Questions over dodgy park deal
By Anton van Zyl
Documents relating to the sale of a public park by the Makhado Municipality have revealed a series of improbabilities, a deliberate lack of oversight and a veil of secrecy to avoid accountability. They also show how the real losers, yet again, are the residents of the region.
Three years of expensive and time-consuming legal battles by the Zoutpansberger were required to force the municipality to hand over key documents that finally shed light on the processes followed to sell off the park in Louis Trichardt.
And now, for the first time, the the Zoutpansberger can report, with the help of supporting documents, how the municipality decided to sell off a public park; how the bidding system progressed; and even what had transpired in the years that followed the sale.
We can also highlight the various irregularities in the sale, and how experienced devel-
opers, with the necessary funding available, were excluded in favour of people who, in all probability, should have been excluded.
The documents were obtained more than three years after the Zoutpansberger submitted a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) request. The municipality refused to make the information available until, finally, they had no choice. This followed a contemptof-court application against the municipal manager after the municipality had ignored a court ruling ordering it to hand over the documents.
Based on the documents, as well as additional investigations and reporting by the Zoutpansberger, what is now clear is that the circumstances surrounding the sale, specifically of one section of the park, are highly suspicious.
Back to the beginning
During a Council meeting on 5 July 2018, the Makhado Municipality agreed to a proposal that one of the few remaining public parks in Louis Trichardt town be sold by public auction. No
public participation process preceded this decision and the municipality’s Integrated Development Plan does not contain any information about a business development in that part of the town. There was no shortage of sites in town for development, with many properties standing empty in the town’s main business centre.
All indications are that the decision to sell a public park originates from municipal officials, possibly influenced by councillors.
The park comprises two erven, and the municipal evaluation for each was around R1 million. The location of the park, which is adjacent to the N1, makes it very attractive to developers.
The municipality’s Bid Specification Committee took more than five months to meet and decide on the requirements for bidders wanting to purchase the erven.
Finally, on 20 December 2018, the committee, under chairperson NP Ndwakhulu, decided on the bid specifications. They were very straightforward, only requiring bidders to be situated in the jurisdiction of the Makhado
The highest bid would be accepted, if it exceeded the current market value and all the necessary documents required were included. The sites also had to be developed within a period of two years, with a possibility of a one-year extension.
On 9 January 2019, the Bid Specification Committee’s requirements were recommended by the acting manager of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Mr MC Tshikosi, and the then Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Mr Kent Nemaname. The process was approved by the then Municipal Manager (MM), Mr Freddy Tshivhengwa, who has since died.
Deciding on the winners
The next step was the placing of adverts in two newspapers on 18 January 2019, which specified that bids had to be submitted by prospective buyers before 1 February 2019.
Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul 7 Oktober 2022 PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 38 Vol.40Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8 9 772409 283001 40 ISSN 2409-2835 Audited Distribution Figures Inwoners boos oor woeste snoeiproses van bome - bladsy 3 Steeds geen antwoord oor waarom straat nie klaar kom nie - bladsy 2 e-mail: High Tention Work (HT) Containers For Hire PD OTTO ELEKTRIES 24 HOUR CALL CENTRE: 083 251 8139
The controversial park next to the N1.
(Contd on P2) Strong borehole >30 000 lph 4500 established Eureka Lemon trees in full production HAMMANN PROPERTIES Carel Hammann Cell: 082 923 1620 E-mail: Anton de Necker Cell: 084 704 8426 E-mail: Property is our Business, call us! Want to SELL? List your property with us Visit our website: 8.9HA IRRIGATED FARM R 1 700 000-00 ALBASINI DAM
Steeds geen antwoorde van munisipaliteit oor waarom straat nie klaar kom nie
Deur Andries van Zyl
Meer as twee weke nadat die Zoutpansberg er berig het oor die slakkepas waarteen die padbouprojek in Vleistraat (Louis Trichardt) vorder, is die pad steeds nie voltooi nie en kan niemand blykbaar verduidelik waarom nie.
In die Zoutpansberger van 23 September is
berig dat die spreekwoordelike “einde in sig is” wat betref die herbou van die straat, met slegs die laaste paar meter waar die pad by Kort straat aansluit wat nog geplavei moes word.
Dié projek is al vir etlike maande aan die gang, nadat aanvanklik begin is met die rehabilitasie van Vleistraat tussen Grobler- en Burgerstraat.
Aan die begin van Junie is die laaste gedeelte van Vleistraat tussen Burger- en Kortstraat opgeruk, met slegs ‘n smal stukkie sypaad jie wat tussen bome deur kronkel wat vir besigheidseienaars, hulle personeel en hulle kliënte toegelaat word.
Sakelui aangrensend tot die pad is woedend oor die slakkepas
waarmee die projek vorder en sê hulle verloor duisende rande omdat die pad gesluit bly. Die Makhado Munisipaliteit en die kontrakteur wat aangestel is op die projek steur hulle egter duidelik nie veel aan die sakelui se klagtes nie.
Op 15 Augustus vanjaar is die Makhado Munisipaliteit die eerste keer gevra om te ver duidelik waarom die projek so stadig vorder. In reaksie het munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Peter Muthambi dieselfde dag nog gesê die koerant se navraag ontvang aandag.
Op 22 Augustus het die koerant weer navraag gedoen oor die kwessie, waarop die antwoord was dat daar nog niks is nie. Bykans ‘n maand later, op 20 September, is die munisipaliteit weer gevra waarom die projek sloer en wanneer hulle die aanvanklike navraag van 15 Augustus sou beantwoord. In antwoord hierop het Muthambi net gereageer met die woord: “Noted”. ‘n Dag later het hy laat weet dat die koerant “just now” kommentaar sal ontvang. Dit het nie gebeur nie,
en sowat ‘n week later moes die koerant weer vra. Dié keer het Muthambi gesê hy sal weer opvolg op die koerant se navraag, maar genoem dat die kommentaar eers “goedgekeur” moes word voordat hy dit kon uitstuur. Sedert Dinsdag hierdie week het die koerant weer verskeie kere versoek dat die munisipaliteit moet reageer oor waarom die projek so sloer. Al die navrae is ont vang, maar dié keer is geen terugvoer ontvang nie. Die Makhado Munisipaliteit wil of kan nie reageer nie - ‘n tendens wat aan die toeneem is.
“Al wat hulle moet doen, is om die plaveisel te kom klaar pak. Dit gaan hulle dalk twee dae neem. Dan kan die pad oopgestel word en is al die ongelukkigheid dan nou verby,” het mnr. Lukas Visser van Pro-Fit gesê, wie se besigheid langs die pad geleë is. Oorkant hom is mnr. Riaan Engelbrecht se besigheid, Prestige Scrap Metal.
“Ag wat, ons gaan maar aan,” het ‘n moedelose Engelbrecht Dinsdag gesê.
Exposed secrets only leads to more questions about dodgy park deal
(Contd from P1)
Eight bids were received for Erf 3456, the smallest part of the park, which is situated clos est to the N1.
The highest bid of R1,6 million was submitted by a local company, Southern Ambition. But the bid documentation supplied by the munic ipality in terms of the court order is confusing and contradicts hand-written documentation on the municipality’s website under the tenders received section.
The officially supplied document indicates that Iceburg Trading 751CC offered R11,55 million for the erf, but this appears to be a typing error and should, in fact, be R1,15 million.
Two other bidders, C Matodzi Projects, and Banyana Enterprise, a Nelspruit-based company, each bid R1,2 million. Luke Enslin, who owns a Spar franchise next to the park, offered R1,25 million.
Eight bids were received for the second piece of land, Erf 1953. The highest bid of R2,3 million was made by Iceburg Trading. The second-high est bidder, at R1,85 million, was Trrendy Tiles and Sanitary Ware, while Muimeli Masase Construction offered R1,82 million. Banyana Enterprise offered R1,5 million and Luke Enslin bid R1,25 million.
The Bid Evaluation Committee met on 25
February 2019 to make a recommendation on the bidders. In the case of Erf 3456, seven of the eight bidders were disqualified, leaving only Banyana Enterprise’s bid of R1,2 million.
The reasons for the bidders’ being disqualified are interesting.
* Two bidders, HTE Construction and Bam bawala Property and Investment Trust, were disqualified because a proof of residence for a director was not attached.
* One bidder was disqualified because an ID document was not attached, while another was disqualified because a CK document - proof of registration as a business at the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) - did not accompany the bid documents.
* Iceburg Trading was disqualified because the company had apparently owed the munici pality money for more than three months. (The municipality was unable to say what the money was supposedly owed for).
* Luke Enslin was disqualified because he had not attached a tax status pin that would enable the municipality to verify tax compliance.
* Southern Ambition was disqualified because no bank letter was attached.
In the case of Erf 1953, five of the eight bid ders were disqualified.
Iceburg Trading, the highest bidder, Luke Enslin and Bambawala were disqualified on the same grounds as for their tender for Erf 3456. C Matodzi Projects, which was disqualified on its bid for the other property for not attaching a CK document, was now disqualified for not provid ing proof of residence for a director.
The Bid Evaluation Committee was chaired by Godfrey Raliphada, who is currently the acting CFO at the municipality. The other three members of the committee were Ms L Thulare, Mr NK Tshikosi and Mr MC Tshikosi.
On 4 April 2019, the Bid Adjudication Com mittee, chaired by Kent Nemaname, gathered to approve the Bid Evaluation Committee’s recommendations. The recommendations were accepted without any queries and the two erven were sold to Banyana Enterprise (R1,2 million) and Trrendy Tiles & Sanitary Ware (R1,85 mil lion) respectively.
You must be joking!
The Zoutpansberger contacted some of the bidders to ask whether they had ever been informed that they had submitted incomplete documentation. Most of them were experienced developers and had previously submitted ten ders, making it difficult to understand how most of them would have defaulted.
the necessary tax documents were not attached to the bid, but to prove this, three years later, is near impossible, he said.
Mr Asim Patel, director of Southern Ambition, was also never informed of the reason that his bid was not accepted. “I didn’t even bother to ask for reasons,” he said.
The immediate disqualification of seven of the bidders may also not be in line with the municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy (SCMP). Section 24 of the SCMP allows the municipality to enter into a discussion with a preferred bidder. In this case, that might have been the highest bidder, and the municipality could have requested that the missing document be supplied. This is allowed, as long as the bid der does not get an unfair advantage over other bidders.
South African law, however, is less lenient on what is often referred to as “responsive” tenders and is more rigid than international law. In many other countries, the focus is on what is in the best interests of the community, and the practice of disqualifying bidders on technicalities is discouraged.
The disqualification of a bidder because a “valid tax compliance status pin issued [was] not attached” can also be contested. The municipali ty’s SCMP deals extensively with tax compliance in Section 43, which specifies that bidders may also opt to provide a central supplier database (CSD) number. This number can be used by the officials to verify tax compliance. In a case where bidders are judged to be non-compliant, they must be notified and given seven days to rectify the situation and provide proof to the munici pality.
“No one complained”
Questions were sent last week to both the mu nicipal manager, Kent Nemaname, and the act ing CFO, Godfrey Raliphada, asking them why Section 24 or Section 43 of the SCMP was not applicable during the bid adjudication process. On Tuesday, they responded via the municipali ty’s spokesperson, Louis Bobodi.
“We are adamant that the municipality com plied with all internal policies and statutes that govern the municipality, hence we didn’t receive any complaints from bidders,” said Bobodi. “Both transactions have been audited in the past financial years without any findings,” he added.
