3 Desember 2021
News with an independent soul
PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing.
Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8
Jaargang 37 Vol.48
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Avoca Vale Hotel turns
100 YEARS OLD Read more on p2 Email info@avocavale.co.za or call on +27 (0) 15 151 0015
Young Triegie makes TV “debut” on cooking show - page 3
Progress for Dave in epic desert adventure - page 4
ISSN 2409-2835
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Vroeë Kersgeskenk Ouers Jan en Anita Bouwer van Louis Trichardt het vanjaar ‘n vroeë Kersgeskenk ontvang met die nuus dat hulle seun Jannie dalk al hierdie week uit die hospitaal ontslaan kan word. Sewe-en-twintig jaar gelede, in Julie 1994, het inwoners saam met Jan en Anita gebid vir Jannie se spoedige herstel ná ‘n ernstige motorongeluk. Die voertuig waarin Jannie ‘n passasier was het teen ‘n stilstaande vragmotor vasgejaag by die Levubu-pad/ N1-kruising. Met die impak het die voertuig se enjinkap deur die voertuig se windskerm teruggedruk en Jannie teen die kop getref. Hy is met ‘n groot, gapende kopwond na die Pietersburg Provinsiale Hospitaal oorgeplaas en almal het die ergste verwag. “Hulle het hom destyds met die ongeluk drie dae gegee om te leef. Toe sê hulle sewe dae en daarna het hulle vir ons gesê dat Jannie ‘n ‘koolkop’ gaan wees,” het ma Anita Dinsdag aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Maar Jannie het almal verkeerd bewys en merkwaardig goed herstel, tot so ‘n mate dat hy ‘n redelik normale lewe kon geniet, ten spyte van sy breinbesering. Sy pad na herstel het ingesluit ‘n staalplaat van sowat twee by tien sentimeter wat oor die gat in sy skedel ingeplant moes word. Dieselfde staalplaat, wat aanvanklik gehelp het om sy lewe te red, sou egter die afgelope week vir Jannie
terugbesorg in die hospitaal. “Dinsdagmiddag [23 November] toe ek in sy kamer kom, toe sien ek hier waar sy wond is, is sy hele gesig geswel. Ons kon sommer sien hier is nou fout,” het Anita gesê. Die ouerpaar het vroeg die volgende oggend [24 November] vir Jannie dokter toe geneem. “Die dokter het hom een kyk gegee en gesê ons moet dadelik vir Jannie by die neurochirurg in Pretoria kry,” het Anita vertel. Dieselfde dag nog het Anita en Jan vir Jannie deurgevat na Pretoria, waar hy Donderdag in die Unitas Hospitaal opgeneem is. ‘n Klomp toetse is gedoen en medici het vir Anita en Jan gesê hulle vermoed dat ‘n abses onder die staalplaat ontwikkel het, want Jannie se liggaam is nou besig om die plaat te verwerp. ‘n CT-skandering het die prognose bevestig. “Die dokter het vir ons gesê hy sal vir Jannie teater toe moet vat om te kyk. As die abses oppervlakkig was, sou dit nie gepla het nie, maar as dit die plaat is, sal hy dit moet uithaal,” het Anita vertel. Anita en Jan het gesê dit was toe dat hulle sou uitvind dat die plaat in Jannie se kop, soos baie ander dinge in die lewe, ‘n “vervaldatum” het. “Ons het dit nooit geweet nie, maar die dokter het vir ons gesê daardie goed hou net so 10 tot 15 jaar. Jannie s’n het nou 26 jaar gehou,” het Anita gesê. Jannie is teater toe. “Hy [die dokter] het gesê toe hy die plaat oopmaak, toe loop die etter sommer so uit!” het Anita vertel.
Die dokters kon egter weens die abses nie dadelik op Jannie opereer nie. “Hulle het net die wond gespoel met antibiotika en dit weer toegemaak. Die dokter het gesê hy kan nie nou dadelik weer ‘n plaat insit nie, want die wond moet nou eers goed dreineer en skoon wees. Eers oor so ses weke tot drie maande kan hulle weer vir hom ‘n plaat insit,” het Anita gesê. Beide Jannie en sy ouers het ‘n paar benoude oomblikke gehad die afgelope week. “Toe ons Sondag daar kom, het hy vir ons baie sleg gelyk. Sy oë was sommer so pap en dit het sommer so gehang. Hy het vir ons gesê hy is naar en ons het baie bekommerd begin word,” het Anita gesê. Maar weer het Jannie aanhou veg en sy toestand het dramaties verbeter. Toe sy ouers Maandag by hom kom, het hy penregop in sy bed gesit. “Hy het vir ons gesê hy wil huis toe gaan,” het Anita gesê. Volgens haar kan Jannie dalk al teen die naweek ontslaan word. “Van Maandag af is hy weer soos ons hom ken, maar die voorafgaande dae was hy baie siek gewees. Hy was seker hy is besig om dood te gaan … maar hy maak darem nou weer grappies,” het Anita gesê. Anita-hulle het almal bedank vir hulle gebede. “Daar is soveel mense wat ons ken wat vir ons gebid het, maar daar is ook baie Die 47-jarige Jannie Bouwer, kort nadat hy in die Unitas wat ons nie ken nie. Graag wil ons vir hulle Hospitaal in Pretoria opgeneem is nadat die staalplaat in almal baie dankie sê en almal laat weet dit sy kop ‘n abses begin vorm het. Foto verskaf. gaan goed met Jannie,” het die egpaar gesê.
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Deur Andries van Zyl
Avoca Vale Hotel turns
Bookings open 1 December 2021 Hotel opens 1 March 2022 The Avoca Vale Country Hotel lies nestled in the majestic Soutpansberg Mountains just 11 km from Louis Trichardt in South Africa’s renowned Limpopo province. The Hotel has a beautiful African colonial charm with a large garden and a serene pool. The building that houses the reception area and two dining rooms used to be a farmhouse that dates back to 1921. The Hotel is named after the Vale of Avoca, an idyllic spot in Ireland. Anold Chamuka has worked at the hotel for 9 years and is currently one of the managers. Anold (not a typo the R was left off his birth certificate) is the smiling face of Avoca Vale Hotel.
He is very well known to many of the regular clients and has witnessed the changes of management and owners over the years. His friendly face and welcoming hugs are legendary. Manupont has bought the hotel and now runs it as part of its Hotel division. The hotel has undergone a revamp which includes a full water and sewage upgrade, 24 new rooms, a new kitchen and a new roof on the main building. Avoca Vale has been closed to the public since April this year and will reopen on the 1st March 2022. Senior management decided that it was the perfect time to revamp the hotel and will open when the world returns to
some form of normal. Guests will enjoy a three-star hotel with five-star service and food at affordable prices. Avoca Vale boasts a conference centre for 80 people as well as homelike wedding and party facilities. The rooms in the new block are well appointed and look more like a 4-star product with Smart TV’s, air-conditioning and reliable Wi-Fi. Avoca Vale has converted all its geysers to gas and has a 100 KVA generator so you will never be left in the dark. Full security on site gives you peace of mind and 32 staff members will make sure that the service levels are five star.
