Hello Zuidas - Juli/Augustus 2020 #50

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‘I was switched on 24/7’


Alwin Eijsenga

Amsterdam UMC (Location VUmc)






A MILESTONE With blood, sweat and tears, but also a great

especially Olivier Otten. It’s wonderful to

scores of people and learnt so much about

big smile we’re happy to present to you the

have him as my sparring partner for the

Zuidas. My heartfelt thanks goes out to them

50th issue of Hello Zuidas! These have been

magazine and all that’s changing in Zuidas.

for all these valuable conversations! Last but

strange and uncertain times for everyone,

In addition, I would like to thank all who

not least, I would like to thank the team at

and that goes for us too. The interest

have been our advertisers over the years.

The Office Operators, whose assistance I rely

expressed in this magazine has made me

Their support has made it possible to put

on every day and who ensure I always feel at

feel this community is confident about the

out a beautiful bi-monthly magazine! I’m

home in my office in the WTC.

future and mostly just wants one thing: to

very pleased that the Zuidas Amsterdam

get back to where we left off in March. I am

Development Office allows our magazine

And, to all our readers, thank you for your

proud of Zuidas, of this place that’s investing

to report on their behalf on all of the local

enthusiasm. Here’s to the next 50 issues!

everything it’s got into pushing through

developments, keeping all our readers in

these tough times.

the know. And I’m grateful to our team of

Happy reading!

editors, photographers, translators, my

Romy Lange

Naturally, I would like to take this

regular designer and distributors for their

Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas

opportunity to express my own gratitude.

hard work and the flexibility often asked


First of all, to the Hello Zuidas team, and

of them. These past years I’ve interviewed

There are times when everything comes together. In this case, it was in November 2011 that the penny dropped. Zuidas had no magazine of its own yet. Hello Zuidas was just gearing up. So 1+1=2, right? Making a magazine that’s beautiful and successful – and that has staying power – takes the dedication and TLC of talented people. After 49 issues, Romy has that well in hand. She may not have been on the first issue, but we can credit her for the other 49. Congratulations Romy – it’s always a pleasure to work with you, and that’s one of the keys to our success. Here’s to the next anniversary issue! Olivier Otten, managing director of Hello Zuidas


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CONTENTS 06 Coverstory with Alwin Eijsenga, head nurse of the Intensive Care Unit at the Amsterdam UMC (Location VUmc) 10 Building the Future - ‘Raise the ambition level for Zuidasdok’ - New station tunnel foundation works - First keys handed over for The George - Zuidas 2012-2020 17 Trending Topics Social Media #Zuidas 18 ‘The six-foot economy will create new opportunities for Zuidas’ Interview with Zuidas director David van Traa and Hello Zuidas director Olivier Otten 23 Column Greg Shapiro 24 Got a Minute? Local business owners about their experiences over the past months 26 Property Living in Ravel: the Zuidas of the future 28 Finance Financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands

31 ServicedApartments.nl is celebrating its fifth anniversary! 32 Zuidas Mobility Introducing: the Zuidas accessibility Task Force 35 SIXT share A sustainable answer to the mobility challenge 36 Hello Zuidas Agenda 40 Sustainability News 44 The Gustav and The George by Zuidschans: Sustainable housing in Zuidas for everybody 46 Hello You 48 All 50 editions of Hello Zuidas Magazine! 49 ‘New’ and improved Rosarium For professional gatherings and weekend relaxation 50 Legal News An interview about the recent months with Edward de Bock, managing partner at Houthoff

53 Sales Eleven: Custom service for finding a match-made team 55 Lyppens A phenomenon in Amsterdam 56 Kliniek Dokter Frodo Is this how I look in real life? 59 Anna Nooshin opens interactive Instagram museum in Zuidas 61 New Members Hello Zuidas welcomes the new members 62 Architecture VU Research Building 64 For Zuidas, By Zuidas! 66 Memo Board 69 Hello Zuidas Members List & Colophon

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. •5


‘I was switched on 24/7’ Alwin Eijsenga, head nurse of the Intensive Care Unit at the Amsterdam UMC (Location VUmc) The healthcare world has recently faced tremendous challenges. Leave was revoked and additional shifts scheduled as hospitals admitted and continue to admit patients with the highly contagious coronavirus, which staff were battling daily. On the positive side, there has been an outpouring of appreciation for the efforts put in by healthcare staff. The people at our own Amsterdam UMC (Location VUmc) in Zuidas have also been hard at work every day to get the situation under control. We caught up with Alwin Eijsenga, head nurse of the Intensive Care Unit. These past couple of months must have been

whole country that they are proud. I have to admit that working plus

a rollercoaster at the hospital. Is that right?

taking care of them was a challenge. After a really intense day you

How has this period been for you and your team?

come home and are expected to be present and attentive. I started

‘For me, it’s been a period I’m incredibly proud of. Proud in terms of

to feel like I was switched on 24/7. There were days I worked 14 hours,

how we managed to put together a completely new and effective

and during that first stretch even 14 days in a row. You reach a point

team in such a short time. Since we didn’t have enough ICU nurses on

where you have to watch out for each other and tell colleagues that

hand to provide the care needed, we had to rely on a lot of support

it’s time to take a day off. As things wore on we were able to find a

from other units. We even got former colleagues to come back and

rhythm with that as a team. In that hectic period it was a relief to

help out when it got really hectic. And we had to organize training

come home, to be able to spend time with my kids, and to sleep. That

overnight so people could learn the basics. We also set up peer

helps you get through the days.’

support at the hospital with our psychiatry and psychology units, which has been really vital for staff. Even being accustomed to taking

Were you ever afraid things would get so bad that you

care of very ill patients as an ICU nurse or doctor, the circumstances

wouldn’t be able to provide essential care any longer?

here were completely different. Everyone was basically taken outside

‘Afraid isn’t the word, but there were certainly times I was worried. Most

their normal work situation, and that affects you emotionally. You

of all we were worried about not having and being able to get enough

have to tell families they can’t visit, so you’re confronted with intense

protective gear. We worked terribly hard to get the right resources in

feelings and sadness. Not until a patient died or was near death

the end, but it wasn’t easy. The safety of the team is at stake, and that’s

could family members be allowed in. That was really tough. It goes

something I and the medical chair of the department feel responsible

against everything you normally stand for.’

for. Another question, albeit more long-term, is the government’s order to maintain extra ICU beds, and how we’re going to manage that.

At the same time that you were working so hard, you

These past months, people have been working all-out, and they need

had three teenagers who were homebound and had to

a chance to recharge. On top of that, we need to resume regular care.

follow strict rules. How did that go? Are they proud of you?

Some specialisms have been on hold, so they have to get back to work

‘I did notice from the way they took care of things at home and

and that’s something we’ll have to make happen together. But you also

grasped that I was occupied with something that’s preoccupied the

have to be able and equipped to cope with the next peak if necessary.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Michael Graste


Do you think the media are presenting a

Are the reports that things have

realistic picture of the situation to the public?

stabilized again at the ICUs accurate?

‘I confess I haven’t seen much of the news or social media. My focus

‘That’s tough to say, because it’s outside my expertise. But relating

was elsewhere so it often went right by me. I do think that what was

it to my own unit, I can say the number of corona patients is going

shared in the media as far as measures go did contribute to raising

down. They’re still there, but not as many. So we’re seeing a steady

broad awareness of the measures and why they’re important. I can

decline. How things will develop from here is difficult to predict. It

imagine the media certainly played a constructive role in that regard.

depends on a whole range of factors, and that’s what the experts are

That’s what I’ve also heard here in my job and from other people. The

looking at now.’

measures taken gradually got through to people.’

Is there anything else you’d like Looking at those measures, do you think

to share with readers of Hello Zuidas?

the government is taking good decisions?

‘We’ve had loads of support from local retailers and businesses. In

‘Operating within the limits of what they can do, and realizing this

ways you can’t even imagine! It’s been heart-warming and we want

situation is also new for the government and that they have to rely on

to sincerely thank everyone. We’ve truly felt supported. Besides that

experts, I think they’ve made good choices. All the same, I think they

I’d like to say I hope everyone abides by the measures. The spread of

should have taken some measures earlier.’

infections seems to be ebbing, but inside the hospital it’s not over yet.’



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Building work on Zuidasdok is set to continue. As became apparent on 26 March 2020, the exploratory study carried out by the Minister of State, Sybilla Dekker, was enough to convince the administrators. Instead of suggesting ways of economising on the plans, Dekker argues the case for expanding the ambitions. Minister of Infrastructure and Water

and need for the Zuidasdok project,

and expansion of the A10 South motorway.

Management Cora Nieuwenhuizen had

which includes full-scale renovation of

As previously reported, the project has run

asked Dekker to evaluate the utility of

Amsterdam Zuid Station and the tunnelling

into problems.

10 •


Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre Central Hall, WTC +31 (0)800 5065 contact@zuidas.nl www.zuidas.nl zuidas •



In her report, Dekker recommends

Exploring the potential for economising on

the completion of ‘at least the current

the plans for Zuidasdok was an important

plan’. This sounds like a veiled

part of Dekker’s exploratory study. She

reference to more ambition. ‘It is,

spoke to countless interested parties,

particularly with regard to the plans

including businesses, developers and

for Amsterdam Zuid station. To put

residents, to gain a general impression

it diplomatically, the existing plans

of how people viewed Zuidasdok. ‘It

for renovating the station are a little

was striking that throughout these

restrained. This station will be used

discussions, everyone seemed to return to

by around 300,000 passengers per

the significance of the Zuidasdok project:

day – workers and students, people

its significance to Zuidas, to Amsterdam

from Amsterdam and further away.

and to the region as a whole. People were

And when Amsterdam Zuid becomes

Dekker concluded that sitting back and doing nothing was not an option. The


interested in the importance of a better

a terminus for international trains,

problems on the A10 motorway and in the public transport terminal demand


transport infrastructure, increasing the

for a lot of foreign visitors too. What’s

a speedy solution. Dekker stated that the public transport terminal is already

People have been discussing, calculating the costs and designing Zuidasdok for over

capacity and improving accessibility. I

more, the station will be surrounded

operating at maximum capacity, and compromising the development of

two decades now. Isn’t it a bit late to be considering the benefits and necessity of the

also noticed that many of the discussion

by spectacular architecture. Zuidas

Zuidas as an international top location. According to Dekker, huge investment

project? Dekker doesn’t think so. ‘If a major project like this takes longer and costs more

partners felt encouraged by the success

exudes ambition. The public transport

is justified in view of the projected benefits of the Zuidasdok project to the

than you’d expected, and if the collaboration with the consortium carrying out the work

of the new North/South metro line in

hub should be a jewel in its crown.

accessibility of both the region and the country, and in terms of the business

isn’t running smoothly, it’s only natural to ask some very fundamental questions. Don’t

Amsterdam. This project received a lot of

Look at what’s been achieved in

conditions. The update of the cost-benefit analysis showed that continuing

forget that politically, this is a very sensitive subject. Ministers and aldermen have a huge

serious criticism during its construction,

other cities with centres like Zuidas

the current Zuidasdok project would generate more benefits than costs for

responsibility for explaining and clarifying the basis on which they make particular choices.

but everyone feels vindicated now.’

elsewhere the world. I think we should

society as a whole.

This basis has now been re-established and embraced by all of the administrators.’

Text Jos Moerkamp • Photography ZuidPlus & Marcel Steinbach

raise our ambition level for Zuidasdok.’

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FIRST KEYS HANDED OVER FOR THE GEORGE The George is almost finished, and the first residents have already been given the keys. But it’s not yet completely ready. Head foreman Michel Zondag: ‘A completion like this is always hectic, because everything comes together.’

