Zoutpansberger 25 June 2021

Page 1




News with an independent soul


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Leshiba Mountain Retreats shifts focus to local tourists - page 2

“Our experience, your peace of mind”

083 482 2707 / 083 269 1860

Jaargang 37 Vol.25

Nuwe wending in saak oor pa en seun se dood - bladsy 5

ISSN 2409-2835

Audited Distribution Figures


9 772409 283001

Third wave is here By Anton van Zyl

The third wave of Covid-19 infections has reached the Vhembe region, and even though official figures are still moderate, the real effects seem to be much more devastating than the previous waves. Several local schools and businesses closed the past week as more infections were reported. The latest official figures made available by the Limpopo Department of Health indicate that on Wednesday, 23 June, there were 300 active Covid cases in Vhembe. Of these, Makhado reported most of the cases (162),

with Thulamela (85) not too far behind. In Limpopo Province, the total number of active cases stood at 2 500, with 2 552 deaths. The official death toll in Vhembe stood at 497 on Wednesday. Compared to the cumulative total of Covid infections (12 263), this means that just more than 4% of the people contracting the disease in Vhembe died. What is generally accepted, however, is that a lot of Covid cases “slip under the radar” and that the official figures are not a true reflection of the extent of the pandemic. The past week saw a flurry of infections being reported, and even the Makhado Municipality had to close on Monday. Schools such as Ridgeway rather opted to close until the situation has

improved. At the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital, the visiting hours were revoked to safeguard against the new wave of infections. The hospital also increased their disaster-search-plan grading from yellow to orange, which means that more beds have been allocated to Covid patients. Ms Anneke Stroebel, the manager at the hospital, said on Tuesday that they had seen a definite increase in the number of Covid patients at the hospital. The hospital has increased the number of ICU beds to 12, to make provision for the increase in patients. She said that, at this stage, no reason existed for panic, but they were preparing for a steep increase in the number of Covid patients. (Contd on P2)

The Limpopo provincial government continued their Covid-19 roll-out plan the past week with vaccinations for over-60-year-olds taking place at the Makhado Show Grounds in Louis Trichardt. Those who went for their Covid “shots” said they were impressed by the speed at which the vaccinations took place. Vaccinations will continue at the show grounds from 28 until 30 June next week. Pictured to get their vaccinations on Wednesday morning are Louis Trichardt residents John Kuhn and his wife Kato. Photo: Elardus van Zyl.



Images for illustrative purposes only.Ts & Cs apply. While stocks last.

Help asseblief! Inwoners van Louis Trichardt en omstreke is hierdie week gevra om hulle harte en hande oop te maak vir die 50-jarige Chris Viviers. Hy is opgeneem in die hoësorg eenheid van die MediKliniek in Tzaneen vanweë Covid-19. Wat sy toestand kritiek maak, is die feit dat hy reeds worstel met ander onderliggende siektetoestande. Dinsdag het hy ‘n terugslag beleef, maar Woensdag het dinge weer bietjie beter gegaan. Chris se hospitaalrekening beloop sowat R24 000 per dag. Aangesien die familie nie ‘n hospitaalplan of mediese fonds het nie, het hulle die publiek gevra om asseblief te help. Kern en Dekker Prokureurs het ingespring en hul bankrekening beskikbaar gestel vir donasies. Geldelike steun kan inbetaal word in rekeningnaam Kern & Dekker Inc, Standard Bank, rekeningnommer 030 429 854 en takkode 052549. Gebruik verwysing “A16410”. Vir meer inligting, skakel Louise Dekker of Ina Ras by tel. 015 516 0136/8. Foto verskaf.



Leshiba Mountain Retreats shifts focus to local tourists By Anton van Zyl

Leshiba Mountains Retreats.

The Soutpansberg has many treasures, often taken for granted by its residents. The mountain itself has a unique character, unlike anything else you will find in the country or even in the world. This exquisite beauty and the diversity of plants and animal species have, for decades, lured tourists from across the globe. The past few decades saw tourist facilities developing that focused on this international market. The visitors, mostly from European countries, did not mind paying a fee to be spoilt while relaxing in one of the most scenic surroundings you will find in the world. At the beginning of 2020, the tourism industry worldwide shuddered to an abrupt halt. The Covid pandemic brought with it travel restrictions and isolation periods. Almost overnight, bookings made months and even years in advance were cancelled and once-busy lodges were left empty. For months, the travel and other restrictions meant that even local tourism was near impossible. The international tourism model was one that relied on offering five-star service and facilities, often out of reach for local tourists. It also meant an influx of capital into the local market, which is necessary for growth and job creation. One of the Soutpansberg’s most exquisite tourism treasures is Leshiba Mountain Retreats, nestled high up in the mountains, some 36 kilometres west of Louis Trichardt. Leshiba is a protected reserve and offers a variety of wildlife, including leopard, giraffe, zebra, as well as various antelope and bird species. Leshiba Mountain Retreats traditionally focussed on the international tourism market as a place where visitors could relax with massage therapies, go on game drives and guided walks and break away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But Leshiba is one of the tourist establishments that suffered a terrible blow because of the pandemic. “I remember we had guests coming in from the Netherlands,” recalls Kathryn Straughan, the general manager at Leshiba. They turned out to be the last overseas visitors for a long time. What followed was a period of uncertainty, of not knowing exactly what the dangers were for staff as well as visitors. Cancellations started to stream in, and everything came to a halt. “We had to retrench 11 of our employees, which was devastating,” says Kathryn. This was heart-breaking because, in a small and isolated

community, finding other jobs is near impossible for them. Many of the secondary industries, such as the companies providing services and goods to the lodge, were also severely affected. The situation continued for months, during which time the lodge was effectively mothballed, with the work limited to maintenance. As the months dragged on, Leshiba’s team decided to use the opportunity to renovate their self-catering facilities as well as upgrade the old farmhouse into a new luxury venue. They realised that the revenue model would have to adapt. “We’ve reworked our whole model of what we were offering,” says Kathryn. They started to focus on the domestic market, encouraging residents to explore and realise what South Africa has on offer. “There are such exceptionally beautiful places on our doorstep,” she says. Guests at Leshiba are encouraged to explore nature on their own and even walk down the path of history, where the guided archaeological trail offers an enlightening and mystical venture into the past. This trail leads you past ancient Rock Art sites, where paintings between 200 and 2000 years old can be found. Kathryn is hopeful that the situation will change again in the not-so-distant future. She explains that South Africa’s travel restrictions for international guests are not what stifles the industry. “When travellers return to their country, they are forced to isolate,” says Kathryn. This means that a two-week holiday may turn into a month away from work, which is simply too long for tourists. In a somewhat strange twist of circumstances, one of the Soutpansberg’s internationally acclaimed tourism jewels has now become accessible to South Africans. To encourage the local tourism market, Leshiba is offering a 50% discount off their rates. For residents of the Vhembe region, an added bonus is given – an extra 10% off. Leshiba can truly be described as a dream venue that has everything that can be expected from a tourism destination with a distinctively “local” flavour. Wood carvings from the region’s top artists, such as Noria Mabasa, Thomas Kubayi, Owen Ndou and David Murathi, are on display. Guided tours to visit these artists can also be arranged. Their new business model means that a unique opportunity now exists for local people to experience the beauty of the mountain at highly affordable rates. For more information, visit Leshiba Mountain Retreats’ website at www.leshiba.co.za.

“I remember we had guests coming in from the Netherlands,” recalls Kathryn. They turned out to be the last overseas visitors for a long time. What followed was a period of uncertainty, of not knowing exactly what the dangers were for staff as well as visitors. Cancellations started to stream in, and everything came to a halt.

The third wave of Covid infections has arrived.

Now not the time to let your mask down (Contd from P1) The Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital was also asked for an update on the situation there, but at the time of our going to press, nothing was forthcoming. Statistics made available by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) confirm that the local hospitals are following the national trend. Limpopo has 41 public and

MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271

seven private facilities that report to the NICD. The figures for Tuesday (22nd) indicate that 211 patients had been admitted to hospitals in the province. Of these patients, 135 were in private hospitals and 76 in public hospitals. Twenty of the patients were in ICU. Exactly a month earlier, on 22 May, only 48 patients were treated for Covid-related infections in Limpopo’s hospitals. Thirty-four of the patients were admitted to private hospitals, while 23 were in public hospitals. Only eight patients were treated in ICU, all of them at private hospitals. Many believe that the death toll of the pandemic is vastly underreported. The SA Medical Research Council (SAMRC) collects data on reported deaths and uses this to predict how many people would die in a specific period. Such statistics are very necessary for government institutions and even big companies to do planning. The predictions are also based on data stretching back over many years and make provision for a variety of factors. In the period between 3 May 2020 and 12 June 2021, some 170 091 “excess deaths” occurred in the country. This figure reflects the natural deaths (not because of factors such as accidents or shootings) above the expected figure for persons one year and older. Even if the official figure for Covid deaths (just over 59 000) is taken into account, it means that roughly 110 000 people more than expected had died. In Limpopo, the number of excess deaths in the past year stood at 15 303 on 12 June. The province’s official tally of Covid deaths stood at 2 517 on 22 June.

