28 Augustus 2020
News with an independent soul
PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.
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NWO’s trek swaar ná DSD subsidies besnoei - bladsy 3
Jaargang 36 Vol.34
Geen nuwe gevalle, maar geen rede om te ontspan - bladsy 4
ISSN 2409-2835
Audited Distribution Figures
9 772409 283001
Dwaalkoeël ‘n raaisel
net ‘n storie wees. Mens weet nie. Die feit is die dwaalkoeël kon van ver af ‘n Dwaalkoeël deur ‘n dak by die gekom het,” het Stroebel gesê. Soutpansberg Privaathospitaal in Die dwaalkoeël het die dak van Louis Trichardt het opnuut die gevaar die kragopwekkerkamer getref slegs beklemtoon van die onverantwoorde- enkele meters vanwaar pasiënte in die lik afvuur van ‘n vuurwapen in ‘n behospitaal lê. “Ons is net baie dankbaar boude gebied. Dit gebeur ook deesdae dat niemand seergekry het nie. Dit wys heeltemal te dikwels. net weer die gevaar van ‘n dwaalkoeël Volgens hospitaalbestuurder me. wat net uit die bloute uit die lug kom. Anneke Stroebel het hulle verlede Verbeel jou hy het die skoolgrond getref Vrydag ‘n koeëlpunt in hul kragopweken dit was nie Covid-19 nie. Dan het hy kerkamer opgetel en ook die koeëlgat dalk ‘n kind getref. Of die koeël is hier in die dak opgemerk. Hulle is egter nie by een van ons kamervensters in, of dit seker presies wanneer die dwaalkoeël het iemand wat in sy tuin loop getref … die dak getref het nie. “Iemand het gesê dit is nogal ‘n vreesaanjaende gedagte,” daar was blykbaar vroeër in die week ‘n het Stroebel gesê. skietery tussen die polisie en sigaretDie skade en koeëlpunt is opgemerk smokkelaars. Maar ek het geen idee deur die hospitaal se fasiliteitbestuwaar dit was nie … Dit kan ook maar urder, mnr. Fanie van Zyl. “Ons was Deur Andries van Zyl
Bokant mnr. Fanie van Zyl, fasiliteitsbestuurder by die Soutpansberg Privaathospitaal, is die gat in die dak wat deur die dwaalkoeël veroorsaak is.
Vrydag in die kragopwekkerkamer besig, en terwyl ons so besig was, merk ek iets op die vloer op wat lyk soos ‘n koeël. Toe ek dit optel was dit inderdaad ‘n koeëlpunt. Ek het dadelik opgekyk en toe ook die koeëlgat deur die sinkdak opgemerk,” het Van Zyl gesê. Oor die moontlik oorsprong van die dwaalkoeël het Van Zyl gesê dat hy juis verlede week skote hoor klap het in die dorp, iets waaroor talle mense kommentaar op Facebook gelewer het. “Ek is nie presies seker watter aand dit was nie, maar in die week het ek een aand skote gehoor. Iemand het gesê dat dit ‘n Land Rover was wat backfire ... maar dit was definitief nie ‘n voertuig nie. Daar het skote geklap. Ek het ook gehoor van ‘n skietery tussen die polisie en sigaretsmokkelaars, maar vir dieselfde geld kon daardie patroonpunt al vir twee weke daar gelê het,” het Van Zyl gesê. Van Zyl vermoed die dwaalkoeël is afgevuur uit ‘n handwapen; volgens alle aanduidings ‘n 9mm-pistool. Dit is ook nie die eerste keer dat hy met ‘n dwaalkoeël te doen kry nie. “‘n Klompie jare gelede, toe ek nog by Ou Mutual gewerk het, het ek een oggend by my kantoor ingekom. Soos mens se normale roetine maar is, het ek agter my lessenaar ingeskuif. Terwyl ek nog so besig was om te werk, toe vang my oog iets wat half versteek langs my skootrekenaar uitsteek. Toe ek dit optel, was dit ‘n 9mm-patroonpunt, en toe ek opkyk, was daar ‘n gat in die dak,” het Van Zyl gesê. Buiten bogenoemde twee gevalle het nog ‘n dwaalkoeël verlede jaar sy weg gevind deur die dak van ‘n bekende Mnr. Fanie van Zyl, fasiliteitsbestuurder by die Soutpansberg Privaatplaaslike onderneming. “Dit het einde hospitaal, met die dwaalkoeël wat hy in hul kragopwekkerkamer verlede jaar met ons ook gebeur. opgetel het. (Vervolg op p. 2)
Flanagan & Gerard and Moolman Group now co-owners of Musina Mall growth, even in the tough times of late. Our relationships with both Investec Property Fund Flanagan & Gerard Property Development & and Flanagan & Gerard have always been colInvestment, through its investment company laborative, progressive, and respectful. We are Changing Tides 91, has acquired 50% of Mulooking forward to the continued journey ahead sina Mall from Investec Property Fund. and further unlocking the potential of this shopAccording to a media statement issued by Fla- ping mall,” commented Mr Pieter Lombaard, nagan & Gerard on Tuesday, the transaction has CEO of Moolman Group. resulted in Flanagan & Gerard and Moolman The redeveloped Musina Mall first opened Group becoming 50/50 co-owners of Musina its doors in March 2017, incorporating the site’s Mall, extending their long-standing association. original development, The Great North Plaza. Moolman Group, Musina Mall’s lead developer With 35 000 sqm of retail space, the mall houses with Investec Property Group, previously owned almost all the area’s recognised national retailers a one-third stake in the mall, which it has inand popular brands. Musina Mall is anchored creased to a 50% holding. by Checkers and Shoprite and offers Wool“We are proud to partner with Moolman worths, Clicks, Mr Price, Foschini, Ackermans, Group again and thrilled to acquire a 50% stake Truworths, and Pep, and much more. It is also of this quality three-year-old retail asset from a home to all five major banks: ABSA, Standard property investor of the calibre of Investec Prop- Bank, Nedbank, FNB and Capitec. Dis-Chem is erty Fund. Musina Mall meets all our investment opening in the mall in September 2020. criteria -- it is reporting excellent trading and is dominant in its trade area where it has very little competition. We are pleased to count Musina Mall in our portfolio of quality shopping centres,” said Mr Paul Gerard, managing director of Flanagan & Gerard. Investec Property Fund joint CEOs Andrew Wooler and Darryl Mayers commended Flanagan & Gerard Property Investment and Development for their acquisition of Musina Mall. “While it is difficult to let go of such a quality asset, we believe that the sale is necessary to de-gear our balance sheet as we look to provide further capital funding for the Pan European logistics real estate and UK Fund strategies. Investec Property Fund has shared an exemplary partnership with Moolman Group, following an extension of Musina Mall in 2017, and look forward to seeing their collaboration alongside Flanagan & Gerard. We strongly believe in the Many residents of the Soutpansberg mourn class of the asset given the heritage-rich town of the death of Mr Hector Mackay KinMusina and walk away proudly after eight years caid-Smith, who passed away after a long of holding the mall within our portfolio,” they illness on 16 August at the age of 76 years. said. Kinciad-Smith, who lived in the area for “The initial acquisition and redevelopment of many years, moved to Durban with his Musina Mall, formerly The Great North Plaza, loving wife Hazel in January this year. He has been incredibly positive and rewarding. It will be sadly missed by Hazel and children has outperformed our expectations since its Jessica and Dane. Photo supplied. relaunch and continues to show significant Business News
An aerial view of Musina Mall. Information and photo supplied by Flanagan & Gerard Property Development & Investment.
‘n Wegholveldbrand het Dinsdagmiddag vir ‘n paar benoude oomblikke gesorg vir inwoners van Stephen Botha Singel (agter die gevangenis in Andersonstraat). In ‘n stadium het die vlamme gevaarlik naby aan woonhuise gekom, maar gelukkig kon die vuur van die wonings weggehou word en was daar geen skade aan infrastruktuur gewees nie. Verskeie brande het die afgelope week in en om Louis Trichardt gewoed weens omstandighede gunstig vir die ontstaan en verspreiding van veldbrande.
