Hello Zuidas Mei/Juni editie #55

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Next issue [56] 28th of june 2021

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

Lifelong learning is a much-touted principle that contains a simple truth: no matter what age you are or where you are in life, there are always new things to learn. Plenty of reason enough to devote an issue of our magazine to this subject! Which reminds


me of our Members Meeting in March.

This issue is all about lifelong learning, which, if you ask me, a topic that’s vital for all ages

channel our playfulness – our Homo ludens

in this district. We got almost every education provider in Zuidas to tell us what lifelong

– in our work. And how we can get closer

learning means to them and how they invest in it. Lammert Kamphuis kicks off this issue

to ourselves; our autarky. Lammert took us

with a piece about finding happiness in work, creating a good workplace atmosphere and

back to the core with some wonderful life

how employers can keep their people happy in these tough times. On the cover is Mirjam

lessons. In this issue we’ve got an interview

van Praag, Executive Board president of VU Amsterdam, and a woman who has spirit,

with him. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it and

enthusiasm and a clear vision. I hope VU’s Sapiens project in Valley will be up and running

that maybe you, like me, will get to learn

soon and that we’ll be able to pluck the educational fruits here in Zuidas.

something new today.

Lammert Kamphuis, philosopher with The School of Life, discussed what we can do to reconnect with each other. How we can

I got my own lifelong learning start at a sweet little school off Museumplein where I now take my young, four-year-old daughter every day. After my wild years at the Ignatius


Gymnasium and Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam and two wasted years as a law student,

Managing director of Hello Zuidas

I drastically changed tack and enrolled at the School of Journalism in Utrecht. I loved the course straight away and the years to graduation flew by. The day after my graduation party, I started my full-time job as editor-in-chief of Hello Zuidas. Now the company is growing so fast, it surprises me every day, and that’s a learning experience in itself. I wish everyone happy reading and hope the employers, employees, residents, students and pupils of Zuidas will feel inspired by this issue and realize just how important it is to keep on investing in yourselves and each other. Happy reading! ROMY LANGE Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@zuidaspublishers.nl


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06 Coverstory Mirjam van Praag 10 Building the Future

President of the Executive Board of VU Amsterdam

• Successful Easter weekend • Plans to expand WTC Amsterdam • OBA NEXT

12 13 Column 14 Hello You 16 Got a Minute 18 Property 20 Hello Zuidas Team

Share #Zuidas Social Media

Paul van Lange

Spring has sprung Personal growth

Gouden A.A.P. Architecture Awards Introducing new team

22 Members Meeting 24 Zuidas Home Tour 26 Business In The Spotlight 31 Business In The Spotlight 32 Agenda 36 Business In The Spotlight 38 Lifelong Learning Special

The Gustav – Annemiek van Dijke


BPD – Ode Apartments

Esthetisch Centrum Jan van Goyen Don’t miss it

54 Legal 56 Architecture 58 Sustainability 60 Mobility 62 Finance 64 Memoboard 67 New Members 68 Meet The Hairstylist

Actively connecting

AM - Crossover

Intro Interview with Lammert Kamphuis 40 Kindergarden Zuidas 43 Children’s Campus Zuidas 44 Amsterdam International Community School 47 The British School of Amsterdam 49 MBO College Zuid 51 Webster University 53 Institute of Management Accountants

Personal development and development within their firms

Interview with Peter van der Werf

Amsterdam UMC Pilots

Amsterdam profiting from Brexit

Zuidas Updates

Hello Zuidas welcomes the new members

Interview with Jorge Alvarez - Rob Peetoom

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.





“WE’RE CREATING A LARGE NETWORK OF PEOPLE WHO FEEL JUSTLY PROUD TO SHARE TIES WITH VU” Mirjam van Praag - President of the Executive Board of VU Amsterdam As president of the Executive Board of VU Amsterdam, Mirjam van Praag can look

drawing new insights from practitioners

back on three inspiring and educational years. She enjoys leading the university

to feed our own research and education. It

and mapping a direction for its future, which she does with a team of people within

goes both ways. It’s also important for us to

the organization. As well as fostering a shared purpose, their combined efforts

be an inspiring place where enterprising and

genuinely improve the direction the university sets, Mirjam stresses. In a large

innovative members of the VU community

organization like VU, knowledge and understanding tend to be compartmentalized

in Zuidas can base their startups and

in departments or domains, or in people with specific experience or research

scaleups and conduct directed research in

expertise. The Board can’t know everything, Mirjam says, and she considers it a

partnership with companies. An example

privilege to lead and represent VU Amsterdam together with her Board colleagues.

would be the one with the Amsterdam

“These people and our shared love for VU and all it represents are what make this

UMC, in Life Sciences & Health, which has

job so gratifying. As you can see, I’m very enthusiastic about it.”

come about since the arrival of the EMA. There’s still too little of this, and our region

Recently, you posted a piece on LinkedIn,

education, research and valorization repay

discussing the difficulties universities

themselves in spades. The solution, to my

face due to underfinancing and calling

mind, is a new government that invests in

What challenges lie ahead for your

for a structural € 1.1 billion investment.

universities, and more collaboration with

university in the coming years?

What’s going on, and would be the

industry and the regional ecosystem to

“We’re a stellar university that excels on

solution, in your view?

jointly invest in research and valorization.”

so many fronts, while at the same time

is missing out.”

we’re accessible and diverse. Our ‘Mixed

“In the past twenty years, universities have seen tremendous growth in student

VU Amsterdam is part of Zuidas and very

Classroom’ model means students are

numbers, whereas government funding

much integrated in the district. How

exposed to more perspectives and are

hasn’t kept pace. As public institutions, we

would you describe your relationship

better educated. Diversity also fuels our

to a large extent rely on that public funding,

with companies here?

creativity. VU can be overly modest – that’s

and we have to keep on admitting students.

“We feel deeply connected with companies

the legacy of the old Protestant, Calvinistic

Now that budgets have become so tight,

in Zuidas. We’re training their workforce and

work ethic. Our challenge lies in showing

we’ve not been able to invest enough,

managers. With ‘VU for Professionals’, we’re

our strengths as a university: to students,

leaving our academic staff far less time for

also providing lifelong learning for leaders

to alumni and to industry and government

research and valorization than they had

and thinkers in Zuidas, in a programme

as potential partners. That’s how we can

twenty years ago. This is a shame, a real loss

that unites scientific values with societal

become connected and create a large

even, because that’s what defines the power

and personal values. As well as generating

network of people who feel justly proud to

and impact we have in society. Fundamental

specialized knowledge, our academic

share ties with VU - such as alumni who keep

and applied research are at the root of

expertise helps us to better understand

coming back to learn more or, as managers

all innovation. So, the government is

the role of the professional as a human

in business, to partner with us as Deloitte

basically robbing itself, since investments in

being and a citizen. At the same time, we’re

has done on robotization.”

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep • Make-up: Alina, Rob Peetoom Hair + Make-up Zuidas



VU is getting ready to roll out a

academics from all disciplines and a whole

development. We’ve noticed that this

momentous project called ‘Sapiens’.

spectrum of sectors, Sapiens will create

appeals to companies that are committed

This wholly new concept will seek to

critical momentum to develop integrated

to combining economic objectives with

accelerate sustainable transformation

and systemic solutions together. Alongside

societal contributions. They’re increasingly

through provocative exhibitions,

all the organizations already involved,

focused on investing in talent, which

workshops and labs, and through

we’d love to find one more ‘founding sister’

is about working out how to connect

collaboration among young talent in

– a company or group of companies, a

someone’s personal drive to their role

science, government, industry, charities

knowledge institution or a public entity –

within an organization. How can universities

and the creative economy. All for a better

to help us put young people in charge of

best help with that? Doing this kind of

planet. You need one more partner to

solving these challenges.”

research, reading about it – I think I’ll never

come on board. Can you tell us more

tire of that.”

about Sapiens? And about what you’re

What more do you want to discover, learn

looking for in a partner?

and never tire of reading about?

Is there anything else you’d like to say to

“Human activity in the Anthropocene has

“I’ve been studying business enterprise

readers of Hello Zuidas?

led to major, complex global problems.

for thirty years. And as a professor I’ve

“I’d like to extend an invitation! We can do

Now, human ingenuity is needed to address

been teaching it since 2005 at universities

so much for each other. VU Amsterdam

those problems. Sapiens will be doing this

here and abroad. I can never get

is invested in entrepreneurship. The

from the sustainable Valley building in the

enough of reading and learning about

partnerships I mentioned earlier aren’t only

middle of Zuidas, a very ‘anthropocene’

entrepreneurship, or of researching it.

about education but also about developing

kind of place. It’s an initiative of Naturalis,

That combination is very exciting to me.

knowledge and products together. We

VU Amsterdam and Valley developer Edge

VU is committed to entrepreneurship as a

know that partnerships between the fields

Technologies, and we’ve already got a

means of embedding knowledge through

of science and practice can accelerate

number of partners in and outside Zuidas

partnerships in Zuidas and elsewhere. How

innovation. You do have to invest in

contributing on a project basis. Sapiens is

can we make sure that these partnerships

understanding each other’s perspectives.

a splendid example of collaboration and

flourish? Our strength lies in a combination

And with the internal organization of

will be an engine for change as well as an

of three key elements: first, a solid scientific

classical universities not being geared

incubator for sustainable development.

basis, second, a focus on relevant societal

towards enterprise, it calls for quite a few

By lobbying for urgent societal issues

issues such as sustainability, diversity

adjustments on our part. But all of us at VU

and activating young professionals and

and digitization and, third, personal

are excited to be part of it.”

Mirjam van Praag - 53 President of the Executive Board, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Home: Amsterdam Hobbies: reading, writing, various

sports, meals with friends

Favourite spot in Zuidas: Our bustling campus plaza (without Covid!) that brings students of all nationalities and widely diverse backgrounds together, and where a cinema, theatre and debate centre will soon be open for everyone in Zuidas.


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Building The Future



A new piece of the foundations for the extra station

The ZuidPlus construction consortium team started the job on

passageway, a wider platform and a bend in railway track 4.

Thursday, 1 April 2021, the main part of which involved building

That’s what we have to show for 100 hours of work over Easter

the foundations – or abutments – for the two new roof sections

weekend. On the morning of Tuesday, 6 April 2021, the trains

that will be inserted into position in August. These are two of the

and metros resumed normal services.

total of seven roof sections for the new passenger tunnel – the Brittenpassage – at Amsterdam Zuid station. “In the last few

Coordinating Construction Manager Emiel Vergouw looks

days, we also widened platform 3-4 and, because of that, added

back on a successful ‘Easter weekend of work’. “It went really

a bend to railway track 4. What’s great is that passengers can

well”, says Vergouw. “It just shows you how important good

immediately benefit from our work, because they have more

preparation and effective collaboration are on the building site.”

room to move around on this platform.”


Photography: Marcel Steinbach

Building The Future

Building The Future


Zuidas and CBRE Global Investors are working on a feasibility study for a possible


there is room for living, working and

there is room for higher-density

new development to the south of the WTC, in Mathijs Vermeulenpad. In addition to

Fianne van der Veeken, the municipal

recreation. A neighbourhood that

development in this part of Zuidas,

the plans for Tower Ten, the WTC complex itself may also be expanded.

project manager for Zuidas, agrees

does not feel separate from the rest

so that offices and residents need

that all this development work is not

of the city, but which is truly part of

not look beyond the borders of


Amsterdam”, says Van der Veeken.

Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre

“So adding more capacity at this

Central Hall, WTC

The owner of the building, CBRE Global

is currently under construction and

always pleasant for people living and

Investors, is convinced that there will

which will improve the accessibility of

working in the area. “The Irenebuurt, for

continue to be demand for office space,

the central area of Zuidas even further

example, is a relatively quiet residential

A new location

location is not only consistent with

+31 (0)800 50 65

especially in Zuidas, and that the demand

in the years to come. As a result, Zuidas

area right next to a rapidly developing

If it goes ahead, the extension of the

the ambitions of Zuidas, but also


for office space will continue to grow.

will remain an attractive location that

Zuidas. Unfortunately, all these changes

WTC complex will stand right next

with those of the city. Once the new


Research also shows that there is still a

start-ups, scale-ups and large companies

on the skyline can lead to disruption

to Amsterdam Zuid station. Once

pedestrian passage at Amsterdam

shortage of appropriate (office) space.

will be eager to locate in. The focus of

and inconvenience. But despite this,

the Zuidasdok project is completed,

Zuid station has opened, this will be

Through this expansion project, CBRE

investors is on more than just quantity,

expanding the WTC complex is consistent

this will be a major gateway to

a completely different area, giving


Global Investors also want to make the

here: above all, they want to achieve

with our ambition to make Zuidas into

the city and an important public

the Mathijs Vermeulenpad a totally


most of the Zuidasdok project, which

quality improvements in WTC Amsterdam.

a lively urban district. An area where

transportation hub. “In addition,

different character.”


Photography: Marcel Steinbach

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Building The future

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@farahsewgobind @basdejong_95 They got small dreams I see bigger pictures


Exploring a new neighborhood @yasminexvds


with @roueverveer @ernstraaphorst

YOU CAN FIND ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS hellozuidas @HelloZuidas @hellozuidas For employees of


companies who are @annamwnagel

member of Hello Zuidas,

it is possible to join our


‘Love or Generosity’... door kunstenares Nicole Eisenman (NY)

LinkedIn group or link

as a contact.

In OBA NEXT, Zuidas is set to have a special learning and development facility where everyone will soon be welcome. Various parties are now joining forces to make a success of this new meeting place. By 2027, OBA NEXT will be a place where, in one room,

VU Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit) campus. The Innovation

children can work on smart solutions using 3D printers while

District will also include 216 first-timer apartments in the

in another, Amsterdams residents engage in lively debates.It

future ‘Stepstone’ residential tower, run by De Key Housing

will be a hive of activity and collaboration, offering lectures,

Association. These are just the first of 2,700 new homes

workshops and training courses. Everyone will be welcome

set to be built here in the years ahead. Of course, there will

there to improve knowledge, meet meet up an work on their

also be space for art, culture, hospitality/catering and green

development. Perhaps equally important: it will also be a

areas. An important public amenity like OBA NEXT will prove

place where you can buy yourself an affordable cup of coffee.

a perfect fit here and will make a unique contribution to

All of this will be just around the corner from Amsterdam

ensuring that Zuidas is a vibrant and attractive place.



