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24 November 2017
News with an independent soul
PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.
Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Jaargang 33 Vol. 47
Diesel, petrol en Diesel, Petrol en paraffien aflewerings Paraffien aflewerings
T: 015 516 1570
T:F: 015 516 015 5161570 3098 F: 015 516 3098
3 Unika Straat, Makhado, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo
3 Unika Straat, Makhado, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo
Motoring Supplement
Answers few as town’s taps run dry again - page 3
Vhembe admits there are problems with accounts department - page 3
Motoring Supplement Page 8 to 11
Kapingsdrama op N1 November, vir ‘n tweede keer die slagoffer geword van ‘n gewapende roof, maar dié keer is ook die Dit was net ‘n jong sakeman van Louis Trichardt voertuig waarin hy gery het gekaap. Luhan is in vennootskap met pa Hugo en se koel kop wat gesorg het dat sy kapingsdrama nie in ‘n noodlottige tragedie ontaard het nie. medeeienaar van Holtzhausen Breeders. Hy het Die 19jarige Luhan Holtzhausen het Vrydag, 17 Vrydag juis vanaf hulle plaas op die Vivopad
getrek, want as ek 140 km/h doen, doen hy dit ook, en wanneer ek spoed verminder na 60 km/h, ry hy dit ook en hou dieselfde spasie tussen ons,” het Luhan gesê. Dit was toe, sê Luhan, dat hy sy pa skakel en sê hy vermoed hy word agtervolg. “My pa het my aangeraai om spoed te verminder en ‘n Udraai te maak om te sien of die bakkie my steeds agtervolg,” het Luhan gesê. So gesê, so gedaan. Luhan het spoed verminder en by die piekniekstaanplek (sowat 15 km uit Polokwane) ingedraai om ‘n Udraai te maak. “Die volgende oomblik het die Navara voor my neus ingejaag,” het Luhan gesê. Twee mans, beide gewapen met pistole, het uit die bakkie gespring en op Luhan afgestorm. “Die mans het verskriklik gevloek en die hele tyd vir my geskreeu: ‘Get out of the f@#king car! Get out of the f@#king car!’ Hulle was baie aggressief,” het Luhan gesê. Luhan erken hy het bietjie opgevries, alhoewel hy die heel tyd vir homself gesê het om kalm te bly. “Ek het die venster afgedraai. Die volgende oomblik het die een man my aan die kraag gegryp en al my knope afgeruk. Dit is toe dat hulle my uit die kar uit ruk,” het Luhan gesê. Volgens Luhan het die een gewapende man in sy voertuig ingespring en die ander een weer terug in die Navara. Beide het haastig weggejaag. Oorbluf het Luhan besef hulle het nie sy selfoon, wat in sy sak was, gevat nie. Hy het dadelik die polisie geskakel vir hulp en daarna by een van die piekniektafels gaan sit en wag. “Dit is die snaaksste gevoel. Jy sien hoe ry die karre een vir een verby jou, salig onbewus van wat gebeur het. In ‘n sta dium het iemand daar gestop om toebroodjies te eet,” onthou Luhan. Luhan sê die polisie was baie vinnig op die toneel. Blykbaar was daar volgens Luhan binne 15 minute ook ‘n polisiehelikopter in die lug om die Die 19-jarige Luhan Holtzhausen wys hoe die kapers hom aan die kraag gegryp het en kort daarna uit voertuig geruk het. Hy is daarvan oortuig gesteelde swart Pajero 3.2 DID te soek. (Vervolg op p. 2) dat hulle die kaping goed vooraf beplan het. Deur Andries van Zyl
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na Polokwane gery om geld vir hom en sy pa se besigheid te gaan oplaai. Kort na 13:00 het hy weer die pad terug na Louis Trichardt aangepak. “So drie kilometer uit Polokwane het ek ‘n rooi Nissan Navara in my truspieëltjie opgemerk. Die bakkie het my aandag
Wheels of justice finally starts turning in court By Isabel Venter
Musina Mayor Muhloti Muhlope monitors progress of the road-maintenance team in Musina Nancefield.
Musina Municipality implements maintenance plan for potholes Municipal News
Road safety is a top priority for Musina Municipality, said Mayor Mihloti Muhlope. She added that she was hap py that the municipality was successfully implementing its road-maintenance plan, with special emphasis on the repair of potholes. Last Friday, Muhlope left her office to monitor the progress of the road-maintenance team, which is presently working tirelessly to repair potholes. She said: “Road safety has an im pact on everyone, whether you drive, walk or cycle. If the roads are well maintained, chances of fatal accidents become less and many lives are saved. We
are now heading towards the festive season where we expect huge volumes of traffic on our roads. We want to make sure that most of our roads are fixed and user-friendly during the festive season.” She said the fact that the number of vehicle owners was increasing daily made the mu nicipality more aggressive when dealing with the issues of road repairs. “After repair ing the potholes, we will make sure that the roads are properly marked to meet the required standards. Road markings are important, because they provide guidance and information to drivers and pedestrians. They assist in minimizing confusion and uncertainty about the rules
of the roads, thereby helping the municipality in providing safer roads and better routes for easy traffic flow.” When addressing some members of the road mainte nance team at their work sites, Muhlope commended them for their hard work and dedication towards the improvement of the municipality’s road network. The mayor encouraged all road users always to be re sponsible. “All people have the re sponsibility to ensure that their actions on our roads do not impact negatively on the lives of others. The festive season is just around the corner and we should all make sure that we stay alive.”
Malaria outbreak remains concern Health and welfare
The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) recently announced that scientists are stepping up their surveillance of South Africa’s malaria-control programme. The NICD’s announcement followed only days after the National Department of Health (DoH) issued an urgent malaria alert at the end of October. Shortly before the kick-off of National Malaria Week (6 to 10 November), the Southern African Development Community also added their con cerns about the 2017 South African malaria season (which peaked in May) being far worse than the previous year. According to the DoH, higher-than-normal num
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaiger: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
bers of malaria cases were being reported in the malaria transmission areas (Vhembe and Mopani district) in Limpopo. This also included cases on farms along the Lephalale River, Waterberg and in Bushbuckridge in Mpumalanga. Both the NICD and DoH agreed that these elevated incidences of malaria were caused by high rainfall, humidity and ambient temperatures. In addition, 2017’s unusually mild winter further allowed mosquitos and parasites to continue breed ing and in turn led to an early start to the current season, which began in August. “While the several thousand confirmed cases in 2017 were far fewer than the 67 000 cases reported in the malaria epidemic of 2000, it is a significant increase on 2016. The rise is causing concern among officials, who are stepping up their scrutiny of SA’s malaria control programme,” said the NICD. According to the NICD’s deputy director, Ms Lucille Blumberg, outbreaks (like the one currently experienced) must not simply be chalked up to the changes in the weather. “…[we] always need to check the quality of any spraying programme, the presence of insecticide resistance and any change to the malaria vectors,” said Blumberg. In the meantime, the DoH has increased its efforts to combat malaria. During a malaria week awareness visit to Mopani on Friday, 10 November, Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi said that the South African DoH had joined forces with five other health ministries, viz. those from Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and Tanzania, to prevent cross-border malaria infection. With this project, the DoH hopes to celebrate zero malaria cases reported by 2020. To date, the DoH’s malaria alert still stands, which means that travellers from non-endemic areas to malaria-endemic areas and countries are vulnerable to the disease and need to take preven tative measures such as taking a chemoprophylaxis or making use of a good bug repellant.
The wheels of justice might turn slowly, but they have started to turn in the trial of three men accused of illegally hunting rhinos in the Alldays area. The three, Juda Nyembe (42), Matthew Pedro Ngwenya (46) and Thomas Sibanda (37), appeared in the Louis Trichardt Regional Court on Tuesday, 14 November, despite the fact that a fourth suspect, January Machava (41), is missing after his release on bail in 2013. Machava is charged with his three co-accused on three counts of the hunting of specially pro tected wild animals and two counts of picking up or removing dead wild animals. The charges were brought against them in 2011 when they allegedly killed two rhinos and attempted to kill a third and hack off its horns. (The farms’ names are withheld to protect the owners from further poaching). The four’s case was slowed down at first by Nyembe, Machava and Ngwenya, who brought an appeal to the North Gauteng High Court to be released on bail after they were initially denied bail, following their arrest. Their first bail application was denied since Machava and Ngwenya are Mo zambicans and could pose a possible flight risk. Nyembe is a South African, but has previous con victions and criminal cases pending against him. In their appeal, the three claimed that it was their first time in the Alldays area and that they had merely wanted to buy vegetables, and specifically watermelons, to re-sell at their respective business es in Gauteng. They further claimed that they had been strong-armed into admitting that they had been poaching in the area. All three were released after paying R5 000 bail money. Following this, the case was further delayed when the State had to withdraw its case against a fifth suspect, Humbulani Reason Matutu (33), who
turned state witness. The case finally started last week, when the court heard the police’s forensic report. Following this, it was Matutu’s turn to testify. He said he had been approached by Nyembe and Ngwenya during October 2011 to rent accommodation from him. The two told Matutu that they were working at Venetia Mine and that they had a contract to buy stuffed animals. Over the next three weeks, Matutu said he was asked to accompany them and the other accused to different farms. It was always Nyembe who asked him, claiming that it was “boring to travel alone”. Matutu and Nyembe would than drop off the co-accused on the farms. Matutu said that the co-accused would enter the farms by climbing through the fences. Matutu and Nyembe would then return to Alldays, where they would wait a day or two and then go fetch the other men again. Matutu said that the men were always dropped off and entered the farms with a rifle and ammunition that they got from Nyembe’s bakkie. Matutu said that, weeks later, he saw a notice in the Alldays Supermarket that offered a reward for information that could assist in tracking down the people responsible for hunting two rhinos on the very farms where he had seen Nyembe drop off the other accused. The farmers who offered the reward alerted the police and it was arranged, said Matutu, that he would telephone Nyembe to tell him of a certain farm where they could hunt more rhinos. Two days later, Machava, Nyembe and Ngwenya were arrested during a police road block. Matutu testified that, shortly before this, he had had a meeting with Nyembe and his co-accused. During this meeting, they had pressed Matutu for more details about the “rhinos” to be shot. After Matutu’s testimony, the case was post poned until 3 and 4 April next year.
Drie jaar vonnis vir gesteelde koelboks Hofnuus
‘n Zimbabwiese man is hierdie week drie jaar tronk toe gestuur, nadat hy in besit gevind is van ‘n gesteelde koelboks. Die 20-jarige James Marashwa van Zimbabwe is Maandag swaar gestraf in die Louis Trichardt Streekhof, waar hy skuldig bevind is op ‘n klag van die besit van gesteelde goedere. Marashwa is op 15 Oktober 2016 gearresteer, nadat die gesteelde koelboks (wat gebuit is tydens ‘n inbraak by die Bam-gesin se huis op die plaas Elandspruit naby Elim) in sy besit gevind is. Die gesin het die oggend vroeg wakker geword en kort daarna besef dat iemand deur die loop van die aand by hulle ingebreek het. Huisraad ter waarde van ongeveer R19 500 is gesteel.
Marashwa is aangekeer nadat plaaswerkers die inbrekers se spore vanaf die huis begin volg het. Een van die plaaswerkers, Elvis Mabasa, het vir die Staat hieroor getuig. Mabasa het aan die hof gesê dat die spore maklik was om te volg, want die grond was nog klam van die reën. Hy het verder gesê dat hulle drie mans gesien het, maar dat twee weggehardloop het nadat hulle iets op die grond neergegooi het. Dit sou later aan die lig kom dat dit van die goedere was wat gesteel is by die Bams. Mabasa het gesê hy en ‘n medewerker kon daarin slaag om Marashwa te vang. Volgens Mabasa het Marashwa die koelboks in sy hande gehad. Die hof het Marashwa skuldig bevind en hom drie jaar direkte gevangenisstraf sonder die keuse van ‘n boete opgelê.
Old green ID book still remains valid Legislation
The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has dismissed rumours that the lifespan of the green barcoded ID book comes to an end on 31 March 2018. “No such announcement has been made by the department,” said DHA spokesperson Thabo Mokgola on Tuesday. Mokgola added that they wished to make it clear that the green barcoded ID book
remained a legal form of identi fication and would continue to be legal until such time that the Live Capture System had been rolled out to all DHA offices to enable South Africans to apply for Smart ID cards at their nearest offices. “The department has developed a plan to systematically phase out the green ID book and ultimate ly consolidate the restoration, common citizenship, identity and dignity to South Africans,” Mokgola added.
Mokgola said that the depart ment called on South Africans to apply for Smart ID cards at any of the 180 offices equipped with the Live Capture System. “In addition, the department has established a partnership with FNB, Standard Bank, Nedbank and ABSA to create an online portal where clients can lodge their application without visiting a Home Affairs office. To apply, visit nel,” Mokgola concluded.
Jong sakeman oorleef kapingsdrama (Vervolg van p. 1) Helaas, die soektog was te vergeefs en ‘n padblokkade buite Polokwane het ook niks opgelewer nie. Luhan sê hy is seker hy is dop gehou en dat die roof baie goed vooraf beplan is. Van die gebeure wat sy suspisie aanwakker, sluit in die feit dat hy daardie dag met sy sussie se voertuig gery het, want sy eie bakkie was in vir
herstelwerk. “Steeds het hulle presies geweet wie ek is en dat ek kontant by my gehad het. Toe hulle my uit my voertuig geruk het, was hulle nie eers gepla daaroor om my vir my selfoon te deursoek nie. Hulle wou net die kar hê,” het Luhan gesê. Luhan het gesê dat die roof hom baie ontstel het, en dat hy hoop die polisie kry minstens sy sussie se voertuig terug. “Die
polisie het vir my ‘n SMS gestuur waarin hulle sê die saak is nou ‘n inter-provinsiale saak, want die Pajero is in ‘n ander provinsie opgemerk,” het Luhan gesê. Luhan is dankbaar hy leef. “Ek is al ‘n vorige keer beroof, so dit het my gehelp om kalm te bly. Dit help nie jy baklei terug nie. Geen geld is ‘n lewe werd nie. Jy kan altyd weer môre geld maak,” het Luhan gesê.
