Hello Zuidas november/december editie 2018

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#40 hellozuidas.com NOVEMBER • DECEMBER 2018

Saartje van der Made

Architect at Benthem Crouwel

Esther Wubben Real estate project leader at the Goede Doelen Loterijen

Zuidas orphan finally finds occupants - and gets a new lease on life!



Contribute input on Verdi development Above and beneath the VU Campus:



600 NEW NEIGHBOURS IN ZUIDAS 600 employees of the Dutch charity lotteries’

up from 6,800 aluminium ‘leaves’ on top of which

organization Goede Doelen Loterijen have just

949 solar panels have been installed, generating

moved into their new premises on the corner of

enough energy to power 100 households for a year!

Beethovenstraat and Strawinskylaan. From offices

For this issue I interviewed Esther Wubben, the

dispersed across several buildings near Vondelpark,

organization’s real estate project leader, and Saartje

they have suddenly become part of our community

van der Made, the building’s designer at Benthem

in Zuidas. Will it be easy to settle into the swing of

Crouwel Architects. Esther and Saartje are both

things here? Will we be seeing them soon during

justly proud of this amazing project and shared all

Friday happy hours at De Blauwe Engel? And will

the ins and outs. They also encourage everyone to

they have their own top 5 best lunch joints in Zuidas

come see the building for themselves – and while

posted in the coffee corner by year’s end? Whatever

you’re there, grab a coffee at La Lotteria, the new

the future holds, the most sustainable renovated

‘local’ that’s open seven days a week and run by

office building in the Netherlands looks stunning, and

people who can use a boost onto the job market.

I’m quite sure there will be no regrets on that front! For Zuidas, this move marks another local milestone. With these new headquarters, Goede Doelen

A warm welcome to our new neighbours!

Loterijen is spearheading sustainability. The building has been renovated to conform to the latest

Happy reading!

standards and sustainable construction methods,

Romy Lange

earning it the highest BREEAM ‘Outstanding’

Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas

certification. The roof is a real eye-catcher, built


Promoting good local connectivity is one of the key aims of Hello Zuidas. Now that the Noord/Zuid route is up and running, car commuters have a far cheaper, faster and cleaner way to get to Zuidas. The metro! However, many commuters need a little extra encouragement to make the switch. That’s why Zuidasdok, GVB and Hello Zuidas are launching a pilot to promote metro travel. Curious what participants have to say? Check out our social media channels for a video featuring Ghalem Reggani of Nine restaurant and cooking studio telling us about his experience of Noord/Zuid travel. Olivier Otten, managing director of Hello Zuidas










CONTENTS 07 Trending Topics Social Media #Zuidas 08 Coverstory Zuidas orphan finally finds occupants and gets a new lease on life! 12 Building the Future Amsterdam Zuidas, we love to inform you 16 Got a Minute? Public Space 18 Property Property news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands 21 Dark Green in Zuidas Column Greg Shapiro 22 A solution for the tense housing market Htel Serviced Apartments 24 Finance Financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands

26 28 30 35 37 39

“We added the 150th electric cab to our fleet” Hedy Borreman, Taxicentrale Amsterdam Hello You Hello Zuidas Members Meeting Hello Zuidas Agenda Legal News Legal news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands “Hospitality at Zuidas” By D&B Facility Group An Amsterdam Zuid institution for more than 35 years Restaurant De Kersentuin

40 Hello Zuidas members contribute input on Verdi Development Hello Zuidas members meeting

43 Hello You Zuidas Run 45 News from Zuidas Sustainability 46 Are you peddling yet? Mobility 49 Looking for an alternative to the car? JUIZZ Amsterdam 50 Above and beneath the VU Campus Past, present and future 52 Architecture WTC Amsterdam 55 New Members Hello Zuidas welcomes the new members 56 Memo Board Update

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. •5


WIL JIJ MET ONS VAN ZUIDAS HET NIEUWE CENTRUM MAKEN VAN AMSTERDAM? Hello Zuidas is de organisatie voor gebiedsmanagement in Zuidas. Daarin worden we gesteund door ruim 240 memberorganisaties. Wij dragen op tal van manieren bij aan een aantrekkelijk vestigingsklimaat. We richten ons daarbij niet alleen op het economisch belang, maar ook op bereikbaarheid, wonen, veiligheid, educatie, horeca, winkels, sport, kunst en cultuur. Eigenlijk alle terreinen die van een centrum een toekomstgericht centrum maken. Wij zoeken een ervaren (city) marketeer met een ‘hands on’ mentaliteit om die ambitie met ons te realiseren. Is je interesse gewekt? Bezoek onze website. We komen graag met je in contact.

Hello Zuidas WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 61 1017 XW Amsterdam 020 - 333 74 41





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Hello Zuidas has an iPad app that allows you to flip through the magazine. www.hellozuidas.com Free WIFI Hello Zuidas on Mahlerplein & Zuidplein



Zuidas orphan finally finds occupants - and gets a new lease on life!

Esther Wubben - Goede Doelen Loterijen & Saartje van der Made - Benthem Crouwel Leaving behind offices in several historic stately homes on Amsterdam’s Van Eeghenstraat, the Goede Doelen Loterijen (Nationale Postcode Loterij, VriendenLoterij and BankGiro Loterij) recently relocated to Zuidas. The lotteries’ new premises are on the corner of Beethovenstraat and Strawinskylaan, where an old, vacant property has been transformed into the most sustainably renovated building in the Netherlands with a BREEAM Outstanding rating, the highest certification in the field of sustainable rebuilding. From this inspiring new workplace, 600 employees of the charity lotteries’ umbrella organization Goede Doelen Loterijen will be continuing their mission to shape a better world. Hello Zuidas sat down with Esther Wubben, real estate project leader at the Goede Doelen Loterijen, and Saartje van der Made, the architect at Benthem Crouwel who took charge of the design, to talk about this massive move. When and how did the Goede Doelen Loterijen

only to deliver a good plan, but also to guide the Goede Doelen

come to the decision to locate to Zuidas?

Loterijen throughout the process. Engaging their staff in the design

Esther: ‘Starting from the 1980s, we occupied several properties on

process gave us lots of additional input, which was a completely new

Van Eeghenstraat. We’re a large organization, three charity lotteries

experience for us. Going into the project, we had no idea how that

in all, and although we didn’t need to leave where we were, we all

would play out, but it worked very well.’

wanted to be together in one building. Also, the spaces for facilities were getting too cramped, there were not enough meeting rooms

How did you arrive at a design for the building?

and the company canteen was too small. In 2012 the idea arose to

Esther: ‘During the company Christmas dinner in December 2013,

start looking around for premises we could share. Over the course

immediately after we purchased the property, our president talked

of six months we looked at around 15 vacant buildings throughout

about how this new building had to embody the organization’s DNA.

the city. We expressly didn’t want a new-build, preferring a vacant

And he said the only way we could achieve that was if everyone

property inside the Amsterdam ring road and near a good public

contributed to the process. The next day, 130 of our colleagues had

transport hub. In the summer of 2013, hat led us, to this property. It

signed up to get involved. They were organized in several groups

was perfect: near the station, and it had been empty for some time. It

who spent two months brainstorming and coming up with all kinds

had actually been nicknamed ‘the orphan of Zuidas’. Its construction

of ideas. Sustainability, layout, workspaces and the neighbourhood

appealed to us straightaway; because of the configuration, you’re

and surroundings were all key topics. At the end of February, they

always close together. We acquired the building soon after that.’

presented all their ideas in everything from Prezis to scale models. That was brilliant! In the end we compiled all that input and drew up a

These last few years must have been

list to guide the final design.’

quite intense. What have they been like for you? Saartje: ‘Sure, it was a hectic period, more so than I’ve normally had

Saartje, what did this approach feel like for you?

with other projects. At the same time, it was one of the most unusual

Saartje: ‘We had a clear picture fairly early on of where we could go

projects I’ve ever worked on. First of all, the client was very closely

with this building, and an idea for the overall structure. It had to be

involved in the design process. When we were asked to submit a

aesthetically appealing, of course, but also to manifest the kind of

vision for the building, it became clear that we’d be expected not

organization this is. You can still see that it was an existing building to

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman • Make-up artist Alina Zuljevic (Rob Peetoom)


which a new section has been added. The roof is a real eye-catcher and contributes to the sustainability as a whole. We kept the new façades clean and simple, with plain glazed surfaces that make the roof stand out. We wanted the roof to let light filter into the building, like sunshine through treetops. Outside, we tried to create attractive green landscaping, and I think we managed to achieve that.’

How do the employees feel about the move and this new building? Esther: ‘Reactions have been unanimously positive! Our staff were


very much engaged in the process and everyone got to have their say and contribute to the new location. Our old location off Vondelpark was very pleasant and characterful, of course, but we were excited

• The building will have a green rooftop

about this move. There’s a lot going on in Zuidas. Now we get to be a

garden with nesting boxes for birds and bats.

part of that and we’re looking forward to it!’

• Inside the building is a worm hotel to compost waste material.

What will you contribute to the Zuidas district?

• Also on the roof are 949 solar panels.

Esther: ‘Something people in the neighbourhood really wanted was a nice

• The building has an indoor bike shed

restaurant where you could also take the family at weekends. Because

with space to stall 300 bicycles.

we also want to share this building with the locals, we decided to create a

• There are showers and dressing rooms

restaurant inside that’s open to the public seven days a week. It’s called

for employees who cycle to work.

La Lotteria and it’s run by The Colour Kitchen, which provides restaurant

• The whole interior design is by Yolanda Loudon of Loudon

employment training to people who are at a disadvantage on the labour

Living and D/DOCK, who joined forces to integrate upcycled

market.’ Saartje: ‘I hope there will be lots of interest in the building and

materials in the new interior.

that people will come by to have a look. It’s definitely worth it!’