NEW STATION TUNNEL FOUNDATION WORKS Over the 2020 Whitsun holiday weekend, work

had to be taken out of service for four days while platforms and

continued on the Brittenpassage – the new second

rails were removed.

tunnel for travellers at Amsterdam Zuid Station. We finished laying foundations for two of the tunnel’s roof

The hollow foundation piles were reinforced with steel bars

sections, which will be positioned next year.

and concrete. Once that was done, construction could resume. Huge quantities of sand were delivered to fill the hole left by

The tunnel roof has seven sections all together, the first of

the old tram tunnel and openings under the railway tracks

which was installed in November 2019. On the night of 29 May

were closed up as well. After that the tracks and gravel were

2020 we started excavation of the hollow foundation piles

replaced. At 5 am on Tuesday 2 June train and metro services

placed underground last year. Several train and metro tracks

were back to normal.

Text Jos Moerkamp • Photography Marcel Steinbach


The handover of the keys for the 47 luxury


people involved in its construction – all of

apartments is being done in phases:

Is a key handover like this a particularly

them were specialists in their fields. Take

residents in the lower floors already have

special moment? Zondag: ‘It is. We’ve been

the landscaping plan, for example. It’s not

their keys, but the transfer of the final,

involved in the construction since the pile-

just an addition, but a real part of the total

uppermost apartments will happen in early

driving started in January 2018. So, it’s like

picture.’ The same applies to the façade

July. But this doesn’t mean that Michel

watching the building grow. You also get

made using special bricks placed in a

Zondag’s team from contractor BAM Wonen

to know some of the residents, because

complex colour sequence.

is already taking it easy. ‘The period just

they’ve regularly visited to check out

before completion is actually extremely

progress on their apartment. That makes


busy. It’s the time of the final inspection

the completion more personal.’

It will not be long before Zondag moves

for safety and functionality purposes,

onto another project, just nearby:

everything needs to be clean, and the


Crossover, in Kop Zuidas, the most

gardeners are hard at work finalising the

The George, designed by Liesbeth van der

northern part of Zuidas. In the area

landscaping plan.’ Jobs are being ticked

Pol from architects’ firm Dok Architecten,

around The George, there is plenty of work

off on a daily basis, but there are always

is spectacular. This is not only because of

for the City of Amsterdam to do. Zuidas

more things to be done. ‘That’s normal in

the unusual shapes, but also the amount

will be working on the quay wall between

this phase. There are always further minor

of greenery and special finishing, both

Op Zuid and The George next to the new

surprises. It’s not a problem, but it needs to

inside and out. Zondag: ‘This is no ordinary

residential complex and widening De

be sorted.’

building. It was obvious to me from all the


Text Jos Moerkamp • Photography Marcel Steinbach

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ZUIDAS 2012 – It’s mind-boggling to think just how much Zuidas has changed since this magazine’s first issue came out. Can you spot all the differences?

Gershwinplein 2012

Gershwinplein 2020

Mahlerplein 2012

Mahlerplein 2020

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– ZUIDAS 2020

View to Zuidas 2012

View to Zuidas 2020

Zuidas 2012

Zuidas 2020

Photography YourCaptain Luchtfotografie, Luuk Kramer, Marc Dorleijn, Eric Dix & Marcel Steinbach

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YOU CAN FIND ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS hellozuidas @HelloZuidas @hellozuidas For employees of

companies who are member of Hello

Zuidas, it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link as a contact.

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‘THE SIX-FOOT ECONOMY WILL CREATE NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ZUIDAS’ Interview with Zuidas director David van Traa and Hello Zuidas director Olivier Otten

When the Dutch government announced measures requiring people to work from home back in March, Zuidas turned into an oasis of tranquillity overnight. Gone was the familiar bustle of office workers, students and residents. The atmosphere was downright surreal. Hello Zuidas talked about it with Olivier Otten, director of Hello Zuidas, and David van Traa, director of the Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office.

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‘For Zuidasdok, we’ve really been able to use this as a reset period to forge a stronger vision for the continuation of this project.’



the centre of Amsterdam. That creates opportunities.

It’s natural to draw parallels with earlier crises, yet

In these times you’re better off going for a stroll on

Olivier Otten – who was also in Zuidas when the

Mahlerlaan than Leidsestraat, and having drinks

2008 crisis struck – doesn’t see big similarities so

while maintaining social distance is no problem on

far. ‘To start with, Zuidas wasn’t as built up as it is

Gershwinplein. At Nieuwemarkt that would be much

now. There were some major housing projects in

trickier.’ To tap into that, Van Traa is encouraging local

the works at the time that had to be suspended,

restaurants and cafés to come up with plans and ideas

but there were creative solutions to fill the gap’,

to temporarily share public space...’

Otten recalls. They ranged from a field of maize on the plot where Gershwin now stands, to chickens


roaming where the SuitSupply head office is going

In terms of supporting local initiatives, Otten hopes

up. David van Traa isn’t worried about Zuidas’ post-

parts of the workforce will start trickling into the

corona future either: ‘So much is still uncertain, but

district again. ‘Places can open again for lunch

at the same time it’s clear that earlier trends like

and coffee, but of course they’re dependent on

the success of cities and the undiminished value of

office workers, so hopefully we’ll see that stream

proximity and physical presence still apply.’

of people gradually return in responsible fashion. Van Traa agrees, adding, ‘Street-level businesses


play an important role; they bring diversity and

Neither David van Traa nor Olivier Otten have fears

activity to Zuidas.’ Looking back at the past couple

of vacant office buildings. ‘Looking back at the last

of months, Otten and Van Traa also point to some

crisis, vacancy levels were actually not all that bad. It’s

positive and surprising developments. David van

possible some companies will leave, but I’m confident

Traa: ‘For Zuidasdok, we’ve really been able to use

we’ll have no problem filling those spaces’, Otten

this as a reset period to forge a stronger vision for

explains. As we head into a six-foot economy, David

the continuation of this project.’ Otten emphasizes

van Traa thinks Zuidas could have a vital role to play.

that it has sparked countless initiatives by local

‘It’s often seen as a district that has yet to mature,

businesses. ‘Like Restaurant AS selling sourdough

which works in our favour now. So many different

bread at different spots, Bolenius’ asparagus

functions come together here, but in relative terms

takeaway service and of course the rooftop workouts

there’s still loads of unused space – large squares and

by Clubsportive. You’d never imagine stuff like that,

wide streets that aren’t used as intensively as places in

but it really gives you goosebumps!’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij

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Hello Zuidas 25 Years in The Netherlands - Day One

My second impression was the people riding the bikes: they were

Growing up in the United States, yes I could find The Netherlands on

so tall! I’d spent most of my life being the tallest one around. Now

a map, thank you very much. But I didn’t know a lot more than that.

maybe I could feel more at home. And specifically, I was noticing the

And what little I did know was wrong.

women riding the bikes. Was it me, or were they showing a LOT of leg? I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was the 4th of April and the

I came to The Netherlands in 1994 to take a job for just one summer.

first really warm day of the year - an occasion which is now known as

25 years later, I’m still here. So fair warning: the Dutch can be

Rokjesdag. “Short skirt day.” The day that Dutch women collectively

addictive. Before leaving the US, I had friends and family warning

look in their closets and decide “Yes. I’m going with the short skirt.”

me “Be careful with the Dutch! They’re just a bunch of drug-dealing,

For me, it was like a parade of Dutch legs saying “Welcome! Welcome

drug-doing, drug-addicted, baby-killing, grandpa-murdering child-

to Amsterdam!” How could I not stay?

touchers.” Then I got here, and I realized “That’s not true! …Maybe they were thinking of Belgium.” My impression of Dutch society was: Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Anne Frank …and downhill from there. SO imagine my surprise when I landed at Amsterdam Schiphol airport, and it was super modern! Then I took the train into Amsterdam Centraal Station. And that was the rundown former glory I’d been expecting. After exiting the station and dodging a team of Hotel Hawkers (remember those?), I remember my first impression was the bikes. I had never seen so many bicycles in one place. It seemed like there were more bikes than people! And that was 100% accurate. Still is. We don’t know how the bikes are repopulating. Government officials are constantly trying to thin the herd.

Gregory Shapiro (b.1968) is the author of How to be Dutch: The Quiz and the voice of Trump on ‘Zondag Met Lubach.’ In 2020 he celebrates 25 years as corporate speaker and host. And his mini-show ‘How NOT to Zoom’ is now available for a 5-minute guest appearance in your next videoconference. www.gregshapiro.nl

Photography Jaiwey Nuij

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MINUTE? Many Zuidas businesses and retailers have had a tough time recently with the Covid-19 outbreak and all the resulting measures. Hello Zuidas decided to take a tour of the district and ask some local business owners about their experiences over the past months.

MARJOLIJN MEIJER Founder of TrainMore, Clubsportive & HIGH STUDIOS ‘For us, these last months have been like a rollercoaster. We pulled off some wonderful things, even making the NOS evening news with our rooftop workout #clubsportiveontour. The team have worked so hard to keep providing our members and non-members with home workouts, online classes and now even an outdoor gym. What made the past months hard was the uncertainty – not knowing when and how we could hope again. Every week we hoped to get the green light. Then we had our hearts set on 1 June, but at the end of May came the prime minister’s announcement that nothing would change for our sector until 1 September. It was like the rug had been pulled out from under me. I really wondered: how are we going to do this? Aside from Clubsportive, our group consists of twenty other gyms. In the end you resign yourself to it and push ahead, and it’s that energy we need to get through this crisis together. In these “crazy” times we’ve both grown as a team and become more versatile.’

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ELSKE JOUSTRA Albert Heijn store manager (Peter Schatstraat) ‘I’ve come to realize more than ever how responsible we are for the safety of our customers and employees. We’re part of the critical infrastructure and I’m very conscious of that now. Customers have to be able to trust that they can do their shopping with us safely, so I’m super proud of how my team has pulled together in order to achieve that. As for what the future holds, I’m not so sure. The store has been adapted to the six-foot economy, but I don’t know how our customers’ buying habits will change after everything we as a society have been through these past months.’

ENVER VARISLI Owner of Doppio Espresso Zuidas ‘It was very quiet in Zuidas and there were hardly any office workers around. We reopened for takeaway service in mid-April and of course now we’re completely open. It’s gradually getting busier. Our regulars are coming back and we’ve also had new customers. So in that sense I’m hopeful about the immediate future. We’ve adapted the layout of our terrace and inside we have also put measures in place. I hope we’ll soon be able to welcome everyone at our café like we used to. We’re looking forward to seeing people again!’

LUCAS VERSTRATEN & MAARTEN CHRISTIAANS Co-owners of XO Optics (Gustav Mahlerlaan) Lucas: ‘Our shop opened in June. There was no optician in the neighbourhood at the time. We didn’t have to think twice about this location on Gustav Mahlerlaan. We did a total refurbishment of the premises to give it a luxurious feel. We’ve pretty much kept our cool during the corona crisis. It’s a good thing that restaurants and bars are open and that the streets are coming back to life.’ Maarten: ‘We’ve taken the guidelines set out by dentists as our standard and have a large measurement area where people can easily stay six-feet apart. The shop also has a very strong ventilation system. We hope Zuidas residents and workers will drop by soon. It’s worth a visit!’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij & Davien Hulsman

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Living in Ravel: the Zuidas of the future Family-friendly, traffic-restricted, eco-smart. These are some of the key concepts underlying the new Ravel residential neighbourhood. Zuidas Project Manager Monique Soe-Agnie has been working on this area around the Amsterdamsche Football Club pitches for the past ten years. Now, she and her team have put the finishing touches on the Ravel Development Plan – a diverse residential district and the first traffic-restricted neighbourhood in Zuidas. This is a major project that will take until 2035 to complete. In the meantime, Soe-Agnie and her team of urban and spatial planners, designers, lawyers and communication professionals have been working out all the practical details.

