2 Julie 2021
News with an independent soul
PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.
Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8
N1 vir ure gesluit ná gas-tenkwa brand - bladsy 2
FIREARM TRAINING Accreditation No. T182004
Jaargang 37 Vol.26
Residents happy about project but not process - page 3
Vir enige navrae kontak ons Sanna: 083 291 2889 Cathy: 083 383 6554 ISSN 2409-2835
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Nothing is left of the once-lush green lawns surrounding the two municipal swimming pools. The pools themselves lie dried up and cracked and the kiosk, garden sheds, and bathrooms are in a delapidated state. Photos supplied.
Politics prevail while assets fail this discrimination is in conflict with the South African Constitution. This decision was publicly More and more people are starting to serisupported by local EFF Cllr Anthony Matumba ously question the municipality’s real motives who, with specific reference to the rugby club, behind their decision to terminate the 99-year wrote on his Facebook-page immediately after lease agreements with sports clubs making the decision was taken [sic]: “As EFF we fought use of municipal infrastructure. daily for this contract to be terminated. Today i The past couple of weeks, more than one am happy to announce that our Rugby Stadium sports club indicated that municipal officials is coming back to the hands of the people. No had refused to accept rental payments from more permission from that White family…” them, telling them that their contracts had Ironically, this is the same Anthony Matumba been terminated. The decision to terminate the being investigated by the South African Human contracts was taken during the 159th virtual Rights Commission (SAHRC) as the man alleged special council meeting on Monday, 31 May. to be behind the race-baiting @TracyZille The sport clubs have already indicated that they account on Twitter. @TracyZille became quite will be taking the council to court regarding the well known in the weeks leading up to the media decision, while the council has already indicated storm that erupted in August last year because of that they will play the “race card” to justify their “her” controversial opinion on matters, especialactions, arguing that the clubs are discriminatly those concerning the perceived differences ing against membership based on race and that between races. The profile appears to be that of By Andries van Zyl
Carel Hammann
a middle-aged, white woman who enjoys racial stereotyping. During an interview with the Zoutpansberger at that time, Matumba denied that he was behind the @TracyZille account. Apart from the SAHRC investigation, the Makhado Municipality’s Ethics Committee also instituted an investigation into an alleged breach of conduct by Matumba as the owner of the @ TracyZille account for “posting racial messages on Twitter”. What is also ironic is that the item dealing with the ethics committee’s investigation into Matumba forms part of the same 159th Special Council meeting agenda in which the council announced the termination of the 99year lease agreements. Regarding Matumba, the council resolved “that the matter be provisionally withdrawn because the matter is still under investigation”. In an important election year for the ruling party, the race card will once again enjoy promi-
nence, especially on the local political front, with local municipalities being severely criticised for a lack of service delivery. By the same token, the council’s decision to terminate the 99-year lease agreements has been severely criticised from several quarters as being short-sighted and ill conceived. The Zoutpansberger tried to get more clarity from the Makhado Municipality the past week in terms of their plans for the facilities after terminating the 99-year lease agreements with clubs making use of municipal facilities. Are they going to evict the clubs, sell off the properties or enter into new contracts with the clubs? If they are going to evict the clubs, will these clubs be compensated for improvements, and have they budgeted for this eventuality? No response regarding these questions was received from the municipality at the time of our going to press. (Contd on P2)
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UNIQUE OFFER…AND THAT’S NOT ALL. R 1 300 000 This unique offer in Mopane at the Sandriver include 23.5Ha land, a large 5 Bedroom semi-developed thatched roof house, 191m river front as well as….. a R30 000 cash contribution* towards a new borehole. • 5 Bedroom thatched roof house • 25kVA Eskom transformer • Borehole (Equipped & functional) - Capacity: Domestic use only *Cash contribution towards a new borehole capped at R30 000
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Bo: Verkeer op die N1 in beide rigtings het vir kilometers opgehoop vanweë die gas-tenkwa wat naby die Waterpoort-afdraai aan die brand geslaan het. Regs: Gespesialiseerde personeel is ontbied wat die oorblywende gas in die beskadigde tenkwa veilig na ‘n ander tenkwa kon oorplaas. Die oorblywende gas is “afgebrand”, waarna die N1 weer oopgestel is. Foto’s verskaf.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
“Laat niemand, as hy in versoeking kom, sê: Ek word deur God versoek nie. Want God kan deur die kwaad nie versoek word nie, en self versoek Hy niemand nie” Jakobus 1:13.
aarom dan versoeking as God nie self versoek nie, maar ons so geskape het dat ons versoek kan word? God het sy liefde tot ons bewys deurdat Jesus vir ons gesterf het toe ons nog sondaars en vyande van God was (Romeine 5:8). Nou vra Hy dat jy daarom van sy liefde oortuig sal wees, dan sal jy die Een wat vir jou gesterf het, volkome kan vertrou. Hierdie stap is om die kloof van wantroue, van die mens se kant, te oorbrug en so volkome vertroue in God se wil, doel en motiewe met jou lewe te hê. God het sy liefde tot ons bestendig, deurdat dit telkens alle toetse van lankmoedigheid en vergewensgesindheid, tot sewentig maal sewe toe, triomfantlik deurstaan het. God het ook sy liefde tot ons bemiddel deur die Heilige Gees wat Hy gegee het om in ons van Hom te getuig, van sy onoortreflike skoonheid, eerlikheid en eerbaarheid. God sal ook jou liefde vir Hom beproef, as Hy sê: “As julle My liefhet ... bewaar My gebooie” (Johannes 14:15). Die dag wanneer die groot, finale proef toegepas sal word of ons Hom bo alles en almal liefgehad het, sal wees wanneer ons lewens, wat sal bewys of ons dit volgens sy nuwe gebod van liefde bewaar het, deur vuur getoets sal word. Sal ons ook soos Abraham die Here hoor sê: “Nou weet Ek dat jy God vrees”? (Genesis 22:12). - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
N1 vir ure gesluit ná gas-tenkwa brand Deur Andries van Zyl Verkeer het vir etlike kilometers opgehoop op die N1 tussen Louis Trichardt en Musina nadat hierdie besige hoofroete van Suid-Afrika vir bykans 18 ure gesluit is weens ‘n gas-tenkwa wat Maandagmiddag aan die brand geslaan het. Die tenkwa se vlamme kon gelukkig betyds geblus word, voordat die hoogs ontvlambare vrag LP-gas kon ontplof. Skade aan die vragmotor het egter veroorsaak dat die N1 Maandag kort na 14:00 vir veiligheidsdoeleindes gesluit moes word. Talle motoriste en vragmotorbestuurders is hierdeur gestrand gelaat. Die wat nie kon omdraai nie, moes ‘n koue nag op die N1 in hulle voertuie spandeer, alvorens die pad uiteindelik Dinsdag net ná 08:00 weer oopgestel is. Madoda Mthembu, SANRAL se operasionele- en instandhoudingsbestuurder in die Noord Streek, het Dinsdagmiddag by navraag die voorval bevestig en gesê die N1 moes gesluit word nadat die tenkwa weens die brand ‘n lekkasie opgedoen het. Hy het gesê gespesialiseerde personeel is na die toneel ontbied wat die oorblywende gas in die beskadigde tenkwa veilig na ‘n ander tenkwa kon oorplaas. Die oorblywende gas, het Mthembu gesê, is “afgebrand”, waarna die N1 weer oopgestel is vir verkeer. Alhoewel almal begrip het vir die gevaarlike situasie wat weens die gaslek ontstaan het, het sommige motoriste en vragmotorbestuurders se gemoedere hoog geloop weens die urelange oponthoud om die pad weer oop te kry.
Oud-inwoner Gideon Meiring, wat tans bietjie vakansie hou op Tshipise, was een van hierdie ontstoke motoriste. Onbewus dat die pad steeds vroeg Dinsdagoggend gesluit was, het hy na Louis Trichardt gereis vir ‘n besoek. Sy hele dag is egter ontsier toe hy hom vasgery het in ‘n massiewe verkeersopeenhoping digby die Waterpoort-afdraai. Uit frustrasie het Meiring toe maar weer omgedraai, terug Tshipise toe. “Kan jy glo, by die tolhek wou hulle my weer laat betaal, nadat ek reeds betaal het toe ek Louis Trichardt toe wou kom! Ek het vir hulle gesê: Dit sal die dag wees!