10 •


r ea dy to f east o n m eat s o te n d er i t fa l l s o f f th e bo n e ? Carnivore is authentic smokehouse dreams to bring the taste, style and soul of Texas’s smoke barbecue to the Netherlands. The secret to all deliciousness is our smokers which we use to slow-cook meat for 14 hours over Hickory wood. We offer variety of drink to enrich the taste of our unique selection of meats.





During this first stage of construction of the future Britten Passageway, an impressive concrete ‘roof’ is being built at Arnold Schönberglaan. This will provide an additional tunnel underneath Amsterdam Zuid Station and provide access to the platforms. Opening onto Benjamin Brittenstraat, the

Mahlerplein between Beethovenstraat and

the train tracks. In the summer of 2019, the

subterranean tunnel also marks the first

Parnassusweg, a huge frame is being erected

massive structure will be thrust into position

visible component of the Zuidasdok project,

during the upcoming months which will carry

through the A10 motorway and underneath

following a long period of preparation at the

a concrete slab 2 metres thick and spanning

the tracks of what are currently platforms

offices of the ZuidPlus contracting consortium.

approximately 70 by 15 metres. This will form

2 and 3. Once in place, another two similar

Along Schönberglaan, which is just off Gustav

the roof over the passageway and floor for

structures will be built in the same spot.

12 •

Artists impression ZuidPlus


METRO LINE 51 A project on this scale requires lots of building material to be brought on-site. An access road needs to be created along Parnassusweg, but this is problematic as metro line 51 (Amstelveen service) currently still loops underneath the A10 to


the Zuid metro station. This section of the metro track will be shut

Outside the EY building,

down as of 2 March 2019 after which it will be dismantled. Until

the new premises for the

then, ZuidPlus only works at night when the tram is not running.

European Medicines Agency, which is leaving London due to the Brexit, are rising


at an unprecedented pace.

Zuidasdok includes extensive infrastructural modifications in

Construction of the building

Zuidas. The stretch of the A10 south motorway between the

core, housing the lift shafts,

Amstel and De Nieuwe Meer junctions will be widened from four to six lanes in both directions. Where it traverses the heart of Zuidas, it will be sunk underground. At ground level, Amsterdam Zuid Station will be fully renovated, with among other things the addition of a platform and two tracks for international trains and

started on 13 August; six

Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre Central Hall, WTC +31 (0)800 5065 contact@zuidas.nl www.zuidas.nl

weeks later, on 18 September, the building reached its highest point at 81 metres. The offices will be completed

further modifications for the tram and other public transport

in November 2019.

services. The project’s capstone will be a brand-new green zone. The slated completion date for the whole project is 2028.

Text Jos Moerkamp

zuidas •


• 13

Photography Marcel Steinbach


Olympisch stadion Scheldeplein


Tripolis Amstelveenseweg


Gustav Mahlerplein

Gustav Mahlerlaan VUmc

As previously reported, several thousand trees in the verges of the A10


south motorway and De Nieuwe Meer and Amstel junctions have to make

The project will not only be

way for the Zuidasdok project. Between November 2018 and March 2019,

uprooting local planting; after

some 8,000 will be felled.

finishing up Zuidasdok, the project


the felling season now under way.

makeover. Although there will

Mahlerplein, 630 trees were already

The felling will take a just-in-time

be fewer trees than at present,

chopped down this past February

approach, so trees that don’t need to

they will be better quality and

to allow construction of the Britten

be felled yet this year can be put off

therefore create a more vigorous

Passageway (see pp. 12/13). Ultimately,

until next season.

green landscape. The planting

14,400 trees have to be cleared. As trees

scheme will also be more diverse,

may only be felled from 1 November to


benefiting the local flora and

31 March, all those located in the site

Most of the trees slated for felling are

fauna. Last but not least, a raised

where works are planned in the period

not in good health, so chances that they

park, DokDakPark, will be built

up to 1 November 2019, an estimated

would survive replanting are slim and

alongside Amsterdam Zuid Station.

8,000 trees, have to be removed during

we will reuse the resulting timber.

Text Jos Moerkamp • Photography Marcel Steinbach


VU hoofdingang


area will be given a new green Along Arnold Schönberglaan, off Gustav


P Buitenveldertselaan

Station RAI

Hello-Bike Bike sharing at Zuidas Amsterdam

15 parking spots Including the one close to you

5.000 users Including all your friends and colleagues

250+ bikes One of them has your name on it (for a while)

450+ rides daily Did you join the movement yet?

• 15



MINUTE? These days, there is loads to do and explore in Zuidas. To help you on your way, Hello Zuidas has designed a handy map giving a comprehensive overview of the district. For this edition, we polled people on their favourite hangouts. Want a copy of the map? Email us at servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.

MYRTHE ZONDAG Business administration student at VU Amsterdam ‘Being a student at VU, I’m in the area regularly. There’s so much happening in Zuidas, and it’s always busy here. I grab a salad at SLA sometimes and I’m always struck by the Baker & McKenzie building - it’s really beautiful. All those modern Zuidas buildings are a contrast with the older VU main building, but I also like that in a way. I’m not sure if I can see myself hanging out in Zuidas in the future.’

HÅKAN LINDBORN WITH SON FRED Expats in Amsterdam ‘We recently moved to Amsterdam from Sweden because my wife got a job at Netflix, so now we live in De Pijp. Fred will be five soon and attends the Amsterdam International Community School in Zuidas. We like Amsterdam a lot, but we’re still new and busy exploring our environment. Looking at this map of Zuidas, there’s a lot more green around than I thought! Of course we use Google Maps, but I’m sure the Hello Zuidas map will help us discover new places.’

16 •


MICHIEL HAIGHTON Head of communication, Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office ‘The place I visit most often is the restaurant WeCanteen. But that’s mostly because it’s convenient, as it's close to my office at the WTC. Market33 is where I like to go with the family; everyone can order something from all the different counters. Pita Queen is a big favourite with my kids. My own personal favourite in Zuidas is Restaurant As. There’s a good vibe and the food is superb. StrandZuid is the go-to spot for warm summer evenings. The Hello Zuidas map will come in very useful. I know the area well, obviously, but I’ve already noticed some spots on here I’ve yet to discover!’

ANITA DIRKX & HELGA VAN DIJK Work at Shire Anita: ‘WeCanteen, Market33, Albert Heijn, Wineboutique & Spirits, Che Buono, Ox & Bucks and Simon Meijssen are all places we go to regularly. Some of our colleagues also mention visiting the salon near here sometimes. There’s certainly no lack of things to do and explore.’ Helga: ‘This Hello Zuidas map is ideal. In my mind, Zuidas is much smaller and less green. But clearly that’s not the case. When you look at the map, Zuidas has so much to offer!’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij

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PROPERTY Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features property news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your property news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl. Photography Lotte de Graaf

ARIE BOOMSMA’S VONDELGYM SIGNS FOR 1,400M2 IN THE ATRIUM Zuidas - TV personality Arie Boomsma will be opening the latest location of his fitness club on the ground floor of the Atrium in Zuidas. The multi-tenant property, now almost fully occupied, belongs to a fund managed by Amundi Real Estate. VondelGym’s arrival will extend the range of facilities on offer in the building and neighbourhood. It will be the club’s third location, after those on Overtoom and Wibautstraat.

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Zuidas - APG has announced it will be leaving the Symphony

Zuidas - In September, construction of the new European

Tower by Zuidas in mid-2021 to concentrate all of its

Medicine Agency (EMA) headquarters reached its highest

Amsterdam activities at its current premises on Basisweg

point. This marks a milestone in the EMA’s Brexit-

in Sloterdijk, home to 500 company staff. The pension

fuelled Amsterdam relocation, says the Dutch Central

administrator expects to save €85 million on real estate

Government Real Estate Agency, which is working hard

costs over a 17-year period as from the relocation date. At

to complete a bespoke office building plus convention

present, APG still holds a lease for 12 floors in one of the

centre for the EMA in Zuidas in a mere 18 months. The

two Symphony Towers, priced at approximately €385/m².

event was celebrated by raising the flags of the building

According to APG management board member Wim Henk

consortium (Dura Vermeer and Heijmans) and Central

Steenpoorte, the high rents and prestige of Zuidas no longer

Government Real Estate Agency on-site. If all goes

fit the firm: ‘As a pension administrator, we simply can’t

according to schedule, the EMA’s new Zuidas HQ will be

justify paying rents this steep.’

delivered in November 2019.

CBRE DEVELOPING OWN NEW OFFICE AT THE CORE Zuidas - In 2019, CBRE is to relocate to The Core, the company’s new headquarters in Amsterdam’s Schinkelgebied. It is converting a 50-year-old former auto repair shop into a ‘real estate lab’, where it will partner with clients to design future workplaces. The conversion itself is to symbolize the firm’s new approach to teaming with clients and staff. According to CBRE, extensive collaboration with clients and business partners is one of the most significant workplace trends happening now. Key features of The Core are a Client Lab and spaces designed around new working methods, including a Creative Camp devoted to generating innovative, rapid solutions for real estate puzzles. CBRE will also maintain a pared-down presence at its current location on Gustav Mahlerlaan in Zuidas.

NEW WTC TOWER CONSTRUCTION KICKS OFF Zuidas - Contractor Ballast Nedam started work on the renovation and expansion of WTC Amsterdam on 1 October, the same day demolition firm Beelen began dismantling the interior of Tower D, which will be integrated with a wholly new tower. The expansion will add another 32,000 m2 to the WTC complex. The new tower will be BREEAM-certified.

