Hello Zuidas mei/juni 2018

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#37 hellozuidas.com MAY • JUNE 2018

Katja van Kranenburg Partner at CMS

‘Family helps me put work into perspective’


Soon to welcome all of Zuidas


HOME That’s where the SUNSHINE learned to SHINE

N O W AVA I L A B L E YO U R N E W L U X U R Y R E N TA L A PA R T M E N T + T E R R A C E Only two spacious terrace apartments are still available on the edge of Amsterdam Zuid. Live in a cosmopolitan area where work and living are combined. Surrounded by gorgeous architecture with international allure and numerous facilities to live comfortably.

G E R S H W I N B R O T H E R S .C O M

Gerhswin Brothers is an innitiative of Zadelhoff Beheer & Maarsen Groep


GLUED TO THE HELLO ZUIDAS TUBE It is a fact that Zuidas is becoming more of a

also stresses that law firms will have to pay serious

household name. Its unprecedented ongoing growth

attention to blockchain technology.

and its capacity to attract a constant influx of new tenants haven’t gone unnoticed. And now we can

If you’re wondering what’s about to happen to

even enjoy a TV show, all about our very own district!

the former premises of Stibbe and AkzoNobel,

Of course, it’s bigger on style than it is on substance,

we recommend you read our article about 2

but it is fun to see Zuidas from this totally new

Amsterdam, and watch the video we’ve posted.

perspective. Those who prefer a more realistic image

Suffice it to say, Zuidas will have another hotspot

of Zuidas, do well to check out the Hello Zuidas social

in 2020! I, for one, can’t wait to sip a drink in the sky

media channels. We’re producing video clips of the

bar on the top floor of one of the towers. All these

latest events as well as posting a variety of updates.

and many more stories await you in this issue...

This issue’s cover features Katja van Kranenburg,

Happy reading!

partner at the law firm CMS. Katja has garnered

Romy Lange

widespread interest for her take on the application

Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas

of artificial intelligence in the legal world, and she


Lulled into a doze by the warm spring sunshine on the CIRCL terrace, I’m rudely awakened by the rattle of a coffee cup that is set down at a table beside me. I check my phone; the screen reads Friday, 10 March 2024, 11:15 am. With half an hour to spare before my next appointment, I decide to take a brief stroll around Zuidas. Such was the opening paragraph of the column I read at the City Council’s March election debate in Zuidas. Like to know what I encountered on my stroll in 2024? Flip to page X and Y of this issue! You may want to share your vision for the future of Zuidas with us. Just send an email to: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com. Olivier Otten, managing director of Hello Zuidas




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A home base for digital innovation

07 Trending Topics 08 Katja van Kranenburg, CMS:

‘Family helps me put work into perspective’

12 Building the Future 16 Got a Minute? | Public Space 20 Property 22 2 Amsterdam:

Soon to welcome all of Zuidas

25 Column Greg Shapiro 26 Finance 28 Flexibility and sustainability for a mobile future | Mobility 30 Hello Zuidas | Agenda 33 Legal News 36 Feeling self-assured in Zuidas with LaDress

News from Zuidas | Sustainability 38 VU Campus: 40

a meaningful meeting place in Zuidas

Hello You 42

Surprising encounters at Zuidas Engage

Love needs opportunities to blossom! 43 Corporate Housing Living 45 A stroll around Zuidas in 2024 46 Architecture 48 Bird & Bird: 50

‘Clients love that we have an office in Zuidas’

Hello You 52

Sustainability Report Presentation

Enhanced productivity while travelling by car 53 Giving over 50s a lift 54 Memo Board 55 New Members 57

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. •5

Approximately half of EDGE Olympic will be operated by Epicenter


become a part of the Zuidas community. We assist companies that are looking to recruit talent or need support to innovate their business. Epicenter is a digital innovation house where we run corporate innovation labs, scale-up labs and offer various spaces for events, conferencing and flexible work. In addition, we organise a wide range of industry events, master classes, thought leader sessions and networking activities designed to create innovation with impact. We are delighted to

EDGE Olympic:

show you Epicenter Amsterdam and inform


you about the memberships and possibilities

Zuidas is developing fast, including in Fred. Roeskestraat, where the very first EDGE

international marketplace. ‘We have teams

office building will soon open its doors. EDGE Olympic uses smart technologies

in New York, Berlin and Hamburg, and we’re

to create a pleasant environment for all users. Occupying half the building will be

also looking at London and Paris. Our first

Epicenter, a Swedish digital innovation community. Hello Zuidas got the scoop from

projects in Germany are currently under

EDGE Technologies’ Jan Hein Tiedema and Epicenter’s Patrick Mesterton.

construction, and we want to expand in

we offer to companies and individuals.’

EXPANSION Meanwhile, Jan Hein tells us, EDGE Technologies has already entered the

Amsterdam too.’ Patrick is quick to embrace


wellbeing of occupants. Basically, we design

this idea. ‘Amsterdam is an exciting city at


smart buildings by incorporating systems

the crossroads of Europe. Companies in

EDGE Technologies, a subsidiary of OVG

that work with a connected data platform.’

smaller countries tend to take a more global

Real Estate, is a new company dedicated to

perspective, and that’s definitely something

developing high-end buildings that harness


real estate technology to actively contribute

Approximately half of EDGE Olympic will

to the wellbeing of people and a better

be operated by Epicenter. ‘This building is

world. Jan Hein explains, ‘EDGE Olympic

ideally suited for our concept’, says Patrick. ‘At


is the first building to be introduced as an

Epicenter, large companies and fast-growing

Fred. Roeskestraat 115

EDGE building, launching EDGE Technologies

digital scale-ups can meet to learn, collaborate

1067EE Amsterdam

as a global office brand, with a principal

and grow their business. This will be our first


focus on sustainability and the health and

location outside Sweden, and we’re excited to


I’m seeing in Amsterdam.’

Text Romy Lange



YOU CAN FIND HELLO ZUIDAS ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS hellozuidas @HelloZuidas @hellozuidas For employees of companies

who are member of Hello Zuidas,

it is possible to join our LinkedIn

group or link to Hello Zuidas

as a contact. Hello Zuidas has an iPad app

that allows you to flip through

the magazine. www.hellozuidas.com Free WIFI Hello Zuidas on

Mahlerplein & Zuidplein



‘Family helps me put work into perspective’ Katja van Kranenburg, CMS

Last Year, law firm CMS relocated its Amsterdam office to Zuidas. CMS partner Katja van Kranenburg is a familiar face on LinkedIn, posting on topics like blockchain and AI. She has studied these technologies in depth – alongside her busy employment law practice – and says they have vast implications at a broad societal level. So how does she juggle her high-powered job with family? We sat down with Katja at Loetje Zuidas. CMS has been in Zuidas for almost a year now.

you much more capable of maintaining balance in your life.

What do you think so far?

Otherwise, I would work even more than I already do! My family

‘The office in Zuidas is great. Before, we were in the Mondriaan tower

helps me put my work into perspective. So, for instance, when I’m

along the Amstel, which is a completely different environment. Here,

helping one of my boys practise a presentation for school, that shifts

we’re more connected to the city itself, and this is also an ideal spot

my perspective on my own work, and that energizes me. What also

for our overall branding and visibility. That’s been apparent from the

makes a difference is that we’ve got a good system at home. I work

reactions we’ve gotten from students, clients and other companies.

and my husband takes care of the family – so it’s a real partnership.’

We also continue to get lots of compliments on our new interior. It’s all open and light, like being in an office in Manhattan. The location

CMS is a huge international law firm,

and how we’ve styled it make us really stand out.’

how is this reflected in your everyday activities? ‘We are one of the largest law firms in the world, with 4,500 lawyers

Do you live near Zuidas?

based in 42 countries. All CMS firms are autonomous, there is no

‘I live in Leiden, so door to door that’s a 30-minute commute. That

central point from which instructions are given. At the same time we

half hour gives me some downtime to clear my head, although often

work jointly in many international matters on a daily basis. This does

I also make phone calls or conference calls during my drive. Leiden

not only add an extra dimension to our work, it also gives you a much

may not exactly be around the corner, but I think it’s a lovely city to

better understanding of challenges international companies face and

live and raise kids. And it’s an easy commute to Zuidas.’

who to help resolve these with international colleagues.’

Are you on the job 24 hours a day?

You’re the head of the Human Capital action line of the

‘As soon as I wake up I check my phone, and I don’t put it away until I

Dutch Blockchain Coalition. What exactly does that entail?

go to sleep. Even when I’m not at work, and doing things with family,

‘Last September, CMS became a key partner of the Dutch Blockchain

it’s always on my mind. Being available all the time is important to

Coalition. This is an initiative of TU Delft, TNO and the Ministry of

me. Recently a client nominated me for the Acritas Ranking, and one

Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. The Coalition pursues three

thing they mentioned specifically was the fact that they can always

“action lines”: Digital Identities, Conditions, and Human Capital. In

reach me and I get back to them fast. I work long hours, but I don’t

the Digital Identities group various tracks are working on building

mind it because I love my job and there’s nothing I would rather

a digital identity all citizens of the Netherlands can rely on in the

spend my days doing.’

near future. Passports would no longer be needed, in the future we will work on the bases of self-sovereign identity which means

Does that ever bother your family?

that we all control our own identity. The Conditions group looks

‘No, I don’t think so. Sure, there are times when they tell me to

at blockchain’s legal parameters. The Human Capital action line

unplug, especially my youngest. I think that having a family makes

centres on accelerating blockchain in the Netherlands. We want

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman • Make-up artist Ruth Jansen


to really educate companies about what this is and how it can enhance business processes. At the same time we are reaching out to educational institutions and support the implementation of blockchain in their curriculum. We subsequently link business to these institutions which is opening up all kinds of amazing prospects. I also head our Dutch TMC sector group which stands for Technology, Communicat ions & Media. It is an inspiring combination to work on these developments which are interesting for the legal industry and the development of our people and other employees as well.’

‘In Zuidas, we’re more connected to the city itself, and this is also an ideal spot for our overall branding and visibility’ How did you wind up getting involved in these new developments alongside your busy employment practice? ‘At CMS we founded the CMS Legal Tech Academy, which started out with blockchain basics, DeepDive and smart contracts, and coding. Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity also figure into that. We want to feed that knowledge directly into our work, looking at how we can use it and how can we apply it for our clients. But also at how we may be able to connect them to other firms that maybe can do things that we can’t yet. A whole trajectory is evolving, which is really fascinating. Innovation is something that people – me included! – really enjoy talking and thinking about.’

CMS recently launched a new careers campaign featuring the faces of people within the firm. What inspired this idea? ‘We decided to roll out this idea with our own people, thinking that


would make the strongest statement. The pictures really grab you

• Partner at CMS

and express our sense of corporate pride. I also think it’s a wonderful

• Katja heads the Employment & Pensions Practice Group

way to showcase our young people. We’re a very diverse firm, so

• She is married and the mother of two boys

it’s good to be able to show to students and others that these guys

• Katja lives in Leiden and commutes to Zuidas daily by car

actually work for us. They’re the ambassadors of CMS, and this

• She enjoys cooking and has a food blog on Instagram

cements their relationship with the firm, too.’