Triegies wys nuwe mediaprefkte aan Laerskool Louis Trichardt het hulle gelukwense uitgespreek teenoor drie van hulle leerders wat as nuwe mediaprefekte aangewys is. Van links na regs staan Angel Mantsha, Annabell Beukes en Shongile Nyalungu. Foto verskaf.



Bad week for SANDF as eight border soldiers are arrested station by their commander and were then detained. All three the arrested Just whom can you trust when the men appeared in the Musina Magisvery people entrusted to uphold trate’s Court on Monday. The soldiers the law turn out to be criminals? appeared on charges of possession of This is exactly the question asked illegal cigarettes, defeating the ends by many, following the news of the of justice and corruption. They were arrest of several members of the remanded in custody until bail appliSouth African National Defence cation on 24 June. The Zimbabwean Force (SANDF) stationed along man appeared in a separate court. He the country’s northern border with was also remanded in custody until Zimbabwe on suspicion of involving his next court appearance on 29 June. themselves in criminal activities the At the time of our going to press, his past week. name had not yet been released. On Friday, 18 June, police arrested Upon enquiry, Brig Gen Mafi two members of the SANDF together Mgobozi from the Department of with an undocumented Zimbabwean Defence Communication Office man for allegedly transporting illegal confirmed the arrest of the soldiers. cigarettes in an official army vehicle. “The SANDF confirms that the two The soldiers were in uniform while the members who were arrested on Friday, civilian was wearing an army jacket. 18 June, by the Limpopo police for an “The police at Beitbridge received inalleged transportation of illegal cigaformation about an army vehicle which rettes on the N1 between Beitbridge was loaded with illicit cigarettes which and Musina are attached to 1 Special were to be delivered to an unidentified Service Battalion in Bloemfontein. The buyer around Musina. They then rerank and names of the two soldiers acted by staging a stop-and-search op- are Lieutenant Lucky Jabu Mokoena eration next to the Baobab Truck Park (38 years) and Private Sphamandla along the N1 road north of Musina. David Zungu (27 years). The members The civilian was immediately arrested were deployed in Limpopo,” Mgobozi but the armed soldiers reportedly betold the Zoutpansberger. Apart from came confrontational and refused to be the official police investigation into arrested. The police then confiscated the matter, Mgobozi added that the the said vehicle,” said provincial police SANDF would also be conducting spokesperson Brigadier Motlafela their own investigation into the matter Mojapelo in a press statement after while also cooperating with the police the incident. When police searched the investigation. vehicle, they found 12 boxes of illegal The SANDF’s woes, however, did cigarettes concealed at the back of not end there. Late Tuesday afternoon, the army Toyota Land Cruiser, with a the Directorate for Priority Crime street value of about R160 000. Investigation (better known as the According to Mojapelo, the two sol- Hawks) confirmed the arrest of six diers were later brought to the police more SANDF members previously staBy Andries van Zyl


tioned at the Beitbridge Border Post on allegations of corruption on Monday. The were arrested in the North West, Northern Cape and the Free State. “The suspects were deployed at the Beitbridge Border Post to defend and protect the territorial integrity of the Republic of South Africa between 2017 and 2019. Instead of carrying out their constitutional mandate of ensuring national security at the borders, they allegedly connived with vehicle-smuggling syndicates to smuggle stolen vehicles through the Limpopo River in exchange for money,” said the Hawks’ provincial spokesperson, Captain Matimba Maluleke, in a press release. According to Maluleke, the arrested SANDF members would allegedly demand R15 000 per vehicle, which would be shared among themselves. The six arrested soldiers, whose ranks range between Lance-corporal and Private, were due to appear in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday. At the time of our going to press, the outcome of their court appearance was not yet known. In the meantime, the national Head of the Hawks, Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya, hailed the collaborative efforts by the integrated team to vigorously fight and root out corruption in the public and private sectors. “We certainly hope that our joint team efforts will inspire confidence in the entire civil servant and the South African community at large. Those who are entrusted with responsibility to protect and serve must never be tempted by dirty money from organised criminal groups, otherwise the lessons will be learnt the hard way,” said Lebeya.

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The SANDF Toyota Land Cruiser that was confiscated by the police last Friday on suspicion of being used to transport illegal cigarettes. Two soldiers and an undocumented Zimbabwean man were arrested in connection with the incident. Photo: Limpopo SAPS.

Twelve boxes of illegal cigarettes with a street value of about R160 000 were seized by the police. Photo: Limpopo SAPS.



Residents claim that they are often turned away by the staff at Messina Hospital, without being examinated by a doctor.

Verkeer op die N1 noord in die Soutpansberg-bergpas is Dinsdagmiddag erg ontwrig ná ‘n botsing tussen twee vragmotors. Die botsing tussen ‘n insleepvragmotor (wat besig was om ‘n trekker te vervoer) en vragmotors wat sand vervoer het in die berugte haarnaalddraai naby die ou Ingwe Hotel plaasgevind. Na wat verneem word is wonderbaarlik niemand in die ongeluk dood nie, alhoewel daar beserings was. Die beseerdes is afgevoer vir mediese behandeling. Foto’s: Elardus van Zyl

Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die


Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, het ‘n reuse swartmamba van 2,75 m op die voorblad van 21 Junie 1996 gepronk, asook ‘n allegaartjie van kort misdaadberigte en die polisie het duidelik hulle hande vol gehad in ‘n veranderende Suid-Afrika. Wat die swartmamba betref, balanseer ‘n jong Karel Pretorius op die skouers van ‘n vriend om die lengte van die slang te wys. Hulle het die slang op die Soekmekaar gevind, nadat iemand oor hom of haar gery het. Twee weke voor dit het ‘n ander leser ‘n dooie 2,5 m swartmamba by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger aangebring. Wat die allegaartjie van misdaadnuus betref, is berig van die polisie wat stadig maar seker besig was om die net rondom ‘n groep koperdiewe stywer te trek. In Eltivillas het die polisie hulle hande vol gehad met die bekende “Drie Kaart”-swendelaars wat die publiek uit hulle geld verkul het. In Louis Trichardt is ‘n man van roeke-loos of nalatige bestuur aangekla, nadat hy ‘n motorfietsryer raakgery het en by Tshipise is tien koperdraadrolle ter waarde van sowat R10 000 gesteel. Een van die interessanter berigte het egter op bladsy 2 van daardie week se uitgawe verskyn, naamlik ‘n berig oor bekende inwoners Johan van Tonder en Flip Botha wat wonderbaarlik ‘n motorongeluk oorleef het. Die voertuig waarin hulle gery het, het sowat 30 meter teen ‘n krans afgestort naby die Ingwe Hotel in die gevaarlike Soutpansberg-bergpas. Johan het bestuur. Hy is egter deur ‘n

aankomende voertuig se ligte verblind en het uitgeswaai, waarna hy beheer verloor het oor die voertuig en dit oor die krans gestort het. Die voertuig is totaal afgeskryf en niemand kon glo dat Johan en Flip sonder ‘n skrapie uit die voertuig kon kruip nie. Enige huisvrou sal weet dat skoonmaakmiddels van die duurste items op jou inkopielys is. Clicks het daardie week, 25 jaar, gelede ‘n bottel 750 ml Jik bleikmiddel vir R2,29 geadverteer, terwyl ‘n dubbelpak 500 ml Toilet Duck jou R8,40 sou kos. ‘n Bottel 750 ml Handy Andy het jou R3,49 uit die sak gejaag, terwyl ‘n boks 750 g Skip-waspoeier jou R7,99 gekos het.

