30 April 2021
News with an independent soul
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Sexwale’s investment claims echo those of “VBS buyers” - page 2
Jaargang 37 Vol.17
James Shaw se dood kom as groot skok - bladsy 3
Vir enige navrae kontak ons Sanna: 083 291 2889 Cathy: 083 383 6554 ISSN 2409-2835
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My boek is skoon
Smalle se skorsing verduidelik. “Die Federale Regskommissie van die DA Die provinsiale leier van die het aanbeveel dat mnr. Smalle van alle Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) in LimDA-party-aktiwiteite geskors word, popo, mnr. Jacques Smalle, bevind hangende die uitslag van die saak teen homself tans in onstuimige politieke hom voor die regskommissie. Hierdie water nadat hy tydelik deur die Feder- aanbeveling is aanvaar deur die Federale ale Regskommissie van alle party-ak- Uitvoerende Gesag van die party,” het tiwiteite geskors is. Albrecht in ‘n e-pos aan die ZoutpansDie skorsing volg op klagte van berger gesê. beweerde belastingongerymdhede. Be“Ek en my span kon nog nooit iets werings word gemaak dat Smalle onder teenstaan of erken [nie], omdat niks meer sou gepoog het om belasting te vir ons gegee is nie,” het Smalle gesê. ontduik deur van sy toelaes in sy assisHy het verwys na die “klagte” teen hom. tent se rekening te laat inbetaal. Smalle Albrecht is uitgevra oor wat presies die ontken die bewerings egter ten sterkste. klagte teen Smalle behels. “Die Federale “Ek weet my boek is skoon,” het Smalle Regskommissie is besig om die aanklaaan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Die besluit gte teen mnr. Smalle te formuleer en die om hom te skors is blykbaar geneem party kan dus nie daaroor kommunikeer omdat Smalle te naby aan die ondersoek nie,” was Albrecht se reaksie. teen die beweerde ongerymdhede staan. Die feit dat Smalle van party-aktiwiteMe. Liza Albrecht, ‘n senior ite geskors is, beteken nie dat hy gaan woordvoerder vir die DA, het by navraag leeglê op sy plaas buite Louis Trichardt Deur Andries van Zyl
nie. “Mnr. Smalle se skorsing beïnvloed nie sy werk as lid van die provinsiale wetgewer nie,” het Albrecht gesê. Dit beteken dat hy sal voortgaan met sy oorsig rol in die Provinsiale Wetgewer wat betref CoGHSTA, onderwys en landbou. Die DA in die provinsie is tans onder administrasie geplaas, omdat die party se provinsiale kongres op 21 Maart weens die beweringe teen Smalle afgestel moes word. Intussen het die provinsiale leiers se drie-jaar termyn, insluitend Smalle s’n, verstryk, wat nou ‘n vakuum in die provinsie veroorsaak het. Om die vakuum tydelik te vul tot nuwe leiers aangewys kan word, is twee lede van die party se Federale Raad aangestel as administrateurs. Hulle is die party se Federale Raad se adjunk-voorsitter, mnr. James Masango, en Lid van die Parlement me. Annelie Lotriet. Masango sal die politieke leiding neem, terwyl Lotriet die administrasie sal
behartig. Wanneer klagte formeel teen Smalle geformuleer en aan hom gestel gaan word, is onduidelik. Hy het egter reeds aangedui dat hy senior regsadvies ingewin het oor die aangeleentheid. Die saak teen
Smalle het egter dalk baie meer om die lyf. ‘n Bron na aan die ondersoek meen die “klagte” teen Smalle het alles te doen met ‘n magstryd binne die party vir politieke leierskapposisies.
Stink gemors opgelos Deur Andries van Zyl
Die afgelope paar maande het ‘n riool “vleiland” in die gebied onder die klubhuis en aangrensend tot die Eltivillas woongebied begin vorm. Die stank was, veral in die somer, ondraaglik.
Lede van die Soutpansberg Posduifklub slaak ‘n “vars” sug van verligting nadat die Vhembe Distriksmunisipaliteit uiteindelik daarby uitgekom het om gehoor te gee aan ‘n jaar-lange vrot en stink probleem. Die duiweklub deel hul klubhuis met die Soutpan Jukskeiklub as deel van nuutgeboude sportfasiliteite langs die Levubu-pad. Reg bokant hulle is die nuwe rugbylapa en rugbyklub. Kort nadat die fasiliteite geopen is, het riool egter orals om die duiweklub se klubhuis begin uitborrel. “Ons het amper ‘n jaar gesukkel en daar gebeur niks. Die ou wat ons elke keer geskakel het, het net vir ons gesê ons is op die [herstel] lys – daar is niks wat hy kan doen nie. Maar hierdie ding is ‘n ou probleem,” het Bertus Marx, voorsitter van die Soutpansberg Posduifklub, einde Maart gesê. (Vervolg op p. 2)
Images for illustrative purposes
Mnr. Jacques Smalle, provinsiale leier van die DA. Foto verskaf.
Sexwale’s investment claims echo those of “VBS buyers” to $825 million (R12,3 billion) in investment funding. The The past week’s news conmoney was allegedly paid versations were dominated over in tranches to different by a few topics, but one that accounts, the first being the $75 kept on coming to the fore million into an FNB account. was internet scams. When Thereafter, another $75 million former Gauteng premier was paid into a VBS account. Tokyo Sexwale accused the This was followed by another SA Reserve Bank of holding tranche of $75 million, a $400 on to hundreds of millions million payment into an FNB of dollars meant for develGlobal Dollar account and opment, he was told that finally, a $200 million payment he was the victim of a scam. into a Standard Bank account. Sexwale’s claims, however, In a letter dated 30 August are very similar to those of a 2018 addressed to the Govergroup who wanted to buy the nor of the SA Reserve Bank, embattled VBS Mutual Bank Ratlabala complains about two years ago. the withholding of the funds. He explains that Africapacity This sounds familiar “is the sole beneficiary of all transfers made so far and proof of such transfers will be given In April 2019, Limpopo to you in the meeting tor cyber Mirror reported on a company security reasons”. called Africapacity’s plans to Ratlabala told the SARB that buy the about-to-be-liquidated Africapacity “has gone out to VBS Mutual Bank. The compaChina and America seeking ny, which claimed to represent investments for infrastructure the minority shareholders of projects funding for South the bank, wanted to negotiate Africa, and have secured more a deal with the liquidator, but than $USD 50 billion for such no-one seemed to believe that the company had the money for infrastructure development(s).” He then discloses that an agreesuch a transaction. ment had been reached with Africapacity’s chief investChinese partners and banks, ment officer, Enock Ratlabala, was adamant that enough funds together with Manna World Holdings Sovereign Trust in the were available to buy VBS and United States of America. to also spur developments of Much like what Tokyo hundreds of millions in the country. This company seemed Sexwale is currently doing, Ratlabala accused the SARB to be the elected agent of an of thwarting development and overseas benefactor who had denying the citizens opportunialready transferred billions ties. “The delay in release of the of rands, earmarked for such development. The only problem money has already Impacted on housing, electricity and was that the money was not water projects,” he writes and available, because the SA Reserve Bank was holding on to it. then mentions various local municipalities that should have During a press conference benefitted. He also argues that early in 2019, Africapacity the money could have averted handed out documents in many of the service delivery which it claimed that the SA protests that, at the time, were Reserve Bank was holding on By Anton van Zyl
crippling the country. “It is expected that more than 2 000 000 (Two million) jobs will be created over the term of the development,” Ratlabala said and linked it to the presidential job-creation project for the unemployed youth. “It looks like the prospect of creating jobs for youth and providing basic services for our poor communities is delayed by [the] South African Reserve Bank,” he said.
The “lucky” chosen ones Why such a small and relatively unknown company would be chosen to be the intermediary and handle investments of hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars was not clear. After being dormant for some years, Africapacity was resurrected in 2017 and in 2019 had two active directors, Nomzamo Xabanisa (31) and Nombini Xabanisa (42). The company did not seem to have any track record in developments, even though its CIO claimed that it served as a subsidiary company that was involved in project funding and development of infrastructure projects that ranged from integrated housing development to shopping centres, office parks and public facilities. In a letter addressed to the Reserve Bank Governor in August 2018, Ratlabala states that his company has “gone out to China and America” seeking investments and has secured more than $50 billion for infrastructure development. Exact details of the anonymous funders were not disclosed to the media, but the letters written to the SARB indicate that the “deposits” were
facilitated by a group calling themselves Manna World Holdings Sovereign Trust. Ratlabala was confronted with the question of whether he thought that the company might have become the victim of an elaborate international scam. “We have come across the same questions before from different stakeholders. We have done our own due diligence, on our finan- Africapacity’s Enock Ratlabala, VBS Minority Shareholders Forum’s cial partners. The local Madambi Muvhulawa and Africapacity’s Amon Moagi at the press conference in April 2019. Photo: Phathutshedzo Luvhengo. banking institutions that we are involved with have also done a apparently a certain Kimberly ers. The BIS does not accept due diligence on our guaranAnn Goguen, Terrance Came deposits from, or offer financial tees and they are satisfied. If ron McDonald, a self-professed services to, private individuals South African Banks don’t have priest, and Lewis E Taylor, a or corporate entities…” a problem, why should we be self-professed philanthropist. The reminder of BIS that worried?” he said. Interestingly enough, the the institution does not deal “The funds were also conname of “Manna” also pops up with individuals or organisafirmed by the recent Chinese in a warning issued by the Bank tions echoes that of the SARB delegation’s visit to South Africa for International Settlements stating that individuals or and also the South African (BIS). This bank also featured private companies cannot open visit to China. Several South in part of the Sexwale claims bank accounts at the country’s Africans … have tried to conand is used as “proof ” that the reserve bank. firm the funds, others tried to transactions are legitimate. The BIS also mentions blackmail us to get access to the In a section titled “fraudulent Manna Projects by name, but funds and they have failed over schemes”, the BIS says: whether the reference is to the the last three years,” he said. “The name and marks of same Manna World Holdings the Bank for International that interacted with AfricapaciSettlements (BIS) are increasty remains uncertain. If there is a ingly being used in attempts to “…the BIS has received reputation, it is defraud the public, for example reports of scams initiated by through bogus financial transletters from an institution not a good one actions, fake lotteries, fake socalled ‘Manna Projects Consulcial media ads and other scams. tant Sdn Bhd’ in respect of a Had proper, due diligence In some scams, the BIS is ‘Socio-Economic Development been done on the “funders”, mentioned as the bank through Initiative Programme (SEDI Africapacity might have found which payments will be made Program)’. Please be aware that the partners are very duor assets are guaranteed… that the BIS is not in any way bious. Manna World Holdings “The BIS would like to associated with Manna Projects Sovereign Trust (MWHST) is remind the public that it is Consultant Sdn Bhd and the apparently some sort of cult an international organisation BIS is not familiar with, and movement, believing in a new has not approved or supported, world order where money does providing banking services exclusively to central banks and the ‘SEDI Program’ referred to not fall under the control of in those letters.” governments. The “leaders” are other official sector custom-
Bo: Die rou riool wat reg by die hoofingang van die klubhuis uitgeborrel het. “Ons het amper ‘n jaar gesukkel en daar gebeur niks,” het Bertus Marx, voorsitter van die Soutpansberg Posduifklub, einde Maart aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Regs: Marx staan langs die rou riool wat vir bykans ‘n jaar lank om hulle “nuwe” klubhuis onderkant die rugbylapa uitgeborrel het. Veral in die somer was die stank ondraaglik.
