28 Januarie 2022
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Oud-sakeman se skielike dood kom as skok - bladsy 3
Die bytmerk van die Mosambiekse Spoegkobra aan die vrou se vinger. Foto verskaf.
Ria van Zyl - Intern Estate Agent
Jaargang 38 Vol.04
Seven A’s each for Triegies’ top three matrics - page 4
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ISSN 2409-2835
Audited Distribution Figures
Die byt aan die vrou se middelvinger op haar regterhand het veroorsaak dat haar vinger en hand binne minute ná die byt erg begin opswel het. Foto verskaf.
9 772409 283001
‘n Mosambiekse Spoegkobra soos hierdie (foto deur Theunis Victor) was verlede week verantwoordelik vir ‘n semi-ernstige byt van ‘n plaaswerker in die Levubu omgewing. Die vrou was egter baie gelukkig dat die byt slegs ‘n reaksiebyt was en sy kon ná ‘n dag in die hospitaal weer ontslaan word.
Pasop die slange “loop”
die slangbyte is deur nog ‘n plaaslike slangvanger, Frikkie Venter, hanteer. Inwoners word weereens vermaan om Twee mense is in twee afsonderlike op die uitkyk te wees vir slange nadat voorvalle aan die voet gebyt toe hulle drie slangbyte op een dag die afgelope in die aand buite hul wonings in die week in Louis Trichardt en omstredonker geloop het. In beide gevalle ke aangemeld is. Volgens plaaslike is die persone na die Louis Trichardt slangkenners is die voorkoms van Gedenkhospitaal gehaas vir mediese soveel slangbyte in so ‘n kort tydperk behandeling, maar gelukkig kon Venter uiters ongewoon. vasstel dat beide byte afkomstig was “Vir ons omgewing is dit uiters van die gewone Bruin Huisslang, wat ongewoon. Gewoonlik hanteer ons so onskadelik is vir die mens. drie of vier slangbyte ‘n jaar,” het plaas Die derde slangbyt het vroeër die like slangkenner en vanger mnr. Jan middag op die plaas Arbor in Levubu “Slang” van Rooyen gesê. plaasgevind en was ongelukkig nie ‘n Al drie slangbyte het verlede Woens onskadelike byt nie. dag, 19 Januarie, plaasgevind. Twee van ‘n Vroue plaaswerker was besig om ‘n Deur Andries van Zyl
beskadigde spuitjie (sprinkelbesproei ing) in ‘n boord te vervang. Toe sy haar hand in die gras insteek, het ‘n slang haar skielik aan die middelvinger op haar regterhand gebyt. Die plaaseie naar, mnr. Stephen Hoffman, is dadelik ontbied. “Die eerste ding wat ek geleer is met ‘n slangbyt is, jy het ‘n uur om die slagoffer sou gou as moontlik by die hospitaal te kry,” het Hoffman gesê. Hy kon sien die byt is ernstig en al wat die vrou vir hom kon sê was dat dit ‘n swart slang van ongeveer ‘n meter lank was. Hoffman het die vrou deurgejaag na die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal. (Vervolg op p.2)
‘n Voorbeeld van die Bruin Huisslang wat algemeen in en om huise in die Soutpansberg voorkom. Alhoewel die slange redelik groot kan word, is hulle byt onskadelik vir die mens. Bruin Huisslange was verantwoordelik vir twee van die drie slangbyte in die streek verlede Woensdag. Foto verskaf.
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Hadebe welcomes arrest of police station “attackers”
Toll Gate along the N1 North, tormenting our communities, where a police officer was shot will finally face the full might Provincial Police Commisand wounded in the process. of the law. We will also ensure sioner Lt Gen Thembi HadeThey were also positively that all the remaining suspects be commended the team that linked to the incident where are apprehended and firearms investigated the attack on the a police sergeant at Botlokwa recovered,” Hadebe said during Malamulele Police Station on Police Station was robbed of a media briefing last week. the evening of 21 November his service pistol, R5 rifle and Eight of the suspects, 2021, after 10 suspects were bulletproof vest. Dimakatso Leshabane (36), arrested on Wednesday, 19 Four R5 rifles, four shotguns, Alexina Mphekwana (32), Fok January 2022, in connection three 9mm pistols, ammuni isi Mabunda (41), Tsepo Masha with the case. tion, police bulletproof vests, (40), Desmond Phala (31), On the day of the incident, explosives, illicit cigarettes, Gadron Makutu (47), Simon a group of heavily armed men blasting cartridges, overalls, Sedi (41), and Lucas Maabane stormed the community service balaclavas, a security uniform, (38), appeared in different centre (CSC), robbed the police an amount of cash and shoes magistrate’s courts across the members on duty of their fire were recovered by the team, Limpopo and Mpumalanga arms and locked them in the including some of the firearms provinces on charges of pos back of a police van. The thugs that were stolen during the at session of unlicensed firearms then proceeded to steal R4 tack on the Malamulele Police and ammunition, explosives, rifles, pump-action shotguns, Station. A Toyota bakkie and a attempted murder, robbery pistols and ammunition from Mercedes Benz, which were re with aggravated circumstances, the safe. After locking the gate portedly used to commit these car hijacking and the attack on behind them, they left the crimes, were also seized. Police the police station, while two station and allegedly went on to investigations have already be of the suspects, whose names rob nearby businesses as well. gun to circulate their particu could not be disclosed yet, are A team of investigators, lars to determine whether they to appear in Mpumalanga’s comprising members desig had been stolen or not. Bushbuckridge Magistrate’s nated from the DPCI, Crime “The meticulous investi Court soon. Intelligence, Limpopo Tracking gations and tireless efforts Mabunda, Sedi and Makutu Team, Provincial Investigations of these members are highly appeared in the Malamulele Unit and other operatives, was commendable. I am ecstatic Magistrate’s Court on Mon quickly assembled to track that the suspects who are day, 24 January. The case was down the robbers. allegedly responsible for postponed to 2 February 2022 Following intensive investi the attack on our members, for further investigations and gations conducted by the said undermining the authority of possible centralisation of these team, seven of the suspects the State and subsequently cases. were found at their hideout at Madinyeng village near Kgapane within the Balobedu policing area outside Tzaneen. Three more suspects were ar rested at a lodge in Dwarsloop outside Bushbuckridge in the Mpumalanga Province after the police received information that these suspects intended to bomb an ATM in that area. The men were positively linked to several ATM bombings, Lt-Genl Thembi Hadebe (seated in the middle), addressed the as well as armed robberies media during a briefing held at the Malamulele Police Station around the province, including last week. Next to Hadebe is the newly appointed Vhembe Disthe recent incident at a filling trict Commissioner, Maj-Genl Eddie van der Walt (left) and station near the Capricorn Mopani District Commissioner Maj-Genl Willy Mashaba. By Silas Nduvheni
Eckardt en Mijanke is vanjaar se Groentjiekoning en -koningin Ná afloop van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Groentjiekonsert op 20 Januarie het die skool hulle Groentjiekoning en -koningin wenners aangewys. Voor, van links na regs, is Luandi van Zyl (vanjaar se onderhoofmeisie van kultuur), Mijanke Venter (Groentjiekoningin), Eckardt Dreyer (Groentjiekoning) en Danelle Venter (vanjaar se hoofmeisie). Agter Danelle staan Marthinus Dekker, vanjaar se hoofseun. Heel agter staan Frans Fogwell (Meneer Persoonlikheid), Ruben de Beer (Meneer Leeu) en Vhuyani Mashau (Mejuffrou Persoonlikheid). Foto: Karla van Zyl.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe ‘n Rustige hart is die lewe vir die vlees, maar hartstog is ‘n verrotting vir die gebeente. Spreuke 14:30.