Email info@avocavale.co.za or call on +27 (0) 15 151 0015
We look forward to seeing you!
Young Triegie makes TV “debut” on cooking show
part of the show, but this definitely got the butterflies in her going as the excitement kicked in. A Grade 12 learner at Louis Trichardt High After a few days, she received a phone call from School, Blessing Semenya (19), was one of the Koo themselves and they informed her that she contestants in the Koo cooking show Colour would be one of the contestants on the show. your plate with Koo that took place in July this On 22 July, Koo sent a shuttle to pick up year in Cape Town. Semenya at her house and take her to HoedSince Koo is such a big brand, Miss Semenya spruit, where she got on a plane and flew to Cape did not think much about it when she entered Town. On 23 July, the shooting of the episode the competition or that, out of everyone in South took place at the Express Partners studio, with Africa, they would actually choose her. Semenya all the contestants, resident judges and guest is not a stranger to Koo either because, at the age judges present. With the episode being shot in Blessing Semenya at the Colour your plate with Koo cooking show in Cape Town in July of this of 13, she took part in a Koo cooking competiJuly, Semenya is now looking forward to seeing year. Photo supplied. tion with her mother as well. Other than that, herself on television and hearing what people plus what she had been teaching herself and have to say. “It’s driving and thrilling to know learning in her hospitality studies classes, she something is about to happen, and you can’t stop has not had much experience in the kitchen. the butterfly feeling.” A phone call and a range of general questions Semenya has already been getting a lot of from SABC in early July did not mean she would attention from family, friends, classmates and even strangers, who repost, tag and comment on social-media platforms. She did a lot more than cook in Cape Town. She appeared on television and got to meet her role model and mentor. Basetsana Kumalo, 1994’s Miss South Africa, is one Semenya’s biggest role models as she herself is pursuing a career in modelling. She had the chance to speak to Kumalo face to face and ask for advice. Getting the opportunity to speak to a former pageant queen, with Semenya only starting out in the industry, helped her grow. Semenya had other encounters with celebrities such as the well-known chef Ruben Riffle, who gave her a boost of confidence by telling her she had a very bubbly personality and that he loved what she had done in the kitchen. What Oud bankman Marthinus (Tienie) Petrus she learned from the chefs and the judges was Laerskool Louis Trichardt het verlede Vrydag, 26 November, ‘n baie suksesvolle Stap vir Meyer (89) is op 14 November in Pretoria more important to her than her first trip to Cape Bybels aangebied. In totaal het 763 leerders van Graad 1 tot 7 aan die stap deelgeneem en ‘n oorlede. Ouer inwoners sal hom onthou Town, traveling on a plane, the prizes, staying at mooi bedrag van R8 670 is ingesamel vir die Bybelgenootskap vir Bybelverspreiding. “Baie vir sy jarelange betrokkenheid by die nou a hotel for free and even the competition itself. dankie aan die Bybelgenootskap vir die skenk van medaljes, sodat elke kind wat deelgeEerste Nasionale Bank-tak op Louis Tri She simply regards this as a learning curve, and neem het ‘n medalje kon kry,” het die skool gesê. Om in die vierde kwartaal ‘n Stap vir chardt, waar hy vanaf 1977 tot 1982 werknot only did she learn things about these celebBybels by die skool te hou is al ‘n jaarlikse tradisie. Afgeneem is van die honderde entoesisaam was. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou rities but something about herself as well; her astiese leerders kort ná hulle by die skoolterrein weggespring het. Grietha en drie kinders. Foto verskaf. perspective has changed completely. By Karla van Zyl
Wednesday 15 December 2021 Monday 10 January 2022 Friday 10
Dave is making progress on epic desert adventure By Denise van Bergen Despite murderously steep hills, walking in scorching temperatures of 40°C+ and dealing with the hiker’s worst nightmare - the
Dave van Graan has to pull his 80kg cart up these kinds of hills on his 800km journey through Namibia to raise awareness for Desert Lion Conservation. Photo: Dave van Graan.
ever-present, pestering little mopane bees that will fly into every exposed orifice (nose, eyes, mouth, ears) - Dave van Graan (Louis Trichardt’s own ‘Chuck Norris’) seems to be making good progress on his 800km walkabout through Namibia to raise awareness for Desert Lion Conservation. On his first day (21 November), starting from the Epupa Falls, Dave completed 20km. This, he says, was a great challenge, pulling his 80kg cart uphill out of the Kunene River valley. He admits that the thought had crossed his mind at one point that he might not be able to make it, but of course he did. On his second day, he completed 25km, as on the third day, and by Thursday, 25 November, Dave had completed his first 100km. At Okangwati, he stopped at a very traditional “restaurant” (which is really nothing but a neat zinc shack) to treat himself to a tasty lunch of chicken and chips – “Kaokoland style” as he put
it. From there he headed south. Although he was met with more steep hills over this next 110km stretch to Opuwo, he managed to complete an average of 25.7km per day. After seven days of hard walking, Dave arrived at Kaoko Mopane Lodge & Campsite (just short of Opuwo) - hot, dusty, thirsty and in desperate need of a good rest. When he continued (much more refreshed) the next morning, he did so with high praise and appreciation for the owners of the lodge for their warm hospitality. On arrival in Opuwo, he stopped to buy his last food supplies for the journey as he will not pass another shop ahead, so the Bart Mobile (his cart) is loaded to capacity. He says he has deviated a little from his scheduled route to one he has not taken before. The route he planned on taking, he says, was just too tough and steep to walk, making him too tired, whereas the route he is on now is more level. By the afternoon of Tuesday, 30 November,
Chicken and chips for lunch at a traditional ‘restaurant’ in Okangwati. Photo: Dave van Graan.
Dave was about 20km past Opuwo. On 1 December, he passed the 200km mark, which means that he now only has 600km more to go before he reaches his goal - Henties Bay. To keep track of Dave’s progress, visit https:// share.garmin.com/davewalkabout or visit his Facebook page (Dave van Graan).
The Bart Mobile is packed with Dave’s food and other supplies. Photo: Dave van Graan.
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Leerders van die CVO-skool Zoutpansberg op Louis Trichardt het Sondag, 28 November, vele inwoners se harte bly gemaak met sang en Kersfeesgroete. Hulle eerste besoek was by die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal, waarna hulle ook by Ons Tuiste, Laat Lente/Herfsakker en Loerie Park gaan kuier het. Hierdie foto is tydens hul besoek by Laat Lente/Herfsakker geneem. Die inwoners hier het soos die ander inwoners op die besoekpunte hulle dank uitgespreek teenoor die kinders vir die mooi gebaar. Foto verskaf.
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Thursday, 2 December
Louis Trichardt
(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)
KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastoor Evan Corbett (084 457 7596), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Levubu Enkeldoring E21, Sondag 09:00, Past Bennie en Annemarie Malan, Tel 084 277 2081 of 074 625 9942. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455. • Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602
Saturday, 4 December
Friday, 3 December
Mostly cloudy and very warm.