Padel Club beside ‘The Rock’ ...




Zuid station in Zuidas. Next steps

Hello Zuidas has an

Innovation District

The Municipal Executive has approved the credit

OBA NEXT will be based in the Innovation District (or

arrangements for the construction of OBA NEXT as a new

Knowledge District). This area of Zuidas lies to the south

location for OBA and partners. The City Council will decide

of the A10, on Mahlerlaan, between Zuid station and the

on the Executive’s recommendation on 21 April 2021.

Find out more by opening this folding page

Photography: Jimena Gauna & Ben-Houdijk

app that allows you to flip through all the

@maris_88 @coc_leiden ...de nieuwe regenboogtrap... 12

The only time you should ever look back is to check out that booty



🧡 Happy Secretary Day

Zuidas news!



BENEFITS OF TIME About 25 years ago I was an occasional guest on the ASO-show, a TV programme focused on hidden camera recordings of people behaving badly. My role was to provide a scientific interpretation of that behaviour. One evening, I left my third-floor apartment in Valeriusstraat to drive to the semi-live show. While approaching my car, I felt the call of nature, but decided I could put it off. Mainly, I wanted to avoid climbing the long stairs back to my apartment. As my journey progressed, so did the contents of my bladder. The pressure could not have been more intense. It was unbearable. Even worse, I got lost – there was no satnav back then – in one of the most upscale neighbourhoods in Hilversum. Looking at the immense front yards with numerous trees, I realized that if I was going to take a leak outside, this was the spot. After all, it was dark, and nobody could see or hear me. And what harm would I really be doing to the ‘uninformed’ people living there? Their front yards were so huge. I quickly made my way to a front yard, anticipating relief. Instead, automatic lights suddenly glared, and I found myself literally in the spotlights. Not in the TV studio, but on someone’s lawn. On top of that, two big barking dogs, possibly not leashed, were running towards me.

Paul van Lange (1961) is Professor and Chair of Social Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. His research focuses on the psychology and evolution of human cooperation as well as the psychology of climate change, trust, and norm-violation in society. After serving as coach of male and female teams at AFC and SC Buitenveldert, he also publishes on the psychology of football. www. paulvanlange.com

Zipping up, I dashed back into my car. Fortunately, I still made it to the studio on time. But I couldn’t shake the fear that the presenter (Anita Witzier) would ask: “Paul, have you ever transgressed social norms yourself?” She didn’t, thankfully, but I wouldn’t have shared this shameful story in any case. So, why share it now? The reason is that it illustrates the psychology of time. And how it influences abstract and concrete thinking. After all, the story involves a younger version of myself a long time ago, hence an abstract version of myself. If I had done something similarly shameful yesterday or a couple of months ago, I would not share it. Because it would be much closer to who I am now and who I want to be now; that is, a concrete version of me. Time periods close to the present trigger a concrete mindset. A deadline for tomorrow leads one to think about concrete steps, a deadline some months away less so. If you want a person to add some task to their to-do list, you’re better off proposing one they can do months from now. That’s because people are much more likely to commit to a task distant in time than one that’s nearby. COVID-19 is influencing our thinking. Before COVID-19, concrete goals dominated our lives: catching the train, running to a meeting. Since COVID, there has been more room for abstract thought, especially for those who regularly take a walk. Activities that have no concrete purpose may encourage wandering, daydreaming and perhaps pondering ‘life goals’. Though often unplanned, such abstract thoughts may lead you down paths to an even brighter future. Indeed, COVID-19 may have a very important side-benefit: time.


Hello You


SPRING HAS SPRUNG Spring has sprung and it showed as Zuidas surged back to life! After months of being stuck indoors, we all came out to enjoy the delicious spring sunshine and eat lunch outside with colleagues. Now it’s just a matter of time till the terraces are allowed to reopen, and the toasting can begin!


Hello You

Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo


Hello People



This issue is all about learning your whole life long – because there’s always more for us to learn! You can learn on all kinds of fronts, from a new language or sport to taking courses or even a new degree. Nowadays there’s also plenty to choose from for personal selfdevelopment: How do I get to know myself? How do I know what I really want? How can I connect with people around me? This time, we asked readers why we should keep on investing in ourselves, and what they personally do to grow.

Noeska Adriana Pak Owner of Noeska Adriana Coaching www.noeskaadrianacoaching.com “Investing in yourself is an investment that pays lasting dividends, probably for the rest of your life. Actually, it’s the only investment that’s genuinely satisfying! I’m currently in psychotherapy, which is mostly about staying connected with yourself. Between having a business, a small child, a husband with his own business and a busy social life, that’s a constant challenge. You have to come to terms with yourself, but there’s growth in that, too. In my coaching, I work with young, thoughtful people, most between the ages of 25 and 40. They’re experiencing stress, can’t see a way forward or are confronted with who they are in relationships. In the end, it all comes down to working out how to lead a satisfying, happy life. How do I define that? What’s the cause of my distress and what’s the way out? I always counsel people to go back to the source; that’s the only way to make a lasting change. This is confronting, painful and sad, but it’s by unravelling these emotions that you’ll get to a place of more resilience in life. Lots of people realize it could help them, but don’t act on it. Making a change means taking action. Plus, you can’t do it alone. That’s not weakness, it’s a fact.”


Hello People

Henny Abdel Malek - Verboom Global Head of Tax at Rituals & owner of Healing & Yin Yoga www.healingandyinyoga.com “A fulfilling life is about balance in both brain hemispheres. Our left brain is highly developed. It’s all about logical, practical and analytical thinking. Our right brain is for intuition, creativity and feeling. In my life, I have that combination: a corporate career (left) and yoga and meditation (right). But neither world is very attentive to the other. My tip is always ‘balance your brain’, and here in Zuidas I think we’d do well to develop our right brains some more. Because, if you can be the best version of yourself, you’ll be that for the rest of the world as well, and that brings greater happiness and satisfaction. Covid has shifted things a little and put more focus on the wellbeing of workers. I think it’s brilliant, of course, how we suddenly went from ‘thinking and doing’ to ‘feeling and being’. A lot of people feel better for having more of that balance, and that’s exactly the goal of my business!”

Gideon Leendertse Partner at Greenberg Nielsen www.greenbergnielsen.nl “I like to invest in myself, for self-improvement and to inspire people around me. You can only do that through self-knowledge and self-reflection. If you can face up to your own shortcomings, you can get out of your own way. Because what you do is the only thing you can influence! In our company we use an internal guidance model and external courses to help people on the path to personal growth. The professional side automatically comes into view. I myself started a new course in 2018, in professional communication at Phoenix Opleidingen, which has made me realize how I might make different choices from the ones I’m naturally inclined to. That has helped me make objective choices for the company, particularly in these unsettled times.“

Photo: Jaiwey Nuij





The ten nominees for the 14th annual

is awarded annually by ARCAM, Amsterdam’s Architecture

Amsterdam Architecture Prize are:

Centre. The centre promotes and coordinates architecture,

1. Amsterdam Courthouse, KAAN Architecten,

urban design and landscape architecture developments


in the city and greater metro region. Established to

2. Breehorn IJdoornlaan, LEVS Architecten,

recognize architects and commissioning clients of a

project completed in Amsterdam during the previous year,

3. Foeliestraat 2-4, Ronald Janssen Architecten, Buro Amsterdam

the prize is awarded to the building judged to be the most

4. Pontkade, de Architekten Cie., Pontkade Ontwikkeling BV

aesthetic, exemplary for its situation and time, or most

5. Studio Thonik, Thomas Widdershoven (Thonik) in conjunction

challenging and innovative. Noteworthy is that three of the ten nominated complexes are right here in Zuidas!

Rochdale and Stadgenoot

with Arjan van Ruyven (MMX-architecten), Thonik OG BV 6. The George, Dok architecten, BPD in conjunction with AM 7. Top-Up, FRANTZEN et al., Lemniskade Projecten 8. Vossius Gymnasium conversion, Marlies Rohmer Architecture

& Urbanism, Vossius Gymnasium

9. Van der Valk Hotel Zuidas, Wiel Arets Architects,

Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas B.V.

10. Westbeat, Studioninedots, Lingotto On



The three projects nominated in Zuidas are:

Project name:

Amsterdam Courthouse

Project name:

The George

Project name:

Van der Valk Hotel Zuidas


KAAN Architecten


Dok Architecten


Wiel Arets Architects

The New Amsterdam Courthouse offers both

The George is a wildlife-inclusive residential

The new eye-catching van der Valk Hotel

employees and visitors views over the city,

building with 47 luxury apartments.

Zuidas is notable for its unusual shape: at

while passers-by are given the opportunity

Its generous terraces overlooking De

one end the plot on which it sits angles to

to engage with the building. The courthouse

Boelengracht get broader going down,

a sharp point, which has been integrated

building is exemplary in its efficiency, like the

giving each apartment a slightly different

in the hotel’s design. The end result is a

organization itself, and is part of the daily life

floor plan. The base of the building fans

glass triangle raised on a concrete base.

surrounding it. This is reflected in the design’s

out like a summer skirt fluttering in the

Occupying this lower section is the car

large windows on the ground floor as well as

breeze. From a distance, a distinctive

park, deliberately incorporated into the

the entrance courtyard for public use. The

feature is the relief pattern of the glazed

building itself and thus elevating the

city’s streets merge with the layout of the

brickwork. The building is also sustainable.

section housing the hotel. On the roof are

building. The forecourt, the central hall and

Its bowl-shaped roof collects sunshine and

solar panels and a rainwater system that

its foyers, and the visitor waiting areas form

rainwater, supplying water and electricity

drains into public waters. This prevents

an extension of urban space. Just off the

to the apartments. Integrated vertical

clean rainwater from emptying into the

central hall, the building has two independent

gardens bring an abundance of plants and

sewers and helps to maintain groundwater

structures with 50 courtrooms and council

trees to the transparent south façade, and

levels naturally. Lighting is similarly keyed

chambers, while the large ground-floor

the wealth of vegetation also improves

to sustainability, using energy-efficient LED

courtroom has been designed with a direct

air quality in the surrounding area. In no

lights that adjust to the available daylight

access route. The building has several green

time at all, residents can create their own

and presence of people.

spaces: an enclosed garden, vertical gardens,

private oasis.

a sunken garden and large terrace.

LIVECASTS AND AWARD CEREMONY In the run-up to the award of the ‘Gouden A.A.P. 2021’, Pakhuis

The award ceremony will also be streamed live from last year’s

de Zwijger is devoting three programmes to the ten nominated

winner, the Trippenhuis Complex, on Friday 28 May 2021.

projects. The three livecasts are on 10, 17 and 24 May 2021.

Photography: Marcel Steinbach


Hello Zuidas


THE HELLO ZUIDAS TEAM! Hello Zuidas has a mission to help make Zuidas the

and creative team. Now that several colleagues have

most attractive, well-connected and sustainable

recently moved on and new colleagues have come on

location it can be for businesses, residents and

board to complete the team, we’re excited to introduce

visitors. To do that, we work with a diverse, dedicated

you – our readers – to the people behind Hello Zuidas.

From left to right: Elisa Schouten, Rinske Berg, Romy Lange, Rene Teeuwen, Olivier Otten, Trevor Holtkamp, Angela Ham & Kirsten van Keimpema


Hello Zuidas

Elisa Schouten

Rinske Berg

Romy Lange

Project manager, Public Space & Safety

Project manager, Mobility & Accessibility

Editor-in-chief, Hello Zuidas and



Owner, Zuidas Publishers & RCD Publishers

I joined Hello Zuidas in April to chair

As coordinator of the From A to


the Zuidas Safety Platform, Facility

Zuidas programme, I work to bring

I’ve been the editor-in-chief of Hello Zuidas

Management Platform and HR Platform.

public and private entities into

magazine for nearly ten years now. That

At the moment I’m very much an explorer

alignment on issues surrounding

means I’ve had a front-row seat to all the

in Zuidas, getting to know the area and

mobility and accessibility in Zuidas.

changes in the district, and I feel proud and

the people well. Zuidas is developing

Alongside that I launch and coordinate

privileged to work and make wonderful

non-stop on all fronts and that makes it an

initiatives to get businesses and

stories here. So many inspiring people

inspiring and exciting setting to work in.

organizations in Zuidas to transition to

live and work in Zuidas, and it’s brilliant to

When I’m not working I enjoy going sailing

more sustainable mobility behaviour.

talk and connect with them. Starting from

on the Vinkeveense Plassen, wherever I

At the weekend I’m usually out on

this year we’re also publishing a magazine

happen to be living. I’m also a big foodie.

my racing bicycle, hiking or catching

for Rotterdam’s business district, and

Turns out, the way to a woman’s heart is

some rays on a terrace. Another big

expect to expand these activities to other

through the stomach, too.

pastime is playing board games at the

locations in the near future. This growth

kitchen table!

is exciting!

René Teeuwen

Olivier Otten

Chair, Zuidas Accessibility Task Force

Director, Zuidas Foundation



The Task Force is an independent body within Hello Zuidas in

Zuidas is fast on its way to becoming the new centre of

which the business community discuss accessibility issues with

Amsterdam, and it’s a great pleasure to contribute daily to

the City of Amsterdam (Zuidas District Office) and Zuidasdok.

the sustainable urban development of our capital. I went to

The Covid-19 crisis is creating opportunities for organizations

university in Oxford, Groningen and Barcelona. Before the

to structurally change their mobility policies. Towards more

foundation of Hello Zuidas in 2012 I was involved in a variety

working from home, more shared mobility and more commuting

of initiatives based at WTC Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam and

by bike. As the Task Force chair, I’m thrilled to be contributing.

ABN Amro. Zuidas has become like a second home to me.

