PRIDE: commits to creating a safe city for all CAFÉ ROOSJE: serves signature Rotterdam good food and good times “DISTRICT EAST’S EDGY CHARACTER MUSTN’T GET LOST IN NikkiREDEVELOPMENT”vanDijk,restaurateur,co-founderofMessGroup&co-initiatorofDistrictEast SEPTEMBER ROTTERDAM-CENTRALDISTRICT.NL2022#7 SOCIALDEBT: gives young people breathing space to solve problem debt

kantoorJullie Centraal?Rotterdamnaar


4 ARE READYYOUFORABETTERMEETING? MEETTUESDAY.COM Weena 690, 3012 CN Rotterdam Millenium Tower - 23e etage 010 268 hello@meettuesday.com7120 BEKIJK VERGADERRUIMTES!ONZE LET’SBETTER.MEET

We’re thrilled that you picked up this new issue of RCD Magazine! The summer holidays have flown by and everyone’s back in business. We, too, have been busy recently. Among other things, with relocating to the Groot Handelsgebouw – an amazing listed property that’s just oozing history! For starters: did you know that someone has actually been living in this building since 1962? One of the topics we’re spotlighting in this issue is homes and living. The housing crisis has been a hot topic for months. Make that years. Housing and Spatial Planning Minister Hugo de Jonge plans to build 900,000 new homes by 2030, including 600,000 affordable homes in price brackets up to 355,000 euros. Yet, shortages of labour, construction materials and land to build on, not to mention nitrogen restrictions and further regulatory changes, could make reaching that target a mission im possible. Several political parties and various real estate companies say it’s a certainty. Land prices throw another spanner in the works. Many project developers purchased land on the assumption that they would be able to recoup their outlays and make a profit with the construction of at least some expensive homes. Land prices depend on the value of what’s built on it, so if developers now have to build many more cheaper homes than they initially banked on, they face a depreciation of their asset. Will developers in that position still be willing to build? Only time will tell.
We hope you’ll enjoy reading this issue! And if you’ve got interesting ideas you’d like to send our way, please do! 5 DRC MAGAZINE
Rob Ittmann Rotterdam Central District Association Romy Lange RCD Publishers

We aren’t going to argue with our clients. For over 15 years we’ve been helping them out with everything related to design or communication. Websites, logos, business cards or complete branding cases. No matter what you throw at us, we will make sure it gets done the right way. On time. Within budget. We promise.
9 What’s on? Check the RCD Agenda 10 Nikki van Dijk from Mess Group and initiator of District East “District East’s edgy character mustn’t get lost in redevelopment” 14 RCD People are taking the stage 18 WTC Rotterdam “Our focus on creating a super-safe, pleasant and healthy working environment for all tenants” 20 #RCD Online 21 Social Impact Socialdebt gives young people breathing space to solve problems 22 RCD Hotspots 23 Business in the spotlight: Amber 24 Culture – Rotterdam Pride “We want to make this city a safe space for all” 26 Members 27 Column by Eduard Voorn Take down Berlin Wall of scooters 28 Business in the spotlight: SV Collection “We’re taking a surprising approach in our thinking and design” 30 RCD Events Opening Tuesday 31 Join the Rotterdam Central District Community 32 Living and Leisure Special Introduction with Marijke Ris 34 Savills “Real Estate is all about thinking outside the box” 36 Coffee Break With Mathijs Huis in’t Veld 39 RCD Up 2 Date 40 Home Tours in Rotterdam Central District 42 Success story: A new generation of Real Estate agents 44 Interview Café Roosje: serves signature Rotterdam good food and good times 46 Architecture Boekman Building Delftseplein 48 Memoboard 51 RCD Members & Colophon PRIDE: commits to creating a safe city for all CAFÉ ROOSJE: serves signature Rotterdam good food and good times 4424 INDEX “DISTRICT EAST’S EDGY INMUSTN’TCHARACTERGETLOSTREDEVELOPMENT” coverstory 10 Nikki van Dijk, restaurateur, co-founder of Mess Group & co-initiator of District East SOCIALDEBT: gives young people breathing space to solve problem debt 21 7 DRC MAGAZINE


An underdog is someone no one expects to do well, the person nobody notices. Anne Nguyen’s fiery choreography exploring what it means to be invisible puts a surprising twist on what it does to someone to be branded an eternal loser. With three stellar dancers from her company Compagnie par Terre, it harnesses music and dance in a rebellion against the label of social outcast and offers a fresh take on the stereotype.
Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 November @ Hofpleintheater



Come feel the magic of Harry Potter live in concert at De Doelen in Rotterdam this November. Join sorcerer’s apprentice Harry as he sets out to uncover dark secrets, battle death eaters and face first love. With a soundtrack by Nicholas Hooper and live music performed by the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, this showing will leave you spellbound!
WW2 AR ROUTE ROTTERDAM Through Tuesday 15 November
The Erasmus bridge without cars? A city festooned with flowers? As part of its exhibition ‘Rotterdam goes green!’ the Rotterdam library is hosting an afternoon of creative painting where visitors can paint their ideal version of the city. All are welcome to come be inspired by the works of the iconic Bob Ross and get creative. And remember: we don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.
Experience, explore and feel the city and its past in a whole new way, through the technology of augmented reality. Delve into the history of the city before, during and after the Second World War on a route with stops at ten locations where innovative technology offers a unique glimpse of what happened there. You can find the QR-code stickers in the city until mid-November.
UNDERDOGS Saturday 8 October @ Theater Rotterdam

Thursday 10 November – Sunday 13 November @ De Doelen
Jaap and his mum own a piece of primeval forest and have to choose: keep it, or chop it all down for loads of money? This modern-day retelling of the classic tale of Jack and the Beanstalk is both playful and provocative, revealing the negative impact greed has on our physical world and its disastrous effects on us. How are our choices harming the climate, and what are the consequences? Find out in this production with a message for all ages.
BOB PAINTINGROSS PARTY: HAPPIEST LITTLE FUTURE Saturday 17 September @ Centrale Bibliotheek

10 TEXT BouteCéline PHOTOGRAPHY HaasdeBastiaan

“We hit it off straight away, so when Roeland and Tijmen decided to start a catering business togeth er – Mess - they asked me to join them in this entrepreneurial adventure. The guys shared a passion for technical gastronomy, using what were fairly novel cooking methods at the time, and I took charge of the front end of the business. We got to do loads of amazing jobs at cool locations. In addition to that, we also put on all kinds of events with the city as a backdrop, like the ‘Rauwkost’ culinary festival.
As an ambitious entrepreneur, Nikki van Dijk early on became one of the driving forces behind Rotterdam’s rise as a dynamic, vibrant and gastronomic city. It started with the successful Mess Group, which she co-founded with her two business partners. Their shared calling to put the port city on the map as a cosmopolitan centre is reflected in Nikki’s own drive and passion. With deep roots and a rich family history in Rotterdam, Nikki is proud to play an active role in her home city.
“When I was a teenager we lived in Hellevoetsluis and that’s where my career in the industry began, working at a beach restaurant in Rockanje. To be honest, I always cared more about my job than school. I loved working in the restaurant business right from the start, and it was something I was good at. My employer at the time was a role model for me in terms of being really successful, as I saw it, at a fairly young age. He told me that starting young was key, and so at around age twenty I became an independent contractor. I worked as a hostess at a bunch of different places and that’s how I met my business partners, Roeland Flierman and Tijmen Meijer.”
When the Luchtsingel opened in 2012, we had an opportunity to set up a container that served bar becue food and draught beer’ in what used to be the car park. At the time, creatives and expats in the Central District were all saying there was no real place to go out in the city where they felt at home, so when we started our container here, word spread really fast. Plans for the site were still up in the air though, so we never knew from year to year if we’d be able to start up again. But after our new grand opening racked up nine thousand likes, Biergarten became a proper fixture here.”