Haantjie-Fees“Winkel” Haantjie“Die NG Kerk - Stad op die Berg gemeente nooi hiermee die hele gemeenskap hartlik uit na ons basaar vir 2020. Hierdie jaar vind ons basaar plaas in die vorm van `n Haantjiefees “winkel”
Moet dit nie m is nie
• 28 & 29 Augustus ! • 4 & 5 September • 2 & 3 Oktober
Die “winkel” sal by ons kerkgronde (Ferdie Beyers saal) geleë wees en sal op bogemelde vrydae oop wees vanaf 16h00 tot laat en Saterdae van 09h00 tot 13h00.
Ons beoog om iets spesiaal vir die kinders te reël. Vleis, biltong, groente en vrugte, makadamias, kerrie en rys, hamburgers, stokwors, pannekoek, koek en gebak en vele meer! Ons sien uit daarna om u te sien en wens u by voorbaat te bedank vir u ondersteuning.” NG Kerk Stad op die Berg Gemeente - Erasmusstraat, Louis Trichardt 015 516 3902
Dwaalkoeël tref privaathospitaal (Vervolg van p. 1) “Ons het dit aanvanklik nie eers gesien nie, was dit nie dat die son presies reg deur die gat in die dak geskyn en ‘n kol op die vloer tussen die rakke gegooi het nie,” het mnr. Mark Archer van Archer Paint Centre gesê. By nadere ondersoek het Mark-hulle op die koeëlpunt afgekom onder een van die rakke. “Dit het ook gelyk soos ‘n 9mm wat met spoed deur die dak gekom het. Ons is net baie dankbaar dat niemand daar gestaan het nie. Sommige mense is onverantwoordelik as dit kom by die afvuur van hul
vuurwapens,” het Archer gesê. Newton se wette verduidelik baie mooi hoekom die afvuur van ‘n koeël in die lug gevaarlik is. Wat opgaan, moet weer afkom, en in die geval van ‘n klein koeëlpunt wat teen hoë spoed ‘n vuurwapen se loop verlaat, sal die koeëlpunt baie vinnig weer aarde toe val – genoeg om iemand te verwond of selfs te dood. In die geval van ‘n 9mm kan die dodelike afstand tot vyf of ses kilometer wees vanwaar die koeël afgevuur is. Juis daarom is streng wetgewing ten opsigte van die afvuur van ‘n vuurwapen van krag, veral in beboude gebied. Plaaslike polisiewoord
Happy first day of spring!
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New and used vehicles will be having a day out in the sun with all sales personnel available and standing by to assist. Loads of snap shots will be taken so come and pose with your new vehicle! There will also be a lucky draw for a Ford hamper so make sure you receive your ticket at reception to enter. “Boerie” rolls will also be available. We are asking one and all to come and partake with us in the Jerusalema Dance. We will start the dance at 15:00
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voerder konst. Irene Radzilane het inwoners gewaarsku dat die afvuur van ‘n vuurwapen binne ‘n munisipale of beboude gebied streng verbied word. Die tronkstraf vir oortreders, in minder ernstige gevalle waar niemand seergekry het nie, kan tot vyf jaar beloop as ‘n koeël met behulp van ballistiese toet se met ‘n vuurwapen verbind word. Wat spekulasie betref dat die dwaalkoeël wat deur die dak van die privaathospitaal getrek het dalk afkomstig was van die beweerde skietery tussen die polisie en smokkelaars het Radzilane gesê dat hulle geen kennis dra van so ‘n voorval nie.
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NWO’s trek swaar ná DSD subsidies begin besnoei Care Work Campaign werk. Wat belangrik is om op te let is dat die verslag ‘n Onlangse verslag met die titel Rap- nie verteenwoordigend is van AL die id assessment on the financial status nie-winsgewende organisasies nie, maar of non-profit organisations providdat dit veral fokus op die soorte probing social care services het die fokus leme wat aangespreek behoort te word. geplaas op die benarde finansiële Sommige instansies wou ook nie hulle posisie waarin talle nie-winsgewende identiteit bekendmaak nie. organisasies (NWO’s) hulle tans Verskillende redes word aangevoer bevind, nadat die Departement van waarom betalings óf nie ontvang is nie, Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling (DSD) óf verminderde óf laat betalings ontvang besluit het om subsidies te besnoei is. te midde van die Covid-19 pandemie. Eerstens het ‘n misverstand ontOok op die tuisfront trek sommige staan ten opsigte van die registrasie NWO’s nou swaar. op die Departement van Tesourie se Die verslag is opgestel deur Lisa sentrale databasis (CSD). Volgens die Vetten (Care Work Campaign) en MarClassification Circular 21 van hierdie garet Grobbelaar (National Coalition of departement wat op 28 Mei 2018 in Social Services) en op 20 Julie vanjaar werking gestel is, moet alle verskaffers vrygestel. Hulle navorsing is gedoen van dienste of produkte op hierdie toe 2.9 miljoen mense reeds hulle werk databasis geregistreer wees. Sowat 99% verloor het as gevolg van die Covid-19 van die nie-winsgewende organisasies in virus. Twee-derdes hiervan is vroue. Die Limpopo is nie hierop geregistreer nie. verslag handel oor die gedeeltelike of Dit blyk ‘n misinterpretasie te wees aan nie-betalings deur die DSD van subsidie kant van die Limpopo Departement dies aan NWO’s. van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling. Later Die “byna-oornag” impak van werkhet dit duidelik geword dat nie-winsloosheid het reeds ‘n groot aantal sosiale gewende organisasies nie nodig het om skokke tot gevolg gehad. Die behoefte op die CSD te registreer nie. ‘n Vertra aan maatskaplike versorging en ander ging van tot drie-en-‘n-half maande ten verwante dienste neem onder hierdie opsigte van betalings was die gevolg. omstandighede toe. Volgens die verslag Volgens die verslag het ses organigebeur dit in ‘n tyd waarin die nie-wins- sasies in die provinsie ‘n vermindering gewende organisasies ekstra broos is. van 25% van die eerste kwartaal se Dit onderstreep die gevaar wat nou subsidies gerapporteer, wat gebaseer bestaan dat nie net maatskaplike dienste was op die basis dat hierdie organiverswak nie, maar ook die werksmag sasies klaarblyklik nie gedurende dié wat dit bedryf. tydperk gewerk het nie. ‘n Sewende Die tipe sosiale dienste wat in die organisasie het 35.6% van die totale verslag aangeraak word, sluit onder subsidie ontvang. Organisasies het egter meer in skuilings vir diegene blootgestel steeds gewerk – onder die voorwaardes aan huishoudelike geweld, kindervan die inperking. Verder het die DSD beskermingsdienste, behuisingsfasilite- ook instruksies gegee dat 15% van die ite vir bejaardes, ensovoorts. Inligting organisasies se operasionele kostes op is hoofsaaklik verkry van die National persoonlike beskermende toerusting Coalition of Social Services (NACOSS) spandeer moes word. en ander instansies wat saam met die Twee plaaslike instansies wat in hierdDeur Pétria de Vaal
ie verslag gelys is, is die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie (SAVF) en die Christelike Maatskaplike Raad (CMR) in Louis Trichardt. Die Zoutpansberger het hulle in hierdie verband genader. Volgens Friede Meissenheimer, senior maatskaplike werker by die SAVF, rus die grendeltyd swaar op nie-winsgewende organisasies wat noodsaaklike dienste lewer aan die kwesbare lede van die gemeenskap. Behalwe dat fondsin samelings steeds beperk is as gevolg van die grendeltyd-regulasies, is inkomste op ander maniere ook beperk. Baie mense het gesukkel om kop bo water te hou, met die gevolg dat persone wat op ‘n gereelde basis kon help, nie meer in ‘n posisie is om daarmee vol te hou nie. Boonop het die DSD die besluit geneem om die SAVF se subsidie ten opsigte van sekere afdelings met tot 7% effektief te besnoei. In ‘n amptelike brief vanaf die DSD word gemeld dat die reëling sal geld totdat die grendeltydperk verstreke is en normale aktiwiteite hervat kan word. Met die huidige stand van sake dui dit op ‘n onsekere toekoms vir organisasies wat afhanklik is van die gelde. Ten spyte van die besnoeiing lewer die SAVF steeds dienste soos tevore. Individuele aanmeldings het afgeneem, deels as gevolg van persone wat minder beweeg, maar ook as gevolg van byvoorbeeld die skole wat gesluit was. Meissenheimer sê noudat skole heropen het, sal die aanmeldings in alle waarskynlikheid weer toeneem. “In hierdie stadium word daar baie dienste aan skole gelewer, wat tot gevolg het dat die getal persone wat elke maand bereik word steeds hoog is,” sê sy. “Die departement het wel nuwe doelstellings vir befondsing geskep waarvoor daar aansoek gedoen kan word. Al die doelstellings is spesifiek gerig op die lewering van Covid-19-verwante dienste. Tans wag ons vir terugvoer om te
verneem of die aansoek suksesvol was,” sê Meissenheimer. Sy het mense wat deurlopend die organisasie ondersteun het, bedank. “Sonder julle sou ons nie steeds die dienste kon lewer nie,” sê Meissenheimer. Die kantoorbestuurder van die CMR (Louis Trichardt en Musina), Ronel Aylward, beaam dat hulle werk nooit opgehou het nie. Maatskaplike werkers was steeds telefonies in verbinding met kliënte, werk word deur middel van re kenaars gedoen (byvoorbeeld verslae) en huisbesoeke word gedoen waar nodig. Aylward beaam dat die CMR wel 25% van hulle normale subsidie ten opsigte van hul operasionele kostes nie ontvang het nie. “Salarisse en ander uitgawes is egter wel betaal,” beklemtoon Aylward. Sy bevestig ook dat hulle tans in gesprek is met die DSD, juis om besnoeiings reg te stel. Die NWO-Forum het twee weke gelede vergader waar besluit is dat die subsidie-tekorte herstel sal word wanneer bewyse gelewer kan word dat dienste tydens die inperking wel voltyds gelewer is. “Ons het klokslag een keer per maand ons statistieke ingedien,” sê Aylward. Hoewel Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis nie in die bogemelde verslag genoem is nie, het die Zoutpansberger gaan sekermaak en met die tehuis se bestuurder, Kittie de Bruin, gesels. Volgens De Bruin kry hulle wel subsidie van die DSD en word dit steeds ten volle betaal. “Ons Tuiste is deel van die kwartaalstelsel en ons kan nie kla nie,” sê De Bruin. Hulle het ‘n baie goeie verhouding met beide die DSD en die Departement van Gesondheid. Laasgenoemde se direkteur (Limpopo) het ‘n WhatsApp-groepie vir ouetehuise in die Limpopo gestig en belangrike inligting word so deurgegee en vrae beantwoord. “Hulle is regtig ondersteunend en tegemoetkomend,” sê De Bruin.
