Hello Zuidas - November/December editie #58

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LESS TIME IN THE OFFICE, SO LESS OFFICE SPACE? Hybrid work is the new normal. But the best form of hybrid work is different for every organisation. How do you ensure that the office still offers added value when your employees are working from different locations? It’s not only a matter of less m2. Want to know what does work for your company? Download our white paper ‘The next normal: how hybrid work is transforming commercial real estate’.





Next issue [59] 10th of January 2022

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

A warm welcome to this final magazine of what, for many, has been a socially, economically and politically charged year. For many of us, old everyday routines have changed. Including when and how we travel to work. That’s why we decided to devote this issue to mobility. I am also happy to report that we have yet


another good reason to stick around

Walking around Zuidas lately, you would never think anything was amiss. Queues at

Rialto Cinema and, for fans of the stage,

the coffee bars, fully booked tables for lunch, and after-work drinks on Thursdays

Griffioen Theatre. Members of Hello Zuidas

and Fridays that are as crowded as ever, while most people are back in the office,

got a sneak preview of these two venues

at their desks. Just like old times. According to the newspapers and online media,

earlier this year. The opening of Rialto and

internal strategies have been overhauled. This includes the mobility front, which

Griffioen heralds a new phase for Zuidas

we’re spotlighting in this issue. Right now, congestion is worse than ever and during

as Amsterdam’s new urban centre, with

peak hours it’s wall-to-wall traffic. Has the changeover been too rigorous? Are

loads to offer students, residents and

massive groups of working people less easily directed than was initially presumed?

professionals in the departments of both

Zuidas after hours: the recent opening at De Boelelaan 111 of VU’s four-screen

work and leisure. I highly recommend On this issue’s cover is Karen van den Boom, CEO of SIXT Benelux. Karen’s life all but

coming to check it out for yourself!

revolves around the mobility of the future and how to approach it constructively and nationally. For those of you who still think SIXT is ‘only’ a car rental company, you’ll


definitely want to take a look at our interview with Karen.

Managing director of Hello Zuidas

With this issue, we close out another year. We’ve made it through, and that wasn’t always easy with the constant uncertainty of the Covid situation hanging over our heads. We hope there will be no more lockdowns or mandatory masking, and that we can once more go about our daily lives and work in a normal way. Happy reading, and best wishes for the end of this year! ROMY LANGE Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@zuidaspublishers.nl










06 Coverstory Karen van den Boom 10 Building the Future

CEO of SIXT Benelux

• Next steps at Amsterdam Zuid Station • Work starts on multifunctional De Puls Building • Zuidas launches ‘Green Walk’

12 13 Column 14 Business in the Spotlight 16 Got A Minute 19 Business in the Spotlight 20 Home Tour 22 Business in the Spotlight 24 Agenda

Share #Zuidas Social Media

Paul van Lange XO Optics

How do you commute to work? The British School

Interview with Emile Rietveld @ Intermezzo


Don’t miss it

28 Hello You 29 Business in the Spotlight 30 Sustainability 32 Hello You 33 Business in the Spotlight 34 Mobility Special

Ted Louise


The Zuidas Sustainability Award

Infinity Relations

How does team Hello Zuidas make the daily commute to and from Zuidas? 36 Van Poelgeest Amsterdam 38 SIXT 40 ParkBee 43 TCA – Taxicentrale Amsterdam 44 Van A tot Zuidas

48 50 Architecture

Zuidas Market

52 Legal 55 Business in the Spotlight 56 Finance 58 New Member 59 Hello Zuidas 61 Sustainability 62 New Members HZ 64 Hello Zuidas introduces 65 Business in the Spotlight 66 Memo Board 68 Meet the…

Members Meeting


The office of the future Student Experience

Pro Bono Publico

Many millions, few plans

Hello Zuidas welcomes the 250th member Members Meeting

Temporary Community Garden

Hello Zuidas welcomes the new members Rinske Berg


Zuidas Updates

Taxi Driver

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.






With its eye-catching orange logo more visible than ever, thanks to a successful

more, I believe shared mobility will arrive

carsharing scheme, and in spite of the coronavirus crisis, SIXT enjoys continuous

sooner than we think. We always tend

growth. SIXT Benelux CEO Karen van den Boom, one of the mobility sector’s leading

to think: ‘Oh, that innovation is still ten

women, sees opportunity everywhere. Flexible mobility is the future, she says,

years off’, but just consider how quickly

though it requires a united national effort that combines vision with products and

we shifted to paying with our phone, for

expertise. She calls the failure to bring mobility providers to the drawing board from

example. Once the right players join and

day one a missed opportunity, also for Zuidas.

we have good working partnerships, we can roll out a solid mobility supply

Mobility is a hot topic in Zuidas, and

we convince that person living north of

chain throughout the Randstad metro

SIXT sees hybrid work as one solution

Amsterdam and working at Zuidas to take

region. You could even pose the question

to tackling mobility issues. No one

an e-bike to station Noord and hop into the

whether, cars are still even neccessary in

wants a return to the old gridlock and

metro, while during the day using a shared

Amsterdam’s city centre, when you have

overcrowded trains. Do you expect

car to travel to external appointments?

other kinds of vehicles at your disposal.”

things will change?

I am convinced that we can find a good

“Before Covid, everyone in business and

balance through more hybrid forms of

Is an all-electric fleet your

industry agreed that something needed to

working and allocating flexible corporate

ambition? Or are petrol cars still

happen to tamp down CO2 emission and

mobility budgets. It’s the ideal mix.”

necessary, also going forward?

reduce traffic congestion, which meant

“We began adding electric vehicles to our

tackling mobility. But when you actually

What’s your vision for mobility,

fleet as early as nine years ago. Currently,

ask people to give up their car, it’s tricky

now and in the future?

all our free-floating shared cars are fully

for them. The pandemic helped us realise

“I’m a true idealist. We are in the midst of

electric. We want to set the pace for

that we can change our behaviour. Now

a clear transition, going from ownership

electrification, but we are dependent on

it needs a collaborative effort to harness

to use only. That behavioural change has

car manufacturers. They’re telling us that

this behaviour change, and we need to act

propelled more flexible mobility concepts.

the majority of next year’s new orders are

fast because congestion levels are rising

The advantage of this new flexibility is

for electric vehicles, which means that

rapidly. In my view, we need to zoom in on

that individuals can use different forms

our fleet of rental cars will also become

use cases and user-friendliness. How can

of mobility for different purposes. What’s

increasingly electric in time. Diesel is all but

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo • Make-up Artist: Rob Peetoom Hair & Make Up Zuidas (Ruby)



obsolete now for trucks and vans, so I’m

bicycles. In the end, it is about linking these

their mobility budgets to allow for

eager to hear when the hydrogen option

forms of flexible mobility with each other

more flexibility. More importantly,

will arrive. I’m looking forward to that, and

while making it accessible for everyone.

the government’s contribution to this

we will certainly implement it.

Cycling dozens of kilometres is still physical

shift is essential to help us incentivise

exertion, so there are many things for

people and facilitate flexible mobility

What is your take on the rapid develop-

which cars will still be necessary. Only, the

at the interurban level. A shared car

ment of other forms of e-mobility?

question is whether we need quite as many

doesn’t stop being a shared car at the

I think it’s good to continually see more

cars as we have in the Netherlands today.

city limits, obviously – you want to

different kinds of e-mobility options on the

The answer, if you ask me, is no.”

be able to take it all over the country.

road, such as electric kick scooters and

A national parking permit is a must,

e-bikes. To replace cars, you need a variety

What will it take to achieve

in my opinion. Going forward, I also

of vehicle alternatives and providers,

the shift towards fewer cars?

believe that mobility providers like us

including things like shared mopeds and

“Businesses must look into updating

should be at the drawing board from day one. Many issues can be solved by

“We are in the midst of a clear trend from ownership to use, and that behaviour change has in part propelled more flexible mobility concepts”


consultation between all parties during the design phase of new urban areas like Zuidas. Zuidas is a small piece of a large puzzle that ultimately has to become a great big mobility chain.”

Building The Future



November 2021: metro tracks We need a much larger area to work in than is currently available between the metro tracks. We will start to create this extra space in November 2021. Over the course of four weekends, switches will be installed between the metro tracks, making it

Three roof sections are now in place underneath the tracks for the new pedestrian

possible for metro trains to change from one

passageway at Amsterdam Zuid station. The construction sites look neat and tidy,

track to another more flexibly.

but appearances can be deceptive. Here is a preview of the next phases of the work. Spring 2022: metro platforms Travellers may not realize it yet, but

in August 2021. What will be the next step?

We will also be moving the platforms and

significant steps have already been taken

In summary: first, we need to create

tracks for metro line 52 approximately 20

towards the construction of the second

space. Then, we’ll start construction work,

metres towards, as well as partially across,

pedestrian passageway at Amsterdam

using many kilometres of reinforcement

Beethovenstraat. This will create the

Zuid station: the Brittenpassage. After the

cable and hundreds of cubic metres of

space we need to modernize the station’s

first huge roof section was put in place in

concrete. Finally, we’ll slide the roof

existing pedestrian passageway - the

November 2019, two more sections followed

sections into place.



Impression of the Minervapassage

Building The Future

Amsterdam Zuidas

+31 (0)800 50 65

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Central Hall, WTC



Building The Future

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DE PULS BUILDING Construction work has started on De Puls, yet another incredible eye-catcher in Zuidas. Boasting housing, offices, a cinema, bars and restaurants, the building embodies what the Innovation District (Kenniskwartier) is envisioned to become: a vibrant part of Zuidas and Amsterdam, bringing together health, science and entrepreneurship.

Impression of the new Brittenpassage

Note that dates are subject to change By late 2024, this building will set the tone for the July 2022: foundation work

2022, we will also be building two roof

March 2023, we’ll slide a section under two

new neighbourhood under development in this

At this point, the work site between the

sections between the metro tracks: one

metro tracks above the Minervapassage. This

part of Zuidas. Over the next 15 years, this area will

metro tracks near the Brittenpassage will

for the Brittenpassage, the other for the

will be followed in July by the construction of

be transformed into a dynamic neighbourhood

be large enough for the next job – a very


a roof section beneath another metro track.

with around 2,700 homes, university facilities and

At the other construction site along Arnold

knowledge-related businesses, a primary school, social

big one. From 23 July to 2 August 2022, we will work for 11 consecutive days to lay

March 2023: Minervapassage

Schönberglaan, this will be done over the

amenities, shops, cultural venues, bars and restaurants

the foundations for the Brittenpassage’s

Starting in March 2023, we will construct

Ascension Day weekend of 2023. As well as

and an OBA NEXT public library branch.

roof sections. This will have a major

a fifth roof section between the metro

suspending train traffic, this will also require

impact on travel. Train tracks will be out

tracks for the new Minervapassage. This

closure and excavation of the A10 south lane.

of service and the A10 motorway’s south

will be a major challenge as installing

food outlets, a supermarket and a nine-screen cinema.

carriageway will also be closed.

a new roof section at this site requires

Some 36,000 square metres have been set aside for

De Puls will include plenty of public space, with various

demolishing the existing one first. This

And after that?

offices. There will of course be housing, with 151 mid-

Autumn 2022: four roof sections

is also a busy train and metro location,

Even after this, the work will be far

market rental apartments and 49 private sector rental

From September 2022, construction of

so initially the work is bound to cause

from finished. The Brittenpassage

properties, and an underground car park, also offering

four roof sections will begin at several

considerable disruption.

should be completed by 2027

shared electric cars.

locations: three at the Brittenpassage and

at the latest, and the modernized

one at the Minervapassage. We will start

Spring/summer 2023: the big slide

Minervapassage by no later

VORM Bouw is responsible for the realization of De Puls,

on the southern side of the A10, along

After all of this work is completed, we can

than 2031.

which is scheduled for completion at the end of 2024.

Arnold Schönberglaan. From October

slide the finished roof sections into place. In


Artist Impression: WAX

Building The future

Social Media



‘GREEN WALK’ @towertenwtc BREEAM fact ... healthy and good quality indoor air @zuidasamsterdam @phonephotoilse Rechtbank Amsterdam

Het o zo bijzondere Valley, maar dan vanuit de lucht!


@brittkenter Jup. I’m a complete sucker for skylounges ...



@HelloZuidas @xo_opticszuidas


New Brands ...

For employees of companies who are member of Hello Zuidas,

#amsterdam #valleyamsterdam @greenbergnielsen

#achitecture #zuidasamsterdam

... alumniborrel gehad, vanwege het 10-jarig bestaan ...

it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link

as a contact.

Well hidden little artwork at Zuidplein

Zuidas is synonymous with hard work – and not just in the offices. Take a stroll along the Green Walk, launched on 30 September 2021, and you’ll come across the district’s smallest workers. It also leads you to artworks created by Vera



Chef’s favorites ...