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
Klublede slaak “vars” sug van verligting ná stink jaar (Vervolg op p. 1) Die Zoutpansberger het daarna herhaaldelike versoeke aan die Vhembe Distriksmunisipaliteit gestuur vir kommentaar oor waarom dit so lank neem om so ‘n groot probleem op te los. Die afgelope paar maande het ‘n riool “vleiland” in die gebied onder die klubhuis en aangrensend tot die Eltivillas woongebied begin vorm. Die stank was, veral in die somer, ondraaglik. Ná die koerant se aanvanklike navrae het die klub laat weet dat mense wel een of twee keer uitgekom het om te kom kyk. “In ‘n stadium het die een munisipale
amptenaar aangevoer dit is nie hulle probleem nie, want dit is privaatgrond. Hy het egter kort daarna besef dit is wel munisipale grond,” het Marx gesê. Maandag is weer navraag gedoen by Vhembe, waarop munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Matodzi Ralushai ná weke se stilswye laat weet het: “Die probleem is gister opgelos.” Ten spyte van versoeke het hy egter nie uitgebrei oor wat presies aanleiding gegee het tot die probleem en waarom hulle so lank gevat het om aan die probleem aandag te skenk nie. Maar wat ook al die rede was, die duiweklub
was oorstelp van vreugde dat die probleem nou immers opgelos is. “Hulle het dit baie netjies gedoen,” het Marx gesê. Dit het ingesluit die oopgrawe van die rioollyn. “Ek vermoed ook hulle het die 100 mm pyp nou met ‘n 200 mm rioolpyp vervang om die massa riool te hanteer,” het Marx gesê. Dit het hulle blykbaar gedoen nadat hulle die hele stelsel uitgepomp het, want die maande se blokkasie het veroorsaak dat die riool in die pype en mangate begin hard word het. “Vir ons is dit ‘n gebed wat verhoor is. Hoe lank het ons net nie gesukkel nie. Ek is baie verlig,” het Marx gesê.
James Shaw se skielike dood kom as groot skok blyklik aan ‘n beroerte,” het Maryké gesê. Werkskollegas van James het MaandagogDie skielike dood van die 53-jarige James gend op sy liggaam afgekom. “Gewoonlik is hy Shaw van Louis Trichardt het Maandag skok- heel eerste in die oggende by die werk. Toe hy golwe deur die Soutpansberg gemeenskap Maandagoggend nie opdaag vir werk nie, het gestuur. hulle gaan kyk. Dit was toe dat hulle hom in sy Alhoewel James ‘n baie private mens was, was bed gekry het,” het Maryké gesê. hy welbekend in die Soutpansberg. “Hy was sy James was die afgelope vier jaar werksaam by hele lewe lank hier gewees en was ook hier op LTT Brake & Clutch. “Hy het die een dag hier by skool by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt,” het dogter my opgedaag en vir my gesê hy gee nie om wat Maryké Shaw Woensdag aan die Zoutpansberger ek hom betaal nie, maar hy werk nou vir my,” gesê. onthou Floris Prinsloo van LTT Brake & Clutch. James het alleen gebly in ‘n huurwoonstel net Volgens Prinsloo was hy ‘n uiters bekwame buite die dorp en volgens Maryké is hulle nie werktuigkundige en sal hulle sy toewyding en seker presies wanneer haar pa oorlede is nie. bydrae tot die onderneming beslis mis. “Hy het “Sover ons weet is hy Sondagaand oorlede, klaar- al my vragmotors, breakdowns, en kragopwekkers versien,” het Prinsloo gesê. James het as jong man sy ambag as werktuigkundige by Du Toit’s Engineering voltooi, waarna hy sy eie besigheid begin het met die versiening van vragmotors en insleepdienste. Tussendeur het hy ook vragmotors gehad wat vir die plaaslike meule gery het, totdat hy by LTT Brake & Clutch aangesluit het. “Van kleins af onthou ek hoe ek saam met hom gery het as hy moes uitgaan op ‘n breakdown of iets moes gaan doen het,” onthou Maryké. ‘n Roudiens vir wyle James word Saterdag, 1 Mei, om 10:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente gehou, onderhewig aan die Covid-19 regulasies. Geen eetgoed sal ná die tyd bedien word nie, maar belangstellendes is welkom om ‘n drankie op James te gaan drink ná die diens by die MOTH se Turbi Hills Bomgat in Burgerstraat. Wyle James word oorleef deur sy dogter Maryké, seuns Zak en James (junior), broers Robert en Freek en suster Karin van Graan. Die familie het hulle opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor Floris en Bianca Prinsloo vir al die reëlings en bystand. Hulle het ook die gemeenskap bedank vir hulle omgee en woorde van vertroostWyle James Shaw (53). Foto verskaf. ing. Deur Andries van Zyl
Carel Hammann
Anton de Necker
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MOPANE - 2X PROPERTIES - R650 000 An untouched piece of Bushveld, situated on the banks of the Tokwe river, ready to be developed in to a dream hideaway. The 21.7h untouched Bushveld habitat house a variety of tree and plant species, ideal for small Livestock farming. No Electricity. No existing borehole.
Situated within the agri-line of the Sand river, the farm offer a pre-cultivated area of 12.5 hectares, an area previously irrigated via drip lines. A sizeable fenced off area, Bushveld habitat, allow for development of a homestead and /or other infrastructure. No Electricity. No existing borehole.
Infrastructure includes: • Easy access of the D777 Infrastructure includes: via a well maintained • Direct access to the servitute D777 • 12.5 Hectare arable land, • Picturesque river ready for preparation and bank area ideal for development of a comfortable cultivation residential area • Picturesque area to develop comforatble residential • The land is fully fenced with single entrance area. All usable land is fully fenced. • Eskom Main supply line in close proximity should you • Eskom Main supply line in close proximity should you consider connection onto the grid consider connection onto the grid
MOPANE 49.1 HECTARE BUSHVELD FARM R1 100 000 • Fully Game fenced / 25Kva Eskom Electricity supply / Borehole (Equipped & functional) with storage capacity and infrastructure to support domestic and small scale farming activites. • Main residence - 2x Bedroom/1x Bathroom, Airconditioned • Large Rondavel- Bedroom / Livingroom & Bathroom, Airconditioned • Splash pool (Covered and paved area) • Storage & Living quarters for farm workers • Livestock Handling facilities (Chicken & Goats) • 2.9 Hectare Arable land
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Kykers van Kwêla het sekerlik die afgelope week op kykNet gesien dat Musina genomineer is vir die 2021 Kwêla Dorp van die Jaar-kompetisie. Dié grensdorp is een van drie dorpe in die Limpopo Provinsie wat vir die titel genomineer is. Die ander twee dorpe is Hoedspruit en Groblersdal. Kykers en lesers kan vir Musina stem deur slegs die woord “Musina” te SMS na 33157. SMS’e kos R1,50 elk. Skermgreep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOK2Vwf-WA
Vier moet nog ‘n week in selle wag Hofnuus Vier van die ses jongmense wat drie weke gelede gearresteer is op ‘n string klagte, wat insluit inbrake by wo nings en besighede, onwettige jag en selfs die besit van ‘n gesteelde vuurwapen, moes nog ‘n week langer in aanhouding bly. Die polisie het Woensdag, 7 April, klopjagte uitgevoer by twee wonings in die dorp iwat gelei het tot die arrestasie van die 27-jarige Koos Duvenhage, 25-jarige Neil Duvenhage, 30-jarige Zandroux Hibbert, 29-jarige Christine Labuschagne, 20-jarige Marvelique van der Merwe en 26-jarige Wonder Jere. Die ses verdagtes het almal
Vrydag, 9 April, in die hof op Louis Trichardt verskyn. Die twee Duvenhages, Hibbert, Labuschagne en Jere het almal verskyn op klagte van inbraak by beide wonings en besighede, een klag van onwettige jag wat verband hou met die skiet van ‘n bees en twee klagte van die besit van vermoedelik gesteelde goedere. Al vyf van hulle is borg geweier weens ander uit staande klagte teen van hulle. Hul borgaansoek is uitgestel tot Vrydag, 16 April. Van der Merwe is op haar beurt aangekla van die besit van ‘n onwettige vuurwapen. Sy is die enigste beskuldigde wat op 9 April borg van R1500 toegestaan is. Haar saak is uitgestel tot 3 Mei. Die twee Duvenhages,
Hibbert, Labuschagne en Jere se borgaansoek is toe op 16 April uitgestel na Maandag, 19 April. Hulle borgaansoek is egter weereens uitgestel na Woensdag, 21 April. Weer kon hulle nie hul borgaansoek bring nie, weens ‘n kragonderbre king wat die landdroskantore in donkerte gehul het. Die vyf se saak is daarna verskuif na Donderdag, 22 April, om te hoor of hulle borg toegestaan gaan word. Alhoewel die dag begin het met die vyf se borgaansoeke, is slegs Jere se aansoek voltooi. Hy is R1 000 borg toegestaan, wat hy betaal het. Die twee Duvenhages, Hibbert en Labuschagne se borgaansoeke is na 29 April [vandag] uitgestel om aangehoor te word.