Ek het uit my voertuig geklim, die veiligheidskegels uit die pad gehaal en om die tolhek gery,” het Meiring gesê. Volgens Meiring was die minste wat die padowerheid kon doen om mense by die tolhek in te lig dat die pad gesluit is en watter alternatiewe roete(s) gebruik kon word. “Hulle kan mos nie ‘n ou se geld vat, sy tyd mors en nie praat nie, terwyl jy weet die pad is toe nie,” het Meiring gesê. “En wat van die vragmotorbestuurders wat nie kon omdraai nie? Hulle moes vir ure lank sonder kos en water sit. Dit is darem nie billik nie,” het Meiring gesê.
AFB Makhado part of Winter Solstice Defence News When he officially accepted command of the SA Air Force (SAAF) earlier last month, Lieutenant General Wiseman Mbambo identified combat readiness as a priority and this will happen without screaming jets, throbbing helicopter rotors and roaring turboprop engines, come October. That is when Exercise Winter Solstice, the single SAAF combat readiness exercise, takes place. The austerity measures put in place by Carlo Gagiano during his 2005-to-2012 term as CAF and retained by his successor Zakes Msimang appear to still be in force, as indicated by Winter Solstice 2021, scheduled from 25 October to 5 November. Another change for Winter Solstice is the
venue, with previous ones (where aircraft were active) in the Northern Cape. This year’s exercise will, according to the Directorate Corporate Communications (DCC) of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF), be in Limpopo. With no participation by SAAF aircraft, it could be staged at one of the two SAAF bases in the northernmost province. Air Force Base Makhado is traditionally the SAAF’s fighter town and is currently home to the force’s only Gripen squadron and 85 Combat Flying School operating Hawk Mk 120 jets. The other Limpopo base is Air Force Base Hoedspruit, currently home to one squadron – 19 – flying Oryx and A109 rotorcraft. The official word on Winter Solstice 2021 is it “will be in the form of a Command Post Exercise driven by different scenario simulations in Limpopo. (Article: by defenceWeb).
Answers few as to what will happen with sports facilities (Contd from P1) One of the reasons for these questions to the municipality was to try and find out if they plan to take full ownership of these facilities which, given their track record, does not bode well for the future of these facilities. A good example of a previously well-kept municipal asset that went to ruin the past two decades is the municipal swimming pool in Louis Trichardt. The Zoutpansberger obtained shocking footage of the current state of the pool. Nothing is left of the once-lush green lawns surrounding the two pools. The pools themselves lie dried up and cracked and the kiosk, garden sheds and bathrooms are in a dilapidated state. This after a tender for the refurbishment and repair of the swimming pool was awarded to Harold Muswobi Construction in 2014. The value of the tender was R500 000 but was later reported to have escalated to close to R700 000. The project turned into somewhat of a fiasco, however, with allegations of shoddy workmanship and delays. The refurbished pool would have been opened by 30 June 2014, but this was postponed because of the problems. The municipality then stated that the pool would definitely reopen in September 2015. This also never happened and, since then, the project (and swimming pool) has been lying dormant. The pool never re-opened for the public. Questions about why the municipality had halted the swimming pool project and allow-
ing it to go to ruin were answered by Bobodi. Some of the answers, however, were somewhat confusing. “The project [swimming pool] has since been stopped and halted as the site has to be used for the development of a squash facility by Makhado Crossing Mall management,” said Bobodi. Whether this will ever happen is, however, debatable. Let us explain: When the Masingita Group of Companies, the developers of the Makhado Crossing Mall, decided to expand the mall into a regional mall, part of the agreement they made with the municipality was that they would relocate the sports clubs located on the municipal land on which they wanted to expand. Eventually, the rugby, “jukskei” and racing pigeon clubs did get new club houses on new premises. The squash club and the hall housing the gymnastics, badminton, and wrestling clubs, however, remain where they are and were never relocated. Last year in October, rumours started to surface that Masingita no longer had any intention of developing the area still housing the squash, badminton, and wrestling clubs. Bobodi confirmed this, stating that Masingita had offered the land back to the municipality. At that stage, Bobodi said, the municipality had yet to decide whether they were going accept Masingita’s offer. Since then, nothing has happened. Bobodi’s statement that they plan to relocate the squash club to the municipal swimming pool area came as news to Soutpansberg Squash
Club chairperson Ronel Welman. “It is the first time we hear of this. Nothing is ever communicated to us by the municipality. We don’t even know if we are going to be relocated or not,” said Welman. Regardless of whether the local squash club will be relocated to the swimming pool area or not, one thing is certain and that is that the municipality is not planning on ever re-opening the swimming pool, thereby signalling the end of this once-treasured municipal asset. “The swimming pool won’t reopen as the site has already been dedicated for the establishment of the squash facility. If the municipality were still to reopen as the site has already been phased off by the establishment of the squash facility, they would have to go for a new design and specifications,” said Bobodi.
Hulle skenkings word waardeer
Die inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfsakker in Louis Trichardt, skryf:
aie dankie aan Helena en Pierre van den Heever vir die klomp groente. Dankie ook aan Wannie en Bergcare vir julle bederf. Lynnette en Francois Botha, baie dankie vir die nartjies. Dit help baie teen die winterkoue. Baie dankie ook aan mnr. Desai vir die gereelde skenkings. Mag julle almal geseënd wees.
Residents happy about project but not process specific street, were working according to a plan. Some contractors appear to forget about the The Makhado Municipality has embarked plan, however. Such was the case with the reon a project to resurface many of Louis Tri surfacing of parts of Joubert Street a few weeks chardt’s pothole-infested streets. This came as ago. Halfway between Kruger and President good news to many, but some are questioning Street, the resurfacing stopped, and, to date, the “start-stop” approach the municipality is ripped-up sections of the road remain open. In taking to the project. response, Bobodi said that the project would be The “start-stop” approach refers to contractors completed in its entirety. When this will happen ripping up sections of streets and then leaving is unknown. them unattended for days or even weeks on end Complaints also surfaced that some of the before these are resurfaced again. Some resicontractors were illegally dumping the rippeddents complained to the newspaper, saying that up road surface next to the road leading to the this approach was causing even more damage municipal airfield (behind Tshikota). Bobodi to vehicles than the initial potholes, especially said they were aware of the situation. “Yes, we at night as no warning signs are in place to are on top of this issue and contractors are quite warn motorists that the road surface has been aware that we won’t effect their respective payremoved. Members of the public also wanted to ments if they do not deposit dumping materials know if this is the work of only one contractor at prescribed areas,” said Bobodi. or was more than one Regarding which “The contractors are still within streets would receive contractor appointed to fulfil different in terms of the timelines and conforming to priority aspects of the contract, resurfacing and fixing which might explain the requisite scope of the work” potholes, Bobodi said the “delay” in moving that all streets that defrom one process to the other. veloped potholes would be attended to. He could In response, the Makhado municipal spokesnot, however, supply a time frame for the projperson, Mr Louis Bobodi, confirmed on Tuesday ect. “The maintenance plan is not cast in stone that the project for the resurfacing of streets had as we always attend to streets that need attention been out-sourced to private contractor. “The as and when the need arises,” said Bobodi. municipality appointed contractors in order Recent good news for residents is that the to expedite the process of repairing damaged Makhado Municipality made a total of streets,” said Bobodi. R13 million available for the rehabilitation of Bobodi stated that the project was put out on Kruger Street, Vlei Street, the Commissioner tender and the successful bidders (contractors) and Main Street intersection in Eltivillas and were duly appointed. He did not say who the the road in front of Soutpansberg Spar in their contractors are. Regarding the “delay” between 2021/22 budget. Bobodi was asked to explain contractors ripping up the road surface and what exactly these projects would entail. “We resurfacing it again, Bobodi said that they were always have a dedicated budget for maintenance not aware of any delays. “The contractors are and the subsequent projects for the incoming still within the timelines and conforming to the financial year will only be unpacked as soon as requisite scope of the work,” said Bobodi. He we have the scope of work from the engineers,” added that the contractors, each assigned to a stated Bobodi.