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Dark Green in Zuidas “Zuidas - Amsterdam’s Green Heart” …is not

Then there’s the Amstelpark - direct

And what better way to celebrate All Souls Day

a phrase anyone ever says. But Zuidas does

neighbor to Zuidas - where the truly quirky

than a trip to the graveyard? The Cemetery

have some nice, green options - even in the

Amsteltrein train runs on Wednesdays and

Buitenveldert is probably the biggest green

dark months of November and December.

weekends through November (Sundays in

spot in Zuidas you’ve never noticed. Nestled

For Sint Maarten (St. Martin’s Day), my

December). The engine is a reconfigured old

in between Fred Roeskestraat and the A10,

kids’ school always held a ceremony in

Volkswagen, modified for the mini rails. And

it’s surprisingly quiet and peaceful. Yes, it’s

Beatrixpark. At night. We’d build a couple

the rails don’t just take you on a trip through

Catholic, but it’s open to the public. The last

fires and heat up some chocolate milk for

the changing colors of autumn - they take

time I went, there was no religious test at the

the kids and gluhwein for the parents. Then,

you back in time, with an architectural tour

gates; just a friendly gent who reminded me

slightly tipsy, we’d be called upon to lead the

of all the mini-structures that were purpose-

the cafe was open as well. Yes, the cemetery

kids on a procession through the forest in

built for the Floriade Exhibition of 1972.

is a somber place. But as I exited and found

the dark. It really builds self-confidence for

Yes, back then people really thought these

myself in the middle of so many students

the kids when they’re the ones who have to

concrete and glass structures looked right at

getting out of school, I realized - sometimes I

rescue the adults.

home in the middle of the woods. SO Zuidas.

prefer hanging out with dead folks.

Gregory Shapiro (b.1968) Comedian. American. Dutchman. And the voice of Trump in the ‘Netherlands Second’ video from Zondag Met Lubach. Shapiro came to Amsterdam to work with Boom Chicago comedy theater and never left. Along the way he has hosted ‘Comedy Central News.’ He has written 2 books on Dutch culture, including How to Be Dutch: the Quiz. His new show The Madness of King Donald: A Trump Tutorial comes to Amsterdam in February.

Photography Davien Hulsman

A serviced apartment offers companies



The economy is growing and talent is becoming scarcer. Many companies attract talented employees from abroad. As a result, the market of serviced apartments is taking a flight. Roger Wiersma is Business Development Manager at Htel Serviced Apartments for years and knows the market inside out. He shares his view on this development.

22 •

“Fifteen years of experience and our personal approach are highly appreciated by our customers. And Htel is leading when it comes to comfort and value for money.”


potential. A big change, I think, is the size of


the apartments of new providers. Many new

“Due to scarcity in the labour market, more

apartments are similar to a hotel room with a

international employees are coming to the

kitchenette. We find space very important. At Htel

Netherlands. Where companies used to own

a family can stay in a 90m2 apartment with at least

company residences, there is now an increasing need

two bedrooms. Of course, the Brexit also offers

for alternatives. Company residences are sometimes

opportunities for us. A development that we keep a

only used for 2 months a year and provide extra

close eye on.”

work for the HR and Facility department. Serviced apartment providers can relieve companies of this


burden and offer competitive rates in the process.


Their employees have a contact person 24/7 and as


an employer you won’t be called on Saturdays with


questions about the heating system, the nearest


supermarket or a lock that doesn’t work.’’

“Due to the shortage on the housing market, many international employees are no longer able



to find a (permanent) home within a few weeks.

“After a long day at work they can relax on the sofa

As an employer, you can of course choose to let


and prepare their favorite dish from home in their

employees stay in a hotel for weeks or months at

Apartments is

private kitchen. And the apartments simply offer

a time. But it can lead to stress among employees.

one of the largest

more space than a hotel room. Serviced apartments

They have to eat out every day, there is a cleaner in

providers of serviced

offer an alternative between staying in a small hotel

their room every day and they don’t have a private

apartments in the

room for a long time and renting an apartment for at

space to receive guests. Serviced apartments do

Netherlands. Would

least a year (when you only need it for 3 months).’’

offer these advantages. A short or extended stay in

you like to know

Htel Serviced

a serviced apartment, with the services you expect

more about the


in a hotel, therefore offers a solution for the tight

possibilities? Visit

“In recent years, new players have entered the

housing market. That shortage will not disappear in


market. Investors and hotel chains see the

the coming years.”

• 23

FINANCE Source: Het Financieele Dagblad Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl. Photography Lotte de Graaf

AMSTERDAM TAKES BACKSEAT TO OTHER CAPITALS Zuidas - According to figures released by the OECD, the global forum of industrialized countries, one-fifth of the Dutch economy is vested in greater Amsterdam. Specifically, the Dutch urban conglomeration contributes 21% to the country’s GDP (gross domestic product), making Amsterdam less important to the national economy in comparison with to most other European capitals. Athens and Budapest, for example, currently generate almost half of their nations’ GDP. In the period 2000-2016, nearly all European capitals increased their share of GDP. In the Netherlands this was 8%, and in Norway as much as 21%, whereas Portugal, Belgium and Austria actually saw their capitals’ relative share in the domestic economy decline.

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Zuidas - Dutch women not only put in shorter weeks than

Zuidas - A new study by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is

their male counterparts, but also work fewer years of their

a feather in the cap of Prime Minister Mark Rutte who

lives. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Dutch

has spent the past several months emphasizing the

women clock 26 hours a week on average, compared to

importance of multinational corporations for the

31 hours for the average Dutch man. Now Eurostat figures

Dutch economy. Whereas multinationals constitute

further reveal that men in the Netherlands work 42.5 years

approximately 1% of the country’s active enterprise,

of their lives, compared to 37.6 years worked by women.

their economic and social importance is far greater.

However, this gap has been narrowing in recent years. Where

Corporations with holdings in two or more counties

men worked on average 7.2 years longer than women in

generated some 30% of the Dutch economy’s overall

2000, last year the difference was down to 4.9 years. This puts

added value in 2016; according to CBS, most of them are

the Netherlands on a par with the rest of Europe.

foreign entities.

CHINA WIDENS DOOR TO DUTCH COMPANIES Zuidas - The administration in Beijing will be making it easier for Dutch companies to do business in China, announced Premier Li Keqiang during a recent joint press briefing with Dutch Prime Minister Rutte. Applications from Dutch businesses looking to establish operations in China will be fast-tracked, Li assured Rutte during talks. The Chinese premier also pledged the removal of foreign equity restrictions for Dutch companies.

WORLD BANK STRESSES EDUCATION AS ENGINE FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH Zuidas - Economic growth demands more domestic investment in education – not only in developing countries, but also in highly industrialized nations like the Netherlands, where performance is lagging behind potential. According to the World Bank, a highly skilled workforce is an imperative to compete successfully in the global marketplace. This, in a nutshell, is the message of the World Bank’s latest Human Capital Index, just out, which uses health indicators and data on education quality to ‘measure how much countries lose in economic productivity by underinvesting in their people’.

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Founded in 1957 as the ‘Central Office for Taxis’, today TCA (Taxicentrale Amsterdam)

a healthy business. We’re a professional

has grown into an innovative company with an extensive network of drivers. TCA is

organisation and very determined to carve

also in the lead when it comes to key issues like sustainability and is working hard to

out our position in Amsterdam. There’s a lot

expand its electric taxi fleet. Hello Zuidas caught up with TCA director Hedy Borreman:

happening and changing in this industry in

‘Striving for a sustainable market is an ambition that has my wholehearted support.’

terms of market developments, particularly in big cities like this one.’


were united in a central association,

Hedy takes us back to the year 1957: ‘That’s

which in 1995 became the private limited


the year the Central Office for Taxis was

company TCA. As many people know,

Hedy tells us that TCA is committed to offering

established. After the Second World War,

we’ve known some turbulent times. But

clients added value in mobility in the very

Amsterdam passed its first municipal

after an intervention by the enterprise

broadest sense of the word: ‘Among other

taxi regulations. The drivers at the time

appeals court, TCA has gone on to become

things, we make every effort to keep our

26 •


drivers informed about possible congestion

ask drivers to run the meter. Another is the

Tesla for our VIP and business fleet, but

surrounding scheduled events. Our own

Schiphol fare we introduced, which constitutes

also at steps Mercedes may take. Obviously,

drivers also help to keep everything running

a fixed rate of €37.50 for a cab ride to Schiphol

our drivers have their own opinions about

smoothly during events at RAI Amsterdam, for

Airport. Plus, because we’re affiliated with Taxi.

this too. We decided to go electric because

example, and they always manage to do so,

EU, you can use this app all across Europe.

that’s clearly where the emphasis is coming

thanks to our close coordination with RAI. I

Really, we’re always looking at ways to adapt

to lie. Hydrogen also seems to be a very

joined TCA in 2016. It’s a challenging job – I’m

our services to our target group.’

good alternative. We’ve also signed a

leading an organisation that was established

green covenant with Amsterdam to fuel

forty years ago, so it’s vital that we continue


the greening of this city. Striving for a

to keep pace with new developments and

As the metro market leader, TCA feels a duty

sustainable market is an ambition that has

customer demand.’

to set the right example in Amsterdam’s

my wholehearted support.’

taxicab market. Recently, it added the 150th


electric cab to its fleet. Says Hedy, ‘When

Among those recent developments is the

I’d just started at TCA, we began offering


new TCA app. ‘We launched it last year’, Hedy

these cabs and guiding our drivers through

Download the TCA app, call

continues. ‘This app is extremely user-friendly.

the process. The first leases are set to end

+31 (0)20 777 77 77 or visit

You can see exactly what the cab fare will

in March, so I’m very curious to see what


amount to beforehand, but you can also still

will come next. We’re looking primarily at

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij

• 27


Menno van der Veer, Olivier Otten, Gregor van Lit & David Bout (moderators)

Maryse Martins (Hello Zuidas), Menno van der Valk (ORAM), Floor Beeren (Hello Zuidas)

Sebastiaan Hulshoff (CBRE) & Michiel Burggraaff (ENGIE Services)

Jaap Snellen (CBRE) & Grardie Akkerhuis (Lebkov & Sons)

Members Meeting Hello Zuidas

HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS MEETING Chris van Hattum (NDI ICT) & Christiaan Huijg (WTC Amsterdam)

Erik Maitimo (GVB) & Rein Aarts (Breikers)

17 September 2018 @ Novotel • More than 150 members attended the meeting at the Novotel hotel. • The meeting focused on the Verdi subdistrict. • Members could share ideas and input for the development plans. • After the meeting, members caught up over drinks.