Street, Nelspruit. The only director at the time was Ms Esther Nunu Mhlongo. She is a politi cally well-connected businesswoman, holding numerous directorships, especially in farm ing-related enterprises. Banyana Enterprise was registered on 2 March 2018, four months before the Makhado Council decided to dispose of the public park.
Ms Mhlongo is no stranger to the Makhado Municipality. In April 2018, she resigned as a director of a company called Moda Women Proj ect. Her daughter became a director in her place.
In December 2018, Moda Women Projects was awarded a R28,1 million tender to rebuild the Tshikwarani road in the Kutama district.
The documentation provided by the Makhado Municipality in terms of the court order states that the address for Banyana Enterprise is 241 Tshikhodobo Village, Kutama. This is also the address that the municipality used in correspon dence with Moda Women Projects.
the Zoutpansberger attempted to verify that the address is that of Banyana Enterprise and Moda Women Projects. Instead, we found that the house at that address belongs to someone else and also serves as a small tuckshop. There appears to be no relationship with the person staying there and Mhlongo, Banyana or Moda. Nemaname and Raliphada were asked wheth er the local address supplied by Banyana Enter prise had been verified. They did not respond to the question.
Ms Mhlongo was also contacted and asked about the address. She requested that questions be sent via WhatsApp, but she had not respond ed by Wednesday.
What happens now?
Currently, both sections of the park belong to one developer. Mr Abu Bakr Akoo, who had bought Erf 1953 for R1,85 million, registered it in the name of Kenworth Investments. His partner in this company is Mr Asim Patel, who is also a director of Southern Ambition, one of the unsuccessful bidders. Southern Ambition offered R1,6 million for Erf 3456, but was disqualified because of allegedly not attaching a bank letter.
Not long after buying the property from the municipality, Banyana Enterprise sold Erf 3456 to Kenworth Investments for R3 million, making a quick R1,8 million profit in the process. The transaction was registered in April last year.
Louis Trichardt se welbekende tannie Baba (Hester Cathrina) Barkhuizen is op 4 Ok tober in die ouderdom van 82 jaar oorlede. Sy, haar oorlede man (oom Stoffel), en familie was sedert die 1960’s inwoners van die Soutpansberg-streek, eers waar hulle op Waterpoort gebly het en later in Louis Trichardt. Tannie Baba was baie betrokke by haar gemeente, die Gereformeerde Kerk Louis Trichardt, asook ‘n bekende gesig by die destydse Elnatan-materiaalwinkel. Wyle tannie Baba word eerskomende Vry dag, 7 Oktober, om 11:00 vanuit die Dop per-gemeente op Louis Trichardt begrawe. Die diens begin om 11:00 en sal waarge neem word deur ds. Innes Nagel. Sy word oorleef deur haar agt kinders, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders. Die familie het hulle dank uitgespreek teenoor die Soutpans berg-gemeenskap vir hulle medelye en woorde van ondersteuning, asook vir hulle jarelange vriendskap van tannie Baba. Foto verskaf.
Cedrick Marageni, the sole director of Iceburg Trading, was surprised to hear that his company had been disqualified for allegedly owing the municipality money.
In 2019, when he heard that the tender had been awarded to another company, he phoned the municipality to try and establish the reasons, Marageni said. After being unable to get reasons from the officials, Marageni asked his lawyers to follow up with letters to the municipality, but they got no response. “The lawyers advised that we should go to court,” he said during an inter view at the time.
He decided not to litigate, Marageni said last week during a telephonic interview, but he was “still very upset” about what had happened. The practice of Makhado Municipality to “lose” docu ments, leading to the disqualification of bidders, is nothing new, he said, adding that he now kept duplicates of all documentation submitted and even numbered the pages, so removing pages became more difficult for officials.
Luke Enslin also confirmed that he was never informed of the reasons why he had been disqualified. He found it hard to believe that
Yet in the 2018/19 financial year Makhado received a qualified opinion from the Audi tor-General. One of the matters highlighted was that proper procurement processes were not always followed. The fact that the municipality did not adhere to its SCMP, was raised again in the 2019/20 A-G report.
“Persons in service of the municipality whose close family members had a private or business interest in contracts awarded by the municipality failed to disclose such interest, in contravention of SCM regulation 46(2)(e),” the A-G reported.
Both Nemaname, the current municipal manager, and Raliphada, its acting CFO, were asked what measures were in place to protect the integrity of the process and ensure that bidders are not deliberately (and fraudulently) eliminat ed. They did not respond to the question.
An outside bid?
Interestingly, one requirement of the munici pality was that bidders must be local residents or businesses. In the case of Erf 1953, the successful bidder was Trrendy Tiles & Sanitary Ware. This company belonged to the late Mr Abu Bakr Akoo from Louis Trichardt, and it provided a local address. (Mr Akoo died in a vehicle accident in August this year.)
The buyer of Erf 3456, Banyana Enterprise, has its registered address as Van der Merwe
In an interview in June last year, before his death, Abu Bakr Akoo said he was enthusiastic about the plans for the property. He said that they were contemplating various options and were in the process of conducting further market research.
Initially, plans were made to turn the whole area into a residential estate, similar to Bergview Estate at the eastern entrance to Louis Trichardt. Another idea that they were toying with, he said, was to perhaps develop an area where restau rants could be accommodated. “Whatever it is we bring to town, it will be something different and unique,” he said.
The process of rezoning the property is cur rently underway.
Asim Patel, the remaining director, elaborated on some of the plans for the property this week.
Three high-end franchises are expected to be come tenants in the section facing the N1, which would be developed as a 3 000 square metre strip mall. The other property would be divided in two sections and developed as residential units.
Mr Patel said that they had considered other developments, including an indoor sporting facility for young people, but nothing has been finalised.
“Whatever we develop will be high-end and an asset to the town,” he said.
Slegs ‘n klein stukkie plaveisel moet nog gelê word waar die pad aansluit by Kortstraat, maar dit kom net nie klaar nie. Intussen bly die pad juis hieroor gesluit.
Inwoners boos oor woeste snoeiproses
Deur Andries van Zyl
Elke paar jaar herhaal ‘n sekere tipe trau ma homself, veral vir liefhebbers van bome, en dit is die verwoestende wyse waarop die Makhado Munisipaliteit bome langs en onder oorhoofse kragkabels in strate in Louis Tri chardt snoei.
Sosiale mediaplatforms het die afgelope week weer opgevlam met kommentaar van woeden de inwoners wat wil weet of dit regtig nodig is vir die munisipale werkers om die bome so te verniel.
Een inwoner se plasing op Facebook, dié van bekende plaaslike omgewingsaktivis Inga Gilfillan, het veral baie reaksie ontlok, nadat sy ‘n foto geplaas het van ‘n reuse koraalboom wat in Presidentstraat feitlik totaal verwoes is. “En so word ‘n oor die 100 jaar oud koraalboom opge foeter in Presidentstraat. Die knaap reken hy het opdrag om die bome tot op die grond af te sny.
Alan McMurtrie reken dit gaan maar gebeur en Reckson van die munisipaliteit sê hulle kry baie klagtes maar dis die elektriese departement wat
hier werk,” het sy onder meer geskryf.
Ingrid Glas Cawood en Judy Kruger het hierop gereageer en gesê dat die beamptes wat met die “snoeiwerk” besig is duidelik geen begrip van bewaring het nie. Santie Pavier Booysen se kommentaar op Gilfillan se plasing lees onder meer: “Nee man dis onaanvaarbaar. Hulle moet alles verwoes. Dis asof hul hul woede uithaal op die arme bome. Hulle was van plan om ons Rooi Essenhout boom van oor die 27 jaar tot op grond af te sny. Hulle gee nie om wat val wat plat nie, hulle vertrap alles. Sal graag wil weet wie die kontrakteur is. Dis beter om te trek uit die plek dat hul net breek en breek, verwoes. Geen water. Geen beheer geen niks. Hul kry vet salarisse om te verwoes. My hart is ontsteld. Dis nie mooi nie. Waarheen vat hul die groot hout stompe wat afgesaag is. Is daar beheer, nee niks. Dit maak mens siek man.”
Plaaslike boomkenner ds. Petrus Kriel van Levubu het by navraag gesê die wyse waarop die bome tans gesnoei word, beskadig beslis die bome. In sekere gevalle het die snoeiers slegs die stamme van bomme gelos, met geen takke of
Ondersteun borskanker-bewusmaking
Die VLU Aandblom-tak in Louis Trichardt het die inisiatief geneem om saam met Hoër skool Louis Trichardt se leerling uitvoerende komitee (LUK) van 2023 ‘n borskanker-be wusmakingsveldtog vir Oktobermaand te hou.
Geld wat hierdeur ingesamel word, sal gaan ten bate van die Makhado Care Group. As deel van die veldtog sal drie-meter-lange seksies pienk lap verkoop word teen R100, asook ‘n
kaartjie van bemoediging en ‘n strikkie teen R5 elk. Inwoners word dan versoek om vir Oktober maand ‘n boom of lamppaal voor hulle huis of besigheid te versier met die pienk lap. “Daag jou buurman of jou mede sakekollegas uit om voor hul plekkie ook te versier. Kom ons wys dat borskanker ons na aan die hart lê,” nooi die organiseerders.
Die lap kan gekoop word by Leanda le Cornu by die Fuji Shop by tel. 082 895 8576. Om lap en ‘n kaartjie met strikkie te koop, skakel Naomi Phillipson by tel. 082 484 7622.
blaarbedeking oor nie. Wat dit betref het Kriel gesê dat sulke bome kan doodgaan.
Wat betref Booysen se vraag oor wat van die boomstompe en takke word, het ‘n paar inwo ners opgemerk hulle seker is dat een of ander persoon nou weer voordeel hieruit trek deur die hout as “vuurmaakhout” te verkoop. “Ek dink hulle verkoop die hout tannie Inga Gilfillan. Hulle los al die takke net so voor jou huis en laai net die hout. Die hele dorp is verwoes,” het Bertus Andrew Baird Bezuidenhout opgemerk. Hierop het Gilfillan geantwoord: “Ja Bertus Andrew Baird Bezuidenhout sodra hul gesny het kom die bakkies dit oplaai. So sê almal aan my. Die vullis en dit wat op die inwoners se blomme val en breek word net so gelos. En werkers sê die een wat sny is MENTALLY ILL.”
Alhoewel die wyse waarop die bome gesnoei word grootskaalse ongelukkigheid veroor saak, meen ander dat mense moet onthou dat kraglyne skoongesny moet word, wat deel is van enige munisipaliteit se normale instandhou ding. “Ek was ook eens baie ongelukkig toe die werkers hier van my bome kom verniel het. Van die bome het ons 30, 40 jaar gelede geplant. Ek moes toe ‘n baie emosionele besluit neem. Kies ek die bome of kies ek dit om elektrisiteit te hê. Die oplossing sal wees vir mense om nie bome onder oorhoofse kragkabels te plant nie,” het die inwoner gesê. Juis oor die emosionele aard van die saak wou hy nie sy naam genoem hê nie.
Die Makhado Munisipaliteit is gevra vir kom mentaar oor die wyse waarop die bome gesnoei word. Munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi het ontvangs erken van die navraag met die woord: “Noted”. Die raad se kommentaar sal geplaas word wanneer dit ontvang word.
Intussen deur die verwoesting voort. “Ek is ook sprakeloos, maar woedend … hulle sê hulle doen net hulle werk: baie arrogant!” was Marica De Villiers se kommentaar. Chriszelda Hartman Koen het egter sekerlik die situasie die beste beskryf in haar Facebook-plasing: “Hulle snoei nie bome nie, hulle skeur die takke af.”
