Hello Zuidas November/December editie HZ52

Page 20


Finance News

#INTERVIEW From the outset of the coronavirus outbreak, banks have been ready to help clients

euros. That’s in addition to the government

through these uncertain times. The Dutch Banking Association, or NVB, was set

assistance packages. Regular credit to

up to promote the interests of the banks in the Netherlands. Measures being taken

businesses will continue as well, which is

now to combat the pandemic are having a sweeping economic impact. Hello Zuidas

rather unusual in times of crisis. And we’ve

caught up with Chris Buijink, president of the Dutch Banking Association, to talk

been rigging all this up from home. It may

about the coronavirus crisis and its effects.

be quiet in Zuidas, but it’s buzzing on the digital superhighway!’

What role may the NVB play

discussions with the Dutch administration

during the coronavirus crisis?

on adapting existing programmes, like the

The NVB has been issuing

‘Back in March, banks had already decided

Credit guarantee for SMEs and Corporate

coronavirus monitors. What are they

to support businesses whose operations

financing guarantee to the coronavirus

exactly, and who are they for?

were hit by the outbreak. Banks offered six

crisis. This led to the adoption of our

‘We wanted to show the extent to which

months’ deferment on outstanding loan

proposal to create a Small credit guarantee

banks are giving businesses some slack to

repayments. The NVB was also involved in

for SMEs, providing loans up to 50,000

weather the crisis. The 2 October monitor

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