Vhembe admits problems with struggling accounts department By Isabel Venter
The sending out of monthly statements is surely recognised as an acceptable and professional business practice, but apparently not for the Vhembe District Municipality (VDM). Ever since the VDM took over as water authority from the Makhado Municipality a few years ago, things have gone from bad to worse. For some months now, residents have been complaining that they are no longer receiving any account from the VDM. Upon closer inspection it would seem that not only the VDM’s accounts depart ment is in shambles, but also the depart ment responsible for reading the meters. In a written response to a media enquiry, the VDM admits they are experiencing problems with their accounts department. “As a communicator, I have received
complaints of a lack of statements since September,” said VDM spokesperson Mr Matodzi Ralushai on Tuesday, 14 November. The newspaper has spoken to several consumers in Louis Trichardt, however, who say they have been struggling with their monthly accounts since Novem ber 2016. In one case, more than once, payments did not reflect and then the consumer struggled for months to have her account rectified. Another account holder said he has been struggling for the past three months to get an account. This consumer said that he was able to confirm telephonically with the municipality that he owed them R11.47. A third consumer said that he had not been receiving accounts, either by email or post, since June this year. “I want to make it clear to VDM that I
will pay them what they are due, but only if they bill me. If they decide to only bill me six months down the line, then we will have to arrange a repayment schedule because I will simply not be able to pay an arrears account once off,” said the consumer. In all the cases it has become the con sumers’ responsibility to phone the VDM to get their accounts. When pressed for more answers regard ing problems in their accounts department, Ralushai said that the VDM had taken a serious look into the accounts being circulated. He was not particularly clear about the reasons why accounts do not get sent out, simply saying: “… the appointed service provider responsible for revenue enhancement or billing is busy putting up systems to ensure effective billing systems for district municipality clients.” Ralushai said that the accounts issue would be resolved on an urgent basis, but that there were “some delays due to internal processes.” Asked about the im pact this billing crisis “It’s really sad what we have has had on the munici been going through for the past pality’s rev enue, Ra six years. What have we done to lushai was even vaguer. deserve this humiliating uncon stitutional treatment?” Makhadi “Customers will soon wanted to know. get statements, as billing Makhadi further pointed out is critical for municipal that the supply of water must revenue. The service no longer be a top priority for [responsible for the issu the VDM, even though it was ing of bills] is working promised as such by Mayor to resolve this matter,” Florence Radzilani during her said Ralushai. inaugural speech. “But it seems not to be the case for residents of this town. Maybe we are un desirable. We are treated like we are not human beings. It hurts so bad,” Makhadi wrote. To add insult to injury this week, repairs to the leak were delayed when the VDM had to scramble to first find, and then appoint, a contractor to do the work. It was only by late Tuesday afternoon that the leak was repaired to such an extent that the municipality could start pumping water again.
Answers few as town’s taps again run dry amidst sweltering heat By Isabel Venter
Louis Trichardt residents know this scenario all too well - hot weather and a complete absence of household water, which do not make for pleasant living. If residents were irritated on Monday when the water supply started to dwindle (for the ump teenth time this year), they were fuming by Tuesday when taps ran completely dry. On Tuesday morning, several people were spotted transporting makeshift containers filled with water. Communicating with the Vhembe District Municipality also remains a maddening ex perience. What is even more frustrating is that little to no advance warning is given about water shortages, and when there is a water shortage, the VDM (Vhembe District Municipality) simply remains mute. “There is a burst pipe at
Albasini Dam, which is being repaired,” was the only response the newspaper got from the VDM when enquiring about the new shortage on Tuesday. There was no indication of how long the taps will remain dry or where residents can get emergency water supply. The town’s latest water short age also did not bode well for the forthcoming hot summer holidays. According to local DA ward councillor Mr Brian du Plooy, it would seem that the pipe had already ruptured over the weekend. The leak apparently went undetected for the whole weekend, hence the water supply started to dry up. “Sometimes, it prompts one to think that the residents of Louis Trichardt are getting punished for some undeclared reasons,” wrote resident Mr Elton Makhadi to councillor Du Plooy on the Louis Trichardt Water Shedding Facebook page.
Bernice Meiring, ‘n Graad 10-leerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het weggestap met van dié mees gesogte toekennings tydens die Nasionale Eisteddfod se gala-aand wat op 10 November in Pretoria gehou is. Sy is nie net aangewys as die Beste Algehele Senior Presteerder nie, maar is ook gekroon as een van die toppresteerders in die Noordelike Streek en een van die top 3% in Suid-Afrika. Sy het ook weggestap met die Ambassadeurstoekenning vir haar Afrikaanse oorredingstoespraak. Verder is Bernice ook aangewys as die Beste Senior Presteerder in Spraak en Drama en die itemwenner in Afrikaanse Eie Keuse poësie in Graad 10. Sy het ook nog vier goue medaljes as kategoriewenner in vier items ontvang, naamlik Afrikaanse poësie, redenaars, Engelse en Afrikaanse poësie (eie keuse).
24 NOVEMBER 2017
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AgriSA sê hulle gaan nie protesoptrede steun nie Landbounuus
Stormsterk rukwinde het Chris en Sonja Greyling se hoenderboerdery verlede Woensdagaand (15 November) lamgelê, nadat twee van sy vyf hoenderhokke op die plaas se dakke afgewaai is. Foto’s verskaf.
Rukwinde lê hoenderboerdery lam Deur Andries van Zyl
twee van my hoenderhokke se sinkdakke is afgewaai,” het Chris gesê. Die krag van die rukwinde was so sterk dat een van die hoenderhokke se dak sowat 200 m verder in die buur man se plaas beland het. “Die skade beloop sowat R30 000 per hoenderhok,” het Chris gesê. Hy is platgeslaan as gevolg van die skade, aangesien hy geen versekering op die strukture het nie. “Dit lê ons lam. Binne sekondes het die rukwinde my uitgehaal. Hoenderboerdery loop in siklusse. Elke twee
weke moet nuwe hoenders in die hokke gesit word. Met die stukkende hoenderhokke het my boerdery op slag met 70% verklein,” het Chris gesê. Chris was Woensdag hierdie week bietjie bekommerd, want die twee hokke se dakke is nog nie herstel nie en sy volgende besending kuikens is reeds klaar bestel en betaal vir einde November. “Ons sal enige hulp en raad van watter aard ookal waardeer,” het Chris gesê. Hy kan geskakel word by tel. 082 588 8596.
‘n Week ná ‘n erge storm hulle getref het, is die Greyling-gesin steeds besig om planne te beraam om hulle hoenderboerdery weer op die been te kry. Chris en Sonja Greyling van die plaas Marton (sowat 27 km vanaf Louis Trichardt op die Vivo-pad) het tydens verlede Woensdagaand se donderstorm ernstige skade gely. Binne ‘n kwessie van sekondes het sterk rukwinde sowat R60 000 se skade aan hulle hoenderhokke aangerig. “Die wind het sowat 15:00 begin waai. Aanvanklik nie so sterk nie, maar hier van 16:00 het dit al hoe sterker begin waai,” het Chris gesê. Chris-hulle het vyf groot hoenderhokke, elk met sowat 1 500 hoenders daarin, op die plaas. Hulle is afhanklik van hul hoenderboerdery. “Omtrent 18:00 het ek stof by die hokke gesien en die volgende oom blik was dit spierwit van die reën. Toe dit paar minute later Een van die hoenderhokke se dakke wat tydens die storm af bietjie opklaar, toe sien ek eers gewaai is. Foto verskaf.
Dan Kriek, president van AgriSA, het Maandag in ‘n persverklaring gesê dit is uiters belangrik dat misdaadbestryding ‘n inklusiewe proses moet wees, omdat dit ‘n probleem is wat álle Suid-Afrikaners raak. Volgens AgriSA is Suid-Afrikaners keelvol vir misdaad en dít raak toenemend sigbaar, omdat gemeenskappe opstaan en aan protesaksies deel neem. “AgriSA is genader om deel te neem aan ‘n protesoptrede na die Uniegebou in Pretoria wat op Saterdag, 25 November, gaan plaasvind. AgriSA het sy lede-organisasies (wat nege provinsiale, 25 bedryfsorganisasies en 21 korporatiewe lede insluit) tydens ‘n uitgebreide konsultasieproses hieroor geraadpleeg. Verteenwoordigers van lede-organisasies het AgriSA op 13 November by die vergadering van AgriSA se landelike beveili gingskomitee in Centurion versoek om nie aan die protesoptrede deel te neem nie,” het Kriek gesê. Volgens AgriSA het hulle na raming 28 500 boerelede en dra die belange van bykans 800 000 plaaswerkers op die hart. “Sonder uitsondering het verteenwoordigers tydens die vergadering besluit dat dit nie nou die regte tyd is om by verdere protesoptredes betrokke te raak nie, omdat Swart Maandag die boodskap reeds baie duidelik aan die regering oorgedra het dat sy burgers nou genoeg gehad het van misdaad. Die gevoel onder ons lede is dat die inklusiewe karakter van Swart Maandag nou verpolitiseer kan word en dat politieke onder
tone ons nie nader aan ‘n oplossing sal bring nie,” het Kriek gesê. Volgens Kriek is voedselsekerheid die uitkoms van ‘n gesamentlike poging tussen kommersiële en opkomende landbouers en plaaswerkers en daarom is dit belangrik om inklusiewe oplossings vir die misdaadkwessie te vind. “Ons fokus is nou om oplossinggedrewe te werk. Dis nou die tyd vir nugtere leierskap en kalmte. Landsburgers, boere en plaaswerkers moet hande vat en misdaad op grondvlak in ons eie gemeenskappe blootlê,” het Kriek gesê. Kriek het gesê boere wil inklusief deelneem aan die proses om oplossings vir die reusagtige misdaadprobleem te vind en om die boodskap by die regering tuis te bring dat hulle ontevrede is met die manier waarop misdaad tans bestry word. “AgriSA veroordeel ten sterkste alle vorme van plaasgeweld en sal steeds die regering bly beïnvloed om dit effektief te bekamp … Ons en die polisie is tans besig om oplossings te vind vir effektiewe implementering van strategie en beleid om landelike veiligheid te verbeter. Ons beskou hierdie proses, asook die oplossings wat dit kan bied, as ‘n prioriteit,” het Kriek gesê. Kriek het gesê AgriSA verstaan dat boerdery gemeenskappe gefrustreerd is, maar dat dit nou die tyd is om saam te staan om die euwel van misdaad inklusief te beveg. “Misdaad kan ons verdeel, maar ons moet dit eerder as ‘n geleentheid gebruik om aan gesprekke deel te neem waarby almal betrokke is,” het Kriek gesê.
De Klerk finally starts serving sentence Court News
After a long period on the run, the 62-year-old Kevin Mark de Klerk reappeared in the Sibasa Regional Court on 10 November. De Klerk was rearrested in Cape Town om 8 November. His co-accused, Mark Harold Powell, however, has not yet been arrested. De Klerk and Powell were owners of the NEWSA Multipli
cation Scheme in Thohoyandou. They were arrested by the Scorpi ons in 2006 for fraud and money laundering. After a protracted trial in the Sibasa Regional Court, the two were finally found guilty in 2013 and sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for defraud ing former Venda government employees and pensioners out of about R42 million. After being sentenced, De Klerk and Powell were granted leave to appeal and their bail was
Louis Trichardt se dansers van die Dance4Joy Skool het onlangs deelgeneem aan die Bosveld Kunstefees in Po lokwane. Tydens dié geleentheid het hulle die kans gekry om hulle vernuf op die dansvloer te toets teen dansers van regoor Limpopo. Anwyll Buys en Evette Geyser is aangewys as die algehele wenners in die hip-hop duet. Anwyll het ook tydens die fees sy Limpopokleure in dans verwerf en gekwalifiseer om deel te neem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe in 2018. Evette het in totaal twee goue, een silwer en twee platinum medaljes vir haar dansvertonings tydens die fees verower. Foto verskaf.
extended. Instead of prosecuting the appeal, however, the two disappeared to Cape Town and operated other businesses. De Klerk finally started serv ing his 15-year prison sentence on 10 November after his court appearance. The National Pros ecuting Authority (NPA) wel comed the sentence. “What we always wanted was for justice to be done for the victims to find closure,” said the NPA’s Adv Ivy Thenga.
Tydens die onlangse Bosveld Kunstefees in Polokwane is hierdie twee dansers van die Dance4Joy Skool in Louis Trichardt aangewys as die algeheel beste kontemporêre duet. Hulle is Evette Geyser (links) en Idaishe Betty Chando (regs). Foto verskaf.
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Dream comes true as first guardians get certificates Nature Conservation
In 2013, local baobab expert Dr Sarah Venter (right) had a vision of creating a culture of caring for the Limpopo environment by training rural women to nurture baby baobabs until they are three metres tall and able to withstand threats and thrive on their own. Here she is pictured with one of the 48 excited project supporters at his little Baobab. The guardians are all men and women from the Niani region in the far north of Venda. Photo supplied.
On 14 November, the first eight Baobab Guardians (pictured) received their certificates as part of Dr Sarah Venter’s Baobab Guardians Project. They are all women from the Niani region in the far north of Venda. Photo supplied.
In 2013, local baobab expert Dr Sarah Venter from Louis Trichardt had a vision of creating a culture of caring for the Limpopo environment by training rural women to nurture baby baobabs until they are three metres tall and able to withstand threats and thrive on their own. They planted out their first seedlings in Decem ber 2014, and so the Baobab Guardians Project was born. Sarah’s dream was to have 50 trees planted in the wild by the end of 2017 and on 14 November the dream came true. With huge cumulus clouds building up in clear blue skies, the last of the 50 baby Baobabs were planted by one of 48 rural Baobab Guardians, women and men of the Niani region in the far north of Venda, a few kilometres away from the Kruger Park’s Pafuri gate and the Limpopo River. Here most people grow up in the shade of a baobab tree but never think they might one day become a proud guardian for the benefit of their descendants of 200 years to come. This care and vision were celebrated on that day when the first eight Baobab Guardians got their certificates for protecting their “babies” up until they had grown three metres tall and now “releasing” them for the benefit and joy of their grandchildren’s grandchildren. The guardians donned their best Minwendas (traditional Venda attire) and started dancing as soon as their feet touched the ground as they got out of the taxis at the church between baobabs and mopanis in Zwigodini village. Between each certificate, the audience ululated and the guardian did a deep bow (losha) and a little dance. Part of Sarah’s dream was to release her in formative Little Baobab book in Tshivenda for all locals to use and to spread the message of a culture of caring at rural schools, churches and crèches. This also came to fruition on 14 Novem
ber when each delegate of the 100-odd audience got their own Tshivenda booklet, Bugu Thukhu ya Muvhuyu Muhulu, with big smiles and excitement. “Our tree in our language,” said the VhaMusanda of Muswodi and held the booklet in the air. In the corner sat Sarah in her minwenda, dead tired but deeply happy that all of them had come so far on this worthy road. “The baobab tree takes 200 years to produce its first fruits, can live for over 1000 years, survives and even flourishes in almost desert-like condi tions; but even this mighty giant is succumbing to the environmental impact created by our civiliza tion. While fruit collection remains a sustainable practice, and doesn’t in any way impact on the ecology or wellbeing of baobabs, studies show that the survival of baobab populations is being threatened in the long-term by environmental degradation and climate change,” said Sarah. She added that as impressively huge as baobabs are, like all growing things they begin very small and baobab seedlings don’t survive easily these days. “Their tasty young tender shoots get eaten up by livestock such as goats, nor can they tolerate drought at this young age, so it’s rare for a seedling to last the three years it requires until reaching self-sufficiency in the wild,” said Sarah. Sarah also thanked all her wonderful supporters, including Afke and Liesbeth from the Netherlands, Melissa Krige from Platbos Forest Reserve & African Tree Essences, the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, Bonga Foods and the Bonga Foundation, who has generously given sufficient seed funding to get this project started, Sevenhills Wholefoods for supporting the writing and printing of the first baobab booklet, and support also received from Cosmetic Ingredients, Meester Masjineering, Graham Barker, Park School (Bournmouth), Murry and Sally Smyth, Lather, Tri-K Industries and Protec Botanica.