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 7 OKTOBER 2022 3 Palm Customer Service is our priority! Mondays - Fridays: 07:00 - 18:00 / Saturdays: 07:00 - 17:00 Wholesale Depot Pepsi Max 2lt x 6 Pepsi & Pepsi Max 330ml x 24 R69.70 R100.00 R342.90 R172.00 Tel: 015 516 0180 Email: WHOLESALE DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC! WE DELIVER ON ORDER. Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml x 24 Switch Energy Drink 500ml x 24 (mix your own flavours) Tel: 015 516 4423 Shop no. 6, Songozwi St, Louis Trichardt OUTFITTERS McCoys WHEN ONE PAIR OF PANTS IS ENOUGH House For Sale Louis Trichardt R2,650,000 Tycoon area 4brm, 3bathroom, open plan kitchen dining, laundry, pantry, study, build-in braai intertainment area, staff quarters, double lock-up garage, borehole and CCTV Camera. RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL FARMS & PLOTS Ria van Zyl 073 573 0690
Slegs enkele takke is gelos aan hierdie bome wat in Joubertstraat tussen Grobler- en Presi dentstraat gesnoei is.
Van hierdie twee bome in Piet Retiefstraat het net die stamme oorgebly ná die munisipaliteit die kraglyne kom skoonsny het.
Dit lyk kompleet of iemand ‘n lang mes gevat het en hierdie laning bome in Munnikstraat, tussen Risskik- en Joubertstraat, middeldeur gesny het.
Mnr. Greg Stewart is op Woensdag, 28 September, aangewys as Laerskool Louis Trichardt se nuwe adjunkhoof. Die aankondiging is amptelik op Vrydag, 30 September, gedoen tydens saalopening. Van die skool se beheerliggaamslede was deel van die geleentheid. In die foto (van links na regs) staan me. Leenke Burger (kultuur), me. Irene Adendorff (skoolhoof), ds. Innes Nagel (beheerliggaamvoorsitter), mnr. Greg Stewart, mnr. Lourens Greyling (reklame en publikasies) en mnr. Theuns Botha (geboue en terrein). Foto verskaf.
Greg is Triegies se nuwe adjunkhoof
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt.
PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920
Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303
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All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeurs regte en wysigings daarvan.
Limpopo SAPS.
Two foreign nationals nabbed over illegal cigarettes
The police’s relentless fight against the illegal cigarette-smuggling trade paid dividends again with the arrest of two foreign nationals along the N1 road at Botlokwa (Matoks) between Louis Trichardt and Polokwane on Friday, 30 September.
According to provincial police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Malesela Ledwaba, a truck transporting animal food (lucerne) was stopped by the police along the N1 road towards Polokwane as it approached the Sekonye junction within the Botlokwa policing area. This after information was received that the two suspects were actually transporting illicit cigarettes.
“The truck was disguised to be carrying stacks of lucerne in the rear section of the trailer to deceive the police. Upon further inspection, it was discovered that half of the front side was fully loaded with 104 cartons of illegal Remington
gelede in die Zoutpansberger Hierdie week, 25 jaar
Soos nou die geval ook is, was Louis Trichardt se “groen gordel” noord van Stubbsstraat ook in die nuus weens al die verkeerde redes.
Op die voorblad van 3 Oktober 1997 word berig van die destydse Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad wat geweier het om ‘n impakstudie te doen ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van die area. Die versoek het van verskeie omgewingsinstansies gekom. Die raad het egter besluit om hierdie ver soeke te ignoreer en het opdrag gegee dat daar dadelik begin moes word om die area te ontwikkel ingevolge die dorpsbeplanning skema wat reeds in 1984 geproklameer is. Die ontwikkeling het destyds nie plaasgevind nie, maar in Maart vanjaar het die Makhado Munisipaliteit sonder enige kennisgewing begin om dieselfde area te ontbos en infrastruktuur aan te lê. Dit het tot grootskaalse ongeluk kigheid gely, nie net van omgewingsaktiviste nie, maar ook ‘n plaaslike ontwikkelaar wat meen hy besit die area nadat dit per tender aan hom toegeken is. Die raad betwis dit en het gesê die grond behoort aan hulle want die ontwikkelaar het nooit daarvoor betaal nie. Intussen is die omgewingsimpakstudie wat die ontwikke laar laat doen het steeds geldig. Die raad meen egter hulle het nie nodig om vir iemand toestemming te moes vra om die area te begin ontbos nie omdat dit deel vorm van ‘n bestaande dorpsbeplanningskema. Hoe dit ook al sy, die skade is reeds gedoen aan die natuur.
In ander voorbladnuus daardie week is berig van ‘n 36 jarige inwoner van die des tydse Messina wat sy 26 jarige broer met ‘n .22 geweer geskiet het. Die jonger broer het omstreek 04:00 een oggend wakker geskrik, nadat sy ouer broer sy kamerlig aangeskakel het. Oomblikke later is die jonger broer in die bors geskiet. Die ouer broer sou later aan die polisie sê dat “die Here” vir hom gesê het om sy broer te skiet omdat dié blykbaar “te veel voëltjies skiet”. Gelukkig vir die jonger broer het hy die skoot oorleef. Ouboet het egter in die hof verskyn op ‘n aanklag van poging tot moord.
Gold cigarettes with an estimated street value of R70 000,” said Ledwaba.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the cigarettes were reportedly smuggled from Zimbabwe.
Following the arrest of the two men, provin-
cial police commissioner Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe commended the members for responding appropriately to the information received and thanked the community members for continuously assisting the police in the fight against crime.
R472 million rights issued to fund Makhado Project
Mining News
MC Mining (the company) announced last week a fully underwritten 1.012 for 1 renounceable rights issue offer of new shares in the company at an issue price of A$0.20 per New Share for eligible shareholders in Australia and New Zealand and R2.36 per New Share for eligible shareholders in South Africa to raise gross proceeds of A$40 million (approximately R472 million) for the mine’s Makhado Project just north of the Soutpansberg.
The funds raised under the rights issue will be used to meet the company’s equity contribution (required for the IDC’s proposed debt funding) in relation to the development of the Makhado Project and to continue funding the project. It will also be used as debt reduction under the current Standby Facility (which is approximately R60 million) and for general working capital (including to pay the costs of the rights issue) purposes.
“The capital raise is a significant development for the company and the proceeds will also satisfy a requirement for debt funders (the IDC
debt funding) who are expected to contribute to the development of the Makhado Project. With record global coal prices, this is a very exciting time for MC Mining,” said Godfrey Gomwe, chief executive officer and managing director of MC Mining, in a press release.
Gomwe said the rights issue was transformational for the company and ensured that they had the cornerstone funding for their flagship Makhado Project.
“The Makhado Project has very attractive project economics and is well positioned, given the favourable coal-price forecasts. This is an important milestone in our ambition to become the premier producer of hard coking coal in South Africa and provide long-term returns to our shareholders. The proceeds of the rights issue will contribute towards early works at the project, including confirmatory and geotechnical drilling, civils infrastructure and securing long-lead-time equipment for the Makhado coal processing plant,” said Gomwe.
Planning and early works at the Makhado Project are expected to commence as soon as possible after the completion of the rights issue, with construction to start in early 2023.
Audited Distribution Figures Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste: NEWS / NUUS: News Editor Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer Denise van Bergen 072 034 7467
Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Khathutshelo Mamuha 071 188 5055 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7 DISTRIBUTION / VERSPREIDING: The newspaper is distributed by Deon Brits. Any queries regarding distribution can be directed to Deon at 063 372 9029
The truck, disguised as to be transporting animal feed, was found to have been transporting illegal cigarettes with a street value of R70 000.
Me. Irene Adendorff (links), skoolhoof van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, en me. Annari Muller (regs) van PNA Landscaping het op Woensdag, 28 September, sewe bome op die skoolterrein geplant. Die bome het ingesluit ‘n Papierbas, Pompomboom (Boom van die Jaar), Witstinkhout, Wilde Kastaiing, Olienhout, Gewone Geelhout en Nieshout. “Baie dankie aan me. Muller vir die skenking van die bome,” het die skool gesê. Foto verskaf.
at Northgate Lodge just outside of Louis Trichardt on 29 September.
Pictured is Ijaaz Ayob, who looked dashing during his solo stride down the carpet.
Left: Brigette Siphei and Ndima Munyha at the annual matric farewell of Louis Trichardt High School on 29 September at Northgate Lodge.
Louis Trichardt High Schools’ annual matric farewell that was held at
Rotondwa Muthavhatsindi and Risima Mthombeni were photographed during Louis Trichardt High School’s annual matric farewell on 29 September at Northgate Lodge.
Louis Trichardt High School’s annual matric farewell at Northgate Lodge on 29 September saw Hemisha Waghela and her handsome date walk the carpet, looking absolutely wonderful.
Duanne Fourie in a stunning red dress and her little brother left the crowd smiling at the annual matric farewell of Louis Trichardt High School at Northgate Lodge.
The matric farewell of Louis Trichardt High School was once again an evening to remember, with beautiful dresses and mesmerising suits. The annual matric farewell was held
Wulf Schwerdtfeger and Sonita Alberts looked very fancy while making their way down the carpet during Louis Trichardt High School’s matric farewell on 29 September.
Vhusi Managa had all eyes on her as she took her solo walk down the garpet in a beautiful red dress, during Louis Trichardt High School’s matric farewell at Northgate Lodge on 29 September.
Northgate Lodge saw Tintombi Mhangwani and TR Maboyi looking gorgeous while walking down the carpet.
Photos by Karla van Zyl
• Agapé Gemeente (LTT)
Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30
Children- and Teen Ministries,
What is happening? OPKOMEND
Peuter-, Kinder-
Chris Mattheus
(082 696 2619).
• AGS Charisma (LTT)
Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastor Willem Klopper (082 339 9931).
• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina)
Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 084 456 6959
• AGS Levubu Sien Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield)
• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT)
93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275
• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT)
128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165
• Baptist Church (Musina)
Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728
• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT)
1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714.
• Catholic Church (LTT)
Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina Tel: 015 534 2085)
• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455.
• Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943.
• St Peters Church (LTT)
33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman)
• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT)
Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658
• Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)
LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288
• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)
H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602
• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina)
Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253.
• Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays)
H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting.
• Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT)
H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711
• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956
• Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.
• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774
• Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254).
• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig
Elke Maandag om 17:30 vind ‘n byeenkoms van die Christelike Ondersteuningsgroep vir alkoholen dwelmafhanklikes plaas.
Die vergadering is in die Jesus Kroon lokaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente.
Alhoewel die byeenkoms by die NG-kerk aangebied word, is persone van enige denominasie welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Jan Pretorius by tel. 079 881 9673 of ds. Corné Burger by tel. 073 759 0451.
Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub
Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.
LTT Shukokai Karateklub
Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt.
Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869.
Kerk se fasiliteite nou beskikbaar
Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente (Stad op die Berg) in Louis Trichardt stel tans van hulle fasiliteite beskikbaar vir uitverhuring.
Die Ferdie Beyersaal kan 600 persone akkommodeer, en 100 persone in die Kiepersol-lokaal en 50 persone in die Jesuskroon-lokaal.
Vir meer inligting en pryse, skakel die kerkkantoor tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by tel. 015 516 3902.
Gister-se-Jeug byeen
Die Gister-se-Jeugklub op Louis Trichardt kom elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 in die saal van die Hervormde Kerk in Stubbsstraat byeen.
Die klub se leuse is “Vrolikheid by die grysheid” en hul doel is om eensame, ouer mense se venster op die wêreld net ‘n bietjie wyer oop te maak. “Het die vriendekring erg gekrimp?