Mostly cloudy.
Partly sunny and hot.
High: 34oC Low: 18oC
High: 33oC Low: 19oC
High: 34oC Low: 19oC
What is happening? DEURLOPEND
Ondersteuningsgroep byeen Elke Maandag om 17:30 vind ‘n byeenkoms van die Christelike Ondersteuningsgroep vir alkoholen dwelmafhanklikes plaas. Die vergadering is in die Jesus Kroon lokaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente. Alhoewel die byeenkoms by die NG-kerk aangebied word, is persone van enige denominasie welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Jan Pretorius by tel. 079 881 9673 of ds. Corné Burger by tel. 073 759 0451.
OPKOMEND 03 De se m b e r Vrydag
Dopperkuierkafee Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt se laaste Dopperkuierkafee van die jaar se spyskaart vir Vrydag, 3 Desember, sluit in Dopperburgers teen R25 elk; kaasburgers teen R30 elk; hoenderburgers teen R30 elk; ribburgers teen R30 elk; slaptjips teen R10 per pakkie en ‘n Russian en pakkie slaptjips teen R30.
Heerlike beessosaties met tjips is ook beskikbaar teen R55 elk. Let wel dat slegs 120 sosaties gemaak word, so bestel asseblief vroegtydig om teleurstelling te voorkom. Plaas jou bestelling by Nanette voor Vrydag 13:00 by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764. Bestellings kan Vrydagmiddag vanaf 17:00 by die Dopperkerk afgehaal word. Ons getroue kliënte word bedank vir hulle lojaliteit en volgehoue ondersteuning. Geniet die feesgety!
04 Desember Saterdag
NG Levubu Kerkbasaar Die NG Kerk Levubu beplan op 4 Desember ‘n groot makietie met die hou van hulle Kerkbasaar. In wat beskryf word as ‘n “eerste vir die streek” sal daar ‘n Kersboom, kompleet met Kersvader en sy Elf-helpertjie, ook wees. Die basaar bied aan inwoners ‘n gulde geleentheid om al hulle Kers- “benodighede” en lekkernye, wat in oorvloed sal wees, te koop. Daar is ook Kerspakkies vir kinders saam met Kersvader. “Alles wat ‘n basaar moet hê, sal daar wees,” nooi die gemeente. Daar sal ook perdry, ritte op ‘n mini-trein en vulkane wat ontplof vir die kinders wees. Die basaar begin om 09:00 op die kerkterrein. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Petrus Kriel by tel. 082 898 2081.
04 D e c e m b e r Saturday
Emergency food relief initiative Madagascar is on the receiving end of the world’s bad choices. Climate change affects everyone, and the worst thing that people can do is wait for someone else to make a difference. Madagascar is on the brink of a climate-change famine and the Salaam Foundation has started an initiative called #PopCornQuer and #MoveItForMadagascar to support emergency food relief for Madagascar. The Helping Hands Women Forum Louis Trichardt (LTT) and community would like to support this initiative and will be partaking in the mass initiative on 4 December by hosting a fete at 13:30 at the Evim Pre-school Gardens in Eltivillas. Different activities for the kids will be available, as well as many different goodies on sale, such as popcorn, candy floss, sherbet, chaat, toffee apples, macaroons, nuts, ice creams and many more. Should you wish to be a vendor at the fete for just R100 a stall, please contact Naeema Badat on 079 191 7512. If you wish to make a donation for the cause, or for any other information regarding the event, please contact Razia Ayob on 083 378-6896 or Adila Aboobaker on 082 844 5156.
• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253. • Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting. • Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge / Ministries - PPK (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 060 577 5217 / Kerkkantoor 015 516 4018 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672
WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 29 November. DAMVLAKKE
29/11/2021 22/11/2021
Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam
97% 96.8% 94.9% 94.1% 69.1% 70% 8.5% 8.3% 93.4% 93.2% 5.6% 5.7% 100.9% 100% 61.7% 59.7% 92% 91.8% 87.7% 87.8% 81.1% 79.7% 88.1% 88%
EMERGENCY NUMBERS - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592
MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water
- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183
- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
# Means latest available data
PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:45, 17:15, 19:45 Sat: 11:15, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Sun: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30
Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 16:15, 20:00 Sun: 10:15, 13:45, 17:15
GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE 13 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:15, 16:30 Sat: 11:45, 16:30 Sun: 10:30, 13:30
Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 15:45, 19:15 Sun: 13:45, 17:15
MONSTER FAMILY 2 PG Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:45 Sat: 11:00 Sun: 10:45
NO TIME TO DIE Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 19:30 Sun: 17:00
Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15 Sun: 11:15, 14:00, 16:45
Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 20:30 Sun: 11:00, 14:15, 17:00 Follow us
TicketLine Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Sunday, 5 December
Monday, 6 December
Tuesday, 8 December
Wednesday, 9 December
An afternoon thunderstorm
Humid, and afternoon thunderstorm.
Cloudy with a thunderstorm.
A little morning rain, cloudy.
High: 32oC Low: 20oC
High: 28oC Low: 19oC
High: 24oC Low: 14oC
High: 23oC Low: 16oC
Wat gebeur? 04 December Saturday
Tennis club year-end function The Louis Trichardt Tennis Club has invited all club members and interested persons to its annual year-end function on Saturday, 4 December. The function will be held at the club house in the form of a “bring-and-braai” from 18:00, but socials will be from 14:00 as usual, depending on the weather. Pap-and-sous will be provided. Persons wishing to attend as an individual or group must RSVP before 1 December, so that the club knows how much pap to make. “Please come and close the year off with us and come have some fun,” invites the club.
Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
after the shoot,” said the club. For more information or to enter, phone Jerry at 083 453 5076 or Jolani at 083 995 4362. Entry costs R100 per shot. All are welcome.
06 Desember Maandag
Bergcare AJV Persone wat graag meer wil weet van of betrokke wil raak by Bergcare op Louis Trichardt se aktiwiteite word hartlik uitgenooi na hierdie hulporganisasie se algemene jaarvergadering op 6 Desember. Die vergadering begin om 17:00 in die Jesuskroon-saal. Vir meer inligting, skakel Mariana Luus by tel. 079 679 8790.
Ná 39 jaar op Louis Trichardt het Leonie Meyfarth besluit om die Soutpansberg vaarwel toe te roep. Sy en haar man Ducan en kinders Caedmon, Clerees, Emma en David, het hierdie week na Hermanus verhuis. “Ons wil graag dankie sê vir elkeen se liefde en ondersteuning. Dankie vir die geleentheid wat ons gehad het om die gemeenskap te dien en bedien. Ons gaan die Soutpansberg en sy mense mis - maar hulle sê mos daar is iets in Louis Trichardt se water wat jou terug bring! Mag die Here se goeie planne vir die gemeenskap tot vervulling kom!” was Leonie se afskeidswoorde aan inwoners. Foto verskaf.