Residents concerned about service delivery at Messina Hospital By Bernard Chiguvare The community of Musina is concerned about service delivery at their local hospital. Some claim that they get turned away on visiting Messina Hospital, while others say that treatment there is so poor that they often have to consult doctors elsewhere for help. “Messina Hospital’s chief executive officer must make time to improve his employees’ staff/ patient relations. Several patients have been turned away now, and without valid reasons. We have lost faith in how the hospital staff deal with patients. It is turning into a death bed!” exclaimed Mr Peter Mokgoli, one of the community leaders in Musina. The Zoutpansberger spoke to a few people who claim that they had been sent away when they went to the hospital because they felt really ill. Joel Maila visited the hospital on Sunday, 6 June, when he experienced severe back pain. “I went at around 22:00. It was late but I could not endure the pain any longer, so my wife drove me to the hospital. The doctor on duty was busy with another patient, so I had to wait for my turn. After 15 minutes I was called in by a nurse. All necessary steps were taken before I could be referred to the doctor. As the doctor was still busy with another patient, I was sent back to the waiting room. Another 15 minutes later, I was called in to see the doctor. The doctor said that

I was wasting his time, even without examining me, and said that I was not ill,” said Maila indignantly. According to him, the doctor asked him why he had not gone to the clinic first, as they would have transferred him to the hospital if it was an emergency. A heated conversation apparently followed. Maila requested another doctor and, after nearly 45 minutes of hard talk, was examined by another doctor. “This is not the first time I’ve experienced this from Musina doctors. I remember how we struggled to get my daughter medical treatment three years ago too,” said Maila. An anonymous woman who claims to have visited the hospital on the same day as Maila (6 June), said that she arrived at the hospital at around 09:30 that morning, feeling really sick. “I was given the run-around by the doctor and nurses. They asked me why I came to hospital on a Sunday. This surprised me. I waited until 13:00 to see a doctor, and then they all went out for lunch,” she said. “I had to leave to go make my son something to eat.” She still does not feel well, but said she is reluctant now to go back to the hospital. “I cannot face that kind of behaviour. I am unemployed, I cannot visit private doctors.” A media enquiry was sent to the Limpopo Department of Health regarding these claims on 9 June, and again on 12 June, but at the time of our going to press, they still had not responded.


Nuwe wending in saak oor pa en seun se dood lierkop gewoon het. By Bandelierkop het die bestuurder by die Bykans ‘n maand nadat ‘n 33-jarige man by vulstasie ingedraai. Danie het vir Catherine Bandelierkop gearresteer is ná die 52-jarige en Gideon by die hotel gaan aflaai waar André André Duvenhage en sy 29-jarige seun Danie gewoon het, waarna André saam met Danie doodgeskiet is in ‘n moontlike padwoe­de insterug is na die vulstasie toe. Hier het die insident ident, het die saak die afgelope week ‘n nuwe geëskaleer en die man in die minibus het op wending geneem. Danie-hulle geskiet. Danie is op die toneel dood. Die provinsiale woordvoerder van die NasiSy pa is met sy aankoms by die Louis Trichardt onale Vervolgingsgesag (NVG) in Polokwane, Gedenkhospitaal dood verklaar. In die proses me. Mashudu Malabi, het Maandag bevestig dat het die bestuurder van die minibus homself in die saak Vrydag na die Direkteur van Openbare die been gewond met sy eie vuurwapen. Vervolging (DOV) verwys is vir ‘n beslissing of Die man is op die toneel gearresteer op twee die man vervolg gaan word of nie. klagte van moord. Hy is daarna hospitaal toe Die familie het kort ná die noodlottige skie­ geneem en onder polisiebewaking geplaas. tery gesê die voorval het niks met padwoede te Sowat twee weke ná die insident het Malabi doen gehad nie. “Dit was nie padwoede nie. Dit bevestig dat die man weens die ernstige aard was uittarting gewees!” het Danie se ma, Aman- van sy skietwond steeds onder polisiebewaking da, aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. in die hospitaal was en dat hy nog nie in die hof Die koelbloedigheid van die voorval die aand verskyn het nie, alhoewel die 48-uur tydperk van 28 Mei by die Viva-vulstasie op Bandewaarbinne ‘n beskuldigde in die hof moet verlierkop het skokgolwe deur die gemeenskap skyn reeds verstryk het. gestuur en ook nasionaal nuusopslae gemaak. Hierdie week het aan die lig gekom dat die Die voorval het op die N1 suid tussen Louis 33-jarige man steeds nie in enige hof verskyn Trichardt en Bandelierkop begin ontvou, nadat het nie en intussen vrygelaat is. Nie-amptelik die 33-jarige bestuurder van ‘n minibus Danie kon bevestig word dat hy vrygelaat is omdat hy verbygesteek het, waarna ‘n alterkasie tussen nie ‘n vlugrisiko is nie. Hierdie inligting het aan hom en Danie op die pad die lig gekom ná die nuus dat die saak na die ontstaan het. Danie en DOV verwys is vir beslissing. sy vrou, Catherine van Baie mense mag dalk vrae hieroor Dyk, en hul tweehê. Regskenners meen egter dat jarige seun Gideon dit ‘n normale verloop van die was onderweg na regsproses is en nie beteken dat Danie se pa, André, die saak nou ten einde geloop wat op het nie. As deel van die normale Banregsproses kon die man, weens desy hospitalisasie, nie binne 48 uur in die hof verskyn nie. Daardie bepaling van die regsproses het dus verval en die man is ontslaan uit die hospitaal en vrygelaat nadat hy gesond genoeg was. Dit beteken egter nie dat hy nie wel steeds aangekla kan word nie. Die 29-jarige Danie Duvenhage (links) en sy 52-jarige pa André (regs) wat op 28 Mei op Bandelierkop doodgeskiet is. Foto verskaf. Dit is juis hieroor wat die Deur Andries van Zyl

DOV nou moet besluit. Alle omstandighede en oor die saak. Dit sluit in die beeldmateriaal oor beskikbare bewysstukke oor die voorval sal ‘n rol die verloop van gebeure wat op die vulstasie se speel ten opsigte van die DOV se finale beslissing sekuriteitskameras vasgevang is.

SANY ELEMENTS OF HAIR On the 28th of June 2021 Sany Marallich will be opening her new hair salon in Louis Trichardt - SANY ELEMENTS OF HAIR. Sany is a qualified hairstylist with already 16 years of experience. She offers a broad spectrum of hairstyles in her new modernized salon which will be open weekdays from 08:00am to 17:00pm. Sany also have a salon in Musina where she operates over weekends. Clients can also like her Facebook page where she will be posting all her specials as well as opening specials. We ask the community to please support her in her new venture. You can get in touch with her to book an appointment by calling her on 082 533 0906.




Zoutie ZoutieWeather

Thursday, 24 June Sunny and pleasant.

Louis Trichardt

High: 24 C Low: 6 C o

(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastoor Evan Corbett (084 457 7596), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672

Saturday, 26 June

Friday, 25 June o

Mostly sunny and pleasant.

Sunny and pleasant.

High: 24oC Low: 10oC

High: 26oC Low: 9oC




formeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt se gewilde Dopperkuierkafee vind weer op 25 Junie plaas. Die spyskaart sluit in kerrie-en-rys teen R40 elk, Dopperburgers teen R25 elk, Kaasburgers teen R30 elk, slaptjips teen R10 per pakkie, en ‘n Russianen-tjips teen R30 per pakkie. Bestellings moet voor Vrydag om 12:00 geplaas word by Nanette by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764. Bestellings kan vanaf 17:00 by die Dopperkerk afgehaal word deur van die deurry fasiliteit gebruik te maak. Die ingang is in Songozwistraat en die uitgang in Andersonstraat. “Begin jou naweek reg, met ‘n heerlike wegneemete teen ‘n sakpas prys,” nooi het gemeente. JUNIE



Inwoners sal Vrydag, 25 Junie, weer lekker vetkoek-en-maalvleis kan koop ten bate van Bergcare op Louis Trichardt. Die vetkoek word gebak in samewerking met Lizet Joubert Eiendomme en bestelling kan geplaas word by tel. 083 301 8130. Die vetkoek moet self gaan haal word.


dies Circle 4 in Louis Trichardt will be hosting a golf day on Saturday, 26 June, to raise funds for Corrie Dercksen’s prothesis. Corrie, a resident of Louis Trichardt, lost his right leg a couple of months ago. The format of the competition will be a 4-ball alliance with an entry fee of R2 500 per team. This includes games fees and a meal. Sponsorship opportunities are also available, starting off at R1 000 per T-box. For more information, phone Elne Cameron at the 081 418 7165 or Riana Otto at 084 400 9941. JUNE





Soutpansberg-gemeente hou op 3 Julie hul gewilde jaarlikse Boerebasaar wat vanjaar in die vorm van die “drive-thru” basaar gehou sal word weens die Covid-19 inperkings. Stalletjies sal langs die “laning” op die kerkterrein wees met besoekers wat vanaf



- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592

MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183


- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

Stubbsstraat na Louis Bothastraat kan deurstap/ ry om hul inkopies te doen. Behalwe vir die vars groente en vrugte, koektafel en ander basaar snuisterye, beloof die vleistafel weer ‘n groot aantrekkingskrag te wees. Die gemeente se nou al welbekende varksosaties en Koos van der Merwe se smullekker wildswors sal weer verkoop word teen R80 per kilogram. Bestellings vir die varksosaties en wildswors kan nou al geplaas en afgehaal word. ‘n Kaartfasiliteit is beskikbaar om die hantering van kontant op die kerkterrein uit te skakel. Vir bestellings, skakel Peet Vermaak by tel. 082 219 2635. Hy sal elke dag vanaf 08:00 tot 14:00 by die kerksaal wees waar bestelling afgehaal kan word.




