30 Augustus 2019
News with an independent soul
PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.
Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Problem of stray dogs a municipal problem - page 6
Jaargang 35 Vol. 34
Dorp se tweedes is tops! - bladsy 20
25 JAAR BYLAAG - bladsy 12
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Depressie is ‘n wrede werklikheid Deur Andries van Zyl
Wyle Iyon de Necker (26). Foto verskaf.
2015 BMW M4 Convertable A/T
Vir ‘n tweede keer dié maand moes inwoners van Louis Trichardt die skoknuus ontvang van ‘n selfmoord, nadat die 26-jarige Iyon de Necker Saterdagaand sy eie lewe geneem het. Iyon se vriende sal hom almal onthou as ‘n opgewekte, glimlaggende en joviale jong man – die lewe van die partytjie, alhoewel hyself geensins gedrink het nie. Maar agter die glimlag het Iyon ‘n geweldige stryd teen depressie gevoer, ‘n siekte waarvoor hy ook behandeling ontvang het. “Ek is nie skaam om te sê my kind het selfmoord gepleeg nie, en ek is nie skaam om te sê my kind was ‘n depressieleier nie,” het pa Anton Woensdag aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Vir hom en ma Melanie was dit belangriker om die hoop uit te spreek dat inwoners sal ag slaan op die werklike probleem van depressie en selfmoord in die gemeenskap. “Ons jongmense vandag is onder geweldig druk om te presteer in ‘n gejaagde lewe. Het hulle altyd iemand aan hul sy wat hulle kan bystaan?” het Anton gesê. Hy het spesifiek verwys na mense wat nie meer ‘n aanvoeling het vir ander se nood nie. “Hoeveel van ons kan vandag ons vinger opsteek en sê ek ken my buurman en ek ken sy omstandighede?” het Anton gevra. Anton en Melanie het dit duidelik gestel dat hulle niemand kwalik neem vir hul seun se besluit nie. In meeste gevalle van depressie is daar gewoonlik ‘n lang aanloop van omstandighede wat lei tot die besluit om selfmoord te pleeg. “As ouer kom jy gou agter as daar fout is, en dit is jou plig as ouer om vir jou kind te laat verstaan dat sy lewe betekenis het. In Iyon se geval het hy ‘n diepgewortelde probleem van depressie gehad,” het Anton gesê. Tog het Anton-hulle vrede gemaak met hul seun se besluit. “Jy moet aanvaar Iyon was 26 jaar oud. Jy moet aanvaar jy het jou beste gedoen om hom groot te maak en op die pad van die lewe te sit. Jy
het reeds verifikasie gekry van die hoeveelheid mense wat hy aangeraak het en die hoeveelheid positiwiteit wat hy uitgestraal het buitekant toe. Dit moet vir jou sê jy het ‘n goeie kind grootgemaak,” het Anton gesê. Volgens Anton en Melanie hoop hulle dat hul seun se dood inwoners sal aanspoor om hulle verskille opsy te skuif en om oor alle kleur-, geloofsen geslagsgrense heen om ‘n tafel te gaan sit en die probleem aan te spreek. Hiervoor, het Anton gesê, is hy bereid om as klankbord op te tree. “Mense het nie nodig om agter maskers te lewe nie,” het Melanie gesê. “Depressie kom oor ‘n tyd. Dit word nie aangespreek en dan gekeer nie. Dit word nie ingeënt en dit is verby nie. Dit is ‘n probleem wat deurlopend aangespreek moet word,” het Anton bygevoeg. Wat laasgenoemde betref, het Anton gesê mense het almal ‘n verpligting teenoor mekaar. “Dit hoef nie ‘n professionele persoon te wees nie. Enige persoon, en dit mag ‘n ander ouer wees, met ‘n fyn aanvoeling vir ander se nood - dit is die persoon wat moet opstaan en help,” het Anton gesê. Iyon is ‘n oud-leerling van Laerskool Louis Trichardt en het sy hoërskoolloopbaan by Hoërskool John Vorster voltooi. Ná skool het hy homself bekwaam as klankingenieur en in 2017 het hy na Louis Trichardt teruggekeer. ‘n Diens om sy lewe te vier vind Vrydag, 30 Augustus, om 11:00 vanuit die Volle Evangelie Kerk in Louis Trichardt plaas. Hy word oorleef deur sy ouers en broer Bourdeaux, asook skoonsuster Mandy en baba Lincoln. Die familie het gesê hulle is oorweldig deur die boodskappe, oproepe en gebede van al Iyon se vriende, sommige wat hulle nie eers geken het nie. “Mense moenie vir my sê dit is die Here se wil dat Iyon selfmoord gepleeg het nie. As sy dood en die aksies wat daarop gevolg het dalk iemand anders se lewe kan red - dit is die wil van die Here,” het Anton gesê.
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Officials from the Makhado Municipality visited the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (Port Elizabeth) for a fact-finding and knowledge-sharing engagement on 21 and 22 of August. Makhado municipal spokesman Mr Louis Bobodi (front right) said they had gained a lot of insight and knowledge on how to integrate public participation and communication activities effectively and efficiently regarding, among others, the integrated development plan (IDP). He further indicated that their counterparts from Port Elizabeth will reciprocate and attend one of the main service-delivery-related activities in Makhado next year. Photo supplied.
Meggan Piorek van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het onlangs haar eerste balkie vir diens ontvang as kriekettellinghouer, asook ‘n toekenning vir diens as voorsitter van die skool se fotografieklub. Foto verskaf.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het ‘n eerste balkie toegeken aan leerling Rynard Pretorius, wat aangewys is as provinsiale wenner van die AMESA Wiskunde Olimpiade. Foto verskaf.
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
Alycia Maila of High School Louis Trichardt recently received her first scroll for service as Hierdie groep leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt vorm deel van ‘n groter groep kinders tuck shop helper from the school. Photo supplied. wat almal deurgedring het na die finaal van die Oppie Tong Af-kompetisie. Die finaal sal op 3 Oktober in Pretoria beslis word.
Eben verloor stryd teen kanker na kort siekbed In Memoriam
Inwoners van Louis Trichardt het met groot hartseer verneem van die skielik dood van mnr. Eben van den Heever op 20
Augustus, slegs twee dae na sy 49ste verjaarsdag. Wyle Eben is op 15 Julie met kolonkanker gediagnoseer. Dit het egter na sy lewer en niere versprei en daar was niks wat medici
Wyle mnr. Eben van den Heever (49). Foto verskaf.
meer vir hom kon doen nie. Hy is in die Steve Biko Hospitaal in Pretoria oorlede. “Sy diagnose en skielik dood bietjie meer as ‘n maand later het vir ons almal as groot skok gekom,” het Eben se vrou Elsie gesê. Eben-hulle is sedert 1991 inwoners van Louis Trichardt. Hy is gebore in Sasolburg, waar hy ook skoolgegaan het, maar hy het sy hoërskoolloopbaan aan Hoër Landbouskool Kuschke buite Polokwane voltooi. Wyle Eben se begrafnisdiens het Woensdag, 28 Augustus, vanuit die Lede in Christus Kerk in Louis Trichardt plaasgevind. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou Elsie, seun KC, dogter Almarie, skoonouers Lettie en Kallie Oosthuizen en skoonsuster Marietjie. “Baie dankie vir almal wat ons bygestaan het met gebede en onderskraging. Dankie ook van al die SMS’e en oproepe,” het die familie gesê.
Hierdie bakkie het Dinsdagmiddag ‘n wil van sy eie gehad. Nadat die bestuurder dit parkeer het by Build It, op die hoek van Kruger- en Joubertstraat in Louis Trichardt, het die bakkie, met niemand agter die stuur nie, aan die loop geraak. Dit het buite beheer in Joubertstraat afgehardloop en by die kruising met Presidentstraat ‘n kragpaal getref en omgeslaan. Eers ‘n hele paar minute later het die bestuurder van die bakkie op die toneel aangehardloop gekom. Die bakkie is weer op sy wiele gelig en aan die gang gekry. Gelukkig is niemand in die ongeluk beseer nie. Regs: As daar gekyk word na die toestand van die bakkie se onderstel, met die enjin wat blykbaar met houtplankies daaraan vasgemaak is, kan mens maar net jou kop skud oor hoe die verkeersafdeling voort kan gaan om sulke motors op die pad toe te laat.
The worker.Starting The works. from R 187 995 from
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The Next Generation Mahindra Pik-up has been designed and built in India to withstand the harsh conditions of the subcontinent. It delivers power, strength and tenacity, along with reliability that you can depend on with a maximum payload of up to 1200 kg* and a braked towing capacity of 2500 kg.
to load up the family on the weekend and head for the hills, or simply to run your errands around town.
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Triegies wys hulle gee om met groot skenking aan plaaslike DBV DEALER NAME & TELEPHONE 000 000 0000 *OR R1 999.00
The Next Generation Mahindra Pik-up has been Whilst the in more utilitarian single-cab will itself designed and built India to withstand theprove harsh as the dependable worker you’ve always wanted, you’ll conditions probably of the subcontinent. It delivers power, want to keep the high-spec dual-cab to yourself strength and tenacity, along with reliability that you can depend on with a maximum payload of up to 1200 kg* and a braked towing capacity of 2500 kg.
for the single cab - double-cab from R 324 995
Available in 4X4 or 4X2 to provide great performance Mahindra’s legendary 2.2l mHawk turbo-diesel whatever the terrain.
engine provides an impressive 103 kW of power and 320 Nm of torque to ensure it will get your job easily done. And with the new six-speed manual gearbox it’s more fuel efficient and kinder on the environment too.
Including a full 4-Year/120 000 km warranty including Roadside Assistance. Service plan 5-Year/90 000 km** (1st service at 10 000 km thereafter 20000 km intervals with Maximile Oils)
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www.mahindra.co.za Whilst the more utilitarian single-cab will prove itself Inspekteur Lawrence Khodobo (regs) van die Louis Trichardt Dierebeskermingsvereniging as the dependable worker you’ve always wanted, you’ll Available in 4X4 or 4X2 to provide great performance CONTACT NAME STREET ADDRESS het Maandag ‘n groot hoeveelheid honde- en katkos, komberse en speelgoed diere van AND probably wantvir to keep the high-spec dual-cab to yourself whatever the terrain. Laerskool Louis Trichardt in ontvangs geneem. Die goedere is ingesamel as deel van die skool se kwartaallikse welwillendheidsprojek. Saam met Khodobo is Herman Scheepers (Graad 7) wat die lekkergoedbottel gewen het. Die wenner van die DBV se Xbox-kompetisie was Franco Generation Mahindra Mahindra Pik-up Pik-up has has been been toload loadup upthe thefamily familyon onStarting theweekend weekendand andhead head forthe the The Next Generation to the for from forthe thesingle singlec for van der Merwe (Graad 7) met Renier Oosthuizen (Graad 6) wat die Xbox geskenk het. Renier built in in India India to to withstand withstand the the harsh harsh hills,or orsimply simplytotorun runyour yourerrands errandsaround aroundtown. town. designed and built hills, the subcontinent. subcontinent. ItIt delivers delivers power, power, conditions of the CONTACT NAME AND STREET ADDRESS Includinga afullfull4-Year/1 4-Year/ Mahindra’slegendary legendary2.2l 2.2lmHawk mHawkturbo-diesel turbo-dieselengine engine en Franco was nie beskikbaar vir die foto nie. Including Mahindra’s tenacity, along along with with reliability reliability that that you you can can strength and tenacity,
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The works. from from worker. The works. DEALER NAME The & TELEPHONE 000 000 0000 The worker. The works. R306 499 from Please note: The images shown may differ slightly from actual product available. For full specifications please refer to our website or visit your dealer. * Single cab payload: 2WD 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. Double cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. ** Optional on S4 4X2 Single-cab
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2017/10/10 11:09 AM
with maximum payload of up uporto to 1200 kg* depend on with aacations maximum payload of 1200 kg* Please note: The images shown may differ slightly from actual product available. ForGeneration full specifi please refer toPik-up our website visit your dealer. The Next Mahindra has been
providesan animpressive impressive103 103kW kWofofpower powerand and320 320Nm Nm provides *OR R4 099.00 load uptoto the family the and head forAnd the oftorque torque ensure will getweekend yourjob jobeasily easily done. And ofto ensure ititon will get your done. hills, or simply to run your errands around town. withthe thenew newsix-speed six-speedmanual manualgearbox gearboxit’s it’smore morefuel fuel with effi efficient cientand andkinder kinderon onthe theenvironment environmenttoo. too. Mahindra’s legendary 2.2l mHawk turbo-diesel engine provides impressive 103 kW ofgreat power and 320 Nm Available or performance Availableinan in4X4 4X4 or4X2 4X2to toprovide provide great performance of torquethe to ensure whatever terrain. whatever the terrain.it will get your job easily done. And with the new six-speed manual gearbox it’s more fuel efficient and kinder on the environment too.