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central squares and a wealth of greenery,


Named Ravel, the new neighbourhood will

Ravel has the feel of a park, inviting

Other features of the residential neighbour-

consist of 1,350 homes intended primarily

residents to get together and set up social

hood now arising have been carefully thought

for families. Residential diversity is

gatherings such as birthday parties.

out too. Ravel’s spatial plan, for instance,

paramount. ‘This will be a neighbourhood

aligns seamlessly with that of the adjoining

with affordable homes, containing a


area of Gershwin. With a basic building height

mix of 40% social rental housing, 40%

An important feature of Ravel’s design is the

of 20 to 30 metres, the neighbourhood has

mid rental housing and 20% for the free

traffic-restricted zone. This part of the plan

a streamlined look with height accents

sector.’ That diversity is also articulated

took shape gradually as the project team

spread in the area varying between 50 and

in other aspects, Soe-Agnie explains. ‘As

looked at other residential neighbourhoods

115 meters. All the driveways and doorways

well as homes, there’s space for offices,

in Amsterdam for inspiration, says Soe-

are set right up against the street to create a

small businesses, hospitality and a local

Agnie. ‘We looked at the attractive and

sense of vibrancy and social cohesion. That’s

supermarket.’ The new Children’s Campus

positive aspects of low-traffic zones in

also reinforced by the neighbourhood’s

will also get a spot here. So when it’s all

individual neighbourhoods. Plus, we were

common gardens and parks. All this makes

finished, we’ll have an appealing mix

working with the sustainability ambitions

Ravel a large-scale project with a modern-

of amenities to attract residents, office

of Amsterdam and Zuidas at the back of

day mission. And for Monique Soe-Agnie, it’s

users and people from outside Zuidas.

our minds. As we looked at ways to make

the cherry on the cake of her job as project

We want it to be a place where people

the plan as green as possible, the idea of a

manager, which she’s leaving after ten years.

can take a stroll, escape for some peace

traffic-restricted residential zone arose early

‘I couldn’t have wished for a nicer last project to

and quiet, or meet up for lunch. The

on. Parking space will be provided in two

work on.’ Anyone eager to see the new neigh-

combination of small businesses and low

underground car parks on the new Maurice

bourhood will have to wait a few more years

traffic in the neighbourhood will make it

Ravellaan, which will also have a service

yet, but the truly curious can come take a look

an exceptionally pleasant place to hang

lane for short-term parking and loading and

at the miniature version of Ravel in the scale

out’, sums up Soe-Agnie. And with two big


model of Zuidas at the information centre.

Tekst Romy Lange & Eefje van den Akker • Photography Jaiwey Nuij

• 27


Finance News


Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features finance news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your finance news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl.

28 •




According to Dutch central bank (DNB) President Klaas Knot and government chief economic


advisor Pieter Hasekamp, who directs the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis

Employers are still struggling to finding

(CPB), the Dutch government should consider spreading out repayment of the national debt

suitable candidates for vacant positions.

resulting from corona measures. They also advise revising the European debt ratio of 60%.

More than 10% of the jobs are difficult to

‘The shock is comparable to the impact of a meteor that happens once every hundred years.

fill, according to a labour market indicator

Spreading the burden out over several generations can certainly be justified’, said Knot in

carried out by ABN AMRO. That was already

a 10 June meeting with the Dutch parliament about financial sector risks. ‘I would give it

true before the pandemic, but now, with

significantly longer than after the credit crisis.’

various industries seeing their earnings taking a nosedive or even completely dry up due to quarantine measures, many companies have



cut staff to reduce overhead – in spite of the

From this summer, men can take additional


government’s assistance packages.

paid leave to care for their newborn


children. Some men were already doing so.

The corona crisis is set to aggravate

As of December 2001, fathers got two days

problems on the European


paid parental leave – just enough to change

job market, accelerating the


a couple nappies, but hardly long enough

obsolescence of many jobs due

Some 80% of small businesses anticipate

to see mum up and running again. Eighteen

to advancing automation and

running into cash flow problems within

years onward that time was extended

robotization. This finding is reported

the next six months, according to a

by three days for a total of one working

in a European labour market

survey conducted by BridgeFund. This is

week. But now another change is coming

prognosis published by consultancy

a platform for financiers that invests in

in the form of a national law, introducing

firm McKinsey. According to the

enterprises with up to fifty employees.

addition parental leave (Wet Invoering Extra

report, government and industry

Liquid resources have become a problem

Geboorteverlof, or WIEG). Fathers will be

should take more steps to retrain

mainly as a result of the coronavirus

given the option to take an extra five weeks

workers, improve access to jobs

outbreak, with turnovers having tumbled,

paternity leave at 70% of their normal salary

in dynamic growth regions – with

while many running costs continue. Half

for the birth of each child. As with maternity

more remote working, for instance

the firms expressing concerns over their

leave, the UWV Employee Insurance Agency

– to reinvigorate regions that are

liquidity position foresee a shortfall

foots the bill, with employers free to cover

contracting and boost employment

between €5,000 and €30,000; 16% expect it

the remaining 30%. The new scheme

across a broader cross-section of

to be €30,000 to €50,000, and just over 10%

applies only to employees; there is no

the working population.

are looking at a deficit exceeding €50,000.

facility for men who are self-employed.

Source Het Financieele Dagblad • Photography Lotte de Graaf

• 29

Distinguished living by the Vecht

LUXURY HOMES WITH PRIVATE MOORINGS - 24 quayside homes from 96 - 316m2 - 22 apartments from 68 - 237m2 - 5 penthouses from 130 - 215m2 - Underground parking garage - Marina on a pedestrianized wharf Make your private appointment to ask questions, view the scale model and stroll around the grounds at leisure - all safely and in accordance with the Health Ministry (RIVM) guidelines.

Heeren Makelaars T. 020 470 22 55


The booking platform for serviced apartments in The Netherlands








If you’re looking for a serviced apartment in the Netherlands, then ServicedApartments.

and calls with positive feedback about

nl is the ideal solution. With over 7,000 homes across the Netherlands to choose

our service. Clients give especially high

from, there’s an apartment for everyone and to satisfy every family situation. The

marks for our speed of service and ease

simple booking system is supported by a professional team focused on helping you

of use. We’ve noticed both our clients and

find the perfect apartment. With just a couple clicks you’ve booked and rented a

partners like being able to act fast and value

home! ServicedApartments.nl was established to respond to the increasing demand

a good relationship. You might even find us

for temporary accommodation. Now, ServicedApartments.nl is celebrating its fifth

chitchatting about our weekends, haha!’

anniversary! We joined the organization to reflect on those years. How do you work together as a team? How would you sum

another incredible high point. I’m proud

Eva van Zijl, Finance & Legal manager: ‘We’re

up the last five years?

that we’ve become the Dutch platform for

a firm that’s continually innovating and that

Jouke Baaima, Director and co-owner of

multinationals looking for an initial place to

calls for a great deal of internal teamwork.

ServicedApartments.nl and Corporate

settle their employees in the Netherlands.’

These last years we’ve built up a great,

Housing Factory: ‘Turbulent, adventurous,

close-knit team where we can all rely on each

inventive, thinking in solutions not

Looking back, what development at

other. It took some getting used to the new

limitations and going back to the drawing

SA.nl stands out most in your memory?

way of working resulting from the corona

board, but more than anything teamwork

Emma Cruwys, Revenue manager: ‘We did

situation, but we’ve found a good system.’

and fun! Starting out from a request by one

about a month and a half of extensive testing

of our regular corporate clients we’ve grown

and piloting before deciding we were finally

What makes you go to

into a mature, reliable and internationally

ready to go live with SA.nl, and then got an

work with a smile every day?

acclaimed platform and “human helpdesk”

instantaneous flood of requests for all over

Eva Valkhoff, Marketing & Communications

for serviced apartments across the

the country! Clearly there was huge demand

manager: ‘The pride in the things we’ve

Netherlands. And we’re still innovating.

for what SA.nl could offer. After that we

accomplished with our fantastic team in

Because the world’s always changing.’

rapidly stepped up our team and IT to be able

a relatively short time of five years. My

to continue offering customized services.’

colleagues, and the freedom we have to be

What were some highlights

ourselves and to keep developing ourselves.

of the past years for you?

Many companies are struggling now

Those are the things that really give me

Michael Berendsen, Director and co-owner

due to the pandemic. What are you

pleasure in my job. And we’re also always

of ServicedApartments.nl and Corporate

doing to push through?

doing new things, which definitely keeps you

Housing Factory: ‘That other serviced

Nayton Craig, Sales manager: ‘We’re offering

on your toes!’

apartment providers throughout the

more customized services for our clients

Netherlands joined SA.nl within our very first

– the companies that book apartments

year, and the inventory we did of all locations.

with us – and staying in touch with our


The result of that first year was 50 signed

accommodation partners countrywide.’

gustav mahlerlaan 50b

partners and a huge addition in serviced

1082 me, amsterdam

apartments. Our first international nomination

How do you know that clients are satisfied?

+31 (0) 20 723 3490

for “Best short-term rental platform” at the

Anjani Grobben - de Graaf, Reservations


Serviced Apartment Awards in London was

& Sales supervisor: ‘We get lots of emails

Text Romy Lange • Photography Lotte de Graaf & Jaiwey Nuij

• 31



René Teeuwen Chair of the Zuidas Accessibility Task Force

The Zuidas Accessibility Task Force was established in 2016 with the purpose of fostering a dialogue between government and the business community in Zuidas about area access. As well as advising government on measures, the Task Force monitors accessibility and evaluates zoning plans. All the measures associated with the Covid-19 situation will radically change mobility in and around Zuidas. Anne Bijlmer (Zuidas Accessibility and Main Infrastructure Manager for the Municipality of Amsterdam), René Teeuwen (Chair of the Zuidas Accessibility Task Force), Stefan Titus (Secretary of the VU Amsterdam Campus Development Programme) and Jos Hollestelle (Account Manager at Van A tot Zuidas) discuss what this means. What’s the aim of the Task Force?

to shape their mobility policies and

been working closely with companies via the

René Teeuwen, Chair of the Zuidas

measures. You can find the dashboard on

Task Force to maintain and improve the level

Accessibility Task Force: ‘The Zuidas

the vanAtotZuidas.nl website. Our third task

of area access. It’s become clear to everyone

Accessibility Task Force works to foster

may be the most important one and also

on the Task Force that we all need each other

dialogue between the business community

the most challenging to implement: getting

to achieve this. So one of the ways we as a

and the Zuidas Amsterdam Development

employers to actively reduce the car ratio in

municipality do this, is by informing Task

Office and Zuidasdok organization about

all transport movements, and also to reduce

Force members of development plans for

access to the district. We have three tasks.

rush-hour travel. The Task Force advises and

Zuidas and the associated traffic impacts. Our

The first is to advise on mobility and

assists its members with this, and they in

collaboration has also led to things like starting

on plans and measures to keep Zuidas

turn share their knowledge.’

up Mobility as a Service for Zuidas. Going

accessible. To inform that process, the Task

forward, I expect the Task Force will also help

Force commissions mobility and traffic

If more people choose not to travel

us pinpoint the right measures to keep Zuidas

studies – that’s our second task, and the

by public transport in favour of

attractive and accessible during these tough

results are made public on an accessibility

commuting by car or bike, it will be up

times. For the municipality, it’s important to

dashboard, you can see how many

to businesses and the municipality to

know how companies plan to restart in the

people are travelling to and from Zuidas

jointly ensure Zuidas is still accessible.

period ahead and what their mobility needs

at different times, which modalities are

How will that cooperation work?

are. The other side of it is that we have to adapt

being used and traveller ratings. The Zuidas

Anne Bijlmer, Zuidas Accessibility and Main

public spaces in line with the directives for a

Amsterdam Development Office, Zuidasdok

Infrastructure Manager for the Municipality

six-foot society. We also must ensure Zuidas

and businesses can use this information

of Amsterdam: ‘These last few years we’ve

residents and businesses are well informed.’