Friede Meissenheimer, senior maatskaplike werker by die SAVF. Foto verskaf.
Die kantoorbestuurder van die CMR (Louis Trichardt en Musina), Ronel Aylward. Foto verskaf.
Kittie de Bruin, bestuurder van Ons Tuiste Outehuis.
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Geen nuwe gevalle nie, maar geen rede om te ontspan Deur Andries van Zyl Nog geen nuwe gevalle van hondsdolheid is in Louis Trichardt bevestig sedert die laaste geval waaroor die Zoutpansberger van 14 Augustus berig het nie. “Mense moet egter nie ontspan nie. Dit beteken nie die siekte is nie meer teenwoordig nie. Solank jou hond ingeënt is, is hy veilig,” het die Dr. Johan van Deemter wat tans uithelp by die Louis Trichardt DBV se Legacy dierekliniek, afgeneem waar hy ‘n hond ent teen hondsdolheid. Foto verskaf.
voorsitter van die Louis Trichardt Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV), Lesley Gaigher, gesê. In die Zoutpansberger van 31 Julie is berig oor ‘n beseerde en sieklike hondjie wat op die N1 opgetel is en na die plaaslike DBV geneem is vir behandeling. Binne 72 uur is die hond dood aangetref waar sy in isolasie by die DBV was. Haar gedrag het dramaties verander en sy het uiters aggressief begin optree. Ná die hond se dood is haar brein weggestuur vir toetse en die teef het positief getoets vir hondsdolheid. Dieselfde week het nog ‘n hond positief getoets het vir die gevreesde siekte, dié keer by Blouberg Dierekliniek. Paar dae later het nog ‘n geval by Blouberg voorgekom van ‘n hond wat al die simptome van hondsdolheid getoon het. Die hond is van kant gemaak en sy kop is weggestuur vir ontleding. Ook dié toetse
het positief teruggekom. Laasgenoemde is opgevolg deur nog ‘n voorval sowat drie weke gelede, waar ‘n familie van Bauhiniastraat se Great Dane skielik simptome van die siekte begin toon het. Die hond is uitgesit en ook dié se toetse het positief teruggekom vir hondsdolheid. Die aantal voorvalle in so ‘n beperkte tydperk in Louis Trichardt het ‘n mate van paniek veroorsaak. Wat uiters onrusbarend was, was dat laasgenoemde drie gevalle welversorgde troeteldiere van mense in die dorp was. Die siekte het ‘n bykans 100% sterftesyfer vir mens en dier as die simptome eers begin wys. Uit vrees dat die siekte buite beheer kon raak en ook lei tot lewensverlies, het die plaaslike DBV en die Blouberg Dierekliniek besluit om vir die hele maand van Augustus mense se honde en katte teen slegs R20 per troeteldier in te ent. Die aanbod verstryk op 31 Augustus. “Ons het nou nie ‘n toeloop van mense gehad nie, maar daar was wel ‘n goeie opkoms van mense wat hulle diere laat inent het,” het Gaigher gesê. Tot en met Maandag het hulle 105 honde en 19 katte ingeënt. Die opkoms was heelwat beter by Blouberg.
Quarantine lifted on nine FMD locations Agriculture
INVITATION TO BID Invitation to all interested suppliers rendering Laundry services, Gardening service, Tyre puncher repairs and Towing of Light, Medium, Heavy and Extra Heavy duty vehicles for the period of 1 OCTOBER 2020 TO 31 MARCH 2021, for Makhado Accounting Offices which include the following station, Makhado, Mara, Mphephu, Musina, Tshitale, Tshilwavhusiku, Waterval, Waterpoort and Bandelierkop respectively. : 134/2020 : South African Police Service : 2020-08-31 : 2020-09-04
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Tot en met Maandag het hulle reeds 655 diere, meestal honde, ingeënt. “Daar het baie mense gekom, en gelukkig het ons ná die Great Dane nie weer ‘n positiewe geval gehad nie,” het Dr. Freddie Harris van Blouberg gesê. Harris het gewaarsku dat troeteldiereienaars volgens wet verplig word om hulle honde en katte teen hondsdolheid te laat inent. “En hulle moet dit jaarliks doen. Hulle moet nie nou net spuit en dink dit is verby nie. Wat ons aanbeveel, veral by jong hondjies en honde wat nog nooit voorheen ingeënt is nie, is dat dit beter is om hulle te ent en ‘n maand later ‘n booster te gee. Daarna is dit basies elke kalenderjaar later. Die immuniteit wat die entstof voorsien begin ná 12 maande dramaties afneem. Daarna begin diere weer vatbaar word,” het Harris gesê. Harris het ook gewaarsku dat hondsdolheid orals voorkom. Weens die afgeleënheid van sekere gebiede kan die siekte dalk net stadiger of selfs glad nie versprei nie. “Steeds moet mens die siekte nie ligtelik opneem nie. Vir seker is dit ‘n gevaarlike siekte. Dit is hoekom dit belangrik is vir mense om maar hulle diere jaarliks in te ent,” het Harris gesê.
The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DAFF) announced last week that quarantine had been lifted on nine locations, with 10 properties remaining under quarantine for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). “Our veterinary services are continuously working with the affected farmers to resolve the remaining 10 farms, and good progress is being made in this regard,” said the DAFF in a press release. On 1 November 2019, veterinary services were alerted to clinical signs suspicious for FMD in a herd of cattle on a farm in the Molemole district (Dendron area) of Limpopo. The outbreak followed on the heels of another FMD outbreak in Limpopo earlier last year when the DAFF confirmed the presence of FMD in Limpopo’s
Vhembe District on 7 January 2019. As a result, South Africa lost its World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) recognised foot-and-mouth-disease-free zone without vaccination status. This had disastrous consequences for both the local and international meat export markets. Regarding the outbreak in the Dendron area, 19 locations eventually tested positive for FMD. “The last positive location reported to the OIE was on 26 February 2020 and no new positive locations have been identified since. On most of the affected locations, more than six months have passed since the last clinical cases, which is a very encouraging sign that the outbreak was successfully controlled,” said the DAFF. The DAFF confirmed that Botswana has lifted the ban on export of live cattle from South Africa. It said that the import conditions for export of cattle
to Botswana had been revised and a health certificate had been agreed upon. FMD-specific import conditions include isolation of animals for at least 30 days whilst preparing for export under supervision of the Veterinary Authority and testing for FMD during this time. “ The DAFF reassured members of the public that FMD is not contagious to humans and the meat from animals that have recovered from the disease is safe for human consumption. “Permission was granted to nine feedlots for the safe slaughter of animals from affected premises at two abattoirs designated for this purpose. This process is continuing and more than 11 000 animals from farms under quarantine have been safely processed. Once all animals on affected properties have been slaughtered, quarantine can be lifted and the farming operations can resume,” said the DAFF.
NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 41(2) (a, b & c) and Regulation 41(3)(a & b) of the regulations published in Government Notice R. 982 of the National Environmental Management Act 1998 (Act no. 107 of 1998) of intent to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment (Scoping) Process for the following activity (given below) which will be submitted to Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment & Tourism. EIA DESCRIPTION Regulation 984, 4 December 2014. Listing Notice 2. (As Amended) Activity no 15 : The clearance of an area of 20 hectares or more of indigenous vegetation. PROJECT TITLE : RIVER SOUTH DEVELOPMENT LOCATION AND EXTENT The activity entails the following: The activity entails the clearing of ±100 hectares of Indigenous vegetation for Agricultural Citrus and Crop rotation . The proposed activity will be on the Farm River 141 MS within Musina Local Municipality of Vhembe District, Limpopo Province NAME OF PROPONENT MAROI BOERDERY Bk. P.O. Box 23 MUSINA 0900
DEBTORS & CREDITORS CLERK (ELIM SUPER SPAR) Experience • Minimum of 3 years’ experience as a Debtors & Creditors Clerk • Experience of working in a retail environment would be an advantage Required skills and knowledge: • A good understanding of debtors and creditors accounts and reporting • Procedural and systematic, conscientious and disciplined in his/her approach • Computer literate – Excel, MS Word • Be able to handle pressure • Ability to perform repetitive task over a long period of time with minimum mistakes. Key Performance areas • Control and administration of debtors and creditors • Extract reports for management reporting • Doing Customer queries and doing accurate and timeous filing • Prepare forecasts of expected payments to be made for the next payment period as well as expected receipts from debtors and other sources • Preparing monthly analyses of all creditors/debtor’s accounts • Reconciliation of intercompany accounts and balances
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In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter in writing to the contact person given above within 30 days of publication of this advertisement. The information must be received before or on 28 September 2020, 12h00. The meeting arrangements will be supplied to registered parties. Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Closing date for applications is 4 September 2020 Please email a concise CV to cv@elimgroup.co.za If we do not contact you after 14 days of the closing date your application was not successful.
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NAME OF CONTACT/CONSULTANT TUA CONSERVA Mr J Claassens (Jnr) Cell : 082 800 9066 Johann Cell : 073 593 9224 Magda e-mail: jc.tuaconserva@gmail.com tuaconserva@gmail.com
Zoutie ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. Louis Schoeman, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Friday, 28 August
Partly sunny and cooler.
Sunny and warmer.
High: 22 C Low: 11 C o
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
Thursday, 27 August
Saturday, 29 August Hot with plenty of sun.
High: 33oC Low: 15oC
High: 29 C Low: 17 C
SPB KOFUKAN KARATEKLUB Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
AA VERGADER Alkoholiste Anoniem
(AA) vergader elke Maandag om 17:30 by die Haantjiekerk in Louis Trichardt. Die laaste Maandag van die maand se vergadering is “OOP” vir enige iemand wat meer wil weet oor Alkoholisme. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jannie by 076 501 8285.
LTT SHUKOKAI KARATEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente nooi inwoners uit om oor die volgende paar weke hulle Haantjie Fees Winkel te ondersteun as deel van hul jaarlikse “basaar”. Die Haantjie Fees “Winkel” sal oop wees op 28 en 29 Augustus, 4 en 5 September en weer op 25 en 26 September. Van die lekkernye te koop sluit in vleis, biltong, groente en vrugte, makadamias, kerrie-en-rys, hamburgers, stokworse, pannekoek, koek, gebak en vele meer. Vir meer inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by tel. 015 516 3902.
ISABILITY GOLF DAY Local golfers are in-
vited to support the IsAbility Golf Day on 12 September. IsAbility is a sports club that supports development of differently abled athletes, as well as able-bodied athletes. Funds raised at the 2020 golf day are to be used for their project Fit-to-Fly to provide standing and sitting frames to mobility-impaired patients locally. The competition is in the format of a four-ball-alliance scramble drive, with two scores to count, and the entry fee is R1 600 per team. The competition will take place at the Soutpansberg Golf Club and the entry fee includes green fees, lunch, dinner, and a welcome gift for players. Dinner can be ordered for your spouse at R60 per main and dessert. All Covid-19 regulations should please be adhered to. To book your four-ball or for inquiries contact Sandy James at 084 506 3333 or 015 516 985. Sponsorships are welcome.
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
‘n Nuwe gier op die Internet en sosiale media platforms is skole en ander instansies wat deelneem aan die #JerusalemaChallenge. Dit is waar skoolkinders of personeellede in massa (natuurlik terwyl hulle sosiale afstand handhaaf en maskers dra) saam dans op die maat van Master KG se bekende lied Jerusalema. Laerskool Louis Trichardt se Graad 7’s is tans hard besig om tydens pouses vir hul optrede te oefen. Om te sien presies wat die uitdaging behels, sleutel bloot die woord #JerusalemaChallenge in enige soekenjin in. Foto verskaf.
Lus vir ‘n bietjie lekker skaapafvalle? Die feit dat die NG Kerk Soutpansberg nie hul gewilde jaarlikse afvalaand kan aanbied weens die Covid-19 inperking nie, beteken nie dat liefhebbers van dié dis dit nie kan geniet nie. Die gemeente verkoop tans skaapafvalle teen
R200 per afval. Dit is baie mooi skoongemaak. Diegene wat egter ‘n gaar produk verkies, kan gaar afval teen R60 per bakkie koop. Daar is ook heerlike koedoewors by die gemeente te koop ten R60 per kilogram, skilpadjies (agt in ‘n pakkie) teen R70 per pakkie en heerlike wildpastei teen R80 per pastei. Vir bestellings, skakel Hermari by die kerkkantoor by tel. 079 116 1700.
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 24 August. DAMVLAKKE
24/08/2020 17/08/2020
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
71.1% 72.2% 13.1% 13.4% 95% 95.9% 10.4% 10.6% 86.3% 87.5% 1.6% 1.7% 99% 99.2% 44.8% 45.8% 84.2% 85.6% 80.7% 81.8% 13.1% 13.8% #94.6% 94.6%
Fri, Sat: 12:45, 15:30, 18:30, 18:45 Sun: 12:45, 15:30, 16:30 Mon - Thu: 14:15, 17:45, 18:30
Fri, Sat: 12:15, 15:15, 18:15 Sun: 12:30, 15:15 Mon - Thu: 15:15, 18:15
Fri, Sat: 12:00, 13:00, 14:30 Sun: 12:00, 13:00 Mon - Thu: 14:00, 15:00
Fri, Sat: 12:00, 12:30, 17:00, 17:45, 18:00 Sun: 12:00, 12:15, 15:00, 15:45, 16:00 Mon - Thu: 14:00, 14:30, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00 Follow us
# Means latest available data sterkinekor.com
Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. /sterkinekortheatres
Sunday, 30 August
Monday, 31 August
Tuesday, 1 September
Wednesday, 2 September
Partly sunny and not as warm.
Clearing and warmer.
Variable cloudiness.
Partly sunny.