By Andries van Zyl
Begrafnisse, Verassings en Begrafnis Polisse beskikbaar. Ons is in staat om covid 19 verwante sterftes te hanteer en het ‘n groot genoeg fasaliteite om die vinnige toename in covid sterftes te akkommodeer. Ons is 24 uur van Maandag tot Sondag beskikbaar. Straat Adres: 102B Burger Straat Elize Kontak: 082 838 9687 Gerda Kontak: 073 250 4914 Kantoor: 015 516 0142 Email Adres: thusanang2@telkomsa.net
The “start-stop” approach refers to contractors’ ripping up sections of streets and then leaving them unattended for days or even weeks on end before they are resurfaced again, like here in Duiker Street.
Complaints have also surfaced that some of the contractors were illegally dumping the rippedup road surface next to the road leading to the municipal airfield (behind Tshikota).
“Ek was in en uit binne een-en-‘n-halwe-uur en het geen newe-effekte ontwikkel nie,” het mnr. Greg Stewart gesê. Foto verskaf.
“Ongelukkig het ek bietjie newe-effekte gehad Sondag - kouekoors en lyfseer. Teen Maandag was ek amper oor alles...” het Riana Muller gesê. Foto verskaf.
“Ek het eers geen newe-effekte gehad nie, en toe kry ek skielik Sondag kouekoors en lyfseer. Dit was egter van korte duur,” het Madelein Sadie gesê. Foto verskaf.
“Die algemene atmosfeer onder die onderwysers was gedemp, moontlik omdat ek in die ouer groep van onderwysers val,” het Regine Bouwer gesê. Foto verskaf.
Onnies gee steun aan inentingsproses opgelaai is op die Departement van Gesondheid se elektroniese inentingverskaffingsisteem Plaaslike onderwysers het die afgelope week (EVD) sisteem, het alles vergemaklik. Beheeropenlik hulle steun gewys ten opsigte van liggaam-aangestelde personeel, skoonmakers en die regering se inentingsprogram teen die administratiewe personeel behoort binnekort gevreesde Covid-19 virus. ook hulle inenting te ontvang. Sommige skole is “Hoewel die inenting nie verpligtend is nie, geskeduleer vir 2 en 3 Julie. het alle hoërskoolpersoneel aangedui dat hulle ‘n Paar onderwysers van Laerskool Louis dit wil ontvang,” sê mnr. Theo Muller, hoof van Trichardt het openlik hulle ervaring van die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Hy spreek ook sy inentingsprosedure en –gevolge (al dan nie) dank uit teenoor die distriks- en plaaslike kring- gedeel. kantoor wat uit hulle pad gegaan het om reëlings Dirk van den Berg was baie beïndruk met te finaliseer. Hierdie sentiment is ook gedeel die professionaliteit en vriendelikheid van die deur me. Irene Adendorff, hoof van Laerskool gesondheidspersoneel by die inentingstasie waar Louis Trichardt. hy was. “Die hele proses het maar so tussen vier Onderwyser-inentings is op 25 en 26 Junie en vyf minute geneem en die inenting was glad deur die Departement van Gesondheid by die sk- nie seer nie. Ek kon alles sien, byvoorbeeld die outerrein op Louis Trichardt gedoen. Die eenma- spuit asook die buis waaruit die entstof gehaal lige Johnson en Johnson inenting word gebruik. word. Ek het geen bekommernis oor die proses Die feit dat alle departementele onderwyspergehad nie. Die SMS het onmiddellik na my foon “Net soos die medici, is ek ook pro-inenting,” toe deurgekom wat alles bevestig het,” sê hy. Hy het mnr. Dirk van den Berg gesê. Foto verskaf. soneel se besonderhede alreeds elektronies was gelukkig om geen newe-effekte daarna te hê nie. “Net soos die medici, is ek ook pro-inenting,” sê Dirk. Madelein Sadie is dankbaar dat sy vinnig kon in- en uitglip. Die hele proses het haar minder as 30 minute geneem. Sy sê dat daar wel mense was wat vir ure in die ry gewag het. “Teen die tyd wat ek Saterdag opgedaag het, was die rye baie korter, aangesien die grootste gros reeds afgehandel was. Die personeel wat daar werk was baie bekwaam, vriendelik en behulpsaam. Ek het eers geen newe-effekte gehad nie en toe Hoofnuus hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, se voorblad gepronk as een van die inskrykry ek skielik Sondag kouekoors en lyfseer. Dit op die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 28 wings vir die jaarlikse Mej. Louis Trichardt was egter van korte duur. Na vyf ure se koud kry en pyn was ek weer my gewone self. So asof niks Junie 1996 was die arrestasie van 14 lede Skou-titel. Daardie jare was die jaarlikse By Pétria de Vaal
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
van ‘n misdaadsindikaat in Eltivillas. Die arrestasies het gevolg slegs drie dae nadat twee wakker lede van die polisie twee mans in Eltivillas aangekeer het ná ‘n roof. Ná ondervraging is nog 12 verdagtes aangekeer vir hul beweerde betrokkenheid by ‘n sindikaat wat veral Zimbabwiërs beroof het. Die sindikaat se lede sou hulle valslik voordoen as polisiebeamptes en die slagoffers vra vir hulle paspoorte. As hulle dan ‘n Zimbabwiese paspoort sou uithaal, is hulle van hulle kontant beroof – soms op gewelddadige wyse. In sekere gevalle is die slagoffers ook onsedelik aangerand. In ander voorbladnuus is berig oor twee beamptes van die Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad se elektrisiteitsafdeling wat ernstig in ‘n motorongeluk beseer is, terwyl ‘n derde beampte op slag dood is. Die ongeluk het op die Nzhelele-pad plaasgevind nadat die beamptes op pad terug was vanaf Tshipise waar hulle lyne nagegaan het. Mnre. Jimmy Moodie en David Gleave is ernstig beseer nadat die bakkie waarin hulle gery het gerol het. Hulle moes oorgeplaas word na die Pietersburg Privaathospitaal. Mnr. Alpheus Malita (37), wat agterop die bakkie gesit het, is op die toneel oorlede. Op ‘n positiewe noot het een van die streek se jong skoonhede, die 23-jarige Daphné Kruger, se gesig daardie week op die koerant
skou nog ‘n hoogtepunt op die plaaslike sosiale kalender. Dit het intussen heeltemal verval. En vir diegene wat hou van braai … Shoprite/Checkers het daardie week spesiale aanbiedinge gehad van R12,97 per kilogram vir braai steak en R9,97 per kilogram vir boerewors, kookvleis en varkvleis onderskeidelik.
met my gebeur het nie!” “Ek is Saterdag net voor 17:00 gekontak en meegedeel dat ek kon gaan vir ‘n inenting,” sê Riana Muller. “Die wyse waarop ek ontvang is, was regtig aangenaam. Ons kringbestuurder, mnr. Baloyi, was self besig om mense te ontvang en te saniteer. Ten spyte van twee lang dae was die personeel vriendelik, flink en baie bekwaam. Ek het my inenting 17:04 ontvang en 17:20 was ek op pad huis toe. Ongelukkig het ek bietjie newe-effekte gehad Sondag - kouekoors en lyfseer. Teen Maandag was ek amper oor alles en het net nog so ‘n bietjie kopseer gehad,” sê sy. Vir Greg Stewart was die ervaring positief. “Ek het die personeel as baie professioneel beleef. Ek was in en uit binne een-en-‘n-halwe-uur en het geen newe-effekte ontwikkel nie. Ek was aangenaam verras gewees met die hele ervaring,” sê Greg. Regine Bouwer is ook op 26 Junie ingeënt. “Ek het vooraf gehoor dat sommige onderwysers drie tot vier ure in ‘n ry moes staan om ingeënt te word. Ek het myself dus vir soortgelyke omstandighede voorberei. By die skougronde aangekom, is ek onmiddellik ontsmet en is die prosedure vriendelik aan my verduidelik. Elke vyf minute was daar ‘n beampte wat weer almal se hande ontsmet het. Ek is gelukkig binne ‘n uur-en-‘n-half ingeënt. Ek is deurgaans hoflik en professioneel behandel. Alle moontlike Covid reëls is so getrou as moontlik uitgevoer. Die algemene atmosfeer onder die onderwysers was gedemp, moontlik omdat ek in die ouer groep van onderwysers val,” sê Regine. Sy is ook een van die gelukkiges wat geen newe-effekte gehad het nie.
