Zoutpansberger 30 September 2022

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Vyf vas ná

Die Limpopo Provinsie is tans in die greep van ‘n ernstige toename in gewelddadige aanvalle op plase die afgelope maand. In die jongste voorval is ‘n 71­jarige plaaseienaar, haar 47­jarige seun en ‘n plaasarbeider tydens ‘n gewapende roof gewond deur rowers wat nie geskroom het om te skiet nie.

Die aanval het verlede Donderdag, 22 September, op die plaas Schietfontein in die Musina­distrik plaasgevind. Volgens die polisie het ses mans gewapen met ‘n geweer en pistole tussen 08:00 en 09:00 die plaas betree. Die mans het ‘n plaaswerker in die maag en linker voorarm geskiet, waarna hulle twee vroulike plaaswerkers saam met die eienaar van die plaas, die 71­jarige Rita Cronjé, die plaashuis in gedwing het.

Die aanvallers het geld en vuurwapens van Cronjé geëis en toe sy nie aan hulle versoek voldoen het nie, het hulle haar in die maag geskiet. Intussen het Cronjé se seun, Wynand, wat besig was om die plaas te patrolleer, teruggekeer huis toe. Met sy aankoms het die aanvallers vir hom in die huis gewag. Hy is in die skouer geskiet toe hy probeer het om sy vuurwapen uit te haal.

Cronjé het noodgedwonge haar kluis se sleutels aan die aanvallers oorhandig, waarna hulle twee gewere, ammunisie en ‘n hoeveelheid kontant gebuit het. Hulle het daarna te voet gevlug.

‘n Grootskaalse mensejag is kort ná die voorval geloods en danksy flinke samewerking tussen die Linton­boeregemeenskap, plaaswagte van Mopanie, Alldays, Weipe, Musina (ook die Musina GPF) Pontdrif en omgewing, asook ander privaat rolspelers wat ‘n vliegtuig en twee helikopters beskikbaar gestel het, die polisie van Alldays en Musina, die Beitbrug SAPS Taakspan, Louis Trichardt Blitspatrollie en lede van die weermag, is vyf van die ses mans ure ná die aanval aangekeer, waar hulle in die gebied geskuil het. Die polisie het ook vuurwapens, ammunisie en van die gesteelde geld teruggevind.

Die vyf aanvallers, almal Zimbabwiërs, is geïdentifiseer as Shingirai Justice Nyandowe (32), Francewell Moses Zambara (32), Brilliant Sibanda (26), Forward Shumba (26) en Erick Sithole (34). Die vyf het almal Maandag, 26 September, in die hof op Senwabarwana (Bochum) verskyn op klagte van huisbraak met die opset om te steel, roof met verswarende omstandighede, die besit van ongelisensieerde vuurwapens, die besit van ongelisensieerde ammunisie en drie klagtes van poging tot moord.

Die vyf se saak is uitgestel tot Dinsdag, 11 Oktober, vir verdere polisieondersoek. Omdat hulle almal van Skedule 6­oortredings aangekla word, is borg teengestaan en sal hulle tot hulle volgende hofverskyning in aanhouding bly. Intussen is teen druktyd nog gesoek na die sesde verdagte in die aanval. Die man was blykbaar die meesterbrein agter die aanval en ‘n werknemer op die plaas gewees.

Ook teen druktyd het Wynand nog in ‘n hospitaal in Polokwane aangesterk, terwyl sy ma in ‘n hospitaal in Gauteng behandeling ontvang. Haar toestand is egter as stabiel beskou en dokters is tevrede met haar vordering. Die plaaswerker Dennis (sy van kon nie bevestig word nie) se toestand was ook stabiel waar hy plaaslik mediese behandeling ontvang.

(Vervolg op p.2)

Van die kontant wat tydens verlede Donderdag se roof gebuit is, is weer teruggevind. Foto: Limpopo SAPD. ‘n Grootskaalse mensejag is kort ná die gewapende roof op die plaas Schietfontein geloods en danksy flinke samewerking tussen die gemeenskap en owerhede is vyf verdagtes ure ná die aanval aangekeer. Foto: Limpopo SAPD.
Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul 30 September 2022 www.zoutpansberger.co.za PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 38 Vol.39Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8 9 772409 283001 39 ISSN 2409-2835 Audited Distribution Figures Oom Willie Roux was voorwaar ‘n legende gewees - bladsy 3 Makhado finally provides documents after 3-year battle - page 3 e-mail: elektries@pdotto.co.za High Tention Work (HT) Containers For Hire PD OTTO ELEKTRIES 24 HOUR CALL CENTRE: 083 251 8139
bloedige roof
6.PcsOriginalRecipe, LrgChips 2Reg.Mash&Gravies &Reg.Coleslaw 12990 Ts&CsApply.Imagesforillustrativepurposesonly.Onlywhilestockslast ALLINONE FEAST

“Daarop het hulle by Elim gekom waar twaalf waterfonteine en sewentig palmbome was, en hulle het daar by die water laer opgeslaan.” Exodus 15:27.

Die vermoeienis van die reis was groot, en wat ‘n heerlike verrassing toe hulle ‘n oase voor hulle sien. Twaalf helder water fonteine gee verkwikking en 70 palmbome bied koel skaduwee.

Ons reis ook deur die woestyn van die lewe. Daar is soms Maras op ons pad, teleurstelling, beproewinge, bitter waters van verdriet. Maar, Goddank, ook Elims. Was dit nie vir die Elims nie, dan sou ons beswyk het op die moeisame pad.

Elim bring voorsiening. Daar is 12 fon teine, een vir elke stam van Israel.

So ‘n Elim bied God jou ook vandag. Daar rus ‘n las van sonde op jou waaraan jy swaar gedra en waaronder jy byna beswyk het. Hoor hoe borrel die water uit die fontein van 1 Johannes 1:9: “... as ons ons sondes bely, Hy is getrou en regverdig om ons die sonde te vergewe en ons van alle ongeregtigheid te reinig.”

Luister na hierdie wonderlike fontein: “Dié wat op die Here wag, kry nuwe krag; hulle vaar op met vlerke soos die arende; hulle hardloop en word nie mat nie, hulle wandel en word nie moeg nie.” (Jes.40:31).

Bo die fonteine strek die palmbome hulle lieflik uit. Hulle is 70 in getal, so baie as daar jare is in die span van ons lewe op die aarde (Ps.90:10).

Die psalmis sê dat die regverdige sal groei soos die palmboom (Ps. 92:13). Ons lewe moet groen en vrugbaar wees om vir ander reisigers in die woestyn tot seën te wees.

Waar ons tans in die binnekamer by die water laer opslaan, laat ons drink uit die Elimsfontein, sodat ons vandag aan ander skuiling en lafenis kan bring.

Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe gelede in die Zoutpansberger

Beurtkrag word opgeskort vanweë brand

Deur Andries van Zyl

‘n Wegholveldbrand in die Mara­omgewing suid van Louis Trichardt het Dinsdag vir ‘n paar benoude oomblikke gesorg, met boere van regoor die streek wat ingespring het om te kom help veg teen die vlamme.

Volgens berigte het die vuur reeds Maandag ontstaan naby die Buysplaas, maar kon onder beheer gebring word danksy die hulp van die plaaslike gemeenskap en die brandweer van LMB Makhado.

Dinsdag se warm en winderige weer het egter uiters gunstige toestande vir veldbrande geskep en die vuur het weer opgevlam. In ‘n stadium het die vuur Dinsdag oor ‘n area van sowat 20 km gewoed, wat tot gevolg gehad het dat Eskom met spesiale vergunning beurtkrag in die area afgelas het, sodat water gepomp kon word om die vuur te beveg.

“Ons is nie seker hoe die brand begin het nie,” het mnr. Fanie Havinga, voorsitter van die Soutpansberg Distrikslandbou­unie, gesê. Op ‘n positiewe noot het Havinga gesê dat minimale skade deur die brand aangerig is. “Sover my kennis strek is daar geen infrastruktuur of boorde wat gebrand het nie. Dit was maar meestal ou weidingsgronde wat gebrand het. So hier en

Hierdie week, 25 jaar

Reeds vroeg ná die aanbreek van die land se “nuwe demokrasie” het gerugte en beskuldigings van korrupsie en wanbesteding al begin kop uitsteek, wat ook die geval was hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede.

Die hoofstorie op die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 26 September 1997 het gegaan oor die destydse Noordelike Distriksraad wat opdrag gekry het van die ouditeur-generaal om alle besteding te staak weens ongerymdhede met hulle finansies. Die ongerymdhede het inge wanbesteding, die betaal van dubbel salarisse en ongemagtigde voertuiglenings. In daardie stadium het die destydse nooddienste in Polokwane, Musina, Louis Tri chardt, Tzaneen en Thohoyandou onder die distriksraad se beheer geval. Al hierdie instansies is ingelig dat hulle enige verdere uitgawes moes staak, behalwe om brandstof in hulle voertuie te gooi. Alle ander uitgawes moes deur die direkteur in beheer van die nooddienste op distriksvlak persoonlik goedgekeur word.

Ook op die voorblad was nog ‘n hartseer berig oor ‘n jong inwoner wat sy lewe in ‘n onge luk op een van die streek se paaie verloor het. Die 20-jarige Eugene Ferreira is dood in ‘n ongeluk op die N1-suid by die toe nog Elim-grondpad afdraai.

Ook daardie week het die ultra-moderne neutfabriek,

Royal Makadamia, by Ratombo geopen. Die neutfabriek is in daardie stadium teen ‘n koste van R5,7 miljoen opgerig en was slegs een van vier neutfabrieke ter wêreld wat ontwerp is om te voldoen aan die ISO 9002-standaarde.

Op die sportfront is die toe nog jong Anthony Krügel aangewys as die toe nog Noordelike Provinsie (nou Limpopo) se junior gholfkampioen.

daar was daar kragpale wat deurgeloop het,” het Havinga gesê.

Havinga was ook bly dat geen lewensverliese gely is nie, te midde van die brand wat by tye totaal buite beheer gewoed het. Wat skade betref het Havinga gesê dat om dit te bepaal maar moeilik is. “Vir die een ou wat beeste het, is die weiding baie werd en vir die ander wie se plaas net bos was en nou skoon gebrand is, is dit ‘n

aanwins. So, om die waarde daarvan te bepaal, is baie moeilik,” het Havinga gesê. Hy het ook genoem dat hy nie seker is hoeveel hektaar veld in totaal deur die brand verwoes is nie.

Havinga het inwoners van die streek gewaarsku dat die brandgevaar tans baie hoog is in die streek.

“Mense moet versigtig wees, want die veld is baie vatbaar vir brande op die oomblik.”

Samewerking lei tot flinke arrestasies

(Vervolg van P.1)

Venetia­myn se dokters en mediese personeel, wat die gewondes op die plaas te hulp gesnel het, is geloof vir hulle optrede.

Verlede Donderdag se aanval is voorafgegaan deur twee noodlottige aanvalle op plase vroeër die maand. Gedurende die vroeë oggendure van 6 September is die 68­jarige MG Richter en sy vrou in hul plaashuis in die Dwaalboom­area buite Thabazimbi deur ‘n groep

aanvallers oorval. Richter is doodgeskiet, terwyl sy vrou ernstig gemartel is. Sy het wonderbaarlik die aanval oorleef.

