8 December 2017 Zoutpansberger

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8 Desember 2017

News with an independent soul


PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing.

Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Ou euwel steek weer nuwe kop uit - bladsy 2

Jaargang 33 Vol. 49

NLC keeps giving, but not much to see here - page 4

Diesel, petrol en Diesel, Petrol en paraffien aflewerings Paraffien aflewerings

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3 Unika Straat, Makhado, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo

3 Unika Straat, Makhado, Louis Trichardt, Limpopo

New municipal manager a qualified engineer - page 6

Greenbelt again up for sale Vrugtevolle week vir Soutpansberg

By Andries van Zyl

A further three portions of Louis Trichardt’s greenbelt area have been earmarked for possible sale and business development. In the past, any attempt to develop any part of the town’s greenbelt area, also known as the town’s bird and tree sanctuary, was met with severe criticism from environmentalists. Such was also the case when well-known local businessman, Mr Rampie Gilfillan, advertised his intention to buy and develop a 2,5ha piece of land in the greenbelt area (next to the town’s cricket fields) for the development of a motor city in the beginning of 2014. After receiving two objections against his proposed development, Gilfillan was eventually given the go-ahead to continue with the development more than a year later, following a protracted environmental authorisation battle. During the 84th Council meeting of the Makhado Municipality on 26 October, notice was given of the proposed sale by private contract of three more portions of Erf 4296, situated west of the N1 between Rissik and Songozwi Street. In all three cases, the developers seek

to buy the properties for business development. The three developers are Mr T E Netshiongolwe (executive director of Viato Projects), Mr H Musandiwa and Messrs J Gilfillan and H Muswobi. Netshiongolwe’s application is the only one indicating what kind of business development he is planning, which includes a McDonald’s restaurant. The proposed sale is, however, far from being a done deal. As part of the proposed sale, Council attached numerous strict conditions that first have to be met by the developers. These, among others, include that such sale be advertised in the local newspaper; that an application for the subdivision of Erf 4296 be submitted for consideration and approval before the determination of market price; that the property be sold at a market related valuation determined by a professional valuer; that an application for the rezoning of the said property to be subdivided be submitted for consideration; that the Department of Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism be consulted and that comments from the department regarding the subdivision must be submitted together with a rezoning application; that the property be developed within three

years from the date of signing the Deed of Sale, provided that Council may allow an extension of a further two years; and that in the event that the developer failed to complete the development as required, the property revert back to Council without compensation for any improvements on the property. The availability of electricity remains the biggest obstacle facing the three developers. Council, as part of their conditions of sale, highlighted this aspect, stating that as the required capacity is not yet known, an estimated minimum of 100kVA supply may be required in this regard, which cannot be supplied at this stage. “Only a 50kVA capacity can be made available due to the current local capacity constraints for this request. The application will further be subject to a fully motivated written application by the client’s electrical engineer which will be submitted to Council’s senior management for their consideration in the event that more than 50kVA is required. Only a maximum of 50kVA may in any way be considered according to present status of the electricity supply scheme,” Council stated. (Contd on P2)

Ostervaldt James (OJ) en Bart Antonie van de Vyver was die derde stel nuwe tweelinge waarmee Louis Trichardt spog (lees artikel op p. 3). Foto verskaf.

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Ou euwel het weer nuwe kop in dorp ui­t­gesteek Deur Isabel Venter

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens se adjunk-provinsiale kommissaris, generaal Jan Scheepers, afgeneem tydens sy toespraak. Foto: Limpopo Polisie Kommuniaksie.

Meer moet saamstaan teen misdaad Deur Isabel Venter

Limpopo se top polisiehoofde het met groot lof gepraat van Louis Trichardt se aksies om misdaad te voorkom. Volgens die SAPD se adjunk-provinsiale kommissaris, generaal Jan Scheepers, is die samewerking tussen die polisie en plaaslike veiligheidsforums van die beste in die provinsie. Hy het die dorpswag, plaaswag en ander verwante organisasies wat onder die plaaslike gemeenskapsolisiëringsforums val gelukgewens en gevra om voort te bou op hulle goeie werk. Scheepers het gepraat by ‘n gemeenskapsvergadering verlede Donderdag in Louis Trichardt se Ferdie Beyerssaal. Die vergadering is bygewoon deur al die belangrike rolspelers in die veiligheids- en sekuri­ teitsbedryf wat funksioneer in die Louis Trichardt- en Vivo omgewing. Scheepers het klem gelê da-

arop dat daar nooit genoeg samewerking kan wees nie, en inwoners versoek om aktief betrokke te raak by hulle onderskeie plaaswagte of by die Soutpansberg Dorpswag. “Moenie jou eie ding probeer of jou eie groepie stig nie. Werk saam met die instansies wat reeds bewys het dat wat hulle doen, werk,” het Scheepers gesê. Samewerking, het Scheepers verduidelik, sluit nie net jou deelname by ‘n organisasie in nie. Hy het die publiek gevra om hulle plaaslike polisiestasie verantwoordbaar te hou en te sorg dat sake reg ondersoek word. “Die publiek moet asseblief kla as hulle nie tevrede is nie. As niemand kla nie, weet die SAPD se bestuur nie daar is fout nie,” het Scheepers gesê. Volgens Scheepers is dit ongelukkig ‘n tydsame proses om ‘n klag te lê, maar een wat vrugte sal dra in die lange duur. Iemand wat ontevrede is met hoe hulle saak hanteer word, of

dalk gevra is om omkoopgeld te betaal, moet eerstens die stasiebevelvoerder nader. Dit sal help as inligting soos datums, name, tyd en plek op papier vasgelê kan word. Indien die klaer voel daar word nie aandag gegee aan sy klagte nie, het Scheepers gesê, kan die klag verder gevoer word. Scheepers het ook van die geleentheid gebruik gemaak om die kwessie van sosiale media, en veral die gebruik van WhatsApp-groepe wat gebruik word om inligting oor misdade te versprei, aan te raak. Volgens hom is sosiale media die grootste rede dat sake onopgelos gaan en misdadigers vry kom. “Dit help niemand nie, en mense moet liefs nie onbevestigde inligting aanstuur as feite nie,” het Scheepers gesê. Hierdie sogenaamde inligting, het Scheepers gesê, is dikwels verouderd, saai net onnodig paniek onder die publiek en mors kosbare ondersoektyd van die polisie.

Parts of greenbelt earmarked for sale (Contd from P1) The developer will, among others, also be responsible for the construction of all access road. Regarding this, Council warned that there is no guarantee that access will be granted from the N1 national road by the authorities and in such instance the municipality shall not be liable for any damages suffered by any of the purchasers. So how far has the process gone since 26 October?

MAKHADO CARE GROUP IS A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION WHICH ASSISTS WITH THE CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE MAKHADO AREA CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaiger: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271

Municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi on Tuesday said that notice of the intended sale of Erf 4296 was advertised in the Limpopo Mirror of 1 December. According to this advert, residents who want to object to the planned sale and proposed development have until 20 December to submit their objections. Asked for an indication of which portions of Erf 4296 form part of the proposed sale, Bobodi said that this cannot be shown at this stage, as two of the conditions listed have to be met first. These include that the municipality will first have to appoint a professional surveyor to survey the area, conduct a proper analysis and submit a report indicating the developable area if any. “It will be after that that the municipality will go ahead with the planned sale. The process to appoint [a surveyor] has not yet started,” said Bobodi. It the sale goes ahead, Bobodi reiterated the fact that the applicants will be responsible for the construction of access roads. Again, he said, the municipality cannot speak on behalf of the South-African National Road Agency (SANRAL). Bobodi also confirmed that the process of rezoning has not yet started. “There are a number of things that should be done before the rezoning stage. As is indicated, subdivision must happen before rezoning,” said Bobodi. He concluded by saying that the whole process is subject to the findings of the professional team which will be appointed by the municipality. Any person wishing to object must lodge their objection in writing to the office of the municipal manager at Private Bag X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 or by fax to number 015 516 5084. As stated, the closing date for objections is 20 December.

‘n Ou euwel het die afgelope weke weer sy kop hier in Louis Trichardt uitgesteek. Diewe wat niksvermoedende motoreienaars be­ roof, deur in te breek by hulle voertuie met behulp van ‘n afstandbeheer, is weer aktief in die dorp. In een van dié gevalle is mnr. Jacques Greyling op 22 November amper gevang deur hierdie sogenaamde “remote jammers”. Volgens Greyling het hy drie keer tevergeefs probeer om sy bakkie met sy afstandbeheer te sluit toe hy by die Checkers-sentrum in Louis Trichardt geparkeer het. Soos wat hy weggestap het, het hy ‘n motorwag opgemerk tussen hom en sy bakkie, onrustig begin voel en teruggedraai. Sy bakkie se deure was oop. Greyling sê sy flikkerligte het elke keer aangegaan wanneer hy die afstandbeheer gedruk het, maar steeds het die deure nie gesluit nie. “Ek is onmiddellik gekonfronteer deur die karwag oor ek myself nie ‘trust’ nie. Wees asseblief versigtig,” het Greyling gesê. Volgens Greyling het hy nie die saak by die Makhado Polisie aangemeld nie, omdat hy nie na die aanklagkantoor kon deurkom nie. Niemand het die foon geantwoord nie. “Checkers se sekuriteit en die bestuurder het absoluut niks gedoen toe dit aan hulle gerapporteer is nie,” het Greyling verder opgemerk. In die jongste voorval is ‘n klant op Vrydag, 1 Desember, in die parkeerarea voor Cycle Centre in Eltivillas beroof. Die eienaars van Cycle Centre het die beeldmateriaal van hulle sekuriteitskameras beskikbaar gemaak om ander mense te waarsku om meer paraat te wees. (Die video sal op die koerant se webblad gelaai word by www.zoutpansberger. co.za). In die video kan gesien word hoe die klant parkeer, uitklim en so in die loop haar bakkie sluit met haar afstandbeheer. Binne oomblikke is daar twee mans wat die prentjie binne-stap. Eers loop hulle en loer in by die winkelingang. Nadat die diewe seker gemaak het die vrou is besig met aankope, slaan die een toe. Dié dief het ondermeer weggekom met die vrou se handsak en ‘n onbekende bedrag in kon­ tant. In hierdie geval is die saak by die Makhado Polisie aangemeld. Checkers het verlede week gereageer op

medianavrae wat gestuur is kort na Greyling se onderonsie. In ‘n e-pos het Checkers hoofkantoor verduidelik dat Greyling se bekommernis oor “remote jamming” met die bestuur van die kompleks opgeneem is. “As gevolg hiervan,” het Checkers gesê, “is sekuriteit in en rondom die winkel opge­ skerp as ‘n voorsorgmaatreël én het die bestuur van die kompleks ook die karwagte vervang.” Checkers het verder bevestig dat hul onafhanklike sekuriteitsmaatskappy al in die verlede voornemende kriminele se planne in die wiele gery het en ook gehelp het met suksesvolle arrestasies. Die maatskappy het egter bygevoeg dat, veral in die besige feesseisoen, dit nie altyd ‘n maklike taak is om kliënte en hul persoonlike items te beskerm nie. “Daar is nie ‘n waarborg dat diewe elke keer op die sekuriteitskameras op heterdaad betrap, geïdentifiseer en gevang sal word nie,” het Checkers gesê. Daarom het Checkers hulle kliënte gewaarsku om altyd versigtig te wees in ‘n besige area en eerder hul persoonlike besittings aan hulle persoon te dra ten alle tye. Wat Greyling se klag betref oor die plaaslike polisie se swak telefoonmaniere, is daar ook navraag gedoen. Volgens wat die koerant kon vasstel, het die polisie nie enige tegniese probleme ondervind met hul lyne nie. Die bestuur van die stasie, asook die provinsiale woordvoerder lt.-kol. Moatshe Ngoepe, het bevestig dat daar gekyk sal word na die klagte. Tot op datum is geen terugvoer ontvang nie. Die koerant het ook die klag onder die aandag gebring van mnr. Dirk Meisseinheimer in sy hoedanigheid as voorsitter van die plaaslike gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF). Hy het bevestig dat die klag al ‘n besprekingspunt was op vorige vergaderings met die polisie en belowe om die saak weer onder hulle aandag te bring. Meisseinheimer het ook ‘n beroep gedoen dat, indien so iets weer gebeur, die persoon ‘n oomblik sal vat om dit te gaan aanmeld by die stasiebe­ velvoerder. Hy het verduidelik dat ‘n datum en tyd die bevelvoerder sal help om daadwerklik op te tree teen lede wat in daardie stadium aan diens was. “Asseblief mense, ons kan niks doen as niemand die tyd wil neem om te gaan kla nie,” het Meisseinheimer gesê.