en van my vriende het aan sy hart gesterf. Telkens sien en hoor ons oor die nuus van ‘n leier of bekende persoon wat op ‘n onverwagte wyse aan sy einde gekom het. Dit is duidelik dat ons manier van lewe baie verkeerd is. Die tempo van ons lewe is te snel. Oor die land en deur die lug vlieg ons voort, maar vergeet dat ons liggaam nie van staal en yster is nie. Uiteindelik is dit die hart wat ingee. ‘n Rustige hart is die lewe vir die vlees. Dit dui natuurlik nie op die hart van vlees nie, maar die hart as die geestelike middelpunt van ons wese. Die mensdom het behoefte aan innerlike rus, die rus wat Jesus Christus alleen kan gee. Hartstog is ‘n verrotting vir die gebeente. Daar word gesê dat die hart ‘n barometer van die siel is. Die liefde laat dit klop en skrik laat dit vir ‘n oomblik swel. Angs laat dit soos ‘n hamer slaan en ‘n kalme natuur laat dit rustig beweeg. As daar dus baie hartstogte oor die siele-akker woed, kom daar versteuring en hartmoeilikheid. Laat elkeen van ons let op die handskrif op die muur en kyk hoe laat dit met ons is. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
MEC for Education, Polly Boshielo.
Institutions call for education MEC to resign By Kaizer Nengovhela The School Governing Body Council South Africa (SGBCSA) called on Premier Stan Mathabatha to sack Limpopo MEC for Education Polly Boshielo, following the disappointing matric results of the province. Limpopo ended up with the lowest matric pass rate in the country, dropping 1,5% from last year to 66,7%. Mr Erick Mosoana, provincial chairperson of the council, described Boshielo as a “noise maker”, saying this “mediocre” politician could not succeed in properly leading the education department. “The Department of Education has for the past three years been on autopilot,” said Mosoana. He promised that the council will use occasions such as the State of the Province Address to picket and demand that Boshielo be removed. Boshielo, however, said she was more impressed with the quality of the results than quantity. During the official announcement of the provincial matric results on 21 January at The Ranch Hotel, she said that the matric results of 2021 had suffered the consequenc es of the Covid-19 pandemic. She said that learning deficits that had existed prior to the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020 had also had an impact on learning and teaching. Boshielo said that the group of 2022 suffered a double blow and had to deal with the harsh reality of Covid-19 for two consecutive academic years. Mr Risham Maharaj, acting DA Limpopo spokesperson for education, said Premier Stan Mathabatha should keep his promise to hold Boshielo accountable for the poor performance. “The 2021 matric results are a 1.5 percentage point decline from the 2020 results and follow a pattern of regression in the province’s performance,” said Maharaj.
Drie slangbyte in een dag is ongewoon dinge verkeerd kan gaan. Dit gesê, het Hoffman bygevoeg Daar aangekom, het Van dat slangbyte baie ongewoon Rooyen reeds vir hulle buite is. “Dit is die eerste slangbyt gewag. “Jan kon vinnig die byt waarvan ek weet sedert my identifiseer en die vrou gerus skoonpa Bertie le Roux in 1941 stel,” het Hoffman gesê. na die plaas gekom het,” het Op grond van die vrou se Hoffman gesê. Alhoewel slang beskrywing van die slang, haar byte skaars is, het Hoffman ge simptome en bytmerk kon Van waarsku om nie met slangbyte Rooyen, wat opgelei is in die kanse te vat nie. “Die belang identifikasie van slangbyte, rikste ding is, sien ‘n slangbyt bepaal dat die byt dié van ‘n as ‘n veiligheidsoefening. Gaan Mosambiekse Spoegkobra was. eerder hospitaal toe en stap Wat in die vrou se guns getel daar uit, as wat jy te laat gaan,” het, was dat die byt ‘n “reaksie” het Hoffman gesê. byt was. Dit, het Van Rooyen Soos met die Mosambiekse verduidelik, is wanneer ‘n slang Spoegkobra se byt, het Van jou byt om jou te waarsku Rooyen gesê dit wil voorkom dat hy daar is. Reaksie byte is asof die byte van die Bruin gewoonlik minder gevaarlik, Huisslange ook reaksiebyte omdat die slang minder gif was. Volgens Van Rooyen skep daarvoor gebruik. “As die vrou die huidige bedompige en nat ‘n ‘volle’ byt gekry het, sou sy weer die perfekte toestande vir baie meer moeilikheid gehad slange om meer aktief te wees het. Sy kon haar vinger of hand en derhalwe ook die baie geval verloor het,” het Van Rooyen le van slangbyte. “Die grond gesê. Die vrou is vir die aand is nat en hulle gate vol water. opgeneem vir observasie en Nie net is hulle op soek na kos die volgende dag ontslaan. Sy nie, hulle is ook op soek na het Dinsdag hierdie week weer droë, warm skuiling. Die weer teruggekeer werk toe. is deurmekaar en die slange “Ons is net dankbaar dit skep terwyl hulle kan,” het Van was nie meer ernstig nie,” het Rooyen gesê. Hoffman gesê. Vir hom, soos Juis hierdie soeke na droë, vir baie ander, is die dood van warm skuiling bring slange bekende plaaslike sakeman tans al hoe meer in kontak met Manny de Sousa (52) op 22 mense. “Sedert die begin van Januarie verlede jaar ná ‘n byt die jaar het ek en Frikkie seker van ‘n Swart Mamba ‘n strak al 20 slange by mense se huise herinnering aan hoe vinnig gevang. In meeste gevalle was (Vervolg van p.1)
die slange in mense se buitege boue of buitekamers,” het Van Rooyen gesê. Die verdeling van giftige en nie-giftige slange was so 50/50. Die giftige slange het ingesluit drie Swart Mambas, agt Wipneuskobras en ‘n paar Mosambiekse Spoegkobras. “Die luislange is veral aktief hierdie jaar. Ons het al ‘n hele paar van hulle gaan uithaal,” het Van Rooyen gesê. Van Rooyen het ook inwo ners gewaarsku om versigtig te wees vir slange. “Moenie in die aand buite loop sonder ‘n flits nie. Kyk waar jy loop. As jy gebyt word, en as jy kan, neem ‘n foto van die slang. Indien jy nie ‘n foto kan neem nie, kyk na die slang se lengte, kleur(e), vorm van die kop en kenmerke soos bande op die nek of lyne op die kop. Kyk ook na die slang se gedrag ná die byt,” het Van Rooyen gesê. Sy raad is ook om so vinnig moontlik mediese hulp te kry of kundige hulp in te roep. “Moenie die slang probeer vang of doodmaak nie, want daar is ‘n goeie kans dat jy weer gebyt gaan word,” het hy gesê. Van Rooyen het weereens inwoners uitgenooi om hom te skakel vir enige slang-verwante navrae of hulp met ‘n probleem slang. Hy kan geskakel word by tel. 067 835 0816. Frikkie Venter kan geskakel word by tel. 082 058 7601.