Huisinhoud, vuurwapens en die egpaar se Volkswagen Amarok is tydens die roof gesteel. Die gesteelde voertuig is ure ná die voorval in Bela­Bela opgemerk deur die polisie, waarna ‘n skietery tussen die aanvallers en polisie uitgebreek het. Een verdagte is doodgeskiet en een gewond. Beide mans was werksaam op die plaas gewees.

In die ander noodlottige

voorval, ook op 6 September, is die 59­jarige Nikolaas Steenkamp van die plaas Maroelasfontein in die Northam­omgewing se lyk deur plaaswerkers gevind, ‘n dag nadat hy vermis geraak het. Steenkamp het blykbaar die vorige dag gery om aan ‘n pomp op sy plaas te werk. Hy is nie weer gesien, totdat sy vasgebinde lyk gevind is nie. Juwele en ‘n skootrekenaar is onder meer uit sy huis gesteel. In totaal is vyf verdagtes in verband met hierdie moord aangekeer.

Thank you for supporting SPCA’s Farmer’s Market

Rozanna Spence sent in the following on behalf of the Louis Trichardt SPCA:

At the SPCA’S Spring Craft and Farmer’s Market day on 3 September 2022, three lucky winners were drawn for the blankets that were knitted and crocheted and raffled off to raise funds for the animals.

Third prize went to Rahul, second prize to Roelien and first prize to Estelle.

Thank you to all the ladies whose hard work enabled the project to bring in an amazing total of R12 450. Thank you too to all those who sold tickets and the kind folk who bought the tickets. Your efforts are appreciated.

God bless you for your generosity and kindness

The residents of Laat Lente and Herfsakker in Louis Trichardt, write:

We would like to thank the sponsors who generously donate on a regular basis, including Limpopo Dairy, Sasko Bakery and the Zoutpansberger

Thank you also Tannie Das for the eggs, Oom Ted Uys for the meat and mielies, Mr and Mrs Patel, Mr and Mrs Roodt and Lizelle Lemmer for the delicious fruit.

Thank you Feed the Hungry for vegetables, fruit and juices and Ons Tuiste for the lovely soup and containers. God Bless you all for your generosity and kindness.

Members of the Louis Trichardt Rotary Club planted 10 indigenous trees at the Ford complex in town on 17 September as part of their environmental­awareness initiative. Pictured left is Rotarian Johan Gilfillan and right is local Rotary president Leon Barnard. Assisting with the planting of the trees is Rotarian Zander Goedhals (at the back). Barnard also thanked Danie Pretorius who helped dig holes for the trees. Photo supplied. ‘n Reuse brand in die Mara­omgewing het Dinsdag daartoe gelei dat beurtkrag in die Louis Trichardt­area opgeskort moes word om brandbestryders te help water pomp om die vlamme te beveg. In ‘n stadium het die brand oor sowat 20 km gewoed. Foto verskaf.
BRIEWE / LETTERS Write to us at news@zoutnet.co.za

Oom Willie was voorwaar ‘n legende

Deur Pétria de Vaal

“As jy ‘n soldaat was, Pa, het ons vandag ‘n saluut afgevuur en ‘n eskader vliegtuie daar mee saam die lug ingestuur, want jy was die kryger vir ons regte en vryheid. Ons Generaal. As jy ‘n koning was, was ‘n volk vandag in rou, en ons ís, want jy was die heerser van tannie Sophie en ons kinders se hart. Die man en pa wat in liefde regeer het oor die klein konink ryk van ons gesin.” Só skryf Hanno, ontslape oom Willie Roux van Louis Trichardt se seun, in ‘n huldeblyk.

Vroegoggend op 21 September is die welbekende Oom Willie ná ‘n siekbed in die ouderdom van 92 jaar oorlede. Sy gedenkdiens het Woens dag, 28 September, uit die NG Kerk Soutpans berg plaasgevind. ‘n Hartseer gemeenskap van die omgewings waar hy welbekend was as DIE afslaer, groet ‘n formidabele man. Die diep spore wat hy getrap het maak deel uit van die dorp en groter omgewing se ryk geskiedenis.

Willem Petrus Roux is op 1 Augustus 1930 in Worcester gebore. Hy was die oudste van vier broers (waarvan nou slegs die jongste, Jacobé Meiring Roux, nog leef). Hier het hy grootge word en gematrikuleer aan Boys High, Worces ter.

Oom Willie se familie was wynboere in die Worcester omgewing. Sy pa, Jacobé Meiring Roux, het self meer as 90 jaar oud geword. Sy oupa, na wie oom Willie vernoem is, het diep spore in die Worcester omgewing getrap, waar hy onder meer burgemeester was. Hy was slegs

42 toe hy oorlede is. Meer as 3 000 mense het sy begrafnis bygewoon. Die skilder Hugo Naudé het ‘n lewensgrootte skildery van hom geskilder wat by die Worcester Stadsraad hang.

Hier, in Worcester, het oom Willie reeds as skoolkind ‘n intense belangstelling in die afslaer bedryf gehad. As Standerd 8 (Graad 10) leerling het hy sy eerste veiling georganiseer en ‘n klompie moeilike Jersey beeste in Worcester se hoofstraat aangekeer.

Ná matriek het oom Willie sy diploma aan die Glen Landboukollege in Bloemfontein verwerf. Hy het ‘n tyd lank geboer, onder meer op die plaas Terpentynbult (Mooketsi) langs die bekende Bertie van Zyl van ZZ2. Hulle het boesemvriende geword.

In 1964 het hy as bemarkingsbeampte by Vleissentraal in die Komatipoort omgewing begin werk. In 1970 is hy as afslaer en assis tent bestuurder op Louis Trichardt aanges tel. Oom Willie het die groot area vanaf die Bosveld (Louis Trichardt) tot in die Laeveld (Komatipoort) bedien.

‘n Paar jaar later is hy bevorder tot bestuurder van Vleissentraal Bosveld en in 1993 het hy amptelik “afgetree”. “My pa het tot en met die ouderdom van 84 jaar steeds veilings hanteer, waarvan die laaste een op sy skoonseun, Pieter Hoogenboezem, se plaas in die Vivo omgewing was,” sê Hanno.

Oom Willie se beroep was ook sy stokperdjie. Hy het vroeg in sy lewe besef dat ‘n suksesvolle afslaer mense se belangstelling met ‘n paar kort woorde moet kan prikkel. Hy het geglo dat ’n

Two in court over illegal explosives

Court News

Two foreign nationals were arrested by members of the Beitbridge Task Team on Friday, 23 September, after they were allegedly found in possession of explosives along the N1 road.

According to provincial police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Malesela Ledwaba, members of Beitbridge Task Team were busy along the N1 road between Musina and Beitbridge, conducting a stop and search operation, when they stopped a suspicious

blue Toyota Corolla with two occupants.

“Upon searching the vehicle, the members found four bags in the boot of the car contain ing two hundred and forty seven (247) blasting cartridges, 1 250 connector capped fuses and seven reels of detonating cord,” said Ledwaba.

The two suspects were immediately apprehended on the spot and the explosives, as well as their motor vehicle, confiscated.

The two, Zorodzai Mukon zamariro (31) and Luck More Harunashe (40), appeared in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges relating to the illegal smug gling of explosives. Their case was postponed until 4 October for further police in vestigations into the origin of these explosives and intended destination. Mukonzamariro and Harunashe will remain in custody until then.

Following the arrest of Mu konzamariro and Harunashe, the provincial police commis sioner, Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe, commended the members involved for their dedication in ridding this province of criminality.

afslaer moet kan praat, bemark en verkoop. Hy het ook geglo dat die afslaer sy kopers (en produk) moet ken.

Oom Willie het veral bekendheid verwerf met die aanbied van die land se heel eerste wildveiling in 1974 naby Hoedspruit op Koos Gilio mee se plaas die begin van ‘n groot bedryf in Suid Afrika. Hanno noem dat sy pa groot name op sy adresboek ten opsigte van die wildbedryf gehad het, onder meer dr. Chris Barnard, Presi dent Cyril Ramaphosa en Sol Kerzner.

Diegene wat by oom Willie se veilings was, kan getuig van sy vaardighede en professionaliteit in dié bedryf. Staaltjies uit oom Willie se beroepslewe was volop – hy het dit altyd graag vertel.

Oom Willie se vrou van 44 jaar, tannie Sophie, sê: “Hy was die mees liefdevolle en saggeaarde mens met die mooiste hart en ‘n wonderlike pa vir my en ons kinders. Ek gaan hom baie mis.”

“My pa was ‘n absoluut gematigde persoon. Hy het geen kwaad in iemand gesien nie. Ons as kinders is altyd gelyk geskat. Wat die een kry, moes die ander ook kry. Hy het geweier dat negatiwiteit besit van hom neem. As ons hom gevra het hoe dit gaan, selfs terwyl hy al baie siek was, het hy altyd gesê dat dit met hom ontset tend goed gaan. Hy was regtig ‘n uiters positiewe en gelowige mens. Wat ons sal bybly is dat hy altyd gekniel het as hy bid – tot onlangs nog,” vertel Hanno. In die huldeblyk noem Hanno dat hulle pa ‘n mentor was, in die naam van God. “Ons kyk in jou blou horison oë en hoor jou stem. Ons sal jou steeds bly volg want jou rigting, Pa, het jy nooit byster geraak nie.”

Oom Willie laat die volgende familie agter: Sy vrou, tannie Sophie, kinders Abrie Senekal, Pieter (skoonseun) en Trudie Hoogenboezem, Jaco Roux, Hanno Roux, asook Tony Kostyan en René Beukes, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders.

Die familie spreek hulle dank uit teenoor drs. Gaigher en Badenhorst, Kittie de Bruin en haar span by Ons Tuiste, ds. Etienne van Staden, die NG Kerk Soutpansberg se susters, Gerda Nagel van Mosaiëk Begrafnisdienste, Elmien Guil laume en Janet Landman, asook almal in eie geledere wat met reëlings behulpsaam was.

Wyle oom Willie Roux (92). Foto verskaf. The bag of explosives confiscated by members of the Beitbridge Task Team last Friday along the N1. Photo: Limpopo SAPS.
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 3 Palm Customer Service is our priority! Mondays - Fridays: 07:00 - 18:00 / Saturdays: 07:00 - 17:00 Wholesale Depot Pepsi Max 2lt x 6 Pepsi & Pepsi Max 330ml x 24 R69.70 R100.00 R342.90 R172.00 Tel: 015 516 0180 Email: palmdrankwinkel@gmail.com WHOLESALE DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC! WE DELIVER ON ORDER. Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml x 24 Switch Energy Drink 500ml x 24 (mix your own flavours) Tel: 015 516 4423 Shop no. 6, Songozwi St, Louis Trichardt OUTFITTERS McCoys WHEN ONE PAIR OF PANTS IS ENOUGH
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Makhado finally provides documents after 3-year battle

The Makhado Municipality finally gave in and made available information requested more than three years ago by the Zoutpans berger about the sale of a public park in Louis Trichardt. This marks the end of a long court battle to get the documents, which must have cost the authorities hundreds of thousands of rands.