10 •


Clubsportive.nl Gustav Mahlerlaan 24 020 - 66 17808


THIRD UNDERGROUND BIKE SHELTER COMPLETED The third underground bike shelter in Zuidas recently opened on Strawinskylaan, bringing the total number of underground bicycle parking spaces to 9,000.

12 •


Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre Central Hall, WTC +31 (0)800 5065 contact@zuidas.nl www.zuidas.nl


zuidas •

The Strawinskylaan facility


is the third underground bicycle shelter to be built in the immediate vicinity of Amsterdam Zuid station, following those at


Zuidplein (2,500 spaces)

The Strawinskylaan bike park is located north of the facility beneath

and Mahlerplein (3,000

Zuidplein. It is the first underground shelter that Zuidas and

spaces). With room for 3,500

Amsterdam Zuid station-bound cyclists pass when coming from the

bikes, it is also the largest.

city centre of Amsterdam. Construction of the shelter took over a

All in all, the three facilities

year. Among other things it required the excavation of 25,000 m3 of

accommodate a total

sand and pouring of 14.5 million kilograms of concrete to a depth of

of 9,000 bikes.

6 metres. Finally, the roof was laid after the 2017 summer holidays and work subsequently continued below ground.

TRAVELLATOR Most exciting was the installation of automated travellators last February, conveying cyclists down below and back out again. The entrance is made up of a beautiful honeycomb awning that stretches above the moving belts, a tribute to the location’s


original name – Vijfhoek, or ‘pentagon’ in English – although,

The Strawinskylaan bike facility had to be ready before work on

technically speaking, honeycombs are made up of six corners. The

Zuidasdok commences in 2019. This will encompass widening and

subterranean space is well worth a visit, even without having a bike

underground rerouting of the A10 south motorway and full-scale

to stow. Spanning 4,200 m , it is expansive, with a wide corridor that

renovation of Amsterdam Zuid station above ground. Preparations

gives access to the parking spaces on either side. Y-shaped columns

for this mega-project are already well under way, including the

and oblique lighting from overhead ceiling panels create a pleasant

deconstruction of the above-ground bicycle racks outside of the


ambiance, giving the feel of a transparent pavilion suffused with

station, that are to make way for the works. Now, thanks to the new

Now that the work underground has wrapped up, the next step is

light. The decorative elements, consisting of an ingenious pattern of

underground shelter, cyclists are guaranteed plenty of space to

relandscaping the area above the construction site. The plan is to have it

pentagons, is another nod to the area’s former name.

park their vehicles.

replanted by the end of the year.


Photography Marcel Steinbach


Olympisch stadion Scheldeplein


PRESENTATION OF THE CONSCIOUS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AWARD On 2 June we’ll also be presenting the 2018 Conscious Construction


Tripolis Amstelveenseweg

Gustav Mahlerplein

Company Award. The award, an initiative of the Zuidas district and the

Ever wanted to get a closer look at a building site? On Saturday 2 June,

Conscious Construction Foundation

numerous building contractors will be opening their construction sites to

(Stichting Bewuste Bouwers), seeks

the public, offering guided tours and a chance to look around. We’ll also be

to stimulate contractors to consider

honouring the winner of the ‘best construction site’ with the 2018 Conscious

the local impact of their building

Construction Company Award.

activities. It factors in things like

Gustav Mahlerlaan VUmc



VU hoofdingang

keeping the building site tidy,


large investments will be made in these

minimizing nuisance and the quality of


developments, including a significant

the site fencing. Everyone has until 14

Did you realize that you live and/or work

expansion of the local housing stock.

May to rank the 21 construction sites

in one of the most dynamic districts in


already cast its votes. Last year, the

a location of choice for international


prestigious trophy went to building

companies and organizations, the

Although full details of the Construction

contractor J.P. van Eesteren and their

number of major construction projects in

Day programme were not yet available

construction site for Goede Doelen

the district also continues to grow. These

at the time of writing, we do know that

Loterijen on Prinses Irenestraat.

developments assure Zuidas’ position as

it will be well worth the stroll or bike

an international business district, while

ride over to Zuidas. Come and check out

simultaneously transforming it into an

the sensational construction activities

Join us on Construction Day!

urban residential hotspot in Amsterdam–

from up close, on Saturday 2 June.

For all the details, visit

a place where people will want to live

Of course, partners and kids are also


and visit. Over the next ten years, more

warmly invited!

14 •


in Zuidas. The professional jury has

the country? Not only has Zuidas become


P Buitenveldertselaan

Station RAI

Hello-Bike Bike sharing at Zuidas Amsterdam

15 parking spots Including the one close to you

5.000 users Including all your friends and colleagues

250+ bikes One of them has your name on it (for a while)

450+ rides daily Did you join the movement yet?



MINUTE? Zuidas is constantly growing and evolving, and all over the district workers are literally building the future of this part of the city. But however brilliant that prospect may be, currently the construction sites look far less attractive. Fortunately, decorative banners, information panels on the hoardings and even the installation of artworks go a long way to mitigate the unsightliness, even adding interest for some passers-by. VINCENT TRIESSCHIJN - SUSTAINABILITY MANAGER FOR INVESTMENTS AT ABN AMRO Outside the Courthouse, Parnassusweg 220 ‘There’s no getting away from the building works in Zuidas, but the addition of the fences and information banners does get me curious and excited about what’s around the corner. Also, the knowledge that these buildings are going to be sustainable makes up for a lot of hassle. I do think there could be more publicity about the special changes being made here. These banners could be used to offer extra information. At the moment they show what the building will look like, but I’d also like to know what’s different and sustainable about it, and how that’s being achieved.’

FRANK HOCHMUTH - TECHNICAL DIRECTOR AT HANERGY THIN FILM POWER At Vijfhoek, Prinses Irenestraat ‘These “decorations” are a nice way to learn about the projects. I like how they’re designed. Moreover, they paint a clear picture of the work being done. And who is interested in seeing the construction site, after all? It would be if they updated the information boards every now and then. I’d like to know how they’re progressing and when they expect to finish. Quarterly updates would be a good move, I think!’

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‘These “decorations” are a nice way to learn about the projects’ ROBERT WEINBERG - OWNER OF MODERNIMAGES.NL Outside The Valley, Beethovenstraat ‘All of these building sites in Zuidas certainly speak to me. As a photographer I’m immensely curious, and that raw, industrial quality of construction work really intrigues me. I’ve been taking pictures of all the sites I come across here for about three years, so I’m not at all bothered by how it looks. The banners and deckedout fences brighten things up, but the information printed on them is ultimately what interests me most. After reading the name of a project, I often look up more information on it later on. The only thing missing, in my view, is the occasional update. That would keep it interesting for everyone.’

VINCENT WESDORP - HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCES STUDENT AT VU AMSTERDAM Outside the new University Building, De Boelelaan ‘I think the banners add something, for sure. They add a decorative touch and distract your attention from the chaos beyond. It’s a work in progress, after all. In all honesty, when walking by I don’t really pay attention to what’s on the banners, but the pictures of what it going to look like look good. The information about the building progress is also useful, and I definitely think it’s interesting to keep track of everything. It’s great to see what the campus, and all of Zuidas, will look like a few years from now.’

RANK A CONSTRUCTION SITE & WIN A RESTAURANT VOUCHER Which building contractor in Zuidas will win the Conscious Construction Company Award for 2018? You can rank 21 local construction sites up until 14 May. An initiative of the Zuidas district and the Conscious Construction Foundation (Stichting Bewuste Bouwers), the award was created to stimulate contractors to consider the local impact of their building activities. It factors in things like keeping the building site tidy, minimizing nuisance and quality of the site fencing. You can rank the sites on bitly.com/zuidasbba (Dutch only).

Text Eefje van den Akker • Photography Lotte de Graaf

• 17



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Serving grilled chicken satay with all the trimmings


Can’t get enough of our crunchy ebi with Japanese mayo and crispy chicken?

18 •


Your home away from home



Sign up for a free drink and bite via servicepoint@ hellozuidas.com. (members only)

Enjoy our oriental-style organic sandwich layered with succulent Gildehoen-label chicken thigh meat!

Miss Shaky Molly sorbet: a taste sensation!!


The urban food court and local craft beer specialist


Bienvenidos a Gordal! Sample a mix of Spanish pintxos starting from €3





Take a peek inside our community kitchen

We love Japanese


Count the memories, not the calories. Enjoy our juicy BBQ Burger!




We serve a range of deluxe toasted sandwiches paired with Er Boqueron seawater-brewed craft beers

Where different worlds come together


Nothing tops our local craft brew!


The best sliders in Zuidas!


We offer a platform for inspired caterers

PALANTE Get your vegetarian fix COFFEE DC Craving soup? Choose from 3 flavours!

• 19

PROPERTY Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features property news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your property news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl. Photography Lotte de Graaf

RBS BACK IN ZUIDAS Zuidas - RBS is making a comeback to Zuidas, housing 150 employees at a new office in The Rock. In the past, the UK-based bank had its Dutch branch in the UN Studio tower, next door. RBS also has a small office in Amsterdam’s city centre on Vijzelgracht, employing ten investment bankers of its subsidiary NatWest Markets.

20 •




Zuidas - Last March, Tribes opened the doors of its third

Zuidas - Restaurant Loetje, coffee bar CoffeeConcepts and

location in Zuidas, the Zuiderhof building, at Jachthavenweg

estate agent Engel & Völkers have opened for business on

109A. Tribes is leasing 1,776 m² of office space on the second

the ground floor of the Gershwin Brothers, developed by

and third floors, in addition to 315 m² in conference space,

Maarsen Groep and Zadelhoff. The two buildings - George

from owner Maxima Propco. This is the workspace-provider’s

and Ira - comprise a total of 160 flats, with the ground floor

sixth location in Amsterdam, which makes it the 18th location

reserved for catering establishments alongside an estate

in its international network. The new premises in Zuidas

agents’ office. Coffee Concepts targets working, transit and

will accommodate 186 office users and offer 25 flexible

student locations with its core concepts of coffee, work and

workspaces and four meeting rooms spread across three

food, making it a perfect match for Zuidas. The 54 m² coffee

floors. Tribes has already announced the opening of its next

bar opened in March. Loetje, meanwhile, is already serving

location in Amsterdam, the former Warner Bros building,

up its signature steaks.

which is a national listed monument, at Raamplein 1.

DURA VERMEER TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN EMA OFFICE Zuidas - The Dutch Central Government Real Estate Agency has awarded the contract for construction of the new headquarters of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Zuidas to Dura Vermeer. Under the terms of the €255 million contract, the firm will also maintain the building for the duration of 20 years. With the Central Government Real Estate Agency having bought out the ground rent in perpetuity from the City of Amsterdam, the EMA will pay rent to the Agency. The new building will provide workspaces for approximately 900 employees from some 30 different countries. To host the EMA’s 36,000 annual visitors and 500-600 international meetings, the building will also provide meeting and conference facilities. Work on the new premises will commence in June of this year and is to be completed by mid-November 2019.