Hoofde nie gekant teen President se opdrag dat skole vroeër moet sluit dag skool toe om te skryf. Teen Vrydag is alles dus afgehandel,” Met President Cyril Rasê Muller. maphosa se aankondiging Me. Irene Adendorff, skoolvan ‘n Vlak 4-inperking as hoof van Laerskool Louis Trimaatreël om die toename in chardt, noem dat die ouers van Covid-gevalle onder beheer te ‘n paar leerders vanaf verlede kry, sluit skole vandeesweek week die skool ingelig het dat en nie meer op 9 Julie soos hulle kinders se Covid-19 toetbeplan nie. suitslae positief was. Sommige “Ons voel dat dit nodig is van die leerders was alreeds vir om die skole vroeër te sluit, ‘n paar dae by die huis voordat aangesien al hoe meer kinders die uitslae bekend was. (en ouers) óf positief getoets “Die skool het volgens die word, óf in aanraking met Departement van Basiese Onpositiewe Covid-gevalle was en derwys se Hersiene Standaard moet isoleer.” Aldus mnr. Theo Bedryfspraktyke opgetree. Muller, skoolhoof van HoërBuiten vir die positiewe gevalle, skool Louis Trichardt. is enige leerders wat in noue “Tans het ons slegs een onkontak met dié leerders was derwyser wat isoleer,” sê Muller. in self-isolasie geplaas. Die Hy noem ook dat die nodige veiligheids- en voorSuid-Afrikaanse Onderwysorgmaatreëls is in plek en sers-unie reeds ongeveer ‘n word deurlopend toegepas,” sê maand vantevore oor ’n moont- Adendorff. like vervroegde sluiting gepraat Adendorff bevestig dat elke het, wat ten gevolge het dat die geval skriftelik aan die Deparskool voorbereid was hierop. tement van Basiese Onderwys, “Leerders is tans besig asook aan die Departement met ‘n toetsreeks. Hulle het van Gesondheid, gerapporteer tot Woensdagoggend 12:00 word. Die kringbestuurder, geskryf. Diegene vir wie daar asook die voorsitter van die nog toetse geskeduleer is tot skoolbeheerliggaam, is verwitVrydag kom Donderdag en Vry- tig. Die ouers van die skool is Deur Pétria de Vaal
ook ingelig. “Slegs een onderwyseres is ‘n paar weke gelede positief getoets. Sy het dadelik self-isolasie toegepas. Daar is leerders, asook onderwysers, wat in self-isolasie is weens die feit dat hulle in kontak was met ‘n positiewe geval (bv. ‘n familielid of kennis) buite die skool,” voeg Adendorff by. Sy noem ook dat party ouers se toetsuitslae positief was en hulle in self-isolasie geplaas is. “Ons is dankbaar dat die nodige voorgeskrewe protokol ten opsigte van Covid-19 goed toegepas word en dat al die rolspelers baie goed saamwerk om die veiligheid van ons leerders, personeel en ouers te verseker. Met die toename in gevalle landswyd, maar ook in ons eie gemeenskap, is ons as skool nie gekant teen die vroeë sluiting van die skole nie. Die kwartaal se akademiese- en assesseringsprogram is op datum, danksy ‘n toegewyde personeelkorps. Die veiligheid van die leerders en personeel bly ons prioriteit tydens die pandemie,” sê Adendorff.
Zoutie ZoutieWeather
Thursday, 1 July
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastoor Evan Corbett (084 457 7596), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Friday, 2 July
Saturday, 3 July
Sunny and very warm.
Sunny and pleasantly warm.
Sunny and pleasantly warm.
High: 29oC Low: 9oC
High: 26oC Low: 7oC
High: 26oC Low: 10oC
Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente moes weens die nuwe Vlak 4 Covid-19 inperkings hulle Boerebasaar op 3 Julie afstel. Inwoners sal egter steeds van die gemeente se nou al welbekende varksosasties en Koos van der Merwe se smullekker wildswors kan koop teen R80 per kilogram. Bestellings vir die varksosaties en wildswors kan geplaas word by Peet Vermaak by tel. 082 219 2635. ‘n Kaartfasiliteit is beskikbaar om die hantering van kontant op die kerkterrein uit te skakel. Daar kan ook met Peet gereël word vir die haal van die vleis.
Ons kan help Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org
SPCA AGM All mem-
bers of the public are invited to attend the annual general meeting (AGM) of the SPCA Louis Trichardt on Wednesday, 14 July. The meeting will start at 17:30 and take place at Smart Fitness, 123 President Street, Louis Trichardt. Persons who wish to make themselves available for election to the management committee must submit their names in writing to Lesley Gaigher at lesley@lttspca.co.za to arrive no later than seven (7) days before the set date for the AGM. Each submission must be accompanied by a one (1) page curriculum vitae (CV) or motivation. For more information, please phone Lesley Gaigher on 071 545 5194, Alicia Thomas on 084 900 5332 or Antjie Brennan on 083 563 1010. JULY
Turbi Hills Bomgat op Louis Trichardt bied tans ‘n groot jagkompetisie aan in samewerking met Stoke Safaris. Teen ‘n koste van slegs R200 per kaartjie kan ‘n jagpakket gewen word, wat insluit die skiet van een koedoebul óf elandbul, een blouwildebeesbul óf -koei, een rooibokram en drie rooibokooie. Die prys is vir twee jagters vir drie nagte en die prys moet vanaf 5 tot 8 Augustus opgeëis word. Die datum kan nie verander nie. Die prys kan ook nie vir kontant geruil word nie. Die trekkingsdatum is op 24 Julie om 14:00 te Burgerstraat 66, Louis Trichardt. Alle kaartjiehouers is welkom. Vir navrae en kaartjies, skakel Burt de Predinas (082 800 0938) of Leon Barnard (082 893 5965).
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 28 June. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
28/06/2021 21/06/2021
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
99.9% 100% 100.2% 100% 89.8% 90.5% 91% 91.9% 100.9% 100% 9.4% 9.6% 101% 101% 81.3% 82.5% 100.3% 100% 100.6% 100% 100.1% 100% 99.9% 100%
# Means latest available data
In line with the President’s announcement, all Ster-Kinekor cinemas will be temporarily closed.
But we’ll be back! Until then, stay safe. We look forward to inviting everyone to, once again, enjoy Great Moments at Ster-Kinekor.
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Sunday, 4 July
Monday, 5 July
Tuesday, 6 July
Wednesday, 7 July
Sunny and remaining warm.
Cloudy, coolerl p.m. shower.
Low clouds may break.
Partial sunshine.
High: 27oC Low: 7oC
High: 20oC Low: 4oC
High: 19oC Low: 4oC
High: 20oC Low: 4oC
photo Novel competition revenge is going to be so sweet for stealing my ideas
Steal her chair? No, not good enough.
I know I saw a skrewdriver in here somewhere.
This will teach her a lesson for stealing my ideas!
What has he got for me today.
they will never know it was me. he he he
Bye. i’m going out for lunch
I wonder what he is up to now.
Bye have a nice lunch.
No good thats what.
Time to get the tools & put my plan into action
Silly boy thinks he will get away with this. He can have a taste of his own medicine.
I found it now for plan b
Boo, im back! did you have a nice lunch?
A fantastic lunch thank ... woah woah
oh no oooww
ow who swopped the seats!