“District East runs from the front of Poing, past Biergarten and through towards Roodkapje, a neighbourhood which has been slated for redevelopment for ages. That tension is mo tivating on the one hand, but limiting as well. The way this area has developed and enhanced the city is so unique that a lot of people want to keep it and make it a catalyst for that redevelopment. As entrepreneurs, the big challenge as we see it comes down to the balance of preserving this creative hotspot against the huge volume of homes and offices that will most likely be added. We launched District East in 2019 to have a voice in the discussion around these big issues, and I joined the board of the RCD Association soon after that, at which point we made District East a task force within the Asso ciation. Our aim is basically to make sure the municipality and all others involved are aware of what’s at stake so that edgy character doesn’t get lost in the redevelopment shuffle. The collaboration is brilliant and everyone contributes their own perspective.”
“As a business owner, I’m looking forward to using the time we’ve got to do loads of exciting things and enhance the area. But also to find ways to keep it thriving as we’ve done up till now through the challenging construction period ahead. My dream is a District East 2.0 in 2036, when we’ll have accom plished what we envisaged together and can be proud of this truly unique piece of the city.”
NIKKI VAN DIJK Age: Hobbies:33 mountain biking, surfing and other outdoor sports, seeking Favouriteadventure spot in RCD: Dim Sum on Kruiskade & Sans Frou Frou 12
“From what started out as a pop-up breakfast bar – praised by NRC for being the country’s first – we then set our sights on per manent establishments. The Suicide Club on the roof of Groot Handelsgebouw was brilliant because of the experimenting we could do there. We opened Ayla soon after, but then decided to slow down a bit and focus more on the business side. Early on in the pandemic we sold Ayla and The Suicide Club so we could start over with a clean slate. That was the inception of Restau rant OX. Working in the Schieblock basement felt like playing a home game, which made this a super fun project. With OX, we wanted to open something complementary to the Biergarten concept. The city’s first speakeasy restaurant, with a focus on fine dining and gastronomic Chinese cuisine as well as a special cocktail menu. What we and our chef, Alex, want to do here is revive the tired image of Chinese food. And meanwhile, behind the scenes, we’re also working on launching the Biergarten concept in another city...”
“I feel manyofprivilegedverytobepartthiscitywheresothingstakeshapeandcometogether” 13 DRC MAGAZINE

ELIJAH (16)& JAMIE (16)

NICOLE (29) After my studies in Rotterdam, I found a job and decided to settle down here. I’m originally from China and have been here for almost six years now. The thing I like most about Rotterdam is that it’s very international and there’s food from everywhere. If a city has good food, it honestly makes it ten times better. I live in the centre and really like it. Rotterdam is very open to inter nationals and friendly for for eigners, which is why I wouldn’t want to leave. Something I also really admire are the buildings and their architecture. It’s such a beautiful city. The mix of old and new is very nice, and on sunny days I always bring my camera with me to take loads of photos. Actually, I was just at the Erasmus Bridge to take pictures there, which is my favourite spot!
PHOTOGRAPHY HaasdeBastiaan
PAUL (56)

I was born in Rotterdam but hav en’t lived here for years. I moved to Rhoon in 1998, so I’m still close by. Why did I move? For love, of course! My wife lived there, and she calls the shots, haha. But if I’m honest, even with Rotterdam getting nicer and more interest ing, it’s a bit too busy for me. I enjoy it, but mostly for a visit. So, while Rotterdam has a lot to offer as a city, I don’t see myself moving back here. All the huge new buildings and all kinds of other developments are really awesome, but love trumps ev erything. A nice neighbourhood makes all the difference for loving where you live, and certainly contributes to overall residential satisfaction. In honour of this Living & Lifestyle issue, we set out one sunny summer’s day to poll people on the street about living in Rotterdam. Do they live locally? How do they like it here? Or would they rather live some place other than Holland’s lovely port city – and if so, why?
E: I think it’s great to live in Rotterdam. I live in Crooswijk, which always feels upbeat. A couple weeks ago I got a skate board and now Jamie and I are exploring the whole city on our boards. I’m still learning though! But it’s fun just to be able to get around the city a dif ferent way – I keep seeing new J:things.Istill live with my parents, which is about half an hour by metro from the centre. Which is also why I’d rather live right in the city. What appeals to me most and what I like best about Rotterdam is the huge mix of people. My village hasn’t got much of that. Everybody’s pret ty similar there and there’s not much for young people to do. Rotterdam is totally different, which is why I like it here and why I’ve been coming here more and more lately to skateboard together with Elijah.

I used to live in Spijkenisse with my parents, but I’ve been living in Rot terdam with my boyfriend for almost six months now. Although I have to confess it’s my boyfriend’s house and all I had to do was move in. He rents, and it’s absolutely terrific. It’s great that I could move in with him anyway, house prices being what they are now. Honestly, I like everything about living in Rotterdam. I was born here, so I’m completely in my element. It’s a city for art, fashion, fun, music and partying. There’s so much happening here – what other city could compare? If you ask me, you’ve really only got that in Rotterdam.
TON (71)
I was born and raised in Overschie, which is wonderful. You could say it’s a village that hugs the city – we used to be independent – and I regularly come into the centre. Rotterdam is a new-fashioned city. I do like old cities a lot, but the modernity has its own appeal. That’s why I like visiting: to marvel at all the new projects. I love nothing better than walking around the city to see what’s happening. Since retiring, fortu nately I’ve got all the time in the world to go strolling around. It’s amazing here and I wouldn’t ever want to leave. Wouldn’t dream of it – you couldn’t pay me!

KAREN (48)

BAHAR (25)

Me and a friend from Cologne, who is supposed to be arriving by train any minute now, are here for the weekend. I am from Germany and we wanted to meet up, and because we love the Dutch ambiance we decided to come to Rotterdam. To be hon est, I would love to live in a city like this. When I came here for the first time last year, I liked it so much that I immediately decided I wanted to visit again. It’s such a multi cultural and open-minded city. The spirit of Rotterdam kind of reminds me of Berlin back in the day. I used to live there, and I see things here that remind me of back then. That’s why I love Rotterdam, so I’m sure I will be enjoying myself this weekend!
MANA (28)
My boyfriend lives in Rotterdam, so I’m here visiting him for a few weeks. Originally I’m from Azer baijan, but I’m planning on moving to the Netherlands to move in with him soon. However, I don’t think we would choose Rotterdam to go apartment hunting. I have experi enced living here for a bit now, but I have seen other cities and think I would rather move there because they match my personal taste a lit tle more. The Hague would be great, for example, because it’s an old city with old buildings. Here, it’s all modern with skyscrapers, which is not really what I prefer. Don’t get me wrong, I love the vibe here. But it’s not really a city I can picture myself living in permanently. It’s perfect for a few weeks though!
THE SKY’S THE LIMIT AIR Offices Skyline Pavilion will soon be the place to meet with amazing views over the city center of Rotterdam. Work has never been this much fun.