Serviceplan plan5-Year/90 5-Year/9 Service thereafter 20000 km thereafter 20000 km in for the single
LevubuThe worker.DEALER NAME TELEPHONE 000 0000 Thefrom works. from 187 995 TELEPHONE 000 000 0000 worker. works. R&&187 995R000 The The worker. The The works. from R 187 995 Boeredag DEALER NAME & TELEPHONE 000 000 0000 towing capacity of of 2500 2500 kg. kg. and a braked * Single cab payload: 2WD 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. Double cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD designed and towing built 995kg. in capacity India to withstand the ** Optional on S4 4X2 Single-cab
harsh conditions the utilitarian subcontinent. It delivers power, Whilst the of more single-cab will itself more utilitarian single-cab will prove prove itself strength and tenacity, along with always reliability that you can as the dependable worker you’ve wanted, you’ll dependable worker you’ve always wanted, you’ll depend on withto maximum payload dual-cab of up to 1200 kg* probably want the to want toakeep keep the high-spec high-spec dual-cab to yourself yourself and a braked towing capacity of 2500 kg.
Whilst the more utilitarian single-cab will prove itself as the dependable worker you’ve always wanted, you’ll probably want to keep the high-spec dual-cab to yourself
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Available in 4X4 or 4X2 to provide great performance whatever the terrain.
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The Next Generation Mahindra Pik-up has been to load up the family on the weekend and head for the for the single cab - double-cab from R 324 995 The Next Generation Mahindra been toon load up the family on the harsh weekend head foror the designed and built inthe India to withstand the TheNext NextGeneration Generation Mahindra Pik-uphas has been Pik-up hasto hills, simply to run your- double-cab errands to load upthe the family on the weekend and head forthe the andfor for the singlearound cabtown. -from double-cab from The Mahindra Pik-up been load up family weekend and head for the single cab from R324 324995 995 R 324 995 for the single cab - double-cab R built inthe India to withstand the harsh hills, orerrands simply to run your errands around town. conditions subcontinent. It delivers power, designedand andbuilt builtindesigned inIndia Indiato toand withstand the harsh hills, orsimply simplyof tothe run your errands around town. designed withstand harsh hills, or to run your around town. Including a full 4-Year/120 000 km warranty including Roadside Assistance. Mahindra’s legendary 2.2l mHawk turbo-diesel engine conditions of the subcontinent. It delivers power, strength and tenacity, alonglegendary with reliability that youturbo-diesel can Please note: conditionsof ofthe thesubcontinent. subcontinent.ItItdelivers deliverspower, power, conditions Including aslightly full 4-Year/120 000 km Roadside warranty including Roadside Assistance. Mahindra’s 2.2l mHawk engine The images shown may from actual product available. For full cations please refer totoour ororvisit your dealer. Service plan 5-Year/90 000 km** (1st service at 10 000 km Including full 4-Year/120 000 km warranty including Roadside Assistance. provides an impressive 103 kW of power and 320 Nm Mahindra’s legendary 2.2lmHawk mHawkturbo-diesel turbo-diesel engine Please note: The images shown may differ differ slightly from actual product available. For fullspecifi specifi cations please refer ourwebsite website visit your dealer. aafull 4-Year/120 000 km warranty including Assistance. legendary 2.2l strength and with reliabilityMahindra’s that you can depend on with provides a maximum payload of up toengine 1200 kg* *Including strengthand andtenacity, tenacity, alongwith withtenacity, reliabilityalong thatyou youcan can strength along reliability that Service plan 5-Year/90 000 km** (1st service at 10 000 km km intervals with Maximile Oils) impressive 103 kW of power and Nm Single cab payload: 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. Double cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. *Service Single cab payload: 2WD 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. Double cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. 20000 Service plan 5-Year/90 000 km** (1st service at 10 000 km thereafter of320 torque to2WD ensure it will get your job easily done. And provides an impressive 103an kW ofpower powerand and 320 Nm plan 5-Year/90 000 km** (1st service at 10 000 km provides an impressive 103 kW of 320 Nm depend on with a maximum payload of up to 1200 kg* ** on 4X2 and a braked towing capacity of 2500 kg.get your job easily dependon onwith withaamaximum maximumpayload payloadof ofup upto to1200 1200kg* kg* ** Optional Optional on S4 S4 4X2 Single-cab Single-cab depend thereafter 20000 km intervals with Maximile Oils) of torque to ensure it will done. And thereafter 20000 km intervals with Maximile Oils) with the new six-speed manual more fuel oftorque torqueto toensure ensureititwill willget getyour yourjob jobeasily easilydone. done.And And thereafter 20000 km intervals withgearbox Maximileit’s Oils) and a braked towingkg. capacity of 2500 kg.of andaabraked brakedtowing towing capacity of2500 2500 kg. and capacity of the new six-speed manual gearbox it’s more fuel and kinder on the environment too. www.mahindra.co.za thesix-speed morewith utilitarian single-cab will prove itself efficient withWhilst thenew new six-speed manual gearbox it’s more fuel with the manual gearbox it’s more fuel www.mahindra.co.za Whilst the more utilitarian will effi prove and kinder on the environment www.mahindra.co.za as itself the dependable worker you’ve always wanted, you’ll too. Whilstthe themore moreutilitarian utilitarian single-cab willprove provesingle-cab itself efficient cient and kindereffi oncient theenvironment environment too. www.mahindra.co.za Whilst single-cab will itself and kinder on the too. Please Available note: The images shownor may differto slightly from actual product available. For full specifications please refer to our website or visit your dealer. in 4X4 4X2 provide great performance as the dependable worker you’ve always wanted, you’ll probably want toAvailable keep theinhigh-spec dual-cab to yourself asthe thedependable dependableworker workeryou’ve you’vealways alwayswanted, wanted,you’ll you’ll as 4X4great or 4X2 to provide great* performance Single cab payload: 2WD 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. Double cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. whatever the terrain. Available 4X4or or4X2 4X2to toprovide provide great performance Available inin4X4 performance probably want to dual-cab keep the to high-spec to yourself probablywant wantto tokeep keep thehigh-spec high-spec dual-cab toyourself yourselfdual-cab ** Optional on S4 4X2 Single-cab probably the whatever the terrain. whateverthe theterrain. terrain. whatever BI MAHI1710-11-DLR01-E BIBIMAHI1710-11-DLR01-E MAHI1710-11-DLR01-E
13 September 2019, Maclands Estate
✶ Gasspreker Dr Roelof Botha gee 'n landbou-ekonomiese oorsig oor die toekoms van Suid Afrika. ✶ Demonstrasies ✶ Spitbraai ✶ Uitstallings van landboutoerusting FIND THE0000 MAHINDRA DEALER NAME &000 TELEPHONE 000 000RIGHT 0000 FOR DEALER NAME & TELEPHONE 000 DEALER NAME & & TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 000 000 000 0000 DEALER NAME 000 0000 en landboudiensverskaffers BI MAHI1710-11-DLR01-E
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Please note: The images shown may differ slightly from actual product available. For full specifications please refer to our website or visit your dealer. Please note: note: The The images images shown shown may may differ differ slightly slightly from from actual actual product product available. available. For For full full specifi specifications cations please please refer refer to to our our website website or visit visit your your dealer. dealer. Please * cations Single please cab payload: 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. Double caborpayload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. Pleasenote: note:The Theimages imagesshown shown maydiffer differslightly slightlyfrom fromactual actualproduct productavailable. available.For Forfull fullspecifi specifi cations please referto2WD toour ourwebsite websiteor orvisit visityour yourdealer. dealer. Please may refer * Single Single cab cab payload: payload: 2WD 2WD 1195kg/4WD 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. 1095kg. Double Double cab cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. **payload: Optional2WD on S4 4X2 Single-cab * 1095kg/4WD 995kg. * Single cab payload: 2WD 1195kg/4WD 1095kg. Double cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. * Single cab payload: 2WD** 1195kg/4WD Double cab payload: 2WD 1095kg/4WD 995kg. Optional on on S4 S41095kg. 4X2 Single-cab Single-cab ** Optional 4X2 **Optional Optionalon onS4 S44X2 4X2Single-cab Single-cab **
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I am ... the Way, the Truth and the Life Matthew 22:11-12
t was a wedding and the guests had to dress accordingly. This man refused to put on the wedding garment. He was proud and would not wear the gift of grace, he was self-willed and had to show his independence of mind. This man would have his own way in defiance of the Lord of the feast. One of the requirements of the feast is that you believe in the lord Jesus with your heart and take his righteousness to be your righteousness. If you will not accept the Lord Jesus as your substitute, bearing your sins in his own body on the cross, you do not have the proper wedding garment. Another requirement is that you should repent of sin and forsake it and that you should seek holiness and endeavour to copy the example of our Lord Jesus. You are to possess, as the work of divine grace, a godly and upright character. Do you have such a character? Even though you are not perfect, yet inasmuch as you follow after righteousness, you have the wedding garment. You say you are a Christian, but do you live like a Christian? Are you in a position and condition that agree with the gospel feast? If so, you have put on the wedding garment. Those who came to the feast were both bad and good, so the wedding garment relates not to their past character but to something with which they were invested when they came to the banquet. It involved reverence for the King, homage to the Prince and sympathy with the whole matter. Look well and see whether you truly yield yourselves to the Lord. “The Spirit wrought my faith and love, and hope, and every grace. But Jesus spent his life to work the robe of righteousness.” (Hymn by Isaac Watts). - Rev Johan Marais (Baptist Church)
BRIEWE / LETTERS They were their hands and feet on athletics fun day assisted in various ways, such as staff volunteers, learner volunteers, equipment, logistics, sponsorships he Isability Sport Club sincerely and, most importantly, lots of hard work on the day: thanks every individual and Isability Gauteng, Emmanuel organisation that played a role in Christian School, Louis Trichardt making the fun day a success the High School and their Guardian past weekend. Angels, Louis Trichardt Primary, The Isability Golf Day sponsors were all mentioned in a previous re- Emmanuel Church and Emmanuel port and are thanked again because Youth, Madi Gra Water, Ocean Basket, Air Force Base Makhafunds from the golf day assisted in do, Humbulani Tems paramedic funding the athletics event. In addition, Isability thanks Louis service, Wilfred Lawrence (chickens), Palm Wholesalers, Munonde Trichardt High School for making Transport and Talisman. its athletics fields available for the Thank you to every individual day, and for preparing the track and volunteer for being our hands and field so beautifully. feet and eyes on the day! The following organisations Ms Sandy James of Louis Trichardt, writes:
GT Oil & Fuel van Louis Trichardt het onlangs ‘n welkome skenking van honde- en katkos ter waarde van R5 000 aan die Louis Trichardt Dierebeskermingsvereniging gemaak. “Ons is ongelooflik dankbaar vir hierdie groot skenking. Baie dankie, Amanda van Eeden en jou span. Julle is ongelooflik!” het die plaaslike DBV-span gesê. Afgeneem tydens die oorhandiging was Eduard Prinsloo (links) van GT Oil & Fuel en inspekteur Lawrence Khodobo (regs) van die plaaslike DBV. Foto verskaf.
Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis is nou reeds besig om items bymekaar te maak vir hul basaar van volgende jaar. As deel van die projek het lede van Lugmagbasis (LMB) Makhado se Hobby & Craft Centre Dinsdag die eerste van talle gehekelde kombersies aan die tehuis kom oorhandig. Een van hulle was Cathrine Coetzee. Sy het sowat vyf jaar gelede drie vingers aan elke hand en nege tone verloor na vermoedelik ‘n insekbyt. Dit het haar egter nie van stryk gebring nie en sy het sedertdien begin hekel (wat haar drie weke gevat het om te leer) en ook begin skilder. “Sy is vir ons almal ‘n voorbeeld en inspirasie,” het die tehuis se Sonia Scheepers gesê. Cathrine-hulle tree eersdaags af en verhuis na die Kaap en dit was vir haar belangrik om haar kombers betyds klaar te kry. Nog ‘n lid van die basis se klub, Joyce Jansen, tree ook af die einde van die jaar en verhuis na Hoedspruit. Afgeneem tydens die oorhandiging is (van links na regs) Kittie de Bruin (bestuurder van Ons Tuiste), Leana Harmse (LMB), past. Rita Gathercole (LMB), Sonia, Joyce, Catherine en Cecile Fryer. Persone wat ‘n bydrae wil lewer ten opsigte van die tehuis se basaar se handwerktafel kan vir Sonia skakel by tel. 083 258 7513.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Zoutpansberger Die laaste week van Augustus sorg klaarblyklik vir baie drama en 1994 was geen uitsondering nie. ‘n Taxi, bestuur deur ‘n vrou sonder ‘n lisensie, jaag in ‘n petrolpomp vas by Zoutpansberg Motors. Die spulletjie slaan aan die brand en een van die passasiers spring in dieselfde taxi en jaag polisiestasie toe om dit aan te meld. Daar gekom, loop die taxi agteruit en veroorsaak ‘n botsing met ‘n ander lid van die publiek wat ook die brand wou aanmeld. Gelukkig is die brand vinnig geblus en die omstanders kon die skade begin bepaal. Dieselfde week is ‘n vlieënier genoodsaak om ‘n noodlanding in die veld sowat 30km vanaf Musina te doen. Die vlieënier van die Kaap kon gelukkig uitklim sonder enige beserings. ‘n Kwarteeu gelede het die probleem van onwettige grondbesettings reeds sy kop begin uitsteek. ‘n Plakkersopstal het feitlik oornag verrys in Kleinstraat, Louis Trichardt. Die stadsraad moes ingryp en die strukture haastig verwyder. Die “plakkerskamp” het toe reeds bestaan uit ‘n aantal tente, ‘n sinkgebou, sinkstrukture en ‘n afgeleefde karavaan.
Moontlik die interessantste deel van die koerant was die brieweblad. Jan de Bruyn, bekende digter van die dorp, het die stadsraad aangevat oor die “stink water”. Die stadsklerk, mnr. Hein Basson, het dadelik teruggekap met die gewone retoriek, wat ingesluit het ‘n vraag oor hoekom De Bruyn dan in die “pragtige” dorp bly as die water stink. Basson het die slegte reuk toegeskryf aan die lae vlak van die Albasinidam (12,33%), wat lae vlakke van suurstof in die water teweegbring en verbindings tussen minerale en organiese materiaal veroorsaak.
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Problem of stray dogs a municipal problem SPCA News
The Louis Trichardt SPCA has once again reminded members of the public that attending to reports of stray animals is not the SPCA’s job. Stray animals are the responsibility of the Makhado Municipality. “However, we will always still try and assist where possible, but we just don’t have the resources or manpower to get around to all these cases,” said the local SPCA’s Alicia Thomas. She added that they had become burdened with this task because of the ineffectiveness of the municipality. “We act as the small-animal pound on behalf of the municipality and still do not receive any assistance or grants from them!” said Alicia. Another job not done by the municipality is the removal of animal carcasses. For months now, the local SPCA has tried to get the municipality to fulfil their legal obligation to dispose of animal carcasses. This used Because the Makhado Municipality is not doing its job regarding the removal of animal carcasses, to be done at the old dumping ground along the these two dogs were left to rot in the park next the Forestry road for three days last week. Although Vondeling Road. Since the dumping site moved to it is not their job, the local SPCA removed the carcasses when informed of the problem. Sadly, its new location behind Tshikota, the municipality has stopped disposing of animal carcasses as they the owner of the dogs knew they were lying dead in the park. Photos supplied. apparently forgot to have this service included in their new waste-management license. Back to the problem of stray animals. Despite the fact that their job does not entail attending to stray animals, Alicia said, some residents become very angry when the SPCA is unable to assist. “Just last week, three of our committee members and the State Vet were notified of dogs fighting in town. While we were attending to these hurt animals, we were notified of more stray dogs by a member of the public. When we said that we would not be able to attend to the problem right away, this member of the public became rude and quite offensive towards us,” said Alicia. According to Alicia, stray dogs specifically are becoming a huge problem in town. “Owners simply do not take the responsibility to make sure their animals are safe in their yards,” said Alicia. Regarding the above, Alicia said that the public could assist them with stray animals in various ways. “These stray animals are not always easily caught; believe us, we have tried,” said Alicia. She urged people, if possible, to bring the stray or injured animal to the SPCA themselves. “We definitely do appreciate it when people take the time to inform us of a stray animal, but so often when we reach the area in which the animal was last seen, it is no longer there,” said Alicia. In cases where an animal needs saving, Alicia
urged the public to phone inspector Lawrence Khodobo at Tel 082 965 5151 or one of their committee members as soon as possible. “We cannot turn a blind eye to any animal in danger and will always try to help as soon as possible. We appreciate all notifications we receive from the public,” said Alicia. As for stray animals, Alicia said, the public must start to put more pressure on the municipality by reporting all stray animal cases and carcasses in the street to Mr Bernard Mokiri (stray animals) at 078 802 9412 and Mr Phineas Ndwakhulu (carcass removal) at 078 802 9414. “Hopefully, they will start doing their jobs when inundated with calls and not just rely on the SPCA to do their jobs for them!” said Alicia. In conclusion, Alicia reiterated the fact that their inspectors’ duty still lies first and foremost with animal-cruelty cases, but that they are always willing to assist if he is not out on a call. “If we had to attend to each call regarding a stray animal, it would be impossible to get to all the cruelty cases we need to attend to as well,” said Alicia.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het voorverlede week toekennings gemaak aan die skool se uitblinker leerlinge. Michelle Burger het haar eerste balkie ontvang as lid van die skool se Guardian Angels. Foto verskaf.
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The Oklahoma Spur in Louis Trichardt hosted a Spur Singing Stars competition on the evening of 23 August for children aged from 6 to 13 years. Louis Trichardt Primary School started the evening off with a lovely choir performance, which saw more than 30 children taking part. The competition was won by Louis Trichardt Primary’s Oritshidza Musekene (left) with fellow school mate Suné Kruger (middle) in second place. Third place went to Ndivhwo Ramambila (right) from the De Montfort Catholic School in Louis Trichardt. At the back is the local Spur’s operations manager, Mr Peter Chinodya. Oritshidza will be taking part in the grand final of the competition, hosted in Gauteng, for a chance to win the grand prize of R30 000.
The new early childhood development (ECD) centre at Ridgeway College was officially opened by the Department of Education’s Soutpansberg East circuit manager, Mr Falaza Baloyi (right). Pictured with him is the chairman of the college’s board of directors, Mr Alpheus Nethononda (left). Photo supplied.
Ridgeway College boasts all new ECD centre By Bernard Chiguvare
“The quality of a child’s earliest environment and the availability of appropriate experiences at the right stages of development are crucial determinants of the way each child’s brain architecture develops,” said Richard Taggart, head of academics at the opening of an early childhood development (ECD) centre at Ridgeway College on Saturday. The new block can accomMiss Priscilla Shikuhele recently walked away with a brand new Bernette Sew & Go 1 sewing modate 100 children, twice the machine in the Bernina Makhado lucky draw competition. Pictured is Priscilla with the Bernina capacity of the old block. Hundreds of parents, as well Makhado staff. From left to right are Roelene Schnetler, Priscilla, Alta Jansen (owner) en Anrie as officials from the Department Crause.
OPT OUT NOTICE You may be eligible to claim compensation if you are currently or have been a GOLD MINEWORKER in South Africa, at any time after 12 March 1965, and have been exposed to silica dust or you have contracted silicosis or tuberculosis (“TB”) OR you are A DEPENDANT (for example, the wife, child or life partner) of such a gold mineworker who has since passed away, PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY AS IT MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS. THE SETTLEMENT On 3 May 2018, six mining companies - African Rainbow Minerals, Anglo American SA, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields, Harmony and Sibanye-Stillwater and some of their affiliates (“the participating gold mining companies”) reached a conditional settlement to pay compensation to eligible gold mineworkers and the dependants of such mineworkers who have passed away. The proposed settlement will settle the claims against the participating gold mining companies arising from the class action that was initiated before the High Court for: • the harm and loss suffered by mineworkers who contracted silicosis and/or TB during their work on certain gold mines in South Africa, and • the harm and loss suffered by the dependants of mineworkers who died of these diseases. The settlement was approved by the High Court in Johannesburg on 26 July 2019.
WHO IS INCLUDED IN THE SETTLEMENT? You are a class member, and will be included in the settlement, if you meet all the requirements of any of the four classes: Class 1:
Class 2:
All people: 1. who as at the date when the settlement agreement comes into force, have undertaken risk work. In terms of the settlement agreement, risk work means “risk work” as defined in the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 1973 or any of the following work: (i) work in the underground workings of a gold mine; (ii) work in a laundry where clothing of underground mineworkers is washed; (iii) work on a slimes dam of a gold mine; (iv) work in an assay laboratory of a gold mine where the composition of gold bearing ore is analysed, and where the mass of respirable dust from personal sampling is determined; (v) work in a metallurgical plant of a gold mine, including crushing, milling, transporting and smelting of ore; and (vi) work at conveyor belt operations which are undertaken to convey broken rock from the underground operations of a gold mine to surface; 2. who on or before the date when the settlement agreement comes into force, have contracted silicosis or have been exposed to silica dust; 3. who undertake or have undertaken risk work on one or more of the mines listed in Annexure A of this notice after 12 March 1965; and 4. who did not settle their claims in previously finalised settlements with Anglo American South Africa Limited and AngloGold Ashanti Limited on 14 March 2016 and Anglo American South Africa Limited on 19 September 2013, respectively. The dependants of any of the persons in Class 1 above who are deceased as at the date when the settlement agreement comes into force.
Class 3:
All people: 1. who as at the date when the settlement agreement comes into force have undertaken risk work; 2. who on, before or after the date when the settlement agreement will come into force have contracted Tuberculosis; and 3. who undertake or have undertaken risk work, after 12 March 1965, on one or more of the gold mines listed in Annexure A of this notice.
Class 4:
The dependants of any of the persons in Class 3 above who are deceased as at the date when the settlement agreement comes into force.
WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF THE SETTLEMENT? The settlement is not yet in force because some of its conditions have not yet been met. If the conditions are met, the participating gold mining companies will establish a fund, called the TSHIAMISO TRUST. If the settlement agreement comes into force: • The participating gold mining companies will pay agreed contributions to the Tshiamiso Trust and the process of paying compensation can start. • All class members can submit a claim to the Tshiamiso Trust for monetary compensation, except for those class members who opt out of the settlement. • Details of how to submit a claim to the Tshiamiso Trust will be published in the media and on the website www.silicosissettlement.co.za. • The Tshiamiso Trust will pay compensation to eligible claimants. An eligible claimant is a person who is a member of any of the classes and who meets the requirements of the Tshiamiso Trust to receive monetary compensation. • Class members must submit a completed claim form to the Tshiamiso Trust and may have to undergo a medical examination to determine if they are eligible claimants. Once the settlement agreement is in force, eligible claimants will be entitled to receive a once-off payment of between R10 000 and R250 000, depending on the nature and seriousness of the disease. In certain exceptional circumstances, this amount may be increased to up to R500 000. The full terms of the final settlement as well as the Court’s decision approving the settlement are available at www.silicosissettlement.co.za or can be obtained from the Class Lawyers (contact details below). YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY ANYONE TO ASSIST YOU TO MAKE YOUR CLAIM
of Education and the Makhado mayor’s office, attended the opening ceremony. During his address to the parents, Taggart outlined the importance of an ECD. He said that children were taught discipline and responsibility and could receive instruction and interpret requests more easily. Another advantage of such a centre is that children are exposed to their peers and they learn how to interact with other children. They also learn how to deal with conflicts that may arise. Taggart assured parents that if teachers and parents did things right in the early years, then they
should expect to see children thrive throughout school and their adult lives. During the opening ceremony, parents were entertained by children reading poems as well as performing dance items. The ECD was officially opened by the Department of Education’s Soutpansberg East circuit manager, Mr Falaza Baloyi. Parents and learners then had the opportunity to inspect the new ECD block. Some ECD learners rushed to play games, using some apparatus in the new classrooms, while others enjoyed themselves on the new playground next to the new block.