32 •


Anne Bijlmer

Stefan Titus

Jos Hollestelle

Zuidas Accessibility and Main Infrastructure

Secretary of the VU Amsterdam

Account Manager at Van A tot Zuidas

Manager for the Municipality of Amsterdam

Campus Development Programme

A large share of VU students take public transport into Zuidas. How will the university handle that in the new six-foot society? Stefan Titus, Secretary of the VU Amsterdam Campus Development Programme: ‘The new academic year starts

Free mobility advice for Zuidas companies

in September. We’d love nothing better than

All the measures around Covid-19

You advise companies on their

to give all our students a warm welcome on

are going to radically change the

mobility programmes free of

campus as we do every year. But, sadly, this

mobility situation. What kind of

charge. When advising,

year will be different. Our motto now will

measures can we expect with

what factors do you look at?

be: on campus if possible, online because

regard to mobility?

‘We start out by looking at office capacity.

it’s possible. Fortunately, we can still give

Jos Hollestelle, Account Manager

So, how many employees can work

face to face classes on campus, but only

at Van A tot Zuidas: ‘Using public

there at any given time? Besides that, we

to a limited extent. That will help us keep

transport feels less logical now with the

look at how employees travel ordinarily

the relative share of VU students on public

limited capacity and heightened risk

and what trip alternatives are open to

transport evenly distributed. Our students

of infection. Normally, almost half of

them. We send a questionnaire around

will travel outside rush hours, between 10

commuters travel to Zuidas via public

for that and use an advanced postcode

and 11 in the mornings and 3 and 4 in the

transport. Employers will have to seek

analysis tool. After gathering all this

afternoons, and after 8 in the evenings.

alternatives. Working from home will

input, we build a number of scenarios

We’ve reached out to companies in Zuidas

still be mandatory, but for 3 days a

and a business case we discuss with the

whose employees use Amsterdam Zuid

week instead of 5. Employers are also

employer. In four weeks’ time, we may be

Station, urging them to arrive or leave

encouraging bike use.’

able to develop a corona mobility policy.’

before our peak hours – so to arrive in Zuidas before 10:30 am and leave before

Interested in free mobility advice?

7:30 pm – so as to prevent the risk of

Send an email to Jos Hollestelle: jos.hollestelle@vanatotzuidas.nl

contact and infection.’

Text Romy Lange

• 33



10-13 August 2020

THE GRACHTENFESTIVAL IS COMING TO ZUIDAS Interested? For more information, email servicepoint@hellozuidas.com or go to www.hellozuidas.com (priority given to members)


28th of September at 16:00 PM HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS MEETING:

CORANA’S IMPACT ON ZUIDAS For more information email servicepoint@hellozuidas.com or go to www.hellozuidas.com

34 •

SIXT SHARE: A SUSTAINABLE ANSWER TO THE MOBILITY CHALLENGE Interview with Karen van den Boom, CEO SIXT Benelux Mobility is a major concern not just in Zuidas, but also nationally, with the coronavirus outbreak sparking debate about how we can handle commuter traffic in future. This is also a hot topic for international mobility service provider SIXT. With the launch of an innovative car-sharing service called SIXT share, they’re already taking a big step towards a sustainable future. ‘For us, this is not only a sustainable concept but also a good alternative for owning a car in the city’, says Karen van den Boom, CEO of SIXT Benelux. ONGOING TOPIC


are essential, in order to reach the objectives

SIXT share is a free-floating service. Users

That the whole SIXT share fleet is electric is

of the cities to improve air quality and quality

can collect and leave cars in three cities in

no surprise – in fact, it was a key requisite. But

of life.’ Karen van den Boom concludes.

the Netherlands and at all SIXT branches

that’s not to say this initiative is no different

countrywide. It’s as easy as grabbing a

to existing sustainable car-sharing schemes.


car in Amsterdam, driving to Rotterdam

‘Diversity is very central for us and we want

Especially now, individual transport is

or The Hague, and then leaving it there.

to cater to users’ wants as much as possible.

currently experiencing an impressive

If you need a car for the return trip too,

Whether you’re a CEO in Zuidas who wants

comeback as the classic rental car as well as

simply collect another car later. With

to drive a Jaguar or your budget’s smaller,

carsharing services are seen more and more

this one service, SIXT handily connects

we have a wide selection of cars’, Van den

as a comparably safe alternative to public

different cities in a way that’s flexible

Boom explains. SIXT hopes this will maximize

transport. Therefore, customers’ safety is a

and minimizes distances and additional

its appeal for all partners. Those include

top priority for SIXT. With SIXT share, SIXT

hassles. Van den Boom: ‘Sustainability

Colliers International, with whom Van den

completes the integrated mobility mix of

is an important ongoing topic that we

Boom has examined sustainable mobility

its global mobility platform SIXT ONE in the

always consider in our own initiatives and

solutions in urban developments, and also

Netherlands. With the products SIXT rent,

also discuss with the government and

additional cities with which she’s discussing

SIXT share and SIXT ride, the company offers

other stakeholders.’

expansion of SIXT share. ‘These partnerships

a unique range of mobility services.

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij

• 35



Thursday 21 May - Sunday 23 August MENEER SMAKERS POP-UP STORE @The Basket The Basket welcomes Meneer Smakers! From 21 May to 23 August our favourite Monday 1 June - end of December

Utrecht burger bar is turning The Basket’s


restaurant into a temporary Meneer

@Moco Museum Amsterdam

Smakers pop-up joint. Enjoy juicy burgers

What makes an artist great? Talent and an innovative spirit for starters, although a vision

made from local products at home or

also helps. But a truly great artist stands out for his or her unique capacity to take a

on our terrace on the VU Campus. As

moment in time and distill its essence, thus creating work that’s timeless. All these artists

always, vegetarian and vegan options are

were inspired by each other: Banksy saw Basquiat’s and Haring’s work in the New York

available too, or if you’re not in the mood

subway, and Basquiat’s talent was discovered by Warhol. And they in turn inspired scores

for a burger, Meneer Smakers also serves

of artists across the globe. Their work was not only hugely influential for street art, but

up fresh salads, deluxe sandwiches and

has also made it into many homes and museums around the world, demonstrating the

fresh-cut chips! For full info and the menu,

ongoing importance of these artists. More info and reservations: www.mocomuseum.nl.

see amsterdam.thebasket.nl/meneersmakers.

TAALCENTRUM-VU SUMMER ACADEMY WORKSHOP @Taalcentrum-VU This summer Taalcentrum-VU will be organizing something new: a Summer

Starts Monday 1 June

Academy. Two weeks in July and August


Monday 1 June - Saturday 29 August

will be devoted to Masterclasses, Power

@Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam


Workshops and Turbo Talks from our

On view from 1 June 2020: the world

@WTC building

language and communication training

première of World Press Photo 2020,

Artist Liesbeth Schouten takes her

courses. The workshops are condensed

the renowned international press

inspiration from the magic of reflective

versions of our regular offering, spanning

photography competition. This touring

glass, in which she envisions a layered

a range of language and communication

exhibition of prize-winning pictures

reality, evoked by its fragmented mirror-

topics. Pick a specific area in which you’d like

from the biggest and most important

effect. In her artistic depictions of the

to hone your communication skills and our

annual international press photography

glass façades of Zuidas, she creatively

three-hour immersion will give you all the

competition visits the Nieuwe Kerk on

visualizes the many facets of this district

tools to succeed this summer and beyond!

Amsterdam’s Dam Square every year.

on canvas. Her series of Zuidas paintings

Get the most out of your communication and

More info and reservations:

will be exhibited in the WTC building from

sign up now at www.taalcentrum-vu.nl.


1 June through 29 August.

36 •


Send your agenda to info@zuidaspublishers.nl.

Starts 1 July

Wednesday 1 July - Saturday 15 August 2020

Friday 7 - Sunday 16 August





@Amsterdamse Bos


Even in these times of social distancing

Het Kleine Theater and the Amsterdamse

Save the date! From 7 to 16 August the

we’re still eager to share our experiences

Bostheater join to present Robin Hood (for

Grachtenfestival returns for its 23rd

with circular construction, the stories

adults and kids 4 years and older) from

edition. Once again, Zuidas will supply

behind the reused materials, and how we

1 July through 15 August at the open-air

the backdrop for several special concerts

work in our restaurant. Now, in the form of

theatre in Amsterdamse Bos! Het Kleine

from 11 to 13 August. Hello Zuidas and

virtual tours of Circl on the first Wednesday

Theater has transformed the classic tale

the festival team have selected some

of every month, tours for up to nine people

of Robin Hood into an exciting theatrical

exclusive venues where young musicians

are held in one of our meeting rooms,

show, combining acrobatic feats, epic

will showcase their skills in classical and

where everyone can keep the appropriate

music and of course its characteristic

jazz music. Concerts are in the afternoon,

distance. Curious? Check our calendar

humour in a story about greed versus

free of charge and and open to the public.

for exact dates and to register. Limited

freedom, and about courage and what it

Doors close when the venue is full, so plan

number of places available per tour. To

means to live. Starts at 3 pm. More info:

to arrive early! Keep an eye on this page for

register more than one person at a time,


the programme and its locations. For more

send an email to: reserveren@circl.nl.

info, also see the Grachtenfestival website.

Monday 6 June - Friday 14 August Wednesday 1 July



@ART ZUID Atelier

Saturday 22 August


Over the summer holiday children aged



5-12 can sign up for the ARTZUID Atelier.

@Bosbaan Amsterdam

New fully-furnished luxury serviced

Led by an educational coordinator and a

On Saturday 22 July BosbaanSwim comes

apartments for both short and long stays

team of fun-loving tutors, ART CAMP gives

to the Bosbaan in Amsterdamse Bos. Get

in Zuidas. Equipped with a family-sized

children a playful introduction to art.

ready, get set, for the annual recreational

kitchen and comfortable lounge and

They’ll learn about various art forms and

swimming challenge for all ages from 12

dining areas. Offering 1, 2 and 3 bedroom

materials, plus they’ll make new friends.

and up at the Bosbaan in Amsterdam. You

apartments & lofts. More info:

Above all, they’ll enjoy total freedom to

decide your own start time and distance.

www.premiersuitesamsterdam.com or

explore their creativity. Register at:

Guaranteed to be an athletic splash! More



info: www.bosbaanswim.nl.

