Zoutpansberger 25 January 2019

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25 Januarie 2019

News with an independent soul


PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.

Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Geen verband tans tussen moord en miljoene in grond - bladsy 3

Jaargang 34 Vol. 04

The baobab is going to be around for a long time - page 4

Lucky tortoise gets rescued from “rescuers” - page 10

Dave mik Vic-valle toe Deur Andries van Zyl

Avonturier Dave van Graan van Louis Trichardt se stapstewels skop tans weer stof op in Namibië, waar hy poog om vanaf Ruacana na die Victoria Valle te stap – ‘n afstand van sowat 1 600 km. Die 62-jarige Dave is geen groentjie as dit by ver stap kom nie. Hy het in 2014 sy eerste staptoer na Musina aangedurf, as ‘n proeflopie. Daarna het hy van Louis Trichardt tot op Kerkplein in Pretoria gestap, en toe van Louis Trichardt af, al die pad tot in die Kaap. Dit was gedurende 2014 en 2015. Einde November 2017 het hy vir die eerste keer die Namib aangedurf toe hy vanaf die Oranjerivier tot by die Kunenerivier op die Angolese grens gestap het – ‘n afstand van 1 870 km.

Maar waarom al die stappery? Dave vertel dat sy aanvanklike motivering persoonlik was. Hy het vir jare aan ‘n pynlike siekte gely wat sy rug aangetas het. Dit was so erg dat hy daagliks sterk pynmedikasie moes gebruik en hy het hom voorgeneem dat hy gaan begin stap as hy

gesond is om ‘n pynvrye lewe te vier. Dit is presies wat hy nou doen, nadat ‘n spesialis hom in 2013 behandel het en hy nou gesond is. Dave stap ook vir ‘n ander saak naby aan sy hart – die bewaring van Suidelike Afrika se renosterbevolking. So sal jy hom altyd sien stap met sy

sleepwaentjie, die Bart Mobile, ter bewusmaking van onder meer African Anti-Poaching Services (AAPS). Dave se epiese staptog het op 15 Januarie by Ruacana begin. Die reis na Namibië was egter nie sonder voorval nie. (Vervolg op p. 2)

Plaaslike avonturier Dave van Graan het op 15 Januarie sy volgende epiese staptog, vanaf Ruacana op die Namibiese Volgens Dave moet hy gereeld vloeistof inneem. “Daardie klein botteltjies noordgrens na die Victoria Valle in Zimbabwe, begin. Afgeneem saam met hom is vriend Frank van Zyl kort voor sy begin. Foto verskaf. help nie. Jy het ‘n groot een nodig,” het Dave gesê. Foto verskaf.

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Dave se stewels weer vol Namib stof vanaf Ruacana tot by Victoria Valle (Vervolg van p. 1) Op pad het sy sleepwaentjie, met sy Bart Mobile bo-op, vir een of ander rede afgehaak en gerol. Die waentjie het nie te veel seergekry nie, maar die Bart Mobile wel. Dave moes hom eers weer reg buig en wiele vervang voordat hy kon begin stap. Die Zoutpansberger het Woensdag met Dave deur middel van WhatsApp opgevang. Met net meer as 2014 km agter die rug, het Dave bietjie van ‘n rusdag geniet by Eenhana. Dit nadat hy die vorige aand besluit het om homself na agt dae van rof slaap langs die pad bietjie te bederf met ‘n hotelbed en ‘n paar “koues” weg te slaan. “Ek probeer so elke sewe dae ‘n rusdag vat, waar moontlik. Man, die aircon, swembad en bier is goed benut! Ek doen nou so bietjie running repairs en het ook my toerusting

uitsorteer. Ek het ‘n klomp kos uitgegooi wat ek nie gaan gebruik nie. Hier is genoeg cuca shops en Woerman winkels om rantsoene te kry. Al wat ‘n battery is word gelaai,” het Dave laat weet. Dave het gesê hy is nog baie positief en het nog geen blase op die voete nie. “Die hitte en humiditeit is hoog, maar ek het nog geen issues gehad nie,” het Dave gesê. Verder sê hy, hy vat dit maar dag tot dag en word ge­ reeld langs die pad deur belangstellendes voorgekeer. “Almal wil ‘n selfie neem. Dit vat nogal tyd, maar bewusmaking is deel van die avontuur,” het Dave gesê. Vir dié wat wonder, Dave stap sonder enige ondersteu­ ningsvoertuig. Die groot vraag aan hom wat hy sou maak as hy iets oorkom, soos ‘n slang wat hom pik of ‘n skerpioen wat hom steek? Volgens Dave is

die Namibiërs se vriendelikheid ongelooflik. “Ek ken ‘n klomp Namibiërs wat my ook volg [via satelliet opsporing] en hulle sal mobiliseer as ek iets oorkom. Die polisie volg my ook en hulle besoek my so twee tot drie keer ‘n dag. Hulle het self besluit om dit te doen. Ek het ook ‘n goeie noodhulpsak by my, maar nie vir slangbyt nie,” het Dave gesê. Inwoners wat Dave se avontuur “lewendig” wil volg, kan klik op sy tracking link by https:// raceview.live/race/racemap/ dave-van-graan-kunene/. Alternatiewelik kan hulle hom op sy Facebook-blad, Dave van Graan, volg. Persone is ook welkom om sy bewusmakingsveldtog finansieel te ondersteun. Vir meer inligting hieroor kan Dave se vrou, Jacqui, geskakel word by tel. 082 829 5421.

Die 62-jarige Dave het hierdie verkeersteken nogal amusant gevind en homself as “ou mens” daarvoor laat afneem. Die foto is in die dorpie Omafo geneem. Foto verskaf.

In the newspaper 25 years ago ... History

This week sees the beginning of the Zoutpansberger’s new ‘25 Years Ago This Week’ segment. Every week will see photo-

graphs or articles that will jog the memories of Louis Trichardt residents, reminding people of happier or sadder times, as well as keeping moments in the history of the town alive. This week, two photographs

from the 21 January 1994 issue are featured. Faces now very well known in this community, these young Louis Trichardt Primary School teachers will still be recognisable to parents and pupils alike.

25 Years ago this week in the


Die reis na Namibië was nie sonder ongeluk nie. Dave se sleepwa het vir een of ander rede afgehaak en gerol. Die sleepwa het nie te seer gekry nie, maar sy Bart Mobile het erg gebuig. Foto verskaf.

Man betaal duur vir kabel Deur Andries van Zyl

Dele van Louis Trichardt en omstreke gaan sedert laat Dinsdagmiddag gebuk onder kroniese kragonderbrekings. ‘n Plaaslike WhatsApp-groep het Woensdag aangekondig dat die kragonderbreking wat die dorp vroeër die oggend getref het, veroorsaak is deur kabeldiefstal by ‘n mini-substasie op die hoek van Vorster- en Munnikstraat. Munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi het later by navraag bevestig dat Woensdag se kragonderbreking wel veroorsaak is deur kabeldiefstal by die

genoemde mini-substasie. Volgens Bobodi het die aanvanklike onderbreking ongeveer 01:00 plaasgevind toe diewe die kabel geknip het. “Een verdagtes het ernstige brandwonde opgedoen,” het Bobodi gesê. Bobodi sê die voorval is by die polisie aangemeld, wat die verdagte in hegtenis geneem het. “Ons het die probleem geïsoleer en is bykans klaar met die herstelwerk,” het Bobodi teen middagete Woensdag gesê. Teen daardie tyd het hulle ook eerste-fase kragvoorsiening herstel. Plaaslike polisiewoordvoerder konstabel Irene Radzilani het

Woensdagmiddag bevestig dat ‘n 24-jarige buitelandse burger in aanhouding is. Sy het egter ontken dat hy onder polisiebewaking in die Louis Trichardt Gedenkhospitaal was. “Ons het hom in hegtenis geneem nadat hy behandeling vir sy brandwonde ontvang het,” het Radzilani gesê. Sy het bygevoeg dat hulle nog moet bepaal hoeveel verdagtes by die diefstal betrokke was. Teen druktyd moes die man nog voor ‘n hof verskyn. “Ons gaan die man aankla van die peuter met, beskadiging en vernietiging van noodsaaklike infrastruktuur,” het Radzilane gesê.


Die mini-substasie op die hoek van Vorster- en Munnikstraat, waar diewe die kabel geknip het. Foto verskaf.

CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaiger: 082 892 8862 Jernay McLeod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271



Geen verband tans tussen moord en miljoen in grond Deur Andries van Zyl

Die polisie kon nog geen verband vind tussen die Fidelity sekuriteitsbeampte wat verlede Dinsdag by die Bridge Auto vulstasie in Louis Trichardt doodgeskiet is en die twee Fidelity beamptes wat ‘n dag later gearresteer is nadat meer as R2,6 miljoen in hulle agterplase uitgegrawe is nie. Die 32-jarige mnr. Tshimangadzo Shane Museisi is op 15 Januarie omstreeks 00:30 in sy Fidelity voertuig koelbloedig doodgeskiet. Volgens die polisie was Museisi saam met ‘n vriendin in die voertuig toe ‘n onbekende man hom genader het. Die man het blykbaar vir Museisi gevra vir sy voertuig se sleutels en toe hy weier het die onbekende man hom verskeie kere geskiet. Die vrou wat saam met Museisi in die voertuig was, het ongedeerd van die voorval afgekom. Die moordverdagte het gevlug, sonder om enige iets te vat, in die rigting van ‘n wit bakkie wat hy ‘n ent van die moordtoneel

parkeer het. ‘n Dag na die skietery was die plaaslike Fidelity tak weer in die nuus. Die polisie het aangekondig dat hulle twee mans van onderskeidelik 30 en 40 jaar gearresteer het, nadat hulle verlede Woensdag­aand (16 Januarie) meer as R2,6 miljoen rand in die mans se agterplase uitgegrawe het. Die eerste man is in die Ravele Riverside-area aangekeer en die tweede by Elim Mabedengwa. Volgens die polisie is die twee mans aangekeer na ‘n intensiewe ondersoek deur lede van die Georganiseerde Misdaadeenheid, die Misdaad Intelligensie-eenheid, die Makhado Taakspan en die polisie se taktiese eenheid in Thohoyandou. Die polisie het kort ná die vonds en arrestasie van die twee mans bevestig dat beide werksaam was by die plaaslike Fidelity tak en verantwoordelik was vir die oplaai van geld. “…in stede daarvan om die geld te deponeer, het hulle die geld gevat. Een verdagte het reeds vir hom ‘n dubbelkajuit bakkie gekoop.