You cannot opt out by phone but you can call the numbers below for more information on opting out. Each class member seeking to opt out must fill out and sign a separate opt out form. If you deliver an opt-out form, the Independent Auditor may contact you for further information. THE OPT-OUT FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT www.silicosissettlement.co.za OR THEY CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CLASS LAWYERS OR THE CLASS LAWYERS WILL DIRECT YOU TO THE NEAREST PLACE WHERE YOU CAN FIND THE OPT-OUT FORMS (CONTACT DETAILS BELOW). * PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU COMPLETE THE CORRECT OPT-OUT FORM. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE IN THIS REGARD, USE THE INFORMATION SERVICES BELOW.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE CLAIMS PROCESS, THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND OPTING OUT: • Visit www.silicosissettlement.co.za; • Call the toll-free Call Centre at 0801 000 240 or 0800 110 110. The Call Centre will operate at no cost to persons calling from within South Africa; • Send a “please call me” to the following number 072 557 8077 or 079 835 7179. You may also contact the Class Lawyers at:
Richard Spoor Incorporated Attorneys
Abrahams Kiewitz Incorporated
Legal Resources Centre
Tel. +27 (0)11 482 6081; Fax. +27 (0)11 482 1419 info@rsinc.co.za; P.O. Box 303 Parklands, 2121 Physical address: Eton Building, Sherborne Square 5 Sherborne Road Parktown, Johannesburg
Tel. +27 (0)21 914 4842 Fax. +27 (0)21 914 1455 classaction@ak.law.za; P.O. Box 3048, Tygervalley, 7536, Cape Town Penthouse, 6th Floor, Imperial Terraces, Carl Cronje Drive, Tyger Waterfront, Tygervalley, Cape Town
Tel.: +27 (0)11 836 9831 Fax.: +27 (0)11 834 4273 silicosisclass@lrc.org.za P.O. Box 9495, Johannesburg, 2000 Bram Fischer Towers, 16th Floor, 20 Albert Street, Marshalltown, Johannesburg
WHAT MUST I DO TO REMAIN PART OF THE SETTLEMENT? IF YOU ARE A CLASS MEMBER AND YOU WISH TO BE PART OF THE SETTLEMENT, NO ACTION IS NECESSARY AT THIS TIME. While you do not have to do anything to participate in the settlement, if you wish to send your contact details expressing your interest in participating, you may do so by completing an information form or registering your interest at this website www.silicosissettlement.co.za.
OPTING OUT OF THE SETTLEMENT IF YOU ARE A CLASS MEMBER, THE SETTLEMENT IS AUTOMATICALLY BINDING ON YOU UNLESS YOU TAKE STEPS TO OPT OUT. If you do not want to be part of the settlement, or you want the right to pursue your claim individually in court, then you must take steps to opt out of the settlement. To opt out of the settlement, you must COMPLETE AND SIGN EITHER FORM A; FORM B; FORM C OR FORM D (WHICHEVER APPLIES TO YOU) AND DELIVER IT, TOGETHER WITH THE REQUIRED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (MARKED FOR THE ATTENTION OF “SILICOSIS SETTLEMENT”), TO THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR SNG Grant Thornton before 24 November 2019. The form must be signed before a commissioner of oaths. Every police station in South Africa has a commissioner of oaths. TO OPT OUT, DELIVER YOUR OPT-OUT FORM AND THE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS BY HAND OR BY FAX OR BY EMAIL USING THE FOLLOWING DETAILS: SNG Grant Thornton Address for hand delivery: 20 Morris Street East, Woodmead, Johannesburg 2191 Fax number: +27 11 234 0933 Address for delivery by email: silicosissettlement@sng.gt.com
Annexure A: Participating mines
SA Land Daggafontein East Daggafontein Elandsrand Deelkraal (also called Elandskraal) Kusasalethu Western Holdings (1,2,3,4,6,7) (ARMGold) Matjhabeng (Western Holdings other 4 shafts Kudu, Nyala, Sable, Eland which were former Freddies and Free State Geduld shafts) Saaiplaas 2,3 Saaiplaas 4,5 (Masimong) (FreeGold 3) Free State Geduld
Free State Cons FreeGold 2 and 4 Freddies 7 and 9 (to Kades Barnea cc, Pamodzi, Target mine) Freegold 2, 4 (Tshepong, Phakisa) President Brand President Steyn Steyn 1,2 (to Kades Barnea, Pamodzi, Bambanani) Steyn 3,4 (FreeGold 1, then Bambanani) Brand 1, 2, 3, 5 (Steyn 5 to 8) HJ Joel / Joel Western Reefs (merged with Vaal Reefs) Vaal Reefs (1,3,4,5,6,7) Vaal Reefs 2 Vaal Reefs 8 (Great Noligwa)
Vaal Reefs 9 (Kopanang) Vaal Reefs 10 (Tau Lekoa) Vaal Reefs 11 (Moab Khotsong) Western Deep Levels Mponeng (South Mine WDL 1) Tau Tona (East Mine WDL 3) Savuka (West Mine WDL 2) St Helena Evander (incl Kinross, Leslie, Bracken and Winkelhaak mines) Randfontein Estates Doornkop Cooke 1, 2 and 3 (Rand Uranium) Cooke 4 (Ezulwini) Unisel Harmony mine
Merriespruit Hartebeesfontein Loraine (Shafts 1,2 and 3) Zandpan Virginia mine Village Main Reef Western Areas (to South Deep) South Deep Beatrix (including Oryx) Oryx (to Beatrix) Driefontein (including East Driefontein, West Driefontein and Driefontein Cons) Kloof (including Leeudoorn from 1 Jan 1993, Libanon and Venterspos) St Helena (Beisa section)
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Zoutie ZoutieWeather
Thursday, 29 August
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/ Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak ds. Susan Oosthuizen by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. Louis Schoeman, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774
Friday, 30 August
Saturday, 31 August
Partly sunny, not as warm.
Plenty of sun, warmer.
Mostly sunny, very warm.
High: 25oC Low: 11oC
High: 30oC Low: 14oC
High: 30oC Low: 13oC
vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Haantjiekerk (h/v Burger- en Erasmustraat) in Louis VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Trichardt en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het Vroue van die Woord kom een maal ‘n maand op om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. die tweede Saterdag van die maand om 10:00 by Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf die Boekwinkel in Joubertstraat bymekaar. 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om te bid, Jannie by tel. 076 501 8285. geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om LOUIS TRICHARDT TUINvroue na God se hart te wees. “Alle vroue, jonk BOUKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Tuinbouen oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 klub nooi alle lede en nie-lede om in te skakel by hulle verrigtinge. Klublede kom elke derde Dins442 5248 geskakel word. dag van die maand byeen. Alle voornemende MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die groenvingers kan met Hannetjie skakel by 084 Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom 950 0205 of Sophie by 082 420 0514 om uit te elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basvind hoe hulle betrokke kan raak. ket in Songozwistraat byeen. MOTH SKOUERSKUUR Alle Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 oud-polisielede, gevangenisdienslede en soldate, 451 4249 geskakel word. hetsy diensplig of staandemag, en oud-MOTHGISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die lede word genooi na ‘n skouerskuur elke Dinsdag Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors vanaf 18:00 en Saterdae vanaf 11:00. welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot Die skouerskuur vind plaas by die Moths in 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal. Die groep Louis Trichardt se Turbi Hills bomgat te Burgerse leuse is “Vrolikheid by die Grysheid”. straat 66. “Die kantien is oop en almal is welkom Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht geska- om te bring-en-braai. Kom wees gesellig en kel word by tel. 083 453 6597, of Anna Snyman vertel jou stories oor jou polisie of weermag dae. by 084 516 0647. Families is welkom,” nooi die Moths. Vir meer inligting, skakel Old Bill Ben Wolff BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENby tel. 084 368 7045. TRE The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis Trichardt holds multi-faith devotionals every Thursday from 19:30. For more information phone 081 884 9553 (after hours). Alternatively, visit the website at www.bahai. org.
Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
GIMNASTIEKKLUB OEFENTYE Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub
oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag. Vlak 1 tot 3 gimnaste (meisies en seuns) sal Maandae en Woensdae oefen van 14:30 tot 16:00. Die Vlak 4 tot 7 gimnaste (meisies en seuns) sal ook op Maandae en Woensdae oefen, maar van 17:00 tot 18:30. Elzabé Stewart en Riekie Steyn is onderskeidelik verantwoordelik vir die meisies en seuns se afrigting. Vir meer inligting, skakel Elzabé by 082 566 3493 of Riekie by 082 484 1392.
• Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081
• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
ity Shop op die perseel van die Haantjie Kerk (NG Kerk Louis Trichardt) is oop weeksdae van 07:30 tot 12:30. “Kom ondersteun gerus. U is ook welkom om alle onnodige huisraad of klere te skenk. Die inkomste van Bergcare Charity Shop word gebruik vir die aankope van kos vir die Bergcare Bejaarde-projek,” sê die projekbestuurders. Vir meer inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by 015 516 3902.
STOEIKLUB OEFENTYE Die Louis Trichardt Stoeiklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 18:45. Persone wat graag Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die gimnastiek/stoeisaal meer wil uitvind oor die klub se bedrywighede of by die sportsoort wil betrokke raak, kan vir in Louis Trichardt. Carien Coetzee skakel by tel. 083 299 1183. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366
LTT SHUKOKAI KARATEKLUB Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai
• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Louis Trichardt Lodge-saal. Sondag erediens 10:00 (Afrikaans) en 18:00 (English). Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).
• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902.
AA BYEEN Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA)
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente bied op Vrydag, 30 Augustus, weer hulle baie gewilde kontrei-ete in die kerksaal aan. Die spyskaart bestaan uit skaapafval en skaapbredie vir dié wat nie kans sien vir die afval nie. Kaartjies vir hierdie gewilde ete kos R180 per persoon en is beskikbaar by enige van die ouderlinge, Gerrie Voges by tel. 084 596 5912 of die kerkkantoor by tel. 015 516 4366.
Die Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt bied op Vrydag, 30 Augustus, weer hulle gewilde straatkafee aan. Die verkoping vind vanaf 12:00 tot 17:00 op die kerkterrein plaas op die hoek van Stubbs- en Forestrystraat (oorkant BB Mount Fuji). “Ons nooi almal uit om te kom kyk wat ons het om te eet. Daar is onder meer kerrie-en-rys, vetkoek-en-maalvleis, worsbroodjies, jaffels, pannekoek en hoenderburgers,” sê die gemeente. Kaartfasiliteite is beskikbaar. Vir bestellings, skakel Willem Horn by tel. 071 304 9109.
Die groot La’t Wiel Dopperfees vind vanjaar op Saterdag, 31 Augustus, plaas. Lidmate is kliphard aan die werk om dit weer ‘n groot fees te maak. Die bekende vleistafel met net die beste vleisprodukte sal beskikbaar wees. Daar sal ook genoeg topgehalte vars groente wees – kom koop sommer die hele maand se voorraad. Ander stalletjies sluit in pap en kaiings, sosaties, handwerk, keurgebak, kerrie-en-rys en nog baie ander. Vir die jongklomp is daar onder meer waterkaskenades, ‘n springkasteel, speletjies en treintjieritte beskikbaar.
