ZoutpansbergerNewswithanindependentsoul 9 September www.zoutpansberger.co.za2022 PRYS: R5,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 38 Vol.36Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8 9 772409 283001 36 ISSN 2409-2835 Audited Distribution Figures Inwoners weke sonder water, terwyl Vhembe voortploeter - bladsy 2 Stoptekensongelukteruguiteindeliknánog‘n-bladsy3 Young Safvan flying high

By Andries van Zyl At the age of 17, Safvan Patel of Eltivillas, Louis Trichardt, holds a distinction very few others in his age group can lay claim to, namely that he is a qualified pilot. He obtained his private pilot’s licence (PPL) from the Wings Over Africa flying school in Tzaneen on 22 August this year, which now qualifies him to fly a four-seat, single-engine plane solo and a six-seat single-engine plane with a safety pilot. Obtaining his PPL saw the culmination of three years of hard work, with Safvan having to juggle his school responsibilities, including his Grade 12 academic career and duties as current head boy of Ridgeway College, with his flying classes. But in the end, everything was worth it and a dream come true for him. “When I turned 14, I decided that I wanted to become a pilot. Initially, I had no direction, because I am coming from a society where becoming a pilot or police officer is not really that recognised. I did not know what to do, but what motivated me and gave me direction was that I had a friend in high school who was also becoming a pilot. He is graduated now and at Stellenbosch,” said Safvan.Safvan said his friend guided him and even called his parents. They wanted Safvan to become a doctor, but supported their son in his decision. “In December 2019, just before Covid, we went to the flight school. They showed me around, and that was when I decided I was going to do this,” said Safvan. Safvan explained that one can start flying whenever you want and could see children as young as 12 or 13 year sitting in the cockpit of a plane with an instructor. “But you will only be able to start flying solo and start writing your exams after the age of 16,” said Safvan. He added that you can get a student pilot’s licence after the age of 16 for training purposes, but to get your PPL, you need to be 17 years of age and older. To qualify for his PPL, Safvan had to complete a cross-country flight. “The exam is a practical flight, but there is an oral part initially where they test your aviation knowledge,” said Safvan. This, among others, includes knowledge about your aircraft, map reading, the use of coordinates and a GPS, and how the weather works, for example in context of the South African climate. After passing the oral part of the exam, students will then be asked to compile a flight plan. “My flight plan was from Tzaneen, where I took off, to Marble Hall and from there to Polokwane Civil Airport. From Polokwane Civil it went to the ZZ2 headquarters at Mooketsi and then back to Tzaneen,” said Safvan. Then the time came for Safvan to take off. “Your examiner is like you first passenger in the plane. He will just sit there, watch what you are doing, and just ask you random questions like any passenger will do. (Contd on P2)


17-year-old Safvan Patel, resident of Eltivillas and current head boy of Ridgeway College, passed his private pilot’s exam on 22 August and is now a qualified pilot. The young Safvan Patel behind the yoke of a plane he is training in. After three years of hard work, he obtained his private pilot’s licence from the Wings Over Africa flying school two weeks ago. Photo supplied. e-mail: elektries@pdotto.co.za High Tention Work (HT) Containers For Hire PD ELEKTRIESOTTO 24 HOUR CALL CENTRE: 083 251 8139


Young pilot aiming even higher next year
Inwoners weke sonder water, terwyl Vhembe voortploeter

By Bernard Chiguvare
Ná twee mislukte herstelpogings op dieselfde plek op die hoofwatertoevoerlyn na Louis Trichardt het die kontrakteurs uiteindelik besluit om die plek waar die lek plaasvind met ‘n staal-koppelstuk te vervang. (Sien foto). Die herstelwerk is laat Dinsdagaand voltooi, waarna begin is om water na Louis Trichardt te pomp. Foto verskaf.
Audited Distribution Figures
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Photo: Bernard Chiguvare. Minister Mbalula officially opens newly built N1 Musina ring road
Jy kan ook seker wees dat jy gered is en aan die Here behoort. Laat niemand jou daarvan weghou nie. “Dit het ek geskrywe aan julle wat glo in die Naam van die Seun van God, sodat julle kan weet dat julle die ewige lewe het, en kan glo in die Naam van die Seun van God.” (1 Johannes 5:13).
Ek is ... die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe
“This is yet another milestone in our effort to deliver infrastructure that enables service delivery to our people,” Mbalula said. The R640 million project commenced in 2015, although actual construction only started in April 2016. The project was expected to be completed by 2018, but the first contractor, Ba sil Read Ltd, went into business rescue before it was finished. A new contractor, Raubex, was appointed in 2020, but because of the Covid-19 restrictions, progress was delayed. According to Mbalula, the project created 275 full-time jobs at a cost of more than R28 million. More than R51 million was spent on local subcontractors. The development is expected to ease traffic congestion and reduce motorists’ travelling time around Musina, as long-distance trucks coming into and leaving South Africa can now use this ring road. Musina’s acting mayor, Cllr Victor Ma navhela, thanked the minister for doing the honours. “The opening of this ring road came at precisely the right time, with the physical infrastructure work for the Musina-Makhado Special Zone also just having kicked off. Our desire of becoming a city in the near future is finally unfolding. As a provincial growth point, this development will help to enhance our local economic development initiatives. Further more, this state-of-the-art road network means faster and more effective mobility, making var ious destinations more accessible than before,” said Manavhela.
“Een ding weet ek: dat ek blind was en nou sien.” Johannes 9:25. Hier het ons ‘n geval waar ‘n man blind gebore was en deur die Here Jesus genees is. Die Fariseërs was nie tevrede dat hy op die Sabbat genees is nie en het hom ondervra.Dieblindgeborene het eintlik net een argument gehad: “Een ding weet ek, dat ek blind was en nou sien.” Vir hom was dit die grootste gebeurtenis van sy lewe. Om blind te wees, om in duisternis te leef, om die kleure van die natuur en die gesigte van jou dierbares nie te sien nie, moet ‘n droewige staat wees. Daarvan is hy nou verlos.Maar om geestelik blind te wees, om jou eie natuurlike toestand nie te besef nie, om die wondere van die koninkryk van die hemele nie te sien nie, is nog treuriger. En hoeveel verkeer nie nog in hierdie toestand nie? Kan jy reeds sê: Een ding weet ek, dat ek blind was en nou sien? Daar is baie mense wat sê dat ‘n persoon nie aan hierdie kant van die graf kan seker wees van jou saligheid nie. Hoe anders klink die getuienis van Job: “Maar ek, ek weet my Verlosser leef.” (Job 19:25). En van die apostel Paulus: “Ek weet in wie ek geglo het, en ek is oortuig dat Hy mag het om my pand te bewaar tot die dag toe.” (2 Timoteus 1:12).
To the left of the plaque is Minister of Transport Mr Fikile Mbalula and on the right (in blue shirt) is Ms Nkakareng Rakgoale, MEC for the Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure during the official opening of the N1 Musina ring road.