Kom maak dit groter by ons. Te oud – beslis nie as u nog kan beweeg nie. Te jonk – ons benodig helpers,” het die klub gesê. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willie by tel. 083 453 6597 of WhatsApp Anna by 084 516 0647. Ledegeld is baie billik.
Vrydag 7 Oktober
Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Louis Trichardt se volgende Dopperkuierkafee vind Vrydag, 7 Oktober, plaas en die spyskaart sluit in Dopperburgers teen R25 elk, kaas-, rib-, of hoenderburgers teen R30 elk, ‘n Russian en slaptjips teen R25 elk, Hake en slaptjips teen R30 elk en slaptjips teen R10 per pakkie.
Hierdie week se spesiale aanbiedinge sluit in KOMBO 1 teen R50 (Hake, slaptjips, Russian en 300 ml koeldrank); of KOMBO 2 ook teen R50 (Kaasburger, Russian, slaptjips & 300 ml koeldrank).
Plaas jou bestelling by Nanette voor Vrydag 12:00 by 015 516 4007 of 084 304 4764. Bestellings kan Vrydagmiddag vanaf 17:00 by die Dopperkerk afgehaal word.
11 Oktober
VLU Aandblom byeen
Wednesday 12 Oktober
Join junior squash programme
Landloopoefening Dinsdag 11 Oktober
Vanaf 11 Oktober om 15:00 sal landloop-oefeninge as buitemuurse aktiwiteit by Laerskool Louis Trichardt aangebied word.
Die doel van dié nuwe buitemuurse aktiwiteit is om die sport en fiksheid te ontwikkel en te bevorder oor die langer termyn. Gestruktureerde oefenprogramme sal aangebied word in onder andere fiksheid, deursettingsvermoë, krag bou en karakterbou. Persone wat belangstel hoef bloot op te daag en betrokke te bly. Indien ouers belangstel om hul kind te laat deel word van hierdie dinamiese oefenprogram, skakel Annari by 076 813 4855 vir verder inligting en reëlings.
Rolbal-besigheidsliga Donderdag 13 Oktober
Die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub se gewilde besigheidsaandliga is weer op hande en spanne kan nou reeds begin inskryf.
Die liga vind in Oktober oor drie agtereenvolgende Donderdagaande plaas, naamlik op 13, 20 en die finaal op 27 Oktober. Die hoofdoel van die liga is nie net om hierdie sportsoort te bevorder nie, maar ook om fondse vir die klub in te samel en om dit net te geniet.
In totaal kan 14 spanne inskryf, en die koste beloop R1 000 per span, wat baanfooie insluit. Die sluitingsdatum vir spanne is 10 Oktober.
Enige instansie of besigheid kan ‘n span inskryf of borg. ‘n Span moet bestaan uit vier nie-rolbalspelers, alhoewel klublede byderhand sal wees om te help met raad. Behalwe vir skoene wat hakloos moet wees, is geen ander dragkodes van toepassing nie en rolbalballe sal voorsien word.
Wedstryde begin elke Donderdagaand om 18:00. Aan die einde van die reeks word die wenner bepaal. Dekking sal deur die plaaslike koerant gedoen word en uitslae sal weekliks gepubliseer word. Ná elke ligabepaling sal braaipakkies te koop wees, met pap en sous wat voorsien sal word.
Om in te skryf, skakel Carel Volschenk (084 553 1807), Marié Volschenk (084 500 2453), Ben Groenewald (084 505 3663), NJ Oosthuizen (079 677 7310) of Jaco Oosthuizen (060 525 3959).
6 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 7 OCTOBER 2022 If you know of any upcoming events, e-mail Andries: EVENTS? Die VLU se Aandblom-tak in Louis Trichardt se volgende vergadering sal op Dinsdag, 11 Oktober, gehou word. Vir meer inligting, skakel vir Leanda le Cornu by tel. 082 895 8576.
Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT)
28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272
Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126
service at
including Toddler-,
phone Pastor
Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700. • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 E-pos: of • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • PPK Bet-El Gemeente (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 084 418 3803. • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672 Albasini Dam 99.1% 99.1% Ebenezer Dam 96.4% 97% Flag Boshielo Dam 96.6% 97.4% Glen Alpine Dam 52.3% 53.7% Luphephe Dam 95.3% 96.7% Middel Letaba Dam 0.7% 0.7% Nandoni Dam 100.6% 100.9% Nsami Dam 38.4% 39.3% Nwanedzi Dam 94.2% 95.6% Nzhelele Dam 93.8% 94.9% Tzaneen Dam 85.6% 87.3% Vondo Dam 97% 98.2% WEEKLIKSE DAMVLAKKE WEEKLY DAM LEVELS 03/10/2022 According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 3 October. Dams/damme: 26/09/2022 # Means latest available data (Source: ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt Saturday, 8 Oktober High: 26oC Low: 13oC Partly sunny and nice.Warm with sun, some clouds. Friday, 7 October High: 33oC Low: 12oC Hot with plenty of sunshine. Thursday, 6 October High: 35oC Low: 16oC LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592 MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061 • Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7 • Municipality - 015 534 6000 • Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183 LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)
SHOWS, PRICES & TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. NO COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS FOR NEW RELEASES FOR ONE WEEK FROM RELEASE DATE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED APP /sterkinekortheatres Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. TicketLine SCAN HERE TO VISIT OUR MOBI SITE SHOWTIMES FRI 7 OCT - THU 13 OCT MALL OF THE NORTH AFTER EVER HAPPY 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 18:00, 20:30 Sat: 15:30, 18:00, 20:30 Sun: 15:00, 17:30 BEAST 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:45, 17:15, 19:45 Sat: 11:30, 14:15, 17:15, 19:45 Sun: 12:00, 14:45, 17:15 BIG TRIP 2: SPECIAL DELIVERY PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 14:45, 17:15, 19:30 Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 14:45, 17:15, 19:30 Sun: 10:30, 12:45, 15:15, 17:30 DC LEAGUE OF SUPER PETS PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:00, 15:30 Sat: 10:30, 13:00 Sun: 10:00, 12:30 MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:15, 16:30, 18:45 Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 14:30, 16:45, 19:00 Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 14:30, 16:45 THE WOMAN KING 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Sat: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 Sun: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30 TICKET TO PARADISE 13 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:45, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 Sat: 10:15, 12:45, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 Sun: 11:45, 14:15, 17:00
Soutpansberg Squash Club is starting a junior programme every Wednesday from 12 October from 17:00 to 18:00. For more information, phone Erik Welman at Tel 063 168 9851. Squash gear will be supplied.
Mostly sunny and very warm.
High: 30oC Low: 14oC
Monday, 10 Oktober
High: 30oC Low: 14oC
Wat gebeur?
Saterdag 15 Oktober
Geologie 101 vir natuurliefhebbers
Is jy ‘n stapper, ‘n kampeerder of net ‘n natuurliefhebber? Het jy al gewonder oor hoekom Hanglip se lip so hang? Dan moet jy nie hierdie geleentheid misloop nie! Thinus Cloete (PhD), ‘n 1972-matriekleerling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, kom lewer ‘n praatjie op Saterdag, 15 Oktober van 09:00 tot 10:30 in die Jesuskroonsaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente.
Sy praatjie sal handel oor ‘n paar basiese geologiese begrippe: Wat is minerale, gesteentes en verskuiwings; geologiese tyd: relatiewe tyd teenoor absolute of radiometriese tyd; 3D-struktuur van die aarde en plaattektoniek; landskappe – ‘n paar basiese begrippe oor hul vorming; geologiese ontwikkeling van die Soutpansberg; en ‘n geologiese kaart van Suid-Afrika – jou padkaart na die klippe. Daarna sal ‘n kort veldtoer plaasvind in die berg om na sekere rotsformasies te kyk.
Verrigtinge behoort tussen 12:00 en 13:00 klaar te wees. Die koste beloop R100 per persoon (gratis vir skoliere) wat ‘n ligte maaltyd insluit. Die geld sal gaan ten bate van die Missionêre Kommissie.
Kontak vir Johan Kirsten by 084 588 2015 of om jou bywoning te bevestig.
Saterdag 15 Oktober
Herfsakker en Laat Lente hou basaar
Laat Lente en Herfsakker in Louis Trichardt het inwoners uitgenooi om op Saterdag, 15 Oktober, vanaf 08:00 tot 16:00 hulle jaarlikse basaar te kom ondersteun.
Van die lekkernye wat te koop aangebied sal word sluit in boereworsrolle, vetkoek, kerrieen-rys en pannekoek. Daar sal ook ‘n wit-olifanttafel, teetuin met koeke en vele meer wees. Pannekoek kan ook voor 12:00 op Vrydag, 14 Oktober, bestel word en vanaf 13:00 afgehaal word. Vir bestellings, skakel Francise Roets by tel. 066 477 9536.
19 Oktober
Triegie massarevue
Dit is weer tyd vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse massarevue en kaartjies is reeds by die skool se finansiële kantoor beskikbaar. Die massarevue skop vanjaar op Woensdag, 19 Oktober, om 08:30 in die skoolsaal af vir die dorp se kleuterskole en senior burgers, gevolg deur ‘n tweede optrede daardie week op Donderdag, 20 Oktober, om 14:00. Van Maandag, 24 Oktober, tot Donderdag, 27 Oktober, sal die optredes telkens om 18:00 in die skoolsaal begin.
Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R30, R40 of R50.
Hengelkompetisie Saterdag 22 Oktober
Die Hervormde Kerk Vereniging Broodboom, namens die Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (GHG), bied op Saterdag, 22 Oktober, ‘n oewerhengelkompetisie op die plaas Stubbs en Monz op Mopane aan. Dit sal die laaste geleentheid wees om op hierdie plaas te hengel.
Deelname kos R150 per hengelaar (R50 per kind wat hengel) met die kompetisie wat vanaf 06:00 tot 15:00 sal duur. Vir diegene wat oorslaap, is die koste R150 per persoon.
Die reëls behels slegs twee visstokke per hengelaar en geen kano’s, aasbootjies of hommeltuie sal toegelaat word nie (daar mag krokodille teenwoordig wees).
‘n Inweegstasie sal deurlopend beskikbaar wees. Drie spesies (karp, baber en kurper) kan gevang word met onderskeidelik R3 000, R2 000 en R1 000 vir die swaarste sak vis vir elke spesie. Daar is ook ‘n trio spesie bonanza met ‘n R500 geskenkbewys vir elke spesie. R2 000 is ook op die spel in ‘n gelukkige trekking.
Vir meer inligting en kaartjies, skakel Buks 082 856 2603, Erns 083 636 3546, Ben 063 061 2535 of Willie 066 249 3686.
Kaartjies is ook by Safety First beskikbaar (Josie 082 300 6386).
Fast 5-netbaltoernooi Saterdag 29 Oktober
Hoërskool Louis Trichardt bied op 29 Oktober vanjaar ‘n Fast 5-netbaltoernooi aan. Gemengde spanne kan ook inskryf en deelname beloop R1 000 per span van agt lede. Inskrywings sluit op 7 Oktober. Vir meer inligting, skakel Coreen by tel. 071 874 8289.
Soutpan Jukskeiklub AJV Saterdag 29 Oktober
Alle belangstellendes word uitgenooi na die Soutpan Jukskeiklub se algemene jaarvergadering (AJV) op Saterdag, 29 Oktober, om 12:00.
Die vergadering vind plaas by die klub se fasiliteite (langs die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub). Eie eet- en drinkgoed kan saamgebring word vir ‘n gesellige braai ná die tyd.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Maud Myburgh by tel. 082 680 6579 of Susara Venter by 081 829 6937.