The municipality’s decision to release the documents comes two weeks before a contempt of court application would have been served in the High Court. The documents were filed after the municipality continued to defy a court order instructing it to provide information requested in terms of the Promotion of Access to Informa tion Act (PAIA).

The saga started at the end of 2019, when word got out about the way the Makhado Mu nicipality had disposed of a public park in Louis Trichardt. No public consultation process was

followed before the council put the park up for sale by means of public auction. The park was split up into two erven and prospective buyers had to submit bids. The criteria seemed straight forward – the highest bid would be accepted, provided that it was not less than the market value of each of the erven.

The Zoutpansberger had to fight for weeks to find out who had bought the two sections of the park as the municipality was not very forthcom ing with the information. What then transpired was that in both cases the bidders who had sub mitted the highest bids had been disqualified.

In the case of Erf 3456, which is closest to the N1, seven of the eight bidders were disqualified, and the erf was sold to a bidder who had offered R400,000 less than the highest bid.

The municipality refused to explain why the bidders were disqualified, merely stating that “they did not tick all the boxes”. The bidders, most of whom are experienced developers, were not told why they had been disqualified.

After trying unsuccessfully to obtain informa tion from the municipality, Zoutnet Publishers (owners of the Limpopo Mirror and Zoutpans berger newspapers) filed a PAIA request. This application was completely ignored by the municipality. After the deadline for response expired, an appeal was filed with the municipal ity. This appeal was also ignored, in complete defiance of the legislation.

Zoutnet Publishers then approached the Louis Trichardt Magistrate’s Court to force the munic ipality to adhere to the legislation and make the documents available. This was the first such case in South Africa as, until 2019, legislation did not allow a lower court to rule on such matters.

The Makhado Municipality initially ignored the application in the magistrate’s court and it was heading for the unopposed roll. The Covid restrictions in early 2020, however, meant that the case could not be heard and it was re scheduled. When it was put back on the roll again, the munic ipality suddenly woke up and opted to defend the decision to with hold the information.

In September 2020, magistrate Vanessa Grundlingh ruled on the matter and effec tively brushed aside the municipality’s de fence. She ordered the municipality to adhere to the PAIA request and make the information available.

However, the municipality was still not willing to make the information available. An appeal was filed by its lawyers against the magistrate’s ruling in the Limpopo High Court, but the mu nicipality was clearly not in a rush to have its day in court. Almost two years passed before the ap peal was to be heard, with minimal efforts from Makhado Municipality’s legal team. In June 2022, the case came before judges Frans Kgomo and Thogomelani Tshidada, but the hearing turned out to be very short as the case was struck from the roll for non compliance.


Job Title: Material Handler

Division: Conways Xpress Thohoyandou (XT)

Number of Posts: One (1)

Qualifications: Grade 12 or Equivalent

Driver License – C1 (Code 10) with valid PrDP.

Preferred experience: At least one year in an aluminium or stock handling environment as well as 2 years commercial driving experience

Reports To: Stock Controller & Operations Manager

Main purpose of job: Picking, packing, receiving & loading of stock, ad-hoc goods deliveries when required & general housekeeping.

Job Title: Driver

Department: Conways Xpress Thohoyandou (XT)

Number of Posts: Two (2)

Qualifications: Matric / Grade 12 or equivalent

Driver License – EB (Code 8) with valid PrDP. C1 will be advantageous.

Preferred experience: Two years’ experience as a commercial driver Basic knowledge of Wispeco’s Crealco Aluminium products

Report to: Operations Manager / Stock Controller / Storeman

Main purpose of job: Deliver goods and communicate with customers (work without assistance) Deliver correct quality goods and collect returns from customers.

Job Title: Admin Assistant

Division: Conways Xpress Thohoyandou (XT)

No. of posts: One (1)

Report to: Ops/Admin Manager

Requirements: Matric / Grade 12 or equivalent.

Fully computer literate (MS office fully competent, Excel Competent)

Good telephone and communication skills

At Least 2 years experience in an administrative/operations environment; Cashier, Accounting or General Administration processes.

A relevant post matric qualification, Own car with license would be an advantage

Main purpose of job: Responsible for all administrative functions.

Short listed candidates will be required to undergo the relevant psychometric test.

Application to: Conways Xpress Thohoyandou – Attention: Ndivhuwo Maliga

Mail address: ndivhuwo@conways.co.za

Closing date: 6 October 2022 at 12h00

bility resides with the party who brings the mat ter to court (in this case, the municipality) to file, index and paginate the documents properly.

The two judges explained to the municipality’s legal team that the magistrate’s ruling was now enforceable, and they must file the appeal again and restart the process if they felt the ruling was not just. The municipality was also ordered to pay costs.

What happened next was a continuation of the municipality’s delaying tactics. No appeal was filed against the magistrate’s ruling and the municipality did not respond to several letters requesting the information. Having no other alternative, Zoutnet served papers on the munic ipal manager, indicating that he was in contempt of a court order. Documents were filed in the Limpopo High Court, asking that the court in tervene in the matter and force the municipality to comply. The matter was set to be heard on 6 October on the roll for unopposed cases.

Last Monday, the municipality, without any explanation, sent the documentation as ordered by the Mag istrate’s Court. The documentation makes for interesting reading but needs more inves tigation before a story can be published.

The full legal cost for the municipality’s legal team is expected to run into a couple of hundred thousand rands as senior counsel had to be used to fight the matter in the High Court, apart from the process in the Magistrate’s Court.

Judge Kgomo described the documentation prepared by the municipality’s legal team as a mess and chaotic. He and Judge Tshidada criti cised them for sloppiness and said that this was in contravention of the court rules. The responsi

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Zoutnet was supported in the case by the SA National Editors Forum (SANEF) as well as the Association of Independent Publishers. During the appeal hearing, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) also became involved and asked to be allowed as amicus curiae (friends of the court). In the founding affidavit, SANEF and MMA describe themselves as “non profit organisations dedicated to ensuring that the rights to free dom of expression, access to information and a strong, independent press are realised in South Africa”.

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt.

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Last Monday, the municipality, without any explanation, sent the documentation as ordered by the Magistrate’s Court. The documentation makes for interesting reading but needs more investigation before a story can be published.
The park in question is situated opposite Soutpansberg Spar.
Audited Distribution Figures
Email CV’s to Andre.Botha@ za.ab-inbev.com Preference will be given to African Female applications

Die Gister­se­Jeugklub van Louis Trichardt het op Maandag, 12 September, die kersieplaas en Azalia paradys, Cheerio Gardens, in Magoebaskloof gaan besoek, te danke aan me. Greta Fourie van Limpopo Melkery wat die klomp “jong mense van lank gelede” met haar bussie aangery het Sy het ook later vir heerlike koue koeldrank gesorg toe die groep ‘n ligte ete by die Magoebaskloof Hotel gaan geniet het. “Greta, ons weet dat hierdie nie net ‘n duur ekskursie was nie, maar boonop moes jy jou eie program skommel om ons te kon help. Om jou net te bedank is maklik, maar ook heeltemal onvoldoende. Feit is dat jy vir ons ‘n uiters genotvolle uitstappie moontlik gemaak het wat andersins nie sou kon plaasvind nie. Daarom sê ons dankie, dankie, dankie! Dit word opreg waardeer. Mag jy geseënd wees!” het oom Willie Agenbacht namens die klub gesê. Afgeneem is die groep tydens hul besoek aan Cheerio Gardens. Foto verskaf.

Ondersteun VLU Aandblom en LUK se borskanker bewusmakingsprojek


Die VLU Aandblom­tak in Louis Trichardt het die inisiatief geneem om saam met Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se leerling uitvoerende komitee (LUK) van 2023 ‘n borskanker bewusmakingsprojek vir Oktobermaand te hou.

Geld wat hierdeur ingesamel word, sal gaan ten bate van die Makhado Care Group. As deel van die projek sal drie­meterlange seksies pienk lap verkoop word teen R100, asook ‘n kaartjie van bemoediging en ‘n strikkie teen R5 elk. Inwoners word dan versoek om vir Oktobermaand ‘n boom of lamppaal voor hulle huis of besigheid te versier met die pienk lap.

“Daag jou buurman of jou mede sakekollegas uit om voor hul plekkie ook te versier. Kom ons wys dat borskanker ons na aan die hart lê,” nooi die organiseerders.

ie lap kan gekoop word by Leanda le Cornu by die Fuji Shop by tel. 082 895 8576. Om lap en ‘n kaartjie met strikkie te koop, skakel Naomi Phillipson by tel. 082 484 7622. Erfenisdag is Saterdag, 24 September, op luisterryke wyse gevier by die Lapapanzi Hotel buite Louis Trichardt. Deel van die dag se aktiwiteite het ‘n Mnr. en Mej. Bloeisel­skoonheidskompetisie ingesluit, wat aangebied is deur Capture Model Agency. Afgeneem is die wenners van die 15­tot­18­jaar afdeling, Van links na regs staan Ronja Janse van Rensburg (Capture Model Agency), Liné Senekal (wenner), Yolandi Moller (1ste prinses) en model/akteur Danny Doman wat as seremoniemeester en beoordelaar opgetree het. Foto verskaf. Afgeneem is die 3­tot­6­jaar wennertjies van die Mej. Bloeisel­skoonheidskompetisie wat tydens die Erfenisdagvieringe by die Lalapanzi Hotel plaasgevind het. Van links na regs staan Ronja Janse van Rensburg (Capture Model Agency), Amali Adendorff (wenner), Leah Oberholzer (1ste prinses), Amy Parkin (2de prinses) en model/akteur Danny Doman (seremoniemeester en beoordelaar). Foto verskaf. Die 8­tot­14­jaar wenners van die afgelope naweek se Mej. Bloeisel­skoonheidskompetisie wat tydens die Erfenisdagvieringe by die Lalapanzi Hotel plaasgevind het. Van links na regs staan Ronja Janse van Rensburg (Capture Model Agency), Chané Solomon (wenner), Minandi Vorster (1ste prinses), Miané Vorster (2de prinses) en model/akteur Danny Doman (seremoniemeester en beoordelaar). Minandi is ook as Mej. Persoonlikheid die dag aangewys. Foto verskaf. Die wenners in die seuns­afdeling van die Mnr. en Mej. Bloeisel­skoonheidskompetisie wat tydens die Erfenisdagvieringe by die Lalapanzi Hotel die afgelope naweek plaasgevind het. Van links na regs staan Ronja Janse van Rensburg (Capture Model Agency), Xander Solomon (wenner), Gerlu Vorster (1ste prins), Connor Leeson (2de prins) en model/akteur Danny Doman (seremoniemeester en beoordelaar). Foto verskaf.
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 5 Ad designed by Zoutnet PublishersInskrywings: 07h00 - 09h00 Bestuurdersinligtingsessie: 09h30 Inskrywingsgeld: Deelnemers - R200 / Toeskouers - R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders Louis Trichardt GPS: 23°05’05.3”S 29°55’16.4”E Kontak gerus vir CW Burger 082 378 3151 vir meer inligting 29 Oktober 2022 Gruisgat 4x4


• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT)

Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina)

Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126

• Agapé Gemeente (LTT)

Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, phone Pastor Chris Mattheus Tel (082 696 2619).