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Motoring Supplement
New owners for Bridge Motors Ford Kuga
Kia Soul
By Anton van Zyl
Mazda CX5
One of the oldest and biggest motor dealers in Louis Trichardt, the Bridge Auto group, was recently sold to Unitrans Automotive. The transaction, however, does not affect the management of the dealerships and business continue as usual, the only difference being that the dealerships now form part of a group with 110 branches countrywide. The Bridge Motors name has a long history in the Soutpansberg. It started in 1971 when Johan Gilfillan started the Sigma Motor Corporation dealership in Louis Trichardt. The main product sold at that stage was the Chrysler cars. A few years later brands such as Mazda and Mitsubishi The new Kia Motors Building
were added to the range. In 1985 Sigma merged with Ford SA to create the South African Motor Corporation, known as Samcor. This development meant that Bridge Motors could offer Ford’s products to their clients. Seeing that there already was a Ford agent in town (Van Rooyen Ford), the two dealerships discussed the options, and Bridge Motors decided to buy Jannie van Rooyen’s business. For almost three decades Bridge Motors was the place to visit when you would want to buy a new Mazda, Ford or Mitsubishi. In 2013 the Kia name was added to the mix, when Bridge acquired this dealership. This also meant that the existing showrooms were becoming crowded. To assist, new premises were built on the corner of Rissik and Grobler streets. When Mazda parted ways with the Ford brand internationally in 2014, the display areas again became problematic. A year later, in 2015, Bridge Auto bought vacant land from the municipality next to the N1, adjacent to the cricket field. Shortly afterwards construction started on a new showroom for the Kia vehicles as well as a new home for Ford. According to Rampie Gilfillan, the general manager of Bridge Auto, they hope to move into the new buildings early in 2018. The Makhado municipality is still battling to cope with the demand for electricity in town, but these problems will hopefully be sorted out within the next few months. The buildings did not form part of the Unitrans transaction and these would still be owned and managed by the Gilfillan family. Once the new buildings are completed and electricity becomes available, the dealerships will move to their new homes. The Kia brand will move to the new premises next to the N1, as will Ford. The Mazdas will be on display in the building on the corner of Rissik and Grobler streets. The existing Bridge Auto service station will undergo a total revamp, making it much bigger and more accessible. A bigger convenience store will also be added. Unitrans Automotive is one of the largest automotive dealer networks in South Africa. The company’s core brands include Toyota, GM, Nissan, Renault, BMW, Mini, VW and Audi. The trucking division includes Isuzu, Hino, MAN, Freightliner and FUSO. Apart from new and second-hand vehicles, the company also owns subsidiary companies such as Hertz Car Rental and Unitrans Insurance Limited.
• 4 Rissik Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel:015 516 5071/2/3
Best Service. Best Deals
Motoring Supplement
The Figo may not be the belle, but it’s a reliable option By Isabel Venter School is over and soon it is time to head off to university, but if you live in Louis Trichardt, that means lots and lots of travelling. If you are lucky enough that mom and dad can foot the bill for a reliable new car, why not have a look at the new Ford Figo Ambiente?
The Figo is perhaps not the Belle of the Ball, but more like the classic old Western movie, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Classified as a “small car”, the Figo is not built with sleek lines or even has the clichéed, toy-like looks of other small cars. That is the “ugly” part. (For those students hoping to get a lean, mean racing machine … we recommend you apply your imagination, there is nothing else for it). But being “ugly” is a subjec tive opinion as beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. It is a differ ent story when you climb behind the steering wheel. The “good” part is the technology. Not only does the console have a sleek design, it also sports a sound system that will get any student’s heart racing to the latest beats.
MyFord, which is a first-in-class feature (comes standard in the Ambiente, meaning no extra cash needs to be forked out for this key feature), offers the student a platform for storing, mounting and charging mobile devices and MP3 players on the go. There are two USB ports for mobile devices, an Aux-in port for iPod connectivity and Blue tooth. And for the old school, there is a CD/MP3 player as well. We were impressed by how easy it was to set up the Bluetooth. (Connecting your cellphone is really easy and one can talk over the speakers with limited wind noise disturbing the caller on the other side). The only drawback was that there was no memory card slot (for mega road trip lis tening). Also, if you have karaoke friends, you will have to endure this as the speakers in the Figo simply could not keep up when turned up to top volume. And then there is the “bad” - the boot space. With only a 256-litre capacity (when the rear seats are pulled back) it will be come necessary to start packing light in order to have room left for the cooler box. (The back seats do not flip back completely either, so just keep that in mind too).
The interior, however, feels necessarily going to be a fast spacious for a car of the Figo’s drive back to college, especial dimensions, thanks to ample ly if driving against the wind. glazing and headroom. The Figo is powered by a re There is also lots of door vised version of Ford’s proven space, seven cup holders and 16-valve 1,4-litre Duratec petrol enough space in the centre con engine. It’s a keen-revving lit sole to store all of your knick tle unit that develops 82kW at knacks. There is also relatively 6 000 rpm and 136Nm of torque ample legroom space for those at 4 250 rpm. in the back seat. Driving Regarding fuel, as students are always cash strapped, they will be glad to hear that the Figo can achieve an average fuel consumption of 5.9 litres per 100km, which should equate to a range of a claimed 765km between re fills (For those students head ing off to the Gauteng re gion, it will mean you will be able to reach your university and still have some Ready to spread their wings in the new Ford petrol left). It is also not Rensburg, Suné and Anelle Beukes.
was a breeze with the 5-speed manual gearbox that delivered smooth transition. What helps especially is Ford’s more compliant suspension that was tailored for local road con ditions. The Figo was really steady on the road for a small, budget car. The steer
ing wheel also offered precise and responsive steering. What did, however, take some getting used to was the small size of the rear- and side-view mirrors. The Ford Figo Ambiente re tails from R175 500. In addition, the new Figo comes with a two-year or 40 000km service plan and service intervals of 20 000km.
Figo. From left to right the “students” are Natasha Janse van
Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African market. Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African market.
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Motoring Supplement
TOP: The Aygo’s boot only has space for a medium-sized coolbox. Michael Maynier, sales representative of Werda Toyota, stands next to the open trunk. BOTTOM: The instrument panel and radio defines the Aygo.
Toyota’s Aygo may not be MESSINA TOYOTA as cool as the 86, but still...
The Toyota Aygo X-Play Black has modern lines and the two-tone colour scheme will appeal to younger drivers.
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By Anton van Zyl So next year the last chicken is leaving the nest. The home will be quiet, the rooms will stay clean and there won’t be anyone continuously asking when the next meal will be. But the young one needs a set of wheels to keep him moving for the next three or four years.
“The new Toyota 86 is soooo cool,” is his suggestion. “That won’t go down well with your mother. She’ll have nightmares about you sneaking off to Springs or Brakpan to take part in burnout competitions,” comes the reply. “No – let’s go and have a look at the much more sensible, and better priced, Toyota Aygo.” For starters, the basic Aygo’s price is just below R160 000, whereas the 86’s entry level will cost you about R450 000. That’s an almost R300 000 difference, which will have to come from some budget. This will mean that the ever-important new PC, with the GTX 1080 graphics card, no longer features on any Christmas wishlist. Some other items that will have to be scrapped from the list would be the second and third year’s tuition fees. “But does the Aygo at least have a decent radio?” he pops the most important question that students ask when looking at vehicles. The Aygo in fact has a very sexy radio. It is the size of a junior iPad and sits in the centre of the console. It has a touch-screen, Bluetooth, a USB and even has buttons on the three-spoke steering wheel to
control the volume and answer the phone. The Aygo on display was the X-Play Black version, which cost about R1 500 extra, but comes in a two-tone colour finish. It looks modern and definitely “student-like”. It is, however, not big and boot space is an official 168 litres. That is not much if you consider a really decent Cole man cooler box, with a 66-litre capacity, can hold 98 cans. Such a cooler box will obviously not fit in the back of the Aygo, and the student will have to go for the 8,5 litre box, which can only hold nine cans. The other factor that seems to be important, is power. Here it is clear that the future student has very little knowledge of what is needed. He has heard that the Toyota 86’s two-litre engine puts out 147 kW, whereas the Aygo’s one-litre, three-cylinder puts out only 51kW. “Times have changed and so have expectations,” I tell him. “When I grew up, the Volkswa gen Beetle was the go-to car, and when the 1600 engine was launched in 1971, it put out an amazing 37kW.” The reality is that his mother will be more comfortable know ing that the top speed is about 160km/h. The one-litre engine is also more than capable to hold its own against trucks. Compared to the Beetle out of the 70s, the Aygo is a fortress. It has front and side airbags, an anti-lock braking system, brake-assist and the Aygo X-Cite even boasts vehicle-stability control. The Aygo X-Cite seems to
have triggered the sparkle in the student’s eyes. This model, which comes in at almost R190 000, has a sporty sunroof and 15” alloy mags. Probably the biggest selling point of the Aygo, well at least for the parents who have to foot the fuel bill, is the consump tion. Toyota claims it gives 4,4 litres/100km on a combined cycle. That means that the future student can drive to Pretoria and come back on the 35-litre tank. The Toyota 86 will only do just over 600km and that’s with a 50-litre tank. What a parent really needs, is peace of mind. Toyota is, well, Toyota. There’s a reason why this brand has become synonymous with reliability in South Africa. The Aygo has a three-year war ranty, but for a limited period the manufacturer also offers a threeyear 45 000 km maintenance plan as an added bonus at no cost. (Apparently this is for the first 300 customers countrywide.) The Aygo is a very comfort able little commuter and the interior is spacious and modern. With four people inside it may become a bit cramped, but then again, students should also be exposed to some discomforts. The power is adequate and if you really need a bit of extra, switch off the aircon (which comes as a standard feature). The price is competitive, build-quality is good and it says “I’m trendy” without saying “I’m loaded”. So yes – a perfect student car. Perhaps dad should go back and have another look at that Toyota 86 …
Motoring Supplement
It’s no muscle car, but the little Micra will get you there to win any street races. Under the hood is the same 1 200cc DOHC 12-valve, three-cylinder in-line petrol engine In the market for a nice little runwith five-speed transmission. This little about for your Mr Matric when he engine kicks out 56kW of power at finally graduates to Mr University? 6 000rpm, while delivering 104Nm of Of course, he might be thinking torque at 4 400rpm. muscle car or “bokkie trokkie” 4x4, but If this all sounds a bit to technical, the it would be safe to say that dad’s wallet best way to probably explain it is that will have the final say when it comes to once the Micra gets up to speed on the affordability. open road, it will stay there. Just don’t The all-new 2017 Micra Active expect a sudden burst of power when might just do the trick. It boasts a more slamming down on the accelerator when aggressive facelift with sharper lines trying to overtake a truck on the N1. and sporty looks, from its signature Chances are you will need to gear down grille, Halogen headlamps to its all-new (and even shut off the air conditioning) integrated tailgate. The “what’s new” to get more power and speed out of the transcends into the cockpit with twolittle 1200cc engine. tone seat finishing, modern trimmings Still, the Micra Active will get you and a definite bang-for-your-buck kickwere you want to go and definitely ass touch-screen radio, albeit a R10 000 much cheaper than that V8 muscle car you were eyeing until your dad told you “Hell no!” It has a fuel consumption of 6,2 litres per 100km (claimed) and has the smallest turning circle of only 4,7m in its class. In the city, small is not al ways bad, especially when you need to nip in and out of the traffic to quickly go to the bottle store to buy milk … wait, that did not come our right … going to the supermarket to buy milk. Speaking of milk, the Micra Active has nice cupholders in which to place your milk while driving to allow you to concentrate on your driving. We all know how unsafe the country’s roads BB Mount Fuji Nissan salesman Marnus Badenhorst with the Micra Active. have become, so safety is a definite By Andries van Zyl
optional factory-fitted extra. And, no Dad, a radio is no longer just a radio. One could settle for the standard radio, but seriously, what impact will it have on a young university student’s image if he still needs an auxiliary cable? No! … he has flown the coop and needs to por tray an image of independence (but not openly regarding dad’s monthly pocket money). So, an auxiliary cable will not do – Bluetooth, USB and memory card are the way to go. Add to this satellite navigation (because you could get lost on your way to classes), a built-in DVD player (when you do get lost and need to stop and wait for help) and unbelievable sound output, then the R10 000 extra for the radio is not that much extra – it is an investment in your child’s happiness. But, let’s be honest, you are not going
Mahindra offers affordable reliability ates 78kw of power at 3 800rpm and 247 Nm of torque at between 1 800 and 2000rpm. Affordable reliability … That, With its classic body and con in short, sums up the new line of Mahindra pick-ups temporary features, the Thar is available at BB Mount Fuji tougher than you could imagine. Mahindra in Louis Trichardt. Armed with the Borg Warner Many residents might, howev 4WD System that provides 2.48 er, not even have known that the crawl ratio in low-range, its town boasts its own Mahindra traditionally high approach and dealership. The man in charge departure angles (44° and 27° here is Marthinus Beukes, who respectively) with a 15° ramp an also doubles as sales manager for gle and 200mm overall clearance BB Mount Fuji’s used vehicles. make the Thar ready to render the Beukes has been in the vehicle impossible possible. The manual industry for the past 16 years, shift-on-the-fly 4WD with high since 2001. Although he comes and low gear ratio, along with from Polokwane, Louis Trichardt closely matched ratios on the is not unfamiliar to him. From main gearbox, enables the driver 2005 until 2007 he was general to make headway under most sales manager at Premier Auto conditions, whilst the mechan (GM) in Krogh Street. ically locking differential pro Beukes is enthusiastic about vides enhanced traction on loose the Mahindra brand. His enthusi and slippery surfaces without asm is not unfounded as the brand the need for pushbuttons, shifthas made huge inroads in the throws or other interventions. South African market regarding “All of this could be yours at a reliability versus affordability. “It price starting from R220 000,” is especially popular with farmers said Beukes. Also, worth look who would like an affordable ing at is the range of Mahindra workhorse,” said Beukes. Scorpio (single and double cabs) starting off at R187 995 for the basic 2x4 single cab and R354 995 for the top-ofthe-range 4x4 double cab. The newer mod els have all under gone somewhat of a facelift, with more defined lines and a host of safety fea tures such as ABS brakes, dual airbags, crash protection and crumple zones that Marthinus Beukes, sales manager, pictured in front of the new Mahindra are standard on some models. dealership at BB Mount Fuji in Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt. By Andries van Zyl
BB Mount Fuji Mahindra stocks the complete range of Mahindra models, from the entry level KUV 1,2 litre petrol hatchback (from R149 900), all the way up to the more luxurious SUV and double-cab models. The Mahindra Thar currently on display outside the dealership is a real eye-catcher. The name Thar is derived from a desert in India and, at first glance, this jeep screams adventure. You would be right in thinking that the Thar has a lot of resem blance to the Willys jeep as it traces its roots back to when the Willys was assembled in India in 1945. The legend of the Thar has been in the making for more than 70 years and has always been Mahindra’s original all-terrain come-what-may jeep. It was in troduced into the South African market in 2010. “Where will you find a sim ilar good utility vehicle for the amount you pay?” asked Beukes. The Thar is power by a 2,5-li tre turbo-diesel engine that gener
must in considering which car to buy. The Micra comes with both driver and passen ger airbags, as well as ABS brakes. Other safety features include a high-mounted halo gen stop lamp, five headrests, a high-strength cabin and impact-absorbing body and speed-sensitive auto door lock. Speaking of the head The “what’s new” in the Micra Active transcends rests - although the Micra into the cockpit with two-tone seat finishing, has five of them, space on the modern trimmings and a definite bang-for-yourback seat is limited. If you are buck kick-ass touch-screen satellite navigation tall, you will fit comfortably radio, albeit a R10 000 optional factory-fitted into the driver and passenger extra. seat. Just do not expect to fit three of your rugby mates or 15 000km and the new Micra now gym buddies into the back seat. While comes with a three-year or 90 000km their heads might fit, their legs will not. service plan. It also boasts a six-year or You might, however, be able to fit three 150 000km warranty and roadside as skinny babes into the back seat, making sistance, paint and mechanical warranty you “The Man” because at least you’ve and anti-corrosion warranty. got wheels! For longer jour neys, boot space is alright. Just do not expect to fit your 90-litre cool box into the boot with ease. Still, if you need more space, an added extra is the two rear seats that can fold down … almost turning you Micra into a bakkie. The Mi cra Active retails from R169 900 (R159 900 excluding the For longer journeys, boot space is fine. Just do satellite navigation radio). not expect to fit your 90-litre cooler box into the Service intervals is every boot with ease.