04 December 0 8 J a n u a r i e Saturday Final club shoot for 2021 The Schyffontein Shooting Club outside Louis Trichardt will be hosting their last official club shoot for 2021 on Saturday, 4 December. The shoot will boast four ranges, for which approximately 100 rounds will be needed and an exciting “man versus man” challenge just after the competition. “You can challenge any other shot and show what you’re made of. Make sure to take extra rounds for the challenge,” said the club. The club will also use this opportunity to end off a busy year with a relaxing social braai. Braai packs will be free for all paid-up members of the club and additional braai packs can be purchased on the day. “We will have pap, sheba and a salad. Remember to pack your own picnic bag with cutlery, a chair and a cooler with refreshments for
Dames Skietdag Die streek se vroue handwapenskuts kan begin naderstaan vir twee dames skietdae in Januarie by die Schyffontein Skietbaan buite Louis Trichardt. Die eerste skietdag is ‘n Vlak 1-skietdag op 8 Januarie, gevolg deur ‘n Vlak 2-skietdag op 29 Januarie. Deelname kos R150 per vlak. Vir meer inligting, skakel Riana by tel. 084 400 9941 of Karien by tel. 064 617 0608.
EVENTS? If you know of any upcoming events, please give us a call! Tel: 015 516 4996
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook
Chandler Male
Noella Female
Griffon Male
Jubel Female
Duke Male
Maddy Female
Cutest cats & kittens
Lots of support for fifth annual Mutt Mile and last farmer’s market SPCA News
Many faithful Mutt Milers braved the cold and wet weather on Saturday to take part in the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s fifth annual Mutt Mile. Photo supplied.
Andrea Nel and her family walked away with the prize for best stall during the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s last farmer’s market for the year. Photo supplied.
The SPCA Louis Trichardt was once again overwhelmed by the support they received from the community during their fifth annual Mutt Mile on Saturday, 27 November, combined with their very last farmer’s market for 2021. “It was a busy and festive morning, despite the cold and a bit of wet weather to start with ... It was fantastic to see all the faithful Mutt Milers and familiar furry faces, but how amazing to see so many newcomers to the race too!” said the local SPCA’s Alicia Thomas. As always, the farmer’s market boasted some stunning goods, gorgeous plants and delicious food for sale. The SPCA thanked all their sponsors who helped make the day extra special, including Letaba Wireless, who sponsored cash prizes for the Best Stall of the day and all the winners in the 5km, Mutt Mile and Best-Dressed Categories. The first junior home in the 5km run was Diana Jordaan, while Jason Janse van Rensburg was the first senior to finish the race. The first veteran was Brian Peli. The first junior to cross the finishing line in the Mutt Mile was Carlize Pretorius, with the prize for senior Mutt Miler going to Christiane van Heerden’s Bruno, who is 14 years old. The Best-Dressed award went to mom-and-
daughter Charmaine and Hayley Waller, while runner-up prizes went to Jani Badenhorst and Arora, Jonathan and Coco, Francois, Vicky and Carla Smith and Lexi and Dian Smith and Olivia. “Congrats to Dela Rey Steyn for winning the amazing Christmas hamper!” said Alicia. Alicia also thanked Cristine Nortje of ‘Beauty by Cristine’ and the Pieterse couple of Seisoene for sponsoring the prizes for the second- and third-best stall of the day. Kobus van Wyk from Isis Décor sponsored the tables and chairs, so that all patrons could sit in comfort and enjoy their meals. Legacy Animal Clinic
and the SPCA itself also sponsored some goodie bags. A few more special thank yous went to Leach Printers, Super Signs, Madi Gras Water, Elize van der Goot and to each stall that donated an item toward the Christmas hamper raffle. Thanks also went to Andy and Elsie Went, who manned the SPCA’s secondhand-goods stall, Rozanna Scorgie-Spence and Janet Parkin, who co-ordinate the SPCA farmer’s market. Persons wishing to find out more about the next farmer’s market or who would like to book a stall can phone Alicia on 084 900 5332.
The Best-Dressed award during this year’s SPCA Mutt Mile went to mom-and-daugter team Charmaine and Hayley Waller. Photo supplied.
Departement dwing Lim-skoolhoofde om wet te verontagsaam, sê FEDSAS Skolenuus Die Federasie van Beheerliggame van Suid-Afrikaanse Skole (FEDSAS) het hulle Dinsdag sterk uitgespreek teenoor die Limpopo Onderwysdepartement en die departement daarvan beskuldig dat hulle skoolhoofde dwing om die wet te oortree. “Dit moet ‘n verleentheid wees vir die President en die minister van basiese onderwys dat die Limpopo-onderwysdepartement die presidensiële indiensnemingstimulusprogram só swak bestuur dat amptenare nou skoolhoofde dwing om onwettig op te tree,” lees FEDSAS se verklaring. Dit volg nadat die Limpopo Onderwysdepartement skoolhoofde in dié provinsie opdrag gegee om solank die skool se fondse te gebruik om derduisende tydelike jongmense in die Presidensiële Jeugindiensnemings projek te betaal. Die Departement is die werkgewer en nie die skole nie. “Die Skolewet verbied skole om enige lenings toe te staan. Tog is dit presies wat regeringsamptenare nou van skole verwag. Skole is nie banke nie en verreweg die meeste skole het nie eens genoeg geld om hul basiese uitgawes soos water en elektrisiteit en handboeke, waarvoor die staat se subsidie geoormerk is, te dek nie,” het dr. Jaco Deacon, uitvoerende hoof van FEDSAS, in die verklaring gesê. FEDSAS het in September vanjaar ‘n brief aan die Nasionale Departement van Basiese Onderwys gestuur met gedetailleerde voorstelle om hierdie projek te bestuur. “Die implementeringsraamwerk bevat verskeie wetlike teenstrydighede en foute, wat talle probleme in terme van arbeidswetgewing kan meebring. Tog het nie die nasionale of die provinsiale departement behoorlik op ons brief
reageer nie,” het Deacon gesê. Deacon het gesê openbare skole is afsonderlike regsentiteite en die Skolewet bemagtig beheerliggame slegs om sekere betalings te maak. Die beheerliggaam mag geen ander betalings magtig nie, en veral nie betalings waarvoor nie begroot is nie. “Die wigte en teenwigte en onderliggende beginsels van goeie beheer en bestuur waarvoor in die Skolewet voorsiening gemaak word, is juis daar om hierdie soort onregmatighede te voorkom. Regeringsamptenare, wie se plig dit is om toe te sien dat aan wetlike bepalings voldoen word, gee nou aan skoolhoofde ‘n direkte opdrag om nié die wet te gehoorsaam nie,” het Deacon gesê. Volgens Deacon plaas die provinsiale onderwysdepartement skoolhoofde in ‘n onhoudbare situasie. “Betaal hulle nie die staat se tydelike werkers nie, verontagsaam hulle ‘n direkte opdrag van hul werkgewer. Betaal hulle wél die tydelike werkers, verontagsaam hulle die wet,” het Deacon gesê. Die Jeugindiensnemingsprojek is die Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI) wat deel is van President Cyril Ramaphosa se presi densiële indiensnemingstimulusprogram. “Die BEEI is egter van die begin af swak bestuur, met min van die probleme wat in fase 1 ‘n jaar gelede opgeduik het wat aangespreek is,” het FEDSAS in hul verklaring gesê. Die federasie het die hoop uitgespreek dat President Ramaphosa en minister Angie Motshekga van hierdie verwikkelinge kennis neem en optree. “FEDSAS wil steeds glo dat die projek op werkskepping en armoedeverligting gemik is. Maar die verkiesing is nou verby en dit is tyd vir politici om hul beloftes binne die raamwerk van die wet gestand te doen,” het Deacon gesê.
