6 Junie 2014 - Zoutpansberger

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6 Junie 2014

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6-8 June

PPC Kremetart Cycling Race 2014

N1-crash claims SBV employee Early morning traffic on the N1 south was halted for more than an hour on Wednesday following a fatal accident just outside of Makhado (Louis Trichardt). The accident claimed the life of a SBV Services employee that was allegedly travelling from Polokwane towards town with a colleague. The colleague survived the accident. According to rescue workers the SBV-employees was trying to overtake a truck, but might not have seen oncoming traffic due to thick fog, and crashed into an oncoming truck. At the time of going to press, the employee’s name was withheld as the next of kin at yet to be notified by the police.

DRT fails cyclists Governments’ failure to deliver on promises puts major damper on biggest regional sporting event

By Isabel Venter

Cancel or re-route. These were the only two choices left to the organisers of this year’s annual PPC Kremetart Road Cycling Race as a result of the Limpopo government’s failure to fix the Vivo road (R522). The P&L Hardware Cycling Club, the race or­ ganisers, said on Monday that they had to re­route the race to an alternative road and cut the R522 from the race. “The safety and development of cyclists come first,” the organisers stated. They have been battling with the Limpopo Department of Roads and Transport (DRT) for more than six months about this road – which, in the meantime, has been dubbed the “Road of Death”. One member of the organising team, Mr Stanley Thompson, said on Monday that their decision had

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been made over the weekend when they had been busy marking the race route. He even showed the Zoutpansberger an SMS that he had received from a DRT employee on Monday, in which a promise was made that the R522 would be roadworthy come Friday, 6 June. “Filling potholes with sand might equal roadworthiness to them [the DRT] but most definitely not to us,” said Thompson. The Kremetart is normally a one­day road race that is decided over four stages around the Soutpansberg Mountains, starting from Makhado (Louis Trichardt), proceeding towards Waterpoort, then to Vivo and finishing back again in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Apart from the two stages of the 175km race that were supposed to take place on the R522, the 70 km road race would also have been hosted on it. This road has long since become notorious,

however, among motorists of the Soutpansberg for its potholes, overgrown road reserve and stray animals. Recent heavy rains had eroded the road surface even further. Long stretches of road are only suited for one­way traffic. Near the Schoe­ mansdal Environmental Centre, a large portion of the road is still missing after it had washed away during one particularly heavy rainstorm at the beginning of this year. Rated as one of the best road races in the country among cyclists, the PPC Kremetart Cycle Race will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this coming weekend. For the Soutpansberg, the race attracts cyclists from all over the country. More than 10 000 visitors are expect to flood into the area, meaning millions of rands in income to the local community. (Local income is estimated at over R20 million). The true impact of the sudden route changes

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will, in all probability, only be quantifiable after the race. This is in terms of entries and returning cyclists. The online cycling community has been abuzz with mixed feelings since the announcement of the route changes. Some cyclists who are coming to race are outraged, while some look forward to the challenge. “Suddenly it does not look so nice now … won­ der if you guys have any idea how long it is going to take us to finish the last stage. Hope you have enough sunscreen, because I feel like the sun is not the only thing that is going to burn you,” said cyclist Hendrik Beumer. There were also some cyclists, like Cristle Geary and Sean van Aardt, who said they would never have entered if they had known about the route changes in time. (Contd on P2)

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6 June 2014 Deur Isabel Venter

Nog ‘n fietsryer ernstig beseer

The draft diagram for the subdivision for the proposed development for The OVAL, Motorcity and Food Court on the local cricket grounds in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). By Frans van der Merwe

Oval development envisaged in Bird Sanctuary A new motor dealership, a McDonald’s take-away restaurant, a Dros restaurant and a Food Lover’s Market are part of the development envisaged for the proposed alienation of a portion of Erf 4296 in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). It will be styled as The OVAL Motor­ city and Food Court The subject of the application for a subdivision on the corner of Rissik Street and the N1, is a 2,4 hectare portion of the existing land already in use by the Louis Trichardt Cricket Club in the extreme southern part of the Bird Sanctuary in the town’s Green Belt area. The entrance to the proposed deve­ lopment will be from Rissik Street

and the development will comprise a 24 000m2 subdivision of the erf on which the cricket ground is located. It will be flanked on the eastern side by the border to the N1 and a horseshoe with a semi­ circle from the southern side, around to the northeastern side of the cricket field. The application for the subdivision of the erf for this development was filed by Nilotouch (Pty) Ltd (Mr R Gilfillan). The Makhado Municipality advertised its intent to sell this portion of land for subdivision and alternative development last week. According to the notice, any person who wishes to object to this exercise is called on to lodge such an objection in writing to the municipal manager at Pri­

vate Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920, or to fax it to 015 516 5084 to reach his office by no later than 20 June 2014. Particulars of the application, includ­ ing the draft diagram for the subdivision and proposed development, are lying for inspection at office number C0034 and C0041on the first floor of the Civic Centre at 83 Krogh Street and the Town Planning Offices, situated at the corner of Songozwi and Munnik Street, Noor Cen­ tre Building, Makhado (Louis Trichardt) during office hours. Enquiries can be directed to the direc­ tor of development planning at Tel 015 519 3217, Mr Eiselen Fungene at 015 519 3036, or Mr Alfred Nekhavhambe at 015 519 3105.

Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina het op Vrydag, 29 Mei, hul nuwe leerlingraad vir 2014/15 aangekondig. Die hoofleiers sal op 29 Julie aangewys word. Voor, van links na regs, is Gift Maduna, Lebo Malatji, Tidi Malatji, Sabina Madima, Tsakani Baloyi, Daisy Nesandande, Tumelo Langa, Jessica van der Bank, Maureen van der Walt, Diney Fielding, Andani Mamidza, Abigail Ramalebana en Mudzunga Nesindande. Agter is Hazel Mbedzi, Tebogo Sematla, Justice Maila, Theo Maphaha, Walter Nesindande, Jannemari Fourie, Brendon Huysamen, Charl van der Westhuizen, Hanga Murembiwa, Cor Roos en Sheltar Lithole. Foto verskaf.

Nog ‘n fietsryer van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is ernstig beseer en in die hospitaal ná ‘n ongeluk oor die afgelope naweek. Oom Wim Botha (71) se ongeluk was darem nader aan die huis as dié van Ferreira Nel, ook van Makhado (Louis Trichardt), wat in Pontevedra, Spanje, behandel moes word nadat hy met sy padfiets geval het (sien artikel op meegaande bladsy). In werklikheid was oom Wim ‘n klipgooi van sy huis toe die ongeluk gebeur het. Hy was op pad om met sy padfiets te gaan oefen vir die naweek se 70km Kremetartwedren. Hy en ‘n vriend, Johan Fourie, het vanuit Impalastraat die Levubu-pad gekruis toe die ongeluk plaasgevind het. ‘n Minibus-taxi het vir oom Wim, wat agter Johan gery het, van sy fiets ge­ stamp. “Iets het net verkeerd gaan; toe ek omdraai, was Wim af van sy fiets af. Hy kan ook nie onthou wat gebeur het nie,” het Johan Dinsdag vertel.

Oom Wim, het Johan gesê, het sy heup en femurbeen by die potjie gebreek. Hy is Sondag in die Eu­ gené Marais Hospitaal in Pretoria geopereer. Oom Wim se vrou, tannie Petro, het Woensdag bevestig dat haar man sedert Sondag in die hoësorgeenheid versorg is. Hy is Woensdagoggend oorgeplaas na ‘n gewone saal, waar hy hopelik net tot die einde van die week sal moet bly voor hy ontslaan kan word. “Hy is baie sterk en fiks en dit gaan goed met hom,” het tannie Petro aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Oom Wim sal ten minste vir nege maande op die krukkelys wees terwyl sy heup herstel. Sy dokters sal ná hier­die tyd weet of ‘n heupvervanging nodig sal wees. Behalwe vir die Kremetart het oom Wim ook, volgens tannie Petro, al ‘n paar keer die Cape Argus-fietswedren voltooi.

By Isabel Venter

Department fails cyclists (Contd from P1) Other cyclists, such as Jacques Coetzer and Philip Fourie, said they were excited to come and cycle, and they thought the new route was going to be awesome. On the homefront, however, seve­ ral local organisations that have been involved in the planning and hosting of the Kremetart for years are taking a financial loss because of the route change. One such an institution is the CVO Vivo school, which has been hosting the lunch for the 175 km race. The school itself, which rents out its athletics field for this purpose, has reportedly lost about R10 000 in income this year. Mr Johan van Dijkhorst from the Schoemansdal Environmental Centre, which would have been the second stop for cyclists along the R522, re­ ported an increase in accommodation bookings at the school this week. “We are, however, sad about the public exposure that we forfeit as a result of the route change,” said Van

Dijkhorst on Monday. Notwithstanding the route change, the race organisers said that not only would the Kremetart be going ahead as planned on the new route, but the event would also be bigger and better than previous years. “This year marks our 25th anniversary and we are pull­ ing out all the stops,” said Thompson. The DRT, on the other hand, is clearly in disarray. On Tuesday, Mr Jimmy Machaka indicated that the DRT has been dismantled, following the reshuffling of the Limpopo Cab­ inet in May. All provincial roads are now ap­ parently the responsibility of the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure and not the old DRT anymore. Machaka said that he was also no longer the relevant person to speak to regarding the R522. At­ tempts to contact the new responsible parties were unsuccessful at the time of going to press. Nobody was sure about contact details, or whom to contact.

Ridgeway Independent School’s first ever family fun quiz was hosted on 30 May at the Ridgeway College hall in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Here are the Smart Alecs (the Tayob family) who won the prize as the winning team of the evening.

The Red Rocking Ranzics (the Aboo family) was voted the team with the most original “uniform” during Ridgeway Independent School’s family fun quiz on 30 May.

It would seem that only the CBD of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is currently being ‘springcleaned’. Whether the upcoming PPC Kremetart Cycling race is to be thanked, one can only wonder. A resident from Drostdy Gardens (corner of Drostdy and Anderson Street) reported this illegal dumping site on the sidewalk more than a year ago to the Makhado Municipality. Since then, a promise was made to urge nearby residents not to dump their rubbish on the street. Attempts to contact the municipality to confirm this were answered this week by municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi. He said that the particular street corner would be checked out.

Vullis wat op die sypaadjie langs Baobabstraat in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) gelê het, is versnipper en die hele wêreld vol verstrooi toe grassnyers van Makhado Munisipaliteit vandeesweek op die gras van die naasliggende park toegesak het. Sonder om enige moeite te doen om die vullis te verwyder, is dit eenvoudig met die grassnyers versnipper en verstrooi. Die gras is nou net mooi kort genoeg om die verstrooide, versnipperde vullis treffend te vertoon. Gelukkig teen Woensdag was die park weer skoongemaak.


6 Junie 2014


Deur Andries van Zyl

Val bring sy deelname aan Wêreldkampioenskap tot end Ferreira Nel van Makhado (Louis Tri­chardt) se deelname aan die 2014 ITU Duathlon World Championships in Spanje het Sondag tot ‘n skielike einde gekom ná ‘n harde val met sy padfiets hom in die hoësorg eenheid van ‘n hospitaal in Pontevedra besorg het. Ferreira en nog ‘n plaaslike langasem, Amanda Kruger, is beide in April vanjaar gekies vir dié Wêreld-tweekampkam­ pioenskappe op 31 Mei en 1 Junie in Pontevedra, Spanje. Dit volg ná hul goeie prestasies tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse en Afrika Tweekampkampioenskappe in Maart waar hulle vir Gauteng-Noord deelgeneem het. “Ons het groot geskrik. Dit was ‘n lelike een,” het Ferreira se ma, Renette, hierdie week aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. In ‘n stadium is daar gevrees dat Ferreira sy sig totaal kon verloor het. Hy het reeds jare geen sig in sy linkeroog nie en sy

regteroog is erg in die val beskadig. Daar was ook vrese dat hy sy elmboog kon gebreek het. Ferreira het Sondag saam met net meer as 60 deelnemers van regoor die wêreld in die 45 tot 49 jaar groep weggespring. Die tweekamp het bestaan uit ‘n 10 km draf, ‘n 40 km padfietswedren en weer 5 km draf. Ná die eerste van sy twee hardloopitems, het hy op sy fiets gespring. “Kort voor die tweekamp het Madeleine [sy vrou] laat weet dat ons hard moet bid, want die baan is baie uitdagend. Daar was baie draaie en donker areas,” het Renette gesê. Ferreira het byna by die eindstreep van die fietswedren geval. Hy is dadelik na die hoësorg eenheid van ‘n plaaslike hospitaal geneem. Daar moes hy onder meer steke aan sy regteroogbank kry. Teen Maandag was familie bly om te hoor dat hy nie die sig in sy regteroog verloor het nie, en ook nie sy elmboog gebreek het nie.