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Thursday, 23 November
Louis Trichardt
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Gys en Bettie Snyman 082 441 3951. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruh Street 25, English: Sunday services 08:30 & Adult Bible time/ Sunday school 10:00, Rev Seth Meyers, Tel: 084 699 4242. Afrikaans: volwasse Bybelklas 09:15, dienste 10:00 en 18:00, ds. Johan Marais, Tel: 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Gustav van Zyl, Selfoon 083 387 7548. • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 16:00, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Louis Trichardt Lodge-saal. Sondag erediens 10:00 (Afrikaans) en 18:00 (English). Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: of • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Friday, 24 November
Saturday, 25 November
Cooler with a shower in spots.
Mostly cloudy.
Partly sunny and pleasant.
High: 28oC Low: 16oC
High: 28oC Low: 15oC
High: 29oC Low: 14oC
vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Meto diste Kerk te Munnikstraat 79 in Louis Trichardt en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jannie by tel. 076 501 8285.
MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Bas ket in Songozwistraat byeen. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.
Die NG Kerk Soutpansberggemeente bied tans topgehalte vleis teen sakpaspryse te koop aan. Lekker wors en maalvleis is beskikbaar, asook smullekker sosaties, biltong en droëwors. Ander snitte kan ook op bestelling gereël word. Vir meer inligting of bestellings, skakel Thea by die kerkkantoor by tel. 015 516 4366. DOJO OEFENTYE Die Ninjutsu Dojo (Shio pan yama dojo Soutpansbergskool) oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:00 in die stoeisaal. Privaatklasse, asook kinderklasse, is beskikbaar. Vir meer inligting kan shihan Swanepoel geskakel word by tel. 076 467 2306. Die groep kan ook op Facebook gevolg word by “Shio Pan Yama Dojo”
SKAAKKLUB Louis Trichardt het nou sy eie skaakklub wat elke weeksaand bymekaar kom. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willem by tel. 015 516 1942.
• KARATEKAS OEFEN Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
The Soutpans berg Chamber of Commerce will be holding their LUISTER AFRIKAANS OP annual general meeting on 23 November. MAKHADO FM Inwoners van Louis The meeting will start at 18:00 at the Sout Trichardt en omstreke kan elke Woensdag tussen GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die GisterseJeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors 11:00 en 12:00 inskakel vir die Afrikaanse uur op pansberg Golf Club in Louis Trichardt. All interested persons are welcome to attend. die sender van Makhado FM 107.3. welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 For more information, phone secretary Jamy Weekliks word daar oor interessante onder tot 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die Jonker at Tel 076 421 0022. werpe, in Afrikaans, gesels. hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Louis Skakel vir Pétria de VaalSenekal vir enige Trichardt. COLLECTORS TOY navrae, of as daar onderwerpe is waarvan luiste Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht FAIR Toy lovers can make a note raars meer wil weet of as daar interessanthede geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie of the next Blairgowrie Collectors Toy Fair Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by oor ons omgewing en sy mense is wat u met taking place on Sunday, 26 November, at the luisteraars wil deel. 082 921 6110. Blairgowrie Recreation Centre in Randburg. Pétria kan geskakel word by tel. 082 555 1672. The fair takes place from 09:00 until 13:00 BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENand will include Meccano, model trains, doll TRE The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis LOSGOEDWINKEL In ‘n poging om houses, diecast toys, cars and trucks, planes behoeftige gesinne se nood te help verlig, nooi Trichardt holds multifaith devotionals every and trains, Dinky Toys, Matchbox, Corgi Toys, die NG Kerk Soutpansberg alle inwoners om Thursdays from 19:30. Hornby, Marklin, dolls, doll house miniatures ‘n draai te maak by hul tweedehandse klere en “Do not allow difference of opinion, or and accessories, Barbie, Teddy Bears (large and losgoedwinkel. Die winkeltjie is geleë op die diversity of thought to separate you from your small), books, comics, Star Wars, McDonalds kerkterrein op die hoek van Stubbs en Ander fellowmen, or to be the cause of dispute, hatred collectibles, scifi, Scalextric and other vintage sonstraat. Inwo ners kan daar gaan rondkrap and strife in your hearts. Rather, search diligently collectible toys on display and for sale. vir ‘n winskopie. Die winkel is elke Woensdag for the truth and make all men your friends.” For more information, phone Don Ravenscroft vanaf 11:00 tot 14:00 oop. For more information phone 081 884 9553 at 011 787 2696 or 072 229 7977, or Josh Rich (after hours). Alternatively, visit the website at ONDERSTEUN BERGCARE ards at 076 824 7089. Entry cost R10 per adult CHARITY SHOP Die Bergcare Char and is free for children U/12. ity Shop op die perseel van die Haantjie Kerk GEBEDSBYEENKOMS Shammah VERGADERING OOR Bedieninge te Rissikstraat 50 in Louis Trichardt (NG Kerk Louis Trichardt) is oop weeksdae LANDELIKE VEILnooi alle besigheidspersone uit om elke Woens van 07:00 tot 12:00. “Kom ondersteun gerus. Die gemeenskap van Louis Trichardt IGHEID U is ook welkom om alle onnodige huisraad dag vanaf 05:45 tot 06:30 saam te kom bid. word uitgenooi na ‘n spesiale vergadering oor of klere te skenk. Die inkomste van Bergcare “Wees deel van ‘n geleentheid waar ons op ‘n landelike veiligheid op Donderdag, 30 Novem Charity Shop word gebruik vir die aankope van ontspanne en informele wyse mekaar bemoedig ber. Die vergadering sal onder meer toegespreek kos vir die Bergcare Bejaardeprojek,” sê die by wyse van gebed en gedagtes uit die Woord. Ons hanteer graag ook spesiale gebedsversoeke,” projekbestuurders. Vir meer inligting, skakel 015 word deur majoorgeneraal Scheepers, adjunk provinsiale kommissaris van polisiëring. “Enige 516 3902. nooi die gemeente. Vir navrae, skakel past. Francois Strydom by HELP LEVUBU SE GESKIEDE- persoon wat betrokke is of betrokke wil raak landelike veiligheid, GPF of ander strukture tel. 082 7850 265 of Johan Kruger by 078 451 NIS NAVORS Die NG Kerk Levubuge by wat veiligheid en sekuriteit betref, is welkom,” 9211. meente het ‘n eie Facebookblad, met die naam nooi die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting, hou NG Kerk Levubu, begin met die uitsluitlike doel INTERKERKLIKE BIDUUR volgende week se Zoutpansberger dop of skakel om die geskiedenis van die Levubuomgewing na Inwoners word uitgenooi om elke Woensdag Martin van Staden by tel. 072 271 5646. te vors van die 1800’s af tot nou. “Ons nooi al vanaf 08:00 tot 09:00 saam te kom bid vir die mal wat foto’s, koerantberigte of ander inligting MUURBALKLUB HOU gemeenskap en die land tydens ‘n interkerklike het om dit met ons te deel, of alternatiewelik met AJV Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub biduur by die Louis Trichardt Metodistekerk. Ralda van Wyk (epos: in nooi alle spelers en belangstellendes uit na die Vir meer inligting, skakel past. Leonie Mey verbinding te tree,” nooi die gemeente. Ralda kan klub se algemene jaarvergadering op Donderdag, farth by tel. 084 219 4406. ook geskakel word by tel. 082 854 5910. 30 November. (Vervolg op p. 13)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 20 November. DAMVLAKKE
20/11/2017 13/11/2017
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
77.9% 90.8% 36.1% 12.5% 61.4% 17% 97% 58.4% 74.4% 48.5% 42.7% 88.2%
EMERGENCY NUMBERS - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity/Elektrisiteit - 015 516 2990 • Water - 015 516 2990 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
78.3% 91.6% 37.1% 12.9% 61.7% 14.7% 96.9% 59.5% 75.1% 49.1% 43.7% 88.8%
Fri, Sat: 09:00, 11:30, 14:00, 16:45, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 09:00, 11:30, 14:00, 16:45, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:00, 16:45, 19:30
Fri, Sat: 09:00, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun, Tue: 09:00, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
Fri, Sat: 17:45, 20:15, 22:45 Sun: 17:45, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:45, 20:15 Tue: 09:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:45, 20:15
PG Fri - Sun:
09:30, 12:00, 14:45
Fri: 10:00, 15:00, 19:45, 22:15 Sat: 10:00, 15:00, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 10:00, 15:00, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 15:00, 19:45
11:30, 14:00, 16:45, 19:30
Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue: 09:45, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:45
17:30, 20:00
Fri, Sat: 09:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 09:15, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00
LIEWE KERSFEESVADER 10-12 PG Fri, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: Sat: 12:15
12:15, 17:30 Follow us
# Means latest available data
Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. /sterkinekortheatres
Sunday, 26 November
Monday, 27 November
Tuesday, 28 November
Wednesday, 29 November
Partly sunny and nice.
A thunderstorm in the area.
A thunderstorm around.
A thunderstorm in the area.
High: 28oC Low: 15oC
High: 27oC Low: 17oC
High: 30oC Low: 18oC
High: 32oC Low: 18oC
WAT GEBEUR? (Vervolg van p. 12) Die vergadering begin om 17:30 by die klubhuis langs die stoesiaal. Van die punte op die agenda sluit in die verkiesing van ‘n nuwe bestuur. “Almal word genooi om die aand saam met ons te kom geniet. Kom neem ook deel aan die ‘houtraket’ sosiale toernooi waar spelers die kans kry om hulle vernuf met ou houtrakette te wys,” nooi die klub.
Die Zoutpansberg CVO bied op 9 Desember weer hulle gewilde Sandrivier Fam ilie 4x4dag aan in samewerking met die Louis Trichardt 4x4klub. Die dag vind plaas by Legkraal Boerdery, ongeveer 62 km vanaf Louis Trichardt. ‘n Nu wigheid hierdie jaar is dat vierwielmotorfietse ook ingeskryf kan word en hulle ry dieselfde 4x4roete. Inskrywing kos R350 per voertuig, met ‘n maksimum van 4 persone. Toeskouers betaal R150 per voertuig. Die inskrywing vir vi erwielmotorfietse is R100 per fiets. “Kom geniet JINGLE TOY RIDE Residents ‘n dag met baie aktiwiteite saam met ons,” nooi can start preparing themselves for the Sout die organiseerders. pansberg Cycling Club’s annual Jingle Toy Ride. Vir meer inligting, skakel Annetjie by 082 371 This year’s toy ride will take place on 1 De 5984 of Stefan by 082 440 9306. cember, starting at Mike’s Kitchen as usual. GELOFTEFEES VIER As in previous years, the entry fee for cyclists 100 JAAR Die Schoemansdal is a soft toy that will later be donated to charity. Geloftefees vier vanjaar sy 100ste bestaansjaar The dropoff points for toys are Thompsons en die Geloftefeeskomitee beplan ‘n opwindende Motors, Mount Fuji Motors, Ocean Basket, program op die terrein, ongeveer 16 km wes van Zoutpansberg Private Hospital (Dr Roos) and Louis Trichardt, op die Vivopad. Werda Toyota. Verrigtinge begin Vrydag, 15 Desember, vanaf VIOLIN RECITAL The Emmanuel 12:00. ‘n Verskeidenheid boeresportaktiwite Church in Louis Trichardt will be hosting a ite, wat ook die outydse speletjie “Kennetjie” (aangebied deur ‘n kenner, prof. Anton van special violin recital on Saturday, 2 December. The concert will be hosted in the church, situ Vollenhoven) gaan insluit, gaan aangebied word. ated at 3 Koraalboom Street, and starts at 15:00. Daar sal ook ‘n paar interessante uitstallings wees soos ‘n Eeufeesuitstalling, ‘n uitstalling Entry to the concert is free. For more information, Christiane van Heerden oor die erfenisskatte van die omgewing deur die plaaslike Erfeniskomitee, asook ‘n uitstalling van can be contacted at Tel 083 824 9359. Voortrekkervoorlaaiers. Boereworsrolle, koeldrank en water sal GATEWAY TO CHRISTMAS KERSMARK Uitstallers word uitge deurentyd verkoop word. Vanaf 18:00 is daar ‘n nooi om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek vir die Gateway Volkspeledemonstrasie en aanleer van passies, aangebied deur prof. Van Vollenhoven en to Christmas Kersmark in Louis Trichardt op 2 medeVolkspele niggies en neefs van Pretoria. Desember. “Dit beloof om ‘n heerlike aktiwiteit te wees! ‘n Die koste beloop R100 per stalletjie en sluit Dokumentêre film oor die Slag van Bloedrivier krag in vir die wat dit nodig het. Ongelukkig word ook vertoon en die aand word afgesluit met word geen kosstalletjies toegelaat nie, maar wel ‘n bringenbraai (hout word verskaf) asook ‘n ander lekkernye. Om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek, boermusiekdans vir oud en jonk,” sê die organi skakel Trieks Spies by tel 082 042 3365. seerders. CHRISTMAS FARMER’S Op Saterdag, 16 Desember, word die gebruik MARKET Residents are invited like program vanaf 10:00 aangebied. Ds. Petrus to stock up on fresh produce and homemade Kriel van die NG Kerk Levubu lei die erediens goodies during the Christmas Farmer’s Market en die feesrede word gelewer deur Dr Milda De on 2 December. VaalStanton. Middagete sal beskikbaar wees, The market will take place from 10:00 until maar eie eetgerei asook ‘n stoel moet saamge 16:00 at Zena’s Cantina at Kennington Lodge bring word. along the N1 south outside Louis Trichardt. As this is a community project, there will be no charge for stalls. Persons wishing to book a stall or who require more information can phone Zena on 073 429 7593.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
Time running out to enter calendar competition Competition
The region’s camera enthusiasts can start entering their photos for the Zoutpansberger and Limpopo Mirror’s annual calendar competition. As was the case last year, the competition has a bit of a twist, as there is a limitation on the type of cameras eligible for use. Last year the re quirement was that photos needed to be taken with cameras 50 years and older. This was quite a challenge, but the end result was one of the most in teresting calendars ever locally produced. Local photographers were encouraged to use vintage cameras, some of them dat ing back almost 100 years. The limitation for this year’s competi tion is slightly less stringent, as any pho to taken with a film camera can be en tered. The medium is blackandwhite, which excludes all colour photos. The theme is, as usual, the Soutpansberg, meaning that photos not depicting the beauty and character of the region will not be considered. One of the aims of the competition is once again to promote an interest in vintage photogra phy. For that reason, the newspaper makes avail able its selection of antique cameras to readers. Most of the roughly 150 cameras on display can
still be used. Several outings have been organised during which enthusiasts were shown how to use such old cameras. At least two more outings are planned for November. People interested in taking part in the compe tition are encouraged to contact the newspaper’s office at 015 516 4996/7 and speak to Anton, Andries or Isabel. Own (film) cameras can be used or a camera may be borrowed. The easiest would be to collect film from the newspaper and we will develop it. Film and the developing chemicals are also available from several online stores, but it costs around R130 per film. Costs are being kept low as far as possible to encour age photographers to learn more about film (and even plate) photography. At the end of No vember, the 12 best photos will be select ed from all the entries. Each winner will re ceive R700 per photo chosen. The photos will form part of the 2018 calendar. People interested in taking part in the compe tition may also enter photos of the Soutpansberg taken many years ago. In such cases it will be necessary to send us the negatives, which we will then quickly scan. The film negatives must accompany all entries, but these will be returned to the photographer.