High: 26oC Low: 11oC
High: 26oC Low: 14oC
High: 23oC Low: 9oC
High: 19oC Low: 6oC
Residents aim to clean the whole of Musina themselves By Bernard Chiguvare “The build-up of rubbish all over Musina and along the Malaladrift road has prompted me and my friends to clean the areas where rubbish is dumped,” said Mr Ruan Wolvaardt, a resident of Musina. Wolvaardt and his friends started cleaning the Malaladrift road on 8 August this
year. Most Musina residents, according to Wolvaardt, favour jogging or exercising along this road because of its beautiful scenery. The destruction of flora has, unfortunately, been going on for some time now along the road, and the municipality does not appear to be doing anything about it. “We can no longer enjoy our exercising because of
the ever-increasing dumpsites on lay-bys along the road. This is our second week of cleaning the road,” said Wolvaardt. At present, seven members are involved, but Wolvaardt hopes more people will join in the cleaning project. “Our aim is to extend this gesture throughout the whole of Musina town, cleaning all the streets and any illegal dumping sites,” said Wolvaardt. He added that the illegal dumping of rubbish was not the only growing concern in Musina. The crumbling road infrastructure and escalating crime are also a major concern. Responding to a media enquiry, Musina municipal spokesperson Mr Wilson Dzebu said that they and the commu- Cleaning the road are (from left to right) Itai Bennie, Ruan Wolvaardt, Neville Cambell and nity had a shared responsibility Enos Mhlanga. regarding rubbish. “As much as the municipality has an obligation to clean [rubbish] as part of the service Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 delivery, community members also have a responsibility in keeping their areas clean. Despite the limited resources and manpower, the municipality is doing its best to keep the areas clean,” said Dzebu.
An all too familiar site along the Malaladrift road - people using the road as a dumping site.
12 September 2020 IsAbility is a sports club that supports development of differently abled athletes as well as able-bodied athletes. Funds raised at the 2020 golf day are to be used for our project to provide standing and sitting frames to mobility impaired patients locally. DON’T MISS THIS ONE!! ✶ 4-ball-alliance; scramble drive, two scores to count ✶ 4 ball @ R1 600 ✶ Soutpansberg Golf Club ✶ Prize-giving 5:30 pm Includes green fee; lunch; dinner; welcome gift for players. Players can choose between a take-away dinner OR a sit-down meal. Dinner can be ordered for your spouse @R60 per main and dessert. All covid-19 regulations should please be adhered to. Sponsorships are welcome.
To book your 4-ball or for inquiries contact Sandy James 084 506 3333 / 015 516 985
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Lucy Female
Luna Female
Ruby-Rae Female
Cooper Male
Stella Female
Lots of cats & kittens
Cecil Rutgert Barnard started on a farm outside Knysna on 19 September, 1886. This was also where he was first introduced to the world of elephant hunting, during a time when these beautiful Nobody knew his real name, where he had come from, or whether he was dead. He was a beasts still roamed the legend of the bush; and as the bush is secret and ageless, so its legends come from all ages, Knysna woods. While he mix themselves up irrespective of years, and go on to the future like a trail whose beginwas still very young, the nings are tree-grown and whose makers have vanished completely.” – T.V. Bulpin, The family moved to a farm in Ivory Trail Schweizer-Reneke in the Western Transvaal. his week we move The problem is that we of land. It was a last A couple of unfortu“uptown” and can only assume. Perhaps home for many a curious nate events occurred in delve into the the street was named after and lawless character: a the years that followed. history of one of the most the most famous “local” sanctuary from civilisaThe area was hit picturesque streets in Barnard of all, the man tion, whose solitary state by an outbreak of Louis Trichardt, namely known to friends and was paradise to all those rinderpest and old Barnard Street. We are, foes as Bvekenya. The whose deeds or inclinaman Barnard had however, not going to take man whose name became tions made imperative to work away from the normal route. We are synonymous with biga retreat to some last home in trying going to take a detour, game hunting (or ivory stronghold of the lawless,” to provide for the which will inevitably make poaching) in Africa as the writes Bulpin. family. This was the trip much longer, but main character in the allUnlike a Hollywood film followed by the Anmuch more interesting. time classic of T.V. Bulpin, script, Bulpin’s depicglo Boer War and, Barnard Street was The Ivory Trail. (Bulpin, tion of this rugged and as a resident of in all probability named a South African-born au- eccentric hunter is very the Boer Republic, after one of the town’s thor, wrote several books authentic. The legendary Barnard Snr had councillors or community about life in southern Bvekenya was real and to join the fight. leaders serving on the first Africa.) left an indelible mark on This, of course, boards. In PHC de Vaal’s Part of Bulpin’s story the region. It is said that left Mrs Barnard book about the town’s plays out in the northeven today the Shangaan and the children to history*, he mentions two ern-most corner of the people on the Mozambifend for themselves Barnards, namely H. van country, more precisely can side of the Save River under extremely der Watt Barnard and F.A. at the spot where South still wait for Barnard and difficult circumBarnard. F.A. Barnard Africa, Mozambique and that the land will not be stances. When his was mayor of the town in Zimbabwe meet. “Crooks made available for huntmother was moved 1958, so it is presumably Corner is the name man ing to anyone else, as it is to a British concentration his name that the street gave long ago to this se“Bvekenya’s land.” camp, Bvekenya had to bears. cluded and sinister wedge The story of Stephanus look after his siblings. She died of sickness in the camp before her husband could return from the war. When Bvekenya’s father arrived back at the farm, the young man decided that the time had come for him to explore the world. It started with a career as a policeman, but all along the romantic idea of huntSome of the sketches from Bulpin’s book, The Ivory Trail. ing elephants lingered in the back of his mind. After three years of working as law enforcer, he put his savings together and started preparations for his career as a big-game hunter. Among other stuff he bought a Lee Enfield .303 calibre gun and set off on the road to the north. (Not really a rifle suited for elephant hunting, but something that he had to find out for himself in the bush.) In 1910, the same year that South Africa became a Union, Bvekenya set out with a wagon and donkeys along the Great North Road. At Soekmekaar (nowadays Morebeng), he turned north-east to Klein Letaba and from there the trail went to Punda Maria. Further north he crossed the Luvhuvhu River and arrived at the infamous Crook’s Corner. Crook’s Corner had a number of rather interesting characters. Among the few friends that Bvekenya made were the owner of the Makhuleke Store, Alec Thompson, as well as a “blackbirder”, William Pye. Blackbirders
Bvekenya Barnard - The most famous of Crook’s Corner’s elephant hunters
made their money out of recruiting local tribesmen to work on the South African mines. Bvekenya himself later added to his income by working as a blackbirder. The story goes that Bvekenya initially tried to hunt in a legal way and travelled to Massangena in what we now know as Mozambique, to obtain a permit. He was not successful and only obtained permission to hunt small game. One of
Bvekenya Barnard.
the policemen stationed at Massangena, however, collected a gang of renegades and tried to rob and kill Bvekenya while he was camping near the Save River. Bvekenya managed to escape with only his cotton underpants on and had to walk back to Makhuleke, almost 240 kilometres away. It was a long and dangerous journey and Bvekenya nearly succumbed on the way back. He was rescued by a group of Shangaan workers returning from the South African mines. They gave him a spear, some clothing and helped him to recover. They also gave him his name, which means “the man who swaggers when he walks”. This was probably because of the way he walked barefoot on the warm sand.Bvekenya finally made it back to Crook’s Corner, where he used his wagon as collateral to borrow money to return to Johannesburg. He then kitted himself out in a more proper way and bought a 9.5 Mannlicher-Schoenauer, a weapon much more suited for shooting elephants. Much of Bulpin’s story concerns Bvekenya’s quest for revenge and also to repay those who had been kind to him. Whenever he shot an elephant, the tusks were cut out and the rest of the meat went to the local villagers. In several instances his hunting skills and generosity saved them from starvation, especially during the early
1910s when the eastern region suffered from a terrible drought. The story also focuses on his obsession to shoot an exceptionally big elephant bull, called Dhlulamithi (taller than the trees). Even though Bvekenya was an infamous poacher and fugitive from the law, he was also a conservationist. He did not believe in killing game for fun and always ensured that nothing that he had shot went to waste. His trackers had to ascertain the age of the elephant, often by studying the dung, to make sure it was past its prime. During a trip to the then Rhodesia via the Lundi River, he witnessed the abundance of game congregating in the area, following the good rains. This made such an impression on him that he wrote to the Native Commissioner of Chibi in the Fort Victoria district, proposing that they establish a transfrontier park. Much to his surprise the Native Commissioner, a Mr P Forrestal, wrote back, thanking him for the letter and information, but he reckoned the authorities would not agree to such a proposal. It would take almost another 100 years before this idea became a reality. Bvekenya gradually took revenge on his attackers and, in doing so, also collected warrants for his arrest in three countries. To the local inhabitants, however, he became a hero and a mystical legend. His ability to live off harsh, drought-stricken land, was unparalleled. Bulpin describes it as follows: “The wilderness in which Bvekenya hunted, between the Great Sabi and the Limpopo, from the Rhodesian border down to within fifty miles of the sea, was known to the Shanganes as the Hlengwe (The Place Where You Need Help). It was a place where terror dwelt: a haunt of the wild animals, of sudden death, of an ancient savagery, and the nameless ghosts of strange gods whose lore and rites were half-forgotten.” During his almost 20-year stay in the area, Bvekenya studied not only the animals in the area, but also the plants and trees. He experimented with taming the eland and even sent some as gifts to
A map showing the old Transvaal and Southern Rhodesia, Bvekenya’s hunting grounds.