Ferreira en Amanda Kruger, ook van Makhado (Louis Trichardt), afgeneem voor hul deelname die aflope naweek in Spanje. Ferreira kon weens ‘n lelike val nie die tweekamp voltooi nie, maar Amanda het gespog met ‘n algehele 15de plek in haar ouderdomsgroep en haar persoonlike beste tyd in die item opgestel. Foto verskaf.

Ferreira het teen Dinsdag so goed herstel dat hy self, nadat hy ontslaan is, die drie straatblokke van die hospitaal na die hotel gestap het waar sy vrou, asook suster Elsabé, deur die organiseerders van die kampioenskap verblyf gegee is. “Uit die aard van die saak is hy maar teleur­ gesteld,” het Renette gesê. Niemand weet presies wat gebeur het nie, selfs nie eens Ferreira nie. Volgens Renette is al wat hy kan onthou dat hy besig was om naby die einde van die fietsren sy skoene uit sy pedale te klik. Baie deelnemers klik net voor die einde van die fietsren hulle voete uit hul pedale, sodat hulle vinniger van die fiets af kan kom en weer kan begin hardloop. Sy linkervoet was reeds los, toe hy skielik neergeslaan het. Te midde van die teleurstelling is Fer­ reira-hulle se besoek aan Spanje darem nie heeltemal verniet nie. “Nou gaan hulle verder toer. Hulle [Ferreira, Madeleine en Elsabé] het in elk geval hul besoek so bep­ lan,” het Renette gesê. Teen Dinsdagaand was die driemanskap reeds per trein op pad na Parys, Frankryk. Amanda was ook teen Dinsdag in die lug, maar sy was reeds op pad huis toe. In teenstelling met Ferreira het sy ‘n baie goeie naweek ervaar. Amanda was Saterdag een van 22 deelnemers wat weg­ gespring het in die 50 tot 54 jaar afdeling van die tweekamp. Sy het algeheel 15de geëindig in ‘n tyd van 02:44:19 – haar per­ soonlike beste tyd ooit. In haar ouderdom­ klas was Julia Matheson van Brittanje die algehele wenner in ‘n tyd van 02:12:28. Ferreira se ouderdomsklas is gewen deur Ferreira Nel in die hospitaal ná ‘n ernstige val met sy fiets tydens sy Jorge Lopez De la Puente van Spanje in deelname aan die 2014 ITU Duathlon World Championships wat die afgelope naweek in Pontevedra, Spanje, beslis is. Foto verskaf. ‘n tyd van 01:57:11.



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6 June 2014 By Isabel Venter

Controversial doctor’s reign comes to an end

“Ek weet nie wat het gebeur nie … toe ek weer sien, is die ander ou in my baan.” Só het mnr. Werner Lee van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) gesê nadat sy bakkie (links) Maandag afgeskryf is in ‘n tromp-op botsing op die N1-suid. Die ongeluk het gebeur net na die Elim-sirkel wat nog in aanbou is. Lee was alleen in sy bakkie en is nie beseer nie. Die bestuurder en sy passasier van die ander bakkie is lig beseer. Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Skool tree op teen Facebook “haatblad” Hoërskool Louis Trichardt was genoop om op te tree teen ‘n groep kinders wat deur middel van ‘n “haatblad” op Facebook mede-leerlinge geboelie het. “Ons keur so iets ten sterkste af en die voorval is deur pastoor Marcel van Niekerk, geestelike werker by die skool, ondersoek. Ons vra ook dat ouers hulle kinders se Internetgebruik sal dophou,” het die skool se waarnemende hoof, mnr. Theo Muller, Maandag gesê. Die blad is deur die leerlinge self geadministreer. Van Niekerk het lang gesprekke met die betrokke kinders gevoer. “Die kinders het nie op die skool se Facebook-blad geboelie nie, maar in hul private hoedanigheid. Ons het die geval hanteer en die hele situasie het nou doodgeloop. Die polisie het ons aangeraai om nie die saak verder te voer nie,” het Van Niekerk gesê. Ouers is op 22 Mei deur middel van die skool

Ndodzo Mawela (links) en Elouise Spies het met hul puik werk as seremoniemeesters ekstra luister aan ‘n pragtige mnr. en mej. Triegie aand verleen. Die geleentheid het op 21 Mei plaasgevind.

ONDERWYSPOSTE by CVO SKOOL VIVO (LIMPOPO) 1. Wiskunde Gr 4-7 Aanvangsdatum: 28 Julie 2014 Pos vereistes: • Bewese ondervinding vir die aanbieding van bogenoemde vak. • Buitemuurse aktiwiteite word sterk aanbeveel. • ‘n Beginselvaste, belydende lidmaat van een van die APK & Drie Susterskerke. • Onlangse getuigskrifte van u Predikant.

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The controversial clinical manager of the Messina Hospital, Dr Allick Dube, has been given the sack – officially. Even though the Limpopo Department of Health and Social Development (DoH) is hesitant to admit to the fact, Dube’s dismissal is rumoured to have followed after the complaints by staff, several humanitarian organisations and patients of the hospital about his alleged misconduct. Dube had been the clinical manager of Messina Hospital for almost four years. During this time, he also briefly served the hospital as senior clinical chief executive. He was relieved of his duties as manager for a short while, following a strike by hospital staff in May 2013. The Zoutpansberger reported on this strike at the time, during which nursing staff told reporters that there were more than 64 complaints against Dube from the community alone. They claimed that Dube had been ill-treating patients by allegedly refusing them adequate care and medicine. One humanitarian organisation, Médecins Sans Frontièrs (MSF, also known as Doctors Without Borders), even compiled a report which they filed with the Health Professions Council of South Af­ rica (HPCSA), which is responsible for registering doctors. MSF also gave a copy of the report to both the national and Limpopo departments of health, as well as to the Zoutpansberger. The report was filed against Dube as an official complaint about his conduct as a registered medical practitioner. According to the report, Dube refused to provide anti-retrovirals (ARVs) to rape victims, especially if they were from Zimbabwe. Dube, the MSF said, treated Zimbabwean rape victims and patients as if they were a burden on the health-care system. Such victims came from both the Messina Hospital and the Thuthuzela Care Centre (TCC), which neighbours the Messina Hospital and shared resources with the hospital. Dube’s alleged refusal may be ironic if a 2009 interview in the KwaZu­ lu-Natal DoH’s newsletter is taken into consideration. Dube told this DoH that he had returned to South Africa because he had “decided to go back to his roots to help in the fight against HIV/Aids.” Apart from Dube’s treatment of patients, the HPCSA was also provid­ ed with evidence that Dube had been convicted of involuntary manslaugh­ ter in the United States of America (US), and had been barred from practicing medicine in the US. A copy of the decision, which was made against Dube during October 1993, was made available

to the Zoutpansberger by Mrs Shelley Walker, assistant communication director of the Tennessee Department of Health. According to the Agreed Order, Dube admit­ ted to “committing medic-aid fraud, falsifying patient records, allowing unlicensed or otherwise inappropriate personnel to examine patients, order diagnostic tests and prescribe medication.” Dube also allowed “others” to issue prescriptions while using his signature stamp. In terms of the order, Dube’s licence was sus­ pended for two months, and he was placed on probation until 7 November 1997. According to Walker, his US licence for the state of Tennessee expired during 2002, and since then no records of other licences issued to Dube could be found. Dube left the US during 2001 after he had withdrawn his own application for the reinstatement of his medical licence. Since then, Dube continued to work in South Africa with an HPCSA-issued licence. Following the strike at the Messina Hospital in May last year, Dube was reinstated for a short while after his suspension by the DoH. During his suspension, the DoH launched an investigation but was mute about the outcome and ignored several media enquiries made by the Zoutpansberger into the report. At the end of May this year, Ms Adele van der Linde, spokesperson for the Limpopo DoH, told the Zoutpansberger that Dube had been dismissed, effective as of 19 May 2014, and was no longer in the employ of the DoH. According to Van der Linde, Dube was fired because the HPCSA had revoked his medical licence. The HPCSA found in February this year that Dube had submitted false information upon applying for his medical license. Van der Linde stated that the DoH’s investiga­ tive report was not a public document and was unable to confirm when a new appointment would be made in Dube’s place. Reports of the HPCSA’s planning to file criminal charges against Dube could not be confirmed at the time of going to press. Further action might also be taken against the HPCSA it­ self, or even the DoH, in terms of accountability as it is a criminal offense to practise medicine without a proper license in South Africa.

se kommunikatorbladsy aangaande die “haatblad” inge­lig en versoek om die artikel oor kuberteiste­ ring wat daar opgelaai is, te lees en hulself op hoogte van dié verskynsel te bring. Volgens Kinderlyn Suid-Afrika is kuberteiste­ ring die gebruik van die Internet en elektroniese kommunikasiemedia om ‘n ander persoon seer te maak of kwaad aan te doen deur afknouery, dreigemente of vernedering. Baie kinders het toegang tot die Internet deur middel van hulle selfone en kan dus enige tyd van die dag geteister word deur ‘n kuberboelie. Ouers behoort aan beide moontlikhede te dink, naamlik dat hulle kind die slagoffer van kuberteistering kan wees of dat hulle kind die kuberboelie kan wees. Seuns was altyd meer daarvoor bekend dat hulle ander fisies boelie, maar daar is heelwat meisies wat hulle tot kuberafknouery wend. ‘n Studie deur UNISA in 2012 waarby meer as 3 300 leerders betrokke was, het getoon dat 34% van die leerders in die voorafgaande twee jaar slagoffers van kuberafknouery was. By Graad 8 leerders was die persentasie die hoogste (42%). Die meeste tieners is deur ander tieners geboelie (60%). Van die leerders in die studie het 23% erken dat hulle al iemand afgeknou het, meestal deur SMS’e en die sosiale media. Met die groot toename in slimfone kan daarop gereken word dat die persentasies steeds verhoog. Me. Stienie Fourie van Makhado (Louis Trich­ ardt), wat voorheen ‘n navorsingstuk oor die onder­ werp uitgewerk het, het gesê dat kuberafknouery op sosiale netwerke kinders baie negatief beïnvloed, veral omdat dit vir almal sigbaar is. Die slagoffer moet hulp kry, want hy of sy kan geïntimideer wees, emosionele probleme ervaar en fisies siek word of selfs selfmoord pleeg. “Die kuberboelie moet ook hanteer word, want daar is altyd ‘n storie agter die storie. Die pro­ bleem wat aanleiding gee tot die wangedrag, soos ‘n gebrek aan aandag, ‘n swak selfbeeld en ander emosionele probleme, moet aangespreek word,” het Fourie gesê. Ouers kan hulle kinders help deur die kind se aanlyn toegang tot die Internet vir eers weg te neem om die skade wat reeds gedoen is, te beperk. Wanneer ‘n kind buite die situasie staan, raak dit makliker om die nodige stap te neem om die boelie te blokkeer of te skrap van die sosiale media of selfoon en te rapporteer. Ouers en kinders word aangeraai om hulle nie aanlyn te probeer verdedig nie, aangesien dit telkens net nog vet op die vuur Given the sack ... Dr Allick Dube, former clinical manager of Messina Hospital. Photo supplied. van ‘n boelie is.

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An extract of the Tennessee Medical Board’s decision against Dr Dube in 1993.


6 Junie 2014



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6 June 2014 By Linda van der Westhuizen

Owner of stolen car ends up handcuffed

“My car was stolen and I get handcuffed…” This was the thought that raced through the mind of a resident of Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Mr Carlos de Faria, on Friday, 23 May. De Faria, a businessman of the town for the past 23 years, was distressed when his Toyota bakkie was stolen in the early hours of Thursday morning (22nd) at a friend’s house. He reported the theft at the Makhado police station. It was the third time he had suffered the theft of a vehicle and he has also been the victim of an armed robbery three times. When Ms Vinia Mokwena, one of De Faria’s employees, had finished her late shift on Friday, she spotted De Faria’s bakkie in Pretorius Street on her way home. Several police vehicles were parked at The recovered Toyota bakkie that was stolen from Mr Carlos de Faria is now being repaired at the scene and Mokwena asked her taxi driver, Mr Andrew Sibiya, to stop there and phoned her boss. a cost of around R41 000. “I was back from work at 21:15 and had a beer when I received the phone call at 21:45. I rushed there in a friend’s vehicle and when I saw the state of my vehicle, I was very upset. I opened the door to see the damage inside. My fingerprints were in any case all over my car. That was when the policeman grabbed me and handcuffed me. He said that I was interfering with police matters and that he was arresting me for being under the influence of alcohol. I told him he could take me to the hospital and have my blood-alcohol level tested. He said ‘You are not co-operating with the police’ and ‘You white people have no respect for black people’,” said De Faria. Sibiya and Mokwena witnessed everything and explained to the police that De Faria was obviously very upset. Sibiya said to the Zoutpansberger that he had urged De Faria to apologise, which he did, and his handcuffs were taken off. “I am just happy Community members and businesses from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) all joined hands to make that they didn’t kick him or hit him,” Sibiya said. De Faria’s vehicle was like an office to him. the Round Table Zoutpansberg 66’s (RTZ6) hosting of their annual Penguin Day a huge success. Everything had been removed: his GPS, camera, Photographed are some of the local members of RTZ6 with several loads of donated groceries spotlight, puncture kit … more than 30 objects, that they received on Saturday. (There were too many bakkies to fit into one photograph). including IDs and important documents. He still

Too much vooma in your tank?

