Diversity & Inclusion Special
Van Lanschot Kempen:
“IT’S ESSENTIAL TO YOUR INCLUSION & Van Lanschot Kempen is a renowned name in the financial world and one of the oldest financial institutions in the Netherlands. Though it has been in business since the 18th century, the company says it’s essential to adapt to change with the times. And that’s reflected in the firm’s growing focus on workplace inclusion and diversity. Ibo Metz, head of HR, talked to us about their approach and ambitions. “Having been in (fin)tech for years, I got used to working in highly international and diverse settings”, Ibo says. “I brought that mindset with me to Van Lanschot Kempen, and in the past few years we’ve been able to put inclusion and diversity firmly on the agenda.” Not only to attract and retain talent, he notes. Client expectations are also evolving, making these factors more important than ever. “Wealth transfers to the next generation, and hence to new clients. Those clients are more diverse, resulting in new profiles that our company needs to be mindful of and cater for.” Allies Apart from client considerations, Ibo is quick to stress that the wellbeing of their own staff is paramount. Being from a minority background himself, Ibo says it’s easier for him to see things from someone else’s perspective and what they have to contend with in the corporate world. And also that he feels a personal mission to build strong ties between diverse communities: “You can take a