Bekende oud-sakeman se skielike dood kom as skok Deur Andries van Zyl Nuus van die skielike dood van die 76-jarige André du Preez van Louis Trichardt Dins dagaand het as groot skok vir familie en vriende gekom. Die bekende afgetrede sake-
man was ten tye van sy dood op vakansie saam met sy vrou Nellie waar hulle by die Maroela Oasis buite Bela-Bela gekamp het. Volgens André se jongste seun Pierre het sy pa omstreek 19:00 uitgestap om ‘n stoel van buite af in te bring toe hy inmekaar gesak het. Para
medici is ontbied, maar hulle kon nie weer vir André bybring nie. Pierre het Woensdag bevestig dat die oorsaak van sy dood ‘n hartaanval was. “Alhoewel ons lankal so iets verwag het, was dit steeds ‘n groot skok vir ons almal,” het Pierre gesê. Hy het verduidelik dat sy pa in Desember 2017 ‘n pasaangeër moes kry, en skaars 10 dae ná die operasie het hy ‘n beroerte gehad. “In daardie stadium het medici vir ons gesê ons moet nie hoop op ‘n vinnige herstel nie. Ons was egter verstom oor hoe vinnig hy toe wel herstel het,” het Pierre gesê. Die beroerte het egter sy merk gelaat en André moes ophou werk. “Die laaste vier jaar het hy nie meer gewerk nie,” het Pierre gesê. André en sy gesin het in Desember 1979 vanaf Jukskeidrif na Louis Trichardt verhuis waar hy vir sy skoonpa, wyle Frans de Wet, by Louis Trichardt Nywerhede begin werk het. Deur die jare het hy vir homself ‘n bewese kennis opgebou
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Wyle André du Preez (76). Foto verskaf.
Jaco se vrolike gefluit sal gemis word gehad en sy beroepslewe as onderwyser begin. Daarna het hy geboer en ook die besigheid Met hartseer neem familie en vriende swêreld betree. afskeid van Jaco le Roux, wat op 17 Januarie Die Le Roux-egpaar het vir meer as 30 jaar 2022 weens natuurlike oorsake oorlede is – in die Louis Trichardt-omgewing gewoon. minder as twee jaar nadat sy vrou, Priscilla, Hulle het in 1990 die Venda Werkswinkel vir hom ontval het. Gestremdes in Shayandima begin. In 2000 het Jaco Gabriël le Roux is op 25 Oktober 1944 hulle bedank en die Reach for the Sky roos in Umtata in die Oos-Kaap gebore. Hy het in kwekery langs die N1 begin. Hierdie kwekery is die Wes-Kaap grootgeword. Jaco het ‘n vol lewe vir etlike jare suksesvol bedryf. “In hierdie tyd kon my pa sy liefde vir rose uitleef en het selfs bekend gestaan as Roseman,” sê dogter Judy le Roux. In 2010 het hulle die plaas verkoop en verhuis na die dorp. Jaco het vir ‘n tyd lank ‘n drie hektaar gedeelte van die plaas uitgehou, waarop hy onder meer met spinasie geboer het. “My pa sal onthou word vir sy opgewekte geaardheid en positiewe gesindheid teenoor sy medemens en die wêreld om hom. Hy het altyd ‘n uitdaging in ‘n geleentheid omskep. Hy was ‘n goeie eggenoot, vriend, broer en pa vir sy dogters. Die gemeenskap sal sy vrolike gefluit mis,” sê Judy. Judy vertel dat haar pa homself die laaste tyd in en om die huis besig gehou het. Jaco se gedenkdiens het op 22 Januarie by Palm Hav en plaasgevind. Hy laat agter sy ma Judy (97) in Malmesbury; sy broer, Boesman le Roux in Malmesbury; sy twee dogters, Judy le Roux in Pretoria en Ilse Terblanche in Duitsland en sy kleinkinders Inge, Anke, Lali en Jan. Die familie het hulle dank teenoor die vol gende persone uitgespreek: Sasha Schneider, Rozanna Scorgie-Spence, Richard en Angela Ball, Mnr Mudau en Boesman le Roux. “‘n Besondere woord van dank ook aan almal wat ons in hul gebede opgedra het,” noem Judy. Wyle Jaco le Roux (77). Foto verskaf. Deur Pétria de Vaal
van die houtwerkbedryf en in 1994 het hy saam met wyle Norma Scott die welbekende Kitchen & Home begin. Later jare het hy die besigheid alleen bedryf, tot en met sy beroerte in 2017. “My pa se hande het vir niks verkeerd gestaan nie. Hy was altyd bereid om te help, al het hy daardeur homself in die voet geskiet. Sy hart was altyd goed teenoor ander en hy het geen vyande gehad nie,” het Pierre gesê. Teen druktyd was nog geen begrafnisreëlings beskikbaar nie. Die familie het hulle dank uit gespreek teenoor almal vir hulle boodskappe van ondersteuning en belangstelling. Van Nellie se kant af het sy al hulle kliënte van Kitchen & Home bedank vir hulle jarelange ondersteuning. Wyle André word oorleef deur sy vrou Nellie, seuns Hagar (Dennis), Cois (Francois) en Pierre en hulle eggenote, ses kleinkinders en een agter kleinkind.
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Triegies’ top three boasts seven distinctions each By Andries van Zyl Louis Trichardt High School’s class of 2021 did exceptionally well by raking in a total of 135 A symbols as well as an impressive 153 B symbols.
Khavisani Malele emerged as Louis Trichardt High School’s top performer with seven distinctions and an average of 92,1%. Photo supplied.
Of the school’s 140 matric learners who sat down to write the 2021 senior exams, a total of 54% obtained university exemption, while 22% qualified to study for a diploma. Following the release of last year’s matric results last week, Khavisani Malele emerged as
Antonette Baloyi, also with seven distinctions, was Louis Trichardt High School’s second-best performer in die 2021 senior exam. Photo supplied.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, was ‘n vreemde week wat nuus betref het. Die hoofberig op die voorblad van 24 Januarie 1997 het gehandel oor die destydse burgemeester, mnr. Patrick Sikhutshi, wat blykbaar vir ‘n wit boer van die omgewing ‘n brief geskryf het waarin hy hom waarsku om sy plaas te verlaat. Die ander artikel op die voorblad het gehandel het oor twee wit meisies wat op heterdaad betrap is toe hulle by die destydse Parlementêre Kiesafdeling-kantoor op Louis Trichardt ingebreek het. Die brief aan boer Archie Holtzkampf het groot debat ontlok. Holtzkampf het, nadat hy die nodige toestemming van die owerhede verkry het, verskeie beeste op sy plaas geskut. Die beeste was uit die nabygeleë Madombidzha woongebied afkomstig en Holtzkampf het R3 500 geëis vir skade aan sy plaas voordat hy die beeste sou vrylaat. Dit het die Madombidzha gemeenskap erg ontstel en hulle het voor sy plaas gaan betoog. Sikhutshi sou in hierdie polities-gelaaide atmosfeer die brief aan Holtzkampf geskryf en gestuur het. Die situasie het so erg geraak dat die destydse LUR vir Veiligheid en Sekuriteit gevra is om in te gryp. ‘n Vergadering is tussen die partye belê, waarna beide partye onderneem het om in die toekoms geskille eers te probeer oplos, voordat drastiese stappe geneem word. Die tweede artikel was inderdaad vreemd. ‘n Administratiewe beampte van die plaaslike Parlementêre Kiesafdeling-kantoor het kort nadat hy die kantoor oopgesluit het, gesien iemand het ingebreek. Hy het die kantoor dadelik weer
gesluit en die polisie ontbied. Met die polisie se aankoms het hulle twee meisies in die kantoor betrap. Die meisies het die polisie meegedeel dat iemand vir hulle ‘n kaart van die kantoor gegee het en vir hulle gevra het om uit te vind wie almal plaaslik voor die Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie sou gaan getuig. Walglike boodskappe was ook teen die mure van die kantoor gekrabbel. ‘n Soortgelyke voorval het kort voor dit ook by die kantore van die plaaslike Veiligheidspolisie plaasgevind. Alhoewel iemand gepoog het om by die kantoor in te breek, kon toegang nie bekom word nie. Ook daar was walglike boodskappe teen die muur geskryf. Een boodskap het gelees: “We are not a gang – it is Satan that rules”.
