With three students doing work placements, our office has been humming with talent these past few months. Enthusiastic students always get me smiling: they have great ideas and keep you young. This issue is devoted to talent. On the cover is Helen van Empel, founder of Yet, a platform where employers can arrange one-on-one sessions to improve the mental wellbeing of their people. Yet has become the main sponsor of what is now the Yet Zuidas Run. Which is great news for Zuidas!
Recently, our editorial team were invited to take a sneak peek inside The Pulse: a mixeduse complex with homes, offices, eateries and cultural amenities. The Pulse of Amsterdam is being developed by two real estate developers VORM and Edge. Edge’s headquarters are located in one of their redeveloped project: Edge Olympic in Zuidas. Talent is also a hot topic there. As Pauline Bottema, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Edge, shared: “At Edge we foster talent by creating an environment that nurtures the growth, development and expression of our team’s abilities and potential. We encourage creative ideas, continual improvement and acting boldly. In turn, we endeavour to use our talent to make meaningful contributions to our environment and to build a better world.”
We are certainly looking forward to the completion of The Pulse, and this landmark is sure to become a new seedbed for talent. On pages 24 and 25 we bring you a nice interview about the building.
We hope you’ll enjoy reading this issue!
ROMY LANGE Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@zuidaspublishers.nlNext issue [74] 1st of July 2024
There are times when it seems like every week brings another celebration. My tip to Hello Zuidas members is: keep an eye on your inbox. On 16 May we’ll be boarding luxury ‘salon’ boats at Strandzuid for a cruise of Amsterdam’s canals. On Thursday 30 May, Hello Zuidas will host an open house in the newly completed Stepstone, located in the Innovation District. On 6 June, during Pride Cinema Zuidas, we’ll be screening Love Lies Bleeding, starring Kristen Stewart. And the next three consecutive Fridays will offer more festivities, with the Yet Zuidas Run, Frits Friday at AFC and De Blauwe Engel’s summer party. Hello Zuidas connects the city.
Managing director of Hello Zuidas
Keep your essence. The new all-electric Macan.
Porsche Centrum Amsterdam
Sijsjesbergweg 50 1105 AL Amsterdam 020 491 1911 porschecentrumamsterdam.nl
Zuidas Introduces Ilana Schmidt
Horeca, Retail & Real Estate Special
Saskia Laseur: Legal dynamo in Zuidas
Hello Zuidas Introduces Bas Jochims, fund manager at Bouwinvest and Hello Zuidas Supervisory Board Member
“There are loads of opportunities to step up sustainability in Zuidas”
Resilence Report: Dutch banks in good shape
“We too often think in shortcomings and stereotypes instead of opportunities”
Traurig: “I see an opportunity to build connections between two important continents”
Zuidas Updates
Together we make the Zuidas!
On behalf of Hello Zuidas, Zuidas Publishers releases the magazine Hello Zuidas six times a year. We distribute this magazine in a circulation of 20,000 copies in and around the Zuidas area. The aim is to promote the area and put it on the international map. We highlight various developments and engage in conversations with initiators, residents, and businesses. Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.
If an employee feels unhappy, is not delivering on the job and not communicating well, it adversely impacts everyone around them. More and more companies are visibly shouldering responsibility for the mental wellbeing of their employees. Whether by organising stress management workshops, providing hammocks where staff can ‘hang out’ (sighted in a growing number of offices) or offering regular screenings and health check-ups. Helen van Empel is a professional with experience in psychology, education and corporate governance and the founder of Yet. A new platform in the field of occupational health, Yet has a clear mission: to shape a world in which it is normal to actively work on mental wellbeing. For companies, Yet’s Single Session Therapy (SST) method helps employees gain insight and find a positive path towards growth and development in one enlightening session. We sat down with Helen van Empel, the platform’s founding director and main sponsor of this year’s Yet Zuidas Run.
With all of your professional activities, you have a lot to juggle. What is that like for you?
“As a psychologist, teacher, author and the director of Yet, I am continually shuttling between these various roles. Maybe it sounds challenging, but I am a strong believer in the value of diversity. It helps me understand how stress acts on us. Stress is not the enemy. It’s a red flag. Our conception of stress determines how it affects us. With the right mindset, stress can actually be a positive force. Mental wellbeing is not so much a personal mission as a professional calling for me.I think addressing mental problems is is very important and that’s why I am working hard on effective solutions with carefully selected coaches and psychologists.”
What is your personal motivation to promote mental wellbeing?
“Your mindset, your wellbeing, how you feel and relate to other people is shaped to a large extent by your overall worldview. Ignoring your own problems can impact on other people. Getting support does many people a lot of good, and talking can help a lot, too. We tend to think burnouts only happen if we work too hard,
Text: Ruby van Oers & Romy Lange
but often there are other factors involved. Usually, it’s a confluence of lots of small things. By talking about problems early on, you can prevent serious consequences, and that benefits everyone.”
Can you tell us more about Yet, your online platform with mental wellbeing experts?
“The idea for Yet arose from the need to offer direct support when and as needed. The original concept was for single session therapies to provide assistance when it was most needed. We selected the best professionals for this platform to provide targeted assistance for a range of challenges. Organisations can take out a subscription with Yet to give their people direct access to mental health professionals. Employees can then arrange to speak to one of our coaches or psychologists anonymously. At Yet, we believe it’s natural to get stuck every now and then.It doesn’t mean anything is seriously wrong. Rather, it’s an opportunity for personal growth. Yet’s focus is on prevention and proactive intervention, addressing issues before they escalate. Our approach is based on single session therapies, in which clients get an hour-long session providing targeted support
to help them out. This method is based on research demonstrating that a single session at the right time can be just as effective as extended therapies. In offering a single session, we aim to show clients that even one conversation can empower them to move forward.”
What led Yet to become the main sponsor of this year’s Zuidas Run?
“With the right mindset, stress can actually be a positive force”
“Sponsoring the 2024 Yet Zuidas Run was a logical choice for us. Exercise is great for mental health, especially exercising in groups. It strengthens social ties, and that’s the most important thing of all. Finding the right balance isn’t just about knowing when to power down your laptop, but also about diversity and shared experiences. Such as training for the Yet Zuidas Run as a team and then all going to the after-party together.”
What advice would you give people who are inspired by your efforts and want to promote mental wellbeing?
“Employers can get in touch with us to offer the Single Session Therapy to employees. Mental wellbeing should be something people can talk about and have access to at work. Subtle red flags, like excessive worrying or behavioural changes, can tell you a lot. Look after your team and consider turning to Yet for help. We can all make a difference in someone else’s life, in ways big or small. The impact will always be positive.”
Alongside the 216 starter homes in Stepstone, Ceci will emerge, a complex of 25 private sector apartments with a minimum size of 70 square metres. There will be commercial amenities on the ground floor. Ceci is scheduled for completion by the end of 2026.
Project developer Being won the tender that was launched in October 2023. Being collaborated with architectural firm Space Encounters to develop the vision for this plot. The complex will be built in Kenniskwartier, the innovation district close to VU Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC (VUmc location).
‘Ceci n’est pas une maison’
The full name of the complex, containing 25 apartments, is ‘Ceci n’est pas une
maison’. This says something about the ambitions for the building, because it is ‘not only a place to live in, but a breeding ground for art, culture and a thriving community’, according to Being.
Apartments and hospitality/catering
The approximately 25 private-sector owneroccupied homes will have a gross floor area of 3,250 m2, and will be upwards of 70 m2. in size. For the commercial amenity on the ground floor, 250 m2. of gross floor area will
be available. The complex will be situated on the corner of Gustav Mahlerlaan and the future Jaddanbaikade (which takes its name from the composer Jaddanbai). This is a sunny corner, which makes it suitable for hospitality with a street-facing terrace. To the rear, Ceci will overlook the future Florence Pricehof area, where The Pulse of Amsterdam, scheduled for completion later this year, is also located.
The design by Space Encounters features horizontal, curved ledges in a pale, mother-of-pearl shade. Combined with with the open, double-height plinth,
this emphasises the building’s function as a corner property. On the side facing Gustav Mahlerlaan, the complex will have a metropolitan feel, while on the Jaddanbaikade side, it will have a more expressive and informal appearance.
The sustainability ambitions of the Ceci building are impressive, and include integrated solar panelling. The wooden structure consists of columns and beams that are visible and tangible from the inside and outside. But, according to Being, ‘our sustainability ambitions for ‘Ceci’ go beyond energy efficiency alone. We’re
aiming to achieve a building that embodies well-being, aesthetics and comfort. ‘Ceci’ will bring creativity and business together, enabling cross-pollination between different disciplines and worlds.’
Construction work on Ceci is expected to start in 2025. With an estimated construction time of 1.5 years, the building is likely to open by the end of 2026 at the earliest.
Ceci will be part of the Kenniskwartier, an innovation district and new residential neighbourhood in one. This
neighbourhood will include space for approximately 2,700 homes. These are being divided up according to the 4040-20 policy: 40% social rental housing, 40% mid-market rental and 20% private sector. Another major development in Kenniskwartier is currently The Pulse of Amsterdam building. Featuring housing, offices and amenities, including a cinema, it is set to be completed by the end of 2024.
The International School of Amsterdam is a globally-recognised leader in educating for international understanding.
Founded in 1964, ISA was the first school in the world to offer all core IB programmes. Located in the green city of Amstelveen, ISA offers state-of-the-art facilities to students between the ages of 2 to 18, representing 65 nationalities.
Community is at the heart of everything we do. From inspiring transformative learning to shaping sustainable futures, we nurture meaningful connections and celebrate the strength of belonging.
Countless studies show that discrimination is common in job recruitment and selection processes. On the basis of sex and ethnicity, among other things. For example, you are more likely to be invited for a job interview with a Dutch surname than with an Arab one.
Last year, the Dutch Pariliamentvoted to approve a law regulating oversight of equal opportunities in recruitment and selection (Wet toezicht gelijke kansen bij werving en selectie). Its aim was to eliminate discrimination wherever possible and to work towards equal opportunities regardless of background, age and sex. The vote offered hope, until the Eerste Kamer (Dutch equivalent for Senate) rejected the bill a few weeks ago, which something that disappointed many. Of which I am one.
But the problem goes even deeper. It starts with the question against what yardstick employees are measured. What constitutes an employee’s success?
Organisations – commercial ones, in this context – have traditionally been built for and by men. Consequently men tend to fit in better than women. One stereotypical man in particular: white, for starters, along with some other important attributes. This type of man is the yardstick against which success is measured. Most appraisal interviews at and around the executive level focus solely on what that one person contributed to the company’s commercial results. Less common is for leaders to be formally rewarded for their empathetic capacity, contribution to others’ growth or results, or efforts
in areas like DEI., Despite the positive impact these latter qualities have on people translating to a higher likelihood of lower employee turnover. And any commercial organisation knows just how much time and (hence) money goes into finding, hiring and training new people.
Today’s organisations are basically thriving on predominantly masculine norms such as competition, short-term profits and individuality. Even though we have been hearing for some years now about the growing need for feminine alongside masculine leadership, for more collaborative efforts and collective concern, for taking a long view and for considering the human factor.
To achieve all of this, we need to redefine our yardstick of success. How should we measure performance? What metrics do we use? If we go on relying solely on masculine norms, on individual targets based on competition and short-term profits, those with predominantly masculine traits will be the ones to thrive most. People – both men and women – with more feminine traits will either learn to conform to the status quo and only show their masculine side, or else their potential will be completely overlooked. And with that, uniformity will be easier to achieve than diversity.
Eliminating discrimination in recruitment and selection is essential, but let’s go deeper than that. Let’s look at which characteristics, both masculine and feminine, organisations need to become truly diverse.
Roos van Dalen conducts research into diversity, equity and inclusion. She is active as a publicist and public speaker in this field, and you may know her from her TEDx talk. She also works as a consultant in Zuidas.
@architecten_van_mourik ... design for the extension of the existing office pavilions ...
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@anggrekamsterdam ... Na 30 jaar als bloemist kan ik nog steeds niet kiezen...