Staatmaker polisiekaptein tree af Deur Isabel Venter

Na meer as drie dekades in die polisie het kaptein Danelle Fourie besluit om af te tree. In haar tyd by die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) was Danelle 15 jaar lank betrokke by die kinderbeskermingseenheid in Louis Trichardt. Hierdie eenheid was verantwoordelik vir alle ondersoeke wat verband gehou het met gesinsgeweld, mis­dade teen kinders en seksuele misdrywe. Danelle het op 30 November amptelik haar laaste dag gewerk as bevelvoerder van hierdie eenheid. In haar jare van diens was daar hoogtepunte en laagtepunte, maar een ding is verseker, kapt. Fourie het ‘n verskil gemaak. Een hoogtepunt was verseker toe haar eenheid in 2014 aange­ wys is as die top ondersoekeenheid in Suid-Afrika. Die toekenning is ook gemaak ter erkenning van die eenheid se toewyding en harde werk wat hulle aan die dag gelê het om verskeie reeksverkragters aan te keer gedurende 2012 en 2013. Een van dié suksesvolle gevalle was ‘n reeksverkragter wat positief gekoppel kon word aan nege ander onopgeloste verkragtingsake in en rondom die Louis Trichardt-gebied. Nog ‘n saak wat Danelle help oplos het, was die geval van die verkragter Michael Khorombi. Khorombi is aangekeer toe hy na ‘n DNS-analise verbind is

met twee verkragtingsake. In daardie stadium het ‘n Gautengse hof reeds nege lewenslange vonnisse aan Khorombi oorhandig. Die eenheid het in dieselfde tyd ‘n kinderverkragter, Hetekani Loyd Mabudza, gevang wat later lewenslange tronkstraf opgelê is. Daarby gesê was die ondersoekwerk in hierdie eenheid nie altyd ‘n plesier nie en soms emosioneel uitputtend. Midde van dit alles het die gemeenskap se belange altyd eerste gekom en dit is waarvoor Danelle haar elke dag op kantoor beywer het. Sy was maar 17 gewees toe sy by die polisie aangesluit het. Na haar verpligte opleiding was Danelle vir ‘n klompie jare aktief betrokke by die polisie se skakelkantoor, eers in Tzaneen, toe Thohoyandou en vir ‘n rukkie in Louis Trichardt. Aan hierdie jare in die polisie dink Danelle terug met heimwee.

Dit was vir haar, vertel Danelle, lekker om aktief betrokke te wees in haar plaaslike gemeenskap. Sy was, onder andere, betrokke by die organisering van skoue en heelwat verskillende uitreikprogramme om die polisie as’t ware bekend te stel aan die gemeenskap wat hulle dien. Plaaslik sal baie oud-leerlinge ook vir Danelle onthou vir al haar praatjies oor misdaadvoorko­ ming en hoe om die euwel van dwelms te bestry. Die feit dat Danelle egter die tuig neergelê het beteken nie sy gaan ledig rondsit nie. Sy sien vreeslik uit na nuwe uitdagings wat haar en haar man se proteaboerdery inhou. Buiten vir die proteas sal Danelle haar ook besig hou met haar eie aarbei-boerdery. “Albei hou my al reeds so besig, dit voel nog nie vir my of ek uitgetree het by die polisie nie,” sê Danelle.

Afgeneem saam met haar span is kapt. Danelle Fourie, toe hulle in 2014 aangewys is as die top ondersoekeenheid in Suid-Afrika. Voor, van links na regs, is konst. Mokgadi Mamukhwana, Danelle, konst. Bologo Luvhani en konst. Rasilabi Tshimangadzo. Agter is A/O Daniel Ligege, lt. Thomas Niruna and A/O Samuel Thovhakale.


Ooievaar beleef bedrywige tyd met “dubbele” aflewerings Deur Isabel Venter

Sien jy dubbel? Nee, maar dit is net tweelinge waar jy deesdae kyk. Louis Trichardt spog met drie nuwe stelle tweelinge en ‘n stel “tweelinge” wat toe ‘n drieling geword het! Al die nuwe Soutpansbergertjies is sommer dae uitmekaar gebore. Theo en Sophia Schlieben het in November die trotste ouers geword van ‘n seuntjie en dogtertjie. Louis Trichardt se beminde veearts, dr. Nada de Villiers, het kort ná hulle die lewe geskenk aan tweeling dogter-

tjies. Zandré en Nandri de Villiers is op Donderdag, 30 November, gebore. Zandré het die skaal getrek op ‘n stewige 2.29kg en was ‘n hele 5mm langer as haar sussie Nandri, wat 49cm lank is en ingeweeg het op 2.19kg. Maar dit is nog niks. Die grootste verrassing het nog voorgelê vir Anri en Renier Fourie. Die egpaar moes Saterdag inderhaas deurjaag na die Pretoria-Oos hospitaal toe vir ‘n noodkeiser, min wetende dat hulle met ‘n ekstra kind gaan terugkom huis toe.

Knus in ma se arms is dr. Nada de Villiers se splinternuwe tweeling dogtertjies. Op linkerkant is Zandré terwyl Nandri op regterkant lê. Foto verskaf.

Renier en Anri was Saterdag rustig by die huis. Hulle het vroeër gaan uiteet saam met vriende en Renier het net reggemaak om die rugby te kyk, toe die “tweeling” aandui dat hulle reg is om gebore te word. “Drie speedtraps later – Anri het net vir hulle geskreeu dat dit ‘n noodsituasie is – en nou ja, hier Renier “Die Wegkruipertjie” Fourie, was dalk die laaste om gebore te is ons nou,” het Renier vertel. Eerste was dit sussie Amori, gevolg deur haar word, maar het die skaal op ‘n allemintige 2.5kg getrek. Foto verskaf. boetie Henré. Hulle boetie, Renier junior, het almal onkant betrap. “O, sh@t, hier’s dan nog enetjie,” het die dokter gesê en toe vir Renier uitgehaal. “As jy dink Binnelanders gons, dink weer. Hier in Pretoria-Oos gons dit nog meer,” het ‘n trotse Renier Dinsdag gesê. Deur haar hele swangerskap het niemand agtergekom dat Anri eintlik ‘n drieling verwag nie. Buiten dat die tweeling toe ‘n drieling geword het, word hulle geboorte ook as ‘n groot wonderwerk geag. Dit is nie net omdat Anri hulle kon dra tot op 35 weke nie, maar ook omdat hulle al drie meer as 2kg geweeg het by geboorte. Amori het 2.2kg geweeg, Henré 2,408kg en Renier 2.5kg. Die drieling het eintlik ook ‘n bietjie te vroeg opgedaag. Toe almal nog gedink het dit was ‘n Amori Fourie. Foto verskaf. tweeling was die dokter se datum vir hul geboorte 15 Desember. Nou deel die drietjies hul verjaarsdag op 2 Desember met hul oupa, Fritz Fourie (64), wat in Januarie vanjaar in ‘n motorongeluk oorlede is. Al drie was nog Dinsdag in die hospitaal waar hulle groei gemonitor word. Die drietjies verbaas egter, het Renier gesê, almal by die hospitaal met hulle goeie vordering. “Hulle het geen probleme nie en al drie is perdfris en gesond.” Al wat pla is dat hulle nog ‘n bietjie klein is om gemaklik vas te hou. “Hulle is so klein ... mens voel of jy hulle gaan breek as jy hulle optel,” het Renier gesê. Die week se goeie nuus is afgesluit met Marleen en Bart van der Vyver se tweeling seuns, Bart Antonie en Ostervaldt James (OJ vir kort) wat Dinsdag gebore is. Henré Fourie. Foto verskaf.







NO CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED ON SITE Banking details: Standard Bank; Acc no: 331 490 757 Buyers must register - ID and proof of residence required. R10 000 EFT / Card registration fee payable on vehicles and trailers. R2 000 registration fee on loose assets. Rights reserved. The auctioneer has the right to participate in the auction. Regulations in terms of Consumer Protection Law 68 of 2008. This advert complies with Article 45 if Law 68/2008. This advert complies with Article 45 of Law 68/2008. Standard terms and conditions apply. SAMPLE PICTURE



ALL purchases to be paid within 2 hours after auction.



NLC keeps on giving - but not much to see here By Anton van Zyl

The strange tale of the Lotto funding in the Vhembe district has taken a new turn. Last month we reported on payments totalling R9.84 million made to a local non-profit organisation (NPO), Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre. The NPO was unable to supply details of how most of the money was utilized. It has now been revealed that Vhembe received another R2.5 million, according to the National Lottery Commission’s (NLC) latest annual report, which lists all grants it has paid in the 2017 financial year. Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre has received three pay-outs from the NLC in 2014 and 2015. In July 2014, it received R2.5 million and in February 2015 a further R3 million grant was given to them under the Sport & Recreation category. An amount of R4.35 million was also paid to the NPO in September 2014, but this time it was done under the “Miscellaneous” section. It later transpired that Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre was used as a conduit by the NLC and the real recipient of the R4.25 million was an organisation called Tshedza Arts, Culture & Sports Development. The money was for a “heritage festival”, according to the NLC. The NLC has confirmed that a further R2.5 million was paid over to Vhembe in 2017, something that was not mentioned in responses to earlier media enquiries sent to the NLC. Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre In our earlier report, it was mentioned that Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre has two siblings, one for profit and the other a non-profit organisation.