EDGE TECHNOLOGIES FIRST ‘SMART’ BUILDING IN ZUIDAS Zuidas - EDGE Technologies is redeveloping the first of a slated new generation of smart buildings. Formerly called Olympic Plaza and occupying numbers 115-117-123 on Fred Roeskestraat, the new EDGE Olympic will span a surface area of 11,108 m². Delivery is set for May. The new tenant is yet to be announced. The building, boasting an ‘A’ energy label and a C2C façade, is expected to obtain BREEAM Excellent and WELL Gold certificates. EDGE Technologies is owned by OVG Real Estate, which in the coming years will be transitioning to a company that develops and operates buildings and environments actively contributing to the wellbeing of people and the world as a whole.

• 21


2 Amsterdam

SOON TO WELCOME ALL OF ZUIDAS A hotel with a sky bar, a brand-new office tower and a corporate garden where you can sip your double latté... Two years from now, the overwhelmingly impressive and ultra-modern 2 Amsterdam will be opening its doors to all of Zuidas! 2 Amsterdam comprises the buildings that formerly housed Stibbe and AkzoNobel, two mega-office towers that now find themselves in the midst of an incredible makeover. Hello Zuidas met with Martijn Dirks, a partner at project developer Provast, and Martijn Houwen, head of Real Estate Markets Benelux at Commerz Real, who is the property owner, to talk about the plans. RIPE AND LOGICAL TIME

have a brainstorm about the towers. Very soon we landed on the idea

The two towers have been in Commerz Real’s portfolio for more than

to turn one of them into a hotel and the other into a renovated office

20 years, and were leased all of that time to Stibbe and AkzoNobel.

building. We hired an architect to piece it all together, and before

Martijn Houwen explains, ‘When it became evident that they were

long we had this exciting project to look forward to.’

thinking about moving, we immediately realized that, the crisis notwithstanding, this was a great opportunity to renovate the towers


from top to bottom. In 2012-2013 the time felt right to get to work.’

In a few years’ time, the pair of static office giants will have completed

Martijn Dirks continues, ‘Right around that time we were invited to

their metamorphosis into two transparent buildings that open their

22 •

‘At the very top of the tower there will be a sky bar with a view across the entire city. We’re quite proud of that!’

ZUIDAS AS A COSMOPOLITAN DISTRICT Provast and Commerz Real are four-square behind the ambition of the City’s Zuidas District Office to turn Zuidas into a fully fledged city district. ‘In places such as Zuidas’, says Martijn Dirks, ‘there has to be a tangible 24/7 dynamic, and one way to achieve that is by designating very specific locations that will be doors to everyone. Martijn Dirks describes the plans.

accessible to everyone. That’s our aim with

‘The Spanish hotel chain Meliá will be opening its

2 Amsterdam. For this project we’ve teamed up with

first location in the Netherlands in one of the towers.

the City council, and that close collaboration has

Meliá has a string of resorts and hotels based on a

turned out to be a fully satisfying experience. So

concept that combines tourism with business travel.

much has happened with the towers - and for such a

At the very top of the tower there will be a sky bar

long time. It’s great to be able to tell this story now!’

with a view across the entire city. We’re quite proud

Martijn Houwen sums up, ‘We’ve always been happy

of that!’ Martijn Houwen continues, ‘Prospective

with our investments in Zuidas and we’re pleased

office tenants have already come knocking and we’re

to have a plan for the towers that will last the next

in talks with several parties. Our goal – and we know

couple of decades. In this country, there are few


we’ll achieve it – is to inject a 24/7 dynamic into the

places where one can pursue a project like

+ 31 (0)70 308 10 30

area. 2 Amsterdam will be a place where people can

2 Amsterdam. In Zuidas, it’s a sign of the district’s


work, eat, have a drink, stay the night and take a

slow but steady transformation from business


stroll through the corporate garden.’

location to urban crossroads.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jesse Kraal

• 23

Tour the model apartment! Every Friday afternoon you can visit our model house. Open mornings are organised each 2nd Saturdayof the month. Plan your visit via HurenInPontsteiger.nl

Type 2, 3 and 4-room apartments

Living area

Work on the Zuidas, live on the IJ. Living in the Pontsteiger building is relaxing and

From 67m 2 to 150m 2

completely stress-free. Enjoy a spacious

Quality level

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Luxurious bathroom and kitchen

phenomenal view of the city or the water,

with state of the art equipment

Pontsteiger Assistant

and the Pontsteiger Assistant available

A unique service, exclusively available

24/7. Your own parking space for bikes,

to the residents of Pontsteiger

car or boat, in the building or at the pier.

Rental prices

Pontsteiger offers a view of the city of

Starting at â‚Ź1,425 per month excl. service fees

Amsterdam and beyond. Luckily, not quite

Available for rent

as far as the Zuidas.For more information

May 2018

and directions, go to HurenInPontsteiger.nl.


The Corporate Event That Turned Me Autistic Not long ago, I was asked to host an event

you may already know from your office.

hear a random song in the background

called “Symposium on Autism and Talent.”

For example, this Zuidas IT guy: “I always

and launch into a long monologue about

The point being that people with autism also

knew my People Skills weren’t great, but my

Duran Duran for no apparent reason.” Yes,

have immense talents. I went in comfortable

Number-Crunching Skills are off the charts. I

that qualifies as “On the Spectrum” of

about my own talents, but I came out

resisted labeling myself as Autistic, but once

autism. I added: “I like it when PowerPoint

realizing I may also be a bit autistic. And

I got an official diagnosis from a doctor, it

works the way it’s supposed to, but when

that’s a good thing.

made my life much easier.” Now he literally

it doesn’t I freak out like Rainman getting

wears a User Manual around his neck, so

on an airplane.” That’s also kind of “On

Zuidas. One of the speakers was working

his colleagues won’t expect him to be very

the Spectrum.” “And I know we’re all

in IT for the ABN AMRO headquarters in

social, but they will expect him to crunch

concerned about plastic pollution in our

Zuidas, and he was diagnosed with autism.

numbers twice as fast as they can.

waterways. But I will sometimes duck out

Or - as he likes to put it - he was “On the

in the middle of a conversation to chase

Spectrum” of autism. Most people still

I said: “Wait, a User Manual to wear

an empty plastic bag blowing down the

associate autism with Dustin Hoffman from

around your neck? That’s a great idea for

street.” Well - as I found out - that’s not “On

Rainman - that’s one end of “The Spectrum.”

EVERYONE.” I thought I’d join in: “I have NO

the Spectrum.” That’s just crazy. But still

But the Spectrum also includes people

IDEA how to make a spreadsheet, but I CAN

felt good to say it.

Gregory Shapiro (b.1968) Comedian. American. Dutchman. And the voice of Trump in the ‘Netherlands Second’ video from ‘Zondag Met Lubach.’ Shapiro came to Amsterdam to work with Boom Chicago comedy theater and never left. Along the way he has hosted ‘Comedy Central News.’ He has written 2 books on Dutch culture, including How to Be Dutch: the Quiz. As host of ‘United States of Europe,’ Shapiro offers a ‘Daily Show’ for the EU. Making fun of Europe, the American way.

Photography Davien Hulsman

FINANCE Source: Het Financieele Dagblad Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl. Photography Lotte de Graaf

GERMAN PROPERTY INVESTOR WARNS OF WIDESPREAD RISKY INVESTMENTS Zuidas -It is the first sign of trouble: property investors that started out eschewing anything but the best big-city offices are suddenly glutting suburban centres. Or office real estate investors that have made an unexpected segue into data or health care facilities. ‘This type of behaviour, driven purely by a lack of good investment options, worries me’, says Martin Brühl, CEO of German firm Union Investment, whose capital investments totalling nearly €35 billion make it one of Europe’s largest property investors. Union has several offices in the Netherlands, including in Zuidas. Taken alongside the latest record sums being laid down for real estate, these signals indicate that there are quite a few players who failed to learn the lessons of the last real estate crisis, Brühl concludes. ‘We’re working in an industry in which cycles last ten years, but people’s memory lasts three.’

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Zuidas - The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

Zuidas - Amsterdam’s hotels are proving a magnet for

Policy is rigging up a new incentive scheme for small venture

foreign investors, with the Netherlands currently clocking

investors focused on innovative enterprises. This year, €10 milli-

10% of all European hotel investments, reports real estate

on will be made available, with investors permitted to borrow a

consultancy Cushman & Wakefield on the basis of indepen-

maximum of €1 million per fund. State Secretary Mona Keijzer is

dent research. The Dutch capital owes its popularity to the

introducing the scheme that will make it easier to invest capital

growing influx of tourists, and policy measures to curb com-

in young, fast-growing businesses. The first loan agreement, in

peting services such as Airbnb and B&Bs are also boosting

the amount of €600,000, was inked on 15 April by the Orthos Ven-

the appeal of the city’s hotels for investors. Last year, they

tures fund, which targets aerospace, robotics and AI startups.

put €1.7 billion into Dutch hotels.

UWV: ‘EMPLOYERS NEED TO RETRAIN OVER 50S’ Zuidas - Things may be looking up on the jobs market, but not everyone is reaping the rewards. The Dutch UWV Employee Insurance Agency is therefore calling on employers to ramp up efforts to retrain those being left behind, like over 50s and people with occupational disabilities, and help them find work. Thanks to the economic recovery, the number of people receiving unemployment benefits dropped 20% over the past year, according to the UWV annual report released in March, meaning 220,000 people went from drawing benefits to a new job. New applications under the national unemployment scheme are also down; according to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), unemployment is now hovering at 4%. Factoring in some inevitable frictional unemployment, economists define 2-3% as full employment.

ABN AMRO: ‘HOUSE PRICE RISE MUCH STEEPER IN 2018 THAN EXPECTED’ Zuidas -Just a few months into the year, the steep rise in house prices has led economists at ABN AMRO to adjust their forecasts, from 6% to 8% for the whole of 2018. ‘The housing market is hot right now. With the number of homes for sale on a steady decline, buyers have less and less to choose from and have to venture bids over the asking price to even have a shot’, reports ABN AMRO economist Philip Bokeloh. This along with the low mortgage rate explain the surge in prices this year. And with the bank anticipating no significant rate change in the near future, the current trend looks set to continue. However, prices are expected to level off to 5% by 2019, commensurate with the decline in transactions, diminishing consumer confidence in the market and the prospect of a future rise of the mortgage rate.

• 27


FLEXIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY FOR A MOBILE FUTURE Zuidas is getting busier by the day, and the construction of more buildings and offices in the coming years will only add to the congestion. A growing number of sustainability initiatives are seeking to maintain roadway flexibility and help motorists make smarter decisions. Carsharing and easy leasing schemes are two options that lots of firms are going for. Hello Zuidas takes a closer look at what’s on offer.