Download the Hello Zuidas City App Hello Zuidas has an app that allows you to flip through all the Zuidas news!
In this issue of Hello Zuidas we are zooming in on talent. We interviewed young professionals in the district to hear their views on several dimensions of employment. We asked if they prefer working in employment to working for themselves, would rather commit to a single employer long-term or change companies more often, how a good salary weighs up against making an impact and what they think of working remotely.
Lisa Berggren
Digital experience manager at Versuni
“As a digital experience manager, it is very important to me to balance a good salary with making an impact. Having that combination equals a win-win for me. As to whether I would rather work for an employer than for myself, I prefer a regular job right now, but secretly dream of starting for myself one day. I think it could offer more choices in terms of how you structure your life. I’m definitely not a job hopper and am super loyal to my employer. I have been with Versuni for eight years now. The fact that companies are giving people hybrid working options is brilliant! It offers a ton of flexibility and I really like that. I appreciate having the choice, because although I like coming in to the office, the combination of working from home and the office is very nice.”
Muyun Zhang
Innovation developer at ABN AMRO
Thijs Talsma
Senior consultant at Zanders
“As a senior consultant with Zanders, making an impact is important to me. More so than earning a good salary. I feel like I get more satisfaction out of making an impact, whereas salary is just a number in the end. At the moment I am working for a company, but I could see being self-employed someday. That would probably give me more spare time, but I would have to expand my network first. I am loyal to my current employer and would be happy to stay on for a long time. Zanders offers plenty of opportunities for advancement and there are always new things you can learn. And though I think going to the office is important, I believe in a good balance between working remotely and on-site. Hybrid working is the best solution for me.”
“As an innovation developer at ABN AMRO, it is important to me to earn a good salary. I’m honest about that. But having an impact is absolutely also something I aspire to. I have an employment contract here, but in the long run my preference would be to be self-employed, as that would give me more freedom and control over how I organise my life. I value longterm relationships with my employer and colleagues and strongly believe that you can develop yourself at one employer. Remote working would be cool if that was an option.”
Thomas Rutten
Financial risk specialist at Van Lanschot Kempen
“I believe strongly in making an impact; that matters a lot to me. It’s what gives you pleasure in your work and what makes a job satisfying. Though it’s not something I was consciously thinking about at the time, I signed a contract a few years ago and have been in employment since then. Stability is important to me, but also having challenges. I would really prefer to stay with the same employer long-term, but always having and seeking out new challenges is important, too. Working from home lets me do more concentrated work and saves a lot of commuting time. But personal interactions are also important. It’s nice to see your colleagues in person and collaborating is easier in the office than if you’re working hybrid or remotely. Having the right balance between working from home and at the office is the key to productive working days for me.”
Amid the bustling streets of Zuidas, the headquarters of Goede Doelen Loterijen offers a home base for a combined 600 employees of the Nationale Postcode Loterij, VriendenLoterij and Bankgiro Loterij, which together make up the Dutch charity lotteries. Once spread out across different locations, now they have been bought together in a renovated 1978 property, situated on the corner of Prinses Irenestraat and Beethovenstraat. Sustainability is one of the organisation’s core values and this is amply borne out in the property’s redevelopment, which transformed what had been a vacant and neglected building into a dynamic new workplace. The building feels transparent, inspiring and welcoming, with an inviting design attuned to its surroundings and that has made a positive impact on the local neighbourhood.
The building’s location links a low-rise residential neighbourhood with the soaring towers of the Zuidas business district. The public courtyard in front has been carried through into the building, where there is a public restaurant. The property’s most striking feature is a roof supported by six slender, tree-like columns and covered by a canopy of 6,800 polished aluminium ‘leaves’. As well as creating a lovely play of light and shadow, they also generate the solar power that makes the building energy-positive, making the roof as sustainable as it is visually iconic.
Inside, the premises are modern, functional and sustainable. There are spacious, comfortable workspaces with
ergonomic furniture and plenty of daylight, as well as common areas for interaction and relaxation. Green elements and a biophilic design help to make this a healthy and inspiring working environment. As a whole, the interior embodies innovation, collaboration and wellbeing, which is precisely the organisation’s mission for achieving positive impact.
The building has been awarded a BREEAM Outstanding certificate, the highest sustainability rating that can be achieved in the Netherlands. By retaining the existing structure and using reusable materials, the building offers a model for how modern architecture can combine environmentallyfriendly design with efficiency.
2014 Start of design
2016 Start of construction
2019 Completion
Interior design
D/DOCK, Yolanda Loudon
Gross floor area
15,200 m2
Benthem Crouwel Architects, a Dutch architecture firm renowned for its innovative modern designs.
BREEAM Outstanding
“I actually never tell people I live in Zuidas, but that I live on Gustav Mahlerlaan.”
Born and raised on Van Nijenrodeweg on the outskirts of Zuidas, Elkan van der Reis feels every inch the ‘Zuidasser’. Having lived in the area for so long, he has had a front row seat to all the ways it has changed. From the time he played in the sand pit that would become the A10 to now, as an entrepreneur, Elkan has seen Zuidas come into its own. These days he has a lovely apartment in Summertime and many vivid memories of all he has experienced here.
What brought you to Zuidas?
“I was born in Zuidas and basically never left. After living in Amsterdam West briefly, for around two years, I knew for sure that Amsterdam Zuid was home for me. Doing business has been my passion since my secondary school days. Is something that gives me pleasure and that I find fulfilling. Right now I am running my own sandwich shop, Broodje Gab, in Buitenveldert. And I’ve been enjoying my fantastic flat in the Summertime building for seven years now.”
Do you see yourself remaining in Zuidas?
“As far as my future in Zuidas goes, up until all hell broke loose between Israel and Gaza I would have said ‘yes’ without any hesitations, but now I’m not so sure anymore. I have been confronted with some unpleasant situations in recent months because of my Jewish heritage, and now I’m debating whether to remain in Amsterdam Zuid or live abroad. As far as I’m concerned, Zuidas has it all. It is centrally located and has good transport links, with the Zuid Station and NorthSouth metro line nearby.”
Is there anything Zuidas lacks?
“I would like to see more planting, especially along Gustav Mahlerlaan. The lack of vegetation is a disappointment. How great would it be if some majestic trees were planted here? I would also like it if there was more going on in Zuidas at the weekends. Practically everything is closed, so I usually head for the city centre for dinner or drinks.”
What is your favourite spot in Zuidas?
“My girlfriend and I regularly go to the Limon restaurant. And on Friday nights I like to hang out at Market33. Gustav Mahlerplein is my favourite spot because it’s where I take my dog out to play. It’s quiet and there’s not much traffic, so I can let her run off her lead.”
What’s your favourite spot at home?
“In the summer, it would be my terrace, where I can enjoy the sun. Inside, my sofa has to be my favourite spot. It’s a comfy, cosy spot to watch TV and relax and unwind. And thee’s the dining room table, of course, which is where we gather to talk and enjoy company.”
How do people respond to the fact that you live in Zuidas?
“I actually never tell people I live in Zuidas, but that I live on Gustav Mahlerlaan. People tend to have preconceptions or biases about Zuidas, so I don’t shout it from the rooftops.”
What has it been like to see Zuidas develop and expand?
“It has been very cool and I can’t wait to see what else the future has in store. I’m especially interested in the development of ZuidasDok. Zuidas is about to become a city centre in its own right - it’s only a shame that it’s taking so long.”
What’s your favourite object at home?
“A colourful vase I got from my mum. She used to have it in her house and I inherited it. This vase has a tremendous emotional value for me. I also have a lot of works of art at home that belonged to my mum, and these beautiful objects are ongoing reminders of her. I also treasure the small tables that belonged to my greatgrandmother. Many objects in my home have stories attached to them.”
Late last year, STACH extended its presence at the World Trade Center Amsterdam by opening the STACH Deli at the newly built WTC Tower Ten. Next to the popular STACH To Go at Zuidplein, the Deli is there for you every moment of the day with a mix of STACH staples (great coffees, the tastiest cookies, freshly made sandwiches) and distinctive and trendy products.
A tasty glass of beer or wine
At the Deli you’re also very welcome to enjoy a tasty glass of beer or wine ,accompanied by a bites menu to either wind down after a busy day, celebrate your promotion or to book ahead for your farewell drinks. In case you need to grab a
quick meal on your way home; they’ve got you covered as well.
Furthermore, they’ve launched the STACH Loyalty program this month. For every euro spent you will receive one point. With these points you will be able to save up for free hot beverages and sandwiches. Join the program now by scanning the QR code below and filling in your details; you will receive the STACH digital wallet pass with enough points for your first hot beverage!
Jeroen and his team (Tower Ten) and Annemie and her team (Zuidplein) are happy to serve you!
Imagine a vibrant mix of housing, offices and recreation, where sustainability and a sense of community are central. The Pulse of Amsterdam will soon be an integral part of Zuidas, with completion slated for November 2024. Joppe van der Heijden is director of acquisitions at Edge, where he oversees the commercial side of developments. “Developing office buildings is a challenge in these times, but in strategic locations where demand for office space is high, sustainable mix-used office properties are still a viable option for the future.”
Can you tell us something about your job at Edge?
“Within Edge, I work on the commercial side of project development. From setting up new projects to attracting tenants and maintaining investor relationships. My focus is on maximising commercial prospects and bringing projects to successful completion.”
The Pulse will be one of the new landmarks in Zuidas. What’s unique about it?
“What sets The Pulse apart among the big landmarks in Zuidas is all the uses it combines under one roof. With housing, offices and a wide range of spaces amounting to 2,000 m2 for amenities on the ground floor, including a ninescreen cinema and space for four food establishments, it offers a unique mix. On top of that, The Pulse has very high sustainability ambitions which really make it a worthwhile addition to Zuidas. All that gives The Pulse a true multifunctional character.”
Do you think these features will also bring more life to the area at weekends?
“This is absolutely what we’re aiming for, and given the amenities and dynamic mix of housing and offices, we’re hoping to make this a buzzing place. During the week, but at weekends, too. It will be a real magnet for the Zuidas community and visitors, but also for people from Amsterdam-Zuid, Buitenveldert and Amstelveen.”
Sustainability was the guiding principle for the design, so how will users see that borne out in the building?
“Users will see that emphasis on sustainability in a variety of ways. From the façade panels with integrated solar panels that visibly generate energy on the exterior to the sustainable parking system with EV charging points. These examples illustrate that we are taking sustainability seriously and meeting the city’s strict requirements, resulting in an environmentally-friendly experience for users of The Pulse.”
Between the two buildings there will be an urban forest. What should we expect here?
“The urban forest on the ninth floor will be a green oasis connecting the two buildings, inspired by research into the positive effects of green environments on wellbeing. With a wooded path at 35-40 metres elevation we’re creating a unique spot where users can relax and enjoy nature in the middle of the city.”
Is year-end completion feasible?
“We are optimistic about the feasibility of the planned 1 November 2024 completion date. Forty per cent of the office space is already leased and there is strong interest in the remaining sixty per cent. That also confirms the demand for high-end office properties in Zuidas.” Edge Fred. Roeskestraat 115 1076 EE Amsterdam +31 (0) 88 170 10 00 www.edge.tech
“We are seeing a mismatch between user needs and the quality of supply”
With a history going back more than 165 years, Dura Vermeer is one of the leading construction companies in the Netherlands. Dura Vermeer Vastgoed particular focus is on the office, campus and life science markets. Specialised in developing innovative buildings for office users and institutional investors, the company is keen to be and stay active in Zuidas. We sat down with Dura Vermeer Vastgoed’s director, Stijn van de Sande.
Stijn calls Zuidas the country’s economic hotspot, saying, “That’s why it is important to be active here. We want to do that both in our capacity as a property and infrastructure builder, but absolutely also as a developer of housing and offices. Dura Vermeer’s involvement in Zuidas goes back a long way. We developed the head offices of AkzoNobel and Stibbe, as well as the EMA head office in partnership with them, and took charge of the redevelopment of the atrium as a construction partner, amongst other projects, as well as the redesign of Gustav Mahlerplein. All of these are high-profile projects with a big impact on Zuidas.”