Louis Trichardt High School’s top performer with seven distinction and an average of 92,1%. She obtained distinctions in English home language, Afrikaans first additional language, mathematics, life orientation, life science, phys ical science, and accounting. Two of Khavisani’s classmates, Antonette Baloyi and Mpho Nem budani, were the school second and thirdbest students respectively, based on average. Both of them also obtained seven distinctions. Antonette and Mpho both obtained distinctions in Venda home language, English first additional lan guage, mathematics, life orientation, life science, physical science and accounting. Dembe Sadiki also did exceptionally well, obtaining six distinctions. This was for En glish home language, Afrikaans first additional language, mathematics, life orientation, life science and physical science. Risuna Hlongwani scooped up five distinction, for mathematics, life orientation, life science, physical science and accounting. In total, four Triegies matrics obtained four distinctions each. They were Shaun de Beer (En glish first additional language, life orientation, life science and information technology), Mpho Murashiwa (Afrikaans first additional language, life orientation, life science and physical sci ence), Ridha Shaikh (Afrikaans first additional language, life orientation, business studies and economics) and Tshifhiwa Tseli (English home language, Afrikaans first additional language, life orientation and life science). Six of last year’s Triegies matrics each bagged three distinctions, while seven obtained two distinctions each.
Mpho Nembudani also boasted seven distinction and was Louis Trichardt High School’s third-best performer in die 2021 senior matric exam. Photo supplied.
Unieke eer val CVO-leerder te beurt Deur Pétria de Vaal Ettienne Wolmarans, ‘n 2021 Graad 12-leerder van die Zoutpansberg CVOskool (ZCVO) buite Louis Trichardt, was aangenaam verras toe hy ‘n uitnodiging ontvang om die Beweging vir Christelik Volkseie Onderwys (BVCO) se glansdinee by te woon. Ettienne was die top prest eerder (van alle BCVOskole) in Wiskunde Geletterdheid met ‘n punt van 93%. Tydens die geleentheid, wat op Vrydagaand, 21 Januarie, in die Assupolgebou in Pretoria gehou is, het Ettienne die Soli dariteittrofee ontvang. Charles en Monica Botha het hom na hierdie prestige geleentheid vergesel. Ma Monica vertel trots dat ‘n skouermantel (blou en goud) met hulle aankoms aan hulle oorhandig is. Alle toppres teerders se ouers kon dit vir hulle omhang. “Benewens ‘n toekenning vir die Graad 12 leerders wat die beste in elke vak presteer het, was daar ook toekennings vir byvoorbeeld Onderwyser van die Jaar en Skool van die Jaar.
ZCVO het ook ‘n toekenning ontvang vir ‘n 100% slaagsyfer vir 2021 se matrikulante,” sê Monica. Charles is baie trots op Ettienne se uitmuntende prestasie en sê dat hy agter hom sal staan as hy moontlik verder gaan studeer. “Ek weet hy sal in alles goed vaar en sy beste gee.” Ettienne is tans besig met ‘n oorbruggingsjaar en werk by Palm Motors. Ettienne sê dat hy ‘n bietjie later vanjaar oor sy toekomsplanne sal besluit. Vir hom was die okkasie ‘n eerste: “Ek is nie gewoond aan sulke deftige geleenthede nie. Wat my beïndruk het, was almal se vriendelikheid en dat gaste sommer dadelik welkom gevoel het. Dit was vir my ‘n voorreg om met Hannes Noeth van Helpende Hand te gesels, wat aan ons tafel gesit het. Hy het onder meer genoem dat bykans almal wat by Soltech afstudeer (ambagte – die rigting waarin ek ook belangstel), gewaarborg is om by ‘n voltydse werk in te stap,” sê Ettienne. Monica vertel dat dit nie die eerste keer is dat Ettienne hulle verras nie. Aan die einde van sy Graad 7 jaar by Laer
skool Staats in Kimberley het hy die CR Swart beurs ontvang vir beste presteerder in Ekono miese en Besigheidstudies, wat sy skoolfonds by ‘n plaaslike hoërskool sou betaal. “Onge lukkig het ons toe weggetrek van Kimberley af,” sê Monica. Ettienne was slegs vir ‘n jaar in ZCVO. Hy was ‘n tuiss koolskolier. Met die gesin se verhuising vanaf Randfontein na Louis Trichardt het hulle besluit om hom by ZCVO in te skryf vir sy matriekjaar. “Ons kan nie genoeg dankie sê vir die ZCVOgemeenskap wat ons met ope arms ontvang het nie. Dit was ‘n groot aanpas sing vir Ettienne, omdat hy moes oorskakel na die IEB (onafhanklike eksamenraad) se leerplan. Hy moes ‘n nuwe vak, Rekenaartoepassingsteg nologie, neem. ‘n Ander vak, Toerisme, moes hy op sy eie doen, aangesien dit nie verlede jaar deur ZCVO aangebied is nie. Die personeel het egter deurentyd die ekstra myl geloop om vir Ettienne by te staan. Ons sal dit nooit vergeet nie,” sê Monica. Sy voeg by dat sy graag vir elkeen in die CVOgemeenskap wil bedank.
Ettienne Wolmarans (middel) afgeneem saam met ma Monica en Charles Botha tydens die BCVO se glansdinee in die Assupol-gebou in Pretoria. Foto verskaf.
Thursday, 27 January
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastoor Evan Corbett (084 457 7596), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Saturday, 29 January
Friday, 28 January
Humid; a stray a.m. thundershower.
Couple of thunderstorms.
Cloudy, thunderstorms, humid.
High: 24oC Low: 19oC
High: 26oC Low: 17oC
High: 26oC Low: 18oC
What is happening? DEURLOPEND
Ondersteuningsgroep byeen Elke Maandag om 17:30 vind ‘n byeenkoms van die Christelike Ondersteuningsgroep vir alkohol en dwelmafhanklikes plaas. Die vergadering is in die Jesus Kroon lokaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardtgemeente. Alhoewel die byeenkoms by die NGkerk aangebied word, is persone van enige denom inasie welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Jan Pretorius by tel. 079 881 9673 of ds. Corné Burger by tel. 073 759 0451.
Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musinatak oefen Maan dae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
LTT Shukokai Karateklub Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
Rugby Club resumes weekly practise Following discussions with the Blue Bulls Rugby Union, the Louis Trichardt Rugby Club was giv en the goahead to resume their weekly practise sessions. Practise sessions officially resumed this week, taking place every Tuesday and Thursday from 18:00. The club is inviting all interested players to start getting fit for the upcoming season. “Our first friendly matches will start by the end of February and the league will start early March. Dates to be finalised soon,” said club chairperson Kevin Gilbert. For more information, phone Kevin at tel. 082 892 8769.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Desmond - 073 227 8761 24/7 Levubu / Louis Trichardt and Thohoyandou
Gimnastiekklub hervat oefening
Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub hervat op 31 Januarie weer hulle weeklikse oefensessies. Maandae en Woensdae oefen voorskoolse gimnaste van 13:00 tot 14:00, beginner meisies van 14:15 tot 15:15 en Vlak 2 en 3 meisies van 15:15 tot 16:30. Vlak 4 en 5 seuns en meisies oefen van 16:30 tot 18:00. Op Dinsdae en Donderdae oefen beginner seuns, asook Vlak 1 en 2 seuns vanaf 14:15 tot 15:30, terwyl Vlak 1 en 2 meisies vanaf 15:30 tot 16:45 oefen. Vir meer inligting oor die meisies se oefentye, skakel Elzabé Stewart by 082 566 3493. Vir die seuns skakel Nadine Bezuidenhout by 082 390 6849 en vir voorskoolse kinders skakel Elize Pretorius by 081 888 1371.
Soutpansberg Muurbalklub Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het belangstel lende spelers uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Jaargelde beloop R1 800 per jaar. Vir meer inligting kan die klub se voorsitter, Ronel Welman, geskakel word by tel. 084 581 4868 of stuur ‘n epos aan haar na admin@ zoutnet.co.za.
Jong trappers oefen op hierdie dae Laerskool Louis Trichardt se fietsryklub oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf 15:00 tot 17:00 vanaf Meulbos. “Enige laerskoolkind is welkom van enige skool, insluitend tuisskool, mits hulle van laer skool ouderdom is,” nooi die klub. Dit kos niks om aan die klub te behoort nie, maar ‘n bergfiets met ratte is noodsaaklik (nie ‘n BMX, skopfiets of so iets nie). Hulle oefen ook in spanne om voorsiening te maak vir kinders van verskillende fiksheidsvlakke. Vir meer inligting, skakel Robbie Novella (083 400 6152 ) of Mark Archer (083 324 8495).
Kerk se fasiliteite nou beskikbaar
24/01/2022 17/01/2022
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
99% 98.7% 98.4% 98.1% 105.6% 107% 101.7% 103% 100.2% 100% 4.7% 4.9% 101.3% 101% 64.1% 65.5% 99.4% 99.7% 94.2% 92.8% 89.2% 87.8% 100.1% 97.9%
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
28 Januarie Vrydag
Dopperkuierkafee Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt se Dopperkuierkafee se spyskaart vir Vrydag, 28 Januarie, sluit in Dopperburgers teen R25 elk, kaasburgers teen R30 elk, hoenderbur gers teen R30 elk, ribburgers teen R30 elk, slaptjips teen R10 en Russian en slaptjips teen R30. As ‘n spesiale aanbod bied hulle Ansu se heerlike sosaties aan teen R60 stuk met tjips, en R50 stuk sonder tjips. Slegs 100 is beskik baar, so maak seker jy bestel so gou moontlik. Plaas jou bestelling by Nanette voor Vrydag 12:00 by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764. Bestellings kan Vrydagmiddag vanaf 17:00 by die Dopperkerk afgehaal word. “Verseker dat jy die naweek reg begin met ‘n heerlike wegneemete van die Dopperkuier kafee,” nooi die gemeente.
19 March Saturday
Munnik Meerkat MTB Good news for local mountain bikers is that the very popular Munnik Meerkat Mountain Bike Challenge will be hosted again this year. The event could not take place in recent years because of the Covid19 restrictions but will be hosted again on 19 March this year. As usual, a 70km marathon (entry R250), a 35km halfmarathon (entry R170), a 10km fun ride (R80) and a 3km kiddies fun ride (R30) will be offered. A R50 day licence for nonmembers of Cycling SA is payable. “We are very proud to announce that our event is still a qualifier for Limpopo colours. Only the 35km and 70km race will be used as Limpopo Colours qualifiers and will be timed races,” said the organisers. Preregistration places and times will be announced closer to the date. In the meantime, visit https://munnikmeerkat.co.za/ for more information.
Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente (Stad op die Berg) in Louis Trichardt stel tans van hulle fasi liteite beskikbaar vir uitverhuring. Die Ferdie Beyersaal kan 600 persone akkom modeer, en 100 persone in die Kiepersollokaal en 50 persone in die Jesuskroonlokaal. Vir meer inligting en pryse, skakel die kerk kantoor tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by tel. 015 516 3902.
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 24 January DAMVLAKKE
# Means latest available data
Ons kan help Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org
Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 14:15, 17:15, 20:15 Sat: 11:15, 14:15, 17:15, 20:15 Sun: 10:45, 13:45, 17:00
PG Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:00 Sun: 11:00, 13:30
PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:15, 18:00 Sat: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 Sun: 10:15, 13:15, 16:00
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME 10-12 PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:00, 16:00, 16:30, 19:30, 20:00 Sat: 13:00, 16:15, 16:30, 19:45, 20:00 Sun: 10:30, 13:00, 14:00, 16:30, 17:30
THE 355 16
Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 17:30, 20:30 Sun: 16:45
Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:45, 16:45, 19:45 Sat: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Sun: 11:15, 14:15, 17:15
THE TIGER RISING PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00 Sat: 11:00, 13:45 Sun: 10:00
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TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Sunday, 30 January
Monday, 31 January
Tuesday, 1 February
Wednesday, 2 February
Breezy, a little morning rain.
A little morning rain, cloudy.
A shower in the morning.
Times of clouds and sun.
High: 24oC Low: 18oC
High: 27oC Low: 16oC
High: 28oC Low: 17oC
High: 28oC Low: 15oC
Wat gebeur?
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
Eckardt Dreyer en Ruben de Beer het die gehoor konstant aan die lag gehad met hulle grappies tydens Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Groentjiekonsert op 20 Januarie. Eckardt het die rol van ‘n Graad 7-leerder, John, gespeel wat die perfekte Hoërskool soek. Ruben het die rol van Leeutjie vertolk, wat vir John op ‘n avontuur neem en die hele Hoërskool Louis Trichardt wys. Foto: Karla van Zyl.
Bo: Die “Slap Seekatboeties”, oftewel nuwe Graad 8’s Hendrico en Matthew, afgeneem tydens Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Groentjiekonsert op 20 Januarie. Foto: Karla van Zyl.
Graad 8-leerder Mijanke Venter het die fotograaf se oog gevang met haar “metgesel” gedurende die jaarlikse Groentjiekonsert van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Die gesig behoort aan een van hierdie jaar se LUK’s, Jamin Schuch. Foto: Karla van Zyl.