Inwoners van Louis Trichardt en omstreke word uitgenooi na die opvoering Kinders by Dosyne in die Fransie Vermaak-saal op Vrydag, 6 September. Die opvoering is ‘n opvoedkundige komedie oor die uitdagings van moderne ouerskap. Kaartjies kos R130 per persoon (voor 10 Augustus) en R150 per persoon daarna. Die opvoering duur van 18:30 tot 21:00 en kos en koeldrank se verkoop word. Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Juandri by tel. 082 448 2397. Kaartjies vir vol tafels is ook beskikbaar by Autofit en Is Liefde.
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 26 Augustus. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
26/08/2019 19/08/2019
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
68.6% 52% 60.4% 4.9% 50.6% 4.6% 93.3% 36.3% 62.6% 63.3% 10.8% 89.1%
68.9% 53.3% 61.3% 5.1% 52.3% 4.7% 94.2% 37.3% 63.7% 64.3% 11.3% 90%
11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:15
7-9 PG ¸ ˛ Fri: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:15 Sat, Sun: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon - Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:15
¸ ˛ Ç
Fri - Sun: 09:15, 11:30, 14:00, 16:45, 19:45 Mon - Thu: 11:30, 14:00, 16:45, 19:45
FAST & FURIOUS PRESENTS HOBBS AND SHAW 13 ˛ Ç Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Sat, Sun: 11:30, 14:15, 17:15, 20:15
˛ Ç
Fri - Sun: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon - Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00
HER ONLY CHOICE 10-12 PG Fri - Sun: 12:00, 14:15, 19:30 Mon, Tue, Thu: 14:15, 19:30 Wed: 14:15
Fri, Sun: 09:30, 16:45 Sat: 16:45 Mon - Thu: 11:30, 16:45
˛ Ç
12:00, 14:45, 20:15
˛ Ç
PG Fri - Sun: 09:15, 17:30 Mon - Thu: 17:30
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Sunday, 1 September
Monday, 2 September
Tuesday, 3 September
Sunny, not as warm.
Partly sunny, warmer.
Partly sunny.
High: 26oC Low: 11oC
High: 25oC Low: 11oC
High: 29oC Low: 11oC
Animal lovers are invited to the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s next Mutt Mile on Saturday, 7 September, at the Louis Trichardt Rugby Club. Entry cost R10 for the 1,6km Mutt Mile and R20 for the 5km fun run. The event is held in conjunction with Bark for Life, a canine event to help fight cancer. Bark for Life survivor walk will set of at 08:00 with the race starting at 09:00. Entry forms will be available on the day of the event and for more information, phone Alicia at 084 900 5332.
Kerk Levubu-gemeente nooi oud en jonk om saam met hulle te kom feesvier tydens hulle jaarlikse basaar op 7 September. “Bring jou gesin en geniet saam die Baster en Bella vertoning vir kinders gratis om 11:00! Daar is ook gratis speletjies, perdry, gesigverf, ‘n treintjie en nog vele meer vir die kinders op die dag!” sê die gemeente. Heerlike eetgoed om van te kies en keur sal verkoop word, insluitend hamburgers, kerrie-en-rys, stokworsies, pannekoek, vetkoek, roosterkoek, wafels en roomys, asook ander lekkernye vir groot en klein. “Moenie die vars broodstalletjie mis nie en dan natuurlik die tradisionele groente en vrugte, vleis en ons voortreflike koektafel! Hierdie jaar voeg ons by ’n ‘In-’n-bottel’- stalletjie waar die dames van Levubu nie gaan terughou met die inlê en maak van konfyte en alles wat mens in ’n bottel kan sit nie! Ons Local-is-lekker stalletjie beloof om ‘n uitstappie na Levubu absoluut die moeite werd te maak met alles wat ‘local’ en lekker is van LEVUBU teen baie goeie pryse!” sê die gemeente. Vir meer inligting skakel Luzaan 072 292 1240 of Leenke 084 443 2666.
The Louis Trichardt branch of the SA National Blood Service (SANBS) is organising a special festive day on 11 September to highlight the importance of donating blood regularly. According to Alan Maswime, the provincial
ntrei-ete o K
co-ordinator of the event, several hampers will be given away during the event and lots of festivities are planned. The local branch is also organising a “Jail & Bail”, during which prominent personalities will be “jailed” until such time as friends and family can come up with the “bail”, which will be measured in blood in this case. Alan said that the need for blood was increasing in the country and they continuously had to recruit new donors. They would like people with type O-blood to become donors, as this type of blood can be used for all patients. “But any type of blood will help,” he said. The local SANBS branch is situated at 27 Erasmus Street.
Inwoners van die Soutpansberg sal op 13 September die kans kry om te kom luister na Suid-Afrikaanse sangsensasie Elandré. Sy optrede is te danke aan Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en kaartjies kos R120 per volwassene, R80 vir hoërskoolleerlinge, R60 vir laerskoolleerlinge en is gratis vir kinders onder 6 jaar. Daar is ook ‘n beperkte getal van 50 VIP-kaartjies beskikbaar teen R180 per persoon. Die optrede vind plaas op die skool se rugbyveld (Leeupark) en begin om 19:00. ‘n Kontantkroeg sal beskikbaar wees en geen eie koelbokse sal toegelaat word nie. Vir meer inligting, skakel Madeleine Nel by tel. 083 388 7933. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die skoolkantoor.
Die Levubu Boeredag word Vrydag, 13 September, by Maclands Estate (25 km buite Louis Trichardt op die R524, in die rigting van Thohoyandou) gehou. Hierdie opwindende dag word deur die Avokado- en Makadamia Studiegroepe gereël. Die gasspreker die dag is dr. Roelof Botha, wat sal praat oor die landbou-ekonomiese vooruitsig vir Suid-Afrika. Verskeie tipes toerusting soos trekkers, spuitmasjiene, neutoptellers, misstrooiers en kettingsae sal die dag demonstreer word. Daar is ook uitstallings van landboutoerusting, landboudiensverskaffers en motorhandelaars. Die hekke maak 09:00 oop en die program begin om 10:00. Toegang beloop R50 per persoon en is gratis vir kinders. Vir meer inligting, of om ‘n borg of uitstaller te wees, kontak vir Elsje Joubert of Gertien Viviers per epos by levububoeredag2019@ gmail.com.
Wednesday, 4 September Mostly sunny.
High: 28oC Low: 12oC
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 verskeie plaaslike musiekkunstenaars wat as groep en ook individueel gaan optree. Kaartjies kos R250 per persoon, wat ‘n heerlike ete insluit. Dit is te koop by Da Silva Apteek, Weldon’s Apteek en Safety First. ‘n Tafel vir agt kan ook teen R2000 bespreek word. Vir meer inligting, skakel Nic Hoffmann by tel. 079 460 2160.
Die streek se skuts word uitgenooi na die Ultimate Shot-skietkompetisie op Saterdag, 5 Oktober, op SMG se skietbaan buite Musina. Die kompetisie word aangebied deur African Outdoorsman, in samewerking met die Bosveld Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging (BJV) se Kremetart-tak. Dit behels een kompetisie met vyf dissiplines wat geskiet sal word, naamlik pistool (10 skote), semi-auto (10 skote), kleiduifskiet (10 skote), 200 meter gong skiet en 50 m en 100 m groeperingskiet. Vir die eerste vier dissiplines sal wapens en ammunisie voorsien word. Vir die groeperingskiet moet eie senterslagwapen en ammunisie voorsien word. Die eerste prys is ‘n nuwe 308 Remington Winchester, tweede prys ‘n 809 Taurus 9 mm parabellum en derde prys ‘n Nordiske 12-boor. Daar is nog vele meer pryse. Deelname kos R300 per persoon en inskrywing sluit 3 Oktober. Kos en akkommodasie is beskikbaar met die prysuitdeling, wat by Tovey Lodge sal plaasvind. Inskrywings en reëls is beskikbaar by die BJV
Kremetart-tak in Musina. Alternatiewelik, skakel Jaco Lyon by 082 550 4208 (jaco.lyon@absamail.co.za) of Hennies Cordier by 083 866 5733 (hendrik.cordier@ lantic.net).
The Louis Trichardt SPCA will be hosting their annual auction on 11 October 2019. The auction will be held at Northgate Lodge, starting at 18:30 for 19:00. Tickets cost R100 per person and include snacks and a dance afterwards. All proceeds will go towards the local SPCA. Amazing items and experiences will once again be up for grabs. For more information, phone Alicia at 084 900 5332, Lesley at 071 545 5194 or Yolanda at 082 972 2060.
Die Hangklip Posduifklub beoog om hul jaarlikse jongduif eiling vir die 2020 seisoen te hou op Saterdag, 26 Oktober, by hul klubhuis te Mimosastraat 62 in Louis Trichardt. Inskrywings vind vanaf 08:30 plaas, met besigtiging om 11:00 en die veiling wat om 12:00 begin. Die afgelope wedvlug seisoen was daar om R230 000 meegeding, met vier veilingwedvlugte van R57 500 per wedvlug en die eerste 15 posisies wat prysgeld ontvang. Enige lid van die publiek is welkom om ‘n duif te kom “koop” om deel te neem. Vir meer inligting hieroor, skakel die voorsitter, Ben Pienaar (083 257 3259), of die klub se ondervoorsitter, Nico Bezuidenhout (082 762 4152).
14 DAMESTEE Skaapafval of -bredie
Datum: 30 Augustus Plek: NG Kerk SPB Tyd: 18:00 vir 18:30 Koste: R180 (per persoon) Kaartjies: Kerkkantoor (015 516 4366) of Gerrie Voges 084 596 5912
‘n Damestee ten bate van die Makhado Care Group word op 14 September in die Fransie Vermaaksaal aangebied. Die dag se verrigtinge begin om 14:00 en kos R150 per persoon. Die gasspreker tydens die geleentheid is Lizette Viljoen wat sal praat oor die onderwerp Vlinder Vrou, terwyl Country-sensasie Jacqueline Richter die vermaak sal verskaf. Die tema vir die tee is Feathers and Furs en daar moet vooraf bespreek word by Heila by tel. 067 408 7128 of Michelle by 076 053 0522.
Inwoners kan nou reeds kaartjies koop vir internasionale kunstenaar Amira Willighagen se optrede op Louis Trichardt op 14 September. Amira optrede word aangebied deur die Hervormde Kerk Broodboomvereniging ter fondsinsameling en vind plaas met die hulp van
A big thanks to our
Support local news. Buy 20 Zoutpansbergers per week and treat your customers or staff. For more info, contact George: 082 419 2359
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Sienna Female
Rudy Male
Willow Female
(6 months)
Luna Female
Lex Male
Gorgeous puppies
PD Otto Elektries vier 25 jaar
Die wenspan by PD Otto Elektries wat vanjaar hulle 25ste bestaansjaar vier. Voor, van links na regs, is Kobus Otto, Christa Otto, Vemsbey Greeff, Annique van den Berg, Adrian Steyn, Rosetta Otto, Riana Otto, Paul Otto en Dries Hills. Op die vragmotor staan Phatutshedzo Mulovhedzi, Samuel Siphugu, Godfrey Luvhimbi, Colbert Ravele, Derrick Lergadimane, Lawrence Murulane, Ezekiel Mokwebo, Amisi Hangwani, Vasco Munyai, Pieter Mukhola, Thomas Ndou, Tyron Chauke, Thomas Ranurebiwa, Stanley Matumba, Gabriel Mutete en Phineas Mukoki. Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Jareth Otto, Bok Hills, Innocentia, Takalani Mphaphuli, Masindi Vhavhagwele, Lesley Maduwa, Aron Masianuge en Thorne Thawalima.
Niks is vir hulle te groot of te klein om te hanteer niks, Rosetta is niks. Dit is wat ons gegun word om te doen deur ons Vader,” sê Paul. Die afgelope 25 jaar het PD Otto Elektries ‘n PD Otto Elektries van Louis Trichardt, ‘n familiebesigheid in murg en been, vier vanjaar huishoudelike naam geword in die Soutpansberg. hulle 25ste bestaansjaar. Eienaars Paul en Ro- Hulle het egter nooit “te groot” geword nie. setta is egter heel beskeie oor hierdie mylpaal “Geen projek is vir ons te klein om te doen nie,” sê Paul. Derhalwe kan enige iemand hulle kontak en sê dit is alles net te danke aan die Here se vir alledaagse elektriese werk, soos byvoorbeeld genade. “Wat jy nooit moet vergeet nie, jy is niks, ek is die installering van stowe, kragproppe en ligte tot Deur Andries van Zyl
GD &
68 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: 082 653 8363 015 004 0535 lttgearboxdiff@gmail.com
LTT Gearbox & Diff wens PD Otto Elektries baie geluk met
25 jaar se sukses en mag daar nog vele suksesvolle jare wees.