Hands-on approach plus can-do mentality
According to Stijn, building is in Dura Vermeer’s DNA. “We have high quality standards and are conscientious about how we work. We pair a hands-on approach with a can-do mentality, which is the ideal combination for tenants and institutional and private investors when developing new offices. We prefer working with partners that appreciate the value we add and whose
strengths complement ours in turn. There are still so many great opportunities here – in the Innovation District, Vivaldi, Ravel and Kop Zuidas. Dura Vermeer enjoys, and is accustomed to, working with leading architects. We would love to put up a new office concept in Zuidas, one that is completely geared to the new hybrid form of working and that revolves around interaction and knowledge-sharing.”
“We have high confidence in the office market”, Stijn continues. “At Dura Vermeer, we are doubling down on this and have room to invest. Particularly now! We are seeing a widening qualitative mismatch between user needs and the quality of supply. Offices of the future will have to be Paris-proof, to meet the highest ESG standards and accommodate new modalities of working. This is what Dura Vermeer Vastgoed will be focusing on with its new concepts in the coming years, hopefully in Zuidas!”
Dura vermeer www.duravermeer.nlFirst Friday of May and June LE GRAND APÉRO
@ Le Grand George www.legrandgeorge.nl
Every first Friday of the month, Le Grand George invites a special guest for Le Grand Apéro. Come along on the first Friday of May and June for an evening of delicious drinks, special small plates from our kitchen and great entertainment.
12 April-19 October 2024
@ VU ART SCIENCE gallery www.artsciencegallery.nl
This exhibition and dialogues critically examine the domain of work, questioning its impact on identity and life’s meaning. Participating artists and scientists delve into technology’s influence on productivity and behaviour to challenge perceptions of the definition and societal constructs of work. Featuring works by Jorrit Paaijmans, Nicoline van Harskamp, Ton Kruse of the Faculty of In-humanities and Rob Voerman.
Wednesdays in May and June
@ WTC Central Hall, Tower 8 podium www.wtcamsterdam.com
Catch a yoga class at WTC every Wednesday, from 12 noon to 1pm in the central hall of Tower 8. These classes are suitable for all levels and combine physical and spiritual exercises designed to regulate and calm the mind. Put on some comfy clothes and join in!
2 & 3 May 2024
@ RAI Amsterdam www.hrtechnologyeurope.com
HR Tech Europe is where all trends, tools, technologies and insights to advance your HR tech strategies beyond best practice come together in one place. The annual HR Tech convention is a landmark event in the industry and is finally coming to Europe. Mark your calendar for this must-attend event.
10 April & 29 May 2024
@ Amsterdamse Bos www.amsterdamsebos.nl
Are you a primary school educator in the Amsterdam metro region or a PABO student anywhere in the Netherlands? Do you enjoy spending time in the outdoors and are you interested in outdoor learning and nature education? Do you want to learn cross-curricular teaching approaches using whatever the natural environment supplies?
5 May 2024
@ Olympic Stadium, Amsterdam www.olympischstadion.nl
On 5 May 2024, the whole country commemorates Liberation Day. Come celebrate freedom on the historic grounds of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam. This year’s festival offer another fantastic lineup and promises to be a memorable day!
16 May 2024
@ Strandzuid – www.hellozuidas.com
Want to come aboard with us? This is a great opportunity to meet and socialise with other Hello Zuidas members. From 5pm to 6.30pm, Flagship Amsterdam will take us on a cruise of Amsterdam’s canals in two of their luxury ‘salon’ boats, catered with delicious drinks and nibbles. Join us for a lovely kick off of our summer programme! Places are limited, so register now. More info: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.
22 May 2024
@ Olympic Stadium, Amsterdam www.olympischstadion.nl
Get ready, get set, get rolling, during the national rollatorathon on 22 May! Participation is free and your rollator is your admission ticket. Amsterdam’s Olympic Stadium is spearheading this event to encourage people to get moving.
If you are not perfectly mobile, there is no activity more fun and healthful than walking.
5 & 6 May 2024
@ DeThomas – www.dethomas.nl
De Thomas is a space for connection and reflection for everyone in Amsterdam-Zuid. Services are held every Sunday. On 5 and 6 May, come see and hear Stuk Stoppelman, a theatrical revisiting the war experiences of Marie, played by Gonny Gaakeer. Performances will be held at De Thomas on 5 and 6 May at 8pm.
24 May 2024
@ George Gershwinplein
Come bounce around on Gershwinplein during the Spring Festival on Friday 24 May, 4-11pm. This festival is for all ages. Little ones are invited from 4pm, adults get their turn later. As well as inflatable bouncers, there will also be an inflatable bar and live table football.
21 & 22 May 2024
@ VU Griffioen
@ Rialto VU
VU Griffioen, VU ART SCIENCE gallery and Rialto have joined forces to put together a varied programme centring on AI and its profound effects on society. The programme will explore different dimensions of AI’s influence on our lives, from its impact on personal identity to how it is shaping human relationships. With a screening of the film Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982), a Science on Stage lecture and an ART SCIENCE dialogue, participants will dive into stories that challenge assumptions and invite reflection about the ethical dilemmas of AI technology.
25 May 2024
@ Apollohal Amsterdam
On Saturday 25 May 2024, Zuidas Business Boxing is hosting an exclusive boxing gala at Amsterdam’s Apollohal. It promises to be a spectacular event, with business professionals facing off in the ring for one special evening, plus musical entertainment by William Janz and Quincy.
28 May 2024
@ Rialto VU – www.rialtofilm.nl
Where words and writing may fail to reach people, cinema can cut through the indifference and cynicism. This makes film the perfect medium for engaging everyone in the fight for human rights and a sustainable society. Movies That Matter on Tour brings these films to the big screen. On 28 May, Rialto VU presents Drawing a Line, a portrait of young Indian cartoonist Rachita Taneja, whose drawings exposing social and political injustice have led to problems with censorship.
30 May & 13 June
@ Taalcentrum-VU
Want to communicate with confidence in business English? Taalcentrum-VU’s Business English training boosts your fluency with loads of practice. Conquer the complexities of composing emails, telephone conversations and switching between Dutch and English.
25 May & 29 June 2024
@ WTC Amsterdam, Zuidplein entrance www.zuidas.nl
An introductory tour of Zuidas is a great opportunity to get in the know about Zuidas and Zuidasdok. During this walk, you’ll get a unique glimpse of the district and the Zuidasdok infrastructure project.
31 May-2 June 2024
@ Amstelpark www.biteofamsterdam.com
During three days from 31 May to 2 June, foodies will be flocking to BITE of Amsterdam in Amstelpark. Discover a wide range of cuisines and top chefs and enjoy al fresco drinks until the sun sets.
30 May 2024
@ Stepstone – www.zuidas.nl
Stepstone, a project by housing association Lieven de Key, is officially opening its doors on 30 May. With 23 floors and 216 starter apartments, Stepstone is a welcome enrichment to Zuidas. The complex brings together a variety of community amenities, a rooftop terrace at 80 metres high and fitness facilities for residents. Hello Zuidas members are welcome to join the opening.
@ Rialto VU – www.rialtofilm.nl
On Thursday 7 June, Rialto VU presents Love Lies Bleeding, with drinks afterwards at Bar Boele. Admission is free. To attend, keep an eye on Hello Zuidas.com or email: Elisaschouten@hellozuidas.com.
11-13 June 2024
@ RAI Amsterdam – www.provada.nl
The Netherlands’ biggest real estate trade fair is back! In June 2024, PROVADA returns to RAI Amsterdam. With physical stands, networking opportunities and a packed three-day programme, PROVADA is the place to make new connections, share knowledge and get inspired.
21 June 2024
@ AFC – www.hellozuidas.com
On Friday 21 June, AFC and Frits Friday and Hello Zuidas will join forces to co-host a big outdoor post-work blast with food, drinks, DJs and a televised screening of the second European Football Championship group match pitting the Netherlands against France. Follow the Hello Zuidas media for a special member promotion and be sure to get your tickets in time for Frits Friday at AFC, and enjoy the longest day of the year in the sun with us!
25 June 2024
@ Amsterdamse Bos
This summer, acclaimed theatre company De Warme Winkel will be playing Het Zomeroffer in the Amsterdamse Bostheater. Bring or order a picnic box and enjoy an unconventional theatrical spectacle filled with humour and music on a warm summer evening.
14 June 2024
@ Gustav Mahlerplein 1
The Zuidas Run is back for another edition. During this unique running and networking event, Zuidas swaps its suits for running shirts! Register to run in the 5K or 10K runs through Amsterdam’s iconic business district.
14 June-14 July 2024
@ De Blauwe Engel
Watch all the European Football Championship action live at De Blauwe Engel starting from 14 June!
28 June 2024
@ De Blauwe Engel
The biggest party of the summer comes back to Zuidas on 30 June, when De Blauwe Engel throws its annual summertime bash. Enjoy a mix of performances and DJs while sipping cool drinks in the sultry sunshine.
A quick coffee or a full breakfast, a laptop session with tasty benefits, a business dinner or a drink with friends; Grand Café LIVING never fails to make you feel welcome. Right in the middle of the VU site, Grand Café LIVING is literally and figuratively at the heart of the campus. Drop by and make yourself at home.
With an eye for perfection and creativity, Total4Living is an interior design specialist based on Gelderlandplein that offers a unique experience in interior design. From the first introduction to the final decorative touch, Total4Living takes you on a journey to transform your home into an oasis of style and comfort. You can count on a personal approach and they take care of all the hassles around moving or renovations.
Hiske de Jong is an interior designer with Total4Living. “What we are really best at, is taking care of everything from A to Z and doing total concepts”, she says. “That’s our real strength – that we offer the full package from design introduction to hanging the last picture frame. It’s not uncommon for people to hand their keys over to us to do the decorating for them.” Customer satisfaction is paramount at Total4Living, Hiske underlines. “We have a showroom with ten room settings, where you can see, feel and try out layouts and furnishings. This helps us get insight into a customer’s taste and wishes. Our approach is bespoke and we tailor everything to what the customer wants.”
Her colleague Delilah Jansen adds, “We’re noticing that more people want us to take care of the whole package. Many people want to redecorate, but don’t have the time themselves. That’s where we come in. Thanks to our personalised approach and bespoke solutions, we can deliver beautiful results, even when our customers have a thousand other things going on.”
“Our showroom is a place where customers feel at home and where we build lasting relationships”, says Lotte van Essen, another
member of Total4Living’s interior design team. “We’ve done complete interiors for customers in Zuidas who rang us up again after several years for a new move. Because we’ve gone through the process with them before, a few words are all we need.”
In addition to residential interior design, we also have a project department with which we are involved in commercial design projects on a larger scale, Hiske says “We for example, we recently started working on the upholstery in The College Hotel, in collaboration with a.o. Piet Boon studio. And we also provided the upholstery at the Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin hotel in Noordwijk. We notice we are receiving more and more requests to design foyers for offices, for example.”
On Thursday 9 May, Total4Living is organising a design speed dating day! Need free interior decorating advice? Register now:
“Guest acceptance, high ratings and satisfaction with our concept are still the most important thing”
Two decades ago, smartphones were just becoming vital to our lives, concepts like co-working and co-living didn’t exist yet and the debate among hoteliers was about high-tech versus high-touch. According to Michael Levie, co-founder of the global hotel chain citizenM, among others, industry fragmentation and a lack of tech architecture have left the hotel industry lagging far behind in digital advances. Coworking and co-living have since become part of the hotel landscape, as embodied in new concepts like citizenM, Airbnb and aparthotels. Unlike most hotel operators, these brands have embraced technology in the development of new business processes. Guests have also changed over time, as borne out in the services and products they are choosing. Michael says the coronavirus only amplified that. We sat down with him to talk about citizenM’s success and his vision on ‘talent’.
What would you say was the moment that citizenM qualified as a successful concept?