Trevor Holtkamp

Angela Ham

Kirsten van Keimpema

Community manager

Office / HR manager

City marketeer/project manager




My focus is on our Activity and Sustain-

Having been born and bred in Amsterdam,

I’ve lived in Oud-Zuid for around six

ability pillars. I connect public and private

it’s a thrill for me to be working daily in this

years now and am enjoying working on

parties to bring outstanding amenities

unique, dynamic part of it that is Zuidas!

expanding our Activity pillar, because it’s

and cultural programming to Zuidas, and

I put all my enthusiasm into taking care

also important to me personally. My job

to make the district more sustainable. I’m

of our office and HR management, client

involves supporting the district through

also in charge of all our communication

relations and financial accounts. I’m the

various initiatives and partnerships.

channels, so the website, app and

face of the Hello Zuidas Service Point and

Connecting people and finding different

magazine. And I’m the secretary of the

am always glad to assist or advise our

openings to do that is what energizes

Retail Services Network and Hospitality

members. And, as secretary of the Safety,

me. Outside that, I love spinning and am

Sector Consultation. Outside my work at

Facility Management and HR Platforms, I

interested in lectures and courses on

Hello Zuidas, I also design board games

also help companies in Zuidas to connect

self-development. Because you’re never

and am an active D66 party member.

and share knowledge on these topics.

finished learning.

Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo


Members Meeting


MEMBERS MEETING: ACTIVELY CONNECTING Homo ludens – the playing human. That’s what Lammert Kamphuis, philosopher with The School of Life, opened his workshop with during the Hello Zuidas Members Meeting on 25 March. This meeting was all about finding ways to actively connect – because true connections are sorely lacking, certainly in these times of Covid. Satisfaction, passion and engagement. These three ingredients are essential to our enjoyment of work and actively contribute to life happiness. After all, when we enjoy our work, life feels easier. Seeing ‘fun’ as a part of work is even more important at this time when, for many of us, work and personal life have converged. Lammert asked how connected we still feel to our inner Homo ludens. Do we ever play? Turn elements of work into a game? Use humour? A poll among attendees resulted in a resounding “No”. For most people anyway. One or two said they could see some game elements in their work, insofar as a game is basically just a system – a set of rules – that you’re all navigating together. You could even see all of life as a kind of game, with work being one component. Which is not to say you shouldn’t take it seriously. Quite the reverse, in fact. Life’s a game The concept of ‘play’ tends to have connotations of not deserving to be taken seriously; of something that’s ‘just for fun’. Lammert helped us see that nothing could


Members Meeting

be further from the truth: play is downright

making a request are core elements of a

HR Platform

vital to being happy in life, even if it’s just

worthwhile and forthright conversation.

This meeting was also our first trial run on

sharing a laugh with colleagues or joining

But mastering this art is harder than you

the road to an HR Platform. With almost

them for an online pub quiz. You get to

might think, as the breakout sessions

everyone working from home, staying

know someone better during an hour of

proved. Nevertheless, it provided plenty of

connected with Zuidas is more important

play than a year of talking. So, time to

food for further thought.

than ever. We’re thrilled to be doing that by delivering this magazine and an awesome

rediscover your inner Homo ludens! Autarky

Zuidas-in-a-Box to doorsteps, but once


The third and last part of the meeting was

Covid measures have been relaxed, we

Communication is one of the trickiest

about Diogenes and his ‘autarky’. That is:

want to go a step further. With the help of

things in the world. During the second part

the art of doing for yourself. How can you

managers and HR professionals, we want

of this Members Meeting, we zoomed in on

stay self-sufficient while also reaching out

to bring all the greatness that Zuidas has

non-violent communication, or the art of

to others? The theory is easier to grasp

to offer – from sport, art, music, parks and

keeping a rein on your temper when topics

than the practice but, essentially, if you

debates to retail and restaurants – to the

get tough. How do you broach sticky issues

stay sincere and true to yourself, you’ll

district’s workforce.

without raising hackles, unconscious or

find people are more likely to accept you

not? How do you get your message across

and take you more seriously than if you’re

without sounding accusatory or hateful?

always adapting to suit them. Adapting

If you’re a senior manager or have

Here, the expression ‘it’s not what you

doesn’t mean better connections. Hold

an HR professional for personnel

say, but how you say it’ applies. Lammert

firm to your opinion, keep reaching out to

affairs, we invite you or your

taught us that observing facts, showing

others, but above all: be true to yourself.

colleague to get in touch with us

our own feelings, sharing needs and

That’s an important life lesson.

via servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.

Text: Trevor Holtkamp • Photography: Jan Vonk


Zuidas Home Tour


“I thought: isn’t Zuidas all offices? How do you live in a place like that?”


Zuidas is a distinctive part of the

we ask residents to tell us where

city and in high demand among

they live and how they like life

house hunters. Between now

in Zuidas. This time, we talked

and 2040, some 8,000 to 9,000

to Annemiek van Dijke, resident

new homes will be built here.

of The Gustav, whose move to

Once known mostly as an office

Zuidas came about through her

location, more recently Zuidas

friend Nathalie Lam, who lives in

has been shedding that image by

New Amsterdam. Annemiek and

a complete metamorphosis. When

Nathalie know each other from

Zuidas is finished in around 2040,

their student days in Leiden.

a projected 15,000 people will

Here, they tell us what brought

call it home. In this new section,

them to Zuidas.

Annemiek van Dijke lives in The Gustav and Nathalie Lam (lives in New Amsterdam)

Zuidas Home Tour

Annemiek, had you ever

move to Zuidas was quite odd. I’d been

pictured yourself living in Zuidas?

living in Amsterdam Zuid, so it was a big

Annemiek: “No, not at all. I’m originally

step. I saw Zuidas grow and become more

from Hulst in Zeeuws Vlaanderens, six

professional in terms of the companies

kilometres from the Belgian border. In 1988

here, but I saw an increase of social

I started university in Leiden, and that’s

activities and eating places, too. It’s

where I met Nathalie. With Nathalie living

amazing how Zuidas has grown and how

in Zuidas, I got to know what it’s like to live

popular it’s become.”


Annemiek van Dijke

Age 51

and move about in this area.” Annemiek, do you think


Senior researcher at PsyQ

What did you think of Zuidas, initially?

you’ll stay here permanently?

and clinical psychologist/

Annemiek: “I thought: Isn’t Zuidas all offices?

“That was the plan when I bought this

neuropsychologist and

How do you live in a place like that? Knowing

place. I live here with my daughter Jasmijn

Nathalie, she has a gorgeous apartment,

and she has quite international interests,


and when I visited it and looked at her view

so the fact that Schiphol and the station


I was sold then and there. Years ago our

are close by was a plus. I do intend to stay

School of Life’s ‘reading

student club took an anniversary trip to New

here for a long time.”

the classics’), playing the

researcher at LUMC The Gustav Reading (for example The

piano, our cat Petit and

York City, and this has a similar feel. That was a big draw. The estate agent said I was

Is there anything you

incredibly lucky to have been given a chance

feel Zuidas is missing?

to buy a flat here. Try as I might, though,

Annemiek: “My daughter and I miss having

Favourite spot at home

I can’t get people in Hulst to understand

a good stationer’s like Winter where you

Our sofa, where my daughter and I

buying a flat in Amsterdam for this amount

can get chic fountain pens and good

enjoy reading or watching Netflix.

of money and calling that being lucky!”

office supplies, as well as nice gifts. And

exploring Amsterdam.

a market would be brilliant.” Nathalie:

Favourite spot in Zuidas

Nathalie, what brought you to Zuidas?

“Yes, shopping for nice gifts is tricky here.

Nathalie, her daughter, my daughter

Nathalie: “I’ve lived in Zuidas for nearly

We could also use a good greengrocer or

and I love relaxing on the outdoor

ten years now. I was among the first to

delicatessen, and things like a clothing

terraces here and going out for nice

come live here and it wasn’t all that built

boutique and perfumer. More diversity

meals. George Gershwinplein is

up yet. At the time, everyone thought my

would be welcome!”

another lovely spot.

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep


Business In The Spotlight


Business In The Spotlight


OF HISTORIC AMSTERDAM For many, Amsterdam is the one and only place to live. In the big, bustling capital you can literally have it all on your doorstep, from culture and history to green oases and outdoor terraces for hours of people-watching. New projects are popping up right and left to expand the city’s residential offer. Such as the ultra-modern new building being developed on ODE – aka Oosterdokeiland – by area developer BPD.


Business In The Spotlight

ODE is an island, located between the

van Berkel boasts large expanses of glass

have two bedrooms and baths. Facing east

IJ and Oosterdok. Once a wharf where

to create transparency and let natural light

towards the Nemo Science Museum are

trading vessels docked, recent years

flood in, while offering gorgeous views of

the Type N units, with 126m2 across four

have seen it transformed into a modern,

historic Amsterdam across the water.

rooms, including two bedrooms and two baths plus a separate toilet. There are nine

innovative and dynamic place to live and work. Here you’ll find all amenities: cute

Residential range

of each of these three apartment types,

coffee bars, restaurants, fitness facilities,

The high-end Ode Apartments range

making 27 in all.

speciality shops and a supermarket. And,

in floor area from 66m2 to 302m2 on

of course, the public library, Amsterdam

the west, south and east sides of the

Opulent options

conservatory and concert hall that were

building. The 66m2 Type P units are on the

The building’s south-east and south-west

already big local draws. At the top of the

west-facing Conservatorium side, with a

sides are reserved for spacious Type O

island, a short stroll from all the amenities,

spacious sitting room, bedroom, bathroom

units, with balconies where residents can

BPD is working hard on its luxury Ode

and separate toilet. The 114m2 Type A

wake up in the morning sunshine or enjoy

Apartments. The design by UNStudio’s Ben

units, also on the building’s west side,

a drink in the evening rays. With floor


Business In The Spotlight

areas of 145m2 on the east and 155m2

and personal service, a service manager

Ode Apartments

on the west, these apartments all have

is always on duty in the foyer. Indoor


two bedrooms and baths and a separate

temperatures are perfectly regulated

toilet, with additional storage available in

year-round, thanks to the latest

In easy reach

a separate space. Last but not least are the

technologies, and all windows are triple

3 minutes to EYE Filmmuseum (by ferry)

Type R corner apartments. Uniquely, these

glazed. All apartments also have a ‘smart

5-10 minutes to A10 ring road (by car)

257m2 (south and west sides) and 241m2

domotica system’ installed that’s easy

12 minutes to Dam Square (on foot)

(south and east sides) units are divided

to operate by smartphone or tablet to

13 minutes to Museumplein (by bike)

over two floors. With two sitting rooms,

adjust temperature, heating, lighting

15 minutes to Zuidas (by metro)

three bedrooms, three bathrooms, two

and audio both indoors and out. Ode

18 minutes to NDSM grounds (by ferry)

separate toilets and an additional space,

Apartments further has its own parking

16 minutes to Schiphol Airport (by train)

these Ode Apartments are the epitome

for bicycles and for cars (on request) in

of high class. To ensure the kitchens and

the underground car park, with charging


bathrooms are every bit as stylish and

stations for EVs optional.

• Central heat pump system for

luxurious, Ode Apartments is partnering

heating and air-conditioning

with Intercodom, a specialist in exclusive

• No natural gas

fittings and fixtures. This impressive new

• Heat recovery ventilation system

edifice at the top of ODE promises to make

• Eco-friendly low energy consumption

all residential dreams come true! Service No less important are building facilities, and BPD has given this plenty of thought as well. For enhanced safety, security

Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute • Artist Impressions: Theo van Leur

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Business In The Spotlight

Esthetisch Centrum Jan van Goyen:


From common plastic surgical procedures such as breast augmentations and eyelid

Jan van Goyen x OLVG

corrections to less familiar yet invaluable surgeries like breast reconstructions

Surgeons at the Esthetisch Centrum Jan

and scar revision, Esthetisch Centrum Jan van Goyen carries out a wide range of

van Goyen regularly work at Amsterdam’s

specialized treatments and surgical procedures, all tailored to the individual patient.

OLVG hospital as well. In Van de Kar’s that

Hello Zuidas sat down with plastic surgeon Annekatrien van de Kar to learn about her

goes mainly for reconstructive procedures

work and the versatility of this clinic, located in the heart of Amsterdam.

in patients recovering from breast cancer, skin cancer or trauma. She also assists

Many-faceted field

Desired result

with general hand surgeries at the hospital.

Van de Kar was several years into her

That focus on patients and their wishes is

Thanks to this alliance with the OLVG,

medical degree and doing her foundation

essential at Esthetisch Centrum Jan van

Esthetisch Centrum Jan van Goyen can

programme when she discovered plastic

Goyen. To ensure surgical procedures can

offer small-scale, high-quality care at its

surgery. It opened up a whole new world.

be done safely, patients always have to

centre, backed by dependable support.

“The field’s creative aspect spoke to me. In

meet specific health criteria in advance.

“As a team, our aim is always to find the

plastic surgery, there’s no single solution to

Also crucial is that patients have a realistic

right, personal solution for an individual

a given problem.” She was also attracted

picture of what the final result will be. “If

problem. Where needed, we consult a

by the many facets it brought together –

a person expects things that I think I can’t

colleague or call in a cosmetic physician,

from cosmetic and reconstructive to hand

deliver, I won’t operate.” Van de Kar does

dermatologist, surgeon or orthopaedist.

and wrist surgery. “For one patient it’s all

many different types of breast procedures,

What matters most, for us, is achieving the

about regaining functionality, whereas for

from reductions and augmentations to

desired end result.”

another what matters is getting the most

lipofilling and corrections. Tummy tucks

beautiful cosmetic result. You have to listen

and post-bariatric procedures to remove

very closely to what a patient wants and

excess skin after weight loss are also

then decide on a course together.”

common, she says.