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even need a key. Simply unlock with the app.

alliance with Amber. Aside from offering

Leasing a car has become a standard option

Other buttons to start the car are built in.

convenience and flexibility, this solution also

with many companies. Nonetheless, a leased

fits in with the bank’s sustainability mindset,

car sometimes fails to deliver on flexibility,


Doornenbal explains. ‘By using Amber, our

and in a place as dynamic as Zuidas, flexibility

Back in February, Amber announced an

employees are able to get from A to B more

is crucial. With employees no longer tied to

alliance with ABN AMRO and EY which

efficiently. Besides it’s also more sustainable.

working in one place, a lengthy lease is often

enabled all of their employees to use the

This option is available to anyone who needs

far from practical. Sixt in Amsterdam Zuid is a

provider’s shared car fleet. According to

it. There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-

car rental company that solves this problem

Amber, this is a crucial move to maintain

all solution; we just have to keep looking at

with customized short-term leases. Among its

mobility in Zuidas. Jos Doornenbal of ABN

what’s best for each user group and which

enthusiastic clients is Accenture, as Coen Krol

AMRO says it is versatile enough to cater

option suits them.’

attests. ‘Lots of our people work on temporary

to the individual employee’s needs. ‘Some

contracts, but they do need a car. Traditional

people don’t rack up many miles but do

leasing options tend to be very inconvenient.

have to visit clients by car occasionally,


We want to be flexible on all fronts, and the

simply because public transport won’t get

Last September, the Zuidas Amster-

solution Sixt offers facilitates that.’

them there. Booking a car by way of the

dam Development Office, Green

app provides an easy solution.’ Apart from

Business Club Zuidas and Arcadis


the convenience of booking a ride, this also

launched Mobility as a Service (MaaS),

For companies wishing to take flexibility

solves the eternal parking problem. Although

signing a declaration of intent with 12

a step further and willing to experiment

the need to use a car for business travel is

companies based in Zuidas. By rede-

in that area, Amber is a great option. This

increasing, space for parking is not. In fact,

signing their approach to mobility in

carsharing platform allows users to request

many offices don’t have enough parking

partnership with other organisations,

a car whenever they need one, using the

spaces as it is. This was precisely one of

their mission is to kick-start Mobility

app. Amber’s specially fitted electric BMWs

the factors that led ABN AMRO to seek an

as a Service in Zuidas.

are fully synced with the app – you don’t

alternative – which ultimately, led to the

Text Eefje van den Akker

• 29




Friday 11 May & Saturday 2 June 2018

Tuesday 15 May 2018



@ Zuidas

@ Doppio Espresso Zuidas

Come this May, Clubsportive introdu-

Did you know Zuidas has lots of green

It’s been one year since Doppio

ces the first-ever edition of the Zuidas

gems? Varying from rooftop gardens

Espresso came to Zuidas, which calls

Golf Tour. Everyone who joins this

to veggie plots, Zuidas has more

for a party! To celebrate, everyone

exclusive tour gets to tee off on five of

interesting horticulture than you

who visits the coffee bar is treated

the best golf courses around Zuidas.

might suspect. Tag along on this green

to a cappuccino on the house. What

Participants are required to have a

guided tour and discover all of the

better excuse for a quick break

GVB (golf ability license). More info:

district’s hidden green gems! Haven’t

from all the hard work than to pay a


got a bike? We’ll arrange one for you.

birthday visit to Doppio on Gustav

To sign up, send an email to contact@


zuidas.nl, stating your name, address and telephone number and whether


or not you have a bike at your disposal. Once you receive a confirmation, you’re guaranteed a spot. No more space? Don’t despair! Until October these guided tours will be offered monthly. Friday 11 May 2018 OPENING EVENT: WATERFRONT

Thursday 17 May 2018



@ Waterfront Kitchen


Where better to enjoy a warm sum-

On May 17, Hello Zuidas will be

mer day than on the the Waterfront

organising a spring canal cruise for

Kitchen lounge terrace? Situated

Monday 14 May & Monday 11 June 2018

invited guests. We’ll assemble at BPD,

right next to the water’s edge, the


located in the former Burgerwees-

@ The Basket

huis, at 4 pm. After a tour of the art

new terrace and conservatory offer a beautiful view of the Nieuwe Meer.

Always up on the latest news? Got

collection displayed in this extraor-

With the smooth beats of ‘Het Bosch

friends who know all the match

dinary building, the cruise will take

Waterfront Radio’ in the background,

scores or billboard hits? Then register

off from the Olympic Stadium. This

relaxation is guaranteed. Happy hour

with your team (5 max) for the next

special excursion offers our guests

lasts from 4 pm to 6 pm, and our

Pub Quiz at The Basket Amsterdam.

an opportunity to connect with the

chef’s signature amuses-bouches can

€2 per person, or come and have di-

Amsterdam Zuidas business network.

be enjoyed from 4 pm to 8 pm. More

ner so you can play for free! More info:

To take part, please send an email to:

info: www.hetbosch.com/waterfront/.



30 •


Our next issue will be published @ 2nd of July. Send your agenda to info@zuidaspublishers.nl before 22 may.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Friday 25 May 2018



@ Palante

@ Zuidas

Every third Thursday of the month,

Get your weekend off to an active start and join your colleagues on the Zuidas Business

Café-Restaurant Palante hosts an

Ride. With 40, 60 and 80 km routes, we offer trajectories to suit every cyclist. Aside from

organic wine tasting. Sample a

building team spirit, your participation also supports WereldOuders, an organisation that

selection of wines paired with an

offers structural assistance to homeless children in as many as nine Latin American coun-

assortment of nibbles for €12.50. On

tries. Children are placed with families who can give them the love, attention and care

Thursday 17 May we’ll be uncorking

they need, and receive an education and vocational/professional training. The cost of

white natural wines, and on Thursday

participation in the Zuidas Business Ride is €35 a person, and this includes lunch, a snack

21 June we’ll be toasting to Midsum-

and a drink. €20 of the registration fee goes to support WereldOuders. To register, go to:

mer Night with a range of sparkling


wines. Bookings by email: info@restaurantpalante.nl.

Saturday 19 May 2018 EXHIBITION: MACHINE WILDERNESS @ Amstelpark

Thursday 31 May 2018

Machine Wilderness is a show set up


in collaboration with Theun Karelse

@ Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South

(Foam), who has done many years of

Food trucks and market stalls set the

research on the relationship between

stage for this year’s Crowne Plaza

Friday 1 June 2018

machines and nature. Machine

Spring Market! Come and experien-


Wilderness brings together artists,

ce true hospitality that dazzles all

@ Ox & Bucks

designers, ecologists, engineers and

of your senses. We’ll exceed your

For groovy tunes and tasty drinks,

scientists to explore alternative ways

expectations with creative cocktails,

Nineties Night at Ox & Bucks in the

of thinking about the interaction bet-

fabulous food and sunny tunes!

WTC Amsterdam is the place to be.

ween nature and technology. Time: 4

Claim your invite by sending an email

Relax at the end of the working week,

pm-6 pm. More info:

to: amspc.sales@ihg.com. Spring

catch up with colleagues and unwind


vibes guaranteed! Doors open from

into the weekend. More info:


4.30 pm until 10 pm.


• 31



Friday 22 June 2018 Friday 1 June through Sunday 3 June 2018


Sunday 24 June 2018




@ Amstelpark

@ Gustav Mahlerplein

@ Zuidas Botanic Garden

Taste of Amsterdam is back for a

Come to the GET LOST festive opening

On Sunday 24 June the Zuidas Botanic

venerable 10th edition at Amstelpark

event on Gustav Mahlerplein, starting

Garden will be bringing the spirit of

in the weekend of 1-3 June. Time

at 4 pm! Be inspired by poetic

Montmartre to Zuidas, with an array

to pull out all the culinary stops for

and provocative interventions by

of artists demonstrating their talents.

an anniversary party in the capital

promising young artists in Zuidas. The

They’ll be showcasing their best work,

city’s gastronomic centre! This year,

GET LOST - art route is part of Public

offering a glimpse into their process

newcomers on the culinary scene, as

Art Amsterdam, an initiative that

and teaching workshops. The art mar-

well as familiar faces, put their pans

joins 11 leading art institutions in

ket is set up in conjunction with the

on the fire to celebrate the 10th Taste

Amsterdam in showcasing the artistic

Buitenveldert Art Group and is free of

of Amsterdam. This year, alongside

wealth of the city’s public spaces.

charge. The garden will be open from

Taste stars such as Blauw restaurant

More info: www.getlost-artroute.com.

12 pm to 5 pm.

and Chef Peter Lu, that have been with the festival from the start, Taste


once again welcomes an enticing panoply of new stellar restaurants.

Friday 22 June 2018

Sunday 24 June 2018

Tuesday 12 June 2018





@JJL HQ, Atrium Amsterdam


@ Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver Save the date! On Sunday 24 June it’s

With consumers expecting online

During the ‘We Make The City’ fes-

time for the second edition of the One-

purchases to be delivered ever faster

tival, Zuidas will be hosting various

Day Yoga Retreat at Zuiver Amsterdam.

and sustainable to boot, logistics cen-

activities focused on sustainability

A whole day just for you, with 90 minu-

tres now have to be located 30 minutes

in logistics. There will be a keynote

tes of yoga, quiet meditation in Amster-

or less from city centres (‘last mile

speaker for a broad audience as well

damse Bos, an interactive lecture and

logistics’). The forecast of 94% growth

as break-out sessions for experts and

a singing bowls session. Afterwards,

in online sales up to 2021 means that

stakeholders on specific topics like

relax at our beautiful spa with its large

demand for this brand of real estate

catering logistics, bike courier ser-

garden and various pools and saunas.

will only increase further. For more info

vices, water transport and facilities

Switch off that mobile and enjoy! For

and programme details and cost, visit:

procurement. More info:

more info and to register, go to:




32 •




Source: advocatie.nl



Baker McKenzie has announced the financial consolidation of eight of the global law firm’s


offices in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The eight offices, which include Baker McKenzie

AKD has been named ‘Benelux

Amsterdam, will be integrated into a single profit pool and share costs. The offices in Germany

Law Firm of the Year 2018’ by UK

and France - Baker McKenzie’s primary European markets - will remain separate for now.

publication The Lawyer, marking the

Under the new organisational structure, the firm will employ approximately 1,000 lawyers,

second time it has won this award.

including 250 partners.

The last four years have seen the Benelux title shuttle smoothly back and forth between two Dutch firms,


with AKD previously winning in 2016


and Amsterdam-based Rutgers &

After the Boekel merger, which brought it to the Netherlands in April 2017, Dentons’ appetite

Posch taking the title in 2015 and

for growth seems unabated. In a single move, the world’s largest law firm is set to combine

2017. In its report, the jury of The

its forces with seven firms based in East Africa, the Caribbean region and Southeast Asia,

Lawyer European Awards praised

adding around 200 lawyers to the army of over 8,000 fee earners in the Dentons’ empire,

AKD as before in 2016, saying the

now set to span 73 countries. Dentons expects the seven new combinations to launch in the

firm has again proved itself as a ‘full-

course of this year.

service Benelux operation’.

