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31 Augustus 2012
& BA
PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.
Jaargang 28 Vol. 34
Joubertstraat 16B Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Bekende sterf in ongeluk op Witvlagpad - bladsy 2
Plaasmoord-verhoor neem ‘n dramatiese wending - bladsy 3
Report slams state hospital
Unified action to force service delivery - page 6
Hospital board of the opinion acting CEO is not capable of running local state hospital
By Andries van Zyl
Unkempt and unhygienic ... Not words you would want to associate with a hospital, but this is exactly the situation at the Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital. The Zoutpansberger managed to obtain a copy of the hospital board’s most recent report on the general state of affairs at this state hospital, and it makes for some shocking reading. The report follows the board’s visit to the hospital on 17 July. The board itself consists of elected members of the public as appointed by the MEC for Health and Social Development. A copy of their report was submitted to the hospital two weeks ago. The report starts off by stating that the hospital’s guards, appointed to safeguard the safety of staff and patients, seen against the backdrop of several violent assaults and murders at state hospitals over the past few years, “have difficulty communicating in English (none of them could understand or speak Afrikaans). Only three guards were on duty at the main gate. One was supposed to be roaming the grounds, but could not be found.
The safety gate at the maternity ward was unguarded.” As for general appearance, the conclusion was that the grounds were in an unkempt state. “Plastic bags, condom wrappers and paper were lying around the area.” Although the appearance of the staff was, according to the report, generally good “... very few of them were busy in the wards. While we waited for the CEO (approximately 25 minutes) there was nobody in the accounts office (from 14h00 till 14h30). When we started the inspection, the office was still empty. The same at 16h00,” reads the report. With regard to the availability of equipment, medicine and cleaning materials, the situation at the hospital is dire. “No apparatus for testing blood sugar. Two pints (of) emergency blood were available. There was no toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, antiseptics, [or] paper for the ECG machine. In the afternoon, there are no doctors on duty. In the mornings, there may be two on duty. “Shortages [medicine] are extreme. The medicine cabinet keys are hanging in the
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locks. There appears to be no control of drug cabinet keys. In the whole hospital there is one small bar of soap, which the staff bought. Latex gloves are in short supply (at one stage nurses were issued one pair per day). “In general state of disrepair [equipment]. Autoclave machines are all broken. All equipment is taken to Malamulele hospital to be sterilized. All laundry washing machines are broken ...,” the report concludes, among other things. Although the above already places a serious question mark over hygiene at the hospital, the greatest reason for concern was the lack of water at the facility. “There is no water at the hospital, except for a few litres that are brought in each morning. The 10 000 litre water tank has not been filled since January. The borehole pump is broken. There is no soap, detergents, antiseptics at all,” the board found. This begged the question, how do staff wash their hands, flush toilets and keep the hospital clean? In the maternity ward, the situation looked just as bleak. (Contd on P2)
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Die toneelgroep van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt behaal ‘n besonderse driekuns, nadat hulle vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar gekroon word as die Gauteng streekswenners by die ATKV Tienertoneelfees. Larissa Venter (foto) behaal die unieke prestasie dat goud aan haar toegeken word. Dit is die eerste keer in die geskiedenis dat goud aan individue tydens die fees toegeken word. (Sien artikel op p. 4) Foto verskaf.
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2 31 August 2012 By Andries van Zyl
Report makes for shocking reading
Dié drie vindingryke “troebadoers” het vandeesweek stelling ingeneem op die sypaadjie voor ‘n onderneming in die sentrale sakegebied van Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Met hul musiek het hulle voetgangers se aandag getrek na ‘n kennisgewing wat sê hulle benodig ‘n geldjie om universiteit toe te gaan. Die innoverende entrepreneurs trio is Phillip, Boelie en Paul. Deur Andries van Zyl
Vrou sterf in ongeluk op Witvlag-pad ‘n Motorongeluk op die Witvlag-pad het Sa- welbekende mev. Carmen Schlieben. terdag, 25 Augustus, die lewe geëis van die Die 46-jarige Carmen was vanaf haar en haar man Theo se plaas Rustfontein na Makhado (Louis Trichardt) op pad toe die ongeluk omstreeks 17:00 plaasgevind het. Haar voertuig se band het vermoedelik gebars, waarna dit die pad verlaat en omgeslaan het. Sy is op slag dood. Carmen sal onthou word vir haar jarelange betrokkenheid by Dinnermates, waar sy die kwaliteitbeheer behartig het. Daarna het sy ook laboratoriumwerk en kwaliteitbeheer behartig by die Limpopo Melkery. Sowat vier jaar gelede het sy egter besluit om haar eie droom na te jaag en begin met die kweek van proteas vir die uitvoermark. “Graag wil ons die Witvlag Plaaswag, die mense wat op die toneel gehelp het, asook almal wat SMS’e en boodskappe van vertroosting gestuur het, bedank vir hul omgee,” het Theo Dinsdag gesê. ‘n Roudiens word Vrydag op die plaas vir wyle Carmen gehou. Sy word oorleef deur haar man Theo, dogter Dominique, ma Gertrude en broer Wyle mev. Carmen Schlieben (46). Foto verskaf. en suster in Duitsland, Dirk en Anke.
submitted the report to them. (Contd from P1) “What we will do now is wait for the board to of“As mentioned, there is a shortage of gloves, towels etc. The delivery rooms were fairly clean, ficially submit the report to the mentioned authoriexcept for the covers on the delivery tables, which ties. Our evaluation committee did visit the hospital were extremely dirty. There are approx. 150 de- in May this year, made several recommendation liveries per month (no actual data exist). When and are awaiting the quality improvement plan from the beds are all in use, the couches in the waiting the hospital. The deadline for this is 31 August. room must suffice. There are insufficient beds, The evaluation committee was very concerned linen, blankets, and pillows. Maternity linen room with what they found at the hospital,” Gumede almost empty ...,” the report states, adding that the said, adding that the report was a true and honest general ward linen room was completely empty. reflection of what was happening at the hospital. Asked how the provincial department planned In the paediatrics ward, the isolation room did not to address the problems at the hospital, Gumede have any doors. “There is no way of containing infectious dis- said that the hospital still faced many challenges. “That is why the evaluation committee is foleases. Mothers are sleeping in cots.” The board stated that the hospital is func- lowing the process closely and working tirelessly to improve the situation,” tioning far below general “There is no water at the Gumede said. standards and was of the As for the water crisis opinion that the hospital’s hospital, except for a few at the hospital, Gumede acting CEO, Ms Connie Raulinga, was not capable litres that are bought in each said that they would liaise of running the hospital. morning. The 10 000 litre water closely with the Makhado Municipality in this The situation at the hospital is, however, nothing tank has not been filled since regard. “It is a priority new. The board’s report January. The borehole pump is that we get water into the facility,” she said. With bears striking similarities to the findings of the broken. There is no soap, deter- regard to the shortages of medicine and cleaning Parliamentary Portfolio gents, antiseptics at all” materials, Gumede said Committee on Health’s visit to the hospital almost exactly a year ago, from that they were getting there. “We have really progressed from where we were 10 to 12 August 2011. The committee also highlighted problems with in January to March, when there were absolutely regard to safety, hygiene, the control of infectious just the bare necessities. The situation is improving diseases, inadequate equipment and medicine day by day. We now have a very dedicated team shortages. Following the committee’s visit, Raul- working at our pharmaceutical depot. The chalinga made several undetakings to address the prob- lenge is that some hospitals wait until almost nothlems. It would seem, however, as if the situation ing is left before they order. They should order in advance. The department would like to encourage went from bad to worse. Asked to comment on the hospital board’s find- the hospital, as with all hospitals, to order in time.” Regarding the board’s opinion that Raulinga is ings, the provincial spokesperson for Health and Social Development, Ms Sinenhlanhla Gumede, not capable of running the hospital, Gumede said said that neither the MEC nor the department’s that if and when they received the board’s report, district executive manager had any knowledge of they would investigate all aspects of the report. the board’s findings as the board had not formally
BUSINESS talk By Isabel Venter
Look no further than Tip Top If your home needs repair or maintenance, then you need not look further than the services of Tip Top Maintenance. Managed and run by owner Mr Wayne Page, Tip Top guarantees a professional service to its clients. He works hand in hand with small or big companies, as well as private households and offices. Wayne specialises in general repair work, home renovations, painting, house cleaning, tiling, general plumbing, kitchen cabinets and waterproofing. He can be contacted at Tel. 015 516 3012 or 082 705 7789 for a free quotation. Pest Control Specialists in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) walked away with their third consecutive Golden Arrow award during the provincial government’s annual PMR (Performance Management Regulations) Awards held in Polokwane on 24 August. The purpose of the PMR Awards is to create a global and unique marketing tool for a company, department or institution; to enhance excellence in industry; to set a benchmark in industry and to create an opportunity for companies and institutions whereby a team or division can be recognised for all their hard work. Holding the award is Ms Dawn Smith of Pest Control Specialists. Photo supplied.
Mr Wayne Page of Tip Top Maintenance.
Let us know about your new business BUSINESS talk is a column focussing on new ments. New development will be highlighted developments in the local business arena. through a once-off short write-up free of charge. To enable us to keep the column running on a For information, phone Andries at 015 516 weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited 4996/7. to contact us and let us know of new developBy Isabel Venter
One stop shop for outdoor enthusiasts For all your camping needs you now need not look any further than the new Campworld franchise in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Trading as Zoutpansberg Outdoor & Trailer, this Campworld franchise is well equipped for all their clients’ outdoor leisure requirements. The store opened for business on Wednesday, 1 August, and is situated at 68 Krogh Street. Not only does Campworld offer an extensive range of camping products like tents, clothing, trailers and caravans, but they also stock after-care products. This includes service parts for trailers, caravans, electrical equipment and tents. Zoutpansberg Outdoor & Trailer also prides themselves on being an accredited service centre for all types of caravans and camping trailers. They are
also able to fit 4x4 rally rhino invited to visit the store or phone roof racks. For friendly and them for more information at Tel committed service, clients are 083 640 4391.
The staff of Zoutpansberg Outdoor & Trailer, photographed during their official opening. Zoutpansberg Outdoor & Trailer is the new Campworld franchise store in Makhado (Louis Trichardt).
31 Augustus 2012 3
Deur Isabel Venter
Plaasmoord-verhoor neem dramatiese wending Die verhoor van ‘n vermeende plaasaanvaller het vandeesweek ‘n dramatiese wending geneem toe die beskuldigde beweer het die vermoorde man se vrou het hom geld aangebied om haar man te vermoor. Dennis Moyo (37), ‘n Zimbabwiër wat daarvan beskuldig word dat hy in 2002 ‘n bekende boer van Pontdrif vermoor het, het Maandag en Dinsdag in die Rondgaande Hooggeregshof op Makhado (Louis Trichardt) verskyn. Hy word aangekla van moord, huisbraak met die opset om te roof en roof met verswarende omstandighede. Destyds is daar berig oor dié moord, wat die Pondrift-boeregemeenskap tot in sy fondamente geskud het. Volgens inligting is die 51-jarige mnr. Rudi Schmidt en sy vrou, Corlia, na bewering deur Moyo in
die vroeë oggendure in hul plaaswoning oorrompel. Maandag het dit, by monde van Moyo se regsverteenwoordiger, aan die lig gekom dat Moyo van plan is om te kom getuig dat Corlia hom geld aangebied het om haar man te vermoor. Corlia, wat vir die Staat getuig het oor wat gebeur het die aand toe haar man dood is, het dié aantygings teen haar ontken. Insake daardie aand se gebeure het sy getuig dat sy wakker geword het toe ‘n staallem teen haar gedruk is. ‘n Gemaskerde indringer het langs die egpaar se bed gestaan. Terwyl sy naarstigtelik probeer het om haar vuurwapen uit haar handsak te grawe, het die aanvaller glo begin om haar man te takel. Die struweling tussen die twee het van die kamer na die kombuis gevorder.
Corlia het getuig dat sy in die warboel nie haar vuurwapen kon kry nie en toe kombuis toe is om die ketel aan te sit om die aanvaller met kookwater te gooi. “Ek het onthou dat ek iewers gelees of gehoor het dat mens indringers kan afskrik met kookwater,” het Corlia gesê. Schmidt het glo intussen daarin geslaag om die aanvaller te verdryf, maar het op die toneel beswyk aan ‘n borswond. Moyo is eers in Mei verlede jaar vir ‘n tweede keer aangekla van die moord op Schmidt, nadat hy in 2002 aan die Zimbabwiese owerhede uitgelewer is. Tien jaar het verloop voordat Moyo weer aan Suid-Afrika uitgelewer is en weer aangekla kon word. Teen druktyd moes Corlia nog klaar getuig. Daar sou na verwagting nog twee getuies vir die Staat kom getuig het teen Donderdag.