The remedy is just around the corner... Don’t buy a used car, buy a pre-loved car

has to ascertain the value of the stolen property. The quote to repair the damage to the vehicle is R41 000. De Faria said that the person who had stolen the vehicle was probably after money and knew all his moves. In response to the incident, SAPS Makhado spokesperson W/O Takalani Madzhigili said that the case had been transferred to the vehicle iden­ tification unit but confirmed that the vehicle had been stolen in Joubert Street on 22 May. Provincial police spokesperson Col Ronel Otto said that it was within the powers of the police to handcuff a person for interfering at the scene of a police investigation. “Discretion should, however, be exercised when arresting [someone] on the scene since the person will have to be brought before court. Handcuffing is not yet arresting. If unnecessary remarks had been made or the person felt wronged by the treatment, he is free to litigate or to speak to cluster command­ er Seopa,” Otto said.

Little Mia, a female chihuahua, went missing on 26 May near Malva Street in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Whoever can bring her back will be well rewarded. Please phone 079 531 0708 or 082 696 6480.


6 Junie 2014

Nature Conservation

Help needed to recover missing hyena collar Very little information is known about brown hyenas in and around the Soutpansberg Mountains, but this is all changing, thanks to a long-term research study being conducted by PhD student Katy Williams. Katy is a researcher with Durham University in the United Kingdom and is part of the Pri­ mate and Predator Project based at Lajuma Research Centre. Since 2011, Katy has been con­ ducting wildlife research in this area and last year she placed GPS collars on four brown hyenas. Once the collar is on the animal, it collects data on the animal’s activity patterns continuously for 455 days. After that time, the collar drops off automatically. As brown hyenas move over a very large area, the collars could

fall off anywhere. Data from this study have shown that brown hyenas in the Soutpansberg Mountains have territories as large as 244km2 and can walk as far as 38 kilometres in one night. On 27 May, the collar fitted to a hyena named Betton should have fallen off. Unfortunately, Katy was unable to locate Betton while she was wearing the collar, despite trying very hard. She spent many nights driving around the mountains on a quad bike to try and find the collar, with no success. She tried sleeping in a tent on top of the highest peak in the Soutpansberg Mountains and also waited next to a hyena latrine site. She played sounds of prey to lure predators in and flew over and around the mountains in a helicopter and a microlight,


Betton when she was collared in February 2013. Photo supplied.

looking for the signal from the collar. Despite these efforts, Betton was not found and Katy received no data. The data that this collar carries is extremely valuable for hyena research and conservation, be­ cause this is the first study on this species in this particular habitat in this part of South Africa. If anyone finds a collar on their land or photographs a collared hyena, please contact Katy Williams immediately, either by email at primate.predator@durham.ac.uk or by telephone on 0710559557 or 0833087027. If you would like to return the collar anonymously, please just drop it off at the Zoutpansberger’s office in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). A reward will be given for the recovery of the collar.


Aflewering binne 24 uur PETROL DIESEL Trotse verskaffers van CaltexPARAFFIEN Produkte Kontak Fanu Booyens Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098

Katy Williams (front) waiting to lift off in a helicopter in search of Betton’s missing collar. Photo supplied.

015Straat 516 1570 P Faks: 516 3098 Unikastraat. 3Tel: Unika O Box015 3104 Louis3 Trichardt Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: admin@gtoil.co.za admin@gtoil.co.za PETROL



Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za



Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt DIESEL PETROL PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za




Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt PARAFFIEN admin@gtoil.co.za

Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt admin@gtoil.co.za



6 June 2014

Hierdie kunswerke van juniors van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het diamanttoekennings tydens die Soutpansberg Kunstefees verwerf. Die kunstenaartjies is, van bo na onder, Handri Spies, Johané Hierdie kunswerke van leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het diamanttoekennings tydens van Eeden, Ilandri Burger (drie van Kidz Art kunsskool) en Wulf Schwerdtfeger. die Soutpansberg Kunstefees verwerf. Die kunstenaars is, van links na regs, Mariesa Schutte (selfportret), Johannes Joubert (Onder die see) en Tahir Patel (Mechano kunswerk).

Hier is vier van die kunswerke van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se leerlinge wat diamanttoekennings vir hul kuns verwerf het by die Soutpansberg Kunstefees. Die kunstenaars is, van bo na onder, Richard Schwerdtfeger, Megan Bayes, Danica Knoetze en Zian van den Heever.




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Laerskool Levubu het op 30 Mei ‘n tradisionele temadrag-dag gehou. Die leerders was baie kreatief in hul kleurvolle tradisionele uitrustings. In die foto verskyn die wenners. Voor staan Junél Joubert. Agter, van links na regs, is me. Liezl Joubert, Sachal Khaskheli, Ulani Marais, Olga Kharidzha, Nadine Opperman, Chané Haasbroek, Yasmine Joubert en me. Marette Louw. Foto verskaf.


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6 Junie 2014



10 6 June 2014

KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Tweetalige diens om 09:00 met Kinderkerk en Peuterdiens, Sondae History Makers om 17:00. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790 • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruh Street 25, Sunday services 10:00 & 18:00, adult Bible class at 09:15 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631. • Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085 • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 ­ 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 ­ 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580 • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774



ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt

Friday, 6 June Sunny and not as warm.

High: 20oC Low: 4oC Saturday, 7 June Sunshine.

High: 17oC Low: 4oC Sunday, 8 June A full day of sunshine.

• Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446

Monday, 9 June

• NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT ­ Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081

A full day of sunshine.

• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.



High: 21oC Low: 7oC

• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391

Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

Gister­se­Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 tot • WEEKLIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die hoek sal elke Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooi­ van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hulle leuse is “Vrolikheid mark by Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis by die grysheid!” en alle belangstellendes word Trichardt) gehou word. hartlik uitgenooi om in te skakel by die klub. Enige iemand is welkom om te kom uitstal. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by die sentrum. 082 921 6110. Vir meer inligting, skakel Davonnies by 015 516 5749. • MINISTERS FRATERNAL The • AAND VAN SPONTANE AAN- ministers fraternal of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) BIDDING Shammah Bedieninge in Makha­ meets every Tuesday. For more information Rev Robbie Novella can do (Louis Trichardt) nooi die gemeenskap uit be contacted on 015 516 5165. om elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand vanaf 19:00 ‘n aand van spontane aanbidding in ‘n • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die Geesgevulde aanbiddingsatmosfeer saam met Manne van die Woord in Makhado (Louis Trich­ hulle te ervaar. ardt) kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Vir verdere inligting of navrae kan past. Stry­ Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen. dom by 082 7850 265 geskakel word. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 • VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die 451 4249 geskakel word. Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand • BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENvan 18:00 tot 19:00 by Imperial GM (lokaal waar TER The Bahá’í Information Center in Makha­ vroue vergader) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) do (Louis Trichardt) will meet every evening bymekaar. “Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om during weekdays from 18:30 until 20:30. te bid, geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig For more information phone 015 518 4154. om vroue na God se hart te wees. Alle vroue, jonk en oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 422 5248 geskakel word. • DOPPERKUIERKAFEE Die gewilde Dopperkuierkafee sit hierdie week sy werksaamhede voort. Dit sal egter nie by die Gereformeerde Kerk gehou word nie, maar is deel van die Kreme­ (Seven-day forecast) tartfietswedren se bedrywighede. Die kafee sal Vrydagaand (6de) en Saterdag (7de) by die info Thursday, 5 June kiosk bedryf word. Bestellings kan ook reeds vooraf geplaas word. Mostly sunny and pleasant. Skakel vir Nanette by 084 304 4764 of 015 516 High: 26oC Low: 10oC 4007. Op vandeesweek se spyskaart is burgers en skyfies en russians en skyfies.

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937

• NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350


• MARTIN MANS KOM WEER KUIER Vir liefhebbers van orrelmusiek is

High: 24oC Low: 5oC Tuesday, 10 June Brilliant sunshine.

High: 20 C Low: 4 C o

• PINKSTERREEKS Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg nooi die hele gemeenskap om va­ naf 8 tot 12 Junie hul Pinksterreeks by te woon. Weens omstandighede moes die reeks met ‘n week uitgestel word. Die dienste word aangebied deur die alombe­ kende ds. André van Zyl. Die reeks begin Sondag, 8 Junie, tydens die oggenddiens om 09:00. Van Maandag tot Donderdag begin die dienste telkens om 18:30. Al die dienste word gehou vanuit die kerkgebou op die hoek van Stubbs­ en Anderdonstraat. Vir meer inligting skakel ds. Rudolph Botha by tel. 084 366 9983 of die kerkkantoor by 015 516 4366.


Wednesday, 11 June Plenty of sunshine.

High: 26oC Low: 4oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

WHAT’S HAPPENING? We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2014. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www. zoutpansberger.co.za

daar goeie nuus. Wêreldbekende Nederlandse orrelis Martin Mans, wat ook al tevore in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) opgetree het, hou eersdaags twee konserte in die omgewing. Hy tree op Maan­ dag, 9 Junie, in Tzaneen op by die APK kerk in Waterbessiestraat om 18:30 vir 19:00. Hy sal tydens die optrede ook die gemeente se koor, onder leiding van Antoinette O’Connel, begelei. Kaartjies is R50 per persoon en sluit verversings in. Vir navrae kan ds. Aubrey Hough geskakel word by 082 504 2244. Op Dinsdag, 10 Junie, tree Mans in die NG Gemeente Pietersburg op, geleë op die hoek van

WAT GEBEUR? Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2014. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za



• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Electricity/Elektrisiteit • Water • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Munisipaliteit/Municipality • Hospital (Government) • Hospital (Private) • SPB Dorpswag

­ 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 ­ 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 ­ 015 516 2990 ­ 015 516 2990 ­ 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 ­ 015 519 3000 ­ 015 516 0148 / 9 ­ 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 ­ 082 251 0827


• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

Biccard­ en Groblerstraat. Die prys is R100 per persoon vir volwassenes en R50 vir laerskool­ kinders. Die prys sluit sop en sjerrie of sap in. Verrigtinge begin om 18:30 vir 19:00. Vir navrae kan Christien Hoffmann plaaslik by 015 516 0906 of 072 828 3272 geskakel word.

•AANDAG ALLE AFGETREDENES Alle afgetredenes in Makhado

(Louis Trichardt) word genooi om op Woensdag­ oggend, 11 Junie, om 10:00 gratis tee of koffie en ‘n muffin by die Wimpy in die Makhado Crossing winkelkompleks te kom geniet. Dié maandelikse uitstappies word gereël deur Marietjie Wentzel van Baird Ministries. Vir meer inligting kan Marietjie geskakel word by 078 480 8783.

• WINTERBASAAR Die Nederduitsch

Hervormde­gemeente Louis Trichardt nooi inwoners uit na hul immergewilde winterbasaar op 13 en 14 Junie. Die basaar vind plaas vanaf 13:00 tot 19:00 die Vrydag en die Saterdag vanaf 08:00 tot 14:00. A­graad vleis sal verkoop teen ‘n gemiddeld van R5 per kilogram goedkoper as enige verskaf­ fer in die dorp en alle snitte sal beskikbaar wees. Daar is ook wors, biltong en droëwors. Buiten die vleis is daar ook ‘n verskeidenheid gebak, vir diabete ingesluit, asook ‘n groot verskeidenheid plaasvars groente en vrugte teen weggeepryse. Vir diegene wat daar iets wil geniet is daar hamburgers, worsbroodjies, stokworse, jaffels, kerrie­en­rys, pannekoek, nagereg, koffie en tee by die Opikoffie Koffiekroeg en koeldrank. Vir liefhebbers van tuinmaak is daar ook ‘n groot verskeidenheid gesonde plante om van te kies en keur, terwyl die boekwurms kan kom snuffel deur ‘n verskeidenheid tweedehandse boeke. “Ons nooi u ook uit om u stalletjie teen R50 per dag tydens ons tweedae basaar te kom be­ dryf. Die enigste vereiste dat u nie sal handeldryf in enige iets wat die gemeente self aanbied nie,” nooi die gemeente.

WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available WEEKLIKSE information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 2 June. DAMVLAKKE Dams/damme:

02/06/2014 26/05/2014

Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

99.8% 100% 100.4% 100% 100.3% 101% 100.7% 101% 101% 101% 55.4% 55.7% 101.4% 101% 75.8% 77% 100.4% 100% 101% 101% 100.6% 100% 100.4% 100%

* Means latest available data



MALL OF THE NORTH X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 10-12GLV ˛ Ç Fri-Sun: 9:05,12:00,15:00,18:00,20:45 Mon,Wed: 12:00,15:00,18:00,20:45 Tue: 9:05,12:00,15:00,18:00,20:45 Thu: 12:00,15:00,18:00,20:45


13L ˛ Ç Fri,Sat: 10:00,12:30,15:15,17:45,20:15,22:45 Sun,Tue: 10:00,12:30,15:15,17:45,20:15 Mon,Wed: 12:30,15:15,17:45,20:15 Thu: 12:30,15:15,17:45,20:15



PG Fri-Sun: 9:45,12:15,14:45 Mon,Wed: 12:15,14:45 Tue: 9:45,12:15,14:45 Thu: 12:15,14:45


7-9 PGV ¸ ˛ Fri,Sat: 9:30,11:45,14:30,17:15,19:30,22:00 Sun,Tue: 9:30,11:45,14:30,17:15,19:30 Mon,Wed: 11:45,14:30,17:15,19:30 Thu: 11:45,14:30,17:15,19:30










16V Fri,Sat: 17:30,20:00,22:30 Sun-Thu: 17:30,20:00


­ 10111 / 015 534 7601 ­ 10177 / 015 534 0061 ­ 015 534 0061 ­ 015 534 0446 / 7 ­ 015 534 6000 ­ 083 457 2183


10-12PGV Fri,Sat: 14:15,17:00,19:45,22:30 Sun: 14:15,17:00,19:45 Mon-Thu: 11:30,14:15,17:00,19:45

Sat,Sun: 17:30,20:00

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 RISE OF ELECTRO 10-12PGV ˛ Ç Fri: 11:00,14:00,17:30,20:30 Sat,Sun: 11:00,14:00 Mon-Thu: 11:00,14:00,17:30,20:30



Follow us


• SAPS/SAPD ­ 015 583 7400 / 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.






6 Junie 2014


Fly In word gehou tydens die naweek van 13 en 14 Junie by die Alldays Vliegveld net buite Alldays. Daar is hope aktiwiteite en lekker stalletjies vir die hele gesin om te kom geniet. Meer as 200 vliegtuie en helikopters vlieg in van oral oor en kan besigtig word gedurende die naweek. Die kunstenaars vir die naweek sluit in Juba, Jaco Labuschagne, Karen Ferreira, Pieter Smith, Dewald Wasserfall, Karlien van Jaarsveld, Jay en Marulaboom. Ander aktiwiteite sluit in ‘n wild­ en kleinveeveiling, gymkana, honde­ vertoning deur die polisie, ‘n vertoning van afstandbeheerde vliegtuie, biertuin, 4x4­wedren, helikopter­ritte, Harvard­ritte en nog vele meer. Vir meer inligting besoek www.alldaysfestival. co.za of kontak pieter@alldaysfestival.co.za of hannelie@alldaysfestival.co.za. Daar is nog stalletjies beskikbaar en kan bespreek word by malinda@alldaysfestival.co.za

• DEPRESSIE ONDERSTEUNING Die Depressie Ondersteuningsgroep in

Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se volgende vergade­ ring vind plaas op Dinsdag, 17 Junie, om 19:00 by Buffelstraat 91. ‘n Kankerpasiënt gaan die groep toespreek en praat oor die emosionele impak van die diagnose op die pasiënt, asook gesinslede, en die hantering daarvan. Almal is welkom om die vergadering by te woon en veral diegene wat familie het wat kank­ er het of self in daardie situasie verkeer. “Die tema gaan egter nie uitsluitlik oor kanker nie, maar sluit ook enige ander trauma­ervaring in, tesame met die emosionele impak daarvan,” sê die organiseerders. Vir meer inligting kan Elize Dercksen geska­ kel word by 082 256 6423.

• ASTRONOMY The Soutpansberg

Astronomy Club will hold their next monthly stargazing evening on the shortest day and lon­ gest night of the year, the Southern Hemisphere’s Winter Solstice, on 21 June. If you are interested in astronomy and its various sections (astrophotography, cosmology, dark sky, deep­sky, historical, instrumentation, photometry & spectroscopy, shallow sky) please join the club anytime after sunset and remember to dress warmly. On Sunday, 22 June, on Inter­ national Sun­Day, the club will have a bring­and­ braai at the Rondeboch Riding School Clubhouse from midday onwards, with views of the solar disk at the telescope. International Sun­Day is just what it says, a day to celebrate and share your personal vision of what our life­giving star means to you. For more information contact Kos Coronaios at 079 148 4934 or via email at elephantcastle@lantic.net

• LEWENDE WOORD BESOEK DORP “Die liggaam van Christus in Suid­Af­

rika” is die tema van die boodskap van Lewende Woord se pastoor vir kerkplanting, ontwikkeling en sending , pastoor Wouter van der Merwe, wat hy op Sondag, 22 Junie, om 09:00 by Baird Ministries in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sal bring. Baird Ministries, onder leiding van pastoor Andrew Baird Bezuidenhout, staan in assosiasie met Lewende Woord en dit is vir hulle ‘n groot eer om past. Wouter en sy vrou, Dot, te ontvang. Hulle nooi alle belangstellendes na die diens . Vir meer inligting kan Milda Grobler by die kerkkantoor geskakel word by 071 656 2181.



Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

for election to the management committee must Vir meer besonderhede kan die skoolkantoor submit their names in writing to the secretary, to geskakel word by 015 516 5151 of me. Annelle arrive no later than seven days before the date set Pauer by 071 334 0447. for the AGM. Each submission must be accompanied by a one­page curriculum vitae/motivation. For more information, phone Ms Reimer at • DOPPER KERMIS ‘n Uithaler kermis Tel 015 516 1431 during office hours. sal op Vrydag, 6 September, op die terrein van die Gereformeerde Kerk op Makhado (Louis Trichardt) plaasvind. Die gemeente is kliphard aan die werk en • BOSVELD BASAAR Die Dendron/ nader aan die datum sal meer besonderhede Vivo Hervormde Kerk hou op 5 Julie ‘n lekker beskikbaar wees. Bosveld Basaar by Kamp Aquila vanaf 10:00 tot • 1978 REÜNIE Die 1978 matrieks van 14:00, sowat 45km uit op die Vivo­pad (R522) Hoërskool Louis Trichardt beplan ‘n reünie vir A­Graad vleissnitte sal teen winskooppryse verkoop word, asook biltong en droëwors. Buiten Saterdag, 27 September, by die Lalapanzi Hotel. “Ons wil asseblief soveel moontlik van hierdie die vleis is daar ook heerlike vars groente en jaar se matrieks daar hê,” nooi die organiseer­ vrugte, gebak, geskenke, pannekoek en heerlike ders. nagereg. Vir meer inligting, skakel dr. Len van der Walt Vir die jongklomp is daar verfbalskiet en vir by tel. 076 403 4034 of stuur ‘n e­pos na leonard. die ouer garde gratis koffie en tee vir die dag in vanderwalt@lanxess.com die teetuin met heerlike eetgoed te koop. “Ons hoop om julle almal daar te sien,” nooi die gemeente.



• SPB MARKDAG Die Soutpansberg­

gemeenskap sal op 19 Julie die kans kry om hul kreatiwiteit en tuisgemaakte produkte uit te stal en te verkoop. ‘n Groot teetuin en markdag word beplan by die Wia­Kyla Restaurant sowat 15 km buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) op die N1 suid. Die mark duur vanaf 10:00 tot laat. Vir meer inligting en besprekings, skakel Christine by tel. 072 372 2301.


preparing themselves for the 15th annual Silver Mist Holistic and Health Fair at Haenertsburg (Magoebaskloof) on 12 and 13 July. For more information about the programme and exhibits, phone Yngve Sjolund at 015 276 4726 or 084 581 0320.

• JULIUS MAGAN BY MANNEKAMP Manne van die Woord Louis

Trichardt het die bekende spreker Julius Magan genooi vir hul kamp wat van 25 tot 27 Julie op die plaas Friendschapsdal by Waterpoort, sowat 100km buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt), plaasvind. Alle mans en hoërskoolseuns is welkom. Die organiseerders beklemtoon dat dit belangrik is om vroegtydig te bespreek. Die koste beloop R150 per persoon en Vrydag en Saterdag se aandetes word verskaf. Kampgangers moet eie tente of karavane, gasbraaiers en eetgerei bring. Die verrigtinge begin Vrydagaand, maar daar kan al van vroeg af kamp opgeslaan word. Vir meer inligting kan Pieter du Toit by 083 770 6656 geskakel word of ‘n e­pos kan na mvdwlt@vodamail.co.za gestuur word.

AUGUSTUS • INNI-BERG FEES Inwoners kan nou

reeds 1 en 2 Augustus in hul dagboeke merk, want dan is dit weer tyd vir die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se gewilde Inni­Berg Fees. Soos gewoonlik sal daar weer heelwat wees om na uit te sien en te geniet. Buiten die stallet­ • SKENK BLOED BY TRIEGIES jies, sal die vermaakprogram weer luister aan Laerskool Louis Trichardt hou hul jaarlikse die geleentheid gee met optredes deur Armand Hofmeyr en Kwaggabees die Vrydag en Ricus bloedskenkdag op Donderdag, 26 Junie, en die SANBD (Suid­Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens) Nel en Mwah die Saterdag. Toegang beloop R50 per volwassene en sal vanaf 08:00 tot 17:00 gereed wees om die hoërskoolleerling, R30 vir laerskoolleerlinge en bloedskenkers by te staan. Een eenheid skenkerbloed kan help om tot drie is gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Vir meer inlig­ mense se lewens te red. Vir elke Triegie wat een ting, skakel Hannes by tel. 073 257 8671. ouer motiveer om te kom bloed skenk, gaan die • ‘N AAND SAAM MET DIE skool ‘n Yo­Yo gee om dankie te sê. BESTES VAN DIE BESTES Die Vir meer inligting kan die skool by 015 516 gemeenskap kan solank hulle vere regskud vir 5151 geskakel word. ‘n groot kultuurgeleentheid, “Die beste van die • SPCA HOLDS AGM All members of beste”, wat bestaan uit trefferliedjies vanuit ver­ the public are invited to attend the annual general skillende eras. Dit is die gesamentlike revue van meeting (AGM) of the SPCA Louis Trichardt on Hoërskool en Laerskool Louis Trichardt op 4, 5 en 6 Augustus en begin elke aand om 18:30. Friday, 27 June. Die verskillende kaartjiepryse is R30, R40 The meeting will start at 16:30 at the Metho­ en R50, maar die gala­aand op 6 Augustus kos dist Church at Munnik Street 97. Persons wishing to make themselves available R100 per kaartjie en sluit ‘n ligte ete in.



Die Volle Evangelie Kerk in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) hou vanjaar hulle tweede Kersmark vanaf 24 tot 29 November. Die Kersmark vind plaas op die kerkterrein op die hoek van Burger­ en Krugerstraat en duur Maandag tot Vrydag vanaf 10:00 tot 20:00 en Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 13:00. “Ons het weer besondere uitstallers vanuit die verste hoeke van ons land. Kom maak jou mandjie vol vir die feestyd met besonderse, unieke geskenke. Daar gaan ‘n teetuin wees met heerlike bederfkos en volop veilige parkering,” sê die gemeente. Vir meer inligting, skakel Heleen by tel. 072 550 4614 of stuur ‘n e­pos aan admin@krismis­ kous.co.za of besoek http://www.krismiskous. co.za/


• SKIETOEFENING Die Soutpansberg

Skietklub nooi alle belangstellendes inwoners om hierdie komende Saterdag, 31 Mei, hul skietoe­ fening by te woon. Daar sal van 08:00 tot 15:00 geskiet word by die ou kommando skietbaan buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt). “Kom stel jou jaggeweer in vir die nuwe jagseisoen,” was die klub se uitnodi­ ging. Toegang vir klublede is gratis en beloop R30 vir nie­lede. Vir meer inligting kan Ampie du Toit geskakel word by tel. 015 516 4094.


Laerskool Messina se 15de Bulletjie Rugbydag word op 31 Mei op Tshipise aangebied. Uitstallers (vir alle artikels behalwe kos) is welkom teen R300 per stalletjie. Vir meer inligting of om stalletjie te bespreek, skakel die skoolkantoor by 015 534 2144.


bied op Saterdag, 19 Julie, ‘n gholfdag aan in samewerking met Rawson Eiendomme. Borge kan ‘n putjie koop teen R1 500 elk, waar hulle kan adverteer. Die formaat is ‘n vierbal­alliansie (twee tellings) en die inskry­ wing beloop R250 per persoon. R50 word aan die gholfklub oorbetaal vir baanfooie. Daar is groot pryse te wen wat deur Rawson as hoofborg geborg word. Na afloop van die kompetisie kan spelers en hulle metgeselle ‘n kaas­en­wyn ete geniet. Daar sal ook ‘n veiling plaasvind, alles ten bate van die Hervormde Kerk Musina­ge­ meente. Vir meer inligting, skakel Rina Fourie by tel. 079 938 5810.