Photography Architectenbureau cepezed | Léon van Woerkom

• 33

For five days, WeMakeThe.City will transform the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, including the Zuidas, into one big festival: 600 local, national and international speakers, 25 theme conferences, 30 urban talks, 50 workshops, 30 city expeditions, 15 special events, 10 exhibitions and 30.000 participants. We will deal with major urban challenges, share knowledge and present innovative solutions, offering an inspiring, interactive programme. WeMakeThe.City is the festival that makes cities better. From 20-24 June, we will tackle urgent everyday challenges in the urban environment. Join us, the audience and (international) experts, at a wide variety of locations in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

All over the world, cities are growing rapidly, including Amsterdam and the metropolitan region. This growth comes with urgent issues regarding, among others, sustainability, affordable housing and health. The key question is: What kind of city do we want to live in, in five, ten or fifteen years time? WeMakeThe.City invites you to help us search for answers. Because together we make the city of the future. ABN AMRO’s circular pavilion CIRCL will be our festival center at the Zuidas. As lead partner of WeMakeThe.City, ABN AMRO seizes the opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise on circular building and new business models.

On Thursday 21 June, CIRCL will host a conference themed The City As a Source vs The City As a Service next to a programme about how to design, finance, build and operate a circulair city. On Friday 22 June, Public Art Amsterdam will open the art route GET LOST at the Gustav Mahlerplein. Upcoming artists have been invited to reflect on the concept ‘Code of Conduct’. GET LOST aims to improve the vibrancy and quality of life for the companies at Zuidas, its staff and residents, as well as an international audience of young art-lovers. In the evening we invite everyone for music and drinks on the blooming roof of CIRCL.

This event is part of ROEF festival, that shows the sky high potential of the roofscape of the city. In the weekend of 23 and 24 June, WeMakeThe.City at the Zuidas is packed with public activities, such as screenings on sustainability, an expo about cycling organised by BYCS, a child programme, architectural cycling tours and several art walks.

Check www.wemakethe.city for the latest updates and find out how to make your city better.

FEELING SELF-ASSURED in Zuidas with LaDress

36 •

Women who work in Zuidas need to look their best every day of the week, which is not always easy. Sometimes the perfect outfit refuses to be found, or inspiration keeps eluding you. If this sounds familiar, LaDress is the fashion brand for you! LaDress is best known for its stylish dresses, but also offers a range of lovely tops, trousers and blazers, all of which are easy to mix and match! Hello Zuidas caught up with LaDress owner Simone van Trojen to talk about the brand, her ambitions and the new shop on Cornelis Schuytstraat. Twelve years ago, after a brief stint in the

a big believer in online retail. You can show a

corporate world, Simone launched the

tonne of items and use quality photography,

LaDress brand. ‘I had two young children

and we send out our orders in pretty packages,

and apart from taking care of them I had a

so it feels like you’re opening a gift. But two

demanding job and an active social life. I

years ago I was in Runstraat [in Amsterdam’s

often found myself thinking: if only there were

9 streets quarter, ed.] with my kids, where we

a dress that was suited for every occasion!

saw this amazing vacant property. We instantly

Something that flatters the figure and

thought that this could serve as the perfect

makes you feel self-assured without feeling

location to capture the feeling of LaDress.

needed’, Simone continues. ‘Obviously,

overdressed or underdressed. But I couldn’t

After doing research on the offline market, we

that’s an ideal solution for women who

find that anywhere. I began to work on my

opened our first shop there. I immediately

work in Zuidas. Dresses look smart and

idea and enjoyed the process so much that

noticed that it bolstered our online sales. While

they’re flattering to the figure. At LaDress

eventually I gave up my job and began building

some women love the convenience of buying

we’ve recently added suits to the collection,

LaDress as a brand. From working at home

online, others like to go out shopping as a way

and it includes separate items like blouses

on my own, LaDress grew into a company

to relax. Since then, we’ve opened several

and pretty tops. Pieces from LaDress are

employing as many as eighty people. So far it’s

branches throughout the Netherlands, of

made to make women feel self-assured and

been an exciting and wonderful adventure.’

which the most recent one is a shop in Cornelis

beautiful. If we make women feel happy,

Schuytstraat, and currently we’re planning an

we’ve achieved our main goal. And in turn,

international expansion.’

satisfied customers make us happy!’

“From working at home on my own, LaDress grew into a company employing as many as eighty people”




Every woman dreads the all too familiar

Cornelis Schuytstraat 39

feeling of standing in front of her closet and

+31 20 238 25 71


not having a clue as to what she wants to

Runstraat 33

Initially LaDress only retailed online, but the

wear. ‘Dresses are the perfect choice! What’s

+31 20 223 57 10

brand’s success has led to a growing chain of

great about dresses is that you just put one


actual brick and mortar stores. Simone: ‘I’m

on and go; there’s no further deliberation

Text Romy Lange • Photography LaDress

• 37

38 •



THE SENSE OF WATER There’s a new water fountain in Zuidas! This latest Join the Pipe fountain, which is sponsored by Amstelpark and Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver, was inaugurated during an open day of the Amstelpark tennis club in March. What makes it sustainable? For starters, compared to tap water, bottled mineral water pumps 300 times more carbon into the atmosphere, as well as creating a mountain of plastic waste. Join the Pipe also uses the sponsorship proceeds from its water fountains and additional donations to fund clean drinking water projects in developing countries. Many companies in Zuidas have already banned bottled mineral water and made the switch to serving only carafes of tap water. Added bonus? It’s much cheaper!

GREEN DEAL ZES On Wednesday 23 May, GBC Zuidas met for a CEO breakfast at Loyens & Loeff, where some 30 CEOs from companies across Zuidas sat down together to talk about their sustainability ambitions. At this edition they were also invited to sign a declaration of intent for the Green Deal Zero Emission City Logistics – ZES for short. Green deals are a way to create a commitment to reach the goals of the Paris climate accord. Under the Green Deal ZES, signatories commit to work towards zero emissions delivery and removal of goods, for instance by inventorying all deliveries and then coordinating suppliers, or by making agreements to combine orders. In Zuidas, the Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office, Bysc, GBC Zuidas and the Accessibility Task Force have already joined forces to promote smarter, more sustainable logistics.

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SAVING Did you know that energy-saving behaviours among staff can cut office energy consumption by as much as 20 per cent? GBC Zuidas has teamed up with VU Amsterdam social psychology student Ivar Maas to set up an energy contest between five local companies, all striving to save as much energy as possible. Maas is researching the influence of competitive interventions on sustainable behaviours for his thesis. The results of this contest will provide us with an insight into the promotion of sustainable behaviours and offers ways to motivate people to be more aware of their energy consumption. Participants are Accenture, Arcadis, CBRE, the Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office and VU Amsterdam. Competition results will be announced on www.gbczuidas.nl.

Text Maartje Oome

Maartje Oome is communications advisor for Green Business Club Zuidas, a district organization in which businesses cooperate in launching sustainable initiatives and achieving sustainability goals. She is also the editor-in-chief of the Zuidas Sustainability Report. As the contributing editor of the sustainability page in Hello Zuidas magazine, she reports on interesting new trends on the sustainability front in Zuidas. Got hot news on green developments in Zuidas? Send an email to Maartje@greenbusinessclub.nl.​

• 39

VU Campus A MEANINGFUL MEETING PLACE IN ZUIDAS The City of Amsterdam and VU Amsterdam

one made by VU Amsterdam. Here students,

Meaningful meetings like these foster the

are currently working out the design as

teaching staff, researchers and members of

sharing of knowledge and interdisciplinary

well as the details of the Zuidas Knowledge

the business community are being brought

exchanges. They also open new doors for

Quarter, a campus conceived to form part of

together to share ideas on the campus

teaching and research. Apart from that, they

the city fabric. Recent years have seen Zuidas

design, the layout of building functions and

help students get equipped for the society,

gradually transform from a business district

facilities, the creation of meeting places

enable them to discover what motivates

into a mixed purposes urban hub, which has

and ‘living rooms’ around the campus. It’s

them and support them in becoming active

become an appealing place to live, work and

also meant to intensify the ties with the

and engaged citizens.

study. Considerable investments are being

university’s neighbours and partners

made in these developments, including the

around Zuidas.

Here we share some inspiring examples!

CONNECTING STUDENTS AND THE JOB MARKET Jan Breed, Director of the VU Law Academy: ‘The VU Law Academy is part of the Faculty of Law and offers postgraduate education in the shape of educational tracks, on-campus and incompany courses as well as conferences for lawyers and other legal professionals working in a variety of legal specialisations. Our teaching approach centres on “law in action”, which emphasises the societal function of the law and collaboration with the professional field. We also run a wellestablished interview series with notables in the field, called VU College Tour, at Van Doorne. Added to that, we invite guest lecturers from Zuidas-based firms, and we regularly organise lectures on various locations in Zuidas.’ Nynke van der Hem, VU Alumni Relations Officer: ‘The Boardroom is an extracurricular programme of master classes, in which admission is limited to 20 talented Master’s students. The master classes are taught by prominent VU alumni at their work locations. This year, students got to take master classes at places like ABN AMRO and Houthoff in Zuidas.’

40 •

CULTURE ON CAMPUS Josja van der Veer, Director of the Facilities Campus Organization: ‘A few

VU STUDENTS GIVE BACK TO SOCIETY VU Amsterdam is a socially engaged university. This is borne out in initiatives such as the university-wide Community Service Learning (CSL) programme. CSL is a learning track where students apply their academic skills to tackle social policy issues occurring in Amsterdam, in close cooperation with various civil society partners. For example, during a project for Ymere and the Amsterdam Noord Development Office, health sciences students left the lecture hall in favour of the Waterlandplein quarter in Amsterdam Noord to research what specific forms of assistance are required among its residents.

years ago, VU teamed up with Rialto to start showing films on the campus. This includes the On the Roof Festival, of which Hello Zuidas is a sponsor, and Rialto@VU Campus. In the Main Building, award-winning films with an important social message are screened once every fortnight, while in the new University Building, which is still under construction; Rialto’s outstanding cultural film programme will be given a dedicated location on campus. It will feature as many as four theatres to stage films and live performances, each seating 500 visitors. All of this is the result of a unique


alliance between a cultural institution

Sean Goodwin, Research Coordinator at the

and the university.’ www.vu.nl/film

VU Green Office: ‘The Green Office is VU’s sustainability platform, where the focus lies on community. By that we mean not simply the VU community, but the community in a broader sense, which includes Zuidas. Our Student Consultancy Hub (SCH) connects


students to challenges on sustainability at

Amsterdam Venture Studios (AVS) is the

VU and beyond. For example, the SCH set

next generation of university incubators,

up a project where students worked with

set to open up new venues for students,

an Amsterdam-based social enterprise to

researchers and alumni to kick-start their

map Dutch food sector stakeholders and

ideas and grow new ventures. Through

help them plan for the transition towards

AVS, VU Amsterdam is helping to build new

sustainable food. To learn more, send an email

knowledge-based businesses in Zuidas.

to: research@greenofficevu.nl, or visit: www.