Cnr Rissik & President Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 2606
Your 1 Stop Paint Shop
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By Isabel Venter
Luxor Ultra Light Body Filler 5kg
Action group say they did lodge formal objection The Makhado Action Group (MakAG) expressed their dismay with an article in last week’s Zoutpansberger that focussed on the activities of Australian mining company Coal of Africa Limited (CoAL), especially where it was stated that “no formal objections” against the proposed projects were lodged. The article reported on six amended environmental management plan (EMP) documents that CoAL submitted to the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) on 14 August, after no “formal objections” towards their Greater Soutpansberg Project were received. MakAG differs from this statement. According to a press release MakAG issued on Monday, they submitted their objections in writing to CoAL’s indepen-
dent consultant, Naledi Developments, on 24 July. This statement refers to the time (25 June until 24 July) that the public had to comment on the draft EMPs. CoAL needs to submit these documents to obtain prospecting rights licences from the DMR. In addition, MaKAG points out that their objections were also highlighted in the Comments and Response part of all six EMPs. “It is unwise and unsustainable to continue to plan such large mining developments in such a water-scarce area without being able to answer strategic questions about water supply,” says the group. Regarding the fact that they had received no “formal objections”, CoAL this week explained that various affected parties had indicated that they wanted to
object to the prospecting licences. “This objection is mainly based on the possibility that the prospecting rights will be promoted to mining rights, which are not the subject of the adapted EMP,” said CoAL’s legal advisors, Russell and Associates, in an email to the newspaper. This, they said, is why they hold that no objections to the prospecting and matters relating to the adjusted EMPs have been received. Russell and Associates, however, did confirm that they had received a formal objection from MakAG regarding the “potential impact of mining activities … not the prospecting.” n the meantime, MakAG said that they intended to lodge a formal objection to the DMR “now that CoAL’s application has been received by the department.”
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4 31 August 2012 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
By Tshifhiwa Mukwevho
Prostitution rife in crime hot-spot area
Driekuns vir Triegies by tienertoneelfees
Prostitution has become rife in certain areas of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) and the efforts of the SAPS to curb this problem seem to have a minimal effect. Young girls continue to sell their bodies for as little as R10 to male customers and business often gets conducted in the bushes next to the road. A popular spot for the prostitutes is at the corner of Grobler and Malherbe Street. The police are well aware of this and regularly patrol the area to monitor the activities of the sex workers. This spot has become infamous by the name Dzithangani (reed cane), due to the fact that there are lots of wild reeds next to the road. When the Zoutpansberger’s reporter first visited Dzithangani a fortnight ago, the police were busy raiding the bushes. Several sex workers were found hiding in the wild grass and the police escorted them to the back of the police van. “They always arrest us and demand we pay a fine,” said one of the three sex workers found in the bushes. Another one added that the fine which they were normally required to pay
Die toneelgroep van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt behaal ‘n besonderse driekuns, nadat hulle vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar gekroon word as die Gauteng streekswenners by die ATKV Tienertoneelfees. “Ons kom huis toe met 16 silwer toekennings en goud vir Larissa Venter! Silwer is die hoogste toekenning by die streekfees, maar hulle het die uitsondering gemaak om vir Larissa vir haar puik verhoogspel goud te gee,” vertel ‘n opgewonde mnr. Nico Scheepers. Dit is die eerste keer in die geskiedenis dat goud aan individue tydens die fees toegeken word. Die Triegie toneelgroep het met hul verhoogstuk Atlas teen 27 skole meegeding en ná hul optrede op Vrydag, 24 Augustus, is hulle gekies om die Saterdagaand by die finaal van die Gauteng-streek op te tree. Die drie skole wat teen hulle in die UNISA Kleinteater gekompeteer het, was Hoërskole Zwartkop en Garsfontein van Pretoria en Hoërskool Helpmekaar van Johannesburg. En daar laat die Triegies die stadskole weer op hul neuse kyk deur eerste te eindig. Nou is dit die naelbyt wagtydperk om te hoor watter toneelgroepe word na die Aardklop Kunstefees uitgenooi. By Aardklop sal tien toneelstukke meeding vir die nasionale wentrofee. Die afgelope twee jaar het Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se toneelgroep by Aardklop met die nasionale wisseltrofee en R20 000 prysgeld uit die stryd getree. In 2010 het hulle Kolom opgevoer en in 2011 Loodballon, albei stukke geskryf deur Nico Scheepers. Nico is ‘n oud-leerling van die skool en het self in die skool se toneelgroep gespeel. Vanjaar se produksie, Atlas, is ook deur Nico geskryf en handel oor ‘n jong seun se stryd om balans te vind tussen sy geloof, sy ouers en sy toekoms. Arno Venter het die hoofrol vertolk. Larissa was sy sussie en Anton Pretorius ‘n vriend. Die drie hoofspelers het hul eie name in die stuk gebruik. “Ons het dit gedoen sodat daar geen afstand tussen die gehoor en die karakters is nie, “ sê Nico. Arno en Anton het silwer toekennings ontvang. Nico het silwer ontvang vir regie, beligting, teks en choreografie en sê dat sy musiektoekenning sal gaan na Gideon Scheepers, wat net soveel van die musiek as hyself geskryf het. Die hoofrolspelers en al die byspelers het silwer vir ensemblespel
for selling sex in a prohibited area ranged from R10 to R150. What the Zoutpansberger established is that the police vans patrol the area almost every 10 minutes. When they arrive, the sex workers sneak into the tall grass, only to resurface once again when the police vehicles have passed. “Our kids need to eat and wear nice clothes,” explained one woman. “Do you think we’re here for fun?” the same woman asked. “Arali ni sa funi u renga fhirani zwanu (If you’re not here to buy sex, then just go your way).” Soon after saying that, she mentioned that she had only managed to cater for two clients that day, so she would have to walk to Tshikota instead of taking a taxi. “She’s from Zimbabwe, that one,” said another. “Next time when you get money, come and buy from me. Even if you have only R10.” According to women who agreed to speak to us, the sex workers at the corner of Grobler and Malherbe Street commute daily from places such as Thohoyandou, Sinthumule and Kutama, Nzhelele, Musina and Elim. They are adamant that the
“no-prostitution” operation by the SAPS will never stop them from conducting business in town. “You can’t sell sex in the village,” they said. The spokespersons for the Makhado police, Capt Maano Sadiki, said the police arrest sex workers and take them to court, where they would normally be given a ticket (fine). “These same people always go back to selling their bodies after being released,” he said. “But that does not stop us from doing our job. That area is dangerous to both the client and those who sell their bodies, since they can mug or kill each other.”
The billboard announces that the area is a crime hotspot.
Happy Secretary’s Day! 5 September 2012
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Marlene: Die kleinste woordjie is DANKIE Dit los die grootste probleme op Dit verhelder die donkerste nag Dit bring geluk; Dis die kleinste woord met die GROOTSTE betekenis... BAIE DANKIE VIR WAT JY VIR DIE WERDA TOYOTA PERSONEEL EN KLIëNTE BETEKEN!
´n Gevaarlike ongemerkte gat op een van die besigste sypaadjies in die sentrale sakegebied van Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Die gat is verlede week deur munisipale werkers gegrawe om ´n lekkende waterpyp te ontbloot op die hoek van Songozwi- en Burgerstraat. Die gat is net so gelaat, sonder enige waarskuwingslint of ander veiligheidsversperring. Dit skep veral saans ´n ernstige gevaar vir voetgangers. Lesers sal die Zoutpansberger se voorbladberig verlede week onthou oor die sowat R500 000 wat die munisipaliteit moet opdok ná ‘n inwoner haar been in ‘n slaggat gebreek het. Mens kan nie anders as om te wonder of bogenoemde gat ook dalk die munisipaliteit baie duur sal kos nie?
Sunday 2nd September 2012 Join us for our monthly Buffet!
Florist / Bloemiste
Onthou Sekretaressedag op 5 September 2012! Bestel jou blomme vroegtydig!
ontvang. Die drie lede van die tegniese span is ook vereer met ‘n silwer toekenning elk. NJ Prinsloo het brons vir verhoogbestuur ontvang. “Die beoordelaars het ons geprys en gesê dat ons ‘n tema aangeraak het wat mense bang is om aan te raak, terwyl tieners in aanraking daarmee kom en daardeur gaan. Hulle het gesê dat ons dit sensitief en met deernis hanteer het, sonder om vingers te wys,” sê Nico. Hy is vol lof vir die toneelgroep.”Dankie julle! Ek het die grootste respek en liefde vir elkeen van julle. Julle toewyding is verbysterend!”
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31 Augustus 2012 5
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6 31 August 2012 By Linda van der Westhuizen
Unified action to force service delivery
In a new development, residents of the Makhado Municipal area, all tormented by water shortages, are taking hands across racial lines in order to act in a unified and forceful manner. A new interim committee of Makhado residents, called the Makhado Concerned Group, is chaired by Mr Lawrence Makatu (left). With him is Mr Wally Schultz, chairperson of the newly launched local AfriForum branch. By Linda van der Westhuizen
Municipality envisage solutions to crisis The Makhado Municipality envisages some possible solutions to address the water crisis in the Makhado Municipal area. Besides drilling six new boreholes in Makhado town, some other strategies were mentioned by the acting municipal manager, Mr Elias Mugari. * A service provider will be appointed before the end of August to do the refurbishment of the existing bulk water pipeline from the Albasini water works to Mowkop reservoir. “This will cut down the frequency of the bursts along the bulk pipeline,” Mugari stated.
* A tender for the construction of a 29.7km bulk pipeline (of 800mm diameter) from Valdezia to Mowkop has once again been advertised. * The construction of the Nandoni bulk water pipeline to Valdezia is envisaged to be completed by April 2013. “This will result in a permanent solution to our water supply in town and surrounding areas,” Mugari stated. * The construction of a 12-megalitre reservoir is underway in Makhado Town. In addition to the above, Mugari said that the “turnaround time for addressing water leaks
had been shortened” and that water trucks are sometimes used at spots where acute water shortages are experienced. “We are hopeful that all the above strategies will assist towards resolving the existing water-shortage challenges in Makhado town and surrounding areas,” Mugari stated. All the strategies were stated in a letter to the attorneys of AfriForum, a civil rights organisation threatening with a court interdict to force the municipality to comply with the basic requirements in respect of water supply.
In a new development, residents of the Makhado Municipal area, all tormented by water shortages, are taking hands across racial lines in order to act in a unified and forceful manner. A brand new committee of concerned Makhado residents was formed on 18 July, the same evening that the mayor of the Makhado Municipality, Cllr David Mutavhatsindi, held a public meeting in the Makhado Show Hall to address local residents on the water crisis in the area. Angry residents stayed behind and formed the Interim Committee of Makhado Residents, also called the Makhado Concerned Group. “The Makhado Municipality should stop charging us for water and the services thereof with immediate effect, until a consistent and uninterrupted water supply is restored,” was the first resolution stated in a memorandum by the new committee. Their second resolution was that the congestion at pay points should be reduced by re-establishing other pay points that are no longer operational. The committee gave the municipality two weeks to implement the above, “failing which we shall be left with no option but to resort to legal means to have our problems solved”. Their memorandum was received by the Makhado Municipality on 10 August and the Makhado residents wanted their reply before 29 August, when “we have to report to the masses at a meeting scheduled for 29 August”. The committee is chaired by Mr Lawrence Makatu. “We don’t want any political connotation to this committee. If we don’t see improvement in services, our end goal is to push the people out who do not render proper services,” Makatu said. “The chaotic meeting of the mayor did not resolve any of the issues on the table, but has drawn residents from across all communities to take hands in a unified attempt to rectify the rapidly collapsing water supply and sewerage systems in the Makhado district,” said Mr Wally Schultz, chairperson of the local AfriForum branch, which was also launched directly after the said “chaotic meeting”. AfriForum intends to take the legal route to resolve the worsening water crisis.
In the meantime, Makatu and Schultz met and forged an alliance to tackle the issues in court. “It is time for all residents of the Makhado district, regardless of race, to act as one, to hold our municipalities accountable … and we welcome the support offered by the local branch of AfriForum,” said a delighted Makatu. “Lawrence and I agree on all the issues at stake and have agreed to work closely together in preparing AfriForum’s court action against both the Vhembe and Makhado municipalities. Should we win this court case, and we believe that we will … it will register a landmark victory and will set a legal precedent for other communities...” Schultz said. The AfriForum legal team studied the answering letter of the Makhado Municipality on the water crisis in the municipal area. “The legal team said that the answer was inadequate and therefore they are proceeding. The Vhembe District Municipality (VDM) did not even bother to respond,” said Schultz. Environment
Anthrax outbreak in Kruger Park
At least 30 carcasses of roan antelope were discovered at the Capricorn Rare Antelope Enclosure around the Mopani camp area of the Kruger National Park (KNP). According to a statement by the park, the animals are believed to have died from an outbreak of the anthrax disease in the park. It is also stated that it normally happens from time to time during this time of the year. The statement warns that anthrax is a bacterial disease, which is very dangerous to both animals and human beings. People are advised not to touch any carcass found in the park. Instead, if they see any dead animal, they should report it to the nearest camp.