• AGS Charisma (LTT)

Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastor Willem Klopper (082 339 9931).

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 084 456 6959

• AGS Levubu

Sien Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield)

• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275

• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT)

128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165

• Baptist Church (Musina)

Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728

• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT)

1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714.

• Catholic Church (LTT)

Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina Tel: 015 534 2085)

• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455.

• Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943.

• St Peters Church (LTT)

33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman)

• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658

• Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288

• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602

• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253.

• Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays)

H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting.

• Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT)

H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711

• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT)

H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956

• Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina)

H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.

• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774

• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt

Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583

What is happening?



Elke Maandag om 17:30 vind ‘n byeenkoms van die Christelike Ondersteuningsgroep vir alkoholen dwelmafhanklikes plaas.

Die vergadering is in die Jesus Kroon lokaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt­gemeente.

Alhoewel die byeenkoms by die NG­kerk aangebied word, is persone van enige denominasie welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Jan Pretorius by tel. 079 881 9673 of ds. Corné Burger by tel. 073 759 0451.

Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub

Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina­tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.

LTT Shukokai Karateklub

Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt.

Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.

Kerk se fasiliteite nou beskikbaar

Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente (Stad op die Berg) in Louis Trichardt stel tans van hulle fasiliteite beskikbaar vir uitverhuring.

Die Ferdie Beyersaal kan 600 persone akkommodeer, en 100 persone in die Kiepersol­lokaal en 50 persone in die Jesuskroon­lokaal.

Vir meer inligting en pryse, skakel die kerkkantoor tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by tel. 015 516 3902.

Gister-se-Jeug byeen

Die Gister­se­Jeugklub op Louis Trichardt kom elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 in die saal van die Hervormde Kerk in Stubbsstraat byeen.

Die klub se leuse is “Vrolikheid by die grysheid” en hul doel is om eensame, ouer mense se venster op die wêreld net ‘n bietjie wyer oop te maak. “Het die vriendekring erg gekrimp? Kom maak dit groter by ons. Te oud – beslis nie as u nog kan beweeg nie. Te jonk – ons benodig helpers,” het die klub gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willie by tel. 083 453 6597 of WhatsApp Anna by 084 516 0647. Ledegeld is baie billik.


30 September



Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt se volgende Dopperkuierkafee vind Vrydag, 30 September, plaas en die spyskaart sluit in Dopperburgers teen R25 elk, kaas­, rib­, of hoenderburgers teen R30 elk, ‘n Russian en slaptjips teen R25 elk, Hake en slaptjips teen R30 elk en slaptjips teen R10 per pakkie.

Hierdie week se spesiale aanbiedinge sluit in KOMBO 1 teen R60 (Hake, Calamari­ringe, vishappies, Panko Prawns, slaptjips, 300 ml koeldrank, suurlemoen en tartaarsous); en KOMBO 2 teen R60 (Kaasburger, riblets, slaptjips & 300 ml koeldrank).

Plaas jou bestelling by Nanette voor Vrydag 12:00 by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764. Bestellings kan Vrydagmiddag vanaf 17:00 by die Dopperkerk afgehaal word.

Vrydag 30 September

Roadhogs Rally 2022

Die Roadhogs Motorfietsklub van Louis Trichardt het die streek se motorfietsryers uitgenooi na hulle volgende rally vanaf 30 September tot 2 Oktober by die Lalapanzi Hotel. Die hekke open reeds om 12:00 die Vrydag en toegang beloop R80 per persoon. Alle geld wat geïn word, sal gaan aan liefdadigheid, naamlik die Makhado Care Group. Vir diegene wat wil oorbly sal spesiale tariewe beskikbaar wees by die hotel.

Heelwat stalletjies, kos, speletjies en pret wees sal beskikbaar wees, met hoofborge Michael en Christa Kock.

Die naweek se aktiwiteite sluit ook in ‘n R3 000 eerste prys, R2 000 tweede prys en R1 000 derde prys. Die Sondag sal daar ‘n kerkdiens om 10:00 wees.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Michael Kock (president) by 083 297 7280 of Peter Meiring (vise­president) by 082 935 4069.

Bergcare is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat as sambreel organisasie optree tussen die SAVF, CMR en Kerke in die gemeenskap om behoeftige bejaardes en gesinne te help. Bergcare dien as ‘n een stop diens om skenkings af te laai en deernispakke te versprei deur vrywilligers. Kontak gerus Mariana Luus om betrokke te raak by 079 679 8790

Friday 30 September

LTT Rugby Club AGM & prize-giving

The Louis Trichardt Rugby Club has invited all guests, players and sponsors to the club’s AGM and annual prize­giving function on Friday, 30 September.

The event will take place at the Soutpansberg Golf Club, starting at 18:00 for 18:30 and attendance is free. For more information, phone the club’s chairman, Kevin Gilbert, at Tel 082 892 8769.

Saturday 1 October

Polokwane Expo, Oktoberfest and Vintage car show

Local car lovers must not miss out on this year’s Polokwane Expo and Oktoberfest on 1 October as the day’s programme includes a vintage car show organised by the Limpopo Classic Car Club.

“If you are proud of your car, come show it off and support a good cause,” invites the club. To register and for more information, send an e­mail to pieterjvermeulen@gmail. com. Apart from the car show, outdoor exhibitions, stalls, food, music and, of course, the beer garden will also be available. The venue is the Pietersburg Civil Airport on the Silicon road. Expo entry is R20 per person and free for children under 10. The Expo will take place from 10:00 tot 17:00.




Vanaf 11 Oktober om 15:00 sal landloop­oefeninge as buitemuurse aktiwiteit by Laerskool Louis Trichardt aangebied word.

Die doel van dié nuwe buitemuurse aktiwiteit is om die sport en fiksheid te ontwikkel en te bevorder oor die langer termyn. Gestruktureerde oefenprogramme sal aangebied word in onder andere fiksheid, deursettingsvermoë, krag bou en karakterbou. Persone wat belangstel hoef bloot op te daag en betrokke te bly. Indien ouers belangstel om hul kind te laat deel word van hierdie dinamiese oefenprogram, skakel Annari by 076 813 4855 vir verder inligting en reëlings.

0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • PPK Bet-El Gemeente (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 084 418 3803. • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672 Albasini Dam 99.1% 99.1% Ebenezer Dam 97% 97.2% Flag Boshielo Dam 97.4% 98.5% Glen Alpine Dam 53.7% 54.5% Luphephe Dam 96.7% 97.7% Middel Letaba Dam 0.7% 0.7% Nandoni Dam 100.9% 100.9% Nsami Dam 39.3% 40% Nwanedzi Dam 95.6% 96.7% Nzhelele Dam 94.9% 95.7% Tzaneen Dam 87.3% 88.7% Vondo Dam 98.2% 98.2% WEEKLIKSE DAMVLAKKE WEEKLY DAM LEVELS 26/09/2022 According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 26 September. Dams/damme: 19/09/2022 # Means latest available data (Source: http://www.accuweather.com) ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt Saturday, 1 Oktober High: 32oC Low: 15oC Sunny and very warm.Very warm with plenty of sun. Friday, 30 September High: 31oC Low: 13oC Mostly sunny and pleasant. Thursday, 29 September High: 27oC Low: 11oC LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592 MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061 • Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7 • Municipality - 015 534 6000 • Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183 LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt) NOODNOMMERS EMERGENCY NUMBERS
SHOWS, PRICES & TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. NO COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS FOR NEW RELEASES FOR ONE WEEK FROM RELEASE DATE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED APP /sterkinekortheatres @sterkinekorsterkinekor.com Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. TicketLine SCAN HERE TO VISIT OUR MOBI SITE SHOWTIMES FRI 30 SEPT - THU 6 OCT MALL OF THE NORTH AFTER EVER HAPPY 16 Ç Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 18:00, 20:30 Sun: 15:30, 18:00 BEAST 16 Ç Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 10:30, 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 20:30 Sun: 10:30, 13:00, 15:30, 18:00 BIG TRIP 2: SPECIAL DELIVERY PG Ç Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 10:15, 12:45, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 Sat: 09:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:20, 19:45 Sun: 10:15, 12:45, 15:15, 17:45 DC LEAGUE OF SUPER PETS PG Ç Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 10:15, 13:00, 15:30 Sat: 09:45, 12:30, 15:15 Sun: 10:15, 13:00 MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU PG Ç Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00 Sat: 09:15, 11:45, 14:15, 16:45, 19:15 Sun: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30 THE WOMAN KING TBA (13) Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 10:00, 13:30, 17:00, 20:15 Sat: 10:15, 13:30, 17:00, 20:15 Sun: 10:45, 14:00, 17:15 Mon: 10:30, 13:45, 17:00, 20:15 TICKET TO PARADISE 13 Ç Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Sat: 09:00, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Sun: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45

Sunday, 2 Oktober

Sunny and remaining very warm.

High: 32oC Low: 14oC

Monday, 3 Oktober

Plenty of sunshine.

High: 30oC Low: 15oC

Wat gebeur?



VLU Aandblom byeen

Vrydag 14 Oktober

Pa en Dogter Bal

Pa’s en hulle dogters word uitgenooi om hulle mooiste mooi aan te trek vir ‘n spesiale Bedazzling Pa en Dogter Bal in die Ferdie Beyersaal op Vrydag, 14 Oktober.

Die bal is ten bate van Bergcare en begin om 17:30 vir 18:00. Kaartjies kos R200 per pa en dogter (en R50 per ekstra dogter). Die drag vir pa’s is semi­formeel met ‘n strikdas.

Donderdag 13 Oktober


Die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub se gewilde besigheidsaandliga is weer op hande en spanne kan nou reeds begin inskryf.

Die liga vind in Oktober oor drie agtereenvolgende Donderdagaande plaas, naamlik op 13, 20 en die finaal op 27 Oktober. Die hoofdoel van die liga is nie net om hierdie sportsoort te bevorder nie, maar ook om fondse vir die klub in te samel en om dit net te geniet.

In totaal kan 14 spanne inskryf, en die koste beloop R1 000 per span, wat baanfooie insluit. Die sluitingsdatum vir spanne is 10 Oktober.

Enige instansie of besigheid kan ‘n span inskryf of borg. ‘n Span moet bestaan uit vier nie­rolbalspelers, alhoewel klublede byderhand sal wees om te help met raad. Behalwe vir skoene wat hakloos moet wees, is geen ander dragkodes van toepassing nie en rolbalballe sal voorsien word.

Wedstryde begin elke Donderdagaand om 18:00. Aan die einde van die reeks word die wenner bepaal. Dekking sal deur die plaaslike koerant gedoen word en uitslae sal weekliks gepubliseer word. Ná elke ligabepaling sal braaipakkies te koop wees, met pap en sous wat voorsien sal word.

Om in te skryf, skakel Carel Volschenk (084 553 1807), Marié Volschenk (084 500 2453), Ben Groenewald (084 505 3663), NJ Oosthuizen (079 677 7310) of Jaco Oosthuizen (060 525 3959).


Belangstellendes word gevra om te RSVP by Mariana by tel. 079 679 8790.

Triegie massarevue Woensdag 19 Oktober

Dit is weer tyd vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse massarevue en kaartjies is reeds by die skool se finansiële kantoor beskikbaar.