Uitstallers word uitgenooi om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek vir die Gateway to Christmas Kersmark in Louis Trichardt op 2 Desember. Die koste beloop R100 per stalletjie en sluit krag in vir dié wat dit nodig het. Ongelukkig word geen kosstalletjies toegelaat nie, maar wel ander lekkernye. Om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek, skakel Trieks Spies by tel 082 042 3365. Die Kersmark sal saamval met die Louis Trichardt DBV se Mutt Mile. Deelname aan die 1,6 km kos R10 en R20 vir die 5 km. Daar is ook pryse in die troeteldier en eienaar dressup kom petisie. Inskrywingsvorm is op die dag van die mark beskikbaar of kan vooraf by die plaaslike DBV se kantore afgehaal word. Vir meer inligting hieroor, kan Alicia geskakel word by tel. 084 900 5332.
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Bella Female
Huckelberry Male
Milo Male
Kramer Male
Beautiful Puppies
Beautiful Puppies
Lots of kittens
Help solve baobab flower pollination mystery Research
Die Zoutpansberger het verlede Donderdag besoek afgelê by Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Louis Trichardt om die inwoners meer vertel van die koerant se indrukwekkende kameraversameling van meer as 130 kameras. Anton van Zyl, eienaar van die Zoutnet koerantgroep, het nie net oor die kameras se geskiedenis gepraat nie, maar ook aan inwoners die geleentheid gegee om hierdie ou kameras van nader te besigtig. Afgeneem is van die inwoners wat die praatjie bygewoon het met van die ou kameras. Die oudste van die kameras wat die dag bespreek is, dateer uit 1898. Van links na regs is Bobby Eyssell, Wennie Gouws, Sannie Harris, Anton van Zyl, Hester Schoeman, Kobus Lubbe, Antjie Badenhorst en Kittie de Bruin (bestuurder van Ons Tuiste).
The annual Baobab Blitz has come around again and everyone has the opportunity to help find answers to the pollination mystery of the baobab flower. The question remains: What is pollinating the baobab flowers? “Bet you thought it was bats, but did you know that scientists have never seen bats visiting baobab flowers in Southern Africa?” said the Baobab Blitz organisers. Scientists therefore need the public’s help to find out what exactly is pollinating the baobab flower. “This year, we will be adding to the data that was collected last year. Last year we found that only
hawk moths were visiting baobab flowers in South Africa, but to make absolutely sure of our conclu sions, we need to grow our observations and for this we need your help. If you have a baobab tree on your farm or in your garden, please register and help us find out,” said the organisers. To register, send an e-mail to cath@vhem or WhatsApp or SMS to 071 498 7551. Alternatively, register on the Baobab Blitz Facebook-page or visit the website www.vhem “Baobabs have flowers that are big, white and open at night. They can either be pollinated by bats or hawk moths. Bats have been seen pollinating baobab flowers in East and West Africa, but have never been seen pollinating flowers in Southern Africa,” said the Baobab Blitz organisers. Baobab trees in the Soutpansberg area flower from October to December each year and the peak flowering season is in November. What interested people need to do is set aside the evenings of 24 to 25 November and 2 to 3 Decem ber to monitor the baobab flowers. “Any baobab tree in Limpopo (Alldays, Vivo, Waterpoort, Mo pane, Musina, Tshipise, Pafuri) can be monitored. Sit under one tree from 06:00 until 00:00 and record what is coming to the flower,” said the organisers. For more information, visit the above-mentioned Facebook page or website.
Medalje vir Elni by SA Eisteddfod Elni le Roux, ‘n leerling van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, het op 11 November by die Sax Teater in Pretoria ‘n medalje ontvang as kategoriewenner vir “Set Dances” (Ballet) Graad 2 in die noordelike streek van die nasionale Eisteddfod. Sy het dié toekenning ontvang vanweë die opleiding wat sy by Northern Ballet Academy ontvang. Foto verskaf.
SAHRC must probe death of 68 pregnant women Health & Welfare
Tydens die onlangse Bosveld Kunstefees in Polokwane is hierdie groep dansers van die Dance4Joy Skool in Louis Trichardt aangewys as die Beste Novelty Quartet Groep. Hulle is, van links na regs, Abigail Ramdau, Bonita Rheeder, Nduvho Mulaudzi en Matladi Mudau. Foto verskaf.
The Democratic Alliance Women’s Network (DAWN) in Limpopo filed a complaint with the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) on Monday to probe the deaths of 68 pregnant women who died in various hospitals across the province whilst in labour during the first financial quarter of the year. According to a DA press release, this came to light during a Standing Committee for Public Ac counts hearing where the MEC for the Provincial Treasury, Mr Rob Tooley, gave insight into the financial mismanagement and woes of the Depart ment of Health. “It is clear from these shocking statistics that the Limpopo Department of Health is nowhere
near achieving its Provincial Development plans to reduce maternal, infant and child mortality as aligned to Millennium Development Goal 5. DAWN urges the SAHRC to prioritize this matter and commence with the investigations as a matter of urgency,” said the DA. According to the United Nations, the vast ma jority of maternal deaths can be avoided. “To this end, DAWN will launch a petition on the inefficient maternal health care by the Limpopo Department of Health to be tabled in Parliament. The DA sub mitted comprehensive parliamentary questions for written reply to the national minister of Health, Mr Aaron Motsoaledi, and we call on the minister for an urgent inquiry into these deaths. We call upon all families affected by this to contact DAWN in Limpopo,” said the DA.
Tydens die onlangse Bosveld Kunstefees in Polokwane is hierdie dansers van die Dance4Joy Skool in Louis Trichardt aangewys die algeheel beste hip-hop dansgroep gekroon. Hulle is, van links na regs, Megan Rheeder, Evette Geyser, Anwyll Buys en Dihan Pretoruis. Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Racheal du Plessis en Idaishe Betty Chando. Foto verskaf.
Die betekenis van Kersfees en Jesus se geboorte? Dit beteken dat die familie bymekaar kom om Jesus se geboorte te vier. Dit is lekker om presente vir mekaar te gee en dit maak Kersfees spesiaal. Hier by Abraham Kriel Kinderhuis Nylstroom beleef ons Kersfees as 'n tyd van omgee en liefde. U bydrae is van onskatbare waarde.
Dit beteken dat die familie bymekaar kom om Jesus se geboorte te vier. Dit is lekker Ons voorsien 'n daaglikse basis aan om presente vir mekaar te gee en dit maak Kersfeesop spesiaal.
170 kinders 'n gebalanseerde maaltyd
Hier by Abraham Kriel Kinderhuis Nylstroom beleef ons Kersfees as ‘n tyd van omgee en versorging en daarom benodig ons en liefde. U bydrae is van onskatbare waarde.
deurlopende ondersteunning.
Ons het 'n huissisteem daar Ons voorsien op ‘n daaglikse basis aan 170 kinders ‘n gebalanseerde maaltyd enwaar versorging en daarom benodig ons deurlopende ondersteunning. gemiddeld 11 kinders per huis deur 'n kinderversorger hanteer en versorg
Ons het ‘n huissisteem waar daar gemiddeld 11 kinders per huis word. deur ‘ n kinderversorger hanteer en versorg word.
Abraham Kriel kinderhuis is afhanklik Abraham Kriel kinderhuis is afhanklik vanvan u asudonateur en mense omgee. as donateur en wat mense wat omgee.
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Hierdie groep Graad 00-leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het Maandag hul Stimu-Zone rapporte gekry. Die kinders is deur die jaar rekenaarvaardighede op ‘n weeklikse basis geleer, asook hulp gegee met konsentrasie. “Almal het die kursus suksesvol voltooi en ek wens hulle sterkte toe met Graad 0,” het Stimu-Zone se Elize Pretorius gesê. Foto verskaf.
2017 edition
Koerant van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt
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Hoogtepunte 2
t e o m s e i p l We n ‘ m o l u r hard b d r o w e t e Triegi Op die 11de Januarie het die nuwe lede tot ons Triegie-familie, kaalvoet by die hek ingestap. Hier en daar was ‘n glimlaggie, maar verder het ons welpies verskrik gelyk vir die nuwe, groot skool. Die LUK’s het hulle verwelkom en pouse hulle gehelp om hulle stembande te ontwikkel. Die aand het hulle almal by die rugbyveld bymekaar gekom saam met die KUK’s vir ‘n bietjie pret en werk. Hulle het ‘n klomp aktiwiteite regdeur die aand gedoen, met ‘n bietjie slaap natuurlik! Die volgende oggend het ons welpies wakker geword en verder
Triegies se Uitskieters
aangegaan met die verrigtinge. Met ontgroening kom daar ook natuurlik ‘n groentjiekonsert. Die kleintjies het hard gewerk om van dit ‘n reuse sukses te maak. Harde werk word ook natuurlik beloon. Die Groentjiekoning en –koninging was Reynardt Pretorius en Maroné Pretorius. Ons sê ook baie dankie vir Leandri Muller wat die toneel geksryf het en gehelp het om alles eksie-perfeksie te kry. Dankie ook vir elke LUK en onderwyser wat gehelp het om van die kleine welpies ware Triegies te maak.
- Emené Jordaan
In die land van die leeus is dit lekker om aan die wat uitblink erkenning te gee: *Mnr. Stander is verkies as spanbestuurder van die O/18 Coca-Cola Akadmeie Rugbyweek. * Michaela Gilfillan het fantas�ese tennis gespeel, en is verkies tot die O/18-Limpopo Tennisspan. * ‘n Ware diamant, en ook so sterk soos een, is Ziamay Malan wat in Crossfit 1ste plek in haar ouderdomsgroep (O/15) in die land sowel as Afrika behaal het! Ziamay staan haar posisie vol as 21ste in die veld- wêreldwyd! * Die laaste, maar nie die minste nie. Christelle Coetzer (O/16) het ‘n internasionale sportbeurs behaal en was deur die voormalige Olimpiese atleet, Zola Budd, uitgenooi om atle�ek in Amerika te gaan studeer!
Die Triegie-leeus brul en floreer op ‘n fenomenale vlak. Ons is baie trots op julle! - Anton Scholtz
2017 edition
Nuwe (oud) Onnie Me van Tonder Juffrou Johanine van Tonder nuwe onderwyseres, maar oudstudent van ons eie Hoërskool het ‘n spoor getrap. Tydens haar studie oor produkontwikkeling het sy besef dat sy nie net produkte wil ontwikkel nie maar ook kinders. “Ek will hulle mentor wees, help en ontwikkel”, die inspirerende woorde vanuit die verbale pen. Tans bied Juffrou
van Tonder Wetenskap vir Graad 8 en Biologie vir Graad 10 aan. In haar vrye tyd beoefen Juffrou van Tonder klavier, blokfluit en hou daarvan om te verf. Sy beplan om ‘n verskil te maak in kinders se lewens, soos die jaar en haar tyd by ons voortgaan. Welkom by ons skool Juffrou, Juffrou is ‘n ware juweel.