Win R500 with your own photo-novel This week we launch a brand-new competition for our creative readers. It focuses on a type of story telling that was invented in Italy in 1947, called the photo-novel. The format was extremely popular during the post-war period and remained the best-seller in Mediterranean popular literature for more than two decades. Its readers – for the most part women – numbered in the millions. Photo-novels are often referred to as photo comics. Wikipedia describes it as “a form of sequential storytelling that uses photographs
for the “overall winner” prize of R1 000. Every week, however, we will choose a photo-novel to be published and this weekly winner will receive rather than illustrations for the images, along a R500 prize. Entries not used simply stand over with the usual comics conventions of narrative to the next week, where it will again compete text and word balloons containing dialogue.” against the other unpublished photo-novels. Throughout the decades the photo-novel was This means that the sooner you enter your often ridiculed and considered to be of lesser photo-novel, the more of a chance it has to be value in the world of literature. Of late many used. After the final date (24 September 2021), critics have started to re-evaluate the importance we will choose an overall winner. of photo-novels, realising the expressionist value The competition is open to all residents of the and, in the right hands, the artistic skill. Vhembe district. For the next three months (July to September) All you need to enter is an interesting story we will be publishing photo-novels of our readthat must be told within the limitations of 12 ers. The entries received will all be considered photos. You would probably need some actors
and a few props, but family members are normally quite willing to help. (Promise them they will become superstars.) You can use a cellphone to take the photos or a camera that cost you hundreds of thousands of rands, it doesn’t matter. The photos will be used in black-and-white, so take that in consideration (get a decent contrast). Send your twelve photos, along with the twelve “bullets” (descriptions) to leigh@zoutnet. co.za. Entry forms can be downloaded from the Zoutpansberger’s website: www.zoutpansberger. co.za.
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Diego Male
Maliyah Female
Willow Female
Jenny Female
Nicholas Male
Parker Male
Blake Male
Gorgeous puppies
Kranspoort has a very long history of injustices gled in infighting and land grabs, to such an ed in the western Soutpansberg, is involved. extent that the court will yet again be asked The Kranspoort land claim was one of the Yet another Communal Property Association to intervene. This time around, the historical first to be awarded in Limpopo, filed in 1998 by (CPA) is becoming more and more entanKranspoort CPA, with 2 400 ha of land situat- former Kranspoort residents who were forcibly removed in the period between 1955 and 1964. On 10 December 1999, judges Alan Dodson and Bakone Justice Moloto ruled in favour of the claimants. What makes the case so intriguing is that land was awarded to people who had no long history of inhabiting the area. To understand the complexity of the Kranspoort land claim, one must go back to the mid-19th century. During this period, the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC), at that stage mainly active in the then Cape Colony, opted to expand its missionary activities. The church found it quite difficult to recruit local reverends to enter the missionary fields and had to look for a suitable candidate abroad. The Scottish reverend, Alexander MacKidd, was keen to take up the challenge and embarked on a trip to this foreign land. MacKidd could not start preaching immediately as the northern parts of the country was under the rule of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republic (ZAR), which was not very accommodating Illegal structures are mushrooming at the farm, much to the concern of the CPA. Photo supand did not trust missionaries. Teaching the plied. Gospel to black or coloured people was illegal and special permission from the local magistrate was needed for this. MacKidd therefore had to wait, and only in December 1862 did opportunity come his way. The Buys community from the Soutpansberg invited him to come and stay among them and teach the gospel. The letter inviting him was signed by Michael Buys, one of the sons of the legendary Coenraad de Buys. De Buys and his family arrived in the Soutpansberg in the early 1820s. He disappeared without a trace in 1829, leaving behind his family on the banks of the Limpopo River. MacKidd arrived in the Soutpansberg on 13 May 1863 and started preaching on the farm Goedgedacht, west of the then Schoemansdal. This farm was donated to the church by the Lottering family. MacKidd realised that the original farm was not ideal for what they intended to do A process of denuding is ongoing at the farm, which the CPA claims is illegal. Photo supplied. and, using his own money, he bought the farm Kranspoort. (He paid 450 “Rijksdaalders” for the farm.) This would become the base from where missionary work was to be done for the next century. In his will, he specified that ownership of the farm, Kranspoort, should be transferred to the church, on condition that it be used for missionary work. Rev MacKidd died on 30 April 1865. After Rev MacKidd’s death, the legendary Stephanus Hofmeyr took over the reins at Kranspoort. He was considered to be the first “Afrikaner” missionary in the ZAR. Hofmeyr was not always popular among the conservative Afrikaner community, but he managed to expand the mission station and spread the Gospel far and wide. During the 40 years that Hofmeyr served as missionary, the congregation grew, and a large contingent of predominantly Sotho-speaking people settled at Kranspoort. When Hofmeyr passed away in 1904, he as buried at the foot of the mountains alongside “his people” as he referred to the congregation that he had helped establish. Unfortunately, the work that MacKidd and Hofmeyr started did not continue in the decades that followed. The foundations that were laid were solid and a large number of black and coloured evangelists started to spread the Gospel. Hofmeyr’s son in law, Johannes Daneel, served as reverend at Kranspoort until 1935 and he was much loved and popular. The changing political atmosphere in the country unfortunately started to affect the activities at the mission station and the DRC’s often lackadaisical approach to its missionary duties did not help. In the 1950s, racial tension increased at Kranspoort, possibly spurred on by the arrival of Rev Lucas van der Merwe in 1946. His manner of implementing rules governing who could stay or who had to leave the farm was met with criticism and eventually led to an uprising. The notorious Group Areas Act was later used to remove a large number of families to places such as Nancefield in Musina. The Kranspoort mission station became a red herring for the DRC, with the church not willing to take a definite stand against the policies of the ruling government. george@zoutnet.co.za When the last black families were removed or from the farm in 1964, the descendants of Stephanus Hofmeyr started questioning whether marketing@zoutnet.co.za the land was still being used for missionary Tel: 015 516 4996 / 082 419 2359 By Bernard Chiguvare and Anton van Zyl
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work. If not, the family members argued, it should revert to the Hofmeyr family. The issue ended up in a prolonged legal battle, with the family asking that the wish of MacKidd and later Hofmeyr should be honoured and that the land be used for missionary work. Unfortunately for the family, the DRC obtained a declaratory order in the High Court in 1985, effectively deleting a section of Hofmeyr’s will. The church then proceeded to subdivide the farm and sold off one portion. In 1997, the last remnant of Hofmeyr’s work, the Stephanus Hofmeyr Farm School, was closed. Two years later, a land claim was filed by the families who were removed in the 1950s and 1960s. The claim was approved at the end of 1999 and the affected families could commence with the gradual process of moving back to the land they were once forced to evacuate. The process, unfortunately, did not run smoothly. A communal property association (CPA) was established, and a business plan was devised to manage the property. The CPA members, however, claim that they had received no funds to develop the infrastructure or cover the operational costs, such as to implement livestock production, crop and fish farming, or ecotourism. In February 2020, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development gave the residents a recapitalisation grant of R14 million, which was to be deposited in two tranches. The first tranche would be R11 million, with the outstanding amount deposited once the first amount had been fully utilised. Weizmann Hamilton, secretary of the executive committee of the CPA, told the online publication New Frame that only a small portion of the R11 million had been used because the department had fought the community almost every step of the way. “The amount of money that was allocated fell significantly short of the estimated amount of money from our business plan. We alerted the department that significant adjustments would have to be made, given the short-allocated budget, [but] they were not interested in that. Nevertheless, we accepted the revised business plan that will accommodate the allocated amount,” Hamilton told New Frame. To complicate matters, other people who are not members of the CPA started to invade the farm. According to Solomon Thobye, a trainee manager at the farm, they noticed back in 2016 that people were illegally taking their cattle to graze on the farm. Efforts to seek assistance from the Mara police to act against the guilty parties were unsuccessful. The CPA turned to the courts for protection and eventually, on 19 September 2019, an order was issued, prohibiting the cited parties from allowing animals to graze on the property. In the court documents, two people, namely Seakamela Mohlabi and Seakamela Madikana October, are mentioned as respondents. In 2020, more problems started, with people from neighbouring areas starting to put up shacks and denuding the area. Delcon Mei (32), a third-generation resident on the farm whose grandmother is one of the original claimants, told New Frame that the natural resources on the farm were being destroyed by people from neighbouring communities as well as the unrecognised claimants. “They cut trees that are protected, such as mopane trees and baobab trees. Those trees should not be cut as some of them are centuries old. They cut them with chainsaws,” said Mei. “There are many leopards here and some people have been poaching them.” Apart from logging the trees, the unrecognised claimants have allegedly leased portions of the farm to people whose livestock need grazing, causing more harm to the ecology. Mei explained that the claimants had many mixed-use plans for Kranspoort. “Part of the place is reserved for agriculture [cooperative farming] and some part of it is reserved for subsistence farming and residential, and some parts of it are reserved for developing projects. There is even a lodge that’s planned to be built here. We want to make a game farm on that side. There is even a waterfall that runs through the mountain. The river never dries – it is forever flowing,” she told New Frame. The CPA is currently in the process of approaching the court yet again to intervene and force the police to act against the intruders. (The article in New Frame can be accessed here: https://www.newframe.com/kranspoortfarm-lies-fallow-as-department-dithers)
ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS TO LET TE HUUR The seven SANDF members who appeared in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on charges of corruption. They are accused of working with vehicle-smuggling syndicates who smuggle stolen vehicles across the Limpopo River. Photo: Limpopo NPA.