Michael van Sunder & Wouter Huis (NDI ICT)

Jennifer van der Lingen & Ilona Vijn (Trigion)

28 •

Middle: Michael Berendsen (Corporate Housing Factory), right: Arjen Erenst (Syntrus Achmea)

David Bout (City of Amsterdam) & Jurriaan van den Eijkhof (ORAM)

Anne Vijfhuize & Anne Peters (Young Capital)

Casper Klap (Regus) & Calvin Choi (Market33)

Salóme Willemsen & Arnoud Hoogendoorn (Financial Offices)

Photography Jaiwey Nuij

Thursday 13 December END OF YEAR EVENT (MEMBERS ONLY) @ Art Chapel

Hello Zuidas members are cordially invited to our End of Year Event, on Thursday December 13th, from 5-7 pm at the Art Chapel. This year, the event will revolve around Art Zuid, one of the most notable art initiatives in Zuidas. We will reflect on what art means to Zuidas, especially in times of rapid change and development, and we will look forward to next year’s edition of Art Zuid. For more information send an email to: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.

Photography Jelmer Jeuring

• 29



Through 31 January 2019 SOUTH WINTER TERRACE IN ASPEN @ Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South Aspen during the winter months awakens Throughout November

the senses like no place else. By day,


people hit the slopes, where fresh

@ Doctor Feelgood Zuidas

snowfall gleams under brilliant blue skies.

Need a brief escape from the daily rat

By night, crackling fires and steaming

race? Book your custom-made massage

drinks bring friends and families together.

with one of our professional therapists!

Celebrate this year’s holiday season in

Throughout November, Doctor Feelgood

rustic Colorado style at Crowne Plaza

is offering tryouts for new customers on

Amsterdam - South! For questions,

their location in Zuidas. Book using code

inquiries or to request a brochure,

DFZUID and enjoy 30 minutes free of

contact the Crowne Meetings team:

charge! More info: doctorfeelgood.nl.

020 (504)3616, amspc.meetings@ihg.com.

Want a green ride to these events?

Order a Green TCA Taxi at no extra cost!

Twice weekly

Through 25 November



@ Clubsportive

@ Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Business life is demanding: heavy

Gerrit turns 50, Willem only 28 is

Every Monday

workloads, fast-paced change and

the title of the dual anniversary


the diversity of tasks. How do you

exhibition of the Gerrit Rietveld

@ Rialto Cinema

stay centred? Press Pause: train your

Academie and the Sandberg

Would you love to attend some of the

mind and your attention span with

Institute. This retrospective show

beautiful films Rialto is screening, but

Mindfulbizz! Come join our FREE sessions:

highlights the academy’s many

don’t understand all the foreign languages

- Every Monday/Friday 12:30-1pm

facets, with displays of archival

and can’t read Dutch subtitles? Here’s your


material and work by students,

chance to see some of these wonderful

- Business attire

alumni and instructors in and

films anyway, because on Monday they will

- Clubsportive membership not

around the campus building.

be screened with English subtitles! Check

necessary, sign up at reception

Admission is free of charge.

out the programme at: www.rialtofilm.nl.

More info: www.mindfulbizz.nl.

More info: rietveldacademie.nl.

30 •


Send your agenda to info@zuidaspublishers.nl.

Friday 9 November

Tuesday 13 November



@ Circl

@ Zuidas Amsterdam

Circular business models, new

In this Real Estate Breakfast Session,

collaborative alliances with customers

experts take a critical look at new-builds

and chain partners, novel conceptual

and the question: If the Amsterdam

frameworks... what does it all mean,

metro region is to accommodate top

what’s the impact, and what are the

international companies and agencies,

opportunities for my enterprise? The

it needs to break ground on new

Green Elephant workshop challenges you

developments today – are new offices a

Wednesday 14, 21 & 28 November

to delve into these questions with the

requisite for new business? Register at:


CIRCO design methodology and the aid of


@ Market 33

an experienced professional expert. You’ll


work in cross-generational, cross-sector groups to translate your newly-acquired

Wine Wednesdays at Market 33 are the perfect excuse to pause during your busy working week for a delicious and well-

knowledge and insights into a relevant

deserved glass of wine, or two... November

case. More info: www.circl.nl.

needn’t be cold and dreary with Wine Wednesdays to look forward to all month long! More info: www.market33.nl.

Thursday 13 December END OF YEAR EVENT (MEMBERS ONLY) @ Art Chapel Hello Zuidas members are cordially Friday 9 November & 14 December TGIF @ The Basket Every second Friday of the month The Basket hosts the most fantastic post-work drinks in all of Amsterdam. The perfect way to cap the week with colleagues, friends or classmates over a smooth G&T or an ice-cold pitcher to share. More info: amsterdam.thebasket.nl/bvhw/.

invited to our End of Year Event, on Thursday December 13th from 5-7 pm at the Art Chapel. This year, the event will revolve around Art Zuid, one of the most notable art initiatives in Zuidas. We will reflect on what art means for Zuidas, especially in times of rapid change and development, and we will look forward to next year’s edition of Art Zuid.

Thursday 15 November OPENING ENGEL & VÖLKERS ZUIDAS @ George Gershwinlaan 687 Engel & Völkers is opening a third office in Amsterdam! Drop by on 15 November from 5:30 to 7:30 pm to toast the opening of the property agent’s newest location, in Zuidas. For an invite, please email amsterdamzuidas@engelvoelkers.com.

• 31



Friday 16 November - 4 January 2019

Thursday 22 November



@ VU Main Building and Zuidas

@ Restaurant Nine

Symphony Building


Feel like an evening of pub quizzing with

As they expand, VU Amsterdam and Zuidas

@ Atrium Zuidas

colleagues that puts your legal brain to

are converging to shape the economic and

Photographer Milan Hofmans has put

the test? Sure, it’s fun, but... you’ll also

knowledge centre of the Amsterdam metro

together a sensational exhibition on the

be vying against teams from fellow legal

region. What are the spatial and social

history of Tabsch, a shameless Dutch

firms and organizations! Drum up some

visions driving that development? Is there

gossip magazine. The exhibition is

colleagues and enter your Legal Pub Quiz

a shared policy agenda? And what are the

accompanied by a stunning catalogue.

team to prove you’ve got what it takes to

parameters of this courtship? Is science for

This large-scale photo show can be seen

beat out all competitors on 22 November

sale? This two-day conference explores the

daily from 16 November 2018 through 4

in Amsterdam. Participation is free and

past, present and future of the relationship

January 2019 on the ground floor of the

includes drinks and nibbles! If your team

between VU and Zuidas and between

south tower of the Atrium, Parnassusweg

wins first place, you’ll be driving around

academia and business. Organization:

707. More info: www.tabsch.nl,

in a sleek new Jaguar or Land Rover for a

CLUE+ in association with VU Corporate

Instagram: Tabsch_tabloid.

week! Sign up now at

Real Estate and Facilities, GEWINA, the


Stevin Centre, IXA VU-VUmc and Centrum Èthos. More info and to register: www.vu.nl/nieuws-agenda.

Wednesday 28 November Tuesday 20 & 27 November


Friday 30 November & Saturday 1 December


@ De Nieuwe Poort



Safaripark Zuidas is a play about the

@ Restaurant Het Bosch

@ Johan Cruyff Institute,

Dutch business district that epitomizes

Waterfront Kitchen

Olympic Stadium

the 24/7 economy: Zuidas! Where people

This November, the biggest names of the

Get acquainted with Johan Cruyff’s vision

stagger under heavy workloads, not

80s-era Dutch culinary world are taking

and how it is applied in the Institute’s

knowing in the morning if they’ll still have

over Het Bosch Waterfront Kitchen. With

varied curricula during these information

their jobs that night. Laced with humour

a collective 11 Michelin stars, they’ll be

sessions, also take advantage of the

and irony, this original play touches

cooking their signatures dishes for guests

unique opportunity to learn more about

on all the facets and foibles of working

to enjoy as part of a truly stellar menu

the options, material and wide range

life, and proves there’s much more to

at Het Bosch Waterfront Kitchen on 30

of programmes on offer. More info:

Zuidas than worn-out clichés. More info:

November and 1 December. More info:




32 •


Send your agenda to info@zuidaspublishers.nl.

Tuesday 4 December TAXCI AFTER LUNCH SESSIONS @ WTC Amsterdam The TAXci After Lunch Sessions are 30-minute presentations during which consultants from Tax Consultants International take you inside a range of specific sectors and offer tips and advice. For info about all the topics, take a look at the website: www.taxci.nl/after-lunch-sessions.

Friday 7 December

20 December - 13 January 2019



@ Market 33

@ Amsterdam RAI Theater

DanceMarket is the place to be after work

The classic musical CATS is coming to

on Friday nights. With the best drinks,

Amsterdam for three weeks only this

lots of tasty nibbles and food stands, this

December. Catch this London West

party has it all. Don’t miss the all new

End production in English with friends,

Sinterclaus edition on 7 December! More

family or business partners as part of

info: www.market33.nl.

a special package. A range of packages are available for groups of 10 or more, including your own dedicated host(ess) for the evening. For more info, email arrangementen@catsdemusical.nl or phone +31 (0)20 21 01 636.