• 37



Monday 24 August RETAIL SERVICES NETWORK @Zuidas Three times a year Hello Zuidas hosts a Retail Services Network meeting where

Friday 4 September

Zuidas retailers and services providers


can connect and share information. The


Saturday 5 September

Retail Services Network falls under Hello

On Friday 4 September the Finance


Zuidas’ Activity pillar. To accomplish

Run returns to Amsterdamse Bos. This

@Bosbaan Amsterdam

the transition from business district to

event is open to everyone employed in

On Friday 5 September the Dragon

a mixed-use residential and working

financial services – whether that’s at a

Boat Regatta returns to Amsterdamse

community, we need to bring our streets

bank, insurance company, asset manager

Bos. Races will be in heats, semi-finals

to life, also beyond office hours. Hello

or adviser or in adjacent sectors like

and three finals. During the finals the

Zuidas is spearheading many local art,

accountancy, consultancy, or IT and other

excitement reaches fever pitch, with a neck

sports and recreational initiatives, and

specialized providers. Participants can

and neck race for first place that’s often

we’re always looking to support new

sign up for the 5K or 10K runs. Due to RIVM

not decided till the finish line. The races

projects and initiatives that are a good

directives, this year’s event will likely be

are free and open to the public who can

fit for Zuidas. More info: www.hellozuidas.

virtual. For the latest updates, check the

watch from bleachers. For more info and in


website: www.financerun.nl.

case of changes, check www.ehdc.nl. HELLO ZUIDAS EVENT

Thursday 10 September HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS CANAL CRUISE @Amsterdam Come aboard for the yearly Hello Zuidas members’ canal cruise in Amsterdam! This is the perfect opportunity to (re)connect with other members while enjoying the splendours of the Dutch capital. Keep an eye on the Hello Zuidas website for details and updates. Note: this is a members-only event

38 •


Send your agenda to info@zuidaspublishers.nl.

Tuesday 15 September HELLO ZUIDAS FM-PLATFORM @Zuidas Zuidas is an area of high-density building that can seem pretty grey at times, but as it gradually grows into a mixed-use location with more housing, green spaces are becoming more vital than ever. The FM-platform meeting on 10 September will explore opportunities and ways to green the district. Together, we’ll look at how we can put our natural capital to better use. A variety of existing best practices will be presented, taking you along in the stories of designers and other experts. Come and be inspired! From creative courtyard gardens to rainwaterstoring terrace and rooftop planting, it’s all possible in Zuidas. For event details, send an email to our project leader Fouad Benaya at fouad.benaya@hellozuidas.com.

Tuesday 22 - Wednesday 23 September HOME DELIVERY WORLD EUROPE 2020 @RAI Amsterdam After seven incredible years in the US market, Home Delivery World is coming to Europe! Home Delivery World Europe Sunday 20 September

2020 is the industry’s best retail logistics


event, covering Parcel, Heavy Goods, Data

@Amsterdamse Bos

& Analytics, Grocery and Urban Logistics.

Tuesday 22 - Thursday 24 September

Pure Markt is coming to Amsterdamse

Amsterdam will host the inaugural show,


Bos again this year! This market features

set to be the industry-defining event for

@RAI Amsterdam

all pure products, sold by producers

last-mile logistics in the EU and abroad.

Money20/20 is so much more than just the

themselves. They can tell you everything

The show is dedicated to uncovering

biggest FinTech event in Europe. Around

about the ingredients, origins and

innovative solutions for European

every corner lie one-of-a-kind networking

production processes. There’s also a

retailers, manufacturers and grocers

opportunities, world-class actionable

great range of one-of-a-kind non-food

facing challenges relating to shipping

content and huge industry parties uniting

products. The market is free to visit and

domestically and cross-border through

everybody who’s anybody across the

open from 11 am to 6 pm. For more info

the last mile, white glove services and

world’s money ecosystem. More info:

and in case of changes, check:

grocery eCommerce. More info:




• 39



NEWS At the start of May, Hello Zuidas, Green Business Club Zuidas and the Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office presented the eighth annual Zuidas Sustainability Report. For the first time, this edition has only been published electronically – saving around 430 kg of printed paper and 0.95 tonnes of CO2. A whole host of companies submitted their new sustainability initiatives and measures for inclusion. Below is a selection. You can read them all on www.zuidasduurzaam.nl.

Read the Sustainability Report 2019

40 •


BUILDINGS: NHOW AMSTERDAM RAI With 650 rooms, nhow Amsterdam RAI is the biggest hotel in the Benelux. The building aspires to a BREEAM Excellent rating, not only for its construction but also for its design of the surrounding public space. Rainwater discharges into an underground ecofriendly water retention system, for example, and there are three insect hotels.



Vijkhoef park was officially unveiled on

In the summer of 2019 transporter Hulshoff launched a pilot to batch-deliver products to

16 May 2016. The small park was re-

Zuidas companies emissions-free and at no cost via a hub. Eleven local companies took

landscaped with natural stone seating and

part. They instructed suppliers to send their ordered products to Hulshoff’s logistics hub

play elements, trees and a mist fountain. In

just outside Amsterdam’s ring road. Hulshoff then delivered the combined orders several

November, it also got a new official name:

times a week in fully electric vehicles powered by locally-generated solar energy.

Prinses Amaliaplein.

ORGANIZATION: GRACHTENFESTIVAL Although most events this year have been cancelled due to corona, this wonderful tradition lives on this summer. The Grachtenfestival is the premier summer festival for classical music, jazz and world music. With Amsterdam as its backdrop, the festival features a programme of over 250 concerts at 90 different locations. Like last year, there will be unique concerts to enjoy at five venues in Zuidas.

Text Maartje Oome

• 41


ENERGY In May 2019 ABN AMRO installed additional solar panels on the roofs of its building on Gustav Mahlerlaan, allowing it to use even more of its own, renewable energy as of late June. From mid-April last year the rooftops of halls 10, 11 and 12 at RAI Amsterdam have also been covered with solar panels, amounting to a total of 2,164 additional solar panels and a huge increase in capacity.

WASTE AND CIRCULARITY In September 2019 a clothing collection container was placed on Debussylaan to collect professional work clothing for Dress for Success. This foundation donates outfits to individuals without the means to purchase them, for instance for job interviews. Alongside ABN AMRO, participants included Simmons & Simmons, Allen & Overy, Baker & McKenzie, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Dentons, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Hogan & Lovells, Houthoff, Linklaters, Nauta Dutilh and Stibbe.

42 •


Read the Sustainability Report 2019 WATER AND GREENERY On 25 September Green Business Club Zuidas organized the Green Rooftop Dinner in coordination with Waternet, the Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office, Loyens & Loeff, Dutch Green Building Week and Roef atop the planted roofs of De Boel (Vesteda) and Circl. This was an opportunity to discuss the myriad benefits of green roof systems with property owners and managers. Ultimately, the hosting organizations hoped this dinner would inspire property owners to green their own rooftops.

Maartje Oome is communications manager for Green Business Club Zuidas, a organization that has businesses cooperating in launching sustainable initiatives and achieving sustainability goals. She is also the editor-in-chief of the Zuidas Sustainability Report. As the contributing editor of the sustainability page in Hello Zuidas magazine, she reports on interesting new trends on the sustainability front in Zuidas. Got hot news on green developments in Zuidas? Send an email to: Maartje@greenbusinessclub.nl.​

Text Maartje Oome

• 43

SUSTAINABLE HOUSING IN ZUIDAS FOR EVERYBODY Interview with Wim Looijen (deputy director at area developer AM) and Edward Zevenbergen, project director at Bouwfonds Property Development (BPD)

That Zuidas has come a long way from its beginnings as strictly a business district is no news to Wim Looijen, deputy director at AM, and Edward Zevenbergen, project director at Bouwfonds Property Development. As partners in Zuidschans, their firms have already developed several housing projects in Zuidas together. Hello Zuidas caught up with the two to talk about their latest projects: The Gustav and The George.

44 •



after. From there, the architects got to work


on the designs.’ As well as sustainability,

The Gustav and The George, on Gustav

there was another major requirement

Mahlerlaan and George Gershwinlaan

deemed crucial by both the property

respectively, have a sum total of 191

developers and the municipality: to supply

dwellings – from contemporary studio flats

housing for all economic segments. This

and apartments to luxury penthouses.

was ultimately achieved by laying down

Sustainability was central in the design, as

agreements about maximum rents and

was a modern feel, lots of natural light and

stipulating conditions for buyers. The result?

a wealth of green. Nothing has been left to

The influx of a new, younger target group.

chance, emphasizes Edward Zevenbergen.

‘It’s brilliant to see. Before, I saw young

‘For The George we designed a tailor-made

people who worked in Zuidas but didn’t have

system to capture water on the roof and

the budget to live here. With these projects

channel it down to underground water

we’ve developed housing for everybody’,

tanks, from which it can be used to replenish

Zevenbergen concludes enthusiastically.

the garden during dry spells. Besides that we’ve also put solar panels on the roof of


course, which – combined with this system

Completion of the two towers will cap

– dovetails perfectly with the sustainability

what has been a challenging design and

objectives we originally envisioned. Greenery

development process, the contract for

is also a distinguishing feature of The Gustav,

which was inked by the two firms back

which has a large shared rooftop garden with

in 2010. Wim Looijen: ‘There was a lot to

many different areas of planting to not only

contend with in the period that followed,

make it a pleasant space for residents but

including the aftershocks of the crisis. So

also effectively capture rainwater.

it’s wonderful to see it almost finished


‘Before, I saw young people who worked in Zuidas but didn’t have the budget to live here. With these projects we’ve developed housing for everybody.’ EDWARD ZEVENBERGEN & WIM LOOIJEN

now, and with everyone involved so


satisfied with the end result, from the


developer to the contractor to the proud

In the pre-construction phase the partners

stonemasons who contributed their special

laid out a clear vision for how the residential

craftsmanship, and of course the residents

blocks should look, says Wim Looijen. ‘First

who are progressively moving into their new

of all, we did a study to map out the urban

homes. For us, all that has really made the

planning aspects. Next we defined the

towers even more beautiful than the artist

structural components and feel we were

impressions could ever have predicted.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij

• 45


46 •


@ ZUIDAS • In the early weeks of Holland’s lockdown the most noticeable thing in Zuidas was all the deserted streets. • There wasn’t a soul in sight, even on sunny days at lunchtime. • The silver lining is that it gave our photographer a chance to get a whole different perspective on the district. • Happily, Zuidas is coming back to life. That’s what we like to see!

Photography Lotte de Graaf

• 47


All 50 editions of Hello Zuidas Magazine. We are looking forward to the next anniversary! 48 •


‘New’ and improved Rosarium:

FOR PROFESSIONAL GATHERINGS AND WEEKEND RELAXATION As every other dining establishment across the

to please everyone, Sabine predicts the flammkuchen

country, Rosarium team was glued to their TV

will be the hands-down favourite. Whether out on the

screens when the Dutch government announced

terrace or inside at our Parker’s Winebar & Restaurant

on 15 March that all restaurants had to close

with its big French doors, Rosarium is the perfect spot

their doors. For Rosarium sales manager Sabine

during these times for tasty drinks and nibbles and

Glimmerveen, that moment felt unreal: ‘Where

responsible rest and relaxation.

I shot into panic mode and started worrying about the future, Maarten van Eembergen,


the owner of Rosarium, turned very calm. He

At the same time Rosarium has transformed into

called it a reset period that we’d come through

a venue perfectly aligned with the measures of

together stronger and better. That was really

the new six-foot society. ‘We created a separate

defining. After that the whole team rolled up its

entrance and exit and we have taken as many other

sleeves and did all they could to hold on to that

measures as possible’, Sabine explains. ‘Now, we are

positivity and make the best of things.’

ready to facilitate adapted professional gatherings. Rosarium is located in a beautiful green area where


you can have your own private terrace with patio


doors for participants and speakers. In addition, the

Rosarium, a family business founded in 1973, is eager

location is easily accessible with ample parking. So


to connect with new groups such as local residents

it’s the ideal location to organize physical meetings.’

Amstelpark 1

and other visitors. ‘We used to be closed at weekends

Besides physical gatherings, in the time ahead


because we served the business market during

Sabine also anticipates more hybrid meetings –

1083 HZ Amsterdam

the week, but now we’ll be open on Saturdays and

where a small set of the people can be actually

+31 (0)20 644 40 85

Sundays to cater for people just looking to enjoy

present but an unlimited number of participants


themselves.’ There have been changes to the menu as

can join in thanks to a live link and video enabled by


well, which now features gastronomic fare and options

high-tech equipment.