Case against SANDF seven postponed until Friday By Andries van Zyl The seven South African National Defence Force (SANDF) soldiers arrested last week on charges of corruption relating to their service while stationed at the Beitbridge Border Post will have to wait until Friday, 2 July, to see if the State is going to grant them bail. Initially, six soldiers were arrested by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (better known as the Hawks) on 21 June. They were arrested in the North-West, Northern Cape and the Free State. A seventh accused handed himself over to the authorities later. All were stationed at the Beitbridge Border Post between 2017 and 2019. They had allegedly connived with vehicle-smuggling syndicates to smuggle stolen vehicles through the Limpopo River in exchange for money. In return, the arrested SANDF members would allegedly demand R15 000 per vehicle, which would be shared among themselves. The arrested soldiers, whose ranks range between Lance-corporal and Private, appeared in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on 23 June. Five of the accused hold the rank of Private. They are Edward Lepokolo (48) from Sebokeng, Rapula Reuben Maidi (49) from Ikageng, Bulelani Danti (30) from King Williams Town, Peter Thato Nemane (52) from Soshanguve and Thembani Mjelo (31) from East London. Two accused hold the rank of Lance-corporal. They are Marks Funeka (49) from Carletonville and
Ludwe Gwedashe (44) from Port Elizabeth. All seven, who face charges relating to smuggling stolen vehicles into Zimbabwe, were remanded in custody until Monday this week for a formal bail application. On Monday, the bail application was again postponed until Friday this week. Following the arrest, the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, said last week that criminal elements had no place in the SANDF and that those allegedly involved in criminal activities would face the full might of the law without exceptions. She reminded and warned both civilian and uniformed members of the SANDF that ill-discipline and criminality in the military community would not be tolerated and those whose behaviour went against the ethos of the defence force would be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the country, regardless of the level or position in the SANDF. The above arrests followed just days after two other SANDF soldiers, along with an undocumented Zimbabwean man, were arrested outside Musina for allegedly transporting illegal cigarettes in an SANDF vehicle. The soldiers were in uniform while the civilian was wearing an army jacket. They were arrested next to the Baobab Truck Park along the N1 road north of Musina. When the police searched the army Toyota Land Cruiser, they found 12 boxes of illegal cigarettes concealed at the back of the vehicle, with a street value of about R160 000. The rank and names of the two soldiers are Lieutenant Lucky Jabu Mokoena (38) and Private Siphamandla David Zungu (27). Both are attached to 1 Special Service Battalion in Bloemfontein. Mokoena and Zungu were both granted bail of R3 000 by the Musina Magistrate’s Court on 24 June. Their case was postponed until 28 July.
Former prosecutor gets four years Court News
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IN THE MAGISTRATES’ COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MAKHADO HELD AT LOUIS TRICHARDT CASE NO: 447/2020 In the ma�er between: LOUIS TRICHARDT FUEL DISTRIBUTORS t/a GT VERSPREIDERS (Execu�on Creditor) and JUICE FOR AFRICA (Execu�on Debtor) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a judgment in favour of the Execu�on Creditor in the abovemen�oned court and Warrant of Execu�on dated 13/07/2020, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execu�on to the highest bidder at PLOT 1, cnr N1 & R579 Rondebosch, Three Mile Traffic Circle, Makhado at 11H00 on 29 JULY 2021 namely: 1 X Volkswagen Polo Vivo
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NOTICE OF ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONS LICENSE (AEL) RENEWAL PROCESS - INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE Notice is hereby given in terms of the following Act: - Subcategory 4.1 of R248 of the NEMA: Air Quality Act (Act no. 39 of 2004) of the following proposed activity: Activity: An application for the renewal of the existing Atmospheric Emissions License (12/4/12L-V2/R1) will be submitted to the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment & Tourism. The following listed activities are applicable according to R893 of 22 November 2013 as amended on 22 May 2019: • Subcategory 5.3: Clamp Kilns for Brick Production of more than 100 000 bricks per month. Locality Municipality Proponent Consultants
: Portion 2 of the farm Hope 109 MT, Tshipise area : Musina Local Municipality, Limpopo Province : Kumbelo Trading 102 CC : AGES Limpopo (Pty) Ltd Ehrcon (Pty) Ltd PO Box 2526 POLOKWANE, 0700 PO Box 13832 Tel: 015 291 1577 HATFIELD, 0028 Fax: 087 940 0516 (Ref: J. Botha). : jbotha@ages-group.com
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Springbokkleure vir kultuur is onlangs aan Luandi van Zyl, ‘n Graad 11-leerder van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, toegeken. Dit nadat sy ‘n eerste plek in haar ouderdomsgroep (16-19 jaar) behaal het in die internasionale kompetisie wat aangebied is deur Africa. Ierland en Pole was gashere van die kompetisie wat bestempel word as die Olimpiese Spele van Kultuur. Aanlynbeoordeling het plaasgevind vanaf 15 tot 20 Mei 2021. Luandi was deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse span wat FPASA (Federation of Performing Arts South Africa) op internasionale vlak verteenwoordig het. Sestien beoordelaars van verskillende lande was betrokke en die lande wat deelgeneem het was Bela-Rusland, Azerbaidjan, Bulgarye, Dubai UAE, Estland, Griekeland, Duitsland, Ierland, Italië, Kazakstan, Koeweit, Letland, Litaue, Moldawië, Malta, Macedonië, Pole, Portugal, Rusland, Roemenië, Suid-Afrika, Serwië, Slowenië, Oesbekistan, die Verenigde Koninkryk en die VSA. Foto verskaf.
The Giyani Specialized Commercial Crimes Court sentenced a 46 -year-old former Morebeng (Soekmekaar) Magistrate’s Court prosecutor, Molatelo Herbert Serumula, to four years’ imprisonment for corruption on Tuesday. Serumula was arrested on 19 November 2018 after he demanded a bribe from an accused person, Khathutshelo Matshivha, to destroy his docket. “Matshivha had been arrested for possession of suspected stolen property and Serumula told him to give him a bribe of R2 000 in order for his docket to disappear. Matshivha gave him R1 500, and the case was withdrawn. Serumula kept on demanding more money and further requested Matshivha to buy him a vehicle,” said Ms Mashudu Malabi, Limpopo regional spokesperson for the Director of Public Prosecution in a press release. Matshivha then reported the matter to the Serious Corruption Investigation Unit of the Hawks and Serumula was arrested. “Prosecutor, advocate Mashudu Muliwa, argued that Serumula was convicted of a prevalent serious offence that brought the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) into disrepute. He further accepted a R1 500 bribe while he was in the office, which undermined the organisation,” said Malabi. The NPA welcomed the sentence and said it hoped that it would serve as an effective deterrent.