Community try and force man to marry goat
said Thomas. Thomas said that the founding director of Members of the Louis Trichardt SPCA were Women & Men Against Child Abuse, Ms Miranonce again made aware of just how sick some da Jordan, links the abuse of animals to child people can be when they were called out to abuse. This is supported by research (Schleuinvestigate a case of bestiality. ter, S. et al. 1999: 316-327). “It has been well “Yes, you heard right, bestiality! The word researched since the 1980s, that cruelty towards literally makes any animal lover sick to the stom- and abuse of animals is a significant indicator ach and your mind is polluted with haunting of violence towards human sexuality, and this images for days on end,” said Alicia Thomas of includes rape, child rape and murder,” states the local SPCA. Jordan. She further emphasises: “The seriousSenior inspector Lawrence Khodobo was ness of animal cruelty cannot be minimized by called out the investigate a report of a man the courts when perpetrators are brought before who had allegedly had sex with a goat at a local them as by merely giving them a slap on the village in the area on Monday. He was, however, wrist as they allow a dangerous person back into disappointed to find out that the incident had their community.” According to Thomas, the occurred a week before, on 19 April. “Rather man in question has been caught performing than to report the similar acts on previmatter to the police ous occasions. Regardimmediately after it ing the last incident, happened, the villagers the man afterwards and local headman claimed that he could decided to exact their not remember what own punishment by happened, as he was dressing up the goat, severely intoxicated. taking it to the man “We at our SPCA and allegedly trying to would like to send out force him to marry the goat. The sad part is, this this message and plead with the public to report man is married with children and everywhere any cases of animal cruelty to us, immediately. his children now go, people are mocking them by Time is of essence in these cases. We have to making goat-like noises,” said Thomas. act within 24 hours of this horrendous crime Bestiality is defined as the sexual abuse by taking place and the animal in question has to be a human being of an animal and is a criminal examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible offence. “The mere definition minimizes the to obtain the necessary proof,” said Thomas. A brutality involved in the act; the violation of a few things that could help them strengthen these lesser being by one who possesses an element of cases are photos, video footage and the willingpower,” said Thomas. ness of eyewitnesses to testify. “We cannot help Thomas added that this horrendous act of any animals without those who are willing to cruelty was very common and rife in the region speak up for them,” said Thomas. and the country at this day and age. “The most Thomas urged members of the public to rechallenging issue is bringing these individuals port bestiality or any other animal-cruelty cases to justice, that they can be sentenced and not be they might know of immediately to inspector able to hurt any other animals or humans again,” Khodobo at Tel 082 965 5151. By Andries van Zyl
Above: Villagers dressed up the goat and tried to force the man to marry it in an effort to shame and punish him. Inset: The goat after it was seized by the Louis Trichardt SPCA ,who is currently taking care of it. Photos supplied.
Two back in court over missing R25m allegedly stole R25 million from provincial government A former consultant for accounts and deposited the Absa Bank in Elim, Fhatumoney into different bank wani Mudzani (27), and his accounts. friend, Walter Mashau (26), Despite the clandestine who were arrested last year efforts by the suspects, the on charges of fraud amount- Hawks and Absa forensic ing to R25 million, appeared investigators painstakingly in the Waterval Magistrate’s managed to trace and freeze Court on Monday, 19 April. the complex web of the Mudzanani and Mashau bank accounts linked to the By Kaizer Nengovhela
The Settlement Agreement in the Silicosis and Tuberculosis class action reached between six settling mining companies - African Rainbow Minerals, Anglo American SA, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields, Harmony and Sibanye-Stillwater – and the claimant attorneys, was approved by the High Court in Johannesburg on 26 July 2019 and came into effect on 10 December 2019 after all conditions had been fulfilled. All claims made against the settling mining companies and their affiliates arising from or related to Silicosis and Tuberculosis, including the class action that was initiated before the High Court, are settled in accordance with terms of the Settlement Agreement. You may be eligible to claim compensation if: 1. you were a gold mineworker between 12 March 1965 and 10 December 2019; 2. you worked at one or more of the Qualifying Mines (see list below) at times those mines were owned or managed by the settling mining companies; 3. you undertook work that exposed you to silica dust; and 4. you have contracted Silicosis or Tuberculosis OR you are a Dependant (for example, the wife, child or life partner) of such a gold mineworker who passed away. PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY AS IT MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS.
WHO IS INCLUDED IN THE SETTLEMENT? The Settlement applies to all Class members. You are a Class member if you meet all the requirements of any of the following four classes: Class 1: All persons: 1. who as at 10 December 2019 were undertaking, or prior to 10 December 2019 have undertaken Risk Work. Risk Work is defined in the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 1973 as work performed by a person that is exposed to dust of which the composition or concentration is harmful or potentially harmful, including working underground at a gold mine; 2. who on or before 10 December 2019 have or will have contracted Silicosis or will have been exposed to silica dust; 3. who undertake or have undertaken Risk Work on one or more of the Qualifying Mines (see list below) after 12 March 1965; and 4. who did not settle their claims in previously finalised settlements with Anglo American South Africa Limited and AngloGold Ashanti Limited on 14 March 2016 and Anglo American South Africa Limited on 19 September 2013, respectively. Class 2: The dependants of any of the persons contemplated in Class 1 above who were deceased as at 10 December 2019.
suspects. The intelligence-driven operation was conducted by the Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team, SAPS-Waterval members and Absa’s forensic investigators. The case was transferred to the Giyani Specialized Commercial Crime Court where the suspects are to appear on 7 June 2021.
“Time is of essence in these cases. We have to act within 24 hours of this horrendous crime taking place ...”
Class 3: All persons: 1. who as at 10 December 2019 were undertaking, or prior to 10 December 2019 have undertaken, Risk Work; 2. who on, before or after 10 December 2019 have or will have contracted Tuberculosis; and 3. who undertake or have undertaken Risk Work on one or more of the Qualifying Mines (see list below) after 12 March 1965. Class 4: The dependants of any of the persons contemplated in Class 3 above who were deceased as at 10 December 2019.
WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF THE SETTLEMENT? The Tshiamiso Trust has been established to carry out the terms of the settlement and to pay monetary compensation to eligible claimants. An eligible claimant will be entitled to receive a once-off payment of between R10 000 and R250 000, depending on the nature and seriousness of the disease and harm suffered by such claimant. In some severe cases, an eligible claimant may be able to receive a larger amount, up to R500 000. • An eligible claimant is a person who is a member of any of the classes referred to above and who meets the requirements of the Tshiamiso Trust to receive monetary compensation. • All class members can and are invited to submit a claim to the Tshiamiso Trust for monetary compensation, except for class members who opted out of the settlement.
• Claimants who live in South Africa can call the Trust’s toll free call centre number 080 1000 240 to make an appointment at their closest lodgement office in South Africa. • Claimants who live outside of South Africa can call the Trust’s call back number 00 27 10 500 6186 to make an appointment at a lodgement office in their country. Please note that when calling this number, it will sound like it is busy. The call will then drop and then someone from the call centre will call you back. Depending on your mobile or landline network service provider, you might need to have some airtime to initiate the call. Please note that the call centre operates only from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Please only call during that time. 4) On the day of your appointment, please bring with you all the Lodgement Documents you have to the lodgement office. The Claims Lodgement Officer will advise on what can be done in respect of missing Lodgement Documents. 5) All claimants will be biometrically tested (fingerprints etc.) to confirm their identity conclusively. 6) If required, a benefit medical examination will be arranged. This will also be by appointment. 7) Thereafter your claim will be considered by the Medical Certification Panel and the Trust Certification Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Trust. 8) Once approved, the monetary compensation due to you will be paid into the claimants verified bank account in accordance with the provisions of the Trust.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit www.tshiamisotrust.com
• Details of how to submit a claim are provided below, and on the website www.tshiamisotrust.com. The full terms of the Settlement Agreement as well as the Court’s decision approving the Settlement Agreement are available on the website www.tshiamisotrust.com or can be obtained from the Tshiamiso Trust (contact details below).