Die meer as R2,6 miljoen is in swartsakke en leë roomyshouers in die grond versteek. Foto: Limpopo SAPD.

Die bakkie is deur die polisie gekonfiskeer,” het het ook bevestig dat die sekuriteitsmaatskappy ‘n provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder brig. Motlafela verlies van meer as R3 miljoen gerapporteer het. Mojapelo gesê. Mojapelo het die publiek versoek om na vore te Onmiddellik ná die moord op Museisi en die kom met inligting wat sal kan help met die aankeer arrestasie van twee van sy kollegas het gerugte die van Museisi se moordenaar. Persone met inligting rondte begin doen dat Museisi “stilgemaak” is om- kan dit deurgee by hul naaste polisiestasie of deur dat hy sy twee kollegas aan die polisie verklap het. die polisie se tolvrye nommer te skakel by tel. 086 In antwoord hierop het Mojapelo Woensdag gesê 001 0111. dat daar in hierdie sta­ dium niks is wat die twee Opening 1 February 2019 mans met die moord op Museisi verbind, of dat die twee sake met mekaar verband hou nie. “Geen arrestasie is nog gemaak in verband met die moord nie. Sodra daar ‘n arrestasie is, WHY BUY WHEN YOU CAN HIRE? kan ons die motief agter die moord bepaal,” het Equipment serviced WHY BUY WHENafter YOUevery CANuse HIRE? Mojapelo gesê. Hy het Only the best brands bygevoeg dat die polisie Competitive rates die ondersoek na die Outstanding service moord op Museisi beWe deliver hartig, terwyl die Valke intussen die ondersoek oor die versteekte geld oorgeneem het. Die geld is in plastieksakke en leë roomyshouers in die grond begrawe. Die twee verdagtes wat in verband met die versteekte geld aangekeer is, het Vrydag in die hof op Louis Tri­ chardt verskyn. Rofhiwa Luvhimbi (30) en Thomas Maluleke (40) is borg geweier en sal COASTAL HIRE LOUIS TRICHARDT in polisie-aanhouding 1 Industria Street bly tot hul volgende 015 004 0154 | 078 453 7743 salesltt@coastalhire.co.za hofverskyning op 24 www.coastalhire.co.za Januarie. Die polisie

Deadline for registration this weekend Election News

This weekend is the deadline to register to vote in the South African general elections this year. These 2019 elections will appoint both new provincial legislatures and a new National Assembly, and determine who the president of the country will be for the next five years. As per the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), what is needed to be eligible to register to vote is a green, barcoded South African Identity (ID) Book, a smart ID card, or a valid Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC). A passport, driver’s licence, certified copy of ID or any other form of ID will not be accepted. To follow up on ID-related questions, the IEC referred people to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The DHA has announced that its offices will be open during the voting registration weekend from 8:00 to 17:00. Citizens of 16 years and older

are eligible to register to vote, but only people 18 years and older are eligible to vote. As well as first-time voters who have to register to be eligible to vote, the IEC states that if you are not registered to vote at the voting station closest to you, you need to update your details. Voting stations are specific to current addresses, so even a short move within town environs could change your voting ward. People who are not properly registered will not be allowed to vote. The easiest way to find your exact voting station is to go to maps.elections.org.za/vsfinder online and enter your street address. This finder will supply the address and directions to your voting station, which will be open for registration on 26 and 27 January between 8:00 and 17:00. For further information, phone 0800 11 8000 or log on to www.elections.org.za. To re­gister before 26 or 27 January, phone the Makhado IEC office, which is situated at Shop 7 at 89 Kruger Street, telephone 015 516 3825.


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The baobab is going to be around for a long time At that time, they reported that little research was available on the cause, other than that they suspected a fungal organism. Research is still ongoing, but Recently, various media reports have stated at this point three new Graphium fungal species that nine of the 13 biggest baobab trees in have been discovered from dying baobabs in South southern Africa had collapsed or died in quick Africa and Madagascar. As with the invasive and succession. Some experts have suggested that highly destructive Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer climate change may have played a key role in beetle and its symbiotic fungus, Graphium fungi their downfall, although research is still ongoing. species are also commonly linked to insects. This These gnarly giants are very much a part of the according to a survey conducted by Elsie CruywaLimpopo landscape and tourist industry, and so gen at the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology their health and wellbeing are important to the Institute (FABI) at the University of Pretoria, who people of this district. After the publishing of a is also the discoverer of the new fungi. conclusion in a 2018 study, headed by Stephan What started the spate of claims that the baobab Woodborne and Adrian Patrut, in Nature Plants that was facing extinction as a result of climate change baobab trees are dying at an unusual rate, several was the study by Woodborne and Patrut. The actual aim of the study, however, was to date the oldest living baobabs accurately. Rather than prove rumours of 6000-year-old trees, the study instead purported that the majority of both the very oldest and the largest trees, or significant parts of them, had collapsed or died in the past dozen years. News of the death of the mighty trees spread and links to climate change were reported as a possible cause. While certain species of baobab are listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (ICUN) Red List of Threatened Species as threatened, the African Baobab, genus Adansonia digitate, has a status of “Least Concern” on the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) Red List of South African Plants. The Zoutpansberger turned to local internationally respected expert on these trees Dr Sarah Venter (BSc, MSc, PhD) for more information. Venter told the Zoutpansberger that the report had not said that climate change was responsible for the falling of the trees, but rather that climate change might be one of the factors. “I believe the trees collapsed from mechanical failure,” said Venter. “The trees get so big and the branches so heavy that they just collapse or fall apart. Most of the collapsed trees continue to grow for hundreds of years more.” Asked about certain recent reports mentioning newly dated ages The baobab tree is a much-loved symbol of this area and worth arranging to visit while the bigger of some of the big baobabs at between 3000 and 6000 years old, she said that “[n]o baobab has been specimens are still standing. By Jo Robinson

news articles in highly respected publications such as National Geographic and the New York Times appeared to indicate the imminent extinction of these mighty trees. Baobabs are staples for many villages in Africa, supplying nutritious fruit and leaves in times of drought and with the bark being used to make a variety of items to sell. At least as far back as 4 July 2016, the general health of these trees has been a concern. Reuters published an article on that date, revealing a disease that has been attacking baobabs in Zimbabwe with devastating effect. Trees that had had their bark removed by either wild animals or people succumbed first, but healthy trees soon followed.




Jy is ’n groeplid, en sal geregtig wees om ’n eis aan die Tshiamiso Trust in te dien, as jy aan al die vereistes van enige van die volgende vier groepe voldoen:

Die hooggeregshof het 48 persone goedgekeur om as GROEPVERTEENWOORDIGERS op te tree, en hulle sal namens die groepe in die skikking optree. Hierdie persone woon regoor Suid-Afrika, en jy kan hul kontakbesonderhede verkry deur die inbelsentrum te skakel met die kontakbesonderhede wat onder gemeld word. DIE GROEPEISPROKUREURS, soos deur die hooggeregshof goedgekeur, is: RICHARD SPOOR INGELYFDE PROKUREURS, ABRAHAMS KIEWITZ INGELYF, en die SENTRUM VIR REGSHULPBRONNE (LEGAL RESOURCES CENTRE). Sien onder vir hul kontakbesonderhede.

Groep 1:

As jy tans ’n GOUDMYNWERKER in Suid-Afrika is, of sedert 12 Maart 1965 ’n goudmynwerker in Suid-Afrika was, en aan silikastof blootgestel is of silikose of tuberkulose (“TB”) opgedoen het, OF as jy die AFHANKLIKE is (bv. die vrou, lewensmaat of kind) van sodanige goudmynwerker wat sedertdien oorlede is, MOET JY ASSEBLIEF HIERDIE KENNISGEWING AANDAGTIG LEES, AANGESIEN DIT JOU REGTE MAG BEÏNVLOED. As jy ’n ander belang in die voorgestelde skikking het, moet jy ook hierdie kennisgewing lees.

Al die persone: 1. wat, soos op die datum wanneer die skikking in werking tree, risikowerk onderneem het. Luidens die skikking beteken risikowerk “risikowerk” soos gedefinieer in die Wet op Beroepsiektes in Myne en Bedrywe van 1973, of enige van die volgende soorte werk: (i) werk in die ondergrondse bedrywe van ’n goudmyn; (ii) werk in ’n wassery waar die klere van ondergrondse mynwerkers gewas word; (iii) werk op die slykdam van ’n goudmyn; (iv) werk in ’n essaiëringslaboratorium van ’n goudmyn waar die samestelling van gouddraende erts ontleed word en waar die massa van inasembare stof van persoonlike monsterneming bepaal word; (v) werk in ’n metallurgiese aanleg van ’n goudmyn, insluitend die verbryseling, vermaling, vervoer en smelting van erts; en (vi) werk by ’n vervoerbandbedryf waar gebreekte rots vanuit die ondergrondse bedrywe van ’n goudmyn na die oppervlak vervoer word. 2. wat voor of op die datum waarop die skikking in werking tree, silikose opgedoen het, of wat aan silikastof blootgestel is; 3. wat risikowerk by een of meer van die myne gelys in Addendum A van hierdie kennisgewing onderneem, of onderneem het ná 12 Maart 1965; en 4. van wie die eise nie vereffen is nie tydens vorige gefinaliseerde skikkings met Anglo American Suid-Afrika Beperk en AngloGold Ashanti Beperk op 14 Maart 2016, en met Anglo American Suid-Afrika Beperk op 19 September 2013 onderskeidelik.