Die massarevue skop vanjaar op Woensdag, 19 Oktober, om 08:30 in die skoolsaal af vir die dorp se kleuterskole en senior burgers, gevolg deur ‘n tweede optrede daardie week op Donderdag, 20 Oktober, om 14:00.

Van Maandag, 24 Oktober, tot Donderdag, 27 Oktober, sal die optredes telkens om 18:00 in die skoolsaal begin.

Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R30, R40 of R50.

Tuesday, 4 Oktober

Sunny and very warm.

High: 31oC Low: 13oC

Wednesday, 5 Oktober

Sunshine and very warm.

High: 30oC Low: 14oC


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

Hengelkompetisie Saterdag 22 Oktober

Die Hervormde Kerk Vereniging Broodboom, namens die Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (GHG), bied op Saterdag, 22 Oktober, ‘n oewerhengelkompetisie op die plaas Stubbs en Monz op Mopane aan. Dit sal die laaste geleentheid wees om op hierdie plaas te hengel.

Deelname kos R150 per hengelaar (R50 per kind wat hengel) met die kompetisie wat vanaf 06:00 tot 15:00 sal duur. Vir diegene wat oorslaap, is die koste R150 per persoon.

Die reëls behels slegs twee visstokke per hengelaar en geen kano’s, aasbootjies of hommeltuie sal toegelaat word nie (daar mag krokodille teenwoordig wees).

‘n Inweegstasie sal deurlopend beskikbaar wees. Drie spesies (karp, baber en kurper) kan gevang word met onderskeidelik R3 000, R2 000 en R1 000 vir die swaarste sak vis vir

elke spesie. Daar is ook ‘n trio spesie bonanza met ‘n R500 geskenkbewys vir elke spesie. R2 000 is ook op die spel in ‘n gelukkige trekking.

Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Buks 082 856 2603, Erns 083 636 3546, Ben 063 061 2535 of Willie 066 249 3686.

Kaartjies is ook by Safety First beskikbaar (Josie 082 300 6386).

29 Oktober


Fast 5-netbaltoernooi

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt bied op 29 Oktober vanjaar ‘n Fast 5­netbaltoernooi aan. Gemengde spanne kan ook inskryf en deelname beloop R1 000 per span van agt lede. Inskrywings sluit op 7 Oktober. Vir meer inligting, skakel Coreen by tel. 071 874 8289.


SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook Langston Sarah-Jessica Parker Female Flynn Male Gandalf Male Dorothy Female Die VLU se Aandblom­tak in Louis Trichardt se volgende vergadering sal op Dinsdag, 11 Oktober, gehou word. Vir meer inligting, skakel vir Leanda le Cornu by tel. 082 895 8576. Jenna Female Katy Purry cats & kittens
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 7 RALLY Gates open: 12h00 on Friday 1st prys : R3 000 2de prys : R2 000 3de prys : R1 000 R80.00-entrance fee Venue: Lalapanzi Hotel President: Michael Kock 083 297 7280, Vice President: Peter Meiring 082 935 4069 Makhado Care Group is a non profit organisation which assists with the care of cancer patients in the makhado area 100% OF THE PROCEEDS WILL GO TO OUR CHARITY LOTS OF STALLS, FOOD, GAMES & FUN! SPECIAL RATES AVAILABLE ONACCOMMODATION FOR ALLATTENDING THE RALLY! SUNDAY MORNING BIKERS CHURCH @ 10H00 30 September, 1 - 2 October 2022 MAIN SPONSOR! D E L ALL PACKAGING ALL CATERING NEEDS& Baking SuppliesBaking Supplies Michael & Christa KockMichael & Christa Kock
Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow
Joceline Female
If you know of any upcoming events, e­mail Andries: news@zoutnet.co.za

Only one character left, so don’t miss the final deadline for your stories

“Ihave been following ‘The night of the scars on the Old Salt Trail’ writing competition. I must say that I have been immensely impressed by the standard of writing submitted by these young authors. Our literary future is in good hands.”

These lovely words come from this week’s winner, the 60­yearold Rozanna Scorgie­Spence. “All these stories have also inspired me to put pen to paper, so to speak, and to submit my story (after a number of false starts) about Rovha’s scars,” she wrote.

What greater compliment can we ask for? The idea behind the competition was to provide an opportunity for our region’s writers, young and old, to “put pen to paper” and use those creative juices. We have all been so pleasantly surprised by the quality of the entries. Yes, we agree, our literary future is in good hands.

Rozanna’s entry was by far the best. It was so beautifully written and required minimal changes. She must have been to the top of Kili, or otherwise she did a lot of research to describe it the way she did.

This, of course, leaves us with only one more character to go, namely Lisa. Next week, if all goes well, the final story will be published. We have already received a couple of entries for Lisa, but there is still time to enter more. The final judging session will begin shortly after 13:00 on Friday.

For those who do not yet know how the competition works:

Every week, R1 000 has been earmarked for the reader who submits the best story. The competition combines a travel story with unrelated individual adventures.

The weekly travel episodes are written by our own staff and these focus on the journey of a group of adventurers who are exploring the Old Salt Trail in the western Soutpansberg. They follow a five­day route, during which they encounter many of the treasures the mountain has to offer. The group of adventurers comprise 11 very diverse fictional travellers.

Two “scar stories” are featured for every day of the trip. The group members stop at a specific location for lunch and one of the members tells his or her story. The same happens at night,

when the group members gather around the campfire.

This is also the part where our readers need to contribute. The readers must use their imagination and write a story focusing on one of the characters. The theme of the competition is: “The night of the scars”. The idea is that each story will focus on a “scar” that the characters received somewhere in their lives. These can be physical scars, or they can be emotional scars.

Short profiles of the 11 characters are provided. Studying each character and building a story around their characteristics will be crucial.

The maximum length of an entry is 1 300 words. Once a character’s story is published, that “entry” is closed. All the stories as well as the travel adventures are published on our website www. zoutpansberger.co.za/salt_trail.

Apart from these guidelines, the normal rules apply. The (secret) judges’ decisions are final and they will not meet anyone in a bar later to discuss the matter.

No staff member of the Zoutpansberger or their family members may enter.

Meet the adventurers

Marelize is one of the main characters in the adventure and also the narrator. She is 27 and originally from Namibia. She is a seasoned traveller and has visited countries in Europe and in the USA. She will not only describe the route being followed with its highlights, but also expand on her ten travel companions. It is important to follow closely what she says and build the characters accordingly. Marilize has a good sense of humour and willing to tackle whatever adventure awaits. She’s not that good with bike-riding and prefers walking trials.

Gerard is a Dutch adventure tourist. He ticks most of the boxes as far as stereotyping is concerned. He is slightly impatient and not discreet at all. He retired from the university where he was teaching a year ago and now at the age of 66 he spends his time travelling the world.

Rovha, the soft-spoken dentist, with the smiling eyes. He seems to be a loner, mostly travelling on his own. He has climbed Kilimanjaro and completed the Camino de Santiago. You will mostly find him sitting in a quiet sport reading a book or newspaper.

Shabnim’s small stature may be deceiving. She is a tough adventurer and even formed part of an expedition to Marion Island. She looks young, but at 42 she has seen a lot in life. She lectures at a local university and is well-respected in her field.

Gerrit (55) comes from a military background. As a young boy, his father (also ‘n military man) shaped him into becoming a soldier.

Tigers don’t cry and love is but a four-letter word. Rising to the rank of captain, he was one of the last members of the old South African Army to have seen the horrors of the Bush War on the Angolan border. With the new 1994 dispensation, he found himself on civvy street in a world he did not understand and nor did the world understand him. He never found love, although so desperately longing for it. He is constantly running away from something to somewhere, thus finding himself in the Soutpansberg. Maybe here he can find peace.

Lee (28) was born with a neurological disorder that inhibits the full use of her right leg and arm. She has, however, never allowed this inability to become a disability, living her life to the fullest and constantly challenging her body. Although physically strong, every now and then she shows signs of emotional weakness. She is not keen to talk about it, but something or someone has definitely left a scar.

Adrian is a boisterous character who enjoys controlling the conversation. He is normally the one that likes to walk in the front, sharing his expertise freely with whoever wants to listen. He says he has travelled all over the world, but specifically likes the cold Russian climate. His most enjoyable travel experience was an epic snowmobile Journey in the Ural Mountains.

Takalani (Taki) (25) For the full-of-life Takalani, nursing has always been her calling. She is a vibrant, energetic young lady who’s infectious laugh can make any bad situation feel a little bit brighter. She is loved by all her collegues and patients. Although she has never done a hiking trail, she enjoys taking long walks in her spare time.

Zachary is often referred to as the local Bear Grylls. When it comes to the outdoors, there is very little he does not know. His insatiable thirst for adventure has taken the 39-year-old geologist on some of the world’s most dangerous wilderness trails. It is said that he once disappeared along the infamous West Coast Trail in British Columbia. When he reappeared 14 days later, he had a nasty scar on his left shoulder and a haunted look in his eyes.

Tyd tot Vrydag om middernag om foto’s in te skryf


Die streek se fotograwe het nog tyd tot middernag, 30 September, om hulle “wenfoto’s” in te stuur vir die Zoutpansberger se kalenderfoto­kompetisie vir September.

Fotograwe sal tot en met die laaste week van elke maand hê om hulle foto’s vir daardie maand in te skryf en ‘n wenfoto sal vir elk van die 12

maande gekies word.

‘n Maksimum van vyf foto’s per fotograaf per maand kan ingestuur word. Oudergewoonte soek ons na daardie spesiale foto wat die uniekheid van die Soutpansberg­streek uitbeeld, van unieke landmerke en besienswaardighede tot die natuurlewe. Die foto moet egter binne die afgelope 24 maande geneem gewees het en moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees.

‘n Prys van R600 sal vir elke maand se wenfoto betaal word. Elke maand se wenfoto sal in die laaste week van die maand gepubliseer word. Deur die maand sal van die beter inskrywings wat ontvang is ook gepubliseer word.

Wat beoordeling betref, sal gekyk word na tegniese aspekte soos beligting, skerpheid en komposisie.

Slegs hoë­resolusie digitale foto’s (verkieslik landskap­formaat) sal aanvaar word. Die foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e­pos gestuur word (een­vir­een indien dit groot foto’s is), of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat

❑ Wouter Veldman het hierdie Impala­lelie in Musina afgeneem met sy Pentax KS 2 met 100 mm Pentax makrolens. Sy sluiterspoed was 1/6 van ‘n sekonde met ‘n lensopening van F18. Die ISO is 100.

16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is.

Die 12 wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot­formaat muurkalender vir 2023 saamgevat word. Die kalender sal dan onder meer deur die Zoutpansberger gebruik word vir bemarkingsdoeleindes.

Vir meer inligting oor die kompetisie, skakel Andries by tel. 082 603 2419 of 015 516 4997 (tydens kantoorure). Hoë­resolusie foto’s kan ook aan hom gestuur word per e­pos na news@ zoutnet.co.za.