For several years WTC Rotterdam has been in the midst of a large-scale renovation project aimed at upgrading and retrofitting the building. Given all the requirements surrounding a listed property like this one, the project posed a tremendous challenge. Now, as work gradually nears completion, the beautiful results are becoming visible throughout the building. Linda Driessen recently started as senior hospitality manager at WTC Rotterdam and is excited to start working with tenants, visitors and exter nal users to continuously shape a pleasant working environment here.
All told, WTC Rotterdam’s tenants employ around 2,000 people. So, it makes sense that some facilities have been designed primarily for and offer privileges to WTC tenants.

The monumental building occupies a prime downtown loca tion on the Coolsingel where no one visiting the city centre can miss it. Outside, the sleek new escalators immediate ly lure you into the central lobby, conceived as a splendid gathering space. As the works draw to a close, building users are all looking forward to an even more pleasant and efficient environment in the years ahead. Four months ago, Linda leapt at the opportunity when the post of senior hospitality manager opened up. “In 2017 I had my first en counter with real estate and with that the whole world of tenants, stakeholders and property owners. From there I rolled into real estate facilities management. This job at WTC Rotterdam could have been made for me. It brings together all the things I love: hospitality, real estate, com merce and working with a team on location and alongside tenants.” According to Linda, high-end service is a big part of what makes or breaks a pleasant working environment.
“However, Postillion Hotel, the congress hall, Art Gallery, brasserie Jules and other amenities on the ground floor naturally cater to outside visitors as well.’’ A wide range of amenities will also make the building more vibrant and sustainable. “I am looking forward to work together with my team to take WTC events and activities to a higher level, especially using all the new facilities.”
What started with a switchboard, office fruit delivery and a coffee cart has expanded over the years into an extensive package of services. “The company restaurant The Hub opened in April. The Hub serves lovely salads, sandwiches and poké bowls and has a clear vision on healthy eating. Our tenants are really enthusiastic about our new restaurant as well as the sport facilities at Vondelgym, where they get a discount and can even join outdoor training with Arie Boomsma on our very own WTC steps. Not to mention, our reception area has become the heart of the central lobby.” Tenant meetings are being organized several times a year to discuss WTC services, events and programming. “As hos pitality manager, I’m very involved with all our partners and in direct contact with our tenants. We listen closely to all the key feedback we get. Our focus is to always provide a full-service package for our tenants with an amazing team of professionals on-location.”

SHARE YOUR VIEW ON #RCD @groothandelsgebouw@wtcrotterdam @rubysparks___@drazdauskaite@sophiedeschepper_@rotterdampride @ @wilcozpics.010rotterdam.centrum #RCD ONLINE @guusmelchers @merle.weijers @centraldistrict Rotterdam Central District/rotterdamcentraldistrict / vrcd 20

Jamal Oulel knows from personal experience how tough it can be to get help paying off overdue bills and debt. No matter where he went, he got turned away: either his debts were too small or his income too low. When he decided to explore the issue, he discovered that young people are particularly at risk of spiralling into debt. A seed was planted and, a year and a half ago, Socialdebt was born. Recently, Jamal wrapped up a successful first pilot.
problemspacepeoplegivesSocialdebtyoungbreathingtosolvedebt SOCIAL IMPACT 21 DRC MAGAZINE TEXT BouteCéline PHOTOGRAPHY HaasdeBastiaan
The core of Socialdebt is fintech. “Socialdebt’s target group is young people aged 18 to 27. Our research phase concluded that this age category is often poorly understood by agen cies, yet they’re the ones in real need of extra guidance. We operate on a Scandinavian model. Like governments in those countries, we assume the debts and offer young people a dy namic plan to repay them over a period of 12 to 24 months, with amounts adjusted according to what they can pay any given month.” To take charge of all the facets involved, So cialdebt’s team includes behavioural scientists, tech experts, debt collection specialists and legal professionals.
The plan is to scale up their pilot from ten to a hundred partic ipants starting in September. “We want to become a special ist for young people and are already working with a variety of social services that are in direct contact with them. Multiple studies show that you can’t change behaviour until you gain a certain level of financial stability. Socialdebt solves this pri mary problem so people can allow themselves to work with their counsellors. We’re still seeking lots of partners who work with youth, including schools, employers and social ser vices. Let’s get this going and grow it together!”
Born and raised in Rotterdam, Jamal has deep roots in the community. A software developer by training, he feels highly driven to tackle social and societal challenges. “I really enjoy using technology to make things accessible, simpler and com prehensible. Socialdebt grew out of personal hardships that I managed to solve by turning to the community I grew up in. At the same time, it became clear to me that many young people in lower social income groups don’t have the resources, don’t know what to do or don’t realize this problem isn’t just prac tical but, in 40% of cases, also genetic.” According to Jamal, the Dutch ‘fix’ for this debt problem is in fact the biggest cul prit, because piling on more fees, penalties and supervision doesn’t address the underlying issue. This inspired him to go to the technological drawing board to come up with his own solution. And so the Socialdebt foundation was born.

TEXT NuiskerFleur
From working as a pastry chef in Lon don to launching a children’s clothing line in Rotterdam, Laura Séraphine is the founder of Petit Ganache, a sea sonless, inclusive fashion brand with a sustainable focus. The idea came from the lack of kidswear and especially trousers. Laura started designing and before long had a whole fashion brand specializing in grow-with-me-trousers, with an aesthetic inspired by multicul tural life in Paris, London and Rotter dam. Petit Ganache is for boys and girls aged 1 to 8.

Looking for a school for music, dance and circus arts? Look no further than Codarts Rotterdam, offering nine out standing international professional art programmes. Their Music programme is at the top of the lists of many budding artists. Also popular are their Dance degrees, with training for a profession al career as a dancer or dance teacher. And their four-year bachelor’s degree in Circus Arts turns talented entertainers into true high flyers. Want to see the students in action in a show, or to apply for admission? Check out their website!

This city is sizzling with all kinds of hotspots. In the Central District, too, there are loads of colourful, delicious and fun places to go. For this issue we’ve lined up three unique places that are well worth a visit, each with its own story and style.
Playing games in an arcade, belting it out in the disco-style karaoke rooms with friends or partying in one of the club venues: at this classic Rotterdam arcade you can do it all. Their games are a blast from the past, with old-school faves like Sega Racer, Pong, Dance Dance Revolution, Pacman and Air hockey taking you straight back to the 80s! Plus there’s a tasty Asian-inspired menu. So, what are you waiting for? Come play!