Text: Eefje van den Akker • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

Esthetisch Centrum Jan van Goyen Concertgebouwplein 11 1071 LL Amsterdam +31 (0)20 305 58 00 ec@jvg.nl www.ecjanvangoyen.nl




MAY & JUNE 2021 25 April - 24 October

KAREL APPEL 100 YEARS @Cobra Museum of Modern Art • www.cobra-museum.nl Karel Appel is recognized as one of the Netherlands’ most important post-war artists. A co-founder of the international CoBrA movement, his personality and unfettered style were a major influence on the group’s other Dutch members. This year, the Cobra Museum is hosting an exhibition to mark his 100th birthday. The museum’s own works will be shown alongside a private collection in honour of this festive occasion. Photo: Karel Appel

Every weekend in May & June

LIVE AT AMSTERDAMSE BOS @Amsterdamse Bos • www.liveatamsterdamsebos.nl Every summer, music enthusiasts look forward to the Bostheatre’s ‘Live At Amsterdamse Bos’ evening concert series in Amstelveen. This summer, a varied line-up of singersongwriters and pop musicians will perform in the beautiful open-air theatre. Live At is a perfect escape from the crowded city, where you can relax with a cool drink under a blanket of stars as live music surrounds you.

Wednesday 12 May

Photo: Nichon Glerum

IT GOING GREEN! @Circl • www.circl.nl As organizations double down Through 31 August

on sustainability there’s growing


awareness that IT can and must

@Museum Het Schip • www.hetschip.nl

contribute in a big way, not only by

Amsterdamse School Museum Het Schip

harnessing IT to boost sustainability,

presents Bruno Taut: Beyond Fantasy. This

but also by greening IT. Too often, the

inspiring exhibition with an extensive theme-

adaptations needed to stop climate

based programme introduces visitors to the

change are still seen as ‘nice to have’

wonderful, colourful world of this creative

instead of ‘must haves’. Driven by

and influential architect, urban planner

its purpose – ‘Banking for Better for

and ‘total artist’ who lived and worked in

Generations to Come’ – ABN AMRO

Germany, Japan and Turkey, and who had

wants to change that. An important

a special connection with the Netherlands.

first step is raising awareness,

Four of the neighbourhoods he designed are

providing insight and looking at what

now UNESCO World Heritage sites.

we can actually do.

Photo: Johan Wiericx



Through 24 May

HERE TO STAY: A DECADE OF REMARKABLE ACQUISITIONS AND THEIR STORIES @Van Gogh Museum • www.vangoghmuseum.nl In an exhibition covering the whole spectrum of the Thursday 20 May

museum’s collections – from paintings to drawings, prints,


sculpture and letters – Here to Stay presents a large selection

@Online 3-4pm

of works acquired by the Van Gogh Museum over the past

• kirsten.vankeimpema@hellozuidas.com

decade. Most are rare works are by other artists, including

This online meeting about residential

greats like Edgar Degas, Berthe Morisot and Edvard Munch.

affairs will focus on neighbourhood

Photo: Pollard Willow-VanGogh

activity and amenities. We’ll discuss Rialto, Griffioen and Sapiens – the cinema, theatre and living lab, respectively, that are set to

Through Sunday 30 May

bring even more activity to Zuidas. Guests Raymond Walraven, director of Rialto, and


Eme van de Schaaf, director of Griffioen,

@Amsterdam City Archives

and Sapiens, will be joining this afternoon

• www.amsterdam.nl/stadsarchief

to present and explain the plans.

The exhibition Breitner, Israels and contemporaries. Amsterdam in watercolour and pastel is a unique opportunity to see late 19th and early 20th-century masterpieces together at the Amsterdam

Friday 21 May

City Archives. Around 1900, Amsterdam was booming and that


attracted artists like Breitner, Israels, Mondrian and Gestel. Their

@Circl • www.circl.nl

Photo: Leo Gestel, Stadsarchief Amsterdam

work and that of many others offers a marvellous picture of a city embracing the modern era with fresh élan.

How do you become a systems thinker? And how do you harness systems thinking to create impact? This training is for all

Thursday 27

professionals keen to accelerate their

through 30 May

company or organization’s circular


ambitions. You’ll learn what systems

@RAI Amsterdam

thinking is, how to develop it and how

• www.rai.nl/agenda

to use it in your workplace. Led by

The longest-running contemporary

experienced trainers and experts from

Saturday 22 May

art fair in the Netherlands,

Sustainability University, you’ll work


KunstRAI is where art connoisseurs

together in a small group to put systems

@Muiderslot Castle • www.muiderslot.nl

and art lovers go to see the best

thinking into practice.

Dining is about discovery, especially at

and newest pieces. More than 80

Photo: Jan Vonk

Muiderslot. How did people cook in the old

participating galleries show their

days, and what did they eat? Join the castle’s

contemporary work at the fair,

cook and historian on a flavour-based trip

ranging from paintings, sculpture

back to the Middle Ages and 17th century

and photography to design and

during this fascinating Saturday afternoon

accessories. Besides galleries,

tasting. Interested to learn about the past

the fair also features solo stands

over a delicious sampling of products from

showcasing individual artists to

the castle garden? Sign up now!

introduce visitors to their work.

Photo: Kasteel Muiderslot



Friday 4 June

MASTERCLASS: LEADERSHIP IN SUSTAINABLE FINANCE @Circl • www.circl.nl Finance professionals can play a powerful role in the transition to a sustainable, resilient economy. They can enable sustainable Wednesday 2 June

finance, moving capital flows to


sustainable assets and business

@Circl • www.circl.nl

activities. Though sustainability

How can we find the path that will lead

information is not always

us beyond our current unsustainable

integrated in target-setting and

Thursday 3 June

economic system and the finance-

decision-making yet, this is

dominated ideology that drives it? And how

changing rapidly. This masterclass


can you play a role as an impact finance

is being organized in an inspiring

@Online 3.30-4.30pm

professional? John Fullerton, former

online learning environment with a

• servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

banker for JP Morgan, will take us along on

group of enthusiastic professionals.

Many organizations in Zuidas have their

his journey of Regenerative Economics: the

own vehicle fleets. Hello Zuidas wants to

application of nature’s laws and patterns

investigate possibilities for sharing these

of systemic health, self-organization,

vehicles among different organizations.

self-renewal and regenerative vitality to

Doing so can have financial, environmental

socioeconomic systems.

and other payoffs for your organization. If

Photo: Jan Vonk

you’re involved in leasing or sharing cars, scooters, bikes or e-bikes, please join us!

Sunday 13 June

PURE MARKET @Amstelpark • www.puremarkt.nl Pure Markt (‘Pure Market’) brings together various independent artisans selling Wednesday 2-6 June

delicious food, beverages and a range of other unique items. From a juicy


burger to fresh oysters and from cold beer to coffee with something sweet.

@RAI Amsterdam

music while the little ones take a spin in Holland’s’ coolest chair-o-plane.

• www.amsterdammotorshow.com

Photo: Jesje Veling

At IAMS you’ll find more than 300 cars in full glory. From supercars and the most extreme hypercars to unique show cars of which there’s only one in the world, as well as valuable antique and modern classics. The show also includes a section devoted to the latest import models, both combustion and electric. See them all at the IAMS 2021.


Relax on one of the inviting terraces or have a picnic on the lawn and enjoy live


Tuesday 22 June


Thursday 1 July

@Online 3.30-4.30pm


• servicepoint@hellozuidas.com More and more people in Zuidas are making their journeys by electric bike,

@Amsterdam Zuid

scooter or car. But what are the fire risks of these vehicles for building owners and

Tuesday, 22 June

• www.artzuid.nl

residents and multistorey car parks in

Every other year the green lanes

resume? During this Safety Platform we’ll


join with the fire service, property owners

@Free webinar 15.00 – 15.30h

Amsterdam Sculpture Biennial.

and users and parking operators to talk

• www.taalcentrum-vu.nl/webinar

ARTZUID exhibits a mix of modern

about the evacuation of parking facilities in

Do you encounter cultural differences

and contemporary figurative works

the event of fires or toxic contaminations.

in the workplace? And would you like

alongside art installations to give

to know more about the best ways to

this year’s sculpture route more

handle them? Join Taalcentrum-VU’s free

than ever for visitors to experience.

webinar on 22 June and learn how to avoid

Follow the route using the free

misunderstandings! In 30 minutes, you will

app, join a guided tour or just stroll

pick up handy, immediately applicable tips.

around the neighbourhood and let

Sign up for free!

yourself be surprised.

Zuidas once traffic flows to this area fully

of Amsterdam Zuid come alive with art during the ARTZUID

Wednesday 23-26 June

Through 25 July



@RAI Amsterdam

@De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam

• www.negenmaandenbeurs.nl

• www.nieuwekerk.nl

The Negenmaandenbeurs is a maternity

In spring 2021 the acclaimed World

fair bringing together the latest gadgets,

Press Photo exhibition returns to

must-haves for your newborn, styling tips,

the Dutch capital. Every year, the

the cutest outfits, prams of all brands

best pictures are selected for this

and lots more. Guaranteed to thrill and

touring exhibition of more than

delight! The single biggest maternity event

200 photographs, offering a view

for everything to do with pregnancy and

of press photographers at work

babies, the fair offers loads of inspiration

the world over. As well as the gritty

and information on baby care, nutrition,

reality of the news, they show the

health, furnishing a nursery, educational

miraculous beauty of life, sports,

toys, safety, transport and so much more.

art, science and nature.

Photo: Sprankelend Fotografie Official

Photo: Janiek Dam


Business In The Spotlight


AM develops unique BREEAM-NL Outstanding mixed-use building in Zuidas

Peter Heuvelink & Raymon van Miltenburg

Zuidas is building its future in all kinds of ways. From its beginnings as a financial district, Zuidas has continued to grow and diversify into a healthy mix of small business owners, restaurateurs and residents. Among the latest approved plans now taking shape is Crossover by area development company AM, one of the very first mixed-use BREEAM-NL Outstanding and WELL Core-certified buildings in the country. Peter Heuvelink, director of AM Noordwest, and Raymon van Miltenburg, AM management board member, filled Hello Zuidas in on all the details of this new addition to the north end of Zuidas. Mixed use

the very first mixed-use projects in the

rental housing, Crossover’s BREEAM-NL

Mixed-use concepts for Zuidas started

Netherlands to be awarded a BREEAM-

Outstanding rating is nothing short of

to emerge on the drawing board in 2016.

NL Outstanding certificate for the whole


Since then, construction of the first plan

building. On top of that, and rather unique

has kicked off and completion of Crossover

for offices, is its WELL Core certification,

Healthy living and working

is scheduled for 2023. The development

which centres on the health of future users

AM set high stakes for itself by starting

includes 130 residential units: 120 starter

of Crossover.” These certifications have

construction before taking any tenants

rental apartments and 10 units for sale.

already become an important part of

or investors on board. De Key, a housing

Van Miltenburg explains, “This is one of

office market development. But for social

association, has already signed for the


Business In The Spotlight

“With Crossover, AM is underlining the community aspect of Zuidas.”

120 rental units. “This project is unique

with all stakeholders we’re turning this

will be open to the public – and the rooftop

because it integrates social housing

part of Zuidas into an exceptional and

terraces for residents.

and premier office space in a single

quality-rich environment in which to live,

building”, Heuvelink points out. “For

work and play.”

Co-living Another new aspect of Crossover is the

Crossover, De Key will be doing five-year rental contracts. That will keep the area


concept of co-living. Creating connections

dynamic.” The offices are being developed

In the ‘war for talent’, organizations are

is a mission AM aspires to in all its

in such a way that different floors can

thinking a lot more these days about how

projects, Heuvelink says. “The layout

be divided between multiple tenants.

they’re contributing to society. Heuvelink:

of the building facilitates spots where

That’s also part of why AM elected not

“The younger generation values a forward-

people can congregate and that residents

to sign with tenants yet, since small

thinking approach to social issues and

can make shared use of. For the rental

to mid-sized business owners tend

sustainability, so it’s important for AM to

housing, that lets us create more space

to need space in the near future. For

develop sustainable and healthy buildings.

with an extra dimension and opportunities

those businesses, Crossover offers great

If a company can say their office is located

for interaction. With Crossover, AM is

potential for attracting the right workforce

in Zuidas and has both BREEAM-NL

underlining the community aspect of

and customers in a sustainable setting in

Outstanding and WELL Core certifications,

Zuidas.” The building will also offer smart

Zuidas. AM believes inclusive cities are the

then that’s a tremendous advantage for

mobility solutions. Residents and tenants

future, Van Miltenburg stresses. “Three

attracting talent.” Crossover will have 12,000

can take advantage of share cars, loan

of our five CSR themes are integrated in

m2 GFA for offices, with approximately 500

bikes and more. “We’re incredibly excited

Crossover: healthy urban living & working,

m2 on the ground floor reserved for a social/

about that!” Van Miltenburg affirms.

the inclusive city, and bold sustainability.

community function. Facing the bustling

These themes are central to our

new square will be 350 m2 for street-side

development process for Crossover. We’ve

restaurants and cafés. Also unique are the

raised the bar high here, and by working

green terraces at each office level – which

Text: Nicole Pak & Céline Boute • Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep

AM Ptolemaeuslaan 80 3528 BP Utrecht +31 (0)30 60 97 222 info@am.nl www.am.nl/referentieprojecten/crossover/


Lifelong Learning Special

To kick off this feature we interviewed philosopher, public speaker and writer Lammert Kamphuis. He uses philosophy to challenge his audiences to adopt unfamiliar perspectives. As a guest at the most recent Hello Zuidas Members Meeting, he taught



participants to connect through play and interaction. You can read more about this on page 22. Could you start off by introducing yourself? “I was raised in a very strict, Dutch Reformed setting governed by truth with a capital T. My father was a minister and up to the age of 25 I only really knew people from our church. At some point I realized there had to be more. Studying philosophy was a world away from the environment I grew up in. It centred on asking questions and probing everything. It freed me to think. To me, philosophy is an exercise in animated perspective, putting yourself

This issue is all about lifelong learning. Because, frankly, we’re never finished

in another one’s shoes and having the

learning at any age. As children, with the whole world to discover, we experience

guts to explore different perspectives. It’s

a big growth spurt, but as we get older we have to take more initiative to

also about stepping away from your own

make development happen. Apart from always having more to learn, personal

viewpoint to see someone else’s. That line

development enhances self-awareness and insight into our own potential,

of thought was alien to my church, but

giving us more control over our quality of life. So, what are you waiting for? Go

by studying philosophy I discovered the

take that course, degree or workshop and live your learning!

elegance of it.”