The Grade 8(6) class thrilled the audience during Louis Trichardt High School’s annual Greenhorn concert on the 20th of January. Photo: Karla van Zyl.
A perfect Valentine’s gift Looking for the perfect Valentine’s gift? Well, look now further! Let the precious memories last forever with this Custom Map Wall Art. Customise the map art with the location where you first met, your first kiss, your first date, where he asked and she said yes, your very first home together or any other location of your choice.
This is the perfect gift this Val entine’s Day and costs only R100. Zefni is donating her talents to wards our SPCA animals once again and al proceeds will go towards the SPCA Louis Trichardt. “Thank you so much, Zefni,” said the local SPCA team. To place an order and for more details, phone Alicia on 084 900 5332 before 7 February.
Graad 8 Ruben Smith het die gehoor meegevoer met sy indrukwekkende weergawe van die welbekende Leonard Cohen liedjie Hallelujah. Hy het telkens luide applous van die gehoor gekry vir sy suiwer stem en mooi weergawe van die lied. Foto: Karla van Zyl.
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Maddy Female
Richard Male
Olaf Male
Morgan Male
Brodie Male
Cutest cats & kittens
Cutest cats & kittens
Charity bike ride to help children in need of surgery restrictions that it placed on our ability to raise funds were not an easy time for us, considering On 13 February this year, Pediatric Care Afthat, since the beginning of the Covid pandem rica will embark on their third annual “Ride ic, the demand for our service has skyrocketed for a Child” charity motorbike ride over a 600%. Many more people simply lost their jobs distance of 7 000km across South Africa, with and have difficulty taking care of their children visits to the Beitbridge Border Post, Musina through no fault of their own,” said Surika. and Louis Trichardt on 14 February. To sponsor Dr Andre or a rider, visit www.pe The purpose of this mega-charity ride is to diatriccareafrica.org for sponsorship documents generate funds for their “1000 surgeries for or phone 076 229 5663 for more information. 1000 children Campaign #HELPMYOP” and to raise awareness about the plight of children who requires surgeries and medical treatment and simply cannot get help because their parents are too poor or perhaps they have no parents. “We are hoping to assist 70 children with surgeries and 400 children with visits to private specialist doctors in 2022,” said Surika van der Merwe in a press release issued by the organisation. As in previous years, the group of bikers will be led by Dr André Hattingh, CEO and founder of Pediatric care Africa, on his Harley Davidson Road King. “We invite individual guest riders and motor bike clubs across South Africa to join him anywhere on our route around South Africa and to ride for a child,” said Surika. According to Surika, a misconception exists that you must belong to a motorbike club or ride a specific brand of motorbike to ride with them. “Nothing is further from the truth. It does not matter what you ride, if you are a lone wolf on a Triumph or a schoolboy on his 50cc Yamaha. If you are a legal motorbike rider and can do at least 100km per hour, you are welcome and we invite you to join us and let your exhaust speak for the children we are desperately trying to protect and assist,” said Surika. Riders are invited to ride along for a section of Dr André Hattingh will set off on 13 Februa the route as sponsored riders, whereby they are sponsored for R1 per km by a friend, a company ry for the third annual Pediatric Care Africa “Ride for a Child” charity campaign, with or themselves to benefit this charity ride. Now, more than ever, money is needed. “The past two visits to the Beitbridge Border Post, Musina and Louis Trichardt. Photo supplied. yearsxwith 200 263the Covid pandemic and the severe Charity
Tweeling Carmen (links) en Stephi Roos (regs) het beslis die vlam hoog geblaas by Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina. Die twee is aangewys as die skool se top matriek presteerders gedurende die 2021 matriek eindeksamen. Carmen, met ‘n gemiddeld van 86,4%, was die skool se toppresteerder met ‘n totaal van sewe onderskeiding. Sy het onderskeidings is Afrikaans huistaal, Engels eerste addisionele taal, wiskunde, lewensoriëntering, lewenswetenskap, geografie en fisiese wetenskap behaal. Stephi, met ‘n gemiddeld van 85,4%, het op haar beurt vyf onderskeidingsbehaal. Dit was vir Afrikaans huistaal, Engels eerste addisionele taal, lewensoriëntering, lewenswetenskap en geografie. Foto verskaf.
With the 2022 academic year already in full swing, Eric Louw High School in Musina welcomed three new faces to their teaching staff. From left to right are Mr Edson Mazibisa (mathematics Grade 10 to 12 English classes), Ms Anzelle Bornman (mathematics Grade 10 to 12 Afrikaans classes) and Mr Jurie Korff (Engineering Graphics and Design Grade 10 to 12). 1463 RSA Photos supplied.
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ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 All persons having claims against the HAMMANNundermen�oned estate MOOSA INC. must lodge it with the Executor concerned within NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 30 days from date of TERMS OF SECTION 29 (1) publica�on hereof. OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 Estate number: 3219/2021, Surname: Ringani All persons having Names: Famande Samson claims against the Date of birth: 1966/03/07 undermen�oned estate Id No: 660307 5148 082 must lodge it with the Executor concerned within Last address: Site 2035, Mahonisi Village, Elim 30 days from date of Date of death: 2021/07/09, publica�on hereof. Estate number: 3328/2021, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou Surname: Bezuidenhout First Names of Surviving Names: Dawid Benjamin Spouse : Makhanani Date of birth: 1943/06/22 Jennifer Id No: 430622 5001 087 Surname of Surviving Last address: Oog van Spouse : Ringani Doornrivier 318, Gedeelte Date of Birth of Surviving 14 (gedeelte van gedeelte Spouse: 1974/03/15 9), Louis Trichardt Date of death: 2021/08/23, ID Number of Surviving Spouse: 740315 0435 088 Master’s Office: Signed at Louis Trichardt on Thohoyandou 19th day of January 2022 First Names of Surviving Spouse : Jacomina Johanna Name of Executor: Johannes Hammann Fredrika Address 131 Krogh Street, Surname of Surviving Louis Trichardt, 0920 Spouse : Bezuidenhout Tel: 015 516 1427 Date of Birth of Surviving Email: deeds1@hmlegal. Spouse: 1947/09/15 co.za ID Number of Surviving Ref: EST3219/2021 Spouse: 470915 0004 085 Signed at Louis Trichardt on 18th day of January 2022 HAMMANNName of Executor: MOOSA INC. Johannes Hammann Address 131 Krogh Street, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN Louis Trichardt, 0920 TERMS OF SECTION 29 (1) Tel: 015 516 1427 OF THE ADMINISTRATION Email: deeds1@hmlegal. OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 co.za All persons having Ref: EST3328/2021 claims against the undermen�oned estate must lodge it with the HAMMANNExecutor concerned within MOOSA INC. 30 days from date of NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN publica�on hereof. TERMS OF SECTION 29 (1) Estate number: 2775/2021,
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