© All rights of reproduction of all articles, advertisements and all other material published in this newspaper are hereby distinctly reserved in compliance with Article 12(7) of the Copyright Act. Alle regte van reproduksie van alle berigte, foto’s, advertensies en alle ander materiaal wat in hierdie koerant gepubliseer word, word hiermee uitdruklik voorbehou ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 12(7) van die Wet op Outeurs regte en wysigings daarvan.
Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt. POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRES PO Box Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 TELEPHONE / TELEFOON: Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303 E-MAIL / E-POS: Advertising / Advertensies: luandi@zoutnet.co.za Editor / Redakteur: anton@zoutnet.co.za Administrative / Administratief: anton@zoutnet.co.za Website / Webtuiste: http://www.zoutnet.co.za NEWS / NUUS: News Editor / Nuusredakteur: Andries van Zyl (015) 516 news@zoutnet.co.za4996/7 Reporter / Verslaggewer Denise van Bergen 072 034 denise@zoutnet.co.za7467 / ADVERTENSIES: George Janse van Rensburg 082 419 2359 Khathutshelo Mamuha 071 188 5055 Classified/Legal Notices: (015) 516 4996/7 / : is by Deon Brits. queries regarding can be directed to Deon at 063 372 9029
(Contd from P1) “Questions like: ‘What does this do? How does this work and why are we doing this?’ He won’t correct you. If you make a mistake, he will just write it down,” said Safvan. Although Safvan obtained his PPL and is allowed to fly around friends and family, he is not allowed to make money from it. For this, he would need a commercial pilot’s licence and this is exactly what he is plan ning for next. “I am planning to start my commercial licence but with a degree as well – a Bachelor of Science in Aviation – at L3Harris flying school in London next year. I am going overseas because South Africa, aviation wise, is not looking good,” said Safvan. What makes thing easier for him to study overseas is that he has British citizenship.Wouldhe recommend his ca reer choice to everyone? Inter estingly enough, his answer is no. “It is a passion for me, but I would not recommend it for ev erybody, especially for someone starting with no knowledge. If you wake up one day and say, ‘I want to become a pilot’, then it is not for you. It must be a pas sion for you from a young age. There are lots of exams and you need to know what you are doing. It is also very expensive and, they don’t guarantee you a job,” said Safvan. He added that you also have to sacrifice a lot of your time and, once you become a qualified pilot, you will also have to sacrifice a lot of time away from you family. “Your job might require you to fly over Christmas or our Eid It is a matter of sacrifice,” said Safvan, but he seems more than willing to make that sacrifice. As for the immediate future, Safvan will, however, still need to finish school. He has already started with his Grade 12 trial exams, with his final exams starting on 24 October. Regard ing this, he timed obtaining his PPL perfectly.
Ds. Johan Marais (Louis Trichardt Baptistekerk)
Deur Andries van Zyl Inwoners van Louis Trichardt en Tshikota moes nog ‘n week van droë krane oorleef terwyl die Vhembe Distriksmunisi paliteit (VDM) voortploeter in hulle pogings om gebarste pype en lekke te herstel. Die rede vir die afgelope week se waterskaarste was dieself de waterlek wat sedert 20 Augustus reeds twee keer “herstel” is. Intussen sit som mige inwoners en besighede nou al vir byna vyf weke sonder enige munisipale water. “Dit is verby onaanvaar baar dat ‘n waterlek (waarvan almal bewus is vir meer as drie weke) nie herstel is tydens die “Albasini waterplant shut down” nie. Hoe kan ‘n dorp voortbestaan op hierdie trant?” skryf inwoner Ronel Welman op die “Louis Trichardt Water Shedding” Facebook-bladsy. Op dieselfde bladsy wil Chantel De Troch weet of die gemeenskap nie maar die arme mense moet gaan help om die lek reg te maak nie. “Dit lyk my nie hulle kom reg nie,” skryf sy. “Ek wil net graag weet, werk daai mense onder toesig of nie, want hel, dis is nou al hoe lank dat ons nie water het nie en ons is nou mooi gatvol vir dit. Dit kos inwoners ‘n klomp geld om water te koop,” het Magriet Maria geskryf. Met min antwoorde of verduidelikings van die VDM is die koerant weer genoop om antwoorde elders te probeer kry, soos by die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) se wyksraadslid, Pierre“DieSmalle.herstelwerk is by die selfde plek as laas. Dit het oor die naweek weer uitgeskiet,” het Smalle by navraag gesê. Hy het verwys na die plek waar die dorp se ou hooftoervoerpyplyn onderdeur die Levubu-pad kom, ‘n paar kilometer buite Louis Trichardt. Die pyp het die eerste keer uitgeskiet nadat ‘n kontrakteur ‘n betonblok met sy tru-grawer beskadig het wat ‘n kritieke 90° hoek op die pyplyn in plek gehou het om te verhoed dat die waterdrukking by die hoek die pype uitmekaar druk. Die kontrakteur was besig om die nuwe waterpyplyn na die dorp, parallel met die ou waterpyplyn, te lê. Omdat die betonblok be skadig is en nie meer die 90° hoekpyp in plek kon hou nie, het die waterdrukking die pyp laat uitskiet. Die probleem is op 20 Augustus gerapporteer.
Om dit te herstel, moes die wa tertoevoer na Louis Trichardt gestaak word. Op 25 Augustus is die lek uiteindelik herstel, maar kort nadat weer begin is om water te pomp, het die pyp op dieselfde plek weer begin lek. Weer moes die watertoe voer na die dorp opgeskort word. Weer is dieselfde lek her stel en teen verlede Vrydag eers kon die pomp van water hervat word. Weer het die herstelwerk misluk en die pyp begin lek. “Maandag en Dinsdag het hulle plan verander en met die nuwe herstelwerk het die kon trakteur die koppelstuk en pyp vervang met staal, om die druk te kan hanteer. Lyk my, en ons hou duim vas, dit werk en niks nuut kom op nie,” het Smalle Woensdagoggend aan die Zoutpansberger gesê. Vhembe het toe reeds begin om weer water na die dorp te pomp, met mense in laagliggende dele wat gerapporteer het dat hulle ná weke weer water begin kry het. Nog ‘n waterlek waarmee Vhembe nou reeds sedert 6 Augustus spook, is die lek op die hoek van Ruh- en Kru gerstraat in Louis Trichardt. Volgens Smalle sukkel hulle met ‘n foutiewe lugklep wat op die pyplyn is wat water na die Mowkop reservoir voer. “As ek reg onthou, het die kontrakteur [nie dieselfde een wat op die Levubu-pad werk nie] genoem dat die lugkleppe baie oud is en eintlik vervang moet word en hulle herstelwerk was eintlik tydelik, sodat daar nie ‘n afska keling [van water] sou wees nie. Dit was die doelwit. Hulle het laat weet dat die middelste stuk wat die lugklep oop- en toemaak, gebreek het. So, hulle het dit uitgehaal en die lugklep weer toegemaak, tot hulle goedkeuring kry om die lugklep te vervang,” het Smalle gesê. Hoe lank dit gaan neem, weet nugterSmallealleen.hetgesê hy sukkel met dieselfde uitdagings as dié waarmee inwoners sit wat Vhembe betref. “Die frustrasie begin met kommunikasie. As ons net gesê kan word wat aangaan, voordat ons self moet uitvind, help dit al klaar.” Smalle het voortgegaan deur te sê hy is deeglik bewus dat nie veel onderhoud aan die bestaande pypleiding vanaf die Albasinidam gedoen is die afgelope 15 na 20 jaar nie. “Mense van die dorp moet besef die dorp se waterstorie is ‘n bom wat wag om te ontplof. Louis Trichardt gaan aanhou sukkel tot die nuwe pyplyn be gin water verskaf,” het Smalle gesê. Volgens Smalle is die huidige waterkrisis ‘n direkte oorsaak van swak beplanning ten opsigte van die snelle pas waarmee die dorp uitbrei en die feit dat die huidige water infrastruktuur nie kan tred hou nie. “Die gevolge is duidelik sigbaar. As wyksraadslid vir die dorp sal ek konstante druk ui toefen op die amptenare en die munisipaliteit, asook om met werkende voorstelle na vore te kom,” het Smalle gesê. Vrae oor die omvang en oorsaak van die mees onlangse watertekort is aan Vhembe gestuur. “Die pyplyn is laat gisteraand herstel,” was al ant woord wat die koerant ontvang het.
The long-awaited N1 Musina ring road was officially opened – to the delight of many road users - on Thursday, 1 September. The Minister of Transport, Mr Fikile Mbalula, did the honours. In his opening speech, Mbalula thanked the local communities and businesspeople for working together to contribute to South Africa’s National Development Plan to invest in a strong network of economic structures designed to support the country’s medium- and long-term objectives for sustainable and inclu sive growth by 2030.
The newspaper
ZOUTPANSBERGER, 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 3 PublishersZoutnetbydesignedAdInskrywings: 07h00Bestuurdersinligtingsessie:09h00 09h30 Inskrywingsgeld: Deelnemers - R200 / Toeskouers - R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders Louis Trichardt GPS: 23°05’05.3”S 29°55’16.4”E Kontak gerus vir CW Burger 082 378 3151 vir meer inligting 22 Oktober 2022Gruisgat4x4 Stoptekens uiteindelik terug ná nog ‘n ongeluk Deur Andries van Zyl Ná bykans twee jaar het die Makhado nie.ongelukslagoffershierdietesingBaobab-stoptekensuiteindelikMunisipaliteitweerbesluitombydiegevaarlikeenElandstraatkruiinLouisTrichardtaanbring,maarniealvorenskruisingsykwotageëishet

Die Baobab- en Elandstraat kruising is nie die enigste krui sing in Louis Trichardt waar ‘n gevaarlike situasie geskep word weens ‘n gebrek aan verkeerstekens of onvoldoende verkeerstekens wat nie aan die minimum vereistes voldoen nie. Een so ‘n geval is die stopteken in De La Reystraat, waar dit kruis met Forestryweg. Die teken is al so verbleik dat dit skaars sigbaar is. Daarbene wens staan die stopteken skaar ‘n meter hoog, want blykbaar Louis Trichardt se verkeerstekens is in ‘n haglike toestand. Een so ‘n geval is die stopteken in De La Reystraat, waar dit kruis met Forestryweg. Die teken is al so verbleik dat dit skaars sigbaar is. Daarbenewens staan die stopteken skaar ‘n meter hoog, want blykbaar soos die paal afroes word die oor blywende stukkie net weer dieper die in grond ingedruk.

Die stoptekens aan weers kante van Elandstraat het, vir watter rede ook al, vermis/ verwyderd geraak, wat daartoe gelei het dat motoriste wat in beide rigtings beweeg het, be gin glo het dat hulle die reg van weg het. Die situasie is verder vererger deurdat die waarsku wingslyne op die strate met die jare totaal uitgewis is. In die verlede het die Zoutpansberger al herhaalde lik die gevaarlike situasie by die kuising aan die Stadsraad gerapporteer, sonder enige reaksie. Intussen het motoriste se noue ontkomings en onge lukke voortgeduur. Twee weke gelede is die situasie weer aan die Stadsraad gerapporteer met ‘n waarskuwing dat dit slegs ‘n kwessie van tyd is voordat daar weer ‘n ongeluk is, iemand dalk kan seer kry of, nog erger, iemand sterf. Weer is geen reaksie ontvang nie. Die koerant se waarskuwing het egter profeties geblyk te wees, want verlede Dinsdag het daar weer ‘n ongeluk plaasgevind. Dié keer moes ‘n 48-jarige vrou vir mediese behandeling hospitaal toe gejaag word nadat sy beseer is in die ongeluk. Sy het ‘n slegte hou teen die kop weg en sukkel steeds as gevolg van haar sweepslagbeserings. Sy was alleen in haar geleende voertuig. In die ander voertuig was drie persone, maar hulle het blykbaar redelik ongedeerd daarvan afgekom. Weer het die koerant die gevaarlike situasie by die kruising aan die Stadsraad gerapporteer, met foto’s van die ongeluk. Weer het niks gebeur nie.Teen Dinsdag hierdie week het iemand by die Stadsraad egter uiteindelik besluit het om gedagtes oor te sit in dade en twee stoptekens is weer in Bao babstraat aan weerskante van Elandstraat aangebring. Die waarskuwingslyne op die teer pad ontbreek egter nog. ‘n Paar minute van waarneming het gewys dat die stopstrate heel party motoriste bietjie onkant vang, met mense wat steeds dink hulle kan maar net in beide rigtings oorjaag. Bygesê, lesers van die Zoutpansberger sal wel vertroud wees met hoe min mense regtig enigsins ag slaan op stoptekens. Tog maak die stoptekens die kruising darem weer ‘n bietjie veiliger. Die munisipaliteit se traag heid of ruiterlike versuim om beskadigde of verwyderde verkeerstekens, wat ly tot lewensgevaarlike verkeerstoe stande, te vervang het die vraag laat ontstaan in hoe ‘n mate die munisipaliteit aanspreek lik gehou kan word? Dit is nou ten opsigte van skade of verliese wat aan voertuie of deur persone gely word, sou ‘n ongeluk plaasvind by ‘n krui sing of aansluiting waarvan die verkeerstekens nie deur die munisipaliteit vervang is nie. Volgens plaaslike proku reur me. Louise Dekker van die firma Kern, Dekker en Muthevhuli Ingelyf hang alles daarvan af of bewys kan word dat die munisipaliteit nalatig was. “In elke geval moet die volgende gevra word. 1. Het die munisipaliteit ‘n regsplig gehad om iets te doen? As die antwoord ja is, dan vraag 2. Het die munisipaliteit versuim om uitvoering te gee aan die regsplig? As die antwoord ja is, dan vraag 3. Is daar ‘n kousale [oorsaaklike] verband tussen die skade/verliese en die munisipaliteit se versuim? Laasgenoemde antwoord gaan altyd afhang van die spesifieke feite. Byvoorbeeld, as persoon A nie weet dat daar ‘n stopstraat is nie, want die munisipaliteit het versuim om die stopteken weer op te sit, en nou stop A nie en jaag in B vas, dan sou ek reken daar is aanspreeklikheid van die munisipaliteit. Maar as A te dronk was om te weet wat hy doen, dan gaan dit moeiliker wees om kousale verband tus sen die skade en munisipaliteit te bewys,” het Dekker gesê. “Bottom line - die antwoord gaan afhang van die feite van die spesifieke ongeluk,” het Dekker afgesluit.
ontvangs van die navraag bevestig is, is geen kommentaar teen druktyd ontvang nie. Die bestuurder van hierdie voertuig het ‘n erge hou teen die kop weg en het ook sweepslag beserings opgedoen nadat haar voertuig en ‘n ander voertuig in die kruising by Baobab- en Elandstraat in Louis Trichardt verlede Dinsdag gebots het. Foto verskaf. “40.4 Ha Macadamia farm” R9 900 000 (Excl VAT) Want to SELL? List your property with us HAMMANN PROPERTIES Property is our Business, call us! Carel Hammann Cell: 082 923 1620 E-mail: property@hmlegal.co.za Anton de Necker Cell: 084 704 8426 E-mail: admin2@hmlegal.co.za Visit our website: www.hmprop.co.za LOUIS TRICHARDT 20Ha Developed –6088 established trees 13Ha Undeveloped – Potential space for additional 4056 trees Sufficient water – Solar Borehole & 400 000l reservoir Completely Electrical fenced Fully secured large 3-bedroom house with outbuildings Processing & Storage area & back-up Generator Tractor, Sprayer & other machinery included.
Ná bykans twee jaar is die stoptekens in Baobabstraat waar dit met Elandstraat in Louis Tri chardt kruis weer Dinsdag teruggebring. soos die paal afroes word die oorblywende stukkie net weer dieper in die grond ingedruk. Die Makhado Munisipaliteit is Maandag gevra om kommen taar te lewer oor die langter myn gevaarlike situasie wat by die Baobab- en Elandstraat kruising veroorsaak is en die probleem van ander onvoldo ende of gebrekkige verkeer stekens in die dorp. Alhoewel