Tuesday 4 December SYMPOSIUM: IT’S ALL ELECTRIC @ Green Business Club Corporate fleet owners are the drivers of the transition to zero-emissions mobility

Wednesday 12 December THE STORY OF CHRISTMAS

Friday 21 December

@ Thomaskerk


in this country. Now the time has come to

It’s time again to reflect on a year that

scale up the so far cautious introduction

(probably) sped by, and to look ahead at

Mark your diaries for the Christmas party

of electric vehicles and switch the

what the next year has in store. How does

of the year in Zuidas on 21 December at

transition into high gear. For the

your life fit into the greater whole, the

Café De Blauwe Engel in the World Trade

Netherlands to stay in the vanguard, we all

bigger story? And how can the Christmas

Center – an institution in Amsterdam’s

need to contribute: central and municipal

story help you to understand it? In the

Financial Mile. Join the fun and grab a

governments, the business sector and

week before Christmas, Ruben van Zwieten

drink while enjoying a mix of musicians

civil society organizations. During this

tells the Story of Christmas. Not the familiar

and performers. The party starts at 5 pm

one-day symposium, you’ll get updated

tale of the baby Jesus, but an engaged and

and continues all night long. You can also

on the latest developments and hear how

engaging personal vision on life here and

book at standing table for you and your

they’re being put into practice. More info:

now. Interwoven with music and followed

colleagues or BFFs. More info:


by drinks at De Nieuwe Poort.


@ De Blauwe Engel, WTC

• 33


The GDPR introduced a right for individuals to request access to their personal data “easily and at reasonable intervals”. In practice, these Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) can be made with consummate ease by individuals: they can be done electronically and without charge. This has led to swathes of requests being made on organisations and they can be cumbersome to deal with. Some of the most obvious problems include: - Locating all the relevant data, often amongst multiple data sources; - Isolating data pertaining only to the requestor. Individuals’ data can frequently be found amongst other, non-disclosable information (think of spreadsheets containing employees’ names or lists of purchases); - Searching for and redacting sensitive information; - The resources required to review the data. This burden can fall on various groups of people, including Human Resources, in-house legal teams, or outside counsel; - Producing the relevant data to the individual; - Discharging one’s responsibilities within a tight timeframe (one month).

KLDiscovery takes the pain away from clients by handling the end-to-end DSAR process through cutting-edge technology and expert personnel. We have been inundated with DSAR projects since the introduction of the GDPR on 25 May 2018; sometimes handling more than 30 DSARs per week for single clients. KLDiscovery can help you with some or all of the following: - Collaborate on a strategy of dealing with DSAR requests - Identify relevant data sources - Collect data in a forensically-sound manner - Provide expert technology to search, de-duplicate, redact and review data to boost response times and the accuracy of responses - Have the data reviewed by our low-cost contract lawyers - Prepare and produce the data to the requestor in a compliant format We can do all of this at low fixed-fees to keep costs proportionate. To learn more about KLDiscovery’s DSAR services, please call +31 20 3013300 or email info@kldiscovery.com.





Source: advocatie.nl

HASNAA BENI DRISS WINS FIRST LOYENS & LOEFF LAW & TAX ECHO AWARD The very first Loyens & Loeff Law & Tax ECHO Award, a new prize for stellar students with nonWestern backgrounds, was awarded to Hasnaa Beni Driss. A private law student at the University of Amsterdam, Hasnaa was born in Morocco and moved to the Netherlands at the age of three. In its report, the jury lauded ‘her immense perseverance and demonstrable leadership, elevating


her to a cum laude student’. About the award, Bram Linnartz of Loyens & Loeff says, ‘Like ECHO,


we believe in the power of diversity, and that led to this partnership with ECHO’.

De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek partner and former managing partner Martijn Snoep has bid the law firm adieu after 26 years


to become chairman of the Netherlands

Sonja van der Kamp and her team of Anique Bergers and Niels van Tamelen transferred from

Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM)

Dentons Boekel to the law offices of Gijs Heutink Advocaten as from 1 September. Van der

as from 1 September. Snoep joined De

Kamp joined Dentons Boekel in 1995, making partner in 2006. Her team is specialized in civil

Brauw in 1992, where he was partner of the

property, commercial tenancy and retail law. Following its 2017 merger, Dentons Boekel

firm’s international EU and competition

made headlines by attracting a string of teams from competitors. Its main ‘supplier’ was

law practice. From 2010 to 2016 he was De

Baker McKenzie, who lost eight tax and banking & finance lawyers, including five partners, to

Brauw’s managing partner. Based in The

Dentons Boekel.

Hague, ACM has around 550 employees.

• 35


AUTUMN DEAL Book your meeting with an overnight stay at the Bilderberg

Garden Hotel with at least a value of € 4.000,- and get a free

Real Estate English for Professionals • Custom courses and workshops • Improve your professional English Taalcentrum-vu.nl/real-estate-english www.taalcentrum-vu.nl 020 - 598 64 20 info@taalcentrum-vu.nl

overnight stay with a dinner for two in Restaurant De Kersentuin! May we take your reservation? +31 (0)20 570 56 55 or via banquet@bilderberg-gardenhotel.nl for requests and reservations. Dijsselhofplantsoen 7, 1077 BJ Amsterdam +31(0)20 570 56 00 garden.banquet@bilderberg.nl This deal applies to bookings made before 31 March 2019

Hospitality at Zuidas


“The world we are living in is speeding up. Today’s innovations

people add greatly to their state of mind, health and output. Because

are tomorrows industry standards. The internet, smartphones

that’s how everyone achieves more.

and breakthrough technology have slung us into what some people sometimes call ‘The NOW Economy’. We have become

Are you a decision maker at Zuidas? And are you wondering how

used to instant ordering, delivery and satisfaction.

to support your people to achieve more in an everchanging, competitive business environment? Give me a call. I will show you

Zuidas in particular is a school example of life in the fast lane. In a

around in the world of D&B The Facility Group and the value we can

competitive marketplace like Zuidas, change is always. And while our

add to your company.”

(working) lives are speeding up and becoming busier all the time, we have an ever-growing need for moments in which we can temporarily slow down, to speed up.


D&B The Facility Group understands that for people to reach their


true ability, a smooth integration of both work and life is essential.

020 420 06 91

In order to be successful, one needs peace-of-mind. We believe that


personalized service, support and meaningful engagement with H O S P I TA L I T Y • S E C U R I T Y • C A T E R I N G • C L E A N I N G • O F F I C E S U P P O R T • M O B I L I T Y • F A C I L I T Y M A N A G E M E N T

• 37


an Amsterdam Zuid institution for more than 35 years


Culinary delights await you just a stone’s throw from Zuidas, at Restaurant De Kersentuin. A local institution for more than 35 years now, more recently the restaurant has been exploring uncharted, exiting new territory. Chef Patrick Kessler rules the kitchen and devises delicious menus. Food and Beverage Manager Emanuel Rocha coordinates the whole front-of-house experience. Together, they form an ironclad team! Patrick and Emanuel filled Hello Zuidas in on what guests can look forward to at Restaurant De Kersentuin. PERFECTION IS IN THE DETAILS

where needed. Our guests are our number one priority, of course, and

Patrick has been the restaurant’s chef for a year now. ‘This has

it’s down to us to decide how to offer them the very best service’. Patrick:

been a very instructive year for me. I'm backed up by a large team,

‘One of the main things, I think, is to always listen to your guests. Are

which lets me perfect every detail. Our menu changes every three

they here for business or pleasure? If you don’t want to be disturbed,

weeks to ensure our guests can enjoy plenty of variation. And, of

we’ll make sure of that, or if you’re on a tight schedule then we’ll plan

course, it reflects the seasons too. Recently we hosted a truffle event

accordingly. I’d encourage the Zuidas crowd to hurry on over, because

paired with a wine master class. At the moment, we’re planning for

we’re putting a dish of slow-cooked pheasant served with sauerkraut

Christmas and looking at the different kinds of meat we can present

and a bowl of broth on the menu shortly that was a very big hit last year!’

in the period ahead.’ Emanuel adds, ‘We get a very mixed group of dinners here. Aside from the restaurant there are also three rooms downstairs available to hire for meetings. It’s important to us to offer


perfect service alongside flexibility.’

Dijsselhofplantsoen 7 1077 BJ Amsterdam


+31 (0)20 570 5655

Patrick and Emanuel form a complementary team. ‘We’re around each


other every day’, explains Emanuel, ‘so we can fine-tune one another

Text Romy Lange

• 39

Hello Zuidas members



Zuidas is exploring the future development of the area between Amstelveenseweg, de Schinkel and De Nieuwe Meer, recently christened the Verdi subdistrict. Fanning out around a marina, the area is known among people who already live or work here as the city’s ‘hidden gem’. It forms a bridge both between Amsterdam and its more rural environs and between the eastern and western parts of the city. During the Hello Zuidas Members Meeting in mid-September, members were invited to share their ideas on the subdistrict’s development. Hello Zuidas Foundation director Olivier Otten co-chaired the meeting with Menno van der Veer (moderator). David Bout and Gregor van Lit attended on behalf of the Municipality of Amsterdam, where they are working on this project, and gave a brief presentation about Verdi. Plans are to integrate Verdi in the urban fabric

of a location with many different owners.

Gregor explained that Amsterdam is growing

through a three-pronged policy of linking,

Already settled in Verdi are the Zuid sports

rapidly and needs more housing and facilities.

densifying and greening, simultaneously

facility, Tripolis, IJsbaanpad Noord, Infinity,

Verdi in particular is a unique spot with unique

creating space for housing, offices and facilities.

the GWL urban eco area, Meerparc and the

potential. The subdistrict will be drawn into the

David and Gregor discussed the complexities

Frans Otten Stadium. What is the impetus for

fabric of Amsterdam to make the city yet more

posed by what constitutes a transformation

the area’s further development? David and

diverse and dynamic.