8 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 Epos inskrywings na: news@zoutnet.co.za Skakel Andries van Zyl: 082 603 2419 / 015 516 4996 Fotokompetisie 2022 Hoe om in te skryf: Foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Alle inskrywings moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees. R600 prysgeld vir elke maand se wenfoto! Skryf nou in! Die twaalf wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-formaat muurkalender vir 2023 saamgevat word. kalender Links: Fotograaf Jana du Plessis het hierdie klomp Kremetartlaksmanne in die Kruger Nasionale Wildtuin afgeneem met haar Canon EOS 250D met 150 – 600 mm Sigma lens. Haar sluiterspoed was 1/1000 van ‘n sekonde met ‘n lensopening van F6.3 in ISO 320.

Rovha Emma Lisa (53) is the mother of two grown daughters and wife of the CEO of a successful Sandton-based Import/Export company. Since his work often takes him away on extended business trips abroad and both her daughters had left the nest, Lisa has taken up hiking and bird watching to fill her days and get out of the empty house. She frequently visits nature reserves and national parks around South Africa. Emma is an experienced journalist who is currently working for a local newspaper while dreaming of becoming a war photographer. At 37 she has won numerous awards for writing, as well as photography, but has never mastered the art of keeping direction. She is constantly searching for that new adventure. Will she ever settle down? Gerard highlights, Marelize Shabnim Lee Adrian Gerrit Taki Zachary Lisa
❑ ✔

Day 6 - A bird’s eye view of some unique birds

“We’re heading for the top of the world … at least our little world here in the western Soutpansberg,” said Edwin while encouraging the group of hikers to get up and going again.

Edwin realised that they still had some climbing to do. The route between Sigurwana and Lajuma Wilderness was only about 15 kilometres, but the elevation gained was close to 550 metres. The lunch break in the shade of the trees had been a welcome break for everyone, but now they had to get going again.

The path took the group up a rocky slope to the saddle of Mt Lajuma. The climb required some athletic skills as it involved jumping from one rock to another, but gradually the chain of hikers found their way to a fence post, where they had to navigate around a small ledge carefully.

Marelize, who was not fond of heights, just fixed her gaze on Zachary’s rucksack in front of her, not daring

Rovha’s story:

The night of the scars on the Old Salt Trail

to look down. Luckily, the scary part was only a few metres and, with some distance between her and the cliff, the colour in her cheeks returned.

The trail continued from the saddle, up rocky, grassy slopes, towards the top of Mt Lajuma. Here, at a height of 1 727m above sea level, the hikers were treated to the most amazing panoramic views. To the north, the Limpopo Valley was visible, with Botswana and Zimbabwe in the far distance. Towards the south, the bushveld plains were visible and they could see part of the route that they had travelled over the past couple of days. Towards the west, the mysterious Blouberg mountain could be seen, with its wellknown vultures circling above.

“Blouberg is home to more than 500 pairs of the endangered Cape vulture. They have the most amazing vulture restaurant at the reserve,” said Edwin.

“Surely they don’t serve vultures at the restaurant. Who would eat vultures?” remarked Takalani, but by now the other hikers had grown accustomed to her weird sense of humour and ignored the question. The route was taking a lot of their attention anyway.

“The birds at Blouberg are quite amazing. If you’re lucky, you might see the Lappet­faced vulture, the hooded

vulture, a white­headed vulture and the white­backed Vulture. Even the very rare Rüppell’s Vulture has been spotted breeding in the Blouberg Colony,” Zachary added, looking pleased to contribute his bit.

“I have read about the Rüppell’s Griffon Vulture,” said Lisa, who became quite interested in the discussion. “They come from East Africa, and the numbers are dwindling. I believe fewer than 22 000 of them are left. They can also fly at extreme high altitudes, with confirmed evidence of a flight at an altitude of 11 300 m above sea level. That makes it the world’s highest­flying bird,” she said, giving Zachary a quick, sly glance

For a few more minutes, the group of hikers stood looking at the horizon in amazement, hoping to catch more than a glimpse of the vultures. “Come on gents and ladies, we need to go down again,” Edwin spurred them on.

The trail backtracked down to the saddle, descending into ‘The Patches’, an open, grassy plain on Lajuma, with micro­forest patches. The descent was steep, slippery, and rocky and was hard on the legs. The hikers had to take care not to tumble down gracelessly. Once on the patches, the hiking became a bit easier, especially when they had reached the plain.

It’s not over until you’re at the bottom

The second-last day of their hike was a very tiring day, and the intrepid hikers were only too happy to reach Lajuma Wilderness Camp for the night.

After a quick wash and a good meal, they settled down around the campfire. Taki remarked to Rovha, who was seated next to her, that all this climbing up and down the mountains must seem like child’s play to him after Mount Kilimanjaro.

“Well, yes … and no,” replied Rovha with a smile.

“What do you mean?” asked Taki. Rovha saw this as the right time to tell the story behind his scars. So, after draining his coffee mug and seeing the interested faces of his fellow hikers, he cleared his throat and started his tale.

“As you know, I have successfully climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, or Kili, as it’s also known. But what you may not know is that I officially made it only on my second attempt,” he said.

“Pray tell more, dear sir,” said Lisa, now also very curious.

“About two years before I actually ‘conquered’ Kili,” he said, making quote marks in the air, “I was with a group of twenty hikers, plus our guides and all our porters. The group consisted of a mixed bunch, which included a retired school teacher, a scientist, a banker and even a professional soccer player. We took the Rongai route from the Kenyan side - the north side of the mountain - because this route is easier for beginners and has less traffic.”

“What do you mean by traffic?” asked Marelize.

“Other groups of hikers. Some routes such as the Marangu route,

which is also known as the ‘Coca-cola’ route, are very popular and congested with tourists,” he explained. “Anyhow, we had a good climb. We crossed through different habitats, starting in the rain forest. You would appreciate the birdlife here, Zachary.”

“I am sure I would,” said Zachary with a big grin. “What animals did you see on the mountain?” he asked.

“Not that many, actually. The thick forest cover means that, although there are animals there, you don’t see them that easily. The only ones we saw were Colobus monkeys. At night, we heard bushbabies and we were told there were other nocturnal animals such as porcupines and civets also. The higher you go, the less vegetation there is for the animals to hide, but they nevertheless keep their distance from the humans passing through their territory.

“The second and third day saw us walking through the heath, and after that, we had two days of what they term ‘Alpine desert’. All very beautiful, each with its own character and its own challenges too. We took it slow and steady, so that our bodies could acclimatise to the thinner air as we went higher and higher,” Rovha said with a faraway look in his eyes as he recalled Africa’s highest mountain.

“Our guides took good care of us. The porters carried our bags, and by the time we got to camp each night, our tents were all pitched, ready for us and with a bowl of hot water to wash away the day’s dust. The helpings of cooked food were also generous, so there was no cause for complaint at all,” he mused.

“On this particular trip, we went during the new-moon phase, which meant there was minimal light to detract from the night sky, and the

stars in the Milky Way were absolutely awesome.” As Rovha said this, everyone automatically looked up at the dark night sky and agreed that no city or suburban night could compare to the wonder above them.

“On the fourth day, Eric, a Swiss guy and his wife, Amelia, started showing symptoms of mountain sickness as they had been going at a faster pace than what the guides advised us to. Coming from the Alps, they felt that their bodies would acclimatise easily, but the fact is they had spent quite some time down at the coast on holiday before arriving at Kili. The guides sensibly would not allow them to continue, so they were helped back down to the base camp by a couple of porters,” said Rovha, shaking his head ruefully.

“Early on the sixth day, just after midnight, in fact, we made the final trek up to the summit. At Gilman’s Point, we were blessed with the most amazing sunrise you could ever imagine,” he smiled. “Our guides then urged us on, and about an hour later, we were standing on Uhuru Peak. The sense of accomplishment is something I will never forget,” he said quietly, though not as triumphantly as one would expect.

“So, you were successful then,” said Gerard, a puzzled look on his face. He couldn’t understand why Rovha appeared so subdued.

“Not quite…” said Rovha mysteriously. “We couldn’t stay on the summit for too long as we had to get back down to lower altitudes as quickly as possible to avoid mountain sickness, or to put it another way, to prevent any loss of brain cells from the lack of oxygen. So, after taking the customary photographs, we started on down. We took a different route though,

From there, the route took them down a rocky path into the forest.

The group could sense that they were near Lajuma’s Wilderness Camp, once they had entered the forest. The sun was setting and the shadows became longer. After crossing a road leading east, they had only a few hundred metres more to go before they arrived at the camp.

The lodge was tucked away on a hillside, overlooking the river valley, with the waterfalls and pools right next to it. The lodge consisted of a main lapa with a fully equipped kitchen, an indoor fireplace and a spacious deck overlooking the valley and waterfalls. Two chalets with en­suite bathrooms and a double and single bed each invited them to come

How to enter

* Judging will start Fridays at 13:00.

* Once an entry has been received, that entry stays “live”. When a weekly winner gets selected, the character chosen in the winning entry becomes dormant, meaning that all other entries featuring the same character, will then be redundant.

* If the winning entry does not feature your chosen character, the entry will be considered along with all the new ones received, the following week.

using the Mweka route to descend.”

“Sorry to interrupt again, Rovha, but what kind of habitat do you find at the peak? Is it still Alpine desert?” asked Lisa.

“No. The habitat around Uhuru Peak is arctic in nature. Snow and ice mainly. But,” he added with a smile and gave a sly look at Marelize, “there are spiders up on the higher slopes.”

“You’ve got to be kidding!” exclaimed Marelize, sitting up straight in alarm. “How do they survive up there?”

“Not much is known about them. Apparently they live underground most of the time to avoid the harsh weather conditions, and it is thought that they survive on flies that are blown in,” he concluded, looking a bit apologetic.

“The first part of the descent was tricky,” he continued, “as we had to cross over scree, or small pebbles. It’s a bit like skiing, but without skis and snow. By using my hiking stick, I was able to manage without any incident. We stopped for lunch at Barafu camp and a chance to change out of our heavy snow clothes into something lighter,” he said. “After a good hour’s rest, we packed up and moved on. We had to get to base camp for the night at Mweka Camp.

“The terrain now became very rocky, and that’s when it happened.” He grimaced at the memory. “I don’t know if I was just too tired after twelve hours of hiking or if I looked up at the wrong moment, but the next thing I knew, I had hooked my foot on a rock and I was tumbling head over heels down the mountain,” he said to gasps of shock from his listeners.

“What happened to you?” asked a concerned Taki.

“I woke up in hospital with a cracked skull and a deep gash on my left leg that needed several stitches. The porters apparently got me down to the Mweka gate, using a type of three-pronged gurney. From there, so

and rest.

After unpacking, the hikers flopped down on the chairs on the deck. This would be their last night in the Soutpansberg. Tomorrow they would head down, making their way to the historical town of Buysdorp, where their journey would end.

With the campfire burning with more intensity, the conversation picked up. “Tonight the deck is yours,” Adrian exclaimed dramatically, pointing at Rovha. “Tell us where you got those nasty scars on your leg.”

To learn more about the Salt Trail, visit the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT)’s website: https://www. ewt.org.za/old­salt­trail­description­slackpacker/

* All entries must be emailed to: story@zoutnet.co.za.

* Every entry must contain the following information:

Name, Address, Phone number

- Confirmation that the story is the original work of the person entering for the competition and may be used for purposes of this competition.