Hierdie week, 25 jaar gelede, het die Groter Louis Trichardt Oorgangsraad sy grootste krisis ooit in die gesig gestaar ná ‘n reeks bedankings. Op die voorblad van die Zoutpansberger van 5 September 1997 word berig van die bedanking van Louis Trichardt se stadsekretaris, mnr. Henk Roos. Hy was die tweede senior beampte wat binne die bestek van ‘n maand by die raad bedank het. Die vorige bedanking was dié van die Hoof van Beskermingsdienste, mnr. Koos Kemp. Die situasie is verder bemoeilik deur die feit dat die munisipaliteit se stadsklerk, mnr. Vic Viljoen, in daardie stadium besig was om in die hospitaal aan te sterk na ‘n beroerte aanval. Ter verklaring het Roos aangevoer hy het bedank om sy regstudies voort te sit met die doel om ‘n loopbaan in die regswese te betree. In ander voorbladnuus is berig van Louis Trichardt se eie reeksmoorde naar, Willem Grobler, wat in daardie stadium en ten spyte van verdoe mende getuienis steeds onskuldig gepleit het in die Rondgaande Hof. Hy het ontken dat hy in Julie 1995 die 21 jarige Sonia Liebenberg en in Augustus 1995 die 21 jarige Lollie Breedt vermoor het. Sy verhoor het daardie week begin met die eerste getuies wat in die saak begin getuig het. Familielede en vriende het getuig van die oorledenes se laaste oomblikke wat hulle lewend gesien is. Grobler sou later aan beide moorde skuldig bevind word.

The executive chairman of Viato Oil, Mr Emmanuel Netshiongolwe. Photo supplied.
gelede in die

By Andries van Zyl
The Zoutpansberger reported last week that the DEA’s compliance office stopped work after finding that Viato had cleared more than the approved 9ha of bush stipulated in the contract’s EA. This meant that they would have to submit a new application for approval before work could resume. At the same time, a group of fuel-station owners calling themselves the Makhado Fuel Retailers Association (MFRA) indicated that they were going to take legal action against Viato if it continued with its proposed development of a fuel station on the site. This battle between Viato and the MFRA already started in 2019 when Viato first published its intention to build a filling station alongside the McDonald’s restaurant. The MFRA objected to Viato’s application, after which Viato withdrew its application in 2020, only to readvertise it again in 2021. The MFRA claims it was unaware that Viato had readvertised the application and therefore did not object again. The MFRA also argues that, irrespective of the fact that it did not object a second time, the provisions of the by-laws regarding the initial application it had objected to are still binding as they remain a negatively affected party. On Monday, Netshiongolwe explained the events leading up to their having to stop construction work. He said that when the Makhado Municipality (Makhado) had allocated them the site for the 6 000m2 development of a restaurant, together with a service station, the municipality had failed to take into consideration that a power line cuts across the construction site. As national building regulations prohibit anyone from building near or under a power line, Netshiongolwe said, they had engaged in negotiations with Makhado, who then granted them permission to move 16 metres outside the boundary of their stand. The additional bush clearing was also for the establishment of a service road connecting the site to Kia Motors, as well as the establishment of water, sewerage and electrical infrastructure – all for the account of Viato. This “extra” bush clearing was what led to the DEA’s notice to stop work. Netshiongolwe said that when the EA officers visited the site and at the subsequent meeting they had, he explained to them the process they had followed and even furnished the compliance office with a letter from Makhado, indicating why the boundary of their site had been moved. Netshiongolwe said that he could not understand why this information had not been taken into consideration but said he understood that the compliance officer was obviously looking out for the “Immediatelyenvironment.when the compliance officer gave us the notice, we wrote an objection, together with a supporting letter that is coming from council that indicates that no, we are not encroaching on somebody’s land. That is the municipality’s land. The whole 4296 (erf) belongs to the council,” said Netshiongolwe. He added: “We are not cutting corners. Immediately when the compliance officer said stop, we stopped. And we stopped because of one reason. I know that if I don’t do that, there is a fine that can be imposed on me – about R5 million,” added Netshiongolwe.Netshiongolwe was hopeful that they could resume with construction work this week. “I think the people at the department are now trying to resolve our issue because they are saying give us a confirmation from the municipality in terms of the [service] road,” said Netshiongolwe. Regarding the MFRA, Netshiongolwe said they are also not cutting corners. . “I cannot construct a service station without a licence. The service station application is still with the department [Department of Mineral Resources and Energy]. We’ve submitted everything, but we are waiting for the controller to issue a licence. It is the prerogative of the controller to do that and in terms of the Petroleum Act I cannot construct a service station without approval,” saidWithNetshiongolwe.referenceto the MFRA’s claim that Viato’s second round application process was flawed, Netshiongolwe disagreed. “We got permission from the municipality for the service station. That is the zoning right. And it was done probably. First of all, all of the service stations in Makhado they objected to the development of the service station based on the Town Planning Scheme. What we did is withdrew the application,” said NetshiongolweNetshiongolwe.wenton to explain that they then re-advertised their intention for a second time. “We did proper adverts and everything was fine. We complied with everything … Now that we are doing that construction, all the service stations are again objecting ... We furnished them with everything that we complied with … we even advertised in the Government Gazette,” saidAgainNetshiongolwe.Netshiongolwe said that they cannot cut corners.
CONTACT DETAILS: Dr Casper Venter: 082 857 0022 Dr Emil Gaigher: 082 892 8862 Jernay Mcleod: 083 403 5752 Angela Brennan: 082 902 6271
Ook daardie week is berig van twee bekendes wat in twee afsonderlike motorongelukke gesterf het, die 45 jarige mnr. Gert Dreyer van Levubu en die 23 jarige mnr. “Vleis” Eloff, bestuurder van ‘n meubelwinkel in Thohoyandou. Dan het ‘n Cheetah vegvliegtuig naby Lugmag basis Makhado (toe Louis Trichardt) ook neergestort tydens ‘n Goue Arende oefening, maar gelukkig kon die vlieënier, maj. Keith Fryer (34), oomblikke voor impak suksesvol uitskiet.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het verlede week hulle hoofleiers vir 2022/23 aangewys. Voor, van links na regs, staan, onderhoofseun vir sport Jody Buys, onderhoofseun vir sosiaal Pierre Nel, onderhoofmeisie vir akademie Need Munene en onderhoofmeisie vir kultuur Geraldine Venter. Agter staan hoofseun Ian du Plessis en hoofmeisie Mieke Veldman. Foto verskaf. Afgeneem is Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se 2022/23-leerlingraad. Voor, van links na regs, is Mieke Veldman, Zuanel van der Westhuizen, Isabella Jones, Need Munene, Anam Yalukar, Lisa Burger, Lezahn Burger, Ansonett Oosthuyzen, Geraldine Venter, Nicoline Venter, Cindy Vorster, Tami Mphephu en Phophi Netshilema. Agter is Willem-John Phillipson, Gideon du Plessis, Ian du Plessis, Jacques Vermeulen, El-Girnin Maarman, Jody Buys, Andy Musekene, Pierre Nel, Henry Fletcher, Larry Ramabulana, Rickus Smit, Renier Harmse en Estiwan Korff. Foto verskaf.

“I know development. I am doing development in Rustenburg. I am doing development in so many areas. I know that if I cut corners, I will have problems. It is a very dangerous game,” said Netshiongolwe. He continued: “You know, I have a team of professionals who did the study on the service station ... That study is available. But because I know the laws in South Africa in terms of development, I cannot construct the site, the service station, without a licence. What I did is I just cleared the site to expedite the EIA, because it would be expansive for me to get another tractor to come and clean, I just expedited it. I’ve got full title to that piece of land,” said Netshiongolwe. Despite the EA setback and threatening legal action by the MFRA, Netshiongolwe remains steadfast in his vision that the development will bring value to Louis Trichardt. “We believe that the development that will come is the development for the municipality. It is not my development, it is a development for the community at large,” he said.
“We are not cutting corners on project” says developer

The executive chairman of Viato Oil (Viato), Mr Emmanuel Netshiongolwe, said that his company was not cutting corners regarding the development of a McDonald’s DriveThrough restaurant and proposed fuel station on the corner of Songozwi Street and the N1 in Louis Trichardt. This came after the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) had issued a notice two weeks ago that all construction work on the site must stop immediately as Viato had exceeded the provisions of their approved environmental authorisation (EA).

Hierdie week, 25 jaar

Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis op Louis Trichardt het op Vrydag, 2 September, weer lekker Lentedag gevier. Vanjaar was die tehuis se tema “Red Hats” gewees. Afgeneem is ‘n paar van die inwo ners, gaste en tehuis personeel. Die bejaardes het hulle talent deur en deur gewys met die tema en daar was hoedens waarvoor baie moeite gedoen is.

Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Louis Trichardt het weer ‘n pragtige kwilt kombers, geskenk deur Bev Leach, wat uitgeloot is ter fondsinsameling. ‘n Mooi bedrag van R13 830 is met die verkoop van kaartjies ingebring en die tehuis het almal bedank wat kaartjies gekoop het of help verkoop het. Die gelukkige wenner van die kwilt was Henriette van der Walt van Levu bu met kaartjie nommer 521. Afgeneem op 2 September tydens die tehuis se Lentedagvie ringe met die kwilt is (van links na regs) Cheryl van den Vyver, Margot Girardin (Ons Tuiste), Sonia Scheepers (Ons Tuiste), Bev Leach en Kittie de Bruin (bestuurder van Ons Tuiste).