NG Soutpansberg


Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg nooi inwoners na hul Pinksterreeks vanaf 8 tot 12 Junie. Die dienste word waargeneem deur die bekende

ds. André van Zyl en almal is welkom. Tema: Die Heilige Gees bring ‘n Goeie Boodskap Plek: Kerkgebou

(op die hoek van Stubbs- en Andersonstraat)

Tyd: Sondag (09:00)

Maandag tot Donderdag (18:30) “Kom geniet lekker eetgoedjies saam met ons na die tyd,” nooi die gemeente. Kontaknommers: Ds. Rudolph Botha (084 366 9983) of kerkkantoor 015 516 4366

12 6 June 2014



6 Junie 2014


Ridgeway Independent School all supported Tekkie Tax! Photo supplied.

Students from Ridgeway College made wearing tekkies an art form. Photo supplied. Staff from Premjee & Sons also wore a pair of tekkies to work last Friday in support of national FNB employees showed their support. Photo Tekkie Tax day. supplied. Charity

Tekkie Tax Day 2014 T

hank you for participating in our Tekkie Tax campaign this year. It was a first for us here in Makhado (Louis Trich­ ardt) and a huge learning curve but, as expected, the project was lots of fun and a big success. A special thank you to the schools that partici­ pated. Laerskool Louis Trichardt is ‘n warmhartige skool wat Tekkie dag in iets besonders verander het met hul blikkieskosprojek. ‘n Hele paar organ­ isasies in die dorp gaan hierby baat. Baie dankie daarvoor. Soutpansberg Primary went all out and sold a lot of stickers and really made us feel welcome. These two schools and their respective principals’ enthu­

siasm played a vital role in the success of this day. Ridgeway Independent School, Ridgeway Kleuters van Tjoekepaf Kleuterskool het Soutpansberg Primary also participated in the College and Tannie Anna’s Tjoekepaf Pre-school Tekkiedag 100% ondersteun en gewys dat Tekkie Tax project by wearing tekkies with were also 100% on board and most of their learners welsyn hul na aan die hart lê. Foto verskaf. colourful laces and their stickers to school. bought stickers. Please note - your contributions will make a difference in some families’ lives. To all the companies that contributed and took part in the campaign: May you be blessed for caring. You enable us to render services that are vital in this town. Ons het sonder aankondiging by julle ingestap, plakkers gesmous en selde met leë hande uitgestap. Dit het ons harte weer warm laat klop vir ons dorp se mense. Those of you who did not participate, please take note of the campaign and remember: Your R10 may help colour a life. We know that you are now a loyal and devoted supporter of Tekkie Tax, so make a note in next year’s diary: Die volgende Tekkie Tax dag sal 29 Mei, 2015 wees. But we’ll contact you in time. - SAVF Vrywilligers en amptenare

Louis Trichardt Primary, in addition to sup­ porting the Tekkie Tax project by wearing their stickers, also brought tins of food for their school charity project on Friday

Surat Trading in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) was one of the big local supporters of the Tekkie P&L Hardeware het ‘n blaaskans van al die Tax Sticker project this year. Their whole team Kremetartreëlings geneem en hul ondersteuning supported this charity imitative by buying their stickers and wearing their tekkies to work. getoon. Foto verskaf.


14 6 June 2014


WEEKEND PROGRAM OF EVENTS FRIDAY 6 JUNE 2014: Registration, Fun Ride and Social 12:00 ­ 20:00

Registration at Tourism Info Village

12:00 ­ 14:00

Jacaranda Live Broadcast & Interviews

14:30 ­ 15:45

Line entries open for KFC 10km Mountainbike Fun Ride


KFC 10km Mountainbike Fun Ride starts


KFC 10km MTB Fun Ride Prize Giving - Stage

19:00 ­ 22:00

Pasta and Music

16:00 ­ 22:00

Bar opens

SATURDAY 7 JUNE 2014: 175km, 70km and Kiddies Race 04:30 ­ 06:15

Late entries & 70km Line Entries

06:50 ­ 09:30

175km Stage 1: Tourism Info Village to Waterpoort (53km) Breakfast at Waterpoort


Start 70km at Tourism Info Village to Witvlag road (turn­around route)

09:50 ­ 13:00

175km Stage 2: Waterpoort to Waterpoort Start at Waterpoort (R523). Turn right on the Alldays road (R521). Turn­around at 35km. Lunch at Waterpoort.

11:00 ­ 11:45

KFC Kiddies Race Line entries open

12:00 ­ 14:00

KFC Kiddies Race & Prizegiving


70km Prize giving

13:20 ­ 15:45

175km Stage 3: Waterpoort to Makhado on N1

11:00 ­ 24:00

Bar opens


Supper (potjiekos)


175km Prize giving


Party time!

Top SA names to grace the field Be on the lookout for these well-known cyclists Team Abantu

Defending champ - Nolan Hoffman Nolan Hoffman (29), from Team Abantu, will be participating in this year’s 25th Annual PPC Kremetart Cycling Race and, in doing so, defend his 2013 Kremetart winner’s title. Earlier this year he clinched the coveted first place in the 37th Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay Momentum Cycle Tour. He has been cycling since he was a 14­year­old boy in Groendal, Franschhoek. Known for his sprinting abilities, Hoffman will definitely be one of the competitors to look out for.

Tel: 015 516 3160 www.louistrichardtproperties.co.za



Best of luck to all cyclists taking part in this year’s Kremetart Call us for all your realestate needs. www.louistrichardtproperties.co.za

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Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Find us on:

Join the Zoutpansberger on Facebook / Twitter and get Kremetart updates throughout the day!

Several members of Team Aban­ tu (meaning the ‘people’s team’) will be competing for a spot on the podium of this year’s 25th PPC Kremetart Road Race. This team, in their white, blue and green colours, boasts one of the highest number of podium finish­ es and victories on the domestic racing circuit, making them a formidable team to keep an eye on in this year’s Kremetart.

An-Li Kachelhoffer Team Activate Drinks SA An­Li Kachelhoffer is no stranger to the local cycling circuit, and this year represents her new team, Team Activate Drinks SA. Apart from winning the Kremetart back in 2012, she has also shown great form for the 2014 cycling season by winning the Berg­en­Dale, the Macsteel Carnival City Classic and, more recently, winning the Polok­ wane Annual Mayoral Road Race and finishing third in the 2014 Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay momentum Cycle Tour. Clearly a force to be reckoned with, Kachelhoffer also has aspirations to race on the Eu­ ropean circuit this year. She will be supported by husband Hanco Kachelhoffer (third­place winner of the 2012 Kremetart) who will be competing in the Kremetart MTB XCO race on Sunday.


6 Junie 2014


WEEKEND PROGRAM OF EVENTS SUNDAY 8 JUNE 2014: Kremetart Mountain Bike XCO Challenge 06:30

Line Entries open – All Categories


Entries close for the Sub Juniors and younger (age 10 – 14)


Sub Juniors, Nippers & Sprogs Race start


Entries close for all other categories


Youth Race start


All other categories Race start


Prize giving

06h00 - 08h30 13h30 - 15h00



12h00 - 15h00


06h00 - 08h30 13h30 - 15h00

1. Be patient! 2. Wait until it is safe to overtake a cyclist 3. Always check your blind spot before changing direction 4. Don’t hoot - You’re to startle the cyclists 5. Treat cyclists with respect and courtesy. The rider in front of you, could be your friend or family member so it pays to take care.

Saturday 8 June – Road CLOSED at 6:00 ROAD


Info centre entrance to N1

05:00-08:00 and 15:00-18:00

N1 Circle

06:30-07:30 / 08:00-08:15 13:30-16:00

Witvlag & Bluegums-

06:00-08:00 / 08:30-11:00

poort turn off


Waterpoort turn off

06:00-08:30 / 13:30-15:00

Musina turn off

06:00-08:30 / 13:30-15:00

Dzanani turn off

06:00-08:30 / 13:30-15:00

Traffic lead vehicle leaves 20min before race starts to make sure road is clear and safe before every start. Ambulance lead, after sweeper road opens when past points. R523 (Waterpoort to Waterpoort) 12:00-15:00 R521 (Alldays to Vivo)

06h30 - 07h30 08h00 - 08h15 13h30 - 16h00

HB Kruger - Team Bonitas Pro Cycling



06h00 - 08h00 08h30 - 11h00 13h30 - 16h00


Fast becoming one of the rising stars of the South African cycling circuit, the 22­year­old HB Kruger from Potchefstroom will be cycling for Bonitas Pro Cycling this coming Kremetart weekend. Some of Kru­ ger’s podium victories include Tour de Plett (1st), Le Coq Sportiff MTB Tour (2nd overall), Knysna Oyster Festival (3rd), Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (5th).

David Maree - Team Abantu Another team member of the “peo­ ple’s team”, David Maree, will also be taking on this year’s gruelling 175 km Kremetart Race. He recently clinched a victory in the Annual Mayoral Road Race held in Polokwane in May. In addition, Maree is no stranger to the Kremetart, holding the 2012 winner’s title.

Damon Kalvari Race Ambassador Did you know? Damon Kalvari of 5FM fame will be the race ambassador for the 2014 PPC Kremetart Cycling Race. Kalvari’s appointment is one way of creating a more memorable race, which is turning 25 this year. Kalvari, who is an ex­road runner suffering from lower­back injuries, got into cycling purely by chance in 2011 when he was invit­ ed to participate in a mountain bike race in Kwa­Zulu Natal. He will also be taking part in this year’s Kremetart and has followed a rigorous training programme to prepare for the coming week­ end. “I have stopped eating chocolate, and I have almost cut out fizzy drinks completely. I’m getting there,” said Kalvari earlier this year. Spectators or fans can follow Kalvari’s race progress on CliffCentral.com, or via his WeChat channel.

16 6 June 2014


Lekker kerrie-en-rys het honger mae gevul by Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) se basaar op 30 Mei. Ons Tuiste bestuurder Kittie de Buin (middel) bedank die vroue van die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente vir die kerrie-en-rys. Boere van die hele omgewing het mildelik groente (en proteas) geskenk om by die basaar van Ons Tuiste op 30 Mei verkoop te word. Hier is van die helpers wat die groente verkoop het. Van links na regs is mnr. Wim Botha, me. Kittie de Bruin (bestuurder), me. Karin Viljoen, mnr. Chris Breytenbach en mnr. WAS Nel. Fondsinsameling

Ons Tuiste vier fees

The new C-Class. Limited Launch Edition Technology Package.

Die koektafel by Ons Tuiste het behoorlik ge­ kreun onder die groot hoeveelheid heerlike gebak tydens die basaar op 30 Mei. Me. Kittie de Bruin (links) bedank die vroue van die Agapé Christensentrum vir die gebak. Daar was ook ‘n pannekoektafel wat deur Ons Tuiste se inwoners bedryf is.

Discover the best. Discover the new C-Class. Select our special introductory Technology Package before the 13th of June. Experience ultramodern drive systems like Driving Assistance PLUS, LED Intelligent Lighting, and Head-Up Display. The Technology Package proves that the best knows no alternative. To book a test-drive contact the dealer below or visit www.mercedes-benz.co.za/c-class

Standard with the new PremiumDrive Maintenance Plan. Finance Provided by Mercedes-Benz Finance and *Insurance, a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd., an Authorised Financial Services Provider (Licence no. 18 604) and Credit Provider (Licence nr. NCRCP80). *Underwritten by either Regent Insurance Company Ltd. (FSB. 25 511) or Alexander Forbes Insurance Company Ltd. (Licence nr. 30414). Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African Market. The Special Introductory Offer valid on all orders placed up until 13th June 2014.

Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Mercurius Motors Polokwane · C/ODealer N1 Address. and Nelson Mandela rd Polokwane Tel.: 015 299 9500 · http://www.mercedes-benz.co.za Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Sales Manager - Jaco Coetzee 015 299 9504 Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercedes-Benz Dealer Name Dealer Address. Tel: > • < Mercurius Motors Tzaneen · 38 Peace str Tzaneen · Tel.: 015 307 5020 · e-mail - jcoetzee@cargomotors.co.za Sales Manager - Eunice Mangena - 015 307 5020

Henri Boshoff, voormalige hoofseun van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, slaag sy meestersgraad met lof en ontvang ‘n M.Sc in finansiële wiskunde op 22 Mei van die Noordwes Universiteit se Potchefstroom kampus. Henri het in Januarie vanjaar as data-analis by ABSA in Johannesburg begin werk. Foto verskaf.