• Bachelors flat (1 slp kamer) 7 km uit op Levubu pad R3700 W&L ingesluit Onmiddellik beskikbaar
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Local vaccination of over-60s running smoothly By Bernard Chiguvare The Limpopo Department of Health has launched more Covid-19 vaccination sites since the beginning of the Phase 2 roll-out on 17 May this year for citizens 60 years and older and, although this operation appears
to be running quickly and orderly at some of these designated sites, others do not seem to do quite so well, with endless queues and slow progress causing great frustration to many. The Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital and the Muduluni Community Hall had also been opened for vaccinations on 8 June, and senior
citizens from Madombidzha travelled to the latter in large numbers to get their shots. The Zoutpansberger spoke with Kutama resident Mr Thomas Mangolo (74), on 23 June and asked him about his experience. “I went to the Muduluni Community Hall twice but could not be assisted because there were hundreds of people from all over Makhado. Today I decided to go to Makhado Show Grounds,” Mangolo said. He was number 111 in line, but optimistic that he would at last be assisted, as the queue moved forward swiftly. Makhado Show Grounds had been opened as vaccination site on Monday, 21 June, and according to Ms Constance Raulinga, Louis Trichardt Site Manager, things were running smoothly. “We receive people from all over Makhado; some are not registered. There are two queues; one for registered citizens, and one for those not registered. The unregistered people get registered on the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) and proceed to be vaccinated. We make sure everyone in this age group gets vaccinated. No one is sent back home,” Raulinga said. Between 8 and 23 June, a total of 3 687 people in the Louis Trichardt area had been vaccinated. Louise Trichardt’s vaccination team is mobile. From Monday to Wednesday they are set up at
Makhado Show Grounds. On Thursdays, the team goes out to clinics as part of their outreach programme, and as from 25 June, they have started to vaccinate teachers, who line up at Makhado Show Grounds on Fridays and Saturdays for their shots. Philemon Mamburu (72) knew that he had to be registered first, but he needed help. “We are thankful that they help those of us who cannot do the registration ourselves and see to it that we get vaccinated at the same time,” he said. Leon Kelbrick (69) arrived at the show grounds around 08:10. “I registered last month on the EVDS but still didn’t know where or when I was supposed to be vaccinated. My daughter told me to come to the show grounds, and I’m happy to be here for my vaccination,” he said. The system at the show grounds seems to be well run. Inside the vaccination building, four tents have been erected with skilled personnel to see to it that vaccinations are done as quickly and efficiently as possible. People who wait in line sit on chairs, which are spaced safely apart. Social distancing is strictly adhered to, and lines are kept orderly by security guards who stand by to assist citizens.
Ms Constance Raulinga (Louis Trichardt’s Site Manager) and Dr Mulimisi Ranavhuya (right) checked on the progress of the vaccination programme at Makhado Show Grounds on Wednesday, 23 June. Photo: Elardus van Zyl.
Residents 60 years and older waited in line to be vaccinated at Makhado Show Grounds on Wednesday, 23 June. Photo: Elardus van Zyl.
Bergcare op Louis Trichardt het hulle opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor Lizet Joubert en haar personeel van Lizet Joubert Eiendomme op Louis Trichardt vir die bak en verkoop van lekker vetkoek-en-maalvleis op Vrydag, 25 Junie. Die geld wat ingesamel is, is aan Bergcare oorhandig en sal gebruik word om kruideniersware aan te koop vir die deernispakkies wat deur Bergcare gepak en uitgedeel word vir behoeftige persone. Afgeneem tydens die oorhandiging is (van links na regs) mee. Eldine Peli (Bergcare maatskaplike werker), Lizet Joubert en Bergcare se Mariana Luus. Foto verskaf.
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Vhembe will continue to prioritise water provision The executive mayor of Vhembe District Municipality (VDM), Dowelani Nenguda, said that they would continue to prioritise the provision of water as a basic right to all people. Nenguda delivered the State of the District Address on Friday, 25 June, which was aired on PhalaPhala FM, Munghana Lonene FM, as well as other community radio stations, including Univen FM, Vhembe FM, Makhado FM, Nzhelele FM and Mala FM. He tabled the R2,274 billion financial budget for 2020/21, which has decreased by 4% from the R2,372 billion of the previous year. Nenguda said the shrinking economy and side effects of the coronavirus had adversely affected their budget as a municipality. “Our budget consists mainly of grants, such as the Capital Expenditure and Operating Expenditure items. The Capital Expenditure for this financial year will be R769, 811 million and the Operating Expenditure totals R1,56 billion, adjusted by an inflation rate of 3.9%,” Nenguda said. “The district municipality has set aside R6 million for the Fixed Assets Register, R1.5 million for pool vehicles, R12 million for cost recovery, R5 million for debt collection, R5 million for indigent status validation and R3 million for the preparation of the annual financial statements.” Nenguda added that the technical services department will have procured 19 light vehicles at a cost of more than R8 million by the end of the financial year (30 June 2021), which will be used to render, among other things, operations and maintenance services, as well as household connections. In the Collins Chabane local municipality, the Jerome Command Reservoir Sub System stands
19 th
Woensdagspel Datum 23/06/21 Plek
Hoofborg Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Formaat IS
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Punte 41 uittel 39
Anton Pretorius 3 at 42% completion, Xikundu-Mhinga Bulk uittel 39 Water Supply at 15 %, Malonga Water ReticulaAnrich Leeb 4 uittel 39 tion at 93.55% and the Malamulele West Water IPS Dag Scheme has just started at 4%. During this financial year, the private sector Datum Hoofborg Formaat has committed to lend a hand in developing a 19/06/21 golf estate at Mulenzhe, which will include a Naam Punte Plek itslae esults golf course, club house, hotel, private school and B. Schlesinger 1 35 shopping centre. Ladies Circle 4 Gholfdag “The Thohoyandou Private Health Centre, M. Wingrove 2 34 Datum Hoofborg Formaat which is part of the private sector’s investment R. Gerber 3 uittel 33 Ladies Circle 4 4BA 26/06/21 in Thulamela Municipality and the Thavhani BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/ Naam Punte Plek Property Investment, has been completed and bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Brink Schlesinger, Eben Möller 1 officially opened. The Masingita Group has Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier, 4 Man Cha recently opened the Mphephu Plaza in Nzhelele Dane Rooi en Mark Wingrove Cha Cha, IB - Ind Bogey near Siloam and the company is committed to develop Nkuzana Development Project. The contractor is on site as Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Louis Trichardt 0920 I’m speaking,” NenguAd designed by Zoutnet Publishers da said. He added that, as June was considDETERMINATION OF CHARGES IN TERMS OF SECTION 75 ered Youth Month, the government had OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: taken serious strides to intensify youth-develMUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT, 2000 AS AMENDED opment programmes. VARIOUS CHARGES - 2021/22 FINANCIAL YEAR “In support of youth education, we have set In terms of section 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000, as amended, notice is hereby aside R3 million for the Executive Mayor given that the Makhado Municipality in terms of section 75A of the said Act, by Special Resolution dated Bursary Fund. We also 31 May 2021, determined amended charges in respect of the following with effect of 1 July 2021: continue to support youths working in the 1. Refuse Removal charges agricultural sector, 2. Hawker Rentals and R700 000 was set aside for the Young 3. Determination of Charges for the Issuing of Certificates and Furnishing of Information and Female Farmer of 4. Control of Inflammable Liquids and Substances the Year Competition.”