Trichardt will be hosting their next Craft and Farmer’s Market on 3 July from 09:00 to 14:00 at the SPCA grounds on the Vondeling Road. Goods on offer include clothing, shoes, handbags and jewellery. Beauty and hair-care products will be on sale, as well as Tupperware, wooden toys, woodwork, art and knitted items and needlework. A variety of plants and herbs will be on sale too. As always they will have the ever popular pancakes, corn dogs, jaffels and Indian cuisine. Savoury and sweet baked goods and cookies, tea, coffee, cappuccino and sandwiches, sosaties, dried fruit and nuts, preserves, jams and sauces and fresh veggies will also be available and much, much more… “While you are there, pop into the Legacy Shop for all your pets’ requirements. Remember: by supporting the stalls, you are also supporting the animals of the SPCA. We look forward to seeing you there,” invites the SPCA team. For a small donation exhibitors can book a stall by contacting Grietjie of the SPCA on 072 516 6895.




Turbi Hills Bomgat op Louis Trichardt bied tans ‘n groot jagkompetisie aan in samewerking met Stoke Safaris. Teen ‘n koste van slegs R200 per kaartjie kan ‘n jagpakket gewen word, wat insluit die skiet van een koedoebul óf elandbul, een blouwildebeesbul óf -koei, een rooibokram en drie rooibokooie. Die prys is vir twee jagters vir drie nagte en die prys moet vanaf 5 tot 8 Augustus opgeëis word. Die datum kan nie verander nie. Die prys kan ook nie vir kontant geruil word nie. Die trekkingsdatum is op 24 Julie om 14:00 te Burgerstraat 66, Louis Trichardt. Alle kaartjiehouers is welkom. Vir navrae en kaartjies, skakel Burt de Predinas (082 800 0938) of Leon Barnard (082 893 5965).

SPCA AGM All mem-

bers of the public are invited to attend the annual general meeting (AGM) of the SPCA Louis Trichardt on Wednesday, 14 July. The meeting will start at 17:30 and take place at Smart Fitness, 123 President Street, Louis Trichardt. Persons who wish to make themselves available for election to the management committee must submit their names in writing to Lesley Gaigher at lesley@lttspca.co.za to arrive no later than seven (7) days before the set date for the AGM. Each submission must be accompanied by a one (1) page curriculum vitae (CV) or motivation. For more information, please phone Lesley Gaigher on 071 545 5194, Alicia Thomas on 084 900 5332 or Antjie Brennan on 083 563 1010. JULY




Trichardt will play host to Sheri Brynard, a motivational speaker with down syndrome, on Saturday, 18 September. Her talk will start at 11:00 at Bergcare on the corner of Burger and Erasmus Street and tickets cost R100 per person. This will include lunch. For tickets, phone Mariana at tel. 079 679 8790.

DEURLOPEND LTT SHUKOKAI KARATEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.

SPB KOFUKAN KARATEKLUB Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.


Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het belangstellende spelers uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Die bane is oop vir spel te midde van die grendeltydperk op voorwaardes soos goedgekeur deur Muurbal Suid-Afrika en die Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur. Jaargelde beloop R700 per jaar. Vir meer inligting kan die klub se voorsitter, Ronel Welman, geskakel word by tel. 084 581 4868 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar na admin@zoutnet.co.za.

WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 21 June. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:

21/06/2021 14/06/2021

Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

100.2% 100% 100.3% 100% 90.5% 91.6% 91.9% 93.1% 100.9% 100% 9.6% 9.8% 101% 101% 82.5% 83.3% 100.3% 100% 100.6% 100% 100.3% 100% 100.1% 100%

# Means latest available data






Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 15:15, 18:15 Sat: 12:30, 15:30, 18:30 Sun: 10:15, 13:15, 16:15


7-9 PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 15:00, 18:30 Sat: 10:30, 11:30, 14:45, 18:15 Sun: 10:00, 13:30, 16:45




Fri: 11:00, 13:30, 14:30, 17:00, 18:00 Sat: 11:00, 13:00, 14:30, 16:30, 18:00 Sun: 12:00, 13:00, 16:00, 16:45 Tue - Thu: 11:00, 14:00, 14:30, 17:15, 18:00


PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:15, 13:45, 16:15, 18:45 Sat: 10:15, 13:45, 16:15, 18:45 Sun: 11:30, 14:00, 16:30



Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:30, 18:30 Sat: 10:00, 15:15, 18:30 Sun: 10:35, 13:30, 16:30 Follow us

TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.







Sunday, 27 June Sunny and pleasantly warm.

High: 26 C Low: 7 C o


Monday, 28 June

Tuesday, 29 June

Wednesday, 30 June

Sunny and very warm.

Sunny and remaining warm.

Plenty of sun.

High: 26oC Low: 8oC

High: 26oC Low: 7oC

High: 25oC Low: 3oC

Finale hoofstuk in ons jeug vervolgverhaal:

‘n Nuwe begin wink vir De Melker Wat vooraf gebeur het?

myn se jaarlikse dans by te woon. Tydens die funksie sak die myn se hoofbestuurder, Ian, skielik inmekaar en sterf Aletta de Melker, ‘n hoofkarak- kort daarna in die hospitaal. ter in die storie, is ‘n eksenDe Melker maak kontak met trieke voormalige dokter Anneke en probeer haar versewat op haar eie in ‘n reuse ker dat sy niks met die sterftes dubbelverdiepinggebou aan te doen gehad het nie. die kant van die dorp woon. Wat Anneke en Johan in Drie jaar gelede, terwyl sy as daardie stadium nog nie weet dokter werksaam was by die nie, is dat De Melker se broer, hospitaal, het ‘n reeks jong Werner, nie dood is nie en mans gesterf. Die rede vir saam met Aletta in die huis die sterftes kon nooit presies woon. Sy voel skuldig omdat sy bepaal word nie, maar druk is gedwing is om Werner se dood uitgeoefen op De Melker om te vervals. Sy glo egter dat die vroeg af te tree. mense eendag sal besef dat sy Inspekteur Johan Faber en nie skuldig is aan die moorde ‘n befaamde kriminoloog, An- nie. neke Wagner, word aangestel Tydens die begrafnis van om die sterftes te ondersoek. die mynbestuurder besoek Faber vind uit dat De Melker Anneke die myn en gesels ‘n jonger broer gehad het. met ‘n jarelange voorman. Hy Terwyl hulle ‘n leidraad opvolg vertel haar meer oor die jonger word daar vanuit ‘n plaasskuur broer, Werner, en hoe graag op hulle geskiet. hy ook op die myn wou werk, Faber en Wagner ontvang ‘n maar nie kon nie. Faber daag uitnodiging om die plaaslike op met die nuus dat

Werner dalk nie dood is nie. Anneke en Johan bestudeer die mediese rekords en besef dat Werner se doodsertifikaat vervals is. Hul besef ook dat Aletta de Melker sy dood bevestig het. Dit is dan dat hulle besef die geheimsinnige silhoeët wat in De Melker se huis gewaar is, kan net dié van haar broer wees. Die twee dienaars van die gereg gaan doen ondersoek by Aletta se huis, waar hulle haar in die onderste verdieping aantref. Sy erken dat haar broer Werner nog lewe en dat hy in die boonste verdieping wegkruip. Terwyl Johan vir Aletta na die motor neem, beweeg Anneke stadig teen die trapleuning op om Werner te soek. Johan hardloop terug huis toe om vir Anneke te help, maar hy is net betyds om ‘n geweerskoot te hoor ... (Word vervolg)

Hierdie week se wen-inskrywing is van Lynique Krüger (18) van Louis Trichardt. Lynique het verlede jaar gematrikuleer aan Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Sy ontvang R300 vir haar skitterende poging. Lynique is ook die algehele wenner van die Afrikaanse deel an die skryfkompetisie. Hiervoor ontvang sy ‘n verdere R500. Die pryse word geborg deur die Zoutpansberger.

Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul


Ontmoet die wenner van ons skryfkompetisie

meisie van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Die jaar tevore, in 2019, het sy een van die hoofrolle vertolk in die toneelstuk wat die skool op die planke gebring het. Tans studeer sy onderwys deur die Universiteit van Pretoria. Omdat Lynique nie altyd ‘n storie kon vind waarvan sy hou

nie, het hierdie talentvolle jong skrywer haar eie stories begin skryf. Haar liefde vir Afrikaans het ontstaan nadat sy Leon van Nierop se boek Ballade vir ‘n Enkeling gelees het. Veral Deur Elardus van Zyl sy manier van storie vertel en beskrywing van Pretoria het Lynique Krüger is ‘n jong haar geïnspireer. talentvolle skrywer en digter. Buiten vir skryf lê die Gedurende 2020 was sy hoofdigkuns Lynique ook naby aan die hart. Sy het veral ‘n voorliefde vir Breyten Breytenbach se gedigte en kortverhale. Deur te skryf, het Lynique gesê, kanaliseer sy die hartseer dinge in haar lewe, maar ook die gelukkige oomblikke. Vir haar maak die klein dingetjies in die lewe saak en om te skryf herinner haar deurlopend aan hoe ongelooflik mense se lewens eintlik is – “Om emosies te hê, om te voel! Dat mense kan kwaad raak vir dinge en om te huil omdat ons ‘n hartseer film gekyk het.” Al hierdie dinge maak haar Besoek ons webtuiste en kyk na die video waar Lynique Krüger dankbaar oor hoe mooi alles gesels oor haar liefde vir skryf en waar dit vandaan kom. Die eintlik is, het Lynique gesê. skakel is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnDGX_lAPi0


af weggevat. Nou bly jy net stil en geniet die uitsig totdat ons ry,” sug Anneke voordat sy wegdraai van die kar af en na Johan kyk. Deur Lynique Krüger “So, iemand soos ek, sê jy?” Johan voel hoe sy gesig k kan nie glo jy’t warm word, en hy voel asof gedink dat ek geskiet daar klein hasies is wat sou word nie,” grom Anneke rondspring in sy borskas. terwyl sy Werner, wat “Mense soos jy. Mense wat skoffel met ‘n bloederige sterk en onafhanklik is, been soos hulle loop, na die wat altyd weet wat om te polisiemotor begelei. Sy rol doen en hoe om dit te doen. haar oë en klik haar tong. Mense wat kans sien vir “So melodramaties.” alles, wat so vreesloos is en Johan se hart klop nou wat op ‘n manier net enignog in sy keel, maar hy iets kan doen.” voel ‘n golf van verligting Johan word gestop deur wat oor hom stroom. “Ek’t Anneke wat sy hande in my doodgeskrik! Dit kan hare vat. Sy gee ‘n klein met enigiemand gebeur, glimlag en haar gesig beselfs iemand soos jy!” sê weeg nader aan syne. Johan. Hy probeer nie in “Anneke, Johan!” spring sy stemtoon weggee hoe Aletta skielik langs hulle groot hy regtig geskrik het op. Anneke sug en kyk na nie. “Iemand soos ek?” vra Aletta. “Baie, baie dankie Anneke, haar oë vasgenael vir alles wat julle vir my op Johan. gedoen het, ek het nou “Wag, stop! Julle versta- eindelik ‘n kans om my an nie!” skree Werner voor- lewe terug te kry,” sê sy met dat Anneke hom hardhan- trane in haar oë. dig in die voertuig stop en “Ek sal met die hospitadie deur toeklap. “Ek was al gaan praat, aan hulle bedoel om in die myn te verduidelik wat gebeur het. werk, dis my reg! Ek het dit Dalk kan jy jou ou werk verdien! Aletta verdien niks van wat sy het nie! Alles was net altyd so maklik vir Let! Alles! En ek was die swart skaap, die minder suksesvolle een, die klein boetie met niks agter sy naam nie!” “Aletta het hard gewerk vir wat sy gehad het, en jy’t dit alles van haar


Beoordelaars se kommentaar Ons jeugverhaal het nou tot ‘n einde gekom en dit is amper op ‘n hartseer noot. Die hartseer noot is omdat ons begin gewoond raak het aan die kreatiewe bydraes van ons streek se jongmense. Vir ons, en baie van die lesers, was dit een van die week se hoogtepunte. Met die aanbied van die kompetisie was daar heelwat vrae en onsekerhede. Die vraag op baie lippe was: “Gaan ons jongmense deelneem?” Hoe gereeld lees jongmense en hoe goed is hul skryfvermoë? Die antwoord was in die kwaliteit inskrywings. Die jong

terugkry.” Aletta lag voordat sy sê: “Dankie, Anneke, maar ek dink dis tyd vir my om aan te beweeg van die dorpie af. Nuut begin.” Aletta word daarna gelei na ‘n ander polisieman toe om ‘n verklaring te gee van wat gebeur het. “Gaan jy aanbeweeg? Van die dorpie af, ek bedoel,” vra Johan vir Anneke, sy wange steeds bloedrooi. “Julle lyk asof julle kan doen met bietjie ekstra hulp, veral jy. So, ek sal dalk net bly vir ‘n rukkie, sien wat gebeur.” “Is daar ‘n manier hoe ek jou kan oortuig om nog langer te bly?” vra Johan. Anneke glimlag voordat sy sê: “Ek weet nie, soen my, dan kyk ons.” Johan vat Anneke se gesig in sy hande en soen haar saggies. Dit voel vir hom asof daar verskietende sterre tussen hulle twee sweef. Anneke kyk na hom en glimlag. “Okei, ek bly beslis nog ‘n ruk.”

skrywers het alle verwagtinge oortref. Die hoofstukke was verbeeldingryk en die taalgebruik was op ‘n standaard waar die minimum verwerking nodig was om dit “persgereed” te kry. Soos die storie gevorder het, het die inskrywings egter afgeneem. Die “sondebok” was

is jy goed. Uiteindelik is dit ook waaroor die kompetisie gaan. Die doel was om ‘n platform te skep vir jong kunstenaars soos Lynique. Wie weet, miskien kom die volgende JK Rowling of, nader aan die huis, ‘n Deon Meyer, uit die Soutpansberg. Hulle moes almal egter êrens begin en dit is waarom dit so belangrik is dat ons skrywers die geleentheid gebied word om hul talent te toon. Baie geluk aan Lynique, wat ook ons algehele wenner is van die kompesekerlik Lynique Krüger. Die tisie. Dankie ook aan elkeen jong dame was eenvoudig net van ons jong skrywers wat te goed en het die storie haar ingeskryf het. Julle maak ons eie gemaak. Daar is egter niks almal sommer meer positief oor fout daarmee nie – as jy goed is, die toekoms.

CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook

Diego Male





Leo Male

Nicholas Male

Parker Male

Blake Male

Lots of cats & kittens




Carel Hammann

Anton de Necker

082 923 1620

084 704 8426




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FOR SALE - R 2 450 000 Property: 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Family home Location: Louis Trichardt, Extension 2, Limpopo • This unique and elegant spacious family home offers 4 bedrooms and 2 bathroom • Very neat and well maintained property. • Added value include, a refreshing Swimming pool, Thatched Lapa and structured paved areas.

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Herstelwerk aan hierdie stormwater afvoeropening in De la Reystraat (links) het begin, maar vorder stadig, asook die herstelwerk aan die afvoeropening in President Steynstraat (bo). Slegs ‘n gedeelte van die werkarea in President Steynstraat is toegespan.

Werk begin, maar vorder maar stadig Deur Pétria de Vaal Sedert die Zoutpansberger in die eerste week van Junie berig het oor die beskadigde stormwater afvoeropeninge in Louis Trichardt, het die herstelwerk stadig maar seker ‘n aanvang geneem. Sommige terreine, soos aan die bopunt van die aansluiting in Boabstraat oorkant die park, het nog geen aandag geniet nie. Die ander twee (onderskeidelik

in President Steynstraat en De la Reystraat) se herstelwerk het begin. Lang tye verloop egter tussen die verskillende sessies waar werkers opgemerk word. Wat ook kommerwekkend is, is dat die gevaar-areas waar herstelwerk onderweg is, nie behoorlik toegespan word nie. ‘n Opvolggesprek met mnr. George Raleshuku (bestuurder van siviele ingenieurswese by Makhado Munisipaliteit) het

aan die lig gebring dat werkers op Dinsdag, 22 Junie, sou voortgaan met die herstelwerk. “Die Munisipaliteit het tans uitdagings ten opsigte van Covid-19 met die hoeveelheid werkers wat op ‘n terrein teenwoordig mag wees. As daar byvoorbeeld voorheen 10 werkers na ‘n terrein toe sou gaan, word daar nou net vyf uitgestuur. Inwoners moet asseblief geduldig wees,” sê mnr. Raleshuku.