- Anton Scholtz Senior Redakteur Anton Scholtz Ek skryf namens skrywers en die skool: “Tuiste”, “Een”, “Droom”. Hierdie is voorbeelde van skuilname van skrywers en mense. Maar hier is niks agter die gordyne nie, ons is hier om die ingewande van die skool en gemeenskap te bestudeer. Die lewende storie van ons samelewing uit te beeld. Die gedruis, mengelmoes, breinrook en vyekonfyt voor te stel...Die lewe en skool is soos die van ‘n stoomtrein: Al mag ons almal opgedeel word in die verskeie kompartemente van die trein, op pad na die doel; sal ons ALTYD een span een droom bly. En al mag ons soms ons stoom uitblaas en die top ontplof, al mag ons brandstof opraak… Steeds sal ons aanhou veg en voortbeweeg tot ons einddoel. Dit vat ‘n goed geoliede masjien om die sisteem te laat maak werk. Al die dele van die lokomotief moet saamwerk. Net so moet alle leerders hul strydbyl
begrawe, die inisiatief en spanwerk saamvoeg om soos die lokomotief kragtig te kan voortbeweeg! Die spore kruis mekaar, oor mekaar, langs mekaar en almal gemik op een doel. “Enthusiasm is the steam that drives the engine.” To All Readers: We are very happy to be back this year and to start the year with a bang and to fill the paper with the breathings of your heart. All highlights and new developments in 2017 will be acknowledged. I would like to thank everyone, learners, teachers, sponsors and writers that are making it possible for us to keep on making a difference.We don’t just write stories because it is newsworthy, we write to taste life twice. I would like to end this letter by giving a very inspiring quote. “The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.” - Anaïs Min Happy Reading
Ronel en Bernice Meiring Ronel Meiring: * Hoe het jy betrokke geraak by Eisteddfod? Deur my ouma en Bernice wat my aangespoor het om deel te neem. * Hoe sal jy ander mense aanraai om deel te neem aan die Eisteddfod? Ontdek jou versteekte talente. As jy nie waag nie sal jy nie wen nie. Daar is altyd `n eerste keer. Probeer en ontdek al jou talente. Bernice Meiring: * Hoe het jy betrokke geraak by Eisteddfod? Ek het drama klasse by ons eie oud Triegie onderwyser, Mnr.Nico Scheepers gekry. Hy het
my aangemoedig om in te skryf en deel te neem. * Hoe sal jy ander mense aanraai om deel te neem aan die Eisteddfod? Neem deel aan kultuur. Almal van ons het talente ontvang, maar ons gebruik dit nie. Deelname gee vir jou selfvertroue wat `n groot aanwins in jou grootmens wêreld kan wees. Probeer is die beste geweer. Komaan, kom neem deel en ontdek meer van jouself! - Sky Lambrechts
Onderhoud met Me Beukes * Wa�er grade het juffrou, en waar het juffrou studeer? BSc Biotegnologie vanaf Tuks BSc Honneurs in Forensiese Genetika vanaf Kovsies MSc in Dierekunde vanaf Tuks. Hoër Onderwysdiploma vanaf Unisa * Wat was juffrou se ervaring in Engeland en wat het juffrou daar gedoen? In 2012 het ek laboratoriumwerk gedoen in Durham om navorsing op moord-walvisse te doen. Later het ek gaan skool gee in Maidstone. Ek glo elke plek in die wêreld het iets besonders. Engeland se pla�eland is asemrowend, veral in die herfs. My ervaring was beslis aangenaam, want ek kon spesiale vriendskappe
ontwikkel en my kennis oor die wêreldgeskiedenis verryk. * Wou juffrou nog altyd `n onderwyseres geword het of nie? Ek wou van kleins af `n wildbewaarder word. Dis my passie om die natuur te waardeer en te versorg. Onderwys was eers ‘n opsie nadat ek die Here duidelik hoor sê het dat ek my HOD moet doen. * Het juffrou enige boodskap vir ons Triegies? My boodskap aan elke Triegie is dat elkeen moet besef: Jy is op die aarde geplaas omdat jy`n eienskap
en `n doel het wat niemand anders het nie. Jy het dus die vermoë en roeping om `n verskil te maak en iets te beteken. Baie welkom by ons skool juffrou. Dit is so waar ‘n eer om juffrou hier te hê. - Emené Jordaan
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Anton Scholtz (Redakteur) Catrien Dekker (SubRedakteur) Anicka Nel & Keletso Mugwena (Advertensies) LauraLi Cilliers, Raumeen Jamadar, Mulla Mohammed, Annika Schwerdtfeger (artikels).
Artikelskrywers Anton Scholtz ( Gr 12 ) Laura Li Cilliers ( Gr 12 ) Emené Jordaan ( Gr 12 ) Henco Brown ( Gr 10 ) Keletso Mugwena ( Gr 12 ) Mulla Mohammed ( Gr 11) Anicka Nel ( Gr 11 )
Annika Schwerdtfeger ( Gr 11 ) Sky Lambrecht ( Gr 11 ) Dillon Niemann ( Gr 12 ) Catrien Dekker ( Gr 11 ) Raumeen Jamadar ( Gr 11 )
Guardian Angels 2017
The Grade 12 and 11 Science classes are a force to be reckoned with!
Die Denker - Anton Scholtz
Altyd aan die dink en dink Syfers wat in die brein rond sweef Die periodieke tabel wat bly wink Vergeet om tee et, vergeet om te leef Die Denker wat net leer en leer! Kennis in sy brein, soek net meer en meer Niemand weet van die donker nagte se rondrol Van brein ontleed dit voel so vol vol! Kennis wat sy wêreld regeer. Kennis wat hom van mag leer. Die honger: drang Bring vreugde maar ook die seer.
This amazing group lead by Ps Jan Venter, Ms van Breda and learners dedicate their �me to helping, not only the pupils, but also those in need in the community. Projects and ac�vi�es include: fundraisers, campaigns, feeding schemes, prayer groups and so much more. One of the most influen�al is the Youth Bash
that takes place in our school hall every Wednesday. The aim for this project is to encourage learners to ac�vely work together and to praise God. To find out more about the Guardian Angels: follow them on Facebook at Guardian AngelsHSLT or Instagram: guardianangelshslt or Whatsapp @ 081 469 1740.
Kordaat staan die denker soldaat; Veg hy deur sy navorsing, insig en raad Tot die muur voor hom staan, tong uitsteek. Dooie..Koue muur wat spot, ek sal jou a�reek. Swewe bo all kennis, hoog hoog soos ‘n arend weg van die muur; al beteken dit ook, tot sy laaste finale sterwens uur.
Good Things
By Keletso Mugwena
T N I M O D N! A B
Triegies make a name for themselves in the world of Badminton!
I once heard an old man say. Shaping vases out of clay Into subtle forms sublime. “Listen son, good things take �me.” All my life I’ve thought of this When a task was lacking bliss When the work seemed awfully tough And I thought I’d had enough. So I’d give a li�le more To what some�mes seemed a chore; And, you know, without a doubt, Good things always came about.
- By Mohammed Mulla As the new year began and all excitements were to make a name for our school. swi�ly eradicated, the learners were determined But this �me out of school... A couple of our learners have made names for themselves on a na�onal scale in the sport of Badminton! Both old students and new teamed up to top the lists in na�onal Badminton tournaments. The spirit of teamwork was greatly emphasised as learners not only played individually, but also teamed up in groups of different genders to show the unifying power of sport and teamwork. Bradley Breytenbach achieved a first place (Boys South African under 19 - Cape Town 2017 Doubles), Benjamin de Waal,
MSC Sinfonia Bootreis 2017 Sondag 26 Februarie was die opgewondenheid hoog tussen die leerders wat om 10HOO die bus geklim het. Die aand het ons oornag in Sun1 waar ons ‘n slapelose nag verduur het met te veel opwinding. Die volgende oggend om 4HOO het die hane gekraai, sodat ons die vlug na Durban kon vang, waar die boot gewag het. Ons het uit die hawe vertrek om 14HOO. Na ons eerste aand se nagrus word ons wakker met die Portuguese Eilande as ‘n uitsig. Ons het op die strand gedans en in die see geswem, om maar net ‘n paar te noem. Die dae was kort en die aande pret. Elke
aand het Hoërskool Louis Trichardt die mense van Suid-Afrika gewys hoe ons kan dans...Glo my hulle ken nie het op die grond gesleep. ‘n Baie groot dankie aan die skool, Juffrou Cronjé en Juffrou. Joubert wat ons die geleentheid gebied het om op hierdie rooitapyt-toer te kan gaan. Dit was ‘n luukse Deur Dillon ervaring. Niemann
Daniël de Waal and Celeste Dreyer all received second places in various items ranging from singles, doubles and inter- gender par�cipa�on games. Lastly Dirk de Waal achieved third place in some of the hardest compe��ons he has ever taken part in. Our commitment towards promo�ng sport in the community and school is of utmost importance to us. As one of our learners said, “It’s not about the achievement that is achieved but about the unity that the achievement leads to.”
On the 26th and the 27th of March these Science students came together for a fun, but hard-working a�ernoon of Science. The marathon started at 2’o clock and went on un�l 6’o clock, ending off a wonderful day with pizzas and cool drinks; a well deserved break. The beneficial quali�es and experience are worth the hard work in the prepara�on for the exams. Thank you, Mrs Bam and Mrs Roussow, for all your hard work and dedica�on. We really do appreciate it!
Afrikaanse Olimpiade
Die mag van TAAL is belangrik en moet bewaar word en ons Triegies weet net hoe. Daar word jaarliks ‘n Nasionale Harmony Afrikaanse Olimpiade by ons skool aangebied en geskryf. Leerders wat hieraan deelneem se kennis en taalvaardighede word deeglik gemeet en getoets. Dit is ‘n goeie geleentheid om jou algemene kennis te verbreed en so doende jouself vir die eksamen voor te By Laura-Li Cilliers berei.
Valentynsbal Liefde is in die lug! Lang rokke en manelpakke het die aand onder die vonkelliggies versier. Deur die loop van die aand was daar paartjie foto’s geneem by die “Liefdes Hokkie”. Die vloer was aan die brand, die musiek enigma�es en divers. Die vierkant was beslis iets om oor huis toe te skryf. Geel sterre en die Vryboom wat alles afrond.‘n Perfekte aand vol vreugde, jeug en pret. Alles te danke Deur Dillon aan die skool se Niemann Sosiale Komitee.
2017 edition
Atletiek Triegie atlete blink uit op provinsiale vlak!
Fietsry Deur Catrien Dekker
Vrydag, die 10de Maart, het ‘n bus vol kinders vertrek vanaf Hoërskool Louis Trichardt om hul talente op die tartanbaan in die Ou Pieter Mukaba stadium op die proef te gaan stel tydens die Limpopo Atle�ekkampioenskappe. Vyf van ons leerders dring deur na die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe wat in Durban gehou is. Richard Lambert vir driesprong (o/17) , Phillip Apea-Adu vir 110m hekkies (o/17), Tebogo Masekela driesprong (o/15), Christelle Coetzer 1500m (o/16) en Lo’Care Madzhie (o/15). Baie geluk en baie sterkte. Een span, een droom!
Triegie se atlete skop stofwolke op!
Die 2017 atle�ekseisoen het met ‘n vaart weggespring en sommer die eerste Vrydag na die skool begin het, het die Bokkesport plaasgevind. Die dag was vol opwinding, prêt en gesonde mededinging. #TrotseTriegie!! Die Interhoër is deur Northern Academy aangebied op 24 Februarie by die Ou Pieter Mukaba stadium. Na ‘n vurige interne stryd tussen ons eie Triegies, is die heel beste verkies om ons te gaan verteenwoordig. Hulle het fantas�es presteer en ‘n hele klomp goue medaljes verwerf. Algeheel was ons skool derde, kort op die hake van PHS en Merensky.
Die atle�ek alleen was natuurlik nie die enigste geleentheid wat ons besig gehou het nie. Terwyl die atlete ons naam hooggehou het, was daar ‘n hele ander kompe�sie op die pawiljoene.” Sing-Songs!” Die sangers het hulle longe uitgebrul vir ons skool. Soos Shakespeare sê: “All’s well that ends well”. Ons sê baie dankie aan Juffrou van Niekerk, Juffrou Joubert en Mnr. Barnard wat gesorg het dat ons atlete met elke byeenkoms gereed was. Sowel as Juffrou van der Walt wat die sang beheer het. - Deur Catrien Dekker
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt High School Koshuis / Hostel Ons koshuis bied die volgende na skool aan: Opsie 1:
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Opsie 2: Opsie 3:
Gebalanseerde middagete, studiesaal / kamer om in te leer @ R50 per dag Slegs middagete @ R40 per dag Ontbyt, middag- en aandete @ R150 per dag Hierdie opsie is gerieflik vir buitemuurse aktiwiteite / sport wat laat terugkeer of vroeg vertrek
Waar jou kind veilig is en onder toesig kan studeer en lekker eet!
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se bergfietsspan het sommer van die begin van 2017 gewys wat in hulle steek. Dit was daarom geen verassing toe die span, tydens die landswye skole Supr XCOliga, uitgeblink het nie. Die finaal is oor twee dae, 7 en 8 Oktober, beslis. Veral die skool se meisiesspan het beïndruk deur ‘n algehele nasionale vierde plek te behaal in dié skoleliga. Dit was ‘n trotse oomblik vir die Triegie-span toe die meisies aangewys is as die vierde beste meisiesspan uit 55 meisiesspanne in die land. Wat die seuns betref het hulle ‘n algehele 42ste plek uit 75 seuns
skolespanne ingeneem, bygesê dat die seunsliga heelwat groter was. Die Triegie meisies- en seunsspanne se gesamentlik puntetelling het uiteindelik aan Hoërskool Louis Trichardt ‘n algehele 18de plek in die top skoleliga uit 43 skolespanne besorg. Weens die Triegies se bydrae tot die provinsiale span, eindig Limpopo algeheel 6de uit 11 provinsiale spanne, wat ingesluit het spanne van Namibië en Zimbabwe.
Ses-aan-‘n-kant kriekettoernooi Trichardt Krieketklub aan skakel by 082 4847622. gebied. Die koste beloop R600 per Die wedstryde begin 09:00 span. ‘n Ses-aan-‘n-kant toernooi Verversings sal deur die dag word eerskomende Saterdag, en spanne wat belangstel om in 25 November, by die Louis te skryf kan Naomi Phillipson by die klubhuis te koop wees.
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Carel Hammann 082 923 1620
Die Graad 3-dansers van die Northern Ballet Academy het op 24 en 25 Oktober in Polokwane deelgeneem aan hul jaarlikse Dance Academy of South Africa-balleteksamen en slaag almal met lof. Hulle is, van voor na agter, Abigail Scheepers, Nadia du Plessis, Elmay Koen, Leeanne van Heerden en Phoebe Joubert. Foto verskaf.
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TE HUUR. • Albasini Dam. Luukse woonhuis met waterfront. R7 000p/m plus krag. • Vivo pad naby LTT. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel. R3 300 p/m plus krag. • 4 Slaapkamer woonhuis, 1ha granadillas, 4ha besproeiings land. R8 500 p/m plus krag.
Gorgeous 6 bedroom, 6 bathroom guest house for only R2, 900 000.00. Contact Rendani to view.
Plaaslike ballerinas van die Northern Ballet Academy het op 24 en 25 Oktober in Polokwane hul jaarlikse Dance Academy of South Africa-balleteksamen afgelê. Die preprimêre groep was, van links na regs, Arina Havinga, Sharone van der Nest, Danae Schuch, Lika Burger en Maureen Joubert. Al vyf het geslaag met onderskeidings (80 – 100%). Foto verskaf.
RETA: HELEN: LINDA: KHATHU: 082 315 9940 072 844 6007 079 332 2840 076 415 0304
RENDANI: 072 128 6786
Laerskool Louis Trichardt se Wessel Fursten berg (Graad 7) ontvang ‘n medalje nà hy Sondag die taai 94.7-fietswedren voltooi het in ‘n tyd van 3 ure en 58 minute.