In this Lifelong Learning issue we spotlight organizations involved in learning and

These days you speak before

development. Check out the following organizations and put yourself, your children,

large groups. What do you want

friends or colleagues on the path to development: Nyenrode Business University,

listeners to take home with them?

Webster University, The British School of Amsterdam, Kindergarden, Children’s

“I started my own business with the aim

Campus Zuidas, The School of Life, Amsterdam International Community School, IMA

of making philosophy accessible to the

– Institute of Management Accountants, CPO - Centre for Professional Legal Education,

broadest possible public. Including, now,

Taalcentrum-VU, MBO College Zuid – ROC Amsterdam, Vakmedianet and VU Graduate

through The School of Life. We challenge

Winter School.

people to ask the big life questions and


Lifelong Learning Special

put that philosophy to work. So: How do you deal with setbacks? How do you envisage your life? They don’t teach that in school. Gradually, the business community began taking an interest as well. Now, I’m hired by companies a lot and The School of Life works with organizations of all kinds. Also for traineeships, as companies are realizing that the younger generation want to find purpose and happiness in their work.” How important is being happy at work, in your view? “Happiness is a big and very loaded word, one that makes ‘good enough’ or ‘fine’ feel flat. That also makes it very hard to find. I’ve talked to HR managers who admit they deliberately raise pressure and expectations. If the first question you ask new hires is: ‘What will your legacy be?’, then you’re clearly not making things any easier. I talk a lot about ‘play’ as part of finding happiness at work. We lose that as we grow older, because of our environment and the expectations the world has from us. So, with big audiences, I like to ask: ‘How could you add more elements of play to your work?’ It’s through play that you truly get to know one another and it creates a special dynamic you never get from talk alone.” What can employers do to create a good workplace atmosphere where everyone can be themselves? “A lot of it has to do with a work culture where there’s trust and room for people to show their individuality. It would be beneficial for many organizations to stimulate that individuality and

Lammert Kamphuis

nonconformity in employees. This is brought about primarily through communication, and by the way in which it is discussed: for example by explicitly naming it. Even just sessions to address it

Want to hear Lammert Kamphuis speak in person?

together can be very productive.”

With The School of Life he has these programmes coming up (in Dutch)

Do you have any further advice for employers who

6-9 May

Multi-day: The journey of your life

want to keep their people happy in these times?

21-24 May

Multi-day: Philosophy for life

“The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said: ‘Where your talents

25 May

Communication (online)

and the world’s needs cross, there lies your vocation.’ I think that’s

28-30 May

Retreat: Find your dream job

a great starting point. Recently I gave a workshop in a company

31 May-28 June

Philosophy for the good life

where HR asked all employees which strenghts they have, but

11 June

Intensive: Find your dream job

never use in the workplace. Now some of them coach others, do catering for meetings, work on interior design in the office and

Check www.theschooloflife.com/amsterdam for times and tickets.

(pre-corona) even give massages.”

Text: Nicole Pak • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo


Lifelong Learning Special


A WARM HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR EXPAT CHILDREN Surrounded by the imposing architecture of Zuidas, Kindergarden is an oasis of

example in the horizontal grouping of

calm, with walls painted in soft shades, wood furniture and a spacious garden.

children so they’re with peers their own

Above all, it’s a cosy, safe space for children. And that’s precisely what this childcare

age. That’s a key part of Kindergarden’s

centre wants to project. “We want to be a home away from home for kids and their

method, Bieshaar says. “Since children of

parents – a safe haven for the many expat children who come here”, explains centre

the same age are at the same stage and

manager Suzanne Bieshaar.

experiencing same kinds of developments, they can learn from each other. It also gives

Scandinavian system

Kindergarden: the organization where

Twelve years ago, Bieshaar got to

she hoped to work one day and for which

experience the Scandinavian childcare

she now runs an internationally-oriented

Learning through discovery

system firsthand while studying and

location. With its exceptional quality,

Led by a team of pedagogical staff, coaches

working in childcare pedagogy in Iceland.

unique pedagogical policy and thoughtful

and experts, Kindergarden offers child day

She became specialized in their unique

layout, Kindergarden is designed on the

care for a range of age groups, from babies

approach, which she saw mirrored at

Scandinavian model. This is reflected for

to toddlers. Every group follows its own daily


them a sense of calm and stability.”

Lifelong Learning Special

Suzanne Bieshaar

rhythm, but staff also look at the needs of

yoga and exercise, children get a hot lunch

Kindergarden Academie

each individual child in consultation with

every day, prepared fresh with organic,

In fact, at Kindergarden, development doesn’t

parents. In addition to the group activities,

seasonal ingredients in Kindergarden’s

stop with children. Through its Kindergarden

this gives children plenty of freedom to play

own kitchen. Which in turn helps fuel

Academie, staff members can receive paid

and discover on their own – two things that

Suzanne’s mission to make Kindergarden

training as pedagogical professionals while

are central at Kindergarden. Bieshaar: “The

a welcoming home for children. “We’re a

working at the centre. This allows them to

idea behind our concept and the pedagogical

familiar spot in the middle of Zuidas for

continue learning in a warm and familiar

philosophies we subscribe to, is autonomous

children who come to us from all over the

team setting under the close supervision of

play and learning through discovery. Our

globe. So, while our first language may be

coaches and colleagues. “This is a brilliant

toys as well as the centre’s layout are based

Dutch, our team and the children speak a

scheme we’re really pleased with. As a

on that. Kids can open cabinets to grab toys

lot of English. In that respect we’re like all

team, we’re a very close and friendly bunch.

themselves, and each group has the same

the other Kindergarden locations, but with

Kindergarden wants employees to enjoy their

sorts of spaces, so it feels familiar to the

a cosmopolitan touch.” Also, given the fast

work, and of course that’s projected onto the

children. And they in turn feel comfortable

pace of daily life around here, Kindergarden

children who come here.”

enough to explore new things.”

can serve an important and rewarding role: “We want to make life easier for parents

Cosmopolitan touch

and give their little ones a wonderful place

As well as a varied range of activities like

where they can play and develop further.”

Text: Nicole Pak & Eefje van den Akker • Photography: byBoow Fotografie & Caily Bobbie Jo

Kindergarden Leonard Bernsteinstraat 5 1082 MR Amsterdam +31 (0)20 42 35 422 info@kindergarden.nl www.kindergarden.nl




READY FOR THE NEXT STEP? CHOOSE THE MBA THAT SUITS YOU BEST The business world has become more complex, and job roles

career, do you want to take the next step or are you looking

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to deepen or broaden your field of expertise? Nyenrode’s MBA’s

to invest in yourself. Boost your leadership with one of our MBA

are designed to always fit your personal situation and profes-

programs and strengthen your skills to debate, persuade and to

sional goals. So choose the MBA that suits you best: full-time,

translate theory into practice. Are you at the beginning of your

part-time or modular MBA and start your MBA journey today.



Lifelong Learning Special

and internationals want to enrol their children in regular primary schools, and our methods at the Children’s Campus

Children’s Campus Zuidas:

are ideally suited to that. We’re a unique


mix of Dutch and international where children of all nationalities are free to be themselves.” The campus also offers a special ‘Worldclass’ to help international pupils brush up their Dutch language skills. The class is taught by Hardeman, who also teaches adults. “I teach them Dutch, just as I do their children”, Hardeman says. “Because I engage with so many different cultures, I’ve started an international coaching course to become more

Amidst the tall office towers of Zuidas, the striking timber building set in natural

specialized in that.”

surrounds immediately stands out. With 70 different nationalities all together, the campus is an impressive melting pot of nationalities, where there’s always more

Lifelong learning

to learn. “We’ve got teachers who have been teaching for ages yet are still coming

The Children’s Campus is very active in

up with new ideas and visions all the time. And I teach adults as well”, says Hans

lifelong learning as well – a concept that

Hardeman, who gives the school’s special ‘Worldclass’ and is its internationalization

applies as much for pupils as it does for

coordinator. “Of course, you’re never finished learning, no matter your age”, adds

adults and staff. Hilberdink explains, “We

Jet Hilberdink, Group 8 teacher and teacher supervisor at the Children’s Campus.

want to encourage kids and adults alike to keep pushing their limits and stay open

Developmental education

play. “For example, the other day our

to new things. That comes through in

Jet Hilberdink’s work centres on

theme was gardening, so they learned all

things like how we support our staff by

developmental education, while Hans

about taking cuttings. Then, during recess,

offering articles and podcasts to deepen

Hardeman is focused more on the school’s

you see them going about and interacting

their knowledge.” Independent study

international dimension. Together,

with nature in a completely different way.

is an important element in this. “The

they explain the philosophy guiding the

That’s amazing to see”, Hilberdink smiles.

school board is very open to continuing

Children’s Campus. “Developmental

your studies and taking courses – it’s all

education is our mission”, Hilberdink says.

Melting pot of nationalities

possible here”, Hardeman concludes, “and

“So, in my job I’m continually asking the

Having spent 16 years working at Dutch

that’s quite exceptional.”

question how we can implement particular

schools abroad, teacher Hans Hardeman

themes in the subjects we teach.” Themes

is perfectly placed to welcome newcomers

such as ‘law’ or ‘gardening’, which the

to the Children’s Campus and show

children learn about and explore through

them the ropes. “More and more expats

Text: Nicole Pak • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

Children’s Campus Zuidas Antonio Vivaldistraat 15 1083 HP Amsterdam +31 (0)20 723 07 88 admin@kcza.nl www. kindercampuszuidas.nl


Lifelong Learning Special

Amsterdam International Community School:


At the Amsterdam International Community School (AICS), creating community both

locally and nationally. The the biggest

within the school and with the neighbourhood is central to its mission. This growing

change is that Dutch education is steadily

organization will open a new campus on Arent Janszoon Ernststraat in early 2022

moving closer to international education.”

and is looking forward to a period of strengthening its core. Principal Rynette de Villiers says there are too few hours in the day to get to all our ideas, but also that the

Less is more

whole team is brimming with positive energy and enjoying every minute.

In the Netherlands, a shift seems to be taking place at various levels of education.

AICS has been in a perpetual growth

four months and is very excited about the

According to Rynette, towards more

phase. Soon, the community school will

prospects to make a difference on a large

inquiry-based learning methods. Primary

have three campuses altogether, two of

scale. “It’s a challenge at multiple levels in

schools are doing more learning through

which are under development and will

this city that I love and have called home

play and secondary education has become

accommodate over 1,300 pupils. Rynette

for 18 years. I’ve seen many things change

more focused on compentencies. “It’s

de Villiers has been principal for just under

in the course of my teaching career, both

in the school-leaving examination that


Lifelong Learning Special

Rynette de Villiers

Dutch and international education feels

and staff. “For parents, our community

do. That’s the mission and vision of our

restricted. At community schools, there’s

represents a big share of their network. It’s

school. We’re very much looking forward to

also a visible change towards ‘less is more’.

important that we support our community

innovative and mutually beneficial projects

By that I mean that qualitative learning

with a holistic approach. That means not only

and partnerships with the Zuidas. As well

is taking precedence over learning large

learning about a topic but working to become

as our Green Business Club membership

amount of contents. It’s much more about

a better person as well.” For staff, AICS offers

and close ties with VU Amsterdam, we’d

skills; how you approach learning and

a development programme to also help

like to expand our presence in the Zuidas

teaching.” Also increasingly important is

them master soft skills and become part of a

community. It’s that sense of community

that pupils have a measure of flexibility

lifelong learning community.

that’s vital to our pupils.” For AICS itself,

and adaptability to changes. The future is

good relations with neighbours and the

uncertain, but authenticity and a growth


neighbourhood are also tremendously

mindset are key attributes.

flexibility and adaptability to change

important. Once open, their World Café

is also a feature of the IB programmes

and library will be open to the public

Growth mindset

taught at AICS. Lessons are developed in

and offer a place where pupils and the

To Rynette, lifelong learning constitutes a way

a framework that is filled in by teachers.

neighbourhood can congregate.

of thinking and behaving where you’re open

This approach emphasizes the essence

to changes and willing to take on challenges.

of a subject, so the curriculum easily

AICS encourages this through opportunities

translates to different countries. Rynette:

for its entire community of pupils, parents

“Learning is at the heart of everything we

Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

AICS Pr. Irenestraat 59 1077 WV Amsterdam +31 (0)20 577 12 40 info@aics.espritscholen.nl aics.espritscholen.nl


Wat je nooit geleerd hebt over werk Hoe lang je ook hebt gestudeerd, waarschijnlijk heb je de lessen die het belangrijkst zijn om echt goed tot je recht te komen op de werkvloer nooit meegekregen. Hoe je anderen met je meeneemt als je een goed idee hebt, hoe je moeilijke gesprekken aangaat, en wat er nodig is om voldoening te vinden in je werk, bijvoorbeeld. Kom naar The School of Life om deze lessen alsnog op te doen!

20 mei

leiderschap 17 juni

voldoening in je werk

15 juni

confronteren 18 juni

Beïnvloeden en overtuigen

Bekijk hier ons volledige aanbod voor professionals:


Lifelong Learning Special

Paul Morgan

The British School of Amsterdam:

A PIECE OF GREAT BRITAIN IN HOLLAND Founded in 1978, The British School of Amsterdam has grown over the years to

nationalities, the main ones being British

occupy three separate locations in Amsterdam’s Oud Zuid district. But on 21

(15%), Indian (22%) and Dutch (12%).