By Silas Nduvheni
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Charges for Building Plans and Street Projections Tariff of License Fees Control of Temporary Advertisements Pamphlets fees Lease of Activity Room (Library) and other halls not mentioned in any other tariff determination Hire of the Show Hall Buildings on Showgrounds (Halls and Tea Garden) other than Show Hall and Beer Garden - Tariff of Charges for Ad hoc rentals Beer Garden at Showgrounds: Determination of Tariffs for Ad hoc rentals Library services Cemetery Tariffs Aerodrome Caravan Park fees Swimming Bath fees Street Trading rentals Electricity supply Lease of Tent – ad hoc rentals Rabali Sport Stadium – tariff of charges for ad hoc-rentals Miscellaneous Charges Pound Tariffs Annual Show Property Rates Town Planning
The general purport of the Council Resolution is an increase in all the relevant charges to cope with increase in the operational costs. The above tariffs have increased by 3,9%, with exception of electricity tariffs which have increased by 14,59% for the 2021/22 financial year with effect from 1 July 2021. 26. Assessment Rates The general purport of the Council Resolution is a 3,9% increase of the existing rate in the rand for respective categories of properties based on the valuations recorded in the 2018-2023 Valuation Roll which will be collected monthly or annual basis as per the requirements per individual customer. Any person wishing to object to Council’s determinations may do so in writing to reach the Municipal Manager within twenty-one (21) days calculated from 1 July 2021. A full recording of each tariff is available on the municipal website or can be inspected during office hours at the Office of the Chief Financial Officer on the Ground Floor, Civic Center, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado during the municipality’s business hours. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt Notice No: 77 of 2021 File No: 6/1/1(19/20) & 1/1/74 Publication Date: 1 & 2 July 2021
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Oud en jonk is welkom om hulle unieke resepte in te stuur Resepte Ons weeklikse reseptekolom wat in Februarie vanjaar ‘n aanvang geneem het, geniet sover baie positiewe terugvoer en belangstelling. Die doel van die kolom is hoofsaaklik om die kulturele diversiteit van ons streek uit te lig - in
hierdie geval om unieke, interessante, gewysigde of eg tradisionele resepte uit al die verskillende kultuurgroepe onder mekaar te deel. Dis ‘n wonderlike manier om so ‘n bietjie meer van mekaar te leer, en verleen terselfdertyd ook lekker idees oor hoe om tradisionele disse met mekaar te kombineer.
LET’S COOK... Butter Chicken By Denise van Bergen
What 17-year-old Naadirah Patel loves about cooking and baking is the part where she can play around with different tastes - adding here or substituting there to create something deliciously unique. This mouth-watering recipe was inherited from her great-grandmother, Zohra Ally, who sadly passed away very recently. The dish originated in India’s capital, Delhi (today called New Delhi), where an experiment with chicken, butter, cream, and masalas (spices) birthed the great Butter Chicken. This Indian cuisine is very popular, just like biryani, and is known for its creaminess and excellent flavour. Ingredients: 1 chicken, cut into pieces, or 1 kg chicken fillets, cut into cubes 2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste ½ a cup plain yoghurt or maas (inkomasi) 1 large onion, fried 2 tbsp tomato puree 1 tsp salt, or to taste 1 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp red chili flakes 1 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tsp coriander powder 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp onion powder fresh coriander for garnish 120 g butter 1½ cups cream, plus extra for drizzling on top
Tot dusver het ons reeds al ‘n heerlike verskeidenheid resepte ontvang - van Chili Spaghetti, Wasgoedbondeltjies, Chili Goat’s Meat, Mosterd Tong, Botterskorsiesop en Samoosas, tot Slaphakskeentjies, Moist Red Velvet Cake With Cream Cheese en Koejawelmaaskaastert, om maar ‘n paar op te noem. Die kolom het geen ouderdomsperk nie, dus is oud en jonk ewe welkom om resepte met ons te deel. Dit is ook nie net vir vrouens nie; ‘n paar mans het alreeds hul kookvernuf hier met ons lesers gedeel. As jy ‘n spesiale resep het waarmee jy graag wil spog - of dit gebak, gebraai of ge-
kook is, of net bymekaar gemeng en geëet word - stuur dit gerus vir ons in! Die enigste voorwaarde is dat die resep van voor af gemaak word en ‘n (een) foto van die kok en eindproduk die resep vergesel. Geen foto’s wat van die Internet afgelaai is, is toelaatbaar nie. Hierdie week deel 17-jarige Naadirah Patel van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt haar watertand-lekker Botterhoenderresep met ons - nét die ding vir ‘n koue wintersdag! Resepte kan gestuur word na denise@zoutnet. co.za of kontak of WhatsApp haar by Tel. 072 034 7467.
Louis is kortafstand-kampioen Hy was ook 8ste, 11de en 18de. RWJ & Mike Coetzee (HPK) Lede van die Hangklip was 2de, 3de, 4de en 10de, Nico (HPK) en Soutpansberg Bezuidenhout (HPK) 5de en Posduifklubs (SPK) het die 9de, Mieke & Mike Coetzee afgelope naweek deelgeneem (HPK) 6de en 12de, Legardt aan hulle laaste “kortafstand” & Dian Jnr (HPK) 7de, 13de, wedvlugte vanaf Ventersdorp 17de en 20ste, Erasmus Hokke vir die jaar. Hierdie was ook (HPK) 14de, Marx Hokke hulle duiwe se vinnigste wed- (SPK) 15de, Ben en Mariaan vlugte van die seisoen sover. Pienaar (HPK) 16de en Louis In totaal is 188 duiwe Gossmann (SPK) 19de. ingeskryf vir die jaaroudwedIn die opewedvlugte het vlug oor 480 km, maar slegs 184 duiwe deelgeneem. Die die eerste 20 posisies word wedvlug is gewen deur Mieke vermeld. Die wedvlug is gewen & Mike Coetzee, nadat hulle deur Gerhard Bezuidenhout wenduif die afstand voltooi (HPK), nadat sy wenduif die het met ‘n spoed van 1 687.09 afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed meter per minuut. Hulle was van 1 685.78 meter per minuut. ook 9de en 17de. Nico BezuidDuiwenuus
enhout was 2de en 10de, TE Smit (HPK) 3de, 18de en 19de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 4de, 5de, 7de en 8ste, Ben & Mariaan Pienaar 6de, Gerhard Bezuidenhout 11de en 14de, Marx Hokkie 12de en 13de en Louis Jordaan (HPK) 20ste). Wat die kortafstand-kampioenskap betref, het Louis Jordaan eerste geëindig met 938 punte. Nico Bezuidenhout was tweede met 921 punte, met Legardt & Dian Jnr derde met 916 punte. Eerskomende naweek sal die klubs deelneem aan die eerste van hulle middelafstand wedvlugte tydens ‘n jaaroud- en opewedvlug vanaf Virginia oor ‘n afstand van 640 km.
Method: Marinate the chicken with all the ingredients mixed together, except the fresh cream and butter, for about 30 minutes. Heat the butter in a pot and add the marinated chicken. Cook on medium heat for 30 minutes with half a cup of water. Add the cream and stir in well. Cook for a further 10 minutes. When the chicken is done, transfer it to a serving dish and garnish with fresh coriander and a little cream, according to taste. Best served with rice or fresh bread rolls. Serves 5 - 6 people.
Naadirah seems to be quite the little dreamer. In her free time, she enjoys reading and just loves how a good book can take her into a world of fantasy! She also paints whenever she has the chance and says it “stimulates the imagination and relaxes the brain”. When she is not studying, cooking or being transported to fantastic places, time spent with her close friends is never wasted, as she values these moments equally.
Ladies Circle 4 in Louis Trichardt hosted a golf day on Saturday to help raise money for a prosthetic leg for local resident Corrie Dercksen. Dercksen’s right leg was amputated at the knee last year. An amount om R22 000 was raised during the event. Unfortunately, R80 000 is still needed. The girls from Ladies Circle 4 thanked the Soutpansberg Golf Club, all the payers and all who had donated money to the charity drive. Persons wishing to contribute can still do so by paying in donations at Venter & Venter Attorneys Incorporated, Standard Bank, account number 030 441 013, branch code 052549 with reference: DA0125. Pictured at the handing-over ceremony is Dercksen in front. Behind him, from left to right, are Ladies Circle 4 members Elné Cameron, Ryno Gerber (golf club captain), Riana Otto, Cherise Hamman and Tania de Swardt. Photo supplied. 2019 VW Polo 1.0 TSI DSG Panoroof
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Naadirah is a matric student at Hoërskool Louis Trichardt and has lived here all her life. For her, spending time in the kitchen relieves stress and restlessness and enhances a sense of awareness. It gives her great satisfaction knowing that she can use her creative abilities to provide for herself, as well as for others. “When my family tries a new dish that I’ve cooked and enjoys it, that’s pure bliss for me,” she says.
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