One is a closed corporation, first registered in 2004, which runs the Gym4U franchise, with branches in Thohoyandou, Louis Trichardt, Seshego and Nzhelele. This company belongs to Ndwelani (Junior) Makhado. In 2012, Makhado registered a non-profit organisation, also called Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre. This NPO subsequently applied to the NLC for funding, apparently early in 2014. Mr Makhado could not provide details on how the millions were spent, when the Zoutpansberger interviewed him. He told us that he was the victim of an armed robbery a few months earlier, in which his cell phone, laptop and vehicle were stolen. All the documentation with details about the projects, were on the laptop, he said. He did, however, claim that the money was utilized to conduct a series of training workshops in several areas, including Madimbo and Thohoyandou. During these sessions the participants were assessed in terms of different factors, including their Body Mass Index (BMI) and advised on how to follow a healthy diet. The activities also included fun walks, sport events and specific activities to include people with disabilities. A gala dinner was held to recognise some of the achievers, he said. Mr Makhado promised to search for photos or any other documentation that could shed light on how the millions were spent, but has so far not done so. Back to the NLC for answers The Zoutpansberger approached the NLC again for more details on the Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre funding. The NLC’s senior manager tasked with dealing with legal issues, Mr Tsietsi Maselwa, side-stepped the direct questions by simply stating that satisfactory reports had been

submitted by Vhembe Health & Fitness. He said that the R8 million grant was paid in three tranches and prior to every payment being made the NLC ascertained whether the progress reports submitted were satisfactory. Mr Maselwa was also asked about the possible contravention of the regulation that states that an NPO that receives funding for the first time must produce two consecutive years’ audited financial reports. Vhembe Health & Fitness only submitted one set of financial statements to the Department of Social Development’s NPO Directorate, which was for 2013. This would make sense, seeing that the NPO was only registered in September 2012. The turn-over for the whole of 2013 was R6 000, while the turnover for the three months in 2012 was R5 000. Vhembe Health & Fitness did submit two years’ audited statements, according to Maselwa. “We can’t comment on how they only submitted 2013 financials to the DSD. In the NLC records the financials were submitted as required,” he said. But who is Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre? As mentioned earlier, the chairperson of the NPO is also Ndwelani (Junior) Makhado. The latest Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CPIC) records show that Mr Makhado is a director of five other companies, some of which are in the process of being deregistered. The deputy chairperson is listed as Humbulani Tshifhango, the secretary is Patrick Tshikukuvhe, the treasurer is L Makhado (Ndwelani’s former wife) and the club’s General Manager is D R Mulaudzi. From what could be established, the secretary, treasurer and the club’s general manager were never active in the NPO and some of them denied ever being involved in the financial affairs of the NPO. When the NLC was asked about the issue of the lack of involvement of office bearers, Mr Maselwa explained that various checks are done prior to grants for funding being approved. “But there is no requirement (that) the NLC ascertain whether the office bearers mentioned on each application

submitted are aware that their names are listed as office bearers,” he said. The name of the deputy chairperson of Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre, former school teacher and now farmer and businessman Humbulani Tshifhango, created more interest. Tshifhango, according to the latest available CIPC records, is a director of ten companies, of which three are listed as still being in business. The best known of his businesses is the Konani Pfunzo Comprehensive Learning Centre, which operates in the Dzanani area. Transparency you battle to see In the previous article it was mentioned that, when Vhembe Health & Fitness Centre was used as a conduit, R4.25 million was channelled to an NPO called Tshedza Arts, Culture & Sports Development. “Tshedza Arts Culture and Sport Development was funded to implement a project for the heritage week. This was largely a heritage festival with a variety of activities including traditional initiation workshop, a fun run, kid’s day events etc,” Mr Maselwa from the NLC wrote. The chairperson of Tshedza, Mr Shandukani Nesengani, confirmed that part of the money was used for the 2014 Phalaphala FM Royal Heritage Festival, but said that the project also funded other activities. Mr Nesengani refused to reveal any information about his NPO’s projects, claiming that there was a confidentiality agreement in place between the organisation and the NLC, which prohibits them from speaking to the press. When Mr Maselwa was confronted with this, he referred to legislation governing the release of grant information. He also attached the Lotteries Act (1997), highlighting Clause 8 which states that no person may in any way “disclose any information in connection with any grant application or a grant itself.” The regulations, however, are specifically for distribution agents, which oversee grants, and not applicable to either NPOs or members of the public. “My interpretation is that beneficiaries are free to discuss their projects with anyone, but the NLC cannot force them to do so,” Maselwa said.

CoAL makes move to road transport Mining News

Ons Tuiste klink ‘n glasie op 2017 Inwoners van Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Louis Trichardt het Woensdag, 6 Desember, ‘n glasie geklink op ‘n suksesvolle jaar, tydens die tehuis se jaarlikse Kersete. Die bestuurder van Ons Tuiste, me. Kittie de Bruin, het tydens die geleentheid haar dank uitgespreek teenoor al die tehuis se gereelde borge. Dank het gegaan aan Retief Redelinghuys, The Cake Kitchen, Christelle Leonard, Naomi Phillipson, Leanda le Cornu, Eldine Peli, Petro Botha, Elise Adendorf, Marie du Toit, Dot van der Westhuizen, Mariet Barnard, Kobus (Donsie) van Wyk, Elegant Fuel (Faith), Gert van der Westhuizen, Freddy Harris en Anna Lordan. “Dankie aan drs. Stroebel, Venter, Malan, De Wet, Badenhorst en Gaigher vir julle diensbaarheid by Ons Tuiste die afgelope jaar. Aan die Zoutpansberger, dankie vir al die gereelde beriggewing. Dankie ook aan al die kerke en vrywilligers vir julle besoeke,” het De Bruin gesê. Sy het ook dankie gesê vir elke individu en boere van die Soutpansberg vir hulle gereelde skenking. “Ons wens almal ‘n geseënde Kersfees en blink 2018 toe,” het De Bruin gesê.

Die bestuur van Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis het ook Woensdag ‘n glasie geklink op 2017 tydens die tehuis se jaarlikse Kersete.

Coal of Africa Limited (CoAL) last week announced the approval of their name change to MC Mining, which they hope will usher in a fresh period of cash flow generation and growth for the company. This is just one of the major changes the company has made during November. CoAL further strengthened its trade when the company announced its plans to rebrand and market CoAL to the wider investment community. In addition, the company also sold its Mooiplaats thermal coal colliery and acquired the Uitkomst metallurgical and thermal coal colliery from Pan African Resources, according to a recent announcement to shareholders, in a bid to restructure its balance sheet. The Uitkomst Colliery has the required environmental and social permits in place and a remaining 17 years mining left. This, said the company, transformed them into a coal producer that is now well positioned to take advantage of higher global coal prices. Last week the company also announced a directorate change. CoAL has appointed Brenda Berlin, the former group chief financial officer of Impala Platinum, to replace De Wet Schutte who resigned as finance director. Berlin will join the company on 1 March 2018 and it is the intention that she will join the board of directors during the course of 2018. To top it all off, CoAL this week announced that the company intends to apply for an

amendment to the environmental authorisation for its planned Makhado Lite Project, through a subsidiary company, Baobab Mining and Exploration Pty Limited. Baobab Mining will appoint Jacana Environmentals to comply with the revisions to the existing environmental authorisation. According to CoAL’s amendment notification, the greatest impact will be on local roads. The Makhado mine is a planned open-cast mine situated north of the Soutpansberg and 65km southwest of Musina. The mine was drastically downsized, reportedly largely as a result of CoAL’s decision to keep its Vele colliery on care and maintenance during 2017 and to “unlock nearterm shareholder value.”

The reduction in the size of the project, and the associated reduced production [of coal], necessitated a change in the product transport option from rail to road. Coal from the mine will have to be transported to the Mactransco railway station over approximately 66.6km of local roads in and around the Musina area. This requires that an amendment be drafted for the original environment impact report, which will be done by 12 January 2018. People who wish to lodge an objection or recommendations have until Friday, 15 December, to register on CoAL’s database for interested and affected parties. Dates for public hearings will be published afterwards.

The head boy and head girl of Ridgeway Independent School, Farhaan Ayob (left) and Mpho Makatu (right), scooped up the Surat Trophy for Leadership during the school’s annual prize-giving function on Thursday, 30 November. Mpho also received merit certificates for best academic performance in mathematics and an overall average of over 80%.



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New municipal manager is a qualified engineer By Andries van Zyl

manager at the Limpopo Independent Development Trust. As for his municipal skills, Tshivhengwa was the general manager of technical services at the Vhembe District Municipality (VDM), during which time he also acted a municipal manager for one year. He was also general manager of capital investment and infrastructure development at the City of Johannesburg under Johannesburg Water. In total, Tshivhengwa claims 10 years’ experience in local government. In addressing the media, Tshivhengwa said it is his expectation that the municipality and the media should forge a partnership. “The media play a critical role in terms of giving information to our community with regard to the performance and failures of the municipality. But in the main, my expectation is that we should try to strike a balance in terms of reporting,” said Tshivhengwa. Tshivhengwa said that his focus will be on audit issues and also to ensure that the municipality improve service delivery to the community. “We need to ensure that all the targets that we’ve set, with regard to the SDBIP, are achieved, and we need to get a good response from our community,” said Tshivhengwa. He added that he will therefore also have to focus on staff morale. “Without training and capacity, we will not be able to deliver. That is one of the areas I am going to focus on – to make sure our staff are equipped,” said Tshivhengwa. Tshivhengwa has no former track record with the Makhado Municipality. The closest he has come was his service at the VDM. He is, however, a true son of the soil being born and growing up in Nzhelele.

The Makhado Municipality on Tuesday officially introduced their newly appointed municipal manager, Mr Freddy Tshivhengwa, to members of the media. When introducing Tshivhengwa, mayor Shonisani Sinyosi reminded him that he, as accounting officer, has a mammoth task of ensuring that the staff carry out their duties to realise the municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP). “As Council, we have expressed our commitment to support him as the accounting officer to execute his duties as outlined on his conditions of employment and other applicable legislation in local government,” said Sinyosi. The decision to appoint Tshivhengwa was taken on 13 October during an urgent council meeting. His appointment is effective from 1 December this year with a 5-year employment contract. Mayor Shonisani Sinyosi (left), pictured with newly appointed Makhado municipal manager, Mr But who is Tshivhengwa and what prompted Freddy Tshivhengwa. His appointment is effective from 1 December. Council to nominate him as the best man for the job? According to Council, Tshivhengwa is an engineer by profession who holds a national diploma in engineering. He also has a B.Tech degree in civil to recover outstanding monies ability in the main substation engineering- and transport, as well as a BSC honBy Andries van Zyl from consumers. “Non-payment will then only be made in 2019. ours degree in applied sciences of transportation. Bobodi on Tuesday said that Apart from this, he also holds a master’s degree Due to unforeseen circum- by customers and tampering of in business administration, and is a professional stances, the Makhado Mu- meters and reconnections are since the 29 June meeting, engineering technologist. nicipality recently reneged some of the challenges that we there were further discussions Tshivhengwa’s work background include being on an agreement to pay their are facing,” said Bobodi earlier between the mayor‘s office and a technologist for a private consultancy firm. He this year when also asked about Eskom. “Eskom indicated that Eskom debt. was also a senior project manager at the provincial During the municipality’s their outstanding Eskom debt. they will only be in a position Department of Public Works, as well as a project 84th Council meeting on 26 He added, however, that they are to make 22MVA available in October, Council noted that due addressing the issue. “We must December 2019 due to the long to unforeseen cash flow chal- ensure strict credit control to lead time of specifically the lenges, the municipality had to force residents to pay on default new transformer that must be tions about their perceptions and By Isabel Venter installed. We therefore requestmake alternative arrangements accounts,” said Bobodi. impressions regarding bribery. In the meantime, Council is ed an urgent temporary increase to honour their debt repayment Of these, 37% respondents said Even though times are tough, still pushing ahead with plans in capacity as an immediate agreement with Eskom. that they know of someone who people still have money left to Council resolved that their to upgrade the town’s main option from 44 to 48 MVA as had been asked for a bribe in the pay for bribes. outstanding debt of R36 million substation. They have already we could not wait any longer,” According to the South Af- past year, while 35% said no to will be paid back to Eskom in lodged an application to Eskom said Bobodi. rican Citizens’ Bribery Survey paying a bribe. Most claimed Bobodi explained that this three instalments over three to upgrade the town’s bulk for 2017 there seems to be an that it was against their “moral months. The first two debt electrical capacity with 22 MVA additional 4MVA temporary upward trend in the number of or religious” principles. repayments of R10 million to 66 MVA. At present, the increase will cater for the curMost bribes that were paid, the bribes solicited and the number of each have already been paid in municipality’s main substation rent two major developments study found, were related to road bribes paid. The report, however, August and again in September. has a notified maximum demand in the town, as well as the bulk did find that the average amount matters. “This implies that many The last of the repayments was (NMD) of 44 mega volt amp Nandoni water supply which is fatal accidents should be prevent(MVA). The whole main sub- due next year. “Agreements to paid for a bribe in South Africa due on 30 November. has declined from R2 200 in 2016 able if we could do something Municipal spokesperson Mr station upgrade is, however, an this effect had been signed and to R1 550 in 2017 (and still down about these bribes,” concluded Louis Bobodi last week con- expensive venture. Earlier this as soon as the capacity amendthe survey. from R2 005 in 2015). firmed that all outstanding debt year, during the 29 June Council ments are done, the said develBut what happens when bribThis survey was released last was paid in full. He explained meeting, it was resolved that the opers will be notified to reapply. ery stands in the way of justice? week by the Ethics Institute in that the municipality was forced municipality’s Chief Financial All other developments will A new entry to the top five association with Massmart. The to make alternative arrangement Officer negotiates with Eskom regrettably wait until December aim of the survey is to better reasons people gave for paying due to an unforeseen cash- on the security (deposit) of R129 2019,” said Bobodi. a bribe was to avoid criminal The 4 MVA increase will cost understand the bribery challenges flow problem. “Funds tied in million for the upgrade either by that ordinary South Africans face charges. “Together with bribes investments were not readily an appeal against the amount, in the region of R16 million. for bypassing traffic laws, this or that arrangements be made “We have R10m from the De- daily, their beliefs about bribery, available,” said Bobodi. amounts to 45% of all bribes. In and the socio-economic factors The issue has since been re- with the banks to issue a bank partment of Energy and will top a country where crime rates are as that influence bribery. This was solved. Last week, Eskom’s cur- guarantee for this amount. At up R6 million from own funds. the third consecutive year that the high as they are in South Africa, rent account totalled R15 mil- that stage, Council noted with We are yet to receive the budget the fact that you can pay a bribe to survey was conducted. lion. “Currently, we do not owe regret that should the current quote and payment will be made avoid justice is of major concern. The survey asked 4 962 particEskom,” said Bobodi. Although Department of Energy INEP to Eskom with the funds availThe fact that this is becoming ipants, of which 10% hailed from Makhado’s Eskom account is up allocation not be sufficient, the able. We will in a month or two Limpopo, across five provinces normalised is catastrophic,” said to date, it does not mean that the upgrade will only be paid for in make the payments to Eskom for (Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal, West- the survey. municipality does not struggle 2018 and actual capacity avail- the full 22MVA,” said Bobodi. Most bribes were paid for ern Cape and Free State) ques-