“Regeringsamptenare, wie se plig dit is om toe te sien dat aan wetlike bepalings voldoen word, gee nou aan skoolhoofde ‘n direkte opdrag om nié die wet te gehoorsaam nie.”
Levubu Primary School recently elected their new prefects for the 2022 school year. They are (in front, from left to right) Ashley Erasmus, Meerab Kaif, Naho Maswime, Schalk Jansen van Vuuren, Dembe Mukhwantheli and Divine Machete. In the middle are Rotondwa Manyaga, Naho Rampamba, Mulalo Nepfumbada and Khano Marubini. At the back are Mikal Rehman, Happy Matovheke, Mufunwa Malalamavhi, Ramashia Phumudzo and Smangaliso Muavha. Photo supplied.
Pictured are Levubu Primary School’s new head leaders for the 2022 academic year. From left to right are Meerab Kaif (deputy headgirl), Naho Maswime (headgirl), Schalk Jansen van Vuuren (headboy) and Dembe Mukhwantheli (deputy headboy). Photo supplied.
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MEC says they are ready for Beitbridge festive season traffic By Bernard Chiguvare The time of the year when high volumes of people prepare to return to their home
countries through the Beitbridge Border Post has come around again. Traffic is known to stretch for kilometres from the border to Musina over the December holidays, while crime
Remember all the local small businesses that you’ve asked for years to donate and sponsor your sports club, school events, organizations, etc?
escalates considerably. “We are highly confident that the town will Limpopo Transport and Community Safety be one of the safest places for shopping,” said MEC Mavhungu Lerule Ramakhanya, however, Mawela. says that they are prepared for these challengAccording to a report by BusinessTech, pubes. “There is no resource that has ever been lished on 24 November, South Africa will launch enough to deal with crime. Whatever resources a border management authority (BMA), a stateare at our disposal we will use to fight whatever owned entity, in 2022. The role of the BMA crime, particularly at the borders,” she said at a will be to act as a single entity that manages the high-level meeting held on Friday, 26 November, movement of people and goods across the counat Musina Municipality. try’s borders. It will also act as a type of law-enAccording to a report issued by the departforcement agency, as it aims to clamp down on ment, Limpopo Police Commissioner Lt Gen fraud, corruption, and other illegal activities. Thembi Hadebe, as well as members of the security cluster, and border management teams already have operational plans in place to improve and eradicate some of the challenges faced during the festive period. To monitor compliance and assist in the reduction of long queues at the border, the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency, the South African National Road Agency Limited (SANRAL) and Road Management Traffic Corporation (RMTC) will have a strong presence. Special attention will be given to trucks to improve the Limpopo MEC for Transport and Community Safety turn-around time and hours spent on Mavhungu Lerule Ramakhanya (far left) on a walkthe road. Musina Mayor Nkhanedzeabout at Beitbridge Border Post on Friday, 26 Novemni Godfrey Mawela applauded these plans as he felt they would bring sanity ber. With her are members of the Limpopo security cluster. Photo supplied. to Musina during the festive period.
Th ey’re calling in a favour. ANSW ER T H E C A L L
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Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se Gasvryheidstudie-department het onlangs ‘n “Air Fryer” uitgeloot ter fondsinsameling. Die gelukkig wenner daarvan was me. Luandi Smit (links). Saam met haar staan mnr. Lourens Barnard, adjunkhoof van die skool en gasvryheidstudie-onderwyser. Foto verskaf.
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Now the time to break the silence and report abuse that they have the same right to protection as women and children,” said Ms Friede MeissenAs South Africa once again enters the 16 Days heimer, senior social worker at the Louis Trichof Activism for No Violence Against Women ardt SAVF (South African Women’s Federation). and Children, which started on 25 November According to Meissenheimer, domestic vioand lasts until 10 December, the spotlight falls lence can take several different forms. Physical on domestic violence in society once again. abuse, she said, is the most common form of do“Although the campaign mostly focuses on mestic violence, and includes hitting, stabbing, women and children, it must be noted that men choking, biting and kicking. “It can also include can also be victims of domestic violence, and withholding access to resources necessary to maintain health, for example medical care, food and sleep,” said Meissenheimer. Emotional abuse is another kind. “This form of abuse refers to the destruction of the victim’s sense of self-worth. It can include name-calling, “…dit is My liggaam wat vir julle gebreek constant criticism and humiliation, withholding word… hierdie is die nuwe testament in My affection or approval, obsessive jealousy and bloed wat vir julle uitgestort word” - Lukas manipulating a victim’s feelings and emotions 22:19,20. to induce guilt. This form of abuse is the most difficult to prove and can be very common in ie tweede geheim is Jesus se voorsieunhealthy relationships,” said Meissenheimer. ning om te sterwe. Closely related to emotional abuse is psychoSo ervaar jy die kruis as God se onfeillogical abuse. “This form of abuse is focused on bare bevrydingsinstrument, van die kliphart instilling fear in a person. It may take the form waarmee jy nog probeer om vir God te dien. of blackmail, destruction of pets or property, stalking, isolation from family and friends and Bevryding van jou klipharde en bitter hart forced imprisonment,” said Meissenheimer. wat miskien nog sal vergewe, maar nie wil Unfortunately, various forms of sexual abuse vergeet nie. Bevryding van selfsug, eersug also exist. “This can range from the obvious en hebsug wat soos ‘n groot soliede en onbeforms of abuse such as rape and sexual harassweeglike granietblok in jou binneste lê. ment, to lesser-known forms such as being Raak dringend by die kruis van Jesus van forced to not use contraceptives and being dit alles ontslae; dit wat soos ‘n soliede graexposed to sexually transmitted diseases,” said nietblok in jou binneste lê. Daar bewerk dit Meissenheimer. diep in jou ‘n lewenshouding en gesindheid The least-known form of abuse, according to van nog meer teerheid, geduld, gebrokenMeissenheimer, is financial or economic abuse. heid, meegevoel, ontferming, vergewensActivism Against Abuse
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
gesindheid en opregte liefde, wat oorvloedig vir mekaar en vir almal is. Juis in die mense se harte, ook in jou hart, want slegs daar word dinge soos verkeerde gesindhede uitgewys, sodat die dodingskrag van die kruis dit kan verwyder. Juis daar word Jesus se opstandingskrag en lewe dan aan jou meegedeel. - Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
Hulle is dankbaar Die inwoners van Laat Lente en Herfsakker in Louis Trichardt, skryf:
eereens baie dankie aan oom Teddie Uys vir die uie en Helena van den Heever vir die piesangs, waatlemoene en spanspekke. Ons vertrou dat God julle albei sal seën.