Tel: If you live inside South Africa 080 1000 240 If you live outside South Africa 00 27 10 500 6186
HOW TO LODGE A CLAIM WITH THE TSHIAMISO TRUST: CLAIMS PROCEDURE: Please follow these steps: 1) You can check if your details are on the Tshiamiso Trust’s database and whether you have a potential claim by going to this page on the Tshiamiso Trust website https://www.tshiamisotrust.com/status-check/. You can also call the Trust’s call centre to check your details and whether you have a potential claim. 2) The above website and call centre will also tell you what Lodgement Documents you must submit as part of lodging your claim. These documents may include the following: • a copy of your identity document, passport or evidence of your employee/ industry number; • if you are a Dependant (for example, the wife, child or life partner) of a gold mineworker who passed away, a copy of the identity document, passport or evidence of an employee/industry number of such deceased person; • your service records at any Qualifying Mine (see list below). 3) Each potential claimant will need to book an appointment to lodge his/her claim by calling the Trust’s call centre. There are 50 claims lodgement offices located in South Africa and the SADC region. The call centre will book your appointment at an office closest to where you live. Each claimant must lodge his/her claim in person.
Email: info@tshiamisotrust.com Whatsapp: (+27) 87 250 0066 Website: www.tshiamisotrust.com
Participating mines
SA Land Daggafontein East Daggafontein Elandsrand Deelkraal (also called Elandskraal) Kusasalethu Western Holdings (1,2,3,4,6,7) (ARMGold) Matjhabeng (Western Holdings other 4 shafts Kudu, Nyala, Sable, Eland which were former Freddies and Free State Geduld shafts) Saaiplaas 2,3 Saaiplaas 4,5 (Masimong) (FreeGold 3) Free State Geduld Free State Cons
FreeGold 2 and 4 Freddies 7 and 9 (to Kades Barnea cc, Pamodzi, Target mine) Freegold 2, 4 (Tshepong, Phakisa) President Brand President Steyn Steyn 1,2 (to Kades Barnea, Pamodzi, Bambanani) Steyn 3,4 (FreeGold 1, then Bambanani) Brand 1, 2, 3, 5 (Steyn 5 to 8) HJ Joel / Joel Western Reefs (merged with Vaal Reefs) Vaal Reefs (1,3,4,5,6,7) Vaal Reefs 2 Vaal Reefs 8 (Great Noligwa)
Vaal Reefs 9 (Kopanang) Vaal Reefs 10 (Tau Lekoa) Vaal Reefs 11 (Moab Khotsong) Western Deep Levels Mponeng (South Mine WDL 1) Tau Tona (East Mine WDL 3) Savuka (West Mine WDL 2) St Helena Evander (incl Kinross, Leslie, Bracken and Winkelhaak mines) Randfontein Estates Doornkop Cooke 1, 2 and 3 (Rand Uranium) Cooke 4 (Ezulwini) Unisel
Harmony mine Merriespruit Hartebeesfontein Loraine (Shafts 1,2 and 3) Zandpan Virginia mine Village Main Reef Western Areas (to South Deep) South Deep Beatrix (including Oryx) Oryx (to Beatrix) Driefontein (including East Driefontein, West Driefontein and Driefontein Cons) Kloof (including Leeudoorn from 1 Jan 1993, Libanon and Venterspos) St Helena (Beisa section)
Zoutie ZoutieWeather
Thursday, 29 April
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
Saturday, 1 May
Friday, 30 April
Plenty of sun.
Partly sunny and delightful.
Cooler with low clouds.
High: 30oC Low: 13oC
High: 26C Low: 12oC
High: 17oC Low: 9oC
LTT SHUKOKAI KARATEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
SPB KOFUKAN KARATEKLUB Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het belangstellende spelers uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Die bane is oop vir spel te midde van die grendeltydperk op voorwaardes soos goedgekeur deur Muurbal Suid-Afrika en die Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur. Jaargelde beloop R700 per jaar. Vir meer inligting kan die klub se voorsitter, Ronel Welman, geskakel word by tel. 084 581 4868 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar na admin@zoutnet.co.za.
GIMNASTE BEGIN WEER OEFEN Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het
hulle weeklikse oefensessies hervat. Vir meer inligting oor meisiesgimnaste, skakel Elzabé Stewart by tel. 082 566 3493, Riekie Steyn by 082 484 1392 of Iné du Plessis by 072 367 7005. Vir inligting oor die seuns, skakel Christiaan Nel by tel. 079 525 3013 of Nadine Bezuidenhout by 082 390 6849. Elize Pretorius kan geskakel word vir inligting oor die voorskoolse kinders. Haar nommer is 081 888 1371.
RUGBYKLUB OEFEN WEER Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub het weer begin met hulle weeklikse fiksheidsoefeninge en sal voortaan elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 oefen. Vir meer inligting of om by die klub se aktiwiteite betrokke te raak, skakel Kevin by tel. 082 892 8769.
the SPCA Louis Trichardt will be hosting their next Craft and Farmers’ Market at the SPCA grounds from 09:00 until 14:00 on the Vondeling Road. Goods on offer include clothing, shoes, handbags and jewellery. Beauty and haircare products will be on sale, as well as
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
Tupperware, wooden toys and knitted items. A variety of plants and herbs will be there too. For the youngsters, face painting and balloons promise fun. “As always, we will have the ever popular pancakes, corndogs, and Indian cuisine savoury and sweet baked goods and cookies. Dried fruit and nuts, preserves, jams and sauces and fresh veggies will also be available and much, much more,” said the SPCA team. Books that have been donated to the SPCA will also be on sale at very low prices. Visitors can also pop into the Legacy Vet Shop for all their pets’ requirements. “Remember, by supporting our market stalls, you are also supporting the animals,” said the SPCA team. For a small donation you can book a stall by contacting Grietjie of the SPCA on 072 516 6895.
For more information, phone Alicia (084 900 5332), Lesley (071 545 5194) or Antjie (083 563 1010).
Soutpansberg Dorpswag hou op 1 Mei weer hul gewilde straatkafee in die parkeerarea voor TOPS (langs Soutpansberg Spar). Daar sal weer lekker eetgoed te koop aangebied word, insluitend boereworsrolletjies, stokworsies, pannekoek en Chip Sticks.
tein Praktiese Pistoolskietklub buite Louis Trichardt bied op 1 Mei ‘n beginner skietdag vir vroue aan. “Raak vertroud met jou vuurwapen en kom skiet die dag saam met ons,” nooi die klub. Die skietdag vind plaas vanaf 09:00 tot 15:00 en inskrywing kos R150 per persoon. Daar sal trekpryse wees geborg deur JS Shimmer, Des Vermaas D-Image Studio, Fragrant House, C&M Spices, Fryers, Honey, Katvoet Kunskafee en The Art of Intimacy Riana Otto. Uitstallers sluit in JS Shimmer en The Art of Intimacy. Eet- en drinkgoed sal verkoop word. Vir meer inligting of om ‘n plek te bespreek, skakel Karen by tel. 064 617 0608.
Entries are open for the SPCA Louis Trichardt’s popular golf day on Saturday, 8 May, to be hosted at the Soutpansberg Golf Club. Entry into this four-ball alliance scramble drive competition is R2 500 per team, which includes a free gift for each player. T-box sponsorships start at a R1 000. “Are you ready to come and have a ball at our annual SPCA golf day?” asked the SPCA team.
Ons kan help Plaaslike beraders: 072 262 8646 of 082 256 6423 òf SADAG (Suid-Afrikaanse Depressie en Angs Groep) 0800 205 026 / 011 262 6396 0800 21 22 23 of SMS 31393 www.sadag.org
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 26 April. DAMVLAKKE Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
100.2% 100% 100.4% 97.9% 98.2% 99.2% 99.5% 100% 101% 101% 11.2% 11.6% 101.7% 101% 92% 94.1% 100.5% 100% 101.3% 101% 100.7% 100% 100.9% 100%
# Means latest available data
BOEREDANS Inwoners kan die dansskoene afstof en begin gereed maak vir ‘n lekker Boeredans by Northgate Lodge op Saterdag, 29 Mei, ten bate van Laat Lente en Herfsakker op
Louis Trichardt. Die Dagbreek-boereorkes sal die nodige luister aan die geleentheid gee, met kaartjies wat R350 per paartjies of R175 per persoon sal kos. Dit sluit ‘n lekker drie-gang maaltyd in. Belangstellendes sal egter moet gou speel om hul plek te verseker, aangesien slegs 100 persone ingevolge die Covid-19 regulasies op die persleel toegelaat sal word. Die kuier begin vanaf 17:30. Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Rina Vermeulen by tel. 083 297 6925.
26/04/2021 19/03/2021
Charisma in Louis Trichardt nooi oud en jonk na hul Gospel-konsert op Saterdag, 22 Mei, met bekende Suid-Afrikaanse Gospel-sanger Danie Botha as gaskunstenaar. Die konsert begin om 18:00 te Munnikstraat 70 en kaartjies kos R100 vir volwassenes en R50 per kind. Eetgoed en koeldrank sal tydens die pouse verkoop word. Vir navrae of kaartjies, skakel Alfreda by tel. 082 969 4063 of Ronel by tel. 079 266 7130.
kan nou reeds ‘n aantekening maak van die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se jaarlikse Conway Rugbydag wat beplan word vir Saterd-
ag, 15 Mei. Louis Trichardt se eerste-, tweede- en derdespan sal op die dag te staan kom teen die Letaba Rugbyklub. Meer besonderhede van die dag se wedstryde sal nader aan die tyd bekend gemaak word.
CONWAY RUGBYDAG Rugbyliefhebbers
Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:45, 16:00, 19:30 Sat: 10:15, 13:15, 16:15, 19:30 Sun: 10:30, 13:30, 16:30
10-12 PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 16:15, 19:00 Sat: 10:45, 13:30, 16:15, 19:00 Sun: 10:45, 13:30, 16:15
10-12 PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:30, 19:15 Sat: 11:00, 13:45, 16:30, 19:15 Sun: 10:15, 13:15, 16:00
PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:15, 16:30 Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00 Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 14:30
RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:00 Sat: 10:30, 13:30 Sun: 11:00
Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:30, 17:00, 19:45 Sat: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 Sun: 11:15, 14:00, 16:45
Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 18:45 Sun: 16:45
Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 16:45, 19:15 Sun: 13:45, 16:15 Follow us
TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Sunday, 2 May
Monday, 3 May
Tuesday, 4 May
Wednesday, 5 May
A passing morning shower.