Makhado’s Eskom debt up to date

There’s still some money left for bribes

traffic offences (39%), to get a driver’s licence (18%), to secure a job (14%), to receive public services (8%) and the newest entry - to avoid criminal charges (7%). The cheapest bribe paid was for traffic offences, at an average of R205. In the report, the average bribe amount for 2017 was recorded at R1 548. Compared to 2016, which was at an average of R2 201, this is low and is even below 2015’s average, which was R2 005. All other bribe types had averages ranging from R999 to R6 480. The survey’s data also indicated that bribes paid to get jobs may sometimes have recurring amounts, with people expected to pay a monthly portion of their salary that they receive. On a positive note, the study remarked that all is not lost. About half of South Africans believe that it is possible to get through everyday life without paying bribes. “While it appears that we are at a tipping point, there are still a significant number of committed people who choose not to pay bribes,” concluded the survey.

MAKHADO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920 Vision : “A Dynamic Hub For Socio – Economic Development By 2025”Mission : “To ensure effective utilization of economic resources to address socio-economic imperatives through mining, tourism and agriculture”

NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING: 13 DECEMBER 2017 Notice is hereby given that the 127th Special Council meeting scheduled for 7 December 2017 as published under Notice no. 260 of 2017, is hereby postponed to Wednesday, 13 December 2017 at 14:00. Civic Centre 83 Krogh Street LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 Notice No: 263/2017 File No: 4/2/2 MDM/lh/SpecialCouncilMeetingNotice_7December2017 (postpone)

Cllr L B Mogale Speaker of Makhado Local Municipality MR. TSHIVHENGWA N.F. MUNICIPAL MANAGER Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers






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KERKE/CHURCHES • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 or 082 926 9538 • AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Leonie Meyfarth (084 219 4406), Tel 015 516 0486 (kerkkantoor) • AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959 • AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Gys en Bettie Snyman 082 441 3951. • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165 • Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728 • Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruh Street 25, English: Sunday services 08:30 & Adult Bible time/ Sunday school 10:00, Rev Seth Meyers, Tel: 084 699 4242. Afrikaans: volwasse Bybelklas 09:15, dienste 10:00 en 18:00, ds. Johan Marais, Tel: 015 516 2714. • Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina, Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448. • St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman) • Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288 • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel 015 534 2253/ 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Gustav van Zyl, Selfoon 083 387 7548. • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 16:00, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756. • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddien 09:30, evangeliedien om 18:00. Past. Christo van Rooijen, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Louis Trichardt Lodge-saal. Sondag erediens 10:00 (Afrikaans) en 18:00 (English). Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902. • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 / E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505. • Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Vrydag 18:30 jeugbyeenkoms, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50 • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672

Friday, 8 December

Saturday, 9 December

Rain tapering off.

Rather cloudy with a thunderstorm.

Partly sunny and warmer.

High: 19oC Low: 13oC

High: 24oC Low: 13oC

High: 28oC Low: 15oC


vergader elke Maandag om 18:00 by die Metodiste Kerk te Munnikstraat 79 in Louis Trichardt en almal wat daaraan ‘n behoefte het om die vergadering by te woon, is welkom. Die AA vergader ook elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 in Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jannie by tel. 076 501 8285.


Shop op die perseel van die Haantjie Kerk (NG Kerk Louis Trichardt) is oop weeksdae van 07:00 tot 12:00. “Kom ondersteun gerus. U is ook welkom om alle onnodige huisraad of klere te skenk. Die inkomste van Bergcare Charity Shop word gebruik vir die aankope van kos vir die Bergcare Bejaarde-projek,” sê die projekbestuurders. Vir meer inligting, skakel 015 516 3902.


Die Zoutpansberg CVO bied op 9 Desember weer hulle gewilde Sandrivier Familie 4x4-dag aan in samewerking met die Louis Trichardt 4x4-klub. Die dag vind plaas by Legkraal Boerdery, ongeveer 62 km vanaf Louis Trichardt. ‘n Nuwigheid hierdie jaar is dat vierwiel-motorfietse ook ingeskryf kan word en hulle ry dieselfde 4x4-roete. Inskrywing kos LUISTER AFRIKAANS OP R350 per voertuig, met ‘n maksimum van 4 MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die MAKHADO FM Inwoners van Louis persone. Toeskouers betaal R150 per voertuig. Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt kom Trichardt en omstreke kan elke Woensdag tussen elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Bas- 11:00 en 12:00 inskakel vir die Afrikaanse uur op Die inskrywing vir vierwiel-motorfietse is R100 per fiets. “Kom geniet ‘n dag met baie aktiwiteite ket in Songozwistraat byeen. die sender van Makhado FM 107.3. saam met ons,” nooi die organiseerders. Vir meer Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 Weekliks word daar oor interessante onderinligting, skakel Annetjie by 082 371 5984 of 451 4249 geskakel word. werpe, in Afrikaans, gesels. Stefan by 082 440 9306. Skakel vir Pétria de Vaal-Senekal vir enige GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die GELOFTEFEES VIER Gister-se-Jeug klub, waar jonger en ouer seniors navrae, of as daar onderwerpe is waarvan luisteraars meer wil weet of as daar interessanthede 100 JAAR Die Schoemansdal welkom is, vergader elke Dinsdag van 09:00 oor ons omgewing en sy mense is wat u met Geloftefees vier vanjaar sy 100ste bestaansjaar tot 11:00 in die Hervormde Kerk se saal op die luisteraars wil deel. en die Geloftefeeskomitee beplan ‘n opwindende hoek van Stubbsstraat en Forestryweg in Louis Pétria kan geskakel word by tel. 082 555 1672. program op die terrein, ongeveer 16 km wes van Trichardt. Louis Trichardt, op die Vivo-pad. Vir meer inligting kan Willie Agenbacht • KARATEKAS OEFEN Die Verrigtinge begin Vrydag, 15 Desember, vanaf geskakel word by tel. 083 453 6597, Flippie Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Diedericks by 071 671 9866 of Anna Lordan by Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanu- 12:00. ‘n Verskeidenheid boeresport-aktiwiteite, wat ook die outydse speletjie “Kennetjie” 082 921 6110. el Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. (aangebied deur ‘n kenner, prof. Anton van Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 BAHÁ’Í INFORMATION CENVollenhoven) gaan insluit, gaan aangebied word. 346 6600. TRE The Bahá’í Information Centre in Louis Daar sal ook ‘n paar interessante uitstallings Trichardt holds multi-faith devotionals every VLEIS TEEN SAKPASPRYSE wees soos ‘n Eeufees-uitstalling, ‘n uitstalling Thursdays from 19:30. Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente bied tans oor die erfenisskatte van die omgewing deur die “Do not allow difference of opinion, or top-gehalte vleis teen sakpaspryse te koop aan. plaaslike Erfeniskomitee, asook ‘n uitstalling diversity of thought to separate you from your Lekker wors en maalvleis is beskikbaar, asook van Voortrekker-voorlaaiers. Boereworsrolle, fellowmen, or to be the cause of dispute, hatred smullekker sosaties, biltong en droëwors. Ander koeldrank en water sal deurentyd verkoop word. and strife in your hearts. Rather, search diligently snitte kan ook op bestelling gereël word. Vanaf 18:00 is daar ‘n Volkspele-demonstrafor the truth and make all men your friends.” Vir meer inligting of bestellings, skakel Thea sie, aangebied deur prof. Van Vollenhoven en For more information phone 081 884 9553 by die kerkkantoor by tel. 015 516 4366. mede-Volkspele niggies en neefs van Pretoria. (after hours). Alternatively, visit the website at Dokumentêre film oor die Slag van BloedrivHELP LEVUBU SE GESKIEDE- “‘n www.bahai.org. ier word ook vertoon en die aand word afgesluit NIS NAVORS Die NG Kerk Levubu-ge- met ‘n bring-en-braai (hout word verskaf) asook GEBEDSBYEENKOMS Shammah meente het ‘n eie Facebook-blad, met die naam Bedieninge te Rissikstraat 50 in Louis Trichardt NG Kerk Levubu, begin met die uitsluitlike doel ‘n boermusiekdans vir oud en jonk,” sê die nooi alle besigheidspersone uit om elke Woens- om die geskiedenis van die Levubu-omgewing na organiseerders. Op Saterdag, 16 Desember, word die gebruiklike program vanaf 10:00 aangebied. dag vanaf 05:45 tot 06:30 saam te kom bid. te vors van die 1800’s af tot nou. Ds. Petrus Kriel van die NG Kerk Levubu lei die “Wees deel van ‘n geleentheid waar ons op ‘n “Ons nooi almal wat foto’s, koerantberigte erediens en die feesrede word gelewer deur Dr ontspanne en informele wyse mekaar bemoedig of ander inligting het om dit met ons te deel, Milda De Vaal-Stanton. Middagete sal beskikby wyse van gebed en gedagtes uit die Woord. of alternatiewelik met Ralda van Wyk (e-pos: Ons hanteer graag ook spesiale gebedsversoeke,” raldavw@lantic.net) in verbinding te tree,” nooi baar wees, maar eie eetgerei asook ‘n stoel moet saamgebring word. nooi die gemeente. die gemeente. Vir navrae, skakel past. Francois Strydom by Ralda kan ook geskakel word by tel. 082 854 THE NIGHT BEFORE tel. 082 7850 265 of Johan Kruger by 078 451 5910. CHRISTMAS On Christmas eve 9211. DOJO OEFENTYE Die Ninjutsu Dojo (24 December), Clemour Ngobeni will be hostINTERKERKLIKE BIDUUR ing a red-carpet music concert called The Night (Shio pan yama dojo Soutpansberg-skool) Inwoners word uitgenooi om elke Woensdag Before Christmas with Clemour. oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag vanaf 17:30 vanaf 08:00 tot 09:00 saam te kom bid vir die The event will be held at the Fountains of Life tot 19:00 in die stoeisaal. Privaatklasse, asook gemeenskap en die land tydens ‘n interkerklike church at Ha-Chabani. The venue can accomkinderklasse, is beskikbaar. Vir meer inligting biduur by die Louis Trichardt Metodistekerk. modate 1 100 people. A number of guest artists kan shihan Swanepoel geskakel word by tel. Vir meer inligting, skakel past. Leonie Meyfrom Johannesburg, Pretoria, Limpopo and Cape 076 467 2306. Die groep kan ook op Facebook farth by tel. 084 219 4406. Town will also join Clemour on stage. gevolg word by “Shio Pan Yama Dojo”