40 •



VERDI: 1. Should stay open to

car commuters (53%)

2. Offers potential for restricted-traffic development (47%) HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS MEETING AT NOVOTEL


Hello Zuidas members were filled in


1. Would be enhanced by a

on the plans for Verdi and watched


video’s with testimonials of different

1. Develop a solid vision for

2. Should remain devoted

stakeholders. This helped to form an

opinion of the future development

2. Allow private owners free reign to

of Verdi. Members were asked to

the marina’s future (65%) develop it themselves (35%)

choose between the following pairs of alternatives:

venue like Hannekes Boom (84%) solely to water sports (16%)

AS PART OF THE ‘SPORT AXIS’: 1. Low-income championship


athletes should receive priority for housing in Verdi (18%)

1. Should remain a wilderness as


2. Everyone seeking housing in Verdi

1. Become a public recreation area

2. Should cater to the built

for all of Amsterdam (79%)

much as possible (61%)

should be given equal preference (82%)

surroundings (39%)

2. Stay a hidden gem for people to

discover on their own (21%)


Would your organization like


to contribute to discussions



about area developments like

1. It would be good for business to create a

1. Offer prime opportunities

this and to become a member

for green recreation (37%)

of Hello Zuidas? Get in touch via

2. Should stay reserved for flora


Verdi identity around ‘sport’ (69%) 2. Verdi does not need to define any more specific identity within Zuidas (31%)

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij & Kees Winkelman

and fauna (63%)

• 41

full-service hospitality & staffing agency

Are you searching for a reliable hospitality partner? Stella Agency will supply you with a professional team that has just the right look and feel! Stella Agency supplies extremely representive hosting personnel for all your business events and front off ice requirements. Our strict recruitment and selection criteria

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ZUIDAS RUN 28 September 2018 @ Zuidas • This was the 10th edition of the yearly Zuidas Run. • It was a fantastic event combining athletics, networking and entertainment at Gustav Mahlerplein. • More than 1,300 entrants ran the 5K and 10K and stayed for the fun Cooling Downtown Afterparty. • The event was organized by House of Sports.

Photography MNO Photo

• 43

dental team 2.0 just around the corner

At 116 Gustav Mahlerplein you will find a dynamic team of oral care professionals offering a wide range of specialist treatments under one roof. A place where dental quality, EBD (evidence-based dentistry), patient commitment and openness are highly valued.

wellness in dental care Gustav Mahlerplein Zuid 116 Visit us and register online at vandeveerdentists.nl or call 020-6623071

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Olympic Stadium Amsterdam * since 1928 * is the icon of Olympic sports in The Netherlands and the right place for new inspiration. Many organisations already chose Olympic Stadium Amsterdam, for the allure of a sporty, yet nostalgic atmosphere. Our portfolio of spaces and facilities enables us to offer a tailor-made experience for our guests.


The Olympic Stadium is a multipurpose venue of National Heritage, where an enthusiastic team is ready to realise your ideas. The conference rooms can easily be combined with an activity on the ‘holy’ field or track. End your day in style with a BBQ on the VIP Terrace!

Inquiries & brochure: office@olympischstadion.nl or (020) 305 44 00.



SUSTAINABILITY NEWS GO ELECTRIC Is your organisation looking for more sustainable mobility options? Then you won’t want to miss environmental organisation Natuur & Milieu’s symposium It’s all electric. In just one day you’ll catch up on all the latest e-mobility developments impacting business fleet owners, complete with recent case examples. Be brought up to speed with the hurdles and pitfalls of transitioning to electric mobility, along with effective techniques to avoid them. Attendance is free of charge: 4 December, 9:45 am to 4:30 pm, at the Amsterdam public library. More info: Natuurenmilieu.nl/its-all-electric.

WASTEWATCHERS PROJECT REDUCES FOOD WASTE BY 8% In an effort to combat food waste in Zuidas, GBC Zuidas joined with Wastewatchers early this year to launch a targeted project. Seven companies in Zuidas and their caterers took part. By closely monitoring how much food goes to waste in every lunch meeting, the caterers were able to gain a good overall picture of more and less popular menu options. Fruit and beverages were main culprits, but lots of salads also ended up in the bin. Since adjusting their menus, the caterers have been able to cut food waste by eight per cent. As well as curbing waste, keeping track of what customers choose in company canteens can ultimately also save big on money. More info: Wastewatchers.nl.

LEARNING FROM BEES Did you know there are two beehives buzzing on Accenture’s green roof? Sponsored in partnership with Workplace and ISS, the hives are being leased from Beelease, an organsation that supplies and maintains beehives at a wide range of corporate locations. Its mission is to raise awareness about shrinking bee populations worldwide. This is a bigger problem than most people realize, because bees are essential to pollinate plants and trees. The initiative motivated Laura van den Hurk of Accenture to take a course in beekeeping offered by Beelease: ‘They’re fascinating creatures. They all work together, each doing its own job, which actually changes over the course of their short lifespans. The bees are teaching me a great deal!’ Want bees in your garden or on the company rooftop? Check out Beelease.nl.

Maartje Oome is communications advisor for Green Business Club Zuidas, a district that has businesses cooperating in launching sustainable initiatives and achieving sustainability goals. She is also the editor-in-chief of the Zuidas Sustainability Report. As the contributing editor of the sustainability page in Hello Zuidas magazine, she reports on interesting new trends on the sustainability front in Zuidas. Got hot news on green developments in Zuidas? Send an email to Maartje@greenbusinessclub.nl.​

Text Maartje Oome

• 45


Nine out of ten workers report struggling to cope with the psychological demands of work. A number of leading studies have proven that cycling can reduce stress and anxiety, prevent burnout and help fight depression.



As an employer, you can offer financial incentives to make cycling an

• Cofinancing for bike parking.

attractive option for your employees. How? There are several options:

• Are you paying for bike parking spaces or shower facilities for

• A reimbursement for the cost of purchasing a bicycle. This is taxfree under a work-related expenses scheme; either net (in which case the employee pays nothing), or gross (the cost is deducted from the employee’s gross salary).

cyclists? You may qualify to receive financing for 50% of the implementation costs, up to a maximum of €25.000. For details, contact Hello Zuidas (maryse.martins@hellozuidas.com). • Customized advice.

• A tax-free kilometre allowance of up to €0.19/km. • An interest-free loan for the purchase of a bicycle or e-bike.

To learn more about how an active

• A hybrid option: employees use their KM allowance to pay off the

bicycle policy could boost your business,

interest-free loan. • Reward kilometres cycled with additional leave. For more on measures to promote cycling, see the Fietswijzer on www.natuurenmilieu.nl or www.3pm.nu/fietsstimulering (in Dutch).

46 •

request customized advice from Breikers (info@wijzijnbreikers.nl) – no obligations.


Are you peddling yet? E-cycling is hot! With an electric bicycle,

all. But it’s still exercise, so cycling this way is

you can easily zip around the city and

healthier than taking the car. Plus, of course,

ditch parking woes for good. Already

it’s better for the environment.’

a big hit with estate agents, more and more employees across the business


community are taking an interest in

Niels and Johan have both noticed that

this mode of transport. Hello Zuidas

mobility is changing in Zuidas. Johan:

talked with Johan Neven, supervisor at

‘There’s definitely a lot happening on the

Het Zwarte Fietsenplan in Zuidas, and

mobility front in Zuidas. Hello Zuidas is

Niels Andela, corporate sales manager at

certainly active on this front and more

JUIZZ on Parnassusweg.

companies are coming round to the idea they need to get on board. When you opt for


electric bikes, you put out the message that

Niels: ‘Sales of e-bikes have surged. You can

you’re concerned about the welfare of your

buy one, but there are also various lease plans

employees and of Zuidas as a whole. Niels: ‘I

available, for which we work with a strategic

speak with lots of companies professionally


partner. At the moment, most people are still

and they are very receptive to the idea.


opting to buy, but that may well change in the

The awareness is definitely there, but now


future. Leasing used to be very pricey, but now

it’s a matter of making real choices about

Visit JUIZZ on Parnassusweg or

we’re seeing a definite shift in prices. Johan:

mobility. It’s going to happen, for sure, but

Het Zwarte Fietsenplan on Gustav

‘Electric bikes give you some extra boost, so

it’s a long road. As soon as one takes the first


you hardly even notice that you’re cycling at

step, the rest will follow?’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Anke Teunissen

• 47

This magazine was launched in celebration of Corporate Housing Factory’s fi ve-year anniversary Get your own copy!


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OPEN FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS EVENT FROM THE 23RD OF NOVEMBER This year, Crowne Plaza Amsterdam - South offers you the unique opportunity to celebrate the holidays in rustic Colorado vibes! Create holiday memories with your colleagues and friends at our idyllic winter terrace. Taste the festive flavours of Chef’s selection of bites, specially prepared on the Ofyr, and accompanied by our signature winter cocktails. Show of your sportive side and take part of a nice game of curling. Warm up around the fire place with a delicious cup of hot cocoa and marshmallows.

BOOK YOUR PERSONALISED HOLIDAY PACKAGE NOW +31(0)20 504 36 16 • amspc.meetings@ihg.com Our unique location is the perfect venue for a bespoke event of any size; from a Christmas celebration to a large scale new year´ event. Let us welcome your guests and experience the charm of Aspen together. The hotel’s events team can provide all the inspiration and support to make your event a resounding success!

Looking for an

ALTERNATIVE TO THE CAR? Six months ago, JUIZZ opened the doors of its shop in Zuidas, offering a full range of electric bikes and electric carrier cycles plus accessories. The location is ideal to serve both the consumer and business e-bike markets. After all, we’ve left the cliché that electric bicycles are only for pensioners well behind us. Hello Zuidas got the story from Niels Andela, corporate sales manager at JUIZZ on Parnassusweg.