Saturday 29 October
SPCA Farmers’ and Crafts market
On 29 October, the SPCA Louis Trichardt team once again invites you to join them for their Craft & Farmers’ Market at their
premises on the Vondeling Road from 09:00 to 14:00.
The usual variety of stalls selling food, homemade produce, arts and crafts, jewellery, books, etc will be available. The Legacy vet shop can provide all your pet’s requirements too.
“Your support of the market stalls enables the stall holders in turn to support the SPCA,” said the team. Persons wishing to book a stall for a small donation can contact Grietjie on 072 516 6895. The stall that is best decorated with the theme of “Halloween” will win a R200 cash prize.
Remembrance Day Sunday 13 November
On Sunday, 13 November, the South African National Defence Force, military veterans and civilians will spend two minutes remembering those who had made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country as part of Armistice Day, also called Remembrance Day.
At 05:00 on Monday, 11 November 1918, a document was signed that brought an end to the First World War. At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of that year, the guns fell silent. The war that was supposed to end all wars had come to an end, but not before an estimated nine million people had lost their lives.
To pay homage those who died in the war and subsequent wars, Remembrance Day is commemorated annually. The Memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) of Louis Trichardt will be holding their annual Remembrance Day parade and wreath-laying ceremony on 13 November at 10:30 for 11:00 at their Turbi Hills Shell Hole at 66 Burger Street.
All members of the public are welcome to attend.
16 November
SPB Town Watch AGM
The Soutpansberg Town Watch will be hosting its annual general meeting (AGM) on 16 November and all residents from Louis Trichardt and surrounds are invited to attend.
The meeting will start at 18:00 at the hall of the Louis Trichardt Bowls Club on the corner of Ruh and Anderson Street. Part of the agenda for the evening will be the election of a new town watch council for 2023.
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
“En die Here het voor hulle uit getrek, bedags in ‘n wolkkolom om hulle op die pad te lei, en snags in ‘n vuurkolom om hulle voor te lig, sodat hulle dag en nag kon trek.” Eksodus 13:21.
Die Here se teenwoordigheid het die volk op hierdie wyse gelei. In die woestyn, droog, dor, eentonig, waar daar geen padwyser aangetref word nie, wat sou hulle sonder Hom uitgerig het?
‘n Sigbare kolom word nie meer gesien nie, maar God lei nog steeds sy kerk op aarde. Ons het Hom nog altyd nodig, veral in die dag wan neer ons meen dat ons alleen kan loop en ons eie beslissings kan maak. Alte maklik gaan ons dan juis aan die daal.
Niemand kan aan die Here voorskryf hoe Hy ons sal lei nie. God gebruik as reël sy onfeilbare Woord om ‘n lamp vir ons voet en ‘n lig vir ons pad te wees. Gaan na jou Bybel en soek daarin sy wil vir jou lewe en die antwoord op jou vrae. Hy lei ook deur die Heilige Gees en leer ons watter weg ons moet kies (Johannes 14:26). ‘n Lewe wat staan onder sy leiding is ‘n lewe wat vrugbaar is en wat seën ken.
- Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
TRICHARDT DBV Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151
11 Oktober
26oC Low: 14oC
sun than clouds.
29oC Low: 15oC
12 OktoberSunday, 9 Oktober
CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook Faye Female Nate Male
Cody Male Joceline Female Langston Male
Lucy Female Katy Purry cats & kittens
Pam Female
We’ve reached the end of the trail
And, suddenly, the journey is over.
Our 11 characters have reached the end of their journey, and so did our writer’s competition. Our fictitious travellers would probably agree that the experience had been absolutely amazing. And we would also agree.
When we started with this (competition) journey, we were very worried that we would not get enough quality entries. Things started off slowly, and we had to encourage readers via various platforms to enter. The first two weeks were worrying, to say the least. We were more than willing to add “some spice” to the stories entered, but we just needed the entries.
Then the entries started arriving. The first was Anke Roos from Levubu. (Thank you so much, Anke!). She set the tone and paved the way for others, such as the inimitable Zwothe Thothori.
Zwothe needs a special mention. This 17-year-old girl kept on trying, sending in one or more entries for each of the characters. She is so talented and full of enthusiasm. If she does not become an accomplished writer, she will become well known for whatever she sets her mind to.
But not only our young people entered. The third winner was the 70-plusser, Frans Jäckel. He showed everyone that creativity does not die off with age.
Just to prove that the 20-somethings were also present, Chantelle van Vuuren sent in the winning story for Emma. (And this was also one of the best of all the entries.) Anke Roos showed that her initial win was no fluke and she sent in the best entry for the character of Shabnim.
Ridgeway College’s writers dominated the competition, and 17-year-old Ronewa Ramulongo won the sixth prize for his story about Adrian. Just to prove that women can also tackle difficult topics, Ndivho Mukoma (16) wrote about Gerrit’s scar.
Zwothe Thothori’s persistence paid dividends when she won the prize for her version of how Takalani was scarred. Then, just to show that the competition was not only for young people, 60-year-old Rozanna Scorgie-Spence sent us an absolutely splendid story on Rovha’s character. Her description of Kilimanjaro was so real that it felt as if we were all there. (And some of us would know, because we have actually had the privilege of
‘sitting on the top of Kili’.)
Last week’s judging, to decide on a final winner, was the most difficult. We narrowed things down to five finalists, making the choice between the entries very hard. After a lot of deliberation, the judges opted for the entry sent in by 14-year-old Rabelani Dzambukeri. Her ending also summarises our experience:
“Let’s toast to us, to the great memories we have had - to the night of scars!”
Finally – a special word of thanks to the local representatives of the Endangered Wildlife Trust. Our fictitious characters followed a trail along the Western Soutpansberg. For the travel part of the series, we leaned heavily on the route descriptions on the EWT’s website.
The Old Salt Trail is definitely worth a visit. Please put that on your bucket list. We have such wonderful treasures here in the Soutpansberg, but, sadly, so few residents bother to explore these gems. For more information, visit their website at:
Thank you, thank you, thank you ... and let’s do it again soon.
Emma is an experienced journalist who is currently working for a local newspaper while dreaming of becoming a war photographer. At 37 she has won numerous awards for writing, as well as photography, but has never mastered the art of keeping direction. She is constantly searching for that new adventure. Will she ever settle down?
Lisa (53) is the mother of two grown daughters and wife of the CEO of a successful Sandton-based Import/Export company. Since his work often takes him away on extended business trips abroad and both her daughters had left the nest, Lisa has taken up hiking and bird watching to fill her days and get out of the empty house. She frequently visits nature reserves and national parks around South Africa.
Meet the adventurers
Marelize is one of the main characters in the adventure and also the narrator. She is 27 and originally from Namibia. She is a seasoned traveller and has visited countries in Europe and in the USA. She will not only describe the route being followed with its highlights, but also expand on her ten travel companions. It is important to follow closely what she says and build the characters accordingly. Marilize has a good sense of humour and willing to tackle whatever adventure awaits. She’s not that good with bike-riding and prefers walking trials.
Gerard is a Dutch adventure tourist. He ticks most of the boxes as far as stereotyping is concerned. He is slightly impatient and not discreet at all. He retired from the university where he was teaching a year ago and now at the age of 66 he spends his time travelling the world.
Rovha, the soft-spoken dentist, with the smiling eyes. He seems to be a loner, mostly travelling on his own. He has climbed Kilimanjaro and completed the Camino de Santiago. You will mostly find him sitting in a quiet sport reading a book or newspaper.
Shabnim’s small stature may be deceiving. She is a tough adventurer and even formed part of an expedition to Marion Island. She looks young, but at 42 she has seen a lot in life. She lectures at a local university and is well-respected in her field.
Gerrit (55) comes from a military background. As a young boy, his father (also ‘n military man) shaped him into becoming a soldier. Tigers don’t cry and love is but a four-letter word. Rising to the rank of captain, he was one of the last members of the old South African Army to have seen the horrors of the Bush War on the Angolan border. With the new 1994 dispensation, he found himself on civvy street in a world he did not understand and nor did the world understand him. He never found love, although so desperately longing for it. He is constantly running away from something to somewhere, thus finding himself in the Soutpansberg. Maybe here he can find peace.
Lee (28) was born with a neurological disorder that inhibits the full use of her right leg and arm. She has, however, never allowed this inability to become a disability, living her life to the fullest and constantly challenging her body. Although physically strong, every now and then she shows signs of emotional weakness. She is not keen to talk about it, but something or someone has definitely left a scar.
Adrian is a boisterous character who enjoys controlling the conversation. He is normally the one that likes to walk in the front, sharing his expertise freely with whoever wants to listen. He says he has travelled all over the world, but specifically likes the cold Russian climate. His most enjoyable travel experience was an epic snowmobile Journey in the Ural Mountains.
Takalani (Taki) (25) For the full-of-life Takalani, nursing has always been her calling. She is a vibrant, energetic young lady who’s infectious laugh can make any bad situation feel a little bit brighter. She is loved by all her collegues and patients. Although she has never done a hiking trail, she enjoys taking long walks in her spare time.
Zachary is often referred to as the local Bear Grylls. When it comes to the outdoors, there is very little he does not know. His insatiable thirst for adventure has taken the 39-year-old geologist on some of the world’s most dangerous wilderness trails. It is said that he once disappeared along the infamous West Coast Trail in British Columbia. When he reappeared 14 days later, he had a nasty scar on his left shoulder and a haunted look in his eyes.
Pietman se foto vir tweede agtereenvolgende maand die beste
Vir die tweede agtereenvolgende maand stap Pietman Muller van Levubu weg as die wenner van die Zoutpansberger se maandelikse kalenderfotokompetisie, dié keer vir September.
Muller se foto van ‘n kroonkiewiet wat besig om te bad by die laagwaterbrug by Shingwedzi in die Kruger Nasionale Park se tegniese ver-
sorging was so goed dat dit uitgestaan het as wenner. Die skerpheid van die foto was veral besonders. Muller het die foto met sy Nikon D4 met 500 mm lens geneem. Sy sluiterspoed was 1/1250 van ‘n sekonde met ‘n lensopening van F5.6 en ISO van 280. Die foto is in Mei vanjaar geneem.
Die streek se fotograwe kan vanjaar regdeur die jaar, tot en met die derde week in November vir die koerant se jaarlikse kalenderfotokompe-
tisie vir 2023 inskryf. Die kalender sal dan onder meer deur die Zoutpansberger gebruik word vir bemarkingsdoeleindes. Daar sal egter nie vir Desember ingeskryf kan word nie, aangesien die koerant reeds einde November die kalenders moet laat druk vanweë die Kersvakansie. Tot en met daardie stadium sal daar dus 11 weninskrywings wees. Die 12de wenfoto sal deur die beoordelaars gekies word uit al die inskrywings wat deur die jaar ontvang is en nog nie gewen het nie.
eie werk wees.
Wat Oktober en November betref sal fotograwe dus steeds hulle foto’s kan inskryf waaruit een wenfoto gekies sal word. ‘n Maksimum van vyf foto’s per fotograaf per maand kan ingestuur word, maar fotograwe kan vir meer as een maand inskryf. NB – Indien jou foto dalk een maand nie gewen het nie, maar jy voel dit is goed genoeg om weer in te skryf, kan dieselfde foto weer vir ‘n volgende maand ingestuur word. Die foto moet egter binne die afgelope 24 maande geneem gewees het en moet die fotograaf se
‘n Prys van R600 sal vir elke maand se wenfoto betaal word. Elke maand se wenfoto sal in die eerste week van die daaropvolgende maand se Zoutpansberger gepubliseer word. Slegs hoë-resolusie digitale foto’s (verkieslik landskap-formaat) sal aanvaar word. Die foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos (een vir een, indien nodig) gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Selfoonfoto’s is ook toelaatbaar indien die foon oor ‘n goeie kamera beskik. Die kompetisie vir Julie het reeds begin.