Groep 2:

Die afhanklikes van enige van die persone in Groep 1 hierbo wat oorlede is soos op die datum wanneer die skikking in werking tree.

Groep 3:

Al die persone: 1. wat, soos op die datum wanneer die skikking in werking tree, risikowerk onderneem het; 2. wat voor, op of ná die datum waarop die skikking in werking sal tree tuberkulose opgedoen het; en 3. wat risikowerk onderneem of onderneem het ná 12 Maart 1965 by een of meer van die goudmyne wat in Addendum A van hierdie kennisgewing gelys word.

DIE VOORGESTELDE SKIKKING Ses maatskappye, naamlik African Rainbow Minerals, Anglo American SA, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields, Harmony, Sibanye-Stillwater en sommige van hul geaffilieerde maatskappye (“die deelnemende goudmynmaatskappye”), het tot ’n voorwaardelike skikking ingestem, waaronder hulle vergoeding aan kwalifiserende goudmynwerkers, en die kwalifiserende afhanklikes van sodanige oorlede mynwerkers sal betaal. Die voorgestelde skikking sal die eise teen die deelnemende goudmynmaatskappye vereffen na aanleiding van die groepeis wat voor die hooggeregshof ingestel is vir: • die skade en verlies gely deur mynwerkers wat silikose en/of TB opgedoen het tydens hul werk by sekere goudmyne in Suid-Afrika; en • die skade en verlies gely deur die afhanklikes van mynwerkers wat as gevolg van hierdie siektes oorlede is. Die voorgestelde skikking is onderhewig aan sekere voorwaardes, en moet deur die hooggeregshof goedgekeur word voordat dit in werking tree. Indien die skikking goedgekeur word en al die ander voorwaardes daarvan nagekom word, sal ’n Trust genaamd die Tshiamiso Trust geskep word, wat vir minstens 13 jaar sal bestaan. Alle lede van die groep, behalwe diegene wat kies om hulle aan die skikking te onttrek, sal geregtig wees om ’N EIS VIR GELDELIKE VERGOEDING AAN DIE TSHIAMISO TRUST IN TE DIEN. Kwalifiserende aanspraakmakers sal geregtig wees op ’n eenmalige betaling van tussen R10 000 en R250 000, na gelang van die aard en ernstigheid van die siekte. In sekere buitengewone omstandighede mag hierdie bedrag tot R500 000 verhoog word. ’n Kwalifiserende aanspraakmaker is iemand wat ’n lid van enige van die groepe is, en wat aan die Tshiamiso Trust se vereistes vir geldelike vergoeding voldoen. Daar word ook van die deelnemende goudmynmaatskappye vereis om ’n vasgestelde bedrag vir die regskostes aan die groepeisprokureurs te betaal, asook om vir die administrasie van die Tshiamiso Trust te betaal.

reliably dated to 6000 years. The oldest baobab in South Africa is the Glencoe Tree in Hoedspruit, which has been reliably dated to 1800 years old”. While emphasising that the subject of what the climate would have been like 3000 years ago in this district was the area of expertise of a paleo-climatologist, rather than her own, Venter said that, over that period, a lot of climate fluctuations had occurred, from very wet to very dry. She said that many hundreds of thousands of baobab trees were still left. “I am glad to report that baobabs are not dying out. The one tree I would recommend that everyone put on their bucket list to see would be the Sagole tree. It is the biggest and one of the oldest-dated trees in Africa. And it is on our doorstep!” The Sagole tree is 30km north of Tshipise. Venter wanted people not to panic at the thought of a world suddenly without baobab trees. She encouraged locals to plant baobab seedlings and look after them until they were three metres high. “Give them lots of water to help them grow fast, and never cut a baobab tree down.” She further explained that baobabs can and do die from many things, such as droughts, even though they are unique in that they can use up to 75% of their trunks to store water. If they are not tall enough, young trees die from over-grazing by livestock and game. Elephants also like to eat the trunk, resulting in the trees’ collapsing. She said that because the trees were fibrous, like a loofah, the wood disintegrated very quickly when they dried up. Dr Venter operates the Baobab Guardian programme, which is easy to find online and fun to join. Her current goal is to plant 100 trees and she has just 25 to go, so she would appreciate new supporters. “Many thousands of baobab trees are producing fruit. They will continue to do so for many years to come, so no threat to them exists from harvesting the fruit. We always have enough for future trees to grow, but the problem is livestock and game animals that eat the seedlings that germinate. We need to protect these seedlings until they are taller than the goats or kudu that like to eat them, when they are three metres high.”

Groep 4:

Die afhanklikes van enige van die persone in Groep 3 hierbo wat oorlede is soos op die datum wanneer die skikking in werking tree.

HOE KAN JY VERGOEDING VAN DIE TSHIAMISO TRUST EIS? Jy moet ’n kwalifiserende aanspraakmaker wees om vergoeding van die Tshiamiso Trust te ontvang. As en wanneer die skikking in werking tree, sal jy as groeplid ’n voltooide eisvorm met jou persoonlike inligting en werkgeskiedenis aan die Tshiamiso Trust moet indien, of – as jy afhanklike is – die werkgeskiedenis van die oorlede mynwerker. As jy ‘n mynwerker is of was, sal jy moontlik ook ’n mediese ondersoek moet ondergaan. Indien die skikking deur die hooggeregshof goedgekeur word, sal die besonderhede vir die indiening van eise by die goudmyne wat in Addendum A gelys word wat steeds in bedryf is, gepubliseer word. Die besonderhede sal ook deur die media gepubliseer word, asook op die volgende webwerf: www.silicosissettlement.co.za. JY HOEF NIEMAND TE BETAAL OM JOU TE HELP OM JOU EIS IN TE DIEN NIE. Deelnemende myne: SA Land Daggafontein Oos-Daggafontein Elandsrand Deelkraal (ook bekend as Elandskraal) Kusasalethu Western Holdings (1,2,3,4,6,7) (ARMGold) Matjhabeng (Western Holdings se ander vier skagte, nl. Kudu, Nyala, Sable en Eland, voormalige skagte van Freddiesmyn en Vrystaat Geduldmyn.) Saaiplaas 2,3 Saaiplaas 4,5 (Masimong) (FreeGold 3) Vrystaat Geduld Vrystaat Gekonsolideer

FreeGold 2 en 4 Freddiesmyn 7 en 9 (tot Kades Barnea cc, Pamodzi, Target-myn) Freegold 2, 4 (Tshepong, Phakisa) President Brand President Steyn Steyn 1,2 (tot Kades Barnea, Pamodzi, Bambanani) Steyn 3,4 (FreeGold 1, toe Bambanani) Brand 1, 2, 3, 5 (Steyn 5 tot 8) HJ Joel / Joel Western Reefs (saamgesmelt met Vaal Reefs) Vaal Reefs (1,3,4,5,6,7) Vaal Reefs 2 Vaal Reefs 8 (Great

Noligwa) Vaal Reefs 9 (Kopanang) Vaal Reefs 10 (Tau Lekoa) Vaal Reefs 11 (Moab Khotsong) Western Deep Levels Mponeng (Suidelike Myn WDL 1) Tau Tona (Oostelike Myn WDL 3) Savuka (Wes Myn WDL 2) St Helena Evander (insl. die Kinross, Leslie, Bracken en Winkelhaak myne) Randfontein Landgoedere Doornkop Cooke 1, 2 en 3 (Rand Uraan) Cooke 4 (Ezulwini) Unisel

Harmony-myn Merriespruit Hartebeesfontein Loraine (skagte 1,2 en 3) Zandpan Virginiamyn Village Main Reef Westelike Areas (tot South Deep) South Deep Beatrix (insluitend Oryx) Oryx (tot Beatrix) Driefontein (insluitend Oos-Driefontein, WesDriefontein en Driefontein Gekonsolideer) Kloof (insluitend Leeudoorn, vanaf 1 Jan. 1993, Libanon en Venterspos) St Helena (Beisa-afdeling)

VERHOOR VIR GOEDKEURING VAN DIE SKIKKING ’n Verhoor om die goedkeuring van die voorgestelde skikking te oorweeg sal van 29 tot 31 Mei 2019 om 10:00 plaasvind by die Johannesburgse hooggeregshof, op die hoek van Pritchard- en Kruisstraat. Die hooggeregshof het ’n hofbevel uitgereik wat uiteensit wat jy moet doen as jy aan die verhoor wil deelneem. Jy kan ’n afskrif van die hofbevel, die skikking en afskrifte van die dokumente wat by die hooggeregshof ingedien is van enige van die groepeisprokureurs verkry (kontakbesonderhede verskyn onder). Elektroniese weergawes van hierdie dokumente sal op www.silicosissettlement.co.za. beskikbaar wees. Indien jy die hooggeregshof van jou opmerkings oor die voorgestelde skikking in kennis wil stel, of as jy teen die voorgestelde skikking wil beswaar maak, moet jy: • ’n kennisgewing van voorneme om deel te neem, asook ’n beëdigde verklaring, aan Richard Spoor Ing. Prokureurs oorhandig, en hierdie dokumente ook teen 20 Maart 2019 by die hooggeregshof indien; en • ’n geskrewe argument, indien enige, aan Richard Spoor Ing. Prokureurs oorhandig vir die doeleindes van die verhoor, wat teen 24 April 2019 by die hooggeregshof ingedien moet word. Die bogenoemde dokumente kan met die hand, per faks of per e-pos aan Richard Spoor Ing. Prokureurs oorhandig word (besonderhede in die onderstaande blok). Die hof sal alle beëdigde verklarings en geskrewe argumente oorweeg wanneer daar besluit word om die skikking goed te keur of nie. Die hof sal jou in kennis stel indien jy tydens die verhoor ’n mondelinge argument moet lewer. Indien geen kennis van voorneme om deel te neem voor of op 20 Maart 2019 ingedien word nie, sal die hof die saak op 3 April 2019 aanhoor.