April, The British School of Amsterdam finally made its long-awaited move to new

As well as teaching Dutch in an English-

premises. School Principal Paul Morgan is immensely proud of The British School’s

oriented curriculum, the school also

new building and the beautiful city of Amsterdam it calls home.

observes all the Dutch celebrations and holidays. As Paul says, the school is a little

New building

scale model of the new building so kids

The British School’s new home brings four

could see where their classes would be.

piece of Great Britain in Holland. Independent thinkers

separate sections of the school together on the site of a historic 19th-century listed

Strong brand

Amsterdam is an internationally-oriented

building. According to Paul, this project has

Worldwide, there are around 11,000

city, and with many global companies

been extremely exciting but an enormous

international schools offering a British

based or locating here, high-quality

challenge as well. “The meticulous

curriculum, about 6,000 of which are

international education is crucial. “We are

planning that has gone into the move

British in style. The British School has three

all trying to create independent thinkers

really paid off. It had such little impact

school sections: an Early, Junior and Senior

with good habits, so that when they leave

in the school itself. As the original shape

school. “We are developing knowledge,

here, they take those habits with them

of the building was a cross, each section

skills and learning styles. In addition to

into the world.” The British School of

will have its own wing. We take pride in

developing knowledge and skills, one

Amsterdam hopes its community will take

creating a seamless transfer when children

important aspect in the British system is

pride in this new building, where love of

move through the different sections.” A

the fact that we look at the whole child. We

learning will be its main priority.

photographer documented all the different

look after the children and make sure to be

phases of development so the school’s

their first support system, alongside their

communities could follow the process, and

parents. It’s about developing life skills

one of the parents created a small LEGO

and confidence.” The school has a mix of

Text: Nicole Pak & Céline Boute • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

The British School of Amsterdam Havenstraat 6 1075 PR Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 679 78 40 britishschool.amsterdam


Boost your communica�on skills this summer! Online summer courses Taalcentrum-VU This summer, we are organising a number of short and inspiring summer courses. Each online course zooms in on a key theme that will help you boost your writing and communication skills. Check out our full summer programme and sign up now! More informa�on: www.taalcentrum-vu.nl/zomercursussen 020 - 598 64 20 | info@taalcentrum-vu.nl

Lifelong Learning Special

Facts & figures • 4,000 students are enrolled at MBO College Zuid • It offers 42 study programmes

in the services, creative,

sport and cultural fields • Programmes range from MBO levels 1 to 4 • The school has three locations (the largest on Europaboulevard) • It employs 450 people


Christiane Estourgie & Sonja Hoogendoorn

Almost ten years ago, the ROC van Amsterdam opened its doors in the north end

practical courses need to resume as soon

of Zuidas. These days the MBO College Zuid is no longer alone on the outskirts and

as possible. And it’s so important for pupils

it’s becoming increasingly interwoven with the district. Even so, links with local

to learn and discuss things together so

companies and employers aren’t strong enough yet, according to operational

they can grow socially as well.”

director Christiane Estourgie and board president Sonja Hoogendoorn, and MBO College Zuid is eager to make those connections at various levels.

Partnerships Still in development are plans to become a

Every ROCvA college (ROCs are regional

Higher education

community college, Christiane continues.

training centres) has its own focus areas.

The college has programmes at four

“MBO College Zuid is a school with creative

At MBO College Zuid, a senior secondary

levels. Level four graduates can continue

young talents. As well as hiring out our

vocational school, that focus lies on the

to higher professional education (Dutch

gymnasium and auditorium for local

cultural and creative industries. “We

HBO). Christiane: “Many go on to higher

activities, we’d also love to connect with

ended up here in 2012 because of the

education because they’re still very young

more businesses in Zuidas. For our pupils,

location, cooperation with the RAI and

and either don’t know yet what they want,

it’s wonderful to meet local business

the outpouring of vocal music, dance and

or are ambitious and keen to broaden their

owners and work on projects for them.”

theatre productions”, Christiane explains. “It

horizons. Also, we encourage continuous

MBO College Zuid is ready and excited to

was a good fit with the city of Amsterdam’s

education and retraining at the vocational

launch new partnerships, Sonja confirms.

cultural and events programming.”

level.” The pandemic has raised major

“To host an afternoon where pupils and

The college’s mission also ties in with

concerns about pupils falling behind at

personnel can visit places in Zuidas that

neighbouring VU Amsterdam’s ambition to

school. For College Zuid, it opened up an

have something to teach about enterprise

be sustainable, enterprising and diverse.

opportunity to digitize and offer ‘blended

and sustainability – that would be amazing.”

And students of the MBO College Zuid are

learning’, which wasn’t an option before.

invited to participate in an entrepreneurship

But Sonja stresses that, as the pandemic

process within the VU Campus.

drags on, motivation is ebbing. “All the

Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute

MBO College Zuid - ROC van Amsterdam Europaboulevard 13 1079 PC Amsterdam www.rocva.nl


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een moment dat het u uitkomt. Het CPO biedt

• Verrekening • Fiscale aspecten van insolventies • Girale betaling rond faillissement • Contractuele verrekening • Actualiteiten Overeenkomsten in faillissement • Opheffing van beslagen • Bankgarantie • Dwangakkoord • Opzegging van kredietovereenkomst • Actualiteiten Hoofdelijkheid en borgtocht

een ruim aanbod aan webinars op het gebied van Financiering, Zekerheden & Insolventie. Kijk op www.cpo.nl/fzi voor het volledige aanbod Volop leren met een webinarbundel vanaf € 595,Wilt u meerdere webinars volgen? Met een CPO Webinarbundel kunt u een jaar lang volop online leren en geregeld uw kennis aanscherpen. Meer info en aanmelden: www.cpo.nl/webinarbundel

• Eigendomsvoorbehoud • Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord (WHOA) • Financiëlezekerheidsovereenkomsten in de financiële praktijk • Actualiteiten Factoring • Oneigenlijke achterstellingen • Het recht op een zakelijke bankrekening • Factoring • De overdracht van bancaire vorderingen

Lifelong Learning Special

“One of the reasons, why I love being here, is that we’re developing all the time, giving everyone a chance to expand their horizons.”

“KEEPING AHEAD OF DEVELOPMENTS IS IN OUR DNA” Webster University was founded on the principle of lifelong learning. Established over 100 years ago, the institution offered free evening courses to working women who could not afford higher education. Lifelong learning was a set goal from the very beginning. “In today’s globalized world, Webster University’s mission is to cultivate an international mindset. That’s how we prepare our graduates for living and working anywhere in the world. Lifelong learning is an integral part of that journey”, says director Jean Paul van Marissing. Jean Paul van Marissing

Webster University first opened in the Netherlands in 1983, initially only in Leiden only, later also in WTC Amsterdam. These are just two of the American university’s many locations around the globe. In


the Netherlands, it offers both undergraduate (BA/BS) and graduate

If there’s one thing Jean Paul wants readers in Zuidas to know, it’s

(MA/MBA) degrees, with a focus on international business and

that whatever students need, Webster University will find a way.

management, international relations and psychology. Having been

“One of the qualities that makes us unique is that we’re amazingly

with the university for more than ten years, Jean Paul Marissing still

flexible. As we strongly believe in lifelong learning, we need to offer

enjoys his job every day: “One of the reasons why I’m still so excited,

flexibility to our students. That’s why we decided, more than 25

is that we continue developing new ideas and new programs.

years ago, to launch our Online Learning Center. Online learning

Everyone has a chance to expand their horizons.”

offers endless flexibility.”

Accredited in the USA, Webster University is modelled around

“Flexibility is reflected in everything we do, from switching from

the American education system. Yet, in the Netherlands alone, it

classroom to online classes to letting students take time out for

enrols 350 students of more than 45 different nationalities. Jean

busy jobs. Students also have the option to do a few courses

Paul explains, “Our students and faculty come from all over the

instead of a whole MA. You still earn an official academic certificate

world. Our small classes consist of 12 to 15 students. We consider

and can always come back later to complete the MA if you choose.”

giving personal attention to our students a core value. Our goal is to

Alumni are also welcome to return for additional courses to brush

provide students with a global learning experience. That happens

up or learn something new.

as soon as you enter a classroom and start working with people

from various cultures and countries.”

Text: Romy Lange & Celine Boute • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

Webster University + 31 (0)71 516 80 00 www.webster.nl


About the CMA®

CMA Review Course Providers in the Netherlands

Certified Management Accountant

There are a variety of convenient and flexible exam study options available in the Netherlands.

For more information, visit myima.org/CMAEurope.

VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT – AMSTERDAM Course in the Dutch Language • Start: September 2021 • Duration: 15 weeks per part • Lectures: Wednesday 18.45-21.15 • Course fee: € 1.600 per part

Employers highly respect the CMA in Europe and around the world. When your expertise is globally certified, there are no borders in your career journey. You’ll gain recognition for an international career, domestically or abroad, and you’ll be included in the international register of current CMAs.

Course in the English Language • Start: September 2021 • Duration: 15 weeks per part • Lectures: Monday 18:45-21:15 • Course fee: € 1.600 per part MARKUS VERBEEK PRAEHEP – AMSTERDAM, UTRECHT, VIRTUAL CLASSROOM & E-LEARNING • Start: October 12, 2021 • Duration: 1 year • Lectures: 14 evenings or E-Learning • Course fee: € 2.790 or €1.750 (E-Learning), V.A.T. excluded STAAN ACADEMY - AMSTERDAM • Start: August 2021 • Duration: 13 monthly interactive sessions • Course fee: 2.850 ex VAT • Physical and virtual classes

It’s not about crunching the numbers, it’s about seeing the road ahead.

Lifelong Learning Special


We’ve all heard the adage ‘knowledge is power.’ And it’s pretty accurate, according to research by the Institute of IMA (Institute of Management Accountants). In a


recently released study, it shows organizations that value and support education

With many years of experience as a finance

and certification have more successful finance departments. Alain Mulder, IMA

researcher and analyst and running his

Senior Director Europe Operations, explains why it’s so vital for employers and

own real estate management firm, Alain

employees to pursue continuing education in our changing, automating world.

Mulder is well-versed in the interests at play in the finance and IT markets. “At IMA I

In recent months, IMA rolled out a survey

things like soft skills, data analytics and

found everything I wanted: work in finance

among its own members and major

technology like RPA, blockchain and

and IT at a global and enterprising level.

global corporate employers. It found


And although it’s a worldwide organization, we are very active on a local level and with

that organizations grow faster and show overall better performance when their


a large member network in Amsterdam.”

workforce continues to learn and expand

The world is changing fast. With more

For an outwardly-oriented country

their body of knowledge. IMA is one

and more companies automating

like the Netherlands, the international

of the largest worldwide associations

their processes, employees want

recognition IMA offers is absolutely crucial,

dedicated to advancing management

to upgrade their skills to keep pace

Alain continues. “Finance professionals

accounting and finance professionals.

with technological changes. “Another

who work here are also working in a

“The whole finance spectrum enrols in

IMA study among CFOs showed that

transnational financial world. Firms want

our CMA and CSCA certifications as they

investments in technology are key. You

people with an internationally recognized

provide excellent training for everybody,”

can expect to see finance professionals

title, and that’s only becoming more

Alain says. “You learn all the core finance

adding more value and taking an active

important as globalization progresses.”

skills along with all the big technological

role with data-driven and trend-related

changes. Afterwards, everyone can also

activities. This development was coming

access our Continuing Professional

up already, but the pandemic has really

Education, with targeted courses on

kicked automation into high gear.”

Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

Institute of Management Accountants ITO Tower Gustav Mahlerplein 28 1082 MA Amsterdam - Zuidas +31 20 308 06 10 www.imanet.org



Olga van Erp Taalman Kip - Age: 29 Associate, Dispute Resolution Group at Baker McKenzie Do you feel your job gives you enough scope for development? Yes, I do. Baker offers loads of scope for development, but you have to take


some initiative as well. Everything is possible, but you have to be willing

Since this issue of Hello Zuidas is devoted to lifelong learning, for our Legal section

to take charge where you can. For

we decided to interview people at several of Zuidas’ leading law firms about personal

example, you’re encouraged to build up

development and development within their firms. Does their firm offer enough scope

your own network, starting within our

for development? What do they see in their future? We asked a trainee, an associate,

‘Baker network’. It’s not uncommon to

a partner and a managing partner.

go off to work at another Baker office abroad for a while. And of course, as you advance, you also build your network beyond the firm. sessions, that I can’t even imagine what more I could do in terms of personal

What would you like to do in the

development. In addition to that, the

future to keep on developing?

professional course at the Law Firm School

In the near future I’d like to work as a

has also started. This combination of

corporate counsel at a client in order to

programmes means I’m continually

learn more from ‘the other side’.

focused on my development as a lawyer in training. The fact that this firm puts so much effort into my development was also one reason I chose it. What would you like to do in future to keep on developing? The Houthoff Trainee Programme covers Raz Ahmad - Age: 26

so many development methods that I’m

Trainee, Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions

all set for the moment, and I’ve heard our

Team at Houthoff

Learning & Development Department always has loads of training courses,

Do you feel you’re doing enough

workshops and lectures that we can

to develop personally and within

join. How much of that will be relevant to

the firm? And how, specifically?

me I don’t know yet, but I do know that

I started the Houthoff Trainee Programme

the only way I can ever become a top

this year, which is three years of intensive

lawyer is if I keep on learning. Possibly

training for young lawyers, spanning both

I’ll go to work at one of Houthoff’s offices

soft skills and practical knowledge. The

abroad for a while. Personal growth is

programme’s so incredibly diverse, with

also just fun, of course. I’m 26 now, and

everything from hackathons to coaching

I’ve still got so much to learn.



Teun Struycken - Age: 51 Partner at NautaDutilh You’ve been with NautaDutilh for

In what ways does NautaDutilh

18 years. How have you developed

create scope for development?

within the firm over those years?

NautaDutilh offers all kinds of development

When I started out in the legal practice

options on both the technical and

after a first career teaching at several law

personal fronts, through our TOP ‘talent

schools, I had little idea of how much

development programme’, NautaDutilh

more there was to learn. Not just in terms

MBA and personal coaching. And also

of legal knowledge, but as a corporate

through our biweekly ‘Meeting on Matters’,

advisor (also on non-legal issues) and,

where the entire office joins in discussing

no less important, as a team manager.

an interesting case – not only the war

You learn every time, really, from each

stories, but also the lessons learned. For

new case and each new client. The trick

me, collaboration is the key to personal

is to stay receptive to each new learning

development - whatever your age. If you

experience – to stay open to the fact that

trust each other and share experiences

there’s always more to learn, and that

with one another, that makes everyone and

goes for everyone. I’ve come to enjoy

everything better. And more fun. You do

the non-legal aspects of my work just as

have to keep doing your best to make the

much as the legal ones, especially inspi-

collaboration even better. Soft skills and

ring people and being inspired by them.

trust don’t appear by magic; you have to

Those are learning experiences, too!

work for them. And that never ends.