“We opened the very first citizenM hotel near Schiphol Airport in 2008. That hotel was a pioneer in check-ins and introduced self-check-in kiosks and the use of iPads to operate everything in the rooms. After that first hotel we opened more in Amsterdam, Glasgow, London and New York City. All urban hotels at prime locations in or
near airports. We have grown rapidly in recent years and added over thirty more hotels across Europe, North America and Asia. Success can be measured in many ways. But most important for us was and still is guest acceptance, high ratings and satisfaction with our concept. The main foundation for that initial success was our teams and the way they take and accept responsibility for guest satisfaction. But also important is the financial success of the citizenM concept, which helped to enable our international expansion.”
You are very focused on talent and training talented people, and have a definite vision on that.
Could you share what this vision is?
“In many industries you can learn the skills to be successful. The hotel industry is largely based on the transfer of services, which all starts with genuine contact between two individuals. Character and talent are essential for this and almost impossible to train. Traditional job application processes are not all that efficient, in my view, so citizenM created a different recruitment process that
reveals applicants’ character in a playful way. Creating the right organisational culture is also crucial and we have put considerable effort into that. Once the culture is internalised in the organisation and supported by everyone, it becomes part of the citizenM brand. Guests come to identify that with us and it leads to higher return rates. And, among staff, to higher satisfaction and lower turnover.”
You are very active in Saudi Arabia these days. What are you working on there?
“I have the privilege to be a part of various consulting activities in Saudi Arabia.
Whereas the United States and Europe, as well as the Far East, were the driving forces behind much of the global hotel evolution, I think the renaissance is now happening in the Middle East. Projects are focused on 2050 and oriented towards sustainability, tech and new guest experiences, and absolutely nothing will prevent them from doing it all on a grand scale and in a colossal way. Many people are sceptical and very doubtful it will really happen, but if you go there regularly and see it unfolding, those questions quickly
fade. Saudi Arabia and its vision for 2030 aim to diversify the country economically on many fronts, with a central focus on growing tourism. They are working on six mega projects now that are literally jawdropping.”
What is your view of Zuidas?
Is there anything Saudi Arabia can learn from Zuidas, and vice versa?
“Saudi Arabia is learning from Zuidas already and I know numerous people and companies are actively involved in that. Zuidas has so much collective knowledge in so many areas and wants to share it. And, yes, I think Zuidas can learn from Saudi Arabia too. Speed, the scope of projects, the deep long-range vision and the large-scale approach are all important to observe, learn from and also keep contributing to. Zuidas of course also represents the Netherlands as a whole in the world. Innovation, creativity, our startup culture and deep knowledge society are highly regarded worldwide. It is great to see how Zuidas’ importance is reflected abroad and how it is profiting from that.”
“As well as organising successful events, we also aim to give back to the community”
In his job as Traffic & Logistics manager at RAI Amsterdam, Wim Braakman plays an important role in area logistics and traffic operations. On 11 April, he organised a meeting at RAI together with the Zuidas Accessibility Task Force. In our interview with him, Wim shares his insights on the future of logistics and traffic in Zuidas.
Wim explains that RAI Amsterdam is working on various initiatives to distribute and reduce local traffic. “We just started a new initiative where we set up a warehouse outside the city, where goods can be gathered and then transported to RAI in a single delivery vehicle. We also use a timeslot system for freight deliveries to spread this traffic over the day, which also speeds traffic flows.”
RAI has also partnered with Zuidas to redevelop P9 on the north side of the Europa complex, which means that freight traffic now enters the RAI grounds from Wielingenstraat and leaves via Europaboulevard.
RAI Amsterdam is contributing to sustainability efforts as well. For example,
by developing a green strip. “This green strip has been created on the Wielingenstraat side, replacing the tarmac and making it look much more attractive. We’ll also soon be introducing the first electric forklifts with our partner, to make work quieter and more environmentallyfriendly. This is welcome news for local residents.”
A big trend in events, says Wim, is the increasing use of modular stands. “This type of stand, which we supply with profiles, partitions and digital prints, can be assembled in different ways and offers a more attractive and sustainable option. Stands can be pre-assembled and exhibitors don’t have to bring their own, which cuts down on transport and simplifies logistics.”
The RAI Master Plan is currently in the design and planning phase. “The driving ambition is that we want RAI to remain in its excellent location in Zuidas, between Schiphol Airport and the city centre. As well as organising successful events, we aim to give back to the community. In keeping with our vision for the future, we have opened our car parks to support wider mobility in Amsterdam. We are also exploring how we can fulfil an active role in urban logistics.”
As a key player in the logistics and event industry, RAI Amsterdam’s innovative solutions to reduce and distribute traffic are helping to make logistics, transport and traffic in Zuidas more sustainable.
Special Hello Zuidas member meeting
Art, drinks and lovely people. That sums up our Artist Night at KunstRAI, where Hello Zuidas hosted a special member meeting during the event on Friday, 29 March.
Members enjoyed drinks and snacks while touring the artworks and meeting the artists, who were in in attendance for this special night. This year marked the 39th edition of KunstRAI/Art Amsterdam, one of the longest-running art fairs in the world. The main focus of this national art fair is contemporary work, autonomous painting and sculpture, photography and new media. Next year will be the 40th edition.
We would like to thank everyone who joined us for their company, and we hope to see you again soon at one of our next events!
Rialto VU has been a part of Zuidas for a while now. Even more reason to zoom in on what their programme is all about. Suzanne and Marek are part of the Rialto VU team. Let’s kick off with a short introduction. Suzanne joined Rialto ten years ago as head of programming. “Before that, I worked at Cinerama and Lantaren/ Venster in Rotterdam and Filmhuis Cinode in Dordrecht. My love of artistic films started when I moved to Rotterdam at age 18 and experienced the International Film Festival Rotterdam for the first time.” Marek has always been a film lover. “Pretty much all my jobs have been for art house cinemas, for example De Schuur in Haarlem and Melkweg, The Movies, De Balie and Rialto in Amsterdam. At Rialto De Pijp/VU I work on background programming around films.”
Rialto VU has been based in Zuidas since late 2021. What was that like?
Suzanne: “It was an unfortunate time for Rialto VU to start, which was during the corona pandemic. We had a brilliant opening night, with a huge campaign in the city. But then another lockdown started two weeks after opening night, lasting for several months, and attracting potential visitors’ interest after that wasn’t easy. We all pushed very hard to achieve that, of course working closely with VU Amsterdam, VU Griffioen, VU ART SCIENCE gallery and Bar Boele. We managed to generate a growing number of visitors, and in 2023 welcomed twice as many aswe did in 2022. Those numbers are still going up, so we are optimistic!”
You show a wide range of films, including some ‘specials’. Can you tell us more?
Marek: “Rialto likes to go in-depth with films. A new angle can enrich the film-
going experience. Often we do that with an introduction, or with post talks or Q&As with film directors. Fiction & Science and Movies That Matter on Tour are programmes where VU teaching or research staff give introductions. On 21 and 22 May, we are teaming up with VU Griffioen and VU ART SCIENCE gallery to host AI in the Picture, a festival revolving around artificial intelligence. This summer, we’ll be presenting classics by master cinematographer Robert Bresson. And of course we have IDFA, the biggest documentary film festival, every year, and the Asian film festival, CinemAsia.”
You also have programmes specifically for expats. What can they expect?
Suzanne: “Because there are so many expats, foreign students and other cinema lovers who don’t speak Dutch, we decided to put together an extensive programme for this particular target group. Alongside our expat-meetups twice a month with
films and drinks, we offer additional showings of all regularly programmed films with English subtitles. Some of our specials are English-spoken, like the Fiction & Science, Movies That Matter on Tour and classics series, and the CinemAsia and IDFA film festivals. Our youth editorial team LaRiot consists partly of international students at VU, and they write about films (on lariot.nl) and also host special film nights.”
Rialto VU De Boelelaan 1111 1081 HV Amsterdam Rialtofilm.nl
Can you tell us something about yourself?
“I have been happily employed at Hello Zuidas as a project manager for three years now. Initially, my focus was exclusively on Public Space & Safety, but later on I proposed adding Diversity & Inclusion, as I think this is an essential pillar for Zuidas. Many organisations are active on this issue, but mostly following their own agendas, whereas Hello Zuidas works to connect organisations, community residents and the area as a whole. Zuidas still has a certain image of being all about white men in suits and making lots of money. Which is partly true, but there are definitely changes and strides being made. You just have to give it time. An illustration is all the additional housing being built, including social rental properties. This in turn will fuel demand for a different food and retail offering.”
What does your job as Diversity & Inclusion project manager involve?
“As a project manager, I plan a variety of events in Zuidas, often in conjunction with other organisations. For example, for Black Achievement Month (BAM) last year, we teamed up with BAM and Chef Lelani Lewis to host ‘Code Noir’, a wonderful event manifesting the idea of how food can connect instead of divide. And with ABN AMRO, Allan Kartodikromo and Alicia Utami, we co-hosted a successful Intercultural Awareness training. You can read an interview with them in the last issue. I also reach out to organisations and individuals working on D&I. So, if that’s you, please do get in touch to talk about how we can help each other!
Hello Zuidas magazine has also been making strides on the D&I front in recent years. Both in terms of content and people featured on the cover, which is wonderful to see. The next issue of our magazine will be focusing on diversity and inclusion. In the long run, D&I ought to not be an issue any longer and we should just be able to take it for granted, everywhere.”
What is the next upcoming event?
“We have tons of events! In terms of D&I, we’re co-hosting the second Pride Cinema Zuidas with VU Rialto and COC Amsterdam on Thursday, 6 June as part of International Pride Month. Zuidas has a big international community and Pride Amsterdam often falls in the summer holidays, so this June event is a nice addition. We will be showing the film Love Lies Bleeding, starring Kristen Stewart, with drinks and a chance to socialise afterwards at Bar Boele.”
Hello Zuidas X Rialto VU X Bar Boele
Date: Thursday, 6 June
Film starts at 4.30pm, drinks afterwards at Bar Boele Want to attend? Keep an eye on Hello Zuidas.com or email: elisa.schouten@hellozuidas.com.
This issue is all about Talent & Development. Because we’re never finished learning at any age. Apart from always having more to learn, personal development enhances self-awareness and insight into our own potential, giving us more control over our quality of life. Hopefully this issue inspires you to continue to grow, take that leap of faith and help each other develop through life.
In this Talent & Development issue we spotlight organizations involved in learning and development. Besides, there’s a spotlight on individuals with their talented story. Check out the following organisations and put yourself, your children, friends or colleagues on the path to development: Amsterdam International Community School, IMC Weekendschool, Rotterdam School of Management, Atelier no.22, International School of Amsterdam, Greenberg Traurig, Vebego, Taalcentrum-VU, Legal Woman of the year Saskia Laseur, Meet the.. kart racer and Got A Minute
“There is a lot going wrong.” Not one to mince words, Rutger Bregman gained worldwide fame with his books Humankind (2021) and Utopia for Realists (2017), both New York Times bestsellers. Now, Bregman has not only authored a new book, titled Moral Ambition (Dutch 2024; English translation forthcoming), but is launching a new movement. The historian and journalist at Dutch online news website De Correspondent says the time has come to focus on the things we are not doing right: “Progress doesn’t just happen on its own. It requires us to take action. And it seems to me that those of us with the most talent, the most privileges and the most opportunities should also be trying to make the biggest difference. But, in my analysis, that’s not happening.”
Why are you focusing mainly on talent in Zuidas?
“I have the sense that there are loads of people here in Zuidas who m as students used to go to debates and discussions about big world problems and dreamt of careers at places like the United Nations. But, instead, they wound up working as consultants, corporate lawyers or bankers, concerned mostly with first-world problems. That’s why we want to be based in Zuidas, because to my mind there is no other place in the country where the chasm between talent and impact is as wide. I think so much more can be done and that there are tons of people walking around here who could potentially play a key role in battling the biggest problems in our world. Also, I have met with a number of consultants, lawyers, bankers and IT people in recent months and this resonates with them.”
“People scale the ladder of success only to discover at the end of their lives or careers that the ladder went up the wrong wall.”
In what way do you think people can make a difference?