“This can include preventing your partner from obtaining a job or education, controlling shared resources and preventing your partner access to them, requiring accountability for all money spent and refusing to work but contributing to expenses,” said Meissenheimer. What can a person do to escape the clutches of an abusive partner? “Don’t suffer in silence, seek help. Talk to someone you can trust and remember that it is not your fault,” said Meissenheimer. In extreme cases, a person can lay a criminal charge against an abuser at their nearest police station, or apply for a protection order at their nearest magistrate’s court. To obtain a protection order, Meissenheimer explained that the first step would be to fill in a Form 2 Section 4(1) of the Domestic Violence Act. “An interim protection order will be granted, where the respondent is ordered not to commit certain acts. He or she will also be given a date where they must appear in court to establish whether the final order should be granted or not,” explained Meissenheimer. A notice will be given to the respondent to show cause as to why a protection order should not be granted. “On the given date, both parties must appear before the court. Based on the evidence before them, the magistrate will then decide to confirm, amend or set aside the interim protection order. If the respondent breaches the conditions of the interim or final court order, a warrant for their arrest will be made and he or she will have to appear in court,” said Meissenheimer. As for violence against children, any form of suspected child abuse or neglect can be reported to the closest social worker or the FCS (Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences) Unit of the police. Any person in the community is allowed to make a report regarding the children, and according to Section 110 of the Children’s Act, Act 38 of 2005, any medical professional, minister of religion, teacher, social worker, legal practitioner, correctional official, traditional health practitioner or traditional leader is obligated by law to report any suspected
• Bachelors flat 8 km uit op Elim pad Diere vriendelik Water ingesluit & koop Krag. R3200.p.m Onmiddelik beskikbaar.
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TE HUUR Enkel woonstel. Kombuis area. Slaapkamer. Badkamer. Onderdak plus oop parkering. Nuwe gas stoof en gyser. Sterk boorgat. Water ingesluit. Vanaf 18 /12/ 21. R3 500.pm. plus krag. Carel: 082 923 1620
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29 (1) OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 All persons having claims against the undermen�oned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publica�on hereof. Estate number: 001626/2021, Surname: HABIB Names: ABDUL RAZAK Date of birth: 1959/05/03 Id No: 590503 5140 081 Last address: 56 Third Street, El�villas, Louis Trichardt Date of death: 2019/06/18, Master’s Office: Thohoyandou First Names of Surviving Spouse : FARA BEE BEE Surname of Surviving Spouse : HABIB Date of Birth of Surviving Spouse: (1967-12-09) ID Number of Surviving Spouse: 671209 0168 083 Name of Executor or Signed at Louis Trichardt on 23th day of November 2021 Name and Address of Executor or Authorised agent: ZUBAIR MOOSA Address 131 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Tel: 015 516 1427 Email: deeds1@hmlegal. co.za Ref: EST001626/2021
MN PROJECT CONSULTANTS (PTY) LTD COLLINS CHABANE WYSIGINGSKEMA NOMMER 97 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM DIE WYSIGING VAN DIE COLLINS CHABANE GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA 2018 IN TERME ARTIKEL 57 EN 64 VAN DIE COLLINS CHABANE RUIMTELIKE BEPLANNING, GRONDONTWIKKELING BINNE LANDBEBOUW-10 LANDBEBESTUUR EN REWILANDBEBESTUUR 9 BEPALINGS VAN DIE WET OP RUIMTELIKE BEPLANNING EN GROND GEBRUIKBESTUUR, 2013 (WET 16 VAN 2013). Ons, MN PROJECT CONSULTANTS (PTY) LTD, synde die gemag�gde agent van die eienaar van: The Farm Tshikundu 262 M.T. gee hiermee kennis ingevolge Ar�kel 57 en 64 van die Collins Chabane Ruimtelike Beplanning, Grondontwikkeling en Grondgebruikbestuur, 2019, saamgelees met die relevante bepalings van die Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, 2013 (Wet 16 van 2013), dat ons by die Collins Chabane Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die Grondgebruikskema, bekend as die
Collins Chabane Grondgebruikskema 2018 vir die gelyktydige onderverdeling en hersonering van ‘n 1 (een) hektaar gedeelte van The Farm Tshikundu 262 MT, geleë. by Saselamani, van “Landbou” tot “Regering” met die doel om ‘n plaaslike administra�ewe kantoor vir die Limpopo Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling te ontwikkel. Besonderhede van die aansoek le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by: Collins Chabane Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, Direkteur, Departement Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Burgersentrum, Hospitaalweg, Malamulele, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 1 Desember 2021 tot 28 Januarie 2022. Besware teen of vertoe in respek vir die aansoek moet ingedien of skri�elik gedoen word en met die hand by bogenoemde kantore afgelewer word of gepos word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Collins Chabane Munisipaliteit, Privaatsak X2596, Malamulele. 0982 binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 1 Desember 2021 tot 28 Januarie 2022. Adres van gemag�gde agent: MN PROJECT CONSULTANTS (PTY) LTD Wildskompleks 1001B,
Hoekmarkstraat en Hospitaalstraat, Polokwane, 0699 Telefoonnommer: 083 630 1222/ 082 282 9456. E-pos: admin@mnpc. co.za
SHELDON & PRINSLOO INC. NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT LYING FOR INSPECTION. Pursuant to the provisions of sec�on 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, no�ce is hereby given that the First and Final Liquida�on and Distribu�on account in the estate of the late CATHARINA ELIZABETH OTTO Iden�ty no 510125 0034 080 and who died at Louis Trichardt on 19 October 2018, Master’s reference number 8845/2018 is lying for inspec�on at the offices of the Master of the Polokwane High Court and the Magistrate’s Office, Louis Trichardt, for a period of 21 days as from the date of publica�on hereof. FREDERIK CHRISTOFFEL ELOFF, PO Box 213, Louis Trichardt, 0920
men�oned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publica�on hereof. Estate number: 031339/2021; Full names: MARINDA VAN WYNGAARDT; Iden�ty number: 550928 0010 088; Last Address: Reitz Straat 51, Louis Trichardt, 0920; Date of death: 2021/01/24; Surviving Spouse’s names: WILLEM JOHANNES VAN WYNGAARDT (01/12/1952); N ame and Address of Executor: ZC PRETORIUS, 28B Landros Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920
ZCP KONSULT NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29(1) OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965. All persons having claims against the undermen�oned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publica�on hereof. Estate number: 2837/2021; Full names: NICOLAAS CLAUDIUS KÖNIG; Iden�ty number: 690127 5133 083; Last Address: Plaas Nooitgedacht, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo 0920; Date of death: 2021/08/26; Surviving Spouse’s names: CHRISTA-MARIE KÖNIG (13/05/1974); Name and Address of Executor: ZC PRETORIUS, 28B Landros Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920
abuse. In terms of the Sexual Offences Act, any member of the public is legally obliged to report any suspicion of sexual abuse. For help with issues of domestic violence and child protection matters, the following people can be contacted: SAVF Louis Trichardt (015 516 3841); CMR Louis Trichardt (015 516 5115); The Department of Social Development (015 516 1524); or The FCS Unit Louis Trichardt (082 729 0175 or 082 319 9650). To obtain protection orders, contact your closest magistrate’s office in Louis Trichardt at Tel 015 516 0181 or visit them at 103 Munnik Street, Office 26 (Family Section). At Tshilwavhusiku, the contact person is Ms Mabege (Clerk of the Court - Domestic Violence) at Tel 015 571 5277 (ext. 217). The number for Waterval is 015 556 4091 (next to the Waterval Police Station).
MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
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Ridgeway PREP rewards top achievers Above: Ridgeway Preparatory School outside Louis Trichardt held their senior-phase prize-giving function on Monday, 29 November. This year, the Surat trophy for leadership went to headgirl and headboy Abigail Manyoha (left) and Ayush Patel (right). Photo supplied.
Nhlawuleko Hlavangani (left) received the trophy as best chess player during Ridgeway Preparatory School’s prize-giving function on Monday, while Wamashudu Makulana (right) walked away with the trophy as best senior netball player. Photos supplied.
Ridgeway Preparatory School outside Louis Trichardt also honoured their most helpful and loyal pupils during the school’s annual prize-giving function on Monday. From left to right are Ayush Patel (Chairman’s award as Ridgeway Ambassador), Divhani Kharidzha (Ranzic trophy for helpfulness) and Shazana Asvat (IT Warehouse trophy for loyalty). Photos supplied.
These three orators of Ridgeway Preparatory School outside Louis Trichardt received trophies during the school’s annual prize-giving function on Monday. From left to right are Lufuno Mulaudzi (best junior orator), and Shazana Asvat and Ayush Patel (who shared the best senior orator trophy). Photo supplied.
Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede in die
Die hoofnuus op die Zoutpansberger se voorblad van 29 November 1996 het gehandel oor die feit dat mense in die nuut-ingeslote buitegebiede van die Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad blykbaar stadig maar seker al minder en minder belastings begin betaal het. Veral inwoners van Tshikota, Sinthumule en Kutama is uitgelig as sondebokke, nadat aan die lig gekom het dat slegs 2% van inwoners in hierdie gebiede hulle belastings betaal. Raadslede het gevoel dat vir sommige belastingbetalers om ander te moet subsidieer onregverdig was. In ander meer hartseer nuus is ook op die voorblad berig van die 31-jarige Vennas Venter wat ernstig beseer is in ‘n motorongeluk. Teen druktyd daardie week het hierdie bekende oud-rugbyspeler van Louis Trichardt nog in ‘n bedenklike toestand in die Pietersburg Provinsiale Hospitaal gelê. Vennas het ernstig hoofbeserings opgedoen nadat hy in die middernagtelike ure in ‘n motorongeluk in Rissikstraat betrokke was. Vennas se motor se voorwiel het blykbaar gebars, waarna hy in ‘n lamppaal vasgejaag het. Spesiale toerusting moes gebruik word om hom uit sy voertuig se wrak te bevry. Daardie week se hoofberig op bladsy 3 was ‘n opvolg op die vorige week se voorbladberig oor Louis Trichardt se eie reeksmoordenaar,
Willem Grobler, wat vir borgtog aansoek gedoen het. Sy aansoek is geweier, nadat die magistraat beslis het dat die publiek se veiligheid belangriker was as sy vryheid. Die magistraat het verder gesê dat Grobler hom duidelik nie gesteur het aan vorige borgvoorwaardes nie. Ten tye van die moord op twee jong vroue van die dorp was hy reeds op borg uit vir vyf vorige oortredings, twee daarvan vir seksuele misdrywe.
Nkone Molatjane (left) and Wayne Machaya (right) respectively received the trophy as best senior girls and boys hockey player for 2021 during Ridgeway Preparatory School’s prize-giving function on Monday. Photos supplied.
Bongani Makhuba of Ridgeway Preparatory School received the school’s Sheldon & Prinsloo trophy for sportsmanship (boys) during the school’s annual prize-giving function on Monday. In addition to this top award, Bongani also received the trophy as the school’s best soccer player for 2021. Photo supplied.
Ridgeway Preparatory School’s headgirl of 2021 walked away with several top awards during the school’s annual prize-giving function (senior phase) on Monday. Abigail received the Ayob award as Dux Scholar for 2021, as well as the Sheldon & Prinsloo trophy for sportsmanship (girls). Photo supplied.