DIE FINALE SKIKKING Indien die hof die skikking goedkeur, sal ’n samevatting daarvan in koerante gepubliseer word, deur radiostasies uitgesaai word, en by verskeie kantore beskikbaar gemaak word (insluitend dié van die goudmyne in Addendum A wat steeds in bedryf is, asook die kantore van sekere adviesdienste, regsassistente en gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies). Die volledige bepalings van die hof se beslissing en die finale skikking sal: • beskikbaar gemaak word by die kantore van die groepeisprokureurs (adresse verskyn onder); • op die volgende webwerwe geplaas word: www.silicosissettlement.co.za, en op die webwerwe van die groepeisprokureurs (sien onder); en • gestuur word aan elke persoon wat ’n kennisgewing van voorneme ingedien het om aan die goedkeuringsverhoor deel te neem.

ONTREKKING AAN DIE GROEPEISVERRIGTINGE Indien jy ’n groeplid is en nie onttrek nie, sal die finale skikking vir jou bindend wees, en jy sal ’n eis vir geldelike vergoeding aan die Tshiamiso Trust kan indien. Indien jy nie onttrek nie, sal jy nie geregtig wees daarop om jou eie eis of groepeis vir geldelike skadevergoeding vir silikose of TB teen die deelnemende goudmynmaatskappye te voer nie. Inligting oor hoe om te onttrek sal gepubliseer word as en wanneer die hooggeregshof die skikking goedkeur.

VIR VERDERE INLIGTING, INSLUITEND HOE OM ’N AFSKRIF VAN DIE SKIKKING TE VERKRY: • besoek www.silicosissettlement.co.za, of die webwerwe van die groepeisprokureurs (sien onder); • skakel die tolvrye inbelsentrum by 0801 000 240. Die inbelsentrum is gratis vir persone wat van binne Suid-Afrika skakel; • stuur ’n “please call me”-boodskap aan die volgende nommer 072 557 8077; of • kontak die GROEPEISPROKUREURS by:

Richard Spoor Incorporated Attorneys

Abrahams Kiewitz Incorporated

Legal Resources Centre

Tel. +27 (0)11 482 6081 Fax. +27 (0)11 482 1419 info@richardspoorinc.co.za P.O. Box 303 Parklands, 2121 Physical address: Eton Building, Sherborne Square 5 Sherborne Road Parktown, Johannesburg

Tel. +27 (0)21 914 4842 Fax. +27 (0)21 914 1455 classaction@ak.law.za P.O. Box 3048, Tygervalley, 7536, Cape Town

Tel. +27 (0)11 836 9831 Fax. +27 (0)11 834 4273 silicosisclass@lrc.org.za P.O. Box 9495, Johannesburg, 2000






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Parents start project to honour late son’s memory

and Mark realised that they wanted to continue to to live safer and more fulfilled lives. The project spread hope, love, and laughter in Sanjit’s name. aims to root out instances of bullying, drug use, “His love for people should not be forgotten or left theft, and instances of sexual and other assault, The Sanjit Pakkiree Train of Hope Awareness unnoticed. That is why we are launching this Crime by sharing awareness of how to spot these things, Project is launching in 2019, set up and managed Awareness Programme in our son’s name. As for as well as hands-on help from relevant sources or by the late Sanjit Pakkiree’s parents, Roshini the future, Mark and I hope that this project will authorities to prevent reoccurrence or assist with and Mark Pakkiree, in memory of their son. continue and grow. This is only the beginning, and repercussions. Sanjit was their only child when he passed away more projects will follow, so that Sanjit’s Train of While Sanjit’s Train of Hope Project aims to unexpectedly on 25 October 2017 at the age of Hope will travel on for many years.” help needy children and schools with the basic 16. He was a well-known and much-loved Form The main focus of the project will be awareness physical requirements of meals and hygiene 3 student at Ridgeway College in Louis Trichof and help with matters that challenge many young products for girls as much as possible, the main ardt at the time. people, from pre-school to high school age, as well focus is awareness of the problems that often face Roshini and Mark have named this non-profit as tangible assistance in the form of donations to school-going children. programme the Sanjit Pakkiree Train of Hope Projthose in need. Topics to be addressed during aware“Bullying occurs in all areas of schools, even ness drives will include serious problems that can though it often goes unnoticed by adults,” said Roaffect individuals and communities negatively for shini, “mostly during breaks, in bathrooms and in many years. The Department of Social Develop- buses or waiting areas for buses. Bullying at school ment and the South African Police Service (SAPS) sometimes consists of a group of learners taking will be on hand to offer support to this programme advantage of or isolating one learner in particular along the way, with other role players, including and gaining the loyalty of bystanders who want local pastors, local businesses, and the media. to avoid being the next victim.” The programme Roshini is an ex-powill spread awareness “His love for people should not lice officer with 26 years of the warning signs of be forgotten or left unnoticed. of experience with the children being bullied SAPS in different de- That is why we are launching this and what to do about it partments before setwhen it is found. With Crime Awareness Programme in the knowledge and extling as head of communication at the Makhado our son’s name. As for the future, perience gained over SAPS. Mark and I hope that this project her many years with “Throughout my casituations such as these, will continue and grow. reer I had a lot to do with Roshini will also spread kids of all ages and had much interaction in terms awareness of the prolific use of drugs, their effects, of social crime prevention. My passion for helping and how to help drug users and schools to fight this them grew while I worked in communication and as problem. Serious issues in certain schools in this I became more involved in school crime-awareness area today include theft, teenage pregnancy and programmes.” sexual and other forms of assault. She was in the initial stages of just such a project The aim of the Sanjit Pakkiree Train of Hope when Roshini suffered the enormous personal trag- Project is to make serious strides not only towards edy of losing her son unexpectedly and suddenly. people becoming more aware of these problems and Even though Roshini and Mark realised that they the effect they have on individuals and society, but would not give up on this project, she left the to work actively to lessen both their occurrence and police force to find healing for her own pain for a their impact. Contact Roshini Pakkiree to find out Mark, Sanjit and Roshini Pakkiree. Keeping the flame of their son’s loving and caring personality time. Now the Pakkirees are back and determined more about what the community and local businessalive for ever, Roshini and Mark are launching the Sanjit Pakkiree Train of Hope Project to to help restore hope in as many young lives as es can do to assist with this project at 083 495 7265. they can, giving hurting or needy children reasons promote awareness of and assist with problems in underprivileged schools. Photo supplied. By Jo Robinson

ect in honour of their son because they strongly believe that his loving and caring personality should never be forgotten, and because of his ingrained desire to help others. “He was an extrovert,” said Roshini. “A bubbly young man, always laughing and smiling, with an ocean’s capacity of love and respect, and just the same capacity when it came to his very busy social life. Sanjit had friends all over, of all cultures and ages, both younger and older than himself. He touched the lives of many with empathy and respect, even though he could be mischievous.” Taking all of this into consideration, Roshini

Registreer om die ANC & EFF koalisie van korrupsie te stop Verbeel jou dat die regering jou ontneem van die huis waarvoor jy so hard werk om af te betaal… Die ANC & EFF probeer om hul plan vir die onteiening sonder vergoeding van grond, huise, en besighede deur te druk in die Parlement – en nou het die ANC ook planne om jou pensioen te steel! Beide is bevoordeel deur die rooftog wat die bestuur van die VBS op hul eie bank uitgevoer het, terwyl arm mense en bejaardes hul geld verloor het! Verder gebruik die ANC steeds belastingbetalers se geld om Zuma se regskostes te betaal. Die ANC & EFF koalisie van korrupsie sal ons land vernietig! Net die DA is groot genoeg om hulle te stop, so moenie jou stem op ’n kleiner party mors nie. Vir tien jaar het die DA by die Grondwethof geveg om te sorg dat Jacob Zuma nou uiteindelik in die beskuldigdebank staan op klagtes van korrupsie. Ons sal aanhou veg om ons Grondwet te beskerm teen die wat ons huise, besighede en pensioen wil vat!

Registreer om DA te stem sodat jy jou reg tot eienaarskap kan beskerm!


26 & 27 Januarie | 08h00 – 17h00 | Skakel 0861 22 55 32 | Besoek check.da.org.za Hierdie advertensie is deur die Demokratiese Alliansie betaal.



Senior resident Mr Francis van der Merwe collects and destroys a bagful of illegal abortion adverts almost every day.