Baie geluk aan PD OTTO Elektries met julle 25ste bestaansjaar. Mag daar nog 25 jaar van sukses vir julle voorlè ARB Electrical Wholesalers is one of Southern Africa’s largest black-empowered electrical wholesalers, playing a pivotal role in providing the essential materials required for any electrical project, no matter how big or small.
die uitreiking van nakomingsertifikate vir huise en ondernemings. Paul is gebore op Louis Trichardt, waarna hy sy laerskoolloopbaan begin het op Vivo. In 1978 het hy matrikuleer aan Tom Naudé in Pietersburg, waarna hy as ‘n vakleerling elektrisiën aangesluit het by Yskor, Pretoria. Vanaf 1979 tot 1983 het hy by Yskor sy vakleerling- en lugmagdienspligopleiding ontvang,
waarna hy aan die einde van 1983 gekwalifiseer het as ‘n volwaardige elektrisiën. Dit was gedurende hierdie tyd dat Paul sy trouvrou, Rosetta, ontmoet het en hulle in November van 1982 die knoop deurgehaak het. In 1983 is Paul en Rosetta se eerste dogter, Riana, gebore, waarna Christa in 1984 gevolg het en Alta in 1988. (Vervolg op p. 13)
Refrigeration Solutions wens PD Otto Elektries baie geluk met 25 jaar se sukses en mag daar nog vele suksesvolle jare wees.
Derik Prinsloo
C/O Rissik & Cell: 083 452 1646 President Street Tel: 015 516 6269 Louis Trichardt Fax: 015 516 6746
Aircons Mortuary Rooms Cold / Freezer Cold drink / Rooms Display Fridges
Tel: 015 516 0116 • Fax: 015 516 4175
Congratulations on 25 years of achievement
Drie generasies van Otto’s in familiebesigheid (Vervolg vanaf p. 12) In 2007 moes die gesin egter op ‘n tragiese wyse van Alta afskeid neem, nadat sy in ‘n motorongeluk oorlede is. Nadat Paul as elektrisiën gekwalifiseer het, was hy vir die volgende vyf jaar werksaam by die Pietersburg Silikoon Myn, waarna die gesin na Louis Trichardt verhuis het en Paul by die munisipaliteit begin werk het vanaf 1988 tot 1993. In 1993 gaan Paul en Rosetta ‘n waagstuk
aan en bedank albei uit hul werk en begin saam hul eie onderneming, PD Otto Elektries, wat in Januarie 1994 amptelik sy deure oopmaak. Sedertdien gaan die besigheid van krag tot krag, ook as familiebesigheid. In 2000 sluit eers Riana aan by haar ouers en in 2005 ook Christa. Riana het intussen (November 2016) gekwalifiseer as elektrisiën, met haar seun Jareth wat vanjaar met sy vakleerlingskap by die besigheid begin het. (Vervolg op p.14)
In 2000 sluit Riana by die besigheid aan en in November 2017 kwalifiseer sy as elektrisiën. Haar seun Jareth het vanjaar met sy vakleerlingskap by die besigheid begin. “As hy kwalifiseer, sal hy die derde generasie Otto wees wat as elektrisiën by die besigheid aansluit,” het Paul gesê. Van links na regs is Riana, Paul en Jareth. Foto verskaf.
Hierdie lojale personeel van PD Otto Elektries spog met meer as 20 jaar diens. Van links na regs is Ezekiel Mokwebo (24 jaar), Vasco Munyai (23 jaar), Phineas Mukoki (20 jaar), Thomas Ranurebiwa (20 jaar), Paul Otto (25 jaar), Rosetta Otto (25 jaar) en Riana Otto (20 jaar). Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Queen Rambau (23 jaar) en Ellias Khomola (afgetree op 65 jaar met 23 jaar diens).
Verskaf en herstel van meganiese seëls en pompe
Baie geluk aan PD Otto Elektries met 25 suksesvolle jare! Mag die toekoms nog baie sulke jare bring Lize van der Merwe - 071 502 8454 • safluid@ymail.com
Die span elektrisiëns by PD Otto Elektries. Van links na regs is Kobus Otto (wat in beheer van wens nog baie jare uitstekende diens aan ons gemeenskap toe..pdf 2 die daaglikse instandhoudingskontrakte van kliënte), Dries Hill, Adrian Steyn, Paul Otto, Rosetta Otto (kantoor) en Riana Otto.
Veels geluk aan PD Otto Elektries met julle 25ste bestaansjaar.
Die EAV is trots om lede soos julle te hê. C
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Veels geluk aan PD Otto Elektries met jul 25ste bestaansjaar!! Mag daar nog baie suksesvolle jare in besigheid vir julle voorlê! Ons is trots om met julle geassosieer te word! Kantoor: 015 004 0222 / 0022 Sel: 082 898 3002 E-mail:
Baie geluk aan PD OTTO ELEKTRIES! Wat 'n ongelooflike prestasie. ACDC Express Polokwane wens nog baie jare uitstekende diens aan ons gemeenskap toe.
TEL: (015) 516 1950 / THEUNS: 074 459 8495
85 000 Elektriese Oplossings We wish to congratulate PD Otto Electric on 25 years of hard work & commitment!
Shop no. 8 Polokwane Lifestyle Center, Cnr of Market and Landros Mare Streets 015 297 6136 polo.sales1@acdcexpress.com
PD Otto Elektries glo aan ‘n oop hand na publiek
PD Otto Elektries se werkspan met tussen 10 en 20 jaar diens. Van links na regs staan Derrick Lergadimane (14 jaar), Godfrey Luvhimbi (12 jaar), Pieter Mukhola (17 jaar), Stanley Matumba (16 jaar), Thomas Ndou (12 jaar), Amisi Hangwani (15 jaar), Lawrence Murulane (16 jaar), Samuel Siphugu (15 jaar), eienaars Paul en Rosetta Otto, Christa Otto (15 jaar) en Kobus Otto (15 jaar). Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Lesley Maduwa (13 jaar).
Bridge BP Tel: 015 516 0231
Edeck Investments
Congratulation with 25 years! Wishing you all the best for the future.
Congratulations with 25 years of success! We wish you the all the best for years to come.
Dave Farland 082 578 8086
(Vervolg van p.13) “As hy kwalifiseer, sal hy die derde generasie Otto wees wat as elektrisiën by die besigheid aansluit,” het Paul gesê. Buiten vir Riana (wat ook die besigheid se tenders hanteer) en Paul, wat nie net eienaar is nie maar ook hoof installasie-elektrisiën, het die besigheid nog twee gekwalifiseerde elektrisiëns, Adrian Steyn en Dries Hills. Kobus Otto (Christa se man) is in beheer van die daaglikse instandhoudingskontrakte van kliënte. Dries se seun Anton tree op sy beurt op as die besigheid se beroepsgesondheid en-veiligheidsbeampte wat die besigheid en werkers se veiligheid moet verseker. In die kantoor staan Rosetta in beheer van die administrasie en debiteure, met Christa wat die krediteure behartig. Hulle word bygestaan deur Annique van den Berg en Paul se suster, Vemsbey, as stoor- en voorraadbestuurder. “Mens is dankbaar vir wat jy vir jou familie kan doen,” sê Paul. Van die velde waarin PD Otto Elektries die laaste paar jare uitgebrei het, het ingesluit die hoogspanningsveld. “Dit sluit in oorhoofse hoogspanningskabels,” sê Paul. Hulle het ook hul werksmag aangevul met twee ekstra bakkiespanne. Onlangs het Paul-hulle ook ‘n 23-ton hyskraan aangekoop. “Die doel is om ook die hyskraan uit te verhuur,” sê Paul. Die kraan kan ook gemodifiseer word om as kersieplukker te werk. Deel van Paul-hulle se besigheidsfilosofie is om terug te ploeg in die gemeenskap. “As jy in ‘n klein gemeenskap funksioneer, moet jy teruggee aan die gemeenskap wat jou ondersteun. My pa - hy was ‘n plaasboer en padkontrakteur - het altyd vir my gesê, ‘Eet uit die gemeenskap, gee terug aan die gemeenskap’ en ons probeer,” sê Paul. Derhalwe het hulle ‘n oop hand ten opsigte van die dorp se bejaardes (Ons Tuiste, Laat Lente
& son
cash and carry www.premjeegroup.com Tel: 015 516 5194 Fax: 015 516 1038 info@premjees.co.za 77 Kruger Street, Louis trichardt
MOUNT FUJI BRANDSTOF We wish to congratulate PD Otto Electric with this wonderful achievement, may there be many more years to come! 141 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: (015) 516 6503
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en Herfsakker), die skole, kerke en ook jaarliks by die Cansa Relay for Life. Laasgenoemde is ‘n teer puntjie vir Paul, wat self in Februarie 2017 met kolonkanker gediagnoseer is. “Jy kom nie agter wat is kanker tot jy self kanker gehad het nie,” sê Paul. Die kanker kon gelukkig suksesvol verwyder word en na twaalf sessies chemoterapie oor ses maande versprei is hy steeds in remissie. “Dit is net genade en ek dank die Vader daarvoor,” sê Paul. Wat Paul-hulle se toekomsvisie betref, het hulle hulself verbind tot volgehoue goeie diens aan die publiek. “Die geheim van goeie diens is as jy ‘n ‘comeback’ kry, gaan maak dit dadelik reg. Jy is net so goed soos jou werkers. As jou werkers nie hul werk reg doen nie, word jy nie weer gevra nie,” sê Paul. Hy het weereens gesê dat geen projek vir hulle te klein of te groot is om te hanteer nie.
Hul hulp aan ons strek oor talle jare Die inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfskakker in Louis Trichardt, skryf:
aie geluk P D Otto Elektries met julle mylpaal. Paul en Rosetta Otto is aan ons bekend as twee ruimhartige mense. Hulle help graag hulle medemens waar hulle kan en dit het ons ook ervaar met hulle gewilligheid om te help dat die inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfsakker se stowe en geysers, tot waar ons gemagtig is, in ‘n werkende orde bly. Hulle betrokkenheid by Laat Lente en Herfsakker strek al oor ‘n hele aantal jare. Ons wens hulle voorspoed en sukses toe in hulle besigheid, asook in hulle privaat lewe. Baie dankie Paul en Rosetta.
We sell a wide range of Power tools, generators, welders etc.
Baie geluk aan PD Otto vir hulle 25ste bestaansjaar! Dankie vir julle getroue ondersteuning • Tel: 015 516 6635/84 • 015 516 7116/7 • E-mail: sonetaw@mweb.co.za
26 Joubert Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 6035/0005 • 076 929 6964 Email: Netstarauto@gmail.com
Congratulation with 25 years of success! We are proud to be associated with PD Otto Electric and their team. Wishing you all the best for years to come.
Die “jongklomp” by PD Otto Elektries met minder as 10 jaar diens. Van links na regs staan Annique van Den Berg (3 jaar), Dries Hills (3 jaar), Adrian Steyn (7 jaar), Phatutshedzo Mulovhedzi, Gabriel Mutete (2 jaar), Tyron Chauke (3 jaar), Colbert Ravele (6 jaar), Thorne Thwalima (2 jaar), eienaars Paul en Rosetta Otto en Vemsbey Greeff (3 jaar).
In beheer van die administrasie in die kantoor. Van links na regs is Queen Rambau, Annique van den Berg, Rosetta Otto, Christa Otto, Vemsbey Greeff en Riana Otto.
Nuwe logo, dieselfde goeie diens: GROUP OF COMPANIES
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Baie geluk aan PD Otto Elektries met jul 25ste bestaansjaar!