Present op de Zuidas!

van Wolferen that you might not have spotted otherwise. Victor Everhardt of the Amsterdam City Council paid

ecologist Bas Reussien tells you all about these green spaces

a special visit to Zuidplein to declare the Green Walk

and the hard workers who live here – insects, birds, bats and

officially open. Residents involved were enthusiastic

more. There are also five surprises tucked away along the

about the results.

route. Well-hidden amidst the greenery, these small artworks


by Vera van Wolferen pay tribute to nature and its many tiny Artworks hidden in plain sight

hard workers. “Artworks for the route were made using a 3D

The Green Walk guides visitors along a 10-kilometre trail

printer, done in a single material and colour. Each artwork

using a mobile app. If this sounds too long, don’t worry: how

forms a bridge between our human world and the imagined

far you walk and where to start is up to you. Along the way,

world of everything living in these green spaces.”

Find out more by opening this folding page

photography: Jan Vonk

@Fashioniquebyjulia @marcel.steinbach @yannickartozoul Nice shoot for @loyrensloeff ... 12

Rob Peetoom


Bijna af #bouwenmetbeelden

Autumn Vibes

#nightphotography #neonlights

- Gloss color from Redken

app that allows you to flip through all the Zuidas news!



TALKING TO STRANGERS Some 15 years ago, the world reached a critical turning point, after which more than 50% of people lived in cities rather than rural areas. What is the urbanization rate in the Netherlands? Not surprisingly, it is higher than 50%, but would you believe that as of 2020 it was 92%?! Psychologically, this astounding statistic implies that most of us are increasingly surrounded by people we do not know, from our daily commute to when running errands. Yet, we all have a basic need for social contact. For Vitamin S, as I’ve dubbed it in my scientific writing, as there is increasing evidence that social contact energizes people and boosts happiness – at least for a time. So, how do we deal with all the strangers around us? Considering the vitality we get from Vitamin S, one would think people readily seek interaction with strangers. Wrong! People do not tend to talk to strangers. One important reason is that people – that is: us – believe most other people don’t want to be bothered. In reality, that’s not true. Research shows most people actually welcome social contact with

Paul van Lange (1961) is Professor and Chair of Social Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. His research focuses on the psychology and evolution of human cooperation as well as the psychology of climate change, trust, and norm-violation in society. After serving as coach of male and female teams at AFC and SC Buitenveldert, he also publishes on the psychology of football. www.paulvanlange.com

strangers. But there is another dimension to this. Strangers have more to offer than you might think. First, interactions with strangers can bring us additional opportunities, such as suggestions or advice about jobs, chances to broaden our skills, or openings for getting to know more people outside our own networks. A case in point is the Dutch landscape architect Piet Oudolf, perhaps best known for his work on the New York High Line project. The breakthrough in his successful career came with the ‘Dream Park’ in Enköping, Sweden; a project sparked off by a brief chat with a stranger on a bus. Second, while interactions with family and friends are psychologically safe in numerous ways, there is always a risk that sensitive, private information shared with one or two close others may be spread in the larger social network. Strangers are far less likely to spread private information, because they are unlikely to be part of one’s social network. This is probably why at least some of us may have experienced a terrific conversation with a fellow passenger on a flight, a taxi driver or a physiotherapist. Coaches of all kinds are doing a thriving business nowadays, but you may find coaches are closer at hand than you’d expect. Strangers can also be a source of good and wise advice. Third, and last, talking to new people lets us meet people who are different, and so helps us get out of our bubbles. If bubbles and polarization are major societal challenges right now, perhaps talking to strangers can help. Especially if we all do it.


Business In The Spotlight


“WE TAKE CARE OF THE DETAILS FOR HR MANAGERS” For Maarten Christiaans and Lucas Verstraten, optics is a family affair. Both have been

“We are a primary healthcare provider,

in the trade for years and were practically raised in the eye care profession as kids.

and we try to solve problems with the

One got his fascination for vision from his father and grandfather, who ran an optical

right care or glasses. If necessary, we refer

shop, the other was the son of an eye doctor. Joining forces, the two decided to go

customers to their general practitioner or

into business. XO Optics opened its doors in the Xavier building just over 1,5 years

an ophthalmologist.”

ago, as the sole optician in Zuidas, and sees a bright future ahead in this location. Essential Perhaps the only thing still lacking from

you’re worried about your eyes, no matter

As a specialist in the evaluation of eye

this growing district was an eyeglass shop.

what it is, we can help you without all

health, optometrists like Maarten are few

But no longer: “It’s convenient for folks to

the fuss”, Maarten explains. A licensed

and far between in Amsterdam. Which is

have us so close by now.” Offering a wide

optometrist, he oversees the more

odd, considering how essential good eye

selection of eyeglasses and sunglasses –

‘complicated’ cases that come into the

care is when you spend long hours working

from big fashion labels to traditional vision

shop. From double vision and headaches

at a computer or laptop, as many of us do.

brands – XO Optics caters to all. But, as

to eye-related health conditions. “Call me

The way we look at our screens influences

the two men explain, they do more than

the gatekeeper”, he quips. Maarten says his

our physical vitality and ergonomics, after

fit customers for a great pair of specs. “If

work is like the physiotherapist of eye care.

all. Multifocal glasses, which are more


Business In The Spotlight

Maarten Christiaans & Lucas Verstraten

popular than ever, force the wearer to

organizations a chance to introduce their

expenditure and it reduces sick leave.”

adjust their posture to read texts on-

employees to these desk eyeglasses at

Lucas grins: “It’s really a win-win.”

screen. “But sitting in an awkward position

an attractive price. “We have developed

to see clearly for eight hours has adverse

an extensive dashboard to take care of


effects”, Maarten points out. “It leads to

everything for HR managers and some

Of course, the brand-new shop welcomes

poorer posture and ergonomics, so there is

organizations have already found their way

not only HR managers and employees,

loads of room for improvement.”

to us. We have a pilot set up for companies

but also the local community. With their

so they can all come try it out for

state-of-the-art equipment, extensive care,


themselves, free of charge, and ultimately

wide product range and customer focus,

According to Lucas, this is precisely

facilitate this for their staff.” XO Optics

Maarten and Lucas are ready to serve all

what brought XO Optics to Zuidas. “In

works out all the details. They provide

local residents and organizations. “We’re

partnership with ZEISS, a supplier of lenses

an extensive database to keep track of

just around the corner!”

who in technical terms are the best of the

everything, plus a guide to screen glasses,

best, we want to introduce ‘office glasses’

posters and flyers. “It’s also financially

here.” Through their ‘Naturally Upright’

attractive, because the costs are largely

scheme, XO Optics is offering all Zuidas

tax deductible. That means no added

Text: Céline Boute & Tessa Burger • Photography: Roxanne Wilm

XO Optics Zuidas Gustav Mahlerlaan 397 1082 MK Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 235 11 17 contact@xo-optics.nl www.xo-optics.nl


Hello People


GOT AMINUTE? Mobility is a pressing issue. Across various fronts, efforts are ongoing to work out how we should travel from place to place and do so sustainably. We might grab our bike, e-bike or EV, take public transport, or walk to our destination, but are we actually doing so more conscientiously? For this issue, we asked readers if they make deliberate choices about their travel, and which forms of transport they choose.

Eduard Elias “Essentially, I do everything by bike. For me personally it’s the best way to travel, because you’re flexible, can easily go anywhere and always find a ‘parking space’. In Amsterdam, it’s the easiest way to get around. Unless you absolutely need to, it’s better not to take the car. That said, I drive electric, which was a conscious choice as well. If my destination is easy to reach by bike or public transport, those are always my go-to options. I’ve noticed this is the general trend, especially with the spread of electric bicycles as an alternative for getting around.”

Mischa Fetisov “It has been an interesting transition, moving from Moscow to Amsterdam. The easiest way to get around in Moscow is by public transport. It seems to me it’s so much better to go by bike here. The infrastructure is amazing and everyone likes it. In the Netherlands, even though it rains a lot, a lot of people put on their raincoats and brave the weather on their bikes, because it is a perfect way to get around. Right now, I travel to work by public transport, which is very nice as well because the schedules are clear and you know exactly where to go.”


Hello People

Mengwen Yang “When my partner and I were looking for a place to live in Amsterdam, it turned out to be so difficult. We decided to look in other places with good connections to Amsterdam, and found that in Hilversum. Our place is near the train station, which was exactly what we were looking for, and it takes us only twenty minutes to travel to Zuidas. I can’t deny we would like to travel by car as well, but it can be quite difficult to find a parking spot. In the end, it is easier and more comfortable to travel to work by train. It would be a dream to just live here in Amsterdam and be able to hop on a bike and cycle to work. Maybe it will happen one day.”

Erwin de la Fuente “At my age, choosing how to get around always involves some more thought. I live in Amsterdam-Oost, and if I go into the city I take my bike or walk. People who are of age and have a threshold income receive a public transport card to travel for free in the big cities. I like using that to for trips to places like The Hague and Rotterdam. You can use the metro, tram and bus to visit all the attractions, such as museums, which is lovely. It can be very busy, though, but luckily not all the time.”

Text: Céline Boute & Photography: Caily Bobby Jo


Business In The Spotlight

Stuart May

the same level. Their peer group is very

The British School of Amsterdam:


important for making friendships and for social interaction. British education is about shaping the curriculum around their level with the idea that education should enable every child to reach their potential.” With a diverse international mix of pupils, the school wants to make everyone feel welcome in their community.

After a complicated relocation to merge three separate school locations, plus Covid restrictions preventing people from coming together, The British School of


Amsterdam is finally getting back to its normal routine. Stuart May, Vice Principal

The British School also plays a central

and Head of Junior School, could not be more excited: “It’s really good to get back

social role in the lives of many families,

to normal and to have all the children and their families back together again.”

most of whom are expats. But Dutch families are also eager to connect with

When construction at the new location was

child protection, school safety and safer

each other. The parents’ organisation is a

finally over at the beginning of summer and

recruitment.” Though he never intended to

vital part of the school. “There are a variety

Covid restrictions were officially lifted last

settle in Amsterdam, Stuart says he was won

of special interest groups and even more

September, The British School picked up

over by the city itself and pace of life here.

activity groups such as the dads’ night out, cheese and wine club and running groups.

where it left off, starting with assemblies, after-school activities and family meet-ups.

Individual approach

They are very supportive of parents overall,

Stuart has been with The British School of

British education has a holistic and well-

and we feel it’s so important to give people

Amsterdam for nearly 13 years. “My day-to-

rounded focus and sets high standards. At

a warm welcome upon moving to a new

day role is as Head of Junior School, where

the same time, expectations are attuned

country. If you would like to learn more

I am responsible for all the teaching staff

to the pace that is right for each individual

about our school, please feel free to come

and the 405 children in the Junior section,

child. This approach is rooted in The

and visit us.”

divided over 20 classes. In my other role

British School’s core values: ‘We nurture.

as Vice Principal, I focus on training and

We inspire. We empower’. Stuart explains:

development of our staff. Alongside this,

“We monitor each child individually, rather

I oversee school policy matters such as

than trying to keep all the children at

Text: Nicole Pak & Céline Boute • Photography: Roxanne Wilm

The British School of Amsterdam Havenstraat 6 1075 PR Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 679 78 40 www.britishschool.amsterdam


Zuidas Home Tour


“Zuidas has a village vibe; safe, pleasant and caring” Zuidas is a distinctive part of the city and in high demand among house hunters. Between now and 2040, some 8,000 to 9,000 new homes will be built here. Once known mostly as an office location, more recently Zuidas has been shedding that image in a complete metamorphosis. When Zuidas is finished in around 2040, a projected 15,000 people will call it home. In this section, we ask residents to tell us where they live and how they like life in Zuidas. This time, we talked to Emile Rietveld (36), who lives in Intermezzo. Born and raised in Amsterdam, he is now firmly rooted in this ‘village inside a city’. Added bonus: Zuidas has all the daily essentials within a 500-metre radius, but without the drawbacks of city life. Emile, could you tell

have always had an affinity with safety,

After starting my company, Avenue

us more about yourself?

and the rest of my career has tapped into

Services B.V., collective safety became

“I was born in Amsterdam and raised

that in different ways, as an independent

much more of a priority in Zuidas.”

in Diemen. I got a Barchelor’s degree in

contractor and in my work at the Ziggo

Engineering and an MBA and started out

Dome. It even runs through my daily life

What brought you to Zuidas?

working for eight years in the aviation

and hobbies. As the chairman of our

“I got this apartment on its completion

quality and safety industry, where I

homeowners’ association, for example, I

in 2017 and am very happy here. The first

specialized in incident investigations. I

analysed safety in and around Intermezzo.

house I bought was in Badhoevedorp.