31 Augustus 2012 7
8 31 August 2012
KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 stuk verkoop word. Verder word daar heerlike gebak, groot koeke, terte, nagereg ens. verkoop. Die verkoping begin 11:00 en die kerrie-en-rys en pannekoek sal voortdurend beskikbaar wees. “Kom koop gerus van die heerlike kos en gebak en wees voorbereid vir onverwagse gaste die naweek,” nooi die susters.
• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, 1ste Sondag van die maand gesamentlike diens om 08:30, Afrikaans met peuter/kinderkerk om 08:30, English with toddler/children church at 10:30, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959
re u s e ist k t l Ma ou ven y re u yo
SEPTEMBER • AASVOËLDAG GEVIER Met Internasionale Aasvoëldag wat op 1 September plaasvind beplan Birdlife Soutpansberg, in samewerking met die Vriende van Blouberg, ‘n groot dag vir die geleentheid op Blouberg Natuurreservaat. Boere van Dendron, Vivo, Alldays en Waterpoort is die teiken groep. Daar is reeds sprekers gereël en aktiwiteite wat groot pret gaan wees word beplan. Vir inligting, skakel Johan van Wyk by 083 251 7071.
• AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446
The Zoutpansberger’s website (www.zoutpansberger.co.za) offers readers a calendar entry service on their Events Page. Visitors to the website can now list their calendar entries for upcoming events on the Events Page themselves. It is as easy as merely logging in on the Events Page through your existing Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts and uploading your entry. The entry will, however, not appear immediately as it has to go through a moderation process first. In addition, sport club administrators (and
ZoutieWeather DEURLOPEND Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)
Thursday, 30 August Bright sunshine.
High: 29oC Low: 10oC Friday, 31 August Bright sunshine.
High: 29oC Low: 11oC Saturday, 1 September Bright sunshine.
High: 32oC Low: 10oC Sunday, 2 September Cooler.
High: 20oC Low: 7oC Monday, 3 September Warmer.
• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081
High: 24oC Low: 8oC
• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350.
Tuesday, 4 September
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.
for that matter church and school administrators) can contact us to directly submit events on the Events Page without a moderations process. If an administrator is listed as a user on the site, their calendar entries will show immediately. This function allows administrators to update events through the year on a platform used by ten others publications throughout the province as part of both a local and provincial calendar. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.
Clouds and sun.
High: 23 C Low: 9 C o
Wednesday, 5 September Bright sunshine.
High: 27oC Low: 12oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2012. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za
Die Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado (Louis Trichardt. Alle senior burgers is welkom by die klubvergaderings waar die programme interessante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike boodskappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit. Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 5739 geskakel word.
• MANNE VAN DIE WOORD WEER BYEEN Die Manne van die Woord
in Makhado is weer volstoom aan die gang en kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. By hierdie interkerklike byeenkomste bemoedig mans mekaar om die Here te dien. Alle mans is welkom. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.
deel van hul geldinsamelingsprojek vir hul beplande uitreik na die Suidkus in Oktober vanjaar verkoop die AGS-jeug in Makhado elke Vrydag heerlike vetkoek-en-maalvleis teen R15. Vir bestellings, skakel Leonie by tel. 084 219 4406. Bestellings moet Donderdae voor 17:00 deurgegee word en indien daar meer as tien bestel word, sal dit afgelaai word.
- 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 2990 - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 - 015 519 3000 - 015 516 0148 / 9 - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 - 082 251 0827
Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente hou op 1 September weer hul gewilde Lentefees en vanjaar is die klem op geniet. Die fees sal oudergewoonte plaasvind in die park oorkant OK Grocer in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Vanjaar gaan die gemeente voluit om iets vir almal te bied. Vir die jongklomp sal daar hope vermaak en speletjies wees terwyl ma ‘n draai maak in die teetuin. Pa kan op sy beurt kuier in die rugbytent waar die dag se rugbywedstryde op ‘n grootskerm televisie uitgesaai sal word. Vir die tieners sal daar die aand ‘n “Gospel Youth Bash” wees tot laatnag. Bykans 30 stalletjies is reeds bevestig, met alles van lekker gebak tot vleis teen bekostigbare pryse. ‘n Nuutjie sal wees ‘n troeteldierkompetisie, asook “rock climbing”.
ministers forum of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) will host a prayer day for rain on Friday, 7 September, at 17 :00 at the Dutch Reformed Church Soutpansberg. (Vervolg op p. 9)
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 20 August. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
35.8% 96.4% 81.6% 35.9% 43.9% 1.2% 89.6% 24.6% 52.6% 59.1% 79.5% 81.7%
35.8% 96.7% 81.7% 36.5% 45.5% 1.4% 89.8% 25.4% 55% 60% 80.5% 81.8%
* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press
Die susters van die Gereformeerde kerk hou Vrydag, 31 Augustus, ‘n verkoping. Daar sal kerrie-en-rys, met twee slaaie, teen R25 beskikbaar wees en pannekoek sal teen R3
WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2012. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag
• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15, 22:45 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15 Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15
˛ ◊œ
Fri, Sat: 9:40, 11:50, 14:35, 17:20, 19:40, 22:15 Sun, Tue: 9:40, 11:50, 14:35, 17:20, 19:40 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:35, 17:20, 19:40
˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:40, 14:25, 17:10, 19:50, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:40, 14:25, 17:10, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:25, 17:10, 19:50
STEP UP 4: REVOLUTION 3D ˛ ◊ Fri, Sat: 9:55, 12:10, 14:35, 17:00, 19:40, 22:15 Sun, Tue: 9:55, 12:10, 14:35, 17:00, 19:40 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:10, 14:35, 17:00, 19:40
¸ ˛ ◊
Fri, Sat: 9:25, 12:00, 14:55, 17:30, 20:10, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 9:25, 12:00, 14:55, 17:30, 20:10 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:55, 17:30, 20:10 ——————————————————————————————————
Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00
˛ Ç \
Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:45 Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30
Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:30, 14:25, 17:20, 19:50, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:30, 14:25, 17:20, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:25, 17:20, 19:50
Fri, Sat,Tue: 9:45, 15:15, 20:20 Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 15:15, 20:20
˛ ◊
THE EXPENDABLES 2: ˛ ◊ ≤ BACK FOR WAR Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:15, 17:40, 20:00, 22:30 Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:15, 17:40, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:15, 17:40, 20:00
˛ ◊Ó
Fri, Sat: 9:35, 12:20, 14:45, 17:10, 19:30, 22:00
Sun, Tue: 9:35, 12:20, 14:45, 17:10, 19:30 MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:20, 14:45, 17:10, 19:30 ˛ Ç ß LEON SCHUSTER’S MOST WANTED Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 ˛ ◊\ MAD BUDDIES
Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
Fri, Sat: 12:30, 18:00, 22:45 Sun-Thu: 12:30, 18:00
FOR SHOWTIMES & BOOKINGS, VISIT www.sterkinekor.mobi VIA YOUR CELLPHONE OR CALL TICKETLINE ON 082 16789 FIND US ON FACEBOOK AT facebook.com/sterkinekortheatres
31 Augustus 2012 9
CALENDAR / WHAT’S ON? KALENDER / WAT GEBEUR? (Vervolg van p. 8) “We at the ministers forum thought it prudent to host a service dedicated to praying for rain. We are told in the Scriptures to ask for what we need. Here is an opportunity to ask for some very-much-needed rain. We continue to trust God that He will provide for our needs in all areas of our lives, be it in the community or in our private lives. Of course, the focus of the event will be on praying for rain,” said one of the organizers, Rev Robby Novella. For more information, contact Rev Novella on 015 516 5165 or Dr Philip Venter’s church office on 015 516 4366. • APK PRETDAG Die Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sal weer op Saterdag, 8 September, hul gewilde pretdag by die Albasinidam aanbied. Daar sal vanaf 08:30 heerlik saam gekuier word by die Hengelparadys van Joao en Anthéa Lombaard. Soos in die verlede sal daar vir motorfietsgeesdriftiges ‘n uithouwedren aangebied word. Deelnemers kan in twee klasse (twee-en vierwiel) inskryf en die wenners word bepaal deur hoeveel rondtes op die baan voltooi word. Inskrywing beloop R200 per persoon vir volwassenes en daar sal om 10:00 weggespring word. Hierdie jaar sal kinders ook kan deelneem. Hul inskrywingsgeld beloop R100 per kind en daar sal om 09:00 weggespring word in dié afdeling. Navrae oor die uithouwedren kan gerig word aan Peet 083 469 0138 of Dries by 082 898 8766. Vir die hongeriges en dorstiges sal daar meer as genoeg kosstalletjises soos braaivleis, stokworsies en jaffels wees. Daar sal ook verskeie speletjiestalletjies, ‘n glybaan en skyfskietkompetisie aangebied word. Toegang is gratis. Vir meer inligting kan ds. Gert Kruger by 082 770 6554 of Edward Prinsloo by 082 893 2493 geskakel word. • OPEDAG BY CVO Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg hou op 11 September vanaf 08:00 tot 12:00 ‘n opedag by die skool. Alle voornemende leerlinge vanaf Graad 1 tot 12 en hul ouers word uitgenooi om die skool te besoek. Vir navrae, skakel 076 401 2757.
pansberg Astronomy Club will have its next monthly meeting on Saturday, 15 September, from sunset onwards. With no interference from the moon, it will be an ideal time to look at some of the deep-sky objects that can be seen. Club get-togethers are open to the public and everyone is welcome. Contact Kos Coronaios at elephantcastle@ lantic.net for more information. • CVO VIVO REÜNIE Die CVO Skool Vivo hou op 21 September hul 15-jaar reünie. Almal wat op welke wyse ookal deur die jare betrokke was by die skool is welkom. Vir meer inligting en om te bevestig, skakel Christine Knox by 015 593 0740.
The programme for the Rotsfees at Grootklip on the weekend of 21 to 23 September has been announced. All are invited to come and camp for R50 per stand for the whole weekend, though stands should be booked in advance. On Friday at 18:30, Tjokker and Elmé will sing, with wellknown gospel singer Freda Francis starting at 19:00. On Saturday at 09:00, Joy van Eeden of Hope Ministries will minister and Betsie Joubert of Comfort Prophetic Ministries at 11:00. Esther Bester, the founder of Hope Ministries, will speak at 14:00 and Hilda Ndlovu of Moment of Truth Prophetic Ministries at 16:00. At 19:00, Sweet November, a Polokwane-based band, will be performing. On Sunday, at 09:00, it is the turn of Andrew Baird Bezuidenhout, Founder of Baird Ministries. Food and beverages will be on sale throughout and braai facilities are available. On Saturday, there will be children’s entertainment by Shammah Kingdom Kids and fleamarket stalls. Day visitors are very welcome, and for more information and bookings, Okkie can be contacted on 082 563 5937 or Andrew on 071 078 1631.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
and live under the same moon. To celebrate InOMN, the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club will be at the Mall of the North (movie entrance) on Saturday, 22 September. Loads of hand-out material, posters etc. will be available, as well as views through the telescope at our closest star during the day and our closest neighbour in space, the moon, during the evening. For more information, contact Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or at elephantcastle@ lantic.net
• KUIFKOP BRAWN & BRAINS FESTIVAL Residents can start gearing up
for the annual Kuifkop Brawn & Brains Festival on 29 September at the Clouds End Hotel. “Enter your team for the tug-of-war and trivia quiz competition and stand the chance to win great prizes,” invite the organisers. The first prize of R7 000 for the overall winners is sponsored by P&L Hardware. Festival-goers will also have the chance to support local charity organisations such as Agora (tombola), Ladies Circle 4 (pancakes and cakes) and more to be confirmed. Art and craft stalls are available. For more information or to book a stall, contact Laura at 083 404 6751 or 015 516 1483. • THANKS GIVING FÊTE The New Apostolic Church of Buysdorp and Louis Trichardt will be holding their annual Thanks Giving fête on 29 September at the tourism information centre in Makhado in conjunction with the Localis-Lekker flea market. Pancakes, vetkoek, roti, boerewors rolls, second hand goods and clothing, cold drinks and much more will be on sale.
pansberg 66, in conjunction with the Roadhogs Motorcycle Club, invites one and all to their highly popular annual Melodrama comes to Soutpansberg on 28 and 29 September and 5 and 6 October. Each night, the performance will start at 19:00 for 19:30 at Louis Trichardt Primary’s school hall. Tickets cost R120 per person and are available from Rudi at Tel 082 776 8377 or Yolanda at 082 972 2060. All money raised will go towards charity. A cash bar will be available every evening.