Free South African National Parks Week around the corner SANParks News South African National Parks (SANParks), in partnership with Total Energies Market ing South Africa and First National Bank (FNB), have announced that the 17th annual South African National Parks Week will allow citizens free access from 12 to 18 September 2022 this year. “SA National Parks week is aimed at linking the South African national parks system to the communities and to showcase the best of our country’s national parks. During the week, all South African citizens are allowed to enter most national parks for free for a day visit,” said Reynold Thakhuli, SANParks’ general manager for media, PR and stakeholder relations, in a pressThisrelease.year,SANParks will open the week in Augrabies Falls National Park. The feature ele ment of this campaign is the free access granted to all South African day visitors carrying their official identity documents. Young persons under the age of 16 will be allowed free access without proof of identity. The free access to the parks will not include accommodation and commercial activities in the park such as guided safaris in vehicles or guided walks, etc, and the Kruger National, Addo Elephant, Augrabies, Agulhas, Table Mountain and Ai-Ais/Richtersveld Trans frontier Park will only have free access until Fri day, 16 September. Namaqua National Park and Boulders Penguin Colony and the Cableway in Table Mountain National Park are not included in the free SANParksaccess.encourages all South Africans and especially the youth of the country to diarise these dates and plan a visit to a national park nearby. “The survival of the South African na tional parks system and our natural and cultural heritage lies in the people of South Africa,” said Thakhuli.Formore information, visit www.sanparks. org/about/events/parks_week and follow #SAN ationalParksWeek and #LiveYourWild on social media.
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• Reformed Church Songozwi Corner of Songozwi and Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, Sunday 11:00, Rev Paul Mushayabasa (076 860 0669) • PPK Bet-El Gemeente (LTT) Rissikstraat 50. Sondag: 09:00 Hoofdiens & Kinderkerk, 17:00 Connect Groups. Vrydae 19:00 Jeug. Past Anthony Hees 084 418 3803.
Inwoners word uitgenooi om die Bergcare Charity op die hoek van Erasmus- en Burgerstraat, Louis Trichardt, te ondersteun. Die winkel is Maandae tot Vrydae vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 oop en verkoop klere, speelgoed, kombuisware en so nou en dan meubels. “Ondersteun die winkel deur te skenk. Ek moedig mense aan om hulle huis en kaste skoon te maak, veral voor ‘n nuwe seisoen,” sê Bergcare bestuurder Mariana Luus. Deur die Charity Shop te ondersteun word ‘n inkomste genereer wat aangewend word om kruideniersware vir deernispakkies aan te Elkekoop.persoon wat iets vanaf April tot einde Junie vir die winkel skenk sal ook kwalifiseer vir ‘n gelukkige trekking waar twee name getrek sal word vir ‘n ete by die Lalapanzi Hotel of Ocean Basket.Virmeer inligting, skakel Mariana by tel. 079 679 8790. Bergcare Charity Shop
If you know of any upcoming events, e-mail Andries: news@zoutnet.co.za EVENTS?

• Hervormde Gemeente Louis Trichardt (Musina & Alldays) H/v Stubbs & Forestryweg, Louis Trichardt, Sondag 08:30, Alldays (09:30 elke tweede Sondag). Kontak dr. B.J. van Wyk by tel. 082 629 9851 vir meer inligting.

• NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. André van Rooyen, Tel: 082 468 7640 E-pos: ngkmsa@lantic.net of alvanrooyen@gmail.com • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313
• Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Sondae: Afrikaanse diens om 08:30 insluitend Peuter-, Kinder- en Tienerbedieninge. Sundays: English service at 10:30 including Toddler-, Children- and Teen Ministries, phone Pastor Chris Mattheus Tel (082 696 2619).
• Hervormde Gemeente Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Elke tweede Sondag om 08:30, Dr. B.J. van Wyk, Tel: 082 828 5711 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg: Geloofsbond van Hervormde Gemeentes (LTT) H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:15, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel 072 122 7956 • Hervormde Kerk (Geloofsbond Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.
Albasini Dam 99.3% 99.3% Ebenezer Dam 98.1% 98.7% Flag Boshielo Dam 100.2% 100.6% Glen Alpine Dam 93.1% 95.5% Luphephe Dam 100.2% 100.5% Middel Letaba Dam 0.9% 1% Nandoni Dam 100.9% 100.9% Nsami Dam 41.7% 42.6% Nwanedzi Dam 99.9% 99.8% Nzhelele Dam 97.5% 98.2% Tzaneen Dam 92.2% 94.5% Vondo Dam 99% 99.4% DAMVLAKKEWEEKLIKSE WEEKLY DAM LEVELS 05/09/2022 According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, 5 September. Dams/damme: 29/08/2022 # Means latest available data (Source: http://www.accuweather.com) ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt Saturday, 10 September High: 31oC Low: 12oC Very warm with plenty of sun.Very warm with plenty of sun. Friday, 9 September High: 30oC Low: 13oC Sunny, pleasant and warmer. Thursday, 8 September High: 27oC Low: 11oC LOUIS TRICHARDT • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 015 516 2395 • Electricity (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Water (after hours) - 087 350 2764 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 083 364 4592 MUSINA • SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061 • Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7 • Municipality - 015 534 6000 • Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183 LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 015 583 7400 015 583 7418 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt) EMERGENCYNOODNOMMERSNUMBERS What is happening? OPKOMEND Danie Potgieter van Louis Trichardt het inwoners uitgenooi om saam met hom meer te leer oor die waarheid van die Vader, Seun en Heilige Gees, die geboorte van tyd, manne-, vader- en dissipelskap en baie anders temas as
SHOWTIMES FRI 9 SEPT - THU 15 SEPT MALL OF THE NORTH AFTER EVER HAPPY 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 20:30 Sat: 10:30, 13:00, 15:30, 18:00, 20:30 Sun: 11:00, 14:00, 16:45 BEAST 16 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00 Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00 Sun: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30 DC LEAGUE OF SUPER PETS PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:45 Sat: 10:45, 14:30 Sun: 11:30, 14:15 MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU PG Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30 Sat: 10:15, 12:45, 15:15, 17:45, 20:30 Sun: 10:15, 12:30, 14:45, 17:00 THOR:LOVE AND THUNDER 13 Ç Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 17:15, 20:15 Sun: 17:15 TOP GUN: MAVERICK 13 Ç Fri, Tue, Wed, Thu: 13:15, 16:30, 19:45 Sat: 10:00, 13:15, 16:30, 19:45 Sun: 10:30, 13:45, 17:00 WHO’S MY DADDY? 13 Ç Fri, Sat, Tue, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, Sun:20:1511:45, 14:30, 17:15 bySmithsaamgebringoegtend.nie-lede.word.moetfontein-clubshoot-10-sep/register)(https://practiscore.com/schyf-ingeskryfword.‘nTotaalvan100rondessalbenodigDeelnamekosR100virledeenR150virEieoog-enoorbeskermingisverplig-Braaigeriewesalbeskikbaarwees,asookgen-skaduvir‘npiekniek.Eiedrinkgoedmoetword.Virmeerinligting,skakelklubvoorsitterCornébytel.0834143821ofRichardBouwer0745738833.
Die Schyffontein Praktiese Pistoolskietklub van Louis Trichardt bied eerskomende Saterdag, 10 September, ‘n klubskiet aan vir die streek se skuts.Lede sowel as nie-lede is welkom om die dag te kom skiet. Neem egter kennis dat daar vooraf by Practiscore
• Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 • Veritas Gemeenskapskerk (LTT) Groblerstraat 80, Sondae 09:00, dr. Philip Venter, Tel. 083 444 7672 deel van Danie Woord Bediening. Vir meer inligting, WhatsApp hom by tel. 066 257 7884. Woord Bediening
• St Peters Church (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel: 083 377 0984 (Iain Purdon), 084 404 0050 (Soekie Bierman)
Elke Maandag om 17:30 vind ‘n byeenkoms van die Christelike Ondersteuningsgroep vir alkoholen dwelmafhanklikes plaas. Die vergadering is in die Jesus Kroon lokaal by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente. Alhoewel die byeenkoms by die NG-kerk aangebied word, is persone van enige denominasie welkom. Vir meer inligting, skakel ds. Jan Pretorius by tel. 079 881 9673 of ds. Corné Burger by tel. 073 759 0451.

• Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393 (Catholic Church Musina Tel: 015 534 2085) • Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Forestry 165 in Louis Trichardt (temporary)/ Siloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455.
Die VLU se Aandblom-tak in Louis Trichardt se volgende vergadering sal op Dinsdag, 13 September, gehou word by die Louis Trichardt Rolbalklub. Die vergadering sal om 18:00 begin. Vir meer inligting, skakel vir Leanda le Cornu by tel. 082 895 8576. VLU Aandblom byeen 13DinsdagSeptember Para-athletics classification 10SaturdaySeptember