Text Romy Lange & Eefje van den Akker

• 49


Legal News



Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features legal news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your legal news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl.

50 •


Like organizations everywhere, law firms in Zuidas have faced some hurdles in recent

Have you got a special

months. How do they look back on this period? What sorts of measures did they have

message for Zuidas?

to take and what’s their view on the future? We put these questions to Edward de Bock,

‘I miss you – Houthoff misses you! Though

managing partner at Houthoff.

we can work at the office in some small groups again, it’s not busy like it normally is.

Your firm has probably been working

been working from home, we haven’t seen

But above all my message is to take care of

from home a lot lately. How has that gone?

our clients as we ordinarily would. Also,

each other, and to wish everyone luck with

‘All the transitions of the past months went

we organize lots of events for clients and

the challenges they’re facing. And, if you

very smoothly. Our people are resourceful

students throughout the year that all had to

need us, Houthoff is up and running.’

and quickly adapted to the new situation, but

be cancelled, of course. We had to quickly

it wasn’t all jolly. We have all really missed the

come up with creative digital solutions

dynamics of working in the office and being

to maintain the same standard of legal

surrounded by colleagues. Our clients are

services. That was vital in view of the rapid

dealing with the same issues of course, and

pace of changes our clients were facing

that’s why we recently organized a digital

too, also legally, raising questions about

client event for them in cooperation with our

insurances, employment law and how to

friends at the Dutch National Opera & Ballet.

interpret the evolving government rules, to

But brilliant as it is to have all those digital

name just a few. And that was all on top of

tools, we’re thrilled to be able to work with a

our “regular” work that also had to be done.’

small contingent of colleagues at the office

Edward de Bock

again, under strict conditions. Our people

What do you think the

are doing well, I’m glad to say, and Houthoff

future holds for the Netherlands?

overall is too. We’ve continued to work with

‘I have no ready answer for that, unfortunately.

Age 54

tremendous energy to keep up the same

What’s certain is that a lot will remain uncertain

Job Lawyer

level of service to our clients and I’m very

and that we just have to accept that for the


proud that our people pulled that off so well

foreseeable future everything that seemed

in this difficult time. Even when one of our

normal will to some extent be abnormal. More

managing partners, Gerhard Gispen, passed

tangibly I’m afraid many will feel the pain, but

What’s your favourite spot in Zuidas?

away very unexpectedly during this time,

at the same time I think we’re fortunate in that

The view over Amsterdam from the 23rd

our organization proved it could stay strong

this country has a strong foundation. Without

floor of our building.

despite how deeply we are grieving his loss.’

discounting all the suffering we’re seeing now, I

Managing Partner at Houthoff

do believe in the old adage “never waste a good

What’s a hot topic in

Has the corona situation led to

crisis”. Besides the concern of survival, this is

your firm at the moment?

any major changes at Houthoff?

also a time to reflect, regroup. Sadly, it’s from

How to create a safe and pleasant

‘The biggest change has been the lack of

hardship that we learn what is truly valuable to

working environment for our people while

face-to-face contact. Not only has everyone

us, and change what needs to be changed.’

observing the physical distancing rules.

Text Romy Lange

• 51

PARK & BIKE Subscription 2020

Park your car at RAI and pedal to work!

Park & Bike Silver - subscription

Cost: €655 excl. VAT (€550 parking + €105 bike) Duration: 1 September - 31 December 2020 You pay for 3 months plus get 1 month free

When I start back at the office again shortly, should I take public transport or go by car? And where can I park? The current situation is a big source of anxiety for your employees who’ll soon be commuting to work again.

Park & Bike Gold - subscription

RAI Amsterdam and Hello Bike have teamed up with Hello Zuidas to offer a solution, with an attractively priced Park&Bike subscription. The subscription lets you park your car at RAI Amsterdam and then cycle the short distance to work on a Hello-Bike rental bike. Your car is secure at one of RAI’s car parks and you’re in Zuidas in under 5 minutes.

You get

Benefits > > > > >

1 month free Safe and fast Up to 4 vehicle registrations per subscription Unlimited use of Hello-Bike RAI Parking just a 5 min cycle from Zuidas and the city centre


Sign up now and get 1 month free

Cost: €970 excl. VAT (€795 parking + €175 bike) Duration: 1 July - 31 December 2020 You pay for 5 months plus get 1 month free

> 1 month free* > 1 parking space at RAI Parking > 4 vehicle registrations per subscription (Note: You can otate the parking space for maximum use)

Bike Only

Cost: €35 p/m > 1 month free Hello-Bike use > As with the Park&Bike subscription, this subscription lets multiple colleagues use Hello-Bike

*Terms and conditions

Offer valid through 31 December 2020. For more info, get in touch with Pamela Peetoom via the contact details below. She’ll be happy to help you.

RAI Amsterdam Business Development Pamela Peetoom p.peetoom@rai.nl +31(0)6 51 81 52 92

Sales Eleven:



Sales Eleven is go-getting young player in Zuidas with a different take on modern

candidates according to a profile provided

recruitment. Since launching a few months ago, the company’s already clearly proving its

by the client, but we go a step further. Skills

value in the current jobs market. Paul Taekema is one of Sales Eleven’s founders, whose

are a must, personality a bonus. The aim

background in aviation and years working in watch and jewellery retail enabled him to

of our selection process is to put together

build up a huge network. Co-founder Bouke van der Weide, whose name is well known in

a match-made team keyed specifically to

the recruitment industry, is Paul’s sounding board and the person who gave him the final

dedication, commitment and drive. We

push to take this plunge. Hello Zuidas met with Paul to learn more about Sales Eleven.

are very loyal to our clients and keep in continual contact with them by phone.



That coincides with our drive and the

What got the ball of starting his own


enthusiasm with which we as a team get

business rolling was how often Paul

For Paul, it was a golden opportunity.

the job done for our clients.’

was asked if he could recommend any

‘Bouke and I make a great team. He

commercial talents from his network: ‘Bouke

focuses on the business side of things,

and I have been friends for years, and he was

and I’m more in the foreground, working


always joking I’d make a good recruiter, on

with clients.’ Making that perfect match

Gustav Mahlerplein 2-135

account of my skills and network. Running

is what Sales Eleven is all about, too.

1082 MA Amsterdam

my own business had always held big appeal

‘Customized service is our first priority,’

+ 31 (0)20 799 73 10

for me, but nothing ever really crossed

says Paul, ‘which means finding the perfect


my path. Then Bouke came up with the

candidate based on extensive screening,

idea to start something together, and that

with preliminary interviews and a business

became Sales Eleven, specializing in custom

game we developed ourselves. Many

commercial talent recruitment.’

of my colleagues in this industry select

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jaiwey Nuij

www.sales11.nl Paul Taekema’s telephone number: +31612534555

• 53

Apartment ...

or cottage

In the city ...

or in the country

Matter of Space is a boutique design studio based in Amsterdam Zuidas focussing on residential interior design projects.

The services offered by Matter of Space range from styling & colour advice to complete interior design and renovation projects.

A financial advisor who arranges everything

or get a mortgage online on your own

Whatever you decide, We will provide you with the best advice De Hypotheker Zuidas Strawinskylaan 1427 WTC Amsterdam 1077 XX Amsterdam + 31 (0)20 662 1411 www.hypotheker.nl

Our services are aimed at giving you, the customer, total peace of mind.

Eva Lindfors MATTER OF SPACE Interior Design & Styling E eva@matterofspace.com M +31 (0) 6 247 147 10 W www.matterofspace.com



stations in Amsterdam South or North you can be here in under 15 minutes. And the car park under Rokin opened in early May. After years of being almost impossible to reach by car, now there’s a deluxe car park with five levels and 293 spaces. So we’ve gone from

Renowned Amsterdam jeweller Lyppens is glad to be back in business. Last year

occupying an inaccessible back street in the

the successful firm celebrated its 60th anniversary at the Hermitage Museum, and

centre for years to, now, a grade A location!’

shop staff are optimistic about the future. With the North-South line to speed you to Lyppens on Rokin in the city centre in minutes, and now a new car park on its

You restyle the shop twice a year.

doorstep, the shop is easier to reach than ever. Never been to Lyppens? High time to

How do you approach that?

find out what you’ve been missing! Hello Zuidas talked to Joost Lyppens, jeweller,

‘We work with a stylist who does the whole

goldsmith and owner of the Lyppens family firm on Langebrugsteeg.

shop twice a year, in spring and autumn. He takes a theme and styles everything around it.

Great news that Lyppens

we don’t have a webshop, they do a lot of

This spring and summer’s theme is Japanese

is open for business again!

research on our site beforehand and phone

cherry, so there’s pink cherry blossom all over

Have you had many customers yet?

or email when they’d like us to set items

the shop. What theme we’ll get this autumn and

‘Yes! Fortunately, we’ve had lots of

aside. Then they make an appointment on

for the holidays is still a surprise, of course!’

customers already. It’s not literally as busy,

the site to come view the pieces.’

of course, because we can’t have more than a maximum number of people in the

Your shop is right in the heart of


premises at once. Lyppens was always

Amsterdam, but you’ve got great

Langebrugsteeg 8

known for its overflowing shop and queues

connections now with the North-South

1012 GB Amsterdam

at the counter. Now we’ve got four sales

line and the new car park on your

+ 31 (0)20 627 0901

counters instead of nine and are working

doorstep. Have you profited from that?


with the six-foot rule. Many of our customers

‘Thanks to the new metro service we’re

are also contacting us online now. Though

easy to reach by public transport. From the

Text Romy Lange


• 55

IS THIS HOW I LOOK IN REAL LIFE? Greater self-awareness from video calls and remote working; what’s your recipe for happiness?



take charge of their own happiness and

Like many other businesses, Dokter

These are times of heightened mindfulness

well-being. They make a conscious choice to

Frodo’s cosmetic clinic closed its doors for

and self-awareness. Of questions like: Am

lead a balanced life, make time to exercise,

almost six weeks. This spring there were

I living healthily enough? What can I do to

eat right, or to use this period for a detox

no treatments and all consultations had to

improve my immunity? People are flocking

diet. Granted, our clients are not a reflection

be held online. Since the reopening, it has

to parks to run and work out, and stores

of the breadth of society. Yet this period may

been unexpectedly busy. The feedback we

are selling out of yeast to bake homemade

also inspire those with less to spare to turn

have received from our clients in this period

bread. It seems we’re all searching for a new,

over a new leaf and take control of life.

is that they have difficulty recognising

healthier way to live.


themselves on camera. Most of us have to tighten the purse strings and only


Work, your career and colleagues – for

spend what is necessarily, aren’t going on

We all respond differently to uncertainty.

many, these are the things that anchor

holiday this year and would rather invest in

Not everyone has new insights in a period

us in life (whether you like your job or

something they can enjoy right now:

like this; for some, it’s more about survival.

not). But now those anchors have come

a radiant look.

Our clinic sees many clients who want to

loose. What happens when you’re cut off

56 •


from your career, when you’re at home

as you’d give your best friend. Taking care

on, instead of from below.

videoconferencing while also making sure

of your appearance is a vital part of that.

your kids learn their multiplication tables?