Wendy de Ruiter-Lörx - Age: 47

not to jump to conclusions. It’s not always

structure that has its own dynamics.

Managing partner at Lexence

easy (especially not for us famously blunt

Beyond that, I got a good vibe from the

Dutch), but the reward is that you get lots of

people I’d be working with. So, all told, it’s a

wonderful insights and better teamwork.

good basis on which to continue building a

Looking at your personal development over the years, was there a pivotal

strong future for this great firm!

moment you could tell us about?

You recently joined Lexence as managing

In my previous job before transferring to

partner, despite having no demonstrable

Lexence I worked in a very diverse team.

legal background. What led you here and

We had a mix of nationalities (Dutch, British

what are your plans to master this sector

and Chinese), two women and four men

in the time ahead?

and a range of ages (from 30+ to 50+). I’m

After working in financial services for 25

a big believer in the power of diversity.

wonderful years, I had an opportunity after

Having different perspectives around

leaving VIVAT to think about what would be

the table can strongly improve decision-

a logical next step in my career. For me, it

making quality. Equally, though, it’s hard

wasn’t a given to look for that in the same

work, because there’s a lot of pushback and

sector. After some conversations in various

you always have to explain where you’re

sectors, I got in touch with Lexence. This

coming from. What those years taught me

job offers me so many new challenges

more than anything, was to appreciate

in a sector that I’d only experienced as a

what someone else is saying or doing and

client until now, and with an organizational

Text: Romy Lange




VALLEY The wait is almost over! The iconic new Valley building

developed by EDGE is nearing completion. If you’re in or around Zuidas, it’s impossible to miss. Distinctive in every way, it’s no surprise architect Winy Maas (MVRDV) has received an award for the design.


Beethovenstraat, Amsterdam

Architect MVRDV Developer EDGE Main user

Boron, Upfield, Ysquare

& IK Investment Partners


RJB Group of Companies


Q3 2021

Floors 27



103 m

Floor area

75,000 m2 GFA


The modern, eye-catching building is on

and various sensors to monitor actual use.


track to receive a BREEAM-NL Excellent

These will provide accurate occupancy

• The design is by award-winning

certification for its sustainability ambitions.

data and make it possible to adapt lighting,

In addition to offering a publicly accessible

cleaning, energy and systems maintenance

park, Valley will serve many other

to actual use. The building also responds to

purposes: working, living, dining, shopping,

the growing awareness for the importance

relaxing, exercising or simply seeking

of healthy and comfortable working and

inspiration. At the heart of it all, Valley will

living environments. EDGE is applying

where people can gather and

boast a vibrant atrium where people can

this philosophy by taking a number of


gather and connect.

significant measures in Valley to ensure a pleasant and healthy environment and

A unique public landscape winds

enhance user comfort.

throughout and across the entire building,

architect Winy Maas (MVRDV) • The building has a publicly accessible park designed by Piet Oudolf • Valley will boast a vibrant atrium

• The building integrates the latest advances and insights in sustainability, technology and health • In addition to office space, several

designed by internationally renowned

With delivery planned for Q3 2021, Valley

additional retail and catering units

landscape architect Piet Oudolf. Featuring

currently has 1,800 m2 of office space

are available

an impressive green valley, majestic stairs

available in its South Towers, divided

• The building has 200

and sunny terraces that are accessible to

over two floors (1,000 m2 and 800 m2).

high-end rental apartments

all, people can enjoy beautiful views of the

In addition to office space, several retail

city and surroundings.

and catering units are also available. The

For more information please

building’s residential apartments will

visit: www.valleyliving.nl

Valley’s office areas will integrate the latest

be assigned to the unregulated rental

& www.valley.nl

generation of smart technologies, including

segment and RJB will commence their

IP-based building automation systems

leasing activities this spring.



Peter van der Werf




Having been with ABN AMRO for 33 years, Peter van der Werf is the embodiment of learning and development. As a mortgage business expert at the bank, he experienced first-hand how learning about sustainability helped his mortgage advisors’ selfconfidence grow. Learning about measures to make homes more sustainable was like the missing puzzle piece that enabled them to go the extra mile for customers. As one of the driving forces behind Circl Academy, now Peter’s helping all his 20,000 colleagues to integrate sustainability in their profession. A great example of how learning can power the transition! What is Circl Academy?

the Purpose Walk, and our Kickstarter

EU regulation. Personal leadership is key

“That’s ABN AMRO’s employee learning

workshop. The aim is, on the one hand, to

to anticipating these developments in a

platform, set up to create sustainable

spark ideas about what people can and

timely and effective way. By facilitating

impact. Since not yet everyone knows

want to do with sustainability, and on the

good learning and development for your

how they can contribute to the bank’s

other to also galvanize them into action.

whole workforce – from young talent and

sustainability strategy in their daily work,

We help people see what impact they have

green frontrunners to veteran bankers –

we’re making online learning accessible

and what more they can do to enhance it.”

your organization is better positioned to

from our head office here in Zuidas to our

stay relevant. We call that being a ‘future-

colleagues around the world. The focus

How do you know you’re making

proof bank’. Solid and especially repeated

isn’t purely on knowledge but also on

an impact with employees?

employee upskilling is an essential part of

activities that seek to inspire and motivate

“In the employee engagement survey

that. As we say in Circl Academy: learning is

in order to advance the sustainability

we took at the end of 2020, we saw a link

the engine that accelerates the transition.


between employees who completed a Circl

All around us, we’re seeing companies with

Academy course and those who indicated

similar needs. Which makes sense, because

What do you mean by

they were able to contribute to the bank’s

the transition to a sustainable society

“advance the sustainability

sustainability strategy. We’re quite proud

involves us all. To learn, you need an open

movement” in this context?

of that result! Our goal was to support

attitude, and at Circl Academy we’re well

“As an organization, we have firmly

employees to translate that strategy

aware we don’t have all the knowledge.

embedded sustainability in our purpose

to their day-to-day work, and they’re

That’s why we’re in regular contact with

and our strategy. More and more of our

increasingly feeling that support. That’s

academies at other organizations, to

people are gaining a solid grasp on how

true not only for those who are in direct

trade ideas and best practices. Those

they can contribute to this in their daily

contact with customers, but also for

are fascinating conversations. We need

work. We believe that by motivating our

people who want to draw on their expertise

collaboration to bring about the sustainable

workforce to learn about sustainability

or focus area to create impact.”

transition and to be able to create impact

as an issue, they’ll invest in themselves.

in society and the world we live in. Not only

The crux is the word ‘motivate’. Wanting

Why is learning about sustainability

within organizations, but even more so

to learn is crucial to be able to take on

so important, in your view?

outside them.”

the continuing changes surrounding

“Sustainability is about building a society

sustainability. We’re doing that by offering a

that’s resilient for the future. If you want to

wide mix of inspiration, activities, learning

maintain that resiliency, you have to make

Got interesting ideas about

and connection. We support colleagues

the effort to stay relevant. You can see this

how to integrate sustainability

to get relevant training, do inspiring team

in developments around sustainability, too,

in your daily work, or want to share

workshops and reflect on the role each

with the speed at which things are going –

your thoughts about the topics

person plays in the transition. For instance,

not a day goes by without some kind of news

in this article? Drop us a line at

we’ve got a guided audio tour, called

on that front. Only look at the announced


Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep





Jesse Warnaar, Jurgen van den Hazel, Ron de Lang

As a leading international location, ongoing innovation is crucial for Zuidas. Take the food supply chain to the district’s many food outlets and catering venues. Research shows that distribution for food services is creating major complications in the district. Fortunately, there’s also a lot of interest in bringing about changes. Now, a partnership between Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Local2Local and Hello Zuidas is tackling catering logistics. The primary goal of this project is a more sustainable logistics chain of locally-sourced products for caterers and restaurateurs in Zuidas. Currently leading the pilot is Amsterdam UMC’s VUmc location. Ron de Lang, hospitality and patient nutrition manager at VUmc, and AUAS students Jesse Warnaar and Jurgen van den Hazel will be working with Local2Local to assess if food boxes, fruit baskets and/or shared catering logistics can be replaced by local products and fewer transport movements. The pilot will take place until December 2021. 60


CATERING LOGISTICS Cross-docking process

logistics in Amsterdam, for the navy yard

with big organizations like Amsterdam

Catering logistics for Amsterdam UMC

and Food Center Amsterdam”, Jurgen

UMC. We’re drowning in rules, purchasing

spans two distinct processes: one is the

says. “This project really runs the whole

conditions and logistics problems.”

delivery of products at the hospital’s

gamut.” Jesse was looking for a way to

rear service entry, the other constitutes

pair his passion for food with his degree in

Ordering process

internal logistics to all the individual units.

industrial engineering and management.

At Amsterdam UMC, there are three facets

Ron explains, “These are unprocessed

“The goal of this project – the use of local

to the ordering process: product selection,

products that still need to be prepared

products in urban areas – is something I

logistics processes and sustainability.

in our kitchens, as well as ready-to-serve

support one hundred per cent. If we want

This project will tackle all three. “We’ll

products that we supply straight to the

healthy and flavourful food, we should be

certainly have our work cut out for us”,

units.” The area with considerable room

going for ethical domestic products rather

Ron acknowledges, “but our students

and a real need for improvement is

than sourcing products elsewhere in the

Jesse and Jurgen will guide us with the

logistics movements, most notably the

world”, he emphasizes.

research piece on how to approach the

cross-docking process. Most UMC suppliers

implementation. And we already know

deliver goods themselves, but there’s not

Fresh and non-perishable

that these solutions may apply not only

actually enough space at the loading and

At present, 800 hospital staff at the

to Amsterdam UMC, but to Zuidas as a

unloading dock to organize this efficiently.

Boelelaan location can place orders with

whole”. Which is a great opportunity for the

It also necessitates lots of vehicle

a range of suppliers. Once all the orders

students: “We’re interested to learn that all

moments, contributing to carbon and

are in, the delivery services gather the

of Zuidas is involved and that this research

particulate emissions in Zuidas. “We want

products and combine them for direct

is being tested in practice, which gives us

to improve this by having suppliers cross-

transport. “In our case, we use two lorries,

the feeling that our theses are making a

dock at another location and organizing

because we order from both the fresh food

real difference!”, Jesse says. Jurgen agrees,

grouped deliveries so more goods can be

and dry goods assortments. But from past

“Thanks to this we’re getting a good picture

delivered to Amsterdam UMC using fewer

experience we know that, unfortunately,

of how we can put the theory we’ve learned

vehicles. So, this is good for both our own

fresh goods from the baker’s, butcher’s and

into practice”.

logistics and the environment, and it also

produce are still being supplied separately”,

saves our suppliers time and money.”

Ron says. Jesse nods, “There’s been no real assessment yet of where these products

Is your organization interested

Ethical products

are coming from. We want to look into the

in more sustainable logistics?

Both students are interested in logistics

possibilities for sourcing and supplying

Get in touch with Kirsten van Keimpema.

and are very excited about this pilot.

local products”. Ron adds: “That’s more


“Before this, I did research on urban

complicated than it sounds, especially

+31 (0)6 18 13 68 73

Text: Nicole Pak • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo




AMSTERDAM PROFITING FROM BREXIT Even before Brexit was a done deal, Amsterdam was promoting itself as the perfect candidate to lure services across the channel. This strategy bore fruit and many companies put down new roots in Zuidas. Karel Lannoo, chief executive of CEPS, is an expert on finance and the creation of an integrated market for banks and financial services. With more than twenty years at the head of CEPS, a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, he watched and analysed Brexit from its beginnings.



More than ten years ago, the UK government had already engaged

business could easily relocate and Amsterdam tapped into that.

CEPS to research a possible Brexit; the Balance of Competences

Both the flexible business climate and regulatory structure aligned

Review, as it became known. “I was regularly in London for my job,

with how people were already working in London on a larger

doing speaking engagements and debates on European markets

scale.” European cities like Copenhagen and Stockholm might have

and regulation”, Karel recalls. “From the early 2000s, the UK began

been contenders as well, Karel notes, but they missed the boat.

turning away from the EU. Certain financial sector groups, such as

Moreover, the share now in Amsterdam constitutes only a fraction

hedge funds, were anti-Europe. But there were also other groups

of all the securities market transactions: it concerns the share of EU

that were pro.”

stocks that were traded on UK-based platforms that now moved to Amsterdam, to be in line with the EU rules.

Flexible business climate Employment prognoses in the UK have fallen far short of previous


expectations. In the finance sector, an estimated 7,000 out of just

The European Union now unilaterally determines UK equivalence

over 300,000 jobs have been lost. Some have been transplanted to

with the European system for financial services. With Brexit still

Amsterdam to retain organizations in the EU. “The UK and Dutch

fresh, tensions continue to run high. This means Amsterdam will

business climates on the whole match up closely. A lot of the digital

still profit from Brexit in the short term, but the centre of financial power will remain in London. “A percentage of companies located in Zuidas will stay here, but a lot of it is temporary, I think. It will take at least another two years for the EU to propose equivalence agreements to the UK, which are comparable to those with the United States, Canada and Singapore. The bigger question now is whether part of the derivatives market will move from London to the EU as well, since an important share of that innovative market trades in euro. The UK has enormous clearing houses that serve the large banks, and other European countries just don’t have clearing operations on that scale.” Impact The data available about impacts on UK trade show Brexit has had predominantly negative effects. From his personal experience Karel knows there was considerable negativity about the EU in the UK business world, part of a characteristically insular mindset. “In the Netherlands, those talking about a Nexit are driven mostly by emotion. People here think in broader terms and that makes a Nexit unlikely. The EU itself can also learn from these events. It’s unfortunate that Brexit happened, but some soul-searching on the part of the EU is never a bad thing.” In the end, the interests involved in maintaining good ties with the UK are too big to rule out in the future, so there’s not much to stand in the way of more equivalence in financial services rules.