Zuidas Home Tour

Emile Rietveld lives in Intermezzo


Emile Rietveld

Building Intermezzo Hobbies Going to classical music concerts, dance festivals and working out at Clubsportive. Favourite spot in Zuidas The Cielo sky bar is amazing, Market 33, and Leonidas for ice cream. Favourite spot at home Some of my uni friends had moved there

lovely people. We get together for drinks,

My living room is a lovely spot and

and, because of the reasonable prices, I

or meals, and we take care of each other’s

we also often sit at our bar. That is

wanted a new-build as well. Working at

plants when anyone’s away. And on top of

also where I’ve got my awesome art,

Schiphol Airport, it was perfect, but also

that, the connections are perfect: you’re

like Mr. Manhattan Miffy, a collector’s

too quiet. At the time I was house-hunting,

close to the motorway, on a train in five

item and piece of Dick Bruna Dutch

I wasn’t focused on Zuidas. I’d signed up

minutes and the city’s just a quick bicycle

pride referencing the Manhattan of

for a number of projects. My search ended

ride away.”

Amsterdam: Zuidas.

at Intermezzo, and it’s absolutely great. It’s a really nice building and all amenities are

Is there anything still missing in Zuidas?

within easy reach.”

“It would be nice to have attractions that draw more people here. SFor instance,

What makes Zuidas a good place to live?

something to do with art, art, so people

“People I knew called me crazy for

might take a stroll around Zuidas and then

wanting to live in Zuidas, because of its

stop for a bite or a drink afterwards. It’s

image as a business park. The district is

really exciting that the cinema is opening,

constantly changing in positive ways. It’s

that there’s a market every Thursday on

a village within a city, because everybody

George Gershwinplein, and that we have

knows everybody else. As the chair of our

this stunning new sky bar. Bringing in

homeowners’ association, I have lots of

some smaller merchants and businesses

contact with residents, and they’re all

would add to the diversity.”

Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Caily Bobby Jo


Business In The Spotlight

VACANT SPACE IN ZUIDAS: WHAT’S THE REAL STORY? Zuidas has evolved beyond its beginnings as a 9-to-5 office district. With a wide

Hanssen explains. “In the aftermath of the

diversity of different and new users, from innovative tech firms to residents,

pandemic, employers realise how crucial

the area is developing rapidly. However, a recent article in one of our regional

it is to create a place where employees feel

newspapers contended that Zuidas is experiencing an exodus of large companies

at ease and are as productive as possible.

that are packing up and leaving behind vacant buildings. We caught up with Joep

What we’re seeing now is that companies

van Vliet, head of research at the real estate consultancy CBRE, and Niels Hanssen,

with resources tend to choose the better

CBRE’s associate director, to find out what’s actually going on.

buildings and are prepared to pay for them.” In actuality, both men say, Zuidas is

“Zuidas is developing in line with the domestic

and renovated to be suitable for multiple

more popular than ever. When it was fully

and global economy, so the fact that some

tenants.” Given the current innovative

let, companies did not find the space to

companies are locating here and others are

direction the economy is taking, in which

grow. Hanssen suggests there were even

leaving constitutes natural turnover”, Van Vliet

the field is wide open for small enterprises

companies that would have liked to locate

begins. Not only that, according to Hanssen,

to grow, there’s also a larger crop of small

to Zuidas, but went abroad due to the lack

this state of affairs is in fact a good thing.

businesses, and they need that space.

of space. Now all kinds of possibilities are

“There’s a mutually reinforcing effect, and in

They want offices that are cutting edge

opening up. “It just goes to show: newly

a way it’s mainly symbolic. In the early stages

and future-ready, prioritizing the building’s

available space can actually be quite

of development, the majority of offices at


healthy for an area like this.”

driven companies and law firms, in buildings

Rising rents

International calibre

that were closed off to its surroundings. After

A consequence of all these renovation

The coronavirus crisis has shifted the focus

all this time these tenants now take their next

projects with high quality standards is

to the best buildings. And they are in high

step; either at Zuidas or elsewhere. They’re

that rents are rising after a relative calm

demand. “Walking around here, we may not

leaving behind buildings that are being

period during the pandemic. “Companies

realize it, but this is the premier location for

upgraded and made sustainable,

are always looking for the best buildings”,

international businesses to land in north-

Zuidas were dominated by large, financially


Business In The Spotlight

“Zuidas is developing in step with the domestic and global economy”

western Europe”, Van Vliet points out. “It’s a springboard for further growth. So, as far as employment, economic activity and growth are concerned, Amsterdam is a linchpin for the entire country.” Future Both Van Vliet and Hanssen applaud the development of a cultural sector alongside employment and housing in Zuidas. Moreover, as long as economic growth continues along its current track, the two say there is room for further rental growth. “Compared to other European cities, rental prices are still attractive here.” This new dynamic is set to propel Zuidas into its next phase of growth, towards a mature and complete urban centre, offering all the essential amenities. CBRE Anthony Fokkerweg 15 (The Core) 1059 CM Amsterdam www.cbre.nl Joep van Vliet & Niels Hanssen

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo




NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2021 Tuesday 2-Thursday 4 November

BUILDING HOLLAND 2021 @RAI – www.rai.nl The leading innovation event for the building and real estate sector this year is spotlighting development and innovation trends directly aimed at making the Every Friday

Netherlands more sustainable. Bringing


together cutting-edge partners, an

@Online – recorded at CIRCL

extensive convention programme and side


events, professionals interested in how

The Zuidas Today Talk Show is a weekly

we’ll achieve those climate targets can’t

discussion platform for the local business

afford to miss this Building Holland!

and residential community. Host Ruth Jansen talks with interesting, inspiring

Wednesday 3 November & Thursday 2 December

and high-profile guests in the CIRCL studio


in Zuidas. The show is a joint initiative of

@Atrium Zuidas – restaurant à Deauville – www.aboutlove.nl

Zuidas Today and ABN AMRO & CIRCL.

During these speed dates you’ll meet 15-20 other singles. Every four minutes, the bell sounds and half the singles move up a table, putting a different person across from you until you’ve met them all. After each date,

Tuesday 2 November

tick on the form whether you want to get better acquainted: Yes or No?!

ESTHER GROENENBERG: BACK TO THE GARDEN BAND Photo: Jennifer Tee & galerie Fons Welters

@Griffioen Cultural Centre – www.griffioen.vu.nl In Back to the Garden, Esther Groenenberg sings a repertoire uniting the greatest female singer-songwriters to début in the kaleidoscopic 70s at the flowering of the singer-songwriter scene, including Carly Simon (‘You’re So Vain’), Janis Ian, Carole King and Joni Mitchell.

Wednesday 3 November - Saturday 29 January

VU ART SCIENCE GALLERY OPENING EXHIBITION: 0 STARTING FROM ZERO @VU Amsterdam A new gallery operating at the crossroads of art and science, the VU ART SCIENCE opens 0 Starting From Zero. The exhibition features artworks by Jennifer Tee, Jan Robert Leegte, Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand and Nicky Assmann visualizing different dimensions of the number 0.



Tuesdays 9 & 23 November Every Thursday



@Online – www.taalcentrum-vu.nl


During this workshop, you’ll learn how to reach a wide audience,

Every Thursday is market day in Zuidas. Up to 30 stalls come to

from ordinary people to business professionals to government

Gershwinplein to sell their fresh wares, with a focus on food. Having

organizations. You’ll work on tapping your creativity, viewing your

a farmers’ market has been a long-held dream of Zuidas residents,

research, discipline from multiple perspectives and how creative

and now, thanks to the Zuid District Executive Board, that dream is

texts can convey social impact. You’ll write your own blog, press

coming true.

release or opinion piece. Photo: Marcel Steinbach

Wednesday 10 November Tuesdays 2, 16 & 30 November


& 14 December

@AFC Clubhouse, De Boelelaan 50


Hosted at the new AFC building, this afternoon zooms in on the new

@De Thomas – www.dethomas.nl

Ravel neighbourhood being developed between 2022 and 2035.

Enjoy some music during your Tuesday lunch

The programme starts with a brief word about the new clubhouse’s

break at the Thomaskerk, Prinses Irenestraat

construction and architecture. Next, urban planner Martijn de Wit

36. Just a 3-minute walk from the WTC.

will talk about living in Ravel and what the future holds for this

Doors open at noon and the concert starts at

neighbourhood. We’ll close with drinks in the new AFC Clubhouse, with

12.30pm and lasts 30 minutes. All are welcome.

an amazing view of the whole of Ravel.

No advance registration necessary.

Friday 5 & Saturday 6 November

Sunday 14-Sunday 21 November



@VU Amsterdam – www.vu.nl

@RAI Amsterdam – www.rai.nl

Want to study at university level, and curious about

Drawing more than 40,000 art enthusiasts and collectors annually, PAN

Bachelor’s programmes at VU Amsterdam? On Friday

Amsterdam gathers more than 100 established art and antiques dealers

5 and Saturday 6 November you can learn more

and gallerists to show and sell a varied selection of the highest-calibre work

about your fields of interest during the VU Bachelor’s

spanning some 5,000 years of art history. Objects are vetted for authenticity and

Days. The open days will be held online.

quality by a team of 80 independent experts. 25

Photo: PAN Amsterdam


Thursday 18-Monday 22 November

MASTERS EXPO 2021 @RAI Amsterdam – www.rai.nl Trailblazing and unorthodox, this Friday 19 November

live marketing concept features


a unique group of exhibitors and

@RAI (PAN Amsterdam)

programme sure to challenge

Hello Zuidas will be celebrating the close

entrepreneurs, investors, owners,

of another year with our members at PAN

influencers, CEOs, thought leaders

Amsterdam 2021 in the RAI. This meeting

and politicians to consider the future

Tuesday 16 & Wednesday 17 November

will also be a splendid prelude to our

of premium business. Showcasing


10-year anniversary next year! After the

global brands, premiers, charities,

meeting, members can visit PAN free of

designers, new ventures and

@Griffioen Cultural Centre

charge. See you there?


an adventurous and inspiring

www.griffioen.vu.nl Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Derks’ new show wrestles with more surprisingly simple questions. Our times are tricky enough: no need to overcomplicate things. With a mix of stories, jokes, music and happenstance, Pieter is raring to go.

Tuesdays 30 November & 7 December

BUSINESS ENGLISH WORKSHOP @Amsterdam (Aristo Sloterdijk or BCN Bijlmer Arena) www.taalcentrum-vu.nl/zakelijk-engels Would you like to communicate more Thursday 18 November

effectively with your English-speaking


clients? Taalcentrum-VU’s language experts

@VU Amsterdam - www.vu.nl

are here to help! Our Business English

Do you want to broaden your knowledge and study at university level? Come to the

workshop will boost your fluency in no

Information Evening on 18 November. Register on the website.

time. The workshop covers two full days.



Thursday 23 December

CAMERETTEN FINALISTS TOUR @Griffioen Cultural Centre Wednesday 1 December



Cameretten has become a cabaret

Thursday 23-Monday 27 December

@CIRCL – www.circl.nl

institution in the cultural season of


Even in these times of social distancing,

not only Rotterdam, but all Holland.

@RAI Amsterdam – www.rai.nl

we’re still eager to share our experiences

With preliminary and final rounds

The famous international ice show is back in

with circular construction, the stories

in the old and new Luxor theatres,

the Netherlands after five years, reinstating

behind the reused materials, and how we

respectively, the four-day festival

a magical and time-honoured tradition:

work in our restaurant. That’s why we’ve

welcomes more than 4,200 people

Christmas and Holiday on Ice. This dazzling

started offering virtual tours of Circl on the

each year. Finalists also tour theatres

international show is a spectacle of sights and

first Wednesday of every month. Tours for

throughout the rest of the country,

sounds. More than 300 costumes were made

up to nine people are held in one of our

bringing the cabaret festival to some

for the performance, which features a specially-

meeting rooms.

20,000 people.

developed, jaw-dropping high-tech 3D set.

Saturday 4 December


Sunday 5 December



In a coproduction with Veenfabriek, the

@Boerenweteringpad park entrance

Susies Haarlok musical theatre collective

(starting point)


presents a riveting audiovisual adventure

Every first Sunday of the month,

@RAI Amsterdam – www.rai.nl

in five chapters. Joined by actress Ruta

Henk Wolters takes visitors on a tour

Both a homage to one of the greatest rock

van Hoof, the company’s four musician-

of Beatrixpark. This time, two tour

operas ever, as composed by Roger Waters,

performers Harald Austbø, Tjalling Schrik,

guides take you along the park’s tree

and a celebration of the 40th anniversary of

Wessel Schrik and Arthur Wagenaar let

trail. Beatrixpark is home to some 250

the legendary concert tour by Pink Floyd, this

audiences see, hear and feel myriad

different tree species. Every season

show includes musicians and singers from the

aspects of growth.

offers something special to discover.

original Pink Floyd and Roger Waters tours.