Municipality admits illegal poster issue is a problem By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho

A senior resident in Louis Trichardt, Mr Francis van der Merwe (84), has lashed out at law-enforcement agencies for not acting against the scourge of illegal posters desecrating everything from traffic signs to buildings in town. Van der Merwe criticized the police and the municipality for not acting against the violators of the law, who continue to mar road signs, private property spaces and the municipality’s property in town. “I am not happy at all when I think that the police and the municipality don’t seem to act against the villains who are messing up the municipality’s property,” he said. “I find it unbelievable that they are doing nothing to stop this blatant offence. This

Mr Francis van der Merwe removes an illegal abortion advert from a municipal road sign along Songozwi Street.

is our town; we live in it and we want to see it clean at all times. If this is to continue, where will we be in ten years’ time? Will we still have a town?” For many years, Van der Merwe has been moving around town, removing all illegal abortion adverts. The police had warned him at one stage to refrain from removing the adverts, because it was not his duty to do so. The old man was very upset by the police’s statement, but it did not stop him from doing what he believes is his duty as a responsible citizen. “Now we are not going to really comment on the issue which does not need us,” said the provincial police’s spokesperson, Col Moatshe Ngoepe last week. “This is the municipality’s issue and they will answer to that.” Van der Merwe took the journalist on a viewing tour, showing how much damage had been inflicted on town property. At ABSA, along Songozwi Street, a road sign that shows an entrance onto the road has been totally destroyed by the plastering of many adverts over time. “Is this what we want in this town – will it ever come to an end when no one is acting against it?” Van der Merwe said. “As a pensioner, I pay my entire monthly income to the municipality, so that this town can be clean all the time, but that’s not working out for good.” The spokesperson for the Makhado Municipality, Mr Louis Bobodi, said that it was quite challenging for the municipality to address the problem at once, but added that they were doing their best to ensure that the perpetrators were brought to book. “The situation is not getting better with these nocturnal, hardened people who keep on doing these unbecoming, dirty, money-driven activities,” he said. “We are once more sending a strong warning to those involved to desist from those activities as they would face the full might of the law if they are found. We would like to commend Mr Van der Merwe, who, on a daily basis, keeps removing those filthy stuff marring our town.”

MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

NOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING: 31 JANUARY 2019 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the 89th ordinary Council meeting will be held as follows: TIME: 14:00 DATE: Thursday, 31 January 2019 VENUE: Council Chamber, Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado The Draft Annual Report 2017/18 will be considered at this meeting. All interested members of the public are invited to attend the meeting. Enquiries must be directed to N C Kharidzha or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 Notice No: 13 of 2019 File No: 4/2/1 & 4/3/1 24 & 25 January 2019



Cllr L B Mogale Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality




Thursday, 24 January

Louis Trichardt

(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past John en Marietjie Struwig. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/ Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774

Friday, 25 January

Saturday, 26 January

Mostly sunny, nice.


A thunderstorm in spots.

High: 31oC Low: 18oC

High: 30oC Low: 17oC

High: 28oC Low: 17oC


Shop op die perseel van die Haantjie Kerk (NG Kerk Louis Trichardt) is oop weeksdae van VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Vroue van die Woord kom een maal ‘n maand op 07:30 tot 12:30. “Kom ondersteun gerus. U is ook welkom elke tweede Saterdag van die maand om 10:00 om alle onnodige huisraad of klere te skenk. by die Boekwinkel in Joubertstraat bymekaar. Die inkomste van Bergcare Charity Shop word Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om te bid, gebruik vir die aankope van kos vir die Bergcare geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om Bejaarde-projek,” sê die projekbestuurders. vroue na God se hart te wees. “Alle vroue, jonk Vir meer inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by en oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 015 516 3902. 442 5248 geskakel word. KARATEKAS OEFEN Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom School net buite Louis Trichardt. elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean BasVir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 ket in Songozwistraat byeen. 346 6600. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word. DOJO OEFENTYE Die Ninjutsu Dojo


Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by 082 921 6110.

BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENTRE The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis

Trichardt holds multi-faith devotionals every Thursday from 19:30. “Do not allow difference of opinion, or diversity of thought to separate you from your fellow men, or to be the cause of dispute, hatred and strife in your hearts. Rather, search diligently for the truth and make all men your friends.” For more information phone 081 884 9553 (after hours). Alternatively, visit the website at www.bahai.org.


Inwoners word uitgenooi om elke Woensdag vanaf 08:00 tot 09:00 saam te kom bid vir die gemeenskap en die land tydens ‘n interkerklike biduur by St Peter’s Kerk in Bredastraat. Vir meer inligting, skakel past. Leonie Meyfarth by tel. 084 219 4406.

• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Louis Trichardt Lodge-saal. Sondag erediens 10:00 (Afrikaans) en 18:00 (English). Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937

• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081

• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Francois Strydom 082 7850 265 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672

GIMNASTIEKKLUB OEFENTYE Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub

oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag. Vlak 1 tot 3 gimnaste (meisies en seuns) sal Maandae en Woensdae oefen van 14:30 tot 16:00. Die Vlak 4 tot 7 gimnaste (meisies en seuns) sal ook op Maandae en Woensdae oefen, maar van 17:00 tot 18:30. Elzabé Stewart en Riekie Steyn is onderskeidelik verantwoordelik vir die meisies en seuns se afrigting. Vir meer inligting, skakel Elzabé by 082 566 3493 of Riekie by 082 484 1392.

AA BYEEN Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA)

vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Haantjiekerk (h/v Burger- en Erasmustraat) in Louis Trichardt en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jannie by tel. 076 501 8285.

SKAAKKLUB Louis Trichardt het nou sy eie skaakklub wat elke weeksaand bymekaar kom. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willem by tel. 015 516 1942. klub nooi alle lede en nie-lede om in te skakel by hulle verrigtinge. Klublede kom elke derde Dinsdag van die maand byeen. Alle voornemende groenvingers kan met Hannetjie skakel by 084 950 0205 of Sophie by 082 420 0514 om uit te vind hoe hulle betrokke kan raak.

• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446

• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366

(Shio pan yama dojo Soutpansberg-skool) oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:00 in die stoeisaal. Vir meer inligting kan shihan Swanepoel geskakel word by tel. 076 467 2306.


• Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting.

• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902.




- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827

MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183


- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)


Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub het weer hulle weeklikse oefensessies hervat ter voorbereiding vir die 2019 rugbyseisoen. Die klub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 18:00 vir 18:30. “Ons nooi graag alle bestaande lede asook voornemende lede om te kom saam oefen en hulself gereed te kry vir die komende seisoen,” het die klub se voorsitter, Kevin Gilbert, gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Kevin by tel. 082 892 8769.



Die bekende Dopperontbyt van die Gereformeerde Kerk op Louis Trichardt vind vanjaar op Saterdag, 26 Januarie, in die Fransie Vermaaksaal by die kerk plaas. Vanjaar se spyskaart sluit in jogurt, vrugte en muesli, spek en worsies, ‘n maalvleisgereg en mieliepap, hoenderlewertjies, sousboontjies, roereiers, ‘n verskeidenheid brode en konfyte, koffie, tee en vrugtesap. Die ontbyt word van 08:00 tot 10:00 aangebied en kos R70 vir volwassenes en hoërskoolleerlinge en R30 vir laerskoolleerlinge. Vir besprekings en verdere besonderhede, skakel Nanette by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764.



Die Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt bied op Vrydag, 1 Februarie, weer hulle gewilde straatkafee aan. Die verkoping vind vanaf 12:00 tot 17:00 op die kerkterrein plaas op die hoek van Stubbs- en Forestrystraat (oorkant BB Mount Fuji). “Ons nooi almal uit om te kom kyk wat ons het om te eet. Daar is onder meer kerrie-en-rys, vetkoek-en-maalvleis, worsbroodjies en pannekoek,” sê die gemeente. Kaartfasiliteite is beskikbaar. Vir bestellings, skakel Willem Horn by tel. 071 304 9109.


The Louis Trichardt SPCA will in future hosts a farmer’s market on the first Saturday of every month, the first taking place on 2 February. All sorts of interesting items (food, jewellery, household items, SPCA merchandise, flowers and lots more) will be available. Persons wishing to book a stall can do so by phoning Grietjie on 072 516 6895.


Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg het inwoners van Louis Trichardt en omstreke uitgenooi na ‘n optrede van bekende Suid-Afrikaanse sanger Jo Black by die skool op 8 Februarie. (Vervolg op p. 9)

WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 21 January. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:

21/01/2019 14/01/2019

Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

76.2% 65.2% 77.4% 17.3% 50.5% 6.3% 94.6% 19.9% 53% 51.5% 12.7% 86%



76.4% 65.2% 77.6% 17.9% 52.6% 6.5% 94.8% 21.2% 54.2% 52.3% 13.5% 86.4%

10-12 PG ¸ ˛ Ç Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue, Thu: 09:45, 12:15, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45 Mon, Wed: 12:15, 14:45, 17:30, 19:45


¸ ˛ Ç

Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue, Thu: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00 Mon, Wed: 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00


˛ Ç

Fri - Thu: 11:15, 14:15, 17:15, 20:15


7-9 PG Fri - Sun: 09:15, 11:30, 14:00


MARY POPPINS RETURNS PG ˛ Ç Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue, Thu: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon, Wed: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00




Fri - Sun: 16:45, 19:30 Mon, Wed: 11:45, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30 Tue, Thu: 09:15, 11:45, 14:15, 16:45, 19:30

˛ Ç

Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue, Thu: 09:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 20:30 Mon, Wed: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 20:30 Follow us



# Means latest available data sterkinekor.com

Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. /sterkinekortheatres





Monday, 28 January.

Tuesday, 29 January

Wednesday, 30 January

A morning thunderstorm in spots.

A p.m. thunderstorm in spots.

Variable clouds, a thunderstorm.

High: 26oC Low: 17oC

High: 28oC Low: 18oC

High: 29oC Low: 20oC

Sunday, 27 January Cooler, a little morning rain.