Sources: * PHC de Vaal, Die Dorp Louis Trichardt, 1986 * TV Bulpin, The Ivory Trail, 1954 * U de V Pienaar, Neem uit die Verlede, 1990 * Isak Barnard’s interview with Dave Edgombe as published in African Expedition * Penduka Safaris website, www. pendukasafaris. com
Barnard Street
they had four sons and a daughter. Bvekenya only returned to the Soutpansberg twice in his later years. During the first visit, in 1952, he took his son, Isak, to show him the old places. On the second occasion he took the author, T.V. Bulpin, to Crook’s Corner. Bulpin’s book, The Ivory Trail, first appeared in 1954. Cecil Barnard died in his bed at the age of 76 on 2 June 1962. He was buried on his farm Vlakplaas, near Geysdorp. Even towards the end of his life the memories of his years in the bush never faded. His son, Isak, had an interview years later with Dave Edgcumbe, a dedicated hunter and conservationist, and told him that his dad had preferred walking instead of riding. He would walk from his farm to the closest cooperative in Lichtenburg and back, a round-trip of some 260km. “Maybe this was his way of remembering the months and years that he (had) walked the Lowveld, of adventures, loneliness, of triumphs and tribulations,” Isak Barnard said. Deep in the thick bush near Crook’s Corner there still lies a grave with the inscription Stephanus Cecil Rutgert Barnard. Bulpin did not know about this grave and doesn’t mention it in his book. His son explained that his dad was once very sick with malaria. The Shangaan helpers who were with him thought he was going to die and dug the grave for him. When they visited the spot in 1952, it was still two feet deep. On 19 September 1986, 100 years after his birth, his family unveiled a small plaque in the area where he and many other wanderers in the period between 1910 and 1929 had conducted their trade on the infamous Ivory Route.
Kr og
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 28 AUGUST 2020 tree, the branches formed the national zoo. a pile below him. When As “blackbirder” Bvekhe at last realised that he enya’s name was known had left no escape route, it far and wide. This was a was too late and he could very controversial “occupation” and often accom- not get down. He shouted for help, but had to spend panied by tales of abuse the day up there before and deceit. Tribesmen help arrived. He died of were lured from various sunstroke a few days later villages to work in the and was buried at Crook’s mines in places such Corner. as Johannesburg and Bvekenya often visited Kimberley, often under Louis Trichardt, where atrocious circumstances. The blackbirders received another hunter friend of up to £7 for every recruit, his, Hans Klopper,lived. which made it a very prof- Klopper farmed at Doornspruit near the itable business. town, but his favourite Bvekenya had a very hunting ground was in the organised and almost northern parts of the Krusophisticated system in ger National Park. An area place to guide the recruits to the mines. These with a fountain just north of the Shantangalani hills, included several hidden Klopperfontein, is named bush camps en route, where the men could rest after him. Towards the end of his and eat and could also acclimatize as they travelled “career” as blackbirder, Bvekenya became a more southwards. One of the law-abiding citizen and biggest dangers for mine worked for a mining comworkers coming from pany, officially recruiting northern countries was workers. This only lasted pneumonia. They were until 1923 when the call simply not ready to face the damp, cold conditions of the bush became too much for him to tolerate. in the Highveld mines. For the next few years During his years in the he was back hunting Soutpansberg, Bvekenelephants, but the cirya made several good friends. When Thompson cumstances had changed. He was appalled by the departed, the Makuleke manner in which Afristore at Crook’s Corner ca’s resources were being was managed by a Cadestroyed, especially by nadian, Buck Buchanan. those with no knowledge Buchanan later moved of the bush. At the same to a farm close to the time, several national Soutpansberg. Another parks were declared and friend of Bvekenya’s was policing of these areas Hendrik Hartman and intensified. the two of them agreed In 1929, at the age of to farm with sheep at the back of the Soutpansberg. 43, Bvekenya left the area where he had had In 1918, Hartman was so many adventures and in Crook’s Corner, busy close encounters with building a kraal for the death. He bought a farm sheep, when he climbed in the western Transvaal up a large thorn three to at Geysdorp. He married cut down branches. As he worked his way up the Marie Badenhorst and
In this week’s edition we focus on Barnard Street, but we “cheat” (to a certain degree and hopefully with the blessings of our readers). We could not resist writing about one of the region’s most famous Barnards, namely the legendary hunter/poacher, Bvekenya Barnard. In our defence we did try and find out more about the other Barnards, but very little information is available. Perhaps a reader can enlighten us? Readers with information on the streets not yet covered in the series must please contact Anton at anton@zoutnet.co.za. When next you are visiting the Kruger National Park, and especially Crook’s Corner near Pafuri, think about his story, because this is where he operated.
reet Barnard St
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, was ‘n hartseer tyd vir die Soutpansberg met die nuus van die ontydige dood van ‘n geliefde jong inwoner. Op die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 1 September 1995 word berig van die dood van die 26-jarige Pierre Venter. Hy en ‘n vriend van hom, Christo Eybers, was vanaf die lugmagbasis op pad terug na Louis Trichardt, toe Pierre se BMW met ‘n vragmotor by die vierrigtingstop op die N1 by Eltivillas gebots het. Pierre is op slag dood, terwyl Christo ligte beserings opgedoen het. Ten tye van Pierre se dood het hy en sy broer, Menno, Spaza Beef Abattoir namens hulle oom, dr. Piet Venter, bedryf. Ook op die voorblad was dit duidelik dat die stof nog nie gaan lê het in die politieke arena nie oor die insluiting van Vleifontein by die Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad. Dit na voortslepende ongelukkigheid en steun vir en teen die besluit. Op die ou end het die saak tot stemming oorgegaan in die Raadsaal met die besluit om die ekstra gebiede, wat ingesluit het die plase Vondeling, Rondebosch, Vygeboomspruit, Melkhoutkopjes, Boschkopje en Vleifontein, by die Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad in te sluit. Dit het die destydse burgemeester, wyle rdh. Johan
Moolman, genoop om te sê hy oorweeg om die saak na die Verkiesingshof te verwys vir beslissing. Wat die voorbladfoto betref, was dit ‘n foto van ‘n DC 3 (Superdac) wat afgeneem is tydens die jaarlikse lugskou op die destydse Lugmagbasis Louis Trichardt. Die lugskou was ‘n groot aantrekkingskrag vir die streek, met die Zoutpansberger wat berig het dat tussen 20 000 en 30 000 mense die lugskou besoek het.
Carel Hammann Cell: E-mail:
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FOR THE DEVELOPER. 157Ha within 2km from LTT on the Thohoyandou road. Old farmhouse, outbuildings and strong water. Suitable for sub divisions and Macadamia orchards.