Karel Lannoo

Text: Nicole Pak & Celine Boute


Memo Board


Restaurant Wils wins Michelin star

Restaurant Wils in Amsterdam has garnered a coveted Michelin star. The MICHELIN report describes the establishment as a “relaxed eatery” where “Chef Bijdendijk and his team deploy their talent and skill to great effect”. Opening in October 2019 on the third floor of the iconic MOVE building next to the Olympic Stadium, the restaurant is named after Jan Wils, architect of the stadium and surrounding buildings. His design put the Olympic fire back in the Games when they came to Amsterdam in 1928. Fittingly, the fire pit forms the heart of the restaurant, where the chefs ply a variety of fire techniques to prepare delectable dishes.

What Covid cancelled:

MudHouse in Zuidas Last year, artist Bela Teiwes and architect Sandra Risseeuw teamed up for MudHouse, a project meant to bring people together and take a different perspective on their everyday lives. The materials used to build the MudHouse would tie in with sustainability in construction. The plan was to erect the MudHouse on Gershwinplein in 2020 as a form of community building plus performance art where everybody in Zuidas would be invited to lend a hand. The building permit was granted and the sponsors lined up. But Covid-19 threw a spanner in the works, and MudHouse never happened.


Memo Board

New library branch opening in Zuidas Zuidas is excited to welcome Openbare Bibliotheek Next, a brandnew public meeting space and inspiring educational and working space. This new public library branch will be a place where all of Amsterdam can come to learn, meet and broaden their horizons. With a key focus on digital skills and talent development, OBA Next will also offer opportunities for local businesses to connect with Amsterdam’s next generation. The city has signed off on a loan for the library’s construction, to include a ‘community room’ for local residents, a healthcare desk and an underground public bicycle shed accommodating 600 bikes. The building is scheduled to be completed in 2027.

Corporate Housing Factory and Dutch Uncle join hands Corporate Housing Factory, the Netherlands’ premier provider of serviced apartments, is expanding its range of services through an exclusive partnership with Dutch Uncle. Corporate Housing Factory is one of the country’s few serviced apartment providers that solely caters to corporate clients, with some 250 short-stay rentals in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Eindhoven. Thanks to this new partnership, expats can expect even more lifestyle and concierge services, from childcare to ‘live like a local’ tours – in short, anything and everything to minimize the stress of moving house and ensure a smooth transition to Dutch soil.

ARTZUID 2021 KICKS OFF ON 1 JULY The seventh edition of ARTZUID – the biennial sculpture route in Amsterdam Zuid – will start this year on 1 July. Due to the coronavirus measures, this is six weeks later than usual. ARTZUID will continue through 17 October 2021. For this year’s edition, a one-way walking route has been mapped out with sculptures positioned at least 50 metres apart. The 5 km route runs along Apollolaan and Minervalaan, with detours to Zuidas, Churchilllaan and Stadionplein. ARTZUID makes the most of green spaces in Amsterdam Zuid, while helping to alleviate overcrowding in the city’s busy parks.

Photography: Marcel Steinbach


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New Members


FOOD&I Hello Zuidas welcomes Sector: Hospitality/catering the following new members Number of employees: 200 Link with Zuidas Our progressive catering concept Food&I is set to open shortly in the New Courthouse in Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member We want to showcase Food&I to everyone in Zuidas. Our innovative catering concept offers a completely different take from all our competitors on the catering world. Henry de Jong, Wim de Olde, Pauline Marcusse, Onno Thijsen, Ruth Thijsen, Jet Verheijen

MAGAZINE-MASTERS.NL Sector: Graphic industry Number of employees: 8 Link with Zuidas We prepare and print Hello Zuidas magazine and handle all the logistics and organization surrounding its distribution to Hello Zuidas members. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member It’s about giving back: you invest in us, we want to return the favour.

Antoinette Chin A Loi-De Hoog

COURTESIE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AFFAIRS Sector: Professional services (language services) Number of employees: 8 Link with Zuidas As an international company offering specialized language services, it’s important to actively engage with all the sectors we serve. Our customers are global players and are also based in Zuidas, so we want to stay close to them. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member Courtesie wants to extend its network of excellence and welcomes companies to join our network.


Meet The...


Jorge Alvarez

Zuidas is best known as Amsterdam’s business district, chock-a-block with skyscrapers and scores of offices. The district has grown into a veritable urban neighbourhood and a great place to live and hang out. Many businesses have also discovered Zuidas, and with their arrival, the district has added a wide range of services and amenities. Powering each of these establishments are entrepreneurs and employees with their own special, personal stories that we’re eager to share with you.

HAIRSTYLIST This month, we got to meet hairdresser

That’s where I learned the most, with

people’s joy when I finish my job.

and stylist Jorge Alvarez. Originally

photoshoots, backstage work, different

The look of happiness I see on their

from Spain, he’s called Holland home for

techniques and philosophies and diversity.

faces as a result of my work is wonderful

about ten years now. He lives and works

From there, life somehow led me to

to behold.”

in Zuidas, where you can find him daily

Amsterdam, where I went in search of a

at Rob Peetoom.

salon that fit my philosophy and creativity

How long have you lived

– and found Rob Peetoom. I’ve been

and worked here in Zuidas?

Can you tell us something about yourself?

working here for ten years now as a master

“I’ve worked in Zuidas for two and half

“I was born in Spain and raised in Malaga,

stylist, colour specialist, make-up artist

years and moved here a year ago.

Benalmáda and Marbella. I was creative

and all-round creative.”

I love it!”

as a hairdresser at the age of 15, working

Have you always wanted

What do you like about Zuidas?

as an assistant at a neighbourhood salon,

to be a hairdresser/stylist?

“What I love most about Zuidas is that it’s

mostly washing hair. Next to my regular

“From a very early age, I always played with

so friendly and welcoming. There’s a mix

school I attended hairdressing school in

Barbie dolls – cutting their hair, changing

of many cultures, all coming together

the evenings and graduated within a year.

their outfits etc. By the age of ten it was

and getting along in harmony. It’s like

After two years of hard work, I became

clear I had a good sense of aesthetics. I’ve

a fresh breeze coming up from the

a hairstylist. That was in the 80s, when

always had that feeling of creativity in me


experimenting with hair and colours was

and still have it today in my 50s. After three

all the rage, and it was a very creative

decades of hair, beauty and fashion, I’m

What are you most proud of?

time in my career. In 1991, when I was 21,

still loving every minute of it.”

“I’m most proud of my journey in life.

from an early age and started my career

I was lucky enough to get to know

I decided to travel. I moved to the US, worked for different brands there, and

What do you love about your work?

many different and wonderful people

after that lived in London for eight years.

“What I love most about my work is seeing

and cultures.”


Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo


1. 900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) 2. ABN AMRO 3. Accendium 4. Accenture 5. À Deauville 6. AFC 7. AkzoNobel 8. Albert Heijn 9. Alpha Security 10. amsterdam inbusiness 11. Amsterdamse Bos 12. Amsterdam UMC 13. APG 14. Arcadis 15. Arnold & Siedsma 16. Art Zuid 17. Asunaro Holland Interplan 18. Atrium Meeting Centre 19. Avenue Services 20. Bagels & Beans 21. Baker McKenzie 22. Bar Valdi 23. Being Development 24. Bolenius 25. Bouwens& 26. Boyden Global Executive Search 27. Breevast 28. BREIKERS 29. Broersma Nieuwbouw 30. BYCS 31. Caffè Belmondo 32. CBRE B.V. 33. citizenM 34. Che Buono 35. Club Sportive 36. CMS 37. CoffeeDC 38. Cognito Financial Communications 39. Confius Executive Search 40. Corporate Housing Factory 41. Cosmo Hairstyling 42. Courtesie 43. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 44. Customized Media 45. D&B The Facility Group 46. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 47. De Hypotheker 48. Deloitte

MAY 2021

49. De Kredieter 50. De Nieuwe Poort 51. De Zuidas Apotheek 52. Dentons Boekel 53. dess Kirstins 54. Doctor Feelgood 55. Eden McCallum 56. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 57. Eigen Haard 58. Engel & Völkers 59. ENGIE 60. Etage 0 61. Euro CCP 62. Europcar 63. European Language Centre 64. Expat Center 65. EY 66. Fam. Advocaten 67. Fetch Car Sharing 68. Financial Offices 69. Flexform Amsterdam 70. FLOW Real Estate 71. Food & i 72. Fortron B.V. 73. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 74. Fris Makelaars 75. FSB Beveiliging 76. Gelderlandplein 77. G&S Vastgoed 78. Go About 79. Goede Doelen Loterijen 80. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 81. Grand Café Mahler 82. Greenberg Nielsen 83. Green Business Club 84. Greenwheels 85. Gustavino 86. GVB 87. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 88. Happyhappyjoyjoy Zuidas 89. Hestia Kinderopvang 90. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 91. Hogan Lovells International LLP 92. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 93. Houthoff 94. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 95. House of Sports 96. Htel Serviced Apartments

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW - Amsterdam +31 (0)20 333 74 41 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.instagram.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.

97. IEF Real Estate 98. IMA 99. in2motivation 100. InAmsterdam 101. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 102. ISX Beveiliging 103. JLL 104. JuiceBrothers 105. JUIZZ 106. KNAP Makelaardij 107. Koetjes en Kalfjes 108. König + Neurath (Nederland) A.G. 109. Kraft Heinz 110. La Lotteria 111. Lebkov & Sons 112. Lexence 113. Leonidas 114. LibRT 115. Limon 116. Loyens & Loeff 117. Lunshof Makelaardij 118. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 119. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 120. Made in May 121. Magazine-Masters.nl 122. Market 33 123. Mastercard 124. MBO College Zuid 125. Mech Make & Take 126. Melia Hotels 127. Misura Sartoria 128. Mobeazy Flexible Carsharing 129. Multicopy Amsterdam Centrum 130. Mylk 131. NACH 132. Nannies Nursery 133. NDI ICT Solutions 134. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 135. Nedstede Real Estate 136. NH Amsterdam Zuid 137. nhow Amsterdam RAI 138. Nicolaas Lyceum 139. Novotel Amsterdam City 140. NS 141. Olympisch Stadion 142. Oliver’s 143. ONE-Dyas B.V. 144. Openbare Bibliotheek

145. ORAM 146. Oranje Energie 147. OVG Real Estate 148. Ox & Bucks 149. PAN Amsterdam 150. Pancakes Amsterdam 151. Partou Kinderopvang 152. Pathé 153. Personality 154. Platform Beter Benutten 155. Premier Suites Plus Amsterdam 156. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 157. Property NL B.V. 158. Protiviti 159. Provast 160. Qbic Hotels 161. Q-Park Nederland 162. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 163. RAI Amsterdam 164. Regus 165. Reset Yourself 166. Restaurant het Bosch 167. Restaurant Nine 168. RGA International Reinsurance 169. Rialto 170. Rivers 171. Rob Peetoom 172. Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc 173. Rosarium 174. Russell Reynolds Associates 175. Savills Amsterdam 176. Salsa Shop 177. Season-Flowers 178. Securitas 179. Shinyu Body & Mind 180. Simmons & Simmons LLP 181. Sixt 182. Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 183. Spine Health Incompany 184. Spirit Hospitality Services 185. Square 186. Stibbe 187. Student Experience 188. Summertime 189. Sushilee 190. Sushi Time 191. Symphony’s 192. Taalcentrum - VU

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 151 1077 XX Amsterdam +31 (0)20 362 09 93 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl

Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Editor & Sales Nicole Pak Art Director Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Printed by Magazine Masters Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly)

Copyright © 2021 Zuidas Publishers All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

Editors Romy Lange, Nicole Pak, Eefje van den Akker, Céline Boute, Paul van Lange, Renske van Bers & Trevor Holtkamp

Circulation Free for Zuidas and Amsterdam South. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol.

Photography Dieuwertje van der Stoep, Caily Bobbie Jo, Marcel Steinbach, Jaiwey Nuij & Jan Vonk Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Kirsten van Keimpema, Trevor Holtkamp, Jos Moerkamp & Renske van Bers

193. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 194. Taylor Wessing 195. Tax Consultants International 196. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 197. The Bank of New York Mellon 198. The Basket 199. The Bikevertising Company 200. The Breakfast Club 201. The Office Operators 202. The Upside Down Amsterdam 203. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 204. TREC 205. Tribes 206. Urban Salad 207. Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas 208. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 209. Van Gool Elburg 210. Van Lanschot Kempen 211. Vermaat Groep (CIRCL) 212. Vesteda 213. Von Poll Real Estate 214. VondelGym 215. VORM Ontwikkeling 216. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 217. Wagamama 218. Watersportvereniging De Koenen 219. We Canteen 220. WeWork 221. Wineboutique & Spirits 222. Wintertaling 223. Worldeye Amsterdam 224. WTC Amsterdam 225. WTC A’dam Business Club 226. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 227. WuSH 228. XO Optics 229. X2X Worldwide Express 230. YoungCapital 231. Your Assistant 232. Zuidas Apotheek 233. Zuidas Bier 234. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 235. Zuidas Publishers 236. Zuidas Today 237. ZuidasTravel.nl

Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by

Thanks to Mirjam van Praag, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Paul van Lange, Noeska Adriana Pak, Henny Abdel Malek – Verboom, Gideon Leendertse, Lammert Kamphuis, Nathalie Lam, Annemiek van Dijke, Olga van Erp Taalman Kip, Raz Ahmed, Teun Struycken, Wendy de Ruiter, Peter van der Werf, Jesse Warnaar, Jurgen van den Hazel, Ron de Lang, Karel Lannoo, Jorge Alvarez, Von Poll, AM, BPD, Esthetisch Centrum Jan van Goyen, Taalcentrum VU, De Hypotheker, NDI, Nyenrode Business University, Webster University, The British School of Amsterdam, Kindergarden, Children’s Campus Zuidas, The School of Life, Amsterdam International Community School, Institute of Management Accountants, Centre for Professional Legal Education, TaalcentrumVU, MBO College Zuid – ROC Amsterdam, Vakmedianet, VU Graduate Winter School, Eitan Fit, Edge, Circl, Amsterdam UMC, Magazine Masters, Courtesie, Food & I, Rob Peetoom.







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