So then why does thinking about our own

your face and make you look tired. Place

Much of our sports, festivals, socializing and

appearance make us worry we’re being

your computer in front of window to

parties have been replaced by evenings and

superficial? Often, it speaks to something

create a natural floodlight, or buy a lamp

weekends of online Yahtzee, video yoga and

deep inside us – an inner vulnerability

with a wide beam.

online wine tastings. Coping with all that

stemming from things like being teased

change requires a lot of inner resiliency. Now

about your appearance at school or your


that our system has become so small, our

mother always telling you to lose weight. To

Skincare comes at different price points. But

own imperfections have become hard to

cope, you’ve learned to separate your outer

the essentials don’t have to be expensive.

ignore; you just can’t escape them.

self from your inner self. If you never question

The trick is to pick products that match

• Adjust the lighting; shadows can distort

why this is, that outer you will always come

your skin type. From there you can keep


last. And when we neglect how we look,

it simple or go crazy, from a no-nonsense

Basically, you’ve got two choices: You can

often there’s also an underlying mental issue

brand like Jetske Ultee to Skinceuticals. If

become dispirited and get too focused on

involved. Taking care of yourself inside and

you’re already using the right skincare, you

your limitations. Or you can choose to care

out doesn’t mean you’re self-centred or

can give your skin an extra boost with a

for other people and truly connect with

superficial: it’s an expression of a healthy

laser treatment by a skin therapist, or with

those around you. Now that the smoke

balance between the inner and the outer you.

cupping (which you can do at home).

seeing that people have enough resilience


And if you could use some assistance,

and are adopting a mindset of finding

No, that doesn’t mean you need to book an

we’d be glad to help.

solutions, taking action and making a

emergency session at your nearest cosmetic

commitment to work and friends.

clinic. There are plenty of things you can do

of the corona pandemic is clearing, we’re

to look better during video calls.



It starts with the right hardware:

Cornelis Krusemanstraat 9HS


• Make sure you’ve got a good camera

1075 NB Amsterdam

To be able to do that you need to take good

(consider buying a webcam). That ensures

+ 31 (0)20 421 1559

care of yourself. Self-care means you have to

better image quality and you can also


give yourself just as much love and attention

angle the camera so you’re filmed face-

• 57

RAI Amsterdam rises to the challenge! With public transport operating at reduced capacity, maintaining good access to Zuidas is a big challenge. What mobility solutions can you offer?

The RAI is open again for gatherings of up to 100 people, with all the requisite measures in place. What packages are you currently offering?

Pamela Peetoom Business Development at RAI Amsterdam

Berend Bouwman International Business Development Manager at RAI

‘We’ve teamed up with Hello Bike to offer affordable Park&Bike subscriptions. These let you park your car at the RAI and then use a rental bike for the last stretch to the office. From the RAI you can be in Zuidas within 5 minutes. One subscription can be rotated among up to four vehicle registrations, and if you sign up now you also get one month free.’ p.peetoom@rai.nl – tel 06 5181 5292

‘As we expect meetings of up to 100 people to be allowed again as from 1 July, we’ve put together several packages for companies. Guests will be welcomed at a dedicated entrance where they can also immediately register. The RAI has plenty of space so everyone can keep an appropriate distance. We have several car parks available with attractive day rates. Prices start at Euro 80,- ( ex VAT).’ b.bouwman@rai.nl – tel 06 5122 4708



S A L E S , R E N TA L S A N D A P P R A I S A L S O F E XISITING AND NE W-BUILD RESIDENCES Eefje Voogd Makelaardij bv Parnassusweg 201, 1077 DG Amsterdam 020 30 50 560 - info@eefjevoogd.nl www.eefjevoogd.nl



Anna Nooshin opens interactive Instagram museum in Zuidas:

THE UPSIDE DOWN AMSTERDAM On 3 July Anna Nooshin is opening the doors of The Upside Down – her own all-new,

stimulates the senses and ambitions. We’re

one-of-a-kind Instagram experience in Zuidas. After a year and a half of brainstorming,

specially geared towards content creators

planning and searching for the perfect location, now the dream is literally coming true.

and want to be a platform – or better yet a

Together, she and entrepreneur Hans Plesman have created a space that immerses

home – for everyone who’s keen to create.

visitors in a totally new ‘experium’.

The experience also activates our social commitment in a way that lets us convey a

Anna Nooshin: ‘It’s amazing to achieve this

sense of up and down instantly goes out

deeper message, which is to draw attention

dream after all these years. With The Upside

the door as you step inside a swirling vortex

to vulnerable children and actively support

Down, we wanted to create so much more

and from there into life-size moving RGB

the Forgotten Child Foundation (stichting Het

than just an Instagram-worthy museum. We

projections. The Royal Room turns you on

Vergeten Kind). Because we believe children

want to tell a story about Holland right now

your head, the Infinity Room plunges you

of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds

and give visitors and creatives spaces to really

into submarine life, and Candyland douses

have the right to play, we’re working with the

be themselves. It’s also about engaging the

you in a Chocolate Shower. A visit lasts

foundation to open our experience to this

younger generation in the creative process

about 1-1½ hours and whisks you off on an

specific target group.’

and fostering values like diversity and

adventure into another world.

inclusivity. We want everyone to feel welcome.’

According to Hans Plesman, initiator of


Boasting 1,500 m2 in 25 rooms and décors,

The Upside Down, ‘In these crazy times


The Upside Down qualifies as the biggest

more than ever we want to give our public

Insta-experience anywhere in Europe. All

a refreshing and positive experience that


• 59


Open 7 days a week. George Gershwinlaan 520 - Weteringschans 134



Henk's your guy! W W W.WA E G E N . N L



HELLO ZUIDAS WELCOMES the following new members

Hospitality • 50-100 employees LINK WITH ZUIDAS The former AkzoNobel and Stibbe office towers in the centre of Zuidas are being transformed into a 328-room hotel, restaurant and sky lounge with a magnificent view of Zuidas, central Amsterdam and beyond. INNSiDE by Meliá will open in December 2020. REASON FOR BECOMING A HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBER INNSiDE is Meliá’s worldwide lifestyle brand and this is its first hotel in the Netherlands. It’s important for INNSiDE by Meliá to have close ties with the place and community in which we operate. Be becoming a member, we’re establishing that important bond.

THE UPSIDE DOWN AMSTERDAM Leisure • 25+ employees

XO OPTICS LINK WITH ZUIDAS Optics/optometry • 2 employees

As an attractive new leisure destination for visitors to Amsterdam, we looked for a location with good links in a dynamic and new hotspot


that also ties in with our strategy to discourage visits to the city centre.

We’re opening the first optician’s in Zuidas, in the stunning Xavier

We believe in the district’s ambitions and have faith that our experience

building at Gustav Mahlerlaan 397. From this location we’ll furnish

will land well here and can create synergy in the target leisure cluster.

area residents and workers with beautiful glasses, sunglasses, REASON FOR BECOMING A HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBER

contact lenses and eye care.

Hello Zuidas is the ideal platform for us to connect with all REASON FOR BECOMING A HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBER

stakeholders (entrepreneurs, residents, visitors) in this area,

To be successful you have to be in touch with the community, be

so we can work together to achieve the ambitions for Zuidas.

familiar with the local concerns and be visible to others. Hello Zuidas is a terrific platform for that.



Security/facility services • 50 employees

Hospitality (café, restaurant, private receptions)


9 employees

We’re a security partner in the broadest sense, covering property security, reception services and building management to facility


affairs. We have standing partnerships with several real estate

Zuidas has grown steadily over the last years and now is almost

firms and everyone’s likely to have seen our people in Zuidas. You

a town in its own right. We already had some years’ experience in

can’t work without security, and FSB Beveiliging helps with that!

Zuidas from previous work at the Blauwe Engel, including hosting REASON FOR BECOMING A HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBER

the Zuidas Culinary event.

We already work with several real estate firms in Zuidas and so REASON FOR BECOMING A HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBER

tenants of their buildings also know us. We can provide them with

Its added value for our business. Hello Zuidas can support us and

valuable advice and support as well. Membership of Hello Zuidas

good alliances let us help one another out.

makes it easier to connect with us.




Hello Zuidas

• 61



VU Research Building:

crucial step in Zuidas Innovation District & societal impact of human health & life sciences Name

VU Research Building

(Onderzoeksgebouw VU)


De Boelelaan 1100



Building owner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Main user

Research in Human Health & Life Sciences Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Amsterdam University Medical Centre

62 •

Completed in





58 m

Floor area

27,500 m²


Science research-departments and the modernity of Zuidas. Flows of people are visible from the streets on all levels and the ground floor is activated with meeting and technology facilities. The facade is modern and transparent with vertical rhythm of soft metallic tones and different textures for a subtle play of sunlight and shadow during the day. All new developed buildings on this development site are connected by a shared green courtyard where it is pleasant to stay and to meet.

Zuidas is renowned for its pioneering

of a new research building on the site of

work in architecture. As it matures into

the former school gardens along the De


an international quarter of Amsterdam,

Boelelaan. Part of a VU Campus renewal

• To make the building as eco-

buildings are shooting up right and left

the research building meets ambitious

friendly as possible there will be

in Zuidas. When you walk through this

sustainability goals and has obtained the

a thermal energy storage (TES)

modern city district, it may be difficult

BREEAM Excellent new construction design

system, a green roof with solar

to imagine that only about 20 years

certification. Some 500 people will work in

panels, low-energy lifts and

ago this stretch of land connecting the

the building, which houses a wide range of

water-conserving technologies.

residential neighbourhoods of Zuid and

facilities for education and research into

• The building houses several

Buitenveldert consisted mostly of tennis

socially relevant issues within the theme

research groups for research

courts and football pitches. In this series

of Human Health & Life Sciences. Various

among others in the fields of

we zoom in on the architecture of Zuidas.

teaching and practical rooms, a range

neuroscience and oncology.

This time, we take a closer look at the

of generic lab spaces alongside highly

This will include research into

VU Research Building. A building in

specific research facilities such as advanced

Alzheimer’s and the development

the middle of the VU Campus area. The

vibration-free laser labs, electron microscopy

of new medical imaging

university and the hospital were one of

rooms and a technology centre. The latter are

techniques for diagnostic testing.

the first residents of Zuidas!

used for research into how light and materials

• The research building will occupy

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is a vital and

interact. Last but not least there will be

the site of the former school

places to eat and meet and share kwowledge.

gardens where generations of

inextricable part of Zuidas, and one that’s still

Amsterdam’s schoolchildren were

seeing major development. In the summer

Architecturally the building aimes to merge

of 2020 work will start on the construction

the humane focus of the Universities

Text Eefje van den Akker

taught about nature.

• 63

For Zuidas, The last couple of months have been pretty unusual for all of us. Everyone had to adapt and that brought forth all kinds of new initiatives in Zuidas. Here are just a few of the many efforts we’ve seen!

Zuidas Apotheek (the chemist/pharmacy) is still open. Prefer to stay at home? During the

Misura Sartoria Amsterdam launched

corona situation, Zuidas Apotheek is offering

Private Shopping: a 1on1 appointment with

a bike courier service to deliver prescription

no other customers in the store.

refills to homes throughout the Amsterdam metro region. Use their new app to scan

Prefer to shop from home?

your current medication and your refill will

Then their Stay At Home service

be dropped off within 24 hours. Read more

is the thing for you!

about it at www.zuidasapotheek.nl.

64 •

Residents’ initiative: Zuidas residents can share menus and contact details of local vendors on xavierzuidas. nl/menu to make ordering faster and easier.