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More and more corporates, SME’s and self-employed people rely on Amber for their flexible mobility needs. We motivate, inspire and activate to limit footprint on the road. Amber is as easy as it sounds: download the app, make a reservation, get in and drive off to the next great meeting. WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT AMBER? PLEASE CONTACT SALES@DRIVEAMBER.COM

The organization is actively working to be available to all who need them, facilitating that positive space created during Pride Week year-round, and to galvanize the community to get involved in city decision-making. “We want to help think about how buildings and public spaces can be created inclu sively. We’ve grown up in a heteronormative world so, sure, it’s understandable that many people aren’t aware of these sorts of things. But now it’s time to flip the switch.”
There is certainly no shortage of ideas for the next edition.
“At the moment we’re looking at possibly sticking with June.”
Not only because the weather tends to be more cooperative, the chair says, but June is also Global Pride Month. “So the topic will already be more of a priority for lots of organiza tions, sponsors and interest groups, making it easier to con nect with people and get initiatives up and running to maxi mize the impact and reach of Pride Month.”
This year, Rotterdam Pride held its annual Pride Week not as usual in September, but in the sunny summer month of June. For almost two weeks, our port city became the home base for a host of fabulous festivities. Good news: next year there will be even more reason to celebrate as the organization marks its tenth anniversary.
24 TEXT BurgerTessa PHOTOGRAPHY ShalibyShotsPride,Rotterdam
SAFE CITY FOR ALL Bey stresses how important this is for spreading their mes sage. “Our main message is that no matter who you are, where you’re from or what your orientation is, you have a right to be. We want to make Rotterdam a welcoming and safe haven for all.” Sadly, he knows the harsh reality is that there is still a long way to go. “What sucks, especially from a personal point of view, is that it sometimes feels like we’re actually going backwards. Take things like the defacing of the COC office, people being harassed on the street and public facilities that aren’t inclusive and diverse. We need to keep pushing every day to make Rotterdam safer and more welcoming.”
“This Pride was, in a word, amazing”, enthuses the organiza tion’s chair, Bey Cil. This year, Rotterdam hosted Pink Satur day – the country’s first and oldest annual Pride event held in a different city each year – resulting in a programme that was bigger and better than ever. “It was fantastic and a great learning experience to have this opportunity to organize it”, Bey says. “But, if anything, it only whetted our appetite for next year.”

Celebrations and conferences during Pride Week in June

SALSABILITY Delftseplein 36
YOGAGROUND Lijnbaan 31 & Westerstraat 40
ROODKAPJE Delftseplein 39

YogaGround’s modern, lightfilled and spacious studios have all the ingredients to get the most out of your yoga class or high intensity workout. 26

What started with delivering the most delectable sandwich es, juices and sweet treats to city dwellers in quarantine is now a restaurant serving all that and more.

This art platform is a unique community hotspot, bringing together people, art, culture, delicious burgers and lots more.
Schouwburgplein 56
Specialized in Latin dance, this dance school teaches students to reach for their full potential, fired by a passion for dance and music.

The other thing I noticed was less pleasing. Looking down in the other direction, I saw a mess of electric as well as regular scoot ers and bicycles parked every which way in front of the Bijenkorf. With this ‘Berlin wall of two-wheelers’ blocking up the pavement, pe destrians can literally take a hike. Sure, I know: Dutch people, and rules...
27 DRC MAGAZINE© Ralf Emmerich
As in my previous columns, I say we involve generations Y and Z in this problem. They are the ones using scooter-sharing platforms and working in RCD and the of fice strips fanning out to Blaak and Westblaak. How? By organizing walk-and-talks with mobility providers and city hall policymakers. I’m convinced they’ll stumble across some interesting ideas. Also worth considering are monetary incentives for parking outside the city centre. That would get people moving while at the same time clearing up the clutter on Coolsingel’s bike and scooter path.
Eduard Voorn is a freelance journalist with a focus on economics, and first and foremost a Rotterdammer. He lives in the villagey outskirts of Rotterdam Central District, eats his pizza at Bird, raises a pint at Biergarten or Weena, gets his caffeine fix at Lebkov, catches the latest flicks in Pathé Schouwburgplein and sees Scapino at Theater Rotterdam. His kids were born in the nowfamous Mecanoo architectural firm’s first project on Kruisplein.
From a height of twenty or thirty metres, Coolsingel looks pretty green. Adriaan left a sizeable number of leafy mammoths standing, but also added many trees. Provided they get enough water in the ever-warming climate, this canopy will help to cool our urban environment. This is a vital necessity in the redevelopment of Hofplein as well. Right now, there’s too much hard paving in central Rotterdam as a whole, including Rotterdam Central District (RCD), and in recent weeks we’ve all been feeling the heat. The 150 or so new trees to be planted on and around the greener Hofplein should make air temperatures feel at least 7 °C cooler.
Around Central Station, in the heart of RCD, geofencing has succeeded in cor ralling e-scooters into zones, but for the rest people dump them anywhere. One ef fect of this is that city officials in more and more places are having second thoughts about electric transport, just when we ought to be making mobility greener.
I applaud Giof Palumbo. Who? He and his scaffold-building team made it possible for me to walk high above Coolsingel to the roof of the Bijenkorf. While world-re nowned architects like Winy Maas of MVRDV dream up spectacular structures, it’s people like Giof who scale great heights to build them. Walking the urban boulevard designed by another famed designer – Adriaan Geuze of West 8 – was an awe some experience. Along the way, I was struck by two things.

From offices and public spaces to universities, SV Collection designs them all. A fixture in the project design world for 44 years, the company is committed to innovation and furniture collections that enhance human experience and functioning. Commercial Director Patrick Schelvis invited us for coffee at their self-styled ‘clubhouse office’, where he told us all about the firm’s philosophy.


BUSINESS IN THE SPOTLIGHT 28 TEXT BurgerTessa&LangeRomy PHOTOGRAPHY KlijnStudioTsakirakis,Nestor

“Ideally, we want an office to operate like a clubhouse”, Patrick says with a smile.

More important, Patrick says, are opportunities for individual development and interpersonal bonding. So how do you achieve that, as an employer? “The work set ting should be energizing while also leaving room for concentration and quiet when needed. And you also need to make room to have fun together.”
According to SV, those connections are more important than ever. “In this market you have to be sensitive to what your employees want. The battle for talent is fierce, and a bigger pay cheque or a company car won’t cut it anymore these days.”
Office design is not the only area where SV is making waves. “We’re trying to take a novel approach in our thinking and our design, and that’s bearing fruit. We’re tak ing on all sorts of other spaces now as well.” SV’s interiors can be found everywhere from the head offices of KPN and Hallmark to the Erasmus University Rotterdam Library, Boijmans van Beuningen Depot, all Moore DRV offices and Rotterdam’s municipal offices. “Our work is incredibly wide-ranging and we cover the whole country. That’s what makes this line of work fun and keeps it challenging.” 29

Weg en Bos 28 2661 DH NederlandBergschenhoek T +31 (0)10 211 20 50 E W
VIEW TO THE FUTURE Simple as it sounds, organizations often don’t quite know how to translate this philosophy to an interior. That’s precisely where SV can help. “We look at the orga nization from the inside and zoom in on who they are, what they want to accom plish and how they envisage the future.” Based on these considerations, SV draws up a plan and translates the company’s values into a physical layout keyed to its wishes and in a style that fits its aspirations. They also carefully select sustainable (and refurbished) furniture with a view to the future, Patrick explains. To ensure that everything is still working optimally, SV visits clients periodically. “Interiors have to be kept up. You service your car, boat or house regularly, too. This check is super important, and the personal touch is what sets us apart.”
“Your sport club’s clubhouse is somewhere you like to go, to hang out with friends and kick back. But you’re also there to perform and, above all, it’s a place you enjoy being.” That’s a feeling we should experience in the workplace, too, argues the com mercial director. “You should feel that same kind of bond with your company and colleagues.”
30 OPENING NEW EVENT LOCATION TUESDAY With the Tuesday meeting center (located on the 23rd floor of the Millennium Tower), Rotterdam has gained an absolute top location in the high segment since mid-May. Tuesday is completely designed to make a meeting, gathering or training fun and meaningful. We were there to take some pictures.