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina) Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 084 456 6959
• Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526
• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) 1st Sunday of the month combined morning service (English/Afrikaans) 10:00. Rest of the month English morning service 08:30. Afrikaans morning service 10:00. Evening services combined 18:00. Prayer meeting/Bible study Wednesday 18:00. Ds. Johan Marais 015 516 2714.
• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste 09:00 tot 10:00 en aanddiens 17:00 tot 18:00, Priester JJ Janse van Rensburg, Tel. 072 544 7505.
• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Jeug Vrydae 19:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658
Die NG Kerk Moedergemeente (Stad op die Berg) in Louis Trichardt stel tans van hulle fasiliteite beskikbaar vir uitverhuring. Die Ferdie Beyersaal kan 600 persone akkommodeer, en 100 persone in die Kiepersol-lokaal en 50 persone in die Jesuskroon-lokaal. Vir meer inligting en pryse, skakel die kerkkantoor tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by tel. 015 516 3902. Kerk se fasiliteite nou beskikbaar
• AGS Levubu Sien Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield)
The Isability Sports Club will host their next Para-athletics classification day on 10 September at Laerskool Louis Trichardt’s athletics field from 07:30 to 15:30. This an opportunity for newcomers who have any form of physical disability to become actively involved in sport, to obtain information about opportunities and get an idea of how they can become involved. The club is also having a practice for para-athletes on the same day at the same venue between 09:00 and 12:00. Any queries can be directed to Sheryl at 083 415 7056, Sandy 084 506 3333 and the classifier, Louisa Kirsten, at 083 561 5983.
• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45, leraar ds. Innes Nagel, Tel. 082 701 5602 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Hannes Lee, Tel 081 043 0910 of 015 534 2253.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126
Schyffontein klubskiet 10SaterdagSeptember
• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275
• Corpus Christi Christian Church Corner Tarentaal and Tuva Street (Makhado Park, Extension 8), Sunday service 09:30, School of Ministry at 13:30 on Sundays. Pastor Peter Thovhakale Tel 082 691 9943.
• AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Pastor Willem Klopper (082 339 9931).
• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag oggenddiens 09:30, evangeliediens om 18:00. Past. T. Gilfillan, Tel 082 465 8774 • Lewende Woord Louis Trichardt Sondag erediens 10:00 te 49 Rissikstraat. Senior past. Andrew Bezuidenhout (071 078 1631) en past. Jan Wilkins (071 161 9254). • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Lewende Hoop Bedieninge (Louis Trichardt) Plaasgemeente, Sondagdiens 09:30, skakel Susan (076 812 4013) vir meer inligting. • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00 (English service) 10:00 (Multilingual service), Past. Alan Molyneux, Tel. 082 428 7980. • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondae: 09:00 oggenddiens & kinder- en kleuterkerk; 10:15 kategese; 08:30 Braambos; 10:30 Soekmekaar; 11:00 Waterpoort en Bandelierkop(1x pm); en 14:00 Kutama Sinthumule Gevangenis; ds. Jan Pretorius (079 881 9673), ds. Corné Burger (073 759 0451), Kerkkantoor 015 516 3902.
• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165
• Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) LTT Lodge-saal (Hlangananistraat), Sondagoggend erediens 08:00, kontak ds. Herbie Lyon Tel: 082 906 0288
Die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het belangstellende spelers uitgenooi om by die klub aan te sluit. Jaargelde beloop R1 800 per jaar. Vir meer inligting kan die klub se voorsitter, Ronel Welman, geskakel word by tel. 084 581 4868 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar na admin@ zoutnet.co.za. Soutpansberg Muurbalklub
• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Etienne van Staden (083 274 3227), Kerkkantoor 079 116 1700.
Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die Emmanuel Christian School net buite Louis Trichardt. Die klub se Musina-tak oefen Maandae ook vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600. Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub Die Louis Trichardt Shukokai Karateklub oefen elke Maandag en Donderdag vanaf 17:30 tot 19:15 by die stoeisaal in Louis Trichardt. Vir meer inligting, skakel sensei De Wet van Wyk by tel. 083 654 8869. LTT Shukokai Karateklub
• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728
Die Roadhogs Motorfietsklub van Louis Trichardt het die streek se motorfietsryers uitgenooi na hulle volgende rally vanaf 30 September tot 2 Oktober by die Lalapanzi Hotel buite Louis Trichardt.Diehekke open reeds om 12:00 die Vrydag en toegang beloop R80 per persoon. Alle geld wat geïn word, sal gaan aan liefdadigheid, naamlik die Makhado Care Group. Vir diegene wat wil oorbly sal spesiale tariewe beskikbaar wees by dieHeelwathotel. stalletjies, kos, speletjies en pret wees sal beskikbaar wees, met hoofborge Michael en Christa Kock. Die naweek se aktiwiteite sluit ook in ‘n R3 000 eerste prys, R2 000 tweede prys en R1 000 derde prys. Die Sondag sal daar ‘n kerkdiens om 10:00 wees. Vir meer inligting, skakel Michael Kock (president) by 083 297 7280 of Peter Meiring (vise-president) by 082 935 4069.

ZOUTPANSBERGER, 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 7 SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT DBV Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

Local car lovers must not miss out on this year’s Polokwane Expo and Oktoberfest on 1 October as the day’s programme includes a vintage care show organised by the Limpopo Classic Car Clubs. “If you are proud of your car, come show it off and support a good cause,” invites the club. To register and for more information, send an e-mail to pieterjvermeulen@gmail. com. Apart from the car show, outdoor exhibitions, stalls, food, music and, of course, the beer garden will also be available. The venue is the Pietersburg Civil Airport on the Silicon road. Expo entry is R20 per person and free for children under 10. The Expo will take place from 10:00 tot 17:00.
The Louis Trichardt Rugby Club has invited all guests, players and sponsors to the club’s AGM and annual prize-giving function on Friday, 30 September. The event will take place at the Soutpansberg Golf Club, starting at 18:00 for 18:30 and attendance is free. For more information, phone the club’s chairman, Kevin Gilbert, at Tel 082 892 8769.
Follow SPCA Louis Trichardt on Facebook AbigailFemale HollyFemaleCourtneyFemale JaidaFemale Wat gebeur? MaynardMale OllieMale SophieFemale Polokwane VintageOktoberfestExpo,andcarshow 1SaturdayOctober

The Louis Trichardt Tennis Club invites young and old to their Spring Day Tournament on Saturday, 24 September. The event starts at 08:00 for 08:30 and participation costs R200 per person (R400 per team) and any type of doubles can be played. To enter, WhatsApp Louis Petersen at Tel 082 785 5184. Ccash prizes will be awarded for the first three places. Food and a tuck shop will also be available.

Roadhogs Rally 2022 30VrydagSeptember
LTT Rugby Club AGM & prize-giving
Dit is weer tyd vir Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse massarevue en kaartjies is reeds by die skool se finansiële kantoor beskikbaar. Die massarevue skop vanjaar op Woensdag, 19 Oktober, om 08:30 in die skoolsaal af vir die dorp se kleuterskole en senior burgers, gevolg deur ‘n tweede optrede daardie week op Donderdag, 20 Oktober, om 14:00. Van Maandag, 24 Oktober, tot Donderdag, 27 Oktober, sal die optredes telkens om 18:00 in die skoolsaal begin. Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R30, R40 of R50. Triegie massarevue 19WoensdagOktober Fast 5-netbaltoernooi 29SaterdagOktober Hoërskool Louis Trichardt bied op 29 Oktober vanjaar ‘n Fast 5-netbaltoernooi aan. Gemengde spanne kan ook inskryf en deelname beloop R1 000 per span van agt lede. Inskrywings sluit op 7 Oktober. Vir meer inligting, skakel Coreen by tel. 071 874 8289.
A little morning rain. Tuesday, 13 September High: 24oC Low: 10oC Decreasing clouds. High: 26oC Low: 12oC Wednesday, 14 SeptemberSunday, 11 September High: 32oC Low: 12oC Sunny and remaining very warm. High: 28oC Low: 9oC Monday, 12 September Sunny and not as warm. Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151•

Tennis Spring Day
Lisa (53) is the mother of two grown daughters and wife of the CEO of a successful Sandton-based Import/Export company. Since his work often takes him away on extended business trips abroad and both her daughters had left the nest, Lisa has taken up hiking and bird watching to fill her days and get out of the empty house. She frequently visits nature reserves and national parks around South Africa.
Our region’s young writers dominate and surprise with their creative genius

Zoutpansberger or their family members may enter.
8 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 NOW AVAILABLE AT MERCURIUS MOTORS Mercurius Motors Polokwane 015 299 9500 Cnr N1 and Nelson Mandela Drive, Polokwane www.mercuriusmotors.co.za Mercurius Motors Tzaneen 015 307 5020 38 Peace Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen www.mercuriusmotors.co.za Rovha

Marelize is one of the main characters in the adventure and also the narrator. She is 27 and originally from Namibia. She is a seasoned traveller and has visited countries in Europe and in the USA. She will not only describe the route being followed with its highlights, but also expand on her ten travel companions. It is important to follow closely what she says and build the characters accordingly. Marilize has a good sense of humour and willing to tackle whatever adventure awaits. She’s not that good with bike-riding and prefers walking trials.
❑ Emma ❑ ✔ Meet the adventurers

Lee (28) was born with a neurological disorder that inhibits the full use of her right leg and arm. She has, however, never allowed this inability to become a disability, living her life to the fullest and constantly challenging her body. Although physically strong, every now and then she shows signs of emotional weakness. She is not keen to talk about it, but something or someone has definitely left a scar.
Adrian is a boisterous character who enjoys controlling the conversation. He is normally the one that likes to walk in the front, sharing his expertise freely with whoever wants to listen. He says he has travelled all over the world, but specifically likes the cold Russian climate. His most enjoyable travel experience was an epic snowmobile Journey in the Ural Mountains.
Emma is an experienced journalist who is currently working for a local newspaper while dreaming of becoming a war photographer. At 37 she has won numerous awards for writing, as well as photography, but has never mastered the art of keeping direction. She is constantly searching for that new adventure. Will she ever settle down?
Shabnim’s small stature may be deceiving. She is a tough adventurer and even formed part of an expedition to Marion Island. She looks young, but at 42 she has seen a lot in life. She lectures at a local university and is well-respected in her field.

We have again received some excellent entries from mainly young writers. Even though the competition is not limited to young writers, there seems to be a lot of interest. Also interesting is that most of the entries are from young people who do not live in town. Some of them go to school in Louis Trichardt but stay in more rural areas. This week’s winner is 17-yearold Ronewa Ramulongo from Ramahantsha village. It was a tough choice between him and Radzambo Matsila, who also entered a story about the character, Adrian. Ronewa’s story received the nod, because of the writing style and the way he tackles a difficult “scar”, namely gender-based violence. Radzambo’s story dealt with poaching. Very well done to bothForwriters.nextweek, we have already received entries for the character of Lisa (3), Gerrit (4), Takalani (3) and Rovha (1). For those who do not yet know how the competition works: Every week, R1 000 has been earmarked for the reader who submits the best story. The competition combines a travel story with unrelated individual adventures. The weekly travel episodes are written by our own staff and these focus on the journey of a group of adventurers who are exploring the Old Salt Trail in the western Soutpansberg. They follow a five-day route, during which they encounter many of the treasures the mountain has to offer. The group of adventurers comprise 11 very diverse fictional travellers. Two “scar stories” are featured for every day of the trip. The group members stop at a specific location for lunch and one of the members tells his or her story. The same happens at night, when the group members gather around the campfire.Thisis also the part where our readers need to contribute. The readers must use their imagination and write a story focusing on one of the characters. The theme of the competition is: “The night of the scars”. The idea is that each story will focus on a “scar” that the characters received somewhere in their lives. These can be physical scars, or they can be emotional scars.Short profiles of the 11 characters are provided. Studying each character and building a story around their characteristics will be Thecrucial.maximum length of an entry is 1 300 words. Once a character’s story is published, that “entry” is closed. If, for instance, you decided to write about Taki’s adventure and another writer’s story about Taki gets published, you need to move on to another character.Readers are welcome to enter stories on all four remaining characters. The entries will stay “live” until the judges have decided who the winner is regarding a specific character.Allthestories as well as the travel adventures are published on our website Noaand(secret)theweek.storiesandedition,notcharacterstorytoFriday.co.za/salt_trail.www.zoutpansberger.Judgingstartsat13:00onaAllentriesreceivedupthatpointwillbejudged.Ifaisenteredaboutaspecificandthatcharacterdoesfeatureinthenextweek’stheentrywillstandoverbecomespartofthe“pool”oftobejudgedthefollowingApartfromtheseguidelines,normalrulesapply.Thejudges’decisionsarefinaltheywillnotmeetanyoneinbarlatertodiscussthematter.staffmemberofthe
Rovha, the soft-spoken dentist, with the smiling eyes. He seems to be a loner, mostly travelling on his own. He has climbed Kilimanjaro and completed the Camino de Santiago. You will mostly find him sitting in a quiet sport reading a book or newspaper.