Saak teen ses weereens uitgestel vir verdere polisie-ondersoek Merwe, asook die 26-jarige Wonder Jere. ‘n Sewende Ses van die dorp se jong verdagte, die 36-jarige Francois inwoners het Maandag, 21 Ju- Vermeulen, is later in verband nie, weer in die landdroshof met die saak gearresteer. op Louis Trichardt verskyn, Van der Merwe, wat aangekla nadat hulle ná twee klopjagte is vir die besit van ‘n onwettige op 7 April by wonings op vuurwapen, se saak is van die Louis Trichardt gearresteer ander geskei, omdat sy nie is. met die ander oortredings Verskeie vermoedelik verbind kon word nie. Dit wil gesteelde goedere is tydens wel lyk asof die vuurwapen die klopjagte deur die polisie wat in Van der Merwe se besit gevind, wat gelei het tot die ar- gevind is, verbind kan word restasie van die ses aanvanklike met ‘n aanval op ‘n plaas in verdagtes. Hulle is die 27-jarige die Musina-omgewing ‘n paar Richard Petrus Jacobus (Koos) maande gelede. Die ander ses Duvenhage, die 25-jarige Neil beskuldigdes staan tereg op vyf Duvenhage, die 30-jarige Zan- klagte van huisbraak, een klag droux Hibbert, die 29-jarige van veediefstal en twee klagte Christine Labuschagne, die van die besit van vermoedelik 20-jarige Marvelique van der gesteelde goedere. Deur Andries van Zyl

Van der Merwe was die eerste om borg (R1 500) toegestaan te word ná die groep se eerste verskyning in die hof op 9 April. Jere is op 22 April R1 000 borg toegestaan, terwyl al die ander op 29 April R5 000 borg toegestaan is. Die twee Duvenhages, Vermeulen, Hibbert, Labuschagne, en Jere se saak is tydens hul hofverskyning Maandag uitgestel tot 29 Julie vanjaar vir verdere ondersoek. Hulle is almal op borg en waarskuwing vrygelaat. Die moontlikheid bestaan dat van die sake teen die ses saamgevoeg kan word met nog ander bestaande sake. Intussen is Van der Merwe se saak uitgestel tot 6 Augustus vir verdere polisie-ondersoek.


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Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Top 10 akademiese presteerders in Graad 12 ná afloop van die eerste skoolkwartaal. In posisies een tot tien is Khavisani Malele (1ste), Masungulo Khosa (2de), Mpho Nembudani (gesamentlik 3de), Antonette Baloyi (gesamentlik 3de), Dembe Sadiki (5de), Mpho Murashiwa (6de), Risuna Hlongwani (7de), Riyalivhuwa Muluvha (8ste), Tshilidzi Mukwevho (9de) en Lebone Madiba (10). Foto verskaf.

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Afgeneem is Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Top 10 akademiese presteerders in Graad 11 ná afloop van die eerste skoolkwartaal. Die top 10 leerders is Kuthadzo Nudeli (1ste), Brigette Siphei (2de), Rynard Pretorius (3de), Beverly Mashibye (4de), Marthinus Dekker (5de), Bareera Ahmed (gesamentlik 6de), Danelle Venter (gesamentlik 6de), Rotondwa Mutavhatsindi (8de), Luandi van Zyl (9de) en Hlayisanani Mhangwani (10de). Foto verskaf.

Hierdie is Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Top 10 akademiese presteerders in Graad 9 ná afloop van die eerste skoolkwartaal. Van eerste tot tiende posisies is Lizé van den Berg, Mulweli Muthala, Mulaedsza Sadiki, Nikhitha Mamphasa, Leila de Beer, Owen Collins, Nadia du Plessis, Marnet Muller, Elri Dreyer en Lee-Ann Bothma. Foto verskaf.

Afgeneem is Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Top 10 akademiese presteerders in Graad 8 ná afloop van die eerste skoolkwartaal. Van eerste tot tiende posisie is Leané Deale, Mathildah Manenzhe, Marna Swardt, Holokile Mashamba, Leeann van Heerden, Elmay Koen, Mia Jones, Vulani Chauke, Simoley da Gama en Hannelie Gilfillan. Foto verskaf.

KERN & DEKKER INC Likwidasie en Distribusierekening in die administrasie van bestorwe boedels; BOEDEL WYLE: SUSARAH MAGDALENA PRETORIUS Iden�teits Nommer: 500420 0157 086 Van: President Straat 1105, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Meester Verwysing: 001137/2020 Meester Kantoor: Thohoyandou Magistraat Kantoor: Louis Trichardt Ingevolge Ar�kel 35 (5) van Wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusierekening (eerste en finale, tensy ander vermeld,) in die boedel hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meester en Landros soos vermeld en gedurende ‘n tydperk van 21 dae (of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, as dit later is, ter insae lê vir alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke meester ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteur oor tot die uitbetaling ingevolge gemelde rekening Naam en adres van Eksekuteur/administrateur van die boedel: ME LOU-

KERN & DEKKER INC KENNISGEWING AAN KREDITEURE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 29 (1) VAN DIE ADMINISTRASIE VAN BESTORWE BOEDELS, WET NO 66 VAN 1965 BOEDEL WYLE: JACOBUS ABRAHAM CRONJE Datum Van Afsterwe: 8 November 2020 Iden�teits Nommer: 390223 5027 087 Van: Breda Straat 27, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Alle persone wat vorderings het teen die boedel hierbo vermeld, word versoek om sodanige vorderings binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan by die betrokke eksekuteurs in te lewer. Naam en adres van Eksekuteur/administrateur van die boedel: ME LOUISE DEKKER C/O KERN & DEKKER INC, 105 Krogh Straat, Posbus 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920 REF: L DEKKER/IR/A15382

KERN & DEKKER INC KENNISGEWING AAN KREDITEURE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 29 (1) VAN DIE ADMINISTRASIE VAN BESTORWE BOEDELS, WET NO 66 VAN 1965 BOEDEL WYLE: EMIY OLGA GEERDTS Datum Van Afsterwe: 29 March 2020 Iden�teits Nommer: 470629 0070 083 Van: Uitkyk Plaas, Mara, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Alle persone wat vorderings het teen die boedel hierbo vermeld, word versoek om sodanige vorderings binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan by die betrokke eksekuteurs in te lewer. Naam en adres van Eksekuteur/administrateur van die boedel: ME LOUISE DEKKER C/O KERN & DEKKER INC, 105 Krogh Straat, Posbus 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920 REF: L DEKKER/IR/A15360

KERN & DEKKER INC KENNISGEWING AAN KREDITEURE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 29 (1) VAN DIE ADMINISTRASIE VAN BESTORWE BOEDELS, WET NO 66 VAN 1965 BOEDEL WYLE: ALAN CHRISTIAN ODENDAAL Datum van afsterwe: 2 JULIE 2020 Iden�teits Nommer: 630611 5122 082 Van: 117 Forestry Straat, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo Alle persone wat vorderings het teen die boedel hierbo vermeld, word versoek om sodanige vorderings binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan by die betrokke eksekuteurs in te lewer. Naam en adres van Eksekuteur/administrateur van die boedel: ME LOUISE DEKKER C/O KERN & DEKKER INC, 105 Krogh Straat, Posbus 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920 REF: L DEKKER/IR/A14925


LOST OR DESTROYED DEED No�ce is hereby given in terms of regula�on 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the inten�on to apply for the issue of a cer�fied copy of DEED OF TRANSFER T95713/2007 in respect of certain PORTION 55 (REMAINING EXTENT) OF ERF 2492 LOUIS TRICHARDT EXTENSION 4 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION LS, PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO which has been lost or destroyed.All interested persons having ob-

jec�on to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in wri�ng with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at POLOKWANE within two weeks a�er the date of the publica�on of this no�ce. Dated at LOUIS TRICHARDT this 27th day of MAY 2021 GYPSEY QUEEN PROP 25 (PTY) LTD C/O VAN HEERDEN & RUDOLPH INCORPORATED 24 DEVENISH STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 barwil@mweb.co.za 015 516 0164 Ref: DR.S RUDOLPH/ Lure�e/32236

GENERAL MAINTENANCE WORKER NEEDED Brenner Mills have a vacancy available for a GENERAL MAINTENANCE WORKER Requirments: • Must have grade 12. • Be able to understand, write and speak English • Prepared to work shifts • Experience on maintenance of a fodder plant • Be experience with hand and electric equipment • Must be able to work on his own and be a hard worker Closing date: Please email CV’s to:

LRampfumedzi@brenmill.co.za Contact: 015 516 0133

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Dié groepie leerders is Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Top 10 akademiese presteerders in Graad 10 ná afloop van die eerste skoolkwartaal. Van eerste tot tiende posisies is Mieke Veldman (1ste), Anam Yalukar (2de), Bohlale Mphela (3de), Geraldine Venter (4de), Saima Patel (5de), Need Munene (6de), Razina Patel (7de), Dakalo Mashao (gesamentlik 8ste), Isabel Khanye (gesamentlik 8ste) en Rahina Naqvi (10de). Foto verskaf.