Please contact Rob Ittmann (06 222 42 177) or mail to:

To achieve this we have: • RCD Talks: knowledge sessions about and from the district • RCD Events: network drinks, events and lunch concerts • RCD Q&A: source of information and a brainstorming day for the neighborhood • General meeting: meeting regarding the realization of the area plans • News & updates: various substantive articles, interviews and news updates • Magazine: 10,000 circulation, 4 times a year. RCD members advertise with a discount • RCD Podcast: conversations with entrepreneurs from the area. • Various active social media channels: Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook • Monthly online newsletter featuring the latest news from RCD JOIN THE ROTTERDAM CENTRAL COMMUNITYDISTRICT BroekdenvanIris©
For more information about RCD, please visit: to optimally develop the potential of the district, we have been bundling all the knowledge and interest groups in the area into an associa tion since 2009: Rotterdam Central District. Not only are we aware of and familiar with all of the developments in the area, we are also joining forces in the neighborhood to create a good reputation for the district. We are a catalyst for positive change. We discover, connect and take action to make this hap pen. In collaboration with with organizations, both small and large, investors, residents and the municipality, we are building a more social, green and sustainable area with an authentic and robust reputation. Our association stands up for the interests of your organization. Together we develop the area, we put it on the map. Join our community. The association keeps you informed of developments of and stories from the neighborhood. We also host various events for the community, from lunch concerts to neighborhood drinks and substantive sessions. In this way, we stimulate connections and possible collaborations, good for expanding or maintaining your network. We join forces to work on area development and a good reputation of the district.
A topic that has been on many people’s minds these past few years is home life and personal lifestyle. These things have always been important, of course, but they became especially pertinent while we were all stuck at home and had to find different ways to spend our time. What makes for pleasant physical environments, and what can cities do to enhance them?
Marijke Ris grew up in the Netherlands’ port city and has been the manager of its gateway, Rotterdam Central Station, since 2015. For her, a pleasant living environment above all has to be safe, green and lively. Which is precisely what she is working to create.
32 TEXT BouteCéline

“For me personally, what matters most is a safe physical environment. Being able to knock on a neighbour’s door if you need help. Beyond that, it’s really nice to have a green space where you can be active. Another must for me is hav ing enough to do in the neighbourhood, so restaurants, fitness clubs, theatres. I like living near the city where ev erything is close by. And I think it’s nice for the kids that we live close to town. A place I still enjoy going in Rotterdam is the Kralingse Bos. The station is also a really amazing place to work, and I’ve rediscovered the Proveniers district, on the north side.”
“Come visit the station! You’ll be surprised at all the things going on here. There are tons of fun facts and hidden gems to discover.” WITH MARIJKE RIS
“We’re looking very closely at the diversity of retailers in the station. Our campaign promoting the station as ‘more than trains’ is also keyed to that. For instance, a lot of peo ple don’t know that we have a library branch. We’re also try ing to find temporary uses for vacant spaces with cultural institutions like Museum Rotterdam, as a way to connect city residents and visitors with parts of their collection and are offering studios for Rotterdam-based artists like Rosa Boomsma. We also have an event space in the main hall where we host Rotterdam Festivals programmes 26 weeks out of the year, to offer a taster here of festivals happening in the city.”
“There are some basics you need in any building, obvious ly, and a lot of thought went into that when designing this station. It’s very transparent and spacious. We have great partnerships with our security partners, so law enforce ment, the Public Prosecution Service, municipality, may or’s office, NS, ProRail and RET, underpinned by the safety covenant we recently signed for another five years.”
“Rotterdam Central is a super important mobility hub. Ev erything comes together here: trains, buses, metro, trams, bike facilities, shared mobility and even the Eurostar that goes to central London three times a day. Tourists and peo ple from other parts of the country arrive here, but so do people from Rotterdam itself. And then, from here, you fol low the ‘red carpet’ into town. That really does make us the gateway to this city.”
Rotterdam also has loads of places to go out, for nightlife, museums and other entertainment and attractions, which makes it a great city.”
“Rotterdam has changed for the better in so many ways in recent years, and I’m incredibly proud of that. Growing up, I lived in Alexanderpolder, a very green area just outside the Kralingse Bos. It was a wonderful time. I always biked through the woods into town and to my secondary school, the Libanonlyceum. Despite that, it still felt like a raw city.
DIFFERENT MINDSET Together, the three and their team work on a myriad of projects all over the Netherlands. They say that they are seeing a lot of positive development in Rotterdam. “Here, the centre and surround ing neighbourhoods have been significantly enhanced”, Ronald explains, “which is making these areas more pleasant and attractive to live in. The city is leveraging this by maximizing the opportunities avail able for high-rise building.” Nisreen adds, “I’m constantly hearing from everyone I work with – developers, investors, construction companies, you name it – how impressed they are by Rotterdam’s can-do approach. It’s a different kind of mindset and one which the rest of the country could do well to follow.” The three property professionals have seen that this forward-looking approach can make a big difference in the current market. “Things can get tangled up in all the new rules and measures”, Bas notes. “It can easily be several years before you have a solid plan and get the ball rolling. With the right attitude and the ability to improvise, things can actually move a whole lot faster.”