Text Romy Lange • Photography Riechelle van der Valk, Carin Huygelen, Peter Valckx and Too van Velzen

• 41


Adam Tasi

Ruud Emous


The Stella Agency girls!

• Presentations showcased locally farmed products, stylish clothing, informal care and art – with all guests welcome to take part in this

Deborah Schoop & Meldy van Dijken

second edition of Zuidas Engage. • The event attracted dozens of local residents, entrepreneurs, employees and others. • The idea for the event came from

Rosa Sijben

local company Zuidas Services; this was the second time it was held. • The next edition will be on 5 July. Participants can register via:

Marloes Verbeek & Casper Klap


Drinking Pinot Noir during the wine tasting

Inez Maessen

42 •

Zuidas residents

Zuidas Engage Team

Marije Ebbers

Zuidas residents

Love needs opportunities to blossom!

Lo ve Rules !

With summer just around the corner,

Maybe, when two people know they’re going

everyone’s mood is getting sunnier as

to have to put up with each other, they just

well. This is the season when love has

decide to deal with what they are given and

time to bud and blossom and people fall

make the best of it? That might force you to

head over heels. But did you know it’s

learn lessons you’d rather avoid, but those

not necessarily a bad sign if you don’t

life lessons have also shaped the person you

start out being madly, deeply in love? I

are now.

recently read an article explaining why


love at first sight may seem unbearably

The same applies to anyone who registers

passionate and romantic, but is, for that

with a dating service. The agency creates

same reason, too often idealized. It said

opportunities by setting up meetings

Debby Goossens, owner of Just2Match,

that it’s OK if you don’t start out with

between like minds. In other words,

puts all her enthusiasm and passion

stars in your eyes. It also talked about

both minds are intrinsically motivated

into making the perfect match.

arranged marriages - something we in

in their quest for a life partner: someone

Her mission is to use positivity and

the West refuse to even contemplate.

with whom they can create something

inspiration to help people find a

beautiful. Patience, as always, is an

rewarding relationship. Just2Match is a

To be honest, however, I’m not surprised to

important virtue– especially when it

professional matchmaking agency that

learn that arranged marriages tend to last

comes to matters of the heart. Consider

offers personalized services for well-

longer than those between couples who

it a journey that you’re embarking on

educated, enterprising singles aged 30

are struck by cupid’s arrow and marry for

along with the agency: you’re setting

and up. Members include entrepreneurs,

love alone. The success of a relationship

out together to find your one and only

expats, executives, decision-makers

hinges on expectations and projections.

love. Just as in any journey, there are

and professionals throughout the

Love is blind, as the saying goes, but it can

sure to be some obstacles along the way

Netherlands. For more information, visit:

also make you see things that aren’t really

- it comes with the territory. However, if


there. You fill in the blanks and you project.

you embark on it with the right mindset,

Arranged relationships tell a different story.

you’ll have a fascinating voyage and,

Aside from the fact that emotions grow more

eventually, you’ll reach your destination.

gradually, your initial mindset also tends to

You just have to grant it enough time

be more open and inquisitive, so you get to

and opportunities. Have a wonderful

know each other in a different way.


Text Debby Goossens • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 43

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Amsterdam, Utrecht

of RAI Amsterdam

and The Hague

Convention Centre

Off icial promotion partner of the Hello Zuidas magazine.

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your dentist might be just around the corner book now a free first consultation

visit us and register online at vandeveerdentists.nl or call 020 - 66 23 071 Gustav Mahlerplein Zuid 116 1082 MA Amsterdam

dentists tandartsen op de Zuidas

‘Our apartments are luxurious and comfortable, with high-end furnishings. That’s ideal for most international professionals, who don’t want to drag all their things around.’ MICHAEL BERENDSEN & JOUKE BAAIMA

CORPORATE HOUSING LIVING Residential property rentals from 6 months to 2 years

This year, Corporate Housing Factory celebrates five successful years in Zuidas. Specialized in corporate housing, the company recently expanded its offering with Corporate Housing Living, catering to international professionals staying in the Netherlands for longer periods of time. Hello Zuidas sat down with company co-owners Jouke Baaima and Michael Berendsen to learn more. RENTALS FROM 6 MONTHS TO 2 YEARS

says. ‘Our apartments are luxurious and comfortable,

Corporate Housing Living was created to meet demand

with high-end furnishings. That’s ideal for most

for medium to long-stay rentals. Michael: ‘Whereas

international professionals, who don’t want to drag

Corporate Housing Factory is focused on the short-stay

all their things around.’ Jouke: ‘Finding a place in

market, from 7 nights or more, Corporate Housing

Zuidas or the city centre is exceedingly difficult. Not

Living caters specifically to corporate internationals

everyone wants to stay in a hotel for an extended

who have to be in the country for more than six

amount of time. That’s why we created this option,

months. These internationals need a place that they

combining the best of both worlds, with rental

can really call home for a while and with these serviced

apartments that offer all the amenities of a hotel.’

apartments’ space, luxurious furnishings, modern conveniences and the independence to cook your own


meals, they will be able to do that.’ Jouke continues,

According to Jouke and Michael, Amsterdam is

‘Even though they’re here to work, they still want to

riding a wave of popularity at the moment - ‘verging

discover the Dutch life and live like a local. We get

on the extreme’, admits Michael. ‘Recently we were

that, and that’s why we include weekly cleaning and

at a conference in the States where a prospect said

linen change as well - making sure our residents have

she needed to place 250 people. That excites us!


enough time to go explore!’

And now, with new locations in Amsterdam recently


completed, we can meet that kind of demand.’

+31 (0)20 280 7047


Jouke concludes, ‘Judging from these figures,

Claude Debussylaan 237


the end is nowhere near in sight. Amsterdam and

1082 mc Amsterdam

Corporate Housing Living (long-stay) and Corporate

the Netherlands are super popular and we will


Housing Factory (short-stay) apartments are all fully

introduce Corporate Housing Living through the


furnished. ‘We’ve created a unique product’, Michael

whole country.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Lotte de Graaf

• 45

2024 n i s a d i u Z d n u A stroll aro le of a ed by the ratt rudely awaken I’m e, ac , rr te l rc on the Ci , 10 March 2024 ring sunshine en reads Friday sp re m sc ar e w th e e; th on ze by k my ph Zuidas. Lulled into a do stroll around xt to me. I chec to take a brief n on a table ne de w ci do de t I se t, g en in appointm coffee cup be before my next hour to spare an lf ha long they will ith W 11:15. kiosks. Before ry ra po m te e gun around th ntractor has be ers are milling train commut . Already, the co ks n, io ee at w st w fe id a Zu to in just At the entrance ssage opening ral years. new Miner va Pa e th ith w , g the last seve ay rin du te si e th be cleared aw off rved to fence ar twork that se , I cross removing the top of The Rock created at the g in be e’ e us s and steel, th e ‘Culture Ho towering glas of ogressing on th et pr re is k st is or w th w ho at even in d signs on the Curious to see around, I see th and coordinate g g in tin ok an Lo pl n. d aa de well-ten Debussyl ngle of re of benches, over to Claude lps that the ta . It has also he fruit. The mix tu er e rt rn ua bo Q s l e ha dg Plan effor ts of loca the Knowle Zuidas Green the concer ted is avenue into th ve ha ed e nc W . ha od en ed for go ve really shop front s ha has been bann er y which way ev ed rk pa rs te at. bikes and scoo to thank for th and resident s s ur te ra au st are nearing retailers, re developments w ne r la d cu ta e all designate at the spec lower levels ar aan, I notice th ur yl fo ss e bu Th . De ns de d of Clau of func tio ared Nearing the en s a multiplicity e creating a sh façade sheath institutions ar t n en io ar at sp uc an ed tr er e ide open and high completion. Th ree levels prov public library or t. The next th there the city’s sh r n fo ai m IC nnec ted SL do ic n, to be publ ever ything co d Connec tio anything and .. , Inspiration an e. ng ur ni ct ar ite Le ch e, sign and ar ique hotel. space for Silenc five-star bout , lectures on de ows, concer ts e an exclusive at sh n od io m sh m fa co r spaces fo rved to ac levels are rese . t. The top two ar d ie pl e Cour thouse ap with their way to th on rs te ar qu new Loeff head ur tyard of the new Loyens & n to sit in the co rs leaving the aw ye dr w f la el e ys se m I , d et cture. The ly, I’ve foun Across the stre the square stru the same. Late of t do ou to t cu de ci id de e, so I haped vo the press I’ve still got tim single square -s building, from is formed by a ho enters the w ch ne hi w yo g, er le in ev ild ream of peop e- catcher to Cour thouse bu enal, a real ey , I survey the st ue om at en st ph d is ar e ty led ther ht of way in of the cour ar twork instal ts now have rig From the base is . cl rs cy to si d vi an ily ns destria ndreds of da en Passage. Pe crowd to the hu n from the Britt io at st e th of rth side e. exiting the no green landscap to a spacious in ed m or sf an what’s been tr

46 •

Momentarily, a vision of the south side of Zuidas looms up before my eyes. That area has become a magnet for students, and since the new University Building opened a few years ago, the campus has really gelled. Film screenings at the Rialto, as well as the theatre and dance performances, have injected lots of energy. The university and the students themselves are eagerly awaiting the completion of the student housing on campus and at the north end of the Knowledge Quarter. The city’s policy emphasis on social housing has opened the way to a sizeable stock of affordable homes. Of course, the concessions that had to be made on the land price ruffled some political feathers, but that fortunately hasn’t detracted from the quality of the homes and provisions for the public space. Seeing that it’s time to head off to my appointment, I grab a shared bike from the docking station. Peddling past the former courthouse, now a listed building, I see a construction sign posted outside, announcing in an elegant script that this is the site of ‘Artists in Residence’, an experimental creative incubator, with a club and a restaurant on the top floor. The Rietveld Academie initially wanted the entire building to itself, but decided to settle for three f loors instead. After all, there are rental costs to consider. Passing underneath the viaduct, I steer my bike towards Strawinskylaan, only to collide with a young man crossing the street. When will something finally be done about the chaotic cycle paths in this area ? While the use of bicycles has taken fight, the infrastructure is still lagging behind. On the pavement, the young man and I exchange apologies and wind up talking. As I straighten my handlebars, he says with a touch of pride that he’s part of a pilot cohort enrolled in the new pharmacy programme at his university. Though it wasn’t all smooth sailing, clearly many good things have come in the slipstream of the EMA’s arrival. I continue on my way to the Goed Genoeg sports park, home of the Amsterdam Football Club. Cycling past the offices of the national lottery organization, I notice the digital signboard for the three underground bike shelters up ahead. Across the street we have the latest addition to the WTC Amsterdam. I ride past The Valley and I turn left, heading into a whole block still in the throes of relocation. After crossing the wide bridge leading to the entrance of the sports park, I stall my shared bike and log off. I’ve already spied my appointment sitting on the clubhouse terrace: the Amsterdam city councillor who has played such an active part in the development of Zuidas these past years. I smile, already anticipating his latest stroke of inspiration. Olivier Otten