OKTOBER • METHODIST COUNTRY MARKET The Methodist Church Louis Trichardt
invites one and all to enjoy fun and fellowship at their annual Country Market, to be held on Saturday, 6 October, from 10:00. There will be a tea garden and various stalls selling plants, cakes, boerewors rolls, pancakes, second-hand books, gifts, ‘this and that’, as well as an exciting African stall and much more. “Come and enjoy a pleasant morning with us at 79 Munnik Street,” invites the church.
Jongmense van die dorp word genooi na die Iuvenis Jeugfees op Vrydag en Saterdag, 12 en 13 Oktober. Dié fees word gereël deur Shammah Bedieninge en Zoè Akademie, in samewerking met jeugleiers van die dorp. Vrydag se program skop af met ‘n Youth Bash om 18:00 by Shammah Bedieninge in Rissikstraat 50. Om 19:00 vind ‘n danskompetisie daar plaas. Saterdag se verrigtinge is by Laerskool Louis Trichardt se hoof sportveld. Om 13:00 open die fees met ‘n optog van die motorfietsryers van die Bikers Kingdom. Om 14:00 begin kompetisies en ander pret aktiwiteite. Stalletjies sal deurlopend besoek kan word. Om 15:30 vind ‘n voedselprojek op kompetisiebasis, die Charity Food Project, plaas. Zoè Akademie se “band” se optrede volg om 16:30, waarna pret en kompetisies om 19 :00 hervat word. Vir meer inligting kan Catherina Strydom by 072 510 3806 geskakel word.
Kompetisie vir die mooiste troeteldiere ‘n Kompetisie om te probeer bepaal wie nou werklik die mooiste troeteldiere in die streek het, word op 1 September tydens die Lentefees aangebied. Die kompetisie word deur die NG Kerk Soutpansberggemeente aangebied, in samewerking met Nada’s Ark veeartsenydienste. Dit word ook nie net beperk tot honde nie en selfs die troeteldiere met vere kan saamgebring word.
Dit is belangrik om nou te begin oefen en in te skryf voor 15 September. Die deelnemers gaan in twee kategorieë beoordeel word, ‘n junior kategorie (vir skoolgaandes) en ‘n senior kategorie (vir volwassenes). Daar sal pryse toegeken word in die verskillende kategorieë. Vir meer inligting, skakel Catherina by 072 510 3806.
CVO Skool Zoutpansberg nooi oud en jonk na hul operette, Eendag lank, lank gelede, op 26 en 27 Oktober vanjaar. Toegang vir die Donderdag se opvoering beloop R50 per volwassene en R30 vir laer- en voorskoolse leerlinge. Vrydag se toegang is R120 per persoon, wat ‘n ete insluit. Vir besprekings, skakel 076 401 2757.
• BOERE-OPSKOP Die Generaal Piet Joubert Voortrekkerkommando in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) beplan ‘n lekker boeredans op 27 Oktober. Kaartjies kos R100 per paartjie en R30 vir laerskoolkinders en sluit ‘n heerlike bord boerekos in. Copy That sal die aand die vermaak verskaf. Vir meer inligting of kaartjies, skakel Riana Otto (084 400 9941), Rina Eybers (083 929 7730) of Marjorie Smit (082 836 9779).
dies Circle 4 in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) invite one and all to put on their gaming faces and try their hand at Black Jack or Roulette during their Las Vegas Comes to Mike’s Kitchen evening on 3 November. Held in conjunction with Khoroni Casino and Hotel, the evening promises much excitement, with the hotel group bringing in their own tables and professional dealers. All money raised during the event, held from 16:00 until midnight, will go towards local charity organisations. More information will be made available closer to the event.
SPORT SEPTEMBER • BERGFIETSUITDAAG Fietsryers, hetsy ervare of onervare, word uitgenooi om Saterdag, 1 September, deel te neem aan die bergfietsuitdaag by die Lentefees in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Die eerste “resies” begin om 16:30, wanneer die kleuters hul slag op hul skopfietse en ander klein fietsies kan wys. ‘n Baan word afgemerk vir die kleintjies in die park oorkant OK Grocer. Om 17:00 kry die junior fietsryers (Graad 3 tot 6) ‘n kans om sake uit te spook. Hulle roete begin langs die duikweg op die hoek van
This year’s theme for International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) is Under the Same Moon. Night after night, day after day, one thing remains the same - we all eat, sleep, work, play
kompetisie op Vrydag, 12 Oktober, om 19:00 by Shammah Bedieninge in Rissikstraat 50 is oop vir alle belangstellendes van skoolgaande ouderdom en ouer.
Die beoordeling om die mooiste kat te vind, word met behulp van foto’s gedoen. Netjiese, geblokte of gelamineerde foto’s van die katte moet voor 28 Augustus ingehandig word by die kerkkantoor of by Nada’s Ark. Die Lentefees vind op 1 September plaas in die parkie oorkant OK Grocer. Die troeteldiere sal vanaf 14:00 beoordeel word en eienaars kan hul mooiste diere in verskeie kategorieë inskryf. Daar sal pryse
Ek is honger!
wees vir die mees interessante troeteldier, asook die troeteldier en eienaar wat die meeste na mekaar lyk. ‘n Prys sal toegeken word aan die eienaar en troeteldier wat die mooiste aantrek en ‘n spesiale prys gaan aan die oulikste hondjie onder ses maande toegeken word. Die troeteldiere sal ook toertjies kan doen om vir ‘n prys in aanmerking te kom. Inskrywingsvorms is by die kerkkantoor, skole of by Nada’s Ark beskikbaar.
Stubbsstraat en die N1 (in die Boompark). Die roete deur die Boompark is rofweg 2,5 kilometer lank en die juniors doen slegs twee rondtes. Om 17:30 kom die senior fietsryers aan die beurt. Hulle volg dieselfde roete, maar moet ses rondtes voltooi. Aangesien dit dan reeds begin donker word, moet fietsryers verkieslik ligte op hul fietse aanbring. Die roete sal ook met kerse gemerk word om dit meer aanskoulik te maak. Inskrywingsgeld beloop R10 per fietsryer en al die geld gaan ten bate van die NG Kerk Soutpansberg se projekte.
• GIMNASTIEKKAMPIOENSKAPPE Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub
tree op 7 en 8 September op as gasheer van die Limpopo Gimnastiek-kampioenskappe. Daar gaan ongeveer 300 gimnaste van regoor die provinsie deelneem. Lede van die gemeenskap is welkom om die plaaslike gimnaste te kom ondersteun. Vir meer besonderhede kan Elzabé Stewart by 082 566 3493, Giel Nel by 083 297 7272, Renette Nel by 015 516 3756 of Riekie Steyn by 082 484 1392 geskakel word.
Hokkie nooi alle belangstellendes na hul algemene jaarvergadering en bestuurverkiesing op Woensdag, 12 September. Die vergadering begin om 17:15 by Laerskool Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Melanie Louw by tel. 083 651 7601.
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10 31 August 2012 In Memoriam
Soutpansberg’s adventurous Dr Daan Marais passes away Dr Daan Marais, a well-known resident of the Soutpansberg, passed away on 21 August in the Limpopo Mediclinic in Polokwane. Aged 83, Marais died from heart failure, five days after undergoing hip surgery. Daniel Francois Marais was born on 17 July 1929 on the family farm Oorbietjiesfontein near Hartbeesfontein in the North West Province. He spent most of his young life with his cousins, for he was an only child and his father passed away when Marais was 10 years old. Marais matriculated at the Heidelberg Hoër Volkskool, whereafter he studied medicine at the University of the Witwatersrand. Although he practiced as a general practitioner, his main fields of interest were orthopaedic surgery and anaesthetics. Marais was a born adventurer and often bunked classes to go on an expedition or hunting trip. On one such occasion, he almost died from histoplasmosis (cave disease), which he contracted while he The late Dr Daan Marais (83). Photo supplied. and a couple of classmates explored an unknown
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section of the Sterkfontein cave system. Shortly thereafter, he rowed a canoe singlehandedly down the Vaal River. Before completing his degree, Marais also hitched a ride to Durban to work aboard a whaling ship. Fortunately, the ship had already departed and he had to return to his studies. Marais led the first Trans-African Waterway Expedition in 1958. Setting out from the Port of Chinde in the Zambezi estuary on the Indian Ocean on 1 June, they travelled 5 792 km via four lakes and seven major rivers to reach the Atlantic Ocean at Banana Point in the Congo River estuary on 23 August. They completed the journey in three custom-designed fibreglass boats with outboard engines. The primary purpose of the expedition was to survey the route to determine the possible development of an equatorial water highway, providing arterial links of commerce and industry between the two oceans. Marais was also a big game hunter and roamed the plains of Southern Africa in search of record trophies, travelling as far as Angola, Barotseland in Zambia and Northern Mozambique. He also acted as a stunt double for Michael Craig in the 1958 British movie Nor the Moon by Night, where he shot a charging elephant bull on the set. A few years later, Marais had a change of heart after he witnessed two young elephant bulls attempting to keep an older wounded bull upright by supporting it with their bodies. He stopped hunting and devoted his time to conservation and the breeding of rare animals and birds. Marais transferred his knowledge of hunting rifles into the development of tranquilliser dart guns for the capturing and relocation of wild animals. Marais soon accumulated a menagerie of animals at his home in Edenvale, ranging from a giant python to a pet brown hyena. That is also where he met his new neighbour’s daughter, Patricia Barker, and soon asked for her hand in marriage. Marais and Pat got married on 10 September 1960 and when their backyard became overcrowded with animals, they relocated to Muldersdrift to establish a game farm.
Marais was also a keen photographer. He and Pat criss-crossed Southern Africa to record and capture Bushman rock art on film. Where possible, he photographed live animals in the exact same position as the animals depicted in the paintings and engravings to demonstrate the ingenious accuracy of the artists. During these travels, they built up a prize-winning collection of Lithops, tiny stone-like succulents native to Southern Africa. They donated their Lithops collection to the Botanical Gardens in Pretoria. Marais and his family relocated to Louis Tri chardt in 1970. He settled down on Klein Afrika, a game farm just north of the Hendrik Verwoerd tunnels. In between working at his consulting rooms and at the Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital, he built a dream house with a large Baobab tree in the courtyard and resumed his dog- and game-breeding projects. Marais compiled a short film on survival techniques for the airforce and trained numerous pilots in survival skills. He also presented various lectures on survival to the local commando, high-school cadets and children attending the Schoemansdal Veld School. Seeing as Klein Afrika bordered the former homeland of Venda, many inhabitants from nearby villages streamed to the house for medical attention. Marais had no option but to establish a small clinic on the farm. To his utmost surprise, the first President of the Republic of Venda, Chief Patrick Mphephu, also visited the clinic. Soon after his inauguration as the second President of Venda, Chief Frank Ravele also became one of Marais’s patients. Both Presidents visited Marais at his home on a regular basis, often to consult him about new animal breeding projects and the establishment of game parks. Marais and Pat had been living on the banks of the Sand River in the Mopane area for the past 14 years. He was a remarkable person with a boundless general knowledge and often said: “you might not know everything, but you should know something about everything”. He is survived by his wife, four children and six grandchildren.
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31 Augustus 2012 11
Monique Dique (middel) is vanjaar se Mejuffrou Inni-berg. Sy dra die kroon vir dié skoonheidskompetisie vir meisies vanaf 14 tot 18 jaar. Die kroning het op 24 Augustus by die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se Inni-bergfees plaasgevind. Van links na regs is eerste prinses Nedine van Deventer, Monique, en tweede prinses Melissa Leeb, wat ook as Mej. Fotogenies aangewys is. Foto verskaf. Die agtjarige Luandi van Zyl (middel) is as Mej. Petit aangewys by die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se Inni-bergfees. Die kroning het op 25 Augustus plaasgevind. Van links na regs is eerste prinses Jasmin Lowe (6), Luandi, en tweede prinses Sualize van der Merwe (7).
Hierdie groepie is die wenners van die karakterkompetsie wat op 25 Augustus by die die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se Innibergfees plaasgevind het. Voor, van links na regs, is Reinhardt Smit (jagter), Leanne Smit (Tinkerbell) en Melinda van der Westhuizen (Rooikappie). Agter is Rynhardt Pretorius (Tintin), Luandi van Zyl (Cruella de Ville) en Ashley Janse van Vuuren (Pocahontas).