Real estate has always run like a red thread through my career, in all kinds of forms”, says Nisreen. “Right now, I’m pursuing that passion in my role as Senior Transaction & Process Consultant, where I’m coordinating and optimizing processes within my own team as well as for clients.” Bas shares her affinity for real estate and is in his element as Head of Residential & Hotel Investment. “I specialize in property sales and acquisitions and I research opportunities for alternative use in established asset classes.” Ronald supports him as a Director in the Residential Investment team, buying and selling large-scale housing portfolios, new-build developments and student housing. “I’m especially interested in assessing how existing real estate can be used most effectively.”
That said, more needs to happen to create equal opportunities across the housing market and prevent it from getting even more lopsided. With so many people now having difficulty finding a suitable home, Ronald says it makes sense to start thinking out side the box. “The crux is supplying viable products for empty nesters, to make downsizing more interesting for this large group who own relatively large homes.” The problem, according to Ronald, is that “there are not enough desirable new-build homes to serve empty nesters, as a result of which they are staying put after their kids have ‘flown’. If we could get this group moving,
34 TEXT BurgerTessa&LangeRomy PHOTOGRAPHY GalleryDavide
From managing office buildings and residential complexes, conducting property appraisals to project management, Savills does it all. This includes advising clients who are looking to invest in real estate. With many years of experience and an outstanding reputation both nationally and internationally, Savills is wellequipped to guide development in this sector. We sat down with Bas Wilberts, Ronald Koemans and Nisreen Awad of Savills’ Residential & Hotel Investment team. How are they tackling the challenges in today’s market?
Savills’ Residential & Hotel Investment team: Bas Wilberts, Nisreen Awad and Ronald Koemans 35

it would get the whole chain moving as well.” Ronald con tinues, “Real estate can be a long game. It’s important to make the most of what’s available now and analyse what can be developed in the future. In the current system, we need housing for a group who can’t purchase a home them selves. They need assistance, and that assistance has to come from the group who can afford it. In other words, a big chunk of the profits being raised from residential devel opments and the rental market have to be diverted to peo ple with insufficient means.” Bas agrees. “But, the thing is, you can only help these people if profits in the higher seg ment are high enough. If they go down in the coming years, which seems likely, those at the lower end can no longer be compensated.” And so, it’s time to start rethinking invest ments in the higher segment, Ronald contends. “As soon as things start moving at the top, the whole residential chain will benefit and prices will eventually stabilize.” Nisreen concludes: “It’s a complex area for sure, but we’re happy to help clients navigate it. Our extensive research and person al advice sets us apart from others in this sector.”
“I hope people realize that ordering through delivery platforms is not actually a good thing for restaurants. If you really want to support these businesses, order directly from the restaurant or even go pick it up yourself. Hope to see you soon!”
Directly opposite the bustling public square outside Rotterdam Centraal, where the ‘red carpet’ unfurls towards the heart of the city, is a glass building with big pink letters proclaiming: Jack Bean. Following a successful pop-up pilot, in 2019 the chain’s first two locations started serving their trademark fair, natural, nutritious food. Co-owners Mathijs Huis in ‘t Veld and Pepijn Schmeink first forged a connection in the battle against climate change. Together, they cooked up a vegan fastfood concept that’s also fast paving the way for eco-conscious food production and consumption. BREAKHUIS IN ‘T VELD
“Our six promises – 100% plant-based, fantastic flavours, locally produced, zero waste, impact first, and fair – stemmed from Pepijn’s and my shared idea that we have enough to feed people fairly and sustainably. After seeing the documenta ry Cowspiracy, I became convinced that the transition to a more sustainable diet needs to happen faster and more effi ciently. Food is one of the easiest ways we can contribute to dialling back climate change at an individual level. I went out in search of someone who would be willing to take the hospitality plunge with me, and that’s how I found Pepijn. As a chef, he has always worked sustainably and had run a number of restaurants. Crazy as it seemed for a renowned chef to start a fast-food place, this fit with his idea of making it available to a broader category of people.”
36 TEXT BouteCéline PHOTOGRAPHY TengeMarjolijn
“Our vision really spans the whole chain and is about feeding enough people in a way that’s future focused. Purchasing, preparation and minimal waste. Pepijn and I agreed from the outset that food should be healthy, tasty and nutritious. We serve burgers, bowls and salads. Our burgers are made with beans, grains and vegetables sourced from Hoeksche Waard. We work with a regenerative farmer, which is good for nitrogen up take. Pepijn gets all the products in our central kitchen, cooks in large volumes and then sends the products out to our locations. So, as well as a plant-based menu, we also work with a local supply chain to minimize our footprint.”
“After finishing my degree in business administration in Rotterdam I got my entrepreneurial start at a student temp agency, where we designed a new digital system. Eventually, I realized that doing business purely for money didn’t bring me joy. During a subsequent project de veloping clean tech for tuk-tuks in India, I discovered that commercial enterprise with a social objective was exactly what I’d been looking for. ‘Doing business and doing good’ is what I’m after. Initially that took shape in a platform called ‘NL Voor Elkaar’ (‘NL for each other’) that I set up with my business partner Patrick, but af ter a few years of that I stepped down to start Jack Bean with Chef Pepijn.”
“It was tough during the pandemic. We were in survival mode. But business has picked up since spring, so we’re very happy about that. We’re catering loads of events and business lunches in the neighbourhood. Last summer we ran a crowdfunding campaign to open a third location on Kinkerstraat in Amsterdam. Our plan is to roll out across the Nether lands, in places like Utrecht, The Hague and other university towns. We’re feeling really positive about the future.”
HUISMATHIJSIN‘T VELD Age: Hobbies:41 Working out and going to Feyenoord games to release all the tensions of daily in RCD: The Harvest – a gem on Proveniersstraat. 37 DRC MAGAZINE

38 Stadslab | Event space | Drinks | Music | Exhibitions RCD Clubhuis | Operator Check the website for more information. Schiekade 185 3013 BR www.timeisthenew.spaceRotterdam

The area surrounding the old Hofplein station, known as Pompenburg, is set to be transformed into an attractive corner of Rotterdam. As the urban link between the city centre and Rotterdam Noord, Pompenburg will become a lively neighbour hood with housing, offices, restaurants and bars, a cinema and three new landscaped squares. Now completed, the largest share of the development plan is earmarked for housing. It provides for four residential tower blocks offering between 800 and 1,100 apartments to rent or buy, including at least 50% subsidized and mid-market housing.
The buildings are still on the drawing board, but this image offers a picture of what the area could look like. 39
There’s no lack of urban renewal and development in Rotterdam Central District. On this page, we keep you up to date with the most important news about the place you work, live or come to visit.

took over management of the ground floor of the Weenaflat building on Hofplein. Its location puts the high-rise at the heart of future plans for this neighbour hood. As the new property manager, Ally hopes to make the building’s street-side offices and shops a more dynamic part of the urban fabric. This would create a positive impetus for the Central District and further enhance the diver sity of local enterprises. Will it happen? Time will tell...
The redevelopment of Hofplein is one urban project currently in the works. Last year, the municipal council issued a public call for ideas on how to redesign the city’s most prominent square. Many inhabitants said they wanted a square that’s greener; a space to visit and cool down when temperatures rise. They also want a square with more room for bicyclists and pe destrians, and thus a reduction in car traffic around Recently,Hofplein.AllyProperty
Before the Second World War, Pompenburg was the bustling heart of Rotterdam, home to the old Hofplein line station and Café Loos. It never completely recovered after the war and be came a forlorn and forgotten piece of Rotterdam. At this time, with the development of Pompenburg, that’s about to change.
“My house is hands-down the best place imaginable to me.
“I love just being in the centre, doing a spot of shopping, strolling around for a bit or having an ice cream. My abso lute favourite spot in the city is Restaurant Blij, around the corner from me, at the intersection of Spoorsingel and Walenburgerweg. Both our names mean ‘happy’, so it’s a perfect match. It’s a fantastic place with a good chef and attracts lots of locals, which makes for a friendly vibe, plus they always let me bring my dog.”
“Playing the piano and teaching it – piano theory and play –is my job. I had real golden years when I started for myself and all my pupils came to the house for lessons. I don’t work full-time any longer, but I do give lessons now and then.
I’ve been living in this beautiful house with its lovely garden for 29 years now, since 1993. Provenierswijk is right near the train station, but if you go down one of the side streets it feels like a calm oasis in the middle of the busy city. You can be at De Doelen on Schouwburgplein in just five min utes, but you’d never know it sitting here in my garden. It’s like a village; a great community with nice neighbours and a mix of nationalities.”