JUIZZ opened six months ago. According to Niels,

The government is campaigning hard to promote

Curious to find out

‘Responses have been very positive so far - that also

e-bikes, says Niels. ‘That’s also a reason why we’ve

more? Come check

goes for our staff members. Obviously, this is a very

been conferring with the Hello Zuidas and Zuidasdok

out JUIZZ Amsterdam!

inspiring place to work. Our shop is based in NoMA

organisations on how to guarantee continued access

House, which is also brand new, so a perfect fit for

to the district. Increasingly, people are opting to cycle


us. Most of our customers are professionals who

the last leg of their commute, and we’re the supplier to


work in Zuidas but want a bike for private use. More

facilitate that. Electric bicycles are one big solution to

Parnassusweg 398

and more groups of people are dropping by on their

the mobility problem, and it’s brilliant to see how that’s

1081 LC Amsterdam

lunch breaks to take a look at what we’ve got to offer.

catching on. We may be a bike shop, but our business is

+ 31 (0)20 515 8190

Our entire range is top of the line, and our focus lies

essentially to market the prime alternative to cars. So


on service and exclusivity.’

we couldn’t be more excited about this mobility trend!’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij

• 49



The exhibition is on display at the university campus until the half of January Growing numbers of students, changes in society and large-scale developments in the Zuidas area mean that adjustments to the VU Campus are necessary. Sustainability is an important topic in this. Soil samples were taken at various depths down to 162 metres under the ground, during the drilling work for the new thermal energy storage system (WKO). These samples clearly show how VU Amsterdam is literally rooted in the clay of the past. The exhibition takes you on a journey through time, starting 2.6 million years ago and ending in the near future (2030) in this small corner of the city. From ancient rivers, ice ages, sea level rises and cultivated peat lands to an ever-expanding city and a university in step with the changing times. Hello Zuidas got in touch with VU Amsterdam’s university historian Ab Flipse to find out more.


place where students would live and study. Unfortunately the


dream was never fully realized, as the site was simply too small at

Ab: “After the Second World War, the university was spread across

11 hectares. The plans were in constant need of adjustment due

various parts of Amsterdam. It was constantly buying small

to high numbers of students. As student housing became an issue,

properties to meet the needs of growing numbers of students, and

the university took responsibility: Uilenstede in Amstelveen was

a solution was needed with a view to the future. They needed to

built. In practice, however, the university and Uilenstede were too

think bigger and better, and there had to be room for a new medical

far apart to be considered one campus. Currently, no less than

hospital for the Faculty of Medicine. So at the end of the 1940s, the

24,000 students are enrolled at the university. The campus idea is

decision was made to concentrate all faculties in a single area, close

back in style at the moment and efforts are being made to create

to the city. The De Boelelaan area was chosen as the new home for

an urban campus area.”

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.” Interested in this exhibition? The exhibition in the Main Building


at VU Amsterdam can be enjoyed until the half of January 2019.

Ab: “What makes VU Amsterdam so special is that even then, they

For more information, please go to: www.ub.vu.nl/en/.

were already toying with the idea of an American-style campus. A

50 •


THE ROAD TO A CENTRAL ROLE AS AN ECONOMIC AND KNOWLEDGE CENTRE VU Amsterdam and Zuidas are becoming more and more connected and are well on their way to becoming the economic and knowledge centre of the Amsterdam metropolitan area. Together, they are also responsible for one of the largest construction projects in the Netherlands, mixing business, education and science with housing, sports, culture, cafés and restaurants. Which spatial and social visions for the future spurred this development? Is there a joint agenda? But also: what are the limits of this courtship? Is science for sale? On Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November, the unique ‘Brains, Buildings and Business’ conference will be held in the Main Building at VU Amsterdam and at the Symphony building at Gustav Mahlerplein in Zuidas. This two-day conference poses questions about the past, present and future of the relationship between VU Amsterdam and the Zuidas area, between the university and the business community. We talk to Marcel van Heemert, programme manager of Campus Development at VU Amsterdam, about the future developments of the campus. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVE A LIVELY

multifunctional rooms fit for teaching, research, the


cultural programme of De Griffioen and movies of

The conference will

Marcel: “A campus is its university’s calling card. In

Rialto. The VU establishes the building as a smart

be organized

addition to being clean and safe, it must also be

building which will be the subject of research for

by: CLUE+, in

lively. The campus is a workplace for our researchers

scientists, for example in the field of sustainability.”

collaboration with

and students, making a pleasant and inviting

Campus Facility & Real

learning environment a priority for the university.


Estate Management

In the coming years, we will be making every effort


for VU Amsterdam,

to enhance this learning environment, both in our

“The conference aims to reflect on the history and

GEWINA, the Stevin

buildings and on campus grounds.”

future of the VU campus and its relationship to

centre, IXA VU-VUmc

the Zuidas area. There is a lot of activity, both on

and the Ethos centre.


campus and at Zuidas. This state of flux calls for

For more information


more than planning and action, and also requires

and registration,


that academic experts are invited to critically

please go to:

“The New University Building will be opened at the

reflect on the work in the area. Which is what this

start of 2020. This state-of-the-art building will provide

conference is all about.”

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij


• 51




Zuidas is renowned for its pioneering architecture. As it matures into an


international quarter of Amsterdam, buildings are shooting up right and left in

WTC Amsterdam was originally

Zuidas. Amidst all these modern skyscrapers, it may be difficult to imagine that

completed in 1985, then comprising

only around twenty years ago this stretch of land connecting the residential

just over 70,000 m2. Between 1999 and

neighbourhoods of Zuid and Buitenveldert consisted mostly of tennis courts and

2004, the complex was renovated and

football pitches. In this series we zoom in on the architecture of Zuidas. This time,

expanded to 125,000 m2. The extension

we take a closer look at WTC Amsterdam.

was done by the same architect as Tower Ten. World Trade Center

WTC Amsterdam

Amsterdam offers office spaces starting


of support services. A myriad of facilities

G. de Klerk & Selle

from 27 m2, alongside an extensive range

Building owner WTC Amsterdam was developed by CBRE Dutch Office Fund

are close at hand in and around the

managed by CBRE GI

premises. This includes a wide selection


WTC Amsterdam has currently 9 towers

of restaurants and cafĂŠs, perfect for

and the tallest tower (Tower H) is 105 m.

everything ranging from a quick midday


The tallest tower has 27 floors

meal or drinks with colleagues to a

Floor area

150,000 m2 gfa

formal lunch with clients or a business

Tenants 350

dinner. The range of shops will also continue to grow in future.

52 •


TOWER TEN: NEW ADDITION Tower Ten is the latest addition to WTC Amsterdam, continuing a tradition of prime office space plus state-of-the-art facilities in one of the most coveted locations in Europe, thanks to excellent access, international links and opportunities to do business. With the renovation of the D tower, 17,000 m2 will be renovated and an expansion of 32,000 m2 will be realized. WTC Amsterdam is a dynamic commercial ‘global city’ populated by many companies – more than half of them with head offices abroad - within the heart of Amsterdam’s Zuidas district. Tower Ten will add another 32,000 m2 to the complex’s existing 125,000 m2 in office floorage.



Tower Ten - WTC Amsterdam

• More than 350 tenants operate in WTC.


PLP Architecture

• 44% are Dutch companies.

Building owner

WTC Amsterdam was developed by CBRE Global Investors’

• With 27 floors, Tower H ranks fourth among

CBRE Dutch Office Fund Custodian BV

Amsterdam’s top ten tallest buildings.

Scheduled completion May 2021

• WTC Amsterdam is founding


member of the global World Trade

80 m

Floors 22

Centers Association.

Floor area

New-build/expansion: 32,000 m² gfa

• WTC Amsterdam is the largest WTC

Tower D renovation

17,000 m² gfa

after WTC New York.

• 53


BEST OPENING HOURS MON - FRI 06:00 - 23:00 SAT & SUN 08:00 - 18:00





HELLO ZUIDAS WELCOMES the following new members

NACH DBMO BV Nonresidential construction • 75 employees

BREIKERS LINK WITH ZUIDAS Non-profit • 17 employees

The New Amsterdam Courthouse sits at the perimeter of Zuidas and is destined to become a familiar part of the local landscape.

LINK WITH ZUIDAS Located in the Atrium, BREIKERS helps organizations in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area develop innovative and


sustainable mobility and logistics solutions, through coaching, knowledge-sharing and the provision of concrete solutions.

Health-tech • 75 employees



BREIKERS’ network spans more than 200 companies, mostly

The company’s co-founders live in Zuidas and have several

based in Zuidas. When the Zuidas district looks and operates at

clients here.

its best, all of these organisations benefit. By sharing knowledge and connecting networks, we can achieve even more impact.

REASON FOR BECOMING A HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBER Living in Zuidas and loving Zuidas!



Restaurant • 10 employees Fitness centre • 30 employees LINK WITH ZUIDAS With a dash of originality and heaps of ambition, we’re a perfect


match for the dynamic energy that’s unique to this part of

VondelGym in Amsterdam Zuid was co-founded by four Amsterdam


natives. Following the success of our locations on Overtoom and Wibautstraat, this adds a great new location to Amsterdam.

REASON FOR BECOMING A HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBER We see Hello Zuidas as a connective platform serving not only


restaurateurs and the mix of businesses in Zuidas, but also the

Just as our own community is shaped by our members, we

rest of the city. Joining in a united front is important because that

believe it’s important to be active in the local businesses

benefits Zuidas both short and long-term.

community and municipality.




Hello Zuidas

• 55


VONDELGYM COMING TO PUMP ZUIDAS UP! Mark your calendars: Arie Boomsma is opening his third VondelGym in Zuidas towards the end of November! Joining Gustav Gym and Clubsportive, this newest addition to the local fitness landscape will offer around 1,400 m2 of facilities on the ground floor of the Atrium building. Don’t want to wait until the opening? You can sign up to become a member now!

UNIQUE IN ZUIDAS! Always wanted to pull your own pint? From now on, you can, at the draught tables at De Blauwe Engel! Perfect for a night out with colleagues or friends, now you can order from the snack or dinner menu while pulling your own beer. Cheers! More info: www.deblauweengel.nl.

NEW EXHIBITION: ‘ABOVE AND BELOW THE CAMPUS: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE’ With its student body growing, society changing and Zuidas developing, the VU Campus has to change to keep pace. Sustainability is an important driver. During the recent drilling for a new geothermal heat pump, soil samples were collected down to a depth of 162 metres. They reveal that VU Amsterdam has deep roots in the geological past. This exhibition guides you through the history of this corner of Amsterdam from 2.6 million years ago to the near future of 2030. A journey through time, from primeval rivers, glaciations, sea level rises and marshland reclamation to urban expansion and the ever-


evolving university. The exhibition is on view at the VU main building through the end of


February 2019. More info: communicatie.fco@vu.nl.