Aflewering binne 24 uur PETROL DIESEL Trotse verskaffers van CaltexPARAFFIEN Produkte Kontak Fanu Booyens Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098
Mejuffrou Inni-berg Junior is op 24 Augustus by die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se Innibergfees gekroon. Meisies vanaf 9 tot 13 jaar het vir hierdie kroon meegeding. Voor, van links na regs, is Mejuffrou Inni-berg Junior, Marvelique van der Merwe, Aimelize Geerdts (tweede prinses) en Suné Beukes (eerste prinses). Ager is die organiseerders van al die skoonheidskompetisies by die fees, me. Zoalise van Zyl en me. Yolandi du Toit. Foto verskaf.
015Straat 516 1570 P Faks: 516 3098 Unikastraat. 3Tel: Unika O Box015 3104 Louis3 Trichardt Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: admin@gtoil.co.za admin@gtoil.co.za PETROL
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PETROL PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za
Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
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Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za
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12 31 August 2012 Deur Isabel Venter
Krisis noop eie boorgat vir hospitaal
Afgeneem by die opening van die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal se nuwe boorgat is voor, van links na regs, Tappies Jnr. du Toit (Trio Pompe) en Fanie van Zyl (tegniese bestuurder van die hospitaal). In die middel is Marie du Toit (Trio Pompe), dr. Lappies Labuschagne (direkteur), dr. Emil Gaigher (direkteur), dr. Michiel Roos (direkteur) en dr. Anton Stroebel (direkteur). Agter is dr. Fred Badenhorst (direkteur) en Tappies du Toit snr. (Trio Pompe).
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Die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal se water ellendes is nou iets van die verlede. Vir die afgelope jaar moes die hospitaal, soos die res van die dorp, saam met kroniese wateronderbrekings leef en moes hulle hul opgaartenks van twee na vyf vermeerder om oor die weg te kom. Met die afgelope vier maande se erge wateronderbrekings kon die hospitaal egter nie voorbly om hul opgaartenks vol te hou nie. Hierdie bekommernis is nou iets van die verlede, sedert die
hospitaal op Donderdag, 9 Augustus, hul eie boorgat in gebruik geneem het. Tydens ‘n openingseremonie wat verlede week gehou is, is daar onder andere ook water uit die nuwe boorgat aan gaste voorgesit. Tydens hierdie geleentheid het die bestuur en direkteure van die hospitaal die publiek bedank vir hul geduld tydens die waterkrisis. Ander mense wat bedank is, was mnr. Tappies du Toit van Trio Pompe wat op eie inisiatief die pomp vir die boorgat geskenk en toegerus het. ‘n Woord van
dank het ook gegaan aan Bona Manzi Bore, wat verantwoordelik was vir die boorwerk, en Arno Meiring van Elect2Temp. “Nou kan ons ook weer aandag gee aan die hospitaal se tuin,” het me. Anneke Stroebel, die hospitaal se administratiewe bestuurder, opgemerk. Sodra die tuin weer tot ‘n mate herstel het, sal die hospitaal dan na ‘n gryswaterstelsel vir die tuin oorskakel en sal daar net in noodgevalle staatgemaak word op die boorgatwater. “Ons wil so ver ons kan water bespaar,” het Stroebel gesê.
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Limpopo Melkery buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is aangewys as beide die MPO (Melk Produsente Organisasie) Noord en Meestersuiwelboer Noord se Boer van die Jaar. Dié eer het hulle te beurt geval tydens die twee organisasies se jaarlikse prysuitdeling en kongres in Pretoria op 23 Augustus. Sowat 900 suiwelboere het deelgeneem. “Die toekenning is vir ons baie spesiaal en ons het dit glad nie verwag nie,” het mnr. Joubert Fourie, direkteur by Limpopo Melkery, Dinsdag gesê. Hulle is nou een van die nasionale finaliste, waarvan die wenner in Februarie 2013 aangewys sal word. Afgeneem is kuddebestuurders Willa en Petro Vorster (links) en Joubert en Greta Fourie van Limpopo Melkery. Foto verskaf.
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vir Graad 7 leerders
DINSDAG 4 SEPTEMBER 2012 OM 14:00 Ons bied die volgende aan: Vakke: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Afrikaans Engels Tshivenda Geskiedenis Ekonomie Aardrykskunde Wiskunde & Wiskunde Geletterheid Rekeningkunde Inligtings Tegnologie Rekenaar Toepassings Tegnologie Besigheidstudies Toerisme & Gasvryheidstudies Ingeneurs en Grafiese Ontwerp Meganiese Tegnologie Siviele Tegnologie Fisiese Wetenskap Lewenswetenskap
* Wye keuse van kwaliteit Kiste, Grafstene, Blomme, Kranse * Opgeleide personeel sal begrafnis reëlings tref * Tuis konsultasies waar benodig * Volledige dienste, afhaal van oorskot, voorbereidings Buitemuurse Aktiwiteite: • • • • • • • • • • •
Atletiek Rugby Hokkie - seuns en dogters Tennis Krieket- seuns en dogters Swem Skaak Skiet Toneel & Revue Gholf Young communicators
Daar sal ‘n waterwurm wees, so leerders moet ou klere aantrek!
Ons spesialiseer in: • Kwaliteit begrafnisse • Begrafnis polisse ook beskikbaar • Dienste verskaffers van ASSUPOL • Ons bedien alle gelowe • Doen tuis reëlings indien nodig • Meer as 165 takke en kantore landswyd
Alle begrafnis reëlings sluit in: • Dokumentasie by Binnelandse Sake • Grafbesprekings • Verassings • Programme • Lang afstand vervoer • Volledige vloot voertuie • Blomme rangskikings • Besigtiging kan ook gereël word
Besoek ons gerus by Burgerstraat 102B, tussen Steers en Robot Elektries
31 Augustus 2012 13
Deur Linda van der Westhuizen
Munisipaliteit laat pad van verwoesting Munisipale werkers het ‘n boom op ‘n onprofessionele wyse afgekap en sodoende ‘n inwoner groot skade berokken. Asof dit nie genoeg was nie, het die munisipale tru-grawer ‘n pad van verwoesting agtergelaat … “Ek kan nie soos ‘n barbaar leef met alles wat stukkend en deurmekaar is nie. Ek het baie geld spandeer om hier netjies te maak,” sê mnr. Danie van der Merwe. Van der Merwe woon op die hoek van Leeu- en Baobabstraat. Die drama het begin toe ‘n waterpyp aan die munisipale kant op Sondag, 12 Augustus, gebars het. ‘n Dag of twee later het munisipale werkers opgedaag om ‘n reuse boom uit te kap, vermoedelik omdat die boomwortels die waterpyp laat bars het. Die boom is egter sommer van onder af afgesny en het ongekontroleerd in ‘n ander boom ingeval en dié gebreek. ‘n Buitelig en elektriese kabels is gebreek en die hele gedeelte van die oprit voor die hek was afgesper. Die video-interkom was ook daarna buite werking. Van der Merwe het met mnr. Rexon Mulaudzi van die munisipaliteit se parke-afdeling oor die gemors en skade gepraat. “Rexon het aan my gesê dat ek my nie moet bekommer nie, hulle sal al
Tshikondeni Laerskool se Graad 7’s het kleimodelle vir hul tegnologietaak gemaak. Van links na regs is Khumbelo Makhari, Michael Trollip, Ompha Gavhi en Marno Cronjé. Foto verskaf.
die skade kom regmaak,” sê Van der Merwe. Die gat waar die boom uitgehaal is, was omtrent twee meter diep en is naby die sypaadjie aan Leeustraat se kant. Die gevaarlike gat het vir meer as ‘n week oop gestaan. Die munisipaliteit het egter op 23 Augustus hul tru-grawer met die reeds berugte vrouebestuurder gestuur en dié het nog ‘n groter spoor van verwoes ting agtergelaat. Met geen respek vir eiendom nie, het plaveisel in die slag gebly, asook klippe en plante in die tuin buite die hek en oprit. Hierdie gedeelte is amper soos ‘n park op die hoek, wat deur Van der Merwe onderhou word. Die tru-grawer het bo-oor die stompe van die boom gery en skade opgedoen, sodat die hidroliese olie uitgelek het in die oprit. Van der Merwe het dringend versoek dat ‘n ander bestuurder gestuur moet word. Die erf is baie laer as Leeustraat en Van der Dit is hoe ‘n eens netjiese tuin en keerwal nou daar uitsien nadat munisipale werkers ‘n groot Merwe het ‘n keerwal met groot klippe gebou boom uitgehaal het en daarna met ‘n tru-grawer verwoesting gesaai het. Mnr. Danie van der om die afspoel van grond oor sy oprit te keer. Dié Merwe staan op die plek waar die groot boom tevore gestaan het. keerwal is verwoes. Die tweede bestuurder het slegs meer grond oor die keerwal gestoot en dit in ‘n grondwal verander. “Ek het die huis 20 jaar gelede gebou. Ek het nog altyd my eie span gekry en my eie werk gedoen. Dis die eerste keer dat ‘n munisipale span hier kom werk. As jy ‘n boom afsny, begin jy tog bo afsny tot dit bo kaal is. As jy dan afsaag, maak jy seker dat die boom na die regte kant toe val. Hierdie mense maak ‘n mens kwaad en moedeloos,” sê Van der Merwe. Hy het intussen die skade beraam op tussen R5 000 en R6 000, sonder die interkom. Vrae is aan die Makhado Munisipaliteit gestel, omdat dit nie die eerste geval is waar bome op onkundige wyse afgekap is of waar die tru-grawer se bestuurder amok gemaak het nie. In Maart vanjaar is grafstene deur die tru-grawer se bestuurder stukkend gery, en na aanleiding van ander voorvalle sou die munisipaliteit al in September verlede jaar ‘n ondersoek loods. “Love STOPs never” reads this vandalised stop sign on the corner of Breda and Burger Street Die munisipale woordvoerder, mnr. Louis Boin Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Apart from supplying dubious new motivation for local drivers’ bodi, het op 28 Augustus geantwoord, “Ons is nog total lack of respect for stop streets, this type of vandalism is posing a threat to road safety and besig om ondersoek in te stel. Wanneer ons klaar is costing taxpayers a pretty penny in the replacement of vital traffic signs. is daarmee, sal ons definitief die inligting verskaf.”
14 31 August 2012
This stop sign in the Musina CBD has been down for more than two weeks. The absence of the sign created a dangerous situation for traffic in proximity to one of the busiest petrol stations close to the heavy international traffic on National Road. Photo supplied.
Annemie Grobler, Graad 2 leerder van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, ontvang ‘n diploma vir Engels voorbereide lees (prosa). Die geleentheid was die Nasionale Eisteddfod wat op 6 Augustus in die saal van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt gehou is.
Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het die afgelope Saterdag gebrul ... dit is nou van al die motorfietse wat as deel van die Road Hogs Motorfietsklub se Day Jol in ´n massarit deur die dorp gery het. Van die plaaslike motorfietsgeesdriftiges is afgeneem terwyl hulle in Stubbsstraat gery het.
´n Duur verligte naambord langs die N1 deur Musina lê hier platgery op die sypaadjie. Die straat dra swaar internasionale verkeer. Inwoners hoop dat die bord so spoedig moontlik weer opgetel en herstel sal word. Foto verskaf.
Daar het ´n gesellige atmosfeer geheers tydens die jaarlikse Day Jol van die Louis Trichardt Road Hogs Motorfietsklub. Ricky Farber het deur die loop van die dag opgetree, met paartjies wat nie die versoeking kon weerstaan om ´n paar passies uit te kap op die ritme van sy liedjies nie.
Lindsay Viljoen (links) en Pieter Guillaume, twee tennisspelers van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het erekleure vir tennis gekry na hul deelname op provinsiale vlak.
Pieter Guillaume, Graad 8-leerder en gholfspeler van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het op 3 Augustus aan die Limpopo Gholfkampioenskappe by Zebula deelgeneem. Pieter het tweede in die C-afdeling geëindig.
Tel: 015 516 3160 www.louistrichardtproperties.co.za
W: www.harcourtsjanamarie.co.za
New Town R980,000 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house. Borehole and water tank. Ideal for investors or family life. Call today to view today!
FOR THE DEVELOPER!!! CENTRAL TOWN NEAR CBD 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house, 2 x 1 bedroom flats. Stand 2855 sqm and strong borehole. Rental income R10 000.00 pm. Ideal for the new developer. R1 400 000.00 Call Hennie to view now!!!!!!!!!!