6 Junie 2014



Piet Joubert Voortrekkers bedank gholfdag se helpers en borge


ie Generaal Piet Joubert Voor­ trekkerkommando van Makha­ do (Louis Trichardt) het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor al die borge wat van hul gholfdag op 17 Mei ‘n sukses help maak het. Dank gaan aan Robot Elektries, Specialised Oil, Olive Tree, Adrian Saunders, Just Water, Infanit Oasis, Silverton Radiators, Da Silva Apteek, Peka Rekenaars, Lieben­ berg Prokureurs, Fig Tree, Pemico, Planet DVD, Burco, Bridge Auto, BP Petrol, Elegant Fuel, Die Waw­ iel, GM Imperial, LTT Refrigera­

tion Solutions, Woelwaters, LTT Advanced Cooling Systems, LTT Cartridges, C Jay’s, Daidas, Salon Finesse, Equite Beauty, Lalapanzi Hotel, Ben Lavin Natuurreservaat, Afrox, Werda Toyota, Water 2000, Morgi Erlank, Ocean Basket, Fire Fly Liquor Store, LTT Beer Distributors, Liquor Zone, Destill, Palm Motors, Sophie’s Choice, Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal, PD Otto Elektries, Absolutely Ice & Ice Cream, Davonnies en Gerhard du Plessis. - Rina Eybers (kommandoleier)

Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za


Thanks to all the sponsors who made Ultimate Challenge possible


he organisers of the first ever Ultimate Challenge in Musina thanked the following sponsors who made the competition that was held at the Messina Rugby Club on Saturday, 24 May, not only a reality, but also a success. The sponsors were: Matoppi, Boetie Visser, RSA Panel Beaters, Brief Debo Motors, Inland Tool Hire, TC Verkoeling, Hosemaster, MAC, Build-It, Groenewald Elektries, Ultimate Kinetic Worx Team, Etek, iermee wil ons graag vir Cheryl re geskenk het. Dit word opreg Group 5, Advance Fire Suppression, Parkin-Pretorius bedank vir die waardeer. Basil Read, Wiets Beukes, Calabash Moedersdaggeskenkies wat aan ons gegee is. - Die inwoners van Laat Lente da Thirst, CAC, Cargo Services, Dankie ook aan die persone wat en Herfsakker (Makhado / Louis CNC Mejik, Colour in Balance, die broodrolletjies en avokadope­ Trichardt) Johan Ellis, Foodzone, Supa Bake, Manie Gerner, Matswale Con­ struction, Klein Bolayi, Sand River Lodge, Supa Quick, Wessel Visser, Ludwig von Maltitz, Messina Toyo­ ta, Musina Hotel, Musina Shipping, Reeftainer, Gateway Truck Stop, Gunther’s Guest House, Marina Libert, OBC, Coca Cola (Polok­

“Ons Moedersdag was baie spesiaal”


wane), Super Signs LTT, Fishman, Gazette, the Zoutpansberger, CY Foods, Justine, Laerskool Messina, Rina Fourie, Eden Youth & Beauty, Salon Isabella, Headlines, Spur Mu­ sina, Die Doillie, Altra Cosa, Party Planet, dr. J. Uys, Meine, Serendip­ ity, La Cheri, Bully’s, SuperSpar, Messina Apteek, Oubaas, Bakgat Biltong, Tshipise, Dollie Nel, Dries van der Walt, Ansie du Plessis, dr. Swane­poel & Vennote, Harry Smith, Bennie Fourie, MAC Rugby Club (for the venue and security), all the officials, photographers and everyone who participated in the challenge (young and young at heart). We would like to thank everyone who made this day a great suc­ cess. Every hand that worked, the brain and manpower that went into planning this day, all our sponsors, builders and planners, you are great! - Ultimate Kinetic Worx (Musina)


Dankie vir hulp tydens die brand


oorde kan nie beskryf hoe dankbaar ons is vir al die geb­ ede, gedagtes, hulp en ondersteuning wat ons ontvang het op Woensdag­ aand, 28 Mei, tydens die brand waar ons besigheid se fabriek, Deo Duce Chemicals, in vlamme opgegaan Die gemeenskap het vanjaar soveel handwerk bygedra vir Ons Tuiste het nie. Ouetehuis se basaar op 30 Mei dat die eetsaal omskep moes word in ‘n So baie mense het uitgereik na uitstalruimte. Hier geniet basaargangers die handwerk op die tafels. ons. Ons wil met uitsondering dank­

ie sê vir die Levubu-gemeenskap, tannie Annemarie Jordaan, Ralda van Wyk, die Thohoyandou Brand­ weer, Anlerie en Francois, Nico, Chris en Anel, Stoffel Joubert en alle boere wat daar hulp verleen het. Ons ken egter nie almal by name nie, maar jul weet wie jul is. Jul bystand word opreg waardeer. - Hendrik en Annica Burger

Daisy en die nuwe buurman se gekorswel is lankal iets van die verlede en Daisy help hom ewe fluks om die nodige sertifisering vir die plaas te kry. Die gesprekke het duidelik nie net oor die plaas se probleme gegaan nie en Daisy is ‘n ervare “padbouer”, sou mens die spreekwoord oor die man se hart in ag neem.

se “bling” verskuif van haar rok na haar oë “D

aisy, die afgelope maand was van die beste in my hele lewe,” sê Bernard in Daisy se nek. “Maar dit was ook een van die besigste maande ooit.” “Jy het my bygestaan en op die hande gedra, my gehelp met GlobalGAP en elke aand vir my kos gemaak...” “Ag, Bernard, jy weeet mos kosmaak is vir my ‘n plesier en glad nie werk nie! En dis juis so lekker om kos te maak vir iemand met gesofistikeerde smaak, iemand wat my kos waardeer en nie dink die wêreld begin en eindig by rys, vleis en aartappels nie.” “Wat ek wou sê, Daisy, is dat ek jou graag wil uitvat vir ete vanaand. Trek vir jou ‘n swart nommertjie aan en dan kom haal ek jou so sesuur. Maar jy moet uithang, hoor. Bling van bo tot onder.” Bernard gee vir Daisy ‘n skrams soen op die wang en, voor sy ‘n woord kan uitkry, ry hy in ‘n stofwolk weg. “Gmf,” dink Daisy. “Waar op aarde het jy nou al gesien mens dress op vir ‘n ete by enige van die restaurante hier rond? Die man het regtig nog nie die omgewing leer ken nie...” Stiptelik sesuur stop die Land Cruiser by Dai­ sy se blyplek. Sy reageer doelbewus nie dadelik op Bernard se klop nie. Sy rek die oomblik uit totdat sy doodseker is dat sy volle aandag op haar binnekoms is, dat hy die volle effek van

haar voorkoms sal waardeer. Bernard is met stomheid geslaan. Voor hom staan ‘n droomvrou: ‘n klassieke swart rok wat op die regte plekke aan haar kurwes kleef, haar blonde hare hang sysag en reguit teen haar rug af, swart sykouse en swart spykerhakke met groot diamanté versiersels op die tone, glinste­ rende diamanté oorbelle en halssnoer. “Jy kan nie só uitgaan nie, Daisy!” sê Bernard ontsteld. “Daar behoort ‘n wet daarteen te wees, ek kan nie manalleen so saam met jou uitgaan nie...” “Bernard, het jy koors of iets? Wat gaan met jou aan? Ek is heeltemal kuis aangetrek!” Daisy se lip begin bewe. Bernard kyk vir Daisy aan asof sy pas uit ‘n vreemde vlieënde voorwerp geklim het. Dan maak hy sy keel skoon. “Nee Daisy, moet asseblief net nie huil nie! Ek is vreeslik jammer ek het myself so vrot uitgedruk. Wat ek eintlik bedoel het, is dat jy vreeslik mooi lyk en ek weet nie hoe ek alleen al die wolwe van jou af gaan weghou nie!” Net toe kom Ousus om die hoek gestap, om­ ring van al die plaashonde. “Jitte, Daisy, maar jy lyk pragtig! Jy ook Bernard, ewe gekoller en getaai. O, en Bernard, ek het die goedjies wat jy voor gevra het sommer agter op jou bakkie gelaai, hoor. Julle moet die ete geniet...” en sy verdwyn pad-af met al die honde. “Nou toe kom, Daisy. Ek is nou oor die ergste skok. Kom, ons het nog ‘n hele entjie voor ons kan ontspan.” Daisy se gesig is die ene vraag­ tekens. Iets is nie heeltemal pluis nie. Haar agterdog word nog groter toe hulle

terugry na Bernard se plaas. Hy stop by die vliegveld en help Daisy om met haar nouslu­ itende rok en hoëhakskoene uit die bakkie te klim. Hy hou haar elmboog vas terwyl hulle aanstap vliegtuig toe. “Waar het jy nou weer gesê gaan ons eet?” vis Daisy nuuskierig. Bernard lag net. “Nee, Daisy, ek het niks gesê nie. Maar ek kan jou solank sê dat dit nie aan hierdie kant van die Soutpansberg is nie. Ek kry net gou die goed in die bakkie en dan kan ons gaan.” Vir die eerste halfuur van die vlug kry Ber­ nard nie ‘n woord in nie. Daisy babbel aanme­ kaar van pure senuweeagtigheid. Sy vertel vir Bernard hoe lieflik die son ondergaan, sy vertel van die eerste keer toe Plore gevlieg het, sy ver­ tel hoe bang haar pa was vir vlieg. Later begin sy sing “Fly me to the moon...” Midrand se liggies kompeteer met Daisy se bling toe hulle by Grand Central land. In die lughawegebou wag ‘n man in ‘n swart uniform hulle in. Hy pak die tasse agter in ‘n swart Mer­ cedes en wag dat Daisy en Bernard hulle sit kry en hulle gordels aan het voordat hy vir elkeen ‘n glas Franse sjampanje skink. “I have spoken to the restaurant manager, Dr Young. They are aware that you may be a little later than your original booking time. But we should make it in good time to the Saxon; just sit back, relax and enjoy your wine.” “Die Saxon? Die Saxon?” dink Daisy, en skielik is sy vreeslik bly dat sy soveel moeite met haar voorkoms gedoen het. (Deel 2 volg.)

Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe


Johannes 1:1-13


ns is almal kinders van die duis­ ternis totdat God ons harte ve­ rander en dit vir ons moontlik maak om van ons sondes te bekeer en in Jesus Christus te glo as Here en Verlosser. Dan, soos die Bybel sê, word ons uit die duisternis geneem en aangeneem in God se familie. Wanneer dit gebeur noem ons God Abba Vader (Romeine 8:15). Die woord “Abba” was ‘n spesiale naam wat kinders in Israel gebruik het vir hul vaders. Ons kan sê dit is soos “dierbare pa”. Almal wat gered word, word aangeneem as seuns en dogters van God. Dan sê die Skrif word ons “erf­ gename saam met Christus.” (Rom. 8:17). Dit beteken dat al die geeste­ like skatte wat aan Christus behoort is ook ons s’n. Ons het ‘n huis in die hemel. Ons sal Christus van aang­ esig tot aangesig sien. God sal ons trane afvee en ons sal Hom vir ewig geniet. Die Here sê in 2 Kor. “En Ek sal vir julle ‘n Vader wees, en julle sal vir My seuns en dogters wees, sê die Here, die Almagtige.” Is jy deel van God se familie? Indien nie vra God om vandag in jou lewe te kom en jou Sy kind te maak. Doen wat Johannes 1:12 sê en jy word ‘n kind van die lewende God. - 079 5168303 Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange­leent­­ hede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.

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18 6 June 2014



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Nicole Joubert (née Rudolph), `n oudleerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het tydens die afgelope Herfs-gradeplegtigheid aan die Universiteit van Pretoria die graad MSc (Agric) Plantpatologie met lof verwerf. Nicole, wat tans as navorsingsassistent aan die universiteit werk, se navorsingsprojek het gehandel oor die biologiese beheer van `n swamsiekte veroorsaak deur Rhizoctonia Solani, wat wortelvrot by mielie saailinge veroorsaak. Die studie het ook gefokus op bakterieë wat plantgroei in mielies stimuleer. Nicole het lof vir haar projek van sover as Frankryk ontvang en het in Junie die geleentheid om die resultate van haar Meesterstudie voor te dra by die ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) simposium wat in Skotland gehou word.