“I take an optimistic view of the average person working in Zuidas. Most are looking to be callenged intellectually., above all. By awarding fellowships to 24 top candidates, the School of Moral Ambition is offering an opportunity to collaborate with peers in taking on one of the most pressing global problems. But added to that, anyone who wants to be a part of this effort and has the financial means can take a sabbatical to rethink what they may actually have to offer the world. My book provides a framework to help you figure out what matches your specific skillset when considering the big, solvable and neglected problems of our time. Basically, you look for a gap in the market as you would with any venture. Of course, today’s budding talents want to build careers and there is obviously a great deal you can learn at the major firms in Zuidas. To them, I would say: make sure you surround yourself with people who are driven by moral ambition and who remind you of your ideals. Keeping that dialogue going is hugely powerful, because on your own it’s all too easy to become cynical.”
to that now, too. The truth is, it is more rewarding to spend your career and time doing something that actually matters. It may not be easier and it won’t always feel comfortable, but it is way more meaningful.”
People can now also join the dialogue at your School for Moral Ambition in Zuidas. What is the mission there?
“People can invite others in their network to form a group of six to eight individuals. The idea is to encourage and support as many people as possible to make the switch from jobs with relatively low impact to jobs with much higher impact. We want to start a real movement to make the biggest possible difference for humans and animals. To make a plan for the long run. I am dedicating myself
You want to spread this movement abroad. Any solid plans yet?
“We have a founding team in the Netherlands now, and one of my co-founders is a former strategy consultant. These are individuals who really know their stuff. In the United States, I am interviewing people who are interested in becoming partners there. In spring 2025, after a full year of classes in the Netherlands, we’ll be able to launch in New York and London as well. To work on closing that gap between talent and impact.”
To say that the Amsterdam International Community School (AICS) developed in multiple stages would be an understatement. As school principal Rynette de Villiers describes it: “It’s as if we came through the toddler phase, in which everyone was rushing around, then moved to the young adult phase, where things were looking good but the quality wasn’t always consistent, to navigate into the adult phase with the buildings and curriculum in place and of solid quality.” In addition to the campus in Amsterdam-Zuid, Het Zandkasteel building in Amsterdam-Zuidoost has now been transformed to create a new campus for students, parents and staff. The AICS is also the only Dutch International School in the Netherlands, accredited to offer the full IB curriculum, covering all four IB programmes (PYP, MYP, CP and DP).
Community spirit
Last September, Het Zandkasteel building reopened its doors as the location of the new AICS campus in Amsterdam Zuidoost. Martine de Boer, Head of
Primary at the Sandcastle SE Amsterdam Zuidoost, says it feels like all aspects of the school have come together since the move. “We came from a very small location in Amsterdam-Zuidoost, so it
was an adjustment for everyone to regain that sense of community at a bigger school. But, from a staff perspective, I can tell things have settled and that we have something which will last.” Rynette emphasises that the community-driven mission in which ‘learning is at the heart of everything we do’ still forms the core of the AICS twenty years after its foundation. “In this approach, everybody involved with the school – students, parents, staff and everyone else in the building – is constantly learning, and that connects us all.” The AICS radiates this community spirit out to the surrounding area and city of Amsterdam as well. Rather than being
an expat bubble, the AICS invites and collaborates with the local community. The school welcomes its neighbours to become part of the school community, for example, both campuses host local choir practice sessions and performances, as well as a variety of volunteer projects that students are involved in throughout the year.
That community spirit also embraces inclusivity. Kieran de Grootte and Ellie Lucas, heads of AICS South Campus Secondary and Primary, respectively, explain that the municipality and government have provided key support for parents and for the school’s student and staff programmes. “We have excellent teachers who can differentiate
within their subjects to meet the needs of students at different levels,” Kieran says. “The school has more than eighty nationalities, and beyond simply enrolling them, we celebrate that. For example, we did an English high tea at the Sandcastle SE Campus and a Japanese breakfast in Zuid at the South Campus.” Ellie adds: “Something we have been doing for the past two years that we’re very proud of is our Fireflies class. This class supports students in our community that are neurodiverse and enables our school to include children with diverse support needs.”
“Twenty years is a milestone, but it also marks a place of stability for us now,”
Ellie and Kieran agree. “And while you may not see eye to eye on everything, no one will disagree about the legacy of the community here,” Rynette proudly observes. Throughout the rest of this year, the AICS will be celebrating this milestone anniversary with performances, creative projects, a festive day and, above all, by bringing people together. All four look forward to seeing how education will continue to grow and develop over the next twenty years of the school’s evolution. Martine concludes: “I think students and staff both feel that, once you become part of the AICS family, you will always be a part of it and take that with you.”
Amsterdam International Community School (AICS) +31 (0)20 577 12 40 info@aics.espritscholen.nl aics.espritscholen.nl
For 26 years, IMC Weekendschool has been offering supplementary education to those children who need it most. Their education concept, ToekomstExpeditie (‘ExpeditionFuture’), is offered at 62 locations nationwide each week. A grassroots initiative highlighting education as a collective responsibility, with guest lessons and financing provided by civil society.
IMC Weekendschool bridges a worrisome gap in mainstream education. Kids are often told to “study for later” without someone showing them what ‘later’ could look like. Moreover, in the country’s most impoverished areas, opportunities are anything but equal. IMC Weekendschool invites children from these areas to experiment with potential futures. Receiving hands-on classes from experts in various fields has proven valuable for pupils at all levels; it advances their motivation, future prospects, selfconfidence, and civic engagement.
The initiative started in 1998 with one small class on Sundays, organised by founder and strategic director Heleen Terwijn, in Amsterdam Zuidoost. Today, the organisation offers a weekly programme to 3.300 children at weekend schools, primary schools and newcomer schools, across the country. The thriving alumni network numbers nearly 4.000 members.
The driving force behind this success are IMC Weekendschool’s volunteer guest teachers; ordinary people who passionately share their profession. They take the pupils to experience real-life work situations. “These are formative encounters”, according to Amsterdam Zuidoost District Council Chair Tanja Jadnanansing. “They show children who they could be.”
Since 2014, ToekomstExpeditie has been introduced at a growing number of regular primary schools in the Netherlands’ poorest neighbourhoods. The aim is to gradually make this educational concept a fixed component in primary school curricula. For mainstream teachers, the added value is obvious:
“The class changes as soon as a guest teacher enters; children start fizzing with curiosity. These classes bring the ‘standard’ curriculum to life; abstract subject matter like mathematical scaling is made tangible when kids spend the afternoon being real-life architects.”
‘We create future together,’ is IMC Weekendschool’s motto. When it comes to tomorrow’s society, we all have a responsibility. The organisation therefore works with an engaged network of over 550 financial partners and 8.000 volunteers each year.
“Don’t underestimate the extent to which you can contribute to education by joining us,” is Heleen Terwijn’s call to Zuidas. “Help us build this future. Realise these children’s eagerness to learn. Every encounter supports them in seeing opportunities for themselves.”
This important work is made possible by the support of IMC Weekendschool’s financial partners. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Read more about the options on imcweekendschool.nl/doe-mee and reach out: +31 (0) 20 280 17 00 or patricia.vandenbroek@weekendschool.nl
Holland’s got talent. And plenty of it. Though frequently overlooked, loads of that talent is right under our noses. Too often, we think in shortcomings and stereotypes instead of in opportunities. But if we only take a closer look at each person’s unique gifts and capabilities, we can find a perfect job for everyone. These days, we really need all hands on deck to keep the business economy flourishing. Too many people are still standing on the sidelines despite being eager to work. What is more, organisations that are inclusive are not only more successful, but their success is a magnet that in turn attracts more talent. Vebego is calling on all companies to enable people to take part in employment and so fully contribute to a society in which everyone has a meaningful role to play. Both within and outside the labour market and regardless of background or ethnicity. People are sure to surprise you! Hello Zuidas learned more from some of Vebego’s own talents.
Maarten CobbenBusiness consultant for social innovation at Vebego
“I was born and raised in a neighbourhood where we had to do without a lot of things. However, I am fortunate and grateful that I was able to create and seize opportunities in my life. Also in the almost sixteen years I have been at Vebego. We celebrate our triumphs together and have room for development and to fully tap into our individual talents. Growing up, that was out of reach for some of my peers and others in my neighbourhood. There were no real equal opportunities or upward mobility in those days.
If someone had given them a leg up it would have helped them, too. It’s such a shame, because everyone has a talent. And, with the right effort, empathy and conviction, you can tap into that. It is so great to see that we are living in a time when this is really changing. Every human being has a story and abilities. Let’s make the most of them – it will make the world a nicer place!”
Frederico Castilho
Facility host at Vebego Zuidas Office
“I have been a caretaker with Vebego for about three months. I take care of everything at the office and am the first point of contact for everyone. It’s all quite new for me, but I am very pleased with this new job. I have great colleagues and am glad that this job will help me polish my Dutch. One thing that’s really cool is that I am in daily contact with Vebego’s directors and owner, which is a first for me. They are also very satisfied with my performance, which is important to me! Outside my job at Vebego, I am also a DJ. I love that I can combine these two things. Recently, I got to spin for an event Vebego organized. That was amazing. And to be in Hello Zuidas now is the icing on the cake.”
Ruby Kraan & Jeroen Mallekoote
Ruby Kraan, teamleader & Jeroen Mallekoote, operational manager at Vebego clients in Zuidas
Jeroen: “At Vebego, you can do what you are good at. We feel it is important to recognise the talent in our teams and to show our appreciation for it. We listen to the wishes of every one of our colleagues and take their backgrounds into account. We do that by regularly giving positive feedback, celebrating achievements and openly telling people what is going well.”
Ruby: “Next to this, it’s important to offer the right kinds of challenges and facilitate development opportunities. Our day-today jobs involve making the right match between our employees and our clients. Ultimately, we want to help our colleagues advance so they can achieve their dreams both within Vebego and beyond.”
Arthur Schmeink
Go-Getter at Vebego (Amolf Office)
“I have been working at Vebego since February 2024. My duties range from cleaning to maintenance of different spaces. I work in a small team and do it all, from offices to sanitary facilities to meeting rooms. Every day is different and I like that. I appreciate the variety and having the chance to develop myself within Vebego. I go to work with a smile and I come home with a smile.”
Vebego Strawinskylaan 375 1077 XX Amsterdam +31 (0)6 51 42 76 35 www.vebego.nl
“I see an opportunity
Young and ambitious, Wouter van Wengen (age 27) was inspired by a work placement at Greenberg Traurig to continue his career there. He has been with the international law firm for nearly three years now, dividing his time between their US and Amsterdam offices. As he seeks to balance gaining experience in international practice and his personal growth, Wouter’s enterprising spirit and drive are taking him to new heights.
After having started his career at Greenberg Traurig in Amsterdam, which moved into the Valley building a year and a half ago, Wouter’s legal adventure accelerated when he passed the bar exam in New York. Licensed to practice law in two countries, allows him to build on his dual practice. With a base in Amsterdam, he went on to get experience in GT’s US offices. Last summer, he worked from both Denver and San Francisco. Currently, Wouter is in Chicago for three months, working from GT’s Chicago office. “It is great to be able to advance my professional development and my enterprising mindset here. I want more variety in my work and the firm finds ways for me to do that. I am always looking for
new avenues and want to approach my profession in my own way. Being able to combine working in Amsterdam and now in Chicago is perfect, as it allows me to build a bridge between two continents, becoming the European expert for Americans and the American expert for Europeans. I am increasingly specialising in intellectual property, IT law and data protection, which are very international areas of the law, and that suits me very well.”
Greenberg Traurig is headquartered in the United States and has offices in 12 countries, giving Wouter plenty of scope to pursue his ambitions. “Working across different time zones can be a challenge. I
have learned to strike a balance by being efficient about how I organise my day and taking breaks when needed. There is always a sense of pressure, but I am getting better at dealing with it. It’s all about good planning and making sure everyone is satisfied without overloading myself. So, it’s a challenge, but, with some planning, a manageable one.”