@Griffioen Cultural Centre

Tuesday 28 December


Hello You



Hello Zuidas meets ArtZuid & Thomaskerk For Hello Zuidas and its members, Tuesday, 14 September was a day devoted to art. We kicked off with a warm welcome in the Thomaskerk, presenting a marvellous large sculpture by one of the artists, Ivan Cremer. From there, we walked the ArtZuid route around Zuidas. In an ode to John Lennon, this year’s edition was titled ‘Imagine’. It’s exciting to see art and culture come alive in our district. Drinks at CIRCL provided the perfect finale to this lovely afternoon gathering.


Photography: Roxanne Wilm

Business In The Spotlight

THE IDEAL BAG for the Zuidas woman

Liz van der Putten

day to day life, wherever they go. We all know the daily struggle with a bag where you can hardly find anything in. With the new collection of Ted Louise we have the solution for this problem! All our unique designs will help you to get an overview during a busy day. Our laptop bags (the Liz and Ana) are there to give that well organized and powerful appearance at work. And our crossbody, the Lilou, is the As a little girl, Liz van der Putten loved watching her grandmother behind the sewing

perfect crossbody that accompanies you

machine, making the loveliest dresses and jackets for her grandchildren. Liz had

through every moment. With its elegant

a boundless admiration for her grandmother, whose fashion sense stayed in the

looks it’s suitable for every occasion! If

family. After attending TMO Fashion Business School, she worked for a number of

you want to finish your look, we designed

fashion labels, which gave her the experience she needed to pursue her dream: her

the perfect wallet that goes with all of our

own line of bags made for strong women, by strong women. “With Ted Louise, I want

bags. For all we know, this is an absolute

to pass on my passion and drive to the women who buy a Ted Louise.”

must-have for every business babe on the Zuidas, don’t you agree?”

Ambition, daring,

ambitions in business and in life. That’s

elegance and organization

why the bags of Ted Louise not only have

The philosophy at Ted Louise is that

a beautiful design, but the bags are so

anything is possible. Liz: “Our bags

well organized that they help you to get an

empower our clients every step they take,

overview during a busy day.”


both professionally and personally. Ted Louise stands for an organized bag made

Business babe

code: Hello-Zuidas and you’ll receive

from the highest-quality, full-grain leather.

With the first unique new collection, Ted

a lovely complimentary notebook!

The bags are elegant, bold and have a

Louise makes the pace to international

(limited time only)

classy look with a fashionable twist. It’s all

ambition to support business women

in the details!” But Ted Louise is more than

all over the world. Liz: “Women do not

a bag, Liz continues. “Ted Louise aims to

only want a beautiful bag, but one that

enable women to pursue their goals and

also helps them to get through their busy

Text: Romy Lange

Ted Louise www.tedlouise.com @tedlouise.official




Trevor Holtkamp & Cathelijne Cras


SUSTAINABILITY Does your company do award-winning sustainability?

THEN WE WANT TO REWARD YOU! For years, Hello Zuidas, Green Business Club Zuidas and Bureau Zuidas have been

food… if a project’s goal and effect are

compiling the annual Sustainability Report. A report about all things sustainable in

sustainability, however small, it deserves to

Zuidas, it is a worthy, if slightly old-fashioned, undertaking. This year, we are taking

be rewarded. True, not everyone can win,

sustainability in Zuidas to a new level. We want to award you for your efforts, to put

but everyone can shoot for the prize. Our

you and your projects in the spotlight, exactly where you deserve to be. Because it is

judging panel will decide who gets to take

you – the companies of Zuidas – who are working to build a better and more sustainable

home this first award.”

world. And that’s why we are proud to introduce: the Zuidas Sustainability Award. Who is on the judging panel? Starting from 2022, Hello Zuidas, Green

ambition is easy, practising what you

“The judges are a qualified, mixed group

Business Club Zuidas and Bureau Zuidas

preach is not. We are happy to award those

of sustainability experts and Zuidas locals.

will be handing out awards to individuals

who are succeeding and thriving.”

You can meet the panel on our website and our social media channels in the

and organizations in Zuidas who are actively participating, initiating and motivating

Sustainability is a very broad issue.

efforts to make Zuidas more sustainable. We

What does this mean for the award?

caught up with Zuidas Sustainability Award

“Sustainability is indeed very broad, so

And maybe the most

project managers Cathelijne Cras (GBC) and

the award is split into multiple categories:

important question: how

Trevor Holtkamp (HZ) to learn more about

Mobility, Water and Greenery, Public

can you apply for the award?

this new ‘green’ award.

Space, Logistics, Community, Buildings,

“To enter for the award, visit our website,

Circularity, and Energy. Organizations and

www.zuidasduurzaam.nl, or scan the

Can you tell us, in brief, what the

individuals can send in submissions for

QR code accompanying this article.

Zuidas Sustainability Award is about?

one or more categories, since projects may

Submissions for 2020-2021 projects big

“The award is all about shining a spotlight

span multiple areas of sustainability.”

and small can be submitted until the end of

coming weeks.”

January 2022. The presentation ceremony

where it belongs: on the businesses and people of Zuidas who are working

What kinds of projects

will be at the end of February. If anyone

towards a better environment. To show

qualify for the award?

has questions about the first Zuidas

our city, our country and even the world

“All kinds, basically. A green roof,

Sustainability Award, they can drop us

how sustainable we are in Zuidas. Having

housing for bees, locally produced

an email at: news@hellozuidas.com.”

Photography: Ritchie Damwijk


Hello You



ZUIDAS MARKET @Gershwinplein The wait is over! Zuidas finally has its own farmer’s market, held every Thursday on Gershwinplein. Residents, workers and students have already been flocking to this new hotspot, where a wide range of market stalls offer goodies for lunch, weekly groceries and more. From flowers and sustainable fashion, to liquorice and fresh fish, there’s something for everyone!


Business In The Spotlight


“Headhunters in international love” Hiring a matchmaker is becoming an increasingly common way to find love. While we’re still warming up to the idea here in Holland, in other countries it’s no more unusual than hiring a property agent to find a house. Lotte Ditzel and Saron van de Laar of Matchmaking agency DTNG., which is focused on mostly Dutch clientele, noticed they were receiving a growing number of international applicants. Rather than turning them away, the two decided to embrace this market and founded Infinity Relations: an exclusive matchmaking agency for successful international businesspeople and expats in the Netherlands. Lotte launched her Matchmaking

Active approach

Mutual trust

agency DTNG. five years ago. Today, the

What started with a client in Canada

Infinity Relations clients are all upscale

company manages a massive database

gradually led to the decision to focus

internationals or internationally-oriented

and helps many people in the search for

on international clients, Saron says.

singles who lead an independent

love. Having worked as a psychologist

“Internationals have a preference for

lifestyle. “Our first meeting is always with

in psychiatry and with experience in

personal dating agencies. It saves time and

the person at home”, Saron explains.

recruitment and headhunting, Lotte

many needless disappointments. People

“Then we assess if they fit the profile of

possesses the perfect foundation for

are looking for genuine connections and

Infinity Relations and if there is a good

coaching clients and identifying the right

depth, for quality and the knowledge

connection. Trust is the most important

matches. Saron joined DTNG. Three

they’re being taken care of.” To find the right

aspect of the whole journey.” Lotte adds,

years ago, as one of Lotte’s Personal

partner, Infinity Relations takes a tailor-

“We always plan the first date. We’ll

Matchmakers. With a background in

made approach. Lotte: “We are members of

make a reservation at a nice wine bar or

applied psychology and experience

a range of high-end business clubs where

a romantic restaurant. You get to know

working in neurology and subsequently

we approach people on an individual

each other a bit better after every date,

as a dating coach and fashion stylist for

basis. We actively match singles with an

which is even more valuable for finding

dates, her talents dovetail with Lotte’s.

elite clientele both within and outside

the right match. It’s an amazing job!’’

Both have an immense passion and

our database.” The two women also offer

determination as ‘Headhunters in love’,

personal guidance and coaching, and their

sharing a deep commitment to quality,

emphasis on cultural differences and self-

efficiency and fast, firm communication.

confidence is particularly appreciated.

Infinity Relations Plein 1945 no. 27 1251 MA Laren +31 (0) 85 401 96 89 info@infinityrelations.nl


Mobility Special


MOBILITY When you commute to work, do you make intentional choices about whether to drive a petrol or electric car, take public transport, or do you go by motor or kick scooter, electric or conventional bike or on your own two legs? Mobility is a much-discussed issue that we all deal with in daily life. Increasingly, organizations are urging employees to travel sustainably. At a national level, efforts are ongoing to supply everyone with the best possible transport options. In this issue, we feature some of the people and businesses active in different facets of mobility.

This issue’s special feature spotlights various organizations involved in the latest mobility developments. Check out the following organizations and get yourself, your business partners and your colleagues up to speed on all the latest news and projects connected with mobility: BMW, TCA, SIXT, ParkBee and diverse mobility projects in Van A tot Zuidas.

To kick off this special feature, we turn our spotlight onto the Hello Zuidas team. How do they make the daily commute to and from Zuidas? Elisa Schouten “From my home in Vinkeveen I take either my bike or car to the station in Abcoude and then catch a train to Amsterdam Zuid. At Hello Zuidas, we have the luxury of our office being right outside the station, in the WTC. Taking the train to work was always my first choice. With a car, you have to deal with parking fees, traffic jams and as a result occasionally longer journey times. Everywhere is getting busier, including Zuidas, so that makes this fifteen-minute train link ideal for me.”


Mobility Special

Angela Ham “If we’re counting, it takes me exactly twelve minutes to get from home to Zuidas on my marvellous electric bike. It’s a lovely route along the canal locks, and the ride gives me time to clear my head. I’ve had my e-bike for three years and it suits me well, because it’s less strenuous and you arrive at work feeling relaxed. Where I worked before this, I alternated between cycling and public transport.”

Rinske Berg

Trevor Holtkamp

Olivier Otten

“My journey to work is a breeze, because

“Almere has no fewer than six stations

“Zuidas is a convenient area and is

I live nice and centrally in Amsterdam.

to choose from. It doesn’t really matter

generally very walkable. However, when

That means I get to enjoy a lovely bike

where you live in Almere, it’s always easy

you’re in a hurry, bicycling works very

ride to Zuidas. Cycling is also a hobby

to get to your destination by rail. And

well, too. If you ask me, nothing tops a

of mine. Today, I happened to take the

with the station being a three-minute

shared bike like the Hello Bike, because

Noord/Zuid route because the weather

walk from my doorstep, it’s the logical

while my own bike is at home in the shed,

was really grim. This metro service

choice for me; even faster than driving.

these red peddlers are always ready for

is ideal and makes getting around

From door to door, I’m in Zuidas in about

me to hop on in Zuidas.”

Amsterdam so much easier. I’m very glad

half an hour, so I can’t complain.”

that cycling and public transport are both good options for me.”

Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Roxanne Wilm


Mobility Special


Less than ten minutes from Zuidas, along the A10 ring road, is BMW and MINI dealer

we have on-site and service we offer at our

Van Poelgeest’s flagship store. With Hans Mulder at the helm as executive manager

workshop: all at a standard befitting the

and Sander de Jong as the dealership’s ‘BMW Genius’, able to answer any queries

brand and these premises.”

about every detail of each individual model, Van Poelgeest is building big mobility plans for the future.