No�ce is hereby given in terms of Sec�on 79(18) of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 [Ordinance 17 of 1939] as amended, of the inten�on to register a Pipeline Servitude over Por�on 1 of the farm Rietvly 276-LS & Por�on 3 & 7 of the farm Bergvliet 288-LS. Par�culars rela�ng to the applica�on may be inspected during office hours at Geoland Surveys, 69 Burgers Street, or at the offices of the Director Development & Planning, Makhado Municipality, 83 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt. Comments or Objec�ons to the gran�ng of the servitude must be lodged in wri�ng within 28 days from 10 June 2021, together with the grounds thereof, simultaneously to the Municipal Manager and the applicant. Geoland Surveys P.O. Box 652, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Tel 015 5161313 geoland@mweb.co.za

ISE DEKKER C/O KERN & DEKKER INC, 105 Krogh Straat, Posbus 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920 REF: L DEKKER/IR/A14866

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SPCA’s bowls day to become an annual event Charity The Louis Trichardt Bowls Club was abuzz with action last Wednesday (Youth Day) when 20 teams came up against each other in the SPCA Louis Trichardt’s first ever friendly bowls day fundraiser. “Judging by how well it was received, this event will most definitely be added to our annual calendar,” said the local SPCA team. Two playing fields with 20 teams made for plenty of competition and fun. Teams pulled out all the stops with creative team names and some fancy outfits to match. From the Barking Bowlers and the Untouchaballs to the Miskruiers and the Sharpshooters and so many more. The overall winners were the 3 Guys and an Italian team, followed closely by the Sharpshooters, and the Willehonne claiming the third

place. The winners of the best-dressed prize were the Super Bowlers of Spar, with the Pure Bred Viviers team being rewarded for the most original name. The Vier Boere Balle kept everybody entertained, and obviously they took home the prize for best team spirit, while the most competitive team was the Thompsons Amaroks. The best bowl of the day went to Brian Peli. Last, but not least, Linda Breytenbach’s many hours of working out paid off – she claimed the best bowling body award. “We humbly thank our community for their support, yet again, making this function the resounding success it was!” said the local SPCA team. “If anyone discovered that bowls is one of your many hidden talents, make sure to get in contact with the Bowling Club and sign up for your membership NOW!” added the SPCA.

Sheryl back on track for Paralympics Paralympics After suffering a tendon injury in April, star para-athlete and World Para-Athletics Championships bronze medallist Sheryl James from Louis Trichardt is back on track in preparation for the Paralympics in Tokyo later this year. Since her injury, Sheryl has been on a recovery and rehabilitation programme, doing a lot of swimming, body training and slowly but surely building up the track work again. She ran at TUKS at the BestMed stadium on 12 June and again on 19 June for the first time since her recovery. On 19 June,

she was really blessed to break her own African records in the 100m and the 200m in the T37 category, notching up a time of 13,65 sec in the 100m and 27,88 sec in the 200 meters. T37 is a disability sport classification for disability athletics in track and jump events. It includes people who have coordination impairments such as hypertonia, ataxia, and athetosis. Sheryl is one of the para-athletes who is receiving support from the National Lotteries Commission and The Sports Trust. On 12 June, she received really great training gear, courtesy of the NLC, and they did a

televised interview with her, as they have done with other athThe overall winners of the first ever SPCA Louis Trichardt Bowls Day were the 3 Guys and an letes on the same programme. Italian team. Pictured from left to right are team mates JP Coetzee and his wife Marta, RaySheryl gives all the glory to mond Pretorius and Johan Cronjé. Photo: SPCA Louis Trichardt. the Lord for her recovery and progress. She said was extremely grateful to Elmien van der Goot, (physiotherapist), Gideon Joubert (coach), Karen Purdon (Vervolg vanaf p.12) verstand sy liggaam deur so ‘n trauma wil sit. (K-Studio), Cois and Yolanda Wat “hulp” langs die pad betref, is jou ook Geen pryse of prysgeld is ook op die spel nie. du Preez (swimming pool) for op jouself aangewese, so ryers moet voorbereid Al “prys” wat jy ontvang by die eindpunt is ‘n their consistent support, and wees vir pap wiele en ander meganiese pro­ Basotho-kombers. “Hulle praat van ‘The Clan also to all those who keep her bleme. Alles wat jy nodig het, moet jy saamry. of Blanket Wearers’… Die ou wat eerste kom, in their prayers. She is also Dit sluit in ekstra warm klere (baie), baadjies, kry dieselfde as die ou wat laaste kom. Van grateful for the support she is droë skoene ensovoorts. die ouens praat ook van die ‘Coveted Blanket’,” receiving from the NLC and Om gereed te maak vir die wedren het sê Casper. Wat sy deelname aan die wedren The Sports Trust. Casper reeds in Oktober verlede jaar begin betref, gaan alles vir hom bloot oor die uitda­ The final Para-athletics oefen. Vir hierdie jaar het hy reeds 4 500 km ging daarvan. team for Tokyo will only be getrap, wat uitwerk op ‘n gemiddeld van tusPersone wat meer oor die Freedom Chalannounced at the beginning of sen 200 km en 300 km en 10 tot 15 ure in die lenge wil uitvind, kan hulle webtuiste besoek August. saal per week. “Ek oefen maar in die aand en by https://www.freedomchallenge.org.za/. partykeer in die oggend. Mens pas dit maar so Casper se daaglikse vordering kan ook vanaf tussen die werk in,” het Casper gesê. 1 Julie “lewendig” gevolg word op die “Live Meeste mense sal egter vir hulself die Tracking” skakel wat op genoemde webtuiste vraag afvra hoekom enige mens met gesonde beskikbaar is. dat die liga opgeskort is – vir ‘n tweede keer. “Dit het ons maande gevat om ons spelers weer op standaard te kry, nadat ons verlede jaar ‘n hele seisoen verloor het as gevolg van Covid. Nou is spel weer opgeskort. Maar ons verstaan dat dit in belang is van die spelers se gesondheid,” het Gilbert gesê. Volgens Gilbert het die dorp se eerstespan sover vanjaar skitterend gevaar in die provinsiale liga. “Hulle het hierdie seisoen nog nie een wedstryd verloor nie en ons beklee tans ‘n eerste plek op die provinsiale punteleer. So, dit het goed gelyk vir ons eerstes en ons het uitgesien na ‘n opwindende seisoen. Ons het selfs daarvoor gemik om die liga te wen. Ons was die afgelope vyf tot agt jaar in talle finale, maar het jare laas die liga gewen,” het Gilbert gesê.

Unie staak alle klubrugby in Limpopo Deur Andries van Zyl Met die derde vlaag van die Covid-19 pandemie wat in intensiteit toeneem in Suid-Afrika het die Blou Bulle Rugby-unie (BBRU) Maandag besluit om alle klubrugby in Limpopo te staak tot verdere kennisgewing. Vir plaaslike rugbyliefhebbers het die besluit as slegte nuus gekom, want tot en met die afgelope naweek het die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub goed gevaar in die provinsiale liga, veral die eerstespan. “Ek het so ‘n bietjie slegte nuus. Ná beraadslaging met die adjunk-president is daar vanmôre besluit dat ons voorlopig alle klubrugby in Limpopo gaan opskort,” het Attie Buitendag, voorsitter van die BBRU in Polokwane, Maandag in ‘n stemboodskap

aan provinsiale klubs gesê. As rede vir hul besluit, het Buitendag gesê, is die huidige omstandighede wat betref die derde vlaag van infeksies welbekend aan almal. “Ons kan nie toelaat dat die risiko’s wat gepaard gaan met die Covid-19 pandemie ook oorspoel na ons klubs toe en na ons families toe nie, so ons het geen ander keuse as om dit effektief te bestuur nie. Daarom is daar besluit dat alle klubrugby en oefeninge toe verdere kennisgewing in Limpopo opgeskort word. Ons sal die omstandighede monitor en kyk wanneer ons weer ‘n Return to Practice en Return to Play beleid kan instel,” het Buitendag gesê. Die voorsitter van die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub, Kevin Gilbert, het Dinsdag gesê dat hulle baie teleurgesteld is

Casper durf moordende uitdaging aan








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Diepgebraaide Pizza & Basilie Pesto