Vir meer inligting oor die kompetisie, skakel Andries by tel. 082 603 2419 of 015 516 4997 (tydens kantoorure). Hoë-resolusie foto’s kan ook aan hom gestuur word per e-pos na news@
8 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 7 OCTOBER 2022 Epos inskrywings na: Skakel Andries van Zyl: 082 603 2419 / 015 516 4996
2022 Hoe om in te skryf: Foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Alle inskrywings moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees. R600 prysgeld vir elke maand se wenfoto! Skryf nou in! Die twaalf wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-formaat muurkalender vir 2023 saamgevat word.
Fotograaf Pietman Muller se foto van ‘n kroonkiewiet was besig is om te bad is aangewys as die koerant se kalenderfoto-wenner vir September. Muller het die foto met sy Nikon D4 met 500 mm lens geneem. Sy sluiterspoed was 1/1250 van ‘n sekonde met ‘n lensopening van F5.6 en ISO van 280. Die foto is in Mei vanjaar geneem.
❑ Emma ❑ ✔
Gerard willing
Shabnim Lee Adrian Gerrit ❑ Taki ❑ Zachary ❑ Lisa ❑
The night of the scars on the Old Salt Trail
Day 7 - The final stretch to a place where everyone belongs
One by one the group of hikers settled down on the steps of the historic post office at Buysdorp. The church was visible just behind the post office, and across the road they could see the graveyard. Just a few hundred metres further down the road, the sound of children’s laughter was coming from the Mara Primary School.
The week of traversing the Soutpansberg mountain had taken its toll on the hikers. This morning’s hike was not very long, but sections of the route were very technical. They left Lajuma Wilderness Camp early, and first went past the waterfall lodge, where they enjoyed breakfast. From here, as the crow flies, they had only about three more kilometres to walk to the first Buysdorp farms, but that meant descending into the picturesque valley.
Their route took them past some of the small farms that formed an integral part of the Buysdorp community. Here the community members have survived from subsistence farming for
“Your roots lie in this unique community,” said Adrian while looking at Edwin.
“Yes. It’s a rich history of belonging, but also never belonging,” said Edwin.
“You’re talking about the legendary Coenraad de Buys, who settled here,” said Lisa. Many years ago, she had stumbled on a book by Sarah Gertrude Millin, called King of the Bastards. The story of how one man could influence the course of history had fascinated her. “He arrived here in the Soutpansberg more than 200 years ago,” she prompted Edwin to tell more.
“Yes, in 1819 he had already settled here. He disappeared in 1829, somewhere between the Limpopo and the then Lourenco Marques. But when he left, his two sons, Gabriël and Doris, took over. A third son, Michael, also settled here after Gabriël’s death and became the leader of the community. Michael was the one who invited the reverend Alexander MacKidd in around 1863 to establish the first missionary station in the mountains,” said Edwin.
“I saw the sign pointing to the Kranspoort mission station along the road,” Lisa interrupted. “Is this the same missionary station that MacKidd started, and is it still active?” she asked.
“MacKidd bought the land where
Kranspoort is situated, and in his will he asked that it be dedicated to the church’s missionary work. Sadly, that did not happen and the place was sold a few decades ago by the Dutch Reformed Church. Not long after that, it formed part of a land claim and today, the church and graveyard, which are such important historic sites, are in a state of neglect. But that’s a story for another time,” Edwin continued a bit wistfully.
“What happened before MacKidd arrived here? If I remember correctly, Schoemansdal, the erstwhile town, had a very active congregation, with Rev Van Warmelo at the helm. Could the Buys community not join them?” Lisa probed a bit further.
“Sadly, this was not to be. I remember my grandfather telling me how Michael Buys was sitting on the steps of the church in Schoemansdal with tears flowing down his cheeks. Religion has always played a very important role in the lives of the Buys community, and he wanted to go to church. Because he was considered to be a coloured person, he was not allowed inside. He could, however, listen from outside and then relate the sermon to his family members back in Buysdorp,” said Edwin.
“And so, they decided to rather invite their own preacher,” Adrian quipped. “I would have been furious, but perhaps it is best not to try and
Let’s all drink to the night of the scars!
By Rabelani Dzambukeri
Lisa couldn’t believe it was their last day there. It had all flown by so fast. Even though it hadn’t ended yet, she felt a slight ache in her heart, knowing that they’d have to leave behind all the great people they’d met.
Lisa resolved to treasure all the memories and stories safely in her heart as she made her way to the fire, coffee cup in hand.
“We have saved the best for last,” Adrian declared boisterously, giving her a wink.
“Oh, dear me, my story is definitely not the best. You all are phenomenal people with great stories to share. Even though my story is nothing compared to yours, I hope you learn something from me today,” Lisa said humbly with a big smile on her face.
“Oh, Lisa,” Taki let out a soft laugh.
“So, here goes. I was 48 when both my girls got married in the same year, but in different seasons. Amber married in autumn and Ashley later that year, in summer. I was happy for them, but, oh boy, was I lonely after they had officially left the nest,” Lisa continued.
“You mentioned that your husband is the CEO of a Sandton-based company. Weren’t your days filled with business trips to New York, extravagant parties and meeting successful people?” Lee asked, her eyes sparkling mischievously.
“Yes, I was always busy, but the constant mingling with people in such social circles got tiring. The continuous travelling eventually drains you, and it surely did so with me,” Lisa said with a heavy sigh at the end.
“Now that I think about it, I’ve never actually met a rich person who is content with their life. I mean, sure, they have everything they need, but then they seem to lose touch with themselves. They do not know who they truly are, because they are blinded by the money. Not that I’m saying this is you, Lisa, but it’s just something I’ve observed over the years,” Rovha said with a hesitant voice.
“No worries, child, the Lord blessed us with brains to think and mouths to project these thoughts. No one knows who they truly are and whether they are ‘rich’ or ‘poor’. But I’ll agree with the fact that all the money can blind you and make this process harder,” Lisa said, a soft smile on her face.
“How did you do it then, Lisa? Escape from the pattern, I mean,” Adrian asked, pulling on his beard pensively.
“I disconnected to reconnect. I did the things that I loved, the things that made me feel whole again: I went on hikes, I travelled to new places, tried something new on each trip, went bird watching. I let my inner child escape the body of Mr Webster’s wife,” Lisa said, making sure she maintained eye contact with all of them, one after the other.
“That sounds fascinating. What was your favourite adventure?” Gerrit asked.
“I flew to France!!”
“Living every girl’s dream, madam,” Taki said, sighing enviously.
“It was a dream for me too. A twenty-day dream. I went on a seven-day hike in Provence. From Avignon, all the way to Roussillon. It was splendid. I was like a bird freed from its
cage. The whispering sighs of the trees, the rush of the water, the harmony of the sounds made by the insects and birds, the drum of our feet against the ground, creating unique melodies. Melodies you wanted to listen to on repeat. Melodies that spoke to your soul…” Lisa spoke with so much excitement and bliss that everyone realised that she had truly found her happy place.
“Really?! That sounds like something from a majestic Disney movie,” Lee said with absolute awe in her eyes.
“And I felt like a princess! After the hike, I rented a small house in the countryside and tried something completely new: I took painting classes. I walked around all day, took a taxi once in a while, looking at the mesmerising architecture. I walked through the villages and bought floral dresses from small shops. I had breakfast in cafes and always took a croissant to-go, bird-watched and even stood still, simply to observe the people around me. I painted it allfrom the rock houses to the tiny birds.” Her eyes looked bright, her inner peace shining through.
“Who doesn’t love a good croissant?” Gerrit stated while rubbing his stomach, making everyone laugh.
“Right! There was a small boulangerie right across my place. I loved it so much, not only because of the food, but for the cat that stayed there. She was so loving. She would sit on my lap, and once I’d finished eating, I’d pet her. She kissed me and purred the whole time.”
“Aww, that’s so cute!” Taki and Shabnim said in unison.
“She was, but she once gave me the
judge the actions of people who lived many generations ago.”
“The story of the Buys people is in many instances sad, but also one of hope. In 1867, Schoemansdal was burnt to the ground and the church destroyed. The Buys community built their own church, which still stands. It is not a church of exclusivity, because religion is not supposed to divide people,” Edwin said.
“This is an amazing history,” Shabnim suddenly joined the conversation. “Perhaps the Buys people represent all of us. None of us can claim that we are the ‘owners’ and we ‘belong’ here. We all have histories of coming from other areas, depending on how far back in history you want to go. But we are here now. We are the current custodians of this country, and as such, we belong to each other.” She looked pensive but resolute.
A comfortable silence followed Shabnim’s words. The hikers looked at each other, appreciating their diversity. Together they had conquered a seven-day route, learning not only about nature but also about each other. All of them carried cultural and religious differences and all of them were scarred by life in one way or the other, but they had completed a journey together.
“Your lifts back to town will arrive in an hour,” said Edwin.
fright of my life ... and these scars,” Lisa said and shook her head, pulling away her T-shirt to expose some parallel scars on her shoulder.
“How so? She sounds way too gentle to scare anyone, poor thing,” Taki replied.
“Okay, so it was my last day in France and I was super tired. I decided to go to sleep early that night. I rolled up my hair, made myself some chamomile tea and reflected on my trip. It was time to switch off the lights and call it a day,” Lisa said, closing her eyes and putting on a relaxed look.
“As you should, madam,” Lee interrupted.
“I woke up in the middle of the night to tinkle. All of a sudden, I heard a loud clattering noise from the kitchen. I grabbed a broom and tiptoed to the source of the noise, ready to give the intruder my best shot. When I got to the kitchen, there was a glowing circle of green...”
“Dun dun dun dun!” Taki said in a sing-song voice, imitating the dramatic music from a horror film.
“Long story short – something landed on my shoulder heavily, and I felt claws digging into my skin. In the dark, I just grabbed and pulled, but I could feel how parts of my flesh accompanied whatever I managed to throw off me. I fell over and started crawling back to the door, trying to locate the light switch. With the light on, I could see the bakery cat … very indignantly cleaning itself on top of my counter, delicately licking my blood and pieces of flesh off its paws,” she said, shaking her head.
“Sometimes, I tell people that I got the scratches from a French lover, during a night of unbridled passion, but it was just a French cat. THE END!” She laughed, and everyone joined her.
“That gives us enough time to listen to one more story, and the only one left is Lisa. Come on, old girl, you’ve kept us waiting long enough. Dish up the dirt!”
“Alright,” she said, “let me just grab myself a bit of coffee and take off these boots, then I’ll be right with you.”
“Don’t keep us waiting too long,” said Edwin. “Before you know it, your rides will be here, and then it’s too late!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick. Why don’t you guys get yourselves some coffee as well? That way, I won’t be drinking alone…” she said with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes.
Did you miss one of the adventurer’s stories? Visit www.zoutpansberger. to read all the winning stories online.
After everyone had quieted down, she said: “Wait right here, I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
Lisa stood up and came back a few minutes later with a flask in hand. She poured hot chocolate into their cups and raised her own up in the air.
“We should change our perspective on scars. We shouldn’t think of them as dreadful marks, but as souvenirs of memories from the past. When you look at your scars, you should be reminded of the moments of joy, growth and perseverance when you got your scar ... Let’s toast to us, to the great memories we have had - to the night of scars!”