WEEKLY DAM LEVELS According to latest available information from the Department WEEKLIKSE of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 27 November. DAMVLAKKE



04/12/2017 27/11/2017

Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

77.4% 89.7% 34.3% 12.1% 60.5% 16.5% 96.3% 56.6% 74.3% 46.6% 41.3% 87.4%

EMERGENCY NUMBERS - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity/Elektrisiteit - 015 516 2990 • Water - 015 516 2990 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827

MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water

- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183


- 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

76.6% 90.3% 35.3% 12.3% 61.6% 16.7% 96.6% 57.9% 73.6% 47.6% 41.9% 87.7%





10:00, 12:15, 14:15, 17:00, 19:00,





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MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS 13 ˛ Ç Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: Sun: 17:15, 19:45

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Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: 09:45, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:45 Sun: 09:45, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30 Follow us



# Means latest available data sterkinekor.com

Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply. /sterkinekortheatres





Sunday, 10 December

Monday, 11 December

Tuesday, 12 December

Wednesday, 13 December

Not as warm, a p.m. shower.

Not as warm with a shower.

A thunderstorm in spots.

Not was warm, a morning shower.

High: 29oC Low: 17oC

High: 31oC Low: 18oC

High: 25oC Low: 14oC

High: 26 C Low: 16 C o




Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

Clemour back for a Christmas show By Elardus van Zyl

Clemour Ngobeni doesn’t need an introduction in Limpopo. He stole the hearts of music lovers throughout the country last year when he was one of the finalists in the Voice SA talent competition. This competition also launched Clemour’s music career and he was invited to perform at events that included anything from singing the

Clemour Ngobeni will be performing at HaChabani on Christmas eve. Photo supplied.

national anthem when the Springboks played against Australia last year, to an Afrikaans music competition on television. We caught up with Clemour last week, asking him about the year gone by and also about his plans for December. “One of the highlights of the past year was performing on the SABC 2 show, Musiek Roulette, in November,” said Clemour. He was also invited by Bonnke Shipalana, CEO of The Communications Firm, to perform at an international polo event. He even had the opportunity to perform at a Nepad function, which is an organisation supported by the United Nations. “I loved performing there, because I had the opportunity to showcase my art to an international audience of businessmen and women, which has opened a lot of doors for me in that market,” said Clemour. Clemour has also been performing in a couple of music shows. He featured in shows at the Johannesburg Theatre and the Roodepoort Theatre and he performed at the Vaal Annual Festival. In the year that lies ahead, Clemour has a couple of more goals to pursue. He would love to win a SAMA (SA Music Award). “I believe that dreams do come true, so I do not let my mind be influenced by how long and tough the journey will be because I am willing to work for it,” said Clemour. He would also love to take his music outside of the country, showing people from afar what SA artists can achieve. “Where I want to see myself

in a year is seeing progress in my art, getting recognised for the work that I do and building the brand bigger and better,” he said. On Christmas eve (24 December), Clemour will be hosting a red-carpet music concert called The Night Before Christmas with Clemour. The event will be held at the Fountains of Life church at Ha-Chabani. The venue can accommodate 1 100 people. A number of guest artists from Johannesburg, Pretoria, Limpopo and Cape Town will also join Clemour on stage.


Beraders: 072 262 8646 / 084 616 2355 / 082 256 6423 / 083 257 3127 Ondersteuningsgroep: Posbus 85, Louis Trichardt

Now the time to book SPCA boarding Holiday time is once again upon us, but are your pets as excited as you are about this time of year? The Louis Trichardt SPCA voiced its concerns this week regarding the proper caring for animals as this is the society’s busiest time of the year. “Compassion comes in all forms and we ask for consideration towards all animals this festive season,” said the SPCA. The excessive heat and the drought continue to affect animals. “We ask that reports of suffering be submitted timeously,” said the SPCA. This not only relates to pets and animals on farms, but also to working animals such as guard dogs who may be suffering on duty in adverse weather conditions. The SPCA also warned pet owners that the festive season coincides with the discharging of fireworks. “If you are leaving your pets at home during the holiday, please make sure you have made adequate arrangements with a reliable person to feed and take care of them. Remember, there will be fireworks while you are away, so make sure you are prepared. Fireworks can be extremely dangerous, even fatal to your pets, so make sure they enjoy the festive season as much

as you do,” said the SPCA. The SPCA urged responsible pet owners to protect their pets during the discharging of fireworks. “Firework displays bring confusion, anxiety and fear into the lives of animals, causing many to run away from their homes in an effort to escape the frightening detonations,” said the SPCA. They shared a few tips to help keep pets safe during fireworks: * Ensure all animals have identification and, if possible, stay home with them if you suspect fireworks fiends are about. If you can’t be home with them, keep them inside and preferably in a room such as the kitchen where the windows are higher (and more difficult to jump through). Attempt to mask any noise by drawing curtains and playing calming music at a reasonable volume and put familiar and comforting things around them, such as toys, baskets etc. Provide them with something to do, such as giving your dog a chewy bone or lots of catnip or a catnip toy for felines. If your pets do react badly to fireworks, then seek professional advice from your veterinarian. The SPCA also reminded pet owners that they can already book boarding at the SPCA

for the holiday season as soon as possible, as limited space is available. Bookings can be made by phoning Lawrence at Tel 082 965 5151 or Grietjie at Tel 072 516 6895 “Please make sure to confirm your booking and don’t rely on leaving a voice message,” said the SPCA. For your pets’ own safety, you must make sure that all your pet’s inoculations are up to date, as well as deworming and dipping. Proof of inoculation will be required to ensure the safety of animals already at the SPCA. Boarding fees are R50 per dog per day and R40 per cat per day, which includes shelter, bedding and food. “You are welcome to bring your pet’s own bedding and food if you wish, though, to aid them in feeling more at home, relaxed and comfortable,” said the SPCA. The Louis Trichardt SPCA’s office hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00 and Saturdays from 08:00 to 13:00. After-hour collections of pets can be pre-arranged. For more information you can contact Lawrence on 082 965 5151 or Alicia on 084 900 5332 or send them a Facebook message on their Facebook page https:// www.facebook.com/SPCA-Louis-Trichardt-109664612517237/.

CURRENTLY UP FOR ADOPTION AT SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT Contact Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151• Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook



Huckelberry Male

Lulu-Belle Female

Kramer Male

Beautiful Puppies

Beautiful Puppies

Lots of kittens



Wat gemaak as slangse-kind kom inloer? Deur Isabel Venter

Wat gemaak as slang-se-kind by jou huis kom inloer? Die warmer weer laat nie net die kraaie gaap hier in Louis Trichardt nie, maar dwing ook al hoe meer slange om koelte te gaan soek - dikwels in onwelkome plekke. Vir sommige inwoners is hierdie besoekers egter uit die bose en net die gedagte dat ‘n slang hulle huis moet binneseil, vervul hulle met vrees. Die realiteit is egter dat die oorgrote meerderheid slangspesies relatief onskadelik is. Volgens mnr. Jan “Slang” van Rooyen, plaaslike slangkenner en -vanger, is dit steeds skokkend hoe min inwoners van die verskillende slangspesies weet. Hy sê hy is al moeg gesukkel om mense te oortuig om nie slange dadelik dood te maak as hulle hul teëkom nie. Slange is nie van die bose nie, maar tog sê Jan, is daar baie mense wat so groot skrik dat Jan van Rooyen, plaaslike slangkenner en -vanger, met ‘n swart mamba wat hy gevang het. Foto hulle eerste gedagte is om die slang dood te maak. Jan vra dat inwoners hulself moet vergewis van verskaf.

die verskille tussen ‘n giftige en nie-giftige slang. “Slange sal nie sommer mense aanval en pik nie,” het Jan gesê. Plaaslike is daar ‘n WhatsApp-groep op die been gebring waar inwoners raad kan vra van Jan en ander slangkenners in die area. Op hierdie groep kan mense ook hulp vra om slange te verwyder. “Hou die slange dop en kyk waar hulle beweeg, sodat die slangvanger nie later daar moet aankom en die slang nog eers moet soek nie,” het Jan gevra. Wat mense ook kan doen is om hul erwe skoon en netjies aan die buitekant te hou, sodat daar min wegkruipplek is vir slange. Verwyder boumateriaal, hope rotse en komposhope waar kos in die vorm van paddas, muise en rotte gelok word en waar slange kan skuil. Visdammetjies lok ook paddas wat weer slange lok. Jan kan geskakel word by tel. 081 796 1380 of 079 852 5213 vir meer inligting of om ingeskakel te word op die groepie. Ander kenners wat mense ook kan skakel is Frikkie Venter by 082 058 7601 of Dela Rey Steyn by 061 186 8611.

Jacques Mouton off on “Cape tour” By Elardus van Zyl

Vir die eerste keer in 10 jaar het Hoërskool Eric Louw weer ‘n Mej. Eric Louw-kompetisie aangebied. Die spoggeleentheid het op 2 Desember plaasgevind en is gehou ten bate van die skool se gasvryheidsklas, sodat daar nuwe stowe aangekoop kon word. Afgeneem is (van links na regs) mnr. Johan Minnie (skool hoof), mev. Chrisna Viljoen (organiseerder), Munadia Islam (1ste prinses en Mej. Persoonlikheid), Alida van Rensburg (Mej. Eric Louw en Mej. Fotogenies) en Louise van Niekerk (2de prinses). Links: Die Mej. Eric Louw-kompetisie was ’n reuse sukses en uit die geld wat ingesamel is, kon die skool vier nuwe stowe vir hul gasvryheidsklas koop. Afgeneem by die nuwe stowe is (van links na regs) mnr. Johan Minnie (skoolhoof), mev. Chrisna Viljoen (organiseerder van die kompetisie) en mnr. Alwin Dorman. Foto’s verskaf.

Local fans may have to wait a few months for Jacques’ new albums. He is working on two, an English album and an Afrikaans one. This time around the albums should be available at leading music stores as well as on digital platforms such as iTunes and Spotify. Currently, his albums can only be purchased by contacting him directly. As far as local performances are concerned, he has no immediate commitments. There will be a concert or two early in 2018, but fans will have to keep watching his Facebook page. He can be found on Facebook by searching for “Jacques Mouton Official”.