Gerard is a Dutch adventure tourist. He ticks most of the boxes as far as stereotyping is concerned. He is slightly impatient and not discreet at all. He retired from the university where he was teaching a year ago and now at the age of 66 he spends his time travelling the world.

Gerard willingMarelize Shabnim Lee Adrian Gerrit ❑ Taki ❑ Zachary ❑ Lisa ❑

Zachary is often referred to as the local Bear Grylls. When it comes to the outdoors, there is very little he does not know. His insatiable thirst for adventure has taken the 39-year-old geologist on some of the world’s most dangerous wilderness trails. It is said that he once disappeared along the infamous West Coast Trail in British Columbia. When he reappeared 14 days later, he had a nasty scar on his left shoulder and a haunted look in his eyes. Takalani (Taki) (25) For the full-of-life Takalani, nursing has always been her calling. She is a vibrant, energetic young lady who’s infectious laugh can make any bad situation feel a little bit brighter. She is loved by all her collegues and patients. Although she has never done a hiking trail, she enjoys taking long walks in her spare time. Gerrit (55) comes from a military background. As a young boy, his father (also ‘n military man) shaped him into becoming a soldier. Tigers don’t cry and love is but a four-letter word. Rising to the rank of captain, he was one of the last members of the old South African Army to have seen the horrors of the Bush War on the Angolan border. With the new 1994 dispensation, he found himself on civvy street in a world he did not understand and nor did the world understand him. He never found love, although so desperately longing for it. He is constantly running away from something to somewhere, thus finding himself in the Soutpansberg. Maybe here he can find peace.

*story@zoutnet.co.za.Everyentrymustcontain the following information:
Adrian explained how his father would punish them with a sjambok-like whip, and often beat his mother with his fists until she agreed with whatever he said. His father would say to him “I just wanna make Mommy flexible”, or “your mommy has been a bad girl and I must teach her manners, don’t you agree?” to which Adrian would agree out of fear of what his father might do to him too. A deathly silence hung over the area and not even the African red-eyed bulbuls, chirping away in the bushes a few minutes before, dared make a sound, it seemed. Adrian appeared to be zoning out at this point of his story, until Emma asked quietly, “Were things always like that?” to which Adrian replied bluntly, “No.” “The strangling, the beating, the threatening, screaming and manipulation ended on the day I was supposed to celebrate my sixteenth birthday,” he said. “‘Daddy’, like my mom used to call him, wanted to get me a gun for my birthday, but neither my mom nor I liked the idea.” Adrian exhaled. “My mom knew I wanted a snowboard ever since I saw one on TV when I was only four years old. Watching people snowboarding and snowmobiling was always fascinating to me; it was amazing that a person could slide on frozen water and do all those stunts. So, my mom secretly bought me a cool snowboard and gave it to me after everyone had left. Only…” Adrian stared even more intently into the bushes behind the group. “My sperm donor found out, and all hell broke loose.” He took a deep breath, as if he were about to vomit the words out. “The man beat the sanity out of my mom that night – with the new snowboard, and made me watch.” Adrian described how his father tortured his mother, told her that she made him look weak to the other men at work by the way she dressed. He told Adrian that it was his fault that his mother was soaked in blood and that she should have had an abortion. All this while he continued to beat Adrian’s screaming mother. “For the first time I shouted at my dad to stop. ‘Stop killing Mommy!’ I screamed. He turned to face me and I shouted that I still wanted my mom alive and that it was my mother, not his, and that he should ‘just leave!!’” Pale and shaking from the memory, Adrian paused for a long time before continuing. “My dad just stood there, as if he never realised this before, and suddenly he turned to look at my mom. She lay very still. At first I thought it was because she was afraid to move, but then I realised she was dead.” Tears were streaming down Adrian’s face. Lisa stood up quietly and sat down next to Adrian, putting her arm around him to comfort him. Adrian looked at the faces of the group members, determined to finish his story. “All of my anger poured out, and I tackled my dad to the ground. I took the same snowboard and beat him until I thought he was dead. Then I phoned the police,” he said, giving a great gulp. “When they arrived, they understood what had happened. The sperm donor was not dead. He was eventually sentenced to life imprisonment, and the state took care of my schooling, although I lived with an aunt of mine.” As if suddenly determined to be done with the horrible events, Adrian glossed over the years after high school and the many countries he had visited. “After everything that happened in my childhood, I found myself drawn to snowmobiling and snowboarding, so I visited the Ural Mountains in Russia to experience the stingingly cold snow on my face. It was wonderful,” he said. Because of his mother’s connection with South Africa, he tried to visit the country at least once a year. “I realise that I may appear to be boisterous, but the fact is that I often talk incessantly to fill the empty voids. Silence makes me uncomfortable because of what happened in my past. I suppose we all try to hide our scars one way or another,” he said, now looking decidedly uncomfortable and embarrassed. He gently took away Lisa’s hand and got up to get himself some water, quite clearly not intending to say another word.
Some causes of scars can be locked up, but the pain stays forever
* If the winning entry does not feature your chosen character, the entry will be considered along with all the new ones received, the following week. * All entries must be emailed to:
* Judging will start Fridays at 13:00. * Once an entry has been received, that entry stays “live”. When a weekly winner gets selected, the character chosen in the winning entry becomes dormant, meaning that all other entries featuring the same character, will then be redundant.
The group had an early-morning start. The temptation to spend some more time at Leshiba’s Luvhondo camp was great, but the hikers knew that the day was going to be a long one. They had to get to Sigurwana Lodge, more than 15 kilometres to the west, but it also meant traversing the beautiful Hamasha Gorge. A quick breakfast, served with strong coffee, was a tonic for any sore body and the hikers were in an exceptionally cheerful mood. The first stretch of the journey was relatively easy and took them across the Leshiba plains. The sight of a herd of giraffe slowly making their way into the deeper bush while the sun rose made the early wake-up call worth the while.Initially the trail followed the existing game tracks, but then it joined the cycling trail. “If only I had my mountain bike,” lamented Zachary. “Now you’re talking,” Lee joined in. The cycling trail takes riders on a circle route through Leshiba, with some breath-taking views. Marelize looked at the two with an annoyed frown. She was not a big fan of mountain biking after having had some nasty falls earlier in her life. The trail took them along some open plains before they left the cycling trail and headed into an area called Bushman’s Medicine Chest. Edwin showed them some of the medicinal plants that were native to the area and used to cure all sorts of ailments. The previous day’s discussion on the rock art was still fresh in the minds of the hikers and Edwin decided to show them a shelter not far from the route that had more paintings. The differences between the San and Khoekhoe paintings were easier to distinguish here than at the previous setting. Some artifacts could also be identified. The visit to the rock shelter was short, as the group members had to make their way down the dense forest towards Hamasha Gorge. They stopped at a viewpoint on the ridge, which provided a great view for looking down into the gorge before heading down through the forest to some rocky slabs and the river at the bottom.Thiswas a very technical part of the trail, with steep, angled rocks, multiple stream crossings, and boulder-hopping in a streambed to navigate. However, the effort was incredibly rewarding, with the most spectacular and dramatic landscape unfolding before the hikers. After passing a rock pool, the trail headed up ‘The Slabs’ – big, red rock slabs that sloped steeply down towards the stream. The hikers needed to traverse multiple slabs, which required walking up the gorge at an angle. At the top of the slabs, the trail headed back into a beautiful riverine forested section and a welcome lunch stop next to the stream. It was while crossing the stream that Taki noticed the blue bead. “Look what I found,” she called out excitedly while having a closer look at the bead. At first, it looked like a blueish stone, but the hole in the middle indicated that this was man-made. Taki could also spot that it was made of “Youglass.are incredibly lucky to have found one, but these beads are actually not so uncommon in the area,” Edwin explained. “Glass beads were highly prized by African communities for use as everyday adornment, ceremonial costumes, or objects of barter. My guess would be that this is a Zhizo bead, but you would have to get it analysed by someone with a lot more knowledge than I have,” he added. The discovery of the bead caused a surge of excitement, and everyone wanted to have a look at the artefact. It was passed on from one to another, mimicking the way such beads made their way all over the world, being passed on from one trader to another in exchange for goods. “Who were the Zhizo?” asked Marelize, rolling the bead between her fingers. “It is estimated that the Zhizo people settled in the Limpopo-Shashe basin around 900 AD. Excavations done at places such as Schroda produced glass beads like the one you have found. The beads are evidence of trade between the local inhabitants and the outside world, most notably via the Indian Ocean,” Edwin explained. While the buzz continued, the group members settled down next to the stream for lunch. Everyone was noticeably scouring the ground carefully in search of more beads. Adrian founds a spot on a rock, a few metres away from the group. His turn to talk about his scar had arrived, and the normally talkative man was not looking forward to it. Information sourced old-salt-trail-description-slackpacker/https://www.ewt.org.za/from:

Ronewa Gift Ramulongo (17) grew up in a village called Ramahantsha, a few kilometres from Louis Trichardt. He is currently in Grade 12 at Ridgeway College. “I am a mostly quiet and observant person, and I prefer two or less friends at a time. I have always been a fan of fictional novels as they make me feel like my imaginations can come to life and I read fictional books during my free time,” he says. Ronewa hopes to one day write meaningful books and poetry that create a better understanding between people from different backgrounds and show them how similar they are. “Literature has always been my first career, followed by medicine after I am done with school,” he says.