25 Jaar is ‘n mylpaal om op trots te wees, baie geluk en alle voorspoed vir die toekoms! Meyerstraat 53, Winkel no. 7 Nardus 516 5312 / 516 1331 / 082 892 8604
Armature Rewinders for all Motors and Transformers • Tel: 015 292 0519/20 • Fax: 015 292 1564 • e-mail: sales@e-m-r.co.za website: www.e-m-r.co.za PO Box 95, 44 Agaat Street, Superbia, Polokwane
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Happy 25th Anniversary to PD Otto Electric. May there be many more.
Club honours achievers and plan for busy year Cricket News
About 160 athletes with disabilities, ranging from total blindness, partial sightedness, and deafness to various forms of physical disability, as well as a number of able-bodied scholars, came together at Louis Trichardt High School’s Leeupark for a morning of fun athletics, courtesy of the Isability Sports Club on Saturday. Internationally known South African blade runners Tebogo Mofokeng (left) and Daniel du Plessis, and world record holder Ntando Mahlangu (right), made the day truly special for the disabled youngsters by mingling with them, motivating them and giving ‘running’ commentary for much of the time. In an exhibition race by Ntando and Tebogo, some of our local strong, able-bodied lads challenged the amputees to a 400 m race – but Ntando came out tops, with Tebogo a close second. Photo: M&R Photography.
GWEN: 083 556 4501
127 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 3160
To advertise your property on this page, fax your info to Tel: (015) 516 2303 or contact George at 082 419 2359
admin@realty1lt.co.za • www.realty1lt.co.za
The Louis Trichardt Cricket Club held its annual general meeting last Wednesday and reflected on a busy year with numerous achievements. The club’s chairperson, Joubert Fourie, gave feedback on the past year’s activities during the meeting. Special mention was made of the team that managed to win the Vhembe T20 league as well as the Limpopo promotional league. The club also produced the best bowler in the provincial T20 league and the promotional league (Dirk van den Berg) and the best batsmen in the T20 league and the promotional league respectively, namely Leon Olwage and Dewald Joubert. One of the club’s junior players, Gerhardus Fourie, was named as the best U/17 player in the province. Gerhardus is also a serious campaigner for a place in the SA Under 19 team. The cricket club’s new committee members were elected during the meeting. Joubert Fourie was re-elected as chairperson of the club, with Grant Phillipson also staying on as vice-chairperson. Dirk van den Berg is the club’s secretary, while Naomi Phillipson is the treasurer. The three additional members are Paulo Piorek, Dewald Joubert and Jandré Hancke.
As far as the local leagues are concerned, some fierce competition between the teams was the order of the day the past few weeks. Currently, a T20 league is in the process of being finalised. Five teams entered for this competition and the past weekend saw the semi-final rounds. Limpopo, the reigning champions, beat Strikers by 31 runs in the one semi-final. In the other semi-final, Vikings came up against Ridgeway. Vikings scored a 54-run victory to proceed to the final. The final of the local T20 league will be played on Sunday, and Limpopo will try and retain their unblemished record of the past few years. The match starts at 13:45. The club is also preparing for the Vhembe T20 league that starts in a few weeks’ time. The matches will be played on 15, 22 and 29 September. Matches will be played in the mornings as well as the afternoons. On a more social level, the club is organising a six-a-side tournament. Eight teams can be accommodated, and the entry fee is R600 per team. Entries close on 18 September and the first eight teams that have entered and paid will be accepted. For more information about the six-a-side tournament, Naomi Phillipson can be contacted at naomi@phillipson.co.za.
RETA: LINDA: RIKA: KHATHU: MARIETJIE: 079 332 2840 084 986 0548 082 315 9940 076 415 0304 082 853 6481
131 Krogh Street (C/o Krogh & Ruh st) Louis Trichardt 0920 Carel Hammann 082 923 1620
Hierdie drie krieketspelers van die CVO-Skool Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichardt het almal hul provinsiale kleure verwerf as lede van die o.19-oopspan ná afloop van die BCVO se nasionale krieketkampioenskappe vanaf 8 tot 10 Augustus in Middelburg. Van links na regs is Rikus Smit, SJ Mynhardt en Reinhardt Smit.
Aanbiedinge ingewag slegs op afspraak.
Verskeie van die CVO-skool Zoutpansberg se o.13A- en B-krieketspelers het hul provinsiale kleure in die sport verwerf ná afloop van die BCVO se nasionale krieketkampioenskappe vanaf 8 tot 10 Augustus in Middelburg. Van links na regs is Ewan Smit (B-span), Hendré Theron (A-span), Wiehann Human (A-span) en Tjaart Blignaut (B-span)
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
Plek vir meer lande. 6 Toegeruste boorgate. Toestemming vir dam in rivier met ideale posisie. Pakstoor, koelkamer, gifstoor en werkswinkel. 3 Woonhuise. 4 Kragpunte.
Dié groepie mini-krieket spelers van die CVO-Skool Zoutpansberg buite Louis Trichardt het almal hulle provinsiale kleure in die sportsoort verwerf ná afloop van die BCVO se nasionale krieketkampioenskappe vanaf 8 tot 10 Augustus in Middelburg. Van links na regs staan SJ Theron, Rikus van den Berg, Wayne du Toit, Marné Mynhardt en Marike Theron.
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Wie kan help met raaisel oor klub se regte ouderdom? We are asking our readers for some assistance in dating photos and supplying a bit of history. A few weeks ago, we focussed on the Louis Trichardt Bowls Club in our weekly column on the region’s sport clubs. The members of the club estimated that the bowls club broke away from the then Louis Trichardt Country Club in around 1988 and established new courts on the corner of Anderson and Ruh Street. The founding date of the club was set as “just before 1964”. The past week we received a few historic photos from the Transnet Heritage Library. These photos are dated 1951. At first we thought that the photos might be incorrectly dated, but on closer inspection it looks as if the bowling courts were established at that location prior to 1950. The backgrounds in the photos give interesting clues. In the one photo, the tennis courts are visible. The tennis club moved to its current location around 1948. In the other photo, the empty area next to the reservoir on the hill is clearly visible. The photo could not have been taken in the 1980s, as the area had been developed with numerous houses and streets by then. If you can shed more light on the photos, please contact Anton van Zyl at 015-5164996/7 or send him an email at anton@zoutnet.co.za.
SLAAPKAMER HUIS TE HUUR IN LEVUBU Pre paid krag Onmiddelik beskikbaar
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Duiwe spook sake uit vanaf Virginia Duiwenuus
Duiweboere van die Hanglip Posduifklub se duiwe het die afgelope naweek weer gewedywer in twee opewedvlugte vanaf Virginia. Die Top posisie in die 14A-opewedvlug het gegaan aan Gerhard Bezuidenhout, wie se wenduif
Beraders: 072 262 8646 / 084 616 2355 / 082 256 6423 / 083 257 3127 Ondersteuningsgroep: Posbus 85, Louis Trichardt
die wedvlug beklink het met ‘n spoed van 1102.68 meter per minuut. Hy was ook 7de. TE Smit was 2de en 9de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 3de en 6de, Julius Pienaar 4de, Sekelbos Hokke 5de en Ben & Marian Pienaar 8ste en 10de. In die 14B-wedvlug was dit Ben & Marian wat met die louere weggestap het, nadat hul wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1091.30 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 3de. TE Smit was 2de en 7de, Nico Bezuidenhout 4de, Mieke & Mike Coetzee 5de, 8ste en 10de, Julius 6de en RWJ & Mike 9de. Tans beklee Gehard steeds ‘n eerste plek op die klub se punteleer, met 1 307 punte. Nico is tweede met 1 246 punte, terwyl Mieke & Mike die derde plek beklee met 1 228. Die vierde tot negende plek ke is ingepalm deur RWJ & Mike (1 224), Julius (976), Sekelbos Hokke (960), Ben en Marian (934), TE Smit (887) en Erasmus Hokke (409). Eerskomende naweek sal die klub weer kragte meet in twee opewedvlugte vanaf Wolmaransstad oor ‘n afstand van 610 km.
MUSINA GRONDGEBRUIK BESTUURSKEMA, 2010 Aansoek vir Spesiale toestemming vir: Die konstruksie en oprig�ng van ‘n telekommunikasie mas en basisstasie. Kennis word hiermee gegee aan almal wie dit mag raak, dat ingevolge die bepalings van Klousule 20 van die Musina Grondgebruik bestuurskema, 2010, ons, die ondergetekende, Torbiouse Solu�ons BK., aansoek gedoen het by die Musina Plaaslike Munisipaliteit vir spesiale toestemming vir die doeleindes van die oprig�ng en bedryf van ‘n telekommunikasie mas en basisstasie op Erf 2407 Messina-Nancefield Uitbreiding 6 gelee te 2407 Peter Mokaba Weg, Messina-Nancefield, Musina. Besonderhede van hierdie aansoek sal beskikbaar wees vir inspeksie gedurende die kantoorure vanaf 08:00 tot 16:00 by: Musina Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Irwin Straat 21, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 30 Augustus 2019. Enige beswaar teen of vertoe ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae na publikasie van die advertensie in die plaaslike koerant, nl. 30 Augustus 2019, skri�elik by die kan-
Got news? Contact us at: 015 516 4996
toor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Munisipale kantore, Privaatsak x611, Musina, 0900, ingedien word, sowel as by die ondergenoemde aansoeker, skri�elik en nie later nie as: 30 September 2019. Applikant Besonderhede: Torbiouse Solu�ons BK., Posbus 32017, To�usdal, 0134. 418 Rus�c Weg, Silvertondale, 0184. Tel: 012 804 1504, Faks: 012 804 7072, e-Pos: pp@infraplan.co.za Verwysingsno: 355009 MUSINA LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME, 2010 Special Consent applica�on for: The construc�on and opera�on of a telecommunica�on mast and base sta�on. No�ce is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that in terms of Clause 20 of the Musina Land Use Management Scheme, 2010, that we, the undersigned, Torbiouse Solu�ons CC., applied to the Musina Local Municipality for Special Consent for the purposes of the construc�on and opera�on of a Telecommunica�on Mast and Base Sta�on on Erf 2407 Messina-Nancefield Extension 6, situated at 2407 Peter Mokaba Road, Messina-Nancefield, Musina. Par�culars of this applica�on will lie for inspec�on during office hours at: Musina Local Municipality, 21 Irwin Street, for a period of 28 days from 30 August 2019. Any objec�on to or representa�ons in respect of the applica�on shall be lodged in wri�ng, together with the grounds thereof to both the Musina Local Municipality, Private Bag X611,Musina, 0900, as well as with the under men�oned applicant, not later than: 30 September 2019. Applicant details: TORBIOUSE SOLUTIONS CC., P O Box 32017, To�usdal, 0134 . 418 Rus�c Road, Silvertondale, 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504 Fax: 012 804 7072 E-mail:pp@ infraplan.co.za Reference nu: 355009 VAN HEERDEN & RUDOLPH ATTORNEYS In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of MAKHADO held at Louis Trichardt Case No.: 454/2019 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the ma�er between: ZOUTPANSBERG MEDICAL CENTRE (Plain�ff) and MR OTTO NGOMA (ID: 870427 5760 089) (Defendant) IN PURSUANCE of a judgment in the Magistrate’s Court of Louis Trichardt and writ of execu�on dated 6/5/2019, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execu�on to the highest bidder at THE SHERIFF’S WAREHOUSE THOHOYANDOU by MR TG RALIPHASWA on 20/09/2019 at 11H00 namely: 1 X 6 COMPUTERS 1 X 3 PHOTOCOPY MACHINE 1 X 1 TABLE 1 X 3 CHAIRS Dated at Louis Trichardt on 20 AUGUST 2019. A�orneys for Plain�ff VAN HEERDEN EN RUDOLPH, 24 DEVENISH STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920. P O BOX / POSBUS 246 Tel.: (015) 516 0164/5/6 Fax.: (015) 516 1091 MRSHORN/ bh/30727/83376
VACANCIES To advertise your Vacancy or Tender on this page, contact us at: 015 516 4996
available Accounting experience an advantage. Remuneration: R 5000.00 per month. Send CV to lorraine@payfocus.co.za
LAERSKOOL LOUIS TRICHARDT 41 Erasmus, Louis Trichardt, 0920
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AFRIKAANS HUISTAAL INTERMEDIÊRE FASE GR 4-6 Handig CV in by kantoor voor 9 September 2019 om 13:00.
