the dangerous road for a long time, saying that
One of the local taxi drivers, Mr Malindi Munonde, said their vehicles would now be spared from nasty potholes and gravel, and the dust that affected their passengers. “We purchased our taxis through the government’s recapitalisation process, but due to the bumpy and dusty D959 road, our taxis got damaged very quickly. The constant maintenance and other services were very expensive, and because of that, we always ran our businesses at a loss,” he said.
Lana Hoffman van Levubu het die volgende bedanking ingestuur ná afloop van haar ma, tannie Ansie le Roux (88), se afsterwe op 4
Baie dankie aan ds. Petrus Kriel se betrokkenheid in ons ouers se lewens, bystand oor ‘n lang tydperk en die waarneming van die diens op Saterdag, 11 Februarie 2023, beteken meer as wat mens kan sê.
Ons diep anker in die geloof is so ‘n groot troos in dié hartseer tyd.
Christien Hoffmann vir die begeleiding en vooraf se klavierspel. Dankie vir jou en Nic se vriendskap.
Drs. Pieter Mostert, Casper Venter, Anneke Malan, Anton Stroebel. Spesiale dank aan dr. Casper met die lang pad se saamloop en dr. Anneke wat mamma bygestaan het in haar laaste vyf dae, meestal na-ure!
Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal - matrone Majah en haar spanne wat mamma telkens 12 ure (soms langer) per sessie bygestaan het. Dankie aan die admin personeel, veral Cathrine wat met alle papierwerk gereed gewag het, om net te teken. Dankie ook vir die onderskraging en gebede deur hospitaalpersoneel tydens bloedoortappings oor die laaste 22 maande as dit moeilik gegaan het.
Dankie aan Ons Tuiste se personeel onder leiding van Kittie, en hul bystand veral in die ISE kamer. So ook dankie aan Mosaic Ondernemers, Gerda en die mans vir vinnige, professionele hulp die Saterdagnag.
Kittie, Alida, Tillie, Hettie en tannies Nellie, Gerrie en Rita, ons vriendinne Anette van den Berg, Jinie le Roux en ook mede-inwoners van Ons Tuiste wat gereeld by haar gekuier het en ‘n blom of iets te ete geneem het, baie dankie. Ook op laaste, wat vir haar kom bid het, tannie Rachel, Agnes asook elkeen tuis! Hier sonder ek asseblief Heleen en sr. Bonkie en van die bystandspersoneel uit wat mamma in haar laaste ure bygestaan het met liefde en deernis wat mens kon aanvoel. Dit beteken só baie vir naasbestaandes! Vir elkeen se boodskap of oproep van bemoediging, dit was so baie werd - vooraf veral, julle weet wie jul is - ons wil niemand uitsonder of weglaat nie, maar daar was ‘n paar wat ons hierdeur gepraat het by tye daagliks! Ek gaan egter vir Petro Erasmus, mamma se bromeliad vriendin, wat my elke dag ondersteun het, hier dankie sê. Ook my vriendinne, skoonouers, broers en skoonsus met begrip, tannie Charmie wat vir ons kos opgestuur het ... alles is so verskriklik waardeer.
Ons is letterlik oorval met honderde oproepe, WhatsApps en Facebook-inskrywings. Haar clivia vriende se boodskappe van oor die land was oorweldigend en wys haar invloed en waardering ook daar. Petro en Callie, tannie Charmie, Marcelle, Emmie, Doreen, ds. en tannie Vera se besoeke as sy tuis was, was kosbaar vir haar en vir ons. Fanie en Elanie vir jul besoek en die pragtige bos blomme, dankie! Dankie ook aan ons huishulpe Anna en Mashudu wat met groot begrip en liefde gehelp het bedags.
Anette, by wie ons kon bly in Louis Trichardt (‘n hawe gewees vir baie dae), dankie dat ons kon kom en gaan met eie sleutels.
Aan elkeen wat die moeite gedoen het om die diens by te woon: DANKIE! Eetgoed deur ‘n handjievol vriendinne en Mykie se altyd regstaan met die teeskink reëlings. Dit was keurig en heerlik. Dankie! Dan aan Stephan, my steunpilaar, se ongelooflike onderskraging saam met ons drie kinders se bystand. Niks was ooit te veel moeite of koste nie. Ek sou dit nie sonder julle kon deurhaal nie.
Aan my skoonouers, dankie vir die blomme en ook ons wegbreek wildtuin toe se kostes, baie, baie dankie.
Ma Ansie was voorwaar geliefd onder almal en ek glo nie daar is iemand wat enige lelike woord oor haar kon sê nie. Sy was gesteld op goeie taalgebruik, altyd iets keurig voorgesit met soms min! Iets wat ek aan my kleinkinders sal oordra wat sy vir ons ingedril het, is: ‘n Broodjie word met liefde gesmeer, net as daar ORAL, in elke hoekie ook, botter is! Alias Ansie le Roux.
Rus lekker mamma, ons is trots om u kinders te kon wees!