High: 24 C Low: 15 C o


WAT GEBEUR? (Vervolg van p. 8) “Early bird” kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R140 per persoon en R160 vanaf 1 Februarie. Kaartjies vir die voorste rye kos R200 per persoon, maar slegs 200 plekke is beskikbaar. Eie stoele moet saamgebring word met kaartjies wat by Salon Lu-iz beskikbaar is. Hekke open op 17:00 met die vertoning wat om 19:00 begin en kosstalletjies sal beskikbaar wees. Vir meer inligting, skakel Gertien by tel. 082 341 6909.



ardt will join a group of towns and cities from across the world to buy into the unique “Parkrun” initiative on 9 February this year. The concept of park runs is simple: You turn up every Saturday and run 5km, or if you’re a junior, then 2km every Sunday. How fast you go does not matter and neither does what you are wearing. What matters is taking part. For more information about Louis Trichardt’s own park run, dates and times, phone Jaco at Tel 084 616 2299.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151


Let the SPCA Louis Trichardt bakers make your Valentine’s Day a sweet one this year during their annual Woofentines Baking Day and Wag n Purr on 16 February. Delicious cupcakes will be available, on order only, at R15 per cupcake. “Please send your orders to yolandacronje8@gmail.com,” invites the SPCA team. Please note that orders close on 9 February.



The Louis Trichardt SPCA will host their very first Pedal 4 Pets on 2 March this year. The event will coincide with their farmer’s market. WATT bikes will determine who has what it takes for our Pedal 4 Pets competition. For more information and to enter your team, please contact Antjie on 083 563 1010. “Bring all your friends and family for support. Visit our lovely farmer’s market while you are there!” invites the SPCA team. To book your farmer’s market stall, please contact Grietjie on 072 516 6895.

A big thanks to our

Nuwe leraarspaar vir Musina Doppers Die nuwe leraarspaar van die Gereformeerde Kerk op Musina, ds. Hannes en mev. Sarie Lee, is Saterdag daar bevestig. Hulle was die afgelope ses jaar op Ladybrand in die Oos-Vrystaat werksaam. Hannes is ‘n oud-leerling van Laer- en Hoërskool Louis Trichardt.

DISTRIBUTION SPONSORS Support local news. Buy 20 Zoutpansbergers per week and treat your customers or staff. For more info, contact George: 082 419 2359

CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook



(4 months)



(5 months)

Bear Male

Lottie Female

Gunter Male



Gorgeous pups

Lots of cats & kittens



This tortoise coud not get enough of the feel of the grass under its feet. Pictured here with Inspector Lawrence Khodobo of the Louis Trichardt SPCA. Photo’s supplied.

Lucky tortoise gets rescued from “rescuers” By Jo Robinson

SPCA sooner rather than later, both for the benefit of the animal and to avoid facing prosecution if they are reported or otherwise found out. The NSPCA states that when it comes to tortoises, their distribution is not accidental. “It has taken place over hundreds of thousands of years. Different species have evolved and adapted to different areas, and these areas supply them with their essentials for survival such as food, shelter and the chance of finding a mate. Tortoise distribution is very often linked to instinctive food preferences such as succulents and particular wild flowers. A tortoise may starve to death if released in an area in which their known food plants do not occur. Certain species of tortoises have adapted to survive in particular climatic regions. Releasing it into an area with harsh winter or summer conditions, with which it is not familiar, is as good as signing its death warrant.” Protection is provided in the wild for tortoises, and even though they are not particularly fast, they cover large areas in their travels. If held in captivity, they require large areas with

enough vegetation, soil, and places to find shelter, food, water, shade and sunshine. Note must be taken of poisonous plants or substances and hazards to tortoises in particular. These animals require other specific treatment to ensure their safety and comfort when not in the wild, which is why they are best not captured or “rescued” unless a real need exists for rescue, such as injury. “In this case,” said Alicia, “contact the SPCA immediately for help.” If you have any wild animal that may not be kept legally or know of anyone else who is doing so, please contact the local SPCA as soon as possible. “Our aim is to help the animal rather than to prosecute people,” said Alicia. “Please report any such cases without fear of repercussion. Anonymity is fine.” People who come forward and surrender captive wildlife once they realise that they should not have them are not going to get into trouble. Contact Inspector Lawrence Khodobo 082 965 5151 or Alicia Thomas 084 900 5332 at the Louis Trichardt SPCA for further information or assistance.

One tortoise had a lucky escape last week when the local SPCA staff and volunteers were handing out flyers in search of a missing dog. They really do get around into all corners of Louis Trichardt and surrounds this way and very often come across animals being ill-treated or kept illegally. Alicia Thomas told the Zoutpansberger that this tortoise was found in a rubble-filled enclosure measuring approximately one square metre in diameter, together with spent fireworks and not much else on a hard cement floor. The SPCA volunteers who found the animal in this state were appalled to discover that it had been kept locked up there like that for a year already. According to the people holding it, they had seen it walking across a road while on a trip in the Cape, so they picked it up and put in in their boot, thereby “rescuing” it. “Regardless of the fact that some people still believe that they are entitled to keep any sort of wild creature as a ‘pet’,” said Alicia, “this is against the law. If they try to insist on keeping it, it then becomes a police matter and there will obviously be penalties involved.” According to the National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA), “indigenous tortoises may not be kept in captivity or removed from the wild without the required permit from Nature Conservation authorities”. This particular tortoise was confiscated, and when it was placed on the lawn at the SPCA premises in Vondeling Road, it just walked and walked, according to Alicia. It could not get enough of the fresh grass under its feet. “We are just so glad that it is free now,” she said. After enquiries were made to the relevant conservation authorities for a suitable area to release the tortoise, Inspector Lawrence Khodobo returned it to the wild in the Waterpoort district, where it will hopefully live out the rest of its days unmolested by “rescuers”. Any residents who are holding wild animals in captivity The appalling conditions the tortoise was kept in for a year after are encouraged to contact the it had been “rescued” out of the wild. Photo supplied.



Mr Fanie van Zyl (right), facility manager of the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital, has apologised for any inconvenience caused to visitors and patients amidst major renovations taking place at the hospital.

“Please excuse the dust and noise” Health

The management of the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital in Louis Trichardt have apologized for any inconvenience currently being caused by major renovations taking place at the hospital. Facility manager Mr Fanie van Zyl said on Tuesday that

phase 2 of the renovations started on 7 January this year. Phase 1 started in middle October last year. According to Van Zyl, phase 2 will see a total revamp of the casualty wards, nursing station, main entrance and maternity ward bathroom. “Phase 1 saw the building of public toilets, while phase 3 will see the upgrading of rooms

6 and 7’s bathrooms, as well as making the public toilets disability friendly,” said Van Zyl. If all goes to schedule, the renovation will be finished by 15 March. “We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the renovations. We know it causes a lot of noise and dust, but we are doing our best to minimise it,” said Van Zyl.

SPCA gives tips on how to train your “dragon” SPCA News

In response to a request for tips on how to train your cat, Lesley Gaigher of the Louis Trichardt SPCA is sharing some tips this week on how to train your dragon. According to her, cats are just as easy to train as dragons, so she opted to share a few pointers on the much easier task of training mainly your puppy. “Be it a dog or a cat,” said Lesley, “there are a few simple things you can do to train your new pet, so that the whole family can enjoy having it around.” The first step is to choose carefully. You must take into consideration the character traits of the breed you are contemplating to acquire and make sure it will fit into your lifestyle. A quick search on the Internet could save you and your new pet a lot of trouble, and ultimately heartache if the animal does not suit your household and will be surrendered later in its life. In the case of a puppy, you also need to consider not just the cost of the new puppy or the adoption fee, but also the financial commitment that comes with adding any animal to your household. Good quality food, vet expenses (planned and unplanned), grooming needs, toys, shelter and bedding are all things that you will need to be able to provide. To train your new puppy for the normal day-to-day routine, first pick out a name that the dog will respond to. Using a short name ending in a strong consonant that will perk up your pup’s

Puppies want nothing more than to please their owners. Cats, on the other hand, can be a little harder to train. Photo supplied.

ears when he or she hears it is wise. You need to have your house rules decided even before the new dog is brought home. Will the pup be allowed on the furniture? If the rules are settled and enforced from the get-go, fewer problems will occur later. Rewarding good behaviour with positive reinforcement is a sure-fire way to teach your pup how you need him or her to behave. Dogs want to please you and make you happy. They love being praised. A simple “good boy or girl” and a little cuddle will encourage the good behaviour to continue. Likewise, do not reward bad manners. This will only confuse your puppy. If jumping up is unacceptable, it should never be allowed - not even when you arrive home after hours away at work. Remember that dogs live in the moment. Something they did five minutes ago is long forgotten. You need to find a way to discipline bad behaviour as soon as it happens, so that your puppy can make the association between the behaviour and the correction. Training cats, and dragons, is a whole different ball game. As opposed to dogs who want to please their owner, cats are way more interested in their own comfort. Be prepared to be ignored, a lot! That does not mean, however, that training a cat cannot be done. The first thing you need to realize is that cats do not understand punishment – unless they are dishing it out. The old saying goes that you should “let sleeping dogs lie”. The only lie here is that it should have said cats rather than dogs. A comfy cat is not to be messed with, unless you are wearing oven mitts. You should realize that bad behaviour is most definitely a reaction to your actions or omissions. You need to pet your cat as soon as he or she commands it, or approach it with oven mitts. Petting your cat entails certain no-go zones, but only on some days, when approaching it with oven mitts is always the right thing. Some say you can train these little dragons to walk on leashes and to sit on command. I am sure that, with enough time and patience, it can be done, but best you invest in decent oven mi… BODY ARMOUR! All jokes aside, your new family, be it preppy pup or ferocious feline, is sure to bring you a lifetime of happiness, hours of giggles and entertainment. But, most importantly, loyal companionship and unconditional love. PS: The most loving pets in the world are RESCUES! Don’t shop … ADOPT! For more information, please phone Inspector Lawrence Khodobo at 082 965 5151.