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10 Indaba flats, Protea street

To advertise your Father’s Day specials, contact Pieter, George or Yolanda at 015 516 4996

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6 Junie 2014


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Paper, Stationery, Cartridges, Stamps

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PFB-Agent 516 5024

LEGALS In the Estate of the Late Lenie Johanna Kruger, Identity No: 320321 0070 18 8. Estate No: 2476/2013, Last Address: 46 Burger Street, Louis Trichardt, who died on 25th October 2013. Cred­ itors and debtors having claims against the above mentioned Estate must lodge it with the Execu­ tor within THIRTY (30) DAYS from date of pub­ lication hereof. Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naude, Attorneys for Executor, 31 Songozwi Street, Louis Trichardt, REF: Mr Vise/ KRU 70/2 In the Estate of the Late Dolores Alma Pennells, Identity No: 350813 0087 08 2.Estate No. 20264/2014, Last Address: No 2 Sint Jansberg Flats, Naboom Street, Louis Trichardt, who died on 17th April 2014. Creditors and debtors having claims against the above men­ tioned Estate must lodge it with the Executor with­ in THIRTY (30) DAYS from date of publication hereof. Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naude, Attorneys for Executor, 31 Songoz­ wi Street, Louis Trichardt, REF: Mr Vise/PEN 27/1 In the Estate of the Late Daphne Schnehage, Iden­ tity No: 190227 0045 087. Estate No: 20262/2014, Last Address: Cloudend Hotel, N1, Louis Trichardt, who died on 25th April 2014. Creditors and debtors having claims against the above men­ tioned Estate must lodge it with the Executor with­ in THIRTY (30) DAYS from date of publication hereof. Coxwell, Steyn, Vise & Naude, Attorneys for Executor, 31 Songo­ zwi Street, Louis Trich­ ardt, REF: Mr Vise/SCH 141/1 In the High Court of South Africa Gauteng Division, Pretoria Case No: 13146/2013 In the matter between: First Rand Bank Limited, Plaintiff and Sun Farms CC, 1st Defendant and Sean Patrick Talbot McGaffin, 2nd Defendant

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE OF a Writ of Execution issued out of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria dated 5 June 2013 and the ju­ dicial attachment dated 22 July 2013 the follow­ ing goods will be sold in execution by the Sheriff Soutpansberg, Tel: 015 516 0902 on 18 June 2014 at 11H00 at Plot 1, Vondeling, Louis Trichardt, without reserve to the highest bidder: 6x Desks 1x Mecer Computer,

Screen, Keybord, Mouse 5x Office Chairs 3x Steel Cabinets 1x Samsung Microwave Oven 1x Electric Fridge (Name Unknown) 1x Russel Hobbs Electri­ cal Kettle 1x Kitchen Cupboard 1x Massey Ferguson Tractor 475 1x Bell Lodger Model 120 x 2 (Houtlaaier) 1x Hoffman Water pump 1x Fork Lift 3x Steel Tables 2x Multitrip Machines 2x Cross Cutting Ma­ chines

1x Tecnica Sander 1x Doublelock Machine 1x Diesel/Petrol Towing Tank 1x Massey Ferguson Trac­ tor (Model Unknown) TERMS: Strictly Cash Dated at Pretoria on this the 21st day of May 2014. Rothmann Phahlamohlaka INC, Attorneys for Applicant, 927 Justice Mahomed Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, PO Box 2233, Brooklyn Square, 0075, Tel: 012 460 0220, Fax: 0866 303 104, E-mail: tiaan@rrn.co.za, REF: S J ROTHMANN/ SM/FNB2/0523

To develop and manage a system of national parks that represents the biodiversity, landscapes and associated heritage assets of South Africa for the sustainable use and benefit of all.



Remuneration: C4 Paterson Salary band on a Total Cost to Company of R16 758.29 per month (as the incumbent will stay outside the park) Key performance areas: • Implement EPWP projects (eg Working for Water, Working for Land, Nurseries, Working for Wetlands) managed through the Biodiversity Social Projects (BSP) at Mapungubwe National Park • Provide financial management in a manner that will ensure both optimal outcomes and a clean audit • Prepare and manage the Annual Plan of Operation (APO), operational plans, long-term treatment and rehabilitation plans • Oversee financial budgets for projects assigned to junior personnel • Communicate and liaise with all stakeholders and partners • Develop the community and build capacity within rural communities • Undertake strategic and operational planning of the project • Appoint, coordinate and mentor contractors and their workers • Map work areas through the use of appropriate tools and software (Arcview) • Manage the contract tendering process • Undertake in-field monitoring of contract/work sites of BSP teams • Ensure and coordinate contractor training, supervision and capacity building • Control quality and production of contract and task-based operations • Comply with programme standards/norms and Health and Safety requirements • Manage assets and stores • Monitor and submit reports on the projects’ contracting progress, including GIS-based data capture and formal reporting • Coordinate and manage the rehabilitation/commercial nursery. Requirements: • A 3-year Bachelor’s degree or diploma in Conservation or an appropriate equivalent qualification, plus proven relevant experience • Knowledge of and experience in the implementation of Expanded Public Works Programmes (EPWP) • A minimum of 3 years’ relevant operational experience in alien vegetation clearing, land rehabilitation or contractor management • Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) • Negotiation skills and the ability to interact with private landowners • Basic knowledge of Human Resources Management • The ability to work under pressure and long hours • A Code 08 driver’s licence and 2x4 driving experience are essential • Working knowledge of and experience in the Occupational Health Safety and Safety Act and COIDA • Computer literacy.


Remuneration: Basic salary based on a B4 Paterson scale of R6 329.46 per month, including housing allowance of R1 923.00 (as the incumbent will stay outside the park) Key performance areas: • Receive and categorise all documentation received from Project Managers • Complete and ensure all contractors and training claims are correct • Check documentation for correctness and completeness (S&T claims, private vehicle kilometres, telephone claims, flight requests, accommodation requests, log sheets (hired vehicles) and timesheets, as well as leave applications of all project staff • Capture data regarding rented vehicles (kilometres, fuel usage, driver info) • Liaise with Human Resources and Finance • Undertake general office management and administration • Take minutes and liaise with service providers • Compile weekly and monthly reports. Requirements: • A completed Matric or equivalent qualification • 2 years’ experience in general administration and office management • Excellent communication skills (both written and verbal) • Computer literacy (Word, Outlook, Excel). The above are fixed-term contract positions up to 31 March 2015, renewable by mutual agreement. Candidates who meet the above requirements should forward their applications, detailed CVs and copies of qualifications to the Human Resources Department, PO Box 787, Pretoria 0001, or fax: (012) 426-5588 or e-mail: Jobapplications@sanparks.org Closing date: 19 June 2014 If you have not had any response within 14 days of the closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful. SANParks subscribes and is committed to the principles of employment equity and equal opportunities, and appointment will be made in terms of SANParks’ Employment Equity policy. Preference will be given to PDI/HDSA candidates. 643 Leyds Street Muckleneuk 0002

PO Box 787 Pretoria 0001

Tel. (012) 426-5000


Central Reservations: (012) 428-9111 reservations@sanparks.org www.sanparks.org Human Communications 109630



TYDELIKE AFLOSPOS: SENIOR FASE - AFRIKAANS 1 Augustus 2014 - 30 November 2014

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers


Aansoeke moet gedoen word op LPDE 1 vorms met gewaarmerkte afskrifte van akademiese en professionele kwalifikasie, registrasie by SACE, ID dokument, 2 resente getuigskrifte en ‘n kurrikulum vitae.

Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: 13 Junie 2014 om 12:00 Handig aansoeke in by Laerskool Louis Trichardt se administratiewe kantore.

* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 16:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00

20 6 June 2014


ZOUTPANSBERGER Links: Daar is nie baie skole se matriekklassie wat na 55 jaar nog reünie kan hou nie. “Dit wil gedoen wees,” sê mnr. Martin du Plessis van Makhado (Louis Trichardt). Hy is deel van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se 1959-matriekklas wat eerskomende Saterdag, 6 Junie, hul 55ste reünie by Weesgerus vier. Die meegaande foto is in hul matriekjaar geneem. Voor, van links na regs, is M. Visagie, J. Coetzee, L. Endemann, C. Vercuiel, M. van Coller, W. van Rooyen, E. van Wyk en M. Eloff. In die tweede ry is A. Fourie, C. van Tonder, C. Bosch, E. Brönn, mnr. S. M. N. Brönn, S. Brönn, C. Swanepoel, C. Buitendach en M. Roos. In die derde ry is A. Badenhorst, A. van Heerden, A. Duvenhage, W. Nel, K. Joubert, M. Bezuidenhout, L. van Rensburg, L. van Zyl en G. Knoetze. In die vierde ry is M. van Tonder, M. Nel, L. Steenkamp, L. Engelbrecht, M. du Toit, H. Snyman, L. Venter en D. Ferreira. In die vyfde ry is P. Marx, G. van der Linde, W. Taylor, J. Marais, T. Botha, T. Kruger en P. Venter. In die sesde ry is H. Cloete, W. Knox, J. Schutte, B. Judels, C. Koen, R. Schlieben, M. Espach en B. Liebenberg. Agter is C. Lombard, W. Grobler, H. Boshoff, T. van Aarde, A. Roux, B. van Schalkwyk, G. Geyser, C. de Swart, A. Hibbert, I. Haasbroek, P. Cloete, G. Venter, M. du Plessis, A. Holtzkampf, T. Schwelnus, G. Pretorius en N. Spaumer. Foto verskaf.

Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

APPROVED 2014/15 -2016/17 IDP AND 2014/15 BUDGET Makhado Local Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of section 34 of the Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) and section 22 (a) i of the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003), that the final 2014/15 IDP review and 2014/15 Budget had been adopted at a sitting of Council on the 29th of May 2014. Copies of the approved IDP/Budget are available on request at Makhado Municipal Offices, 1st Floor, Office C004 and Ground Floor, Office B041 and also at all Municipal Regional Offices (Dzanani, Vuwani and Waterval). The approved IDP/Budget may be accessed electronically via the Municipal website at www. makhado.gov.za.


Die SAVF (Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie) en Help-’n-Kind het op 2 Junie kontant en niebederfbare voedselprodukte van Laerskool Louis Trichardt ontvang. Die leerlinge het met die Tekkiedag van verlede Vrydag die mooi bedrag van R6 990 ingesamel. Saam met ‘n klompie leerlinge verskyn, van links na regs, me. Chantel Steyn (SAVF maatskaplike werk student), me. Annekie Jandrell (SAVF vrywilliger), mnr. Louis Linde (skoolhoof) en me. Petro de Wet (hoof: menslike hulpbronne).

MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT & PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED BASIC ASSESSMENT FOR THE FARM VERLOOREN 409 MS COAL BED METHANE (CBM) PILOT TESTING, MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 54(2) of GNR 543 of 18 June 2010, published under section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act no. 107 of 1998), for an application for environmental authorisation, an application for an Integrated Water Use License under the National Water Act (Act no. 36 of 1998), as well as an application for an EMPR Amendment of the approved Environmental Management Programme (EMPR) in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resource Development Act (Act no. 28 of 2002) (MPRDA) to the Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA) for the Proposed Coal Bed Methane Pilot Testing as described below. Proposed Development: The Proposed CBM Pilot Testing will take place on the Farm Verlooren 409 MS, Makhado Municipality, Limpopo Province. CBM is gas that is extracted from the coal seam which can be used for domestic, industrial and/or power generation purposes. The project is the second phase of exploration and will involve the drilling of 2 pilot wells, with a possible ramp up to 3 more, based on the success of the first 2 wells. No hydraulic stimulation will be done during the pilot drilling. Water will be produced (pumped out) which reduces the hydrostatic pressure that will liberate the coal seam gas and enable it to flow out of the well. The produced water will be piped to an evaporation pond and the dried salts will be disposed of at a hazardous treatment or landfill facility. The abstracted gas will then be flared off. As part of the planning process for the proposed project, the following authorizations must be obtained from the relevant authorities: Environmental Authorization by means of a Basic Assessment process for Listed Activities in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998) (NEMA) and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2010 – Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET Reference Number 12/1/9/1-V68 NEAS Ref: LIM/EIA/0000869/2014) Environmental Management Programme (EMPR) amendment: In accordance with the requirements of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) and the regulations there under, (Regulation 527 of 2004) as regulated by the Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA), the existing approved EMPR (30/5/2/3/2/99ER) will be amended to include the proposed phase 2 activities. Water Use License (WUL): An application in terms of section 40 of the National Water Act, 36 of 1998 (NWA) will be submitted to the Department of Water Affairs Limpopo Province for consideration. Individuals and /or groups with an interest in or affected by the project are invited to register as interested and affected parties(I&APs) by submitting their details to Exigo by the 7th July 2014 and to address any queries they may have to Attention: Reneé Kruger Address: Exigo Sustainability (Pty) Ltd, Postnet 74, Private Bag X07, Arcadia, 0007. Telephone: (012) 751 2160 Fax: 086 607 2406. Email: renee@exigo3.com Reference: Verlooren CBM Pilot Testing

DETERMINATION OF CHARGES IN TERMS OF SECTION 75 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT, 2000 AS AMENDED VARIOUS CHARGES - 2014/15 FINANCIAL YEAR In terms of section 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000, as amended, notice is hereby given that the Makhado Municipality in terms of section 75A of the said Act, by Special Resolution dated 29 May 2014, determined amended charges in respect of the following with effect of 1 July 2014: 1. Refuse Removal charges 2. Hawker Rentals 3. Abattoir Inspection fees 4. Determination of Charges for the Issuing of Certificates and Furnishing of Information 5. Control of Inflammable Liquids and Substances 6. Charges for Building Plans and Street Projections 7. Tariff of Licence Fees 8. Control of Temporary Advertisements Pamphlets fees 9. Lease of Activity Room (Library) and other halls not mentioned in any other tariff determination 10. Hire of the Sports Hall on the Central Sports-grounds 11. Hire of the Show Hall 12. Buildings on Show-grounds (Halls and Tea Garden) other than Show Hall and Beer Garden - Tariff of Charges for Ad hoc rentals 13. Beer Garden at Show-grounds: Determination of Tariffs for Ad hoc rentals 14. Library services 15. Cemetery Tariffs 16. Aerodrome 17. Tshikota Hostel Fees 18. Caravan Park fees 19. Swimming Bath fees 20. Street Trading rentals 21. Electricity supply 22. Lease of Tent – ad hoc rentals 23. Rabali Sport Stadium – tariff of charges for ad hoc-rentals 24. Miscellaneous Charges 25. Pound Tariffs The general purport of the Council Resolution is an increase in all the relevant charges in order to cope with increase in the operational costs. The above tariffs have increased by 5,4%, with exception of electricity tariffs which have increased by 7,39% for the 2014/15 financial year with effect from 1 July 2014. 26. Assessment Rates The general purport of the Council Resolution is a 5,3% increase of the existing rate in the rand for respective categories of properties based on the valuations recorded in the 2014-2018 Valuation Roll which will be collected on a monthly basis or annual basis as per the requirements per individual customer. Any person wishing to object to Council’s determinations may do so in writing to reach the Municipal Manager within twenty one (21) days calculated from 6 June 2014. A full recording of each tariff is available on the municipal website, or can be inspected during office hours at the Office of the Chief Financial Officer on the Ground Floor, Civic Center, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado during the municipality’s business hours. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street MAKHADO 0920 Notice No. 34 of 2014 Ref No: 6/1/1(13/14) & 1/1/74 5 June 2014 (Zoutpansberger) 6 June 2014 (Mirror)

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Notice various charges 2014-2015


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Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street Louis Trichardt 0920 Notice No. 102/2014 File No: 15/7/1 05/06 June 2014

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

All enquiries can be directed to the IDP manager or Chief Financial Officer at telephone number (015) 519 3000.