Decreasing clouds.
Plenty of sunshine.
Abundant sunshine.
High: 22oC Low: 6oC
High: 22oC Low: 6oC
High: 24oC Low: 7oC
High: 24oC Low: 8oC
‘n Hoofstuk van romanse, terwyl die ondersoek vir eers sluimer Hoe werk die kompetisie? Ons het die eerste hoofstukke van elk van die stories geksryf. Daar is ‘n afonderlike storie vir Afrikaans en Engels. Die uitdaging aan die jong skrywers is om voort te gaan en die volgende hoofstukke vir elk van die stories te kryf. Die stories sal wissel, m.a.w. een week sal die Engelse hoofstuk gepubliseer word en die volgende week die Afrikaanse hoofstuk. Skrywers kan hoofstukke inskryf vir een of beide die stories. Met elke hoofstuk moet die skrywers sover moontlik die bestaande karakters akkommodeer, maar nuwe karakters kan ook in die storie gebring word. Elke Donderdag verskyn ‘n nuwe hoofstuk. Ons jong skrywers het dan tot die volgende Woensdag kans om die volgende hoofstuk te skryf en dit aan ons te stuur. Die beoordeling word gedoen deur ‘n paneel bedrewe skrywers en daar is ‘n kontantprys
Elke inskrywing moet besonderhede insluit van: * Jou naam * Jou ouderdom * Die naam van jou skool * Waar jy woon Elke hoofstuk moet min-
vir elke week se wenner. Na afloop van die kompetisie sal daar ‘n agehele wenner vir beide stories aangewys word.
Is dit moeilik? Ons wil graag al ons jong skrywers aanmoedig om in te skryf. Die skrywer se verbeelding en die wyse waarop die storielyn ontwikkel is meer belangrik as taalkundige vaardigheid. Elk week se weninskrywing sal taalkundig versorg word en aanpassings mag gemaak
eerder oor kreatiwiteit en die wyse waarop die storie ontvou op ‘n spannende en vermaaklike wyse. Ons het geen idee waar enige van die stories gaan eindig nie, so dit is net soveel ‘n avontuur vir ons as vir die skrywers.
Wie mag deelneem?
‘n Ouderdomsperk van 19 word gestel, maar enigiets jonger is aanvaarbaar. Inskrywings word nie beperk tot slegs sekere skole nie, maar die skrywers moet in die Vhembe-distrik woon. Ons sal dit baie waardeer as die taalonderwysers hul leerlinge aanmoedig om in te skryf, maar daar is ongelukkig nie ‘n prys vir die skool met die meeste inskrywings nie. Die volledige storie, soos dit ontwikkel, word op die word om die spanningslyn en koerant se webtuiste gepukontinuïteit te handhaaf. bliseer. Elke hoofstuk moet Ons gee ook terugvoer in elke verkieslik eindig op so ‘n wyse week se uitgawe en bespreek dat ‘n volgende skrywer weer die inskrywings. daar kan aansluit. Die storie Die kompetisie is nie oor moet eindig na tien hoofstukke, perfekte taalgebruik nie, maar so hou dit in gedagte!
der as 500 woorde wees. Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings vir Hoofstuk 7 van die Afrikaanse storie, is Woensdag, 5 Mei, 2021. Die voltooide hoofstukke word op die Zout-
pansberger se webtuiste gepubliseer om dit makliker te maak vir diegene wat wil inskryf. Stuur inskrywings na: leigh@zoutnet.co.za
Hierdie week se wen-inskrywing is van Lynique Krüger (18) van Louis Trichardt. Lynique het verlede jaar gematrikuleer aan Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Sy ontvang R300 vir haar skitterende poging. Die prys word geborg deur die Zoutpansberger.
Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul
Onthou, die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings vir die Afrikaanse verhaal is Woensdag (5 Mei) om 23:00
Beoordelaars se kommentaar ‘n Beoordelaar se lewe is nooit maklik nie en verg baie geduld. Ons sou graag dat die storie ‘n nuwe klimaks bereik, maar ons jong skrywers het ander idees gehad. Lynique Krüger se weninskrywing fokus op die romantiese aspekte van die storie en vir eers moet die misdadigers bietjie wag.
Dit is egter wat die kompetisie so interessant en opwindend maak. As die jong skrywers bietjie wil “afdwaal”, is dit hulle prerogatief. Wat verblydend is, is dat die storie nie verval in ‘n sombere vertelling van gebeure nie. Dit voel asof ons werklike karakters het wat kan seerkry, verlief raak en bang is vir emosionele verbintenisse. Lynique het ‘n besonderse
skryftalent en dit is ‘n voorreg om haar bydraes te ontvang. Wat die vervolgverhaal betref – daar is net vier hoofstukke oor. Dit is belangrik dat die drade nou saamgevat word. Die rede vir die sterftes moet verklaar word en as daar skuldiges is, moet hulle verkieslik aan die pen ry. Dit raak nou moeiliker, maar ook soveel interessanter.
Wat vooraf gebeur het?
om die sterftes te ondersoek. Faber vind uit dat De Melker ‘n jonger broer gehad het. Alhoewel die oorsaak van sy dood vier jaar tevore aan ‘n hartaanval toegeskryf is, was ‘n soortgelyke oormaat van proteïenreseptors in sy bloed gevind, soos wat in die ander mans wat gesterf het se bloed was. Wagner vermoed botulinum vergiftiging, maar die inkubasietydperk is langer, en waar sou hulle dit kon opdoen? Faber en Wagner ontvang ‘n uitnodiging om die plaaslike myn se jaarlikse dans by te woon. Tydens die funksie sak die myn se hoofbestuurder, Ian, skielik inmekaar en sterf
kort daarna in die hospitaal. Terwyl Anneke en Johan by die hospitaal is, daag De Melker ook op. De Melker roep Anneke eenkant en probeer haar verseker dat sy niks met die sterftes te doen gehad het nie. De Melker se broer, Werner, is egter nie dood nie en woon saam met Aletta in die huis. Sy voel skuldig omdat sy gedwing is om Werner se dood te vervals. Sy weet ook nie of hy haar oor al sy geheime ingelig het nie. Sy glo egter dat die mense eendag sal besef dat sy nie skuldig is aan die moorde nie.
die mense van die myn in die hande te kry. Na die fiasko met Ian, is niemand toegelaat naby die myn nie. Hoe moet ek my werk doen Deur Lynique Krüger as ek nie eens toegang het daartoe nie?” ie kantore van die “Wil jy vanaand uitgaan plaaslike polisievir ete?” stasie is byna doodstil. Anneke se oë rek groot en Johan Faber is al gewoond haar mond bly oop soos sy daaraan, want niks gebeur nog laas gepraat het. Johan ooit in hierdie dorpie nie. kan amper nie glo hy het ‘n Klein inbraak is genoeg haar sopas uitgevra nie. om heel voor op die koerant Dit het uitgeglip voordat hy te verskyn. Noudat daar ‘n homself kon keer. regte saak hier is , en nogal “Dit hoef nie ‘n formele ‘n saak van moord, weet ete te wees nie, ek dink in niemand wat om te doen elk geval nie hier is meer nie. as ‘n ou familie restaurant Dit is soos om te leer fietsnie,” val Johan oor sy woorry as ‘n kind en dan vir 40 de. Anneke wonder eers jaar nooit te ry nie. Die dag oor al die werk wat hulle wat jy weer moet opklim, moet doen, totdat Johan weet jy wat moet gebeur, jy haar herinner dat sy nou verstaan net nie meer mooi niks gaan regkry met die hoe om daar uit te kom nie. mynbestuurders nie. Dis hoekom Johan so “Bo en behalwe dit: jy dankbaar is vir Anneke. verdien ‘n blaaskans, Sy weet wat om te doen. Anneke,” sê Johan met ‘n Hierdie sterk, blonde, slim sagte stem. Anneke kan kunswerk van ‘n mens. voel hoe sy bloos toe Johan Sy sit by ‘n studeertafel en na haar kyk deur sy lang haar slanke vingers val wimpers. Sy knik haar kop die sleutelbord van hulle oeroue rekenaars aan. Sy lyk so mooi, dink Johan. Anneke frons saggies en byt haar lip diep ingedagte. Johan haal diep asem en besluit om na haar toe te gaan. “Waarmee is jy besig?” vra Johan. Sy sug moedeloos voordat sy sê: “Ek probeer nog heeldag om
ewe skaam en hulle bevestig dat hy haar later die aand sal gaan oplaai. Anneke was jare laas uit vir ‘n ete saam met iemand wat nie een van haar vriendinne is nie. Sy voel hoe haar hart bons toe sy die aand vir Johan sien. Anneke en Johan het vir ure gelag en gesels oor alles: hulle lewens, hulle werk en selfs hulle kinderdae. Hoe Anneke altyd help stoele dra het as die onderwysers gevra het dat die seuns dit moet doen en hoe Johan altyd saam met sy sussies moes teepartytjies hou. “Johan … dankie vir vanaand. Ek kan nie onthou wanneer laas ek so lekker gelag het saam met iemand nie,” sê Anneke buite haar huis aan die einde van die aand. Johan vat Anneke se hand in syne, gee vir haar ‘n engelveertjie-lig soen op haar wang en fluister: “Dit was die grootste plesier, Anneke.” (Word vervolg)
Aletta de Melker, ‘n hoofkarakter in die storie, is ‘n eksentrieke voormalige dokter wat op haar eie in ‘n reuse dubbelverdiepinggebou aan die kant van die dorp woon. Drie jaar gelede, terwyl sy as dokter werksaam was by die hospitaal, het ‘n reeks jong mans gesterf. Die rede vir die sterftes kon nooit presies bepaal word nie, maar druk is uitgeoefen op De Melker om vroeg af te tree. Inspekteur Johan Faber en ‘n befaamde kriminoloog, Anneke Wagner, word aangestel
(Word vervolg)
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Blake Male
Rooi Male
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Lots of puppies
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Musina-sakelui vier hofoorwinning oor Eskom Hofnuus Sakeliga het twee jaar nadat die eerste regstappe geneem is om te keer dat Eskom elektrisiteit in Musina onderbreek, ‘n kostebevel ten gunste van Sakeliga in die Gautengse Hooggeregshof bekom. “Die litigasie spruit uit pogings deur Eskom in 2018 en 2019 om elektrisiteit na alle gebruikers in Musina, insluitende betalende sakelui, af te skakel, ná versuim deur die plaaslike munisipaliteit om die gelde aan Eskom oor te betaal,”