The power of choice BMW plans to equip all future new models

Inside its stunning 26,000 square metre

Amsterdam has them all. And that’s not

it introduces with all drivetrains. This

premises, also housing a massive 27-bridge

all this dealership has to offer, Mulder

means customers can opt for a traditional

workshop, you can admire nearly every

says. “We are located very close to Zuidas

diesel or petrol engine, or for hybrid or

modelall drivetrains,including electric

and are the largest dealership in the

electric. De Jong calls this the power of

and hybrid. BMW and MINI. Van Poelgeest

Netherlands. Add to that the knowledge

choice: “This market is growing non-


Mobility Special

“There is a good reason we’re all concerned about sustainability”

Hans Mulder and Sander de Jong

stop. More and more people are going

mobility such as e-bikes. We don’t want to

neutral, by cutting down on overall power

for a hybrid or electric engine over a

stop that or see it as competition. Rather,

consumption and using only renewable

conventional combustion engine.” Mulder

they’re complimentary to cars.”

energy sources. Another ambition the BMW Group has set itself, is to achieve a

agrees. “Nowadays most brands offer electric and hybrid cars and so ‘brand

The future

sustainable value chain, using recycled

preference’ becomes key again. And then

“There is a good reason we’re all

and renewable resources, including

it’s great to represent BMW and MINI!”

concerned about sustainability”, De Jong

those needed for its energy supply. CO2

continues. “We are all being confronted

emissions reduction forms another central

Flexible mobility

with the cold, hard truth of climate change,

component. More EVs coming off the

Mulder foresees an increasing use of a

and BMW is working hard on solutions,

production line also means more energy

mix of mobility options in the future,

too. Sustainability is the number one

and material are required to build them.

particularly in Zuidas, where these concepts

priority. Not only does a car itself need to

Additional CO2 reduction measures are

are developing faster than elsewhere in

be sustainable, so does its production.” By

therefore needed throughout the value

the country. “It makes a difference whether

2030, the BMW Group aims to reduce CO2

chain. “All so customers can rest assured

you’re driving around in the city or in

emissions at all locations by eighty per

they’re choosing wisely when they buy a

outlying areas, obviously. In the latter you

cent. The manufacturer has been sourcing

BMW or MINI”, De Jong concludes.

can still find parking most of the time, cars

all external power from renewable

fit in the drive and you don’t have as many

sources since 2020. This year, it’s starting

charging points. But people these days

the process of making its automotive

are increasingly willing to use alternative

plants and offices completely climate

Text: Nicole Pak & Romy Lange

Van Poelgeest Amsterdam Pieter Braaijweg 12 1114 AJ Amsterdam + 31 (0)20 460 4690 www.van-poelgeest.nl


CARSHARING IN AMSTERDAM 1. Download the SIXT app and register 2. Choose your vehicle on the map 3. Unlock in through the app 4. Enjoy the ride! Download the SIXT app now

Mobility Special

YOUR ZUIDAS PARKING PROBLEMS SOLVED, WITH PARKBEE! Parking is a hot topic in Zuidas, where many people are put off by steep parking

space on the street, but also by cutting

rates and the endless search for a space. ParkBee comes to the rescue, with a

carbon emissions. In Amsterdam, off-

perfect solution! This parking platform is on a mission to help motorists, property

street parking can free up as much as four

owners and local authorities optimize the use of urban space. Prompted by the

hectares, equivalent to six football pitches,

shortage of available parking options and simultaneous underutilization of parking

in urban space.”

real estate at hotels, offices and elsewhere, ParkBee is currently working with more than 250 locations in the Netherlands, and plans to open its 100th in Amsterdam

Greening the city

later this year. In Zuidas, it operates eight locations, with the latest addition just

Creating more sustainable cities is a huge

open at 2Amsterdam, offering 220 parking spaces. ParkBee stands for affordable

challenge in which new approaches to

parking, close to your destination and is completely digital, so no need for cash or

mobility can make a big difference. “Further

tickets. Just use your own phone! The platform is also active in the United Kingdom,

rolling out a network of EV charging

where its mission is the same: to free up as much street space as possible.

technology is a key part of that, alongside promoting shared mobility”, Wouter de

Off-street parking

or Yellowbrick app to access a ParkBee

Bruijne, ParkBee’s commercial director,

ParkBee is connected to millions of users

location or follow the link directly in Google

says. “We are working with partners such

in The Netherlands and the UK, also

Maps or Waze to enter the location.

as Hely and the City of Amsterdam to test

thanks to partnerships like ParkMobile,

the use of mobility hubs. With a hundred

Yellowbrick and RingGo. “This has all

By making off-street parking in car

facilities in Amsterdam, and operating

kinds of advantages for drivers”, points

parks available to everyone, ParkBee is

on the basis of smart data and other

out ParkBee’s CEO, Werner Paul Boerma.

improving the quality of urban life. Not

technologies, Parkbee can play a major

“For example, you can use the Parkmobile

only in terms of literally creating more

role in transforming urban mobility and


Mobility Special

“In Amsterdam, off-street parking can free up as much as four hectares, equivalent to six football pitches, in urban space.”

Wouter de Bruijne

greening cities. Less cars in the streets

with local partners and events to optimize

mean more space for example for planting,

the full funnel.

Werner Paul Boerma


Save up to € 10,- a day on parking

but also for children to play.” ParkBee is saving a space for you in Zuidas:

costs in Zuidas area. Scan the QR code

Unused parking locations abound in urban

• 2Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 2501

at the entrance of the location and

areas, including in Zuidas. Here, ParkBee

• Hilton, Apollolaan 138

use discount code: HELLOZUIDAS at

offers parking at eight locations. People

• Benjamin Brittenstraat 13

the start of the payment at the end of

who work, live in or are visiting the area

• IJsbaanpad 43

your parking session. Only applicable

can park at these facilities for an affordable

• Gelderlandplein P2, Loowaard 57

at our Zuidas locations, excluding

rate and within walking distance of their

• Gelderlandplein P3, Loowaard 57

Gelderlandplein and Spaces Zuidas.

destination. ParkBee also offers business

• Barbara Strozzilaan 9

subscriptions for organizations of all sizes,

• Spaces Zuidas, Barbara Strozzilaan 101

enabling employers to guarantee parking


spaces for their staff. ParkBee is seeing

Rates in Zuidas

Parking often in Zuidas?

a notable rise in corporate demand for

Start from € 2,- per hour, business

For companies we offer flexible

flexible parking solutions and options such

subscription prices from € 350,-

subscriptions for guaranteed parking

as shareable spots. With their fully digitized

monthly. Subscriptions are now

space. Try our ParkBee business

parking solutions, they’re well-placed to

available at our locations 2Amsterdam,

subscription, now 1 month for

serve this market. As well as working with

Hilton, Zuidas and IJsbaanpad.

free. Contact us for the options via

a variety of partners, like real estate and hotels, ParkBee is also likely to work more

Text: Romy Lange

More information www.parkbee.com



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Whatever you decide, We will provide you with the best advice De Hypotheker Zuidas Strawinskylaan 1427 WTC Amsterdam 1077 XX Amsterdam + 31 (0)20 662 1411 www.hypotheker.nl

CULTURE IN ZUIDAS Zuidas will soon offer still more to see and do, with the opening of three cultural venues at De Boelelaan 1111: Griffioen, Rialto VU and the VU ART SCIENCE gallery. Rialto VU shows the best films seven days a week, while Griffioen offers a diverse mix of cabaret, music, theatre and dance programming, alongside numerous courses. The brand-new VU ART SCIENCE gallery is a showcase for artists who take adjacent café completes the picture. So, if you live, work or study in Zuidas: come check it out!

Photo by Melanie Lemahieu

their inspiration from science – and vice versa. The

Mobility Special


TCA Taxi is an institution in Amsterdam. When you need a taxi, TCA is probably the first cab company to come to mind. Times have been turbulent for the taxi sector lately, but TCA hasn’t been sitting idle. Director Hedy Borreman: “Technologically, we are continuing to develop. Most recently, we’ve been working on new in-cab systems that integrate everything on

Hedy Borreman

one tablet or mobile; soon you can even split the bill.” As life starts returning to normal, taxi

- specifically the emission free taxis - are

you could also take a taxi. The advantage

services are resuming too. TCA has seen

a good and sustainable alternative in this

is that you have some extra time to prep

a rise in activity, though more time is

regard. TCA Taxi has developed a special

for your meeting and don’t have to go

needed for them to get back to pre-

portal for business customers that makes

searching for a parking space.” TCA has

pandemic levels. “Our challenge right now

it easy for companies to book taxis and

also teamed up with SIXT. When you

is to keep pace with advances”, Borreman

keep track of everything, down to adding

hire a car with a driver, TCA Taxi gets you

stresses. “We’re working on technological

customer and PO numbers.”

safely to your destination.

for rides, QR code payment and split


Last but not least, Borreman adds, “If you

payments. These are all options that are

Recently, TCA launched a partnership

want a sustainable option, TCA Taxi is

being integrated to serve our customers

with Amaze. This new mobility app links

also a good way to travel. In parallel with

even better.”

all mobility options, including shared

the Municipality of Amsterdam, we are

developments such as advance payments

cars, scooters and bikes, taxis and public

working towards a zero-emissions fleet

TCA Business Portal

transport. “We’re part of one of the app’s

by 2025.”

Many organizations are currently

shared mobilities”, Borreman explains.

grappling with their mobility policies.

“If you’re going to Amsterdam Zuid

Lease cars are on the way out and mobility

station and plan to grab a shared car

budgets are taking over. Borreman: “Taxis

from there, the app lets you know that

Text: Nicole Pak • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

TCA Taxi Wisseloordplein 2 1106 MH, Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 777 77 77 www.tcataxi.nl


Mobility Special

Van A tot Zuidas is a platform in which Green Business Club Zuidas, ORAM, Taskforce Bereikbaarheid Zuidas, Gemeente Amsterdam Zuidas, Bycs, Breikers and Hello Zuidas are working together to promote sustainable mobility to and from Zuidas.


Mobility Special

WHAT DOES VAN A TOT ZUIDAS AIM TO DO? Many organizations in Zuidas are involved in sustainable mobility, and even more so in mobility initiatives and solutions. Van A tot Zuidas was set up to synergize all these different access and mobility endeavours. By bringing efforts together, we want to facilitate employers and commuters, offer a clear and comprehensive overview of options, and thereby help everyone connect quickly and easily to the right mobility solutions and partners. Find them all on the website: www.vanatotzuidas.nl.

We’ve lined up the current initiatives for you Zuidas Mobility Experience


After a prolonged period of working from

Public transport use has taken a hit from

home, travel is expected to ramp up after

the Covid-19 pandemic. Hello Zuidas aims

the summer. That makes this an ideal

to change that! OV-Buddies was set up to

time to ditch old habits and explore new

get people in Zuidas to encourage their

alternatives for commuting. Would you

colleagues to skip the car and take public

like some insight into how your employees

transport (‘OV’) to work. As an incentive,

travel? To find out what motivates them to

participants are rewarded for each public

opt for different mobility modalities, so you

transport journey they make to or from

E-bike try-out

can cut down on carbon, journey costs or

Zuidas. Using public transport reduces

Green Business Club Zuidas organizes

parking spaces, while boosting workforce

parking headaches and boosts business

several e-bike try-outs yearly. From 1

vitality, distributing office occupancy, or

sustainability. In other words, it’s a win-win!

September through the end of November

providing greater flexibility? Sign up for the

2021, employees in Zuidas can test an

third Zuidas Mobility Experience!


e-bike or speed pedelec for two weeks,

With OV-Buddies, committed public transport users seek out car-commuting

free of charge and with no obligations.

As an employer, you get a picture of how

colleagues within their organization,

Where regular e-bikes have a maximum

your employees travel. Your people benefit

and they sign up as a team. Each time

speed of about 25 km/h, speed

with flexible journey options, for example

a teammate/ex-motorist takes public

pedelecs can reach up to 45 km/h.

by letting them take the train whenever

transport to work, both buddies collect

The only condition for participation is

they can and the car when they need

points. These points can be used towards

that e-bike use replaces car or public

to. Participants use the Amaze Mobility

great rewards, including hotel stays or

transport travel. Previous try-outs resulted

app. Any time they skip the car, work

lunch at various Zuidas eateries.

in more than half of participants switching

from home, or avoid rush hour, they’ll be

to e-cycling between home and work.

rewarded with travel credit.

More info and registration:

More info and registration:

More info and registration:





25, 26, 27 Januari 2022 Zuidas amsterdam

“IWG ziet dat de functie van

“Wij willen leren van mensen, en

het kantoor verandert. Wij delen

opvattingen delen over o.a. de

en duiden graag onze inzichten

brede verduurzaming van vastgoed.

op het festival.”

Daarom ondersteunen wij dit festival.”

Annelou de Groot, IWG

Jason Blackmore, G&S Vastgoed

Laat jouw toekomstvisie zien op het nieuwste bouw- & vastgoed festival van Nederland

Wat is het festival? Een nieuwe manier van kennis delen door interactieve sessie op meerdere locaties Kwalitatieve sessies door daadkrachtige professionals en vooraanstaande experts Innovaties en ontwikkelingen die gaan over het creëren van een beter gebouwde omgeving

Het programma • Locaties op de Zuidas • Ronde tafel sessies • Keynote sprekers • Workshops • Netwerken • Content in boek gebundeld • Nieuwjaarborrels

Reserveer vandaag nog jouw tickets Early bird* Standaard

€ 275,€ 395,-

* geldig tot 1 november ** georganiseerd volgens de richtlijnen van het RIVM



PROPERTY Hybrid work, the office of the future and the office as a meeting place are topics we have been hearing a great deal about lately. In Zuidas, the storm of Covid has mostly dissipated and everything appears to be back to normal. From the outside, at least, there are few real signs of the shift going on behind office walls. Nonetheless, it seems companies are vigorously rolling out new workplace plans. We sat down to talk about this with Harry Vlaardingerbroek, chief workplace officer at Deloitte, and Wouter Oosting, executive director of workplace strategy & innovation at CBRE.

HARRY VLAARDINGERBROEK Chief Workplace Officer at Deloitte You are the chief workplace

You firm is based in The Edge. A piece

out of the crisis. For example, it proved

officer at Deloitte. What

recently published in the Volkskrant

that employees can very well work

exactly does this job entail?

noted that you are working hard to

independently from home with a high

In my job, I am responsible for three prongs

create an ‘office of the future’. Could you

degree of commitment and responsibility.

of our support division; namely, Corporate

briefly describe what that office is like?