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Surname: Pretorius Names: Petrus Johannes Date of birth: 1927/05/01 Id No: 270501 5021 084 Last address: Louis Trichardt Date of death: 2021/07/17, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou First Names of Surviving Spouse : Petronella Magdalena Surname of Surviving Spouse : Pretorius Date of Birth of Surviving Spouse: 1939/05/01 ID Number of Surviving Spouse: 390501 0071 089 Signed at Louis Trichardt on 17th day of January 2022 Name of Executor: Johannes Hammann Address 131 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Tel: 015 516 1427 Email: deeds1@hmlegal. co.za Ref: EST2775/2021
TSHISWAISE R MUSINA GRONDGEBRUIK BESTUURSKEMA, 2010 KENNISGEWINGS VIR HERSONERING AANSOEKE BY MUSINA PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT Wysigingskema 429 Kennis geskied hiermee dat Ek, Rabelani Tshiswaise, synde die gemag�gde agent van die eienaar van Erf 1299, Messina Uitbreiding 6, gee hiermee kennisgewings vir die hersoneringsaansoeke wat by Musina Plaaslike Munisipaliteit ingedien is ingevolge Ar�kel 36 van die Musina Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuurs verordeninge 2016 saamgelees met Regulasie 14 van die Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuurs regulasie: Grondgebruikbestuur en Algemene
Aangeleenthede, 2015 Kragtens (Wet 16 van 2013). deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, vanaf “Spesiaal” na “Residensieel 2” om die ontwikkeling van veelvuldige wooneenhede toe te laat wat gevolg word met die toename in digtheid van 35 eenhede per hektaar tot 49 eenhede per hektaar. Die relevante dokumente en planne met betrekking tot bogenoemde aansoeke, lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure by die Stadsbeplanningskantoor, Irwinstraat 21, Musina Plaaslike Munisipaliteit vir ‘n tydperk van 28 werksdae vanaf 21 Januarie 2022. Besware en/of kommentaar of vertoë ten opsigte van bogenoemde aansoek moet binne 28 dae vanaf die 21 Januarie 2022 skri�elik by die Munisipale Bestuurder by bogenoemde adres of by Privaatsak X 611, Musina, 0900 ingedien word Adres van gemag�gde agent: Tshiswaise R, 32A 6de laan, Thabazimbi, 0387,of Posbus 349, Shayandima, 0945 Kontak No: 083 276 4339 Epos: denzher92@gmail. com
TSHISWAISE R MUSINA LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME, 2010 NOTICES FOR REZONING APPLICATION AT MUSINA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Amendment Scheme 429 No�ce is hereby given that I, Rabelani Tshiswaise, being the authorised agent of the owner of Erf 1299, Messina Extension 6, hereby giving no�ces for the rezoning applica�ons
Notice is given, in terms of Section 24(G) read with sections 24(F) of the National Environmental Management Act (as amended) that the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism: A. is considering an application for authorisation in terms of Sections 24(G) and 24(F) of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998; B. for the unlawful commencement of clearance of indigenous vegetation. 63ha was cleared of indigenous vegetation in order to allow for the plantation of Macadamia plants NATURE OF ACTIVITY Details of activity (ies) commenced with is indicated below Macadamia Plantation - farming activities - The activity/ ies commenced without the required authorisation - Clearing of an area of 63 ha - Date of commencement of the listed activity – June 2021. Applicable legislative provision contravened (as listed in terms of the EIA Regulations) Activity 15 listed under Listing Notice 2 GN 984, of the EIA Regulation of 2014 as amended in April 2017: The clearance of an area of 20 hectares or more of indigenous vegetation. LOCATION Farm Nooitgedacht No 3 LT within the Jurisdiction of Makhado Local Municipality in the Limpopo Province. NAME OF APPLICANT J B K Weivelde (Pty) LTD owned by Mr. Charl Wynand Louw CALL TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY In order to register as an Interested and Affected Party or to submit your comments relating to this project, contact us through any of the details below within 30 days from the date of this advertisement. L T Sustainable Solutions (Pty) LTD Contact Person:
Mr Lavhelesani Nelwamondo
073 2789 684
0866 954 397
Postal address:
P.O Box 1318, Fauna Park, 0787
Please quote Reference F001-22 in all correspondence. This newspaper advert is prepared on behalf of Farm Nooitgedacht No 3 LT
lodged to Musina Local Municipality in terms of Sec�on 36 of the Musina Spa�al Planning and Land Use Management ByLaws 2016 read together with Regula�on 14 of the Spa�al Planning and Land Use Management Regula�on: Land Use Management and General Ma�ers, 2015 Under (Act 16 of 2013) for the amendment of the Musina Land Use Management Scheme, 2010 by rezoning of the property described above, from “Special” to “Residen�al 2” to allow the development of mul�ple dwelling units subsequent with the increase of density from 35 units per hectare to 49 units per hectare. Par�culars rela�ng to the
applica�on will lie for inspec�on during normal office hours at the office of the Town Planning office, 21 Irwin Street, Musina Local municipality for the period of 28 working days from 21 January 2022. Objec�ons and/or comments or representa�ons in respect of the above applica�on must be lodged in wri�ng to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at Private Bag X 611, Musina, 0900 within the 28 days from the 21 January 2022. Address of authorised agent: Tshiswaise R, 32A 6th Avenue, Thabazimbi, 0387, or P O Box 349, Shayandima, 0945, Contact No: 083 276 4339 Email: denzher92@gmail. com
Do you have a Classified, Legal, Notice or Vacancy that you need to advertise? Contact us today at 015 516 4996 of send an e-mail to bonita@zoutnet.co.za
SHORTTERM UNDERWRITER Levubu Company industry: Financial Services
Job location: Levubu, Limpopo
Salary: R15 000 – R 20 000
Employment status: Full Time
Qualification: NQF4 Short-term Insurance & RE
Years of experience: 5 years
Job description: The Underwriter will be responsible for managing underwriting, claims and administration processes and to assist the financial adviser. Responsibilities: • Liaising with clients • Prepare new business and commercial and personal lines quotes • Issuing new policies, renewals, and endorsements • Negotiating renewal terms and preparing the renewal documentation • Register and process claims • Recordkeeping (electronic) • Provide regular feedback to relevant parties (client/stakeholders) • Obtaining the correct information from clients, recording details and information accurately on the relevant systems • Provide administrative support Skill sets required: • Grade 12 • Computer literate (MS Outlook, Excel, and Word) • Successfully completed the RE 5 Examination (Representatives) • NQF Level 4 Short Term Insurance qualification, alternatively studying towards such a qualification • DOFA confirmation from FSCA • Commercial and personal lines experience • A minimum of 5 years´ working experience within the Insurance industry • Good verbal and written communication skills (Afrikaans and English) • Good administration, organisation, and planning skills • Good multi-tasking and time management skills • Highly reliable, adaptable, and resilient • Highly client focused with good interpersonal skills Candidates interested must forward their CV, ID and supporting documentation to Ralda.vanwyk@psg.co.za Should you not be contacted for an interview within 4 weeks, please accept that your application is unsuccessful.