Jacques Mouton is already a well-known name in Louis Trichardt, but this young musician is determined to introduce his unique brand of singing and song-writing to a wider audience. The past year was full of highlights, but if he has his way next year will be even busier. The Zoutpansberger caught up with the 24-year-old Jacques while he was still relaxing on a farm just outside town earlier this week. He told us more about his plans for December, as well as the two albums he has in mind for next year. Jacques and a friend who plays guitar, plan on hitting the Western Cape’s roads late in December. Jacques calls it their “backpacker” tour and the idea is to visit the small towns in the Cape from the 18th to the 22nd of December. All their equipment and clothing go into their backpacks and they plan on travelling around using only public transport. Accommodation will be in inexpensive lodgings such as youth hostels and they would want to do as much sight-seeing as possible. They want to meet people and above all, make music. It has been a busy year for Jacques, but he also had to focus on his studies. He recently performed at SAMI (South African Music Institute), where he achieved a grade of 82% for guitar on a grade 8 level. He also scored 90% in his theory exams on Grade 5 level. This means that he can now boast with an international music qualification. For Jacques the academic achievements marked the highlight of his year and he hopes to be able to Jacques Mouton performing at the SAMI (South African music institute). Photo supplied. bring this knowledge into his own music.

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E-mail: anhetico@absamail.co.za Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all our customers. Thank you for your support during 2017.

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Hayley’s art speaks to people By Elardus van Zyl

“My art speaks differently to me than everyone else, and that is what I like about art. It does not have a direct message linked to it.” These are the words of one of Louis Trichardt’s young artists, the 18-year-old Hayley Waller. Hayley finished her matric exams at Ridgeway College a few weeks ago. During the college’s prize-giving ceremony, she received numerous awards. One of her subjects was art and, even though the final results are not yet available, she received a lot of compliments for her work. After the exams one of the moderators phoned the school, remarking that it was the best work

he has seen in ten years. For Hayley, art has been part of her life since a very young age. She won her first art award when she was only in grade 1, competing against a variety of much older artists in Louis Trichardt. “I don’t see art as a competitive activity and I would still have been the same even if I did not win, but it was then that I found out I had a talent,” said Hayley. Hayley practices her art as a hobby and does not believe she should get paid. She also does not intend pursuing this as a

career. “Being paid for my art takes away the sentimental value,” said Hayley. Hayley first started drawing animals, but eventually started to prefer finger drawings and portraits. She mainly draws human bodies and body parts such as hands and faces. “The human body in itself is beautiful and provides me with ideas and thoughts,” said Hayley. Her inspiration comes from past experiences and the difficulties she had to face in her life. Her art also serves as her “coping method” to handle life’s challenges.

The 18-year-old Hayley Waller. Photo supplied.

Above and left: Some of young artist Hayley Waller’s beautiful creations. Pictures supplied.

Christmas messages: • Cnr Rissik & President Street, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 2606

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Die Vleismark personeel wil net baie dankie sê vir ons kliënte vir nog ‘n wonderlike jaar se ondersteuning. Julle is great! Ons wens julle ‘n geseënde Kersfees en ‘n voorspoedige nuwe jaar toe. Mag Liewe Jesus julle ryklik seën.

A Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2018 to all our clients. We thank you for your loyal support during 2017

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Merry Christmas to all our clients! May you have a prosperous 2018


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Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die lewe

Jakobus 2:1 n hierdie vers is daar ‘n diep gevoel en gees van aanbidding. Jakobus gee aan die Here Jesus die eer en verhewenheid wat Hom toekom. Waarom heg Christene so baie waarde en agting aan die Here Jesus? Ons waardeer en stel die Here Jesus hoog op prys, want Hy is die soewereine, verhewe Regeerder van die heelal. Ook omdat Hy Jesus is. Die Wonder van wonders. Die Naam bo alle name. Die soewereine God het mens geword om onder mense te woon, en om vir die sonde van Sy uitverkorenes te sterf. Maar ook omdat Hy die Christus is. Die naam verwys na Sy amp, wat Hy doen. Christus beteken: Die Gesalfde Een. En Christus is deur God die Vader gesalf as Priester, Profeet en Koning. As Profeet verklaar Hy getrou die waarheid van God. As Priester het Hy Homself geoffer vir ons sonde. As Koning regeer Hy oor Sy kinders. Hy is ook kosbaar vir Christene, want Hy is die Here van die heerlikheid. Hy weerspieël die heerlikheid van die Vader en sal uiteindelik Sy mense bymekaarmaak om in Sy heerlikheid te deel. Die Here Jesus Christus is ook vir ons kosbaar want deur die genade van God is ons geloof in ons Here Jesus Christus. Geloof is die genademiddel wat God ons gee waardeur ons verstaan wie Jesus is en wat Hy vir ons gedoen het. Ons ken die Here Jesus deur geloof. Is die Here Jesus Christus vir jou ook so kosbaar? - 079 516 8303


Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange­leent­­hede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letters concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.



Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za

Mutt Mile promises to become an annual SPCA event Charity

It was a dog lover’s affair on Saturday during the hosting of the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s Mutt Mile as part of the Gateway Christmas Market. “Thank you so much to each and every human and ‘mutt’ who came and enjoyed our very first Mutt Mile with us on Saturday! Hopefully, this too, will become an annual event on our SPCA calendar,” said the SPCA team. One and all agreed that it was an amazing day with great support from the community once again. “First of all, we would like to thank Trieks and Arno for arranging the awesome Christmas Market and allowing us to be part of this special event. Congratulations on organizing such a brilliant day with great stalls and fantastic fun and food for the whole family. Thank you to Gateway Inn for the use of their beautiful facilities too,” said the SPCA team. The SPCA also made special mention of a few people who assisted them in making their first Mutt Mile one to be remembered. These included their most loyal supporters, Oasis Water, and their cute little helpers for manning the halfway water point for them. “You did a fantastic job, as always,” said the SPCA. A thank you also went to Hennie and his team from the Soutpansberg Athletics Club for their assistance on the day, their advice and all their guidance with arranging this event. “We truly appreciate it more than words can say,” said the SPCA. A huge thank you also went to Leach Printers for sponsoring the stickers for the water bottles and Super Signs for making the extra special and unique medals. “Then last, but most definitely not least ... our super, amazing team, the committee of our SPCA. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, your drive and most of all, your absolute passion for animals. Nothing would be possible without this power team. Thank you so much to each and every one of you. Hope to see you next year for another epic Mutt Mile and fun run,” said the SPCA team.

Ready, steady, go! Pet owners and their dogs set off to complete the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s Mutt Mile on Saturday. The event formed part of the Gateway Christmas Market. Photo: Louis Trichardt SPCA.

Part of the Louis Trichardt SPCA’s committee members pose for a quick photo during the past weekend’s Mutt Mile. It was a team effort with committee members, their families and friends helping as marshals and manning the SPCA’s stall. From left to right are Alicia Thomas, Antjie Brennan, Lesley Gaigher and Letitia Weyers. Photo: Louis Trichardt SPCA.

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: Editor / Redakteur: Administrative / Administratief: Website / Webtuiste:

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Bella, one of the many cute rescued dogs at the SPCA’s local kennels, gets a pep talk from Imaan Aboo on preparations of Saturday’s Mutt Mile. Photo: Louis Trichardt SPCA. ASSOCIATION OF


Local SPCA supporters Oasis Water and their super cute helpers manned the halfway water point during the past weekend’s Mutt Mile and Fun Run. Photo: Louis Trichardt SPCA.

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News with an independent soul

‘n Oud-leerling van Laerskool Louis Tri­ chardt, Cheyenne van Zyl, presteer tans baie goed by Kuswag Skool in Amanzimtoti. Ná slegs vier maande as leerling by die skool, verwerf sy die sertifikaat vir beste Engelse Graad7-leerling by die skool tydens die skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 30 November. Sy lewer ook die netjiesste werk in Graad 7, en stap ook weg met ‘n algehele sertifikaat vir kultuur en akademie. Foto verskaf.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Contact: Jannie - 076 501 8285 24/7 or Makweta 082 063 7500 Levubu / Louis Trichardt and Thohoyandou

Sophie’s Choice Tel/Fax: 015 516 0333 / 084 475 2246 Geleë reg oorkant Woolworths se agter ingang

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Ons wens al ons kliënte ‘n geseënde Kersfees en voorspoedige Nuwejaar toe! Kom kyk gerus na ons reeks Christelike boeke, Bybels en geskenke beskikbaar!




DEVELOPMENT AND LAND REFORM AS NOMINAL OWNERS OF THE LAND, TO BE DEBATED AND VOTED UPON BY THE MUDIMELI COMMUNIKamer vir enkel­ TY ON SATURDAY, 16 persoon. Moet DECEMBER 2017. bereid wees om AFFECTED FARM: Farm Fripp 645 MS is te deel. the Department of Rural Troeteldiere Development and Land welkom. Reform State Land R1900 p.m. allocated Venda Tribe in terms of GN376/1968. The property is situated in the Makhado Local Municipality, within the Vhembe Magistrate District. The Mudimeli Community, Farm Fripp 645 Land Rights Holders, cordially invites all the Mudimeli Community Mid town, Louis Trichardt. members residing on Water included. Municipal Farm Fripp 645 MS to attend the Land Rights power. No animals Holders resolution meeting scheduled as follows: First house available: Imediately 1. PURPOSE On 13 March 2017 Coal Second house: 1 Dec. of Africa proposed to put 015 516 5024 to the vote the resolution set out below: “To consult and obtain resolution from the Land Rights Holders for the Ruim 4 slaapkamer purpose of entering into a woonhuis op die long term lease agreeLugmagbasis pad. ment on Farm Fripp 645 MS for the construction Naby N1. and development of the Makhado Project, a hard coking and thermal coal W & E ingesluit. mining operations, with sixteen year life of mine. This will take place in terms of the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act,1996(Act no 31 of 1996) and the Interim protection of Informal Decision which require Huis te huur consent of the Minisop Vivo-pad. the ter of the Department of Rustig en Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) veilig. Naby a nominal owner of the aan hoofhuis. as land”. This proposed resolution R4 500p.m. is in conflict with the resolution adopted by the Mudimeli Community on Sunday, 11 December 2016 in the following terms: 1. Inasmuch as the State is the owner of the farm Fripp 645 MS; GESOEK: 2. The farm Fripp has Huis te Huur been lawfully occupied; alternatively, has been Huis in veilige area in allocated for the use of the Louis Trichardt. Mudimeli community / Drie / vier slaapkamers, the tribe since approxi2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise. mately 1964; Diere vriendelik (2 klein 3. The designated hondjies, 2 pappegaaie). Headman for Fripp, Langtermyn. Gesoek vanaf Chief Radzilani Phineas Februarie 2018. Mudimeli, duly authorised Herman Smith: thereto, has allocated stands / erven to indi084 910 7654 vidual members of the Mudimeli community / the tribe throughout the latter’s tenure of the farm Fripp; 4. The Royal Mudimeli Council and /or Chief THE MUDIMELI Radzilani Phineas COMMUNITY Mudimeli be authorised NOTICE IN TERMS to apply to the State for OF SECTION 2(4) OF the farm Fripp 645 MS INTERIM PROTECTION to be transferred from OF INFORMAL LAND the State to the Mudimeli RIGHTS ACT (ACT NO community / the tribe and 31 OF 1996) AND THE further, that individual INTERIM PROCEstands / erven allocated DURES GOVERNING as aforementioned by LAND DEVELOPChief Radzilani Phineas MENT DECISIONS Mudimeli be registered by WHICH REQUIRE THE Deed of Transfer to and CONSENT OF THE in the name of the lawful MINISTER OF RURAL occupiers to whom the