Leonie Bornwell 084 219 4406 074 892 5093
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445ha. met 50ha. lande waarvan 30ha. onder besproeiing is. Woonhuis, store, slag- en koelkamer. Pragtige bosveld. Eienaar hervestig elders. R3.3 Miljoen
Anhetico Properties Eiendomme
54 Hlanganani Street Caltex Centre Louis Trichardt (T) 015 516 2044/5 (F) 015 516 2050
E-mail: anhetico@absamail.co.za New Town - R1.450M - SOLE MANDATE Dbl. storey delight! 5 Beds, 3 Baths, 4 Reception rooms, Study, Kitchen, Pool, Thatch lapa, Patio, Lock up caravanport, Dbl. garage. Fully fenced, Spacious rooms. Stand - 1184m2. Outside rooms with toilet OR potential flatlet. A must view!!!
OLD TOWN R1 280 000
R2 200 000 - Must view!
Stand - 2855m2, Stand - 2855m2, Buildzoned to Res. 3. ing is 364m2. Loads Build your own units of potential with rental to rent out! income.
Andèl Hettie 083 442 0435 082 893 8382
Cornette 074 464 1392
Skaars was die rioolstorting aan die munisipaliteit se kant in Cilliersstraat herstel of die bedlêende tannie Marie Koekemoer (76) en haar dogter, me. Meisie du Plessis, is weer deur ondraaglike rioolstank geteister, met ‘n groot rioolgemors in hul oprit. Hierdie keer was dit riool wat onderdeur die muur van die aangrensende meenthuiskompleks syfer. Dinsdag is die drein, skaars ‘n meter van waar me. Du Plessis hier staan, maar aan die ander kant van die muur, oopgemaak en grond bo-oor gegooi om die stank te bekamp.
31 Augustus 2012 15
Herstelwerk van alle huishoudelike toerusting. TEL: 015 516-0171
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BEST QUALITY BATTERIES AT THE BEST PRICES! Louis Trichardt, C/o Rissik & President St Tel: (015) 516 4913 Musina, 1 Jordaan St Tel: 084 470 3788 / 076 181 1777
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Basie Brand: 082 968 1998
FOR SALE Amstel Park. 11ha. Lots of water. Contact: 082 838 2130 074 226 0425
Die Wawiel 2nd Hand Furniture Shop You sell, We buy!
Bel ons by 015 516 4996
Trokvragte Lusern-, Soyaboon- en eragrostis bale beskikbaar Kontak: 082 378 5364
• 6 Foot Venter Trailer with closed top and nose cone. R200 per day. Contact: 015 516 4003 072 373 8718 Nico 082 319 7105 Chris 26 Breda street
Akkommodasie beskikbaar op lang termyn. Tussen Louis Trichardt en Musina.
Kontak: 082 547 2934
Contact Carl: 083 227 277 0
Neville: 0834593759
Tel: 015 516 0721
• Trailer with double wheels and rails. Ideal for furniture removal. R400 per day.
Neville: 0834593759
Cnr Rissik & President Street, Louis Trichardt Frikkie: 082 458 7072
Cell: 079 911 2096 Tel: 015 516 7558 71 Krogh St. LTT
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3 Bed house on plot, 1km outside town. Lots of storage space. R4500 plus elec.
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Sharpei Hondjies 1 x Bruin tefie 1 x Swart reuntjie Beskikbaar 24 September. R2000 elk, ingeënt & ontwurm
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TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer woonstel by The Willows. 2 Badkamers, grondvloer, motorhuis. Skakel Mariaan: 082 489 1679
A beautiful 3 bedroom flat with 2 bathrooms. Pre-paid electricity. Lock-up garage. R4000 p.m. Water incl.
Contact: 072 704 9535
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Elmari: 082 773 2998 / Jannicke: 082 523 1206 sprentals@vodamail. co.za WE WANT TO RENT OUT YOUR PROPERTY!
Big 2 bedr, bathr, R 3 850 p.m.
Big house, 3 Bedr, Bathr & Lock up garage, R 4 800 p.m.
2 Bedr, Bathr, R3 750 p.m. Water incl.
3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, R2 800 p.m
Modern 3 bedr, bathr, study, electric fenced & water tank, R5 500 p.m
3 Bedr one with balcony, 2 bathr, lock-up garage & electric fenced, R5 500 p.m
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3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, water tank and Pre-paid electrity, R6 050 p.m
3 Bedr, 2 Bathr and Pre-paid electricity, R5 500 p.m
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Contact us for more info!
TLB, TIPPER TRUCK & EXCAVATOR FOR HIRE Contact Marie: 082 822 3447
TE HUUR 2 x Gemeubileerde kantore aangrensend, badkamer, toegang tot kombuis, sentraal geleë, krag ingesluit, 24 uur sekuriteit R3 000 p/m KONTAK:
083 306 0458 084 616 0364
LEGALS IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA) CASE NO: 39943/2007 In the matter between: FIRST RAND BANK L I M I T E D ( fo r m e r l y known as FIRST NATIONAL BANK LIMITED) SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Plaintiff and JOHAN JANSEN (IDENTITY NUMBER: 6402215217086) 1 ST D e f e n d a n t a n d GEORGINA JANSEN (IDENTITY NUMBER: 6409250099089) 2ND Defendan NOTICE OF SALE MOVABLE PROPERTY In persuance of a Judgement granted in North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria and having served a Warrant of Execution on the 20th April 2012, the property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the: 19th September 2012 at 14h00 at 111 Kruger Street, Louis Trichardt, to the highest bidder. 2000 Hundai Extent Sedan, Registration number: CBG039L. Conditions: CASH. Dated at Pretoria on this the 20th day of August 2012. HACK, STUPEL & ROSS, Attorneys for the Plaintiff,2nd Floor, Standard Bank Chambers, Church Square, Pretoria, Tel: 012 325 4185 , REF: COL/LE/HLR0139 IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTPANSBERG HELD AT LOUIS TRICHARDT Case Number: 1310/2011 In the case between: AT M S O L U T I O N S (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR and TSWENYO SAMSON MAFADZA T/A MAFADZA SERVICE STATION EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate SOUTPANSBERG given on 12 July 2012 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 14h00 on 19th September 2012 by public auction to be held at KRUGER STREET 111, LOUIS TRICHARDT, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court AD HOC SHERIFF TSHITALE & THOHOYANDOU, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: INVENTORY 1 x Fridge Master Double Door Fridge, 3 x Desks, 1 x Steel Table, 1 x Filling Cabinet, 3 x Concrete Mixers, 3 x Plastic Chairs, 2 x Wheelbarrows (battered), 2 x Office Chairs, Number of Zinc Plates (broken). SIGNED at LOUIS TRICHARDT on the 24th day of August 2012. ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR, HAMMANN-
MOOSA INC. 102 PRESIDENT STREET ,LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920, Tel: 015-516 1427, Docex: 4 Ref: ZM/CS/GE1006 MESSINA WYSIGINGSKEMAS 202 EN 203 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK VIR DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE MESSINA DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 1983 Ons,Hannes Lerm & Medewerkers,synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaars van die ondergenoemde erwe, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b) (i)en(ii)van die Ordinansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe(Ordinansie 15 van 1986),kennis dat ek by die Musina Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Messina Dorpsbeplanningskema 1983 op die volgende manier: 1.Wysigingskema 202: Die hersonering van Erf 689, Messina Uitbreiding 1 Dorpsgebied, geleë in Daviesstraat, van “Residensieel 1” na “Residensieel 4”. 2.Wysigingskema 203: Die hersonering van Erf 641,Messina Uitbreiding 1 Dorpsgebied, geleë op die hoek van Scholtzstraat en Watsonlaan, van“Residensieel 1”:na“Besigheid 1 ” . B e s o n d e r h e d e va n die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Murphystraat,Musina, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Augustus 2012.Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 24 Augustus 2012 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X611, Musina, 0900, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent:Hannes Lerm & Associates, Posbus 2231, POLOKWANE, 0700 MESSINA AMENDMENT SCHEMES 202 AND 203 NOTICE FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE MESSINA TOWNPLANNING SCHEME 1983 We, Hannes Lerm & Associates being the authorized agent of the owners of the erven mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1) (b) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Musina Municipality for the amendment of the Messina Town-Planning Scheme, 1983, in the following manner: 1.Amendment Scheme 202: By the rezoning of Erf 698, Messina Ext 1 Township, situated along Davies Street, From “Residential 1” to “Residential 4”. 2.Amendment Scheme 203: By the rezoning of Erf 641, Messina Ext 1 Township, situated at the corner of Scholtz Street and Watson Avenue, from “Residential 1” to “
(Vervolg na p16)
* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 15:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00
16 31 August 2012
Candy Musekene (left), a Grade 11 pupil of Louis Trichardt High School, won the first prize in the provincial Road Safety Debate hosted in Phalaborwa on 25 August and also won R3 000 for the school. Maanda Pathela (right), who is in Grade 9, came third and won R2 000 for the school. Both were selected for the provincial team, consisting of five members, who will compete in the nationals in Cape Town on 6 October. With them is the organiser and teacher, Ms Annemie Grobler.
Die kleuters van Liefieland Kleuterskool in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het voorverlede Vrydag hul skoolweek afgesluit met ‘n heerlike bak-enbrou uitstappie by Roman’s Pizza by Makhado Crossing. Elke kleuter het die geleentheid gekry om sy eie pizza te maak, bak en dan te geniet. Saam met van die kleuters is skoolhoof en eienaar Anrie Potgieter. Die skool het vir Christel Smith van Roman’s bedank vir die daguitstappie.
Laerskool Louis Trichardt se Douglas Arc her (13) het aan die landswye ATKV redenaarskompetisie vir Afrikaans eerste addisionele taal op 16 Augustus by Buffelspoort deelgeneem. Douglas se voorbereide toespraak het oor die tema “Gom” gegaan en hy het sy toespraak getitel “Gom: ‘n eenvoudige woord wat op soveel maniere gebruik kan word”. In die onvoorbereide afdeling moes Douglas praat oor “Huiswerk: ja of nee” en hy het “nee”gesê vir huiswerk, want “ons doen genoeg werk by die skool en ‘n mens moet tyd hê vir sport en Die Graad 6’e van Tshikondeni Laerskool het uitgeblink met hulle sosiale aktiwiteite”. tegnologie take, met die tema “Huisbou – eenvertrek”. Van links na regs (antikloks) is (Vervolg vanaf p15) within a period of 28 days hul onderwyser, me. from 24 August 2012. Frieka Niemand, Gem Address of Agent: Hanma Niemand, Mar nes Lerm & Associates, cus Allers, Zwonaka P O Box 2231.Polokwane,0700 Mulovhedzi, Tes Business 1” Particulars Neluheni en Mari of the application will Horsman. Foto verskaf. lie for inspection during
Twee van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Graad 10 leerlinge moes as deel van die vak lewensorientering gemeenskapsdiens doen. Carla Lombard (middel links) en Maxine Rooi het as deel van die taak by die Heidi & Peter Kleuterskool op Makhado (Louis Trichardt) gaan uithelp verlede Donderdag. Deel van hulle pligte was om ´n wakende ogie te hou oor die kleuters op die speelgrond.
normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager: Civic Centre, Murphy Street, Musina, for a period of 28 days from 24 August 2012.Objection to or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at Private Bag X611, Musina, 0900,
Sales Rep
* Experience necessary * Valid driver’s licence * Technical background preferable
Please fax CV’s to: 086 685 8341
Vereistes: * Geregistreer by die S.A. Maatskaplike Raad * Kode 8 Bestuurslisensie * Ondervinding in algemene maatskaplike werk * Afrikaans en Engels sprekend.
Faks CV’s na: 015 516 5115 / 086 524 4597
Vakatures / Vacancies
To advertise here contact Pieter, George or Yolanda at tel: (015) 516 4996 or Fax: 516 2303
REAL RECRUITING Do you need staff?
Specialist Recruiting People are the life blood of your business, and they need to keep the business thriving for you company to survive. We can be an integral part of your staff employment. We do permanent and temporary placements.
Are you unemployed?
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Die meisies van Vlug 5 en 4, wat onderskeidelik aangewys is as die algehele beste meisiesvlug en die beste meisiesvlug in die avontuur- en hindernisbaan. Die geleentheid was die bivak vir die Graad 10’s van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Die bivak het van 3 tot 8 Augustus op die plaas Koedoesveldt in Mopane plaasgevind.