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
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NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 ADVERTISING / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Zander Goedhals 064 687 8521 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7
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Instrukteurs van die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub het onlangs hulle jaarlikse oefensessie saam met Shihan Tomiyama in Brits bygewoon. Shihan Tomiyama van Londen woon elke provinsie se oefensessie by, asook die sessies in Zimbabwe en Botswana. Afgeneem is (voor, van links na regs) sensei Lourens Botes, Shihan Tomiyama en sensei Andries Cloete. Agter is sensei Tommy Janse van Rensburg. Sensei Johnathan Janse van Rensburg was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto. Foto verskaf.
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Laerskool Louis Trichardt se fietsryspan het Saterdag aan ‘n vriendskaplike kompetisie op Levubu deelgeneem teen die span van Laerskool Levubu. Dit is die eerste jaar wat Levubu se fietsryspan aan die skoleliga deelneem en die skool se spannetjie verbeter met elke byeenkoms. Tydens Saterdag se byeenkoms het Louis Trichardt vyf wedrenne gewen en Levubu een. Louis Trichardt het 23 kinders ingeskryf, maar nie almal kon klaarmaak nie. Die dik sand het ‘n klompie fietsryers onkant gevang en hulle het onttrek na hulle geval het. Hier is Louis Trichardt se spanlede afgeneem tydens die byeenkoms. Louis Trichardt se span het Lizelle Venter en die Levubu-span bedank vir Saterdag se reëlings. Foto: Mark Archer.
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The idyllic golf course at the foot of Hanglip
Louis Trichardt
The Soutpansberg Golf Club is one of the oldest sports clubs in town, with its roots stretching back to the period after World War I. During that period, the Soutpansberg region saw an influx of British settlers and many people came from Britain to live in the Bushveld as part of a settler scheme introduced by the 1820 Settlers Foundation. “Bandelierkop, a small settlement to the south of Louis Trichardt, had a significant English population. They were ostensibly into cattle ranching. There was a golf course, and the local people liked playing polo. There was a hotel, and the local shopkeeper shops and the colonial folks liked visiting Louis Trichardt on occasion,” writes Johann Tempelhoff in his book, Townspeople of the Soutpansberg. According to Tempelhoff’s research, the English-speaking community in Louis Trichardt expanded quickly and so did the sports and other activities that they enjoyed. “In May 1927 the Council had to consider the rules of the Louis Trichardt Golf Club. At one stage the golf course, which today only has nine holes, boasted a fine 18. The club house came only after World War II,” writes Tempelhoff. Tempelhoff also quotes a former club captain, the late Mr Sydney Schultz, when he talks about the early years. “…there used to be a little thatch hut from which the golfers operated. It was there where they used to have tea and change their clothes. If they wanted to have drinks the golfers had to go to the Hotel Louis downtown.”
Lys van sportklubs
In 1951, when this photo was taken, the golf club boasted with 18 holes. From the picture it is clear that the “greens” were a lot less “green” and much smaller than today’s bentgrass creations. (Photo courtesy Transnet Heritage Library)
for the approach shots. To top off the layout at Soutpansberg Golf Club, facilities are available to cater for the golfer’s every need: A well-stocked bar, delicious meals on the menu, a Pro-Shop and restrooms with showers. The golf club lures a large number of tourists to the region every year. The highlight on the club’s calendar is the Hanglip 54 tournament. In July every year, this three-day tournament takes place. It celebrated its 26th birthday in 2019. Because of the Today, the Soutpansberg Golf Club can be popularity of the tournament, entries are restricted described as one of the most picturesque golf and visitors book places months in advance. courses in the country. It might not have the “glitz and glamour” of the designer courses on private estates, but it has an authentic bushveld charm and unbridled natural beauty. The backdrop is the cliffs In the past 90 years, the club has produced many at Hanglip, which seems to be keeping a watchful provincial and even national champions. Unforeye on the golfers while they make their way up tunately, not much of this has been meticulously the slopes. documented and kept in the club’s archives, making The nine-hole course stretches over 6 254 metres a quick listing of the achievements difficult. (if you do not deviate into the treacherous outfield) In May to June 1995, local one-armed golfer and the par score is 72. It caters for lady golfers Rudi Burger participated in the World One-Armed as well, with a slightly shorter 5 337 metres. The Golf Championships in Forest of Dean in the south greens boast bentgrass, while kikuyu fairways cater of England and won the coveted President’s Prize. In the early 1990s, a young member of the club, Vic Grobler, started making a name for himself in golfing circles. He participated in the pro-circuit from 1990 to 1992, during which time he competed against players such as Ernie Els. A former junior member of the club, Hendrikus Stoop, currently competes on the professional circuit and is doing reasonably well. The past weekend he shared a 14th place in the R1-million Vodacom Origins of Golf tournament played at the Throughout the year, various competitions are held at the Sishen Golf Club. Soutpansberg Golf Club. Once a year the “old men” come up against the club’s “young men”. This year the trophy was shared. From left to right are Brink Schlesinger (captain of the Old Men), Inus Steyn The membership fees for (club captain) and Rampie Gilfillan (captain of the Young Men). 2019 are R2 300 for men, Photo supplied.
And 92 years later …
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
19 th HOLE
Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie
Woensdagspel Datum 21/08/19
Hoofborg Eie reëlings
Formaat IS Punte
B. Schlesinger
C. Jandrel
M. Venter
33 Saterdagspel
Datum 24/08/19
Hoofborg Eie reëlings
Formaat IS Punte
I. Bosman
40 37
J. van der Walt
M. Venter
uittel 35
R910 for women, R360 for juniors and R950 for a country member (100km and further from Louis Trichardt). Social members will have to pay R550. A R360 once-off entry fee is also payable. 2019 Committee Members of Soutpansberg Golf Club: * President: Peter Thompson *Club Captain: Inus Steyn * Vice-captain: Sean Collett * House: Johan Cronje * Ladies Captain: Ruth Christie * Treasurer: Coenie Oosthuizen * Secretary: Ruth Christie * Course: Sean Collet * Member & Marketing: George Mahlaui
Die Zoutpansberger is besig om ‘n gids saam te stel wat die sportklubs in die dorp en onmiddellike omgewing insluit. Die idee is om die inligting op ons webtuiste te stoor waar ons ‘n blad vir elke klub genereer. Vir die volgende klompie maande wil ons probeer om elke week rofweg ‘n halfblad in die koerant af te staan aan ‘n spesifieke sportklub. Hierdie inligting word dan oorgedra na die webtuiste. In elke week se koerant is daar dan ook ‘n lys met al die sportklubs wat weekliks verskyn. Die plan is om langs elke sportklub se naam ‘n QR-skakel te hê wat dan wys na die webblad. Daar is geen koste verbonde aan die projek nie. Dit is nie ‘n kommersiële projek nie en ons idee is slegs om inwoners meer bewus te maak van die geaffilieerde sportklubs en hulle in staat te stel om vinnig en maklik uit te vind watter sportklubs is aktief in die streek en hoe om hulle te kontak. Stuur asb. inligting oor sportklubs na anton@ zoutnet.co.za of news@zoutnet.co.za. • Soutpansberg Squash Club Oranje str 1
Ronel Welman: 084 581 4868
• Soutpansberg Golf Club
C/O Ruh & Hospital Street,
Maré van der Merwe: 015 516 0991
• Louis Trichardt Gymnastic Elzabé Stewart: 082 566 3493
• Louis Trichardt Tennis Club
For more information, phone Maré van der Merwe at Tel 015 516 0991 or visit http://spbgolfclub.co.za.
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Oranje str 1
126 Anderson Street Henk Beukes: 082 894 3796
• Louis Trichardt Bowls Club
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C/O Ruh & Anderson Street
Kittie de Bruin: 015 516 0997
• Louis Trichardt Touch Rugby
Levubu Road
Results: parkrun #29 - 24/08/2019 Pos
Age Cat
Michael MILTON
Nelson EGAS
Ferreira NEL
Stefan FOORD
Every Saturday at 8:00am LTT PARKRUN STATISTICS 2019 • Number of events: 29 • Total number of runners for 2019: 436 • Average number of runners per week: 61.4 • Biggest Attendance: 142
Tony Marageni: 065 829 5655
• Louis Trichardt Cricket Club C/O N1 & Rissik Street,
Joubert Fourie: 082 494 3532
• Female record holder : Donna GREYLING - Time: 22:33 • Male record holder : Livhalani MUDAU - Time: 16:58 What is Louis Trichardt parkrun? It is a 5km run - it’s you against the clock. Every Saturday at 8:00am. Where is it? The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1. What does it cost to join in? Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time. How fast do I have to be? We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!
For more info & results just scan this QR Code:
• Louis Trichardt Wrestling
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Orange Street 1
Carien Coetzee: 083 299 1183
• Hanglip Posduifklub
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Ben Pienaar: 083 257 3259
• Average run time: 00:42:11
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• Soutpansberg Posduifklub Bertus Marx: 083 307 7533
• Soutpansberg Skietklub Ampie du Toit: 082 742 0168
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• Jukskeiklub
Maud Myburgh: 082 680 6579
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• Shyffontein Practical Shooting Bez Bezuidenhout: 082 414 8474
Next to LTT Rugby Club
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• Limpopo Badminton Association
LMB Makhado (Braambos) Sarel van der Walt: 082 381 0326
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Tweedes is tops! seisoen,” het klubvoorsitter Kevin Gilbert gesê. rugbyliefhebbers se ondersteuning. “Ons wil almal volgende jaar. Intussen sal daar sporadies raakrugVolgens Gilbert het die klub vanjaar een van sy bedank wat so getrou al ons tuiswedstryde onders- by en 10-aan-‘n-kant wedstryde gespeel word. Vir meer inligting hieroor kan die klub se afrigter, suksesvolste seisoene in ‘n lang tyd beleef. Dit, teun het,” het Gilbert gesê. Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub het hul rugbyDanie Pita, geskakel word by tel. 082 816 4392. sê hy, was grootliks te dankie aan die plaaslike Die nuwe rugbyseisoen begin middel Januarie seisoen Saterdag met ‘n wen in die provinsie se tweede liga afgesluit. Louis Trichardt se eerste- en tweedespanne het vir die eerste keer sedert 2011 saam deurgedring na die finaal van die provinsiale senior liga. Toe het beide spanne as provinsiale wenners uit die stryd getree. In 2015 kon slegs die dorp se eerstes na die finaal van die provinsiale liga deurdring, maar het as naaswenners uit die stryd getree nadat hulle 14-22 teen Noordelikes verloor het. ‘n Wen in die finaal van die provinsiale liga was weer nie die dorp se eerstespan beskore nie en hulle moes Saterdag weer as naaswenners uit die stryd tree ná ‘n 9-22 nederlaag teen Potgietersrus se eerstes. Louis Trichardt se tweedes het egter die pap dik aangemaak in hul wedstryd teen Letaba 2. Alhoewel Letaba die eerste drie punte op die telbord geplaas het vroeg in die wedstryd met ‘n strafskop, was dit redelik eenrigting verkeer vir Louis Trichardt na hul opponente se doellyn en Louis Trichardt het die wedstryd 50-13 gewen. Buiten die manne wat die drieë gedruk het, kon Louis Trichardt se agsteman, Johan Botes, nie ‘n voet verkeerd sit met die skopskoen nie en was hy suksesvol met al sy doel- en strafskoppe. Wat die derde (reserwe) liga betref, het Kruinies hulle opponente van Polokwane, Noordelikes, met 31-12 kafgedraf. “Ons rugbyseisoen is nou iets van die verlede en daar is soveel mense wat ons moet bedank. Dit is ons eerste wedstryde op ons nuwe veld. Dankie aan al die besighede wat advertensieborde om die veld opgesit het. Hulle dra almal finansieel by tot Louis Trichardt se tweede rugbyspan vier fees nadat hulle Letaba se tweedes met 50-13 geklop het in die finaal van die provinsiale senior rugbyliga. die klub en ons hoop hulle dra weer by vir die 2020 Die finale wedstryd is op Louis Trichardt beslis voor tuisveld ondersteuners. Deur Andries van Zyl
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