- If the person entering is younger than 18, a short letter from a parent or guardian stating that the work is original and may be used for the purpose of this competition must be provided.

I am told, I was transported by ambulance to the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre. The nurses were very caring and sympathetic about my plight. But I guess I wasn’t the first Kili patient they had treated.

“So, in conclusion,” he said to the now-quiet hikers, “a successful summit is only recorded if you make it up to the top and back down again on your own two feet, which I didn’t do,” he laughed. “And that’s how I got my scars,” said Rovha as he rolled up the leg of his jeans to reveal a long scar from his ankle almost to his knee. “This, and a much-bruised ego!”

“Well,” said Taki, shaking her head and laughing, “both your leg and your ego seem to have recovered quite well if you were prepared to do it again two years later…”

Our winning entry came from Louis Trichartdt resident, Rozanna Scorgie­Spence “At the ripe old age of 60 I have finally taken to writing down the short stories that ‘pop up’ in my head. Together with my business partner Brett Parkin, we have a small farming concern in the area selling our produce to the local shops. This gives me time to follow a hobby of writing short stories that my family and friends have encouraged me to do for some time now.”

The Makhado Municipality purchased 11 tractors and a heavy­duty slasher to assist with keeping the parks tidy and cut down bushes. The new equipment was officially handed over to the officials by the mayor, Cllr Samuel Munyai, on Monday. Standing from left to right in the front are acting CFO Mr Godfrey Raliphada, the Municipal Manager, Mr Kent Nemaname, Director for Community Services Mr Johnson Lukheli and the portfolio head for Community Services, Cllr Rachael Raliphada. At the back is the mayor, Cllr Samuel Munyai. Photo: Makhado Municipality. Louis Trichardt High Schools’ design learners had the opportunity to display their designs and creations on Monday, 26 September. The event was held for the younger learners to see what is in store for them if they decide to take design as a subject and for the parents to see the amount of effort that is being put into these projects. Pictured during the event on Monday are design teacher Ms Mariza Joubert (left) and Louis Trichardt High School principal Mr Theo Muller (right), in front of Risima Mthombenis’ artwork. Hierdie groep redenaars van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het deelgeneem aan die onlangse aanlyn Radikale Redenaars­kompetisie. Voor, van links na regs, staan Minandi Vorster (Graad 2, A­simbool, 5de), Mia Benade (Graad 2, A), Miandi Truter (Graad 1, A+, 1ste), Tia Burger (Graad 1, A, 2de) en Masana Muladi (Graad 2, A, 4de). In die middel is Miané Vorster (Graad 5, A), Karlien Cronjé (Graad 5, A), Elizma Truter (Graad 5, A+, 2de), Faith Mpheiwa (Graad 4, A+, 1ste Afrikaans eerste addisionele taal) en Jacques Janse van Rensburg (Graad 4, A, 2de). Agter is Wian Joubert (Graad 6, A), Nika Alberts (Graad 6, A), Mienke Burger (Graad 7, A+, 2de), Lika Burger (Graad 6, A, 6de) en Gerhard Furstenberg (Graad 7, A+, 8ste). Miandi en Faith is ook uitgenooi vir deelname aan die nasionale finaal van die Radikale Redenaars­kompetisie op 22 Oktober by Laerskool Concordia in Boksburg. Leané Esterhuizen (Graad 2, A) en Ruan de Beer (Graad 3, A, 4de) was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto. Foto verskaf. Ridgeway College held a market day on Friday, 23 September, for the young business­minded students to put their theoretical entrepreneurial skills to practical use. The Grade 9 and 10 students mobilised and manned their stalls, selling products or services and games while applying accounting skills to ensure they broke even. The Early Childhood Development Centre, Ridgeway Preparatory and Ridgeway College attended the day on the college campus. Pictured are Rehaan Mayat (left) with Natural Science teacher Bongani Mdhluli, guessing the number of Chappies in a bottle to win a prize.
10 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 Keeping the lights on! Since 2000 082 498 1484 Industria Road, (Next to All Power) 083 452 1646 Derik Prinsloo Tel: 015 516 6269 Tel: 015 495 1624 Suppliers of all refrigeration & airconditioning spares & equipment c/o Rissik & President Street, Shop No. 7 Tel: 015 516 4913 / 060 980 0944 HIGH QUALITYBATTERIES 079 490 2067 / 082 825 9391 MOTORREPAIR SERVICESFro a l l y our automotive repairs&maint e n ecna SPECIALISTS SPEED BRAKE Where customers become friends From A-Z guaranteed! Kontak Johan/Tinus: 015 516 1248 / 6655 JC: 071 884 7711 We specialise in: • CV Joints • Wheel alignment • Engine overhaul • Gearbox overhaul • Diffs overhaul • General services • R.W.C. • Major services on all cars • Suspension recon • Auto electrical • General engineering • Cylinder heads • Skimming and bonding of brakes • Minor tow-ins • Newest diagnostic tool on the market Piggyback trailer to let 55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt Paper, Stationery, Cartridges, Stamps Face shields & hand sanitizers now available SMALL but they work HARD! BOOK YOUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADVERT NOW 4 Full colour adverts from as little as R1 450 p/month for more information send an email to: george@zoutnet.co.za or marketing@zoutnet.co.za All your businesses on one page usiness irectorybb

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Berg fietsbrul, met KFC as hoofborg, het Vrydag, 23 September, weer plaasgevind. Die dag is in samewerking met die Makhado Care Group aangebied ten opsigte van kankerbewusmaking onder die jeug. Ander borge die dag het ingesluit M Premjee & Son en Roman’s Pizza. Kompetisies die dag het ingesluit die vinnigste seun, vinnigste meisie, vinnigste klas en beste rasieleiers. In die eerste plek by die seuns was dit Jacques du Preez (middel) met Brendan Bruce (links) in die tweede plek. Tristan Steenkamp (regs) was derde. Foto verskaf.

The 13 year old double amputee, Vhuthu hawe Nemutandani, completed his first full 5km Parkrun on Saturday in a remarkable time of 46:39. He was supported during his run by his teacher at the Emmanuel Christian School, Deborah Scheepers (left). From Sat urday, 1 October, the Louis Trichardt Parkrun will start at 07:00 to avoid the summer heat. Photo supplied.



Deceased Estates Lying

Inspec�on in the Estate of Late: LUCAS PETRUS VERMEULEN ID: 590912 5153 087

Estate No: 1677/2021

Last Address: Farm Melody, Vyeboomsdri� Por�on (A4) A29, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo 0920

Date of Death: 31 March 2021 Master office: Thohoyandou

First And Final liquida�on and Distribu�on Account in the estate will be open for inspec�on for a period of 21 days at the Master’s Office in Thohoyandou, and in the Magistrates office, Louis Trichardt from 30 SEPTEMBER 2022.

Executor’s Address: ZCP Konsult (Pty) Ltd, 28B Landros Avenue, Louis Trichardt, 0920

Email: info@zcp.co.za Ref: JP/ZC


KENNISGEWING Ek, Theo Kotze, synde die gemag�gde agent van die eienaar van die volgende eiendom, het aansoek gedoen by die Departement Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nederse�ngs en Tradisionele sake in terme Wet 21 van 1940 vir toestemming van die Beherende Gesag vir die volgende: Die onderverdeling van Gedeelte 9 van die plaas

VYGEBOOMSDRIFT 283-LS in twee dele (voormelde plaas is ongeveer 7km ten ooste van Makhado, Limpopo, gelee). Voorts het ek ook aansoek gedoen in terme van Klousule 70(1)(E) van die Makhado Ruimtelikebeplanning-, Grondontwikkeling- en Grondgebruikbestuursbywet (2016), vir die nodige toestemming, asook vir die verwydering van beperkende �telvoorwaardes C(i) (ii)(iii)(iv) in �telakte T145917/2004, in terme van Klousule 64(2) van voormelde bywet, soos dit van toepassing is op voormelde onderverdeling. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Hoof van die departement: Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nederse�ngs en Tradisionele Sake, 3de vloer, Hensa gebou, hoek van Rabe en Landros Mare Strate, Polokwane, 0699, vir ‘n tydperk van 6 weke vanaf 30 SEPT 2022. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 6 weke vanaf 30 SEPT 2022 skri�elik by of tot die Hoof van die departement: COGHSTA, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoeke lê ook ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur, Munisipale sekretariaat, 1 ste vloer, Burgersentrum, 83 Kroghstraat, Louis Trichardt, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 30 Sept. 2022. Enige beswaar/ vertoë moet hetsy skri�elik of mondelings (indien u nie kan skryf nie), by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder voor die slui�ngsdatum, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 ingedien of gerig word. Maak asseblief melding van bogenoemde beskrywing van die aansoek en/of wysigingskemanommer, die beswaarmaker se belange in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar/vertoë, die beswaarmaker se fisiese adres en telefoonnommer(s) en posadres. Slui�ngsdatum vir die indiening van besware/vertoë: 30 Oktober 2022.

Agent: DEVELOPLAN, Posbus 1883, Polokwane, 0700.

Epos: tecoplan@mweb.co.za Faks: 0862183267


NOTICE I, Theo Kotze, as the agent of the owner of the property men�oned below, hereby give no�ce that I have applied to the Limpopo Department of Coopera�ve Governance Human Se�lement and Tradi�onal Affairs in terms of Act 21 of 1940 for consent from the Controlling authority as it relates to the following:

Proposed subdivision of PORTION 9 OF FARM VYGEBOOMSDRIFT 283-LS into TWO por�ons. The men�oned farm is located approximately 7km east of Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Limpopo. I have also applied for the following: Consent in terms of Sec�on 70(1)(E) of the Makhado Municipality Spa�al Planning, Land Development and Land Use Management By-Law, 2016 & for removal of �tle condi�ons from �tle deed T145917/2004 namely Condi�ons C(i)(ii)(iii)(iv), in terms of Sec�on 64(2) of the Makhado Local Municipality Spa�al Planning, Land Development and Land Use Management by-law, 2016 as it relates to the above ma�er. Par�culars of the applica�ons will lie for inspec�on during normal office hours at the office of the Head of Department: Coopera�ve Governance Human Se�lements and Tradi�onal Affairs, 3rd floor, Hensa building, corner of Rabe and Landros Mare Streets, Polokwane, 0699 for a period of 6 weeks from 30 SEPT 2022. Objec�ons to or representa�ons in respect of the applica�ons must be lodged with or made in wri�ng to the Head of department, COGHSTA at the above address or at Private bag X9485, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 6 weeks from 30 SEPT 2022. Par�culars of the applica�ons will also lie for inspec�on during normal office hours at the office of the Director, Municipal Secretariat, 1st floor, Civic centre, 83 Krogh street, Louis Trichardt, for a period of 30 days from 30 Sept. 2022.