Name, Address, Phone number - Confirmation that the story is the original work of the person entering for the competition and may be used for purposes of this competition. - If the person entering is younger than 18, a short letter from a parent or guardian stating that the work is original and may be used for the purpose of this competition must be provided.
The normally boisterous Adrian seemed somewhat subdued as he started to relate his story. He did not even rise from where he was sitting on a rock, a metre or so away from the others.“My scar? Mm, let’s see … There were lots of scars, some were small scratches while others were more serious injuries. I did rock climbing, scuba diving, worked as a chef in a five-star restaurant called King Diners, climbed Mount Everest, shook hands with the president for my bravery and, of late, I am spending my free time doing duty as a guide on snowmobile expeditions in the Ural Mountains. That’s about it. I’ve already told you about many of my adventures,” he said. Adrian lifted his arms, which showed the signs of many narrow escapes on cliffs and through dense bushes. “I am done. See? Who is next?” “That can’t be your story,” said Takalani, to Adrian’s dismay. “What do you mean?” he asked, feigning a confused look. “We would like to know about the you before your current achievements,” said Takalani. Adrian understood very well but was clearly not keen to talk about his earlier life. He sighed heavily and said, “Fine, then. Where to start … I was raised by my mother, who was a hairdresser and worked from home. She was born in South Africa, but met a Russian man and moved to this foreign country. She was a beautiful lady and one of the kindest people you couldAdrianfind.”talked about his childhood days in Russia and where he attended school in a quiet neighbourhood on the outskirts of Moscow. Emma interrupted him, asking why he had not mentioned his father. “Oh, that…” Adrian almost sounded like he had never considered having had a father. “You must be referring to my sperm donor. The man who lived with us from when I was born until I was 17 years old was not my father,” he said, looking serious for the first time about what he was saying and grabbing everyone’s attention.
Adrian’s story: By Ronewa Gift Ramulongo
“We were technically a family of three: my sperm donor, my mom and myself,” he continued. “On the outside, we appeared like the perfect family, but behind those walls things were different. My father was a soldier, but he was also very, very abusive man when he was at home. He would make us eat dinner on the floor, and my mom sometimes even had to sleep on the floor when he was disgusted with her. Only he was allowed to speak during conversations unless he allowed you to.” Adrian paused for a few seconds, but then continued. “My mom would tell me to just keep quiet, and she suffered in silence.” He looked down for a moment, then balled his fists.
How to enter
DAY 5 –The route to Sigurwana delivers stunning views and historic treasures
The night of the scars on the Old Salt Trail

Ná afloop van die volgende ronde van die Spur XCO-skoleliga, die Tour de Lake wedren by Stanford Lake College op Saterdag, 27 Augustus, is Hoërskool Louis Trichardt (Triegies) steeds eerste op die punteleer met 289 punte. Pietersburg Hoërskool is tweede met 274 punte en Hoërskool Merensky derde met 231 punte. Die Triegie-trappers wat Top 10-plekke tydens die Tour de Lake behaal het, was junior seuns Jacques du Preez (4de) en Andani Raphalalani (8ste). Die junior meisies was Mieke Veldman (3de), Geraldine Venter (4de), Phoebe Botes (5de) en Nicoline Venter (6de). Xhoë Smit en Maxela Baloyi was onderskeidelik 5de en 10de in die afdeling vir sub-junior meisies. In die afdeling vir Youth-seuns was Brendan Bruce 5de, Thabo Mulaudzi 8ste en Matthew Lee 10de. Jenna Adlam was die 4de Youth-meisie. Afgeneem is ‘n paar van Triegies se Youth-seuns kort voor hul wegspring tydens die Tour de Lake Foto verskaf.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se o.13- en o.12-netbalspanne het op Saterdag, 3 September, deelgeneem aan die Fast Five-netbaltoernooi by Hoërskool Pieterburg. Beide spanne het vierde geëindig in hulle ouderdomsgroepe vir die dag. Die spelers het ook skouers geskuur met die Protea netbalspeler Lenize Potgieter. Afgeneem bo is die o.13-span. Van links na regs staan me. Aronaé van Deventer, Muofhe Mudau, Milan Haasbroek, Chrizette Odendaal, Mienke Burger, Karla Kotzé, Mia Hermann, Elni le Roux, Elmé Burger en me. Elzabé Stewart. Onder is die o.12-span. Van links na regs is Lika Burger, Nika Alberts, Carlize Pretorius, Mikeila Scheepers, Francis Gilfillan, Diana Jordaan, Kgau Semata, Tami-Girl Managa en me. Semantha Venter. Foto’s verskaf.

10 ZOUTPANSBERGER, 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 Epos inskrywings 082Snews@zoutnet.co.zana:kakelAndriesvanZyl:6032419/0155164996 Fotokompetisie 2022 Hoe om in te skryf: Foto’s kan in hoë resolusie per e-pos gestuur word, of op CD of geheuestokkie ingehandig word by die kantore van die Zoutpansberger te Joubertstraat 16B in Louis Trichardt. Elke inskrywing moet vergesel wees van die fotograaf se naam, kontakbesonderhede, waar die foto geneem is en met watter kamera dit geneem is. Alle inskrywings moet die fotograaf se eie werk wees. R600 prysgeld vir elke maand se wenfoto! nouSkryfin! Die twaalf wenfoto’s sal aan die einde van die jaar in ‘n groot-formaat muurkalender vir 2023 saamgevatkalenderword. Industria Road, (Next to All Power) 083 452 1646 Derik Prinsloo Tel: 015 516 6269 Tel: 015 495 1624 Suppliers of all refrigeration & airconditioning spares & equipment c/o Rissik & President Street, Shop No. 7 Tel: 015 516 4913 / 060 980 0944 HIGH QUALITYBATTERIES 079 490 2067 / 082 825 9391 MOTORREPAIR SERVICESlaroFlyourautomotive repairs&maintenance55 Commercial Rd, Louis Trichardt Paper, Cartridges,Stationery,Stamps Face shields & hand sanitizers now available SMALL but they work HARD! BOOK YOUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADVERT NOW 4 Full colour adverts from as little as R1 450 p/month for more information send an email to: george@zoutnet.co.za or marketing@zoutnet.co.za All your businesses on one page usinessirectorybb Die volgende gimnaste van die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het almal silwer medaljes en Limpopo-kleure verwerf tydens die Limpopo Kampioenskap wat op 26 en 27 Augustus deur Kruiskrag Gimnastiekklub in Thabazimbi aangebied is. Die Limpopospan gaan 4 en 5 November teen Gauteng by die Matsportsentrum in Pretoria deelneem. Voor, van links na regs, is Lea Swanepoel, Liandi Lindeque, Tayler Smith, Mariné Lindeque, Minandi Vorster en Abigail van Niekerk. In die middel is Liam Jacobs, Ian Sadie, Chanté Steyn, Ankia Bezuidenhout, Leané Esterhuizen, Aiden Bruce, Ike Botha en Miané Vorster. Agter is Taelyn Cloete, Lynn-Marie Botha, Shiné Geere, Zöe Sinthumule, Simone du Plessis, Clarize Moller, Liya Swart en Wama Marubini. Foto verskaf. Hierdie gimnaste van die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub het brons medaljes en Limpopo-kleure verwerf tydens die Limpopo kompetisie wat op 26 en 27 Augustus in Thabazimbi deur Kruiskrag Gimnastiekklub aangebied is. Voor, van links na regs, is Ethan McGhee, Leandri van der Merwe, Caitlyn Leach, Ruan de Beer, Jahno Muller en Amy Collett. In die middel is Crailene Rae, Luan Smit, Gysie van der Westhuizen, Aiden McGhee, Ruben Victor, Muano Shumba, Heide-Mari von Horsten, Gabi Venter en Lilea Willemse. Agter is Makyla Thompson, Jolin Breytenbach, Lienke le Roux, Francis Gilfillan, Moagi Malele, Hardus Janse van Rensburg, Deriaan van Zyl en Khumo Meso. Foto verskaf.

Gerhardt Bezuidenhout 13de, 16de en 20ste, Mimosa Hokke 14de, Marx Hokke 15de en RWJ & Mike Coetzee 19de. Louis Jordaan se twee oor winnings die afgelope naweek het dan ook aan hom die titel van die Noord Streek se langpad kampioen vir 2022 besorg. Dit kom kort op die hakke van die klubs se laaste jaaroudwedvlug vanaf Theunissen voorverlede naweek, ná afloop waarvan Louis en Gerhardt Bezuidenhout die titel van jaaroud-kampioene gedeel het met ewe veel punte op die punteleer. Die jaaroudwedvlug self vanaf Theunissen is gewen deur Mieke & Mike Coetzee, nadat hul wenduif die 675 km afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1 142.97 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 9de. RWJ & Mike Coetzee was 2de, 3de en 10de, Gerhardt Bezuidenhout 4de, 13de, 14de, 17de en 19de, Louis Jordaan 5de en 11de, Marx Hokkie 6de en 15de, Mimosa Hokke 7de, 16de, 18de en 20ste, Nico Bezuidenhout 8ste en Louis Gossmann 12de. Die opewedvlug vanaf Theunissen is gew en deur Marx Hokke nadat hulle wenduif die afstand voltooi het met ‘n spoed van 1 123.10 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 19de. Louis Jordaan was 2de, 5de en 11de, Nico Bezuiden hout 3de, 4de, 9de en 17de, Mimosa Hokke 6de en 16de, TE Smit 7de, 8ste en 15de,Gerhardt Bezuidenhout 10de, Pienaar Hokke 12de en 13de, RWJ & Mike Coetzee 14de en Mieke & Mike Coetzee 18de en 20ste. Hierdie komende naweek vlieg die duiwe weer vanaf Theunissen in twee ope wedvlugte.

Louis Trichardt High Schools’ first team cricket girls stepped onto the pitch to face off against Pietersburg High School on 31 August. The Triegie girls dominated the game, winning the match in the 15th over by eight wickets. Pictured in front, from left to right, are Ronewa Nengovhela, Mukona Mukoma, Naledi Makoena, Mulweli Muthala, Dakalo Mbedzi, Phophi Netshilema and Hannelie Gilfillan. At the back are Ms Lezaan du Toit, Zuanel van der West huizen, Hemisha Waghela, Precilla Mabada, Charmain Kaseke, Marochelle de Fin, Isabella Jones, Anjum Patel and Ms Richelle Lambert. Photo supplied.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt se sewes rugbyspan het op Vrydag, 2 September, deelgeneem aan ‘n sewes toernooi by Hoërskool Pietersburg. Die span het derde uit ses deelnemende skole geëindig, nadat hulle twee van hulle drie wedstryde gewen het. Dit was die Triegie-seuns se heel eerste ondervinding van sewes rugby. Afgeneem is (voor, van links na regs) mnr. Tony Marageni, Hardus Janse van Rensburg, Leander Kotzee, Liam van den Berg en mnr. Taylor du Plessis. In die middel is Rhangu Baloyi, Daniel Musekene en Francois Nel. Agter is Jonathan van der Walt, CJ du Plessis, Wian Potgieter, Wynand Benade, Rogan van den Berg en Thato Legodi. Foto verskaf.