Deur Denise van Bergen Leenke Burger en haar gesin deel dieselfde spesiale gehegtheid aan hierdie week se resep - nie net omdat dit iets anders én lekker is nie, maar omdat die voorbereiding daarvan almal in haar huis bymekaarbring en dit net so ‘n “gesellige” ete maak. Pizza is immers kos vir énige seisoen! Die Burgers is baie lief vir kosmaak en het ‘n paar jaar gelede ‘n professionele kok gekry om vir hulle ‘n ding of twee te kom leer. Tippie Enslin van Koekedoor het toe dié resep aan hulle voorgestel, en wanneer hulle hierdie pizzas maak, ontaard dit dan ook gewoonlik in ‘n onvergeetlike tyd van samesyn. Almal maak saam en eet saam - van die jongste tot die oudste, en geen kuiergas gaan ooit huis toe sonder die resep nie. Bestanddele: (maak 8-10 standaard-grootte pizzas, afhangende van pangrootte) 1 kg broodmeel 1 tl sout 1 pakkie (10g) droë kitsgis 550-600 ml louwarm water tamatie en/of soetrissie, vir ‘n rukkie heel oor ‘n gasbrander óf in die oond gerooster (opsioneel) knoffelhuisie speserye na smaak Parmesaan kaas

Smeer ‘n skoon bak liggies met olie. Plaas die deeg daarin en smeer die bokant van die deeg ook liggies met olie, sodat dit nie uitdroog nie. Bedek die bak met ‘n doek of kleefplastiek en laat die deeg rys tot dubbel die grootte. (Die deeg kan ook oornag in ‘n yskas staan). Wanneer dit reg is, knie die deeg af. Vorm balletjies en rol pizzas van ongeveer 2-3 mm dik, so groot soos jou pan, uit (pannekoek-grootte werk lekker). Hulle hoef nie perfek rond te wees nie. Verhit kookolie in ‘n diep pan (sowat 5 cm diep) op die stoof. Sodra die olie warm is, braai die deeg (amper soos ‘n vetkoek) vir ongeveer 20-30 sekondes, of tot ligbruin van kleur, aan elke kant (sodra die deeg lugblasies maak is dit gereed om om te draai).

Dr Casper Venter spring eersdaags weg vir deelname aan sy tweede Freedom Challenge bergfietswedren oor ‘n afstand van 2 150 km. Vanjaar gaan hy poog om die uitdaging in 15 dae te voltooi. Tydens sy eerste deelname aan die uitdaging in 2012 het hy die wedren voltooi in 19 dae en agt ure. Meegaande foto van hom is tydens die 2012 uitdaging geneem. Foto: Andrew King.

Casper wil Freedom Challenge die keer in 15 dae “kaftrap”

Nota: As jy nie die deeg self wil maak nie, koop dit sommer! Die gekoopte deeg is gewoonlik ietwat natter. Knie net bietjie meel by om ‘n lekker pizzadeeg te maak. Sodra die pizza gaar is, en terwyl dit nog lekker warm is, smeer egte botter of olyfolie aan die bokant. Sny die geroosterde tamatie en/of soetrissie in die helfte oop en smeer dit, asook ‘n rou knoffelhuisie, oor die pizza – net vir die smaak daarvan, en geur dan verder met speserye na smaak (Veggie Spice, oreganum, sout en peper werk vir die Burgers). Laastens, smeer Basilie Pesto bo-oor, gevolg deur ‘n bietjie gerasperde Parmesaan kaas, en viola! (Dit is ook lekker met balsamiese asyn oorgesprinkel). Hoe om die Basilie Pesto te maak: ½ koppie macadamianeute 2 el bruin asyn 2 pakkies vars basilieblare 1 el bruinsuiker 2 el gerasperde Parmesaan kaas ¼ koppie olyfolie Meng alles saam in ‘n elektriese menger, en bedien. Dié pizzas kan natuurlik ook volgens smaak aangepas word. Dun repies braaivleis bo-op, byvoorbeeld, smaak ook heerlik! Leenke woon tans op Levubu maar het op Louis Trichardt grootgeword. Nadat sy aan Hoërskool Louis Trichardt gematrikuleer het, het sy LLB aan TUKS gaan studeer. Aan die einde van haar finale jaar op universiteit trou sy met haar hoërskool-liefde, Jaco Burger, en hulle kom vestig hulle weer op Louis Trichardt, waar alles vir hulle begin het. Hulle het vier pragtige dogtertjies en Leenke is bevoorreg om ‘n voltydse mamma vir hulle te kan wees. Hierdie vrolike gesinnetjie is groot aanhangers van die Australiese Masterchef op TV en ‘speel’ dan Masterchef in die huis. Maar omdat sy lief daarvoor is om kreatief te wees, bak Leenke eerder koekies as wat sy kook. Gedurende die grendeltydperk het sy begin om koekies met ‘Royal icing’ te versier, en wat aanvanklik as ‘n stokperdjie begin het, het toe sommer ontaard in haar eie klein onderneming, genaamd Whisk. Sy is ook baie lief vir fotografie en neem al vir die afgelope 12 jaar foto’s onder die naam Maya-Lee Photography. Leenke se grootste hartstog is natuurlik haar meisiekinders, en haar strewe in die lewe is om vir hulle die beste ma te wees wat sy kan wees. “In alles wat ek doen en hoe ek lewe, wil ek vir hulle die beste voorbeeld wees,” sê sy.

Deur Andries van Zyl Hardebaard bergfietsryer Dr Casper Venter van Louis Trichardt staan weereens slaggereed vir deelname aan een van Suid-Afrika - indien nie die hele suidelike Afrika nie - se taaiste bergfietswedrenne, die moordende Freedom Challenge Race Across South Africa oor ‘n afstand van 2 150 km. Die eerste groep bergfietsryers het reeds Maandag, 21 Junie, in Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal weggespring, met die wedren wat 26 dae later by Wellington in die Wes-Kaap eindig. “Hulle spring in groepe (batches) weg, met die stadiger ouens wat eerste wegspring en die vinnige ouens laaste. Elke dag spring daar ‘n groep weg,” het Casper gesê. Hy is in die groep wat op 1 Julie wegspring. Die 54-jarige Casper gaan vir die tweede keer aan hierdie uitdaging deelneem. Die vorige keer was in 2012, toe hy die uitdaging in 19 dae en agt ure voltooi het. Vanjaar, het Casper gesê, wil hy probeer om die uitdaging in 15 dae te voltooi. Die rekord vir die uitdaging is nege dae en 22 uur. “Die ‘Holy Grail’ is om dit onder 10 dae te doen, en dit is verlede jaar die eerste keer reggekry in die 20-jarige bestaan van die wedren,” het Casper gesê. Sommige mense meen egter dié “rekord” kan nie aanvaar word nie, omdat die wedren verlede jaar in Oktober en nie in Junie gery is nie weens die Covid-19 pandemie. “So, daar is bietjie kontroversie daarom, want die dae is langer en jy kon langer in die donker ry,” het 2018 Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0TDI Comfortline R-line DSG

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Casper gesê. Die warmer weersomstandighede het dit ook meer gunstig vir die ryers gemaak. Tog het dit ‘n uitsonderlike poging gevat van die wenners om dit onder 10 ure te doen. “Om dit te kan doen, moet jy gemiddeld 200 km per dag ry en dit is nie mooi paaie nie,” het Casper gesê. In totaal sal deelnemers 33 000 m (ja, 33 km!) tydens die uitdaging klim. Casper self sal gemiddeld 143 km per dag moet ry om die wedren in 15 dae te voltooi. Wat die wedren uniek maak, is die navigasie. Geen elektroniese apparate soos GPS’e word toegelaat nie en deelnemers gebruik ‘n kaart om hulle van een kontrolepunte na ‘n volgende te neem. Al wat toegelaat word, is ‘n instrument wat afstand kan meet. Deelnemers kan darem so elke 100 km by ‘n ondersteuningstasie aandoen waar hulle iets kan eet, drink, rus of dalk ‘n bietjie slaap. Vir slaap is daar egter nie altyd tyd nie. Sommige ryers ry by twee of drie van hierdie stasies verby voordat hulle ‘n blaaskans vat “Die ernstige ouens ry gewoonlik so 20 ure en slaap vier elke dag. Ek gaan probeer om so 18 ure te ry, twee ure uit die saal te spandeer en so vier ure te slaap,” het Casper gesê. Casper sê egter dat jou beplanning en vordering alles van die weer afhang. “As die weer sleg is, belemmer dit jou erg. Mens weet nooit hoe dit gaan nie, want daar is te veel faktore wat buite jou beheer is. So jy moet net gesond bly, jou fiets reg hou en die weer moet saamspeel, dan sal jy goed ry,” het Casper gesê. (Vervolg op p.11)

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Metode: Meng die gis, meel en sout in ‘n groot mengbak saam. Voeg die water by en meng goed deur totdat dit ‘n deeg vorm. Knie die deeg vir ongeveer 10 minute tot glad en elasties.

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35 000km

R729 995

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