Objec�ons/representa�ons can also be lodged with or made in wri�ng to, or verbally communicated if you are unable to write, to the Municipal Manager: Makhado local municipality, at the above-men�oned address or be posted to Private Bag X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 on or before the closing date for the submission of objec�ons/ representa�ons. Please quote the above men�oned applica�on descrip�on, the objector’s interest in the ma�er, the ground(s) of the objec�on/representa�on, the objector’s physical adresse and phone numbers and postal address. Closing date for submission of objec�ons/representa�ons: 30 October 2022. Agent: DEVELOPLAN, P.O. Box 1883, Polokwane, 0700. Email: tecoplan@mweb.co.za Fax: 0862183267


LOST OR DESTROYED DEED No�ce is hereby given in terms of regula�on 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the inten�on to apply for the issue of a cer�fied copy of DEED OF TRANSFER T92854/2000 in respect of certain


All interested persons having objec�on to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in wri�ng with the Registrar of Deeds Limpopo at POLOKWANE within two weeks a�er the date of the publica�on of this no�ce.

Dated at Louis Trichardt this 08th day of September 2022

VAN HEERDEN & RUDOLPH ATTORNEYS G.S.B. Gebou / G.S.B. Building, Devenishstraat 24 Devenish Street Posbus / PO Box 246 Louis Trichardt 0920 Telefoon / Telephone: (015) 516 0164/5/6 Faks / Fax (015) 516 1091 Docex 1 Louis Trichardt Email: barwil@mweb.co.za


Notice is hereby given for the Public Participation Process in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) in accordance with the 2014 Environ mental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (as amended on 7 April 2017), of the intent to submit an application for Environmental Authorization.

Nature of Activity: Ms Khumbudzo Nemabaka proposes to establish a Mixed-Agri use farm covering an area of 2,7hecaters in extent, the proposed establishment includes: Cash crops and 3000 layer chickens.

Location: The proposed establishment is located at Ma donsi Balton B Village, within Collins Chabane Municipality, Limpopo Province.

Site Central Coordinates: 23° 0’45.30”S 30°43’26.20”E

Registration of Interested and Affected Parties: All Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) are hereby invited to register and/ or comment on the proposed application. The registration period for IAPs is open from the date of this notice published. Please submit your details and comments in writing to the contact details provided below. To register or comment please provide your name and contact details.

Draft Basic Assessment Report for review and comments will be available for the 30 (thirty) days. The Draft Basic As sessment Report will be obtainable on request from Great Warthog on contact details below, the report will be made available from (26th September 2022- 26th October 2022).

Proponent: Ms Khumbudzo Nemabaka Environmental Consultants

Anadea Development Consultants

Details of EAP

Mr Caiphus Mukwevho

Call: 082 269 4524

E-mail: Caiphus.mukwevho@gmail.com

Address: Unit 2, Kruger Office Park, 100 Marshall Str, Polokwane, 0699

Tender Notice: Springfield Farms

Silviculture – Slashing and Plantation Maintenance on Narina Glen (650ha)

Ibe Bene Highlands (350ha)


Silviculture Tenders available on two Eucalyptus farms

Area: Louis Trichardt – Piesanghoek and Witvlag

Work may consist of hand slashing and plantation maintenance on a per hectare basis. Tools, transport and accommodation will NOT be provided.


Closing Date: 30 September 2022 – 15:00

Send CV with company details to springfieldforestry111@gmail.com

Please provide previous work experience with references.

Tender Notice: Springfield Farms

Eucalyptus Harvesting on Narina Glen (650ha)

Ibe Bene Highlands (350ha)


Harvesting Tenders available on two Eucalyptus farms

Area: Louis Trichardt – Piesanghoek and Witvlag

Work may consist of tree felling, crosscutting, bark stripping and timber extraction. Tools, transport and accommodation will NOT be provided.

Applicants with extraction and loading equipment will receive preference.


Closing Date: 30 September 2022 - 15:00

Send CV with company details to springfieldforestry111@gmail.com

Please provide previous work experience with references.

Tender Notice: Springfield Farms

Firewood on Narina Glen (650ha)

Ibe Bene Highlands (350ha)


Firewood Tenders available on two Eucalyptus farms:

Area: Louis Trichardt – Piesanghoek and Witvlag

Large/Bulk quantities Eucalyptus firewood available.

Transport, accommodation and labour will not be provided.

Only bulk buyers will be considered.


Closing Date: 30 September 2022 - 15:00

Send CV with company details to springfieldforestry111@gmail.com

Please provide previous work experience with references.

In die meisies afdeling van Triegies se Bergfietsbrul was Jenna Adlam (middel) eerste, Mieke Veldman (regs) tweede en Amelia Scheepers (links) derde. Foto verskaf.
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 11 LTT PARKRUN STATISTICS 2022 • Number of events: 78 • Finishers: 668 • Average number of finishers per week: 44.4 • Average finish time: 00:41:56 • Female record holder : Donna GREYLING - Time: 21:19 (04/01/20) • Male record holder : Livhalani MUDAU - Time: 16:16 (10/09/22) Results: parkrun #78 - 22/09/2022 LOUIS TRICHARDT Every Saturday at 7:00am What is Louis Trichardt parkrun? A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5km community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s up to you! Every Saturday at 8:00am Where is it? The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1. What does it cost to join in? Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time. How fast do I have to be? We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace! For more info & results just scan this QR
Parkrunner Gender Age Group Time 1 Jani BADENHORST Female SW20-24 25:10 2 Shelley LE ROUX Female VW45-49 29:19 3 Dean VAN DER LITH Male VM40-44 29:35 4 Kathy TUCKER Female VW65-69 29:37 5 Peter VAN DER LITH Male VM70-74 30:01 6 Dou BREED Male VM55-59 31:47 LEGALS TO LET ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS TE HUUR • 2 Slaapkamer huis 7 km uit op Levubu pad Diere-vriendelik. R5 500 Water ingesluit. Prepaid krag WhatsApp Chris 078 378 5486 TE HUUR • Bachelors flat (1 slp kamer) 7 km uit op Levubu pad Nie diere-vriendelik. R3700 W&L ingesluit Onmiddellik beskikbaar WhatsApp Chris 078 378 5486 ZCP KONSULT NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35(5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Liquida�on and Distribu�on account in
Legal Notices To advertise your Tender on this page, contact us at 015 516 4996

NTT Toyota Vikings en Jolly XI ontmoet mekaar in finaal

Deur Andries van Zyl

Die span van NTT Toyota Vikings het Sondag, 25 September, deurgedring na die finaal van die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub se tweede 20­beurt liga van die jaar deur die span van Limpopo Dairy met sewe paaltjies te klop.

Limpopo het ingegaan om eerste te kolf, met die openingskolwers Leon Olwage en AJ Fourie wat 70 lopies op die telbord geplaas het voordat die eerste paaltjie geval het in die sesde beurt. Olwage en Fourie het onderskeidelik met 39 en 35 lopies geëindig, met dubbelsyferbydraes ook deur mede­kolwers TE Smit (31) en Juan Phillip (33 nie uit nie). Die grootste enkele dubbelsyferbydrae ten opsigte van Limpopo se telling het egter gekom van die Vikings se boulers, wat 40 ekstras afgestaan en 33 wydlopers ingesluit het. Ná 20 beurte het Limpopo se telling op 187/5 gestaan.

Nie een van Vikings se boulers kon meer as een paaltjie plattrek nie. Die paaltjievatters was Craig Viljoen, Zander Volgraaff, Pharth Patel, Gysbert Guillaume en AC Geldenhuys.

Die Vikings het hulle kolfbeurt soortgelyk aan Limpopo begin en 83 lopies aangeteken voordat hulle eerste paaltjie geval het. Die openingskolwers Gysbert Guillaume en Craig Viljoen het onderskeidelik 54 en 39 lopies aangeteken, gevolg deur dubbelsyferbydraes deur Leon Furstenburg (28), Zander Volgraaff (32 nie uit nie) en AC Geldenhuys (15 nie uit nie). Vikings het die wenlopies van 189/3 geslaan in die 19de beurt, met nog vier balle oor.

Die Limpopo­boulers was baie meer gedissiplineerd en het slegs 21 ekstras afgestaan, waarvan 16 wydlopers was. Dit was egter steeds nie genoeg om vir hulle span ‘n wen te verseker nie. Ook hulle boulers kon nie een meer as een paaltjie inoes nie. Die paaltjievatters was Dewald Joubert, Rikus Smit en TE Smit.

Eerskomende Saterdag, 1 Oktober, word die finaal van die liga op die Louis Trichardt Ovaal beslis tussen Jolly XI en die NTT Toyota Vikings. Dit beloof ‘n titaniese stryd te wees, met Jolly XI wat reeds vroeër ná ‘n reeks oorwinnings deurgedring het na die finaal. Die wedstryd begin om 14:00. Almal is welkom.

Karatekas van die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub het op 24 September deelgeneem aan die Limpopo Shukokai Karatekampioenskappe in Polokwane en goed presteer. Deelnemers van Mpumalanga en twee spanne vanaf Zimbabwe was ook daar. Afgeneem voor, van links na regs, is Melandi du Toit (silwer kata en kumité) en Peet Hoyer (silwer kata en brons kumité). In die tweede ry is Gerhard van der Linden (goud kumité en brons kata), Wiandré Muller (goud kata en silwer kumité) en Johan du Toit (silwer kata en kumité). In die derde ry is Elardus Barnard (brons kata en kumité), Ickardt Muller (silwer kata en kumité), Johan Seegers (silwer kumité) en Theané van der Linden (goud kumité en brons kata). Agter staan André Breytenbach (brons kata) en sensei De Wet van Wyk. Foto verskaf.

Links: Ickardt Muller (links) van die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub het op 17 September deelgeneem aan die Suid­Afrikaanse Shukokai Kampioenskappe in Johannesburg en ‘n brons medalje in vrygeveg gewen. Spanne vanaf Suid­Afrika, Mosambiek en Zimbabwe het aan die kampioenskap deelgeneem. Afgeneem saam met Ickardt is die klub se sensei De Wet van Wyk. Foto verskaf.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Bergfietsbrul het op 23 September plaasgevind. In die afdeling vir “vinnigste klas” was die Graad 8­1 klas eerste, Graad 9­1 tweede en Graad 10­1 derde. Die klas met die beste gees was die Graad 9­6e, met Graad 9­4 tweede en Graad 11­4 derde. Die personeel van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het ook hulle afdeling vir beste onderwyserspan gewen. Afgeneem is, van links na regs, mnr. Johan van Dijkhorst, mnr. Joshua Lottering, mnr. Armand Stander, mnr. Nollie Davel, mnr. Ben Thomas, me. Lezahn du Tiot, mnr. Danie Nortjé, me. Helen van Heerden, mnr. Craig Viljoen en me. Jernay McLeod (ook namens Makhado Care Group). Foto verskaf.

seunshokkiespan, nadat hulle die afgelope naweek as provinsiale wenners uit die stryd getree het in hulle skoleliga. Triegies se eerstes het Saterdag, 24 September, eers vir Laerskool Julian Muller van Groblersdal 4­1 geklop in die semi­finale wedstryd, waarna hulle 6­1 afgereken het met Laerskool Mariepskop van Hoedspruit. Links agter staan afrigter Dirk van der Berg en regs staan skoolhoof me. Irene Adendorff. Foto verskaf. Louis Trichardt High School is very proud of four of its cricketers who advanced to the second round of the Limpopo cricket trials. They are (from left to right) Anzum Patel (girls U/19), Mijanke Venter (girls U/15), Renet Schoeman (girls U/15) and Derick Barnard (boys U/15). Photo supplied.
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