Die Bruinhuisslang (Lamprophis capensis). Foto verskaf.

Hierdie slang is eintlik ‘n baie goeie huisvriend Omgewingsnuus

In hierdie week se kolom oor die streek se slange kyk die Zoutpansberger bietjie na die Bruinhuis­ slang of Lamprophis capensis, soos die slim mense daarna verwys. Hierdie slang is heeltemal onskadelik omdat dit geen gif of giftande het nie en word algemeen in en om huise aangetref. Dit kan ‘n mens egter lekker laat skrik vanweë sy grootte, wat kan wissel van 60 cm tot 1 meter. Hulle kan egter tot 1,5 meter lank word.



Beraders: 072 262 8646 / 084 616 2355 / 082 256 6423 / 083 257 3127 / Ondersteuningsgroep: Posbus 85, Louis Trichardt

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Jannie - 076 501 8285 24/7 or Makweta 082 063 7500 Levubu, Louis Trichardt, Thohoyandou

Bruinhuisslange is aktief deur die nag en maak jag op muise, rotte en selfs vlermuise. Klein en jong slange vang graag skinke en geitjies. “Hierdie slang is dus ‘n baie goeie slang om in die omgewing te hê, aangesien hy nie dodelik is vir die mens nie en ook ‘n goeie vorm van natuurlike plaagbeheer is,” het slangkenner en -vanger Jan “Slang” van Rooyen gesê. Bruinhuisslange kan maklik uitgeken word aan die ligte streep op die kop, wat van die snoet, oor die oog en soms tot in die nek in strek. Hierdie slange se kleur kan wissel van ’n baie ligte bruin tot amper swart. Die pens is altyd wit of vuilwit van kleur. “So, ek vra groot asseblief, soos met al die ander slange, moet asseblief nie hierdie slang doodmaak as jy op hom afkom in die huis nie. Hy doen jou ‘n guns om die muise en rotte wat pla te vang, sodat dit nie nodig is om gif uit te sit nie,” het Jan gesê. Vir meer inligting aangaande hierdie slang en ander, het Jan inwoners uitgenooi om hom te skakel by tel. 081 217 9213. Vir die verwydering van enige ongewenste slang kan Frikkie Venter geskakel word by tel. 082 058 7601. “Ek vra dat die publiek sal kennis daarvan dat die werk wat die slangvangers doen nie net gevaarlik is nie, maar ook tyd vat en geld kos (brandstof). Daarom doen ek ‘n beroep op inwoners om ten minste vir die persoon wat uitkom om ‘n slang by jou te vang en weer veilig in die natuur te plaas ‘n donasie te gee,” het Jan gesê.

Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt once again delivered some of the top performers in the annual Cambridge IGCSE exams. The exams are written in 150 countries around the world and the exams are set and marked in the UK. Ridgeway’s IGCSE class of 2018 received 26 distinctions overall. Of the 26 distinctions, 11 were A*s (above 90%). The top achievers were Ayesha Chhaya, Rizka Aboobaker and Ndoswika Lusunzi. Ayesha got seven distinctions out of seven subjects, for Information Technology (92%), Accounting (97%), English (92%), Mathematics (95%), Biology (92%), Physical Science (95%) and Afrikaans (80%). Rizka achieved six distinctions out of eight subjects, for Information Technology (91%), Accounting (96%), Mathematics (89%), Biology (88%), Physical Science (93%) and History (84%). Ndoswika got five distinctions out of eight subjects, for Accounting (86%), Mathematics (83%), Biology (85%), Geography (83%) and Physical Science (90%). From left to right are Ayesha, Rizka and Ndoswika. Photos supplied.

Laerskool Messina se nuwe prefekte is Maandag, 14 Januarie, tydens ‘n glansgeleentheid ingehuldig. Tydens die geleentheid het die spannetjie hul nuwe baadjies aangehad. CY Frozen Foods en Messina Herwinning het bydraes tot die klere gemaak en die res is deur die ouers van die prefekte betaal. Me. Alam het die leerlinge se dasse geborg. “Met hierdie nuwe skoolbaadjies kan ons leiers ons leuse ‘Blink uit’ uitleef. Selfs Messina se hitte het hierdie leerders nie afgesit om daardie baadjie die hele dag met trots te dra nie,” het die skool gesê. Hulle het ook hul dank uitgespreek teenoor me. Cindy van der Merwe en me. Natasha Verster vir die versiering van die saal. Foto verskaf.





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TE KOOP • Duiwewa R2500 • 8 Sitplek braaitafel R6 000 Skakel: 082 420 0514

Got news? Contact us at: 015 516 4996

TO LET TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer woonstel, 2 badkamers, kombuis, woonkamer, veilige omgewing. Altyd water. R3 600 p.m. Koopkrag. Deposito R3 600.

Kontak Meisie: 082 661 8303

TE HUUR Ruim 4 slaap­ kamer huis te huur op Levubu. R6 500 p.m. (prepaid krag) Beskikbaar vanaf 01/01/2019

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TE HUUR • Palmhof, 2 slaapkamer woonstel. By LTT Laerskool. R4 500 p.m. krag uitgesluit • Nuwe uitbreiding. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel. R4 500 p.m. W & E ingesluit.

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to complain to the responsible official Concerned Resident, Louis Trichardt, writes:


hen our country went to election in April 1994 it happened so smoothly and everybody did their duty by going to vote so peacefully. Now, after 25 years, we have another chance to do our duty by going to vote again in May 2019. But our duty is not only to go and vote. Our duty is also immediately to report anything that might be wrong with the municipal services in our town and area to the responsible officials. These responsible officials do not have the staff to walk around our town and area seven days a week to report when something is wrong. That has continuously to be done by us the inhabitants. Will you be so kind, Mr Editor, to ask your investigative journalists to publish for our readers’ benefit the photos, names, titles, telephone numbers, postal addresses and e-mail addresses of our Executive Mayor, the Municipal Manager, plus the directors of each municipal department and other persons to whom our voters, also before the election, can already do their duty to report problems with municipal services in our town and area. In this way we can all do our duty before the election to maintain proper services. Your friendly co-operation of our newspaper shall be highly appreciated. (Dear Concerned Resident. Most of the information you need should be available on the municipality’s website. The Exco members’ photos and details can be found here: http:// www.makhado.gov.za/?q=exco_comiittee. The municipal manager’s details (including email addresses and cellphone numbers, can be found here: http://www.makhado.gov.za/?q=municipal_management. Even details of all the ward councillors are available: http://www.makhado. gov.za/?q=coucil. Residents should definitely start off by contacting these people and notify them of problems. – Editor)

Business Guide To advertise your service here, contact us at 015 516 4996

VACANCY A leading Market Research Company seeks to employ the services of FIELD RESEARCHERS in THOHOYANDOU to work on a project to project basis. Applicants need to possess interviewing skills, numeracy at matric or equivalent level, computer literacy, and at least 5 Matric passes. All applicants must be fluent in at least two languages (including English). Please forward CVs to funeka@plus94.co.za or fax to 086 688 7284


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* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 14:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00

“Vergeld niemand kwaad vir kwaad nie; bedink wat goed is voor alle mense” - Romeine 12:17. (Ou vertaling)


uigbaarheid: Vers 16. “...moenie na hoë dinge streef nie, maar voeg julle by die nederige; moenie eiewys wees nie...” beteken ook – moenie eiesinnig wees en jouself oorskat nie. Ryp graan buig maklik om. Takke met ryp vrugte buig laag. Bedaar! En lees vers 19. Is daar toorn, wraak en vergelding vir onreg wat jou aangedoen is? Bedaar, en gee dit oor aan Hom wat regverdig oordeel. “Beklee julle met die Here Jesus Christus” - Romeine 13:14. Hierdie is pragtige woorde wat ‘n buitengewone beeld gebruik om die wonder daarvan uit te bring dat ons vir Christus “aantrek”. In Kolossense 3:1214 is daar sommige van Christus se unieke en spesiale hoedanighede wat die “nuwe mens” moet aantrek; in Efesiërs 6:10-17 lees ons van die volle wapenrusting wat sy “soldaat” moet aantrek, hier in Romeine 13:14 moet Sy “daglig kind” die Here Jesus self as die lig “aantrek” sodat hy wakker, waaksaam en gereed kan wees om vir Hom in donker plekke te skyn en met sy wederkoms saam met Hom te vertrek. In Galasiërs 3:27 word ‘n baie treffende feit aan ons voorgehou en die feit is nie iets wat eers bewys hoef te word nie; die waarheid het dit reeds bewys: “Want julle almal wat in Christus gedoop is het julle met Christus beklee.” Verbind hierdie feit met Romeine 6:3 en jy ontdek dat “...ons almal wat in Christus Jesus gedoop is, in sy dood gedoop is” en reeds met Hom in sy kruisdood vereenselwig is. Daardeur het ons die oue mens of sondige natuur afgesterf, want ons het deelgenote van die Goddelike natuur geword (2 Petrus 1:4). As jy hierdie feit glo, word jy innerlik deur die Heilige Gees met Christus se vlekkelose reinheid beklee en vernuwe. Uiterlik “beklee” Hy jou met Christus en jou hele wese versier Hy met sy spontane, onoortreflike skoonheid.

- 079 516 8303

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:

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NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer: Jo Robinson

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DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to George Janse van Rensburg (082 419 2359) Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za © All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeursregte en wysigings daarvan.