PLEASE CALL US NOW! • Tel: 015 516 2745 • 084 882 2744
VERKOOPSPERSOON BENODIG Ideaal vir jong dinamiese manspersoon. • Bakkie sal voorsien word • Salaris onderhandelbaar • Goeie kommissie betaalbaar
FaksCVna 0866507540
ONTVANGS- EN ADMINISTRATIEWE POS FAKS CV’S VOOR 14 SEPTEMBER 2012 NA 086 699 6243 OF PER E-POS NA johan@bridelia.co.za Indien u niks hoor binne twee weke na sluitingsdatum, beskou u aansoek as onsuksesvol.
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Graad 10’s het ‘n bivak van 3 tot 8 Augustus op die plaas Koedoesveldt in Mopane bygewoon. Hierdie groep seuns het as Vlug 3 bekend gestaan en hulle was die algehele beste seunsvlug en ook die beste seunsvlug op die avontuur- en hindernisbaan. Die skool bedank graag die borge en persone wat gehelp het om Bivak 2012 so suksesvol te maak, naamlik 515 Eskader, LMB Makhado, Leon Walthagen, Robbie Robbertse, Ocean Basket, Elmarie Hechter, Herman Scheepers, Christo Woest, Phadziri & Sons, Elim Spar, Superspar Louis Trichardt, Vleismark, Limpopo Melkery, Mount Fuji Motors, Comien Veggies, Donsie van Dyk, Tiny Sinden en Surea Steyn.
Julle het jol vir almal lekker gemaak
raag wil die Roadhogs van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) almal bedank wat ‘n bydrae gelewer het ten opsigte van ons jaarlikse Day Jol die afgelope naweek. Dankie aan Innovated Designs, Zoutnet, Elti Security, Oasis Water, Pie City, Madikor, Roman’s Pizza, Hunter’s Retreat, Forever Resorts Tshipise, Crown National, Wimpy, Salon Finnesse, PD Otto Elektries, Deli Spices, Tshipise Motors, Fruit & Veg City, Funky Bush/LCV, Ocean Basket, Mapula Enterprises, Soutpansberg Koelkamers, Fire Fly Bottle Store, CG Boerdery, Raymond’s Glass, Leach Printers, Costa
Nostra, Pest Control Specialists, Die Vleismark, Houers Korporatief, Lafras, Anhetico Eiendomme, Refresh, Juice Factory, Imperial GM, Rubika Support Systems, Limpopo Melkery, Planet DVD, Pieter Terblanche, Easy Build, Talisman, Mountain Inn, Timbercity, Vhavenda Bricks, Bandelierkop Sentrum, Burco, Mike’s Kitchen, PJ Ludick Abattoir, Ascension, Coca-Cola Fortune, Spur (Polokwane), Caltex, Autozone, Water 2000, OK Grocer en Superfecta. Ons is jammer as ons iemand se naam uitgelos het, maar weet ons waardeer almal se ondersteuning.
BRIEWE / LETTERS Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za
Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za
MOTHs appreciate the sponsorships
Kurt Darren hier danksy hul bydraes
ie optrede van Kurt Darren en die KD Band en Dansers op 18 Augustus by Laerskool Louis Trichardt was ‘n groot sukses. Baie dankie aan die volgende borge, waarsonder ons glad nie die geleentheid sou kon aanbied nie: Leach Printers, Oasis Water, Lalapanzi vir hulle verblyf, Ocean Basket vir ‘n heerlike aandete ,
Mike’s Kitchen vir die ontbyt, al die personeel van Laerskool Louis Trichardt en die OOV vir al hulle hulp en reëlings. Veral dankie vir die gemeenskap van Louis Trichardt vir hulle positiewe gesindheid en volgehoue ondersteuning van ons skool. - Elmien van der Goot (een van die organiseerders)
Blankets and margarine were handed over to the Makonde drop-in centre for the vulnerable, aged and disabled, under the care of the Makonde Clinic, during a celebration on 11 August. Makhado municipality´s ambassador of goodwill and peace, Mr Amie Chhaya, facilitated the donation. In the picture, tokens of appreciation are handed over to Chhaya by Mr Alfred Netshiavha (left) and Dr T A Alidzulwi, who expressed their sincere gratitude. Letter
Thanks for the help in fighting fires
he Molozi Trust management would like to thank all the persons who helped with combatting fires on 24 and 26 August on trust property. Without your help, the fires would have caused much damage and destroyed the property. Thank you André Kruger (chairperson of ZFA representing SLM), Dries Liebenberg and Fanie Wentzel, representing Komatiland, Martiens Nienaber,
representing Bedrock, Fritz Ahrens, Jacques Bouwer, Jacques van Eeden representing the Farm Watch, the Soutpansberg Town Watch, as well as Bluegumspoort, Piesanghoek, Albasini/Beja, Witvlag and Welgevonden representatives. Again, thank you for your support and apologies for names that have been ommitted.
Dankie vir hulp na Marco se val
aie dankie aan al die manne van die mannekamp (Manne van die Sanger Kurt Darren en sy vrou Dunay (middel), afgeneem saam met Marius en Inga Gilfillan van die Lalapanzi Hotel waar hulle oorgebly Woord) vir die ondersteuning tydens het tydens Kurt se optrede by Laerskool Louis Trichardt. Foto verskaf. Marco se val.
The Way, the Truth and the Life
he same power and goodness of God that gives us life also sustains and preserves us. No matter how much the world despise the Word of God, it will always stay the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 says “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who perish, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” In 1 Peter 2:2 we read: “As new born babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.” Milk here signifies the whole Word of God and all of its wholesome and saving truths as the proper nourishment for God’s children. These words are a lasting exhortation for all Christians at all stages of their Christian lives. To grow spiritually we need to desire the pure milk of the Word. Spiritual milk is the only proper nourishment for the spiritual life. Do not only listen to the Word out of habit, but desire it because it is your food. In Job 23:10 Job says when God tests him, he shall come forth as gold. The reason for it we find in verse 12: “I have not departed from the commandment of His lips, I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.” The desire for God’s Word must come from within and not as a result of exterior pressure. Desire the Word of God not just to hear it, but to grow from hearing. - 079 5168303
Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aangeleenthede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.
Ons waardeer dit opreg. - Pieter Roets en gesin (Die Wawiel)
the eye, thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally everyone had gotten off except for a little old lady walking with a cane. She said, “Sir, do you mind if I Fly Kulula (but only if Heard on Kulula 255 just after a very hard ask you a question?” you have a real sense landing in Cape Town : The flight attendant “Why, no Ma’am,” said the pilot. “What is it ?” came on the intercom and said, of humour) The little old lady said,”Did we land, or “That was quite a bump and I know what Kulula airline attendants make an effort to y’all are thinking. I’m here to tell you it wasn’t were we shot down?” the airline’s fault, it wasn’t the pilot’s fault, it make the in-flight “safety lecture” and anAfter a real crusher of a landing in Jowasn’t the flight attendant’s fault, it was the nouncements a bit more entertaining. hannesburg, the attendant came on with, Here are some real examples that have asphalt.” “Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain been heard or reported: in your seats until Captain Crash and Overheard on a Kulula fl ight into Cape (Continued from last week) the Crew have brought the aircraft to a Town, on a particularly windy and bumpy day: During the final approach, the Captain screeching halt against the gate. And, “Weather at our destination is 50 dereally had to fight it. After an extremely hard once the tire smoke has cleared and grees with some broken clouds, but we’ll the warning bells are silenced, we will landing, the Flight Attendant said,”Ladies try to have them fixed before we arrive. open the door and you can pick your way and Gentlemen, welcome to The Mother Thank you, and remember, nobody loves through the wreckage to the terminal..” City. Please remain in your seats with your you, or your money, more than Kulula seat belts fastened while the Captain taxis Airlines.” Part of a flight attendant’s arrival anwhat’s left of our airplane to the gate!” nouncement: “Your seat cushions can be used for “We’d like to thank you folks for flying Another flight attendant’s comment on a flotation; and in the event of an emergency with us today.. And, the next time you get water landing, please paddle to shore and less than perfect landing: “We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo the insane urge to go blasting through the take them with our compliments.” skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope bounces us to the terminal.” you’ll think of Kulula Airways.” “As you exit the plane, make sure to An airline pilot wrote that on this particular gather all of your belongings. Anything left Heard on a Kulula flight: flight he had hammered his ship into the behind will be distributed evenly among “Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to runway really hard. The airline had a policy the flight attendants. Please do not leave which required the first officer to stand at the smoke, the smoking section on this airchildren or spouses..” door while the passengers exited, smile, and plane is on the wing.. If you can light ‘em, you can smoke ‘em.” give them a “Thanks for flying our airline”. And from the pilot during his welcome He said that, in light of his bad landing, he Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to andries@zoutnet.co.za message: Het jy ‘n goeie grappie? Stuur dit per e-pos na andries@zoutnet.co.za “Kulula Airlines is pleased to announce had a hard time looking the passengers in that we have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. Unfortunately, none of them are on this flight!”
31 Augustus 2012 17
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:
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18 31 August 2012 Books
The Soutpansberg’s own Dalton Gang
Die Gideons Internasionaal se Louis Trichardt Laer het op 24 Augustus ‘n groot leraarsbanket gehou, waar leraars van die dorp onthaal en bedank is. Die plaaslike Gideons het vanjaar, in samewerking met ander Gideons van oor die land, ‘n massaplasing van 35 000 Bybels by 287 skole in die Vhembe distrik gehou. Tydens die banket is daar ook afskeid geneem van mnr. Dirk en me. Rena Coetzee, wat die afgelope 35 jaar by die Gideons betrokke was en ook stigterslede van die plaaslike laer was. Voor, van links na regs, is mnr. Dirk Coetzee, me. Rena Coetzee en mnr. Khorombi Mapholi (Gideon). Agter is me. Victoria Hlongwane, pastoor Wilson Hlongwane met hul dogtertjie, me. Magda Pretorius, ds. Jan Pretorius, ds. Corné en me. Zanné Randall, me. Barendine Nel, mnr. WAS Nel (president van die laer) en mnr. John de Fin (Gideon).
“Wild West Adventures in the Great African Bush” is a recently published book by a former resident of Musina and is offering delightful reading fare for especially the residents of the northern parts of Limpopo. It is a hilarious and heartwarming tale that allows readers to relive their own childhood. It is the story about the “notorious 1960s Messina Dalton Gang.” Author David Robert Dalton was born in the copper mining town, where he spent his early years with his three elder brothers and his parents, in the middle of the bushveld, during the late 1950s and early 1960s. Inspired by his and his brothers’ fond memories of growing up there, and with some written contributions from his brothers, he pens Wild West Adventures in the Great African Bush, a wacky, side-splitting tale. Set in the African bushveld (aka the “Great Arizona Desert”), the three elder Dalton ‘cowpokes’ are members of a gang dubbed the Messina “Dalton Gang”, after the infamous Wild West Dalton Gang, who roar around on their two-wheeler “steeds” and talk in tough Western jargon. The youngest Dalton ‘cowpoke’, six-year-old David, calls himself “Gunslinger” and his main ambition in life is to become a recognized member of the gang. Together with his little African “Pawnee” sidekick-hombre, Tokoloshie-Two-Feathers, and his three-legged Jack Russell dog, Jock, Gunslinger tries hard to impress but continually messes up. There is a delightful array of small-town characters and the gang’s all-suffering parents, the Old Man and Daisy-Anne, who all contribute to the hilarity!
Dredging up one’s own childhood memories, it’s a wonderful, nostalgic tale to touch hearts of all ages! The book is available at R130 in Polokwane. Contact Mrs Glynis Coetzee at 015 2971491 or 079 8177979. It is also available as e-book on the Internet.
David Dalton´s book about the “notorious Dalton Gang” of Musina. Photo supplied.
August to end on a Blue Moon note
Die Graad R’e van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het ‘n besoek van die Makhado SAPD baie leersaam gevind. Hier voel klein Roelf Human hoe swaar die koeëlvaste baadjie is. Agter hom is AO Susan Viljoen en kapt. Danelle Fourie. Foto verskaf.
Real hair extentions. Phone to book your free consultation! Working hours: Mon - Fri: 07:00 - 17:30 * Sat: 07:00 - 16:00
Tel: • 015 516 1207 • 079 206 7868 124 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt
Yolanda Bester has been appointed the marketing manager for the Khoroni Hotel, Casino and Convention Resort. With more than 20 years of experience at leading casinos, Bester is keen to position the resort at the forefront of the hospitality and gaming arena in the region. She aims to implement and manage a number of promotional and marketing strategies for Peermont’s popular Limpopo property. Khoroni is located in Thohoyandou and features a three-star 82-room Peermont Metcourt Hotel, a la carte Malingani restaurant, bar and a range of indoor and outdoor entertainment facilities, including Thondoni marquee, a variety of 140 ultra-modern slots machines and seven various exciting table games. Photo supplied.