QUANTITIES OF ASSORTED OFFICE FURNITURE, COMPUTERS, AND CARS Desks, Chairs, Pedestals, Computer Screens, Laptops, Steel Shelves, Printers, Monitors.
VENUE: SUDUCO AUCTION YARD, DALMADA POLOKWANE VIEWING : 23 NOVEMBER 2017 10:00AM TO 15:00PM DEPOSIT: R5 000 (EFT only) BANK , FNB ,MUSGRAVE BRANCH, ACCOUNT NUMBER 62564484295 BRANCH CODE 221126 Terms: All payments are strictly eft, contact us for details . The Auctioneers may bid to the reserve price on behalf of the seller. All the above is subject to change without prior notice. FICA requirements apply to every sale. Buyers to provide ID & Proof of residence on registration. The rules of the auction comply with section 45 of the Protection Act 68 of 2008. CONTACT : JOSHUA 0731704848 & Sbu 063 516 3268 or WHATS APP US FOR PHOTOS 15 x 8
SERVICES Ekstra Wiskundeklasse *Leerders word individueel hanteer sodat beste reslultate bereik word. * Studie metodes. * R400 per maand. Kontak Leonora Els 082 068 7027
To leT Workshop / Storeroom space. 083 777 0185
Grooming Parlour & Holiday Home We collect & deliver Walk-ins welcome, please be sure to book!
083 301 8130
FOR SALE 2006 Ford Ranger DC canopy - R3 500 o.n.c.o Suzuki SJ 410 Canopy & Rooftop R3 000 o.n.c.o Contact: 084 910 1557 (a/h)
TO LET 2 TOWN HOUSES TO LET Mid town, Louis Trichardt. Water included. Municipal power. No animals First house available: Imediately Second house: 1 Dec. 015 516 5024
TO RENT Garden cottage. Perfect for single person or couple. 5km From town (Witvlag Road). No pets. Available from mid January 2018 Contact Sarah: 082 374 9534 HUIS TE HUUR Netjiese 2 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer huis te huur op plaas ± 7km uit dorp op Elim-pad. Veilige omgewing (geleë tussen ander huise.) Huur R3 800 p.m. Water ingesluit. Voorafbetaalde kragmeter in huis. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Troeteldiere welkom
Kontak: 082 071 0260
Soutpansberg Primary 19 Ruh Street Tel: 015 516 4976 Open tender for tuck shop rental 2018: The SGB of the school has opened a Tender for the Tuck Shop for rental over 12 months which is located on the premises. Individuals who are interested must hand in CV with a list of healthy food and beverages which you will sell. Closing date: 30 November 2017 Please hand in your application at our school office
To rent: House with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sitting room, laundry, garage and big fenced yard. Pre-paid electricity available from 1 November, R5 500 p.m Carlos 0836003109
LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T79666/2008 passed by COSEFA MARKETING PTY LTD Registration Number 1970/001119/07 in favour of the SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY SOC LIMITED Registration Number 1998/009584/30 in respect of Portion 34 (a ptn of Ptn 27) of the farm BRAKSPRUIT 320, Registration Division LS, Limpopo Province; Measuring: 1,1015 (One comma One Zero One Five) Hectares which has been lost and destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of the Certificate of Registered Title are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at
Polokwane within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Government Gazette. Dated at Pretoria on this 9th of October 2017. STEGMANNS INC 379 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria, Gauteng. P O Box 344 Pretoria, 0001 - Tel: 086 133 3402 Fax 086 676 2825
In the Regional Court for the Regional Division Limpopo held at Louis Trichardt Case No: LP/LTT/ RC26/2017 In the matter between: JASBIR PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD. Registration no.: 1989/003402/07, Plaintiff and WAVHUDI HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD. Registration no.: 2013/186842/07, 1st Defendant. LONDOLANI CEDRICK MARAGENI (IDENTITY NUMBER: 830724 5427 084), 2nd Defendant. NATHI TSHIWANAMMBI 3rd Defendant. Notice of Sale in Execution In PURSUANCE of a WARRANT OF EXECUTION in the above honourable court granted on the 27th of MARCH 2017, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 12th day of December 2017 at 11:30 at SHERIFF LOUIS TRICHARDT, 21 Flamboyant Street Louis Trichardt: 0920 to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X 1 HYUNDAI 110 WITH REG. NO: DCN 342 L, 1 X 2 LG WASHING MACHINE, 1 X 1 ROYAL TABLE SAW WITH LASOR, 1 X 1 GAS BOTTLE WITH 2 PIPES, 1 X 4 STAND FREEZER. ESTIMATED VALUE: -+ R20 000,00. Signed at Louis Trichardt on the 14th day of November 2017.Attorney for
Plaintiff. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN ATTORNEYS 122 KROGH STREET LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920. TEL: (015) 516 3025 / FAX: (015) 516 6633. REF: XA1945
In the Regional Court for the Regional Division Limpopo held at Louis Trichardt Case No: LP/LTT/ RC/42/2015 In the matter between: STEPHNE ROELENE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Plaintiff and ANDRE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Defendant. Notice of Sale in Execution In PURSUANCE of a WARRANT OF EXECUTION in the above honourable court granted on the 4th of September 2017, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 12th day of December 2017 at the SHERIFF’S OFFICE situated at 21 Flamboyant Street Louis Trichardt: 0920 to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X 1 DIFY DOUBLE DOOR FRIDGE, 1 X 2, PIECE LOUNGE SUITE, 1 X 1 COFFEE TABLE, 1 X 10 PIECE SONY HOME THEATRE, 1 X 1 COFFEE TABLE, 1 X 9 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE, 1 X 1 SONY TV, 1 X 5 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE, 1 X 1 TROJEN WASHING MACHINE, 1 X 2 FLOOR MATHS, 1X 1 FORD with Reg no: BSS 298 L. ESTIMATED VALUE: -+ R40 000,00. Signed at Louis Trichardt on the 30th day of OCTOBER 2017. Attorney for Plaintiff. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN ATTORNEY 122 KROGH STREET LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920. TEL: (015) 516 3025 / FAX: (015) 516 6633. REF: XA2075
Requirements: • Min Matric or Equivalent • Experience in Marketing will be an advantage • Excellent competency in Microsoft Office especially Word, Outlook and Excel • Highly competent in communicating verbally and in writing in English Responsibilities: • Develop and Maintain Marketing Strategies to meet Company’s Objectives in the food and cosmetic sectors. • Initiate, Promote, Oversee and Manage all: Marketing nationally and internationally • Manage all Marketing Activities. Place: Louis Trichardt (Makhado) Job Type: Half Day 08h00 – 12h00 (Monday to Friday) Closing date for application is 30 November 2017 Please email a concise CV to If you have not been contacted by 8 December 2017, please consider you application as unsuccessful.
We require the services of a motivated and energetic team player to assist with the financial administration in a privately –owned national retail chain supermarket.
ADMINISTRATOR (ADMINISTRATION MANAGER) (Administration & Finances - Elim Spar, Limpopo) Qualifications: BA Degree or National Diploma in business or public administration (or equivalent qualification) Experience • Minimum of 3 years’ experience as an office manager • Experience of working in a retail sales environment would be an advantage Required skills and knowledge • Procedural and systematic, conscientious and disciplined in his/her approach • Good managerial capability including analytical, planning, decision-making, problem solving, organising and leadership skills • Computer literate – Excel, MS Word • Be able to handle pressure Key Performance areas • Administrative, office, facilities and housekeeping management • Responsible for administrative and accounting processes & activities • Accounts controlling with a strong focus on management, control and overseeing of Debtors and Creditors • Extract reports for management reporting • Manage employee performance Closing date for applications is 12th December 2017 Please email a concise CV to If we do not contact you after 14 days of the closing date your application was not successful.
Business Guide
To advertise your service here, contact us at 015 516 4996
AIRS RE• AllPappliances:
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LTT Radio & Electrical Centre Tel: 015 516 0751; Munnikstr. 90, LTT
55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt
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Business slack? Profits down?
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Discuss your marketing strategies with us TODAY!!
Kroghstraat 94A, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Contact Andrea Nel: 015 516 4090 / 083 276 1021
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24 uur per dag! 7 dae ‘n week!
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Sektretariële Pos Pos behels: • Algemene kantoorwerk • Debiteure • Krediteure • Kandidaate moet bekend wees met Pastel Express CV kan gestuur word aan:
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Soutpansberg Primary 19 Ruh Street Tel: 015 516 4976 Vacancy posts: The SGB of the school has the following 4 Educator posts available: 2 x Foundation / Intermediate Phase Educators for HL-Arikaans 2 x Intermediate & Senior Phase Educators for: English H/L & FAL, Tshivenda H/L Requirements: Full CV + reqv 13 minimum + SACE Document (all copies must be certified) Closing date: 29 November 2017 Interview dates: 7 December 2017 for short listed candidates
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 14:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe Jakobus 1:22-25.
m na die Woord te luister, of dit te lees, is belangrik, maar dit is net die begin. Ons moet dit toepas in ons lewens (vers 22). Wat Jakobus bedoel is baie duidelik. Om die belangrikheid van gehoorsaamheid aan God se Woord tuis te bring, vergelyk hy die Skrif met ’n spieël. Dit help nie jy kyk in ’n spieël en sien jou gesig is vuil, of jou hare is deurmekaar, of jou lipstiffie is gesmeer en jy doen niks daaraan nie. Dieselfde geld met die Skrif (verse 23-24). Die Woord as spieël doen sy werk. Ons kyk daarin en die Bybel wys ons hoe ons geestelik lyk. Dan rus die verantwoordelikheid op ons. Gaan ons regmaak wat verkeerd is, of ignoreer ons dit? Iemand wat ’n wedergebore kind van God is, sal deur God se genade regmaak wat verkeerd is, ’n dader van die Woord. As jy nie positief op die Woord van God reageer nie, het jy nie die Gees van God in jou nie. Vers 25: Diep insien is anders as om net te kyk en dan weg te draai. Dit beteken om elke dag die Woord te ondersoek om dit te versta an en in jou lewe toe te pas. Dit is ook “die volmaakte wet van die vryheid.” Die Woord is ’n wet want dit is deur God gegee vir die doel om ons te leer en ons gedrag te bepaal, en dit is volmaak want dit is deur God gegee. Die Woord is ook “die wet van vryheid” (Joh. 8:32; Joh. 16:13 ). Dit gee vrymaking aan elkeen wat die Skrif gehoorsaam en hulle daaraan onderwerp. Daar is ook ’n belofte in vers 25. Die een wat doen wat die Woord sê “sal gelukkig wees in wat hy doen.” Mense soek na vervul ling in hul lewens, en dit is presies wat “ge lukkig” in vers 25 beteken. Moenie vervulling op enige ander plek soek as die Woord van God nie. Enige ander plek sal dit jou ontwyk. Bestudeer en oordink die Woord van God en pas dit toe in jou lewe, en jy sal weet wat dit beteken om ’n lewe van vervulling te lewe. As jy geseënd wil wees, wees ’n dader van God se Woord. - 079 516 8303
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer: Isabel Venter
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ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Yolanda Cronjé 082 972 2060 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7
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DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to George Janse van Rensburg (082 419 2359) Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.
News with an independent soul
Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of
“Waar begin ‘n mens om dankie sê vir dié gemeenskap?” dit is julle wat so mildelik vir al die senior bur ook inwoners en familie wat soveel koeke en gers in hierdie gemeenskap op ‘n gereelde basis gebak aangedra het met die mooiste glimlagte. met al julle liefde net gee en gee. Die gebak was skaars ingedra, toe is dit weer uit. Jaffels, wat sê ‘n mens? Lekker was nog nooit Ons ontvang nog steeds komplimente oor julle aar begin ‘n mens om dankie te sê aan sleg nie. Neels Kruger, jy en jou span van die bakvernuf. Die naaldwerk was ook van hoogsta so ‘n wonderlike gemeenskap met sulke Gereformeerde Kerk bly maar eenvoudig net ‘n ande gehalte en uniek. Dankie aan al die vlytige omgee en oop harte? dames wat so hard gewerk het om dit betyds te Ons mening is by ons Hemelse Vader. Dit kan wenspan. Julle kon 300 jaffels maak en dit sou nog te min gewees het. As mens bereid is om in voltooi. net God wees wat ons so geseën het om deel te Baie dankie ook aan elke lid van die publiek wees van Louis Trichardt se omgee gemeenskap. goeie gees R50 ‘n jaffel te betaal dan weet jy die Ons as Laat Lente en Herfsakker se inwoners jaffel was die moeite werd, en die jaffel was nie wat ‘n kontantbydrae gemaak het. Dankie ook eers op veiling nie! aan die Soutpansberg Dorpswag vir julle betrok is stom geslaan met die fantastiese ondersteu Pannekoeke, pannekoeke en nogmaals panne kenheid en skenking, terwyl julle self geld kort ning wat ons ontvang het tydens ons heel eerste om julle lede te beveilig. basaar wat ons aangebied het. So baie dankie aan koeke! Julle bakkers en strooiers, ons haal ons hoed vir julle af, en ons Wit Olifanttafel was Laastens bedank ons graag hierdie besighede elke individu wat die basaar bygewoon het en sommer ‘n baie gewilde tafel. wat, ten spyte van baie swak ekonomiese ook tyd daar saam met ons spandeer het. Al die Dankie Johan Jordaan wat vir ons die dag omstandighede, nog steeds hulle hand oopmaak gesels en opgewondenheid was vir ons uit ons musiek gemaak het. So op kort kennisgewing waar dit nodig is sonder om te skroom: Thomp maag uit net lekkerkry. Wanneer laas het ons so sons Motors, SPB Auto, Werda Toyota, Metcore, baie mense met eenslag op ons perseel gehad wat het hy nie gehuiwer nie toe ons op sy knoppie gedruk het. Was dit nou aangenaam met soveel G4, Hennetjie Nes, Anhetico, Ocean Basket, net lekker vir ons kom kuier het? Dit was net een groot woelige gedoente. Lekker man, sê ons vrolikheidheid op note. Dankie Johan, ons sal jou Trio Pompe, Sandberg Vervoer, PD Otto, Prem beslis bemark sover ons kan. jee, Palm Motors, Christo Snyman, Montimart, jou, net lekker. Dankie George Schimpers vir die kerrie-enPropaint (vir verf was ons benodig het), Aloe Daar is soveel persone wat ons gehelp het om die dag so ‘n groot sukses te kon maak. Ons vra rys. Dit was voorwaar baie smaaklik. Baie dankie Bricks (vir die plaveisel rondom die lapa), NG ook aan Burt vir die skenk van die blouwildebees Kerk Moedergemeente (vir die tafels, stoele, byvoorbaat om verskoning indien ons dalk nie vir die veiling. Die veiling was baie professioneel gazebo en yskas), U-Print (banners) en die Zoutjou naam noem nie, maar weet asseblief dat jy aangebied. So baie dankie. Dankie aan al die pansberger vir die adverteer van die basaar. deel was van ons groot sukses. Weereens baie dankie aan almal. Tot ons weer Die Rotariërs wat so onbaatsugtig die hele dag individue wat aan die veilings deelgeneem het. Dankie aan al die dames van die publiek en ontmoet. vir ons kom help het met die braai van die wors. Julle is ysters. Ben van der Merwe, dankie vir die NOTICE OF WATER USE LICENSE hout, anders het ons nie vuur gehad nie. Dankie Notice is hereby given in terms Section 40, of the National Water Act 1998 (Act 36 of 1998) Section 21 (a), Inalize Burger van Vleispot wat nie ‘n sekonde of the intention of The Business Zone 260 cc to apply for water use licence for agricultural purposes within geskroom het om vir ons op nommer 99 nog 30 the Ndzhelele area for the farm unit Rochdale 870 MS. The intention is to cultivate 34 hectares under irrigastukkies wors te skenk toe ons haar skakel en sê: tion in the Waterpoort area located within the Makhado District Municipality, Limpopo Province. ‘Help, ons kort’. Dankie aan al die individue wat self aange Project description: bied het om ons senior burgers te kom help by Water use triggered for the proposed irrigation for agriculture in terms of Section 21 (a) taking water from a die stalletjies. Julle is so kosbaar en ons het al water resource, for the irrigation of 34 hectares of virgin soils using four boreholes with co-ordinates as listed below. julle insette baie geniet. Dit was goed om oud en Bore Hole A Bore Hole B Bore Hole C Bore Hole D jonk so te kon sien saamwerk. Sonder julle hulp 29.69408 29.69497 29.89087 29.68343 sou ons baie gesukkel het. Plante is vir ons ook -22.88876 -22.8878 -22.89087 -22.8986 geskenk. Aan die anonieme persone wat die groente Applicant: The Business Zone 260 cc geskenk het ... Sjoe, ons was so oorweldig met Please note that a permit for the cultivation of 40 hectares virgin soil, with Reference number 19:1:4:1:2a die skenking. Wat die publiek nie altyd besef nie, Die inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfsakker in Louis Trichardt, skryf:
“Ek haal my hoed af vir julle ywer” Rina Vermeulen van Louis Trichardt, skryf:
ROCHDALE 870MS, has been obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
In order to insure that you are identified as interested and affected party (I&AP) submit your name, contact information and interest to the contact person given below before or on 30 days from the date of the advertisement. Details of the Contact Person: Mr Andrew Miles Cell: 0834557716/ 0763700987 , Email: and/or Rochdalemiles@ Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
k wil graag baie geluk sê aan Laat Lente en Herfsakker se inwoners vir die pragtige en positiewe manier waarop hulle besluit het om hulle eerste basaar aan te bied. Ek is so trots op elkeen van julle wat julle gewig ingegooi het om hierdie basaar ‘n groot sukses te maak. Soos met alles in die lewe, is daar ‘n paar wat swaarder trek aan die wa as dié wat net saamry. Dankie vir elkeen van julle. Julle sal weet wie julle is. Dit was vir my ‘n groot voorreg en voorbeeld om te kon sien wat ‘n mens kan vermag in so ‘n kort rukkie. Min mense weet dat julle hierdie basaar binne een-en-‘n-halwe maand gereël en uitgevoer het. Hoed af vir julle. Julle het besluit julle is nie meer bereid om net bakhand te staan en die besighede en individue net te bly vra vir alles nie, maar iets in ruil te begin aanbied. Dit bly ‘n wensituasie vir almal. Ek dink julle het julleself verbaas en oortref. Hou die goeie werk staande. Aan elke individu en besigheid wat op een op ander manier betrokke was, sonder julle kon dit nooit so ‘n groot sukses gewees het nie. Baie dankie aan elkeen. Daar is net te veel om op te noem. Indien iemand meer inligting wil bekom oor die basaar se uitkoms, is julle welkom om my te skakel by 083 297 6925.