Productivity shot up. Of course, this

Real Estate, Facility Management, and

We expect office use to be different

doesn’t apply to everyone, so we have to

Services and Mobility. All three have

relative to the pre-Covid period. Without

account for that. Our prognosis came out of

undergone major changes in a very

discounting all the restrictions and

conversations with our own business units

exceptional period brought about by the

pain Covid has caused, there have also

and a staff survey. More than ever, offices

coronavirus over the past year and half.

been some positive things to come

will have to function as meeting, teaming, coaching and project spaces. We are already redesigning our office layouts to be better adapted to the new situation. Virtual meetings also require adaptations, both in terms of facilitation and to give participants a fuller sense of involvement. In future, independent work can continue to be carried out more from home – provided the home-working situation allows, of course. People will commute less, which in turn is good for the environment helps to solve traffic congestion. Is there any one element out of all the adaptations Deloitte has done internally that would lend itself to offices in Zuidas generally? Technological adaptations to better support virtual meeting and digital presentations and the design adaptations linked to that. Also more team zones, so that teams that are in the office just one day a week can actually sit together on that day.




Executive Director of Workplace Strategy & Innovation at CBRE All the media are saying that hybrid work

happened so far. In our 2021 CBRE occupier

understanding who your people are, how do

is the new normal. How do you see this

survey, only five percent of all organizations

they work (together) and where they do their

affecting the role and size of offices?

stated they plan to reduce their office space

work most effectively. The research findings

Offices are increasingly becoming places

by more than a third in the next three years .

will tell us how and why your people want to

to collaborate with colleagues in ways that

use the office. We get many questions about

you can’t get on-screen. A place offering

There is no one-size-fits-all template

equality and diversity; it is very important

connections and serendipitous moments

for hybrid work. What options are out

to create an equal experience for your

which are impossible to come by at home.

there, and what are the most common

people in- and outside the office. Success

Simply put, it’s great to get out and go to the

questions you get from clients?

can only be achieved through an integrated

office. Initially, expectations were for office

A sustainable hybrid solution can only

approach incorporating space, technology

space to decrease significantly, but that hasn’t

be achieved through careful research,

and people.

Text: Romy Lange




Student Experience Amsterdam Zuidas Address

Antonio Vivaldistraat 5 - 7 - 9


OZ Architect


Student Experience

Main user

800 student residents, Bagel & Beans, Bar Valdi

Opening 2015 Floors 5



16 meters (24 meters including the rooftop sportsfield)

Floor area

28,000 m2


Student Experience Amsterdam Zuidas is located at the very heart of Amsterdam’s business-driven district. At the corner of the Boelelaan, this complex, characterized by its mesmerizing geometry, is designed to make a positive impact on the urban environment. Inside are 800 self-contained studio flats offering housing for the young professionals of the future. The Amsterdam Zuidas student complex

at night, the outstanding facilities align

provides everything students need for

with Student Experience’s innovative

pleasant and comfortable living. Each

concept to create ideal and sustainable

studio is approximately 21 m2 and has

living environments for students all over


its own kitchenette and bathroom. The

the world.

• Amsterdam Zuidas was built modular in 11 months, in 2015

many shared facilities such as a dining

• Our residents come from all over

room, game corner, lounge, study room

Uniting a mix of functions to provide a

and courtyard garden make it easy for

viable and enjoyable living and study

residents to build a social life. Passers-by

environment in prime locations, Student

are sure to have noticed the eye-catching

Experience is helping to meet demand

orange sports pitch on the roof. This

for high-quality student housing in the

characterized by a sports field on the

is the perfect location for a game of

Netherlands. The company’s ambitions

roof, all in a different colour

basketball or football, or a yoga session

also go beyond borders. In 2023, Student

while enjoying the view of the Zuidas

Experience will be opening locations in

Amsterdam, offering 2300 studios for

skyline. At this full-service location, the

Madrid and Granada in Spain. This marks

students to live in and around the city

Student Experience team is available 24/7.

a major step in the brand’s international

From reception check-in to online portal

future and in supporting the development

For more information please

access and the security guard on duty

of the next generation.

visit: www.studentexperience.nl

the world: 65% national vs. 35% international • Each Student Experience location is

• Student Experience has 4 locations in





Pro bono, or ‘pro bono publico’ in full, is a Latin phrase meaning ‘for the public good’. The term is mainly used to refer to work carried out on a voluntary and unpaid basis by professionals as a public service. Pro bono activities are most closely associated with legal services. Particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States, law firms are encouraged by their professional associations to spend a certain number of hours annually doing pro bono work. While this is less often the case in Europe, pro bono work is becoming increasingly common here as well. We asked three law professionals from big firms in Zuidas for their take on working pro bono. Mounia Benabdallah Attorney at Law & Tax Partner @ Baker McKenzie Does Baker McKenzie have lawyers who do pro bono work? And, if so, in which areas of law? We have a deep-seated commitment to pro bono across the globe. In Amsterdam alone, almost a third of our lawyers worked on pro bono cases last year. We do this for a wide spectrum of organizations and in all fields of the law. To name a few, we were the only law firm to take part in the International Children’s Rights Moot Court conducted by Leiden University, and we advise organizations such as the UNHCR, but also Sensing Clues – a Dutch non-profit which implements technology in nature reserves across the globe to protect wildlife from poachers. Is it important to offer this service? And how so? As one of the largest large law firms in the world, we are committed to applying our legal expertise, resources and network to make a difference in major global and societal issues. We take this responsibility very seriously. It’s engrained in our culture - from the board room to our juniors, who are part of a generation that is naturally much more concerned about the future of our planet and the people on it.


Text: Romy Lange


Vincent Affourtit Partner @ Houthoff and Pro Bono Committee member Cash-strapped civil society organizations often have a tough time finding legal aid. Do you often get asked for assistance? And what is your policy? The impact we can make by working with civil society organizations is huge, I’m glad to say. Accordingly, we receive many requests. Houthoff Pro Bono focuses on not-forprofit organizations that fight for equal opportunities and against discrimination. For instance, we support a coalition of organizations that is trying to force the Royal Netherlands

Joanna Khatib (Pro Bono & Diversity Trainee)

Marechaussee to stop ethnic profiling of travellers.

and Lamin Khadar (Pro Bono Manager) @ Dentons

More and more law firms in Zuidas see their

Do you carry out pro bono activities within Dentons?

pro bono services as a no-brainer. Is this your

The great thing about Dentons is that we have a wide-ranging pro

firm’s view also? Or is that too simplistic?

bono programme that spans the globe. Not only are our lawyers

If you feel a commitment to society, you act accordingly. For

regularly engaged in significant cross-border projects for international

Houthoff, it makes complete sense to do pro bono work with a

organisations or NGOs, they also provide pro bono services to

large team of staff. Our knowledge and experience enable us to

vulnerable individuals and small civil society organisations within

actively promote recourse to the law and a more inclusive society. I

their local communities. With the help of many enthusiastic lawyers

absolutely see this commitment at other law firms as well.

and our local pro bono ambassador, Marc Elshof, we have been able to engage in several valuable pro bono projects in Amsterdam!

What advice would you give law firms large or small in Zuidas that are still exploring this world?

If so, why is this important?

Pro bono work is not only very important, it is also rewarding and

Pro bono is intrinsic to our corporate culture and identity. We

instructive. If you connect with a pro bono network, you don’t have

believe that it is our responsibility to use our resources as a tool to

to reinvent the wheel. Some of our cases come to us through Pro

drive social change and give back to the societies where we live and

Bono Connect, which brokers between civil society organizations

work. Through our pro bono work we are able to fill legal resource

in need of legal aid and law firms.

gaps for non-profits, but also tackle barriers that prevent vulnerable individuals from accessing justice. Our lawyers recognise the strong social value and importance of pro bono work, encouraging them to approach each project with passion and dedication. What kind of organizations come to you for legal assistance and what kind of questions do they come up with? We receive requests from many types of different organisations, ranging from local student-led foundations that are focused on helping the vulnerable members of society to internationally renowned environmental and human rights NGOs. As such, the kinds of questions we receive are also considerably varied. We regularly help NGOs with their corporate questions on tax, employment or notarial law, we support human rights organisations by conducting comparative research or providing strategic guidance, and we assist refugees in their asylum preparations. Our pro bono collaborations take many different shapes and forms, making our work as members of the pro bono team all the more interesting!



Chef de Cuisine Raoul Meuwese and his team create surprising wine and food pairings. Meuwese

Bridges is a unique fine dining

describes his dishes as “classic

restaurant that overlooks one of

and traditional French, but with






canals. dining







modern twist.”

typical Amsterdam atmosphere is made accessible. It is a place where

A unique feature of Bridges is

everybody will feel at home; with

the Chef’s Table, where guests









conviviality. The restaurant offers a

Bridges in an extraordinary way.

wide variety of à la carte options and

Bridges also has a special private

a special Menu du Chef consisting of

dining area for guests to enjoy an

five, six or seven courses.

intimate dinner.

Bridges | Oudezijds Voorburgwal 197 | Amsterdam | +31 (0)20 555 3 560 | Valet parking | info@bridgesrestaurant.nl www.bridgesrestaurant.nl | @BridgesAmsterdam

Business In The Spotlight



Paolo Gambirasi

Based in Norway and part of Scandinavian market leader Visma, Admincontrol is an expert in the streamlining and digitization of decision making. The company recently set its sights on the Dutch market, with two advanced cloud services: Board Portal is a communication platform for company boards and managements, while Data Rooms is designed to support M&A processes and complex financial projects. Paolo Gambirasi, business development director at Admincontrol’s Dutch office, reflected on their past year.

“Our cloud services are instrumental in guaranteeing digital workplace

our scalability also lets us facilitate any level of complexity.” As

security”, Gambirasi begins. Admincontrol’s Board Portal is the ultimate

Gambirasi points out, any time a digital workplace requires special

solution for organizational managements and executive boards,

training, there is a barrier. “We make sure there is no barrier and

providing a fully secure platform for interaction in an authorized digital

that users can navigate the environment intuitively.”

community. “It ensures critical documents are no longer saved on a general company network and that only the right individuals have

Human contact

access to them”, Gambirasi explains, “which makes life a good deal

“Though offices in the World Trade Center positions them in a

simpler for management and board members”. The same goes for Data

prime location to serve their target group, this alone does not

Rooms, a dedicated platform to guide M&A processes, which offers

guarantee success, as Gambirasi is well aware. “Human contact

maximum user-friendliness and digital security.

is vital. The crux now is to build ties with potential customers and to put our firm on the radar of advisors. We may be newcomers to

Unique selling point

an existing market but we have the ultimate solutions for decision

Launched in Oslo just over 15 years ago, and now serving more

makers. We are the ones to follow.”

than 115,000 users worldwide, Admincontrol decided last year that the time was right to conquer the Dutch market. They see plenty of potential here, even if there are quite a few other providers already. “User-friendliness and simplicity are our unique selling points, but

Text: Nicole Pak & Tessa Burger • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

Admincontrol Strawinskylaan 825 1077XX Amsterdam +31 (0) 62 072 39 16 paolo.gambirasi@admincontrol.com www.admincontrol.com/nl/





Michiel Couzy

Spending plans for the year ahead were yet again announced without the traditional trappings of the Golden Coach and stately setting of the Ridderzaal. A demissionary cabinet notwithstanding, the annual speech by the King on 21 September 2021 was still set to take place. What does the central government intend for Amsterdam, and how will this affect municipal plans? Michiel Couzy, deputy editor-in-chief of Het Parool newspaper, spent years on the political beat and now has a helicopter view of all the big issues in the capital. He took us through the announced plans at the paper’s editorial office and talked about key elements for Zuidas. 56


FEW PLANS The Annual Budget could be summed up as: ‘’many billions, but

not much further mention of Zuidas in the Annual Budget. One

few plans.’’ As usual, bits and pieces were leaked to the media in

of the most critical issues right now, which we’re also observing

the days leading up to 21 September. As acting editor-in-chief,

at Het Parool, is the housing crisis. The thinking is to economize

Michiel Couzy is at the heart of Het Parool, where he works

less on housing associations in order to stimulate construction of

on developing titles for online and print. “My job has changed

affordable rental homes. This has always been the idea in Zuidas

tremendously. Where I used to dive headfirst into the Annual

as well.” The day after the national government released its Annual

Budget, how it would affect Amsterdam, and the parliamentary

Budget, Amsterdam announced its own plans for the coming year.

debate in The Hague. Nowadays I’m at the editorial office following

According to Michiel, that’s a far more important event for the city.

affairs from a distance.That said, we work with the reporters to decide what the paper needs to cover, and how.” As well as its

Amsterdam budget

desk in Amsterdam, Het Parool also has an editorial partnership

Amsterdam has its own balance sheet, and the announcement

with the Algemeen Dagblad for reporting on The Hague. The

of the municipal annual budget and plans for the city is a seminal

Amsterdam paper covers political implications for the city as

moment of the year. “The annual budget for Amsterdam tell us

well. “Like other political desks, the editorial office in The Hague

more about the future of Zuidas. This includes the ambition,

received the Annual Budget the minute it came out.” Their first

which has existed for some time, to develop the office district

questions: “What are the stated political consequences, where are

into a more mixed area where people both work and live. The

big additional sums going, and subsequently, what more was said

Amsterdam budget shows this in terms of spending on new

at the general considerations.”

homes, the cinema and library. Also addressed are climaterelated issues, such as optimizing public transport use and

Housing and climate

cutting down on cars in the city.” Development of the office

Given the cabinet’s demissionary status, there are no concrete

district into a mixed-use residential community is near the top of

plans for next year. However, funding has been allocated to two

Michiel’s list of topics to watch. “The municipality’s ambition is

key areas, with 1 billion set aside for the construction of 100,000

that everyone, including low-income earners, can live anywhere

additional homes and 7 billion towards sustainability measures

in the city, also in Zuidas. I’m very curious to see how this unfolds

targeting housing, industry and incentivizing electric driving.

and what the community here will be like. It’s those smaller

“Zuidasdok is a term that comes up as a budgetary item, but there’s

stories that interest me.”

Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Hilde Harshagen & Rijksoverheid.nl


New Members

WELCOMES 250th MEMBER! Hello Zuidas is proud to extend a warm welcome to

NATWEST MARKETS as our 250th member. We invite all companies and organizations in and around Zuidas to join us in creating a more pleasant, safe, accessible and sustainable district. Would you like to be part of our year-long tenth anniversary celebration, starting from 1 January 2022? Contact us on +31 (0) 20 333 74 41 or at servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.


Members Meeting

MEMBERS MEETING AT RIALTO VU GRIFFIOEN WAS A BIG HIT! On Friday October 8th our members gathered in the theatres of the Rialto VU and Griffioen. This brand-new cinema and cultural centre in VU Amsterdam’s New University Building, open to students, visitors and everyone living or working in Zuidas, are a major asset for Zuidas and sure to amp up local life. creates a kind of autonomy. Though we have lost some of that “You won’t find us showing James Bond. Amsterdam is home

here, we have gained a great deal in return”, opened Eme van der

to 180 nationalities with all different kinds of backgrounds and

Schaaf, director of Griffioen. “Here, we are sharing facilities with

interests. Rialto shows films from across the world. Our aim is

the university and with Rialto. This opens up a lot of marvellous

to offer diversity, not only for fans of American culture, but of all

shared initiatives that benefit us all. We need and reinforce

cultures”, said Raymond Walravens, director of Rialto.

each other. The result is a building where you can see films and theatrical productions and attend concerts every day, as well

“Though we are based in VU, seventy percent of our target group

as take courses in things like dance, painting and yoga. We offer

are people who live and work in this district. Our mission includes

both classical and newer creative courses, with something for

bringing more life to Zuidas. And organizations in Zuidas can

everyone. In the period ahead we will also be presenting try-

certainly help. For example, by offering complimentary tickets

outs by big names such as Youp van ‘t Hek, Guido Weijers and

to new residents or new employees, or organizing team-building

Freek de Jonge. Alongside a wealth of other great programmes

activities here. We also welcome opportunities to work with

to look forward to.”

partners in Zuidas on targeted projects.” Next, we were treated to a show by illusionist and actor Jochem Rialto is also active in funding young filmmakers in countries where

Nooyen, known to many from the TV sketch comedy series

freedom of speech is problematic. We got a glimpse of this work

Rundfunk. It was a stand-out, spectacular and interactive

during the Members Meeting, in the form of a short film about life

performance that we won’t soon forget!

in Cuba, produced by talented Cubans. We are already eagerly awaiting our End-of-Year Following this impressive film, we progressed to the Griffioen

meeting on 19 November at PAN. Are you a Hello

theatre. “In Amstelveen we had a building of our own, which

Zuidas member? Register to join us here.

Text: Trevor Holtkamp • Photography: René Teeuwen


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Diederik Imfeld

Did you spot the dynamics at the vacant plot between EMA and Van der Valk on

not possible to unroll the whole project as

Domenico Scarlattilaan yet? The area is awaiting for development, which will start

planned. Unfortunate, as the end date of

at the end of 2022. Instead of just leaving it be for two years, the opportunity was

this garden was already set. Nevertheless,

taken to create a temporary Community Garden. A lovely initiative from Amsterdam

we are very happy that the students were

International Community School, the Municipality of Amsterdam and (other

fortunate that during spring and summer

participants of) Green Business Club Zuidas.

the students were able to actually create the garden and learn about nature in bloom.

Combined ambitions

Garden is a great spot to teach the students

They did so in small groups under the

Who came up with the idea for a

about nature and let them tend the garden

guidance of Birgitte Jongens, professional

Community Garden on this spot?

with local elderly residents to help them

gardener”, Jessica Morris (AICS) explains.

“Amsterdam International Community

stay connected to the area. People working

School is a participant of Green Business

in the area have a spot to experience

Now that the world is opening up

Club Zuidas. We were talking about

nature and unwind for a bit.

again within the Covid 19 restrictions, schoolchildren, Zuidas employees and

sustainability, teaching about nature, social aspects in the Zuidas area. Even

Students started to learn by doing

residents of Buitenveldert are able to work

though we knew that the vacant plot will

“After the preparations and the support of

together in the Community Garden. At

be developed, we saw the opportunity for a

the Municipality of Amsterdam – Stadsdeel

the official opening, the young gardeners

temporary green spot that would combine

Zuid and the Municipality of Amsterdam –

planted bulbs and were showing off their

our ambitions on the themes above”,

Zuidas, the community garden was ready

gardening skills: “The bulbs shouldn’t

shares Diederik Imfeld (GBC Zuidas) with

to be ‘built’ at the beginning of 2021. Due to

be too close to each other, or they won’t

a smile. The (temporarily) Community

the lockdown and social distancing, it was

grow!”. A blooming promise for next year!

Text: Cathelijne Cras


New Members


Hello Zuidas welcomes the following new members ZUIDASMARKT Sector: Itinerant trade, general market Number of employee: 32 Link with Zuidas New weekly market with the best products from top market entrepreneurs every Thursday on Gershwinplein. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member To be part of the Zuidas community. The ZuidasMarkt aims to enhance local life with a high-quality market where everyone working, living and studying in Zuidas can buy groceries every Thursday.

ENTERPRISE CAR SHARING & RENTAL Sector: Mobility Number of employees: 45 Link with Zuidas Many of our Dutch and international business partners are based here. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member On 1 October this year we opened a sixth location in Zuidas, at Aaron Coplandstraat 6. We are thrilled to be part of the Hello Zuidas community and invite everyone to come meet us!


New Members

KARHOO Sector: Travel/mobility Number of employees: 2 (+150 globally) Link with Zuidas


Karhoo is the ideal first and last

Sector: Law (employment law)

mile solution for all companies and

Number of employees: 37

communities in Zuidas.

Link with Zuidas

Reason for becoming

Located on De Boelelaan since 2005.

a Hello Zuidas member Karhoo has developed the most

Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member

comprehensive platform, where travellers

Boontje Advocaten focuses exclusively on employment law. We have developed our

can find and book taxi rides from their

own vision and approach to the legal practice, inspired partly by the concepts of

preferred websites and mobile apps. We

mediation and coaching. We have been based in Zuidas for years and would like to

look forward to introducing our state-

strengthen our ties with the local community.

of-the-art mobility solution to travellers, employees and clients in Zuidas.

ACRE Sector: Executive search & consultancy Number of employees: 80 (Amsterdam, London and New York) Link with Zuidas Acre opened in Zuidas in 2020. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member Acre opened its third office last year and is now conveniently located in the Atrium building in Zuidas. From here, our team serves clients throughout Europe, and the company is also looking to support local initiatives through Hello Zuidas.




RINSKE BERG Secretaris Taskforce Bereikbaarheid Zuidas & Projectmanager Mobiliteit en Bereikbaarheid Hello Zuidas

What type of work did you do before this? Before coming here, I worked at the Institute for Societal Resilience at VU Amsterdam, as a researcher/project manager in the Amsterdam Living Lab project. This was a co-creation project with the municipality of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam-Amstelland Security Region set up to better understand, and where possible Rinske Berg

improve, crisis communication and crisis management. It was during this time that I got to know Hello Zuidas, when we were setting up a joint safety platform. It’s brilliant and so interesting to

Rinske, could you tell us about yourself?

be involved in different networks and to explore how we can share

My name is Rinske, I’m 29 years old and I was born and raised in

all our knowledge and capabilities with each other.

Slagharen. For many years during university and afterwards I lived in The Hague, but for the last three years I have been living in the

What attracted you to this job at Hello Zuidas?

centre of Amsterdam, which has been great. It’s a huge contrast

Zuidas is such an interesting area, with an incredible number of

to Zuidas, but both areas have their own charm. In my spare time

activities going on and where everything – working, living, learning

I love being active. I like taking early classes at the gym before

and leisure – comes together. Not only is Zuidas constantly

heading to the office or taking my racing bike out for a spin after

changing, the way we are travelling from A to B is rapidly changing,

work and at the weekend. Once, I even competed in a triathlon

too. Take for example the current rise in shared mobility. If we

(once and never again – although, never say never!). Aside from

could one day successfully embed all the facets of sustainable

that I’m always up for drinks or a meal with friends and family – any

mobility here in Zuidas, that would be amazing.

place, any time! Is there anything else you would like From last April I am the Mobility and Accessibility project

to share with readers of Hello Zuidas?

manager at Hello Zuidas as well as taking part on the Taskforce

Probably I’ll be the first, and it’s still a bit early, but considering this

Bereikbaarheid Zuidas as a secretary. For the Van A tot Zuidas

is the last issue of Hello Zuidas for 2021: I want to wish everyone a

platform, I strive to bring public and private entities into alignment

very healthy and happy New Year!

with each other on issues concerning mobility and accessibility in Zuidas. Alongside that I launch and coordinate initiatives to encourage businesses and organizations in Zuidas to transition to more sustainable mobility behaviours. All these activities are incredibly meaningful and interesting, if you ask me!


Hello Zuidas Rinske Berg Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 333 74 41 +31 (0)65 158 95 74 rinske.berg@hellozuidas.com

Photography: Caily Bobby Jo

Business In The Spotlight

Lode van Hattum



Rollingsushi launched it’s concept

dishes. You’ll encounter Japanese fast

will open 10 shops starting with two

on the 26st May with it’s first shop at

food of five-star quality, but at very

more in Amsterdam before moving to

Beethovenstraat 36 in Amsterdam. The

affordable prices and just around the

Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.

flagship location is a quick 10-minute

corner. In addition to Ehomaki style sushi

Try Rollingsushi now and if you don’t feel

walk from Zuidas, very convenient for a

you can savour dishes like Tatsuta (fried

like walking, simply order online through

delicious and healthy lunch or a catered

chicken), a delicious katsi sandwich and

www.rollingsushi.nl. We’ll make sure

event at your office, from nibbles to

bubble tea, all in a Quentin Tarantino

you and your guests get blown away

accompany Friday afternoon drinks to a

style shop. Lode van Hattum (just 19

Ehomaki style!

full menu for any other occasion.

years young) is Rollingsushi’s founder. He has big plans for expanding his

Stroll over to Rollingsushi where you

concept in the Netherlands and beyond.

can enjoy some truly excellent Japanese

In the next three years Rollingsushi

Rollingsushi Beethovenstraat 36 1077 JH Amsterdam info@rollingsushi.nl www.rollingsushi.nl Also delivery via Deliveroo and Uber Eats


Memo Board


Dynamic Zuidas Titled New Neighbours, this painting offers an outspoken view on two different neighbourhoods: Minervalaan and Zuidas. The canvas is currently on view in the Symphony Tower, on the 26th floor. Made by the artist Jos Brölmann, he says the following about his work: “In this painting,

One of the first events back in Zuidas: Zuidas Businessride

I bend perspective. The painting shows

After two quiet years, the Zuidas Businessride once more got the green light to team up in

an avenue where beautifully designed

Zuidas and raise money for a good cause. More than 70 cyclists in eight company teams biked

villas are confronted with the high-rises

40, 60 or 80 kilometres for WereldOuders. With Ambassador Frits Sissing starting the race,

of Zuidas. But I gave the houses other

everyone put their pedals to the metal, fuelled by positive spirit. It was another successful

dimensions to bring the two very different

edition, raising €14,245 in emergency aid to help Haiti after the disastrous earthquake.

neighbourhoods together slightly; to create some harmony in a new reality.”