Wouter has noticed some differences between working in a Dutch as opposed to a US office. “In the Netherlands, you have informal chats and social interactions in the office, but in the States the focus is on working on your own. I am fine with both. I learned to be adaptable from my parents and they are a big source of support to me
at this stage in my life. My dad completed a master’s degree at the age of 50 while also holding down a job and a family, which is quite a feat. And my mom has always been ambitious, forward-thinking, and always looking for new challenges to pursue (e.g., like learning Latin). They are the inspiration source for my drive and show me that there are so many possibilities in life with hard work.”
The most important thing for Wouter is not to lead a dull life. “Many law students who want to practise go down the familiar path after being admitted to the bar. But I want to find a way to do something different with my career and take on authentic challenges. I see an opportunity
to build connections between two important continents and welcome the freedom and flexibility to plot my own course. I want to make a difference both professionally and personally and am working hard to do that. But, beyond all the hard work, there’s also time to unwind. Last winter, I went to Bali to surf, as I found that the adrenaline of high intensity sport is the best way to clear the mind. Putting my duties on hold is tough, but because my colleagues do such a great job of covering for me, I can relax and enjoy the trip. I have quite a few years more to go, after all!”
Welcome to Papa’s Loft House. Treat your guests to a memorable event. Escape the daily rush and enjoy an inspiring location, our chef’s favorite dishes and good vibes.
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Step inside the world of style, craftsmanship and empowerment with Mirella de Bruin, founder and owner of the label ATELIER No. 22. Celebrating the modern woman, her brand grew out of a deep love of fashion and a search for timeless elegance. Even as a girl, Mirella knew exactly what she wanted to wear and was always looking for unique pieces. Having earned her spurs as an all-round designer at a number of different fashion brands, Mirella set out on a mission to supply women with the perfect blazer. “I see blazers as a must to complete any outfit”, Mirella underlines.
Mirella’s love of clothes goes way back. “I had my own style early on and was crazy about dressing up and shopping. Fashion and creativity are things I was always involved in and passionate about.” For her, hunting down unique items and creating something truly special was always an adventure.
Now, with her own brand, ATELIER No. 22, Mirella is bringing female empowerment to the wardrobe. “My aim with ATELIER No. 22 is to create a destination catering specifically to women who are looking for the perfect blazer that fits comfortably, projects elegance and is well made.” She has devoted herself to perfecting this iconic garment in three different models: the ANNA, the CHARLIE and the BOBBIE blazer. Mirella
explains: “These models describe three personality types, so that every woman can find the blazer that best suits her.”
The blazer’s evolution from a garment worn exclusively by men to a must-have for women, is a reflection of the ways our society is always changing. “I strongly believe that wearing a good blazer or a smart suit makes a woman feel more powerful.” That’s why ATELIER No. 22 is about more than simply the blazers, but above all about the women who wear them.
“We embody a timeless style, independent of trends and topics. You can see this sensibility spreading in the fashion world and I think that’s a very positive
development. The aim is for items to be wearable for longer, both quality and style-wise.” The concept behind ATELIER No. 22 is slow fashion, putting quality above quantity. “There are still many opportunities in terms of sustainable steps to take and we will see that happening progressively in the years ahead.” You can visit Mirella in Amsterdam or request a fitting at your home. All items can be purchased on the ATELIER No. 22 website.
Atelier No. 22 info@atelier-no22.com www.atelier-no22.com atelier_no22
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This issue is all about Talent, Education and Development. So it only makes sense to speak to students as well. Chelsea, 19 years old, was enrolled in MBO College Zuid’s Legal, Insurance & HR Services Specialist programme. The school is part of Zuidas and has close ties with companies in the area. Chelsea decided to look for an internship in Zuidas and found one at NautaDutilh. An unexpected experience that opened up her eyes to both the Legal field and Zuidas.
Work placement in Zuidas
“A former classmate and I were both looking for work placements. He saw a spot at NautaDutilh, which I had never heard of. We sent an email asking if we could both do work placements there. Initially, I was dead set against doing a placement with a law firm. The idea of working with lawyers scared me. But doing a work placement with NautaDutilh turned out to be the right decision, and I am incredibly grateful for that. I really enjoyed it and received a warm welcome there. The people who supervised me were great. My work consisted of administrative and secretarial tasks, which was challenging at times, but then it’s always good to challenge yourself.”
“I thought of Amsterdam Zuid as the wealthy part of town, with buildings that are tall, beautiful and expensive. The first time I visited, I remember being amazed at how posh everything looked. It was an incredible experience to do a work placement here. Initially, I was afraid to do a placement in Amsterdam Zuid, as I thought people would be stuck up. Especially at a big law firm like this one. But it wasn’t like that at all. The people were lovely.’’
Don’t let fear get in the way
“My tip to other students is: be open to new experiences. Don’t let fear get in the way when choosing where to do a placement. Experiencing new things is good. Zuidas is an amazing part of Amsterdam and doing my work placement there was a great opportunity. It did make me realise though that this is not want I want to do with my life, so I’ll be studying for a degree in pedagogy from this academic year. I am looking forward to it, because it’s something new for me.”
Greenberg Nielsen, the recruitment agency for finance professionals, does more than just match CVs. With their focus on character, they believe personality makes all the difference in achieving a perfect match between candidates and employers. As part of the Permanent Solutions team, Jan van den Berg, Maud Olislagers and Bart Keus work to build personal relationships and earn trust in a market where character is key.
Greenberg Nielsen is a recruiter that stands out for an approach that looks beyond candidates’ CVs. “We are doing an increasing amount of advising and zooming in on personality and character”, explains Jan. “We sit down with our candidates and clients and work with them to decide logical and suitable next steps. That hands-on approach ensures tailored assistance and perfect matches for candidates and employers.” Maud emphasises, “Personal contact is our key to success. By meeting candidates in person, we can get to know the individual behind the CV. We understand the needs of both candidates and employers.” And this enables Greenberg Nielsen to offer personalised guidance and support every step of the way. “We take care of all the details for candidates, including salary negotiations, but the interaction between a client and candidate remains paramount throughout the process.”
“Our approach is different”, notes Bart. “We create interest by paying close attention to a candidate’s profile. That’s very important to our clients. They let us know they value it. Greenberg Nielsen breaks with the conventional mailshot approach and
prioritises genuine interest in understanding candidates and employers.” Jan agrees: “Successful matches are a testament to the fact that our approach creates lots of new opportunities for career growth.”
Market-driven recruitment
“Market conditions are all-important”, Maud points out. “We have seen response rates rise in the past half-year, whereas there were few candidates available in the two years before that, forcing us to search more online. It used to be that recruitment agencies made a name through their network, but with everyone using LinkedIn these days, maintaining your networks and staying in personal contact is more important than ever.”
Looking ahead to the future of Greenberg Nielsen, Bart says, “Our focus is on maintaining our core values and strengthening relationships with our clients and candidates. Our mission is to provide quality services that deliver satisfaction and keep clients coming back. We want to be a trusted partner for our candidates and clients, and will go on growing to meet their demand.” Jan: “As a recruitment partner, building strong relationships is crucial for Greenberg Nielsen. It’s about more than just filling vacancies. It’s about mutual understanding and trust. Working closely with businesses helps us to gain that deep insight needed to identify the right match. And that’s the basis for long-term partnerships and successful placements.”
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Earlier this year, the Hello Zuidas team welcomed a brand-new member when Ilana Schmidt (age 30) came on board as Mobility and Housing project manager and secretary to the Zuidas Accessibility Task Force. Ilana is a go-getter who lives in Almere and loves spending her time off outdoors. We are delighted to introduce her to you!
Ilana, could you tell us a bit about yourself?
“My background is in the tourism industry, so obviously I enjoy travelling and discovering new places. There are so many lovely things to do in the Netherlands as well, and I am always looking out for fun activities. One of my biggest hobbies is cooking, especially trying out new dishes from various cuisines. During my downtime I like eating out with friends or hanging out on a terrace in summer.”
What work did you do before this?
“Prior to this I worked as a marketing project manager. That involved working with a specialist team to help companies expand their online reach through online marketing, which included identifying commercial opportunities, account management and project management. As a project manager, I had a diverse portfolio of clients that I worked with to jointly develop strategies and achieve targets.”
What attracted you to this job at Hello Zuidas?
“I used to visit Zuidas often for work and liked it because it’s always buzzing with activity. When this opportunity at Hello Zuidas came up, it appealed to me straightaway as I’d be able to
make an impact in current major issues around mobility, housing and accessibility in Zuidas. Zuidas is a wonderful and diverse location where things are always happening. Now that I’m here every day, I can see how much it has grown and is continuing to expand with new homes, offices and amenities.”
Do you have any particular objectives in this role?
“I see my role as being about bringing people together in issues surrounding mobility, housing and accessibility in Zuidas. In other words, being a bridge-builder. My approach is focused mainly on putting together appealing events, holding discussions and promoting collaboration among various different people and groups. Ultimately, I hope my efforts will help Zuidas to grow and to have a positive impact on the quality of life and wellbeing of residents and stakeholders of this vibrant district.”
Is there anything else you would like to share with readers of Hello Zuidas?
“If you have a particular interest in housing or mobility issues, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a line at ilana.schmidt@hellozuidas.com, and maybe we can have a chat over coffee!”
On 22 April, new local hotspot De Japanner Zuid hosted a meeting on the Hospitality, retail & real estate issue. This issue put a special focus on Buitenveldert and its hospitality, retail and housing links with Zuidas. Special guests Paul Bremmer, commercial director of Kroonenberg Groep, and Paco Bunnik, Zuidas district supervisor, joined a panel discussion moderated by Hello Zuidas director Olivier Otten. District council chair Bart Vink also contributed his insights. The gathering concluded with a tasting menu of delicious signature dishes and a chance to socialise over drinks.
A native of Texel, Saskia Laseur has built a career as a leading civil-law notary. Her professional journey started in The Hague, but soon led to the heart of the legal community at Van Doorne. As Legal Woman of the Year 2023 and a source of inspiration for many, Saskia embodies the essence of lifelong learning and empowerment.
From a modest start with a small firm in The Hague to becoming a civil-law notary and (managing) partner at Van Doorne, Saskia’s career is a story of growth and development.
“Van Doorne gave me the opportunity to develop and pursue my interests. I experienced every level of the firm, from being on the staff to making partner.”, Saskia says with obvious enthusiasm. Van Doorne is a supportive as well as a challenging workplace, she says, with different forms of teamwork among lawyers and consultants. “That interaction between various areas of expertise makes the work dynamic and keeps it interesting.”
Explaining what drew her to Van Doorne, Saskia continues, “When we started
talking about what was important to me, that got me excited. Van Doorne has always been open to my varied interests and outside activities. The firm supports me in how I envisage making an impact beyond my professional role as a civil-law notary.” From early on, Saskia was taught the value of pursuing other activities alongside a primary profession.
“As an advocate of music education, I am working to bring music back into all Dutch schools. I am also active in the revitalisation of Amsterdam’s Red Light District, the ‘Wallen’. Specifically, I’m involved in making the properties more sustainable and selecting quality tenants to ensure local quality of life.” Saskia’s work to give back to society won her the
title of Legal Woman of the Year 2023. She emphasises that it is important for her to stay grounded in society and think about what is needed. “These other activities are not only an outlet for me, but also give me a sense of urgency and energy.”
Van Doorne has a strong commitment to attracting talent. “We keep in active contact with students and student associations, and the firm has an easygoing atmosphere and dynamic work environment.” Much as the notarial profession is often perceived as ‘dull’, Saskia is proof that it’s not: “It is super dynamic and I derive a huge amount of satisfaction from my work, as in a recent case where 102 parties reached agreement. You get to experience all the big moments with your clients.” All of this makes Van Doorne not only a stimulating environment for talent, but an interesting working culture for professionals.
“Continuous development is the crux. Always asking yourself: how can I contribute in my role?”