We need a name
nonymous letters, where no details such as the name and address of the writer are supplied, will not be considered for publication. Readers who wish to remain anonymous must indicate this in the letter, but must still provide their details. Such detail will be confidential and will not be made available to outside parties.
VACANCY We require the services of a motivated and energetic team player to assist with the management and running of a retail chain supermarket.
SENIOR STORE MANAGER (ELIM SUPER SPAR) Key Performance areas • Achieve sales revenue and profit targets • Manage financial and administrative processes • Ensure optimum inventory control • Effective management of Human Resources • Maintaining of all housekeeping, hygiene, safety and security standards • Attending to customers Qualifications and Experience: • Applicable degree or tertiary qualification • Minimum of 8 years working experience, 5 years relevant Spar experience of which 3 years’ must be as a manager. • Must have a valid driver’s licence and no criminal record • Experience of working in a retail sales environment would be an advantage Required skills and knowledge • Procedural and systematic, conscientious and disciplined in his/her approach • Figure orientation and analytical skills critical. • Ambitious with high business acumen • Advanced level computer literate (especially in Spar specific software) • Good managerial capability including analytical, planning, decision-making, organising and leadership skills • Be able to handle pressure Closing date for applications is 05th December 2017 Please email a concise CV to If we do not contact you after 14 days of the closing date your application was not successful.
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 24 NOVEMBER 2017 Bo regs: Die Sout pansberg Muur b a l k l u b i n L o u i s Trichardt het op 15 November hulle jaarl ikse klubkam pioenskappe beslis. In die mansfinaal het Bertus Guillaume (links) teen Dirk du Preez (regs) te staan gekom. Beide spelers het goeie muurbal gespeel, maar dit was Bertus wat as oorwinnaar uit die stryd getree het. In die plaatafdeling was Donovan Wiggill (afwesig tydens die prysuitdeling) die wenner. Lede word h e r in n e r a a n d i e klub se algemene jaarv ergadering op Donderdag, 30 Novem ber, waartydens ‘n nuwe komitee onder meer verkies sal word. Onder regs: R on e l W e l m a n (regs) het tydens die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub se jaarl ikse klubk am pio enskappe op 15 November as algehele wenner van die vroueafdeling uit die stryd getree. Louise Lordan (links) was algeheel tweede. Foto’s verskaf.
Klub wys top gimnaste vir 2017 aan Tydens die jaarlikse klubkampioenskappe en prysuitdeling van die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub op Vrydag, 3 November, het hierdie groep gimnaste trofees ontvang. Hulle is voor, van links na regs, Miané Vorster (beste voorskoolse meisie), Duncan Maynier (beste voorskoolse seun), Douwe Steyn (beste laerskoolseun), Johestie Muller (beste Vlak 5-meisie, beste bywoning en mees entoesiastiese meisiesgimnas), Yani Steyn (beste Vlak 6-meisie, beste hoërskoolmeisie en meisie Gimnas van die Dag), Cara van der Goot (Beste Vlak 4-meisie en beste laerskoolmeisie), Innes Steyn (beste Vlak 6-seun, beste hoërskoolseun, Seunsgimnas van die Jaar en Seunsgimnas van die Dag), Willie Venter (beste Vlak 1-seun) en Leander Kotzee (beste seunsbeginner). In die middel is Jacques van Rensburg (beste bywoning), Fourie Steyn (beste Vlak 4-seun), Rulique Nagel (beste Vlak 1-meisie en beste Meisiesbeginner), Janus Barkhuizen (beste vordering Vlak 1 tot 3), Karla Kotze (beste Vlak 1- tot 3-meisie) en Francois Nel (beste Vlak 1- tot 3-seun en mees etoesiastiese junior seunsgimnas). Agter is Jessica Taylor en Ansonett Oosthuyzen (gesamentlik beste Vlak 3-meisie), Sebastiaan Jacobs (beste vordering Vlak 4 tot 6), Eleen Furstenberg (beste Vlak 2-meisie), Leila de Beer (mees entoesiastiese junior meisiesgimnas) en Jenna Adlam (beste vordering Vlak 1 tot 3). Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Kelly Matswiki (beste vordering Vlak 4 tot 6) en Dimpho Matswiki (Meisiesgimnas van die Jaar). Foto verskaf.
Volgende groeperingskiet om die draai Die Soutpansberg Skietklub bied op Saterdag, 2 Desember, hul jaarlikse groeperingskiet-kompetisie aan. Die kompetisie duur vanaf 08:00 tot 16:00, waarna pryse uitgedeel sal word. Daar sal vier bane geskiet
word, naamlik windbuks (20 m), .22 (40 m), handwapen (10 m) en gewere (100 m). Al die bane sal drie (3) rondtes benodig, behalwe die .22-baan, wat vyf (5) rondtes sal benodig. Slegs windbukse met vere en handwapens vir self verdediging sal toegelaat word. Die klub het die streek se skuts versoek om die klub en kompe
(Vervolg vanaf p. 26) Soos genoem sorg die span van Bridge vir ‘n opskudding deur redelik gemaklik met hul oppo nente af te reken. Hulle het die Doppers (die vorige ligawenners in Maart vanjaar) se kans vir ‘n Top 3 posisie verpletter deur met net een verloor agter hulle naam, op ‘n totaal van vier punte en ‘n punteverskil van +21, te eindig. Die Doppers het hard baklei, maar moes tevrede wees met die vierde plek met ‘n telling van vier punte en ‘n punteverskil van +13. Vyfde plek het gegaan aan
die span van KB Struktureel (drie punte en -5 punteverskil), met die Warriors sesde (drie punte en -9 punteverskil), Beefridge sewende (twee punte en 0 punteverskil), Sheldon & Prinsloo (twee punte met -20 punteverskil), ZCP Konsultante negende (geen punte en -18 punteverskil) en Sewing Centre tiende (geen punte en -28 punteverskil). Die Deadly Deacons en Dop pers het nou wel nie die liga gewen nie, maar hulle is darem aangewys as die spanne met die beste spangees. Sewing Centre
tisie te ondersteun. Deelname kos R25 per teiken. Ná afloop van die kompetisie sal daar ‘n gesellige bring-enbraai wees. Pap en sous sal voorsien word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Ampie du Toit by tel. 082 742 0168 of 015 516 2580 (w).
Ons Tuiste kraai koning in ligafinaal
Dit was op 24 en 25 Oktober tyd vir ballerinas in Louis Trichardt (Northern Ballet Academy) om hulle jaarlikse Dance Academy of South Africa-balleteksamen af te lê in Polokwane. Hierdie Graad 1’tjies slaag almal. Hulle is, voor na agter, Mienke Burger (92%), Catherine van Heerden (64%), Elni le Roux (89%) en Carli Hattingh (80%). Inlas: Kara Botes (63%). Foto’s verskaf.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie Datum
Maandelikse Houespel
Eie reëlings
Die Tiny Tots 1-dansstudente van die Northern Ballet Academy het op 24 en 25 Oktober in Polokwane deelgeneem aan hul jaarlikse Dance Academy of South Africa-balleteksamen en almal met lof geslaag. Hulle is voor, van links na regs, Lienke le Roux, Jolin Breytenbach en Franne Krugel. Agter is Zanili Pretorius en Jess Collett. Inlas: Anri Botes. Foto verskaf.
stap weg met die trofee vir beste verloorders, terwyl die span van Beefridge aangewys is as die besgeklede span. Kittie de Bruin, president van die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub, het ná afloop van die liga haar dank uitgespreek teenoor al die borge en deelnemers wat ‘n bydrae tot die klub se fondse en sukses van die liga gelewer het. “Dankie aan die Zoutpansberger vir al die nuusberigte. Ons bied Februarie 2018 weer die reeks aan en almal is welkom om in te skryf,” het De Bruin gesê.
Saterdagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
Formaat IS Punte
D. J. Burger
K. Barkhuizen (jnr.)
uittel 37
D. Jooste
uittel 37
Saterdagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
Formaat IS Punte
T. Viljoen
J. van der Walt
uittel 37
P. Thompson
uittel 37
A. Steyn
uittel 37
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm
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Ons Tuiste vermorsel opposisie in ligafinaal Deur Andries van Zyl
Die span van Ons Tuiste het verlede Donderdag as algehele wenners van die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub se besigheidsliga uit die stryd getree. Die span het bestaan uit Jaco Esterhuizen (senior en junior), Ankia Engelbrecht en Lossie Esterhuizen. Voor, van links na regs, staan Ankia, Kittie de Bruin (president van die Louis Trichardt Rolbaklub) en Lossie. Agter staan Jaco junior en senior.
Die Deadly Deacons-span van die NG Kerk Soutpansberg is in die finaal van die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub se besigheidsliga uit die eerste posisie geboender en moes vir die tweede keer in die liga met ‘n tweede plek tevrede wees. Hulle is ook saam met die Dopperspan aangewys as die span met die beste gees in die liga. Van links na regs staan spanlede Heine de Jager, Kittie de Bruin (president van die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub), Leonie de Jager, Andries van Zyl en Carel Volschenk.
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vir ‘n opskudding gesorg deur as “buiteperd” die hele punteleer omver te kom krap met ook hulle redelik gemaklike oorwinning oor die span van Sheldon & Prinsloo. Ons Tuiste se wen die aand het hulle in die eerste plek ingeskiet met ses punte en ‘n ongelooflik punteverskil van +27 punte teen hul opponente. Die Deadly Deacons moes vir die tweede agter eenvolgende keer tevrede wees met ‘n tweede plek, ook met ses punte, maar met ‘n punteverskil van +17. (Vervolg op p. 25)
Die Beefridge-span is ná afloop van die finaal van die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub se besigheidsliga aangewys as die besgeklede span. Hulle het algeheel sewende geëindig uit 10 spanne in die liga. Van links na regs staan Ferdie Viviers, Louis Jordaan, Kittie de Bruin (presidents van die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub), Phillip Potgieter en Renier Fourie.
Jaarafsluiting & Ope Motorskou 25 November 2017 Hierdie jaar se jaarafsluiting gaan gepaard met ‘n ope motorskou. Kom maak ‘n draai en kyk na die ou en nuwe motors asook ander uitstallings soos trekkers en enjins
42 588km
60 047km
Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg se Deadly Deacons-span en die Gereformeerde Kerk se Dopperspan sou hulself dalk as die gunstelinge geag het om weg te stap met ‘n wen in die finaal van die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub se besigheidsliga, maar ‘n wen was nie een van hulle beskore nie. Tien spanne het mekaar verlede Donderdag in die derde en laaste wedstryde van die liga gepak. Die Deadly Deacons en Doppers het die finaal ingegaan,
beide met vier punte vir twee oorwinnings op die telbord en ‘n punteverskil van +15 elk. In die derde plek was die span van Ons Tuiste, ook met vier punte maar met ‘n punteverskil van +14. Reeds vroeg die aand het die vier top spanne gewys hulle bedoel besigheid. Die Deadly Deacons moes verwoed speel om ‘n voorsprong te probeer hou en het die Doppers naelskraaps geklop. Ons Tuiste se span het gekook en gemaklik hul oppo nente, die Sewing Centrespan, die loef afgesteek. Die span van Bridge Auto het op hulle beurt
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