het Sakeliga in ‘n verklaring ná afloop van die hofuitspraak voorverlede week gesê. Dié regsaksie uit 2018 en 2019 was die eerste suksesvolle intervensie deur Sakeliga om te keer dat Eskom elektrisiteit van betalende sakelui en ander gebruikers weerhou. Regsargumente wat daar ontwikkel is, het sedertdien die weg vir verdere suksesse gebaan, waarvan die vernaamste die uitspraak in Desember 2020 in die Hoogste Hof van Appèl in Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd v Resilient Properties is. “Danksy hierdie uitspraak brand ligte tans in dorpe landswyd,
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Hoofnuus hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, op die voorblad van 26 April 1996 was dat die opgradering van die N1 vanaf Kranskop tot by Matoks vinnig einde se kant toe begin staan het. Van ons ouer inwoners sal die nou N1 teerpad suid onthou – ‘n pad wat bekend gestaan het as die Pad van die Dood. Dit was ‘n blye dag toe daar aangekondig is dat die N1 opgegradeer gaan word. Daar is aange kondig dat die nuwe vierbaan N1 vanaf Kranskop tot in die destydse Pietersburg dalk al teen Junie van 1997 oopgestel kon word. Opgradering aan die pas verder noord sou binne die volgende vier jaar ‘n aanvang neem. Die opgradering van die N1 tussen Pietersburg en Matoks sou egter reeds teen die einde van Mei 1997 klaar wees, waarna tenders uitgesit is vir die opgradering van die pad tussen Bandelierkop en Louis Trichardt. Die interessantste berig op die voorblad was egter ‘n kort berig oor die broer van ‘n bekende plaaslike sakeman wat deur die polisie gesoek is vir die diefstal van ‘n voertuig en vuurwapen. Die man is pas uit die gevangenis op Louis Trichardt vrygelaat waar hy vier maande uitgedien het vir die versuim om ‘n verkeersboete te betaal. Die een aand nadat hy by die rugbylapa gaan kuier het, het hy na sy vriend se huis teruggekeer waar hy gebly het. Die volgende oggend het die vriend opgemerk dat sy bakkie, vuurwapen
en ‘n bietjie kontant weg was. Dit sou later aan die lig kom dat die verdagte met die bakkie na Pretoria gery het waar sy broer in die HF Verwoerd Hospitaal opgeneem is ná ‘n motorongeluk ‘n week vantevore. By die hospitaal aangekom, het die verdagte die bakkie se sleutels en vuurwapen aan sy beseerde broer oorhandig en gesê hy het vir hom kom kuier. Die vuurwapen is ‘n dag later deur die twee broers se ander broer na Louis Trichardt teruggebring en aan die polisie oorhandig.
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Kallie verloor kort stryd teen kanker In Memoriam Vriende en familie het met groot hartseer afskeid geneem van die 74-jarige Kallie Oosthuizen van Louis Trichardt wat op 17 April na ‘n kort stryd teen kanker oorlede is. Kallie was jare lank verbonde aan die destydse Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweë, waarna hy tot en met sy aftrede sowat 10 jaar gelede by Brenco Voere werksaam was. Wyle Kallie word eerskomende Vrydag, 30 April, om 11:00 vanuit die Lede in Christus-gemeente in Louis Trichardt begrawe. Hy word oorleef deur sy eggenote Lettie, dogters Elsie en Marietjie en kleinkinders KC en Almarie. Die familie het hul opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor almal vir hulle woorde van vertroosting en ondersteuning tydens hulle tyd van hartseer. Hulle het ‘n spesiale woord van dank gerig aan die Pietersburg Provinsiale Hospitaal se personeel, asook Mosaïek Begrafnisondernemers.
Wyle Kallie Oosthuizen (74). Foto verskaf.
struction workers, who are mostly young people, will be equipped with skills and a verifiable De Beers Venetia Mine, in partnership record of training and employment. This will with contracting partner BMH Africa, has allow them to apply for future job opportunities launched a skills-development programme on other projects at the Venetia Mine or in other that aims to develop skills in the construction sectors. industry and ultimately enhance the local “It is not often that a construction company skills base. gets to be involved in such an extensive skills-deThe programme, which is part of De Beers velopment programme that will change lives Group’s Socio-Economic Development strategy forever. It is a privilege for us to be involved in in Venetia Mine’s host communities of Musina this programme with De Beers Group and our and Blouberg, aims to support skills developvarious service providers,” said Christoff Pretoriment and job creation for 150 construction us, project manager of BMH Africa. workers that will be employed on the mine’s Through its socio-economic development accommodation projects. The programme will strategy, Venetia Mine is also implementing a be implemented over a period of 24 months. number of key projects in the Blouberg area, Mpumi Zikalala, managing director of De where commercial farming plays a critical role Beers Group Managed Operations, said that the in providing employment and entrepreneurial project highlighted their commitment to developportunities for many local farmers. The mine opment of their host community, with particular is investing R6.5 million in agricultural projects, focus on the youth. “We are proud to have partnamely Eldorado Crop Farm, Gemarke Chilli ners such as BMH Africa, who share our values Farm and Driekoppies Peanut Butter Factory. and are committed to walking with us in shaping Other social and labour plan (SLP) projects a better future for our host communities. This amounting to a spend of R15.5 million and approach is very much in line with our Building being implemented in the host communities of Forever Framework, which is our commitment Blouberg and Musina include, among others, to create a positive legacy that will endure well the Education Schools Programme targeting 25 beyond the recovery of our last diamond,” said schools in Musina and Blouberg, Alldays Road Zikalala during the launch last Thursday. Paving, Construction of the Taaiboschgroet “The good news for our people is that the Community Hall, Development of the Alldays construction of the accommodation project will Sports Complex and the Alldays Pump Station. also provide job opportunities and the development of skills to the locals. This will help our people, especially the youth, to become independent and be able to stand on their own after the project is completed. Let me take this opportunity to thanks De Beers Venetia Mine for their contributions in developing our municipality through their social and labour plan. Musina is now a full-fledged town because of your kind assistance,” said Councillor Jeremiah Khunwana, acting mayor of the Musina Municipality. The skills-development programme will include a literacy assessment to determine the ability of prospective learners, occupational De Beers Group Managed Operations manhealth and safety training where learners will aging director Mpumi Zikalala and the acting obtain a firm understanding on how to achieve mayor of Musina Municipality, Councillor a Zero-Harm mindset through safe working Jeremiah Khunwana, turn the first sod on the procedures and the transfer and formalisation Stand 4 construction site on 22 April. Photo: of construction skills. Through this project, con- De Beers. Development
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“Benewens ons verdere rol in die Resilient-saak werk ons regspan tans ook aan verdere litigasie. Dit is nie genoeg om Eskom bloot te verhoed om elektrisiteit af te skakel nie – ons moet by ‘n volhoubare oplossing kom. Die volgende stap is om te verseker dat betalende gebruikers se gelde aan Eskom oorbetaal word, en nie verdwyn in die koffers van mislukkende munisipaliteite en korrupte amptenare nie. En uiteindelik moet verbruikers by enige verskaffer – en nie net Eskom nie – direk elektrisiteit kan koop. Ons hoop om eersdaags verdere aankondigings te doen.” Die litigasie in Musina het gespruit uit kennisgewings deur Eskom in 2018 dat elektrisiteit in Musina onderbreek sou word weens die Musina Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se versuim om betalende gebruikers se gelde aan Eskom oor te betaal. In samewerking met plaaslike sakelui het Sakeliga ‘n aansoek by die hof gebring om hierdie besluit te laat hersien en ongeldig te laat verklaar.
De Beers and BMH Africa help change lives through skills development
Pret vir die hele gesin! Inskrywingsfooi: R250 per voertuig. Ingang gratis.
aangesien dit verhoed dat Eskom die elektrisiteit na plaaslike gemeenskappe in geheel, insluitende betalende kliënte, vanweë munisipale wanbetaling afskakel. Eskom het intussen wél na die Grondwethof teen hierdie bevel geappelleer, waar Sakeliga weer sal toetree om betalende sakelui en ander gebruikers te beskerm,” lui Sakeliga se verklaring. Volgens mnr. Piet le Roux, uitvoerende hoof van Sakeliga, sal die geld van die kostebevel gebruik word “ter bevordering van ons regstrategie om suksesvolle plaaslike sakegemeenskappe te verseker. Hiervoor is betroubare elektrisiteit ‘n vereiste. Ons kan nie toelaat dat elektrisiteit na betalende gebruikers onderbreek word – dat hulle ekonomies gyselaar gehou word – net omdat een staatsorgaan nie sy rekeninge by ‘n ander staatsorgaan betaal nie.” Le Roux het gesê Sakeliga wil die struktuur van elektrisiteitsvoorsiening in die land verander.