Text Olivier Otten

• 47



The unconventional sister buildings of

500 Beethovenstraat Address

George Gershwinlaan


Basement, ground floor,


Felix Claus Dick van

2 upper floors and a large

Wageningen Architecten

rooftop terrace

Building owner

Private owner

Floor area

250-300 sq.m UFA

occupied homes

per townhouse

Residential developer G&S Vastgoed Completed in

48 •

April 2017

Main users Residents


Zuidas is renowned for its innovative

these six townhouses carve out a small

architecture. As the district matures

courtyard that seems far removed from

into an international quarter of

the bustle of Zuidas. And that’s precisely

Amsterdam, buildings are shooting up

the secret to their success: instead of big

right and left in Zuidas. Amidst all these

volumes, the apartment-style houses are

modern skyscrapers, it may be difficult

characterized by pared-down refinement

to imagine that only twenty odd years

and the highest quality. The white-marble

ago, this stretch of land connecting the

cladding on the façade and the polished-


residential neighbourhoods of Zuid and

steel window frames lend an elegant touch

• The Gerswhin Townhouses consist of the six

Buitenveldert consisted mostly of tennis

to the townhouses, while the expanses of

little sisters of 500 Beethovenstraat, with

courts and football pitches. In this series

glass and large wooden front doors add

which they form an ensemble.

we zoom in on the architecture of Zuidas.

individual character. This is emphasized

This time, we take a closer look at the

by the wide scope that owners had to

on the Greek island of Prinos, and is part of

Gershwin Townhouses.

plan out the rest of the design. Alternative

the DNA of the ensemble; the same stone

layouts, additions and bespoke open

was used at 500 Beethovenstraat.

• The white natural stone is mined exclusively

If anyone still has the illusion that Zuidas

staircases with ornamented steps are just

consists of wall-to-wall urban office tower

a few of the options realized for residents.

layout, each townhouse has its own unique

blocks, it’s time to set the record straight.

A joint choice was the communal front

features, from wine cellars to game rooms

Housing stock has been multiplying rapidly

garden, which segues into private parcels

to home gyms.

in recent years, and with the arrival of the

of greenery. The result is a charmingly

Gershwin Townhouses, Zuidas proves yet

unconventional residential street,

house comes with two private parking

again how dynamic living in this district

offering a mix of pleasant neighbourliness

spaces in the underground garage

can be. Surrounded by green planting,

alongside plenty of privacy.

adjoining a spacious basement.

Text Eefje van den Akker

• With owners able to choose their own

• Parking is never a problem here: every

• 49


It’s been almost five months since the international law firm Bird & Bird opened an office in Zuidas, and both employees and clients enthuse about the new location. At their ‘office of the future’, where everything is keyed to transnational teamwork, everyone is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Hello Zuidas talked to Wouter Pors, Partner and Head of the firm’s Intellectual Property Practice, and Sophie Dingenen, Corporate & Projects Partner and Member of the Global Steering Committee of the Energy & Utilities Group, to learn why. ‘After 29 March next year, many companies in England will lose their EU market authorization for medicines’, explains Wouter. ‘We can offer the legal and full project management capacity to prepare them for the new playing field.’ CLIENTS AND PROSPECTS

running’, adds Sophie, ‘it’s clear just how much


clients and prospects love the fact that we’re here.

Back in 2001, several Bird & Bird partners opened

This office really reflects who we are. I have weekly

the firm’s first Dutch office in The Hague. This new

appointments here with clients and prospects of

location in Amsterdam makes two. ‘In The Hague

the energy practice, most of whom are based in and

we work a lot in regulated markets such as telecom.

around Amsterdam.’

It’s convenient to be close to the government’, says

50 •

Wouter. ‘As time went on, however, we noticed


that more and more domestic and international

Styling itself ‘the office of the future’, Bird & Bird

clients assumed we had an office in the capital and

is less focused on day-to-day market trends.

so expected to meet us there. It was in response

‘Internationally, we are very much involved in

to this that we opened our new office in the ITO

future technologies’, explains Wouter, ‘and that

Tower.’ ‘Now that this office is actually up and

includes the legal frameworks that come with


it. That takes a lot of legal brainpower. Take

it’s unlikely that solid transitional agreements

autonomous driving, for example, an issue I’m

will be in place before then. ‘This means that

working on and which our firm is setting up with

pharmaceutical companies operating in England

authorities, industry and universities. This requires

will no longer have an EU market authorization

defining the statutory groundwork needed for

for medicines. Particularly biotech in England

this technology and determining what will make

often has no international group structure or

it a success.’ ‘The same applies to energy’, says

legal entity in the EU, even though it’s a vital

Sophie. ‘We make innovative changes in the market

prerequisite. Those companies need to have an

and ask, for instance, how new products could

office in, say, the Netherlands, and will have to

be marketed effectively and in such a way that

designate a legal entity. Another crucial point

safeguards the legal status of the products and

is appointing people who are specialized in

parties involved? These are the types of questions

drug regulation. The EMA has stated that these

we’re working on. Now we’ve got clients that use

people must work and live in the EU. Apart from

an incredible amount of energy, for example. Apart

becoming an EU location and legal entity, the

from providing legal advice, we can also connect

companies also need to change their permits.


them with a windfarm or solar park to transition

Amending a permit can take six to nine months,


their product and technology through sustainable

which makes achieving the 29 March deadline

Gustav Mahlerplein 28

power sourcing. That puts us ahead of other firms.’

a real challenge. For English companies facing

7th floor

these hurdles, whether in England or on the

1082 MA Amsterdam


continent, we can take care of all of the legal steps


By29 March of next year, the BREXIT will be

and manage the whole project from A to Z. It’s a

+31 (0)70 353 8800

an accomplished fact. According to Wouter,

challenge we are well-equipped to handle.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 51


Team Sustainability!

Ivar Maas & Demi Alders

Olivier Otten, Eline Kik & David van Traa (hosts event)

Left: Cecile Wentges

Jurriaan van den Eijkhof, Giulietta Cohen, Josja van der Veer & Willem Verduyn

Rob Ittmann, Bastiaan Meinders & Willemijn Oosterhof

Eline Kik, Gijs Schot, Renske & Jean Paul van Marissing

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PRESENTATION Thursday 12 April @ CIRCL • This is the fifth year that the Zuidas Sustainability Report has been

Marije Ebbers, Ruben Zonnevijlle & Menno van der Vall


Geert Stam, Beryl van Wilgen & Hilda Akkermans

• The report covers all matters sustainable in the district. • The event drew a huge turnout! • The report is an initiative of Hello Zuidas, the Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office and Green Business Club. Kenneth Goedhart, Merel de Groot & David van Traa

Anja Reimann & Jennecke Stradmeijer

52 •

Luc Beyer, Henriette van Eeghen & Paul Diercks

Carmen Veldhuisen & Melissa Kreeft

Saskia Augustin, Jasper Vogelaar & Mariska van Delft

Sibo de Man & Jille Koop

Florian Eckhardt & Cisca Griffioen

ENHANCED PRODUCTIVITY while travelling by car

Today the Zuidas district is one of the most accessible business areas in the Netherlands. But the greater Amsterdam area is growing fast, and with Zuidasdok soon to unleash the largest development project ever in Zuidas, access to some 700 companies in the area will be compromised, especially for motorists. Gridlock and parking problems may become major sources of frustration. So why not turn travelling time into working time? CONSTANTLY ON THE GO

from one place to another. If getting to or from work

We are living in an age in which our lives are beco-

takes even longer, due to traffic jams and hunting for a

ming ever busier. On top of that, we are constantly on

parking space, more private and business time is lost

the go. Time has become increasingly scarce and we

in the process. And since the autonomous car is still a

all have a growing desire for convenience. Now that

decade away, why not opt for a private driver instead?

our cities are getting congested, fast travel is turning into a challenge. This is especially true in Zuidas. Some large companies are trying to cope by joining forces and to come up with smart alternatives to the widespread use of cars and car-leasing in the region. Understandable as this may be, for many people public transportation is not a real alternative. Car sharing or parking at a distance and continuing to Zuidas by shuttle tend to add travel time. And flexible work arrangements only solve part of the problem.

HOW ABOUT USING A PRIVATE DRIVER? Why not turn your travelling time into working time? The time we spend in our cars is largely spent going

Why not turn your travelling time into working time? Finish up a project, reply to emails, read through reports, return phone calls or write your pleading. Check over your kid’s schoolwork, read a book, or simply relax and enjoy the ride. Especially for the many fee-earners at Zuidas, this should be a no-brainer. By using a private driver, your working time starts the moment you step into the backseat of your own car. There is no time lost in searching for a parking spot, and you get dropped off right in front of your office.

D&B THE MOBILITY GROUP Amsterdamseweg 204 1182 HL Amstelveen +31(0)20 751 66 77 www.themobilitygroup.nl

• 53

Giving over 50s a lift There are more than 6,200 job-seekers in Amsterdam between the ages of 50 and 65, and together they boast some 190,000 years of work experience. But the many biases facing over 50s form a massive stumbling block. Despite having all the requisite skills and talents, they hardly even get invited for job interviews. Time to take action! And that’s precisely what

building’s unsuspecting workers and visitors

the WSP employer service point for greater

what they have to offer. Afterwards, they

Amsterdam (Werkgeversservicepunt Groot-

handed out business cards that double as a

Amsterdam) and the City of Amsterdam have

voucher to grab a cup of coffee with the 50-

teamed up to do in a new campaign.

plus pitcher at Circl. This way, the three could enlarge their network and hence increase


their prospects of finding a job work.

The campaign (Ontdek de 50PLUS) showcases talented job-seekers aged 50 and over


to employers across Amsterdam Zuidas


included. In addition to a website and outdoor

The campaign spotlights three over 50s to

billboards, the campaign also features videos

help them on their job quest, leaving yet

can boost their chances of finding work by

of three over 50s giving live elevator pitches

6,197 others eager to be employed.

focusing on sectors where demand is high,

in lifts at Nest, a co-working location in Amstelveen that looks out over Zuidas.

Tom Oor, career adviser at 9 Ways: ‘Over 50s

like education and technology, but also by Is your company looking for skilled staff?

putting the word out in their own networks.

Why not recruit a 50-plus candidate with

They would also do well to enlarge their

Italian IT specialist Franco Dessi, salesman

real experience? To learn more, visit

networks, especially now that the economy

Jelle Zuiderveld and creative hospitality

ontdekde50plus.nl or wspgrootamsterdam.nl

is back in high gear.’

talent Vera Louise Scheerlink explained to the

(both in Dutch) or call +31(0)800 525 25 25.