Hello Zuidas recently launched a brandnew website! Among other things, it features dedicated pages for all Hello

56 •


Zuidas members on which to present


their own information. If you’re a Hello

Joy and Mats left together from the OpZuid residential

Zuidas member and haven’t sent us

complex to the Uilenburgersjoel. What a nice picture

your images yet, do so now via

of this couple in Zuidas! Congratulations Joy and Mats!


MEMO BOARD CALLING PARTICIPANTS AND SPONSORS FOR 7TH ANNUAL OPEN TOWER DAY AMSTERDAM ON 23 MARCH 2019! On 23 March 2019, historic and contemporary towers across Amsterdam will be opening their doors free of charge to the public. To organize another edition of this successful event, we’re putting out a call for towers and sponsors. The 2018 Open Tower Day was a big hit, attracting 11,000 visitors in total, including 4,000 who came to enjoy the stunning urban vistas from Zuidas. For details (no obligations), get in touch with Henri van Poll via info@openthedoors.nl or 06 – 51 56 99 64, or visit www.opentorendag.nl.

CATS IS COMING TO AMSTERDAM! This December, the classic musical CATS is coming to Amsterdam, for three weeks only! Catch the London


West End production in English

Photographer Milan Hofmans has put together a

and book a special package for you

sensational exhibition on the history of Tabsch, a

and your friends, family or business

shameless Dutch gossip magazine. The exhibition

partners. A range of packages are

is accompanied by a stunning catalogue. This

available for groups of 10 or more,

large-scale photo show can be seen daily from

including your own dedicated

16 November 2018 through 4 January 2019 on

host(ess) for the evening.

the ground floor of the south tower of the Atrium,

For information about the

Parnassusweg 707. More info:

packages, send an email to:

www.tabsch.nl, Instagram: Tabsch_tabloid.

arrangementen@catsdemusical.nl or call+31 (0)20 21 01 636.

• 57



WTC South Axis Amsterdam, the perfect location for your meeting, event, workshop or training. A location for you and your guests combined with dedicated service. Come and visit us at t he ground floor!

WTC Zuidas | Conference & Event Center | 020 700 5505 Strawinskylaan 15 | Zuidplein Entrance | Tower G

Members Hello Zuidas • November 2018 If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com 1. 900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) 2. ABN AMRO 3. Accendium 4. Accenture 5. À Deauville 6. AFC 7. AkzoNobel 8. Albert Heijn 9. Amsterdam in Business 10. AICS 11. Amsterdamse Bos 12. APG 13. Apleona GVA B.V. 14. Arcadis 15. Arnold & Siedsma 16. Art Zuid 17. ASEGA Media 18. Asunaro Holland Interplan 19. Atrium Meeting Centre 20. AVIS 21. Bagels & Beans 22. Baker McKenzie 23. Bartolus Advocaten 24. Beheermij WTC Amsterdam 25. Being Development 26. Big Brothers Big Sisters A’dam 27. Blue Boat Company 28. Bolenius 29. Bouwens& 30. Boyden Global Executive Search 31. Breevast 32. BREIKERS 33. Broersma Nieuwbouw 34. Bushwick 35. Caffè Belmondo 36. CBRE B.V. 37. citizenM 38. Che Buono 39. Club Sportive 40. CMS 41. Cognito Financial Communications 42. Colliers International 43. CompaNanny 44. Company Webcast 45. Corporate Housing Factory 46. Cosmo Hairstyling 47. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 48. Customized Media 49. D&B The Facility Group 50. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 51. De Hypotheker 52. Deloitte 53. De Nieuwe Poort 54. De Zuidas Apotheek 55. Dentons Boekel 56. Doctor Feelgood 57. Domeco Development B.V. 58. Doppio 59. Dudok Patisserie 60. Eden McCallum 61. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 62. Eigen Haard 63. Element Hotel 64. Engel & Völkers 65. ENGIE 66. Euro CCP 67. EY 68. Fam. Advocaten 69. Financial Offices 70. Fit 20 71. Flexform Amsterdam 72. Fortron B.V. 73. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 74. Fris Makelaars 75. G&S Vastgoed 76. Gentlemen’s Place 77. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 78. Grand Café Mahler 79. Greenberg Nielsen 80. Green Business Club 81. Greenwheels 82. Gustav Gym

83. Gustavino 84. GVB 85. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 86. Hago Nederland B.V. 87. Health & Therapy Centre 88. Hestia Kinderopvang 89. Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal 90. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 91. Hogan Lovells International LLP 92. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 93. Houthoff 94. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 95. House of Sports 96. Htel Serviced Apartments 97. IMA 98. InAmsterdam 99. INBO 100. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 101. JLL 102. Johan Cruyff Institute 103. JUIZZ 104. Koetjes en Kalfjes 105. König + Neurath (Nederloand) A.G. 106. Lebkov & Sons 107. Lexence 108. Liander 109. LibRT 110. Limon 111. Loyens & Loeff 112. Lunshof Makelaardij 113. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 114. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 115. Made in May 116. IHS Markit 117. Market 33 118. Mastercard 119. MBO College Zuid 120. Mech Make & Take 121. Miles Building 122. Mindfulbizz 123. Miss Molly 124. Mondrian Espresso 125. Mondzorg Praktijk Zuidas 126. MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. 127. Multicopy A’dam WTC 128. Mylk 129. NACH 130. Nationale Postcode Loterij 131. NDI ICT Solutions 132. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 133. Nedstede Real Estate 134. NH Amsterdam Zuid 135. Nicolaas Lyceum 136. NL Real Estate 137. Novotel Amsterdam City 138. NS 139. Nouryon 140. Oliver’s 141. Openbare Bibliotheek 142. ORAM 143. Oranje Energie 144. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 145. OVG Real Estate 146. Ox & Bucks 147. Palante 148. Partou Kinderopvang 149. Pathé 150. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 151. Platform Beter Benutten 152. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 153. Property NL B.V. 154. Protiviti 155. Provast 156. Puramis Consultancy 157. Qbic Hotels 158. Q-Park Nederland 159. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 160. RAI Amsterdam 161. Regus 162. Reset Yourself 163. Restaurant As 164. Restaurant het Bosch

165. Restaurant Nine 166. RGA International Reinsurance 167. Rialto 168. Rivers 169. Rob Peetoom 170. Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc 171. Rosarium 172. Russell Reynolds Associates 173. Savills Amsterdam 174. Salsa Shop 175. SCOR Global Life SE 176. Season-Flowers 177. Securitas 178. Simmons & Simmons LLP 179. Sixt 180. SLFMD Tailoring 181. SoundGraph 182. Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 183. Spine Health Incompany 184. Spirit Hospitality Services 185. Stella Agency & Academy 186. Stibbe 187. St. Olympisch Stadion A’dam 188. Student Experience 189. Summertime 190. Sushilee 191. Sushi Time 192. Symphony’s 193. Taalcentrum - VU 194. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 195. Taylor Wessing 196. Tax Consultants International 197. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 198. The Bank of New York Mellon 199. The Basket 200. The Bikevertising Company 201. The Breakfast Club 202. The Office Operators 203. The Online Group 204. The TailorMates 205. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 206. TopJobs Consultants 207. TREC 208. Tribes 209. Trigion 210. UNET 211. Urban Salad 212. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 213. Van Gool Elburg 214. Van Lanschot Kempen 215. Vermaat Groep (CIRCL) 216. Vesteda 217. Visser Communicatie 218. Vistra 219. Von Poll Real Estate 220. VondelGym 221. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 222. VU Medisch Centrum 223. VU University Press 224. Wagamama 225. Webster Leiden Campus 226. We Canteen 227. WeWork 228. Wineboutique & Spirits 229. Wintertaling 230. Worldeye Amsterdam 231. WTC Amsterdam 232. WTC A’dam Business Club 233. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 234. Xavier (Syntrus Achmea) 235. YoungCapital 236. Your Assistant 237. Zuidas Bier 238. Zuidas Publishers 239. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 240. ZuidPlus 241. Zuidas Services 242. ZuidasTravel.nl 243. Zuidschans 244. Zwaan II

COLOPHON FOUNDATION HELLO ZUIDAS Strawinskylaan 61, 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 15 1077 XW Amsterdam +31 (0)20-3620993 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Advertising Please send an e-mail to info@zuidaspublishers.nl for questions about advertising. Art Director and Graphic Designer Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors Romy Lange, Eefje van den Akker, Greg Shapiro, Property.nl, advocatie.nl, Jos Moerkamp & Maartje Oome. Photography Davien Hulsman, Lotte de Graaf, Marcel Steinbach, Jaiwey Nuij, Jelmer Jeuring & Kees Winkelman Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Merel de Groot, Kenneth Goedhart, Jos Moerkamp, Maartje Oome & Sasja Albersen. Thanks to Esther Wubben (Goede Doelen Loterijen), Saartje van der Made (Benthem Crouwel), Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Alina Zuljevic (Rob Peetoom), Kroonenberg Groep, Maarsen Groep, PropertyNL, Greg Shapiro, Zuidasdok, Financieele Dagblad, advocatie.nl, Gassan Diamonds, Clubsportive, Thinking of Holland, The Office Operators, Corporate Housing Factory, Crowne Plaza, VU Amsterdam, De Hypotheker, Stella Agency, Van de Veer Tandartsen, Carnivore, KLDiscovery, Cats, Restaurant De Kersentuin, D&B The Facility Group, Htel Serviced Apartments, WTC Amsterdam, Taxicentrale Amsterdam, Vondels, JUIZZ Amsterdam, Taalcentrum-VU & Beeldig Werk. Printed by Senefelder Misset Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at info@zuidaspublishers.nl. Print run each edition 20.000 copies Circulation Free for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly) Copyright © 2018 Zuidas Publishers. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.



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