Zuidas thanks healthcare heroes! This was an alliance between initiator Zuidas Today (Ruth Jansen) with Greenberg Nielsen and Market33. With money raised from businesses they purchased gift vouchers and products at local vendors to make 500 goody bags that were presented to the heroes of the VUMC’s ICU. The campaign raised almost €33,000, which was used to fill goody bags with products from and vouchers for Bolenius, Caffe Belmondo, Café Blauwe Engel, CIRCL, Cosmo Hairstyling, De Nieuwe Poort, Dickys, Doppio, Facial Stretching, FIT20, Altelier Inez, Leonidas Zuidas, Limon, Misura Sartoria, Oliver’s, Season Flowers, SLFMD Tailoring, Stomerij van Rooijen, Sushilee, Urban Salad, Wineboutique & Spirits, Zuidas Bier, Zwarte Fietsenplan, Fancien, HappyHappyJoyJoy and Pancakes. On top of that, the Coty beauty company – which recently located to Zuidas – sponsored canisters of hairspray and L’Oréal added 500 skincare products to the bags. Hospital staff were absolutely delighted to receive the goody bags and it gave them a genuine boost.

by Zuidas! Clubsportive is offering fitness classes at home via its Instagram account. They’re also regularly holding classes from the gym roof, so area residents can

To give hope to Amsterdammers who are having a tough time during the corona pandemic, on

For their Elisabeth Otter-Knoll foundation, restaurateurs from Gelderlandplein have been

join in live on their balconies.

Saturday 9 May the Social Kitchen brigade at De

meals twice a week so local

Urban Salad started an initiative to donate salads to healthcare workers on the front line, fighting against against COVID-19.

Nieuwe Poort cooked up

residents in may enjoy all the tasty

some delicious asparagus soup! They served it to

preparing and delivering 50 hot

treats they know and love from Gelderlandplein. This initiative was made possible with the

Amsterdam’s homeless,

help of shopping centre owner

addicts and others in need.

Kroonenberg Groep.

• 65


KROONENBERG GROEP: BE KIND TO EACH OTHER Kroonenberg Groep recently put a special message for area visitors and residents on top of its Gelderlandplein shopping centre. It’s a gentle, positive reminder to people to observe the corona measures while continuing to treat each other with kindness.

INVITING GREENERY AROUND HOTEL NHOW AMSTERDAM RAI In January we already got to celebrate the opening of the new Hotel nhow Amsterdam RAI in Zuidas, but now that the landscaping has been completed, it’s well and truly finished. And the results are beautiful! The round green forms attractively knit everything together and the traffic situation is clear and safe for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists alike. Various professionals were brought on board to piece together the landscaping,

appealing plan. That means it not only looks picture-perfect on

Zuidas shows its athletic side in quarantine

the outside, but also has a sophisticated water drainage system

To keep fit and active in quarantine, ClubSportive came up with

inside. Thanks to underground infiltration crates, for example,

an initiative that let the whole neighbourhood join in: a rooftop

precipitation is collected to prevent water from pooling around

workout. Residents gathered on balconies all around the gym

the hotel and vicinity.

to show their athletic stuff. Result? A super fit and above all

including designers, planting specialists, engineers and hydraulic consultants, who all provided input to create a sound and

energetic Zuidas!

66 •


Zuidas welcomes new initiatives With eateries reopening their doors on 1 June and takeaway

fans can get their burger fix plus fresh-cut chips to take away, or

services already being offered at some restaurants, all kinds of

enjoy on the terrace through 23 August. Various other restaurants

new initiatives have popped up in Zuidas. Restaurant As launched

have also opened their outdoor terraces and corona-proofed their

bread takeaway points, where customers could pick up pre-

interiors to welcome diners once again. We couldn’t be happier,

ordered delicious, fresh-baked sourdough bread. On 21 May The

of course. Check our website for all the new initiatives, and don’t

Basket joined forces with burger bar Meneer Smakers to open a

forget to book ahead if you want to nab a table on one of the many

pop-up Meneer Smakers on The Basket’s home turf, where burger

lovely terraces.

ZUIDAS AS A REFLECTIVE PARADISE Artist Liesbeth Schouten takes her inspiration from the magic of reflective glass, in which she envisions a layered reality evoked by its fragmented mirror-effect. In her artistic depictions of the glass façades of Zuidas, she creatively visualizes the many facets of this district on canvas. Her series of Zuidas paintings will be exhibited in the WTC building from 1 June through 29 August.

• 67

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28-5-2020 14:10:13

Members Hello Zuidas • July 2020

If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com 01. 900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) 02. ABN AMRO 03. Accendium 04. Accenture 05. À Deauville 06. AFC 07. AkzoNobel 08. Albert Heijn 09. Alpha Security 10. amsterdam inbusiness 11. Amsterdamse Bos 12. Amsterdam UMC 13. APG 14. Arcadis 15. Arnold & Siedsma 16. Art Zuid 17. Asunaro Holland Interplan 18. Atrium Meeting Centre 19. Avenue Services 20. Bagels & Beans 21. Baker McKenzie 22. Baresco 23. Bartolus Advocaten 24. Bar Valdi 25. Baxter Storey 26. Being Development 27. Blue Boat Company 28. Bolenius 29. Bouwens& 30. Boyden Global Executive Search 31. Breevast 32. BREIKERS 33. Broersma Nieuwbouw 34. BYCS 35. Caffè Belmondo 36. CBRE B.V. 37. citizenM 38. Che Buono 39. Club Sportive 40. CMS 41. COCO Lounge & Bar 42. CoffeeDC 43. Cognito Financial Communications 44. Colliers International 45. Confius 46. Corporate Housing Factory 47. Cosmo Hairstyling 48. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 49. Customized Media 50. D&B The Facility Group 51. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 52. De Hypotheker 53. Deloitte 54. De Kredieter 55. De Nieuwe Poort 56. De Zuidas Apotheek 57. Dentons Boekel 58. Doctor Feelgood 59. Eden McCallum 60. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 61. Eigen Haard 62. Element Hotel 63. Engel & Völkers 64. ENGIE 65. Etage 0 66. Euro CCP 67. Europcar 68. European Language Centre 69. Expat Center 70. EY 71. Fam. Advocaten 72. Fetch Car Sharing 73. Financial Offices 74. Fit 20 75. Flexform Amsterdam 76. FLOW Real Estate 77. Fortron B.V. 78. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 79. Fris Makelaars 80. FSB Beveiliging 81. Gelderlandplein 82. G&S Vastgoed 83. Goede Doelen Loterijen 84. Gerrit Rietveld Academie

85. Grand Café Mahler 86. Greenberg Nielsen 87. Green Business Club 88. Greenwheels 89. Gustavino 90. GVB 91. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 92. Hestia Kinderopvang 93. Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal 94. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 95. Hogan Lovells International LLP 96. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 97. Houthoff 98. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 99. House of Sports 100. Htel Serviced Apartments 101. IEF Real Estate 102. IHS Markit 103. IMA 104. in2motivation 105. InAmsterdam 106. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 107. JLL 108. JuiceBrothers 109. JUIZZ 110. KNAP Makelaardij 111. Koetjes en Kalfjes 112. König + Neurath (Nederland) A.G. 113. Kraft Heinz 114. LALO Contemporary Mexican 115. La Lotteria 116. Lebkov & Sons 117. Lexence 118. Leonidas 119. LibRT 120. Limon 121. Loetje 122. Loyens & Loeff 123. Lunshof Makelaardij 124. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 125. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 126. Made in May 127. Market 33 128. Mastercard 129. MBO College Zuid 130. Mech Make & Take 131. Melia Hotels 132. Misura Sartoria 133. Mobeazy Flexible Carsharing 134. Mondzorg Praktijk Zuidas 135. Multicopy Amsterdam 136. Mylk 137. NACH 138. Nannies Nursery 139. NDI ICT Solutions 140. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 141. Nedstede Real Estate 142. NH Amsterdam Zuid 143. nhow Amsterdam RAI 144. Nicolaas Lyceum 145. Novotel Amsterdam City 146. NS 147. Olympisch Stadion 148. Oliver’s 149. ONE-Dyas B.V. 150. Openbare Bibliotheek 151. ORAM 152. Oranje Energie 153. OVG Real Estate 154. Ox & Bucks 155. PAN Amsterdam 156. Pancakes Amsterdam 157. Partou Kinderopvang 158. Pathé 159. Platform Beter Benutten 160. Premier Suites Plus Amsterdam 161. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 162. Property NL B.V. 163. Protiviti 164. Provast 165. Qbic Hotels 166. Q-Park Nederland 167. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 168. RAI Amsterdam

169. Regus 170. Reset Yourself 171. Restaurant As 172. Restaurant het Bosch 173. Restaurant Nine 174. RGA International Reinsurance 175. Rialto 176. Rivers 177. Rob Peetoom 178. Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc 179. Rosarium 180. Russell Reynolds Associates 181. Savills Amsterdam 182. Salsa Shop 183. SCOR Global Life SE 184. Season-Flowers 185. Securitas 186. Shinyu Body & Mind 187. Simmons & Simmons LLP 188. Sixt 189. Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 190. Spine Health Incompany 191. Spirit Hospitality Services 192. Stella Agency & Academy 193. Stibbe 194. Student Experience 195. Summertime 196. Sushilee 197. Sushi Time 198. Symphony’s 199. Taalcentrum - VU 200. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 201. Taylor Wessing 202. Tax Consultants International 203. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 204. The Bank of New York Mellon 205. The Basket 206. The Bikevertising Company 207. The Breakfast Club 208. The Butcher 209. The Entourage Group 210. The Office Operators 211. The Online Group 212. The Upside Down Amsterdam 213. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 214. Toni Loco 215. TREC 216. Tribes 217. Urban Salad 218. Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas 219. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 220. Van Gool Elburg 221. Van Lanschot Kempen 222. Vermaat Groep (CIRCL) 223. Vesteda 224. Von Poll Real Estate 225. VondelGym 226. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 227. VU University Press 228. Wagamama 229. Watersportvereniging De Koenen 230. We Canteen 231. WeWork 232. Wineboutique & Spirits 233. Wintertaling 234. Worldeye Amsterdam 235. WTC Amsterdam 236. WTC A’dam Business Club 237. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 238. WuSH Amsterdam Zuidas 239. Xavier (Syntrus Achmea) 240. XO Optics 241. X2X Worldwide Express 242. YoungCapital 243. Your Assistant 244. Zuidas Apotheek 245. Zuidas Bier 246. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 247. Zuidas Publishers 248. Zuidas Today 249. ZuidPlus 250. ZuidasTravel.nl 251. Zuidschans

COLOPHON FOUNDATION HELLO ZUIDAS Strawinskylaan 61, 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.instagram.com/hellozuidas/ www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 15 1077 XW Amsterdam +31 (0)20-3620993 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Advertising Please send an e-mail to info@zuidaspublishers.nl for questions about advertising. Art Director and Graphic Designer Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors Romy Lange, Eefje van den Akker, Greg Shapiro, advocatie.nl, Jos Moerkamp & Maartje Oome Photography Michael Graste, Jaiwey Nuij, Lotte de Graaf & Marcel Steinbach Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Marius Drissen, Lydia van den Wildenberg, Jos Moerkamp & Maartje Oome Thanks to Alwin Eijsenga (Amsterdam UMC), Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Kroonenberg Groep, Greg Shapiro, Zuidasdok, Financieele Dagblad, Clubsportive, Taalcentrum-VU, Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South, De Hypotheker, Van de Veer Tandartsen, Bilderberg Garden Hotel, The Office Operators, Corporate Housing Factory, Stella Agency, Gelderlandplein, BPD, AM, motiv-e, Lyppens, Element Hotels, HappyHappyJoyJoy, SIXT, Gemeente Amsterdam, Schaap & Citroen, David van Traa, Het Concertgebouw, Sales 11, Rosarium, D&B, Houthoff, VU Campus, Eefje Voogd Makelaardij, RAI Amsterdam, Art of Physio, The Mayor, Dokter Frodo & Matter of Space Printed by Senefelder Misset Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at info@zuidaspublishers.nl. Circulation Free for Zuidas and Amsterdam South. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly) Copyright © 2020 Zuidas Publishers. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.




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