Lifestyle Concrete & Thatching
August 2012 is a month with two full moons and is commonly referred to as a Blue Moon month. Blue in name only and not in colour, as a blue moon is usually defined as the second full moon in one calendar month. The first full moon of the month was on 1 August and the second will be on 31 August. Of course there are historical examples of the moon actually turning blue. It appeared blue in the sky when the Indonesian volcano Krakatoa exploded in 1883. The dust turned sunsets green and the moon blue all around the world for the best part of two years. In 1927, the Indian monsoons were late in arriving and the extra-long dry season also blew up enough dust for a blue moon. By the mid-19th century, it was clear that visibly
blue moons, though rare, did happen from time to time, hence the phrase: “Once in a blue moon.” It meant then exactly what it means today - a fairly infrequent event, not quite regular enough to pinpoint. The other definition of a blue moon states that the blue moon is the third full moon in a season that has four full moons. Seasons are broken down into four of three months, starting from one winter solstice to the next. This, in turn, is referred to as a tropical year, with each year consisting of 12 full moons, three each in winter, spring, summer, and autumn, and each is named for an activity appropriate to the time of year (such as the harvest moon in autumn). Occasionally, however, a tropical year contains 13 full moons. By identifying the extra, 13th moon as a blue moon,
the ecclesiastical calendar was able to stay on track. Using the definition of two full moons in a calendar month, one sees that, over the next 20 years, there will be 15 blue moons, none occurring in February, which is shorter than a lunar cycle. No blue moon of any kind will occur in the years 2014 and 2017. The most recent case of this phenomenon last occurred on 31 December 2009. The date also commemorated the end of IYA 2009 (International Year of Astronomy) and the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club and Limpopo Astronomy Outreach set up an astronomy display with telescopes at the Makhado Crossing, Louis Trichardt, to witness the last sunset of the year, as well as the last moonrise, which coincided with a blue moon as well as a partial eclipse.
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‘n Rekordgetal van 35 afgetredenes het op Dinsdag, 7 Augustus, die spesiale afslagete vir bejaardes by Mike’s Kitchen in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) kom nuttig. Die dag van dié maandelikse etes is na Dinsdag verander om dit ook vir die lede van die Gister-se-Jeugklub makliker te maak. Dinsdag is hulle byeenkomsdag. “Ons sê baie dankie aan Jan en Christina van Mike’s Kitchen - julle sien self hoe lekker kuier die mense!” sê die oprganiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan mnr. Willie Agenbacht by 015 516 0452 of 083 453 6597 of me. Marietjie Wentzel by 078 480 8783 geskakel word. Foto verskaf.
31 Augustus 2012 19
2012 Hangklip Posduifklub-nuus. Week 15
Triegies glimlag ná wen teen Pietersburg-Oos Die O/10-krieketspan van Laerskool Louis Trichardt glimlag breed nadat hulle vir die eerste keer in drie jaar vir Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos geklop het. Die wedstryd is op 14 Augustus op die Triegies se tuisveld beslis. Laerskool Louis Trichardt kolf eerste en teken 166 lopies aan vir die verlies van agt paaltjies in die toegelate boulbeurte. Oosskool word uitgehaal vir slegs 94 lopies. Die Triegie-kolwers wat uitgeblink het, was Gerhardus Fourie (44 n. u. n.), F C Phillipson (38) en LJ Fick (34). Die beste boulers vir Louis Trichardt was Gerhardus, wat drie paaltjies plattrek vir 25 lopies en FC wat vier paaltjies neem vir die verlies van 34 lopies. Dirk van den Berg, krieketorganiseerder, en die afrigters, PJ Strydom en Francois Nel, is baie trots op die goeie prestasie van hul jong krieketspan.
Colours and scrolls for netball were awarded by Louis Trichardt High School on 20 August. In the front is Madzanga Mushinya, who received colours. At the back are the netball players who received scrolls. They are, from left to right, Xilova Ngoveni, Ella Baloyi, Didie Moshapo and Nyeleti Magaza.
WEEK 15 - Delareyville Die Hangklip Posduif Klub se twee wedvlugte het die afgelope naweek vanaf Delareyville plaasgevind oor ‘n afstand van 600 km. In die eerste wedvlug, die jongduif kompetisie klok Dreyer Hokke 1ste, Mimosa Hokke van Nico Bezuidenhout 2de, Nick Enslin 3de en Royal Hokke 4de. In die Ope wedvlug klok Dercksen Hokke 1ste met Mimosa 2de en Nick Enslin
3de en 4de. Die 4de en laaste Veiling wedvlug het ook plaasgevind en ‘n duif van Abrie Swannepoel, gevlieg deur Mimosa Hokke was 1ste en Nick Enslin klok in die 2de plek. Gerhard Bezuidenhout is in die 3de plek met Attie van Vuuren 4de en Nico Bezuidenhout 5de. Geluk aan al die lede met hulle prestasies behaal. Ons vlieg volgende naweek vanaf Vryburg oor ‘n afstand van 680 km. Sterkte aan almal.
25 Augustus
25 Augustus
Wedvlug No
Afstand- KM
Duiwe Deelgeneem
Loslatingspunt Tipe
Die O/10-krieketspan van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het op 14 Augustus vir die eerste keer in drie jaar vir Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos geklop. Voor, van links na regs, is mnr. Dirk van den Berg (krieketorganiseerder), Gerhardus Fourie, FC Phillipson, LJ Fick en PJ Strydom (afrigter), terwyl die ander spanlede agter net so breed glimlag.
Wenspoed-Meters per minuut
Plaaslike bergfietsryer CP van Wyk (foto) het Sondag, 26 Augustus, ‘n persoonlike beste plek losgery in die sesde rondte van die nasionale MTN Gravel Travel Driven by Nissan bergfietsreeks wat by die Diemersfontein Wine Estate in Wellington beslis is. CP eindig algeheel derde in sy kategorie deur die 45km in ‘n tyd van 01:53:02 te trap. Danksy sy goeie vertoning, skuif hy op vanaf ‘n algehele sewende na ‘n vyfde plek op die nasionale punteleer. Christiaan Roos het ook deelgeneem en eindig algeheel 34ste in die wedren, in ‘n tyd van 02:16:44. Foto verskaf.
Christo Coetzee
Dercksen & Seun
Dreyer Loft
Eric Nel
Hippo Hokke
Mimosa Hokke
Pienaar Hokke Snr
Pienaar Hokke JNR
Nick Enslin
Royal Hokke Sekelbos Hokke
Eienaar (50%)
Royal Hokke
Abrie Swannepoel
Gerhardt Bezuidenhout
Mimosa Hokke
Nick Enslin
Nick Enslin
Nick Enslin
Nick Enslin
Royal Hokke
Royal Hokke
Dreyer Loft
Gerhard Bezuidenhout
Dercksen & Seun
Attie van Vuuren
Eric Nel
4 5
Nico Bezuidenhout
Royal Hokke
Eric Nel
Nico Bezuidenhout
Bertus Meintjies
Klub Ring
Royal Hokke
Jan van Wyngardt
Klub Ring
Bartlo Oerlemans
Klub Ring
Eric Nel
Nico Bezuidenhout
Eric Nel
Christo Coetzee
Christo Coetzee
Christo Coetzee
Sekelbos Hokke Jnr
Die fiksste seun en meisie is aangewys na afloop van die Graad 10 bivak van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt. Davy Kotzé (links) is die fiksste seun en ook die beste seunsstudent. Gemma McMurtrie (regs) was die fiksste meisie. Die beste meisiestudent is Wapha Matika, wat afwesig was tydens die neem van die foto.
Pienaar Hokke Snr
Christo Coetzee
Pienaar Hokke Jnr
Enige persoon wat belangstel om betrokke te raak by ons klub, kan ons voorsiter Nico Bezuidenhout kontak by 082 762 4152
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie
Levubu Hokkie het op 18 Augustus hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. Afgeneem is die onderskeie spelers wat presteer het. Voor, van links na regs, is Magda Botha (beste vordering), Marietjie Wilken (beste voorspeler), Gerda Honeycomb (beste agterspeler en Speler van die Jaar) en Marli Beetge (meeste doele aangeteken en Hokkie Bokkie 2012). Agter is Elanie Havinga (voorsitter van Levubu Hokkie) en Pieter Jooste (afrigter). Foto verskaf.
Sanlam Limpopo Distrik Finaal Datum
Plek 1
F van Staden (Drakensig)
S Vernon (KC)
Mans B-afdeling
C Buitendag (Tzaneen)
B Tollmay (Orangedene)
Mans C-afdeling
J Ras (Drakensig)
K Barkhuizen (Soutpansberg)
Maandelikse Houespel
A Victor (Soutpansberg)
LMB Makhado Dag
D Geldenhuys (Tzaneen)
Lente Ope
Lente Ope
D v/d Westhuizen (Soutpansberg)
Rotariër Dag
I Heyns (HMC)
Vroue A-afdeling
Vroue B-afdeling
Vroue C-afdeling
Weeklikse Byeenkomste Woens
T Mott (KC)
E Fogwell (Soutpansberg)
Uitslae/Results Saterdagspel Datum
Eie reëlings
Tydens Levubu Hokkie se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 18 Augustus is daar ook erkenning gegee aan die spelers en bestuur wat deel was van Limpopo se vroue plattelandse distrikspan wat algeheel derde geëindig het tydens die nasionale toernooi in Durban. Die spelers wat almal brons gewen het, was (voor, van links na regs) Marli Beetge en Gerda Honeycomb. Agter is Pieter Jooste (afrigter), Melanie Louw (spanbestuurder), Elmé Louw en Elzaan van Eeden. Die span het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor almal wat hul potjie-gholfdag ondersteun het ter geldinsameling vir deelname in Durban. Die borge het ingesluit Levubu Tops, Bridge Auto, Vhavenda Bricks, Summerlane, Beetge Palms, Levubu Garage, Flower Bunch, Kingfisher Lodge, Bird Logistics, PSG Konsult, Du Toit’s Bande (Levubu), Tri-Quip, Avello, Mopani Pakkers en Levubu Signs. Foto verskaf.
Mans A-afdeling
PJ Stipec
Formaat IS Punte +4
A Bezuidenhout
C Eveleigh
Woensdagspel Datum
SPB Gholfklub
Formaat IS Punte
JQ van der Walt
uittel 36
F Greyling
uittel 36
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier
58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm
20 31 August 2012
Do you know that you can get all the news and events on your cellphone? Visit www.zoutnet.co.za/wap
Vanjaar se algehele wenner van die Makoppa Tweekamp was André Prinsloo (regs), Saam met Een van die P&L Fietsryklub se opkomende juniors, Gift Nefolovhodwe (regs), was die algehele hom staan Stanley Thompson (links), voorsitter van die P&L Fietsryklub, en organiseerder Jandré wenner in die 3km draf, 30km fietsry en weer 3km draf afdeling van die Makoppa. Saam met hom staan organiseerder Jandré van Jaarsveld. Foto verskaf. van Jaarsveld (middel). Foto verskaf. Tweekamp
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André algehele wenner van Makoppa Tweekamp Die P&L Fietsryklub se jaarlikse Makoppa Tweekamp, wat die afgelope naweek by Schoemansdal buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) beslis is, het weereens ‘n verskeidenheid fietsryers en hardlopers gelok. Die algehele wenner was André Prinsloo wat die 4km draf, 40km fietsry en weer 4km draf in ‘n tyd van 02:02:10 voltooi het. Een van die klub se opkomende juniors, Gift Nefolovhodwe, was die algehele wenner in die 3km draf, 30km fietsry en weer 3km draf in ‘n tyd van 01:31:28. Hy was ook die eerste O/19. Klubmaat Rick Coetzee was algeheel tweede in dié afdeling en ook die eerste senior man in ‘n tyd van 01:33:19.
Nuweling Flippie Potgieter het die 1km draf, 10km fietsry en weer 1km draf gedomineer in ‘n verrassende tyd van 00:37:42, met jong Benjamin Taylor van Ridgeway Kollege in die tweedeplek. Die jongste atleet van die dag was die sesjarige Xander Keyser, wat ook aan dié kategorie deelgeneem het. Eerskomende naweek neem die klub deel aan die Lentetrap in Polokwane, gevolg deur die VulaVula by Die Eiland op 15 September. Intussen het die klub die Soutpansberg Atletiekklub bedank vir hul samewerking en bydraes om die Makoppa ‘n sukses te maak, asook vir Schoemansdal vir die gebruik van hul fasiliteite en die verkeersdepartement vir hul teenwoordigheid.
Bettie Labuschagne (links) en Elsa Sadie (regs) was onderskeidelik eerste en tweede in die vroue afdeling van die 3km draf, 30km fietsry en weer 3km draf. Foto verskaf.