As Legal Woman of the Year 2023, Saskia underlines the importance of sharing experiences and inspiring others. “It’s not just about individual accomplishments, but about creating equal opportunities for everyone.” She also has some clear advice for young legal professionals: “Think of your career as a continuous learning process. Explore different avenues and embrace both your primary job and other activities that energise you.” Saskia’s surprise selection as Legal Woman of the Year 2023 brought many unexpected delights. “There have been a lot of nice side effects, such as reconnecting with old colleagues from 25 years ago. Perseverance, curiosity and ongoing growth are essential, both professionally and personally. I am a firm believer in the importance of diversity and empowerment.”
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Dutch Office & Hotel Investment fund manager at Bouwinvest and Hello Zuidas Supervisory Board member
Bas Jochims has devoted his career to the real estate sector. Now, he is devoting himself to Amsterdam Zuidas as well, by joining the Hello Zuidas Supervisory Board. Bas has been with Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors for the past 18 years, currently as Dutch Offices and Hotel Investments fund manager. Bouwinvest specialises in managing real estate portfolios for pension funds, insurance companies and other institutional investors, and Bas oversees overall fund management, encompassing both financial and non-financial performance aspects.
Bas Jochims was a logical choice to invite onto the board. His connections to Zuidas go back 25 years, to when he started his real estate career in an office on Buitenveldertselaan. “I have seen the view of the sport fields and the Atrium change over the years. The time that I lived on Stadionweg also forged a special link with this part of Amsterdam. Bouwinvest has various residential, office, retail and hotel investments in Zuidas and the surrounding area, for example Summertime, Rivers, Hourglass, Olympic Stadium, Move, The Garage,
Het Kwartier and Stadionplein.” Bas says he hopes the coming years will bring opportunities for this part of Amsterdam to continue broadening its positioning, expanding its diversity and adding more greenery. “With the introduction of residential projects, Zuidas evolved from predominantly an office zone into a dynamic, multifunctional area.”
Actively contributing
Bas is enthusiastic about his new role as a Hello Zuidas Supervisory Board member. “Having so many users and property owners united like this is unique in the
Netherlands. It makes the development and implementation of area improvements that require cooperation among all stakeholders much more feasible.” Bas says this role will also help him to stay informed and actively contribute to shaping a strategic focus and initiating impactful projects in Zuidas.
With a rich career in the real estate sector, Bas has extensive knowledge and experience to share with the next generation. “The moments I learned from most were always face-to-face interactions, not in front of a computer screen at home”, Bas underlines. “A vibrant place like Zuidas is an ideal place to facilitate that. To the next generation entering real estate, I would say: immerse yourself in the milieu. The relationships you build and experiences you gain here will be priceless.”
“There are loads of opportunities to step up sustainability
This year, Victor Nieuwenhuizen of VU Amsterdam’s Green Office will be joining the judging panel of the Zuidas Sustainability Award for the first time. Here, we introduce him to you.
Can you tell us something about yourself?
“My name is Victor, I am 24 years old and doing an MA in Curating Art and Cultures at VU and UvA. As well as working at the Green Office, I am also trying to focus in on sustainability, social justice and other current hot issues in my studies.”
What does the Green Office VU do?
“The Green Office is a student platform for sustainability at VU Amsterdam. The team is made up of all students and works on behalf of VU’s student body. Right now we are focused on getting more involved in decisions taken within the university, such as the renovation of the campus square and procurement of a new catering company. These are processes where we can raise sustainability issues and make them project requirements. Apart from that, we also set up student activities like
talks, workshops and so on, as a way to inform students and give them practical tools to be more sustainable themselves and create greater awareness.”
What is your job at Green Office VU and what does it involve?
“I am the media and communication officer this year. That means I work on social media, promoting events and getting information out. Besides, we also work on projects. For example, we set up a week of activities around sustainable food and have another devoted to the circular economy coming up.”
How do you feel about being one of the judges for the Zuidas Sustainability Award?
“I am curious to see what kinds of sustainability initiatives will be submitted this year. Being in the midst of a climate crisis, I think it’s very important to be critical. I also think that the conversation about sustainability in Zuidas can be a tough one. It feels amazing for me to be involved here as a member of the judging
panel for the Zuidas Sustainability Award and I am grateful for the invitation!”
What is your take on sustainability in Zuidas?
“On the one hand, I think the fact that Zuidas is talking about sustainability is great and that there are loads of opportunities here to step up sustainability all the way. On the other hand, I think sustainability is a tricky issue for Zuidas. One aspect that’s important to stress is the sense of responsibility. There are big companies here that have tremendous influence, because of the huge sums of money going around. These kinds of transactions also have to take account of nature, people and the climate and critically weigh the impacts of certain areas of financing.”
In terms of sustainability, what is Zuidas doing well and what could be improved?
“Sustainability projects in Zuidas are great, obviously, in terms of making Zuidas more sustainable as an actual location. Development and renovation
Text: Gordana Todorovic • Photography: Ritchie Damwijk & Victor Nieuwenhuizenprojects are all paying more attention to sustainable implementations now. The green roofs, for instance, are a step in the right direction! Biodiversity and water management are also getting more priority, which is good to see. I am happy to see the sustainable initiatives being set up and alternatives being implemented, but as long as the big bucks continue to go to projects and companies that harm people and nature, we can’t fully celebrate these alternatives.”
What is a sustainable project or initiative in Zuidas that you admire?
“I really like the dry cleaner Fornet’s idea to get people to be more sustainable with their clothes and make the textile sector circular. They provide people with a sustainable service for their clothing and work with garments that people already have in their closets. I think it’s important to make better use of what we already have and to promote circularity instead of putting new and more products on the market, and that’s what I admire about Fornet Textile Care.”
Dutch banks are in good shape and withstood last year’s turmoil of the financial markets well. Moreover, all the measures taken since the 2008 financial crisis have resulted in more robust financial institutions and a more stable financial system, writes the Dutch Ministry of Finance in a recent report on ‘Policy directions for a resilient banking sector’ (Beleidsrichtingen voor een weerbare bankensector).
Intermediating to remove frictions
While the Dutch Banking Association advocates the wisdom of finding ways to further strengthen sector resilience, the ministry notes the importance of recognising that it is “impossible and undesirable to completely eliminate risks in the banking sector”. As the ministry points out, manageable risks are inherent to banks’ function and operating model. Banks connect entities that have surplus cash with those that need funds, using their intermediary role to remove frictions. This lets banks reduce credit risk and ensure savings can be lent over longer periods. There are significant advantages for both individuals and businesses, enabling them to borrow, save, pay and
Source: Dutch Banking Association
manage their risks, while also making the Dutch economy more efficient.
A financially sound banking sector is imperative to help achieve all the societal ambitions set for the coming years. This includes financing the energy transition, the transition to sustainable agriculture and the construction of affordable sale and rental-market housing. All of which are contingent on there being enough banks based in the Netherlands that can quickly respond to domestic developments. To further enlarge the resilience of Dutch banks, the next administration should review factors such as the business climate for and earning capacity of banks.
All this will keep the Dutch banking sector resilient and agile, while also ensuring a level playing field and even chance at competing at the European level. In the report, the ministry specifically notes the importance of uniform and consistent rules “to realise a common banking market in Europe and avoid an uneven playing field among Dutch and foreign banks”. The next administration should therefore push for equal regulatory impacts across Europe. Among other things, this entails equal taxation of banks and businesses and a solid business climate in the Netherlands, and equal application of rules and oversight outside the Netherlands, while keeping the number of national legislators on European policy to a minimum.
The next administration should continue to work on completing the European banking and capital markets union, a European deposit guarantee scheme and a framework of rules to enable orderly resolution of banks in difficulty. Pushing ahead with these efforts will create a level playing field for European banks, in which Dutch banks can more easily compete across borders. This will ensure that Dutch banks can continue to fulfil their essential role on into the future.
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Sector: Strategy Consultancy
Number of employees: ~350 FTE Link with Zuidas: BCG entered the market in the Netherlands in 1993. Since 2007 BCG has its Dutch office at the Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: In 2025, BCG will move to a new office, The Pulse in Amsterdam Zuidas. Considering BCG is staying in Zuidas, it is a good opportunity to join the community in the area.
Sector: Insurance – In2Matrix is an owner managed international insurance consultant and brokerage firm, with a specialization in employee benefits consulting. Number of employees: 3
In2Matrix is a shareholder and partner of Brokerslink. This is a global broking company based in Switzerland, that manages a worldwide insurance broking network with operations in 133 countries. The company works with 45,000 professionals and $65 billion written premium and consulting fees. In2Matrix needs a global reach and where else in The Netherlands is this better than in Zuidas? Not only a great place to work and meet clients, but it also offers convenient and quick transport links to Schiphol. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: In2Matrix owner and group CEO, Gerard Baltazar, appreciates living and working in the area, meeting clients and friends. He loves the magazine and the activities that are organized in Zuidas.
Sector: Asset Manager, Number of employees: 9 Link with Zuidas: Link with Zuidas: Best International business location in Amsterdam. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: An opportunity to expand the network and successful mix of business and pleasure
Sector: Hospitality – Japanese Restaurant & Bar
Number of employees: 20-25
Open daily for lunch and dinner, De Japanner Zuid is offering delicious authentic Japanese food as well as a wide range of drinks on the George Gershwinplein : a great option for a healthy lunch or dinner, drinks after work, to celebrate an event or have some fun in the karaoke room up that holds up to 14 people. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: De Japanner Zuid wants to be a member of Hello Zuidas because it values community involvement and wishes to support local initiatives. De Japanner team is drawn to Hello Zuidas’ focus on the quality of public spaces, sustainable development, safety, accessibility, and vibrancy, and aims to participate in discussions and decision-making that lead to concrete measures for the Zuidas area.
Step into the future of housing, at Stepstone! Housing association Lieven de Key has just opened the doors of 216 starter apartments in Stepstone. The brand-new residential tower is located in bustling Zuidas and offers a unique living experience for young people aged 28 and under. With a mix of social rental apartments and a wide range of amenities including a rooftop terrace and green courtyard garden, Stepstone promises to be a vibrant community where residents can gather, work and relax. Designed by the firm of LEVS architecten in light materials, with a wealth of balconies and green planting on the façades, Stepstone sets a standard for contemporary living. And this is just the first of many exciting new developments in the Innovation District, where health, science and enterprise come together.
Mirjam Schröer: new real estate partner at Lexence - a vote of confidence
Mirjam Schröer was appointed partner at Lexence as from 1 January 2024. Commenting on her new role, Mirjam said: “I really value the confidence that both clients and the firm have placed in me. This gives me an opportunity to get more deeply involved in day-to-day and long-term aspects of running a firm like Lexence. The way I approach my work is unchanged: dedicated, open-minded and focused on solving problems.” Congratulations to Mirjam on this next step in a promising career.
On Thursday mornings throughout March, the WTC building was delighted to host BNR Nieuwsradio’s weekly business affairs radio show, Zakendoen. On 28 March, the guest was our own Romy Lange, owner of Zuidas Publishers and RCD Publishers. Romy shared her entrepreneurial vision and the challenges she has overcome during a spirited discussion with presenter Thomas van Zijl. The BNR Nieuwsradio pop-up studio was a great setting for the deep-diving conversation. Romy talked about her company and personal experiences, including around the coronavirus period, and shared her insights about Zuidas, in which Zuidas Publishers plays an important role.
Want to catch the European Football Championship action in Zuidas? There are plenty of places to watch, whether you’re in the mood for a cosy pub, classy lounge or beachy backdrop. At De Blauwe Engel, Market 33, Limon, Strand Zuid and Wush you can watch the matches on a big screen and get into the Euro cup spirit. Gather your friends and colleagues and come experience the football excitement in Zuidas!
Hello Zuidas needs you! We are doing a survey to find out what readers think of our magazine, and we would love to hear your opinion. Just scan the QR code below to go to the survey. As an added incentive, you’ll be entered to win a delicious lunch for two at Papa’s Loft House on Gelderlandplein. We will be choosing not one, but two lucky winners! So scan the QR code, complete the survey, and you could soon be enjoying a lovely lunch at one of our favourite neighbourhood hotspots.