Time to get those cameras out and get clicking to win!
memory stick or CD/DVD. Please do not resize photos to a smaller format. Included with the The Zoutpansberger will again host our highly entry must be the photographer’s name and popular calendar photo competition, but surname, what camera was used and where was unlike previous years, the region’s photograthe photo taken. phers will not have to wait until the end of the At the end of the year, the 12 winning entries year to enter. will be used to print a largeformat photo Local photographers will now have until calendar for 2023. The calendar will be used for the last week of every month to submit their marketing purposes by the newspaper. pictures, from which one monthly winner will be Accompanying photos are some more entries selected. This means that, in total, 12 winning for January. For more information, phone photographs will be chosen with R600 prize Andries at Tel (015) 516 4997 or 082 603 2419 money up for grabs for each winning entry. This during office hours. month’s competition will close on January 31. Photographers can enter every month, but can only submit a maximum of five photographs each month. As usual, the photos will be judged on their uniqueness relating to the Soutpans berg. This may include unique places of interest, nature and wildlife photographs. Technical aspects such as lighting, sharpness and composi tion will also be taken into consideration. Please note that the photos must have been taken in die Soutpansberg area (but also including the Kru ger National Park) during the last 24 months. It must also be the photographers own work. Only highresolution digital photos (pref erably in landscape format) will be accepted (including highquality cellphone photos). The Learning to fly … This photo of a “flying” photos can be emailed to news@zoutnet.co.za, squirrel was taken by Ashleigh Cloete at the or submitted to the office of the ZoutpansbergMapungubwe Nature Reserve. er at 16B Joubert Street, Louis Trichardt, on a Competition
This picture of one of the “icons” of the Soutpansberg Bushveld was sent in by Stefni Boshoff.
Skryf nou in!
R600 prysgeld vir elke maand se wenfoto!
Die twaalf wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-formaat muurkalender vir 2023 saamgevat word. Hoe om in te skryf: Foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Alle inskrywings moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees. Epos inskrywings na: news@zoutnet.co.za
Skakel Andries van Zyl: 082 603 2419 / 015 516 4996
Nothing says “Bushveld” more than the kudus is it known for. This picture was sent in by Charlotte Swart.
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Francois Nel behaal met ‘n hoogte van 1,40 meter ‘n derde plek in die hoogspring vir seuns o.13 tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms op 21 Januarie. Verlede Vrydag se interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms mag wel op vriendskaplike basis beslis gewees het, maar vir die Graad RR meisies was dit ernstige sake. Die 60-meter items het weer ‘n groot skare ouers as toeskouers gelok wat ‘n voorsmakie wou kry van die jong talent wat by Triegies hulle skoolloopbaan begin het.
Laerskool Louis Trichardt het op Vrydag, 21 Januarie, hulle atletiekseisoen op dreef gekry met die hou van hulle jaarlike interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms. Die kinders het almal in klasverband deelgeneem. In aksie is Willie Venter in die gewigstoot. Hy het die item vir seuns o.12 gewen met ‘n afstand van 7,01 meter.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Chrizette Odendaal het met ‘n afstand van 3,82 meter die verspring gewen vir meisies o.13 tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms op 21 Januarie. Hoërskool Eric Louw in Muisna het hulle opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor al die borge wat op 21 Januarie hulle jaarlikse interhuis-sportbyeenkoms moontlik gemaak het. Die borge het ingesluit PSG as hoofborg (wat ook die medaljes geborg het), Marnus Visser, CY Frozen Foods, TOPS Musina (Lood), Pat Bekker van Aqua Active Water, Supa Quick (vir die skoolsakke) en skenkings van die ouer-onderwyser vereniging. “Dankie ook aan al die onderwysers en ouers wat op die sportveld en met die snoepie gehelp het,” het die skool gesê. Foto verskaf.
Law enforcers hard at work at Beitbridge By Bernard Chiguvare Illicit trading at the Beitbridge Border Post has become especially rife over the past few months, but the police and other law-enforcement agencies appear to be hard at work in trying to curb the crimes. In the 21 January edition, the Zoutpansberger published a story about three Zimbabwean citizens who were intercepted at the border by the South African Defence Force (SANDF) for possession of commercial explosives. The suspects have already appeared in the Musina Magistrate’s Court. In yet another incident that occurred last week, members of the Hawks’ Serious Commer cial Crime Investigation unit arrested a 30-yearold Zimbabwean woman, Tatenda Mashaire, for
dealing in illegal cigarettes and contravening the Immigration Act. According to Captain Matimba Maluleke, spokesperson for the Hawks in Limpopo, they received information about illegal cigarettes that were allegedly being sold at a certain house in Malale village outside the Pafuri Border. A mul tidisciplinary operation, comprising the Hawks, the Crime Intelligence Unit and the SANDF, was conducted and boxes containing Remington Gold cigarettes (to the estimated street value of R43 684) were found in the house and seized. The Hawks are still searching for other possible suspects. Mashaire appeared in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on 24 January and the case was postponed to 1 February. She remains in custody.
19 th
Karla Kotzé seil deur die lug in die verspring vir meisies o.13 tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms op 21 Januarie. Sy het derde geëindig in dié item.
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Louis Trichardt
IsAbility boasts five Level 1 coaches Five members of the IsAbility Sports Club from Louis Trichardt recently qualified as Level 1 Athletics South Africa (ASA) coaches. The five attended the ASA training course from 14 to 16 January at Ellisras High School. The stiff course was attended by more than 70 aspirant coaches and was run by Fastfeet
Development, with top South African coaches presenting the course. All five IsAbility members passed the course and are now certified Level 1 ASA coaches. Importantly, Vhumbani Masakona is one of the IsAbility Club’s wheelchair athletes who medalled at national level the last two years. He is now embarking on a coaching career, and he is really an asset to the club. Paralympic medallist
Sheryl James, the IsAbility Club’s development officer, is also continuing her athletics career but is starting to work with sprint athletes from the Rivoni School for the Blind and other athletes to develop them at the same time. The other mem bers who did the course were Daniel Joubert, Sandy James and Lourens Bothes. IsAbility is a sports club for both paraathletes and ablebodied athletes. “We are realising more and more that a lot of learners who are doing home schooling or attending schools where sport is not em phasised are missing out on opportunities to compete and develop their athletics talents. If such learners affili
CJ du Plessis mis rakelings die dwarslat in die hoogspring vir seuns o.13 tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms op 21 Januarie. Hy het die item gewen met ‘n hoogte van 1,55 meter.
The five members of the IsAbility Sport Club who qualified as Level 1 ASA coaches. Pictured from left to right are Sheryl James (sprints and hurdles), Daniel Joubert (a Stellenbosch graduate and athlete himself: sprints and hurdles), Vhumbani (throws), Sandy James (throws) and Lourens Bothes (sprints and hurdles). Photo supplied. 2021 Porche Cayenne GTS coupé
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ate with a Limpopo Athletics (LIMA)affiliated club (which we are), then they can compete at LIMA league events under our club’s name and this also enables them to go to Limpopo Provin cial Athletic champs (we are talking ablebodied now) and ultimately SAs if they qualify,” said IsAbility spokesperson Sandy James. James said the athletes did not necessarily have to be coached by one of their club coaches. “Our affiliation is open for any local or rural school’s athletes or adults. IsAbility’s annual affiliation for juniors is only R150, which includes their permanent annual LIMA/ASA athletics license. For adults it’s R190 if they compete in LIMA events. Without the license, the affiliation for all categories of paraathletes is R100,” said James. Interested people can WhatsApp Sandy on 084 506 3333 or Sheryl on 083 415 7056 or send an email to is.ability.limpopo@gmail.com.
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