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stands / erven have been so allocated. On 13 March 2017 CoAL of Africa withdrew the abovementioned proposed resolution and postponed the meeting indefinitely. It is important for all affected Land Rights Holders to attend the meeting and vote on the previously withdrawn resolution proposed by CoAL in order to confirm and protect the rights arising from the resolution taken on 11 December 2016. 2. DATE,TIME AND VENUE Date: 16 December 2017 Time: 9h00 Venue: Mudimeli Royal Kraal (Khoroni) The above meeting shall be facilitated by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform delegated official, Councillors, Mphephu Traditional Council, and Community Leaders. Representatives and affected Mudimeli Land Rights Holders are encouraged to attend the above mentioned meeting in order to make the informed decisions about the Makhado Project. Any person, having any interest in the abovementioned portion of the subject piece and aged 16 and above and residing in the Mudimeli Village (Farm Fripp 645MS) must ensure that he/she is present or represented at the meeting in order to participate in the resolution. Note: Participation on resolution will strictly be for Land Holders residing in Mudimeli Village (Farm Fripp 645MS) and aged 16 and above. Participants are advised to bring their Bar-Coded South African Identity Book in order to have access to the kraal (Khoroni). For more information and clarity contact Mr. Thomas Tshilongo, Mudimeli Community Secretary 082 301 0529 Email address: tshilongothomas@gmail.com

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMPOPO DIVISION, POLOKWANE CASE NUMBER: 6059/2017 DATE: 31 OCTOBER 2017 BEFORE THE HONOURABLE: JUDGE M.G. PHATUDI In the matter between: KOBUS VAN DER WESTHUIZEN N.O FIRST RESPONDENT JOELENE BROWN N.O SECOND APPLICANT and MARIUS PIETERSE RESPONDENT (Identity number: 680812 5121 08 7) COURT ORDER HAVING HEARD counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record, IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Estate of the Respondent is placed under provisional sequestration. 2. The Respondent and any other party who

wishes to avoid such an order being made final, are called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the Court should not grant a final order of sequestration of the said estate on 01 FEBRUARY 2018 at 10H00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. 3. A copy of the order is to be: 3.1 Served on the Respondent. 3.2 Published once in the Government Gazette, and 3.3 Published once in the Zoutpansberger. 4. The Costs are reserved for determination on the return date. BY ORDER OF THE COURT REGISTRAR ATT: HERMAN ESTERHUIZEN SMALMAN ATTORNEYS HIGH COURT TYPIST: D.K. MOTLHAKA ESPAG MAGWAI ATTORNEYS 26 JORISSEN STREET POLOKWANE Tel: 015- 297 5374 / Fax: 015- 297 5042

form parties that may be interested or affected that PETROCO OIL (PTY) LTD, hereinafter referred to as “the applicant”, has submitted an application for a RETAIL License, application number F/2017/11/30/0001. MBP18 A MPHENI BLOCK A ELIM HOSPITAL ROAD ELIM HOSPITAL MAKHADO The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a license to undertake petroleum

retailing activities as detailed in the application, Arrangement for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: -Telephone: (015) 230 3600; or -Fax: ; or - Email: Gibson.Tshisikhawe@energy.gov.za Any objections to the issuing of a license in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Pe-

troleum Products within a period of twenty (20) working day from the date of publication of this notice. Such objection must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical Address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy 18A Landros Mare Street Postal address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy Private Bag X 9712, Polokwane, 0700

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Private Bag X11208, Nelspruit, 1200, South Africa • T: 013 752 4247 • Fax: 013 752 5954 • E-mail: louise@timbali.co.za • www.timbali.co.za S25o26.276’; E30o59.242’ Compant registration no: 2002/006905/08 • Association incorporated under Section 21




LOCAL LOCAL MUNICIPALITY LOCAL MUNICIPALITY LOCAL MUNICIPALITY THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY VHEMBE THE MUNICIPALITY VHEMBE THE DISTRICT VHEMBE THE DISTRICT OF VHEMBE THE LIMPOPO DISTRICT OF VHEMBE DISTRICT LIMPOPO OF LIMPOPO DISTRICT OF LIMPOPO OF LIMPOPO In the Magistrate’s The project involves the construction of Pump-houses and Irrigation Schemes for 50 Farmers. Each Irrigation Court of the District of consist ofto 6hereby hectares mainline and 2 hectares sub-main and dripline. associated water, electriMakhado Applications held atApplications Louis Applications areScheme hereby Applications arewill hereby Applications are invited hereby are invited manage are invited tohereby manage invited to themanage invited construction to themanage construction to themanage construction the of the construction the ofNwanedi the construction ofNwanedi theIRRIGATION ofAll Nwanedi the IRRIGATION ofNwanedi theIRRIGATION AND Nwanedi IRRIGATION AND IRRIGATION AND AND AND cal and irrigation assembly infrastructure is included in the scope of work. 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Only bank guaranteed cheques The project The involves project The involves the project The involves construction the project involves construction the involves construction of thepayment Pump-houses construction of thePump-houses construction ofa non-refundable Pump-houses and of Pump-houses irrigation and of Pump-houses irrigation and Scheme irrigation andScheme irrigation for and Scheme 150 irrigation forfarmers Scheme 150 forfarmers Scheme 150 on forfarmers 150 on forfarmers 150 on farmers on on tion Creditor, and SALOME or approximately cash willapproximately be accepted. Cheques shall be made payable to Timbali Flower Growers. approximately approximately approximately 300 – 300 600 – hectares. 300 600 – hectares. 300 600 Pump-houses – hectares. 300 600 Pump-houses – hectares. 600 Pump-houses (steel hectares. Pump-houses (steel frame Pump-houses (steel frame construction) (steel frame construction) frame (steel construction) with frame construction) associated with construction) associated with water, associated with water, associated with water, associated water, water JUDITH LESHI (NGWANA) Tel : 015 495 0919/ 076 808 6602 – Mr Sydney Chauke. electrical electrical and electrical irrigation and electrical irrigation and electrical assembly irrigation andassembly irrigation and infrastructure assembly irrigation infrastructure assembly infrastructure assembly withinfrastructure the withcommencement infrastructure the withcommencement the withcommencement the with date commencement theindate commencement Mayin date 2017, May in date 2017, with Mayindate 2017, May within2017, with May 2017, with with Execution Debtor. 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IRRIGATION AND ASSOCIATED WORKS PHASE B, IN THE MUSINA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY IN THE VHEMBE DISExecution Pursuant to a Judgment TRICT OF LIMPOPO, CLOSING DATE: 17 JANUARY 2018” with the name of the Tenderer, shall be deposited of the Magistrate Court in the clearly marked tender box atenvelope INCUBATOR – “IRRIGATION NWANEDI NTK, R 525 – SPECIALIST: Applications Applications Applications should Applications should beApplications should enclosed be should enclosed be inshould enclosed be a provided in sealed enclosed be a insealed enclosed aTIMBALI insealed envelope a TECHNOLOGY in sealed marked envelope a sealed marked envelope “IRRIGATION marked envelope “IRRIGATION marked marked SPECIALIST: “IRRIGATION SPECIALIST: “IRRIGATION SPECIALIST: SPECIALIST Louis Trichardt given on MUSINA MUNICIPALITY before 12h00 on the closing date. The tenders will be opened in public on 18 January CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION NWANEDI OF CONSTRUCTION NWANEDI OF IRRIGATION NWANEDI OF IRRIGATION NWANEDI OF IRRIGATION NWANEDI ANDIRRIGATION ASSOCAITED ANDIRRIGATION AND ASSOCAITED ASSOCAITED AND WORKS ASSOCAITED AND WORKS INASSOCAITED WORKS THEIN MUSINA WORKS THE IN MUSINA WORKS THE IN LOCAL MUSINA THEIN LOCAL MUSINA THE LOCAL MUSINA LOCALLOCAL 29 November 2017, the 2018 at Nwanedi Office at 08:00. 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MUNICIPALITY before 12h00. before 12h00. before 12h00.12h00. - INCUBATOR References (at least 3) from projects andMUNICIPALITY public auction to be held one page resuming what were the challenges in these projects and how they were solved. at NORTHERN SHELL GARAGE, 68 Krogh Employer: Engineer: Street, LouisThe Trichardt, successful The by successful Thecandidate successful Thecandidate successful The must candidate successful provide: must candidate provide: must candidate provide: must provide: must provide: the Sheriff for the MagTimbali Flower Growers Mr Daniel Ramakgapola istrates Court, SHERIFF t/a Timbali Technology incubator Limpopo Department of Agricuture and Rural Devel- Qualifications - Qualifications - Qualifications -andQualifications Experience -and Qualifications Experience andas Experience and Irrigation as Experience and Irrigation as Works Experience Irrigation as Works Contractor Irrigation as Works Contractor Irrigation Works Contractor Works Contractor Contractor SOUTPANSBERG, BM Private Bag X 11208, Nelspruit, 1200 opment - to References References - (at References - least (at References 3) -752 least from (at References 3) least previous from (at3) least previous from (at projects 3)least previous from projects 3)and previous from projects and previous projects andprojects and Street, and Polokwane, 0700 MAROBELA the- highTel : 013 4247 67/69 Biccard est bidder for- cash nameCell :page Sydney Chauke 076 808 6602challenges Tel :these 015 2005 One - page One - resuming page One - resuming One what - resuming page One were what resuming page the were what resuming challenges the were what the were what inchallenges these the were inchallenges projects these the inchallenges projects and in963 these projects how and inthey projects these how and were they projects how and solved. were they how and solved. were they howsolved. were theysolved. were solved. ly: 1 x 8 Round Tables, E-- Mail : sydney@timbali.co.za Cell : 074Vitae’s. 626 6169 Good Standing, Good Good Standing, Certificates, Good Standing, Certificates, Standing, Good Certificates, Curriculum Standing, Certificates, Curriculum Vitae’s. Certificates, Curriculum Vitae’s. Curriculum Vitae’s. Curriculum Vitae’s. 1 x 12 Steel Tables, 1 x 2 Cell : Pietro Di Bernardino 079 524 4154 E-mail : trams920@gmail.com White Leather Chairs, 1 x E-mail : pietro@timbali.co.za 2 Deco Chairs, 1 xEmployer: 1 StepEmployer: Employer: Employer: Employer: Engineer: Engineer: Engineer: Engineer: Engineer: Leather, Deco Clothes, TimbaliTimbali Flower Timbali Flower Growers Timbali Flower Growers t/aTimbali Flower Timbali Growers t/a Timbali Flower Growers Technology t/a Timbali Growers Technology t/a Timbali Technology t/a Timbali Technology Mr. DeTechnology Mr. WittDe Pieter Mr. Witt DePieter Mr. WittDePieter Mr. WittDe Pieter Witt Pieter Cutlery, Assorted Dishes, Incubator Incubator Incubator Incubator Incubator Limpopo Limpopo Dept. Limpopo ofDept. Agriculture Limpopo of Dept. Agriculture Limpopo of Dept. and Agriculture Rural ofDept. and Agriculture Development Rural of and Agriculture Development Rural andDevelopment Rural andDevelopment Rural Development 1 x 150 Chairs Cusions, P/Bag X11208, X11208, Nelspruit, X11208, P/Bag Nelspruit, 1200 X11208, P/Bag Nelspruit, 1200 X11208, Nelspruit, 1200 Nelspruit, 1200 120067/69 Biccard 67/69 67/69 Biccard Street,Biccard 67/69 Street, Polokwane, Biccard 67/69 Street, Polokwane, Biccard 0700 Street, Polokwane, 0700 Street, Polokwane, 0700 Polokwane, 0700 0700 1 x 2 Pilar Stands, 1P/Bag x 4 P/Bag Ben Marries, 1 x013 4 Tel: Boxes Tel: 752013 4247 Tel: 752 013 4247 Tel: 752 013 Tel: 752013 4247 752 4247 Tel: 015Tel: 294015 3133 Tel: 294 015 3133 Tel: 294 015 3133 Tel: 294015 3133 294 3133 •4247 All appliances: of Plates & Cups, 1 x 651 Cell: Mylene Cell: Mylene Torres Cell: Mylene 071 Torres Cell: 5686 Mylene Torres 071 Cell: 784 5686 Mylene Torres 071784 5686 071 Torres 784 5686 071784 5686 784 Cell: 082 Cell: 954082 Cell: 444954 082 Cell: 444 954 082 444 Cell: 954082 444954 444 Tumble driers, washing Chairs, 1 x 5 Glass Jugs, mylene@timbali.co.za e-Mail: mylene@timbali.co.za e-Mail: mylene@timbali.co.za mylene@timbali.co.zaE-mail: E-mail: DeWittP@agric.limpopo.gov.za E-mail: DeWittP@agric.limpopo.gov.za E-mail: DeWittP@agric.limpopo.gov.za E-mail: DeWittP@agric.limpopo.gov.za DeWittP@agric.limpopo.gov.za 1 x 10 Glasse-Mail: Bowl,e-Mail: 1mylene@timbali.co.za x 5 e-Mail: machines, microwaves, Cell: Sydney Chauke Cell: Sydney Chauke Cell: 076 fridges, Sydney 8086 Chauke Cell: 076602 8086 Sydney Chauke 076602 8086 Chauke 076602 076602 8086 602 Plastic Bins,Cell: 1 x 1Sydney Deco freezers &8086 Tent, 1 x 5 Pots. Signed atE-Mail: E-Mail: E-Mail: sydney@timbali.co.za sydney@timbali.co.za E-Mail: sydney@timbali.co.za E-Mail: sydney@timbali.co.za sydney@timbali.co.za ice machines Louis Trichardt on the 29th • Refrigeration installation & repairs. day of November 2017. Airconditioning, installation, sales & repairs Attorney for Execution Employer: Engineer: Creditor LTT Radio & Electrical Centre HAMMANN-MOOSA INC. Timbali Growers Mr. De Witt Piet Tel: 015 516 0751; Flower Munnikstr. 90, LTTt/a Timbali Technology 131 Krogh Street Louis Trichardt Makhado Incubator Limpopo Dept. o Email: deed@hammannmoosa.co.za P/Bag X11208, Nelspruit, 1200 67/69 Biccard St Tel: 015 516 1427/8 Fax: 015 516 1160 Tel: 013 752 4247 Tel: 015 294 313 Ref: JH/GR/15000