The Amsterdam Football Club’s new clubhouse and the municipality’s new ‘Goed Genoeg’ sport park are officially in use. The AFC clubhouse itself, designed by Paul de Ruiter Architects, was sustainably built and is future-ready, with features including solar panels on the roof and district heating fed by residual heat. The new, partially covered stands seat 600 spectators for home matches of Amsterdam’s oldest football club. Once completed, the sport park will offer five artificial turf pitches that will also be available for nearby schools and clubs to use. The pitches have been relocated northward and now sit side by side. This has freed up space for another 1,350 new homes in Zuidas!


Memo Board

ZUIDAS SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS Renowned photographer Jeroen Swolfs combines his Streets of the World exhibition in Zuidas with smartphone city walks through the area, teaching participants about photography and turning them into smartphone photography pros. The Hello Zuidas team recently got the opportunity to try out this fun and educational experience. With the day’s best picture-taker promised a prize, everyone was focused on winning the competition! Zuidas is a beautiful spot to take pictures. Not only of architecture, but of people in the built environment – at work, going about their lives and visiting the district. This smartphone photo class is a lovely way to enjoy the scenery out and about in Zuidas.

FISCALIST IN ZUIDAS Tax advisory firm Kraaijeveld Coppus Legal (KC Legal) has applied its persuasive power to get author Lydian Coppus to pen an honest-to-goodness spicy tax-themed romance. Lydian Coppus was given the mission nearly impossible of featuring a tax advisor as an objet d’amour. But she pulled it off. And what a page-turner! Friggo Kraaijeveld and Ceriel Coppus of KC Legal: “It was past time for this tax romance. For too long, we tax advisors have dwelt in the social and romantic shadows. Generations of us have been cold-shouldered at festivities and parties. Older generations have accepted this fate, but the new guard of tax professionals are not yet lost. This novel shows the passionate heart beating behind the piles of tax legislation and spreadsheets.” Buy your copy using the QR code or go to www.kclegal.nl/bestellen and rescue that tax advisor from their lonely corner at the Blauwe Engel!


Meet The...

Zuidas is best known as Amsterdam’s business district, chock-a-block with skyscrapers and scores of offices. More recently, however, the district has grown into a veritable urban neighbourhood and a great place to live and hang out. Many businesses have also discovered Zuidas, and with their arrival, the district has added a wide range of services and amenities, including shops, schools, fitness centres and places to drink and dine. Powering each of these establishments are entrepreneurs and employees with their own special, personal stories that we’re eager to share with you.


Joop Sijbrands


This month, we interviewed taxi driver Joop Sijbrands.

comfortable car. I make sure that my car is always clean and tidy

He has been behind the taxi wheel from a young age, as

both inside and out. I keep bottles and newspapers available for

an independent contractor, but also working with the TCA

my passengers and always drive carefully and calmly, so they arrive

(Taxicentrale Amsterdam). In one more year he’ll be ready for

at their destination safely and stress-free.”

retirement. So, while he won’t be investing in an electric ride,

that’s okay, because in his comfortable Audi he safely drives

Do you enjoy visiting and working in Zuidas?

customers wherever they need to go.

“I do, very much! Besides many of my customers being here, it’s got everything, like places for good coffee and nice sandwiches.

How long have you had this job?

There’s always something going on and it’s easy to reach by car.”

And did you always want to be a taxi driver?

“I started in 1976 and I have always wanted to drive a taxi. As a little

What was your most memorable ride over all those years?

boy, I would sit at Leidseplein and watch the taxi stand and all the

“I’ve seen a lot over the years, but the strangest time has got to be

taxis passing by. I thought it was terrific!”

the one I had to deliver a bag filled with 200,000 Dutch guilders

from Zeedijk to a gambling establishment in Vondelstraat for Frits

What’s the best part of your job?

van de Wereld, known as ‘King of the Wallen’. That was back in the

“The variation of the work; no two days are the same. You get so

eighties, so a really long time ago, but it still makes for a good story

many different customers, drive somewhere different every day,

at parties. I’ve also worked on various ads alongside colleagues

seeing lots of different places in the Netherlands. In addition

and played in the Hollywood film Deuce Bigalow. Granted, I was a

to that, it feels very unfettered. You’re your own boss and that

taxi driver with no lines, but it was good fun to experience a whole

freedom feels good.”

Hollywood production day. Apart from that, I’ve also had some big celebrities in my car, even to a point that other cars had to drive

How do make your ride special for passengers?

along as escorts behind and ahead of me. Maybe I should write a

“First of all, I drive a nice, modern Audi, which is a supremely

book one day about all the adventures I’ve had as a driver.”


Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo


01. ABN AMRO 02. Accendium 03. Accenture 04. À Deauville 05. Acre 06. AFC 07. AkzoNobel 08. Albert Heijn 09. Alpha Security 10. AMAZE 11. amsterdam inbusiness 12. Amsterdamse Bos 13. Amsterdam UMC 14. APG 15. Arcadis 16. Arnold & Siedsma 17. Art Zuid 18. Asunaro Holland Interplan 19. Avenue Services 20. Bagels & Beans 21. Baker McKenzie 22. Bar Valdi 23. Being Development 24. Bolenius 25. Boontje Advocaten 26. Bouwens& 27. Boyden Global Executive Search 28. Breevast 29. BREIKERS 30. Broersma Nieuwbouw 31. BYCS 32. Caffè Belmondo 33. CBRE B.V. 34. citizenM 35. Che Buono 36. Cielo 37. Circl 38. Club Sportive 39. CMS 40. CoffeeDC 41. Cognito Financial Communications 42. Confius Executive Search 43. Corporate Housing Factory 44. Cosmo Hairstyling 45. Courtesie 46. Crossover (AM) 47. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 48. Customized Media 49. D&B The Facility Group 50. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek


51. De Hypotheker 52. Deloitte 53. De Kredieter 54. De Nieuwe Poort 55. De Zuidas Apotheek 56. Dentons 57. dess Kirstins 58. Doctor Feelgood 59. Eden McCallum 60. Edge Technologies 61. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 62. Engel & Völkers 63. ENGIE 64. Enterprise Netherlands 65. Etage 0 66. Euro CCP 67. Europcar 68. European Language Centre 69. Expat Center 70. EY 71. Fam. Advocaten 72. Fetch Car Sharing 73. Financial Offices 74. Five Clinics 75. Flexform Amsterdam 76. FLOW Real Estate 77. Food & i 78. Fortron B.V. 79. Freelancers United 80. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 81. Fris Makelaars 82. FSB Beveiliging 83. FYEO 84. Gelderlandplein 85. G&S Vastgoed 86. Goede Doelen Loterijen 87. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 88. Grand Café Mahler 89. Greenberg Nielsen 90. Green Business Club Zuidas 91. Greenwheels 92. Gustavino 93. GVB 94. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 95. Happyhappyjoyjoy Zuidas 96. Hestia Kinderopvang 97. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 98. Hogan Lovells International LLP 99. Houthoff 100. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW - Amsterdam +31 (0)20 333 74 41 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.instagram.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.

101. House of Sports 102. Htel Serviced Apartments 103. IEF Real Estate 104. IMA 105. InAmsterdam 106. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 107. Innside by Melia 108. ISX Beveiliging 109. JuiceBrothers 110. Karhoo 111. KNAP Makelaardij 112. Koetjes en Kalfjes 113. König + Neurath (Nederland) A.G. 114. Kraft Heinz 115. La Lotteria 116. Lebkov & Sons 117. Lexence 118. Leonidas 119. LibRT 120. Limon 121. Loyens & Loeff 122. Lunshof Makelaardij 123. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 124. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 125. Made in May 126. Magazine-Masters.nl 127. MaMa Kelly 128. Market 33 129. Mastercard 130. Mastro Sarto 131. MBO College Zuid 132. Mech Make & Take 133. Misura Sartoria 134. Mobeazy Flexible Carsharing 135. Multicopy Amsterdam Centrum 136. Mylk 137. NACH 138. Nannies Nursery 139. NatWest Markets 140. NDI ICT Solutions 141. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 142. Nedstede Real Estate 143. NH Amsterdam Zuid 144. nhow Amsterdam RAI 145. Nicolaas Lyceum 146. NINE 147. Novotel Amsterdam City 148. NS 149. Olympisch Stadion 150. Oliver’s

151. ONE-Dyas B.V. 152. Openbare Bibliotheek 153. ORAM 154. Oranje Energie 155. Ox & Bucks 156. PAN Amsterdam 157. Pancakes Amsterdam 158. Partou Kinderopvang 159. Pathé 160. Personality 161. PizzaLab 162. PLTS Reformer Pilates 163. Poké Perfect 164. Premier Suites Plus Amsterdam 165. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 166. Property NL B.V. 167. Protiviti 168. Provast 169. Qbic Hotels 170. Q-Park Nederland 171. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 172. RAI Amsterdam 173. Regus 174. Reset Yourself 175. Restaurant het Bosch 176. RGA International Reinsurance 177. Rialto 178. Rivers 179. Rob Peetoom 180. Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc 181. Rosarium 182. Russell Reynolds Associates 183. Savills Amsterdam 184. Salsa Shop 185. Season-Flowers 186. Securitas 187. Shinyu Body & Mind 188. Simmons & Simmons LLP 189. Sixt 190. Smartphone Citywalk Zuidas 191. Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 192. Specialists in Security 193. Spine Health Incompany 194. Spirit Hospitality Services 195. Square 196. Stibbe 197. Student Experience 198. Summertime 199. Sushi Time 200. Symphony’s

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 151 1077 XX Amsterdam +31 (0)20 362 09 93 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl

Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Editor & Sales Céline Boute & Nicole Pak Art Director Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Printed by Magazine Masters Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly)

Copyright © 2021 Zuidas Publishers All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

Editors Romy Lange, Céline Boute, Nicole Pak, Paul van Lange, Jos Moerkamp, Renske van Bers & Trevor Holtkamp, Cathelijne Cras & Tessa Burger

Circulation Free for Zuidas and Amsterdam South. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol.

Photography Caily Bobbie Jo (Cover), Roxanne Willem, Ruben Stam, Ritchie Damwijk & Marcel Steinbach

201. Taalcentrum - VU 202. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 203. Taylor Wessing 204. Tax Consultants International 205. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 206. The Bank of New York Mellon 207. The Basket 208. The Breakfast Club 209. The Office Operators 210. The Upside Down Amsterdam 211. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 212. Tierra 213. TPEX 214. TREC 215. Tribes 216. Urban Salad 217. Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas 218. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 219. Van Gool Elburg 220. Van Lanschot Kempen 221. Vermaat Groep 222. Vesteda 223. Von Poll Real Estate 224. VondelGym 225. VORM Ontwikkeling 226. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 227. VU | Griffioen 228. Wagamama 229. Watersportvereniging De Koenen 230. We Canteen 231. Welcome Home 232. WeWork 233. Wineboutique & Spirits 234. Wintertaling 235. WTC Amsterdam 236. WTC A’dam Business Club 237. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 238. WuSH 239. X.Bike 240. XO Optics 241. X2X Worldwide Express 242. YoungCapital 243. Your Assistant 244. Zuidas Apotheek 245. Zuidas Bier 246. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 247. Zuidas Markt 248. Zuidas Publishers 249. Zuidas Today 250. ZuidasTravel.nl

Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by

Thanks to Karen van den Boom (SIXT), Van Poelgeest, The Mayor Amstelveen, Clubsportive, Kroonenberg Groep, Von Poll Real Estate, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), The British School of Amsterdam, Gelderlandplein, Taalcentrum-VU, De Hypotheker, Paul van Lange, Corporate Housing Factory, AkzoNobel Art Foundation, XO Optics Zuidas, Emile Rietveld, CBRE, Ted Louise, Infinity Relations, SIXT Share, ParkBee, Rialto VU/Griffioen, Real Estate Building Futureproof Festival, Harry Vlaardingerbroek, Wouter Oosting, Student Experience, Bridges, Admincontrol & Michiel Couzy

Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Kirsten van Keimpema, Trevor Holtkamp, Jos Moerkamp & Renske van Bers





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Articles inside

Memo Board Zuidas Updates

pages 66-67

New Members HZ

pages 62-63

Business in the Spotlight Rollingsushi

page 65


page 61

Business in the Spotlight Admincontrol

page 55


pages 56-57

New Member

page 58


pages 50-51


pages 52-54


pages 48-49

Mobility Special

pages 34-47


pages 30-31

Hello You Zuidas Market

page 32

Business in the Spotlight Infinity Relations

page 33

Business in the Spotlight Ted Louise

page 29

Hello You

page 28

Agenda Don’t miss it

pages 24-27

Business in the Spotlight XO Optics

pages 14-15

Got A Minute

pages 16-18

Home Tour

pages 20-21

Business in the Spotlight The British School

page 19

Business in the Spotlight CBRE

pages 22-23


page 13

Coverstory Karen van den Boom CEO of SIXT Benelux

pages 6-9
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