6 Junie 2014


Important Notice

Take note that these roads will be closed Rated as one of the best road races since 2003, the PPC Kremetart Cycle will take place from 6 to 8 June this year. The year 2014 will also mark the race’s 25th anniversary in the picturesque town of Makhado (Louis Trichardt). To ensure the safety of partic­ ipating cyclists, there will be some road closures this year. The main event, the 175 km road race, will set off at 06:50 from the Tourism Info Village on the corner of the N1 and Songozwi Street. The 70km road race will also start from there at 08:30. For motorists, this will mean that the entrance to the Tourism Village and N1 will be partially closed between 05:00 until 08:00, and again from 15:00 until 18:00. The N1 circle (Stubbs Street entrance) will be closed for traffic from 06:30 until 07:30, and from 08:00 until 08:15, and again from 13:30 until 16:00. During these times, motorists will be directed to alternative routes to cross the N1. Motorists will also be able to avoid the part of the N1 between the Info Village and Stubbs Street by making use of Rissik Street. Rissik Street will not be closed for traffic as used to be the case in past Kremetart races, as this leg of the race no longer forms part of it. The first stage of the 175 km race will see

cyclists taking on the 53km over the mountain to Waterpoort. After the 175 km racers are on their way, the 70 km participants will also start on this route. Roads which will be closed for traffic during these two races will be the Witvlag, Bluegums­ poort and Dzanani turn-off (06:00 – 08:00/08:30 – 11:00/13:30 – 16:00). The Waterpoort turn-off from the N1 will be closed for traffic (going between Musina and Makhado/Louis Trichardt) from 06:00 until 08:30 and again from 13:30 until 15:00, which will be during Stages 1 and 3 of the 175 km race and the start and finish of the 70 km race. From Waterpoort, the 175km race will prog­ ress west on the R523 (Waterpoort to Alldays), take a turn and finish at Waterpoort once more. For motorists, this will mean that this road will be closed for traffic between 12:00 until 15:00. (Detailed map and closure times also available on p.14 & 15). The race organisers have indicated that ample provision has been made for local spectators to stop alongside the route. “This is the 25th annual PPC Kremetart Race – it is going to be a special event – and we want everybody to come and support us as well as all the cyclists,” said the organizers this week.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se eerste rubyspan het op 27 Mei vir die eerste keer sedert 2010, en slegs die tweede keer in nege jaar, oortuigend met ‘n telling van 26-14 met Oosskool van Polokwane afgereken. Drieë is gedruk deur Ntsuku Baloyi, Roy Stewart en twee deur Divan van Zyl. Franco Knoetze het twee drieë verdoel en Divan een. Die skool het hul opregte dank uitgespreek teenoor al die borge van hul eerste rugbyspan. Dank gaan aan Ronnie Visser en Walter Gilfillan van Vecto Petroleum vir die afrigters se hemde. Duppie du Plessis van Elmar Boerdery het die eerstespan se truie geborg. In die foto, van links na regs, is Greg Stewart (sporthoof en hoofafrigter van die eerstespan), Louis Linde (skoolhoof), Walter Gilfillan, Duppie, Ronnie Visser, Koos Alberts (hulpafrigter), Jaco van Tonder (hulpafrigter) en Minei le Roux (hulpafrigter). Marthinus Erasmus, ‘n boer van Alldays, was afwesig tydens neem van die foto. Hy het die eerstespan se broeke geborg. Foto verskaf.

Die span wat as die algehele wenners aangewys is van die Ultimate Challenge kompetisie wat op Saterdag, 24 Mei, in Musina aangebied is, was die Messina Shipping Team. Foto verskaf. Deur Isabel Venter

Sweetkliere werk oortyd op Musina Die onlangse Ultimate Kinetic Worx-uitdaging het die sweetkliere behoorlik oortyd laat werk op Musina. Hierdie uitdaging was die eerste van sy soort en is op Saterdag, 24 Mei, by die Messina Rugbyklub aangebied. Die kompetisie het ‘n hardlooproete gevolg, wat gekombineer is met ‘n avontuurs­ tyl hindernisbaan wat deelnemers se fisiese en verstandelike vermoëns op die proef gestel het. Altesaam 192 inskrywings is ontvang - ‘n feit wat die organiseerders se harte bly gemaak het. Fondse wat ingesamel is tydens die kompetisie is aan twee liefdadigheidsorganisasies in Musina geskenk. Daar was verskeie kategorieë waarin al die spanne deelgeneem het. Die MAC Pink Ladies (Daleen Venter, Bertina Kilian, Mimi Basson, Vicki Coetzee en Michelle van der Merwe) was die beste vrouespan. Die Golden Oldies, wat bestaan het uit Adri Rossouw en Brian Kalshoven, is aangewys as die wenners onder die senior mans, terwyl die senior vrouespan van Christa van der Merwe, Heilie Taljaardt, Lidie dos Santos, Alda Rossouw en Liz Selby die eersteplek ingepalm het. Die Racing Turtles is aangewys as die beste senior gemengde span. Hierdie span het bestaan uit Werner Engelbrecht, Amanda Engelbrecht, Peter Masserrati, Charmaine Masserrati en Jenny Greyling. In die juniorafdeling (13 tot 18 jaar) was die beste seunsspan die Gunners (Tafadswa Chitiga, Kudakwashe Madushi, Somadla Nkomo, Nqabutho Njatobo en Nyasha Vuranda). Die meisiespan wat gewen het, was die Battery & Torch-span, wat bestaan het uit Thea Smuts, Louise van Niekerk en Sherise Pieterse. Cargo 1, bestaande uit Ashleigh Lamb, JT van Tonder, Celia-Mari Beukes en Diaan Senekal, was die beste gemengde tienerspan, terwyl die Tierkatte (Karlien, Wessel en Marissa de Coning) die junior gemengde wenspan was. Die algehele wenners van die kompetisie was die Messina Shipping Men’s Team wat die roete en hindernisbaan in ‘n tyd van 32.03 kafgedraf

het. Dié span het bestaan uit Dickson Zhou, Gift Ngolobe, Lincolyn Ndou, Walter Muhera en Phillip Sithole. In die mini-uitdaging vir die juniors was die algehele wenners die span van Tylor en Simone Nel, Heike von Maltitz en Marko van der Merwe. Die besgeklede span was Inland Tool Hire se span, terwyl Venetia Myn se span die prys ontvang het vir die span met die mees oorspronklike naam (LSNVPG – Language, Sex, Nudity, Violence and Parental Guidance). Die oudste deelnemer was Brian Kalshoven. Die span van JemmD is aangewys as die span met die meeste gees. Die span met die meeste uithouvermoë was die Fantastic Four-span.

Casper-John Venter (12), cyclist of Ridgeway Independent School in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), came second in the sub-junior section (13-14 years) of the mountain bike series at the Tour de Lip in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) in April and fourth in the Tour de Lake at Stanford on 17 May. Casper-John will also compete for his school in the Tour de Gat at Phalaborwa on 31 May.


Soutpansberg Gholfklub

The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings

Eie reëlings



IS Punte


R Pretorius

uittel 34


S Collett

uittel 34


M du Plessis


Woensdagspel Datum




Eie reëlings




W Kriel

uittel 38



L van der Merwe

uittel 38



J Fouché




Maandelikse Houespel Weeklikse Byeenkomste

Stoeiers van die Louis Trichardt Stoeiklub vertoon die medaljes wat hul op 24 Mei by die Limpopo Ope Stoeikampioenskappe in Pretoria verwerf het. Die Limpopo Ope is een van die grootste stoeitoernooie wat aangebied word, met 41 klubs en 335 stoeiers wat deelgeneem het. As deel van die Limpopo Ope toernooi is die LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) terselfdertyd aangebied. Van links na regs is twee stoeiers wat aan die gewone Limpopo Ope deelgeneem het, Theo le Roux (brons vir O/13, O/50kg) en Ruben van der Nest (goud vir O/17, O/63kg), afrigter Minei le Roux, en twee stoeiers wat aan die LTAD deelgeneem het, Douw Steyn (silwer vir O/10, O/30kg) en Fourie Steyn ( brons vir O/9, O/22kg).





Eie reëlings



Opkomende Kompetisie


Saterdagspel Datum








BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Sta­bleford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable­ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier


58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm


22 6 June 2014

Shop D24 Eltivillas Tel: (015) 516 4121


De Wet van Wyk (links) sensei van die Shukokai Karateklub in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) en Innes Steyn (O/13) is gekies om in kata en kumité deel te neem aan die KSI (Kimura Shukokai Internasionaal) Wêreldkampioenskappe wat op 22 tot 25 Julie by Sun City gaan plaasvind. De Wet is ook gekies as kaptein van die mans spangeveg. Dit volg nadat beide goud in kata by die nasionale kamioenskappe op 16 en 17 Mei in Johannesburg verwerf het.

Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012 www.ayobmotors.co.za 2012 Isuzu KB250 Diesel 147 585km

2012 Hyundai i20 Glyde Fog lights, CD, A/C, 29 900km

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se hoofseun en -meisie het Dinsdag ‘n tjek van R32 000 aan die Makhado Care Group oorhandig ter ondersteuinng van plaaslike kankerlyers. Die geld is deur die skool se rugby- en netbalspanne ingesamel. Van links na regs is dr. Emil Gaigher van die Makhado Care Group en die skool se hoofleiers, Roy Stewart en Alida du Preez. Liefdadigheid

Elke bietjie help om verskil te maak R159 995 R149 995

2011 VW Polo 1.4 Comfortline 72 544km

2010 VW Polo Vivo 1.6 63 609km

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se leerlinge en ouers het vandeesweek hul volgehoue ondersteuning gewys vir plaaslike kankerlyers. Hulle het hul ondersteuning vir die stryd teen kanker gewys deur ‘n tjek vir die bedrag van R32 000 te oorhandig aan die Makhado Care Group. Die skool se verskillende rugby- en netbalspanne het

ook Dinsdag met pienk strikkies gespeel in hul tuisveld ligawedstryde teen Oos-Skool van Polokwane. Dié geldinsamelingsinisiatief is verlede jaar begin deur die O/11-rugbyspan se destydse kaptein, Franco Knoetze. Al die geld is deur die spannetjie en hul ouers ingesamel, en omdat Franco die geld vir kankernavorsing wou skenk, is daar beslu­

it op die Makhado Care Group. Die span het verlede jaar ook in pienk truie gespeel. “Hierdie is ‘n projek wat ons nou jaarliks gaan doen,” het mnr. Louis Nel, een van die ouers, gesê. Die Makhado Care Group is welbek­ end vir die onbaatsugtige werk wat hulle in die plaaslike gemeenskap verrig vir kankerlyers.


R154 995 R119 995 2009 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D S/Cab, 58 570km

2008 Mercedes Benz C200 A/T Elegance A/C, P/S, CD, 144 000km


Veerpyltjie Kompetisie! (Helikopter rit as prys)

R194 995 R169 995 2007 Mercedes Benz E280 145 912km

R119 995 R189 995


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SALES: • Sinthumule 073 195 9926 • Sam Manyike 071 096 1739 • Matumba Khamusi 076 509 1726 AFTER HOURS: Willie 082 953 3642 TRADING HOURS: 08h00 - 13h00; 13h00 - 17h00 E. & O.E.

Saterdag, 7 Ju Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

2008 Opel Tigra 1.8 Sport 120 047km

nie! Moet dit nie misloop nie 2014 - Va f: 7:30 na

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