Zuidas is best known as Amsterdam’s business district, chock-a-block with skyscrapers and scores of offices. More recently, however, the district has grown into a veritable urban neighbourhood and a great place to live and hang out. Many businesses have also discovered Zuidas, and with their arrival, the district has added a wide range of services and amenities, including shops, schools, fitness centres and places to drink and dine. Powering each of these establishments are entrepreneurs and employees with their own special, personal stories that we’re eager to share with you.
Near the bustling heart of Zuidas, Andrey Tyan shines as a kart racer. The Russian native lives on George Gershwinlaan and discovered his passion for the speed and adrenaline of the kart circuit at the age of 13. Growing up, he knew little about Formula 1 or karting – that is, until a school friend piqued his curiosity about the sport.
The karting adventure
Andrey had little familiarity with or interest in kart racing, until a friend at school piqued his curiosity. And then his father issued a challenge: “If you can beat me, you can kart!” Andrey decided to go for it. “Karting is not just a hobby for me, but a lifestyle”, he says. “I have lived in Zuidas for seven years now. The old trams and tram lines here stir memories for me and I feel very much at home here.” Karting offers plenty of challenges and can be downright thrilling. “Learning to overslide is still the toughest part for me. The use of advanced technologies like GPS devices on the karts helps me go on sharpening my skills.” Despite the risks that come with racing, his father stands four-square behind Andrey in the pursuit of his passion. “It looks scary, but the karts have good protection built in and are made to take a few knocks. It’s more a question of financial damage if anything happens”, Andrey’s dad jokes.
One of Andrey’s fondest karting memories is from a race. “I was taking part in a karting competition and was in my element, getting impressive results and climbing higher and higher in the rankings”, Andrey recalls. “I felt like I wanted to push myself to the limit and it’s something I’m super proud of. Karting is not just about speed and competitiveness, but about going through a process, and Andrey is very conscious of this. “Karting is not for everyone. You need to put loads of time into it. But, in the end, it is all worth it for me when I’m driving and feel the adrenaline pumping.”
“Karting is not a job as such. It’s more of a hobby. Mostly only topranked athletes can make a living from it. My goal is absolutely to become a pro racer, with Max Verstappen being my big role model. If that doesn’t happen, I would like to go into aviation design. That’s a field which really interests me.”
Andrey Tyan0 1. ABN AMRO
02. Accendium
03. Accenture
04. À Deauville
05. Adhoc Horecamakelaars
06. Acre
07. AFC
08. AkzoNobel
09. Albert Heijn
10. Albert Heijn Parnassusweg
11. Alpha Security
12. amsterdam inbusiness
13. Amsterdam UMC
14. Amsterdamse Bos
15. Arcadis
16. Arnold & Siedsma
18. Wush
19. Asunaro Holland Interplan
20. Avenue Services
21. Avis Budget Autoverhuur
24. Bagels & Beans
25. Baker McKenzie
26. Bar Boele
27. Bar Valdi
28. Being Development
29. Betaalvereniging Nederland
30. BNP Parisbas Real Estate
31. Bolenius
32. Boontje Advocaten
33. Bouwens&
34. Bouwinvest
35. Boyden Global Executive Search
36. BPD
37. Breevast
39. Broersma Nieuwbouw
40. Bundel.it
41. Cboe Clear Europe N.V.
42. CBRE B.V.
43. Changing Dishes
44. Cinema The Pulse
45. Clean Center
46. Clubsportive
47. CMS
48. Coffee & Coconuts
49. Cognito
50. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Europe)
51. Confius Executive Search
52. Cora Delicatessen
53. Corporate Housing Factory
54. Cosmo Hairstyling
55. Crossover (AM)
56. Crowne Plaza A’dam South
57. Customized Media
58. Cyrille van Hoof Presentatiecoach
59. D&B The Facility Group
60. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
61. De Hypotheker
62. De Japanner
63. Deloitte
64. De Kredieter
65. De Pizzabakkers | Zuidas
66. De Thomas
67. De Uitsmijter
68. Dentons
69. Ditt Officemakers
70. Doctor Feelgood
71. Donkey Republic
72. Doppio Espresso Amsterdam Zuidas
73. Eden McCallum
74. Edge Technologies
75. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij
76. Element Amsterdam
77. Enterprise Netherlands
78. EMA (European Medicines Agency)
79. Expat Center
80. EY
81. Fam. Advocaten
82. Ferilli’s Specialità UpTown
83. Financial Offices
84. Flexform Amsterdam
85. FLOW Real Estate
86. Food & i
87. Fornet International B.V.
88. Frans Otten Stadion
89. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
90. Fris Makelaars
91. Frits Friday
92. FYEO
93. Gelderlandplein
94. Gen25
95. G&S&
96. Gerrit Rietveld Academie
97. Goede Doelen Loterijen
98. Grand Café LIVING
99. Grand Café Mahler
100. Grand Prix Copyrette Printing & Design
101. Greenberg Nielsen
102. Greenberg Traurig
103. Green Business Club Zuidas
104. GREEN Gastrobar
105. Greenwheels
106. Gustavino
107. GVB
108. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants
109. Hasta La Vista Baby
110. Heidrick & Struggles
111. Hestia Kinderopvang
112. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan
113. Hielkema & co
114. HIND cooking
115. HOFF Amsterdam
116. Hogan Lovells International LLP
Foundation Hello Zuidas
WTC Amsterdam
Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW - Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 333 74 41 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.instagram.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas
Our goal
With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.
118. Hotel & Wellness Zuiver
119. Hourglass
120. Houthoff
121. House of Sports
122. Htel Serviced Apartments
123. HVO Querido
124. IEF Real Estate
125. IMA
126. InAmsterdam
127. Industrious
128. Infusion Clinics
129. Innside by Melia
130. In2Matrix
131. ISX Beveiliging
132. Jeroen 020 Training/Coaching
133. Karhoo
134. Kindercampus Zuidas
135. KNAP Makelaardij
136. König + Neurath (Nederland) A.G.
137. Kraft Heinz
138. KRNWTR+
139. Lebkov & Sons
140. Leger des Heils
141. Le Grand George
142. Lexence
143. Lieven de Key
144. Limon
145. Loyens & Loeff
146. Luke Recruitment
147. Lunshof Makelaardij
148. Lyon Office Support
149. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V.
150. Magazine-Masters.nl
151. Manhattan Bar
152. Market 33
153. Mastercard
154. MBO College Zuid
155. Miele X
156. Molteni&C|Dada Amsterdam Flagship Store
157. MOST
158. Multicopy Amsterdam Centrum
159. NACH
160. NatWest Markets
161. NDI ICT Solutions
162. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken
163. Nedstede Real Estate
164. NewGround Law
165. NH Amsterdam Zuid
166. nhow Amsterdam RAI
167. Nicolaas Lyceum
168. Niezink Finance
169. Nineyards Law
170. ino’s Surinam Food
171. Norton Rose Fulbright
172. Novotel Amsterdam City
173. NS Stations
174. Oliver’s
175. Olympic Gym
Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.
Zuidas Publishers
WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 151 1077 XX Amsterdam +31 (0)20 362 09 93 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl
Copyright © 2024 Zuidas Publishers
All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.
Circulation Free for Zuidas and Amsterdam South. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol.
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176. Olympisch Stadion
177. ONE-Dyas B.V.
178. Onemeeting.com
179. Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam
180. ORAM
181. Oranje Energie
182. Ox & Bucks
183. Palo Alto
184. PAN Amsterdam
185. Pancakes Amsterdam
186. Papa’s Loft House
187. Partou Kinderopvang
188. Peak Development
189. Personality
190. Pleo
191. Poké Perfect
192. Premier Suites Plus Amsterdam
193. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok
194. Property NL B.V.
195. Protiviti
196. Provast
197. Q-Park Nederland
198. RAI Amsterdam
199. Regus
200. Renessence
201. RGA International Reinsurance
202. Rialto
203. Rivers
204. Rob Peetoom
205. Robert Clinics
206. Robert Walters
207. Roland Berger
208. Rosarium
209. Russell Investments
210. Russell Reynolds Associates
211. Savills Amsterdam
212. Salsa Shop
213. Salsa Zuidas
214. Season-Flowers
215. Securitas
216. Selva
217. Shinyu Body & Mind
218. Simmons & Simmons LLP
219. Sixt
220. Smartphone Citywalk Zuidas
221. Sonora
222. Specialists in Security
223. STACH
224. Stadsdeel Zuid
225. SThree
226. Stibbe
227. Stichting Open The Doors
228. Strand Zuid
229. Student Experience
230. Summertime
231. Sushito Zuidas
232. SV RAP
233. Symphony’s
234. Taalcentrum - VU
Editor-in-chief Romy Lange
Managing editor Céline Boute
Editor Ruby van Oers
Intern Laura Appelman & Roos Nuisker
Art Director Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU
Translation Taalcentrum-VU
Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik
Printed by Magazine Masters
Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly)
Romy Lange, Céline Boute, Ruby van Oers, Ilana Schmidt, Elisa Schouten, Gordana Todorovic, Linda van der Meulen & Roos van Dalen
Caily Bobbie Jo, Roxanne Wilm, Jannes Linders, Marcel Steinbach, Davide Heijmans, Melanie Lemahieu, Frank Ruiter, Joni Reiche, Violetta Photography, ATELIER No. 22, Richie Damwijk & Victor Nieuwenhuizen
Editorial advisory board
Olivier Otten, Angela Ham, Elisa Schouten, Gordana Todorovic, Jos Moerkamp & Carlo Wijers
235. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer
236. Tandartspraktijk Noordermeer
237. Taylor Wessing
238. Tax Consultants International
239. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA)
240. The Bank of New York Mellon
241. The Boston Conulting Group
242. The Breakfast Club
243. The Office Operators
244. The July Twenty Eight
245. The Upside Down Amsterdam
246. Tierra
247. Topsport Amsterdam
248. TPEX
249. Trainmore
250. TREC
251. Tribes
252. UNGA
253. Urban Gym Group
254. Urban Salad
255. Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas
256. Van Dijk & Ten Cate
257. Van Gool Elburg
258. Van Lanschot Kempen
259. VanLoman
260. Vascobelo
262. Vermaat Groep
263. Vesteda
264. Vet Digital
265. Victory Real Estate
266. Von Poll Real Estate
267. VondelGym
268. VORM Ontwikkeling
269. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
270. VU | Griffioen
271. Vuurzee Bar
272. Wagamama
273. Watersportvereniging De Koenen
274. Welcome Home
275. WeWork
276. Wild & The Moon
277. Wineboutique & Spirits
278. WYNE Strategy & Innovation
279. Wintertaling
280. WTC Amsterdam
281. WTC A’dam Business Club
282. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel
283. XO Optics
284. X2X Worldwide Express
285. YET
286. Zone2Source
287. Zuidas Apotheek
288. Zuidas Art Projects
289. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam
290. Zuidas Markt
291. Zuidas Publishers
292. ZuidasTravel.nl
Hello Zuidas is issued by
Thanks to Helen van Empel, Yet Zuidas Run, Park Meadows, Kroonenberg Groep, Porsche Centrum Amsterdam, Breevast, Amsterdam Zuidas, The International School of Amsterdam, Roos van Dalen, The All Out, Elkan van der Reis, STACH, Joppe van der Heijden, Pauline Bottema, Edge, Vebego, Corporate Housing Factory, Stijn van de Sande, Dura Vermeer, Total4Living, Hiske de Jong, Michael Levie, Wim Braakman, Rialto VU, Rutger Bregman, Amsterdam International Community School, IMC Weekendschool, Rotterdam School of Management, Dura Vermeer, Maarten Cobben, Ruby Kraan, Jeroen Mallekoote, Frederico Castilho, Arthur Schmeink, Greenberg Traurig, Wouter van Wengen, Aterlier No.22, Mirella de Bruin, Chelsea, Greenberg Nielsen, Jan van den Berg, Maud Olislagers, Bart Keus, Saskia Laseur, Bas Jochims, Victor Nieuwenhuizen, NVB, Andrey Tyan, Papa’s Loft House, Grand Café Living, Renessence, Goede Doelen Loterijen & Enterprise