Everyone stood up and raised their cups, “To the night of scars!”
Our final winner in the competition is the 14-year-old Rabelani Charntell Dzambukeri. (She is almost 15, she says, as her birthday is on December 26.) She attends school at Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt, but she stays with her grandmother at Tshakuma village. (Her mother passed away in 2014.)
“I love art and literature and I hope to write my own novel in the future,” she says.
Lisa’s story:
Martin Theunissen (middel) is op 30 September tydens die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se jaarlikse prysuitdeling aangewys as Speler van die Jaar en die speler wat die meeste drieë vir die eerstespan gedruk het. Saam met hom staan afrigter Bertie Swanepoel (links) en Armand Stander (regs). Ook tydens die geleentheid is ‘n nuwe bestuur vir die klub verkies. Die nuwe lede van die bestuur is Brian du Plooy (voorsitter), Pieter Viljoen (ondervoorsitter), Armand Stander (klubkaptein) en Kevin Gilbert (klub president). Foto verskaf.
Tydens die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se jaarlikse afsluiting en prysuitdeling het Rickus Nel (middel) die toekenning vir beste voorspeler in die eerstespan ontvang. Saam met hom staan afrigter Bertie Swanepoel (links) en Armand Stander (regs). Foto verskaf.
NTT Toyota Vikings seëvier oor Jolly XI in finaal van tweede 20-beurt liga
Deur Andries van Zyl
Jolly XI se segetog oor die afgelope paar weke het Saterdag, 1 Oktober, tot ‘n skielike einde gekom toe hulle redelik gemaklik deur die NTT Toyota Vikings geklop is in die finaal van die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub se tweede 20-beurt liga van die jaar.
Vir baie was Jolly XI die gunstelinge om die liga te beklink, maar Saterdag was die geluk nie aan hulle kant nie en in ‘n stadium het hulle reeds drie paaltjies plat gehad vir slegs vyf lopies op die telbord in die derde beurt. Vier van Jolly se kolwers, insluitend die openingskolwers, is vir nulletjies uitgehaal. Die enigste kolwers was dubbelsyfer kon behaal, was Hussain Patel met 14 lopies vanaf 18 balle af, Hassan Diwan wat 31 lopies vanaf 22 balle gemoker het en Muhammed Sagir wat ‘n skaflike 48 lopies vanaf 23 balle aangeteken het. Met hul telling op 115 was al die Jolly XI kolwers terug op die pawiljoen in slegs 15.1 beurte.
Vier van die NTT Toyota Vikings se boulers het elk twee paaltjies platgetrek. Hulle was
Craig Viljoen, AC Geldenhuys, Gysbert Guillaume en Waldo van Deemter. Morné Olwage en Zander Volgraaff het elk een paaltjie gevat.
Vikings se openingskolwers was onstuitbaar, met Gysbert Guillaume en Craig Viljoen wat onderskeidelik 65 (van 39 balle af) en 42 (vanaf 34 balle) lopies gemoker het. Hulle was sterk op pad om ook die wenlopies te moker, maar Jolly se boulers het ‘n stokkie daarvoor gesteek. Die Vikings se eerste paaltjie het geval op 106 lopies, gevolg deur ‘n tweede en derde paaltjie op onderskeidelik 107 en 112 lopies. Teen daardie tyd was die skrif egter aan die muur vir Jolly en die Vikings het die finaal met ‘n telling van 116 lopies vir die verlies van slegs drie paaltjies in 13.3 beurte gewen – ‘n sewe-paaltjie oorwinning.
Vir Jolly XI het bouler Saffiyan Dalla twee paaltjies en Naweed Jolly een paaltjie laat kantel.
Naweed Jolly is ná afloop van die wedstryd aangewys as die liga se beste bouler met 11 plaatjies in totaal. Die beste kolwer was Limpopo Dairy se Leon Olwage met 269 lopies.
Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se jaarlikse afsluiting en prysuitdeling het op Vrydag, 30 September, by die Soutpansberg Gholfklub plaasgevind. Tydens die geleentheid is Jacques Jordaan (middel) aangewys as die beste voorspeler in die tweedespan. Saam met hom staan afrigter Bertie Swanepoel (links) en Armand Stander (regs). Foto verskaf.
AC Geldenhuys (middel) van die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se eerstespan het die toekenning ontvang vir die speler wat die meeste punte aangeteken het. Saam met hom staan afrigter Bertie Swanepoel (links) en Armand Stander (regs). Foto verskaf.
Die speler wat die afgelope jaar die beste vordering getoon het by die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se eerstespan was Danie du Toit (middel). Hy het sy trofee ontvang tydens die klub se jaarlikse afsluiting en prysuitdeling. Saam met hom staan afrigter Bertie Swanepoel (links) en Armand Stander (regs). Foto verskaf.
Louis Fourie (middel), het tydens die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 30 September die toekenning vir beste agterspeler in die tweedespan ontvang. Saam met hom staan afrigter Bertie Swanepoel (links) en Armand Stander (regs). Foto verskaf.
10 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 7 OCTOBER 2022 Service Dealer SALES & REPAIRS Chain Saws, Brush Cutters, Lawn Mowers, Pressure Washers & Accessories • Tel: 015 516 3012 • Fax: 015 516 3459 • Cell: 084 429 8273 • Cell: 076 522 1766 PPE Clothing 2 Industria Rd, LTT Keeping the lights on! Since 2000 082 498 1484 Industria Road, (Next to All Power) 083 452 1646 Derik Prinsloo Tel: 015 516 6269 Tel: 015 495 1624 Air conditioner specials for summer! c/o Rissik & President Street, Shop No. 7 Tel: 015 516 4913 / 060 980 0944 HIGH QUALITYBATTERIES 079 490 2067 / 082 825 9391 MOTORREPAIR SERVICESFro a l l y our automotive repairs&maint e n ecna 55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt Paper, Stationery, Cartridges, Stamps Face shields & hand sanitizers now availableAll your businesses on one page usiness birectory b
Die NTT Toyota Vikings is gekroon as die wenners van die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub se tweede 20-beurt liga van die jaar ná ‘n sewe-paaltjie oorwinning oor Jolly XI in die finaal. Afgeneem is die Viking-spelers met hulle trofee. Foto verskaf.
Van links na regs staan Jolly XI se Naweed Jolly (wat aangewys is as die beste bouler van die pasafgelope tweede 20-beurt liga van die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub met 11 paaltjies), Morné Olwage (kaptein van die NTT Toyota Vikings, wat die liga beklink het) en Limpopo Dairy se Leon Olwage (beste kolwer van die liga met 269 lopies). Foto verskaf.
Richard-Dean Anderson (regs) het die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub se trofee as beste voorspeler in die klub se derdespan ontvang. Saam met hom staan die afrigter van die dorp se derdespan, Jimmy Luvhimba. Foto verskaf.
Gcobani Goda (right) received the trophy for best backline player in the Louis Trichardt Rugby Club’s third team. Pictured with him is the coach of the third team, Jimmy Luvhimba. Photo supplied.
the closing date for the submission of objec�ons/ representa�ons. Please quote the above men�oned applica�on descrip�on, the objector’s interest in the ma�er, the ground(s) of the objec�on/representa�on, the objector’s physical adresse and phone numbers and postal address. Closing date for submission of objec�ons/representa�ons: 30 October 2022. Agent: DEVELOPLAN, P.O. Box 1883, Polokwane, 0700. Email: Fax: 0862183267
for Inspec�on
In the Estate of Late: JOHANNA MAGDALENA
ID: 310512 0037 084
Estate No: 1249/2022
Last Address: Ons Tuiste, Louis Trichardt, 0920
Date of Death: 11 January 2022
Executor’s Address: ZCP Konsult (Pty) Ltd, 28B Landros Avenue, Louis Trichardt, 0920
NOTICE I, Theo Kotze, as the agent of the owner of the property men�oned below, hereby give no�ce that I have applied to the Limpopo Department of Coopera�ve Governance Human Se�lement and Tradi�onal Affairs in terms of Act 21 of 1940 for consent from the Controlling authority as it relates to the following: Proposed subdivision of PORTION 9 OF FARM VYGEBOOMSDRIFT 283-LS into TWO por�ons. The men�oned farm is located approximately 7km east of Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Limpopo. I have also applied for the following: Consent in terms of Sec�on 70(1)(E) of the Makhado Municipality Spa�al Planning, Land Development and Land Use Management By-Law, 2016 & for removal of �tle condi�ons from �tle deed T145917/2004 namely Condi�ons C(i)(ii)(iii)(iv), in terms of Sec�on 64(2) of the Makhado Local Municipality Spa�al Planning, Land Development and Land Use Management by-law, 2016 as it relates to the above ma�er. Par�culars of the applica�ons will lie for inspec�on during normal office hours at the office of the Head of Department: Coopera�ve Governance Human Se�lements and Tradi�onal Affairs, 3rd floor, Hensa building, corner of Rabe and Landros Mare Streets, Polokwane, 0699 for a period of 6 weeks from 30 SEPT 2022. Objec�ons to or representa�ons in respect of the applica�ons must be lodged with or made in wri�ng to the Head of department, COGHSTA at the above address or at Private bag X9485, Polokwane, 0700 within a period of 6 weeks from 30 SEPT 2022. Par�culars of the applica�ons will also lie for inspec�on during normal office hours at the office of the Director, Municipal Secretariat, 1st floor, Civic centre, 83 Krogh street, Louis Trichardt, for a period of 30 days from 30 Sept. 2022. Objec�ons/representa�ons can also be lodged with or made in wri�ng to, or verbally communicated if you are unable to write, to the Municipal Manager: Makhado local municipality, at the above-men�oned address or be posted to Private Bag X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 on or before
Ek, Theo Kotze, synde die gemag�gde agent van die eienaar van die volgende eiendom, het aansoek gedoen by die Departement Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nederse�ngs en Tradisionele sake in terme Wet 21 van 1940 vir toestemming van die Beherende Gesag vir die volgende: Die onderverdeling van Gedeelte 9 van die plaas VYGEBOOMSDRIFT 283-LS in twee dele (voormelde plaas is ongeveer 7km ten ooste van Makhado, Limpopo, gelee). Voorts het ek ook aansoek gedoen in terme van Klousule 70(1)(E) van die Makhado Ruimtelikebeplanning-, Grondontwikkeling- en Grondgebruikbestuursbywet (2016), vir die nodige toestemming, asook vir die verwydering van beperkende �telvoorwaardes C(i) (ii)(iii)(iv) in �telakte T145917/2004, in terme van Klousule 64(2) van voormelde bywet, soos dit van toepassing is op voormelde onderverdeling. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Hoof van die departement: Samewerkende Regering Menslike Nederse�ngs en Tradisionele Sake, 3de vloer, Hensa gebou, hoek van Rabe en Landros Mare Strate, Polokwane, 0699, vir ‘n tydperk van 6 weke vanaf 30 SEPT 2022.
Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 6 weke vanaf 30 SEPT 2022 skri�elik by of tot die Hoof van die departement: COGHSTA, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X9485, Polokwane, 0700 ingedien of gerig word. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoeke lê ook ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur, Munisipale sekretariaat, 1 ste vloer, Burgersentrum, 83 Kroghstraat, Louis Trichardt, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 30 Sept. 2022. Enige beswaar/ vertoë moet hetsy skri�elik of mondelings (indien u nie kan skryf nie), by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder voor die slui�ngsdatum, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 ingedien of gerig word. Maak asseblief melding van bogenoemde beskrywing van die aansoek en/of wysigingskemanommer, die beswaarmaker se belange in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar/vertoë, die beswaarmaker se fisiese adres en telefoonnommer(s) en posadres. Slui�ngsdatum vir die indiening van besware/vertoë: 30 Oktober 2022. Agent: DEVELOPLAN, Posbus 1883, Polokwane, 0700.