54 •


‘ZUIDAS’ COMES TO TV The news that Zuidas would provide the backdrop for the latest legal drama had everyone in Zuidas buzzing. On 1 April the wait was finally over: the series’ first episode aired with starring roles for Mark Rietman and Annet Malherbe. Flashy shots of familiar Zuidas skyscrapers and pans of the skyline no doubt made the Zuidas fan base’s hearts beat a little faster. The first instalment attracted some 779,000 viewers... anyone ready to place bets on a second season?

VEG IS THE NEW MEAT AT PALANTE Great news for vegetarians and


everyone with green resolutions in


Zuidas. Palante is a new café-res-

Standing in front of your closet as you rush

taurant where owners Eddy Blaas

to get ready for work each morning, inspi-

and Jerry van Schaik prove that

ration to put together a suitable outfit can

veg can be every bit as satisfying

be hard to find. LaDress is a clothing label

as meat. Picture farm-fresh beets,

with a new shop on Cornelis Schuytstraat,

organic wines, vegetarian bitterbal-

where you’re sure to find your ideal Zuidas

len and home-made granola. Great

outfits. As the name suggests, they’re all

tasting and friendly to the planet,

about dresses. Dresses are the perfect

their menu offers something to

simple solution. Only one item of clothing

tempt every palate. Plus, it’s easy

and you’re ready to go. Besides, they look

on the pocketbook: with a different

terrific when paired with accessories and a

chef’s special daily for just a tenner,

blazer. Come take a look at their collection

you may want to eat here every day!

at the new boutique or on www.ladress. com. Apart from dresses, LaDress also has a range of other stylish items.

PHYSIOTHERAPY AT THE OFFICE Sitting at your desk for hours on end can quickly spiral into persistent back pain. Time to make an appointment to see a physiotherapist... But when? Does this sound like a familiar problem? Fortunately, there’s a solution. That’s because Fysio2You sends the physiotherapist your way! Whether you’re at the fitness club, the nearest park, or your office, Fysio2You fits right into your busy schedule. All that’s required is some space to fold out a treatment table. Now there are no more excuses not to get some pain relief! For details, visit www.fysio2you.nl.

• 55

Hello Zuidas welcomes

the following new members COMPANY YOUNGCAPITAL AMSTERDAM ZUID • SECTOR RECRUITMENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 6 Link with Zuidas: ‘This year we opened a new YoungCapital office in the Ravel Residence student complex , so we could be closer to our target group and our customers. Our market is centred around Amsterdam Zuid, mainly in Zuidas and Amstelveen.’ Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: ‘What better way to get to know the neighbourhood and all our new neighbours than through the initiatives taken up by Hello Zuidas?’ COMPANY ZUIDPLUS • SECTOR CONSTRUCTION • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AROUND 400 Link with Zuidas: ‘The ZuidPlus consortium is working on Zuidasdok. As the largest infrastructural project in Zuidas to date, all of the constituent works are being synchronized with various other projects that are carried out locally by both public and private agents.’ Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: ‘Hello Zuidas works with various local players to manage expectations surrounding infrastructural changes. ZuidPlus is focused on building local support for the Zuidasdok project. By joining forces, we can monitor local expectations. COMPANY VON POLL REAL ESTATE • SECTOR RESIDENTIAL ESTATE AGENCY • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 8 Link with Zuidas: ‘We’re proud to be the first residential estate agency in Zuidas, with a great location in The Rock. We want to feed the Zuidas energy by providing people with expert assistance in the sale, purchase and rental of apartments.’ Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: ‘Apart from the Hello Zuidas network itself, we’re very interested in everything its members do. They’re creating more vibrancy and engagement, which are missing elsewhere in the city.’ COMPANY PALANTE CAFÉ-RESTAURANT • SECTOR RESTAURANT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 5 Link with Zuidas: ‘Palante is a café and restaurant that has just opened its doors on the greenest strip of Zuidas. It’s a friendly spot that serves up fresh vegetarian fare all day, and also caters to those in a hurry.’ Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: ‘Hello Zuidas is a welcoming community. We feel we can learn a great deal about this dynamic district.’ COMPANY SIXT • SECTOR MOBILITY • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 325 Link with Zuidas: ‘Last year, Sixt opened a new location on the RAI grounds, and Zuidas is an important market for us. We have numerous contacts that are based here. Besides, developments on the local mobility front are moving fast.’ Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: ‘Zuidas is constantly reinventing itself; it’s the epitome of our changing world. Hello Zuidas sets up important initiatives to promote area mobility, sustainability and functionalities. Sixt wants to learn from that while also contributing to the development of Zuidas.’




Hello Zuidas

• 57

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Members Hello Zuidas • May 2018

If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com 1. 900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) 2. ABN AMRO 3. Accendium 4. Accenture 5. À Deauville 6. AkzoNobel 7. Albert Heijn 8. Amsterdam in Business 9. AICS 10. Amsterdamse Bos 11. APG 12. Apleona GVA B.V. 13. Arcadis 14. Arnold & Siedsma 15. Art Zuid 16. ASEGA Media 17. Asunaro Holland Interplan 18. Atrium Meeting Centre 19. AVIS 20. BackWERK Zuidas 21. Bagels & Beans 22. Baker McKenzie 23. Beheermij WTC Amsterdam 24. Being Development 25. Big Brothers Big Sisters A’dam 26. Blue Boat Company 27. Bolenius 28. Bouwens& 29. Boyden Global Executive Search 30. Breevast 31. Broersma Nieuwbouw 32. Bushwick 33. Caffè Belmondo 34. CBRE B.V. 35. China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. Amsterdam Branch 36. citizenM 37. Club Sportive 38. CMS 39. Cognito Financial Communications 40. Colliers International 41. CompaNanny 42. Corporate Housing Factory 43. Cosmo Hairstyling 44. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 45. Customized Media 46. Dalante 47. D&B The Facility Group 48. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 49. De Hypotheker 50. Deloitte 51. De Nieuwe Poort 52. De Zuidas Apotheek 53. Dentons Boekel 54. Domeco Development B.V. 55. Doppio 56. Dudok Patisserie 57. Eden McCallum 58. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 59. Eigen Haard 60. Element Hotel 61. ENGIE 62. Euro CCP 63. Euroinfra 64. EY 65. Face Body Bar by Doctors Inc. 66. Fam. Advocaten 67. Financial Offices 68. Fit 20 69. Flexform Amsterdam 70. Fortron B.V. 71. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 72. Fris Makelaars 73. G&S Vastgoed 74. Gentlemen’s Place 75. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 76. Grand Café Mahler 77. Greenberg Nielsen 78. Green Business Club

79. Greenwheels 80. Gustav Gym 81. Gustavino 82. GVB 83. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 84. Hago Nederland B.V. 85. Hans Struijk Fietsen 86. Health & Therapy Centre 87. Hestia Kinderopvang 88. Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal 89. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 90. Hogan Lovells International LLP 91. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 92. Houthoff 93. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 94. Htel Serviced Apartments 95. IMA 96. InAmsterdam 97. INBO 98. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 99. JLL 100. Johan Cruyff Institute 101. JUIZZ 102. Kempen & Co 103. Koetjes en Kalfjes 104. König + Neurath (Nederloand) A.G. 105. Lexence 106. Liander 107. LibRT 108. Limon 109. Loyens & Loeff 110. Lunshof Makelaardij 111. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 112. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 113. Made in May 114. Markit 115. Market 33 116. Mastercard 117. MBO College Zuid 118. Mech Make & Take 119. Miles Building 120. Mindfulbizz 121. Miss Molly 122. Mondrian Espresso 123. Mondzorg Praktijk Zuidas 124. MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. 125. Multicopy A’dam WTC 126. Mylk 127. Nationale Postcode Loterij 128. NDI ICT Solutions 129. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 130. Nedstede Real Estate 131. NEWNRG 132. NH Amsterdam Zuid 133. Nicolaas Lyceum 134. NL Real Estate 135. Novotel Amsterdam City 136. NS 137. Oliver’s 138. Openbare Bibliotheek 139. ORAM 140. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 141. OVG Real Estate 142. Ox & Bucks 143. Palante 144. Partou Kinderopvang 145. Pathé 146. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 147. Platform Beter Benutten 148. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 149. Property NL B.V. 150. Provast 151. Puramis Consultancy 152. Qbic Hotels 153. Q-Park Nederland 154. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 155. RAI Amsterdam 156. Regus 157. Restaurant het Bosch

158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232.

Restaurant Nine RGA International Reinsurance Rialto Rivers Rob Peetoom Rocycle Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc Rosarium RoyalCast Russell Reynolds Associates Savills Amsterdam SCOR Global Life SE Season-Flowers Securitas Simmons & Simmons LLP Sixt SLFMD Tailoring Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver Speakeasy Inc. Spine Health Incompany Spirit Hosting & Promotions Stella Agency & Academy Stibbe St. Olympisch Stadion A’dam Student Experience Summertime Sushilee Sushi Time Symphony’s Taalcentrum - VU Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer Taylor Wessing Tax Consultants International Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) The Bank of New York Mellon The Barn The Basket The Bikevertising Company The Office Operators The TailorMates Thomaskerk Amsterdam TopJobs Consultants TREC Tribes Trigion Urban Salad Van Dijk & Ten Cate Van Gool Elburg VEON Vermaat Groep (CIRCL) Vesteda Visser Communicatie Vistra Von Poll Real Estate Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VU Medisch Centrum VU University Press Wagamama Webster Leiden Campus Wineboutique & Spirits Wintertaling Worldeye Amsterdam WTC Amsterdam WTC A’dam Business Club WTCafé De Blauwe Engel Xavier (Syntrus Achmea) YoungCapital Your Assistant Zuidas Bier Zuidas Publishers Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam ZuidPlus ZuidasTravel.nl Zuidschans Zwaan II

COLOPHON FOUNDATION HELLO ZUIDAS Strawinskylaan 61, 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 15 1077 XW Amsterdam +31 (0)20-3620993 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Advertising Please send an e-mail to info@zuidaspublishers.nl for questions about advertising. Art Director and Graphic Designer Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors Romy Lange, Eefje van den Akker, Greg Shapiro, Jos Moerkamp, Debby Goossens and Maartje Oome. Photography Davien Hulsman, Lotte de Graaf, Marcel Steinbach and Jesse Kraal Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Jelmer Jeuring, Kenneth Goedhart, Jos Moerkamp, Maartje Oome & Sasja Albersen. Thanks to Katja van Kranenburg, CMS, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Kroonenberg Groep, Maarsen Groep, PropertyNL, Greg Shapiro, Zuidasdok, Financieele Dagblad, advocatie.nl, OVG Real Estate, Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver, Crowne Plaza, Clubsportive, The Office Operators, BPD, VU Amsterdam, Provast, Commerz Real, WeMakeThe.City, LaDress, Stella Agency, G&S Vastgoed, Just2Match, Corporate Housing Factory, Bird & Bird, D&B The Mobility Group & De Wolven, Loetje Zuidas Printed by Senefelder Misset Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at info@zuidaspublishers.nl. Print run each edition 20.000 copies Circulation Free for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly) Copyright © 2018 Zuidas Publishers. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.


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