“It’s a real shame that people can’t seem to find the rubbish bins. The litter lying around is a disgrace, especially con sidering the collection service is good. This is a city-wide problem. Apart from that, I am a very happy resident of this wonderful city. I’m a real homebody, mostly because of this lovely spot that I’m lucky enough to call home.”
40 TEXT BouteCéline PHOTOGRAPHY HaasdeBastiaan
In September, for instance, I’m getting a pupil who failed theory on his conservatory entrance exam, so they recom mended him to take lessons with me for a year. That’s a lot of fun and something I still enjoy doing. My grand piano was a very special purchase that I contemplated for a long time. I’d been searching for six months when I got a call from Ri jken and De Lange saying they were getting a new Yamaha piano in and asked if I would like to try it out. I played a few chords and was just blown away, and so since 1978 this gem has been mine.”
Provenierswijk is a neighbourhood north of Rotterdam Centraal Station and a tranquil oasis just a short walk from the bustle of the busy centre. Els Vrolijk has seen the port city grow from childhood and has lived within one kilometre of the centre all her life. Though she’s seen many friends leave the metropolis, Els would never dream of living anywhere else.
ELS VROLIJK Hobbies: playing the piano or doing puzzles on my iPad whilst listening to the likes of FavouriteChopin spot at home: the front room at my grand piano or on the sofa 41 DRC MAGAZINE

42 TEXT BurgerTessa PHOTOGRAPHY TengeMarjolijn
Buying a home can lead you down some shady paths. From astronomical overbidding to double-dealing realtors and other agents angling for a bigger piece of the property pie. Time to create transparency in the housing market, decided Maurits Grosfeld. And hence was born. This Rotterdam start-up has an end-to-end platform tailored to bring clarity to the whole transaction process around home-buying and selling – from the moment you decide to put your house on the market to the handover at the notary – and thus making it fairer and way more efficient.
With the huge amount of information, files and steps buyers and sellers need to work through these days when buying or selling a house, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters. House. nl solves this by centralizing all the data and facilitating a platform that organizes bids, lets you arrange viewings and schedule meetings with appraisers and others involved in the property process. “We make sure everyone can see which public files are available and consult them, so no one has an informational advantage over anyone else”, Maurits says. “You can follow the entire process from beginning to end.” As the founder explains, that still tends to be a pinch point in the sector. “In the traditional real estate world, you have to put your faith in someone who has a big personal stake in the pro cess outcome, and the buyer has to rely on the information they’re given. But it’s hard to know if it actually corresponds with what’s happening. We remove this role as a gatekeeper from the traditional real estate agent.”
In effect, it takes the guesswork out of out-bidding your op ponents. “Because we centralize the data, buyers have up-todate documentation on the state of the house, so they can make their own informed decision about whether or not to continue the process. Where otherwise you might bid tens of thousands of euros above the asking price, now those incre ments are smaller. Our research shows that this moderating effect is more important to many buyers than the level of a bid itself.”
So, what’s next for For now, they want to focus on the domestic market, where the platform is doing well: “We’ve built up a network of some forty member real estate agents, giving us nationwide coverage, so for every house we always have an agent available within a twenty-kilometre ra dius.” Having a flesh-and-blood estate agent to make arrange ments such as optional viewings and be the go-between for both parties still matters a great deal, Maurits notes. “But we’ve digitized all the manual aspects that used to be done by email or phone.” All the same, cross-border plans to take their fairer market model abroad are already in the making. “In the future, we want to make our transparent system available to everyone who’s buying or selling a house.”
Maurits decided to break open the whole transaction pro cess, with “We compile and monitor everything, but can’t influence any of it. That means the information is there for everyone and you can see what’s happening at any given moment.” This thinking also underpins the platform’s option for an open bidding system. “While it could result in a higher price than you’d have in the closed biddings we also fa cilitate”, Maurits argues that “it isn’t necessarily a bad thing for buyers. They can see all the offers, and so that moderates the disparity between the highest and next highest bidders –creating a level playing field in real estate brokerage”.

“Hospitality is paramount when training our staff. They have to be able to inform guests about everything on our menu. Having a nice, solid team is immensely important to us, and friend liness above all.” For groups, Café Roosje hosts everything from birthday parties to work-related lunches to gatherings for drinks, which can be arranged on a tab.
The Hofbogen is an iconic spot, the couple say; a tiny oasis in the heart of the city, and one with loads of potential in light of future developments. “A big thing for us was to make it our own, so we fixed up the whole place and redid it. The out door terrace is also really terrific because we have so many possibilities here, instead of op position from nearby residents.”
Rosalie and Richard want to offer all the things they themselves feel are missing in the hospitali ty sector. To a large extent, that comes down to a personal touch and serving people attentively.
Restaurateurs Rosalie and Richard epitomize the handson, can-do mentality for which Rotterdam is famous. The couple have been putting their signature stamp on the restaurant business for years and recently opened their newest gem in the Hofbogen, called Café Roosje. The place is pure Rotterdam, from the slogans splashed across the walls to the upcycled terrace chairs, all telling a piece of their story. Roosje
That Rosalie and Richard ended up in the restaurant busi ness is hardly surprising: both come from families with roots in the hospitality world. What started with their own place in Strijen evolved into one of the city’s smallest cafés – Voigt in Bloemkwekerstraat – and culminated with a fabulous waterside location in Glashaven into which the couple poured their hearts and souls for 13 years. Rosalie vividly recounts their entrepreneurial journey and how this new adventure in the Hofbogen ties in with what they most enjoy. “We heard from lots of naysayers about the wisdom of this location and opening a new place at our age. Sticking with our convictions has brought us a lot in life. It doesn’t matter where you’re at, if you stay friendly and true to your self, things will come to you.” At this location, the couple swapped roles, with Rosalie taking over as hostess and pub lic face of the restaurant, while Richard works behind the scenes in the kitchen.
CAFÉ 2.0
LOCAL The family didn’t have to think long to come up with the name ‘Café Roosje’. Rosalie explains that Richard and their son and daughter quickly settled on the sweet, easy and catchy nickname. “All the women in our family have some thing related to ‘rose’ in their names, so it completely fits the personality and image of our place. We are also very grateful to all the wonderful people near and dear to us who have encouraged and helped us through thick and thin.” The café’s menu includes all the usual top brands plus a special focus on local whiskies, gin and beer, while Richard prepares home-grown stews from all-local ingredients. “Young entre preneurs are always welcome to come try out their products here to see if people like them. We love to be able to offer people opportunities. Short staffing is a massive issue right now, so we’re on the lookout for fun additions to our team and kitchen staff. We are very happy here and hope to share that with as many of you as possible!”
44 TEXT BouteCéline PHOTOGRAPHY VersteegenPuck
All the women in our family haverelatedsomethingto‘rose’ in their names, so it completely fits theandpersonalityimageofourplace. 45 DRC MAGAZINE