Lethal blow for PP and Venda Pension Fund members By Anton van Zyl The Public Protector suffered a devastating defeat in the Gauteng division of the High Court two weeks ago when the remedial action imposed in the Venda Pension Fund saga was set aside. The court ruling may very well also mean an end to the dreams of thousands of pensioners who believed that they could claim back the millions lost when the Venda Pension Fund was migrated to a centralised national fund. Judge Norman Manoim, who presided in the case, took some time to explain the background to the matter. This complex case started in 1992 when the Venda civil servants were given an option to become part of the integrated centralised national pension fund or cash out and join a private fund. Many of them chose the latter option, especially since many of the private options available also involved cash pay-outs. During a period of uncertainty, many believed that the private sector was a safer option. “With the benefit of hindsight, it turns out that those who opted for the privatisation option turned out to have made a sub-optimal choice,” said Judge Manoim. Another problem that was quickly spotted, was that the formulas and dates used to calculate the accrued benefits were not consistent. This became the subject of the first dispute that ended up in court. The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) eventually decided in 2000 in favour of the “Dali group” and ruled that these pensioners were entitled to 100% of their accrued benefits. The Dali group also asked that they be compensated for the losses suffered during the transition period. This concerns the “losses” they suffered for joining a private fund. The SCA, however, did not agree with this and said they had to live with the choices they had made. Another group representing concerned pensioners, the Dabalorivhuwa Patriotic Front, also took the matter to the court. Not having much success, this group asked the then Public Protector (PP), Selby Baqwa, to intervene. He filed a report in April 2002 wherein he recommended, among other things, that the relief offered in the Dali case be extended to all others in similar circumstances. As far as the others were concerned, he seemed to agree that they had made a choice and had to live with it. In November 2008, another complaint was filed with the Public Protector. The three complainants argued that they had been influenced
to accept the privatisation scheme by the then Venda government. The process, they argued, was not conducted properly and, as a result, was defective. Baqwa’s successor Adv Thuli Madonsela’s team took three years to investigate and make a finding. She noted that the recommendations of the Baqwa report had not been implemented. Her own recommendations included that a task team be appointed to review the matter and consider changes, also in legislation, to assist the affected people. The PP “asks the Ministers to look at a solution for the plight of those who chose the privatisation route by rewinding the history, but this has the rider attached to it that it is feasible,” said Judge Manoim. The matter then landed on the desk of the current PP, Adv Busisiwe Mkhwebane. She pressurised the National Treasury to implement the remedial action contained in the Madonsela report. A task team was compiled, and options were investigated. Right from the start, the time lapse clearly caused immense problems. Data could not be retrieved and people working with the pay-outs had either died or could not recollect the exact details of what was decided. A firm of actuaries was appointed to assist, but even that could not provide clarity. A second firm later estimated that the remedial action could cost anything between R1,113 billion and R6,326 billion. What happened next was a bit of a political side-show, with Mkhwebane “naming and shaming” the departments involved and applying pressure on the government to give effect to the remedial action ordered. This, unfortunately, also caused a stand-off with the National Treasury, who indicated that the remedial action was not implementable. The department found that, despite all attempts to consult and try and move forward, “no compensation could be justified”. On 11 March 2019, the dispute between the department and the PP led to an application in the High Court to have the remedial action in the reports of Madonsela and Mkhwebane set aside. Judge Manoim first had to rule on the issue of expiration. The PP’s office has a two-year limit in which it must investigate complaints. The Venda Pension Fund issue fell well outside that time frame. “The facts of this case justify the policy rationale behind the two-year limitation period. Not only do the memories of the complainants fade, but as in this case, data becomes irretrievable or no longer exists,” said Judge Manoim. He felt that neither Madonsela nor Mkhwebane had attempted to show special circumstances as to why the reports had been filed out of date. The PP argued that the Minister (of Finance) had put together a team and started with the process to look at how the pensioners could be paid out. This, she argued, showed that the Minister had agreed to the process and attempted to comply with the remedial action. Judge Manoim did not agree and said that the minister had gathered facts, following which a decision had to be made. In his conclusion, Judge Manoim said that the remedial action related to complaints concerning matters that arose in the 1992-to-1994 period. “That period is in excess of the limitation that the Public Protector has to entertain a complaint in terms of section 6((9) of the Public Protector Act. No special circumstances were advanced to justify doing so. On the contrary: all the facts point to the fact that the subject matter was no longer capable of proper investigation by the time the reports were written, even in 2002, let alone in 2012 and 2016. This renders her report ultra vires and hence unlawful,” he said. As far as costs in the case are concerned, Judge Manoim did not want to award a personal cost order against Adv Mkhwebane. The PP’s office will be liable for the cost of the application, including the costs of two counsels. The legal representative for a large group of the pension-fund members, Mr Hennie Erwee of Musina, expressed his disappointment with the ruling this week. He described it as a sad blow to the thousands of pensioners who had lost what was due to them. Erwee said that they were in discussion with the Public Protector’s legal team, who indicated that they were studying the ruling and would consider their options.
Hierdie fietsryers het tydens Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse prysuitdeling verlede Dinsdag hulle eerste balkies in fietsry ontvang. Voor, van links na regs, is Amelia Schee pers, Geraldine Venter, LeeAnne ven der Heever, Nicoline Venter en Isabella Jones. Agter is Ian du Plessis, Rosh van der Nest, Rikus Smit, Junior Schoeman, Matthew Lee. Afwesig tydens die neem van die foto was Unarine Shotheli, Mdusho Mudugwe, WG de Villers en Merner van Rhee. Foto verskaf.
“With the benefit of hindsight, it turns out that those who opted for the privatisation option turned out to have made a sub-optimal choice”
Gedurende Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 26 Oktober het hierdie fietsryers hul eerste erekleure ontvang. Voor, van links na regs, is Mieke Veldman, Jacques du Preez en Michelle Steyn. Agter is Brendan Bruce Junèl Joubert en Daniel Lee. Foto verskaf.
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
Uitslae/Results Woensdagspel
19 th
Die Soutpansberg Distrikslandbou-unie (SDLU) het op 19 November herorganiseer, met feitlik die hele bestuur wat tot hul vorige portfeuljes herverkies is. Dit het ingesluit Fanie Havinga (foto) as voorsitter, Doors le Roux as ondervoorsitter, Fritz Ahrens (grond- en arbeidsake), Erika Helm (plaaslike regering en paaie), Stephen Hoffman (watersake), Robert Gallon (beeste en wild) en nuut terug op die bestuur Fanus Viviers (veiligheid). Vir meer inligting oor die SDLU kan enige van die bestuurslede gekontak word, of skakel Fanie by tel. 082 338 0616. Foto verskaf.
Hierdie groep fietsryers van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het vanjaar hulle tweede balkies in die sportsoort ontvang. Voor, van links na regs, is Carla Enslin, Wulf Schwerdtfeger en Danelle Venter. Agter is Herman Veldman en Douglas Piorek. Jessica Brandt (afwesig) het ook daar tweede balkie ontvang. Foto verskaf.
Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie
Datum 24/11/21
Eie reëlings
BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stableford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier, 4 Man Cha Cha Cha, IB - Ind Bogey, SD - Scramble Drive
Formaat IS Punte
R. Gilfillan
B. Schlesinger
uittel 34
A. Pretorius
uittel 34
Jaarafsluiting-gholfdag Datum 27/11/21 Plek
Hoofborg Eie reëlings
Hoofborg SPB Gholfklub
Naam E. Runyowa, J. Shirinda, H. Modukwe en R. Mavunda
K. Barkhuizen snr. A. Krügel K. Barkhuizen jnr. en A. Jandrell
Formaat Vierbal Punte 103 99
News with an independent soul
Khathu 071 188 5055 / George 082 419 2359
Die 18-jarige Johan Lordan (links) van die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub het op Saterdag, 27 November, ná 12 jaar van harde werk, sy swartgordel in karate tydens ‘n gradering in Pretoria verwerf. Saam met hom staan sy afrigter, sensei De Wet van Wyk.
Armand Roets en Christiaan Pretorius van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het vanaf 19 tot 21 November aan die ProKennex Mini 5-tennistoernooi in Polokwane deelgeneem. Armand het ‘n 13de plek behaal en Christiaan ‘n 10de plek, beide in die mans-afdeling. Tydens die toernooi het hulle ook as span in die dubbelspel deelgeneem en in die derde plek geëindig. Foto verskaf.
Local bowlers qualify for inter-district champs Rynard Wilson verwerf die trofee vir Beste Swemprestasie vir 2021 tydens Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse prysuitdeling. Foto verskaf. 2015 Ford Focus ST3
2019 BMW 750i Individual
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These members from the Louis Trichardt Bowls Club and Makhado Military Bowls Club were selected for the Limpopo team that will be playing in the South African inter-district championships in March next year. From left to right are Elsa van Vuuren, Annamarie van der Merwe (Louis Trichardt), Johan de Lange, Anton van Vuuren and Riaan Beukes. Photo supplied.