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Although it will definitely not bring an end to Louis Trichardt and Tshikota’s chronic water shortages, the installation of a brand new main pump at the Albasini water plant over the weekend will surely bring relief to residents who constantly struggle with dry taps. Vhembe municipal spokesperson Mr Moses Shivambu said on Saturday that the pumping of water to town had since resumed. By Tuesday morning, some parts of town were still without water as water was being directed to diferent parts of town at a time. Shivambu reported that water shortages may still occur, as reservoirs are sometimes closed to fill them up first to a decent level of water. Photos: Vhembe District Municipality. Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
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LEGALS DEVELOPLAN Ek, Theo Kotze, as die agent van die eienaars van ondergemelde eiendome, gee hiermee kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Musina Munisipaliteit vir die volgende: i) MUSINA WYSIGINGSKEMA 396: Hersonering van Erf 660 Messina Uitbr. 1 (Davieslaan 12) vanaf “Residensieel 1“ na “Residensieel 4”, die opheffing van beperkende voorwaardes en die verslapping van boulyne met die doel van wooneenhede (11 in totaal). Eienaar: Mr. A.A. Abako. ii) MUSINA WYSIGINGSKEMA 398: Hersonering van Erf 2322 Messina Uitbr. 1 (Le Hellocolaan 14) vanaf “Ins�tusioneel” na “Besigheid 1” en die opheffing van beperkende voorwaardes met die doel van ‘n besigheidsperseel. Eienaar: Musina Muslim Jamaat Trust. iii) MUSINA WYSIGINGSKEMA 397: Hersonering van Erwe 1669, 1670 & 1671 Messina Uitbr. 13 (h/v Nasionale en Joubert Fourie paaie) vanaf “Besigheid 1” na “Ins�tusioneel” en die konsolidasie van Erwe 1669, 1670 & 1671 Messina Uitbr. 13 met die doel van ‘n hospitaal. Eienaar: Solly Noor Proper�es (Pty) Ltd. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur: Stadsbeplanning, Irwinstraat 21, Musina, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 21 Augustus 2020. Enige beswaar/vertoë moet hetsy skri�elik of mondelings (indien u nie kan skryf nie), by of tot die Direkteur: Stadsbeplanning voor die slui�ngsdatum vir die indiening van sodanige besware/vertoë by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X611, Musina, 0900 ingedien of gerig word, tesame met vermelding van bogenoemde beskrywing van die aansoek en/of wysigingskemanommer, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar/vertoë, die beswaarmaker se erfnommer en telefoonnommer(s) en adres. SLUITINGSDATUM VIR DIE INDIENING VAN BESWARE/ VERTOË: 21 SEPTEMBER 2020. AGENT: DEVELOPLAN STADSBEPLANNERS, POSBUS 1883, POLOKWANE, 0700, TEL. 015-2914177 FAKS: 0862183267. tecoplan@ mweb.co.za.
DEVELOPLAN I, Theo Kotze, as the agent of the owners of the proper�es men�oned below, hereby give no�ce that I have applied to the Musina Municipality for the following: i) MUSINA AMENDMENT SCHEME 396: Rezoning of Erf 660 Messina Ext. 1 (12 Davies Avenue) from “Residen�al 1” to “Residen�al 4”, the removal of restric�ve �tle condi�ons
and the relaxa�on of building lines for the purpose of dwelling units (11 in total). Owner: Mr. A.A. Abako. ii) MUSINA AMENDMENT SCHEME 398: Rezoning of Erf 2322 Messina Ext 1 (14 Le Helloco Avenue) from “Ins�tu�onal” to “Business 1” and the removal of restric�ve �tle condi�ons for the purpose of a residen�al building. Owner: Musina Muslim Jamaat Trust. iii) MUSINA AMENDMENT SCHEME 397: Rezoning of Erven 1669, 1670 & 1671 Messina Ext 13 (c/o Na�onal Road and Joubert Fourie Road) from “Business 1” to “Ins�tu�onal” and the consolida�on of Erven 1669, 1670 & 1671 Messina Ext 13 for the purpose of a hospital. Owner: Soly Noor Proper�es (Pty) Ltd. Par�cular of the applica�ons will lie for inspec�on during normal office hours at the office of the Director: Town Planning, 21 Irwin Street, Musina, for a period of 30 days from 21 August 2020. Any objec�ons/ representa�ons must be lodged with or made in wri�ng, or verbally if unable to write, to the Director: Town Planning, at the above-men�oned address or posted to Private Bag X611, Musina, 0900 on or before the closing date for the submission of objec�ons/ representa�ons, quo�ng the above men�oned applica�on descrip�on and/ or amendment scheme number, the objector’s interest in the ma�er, the ground(s) of the objec�on/representa�on, the objector’s erf number and phone numbers and address. CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF OBJECTIONS/REPRESENTATIONS: 21 September 2020. AGENT: DEVELOPLAN TOWN PLANNERS, P.O. Box 1883, Polokwane, 0700. Fax: 086 218 3267. Email: tecoplan@ mweb.co.za.
VERLORE OF VERNIETIGDE TITELBEWYS Hiermee word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van Regulasie 68 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937, dit die voorneme is om aansoek te doen om die uitreiking van ‘n geser�fiseerde afskrif van Akte van Transport T55802/2013 gepasseer deur MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Ten gunste van 1. TSHIFULARO SAMUEL TSHIGOMANA IDENTITEITSNOMMER: 640927 5819 08 1 EN MUKONDELELI EVELYN TSHIGOMANA IDENTITEITSNOMMER: 671225 1485 08 6 GETROUD BINNE GEMEENSKAP VAN GOED Ten aansoek van sekere ERF 2979 LOUIS TRICHARDT UITBREIDING 9 DORPSGEBIED, REGISTRASIE AFDELING L.S., LIMPOPO PROVINSIE Wat verlore geraak het of vernie�g is Alle belanghebbendes wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige afskrif beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skri�elik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te LIMPOPO binne twee weke vanaf datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing. GEDATEER TE LOUIS TRICHARDT OP 14 AUGUSTUS 2020. H VAN ZYL PROKUREURS Adres: 136 KROGHSTRAAT, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 E-pos: h.vanzyl@mweb. co.za Kontaknommer: (015) 516-1286
HEFFERMAN ATTORNEYS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29 (1) OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 All persons having claims against the undermen�oned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publica�on hereof.
Estate number: 1169/2020, Surname: RIEKERT Names: DAVID JOHANNES, Date of birth: 1959/01/24 Id No: 590124 5014 08 3 Last address: Rondebosch Plots no 50, Unit 5, Minah’s Minis, Elim Road, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Date of death: 15/07/2020, Master’s Office: MAKHADO, LOUIS TRICHARDT LIMPOPO PROVINCE Names and Surname of surviving Spouse: Isabella Chris�na Clarke. Date of birth: 1962/11/25 Id No: 621125 0209 084 Signed at Centurion on 17th day of August 2020 Name and Address of Executor or Authorised agent: Isabella Chris�na Clarke, Rondebosch Plots no 50, Unit 5, Minah’s Minis, Elim Road, Louis Trichardt, 0920 ADVERTISER: Hefferman A�orneys, 1007 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Email: christella@sdha�orneys.co.za Tel: 012 653 1048 Ref: Riekert HS0862
ZCP KONSULT NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29(1) OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965. In the estate of the late LUKAS CORNELIUS VAN DER MERWE, ID 4704115053087, (Date of Birth: 1947/04/11), of Plaas Figtree, Louis Trichardt, 0920, who passed away on 2019-10-23. Master Ref: 2725/2019, Master’s Office Thohoyandou. All persons having claims against the above men�oned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publica�on hereof. Executor: ZCP KONSULT (PTY) LTD, 28b Landros street, Louis Trichardt, 0920; Tel: 0155165620; Email: info@zcp.co.za. Ref: JP/ZC
DAGADA INC ATTORNEYS LOST OR DESTROYED DEED No�ce is hereby given in terms of Regula�on 68 of
the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the inten�on to apply for the issue of a cer�fied copy of Notarial Deed of Exclusive Use Area No. SK3538/2000 passed in favour of WILFRED RATSHILUMELA KHUBA and ELELWANI ASNATH KHUBA in respect of UNIT 8 as shown and described on Sec�onal Plan SS.471/96 IN THE Scheme known as ERF 4290 LOUIS TRICHARDT EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION M.T; LIMPOPO PROVINCE All persons having claims to the issue of such copies are hereby required to lodge the same in wri�ng with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane Address: 101 Dorp Street
Polokwane 0700 within TWO weeks a�er the date of publica�on of this no�ce. DAGADA Inc A�orneys, Suite 23B ANNLIN FORUM Building, ANNLIN, PRETORIA, 0182 Tel: 084 904 9321 Email: Dagada@lan�c.net Ref: LLD02
DAGADA INC ATTORNEYS LOST OR DESTROYED DEED No�ce is hereby given in terms of Regula�on 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the inten�on to apply for the issue of a cer�fied copy of Deed of Transfer No. T97294/2003 passed in favour of
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe “... sodat die egtheid van julle geloof getoets kan word. Julle geloof is baie kosbaarder as goud, goud wat vergaan. Selfs die suiwerheid van goud word met vuur getoets, en die egtheid van julle geloof moet ook getoets word, sodat dit lof en heerlikheid en eer waardig mag wees by die wederkoms van Jesus Christus. “ 1 Petrus 1:7. etrus praat van egte geloof as iets wat baie kosbaar is. Dit is hierdie kosbare, kragtig-werkende geloof waarvan die wonderlike Hebreërbrief ons etlike voorbeelde uit die Ou Testament gee. Geloof laat elke keer ‘n nietige en onwaardige mens die allerbeste van God ontvang. Dit is treffend hoeveel keer die woord “ontvang” net in Hebreërs 11 voorkom. Die erfenis wat God aan elke gelowige beloof het, dit wat deur Christus verdien is en deur die Heilige Gees meegedeel word, is bedoel om persoonlik en gelowig aanvaar te word. Lewende geloof sien die belofte en vir God raak en is bly oor die eerbaarheid van die Gewer se karakter, die verdienste van sy bloed, die krag van sy verbond en die sekerheid van sy liefde. Die heerlikheid van jou aardse geestelike erfenis is egter net ‘n voorsmaak van die hemelse wat God beloof het, wat ook daar deur Hom bewaar en bewaak word. Die duiwel wou Petrus se geloof vernietig het, maar Jesus het vir hom gebid dat sy geloof nie sal ophou nie (Lukas 22:32). Ons geloof is kosbaar, want dit is ‘n gawe van God. Koester jou geloof, versterk dit deur die lees van God se Woord en leef dit uit tot eer van Christus. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptiste Kerk)
MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920
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PUBLIC NOTICE: NOTICE OF VIRTUAL SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING: 31 AUGUST 2020 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that the virtual 154th Special Council meeting will be held as follows:
All interested members of the public are invited to attend the meeting. Enquiries must be directed to SG Maguga or M D Munyai at (015) 519 3000.
Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane Address: 101 Dorp Street Polokwane 0700 within TWO weeks after the date of publica�on of this no�ce. DAGADA Inc A�orneys, Suite 23B ANNLIN FORUM Building, ANNLIN, PRETORIA, 0182 Tel: 084 904 9321 Email: Dagada@lan�c.net Ref: LLD01
Mondays - Saturdays 8h00-17h00
Tel: 015 516 0180
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 086 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
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The newspaper is distributed by Far North Media Distributors. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to George Janse van Rensburg (082 419 2359).
TIME : 14:00 DATE : Monday, 31 August 2020 VENUE : Virtual Meeting
Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street, LOUIS TRICHARDT 27 & 28 July 2020 File No.: 4/2/2 Notice No 88 of 2020
MMBULAHENI KRISTAN NEMATANDANI and SELAELO FANCY MAKHAGA NEMATANDANI in respect of ERF 1591 MESSINA EXTENSION 5 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION M.T; LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having claims to the issue of such copies are hereby required to lodge the same in wri�ng with the
Zoutpansberger publication subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the standards set in the Code, please feel free to contact the editor at the numbers provided above. DIRECTORS: are handled by the AdverComplaints about advertisements J McLeod,tising DR EStandards Gaigher, Dr C ofVenter, Z Omar, Schoeman Authority South Africa (ASA).PComplaints DIRECTORS: must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island McLeod, E Gaigher, Dr C Venter, Z Omar DIRECTORS: Office Park, 410 JanJSmuts Avenue,DR Craighall Park, Johannesor PO BoxZ41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 J McLeod, DR E Gaigher, Drburg C Venter, Omar, P Schoeman E-mail: complaint@asasa.org.za Cllr L B Mogale
Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality
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Gemaklike wen vir TE in jaaroud vanaf Bloemhof
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se eerste rugbyspan het maar ‘n stil seisoen agter die rug weens die landswye Covid-19 inperkingsmaatreëls. Die span bestaan uit (voor, van links na regs) Libion Mbedzi, Markus Pieterse, Roan le Roux, Riekert de Villiers, Bernard Futcher, Alexander Nel, Dehan Luus, Mkay Mufarowashe, Brandon Kruger en Rahul Sooknannan. Agter is Regardt Osborn, FC Phillipson, Richard Schwerdtfeger, Conrad Fourie, Hendrik Goosen, Abie Henning, Khuliso Nematshavhawe en Kavelo Fedzisani. Op die inlas is mnr. Armand Stander, die span se afrigter. Foto’s verskaf.
Hierdie is beslis ‘n verlore jaar wat sport betref, danksy die wêreldwye Covid-19 pandemie. Tog word Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se sportspanne steeds ondersteun in die vorm van borgskappe. Afgeneem is die skool se eerste netbalspan wat borgskappe ontvang het van Spar, Honda (Louis Trichardt), ComproIT en Cyber Extreme. Van links na regs is me. Coreen Luies (afrigter), Mpho Murashiwa, Modjadji Sefole, Naki Sadiki, Leandri de Jager, Tebogo Masekela, Cherlize du Plooy, Angela Muleya, Tendi Mulaudzi en (inlas) Vhugala Nesemari. Foto verskaf.
Lede van die Hangklip (HPK) en Soutpansberg (SPB) Posduifklub het die afgelope naweek mekaar aangevat in die noord-streek se jaaroud- en opewedvlug vanaf Bloemhof oor ‘n afstand van 680 km. Anders as voorverlede naweek, het die duiwe vinniger hul pad huis toe gevind, danksy ‘n ligte noordooste wind. Die jaaroudwedvlug word gewen deur TE Smit (HPK) nadat sy wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n spoed van 1 103.96 meter per minuut, 14 minute voor sy naaste teenstander. Die ander 20 posisies uit die 132 duiwe wat losgelaat is, gaan aan Mieke & Mike Coetzee (HPK) 2de, 3de en 6de, Louis Jordaan (HPK) 4de, 8ste, 10de, 13de, 14de en 15de, Marx Hokke (SPB) 5de en 17de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 7de, 12de en 20ste, Gerhard Bezuidenhout (HPK) 9de en 11de, 777 Hokke (SPB) 16de en Louis Gossman (SPB) 18de en 19de. In die opewedvlug is dit Mieke & Mike Coetzee wat met die louere wegstap, nadat hulle wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n wenspoed van 1 165.57 meter per minuut. Hulle is ook 2de, 4de en 6de. Die ander 20 posisies uit die 131 duiwe wat losgelaat is in dié wedvlug, gaan aan Sekelbos Hokke (HPK) 3de, Gerhard Bezuidenhout 5de en 9de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 7de, 11de, 14de en 15de, Marx Hokke 8ste en 17de, Stoffel du Plessis (Letaba Posduifklub) 10de, Louis Gossman 12de en 16de, Louis Jordaan 13de, Johnny Gouws (SPB) 18de en 19de en Erasmus Hokke (HPK) 20ste. Eerskomende naweek meet die klubs se duiwe kragte in wedvlugte vanaf Bloemfontein oor ‘n afstand van sowat 770 km. 2015 BMW M135i
Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 • 084 786 5176 • 084 786 5177 Fax: (015) 516 1012 • www.ayobmotors.co.za Sales: Janco: 064 654 6057 • Leonie: 082 818 6100 • Princess: 060 795 1207 2017 Toyota Avanza 1.5 TX 2020 Volkswagen T Cross R-line
R419 995
34 000km
R219 995
Wat die puntestand betref op die streek se punteleer, beklee Mieke & Mike Coetzee ‘n eerste plek met 1 355 punte. RWJ & Mike Coetzee is tweede met 1 307 punte, met Gerhard Bezuidenhout in die derde plek met 1 282 punte. Marx Hokkie is vierde met 1 273 punte, met Nico Bezuidenhout vyfde met 1 266 punte, Louis Jordaan sesde met 1 221 punte, TE Smit sewende met 1 214 punte en Julius Pienaar agste met 1 023 punte.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt is baie trots op Graad 10-leerling Luandi van Zyl wat met vier items deurgedring het na die nasionale finaal van die Podiumpret-kompetisie. Sy behaal 97,5% vir haar Engelse gedig, 97% vir haar Afrikaanse gedig, 92,5% vir Afrikaans redenaars en 91% vir Engels redenaars. Foto verskaf.
2017 Toyota Hilux 2.8 GD6 D/cab
82 400 km
106 000km
R389 995 2019 Hilux VVTi 2.0L
22 000km
R259 995
R449 995
2017 Toyota Fortuner 2.6 GD6 Auto
53 000km
R449 995
2017 Toyota Hilux 2.4 GD6
140 500 km
R239 995 2018 Toyota Hilux 2.0 VVTi A/C
71 400 km
R239 995