Besighede wat belangstel om soortgelyke hindernisse te borg, kan ons ook kontak.
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ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 APRIL 2021 Links: Laerskool Louis Trichardt het hierdie jaar ‘n alternatief vir die jaarlike kaskarresies aangebied. Leerders het deelgeneem aan ‘n pretdag wat soortgelyk aan boeresport was. Die kinders kon die dag aan vyf aktiwiteite deelneem, wat ingesluit het doelgooi in bui tebande, aartappelresies, sokkerbal dribbel, waterresies en kruiwaresies. Vir die juniors was van die aktiwiteite effens vereenvoudig, soos boontjiesak gooi in plaas van doelgooi. Leerders het in klasverband 10 minute spandeer by ‘n stasie en daarna roteer. Ná afloop van die pretdag het die leerders gesmul aan heerlike stokworse en slaptjips wat deur die OOV-mammas voorberei en verpak was. Die pretdag het oor drie dae gestrek. Woensdag, 21 April, was dit die Graad 1 tot 3’s se beurt, gevolg deur die Graad 4 en 5’s op 22 April en die Graad 6 en 7’s op 23 April. Afgeneem is klein Ompfuna Malada (Graad 1Y) in aksie tydens die boontjiesak doelgooi. Foto verskaf.
Hierdie vyf leerders van die CVO-skool Zoutpansberg het almal gekwalifiseer vir die derde ronde van die landswye Bybelkennisvasvra, Van links na regs staan Lynn-Marie Botha (Graad 6), Meninke Myburgh (Graad 6), Anika Badenhorst (Graad 10), Steven Van Heerden (Graad 6) en Lohan Wentzel (Graad 6). Foto verskaf.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe “So moet julle ook reken dat julle wel vír die sonde dood is, maar lewend is vir God in Christus Jesus, onse Here” - Romeine 6:11.
Moenie mors nie! Natelie Heyman (Graad 6Y) afgeneem op een van die hindernisse met die waterresies. Foto verskaf.
Ene konsentrasie ... Adriaan Erasmus (Graad 2X) afgeneem tydens die aartappelresies. Foto verskaf.
eken op grond van die feite wat jy nou reeds met jou verstand weet. “Reken” dus, nie soos jy voel of jou verbeel nie, maar op grond van die waarheid van die Skrif plus die sekerheid van die kruis, daarop dat jy “in Christus Jesus ... eens en vir altyd” vir die sonde dood is, net soos Hy eenmaal klaar daarvoor gesterf het (Romeine 6:10). “Reken” dat ook jy dit so deeglik “afgesterf” het (6:2) dat jy self “vir die sonde dood is” (6:11). “Reken” ook positief net so op grond van die waarheid van die Skrif plus die sekerheid van die kruis, daarop dat jy nou “vir God lewe.” Die werkwoord “reken” waarmee jy egter nou gelowig en aanhoudend daarop bly reken, is in die teenwoordige tyd en dit maak jou en hou jou nou en oomblik ná oomblik waarlik vry en lewend vir God, en dit is alles vir jou daar in Christus Jesus. Onthou ook dit wat baie duidelik is: dat “die sonde sal oor julle nie heers nie ... en vrygemaak van die sonde ... maar nou dat julle vrygemaak is van die sonde en diensbaar geword het aan God, het julle jul vrug tot heiligmaking ...” (Romeine 6:14,18, 22). Op so ‘n “reken” volg ‘n heerlike, bewuste toepassing van God se vrymaking. - Ds. Johan Marias (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
Jacques Janse van Rensburg (Graad 3Y) volspoed op pad in die kruiwaresies. Foto verskaf.
Mila Muller (Graad 6) besig om die sokkerbal te dribbel. Foto verskaf.
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Happy Days open hul deure L E T ’ S C O O K . . . die trio. Happy Days is weeksdae oop vanaf 09:00 tot 19:00 om voorsiening te maak vir mense wat laat werk. Sondae en vakansiedae is hulle tot 13:00 oop. Vir meer inligting, skakel Chante Liebenberg by tel 082 097 4262 of Elda Breet by tel 082 449 7368
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By Denise van Bergen Something about this spicy little pastry certainly tempts the taste buds. Some people, though, seem to have a natural gift for making it just so, but even they had to start somewhere, and the saying ‘practice makes perfect’ seems to apply here too. Shahida Rasool uses her late mother’s recipe, which she had perfected over time to her own family’s taste and kindly shares with us this week. So, for those who have always wanted to try making their own Samoosas, here it is. Ingredients: 2 x 500 g packets of Fatima’s Frozen Ready To Fill Samoosa Pur (pastry) 1 kg chicken mince 1 heaped tbsp ground ginger 1 heaped tbsp ground garlic 2 tbsp rough salt 3 cinnamon sticks 8 cloves ¼ cup oil ½ tbsp fresh green chillies* or to your taste ½ tsp turmeric powder 1 ½ tbsp ground coriander seeds ¾ tbsp ground cumin ½ tbsp coarse, red chilli powder a handful of fresh, green coriander, finely chopped 2 onions, finely chopped Preparing the filling:
In a medium-sized pot, heat the oil, add ground ginger and garlic and braise. Add the chicken mince, rough salt, cinnamon sticks and cloves. Cover the pot and let it cook on medium heat. When braised halfway, add the green chillies and cook further. Add the turmeric, ground coriander seeds, ground cumin and red chilli powder. Braise well. Remove from stove and add the fresh coriander and onion. To make the Samoosas: Dish a spoonful of the mince filling on the end of each Pur-rectangle. Fold one corner over the filling, making a triangle. Fold over again, until the whole rectangle ends in a single triangle, with the filling inside. Seal each Samoosa by brushing a flour-paste, made of 4 tablespoons of cake flour mixed with a teaspoon of cold water (not too thick), at the last end of the Pur (like sealing an envelope). Lastly. Heat oil in a fryer or pot. The oil should be medium hot. Add Samoosas and fry until golden brown and crispy. Then - enjoy! Note: Shahida prefers Fatima’s Frozen Ready-to-Fill Samoosa Pur because it is conveniently cut into the right-sized strips and saves a lot of time. She purchases hers from Macs Patel Brothers in Eltivillas, but other stores, such as Checkers and Pick n Pay, should also have it in stock.
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The Rasools count among one of the oldest and most respected local business families. Shahida is originally from Lenasia, Johannesburg, but moved to Louis Trichardt when she got married to Mohamed Haniff Rasool in 1979. She worked at Standard Bank for a while but says that bank life was not exactly her cup of tea. After raising her two sons, she joined Mohamed in the family business (Cycle Centre and The Fisherman’s Paradise) in 1993.
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Ever since the lockdown was announced last year, she has been spending most of her days at home, cooking. Her family loves good food, and it makes her very happy to watch them enjoy the meals she prepares for them. “My family is very picky when it comes to their food, especially my sons. So, I know they’ve enjoyed my cooking when they’ve eaten every Samoosa on the plate.”
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Shahida loves being a grandmother, adores her grandson Haniff - named after his late grandfather - and treasures each moment spent with him at home. When she is not busy in the kitchen or entertaining Haniff, she likes to do crossword puzzles and to fish. She has her own full set of fishing gear and tags along whenever the men go on fishing trips. Her family, though, lies closest to her heart. Especially Haniff, whom – in case I failed to mention it – she absolutely adores!
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Home-made Chicken Samoosas
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Daar is nou nog ‘n plek waar inwoners kan gaan rond snuffel vir daardie iets spesiaals met die opening van Happy Days langs Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat, Louis Trichardt. Happy Days is op 1 April geopen deur vennote Elda Breet, Andre Botha en Chanté Liebenberg. Dit bied aan inwoners ‘n wye verskeidenheid produkte, van speelgoed en skryfbehoeftes, tot grimering, DVD’s, huishoudelike produkte en nog vele, vele meer. “Daar is te veel om te noem so ons nooi almal uit om self te kom kyk,” sê die vennote. Elda is welbekend in Louis Trichardt met sy en haar man, Andre wat Planet DVD besit het. Chanté is op haar
beurt die dogter van plaaslike prokureur Hendrik Liebenberg en tans tweede jaar BCom regte student. “Ons pryse is bekostigbaar vir die algemene huishouding. Ons doel is juis om pryse so laag as moontlik te hou om dit makliker te maak vir mense wat reeds swaar kry weens die Covid 19 pandemie,” sê
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Members of the para-athletics team who represented Limpopo during the past weekend’s South African Sports Association for Physically Disabled persons (SASAPD) national championships, which took place in Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth). In front, from left to right, are Elizabeth Shikwambana and Vumbani Masakona. In the middle are Olga Maboya, Hendrik Nemurura and Vidah Muthabi. At the back are Ntsieni Mbambane and Nthambeleni Manavhela. Photo supplied.