In pursuance of judgments granted by this Honourable Court on 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 and 22 APRIL 2021, and a Warrant of Execu�on issued therea�er, the undermen�oned immovable property will be sold in execu�on subject to a reserve price in the amount of R350 000.00, by the Sheriff of the High Court LOUIS TRICHARDT at THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE, LOUIS TRICHARDT: 21 FLAMBOYANT STREET, NEW TOWN, LOUIS TRICHARDT on 27 OCTOBER 2022 at 11H00, to the highest bidder.
Full Condi�ons of Sale may be inspected at the offices of the SHERIFF OF THE HIGH COURT, LOUIS TRICHARDT: ADDRESS AS ABOVE, whom shall hold the sale and shall read out the Condi�ons of sale prior to the sale in execu�on.
The Sheriff, Execu�on Creditor and/or the Execu�on Creditor’s A�orneys do not give any warran�es with regard to the descrip�on and/ or improvements of the
Tinto House, Cnr Solomon Mahlangu Drive (previously Hans Strijdom) & Disselboom Avenue, Wapadrand, DX 178, PRETORIA, PO Box 733, Wapadrand, 0050
Tel: (012) 807 3366 (Ext. 519)
Narien Foord direct fax: 086 206 8695 Li�ga�on direct fax: (012) 807 5299 Email: service@�ntolaw. Ref: U21913/DBS/N FOORD/CEM
NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35(5) OF ACT 66 OF 1965 Liquida�on and Distribu�on account in Deceased Estates Lying
Master office: FIRST AND FINAL liquida�on and Distribu�on Account in the estate will be open for inspec�on for a period of 21 days at the Master’s Office in Thohoyandou, and in the Magistrates office, Louis Trichardt from 07 OCTOBER 2022.
and Distribu�on
in Deceased Estates Lying
the Estate of
Soutpansberg Gholfklub
HOLE 19 th
Estate No: 1528/2022
Last Address: Avondsrus 52, Rooiberg 0500, Limpopo
Date of Death: 06 JUNE 2022 Master office: FIRST AND FINAL liquida�on and Distribu�on Account in the estate will be open for inspec�on for a period of 21 days at the Master’s Office in Thohoyandou, and in the Magistrates office, Louis Trichardt from 07 OCTOBER 2022.
Executor’s Address: ZCP Konsult (Pty) Ltd, 28B Landros Avenue, Louis Trichardt, 0920 Email:
Pos Parkrunner Gender Age Group Time
1 Pieter PRETORIUS Male VM35-39 24:07
2 Faisal SHEIKH Male VM40-44 26:57
3 Michael NEL Male SM20-24 28:07
4 Shelly LE ROUX Female VW45-49 28:16
5 Franswa SCHEEPERS Male SM30-34 29:33
6 Kathy TUCKER Female VW65-69 29:55
Every Saturday at
Job Title: Material Handler
Division: Conways Xpress Thohoyandou (XT)
Number of Posts: One (1)
Qualifications: Grade 12 or Equivalent
Driver License – C1 (Code 10) with valid PrDP.
Preferred experience: At least one year in an aluminium or stock handling environment as well as 2 years commercial driving experience
Reports To: Stock Controller & Operations Manager
Main purpose of job: Picking, packing, receiving & loading of stock, ad-hoc goods deliveries when required & general housekeeping.
Job Title: Driver
Department: Conways Xpress Thohoyandou (XT)
Number of Posts: Two (2)
Qualifications: Matric / Grade 12 or equivalent
Driver License – EB (Code 8) with valid PrDP. C1 will be advantageous.
Preferred experience: Two years’ experience as a commercial driver
Basic knowledge of Wispeco’s Crealco Aluminium products
Report to: Operations Manager / Stock Controller / Storeman
Main purpose of job: Deliver goods and communicate with customers (work without assistance)
Deliver correct quality goods and collect returns from customers.
Job Title: Admin Assistant
Division: Conways Xpress Thohoyandou (XT)
No. of posts: One (1)
Report to: Ops/Admin Manager
Requirements: Matric / Grade 12 or equivalent.
Fully computer literate (MS office fully competent, Excel Competent)
Good telephone and communication skills
At Least 2 years experience in an administrative/operations environment; Cashier, Accounting or General Administration processes.
A relevant post matric qualification, Own car with license would be an
How fast do I have to be?
We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!
For more info & results just scan this QR Code:
Main purpose of
Short listed candidates will be required
Application to: Conways Xpress Thohoyandou
Mail address:
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 7 OKTOBER 2022 11 Classifieds Legals Notices To advertise your Classified or Vacancy on this page, contact us at Tel: (015) 516 4996 ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS LEGALS TO LET TE HUUR • 2 Slaapkamer huis 7 km uit op Levubu pad Diere-vriendelik. R5 500 Water ingesluit. Prepaid krag WhatsApp Chris 078 378 5486
• Bachelors flat (1 slp kamer) 7 km uit op Levubu pad Nie diere-vriendelik. R3700 W&L ingesluit Onmiddellik beskikbaar WhatsApp Chris 078 378 5486 LTT PARKRUN STATISTICS 2022 • Number of events: 79 • Finishers: 677 • Average number of finishers per week: 44.4 • Average finish time: 00:41:56 • Female record holder : Donna GREYLING - Time: 21:19 (04/01/20) • Male record holder : Livhalani MUDAU - Time: 16:16 (10/09/22) Results: parkrun #79 - 01/10/2022 LOUIS TRICHARDT
7:00am What is Louis Trichardt parkrun? A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5km community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s up to you! Every Saturday at 8:00am Where is it? The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1. What does it cost to join in? Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time.
Epos: Faks:
Late: JOHANNA GERTRUIDA MALAN ID: 521113 0070 087
for all administrative functions.
to undergo the relevant psychometric test.
– Attention: Ndivhuwo Maliga
date: 6 October 2022 at 12h00
FIXTURES/BEPALINGS BS - BETERBAL STABLEFORD, IS - IND STABLEFORD, BBB - B/BAL BONUS BOGEY HS - HOUESPEL, GS - GEKOMBINEERDE STABLEFORD, 4BA/S - 4BAL ALLIANSIE STABLEFORD 2B/AS - 2BAL AMERICAN SCRAMBLE, BBM - BETERBAL MULTIPLIER 4 MAN CHA CHA CHA IB - IND BOGEY, SD - SCRAMBLE DRIVE UITSLAE/RESULTS Opkomende Kompetisie FormaatKompetisieDatum Eie reëlings15/10/22 Makadamia Gholfdag08/10/22 Maandelikse Houespel Datum Hoofborg Formaat 01/10/22 SPB Gholfklub HS Plek Naam Punte 691 Rampie Gilfillan 692 Blokkie Pretorius uittel 713 Tjol Jandrell Woensdagspel Datum Hoofborg Formaat 28/09/22 Eie reëlings IS Plek Naam Punte 411 DJ du Preez 392 Peter Thompson 373 Danie Jooste
Oud-Triegies maak opslae in rugbywêreld
Laerskool Louis Trichardt het rede om trots te wees op drie van sy oud-rugbyspelers wat tans besig is om vinnig opslae te maak in die
Een van hulle is Franco Knoetze, die skool se 2015 hoofseun. Franco het ná sy laerskoolloopbaan by Laerskool Louis Trichardt sy hoërskoolloopby Hoërskool Menlopark
begin. In 2018 is hy gekies vir die Grant Khomo (Blou Bulle) span, en nadat hy in 2019 na Grey Kollege geskuif het, het hy daardie jaar die meeste drieë vir die kollege se eerstespan gedruk. Hy het ook uitgedraf as kaptein van die Vrystaat
Cheetahs tydens die Akademie Week. In 2020 het hy sy erekleure in rugby as lid van Grey Kollege se eerstespan verwerf.
Sedert 2021 speel Franco vir die junior Vodacom Blou Bulle as heelagter en in die o.20-toernooi het die span die beker gewen. Franco is tans ook te sien in die o.21-toernooi.
Die ander oud-Triegie is Hanno Theunissen, Laerskool Louis Trichardt se hoofseun van 2016. Ná voltooiing van sy laerskoolloopbaan by Triegies, het hy sy hoërskoolloopbaan by Hoërskool Merensky klaargemaak.
In 2019 is Hanno gekies vir beide die Limpopo Blou Bulle en Grant Khomo provinsiale toernooi. Hy is ook uitgenooi vir die SARU-oefenkamp in die Paarl. Op aanbeveling het Hanno in 2020 na Hoërskool Garsfontein geskuif.
Tan speel Hanno ook soos Franco vir die junior Blou Bulle as slot in die 0.21-reeks. Die o.19-reeks skop in November af. Die twee het ook in 2015 saam uitgedraf vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se eerstespan.
Nog ‘n plaaslike rugbysensasie is Nsuku Baloyi, lid van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se leerlingraad in 2014. Dieselfde jaar het ook hy saam met Franco rugby gespeel.
Die jong Baloyi is gekies vir beide die o.12 en o.13 Cravenweek vir die Limpopo Blou Bulle, asook die Limpopo Blou Bulle 7’s span. Ná voltooiing van sy laerskoolloopbaan by Triegies het ook hy na Hoërskool Menlopark gegaan en in 2017 is hy gekies vir die o.16 Grant Khomo Week. In 2018 is hy gekies vir die o.18 Blou Bulle Cravenweek span, die o.17 Blou Bulle 7’s span en as lid van die o.17 Suid-Afrikaanse oefenkamp. Ook in 2019 is hy gekies vir die o.18 Blou Bulle Cravenweekspan, asook
as lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse o.18 skolespan.
In 2020 het Baloyi uitgedraf vir die Southern Kings in die Oos-Kaap as deel van die Pro 14-rugbyreeks. Hy het ook die o.19 Suid-Afrikaanse oefenkamp bygewoon en uitgedraf vir die Universiteit van Johannesburg. Tans speel
12 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 7 OCTOBER 2022 Zoutpansberger News with an independent soul PRIME SPOT AVAILABLE! Khathu 071 188 5055 / George 082 419 2359 Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 • Yassin Ayob: 078 678 6200 • • Sales: Nimesh: 076 352 2244 EXCL. ON THE ROAD FEE • T&C’ s APPLY • E.&O.E. R269 995 2020 Volkswagen Polo Vivo Hatch 1.6 Comfortline Automatic 19 000km R529 995 2016 BMW 1 Series M140i 5-door 72 000km R479 995 2022 Toyota Corolla Cross 1.8 XS 100km R399 995 2016 Mercedes Benz C-class C250 78 000km R369 995 2021 VW Polo Hatch 1.0 TSi Comfortline 34 000km R729 995 2019 Mercedes Benz C-class C200 Coupé 5 500km R779 995 69 000km 2020 Mercedes Benz X-class Double cab 4
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Hanno Theunissen (links) en Franco Knoetze (regs), oud-leerlinge van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, wat tans deel vorm van die junior Blou Bulle o.21-span. Foto verskaf.
Nog ‘n oud-leerling van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, Nsuku Baloyi, speel tans klubrugby vir die Timisoara-klub in Roemenië. Foto verskaf.
6PcsOriginalRecipe, LrgChips, 2.RegMash&Gravies &RegColeslaw ALLINONEFEAST 12990 Ts&Csapply.Imagesforillustrativepurposesonly.Whlestockslast.