Beware of plain-clothed crooks at border post By Jo Robinson

The Minister of Home Affairs, Siyabonga Cwele, announced at a media briefing on 20 January that visitors to South Africa had increased by 0.61% from last year overall. He said that the figure of 6 852 972 people who had entered the country’s various border posts was mainly made up of foreign tourists but included those travelling for education or business. Cwele said that the Beit Bridge border post had seen the second-highest number of travel volumes in the country after the Oliver Tambo International Airport, with 884 992 visitors crossing there into South Africa between 1 December 2018 and 15 January 2019. The assistant regional immigration officer in charge of Beit Bridge Zimbabwe, Mr Nqobile Ncube, told that country’s newspaper The Herald that they were clearing an average of between 14 000 and 30 000 visitors daily, both in and out of their country. He said that, following a new system of separating traffic into pedestrians, motorists, buses, commercial vehicles and visitors, things were flowing speedily. No figures for unofficial entries from Zimbabwe into South Africa and vice versa exist. However, if reports are any indication, informal border crossing is not difficult. In November last year, three trips to the border post led by the DA’s spokesperson on

immigration, Jacques Julius, revealed open gates large enough to allow trucks through and broken fences, as well as regular routes for the illegal collection and spending of SASSA grants and the transporting of stolen vehicles. Some reports commend the use of plain-clothes immigration officials, while others complain about criminals posing as plain-clothes immigration officials, especially on the Zimbab­wean side of the border. People complain that the payment of bribes to the legal and illegal alike has become the order of the day at Beit Bridge. One traveller hoping for a holiday with his family in Zimbabwe had his new twin-cab bakkie confiscated by Customs and Excise instead, after he had paid an unofficial “clearing agent” to process his vehicle’s temporary import paperwork. He now faces a long and costly procedure to get it back, if he can do so at all. With both criminals and actual immigration officials wearing plain clothes approaching travellers waiting either in their vehicles or on foot in queues, criminals of all kinds are enjoying easy pickings. Travellers are afraid of offending real border officials, and so they follow the instructions of crooks, only to find themselves in trouble regardless. From petty thievery to grand theft, travellers both to and from Zimbabwe should be absolutely sure that they are dealing with legitimate officials and consider carefully before handing over either personal documentation or cash.

131 Krogh Street (C/o Krogh & Ruh st) Louis Trichardt 0920 HAMMANN PROPERTIES

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One of Louis Trichardt Primary School’s traditions is the ringing-of-the-bell ceremony. It is tradition that the Grade 1s ring the bell to symbolize the start of their formal school career at Louis Trichardt Primary. Later this year, the Grade 7s will ring the bell on their last school day. In the picture, little Tino Mukotami (Grade 1A) is helped by headboy Willem Schutte to ring the school bell for the first time. The ceremony took place at the school last Friday. Photo supplied.

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158.9Ha. High rainfall. Excellent grazing. Large secured shed and outbuildings. Worker’s facilities. Steel cattle kraal and handling facilities. 2 Boreholes. Lots of river, building and plaster sand.

New Year sees only one new born at Zoutpansberg Private Hospital The Zoutpansberg Private Hospital in Louis Trichardt only boasted one New Year’s Day baby this year. “The Zoutpansberg Private Hospital would like to congratulate the Khoza family on the birth of their New Year’s Day baby,” said the hospital. Pictured with the family are nurse Rendani Sethagathaga (left) and nurse Virginiah Musandiwa (right). Photo supplied.

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Hierdie groepie atlete was die top bekerwenners tydens Laerskool Messina se jaarlikse interhuisatletiekbyeekoms wat verlede Vrydag beslis is. Van links na reg staan Jonea Pretorius, Geané Anderson, Jeffrey Singo, MC Brand en Victor Kleynhaus. Foto verskaf.

Rekords spat by Messina se jaarlikse interhuis Skolesport

Laerskool Messina se jaarlikse interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms is verlede Vrydag beslis en te midde van die hitte het die skool se jong atlete steeds daarin geslaag om verskeie rekords te verbeter. Die jong Jeffrey Singo het drie rekords verbeter, naamlik die 100 m, 150 m en gewigstoot rekords vir seuns o.12. Geané Anderson is nou die nuwe rekordhouer vir die 800 m en 1 500 m meisies o.13, terwyl Jonea Pretorius die 75 m hekkies rekord vir meisies o.10 verbeter het. MC Brand het op sy beurt ‘n nuwe 80 m hekkies rekord opgestel

Rico Pieterse (links) en Miché Molter (regs) hou as kapteine van die skool se Blouspan die trofee vas as algehele wenners van die jaarlikse interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms. Foto verskaf.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se atlete het skitterend presteer tydens die afgelope naweek se atletiekbyeenkoms op hul tuisveld teen Hoërskool Eric Louw en – Noorderland, asook Ridgeway College. Hierdie atlete was die beste presteerders die dag. Voor, van links na regs, staan Ansonett Oosthuizen (beste junior meisies veldatleet: gewigstoot), Luandi van Zyl (beste junior meisies baanatleet 300 m hekkies), Eliz-Mari Pretorius (beste senior meisies baanatleet: 200 m) en Michaela Gilfillan (beste senior meisies veldatleet: gewigstoot). Agter is Johannes Joubert (beste senior seuns baanatleet: 110 m hekkies) en FC Phillipson (beste senior seuns veldatleet: gewigstoot).

vir seuns o.13. Jeffrey is ook ná afloop van die byeenkoms aangewys as die dag se senior Victor ludorum, terwyl hy ook die trofeë ontvang het as beste veld­ atleet en beste baanatleet. Geané was die senior Victrix ludorum en ook die beste langafstandatleet. Jonea het die junior Victrix ludorum trofee gewen, terwyl sy ook aangewys is as beste meisies hekkiesatleet. Victor Kleynhans is as die junior Victor ludorum aangewys, terwyl MC die beste seuns hekkiesatleet van die dag was. Die dag isalgeheel ingepalm deur die Blou­ Khuthi Rasivhaga (regs) van Laerskool Louis span, terwyl die Witspan weggestap het met die Trichardt is Saterdag aangewys as die Prestigegeesbeker. atletiekbyeekoms se senior Victor ludorum. Triegies, wat as gasheer van die dag opgetree het, se aflosspanne het ook ses van die 12 aflosse teen die gedugte spanne van Suidskool, Oosskool en Krugerpark gewen. Saam met Khuthi staan mnr. Riaan Smit van Soutpansberg Koelkamers wat saam met die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal die hoofborge van die dag was. Foto verskaf.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se Mijanke Venter (links) is Saterdag, tydens die Prestigeatletiekbyeenkoms by die skool, aangewys as die dag se senior Victrix ludorum vir. Saam met haar staan mnr. Riaan Smit van Soutpansberg Koelkamers wat saam met die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal die hoofborge van die dag was. Foto verskaf.

Die geesbeker is ingepalm deur Laerskool Messina se Witspan tydens die skool se jaarlikse interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms. Afgeneem is die spankapteine Erynn Hodgson (links) en JP Coetzee (regs). Foto verskaf.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt het Saterdag gasheer gespeel vir die jaarlikse Prestige-at­ letiekbyeenkoms. Die besoekende skole was laerskole Pietersburg-Oos, Pietersburg-Suid en Krugerpark van Mokopane. In die middel staan Laerskool Louis Trichardt se Darrel Kazaji (o.8) wat as die dag se algehele Kampioen van Kampioene aangewys is. Foto verskaf.


Soutpansberg Gholfklub

Soutpansberg Ope Datum 19/01/19


19 th HOLE

Ses van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jong swemmers het Saterdag, 19 Januarie, deelgeneem aan die ouderdomsgroep gala in Tzaneen teen sewe ander klubs. Van links na regs staan Nathan Horak (derde 50 m vryslag), Reynard Wilson (tweede 50 m bors- en vryslag), Bennita Rheeder (vyfde vryslag) en Junél Joubert (sesde bors- en vryslag). Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Amaris Nortjé (tweedevryslag, derde borsslag en vyfde rugslag) en Hermané van Breda (vierde vryslag en vyfde borsslag).

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You can also follow us on social media!

Visit us on the net at www.zoutpansberger.co.za Mulweli Muswede’s face says it all as she completes a throw in the shotput for girls U/19 during Saturday’s athletics meet between Louis Trichardt High School, Noorderland from Polokwane, Eric Louw from Musina and Ridgeway College. Mulweli finished second in the event.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Karla “Vossie” van Zyl het Saterdag, tydens ‘n atletiekbyeenkoms Benjamin de Waal van Hoërskool Louis Tri- teen hoërskole Noorderland, Eric Louw en chardt het Saterdag tweede geëindig in die Ridgeway College op Triegies se tuisveld, beide die 3 000 m en 1 500 m vir meisies o.19 gewen. verspring vir seuns o.16.

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BO: Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se atlete het Saterdag, 19 Januarie, op hul tuisveld kragte gemeet teen opponente van hoërskole Noorderland, Eric Louw en Ridgeway College. Die byeenkoms ter voorbereiding van die jaarlikse interhoër moes die middag kortgeknip word vanweë ‘n erge wind- en reënstorm. Tot en met daardie stadium het die Triegie-atlete hul goed van hul taak gekwyt. Afgeneem is Triegie Linita Triegie athlete Angela Muleya gave her all and went on to win Cilliers wat die 100m hekkies the 100m hurdles for girls U/16 during Saturday’s athletics vir meisies o.19 gewen het. meeting at Louis Trichardt High School.

Advertise and tease your opposition Contact us NOW to book your space Tel: 015 516 4996 * George: 082 419 2359 * Zander: 064 687 8521

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