Applications are hereby invited to manage the construction o ASSOCIATED WORKS, at Nwanedi in the Vhembe District of the Lim

The project involves the construction of Pump-houses and irriga approximately 300 – 600 hectares. Pump-houses (steel frame con electrical and irrigation assembly infrastructure with the comme Phase 2 to be completed by end October 2017 on approximately 5

Applications should be enclosed in a sealed envelope m CONSTRUCTION OF NWANEDI IRRIGATION AND ASSOCAITED MUNICIPALTY IN THE VHEMBE DISTRCIT OF LIMPOPO, CLOSING D of the Post, shall be deposited in the clearly marked tender box p INCUBATOR – NWANEDI NTK – R525 – MUSINA MUNICIPALITY bef

The successful candidate must provide:

IRS and Experience as Irrigation Works Contractor REP- AQualifications Business -


Notice in respect of a license application in terms of the petroleum products act, 1977 (Act No 120 of 1977) This notice serves to in-

References (at least 3) from previous projects and One page resuming what were the challenges in these project Good Standing, Certificates, Curriculum Vitae’s.


To advertise your service here, contact us at 015 516 4996

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Cell: Mylene Torres 071 5686 784 Cell: 082 954 444 24 uur per dag! • Foutsporing en herstel 7 dae ‘n week! e-Mail: mylene@timbali.co.za E-mail: DeWittP@ 55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt • Instandhouding• Konstruksie • Sertifi kaat van nakoming Cell: Sydney Chauke 076 8086 602 Paper, Stationery, • Verkoeling • Lugversorging• Koelkamers E-Mail: sydney@timbali.co.za Cois Pretorius

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* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 14:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00



Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt held their annual honours evening on 17 November. Among Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt held their annual honours evening on 17 November. Among the students to receive top awards were, from left to right, Vhuhwavho Nevhungoni (Ayob Award the top students to receive awards were, from left to right, Ahmed Manzoor (Went Service Award), for Best IEB results), Sina Davachi (Mostert Award for Best IGCSE Results) and Rumana Seedat Ayesha Chhaya (De Bruyn Award for Best Junior Creative Writer), Hayley Waller (Textures (Chhaya Leadership Award). Photo supplied. Award for Best Art Student) and Hulisani Musekene (Cranswick Cultural Award). Ahmed also received the Naik trophy for the student with the best AS results. Photos Supplied.

The Ridgeway Independent School in Louis Trichardt announced their new school leaders for 2018 during their annual prize-giving function for the senior phase on 30 November. From left to right are Connor Boyd-Christie (deputy head boy), Matthew Venter (head boy), Tanatswa Mapfumo (head girl) and Zoe Kamera (deputy head girl).

131 Krogh Street (C/o Krogh & Ruh st) Louis Trichardt 0920 HAMMANN PROPERTIES

Carel Hammann 082 923 1620 hammannc@vodamail.co.za

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These three students at Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt received some of the college’s top awards during their annual honours evening on 17 November, From left to right are Nkavelo Shivambu (Desai Award for Excellence in Humanities and Best Senior Creative Writer), Y-isha Raphael (Patel Mentorship Award) and Vhuhwavho Nevhungoni (Head’s Special Award). Photos supplied.

Last Thursday it was again time for Ridgeway Independent School’s annual prize-giving function for the senior phase students. During this ceremony, Risuna Mashele (left) and Vhukhudo Ratshitanga (right) was awarded the Bristow Cup for Top Cambridge Students.

Risuna Mashele, a student from the Ridgeway Independent School in Louis Trichardt, went home with some of the school’s top awards. He was awarded the Dux Scholar Trophy for 2017, received the IT Warehouse trophy for loyalty and certificates for best academic achievements in science, social science and academic excellence for an average mark of 80% and more.

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On Wednesday, 29 November, the Ridgeway Independent School hosted their annual prize-giving event for the junior phase students. The group in the photo are all the students who received book prizes for academic excellence. In the front are the Grade 1s, with the Grade 2s in the middle and the Grade 3s in the back row.

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Limpopo te sterk vir Strikers in T20-finaal

Joubert Fourie ontvang die trofee van Naomi Phillipson van die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub.

Craig Viljoen (11) en Leon Furstenburg (30) het die lopie-tempo hoog probeer hou. Strikers se boulers, veral Paolo Piorek (1/11 in 4 beurte) en Louis van Jaarsveld (1/13 in 4 beurte) het egter die leisels stewig vasgehou. FC Phillipson het vasgeskop en ‘n haastige 30 lopies van 27 balle aangeteken om die telling na 100/4 na 20 beurte te neem. Strikers se kolwers het min simpatie betoon met Ridgeway se boulers. Na ‘n vinnige paaltjie geval het, het Albertus Pieterse (16) en Christo Boshoff (26 n.u.n.) die boulers gekasty. Ettienne Hendricks (47 n.u.n. van 26 balle) het egter die lang steel ingelê en Strikers gehelp om die telling in die 11de beurt verby te steek, met slegs twee paaltjies plat. Ridgeway se enigste bouler wat ‘n mate van sukses kon behaal, was Craig Viljoen wat 2/21 in 4 beurte geneem het. In Sondag se wedstryd het Limpopo eerste gaan kolf en hul aanvangspaar, Hamid Dukanwala (48 van 32 balle) en Salim (18 van 21 balle) het ‘n 74 lopie vennootskap aangeteken. Nimesh Watekar het hierna ingekom en 10 lopies aangeteken, maar dit was TE Smit (42 van 27 balle) en Wouter Smit (29 van 18 balle) wat verwoesting gesaai het. Aan die einde van die 20ste beurt was die telling 186 met drie paaltjies plat. Vikings se bouler wat die meeste sukses behaal het, was Riaan Gerber wat 2/20 in vier beurte geneem het. Limpopo se boulers het Vikings min kans gegun om die teiken te jaag. Wouter Smit (2/17 in 4 beurte) en Vimal Shah (0/13 in 4 beurte) was genadeloos. Albertus Pieterse (16 van 23 balle) en Christo Boshoff (39 van 44 balle) het dapper probeer, maar na hulle vertrek kon slegs Christo Gerber (12 van 12 balle) dubbelsyfers aanteken. Na 20 beurte was die telling op 116 met 8 paaltjies plat. Buiten Wouter se twee paaltjies, het TE Smit ook 2/20 in twee beurte geneem.

Nkateko Mkansi (left) and Risuna Shivambi (right) were respectively voted Ridgeway College’s best senior and best junior netball players for 2017. They received their awards during the college’s annual honours evening held in Louis Trichardt on 17 November. Photos supplied.

During their annual prize-giving function for the senior phase, Ridgeway Independent School’s Nyeleti Mulaudzi (left) and Tendani Muloiwa (right) were respectively awarded the trophies for the girl and boy that showed the best sportsmanship.

Deur Anton van Zyl

Die Limpopo Melkery-span het Sondag geseë­ vier in die finale rondte van die 20 beurt-liga wat deur die Louis Trichardt Krieketklub gereël is. Hulle het die Vikings-span gemaklik met 70 lopies geklop. Ten einde deur te dring na die finaal moes Strikers Saterdag eers die span van Ridgeway College klop. In dié wedstryd het Ridgeway eerste gekolf.

Die Limpopo Melkery-span wat Sondag in die finaal teen Strikers gewen het.

Tendani Mukhithi (left) and Rotondwa Ramabulana (right) walked away with two top awards during Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt’s annual honours evening on 17 November. They respectively received the trophies for Best Soccer Player and Best Girls’ Soccer Player. Photos supplied.

Rofhiwa Kutama was on 17 November awarded with Ridgeway College’s Best Cy­ clists trophy during the college’s annual honours evening. Photo supplied.

Muzi Ndlovu from Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt walked away with the trophy for Best Cricket Player during the college’s annual honours evening held on 17 November. Photo supplied.


Soutpansberg Gholfklub

The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie

On Wednesday, 29 November, the Ridgeway Independent School in Louis Trichardt gave recognition to their top students in the junior phase during their annual prize-giving ceremony. In the front, from left to right, are Lesedi Baloyi (Best Soccer Player), Saad Suliman (Best Reader) and Ayush Patel (Fellowship Trophy). At the back are Mbali Manganyi (Best Netball Player), Abigail Manyoha (Sportsmanship Trophy), Murunwa Musekene (Orators Trophy) and Aryan Ghelani (Diligence Trophy).





Eie reëlings






Eie reëlings



Woensdagspel Datum




Eie reëlings






A. Pretorius



S. Rudolph



A. Bothma


Maandelikse Houespel Datum



SPB Gholfklub



Formaat HS Punte


R. Machumela

uittel 67


B. Smith

uittel 67


V. Grobler


BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Sta­bleford, BBB - B/ bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable­ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier

58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm




outpansberger News with an independent soul



Yolanda 082 972 2060 / George 082 419 2359

The Soutpansberg Cycling Club hosted their annual Jingle Toy Ride in Louis Trichardt last Friday evening in support of local charities. Some 90 riders of all age groups took to the streets in colourfully decorated bicycles, some sporting flashy Christmas lights. The entry fee was a soft toy. “It was the most soft toys ever that we had managed to collect, totalling more than 500,” said Stanley Thompson of the cycling club. The toys will be divided into batches to be distributed to local churches and charities for the Christmas season to be handed out to needy children. Photo’s supplied.

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