Hierdie karatekas van die Messina Kofukan Karateklub het op 3 September deelgeneem aan die Kremetart Alle Style-kampioenskap in Louis Trichardt en plekke ingepalm. Voor sit die klub se sensei Tommy Janse van Rensburg (middel) met hulpafrigters van Kailey Botes (links) en Leoni Jordaan (regs). Agter, van links na regs, is Dandre Pretorius (goud in kata, kumité en span kumité), Nina Pretorius (goud kata en kumité), Robbie Brummer (brons kumité), Cesca Nel (goud kata en silwer kumité), Elru Brits (goud kumité en silwer kata), André Viljoen (goud kumité) en Gerdiaan Roets (brons kumité). Foto verskaf. Musina Primary School’s first cricket team thanked the Musina Medical Centre for their sponsorship towards the team and coaches. They look stunning in their new shirts. Pic tured are (in front from left to right) Jack Polley, Dirk Oosthuizen, Nthambeleni Nembu dani, Drian Nel, Ruan Jansen, Dandre Pretorius, Juan Schultz and Ethan Schmidt. At the back are Mr Stephan Fick (coach), Bruce O’Reilly, Victor Kleinhaus, Dr Richard Schmidt (sponsor), Jamie Venter, Jacques Kilian, Parthiv Patel, Adriaan Smit, Ms Lucinda Vorster and Mr Henry Smith (coach). Photo supplied.

Wedvlugseisoen staan einde se kant toe

ZOUTPANSBERGER, 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 11 TE HUUR LEGALS ClassifiedsVacancies To advertise your Classified or Vacancy on this page, contact us at Tel: (015) 516 4996 ZOUT CLASSIFIEDS TE HUUR Ruim 1 Slaapkamer tuin woonstel met eie privaat ingang. Ruim veilige toesluitbare parkerings en oop parkerings. Boorgat water. Elektrisiteit ingesluit. Verkieslik professionele enkel persoon wat privaatheid Boorgat1OnmiddelikBeskikbaarwaardeer.vanaf1Oktober2022*beskikbaar.Slaapkamerwoonstel.Onderdakparkering.water.Gasstoofengeyser.R3500pm.*Tweeslaapkamerwoonsteltehuur.Onmiddelikbeskikbaar.R3700pm. Vir meer inligting, skakel Carel: 082 923 1620 LTT PARKRUN STATISTICS 2022 • Number of events: 75 • Finishers: 650 • Average number of finishers per week: 44.7 • Average finish time: 00:41:54 • Female record holder : Donna GREYLING - Time: 21:19 (04/01/20) • Male record holder : Livhalani MUDAU - Time: 16:18 (07/09/19) Results: parkrun #75TRICHARDT03/09/2022LOUIS Every Saturday at 8:00am What is Louis Trichardt parkrun? A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5km community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it’s up to you! Every Saturday at 8:00am Where is it? The event takes place at Louis Trichardt Tree Sanctuary, Limpopo Tourism Info Centre, Corner of Songozwi Street and N1. What does it cost to join in? Nothing - it’s free! but please register before your first run. Only ever register with parkrun once. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your barcode (request a reminder). If you forget it, you won’t get a time. How fast do I have to be? We all run for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace! For more info & results just scan this QR Code: Pos Parkrunner Gender Age Group Time 1 Quincy TLHAKULI Male VM35-59 23:19 2 Karla VAN ZYL Female SW20-24 24:51 3 Faisal SHEIKH Male VM40-44 27:16 4 Kathy TUCKER Female VW65-69 29:48 5 Nonna FICK Female JW60-64 35:27 6 Sandra LEESON Female VW55-59 36:33 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Legal Aid SA hereby invites suitably qualified and reputable service providers to submit proposals for the following tender. Bid Number Description Optional Briefing Session Closing Date and Time 25/2022 Rental of Office Ac commodation for the Makhado Local Office for a leased period of five (5) years. Address: Noor Gardens, Cnr Krogh and Devenish Street, Makhado Date: 13 September 2022. Time: 11H00 am 19 September 2022 at 11H00. Evaluation: 80/20: Price = 80 points and B-BBEE status level of contribution = 20 points. Enquiries: SCM Mr. Samuel Moloto, e-mail: SamuelMol@legal-aid.co.za For Technical information please contact Mr. Elton Makhadi, e-mail: EltonM@legal-aid.co.za More information will be included in the bid document The bid document for the tender will be available from Legal Aid SA website: www.legal-aid.co.za as well as the e-Tender Portal from 09 September 2022. Bidders should ensure that properly completed tender proposals are deposited in the relevant tender box situated at the Legal Aid SA, Legal Aid House, Ground floor, 29 De Beer Street, Braam fontein, Johannesburg. The tender proposal must be clearly marked with the relevant Bid /Tender Number. Late, faxed or e-mailed tenders will not be accepted. SONDLO & KNOPP ADVERTISING KERN &INCDEKKER Likwidasie Distribusierekeningen in die administrasie van bestorwe Boedelboedels;wyle: DOLINA GERTINA FOURIE ID No: 321207 0061 088 VAN: Plaas Clydesdale, Louis Trichart, Limpopo Meester 3184/2021Verwysing: Meester MagistraatThohoyandouKantoor:Kantoor: Louis Trichardt Ingevolge ar�kel 35 (5) van wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusierekening (eerste en finale, tensy ander vermeld,) in die boedel LTT BRAKE & CLUTCH NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29 (1) OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965 All persons having claims against the undermen�oned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publica�on hereof. Estate no: 001670/2022; Full names: BAREND JACOBUS PRINSLOO; KONSULTZCP NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TERMS OF SECTION 29(1) OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACT 66 OF 1965. All persons having claims against the undermen�oned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publica�on hereof. Estate no: 031339/2021; Full names: MARINDA VAN WYNGAARDT; ID no: 550928 0010 088; Last Address: Reitz Straat 51, Louis Trichardt, 0920; Date of VanNames:Surviving2021/01/24death:Spouse’sWillemJohannesWyngaardt (01/12/1952); Name and address of Executor: ZC PRETORIUS 28B Landros Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920 hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die meester en landros soos vermeld en gedurende ‘n tydperk van 21 dae (of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, as dit later is, ter insae lê vir alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke meester ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteur oor tot die uitbetaling ingevolge gemelde rekening. NAAM EN ADRES VAN ADMINISTRATEUREKSEKUTEUR/VAN DIE ME.BOEDELLOUISE DEKKER P/A KERN & DEKKER ING. 105 Krogh Straat, Posbus 25, Louis Trichardt, 0920 REF: L DEKKER/IR/A16176 ID No: 441123 5035 081; Last address: 79 Buffel Street, Louis Trichardt 0920 Limpopo; Date of Death: 2022/06/29; Surviving Spouse’s Names: Lydia Magdelena Prinsloo; Name and address of Executor: FLORIS JOHANNES PRINSLOO, 125 Anderson Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920 (Vervolg van p.12)

The second match scheduled on Sunday between the NTT Toyota Vikings and the Sunflowers did not take place after the Sunflowers withdrew, donating point to the Vikings. This coming weekend will see three matches being played. On 10 September, at 14:00, the NTT Toyota Vikings will face the Strikers at the Louis Trichardt Oval. On 11 September at 10:00, the Sunflowers have everything prove in their match again Jolly XI, while the Strikers will compete in their second match of the weekend against Limpopo Dairy at 14:00.

Louis Jordaan langpad-kampioenis
Conceding only 8 extras against the 17 by Jolly XI, Limpopo’s bowlers were good but not good enough. The top bowler was Vimal Shah, who took three wickets for the loss of 23 runs in four overs, while FC Phillipson claimed two wickets for the loss of 20 runs in three overs. TE Smit took one wicket for nine runs in one over.
Duiwenuus Lede van die Hangklip (Hpk) en Soutpansberg (Spb) Posduifklubs het die afgelope naweek aan hulle laaste langpad-wedvlug van die seisoen deelgeneem oor 810 km vanaf Kimberley, met Louis Jordaan wat beide die Ope 15A- en 15B-wedvlugte ingepalm het. In die A-wedvlug is 69 duiwe vrygelaat, maar slegs die eerste 20 posisies word genoem. Louis (Hpk) se wenduif het die afstand met ‘n spoed van 1 138.03 meter per minuut voltooi. Hy was ook 2de, 7de, 16de en 19de. RWJ & Mike Coetzee (Hpk) was 3de, Mieke & Mike Coetzee (Hpk) 4de en 14de, Gerhard Bezuidenhout (Hpk) 5de en 13de, Pienaar Hokke (Hpk) 6de, Marx Hokke (Spb) 8ste, 12de en 18de, Nico Bezuidenhout (Hpk) 9de, 10de, 15de en 20ste en Mimosa Hokkie (Hpk) 11de en 17de. In die B-wedvlug het Louis se wenduif die afstand in 1 123.10 meter per minuut voltooi. Hy was ook 2de, 6de en 7de. Pienaar Hokke was 3de, 10de en 17de, Mieke & Mike Coetzee 4de en 18de, Nico Bezuidenhout 5de, 8ste en 11de, Louis Gossmann (Spb) 9de en 12de, (Vervolg op p.11)
Jolly XI continue with winning form


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Left: The other two athletes from the Soutpansberg Athletics Club to run this year’s Comrades Marathon were Kuda Madzima (left) and Genius Katekwe (right), both with a time of 11 hours, 31 minutes and 47 seconds in the 40-to-49 category. Kuda was placed 9221st and Genius 9222nd. Photos supplied. (015) 516 5175/6/7

By Andries van Zyl
Above: This year’s Comrades Marathon on 28 August drew 13 196 participants, which included four athletes from the Soutpansberg Athletics Club. Among them were Ferreira Nel (left) and Bigboy Nefale (right). Nel competed in the 50-to-59 category with a time of 11 hours, 36 minutes, 21 seconds, placing him 9499th. Nefale competed in the senior category with a time of 11 hours, 36 minutes, 22 seconds, earning him 9500th place.

Jolly XI continued their winning form on Sunday, 4 September, by securing a four-wicket win over Limpopo Dairy in the next round of matches in the Louis Trichardt Cricket Clubs’ 20-over league. Limpopo Dairy went in to bat first and, unlike their 224 runs for the loss of only four wickets in their match against the Sunflowers of AFB Makhado the weekend before, Limpopo’s batsmen struggled their way to only 92 runs in 16.1 overs before being bowled out. Only two batsmen managed to reached double digits with the bat, namely 33 runs by Leon Olwage and 17 runs by Juan Phillips. Limpopo’s run struggle was mainly because of an impressive bowling attack by Jolly XI. Naweed Jolly was the pick of the bowlers, claiming four wickets for the loss of only 14 runs in 3.1 overs. Khaif Patel took two wickets for the loss of 17 runs in three overs, with Sahil Patel also taking two wickets, but for the loss of 14 runs in four overs. Minhaz Patel contributed one wicket for the loss of 16 runs in two overs, while Hussain Patel claimed one scalp for the loss of 14 runs in two Defendingovers.awinning target of only 93 runs, Limpopo’s bowlers had their work cut out for them. Their tails were up, claiming their first wicket - that of Khaif Patel - with only one run on the score board. The second wicket fell on 13 runs and the third on 19 runs. But Jolly XI’s batsmen took the bowlers to task and hit the winning runs of 93/6 in only 10 overs, with double-digit batting figures by Amir Bux Saif (12), Muhammed Sagir (36) and Advil Bhayati (12).
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