Rotterdam is continually evolving. The city is famed for its great diversity of 20th-century architecture as well as its newer ultramodern structures. In each issue, we shine a spotlight on one of Rotterdam Central District’s iconic buildings. This time, on the Boekman building. The cube-shaped building on Delftsestraat was designed in 1954 by the eminent Rotterdam architect Hugh Maaskant. Part of the Schiekadeblok, it has seen many new occupants and configurations come and go, from office premises plus venue centre to espresso bar to hamburger joint.
46 NuiskerFleur
PRESENTTOCHANGESTHE DAY Boekman was first to leave the building, followed by the confer ence centre, which relocated to Henegouwerlaan in Rotterdam in 1965. The Klingelnberg showroom and offices remained several years longer. Subsequently, the building was converted into a telegraph of fice for the PTT state postal and telegraph service. After the PTT moved out in 1980, the building was leased to a variety of businesses. Plans to replace the building with a hotel fell through. A succession of cafés and restaurants gradually clustered in the building. After the Lungo espresso bar left in 2015, hamburger joint Burgertrut moved in in 2017. To read more about this building, take a look wederopbouwrotterdam.nlat


ORIGINAL OCCUPANTS Originally, the building was home to the offices of A. Boek man & Sons, Klingelnberg-Klauss and a conference centre. The Boekman firm, specializing in tableware, glass, crys tal and porcelain, was on the first floor. Woodworking machine wholesaler Klingelnberg-Klauss occupied spaces on the first and second floors and had a showroom off Delftseplein. The top two storeys housed a conference centre designed by architect H.A. Maaskant. Separated by wide corridors, each of the conference rooms could ac commodate up to 150 people. As well as acoustic ceiling panels, the rooms were equipped with a custom-designed sound system. The ground floor was used for shipping and storage. Two works of art by Bas van der Smit were on display in the building, ‘Bomenrooiers’ in the sales area and ‘havenarbeiders’ in the showroom, which unfortu nately seem to have disappeared.
WALK THE TALK Need to recharge and get some fresh air during or after a busy working day? Now, there’s a whole new way to explore the district: RCD Walks. The City of Rotterdam, Wandelnet and RCD Association have joined forces to set out three walking routes that are perfect for a brief mental break from the office while keeping physically fit at the same time. Did you know that our decision-making ability increases 70% after a short stroll? And that it is scientifically proven that we feel much more energetic after just a thirty-minute walk? The routes are available to download from the RCD Associa tion website. Post pictures of your #RCDWALKS on Instagram and you might just win a fun surprise!


ROYAL HONOUR Earlier this summer, CIC Rotterdam was delighted to welcome special visitors. A trade delegation of thirty leading Danish green energy and smart healthcare enterprises came to see the innovation hub, led by Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen ties and forge new partnerships to address challenges in innovation, sustainability and healthcare together. The event thus celebrated the long-standing progressive alliance between the Netherlands and Denmark and laid the basis for future collaboration.

In the first weekend of June, Rotterdam once more celebrated its iconic Dakendagen. After two hybrid editions, it was a joy to spend the weekend exploring the city in real life from up high again. All kinds of activities were organized across the more than forty partici pating properties, including rooftop routes, tours and special events from tower-top solo theatrical performances to salsa on the festival centre roof and yoga classes atop Boijmans van Beuningen’s Depot. The Rotterdam Rooftop Walk, which was open to the public for 32 days, further welcomed a dizzying 200,000-plus walkers! Getting to gether to admire the city from up high was a special experience as al ways, and the organization hopes the event and programme offered visitors not only spectacular views but also a glimpse into rooftop potential and the future of urban living.
Hey, are you following us? On Instagram, that is (@centraldistrict)! That’s where we post our favourite hotspots in the Central District daily and take you behind the scenes of the magazine. We also keep you up on all the latest local news, and you’ll be the first to know when the next magazine issue is out. If you have any suggestions, questions or want to post a message or ad, drop us a line at We’d love to hear what you’d like to read about in RCD Magazine!



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Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Adjunct Editors: Céline Boute & Tessa Burger Intern: Fleur Nuisker Advertising: Please send an e-mail to for questions about advertising.
Our goal: With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, RCD has huge potential. Association Rotterdam Central District contributes to the RCD by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Free for the RCD district. The magazine is distributed by promo teams, loose circulation and HRM departments of companies within RCD to guarantee reaching the (sub)target groups of RCD. four times a year
Art Direction and Graphic Design: vanStijl Translation: Taalcentrum-VU Printed by: Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at
COLOPHON Copyright © 2022 RCD Publishers. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing. MEMBERS 3MP online video AlticomAKRD B.V. ArconikoAmber Architecten AtelierASR van Berlo Bar Rotterdam bv Big Room B.V./Reverse/Mykech Broodje EnecoEchoDVDWDistrictDeDakAkkerCushmanCromwellConixColliersCodartsCiphixCICCBRECBRECarthagoQConsultancyglobalinvestorsRotterdamBVRDBMPropertyGroup&WakefieldrooftopfarmfoundationMikBedrijfshuisvestingEastadvocaten GemeenteEurekon Rotterdam Greenberg OomsNSMessMaarsenLucieLSILS&HLoerLebkovLaatBloeienJLLHumanoidsHolmrisHighGrootGreenchoiceNielsenHandelsgebouwPotentialAcademyB8BV&SonsArchitectenLawyersOntwikkelingBVGroupB.V.GroepMakelaarsBedrijfshuisvesting B.V. Pike Delivery Pluq Studio PremierPPF Suites Plus Rotterdam RabobankProvast RoodkapjeRotterdam Rotterdam Festivals Rotterdam Marriott Hotel Rotterdam Partners SanderdebreukconsultancySaM&Salsabilitydoethetgewoon. bv Scapino Ballet Rotterdam Spaces Hofplein Steel StichtingRidesDe Nieuwe Poort Stichting Theater Rotterdam TimeStudentflexisthenew space Unilever NV Urban Minds B.V. Van der Stap notarissen VerenigingvanStijl Rotterdam Central District Vereniging Verenigd Schouwburgplein ZUSYogagroundWTCWrapWorkspotVPSManiacsRotterdam If your company isn’t on this list, please contact MEMBERS VERENIGING ROTTERDAM CENTRAL DISTRICT Association Rotterdam Central District Weena 690 (14th floor) 3012 CN www.rotterdam-centraldistrict.nlinfo@rotterdam-centraldistrict.nlRotterdam Magazine RCD is issued by: RCD Publishers Groot Handelsgebouw, 7th floor Stationsplein 45 3013 AK Rotterdam +31 (0) 20 362 09
The Modernist, 12.500m² office space and 369 apartments in Rotterdam Central District. A location beyond compare for people who live big. For brands that aim for the stars. For companies that embrace the future. Don’t make history, make the future The Modernist Modernist is an initiative