Lim para-athletes scoop up medals at SA champs Para-athltics The IsAbility Sports Club can be proud of the achievements of several of its local athletes during the South African Sports Association for Physically Disabled Persons (SASAPD) national championships that took place in Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth) on 26 and 27 April. Last year’s championships were cancelled just four days prior to taking place when South Africa entered its first severe lockdown. The past weekend’s event can therefore be regarded as the 2020 championships. Because of the effect of the coronavirus on all school activities in 2020, learners were not able to train adequately, so most provinces, including Limpopo, did not send a junior team. A group of five Limpopo senior athletes attended the event, namely Vumbani Masakona, Ntsieni Mbambane, Hendrik Nemurura, Vidah Muthabi and Nthambeleni Manavhela. They were accompanied by team manager, assistant team manager and coach Sandy James, Elizabeth Shikwambani and Olga Maboya. Mr T Phungo from the Limpopo Sports Academy also accompanied the group, together with team physiotherapist Gerald Mabetlela, courtesy of the Limpopo Academy of Sport (Vhembe District). “While the SASAPD national champs usually host about 700 athletes, this was a small event of just over 200 athletes, due to corona issues,” said
James. Despite the pared down scale, a couple of world and South African records were broken by some of the top South African athletes. Local athlete Sheryl James, who was on the starting lists, was unable to participate as a result of a slight injury from which she is recovering. “The Limpopo senior athletes, who have had minimal training due to corona and due to a lack of facilities and implements where they reside, achieved remarkable results in spite of these challenges,” said James. The five Limpopo athletes brought home four gold medals, two silver and one bronze. Vumbani Masakona, in the F55 category, achieved gold in all three of his field events (javelin, discus and shotput). Hendrik Nemurura (F57) achieved silver in both the javelin and the discus. Ntsieni Mbambane threw for gold in the javelin category F42, while Nthambeleni Manavhela achieved bronze in the javelin category F44. Vidah Muthabi, who competes in class F43, managed to throw a new South African record in the javelin, but because the categories were combined and ladies with different forms of impairments competed against each other because of fewer participants, she was unable to gain a medal for this excellent achievement. “People with disabilities who would like to learn more about opportunities to participate in sports activities can contact the IsAbility Sports Club Limpopo 084 506 3333,” invited James.
CVO Zoutpansberg wys top atlete aan Die CVO-skool Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichardt het op 23 April hul Victor en Victrix Ludorum aangewys ná afloop van hulle onlangse huissportbyeenkoms. Die Victrix Ludorum in die sekondêre fase (o.14 – o.19) was Ronel de Bruin, terwyl die Victor Ludorum in dieselfde fase Etienne Wolmarans was. In die senior primêre fase (o.10 – o.13) was die Victor en Victrix Ludorum onderskeidelik Joshua Cronjé en Kailey Botes, terwyl die Victor en Victrix Ludorum in die junior primêre fase (o.6 – o.9) onderskeidelik Rynhardt Botes en Milan Schalkwyk was. Die beste baanatlete (hoogste enkele ASA punt) vir laerskool meisie en seun was onderskeidelik Kailey en Joshua. Voor van links na regs is Joshua, Rynhardt en Milan. Agter is Etienne, Ronel en Kailey. Foto verskaf.
Hierdie leerlinge van die CVO-skool Zoutpansberg is op 23 April aangewys as die beste baan- en veldatlete tydens die skool se onlangse huissportbyeenkoms. Die beste laerskool meisies- en seunsveldatlete (hoogste enkele ASA punt) was onderskeidelik Andrea Badenhorst en Zack Fourie, terwyl die beste hoërskool meisies- en seunsveldatlete Megen du Plessis en Wessel Veldsman was. Die trofeë vir beste meisies- en seunslangafstandatlete het gegaan aan Anja Swanepoel en Handro Fourie, terwyl die beste meisies- en seuns baanatlete in die hoërskool fase Luné Robbertze en Wessel Veldsman was. Voor, van links na regs, is Andrea, Kailey en Anja. Agter is Luné, Wessel en Megen. Zak en Handro was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto. Foto verskaf. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het die gholfseisoen op hoë noot afgeskop deur ‘n derde plek te behaal in die skole A-liga wat op 21 April beslis is. Die skool se span het bestaan uit (van links na regs) Jimmy Musandiwa, Chris Gerber, Herculé Snyman en Keegan Mocke. Hoërskool Pietersburg se eerste- en tweedespanne was onderskeidelik eerste en tweede. Foto verskaf.
Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie Datum
Maandelikse Houespel
SPCA Golf Day
Datum 21/04/21
Hoofborg -
Raymond Glass
Thomson Motors
Comien Veg
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Ons Tuiste
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Tennis Klub
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Rock & Rollers
Party Poopers
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Maandelikse houespel
Plek 1
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Formaat -
Geen spel
Datum 24/04/21
15, 22 & 29 April TOTAAL
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
19 th
Aandreeks Puntestand en Opponente
Formaat IS
Braam Dekker
Andre Bothma
uittel 38
Richard Muchumela
uittel 38
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Louis Trichardt steier teen Hornbills Deur Andries van Zyl Louis Trichardt se eerste krieketspan het Sondag, 25 April, ietwat die wind van voor gekry in hulle provinsiale Impala Premier ligawedstryd teen die Hornbills wat in Tzaneen beslis is. Louis Trichardt het eerste gekolf, maar die kolwers het gesukkel om die telbord aan die gang te hou. Dirk van den Berg het geopen met 16 lopies, terwyl AJ Fourie en Dewald Joubert onderskeidelik 11 en 13 lopies bygedra het. Dit was egter FC Phillipson (18) en Stoffel du Toit (20) wat op die stertkant Louis Trichardt se telling darem oor die 100-tal gekry het in ‘n kolfbeurt wat drie nulletjies ingesluit
het. Louis Trichardt se grootste enkele bydrae tot hul telling was egter die 26 ekstras wat Hornbills se boulers afgestaan het, met Louis Trichardt wat almal uitgeboul is vir 119 lopies in die 34ste boulbeurt. Hornbills se sterbouler was Zylan McGaffin, wat drie paaltjies ingeoes het vir die verlies van 19 lopies in 10 beurte. Dit het drie leë beurte ingesluit. Spanmaats Gavin Dorfling, Emile Kruger en Timothy Elphinstone het elk twee paaltjies ingepalm met boulontledings van onderskeidelik twee vir 14 in vyf, twee vir 20 in sewe en twee vir 20 in twee. Hornbills se kolwers was van meet af nie van plan om op die kolfblad tyd te mors nie. Alhoewel hulle hul opening-
skolwers, Aubrey van Reenen (3) en Paul Howken (11), redelik goedkoop verloor het vir ‘n bydrae van 14 lopies, het Emile Kruger (27 lopies van 28 balle wat ingesluit het vier viere), Johan Viljoen (34 van 24 balle wat ingesluit het drie viere en drie sesse) en Abe Cilliers (22 van nege balle af wat ingesluit het drie viere en ‘n ses) vinnig die teiken gehaal en die wenlopies van 120 in die 15de beurt geslaan met ses paaltjies steeds staande. Vir Louis Trichardt het Jandré Hancke, JP Coetzee, FC Phillipson en Dirk van den Berg elk een paaltjie gevat. Louis Trichardt sal eerskomende Sondag, 2 Mei, tuisveldvoordeel geniet wanneer hulle teen Phoenix van Tzaneen te staan kom.
was the result of a well-disciplined Viking bowling attack, which saw them only concede eight extras. Bowler Craig Viljoen outshone his fellow bowlers with an economy rate of 2,00 by toppling four wickets for the loss of only eight runs in his four overs, which included one maiden over. Jandré Hancke managed to take two wickets for the loss of 22 runs in his four overs, while Leon Furstenburg, Louis van Jaarsveld and Waldo van Deemter each took one wicket. Limpopo knew that if they had any chance of winning the match, their bowling had to be tight. And tight it was, offering the Vikings batsmen little opportunity to get going, with wickets tumbling at fairly regular intervals. The Limpopo bowlers only conceded three extras.
Similar to Limpopo’s innings, only four Vikings batsmen managed double figures, namely Morné Olwage, (17) Warno Smit (10), Kobus Barkhuizen (13) and Waldo van Deemter (20). The Vikings batsmen, however, did enough and steered their team to victory in 18.2 overs with 90 runs on the scoreboard and three wickets to spare. Vimal Shah was the only Limpopo bowler to take down more than one wicket, ending on figures of two for 13 in his four overs. The rest of the wickets were distributed among the rest of the bowling attack, with FC Phillipson, AJ Fourie, Gerrie Oelofse, Joubert Fourie and Chris-Jan Hendriks each claiming one scalp. This coming Saturday, 1 May, the Drillers will take on the Strikers at the Louis Trichardt oval.
A win continues to elude Limpopo
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het die afgelope naweek gasheer gespeel vir die tweede ronde van die provinsiale XCO-liga. In totaal het 130 bergfietsryers van jonk tot “ouer” deelgeneem. Van die topprestasies die dag was Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Eliz-Mari Pretorius, wat algeheel tweede geëindig het in die afdeling vir junior meisies. ‘n Week vantevore, op 17 April, het Eliz-Mari ‘n nasionale vierde plek behaal in dieselfde afdeling tydens die derde ronde van die Suid-Afrikaanse 2021 XCO reeks wat by die Bloemendal Wynlandgoed in die Weskaap beslis is. Vir volledige uitslae van die naweek se XCO-wedren, besoek https://www.webscorer. com/race?raceid=239144. Foto: Hoërskool Louis Trichardt.
Limpopo Dairy’s run of bad luck continued the past weekend in their latest Louis Trichardt Cricket Club 20-over cricket league match. The boys from Limpopo came up against the Toyota Vikings on Saturday at the Louis Trichardt oval and managed to accumulate 89 runs before the last wicket fell in the 18th over (18.1). Opener Chris-Jan Hendriks made a valiant effort to keep the score board ticking over with a helpful 30 runs off only 20 balls, which included four fours and two sixes. Sadly, no other Limpopo batsman could really get going, with only Juan-Michael Phillips (12), FC Philipson (15) and Daniel Coetzee (11) managing double figures off the bat. Restricting Limpopo to only 89 runs
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By Andries van Zyl